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One day in the morning going to the university and while I was waiting for the bus I asked a
lady if. Has the bus arrived yet? and the lady answers me that it hasn't arrived yet.

When I got to college I asked a classmate if. Have the teachers arrived yet?

My classmate responds by saying that the teachers have just arrived and that they are already
approaching the classroom.

When I was arriving at the house I saw my relatives, after a minute my mother calls on the cell
phone saying if the relatives have already arrived at the house? and he replied saying that they
have already arrived about fifteen minutes ago.

After leaving my relatives. I started doing my homework together with my sister. In a few
minutes, my mom asks me. Have we already finished our homework?

and I answer him that we still haven't finished the task yet.

After finishing homework my mom asks us again saying. If we have already prepared the
uniform for tomorrow? I replied saying that we have not prepared the uniform yet but right
now we are going to prepare the uniform and the tasks for tomorrow, after doing all this we
went to sleep and ready to go to class the day in the morning.

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