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Western Mindanao State University

College of Criminal Justice Education

Zamboanga City
Comparative Police System
Name: Obod, Raizen L.
Section: 2-DELTA

Test I. Fill in the blanks. (2pts each)

1. Considered as the first organized investigative units in Western History established by the
Roman Empire.
a. Centurions c. Praetorian Guards
b. Frumentary d. Vigils

2. Considered as the daytime city fire brigade of Rome.

a. Centurions c. Praetorian Guards
b. Frumentary d. Vigils

3. Dubbed as the reformer of human society of Rome.

a. Gaius Octavius c. Julius Caesar
b. Augustus Caesar d. Caesar Augustus

4. Elected among the ten families to maintained the peace and harmony; apprehend and punishes
offenders by established customs and laws.
a. Earl c.Tithingman
b. Shire-reeve d. Tun

5. Exist during the Anglo-American period, given task to assist the shire reeve in his duties and
to maintain the weapons of the shire.
a. Reeve c. Stabuli
b. Shire d. Sheriff

6. The Romans Law of 450 AD.

a. 12 tables c. Justinian Law
b. 12 tableau d. Lex Taliones

7. First policing system of the Anglo-Saxon.

a. Tithings system
b. Shire reeve system
c. Watch and ward system
d. Trial and ordeal system

8. He made an authentic attempt to establish a bonafide Police Organization.

a. King Edward 1 c. King Henry
b. King Hammurabi d. King Ur Nammu

9. It means the power or force of the country.

a. Constable c. Posse comitatus
b. Politeia d. Shire-reeve

10. LEX TALIONIS means:

a. Equal protection c. Law on retaliation
b. Due process of law d. Law on rehabilitation

11. Roman soldiers carefully selected by the commander of the city garrison under the authority
of Caesar from the Roman Legion, whose main task is to maintained internal peace and order, to
arrest all violators of law, and to defend and protect the city of Rome.
a. Centurions c. Shire-reeve
b. Vigiles d. Praetorian guards

12. Several hundred formed a headed by shire-reeve.

a. Reeve c. Shire
b. Sheer rive d. Tuns
13. Known as the first written law which defines the responsibilities of individuals to one
a. Code of Manu c. Justinian code
b. Code of Hammurabi d. Mosaic law

14. King of France who introduce a military regime of conqueror and dictatorship And changed
the concept of the commission of crime.
a. King Henry c. King John
b. King William d. King Augustus Ceasar

15. The Boston System of 1631.

a. Day watch system c. American Police system
b. Night watch system d. London Police system

16. The court with the shape of a star.

a. Star chamber c. court of the star chamber
b. Chamber of star d. Star court Chamber

17. The year the bill of rights passed into law.

a.1679 c. 1649
b.1688 d. 1678

18. nom de guerre of the policemen of England.

a. Bobies c. Bobbies
b. Bobbis d. Booty

19. what year the Metropolitan Police Act was introduced.

a. 1828 c. 1892
b. 1928 d. 1829

20. Good appearance commands ?

a. Discipline c. Control
b. Authority d. Respect
Test II. Fill in the blanks. (2pts each)

1. Bureaucratic societal type and police system has a system of laws along with armies of
lawyers, police who tend to keep busy handling political crime and terrorism, and a system of
punishmentcharacterized by over criminalization and overcrowding.
2. Civil Law System also known as Continental justice or Romano-Germanic system,
they are
distinguished by a strong inquisitorial system where less right is granted to the accused, and the
written law is taken as gospel and subject to little interpretation.
3. Socialist System also known as Marxist-Leninist justice, they are distinguished by
procedures designed to rehabilitate or retrain people into fulfilling their responsibilities to the
4. Islamic the type of system describes as theocracies, where legal rule and religious rule go
together. This systems in general are characterized by the absence of positive law and are based
more on the concept of natural justice.
5. Act No. 3815 act intended to fight the indiscriminate jailing and holding of prisoner’s w/o
6. Economic or Migration theory this policing theory assumes that crime everywhere is the
result of unrestrained migration and overpopulation in urban areas such as ghettos and slums.
7. Alertness to crime policing theory assumes that as a nation develops, people report more
crime to police and demand the police to become more effective in solving crime problems.
8. Demographics a theory that tell us about characteristics about a set of people, teach us
about patterns in society from areas such as income, gender, education, or family status that
relates tocrime.
9. Anomie/strain theory The theory that states development of nations results in an intricate
web of social and economic development that highlights the effects of the causes of crime.
10. anomie theory that leads to a characteristic of normlessness societies in which individualism
predominates, with no counter-values of social solidarity to tone down the emphasize on
individual satisfaction, at the expense of others.
11. Watchmen conducted the first police survey and promoted the concept that the police
shouldbe paid and trained for permanent special force assignment.
12. Urban industrial society societal type and police system has codified laws (statutes
that prohibit) but laws that prescribed good behavior, police become specialized on how to
handle property crimes, andthe system of punishment is run on market principles of creating
incentives and disincentives.
13.London Metropolitan police the name of the famous Police Department of London.
14. Vigiles the first organized police force of Rome.
15. Urban commercial society the type of policing system society has civil law (some
standards and customs are written down), specialized police force (some for religious offenses,
others for enforcing the King’s law), and punishment is inconsistent, sometimes harsh,
sometimes lenient.
16. Lex Talionis in Latin, what is meant by “an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth”.
17. Anomie the theory arises from the basic but simple notion that juveniles who experience
denial are more likely to engage in delinquent acts or be drawn to a delinquent peer group and
the manner in which denial is conceptualized and measured, and the specific pathways or
mechanisms in which deficiency may lead to delinquency.
18. Folk-communal societies type of policing system wherein this society has little
codification of law, no specialization among police, and a system of punishment that just let
things go for a while without attention until things become too much, and then harsh, barbaric
punishment is resorted to.
19. Modern Police system the model of policing that uses measurement of crime control
efficiency and effectiveness based on the absence of crime or low crime rate.
20. Old Police System model of policing relates to traditional in nature as it based its crime
control efficiency to the number of arrests and people being put to jail for punishment.
Folk-communal societies

Test III. Enumeration. (2pts each)

I. Name at least 10 Police Organization that were established in 1775.

1. Sheriff
2. Watch and Ward
3. Bow Street Runners
4. Parish Police
5. Military Police
6. Merchant Police
7. River Police
8. Special Detective Agencies
9. Bank Guards
10. Bobbies

--------------------- GOOD LUCK-------------------

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