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Arcilla, Khenn Joshua C.

GEITE01X Living the I.T. Era

Disruptive technologies are new innovations or inventions that fundamentally change the
way industries or markets operate, often by creating new products or services, or by significantly
improving existing ones. They can also disrupt established business models, often by introducing
new ways of delivering products or services that are more efficient, convenient, or affordable
than existing methods.

Disruptive technologies can be seen as a threat to established companies, as they may render
current products or services obsolete, or make them less competitive in the market. However,
they also offer opportunities for new and innovative companies to enter the market and compete
against established players.

Some examples of disruptive technologies include the personal computer, mobile devices,
social media, e-commerce platforms, and artificial intelligence. These technologies have
transformed the way we work, communicate, and shop, and have created new industries and

Three disruptive technologies in the field of marketing are:

 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 Voice Search Optimization
 Marketing Automation
Here's a breakdown of how these technologies became known to the market using the Disruptive
Innovation Model:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Artificial Intelligence
has been around since the
1950s, but it wasn't until the
late 1990s that AI started to
become more prevalent in
marketing. At first, it was
used for simple tasks like
predictive analytics and data
management. As the
technology improved, AI
began to be used for more
complex tasks like natural
language processing and
image recognition.

The Disruptive Innovation Model can be applied to AI as follows:

a. Initial Stage: AI started as a technology used for data management and predictive
analytics, mostly in the finance and healthcare industries.

b. Improvement Stage: As AI improved, it became more widely adopted in marketing

for tasks like customer segmentation, personalization, and content creation.

c. Disruptive Stage: AI has disrupted the marketing industry by enabling companies to

automate their marketing efforts, reduce costs, and improve customer experiences. AI-
powered chatbots and virtual assistants, for example, have become popular tools for
customer service.
Example: An example of AI
in marketing is the use of
personalized content
recommendation systems.
Websites like Netflix and
Amazon use AI to analyze
user behavior and recommend
content that is likely to be of
interest to them.

2. Voice Search Optimization:

Voice Search Optimization (VSO) refers to the process of optimizing website content
and structure to improve its ranking in voice search results. VSO has been around since the
mid-2010s, but it wasn't until the release of smart speakers like Amazon's Alexa and Google
Home that VSO started to become more widely adopted.

The Disruptive Innovation Model can be applied to VSO as follows:

a. Initial Stage: VSO started as a technology used for mobile devices and personal
b. Improvement Stage: As VSO technology improved, it became more widely adopted
in marketing for tasks like local SEO optimization, content optimization, and voice
search analytics.
c. Disruptive Stage: VSO has disrupted the marketing industry by changing the way
people search for information and the way businesses optimize their content for search.
VSO has become an important part of SEO strategy, as more people use voice search to
find information.

Example: An example of
VSO in marketing is the use
of natural language processing
to optimize website content
for voice search. Marketers
can use tools like Google's
Keyword Planner and
AnswerThePublic to identify
common voice search queries
and optimize their content
3. Marketing Automation:

Marketing automation is a technology that has disrupted the marketing industry by

enabling businesses to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email marketing and
social media posting. Marketing automation started to gain traction in the mid-2000s with the
launch of platforms like HubSpot and Marketo.
The Disruptive Innovation Model can be applied to marketing automation as follows:
a. Initial Stage: Marketing automation was initially used by large businesses to manage
their marketing campaigns.
b. Improvement Stage: As marketing automation improved, it became more widely
adopted by small and medium-sized businesses for tasks like lead generation, customer
segmentation, and content creation.
c. Disruptive Stage: Marketing automation has disrupted the marketing industry by
enabling businesses to scale their marketing efforts, reduce costs, and improve customer
experiences. Marketing automation tools have become essential for businesses looking to
improve their marketing ROI.

Example: An example of
marketing automation in marketing
is the use of lead nurturing
campaigns. Businesses can use
marketing automation tools to send
personalized and timely messages
to leads based on their behavior
and interests, which can help to
increase conversion rates.

In conclusion, disruptive technologies have fundamentally transformed various

industries, including marketing. The Disruptive Innovation Model can be used to explain how
disruptive technologies like AI, VSO, and marketing automation became known to the market.
These technologies have enabled businesses to automate marketing tasks, reduce costs, and
improve customer experiences, creating new opportunities for innovative companies to enter the
market and compete against established players. As new disruptive technologies continue to
emerge, it is crucial for businesses to stay informed and adapt to the changing landscape to
remain competitive.

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