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MAY18 :

Q5a: State Gustafon's law and derive its proof.

Q5b: Compare the different classes of resource control mechanism and explain there
consequence on resource control.


Resource control mechanisms are techniques or methods used in computer systems and networks to
manage and allocate resources, such as CPU, memory, bandwidth, and storage, among different
processes, applications, or users. There are several different classes of resource control mechanisms,
each with its own characteristics and consequences on resource control. Let's explore some of them:

 Static Resource Control:

1. In this class of resource control mechanism, resource allocations are predetermined and
fixed. Resources are allocated based on static rules, configurations, or settings, and they
do not change dynamically in response to varying resource demands.
2. For example, a system administrator may manually allocate a fixed amount of CPU or
memory to different applications or users.
3. The consequence of static resource control is that resources may be over-allocated or
under-allocated, leading to inefficient resource utilization.
4. Over-allocated resources may result in wastage, while under-allocated resources may
cause performance degradation or resource contention.

 Dynamic Resource Control:

1. In this class of resource control mechanism, resource allocations are adjusted

dynamically based on real-time resource demands.
2. Resources are allocated and reallocated automatically based on various factors, such as
resource usage, workload patterns, or performance metrics.
3. For example, a system may dynamically allocate more CPU or memory to a process that
requires higher resources during peak load periods and reduce allocations during off-
peak periods.
4. The consequence of dynamic resource control is that resources are more efficiently
utilized, as they are dynamically allocated based on actual demand. This can lead to
better resource utilization, improved performance, and reduced resource contention.

 Priority-based Resource Control:

1. In this class of resource control mechanism, resources are allocated based on priority or
2. Higher priority processes or applications are given preferential treatment and are
allocated more resources compared to lower priority processes or applications.
3. Priority can be determined based on various factors, such as user privileges, application
criticality, or service level agreements (SLAs).
4. The consequence of priority-based resource control is that critical processes or
applications receive adequate resources to meet their requirements, while less critical
processes may experience resource limitations or performance degradation.

 Fair-share Resource Control:

1. In this class of resource control mechanism, resources are allocated in a fair and
equitable manner among different processes, applications, or users.
2. Each entity is given an equal share of resources, or shares are allocated based on
predefined rules or policies.
3. The consequence of fair-share resource control is that resources are distributed evenly,
and no process or application monopolizes resources, ensuring equitable resource
4. However, fair-share resource control may not take into account varying resource
demands or priorities, and some processes or applications may experience resource
limitations or performance issues.

 Reservation-based Resource Control:

1. In this class of resource control mechanism, resources are reserved or guaranteed for
specific processes, applications, or users based on predefined agreements or contracts
2. A certain portion of resources is set aside and allocated exclusively to reserved entities,
while the remaining resources are available for best-effort usage.
3. The consequence of reservation-based resource control is that reserved processes or
applications are guaranteed a certain level of resources, ensuring predictable
performance or service levels.
4. However, this may result in underutilization of reserved resources if the reserved entities
do not fully utilize their allocated resources, leading to inefficiency.

 In summary, different classes of resource control mechanisms have varying consequences on

resource control.
 Static resource control may result in inefficient resource utilization, while dynamic resource
control allows for better resource allocation based on real-time demands.
 Priority-based resource control ensures critical processes receive adequate resources, while fair-
share resource control distributes resources evenly.
 Reservation-based resource control guarantees resources for specific entities but may result in
 The choice of resource control mechanism depends on the specific requirements, constraints,
and priorities of the system or network being managed.

(a) State Amdahl’s law and derive its proof.

(b) Explain how start time fair queuing is implemented in a VMM with multiple VMs running on top.
Evaluate the fairness of this algorithm particularly in the context of VMs being added to and removed
from the VMM.

ANS: A Start Time Fair Queuing (STFQ) is a scheduling algorithm used in virtual machine monitors
(VMMs) to fairly allocate resources, such as CPU time, among multiple virtual machines (VMs) running on
top of the VMM. STFQ is designed to provide fairness in terms of CPU allocation based on the start time
of each VM's tasks, ensuring that newer tasks are given priority over older tasks. Here's how STFQ can
be implemented in a VMM with multiple VMs:

 Task Identification:
1. Each VM running on the VMM is associated with one or more tasks, which are units of
work that require CPU time.
2. These tasks can be threads, processes, or other execution entities within the VM.

 Task Queuing:
1. Tasks from different VMs are queued in a scheduling queue maintained by the VMM
based on their start time.
2. Tasks from newer VMs are given priority over tasks from older VMs, as per the fairness
policy of STFQ.

 Scheduling:
1. The VMM selects tasks from the scheduling queue for execution on the CPU based on
the STFQ algorithm.
2. Tasks from the VM with the earliest start time are given priority and scheduled to run on
the CPU.
3. This ensures that newer VMs are allocated more CPU time compared to older VMs,
maintaining fairness based on start time.

 Resource Allocation:
1. The CPU time allocated to each VM is determined by the STFQ algorithm.
2. The algorithm may allocate a fixed amount of CPU time to each VM, or it may
dynamically adjust the CPU allocation based on factors such as the number of tasks,
task priorities, or task execution times.

Evaluation of STFQ Fairness in the Context of VMs Being Added to and Removed from the VMM:
In the context of VMs being added to and removed from the VMM, the fairness of STFQ may be
impacted. Here are some considerations:

 VM Addition:
1. When a new VM is added to the VMM, its tasks may be given higher priority by STFQ
due to their newer start time, potentially causing other VMs' tasks to be starved for CPU
2. This can result in a temporary imbalance in CPU allocation and fairness until the STFQ
algorithm stabilizes and re-adjusts the priorities based on the new start time.

 VM Removal:
1. When a VM is removed from the VMM, its tasks are no longer in the scheduling queue.
2. This can cause tasks from other VMs to move up in the queue and potentially receive
more CPU time, leading to a temporary increase in CPU allocation for the remaining
3. However, this may not affect the fairness of STFQ significantly, as the algorithm still
prioritizes tasks based on start time, regardless of the presence or absence of a VM.

 Dynamic Adjustments:
1. If the STFQ algorithm dynamically adjusts CPU allocation based on factors such as task
priorities or execution times, the fairness may be impacted as VMs are added or
2. For example, if a new VM has higher task priorities or shorter task execution times, it
may receive a larger share of CPU time, potentially affecting fairness among VMs.

In general,

1. The fairness of STFQ in the context of VMs being added to and removed from the VMM depends
on the specific implementation of the algorithm, the policies for task prioritization and CPU
allocation, and the characteristics of the VMs and their tasks.
2. Proper tuning and configuration of STFQ parameters may be needed to maintain fairness and
prevent potential imbalances in CPU allocation when VMs are added to or removed from the
May19 (a) State Gustaffon’s law and derive its proof.

(b) In order for deadlock to occur the Coffman conditions must be satisfied. Explain with the aid
of a diagram what these conditions are. Suggest a solution to prevent such a deadlock from
occurring in a cloud system.


Deadlock is a situation in which two or more processes in a system are waiting for each other's
resources, resulting in a standstill where no progress can be made. The Coffman conditions, also known
as the necessary conditions for deadlock, are a set of four conditions that must all be satisfied for a
deadlock to occur. These conditions are:

 Mutual Exclusion: At least one resource must be held in a non-sharable mode, meaning that
only one process can use the resource at a time
 Hold and Wait At least one process holds a resource and is waiting for other resources .

 No Preemption: The monitor process cannot force a process to release a resource

 Circular Wait: There must be a circular chain of two or more processes, where each process is
waiting for a resource held by another process in the chain. Like, P1 waits for P2 which waits for
P3 waits for P4 ... PN waits for P1

A diagram illustrating the Coffman conditions for deadlock is shown below:

In the diagram,

 Process 1 is holding Resource 1 (R1) and waiting for Resource 2 (R2) held by Process 2, while
Process 2 is holding Resource 3 (R3) and waiting for Resource 1 (R1) held by Process 1. This
forms a circular wait, which is one of the Coffman conditions for deadlock.
A possible solution to prevent deadlock in a cloud system is to use resource allocation and scheduling
techniques such as resource preemption, timeouts, and resource allocation graphs:

 Resource Preemption:
1. Allow resources to be forcibly taken away from a process in case of resource contention.
2. This breaks the circular wait condition as resources can be reclaimed and allocated to
other processes that need them, preventing deadlock.

 Timeouts:
1. Set timeouts for processes to request and acquire resources.
2. If a process does not acquire the necessary resources within a certain time frame, its
request can be denied, and the process can be restarted or terminated to release any
resources it holds, avoiding potential deadlock situations.

 Resource Allocation Graphs:

1. Use resource allocation graphs to model the allocation and request relationships
between processes and resources.
2. Detect cycles in the graph, which indicate potential deadlock situations, and use
algorithms such as banker's algorithm to prevent resource allocations that can lead to

 Avoid Hold and Wait:

1. Require processes to request and acquire all necessary resources upfront before
starting execution, rather than allowing them to acquire resources while holding others.
2. This prevents the hold and wait condition, as processes will not be holding any
resources while waiting for others.

Implementing these techniques in a cloud system can help prevent the Coffman conditions for deadlock
from being satisfied and mitigate the risk of deadlock occurrences, ensuring reliable and efficient
operation of the system.
August19 (a) State Amdhal’s law and derive its proof.

(b) Identify and explain four different approaches to implement resource control in the cloud.

Ans: There are several different approaches to implement resource control in the cloud, depending on
the specific requirements and characteristics of the cloud environment. Four commonly used approaches

 Virtualization-based Resource Control:

1. This approach involves using virtualization technologies, such as hypervisors, to create
virtual machines (VMs) that encapsulate the resources (e.g., CPU, memory, storage)
allocated to them.
2. The hypervisor manages the allocation and scheduling of physical resources among the
VMs, allowing for fine-grained control over resource allocation and usage.
3. VMs can be dynamically provisioned, scaled up or down, and migrated across physical
hosts to optimize resource utilization and performance.

 Container-based Resource Control:

1. Containers are lightweight, portable, and isolated environments that share the host OS
kernel, but have their own file system, libraries, and runtime.
2. Containerization technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes, provide resource control
mechanisms to limit the usage of CPU, memory, and other resources by containers.
3. Resource quotas, limits, and affinity/anti-affinity rules can be defined to control how
containers access and utilize resources, ensuring fair sharing and efficient utilization of
resources in a containerized environment.

 Orchestration-based Resource Control:

1. Cloud orchestration frameworks, such as OpenStack, provide resource control
mechanisms at the infrastructure level.
2. These frameworks allow for defining and managing resource quotas, reservation
policies, and access controls for different tenants or users in a multi-tenant cloud
3. Tenants can be allocated with predefined resource quotas, and resource usage can be
monitored and enforced based on these quotas, preventing resource abuse or

 Policy-based Resource Control:

1. Policy-based resource control involves defining policies or rules that dictate how
resources should be allocated and used in the cloud environment.
2. These policies can be based on factors such as workload characteristics, business
priorities, performance objectives, and energy efficiency goals.
3. Automated policy engines can monitor the system state, and dynamically adjust
resource allocations and usage based on the defined policies.
4. For example, policies can be defined to prioritize critical workloads, limit resource usage
during peak hours, or optimize resource allocation based on cost-performance trade-
 These are just some examples of different approaches to implement resource control in the
cloud. Depending on the specific requirements and constraints of a cloud environment, a
combination of these approaches or other custom approaches may be used to achieve effective
resource control and management in the cloud.

August20 (a) State Amdhal’s law and derive its proof.

(b) With the aid of a diagram explain how the start time fair queuing algorithm distributes CPU
time between nodes. Evaluate what happens to this distribution when a node is added or when a
node is removed.

Ans: Start time fair queuing (SFQ) is a scheduling algorithm used in distributed systems to allocate
CPU time fairly among nodes in a distributed system. It aims to provide equal opportunity to each
node to access CPU resources based on their start time, regardless of the number of processes or
tasks running on each node. Here is a high-level overview of how SFQ works:

 SFQ maintains a queue of nodes waiting for CPU time, with each node having its own queue of
processes or tasks.

 When a node becomes eligible for CPU time, it is dequeued from the waiting queue and its next
process or task is dequeued from its own queue.

 The dequeued process or task is allocated CPU time for execution.

 Once the allocated time slice is consumed or the process or task completes its execution, the
node re-queues itself at the end of the waiting queue, and the next node in the waiting queue is
dequeued to access the CPU.

 Here is a simplified diagram illustrating the SFQ algorithm:

Now, let's consider what happens when a node is added or removed in the SFQ algorithm:

 Node Added:
1. When a new node is added to the system, it joins the end of the waiting queue.
2. It starts with zero CPU time and waits for its turn to be dequeued and allocated
CPU time based on its start time.
3. As long as there are other nodes in the waiting queue, the new node may have
to wait for its turn to access the CPU.
4. Once it is dequeued, it starts receiving its fair share of CPU time, just like the
other nodes.

 Node Removed:
1. When a node is removed from the system, its queue of processes or tasks is
emptied, and it is removed from the waiting queue.
2. The remaining nodes in the waiting queue will continue to be dequeued and
allocated CPU time based on their start time.
3. The removal of a node may result in a slight increase in the CPU time allocated
to the remaining nodes, as the removed node's share of CPU time is
redistributed among the remaining nodes.

1. SFQ algorithm ensures that each node gets a fair share of CPU time based on its start
time, regardless of the number of processes or tasks running on each node.
2. When a node is added or removed, the algorithm dynamically adjusts the queue and
allocation of CPU time, maintaining fairness among the nodes.
3. However, it's important to note that the actual distribution of CPU time may also be
influenced by other factors such as workload characteristics, system load, and
scheduling policies implemented in the system.

MAY20 (a) State Gustaffon’s law and derive its proof

(b) Compare and contrast the three scheduling algorithm classes in terms of allocation and
timing. Based on this determine which class of scheduler to use in a cloud and justify your


The three common classes of scheduling algorithms used in cloud computing are:

 Static Scheduling:
1. In static scheduling, the allocation of resources and timing of tasks are
predetermined and fixed before the execution of tasks.
2. The scheduling decisions are made based on predefined criteria or policies, and
tasks are assigned resources for the entire duration of their execution without
any changes during runtime.

 Dynamic Scheduling:
1. In dynamic scheduling, the allocation of resources and timing of tasks are
determined during runtime based on the current state of the system and the
characteristics of tasks.
2. Scheduling decisions are made on-the-fly, and tasks may be assigned or
reassigned resources dynamically as the system load or task characteristics

 Hybrid Scheduling:
1. Hybrid scheduling is a combination of static and dynamic scheduling, where
some resources and timing are determined statically, while others are
determined dynamically during runtime.
2. Some tasks may be assigned resources and timing statically, while others may
be assigned or reassigned dynamically based on the system state and task
Now, let's compare and contrast these scheduling algorithm classes in terms of allocation and

 Allocation:
1. Static scheduling allocates resources based on predefined criteria, and the
allocation remains fixed during the entire execution of tasks.
2. Dynamic scheduling, on the other hand, allocates resources during runtime
based on the current state of the system and task characteristics.
3. Hybrid scheduling may have a mix of both static and dynamic allocation,
depending on the specific policies implemented.

 Timing:
1. Static scheduling determines the timing of tasks before the execution and
remains fixed throughout the task's execution.
2. Dynamic scheduling determines the timing of tasks during runtime, and tasks
may be assigned or reassigned resources based on changing system
3. Hybrid scheduling may have a combination of both static and dynamic timing,
depending on the specific policies implemented.

Based on these characteristics, the choice of which class of scheduler to use in a cloud depends on the
requirements and characteristics of the workload and the system. Here are some justifications for
choosing a particular class of scheduler in a cloud:

 Static Scheduling:
1. Static scheduling may be suitable for workloads with stable and predictable
resource requirements, where tasks have similar characteristics and the system
load is relatively constant.
2. It can provide deterministic resource allocation and timing, which can be
advantageous in some scenarios where predictability and stability are critical.

 Dynamic Scheduling:
1. Dynamic scheduling may be suitable for workloads with varying resource
requirements, where tasks have dynamic characteristics and the system load
2. It can adapt to changing system conditions and allocate resources based on
the current state of the system, which can be beneficial in handling dynamic and
unpredictable workloads.
 Hybrid Scheduling:
1. Hybrid scheduling may be suitable for workloads with a mix of static and
dynamic characteristics, where some tasks have predictable requirements and
others have dynamic requirements.
2. It can provide a balance between deterministic allocation and dynamic
adaptation, which can be advantageous in handling a diverse set of tasks with
varying resource requirements.

In general,

1. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to which class of scheduler to use in a cloud, as it depends

on the specific requirements and characteristics of the workload and system.
2. The choice should be based on careful analysis of the workload's resource requirements, task
characteristics, system load variability, and other factors, to determine the most appropriate
scheduling approach that can meet the performance, efficiency, and scalability goals of the cloud

August21 (a) State Gustaffon’s law and derive its proof.

(b) For each of the Coffman conditions for concurrent deadlock explain how deadlock is avoided
if that condition is not present.


The Coffman conditions for concurrent deadlock are:

1. Mutual Exclusion: Resources cannot be simultaneously held by more than one process.

 If mutual exclusion is not present, i.e., multiple processes can hold a resource at the
same time, then deadlock cannot occur due to this condition.
 Processes can concurrently access and release resources without waiting for exclusive
access, and there won't be any contention for resources, avoiding the possibility of

2. Hold and Wait: Processes holding resources can request additional resources without releasing
the ones they already hold.
 If hold and wait condition is not present, i.e., processes are required to release all their
currently held resources before making new requests, then deadlock can be avoided.
 Processes will only request resources when they have released all the resources they
previously held, preventing any circular dependency among processes and eliminating
the possibility of deadlock.

3. No Preemption: Resources cannot be forcibly taken away from a process; they must be
released voluntarily.

 If preemption is allowed, i.e., resources can be forcibly taken away from a process, then
deadlock can be avoided.
 In case of resource contention, a resource can be preempted from one process and
allocated to another, breaking the potential deadlock situation and allowing the
requesting process to proceed, avoiding deadlock.

4. Circular Wait: There must be a circular chain of two or more processes, with each process in
the chain holding a resource that is requested by the next process in the chain.

 If circular wait is not present, i.e., no circular chain of resource dependencies exists
among processes, then deadlock can be avoided.
 If the resource requests follow a specific order or hierarchy, and no circular chain of
dependencies is formed, then there won't be any potential for deadlock to occur.

To avoid deadlock,

It is essential to ensure that at least one of the Coffman conditions is not present in the
By eliminating or relaxing one or more of these conditions, it is possible to prevent the
occurrence of deadlock in concurrent systems.
Careful design and implementation of resource allocation and management strategies
can help in avoiding deadlock situations and ensuring the efficient and reliable execution
of concurrent processes.

May21 (a) State Amdhal’s law and derive its proof.

(b) Analyse the four mechanisms for Resource Control and determine a situation that would cause
each one to fail.

Ans: The four mechanisms for resource control are:

1. Prioritization: Resources are allocated based on priority levels assigned to processes or users.

 Situation where prioritization may fail: If the priority levels assigned to processes or users
are not properly defined or managed, or if there are errors or inconsistencies in the
prioritization algorithm or policy, then resources may not be allocated according to the
intended priorities.
 This could result in higher priority processes or users being deprived of necessary
resources, leading to resource contention, performance degradation, or even system

2. Reservation: Resources are reserved in advance for specific processes or users based on
predefined agreements or contracts.

 Situation where reservation may fail: If the reservation agreements or contracts are not
accurately defined or managed, or if there are conflicts or overlaps in the reserved
resources, then the reservation mechanism may fail.
 For example, if multiple processes or users reserve the same resource at the same time,
or if reserved resources are not properly released or revoked after use, it can result in
resource conflicts, inefficiencies, or even denial of service.

3. Limitation: Resources are allocated with predefined limits or quotas for processes or users to
prevent excessive resource consumption.

 Situation where limitation may fail: If the limits or quotas are not set appropriately, or if
there are errors or vulnerabilities in the limitation enforcement mechanism, then resource
usage may exceed the predefined limits.
 For example, if a process or user is allowed to exceed their resource quota, it can lead to
resource overutilization, performance degradation, or system instability.
 Similarly, if the limitation mechanism is susceptible to exploitation or bypass, it can result
in unauthorized resource usage, compromising the fairness and effectiveness of resource

4. Fairness: Resources are allocated in a fair and equitable manner among competing processes
or users to prevent resource monopolization or starvation.

 Situation where fairness may fail: If the fairness algorithm or policy is not designed or
implemented properly, or if there are biases or inconsistencies in the fairness criteria,
then the fairness mechanism may fail.
 For example, if the fairness algorithm favors certain processes or users over others
based on biased criteria or unfair metrics, it can result in resource imbalances,
inequitable resource allocation, or discrimination. Similarly, if the fairness mechanism is
susceptible to manipulation or abuse, it can lead to resource monopolization, unfair
advantage, or violation of resource control policies.

 In each of these mechanisms, failure can occur due to mismanagement, misconfiguration, errors,
vulnerabilities, conflicts, biases, or other issues in the design, implementation, or enforcement of
the resource control mechanism.
 It is crucial to carefully analyze and validate the effectiveness and robustness of these
mechanisms in different scenarios and ensure proper configuration and management to prevent
failures and ensure reliable resource control in a system.
May22(a)State Amdhal’s law and derive its proof.

May22(b) (b) With the aid of a diagram containing at least two virtual machines and worked examples
show how the cascading calculation of processor time for a single leaf node in start time fair queueing
functions. Show how the calculation would change if you added in a VM with a weight of 1 and also if
you remove a node from your diagram.


 Here is a diagram containing two virtual machines (VM1 and VM2) and an example of how
cascading calculation of processor time for a single leaf node in start time fair queuing

 Assuming Node 1 has a weight of 1, and VM1 and VM2 have weights of 2 and 3 respectively, the
total weight of Node 1 is:

 To calculate the processor time for VM1, we first calculate the minimum start time among all leaf
nodes, which is 50ms for VM1. Then we calculate the weighted fair share for VM1:

 fair share of VM1 = (weight of VM1 / total weight of Node 1) * total available time
= (2 / 6) * 1000ms = 333.33ms

 We then calculate the time elapsed since the start of the scheduling period (let's assume it is
100ms), and subtract it from the fair share:

 Similarly, we can calculate the processor time for VM2:

 fair share of VM2 = (weight of VM2 / total weight of Node 1) * total available time
= (3 / 6) * 1000ms = 500ms

processor time for VM2 = fair share of VM2 - elapsed time

= 500ms - 100ms
= 400ms

 Now, let's add a new VM with a weight of 1 to the diagram:

 The total weight of Node 1 becomes:

 To calculate the processor time for VM1, we follow the same steps as before:

 fair share of VM1 = (weight of VM1 / total weight of Node 1) * total available time
= (2 / 7) * 1000ms = 285.71ms

processor time for VM1 = fair share of VM1 - elapsed time

= 285.71ms - 100ms
= 185.71ms

 To calculate the processor time for VM2, we also follow the same steps as before:

 fair share of VM2 = (weight of VM2 / total weight of Node 1) * total available time
= (3 / 7) * 1000ms = 428.57ms

processor time for VM2 = fair share of VM2 - elapsed time

= 428.57ms - 100ms
= 328.57ms

 To calculate the processor time for VM3, we repeat the same steps:

 fair share of VM3 = (weight of VM3 / total weight of Node 1) * total available time
= (1 / 7) * 1000ms = 142.86ms
AUG22(B).Compare the three different classes of schedulers that could potentially be used in a cloud.
Choose one such scheduler and justify why you would use it in the cloud.


 The three different classes of schedulers that could be used in a cloud are:

1. Batch Schedulers:
I. These schedulers are designed for jobs that are long-running, can be executed in a non-
interactive manner, and can tolerate some delay before they start executing.
II. They are typically used for scientific computing, simulations, and other types of batch

2. Interactive Schedulers:
I. These schedulers are designed for jobs that require immediate execution, such as web
requests, user interactions, and other real-time tasks.
II. They are typically used for web applications, databases, and other interactive services.

3. Real-time Schedulers:
I. These schedulers are designed for jobs that require guaranteed response times and are
critical to the operation of the system, such as control systems, aviation systems, and
other safety-critical applications.

 If I had to choose one scheduler to use in a cloud, I would choose the interactive scheduler.
 This is because cloud services are typically used for web applications, databases, and other
interactive services that require immediate execution.
 An interactive scheduler would ensure that these services get the resources they need to
operate quickly and efficiently.
 It would also ensure that user requests and other real-time tasks are executed as soon as
possible, which is critical for the success of the application.


 Interactive schedulers can handle a large number of small jobs efficiently, which is often the
case with cloud services.
 They can also handle spikes in demand by quickly allocating resources to new jobs, and can
scale up or down as needed to handle changes in load.
 Overall, an interactive scheduler is the best choice for a cloud service that needs to provide fast,
responsive, and efficient service to its users.

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