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Energy Efficiency: Change for Qatar’s


The technical report analyzes the high energy consumption and carbon footprint in the
domestic sector in Qatar, where a significant portion of the electricity is used for cooling
buildings. As a result, the proposed solutions - Phase Change Materials (PCMs), Pavegen
tiles, and LED lights aim to decrease energy consumption and CO2 emissions by reducing
air conditioning demand. The report identifies PCMs as the most effective solution due to
their ability to regulate temperature and reduce the need for air conditioning, resulting in
significant energy savings and reduced CO2 emissions.
Qatar's high energy consumption is not limited to the industrial sector but extends to the
domestic sector which is anything other than the industrial sector for instance households
and educational institutions. This is due to the extreme heat that characterizes the country's
climate, with summer temperatures frequently exceeding 45°C (113°F), resulting in a
significant demand for air conditioning. The high demand for energy has increased CO2
emissions as they have a unidirectional casualty where the increase of energy consumption
increases carbon dioxide emissions (Chontanawat, 2019). Qatar has the highest per capita
carbon dioxide emissions worldwide, at 35.6 metric tons per person, as reported by Global
Per Capita CO2 Emissions by Country 2021 (2021). This contributes to global warming and
climate change, harming the ecosystem.

To address this issue, transitioning to a more sustainable and efficient energy system is
crucial for Qatar's long-term sustainable development. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and slowing down global warming would benefit the environment. Qatar can demonstrate its
commitment to combating climate change and playing its part in reducing carbon emissions.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has also highlighted Qatar’s urgent need for the
country to adopt more sustainable energy practices (Qatar - Countries & Regions, 2016).

Such a shift would also reduce the country's dependence on non-renewable energy sources
and create new economic growth and diversification opportunities. This would enable Qatar
to develop new industries, improve infrastructure, and create employment opportunities,
ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of its citizens. Furthermore, reducing energy
consumption would lead to cost savings for consumers and make energy more accessible,
promoting more significant social equity. By reducing the energy bills of households and
businesses, the cost savings could be channeled toward other areas of expenditure,
resulting in a better standard of living for all citizens. Overall, transitioning to a more
sustainable energy system is necessary for Qatar to ensure a sustainable future and
mitigate the impacts of climate change.

As Qatar continues to grow and develop, it is faced with the challenge of meeting the
increasing demand for energy while minimizing its negative impact on the environment. In
this context, it is crucial to identify and evaluate potential solutions for reducing energy
consumption in the country. This section outlines the steps taken to conduct this research.

3.1. Secondary research

The first step in this project was to conduct secondary research to gather
information relevant to solutions for energy consumption. The research was
conducted using the TAMU library online databases to thoroughly analyze existing
research and findings related to our topic. We searched academic journals, reports,
and news articles through the databases to gather as much credible information as
possible. Undoubtedly, this step was crucial as it served as a foundation for our
report. By thoroughly conducting secondary research, we were able to better
comprehend possible solutions for energy consumption and build the groundwork
for the following steps of the study.

3.2. Identifying possible solutions

After conducting secondary research, the next step was to identify possible
solutions to the problem. This step involved generating a list of potential
approaches, assessing their viability, and weighing their potential advantages and
disadvantages. Weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks of each solution
involved factors such as suitability to Qatar’s conditions. Overall, by taking a
comprehensive approach, it is possible to identify the most effective and feasible
solution to the problem at hand.

3.3. Establish criteria for choosing the best solution

It was crucial to define clear and impartial criteria that would be used to evaluate
each potential solution to choose the most suitable approach. These criteria
considered various factors, based on the problem and the intended outcome of the
solution. The first criterion that was defined is the reduction of energy consumption,
which depends on how much energy consumption may be reduced by the solution.
This criterion has a maximum weight of 5, as it is directly related to the issue. The
second criterion, with a weight of 4, is the impact on CO2 emissions, whether
directly or indirectly. In fulfillment of this criterion, we assessed each solution based
on its potential to lower CO2 emissions. We considered the third criterion, "ease of
implementation," in terms of how easy it would be to integrate the solution into
buildings. Cost, which has a weight of 3, is the fourth criterion. We looked at the
cost of the materials per kilogram for PCMs and per meter squared for LEDs and
Pavegen tiles, as well as the cost of implementation.
3.4. Decision matrix
After establishing the criteria, we made a decision matrix to compare the potential
solutions that we chose. This step was done to choose the most effective solution
in the context of Qatar and the criteria we decided on. Each criterion had its own
weight depending on its importance as mentioned in 3.3, and each solution was
given a rating depending on the information collected during the secondary
research. This step helped reach a conclusion of the most fitting solution in Qatar
for the problem. Figure 1 illustrates the decision matrix developed.

Fig 1: Decision matrix for possible solutions

In conclusion, a systematic and rigorous process involved an assessment of each

potential solution per the established criteria. A well-executed assessment process
ensures the selected solution is efficient, effective, and sustainable in the long

The three solutions identified to fit the criteria most accurately were LEDs, Pavegen tiles,
and Phase Change Materials (PCMs), of which the lattermost was determined to be the
optimal solution.

4.1. LEDs
Light Emitting Diodes, more commonly known as LEDs, are semiconductor devices
that emit light when an electric current is passed through them. LEDs have become
increasingly popular in recent years due to their energy efficiency, long lifespan,
and versatility. LEDs are a perfect fit for modern day infrastructure as they can be
easily installed and come in a vast array of shapes and sizes to meet all types of
needs. Thus, LEDs can be easily scaled up and be used in many applications
whether it be indoor or outdoor lighting. They can light up the exterior of buildings,
streets or be used as commercial lighting. LEDs are also environmentally friendly
as they do not contain hazardous materials, and emit less heat and carbon dioxide
than traditional bulbs.

LEDs are highly energy efficient and can consume up to 80% less energy than
traditional incandescent bulbs (US Department of Energy, n.d.). This means that
LEDs can significantly reduce electricity consumption and save energy costs. LEDs
are also increasingly available, and affordable in the sense that they don’t require
any special instruments thus they can easily replace traditional bulbs. LEDs are a
long-term solution and can reduce electricity consumption and energy costs
significantly over time (Khatri, n.d.).

All these factors make LEDs a very attractive option for reducing electricity
consumption. Although LEDs are already widely used and implemented into the
modern-day infrastructure.

4.2. Pavegen Tiles

Pavegen tiles are a type of flooring technology that generates electrical energy
from human foot traffic. They are made of a combination of recycled rubber and
high-density polyethylene. When a tile is stepped on, the weight triggers the
rotational movement of a series of electromagnetic generators beneath the
surface. The resulting electrical energy is then stored in batteries to be used in
various applications, such as lighting. The triangular tile has three generators built
into each of its corners, meaning it is almost impossible to step on a tile without
triggering at least one electromagnetic generator (Pavegen: Generate Clean
Electricity While Taking a Stroll, 2018).

The efficiency of Pavegen tiles in reducing electricity consumption varies

depending on the specific application and usage. Pavegen tiles can generate up to
3 joules of energy per footstep, which is enough to power a low-wattage LED light
or charge a mobile phone for a few seconds (FAQ, n.d.). However, the actual
amount of electricity generated will depend on the number of people walking over
the tiles and the frequency of foot traffic in the area.
The implementation and affordability of Pavegen tiles vary depending on the
specific project and location. The cost of installing Pavegen tiles can range from
$75 to $160 per square foot, depending on the complexity of the installation and
the number of tiles required (Brueck, n.d.). While this may be more expensive than
traditional flooring materials, it can be argued that the long-term energy savings
and environmental benefits can offset these costs.

The immediate impact of Pavegen tiles can be seen in their ability to generate
electricity from footsteps, providing a sustainable and off-grid energy source for
nearby devices. However, the long-term effectiveness of Pavegen tiles will depend
on factors such as their durability, maintenance requirements, and overall reliability
over time. Pavegen tiles can reduce the use of fossil fuels and be more renewable
as they depend on human foot traffic. The tiles are also made by recyclable
materials that will reduce the total environmental impact by it.

4.3. Phase Change Materials (PCMs)

Phase change materials, also known as PCMs, are materials that can store and
release large amounts of thermal energy when they change phase from solid to
liquid or from liquid to gas, and vice versa. During a phase change, the material
absorbs or releases heat without experiencing a significant temperature change
(10 Facts about Phase Change Materials, 2021).

PCMs can be integrated into a building’s infrastructure or its heat control systems
(Lamrani et al., 2021). They can reduce electricity consumption by storing thermal
energy during off-peak hours and releasing it during peak hours, thereby reducing
the demand for traditional sources of energy and the need for conventional heating
and cooling systems. PCMs have the potential to reduce energy consumption by
10-30% in buildings (James et al., 2012).

The cost of PCMs can vary depending on the type of material and application. In
the short-term, PCMs can provide reduced use of cooling systems and their
associated costs. In the long term, they could reduce the need for maintenance
and replacement of cooling systems.

PCMs also reduce the negative environmental impact of air conditioning on nature
(Kharbouch, 2022). They can have a positive environmental impact by reducing
energy consumption and CO2 emissions associated with heating and cooling
systems. Additionally, PCMs can be made from renewable or recycled materials,
such as bio-based materials, and can contribute to sustainable building practices.

PCMs are a promising new opportunity to change how heating and cooling
technology works and can help reduce electricity use. However, the
implementation of PCMs requires careful consideration of the material properties,
application, and cost-effectiveness.


5.1. LEDs
The next solution is Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) which are a type of
energy-efficient lighting that can be used in a variety of applications, including
residential, commercial, and outdoor lighting.

5.1.1. Reduction of energy consumption

LEDs are an effective solution for high energy consumption as they

consume 75% less energy than normal light bulbs. One thing that
makes them effective is they require less maintenance since LEDs last
90% longer than conventional light bulbs. Moreover, since LEDs
produce less heat than conventional light bulbs, less heat energy will be
used, resulting in no energy waste. This is crucial for hot-climate nations
like Qatar because it can lower the amount of energy needed to cool
buildings (LED Lighting, n.d.).

5.1.2. Reduction of CO2 emissions

As mentioned earlier, compared to incandescent bulbs LEDs consume

less energy resulting in lower CO2 emissions during their lifespan.
Additionally, LEDs have a longer lifespan than traditional bulbs that
need to be produced and disposed of, which reduces CO2 emissions as
well. Overall by switching to LED lighting, Qatar can significantly reduce
its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (Khatri, n.d.).

5.1.3. Ease of implementation

LED technology has been around for several decades and has matured
over time. As a result, the production and availability of LED lighting
solutions have increased, making it easier for consumers and
businesses to switch to this technology. The ease of implementation
allows the installation process to be similar to traditional lighting

5.1.4. Cost

LED prices can vary, for example, a classic Led light bulb can cost
between 2-6$, and a high-end one can cost between 10-50%. LEDs are
more expensive than regular light bulbs but they last 25 times longer so
there will be no maintenance or repairs so when you take into
consideration the maintenance and repairs cost LEDs are
approximately cheaper than regular light bulbs.

5.2. Pavegen
Pavegen tiles which are a technology that is able to generate energy through foot
traffic as previously stated, and has the ability and potential to be used in
high-traffic areas, such as public squares, stadiums, and shopping malls.

5.2.1. Reduction of energy consumption

A main challenge of adopting and implementing Pavegen is relatively

small amount of energy generated from the foot traffic. This means that
the impact on energy consumption may be highly limited, unless the
tiles are applied at a large scale using a large number of Pavegen tiles
in areas with high foot fall. However Pavegen tiles do not reduce energy
consumption but provides another energy source, which is a clean
energy source.
5.2.2. Reduction of CO2 emissions

Pavegen tiles can be an effective solution for reducing energy

consumption and CO2 emissions. When utilized to power lamps or
other devices, this renewable energy can lessen the need for fossil fuels
and, thus, lower CO2 emissions. Pavegen tiles have the potential to
significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our cities by capturing the
energy generated by human movement while also promoting
sustainable behavior among residents.(Patil et al.,2019).

5.2.3. Ease of implementation

The implementation of Pavegen in Qatar would involve city planners,

architects, or urban designers, who would need to be carefully consider
and study Qatar’s conditions in order to ensure that it is safe and
durable enough to withstand the harsh desert climate and the foot traffic
in the region (Patil et al., 2019).

5.2.4. Cost

One of the main advantages of Pavegen technology is its relatively low

cost, making it an affordable solution for energy generation. The cost of
Pavegen tiles or panels varies depending on the size and installation
location, but typically ranges from $70 to $120 per square foot. (Patil et
al., 2019).

5.3. Phase Change Materials

In Qatar, 65% of produced electricity is consumed by cooling systems in all
buildings. Using heat absorbers as building components can help transform
thermal energy for heating or cooling and, in turn, protect the buildings from
overheating (Newspaper, 2021). Using Phase Change Materials for building
industries would significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote
sustainability at Qatar.
PCMs have little research done specifically in Qatar and have yet to be
implemented. Case studies and papers of research conducted in climates that
closely resemble Qatar were used as a basis for the bellow claims.

5.3.1. Reduction in Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions

As mentioned in the introduction, the majority of the energy
consumption in buildings comes in the form of air conditioning or
temperature management, for which PCMs can help in reducing.

PCMs were injected into concrete in buildings in Saudi Arabia to

reinforce them against heat transfer. In one building, the energy
demand decreased by 64.1% when the concrete thickness was 100mm.
At constant PCM thickness, increasing concrete thickness caused lower
PCM effectiveness, as the energy analysis affirmed that at the wall
thickness of 150 and 200 mm, energy demand was lower by 59% and
56.8%, respectively (Kalbasi et al., 2023).

In a study, the effect of PCMs on the reduction of HVAC (cooling

system) energy demand leads to the reduction of CO2 emissions in this
sector. It was found that the share in reducing CO2 reached 69.2%
(Kalbasi et al., 2023).

5.3.2. Implementation
PCMs can be implemented into buildings and future constructions with
ease. Coming in different types, materials, costs, usage, and organic or
inorganic PCMs give a wide range of options that can be hand-picked
for specific situations. One of the most used PCMs is paraffin wax, it is
known to change from solid to liquid when it stores heat energy. Paraffin
can be neatly sealed and packaged in a protective membrane that
conducts heat and can be put into hollow spaces in bricks and concrete
(see Fig 2). In most countries, this means changing the ways bricks are
made and a few adjustments to the construction process. However, in
Qatar most commercially used bricks are hollow (see Fig 3) so that air
trapped in the wall can help insulate from high temperatures outside.
This helps make the implementation of PCMs even easier. Here PCMs
can just be placed in those hollow spaces.
Fig 2 PCMs used in construction Fig 3 Bricks used in Qatar

PCMs can also be introduced in buildings that have already been

constructed. They can be introduced in parts of buildings with huge
temperature changes. PCMs also come as sheets that could be placed
inside the buildings on the walls like wallpaper which could be easily put
during renovations. By this PCMs can bring quick short-term savings.

5.3.3. Cost
PCM systems need to offer significant energy savings before they
become attractive to commercial buyers. In the UK the average
household spends $900 a year on gas, of which 80% is used for
heating. Datum Phase Change FES boards which are commercially
available reportedly cost between $30 and $90 per meter square. PCMs
are a one time investment which provides energy and cost savings in
the long run. Using PCMs that cost less and provide the same results
could also help reduce costs. Most commonly used PCM costs are in
Fig 4. (Bland et al., 2017).

Fig 4: Costs associated with PCMs

Taking the evaluation criteria into consideration, the third solution was the phase changing
materials (PCMs). Firstly, since Qatar is a desert climate, the high temperatures and intense
sunlight that the buildings are subjected to in Qatar, make it challenging to regulate indoor
temperatures without relying on heavy conditioning systems which consume a lot of energy
(Zhou et al., 2012). A study published in the International Journal of Energy and
Environmental Engineering found that incorporating PCMs into building envelopes can
significantly reduce the cooling load, leading to energy savings and improving indoor comfort
levels (Wang et al., 2019). Another study evaluated the environmental and economic
performance of PCM-enhanced building envelopes in Qatar and found that the technology
has the potential to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, while also
providing economic benefits through reduced operating costs as stated in the analysis (Asif
et al., 2015).

The solution can be fitted by retrofitting existing old buildings while also incorporating PCMs
into new buildings. However, the building owners and future property developers would
require collaboration between each other in order to facilitate the retrofitting process, which
might not be the most cost-effective solution, so in some cases, it might be more
cost-effective to incorporate PCMs into new building designs rather than retrofitting existing
buildings (Zhou et al., 2012).

In addition to their ability to regulate indoor temperatures, PCMs also offer other benefits for
building energy efficiency. For example, a study published in the Journal of Building
Engineering found that incorporating PCMs into building envelopes can reduce peak
energy demand and improve thermal comfort, which can lead to increased productivity and
reduced absenteeism in commercial buildings (Rajasekar et al., 2019). Furthermore, PCMs
can be used in combination with other energy-efficient technologies, such as solar panels
and energy storage systems, to create highly efficient and sustainable buildings. A study
published in the Journal of Energy Storage found that combining PCMs with thermal energy
storage (TES) systems and solar panels can significantly reduce energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions, while also improving the reliability of the energy supply
(Shahzad et al., 2018).

In terms of implementation, incorporating PCMs into building design requires careful

consideration of factors such as the type of PCM, its melting and solidification
temperatures, and its compatibility with other building materials. A study published in the
International Journal of Energy Research evaluated the performance of different PCMs for
use in building envelopes and found that the selection of PCM should be based on factors
such as thermal conductivity, thermal stability, and chemical compatibility with other building
materials (Gao et al., 2017).

Finally, it is worth noting that PCMs are not a cure-all for building energy efficiency, and
could be used in combination with other energy-saving measures such as passive design
strategies and efficient building systems to make them more effective. However, when used
properly, PCMs have the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions in buildings, while also improving indoor comfort levels and
reducing operating costs.

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