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(a) A company is considering setting up a cloud of their own however, they would like to

augment this cloud with the public cloud. Define and explain the model this company
requires. Evaluate how such a model is setup. Assess if their are any disadvantages of this
model from a software development perspective
(10 marks)
Solution: (2 marks for each point made)
 This is the hybrid deployment model. A hybrid cloud is one in which the cloud infrastructure
is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures that remain unique entities,
 but are bound together by standardised or proprietary technology that enables data and
application portability.
 To construct a hybrid cloud first a private/community cloud must be constructed. A public
cloud must also be chosen to integrate with the private cloud. Both clouds are then
connected together via a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
 The required applications must be developed for the private/community cloud and seperate
versions must be produce for the public cloud. Both sets of applications must then be
integrated together
 This is a disadvantage from a development point of view because all applications have to be
written twice. Also all applications have to be maintained twice

(a) As part of your cloud design you will need a network to connect multiple nodes, storage units,
and the public internet together. You’ve been given the choice of a single unified network or two
or more networks integrated together. Compare and contrast both approaches. Pick one design
and explain why you would use it in your design.
(10 marks)
Solution (2 mark for each point made. Students are expected to chose the latter option but I will still
award marks if they can successfuly argue for the former)
 A single network is easier to setup than two or more networks. A single network is also
easier to maintain than two or more networks
 A single network takes less time to setup than two or more networks due to the lack of initial
 Multiple networks provide the ability to use different network types for different areas. As
such multiple networks can in theory provide higher performance than a single network.
 In a multiple network approach a SAN would be used to connect all storage together. A SAN
would provide a higher throughput for storage operations compared to a general purpose
 In this design we would choose the multiple network approach. We would use a SAN
specifically for storage to generate the highest speed for storage operations. And have a
general purpose network for connecting the SAN, nodes, and internet together.

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