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Heald Colleges Edition /


The New, Recommended
Oxford American Dictionary
From "one of the language's
most respected arbiters'

The Oxford dictionaries, based on the work of

writers and scholars over hundreds of years, are
renowned for setting the highest standards in our
changing language. The completely original
Oxford American stands as the ultimate American
authority on proper writing and speaking.
In addition to concise definitions, preferred
spellings, and the newest pronunciation system,
the Oxford American features hundreds of exam-
ples showing how words should be used, or not

used with cross-references to other words that are
confusingly close in meaning.
Created under the direction of preeminent Amer-
ican lexicographers Stuart Berg Flexner, Eugene
Ehrlich, and Gorton Carruth, and reviewed by
British lexicographer Joyce M. Hawkins, the
Oxford American Dictionary is regarded as the
finest source of positive guidance in the precise,
effective use of our language. It is enthusiastically
approved by educators and language authorities as a
tool for avoiding the sloppy mistakes that increas-
ingly contaminate our daily communications.


The provenance of the Oxford American
more diverse than its competitors."
is far

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Copyright © 1980 by Oxford University Press, Inc.

Copyright © 1979 by Oxford University Press

Published by arrangement with Oxford University Press, Inc.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 80-16510
ISBN: 0-380-60772-7

All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or
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First Avon Printing: August 1982


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This new member ofthe Oxford family of dictionaries has

been prepared especially for those who need a compact, up-
to-date guide to American English. It contains words and
phrases likely to be met in reading and everyday life, including
a number of slang, informal, and technical words and phrases.
Names of states of the United States are included, as well
as state capitals, terms used to designate the people of each
state, and names of the provinces of Canada. Names of the
countries of the world, including those not yet well known,
are also given, as are names of the capital cities and the terms
used to designate the people of each country.
We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to mem-
bers of the Oxford Dictionary Department of the Oxford Uni-
versity Press for assistance of various kinds, particularly to
Dr. John B. Sykes, Editor of the Concise Oxford Dictionary,
Sixth Edition, and to Dr. Robert Burchfield, Chief Editor of
the Oxford English dictionaries. We are grateful as well to
members of the staff of Oxford University Press in New York,
most particularly to Marjorie Mueller, Janice Lorimer, and
Cecelia Carollo, for help in all stages of our work.
We wish also to express our gratitude to the many members
of The Hudson Group dictionary staff who worked on the
Oxford American Dictionary. In particular we wish to thank
senior staff members: Ernest S. Hildebrand, Jr., Margaret
Huffman, Felice Levy, Lawrence T. Lorimer, and Gloria Solo-
mon; associate staff members: Pamela Dupuis, Mary Egner,
Richard Ehrlich, Raymond V. Hand, Jr., Joan Lizzio, David
H. Scott, and Katherine G. Scott; and assistant staff members:
Lee Jayne Ackerman, Christopher Carruth, Hayden Carruth,
r Frank,
'Cynthia Crippen, Peggy Daly, Patricia Farewell, Sandi
Mary Mattimore, Sheila McCaffrey, and Mary Racette.

Pleasantville, New York E.E., S.B.F., G.C., and J.M.H.

June 1980


Some words have two or more acceptable spellings in common

use, but few variant spellings are given in this dictionary.
The aim is not to dictate the use of a particular spelling but
to offer a standard form to those who seek one. When two
spellings are equallycommon, the preferred one is given first.
Many spellings commonly used in Canada, such as centre,
cheque, colour, and programme, are not included in this dic-


Entry words of more than one syllable are shown with syllables
separated by a center dot:


The center dots show the word in

possible division of a
writing, typing, or printing. Entry words that are normally
hyphenated do not have a center dot where the hyphen occurs.
A stress mark appears in place of a center dot after a stressed
syllable in a word listed within an entry when its pronunciation
clearly resembles that of the word at the head of that entry:

ice'skat*er n.

Word Forms
Plurals of nouns, comparatives in -er and superlatives in -est

of adjectives and adverbs, and inflected forms of verbs are


pven when they are irregular or when there might be uncer-

about the spelling. Where only two verb forms are given:

ad-mit (ad-mit) v. (ad-mit -ted, ad-mit -ting)

the first form is both the past tense (he admitted it) and the
past participle (it was admitted). When three forms are given:
come (kum) v. (came, come, com-ing)
freeze (freez) v.(froze, fro*zen, freezing)

the first is the past tense (he came; it froze) and the second
is the past participle (he had come; it had frozen).
For certain inflected verb forms, such as traveled and travel-

ing, some newspapers, journals, and books will use travelled

and travelling. Such variant spellings are not given here.
an entry word, such as la-bel (lay-bel) n., occurs
unchanged as a second part of speech, such as label v., the
word is given the second or subsequent times without pro-
nunciation or stress.

The symbol > introduces usage notes, comments on the mean-
ings of words that are often confused (such as gourmand and
gourmet) grammatical points (such as whether data and media

are singular or plural), and information about the origins of

words and phrases (such as fifth column and sour grapes).
The symbol > is also used to indicate that an entry is to be
treated as a foreign word:

ibid. abbr. ibidem, = in the same book or passage

etc. > Latin.

The symbol introduces phrases employing the entry word

(such as gain ground and gain time after the definition of

Usage Labels
Certain entries in this dictionary carry usage labels. One of
these labels, contemptuous, indicates that use of the entry word
implies contempt. Where an word (or one of its mean-
ings) is labeled informal the word (or the word in one of
its meanings) is used in everyday speech but should not be
used when speaking or writing formally.

slea-zy (slee-zee) adj. (-zi-er, -zi-est) (informal)

dirty and slovenly.

The label old use indicates that the entry word (or one of
its meanings) is no longer appropriate in current speech or
writing. The label slang indicates that the entry word (or one
of its meanings) is to be avoided except in extremely informal

Proprietary Names
Entries known to be trademarks or proprietary names are
so designated in this dictionary. The presence or absence of
such designations should not be regarded as affecting the valid-
ity of any trademark or proprietary name.


Pronunciation is shown in parentheses just after the entry

word. Syllables are separated by hyphens in pronunciations,
and syllables spoken with the most stress are shown in boldface

cease -less (sees-lis) adj.

cloak-and-dag-ger (klohk-an-dag-er)

Only one pronunciation is generally given. When two pro-

nunciations are equally common, the preferred one is given

ha-rass (ha-rass, har-as) v.

Only the stress is shown for a word listed within an entry

when its pronunciation closely resembles that of the word
at the head of the entry. In such cases syllables are separated
by center dots, and the stressed syllable is followed by a stress

com'pe«tent«ly adv.

Words of one syllable are shown unstressed:

vie (vi)

Pronunciation Key

a as in act, bat, marry ng as in bring, singer, thank

a as in ago, suitable, metal o as in odd, box, hot
ah as in father, calm 6 as in official, lemon, ardor
ahr as in arm, cart, bar oh as in oat, bone, sew
air as in air, dare, scary ohr as in board, four,
aw as in all, walk, saw hoarse, adore
ay as in age, came, say oi as in oil, join, toy

b as in boy, habit, rib oo as in ooze, soon, too, rule

ch as in chin, teacher, beach oor as in poor, tour, sure
d as in dog, ladder, head or as in bored, for, horse, adorn
e as in egg, bed, merry ow as in out, mouse, now
e as in taken, nickel, lawyer p as in pin, caper, cap
ee as in eat, meat, see, key r as in red, carry, near
eer as w ear, beer, tier s as in sit, lesson, nice, cellar
f as in fat, effort, puff sh as in she, ashen, rush

g as m get, wagon, big t as in top, butter, hit

h as in hat, ahead th as in thin, method, path
hw as in wheat, nowhere th as in this, mother, breathe
i as ui if, give, mirror u as in up, cut, come
T as in pencil, credible u as in suppose, circus, feature
i as in ice, bite, fire, spy ur as in her, fir, burn, hurry
j as in jam, magic, edge uu as in book, full, woman
k as in king, token, back v as in van, river, give
1 as ui leg, alley, tell w as in will, awoke, quick
m as in me, common, him y as in yes, you
n as m no, manner, tan z as in zebra, lazy, tease
zh as in vision, pleasure


For the reader's convenience, few abbreviations are used in

this dictionary. The following abbreviations are used through-
abbr. abbreviation n. fern. feminine noun
adj. adjective n. pi. plural noun
adv. adverb n. sing. singular noun
comb, form combining form pi plural
conj. conjunction poss. possessive
fern. feminine pr. pronounced
interj. interjection prep. preposition
n. noun v. verb

Abbreviations in general use (such as ft., R.C.Ch., and etc.)

are defined in the dictionary itself.

Publisher's Note

From OED to OAD

To trace the ancestry of this latest Oxford dictionary, one

must go back to a little town in southeast Scotland where
James Murray was born on February 7, 1837. The son and
grandson of tailors, he worked first as a schoolteacher and
bank clerk before going on to become one of the greatest
lexicographers of all time, the chief editor of the most famous
of all dictionaries.

Murray demonstrated a remarkable mind from his earliest

days, including an extraordinary capacity for learning lan-
guages. He knew the English alphabet by the age of eighteen
months, and by the time he was seven he had begun, by com-
paring various editions of the Bible, to learn Greek, Latin,
Hebrew, and Chinese. His hunger for knowledge
led him to lifetime interests in geology and botany, and he
identified, classified, and analyzed similarities and differences
in rocks and plants with passionate exactitude. He sim-
ply never stopped learning, as he described in a letter to his

I employed all my ...

in learning everything
leisure time
that I could something about
could, learning as far as I

everything that I did not know, while also trying to learn

everything that could be known about some things. . . .

Murray became a schoolteacher in 1854, when he was seven-

teen. From 1870 until 1885 he taught at Mill Hill School,
near London. During this time he gained a reputation as a
natural scientist and alsobecame a leading scholar of philol-
ogy, publishing pioneering papers on English dialects and on
comparative and historical philology. He received an honorary
LL.D from Edinburgh in 1874, entitling him to wear a cap

and gown, which became his daily dress for the rest of his
life.He also received honorary degrees from Cape Town, Dub-
lin, and numerous other universities, including Oxford.

In 1857 the English Philological Society had come to a

decision that was to prove fateful for Murray. The Society
decided that all existing English dictionaries were incomplete
and deficient and that the entire English language from Anglo-
Saxon times onward must be reexamined. Using volunteer
readers, the Society then plunged headlong into an erratic,
often frenetic, twenty-two-year period of scouring ancient
manuscripts as well as books and other publications from all

periods. It amassed a somewhat disorganized collection of

4x6 inch slips, weighing almost two tons, on each of which
were recorded one word and a citation. In time the Society,
realizing that it was better suited to collecting material than
to organizing and editing a dictionary, initiated negotiations
with the Oxford University Press to take over the ever expand-
ing, ever more complex project.
In 1878 Murray became president of the Philological Society
and the following year, with much trepidation, signed a con-
tract for the Society with the Delegates of the Oxford Univer-
sity Press to compile and edit a dictionary, then called A
New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. The agreement
was for a four-volume, 6400-page work to be completed in
ten years, in 1889. It had been estimated that the editorial
costs would be £6500. Murray soon came to regard the vast
treasure of slips collected over the twenty-two-year period
as only the nucleus of the work to come. He first had a Scripto-
rium built for him to work in and to house the citation files
and then set about recruiting some 1300 readers throughout
the English-speaking world to search out new words and cita-
tions systematically. Francis March, then one of America's
leading philologists and historical grammarians, was chosen
to direct the American readers. Other Americans, such as
Fitzedward Hall, who had spent sixteen years teaching San-
skrit and English in India before moving to London and taking
a professorship at King's College, were also major contribu-

tors. Thus, almost from the American sources have been


included in the Oxford citation and American scholars


have contributed their experience and knowledge.

Murray's dedication to the Dictionary was equaled only
by his desire for perfection. He often labored eighty to ninety
hours a week, initially with only a handful of helpers, which
included members of his family. Before long more than a
thousand citation were arriving daily at the Scriptorium.
Moreover, he sent out each day between thirty and forty of
his own handwritten letters to contributors and specialists,
asking for specific citations, verification, advice, and additional
research. He wrote many letters of encouragement and thanks
to contributors, inquiring about their health and, eventually,
as various sections of the Dictionary began to appear, apologiz-
ing to some for not including all their citations in the published
work. This taxing correspondence was in addition to his own
research on each entry of the Dictionary, the writing of defini-
tions and, later, the editing, proofreading, and rewriting of
the typeset galleys. Thewas no small task, as his have

the reputation of being the most heavily corrected proofs ever

y known. Some of the corrections derived from the citations
and additional research that continued to pour in after entries
were completed, but many others from Murray's insistence
that not until he saw material in print could he determine
the correct order of the definitions and the best choice of
In 1884 the 352 pages of the Dictionary, A-Ant, were

published: half thenumber of years scheduled for the entire

work had yielded the first half of the letter A. The Delegates
of the Press felt deep concern over the slow progress and
made their concern known to Murray. It was agreed that
the work might be speeded by appointing additional editors
and moving the Dictionary staff to the vicinity of the Press.
In 1885, therefore, Murray relinquished his teaching position
at Mill Hill School and moved, with his family and his files,
to Oxford.
In Murray's garden at Sunnyside, on Banbury Road in Ox-
r ford, anew Scriptorium was built; it had to be

sunk rather
deep in the ground in order to preserve his next-door neigh-
bor's view. The University provided Murray with a staff of
eight assistants and asked him to finish the project at the
Henry Bradley was appointed
rate of 704 pages a year. In 1887
as a second editor with his own
staff of assistants. Although

Anta-Battening was published in 1885, Battenlie-Bozzom

in 1887, and the final section of B in 1888, the actual rate
of accomplishment at Oxford did not increase noticeably. The
first nine years had produced only the first volume of a work

that was ultimately to consist of twelve volumes.

The years of hard work went on. By the last half of the
1890s, the almost yearly crises and recriminations over the
time spent on the Dictionary came to an end. By then it
was realized that it was not Murray and his staff who were
causing the delay but the complexities and perversities of the
English language.
William Craigie, a Scotsman like Murray, joined the Dic-
tionary team in 1897 and worked under Murray for four years
before becoming a full editor and assuming responsibility for
the letter Q. In 1914 C. T. Onions, who had been an assistant
since 1895, became a full editor, and his article on super-
and its compounds, rivaling Bradley's 23-page article on set
and proclaimed a masterpiece, was to be the longest article
in the Dictionary. Murray recognized the brilliance of Bradley
and Craigie and accepted the two men, yet he was never con-
vinced that anyone else had his complete dedication to the
work or his knack of writing definitions. With eighteen assis-
tants, Bradley, Craigie, Onions, and Murray together com-
pleted anywhere from fifteen to fifty final pages a month. Mur-
ray usually produced two or three times as many pages as
the others, whose time was limited by teaching and other
editing tasks.
In 1897 the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, marking the comple-
tion of Volume III (dedicated to Queen Victoria), gave a dinner
in honor of Murray, and at this time several University officials
expressed the widespread conviction that, although the project

would always be a drain on Oxford's finances, it was aire

a national asset. Murray, perhaps incautiously warming
their enthusiasm, predicted that the Dictionary would be com
pleted by 1908, which proved to be just twenty years shor.
of the mark. But the Dictionary was already developing int<
much more than a national asset of England. Around tht
world each new installment was eagerly awaited by scholar*
and word lovers. The parts already issued were becoming the
authority on the English language in law courts, govern-

ment bureaus, scholarly debates, newspaper offices, and pub!

lishing houses.
Murray was knighted in 1908. In 1908, too, while watching
Murray ride his tricycle through the streets of Oxford, the
famous physician Sir William Osier told a friend: "The Univer-
sity pays me my salary to keep that old man alive till hisj

80th birthday in 1917 when the Dictionary will be finished.",

Indeed, Murray was now promising that the Dictionary would
be finished on his eightieth birthday, and some of his visitors
and correspondents had taken to wishing him well with "May
you live to see Zymotic" (the last word in the Dictionary
actually turned out to be Zyxt).
Murray did not live to see the dictionary completed. Having
spent the last thirty-six years of his life on the project, he
died after finishing Trink-Turndown in July 1915, two years
short of his eightieth birthday. Much still remained to be done
by Bradley, Craigie, and Onions, but Murray died knowing
that the work would be completed and that it could never

be and would never need to be done again.—
The Oxford English Dictionary, as it was eventually named,
was finished in 1928. H. L. Mencken had written that spies
at Oxford told him the University would celebrate with "box-
ing matches between the dons and a series of medieval
. . .

drinking bouts," but the project had taken so long and already
become so famous that only a modest celebration was held.
The completed work, bound in twelve large volumes, contained
15,487 pages defining every known meaning of 414,825 words
with 1,827,306 supporting and illustrative quotations from

\jiglo-Saxon times into the twentieth century. The historical

ecord of every meaning, change of meaning, use, spelling,
md grammatical form was given for each entry from its first
ippearance in the written language. The 178 miles of typeset
iiaterialwere completed seventy years after the Dictionary's
nception and forty-fou£ years after the first part of A had
Deen published. No dictionary in any language has approached
t in thoroughness, authority, and wealth of linguistic informa-

tion. Itwas considered by many to be the greatest scholarly

achievement of all time —
and it still is.
When the final twelve-volume set was published, Oxford

announced that a Supplement was in progress. That first Sup-

plement, edited by Craigie and Onions, was published in 1933.
The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, which
first appeared in 1971, comprises the twelve volumes plus this
933 Supplement, reproduced micrographically in two vol-
umes and boxed with a magnifying glass. The 1933 Supplement
made it clear that constant growth and change in the living
English language call for periodic publication of new supple-
ments. Work continues today on "the longest running serial"
in the English-speaking world. Under the direction of Dr.
Robert Burchfield, the present Oxford dictionary staff of

twenty editors and ten researchers still using readers and
advisers from around the world in special subject areas is —
at work on a new Supplement.
Burchfield, like Murray before him, is "the man who came
to dinner" at Oxford and never left. A New Zealander, he
arrived at Oxford as a Rhodes scholar, stayed on to lecture
on the English language, and was led into lexicography by
C. T. Onions. He was appointed editor of A Supplement to
the Oxford English Dictionary in 1957 and was made Chief
Editor of the Oxford English dictionaries in 1971. Following
in Murray's footsteps in more ways than one, in 1957 Burch-
field thought that the new Supplement would be a one- volume

project requiring seven years to complete. Volume I, A-G,

of this new Supplement was published in 1972 and Volume
II, H-N, in 1976. In 1980, he and his staff are editing and

reading proofs for Volume III, O-Scz. His Supplement

growing into four volumes.
before the original twelve-volume OED was cor
pleted, Oxford lexicographers began to compile shorter die
tionaries based on it and using its resources and methods,
was the Fowlers who set the pattern for these shorter Oxforc
dictionaries. The brothers' association with the Press begai
when they undertook i
shortly after the turn of the century,
four-volume translation of the second-century Greek satiris
Lucian. Their translation was so meticulous and tasteful thai
the New York Times came to the conclusion that they wen
women. They were, in fact, grave, modest, and hard-workinj
brothers, Henry W. born in 1858 and Frank G., twelve yean
his junior. After graduating from Oxford, Henry spent seven-
teen years as a schoolteacher before deciding to work as a
journalist in London. He later left London to join Frank in
Guernsey, an island in the English Channel, where the broth-
ers built granite cottages and began their translation ol
In 1906 the Fowler brothers published The King's English,
offering a set of marvelously inflexible rules to be followed
and common blunders and "literary blemishes"
setting forth
to be avoided. Henry described it as "a sort of English composi-
tion manual from the negative point of view." The book had
an added benefit: it provided the answer to Oxford's question
of who would compile a "short dictionary" from the as yet
only 70 percent completed OED. The reclusive Fowlers never
met Murray, they did not visit Oxford, and no one from Oxford
went to Guernsey. They finished the Concise Oxford Dictionary
in 1911, the work having taken just five years —
as they said
it would.
When World War broke out, fifty-seven-year-old Henry

and forty-five-year-old Frank decided they were needed at

the front. Lying about their ages, they enlisted in the British
army and were dismayed when they were assigned to menial
work rather than battle duty. Henry was discharged in 1916—
fit and hearty—but Frank died of consumption in 1918

itill Henry returned to Guernsey and finished

in the service.
mother dictionary based on the OED, The Pocket Oxford
Dictionary, one size smaller than the Concise, which had been
Degun by Frank in 1911. It was published in 1924 and bore
:he names of both Henry and Frank Fowler. At the same
:ime Henry continued writing the extraordinary Modern Eng-
lish Usage, which he had begun in 1911, a book in which

jvery major hazard of English usage was pointed out for the
edification and delight of writers for generations to come. In
1926, its first year of publication, it was reprinted four times
in England, and sold over 50,000 copies in the United States.

Fowler said he wrote it with "a cheerful attitude of infallibil-

ity." His now-famous warnings about vogue words and gen-

teelisms are classic and, like most of the book's basic content,
valid today.
The Fowlers were the first to use the OED to compile small
Oxford dictionaries, and many other dictionaries have fol-
lowed. All such Oxford dictionaries rely, of course, on the
authority, standards, and scholarship created by the OED and
maintained in its Supplements. The Oxford American Diction-
ary (OAD) differs from the others in that it is the first to
use American lexicographers and editors. Although American
and British English share a vast vocabulary, each has its own
words, meanings, spellings, pronunciations, and
forms. was obvious, therefore, that an American staff was

needed for the Oxford American Dictionary. With the help

and advice of the Oxford dictionary staff in England, Oxford
University Press in New York assembled an American staff
under Eugene Ehrlich, Stuart Berg Flexner, and Gorton Car-
ruth. Ehrlich is a member of the Department of English and
Comparative Literature, Columbia University, and an author-
ity on American usage. Flexner is a distinguished lexicogra-

pher and author, and Carruth is a well-known editor of refer-

ence books. All entries were chosen, compiled, spelled,
and given pronunciation by this American staff,
which worked closely with Joyce Hawkins, a member of the
Oxford dictionary staff in England and editor of the Oxford

Paperback Dictionary, which formed the basis of the present

work. John Sykes, editor of the Sixth Edition of the Concise
Oxford Dictionary, and Robert Burchfield also gave generously
of their experience and advice. The Oxford American Diction-
ary is thus true to the American language as well as to the
Oxford dictionary tradition and standards.It is worth pointing

out that the American editors followed the Fowlers' example

in completing their manuscript on time and, to a degree, they
have emulated Fowler's "cheerful attitude of infallibility" in
matters of usage. They also were true to Murray's tradition
in that they compiled a dictionary somewhat longer than origi-
nally planned.
Like the shorter Oxford dictionaries in England, this Oxford
American Dictionary is not intended to be comprehensive or
to be a substitute for an encyclopedia or larger dictionary.
It has been compiled for everyday use in home, school, office,

and library. It emphasizes concise and precise definitions pre-

sented in a straightforward way. It does not use synonyms
to define words unless they help distinguish shades of meaning.
It supplies the most common current meanings, spellings, and

pronunciations. All spellings and pronunciations are American

unless otherwise labeled. As a special feature, a new pronuncia-
tion system employed that is simpler and easier to use than

systems used in previous American dictionaries. It enables

readers, no matter what their regional speech patterns, to pro-
nounce words without difficulty.
Another feature of this dictionary is that it makes a particu-
lar point of indicating correct American usage. For speakers

and writers, therefore, who want a dictionary that distinguishes

between good and bad English, the Oxford American Diction-
ary sets high, somewhat conservative standards in usage. Many
sample sentences are provided which serve as guides to usage
while illuminating meanings. Usage labels and more than six
hundred usage notes indicate the linguistic and social appropri-
ateness of various words and phrases. (See, for example, the
entries for data, hopefully, and loan.) These usage labels and
notes reflect analysis of the current language tempered by

linguistic experience and sensibility. For these reasons, Oxford

University Press is confident the OA D, compiled by Americans
i for Americans and for students of the American language
all over the world, will supply the precise information most
needed by the user.
Oxford American Dictionary
A, a (ay) {pi As, A's, a's) 1. the first abbr., abbrev. abbr. 1 . abbreviated. 2. ab-
letter of the alphabet. 2. A, a grade rating breviation.
for excellent school work. one, DA ab'bre-vi-ate (a-bree-vi-ayt) v. (ab*
A1, (informal) in perfect condition; first- bre*vi*at*ed, ab*bre*vi*at*ing) to
rate, from A to Z, from beginning to shorten (especially a word or title).
end. ab*bre*vi*a*tion (a-bree-vi-ay-shdn) n.
a adj. (calledthe indefinite article) 1 one . 1. abbreviating, being abbreviated. 2. a
person or thing but not any specific one, shortened form of a word or title.
J need a knife. 2. per, we pay $150 a ABC (ay-bee-see) n. {pi ABC's, ABCs)
week; twice a day. \> See an. 1 the alphabet. 2. ABC's, ABCs, the ele-

a • back (a-bak) adv. taken aback, discon- mentary facts of a subject, the ABCs of
certed. carpentry.
ab-a-cus (ab-a-kus) n. (pi -cus-es, -ci, ab-di-cate (ab-dT-kayt) v. (ab-di-cat-
a frame containing parallel rods
pr. -si) ed, ab*di*cat*ing) to resign from a
with beads that slide up and down, used throne or other high office, ab-di- ca-
for counting. tion (ab-dl-kay-shdn) n.
a* ban* don (a-ban-ddn) v. 1. to go away ab-do-men (ab-dd-men) n. 1. the part of
from (a person or thing or place) without the body below the chest and diaphragm,
intending to return; abandon ship, leave containing most of the digestive organs.
a sinking ship. 2. to give up, to cease 2. the hindmost section of the body of
work on, abandon hope; abandon the at- an insect, spider, or crustacean, head,
tempt. 3. to yield completely to an emo- thorax, and abdomen. ab*donvi*nal
tion or impulse, abandoned himself to (ab-dom-I-nal) adj. ab • dom'i • nal • ly
despair, abandon n. careless freedom of adv.
manner. a*ban'don*ment n. ab-duct (ab-dukt) v. to carry off (a person)
a-ban-doned (a-ban-dond) adj. (of be- illegally by force or fraud. ab*duc*
havior) showing abandon, lacking re- Won (ab-duk-sh6n) ab* due 'tor n.n.
straint, depraved. Ab-er-deen An-gus (ab-er-deen ang-
a -base (a-bays) v. (a -based, a-bas* gus) a Scottish breed of black hornless
ing) to humiliate, to degrade, a •base' cattle.
ment n. ab-er-rant (a-ber-ant) adj. deviating from
a* bash (abash) v. to embarrass, to con- what is normal or from a standard, ab-
found. earance (2-ber-ans) n. ab*er*ran*cy
a 'bashed (a-basht) adj. embarrassed or (5-ber-an-see) n.
ashamed, a-bash'ed-ly adv. ab*er*ra*tion (ab-£-ray-shdn) n. 1. a de-
a* bate (a-bayt) v. (a • bat-ed, a 'bat- viation from what is normal. 2. a mental
ing) 1 to make or become less. 2. (legal)
. or moral lapse. 3. a distortion, as of an
to end, abate the nuisance. 3. to die image produced through an imperfect
down, reduce, the storm abated a 'bate' lens.
ment n. a-bet (a-bet) v. (a-bet-ted, a*bet*
ab*at*toir (ab-a-twahr) n. a slaughter- ting) to encourage or assist in commit-
house. ting an offense. a*bet'tor n. a 'Defter
ab*bess (ab-es) n. a woman who is head n. a 'bet' ment n.
of an abbey of nuns. a*bey*ance (S-bay-ans) n. in abeyance,
ab-bey (ab-ee) n. {pi -beys)
a building 1 . (of a right or rule or problem etc.) sus-
occupied by monks or nuns living as a pended for a time.
community. 2. the community itself. 3. ab-hor (ab-hohr) v. (ab*horred, ab*
the church of an abbey. nor -ring) to detest.
ab*bot (ab-dt) n. a man who is head of ab* hor* rent (ab-hohr-ent) adj. detestable,
an abbey of monks. ab-hor'rence n.

abide / above

a* bide (a-bid) (a* bode pr. a-bohd, or

v. ab-o-li-tion-ist (ab-6-Ush-o-nist) n.
a-bid-ed, a-bid -ing) 1. (old use) to (sometimes Abolitionist) a person who
remain, to dwell. 2. to bear, to endure, advocates abolition, especially of slavery
can 't abide complainers. abide by, to of blacks in the U.S. in the 19th century.
act in accordance with; abide by a prom- A-bomb (ay-bom) n. an atomic bomb.
ise, keep it; abide by the consequences, a-bom-i-na-ble (a-bom-I-na-bel) adj.
accept them. 1. loathsome. 2. very bad
a-bid-ing (a-bi-ding) adj. long-lasting, or unpleasant, abominable weather.
permanent, a* bid'ing «ly adv. Abominable Snowman, a large
Ab-i-djan (ab-i-jahn) the capital of the manlike or bearlike animal said to exist
Ivory Coast. in the Himalayas, a yeti.
a-bil-i-ty (a-bil-i-tee)n. {pi -ties) 1. the a-bom-i-nate (a-bom-I-nayt) v. (a-bom-
quality that makes an action or process i-nat-ed, a-bom-i-nat-ing) to detest,
possible, the capacity or power to do to loathe.
something. 2. cleverness, talent. a-bom-i-na-tion (a-bom-T-nay-sh6n) n.
ab-ject (ab-jekt, ab-jekt) adj. 1. wretched, 1 loathing. 2. something loathed,
without resources, abject poverty. 2. lack- ab-o-rig-i-nal (ab-6-rij-T-nal) adj. exist-
ing all pride, an abject coward. 3. very ing in a land from earliest times or from
humble, an abject apology. ab-ject'ly before the arrival of colonists, aboriginal
adv. ab-ject'ness n. ab-jec-tion (ab- inhabitants or plants, aboriginal n. an
jek-shon) n. aboriginal inhabitant, especially (Abo-
ab-jure (ab-joor) v. (ab-jured, ab- riginal) of Australia.
juring) to renounce under oath, ab* ab-o-rig-i-ne (ab-o-rij-T-nee) n. one of
ju-ra-tion (ab-jii-ray-shdn) n. [>Do not the earliest known inhabitants of a conti-
confuse abjure with adjure. nent or country.
abl. abbr. ablative. a • bort (a-bort) v. 1 to cause abortion of.

ab-la-tive (ab-la-tiv) adj. of the case in 2. to induce abortion in. 3. to suffer abor-
Latin and other languages denoting di- tion. 4. to end or cause to end prema-
rection, from a place, also time and turely and unsuccessfully.
source, agent, or instrument, ablative a-bor-tion (a-bor-shdn) n. 1. the expul-
n. 1 the ablative case. 2. a word in this
. sion (either spontaneous or induced) of
case. a fetus from the womb before it is able
a* blaze (a-blayz) adj. blazing. to survive, especially in the first twenty-
a* ble (ay-bel) adj. (a* bier, a* blest) 1. eight weeks of pregnancy. 2. the fetus
having the ability to do something. 2. so aborted. 3. an immature or incomplete
having great ability, competent. ab / ly idea etc.
adv. a-bor-tion-ist (a-bor-shd-nist) n. a per-
a-ble-bod-ied (ay-bel-bod-eed) adj. fit son who induces abortions.
and strong. a-bor-tive (S-bor-tiv) adj. 1. producing
ab-lu-tions (a-bloo-sh6nz) n. pi washing. abortion. 2. unsuccessful, an abortive at-
perform one's ablutions, wash one- tempt a*bor'tive*ly adv. a-bor'tive-
self. ness n.

ABM abbr. antiballistic missile. a* bound (a-bownd) v. 1. to be plentiful,

ab-ne-gate (ab-ne-gayt) v. (ab-ne- fish abound 2. to have in
in the river.
gat-ed, ab-ne-gat-ing) 1. to deny great quantities, the river abounds in fish.
oneself (something). 2. to renounce (a a • &
bout (a-bo wt) adv. prep. 1 all around, .

right or belief)- look about you. 2. somewhere near, not

ab-ne-ga-tion (ab-ng-gay-sh6n) n. rejec- far off, hes somewhere about 3. here and
tion or renunciation, especially of a be- there in (a place), papers were lying about
lief, right, or responsibility. or about the room. 4. on the move, in
ab-nor-mal (ab-nor-mal) adj. different circulation, will soon be about again. 5.
from what is normal, ab-nor'mal-ly approximately, about $10. 6. in connec-
adv. ab-nor-mal -i-ty (ab-nor-mal-i- tion with, on the matter or subject of,
tee) n. what is he talking about? 7. so as to face
a* board (a-bohrd) adv. &prep, on or into in the opposite direction, put the ship
a ship, aircraft, or train. about Dbeabout to, to be on the point
a* bode 1 see abide. or verge of doing something.
a -bode 2 (a-bohd) n. a dwelling place. a* bout-face (a-bowt-fays) n. a complete
a-bol-ish (a-bol-ish) v. to put an end to, reversal of previous actions or opinions.
abolish slavery, ab-o-li-tion (ab-6-lish- a-bove (a-buv) adv. 1. at or to a higher
on) n. point. 2. earlier in a book or article, men-
ab-o-li-tion -ism (ab-d-lish-6-niz-em) n. tioned above, above prep. 1 over, higher .

a movement against slavery. than, more than. 2. upstream from. 3.

aboveboard / abstemious
beyond the level or reach of, she is above is absent from work etc. absentee
suspicion. 4. more important than, this ballot, a ballot cast by mail by a voter
above all away from his or her usual voting place.
a-bove-board (a-buv-bohrd) adj. & adv. absentee landlord, one who seldom
without deception or concealment, done visits the premises he lets.
honorably. ab* sen* tee* ism (ab-sen-tee-iz-em) n. fre-
ab-ra-ca-dabTa (ab-rS-ka-dab-ra) n. 1. quent absence from work or school.
a supposedly magic formula or spell. 2. ab-sent-mind-ed (ab-sent-mni-did) adj.
gibberish. with one's mind on other things, forget-
a-brade (a-brayd) v. (a-brad-ed, ful.
a*brad*ing) to scrape or wear away by ab- sin the, ab-sinth (ab-sinth) n. a green
rubbing. a*bra*sion (a-bray-z/ion) n. liqueur made from brandy with worm-
a-bra-sive (a-bray-slv) adj. 1. causing wood and other herbs.
abrasion. 2. harsh, causing angry feel- ab* SO* lute (ab-sd-loot) adj. 1. complete,
ings, an abrasive personality, abrasive absolute silence. 2. unrestricted, absolute
n. a substance used for grinding or pol- power. 3. independent, not relative, there
ishing surfaces. a*bra'sive*ly adv. is no absolute standard for beauty. 4. (in-
a*bra'sive*ness n . formal) utter, out-and-out, its an abso-
a* breast (a-brest) adv. 1. side by side and lute shame. absolute pitch, ability to
facing the same way. 2. keeping up, not recognize or reproduce the pitch of notes
behind, keep abreast of modern develop- in music; the pitch of a note defined sci-
ments. entifically in terms of vibrations per sec-
a •bridge (a-brij) v. (a* bridged, ond.
a •bridging) to shorten by using fewer ab*SO*lute*ly (ab-sd-loot-lee) adv. 1.
words, an abridged version of the novel. completely. 2. without restrictions, un-
a*bridg'ment n. conditionally. 3. actually, it absolutely
a broad (a-brawd) adv. 1 away from one's
• . exploded. 4. (informal) quite so, yes.
own country. 2. far and wide, every- ab*SO*lu*tlon (ab-so-loo-shdn) n. a
where, scattered the seeds abroad. 3. out priest's formal declaration of the forgive-
and about, the rumor has been abroad ness of penitents' sins.
formany days. ab*SO*lut*ism (ab-sd-loo-tiz-em) n. the
ab to* gate (ab-rd-gayt) v. (ab-ro- principle of absolute government, des-
gat-ed, ab-ro-gat-ing) to cancel or potism. ab'so*lut*ist n.
repeal, abrogate a law. ab-ro-ga-tion ab* solve (ab-zolv) v. (ab* solved, ab*
(ab-rd-gay-shdn) n. > Do not confuse ab- solving) 1. to clear of blame or guilt.
rogate with arrogate. 2. to give absolution to (a person). 3.
a-brupt (a-brupt) adj. 1. sudden, come to to free from an obligation.
an abrupt stop. 2. disconnected, not ab-sorb (ab-sorb) v. 1. to take in, to com-
smooth, short abrupt sentences. 3. curt. bine or merge into itself or oneself, absorb
4. (of a slope) very steep, a-brupt'ly fluid, food, knowledge; the large firm ab-
adv. a»brupt'ness n. sorbed the smaller ones, gained control
ab*scess (ab-ses) n. a collection of pus of them and incorporated them into its
formed in the body, ab'scessed adj. operations. 2. to bear the brunt of, to
ab-SCis-sa (ab-sis-a) n. {pi -SCiS* reduce the effect of, buffers absorbed most
sas, -scis-sae, pr. -sis-ee) 1. the part of the shock. 3. to occupy or hold the
of a line between a fixed point on it and attention or interest of, his work absorbs
the ordinate drawn to it from any other him completely; an absorbing book, ab*
point. 2. a coordinate measured parallel sorb'er n. ab* sorption (ab-sorp-
to the x-axis (horizontal axis). sh6n) n. ab*sorp*tive (ab-sorp-tiv) adj.
ab-scond (ab-skond) v. to go away se- ab*sorb'ing adj. ab*sorb / ing*ly adv.
cretly, especially after wrongdoing, ab* >Do not confuse absorb with adsorb.
scond / er n. ab*sorb*a*ble (ab-sor-ba-bSl) adj. able to
ab-sence (ab-sens) n. 1. being away, the be absorbed.
period of this. 2. lack, nonexistence, in ab*sorb*ent (ab-sor-bent) adj. able to ab-
the absence of proof 3. inattention, ab- sorb moisture absorbent cotton, ab*
sence of mind. sorb'en*cy n. >Do not confuse ab-
ab*sent (ab-sent) adj. 1. not present, ab- sorbent with adsorbent
sent from school 2. nonexistent, lacking. ab* Stain (ab-stayn) v. 1. to keep oneself
3. with one's mind on other things, stared from some action or indulgence, espe-
in an absent way. absent (ab-sent) v. cially from drinking alcohol. 2. to refrain
to stay away, absented himself from the from using one's vote. ab'Stain'er n.
meeting, ab'sent-ly adv. ab*Sten*tion (ab-sten-shdn) n.
ab* sen* tee (ab-sen-tee) n. a person who ab*ste*ml*ous (ab-stee-mi-us) adj. spar-
abstinence / accent
r ing in one's taking of food and drink, a-but*ment (i-but-ment) n, a support
not self-indulgent. u> An abstemious per- from which an arch or vault etc. springs,
son does not abstain entirely. ab*ste' and which receives the lateral thrust.
mi-ous-ly adv. ab*ste'mi-ous-ness a*bys*mai (a-biz-mal) adj. 1. extreme,
ru abysmal ignorance. 2. (informal) ex-
ab-sti-nence (ab-stl-nens) n. abstaining, tremely bad, their taste is abysmal
especially from food or alcohol, ab'sti- a-bys'mal-ly adv.
nent adj. a-byss (a-bis) ft. a hole so deep that it
ab stract (ab-strakt) adj. 1 having no ma-
• . appears bottomless.
terial existence. 2. theoretical rather than Ac symbol actinium.
practical, abstract n. 1 an abstract qual-
. AC, A.C., ac, a.C. abbr. alternating cur-
ity or idea. 2. a summary. 3. an example rent.
of abstract art. abstract (ab-strakt) v. A/C, a/C, ac abbr. 1 . account. 2. account
1. to take out, to separate, to remove. current.
2. to make a written summary, ab*" a-ca-cia (a-kay-sha) n. 1. a tree or shrub
stract'ly adv. ab-stract'ness n. ab* from which gum arabic is obtained. 2.
stract 'er n. abstract art, art that a related tree (the false acacia or locust
does not represent things pictorially but tree) grown for ornament.
expresses the artist's ideas or sensations. acad. abbr. 1. academic. 2. academy.
abstract expressionism, a form of ab- ac-a-dem-ic (ak-a-dem-ik) adj. 1. of a
stract art in which paint is applied by school, college, or university. 2. scholarly
spontaneous or random action of the ar- as opposed to technical or practical, aca-
tist, in the abstract, regarded theoreti- demic subjects. 3. of theoretical interest
cally, he favors economy in the abstract only, with no practical application, aca-
but refuses to economize. demic n. an academic person. ac*a*

ab- stract -ed (ab-strak-tid) adj. with dem'i-cal-ly adv.

one's mind on other things, not paying a*cad*e*mi*Cian (a-kad-e-mish-an) n. a
attention, ab stract'ed • ly
• adv. ab* member of an academy.
stract'ed-ness n. a*cad*e*my (a-kad-£-mee) ft. (pL -mles)

ab-strac-tion (ab-strak-shdn) ft. 1. ab- 1. a school, especially for specialized

stracting, removing. 2. an abstract idea. training. 2. Academy, a society of schol-
3. abstractedness. 4. an example of ab- ars or artists.
stract art. a* can* thus (a-kan-thiis) ft. 1. a herba-
ab-struse (ab-stroos) adj. hard to under- ceous plant with large prickly leaves. 2.
stand, profound. ab*struse / ly adv. ab* a decoration resembling such leaves, in
struse'ness «. Greek architecture.
ab-surd (ab-surd) adj. 1. not in accord- a cap* pel* la (ah ki-pel-a) (of choral mu-
ance with common sense, very unsuita- sic) unaccompanied. D> Italian, = in
ble. 2. ab*surd'ly
ridiculous, foolish. church style.
adv. ab*surd'i*ty n. {pi -ties). ace. abbr. 1. account. 2. accusative.
A*bu Dha-bi (ah-boo dah-bee) the capital ac-cede (ak-seed) v. (ac-ced-ed, ac*
of the federation of United Arab Emir- ced*ing) 1. to take office, to become
ates. monarch, she acceded to the throne
a* bun* dance (a-bun-dans) n. a quantity twenty-six years ago. 2. to agree to what
that is more than enough, plenty. is proposed, please accede to our request
a-bun-dant (a-bun-dant) adj. 1. more [>Do not confuse accede with exceed
than enough, plentiful. 2. having plenty ac- eel -en ate (ak-sel-£-rayt) v. (ac*
of something, rich, a land abundant in cel-er-at-ed, ac-cel-er-at-ing) 1. to
minerals. a-bun'dant-ly adv. cause to move faster or happen earlier,
a-buse (a-byoos) n. 1. a misuse. 2. an un- to increase the speed of a motor vehicle.
just or corrupt practice. 3. abusive 2. to become faster, to move or happen
words, insults, abuse (a-byooz) v. more quickly, ac-cel-er-a-tlon (ak-
(a* bused, a* bus* ing) 1 to make a bad
. sel-£-ray-shdn) ft.
or wrong use of, abuse one's authority. ac-cel-er-a-tor (ak-sel-^-ray-t6r) ft. 1. a
2. to treat badly. 3. to attack in words, device for increasing speed, a pedal con-
to utter insults to or about. trolling the throttle in a motor vehicle.
a*bu*sive (a-byoo-siv) adj. insulting, crit- 2. an apparatus using electric and mag-
icizing harshly or angrily. a*bu / 8ive* netic fields to give high velocities to free
ly adv. a-bu'sive-ness n. electrons or other atomic particles.
a* but (abut) v. (a* but* ted, a* but* ac-cent (ak-sent) n. 1. emphasis on a syl-
ting) to have a common boundary, to lable or word. 2. a mark indicating such
end or lean against, their land abuts on emphasis or the quality of a vowel sound.
ours. 3. a national, local, or individual way
accentuate / according
of pronouncing words. 4. the emphasis (acclhmat-ed, accli* maMng) to
given to something, the accent is on qual- new climate or new condi-
get used to a
ity, accent (ak-sent, ak-sent) v. 1 to pro- . tions, acclhma-tion (ak-II-may-shdn)
nounce with an accent. 2. to emphasize. n. >Do not confuse acclimation with ac-
accen*tu*al (ak-sen-choo-al) adj. clamation.
accen*tu*ate (ak-sen-chco-ayt) v. (ac accli*ma*tize (a-kk-ma-tiz) v. (ac
cen-tu-at-ed, accen*tu*at*lng) to cli*ma*tized, accli*ma*tiz*ing) to
emphasize. accen*tu*a*tion (ak-sen- acclimate, accli-ma-ti-za-tion (a-kli-
choo-ay-shdn) n. ma-ti-zay-shon) n.
accept (ak-sept) v. 1. to take (a thing ac* CO* lade (ak-d-layd) n. 1. a ceremonial
offered) willingly, to say yes to an offer tap on the shoulder with the flat of a
or invitation. 2. to undertake (a responsi- sword, given to mark the conferring of
bility); we accept liability for the accident, knighthood. 2. praise, approval.
agree that we are legally responsible. 3. ac* com* mo* date (a-kom-d-dayt) v.
to treat as welcome, they were never re- (accom*mo*dat*ed accom*mo*
ally accepted by their neighbors. 4. to be dat-ing) 1. to provide or supply. 2. to
willing to agree to, we accept the proposed provide lodging or room for. 3. to adapt,
changes. 5. to take as true, we do not to make harmonize, / will accommodate
accept your conclusions. accep'tor n.
my plans to yours.
>Do not confuse accept with except. accom*mo*dat*ing (a-kom-6-day-ting)
acceptable (ak-sep-ta-bel) adj. 1.
adj. willing to do as one is asked.
worth accepting. 2. tolerable, an accepta- accom*mo*da*tion (a-kom-d-day-
ble risk. accept'a*bly adv. accept- sh5n) n. 1 the process of accommodat-

a*bil*i*ty (ak-sep-ta-bil-i-tee) n.
ing or adapting. 2. accommodations,
acceptance (ak-sep-tans) n. 1. the act
lodgings, living premises.
of accepting. 2. an agreement to pay a
accom*pa*ni*ment (a-kum-pa-ni-
bill, a bill so accepted.
ment) n. 1. an accompanying thing. 2.
access (ak-ses) n. 1. a way in, a means an instrumental part supporting a solo
of approaching or entering, the window
instrument, a voice, or a choir.
provided easy access. 2. the right or op-
portunity of reaching or using, students
accom*pa*nist (a-kum-pa-nist) n. a per-
son who plays a musical accompaniment.
need access to books. 3. an attack of emo-
tion, an access of tears. >Do not confuse
accom*pa*ny (a-kum-pa-nee) v. (ac*

access with excess.

com*pa*nied, ac*com*pa*nying)
1 to go with, to travel with as a compan-
acces-si-ble (ak-ses-i-bel) adj. able to .

ion or helper. 2. to be present with, the

be reached or used. acces'shbly adv.
fever was accompanied by delirium. 3.
ac • ces • si • bil • • ty (ak-ses-T-bil-i-tee) n.

acces-sion (ak-sesh-on) n. 1. reaching to provide in addition. 4. to play a musi-

a rank or position, the monarch's acces- cal accompaniment to.

sion to the throne. 2. an addition, being accomplice (a-kqm-plis) n. a partner

added, recent museum accessions. in wrongdoing.
acceS'SOTy (ak-ses-6-ree) adj. addi- accomplish (a-kom-plish) v. to succeed

tional, extra, accessory n. 1. a thing in doing, to fulfill. acconVplish-er n.

that is extra, useful, or decorative but accomplished (a-kom-plisht) adj.

not essential, a minor fitting or attach- skilled, having many accomplishments.

ment. 2. a person who helps another in ac • com • plish • ment (a-kom-plish-ment)
a crime. n. 1. accomplishing. 2. skill in a social

acci-dent (ak-si-dent) n. 1. an unex- or domestic art.

pected or undesirable event, especially accord (a-kord) n. consent, agreement.
one causing injury or damage. 2. chance, accord v. 1 to be in harmony or consis-

fortune, we met by accident. tent. 2. to give or grant, he was accorded

ac • ci • den • tal (ak-si-den-tal) adj. happen- this privilege, accord'ant adj. Dot
ing by accident, accidental n. a sign one's ownaccord, without being
attached to a single note in music, show- asked or compelled, with one accord,
ing temporary departure from the key all agreeing.
signature, acchden'tahly adv. accordance (a-kor-dans) n. agreement,
ac* claim (a-klaym) v. to welcome with conformity.
shouts of approval, to applaud enthusias- according (a-kor-ding) adv. according
tically, acclaim n. a shout of welcome, as, in proportion as, in a manner that
applause. accla«ma*tion (ak-la-may- depends on, was praised or blamed ac-
shSn) n. ODonot confuse acclamation cording as her work was good or bad. ac-
with acclimation. cording to, as stated by or in, according
accli*mate (ak-H-mayt, a-kli-mit) v. to the Bible; in a manner consistent with
accordingly / ace 8

r or in proportion
to size.
to, grouped according tribute, to credit,
ac cred
• •!• taction
accordingly (a-kor-ding-lee) adv. 1. ac*cred*lt*ed (a-kred-i-tid) adj. 1. offi-
according to what is known or stated, cially recognized, the school is fully ac-
find out the facts and act accordingly. credited 2. generally accepted or be-
2. therefore. being of a prescribed
lieved. 3. certified as
accor-di-on (a-kor-di-dn) n. a portable quality.
musical instrument with bellows, keys, accrete (a-kreet) v. (accret*ed, ac*
and metal reeds, accordion adj. folding cret*ing) 1. to grow by addition of for-
like a bellows. eign material or by natural growth. 2.
accor-di*on*ist (a-kor-di-d-nist) n. a to grow together, into one.
person who plays the accordion. accretion (a-kree-shdn) n. 1. a growth
accost (a-kawst) v. 1. to approach and or increase by means of gradual addi-
speak (of a prostitute) to solicit.
to. 2. tions. 2. the growing of separate things
ac count (a-kownt) n. 1. a statement of into one.
money paid or owed for goods or serv- accrue (a-kroo) v. (accrued, ac*
ices. 2. a credit arrangement with a cru*lng) to come as a natural increase
bank or business firm. 3. importance, or advantage, to accumulate, interest
that is of no account 4. a description, accrues on a savings account accru'al
a report, account v. to regard as, a per- n.
son is accounted innocent until proved accul*tur*a*tlon (a-kul-chu-ray-shon)
guilty. account book, a book for n. process of adapting to a different cul-
keeping accounts in. account execu- ture.
tive, a person in a business who is re- accu-mu-late (a-kyoo-myu-layt) v.

sponsible for overseeing a client's ac- (accu*mu*lat*ed, accu-mu*lat-

count, account for, to give a reckoning ing) 1 . to acquire an increasing quantity
of (money received); to explain the cause of. 2. to increase in quantity or amount,
of; to be the explanation of. account accu'mu-la-tor n. accu*mu*la*
payable, (in bookkeeping) a liability to tlon (a-kyoo-myu-lay-shdn) n.
a creditor, account receivable, (in ac cerate free from
(tk-yu-rit) adj. 1.
bookkeeping) a claim against a debtor. error, conforming exactly to a standard
by all accounts, according to what or to truth. 2. careful and exact, showing
everyone says, give a good account precision, an accurate mind, ac'cu*
of oneself, to perform well, keep ac rate-ly adv. ac'cu -ra-cy n. ac'cu-
counts, to keep a systematic record of rate-ness n,
money spent and received, on account, accurs*ed (a-kur-sid) adj. 1. under a
as an interim payment, here is $10 on curse. 2. (informal) detestable, hateful.
account; debited to be paid for later, access* tlon (ak-yu-zay-shdn) n. 1. ac-
bought it on account on account Of, cusing, being accused. 2. a statement ac-
because of. on no account, under no cusing a person of a fault, crime, or
circumstances, never, on one's own wrongdoing.
account, for one's own purposes and ac-cu-sa-tlve (a-kyoo-za-tiv) adj. of the
at one's own risk, take Into account, case denoting the object of a verb or
to make allowances for. preposition, accusative n. 1 the accu- .

account -a -Die (a-kown-ta-bel) adj. 1. sative or objective case. 2. a word in this

obliged to give a reckoning or explana- case, as him in we saw him,
tion for one's actions etc., responsible. accuse (a-kyooz) v. (accused, ac*
2. able to be explained, account -a- cus-lng) to state that one lays blame
bll-l-ty (a-kown-ta-bil-i-tee) n. for a fault, crime, or wrongdoing etc.
ac* count* ant (a-kown-tant) n. a person upon (a named person), accus'er n.
whose profession is to audit and maintain D
ac • cus 'Ing • ly adv. the accused, the
business accounts and to file tax returns, person accused in a criminal court
ac -count 'an -cy n. case.
ac* count *ing (a-kown-ting) n. the process ac* CUS* torn (a-kus-t6m) v. to make or be-
of keeping and verifying accounts. come used to.
accou*tre*ments (a-koo-tre-ments) n. ac-cus-tomed (a-kus-t6md) adj. usual,
pi equipment, a soldier's outfit other customary, in his accustomed seat
than weapons and clothes. ace (ays) a playing card with one
n. 1.
Ac* era (a-krah) the capital of Ghana. who has shot down
pip. 2. a fighter pilot
ac cred • it (a-kred-it) v. 1 to gain sanction
• . five or planes, a person who
more enemy
or belieffor. 2. to provide with creden- excels at something. 3. a tennis serve that
as an ambassador. 3. to certify as
tials, one's opponent cannot return, ace v.
meeting specific requirements. 4. to at- (aced, acing) to score an ace. Dhave

9 acerbate / acquittal
an ace up one's sleeve, to have some- lated. 2. somewhat sarcastic.
thing effective kept secretly in reserve. ack-ack (ak-ak) n. antiaircraft guns or
play one's ace, to use one's best re- gunfire.
source, within an ace of, on the verge ac* knowledge (ak-nol-ij) v. (ac*
of, was within an ace of collapse, knowl • edged, ac • knowl • edg • ing) 1
ac -en bate (as-er-bayt) v. (acenbat* to admit that something is true or valid.
ed, ac*er*bat*ing) 1. to make sour or 2. to report that one has received some-
make angry.
bitter. 2. to thing, acknowledge her letter. 3. to ex-
a*cer*bi*ty (a-sur-bi-tee) n. sharpness of press thanks for, acknowledge his services
speech or manner, a*cerb' adj. to the town. 4. to indicate that one has
ac-e-tate (as-e-tayt) n. 1 a compound de-
. noticed or recognized, acknowledged my
rived from acetic acid. 2. a fabric made presence with a smile, acknowledg-
from cellulose acetate. ment n.
a* Celtic (a-see-tik) adj. of vinegar. ac*me (ak-mee) n. the highest point, the
D acetic acid, the acid that gives vine- peak of perfection.
gar characteristic taste and smell.
its ac-ne (ak-nee) n. inflammation of the oil
ace* tone (as-e-tohn) n. a colorless liquid glands of the skin, producing pimples.
used as a solvent. ac • o * lyte (ak-6-lit) n. a person who assists
a-cet-ylene (a-set-i-leen) n. a gas that a priest in certain church services.
burns with a bright flame, used in cutting aco-nite (ak-6-nit) n. a perennial plant
and welding metal. of the buttercup family, with a poisonous
a • ce • tyl • sal • • cyl • ic (a-see-tf 1-sal-I-sil-
i root.
ik) acid aspirin. a •corn (ay-korn) n. the nut of the oak
ache (ayk) v. (ached, ach* ing) 1. to suf- tree.
fer a dull continuous physical or mental a-cous-tic (a-koo-stik) adj. of sound or
pain. 2. to yearn, ache n. a dull continu- the sense of hearing, of acoustics,
ous pain. ach*y (ay-kee) adj. (ach- a-cous'ti-cal adj. a-cous'ti-cal-
her, ach *i -est). ly adv.
a*Chieva*ble (a-chee-va-bel) adj. able to a-cous-tics (a-koo-stiks) n. pi. the prop-
be achieved. erties of sound, the qualities of a hall
a-chieve (a-cheev) v. (a-chieved, etc. that make it good or bad for carrying
a*chiev*ing) to accomplish, to gain or sound.
reach by effort, we achieved success at ac* quaint (a-kwaynt) make aware
last a -enlevement n. or familiar, acquaint him with the facts.
A-chil-les (a-kil-eez) heel a weak or vul- be acquainted with, to know
nerable point. >
Named after a hero in slightly.
Greek legend who was invulnerable ex- ac* quaint -ance (a-kwayn-tans) n. 1. be-
cept in his heel. ing acquainted. 2. a person one knows
Achilles (a-kil-eez) tendon a tendon in slightly. ac*quain tance*ship n.
the heel by which calf muscles extend ac-qui-esce (ak-wi-es) v. (ac*qui*
the foot. esced, ac* qui* esc* ing) to agree with-
acid (as-id) adj. 1. sharp tasting, sour. out protest, to assent. Uacquiesce in,
2.looking or sounding bitter, acid re- to accept as an arrangement.
marks, acid n. 1. a sour substance. 2. ac • qui -es- cent (ak-wi-es-ent) adj. ac-
any of a class of substances containing quiescing, ac'quhes'cence n.
hydrogen that can be replaced by a metal acquire (a-kwir) v. (acquired, ac-
to form a salt. 3. (slang) the drug LSD. quiring) to gain possession of. ac*
ac'id-ly adv. Dacid test, a severe or quire / ment n. acquired taste, a lik-

conclusive test. >Acid is applied to a ing gained through experience.

metal to test whether it is gold or not. ac*qui*si*tion (ak-wi-zish-dn) n. 1. ac-
ac* id* head (as-id-hed) n. (slang) a user quiring. 2. something acquired.
of LSD. acquisitive (5-kwiz-i-tiv) adj. eager to
a-cid-ic (a-sid-ik) adj. of or like an acid. acquire things, acquis'i-tive-ly adv.
a-cid-i-fy (a-sid-I-fi) v. (a*cid-i-fied, acquisitiveness n.

a-cid-i-fy-ing) to make or become acquit (a-kwit) v. (ac* quit* ted, ac

acid. quit* ting) to declare (a person) to be
a-cid-i-ty (a-sid-i-tee) n. 1. being acid. 2. not guilty of the crime etc. with which
an over-acid condition of the stomach. he was charged. acquit oneself, to
aci -do-sis (as-i-doh-sis) n. an over-acid conduct oneself, to perform, he acquitted
condition of the blood or body tissues. himself well in the test
a-cid-u-lat-ed (a-sij-u-lay-tid) adj. made acquit-tal (5-kwit-al) n. a judgment that
slightly acid. a person is not guilty of the crime with
a-cid-u-lous (a-sij-u-lus) adj. 1. acidu- which he was charged.
acre / actor 10

a -ere (ay-ker) n. a measure of land,

1. the Apostles, a book of the New Testa-
4840 sq. yds. 2. a stretch of land, broad ment relating the early history of the
acres. Christian Church and dealing largely
a* ere* age (ay-ke-rij) n. 1. the total num- with the lives and work of the Apostles
ber of acres. 2. a large land holding. Peter and Paul, traditionally ascribed to
ac rid (ak-rid) adj. 1 having a bitter smell
. St. Luke, act the fool, to behave in a
or taste. 2. bitter in temper or manner, ridiculous manner, act up, to misbe-
ac'rid-ness n. a-crid-i-ty (a-krid-i- have, to function improperly, (of an ill-
tee) n. ness) to recur.
ac ri• • mo
ny (ak-ri-moh-nee) n. bitterness

ACTH abbr. adrenocorticotropic hor-
of manner or words. acri*mo*ni*OUS mone.
(ak-n-moh-ni-us) adj. acrlTno'nl* act'lng (ak-ting) adj. serving temporarily,
ous-ly adv. especially as a substitute, the acting presi-
aero -bat (ak-rd-bat) n. a performer of dent of the group.
spectacular gymnastic feats. aero* bat • ac* tin •l*um (ak-tin-i-um) n. a radioactive
ic (ak-rd-bat-ik) adj. acro-bat'l-cal- metallic chemical element.
ly adv. action (ak-shdn) n. 1. the process of do-
ac • ro -bat -Ics (ak-r6-bat-iks) n. 1 the do- .
ing something, the exertion of energy or
ing of acrobatic feats, acrobatics is fun influence,go into action: the action of acid
to watch. 2. these feats.
on metal, the way it affects metal. 2. a
acro-nym (ak-rd-nim) n. a word formed thing done, generous actions. 3. a series
from the initial letters of other words, of events in a story or play, the action
as NATO, radar.
is set in Spain. 4. a way or manner of
ac-ro-pho-bi-a (ak-ro-foh-bi-a) n. an ab- moving or functioning, the mechanism
normal fear of being at a great height.
of an instrument. 5. a lawsuit. 6. a battle,
a-crop-O'lis (a-krop-6-lis) n. the citadel
killed in action. 7. actions, conduct.
or upper fortified part of an ancient
Greek city. Dthe Acropolis, that of
D action painting, abstract painting us-
ing spontaneous techniques of applying
paint to the canvas, as dribbling or splat-
a* cross (a-kraws) adv. & prep. 1. from
tering, out of action, not working, take
one side of a thing to the other. 2. to
action, to do something in response to
or on the other side of. 3. so as to be
what has happened.
understood or accepted, got his points
ac-tion -a -Die (ak-sho-na-bel) adj. giving
across to the audience. 4. so as to form
cause for a lawsuit.
a cross or intersect, laid across each other.
D>The word acrost does not exist in good acti-vate (ak-tl-vayt) v. (activat-
English. ed, ac-tl-vat-ing) 1. to make active.
2. to treat (charcoal etc.) so as to improve
a-cross-the-board (a-kraws- r/ie-bohrd)
adj.(of a racing bet) wagering in equal
1 .
adsorptive properties. 3. to aerate (sew-
amounts to win, place, and show. 2. ap- age) to hasten decomposition. 4. to call
plying to all members or groups, an (a military unit etc.) to active duty, ac'
across-the-board cost-of-living increase. ti-va-tor n. ac-ti-va-tion (ak-tl-vay-
a*cros*tic (a-kraw-stik) n. a word puzzle shdn) n. >Note the differences between
or poem in which the first or last letters activate and actuate.
of each line form a word or words. ac* tive (ak-tiv) adj. 1 moving about, char-

acrostic adj. a-cros'ti-cal-ly adv. acterized by energetic action. 2. taking

a*cryl*ic (a-kril-ik) adj. of a synthetic ma- part in activities. 3. functioning, in oper-
terial made from an organic acid, acrylic ation; an active volcano, one that erupts
n. an acrylic fiber, plastic, or resin. occasionally. 4. having an effect, the ac-
act (akt) n. 1. something done. 2. tive ingredients, n. the form of
the process of doing something, caught a verb used when
the subject of the sen-
in the act 3. a decree, statute, or law. tence isthe doer of the action, as saw
4. one of the main divisions of a play. in we saw him. active -ly adv. active-
5. one of a series of short performances ness n. active service, full-time
in a program, a circus act. 6. (informal) service in the armed forces.
a pose or pretense, put on an act act activist person who fol-
(ak-tT-vist) n. a
v. 1. to perform actions, to behave, you lows a policy of vigorous action, espe-
acted wisely. 2. to do what is required, cially in politics.
to function, act as umpire. 3. to have ac-tivl-ty (ak-tiv-i-tee) n. (pL -ties) 1.
an effect on, acid acts on metal. 4. to being active, the exertion of energy. 2.
portray by actions, to perform a part in energetic action, being busy. 3. actions,
a play etc. Gact of God, the operation occupations, outdoor activities.
of uncontrollable natural forces. Acts of actor (ak-tdr) n. a performer in a stage
11 actual / address

play, a film, etc. ac* tress (ak-tris) n. able for a new use or situation, a* dap'
fern. tive adj. ad*ap*ta*tion (ad-ap-tay-
ac*tu*al (ak-choo-al) adj. existing in fact, shdn) n. >Do not confuse adapt with
real, current, ac'tu*al*ly adv. adopt.
ac-tu-al-i-ty (ak-choo-al-i-tee) n. {pi a*dapt*a*ble (a-dap-ta-bel) adj. 1. able
-ties) reality. to be adapted. 2. able to adapt oneself.
ac • tu • al • ize (ak-choo-5-hz)
v. (ac tu • al • •
a*dapt*a*bil*i*ty (a-dap-ta-bil-i-tee)
ized, ac*tu*al*iz*ing) to realize in ac- n.
tion. ac*tu*al*i*za*tion (ak-chco-a-li- a*dapt*er, a*dap*tor (i-dap-ter) tu a de-
zay-shdn) n. vice that connects pieces of equipment
ac-tu-ar-y (ak-choo-er-ee) n. {pi -ar* that were not originally designed to be
ies) an expert in statistics who calculates connected.
insurance rates and premiums. ac*tu* add (ad) v. 1 to join (one thing to another)

ar*i*al (ak-choo-air-i-al) adj. as an increase or supplement; this adds

ac-tu-ate (ak-choo-ayt) v. (ac*tu*at* to the expense, increases it. 2. to put num-
ed, ac*tu*at*ing) 1. to activate (a bers or amounts together to get a total.
movement or process). 2. to be a motive 3. to make a further remark, add'er n.
for (a person's actions). ac'tu*a*tor n. Dadd up, to find the total of; (informal)
ac*tu*a*tion (ak-choo-ay-sh6n) n. to seem consistent or reasonable, his story
>Note the differences between actuate doesn't add up. add up to, to yield as
and activate. a total; (informal) to result in, to be
a*cu*i*ty (a-kyoo-i-tee) tu {pi -ties) per- equivalent to.
ception, keenness of perception. ad -dend (ad-end) n. a number to be added
a*CU*men (a-kyoo-men) n. sharpness of to another.
mind, shrewdness. ad*den*dum (a-den-dum) n. {pi -da, pr.
ac-u -puncture (ak-yu-pungk-chur) n. -da) additional matter at the end of a
pricking the tissues of the body with fine book or other document, the paper has
needles to relieve pain or as a local an- three addenda.
esthetic. ad*der (ad-er) n. 1. a small poisonous
ac*u*punc*tur*ist (ak-yu-pungk-chu- snake, the European viper. 2. any of sev-
rist) tu a practitioner of acupuncture. eral harmless North American snakes.
a* cute (a-kyoot) adj. 1. sharp, pointed. ad* diet (ad-ikt) n. a person who is ad-
2. very perceptive, having a sharp mind. dicted to something, especially to drugs.
3. sharp or severe in its effect, acute pain; addict (a-dikt) v. 1 to be or cause to

an acute shortage. 4. (of an illness) com- be dependent on a drug. 2. to be or cause

ing sharply to a crisis of severity, acute to be a devotee, to do or use something
appendicitis. a*cute'ly adv. a* cute' habitually, ad-dic-tion (S-dik-sh6n) tu
ness n. acute accent, a mark over ad*dict*ed (a-dik-tid) adj. 1 doing or us-

a vowel, as over e in cafe, acute angle, ing something as a habit or compulsively.

an angle of less than 90°. 2. devoted to something as a hobby or
ad (ad) n. (informal) an advertisement. interest.
A.D. abbr. of the Christian era. C>From ad* die* tive (S-dik-tiv) adj. causing addic-
the Latin anno domini, = in the year tion.
of Our Lord. Ad'dis Ab*a*ba (ad-is ab-a-ba) the capi-
ad* age (ad-ij) n. an old familiar saying, tal of Ethiopia.
a proverb. ad-di-tion (a-dish-dn) n. 1. adding, being
a-da-gio (a-dah-joh) adj. & adv. (as a mu- added. 2. a thing added to something
sical direction) in slow time, adagio n. else. Din addition, as an extra thing
a musical movement in slow time. or circumstance.
Ad* am (ad-am) (in the Old Testament) the ad*di*tlon*al (5-dish-d-nal) adj. added,
first man; / don *t know him from Adam, extra. ad*di'tion*al*ly adv.
do not recognize him or know what he ad »di* tive (ad-i-tiv) adj. involving addi-
looks like. LJ Adam's apple, the pro- tion, additive n. a substance added in
jection of cartilage at the front of the small amounts for a special purpose.
neck, especially in men. ad* die (ad-el) v. (ad* died, ad-dling) 1.
ad*a*mant (ad-a-mant) adj. unyielding to to become rotten, addled eggs. 2. to mud-
requests, quite firm. ad'a*mant*ly adv. dle or confuse, addle one's brains.
Ad-ams (ad-amz), John (1735-1826) the ad* dress (ad-res, a-dres) n. 1. the place
second president of the U.S. 1797-1801. where a person lives, particulars of where
Ad*ams (ad-amz), John Quin*cy (1767- mail should be delivered to a person or
1848) the sixth president of the U.S. firm. 2. (S-dres) a speech delivered to
1825-29. an audience, address (5-dres) v. 1. to
a-dapt (a-dapt) v. to make or become suit- write directions for delivery on (an enve-
addressee / adman 12

lope or package). 2. to make

a speech ad-ja-cent (a-jay-sent) adj. lying near,
to. 3. to direct a remark or written state- adjoining.
ment to. 4. to use a particular word or ad-jec-tive (aj-ik-tiv) n. a word added
words in speaking or writing to, how to to a noun to describe a quality or modify
address a bishop. 5. to apply (oneself) a meaning, as old, tall, Swedish, my, this.
to a task or problem. 6. to take aim at ad*]ec*ti*val (aj-ik-ti-val) adj. ad*
(the ball) in golf. forms of address, jec*ti'val*ly adv.
words (as Mr., Sir, Your Majesty) used ad* join v. to be next or nearest to.
in addressing a person. >Do not confuse adjoin with adjourn.
ad* dress *ee (ad-re-see) n.»a person to ad* joining (a-joi-ning) adj. 1. touching
whom a
letter etc. is addressed. or joining at a point or line. 2. connected
ad-duce (a-doos) v. (adduced, ad* by a shared door or doorway, adjoining
dueling) to offer as an example, reason, rooms.
or proof. ad*journ (a- jura) v. 1. to postpone, to
-ade suffix used to form nouns meaning break off temporarily. 2. to break off and
act, action, as in blockade; product, espe- go elsewhere, lets adjourn to the bar. ad*
cially a sweet drink, as in orangeade. jOunVment n. >Do
not confuse ad-
A* den (ah -den) the capital of the Demo- journ with adjoin.
cratic Republic of Yemen. ad* judge (a-juj) v. (ad -judged, ad*
ad*e*noids n. pi enlarged
(ad-e-noidz) judg-ing) 1. to decide or award judi-
spongy tissue between the back of the cially, he was adjudged to be guilty. 2.
nose and the throat, often hindering to act as judge. 3. to deem to be.
breathing. ad*e*noi*dal (ad-e-noi-dal) ad*ju*di*cate (a-joo-di-kayt) v. (ad*
adj. ju*di*cat*ed, ad*)u*di*cat*ing) 1. to
ad-ept (adept) adj. very skillful, adept act as judge in a court, tribunal, or com-
(ad-ept) n. a person who is very skillful, petition. 2. to judge and pronounce a
an adept at billiards. a-dept'ly adv. decision upon, to settle judicially.
a*dept / ness n. ad junct
• (aj-ungkt) n. something or some-
ad-e-quate (ad-e-kwit) adj. 1. sufficient, one added or attached but subordinate.
satisfactory. passable but not out-
2. adjunct adj. serving in this manner, an
standingly good. ad / e*quate*ly adv. adjunct professor.
ad*e*qua*cy (ad-e-kwa-see) n. ad* jure (a-joor) v. (adjured, ad*jur*
ad* here (ad-heer) v. (ad-hered, ad* ing) to command or urge solemnly, /
her*ing) 1. to stick when glued or by adjure you to tell the truth. 8d*ju*ra*
suction or as if by these. 2. to remain tlon (aj-ii-ray-shdn) n. >
Do not confuse
faithful, to continue to give one's support adjure with abjure.
(to a person or cause). 3. to keep to and ad* just (a-just) v. 1. to arrange, to put
not alter, we adhered to our plan. into the proper position. 2. to alter by
ad*her*ent (ad-heer-ent) adj. sticking, ad- a small amount so as to fit or be right
hering, adherent n. a supporter of a for use,jhe brakes need adjusting. 3. to
party or doctrine, ad-her'ence n. be able to be adjusted. 4. to adapt or
ad-he-sion (ad-hee-z/rdn) n. 1. adhering. adapt oneself to new circumstances, had
2. the growing together of normally sepa- difficulty in adjusting to college. 5. to as-
rate tissues of the body as a result of sess (loss or damages), ad* just 'er n.
inflammation or injury, tissue growing ad-jus'tor n. ad*just'ment n.
in this way. ad • just *a* Die (a-jus-ta-bel) adj. able to
ad*he*sive (ad-hee-siv) adj. causing be adjusted.
things to adhere, sticky, adhesive n. an ad-ju-tant (aj-u-tant) n. an army officer
adhesive substance. ad*he / sive*ness assisting a superior officer with adminis-
n. adhesive tape, a strip of cloth, trative work.
paper, or transparent material coated ad lib lib) (informal) words, gestures,
with adhesive, used for covering wounds, etc. spoken impromptu. I>From the
fastening packages, etc. Latin ad libitum, according to pleasure.
ad hoc (ad hok) for a specific purpose, ad-lib v. (ad-libbed, ad-lib -Ding) (in-
an ad hoc committee. t> Latin, = for this. formal) to speak impromptu, to impro-
a-dieu (a-dyoo) interj. &
n. {pi -dieus, vise remarks or actions, ad-lib adj. (in-
-dieux, pr. a-dyooz) goodby. formal) said or done impromptu, his
ad in-fi-ni'tum (ad in-fi-m-tum) without remarks were entirely ad-lib.
limit, forever. > Latin, = to infinity. adm. abbr. 1. administrative. 2. adminis-
ad*i*OS (ad-i-ohs) interj. goodby. tration.
ad* I* pose (ad-i-pohs) adj. of animal fat, Adm. abbr. Admiral.
fatty. ad*i*DOS*i*ty (ad-i-pos-i-tee) n. ad* man (ad-man) n.{pl ad* men, pr. ad-
adj. abbr. 1. adjective. 2. adjutant. men) (slang) a person who writes, solic-
13 administer / adroit
its, or places advertisements to earn his ad*mit*ted*ly (ad-mit-id-lee) adv. as an
livelihood. acknowledged fact.
ad*min*is*ter (ad-min-i-stei) v. 1. to ad*mix*ture (ad-miks-chur) n. 1. some-
manage the business be an
affairs of, to thing added as an ingredient. 2. a mix-
administrator. 2. to give or hand out for- ture.
mally, to provide, administer justice; ad- ad*mon*ish (ad-mon-ish) v. 1. to advise
minister the oath of office, hear the person or urge seriously. 2. to reprove mildly
swear it officially. >See the note under but firmly. ad*mon*i*to*ry (ad-mon-i-
minister. tohr-ee) adj. ad*mo*ni*tion (ad-md-
ad*mln*is*trate (ad-min-i-strayt) v. nish-dn) n.

(ad*min*is*trat*ed, ad*min*is*trat* ad nau-se-am (ad naw-zi-tim) to a sick-

ing) to act as administrator of. Careful > ening extent. > Latin.
writers prefer administer. a* do (a-doo) n. fuss, trouble, excitement.
ad*min*is*tra*tion (ad-min-i-stray- a* do* be (a-doh-bee) n. 1. sun-dried clay
shon) n. 1 administering. 2. the manage-
used for building etc. 2. a house made
ment of public or business affairs. 3. a of such clay bricks.
governing group under a president, gov- ad • o • les • cent (ad-6-les-ent) adj. between
ernor, etc., its period of office. childhood and maturity, adolescent n.
ad •m n • is • tra • ti ve
i (ad-min-i-stray - ti v) an adolescent person, ad *o* les'ce nee
adj.of or involving administration, ad •
min'is*tra*tive*ly adv. A*do*nls (a-don-is) n. a handsome young

ad • min • is • tra • tor (ad-min-i-stray-tSr) n. man. > Named after a beautiful youth
1. a person responsible for administra-
in mythology, loved by Venus.
tion, one who has a talent for this. 2. a
a-dopt (a-dopt) v. 1. to take into one's
family as a relation, especially as one's
person appointed to administer an estate.
child with legal guardianship. 2. to take
ad*mi*ra*ble (ad-mf-ra-bel) adj. worthy
and use as one's own, adopted this name
of admiration, excellent, ad'mi*ra*
or custom. 3. to approve or accept (a
bly adv.
report or financial accounts). a*dop*
ad* mi* rat (ad-mi-ral) n. a naval officer of
tion (a-dop-shon) n. t>Do not confuse
high rank, commander of a fleet or
adopt with adapt.
squadron; fleet admiral, admiral, vice ad-
a*dop*tive (S-dop-tiv) adj. related to
miral, rear admiral the four grades of
adoption, adoptive parents.
such officers.
a -dor -a -Die (a-dohr-a-bel) adj. 1. very
ad • mi • ral • ty (ad-mi-ral-tee) n. 1 . the of-
lovable. 2. (informal) delightful.
fice and jurisdiction of an admiral. 2. a a*dor'a*bly adv.
court of law dealing with maritime mat-
a-dore (a-dohr) v. (a*dored, a* dor*
ters, admiralty adj. of or dealing with
Ing) 1 to love deeply. 2. to worship as

admiralty law. divine. 3. (informal) to like very much.

ad* mire (ad-mir) v. (ad* mired, ad* a*dor'er n. ad*o*ra*tlon (ad-d-ray-
mining) 1. to regard with pleasure or shdn) n.
satisfaction, to think highly of. 2. to ex- a*dorn (£-dora) v. decorate with or-
press admiration of. ad*mir'er n. ad* naments. 2. to be an ornament to.
mir'ing*ly adv. ad*mi*ra*tion (ad-ml- a-dorn'ment n.
ray-shdn) n. a*dre*nal (a-dree-nal) adj. close to the
ad* mis* si -Die (ad-mis-i-bel) adj. capable kidneys, adrenal n. one of the adrenal
of being admitted or allowed, ad* mis' glands, ductless glands on top of the
si • bly adv. ad • mis • si • bil • I • ty (ad-mis- kidneys, secreting adrenaline.
T-bil-i-tee) n. a • dren • a • line (a-dren-&-lin) n. a hormone
ad *mis*sion (ad-mish-on) admitting,
n. 1 . that stimulates the nervous system, se-
being admitted. 2. a statement admitting creted by a part of the adrenal glands
something, a confession, an admission of or prepared synthetically.
guilt. 3. acknowledgment of a fact, grant- a*dre*no*cor*tl*co*trop*ic (5-dree-
ing of an argument. 4. a fee paid to enter noh-kor-tl-koh-trop-ik) hormone n. a
a place. hormone (ACTH) of the pituitary gland
ad-mit (ad-mit) v. (ad*mit*ted, ad- that stimulates the adrenal cortex.
mit* ting) 1. to allow to enter. 2. to ac- A*dri*at*iC (ay-dri-at-ik) adj. of the Adri-
cept into a school as a pupil, into a hospi- atic Sea, between Italy and Yugoslavia.
tal as a patient, etc. 3. to accept as true Adriatic n. the Adriatic Sea.
or valid. 4. to state reluctantly, we admit a* drift (a-drift) adj. &
adv. 1. drifting. 2.
that the task is difficult. 5. to leave room (informal) without purpose or guidance.
for, the plan does not admit of improve- a *droit (a-droit) adj. skillful, ingenious,
ment, ad-mit'tance n. a* droit 'ly adv. a*droit'ness n.

adsorb / advice 14

ad -sorb (ad-sorb) v. to hold molecules of after take ad van tag o

deuce in tennis.
a gas or liquid to the surface of a (usu- Of, tomake use of; to exploit to advan-
ally) solid material. ad-sorp-tive (ad- tage, making a good effect, the painting
sorp-tiv) adj. ad-sorp-tion (ad-sorp- shows to advantage here, >Do
not con-
shdn) n. t> Do not confuse adsorb with fuse advantage with vantage.
absorb. ad*van*ta-geous (ad- van- toy- jus) adj.
ad so r • bent (ad -sor-ben t ) adj. producing profitable, beneficial. ad • van • ta
adsorption, adsorbent n. an adsorbent geous-ly adv.
substance. >Do not confuse adsorbent
. Ad • vent (ad- vent) n, 1. the coming of
with absorbent Christ. 2. the season (with four Sundays)
ad*u*la*tion (aj-u-lay-shdn) n. excessive before Christmas Day. 3. advent, the ar-
flattery, ad u • • la • to • ry (aj-u-la-tohr-ee) rival of an important person, event, or
adj. development.
a-dult (a-dult) adj. grown to full size or ad-ven-ti*tious (ad-ven-ash-us) adj. 1.
strength, mature, adult n. an adult per- accidental, casual. 2. occurring in an un-
son, a-dult 'hood n. usual position, sporadic. ad-ven-ti'
a *dul* tenant (a-dul-te-rant) n. a sub- tious-ly adv. ad-ven-ti'tious-ness n.
stance added in adulterating something. ad* venture (ad-ven-chur) n. 1. an excit-
a-dul-ter-ate (a-dul-te-rayt) v. (a*dul* ing or dangerous experience. 2. willing-
ter-ated, a-dul-ter-at-ing) to make ness to take risks, the spirit of adventure.
impure or poorer in quality by adding ad-ven'tur-ous adj. ad*ven'tur*
another substance, especially an inferior ous-ly adv. ad*ven'ture*some adj.
one. a-dul-ter-a-tion (a-dul-te-ray- ad*ven*tur*er (ad-ven-chu-rer) n. 1. a
sh6n) n. person who seeks adventures.
a person 2.
a-dul-ter-er (a-dul-t£-rer) n. a person who is ready to make gains for himself
who commits adultery. a-dul-ter-ess by risky or unscrupulous methods, ad-
(a-dul-tS-ris) n. fern. ven*tur*ess (ad-ven-chu-ris) n. fern.
a-dul-ter-y the act of vol-
(a-dul-te-ree) n. ad verb
• (ad-vurb) n. a word that qualifies
untary sexual intercourse by a married a verb, adjective, or other adverb and
person with someone other than his or indicates how, when, or where, as gently,
her own spouse. a*dul'ter-ous adj. fully, soon. ad«ver»bhal (ad-vur-bi-al)
adv. abbr. 1. adverb. 2. advertisement. adj. ad*ver'bi*al*ly adv.
ad va*lo*rem (ad va-lohr-em) (of taxes) ad*ver*sar*y {pi
in proportion to estimated value of -sar*ies) an opponent, an enemy.
goods. >
Latin. ad* verse (ad-vurs) adj. 1. unfavorable, an
ad-vance (ad- vans) v. (ad-vanced, ad* adverse report*2. bringing misfortune or
vanc-ing) 1. to move or put forward, harm, the drug has no adverse effects.
to make progress. 2. to help the progress ad- verse 'ly adv. ODo
not confuse
of, advance someone's interests. 3. to adverse with averse.
bring forward or make, advance a sugges- ad*ver*sl*ty (ad-vur-si-tee) n. {pi -ties)
tion. 4. to bring (an event) to an earlier misfortune, trouble.
date. 5. to lend (money), to pay before ad-ver-tise (ad-ver-tiz) v. (adver-
a due date, advance her a months salary. tised, ad-ver-tis-ing) 1. to make gen-
6. to promote in rank, advance n. 1. erally or publicly known, advertise a
a forward movement, progress. 2. an in- meeting. 2. to call public attention to in
crease in price or amount. 3. a loan, pay- order to encourage people to buy or use
ment beforehand. 4. advances, attempts something, advertise soap. 3. to issue a
to establish a friendly relationship, ad- public notice seeking to buy or obtain
vance adj. going before others, done or something, advertise for a secretary, ad'
provided in advance, the advance party. ver-tis-er n.
ad-vance'ment n. Gin advance, ad-ver-tise-ment (ad-ver-tiz-ment,
ahead in place or time, she paid well in -vur-tis-) n. the process of advertising.
1 .

advance. 2. a public notice or broadcast announc-

ad -va need (ad-vanst) adj. 1. far on in ing or advertising something.
progress or in life, an advanced age. 2. ad-ver-tis-ing (ad-ver-ti-zing) n. 1. the
not elementary, advanced studies. 3. (of process by which something is adver-
ideas etc.) new and not yet generally ac- tised. 2. advertisements. 3. the business
cepted. that prepares and disseminates advertise-
ad-van-tage (ad-van-tij) n.1. a favorable ments.
condition or circumstance. 2. benefit, ad* vice (ad-vis) n. 1. an opinion given
profit; the treaty is to their advantage, about what to do or how to behave. 2.
benefits them; turn it to your advantage, a piece of information, we received advice
use it profitably. 3. the next point won that the goods had been shipped D>Do
15 advisable / affecting

not confuse advice with advise. movement of solid bodies (as aircraft,
ad -vis -a -Die (ad-vi-za-bel) adj. worth bullets) through air. aer-o-dynam'ic
recommending as a course of action, ad* adj.aer*o*dynam'i*cal*ly adv.
vis*a*bil*i*ty (ad-vi-za-bil-i-tee) n. aer*o*naut (air-6-nawt) n. the navigator
ad *vise (ad-viz) v. (ad •vised, ad* or pilot of a balloon or other lighter-than-
visaing) 1. to give advice to, to recom- air craft.
mend. 2. to inform, to notify. ad*vis'er aer*o*nau*tics (air-6-naw-tiks) n. the sci-
n. ad*vi'SOr n. >Do not confuse advise entific study of the
flight of aircraft, aer*
with advice. o*nau'tic adj. aer-o-nau'ti-cal adj.
ad* vised (ad-vizd) adj. deliberate, consid- aer -o- plane (air-6-playn) n. (chiefly Brit-
ered. ad*vis*ed*ly (ad-vi-zid-lee) adv. ish) an airplane.
ad*vi*so*ry (ad-vi-z6-ree) adj. giving ad- aer*o*sol (air-6-sohl) n. a substance
vice, having the power to advise, an advi- sealed in a container under pressure, with
sory committee. a device for releasing it as a fine spray.
ad*vo*ca*cy (ad-vd-ka-see) n. 1. the ad- aer -o- space (air-6-spays) n. 1. Earth's
vocating of a policy etc. 2. the function atmosphere and space beyond it. 2. the
of an advocate. technology of aviation in this region.
ad-vo-cate (ad-vd-kayt) v. (ad*vo* aerospace adj. concerned with missiles,
cat-ed, ad-vo-cat-ing) to recom- satellites, vehicles, etc. for operation in
mend, to be in favor of, I advocate cau- aerospace, aerospace industry.
tion, advocate (ad-vd-kit) n. 1 a person
. aes*thete (es-theet) n. a person who has
who advocates a policy, an advocate of or claims to have great understanding
reform. 2. a person who pleads on behalf and appreciation of what is beautiful, es-
of another, ad * vo • ca • tion (ad-vd-kay- pecially in the arts.
shdn) n. aes*thet*ic (es-thet-ik) adj. 1. belonging
advt. abbr. advertisement. to the appreciation of beauty, the aes-
adz, adze (adz) n. a kind of ax with a thetic standards of the times. 2" having
blade at right angles to the handle, used or showing such appreciation. 3. artistic,
for trimming or shaping wood. tasteful. aes*thet'i*cal*ly adv.
Ae*ge*an (i-jee-an) adj. of the Aegean aes*thet*ics (es-thet-iks) n. a branch of
Sea, between Greece and Turkey. Ae- philosophy dealing with the principles
gean n. the Aegean Sea. of beauty in art.
ae-gis (ee-jis) n. protection, sponsorship, AF abbr. 1 Air Force. 2. audio frequency.

under the aegis of the Humane Society. a *far (a-fahr) adv. far off, far away.
ae*0*li*an (i-oh-li-an) harp a stringed in- AFB abbr. Air Force Base.
strument producing musical sounds as af*fa*ble (af-a-bel) adj. polite and
the wind passes across it. friendly, af'fa-bly adv. af*fa*bll*i*
ae*on see eon. ty (af-a-bil-i-tee) n.
aer -ate (air-ay t) v. (aer*at*ed, aer- at* fair (affair) n. 1. a thing done or to
ating) 1. to expose to the chemical ac- be done, a matter, a concern. 2. public
tion of air. 2. to supply (the blood) with or private business, current affairs; put
oxygen by respiration. 3. to add carbon your affairs in order. 3. (informal) an
dioxide to (a liquid) under pressure, aer' event, a thing, this camera is a compli-
a* tor n. aer -a- tion (air-ay-shdn) n. cated affair. 4. a temporary romantic or
aer*i*al of or like air. 2.
(air-i-al) adj. 1. sexual relationship.
existing in the air, suspended overhead, at -feet (2-fekt) v. 1. to pretend to have
an aerial railway. 3. by or from aircraft, or feel or be, she affected ignorance. 2.
aerial bombardment, aerial n. an an- to like and make a display of using or
tenna. wearing, he affects velvet jackets. 3. to
aer*i*al*ist (air-i-a-list) n. a performer on produce an effect on, (of a disease) to
a high wire or trapeze. attack or infect, his lungs are affected.
aer*ie (air-ee) n. 1 the nest of a bird that
. OThe words affect and effect have totally
builds high up, especially of an eagle or different meanings and should not be
other bird of prey. 2. a residence perched confused.
high on a mountain. af • fee* ta* tion (af-ek-tay-shdn) n. behav-
aer*o*bat*ics (air-6-bat-iks) n. 1. spec- ior that is put on for display and is not
tacular feats of flying aircraft, especially natural or genuine, pretense. >Do
for display, the aerobatics were breathtak- confuse affectation with affection.
ing. 2. the performance of such feats, af*fect*ed (a-fek-tid) adj. 1. full of affec-
aerobatics is not for me. aer*0*bat'ic tation. 2. pretended. 3. impaired, as by
adj. disease, the affected organs. aMect'ed*
aer-o-dy -nam-ics (air-oh-di-nam-iks) n. ly adv.
interaction between airflow and the af *fect*ing (a-fek-ting) adj. having an ef-
affection / African 16

feet upon one's emotions, an affecting her diary affords no information.

appeal af- fect'ing -ly adv. af-for-est-a-tion (a-for-i-stay-shdn) n.
af-fec-tion (a-fek-shon) n. 1. love, a lik- planting with trees to form a forest
ing. 2. a disease or diseased condition. af •fray (a-fray) n. a breach of the peace
>Do not confuse affection with affecta- by fighting or rioting in public.
tion. af- flight (a-frit) v. (old use) to frighten.
af-fec-tion -ate (a-fek-sho-nit) adj. show- af •front (a -frunt) v. to insult deliberately,
ing affection, loving, af -fec'tion-ate- to offend or embarrass, affront n. a de-
ly adv. liberate insult or show of disrespect.
af -fi-ance (a-fi-ans) v. (af -financed, af • Af ghan (af-gan) n. 1 a native of Afghani-

fi-anc-ing) to engage to be married, to stan. 2. the language spoken there,

betroth. Pushtu. 3. afghan, a blanket or shawl
af«fl»da*vit (af-i-day-vit) n. a written of knitted or crocheted wool. Afghan
statement for use as legal evidence, sworn hound, a dog of a breed with long silky
on oath to be true. hair.
af-fil-i-ate (a-fil-i-ayt) v. (af -fil-i-at- Af*ghan*i*stan (af-gan-i-stan) a country
ed, af -fil-i-at-ing) to connect as a sub- in southwest Asia.
ordinate member or branch, the club is a -fi -cio-na-do (a-nsh-yd-nah-doh) n. (pi
affiliated with a national society, affiliate -dos) a devotee of a particular sport or
(i-fil-i-it) n. a person, group, business, pastime, especially bullfighting.
etc. that is affiliated. af-Til-i-a-tion a* field (a-feeld) adv. 1. far away from
(a-fil-i-ay-sh5n) n. home, to or at a distance. 2. astray.
af-fin-i-ty (a-fin-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1. a a* fire (a-fir) adj. &
adv. on fire.
relationship (especially by marriage) a* flame (a-flaym) adj. & adv. in flames,
other than a blood relationship. 2. a simi- burning.
larity, close resemblance or connection, AFL-CIO abbr. American Federation of
affinities between different languages. 3. Labor and Congress of Industrial Or-
a strong natural liking or attraction. 4. ganizations.
the tendency of certain substances to a -float (a-floht) adj. & adv. 1. floating.
combine with others. 2. at sea, on board ship, enjoying life
af-firm (a-furm) v. 1. to assert, to state afloat 3. flooded.
as a fact. 2. to uphold (a judgment). 3. a-flut-ter (a -flut-er) adj. in a flutter.
to declare by affirmation. a -foot (a-fuut) adj. &
adv. 1. on foot. 2.
af-fir-ma-tion (af-er-may-shdn) n. 1. af- progressing, in operation, being planned,
firming. 2. a solemn declaration made there s a scheme afoot to raise taxes.
instead of an oath by a person who has a-fore-men-tloned (a-fohr-men-shdnd)
conscientious objections to swearing an adj. mentioned previously or earlier.
oath or who has no religion. a *fore* said (a-fohr-sed) adj. mentioned
af-firm-a-tive (S-fur-ma-tiv) adj. affirm- previously.
ing, agreeing; an affirmative reply, an- a -fore -thought (a-fohr-thawt) adj.
swering "yes." affirmative n. an af- premeditated, planned in advance, with
firmative word or statement, the answer malice aforethought
is in the affirmative. af-flrm'a-tive- a for-tl-o-ri (ay for-shi-ohr-ee) with
ly adv. stronger reason. t> Latin.
af 'fix 1
(a-fiks) to stick on, to attach.
v. 1. a -foul (a-fowl) adv. tangled. Dfall or run
2. to add in writing, affix your signature. afoul of, to come into conflict with.
af-flx 2 (af-iks) n. 1. appendage, addition. Afr. abbr. 1. Africa. 2. African.
2. a prefix or suffix. a-frald (S-frmyd) adj. 1. alarmed, fright-
af •flict (a-flikt) v. to distress physically or ened, anxious about consequences. 2. po-
mentally; he is afflicted with rheumatism, litely regretful, Vm
afraid there s none
suffers from it. af -flic'tive adj.
af • flic -t Ion (a-flik-shon) n. 1. pain, dis- A-frame (ay-fraym) n. a building (usually

tress, misery. 2. something that causes a house) with a roof pitched so steeply
this. that its shape seen from the front or back
af -flu-ent (af-loo-ent) adj. rich; the afflu- resembles the letter A.
ent society, in which most people are rela- a -fresh (a -fresh) adv. anew, beginning
tively wealthy, af'flu-ent-ly adv. af / again.
flu-ence n. Af -ri-ca (af-ri-ka) a continent south of the
af-ford (a-fohrd) v. 1. to have enough Mediterranean Sea between the Atlantic
money, means, or time for a specified and Indian Oceans.
purpose, we can afford to pay fifty dollars. Af -ri-can (af-ri-kan) adj. of Africa or its
2. to be in a position to do something, people or languages. African n. a native
we can afford to be critical 3. to provide, of Africa, especially a dark-skinned per-
17 Afrikaans / ageism
son. African violet, an East African Ag symbol silver.
plant with purple, pink, or white flowers, A.G. abbr. Adjutant General
grown as a house plant. a -gain (a-gen) adv. 1. another time, once
Af-ri-kaans (af-ri-kahns) n. a language more, try again. 2. as before, to or in
developed from Dutch, used in South Af- the original place or condition, you'll
rica. soon be well again. 3. furthermore, be-
Af-ro (af-roh) adj. of African or Afro- sides. 4. on the other hand, / might, and
American culture. Afro n. a bushy Afro again I might not.
hairstyle. a -gainst (a-genst) prep. 1. in opposition
Afro- prefix African; Afro-American, of Af- to; his age is against him, is a disadvan-
rica and America, especially of American tage to him. 2. in contrast to, against a
blacks. dark background. 3. in preparation for,
aft (aft) adv. in, near, or toward the stern as defense from, settlers built a fort
of a ship or the tail of an aircraft. against Indian raids. 4. opposite, so as
af-ter (af-ter) prep. 1. behind in place or to cancel or lessen, advances to be
order. 2. at a later time than. 3. in pursuit charged against royalties. 5. into collision
or search of, run after him. 4. about, or contact with, lean against the wall.
concerning, look after your own affairs. A-ga Khan (ah-ga kahn) the spiritual
5. in imitation of, painted after the man- leader of Ismaili Muslims.
ner of Picasso; named after a person, a -gape (a-gayp) adj. gaping, open-
given this person's Christian name in mouthed.
honor of him. after adv. 1 behind, //// . a -gar (ah-gar) n. a gelatinous substance
came tumbling after. twenty
2. later, obtained from various seaweeds and used
years after, after conj. at or in a time as a laxative and as a solidifying agent
later than, they came after I left, after in culture media for bacteria etc.
adj. 1 . later, following, in after years. 2. ag-ate (ag-it) n. a very hard stone with
nearer the stern in a boat, the after cab- patches or concentric bands of color.
ins. a-ga-ve (a-gah-vee) n. a tropical plant of
af-ter- birth (af-ter-burth) n. the placenta which some species are ornamental, and
and fetal membrane discharged from the some yield fiber for making rope etc. and
womb after childbirth. are the source of such beverages as pul-
at -ter-burn-er (af-ter-bur-ner) n. 1 a de- . que.
vice for increasing jet-engine thrust by age (ayj) n. 1 the length of time a person

burning extra fuel through use of hot has lived or a thing has existed. 2. the
exhaust gases. 2. a device for burning later part of life, old age. 3. a historical
undesirable exhaust fumes. period, a time with special characteristics
af-ter -care (af-ter-kair) n. further care or or events, the Elizabethan Age; the atomic
treatment of a patient after discharge age. 4. (informal) a very long time, it
from a hospital. was ages before he came, age v. (aged,
af-ter -deck (af-ter-dek) n. the back part a-ging or age-ing) 1. to grow old, to
of the deck of a ship. show signs of age. 2. to become mature,
af-ter-ef -feet (af-ter-i-fekt) n. an effect heavy wines age slowly. 3. to cause to
that arises or persists after its cause has become old, worry aged him rapidly. 4.
gone. to allow to mature. Dact your age!,
af-ter -glow (af-ter-gloh) n. 1. a glow in (informal) behave more sensibly, age
the west after sunset. 2. a pleasant re- group, people who are all of approxi-
membrance. mately the same age. age limit, an age
at -ter-life (af-ter-lif) n. life after death. fixed as a limit for people taking part
af-ter -math (af-ter-math) n. conse- in an activity, age of consent, the age
quences, aftereffects, the aftermath of at which a person's consent is legally
war. valid. Of age, having reached the age
af-ter -noon (af-ter-noon) n. the time at which one has an adult's legal rights
from noon to about 6 p.m. or sunset (if and obligations, under age, not yet of
this is earlier). age.
af-ter -shave (af-ter-shayv) n. a lotion for -age suffix used to form nouns meaning
use after shaving. aggregate or number of, as in acreage;
af-ter -taste (af-ter-tayst) n. a taste re- function or condition, as in bondage; ac-
maining or recurring after eating or tion, as in breakage; place, abode, as in
drinking something. orphanage; product of action, as in
af-ter* thought (af-ter-thawt) n. some- wreckage.
thing thought of or added later. aged (ayjd) adj. 1 of the age of, aged ten.

af-ter- ward (af-ter- ward), af-ter- wards 2. (pr. ay-jid) very old, an aged man.
(af-ter-wardz) adv. at a later time. age -ism (ay-jiz-em) n. discrimination
ageless / agree 18

against the elderly or middle aged. of making an unprovoked attack. 2. a
age* less (ayj-lis) adj. not growing or ap- hostile action, hostile behavior.
pearing old. ag-gres-slve (S-gres-iv) adj. 1. apt to
a-gen-cy (ay-jen-see) n. (pi -cies) 1. the make attacks, showing aggression. 2.
business or place of business of an agent, self-assertive,
forceful, an aggressive
a travel agency. 2. the means of action*gres'sive*ly adv. ag*
through which something is done. gres'sive-ness n.
a gen • da (a-jen-da) n. (pi -das) 1 a pro-
• . ag-gres-sor (a-gres-dr) n. a person or
gram of items of business to be dealt with country that attacks first or begins hostil-
at a meeting. 2. a list of things to be ities.
done, appointments, etc. ag* grieve (a-greev) v. (ag* grieved, ag*
a* gent (ay-jent) n. 1. a person who does grieving) 1. to grieve, to distress. 2.
something or instigates some activity. 2. to oppress, to treat unfairly.
one who acts on behalf of another, write a-ghast (a-gast) adj. filled with consterna-
to our agents in Rome. 3. something that tion.
produces an effect or change, yeast is the ag-ile (aj-Tl) adj. nimble, quick-moving,
active agent 4. a secret agent (see se- ag'ile-ly adv. a-gil-i-ry (S-jil-i-tee) n.
cret). ag-i-tate (aj-i-tayt) v. (ag-i-tat-ed, ag-
a-gent pro-vo-ca-teur (a-z/rahn prd- i-tat-ing) 1. to shake or move briskly.
vok-a-tur) (pi a* gents pro-vo-ca- 2. to disturb, to cause anxiety to. 3. to
teurs, pr. a-z/rahn pro-vok-a-tur) a per- stir up public interest or concern. ag / l*
son employed to detect suspected offend- ta-torn. ag -i -ta-tion (aj-i-tay-shdn) n.
ers by tempting them to do something ag* it* prop (aj-it-prop) n. 1. the system
illegal openly. of Russian Communist propaganda. 2.
age-old (ayj-ohld) adj. having existed for this propaganda.
a very long time. a* gleam (a-gleem) adj. gleaming.
ag-er-a-tum (aj-e-ray-tum) n. a low- a-glit-ter (a-glit-er) adj. glittering, spar-
growing daisylike plant with soft blue kling.
or white flowers. a* glow (a-gloh) adj. glowing.
ag-glom-er-ate (a-glom-e-rayt) v. (ag- ag-nos-tic (ag-nos-tik) n. a person who
glom-er-at-ed, ag-glom-er-at-ing) can be known about
believes that nothing
to collect or become collected into a the existence of God or of anything ex-
mass, agglomerate (a-glom-e-rit) n. cept material things, agnostic adj. of
something composed of clustered frag- an agnostic, ag-nos -theism (ag-nos-ti-
ments, ag-glom-er-a-tion (a-glom-e- siz-ein) n.
ray-shdn) fl- a* go (a-goh) the past.
ag -glu-ti- na-tion (a-gloo-tl-nay-shdn) n. a-gog (a-gog) adj. eager, expectant.
sticking or fusing together. a-go-go (a-goh-goh) see go-go.
ag-gran-dize (a-gran-diz) v. (ag-gran* ag-o-nize(ag-o-niz) v. (ag-o-nized, ag-
dized, ag-gran-diz-ing) 1. to increase o-niz-ing) 1. to cause agony, to pain
the power, rank, wealth, etc., of. 2. to greatly; agonized shrieks, expressing ag-
exaggerate. ag • gran -dize- men t ony. 2. to suffer agony, to worry in-
(a-gran-diz-ment) n. tensely, agonizing over his mistakes.
ag-gra-vate (ag-ri-vayt) v. (ag-gra- ag r o-niz-ing-ly adv.
vat-ed, ag-gra- vat-ing) 1. to make ag-o-ny (ag-5-nee) n. (pi -nies) extreme
worse or more serious. 2. (informal) to mental or physical suffering.
annoy, ag-gra-va-tion (ag-ra-ray- ag-o-ra-pho-bi-a (ag-6-ra-foh-bi-§) n.

shdn) n. t> Careful writers and speakers an abnormal fear of crossing open spaces.
do not use aggravatein its second sense. ag-o-ra-pho-bic (ag-^-ra-foh-bik) n. a
Problems are aggravated People are irri- person who suffers from agoraphobia.
tated or annoyed agr. abbr. 1. agricultural. 2. agriculture.
ag-gre-gate (ag- re-git)
adj. combined, a-grar-i-an (a-grair-i-an) adj. of landed
total, the aggregate amount aggregate property or cultivated land.
n. 1a total, a mass or amount brought
. a-grar-i-an -ism (&-grair-i-&-niz-em) n. a
together, in the aggregate, as a whole, movement advocating redistribution of
collectively. 2. hard substances (sand, landed property.
gravel, broken stone, etc.) mixed with agree (agree) v. (a* greed, agree-
cement to make concrete. ing) 1. to consent, to say that one is
ag-gre-gate3 (ag- re-gay t) v. (ag-gre- willing, / will agree to that 2. to hold
gated, ag-gre-gat-ing) to collect or or reach a similar opinion, / agree with
form into an aggregate, to unite, ag* you. 3. to get on well together. 4. to be
gre-ga-tion (ag-re-gay-shdn) n. consistent, to harmonize, your story
ag-gres-slon (a-gresh-on) n. 1. the act agrees with what I've heard already. 5.
19 agreeable / air cavalry
to suit a person's health or digestion, cu- pointed pinnate leaflets and a disagreea-
cumbers don *t agree with me. 6. to corre- ble odor.
spond in grammatical case, number, gen- aMe*ron (ay-lg-ron) n. a hinged flap on
der, or person, the pronoun "she" agrees an airplane wing, used to control bal-
with the noun woman"; "he" agrees ance.
with "man. " Dagree to disagree, to ail'lng (ay-ling) adj. unwell, in poor condi-
agree to cease trying to convince one tion.
another. 'merit (ayl-ment) n. a bodily disorder,
a*gree*a*ble (&-gree-&-b£l) adj. 1. pleas- a slight illness.
ing, giving pleasure, an agreeable voice. aim (aym) v. 1. to point or send toward
2. willing to agree, we'll go if you are a target, to direct (a blow, missile, re-
agreeable. a*gree'a*bly adv. mark, etc.) toward a specified object or
a-gree'a-ble-ness n. goal. 2. to attempt, to try, we aim to
a*gree*ment (a-gree-ment) n. 1. agree- please, aim the act of aiming a
n. 1.
ing. 2. harmony in opinion or feeling. weapon or missile at a target; take aim, arrangement agreed upon between aim a weapon. 2. purpose, intention;
people, adocument stating such an ar- what is his aim?, what does he want to
rangement. achieve?
ag*ri* culture (ag-rl-kul-chfir) n. the sci- aim -less (aym-lis) adj. without a purpose,
ence or practice of cultivating land on aim'less-ly adv. aim'lessTiess n.
a large scale, farming. ag*ri*cul*tur* ain't (aynt) =
am not, is not, are not, has
al (ag-ri-kul-chu-ral) adj. ag*ri*cul' not, have not. >This word is avoided
tur-al-ly adv. ag-ri-cul'tur-ist n. ag* in standard speech except in humorous
rl-cul'tur-al-ist n. use, as in she ain*t what she used to be.
a*gron*0*my (a-gron-6-mee) n. the sci- Ai • nu (i-noo) n. {pi -nus, -nu) 1 a Cauca- .

ence of soil management and crop pro- soid people in Japan and the U.S.S.R.
duction. a*gron'o*mist n. with hairy bodies. 2. a member of this
a* ground (a-grownd) adj. adv. upon or & people. 3. their language.
touching the bottom in shallow water, air (air)n. 1 the mixture of gases surround-

the ship ran aground ing Earth and breathed by all land ani-
a*gue (ay-gyoo) n. 1. malarial fever. 2. mals and plants. 2. Earth's atmosphere,
a shivering fit. open space in this. 3. Earth's atmosphere
ah (ah) interj. an exclamation of surprise, as the place where aircraft operate. 4.
pity, admiration, etc. a light wind. 5. an impression given, an
a* ha (ah-hah) interj. an exclamation of sur- air of mystery. 6. an impressive manner,
prise, triumph, or mockery. he does things with such an air. 7. a mel-
a* head (&-hed) adv. farther forward in ody, a tune, air v. 1. to expose to the
space or time; plan ahead, plan for the air, to ventilate (a room etc.) so as to
future; full speed ahead/, go forward at cool or freshen it. 2. to put (clothes etc.)
full ahead of, farther advanced into a warm place to finish drying. 3.
than; surpassing, more than. to express publicly, air one*s opinions.
a* hem (a-hem) interj. the noise made when Dby air, in or by aircraft, in the air,
clearing one's throat, used to call atten- current, exerting an influence, dissatis-
tion or express doubt. faction is in the air; uncertain, these plans
a* hoy (S-hoi) interj. a cry used by seamen are still in the air. on the air, broadcast
to call attention. or broadcasting by radio or television.
aid (ayd) v. to help, aid n. 1 . help. 2. some- put on airs, to behave in an affected
thing that helps, a hearing aid haughty manner.
AID abbr. Agency for International Devel- air bag a safety device that fills with au-
opment. to protect automobile passengers in a col-
aide (ayd) n. 1. an aide-de-camp. 2. an lision.
assistant. air* borne (air-bohrn) adj. 1. transported
aide-de-camp (ayd-de-kamp) n. {pi by the air, airborne pollen. 2. in flight
aides-de-camp, pr. aydz-dS-kamp) a after taking off, no smoking until the
naval or military officer acting as an as- plane is airborne. 3. transported by air-

sistant toa senior officer. craft, airborne troops.

ai • grette (ay-gret) n. 1 . an ornamental tuft air brake 1 a brake worked by air pres-

of upright plumes, especially from the sure. 2. a movable flap to reduce the
long white tail feathers of an egret. 2. speed of an aircraft.
a spray of gems etc. air* brush (air-brush) n. a fine spray for
ail (ayl) v. to make ill or uneasy, what ails paint used in commercial art and for re-
him? touching photographs.
ai* Ian* thus (ay-lan-thus) n. a tree with aircavalry airborne troops.
air-conditioned / -al 20
air-con • di • tioned (air-kon-dish-ond) adj. air mattress an inflatable pad used as a
having the air in a room or building etc. mattress.
brought to the required humidity and air-mile (air-mil) ru 6076 feet or 1852 ki-
temperature. lometers.
air conditioning a system controlling hu- air* mind *ed (air-min-did) adj. interested
midity and temperature. in aviation.
air* craft (air-kraft) n. 1. a machine or air-mo* bile (air-moh-bfl) adj. (used espe-
structure capable of flight in the air and cially of military troops and equipment)
regarded as a vehicle or carrier. 2. such able to be transported by air.
craft including airplanes,
collectively, air* plane (air-playn) ru a mechanically
gliders, and aircraft car-
helicopters. D driven heavier-than-air aircraft with
rier, a ship that carries and acts as a wings.
base for airplanes. air pocket a local condition of the at-
air -crew (air-kroo) ru the crew of an air- mosphere, as a down current or sudden
craft. change of wind velocity, that causes air-
air "drop (air-drop)n. dropping material
craft to lose altitude suddenly.
or personnel by parachute from an air- air police air force police.
air* port (air-port) ru an airfield with facili-
Aire* dale (air-dayl) ru a large rough- ties for passengers and goods.
coated terrier. air raid an attack by aircraft.
air* field (air-feeld) n. an area of open level
air -ship (air-ship) ru an aircraft that is
ground equipped with hangars and run- lighter than air.
ways for aircraft. air* sick (air-sik) adj. nauseated because
air* foil (air-foil) n. any or all of the lift-
of the motion of an aircraft.
producing surfaces of an aircraft, as
air* space (air-spays) ru 1. space contain-
wings, ailerons, fins, etc.
ing air. 2. air lying over a particular terri-
air force the branch of the armed forces
tory and considered subject to its juris-
that uses aircraft in fighting.
diction. 3. the space above a building.
air 'frame (air-fraym) ru the body of an
air* speed (air-speed) ru speed of aircraft
aircraft as distinct from its engine(s).
in relation to the air, as distinct from
air* freight (air-frayt) ru freight carried by
ground speed.
air *strip (air-strip) ru a strip of ground
air* gun (air-gun) a gun in which com-
prepared for aircraft to land and take
pressed air propels the missile.
air-ing (air-ing) ru 1. exposing to air or
air 'tight (air-tit) adj. not allowing air to
to a drying heat. 2. clothes being aired.
enter or escape.
air lane a regular route of travel for air-
air-to-air (air-to-air) adj. released from
air* less (air-lis) adj. 1. stuffy. 2. without one aircraft and directed toward another.
a breeze, calm and still, air'less-ness air travel travel by aircraft.

air -wave(air-wayv) ru the medium for
ru large-scale transport of
air* lift (air-lift) transmission of radio and television sig-
troops or supplies by aircraft, especially nals.

in an emergency, airlift v. to transport air -way (air- way)ru 1. a ventilating pas-

in this way. sage in a mine. 2. an air lane.

air *line (air-lin) ru a regular service of air air-wor'thy (air-wur-r/ree) adj. (of an air-

transport for public use, a company pro- craft) fit toair / wor*thl*ness ru

viding this. alr-y (air-ee) adj. (air*i*er, air -i -est) 1.

air -linger (air-li-ner) n. a large passenger well-ventilated. 2. light as air. 3. careless
airplane. and lighthearted, an airy manner, air'i*
air *lock (air-lok) ru 1. a stoppage of the ly adv. air'i*ness n.

flow in a pump or pipe, caused by an aisle (il) n. 1. a side part of a church. 2.

air bubble. 2. a compartment with an a passage between sections of seats.
airtight door at each end, providing ac- a* jar (a-jahr) adj. &
adv. slightly open.
cess to a pressurized chamber. AK abbr. Alaska.
air* mail (air-mayl) PL mail carried by air- AKC abbr. American Kennel Club.
craft. a*kim*DO (a-kim-boh) adv. with hands on
air* man
(air-man) n. {pi -men, pr. -men) hips and elbows pointed outward.
1 an enlisted man in the U.S. air force
. a* kin (a-kin) adj. related, similar, a feeling
below the rank of sergeant. 2. an aviator. akin to envy.
air mass a large block of air with uniform Al symbol aluminum.
temperature and humidity across a hori- -al 1 suffix used to form adjectives, as in
zontal section. central, tropical.
21 -al / alg.
-al 2 suffix used to form nouns, as in rival, these. 3. a long-playing record with sev-
arrival eral items by the same performers).
Ala. abbr. Alabama. al*bu*men (al-byoo-men) ru 1. white of
Aha* bam* a (al-a-bam-a) a state of the egg. 2. albumin.
U.S. Al*a*bam'i*an adj. &
n. Al*a* al*bu*mln (al-byoo-min) ru any of a class
bam 'an adj. & n. of water-soluble proteins, including the
al-a-bas-ter (al-a-bas-ter) ru a translu- main constituent of white of egg.
cent, usually white, form of gypsum, of- al*bu*mi*nous (al-byoo-mT-nus) adj. of
ten carved into ornaments. or like albumin.
a la carte (al a kahrt) (of a restaurant al*Che*my (al-ke-mee) ru a medieval form
meal) ordered as separate items from a of chemistry, the chief aim of which was
menu, with a separate price for each item to discover how to turn ordinary metals
on the menu (as opposed to a fixed price into gold, al 'che* mist ru
for an entire meal). al-CO-hol (al-kd-hawl) ru 1 a colorless in-

a • lac • ri • ty (a-lak-ri-tee) n. prompt and ea- flammable liquid, the intoxicant present
ger readiness. in wine, beer, whiskey, etc. 2. any liquor
a la king (al £ king) prepared in a cream containing this. 3. a chemical compound
sauce with green pepper, pimento, etc. of this type.
a la mode (al a mohd) 1 in the fashion,
. al*co*hol*ic (al-kd-hol-ik) adj. 1. of or
fashionable. 2. (of pie, etc.) served with containing alcohol. 2. caused by drinking
ice cream on top. 3. (of beef) braised. alcohol, alcoholic ru a person suffering
a*larm (a-lahrm) n. 1. a warning sound from alcoholism.
or signal, an apparatus giving this. 2. al* CO* hoi* ism (al-kd-haw-liz-em) ru a
an alarm clock. 3. fear caused by expec- diseased condition caused by continual
tation of danger, alarm v. to arouse to heavy drinking of alcohol.
a sense of danger, to frighten. alarm al'COve (al-kohv) ru 1. a recess in a wall,
Clock, a clock with a device that rings a hollowed-out part or space. 2. a recess
or buzzes at a set time. forming an extension of a room.
a*larm*lst (a-lahr-mist) n, a person who al-der (awl-der) ru a tree of the birch fam-
raises unnecessary or excessive alarm. ily, usually growing in marshy places.
a* las (a-las) interj. an exclamation of sor- al*der*man (awl-der-man) ru (pL -men,
row. pr. -men) a member of the municipal gov-
Alas. abbr. Alaska. erning body in some U.S. towns and cit-
A*las*ka (2-las-ka) a state of the U.S. ies.

A*las'kan adj. & n. baked Alaska, ale (ayl) ru liquor made from an infusion
a baked dessert containing ice cream be- of malt by fermentation, flavored with
tween sponge cake and meringue cover- hops etc., similar to but stronger and
ing. more bitter than beer.
alb (alb) n. a white robe reaching to the ale* house (ayl-hows) ru a place in which
feet, worn by some Christian priests at ale is retailed and served.
church ceremonies. a*lert (5-lurt) adj. watchful, observant.
al*ba*core (al-b&-kohr) n. a large species alert ru 1 a state of watchfulness or

of fish of the east and west coasts of readiness. 2. a warning of danger, notice
North America, allied to tuna. to stand ready. 3. the period during
Al*ba*nl*a (al-bay-ni-&) a country be- which an alert is in effect, alert v. 1.
tween Greece and Yugoslavia. Al* to make alert 2. to warn of danger.
ba'ni-an adj. & n. a*lert'ly adv.
Al-ba-ny (awl-ba-nee) the capital of New a*lert*ness (5-lurt-nis) ru on the alert, on
York. the lookout, watchful.
al-ba-tross (al-ba-traws) ru a long- ale-wife (ayl-wif) ru (pL -wives, pr.
winged seabird related to the petrel. -wrvz) a fish of North American Atlantic
al*be*lt (awl-bee-it) conj. though. waters, allied to the herring.
Al-ber-ta (al-bur-ta) a province of Can- al*ex*an*drine (al-ig-zan-drin) ru a line
ada. of six iambic feet, or twelve syllables,
al*bi*no (al-bi-noh) ru (pi -nos) a person the French heroic verse, alexandrine
or animal with no coloring pigment in adj. of or in alexandrines.
the skin and hair (which are white) and al*fal*fa (al-fal-fe) ru a leguminous plant
the eyes (which are pink). al*bi*nlsm with clover-like leaves and bluish-purple
(al-bt-niz-em) ru flowers, used for fodder.
al-bum (al-bum) ru 1. a book in which a al*fres*CO (al-fres-koh) adj. adv. in the &
collection of autographs, photographs, open air, lunched alfresco; an alfresco
postage stamps, etc. can be kept. 2. a lunch.
set of phonograph records, a holder for alg. abbr. algebra.
alga / allege 22
al-ga (al-ga) n. (pi al-gae, pr. al-jee) a support pending or after a legal separa-
water plant with no true stems or leaves. tion or divorce.
al • ge • bra (al- je-bra) n. a branch of mathe- A-line (ay-lin) adj. (of a garment) having
matics in which letters and symbols are a narrow waist or shoulders and a some-
used to represent quantities. al-ge-bra- what flared skirt.
Ic (al-je-bray-ik) adj. al-ge-bra'i-cal- a •live (a-lrv) adj. 1. living. 2. alert, he is

ly adv. alive to the possible dangers. 3. active,


ge • ri • a (al- jeer-i-a) a country in North lively, alert. 4. full of living or moving
Africa. Al • ge'ri • an adj. & n. things, the river was alive with fish.
Algiers (al-jeerz) the capital of Algeria. Dlook alive!, hurry, get busy, be alert.
Al-gon-quin (al-gong-kin) n. {pi. -quins, al-ka-li (alkali) n. (pi -lis, -lies) one
-quin) 1 one of a group of languages
of a class of substances (as caustic soda,
spoken by North American Indians. 2. potash, and ammonia) that neutralize
a member of a group of Algonquin- and are neutralized by acids, and form
speaking tribes. caustic or corrosive solutions in water,
al-go-rithm (al-gd-rif/i-em) n. a process al-ka-line (al-ka-lm) adj. al-ka-lin-
or rules for calculating something, espe- i*ty (al-kS-lin-i-tee) n.
cially by machine.
al-ka-loid (al-ka-loid) n. any of a large
a-li-as (ay-li-as) n. {pi -as-es) a false group of nitrogenous organic substances
name, an assumed name, Brown had sev- of vegetable origin having basic or alka-
line properties, many of which (as mor-
eral aliases, alias adv. also called, John
phine, strychnine, cocaine) are being
Brown, alias Peter Harrison, alias James
used as drugs.
all (awl) adj. the whole amount or number
al-i-bi (al-i-bi) n. (pi -bis) 1. evidence
or extent of, waited all day; beyond all
that an accused person was elsewhere
doubt, beyond any doubt whatever, all
the crime was committed. 2. (in-
n. all men, the whole, every one, every-
formal) an excuse, an answer to an accu-
thing, all pronoun all persons concerned,
sation, alibi v. (al-i-bied, al-i-bi-ing)
everything, all are agreed; all is lost all
to provide or offer an alibi for. t> Careful
adv. entirely, quite, dressed all in white;
writers avoid use of alibi when only an
an all-powerful dictator; ran all the faster,
excuse is intended.
even faster. Dall but, very little short
al-ien (ayl-yeii) n. a person who is not a
of, it's all but impossible, all Clear, a
citizen of the country in which he is liv-
signal that a danger is over, all for, (in-
ing, alien adj. 1 foreign, not one's own,
formal) much in favor of. all in, (in-

unfamiliar, alien customs. 2. of a different

formal) exhausted, all In all, all things
nature, contrary, cruelty is alien to her
considered; as a whole, all one to, all
the same to; a matter of indifference to.
al-ien -ate (ayl-ye-nayt) v. (al-ien- all out, using all possible strength, en-
at-ed, al-ien-at-ing) to cause to be- ergy, or speed, all over, in or on all parts
come unfriendly or hostile. al-ien -a* of, clothes were scattered all over the
Won (ayl-ye-nay-shdn) n. room; that's Jones all over, that is what
a -light 1 (a-lit) v. (a- light -ed, a -lit, pr. one would expect of him. all set, (in-
a-lit, a -lighting) 1. to get down from formal) ready to start, all there, (in-
a horse or a vehicle. 2. to descend and formal) mentally alert, all the same,
bird alighted on a branch.
settle, the in spite of this; making no difference, be
a* light 2 adj. 1. on fire. 2. lit up. all eyes or ears, to be watching or lis-
a * lign (aim) v. 1 . to place in line, to bring tening intently, on all fours, crawling
into line. 2. to join as an ally, they aligned on hands and knees, not all there, (in-
themselves with the Liberals, a* lign ' formal) mentally deficient.
ment n. Dout of alignment, not in Al-lah (al-a) the Muslim name of God.
line. ail-American (awl-a-mer-i-kan) adj. typi-
a* like (a-lik) adj. & adv. like one another, cally American, chosen as best in any
same way.
in the U.S. sport. ail-American n. an ail-
al«i«men«ta«ry (al-I-men-ta-ree) adj. American player.
nourishing, performing functions of nu- all-around (awl-a-rownd) = all-round.
trition, providing maintenance. ali- al-lay (a- lay) v. (al- laved, ah laying) to
mentary canal, the tubular passage calm, to put at rest, to allay suspicion.
through which food passes from mouth al-le-ga-tion (al-£-gay-shdn) n. a state-
to anus in the process of being digested ment made without proof.
and absorbed by the body. al-lege (a-lej) v. (al-leged, alleg-
al*i # #
ny (al-I-moh-nee) n. an allowance ing) to declare (especially to those doubt-
payable by one spouse to the other for ing one's truthfulness) without being able
23 allegedly / allude

to prove, alleging that he was innocent; at the beginning of several words in suc-
the alleged culprit, the person said to be cession, sing a song of sixpence, ah lit*
the culprit. er-a-tlve (5-lit-S-ra-tiv) adj.
al-leg-ed-ly (a-lej-id-lee) adv. according ahlo-cate (al-6-kayt) v. (al*lo*cat*
to allegation. ed, ahlo-cat*ing) to allot. al'lo-ca-
Ahle-ghe-nles (al-6-gay-neez) n. pi the tor n. al*lo*ca*tion (al-6-kay-shdn) n.
Allegheny Mountains, part of the Appa- al-lot (a-lot) v. (al*lot*ted, allot-
lachians. ting) to distribute officially, to give as
ah le- glance (a-lee-jans) n. loyalty owed a share of things available or tasks to
to one's country, loyalty to or support be done.
of a person or cause. al-lot •merit (a-lot-ment) n. 1. allotting.
al-le-go-ry (al-S-gohr-ee) n. (pi -rles) a 2. a share allotted.
story or description in which the charac- ah low (5-low) v. 1. to permit; dogs are
ters and events symbolize some deeper not allowed in the park, may not enter.
underlying meaning. ahle*gor-ic (al-e- 2. to permit to have, to give a limited
ahle-gor'hcal adj. ahle*
gor-ik) adj. quantity or sum, the court allowed her
gor'hcahly adv. $20,000 damages. 3. to add or deduct
ahle-gro (a-leg-roh) adv. (in music) fast in estimating, allow ten percent for infla-
and lively, allegro n. (pi -gros) a pas- tion; allow for shrinkage, provide for this
sage to be played in this way. when estimating. 4. to agree that some-
ahle-lu-ia (al-e-loo-ya) interj. & n. = hal- thing is true or acceptable, to admit, he
lelujah. allowed he had been absent without a
ahler-gen (al-er-jen) n. a substance caus- good reason; the insurance company al-
ing an allergic reaction. al-ler-gen- lowed the claim. >
Careful writers use
1c (al-er-jen-ik) adj. allow in the sense of "raise no objection."
ahler-gic (a-lur-jik) adj. 1. having an al- They use permit in the sense of "grant
lergy. 2. caused by an allergy, an allergic permission" or "grant consent."
reaction. 3. (informal) having a strong ah Iowa* Die (a-low-a-bel) adj. able to be
dislike, allergic to hard work. allowed. al*low'a*bly adv.
ahler-gist (al-er-jist) n. a specialist in ahlOW*ance (a-low-ans) n. 1. allowing.
treating allergies. 2. an amount or sum allowed, make
al-ler-gy (al-er-jee) n. (pi. -ler-gles) a allowances for, to be lenient toward;
condition producing an unfavorable re- to be an excuse for.
action to certain foods, pollens, etc. ahloy (al-oi) a metal formed of a
n. 1.
al-le-vhate (a-lee-vi-ayt) v. (al-le* mixture of metals or of metal and an-
vi-at-ed, al-le-vi-at-ing) to lessen, to other substance. 2. an inferior metal
make less severe, to alleviate pain, ah mixed with one of greater value, alloy
le-vha-tion (S-lee-vi-ay-shdn) n. (5-loi) v. 1 to mix with metal(s) of lower

ah ley (al-ee) n. (pi. -leys) 1. a narrow value. 2. to weaken or spoil by add-

passage or street between or behind ing something that reduces value or
houses or other buildings. 2. a long en- pleasure.
closure for games such as bowling. all right (awl rit) 1 as desired, satisfacto-

alley cat, a homeless city cat. >Do rily. 2. in good condition, safe and sound.
not confuse alley with ally. 3. yes, I consent.
ah ley* way (al-ee- way) n. a narrow pas- all-round (awl-rownd) adj. general, not
sageway. specialized; a good all-round athlete,
al*ll*ance (a-li-ans) n. a union or associa- good at various sports.
tion formed for mutual benefit, especially All Saints' Day (awl saynts day) a Chris-
of countries by treaty or families by mar- tian feast observed November 1 in honor
riage. of all the saints.
ah lied (a-hd) adj. 1. of forces or countries All Souls' Day (awl sohlz day) a day of
in alliance. 2. of the same general kind, prayer observed on November 2 for the
similar, bronchitis and allied illnesses. souls of departed Christians.
al*ll*ga*tor (al-r-gay-tdr) n. a reptile of n. spice made from
all* spice (awl-spis)
the crocodile family, found especially in berriescombining the flavors of cinna-
the rivers of tropical America and China. mon, nutmeg, and cloves.
alligator pear, avocado. all-star (awl-stahr) adj. with or featuring
al*lit*er*ate (a-lit-e-rayt) v. (aMit*er* star performers.
at*ed, al*lit*er*at*ing) to use words all-time (awl-tim) adj. unsurpassed, an all-
that begin with the same letter or time record.
sound. ahlude (a-lood) v. (ahlud-ed, ah lad-
al*lit*er*a*tlon (£-lit-S-ray-sh6n) n. the ing) to refer casually or indirectly in
occurrence of the same letter or sound speaking or writing, she alluded once
allure / alpha rhythm 24

again to my indecisiveness. >See the note a *loft (a-lawft) adv. high up, up in the
under allusion. air, in the upper parts of a ship's rigging.
ah lure (a-loor) v. (ah lured, ahlur* a*k>*ha (a-loh-hah) inter-j. greetings, fare-
ing) to entice, to attract, allure n. attrac- well.
tiveness, ahlure'ment n. a* lone (a-lohn) adj. not with others, with-
al* lurking (a-loor-ing) adj. attractive, out the company or help of others or
charming. other things, alone adv. only, exclu-
ahlu-sion (a-loo-z/ron) n. 1. a passing or sively, you alone can help me.
indirect reference to (something). 2. a a 'long (a-lawng) adv. 1. through part or
reference to (something). t> Careful writ- the whole of a thing's length. 2. in com-
ers use allusion only when they do not pany with oneself, in addition, brought
name the thing to which they allude. my sister along; Vll be along soon, will
When they do name it, they use refer- come and join you. 3. onward, into a
ence, more advanced state, push it along: it

al»lu*slve (a-loo-siv) adj. containing allu- is coming along nicely, along prep, close
sions, ahlu'sivcly adv. ahlu'sive- to or parallel with the length of some-
ness n. thing, arranged along the wall Dall
ahlu*vhal (a-loo-vi-ai) adj. made of soil along, all the time, from the beginning.
and sand left by rivers or floods. a *long* side (a-lawng-sid) adv. close to
al-lu'Vhum (a-loo-vi-um) n. {pi -vlums, the side of a ship, pier, or wharf, along-
-vha, an alluvial deposit.
pr. -vi-S) side prep, beside. u>Do not use of after
al-ly (al-i) {pi -lies) 1. a country in
n. alongside. Her car stands alongside ours.
alliance with another. 2. a person who a* loot (a-loof) adv. apart; keep or hold
cooperates with another in some project. aloof from, deliberately take no part in.
ally (ah) v. (ah lied, ah lying)
to form aloof adj. unconcerned, cool and remote
an alliance. Dthe
Allies, the U.S., in character, not friendly. a*loof / ly adv.
France, Great Britain, Russia, etc., a -loot 'ness n.
united against the Central Powers in a • loud (a-lo wd) adj. in a voice loud enough
World War I and against the Axis Pow- to be heard, not silently or in a whisper.
ers in World War II. D>Do not confuse alp (alp) n. a high mountain. Dthe Alps,
ally with alley. high mountains in Switzerland and adja-
-ally suffix used to form adverbs from ad- cent countries.
jectives, as in finally, centrally. ahpa-ca (al-pak-a) n. 1. a kind of llama
ah ma ma-ter (al-ma mah-ter) a title used with long woolly hair. 2. a fabric made
in reference to one's university, college, from this hair, with or without other fi-
or school. bers.
ahma*nac (awl-ma-nak) n. 1. an annual ahpha (al-fa) n. 1. the first letter of the
publication containing a calendar with Greek alphabet (Aa). 2. Alpha, the chief
times of sunrise and sunset, astronomical star in a constellation.
data, and other information. 2. a year- ahpha -bet (al-fa-bet) the letters used
n. 1 .

book of C>The older

sport, theater, etc. in writing a language. 2. a list of these
spelling almanack is seen in some publi- in a set order. 3. symbols or signs indicat-
cations, as in Poor Richards Almanack. ing letters but not written, the Morse al-
ah might *y (awl-mi-tee) adj. 1. all-power- phabet.
ful; God. 2. (informal) very
the Almighty, ahpha -bet -heal (al-fa-bet-i-kal) adj. in
an almighty nuisance.
great, the order of the letters of the alphabet,
ahmond (ah-mdnd, am-dnd) n. 1 the ker- . ahpha-bet'hcahly adv.
nel of the fruit of a tree related to the ahpha-bet-lze (al-fa-be-tiz) v. (al*
peach. 2. this tree. almond paste, ed- pha-bet-lzed, ahpha-bet-lz-ing) to
ible paste made from ground almonds. arrange in alphabetical order.
ahmond-eyed (ah-mdnd-id, am-dnd-) ahpha-nuTner-ic (al-fa-noo-mer-ik)
adj. having eyes that appear to narrow adj. containing both alphabetical and nu-
and slant upward at the outer corners. merical symbols (used in computer tech-
ahmo*ner (al-md-nfcr, ah-) n. an official nology etc.).
distributor of alms, as for a monastery alpha particle the first of three types of

or royal person. radiation emitted by radioactive sub-

ah most (awl-mohst) adv. all but, as the stances, consisting of positively charged
nearest thing to. particles.
alms (ahmz) n. pi money and gifts given alpha ray an alpha particle, originally re-
to the poor. garded as a ray.
ahoe (al-oh) n. a plant with thick sharp- alpha rhythm the most common type of
pointed leaves and bitter juice. 2. (often wave-form exhibited by the adult cere-
aloes) this juice, used in medicine. bral cortex, averaging eight to twelve
25 alpha wave / amanuensis

smooth oscillations a second in adults ment used especially in aircraft for show-
at rest. ing altitude above sea level.
alpha wave alpha rhythm. al*ti*tude (al-ti-tood) n. 1. the height
ah pine (al-pm) adj. 1. of high mountains, above sea level. 2. the distance of a star
growing on these. 2. Alpine, of the Alps. etc. above the horizon, measured as an
alpine n. a plant suited to mountain re- angle.
gions. al*tO (al-toh) n, (pi. -tOS) 1. the lowest
al* ready (awl-red-ee) adv. 1. before this female singing voice. 2. a contralto. 3.
time, had already gone. 2. as early as a singer with such a voice, a part written
this, is he back already? >Do not con- for it. 4. a musical instrument with the
fuse already with all ready, as in they second highest pitch in its group, alto
were all ready (prepared) to go. saxophone.
al* right (awl-nt) adv. an incorrect form al*to*geth*er (awl-td-gef/i-er) adv. 1. en-
of all right. tirely, totally. 2. on the whole. Din the
al*SO (awl-soh) adv. in addition, besides. altogether, (informal) nude. >Do not
ahso-ran (awl-soh-ran) n. 1. a horse or confuse altogether with all together, as
dog not among the first three to finish in we were all together (reunited) again.
in a race. 2. a person who fails to win al*tru*ism (al-troo-iz-em) n. unselfishness.
a race, contest, etc. al*tru*is*tic (al-troo-is-tik) adj. al*
alt. abbr. altitude. tru*is'ti*cal*ly adv.
ahtar (awl-tar) n. 1. the table on which al*tru*ist (al-troo-ist) n. an unselfish per-
bread and wine are consecrated in the son.
Communion service. 2. any structure on al*um (al-um) n. a white mineral salt used
which offerings are made to a god. in medicine and in dyeing.
al* tar* piece (awl-tar-pees) n. a painting al*u*min*i*um (al-yu-niin-i-um) n. (Brit-
or sculpture above the back of an altar. ish) aluminum.
al*ter (awl-ter) v. to make or become dif- a*lu*mi*nize (a-loo-ml-mz) v. (a*lu*mi*
ferent, to change in character, position, nized, a*lu*mi*niz*ing) to coat with
etc.; altera garment, resew it in a differ- aluminum.
ent style or size. al'ter*a*ble adj. al' a*lu*mi*num (a-loo-mi-num) n. a light-
ter*a*bly adv. al*ter*a*tion (awl-te- weight silvery metal used either pure or
ray-shdn) n. as an alloy for making utensils or fittings
al*ter*ca*tion (awl-ter-kay-shdn) n. a where lightness is an advantage.
noisy dispute or quarrel. a*lum*na (a-lum-na) n. (pi -nae, pr.
al*ter e*go (awl-ter ee-goh) one's other -nee) a female former student of a school
self, an intimate friend. or college.
ahtennate 1
(awl-ter-nit) adj. happening a*lum*nus (5-lum-nus) n. (pi. -ni, pr.
or following in turns, first one and then -ni) a male former student of a school
the other; on alternate days, every second or college.
day. al'ter*nate*ly adv. >Do
not con- ah ways (awl- way z) adv. 1. at all times,
fuse alternate with alternative. on all occasions, forever. 2. whatever the
al*ter*nate 2 (awl-ter-nayt) v. (al*ter* circumstances, at any time, you can al-
nat-ed, al*ter*nat*ing) 1. to arrange, ways change your plans. 3. repeatedly,
perform, or occur alternately. 2. to con- he is always complaining.
sist of alternate things. al*ter*na*tion am (am) see be.
(awl-ter-nay-sh6n) n. alternating Am symbol americium.
current, electric current that reverses its AM abbr. amplitude modulation.
direction at regular intervals. a.m. abbr. ante meridiem.
al*ter*nate 3 (awl-ter-nit) n. a deputy or A.M. abbr. 1 ante meridiem. 2. Master of

substitute. >Do not confuse alternate Arts.

with alternative. A.M.A. abbr. American Medical Associa-
al*ter*na*tive (awl-tur-na-tiv) adj. availa- tion.
ble in place of something else, alterna- a* man (ah-mah) n. (in the Orient) a nurse-
tive n. one of two or more possibilities. maid.
al*ter'na*tive*ly adv. >Do not con- a* mat -gam (a-mal-gam) n. 1. an alloy of
fuse alternative with alternate. mercury and another metal. 2. any soft
al*ter*na*tor (awl-ter-nay-tdr) n. an elec- pliable mixture.
tric generator producing alternating cur- a*mal*ga*mate (a-mal-gS-mayt) v.

rent. (a*mal*ga*mat*ed, a*mal*ga*mat*

a! • though, al*tho (awl-*7»h) conj. even ing) to mix, to combine. a*mal*ga*
though, in spite of the fact that. ^Care- ma*tion (a-mal-ga-may-sh6n) n.
ful writers do not use altho. a • man • u • en • sis (5-man-yoo-en-sis) n.
al*tim*e*ter (al-tim-S-ter) n. an instru- (pi -ses, pr. -seez) a person who writes
amaranth / American 26
from dictation or copies manuscripts, a or situation. am-biv'a-lent-ly adv.
literary assistant. am-biv'a-lence n. >Do
not confuse
am-a-ranth (am-a-ranth) n. an imagi-
1. ambivalent with ambiguous.
nary unfading flower. 2. pigweed, tum- am 'ble (am-bel) v. (am* bled, am*
bleweed, etc. 3. a purple color. bling) to walk at a slow easy pace, am-
am-a-ryl-lis (am-a-ril-is) ru a lilylike ble n. a slow easy pace.
plant growing from a bulb. am-bro-sia (am-broh-z/rfi) n. something
a* mass (a-mas) v. to heap up, to collect, delicious. am*bro / sial adj.
amassed a large fortune. am -bu- lance (am-byu-lans) n. a vehicle
am*a*teur (am-a-ter, -cher} ru a person equipped to carry sick or injured people.
who does something as a pastime rather am*bu*la*to*ry (am-byu-la-tohr-ee) adj.
than as a profession. am'a*teur*ism n. able to walk about.
am • a • teur • ish (am-a-tur-ish, -choor-) am* bus* cade (am-bu-skayd) n. an am-
adj. inexpert, lacking professional skill. bush, ambuscade v. (am* bus* cad*
am*a*teur'ish*ly adv. am-a*teur' ed, am*bus*cad*lng) to ambush.
Ish-ness n. am -bush (am-buush) n. 1. the placing of
am*a*tO*ry (am-a-tohr-ee) adj. of or in- troops etc. in a concealed position to
volving a lover, lovemaking, or expres- make a surprise attack on an enemy or
sions of love. a victim who has approached. 2. such
a -maze (a-mayz) v. (a •mazed, a -maz- an attack, ambush v. to he in wait for,
ing) to overwhelm with wonder, to attack from an ambush.
a-maz'ing-ly adv. a-maze'ment n. a-mel-io-rate (a-meel-yd-rayt) v.

am-a-zon (am-S-zon) n. a tall and strong (a*mel*io*rat*ed, a-mel-io-rat-ing)

or athletic woman, am-a-zo-ni-an to make or become better, a-mel-io-
(am-a-zoh-ni-an) adj. D>The Amazons ra-tion (a-meel-y6-ray-sh6n) n.
were a race of female warriors in Greek a -men (ah-men) interj. an expression of
mythology. assent.
am-bas-sa-dor (am-bas-a-ddr) n. 1. a a-me-na-ble (a-mee-na-bel, a-men-a)
diplomat sent by one country as a perma- adj. 1. answerable, subject to some au-
nent representative or on a special mis- thority or rule. 2. willing to be guided
sion to another. 2. an official messenger. or controlled by some influence, she is
am • bas sa • do • ri • al (am-bas-a-dohr-i-
• not amenable to discipline.
al) adj. a -mend (amend) v. to correct an error
am-ber (am-ber) n. 1. a hardened clear in,to make minor alterations in, they
yellowish-brown resin used for making amended the agreement. (t> Do not con-
ornaments. 2. a yellow traffic light shown fuse amend with emend.) Dmake

as a cautionary signal alone or between amends, to compensate or make up for

red (= stop) and green (= go), amber something, brought a gift to make
adj. 1. made of amber. 2. colored like amends for his lateness.
amber. a -mend- men t (a-mend-ment) n. 1. the
am-ber-gris (am-ber-gris) n. a waxlike process of amending something. 2. an
substance found floating in tropical seas addition to or correction of a document,
and present in the intestines of sperm bill, or law.
whales, used as a fixative in perfumes. a*men*l*ty (a-men-I-tee, a-mee-nl-) n. {pi
am-bi-dex'trous (am-bi-dek-striis) ar- -ties) n. 1 the pleasantness of a place

able to use either hand equally well, am* or circumstance. 2. a feature of a place
bi-dex'trous-ly adv. etc. that makes life there easy or pleasant.
am-bi-ence, am-bi-ance (am-bi-ens) n. 3. amenities, conventions observed in po-
environment, surroundings. lite social intercourse.
am-bi-ent (am-bi-ent) adj. surrounding. Amer. abbr. 1. America. 2. American.
am-big-u-ous (am-big-yoo-us) adj. 1. A-mer-i-ca (a-mer-i-ki) 1. a continent of
having two or more possible meanings. the western hemisphere (also called the
2. doubtful, uncertain, am-big'u-ous- Americas) consisting of the two great
ly adv. am-bi-gu-i-ty (am-bi-gyoo-I- land masses, North America and South
tee) n. t>Do not confuse ambiguous with America, joined by the narrow isthmus
ambivalent. of Central America. 2. the U.S.
am-bi-tion (am-bish-on) n. 1 a strong de-
. A-mer-i-can (a-mer-i-kan) adj. 1. of the
sire to achieve something. 2. the object continent of America. 2. of the U.S.
of this. American n. 1. a native of America.
am-bi-tious (am-bish-us) adj. full of am- 2. a citizen of the U.S. 3. (also American
bition, am-bi'tious-ly adv. English) the English language as spoken
am-biva-lent (am-biv-S-lent) adj. with in the U.S. American Indian, see In-
mixed feelings toward a certain object dian. American Legion, an organiza-
27 Americana / amphetamine
tion of veterans of U.S. wars,*ne*si*ac (am-nee-z/zi-ak) adj.
in 1919. American plan, the system of am*nes*ic (am-nee-sik) adj.
charging for a hotel room and service am*nes*ty (am-nS-stee) n. (pi -ties) a
with inclusion of meals. American Rev- general pardon, especially for offenses
olution, the war between the thirteen against a country, amnesty v. (am-
American colonies and Great Britain nestied, am
*nes* tying) to give an
(1775-1783) in which the colonies gained amnesty to.
their independence. am • ni • o • cen • te • sis (am-ni-oh-sen-tee-
A*mer*l*ca*na (a-mer-i-kan-a) n. pi sis) n. sampling of amniotic fluid by in-
books, memorabilia, etc. relating to sertion of a hollow needle into the womb.
America, especially to U.S. history. am*ni*on (am-ni-on) n. a membrane en-
A*mer*i*can*ism (a-mer-i-ka-niz-em) n. closing the embryo or fetus.
a custom, belief, trait, phrase, etc. origi- am*ni*ot*ic (am-ni-ot-ik) fluid the fluid
nating in the United States or peculiar surrounding the embryo or fetus.
to it. a*moe*ba (a-mee-ba) n. (pi. -bas, -bae,
A*mer*i*can*ize (a-mer-i-k2-niz) v. pr. -bee) a microscopic organism consist-
(A*mer-i-can-ized, A-mer-i-can- ing of a single cell that changes shape
IZ'ing) 1 to make or become American
. constantly. a*moe'bic adj.
in character. 2. to naturalize as an Amer- a*mok (a-muk) adv. on the rampage in
ican. A*mer*i*can*i*za*tion (a-mer-i- murderous frenzy, to run amok.
ka-ni-zay-shdn) n. a*mong (a-mung), a-mongst (a-mungst)
am*er*i*ci*um (am-e-rish-i-um) n. a me- prep. 1. in an assembly of, surrounded
tallic radioactive element. by, a single flower grew among the corn.
Am*er*ind (am-S-rind) n. an American 2. in the number of, this is reckoned
Indian or Eskimo. among his best works. 3. within the limits
am*e*thyst (am-£-thist) n. a precious of, between; quarreled among themselves,
stone, purple or violet quartz. with one another. >Do not use amongst.
a*ml*a*ble (ay-mi-£-bSl) adj. feeling and Also see the note under between.
inspiring friendliness, good-tempered. a*mon*til*la*do (a-mon-ti-lah-doh) n. a
a'mi*a*bly adv. a*mi*a-bil*i*ty (ay- medium dry sherry of a matured type.
mi-5-bil-i-tee) n. a*mor*al (ay-mor-al) adj. not based on
anvi»ca-ble (am-i-ka-bSl) adj. friendly. moral standards, neither moral nor im-
am'i«ca«bly adv. moral, a* mor'al *ly adv.
a* mid (amid), a* midst (amidst) prep, in am*o*rous (am-6-rus) adj. of, showing,
the middle of, during, amid shouts of or readily feeling sexual love. am'O*
dismay. >Most writers and speakers rous'ly adv. am'o-rous-ness n.
prefer to use amid a*mor*phoUS (a-mor-fus) adj. having no
a* mid 'Ships (a-mid-ships) adv. in the definite shape or form.
middle of a ship. am • or • tize (am-dr-tiz) v. (am • or • tized,
a* mi* no (a-mee-noh) acid an organic acid am*or*tiz*ing) 1. to pay off (a debt or
found in proteins. mortgage) by periodic payments. 2. to
a* miss (a-mis) adj. wrong, out of order, write off the initial cost of (an asset) grad-
something is amiss, amiss adv. wrongly, ually. anvor«ti«za*tion (am-dr-tl-zay-
faultily; don't take his criticism amiss, shon) n.
don't be offended by it. a* mount (S-mownt) n. 1. the total of any-
am*i*ty (am-T-tee) n. friendship, friendly thing. 2. a quantity, a small amount of
relations. salt, amount v. 1. to add up to. 2. to
Am* man (ah-mahn) the capital of Jordan. be equivalent to. >
Amount refers to
am*me*ter (am-mee-ter) n. an instrument bulk, mass, or aggregate. It is correct
that measures electric current, usually to say or write an amount of money and
in amperes. a number of coins.
am* mo (am-oh) n. (informal) ammuni- a-mour (a-moor) n. a love affair, especially
tion. an illicit one.
am*mo*nia (a-mohn-ya) n. 1. a colorless amp (amp) n. (informal) an ampere.
gas of nitrogen and hydrogen with a am* per* age (am-pe-rij) n. the strength
strong smell. 2. (also ammonia water) of electric current measured in amperes.
a solution of this in water. anvpere (am-peer) n. a unit for measuring
am*mu*nl*tion (am-yu-nish-dn) n. 1. electric current.
projectiles (bullets, shells, grenades, etc.) am* per* sand (am-per-sand) n. the sign
and their propellants. 2. facts and rea- & (= and).
soning used to prove a point in an argu- am*phet*a*mine (am-fet-a-meen) n. a
ment. drug used as a stimulant or to relieve
am*ne*sia (am-nee-z/ia) n. loss of mem- congestion.
amphibian / analytic 28
anvphib*han an ani-
(am-fib-i-an) n. 1. U.S. veterans of World War II and the
mal able to live both on land and in water Korean War.
(as a frog). 2. an aircraft that can take an (an) adj. (called the indefinite article)
off from and land on both land and wa- the form of a used before vowel sounds
ter. 3. a vehicle that can move on both other than "u" (pr. yoo), an egg, an hour
land and water. (but a unit).
anvphib'hous (am-fib-i-us) adj. 1. living an- prefix without, not, as in anarchy, an-
or operating both on land and in water. hydrous.
2. involving both sea and land forces, -an suffix used toform adjectives or nouns,
amphibious attack. especially from names of places, systems,
am-phi-the'a-ter (am-f I-thee-a-ter) n. 1. zoological classes, and founders, as in
an oval or circular building with tiers American, republican.
of seats surrounding an open central a*nach»ro*nism (a-nak-rd-niz-em) n. 1.
arena. not the same as a Greek
(>This is a mistake in placing something into a
or Roman theater, which is semicircu- particular historical period. 2. the thing
lar.) 2. a large room with raised tiers wrongly placed. 3. a person, custom, or
of seats around a central stage for view- idea regarded as out of date. a*nach*
ing performances, demonstrations, and ro-niS'tic (S-nak-rd-nis-tik) adj.
the like. an *a* con* da (an-a-kon-da) n. a large
am*pho*ra (am-fd-ra) n. (pi -rae, pr. Southern American snake that crushes
-ree, -ras) a Greek or Roman two-han- its prey.
dled vase. a*nae*mi»a = anemia.
am* pie (am-pel) adj. (-pier, -plest) 1. an«aer*0*bic (an-a-roh-bik) adj. living
plentiful, quite enough, ample evidence. and reproducing in the absence of atmos-
2. large, of generous proportions, am' pheric oxygen.
ply adv. an-aes-the-sia = anesthesia.
am*pli»fi*er (am-pll-fi-er) n. a device that an-aes-thet-ic = anesthetic.
increases electric voltage, current, or a-naes-the-tist = anesthetist.
power, or the loudness of sounds. a*naes*the*tlze = anesthetize.
am-pli-fy (am-pll-fi) v. (anvpli-fied, an *a* gram (an-a-gram) n. a word or
am - pli - tying) 1. to increase the phrase formed from the rearranged let-
strength amplify sound 2. to make
of, to ters of another (carthorse is an anagram
fuller, to add
details to, please amplify of orchestra).
your statement am*pli*fi*ca*tion (am- a-nal (ay-nal) adj. 1. of the anus. 2. of
pU-n-kay-sh6n) n. infantile psychosexual development that
am-pli-tude (am-pli-tood) n. 1. breadth. is centered on the anus.

2. largeness, abundance. amplitude anal. abbr. 1. analogous. 2. analogy. 3.

modulation, variation^ in the amplitude analysis. 4. analytic.
of carrier waves used in radio transmis- an -al -ge-si-a (an-al-jee-zi-a) n. loss of
sion. ability to feel pain while still conscious.
am* pule (am-pyool), am-poule (am- an*al*ge*sic (an-al-jee-zik) adj. reheving
pool) n. a small sealed container holding pain, analgesic n. a drug that relieves
a liquid, especially for hypodermic injec- pain.
tion. an*a*log (an-a-lawg) computer a com-
am-pu-tate (am-pyu-tayt) v. (anvpu- puter using physical quantities (voltage,
ta-ted, am-pu-tat-ing) to cut off by weight, etc.) to represent numbers.
surgical operation, am pu • • ta • tion (am- a «nal -o-gous (a-nal-a-gus) adj. similar in
pyu-tay-shdn) n. certain respects. a*nal'o*gous*ly adv.
anvpytee (am-pyu-tee) n. a person who an«a-logue, an*a*log (an-a-lawg) n. an
has had a limb amputated. analogous word or thing.
Am*ster*dam (am-ster-dam) the capital a-nal-o-gy (a-nal-a-jee) n. (pi -gies) a
of the Netherlands. partial likeness between two things that
amt. abbr. amount. are compared, the analogy between the
Anvtrak (am-trak) n. a system of railroads human heart and a pump. an*a*log«
in the U.S. l-cal (an-a-loj-i-kal) adj. an -a -logi-
a* muck = amok. cal »ly adv.
am*u*let (am-yu-lit) n. a thing worn as a-nal-ysis (a-nal-T-sis) n. (pi -see, pr.
a charm against evil. -seez) 1analyzing. 2. a statement of the

a* muse (2-myooz) v. (a* mused, result of this. 3. psychoanalysis.

a*mus*ing) 1. to cause to laugh or an*a*lyst (an-a-list) n. 1. a person who
smile. 2. to make time pass pleasantly is skilled in analysis of chemical sub-

for. a*muse'ment n. stances etc. 2. a psychoanalyst.

AMVETS (am-vets) n. an organization of an-a-lyt-ic (an-a-lit-ik), an-a-lyt-
29 analyze / anemometer

heal (an-&-lit-I-kal) adj. of or using anal- son, a man or woman who plays the
ysis. an«a*lyt'l*cal*ly adv. role of anchor man.
an-a-lyze (an-a-hz) v. (an -a -ly zed, an* an*chor*age (ang-kd-rij) n. 1. a place
a*lyz*ing) 1. to separate (a substance where ships may anchor safely. 2. the
etc.) into its parts in order to identify charge for this.

it or study its structure. 2. to examine an*cho*rite (ang-kd-nt) n. a hermit.

and interpret, tried to analyze the causes an*cho*vy n. (pL -vies) a

of their failure. 3. to psychoanalyze. small rich-flavored fish of the herring
an -a -pest (an-a-pest) n. a metrical foot family.
of three syllables, the first two short and an*Cient (ayn-chent) adj. belonging to
the last long, an *a* pes* tic (an-a-pes-
times long past. ancient history, his-
tory of the period before the end of the
tik) adj.
Western Roman Empire in 476 a.d. the
an*ar*chist (an-ar-kist) n. a person who
ancients, people who lived in ancient
believes that government and laws are
undesirable and should be abolished. an /
an*cil*lar*y (an-st-ler-ee) adj. helping in
ar-chism n. an*ar*chist*ic (an-ar-kis-
a subsidiary way, ancillary services.
tik) adj.
-ancy suffix used to form nouns meaning
an*ar*chy (an-ar-kee) n. 1. the absence
quality, as in constancy, relevancy; state,
of government or control, resulting in as in expectancy, infancy.
lawlessness. 2. disorder, confusion, an* and (and) conj. 1. together with. 2. then
archie (an-ahr-kik) adj. an*ar'chi* again, repeatedly or increasingly, gets
cal adj. better and better; miles and miles, very
an as -tig- mat -ic
• (an-as-tig-mat-ik) adj. many miles. 3. added to, two and two
free from astigmatism. make four. 4. to, go and buy one. 5. with
anat. abbr. anatomy. this consequence, move and I shoot.
a* native* ma (a-nath-e-ma) n. 1 a formal . and/or, together with or as an alter-
curse of the Church, excommunicating native, either one or both. >
someone or condemning something as writers do not use and/or.
evil. 2. a detested person or thing, blood an*dan*te (ahn-dahn-tay) adv. (of music)
anathema to him.
sports are in moderately slow time, andante n. a
a*nath*e*ma*tize (a-nath-e-ma-tiz) v. passage to be played in this way.
(a*nath*e*ma*tized, a*nath*e*ma* An -de -an (an-dee-an) adj. of the Andes,
tiz'ing) to curse. a range of mountains in western South
a*nat*0*my (a-nat-6-mee) n. 1. the scien- America.
tificstudy of bodily structures. 2. the and*i*ron (and-i-ern) n. an iron support
bodily structure of an animal or plant. (usually one of a pair) for holding logs
in a fireplace.
an*a*tom*i*Cal (an-a-tom-i-kal) adj.
an*a*tom'i*cal*ly adv. and/or see and.
-ance suffix used to form nouns meaning An*dor*ra (an-dor-a) a small country in

quality, as in arrogance, relevance; ac-

the Pyrenees. An •dor 'ran adj. & n.

Andorra la Vei-la (la vel-a) the capital

tion, as in assistance,
of Andorra.
an*ces*tor (an-ses-tdr) n. any of the per-
an*dro*gen (an-drd-jen) n. a male sex
sons from whom a person is descended,
hormone or other substance capable of
especially those more remote than grand-
developing and maintaining certain male
parents. an*ces*tral (an-ses-tral) adj.
sexual characteristics.
an*ces*try (an-ses-tree) n. {pi -tries) a an -droid (an-droid) n. a robot with human
line of ancestors.
an*Chor (ang-kdr) n. 1. a heavy metal an -ec- dote (an-ik-doht) n. a short amus-
structure or other object used to moor ing or interesting story about a real per-
a ship to the sea bottom or a balloon son or event. an*ec*dOt*al (an-ik-doh-
etc. to the ground; at anchor, moored tal) adj. >Donot confuse anecdote with
by an anchor. 2. anything that gives sta- antidote.
bility or security, anchor v. 1 to lower .
a*ne*mi*a (a-nee-mi-S) n. lack of red cor-
an anchor, to make secure with an an- puscles or of their hemoglobin in blood.
chor. 2. to fix firmly. anchor man, a*ne*mic (S-nee-mik) adj. 1. suffering
a strong member of a sports team who from anemia. 2. pale, weak in color. 3.
plays a vital part (as at the back of a lacking vigor or positive characteristics.
tug-of-war team or as a last runner in a*ne'ml*cal*ly adv.
a relay race); a broadcaster who intro- an*e*mom*e*ter (an-e-mom-e-ter) n. an
duces and comments on and coordinates instrument for measuring the force of
the reports etc. of others, anchor per- wind.
anemone / Angus 30
a*nem*0*ne (a-nem-6-nee) n. a plant re- an-gle (ang-gel) n. 1. the space or figure

lated to the buttercup, with white, red, formed between two lines or surfaces that
or purple flowers. meet. 2. a sharp projecting corner. 3. a
arve»roid (an-e-roid) barometer a ba- point of view, written from the sports-
rometer that measures air pressure by man's angle, angle v. (an*gled, an*
the action of air on the lid of a box con- gling) 1 to move or place in a slanting

taining a vacuum, not by the height of position. 2. to present (news etc.) from
a fluid column. a particular point of view.
an*es*the*sia (an-is-thee-z/ia) n. 1. loss an-gle2 v. (an*gled, an* gling) 1. to fish
of sensation. 2. insensibility, especially with hook and bait. 2. to try to obtain
to pain, induced by certain drugs. by hinting, angling for an invitation, an'

a n • es • t he • si • ol • o • gist (an-is-thee-zi-ol- gler n.

6-jist) n. a specialist in anesthesiology. an*gle*worm (ang-gel- wurm) n. an earth-
an*es*the*si*ol*o*gy (an-is-thee-zi-ol- worm used as bait.
6-jee) n. the branch of medicine dealing An*gli*can (ang-gli-kan) adj. of the
with anesthesia. Church of England. Anglican n. a mem-
arveS'theMc a sub-
(an-is-thet-ik) n. ber of this Church. An 'gli* can* ism n.
stance that produces loss of sensation an*gli*cize (ang-gli-siz) v. (angli-
and of ability to feel pain, anesthetic cized, an-gli-ciz-ing) to make English
adj. having this effect. in form or character, an*gli*ci*za*
an*es*the*tist (a-nes-the-tist) n. a person tlon (ang-gll-si-zay-shdn) n.
trained to administer anesthetics. An-glo (ang-gloh) n. {pi -glos) (slang)
an-es-the*tize (a-nes-the-tiz) v. (an* an English-speaking white American.
es-the-tized, an-es-the-tiz-ing) to Anglo- prefix English, British; an Anglo-
administer an anesthetic to (a person French agreement, between Britain and
etc.). France.
an*eu*rysm (an-yu-riz-em) n. a localized An*glo*phile (ang-gld-fil) n. a person who
dilation of an artery caused by weakening admires England or English things.
of its wall. An*glo*phobe (ang-gld-fohb) n. a person
a* new (a-noo, a-nyoo) adv. again, in a new who hates England or the English.
or different way. An*glo-Sax*on (ang-gloh-sak-son) n. 1.
an* gel (ayn-jel) n. 1 an attendant or mes-
. an English person of the period before
senger of God, usually shown in pictures the Norman Conquest. 2. the English
as a being in human form with wings language of this period, also called Old
and dressed in long white robes. 2. a very English. 3. a person of English descent.
beautiful or kind person. 3. a financial Anglo- Saxonr adj. of the Anglo-Saxons
backer, especially of a theatrical pro- or their language.
duction, u
angel dust, (informal) a An -go* la (ang-goh-la) a country on the
white crystalline powder used as an an- west coast of Africa. An •go' Ian adj. &
esthetic by veterinarians and as a nar- n.
cotic by some people, in whom it can an*go*ra (ang-gohr-a) n. 1. a yarn or fab-
• cause apathy and social estrangement. ric made from the hair of angora goats
an* gel* fish (ayn-jel-fish) n. (pi. -fish- or rabbits. 2. a long-haired variety of cat,
es, -fish) a fish with winglike fins. goat, or rabbit.
an* gel* food (ayn-jel-food) cake a light, an*gos*tu*ra (ang-gds-toor-a) n. the bit-
white sponge cake. ter bark of a South American tree.
an*gel*ic (an-jel-ik) adj. of or like an an- an-gry (ang-gree) adj. (-gri*er, -gri*
gel. an*gel'i*cal*ly adv. est) 1. feeling or showing anger. 2. in-
an*gel*i*ca (an-jel-i-k£) n. a fragrant flamed, an angry sore. an'gri*ly adv.
plant used in cookery and medicine. angst (ahngst) n. anxiety, remorse.
an*ge*lus n. (in the Roman
(an-je-lus) ang* Strom (ang-strdm) n. a unit of length
Catholic Church) a prayer to the Vir-
1 . used in measuring wavelengths and equal
gin Mary commemorating the Incarna- to one ten-billionth of a meter.
tion, said at morning, noon, and sunset. an-guish (ang-gwish) n. severe physical
2. a bell rung as a signal for this. or mental pain.
an*ger (ang-ger) n. extreme displeasure. an-guished (ang-gwisht) adj. feeling an-
anger v. to make angry. guish.
an*gi*na (an-ji-na) n. a spasmodic grip- an*gu*lar (ang-gyu-lar) adj. 1. having an-
ping sensation of pain. U angina pec- gles orsharp corners. 2. lacking plump-
toris (pek-t5-ris), a sharp pain in the ness or smoothness. 3. measured by an-
chest, accompanied by a sense of suffoca- gle, the angular distance. an*gu*lar*
tion, caused by an insufficient blood sup- l*ty (ang-gyii-lar-i-tee) n.
ply to the heart. An-gus n. = Aberdeen Angus.
31 anhydrous / annunciate
an •hydrous (an-hi-drus) adj. without An*nap*o*lis (&-nap-5-lis) the capital of
water, especially the water of crystalliza- Maryland.
tion. an*neal (a-neel) v. to toughen (glass or

an* Mine (an-Min) n. an oily liquid ob- metals) by heating and then cooling, to
tained from nitrobenzene, used in the temper.
manufacture of dyes and plastics. an*nex (a-neks) v. 1. to add or join to a
an • • mad • ver • sion (an-I-mad-vur-zft 6n)
i larger thing. 2. to take possession of, to
n. criticism. annex territory, annex (an-eks) n. a
an*i*mal (an-I-mal) ft. 1. a living thing building attached to a larger one or form-
that can feel and move voluntarily. 2. ing a subordinate part of a main building,
such a being other than a human being. an-nex-a-tion (an-ek-say-sh6n) «.
3. a four-footed animal as distinguished an -ni- hi -late (a-ni-i-layt) v. (an*ni*
from a bird, fish, reptile, or insect. 4. a hi • lat • ed, an • ni • hi • lat • ing) to destroy
brutish person, animal adj. of or from completely. an*nt'hi*la*tor n. an*ni*
or relating to animal life. hi-la-tion (a-ni-T-lay-sh6n) «.
an -i Trial -cule (an-T-mal-kyool) n. a mi- an*ni*ver*sa*ry (an-I-vur-sa-ree) n. (pi
croscopic animal. -ries) the yearly return of the date of
an • • mal • ism (an-i-ma-liz-em) n. 1. ani-
an event, a celebration of this.
mal activity, sensualism. 2. the doctrine an* no Do*mi*ni (an-oh dom-T-m) in the
that men are mere animals. year of Our Lord (usually shortened to
an •!• mate (an-I-mayt) v. (an*i*mat*
ed, an*i-mat*ing) 1. to give life or an*no*tate (an-oh-tayt) (an* no*v.

tat-ed, an* no* tat* ing) add notes of

movement to, to make lively, her pres-
ence animated the meeting. 2. to moti-
explanation to, an annotated edition, an'
no*ta*tor n. an*no*ta*tion (an-oh -
vate, he was animated by loyalty. 3. to
tay-sh6n) n.
produce as an animated cartoon. an'i*
mat-ed adj. an'i* ma* tor n. ani-
an*nounce (a-nowns) (an*nounced, v.

an*nounc*ing) make known pub-

1 to
mated cartoon, a film made by photo- .

licly or to an audience. 2. to make known

graphing a series of drawings, giving an
the presence or arrival of. an*nounce'
illusion of movement.
ment n.
an*i*ma*tion (an-I-may-shdn) n. 1. ani-
an*nounc*er (a-nown-ser) n. a person
mating. 2. liveliness. 3. an animated car-
who announces something, especially
toon or the techniques producing it.
one who introduces programs or reads
an*i*mos*i*ty (an-T-mos-i-tee) n. (pi.
news items over radio or television.
-ties) a spirit of hostility.
an*noy (a-noi)to cause slight anger
v. 1.
an*i*mus (an-I-mus) n. animosity shown to. 2. to be troublesome to, to harass.
in speech or action.
an*noy'ance n. an*noyed' adj. an*
an*i*on (an-i-dn) ft. an ion with a negative noy'ing adj. an*noy'ing*ly adv.
charge. an*i*on*ic (an-i-on-ik) adj. an*nu*al (an-yoo-al) adj. 1. coming or
an-ise (an-is) n. a plant with aromatic happening once every year, her annual
fruits and licorice-flavored seeds. visit. 2. of one year, reckoned by the year,
an -i -seed (an-I-seed) n. the seed of the her annual income. 3. lasting only one
plant anise, used for flavoring. year or season, annual plants, annual
an*l*sette (an-i-set) n. a colorless sweet /i. 1 . a plant that lives for one year or
liqueur flavored with aniseed. one season. 2. a book or periodical pub-
An*ka*ra (ang-ka-ra) the capital of Tur- lished in yearly issues, an'nu-ai'iy adv.
key. D annual ring, a ring in the cross section
ankh (angk) n. a key-like cross used in of a tree, fish, etc. from one year's
ancient Egypt as a symbol of life. growth.
an*kle (ang-kel) «. 1. the joint connecting an*nu*i*tant (a-noo-i-tant) n. a person
the foot with the leg. 2. the slender part who receives an annuity.
between this and the calf. an*nu*i*ty (a-noo-i-tee) n. (pi. -, a
an*kle*bone (ang-kel -bohn) ft. the talus, fixed annual allowance, especiall}
the uppermost row of bones of the tarsus. provided by a form of investment.
an*klet (ang-klit) ft. 1. an ornamental an-nul (a-nul) v. (an* nulled, an •nul-
chain or band worn around the ankle. ling) to make null and void, to destroy
2. a short sock reaching to slightly above the validity of, the marriage was an-
the ankle. nulled. an*nul'ment n.

ann. abbr. 1. annual. 2. annuity. an-nu-lar (an-yu-lar) adj. ringlike.

an*nals (an-alz) n. pi. a history of events an*nun*ci*ate (a-nun-si-ayt) v. (an*
year by year, historical records, an* nun*ci*at*ed, an* nun* chat* Ing) to
nal*ist (an-a-list) n. announce. an*nun*ci*a*tor (a-nun-si-
annunciation / antecedent 32
ay-t5r) n. arvnurvci-a-tOTy (a-nun- swer for his honesty; they must answer
si-a-tohr-ee) adj. for their crimes, must justify them or pay
an*nun*ci*a*tion (a-nun-si-ay-shdn) n. the penalty. 4. to correspond, this bag
1 the act of announcing. 2. Annuncia-
. answers to the description of the stolen
tion, the announcement by the angel Ga- one. an'swer*er n. answer back,
briel to the Virgin Mary that she was to answer a rebuke impertinently, an-
to be the mother of Christ, the festival swering service, a business that re-
commemorating this. ceives telephone calls for its clients.
an -ode (an-ohd) n. the electrode by which an-swer-a«ble (an-se-ra-bel) adj. 1. able
current enters a device. ari-od*iC (an- to be answered. 2. having to account for
od-ik) adj. something.
arvo'dize (an-o-diz) v. (an*o*dized, ant (ant) n. a very small insect of which
arvo'diZ'ing) to coat (metal) with a there are many species, all of which form
protective layer by electrolysis, arvod* and live in highly organized groups.
i-za-tion (an-oh-<li-zay-shdn) n. Dant lion, an insect that traps ants.
an*0*dyne a drug that
(an-d-din) n. 1. ant. abbr. antenna. 2. antonym.
relieves pain. 2. anything that relieves Ant abbr. Antarctica.
pain or distress. -ant suffix used to form adjectives mean-

a*noint (a-noint) v. 1. to apply ointment ing existence of action, as in repentant

or oil to, especially as a sign of consecra- -ant 2 suffix used to form nouns meaning
tion. 2. to smear or rub with grease. agent, as in assistant
a*noint*ment (a-noint-ment) n. ant-aC'id (ant-as-id) n. a substance that
a*nom*a*ly (S-nom-a-lee) n. {pi -lies) prevents or corrects acidity.
something that deviates from the general an*tag*o*nism (an-tag-o-niz-em) n. ac-
rule or the usual type, an irregularity tive opposition, hostility. an*tag / o*
or inconsistency. a*nom'a*lous adj. nist n.

a*non (a-non) adv. (old use) soon, pres- an-tag«o-niS'tic (an-tag-6-nis-tik) adj.
ently, / will say more of this anon. showing or feeling antagonism, an* tag*
anon. abbr. by an anonymous author. o-nis'ti-cal'ly adv.
an*o*nym*l*ty (an-d-niin-I-tee) n. being an*tag*o*nlze(an-tag-o-niz) v. (an* tag*
anonymous. o-nized, an*tag*o*niz*ing) to arouse
a*non*ymous (a-non-I-mus) adj. 1. with antagonism in.
a name that is not known
or not made Ant* arc* tic (ant-ahrk-tik) adj. of the re-
public, an anonymous donor. 2. written gions around the South Pole. Antarctic
or given by such a person, an anonymous n. 1. these regions. 2. the Antarctic
gift; an anonymous letter, one that is not Ocean. Antarctic Circle, the line of
signed. a«non'ymous*ly adv. latitude 66° 30' S. t>Be sure to pro-
a *noph -e-les (a-nof-e-leez) n. a mosquito nounce the two "k" sounds in Antarctic
that carries malaria. Ant*arc*ti*ca (ant-ahrk-ti-ka) the conti-
an*0*rec*tlc (an-6-rek-tik) adj. suffering nent mainly within the Antarctic Circle.
from anorexia. >Be sure to pronounce the two "k"
an-OTex'i-a (an-6-rek-si-i) n. loss of ap- sounds in Antarctica.
petite for food. anorexia nervosa, an*te (an- tee) n. 1 a stake put up by each

a psychological condition causing poker player before he sees his hand. 2.

chronic absence of appetite for food. (slang) the cost or price, ante v. (an-
an-oth-er (a-nuf/i-er) adj. 1. additional, ted or an* teed, an*te*ing) to put up
one more; he another Solomon, one
is an ante, to pay up. Dante up, to ante.
like him. 2. different, use another pipe, ante- prefix before. L> Do not confuse ante-
this one leaks. 3. some or any other, will with anti-.
not do another man s work, another pro- ant*eat*er (ant-ee-ter) n. a tropical Amer-

noun another or a different person or ican mammal feeding chiefly on ants and
thing. termites.
an-swer (an-ser) n. 1. something said or an*te*bel*lum (an-ti-bel-um) adj. before
written or needed or done to deal with the war, of the southern U.S. before the
a question, accusation, or problem. 2. Civil War.
the correct solution to a problem, an- an*te*ced*ent (an-ti-see-dent) n. 1. a
swer v. 1 to make an answer to, to say,
. preceding thing or circumstance, the war
write, or do something in return; answer and its antecedents; I know nothing of
the door, go to it in response to a signal; his antecedents, of his ancestry or past
he answers to the name of Thomas, is life. 2. a noun, clause, or sentence to

so called. 2. to suffice or be suitable for, which a following pronoun refers (in the
this will answer the purpose. 3. to take book that I have, book is the antecedent
responsibility for, to vouch for, / will an- of that), antecedent adj. previous.
33 antechamber / anticlimax
an*te*cham*ber (an-ti-chaym-ber) n. an sonality to a god or animal or object.
anteroom. an*thro*po*mor'phism ru
an -te- date (an -te« dat-
(an-ti-dayt) v. an*tl (an-ti, -tee) ru(pL -tis) a person who
ed, an*te*dat*ing) 1. to put an earlier opposes a certain policy etc. anti prep,
date on (a document) than that on which (informal) opposed to.
it was issued. 2. to precede in time, to anti- prefix against, opposed to, as in anti-
be earlier. slavery; preventing, counteracting, as in
an*te-dl*lu-vi-an (an-ti -di-loo-vi-an) antiperspirant >Do
not confuse anti-
adj. 1 of the time before the Flood. 2.
with ante-.
(informal) utterly out of date. an-ti -air -craft (an-ti-air-kraft) adj. used
an -te* lope (an-te-lohp) ru a swift-running against enemy aircraft.
animal resembling a deer, found espe- an-ti-A-mer-i-can (an-ti-£-mer-i-kan)
cially in Africa. adj. 1. opposed to U.S. policy or inter-
an*te me*ri*dl*em (an-ti me-rid-i-em) hating Americans.
ests. 2.
between midnight and noon. t> Latin. an • ti • bac
• te • r • al
i (an-ti-bak teer-i-al)
an-ten-na (an-ten-a) n. {pi -ten-nae, pr. adj.stopping the growth of bacteria.
-ten-ee, -ten*nas) 1. one of a pair of an-ti-bal-lis-tic (an-ti-ba-lis-tik) missile
flexible sensitive projections on the heads
a defensive missile designed to intercept
of insects, crustaceans, etc., a feeler. 2. and destroy an attacking ballistic missile.
wire(s) or rod(s) used to transmit or re-
an-ti-bi-ot-lc (an-ti-bi-ot-ik) n. a sub-
ceive radio waves, an aerial.
stance capable of destroying or prevent-
an • te • pe • n u • t • mate
I i (an-ti-pi-nul-tl-
ing the growth of bacteria.
mit) adj. last but two.
an-ti-bod-y (an-ti-bod-ee) n. a protein
an-te*ri-or (an-teer-i-6r) adj. coming be- formed in the blood in reaction to certain
fore in position or time.
substances which it then attacks and de-
an-te-room (an-ti-room) ru a room lead-
ing to a more important one.
an* tic (an-tik) ru (usually antics) 1. ab-
an* them (an-them) n. 1. a short musical
surd movements intended to cause
composition to be sung in religious serv-
amusement. 2. odd or foolish behavior.
ices, often with words taken from the
an-ti-can-cer (an-ti-kan-ser) adj. stop-
Bible. 2. a song of praise or gladness.
ping the growth of cancer cells.
another (an-ther) ru the part of a flower's
an-ti-Cath-o-lic (an-ti-kath-5-lik) adj.
stamen that contains pollen.
opposed to the doctrine and influence of
ant •hill (ant-hil) ru a mound over an ants'
the Roman Catholic Church. anti-Ca-
thol-i-cism (an-ti-ka-thol-T-siz-em) n.
an-thol-O-gist (an-thol-5-jist) ru a person
who compiles an anthology.
An -tl- Christ (an-ti-knst) n. a great enemy
an-thol-o-gize (an-thol-6-jiz) v. (an* or opponent of Christ and his teachings.
an-tic-i-pate (an-tis-I-payt) v. (an*
thol-o-gized, an*thoi*o*giz*ing) to
include in an anthology. tic-i-pat-ed, an*tic*i*pat*ing) 1. to
deal with before the proper time; be sure
an*thol*0*gy (an-thol-6-jee) ru a collec-
tion of passages from literature, espe- not to anticipate the check, do not spend
it before receiving it. 2. to take action
cially poems.
an*thra*cite (an-thra-sit) ru a hard form before someone else has had time to do
of coal that burns with little flame or so, others may have anticipated Colum-

smoke. bus in the discovery of America. 3. to no-

an*thrax (an-thraks) ru a disease of sheep tice what needs doing and take action
and cattle that can be transmitted to peo- in advance; anticipate someone's needs,
ple. provide for them in advance; the boxer
anthrop. abbr. anthropology. anticipated the blow, saw it coming and
an-thro-poid (an-thrd-poid) adj. manlike blocked it. 4. to expect, we anticipate that

in form, anthropoid n. an anthropoid it will rain. (D>Many people regard this

ape such as a gorilla or chimpanzee. use as unacceptable, but it is very com-

an*thro*pol*0*gist (an-thrd-pol-d-jist) mon.) an*tlc*l*pa*tion (an-tis-I-pay-
ru an expert in anthropology. shdn) n.

an*thro*pol*o*gy (an-thrd-pol-6-jee) ru an • tic • i • pa • to • ry (an-tis-I-pa-tohr-ee)

the scientific study of mankind, espe- adj. showing anticipation.
cially of its origins, development, cus- an-ti- cler-i-cal (an-ti-kler-i-kai) adj. op-
toms, and an* thro* DO* log*
beliefs, posed to the influence of clergy or to
i*cal (an-thr6-pd-loj-i-kal) adj. an* the existence of an organized clerical hi-
thro*po*log'i*cal*ly adv. erarchy.
an*thro*po*mor*phic (an-thr6-pd-mor- ru a disap-
an-ti-Cli-max (an-ti-kli-maks)
fik) adj. attributing human form or per- pointing ending or outcome of events
anticline / antique 34
where a climax was expected, an*ti* bustion engine, antiknock n. a sub-
Cll -mac -tic (an-ti-kli-mak-tic) adj. stance added to motor fuel to prevent
an -ti* dine an archlike fold
(an-ti-klin) n. or reduce knock.
in a bed of rock. an*ti*cli*nal (an-ti- an*ti*log*a-rtthm (an-ti-law-ga-riffc-em)
kli-nal) adj. n. a number to which a logarithm be-
an*ti*co*ag*u*lant (an-ti-koh-ag-yu- longs.
lant) adj. retarding or preventing the an*ti*ma*cas*sar (an-ti-ma-kas-ar) n. a
clotting of blood, anticoagulant n. an covering on a chair back to protect it
anticoagulant substance. from hair grease or to serve as an orna-
an*ti*co*IO*ni*al (an-ti-kd-loh-ni-al) adj. ment.
opposed to the practice of maintaining an*ti*mag*net*ic (an-ti-mag-net-ik) adj.
overseas colonies. an*ti*co*lo'ni*aJ* resistant to magnetization, especially of
ism n. watch movements.
an*ti-convmu*nism (an-ti-kom-yu-niz- an*ti*mat*ter (an-ti-mat-er) n. hypotheti-
em) ft. opposition to communism, an* cal matter composed solely of antiparti-
ti*com'mu*nist n. an*ti*com*mu* cles.
nis-tic (an-ti-kom-yu-nis-tik) adj. an*ti*mo*ny (an-tT-moh-nee) ft. a brittle

an *ti -cyclone (an-ti-si-klohn) n. an area silvery metallic element used in alloys.

in which atmospheric pressure is high, an*tl*nov*el (an-ti-nov-el) ft. a novel of
producing fine settled weather, with an unconventional or nontraditional type.
outward flow of air. an*ti*cy*clon* an«ti*par-ti-cle (an-ti-pahr-ti-kel) ft. an
ic (an-ti-si-klon-ik) adj. elementary particle having the same
an-ti*de*pres*sant (an-ti-di-pres-ant) n. mass as a given particle but an opposite
a drug that counteracts mental depres- electric charge or magnetic moment
sion. an*ti*de-pres'sive adj. an -ti* pas* to (an-ti-pah-stoh) ft. assorted
an 'th dote (an-ti-doht) n. 1. a substance appetizers such as smoked meats, fish,
that counteracts the effects of a poison olives, etc.
or a disease. 2. anything that counteracts an*tip*a*thy (an-tip-a-thee) ft. 1 a strong .

unpleasant effects. > Do not confuse an- and settled dislike. 2. the object of this,
tidote with anecdote. an-ti-pa-thet-ic (an-ti-pa-thet-ik) adj.
an-tl-es-tab-llsh-ment (an-ti-cs-tab- an-ti-per-son-nel (an-ti-pur-sd-nel) adj.
lish-ment) adj. opposed to institutions of designed to kill or injure persons.
power in a society. an • ti
• pw
* spi * rant (an - 1 i- pur-spe-rant) ft.

an *tl* fas* cist (an-ti-fash-ist) adj. op- a substance used to reduce excessive
posed to fascism. an*ti*fas'cism n. underarm perspiration.
an*ti*fer*til*i*ty (an-ti-fer-til-i-tee) ft. an*tiph*0*nal (an-tif-6-nal) adj. sung al-
preventing or impeding conception. ternately. an-tiph'o*nal*ly adv.
an *ti* freeze (an-ti-freez) n. a substance an*tip*o*des (an-tip-o-deez) ft. pi places
added to water to lower its freezing point on opposite sides of Earth. an*tip*0*
and therefore make it less likely to freeze. de*an (an-tip-o-dee-an) adj. an*ti*po*
an*ti*gen (an-ti-jen) n. a substance that dal (an-tip-6-dal) adj. Uthe antipodes,
stimulates production of an antibody the region diametrically opposite Eu-
when introduced into a living organism, rope.
an-ti-gen-ic (an-ti-jen-ik) adj. an* an*ti*pol*lu*tlon (an-ti-po-loo-sh6n) adj.
ti*ge*nlc*i*ty (an-ti-jfc-nis-i-tee) n. against or preventing pollution.
an*ti*gravi*ty ft. a hy-
(an-ti-grav-i-tee) an tl • pope (an-ti-pohp) n. a pope in oppo-

pothetical force opposing gravity, an* sition to one who is held to be canonically
ti*grav*i*ta*tk>n*al (an-ti-grav-i-tay- chosen.
sho-nal) adj. an*tl*pov*er*ty (an-ti-pov-er-tee) adj at-
an*ti-he*ro (an-ti-heer-oh) n. a hero of tempting to ameliorate or eliminate pov-
an unconventional type in a novel etc. erty.
an*ti*his*ta*mine (an-ti-his-ta-meen) ft. an 'ti- pro 'ton (an-ti-proh-ton) ft. an anti-
a substance that counteracts the effects particle of proton.
of histamine, used in treating allergies. an*ti*quar*i*an (an-ti-kwair-i-an) adj.
an • ti • hyper- ten -sive (an-ti-hi-per-ten- connected with the study of antiques or
siv) n. a drug used to treat high blood antiquity, antiquarian n. an antiquary,
pressure. an-tl-quar'i-an'lsm n.
an • ti im • pe • ri • al • ism
• (an-ti-im-peer-i-a- an*ti*quar*y (an-tl-kwer-ee) ft. one who
liz-em) opposed to imperialism, an*
n. studies or collects antiques or antiquities.
ti*lm*per'l*al*lst n. an-ti-im-per- an-tl-quat*ed (aa-tl-kway-tid) adj old-
i*al*is*tic (an-ti-im-peer-i-a-lis-tik) adj. fashioned, out of date.
an -ti* knock (an-ti-nok) adj. preventing or an-tlque (an-teek) adj belonging to the
reducing knocking in an internal com- distant past, in the style of past times.
35 antiquity / A one
antique an antique object* especially
n. A (ay) number one see A
furniture or a decorative object of a kind a«nus (ay-nus) n. the opening at the end
sought by collectors, antique v. (an* of the alimentary canal, through which
ttqued, an-ti-qulng) to make (furni- waste matter passes out of the body.
ture etc.) appear antique by artificial an* vil (an-vil) n. a block of iron on which
means, a blacksmith hammers metal into shape.
an-tiq-ui-ty (an-tik-wi-tee) n. (pi -ties) anx*i*e*ty (ang-zi-£-tee) n. 1. the state
1. ancient times, especially before the of being anxious. 2. something causing
Middle Ages; it is of great antiquity, it this.
is very old. 2. an object dating from an- anx«ious (angk-shus) adj. 1. troubled and
cient times, Greek and Roman antiqui- uneasy in mind. 2. causing worry, filled
ties. with such feeling, an anxious moment.
an-tl-Se-mit-ic (an-ti-se-mit-ik) adj. hos- 3. eager, anxious to please, anxious-
tile to Jews. an*ti-Sem«ite (an-ti-sem- ly adv. t> Careful writers do not use anx-
it) n. an«ti-SeiTPi-tism (an-ti-sem-T-tiz- ious in its third sense. They would write
em) n. eager to please.
an-ti-sep-tic (an-ti-sep-tik) adj. 1. killing an-y one or some (but no
(en-ee) adj. 1.
or preventing the growth of bacteria etc. matter which) from three or more or
that cause things to become septic. 2. from a quantity. 2. every, whichever you
thoroughly clean and free from germs. choose, any fool knows that 3. in a signif-
antiseptic n. a substance with an anti- icant amount, did not stay any length of
septic effect. an-ti-sep'ti-cal-ly adv. time, any pronoun any person, thing, or
an*ti*se»rum (an-ti-seer-um) n. (pi -se« amount, can't find any of them; we
rums, -se*ra, pr. -seer-S) a serum con- haven't any. any adv. at all, in some de-
taining antibodies. gree, isn't any better. Dnot having any,
aivti-slaver-y (an-ti-slay-vg-ree) adj. (informal) unwilling to take part in
opposed to slavery. something or to agree with what is said.
an-ti-so-cial (an-ti-soh-shal) adj. 1. op- an*ybod*y (en-i-bod-ee) n. & pronoun
posed or hostile to the social institutions any person. 2. aperson of importance,

and laws of an organized community. is he anybody? u anybody's guess,

2. unsociable, withdrawing oneself from something no one can be sure about.

others, an «ti« so'cial »ly adv. an*yhow (en-i-how) adv. 1. in any way.
an-tl-stat-ic (an-ti-stat-ik) adj. counter- 2. nevertheless, in any case.
acting the effects of static electricity. an *y •more (en-i-mohr) adv. (in negative
an*ti*sub*ma*rine (an-ti-sub-ma-reen) and interrogative constructions) now,
adj. used against submarines. henceforth. >Do
not confuse anymore
an 'tl' tank (an-ti-tangk) adj. used against with any more. I do not see him anymore.
tanks in war. Any more would be too many.
an*tith«e*sis (an-tith-e-sis) n. (pi -ses, an*yone (en-i-wun) n. & pronoun any-
pr. -seez) 1 the direct opposite of some-
. body. > Write any one only when you
thing, opposition or contrast, slavery is mean a particular person or thing or idea
the antithesis of freedom. 2. contrast of Here are four. Please choose any one
ideas emphasized by choice of words or of them.
by their arrangement. an«ti«thet*ic an *y place (en-i-plays) adv. anywhere.
(an-tl-thet-ik) adj. an*ti*thet'i*cal adj. > Careful writers use anywhere.
an-ti-thet'i-cal-ly adv. an •y thing (en-i-thing) n. & pronoun any
an*ti*tox*in (an-ti-tok-sin) n. a substance thing, anything will do; as easy as any-
that neutralizes a toxin and prevents it thing very easy. Danythlng but, far
from having a harmful effect, an-ti* from being, its anything but cheap, like
tox'ic adj. anything, with great intensity.
an -th trust (an- ti- trust) adj. opposed to or an a
y time (en-i-tim) adv. at any time.
intended to regulate trusts and monopo- an*y way (en-i-way) adv. in any way, in
lies. any case. > Anyways
is incorrect.
an»ti»ven»in (an-ti-ven-in) n. an anti- an «y where (en-i-hwair) adv. in or to any
toxin, especially against snake poison. place. >
Anywheres is incorrect.
an-ti-vivi-sec-tlon-ist (an-ti-viv-T-sek- An-zac (an-zak) n. 1. a member of the
sho-nist) n. a person who is opposed to Australian and New Zealand Army
making experiments on live animals. Corps. (>The name is formed from the
ant-ler (ant-lSr) n. a branched horn, one initial letters of the Corps.) 2. an Aus-
of a pair of these on a stag or other deer, tralian or a New Zealander.
ant'lered adj. A-O.K., A-OK (ay-oh-kay) adj. adv. (in- &
•n-to»nym (an-t6-nim) n. a word that is formal) perfectly all right, excellent.
opposite in meaning to another. A one (ay wun) see A
aorta / apology 36

a-or-ta (ay-or-ta) n. (pi -tas, -tae, pr. aph-ro-dis*i-ac (af-ro-diz-i-ak) adj.

-tee) the great artery through which arousing sexual desire, aphrodisiac n.
blood is earned from the left side of the an aphrodisiac substance.
heart. A* pi* a (ah-pee-ah) the capital of Western
A.P. abbr. Associated Press. Samoa.
a* pace (a-pays) adv. swiftly, work pro- a*pi*ar*y (ay-pi-er-ee) n. a place with a
ceeded apace. number of hives where bees are kept.
a -pache (a-pash) n. a violent street ruffian a*pi*a*rist (ay-pi-a-rist) n.
in Paris, a member of the Parisian un- ap'i'Cal (ap-i-kal) adj. 1. belonging to an
derworld. apache dance, a violent apex. 2. placed at the tip. 3. articulated
dance for two persons. with the tip of the tongue. a / pi*cal*
A-pach-e (a-pach-ee) n. a member of a ly adj.
tribe of North American Indians inhabit- a -piece (a-pees) adv. for or by each one
ing the southwestern part of the U.S. of a group, cost a penny apiece.
a* part (a-pahrt) adv. 1. aside, separately a-plomb (a-plom) n. dignity and confi-
in place or time, to or at a distance; can- dence.
not tell them apart, cannot distinguish A.P.O. abbr. Army Post Office.
one from the other. 2. into pieces, it came a*poc*a*lypse (a-pok-a-lips) n. 1 . a cata-
apart. apart from, independently of, clysmic event, the end of the world. 2.
other than, has no books apart from these. Apocalypse, the Revelation (of St. John
a -part -held (a-pahrt-hayt) n. a policy of the Divine), the book in the New Testa-
racial segregation in the Republic of ment containing a prophetic description
South Africa. of the end of the world.
a* part* merit (a-pahrt-ment) n. a suite of a-poc-a-lyp'tic (a-pok-a-lip-tik) adj.
rooms dwelling in.
for apartment prophesying great and dramatic events
house or building, a building divided like those described in the Apocalypse,
into individual dwelling units. a-poc-a-iyp'ti'cahly adv.
ap-a-thy (ap-a-thee) n. lack of interest or A-poc-rypha (a-pok-rl-fa) n. 1. those
concern. ap*a-thet-ic (ap-a-thet-ik) books of the Old Testament that were
adj. ap*a*thet'i*cal*ly adv. not accepted by Jews as part of the He-
ape (ayp) n. 1 . a tailless monkey (gorilla, brew Scriptures and were excluded from
chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon). 2. the Protestant Bible at the Reformation.
large uncouth man. ape
(slang) a v. 2. apocrypha, any writings of dubious au-
(aped, ap-ing) to imitate, to mimic. thenticity.
ape-man (ayp-man) n. (pi -men, pr. a-poc-rypha I (S-pok-rT-fal) adj. 1. un-
-men) a member of an extinct genus of an apocryphal account of
true, invented,
apelike men. of the Apocry-
his travels. 2. Apocryphal,
Ap- en -nines (ap-e-ninz) n. pi a moun- pha. a-poc ry-phal-ly adv.
tain range in Italy. a-po-cyn-thi-on (ap-o-sin-thi-dn) n.
a-per-cu (ap-er-syoo) n. 1. a summary apolune.
exposition. 2. an insight. > French. ap-o-gee (ap-o-jee) the point in the
n. 1.
a-per-i»tif (a-per-i-teef) n. an alcoholic orbit of the moon or any planet when
drink taken as an appetizer. it is at its farthest point from Earth. 2.

ap-er-ture (ap-er-chur) n. an opening, the highest or most distant point, a cli-

especiallyone that admits light. max, a-po-ge-an (ap-5-jee-an) adj.
a-pex (ay-peks) n. the tip or highest point, a-po-lit-i-cal (ay-pd-lit-i-k&l) adj. uncon-
the pointed end, the apex of a triangle. cerned with or detached from politics,
aph-a-nite (af-a-nit) n. a close-grained ig- a-po-lit'l-cal-ly adv.
neous rock, aph-a-nit-ic (af-a-nit-ik) A-pol-lo (a-pol-oh) n. (pi -los) a young
adj. man of great physical beauty. Apollo >
a-pha-sia (a-fay-z/ia) n. partial or total was the sun god in Greek mythology.
loss of speech,or loss of understanding a-pol-o-get-ic (a-pol-5-jet-ik) adj. mak-
of language, resulting from brain dam- ing an apology, a-pol-o-get'l-cal-
age, a-pha-sic (a-fay-zik) adj. ly adv.
a-phe-li-on (a-fee-li-dn) n. (pi -lia, pr. ap-o-lo-gi-a (ap-o-Ioh-ji-a) n. a defense
-li-a) the point of a planet's or a comet's or justification of conduct or opinions.
orbit farthest from the sun. a-pol-o-gist (a-pol-6-jist) n. a person
a-phid (ay-fid, af-id) n. a plant louse that who explains or defends a doctrine by
sucks the juice of plants. reasoned argument.
a • phis (ay-fis, af-is) n. (pi -i-des, pr. af- a-pol-o-gize (a-pol-d-jiz) v. (a-pol-o-
i-deez) an aphid. gized, a-pol-o-giz-ing) to make an
aph-o-rism (af-d-riz-em) n. a short wise apology.
saying, a maxim. a-pol-O-gy (S-pol-6-jee) n. 1. a statement
37 apolune /appellate
of regret for having done wrong or hurt perquisite. 3. a natural accompaniment
someone's feelings. 2. an explanation or or attribute.
defense of one's beliefs. 3. a poor or ap-pa-ra-tus (ap-a-rat-us, -ray-tus) n.
scanty specimen, this feeble apology for (pi -tus, -tus*es) 1 the equipment used

a meal for doing something, the instruments etc.

ap*o*lune (ap-5-loon) n. the point in a used in scientific experiments. 2. the
body's orbit about the moon where it equipment (as parallel bars) used in gym-
is farthest from the moon's center. nastics. 3. a group of bodily organs by
ap-o-plec-tic (ap-d-plek-tik) adj. 1. of which some natural process is carried
apoplexy. 2. suffering from apoplexy. 3. out, the digestive apparatus.
(informal) liable to fits of rage in which ap •parcel (a-par-el) n. clothing.
the face becomes very red. ap*o*plec' ap*par*ent (a-par-ent) adj. 1 clearly seen

ti-cal-ly adv. or understood; it became apparent, be-

ap-o-plex'y (ap-6-plek-see) sudden in-

n. came obvious. 2. seeming but not real,
ability to feel and move, caused by block- his reluctance was only apparent, ap*
age or rupture of an artery in the brain. par'enMy adv. Dheir apparent, see
a-pos-ta-sy (a-pos-ta-see) n. (pi -sies) heir.
renunciation of one's religion, principles, ap*pa*ri*tion (ap-a-rish-dn) n. 1. an ap-
political party, etc. a*pos*tate (a-pos- pearance, something that appears, espe-
tayt) adj. & n. cially something remarkable or unex-
a pos*te*ri*o*ri (ay pos-teer-i-ohr-i) (of pected. 2. a ghost.
reasoning) from effects to causes. ap»peal (a-peel) v. 1. to make an earnest
> Latin, = from what comes after. request, appealed for contributions. 2. to
a*pos*tle (a-pos-el) n. 1. Apostle, any of ask a person or go to a recognized au-
the twelve men sent forth by Jesus to thority for an opinion or for confirmation
preach the Gospel. 2. a leader or teacher of what one says, appealed to the umpire.
of a new faith or movement. . 3. to take a question to a higher court
ap-os-tol-ic (ap-6-stol-ik) adj. 1. of the for rehearing and a new decision. 4. to
Apostles or their teaching. 2. of the pope offer attraction, to seem pleasing, cruises
as successor to St. Peter. apostolic don't appeal to me. appeal n. 1. the act
succession, transmission of spiritual of appealing. 2. attraction, pleasantness.
authority from the Apostles through suc- 3. a request for public donations to a
cessive popes and other bishops. cause. ap*peal'ing*ly adv. Dsnob ap-
a-pos-tro-phe (a-pos-trd-fee) n. the sign peal, appeal to people's snobbish feel-
used to show that letters or numbers ings.
have been omitted (as in can*t = cannot; ap*pear (a-peer) v. 1. to be or become
'05 = 1905), or showing the possessive present oneself, especially
visible. 2. to
case (the boy's book, the boys' books), formally or publicly, the actress is appear-
or the plurals of letters (there are two ing in a new play this season. 3. to act
l's in bell). as counsel in a law court, / appear for
a-pcth-e-car-y (a-poth-e-ker-ee) n. {pi the defendant 4. to be published, the
-carries) (old use) a druggist, pharma- story appeared in the newspapers. 5. to
cist. apothecaries' weight, a system give a certain impression, you appear to
of units formerly used by pharmacists. have forgotten.
ap'O'thegm (ap-6-them) n. a terse or ap*pear*ance (&-peer-ans) n. 1. appear-
pithy saying. ing. 2. an outward sign, what something
a-poth-e-O-sis (a-poth-i-oh-sis) n. (pi appears to be, has an appearance ofpros-
-ses, pr. -seez) deification, deified ideal. perity; judging by appearances, by out-
app. abbr. 1. apparent. 2. apparently. 3. ward looks. Dkeep up appearances,
appendix. to keep an outward show of prosperity
Ap-pa-la-Chi-ans (ap-a-lay-chi-anz) n. or good behavior, make an appear-
pi the Appalachian Mountains, in east- ance, appear, arrive, put in an appear-
ern North America. ance, to be present, especially for only
ap-pall (a pawl) v. (ap- palled, ap* a short time, to all appearances, so
pall-ing) to fill with horror or dismay, far as can be seen, he was to all appear-
to shock deeply. ances dead.
ap*pall*ing (a-paw-ling) adj. (informal) ap* pease (a-peez) v. (ap-peased, ap*
shocking, unpleasant. peas*ing) to make calm or quiet by
Ap*pa*IOO*sa (ap-a-loo-sa) n. a horse of making concessions or demands, ap*
a western American breed with dark peas'a*ble adj. ap« pease 'ment n.
spots on a light background. ap • pel • lant (a-pel-an t) n. a person making
ap-pa*nage (ap-a-nij) n. 1. provision for an appeal to a higher court.
the younger children of kings etc. 2. a ap* pel* late (a-pel-it) adj. having legal au-
appellation / appraise 38

thority to hear appeals and reverse deci- application was refused. 4. bringing a rule
sions. appellate court, a court with into use, putting something to practical
such authority. use. 5. the ability to apply oneself.
ap-pel-la-tion (ap-e-lay-shdn) n. 1. nam- ap*pli*ca*tor (ap-H-kay-t6r) n. a device
ing. 2. a name or title. for applying something.
ap-pend (a-pend) v. 1. to attach. 2. to ap* plied (a-plid) adj. put to practical use.
add at the end, append one's signature. applied science, applied mathe-
ap-pend -age (a-pen-dij) n. a thing added matics, etc., these subjects used in a
to or forming a natural part of something practical way (as in engineering), not
larger or more importaift. merely theoretical.
ap* pen* dec* to* my (ap-en-dek-td-mee) ap-pli-que (ap-li-kay) * a piece of mate-
n. {pi -to-mies) surgical removal of the rial sewn or fixed ornamen-
cut out and
appendix of the intestine. applique v. (ap*pli*
tally to another,
ap*pen*di*Ci*tis (a-pen-di-si-tis) n. in- qued, ap*pii*que*ing) to ornament
flammation of the appendix of the intes- with applique.
tine. ap-ply (a-pli) v. (ap* plied, ap- ply-
ap-pen-dix (a-pen-diks) n. (pL -dix* ing) 1. to put (one thing) into contact
es, -di-ces, pr. -di-seez) 1. a section with another, to spread on a surface. 2.
with supplementary information at the to bring into use or action, apply eco-
end of a book or document. 2. a small nomic sanctions; apply common sense to
blind tube of tissue attached to the intes- the problem, use it to solve a problem;
tine. this name was applied to them, was used
ap* per *tain (ap-er-tayn) v. 1. to belong. in describing or referring to them. 3. to
2. to be relevant, the facts appertaining put into effect, to be relevant, the rules
to his dismissal must be applied in every case; what I said
ap-pe-tite (ap-£-tit) n. 1. physical desire, does not apply to you. 4. to make a formal
especially for food. 2. a desire or liking, request, to apply for a job. apply one-
an appetite for power. self, to give one's attention and energy
ap-pe-tiz-er (ap-£-ti-zer) n. something to a task, apply the brakes, to cause
eaten before a meal to stimulate the appe- them to act on the wheels.
tite. ap* point (a-point) v. 1. to fix or decide
ap-pe-tlz-lng (ap-e-ti-zing) adj. stimulat- by authority, they appointed a time for
ing the appetite, an appetizing smell ap' the next meeting. 2. to choose (a person)
pe-tlz-lng-ly adv. for a job, to set up by choosing members,
appl. abbr. applied. appoint a committee. D
ap-plaud (a-plawd) v. 1. to show approval well equipped or furnished.
of (a thing) by clapping one's hands. 2. ap-poln-tee (a-poin-tee) n. the person ap-
to praise, we applaud your decision. pointed.
ap*plause (a-plawz) n. 1. handclapping ap* point *ive (a-poin-tiv) adj. subject to
by people applauding. 2. warm approval. or relating to appointment, many people
ap-ple (ap-el) n. 1 a round fruit with firm
. in government hold appointive positions.
juicy flesh. 2. the tree bearing this fruit. ap* point -ment (a-point-ment) n, 1. an ar-
Dapple of one's eye, a cherished per- rangement to meet or visit at a particular
son or thing, apple pie order, perfect time. 2. appointing a person to a job. 3.
order. the job or position itself. 4. appointments,
ap* pie* jack (ap-el- jak) n. liquor distilled equipment, furniture.
from cider, 4\)ple brandy. ap-por-tlon (a-pohr-shdn) v. to divide
ap* pie* sauce (ap-el-saws) n. 1. apples into shares, to allot. ap'por'tkHtrment
(usually sweetened) stewed and passed n.
through a sieve. 2. (slang) nonsense. ap* DO* Site (ap-d-zit) adj. (of a remark)
ap-pli-ance (a-pli-ans) n. a device, an in- appropriate for a purpose or occasion,
strument. ap'po-slte-ly adv. ap'po-slte-ness
ap*pli*ca*ble (ap-li-ka-bel) adj. able to be n.
applied, appropriate. ap-pli-ca-bil- ap-po-sl-tlon (ap-6-zish-dn) n. 1. placing
i*ty (ap-H-ka-bil-i-tee) n. side by side. 2. a grammatical relation-
ap-pli-cant (ap-H-kant) a person who
n. ship in which a word or phrase is placed
applies, especially for a job. ap'pli* with another that it describes; in "I ad-
can*cy n. mire Lincoln, the man," the man is in
ap*pli*ca*tion (ap-H-kay-sh6n) n. 1. ap- apposition to Lincoln.
plying something, putting one thing on ap-pos-l-tlve (a-poz-T-tiv) n. a word or
another, ointment for external applica- phrase in apposition, appositive adj.
tion only. 2. the thing applied. 3. making used in apposition.
a formal request, the request itself, his ap* praise (a-prayz) v. (ap* praised, ap*
39 appreciable / apron

praising) to estimate the value or qual- able, proper, appropriate (3-proh-pree-

ap-prais'al n. ap-prais'er n.
ity of. ayt) (ap'pro-pri-at-ed, ap*pro*

>Do not confuse appraise with apprise. pri*at*ing) 1. to take and use as one's
ap-pre-cia-ble (a-pree-sha-bel) adj. able own. 2. to set aside for a special purpose,
to be seen or felt, considerable, an appre- $500 was appropriated for contingencies.
ciable change in temperature, ap-pre' ap*pro'pri*ate*ly adv. ap-pro'pri-
cia-bly adv. ate* ness n. ap*pro'pri*a*tor n. ap*
ap-pre-ci-ate (a-pree-shi-ayt) v. (ap* pro • pri • a • Won (5-proh-pree-ay-shon)
pre*ci*at*ed, ap*pre*ci*at*ing) 1. to n.
value greatly, to be grateful for. 2. to ap*prov*al (a-proo-val) n. feeling, show-
enjoy intelligently, to appreciate good po- ing, or saying that one considers some-
etry. 3. to understand, we appreciate their thing to be good or acceptable. ap- Don
reluctance to give details. 4. to increase proval, (of goods) taken by a customer
in value, the investments have appreciated for examination without obligation to
greatly. ap*pre*ci*a*tion (a-pree-shi- buy unless satisfied.
ay-shdn) n. ap* prove (a-proov) v. (ap* proved, ap*
ap • pre *cia« five (a-pree-sha-tiv) adj. feel- proving) 1. to say or feel that a thing
ing or showing appreciation. ap«pre' is good or suitable. 2. to sanction, to
cia*tive*ly adv. agree to, the expenditure has been ap-
ap*pre*hend (ap-ri-hend) v. 1. to seize, proved, ap* proving *ly adv.
to arrest. 2. to grasp the meaning of,
approx. abbr. 1 approximate. 2. approxi-

to understand, to become aware of. 3.

to expect with fear or anxiety.
ap*prox*i*mate (a-prok-si-mit) adj. al-
ap*pre*hen*sion (ap-ri-hen-shdn) n. 1. most exact or correct but not completely
a feeling of fear about a possible danger
so. approximate (a-prok-si-mayt) v.
or difficulty. 2. understanding. 3. arrest.
(ap*prox*i*mat*ed, ap*prox*i*mat*
ap-pre-hen-sive (ap-ri-hen-siv) adj. feel-
ing) to be or make similar, especially
ing apprehension, anxious, ap-pre*
in quality, etc. ap*prox*i*
hen'sive*ly adv. ap*pre*hen'sive*
mate*ly (a-prok-sl-mit-lee) adv. ap*
ness n.
prox ma tion (a-prok-si-may-shdn)
• • •
ap*pren*tice (a-pren-tis) n. 1. a person
learning a craft from a skilled worker
(and, formerly, bound to an employer
ap pur -te- nance
• (a-pur-te-nans) n. 1. a
minor piece of property, or a right or
by legal agreement). 2. a novice, ap-
privilege that goes with a more important
prentice v. (ap-pren-ticed, ap-pren-
one. 2. an adjunct. ap*pur'te*nant adj.
ticking) to bind or set (a person) to work
as an apprentice.
Apr. abbr. April.
ap* prise (a-prcz) v. (ap* prised, ap*
a*pres-ski (a-pray-skee) adj. of or suitable
pris*ing) to inform. ODo
not confuse for the period after skiing, especially at
apprise with appraise. a resort, apres-ski n. this period.
ap-proach (a-prohch) v. 1. to come near ap*ri*COt (ap-ri-kot, ay-pri-) n. 1. a juicy
or nearer in space or time, winter is ap- oval fruit with a pit, related to the plum
proaching. 2. to set about doing or taking and peach and orange-pink when ripe.

preliminary steps, approach the problem 2. this color.

in a practical way. 3. to go to with a A*pril (ay-pril) the fourth month of the
request or offer, approach your bank for year. D
April fool, a person who is
a loan. 4. to be similar to, his liking for hoaxed on April Fool's Day, April 1,
it approaches infatuation, approach n. a day traditional for playing*mild hoaxes.
1 approaching, watched their approach. a pri*o*ri (ay pri-ohr-i) 1. reasoning from
2. a way of reaching a place. 3. the final cause to effect, deductively. 2. presump-
part of an aircraft's flight before landing. tively, without investigation. 3. (of
4. a method of doing or tackling some- knowledge) existing in the mind inde-
thing. effort to establish an agree- pendently of experience. Latin, = from
ment or friendly relations. 6. an approxi- what is before.
mation, his nearest approach to a smile. a*pron (ay-prdn) n. 1. a garment worn
ap*proach*a*ble (a-proh-cha-bel) adj. over the front part of the body to protect
able to be approached; he is very ap- the wearer's clothes. 2. a similar garment
proachable, is friendly and easy to talk worn as part of official dress by a bishop
with. ap*proach*a*bil*i*ty (a-proh- or freemason. 3. anything resembling
cha-bil-i-tee) n. such a garment in shape or function. 4.
ap*pro*ba*tion (ap-rd-bay-sh6n) n. ap- a hard-surfaced area on an airfield, where
proval. aircraft are maneuvered or loaded and
ap* pro* private (a-proh-pree-it) adj. suit- unloaded. Dtied to mother's apron
apropos / arbiter 40

strings, excessively dependent on or aq-ua-vlt (ah-kwa-veet) n. a colorless or

dominated by her. yellowish alcoholic spirit distilled from
ap ro -DOS
• (ap-ro-poh) adv. appropriately, potatoes or other starch-containing
to the point, apropos adj. suitable or plant, schnapps.
relevant to what is being said or done. aq-ua vi-tae (ak-wa vi-tee) 1. brandy or
apropos Of, concerning, with refer- other alcoholic spirit. 2. an alchemist's
ence to, apropos of elections, who is to term for alcohol.
be our candidate? aq-ue-duct (ak-we-dukt) n. an artificial
apse (aps) n. a recess, usually with an channel carrying water across country,
arched or domed roof, ^especially in a especially one built like a bridge above
church. low ground. D> There is only one "a" in
apt (apt) adj. 1. suitable, appropriate, an aqueduct
apt quotation. 2. having a certain ten- a-que-ous (ay-kwi-us) adj. 1. of water,
dency, likely, he is apt to be careless. 3. watery. 2. (in geology) produced by the
quick at learning, an apt pupil apt'ly action of water. aqueous humor, the
adv. apt / ness n. transparent fluid between the lens of the
apt abbr. apartment. eye and the cornea.
ap-ti-tude (ap-ti-tood) n. a natural ability aq-ui-cul-ture (ak-wi-kul-chur) n. the
or skill. cultivation of plants or breeding of ani-
aq-ua (ak-wa) n. 1. water. 2. the color mals in water, hydroponics.
aquamarine. aq-ui-llne (ak-wT-lm) adj. hooked like an
aq-ua -cade (ak-wa-kayd) n. an entertain- eagle's beak, an aquiline nose.
ment by swimmers and divers, usually Ar symbol argon.
in time to music. Ar. abbr. Arabic.
Aq-ua -lung (ak-wa-lung) n. (trademark) AR abbr. Arkansas.
a diver's portable breathing apparatus, -ar suffix used to form adjectives, as in
consisting of cylinders of compressed air angular, or nouns, as in scholar.
connected to a face mask. aq r ua- lung- Ar-ab (ar-Sb) n. a member of a Semitic
er n. people originally inhabiting the Arabian
aq-ua* ma Tine (ak-wa-ma-reen) n. 1. a peninsula and neighboring countries,
bluish-green beryl. 2. its color. now also other parts of the Middle East
aq-ua-naut (ak-wa-nawt) an underwa- n. and North Africa. Arab adj. of Arabs.
ter explorer or swimmer, especially one ar-a-besque (ar-a-besk) n. 1. an elabo-
who lives in an underwater installation rate design with intertwined leaves,
for an extended time. branches, and scrolls. 2. a ballet dancer's
aq-ua -plane (ak-wa-playn) n. a board on posture with* the body bent forward hori-
which a person stands to be towed by zontally and one leg extended backward
a speedboat, aquaplane v. (aqua- in line with it.

planed, aq-ua- planning) 1. to ride on A-ra-bl-a (a-ray-bi-a) a peninsula in the

such a board. 2. (of a car or car's wheel) Middle East between the Red Sea and
to glide or skid uncontrollably on the the Persian Gulf. A«ra'bhan adj.
wet surface of a road. Ar-a-bic (ar-a-bik) adj. of the Arabs or
aq-ua re-gi-a (ak-wa ree-ji-S) a mixture their language. Arabic the language

of concentrated nitric and hydrochloric of the Arabs. arable numerals, the

and platinum,
acids, able to dissolve gold symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
which are not attacked by the unmixed ar-a-ble (ar-a-bel) adj. suitable for plow-
acids. ing and for growing crops.
a-quar-l-um (a-kwair-i-um) n. {pi a -rach-nld (S-rak-nid) n. a member of the
a-quar-i-ums, a-quar-l-a, pr. class of animals including spiders, scor-
S-kwair-i-a) 1 an artificial pond or tank
. pions, and mites.
for keeping living fish and water animals Ar -a -ma -lc (ar-a-may-ik) n. a Semitic lan-
and plants. 2. a building containing such guage spoken in Syria and Palestine in
ponds or tanks. New Testament times.
A-quar-i-us (a-kwair-i-us) a sign of the A -rap -a -ho (a-rap-a-hoh) n. {pi -hos,

zodiac, the Water Bearer. A-quar'i- -ho) 1 a tribe of North American Indi-

an adj. & n. ans of the Algonquin speech group, for-

a-quat-ic (a-kwat-ik, a-kwot-ik) adj. 1. merly living in Nebraska and Kansas,
growing or living in or near water, now in Wyoming and Oklahoma. 2. a
aquatic plants. 2. taking place in or on member of this tribe. 3. their language.
water; aquatic sports, rowing, swimming, ar ba -lest (ahr-ba-list) n. a crossbow with

etc. a special mechanism for drawing it.

aq-ua -tint (ak-wa-tint) n. a kind of etch- ar-bl-ter (ahr-bi-ter) n. 1. a person who
ing. has the power to decide what shall be
41 arbitrary / Arctic

done or accepted, one with entire con- or expression) characteristic of the past
trol, French designers are no longer the and surviving in some special uses. ar*.
arbiters of fashion. 2. an arbitrator. cha'i*cal*ly adv.
ar«bi«trar«y (ahr-bl-trer-ee) adj. 1. based arch* an* gel (ahrk-ayn-jel) n. an angel of
on random choice or impulse, an arbi- the highest rank.
trary decision. 2. despotic, unrestrained, arch* blah* op (arhch-bish-op) n. a bishop
arbitrary powers. ar-bl-trar'hly adv. ranking above other bishops in an eccle-
ar'bi*trar*i*ness n. siastical province.
ar-bi-trate (ahr-bl-trayt) v. (arbi- arch «dea* con (ahrch-dee-kdn) n. a priest
trated, ar*bi*trat*ing) to act as an ranking next below a bishop, or a clergy-
arbitrator. man who assists a diocesan bishop.
ar-bi-tra-tion (ahr-bl-tray-shdn) n. settle- arch*di*o*cese (ahrch-di-d-sis) n. an
ment of a dispute by an arbitrator. archbishop's diocese or district.
anbhtra-tor (ahr-bl-tray-tdr) ru an im- arch* duke (ahrch-dook) n. a prince of the
partial person chosen to settle a dispute former imperial house of Austria.
between parties. arch -en -e- my (ahrch-eo-e-mee) n. (pL
arbor n. a shady place among
(ahr-bdr) -miea) the chief enemy.
made in a garden with climb-
trees, often arch*er (ahr-cher) n. 1. a person who
ing plants growing over a framework. shoots with bow and arrows. 2. the
ar*bo*re*al (ahr-bohr-i-al) adj. 1 . of trees. Archer, a sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius.
2. living in trees. arch*er*y (ahr-che-ree) n. the sport of
ar bo re turn (ahr-bo-ree-tum) n. {pi
• • • shooting with bows and arrows.
-turns, -ta, pr. -ta) a place where trees ar* Che* type (ahr-ki-tip) n. an original
are grown for study and display. model from which others are copied, ar*
ar-bor-vl-tae (ahr-bor-vi-tee) n. a co- che*typ*al (ahr-ki-ti-pal) adj. ar*che*
niferous evergreen shrub or tree. typ*i*cal (ahr-ki-tip-i-kal) adj.
ar*bu»tus (ahr-byoo-tus) ru an evergreen arch *fiend (ahrch-feend) n. Satan.
plant of the heather family with red ber- ar • chi • e • pis • co • pal (ahr-ki-i-pis-kd-p&l)
ries. adj. of an archbishop.
arc (ahrk) n. 1 part of a curve. 2. anything
. ar*chl*man*drite (ahr-kl-nuui-dnt) ru a
shaped like this. 3. a luminous electric superior of a monastery of the Orthodox
current passing across a gap between two Church, equivalent to an abbot in West-
terminals, arc v. (arced, arcing) to ern churches.
form an electric arc. Dare lamp or ar*Chi*pel*a*go (ahr-ki-pel-a-goh) ru {pi
light, lighting using an electric arc. arc -goa) a group of many islands, a sea
welding, welding by means of an electric containing such a group.
arc. ar*Chi*tect (ahr-ki-tekt) ru a person who
ARC abbr. American Red Cross. designs buildings.
ar *cade (ahr-kayd) ru 1 a covered passage
. ar*chl*tec*ture (ahr-ki-tek-chur) n. 1.
or area, usually with shops on both sides. the art or science of designing buildings.
2. a series of arches supporting or along 2. the design or style of a building or
a wall. buildings. ar*chi*tec*tur*al (ahr-ki-
arcane (ahr-kayn) adj. mysterious, se- tek-chu-ral) adj. ar • chi* teCtur* al-
cret. ly n.
arch 1 (ahrch) n. 1 a curved structure sup-
. ar*chl*trave (ahr-ki-trayy) ru 1. the main
porting the weight of what is above it beam of a structure, resting immediately
or used ornamentally. 2. something on two or more columns. 2. a molded
shaped like this. 3. the curved under part frame around a doorway, window, or
of the foot, arch v. to form into an arch. arch.
arch 2 adj. consciously or affectedly playful, ar* chives (ahr-kivz) n. pl\. the records
an arch smile, arch'ly adj. arch'nesa or historical documents of an institution
n. or community. 2. a place where such
arch. abbr. 1. archaic. 2. architect 3. ar- records or documents are kept.
chitecture. ar*chl*vlst (ahr-kl-vist) n. a person
ar*chae*ol*o*gist (ahr-ki-ol-5-jist) n. an trained to deal with archives.
expert in archaeology. ar*Chon (ahr-kon) ru 1. one of the nine
ar*chae*ol*o*gy, ar*che*ol*o*gy chief magistrates in ancient Athens. 2.
(ahr-ki-ol-d-jee) n. the scientific study of a ruler or president.
past human life and civilizations through arch* way (ahrch- way) ru a passageway
material remains. ar*chae*o*log*i* under an arch.
cal (ahr-ki-6-loj-i-kal) adj. Arc* tic (ahrk-tik) adj. 1. of the regions
arena* ic (ahr-kay-ik) adj. 1. belonging around the North Pole. 2. arctic, very
to former or ancient times. 2. (of a word cold, the weather was arctic. Arctic ru
-ard / arm 42
1. the Arctic the Arctic
regions. 2. 2. a reason put forward. 3. a theme or
Ocean. Arctic Circle, the line of lati- chain of reasoning.
tude 66° 30' N. >Be sure to pronounce ar*gu*men*ta*tion (ahr-gyu-men-tay-
the two "k" sounds in Arctic. shdn) n. arguing.
-ard suffix used to form nouns, as in stand- ar*gu*men*ta*tive (ahr-gyu-men-ta-tiv)
ard, drunkard. adj. fond of arguing. ar*gu*men'ta*
ar*dent (ahr-dent) adj. full of ardor, en- tive*ly adv.
thusiastic. ar'denMy adv. ar*gyle (ahr-gil) n. 1. a diamond-shaped
ar*dor (ahr-ddr) n. great warmth of feel- varicolored knitting pattern, especially
ing. for socks. 2. a sock with this pattern.
ar-du-ous (ahr-joo-us) adj. needing much a*ri*a (ahr-i-a) n. an operatic song for one
effort, laborious. ar'du*ous*ly adv. voice.
ar'du*ous*ness n. ar*id (ar-id) adj. 1. dry, parched, having
are 1
(air) n. a unit of square measure, 100 too little rainfall to support agriculture;
sq. meters. arid regions, deserts etc. 2. dull, uninter-
are 2 (ahr) see be. esting, an arid lecture or life. ar'id*
ar*e*a (air-i-5) n. 1 the extent or measure-
. ly adv. ar'id -ness n a*rid*i*ty (a-rid-

ment of a surface. 2. a region, desert areas i-tee) n.

of the world 3. a space set aside for spe- Ar*ies (air-eez) a sign of the zodiac, the
cial use, picnic area. 4. the field of an Ram. Ar*i*an (air-i-an) adj. & n.
activity or subject, in the area offinance. a Tight (a-rot) adv. rightly.
Darea code, a three-digit number iden- a* rise (a-riz) v. (a* rose, a-ris-en) 1 . (old
tifying telephone areas in the U.S. and use) to get up, to stand up, to rise from
Canada, used in long distance calls. the dead. 2. to come into existence, to
ar*e*a*way (air-i-S-way) n. a sunken come to people's notice, problems arose;
court in front of a house basement. this fear arises from ignorance, comes as
a*re*na (a-ree-na) n. 1. the level area in a result of it.
the center of an amphitheater. 2. a sports ar*is*toc*ra*cy (ar-i-stok-ra-see) n. 1.
stadium. 3. a sphere of action, the politi- the hereditary upper classes of people in
cal arena. a country, the nobility. 2. a country ruled
aren't (ahrnt) = are not. by these.
ar-gent (ahr-jent) n. silver, argent adj. a*ris*to*crat (a-ris-td-krat) n. a member
silver colored. of the aristocracy.
Ar*gen*ti*na (ahr-jen-tee-na) a country a*ris*to*crat*ic (a-ris-td-krat-ik) adj. 1.
in South America. of the aristocracy. 2. noble in style.
ar* gen* tine (ahr-jen-tin) adj. of silver, sil- a*ris*to*crat / i*cal*ly adv.
very. a*rith*me*tic (a-rith-me-tik) n. the sci-
Ar* gen* tine (ahr-jen-tin) Argentina. n. ence of numbers, calculating by means
Ar*gen*tin*e*an (ahr-jen-tin-i-an) adj. of of numbers. ar*ith*met*i*cal (ar-ith-
Argentina. Argentinean n. a native or met-i-kal) adj. ar*ith*met / i*cal*ly adv.
inhabitant of Argentina. Ariz. abbr. Arizona.
ar*gen*tite (ahr-jen-tit) n. silver sulfide, Ar*i*zo*na (ar-i-zoh-n5) a state of the
a dark gray silver. U.S. Ar*i*zo'nan adj. n. &
ar-gon (ahr-gon) n. an inert gaseous ele- ark (ahrk) n. Noah's boat or a model of
ment, forming about one percent of air, this. Dthe Ark of the Covenant, the
used in gas-filled electric light bulbs etc. sacred chest in which the ancient He-
ar*go*sy (ahr-gd-see) n. (pi. -sles) a large brews kept the tablets of the Law.
vessel carrying rich merchandise. Ark. abbr. Arkansas.
ar-got (ahr-goh) n. the jargon or slang Ar-karvsas (ahr-kan-saw) a state of the
of a class or group, especially of crimi- U.S. Ar*kan*san (ahr-kan-zan) adj. &
nals. n.
ar*gu*a*ble (ahr-gyoo-a-bfcl) adj. open to arm (ahrm)
n. 1 either of the two upper

doubt or dispute, not certain, ar'gu* limbs of the human body, from the shoul-
a-bly adv. der to the hand. 2. a sleeve. 3. something
ar-gue (ahr-gyoo) v. (ar-gued, ar* shaped like an arm or projecting from
gu-ing) 1. to express disagreement, to a main part, an arm of the sea; the arms
exchange angry words. 2. to give reasons of a chair. Darm in arm, (of people)
for or against something, to debate. 3. with the arm of one linked in the arm
to persuade by talking, argued him into of another, at arm's length, at the out-
going. 4. to indicate, their style of living side limit that the arm can reach; keep
argues that they are well off. people at arm's length, avoid becoming
ar*gu -ment (ahr-gyu-ment) n. 1 a discus- . too friendly with them, in arms, (of ba-
sion involving disagreement, a quarrel. bies) too young to walk, the long arm
43 arm / arrange
Of the law, the authority or power of 2. equipped with such vehicles, armored
the law. divisions.
arm 2 v. 1. to supply or fit with weapons; ar*mor*er (ahr-md-rer) n. 1. a maker of
armed with a big stick, carrying this as arms or armor. 2. a person in charge
a weapon; the enemy is arming, is prepar- of small arms.
ing as if for war. 2. to make (a bomb ar-mo Thai (ahr-mohr-i-al) adj. of he-
etc.) ready to explode, the device was not raldic arms.
yet armed, arm n. each of the branches ar*mor*y (ahr-md-ree) n. (pi -mor*
of a country's military forces, a strong les) a place where weapons are kept or
air arm. armed forces or services, made.
military forces, armed neutrality, re- arm* pit (ahrm-pit) n. the hollow under the
maining neutral but prepared to defend arm below the shoulder.
oneself against attack, armed to the arm* rest (ahrm-rest) n. the arm of a chair.
teeth, fully or elaborately armed. arms (ahrmz) n. pi. 1. weapons, an arms
ar-ma-da (ahr-mah-da) n. a fleet of war- depot. 2. a coat of arms (see coat).
ships. Dthe Spanish Armada, that Darms race, competition among na-
sent by Spain against England in 1588. tions in accumulating weapons, up in
ar-ma-dil-lo (ahr-ma-dil-oh) n. (pi. -los) arms, angry, protesting vigorously.
a small burrowing animal of South ar*my (ahr-mee) 1 an orga-
n. (pi. -mies) .

America, with a body covered with a nized force equipped for fighting on land.
shell of bony plates. 2. a vast group, an army of locusts. 3.
Ar*ma*ged*don (ahr-ma-ged-Sn) 1. (in a body of people organized for a particu-
the Bible) the scene of the final conflict lar purpose, an army of helpers. Uarmy
between the forces of good and evil at ant, any of the tropical American ants
the end of the world. 2. any decisive con- that move in vast numbers.
flict. ar*nl*ca (ahr-ni-ka) n. 1. a composite
ar*ma*ment (ahr-m2-ment) n. 1. the plant, largely American, having yellow
weapons with which an army or a ship, flowers. 2. a tincture prepared from the
aircraft,or fighting vehicle is equipped. root and flowers of this and used for
2. the process of equipping for war. bruises, sprains, etc.
ar*ma*ture (ahr-ma-chur) n. the wire- a*ro*ma (&-roh-m£) n. a smell, especially
wound core of a dynamo or electric mo- a pleasant one. ar*o*mat*ic (ar-6-mat-
tor. ik) adj.
arm* Chair (ahrm-chair) n. a chair with a* rose (a-rohz) see arise.
raised sides or supports for the arms. a* round (S-rownd) adv. & prep. 1. envel-
armchair critic, one who criticizes oping, on every side, in every direction.
without having experience.
practical 2. about, here and there; he's somewhere
armchair traveler, one who reads or around, close at hand; we shopped
hears about foreign lands rather than ex- around, went from place to place. 3.
periencing them through travel. along the circuit or circumference of, sail
Ar*me*ni*a (ahr-mee-ni-a) a republic of around the world, walk around the block.
the U.S.S.R. bordering on Turkey. Ar* 4. (informal) about, approximately at, be
me'ni-an adj. & n. here around five o'clock. around the
arm* ful (ahrm-fuul) n. 1. as much as the Clock, continuously throughout day and
arm can hold. 2. (slang) an attractive night. >
Careful writers and speakers use
woman, one a man would like to hold about instead of around in the fourth
in his arms. sense of around.
arm* hole (ahrm-hohl) n. an opening in a* rouse (a-rowz) v. (a* roused,
a garment through which the arm is in- a*rous*lng) 1. to awaken. 2. to incite,
serted. to stimulate into activity. a*rous / al n.

ar*mi*stice (ahr-mi-stis) n. an agreement ar*peg*gi*o (ahr-pej-i-oh) n. (pi. -gi*

during a war or battle to stop fighting OS) the notes of a musical chord played
for a time. in succession instead of simultaneously.
arm* less (ahrm-lis) adj. without arms. ar • raign (a-rayn) v. 1 to indict, to accuse.

arm* let (ahrm-lit) n. a band worn around 2. to call before a court to answer an
the upper arm or sleeve. indictment. ar*raign'ment n.
ar*mor (ahr-mdr) n. 1 a protective cover-
. ar* range (a-raynj) v. (ar* ranged, ar-
ing for the body, formerly worn in fight- ranging) 1 to put into a certain order,

ing. 2. metal plates covering a warship, to adjust; arrange flowers, place them at-
tank, etc. to protect it against missiles. tractively, especially in a vase. 2. to form
3. armored fighting vehicles collectively. plans, to settle the details of, to prepare,
ar*mored (ahr-mdrd) adj. 1. covered or arrange to be there; arrange a meeting.
protected with armor, an armored car. 3. to adapt (a musical composition) for
arrant / Arthur 44

voices or instruments other than those weapons and ammunition are stored or
for which it was written. ar-rang'er n. manufactured.
ar- range "merit n. ar-se*nic (ahr-se-nik) n. 1. a brittle steel-
ar-rant (ar-ant) adj. downright, out-and- gray poisonous chemical element. 2. a
out, this arrant nonsense!
is violently poisonous white compound of
ar-ray (a-ray) v. 1. to arrange in order, this. ar*sen*i*cal (ahr-sen-i-kal) adj.
arrayed his forces along the river. 2. to ar-son (ahr-sdn) n. the act of setting fire
dress, especially splendidly, arrayed in to ahouse or other property intentionally
her party gown, array n. an imposing and unlawfully, either from malice or to
series, a display, a fine array of tools. claim insurance money.
ar* rears (a-reerz) n. pi 1. money that is ar-son-ist (ahr-sdn-ist) n. a person guilty
owing and ought to have been paid ear- of arson.
lier, the arrears of two months' rent must art 1 (ahrt) n. 1 the production of some-

be paid. 2. work that should have been thing beautiful, skill or ability in such
finished but it still waiting to be dealt work. 2. works such as paintings or
with. Din arrears, behind in payment sculptures produced by skill. 3. any prac-
or work, not paid or done when it was tical skill, a knack, the art of sailing.
due, he is in arrears with his rent; the Dart film, a motion picture produced
rent is in arrears. as a form of artistic expression rather
armrest (a-rest) v. 1. to stop or check (a than as mere entertainment, art gallery,
process or movement); arrest attention, a gallery where paintings or pieces of
catch and hold it. 2. to seize (a person) sculpture etc. are displayed. Art Nou-
by authority of the law, to take into cus- veau (ahrt noo-voh), a decorative style
tody by the police, arrest n. 1 stoppage.
. (about 1880 to about 1910) using flowing
2. seizure, legal arresting of an offender. curves and naturalistic motifs.
under arrest, arrested by the police. art 2 (old use) the present tense of be, used
ar-ri-val (a-n-viU) n. 1. arriving. 2. a per- with thou.
son or thing that has arrived. art. abbr. article.
ar-rive (a-nv) v. (ar* rived, ar- riv- -art suffix used toform nouns, as in brag-
ing) 1. to reach one's destination or a gart
certain point on a journey; arrive at an ar-te-ri-ole (ahr-teer-i-ohl) n. a small ar-
agreement, reach it after discussion. 2. tery.
to come at last, to make an appearance, ar • te • ri • o • scle • ro • sis (ahr-teer-i-oh-
the great day arrived; the baby arrived skle-roh-sis) n. a condition in which the
on Tuesday, was born. 3. to be recog- walls of arteries become thicker and less
nized as having achieved success in the elastic, so that blood circulation is hin-
world, she has really arrived dered.
ar-ro-gant (ar-6-gant) adj. proud and ar*te*ry (ahr-tfc-ree) n. {pi -lies) 1. any
overbearing through an exaggerated feel- of the tubes carrying blood away from
ing of one's superiority, ar'ro*gant* the heart to all parts of the body. 2. an
ly adv. ar'ro-gance n. important transport route, ar-te- ri-
ar -ro -gate (ar-6-gayt) v. (ar-ro- gat- al (ahr-teer-i-al) adj. arterial road,
ed, ar-ro-gat-ing) to claim (a thing) an important main road.
unduly, he arrogated all important deci- ar-te-sian (ahr-tee-zhan) well a well that
sions to himself. >Do not confuse arro- is bored vertically into a place where a
gate with abrogate. constant supply of water will rise to the
ar -row (ar-oh) n. 1 a straight thin pointed
. earth's surface with little or no pumping.
shaft to be shot from a bow. 2. a mark art-ful (ahrt-ful) adj. crafty, cunningly
or sign shaped like a line with an out- clever at getting what one wants.
ward-pointing V at the end, used to show art'ful*ly adv. art'ful-ness n.
direction or position, as a road sign or ar-thri-tis (ahr-thri-tis) n. a condition
on a map. causing inflammation, pain, and stiffness
ar- row -head (ar-oh -hed) n. 1. the in the joints, ar-thrit-ic (ahr-thrit-ik)
pointed tip of an arrow. 2. a water plant adj.
with arrow-shaped leaves, growing in ar* thro* pod (ahr-thrd-pod) n. one of the
ponds and slow streams. Arthropoda, the largest animal phylum,
ar* row* root (ar-oh-root) n. an edible comprising insects, arachnids, myria-
starch prepared from the root of a tropi- pods, crustaceans, and trilobites, and
cal American plant. characterized by jointed limbs and a
ar-royo (a-roi-oh) n. {pi -OS) 1. a deep hard jointed external skeleton.
gully cut by a usually dry stream. 2. a Ar-thur (ahr-thur), Ches-ter Al-an
brook or stream. (1830-86) the twenty-first president of
ar-se-nal (ahr-se-nal) n. a place where the U.S. 1881-85.
45 artichoke / as

ar«tl« Choke (ahr-ti-chohk) n. a plant re- temperament, impulsive and ec-

lated to the daisies, with a flower consist- centric behavior thought to be character-
ing of thick leaflike scales, used as a vege- istic of artists. ar*tis'ti*cal*ly adv.
table. Jerusalem artichoke, a kind ar -tis* try (ahr-ti-stree) n. artistic skill.
of sunflower with tubers that are used art • less (ahrt-lis) adj. free from artfulness,
as a vegetable. >The name is taken from simple and natural. art'less-ly adv.
the Italian word girasole (= sunflower), art 'less *ness n.
which was altered to Jerusalem. arts (ahrts) n. pi. subjects (as languages,
ar*ti*cle (ahr-ti-kel) n. 1. a particular or literature, history, etc.) in which sympa-
separate thing; articles of clothing, toilet thetic understanding plays a great part,
articles, things of the kind named. 2. a as opposed to sciences, in which exact
piece of writing, complete in itself, in a measurements and calculations are used.
newspaper or periodical, an article on im- Darts and crafts, decorative design
migration. 3. a separate clause or item and handicraft.
in an agreement. 4. a word (as a, an, art*sy (ahrt-see) adj. (contemptuous) arty.
and the) used before a noun to identify art-sy-craft'sy (ahrt-see-kraft-see) adj.
what it refers to. Dthe definite article, (contemptuous) affecting artistry or
"the"; the indefinite article, "a" or craftsmanship or an interest in arts and
"an." crafts but without talent or taste.
ar-ticiHar (ahr-tik-yu-lar) adj. of the art«y (ahr-tee) adj. (art •her, art-i*
joints of the body. est) (informal) with an exaggerated and
antic* u 'late (ahr-tik-yu-lit) adj. 1. spo- often affected display of artistic style or
ken clearly, in words. 2. able to express interests, art'hness n. art'My adv.
ideas clearly,articulate (ahr-tik-yu- ar*um (air-um) n. a plant with a flower
layt) v. (ar*tic*u*lat*ed, ar*tlc*u* consisting of a single petallike part sur-
lat-ing) to say distinctly. ar*tic'u* rounding a central spike.
late-ly adv. ar-tic'u-late-ness n. ar« A.R.V. abbr. American Revised Version (of
tlc-u-la-tion (ahr-tik-yu-lay-shdn) n. the Bible).
ar*tl*fact (ahr-tl-fakt) n. a manmade ob- -ary suffix used to form adjectives, as in
ject, a simple prehistoric tool or weapon. budgetary, or nouns, as in dictionary.
ar*ti*flce (ahr-tl-fis) n. trickery, a clever Ar*y »an (air-i-an) adj. 1 of the parent lan-

trick intended to mislead someone. guage of the Indo-European family. 2.

ar-tif-l-cer (ahr-tif-i-ser) n. 1. a skilled of European race, Nordic, (in Nazi Ger-
or artistic manual workman, a crafts- many) of non-Jewish extraction. Aryan
man. 2. an inventor. n. 1. the Aryan language. 2. an Aryan
arti'fhcial (ahr-tf-fish-al) adj. not origi- person.
nating naturally, made by human skill as (az) adv. 1 .same degree, equally;
in the
in imitation of something natural, artifi- / thought as much, I thought so. 2. simi-
cial/lowers; an artificial smile, forced or the character of, which
larly, like. 3. in
pretended, ar-ti-fi'cial-ly adv. ar*tl* actor will appear as Hamlet? as conj. 1
fi*ci*al*i-ty (ahr-tl-fish-i-al-i-tee) n. at the same time that, they came as I
D artificial insemination, injection of left 2. because, for the reason that, as
semen into the uterus by artificial means. he refuses, we can do nothing. 3. in the
artificial respiration, forcing air into way in which, do as I do. as relative
and out of the lungs to start natural pronoun that, who, which, I had the same
breathing or stimulate it when it has trouble as you; he was a foreigner, as I
failed. knew from his accent, as prep, like, in
ar-tll-ler-y (ahr-til-e-ree) n. 1. large guns the function of, she acted as a friend.
used in fighting on land. 2. the branch Das for, with regard to, as for you, I
of an army that uses these. ar-tll'ler* despise you. as if, as it would be if, he
yman n. said it as if he meant it. as it was, in
ar*ti*san (ahr-ti-zan) n. a skilled manual the actual circumstances, as it were, as
workman in industry or trade. if it were actually so, he became, as it
antist (ahr-tist) n. 1. a person who pro- were, a man without a country, as Of,
duces works of art, especially paintings. at the date mentioned, that was the posi-
2. a person who does something with tion as of last Monday, as soon, as will-
exceptional skill. 3. a professional enter- ingly, Vd just as soon go by train, as
tainer. soon as, at the moment that, when, as
ar*tiste (ahr-teest) n. a professional enter- though, as if. as to, with regard to,
tainer. as to your plan, I reject it. as well, in
ar*tls*tic (ahr-tis-tik) adj. 1. showing or addition, too; desirable, it might be as
done with skill and good taste, an artistic well to go; desirably, we might as well
display offlowers. 2. of art or artists; the go. as well as, in addition to. as yet,
As / aspect 46

up to
this time, the land is as yet undevel- can, a container for ashes and refuse.
oped, as you were!, return to the previ- Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.
ous position. a* shamed (a-shaymd) adj. feeling shame.
As symbol arsenic. a*sham*ed*ly (a-shay-mid-lee) adv.
AS. abbr. Anglo-Saxon. ash* en (ash-en) adj. 1. of ashes. 2. pale
as*a*fet»i*da (as-a-fet-i-da) n. a resinous as ashes.
plant gum with a strong smell of garlic, ash-lar (ash-lar) n. 1. hewn or squared
used in medicine. stone. 2. masonry made of this.
as-bes-tos (as-bes-tds) n. a^oft fibrous a* shore (a-shohr) adv. to or on shore.
mineral, made into fireproof material or ash* ram (ahsh-ram) n. a place of religious
used for heat insulation. retreat in India.
as-bes-to-sis (as-bes-toh-sis) n. a lung ash* tray (ash-tray) n. a receptacle for to-
disease caused by inhaling asbestos parti- bacco ashes.
cles. ash*y (ash-ee) adj. 1. ashen. 2. covered
as*cend (a-send) v. to go or come up. with ash.
ascend the throne, to become king A* si a (ay-z/ia) the largest of the conti-
or queen. nents, extending from Europe to the Pa-
as*cend*an*cy (a-sen-dan-see) n. the cific Ocean. A'sian adj. & n. Asia Mi-
state of being dominant; gain ascendancy, nor, a peninsula of western Asia between
win control. the Mediterranean and the Black Sea,
as*cend*ant (a-sen-dant) adj. ascending, including most of Turkey.
Din the ascendant, rising in
rising. A*si*at*ic (ay-z/ii-at-ik) adj. of Asia. Asi-
power or influence. atic *l an Asian. D> Asian is the preferred
as-cen-sion (a-sen-shdn) n. ascent. As- word when used of people or their cus-
cension Day, the Thursday on which toms.
this is commemorated, the fortieth day a *side (a-sid) adv. 1. to or on one side,
after Easter. Dthe Ascension, the as- away from the main part or group, pull
cent of Christ into heaven, witnessed by it aside; step aside. 2. away from one's
the Apostles. thoughts or from consideration. 3. in re-
as* cent (a-sent) n. 1. ascending. 2. a way serve, put money aside for a holiday.
up, an upward slope or path. aside n. words spoken so that only cer-
as*cer*tain (as-er-tayn) v. to find out by tain people will hear. aside from,
making inquiries. apart from.
as*cer* tain *a* Die (as-er-tay-na-bel) adj. as* i* nine (as-i-mn) adj. silly, stupid, as*
able to be ascertained. i*nin*i*ty (as-i-nin-i-tee) n.
as*cet'ic (a-set-ik) adj. self-denying, not ask (ask) v. 1' to call for an answer to
allowing oneself pleasures and luxuries. or about, to address a question to. 2.
ascetic n. a person who leads a severely to seek to obtain from another person,
simple life without ordinary pleasures, ask a favor of him; asked ten dollars for
often for religious reasons. as*cet'l* the book; you can have it for the asking,
cahly adv. as*cet*i*cism (a-set-i-siz- you have only to ask and it will be given
em) n. to you. 3. to invite, ask him to dinner.
a-scor-bic (a-skor-bik) acid vitamin C, Dask for, to ask to be given, or to see
found especially in citrus fruits and in or speak to. ask for it or ask for trou-
certain vegetables. ble, to behave in such a way that trouble
as* COt (as-kot) n. a broad scarflike tie is likely, asking price, the price at

looped under the chin. which something is offered for sale.

as*crib*a*ble (a-skri-ba-bel) adj. able to a*skance (a-skans) adv. with a side
be ascribed. glance, with distrust or disapproval,
as-cribe (a-skrib) v. (as-cribed, as- looked askance at the new plan.
cribing) to attribute. as*crip*tion a *skew (a-skyoo) adj. & adv. not straight
(a-skrip-shon) n. or level.
a -sep-tic (ay-sep-tik) adj. free from bacte- a 'Slant (aslant) adv. obliquely.
ria that cause something to become sep- a* sleep (a-sleep) adj. & adv. 1. in or into
tic, surgically clean. a*sep'ti*cal*ly a state of sleep, fell asleep. 2. numbed,
adv. my foot is asleep.
a*sex*U*al (ay-sek-shoo-£l) adj. without asp (asp) n. a small poisonous snake.
sex or sex organs. a-sex'u*al*ly adv. aspar-a-gus (a-spar-a-gus) n. 1. a plant
ash 1
(ash) n. 1 . a tree with silver-gray bark whose young shoots are cooked and
and close-grained wood. 2. this wood. eaten as a vegetable. 2. these shoots.
ash 2 n. 1. the powder that remains after as*pect (as-pekt) n. 1 the look or appear-

. something has burned. 2. ashes, the re- ance of a person or thing, the forest has
mains of a body after cremation. Dash a sinister aspect; this aspect of the prob-
47 aspen / assertive
lem, this feature of it. 2. the direction as-sas-sin (a-sas-in) n. a person, espe-
a thing faces, a side facing this way, the cially one hired by others, who assassi-
house has a southern aspect 3. (in astrol- nates another.
ogy) the relative position of a star or as*sas*si*nate (a-sas-i-nayt) v. (as*
group of stars, regarded as having influ- sas*si*nat*ed, as*sas*si*nat*ing)
ence on events. to kill (an important person) by violent
as* pen (as-pen) n. a kind of poplar with means, usually from political or religious
leaves that move in the slightest wind. motives. as-sas-si-na-tion (a-sas-I-
as*per*i*ty (a-sper-i-tee) n. harshness or nay-shdn) n.
severity, especially of manner. as*sault (a-sawlt) n. 1. a violent attack.
as* pension (a-sper-z/idn) n. an insulting 2. an unlawful personal attack on an-
remark, a statement that attacks a per- other person, even if only with menacing
son's reputation, casting aspersions at his words. 3. rape, assault v. to make an
rivals. assault upon. Dassault and battery,
as*phalt (as-fawlt) n. 1 a black sticky sub-
. an assault involving a blow or touch.
stance like coal tar. 2. a mixture of this as* say (as-ay, a-say) n. 1. testing of met-
with gravel etc. used for paving, asphalt als, especially those used for coin or bul-
v. to surface with asphalt. as*phal* lion, for quality. 2. an analysis of an ore
tic (as-fawl-tik) adj. asphalt jungle, to determine its composition, assay
a part of a large city in which people (a-say, as-ay) v. 1 to make an assay of.

feelthreatened by violence and crime. 2. to try, to put to a test. 3. to judge

as-pho-del (as-fdndel) n. any of various critically, to evaluate after examination
hardy plants of the lily family. or analysis. D> Do not confuse assay with
as*phyx*i*a (as-fik-si-a) n. a condition essay.
caused by lack of air in the lungs, suffo- as-sem-blage (a-sem-blij) n. 1. assem-
cation. bling. 2. an assembly. 3. things assem-
as-phyx-i-ate (as-fik-si-ayt) v. (as* bled. 4. a work of art made of unrelated
phyx*i*at*ed, as*phyx*i*at*ing) to things joined together.
suffocate. as*phyx*i*a*tion (as-fik-si- as*sem*ble (a-sem-bel) v. (assem-
ay-shdn) n. bled, as*sem*bling) 1. to bring or
as* pic (as-pik) n. a savory meat gelatin come together. 2. to fit or put together.
used for coating meats, eggs, etc. as*sem*bly (a-sem-blee) n. {pi. -blies) 1.
as*pi*dis*tra (as-pi-dis-tra) n. a plant an assembling. 2. an assembled group,
with broad tapering leaves, grown as a especially of people meeting for a specific
house plant. purpose. 3. a gathering of a student body
as* pi* rant (a-spir-ant, as-pi-rant) n. a per- in an auditorium for a program. 4. parts
son who aspires to something. of a machine etc. put together to form
as* pi* rate (as-pl-rit) n. the sound of "h." a unit. 5. a military call by bugle, drum,
aspirate (as-pl-rayt) v. (as* pi* rat* etc. for troops to make a formation. 6.
ed, as-pi-rat-Jng) 1. to pronounce a deliberative or legislative body, espe-
with an "h." 2. to draw out with an aspi- cially the lower house of the legislature
rator. in some states. assembly line, a se-
as*pi*ra*tlon (as-pl-ray-sh6n) n. 1. aspi- quence of machines and workers through
rating. 2. aspiring. 3. a strong desire or which parts of a product move to be as-
ambition. sembled in successive stages.
as*pi*ra*tor (as-pt-ray-tor) n. a device as-sem*bly*man (a-sem-bli-man) n. (pi.

used to suck fluid from a cavity. -men, pr. -men) a member of a legislative
as*pire (a-spir) v. (as -pi red, as*pir* assembly.
ing) to have a high ambition, she aspires as* sent (a-sent) v. to consent, to express
to the presidency. agreement, assent n. consent or sanc-
as* pi *rin (as-pl-rin) n. a drug used to re- tion.
lieve pain and reduce fever, a tablet of as*sert (S-surt) v. 1. to declare as true,
this. to state, asserted his innocence. 2. to use
ass 1 (as) n. 1. a donkey. 2. (informal) a effectively or aggressively, asserted his
stupid person. Dmake an ass of one- authority. assert itself, to become ac-
self, to behave stupidly so that one is tive, to make its effect felt, assert one-
embarrassed. self, to take effective action, to use one's
ass 2 n. (vulgar) 1 . the buttocks. 2. the rec- authority, to insist on one's rights.
tum. as*ser*tion (a-sur-sh5n) n. 1. asserting.
as* sail (a-sayl) v. to attack violently and 2. a statement that something is a fact.
persistently, was assailed with questions. as*ser*tive (a-sur-tiv) adj. asserting one-
as*sail'a*ble adj. self, self-assertive, as*ser'tive*ly adv.
as* sail* ant (a-say-lant) n. an attacker. as*ser'tive*ness n.

assess / assure 48

as'sess (a-ses) v. 1. to decide or fix the been admitted to a lower level of mem-
amount or value of. 2. to estimate the bership of an association without the sta-
worth or quality or likelihood of. as* tus of a full member, associate adj. 1
sess'ment n. as-ses'sor n. associated. 2. having subordinate mem-
as* set (as-et) n. 1. any property that has bership. associate degree, a degree
money value, especially property that awarded by some colleges to those who
can be used or sold to pay debts. 2. a complete two years' study.
useful or valuable quality or skill, a per- as*so*ci*a*tion (a-soh-si-ay-shdn, -shi-)
son regarded as useful. n. 1 . associating, being associated, com-
as* sever* ate (a-sev-e-ra^t) v. (as*sev* panionship. 2. a group of people organ-
er*at*ed, as*sev*er*at*ing) to assert ized for some common purpose, the
solemnly. as*sever*a*tion (a-sev-e- American Booksellers Association. 3. a
ray-shon) n. mental connection between ideas.
as*sid*u*ous (a-sij-oo-us) adj. dihgent as«so*ci*a*tive (a-soh-si-ay-tiv, -shi-)
and persevering. as*sid'U*OUS*ly adv. adj. involving, resulting from, or tending
as'Sid'U'Ous'ness n. as*si*du*i* toward association.
ty (as-i-doo-i-tee) n. as* so* nance (as-6-nans) n. 1. resem-
as* sign (a-sni) v. 1. to allot, rooms were blance of sound between two syllables.
assigned to us. 2. to appoint or designate 2. rhyming of one word with another
to perform a task etc., assign your best in the accented vowel and those that fol-
investigator to the job. 3. to give as a task. low but not in consonants (as sonnet por-
4. to ascribe, to regard as belonging to, ridge). as'so*nant adj.
we cannot assign an exact date to these as* sort (a-sort) v. to arrange or distribute
ruins. 5. to transfer (property, rights, according to kind, class, etc.
etc.) formally, assign n. a person to as*SOrt*ed (a-sor-tid) adj. of different
whom a property right is formally trans- sorts put together, assorted chocolates.
ferred. as*sort*ment (a-sort-ment) n. a collec-
as* Sign *a* Die (a-si-na-bel) adj. able to be tion composed of several sorts.
assigned. ASSR abbr. Autonomous Soviet Socialist
as*sig-na*tion (as-ig-nay-shon) n. 1. as- Republic.
signing. 2. an arrangement to meet, an asst. abbr. assistant.
appointment, especially a secret one be- assuage (a-swayj) v. (as-suaged, as*
tween lovers. suag • ing) to soothe, to make less severe,
as*sign*ment (a-sin-ment) n. 1. assign- to satisfy, to assuage ones thirst
ing, being assigned. 2. a thing or task as-sume (a-soom) (as*sumed, as*

that is assigned to a person etc., a share. sum* ing) f. to take as true or sure to
as • sim- i- late (a-sim-I-layt) v. (as-sim- happen before there is proof, we assume
Mat-ed, as*sim*i*lat*ing) 1. to ab- that we shall win. 2. to take on, to under-
sorb into the body or into a group, sys- take, she assumed the extra responsibility.
tem, or culture. 2. to become absorbed 3. to put on, assumed a serious expres-
into something. 3. to absorb into the sion. \> Do not use assume to mean pre-
mind as knowledge. as*sim*i*la*tk>n sume. Compare the first senses of these
(a-sim-T-lay-shon) n. two words.
as*sist (a-sist) v. to help, assist n. (in as -sum* ing (a-soo-ming) adj. presumptu-
sports) a player's action in helping to ous.
put out an opponent, score a goal, etc. as*sump*tion (a-sump-shdn) n. 1. assum-
as*sis'tance n. ing. something taken for granted,
as*sis*tant (a-sis-tant) n. a person who something assumed but not proved; on
a helper, assistant adj. assisting,
assists, this assumption, assuming this to be true
helping a senior and ranking next below or sure to happen. Dtrte Assumption,
that person, the assistant manager. the reception of the Virgin Mary in bod-
assn. abbr. association. ily form into heaven, the festival com-
assoc. abbr. 1. associate. 2. association. memorating this (August 15).
as-so-ci-ate (a-soh-si-ayt, -shi-) v. (as* as*sur*ance (a-shoor-ans) n. 1. a formal
so-ci-at-ed, as*so*ci*at*ing) 1. to declaration or promise given to inspire
join or cause to join as a companion, confidence. 2. self-confidence.
colleague, or supporter. 2. to have fre- as* sure (a-shoor) v. (as*sured, as*
quent dealings, to be often in certain surging) 1. to declare confidently, to
company, he associates with dishonest promise, / assure you there is no danger.
people. 3. to connect in one's mind, we 2. to cause to know for certain, tried the
associate pyramids with Egypt associ- door to assure himself that it was locked
ate (a-soh-si-it, -shi-) n. 1 a partner, col-
. 3. to make certain, to ensure, this will
league, or companion. 2. one who has assure your success. 4. to insure.
49 assured / at
as*sured (a-shoord) adj. 1. sure. 2. confi- as-tro-labe (as-trd-layb) n. a medieval in-
an assured manner.
dent, has strument for measuring altitudes of stars
as*sur*ed*ly (a-shoor-id-lee) adv. cer- etc.
tainly. as*trol a O*ger (as-trol-6-jer) n. a person
as -ta* tine (as-ta-teen) n. a radioactive ele- who is skilled in astrology.
ment of short life that does not occur as*trol*o*gy (a-strol-d-jee) n. the study
in nature but can be made artificially, of the supposed influence of stars on hu-
the heaviest element of the halogen man affairs, as-tro-logi-cal (as-trd-
group. loj-i-kal) adj. as-tro-log'i-cahly adv.
as-ter a garden plant with dai-
(as-ter) n. astron. abbr. 1 astronomer. 2. astronomi-

sylike flowers of various colors. cal. 3. astronomy.

as-ter-isk (as-te-risk) n. a star-shaped as*tro*naut (as-tro-nawt) n. a person
symbol * used in writing or printing to trained to travel in a spacecraft.
call attention to something, serve as a as-tro-nau'tics (as-trd-naw-tiks) n. the
reference mark, or indicate that letters scientific study of space travel and its
or words have been omitted, asterisk technology, as 'trenail 'tic adj. as*
v. to mark with an asterisk. tro*nau'ti*cal adj. as*tro*nau'ti*
a* stern (a-sturn) adv. 1 in or at or toward
. cai*ly adv.
the stern of a ship or the tail of an air- as • tron • o • mer (a-stron-6-mer) n. a scien-
craft, behind. 2. backward, full speed tist specializing in astronomy.
astern! as-tro-nom-hcal (as-trd-nom-i-kal) adj.
as-ter 'Old (as-te-roid) n. any of the small 1.of astronomy. 2. enormous in amount,
planets revolving around the sun, espe- an astronomical sum of money. as*tro*
cially between the orbits of Mars and nom'i'CaMy adv. D astronomical
Jupiter, as-ter-oi-dal (as-te-roi-dal) unit, a unit for measuring astronomical
adj. distances, equal to the mean distance of
asth-ma (az-ma) n. a chronic, usually al- Earth from the sun (roughly 93 million
lergic, condition causing difficulty in miles).
breathing. as*tron*o*my (a-stron-6-mee) n. the sci-
asth*mat*ic (az-mat-ik) adj. 1 of asthma. . study of the stars and planets and
2. suffering from asthma, asthmatic n. movements.
one who suffers from asthma, asth* as*tro*phys*ics (as-troh-fiz-iks) n. the
mat'hcaMy adv. branch of physics that deals with the
a-stig-ma-tism (a-stig-ma-tiz-em) n. a physical or chemical properties of plan-
defect in an eye or lens preventing proper ets, stars, etc. as*tro*phys'i*cal*ly
focusing, as -tig* mat -ic (as-tig-mat-ik) adv. as* tro*phys* i*Cist (as-troh-fiz-i-
adj. as-tig-mat'i-cal-ly adv. sist) n.
a* stir (a-stur) adj. & adv. in motion, mov- as-tute (a-stoot) adj. shrewd, quick at see-
ing. ing how an advantage. as*tute'
to gain
as-torvish (a-ston-ish) v. to surprise very ly adv. as*tute'ness n.
greatly. as*ton'ish*ment n. as* ton A*sun*ci*6n (ah-suun-si-awn) the capital
ish*ing*ly adv. of Paraguay.
as*tound (a-stownd) v. to shock with sur- a*sun*der (a-sun-der) adv. apart, into
prise, as-tound'ing adj. as*tound' pieces, torn asunder.
ing-ly adv. A.S.V. abbr. American Standard Version
as-tra-khan (as-tr£-kan) n. the dark curly (of the Bible).
fleece of young lambs, cloth imitating a*sylum (a-si-hlm) n. 1. refuge and
this, karakul. safety, a place of refuge. 2. protection
as-tral (as-tral) adj. of or from the stars. or refiige, especially for political refu-
a* stray (5-stray) adj. & adv. away from gees. 3. (in former times) a mental home
the right path. Dgo
astray, to be led or institution.
into error or wrongdoing; (of things) to a*sym*met*ric (ay-sl-met-rik), a*sym*
be mislaid. met*ri*cal (ay-sT-met-ri-kal) adj. not
a* stride (a-strid) adv. 1. with legs wide symmetrical. a'symTnet'ri'Cal-ly
apart. 2. with one leg on either side of adv. a«sym«me«try (ay-sim-e-tree) n.

something, astride prep, astride of, ex- at (at) prep, (expressing position or state)
tending across. 1. of place or order or time of day, at
as*trin*gent (a-strin-jent) adj. 1. causing the top; arrived at midnight. 2. of condi-
skin or body tissue to contract. 2. harsh, tion or occupation, at ease; they are at
severe, astringent n. an astringent sub- dinner; at ones own risk, undertaking a
stance. as*trin'gen*cy n. known risk and accepting its dangers or
astrol. abbr. 1. astrologer. 2. astrological. consequences. 3. of price or amount or
3. astrology. age etc., sold at three dollars each; left
At / atone 50
school at fifteen, 4. of cause, was annoyed Atl. abbr. Atlantic.
at his failure, 5. of direction toward, At-lan-ta (at-lan-ta) the capital of Geor-
aimed at the target Dat all, in any way, gia.
to any extent, of any kind, at home, At* Ian* tic (at-lan-tik) adj. of the Atlantic
in one's home; relaxed and at ease; famil- Ocean. Atlantic Ocean, the ocean ly-
iar with a subject; available to callers. ing between the Americas on the west
at it, engaged in some activity, working. and Europe and Africa on the east.
at once, immediately; simultaneously. at* las (at-las) n. a book of maps.
at that, at that point; moreover, lost in atm. abbr. atmospheres).
ten moves, and to a beginner at that at • mos • phere (at-mds-feer) n, 1 the mix- .

At symbol astatine. ture of gases surrounding Earth or any

at-a-vism (at-a-viz-em) n. 1. resemblance star or planet. 2. the air in any place.
to remote ancestors rather than parents. 3. a psychological environment, a feeling
2. reversion to an earlier type. at -a- or tone conveyed by something, an at-
vis -tic (at-a-vis-tik) adj. mosphere of peace and calm. 4. a unit
ate (ayt) see eat. of pressure, equai to the pressure of the
-ate 1 suffix used to form adjectives, as in atmosphere at sea level. at*mos*pher*
desolate, ornate. ic (at-mos-fer-ik) adj. at*mos*pher'i*
-ate suffix used to form nouns meaning cal*ly adv.
office, state, function, group, or product, at*mos*pher*ics (at-mos-fer-iks) n. pi
as in episcopate, magistrate, electorate, electrical disturbances in the atmos-
filtrate. phere, crackling sounds or other interfer-
-ate3 suffix used to form nouns meaning ence in radio receiving apparatus caused
a salt of an acid with a corresponding by these.
name ending in -ic, as in chlorate, nitrate. at* oil (at-awl) n. a ring-shaped coral reef
-ate 4 suffix used to form verbs, as in hy- enclosing a lagoon.
phenate, fascinate. at*om (at-dm) n. 1. the smallest particle
at-el-ier (at-el-yay) n, an artist's work- of a chemical element. 2. this as a source
shop, a studio. of atomic energy. 3. a very small quantity
a* the* 1st (ay-thi-ist) n. a person who does or thing, there's not an atom of truth in
not believe in the existence of a god or it Datom bomb, an atomic bomb.
gods, a'the-ism n. a* the* is -tic (ay- atom smasher, a high-speed particle
thi-is-tik) adj. accelerator.
ath*e*nae*um, ath*e*ne*um (ath-e- a*tom*iC (a-tom-ik) adj. of an atom or
nee-um) n, 1 an institution for the pro-
. atoms, n atomic bomb, a bomb that
motion of learning. 2. a library or reading derives its destructive power from atomic
room. 3. Athenaeum, an institute of rhet- energy, atomic clock, a clock using
oric and poetry, founded at Rome about atomic vibrations as a standard of time.
133 a.d. by the Emperor Hadrian. atomic energy, energy obtained as the
Ath*ens (ath-enz) the capital of Greece. result of nuclear fission, atomic num-
ath • er • o • scle • ro • sis (ath-e-roh-skle- ber, the number of positive charges car-
roh-sis) n. {pi. -ro*ses, pr. -roh-seez) ried by the nucleus of an atom of a chem-
a form of arteriosclerosis with fatty de- ical element, atomic pile, a nuclear
generation. ath*er*o*scle*rot*ic (ath- reactor, atomic weight, the ratio be-
e-roh-sklS-rot-ik) adj. tween the mass of one atom of an element
ath'lete (ath-leet) n. a person who is or isotope and one-twelfth of the weight
trained or skilled in athletics. ath- of an atom of the isotope carbon 12.
lete's foot, a form of ringworm affect- om
at • • ize (at-5-miz) v. (at • om
• ized, at •

ing the feet. om*iz*ing) to reduce to atoms or fine

ath- let -ic (ath-Iet-ik) adj. 1. of athletes. particles. at*om*i*za*tion (at-d-mi-
2. physically strong and active, muscular zay-shon) n.

in build, ath-let'l-cal-ly adv. Dath- at*om*lz*er (at-o-mi-zer) n. a device for

letic supporter, a jockstrap. reducing liquids to a fine spray.
ath*let*ics (ath-let-iks) n. physical exer- a-ton-al (ay-toh-nal) adj. (of music) not
cises and sports. written in any particular key or scale sys-
at-home (at-hohm) n. a reception for visi- tem.
tors between certain hours. a* tone (a-tohn) v. (a -toned, a -ton-
a -thwart (a-thwort) adv. across from side ing) to make amends, to make up for
to side, usually obliquely, athwart prep. some error or deficiency. a*tone'ment
across. n, Day of Atonement, see Yom Kip-
a* tilt (a-tilt) adj. & adv. tilted and nearly pur, the Atonement, the expiation of
falling. man's sin by Christ.
51 atop / attitude
a* top (a-top) adj. & adv. at or on the top. at* tain *a- ble (a-tay-na-bSl) adj. able to
atop prep, on the top of. be attained.
a*tri*um (ay-tri-um) {pi a-tri-a, pr.
n. at-tain-der (a-tayn-der) n. (in former
ay-tri-a\ a*tri*ums) the central court
1. times) the legal consequences of sentence
of a Roman house. 2. either of the two of death or outlawry (forfeiture of estate,
upper cavities (left or right atrium) of loss of civil rights).
the heart, into which the veins pour the at-tain-ment (a-tayn-ment) n. 1. attain-
blood. ing. 2. something attained, a personal
a-tro-cious (a-troh-shus) adj. 1. ex- achievement.
tremely wicked, brutal. 2. (informal) at -tar (at-ar) n. a fragrant oil obtained
very bad or unpleasant, atrocious from flowers, attar of roses.
weather. a*tro'cious*ly adv. at* tempt (a-tempt) v. to make an effort
a*troc*i*ty (a-tros-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) 1. to accomplish, that's attempting the im-
wickedness, a wicked or cruel act. 2. a possible, attempt n. 1 an effort to ac-

repellent thing. complish something. 2. an attack, an ef-

atTO*phy wasting away
(at-rd-fee) n.
fort to overcome or surpass something.
through undernourishment or lack of at* tend (a-tend) v. 1 to apply one's mind,

use. atrophy v. (at-ro-phied, at to*

to give care and thought. 2. to take care
phying) to cause or suffer atrophy. of, to look after, which doctor is attending
at TO* pine (at-rd-peen) n. a white crystal-
you? 3. to be present at, to go regularly
like alkaloid prepared from the plant
to, five hundred people attended the cere-
Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade),
mony; to attend school 4. to accompany
used to dilate the pupil of the eye or to
as an attendant. attend to, to deal
relieve pain.
with, to take care of.
att. abbr. 1 . attached. 2. attention. 3. attor-
at* ten* dance (a- ten-dans) n. 1. attend-
ing. 2. the number of people present.
at-ta-boy (at-a-boi) inter], (slang) an ex-
at*ten*dant (a-ten-dant) n. a person who
clamation of admiration or encourage-
is present as a companion or whose func-
tion is to provide service, attendant adj.
at-tach (a-tach) v. 1. to fix to something
else. 2. tojoin as a companion or mem-
at*ten*tion (a-ten-shdn) n. 1. applying
ber, to assign (a person) to a particular
group. 3. to attribute, we attach no im-
one's mind to something, mental concen-
tration. 2. awareness, it attracts attention.
portance to the matter. 4. to be ascribed,
3. consideration, looking after, care, she
to be attributable, no blame attaches to
shall have every attention. 4. a soldier's
the company. 5. to make a legal attach-
erect attitude of readiness with feet to-
ment of (money or goods).
at*ta*che (at-a-shay) n. a person who is gether and arms stretched downward,
attached to the staff of an ambassador stand at attention. 5. attentions, small
in some specific field of activity, the mili- acts of kindness, courtesy, or courtship.
tary attache. attache case, a small attention interj. an exclamation used to

rectangular briefcase with rigid sides. call people to take notice or to assume
attached (a-tacht) adj. 1. fastened on. an attitude of attention.
2. bound by affection or loyalty, she is at*ten*tive (a-ten-tiv) adj. 1. paying at-
very attached to her cousin. tention, watchful. 2. devotedly showing
at-tach •merit (a-tach-ment) n. 1. attach- consideration or courtesy to another per-
ing, being attached. 2. something at- son. at*ten'tive*ly adv. at *ten'tive
tached, an extra part that fixes on. 3. ness n.

affection, devotion. 4. legal seizure of at*ten*u*ate (a-ten-yoo-ayt) v. (at*

property or of a debtor's earnings before ten*u*at*ed, at*ten*u*at*ing) 1. to
they are paid to him in order to pay his make slender or thin. 2. to make weaker,
debts. to reduce the force or value of. at*ten*
at -tack (a-tak) v. 1. to act violently u-a-tion (a-ten-yoo-ay-shdn) n.
against, to start a fight against (a person at* test (a-test) v. 1 to provide clear proof

or country). 2. to criticize strongly. 3. of. 2. to declare to be true or genuine.

to act harmfully on, rust attacks metals. at*tes*ta*tion (a-tes-tay-shdn) n.
4. to begin vigorous work on. attack at* tic (at-ik) n. the space or room immedi-
n. 1 a violent attempt to hurt, overcome,
. ately below the roof of certain buildings.
or defeat. 2. a piece of strong criticism. at* tire (a-tir) n. clothes, attire (at*
3. a sudden onset of illness, an attack tired, at*tir*ing) v. to clothe.
of flu. at- tack 'er n. at*ti*tude (at-i-tood) n. 1. a position of
at* tain (a-tayn) v. to succeed in doing or the body or its parts. 2. a way of thinking
getting. or behaving. 3. the position of an aircraft
attitudinize / augment 52

or spacecraft relative to wind, direction, der, auction v. to sell by auction.

etc. auction bridge, a form of bridge (see
at-ti'tu-dhnize (at-i-too-di-mz) v. (at* bridge).
ti-tu-di-nized, at-ti-tu-di-niz-ing) auc*tion*eer (awk-shd-neer) n. a person
to assume attitudes, to act or speak etc. who conducts an auction.
affectedly. aud. abbr. 1. audit. 2. auditor.
attn. abbr. attention. au*da*cious (aw-day-shus) adj. bold, dar-
at*tor*ney (a-tur-nee) ru (pi -neys) a ing. au*da'cious*ly adv. au*dac*
lawyer, especially one qualified to repre- i*ty (aw-das-i-tee) n.
sent or act for persons in legal proceed- au*di*ble (aw-dl-bel) adj. loud enough to
ings. attorney general, the chief be heard. au'di*bly adv. au*di*bil*
legal representative and adviser of a i*ty (aw-dl-bil-i-tee) n.
country, state, etc. au-di-ence (aw-di-ens) n. 1. people who
at* tract (a-trakt) v. 1. to draw toward it- have gathered to hear or watch some-
self by unseen force, a magnet attracts thing. 2. people within hearing. 3. a for-
iron. to get the attention of. 3. to
2. mal interview with a ruler or other im-
arouse the interest or pleasure of. portant person.
at -tract* ant (a-trak-tant) n. a substance aU'di*o (aw-di-oh) audible sound
n. 1.
that attracts things (especially insects). reproduced mechanically. 2. its repro-
at-traC'tion (a-trak-shdn) n. 1 attracting. . duction, audio of electronic
adj. 1.
2. the ability to attract. 3. something that equipment that reproduces sound. 2. of
attracts by arousing interest or pleasure. or used in the transmission and reception
at -tractive (a-trak-tiv) adj. able to at- of sound in television.
tract, pleasing in appearance or effect. audio frequency a frequency of between
at* tractive *ly adv. attractive- 1 5,000 and 20,000 cycles per second, au-

ness n. dible to the normal human ear.

attrib. abbr. 1. attribute. 2. attributive. au*di*ol*o*gy (aw-di-ol-5-jee) n. the sci-
at • trib • ut • a • ble (a-trib-yu-ta-bel) adj. ence of hearing. au*di*0l'0*gist n. au*
able to be attributed. di*o*log*i*cal (aw-di-d-loj-i-kal) adj.
at -trib *ute (a-trib-yoot) (at* trib*
v. au*di*o*phile (aw-di-oh-fil) n. a devotee
ut*ed, at-trib-ut-ing) to regard as be- of high-fidelity sound reproduction.
longing to or caused by or originated by; au*dl*o*vis*u*al (aw-di-oh-viz/i-oo-al)
this play is attributed to Shakespeare, adj. (of teaching aids etc.) using both
people say that he wrote it. attribute sight and sound, audiovisual n. (usually
(at-ri-byoot) n. a quality that is charac- audiovisuals) educational material
teristic of a person or thing, kindness is such as filmstrips, recordings, etc.
one of his attributes. at*tli*bu*tion (at- au*dit (aw-dit) n. an official examination
ri-byoo-sh6n) n. of accounts to see that they are in order.
at*trib*u*tive (a-trib-yu-tiv) adj. express- audit v. to make an audit of.
ing an attribute and placed before the au*di*tion (aw-dish-on) n. a trial to test
word it describes, as old in the old dog the ability of a prospective performer.
(but not in the dog is old), at*trib'u* audition v. 1. to hold an audition. 2.
tive*ly adv. to be tested in an audition.
at*tri*tion (a-trish-dn) n. 1 wearing some-
. au-di-tor (aw-di-tdr) n. a person who
thing away by rubbing. 2. a gradual makes an audit.
wearing down of strength and morale by au*di*to*ri*um (aw-di-tohr-i-um) n. the
continuous harassment, a war of attri- part of a building in which an audience
tion. 3. a gradual reduction of personnel, sits,a building or hall used for public
especially through retirement, voluntary gatherings.
departures, etc. au*di*to*ry (aw-di-tohr-ee) adj. of hear-
at* tune (a-toon) v. (at* tuned, at* tun* ing.
ing) 1 to bring into musical accord. 2.
. auf Wie*der*seh*en (owf vee-der-zay-
to adjust, to adapt. en) until we meet again, goodby for now.
atty. abbr. attorney. O German.
a*typ*i*cal (ay-tip-i-kal) adj. not typical. Aug. abbr. August.
Au symbol gold. au-ger (aw-ger) n. a tool for boring holes
au-burn (aw-burn) adj. (of hair) reddish in wood, like a gimlet but larger.
brown. aught 1
(awt) n. (old use) anything, for
au COU*rant (oh koo-rahnt) acquainted aught I know.
with what is going on, well informed, aught n. zero, cipher.
up-to-date. aug-ment (awg-ment) v. to add to, to in-
auc*tion (awk-sh6n) n. a public sale in crease, aug* men* taction (awg-men-
which articles are sold to the highest bid- tay-shdn) n.
53 au gratin / authorize

au grat*in (oh cooked

grah-tin, grat-in) omen. 2. auspices, patronage, under the
with a crisp crust of bread crumbs and auspices of.
grated cheese. auS'pi'Cious (aw-spish-us) adj. showing
au-gur (aw-gur) to foretell, to be a sign
v. signs that promise success. aus*pi'
of; this augurs well for your future, is a cious«ly adv.
favorable sign, augur n. diviner, sooth- Aus-sie (aw-see) n. (informal) an Austral-
sayer. au*gu*ry (aw-gyu-ree) n. (pi. ian.
-ries). aus*tere (aw-stecr) adj. severely simple
au-gust (aw-gust) adj. majestic, imposing. and plain, without ornament or comfort,
Au*gust (aw-gust) n. the eighth month of aus'tere'ly adv.
the year. aus*ter*i*ty (aw-ster-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
Au-gus-ta (aw-gus-ta) the capital of being austere, an austere condition, the
Maine. austerities of life in wartime.
au jus (oh zhoo) (of meat) served with Aus-tin (aw-stin) the capital of Texas.
the natural juices obtained during roast- aus-tral (aw-stral) adj. southern.
ing. t> French. Aus*tral*ia (aw-strayl-ya) a continent and
auk (awk) n. a northern seabird with small a country between the Pacific and Indian
narrow wings. Oceans. Aus-tral'ian adj. & n.
auld lang syne (ohld lang zm) (Scottish)
Aus-tri *a (aw-stri-a) a country in Europe.
days of long ago. Aus / tri*an adj. & n.
aunt (ant) n. 1. a sister or sister-in-law Aus*tro*ne*sia (aw-stroh-nee-zha) the
of one's father or mother. 2. (children s islands of the central and south Pacific
informal) an unrelated woman friend, Ocean.
Aunt Jane.
auth. abbr. 1. authentic. 2. author. 3. au-
aunt'ie (an-tee) n. (informal) an aunt.
thority. 4. authorized.
au pair (oh young woman from
pair) girl a
au* then* tic (aw-then-tik) adj. genuine,
overseas helping with housework and re-
known to be true. au*then / ti*cal*iy
ceiving board and lodging in return.
adv. au*then*tic*i*ty (aw-then-tis-i-
au*ra (or-a) n. 1. the atmosphere sur-
tee) n.
rounding a person or thing and thought
au*then*ti*cate (aw-then-ti-kayt) v. (au*
to come from him or it, an aura of happi-
then • ti • cat • ed au • then • ti • cat • ing)
ness. 2. a luminous radiation.
to prove the truth or authenticity of. au*
au-ral (or-al) adj. of the ear or sense of
then • ti • ca • tion (aw-then-ti-kay-sh6n)
hearing, au'ral-ly adv. >Do not con-
fuse aural with oral
au • thor (aw-thdr) n. 1 the writer of a book
au • re* ate (or-i-it) adj. 1 golden, resplend-

or books etc. 2. the originator of a plan

ent. 2. (of language) very elaborate, rhe-
or policy, au* thor* ess (aw-thd-ris) n.
au-re-ole (or-i-ohl) n. 1. a halo shown fern, (old use) author* ship n. not >Do
around the head of a martyr, saint, etc. use author as a verb.
in paintings. 2. a halo or ring around au • thor • i • tar • i • an (a-thor-i-tair-i-an)
adj. favoring complete obedience to au-
the sun or moon.
au re* voir (oh re-vwahr) goodby. thority as opposed to individual freedom.
> French. authoritarian n. a supporter of such
auTi«cle (or-i-kel) n. 1. the external ear principles.
of animals, an earlike part. 2. a small au*thor*i*ta*tive (a-thor-i-tay-tiv) adj.
appendage to the atrium of the heart. having or using authority, au^thor'i*
au-ric-u-lar (aw-rik-yu-lar) adj. 1. per- ta*tive*ly adv.
taining to or like the ear. 2. pertaining au-thor-i-ty (a-thor-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1.
to the auricle of the heart. the power or right to give orders and
au*rif -er-ous (aw-rif-e-rus) adj. yielding make others obey, or to take specific ac-
gold. tion. 2. a person or group with such
au*ro*ra (aw-rohr-a) n. bands of colored power. 3. a person with specialized
light appearing in the sky at night and knowledge, a book etc. that can supply
probably caused by electrical radiation reliable mformation, she is an authority
from the North and South magnetic on spiders.
poles, specifically the aurora borealis au-thor-ize (aw-thd-nz) v. (author-
(also called the Northern Lights) in the ized, au • thor *iz* ing) 1 to give author-

northern hemisphere, or the aurora ity to. 2. to give authority for, to sanc-
australis in the southern hemisphere. tion, / authorized this payment au»
AUS abbr. Army of the United States. thor *i*za* tion (aw-thd-ri-zay-shdn) n.
aus-pice (aw-spis) n. {pi aus*pic* Authorized Version (also King
es, pr. aw-spi-siz, -seez) 1 a forecast or
. James Version) the English translation
autistic / avenue 54

of the Bible (1611) made by order of tions more or less independently of the
King James I. will.
au *tis *tic (aw-tis-tik) having a form
adj. au*ton*0*mous (aw-ton-o-mus) adj. self-
of mental illness that causes a person to governing. au*ton'o*my n.
withdraw into a private world of fantasy au*top*sy (aw-top-see) n. a postmortem.
and be unable to communicate with oth- au*to*stra*da (aw-toh-strah-da) n. an ex-
ers or respond to the real environment, press highway in Italy.
autistic children. au*tism (aw-tiz-em) n. au'tumn (aw-tum) n. the season between
au*to (aw-toh) n. (pi -tos) an automobile. summer and winter, au-tunvnal (aw-
auto- prefix by oneself, as in autocracy; tum-nal) adj. au*tum / nal*ly adv.
by itself, as in automation. autumnal equinox, see equinox.
au'tO'bahn (aw-to-bahn) n. an express aux. abbr. auxiliary.
highway in Germany. aux*il*ia*ry (awg-zil-ya-ree) adj. giving
au'fo-bi'OgTa-phy (aw-toh-bi-og-ra- help or support, functioning as a subsid-
fee) n. (pi -phies) the story of a person's an auxiliary verb,
iary, auxiliary services;
life written by that person. au*to*bi* one used in forming parts of other verbs,
og'ra*pher n. au*to*bi*o*graph* as have in / have finished, auxiliary n.
i«cal (aw-toh-bi-6-graf-i-kal) adj. (pi -ia*ries) 1. an auxiliary person,
au*toc*ra*cy (aw-tok-ra-see) n. (pi. group, or device. 2. an auxiliary verb.
-Cies) government by one person having 3. auxiliaries, auxiliary troops.
unlimited authority.
aux* in (awk-sin) n. a class of substances
aU'tO'Crat (aw-td-krat) n. a person with that regulate or modify the growth of
unlimited power, a dictatorial person,
au-to-crat'ic adj. au*to*crat'l*cal*
av. abbr. 1. average. 2. avoirdupois.
ly adv.
A.V. abbr. Authorized Version (of the Bi-
au-tO'gi-ro, au* to* gyro (aw-td-jir-oh)
n. (pi -ros) an early form of helicopter
a • vail (a-vayl)
v. to be of help or advantage,
with a conventional propeller and rotat-
nothing availed against the storm; he
ing horizontal vanes to provide lift and
availed himself of the opportunity, made
permit slow steep descent.
use of it. avail n. effectiveness, advan-
au* to* graph (aw-td-graf) n. 1. a person's
tage, it was of no avail
signature. 2. a manuscript in an author's
a*vail*a*ble (a-vay-la-bel) adj. ready or
own handwriting, autograph v. to write
able to be used, obtainable, at hand.
one's name on or in, the author will auto-
a*vail*a*bil*i*ty (a-vay-la-bil-i-tee) n.
graph copies of his book tomorrow.
au* to* mate (aw-to-mayt) v. (au*to*
av-a-lanche (av-a-lanch) n. 1. a mass of
mat*ed, au*to*mat*ing) 1. to control snow or rock pouring down a mountain-
or operate by automation. 2. to convert side. 2. a great onrush, an avalanche of
to automation, to introduce automatic
equipment in a plant or process, the fac- a*vant-garde (a-vahnt-gahrd) adj. using

tory has been fully automated. or favoring an ultramodern or experi-

au*tO*mat*ic (aw-t6-mat-ik) adj. 1 work- .
mental style, especially in art or litera-
ing of itself without direct human con- ture, avant-garde n. an avant-garde

trol, self-regulating. 2. firing repeatedly group.

until pressure on the trigger is released, av*a*rice (av-a-ris) n. greed for gain.
an automatic pistol. 3. done without ava*ri*ciou8 (av-a-rish-us) adj. av*
thought, done from habit or routine, a*ri'cious*ly adv.
made an automatic gesture of apology. a* vast (a- vast) interj. (used by seamen)
automatic n. an automatic machine or stop, cease.
tool or, especially, a firearm. av*a*tar (av-a-tahr) n. (in Hindu doctrine)

au*to*ma*tion (aw-td-may-shdn) n. the the descent to Earth and incarnation of

use of automatic equipment to save men- a deity.
tal and manual labor. a* vaunt (a-vawnt) interj. (old use) begone.
au • torn *a* ton (aw-tom-a-t6n) n. 1. a ro- avdp. abbr. avoirdupois.
bot. 2. a person who seems to act me- ave. abbr. avenue.
chanically and without thinking. A*ve Ma*ri*a (ah-vay ma-ree-a) Hail=
au* to* mo *bile (aw-td-md-beel, aw-t&- Mary.
md-beel) n. a car. a-venge (a-venj) v. (a-venged.
au*tO*mo*tive (aw-td-moh-tiv) adj. of or a*veng*ing) to take vengeance for.

relating to motor vehicles. a-veng'er n.

au*to*nom-ic (aw-td-nom-ik) adj. of that av*e*nue (av-en-yoo) n. 1. a wide street.
part of the nervous system (autonomic 2. a way of approaching or making prog-
or involuntary nervous system) that func- ress, other avenues to fame.
55 aver / awkward
a-ver (a-vur) v. (a*verred, a«ver« a* vow (a-vow) v. to admit, to declare
ring) to assert, to affirm. a-vow'al n. a-vow'ed-ly adv.
aver • age (av-e-rij) n. 1 the value arrived
. a-vurvciHar (a-vung-kyu-lar) adj. of or
at by adding several quantities together like a kindly uncle.
and dividing the total by the number of a* wait (a-wayt) v. 1. to wait for, / await
quantities. 2. the standard or level re- your reply. 2. to be waiting for, a surprise
garded as usual, average adj. 1 found .
awaits you.
by making an average, the average age a* wake (a-wayk) v. (a* woke or
of the pupils is fifteen. 2. of the ordinary a • waked, a • wak • ing) to wake, to cease
or usual standard, people of average intel- to sleep, to arouse from sleep, awake
ligence, average v. (aver* aged, av adj. 1 not yet asleep, no longer asleep.

er*ag*ing) 1. to calculate the average 2. alert, aware, he is awake to the possible

of. 2. to amount to or produce as an danger.
average, the car averaged forty miles a a* wak* en (a-way-ken) v. to awake,
gallon on the highway. a-wak'erving n.
a«ver«ment (a-vur-ment) a positive n.
a* ward (a- word, rhymes with afford) v. to
statement, an affirmation, especially with give by official decision as a payment,
(offer of proof, penalty, or prize, award n. 1 a decision .

a -verse (a-vurs) adj. unwilling, disin-

of this kind. 2. a thing awarded.
clined, he averse to hard work.
is ODo a* ware (a-wair) adj. having knowledge or
not confuse adverse with averse. realization, I am aware of this possibility.
a*ver*sion (a-vur-z/rdn) n. 1 a strong dis- .

a«ware'ness n.
like. 2. something disliked.
a* wash (a-wosh) adj. washed over by wa-
advert (5-yurt) to turn away, people
v. 1.
ter or waves.
averted their eyes. 2. to prevent, to ward
a* way (a- way) adv. 1. to or at a distance.
off, managed to avert disaster.
2. out of existence, the water has boiled
avg. abbr. average.
away. 3. constantly, persistently, we
a*vi*an (ay-vi-an) adj. of birds.
worked away at it. 4. from here, six miles
a'Vhar'V (ay-vi-er-ee) n. a large cage or
away. 5. elsewhere. 6. aside, turned cus-
building for keeping birds.
tomers away. 7. at once, right away.
a-vi-a-tion (ay-vi-ay-shdn) n. 1. the art
of flying an aircraft. 2. aircraft design
away adj. 1 absent. 2. distant. 3. played

and manufacture. on an opponent's field, the Yankees play

two home games and two away games
a«vi»a«tor (ay-vi-ay-t6r) n. an aircraft pi-
this week.
lot. a*vl*a*trix (ay-vi-ay-triks) n. fern.
avid (av-id) adj. eager, greedy, av awe (aw) n. respect combined with fear
id*ly adv. a*vid«i«ty (a-vid-i-tee) n. or wonder, awe v. (awed, awing) to
fill with awe.
a*vi*on*iC8 (ay-vi-on-iks) n. the applica-
tion of electronics in aviation. a*vi* a* weigh (a- way) adv. hanging just clear
on'ic adj. of the sea bottom, anchors aweigh.
a • vi • ta • mi n • o • sis
(ay-vi-ta-mi-noh-sis) awe* some (aw-sdm) adj. causing awe.
n. {pi -ses, pr. -seez) a condition result- awe * struck (aw-struk), awe • strick •
ing from deficiency of one or more vita- en (aw-strik-en) adj. suddenly filled with
mins. a*vi*ta*min*ot-ic (ay-vi-ta-mi- awe.
not-ik) adj. awful (aw-ful) adj. 1. inspiring awe. 2.
avo-ca-do (av-6-kah-doh, ah-v6-) n. {pi extremely bad or unpleasant, an awful
-dos) 1. the edible pear-shaped fruit of accident. 3. (informal), extreme, very
a tropical tree. 2. the tree itself. great, thats an awful lot of money.
av-o-ca-tion (av-6-kay-sh6n) n. a minor > Careful writers do not use awful in
occupation, a hobby. its third sense. They would write that

avo*cet (av-6-set) n. a wading bird with is a great deal of money.

a long upturned beak. awfuMy (aw-fu-lee) adv. (informal) 1.

a* void (a- void) v. 1. to keep oneself away very. 2. very much. > Careful writers
from (something dangerous or undesira- avoid awfully.
ble). 2. to refrain from, avoid making a* while (a-hwil) adv. for a short time.
rash promises, a* void 'a nee n. a* whirl (a-hwurl) adj. revolving rapidly,
a- voidable (a-voi-da-bel) adj. able to be whirling.
avoided. awk-ward (awk-ward) adj. 1. difficult to
avoir -du-pois (av-6r-du-poiz) n. 1. handle, use, or deal with. 2. ungraceful,
weight, heaviness, especially personal clumsy, having little skill. 3. inconven-
weight. 2. (also avoirdupois weight) a sys- ient,came at an awkward time. 4. embar-
tem of weights based on the pound of rassed, feel awkward about it. awk'
16 ounces and the ounce of 16 drams. ward*ly adv. awk'ward*ness n.

awl / azure 56

awl (awl) a small pointed tool for making

n. two or more countries. Dthe Axis, an
holes, especially in leather or wood. alliance between Germany and Italy, and
awn-ing (aw-ning) n. a rooflike shelter, later Japan, during World War II.
as of canvas, erected as a protection ax«le (ak-sel) n. the bar or rod on which
against sun or rain. a wheel or wheels turn.
a* woke (a-wohk) see awake. ax 'le* tree (ak-sel-tree) n. a bar under an
AWOL (ay-wawl) n. (slang) absent without animal-drawn vehicle, connecting the
leave. wheels.
A.W.O.L abbr. absent without leave. a* yah (ah-ya) n. a Hindu nurse.
a»wry (a-n) adv. 1. twisted, to one side. ay-a*tol*lah (ah-ya-toh-U) n. a chief spir-
2. amiss, plans went awry, awry adj.
itual leader of Shiite Muslims.
crooked, wrong.
aye, ay (i) adv. yes. aye n. a vote in favor
ax, axe (aks) n. {pi ax*es, pr. ak-siz) a
of a proposal. Dthe ayes have it, those
chopping tool with an edge head parallel
in favor are in the majority, they have
to the handle, ax v. (axed, ax*ing) to
won the vote.
remove by abolishing or dismissing, the
project was axed Dget the ax, (slang)
AZ abbr. Arizona.
a-zal-ea (a-zayl-ya) n. a shrublike flower-
to be dismissed from one's job. have
ing plant.
an ax to grind, to have some personal
Az-er-bai-jan (ah-zer-bi-jahn) a republic
interest involved and be eager to take
of the U.S.S.R. bordering on the Caspian
care of it.
Sea. Az*er*bai*|a ni n. a native or in-
ax •! *al (ak-si-al) adj. forming or belonging
habitant of Azerbaijan.
to an axis. ax'i»al»ly adv.
ax •horn (ak-si-dm) n. an accepted general az*i*muth (az-T-muth) n. 1. an arc of the
truth or principle. ax*i*o*mat*IC (ak- heavens extending from the zenith to the
si-o-mat-ik) adj. ax*i*o*mat'i*cal* horizon, which it cuts at right angles.
ly adv. 2. the arc of the horizon between the
ax* is (ak-sis) n. (pL ax*es, pr. ak-seez) north point (in the southern hemisphere,
1 a line through the center of an object, the south point) of the horizon and the
around which it rotates when spinning. point where the vertical circle passing
2. the line dividing a regular figure sym- through a heavenly body cuts the hori-
metrically. 3. an imaginary line around zon. 3. the angle of lateral deviation of
which a plane figure can be thought of a bomb or shell.
as rotating to generate a given solid body. Az*tec (az-tek) n. a member of an Indian
4. the main stem or shoot of a plant. people of Mexico before the Spanish con-
5. the second cervical vertebra, on which quest. Az / tec*an adj.
the head turns. 6. an alliance between az-ure (azA-iir) adj. & n. sky blue.
B, b (bee) (pi Bs, B's, b's) 1 the second
. plant with branching clusters of small
letter of the alphabet. 2. B, a grade rating fragrant white flowers.
forgood school work. ba* by-sit (bay-bee-sit) v. (ba* by-sat, ba*
B symbol boron. by-sit • ting) to act as or be a baby-sitter.
b. abbr. (also B.) 1. bachelor. 2. bass. 3. ba- by-sit -ter (bay-bee-sit-er) n. a person
bishop. 4. book. 5. born. looking after a child while its parents
Ba symbol barium. are out.
B.A. abbr. Bachelor of Arts. bac*ca*lau*re*ate (bak-a-lor-i-it) n. 1.
baa (bah) n. the cry of a sheep or lamb. a bachelor's degree. 2. a sermon deliv-
baa v. to make this cry. ered at a college commencement.
Bab'bitt (bab-it) a materialistic compla- bac*ca*rat (bah-ka-rah) n. a gambling
cent businessman. >
Named after the card game played against a banker in
principal character of a novel by Sinclair which the winner is the person whose
Lewis. cards have a total value of nine.
Babbitt metal a soft alloy of tin, copper, bac*cha*nal (bah-ka-nahl) adj. of the
and antimony, used for machine bear- Greek god Bacchus or his rites, baccha-
ings. nal n. drunken revelry, a wild party.
bab-ble (bab-el) v. (bab-bled, bab- bac*cha*na*lia (bak-a-nayl-ya) n. 1. a
bling) 1. to chatter in a thoughtless or festival held in honor of the Greek god
confused way. 2. to make a continuous Bacchus.2. a drunken revel, an orgy.
murmuring sound, a babbling brook. bac*cha*na'li*an adj.
babble n. babbling talk or sound, bab' bach *e* lor (bach-€-16r) n. 1. an unmar-
bier n. ried man, especially one who has never
babe (bayb) n. 1 a baby. 2. (slang) a girl
. married. 2. Bachelor, a person who holds
or woman. the standard four-year university or col-
ba*bel (bay-bel) n. a scene of confusion lege degree below that of Master,
and uproar, a confused mixture of voices. bach'e* lor -hood n. Bachelor of
>From the tower of Babel in the Old Arts, Science, etc., a college degree
Testament, built by men in an attempt awarded after four years of study, a per-
to reach heaven that resulted in God's son who holds this degree.
confounding their languages. bach • e • lor's-but • ton (bach-e-ldrz-but-
ba*boon (ba-boon) n. a large African or 6n) n. any of various flowers of round
Arabian monkey. or buttonlike form, such as the corn-
ba-bush-ka (ba-buush-ka) n. a kerchief flower.
tied under the chin. ba*Cil*lus (ba-sU-us) n. (pi. -Cil*ll, pr.
ba*by (bay-bee) n. (pi. -bies) 1. a very -sil-i) a rod-like bacterium. bac*il*
young child or animal. 2. a babyish or lar*y (bas-T-ler-ee) adj.
timid person. 3. the youngest or the back (bak) n. 1 the rear surface of the

smallest, something small of its kind. 4. human body from neck to hip; the corre-
(slang) a person, he's a tough baby. 5. sponding part of an animal's body. 2.
something that is one's creation or in that part of a chair etc. against which
one's care, baby adj. 1 of a baby. 2. . a seated person's back rests. 3. the part
small, small or the smallest of its kind, or surface of an object that is less used
a baby grand piano, baby v. (ba-bied, or less important, the part farthest from
ba-by -ing) to treat like a baby, to pam- the front. 4. the part of a garment cover-
per, ba'byish adi ba'byisrHy adv. ing the back. 5. a football player or posi-
ba'byhood n. (J baby carriage, a tion behind the front line. Dbe on
four-wheeled carriage for a baby, pushed someone's back, to be a burden or
by a person walking. hindrance to him. have one's back to
ba-by's-breath (bay-beez-breth) n. a the wall, to be fighting for survival, get

back / backspace 58

a person's back up, to offend or an- backfire n. an explosion in the exhaust

tagonize him. put one's back into of an internal combustion engine.
something, to use maximum effort on back- gam -mon (bak-gam-on) n. a game
it. played on a double board with pieces
back 2 adj. 1. situated behind or farthest and dice.
from the front, the back teeth. 2. remote back -ground (bak-grownd) n. 1 the back .

or inferior, back streets. 3. of or for a part of a scene or picture, the setting

past time, back pay. back adv. 1 at or . for the chief objects or people; he was
toward the rear, away from the front or kept in the background, in an inconspicu-
center. 2. in check, hold it back. 3. in ous position; background music, used as
or into a previous time or position or an accompaniment to a play, movie, etc.
condition; 77/ be back at six, I shall re- 2. the conditions and events surrounding
turn then. 4. in return, pay it back. and influencing something; a person's
Dback number, an old issue of a peri- background, his family life, education,
odical; an out-of-date person or idea. experience, etc.
back Of, behind, at or in the rear, back back -hand (bak-hand) adj. (of a stroke,
seat, a seat at the back; take a back blow, or catch) made with the back of
seat, to take a less prominent position. the hand turned outward, backhand n.
back-seat driver, a person without re- a backhand stroke or blow.
sponsibility who is eager to give orders back- hand -ed (bak-han-did) adj. 1.
to one who has responsibility. D> Careful backhand. 2. indirect. backhanded
writers avoid back of in the sense of be- compliment, one made with underlying
hind; walk behind me not in back of me. sarcasm so that it is not a compliment
back 3 v. 1 to go or cause to go backward.
. at all.
2. (of wind) to change gradually in a back -ing (bak-ing) n. 1. help, support; he
counterclockwise direction. 3. to give has a large backing, many supporters.
one's support to, to assist. 4. to give fi- 2. material used to cover a thing's back
nancial support to, he is backing the new or to support it.
business. 5. to lay a bet on. 6. to cover back -lash (bak-lash) n. 1. a sudden or
the back of, the rug is backed with canvas. violent recoil. 2. a violent and usually
back'er n. Dback down, to give up hostile reaction to some event, back'
a claim; to withdraw one's argument. lash-er n.

back out, to withdraw from an agree- back -less (bak-lis) adj. 1 without a back.

ment, back up, to give one's support 2. (of a dress) cut low at the back.
to; back up someone's story, confirm what back -log (bak-log) n. 1. a large log at the
he says; (of water or traffic) to accumu- back of a hearth or hearth fire. 2. an
late behind an obstruction; to reverse (a accumulation of unfilled orders for work.
vehicle). backlog v. (back -logged, back -log-
back -ache (bak-ayk) n. a pain in one's ging) to accumulate a backlog.
back. back -pack (bak-pak) n. a knapsack usu-
back -bite (bak-bit) v. (back -bit, back- ally mounted on a light frame, back-
bit -ten, back* bit -lng) to slander, pack v. to hike while carrying a back-
back 'bit -er n. pack, back'pack-er n.
back* board (bak-bohrd) n. (in basketball) back-ped-al (bak-ped-al) v. (back-
the board to which the basket is attached. ped-aled, back-ped-al -ing) 1. to
back *bone (bak-bohn) n. 1. the column work a pedal backward. 2. to back down
of small bones down the center of the from an argument or policy.
back, the spine. 2. strength of character. back-rest (bak-rest) n. a rest for one's
back -date (oak-dayt) v. (backdat- back.
ed, back -dat- ing) to declare that (a back -side (bak-sid) n. (informal) the but-
thing) is to be regarded as valid from tocks.
some date in the past, especially to write back -slap -per (bak-slap-eY) n. a noisy,
a previous date on (a check). overly effusive person.
back • drop (bak-drop) n. a painted curtain back -slap -ping (bak-slap-ing) n. a dis-
hung at the back of a stage. play of effusive cordiality.
back -field (bak-feeld) n. (in football) 1. back -slide (bak-shd) v. (back -slid,
the backs. 2. the area in which these play. back -slid or back -slid -den, back-
back*fire (bak-fir) (back-fired, back-
v. slid -ing) to slip back from good behav-
fir -ing) 1. prema-
to ignite or explode ior into bad. back'slid-er n.
turely, especially in the cylinder of an back-space (bak-spays) v. (back-
internal combustion engine. 2. to pro- spaced, back -spacing) to cause a
duce an undesired effect, especially upon typewriter carriage to move one space
the originators, their plan backfired. back.
59 backspin / badly
back* spin (bak-spin) a reverse spin im-
n. bring home the bacon, (informal)
parted to a ball to slow it or make it to earn a living.
roll or bounce in an opposite direction bac*te*ri*cide (bak-teer-T-sid) n. a sub-
from its original course. stance that destroys bacteria. bac*te*
back* stage (bak-stayj) adj. & adv. 1. be- ri*cid*al (bak-teer-I-si-dal) adj.
hind the stage of a theater, in the wings bac • te • ri • ol • o • gist (bak-teer-i-ol-d-jist)
or dressing rooms. 2. relating to the inner n. an expert in bacteriology.

workings of an institution. 3. secret, of bac*te*ri*ol*o*gy (bak-teer-i-ol-5-jee) n.

private lives. the branch of medicine dealing with the
back* stairs (bak-stairz) adj. under- study of bacteria, bac -te-ri-o -log-
handed, secret. ic (bak-teer-i-6-loj-ik) adj. bac*te*ri*
back* stop (bak-stop) n. 1. a barrier to o*log'i*cal adj. bac -te-ri-ol'o* gist
stop a ball from going too far out of the n.

playing area. 2. (informal) the catcher bac- te-ri-o- phage (bak-teer-i-6-fayj) n.

in baseball. 3. (informal) a substitute or a virus capable of destroying bacteria.
support in case of need, backstop v. bac • te • ri • o • phag • ic (bak-teer-i-6-faj-
(back* stopped, back* stop* ping) to ik) adj.

act as a backstop.
bac-te-ri-um (bak-teer-i-um) n. (pi -te*
ri*a, pr. -teer-i-5) a microscopic organ-
back* stretch (bak-strech) the straight
ism, bac-te'ri-al adj.
section of a racetrack opposite the home-
bad (bad) adj. (worse, worst) 1 wicked, .

evil, naughty. 2. unpleasant. 3. serious,

back* stroke (bak-strohk) n. a swimming
severe. 4. inferior, of poor quality, worth-
stroke in which the swimmer is lying on
less, incorrect, defective, faulty; a bad
his back.
business, an-unfortunate affair. 5. hurtful,
back* swept (bak-swept) adj. slanting to-
unsuitable, candy is bad for the teeth. 6.
ward the back.
in ill health, diseased. 7. decayed,
back* track (bak-trak) v. 1 to go back the

spoiled, the meat went bad. bad adv. (in-

same way that one came. 2. to back down
formal) badly, you must want something
from an argument or policy.
bad enough to die for it (> Careful writ-
back* up (bak-up) n. 1 a person who sup-

ers prefer badly in place of bad in such

ports or acts as deputy for another. 2.
expressions.) bad n. that which is bad
a stoppage (as of traffic, plumbing, etc.).
or unfortunate, return good for bad. bad'
3. a substitute mechanism or program
ness n. Dbad blood, ill feeling, enmity.
ready in case the original fails.
bad debt, one that will not be repaid.
back* ward (bak-ward) adj. 1. directed

bad language, swearwords, bad news,

toward the back or the starting point. unwelcome news; (slang) (of a person)
2. having made less than normal prog-
disliked or untrustworthy, he is bad news.
ress, retarded. 3. diffident, not putting
be in a bad way, to be ill or in trouble.
oneself forward, back'ward-ness n. feel bad about, (informal) to feel
back* ward 2 (bak-ward), back* wards upset or guilty about, in bad with, (in-
(bak-wardz) adv. 1 toward the back. 2.
formal) regarded with disapproval by.
with the back foremost, in a reverse di- not bad, (informal) quite good.
rection or order. 3. toward the past. bad-dy (bad-ee) n. (pi. -dies) (informal)
backwards and forwards, in each a villain, the goodies and the baddies,
direction alternately, know it back- bade see bid 2 .

wards and forwards, to know it thor- badge (baj) n. a thing worn to show one's
oughly, lean over backward(s), to do rank, occupation, or membership in an
one's utmost. organization.
back* wash (bak-wosh) n. 1. the back- bad-ger (baj-er) n. any of various flesh-
ward flow of water or air. 2. the afteref- eating mammals that burrow in the
fects of an action or event. ground, badger v. to pester, to torment.
back wa -ter (bak-waw-ter)
• n. 1 . a stretch D badger game, a dishonest trick in
of stagnant water joining a stream. 2. which a person is lured into a compro-
a place unaffected by progress or new mising situation and then surprised and
ideas. blackmailed.
back* woods (bak-wuudz) n. remote and ba-di-nage (bad-I-nahz/t) n. banter.
only partially settled forest land. bad* lands (bad-landz) n. a barren eroded
back* WOOdS* man (bak-wuudz-man) n. region. Dthe Badlands, a section of
(pi. -men, pr. -men) a settler in the back- southwestern South Dakota and north-
woods. western Nebraska.
ba*Con (bay-kon) n.salted or smoked bad-ly (bad-lee) adv. (worse, worst) 1.
meat from the back or sides of a pig. in a bad way, defectively. 2. to a serious
badminton / bakery 60
extent, badly hurt t>Do not say I feel air stored in a bag and pressed out
badly if you are not well or are upset; through pipes.
say I feel bad Also see the note for bad. ba*guette (ba-get) n. a gem cut in a long
bad*min*ton (bad-min-ton) n. a game rectangular shape.
played with rackets and shuttlecocks Ba*ha*mas (ba-hah-maz) a group of is-
across a high net. lands in the West Indies.
bad-tern- pered (bad-tem-perd) adj. hav- Bah* rain (bah-rayn) a sheikdom consist-
ing or snowing bad temper. ing of a group of islands in the Persian
Bae • de • ker (bay-de-ker) n. a travel guide- Gulf.
book. >Originally one of»a series pre- bail 1 (bayl) n. 1. money or property
pared by Karl Baedeker, a German pub- pledged as security that a person accused
Usher. of a crime will return, if he is released
baf-fle (baf-el) v. (baf-fled, baf-fling) temporarily, to stand trial. 2. permission
1. to puzzle, to perplex. 2. to frustrate, for a person's release on such security.

baffled their attempts, baffle n. a screen bail v. to obtain or allow the release of
placed to hinder or control the passage (a person) on bail, bail'a-ble adj.
of sound, light, or fluid, baffle -merit D bail bond, money pledged as bail, bail
bondsman, a person who makes his
bag (bag) n. 1 a container made of flexible
livelihood by supplying bail for others.
material with an opening at the top, used go bail, to pledge money etc. as bail.
for holding or carrying things. 2. this
out on bail, released after bail is
with its contents, the amount it contains. pledged. ODo
not confuse 6a/7with bale.
bail 2 v. to scoop (water) out of a boat etc.
3. something resembling a bag; bags un-
der the eyes, folds of Ioqs^ skin. 4. the
Dbail out (slang) to relieve by financial
help in an emergency; to jump from an
amount of game shot by a sportsman.
airplane in flight; (slang) to leave a bad
5. (slang, contemptuous) a woman, the
old bag. bag v. (bagged, bag-ging) 1.
situation. C>Do not confuse bail with
to put into a bag or bags. 2. to kill or
bail 3 the handle of a bucket. 2. a
n. 1 .

capture, bagged a pheasant 3. (informal)

bar holding paper against the platen of
to take possession of, to stake a claim
to. 4. to bulge or hang loosely. Dbag
a typewriter. >
Do not confuse bail with
and baggage, with all one's belongings. bai ley (bay-lee) n. the outer wall of a cas-

be in the bag, (informal) to be secured tle, a courtyard enclosed by this.
or won as one wished.
bail *iff (bay-lif) n. 1. a minor officer of
ba-gasse (ba-gas) n. the residue left after a U.S. court. »2. (British) a law officer
juice has been extracted from sugar cane
who helps a sheriff, serving writs etc.
or sugar beet. bail • -wick (bay-H-wik) n. 1 a district, the
i .

bag -a* telle (bag-a-tel) n. 1. a pinball jurisdiction of a bailiff. 2. one's area of

game. 2. something small and unimpor- knowledge, skill, etc.
tant. bails -man (baylz-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
ba-gel (bay-gel) n. a hard ring-shaped -men) a person who goes bail for another.
bread roll. bairn (bairn) n. (Scottish) a child.
bag* ful (bag-fuul) n. {pi -fills) as much bait (bayt) n. 1 food (real or sham) placed

as a bag will hold. to attract prey, especially fish. 2. an en-

bag -gage (bag-ij) n. 1. suitcases and bags ticement, bait v. 1. to place bait on or
etc. containing a person's belongings in, bait the trap. 2. to torment by jeering.
taken on a trip. 2. portable equipment. baize (bayz) n. a thick woolen usually
3. (old use) an immoral or contemptible green cloth, used for covering tables or
woman. baggage strap, a strap fas- doors.
tened around a suitcase for additional bake (bayk) v. (baked, bak-ing) 1. to
security. cook or be cooked by dry heat. 2. to
bag-gy (bag-ee) adj. (-gi-er, -gi-est) expose to great heat, to harden or be
hanging in loose folds. bag'gi-ly adv. hardened by heat. baking powder,
bag'gi-ness n. a powder used as a raising agent for cakes
Bagh-dad (bag-dad) n. the capital of Iraq. etc. baking soda, sodium bicarbonate,
bag -man (bag-man) n. {pi -men, pr. used in baking.
-men) an agent who collects or distrib- bak*er (bay -ker) n. one who bakes and
utes money for dishonest or illegal sells bread, cake, etc.
purposes. baker's dozen thirteen.
bagn-io (bahn-yoh) a brothel.n. bak-er-y (bay-ke-ree) n. {pi -er-ies) a
bag -pipe (bag-pip) n. (frequently bag- place where bread, cake, etc. are baked
pipes n. pi) a musical instrument with for sale.
61 bakeshop / ballistic

bake* shop (bayk-shop) n. a bakery, a etc. bound with cord or wire. 2. a large
store where baked goods are sold. package of goods, bale v. (baled, bal*
bak-sheesh (bak-sheesh) n. (pi. Ing) to make into a bale. >Do not con-
-sheesh) a small gift of money, a tip. fuse bale with bail.
bal. abbr. balance. ba-leen (ba-leen) n. whalebone.
bal-a-lai-ka (bal-a-h-ka) n. a Russian bale-ful (bayl-ful) adj. menacing, destruc-
stringed instrument played by plucking. tive, a baleful influence. bale'ful-ly adv.
bal-ance (bal-ans) n. 1. a weighing appa- Ba-li-nese (bal-I-neez) adj. of Bali, a
ratus with two scales or pans hanging mountainous island of Indonesia. Bali-
from a crossbar. 2. the regulating appara- nese n. (pi -nese) a native or inhabi-
tus of a clock. 3. an even distribution tant of Bali.
of weight or amount, a steady position balk (bawk) v. 1 to thwart, to hinder, to

or state. 4. the difference between credits discourage. 2. to refuse to proceed. 3.

and debits. 5. money remaining after (in baseball) to commit a balk, balk n.
payment of a debt, balance v. 1 to con- . (in baseball) an illegal pitching motion
siderby comparing, balance one argu- made while one or more runners are on
ment against another. 2. to be or put or base.
keep (a thing) in a state of balance. 3. Bal-kan (bawl-kan) adj. of the peninsula
to compare the debits and credits of (an in southeast Europe bounded by the
account) and make the entry needed to Adriatic, Aegean, and Black Seas, or of
equalize these, to have these equal. its people or countries. Dthe Balkans,
D balance of payments, the difference the Balkan countries.
between the amount paid to foreign balk-y (baw-kee) adj. (balk-i*er, balk*
countries for imports and services and I* est) reluctant, perverse.
the amount received from them for ex- ball 1 (bawl) n. 1. a solid or hollow sphere.

ports etc. in a given period, balance of 2. such a sphere used in games. 3. a game
power, a condition in which no country played with a ball, especially baseball.
or group is stronger than another, bal- 4. a single delivery of the ball by the
ance of trade, the difference in value pitcher in baseball, a pitched baseball
between imports and exports, balance that is not in the strike zone or is not
sheet, a written statement of assets and swung at by the batter. 5. material gath-
liabilities, balance wheel, a wheel that ered or wound into a round mass, a ball
stabilizes or regulates the speed of a of string. 6. a rounded part, ball v. 1.
mechanism, especially of a clock or to form into a ball. 2. to form a lump
watch, hang In the balance, to be in or lumps. Dball bearing, a bearing us-
a state where the outcome is still uncer- ing small steel balls; one of these balls.
tain, off balance, in danger of falling. ball boy, ball girl, one who retrieves
on balance, taking everything into con- balls in a tennis match, ball carrier, (in
sideration. football) a player who runs with the ball.
bal- brig -gan (bal-brig-an) n. 1. a knitted ball Of fire, a very lively spirited person.
cotton cloth. 2. balbriggans, under- ball of the foot, the rounded part under
clothes or pajamas of this material. the foot at the base of the big toe. ball
bal-co-ny (bal-kd-nee) n. (pi. -nies) 1. point pen, a pen with a tiny ball as its
a platform with a rail or parapet, project- writing point, on the ball, (informal)
ing outside an upper story of a building. alert, competent, start the ball rolling,
2. a gallery in a building. 3. an upper to start an activity.
floor of seats in a theater, bal'co-nied ball 2 n. a social gathering for dancing, espe-
adj. cially a formal one. Dhave a ball,
bald (bawld) adj. 1 with the scalp wholly
. (slang) to enjoy oneself.
or partly hairless. 2. (of tires) with the bal* lad (bal-ad) n. a simple song or poem,
tread worn away. 3. bare, without de- one telling a
especially story.
tails, bald facts, bald'ly adv. bald'ness bal*lad*eer (bal-a-deer) n. a person who
n. Dbald eagle, an eagle with a white sings ballads.
head and tail, also called "American ea- bal* last (bal-ast) n. heavy material placed
gle," a symbol of the U.S. in a ship's hold to improve its stability;
bal -der- dash (bawl-der-dash) n. non- the ship is in ballast, is laden with ballast
sense. only.
bald*ing (bawl-ding) adj. becoming bald. bal*le*ri*na (bal-e-ree-na) n. a female bal-
bal-dric (bawl-drik) n. a belt for support- let dancer.
ing a sword, bugle, etc., worn over the n. 1. a form of dancing
bal* let (ba-lay)
shoulder and across the body to the op- and mime to music, a performance of
posite hip. this. 2. a company of ballet dancers.
bale (bayl) n. 1 . a large bundle of straw bal* lis* tic (te-lis-tik) adj. of projectiles
ballistics / bang 62

such as bullets and missiles. ballistic ban (ban) v. (banned, ban-ning) to for-
missile, one that is powered and guided bid officially, ban n. an order that bans
during at least the initial stage of its something.
flight. ba-nal (ba-nal, bay-nal) adj. common-
bah lis* tics (ba-lis-tiks) n. the scientific place, uninteresting, ba-nal -i-ty (ba-
study of firearms or of the motion or nal-T-tee) n. {pi -ties).
flight characteristics of projectiles. ba-nan-a (ba-nan-a) n, 1. the finger-
bal-loon (ba-loon) n. a bag or envelope shaped fruit of a treelike tropical plant.
inflated with air or a lighter gas, intended 2. this plant. Dgo bananas, (slang) to
to rise and float in the atmosphere or go crazy.
used as a children's toy. balloon v. 1. band (band) n. 1. a narrow strip, hoop,
to swell out like a balloon. 2. to travel or loop. 2. a range of values, wave-
in a balloon. 3. to increase or grow rap- lengths, etc. within a series. 3. a group
idly. balloon tire, a wide pneumatic of people, animals, or objects. 4. a set
tire. of people playing music together, espe-
bah loon -ist (ba-loo-nist) n. a person who cially on wind or percussion instruments.
travels by balloon. band v. 1 to put a band on or around,

bal • lot (bal-dt) a paper or token used

n. 1 . to tie or fasten with a band. 2. to form
in secret voting. 2. voting by means of into a league, to unite for a common
such papers etc. ballot v. (bal -lotted, cause, they banded together, band'ed
bal -lotting) to vote by ballot. adj. Dband saw, an endless saw run-
ball -point (bawl-point) n. (also ballpoint ning over pulleys.
pen) a pen having a tiny ball as its writ- band* age (ban-dij) n. a strip of material
ing point. for bindingup a wound, bandage v.
bathroom (bawl-room) n. a large room (band* aged, band-ag-ing) to bind up
where dances are held. with a bandage.
bal-ly -hoo (bal-ee-hoo) n. {pi -hoos) ex- ban- dan -na, ban* dan* a (ban-dan-a) n.
aggerated or sensational advertising or a large colored handkerchief with yellow
ballyhoo v. (bal-lyhooed,
publicity, or white spots or other bright pattern.
bal-lyhoo-ing) to publicize by bally- band* box (band-boks) n. {pi -box*
hoo. es) a box for hats (originally for neck-
balm (bahm) n. 1 an ointment that soothes
. bands), bandbox adj. conspicuously
or heals. 2. a soothing influence. 3. a neat and clean.
fragrant herb. ban-dit (ban-dit) n. a robber, especially
balnrvy (bah-mee) adj. (balm -her, balm- a member of a band of robbers.
i*est) 1. like balm, fragrant. 2. soft and ban* do* Her (ban-do-leer) n. a shoulder
warm, balmy breezes, balm'hness n. belt with loops or pockets for cartridges.
ba-lo-ney (ba-loh-nee) n. 1. (slang) non- band *stand (band-stand) n. a covered
sense. 2. bologna. outdoor platform for a band or orchestra.
bahsa (bawl-sa) n. a very lightweight band* wag* on (band- wag-on) n. 1. a
wood (also balsa wood) from a tropical wagon carrying musicians in a circus pa-
American tree. rade. 2. an imaginary vehicle thought of
bal-sam (bawl-sam) n. 1. a soothing oil. as carrying a thing that is heading for
2. a flowering plant. 3. a tree yielding success. climb or jump on the band-
balm. balsam fir, a North American wagon, to seek to join this thing or fol-
evergreen tree widely used as a Christ- low its example.
mas tree. ban-dy (ban-dee) v. (ban* died, ban*

Bal -tic (bawl-tik) adj. of the Baltic Sea, dying) to pass to and fro, the story was
an almost landlocked sea of northeast bandied about; bandy words, exchange
Europe. Baltic n. the Baltic Sea. remarks in quarreling.
bal-us-ter (bal-u-ster) ru one of the short bandy 2 adj. curving apart at the knees,
stone pillars in a balustrade. ban'di-ness n.

bal *us* trade (bal-u-strayd) n. a row of bane (bayn) n. 1 a poison. 2. a cause of


short posts or pillars supporting a rail trouble, misery, or anxiety, bane'ful

or stone coping around a balcony or ter- adj. bane / ful*ly adv.
race. bang 1
(bang) make a sudden loud
v. 1. to
Bam-a-ko (bam-a-koh) the capital of noise like an explosion. 2. to strike or
Mali. shut noisily, bang n. 1 the sudden loud .

bam* boo (bam-boo) n. a giant tropical noise of or like an explosion. 2. a sharp

grass with hollow stems. blow, bang adv. 1. with a bang,
bam-boo-zle (bam-boo- zel) v. (bam- abruptly. 2. exactly, bang in the middle.
boo-zled, bam-boo-zling) (slang) to Dwith a bang, very successfully, im-
trick. pressively.
63 bang / baptize
bang n. a short fringe of hair over the benefit of his creditors, bankrupt adj.
forehead. 1 . declared by a law court to be a bank-
Bang-kok (bang-kok) the capital of Thai- rupt. 2. financially ruined and in debt.
land. bankrupt v. to make bankrupt, bank*
Ban-gla-desh (bang-gla-desh) a Muslim rupt*cy (bangk-rupt-see) n.
country in southeast Asia. Ban-gla- ban*ner (ban-er) n. 1. a flag. 2. a strip
desh-i (bang-gla-desh-ee) adj. ru {pi & of cloth bearing an emblem or slogan,
-desh*ls). hung up or carried on a crossbar or be-
ban-gle (bang-gel) n. 1 a bracelet of rigid
. tween two poles in a procession etc. ban-
material. 2. any loose-hanging ornament. ner adj. foremost, a banner year.
Ban-gui (bahn-gee) the capital of the Cen- banns (banz) n. pi a public announcement
tral African Repubhc. in church of a forthcoming marriage be-
bang-up (bang-up) adj. (slang) excellent. tween two named people.
ban • ish (ban-ish) v. 1 to condemn to exile.
. ban quet (bang-kwit) n. an elaborate cere-

2. to dismiss from one's presence or one's monial public meal, banquet v. (ban*
mind, banish care, ban'ish*ment n. quet • ed, ban • quet • Ing) to give or take
ban*is*ter (ban-i-ster) n. 1 one of the up-
. part in a banquet.
rights supporting the handrail of a stair. ban-shee (ban-shee) n. a female spirit in
2. the handrail itself. 3. the uprights and Irish and Scottish folklore whose wail
the rail together. is said to foretell a death in a house.

ban* jo (ban-joh) n. {pi -Jos) a stringed ban* tam (ban-tain) n. a small domestic
instrument like a guitar with a round fowl.
body. ban'jo*ist n. ban* tam* weight (ban-tam-wayt) n. a
Ban* Jul (bahn-juul) the capital of Gambia. boxer between featherweight and fly-
bank 1 (bangk) n. 1. a slope, especially at weight weighing up to 118 pounds.
the side of a river. 2. a raised mass of ban*ter (ban-ter) n. good-humored teas-
sand etc. in a river bed. 3. a long mass ing, banter v. to joke in a good-humored
of cloud or snow or other soft substance. way.
4. a tier, row, or series, bank v. 1. to Ban-tu (ban-too) n. {pi -tus, -tu) one of
build or form a bank; bank the fire, heap a group of African peoples or their lan-
on fuel, ashes, etc. so that it burns slowly. guages.
2. to tilt or be tilted sideways in rounding ban*yan (ban-yan) n. an Indian fig tree
a curve. with spreading branches from which
bank 2 n. 1. an establishment for keeping roots grow downward to the ground and
people's money etc. safe and paying it form new trunks.
out on a customer's order. 2. the money ban-zai (bahn-zi) interj. a Japanese patri-
held by the keeper of a gaming table or otic greeting or cheer. banzai attack,
the banker of a game. 3. a place for stor- a suicidal desperate attack or charge.
ing a reserve supply, a blood bank, bank ba-o-bab (bay-oh-bab) n. an African tree,
v. 1 .to place or keep money in a bank. naturalized also in India and Ceylon,
2. to base one's hopes, we are banking bearing large woody fruit with edible
on your success. Dbank holiday, a day pulp known as "monkey-bread."
(other than Sunday) on which banks are bap*tism (bap-tiz-em) n. the Christian
officially closed, usually a public holiday. sacrament of sprinkling a person with
bank* book (bangk-buuk) n. a book con- water or immersing him in it to symbol-
taining a customer's copy of his savings ize purification and admission to the
account transactions with a bank. Church. bap*tis*mal (bap-tiz-mal) adj.
bank*er (bang-ker) n. 1 an expert in bank-
. baptismal name, a name given at
ing. 2. the keeper of a gaming bank or baptism, a Christian name.
one who keeps accounts of money, chips, Bap-tist (bap-tist) n. a member of a Prot-
etc. in a game. estant denomination believing that bap-
bank-ing (bang-king) n. the business of tism should be by immersion and per-
running a financial bank. formed at an age when the person is old
bank* note (bangk-noht) n. a small strip enough to understand its meaning.
of paper issued by a bank to serve as Dthe Baptist, St. John, who baptized
currency, printed with the amount for Jesus.
which it is valid. bap*tis*ter*y, bap-tis-try (bap-ti-stree)
bank* roll (bangk-rohl) n. a roll of bank- n. {pi -ter*ies, -tries) a building or part
notes, ready money, bankroll v. to fi- of a church used for baptism.
nance. bap-tize (bap-tiz) v. (bap-tized, bap*
bankrupt (bangk-rupt) n. a person who tiz-ing) 1. to perform baptism on. 2.
is unable to pay his debts in full and to christen, name, or nickname. 3. to ini-
whose affairs are administered for the tiate (a person) by ordeal.
bar / bargeman 64
bar 1 (bahr) n. 1a long piece of solid mate-
. a shrub with spiny shoots and small yel-
rial. 2. a narrow strip. 3. any barrier or low flowers. 2. its oblong red sharply acid
obstacle, a sandbank. 4. one of the verti- berry.
cal lines dividing a piece of music into bar-ber -shop (bahr-ber-shop) n. an es-
equal units, a section contained by these. tablishment for giving haircuts, shaves,
5. the railing in a law court behind which etc.
persons on trial are stationed. 6. the bar, bar -bi- can (bahr-bi-kan) n. the outer de-
the legal profession, lawyers. 7. a counter fense of a city or castle, especially a dou-
or room where alcohol is served. 8. a ble tower over a gate or bridge.
place where refreshments are served bar -bi-tu- rate (bahr-bich-ii-rit) n. a kind
across a counter, a sandwich bar. 9. a of sedative drug.
shop counter selling a single type of com- bar*bi*tu*ric (bahr-bi-toor-ik) aC jd a
modity or service, the department store's white crystalline substance from which
hat bar. bar v. (barred, bar* ring) 1. barbiturates are derived.
to fasten with a bar or bars. 2. to keep bar -ca- role, bar-ca-rolle (bahr-ka-
in or out by this. 3. to obstruct, barred rohl) n. a gondolier's song, a song in this
the way. 4. to prevent or prohibit, bar style.
prep, except, she was the best of all, bar bard (bahrd) n. 1 . a Celtic minstrel. 2. a
none. Dbe called to the bar, to become poet. Dthe Bard of Avon, Shakespeare.
a lawyer, behind bars, in prison. bare (bair)adj. & adv. (bar*er, bar*
bar n. a unit of pressure used in meteorol- est) 1. without clothing or covering;
ogy. trees were bare, leafless; with one's bare
barb (bahrb) n, 1 the backward-pointing
. hands, without tools or weapons. 2. ex-
part of an arrow, fishhook, etc. that posed, undisguised, lay bare the truth.
makes it difficult to withdraw this from 3. plain, without detail, the bare facts.
what it has pierced. 2. a wounding re- 4. empty of stores, cupboard was bare.
mark. 5. only just sufficient, the bare necessities
Bar-ba-dos (bahr-bay-dohs) a country in of life, bare v. (bared, bar-ing) to un-
the Caribbean. Bar-ba-di-an (bahr- cover, to reveal, bared its teeth in a snarl
bay-di-an) adj. & n. bareness n.
bar- bar -i -an (bahr-bair-i-an) n. an un- bare* back (bair-bak) adj. & adv. on a
civilized person, barbarian adj. of bar- horse without a saddle.
barians. bare -faced (bair-fayst) adj. with the
bar- bar -ic (bahr-bar-ik) adj. suitable for face uncovered. 2. shameless, undis-
barbarians, rough and wild, bar - bar 'i* guised.
cal*ly adv. bare* foot (bair-fuut), bare- foot -ed
bar* bar 'ism (bahr-ba-riz-em) n. 1. sav- (bair-fuut-id) adj. & adv. with bare feet.
agery. 2. absence of culture. 3. ignorance. bare- hand -ed (bair-han-did) adj. & adv.
4. a word or phrase not in accordance without tools or weapons.
with the established standard of a lan- bare- head -ed (bair-hed-id) adj. & adv.
guage, use of this. not wearing a hat.
bar-bar-i-ty (bahr-bar-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) bare-ly (bair-lee) adv. scarcely, only just.
savage cruelty, an instance of this. bar* fly (bahr-fli) n. (pi -files) (informal)
bar-ba-rous (bahr-ba-rus) adj. uncivi- a person who frequents bars.
lized, cruel. bar'ba-rous-ly adv. bar* gain (bahr-gin) n. 1. an agreement
bar* be* cue (bahr-be-kyoo) n. 1. a metal made with obligations on both or all
frame for grilling food above an open sides. 2. something obtained as a result
fire. 2. an open-air party at which food of this. 3. a thing bought cheaply, bar-
is cooked on this. 3. the food itself, bar- gain v. 1. to discuss the terms of an
becue v. (bar* be* cued, bar -be -cu- agreement. 2. to be prepared for, to ex-
ing) 1 to cook on a barbecue. 2. to cook
. pect, didn't bargain on his arriving so
in barbecue sauce. barbecue sauce, early; got more than she bargained for,
a highly seasoned sauce of vinegar, was unpleasantly surprised. Uinto the
spices, etc. bargain, in addition to other things.
barbed (bahrbd) adj. having a barb or barge (bahrj) n. a large flat-bottomed boat
barbs. barbed wire (also barb wire), for use on canals or rivers, especially for
a wire with short sharp points at inter- carrying goods, barge v. (barged,
vals. barg*ing) 1. to transport by barge. 2.
bar* bell (bahr-bel) n. an iron bar with a to move clumsily or heavily. barge
heavy disk at each end, used in weight in, to intrude.
lilting. barge* man (bahrj-man) n. (pi -men, pr.

bar-ber (bahr-ber) n. a men's hairdresser. -men) a man in charge of or working

bar-ber-ry (bahr-ber-ee) n. (pi -ries) 1. on a barge.
65 baritone / barren

bar *i* tone (bar-i-tohn) n. 1. a male voice lowest rank of the British peerage (called
between tenor and bass. 2. a singer with Lord ), or of other nobility (called
such a voice, a part written for this. Baron ). 2. a magnate; a newspa-
bar -i -urn (bar-i-um) n. 1. a soft silvery- per baro^ one controlling many newspa-
white metal. 2. a chemical substance pers.
swallowed or injected into the digestive bar* on* ess (bar-6-nis) n. 1. the wife or
tract when this is to be x-rayed. widow of a baron. 2. a woman with a
bark 1 (bahrk) n. the outer layer of tree baronial title in her own right.
trunks and branches, bark v. 1 to peel .
bar*on*et (bar-6-nit, bar-5-net) n. a Brit-
bark from. 2. to scrape the skin off acci- ish nobleman ranking below a baron but
dentally, barked my shins. above a knight, having the title "Sir."
bark 2 n. the sharp harsh sound made by bar*on*et*cy (bar-6-nit-see) n. (pi.
a dog or fox. bark v. 1. to make this -cies) the rank of a baronet.
sound. 2. to speak in a sharp command- ba*ro*ni*al (ba-roh-ni-al) adj. of or suit-
ing voice, barked out orders. Dbark up able for a baron.
the wrong tree, to direct one's effort bar*o*ny (bar-6-nee) n. (pi. -nies) the
or complaint in the wrong direction, his rank or lands of a baron.
bark is worse than his bite, he speaks ba*roque (ba-rohk) adj. of the ornate ar-
harshly but does not behave thus. chitectural style of the 17th and 18th cen-
bark 3 n. a three-masted ship. turies, baroque n. this style or ornamen-
bar* keep *er (bahr-kee-per) n. a person tation.
who owns or tends a bar serving alco- ba-rouche (ba-roosh) n. a four-wheeled
holic drinks.
horse-drawn carriage with a seat in front
bark*er (bahr-ker) n. a person who stands
for the driver, and seats inside for two
at the entrance to a show shouting its
couples facing each other.
merits to attract customers.
bar* racks (bar-aks) n. (sing, also as pi)
bar* ley (bahr-lee) n. a kind of cereal plant,
a large building or group of buildings
its grain. barley water, a drink made
for soldiers to live in.
from pearl barley.
bar*ra*cu*da (bar-a-koo-da) n. (pi -da,
bar* maid (bahr-mayd) n. a female atten-
-das) a voracious fish found in warm
dant at a bar serving alcohol.
bar* man (bahr-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
bar* rage (ba-rahzA) n. 1 an artificial bar-

-men) a male attendant at a bar serving

rier, especially one damming a river. 2.
a heavy continuous bombardment by ar-
bar mitz* vah (bahr mits-va) 1 a religious

tillery. 3. a rapid fire, of questions or com-

initiation ceremony for a Jewish boy aged
thirteen. 2. the boy for whom such a
ceremony is held. bar*ra*try (bar-a-tree) n. (pi. -tries) 1.
barn (bahrn) n. a farm building for storing the purchase or sale of ecclesiastical pro-
grain, hay, etc. and housing livestock. motions or offices of state. 2. annoying
Dbarn owl, an owl that often breeds persistence in or incitement to litigation.
and roosts in barns and other buildings. 3. fraud or criminal negligence by a

bar*na*cle (bahr-na-kel) n. a kind of ship's master or crew.

shellfish that attaches itself to objects un- barred (bahrd) see bar 1 .

der water. bar*rel (bar-el) n. 1. a large round con-

barn* storm (bahrn-storm) v. to travel and tainer with flat ends. 2. the amount this
present theatrical productions or make contains. 3. a tubelike part, especially
speeches in the countryside or in small of a gun. barrel v. (barreled, bar*
towns. rel*ing) 1 to put into barrels. 2. (slang)

barn* yard (bahrn-yahrd) n. a yard or to travel at a very high speed. barrel

fenced area. organ, an instrument from which music
bar -o -gram (bar-6-gram) n. a record of is produced by turning a handle and so

variations in atmospheric pressure. causing a pin-studded cylinder to act on

bar*o*graph (bar-6-graf) n. a barometer keys, barrel roll, a maneuver by an air-
with an apparatus for making a baro- plane that makes a complete rotation
gram. bar -o -graph -ic (bar-6-graf-ik) about its longitudinal axis, over a bar-
adj. rel, (informal) in a helpless position.
ba*rom*e*ter (ba-rom-i-ter) n. an instru- bar ren (bar-en) adj. 1 not fertile enough
• .

ment measuring atmospheric pressure, to produce crops, barren land. 2. not pro-
used for forecasting the weather, bar* ducing fruit or seeds, a barren tree. 3.
o- met -ric (bar-6-met-rik) adj. bar* unable to have young ones, barren n.
o-met'ri-cal adj. 1. barren land. 2. elevated plains on
bar* on (bar-dn) n. 1. a member of the which grow small trees and shrubs but
barrette / basket 66
no timber, bar'ren *ly adv. barren- a hit enabling the barter to reach first
ness n. base safely, base on balls {pi bases
bar*rette (ba-ret) n. a bar-shaped clip for on balls), advancement of a batter to
a woman's hair. first base after four balls. Off base, (in-
bar *ri* cade (bar-i-kayd) n. a barrier, es- formal) mistaken.
pecially one hastily erected as a defense. base *ball (bays-bawl) ru 1. a team game
barricade v. (bar*ri*cad*ed, bar* played with a bat and a ball on a field
ri-cad-ing) to block or defend with a with four bases arranged in a diamond
barricade. and in which runs are scored by hitting
bar*ri*er (bar-i-er) n. something that pre- a ball, getting walks, etc. and circling
vents or controls advance, access, or the bases. 2. the ball used in this game.
progress. barrier reef, a coral reef base* board (bays-bohrd) n. a narrow
with a channel between it and the land. board around the wall of a room, close
bar*ri*o (bahr-i-oh) n. {pi -ri*os) 1. a to the floor.
Hispanic quarter of a U.S. city. 2. a dis- base* born (bays-born) adj. 1. of illegiti-
trict of a town in a Hispanic country. mate birth. 2. born of humble family.
bar-ris-ter (bar-i-ster) n. (British) a law- 3. contemptible.
yer entitled to represent clients in the base -less (bays-lis) adj. without founda-
higher law courts. tion, baseless rumors.
bar* room (bahr-room) n, a room in which base *line (bays-hn) n. 1. a known line
alcoholic drinks are sold. used as a geometrical base in trigonome-
bar tow 1
(bar-oh) ru 1. a wheelbarrow. try. 2. the line at each end of a tennis
2. a small cart with two wheels and shafts court. 3. the line between successive
so it can be pulled or pushed by hand. bases in baseball.
barrow 2 n. a prehistoric burial mound. basement (bays-men t) n. the lowest
barrow 3 ru a male hog. story of a building, below ground level.
Bart. abbr. Baronet. bash (bash) v. 1. to strike violently. 2. to
bar*ten*der (bahr-ten-d£r) ru a person attack with blows, bash n. 1. a violent
who prepares and serves alcoholic drinks blow or knock. 2. (slang) a party, a fes-
at a bar. tive good time.
bar*ter (bahr-ter) v. to trade by exchang- bash'ful (bash-ful) adj. shy and self-con-
ing goods etc. for other goods, not for scious. bash / ful*ly adv. bash'ful*
money, barter ru trading by exchange. ness n.
bas-al (bay-sal, -zal) adj. of or at the base. ba sic (bay-sik)
• adj. 1 . forming a base or
basal metabolism, the minimum starting point, fundamental, basic princi-
amount of energy needed by an organism ples. 2. of a chemical base. ba'si*cal*
at rest. ly adv.
ba*salt (ba-sawlt) ru a kind of dark rock baS'il (baz-Il, bay-zll) n. a sweet-smelling
of volcanic origin. ba* sal 'tic adj. herb.
base (bays) ru 1 the lowest part of any-
. ba*sil*i*ca (ba-sil-i-ka) n. 1. a large ob-
thing, the part on which it rests or is long hall or church with two rows of
supported. 2. a basic or fundamental columns and an apse at one end. 2. a
part, the main ingredient. 3. a starting church or cathedral granted ceremonial
point. 4. the headquarters of an expedi- privileges.
tion or other enterprise. 5. a place at bas*i*lisk (baz-i-lisk) n. a mythical reptile
which an expedition or force stores its said to cause death by its glance or
supplies. 6. a substance into which other breath.
things are mixed, some paints have an ba-sin (bay-sin) n. 1. a round open dish
oil base. 7. a cream or liquid applied to for holding liquids or soft substances. 2.
the skin as a foundation for makeup. 8. this its contents, the amount it con-
a substance (as an alkali) capable of com- tains. 3.a washbasin. 4. a sunken place
bining with an acid to form a salt. 9. where water collects; a river basin, the
one of the four stations at the corners area drained by a river. 5. an almost
of a baseball diamond, especially the first landlocked harbor, a yacht basin, ba'
three (excluding home plate), base v. sin*ful n. {pi -fuls).
(based, bas-ing) to use as a base or ba*sis (bay-sis) n. {pi -SOS, pr. -seez) a
foundation or as evidence for a forecast. foundation or support, a main principle.
base adj. (bas*er, bas-est) 1. dishon- bask (bask) v. 1 to expose oneself comfort-

orable, base motives 2. of inferior value, ably to a pleasant warmth. 2. to enjoy

base metals. 3. debased, not of acceptable someone's approval.
quality, base coins. base'ly adv. base' bas-ket (bas-kit) n. 1. a container for
ness n. Dbase exchange, a post ex- holding or carrying things, made of inter-
change at an air force base, base hit, woven flexible material. 2. this with its
67 basketball / bathrobe

contents. bas'ket*ful n. (pi -fuls). baste 1 (bay st) v. (bast-ed, bast-ing) 1.

basket case, whose
(slang) a person to moisten with fat during cooking. 2.
four limbs have been amputated; a com- to thrash.
pletely ineffectual person, basket baste2 v. (bast-ed, bast-ing) to sew to-
weave, a weave of textiles that looks gether temporarily with long loose
like the weave of a basket. stitches.
bas *ket* ball (bas-kit-bawl) n. 1. a game bas*ti*na*do (bas-tl-nay-doh) n. {pi
played on a court (basketball court) by -does) a beating given on the soles of
two teams of five players each, in which the feet, bastinado v. (bas*ti*na*
points are scored by throwing a ball doed, bas*ti*na*do*ing) to punish
through a raised hoop. 2. the ball used by this.
in this. bas-tion (bas-chdn) n. 1 a projecting part

bas *ket* work (bas-kit-wurk) n. 1. a of a fortification. 2. a fortified place near

structure of interwoven rushes, twigs, hostile territory. 3. something serving as
etc. 2. the art of making this. a stronghold, a bastion of democracy.
bas mitz«vah (bahs mits-va), bat mitz- bat 1 (bat) ru 1 a heavy stick. 2. a shaped

vah (baht mits-va) ru 1 a religious initia-

. wooden implement for striking the ball
tion ceremony for a Jewish girl aged thir- in baseball etc. 3. a sharp blow. 4. (in
teen. 2. the girl for whom such a cere- baseball) a turn batting, bat v. (bat*
mony is held. ted, bat* ting) 1. to use a bat, to take
Basque (bask) «. 1
. a member of a people one's turn at this. 2. to strike with a bat,
living in the western Pyrenees. 2. their to hit. Dat bat, (baseball) batting.
language. bat 2 n. a flying mammal with a mouselike
bas-re*lief (bah-ri-leef) ru a sculpture or body. blind as a bat, completely
carving in low relief. blind, have bats in the belfry, (in-
bass 1 {pi bass) a spiny-finned
(bas) ru formal) to be crazy or eccentric.
sport and food fish of the perch family. bat 3 v. (bat* ted, bat* ting) to flutter, it
bass 2 (bays) adj. deep-sounding, of the batted its wings; didn *t bat an eyelid, did
lowest pitch in music, bass (also basso) not show any surprise.
ru 1 the lowest male voice, a singer with
. bat* boy (bat-boi) n. a boy or young man
such a voice. 2. a part written for this. who assists baseball batters by taking
3. the lowest pitched member of a group care of their bats.
of similar musical instruments. batch (bach) n. 1 a number of loaves or

bas* set (bas-it) ru (also basset hound) cakes baked at the same time. 2. a num-
a dog of a short-legged breed with long ber of people or things dealt with as a
ears. group, a batch of recruits,
bas* si* net (bas-T-net) ru a hooded cradle ba*teau (ba-toh) ru (pi -teaux) a light
for a baby. river boat, especially the long, tapering,
bas* so (bas-oh) {pi bas* sos, bas*
ru flat-bottomed boat used by French Cana-
si, pr. bas-ee) a man
with a base voice. dians.
basso prof undo, an unusually deep bat-ed (bay-tid) adj. lessened. Dwith
bass voice, a singer with such a voice. bated breath, with breath held anx-
bas* soon (ba-soon) ru a deep-toned wood- iously.
wind instrument, bas* soon 'ist ru bath (bath) n. (pi baths, pr. baf/rz, baths)
bass* wood (bas-wuud) ru 1. the linden 1 washing of the whole body by immers-
tree of North America. 2. its wood. ing it in water. 2. water for this. 3. a
bast (bast) ru 1 the inner bark of the linden
. bathtub. 4. a bathroom. 5. a liquid in
tree or basswood, cut into strips and which something is immersed, its con-
coarsely woven, to make matting etc. 2. tainer. 6. baths, a building with rooms
a similar fiber from palms used for ropes, where baths may be taken.
brooms, etc. 3. any flexible or fibrous bathe (bay th) v. (bathed, bath-ing) 1.
bark. to apply liquid to, to immerse in liquid.
bas • tar d (bas-tard) ru 1. an illegitimate 2. to make wet or bright all over, fields
child. 2. (vulgar slang) an unpleasant or were bathed in sunlight 3. to swim for
difficult person or thing, bastard adj. pleasure, bath'er n. bathing suit, a
1 of illegitimate birth. 2. not considered
. garment worn for swimming.
a genuine specimen of its kind. bas / bath -house (bath-hows) n. a building
tard*ly adj. bas'tar»dy ru with dressing rooms for bathers.
bas*tard*ize (bas-tar-diz) v. (bas* ba*thos (bay-thos) n. 1. descent from
tard-ized, bas*tard*iz*ing) 1. to de- something important to something trivial
clare or make (a person) a bastard. 2. in speech or writing. 2. excessive pathos,
to lower in quality or value. bas*tard* ba-thet-ic (ba-thet-ik) adj.
i*za*tion (bas-tar-di-zay-sh6n) ru bath* robe (bath-rohb) n. a loose garment,

bathroom / bay 68
often of absorbent material and resem- and vehicles. 3. a set of similar or con-
bling a dressing gown, worn before and nected units or items, a whole battery
after a bath. of telephones. 4. an electric cell or group
bath* room (bath-room) n. a room con- of cells supplying current. 5. unlawful
taining a bathtub or shower and usually blows or a menacing touch on a person
a washbowl and toilet. or his clothes. 6. the pitcher and the
bath* tub (bath-tub) n. a large container catcher of a baseball team.
for water, in which one sits to wash all bat* ting (bat-ing) n. a cotton or wool in
over. sheets, for quilting etc.
bath • y • scaph e (bath-I-skayf), bath • bat* tie (bat-el) n. 1. a fight between large
y. scape (bath-I-skayp) n. a vessel that organized forces. 2. any contest, a battle
can travel under water for deep-sea div- of wits. 3. victory; confidence is half the
ing and exploration. battle, a help toward success, battle v.
bath *y sphere (bath-T-sfeer) n, a spheri- (bat* tied, bat-tling) to engage in bat-
cal diving apparatus for deep-sea obser- tle, to struggle. battle cry, a war cry,
vation. a slogan, battle fatigue, mental disor-
ba-tik (ba-teek) n. 1 a method of printing
. der due to stress in wartime combat.
colored designs on textiles by waxing the bat-tle-ax (bat-el-aks) n. 1. a heavy ax
parts not to be dyed. 2. a fabric treated used as a weapon in ancient times. 2.
in this way. (informal) a formidable aggressive
ba • tiste (ba-teest) n. a very soft fine woven woman.
fabric. bat* tie -field (bat-el-feeld) n. a place
bat* man (bat-man) -men,/?r. -men)
ru (pi. where a battle is or was fought.
(British) a soldier acting as an officer's bat -tie* ground (bat-el-grownd) n, a bat-
orderly. tlefield.
bat mitz*vah see bas mitzvah. bat -tie- men t (bat-el-ment) n. a parapet
ba-ton (ba-ton) n. 1. a short thick stick, with gaps at intervals, originally for firing
especially one serving as a symbol of au- from.
thority, a truncheon. 2. a thin stick used bat* tie* Ship (bat-el-ship) n. the most
by the conductor of an orchestra for beat- heavily armed and armored kind of war-
ing time. 3. a short stick or tube carried ship.
in relay races. bat* tie* wag* on (bat-el- wag-dn) n.
Bat* on Rouge (bat-on roozh) the capital (slang) a battleship.
of Louisiana. bat*ty (bat-ee) adj. (-ti*er, -ti-est) (slang)
ba*tra*chi*an (ba-tray-ki-an) n. a tailless crazy, bat'ti-ness n.
amphibian, such as a frog or toad, ba- bau-ble (baw-bej) n. a showy but valueless
trachian adj. ornament or fancy article.
bats* man (bats-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. baux'ite (bawk-sit) n. the claylike sub-
-men) a player who is batting, especially stance from which aluminum is obtained.
in cricket. baux*it*lc (bawk-sit-ik) adj.
bat-tal-ion (ba-tal-ydn) n. 1 an army unit . bawd (bawd) n. a procuress.
made up of several companies and form- bawd-y (baw-dee) adj. (bawd*i*er,
ing part of a regiment. 2. (informal) a bawd • • est) humorous in a coarse or in-

large organized body of people. decent way. bawd'My adv. bawd'i*

bat •ten 1 (bat-en) ru a strip of wood or ness n.
metal fastening or holding something in bawl (bawl) v. to shout or cry loudly, bawl

place, batten v. to fasten with battens; n. 1 . a howl or shout. 2. loud weeping.

batten down the hatches, close them se- Dbawl a person out, (informal) to
curely. scold him severely.
batten 2 v. 1. to make
or become fat. 2. bay 1
(bay) n. a kind of laurel with deep
to thrive or prosper at the expense of green leaves that are dried and used for
others or so as to injure them, politicians seasoning. Dbay leaf, this seasoning,
battening on graft. used in soups, stews, etc.
bat-ter (bat-er) v. to hit hard and often; bay 2 n. a part of the sea or of a large lake
battered babies, battered wives, those sub- within a wide curve of the shore.
jected to repeated violence, batter ru 1 bay 3 n. a compartment or recess in a room,
a beaten mixture of flour, eggs, and milk building, structure, or area, a parking
for cooking. 2. a player at bat in baseball. bay. Dbay Window, a window project-
D battering ram, a beam formerly used ing from the outside wall of a house; (in-
in war to breach walls or gates. formal) a man's large protruding stom-
bat*ter*y (bat-e-ree) ru (pi. -ter*ies) 1. ach.
a group of big guns on land or on a war- bay 4n. the deep drawn-out cry of a large

ship. 2. an artillery unit of guns, men, dog or of hounds in pursuit of a hunted

bay / beam
animal, bay v. to make this sound. buggy, a car equipped with extra-large
Dat bay, forced to face attackers and tires for beach use. beach flea, a small
showing defiance in a desperate situation. crustacean found on beaches.
hold at bay, to ward off. beach* comb *er (beech-koh-mer) n. 1. a
bay 5 adj. reddish-brown, bay n. a bay person who salvages stray articles along
horse. a beach. 2. a loafer who lives on what
bay be fry (bay-ber-ee) n. (pi -ries) 1. he can earn casually on a waterfront,
a shrub of eastern North America, bear- beach'comb-ing n.
ing small gray-green berries. 2. a West beach* head (beech-hed) n. a fortified po-
Indian tree, the leaves of which are used sition established on a beach by an invad-
in making bay rum. ing army.
bay -o -net (bay-6-nit) n. a daggerlike bea-con (bee-kdn) n. 1. a signal fire on
blade that can be fixed to the muzzle a hill.a light used as a signal or warn-
of a rifle and used in hand-to-hand fight- ing. 3. a signal station such as a light-
ing, bayonet v. (bayo*net*ed, bay house. 4. a transmitter giving out a beam
O* netting) to stab with a bayonet. to direct aircraft, beacon v. 1. to give
bayou (bi-oo) n. (pi -OUS) a marshy inlet light to. 2. to guide. 3. to shine as a
or stagnant creek. beacon.
bay rum a fragrant liquid made from bay bead (beed) n. 1 a small shaped piece of

leaves, used as an astringent. hard material pierced for threading with

ba-zaar (ba-zahr) n. 1. a series of shops others on a string or wire, or for sewing
or stalls, especially in an Oriental coun- on to fabric. 2. a drop or bubble of liquid
try. 2. a sale of goods to raise funds, on a surface. 3. beads, a necklace of
especially for charity. beads, a rosary, bead v. to form into a
BB (bee-bee) n. a pellet shot for firing from bead. Ddraw a bead on, to take aim
an air rifle. at.
B.B.A. abbr. Bachelor of Business Admin- bead ing
* (bee-ding) n. 1 a decoration of .

istration. beads. 2. a molding or carving like a se-

B.B.B. abbr. Better Business Bureau. ries of beads. 3. a strip of material with
B.B.C. abbr. British Broadcasting Corpo- one side rounded, used as a trimming
ration. on edges of wood.
bbl. abbr. barrel. bea-dle (bee-del) n. a parish officer ap-
B.C. abbr. 1 Before Christ. 2. British Co-
. pointed to serve as usher and to keep
lumbia. order in church.
bd. abbr. 1. board. 2. bond. 3. bound. bead-y (bee-dee) adj. (bead*i*er, bead*
B.D. abbr. Bachelor of Divinity. i*est) like beads; beady eyes, small and
bdl. abbr. bundle. bright.
bdrm. abbr. bedroom. bea-gle (bee-gel) n. a small hound used
be (bee) v. (am, are, is; was, were; been; for hunting.
being) 1. to exist, to occur, to live, to beak (beek) n. 1 . horny projecting
a bird's
occupy a position. 2. to have a certain bill. 2. any similar projection, beak'
identity or quality or condition; how less beak* like (beek-hk) adj.
much is it? what does it cost? 3. to equal, beaked (beekt) adj.
to become, he wants to be a pilot, be bea*ker (bee-ker) n. 1 a small open glass .

auxiliary verb, used to form parts of other vessel with straight sides and a Up for
verbs, as in if is rising; he was laughing; pouring liquids, used in laboratories. 2.
I am to inform you, it is my duty to a large drinking cup, often with a wide
inform you. be-all and end-all, the mouth.
supreme purpose or essence, be that as beam (beem) n. 1 a long piece of squared

it may, no matter what the facts about timber or other solid material, supported
it may be. have been, to have visited, at both ends and carrying the weight of
/ have been to Cairo, let it be, do not part of a building or other structure. 2.
disturb it, do not change it or act upon a ship's breadth at its widest part. 3. the
it. £>Do not use being as how or being crosspiece of a balance, from which the
that in place of because or as in such scales hang. 4. a ray or stream of light
expressions as because he is here and as or other radiation, a radio signal used
she was our principal speaker. to direct the course of an aircraft. 5. a
Be symbol beryllium. bright look, a radiant smile, beam v. 1
B.E. abbr. Board of Education. to send out light or other radiation. 2.
beach (beech) n. the shore between high to aim (radio waves, a radio or television
and low water mark, covered with sand broadcast, etc.) with directional anten-
or waterworn pebbles, beach v. to bring nas. 3. to smile radiantly. broad in
on shore from out of the water. beach the beam, (informal) wide at the hips.
bean / beatification 70

bean 1
(been)n. 1. a plant bearing seeds carry something, (as a coffin to the grave,
in long pods. 2. its seed used as a vegeta- a stretcher).
ble. 3. a similar seed of coffee and other bearing (bair-ing) n. 1. deportment, be-
plants. Dbean curd, a creamy white havior, a military bearing. 2. relation-
cake of soybean cheese used in Oriental ship, relevance, it has no bearing on this
cooking, full Of beans, (informal) in problem. 3. a compass direction; get ones
high spirits; full of nonsense or petty lies. bearings, find out where one is by recog-
bean 2 v. (slang) to hit on the head. nizing landmarks etc. 4. a device reduc-
bean • ball (been-bawl) n. a baseball delib- ing friction in a part of a machine where
erately thrown by the pitcher at the bat- another part turns.
ter's head. bear* skin (bair-skin) n. 1. the skin or fur
bean*ie (bee-nee) n. a small close-fitting of a bear. 2. a rug, coat, hat, etc. made
hat worn on the top of the head. from this.
bean • pole (been-pohl) n. 1 a pole for sup- . beast (beest) n. 1 a large four-footed ani-

porting growing bean plants. 2. (in- mal. 2. a cruel or disgusting person.

formal) a tall thin person. beast *ly (beest-lee) adj. (-ii*er, -ii*
bear 1 (bair) n. 1 a large heavy ajiimal with
. est) 1 . ways. 2. abomi-
like a beast or its
thick fur. 2. a rough ill-mannered person. nable, very unpleasant, beastly adv.
3. a speculator who sells shares etc. in very unpleasantly, it was beastly cold.
expectation that prices will fall very beast'lhness n.
soon. Dbear market, (on the stock ex- beat (beet) v. (beat, beat* en, beat*

change) a situation in which stock prices ing) 1 to hit repeatedly, especially with

are falling rapidly, the Great Bear, the a stick; we heard the drums beating, being
Little Bear, constellations near the beaten. 2. to strike; the sun beat down,
North Star. shone with great heat. 3. to shape or flat-
bear 2 v. (bore, borne, bearing; see the ten by blows; beat a path, make it by
note under borne). 1 to carry, to sup- . trampling things down. 4. to mix vigor-
port; bear oneself bravely, to behave ously to a frothy or smooth consistency,
bravely. 2. to have or show a certain beat the eggs. 5. (of the heart) to expand
mark or characteristic, he still bears the and contract rhythmically. 6. to over-
scar; bears an honored name, has it as come, to do better than, to act or arrive
his own or a family name. 3. to have before (another); it beats me, is too diffi-
in one's heart or mind, bear a grudge; cult for me. Dbeat about the bush,
I will bear it in mind, will remember it. to discuss a subject without coming to
4. to endure, to tolerate, grin and bear the point, beat a person down, to
it. 5. to be fit for, his words won't bear cause a seller to lower the price he is
repeating. 6. to produce, to give birth asking, beat a retreat, to go away de-
to, she had borne him two sons. 7. to feated, beaten path or track, a well-
turn, to diverge, bear right when the road worn path, the expected or usual way.
forks. 8. to exert pressure, to thrust. beat It, (slang) to go away, beat Off,
Ubear down, to press downward; to to drive off by fighting, beat up, to as-
work harder, bear down on, to move sault violently with the fists.
rapidly or purposefully toward, bear on, beat 2 n. 1. a regular repeated stroke, a
to be relevant to, matters bearing on pub- sound of this. 2. a recurring emphasis
lic health, bear out, to confirm, bear marking rhythm in music or poetry, the
up, to be strong enough not to give way strongly marked rhythm of popular mu-
or despair, bear with, to tolerate pa- sic. 3. the appointed round of a police-
tiently, bear witness to, to provide evi- man or newspaper reporter; the area cov-
dence of the truth of. it was borne in ered by this. 4. a beatnik.
upon him, he was convinced. beat 3 adj. 1. tired. 2. relating to young
bear*a*ble able to be
(bair-S-bel) adj. people of the 1960's with unconventional
borne, endurable. bear'a*bly adv. dress and behavior as an expression of
beard (beerd) n. 1 hair on and around a
. social philosophy, the beat generation.
man's chin. 2. a similar hairy or bristly beat*er (bee-ter) n. 1. an implement for
growth of hair on an animal or plant. beating things. 2. a person employed to
beard v. to confront boldly; beard the drive game out of cover toward those
lion in his den, confront and oppose waiting with guns to shoot it.
someone own stronghold, beard*
in his be*a*tif*ic (bee-a-tif-ik) adj. showing
ed (beer-did) adj. beardless adj. great happiness, a beatific smile.
bear «er (bair-er) n. 1 a person who carries
. be*at*i*fi*ca*tion (bi-at-I-fi-kay-shdn) n.
or bears something; this check is payable the pope's official statement that a dead
to the bearer, to the person who presents person is among the blessed in heaven,
it at a bank. 2. a person who helps to the first step toward canonization.
71 beatify / bedevil

be-at-i-fy (bi-at-l-fi) v. (be-at-i-fied, cial patch on the face, said to heighten

be • at -i -tying) to honor by beatifica- beauty.
tion. beaux arts (bohz ahr) the fine arts.
beat-ing (bee-ting) n. 1. punishment by bea-ver (bee-ver) n. 1. a soft-furred ani-
being hit with a stick etc. 2. a defeat. mal with strong teeth that lives both on
be-at-i-tude (bi-at-T-tood) n. blessedness. land and in water. 2. its brown fur. 3.
Dthe Beatitudes, the declarations (informal) a hard worker.
made by Jesus in the Sermon on the be* calm (bi-kahm) v. to make (a sailing

Mount, beginning "Blessed are. ." . .

ship) unable to move because of lack of
beat-nik (beet-nik) n. a member of the wind, be -calmed' adj.
beat generation (see beat 3 ). be* came (bi-kaym) see become.
beau (boh) n. (pi beaus, beaux, pr. be* cause (bi-kawz) conj. for the reason
bohz) 1. a fop or dandy. 2. a suitor or that, did it because I was asked, because
sweetheart. adv. by reason, on account, because of
Beau* fort (boh-fdrt) scale a scale and his age. ODonot say or write the reason
description of wind velocity ranging isbecause. Also see the note under due.
from (calm) to (hurricane). be-cha-mel (bay-sha-mel) sauce a rich
beau geste (boh z/iest) (pi beaux white sauce of butter, flour, cream, and
gestes, pr. boh z/iest) a display of gener- seasoning.
ous conduct. beck (bek) n. a beckoning gesture.
beau 'deal (boh i-deel) one's highest or
at someone's beck and call, always
ready and waiting to obey his orders.
ideal type of excellence or beauty.
Beau -jo -la is (boh-z/zo-lay) n. a red or
beck* on (bek-dn) v. 1. tosignal or sum-

white burgundy wine from Beaujolais,

mon by a gesture. 2. to attract.
be* ClOud (bi-klowd) v. 1. to cover with
clouds. 2. to obscure.
beau monde (boh mond) fashionable so-
be* come (bi-kum) v. (be* came, be*
come, be-com-ing) 1. to come or
beaut (byoot) n. (slang) a beauty, a fine
grow to be, to begin to be, she became
specimen, when I make a mistake, it's
a doctor; ask what has become of it, ask
a beaut.
what happened to it, or where it is. 2.
beau-te-ous (byoo-ti-us) adj. (old use)
to suit, to be becoming to.
beautiful. beau'te-ous-ly adv. beau"
be-com-ing (bi-kum-ing) adj. giving a
te-ous-ness n. pleasing appearance or effect, suitable,
beau-ti-cian (byoo-tish-an) n. a person
be-com'ing-ly adv.
whose job is to give beautifying treat- bed (bed) n. 1. a thing to sleep or rest
ments to the face or body. on, a piece of furniture with a mattress
beau-ti-ful (byoo-ti-ful) adj. 1. having
and coverings. 2. a mattress, a feather
beauty, giving pleasure to the senses or bed. 3. the use of a bed, being in bed,
the mind. 2. (informal) very satisfactory, a quick drink and then bed; go to bed,
beau'ti-ful-ly adv. beautiful peo- retire there to sleep. 4. a flat base on
ple, wealthy trendsetters, fashionable which something rests, a foundation. 5.
people. the bottom of the sea or river etc. 6. a
beau-ti-fy (byoo-ti-fi) v. (beauti- layer, a bed of clay. 7. a garden plot for
fied, beau -ti -tying) to make beauti- plants, bed v. (bed-ded, bed* ding) 1.
ful,beau-ti-fi-ca-tion (byoo-ti-fi-kay- to provide with a place to sleep, to put
sh6n) n. beau'ti-fi-er n. to bed. 2. to place or fix in a foundation,
beau-ty (byoo-tee) n. (pi. -ties) 1 a com- .
the bricks are bedded in concrete. 3. to
bination of qualities that give pleasure plant in a garden bed, he was bedding
to the sight or other senses or to the out seedlings. Dno bed of roses, not
mind. 2. a person or thing having this, a pleasant or easy situation.
a beautiful woman. 3. a fine specimen, be* daub (bi-dawb) v. to smear or daub
here's a beauty. 4. a beautiful feature; with paint, mud, etc.
that's the beauty of it, the point that gives be-daz-zle (bi-daz-el) v. (be -daz-
satisfaction. beauty parlor or shop, zled, be-daz-zling) 1. to dazzle com-
a beauty salon, beauty queen, a woman pletely. 2. to confuse (a person), be*
judged to be the most beautiful in a com- daz'zle-ment n.
petition, beauty salon, an establish- bed* bug (bed-bug) n. a bloodsucking in-
ment for giving beautifying treatments sect infesting beds.
to the face, body, etc. beauty sleep, bed* ding (bed-ing) n. mattresses and bed-
sleep that is said to make or keep a person clothes.
beautiful, beauty spot, a
place with be* deck (bi-dek) v. to adorn.
beautiful scenery; a birthmark or artifi- be-devil (bi-dev-Il) v. (be-deviled,
bedew / befuddle 72
be -devil -nig) to torment diabolically, 2; beefs for 4) 1 the flesh of a steer,

to plague. be*dev'il*ment n. bull, or cow used as meat. 2. the animal

be* dew (bi-doo, -dyoo) v. to cover with itself. 3. muscular strength, brawn. 4.
drops of or like dew. (slang) a complaint, beef v. (slang) to
bed •fast (bed-fast) adj. bedridden. complain. Dbeef tea, the juice from
bed-fel-low (bed-fel-oh) tu 1. a person stewed beef, for invalids, beef up, (in-
who shares one's bed. 2. an associate; formal) to strengthen.
politics makes strange bedfellows, obliges beef* burg *er (beef-bur-ger) ru a ham-
unlikely people to associate together. burger.
be-di-zen (bi-di-zen) v. to deck out gaud- beef • eat* er (beef-ee-ter) ru a guard in the
iiy. Tower of London, or a member of the
bed* lam (bed-lam) ru 1 (old use) a mental
Yeomen of the Guard, wearing Tudor
institution. 2.a scene of uproar. dress as uniform.
Bed*ou*in (bed-oo-in) n. {pi -ins, -in) beef* Steak (beef-stay k) ru a slice of beef
a member of an Arab people living in for broiling or frying.
tents in the desert. beef-y (beef* her, beef*
(bee-fee) adj.
bed* pan (bed-pan) ru a pan for use as a i*est) having a solid muscular body.
toilet by a person confined to bed.
beef / i*ness n.
bed* post (bed-pohst) ru one of the upright bee* hive (bee-hiv) ru a hive.
supports of a bedstead. bee- keep -er (bee-kee-per) ru a person
be-drag-gled (bi-drag-eld) adj. hanging
who raises bees. bee'keep-ing n.
in a limp untidy way, especially when
been (bin) see be.
wet or when dirty and disordered.
beer (beer) n. an alcoholic drink brewed
bed* rid* den confined to
(bed-rid-en) ru
from malt and hops.
bed through illness or weakness, espe-
beer-y (beer-ee) adj. (beer-i-er, beer*
cially permanently.
i*est) like beer, smelling of beer.
bed* rock (bed-rok) ru 1. solid rock be-
bees* wax (beez-waks) n. a yellowish sub-
neath loose soil. 2. basic facts or princi-
stance secreted by bees, used for polish-
ing wood.
bed* roll (bed-rohl) ru bedding rolled into
beet (beet) n. a plant with a fleshy root
a bundle.
used as a vegetable or for making sugar.
bed room (bed-room)
• ru a room for sleep-
ing in.
bee -tie 1 (bee- 1 el) n. an insect with four
wings, the outer pair being hard.
bed* side (bed-sid) ru a position by a bed;
beetle 2 v. (bee* tied, bee*tling) to over-
a bedside table, one for placing by a bed.
hang, to project, beetle adj. projecting.
bedside manner, the attitude of a
beetle browed, with projecting
doctor toward his patient.
bed* sore (bed-sohr) ru a sore developed
brows; scowling, lowering.
by lying in bed for a long time. be -fall (bi-fawl) v. (be -fell, be -fall*
bed *spread (bed-spred) ru a covering en, be*fall*ing) (formal) to happen, to
spread over a bed during the day. happen to.

bed* stead (bed-sted) ru a wooden or be-flt (bi-fit) v. (be*flt*ted, be*fit*

metal framework supporting the springs ting) to be right and suitable for. be*
and mattress of a bed. fit'tlng*ly adv.
bed* time (bed-tim) ru a time for going be* fog (bi-fog) v. (be* fogged, be*
to bed. fog*ging) 1. to envelop in fog. 2. to

bee (bee) 1. a four-winged stinging in-

ru confuse, to obscure.
sect thatproduces wax and honey after be* fore (bi-fohr) adv., conj. & prep. 1. at
gathering nectar from flowers. 2. a neigh- an earlier time, earlier than. 2. ahead,
borly gathering for work and socializing, ahead of, in front of; they sailed before
as a husking bee (to husk corn) or quilt- the wind, under its impulse, with the
ing bee (to sew patchwork quilts). wind behind them; appeared before the
Dhave a bee in one's bonnet, to have judge, in his presence for judgment. 3.
a particular idea that occupies one's rather than, in preference to, death before
thoughts continually, make a beeline dishonor! before Christ, before the
for, to go straight or rapidly toward. birth of Christ.
spelling bee, a competiton in spelling. be* fore* hand (bi-fohr-hand) adv. in ad-
beech (beech) n. (/?/. beech -es or vance, in readiness.
beech) 1 a kind of tree with smooth
. be* foul (bi-fowl) v. to make foul or dirty.
bark and glossy leaves. 2. its wood. 3. be -friend (bi-frend) v. to act as a friend
(also beechnut) its small triangular nut. to, to be kind and helpful to.
beech "en adj. be-fud-dle (bi-fud-a) v. (be*fud*dled,
beef (beef) n. {pi beeves, pr. beevz, for be*fud*dling) 1. to stupefy with alco-
73 beg / Beirut
be*fud'dler n. be*
hoi. 2. to confuse. be* gun (bi-gun) see begin.
fud'dle-ment n. be* half (bi-haf) n. on behalf of, in aid
beg (beg) v. (begged, beg-ging) 1. to of; as the representative of, speaking on
ask for as charity or as a gift, to obtain behalf of his client.
a living in this way. 2. to request ear- be* have (bi-hayv) v. (be*haved, be*
nestly or humbly. 3. to ask for formally, hav*ing) 1. to act, react, or function
/ beg your pardon; beg to differ, take the in some specified way. 2. to show good
liberty of disagreeing. 4. (of a dog) to manners, the child must learn to behave
sit up expectantly, as it has been trained, or to behave himself.
with forepaws off the ground. Dbeg off, be*hav*ior (bi-hayv-y6r) n. a way of be-
to ask to be excused from doing some- having, treatment of others, manners; on
thing, beg the question, to use circular one's best behavior, taking care to behave
reasoning (see Circular definition 3). go well. be*havior*al (bi-hayv-yd-ral)
begging, (of things) to be available but adj.
unwanted. be*hav*ior*ism (bi-hayir-yd-riz-em) n. a
be* get (bi-get) (be* got, be* got*
v. school of psychology holding that psy-
ten, be* get* ting) 1. to be the father chological understanding should be
of. 2. to give rise to, war begets misery based only on observation of animal and
and ruin. human behavior and stressing the impor-
beg* gar (beg-ar) n. a person who lives by tance of environmental factors in deter-
begging, a very poor person, beggar v. mining this behavior.
1 to reduce to poverty. 2. to make seem
. be* head (bi-hed) v. to cut the head from,
poor or inadequate; the scenery beggars to execute (a person) in this way.
description, is so magnificent that any de- be* he* moth (bi-hee-m6th) n. an enor-
scription is inadequate. beg'gar*y n. mous creature.
beg*gar*ly (beg-ar-lee) adj. 1. poverty- be* hest (bi-hest) n. 1. a command. 2. an
stricken. 2. mean and insufficient, a beg- earnest request.
garly salary. be • hind (bi-hind) adv. 1 in or to the rear;

be* gin (bi-gin) v. (be-gan, be* gun, be* he was lagging behind, did not keep up
gin-nlng) 1. to perform the earliest or with the others; stayed behind, stayed af-
first part of some activity, to be the first ter others had left. 2. late, slow, behind
to do something; / can 't begin to thank prep. 1. in the rear of, on the farther
you, cannot thank you enough. 2. to side of; put the past behind you, recognize
come into existence, to arise. 3. to have that it is over and done with. 2. causing
its first element or starting point. or supporting; ask what lies behind his
DtO begin with, as the first thing. refusal, what causes it; the man behind
be*gin*ner (bi-gjn-er) n. a person who is the project, supporting or promoting it.
just beginning to learn a skill. 3. having made less progress than, two
be*gin*ning (bi-gin-ing) n. 1. the first students are far behind the rest of the
part. 2. the starting point, the source or class. 4. later than, we are behind sched-
origin. ule; behind time, unpunctual. behind
be* gone (bi-gawn) v. (especially as a com- a person's back, kept secret from him
mand) to go away immediately, begone deceitfully, behind the scenes, back-
with you! stage, hidden from public view or knowl-
be*go*nia (bi-gohn-ya) n. a garden plant edge, behind the times, having out-of-
with brightly colored leaves and flowers. date ideas or practices. >See the note
be* grime (bi-grim) v. (be* grimed, be* at back .

grinving) to make dirty. be* hold (bi-hohld) v. (be* held, be*

be* grudge (bi-gruj) v. (be* grudged, holding) to see, to observe, be •hold'
be*grudg*ing) 1. to grudge. 2. to do, er n.
give, or concede reluctantly or with ill be* hold* en (bi-hohl-den) adj. owing
will or annoyance. thanks, we don't want to be beholden to
be* guile (bi-gil) v. (be* gulled, be* anybody.
guil-ing) to deceive. 2. to win the
1. be* hoove (bi-hoov) v. (be-hooved, be*
attention or interest of, to amuse. 3. to hooving) to be obligatory for, to befit.
coax by flattery or cunning. be* guile' beige (bayzA) n. a light fawn color.
ment n. Bei-jing (bay-jeeng) Peking.=
be*guine (bi-geen) n. 1. a native dance be-ing (bee-ing) n. 1. existence; come into
of tropical America. 2. a ballroom dance being begin to exist; the greatest army
based on this. 3. a kind of syncopated in being, in existence. 2. something that
bolero dance rhythm. exists and has life, especially a person.
be* gum (bee-gum) n. an Indian Muslim Dthe Supreme Being, God.
woman of high rank. Bel* rut (bay-root) the capital of Lebanon.
belabor / belong 74
be-la-bor (bi-lay-b6r) v. 1. to thrash, to nightshade. 2. dried parts of this, con-
beat repeatedly. 2. to discuss at unrea- taining atropine and related alkaloids,
sonable length. used in medicine as a narcotic and to
be-lat-ed (bi-Uy-tid) adj. coming very dilate the pupils of the eyes,
late or too late. be-lat'ed-ly adv. bell-bot-tom (bel-bot-om) adj. widening
be* lay (bi-lay) v. (belayed, be •lay- from knee to ankle, bell-bottom trousers.
ing) to coil (a running rope) around a bell-bottoms, bell-bottom trousers.
cleat etc. to secure it. belay inter}, (used bell-boy (bel-boi) n. a man employed by
by seamen) stop! belaying pin, a fixed a hotel or club to carry luggage, run er-
wooden or iron pin for belaying on. rands, etc.
belch (belch) v. 1. to send out wind from belle (bel) n. a beautiful and charming,
the stomach noisily through the mouth. woman.
2. to send out from an opening or runnel, belles-let -tres (bel-let-re) 1 literary stud-

to gush, the chimney was belching smoke; ies and writings. 2. these as a branch
smoke belched out. belch n. an act or of literature. D> French.
sound of belching. bell-hop (bel-hop) n. a bellboy.
be-lea-guer (bi-lee-ger) v. to besiege, be- bel -li- cose (bel-T-kohs) adj. belligerent,
lea'guered adj. be-lea'guer-er n. eager to make war. bel'li-cose-ly adv.
Bel -fast (bel-fast) the capital of Northern bel'li-cose-ness n. bel-li-cos-i-
Ireland. ty (bel-I-kos-i-tee) n.
bel -fry (bel-free) n. {pi -fries) a bell be!-lig-er-ent (bi-lij-e-rent) adj. 1. wag-
tower, a space for bells in a tower. ing a war, the belligerent nations. 2. ag-
Belg. abbr. Belgium. gressive, showing eagerness to fight, a
Belgium (bel-jum) a country in Europe. belligerent reply, bel-lig'er-ent-ly adv.
Belgian (bel-jan) adj. & n. bel-lig / er-ence n. bel-lig'er-en-
Bel • grade (bel-grayd) the capital of Yugo- cy n.
slavia. bel -low (bel-oh) n. 1 the loud deep sound

be -lie (bi-li) v. (be -lied, be -lying) 1. made by a bull. 2. a deep shout, bellow
to show to be false. 2. to fail to justify v. to utter a bellow.

or fulfill. 3. to give a false impression bel -lows (bel-ohz) n, sing, or pi 1. an

of. apparatus for driving air into or through
be -lief (bi-leef) n. 1 . the feeling that some- something; a pair of bellows, two-handled
thing is real and true, trust, confidence. bellows for blowing air into a fire. 2. a
2. something accepted as true, what one device or part that can be expanded or
believes. 3. religion,something taught as flattened in a series of folds.
part of this, Christian beliefs. bell-weth-er (bel-wef/i-Sr) n. 1. the lead-
be-liev-a-ble (bi-lee-v£-bSl) adj. able to ing sheep of the flock, with a bell on
be believed. its neck. 2. any leader.
be-lieve (bi-leev) v. (be-lieved, be* bel-ly (bel-ee) n. {pi -lies) 1. the abdo-
liev'ing) 1 to accept as true or as speak-
. men. 2. the stomach. 3. a bulging or
ing or conveying truth. 2. to have reli- rounded part of something, belly v.
gious faith, to believe in God. 3. to think, (bel -lied, bel -lying) to swell out, the
to suppose, / believe its raining. be- sails bellied out; wind bellied out the sails.
lieve In, to have faith in the existence belly dance, an oriental dance by a
of; to feel sure of the value or worth of. woman, with erotic movement of the
be*liev*er (bi-lee-ver) n. a person who be- perform this, belly dancer,
belly; (v.) to
lieves, one with religious faith. one who performs a belly dance, belly
be -lit -tie (bi-lit-Sl) v. (be -lit -tied, be- flop, an awkward dive in which the body
lit-tling) to imply that (a thing) is unim- hits the water almost horizontally, belly
portant or of little value. laugh, a deep loud laugh.
bell (bel) n. 1 . a cup-shaped metal instru- bel-ly ache (bel-ee-ayk) n. a pain in the
ment that makes a ringing sound when abdomen or stomach, bellyache
struck. 2. the sound of this, especially v. (bel-ly -ached, bel-lyach-lng)
as a signal; one to eight bells, the strokes (slang) to complain.
of a ship's bell, indicating the half hours bel-ly -but -ton (bel-ee-but-dn) n, (in-
of each four-hour watch; eight bells, 12, formal) the navel.
4, or 8 o'clock. 3. a bell-shaped thing. bel-lyful (bel-ee-ful) n. {pi -fuls) (in-
bell v. 1. to hang a bell on, who will formal) as much as one wants or rather
bell the cat? 2. to widen out like a bell more.
lip. Dbell jar, a bell-shaped glass used be -long (bi-lawng) v. 1. to be rightly as-
to protect instruments or contain gases signed as property or as a part, append-
etc. in a laboratory. age, inhabitant, etc., the house belongs
bel -la- don -na (bel-a-don-a) n. 1. deadly to me; that lid belongs to this jar. 2. to
75 belongings / Benelux

be a member, we belong to the club. 3. or angular. 2. to become curved or angu-

to have a rightful or usual place, the pans lar. 3. to turn downward, to stoop. 4.
belong in the kitchen. to turn in a new direction, they bent their
be -long 'frigs (bi-lawng-ingz) n. pi per- steps homeward; bend your mind to this,
sonal possessions. give ityour attention. 5. to draw (a bow)
Be-lo-rus-sia (byel-oh-rush-a) a republic taut. 6. to apply one's efforts, bend to
in the western U.S.S.R. Be*lo-rus'sian it. 7. to yield or force to yield, bend them
adj. & n. to my will, bend n. 1 a curve or turn.

be* loved (bi-luvd) adj. dearly loved, she 2. a kind of knot used to fasten a rope.
was beloved by all be*lov-ed (bi-luv- 3. the bends, caisson disease. Dbend the
id) adj. & n. darling, my beloved wife; rules, to interpret them loosely to suit
my beloved. oneself, on bended knees, kneeling in
be* low (bi-loh) adv. or to a lower
1. at prayer or supplication.
position, downstream. of
2. at the foot bend*er (ben-der) n. (slang) a spree.
a page, further on in a book or article, be neath (bi-neeth) adv. & prep. 1 below,
• .

see chapter six below. 3. on Earth (as under, underneath. 2. not worthy of, not
opposed to above =
in heaven). 4. in hell. befitting; beneath contempt, not even
below prep. 1. lower in position, worth despising.
amount, rank, etc. than. 2. downstream ben -e -diet (ben-€-dikt) n. a newly mar-
from, the bridge is below the ford. ried man, especially one who has long
belt (belt) n. 1 a strip of cloth or leather
. been a bachelor.
worn around the waist. 2. a continuous Ben *e*dic* tine (ben-S-dik-tin) n. 1. a
moving strap passing over pulleys and monk of the order founded by St. Bene-
so driving machinery, a fan belt. 3. a dict. 2. a liqueur originally made by
long narrow region or strip, a belt of rain monks of this order.
will move eastward. 4. (slang) a heavy ben -e -diction (ben-e-dik-sh6n) n. a spo-
blow. 5. (slang) a drink of whiskey, belt ken blessing.
v. 1. to put a belt around. 2. to attach ben -e -faction (ben-e-fak-sh6n) n. 1. the
with a belt. 3. to thrash with a belt, act of doing good. 2. a charitable gift.
(slang) to hit with the hand. 4. (slang) ben-e-fac-tor (ben-S-fak-t6r) n. a person
to drink (whiskey). Dbelt out, (slang) who gives financial or other help, ben*
to sing or play loudly, belting out pop e-fac -tress (ben-e-fak-tris) n. fern.
songs, hit below the belt, to give an ben -e -flee (ben-e-fis) n. 1 a position that

unfair blow, to fight unfairly, under provides a clergyman with a livelihood.

one's belt, (informal) eaten; obtained 2. the income from this.
or achieved. be-nef-i-cence (be-nef-i-sens) n. an act
belt* way (belt-way) n. a highway circling of kindness.
a city or metropolitan area. be net -i -cent
• (be-nef-i-sent) adj. doing
be*lu*ga (bi-loo-ga) n. 1. a white stur- good, showing active kindness.
geon, valued as a source of caviar. 2. a ben-e-fi-cial (ben-e-fish-al) adj. having a
white whale. helpful or useful effect, ben -e -facial-
bel*ve*dere (bel-vg-deer) n. a raised tur- ly adv.
ret, or a summerhouse, from which to ben-e-fi-ci-ar-y (ben-e-fish-i-er-ee) n.

view scenery. (pi. -ar*ies) a person who receives a ben-

be* mire (bi-mir) v. (be* mired, be* efit, one who is left a legacy under some-
mining) 1. to cover or stain with mud. one's will.
2. to cause to be stuck in mud. ben -e- fit (ben-S-fit) n. 1. something help-
be* moan (bi-mohn) v. to lament. ful, favorable, or profitable. 2. an allow-
be* mused (bi-myoozd) adj. 1 bewildered. . ance of money etc. to which a person
2. lost in thought. is entitled from an insurance policy, from
bench (bench) n. 1. a long seat for two government funds, or from his employ-
or more persons. 2. the bench, the seat ment, death benefits. 3. a performance
of a judge in a law court, the judge or or game held in order to raise money
judges hearing a case, a law court. 3. a for a particular player, a benefit perfor-
long working table. 4. seating for team mance, benefit v. (ben*e*flt*ed, ben*
members not participating in a game, or e-fit-lng) 1 to do good to. 2. to receive

waiting their turn at bat in baseball. benefit. LJ benefit of the doubt, the as-
bench mark, a surveyors mark put sumption that a person is innocent (or
pn a stone etc. to indicate a point of right) rather than guilty (or wrong) when
known height above sea level, bench nothing can be fully proved either way.
warrant, one issued by a judge. Ben -e- lux (ben-e-luks) Belgium, the
bend (bend) v. (bent, bend*ing) 1. to Netherlands, and Luxembourg, consid-
force out of straightness, to make curved ered as a group.
benevolent / beside 76

bcnevcHent (be-nev-6-lent) adj. 1. be-queath (bi-kwee/A) v. to leave as a leg-

wishing to do good to others, kindly and acy.
helpful. 2. charitable, a benevolent associ- be* quest (bi-kwest) n. a legacy.
ation, be*nev'o*lent*ly adv. be* be-rate (bi-rayt) v. (be*rat*ed, be*
nev'o-lence n. rat* ing) to scold.
Ben* gal (ben-gawl) a former province of Ber*ber (bur-ber) n. a member of a fair-
northeast India, now divided into West skinned aboriginal people of North Af-
Bengal (a state of India) and Bangladesh. rica.
Ben* gal *i (ben-gaw-lee) adj. of Bengal or be* reave (bi-reev) v. (be-reaved, be*
itspeople or language. Bengali n. (pL reav ing) to deprive, especially of a rela-

-gal* is) a native or the language of Ben- tive, by death; the bereaved husband the
gal. man whose wife died, be* reave 'ment
be* night *ed (bi-ni-tid) adj. 1. overtaken n.
by night. 2. in intellectual or moral dark- be* reft (be-reft) adj. deprived; bereft of
ness, ignorant. reason, driven mad.
be-nign (bi-nra) adj. 1. kindly. 2. mild be* ret (be-rty) n. a round flat cap with
and gentle in its effect; a benign tumor, no peak.
one that is not malignant. be*nign'ly berg (burg) n. (informal) an iceberg.
adv. ber*i*ber*i (ber-ee-ber-ee) n. a disease af-
be*nig*nant (bi-nig-nant) adj. kindly. fecting the nervous system, caused by
Be nin (be-neen) a country in West Africa,
• lack of thiamine (vitamin B t ).
formerly Dahomey. berke*li*um (burk-li-um) n. a metallic ra-
ben*i*son (ben-i-zdn) n. (old use) a bless- dioactive synthetic element.
ing. Ber-lin (ber-lin) former capital of Ger-
ben*ny (ben-ee) n. (pi. -nies) (slang) an many, now divided into East Berlin and
amphetamine tablet. West Berlin.
bent (bent) see bend, bent a natural n. Ber*mu*da (ber-myoo-da) a group of is-
skill or liking, she has a bent for needle- lands in the West Atlantic. Ber*
work. Dbent on, determined or seeking D
mu'dan adj. Bermuda shorts, knee-
to do something, bent on mischief. length shorts. Bermuda triangle, an
ben-ton-ite (ben-to-nit) n. a kind of clay area of the Atlantic Ocean where ships
used as an absorbent, filler, etc. ben* and airplanes are said to have vanished
ton*it*iC (ben-to-nit-ik) adj. mysteriously.
bent* wood (bent-wuud) n. wood that has Berne, Bern (burn) the capital of Switzer-
been artificially bent into a permanent land.
curve, used for making chairs etc. ber*ry (ber-ee) n. {pi -ries) a small round

Dbentwood rocker, a rocking chair juicy stoneless fruit.

made of this. ber*serk (ber-surk) adj. frenzied. Dgo
be* numb (bi-num) v. to make numb or berserk, to go into an uncontrollable
torpid, to paralyze. and destructive rage.
Ben-ze-drine (ben-ze-dreen) n. (trade- berth (burth) n. 1 a bunk or sleeping place

mark) an amphetamine. in a ship or train. 2. a place for a ship

bervzene (ben-zeen) a colorless liquid
n. to swing at anchor or tie up at a wharf.
obtained from petroleum and coal tar, 3. a job, employment, berth v. to moor
used as a solvent, as fuel, and in the man- at a berth, ugive a wide berth to, to
ufacture of plastics. D
benzene ring, a keep at a safe distance from.
ringlike hexagonal arrangement of the ber*yl (ber-Il) n. a transparent usually
six carbon atoms in the benzene mole- green precious stone.
cule. be*ryl*li*um (be-riJ-i-um) n. a very light
ben*zine (ben-zeen) n. a colorless liquid metallic element obtained from beryl.
mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from be* seech (hi -seech) v. (be* sought, be*
petroleum and used as a solvent in dry seech* ing) to implore.
cleaning. be -seem (bi-seem) v. (old use) to be fitting
ben -zo- ate (ben-zoh-ayt) n. a salt or ester or seemly.
of benzoic acid. be-set (bi-set) v. (be-set, beset-
ben*ZO*iC (ben-zoh-ik) acid benzene car- ting) to hem in, to surround; the tempta-
boxylic acid. tions that beset people, that face them
ben*zo*in (ben-zoh-in) n. (also gum ben- on all sides.
zoin) a fragrant resin obtained from vari- be* set *ting (bi-set-ing) adj. habitually af-
ous trees of Sumatra and Thailand, and fecting or troubling a person.
used in perfumery, medicine, etc. ben* be* Side (bi-sid) prep. 1. at the side of,
zo*iC (ben-zoh-ik) adj. close to. 2. compared with, his work looks
ben*ZOl (ben-zohl) n. benzene. poor beside yours. 3. wide of, having
77 besides / betray

nothing to do with, that's beside the point. savage. bes'tial-ly adv. bes*ti*al*i*
be beside oneself, to be at the end ty (bes-chi-al-i-tee) n.
of one's self-control, he was beside him- bes*ti*ar*y (bes-chi-er-ee) n. (pi -ar*
self with rage. >Do not confuse beside les). a medieval moralizing treatise on
with besides. Do not write beside roast real or mythical beasts.
beef, they asked for shrimp cocktails; be* stir (bi-stur) v. (be* stirred, be*
write besides or in addition to. stir* ring) bestir oneself, to exert or
be 'Sides (bi-sidz) prep, in addition to, rouse to action.
other than, he has no income besides his be* Stow (bi-stoh) v. to present as a gift,
pension, besides adv. also, moreover, be-stow'al n.
besides, I have no desire to offend her. be *strlde (bi-strid) v. (be* strode, be*
t>Do not confuse besides with beside. strid*den, be •striding) to get or sit
be* siege (bi-seej) v. (be* sieged, be* upon with legs astride, to stand astride
sieg*ing) 1. to lay siege to. 2. to crowd over.
around with requests or questions, be* bet (bet) n. 1 an agreement pledging some-

sieg / er n. thing that will be forfeited if one's predic-

be* smear (bi-smeer) v. to smear, to daub. tion of the outcome of some event proves
be *smirch (bi-smurch) v. to soil, to sully. to be wrong. 2. the money etc. pledged.
be* smirch 'er n. be* smirch ' men t n. 3. a person or thing considered likely
be*som (bee-zom) n. a broom made by to be successful in something; your best
tying a bundle of twigs to a long handle. bet is to call tomorrow, this is your best
be* sot* ted (bi-sot-id) adj. 1. mentally course of action. 4. (informal) a predic-
tion, my bet is that he won t come, bet
stupefied, especially from drink. 2. silly,
foolish. 3. infatuated. v. (bet, bet* ted, bet* ting) 1. to make

be*span*gle (bi-spang-gel) v. (be* span* a bet, to pledge in a bet. 2. (informal)

gled, be*8pan*gling) to cover with to predict, to think most likely.
spangles. bet. abbr. between.
be-spat-ter (bi-spat-er) v. 1. to spatter. be*ta (bay-ta) n. 1. the second letter of
2. to slander. the Greek alphabet (B/3). 2. the second
be* speak (bi-speek) v. (be* spoke, be* star in a constellation and in other classi-
spok-en, be* speak *ing) 1. to engage fications. Dbeta particles, fast-mov-
beforehand, to order. 2. to indicate, to ing electrons emitted by radioactive sub-
be evidence of. stances, originally regarded as rays, beta
be*sprin*kle (bi-spring-kel) v. (be* rays, beta particles in a stream.
sprin*kled, be*sprin*kling) to sprin- be* take (bi-tayk) v. (be* took, be*
kle. tak*en, be*tak*ing) betake oneself,
best 1 (best) adj. of the most excellent kind. (old use) to go.
best adv. 1 in the best manner, to the
. be*ta*tron (bay-tS-tron) n. an apparatus
greatest degree, she was best suited for for accelerating electrons.
a career in law. 2. most usefully; we had be*tel (bee-tel) n. 1 a shrubby East Indian

best go, would find it wisest to go. best pepper plant. 2. the leaf of this plant
n. 1 that which is best, the chief merit
. chewed by people of India etc. for its
or advantage, it brings out the best in stimulating and narcotic effects. betel
us; dressed in his best, in his best clothes. nut, the areca nut around which the betel
2. victory in a fight or argument; we got Jeaf is wrapped for chewing.
the best of it, won; the best of three games, bete noire (bayt nwahr) (pi. betes noires,
the winning of two out of three. Das same pr.) a thing or person that one dis-
best one can, as well as one is able likes very much. >
under the circumstances, at best, taking bettvel (beth-el) n. 1. a hallowed spot.
the most hopeful view, best man, the 2. a seamen's church (ashore or floating).
bridegroom's chief attendant at a wed- be* think (bi-thingk) v. (be* thought, be*
ding, best part of, most of. best seller, think -ing) bethink oneself of, (old
a book that sells in very large numbers. use) remember.
make the best of, to be as contented Beth *le* hem (beth-lfc-hem) a town near
as possible with; to do what one can with. Jerusalem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
put one's best foot forward, to work be-tide (bi-tid) v. (be*tid*ed, be-
as hard as one can. to the best of one's tid* Ing) to happen to; woe betide him,
ability, using all one's ability, to the trouble will come to him.
best of one's knowledge, as far as be* times (bi-timz) adv. (old use) early;
one knows, with the best of them, as in good time.
well as anyone. be* to* ken (bi-toh-ken) v. to be a token
best 2 (best)
v. to defeat, to outdo, to outwit. or advance sign of. be*to'ken*er n.
bes*tial (bes-chal) adj. of or like a beast, be* tray (bi-tray) v. 1 to give up or reveal

betroth / bibliography 78

disloyally to an enemy. be disloyal

2. to confuse, the questions bewildered him.
to. 3. to show unintentionally, be* tray be-wil'der-ment n.
al n. be* tray 'er n. be* witch (bi-wich) v. 1. to put under a
be* troth (bi-trohf/i) v. to engage with a magic spell. 2. to delight very much.
promise to marry, be* troth 'al n. bey (bay) n. 1 a former Turkish provincial

bet'ter 1 (bet-er) adj. 1 of a more excellent

. governor. 2. a man's title of honor and
kind; one's better feelings, more charita- respect in Turkey, equivalent to Mr.
ble feelings, conscience. 2. partly or fully beyond (bi-yond) adv. &
prep. 1. at or
recovered from an illness, better adv. to the farther side of, farther on. 2. out-
in a better manner, to a better degree, side, outside the range of, this is beyond
more usefully; we had better go, would repair; it is beyond me, too difficult for
find wiser to go. better n. that which
it me to do or to understand. 3. besides,
is better, better v. to improve, to do bet- except. D beyond doubt, quite certain,
ter than. better half, (slang) one's unquestionably, to live beyond one's
wife or husband, better oneself, to get income, to spend more than one earns.
a better social position or status, better bez-el (bez-el) n, 1. the sloped edge of a
part, more than half, get the better chisel etc. 2. any of the oblique faces
of, to overcome, go one better, to do of a cut gem. 3. a groove holding a gem
better than someone else's effort. £>Do or watch crystal.
b.f. abbr. bold face.
not use better thdn to mean more. Write
more than a mile away instead of better B.F.A. abbr. Bachelor of Fine Arts.
than a mile away.
bhang (bang) n. 1. Indian hemp. 2. its
leaves etc. used as a narcotic and intoxi-
better 2 = bettor.
bet*ter*ment (bet-er-ment) n. making or
Bhu*tan (boo-tahn) a country between In-
becoming better, she did that for the bet-
dia and Tibet. Bhu-tan-ese (boo-ta-
terment of society.
bet* tor (bet-er) n. a person who bets.
neez) adj. &
n. {pi Bhu • tan • ese).

Bl symbol bismuth.
be 'tween (bi-tween) adv. & prep. 1. in
bi*a*ly (bi-ah-lee) n. bia*ly* stock (byah-
the space bounded by two or more
li-stok) n. a flat onion-flavored bread roll.
points, lines, or objects. 2. intermediate
bi*an*nu*al (bi-an-yoo-al) adj. appearing
to, especially in time or quantity or qual-
or happening twice a year. bi*an'nu*
ity etc. 3. separating, the difference be-
al*ly adv. t> Biannual and biannually do
tween right and wrong. 4. to and from,
not mean "every two years."
the liner sails between Naples and Haifa.
bi*as (bi-as) n. 1. an opinion or feeling
5. connecting, the great love between
or influence 4hat strongly favors one side
them. 6. shared by, divide the money be- in an argument or one item in a group
tween them; this is between you and me
or series. 2. the slanting direction across
or between us or between ourselves, to threads of woven material; skirt is cut
be kept secret. (D>The phrases between on the bias, cut with the threads running
you and I and between you and she are slantwise across the up-and-down line of
incorrect. Use between you and me and the garment, bias v. (bi-ased, bias-
between you and her.) 7. taking one and ing) to give a bias to, to influence, bias
rejecting the other, choose between them. adv. on the bias, diagonally.
D>Use between for two persons or things bi-ath-lon (bi-ath-lon) n. an athletic con-
or ideas, among for three or more. test in which competitors engage in ski-
be*twixt (bi-twikst) adv. & prep, between. ing and shooting.
betwixt and between, midway be- bib (bib) n. a cloth or plastic covering put
tween in character etc. under a young child's chin to protect the
bev*el (bev-el) /t 1 a sloping edge or sur-
child's clothes. Dbest bib and tucker,
face. 2. a tool for making such slopes. best clothes.
bevel v. (beveled, bevel -tag) to Bib. abbr. Bible.
give a sloping edge to. bi-be-lot (bee-be-loh) ru {pi. -lots, pr.
bev-er-age (bev-e-rij) n. any drink. -lohz) a small curio or artistic trinket.
bev*y (bev-ee) n. {pi bevies) a com- Bi*ble (bi-bel) n. 1. the Christian script-
pany, a large group. ures. 2. the Jewish scriptures. 3. a copy
be wail
• (bi-wayl) v. to wail over, to mourn of either the Old or New Testament. 4.
for. bible, a book regarded as authoritative.
be* ware (bi-wair) v. to be on one's guard. bib-li-cal (bib-li-kal) adj. of or in the Bi-
> Beware never changes form. It occurs ble.
most often in the imperative, as in beware bib*li*og*ra*phy (bib-li-og-rS-fee) n. {pi
his sharp tongue and beware of the dog. -phies) 1 .of books or articles about
a list

be*wil*der (bi-wil-der) v. to puzzle, to a particular subject or by a particular

79 bibliophile / bigamy
author. 2. the study of the history of bide one's time, to wait for a good
books, bib • li • O • graph • iC (bib-li-6-graf- opportunity.
ik) adj. bib- II -o -graph'! -cal adj. bi-det (bi-day) n. a low narrow washbasin
blb-ll-o-phlle (bib-li-6-fil) ru a lover of that one can sit astride for washing the
books, a collector of books. genital and anal regions.
bib-u-lous (bib-yu-lus) adj. addicted to bi-en-ni-al (bi-en-i-al) adj. 1. lasting or
drinking alcoholic beverages. living for two years. 2. happening every
bi-cam-er-al (bi-kam-e-ral) adj. having second year, biennial n. a plant that lives
two legislative chambers. for two years, flowering and dying in the
bi-car-bon-ate (bi-kahr-bd-nit) n. a kind second, bi-en'ni-al-ly adv. >
of carbonate. D bicarbonate of soda, and biennially do not mean "happening
sodium bicarbonate, used as an antacid, twice a year."
in baking, etc. bi-en-ni-um (bi-en-i-um) ru (pL -en*
bi-cen-te-na-ry (bi-sen-tS-ner-ee) ru {pi ni-ums, -en-ni-a) pr. -en-i-a) a period
-lies) a bicentennial. of two years.
bl-cen-ten-ni-al (bi-sen-ten-i-al) n. a bier (beer) ru a movable stand on which
two-hundredth anniversary, bicenten- a coffin or a dead body is placed before
nial adj. burial.
bi-ceps (bi-seps) n. {pi -ceps-es, bi-fo-cal (bi-foh-kal) adj. having two foci.
-ceps) the large muscle at the front of bi-fo-cais (bi-foh-kalz) n. pi eyeglasses
the upper arm that bends the elbow. with each lens made in two sections, the
bi-chlo-ride (bi-klohr-id) n. a compound upper part for looking at distant objects
combining two chlorine atoms with an and the lower part for reading and other
atom of another element or group. close work.
bick-er (bik-er) v. to quarrel constantly bi-fur-cate (bi-fur-kayt) v. (bl-fur-
about unimportant things. cat-ed, bi-fur-cat-ing) to divide into
bi- con -cave (bi-kon-kayv) adj. (of a lens) two branches, to fork, bi-fur-ca-tion
concave on both sides. bi-con-cav- (bi-ftir-kay-shdn) n.
i*ty (bi-kon-kav-i-tee) ru big (big) (big-ger, big-gest) 1. large
bi- con -vex (bi-kon-veks) adj. (of a lens) in size or amount or intensity. 2. more
convex on both sides, bi* con* vex* grown up, elder, my big sister. 3. impor-
l*ty (bi-kon-vek-si-tee) ru tant, the big match. 4. boastful, preten-
bi-cus-pid (bi-kus-pid) ru a tooth with tious, big talk. 5. (slang) generous, that's
two cusps. big of you. big adv. (informal) 1 on a .

bi* cycle (bi-si-kel) ru a two- wheeled ve- large scale; think big, plan ambitiously.
hicle driven by pedals, bicycle v. (bi- 2. successfully, it went over big. big'
cycled, bi* cycling) to ride on a bicy- ness n. Dbig bang theory, the theory
cle, bl 'cyclist ru bicycle Clip, one that the universe began with a great ex-
of a pair of clips for securing the trousers plosion. Big Ben, the great bell, clock,
at the ankles while cycling. and tower of the Houses of Parliament
bid 1 (bid) n. 1 an offer of a price in order
. in London. Big Brother, an all-powerful
to buy something, especially at an auc- dictator, government, or establishment
tion. 2. a statement of the number of that exercises close supervision and con-
tricks a player proposes to win in a card trol while pretending to be kindly, big
game. 3. an effort to obtain something, business, firms doing business on a
made a bid for popular support, bid v. large scale, big deal! (slang) I am not
(bid, bid* ding) to make a bid. bid'der impressed, big game, the larger animals
n. hunted for sport, big gun, (slang) an
bid v. (bid, old use bade, pr. bad; bid* important and powerful person, big
den, bid* ding) 1. to command, do as head, (slang) a conceited person, big
you are bid or bidden. 2. to say as a money, a large amount of money, big
greeting or farewell, bidding them good mouth, (slang) a person who talks too
night; we bade them good night three much, big name, a famous person, big
times. Shot, (slang) an important and power-
bid -da -Die (bid-a-bel) adj. 1. willing to ful person, big stick, threat of force.
obey. 2. capable of being bid (as in a big toe, the first and largest toe. big
bridge game). top, the main tent at a circus; a circus.
bid* ding (bid-ing) n. a command. big wheel, (slang) a bigwig, have big
do a person's bidding, to do what Ideas, to be ambitious, too big for
he or she commands. one's britches, (slang) conceited.
bid-dy (bid-ee) ru (pi -dies) 1. a chicken. big -a -mist (big-a-mist) n. a person guilty
2. (informal) an unpleasant woman. of bigamy.
bide (bid) v. (bid-ed, bid-ing) to wait. big -a -my (big-a-mee) n. the crime of go-
bighearted / bimonthly 80

ing through a marriage ceremony while nounce in a bill or poster, Olivierwas

one's previous marriage is still valid. billed to appear as Hamlet. 2. to send
big'a*mous adj. big'a *mous*ly adv. a statement of charges to, we will bill
big* heart *ed (big-hahr-tid) adj. very you for these goods. LJbill of exchange,
kind, generous. a written order to pay a specified sum
big-horn (big-horn) n. {pi -horn, of money to a named person or to the
-horns) a wild Rocky Mountain sheep bearer, bill of fare, a menu, bill of lad-
with large curved horns. ing, a list giving details of a ship's cargo.
bight (bit) ru 1 a long inward curve in a
Bill of Rights, the statement of people's

coast, the Great Australian Bight 2. the freedoms and rights embodied in the first
slack part of a loop of rope. ten amendments to the U.S. Constitu-
big-league (big-leeg) adj. important. tion, bill of sale, a certificate transfer-

big*ot (big-ot) n. a person who holds a ring the ownership of personal property
prejudice against a racial or religious from seller to buyer, fill the bill, to be
group. or do what is required.
bill ru a bird's beak, bill v. (of doves) to
big-ot-ed (big-5-tid) adj. narrow-minded
and intolerant. stroke each other with their bills.
big-otTy (big-d-tree) n. {pi -lies) being Dbill and COO, to exchange caresses.
bill* board (bil-bohrd) ru a large outdoor
a bigot or bigoted.
big-time (big-tim) adj. (slang) of the high- board for advertisements.
billet 1 ru 1 a lodging for troops, especially
est or most important level.

in a private house. 2. an order requiring

big* wig (big- wig) n. (informal) an impor-
someone to provide such lodgings, billet
tant person.
v. (bil*let*ed, bil* let* ing) to place in
bike (bik) n. (informal) a bicycle or motor-
a billet.
cycle, bike v. (biked, bik -ing) (in-
billet 2 n. 1. an unfinished metal bar. 2. a
formal) to travel on either of these.
thick piece of firewood.
bike* way (bik- way) n. a path made espe-
bil-let-doux (bil-ee-doo) ru {pi bil-
cially for use by bicyclists.
lets-doux, pr. bil-ee-dooz) a love letter.
bi*ki*ni (bi-kee-nee) n. a woman's two-
bill -fold (bil-fohld) ru a wallet for paper
piece beach garment consisting of a very
scanty bra and briefs. D> Named after Bi-
bil* Hards (bil-yardz) ru 1. a game played
kini, an atoll in the West Pacific, where
with cues and three balls on a cloth-cov-
an atomic bomb was tested in 1946.
ered table. 2. (also pocket billiards) the
bi*lat*er*al (bi-lat-e-ral) adj. of two sides,
game of pool. billiard ball, a ball used
having two sides; a bilateral agreement,
in playing billiards, billiard table, the
made between two persons or groups. table on which billiards is played.
bi*lat'er*al*ly adv. bil* lings -gate (bil-ingz-gayt) ru violent
bile (bil) n. a bitter yellowish liquid pro- vulgar words of abuse. C> From the abu-
duced by the liver and stored in the gall sive language of fish-sellers in Billings-
bladder, aiding digestion of fats. gate market, London.
bilge (bilj) n. 1. a ship's bottom, inside bil* lion (bil-ydn) adj. &
ru & thousand mil-
and outside. 2. the water that collects lion, bil'lionth adj. &ru
there. 3. (slang) worthless ideas or talk. bil* lion* aire (bil-yd-nair) ru a person who
bi-lin-gual (bi-ling-gwal) adj. 1. written possesses a billion dollars or more, a per-
in two languages. 2. able to speak two son of very great wealth.
languages. bil* low (bil-oh) ru a great wave, billow
bil -Ious (bil-yus) adj. 1 of biliousness, suf-
v. to rise or roll like waves, smoke bil-

fering from this. 2. of a sickly yellowish lowed forth.

color or shade, a bilious green. Wl-ly 1 (Ml-ee) ru {pi -lies) (chiefly British)
bil- ious -ness (bil-yus-nis) ru a sickness a tin can or enameled container with a
assumed to be caused by too much bile. lid, used by campers etc. as a kettle or
bilk (bilk) v. to escape paying one's debts cooking pot.
to, to defraud. billy 2ru {pi -lies) a truncheon. billy D
bill (bil) ru 1. a written statement of Club, a stick carried by policemen.
charges for goods supplied or services billy goat a male goat.
rendered. 2. a poster or placard. 3. a bi*me*tal*lic (bi-mfc-Ul-ik) adj. of two
program of entertainment. 4. the draft metals.
of a proposed law, to be discussed by a bi* month -ly (bi-munth-lee) adj. & adv. 1.

legislature. 4. a piece of paper money, happening every second month. 2. hap-

a ten-dollar bill 5. a certificate; a clean pening twice a month. (t> Careful writers
bill of health, a declaration that there do not use bimonthly in this sense. They
is no disease or defect, bill v. 1. to an- use semimonthly.) bimonthly ru {pi
81 bin / biopsy

-lies) a periodical published every sec- expression that is a sum or difference of

ond month. two terms, binomial adj.
bin (bin) n. a large rigid container or en- bi-o-chenvist (bi-oh-kem-ist) n. an ex-
closed space for storing coal, grain, flour, pert in biochemistry.
etc. bi*o*chem*is*try (bi-oh-kem-i-stree) n.
bi*na*ry (bi-n&-ree) adj. 1 of or involving
the chemistry of living organisms, bi*
two things or parts. 2. of the binary sys- o*chem'i*cal adj. & n.
tem, binary n. (pi -ries) something bi*o*ci*dal (bi-d-si-dal) adj. destructive
composed two things or parts.
of to life.
binary digit, one of two digits (usually bi • o • de • grad • a • ble
and 1) used in a binary scale, binary b£l) adj. able to be broken down by bacte-
notation or scale or system, a system ria in the environment, some plastics are
of numbers using only the two digits not biodegradable. bi*o*deg*ra*da*
and 1. binary star, two stars that re- tlon (bi-oh-deg-ra-day-sh6n) n. bi*o*
volve around each other. >

de*grad*a*bil*i*ty (bi-oh-de-gray-da-
bin*au*ral (bi-nor-al) adj. 1. of, using, or bil-i-tee) n.
for both ears. 2. recorded by two micro- bi-o-feed*back (bi-oh-feed-bak) n. a
phones and usually transmitted sepa- method of controlling mental reactions
rately to the two ears. and physical functions that normally are
bind (bind) v. (bound, bind-ing) 1. to
involuntary by use of electronic monitor-
tie or fasten, to tie up. 2. to hold together,
ing devices.
to unite, they had been bound by ties of biog. abbr. 1 biographer. 2. biographical.

friendship. 3. to encircle with a strip or

3. biography.
band of material; bind up the wound, bi • o • ge • og • ra • phy (bi-oh-ji-og-ra-fee)
bandage it. 4. to cover the edge of (a
n. the scientific study of the geographical
thing) in order to strengthen it or as a
distribution of animals and plants, bi*
decoration. 5. to fasten the pages of (a
o • ge*o* graph *ic (bi-oh-jee-5-graf-ik)
book) into a cover. 6. to stick together
adj. bi*o*ge*o*graph'i*cal adj. bi*
in a solid mass, bind the mixture with
o*ge*og'raph*er n.
egg yolk. 1. to place under an obligation
bi*og*ra*pher (bi-og-ra-fer) n. a person
or a legal agreement; he was bound over
to keep the peace, was ordered to do so
who writes a biography.
bi*og*ra*phy (bi-og-ri-fee) n. (pi.
by a judge. Din a bind, (informal) in
-phies) the story of a person's life writ-
a difficult situation.
ten by someone other than himself, bi*
bind*er (bin-der) n. 1. a person or thing
that binds. 2. a bookbinder. 3. a machine
o* graph *ic (bi-6-graf-ik) adj. bi*o*
that binds harvested grain into sheaves
graph 'i • cal adj.
biol. abbr. 1 biological. 2. biologist. 3. bi-
or bales. 4. a cover for papers. .

blnd*er*y (bin-de-ree) n. (pi. -er-ies) a ology.

workshop where books are bound. bi*0l*0*gist (bi-ol-6-jist) n. an expert in

binding (bin-ding) n. 1. a fabric used for biology.

binding edges. 2. the strong covering bi*ol*0*gy (bi-ol-d-jee) n. the scientific
holding the leaves of a book together. study of the life and structure of living
binding adj. making a legal obligation, things. bi*0*log*i*cal (bi-d-loj-i-kal)
a binding agreement is needed. adj. bi*o*log'l*cal*ly adv. biologi-
bind* weed (bind- weed) n. convolvulus or cal Clock, an innate mechanism control-
other climbing plant. ling an organism's regularly recurring
binge (binj) n. (slang) a spree, eating and functions or behavior, biological war-
drinking and making merry. fare, the deliberate use of organisms to
bin* go (bing-goh) n. a gambling game spread disease among an enemy.
played with cards on which numbered bi*on*iC (bi-on-ik) adj. (of a person or his
squares are covered as the numbers are faculties) operated by electronic means,
called atrandom, bingo interj. an excla- not naturally.
mation of discovery or victory. bl*on*iCS (bi-on-iks) n. the study of me-
bin*na*Cle (bin-a-kel) n. a nonmagnetic chanical systems that are designed to be-
stand for a ship's compass. have like living beings.
bin*OC*u*lar (birnok-yii-lar) adj. of, us- bi*0*phys* heist (bi-oh-flz-i-sist) n. an
ing, or for both eyes. bin*oc'u*lar* expert in biophysics.
ly adv. bi*o*phys*ics (bi-oh-fiz-iks) n. the
bin*OC*u*lars (bi-nok-yu-larz) n. pi an branch of physics dealing with the way
instrument with lenses for both eyes, the laws of physics apply to living things.
making distant objects seem nearer. bi*o*phys'i*cal adj.
bi*no*mi*ai (bi-noh-mi-al) n. an algebraic bi-op-sy (bi-op-see) n. (pi. -sies) an ex-
biorhythm / bismuth 82
amination of tissue cut from a living bird*er (bur-der) n. a bird watcher.
body. bird* house (burd-hows) n. a box placed
bi*o* rhythm (bi-oh-rif/i-em) n. any of the in a tree etc. for birds to nest in.
recurring cycles of high and low levels bird*ie (bur-dee) n. 1. (informal) a little
of activity alleged to occur in living bird. 2. a score of one stroke under par
things. for a hole at golf.
bi-o-sat-el-lite (bi-oh-sat-e-lit) n. a bird • seed (burd-seed) ru seed used as food
space satellite designed to transport ani- for birds.
mals or plants for scientific study. bird's-eye (burdz-i) adj. 1. seen from
bi-o-sci-ence (bi-oh-si-ens) «. any of the above. 2. marked with spots resembling
sciences that deal with living organisms, a bird's eye, bird's-eye maple. bird's-
especially in outer space. eye view, a general view from above.
bi-o -sphere (bi-6-sfeer) n. regions of bi*ret*ta (bl-ret-a) ru a square cap worn
Earth's crust and atmosphere occupied by Roman Catholic and some Anglican
by living matter. clergymen.
bi •te • lem • e • try (bi-oh-te-lem-e-tree)
o • birth (burth) ru 1 the emergence of young

the detecting and measuring at a great

n. from the mother's body. 2. origin, par-
distance of the biological functions of a entage, he is of noble birth, birth cer-
living being. bi-o*tel-e-met-ric (bi- tificate, an official document giving such
oh-tel-e-met-rik) adj. information as the date and place of a
bi*ot'ic (bi-ot-ik) adj. of or relating to life person's birth, birth control, the pre-
or to living things. vention of unwanted pregnancy, give
bi*0*tin (bi-6-tin) n. the crystalline vita- birth to, to produce as young from the
min in yeast etc., controlling growth. body; to conceive (ideas etc.).
bi*par*ti*san (bi-pahr-ti-zan) adj. of or birth -day (burth-day) ru an anniversary
involving two political parties. of the day of one's birth. birthday
bi-par-tite (bi-pahr-tit) adj. having two suit, a state of nakedness as at birth.
parts, shared by or involving two groups. birth* mark (burth-mahrk) ru an unusual
bi-ped (bi-ped) n. a two-footed animal. colored mark on a person's skin at birth.
bi • plane (bi-playn) ru an old type of air- birth* place (burth-plays) ru a person's
plane with two sets of wings, one above place of birth or origin.
the other. birth* rate (burth-rayt) n. the number of
bi-po-lar (bi-poh-lar) adj. having two births per thousand of population per
poles or extremities. bi-po-lar-i-ty (bi- year.
poh-lar-i-tee) n. birth -light (burth-nt) n. a privilege or
bi-ra-cial (bi-ray-shal) adj. consisting of property to which a person has a righi
members from at least two races, such through being born into a particular fam-
as blacks and whites. ily (especially as the eldest son) or coun-
birch (burch) ru 1. a deciduous tree with try.
a smooth bark and slender branches. 2. birth -stone (burth-stohn) n. a gemstone
its wood. 3. a bundle of birch twigs for- associated with the month of one's birth.
merly used for flogging delinquents. bis* cult (bis-kit) n. 1. a small cake of
birch v. to flog with a birch. shortened bread raised with baking pow-
Birch -er (bur-cher) ru (informal) a mem- der or soda. 2. (British) a cracker or
ber of the John Birch Society, an ultrana- cookie. 3. light brown.
tionalistic U.S. organization. Birch'ism bi• sect (bi-sekt) v. to divide into two equal

Birch'ist, Birch'ite ru
ru bi* section n. bi* sector n.
bird (burd) ru 1. a feathered animal with t> Bisect in two is incorrect.
two wings and two legs. 2. (informal) bi*sex*u*al (bi-sek-shoo-al) adj. 1. of two
a person, hes a cunning old bird sexes. 2. having both male and female
Dbird of paradise, a New Guinea bird sexual organs in one individual. 3. sex-
with brightly colored plumage, bird ually attracted by members of both sexes.
watcher, a person who studies the hab- bi*sex*u*al'i*ty n.
its of birds in their natural surroundings. Dish* op (bish-dp) n, 1. a clergyman of
get the bird, (slang) to be hissed and high rank with authority over the work
booed, to be rejected, strictly for the of the Church in a city or district (his
birds, (slang) trivial, unimportant, to be diocese). 2. a chess piece shaped like a
regarded with contempt. miter.
bird* bath (burd-bath) n. a basin in a gar- Dish* op* lie (bish-Sp-rik) «• the office or
den etc. with water for birds to bathe diocese of a bishop.
in. Bis-marck (biz-mahrk) the capital of
bird* brain (burd-brayn) n. a stupid or North Dakota.
flighty person. bis-muth (biz-muth) n. 1. a grayish-white
83 bison / black

metallic element used in alloys. 2. a com- a bit'ter-ly adv. bitter-

bitter wind,
pound of this used in medicines. ness n. Dto the bitter end, until all
bi-son (bi-sdn) n. (pi. bi-son) a wild ox that is possible has been done.
of North America (also called buffalo). bit* tern (bit-em) n. marsh bird related to
bisque (bisk) n. 1 a thick soup of pureed
. the heron, especially the kind known for
shellfish etc. 2. an unglazed white ce- the male's booming note.
ramic used for statuettes etc. bit-ters (bit-erz) n. sing, or pi. an alcoholic
bis-tro (bis-troh) n. (pi. -tros) a small liquor flavored with bitter herbs to give
bar or restaurant in Europe, an imitation a stimulating taste.
of this. bit -ter- sweet (bit-er-sweet) n. 1 a climb- .

bit 1 (bit) n. 1. a small piece or quantity ing plant with bright orange or red ber-
or portion of anything; Vm
a bit puzzled, ries or seeds. 2. sweetness with a bitter
slightly puzzled; it's a bit of a nuisance, aftertaste or element, bittersweet adj.
rather a nuisance; it takes a bit of doing, with bitterness and sweetness mingled to-
is quite difficult. 2. a short time, wait a . gether; a bittersweet love affair, one end-
bit. Dbit by bit, gradually, bit part, a ing unhappily.
small part in a play or film, bits and bi-tu-men (bi-too-men) n. a black sticky
pieces, odds and ends, do one's bit, substance obtained from petroleum, used
to do one's due share. for covering roads etc. bi-tu'mi-nous
bit 2 n. a metal bar forming the mouth-
1 . adj. bituminous coal, coal that burns
piece of a bridle. 2. the part of a tool with a smoky flame.
that cuts or grips when twisted, the bor- bi-va-lent (bi-vay-lent) adj. having a va-
ing part of a drill. Dtake the bit be- lence of two.
tween one's teeth, to get out of con- bi* valve (bi-valv) n. a shellfish with a
trol. hinged double shell, bivalve adj.
bit 3 n. (in computers etc.) a unit of informa- biv-ou-ac (biv-oo-ak) n. a temporary
tion expressed as a choice between two camp, especially one without tents or
possibilities. other cover, bivouac v. (biv-ou-
bit4 (bit) see bite. acked, biv-ou-ack-ing) to camp in a
bitch (bich) n. 1. a female dog, fox, or bivouac.
wolf. 2. (slang) a spiteful woman. 3. bi-week-ly (bi-week-lee) adj. & adv. 1.
(slang)an unpleasant or difficult thing. happening every second week. 2. hap-
bitch v. (slang) to speak spitefully, to pening twice a week. (> Careful writers
complain. bitch 'y adj. (bitch -i-er, do not use biweekly in this sense. They
bitch -i -est), bitch'i-ness n. do use semiweekly.) biweekly n. (pi.
bite (bit) v. (bit, bit-ten, bit-ing) 1. to -lies) a periodical published every sec-
cut into or nip with the teeth; this dog ond week.
bites, is in the habit of biting people. 2. bi-year-ly (bi-yeer-lee) adj. & adv. bien-
(of an insect) to sting, (of a snake) to nial.
pierce with its fangs. 3. to accept bait, biz (biz) (slang) business.
the fish are biting. 4. to grip or act effec- bi-zarre (bi-zahr) adj. strikingly odd in
tively, wheels can V bite on a slippery sur- appearance or effect.
face, bite n. 1. an act of biting. 2. a Bk symbol berkelium.
wound made by this. 3. a mouthful cut bk. abbr. book.
off by biting. 4. food to eat, a small meal. bkgd. abbr. background.
5. the taking of bait by a fish. 6. a firm bl. abbr. 1 . bale. 2. barrel. 3. black. 4. blue.
grip or hold, this drill has no bite. 7. blab (blab) v. (blabbed, blab-bing) to
the way the teeth close in biting, bit'er talk indiscreetly, to let out a secret.
n.Dbite a person's head off, to reply black (blak) adj. 1. of the very darkest
angrily, bite offmore than one can color, like coal or soot. 2. having a black
Chew, to attempt more than one can skin. 3. (often Black) of a dark-skinned
manage, bite the dust, to fall wounded race, especially of African descent. 4.
and die. put the bite on, (slang) to bor- soiled with dirt. 5. dismal, sullen, hostile;
row or try to borrow money. things look black, not hopeful; a black
bit-ing (bi-ting) adj. 1 causing a smarting
. day, disastrous. 6. evil, wicked, black
pain, a biting wind. 2. (of remarks) sharp H.1 black color. 2. a black substance or

and critical. material, black clothes. 3. the black men

bit* ten (bit-en) see bite. in chess etc., the player using these. 4.
bit-ter (bit-er) adj. 1. tasting sharp, like the credit side of an account; in the black,
quinine or hops. 2. unwelcome to the having a credit balance. 5. (often Black)
• mind, causing sorrow. 3. showing, feel- a member of dark-skinned race, espe-
ing, or caused by mental pain or resent- cially of African descent, black v. 1 to .

ment, bitter remarks. 4. piercingly cold, make black. 2. to polish with blacking.
blackball / blameless 84

black 'ly adv. black'ness n. D black Black-foot (bUk-fuut) n. (pL -feet,

and blue, discolored by bruises, black -foot) a member of a tribe of North
art, black magic, black bass, a North American Indians.
American freshwater game fish, black black* guard (blag-ahrd) n. a scoundrel.
belt, a belt awarded as a symbol of profi- black* head (bUk-hed) n. a small hard
ciency in judo, black box, an electronic lump blocking a pore in the skin.
device in an aircraft that records infor- black -ing (blak-ing) a paste or liquid
mation about its flight, black coffee, for blacking or polishing shoes, boots,
coffee without milk, black comedy, etc.
comedy presenting a tragic theme or situ- black *ish (blak-ish) adj. rather black.
ation in comic terms. Black Death, the black -jack (blak-jak) n. 1. a flexible
plague that swept through Europe in the loaded club. 2. the pirates' black flag.
14th century, black eye, an eye with 3. a card game, twenty-one.
the skin around it darkened by a bruise; black* list (blak-list) n. a list of persons
a disgrace. Black Friars, Dominicans. under suspicion, liable to punishment or
black hole, a region in outer space from unfavorable treatment etc. blacklist v.
which no matter or radiation can escape. to enter (a person's name) on a blacklist.
black light, invisible ultraviolet or infra- black* mail (blak-mayl) v. to demand pay-
red radiation, black lung disease, ill- ment or action from (a person) by
ness contracted by coal miners as a result threats, especially of revealing a discred-
of inhaling coal dust, black magic, itable secret, blackmail n. 1 the crime .

magic involving the invocation of devils. of demanding payment in this way. 2.

Black Maria, (chiefly British) a secure the money itself. black'mail*er n.
van for taking prisoners to and from black*out (blak-owt) n. 1. the extinguish-
prison, black mark, a mark of disap- ing of all lights accidentally, as from an
proval placed against a person's name. electric power failure. 2. the deliberate
black market, the illegal buying and obscuring of all lights, as during an air
selling of goods or currencies. Black raid. 3. a temporary loss of conscious-
Mass, a travesty of the Christian Mass ness. 4. suppression ofnews to prevent
said to be used in the cult of Satanism. information from reaching people.
Black Muslim, a member of an Ameri- black* smith (blak-smith) n. a smith who
can black Muslim sect proposing separa- works in steel.
tion of races, black nationalist, an ad- black* thorn (blak-thom) n. 1. a thorny
vocate of the establishment of a separate shrub bearing a blue-black plumlike
black nation in the U.S. black sheep, fruit. 2. a walking stick made from this.
a bad character in an otherwise well-be- black top (bUk-top) n. a type of road sur-

haved group, black tie, a man's black facing, blacktop v. (black* topped,
bow tie worn with a dinner jacket; men's black* top* ping) to cover with black-
semiformal evening wear, black widow, top.
a poisonous spider, the female being blad*der (blad-er) n. 1. a bag in which
black with a red hourglass mark on its urine collects in human and animal bod-
abdomen, black work, moonlighting for ies. 2. an inflatable bag resembling this.

extra nontaxable cash income, in black blade (blayd) n. 1. the flattened cutting
and white, recorded in writing or print. part of a knife, sword, chisel, etc. 2. the
black ball (blak-bawl) v. to prevent a per-
• flatwide part of an oar, spade, propeller,
son from being elected as a member of etc. 3. a flat narrow leaf especially of
a club by voting against him in a secret grass and cereals. 4. a broad flattish bone,
ballot. shoulder blade.
black *ber*ry (blak-ber-ee) n. (pL -ries) blah (blah) n. (informal) high-sounding
1. the bramble. 2. its small dark berry. nonsense, blah adj. (slang) unwell.
black -ber Tying (blak-ber-i-ing) n. Dhave the blahs, (slang) feel unwell
picking blackberries. or depressed.
black *bird (blak-burd) n. any bird of the blame (blaym) v. (blamed, blam-ing) to
family that includes grackles, redwings, hold responsible and criticize for a fault;
etc. / don V blame you, I feel your action was
black* board (blak-bohrd) a board, usu-
n. justified, blame n. responsibility for a
ally colored black, for writing on with fault, criticism for doing something
chalk in front of a class in school etc. wrong. t> Careful writers do not blame
black* en (blak-en) v. 1. to make or be- anything on anyone; they blame people
come black. 2. to defame or harm the for, as in they blamed him for the mis-
reputation of, blackened his character. take.
black-eyed Su-san (blak-id soo-zan) a blame *less (bUym-lis) adj. deserving no
flower with light petals and a dark center. blame, innocent.
85 blameworthy / bleeding heart
blame* won thy (blaym-wur-f/iee) adj. de- nace, a furnace for smelting ore, with
serving blame, blame 'wor -thi-ness n. compressed hot air driven in. blast off,
blanch (blanch) v. to make or become to be launched by firing of rockets.
white or pale; blanch the almonds, peel blast -ed (blas-tid) adj. (informal)
them, especially by scalding them. damned.
blancmange (bla-mahnj) n. a flavored blast-off (blast-awf) n. the launching of
gelatin-like pudding made with milk. a spacecraft.
bland (bland) adj. 1 mild in flavor, bland
. bla-tant (blay-tant) adj. attracting atten-
foods. 2. gentle and casual in manner, tion in a very obvious way; a blatant lie,
not irritating or stimulating, bland'ly very obvious and unashamed, bla'tant*
adv. bland'ness n. ly adv.
blan*dish*ment (blan-dish-ment) n. a blath-er (blaf/i-er) n. foolish talk, blather
coaxing speech or action.
flattering or v. to utter foolish talk.
blank (blangk) adj. 1. not written or blaze 1 (blayz) n. 1 . a bright flame or fire.
printed on, unmarked; a blank wall, 2. a bright light, a brightly colored dis-
without ornament or opening, an insur- play. 3. an outburst, a blaze of anger.
mountable obstacle. 2. without interest 4. blazes, hell, go to blazes, blaze v.
or expression, without result; look blank, (blazed, blaz*ing) 1. to burn or shine
to appear puzzled, blank n. 1. a blank brightly. 2. to have an outburst of intense
space or paper, an empty surface; his feeling or anger. Dlike blazes, very
mind was a blank, he could not remem- quickly, exceedingly.
ber anything. 2. a blank cartridge, blank blaze 2 n. 1 a white mark
. on an animal's
v. (informal) to keep (an opponent) from face. 2. mark chipped in the bark of
scoring in a game, blank'ly adv. blank 7 a tree to mark a route, blaze v. (blazed,
ness n. blank cartridge, one that blaz*lng) to mark (a tree or route) with
contains no bullet, blank Check, one blazes; blaze a trail, to pioneer and show
with the amount left blank, to be filled the way for others to follow.
in by the payee; carte blanche, blank blaze 3 v. (blazed, blaz-ing) to proclaim,
verse, verse written in lines of usually blazed the news abroad.
ten syllables, without rhyme. blaz-er (blay-zer) n. a loose-fitting jacket,
blan-ket (blang-kit) n. a thick covering often in the colors or bearing the emblem
made of woolen or other fabric; a blanket of a school, club, or team.
of fog, a thick covering mass; a blanket bla-zon (blay-zdn) n. a heraldic shield, a
agreement, an inclusive one, covering all coat of arms, blazon v. 1 to describe .

cases, blanket v. (blan*ket*ed, blan- or paint arms heraldically. 2. to inscribe

keting) to cover with a blanket. with arms, names, etc. in colors or orna-
blare (blair) n. a harsh loud sound like mentally. 3. to proclaim.
that of a trumpet, blare v. (blared, bldg. abbr. building.
blar-ing) to make such a sound. bleach (bleech) v. to whiten by sunlight
blar-ney (blahr-nee) n. smooth talk that or chemicals, bleach n. a bleaching sub-
flatters and deceives people. Blarney stance.
Stone, a stone at Blarney Castle in Ire- bleach *ers (blee-cherz)n. pi outdoor un-
land said to confer a cajoling tongue on covered plank seats for spectators at a
whoever kisses it. sports event.
bla*se (blah-zay) adj. bored or unim- bleak (bleek) adj. cold and cheerless; the
pressed by things because one has experi- future looks bleak, unpromising, bleak'
enced or seen them so often. ly adv. bleak'ness n.
blas«pheme (blas-feem) v. (bias* blear (bleer) v. to dim (the eyes) with tears
phemed, bias *phem* ing) to utter etc.
blasphemies, blas-phe'mer n. blear -y (bleer-ee) adj. (blear- *er, blear*

blas-phe-my (blas-fe-mee) n. {pi. -mies) (•est) bleared.

contemptuous or irreverent talk about bleary-eyed, adj. with eyes watery and
God or things considered sacred, blurred.
blas'phe-mous adj. blas'phe- bleat (bleet) n. the cry of a sheep, goat,
mous-ly adv. or calf, bleat v. 1 to make this cry. 2.

blast (blast) n. 1. a sudden strong rush to speak or say plaintively.

of wind or air, a wave of air from an bleed (bleed) v. (bled, bleed* ing) 1. to
explosion. 2. the sound made by a wind leak blood or other fluid; some dyes bleed,
instrument, whistle, car horn, etc. 3. come out in water. 2. to draw blood or
(slang) a riotous party, blast v. 1 to . fluid from. 3. to extort money from.
blow up with explosives. 2. to cause to bleed *er (blee-der) n. a person suffering
wither, to blight, to destroy. Dat full from hemophilia.
blast, at maximum power, blast fur- bleed* ing (blee-ding) heart 1. a plant
bleep / bloated 86
with drooping red or pink heart-shaped at one end; a job with no prospects of
flowers. 2. (informal) an excessively soft- advancement. Mind date, a date be-
hearted person. tween persons who have not met before.
bleep (bleep) n, a short high-pitched sound blind landing, the landing of an aircraft
used as a signal, bleep v. 1. to make by instruments only, blind spot, a point
this sound. 2. to censor (a word or on the eye that is insensitive to light;
words) from a television or radio program an area where understanding is lacking;
by use of this sound. bleep'er ru an area cut off from a motorist's vision.
blerrvish (blem-ish) n. 1. a flaw or defect turn a blind eye, to pretend not to no-
that spoils the perfection of something. tice.
2. a pimple, blemish v. to spoil with a blind *er (blin-der) n, a device on a bridle
blemish. to keep a horse looking straight ahead
blench (blench) v. 1 to flinch. 2. to turn . instead of to the side.
pale. blind* fold (blind-fohld) adj. & adv. with
blend (blend) v. 1 to mix in order to get
. the eyes covered with a cloth to block
a certain quality. 2. to mingle, to become one's sight, blindfold n. a cloth used
a mixture. 3. to have no sharp or unpleas- for this, blindfold v. to cover the eyes
ant contrast, the colors blend well blend with a cloth.
n, a mixture of different sorts, a blend Wind -man's (blind-manz) buff a game in
of tea, blended whiskey, a blend of which a blindfolded player tries to catch
several whiskeys or of whiskey and neu- and identify one of the others.
tral spirits. blink (blingk) v. 1. to open and shut the
blend *er (blen-der) n, a kitchen appliance eyes rapidly. 2. to shine unsteadily. 3.
for combining cooking ingredients. to ignore, to refuse to consider. Wink
bless (bles) v. 1. to call holy, to praise, an act of blinking. 2. a quick gleam.
n, 1 .

to bless God 2. to call God's favor upon, Don the blink, (slang) not in good oper-
Christ blessed the children; bless his ating condition.
heart!, an exclamation of affection; bless blink • er (bling-ker) n. 1 a device for flash-

my soul!,an exclamation of surprise. 3. ing light signals, especially for warning

to make sacred or holy with the sign of motorists of a road hazard. 2. a blinder.
the cross. Dbe blessed (pr. blest) with, blintz (Mints) n, (pL blintz-es) a thin pan-
to be fortunate in having, be blessed with cake folded around a fruit or cheese fill-
good health. ing.
bless -ed (bles-id) adj. 1. holy, sacred. 2. blip (blip) n. a spot of light on a radar
in paradise. Dthe Blessed, the dead screen.
who have been beatified, the Blessed bliss (blis) n, perfect happiness, bliss'ful
Sacrament, the Eucharist, the adj. bliss'ful -ly adv.
Blessed Virgin, Mary, mother of Jesus blister (blis-ter) n, 1. a bubble-like swell-
Christ bless'ed*ness n. ing on the skin, filled with watery liquid.
bless *ing (bles-ing) n. 1. God's favor, a 2. a raised swelling, as on a painted sur-
prayer for this. 2. a short prayer of face, blister v. to cause a blister on, to
thanks to God before or after a meal. be affected with blisters. blister pack,
3. something one is glad of. bless- Da a transparent package enclosing mer-
ing in disguise, something unwelcome chandise.
that turns out to have a good effect. blithe (blif/i) adj. casual and carefree,
blew (bloo) see blow 1
. blithe'ly adv. blithe spirit, a cheerful
blight (blit) n. 1. a disease that withers and carefree person.
plants. 2. afungus or insect causing this blith-er-ing (blif/i-£-ring) adj. (informal)
disease. 3. a malignant influence. 4. an absolute, contemptible, blithering idiot
unsightly area, blight v. 1 to affect with . blitz (blits) n, a sudden, violent attack, es-
blight. 2. to spoil. pecially one employing aircraft. Wltz v.

blimp (blimp) a small nonrigid airship.

n. to attack or damage in a blitz.
blind (blind) adj. 1 without sight; a blind
. blitz 'krieg (blits-kreeg) n, a violent mili-
curve, where road users cannot see what tary campaign intended to bring about
is approaching. 2. without foresight or a speedy victory.
understanding, without adequate infor- bliZ'Zard (bliz-ard) n. a storm with wind-
mation, blind obedience, 3. concealed. 4. driven snow.
(slang) very drunk, blind adv. blindly. blk. abbr. 1. black. 2. block. 3. bulk.
blind v. 1 to make blind. 2. to take away
. bloat (bloht) v. to make or become swollen
the power of judgment, blind n. 1. a with fat, gas, or liquid.
window screen, especially one on a roller. bloat «ed (bloh-tid) adj. swollen with van-
2. a pretext, blind 'ly adv. blind 'ness ity or self-importance; overstuffed with
n, blind alley, an alley that is closed rich food.
87 blob / bloodthirsty

blob (blob) n. a drop of liquid, a round a place where a supply of blood for trans-
mass or spot, a coagulated mass. fusion is stored, blood bath, a massacre.
bloc (blok) n. a group of parties or coun- blood count, the number of corpuscles
tries that unite to support a particular in a specific volume of blood, blood
interest. ODo not confuse bloc with group, a class or type of human blood.
block. blood poisoning, the condition that re-
block (blok) ru 1 a solid piece of wood
. sults when the bloodstream is infected
or stone or other hard substance. 2. a with harmful microorganisms that have
log of wood. 3. a large piece of wood entered the body, especially through a
for chopping or hammering on; the cut or wound, blood pressure, the
block, that on which condemned people pressure of blood within the arteries and
were beheaded. 4. a case in which a pul- veins; some suffered from high blood pres-
ley or pulleys are mounted. 5. the, main sure and others from low blood pressure,
part of a gasoline engine, consisting of abnormal conditions, blood relative,
the cylinders and valves. 6. a section of one related by blood, not by marriage.
a city bounded by streets, drive around blood sports, sports involving killing.
the block. 7. a large section of shares, blood sugar, glucose in the blood, the
seats, etc. as a unit. 8. an obstruction; quantity of this, blood test, an examina-
a mental block, failure to understand etc. tion of a specimen of blood in a medical
caused by emotional tension, block v. diagnosis, blood type, blood group.
1 to obstruct, to prevent the movement
. blood vessel, a vein, artery, or capil-
or use of. 2. (in football) to intercept lary carrying blood, in cold blood, see
(an opponent) with one's body. block cold.
and tackle, a system of pulleys and blood* cur *dling (blud-kurd-ling) adj.
ropes used for lifting, block letters, horrifying.
plain capital letters, knock someone's blood -ed (blud-id) adj. 1. of a specified
block Off, clout his head.
(slang) kind of blood, as in red-blooded, hot-
t>Do not confuse block with bloc. blooded, etc. 2. (of animals) of pure or
block -ade (blo-kayd) n. the blocking by nearly pure stock.
military forces of access to a place in blood* hound (blud-hownd) n. a large
order to prevent the entry of goods etc. keen-scented dog used in tracking.
blockade v. (block- ad -ed, block* blood* less (blud-lis) adj. 1. having no
ad-ing) to set up a blockade of. blood. 2. looking pale, drained of blood.
block* age (blok-ij) n. 1. something that 3. without bloodshed. 4. lacking energy.
blocks. 2. the state of being blocked. blood* let* ting (blud-let-ing) n. 1. surgical
block • bust *er(blok-bus-ter) n. 1. a bomb removal of some of a patient's blood. 2.
capable of destroying a city block. 2. a bloodshed.
thing of great power. blood* line (blud-lm) n. the line of descent
block- bust -ing (blok-bus-ting) n. induc- from ancestors, pedigree.
ing people to sell their homes at a low blood* mo* bile (blud-md-beel) n. a vehi-
price by warning of a change in the racial cle in which donors can give blood for
patterns of a neighborhood. storage in a blood bank.
block* head (blok-hed) n. (informal) a stu- blood-red (blud-red) adj. as red as blood.
pid person. blood • root (blud-root) n. a North Ameri-
block* house (blok-hows) n. 1. a strong can wildflower with a red root and red
wooden fort with loopholes for defend- juice.
ants to shoot from. 2. a reinforced con- blood* shed (blud-shed) n. the killing or
crete shelter. wounding of people.
bloke (blohk) n. (British slang) a man. blood* shot (blud-shot) adj. (of eyes) red
blond, blonde (blond) adj. fair-haired. from dilated veins.
blond n. a fair-haired man. blonde n. blood* stained (blud-staynd) adj. 1.
a fair-haired woman. stained with blood. 2. disgraced by
blood (blud) n. 1 the red oxygen-bearing
. bloodshed.
liquid circulating in the bodies of ani- blood -Stone (blud-stohn) n. a green vari-
mals. 2. bloodshed. 3. temper, courage; ety of chalcedony spotted or streaked
his blood is up, he is in a fighting mood; with red.
there is bad blood between them, hatred. blood -stream (blud-streem) n. the blood
4. race, descent, parentage; new blood, circulating in the body.
new members admitted to a family or blood* suck *er (blud-suk-er) n. 1. a crea-
group; a prince of the blood, of royal de- ture that sucks blood. 2. a person who
scent; they are my own blood, relatives. extorts money.
blood v. to give a first taste of blood blood* thirst *y (blud-thur-stee) adj. eager
to (a hound), to initiate. blood bank, for bloodshed.
bloody / blue 88
blood -y (blud-ee) adj. (blood -i-er, puff and pant. 6. to melt with too strong
blood -i -est) 1. blood-stained. 2. an electric current, a fuse has blown. 7.
with much
bloodshed, a bloody battle. to break with explosives. 8. (slang) to
3. (British vulgar) damned, very great. reveal; the spys cover was blown, became
bloody adv. (British vulgar) very, bloody known to the enemy. 9. (slang) to spend
awful bloody v. (blood -led, blood* recklessly, blow n. 1 a blowing of air.

ylng) to stain with blood, blood 'I • 2. a storm. Dblow dry, to use a hand-
ly adv. Moodiness n. Bloody held dryer to style washed hair while dry-
Mary, a drink of vodka, tomato juice, ing it. blow in, (informal) to arrive casu-
and spices. ally or unexpectedly, blow one's mind,
bloom (bloom)
n. 1. a flower. 2. beauty, (slang) to astound; to indulge in halluci-
perfection, in thebloom of youth. 3. fine nations, blow one's own trumpet, to
powder on fresh ripe grapes etc. bloom praise oneself, blow one's top, (slang)
v. 1 to bear flowers, to be in bloom. 2.
. to show great anger, blow over, to die
to be in full beauty and perfection. down, blow up, to inflate; to exaggerate;
Din bloom, in flower. to make an enlargement of (a photograph
bloom -ers (bloo-merz) n. pi 1. loose etc.); to explode; to shatter by an explo-
knee-length trousers worn as an outer sion; to lose one's temper, to reprimand
garment by some women in the 19th cen- severely; to become a crisis, this problem
tury. 2. women's undergarments of this has blown up recently.
shape. blow 2 n. 1 a hard stroke with a hand or

bloop*er (bloo-per) n. 1. (informal) an weapon. 2. a shock, a disaster.

embarrassing mistake, especially one blow-by-blow (bloh-bi-bloh) adj. telling
spoken on radio or television. 2. (slang) all the details of an event in their order
a baseball hit high but not far beyond of occurrence, a blow-by-blow account
the infield. blower (bloh-eY) n. a person or thing that
blos-som (blos-dm) n. 1. a flower, espe- blows.
cially of a fruit tree. 2. a mass of such blowfly (bloh-fli) n. (pi -flies) a fly that
flowers, blossom v. 1 . to open into flow- lays its eggs on meat.
ers. 2. to develop and flourish. blow* gun (bloh-gun) n. a tube for propel-
blot (blot) n. 1 a spot of ink etc. 2. some-
. ling arrows or darts by blowing.
thing ugly, a blot on the landscape. 3. blown (blohn) see blow 1 .
a fault, a disgraceful act or quality, blot blowout (bloh-owt) n. a burst tire.
v. (blot* tad, blot* ting) 1. to make a blow* pipe (bloh-pip) n. 1 a tube for heat-

blot or blots on. 2. to dry with blotting ing a flame by blowing air or other gas
paper, to soak up. Dblot out, to cross into it. 2. a tube used in glass blowing.
out thickly; to obscure, mist blotted out blow-sy, blow-zy (blow-zee) adj. red-
the view; to destroy completely. faced and coarse looking, slatternly.
blotch (bloch) n. a large irregular mark. blow* torch (bloh-torch) n. an apparatus
blotch v. to make an irregular patch of for directing a very hot flame on a se-
ink or color, blotch 'y adj. (blotch* lected spot, used for heating or cutting
l-er, blotch- -est). 1
blot-ter (blot-er) n. 1. a sheet of blotting blow* up (btoh-up) n. 1. an explosion. 2.
paper. 2. a book for recording events as an enlargement (of a photograph etc.).
they occur, especially arrests, police blot- 3. an outburst of anger.
ter. blowy (bloh-ee) adj. (blow l-er, blow
blot* ting (blot-ing) paper absorbent pa- I*est) windy.
per for drying ink writing. BLT abbr. bacon, lettuce, and tomato sand-
blot* to (blot-oh) adj. (slang) very drunk. wich.
blouse (blows) n. 1 a shirtlike garment blub-ber (blub-er) n. whale fat.

worn by women and children. 2 a waist- blub-ber 2 v. to weep noisily.

length coat forming part of a military blu-cher (bloo-kcr) n. a strong leather half
uniform. boot or high shoe.
blow (bloh) v. (blew, blown, blow-
blud-geon (bluj-on) n. a short stick with
ing) to move or flow as a current of
1 . a thickened end, used as a weapon, blud-
air does. 2. to send out a current of air geon v. 1. to strike with a bludgeon.
or breath, to move or propel by this; blow 2. to compel forcefully.
ones nose, clear it by breathing out blue (bloo) adj. (blu-er, blu-est) 1. of
through it; blow the whistle, sound it, the color of the sky on a cloudless day.
alert the authorities to an instance of 2. unhappy, depressed. 3. indecent, ob-
wrongdoing. 3. to shape (molten glass) scene, blue jokes, blue n. 1 blue color.

by blowing into it. 4. to be moved or 2. a blue substance or material, blue

carried by air, the door blew open. 5. to clothes. 3. the blue, the clear sky. blue
89 bluebell / boa
v.(blued, blue* ing) to make blue, blue' tailed plan or scheme, blueprint v. to
ness n. blue baby, one with blueness make a blueprint of.
of the skin from a heart defect, blue blues (blooz) n. melancholy jazz melodies
Cheese, a cheese with veins of blue originating from black American
mold, blue funk, (slang) a state of terror rhythms and lyrics. Dthe blues, a state
or depression, blue jay, a common of depression.
North American crested bird with a blue blue -stock- ing (bloo-stok-ing)n. a
back, blue jeans, blue denim trousers woman with strong literary tastes and
with reinforced seams and seat, blue learning.
law, a puritanical law. blue plate spe- blu*et (bloo-it) «• a blue-flowered plant.
cial, a specially priced main course in bluff 1 (bluf) adj. 1. with a broad steep
a restaurant, blue ribbon, the highest front, a bluff headland. 2. abrupt, frank,
prize, honor, or distinction, blue whale, and hearty in manner, bluff n. a bluff
a whalebone whale, the largest known headland or cliff, bluff 'ness n.
living animal, once in a blue moon, bluff 2 v. to deceive someone by making a
very rarely, out of the blue, unexpect- pretense, especially of strength, bluff m
edly, true blue, faithful, loyal.
bluffing, a threat intended to get results
blue* bell (bloo-bel) n. a plant with blue without being carried out. bluffer n.
bell-shaped flowers. blu-ing, blue* ing (bloo-ing) n. a laundry
blue-berry (bloo-ber-ee) n. (pi -ries) 1.
powder or liquid used to keep white fab-
a shrub with edible blue berries. 2. its
rics from yellowing.
blu-ish (bloo-ish) adj. rather blue.
blue* bird (bloo-burd) n. a North Ameri-
blun*der (blun-der) v. 1 to move clumsily

can songbird with a blue back and rosy

and uncertainly. 2. to make a blunder.
blunder n.a mistake made especially
blue* black (bloo-blak) adj. black with
through ignorance or carelessness,
overtones of dark blue.
blun'der-er n.
blue* blood (bloo-blud) n. a person of aris-
blun-der -buss (blun-der-bus) n. an old
tocratic birth.
type of gun firing many balls at one shot.
blue -bon- net (bloo-bon-it) n. 1. a wild-
blunt (blunt) adj. 1. with no sharp edge
flower with blue blossoms common in
or point, not sharp. 2. speaking or ex-
the southwestern U.S. 2. a round flat blue
pressed in plain terms, a blunt refusal
woolen cap formerly worn by men in
blunt v. to make or become blunt,
blunt'ly adv. blunt'ness n.
blue *bOOk (bloo-buuk) n. 1. a book in
which students write their examinations. blur (blur) n. 1. a smear. 2. a confused
2. a directory of socially prominent peo-
or indistinct appearance, blur v.

(blurred, blur* ring) 1. to smear. 2. to
blue -bot- tie (bloo-bot-el) n. a large fly
make or become indistinct, blur'ry adj.

with a bluish body. blurb (blurb) n. a description of something

blue-chip (bloo-chip) stock a stock that praising it, as in advertising matter.
is a reliable investment, paying good divi- blurt (blurt) v. to utter abruptly or tact-
dends. lessly, blurted it out.

blue* col *lar (bloo-kol-ar) worker a man- blush (blush) v. to become red in the face
ual or industrial worker. from shame or embarrassment, blush n.
blue* fish (bloo-fish) n. (pi -fish-es, such reddening of the face, blush'er n.
-fish) a voracious game fish. Dat first blush, on first glimpse or im-
blue* gill (bloo-gil) n. an edible North pression.
American freshwater sunfish of bluish blus-ter (blus-ter) v. 1. to be windy, to
hue. blow in gusts. 2. to talk aggressively, es-
blue* grass (bloo-gras) n. 1 a bluish grass,
pecially with empty threats, bluster n.
especially of Kentucky. 2. a kind of such talk, blus'ter -y adj.
country music. blvd abbr. boulevard.
blue* jack *et (bloo-jak-it) n. a seaman in BM abbr. 1. basal metabolism. 2. bowel
the U.S. Navy. movement.
blue* nose (bloo-nohz) n. a puritanical BMR abbr. basal metabolic rate.
person. bn abbr. battalion.
blue-pen -cil (bloo-pen-stl) v. (blue-pen* B.O. abbr. (informal) body odor.
ciled, blue-pen* cil *ing) to cross out bo* a (boh-a) n. (pi bo* as) 1 a large non-

with a blue pencil, to censor. poisonous South American snake that

blue* point (bloo- point) n. an oyster. kills its prey by crushing it. 2. a woman's
blue* print (bloo-print) n. 1. a blue photo- fluffy scarf, usually feathered. Dboa
graphic print of building plans. 2. a de- constrictor, a Brazilian species of boa.

boar / body 90
boar (bohr) n. 1. a male wild pig. 2. an up and down. 2. to appear unexpectedly.
uncastrated domestic pig. bob n. 1 . a bobbing movement. 2. a fish-
board (bohrd) n. 1 a long thin flat piece
. ing-line float.
of wood. 2. a flat piece of wood or stiff bob 2 v. (bobbed, bob*bing) to cut (hair)

material for a special purpose, as a diving short so that it hangs loosely, bob n.
board, a chessboard. 3. thick stiff paper the style of bobbed hair.
used for book covers. 4. daily meals ob- bob 3 n. {pi bob) (British slang) a shilling,
tained in return for payment or for ser- 5p.
vices, room and board. 5. a committee. bob* bin (bob-in) n. a small spool holding
board v. 1 to cover with boards. 2. to
. thread or wire in a machine.
go on board (a ship, train, etc.). 3. to bob* ble (bob-el) v. (bob* bled, bob*
receive or provide with room and board bling) 1 to fumble (a ball). 2. to blunder.

for payment. D
board up, to block with bobble n. a rumble.
fixed boards, go by the board, to be bob -by (bob-ee) n. {pi -Dies) (British
ignored or rejected, on board, on or slang) a policeman.
in a ship, train, etc. bobby pin n. a flat hairpin.
board *er (bohr-der) ru a person who bobby SOX n. short socks covering the
boards with someone. ankle. bobby soxer, an adolescent
board ing (bohr-ding) n. 1 boards. 2. ma-
* . girl.
terial from which boards are cut, a struc- bob* cat (bob-kat) n. a North American
ture or covering made of this. short-tailed lynx.
board* ing -house (bohr-ding-hows) n. a bob -o- link (bob-6-lingk) n. a North
house at which room and board may be American songbird.
obtained for payment. bob* sled (bob-sled) n. 1. a racing sled
boarding school n. a school in which pu- with two pairs of runners, a brake, and
pils receive room and board. a steering mechanism. 2. a sled formed
board* room (bohrd-room) n. a room in by two short sleds operating in tandem.
which the meetings of the board of a bobsled v. (bob • sled -ded, bob-
company etc. are held. sled* ding) to operate a bobsled, bob'
board* walk (bohrd- wawk) n. a footway sled -ding n.

made of boards. bob* tail(bob-tayl) n. 1. a docked tail. 2.

boast (bohst) v. 1. to speak with great a horse or dog with this.
pride and try to impress people, espe- bob -white (bob-hwrt) n. a North Ameri-
cially about oneself. 2. to possess as can quail.
something to be proud of, the town boasts DOC*cle (boch-ee) n. an Italian bowling
a fine park, boast n. 1 a boastful state-
. game.
ment. 2. a thing boasted of. boast'er bock (bok) ru (also bock beer) strong
n. dark-colored German beer, usually
boast *ful (bohst-ful) adj. boasting fre- brewed for drinking in the spring
quently, full of boasting, boast'ful* months.
ly adv. boast'ful-ness n. bode 1
(bohd) v. (bod*ed, bod* ing) to
boat (boht) n. 1 a vessel for traveling on
. be a sign of, to promise, it boded well
water, the kind moved by oars or sails or ill for their future.
or an engine, a steamer; a ships boats, bode 2 (bohd) see bide.
lifeboats carried On board ship. 2. a boat- bod* ice (bod-is) n. the upper part of a
shaped serving dish for sauce or gravy. woman's dress, down to the waist.
Dboat drill, practice in launching a bod •Mess (bod-i-lis) adj. having no body
ship's boats, in the same boat, suffer- or material form.
ing the same troubles. bod 'My (bod-i-lee) adj. of the human
boat*er (boh-ter) n. 1. a person who rows body or physical nature, bodily adv. 1

a boat. a hard flat straw hat.

2. in person, physically. 2. as a whole, the
boat* house (boht-hows) n. a shed at the bridge was moved bodily fifty yards down-
water's edge for housing boats. stream.
boat* ing (boh- ting) n. going out in a boat bod* kin (bod-kin) n. a blunt thick needle
for pleasure. with a large eye, for drawing tape etc.
boat* man (boht-man) n. {pi. -men, through a hem, a small pointed instru-
pr. -men) a man who rows or sails or ment for piercing cloth etc.
rents out boats. bod-y (bod-ee) n. (pi bod-les) 1. the
boat* swain (boh-sun) a ship's petty of-
n. structure of bones, flesh, etc. of man or
ficer in charge of rigging, boats, anchors, an animal, living or dead. 2. a corpse,
etc. a carcass. 3. the trunk, the main part
bob (bob) v. (bobbed, bob -Ding) 1. to
of a body apart from the head and limbs.
make a jerky movement, to move quickly 4. the main part of anything, an auto
91 bodyguard / bolster
body. 5. (informal) a person, she's a uid boils, to cook or wash or process
cheerful old body. 6. a group or quantity thus, to be heated or cooked etc. thus.
of people, things, or matter, regarded as 3. to seethe like a boiling liquid, to be
a unit. 7. a distinct piece of matter, an hot with anger, boil n. the boiling point.
object in space. 8. thick texture, strong boil down, to reduce or be reduced
quality, this fabric has more body; this in quantity by boiling; (informal) to ex-
wine has no body. Dbody blow, a severe press or be expressed in fewer words.
setback; a hit to the body, as in boxing. boiling hot, (informal) very hot. boil-
body count, (in the Vietnam War) the ing point, the temperature at which a
count of enemy soldiers killed in combat. liquid boils; a state of great anger or ex-
body English, twisting of the body dur- citement, boil over, to overflow when
ing a game as if to help the ball travel boiling.
in the desired path, body language, po- boil *er (boi-lex)n. 1 a container in which

sitions and attitudes of the human body water or other liquid is boiled. 2. a tank
said to communicate feelings, body in which water is heated and stored until
Odor, the smell of the human body, espe- used. 3. a tank in a plant in which steam
cially when unpleasant, body politic, is made.
the nation or a similar organized system. boil*er*mak*er (boi-ler-may-ker) n. 1. a
body stocking, a woman's undergar- person who builds or repairs boilers. 2.
ment covering the trunk, legs, and arms. a serving of whiskey with a beer chaser.
in a body, all together, keep body and Boi*se (boi-zee) the capital of Idaho.
soul together, to have just enough food bois*ter*OUS (boi-ste-rus) adj. noisy and
etc. to remain alive. cheerful, boisterous children, bois'ter-
bod-y -guard (bod-ee-gahrd) n a person's
- ous*ly adv. bois'ter-ous-ness n.
escort or personal guard. DO* la (boh-ia) n. (pi. -las) a South Ameri-
bod *y work (bod-ee-wurk) n. 1 the body
. can weapon consisting of balls connected
of an automobile. 2. the repair of this. by a strong cord (when thrown, it brings
Boer (bohr) n. a South African of Dutch down quarry by entangling the limbs).
descent. bold (bohld) and coura-
adj. 1. confident
bog (bog) n. an area of ground that is per- geous. 2. without feelings of shame, im-
manently wet and spongy, formed of de- pudent. 3. (of colors) strong and vivid,
cayed plants etc. bog v. (bogged, bog* bold'ly adv. bold'ness n.
ging) to be stuck fast in wet ground, bold* face (bohld-fays) n. type or print
to cause to be stuck and unable to make with thick heavy lines, bold-faced adj.
progress. bog'gy adj. (bog-gi-er, bole (bohl) n. the trunk of a tree.
bog -gi- est). bo*le*ro (bd-lair-oh) n. (pi. -ros) 1. a
bo* gey (buug-ee) n. {pi. -geys) 1. an evil Spanish dance, the music for this. 2. a
spirit. 2.something that causes fear. 3. woman's short jacket with no front fas-
(pr. boh-gee) a score of one over par in tening.
playing one hole in golf. bol*i*var (bol-I-var) n. (pi. bol*i*vars,
bo* gey* man (buug-ee-man) n. (pi. -men, bol*i*va*res, pr. bol-T-vahr-es) the unit
pr. -men) an imaginary man feared by of money in Venezuela.
children, especially in the dark. Bo*livl*a a country in South
bog-gle (bog-el) v. (bog-gled, bog* America. Bo-liv'i«an adj. & n.
gling) to hesitate in fright, to raise objec- boll (bohl) n. a rounded seed vessel, as in
tions, the mind boggles at the idea. flax or cotton. Dboll weevil, a small
Bo-go-ta (boh-gd-tah) the capital of Co- destructive insect infesting cotton plants.
lombia. bo*IO (boh-loh) n. (pi. -los) a heavy knife
bo-gus (boh-gus) adj. sham, counterfeit. used in the Philippines. Dbolo tie, a
bo*gy (buug-ee, boh-gee) bogey. necktie in the form of a thick string held
Bo* he* mi* a (boh-hee-mi-a) a province of together by a decorative clip.
Czechoslovakia. DO*iO*gna (b6-loh-nee) n. a type of large
Bo* he* mi* an (boh-hee-mi-an) n. 1. a na- meat sausage.
tive or inhabitant of Bohemia. 2. (often bo*IO*ney (b6-loh-nee) n. (slang) non-
bohemian) a socially unconventional per- sense.
son, especially an artist or writer, of free- Bol-she-vik (bohl-she-vik) n. (pi. Bol*
and-easy habits, manners, and sometimes she-vlks, Bol*she*vi*ki, pr. bohl-she-
morals. Bohemian adj. vik-ee) 1 . a member of the revolutionary
boil 1 (boil) n. an inflamed swelling under party that seized power in Russia in
the skin, producing pus. 1917. 2. a socialist revolutionary. Bol-
boil 2 v. 1. to bubble up and change into shevism (bohl-she-viz-em) n. Bol'
vapor through being heated. 2. to heat she-vist adj. & n.
(a liquid or its container) so that the liq- bol-Ster (bohl-st6r) n. a long cushion or
bolt / bongo 92
pillow usually kept at the head of a bed. bon* bon (bon-bon) n. a candy, usually
bolster v. to support, to prop, bolster with a creamy filling.
up confidence. bond (bond) n. 1. something that binds,
bolt 1 (bohlt) n. 1 a sliding bar for fastening
. attaches, or restrains, as a rope. 2. some-
a door. 2. the sliding part of a rifle thing that unites people. 3. a binding
breech. 3. a strong metal pin for fastening agreement, a document containing this.
things together. 4. a shaft of lightning. 4. money deposited as a guarantee. 5.
5. a roll of fabric. 6. the act of bolting. a document issued by a government or
bolt v. 1 to fasten with a bolt or bolts.
. public company acknowledging that
2. to run away, (of a hdrse) to run off money has been lent to it and will be

out of control. 3. to gulp down (food) repaid, usually with interest. 6. writing
hastily. Dabolt from the blue, a com- paper of high quality, bond v. 1 to con- .

plete (usually unwelcome) surprise, bolt nect or unite with a bond. 2. to put into
upright, quite upright. a warehouse until taxes are paid. 3. to
bolt 2 v. to sift (flour). insure a contract etc. by means of a finan-
bo- us (boh-lus)
1 n. 1. a large pill. 2. a cial bond.
quantity of food at the moment of swal- bond* age (bon-dij) n. slavery, captivity.
lowing. bond-ed (bon-did) adj. stored in bond.
bomb (bom) n. 1. a container filled with bonded whiskey, whiskey that has
explosive or incendiary material to be been aged in a bonded warehouse for at
set off by impact or by a timing device. least four years before bottling.
2. the bomb, an atomic or hydrogen bond* hold *er (bond-hohl-der) n. a per-

bomb, regarded as the supreme weapon. son who owns bonds issued by a govern-
3. (football slang) a long forward pass. ment or company.
bomb v. 1. to attack with bombs. 2. bond man
• (bond-man), bonds • man
(slang) to fail. (bondz-man) n. (pi -men, pr. -men) a
bom* bard (bom-bahrd) v. 1. to attack serf or slave.
with shells from big guns. 2. to send a bonds -man (bondz-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
stream of high-speed particles against. -men) a bailsman.
3. to attack with questions or complaints, bond* worn* an (bond-wuum-an) n. (pi
bom-bard'ment n. -worn* en, pr. -wim-in) a woman in serf-
bom-bar-dier (bom-bar-deer) n. the dom or slavery.
member of a bomber crew who aims and bone (bohn) n.
1 one of the hard parts

releases that make up the skeleton of an animal's
bom* bast (bom-bast)n. pompous speech. body. 2. a piece of bone with meat on
bom*bas*tic (bom-bas-tik) adj. speaking it, as food. 3. the substance from which

pompously. such parts are made, a similar hard sub-

bom-ba-zine (bom-ba-zeen) n. a twilled stance,bone v. (boned, bonding) to
dress material of worsted with or without remove the bones from, bon e' less adj.
silk or cotton. Gbone China, fine china made of clay
bombed (bomd) adj. (slang) drunk. mixed with bone ash. bone fish, a large
bomb*er (bom-er) n. 1. an aircraft that game fish with many small bones, bone
carriesand drops bombs. 2. a person who of contention, the subject of a dispute.
throws or plants bombs. bone weary, utterly weary, feel in
bomb* proof (bom-proof)
adj. strong one's bones, to feel sure by intuition.
enough to explosion of a bomb.
resist the have a bone to pick, to have some-
bomb -shell (bom-shel) n. 1. a bomb. 2. thing to argue or complain about, make
something that comes as a great surprise no bones about, to raise no objection
and shock. to, to speak frankly about, wet to the
bomb -sight (bom-sit) n. a device in an bone, completely wet.
aircraft for aiming bombs. bone-dry (bohn-dri) adj. quite dry.
bo-na fide (boh-na fid) genuine, without bone • head (bohn-hed) n. (slang) a stupid
fraud, bona fide customers. person, bone'head-ed adj.
bo*na fi*des (boh-na fi-deez) honest in- bone-meal (bohn-meel) n. crushed pow-
tention, sincerity, he proved his bona dered bones used as a fertilizer.
fides. OThis is not a plural form of bona bon-er (boh-n£r) n. (slang) a blunder.
fide. It is incorrect to say "his bona fides bon -fire(bon-fir) n. a large fire built in
were questioned"; say 'Ws questioned." the open air to destroy rubbish or as a
bo-nan-za (bd-nan-za) n. a source of sud- celebration.
den great wealth or luck, a windfall. bon* go (bong-goh) n. (pi -gos, -goes)
bon ap-pe-tit (bon ap-e-tee) (I wish you) one of a pair of drums played with the
a good appetite. t> French. fingers.
93 bonhomie / boom
borvho-mle (bon-d-mee) n. a genial man- main divisions of a written work. 6. a
ner. libretto. 7.a record of bets made; make
bo-ni-to (bd-nee-toh) n. {pi -tos, -to) a book, act as bookmaker, book v. 1. to
large mackerel-like fish. enter in a book or list; the police booked
bon-kers (bong-kerz) adj. (British slang) him for speeding, recorded a charge
crazy. against him. 2. to reserve (a seat or ac-
bon mot (bon moh) {pi bons mots, bon commodation etc.). Dbook club, an or-
mots, pr. bon mohz) a witty saying. ganization that sells books to its mem-
Bonn (bon) the capital of West Germany. bers at a reduced price, book learning,
bon* net (bon-it) n. a hat with strings that knowledge gained from books without
tie under the chin. practical experience, book match, one
bon-ny (bon-ee) adj. (-ni*er, -nicest) of the matches of a matchbook. book
(Scottish) good-looking. value, value of a company's shares as
bon • sai (bon-si) n. 1 a plant or tree grown
. entered in the company books, as op-
in miniature form in a pot by artificially posed to market value, bring to book,
restricting its growth. 2. the method of to make (a person) answer for his con-
cultivating this. duct, by the book, in accordance with
bo-nus (boh-nus) n. {pi -nus-es) a pay- the correct procedure, the Book or the
ment or benefit in addition to what is Good Book, the Bible, throw the
usual or expected. book at, see throw.
bon vi-vant (bon vee-vahnt) (pi. bon vi* book* case (buuk-kays) n. a piece of furni-
vants, bons vhvants, pr. bon vee- ture with shelves for books.
vahnts) a person who lives well and espe- book* end (buuk-end) n. one of a pair of
cially one who enjoys good food and usually ornamental props to keep a row
drink. of books upright.
bon voyage (bon vwah-yahz/i) (I wish book'ie (buuk-ee) n. (informal) a book-
you) a pleasant journey. maker.
bon*y (boh-nee) adj. (bon -i-er, bon* book'ish (buuk-ish) adj. fond of reading.
I* est) 1. like bones. 2. having large or book* keep *er (buuk-kee-per) n. a person
prominent bones, having bones with little who keeps the accounts of a business etc.
flesh. 3. full of bones, bon'i-ness n. book- keep -ing (buuk-kee-ping) n. the
bonze (bonz) n. a Japanese or Chinese systematic recording of business transac-
Buddhist priest. tions.
boo (boo) interj. 1 a sound made to show
. book* let (bunk-lit) n. a small thin usually
disapproval or contempt. 2. an exclama- paper-covered book.
tion used to startle someone, boo v. to book*mak*er (buuk-may-ker) n. a person
show disapproval by shouting "boo." whose business is taking bets, book'
boob (boob) n. (slang) a foolish person. mak-ing n.
Dboob tube, (slang) a television set. book* mark (buuk-mahrk) n. a strip of pa-

boo* by (boo-bee) n. {pi -bies) a foolish per or other material placed between the
person. booby hatch, (slang) a men- pages of a book to mark a place.
tal institution, booby prize, a prize book* mo* bile (buuk-md-beel) n. a vehi-
given as a joke to the competitor with cle equipped as a traveling lending li-
the worst score, booby trap, a hidden brary.
trap rigged up for a practical joke; a hid- book* plate (buuk-playt) n. a decorative
den bomb placed so that it will explode label with the owner's name pasted in
when some apparently harmless object the front of a book.
is touched or moved. book* sell *er (buuk-sel-er) n. a person
boo* by-trap (boo-bee-trap) v. (boo- whose business is selling books.
by-trapped, boo* by-trap* ping) to book* shelf (buuk-shelf) n. a shelf for
place a booby trap in or on. standing books on.
boo* die (boo-del) n. (slang) 1. money, es- book 'Stall (buuk-stawl) n. a booth at
pecially for political bribery. 2. loot from which books are sold.
a robbery. book* store (buuk-stohr) n. a shop where
book (buuk) r. 1. a series of written, books are sold.
printed, or plain sheets of paper fastened book* worm (buuk-wurm) n. 1. a grub or
together at one edge and enclosed in a insect that eats holes in books. 2. a per-
cover. 2. a literary work that would fill son who very fond of reading.

such a book or books if printed, he is boom 1

v. 1 to make a hollow deep

working on his book. 3. (informal) a mag- resonant sound. 2. to have_a period of

azine. 4. a number of checks, stamps, prosperity or rapid economic growth.
tickets, matches, etc. fastened together boom n. 1 a booming sound. 2. a period

in the shape of a book. 5. one of the of growth, prosperity, or increasing


boom / born 94

value. Dboom town, a town undergo- large quantities, booze n. (informal)

ing sudden rapid growth, as after the dis- liquor; on the booze, boozing, booz'er
covery of gold. n. booz'y adj.
boom 2 n. 1 a long pole used to keep the
. bop (bop) v. (bopped, bop* ping) (slang)

bottom of a sail stretched. 2. a floating to hit or strike, bop n, (slang) a blow.

barrier across a body of water, often used bop n. a kind of jazz music with complex

to contain oil spills. 3. a long pole or harmony and highly syncopated rhythm.
crane carrying a microphone etc. bop'per n.

boom*er*ang (boo- me- rang) n. 1. a bo* rate (bohr-ayt) n. salt of boric acid.
curved wooden missile that can be DO* rax (bohr-aks) n. a soluble white pow-
thrown so that it returns to the thrower der that is a compound of boron, used
if it fails to hit anything, used by Austra- in making glass, enamels, and detergents.
lian aborigines. 2. something that causes Bordeaux (bor-doh) n. a red or white
unexpected harm to its originator. wine from Bordeaux in France, a similar
boomerang v. to act as a boomerang. wine from elsewhere.
boon (boon) n. a benefit.
bor*del*IO (bor-del-oh) n. {pi -los) a
boon 2 adj. boon companion, a pleasant, brothel.
sociable companion. bor der (bor-der)
• n. 1 . an edge or bound-
boon* docks (boon-doks) n. pi (slang) ary, the part near this. 2. the line dividing
rough or isolated country. two countries, the area near this. 3. an
boon* dog «gle (boon-dog-el) n. (in- .
edging. 4. a strip of ground around a
formal) trivial or unnecessary work, garden or a part of it, a perennial border.
boon'dog-gler n. border v. to put or be a border to.
boor (boor) n. an ill-mannered person, border on, to be next to; to come
boorish adj. boor'ish-ly adv. boor' close to, it borders on the absurd.
ish*ness n. DOT* der* land (bor-der-land) n. the dis-
boost (boost) v. 1 to push upward. 2. to
. trict near a boundary.
increase the strength, value, or good rep- bor* der* line (bor-der-lm) n. the line that
utation of, to promote, boost n. 1. an marks a boundary, borderline adj. on
upward thrust. 2. (slang) an increase. the borderline between different groups
boost 'er n. booster rocket, a or categories.
rocket that powers the liftoff or early bore (bohr) see bear 2

stage of a missile launching, and then bore 2 (bohr) v. (bored, boring) 1. to

may drop away. make (a hole or well etc.) with a revolv-
boot 1
(boot) n. 1 . a shoe or outer covering ing tool or by digging out soil. 2. to pierce
for the foot and ankle or leg. 2. the boot, or penetrate in this way; bore one's way,
(slang) dismissal from a job. boot v. 1 get through by pushing, bore n. 1. the
to kick. 2. (slang) to dismiss. Dboot hollow inside of a gun barrel or engine
camp, a training base for recruits in the cylinder. 2. a -hole made by boring.
U.S. Navy or Marines. bore 3 v. (bored, boning) to make (a per-

boot 2 v. (old use) to profit. Dto boot, son) feel tired or uninterested by being
in addition, besides. dull or tedious, bore /l a boring person
boot* black (boot-blak) n. a person en- or thing, bore'dom n. bored adj.
gaged of polishing shoes.
in the business bor / ing adj.
boo* tee, boo* tie (boo-tee) n. a baby's bore 4 n. a tidal wave with a steep front
knitted or crocheted boot. that moves up some channels.
booth (booth) n. 1 a small temporary shel-
. bo-re-al (bohr-i-al) adj. of the north or
ter at a market or fair. 2. an enclosure the Arctic or the north wind.
for a public telephone. 3. a compartment bo* lie (bohr-ik) adj. of boron. boric
in a large room, as for voting at elections. acid, a substance derived from boron,
4. a seating accommodation in a restau- used as a mild antiseptic.
rant. 5. an enclosed stand or table where born (born) see bear 2 . (l>See the note un-
merchandise or food is displayed for sale. der borne.) be born, to be brought
boot* leg (boot-leg) v. (boot* legged, forth by birth; born to suffer, destined
boot* leg *ging) to smuggle or sell (es- for this by birth; their courage was born
pecially liquor) illegally, bootleg n. of despair, originated from this, born
bootlegged liquor, bootleg adj. (of adj. 1. having a certain order or status
liquor etc.) smuggled or sold illegally. or place of birth, first-born; well-born;
boot* lick (boot-lik) v. (slang) to behave foreign-born. 2. having a certain natural
obsequiously, to fawn. DOOt'lick-er n. quality or ability, a born leader, born-
boo-ty (boo-tee) n. {pi -ties) loot. again Christian, a person who, through
booze (booz) v. (boozed, booz-ing) (in- a profound spiritual experience, claims
formal) to drink alcohol, especially in to have received a new spiritual life. In
95 borne / bottommost
all one's born days, (informal) in all cal garden, a garden where plants and
one's lifetime, not born yesterday, ex- trees are grown for scientific study.
perienced in people's ways and not easy bot*a*nlst (bot-a-nist) n. an expert in bot-
to deceive. any.
borne (bohrn) see bear 2 . t>The word bot*a*ny (bot-a-nee) n. the scientific study
borne is used as part of the verb to bear of plants.
only when it conies before by or after botch (boch) v. to spoil by poor or clumsy
have, has, or had, as in children borne work, botch n. a piece of spoiled work.
by Eve; she had borne him a son. The both (bohth) adj., adv., &
pron. the two,
word born is used in such statements as not only the one.
a son was bom. both*er (bof/i-er) v. 1. to cause trouble
bo*ron (bohr-on) n. a chemical element or worry or annoyance to, to pester. 2.
that is very resistant to high tempera- to take trouble, to feel concern, bother
tures, used in metal working and in nu- n. 1 worry, minor trouble. 2. something

clear reactors. causing this.

bor-ough (bur-oh) n. an incorporated
both*er*a*tion (bof/i-e-ray-shdn) interj.
town or village. 2. one of the five admin- & (informal) bother.
istrative districts of the City of New both *er* some (bof/i-er-sdm) adj. causing
York. bother.
bor*row (bor-oh) v. 1. to get the tempo- Bot-swa-na (bot-swah-na) a country in
rary use of, on the understanding that
East Africa.
the thing received is to be returned. 2.
bot-tle (bot-el) v. (bot-tled, bot-tling)
to use without being the inventor; borrow
1. to store in bottles. 2. to preserve in
their methods, copy them, bor'row*
glass jars. bottle party, a party to
er n. D
borrowed time, an extension which each guest brings a bottle of
of one's life.
liquor, hit the bottle, (slang) to be an
borscht (borsht), borsch (borsh) n. a
alcoholic; to drink heavily.
Russian or Polish soup made from beets.
DOt* tie-fed (bot-el-fed) adj. fed with milk
borscht belt, a resort area in the
from a bottle.
Catskill mountains of New York.
bot* tie* neck (bot-el-nek) n. 1. a narrow
bonzoi (bor-zoi) n. (also Russian wolf-
stretch of road where traffic cannot flow
hound) a large hound with a narrow
freely. 2. anything similarly obstructing
head and silky coat.
bosh (bosh) interj. & n. (informal) non-
bot* torn (bot-dm) n. 1. the lowest part
= of anything, the part on which it rests,
bo's'n boatswain.
the* lowest place; the bottom fell out of
bo*som (buuz-dm) n. 1 a person's breast.

the market, trade fell dramatically. 2. the

2. the part of a garment covering this.
3. the center or innermost part; returned
buttocks, the part of the body on which
to the bosom of his family, to a loving
one sits. 3. the ground under a stretch
family circle. (J bosom friend, one who of water, bottom adj. lowest in position
is dear and close. or rank or degree. Dat bottom, basi-
bo*sonvy (buuz-S-mee) adj. having large cally, really, be at the bottom of, to

breasts. be the underlying cause or originator of.

boss (baws)
n. (informal) 1 a person who .
bottom line, the final figure in a finan-
employs or controls or gives orders to cial statement, showing profit or loss; the
workers. 2. a manager of a political or- final consequence, bottom out, to reach

ganization, boss v. (slang) to be the boss the lowest level before beginning to rise
of, to give orders to; boss someone about, again, from the bottom of one's
to order him about. heart, with deep feeling, sincerely, get
boss n.2
knob or stud.
a round projecting to the bottom of, to find out the cause
boss v. to ornament with bosses. or origin of. hit bottom, to reach the
boss-y (baw-see) adj. (boss*i*er, boss* lowest state or level.
i*est) fond of ordering people about, bot* torn* land (bot-dm-land) n. the rich
doing this continually. boss'My adv. soil of a river valley.
boss'i-ness n. bot* torn* less (bot-dm-lis) adj. 1. without
Bos* ton (baw-ston) the capital of Massa- a bottom, extremely deep. 2. nude from
chusetts. the waist down. Dbottomless bar, a
bo* sun = boatswain. place where entirely nude dancers enter-
DOt. abbr. 1 botanical. 2. botanist. 3. bot-
. tain, bottomless dancer, one entirely
any. 4. bottle. nude.
bo*tan*i*cal (bo-tan-i-kal), bo* tan* bot* torn* most (bot-dm-mohst) adj. low-
Ic (bo-tan-ik) adj. of botany. botani- est.
botulism / bowl 96
bot*u*lism (boch-u-liz-em) n. a kind of generously. 2. abundant. boun'ti*ful*
food poisoning. ly adj.
bou*cle (boo-klay) n. 1. yarn with one boun-ty (bown-tee) ru {pi -ties) 1. gener-
of its strands looped at intervals. 2. fabric osity in giving. 2. a generous gift. 3. a
made from this. reward or payment given as an induce-
bou-doir (boo-dwahr) ru a woman's small ment. bounty hunter, one who hunts
private room or (informal) bedroom. wild animals in order to collect a bounty.
bouMant (boo-fahnt) adj. puffed out. bou*quet (boo-kay, boh-kay) n. 1. a
bou*gain*vil*lae*a (boo-gan-Til-i-a) ru a bunch of flowers for carrying in the hand.
tropical shrub with red or frurple bracts. 2. a compliment, praise. 3. the perfume
bough (bow) n. a large branch coming of wine. U
bouquet gar*ni {pr. gahr-
from the trunk of a tree. nee), a bundle of herbs used for flavoring.
bought (bawt) see buy. bour*bon (bur-bdn) n. whiskey made
bouil*la*baisse (bool-ya-bays) n. a fish mainly from corn mash.
stew made with several different types bourgeois (boor-z/iwah) {pi -geois,

offish. pr. -z/rwah, -z/rwahz) (often contemptu-

bouil'lon (buul-yon) ru broth. ous) a member of the middle class, with
bouhder (bohl-der) n. a large stone its conventional ideas and tastes, bour-
rounded by water or weather. geois adj.
boul-e-vard (buul-e-vahrd) ru a wide bour*geoi*sie (boor-z/rwah-zee) ru

street, often with trees on each side.

(sometimes contemptuous) the bourgeois
bounce (bowns) v. (bounced, bounc-
ing) 1 . to spring back when sent against
bourse (boors) n. a money market, espe-
cially the Parisian stock exchange.
something hard, to cause to do this. 2.
(informal) (of a check) to be sent back
bout (bowt) /l 1 a period of exercise or

work or illness. 2. a boxing contest.

by the bank as worthless. 3. to jump sud-
bou*tique (boo-teek) n. a small shop sell-
denly, to move in a lively manner.
ing clothes etc. of the latest fashion.
bounce ru 1. bouncing, the power of
bou*ton*niere (boo-td-neer) n. a flower
bouncing. 2. a lively manner.
or spray of flowers worn in the lapel but-
bouncer (bown-ser) n. 1. a ball that tonhole.
bounces, as a baseball hit to the infield.
bo* vine (boh-vin) adj. 1. of or like an ox
2. a man employed to eject undesirable
or cow. 2. dull and stupid.
customers from a club etc.
DOW (boh) n. 1 a piece of wood or plastic

bounc-ing (bown-sing) adj. big and curved by a tight string joining its ends,
healthy, boisterous, a bouncing baby boy.
used as a weapon for snooting arrows.
bounc-y (bown-see) adj. (bounc*i* 2. a rod with horsehair stretched between
er, bound -est) full of bounce. its ends, used for playing the violin etc.
bound 1 (bownd) v. to limit, to be the 3. a knot made with a loop or loops,
boundary of.
ribbon etc. tied in this way. tie, Ubow
bound 2 v. to jump or spring, to run with a man's necktie tied into a bow.
jumping movements, bound ru a bound-
bow 2 (bow) n. bending of the head or body
ing movement. in greeting, respect, agreement, etc. DOW
bound 3 adj. going or heading toward, v. 1 to make a bow, to bend in greeting

bound for Spain; northbound traffic etc. 2. to bend downward under a weight.
bound 4 v. see bind, bound adj. obstructed 3. to submit or give in, must bow to the
or hindered by, fog-bound, bound to, u inevitable, Dbow and scrape, to be-
certain to. bound up with, closely asso- have in an obsequious way.
ciated with. I'll be bound, I feel certain. DOW 3 (bow) n. 1 the front or forward end

bound -a -ry (bown-da-ree) n, {pi -Ties) of a boat or ship. 2. the oarsman nearest
a line that marks a limit. the bow.
bound* en (bown-den) adj. (old use) ob- bowd-ler-ize (bohd-le-nz) v. (bowd*
ligatory, bounden duty. ler-ized, bowd-ler-iz-ing) to censor
bound* less (bownd-lis) adj. without lim- words or scenes considered improper.
its, bound 'less -ness n. > Named after T. Bowdler, who pro-
bounds (bowndz) n. pi limits. Dout of duced a censored version of Shake-
bounds, outside the areas one is allowed speare's plays.
to enter; (in sports) outside the playing DOW* el (bow-Si) n. 1 the intestine. 2. bow-

area. els, the intestines, the innermost parts.

boun*te*OUS (bown-ti-us) adj. beneficent, bowel movement, evacuation of the
plentiful, freely bestowed, boun'te- bowels; feces.
ous*ly adv. bower (bow-er) n, a leafy shelter.
boun-thful (bown-ti-ful) adj. 1. giving bowl 1
(bohl) n. 1 a basin for holding food
97 bowl / bracket
or liquid. 2. this with its contents, the box* car (boks-kahr) n. an enclosed rail-
amount contains. 3. the hollow
it road freight car.
rounded part of a spoon, tobacco pipe, box^er 1
(bok-ser) n. a person who engages
etc. 4. a stadium for football etc., Rose in boxing.
Bowl, bowl'ful n. (pi -fuls). boxer 2 n. a dog of a short-haired breed
bowl 2 n. a ball used in bowling, skittles, with tan coat.
etc. bowl v. 1 to send rolling along the
. box-ing (bok-sing) n. the sport of fighting
ground. 2. to play at bowling. 3. bowls, with the fists. U boxing gloves, a pair
a game played on a bowling green by of padded leather mittens worn in box-
rolling heavy balls so that they stop near ing, boxing ring, a square area; marked
a target. Dbowl over, to knock down; off by ropes, for boxing matches.
to overwhelm with surprise or emotion. boy male child. 2. a young
(boi) ru 1. a
DOW* leg (boh-leg) n. outward curvature man. 3. a young male employee, an office
or bowing of one or both legs, bow* boy. 4. (contemptuous) a male servant.
leg-ged (boh-leg-id) adj. boy interj. an exclamation of surprise
bowl ^er (boh-ler) n. 1 a person who plays
or joy. boy ' hood n. Dboy scout, a
at bowls. 2. a person who bowls in bowl- member of the- Boy Scouts, an organiza-
ing or cricket. tion intended to develop character
bowler2 n. (also bowler hat) a hard felt
through outdoor activities.

hat with a rounded top, a derby hat. boycott (boi-kot) v. to refuse to have any-
DOW* line (boh-lin, -lin) n. a simple but
thing to do with; boycotted the goods,
refused to handle or buy them, boycott
secure knot used by sailors.
n. boycotting, treatment of this kind.
bow* ling (boh-ling) n. a game played by
rolling a bowling ball down a wooden
boyfriend (boi-frend) a woman's usual
or preferred male companion.
alley toknock down as many as possible
of a triangular group of ten pins.
boyish (boi-ish) adj. like a boy. boy'ish •
ly adv. boy'ish -ness n.
bowling alley, a long enclosure for
1x)wling. bowling green, a lawn for
boysen*ber*ry (boi-zen-ber-ee) n. (pi
-ries) 1 a hybrid of several species of

playing bowls.
bramble. 2. its blackberrylike fruit.
bow* man (boh-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
bp abbr. bishop.
men) an archer.
B.P. abbr. 1. bills payable. 2. blood pres-
DOW* sprit (bow-sprit) n. a spar running
out from a ship's stem, to which the fore-
BPOE abbr. Benevolent and Protective Or-
stays are attached.
der of Elks.
bowstring (boh-string) n. the string of
br. abbr. 1. branch. 2. brass. 3. brother.
a bow.
4. brown.
box 1 (boks) n. 1. a container with a flat
Br. abbr. 1. Britain. 2. British.
base and usually a lid, for holding solids. bra (brah) n. a woman's undergarment
2. the amount it contains. 3. a boxlike
worn to support the breasts, a brassiere.
receptacle, a money box, mailbox, etc. brace (brays) n. 1. a device that clamps
4. a compartment, as with seats for sev- things together or holds and supports
eral persons in a theater, for a horse in them in position. 2. a pair, five brace
a stable or vehicle, for the jury or wit- of partridge. 3. braces, (British) suspen-
nesses in a law court. 5. a small hut or ders for trousers, brace v. (braced,
shelter, sentry box, box v. to put into a bracking) to support, to give firmness
box. Dbox in or up, to shut into a small to. brac'er n. u
brace oneself or
space, preventing free movement, box brace up, to steady oneself in order to
kite, a kite with an open boxlike frame. meet a blow or shock.
box number, a number used to identify brace* let (brays-lit) n. 1. an ornamental
a box in a newspaper office to which let- band worn on the arm. 2. bracelets,
ters to an advertiser may be sent, box (slang) handcuffs.
Office, an office from which tickets are bra*ce*ro (brah-sair-oh) n. (pi -ros) a
sold at a theater etc. box pleat, an ar- Mexican doing seasonal agricultural
rangement of parallel pleats folding in work in the U.S.
alternate directions, box spring, one of bracking (bray-sing) adv. invigorating,
a set of vertical springs in a mattress. stimulating.
box 2 v. to fight with the fists, to engage brack* en (brak-en) n. a large fern that
in boxing, box n. a slap with the open grows on wasteland, a mass of such ferns.
hand. Dbox a person's ears, to slap brack *et (brak-it) n, 1 a support project-

them. ing from an upright surface. 2. either

box 3 n. 1. a small evergreen shrub. 2. its of the marks used in pairs for enclosing
wood. words or figures, [ ] 3. a group bracketed

brackish / brass 98

together as similar or falling between cer- new ones by subjecting him to great men-
tain limits, an income bracket bracket tal pressure. brain'wash*ing n.
v. (brack *et*ed, brack -et-ing) 1. to brain *y (bray-nee) adj. (brain -i-er,
enclose or join by brackets. 2. to put brain *i*est) clever, intelligent.
together to imply connection or equality. braise (brayz) v. (braised, brais-ing) to
3. to place shots both short of the target cook slowly with very little liquid in a
and beyond it in order to find the range. closed container.
brack 'ish (brak-ish) adj. slightly salty, brake 1 (brayk) n. a device for reducing
brackish water. the speed of something or stopping its
bract (brakt) n. a leaflike part of a plant, motion, brake v. (braked, brak*ing)
often highly colored. to slow down by means of this. brake
brad (brad) n. a thin flattish nail of the drum, a cylinder attached to a wheel,
same thickness throughout. receiving the pressure of the brake shoe.
brae (bray) n. (Scottish) a hillside. brake fluid, the liquid used in a hydrau-
brag (brag) v. (bragged, brag-ging) to lic brake, brake shoe, the part of a
boast. brake coming in contact with the wheel.
brag*ga*dO*Ci*0 (brag-a-doh-shi-oh) n. brake2 n-a thicket.
(pi -Ci*OS) empty boasting. brake3 n. a kind of bracken.
brag*gart (brag-art) n. a person who brake* man (brayk-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
brags. -men) a member of a train crew who
Bran* man, Brah*min (brah-man) n. 1. acts as an assistant to a conductor.
amember of the highest or priestly caste bram • ble (bram-bel) n. a rough shrub with
among Hindus. 2. (informal) a highly long prickly shoots, a blackberry bush.
cultured or intellectual aloof person. 3. bran (bran) n. coarse meal consisting of
a breed of cattle native to India and de- the ground inner husks of grain sifted
veloped in the U.S. out from flour.
Brah-man -ism, Bran • min • ism (brah- branch (branch) n. 1. an armlike part of
ma-niz-em) n. the social and religious a tree. 2. a similar part of a river, road,
practices, especially the caste system, of railroad, etc. 3. a subdivision of a family
orthodox Hindus and Brahmans. or a group of languages or a subject. 4.
braid (brayd) n. 1. a woven ornamental a local store, library, office, etc. belonging
trimming. 2. an interlacing of three or to a larger organization, branch v. to
more strands of hair, braid v. 1 to plait. . send out branches, divide into
2. to trim with braid. branches. branch off, to leave a main
Braille (brayl) n. a system of representing route and take a minor one. branch out,
letters etc. by raised dots that blind peo- to begin a new line of activity.
ple can read by touch. Braille, braille brand (brand) n. 1. a trademark, goods
v. (Braided, Braill-ing) to represent in of a particular make. 2. a mark of identi-
Braille. D> Named after its inventor, fication made with a hot iron, the iron
Louis Braille. used for this. 3. a piece of burning or
brain (brayn) n. 1. the organ that is the charred wood, brand v. 1 to mark with .

center of the nervous system in animals, a hot iron, to label with a trademark.
a mass of soft gray matter in the skull. 2. to give a bad name to, he was branded
2. the mind or intellect, intelligence. as a troublemaker.
brain v. 1. to kill by a heavy blow on bran* dish (bran-dish) v. to wave (a thing)
the head. 2 to hit on the head. brain in display or threateningly.
drain, the loss of educated people by em- brand-new (brand-noo, -nyoo) adj. com-
igration, brain trust, the group of advis- pletely new.
ers called in by President Franklin Roo- bran-dy (bran-dee) n. (pi -dies) a strong
sevelt; a group of experts advising a liquor distilled from wine or from fer-
government, brain wave, an electrical mented fruit juice, brandy v. (bran*
impulse in the brain. died, bran *dying) to flavor or pre-
brain* Child (brayn-child) n. a person's in- serve with brandy.
vention or plan. brash (brash) adj. 1. vulgarly self-asser-
brain -less (brayn-lis) adj. stupid. tive. 2. reckless, brash 'ly adv. brash
brain *pow*er (brayn-pow-er) n. mental ness n.

ability. Bra*sil*ia (brah-zeel-ya) the capital of

brain* storm (brayn-storm) n. a sudden Brazil.
bright idea, brainstorm v. to engage in brass (bras) a yellow alloy of copper
n. 1 .

a conference designed to produce bright and zinc. 2. a thing or thingsmade of

ideas. this. 3. the brass wind instruments of
brain* wash (brayn- wosh) v. to force (a an orchestra. 4. a brass memorial tablet
person) to reject old beliefs and accept in a church. 5. (informal) impudence.
99 brasserie / break

6. (slang) high-ranking officers or offi- glect of a rule or agreement etc. 2. an

brass adj. made of
cials, the top brass, estrangement. 3. a broken place, a gap.
brass. brass band, a band playing breach v. to break through, to make a
brass and percussion instruments only. gap in. breach of the peace, a dis-
brass hat, (slang) an officer of high turbance of the public peace by a brawl,
rank, brass knuckles, see knuckle, riot, etc. step into the breach, to give
get down to brass tacks, to begin to help in a crisis.
consider the basic facts or practical de- bread (bred) n. 1 a food made of flour

tails. and liquid, usually leavened by yeast and

bras-se-rie (bras-e-ree) n. an unpreten- baked. 2. (slang) money, bread v. to coat
tious restaurant, originally one that with bread crumbs for cooking. bread
served beer with food. crumbs, bread crumbled for use in
bras*siere (bra-zeer) n. a bra. cooking.
brass -y (bras-ee) adj. (brass* her, bread *bas*ket (bred-bas-kit) n. 1. a
brass* i*est) 1 like brass in appearance
. grain-producing region. 2. (slang) the
or sound. 2. bold and vulgar, brass' i* stomach.
ness n. bread -board (bred-bohrd) n. 1. a board
brat (brat) n. (contemptuous) an obnoxious to knead or cut bread on. 2. a board
badly behaved child, brat'ty adj. brat' for making a flat model of an electric
ti*ness n. circuit etc. breadboard v. to construct
bra-va-do (bra-vah-doh) n. {pi -does, an experimental assembly of an electric
-dos) a show of boldness. circuit etc.
brave (brayv) adj. (braver, brav- bread -ed (bred-id) adj. coated with bread
est) 1. able to face and endure danger crumbs.
or pain. 2. splendid, brave n. an Ameri- bread* fruit (bred-froot) n. the fruit of a
can Indian warrior, brave v. (braved, tropical tree, with white pulp like fresh
brav«ing) to face and endure with brav- bread.
ery, brave 'ly adv. brav'er-y n. (pL bread line poor people waiting in line for
-er-ies) charity food.
bra* vo (brah-voh) interj. well done! bravo bread* stuff (bred-stuf) n. 1. grain for
n. (pi -vos) a shout of "bravo." making bread. 2. bread.
bra*vu*ra (bra-vyoor-a) n. 1. a brilliant breadth (bredth) n. width, broadness.
performance, an attempt at this. 2. a pas- bread* win *ner (bred-win-er) n. the mem-
sage of music requiring great skill and ber of a family who earns the money
spirit in performance. to support the others.
brawl (brawl) n. a noisy quarrel or fight. break (brayk) v. (broke, bro*ken,
brawl v. to take part in a brawl, brawl' break • ing) 1 to fall into pieces, tc cause

er n. to do this; she broke her leg, broke the

brawn (brawn) n. muscular strength. bone in it. 2. to damage, to make or be-
brawn -y (braw-nee) adj. (brawn -i* come unusable. 3. to fail to keep (a prom-
er, brawn *i*est) strong and muscular. ise). 4. to stop for a time, to make or
bray (bray) n. the cry of a donkey, a sound become discontinuous, broke the silence;
like this, bray v. to make this cry or we broke for coffee; broke into a run, be-
sound. gan to run; broke the strike, forced it
braze (brayz) v. (brazed, brazing) to to end by means other than bargaining.
solder with a hard solder that has a high 5. tomake a way suddenly or violently,
melting point, as with an alloy of brass he broke out of prison; (in billiards) to
and zinc, braze n. a brazed joint. open play by scattering the object balls
bra*zen (bray-zen) adj. 1. made of brass, from their triangular arrangement. 6. to
like brass. 2. shameless, impudent. emerge or appear suddenly. 7. to reveal
brazen It out, to behave, after doing (news etc.), to become known, the story
wrong, as if one has nothing to be broke. 8. to surpass, broke the world
ashamed of. bra'zen*ly adv. bra'zen* record. 9. to make or become weak, to
ness n. overwhelm with grief etc., to destroy, the
breezier (bray-z/ier) n. a basketlike stand
scandal broke him. 1 0. (of a voice) to
for holding burning coals. change its even tone, either with emotion
brazier2 n. a brass worker. or (of a boy's voice) by becoming sud-
Bra-zil (bra-zil) a country in South Amer- denly deeper at puberty. 11. (of waves)
ica. Bra-zil-ian (bra-zil-yan) adj & n. to fall in foam. 1 2. (of boxers) to come
Brazil nut, a large three-sided nut. out of a clinch, break n. 1 breaking..

Braz-za-ville (braz-a-vil) the capital of 2. an escape, a sudden dash. 3. a gap,

Republic of Congo. a broken place. 4. an interval, between
breach (breech) n. 1 the breaking or ne-
. periods of work or exercise. 5. (in billi-
breakable / breccia 100

ards) the opening play. 6. (informal) a at either side, breakfront n. a break-

piece of luck; a bad break, bad luck. 7. front cabinet.
a fair chance; give him a break, an oppor- break-in (brayk-in) n. a forcible entry, es-
tunity. 8. an escape, a prison break. 9. pecially by a thief.
(in harness racing) a horse's change from break* neck (brayk-nek) adj. dangerously
one type of step to another, ubreak fast, at breakneck speed
down, to cease to function because of break* through (brayk-throo) n. a major
mechanical failure; (of a person's health) advance in knowledge.
to collapse; to give way to emotion; to break* up (brayk-up) n. breaking up, dis-
act upon chemically and* reduce to con- solution.
stituent parts; to analyze, break down the break* waiter (brayk-waw-ter) n. a wall
expenditure, break even, to make gains built out into the sea to protect a harbor
and losses that balance exactly, break or coast against heavy waves.
fresh ground, to deal with some aspect bream (breem) n. a fish of the carp family.
of a subject for the first time, break In, breast (brest) n. 1 either of the two milk-

to force one's way into a building; to producing organs on the upper front of
interrupt; to accustom to a new routine; a woman's body. 2. the upper front part
to use (shoes etc.) until wearable, fully of the human body or of a garment cover-
operable, etc. breaking point, the point ing this. 3. the corresponding part in ani-
at which a person or thing gives way mals, breast v. to face and advance,
under stress, break in on, to disturb, breasted the waves. breast stroke, a
to interrupt, break of day, dawn. swimming stroke performed face down-
break Off, to bring to an end; to stop ward, with sweeping movements of the
speaking, break one's neck, to fracture arms.
or dislocate one's neck; (informal) to breast* bone (brest-bohn) n. the bone
make a great effort, we broke our necks down the center of the upper front of
to finish on time, break out, to begin ,the body.
suddenly; to exclaim; to force one's way breast-feed (brest-feed) v. (breast-fed,
out; to develop as a rash etc. break breast-feed* ng) to feed (a baby) by

service, to win a game at tennis when allowing it to suck at the mother's breast.
one's opponent is serving, break the breast* plate (brest-playt) n. a piece of ar-
bank, to use up all the resources of a mor covering the breast.
casino gambling table, break the heart breast* work (brest- wurk) n. a temporary
of, to overwhelm with grief, break the defense or parapet a few feet high.
ice, to overcome formality, break up, breath (breth) n. 1. air drawn into and

to bring or come to an end; to become sent out of* the lungs. 2. breathing in,
weaker; to separate; to disband, break take six deep breaths. 3. a gentle blowing,
wind, to expel wind from the bowels or a breath of wind. 4. a whisper, a trace,
stomach, break with, to give up; to end not a breath of scandal. Din the same
one's friendship with. breath, immediately after saying some-
break -a -Die (bray-ka-bel) adj. able to be thing else, out of breath, panting after
broken. violent exercise, save one's breath, to
break -age (bray-kij) n. 1. breaking. 2. refrain from useless discussion, take
something broken. an amount allowed
3. one's breath away, to make one
for expected breaking. 4. change or an breathless with surprise or delight, un-
amount less than If, 5?, or 10? kept by der one's breath, in a whisper.
a vendor, a gambling house, etc. when breathe (breer/i) v. (breathed, breath-
only full or round figures are given. ing) to draw air into the lungs and
breakaway (bray k-a- way) adj. 1. be- send out again, (of plants) to respire.

coming separate or free. 2. that breaks 2. to take into or send out of the lungs,
or has broken away, a breakaway group. breathing cigar smoke. 3. to utter; don't
breakdown (brayk-down) n. 1. a me- breathe a word of it, keep it secret.
chanical failure. 2. a weakening. 3. a col- breathe again, to feel relieved of fear
lapse of health or mental stability. 4. an or anxiety, breathing room, room to
analysis. breathe; a pause for rest.
break *er (bray-ker) n. 1. a heavy ocean breath *er (bree-f/i£r) n. 1 a pause for rest.

wave that breaks on the coast. 2. a person 2. a short period in the fresh air.
wishing to transmit a message (in CB breath* less (breth-lis) adj. out of breath,
radio). panting, breathless *ly adv. breath '
break* fast (brek-fast) n. the first meal of less-ness n.
the day. breakfast v. to eat breakfast. breath -tak-ing (breth-tay-king) adj. very
break* front (brayk-frunt) adj. having a exciting, spectacular.
center section that projects beyond those brec*ci*a (brech-i-a) n. a composite rock
101 bred / bridle
of angular fragments of stone etc. ce- brib*a*ble (bn-ba-bel) adj. able to be
mented together. bribed.
bred (bred) see breed. bribe (bnb) n. something offered in order
breech (breech) n. 1 the back part of a
. to influence a person illegally or improp-
gun barrel. 2. the back part of anything. erly to act in favor of the giver, bribe
U breech birth, a birth in which the v. (bribed, brib-ing) to persuade by a
baby's buttocks appear first. bribe. brib'er*y n. (pi -er-ies) the act
breech* cloth (breech-klawth) n. a loin- or practice of bribing.
cloth. bric-a-brac (brik-a-brak) n. pi odd items
breech *es (brich-iz) n. pi trousers reach- of furniture, ornaments, etc. of no great
ing to just below the knee. value.
breed (breed) v. (bred, breed -ing) 1. to brick (brik)n. 1 a block of baked or dried

produce offspring. 2. to keep (animals) clay or other substance used to build

for the purpose of .producing young. 3. walls. 2. a rectangular block of some-
to bring up. 4. to give rise to. breed thing. 3. (slang) a kindhearted person.
n. a variety of animals etc. within a spe- brick adj. 1 built of brick. 2. brick-red.

cies, having similar appearance. brick v. to block with brickwork.

breed *er (bree-der) n. a person who brick* bat (brik-bat) n. 1. a piece of brick,
breeds animals. Dbreeder reactor, a especially one used as a missile. 2. (in-
nuclear reactor that produces more fissile formal) a piece of harsh criticism, she
material than it uses. threw brickbats at me.
breed* ing (bree-ding) n. 1 the production . brick* lay *er (brik-lay-er) n. a workman
of young from animals, propagation. 2. who builds with bricks, bricklaying
good manners resulting from training or n.
background. brick-red (brik-red) adj. of the red color
breeze (breez) n. a light wind, breeze of bricks.
v.(breezed, breez* ing) (informal) to brick* work (brik-wurk) n. a structure
move in a lively manner, they breezed made of bricks.
in. brid *al (bri-dal) adj. of a bride or wedding.
breeze* way (breez- way)n. a roofed open- bride (bnd) n. a woman on her wedding
sided passageway connecting two build- day, a newly married woman.
ings. bride* groom (bnd-groom) n. a man on
breez *y (bree-zee) adj. (breez* i-er, his wedding day, a newly married man.
breez* i* est) 1. exposed to wind. 2. brides* maid (bridz-mayd) n. a girl or un-
pleasantly windy. 3. lively, jovial. married woman attending the bride at
breez'My adv. breez'i-ness n. a wedding.
Bren (bren) gun a lightweight machine bridge 1 (brij) n. 1. a structure providing
gun. a way across something or carrying a
breth*ren n. pi
(bref/i-ren) (old use) road or railroad etc. across. 2. the raised
brothers. Lithe Brethren, members of platform on a ship from which the cap-
various German Protestant groups. tain and officers direct its course. 3. the
Bre*ton (bret-dn) adj. of Brittany or its bony upper part of the nose. 4. something
people. Breton n. a native of Brittany. that joins or connects or supports other
breve (breev) n. a mark ~ placed over a parts, bridge v. (bridged, bridg-ing)
vowel to indicate that it is short. to makeor form a bridge over.
bre*vi*ar*y (bree-vi-er-ee) n. (pi -ar* bridge2 n. a card game developed from
ies) a book of prayers to be said daily whist. auction bridge, a variety of
by Roman Catholic priests. bridge in which the right to name the
brevity (brev-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) short- trumps and to play with the dummy
ness, briefness. goes, with each deal, to the player who
brew (broo) v. 1 to make (beer) by boiling
. makes the highest bid. contract bridge,
and fermentation, to make (tea) by steep- the most common form of bridge, in
ing. 2. to be under preparation in this which only the tricks the declarer has
way, the tea is brewing. 3. to bring about, undertaken to make count toward the
to develop, trouble is brewing, brew n. game.
1. a liquid made by brewing. 2. an bridge* head (brij-hed) n. a fortified area
amount brewed. 3. (informal) a glass of established in enemy territory, especially
beer. on the far side of a river.
brew*er (broo-er) n. a person whose trade Bridge* town (brij-town) the capital of
is brewing beer. Barbados.
brew*er*y (broo-e-ree) n. (pi -er*ies) a bridge* work (brij-wurk) n. a partial den-
building in which beer is brewed. ture supported by teeth on each side.
brl-ar (bri-ar) =
brier. bri'dle (bn-del) n. the part of a horse's
Brie / bristle 102

harness that goes on its head, bridle v. brlnvful (brim-fuul) adj. full to the brim.
(brhdled, bri-dling) 1. to put a bridle brim* atone (brim-stohn) ru sulfur.
on. 2. to restrain, to keep under contfol. brin*dled (brin-deld) adj. brown with
3. to draw one's head up in pride or streaks of other color, the brindled cow.
scorn. bridle path, a path suitable for brine (bnn) ru salt water.
horseback riding but not for vehicles. bring (bring) v. (brought, bring *lng) 1.
Brie (bree) ru a kind of soft cheese. to cause to come, especially with oneself
brief 1 (breef) adj. 1 lasting only for a short
. by carrying, leading, or attracting. Q> In
time. 2. concise. 3. short in length, this sense, the action of bringing is al-
brief 'ly adv. ways in the direction of the writer or
brief2 ru 1 . a summary of
the facts of a speaker: bring it to me, take it to her.)
case, drawn up by an attorney. 2. a sum- 2. to produce as profit or income. 3. to
mary. 3. instructions and information result in, to cause, war brought famine.
given in advance. 4. briefs, very short 4. to put forward (charges etc.) in a law
close-fitting underpants, brief v. 1. to court, they brought an action for libel
give a brief to. 2. to instruct or inform 5. to cause to arrive at a particular state,
concisely in advance. Dhold no brief bring it to the boil, bring 'er n. bring
for, not to be obliged to support. about, to cause to happen, bring back,
brief *case (breef-kays) ru a flat case with to restore; to make one remember, bring
a handle for carrying documents. down, to cause to fall, bring down the
brief *ing (bree-fing) n. a presentation (to house, to get loud applause in a theater
reporters, government officials, etc.) of etc. bring forward, to call attention to
the facts of an event or other matter. (a matter), bring In, to initiate, to intro-
brher 1 (bri-er) n. 1. a thorny or prickly duce; to produce as profit or income; to
plant with a woody stem. 2. a patch of Kronounce as a verdict in court, bring
such plants. lto being, to cause to exist, bring off,
brier 2 n. a white heath of southern Europe, to do successfully, bring on, to cause
the root of which is used for making to- to develop rapidly, bring oneself to do
bacco pipes. something, to cause oneself to do it in
brig 1 (brig) ru a two-masted sailing vessel. spite of reluctance, bring out, to cause
brig 2 n. a ship's prison. to appear, to show clearly; to publish.
Brig. abbr. 1 brigade. 2. Brigadier.
. bring to bear, to concentrate as an in-
brigade (bri-gayd) n. 1. an army unit fluence, pressure was brought to bear on
forming part of a division. 2. a group the dissenters, bring up, to look after
of people organized for a particular pur- and train (growing children); to vomit;
pose. to cause to' stop suddenly; to raise for
brig-a-dier (brig-a-deer) general an offi- consideration, bring up the rear, to
cer ranking immediately above colonel come last in a line. >The form brung
and below major general in the U.S. is incorrect.
Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps. brink (bringk) n. 1 the edge of a steep

brig* and (brig-and) ru a member of a band place or of a stretch of water. 2. the

of robbers. verge, the edge of something unknown
brig* an* tine (brig-an-teen) n. a two- or dangerous or exciting.
masted vessel with a square-rigged fore- brink* man* ship (bringk-man-ship) n. the
mast and a fore-and-aft rigged mainmast. art of pursuing a dangerous policy to the
bright (bnt) adj. 1 giving out or reflecting
. brink of war etc. before stopping.
much light, shining. 2. cheerful. 3. quick- brin*y (bn-nee) adj. (brin*l*er, brin*
witted, clever, bright adv. brightly, I* est) salty, briny n. (informal) the sea.

brlght'ly adv. brightness ru brln'i-ness n.

bright* en (bn-ten) v. to make or become bri*0 (bree-oh) n. vivacity, vigor, dash.
brighter, brlght'en-er ru > Italian.
bril-liant (bril-yant) adj. 1. very bright or brhoche (bree-osh) n. a small sweetened
sparkling. 2. very clever, brilliant ru a bread circular in shape.
cut diamond with many facets. bril' briquette (bri-ket) n. a block of com-
liant-ly adv. brll'liance ru brillian- pressed coal dust.
cy ru brisk (brisk) adj. active, lively, moving
bril-Han -tine (bril-yan-teen) ru a sub- quickly, brisk 'ly adv. brisk 'ness n.
stance used to make the hair glossy. brls-ket (brls-kit) n. 1. the chest of an
brim (brim) n. 1 the edge of a cup or hol-
. animal. 2. a cut of beef from the breast.
low or channel. 2. the projecting edge bristling (brls-ling) n. a small herring or
of a hat. brim v. (brimmed, brim- sprat, processed like sardines.
ming) to fill or be full to the brim, brls-tle (bris-el) ru 1. a short stiff hair.
brim'less adj. 2. one of the stiff pieces of hair or wire
103 bristly / broken

etc. in a brush, bristle v. (bristled, running start, broadly speaking,

briS'tllng) 1. (of an animal) to raise the speaking in a general way.
bristles in anger or fear. 2. to show indig- broad* band (brawd-band) adj. of or sensi-
nation. 3. to be thickly set with bristles. tive to a wide range of frequencies.
bristle with, to be full of, the plan broad* cast (brawd-kast) v. (broad*
bristled with difficulties. cast, broad* cast *ed or broad* cast,
bris-tly (bris-lee) adj. (-tli-er, -tll-est) broad • cast • ing) 1 to send out by radio

full of bristles. or television. 2. to speak or appear in a

Brit. abbr. 1. Britain. 2. British. radio or television program. 3. to make
Brlt-aln (brit-Tn) (also Great Britain) generally known.
4. to sow (seed) by
England, Wales, and Scotland. scattering, broadcast n. a broadcast
Bri-tarvnha (bri-tan-i-a) the personifica- program, broadcast adv. scattered
tion of Britain, shown as a woman with freely, broad'cast-er n.
a shield, helmet, and trident. Britan- broad* cloth (brawd-klawth) n. a fine
nia metal, an alloy of tin with copper, twilled woolen cloth or plainly woven
antimony, and sometimes bismuth, used cotton cloth (the name refers to quality
for tableware etc. rather than width).
Brhtan-nlc (bri-tan-ik) adj. of Britain, broad* en (braw-den) v. to make or be-
Her Britannic Majesty. come broad. broad'en*ing adj.
brltch*es (brich-iz) n. pi. (informal) a pair broad *loom (brawd-loom) adj. woven in
of breeches or trousers. broad widths.
Brit*i*cism (brit-i-siz-em) n. a word or broad-mind *ed (brawd-min-did) adj.
an idiom used in Great Britain but not having tolerant views.
in the U.S. etc. broad* side (brawd-sid) n. 1. the firing of
British (brit-ish) adj. of Great Britain or all guns on one side of a ship. 2. a strong
its inhabitants. British Columbia, a attack in words. 3. an advertisement,
province of Canada. British English, usually printed on a large sheet of paper.
the English language as spoken in Brit- broadside on, sideways on.
ain. British Isles, Britain and Ireland broad-spec •trum (brawd-spek-trum) adj.
with the islands near their coasts. British having a wide range.
thermal unit, the amount of heat needed broad* sword (brawd-sohrd) n. a broad-
to raise the temperature of a pound of bladed cutting sword.
water by one degree F. the British, Brit- broad* tail (brawd-tayl) n. caracul fur.
ish people. Broad -way (brawd- way) n. 1. a street in
Brit*ish*er (brit-i-sher) n. a native or in- New York City extending the length of
habitant of Britain. Manhattan and famous for its stores and
Brit* on (brit-6n) n. 1. a native or inhabi- theaters. 2. (informal) the professional
tant of southern Britain before the Ro- theater in New York City.
man conquest. 2. a native or inhabitant bro* cade (broh-kayd) n. a fabric woven
of Great-Britain or (formerly) the British with raised patterns. bro* cad 'ed adj.
Empire. broc*co*li (brok-6-lee) n. (pi. -II) a variety
brit-tle (brit-el) adj. (-tier, -tlest) hard of cauliflower, whose green flower head
but easily broken. brit'tle*ly adv. brit' is cooked as a vegetable.
tle-ness n. bro-chette (broh-shet) n. a skewer used
bro. abbr. brother. in cooking.
broach (brohch) v. to make a hole in
1. bro* chure (brd-shoor) n. z. booklet or
(a cask) and draw out
liquid. 2. to begin pamphlet containing information.
a discussion broached the topic.
of, bro-gan (broh-gan) n. a heavy work shoe
>Do not confuse broach with brooch. reaching to the ankle.
broad (brawd) adj. 1. large across, wide. brogue (brohg) n. 1. a strong shoe with
2. measuring from side to side, 50 feet ornamental perforated bands. 2. a dialec-
broad. 3. full and complete, broad day- tal accent, especially Irish.
light; a broad hint, strong and unmis- broil (broil) v. 1 to cook (meat) on a fire

takable; a broad New England accent, or gridiron. 2. to make or be very hot,

strongly regional. 4. in general terms, not especially from sunshine.
detailed, in broad outline, without de- broil -er (broi-ler) n. 1. a young chicken
tails. 5. rather coarse, broad humor. suitable or specially reared for broiling
broad n. 1. the broad part. 2. (slang) or roasting. 2. a pan for broiling food.
a woman, broad'ly adv. broad'ness broke (brohk) see break, broke adj.
n. broad bean, an edible bean with (slang) having spent all one's money,
large flat seeds, broad jump, a track bankrupt.
event of jumping as far as possible along bro* ken (broh-ken) see break, bro'ken*
the ground in one leap, usually from a ly adv. broken English, English spo-
brokenhearted / brownie 104

ken imperfectly by a foreigner, broken and game fish found in cold waters of
home, a family lacking one parent as eastern North America.
a result of divorce or separation. brook 2 v. to tolerate, he would brook no
bro -ken* heart *ed (broh-ken-hahr-tid) interference.
adj. crushed by grief. broom (broom) n. 1 a shrub with yellow

brO'ker (broh-ker) n. an agent who buys or white flowers. 2. a long-handled brush

and sells things on behalf of others, a for sweeping with.
stockbroker, broom* stick (broom -stik) ft, a broom
bro ker «age
• (broh-ke-rij) n. 1 a broker's
. handle.
fee or commission. 2. a broker's business. Bros. abbr. Brothers.
brokerage firm, a company whose broth (brawth) n. the water in which meat
business is buying and selling on commis- or fish has been boiled, soup made with
sion. this.
brcmide (broh-mid) n. 1. a compound broth* el (broth-el) n. a house where
of bromine, used in medicine to calm women work as prostitutes.
the nerves. 2. a commonplace or sooth- broth er (brut/her)
• a son of the same
n. 1 .

ing remark, brcmid-ic (broh-mid-ik) parents as another person. 2. a man who

adj. is a fellow member of a church or labor
bro* mine (broh-meen) n. a chemical ele- union or other association. 3. a monk
ment, compounds of which are used in who is not a priest; Brother, his title,
medicine and photography. broth 'er-ly adj. broth 'er- II -ness «.
bron-chi-al (brong-ki-al) adj. of the broth • er hood (brufft-er-huud) ft. 1. the

branched tubes into which the windpipe relationship of brothers. 2. brotherliness,

divides before entering the lungs. comradeship. 3. an association of men,
bron*Chi*tis (brong-ki-tis) ft. inflamma- its members.
tion of the mucous membrane inside the broth -er-in-law (bru/ft-er-in-law) ft. {pi
bronchial tubes. bron«chlt*lc (brong- broth -ers-ln-law) the brother of one's
kit-ik) adj. husband or wife, the husband of one's
bron-chus (brong-kus) n. {pi -Chi, pr. sister.
-ki) either of the two main divisions of brougham (brohm) «. 1 a one-horse four- .

the windpipe. wheeled closed carriage with an open

bron-co (brong-koh) n. {pi -COS) a wild seat in front for the driver. 2. a closed
or half-tamed horse of western North electrically driven carriage for four or
America. D
bronco buster, a cowboy five passengers. 3. a limousine with an
who breaks in broncos. open seat for the driver.
bron-to-saur (bron-to-sor) n. {pi brought (brawt) see bring.
-saurs). bron*to*sau*rus (bron-to- brou*ha*ha (broo-hah-hah) n. a commo-
sor-us) {pi -rus*es) a herbivorous dino- tion.
saur from the Jurassic and Cretaceous brow (brow) «. 1 an eyebrow. 2. the fore-

periods, one of the largest terrestrial ver- head. 3. a projecting or overhanging

tebrates. part, the brow of the hill the ridge at
Bronx (brongks) cheer (informal) a rude the top.
sound made with the mouth, a raspberry. browbeat (brow-beet) v. (browbeat,
bronze (bronz) n. 1a brown alloy of cop-
. brow beat -en, browbeating) to in-
per and tin. 2. a thing made of this, a timidate.
bronze medal (awarded as third prize). brown (brown) adj. 1 of a color between

3. its color, bronze adj. made of bronze, orange and black. 2. having skin of this
bronze-colored, bronze (bronzed, v. color, sun-tanned. 3. (of bread) brown
bronz *ing) to make or become tanned in color, especially through being made
by sun. Bronze Age, the period when with whole-wheat flour, brown ft. 1.
weapons and tools were made of bronze. brown color. 2. brown clothes or mate-
brooch (brohch) n. an ornamental hinged rial, brown v. to make or become brown.
pin fastened with a clasp. Do not con-> brown bagging, bringing lunch to
fuse brooch with broach. work from home; carrying wine or liquor
brood (brood) ft. 1. the young birds or into a restaurant or club, browned off,
other animals produced at one hatching (slang) bored, fed up. brown paper,
or birth. 2. (informal) a family of chil- strong coarse paper for wrapping parcels
dren, brood v. 1 to sit on eggs to hatch
. etc. brown Sugar, sugar that is only
them. 2. to think long and deeply or re- partly refined, do it up brown, (slang)
sentfully, brood 'er n. brood mare, to do it wonderfully well. In a brown
a mare kept for breeding. study, deep in thought.
brook 1
(bruuk) n. a small stream. brown *le (brow-nee) ft. 1. a friendly gob-
brook trout, a common speckled food lin. 2. a chocolate cookie cake.
105 Brownie / buck
Brown -ie (brow-nee) n. a member of the manner, brusque'ly adv. brusque'
junior branch of Girl Scouts at ages ness ru
seven and eight. Dearn Brownie Brus*sels (brus-elz) the capital of Bel-
points, to do good deeds. gium. Brussels sprouts, the edible
brown -ish (brow-nish) adj. rather brown. buds growing thickly on the stem of a
brown* out (brown-owt) ru a partial black- kind of cabbage.
out, a cut in electric current. brut (broot) adj. (of wine) dry, not sweet.
brown* stone (brown-stohn) n. 1. a dark- bru-tal (broo-tal) adj. very cruel, merci-
brown sandstone used in building. 2. a less, bru'ta! -ly adv. bru-tal *i-ty (broo-
building made of this. tal-i-tee) n.
browse (browz) v. (browsed, brows* bru*tal*ize (broo-ta-hz) v. (brutal-
ing) 1 to feed as animals do, on leaves
. ized, bru-tal-iz-ing) to make brutal.
or grass etc. 2. to look through a book, brute (broot) n. 1. an animal other than
or examine items for sale, in a casual man. 2. a brutal person. 3. (informal)
leisurely way. browse n. browsing. an unpleasant or difficult person or thing.
brows'er n. brute an animal. 2. savage,
adj. 1. like
bru*in (broo-in) ru a personifying name cruel. unreasoning. bru'tish adj.
for a bear. brute force, unreasoning force.
bruise (brooz) n. an injury caused by a B.S. abbr. 1 Bachelor of Science. 2. bill

knock or by pressure that discolors the of sale.

skin without breaking it. bruise v. B.S.A. abbr. Boy Scouts of America.
(bruised, bruis-ing) 1. to cause a B.Sc. abbr. Bachelor of Science.
bruise or bruises on. 2. to show the effects bskt. abbr. basket.
of a knock etc. abbr. British thermal unit(s).
bruis*er (broo-zer) ru a big muscular man. bu. abbr. bushel(s).
bruit (broot) to spread a report about.
v. bub-ble (bub-el) n. 1. a thin ball of liquid
brunch (brunch) ru (informal) a single enclosing air or gas. 2. a small ball of
meal instead of breakfast and lunch. air in a liquid or in a solidified liquid,
bru*net (broo-net) ru a man with darkish such as glass. 3. a transparent domed
hair or skin, brunet adj. having dark cover, bubble v. (bub* bled, bub*
color. bling) 1 to send up bubbles, to rise in

bru-nette (broo-net) ru a woman with bubbles, to make the sound of these. 2.

darkish hair or skin, brunette adj. hav- to show great liveliness. bubble bath,
ing dark color. a bath in which water is made to foam
brunt (brunt) ru the chief stress or strain, by a perfumed liquid or crystals; this sub-
bore the brunt of the attack. stance, bubble gum, a chewing gum
brush 1 (brush) n. 1. an implement with that can be blown into large bubbles.
bristles of hair, wire, or nylon etc. set bub* bry (bub-lee) adj. (-bli-er, -bli*
in a solid base. 2. a brushlike piece of est) full of bubbles, bubbly n. (slang)
carbon or metal for making a good elec- champagne.
trical connection. 3. the bushy tail of a bu-bo (byoo-boh) ru {pi. -boes) an in-
fox or other animal. 4. a short sharp en- flamed swelling in a gland, especially in
counter. 5. a brushing, give it a brush. the groin or armpit.
brush v. 1 to use a brush on, to remove
. bu-bonic (byoo-bon-ik) plague an epi-
with a brush or by passing something demic disease characterized by buboes
lightly over the surface of. 2. to touch and fever.
lightly in passing. brush aside, to re- buc-ca-neer (buk-a-neer) n. a pirate.
ject casually or curtly, brush off, to re- Bu* Chan* an (byoo-kan-an), James
ject curtly, to snub, brush up, to study (1791-1868) the fifteenth president of the
and revive one's former knowledge of. U.S. 1857-61.
brush-up n. Bu-cha-rest (boo-ka-rest) the capital of
brush 2 = brushwood. Rumania.
brushed (brusht) adj. with raised nap, buck 1 (buk) n. the male of a deer, hare,
brushed nylon. or rabbit, buck v. 1 (of a horse) to jump

brush* less (brush-lis) adj. used without with the back arched. 2. (slang) to resist
a brush. or oppose, bucking the system. Dbuck
brush-off (brush-awf ) n. a curt rejection, fever, nervousness of an inexperienced
a snub. hunter at the first chance to shoot, buck
brush* wood (brush- wuud) n. 1 a . thicket. up, (slang) to make or become more
2. cut or broken twigs. cheerful.
brush* work (brush- wurk) ru the style of buck 2 n. a counter placed as a reminder
the strokes made with a painter's brush. before the person whose turn it is to deal
brusque (brusk) adj. curt and offhand in at poker. Dpass the buck, (slang) to
buck / bug 106

shift responsibility (and possible blame) g'on based on the teachings of Buddha,
to someone else, buck-passing n. ud'dhist adj. & ru
buck-passer n. bud* ding (bud-ing) adj. beginning to de-
buck 3 ru (slang) a dollar. Da fast buck, budding poet
velop, a
easy money, bud*dy (bud-ee) n. {pi -dies) (informal)
buck 4ru a small vaulting horse for gymnas- a friend.
tics. buddy-buddy (bud-ee-bud-ee) adj. (in-
buck 'board (buk-bohrd) ru 1. a plank formal) extremely friendly.
slung upon wheels. 2. a light vehicle with budge (buj) v. (budged, budg-ing) 1.
a body consisting of this. to move slightly. 2. to cause to alter a
buck*et (biik-it) ru 1. a round open con- position or opinion.
tainer with a handle, used for holding bud*ger*i*gar (buj-e-ri-gahr) n. a kind
or carrying liquids or substances that are of Australian parakeet, often kept as a
in small pieces. 2. this with its contents, cage bird.
the amount it contains. buck'et*ful n. bud* get (buj-it) n. 1. an estimate or plan
{pi -fuls). bucket seat, an automo- of income and
expenditure. 2. the
bile seat with a rounded back for one amount allotted for a particular purpose.
person. budget v. (bud*get*ed, bud* get*
buck* eye (buk-i) n, 1. a tree of the horse Ing) to plan or allot in a budget.
chestnut family. 2. its shiny brown nut. bud-gie (buj-ee) n. (informal) a budgeri-
buck*le (buk-el) n. a device, usually with gar.
a hinged tongue, through which a belt Bue nos Al res (bway-nds ir-ez) the cap-
• •

or strap is threaded to secure it. buckle italof Argentina.

v. (buck* led, buck* ling) 1. to fasten buff (buf) ru 1 strong velvety dull-yellow

with a buckle. 2. to crumple under pres- leather made from the hide of the buffalo
sure, to cause to do this. buckle down or other animals. 2. the color of this.
to, to set about doing, buckle to, to 3. the bare skin, stripped to the buff. 4.
make a vigorous start on work. (informal) a devotee of an activity etc.
buck*ler (buk-leY) n. a small round shield, buff adj. dull yellow, buff v. to polish
usually held by a handle. with soft material.
buck* ram (buk-ram) ru a stiffened cloth, buf*fa*lo (buf-a-loh) n. {pi -loes, -los,
especially that used for binding books. -lo) 1 a kind of ox found in Asia and

buck* saw (buk-saw) ru a saw for cutting South Africa. 2. the bison of North
firewood, with its blade set across a America, buffalo v. 1 (slang) to intimi- .

wooden frame. date. 2. to confuse or mystify.

buck* shot (buk-shot) ru coarse shot. buff *er* (buf-*r) n. something that lessens
buck* skin (buk-skin) n. leather made of the effect of an impact, a device for this
buck's skin, buckskin adj. purpose, buffer v. to act as a buffer to.
buck* thorn (buk- thorn) ru a kind of U buffer state, a small country between
thorny shrub. two powerful ones, thought to reduce the
buck* tooth (buk- tooth) ru {pi -teeth, pr. chance of war between these, buffer
-teeth) a projecting upper front tooth. zone, a neutral zone between two hostile
buck* toothed adj. powers.
buck* wheat (buk-hweet) n. 1. a plant buffer 2 «. a person or thing that buffs or
with seeds that are used as feed or made polishes something.
intc flour. 2. its seeds. buf'fet 1 (bu-fay) n. 1. a counter where
bu-coMc (byoo-kol-ik) adj. characteristic food and drink may be bought and con-
of country life. sumed. 2. provision of food where guests
bud (bud) n. 1 a small knob that will de-
. serve themselves, a buffet lunch, 3. a cab-
velop into a branch, leaf cluster, or inet for holding china.
flower. 2. a flower or leaf not fully open; buf *fet 2 (buf-it) n. a blow, especially with
in bud, putting forth such buds, bud v. the hand, buffet v. (buf -fet-ed, buf*
(bud-ded, bud* ding) 1. to be in bud. fet*lng) 1 to slap or punch. 2. to strug-

2. to graft a bud on a plant. gle ahead or force one's way.

Bu* da* pest (boo-da-pest) the capital of buf *foon (bfl-foon) n. a person who plays
Hungary. the fool, buf •foon'er-y n.
Bud-dha (boo-da) ru 1. the title (often bug (bug) n. 1 any small insect. 2. (slang)

treated as aname) of the Indian philoso- a microbe, especially one causing disease.
pher Gautama (5th century B.C.), and 3. (slang) a very small hidden micro-
a series of teachers of Buddhism. 2. a phone installed secretly. 4. (slang) a me-
statue or carving representing Gautama chanical defect. 5. (slang) a devotee of
Buddha. an activity etc. bug v. (bugged, bug*
Bud'dhism (boo-diz-em) n. an Asian reli- glng) (slang) 1 . to fit with a hidden mi-
107 bugaboo / bull's-eye

crophone secretly so that conversations bulk* head (bulk-hed) n. an upright parti-

etc.can be overheard from a distance. tion in a ship, aircraft, or vehicle.
2. to bulk-y (bul-kee) adj. (bulk-l-er, bulki-
bug -a -boo (bug-a-boo) n - (pi- -boos) a est) taking up much space.
bugbear. bull 1 (buul) n. 1. an uncastrated male of
bug *bear (bug-bair) n. something feared any animal of the bovine family. 2. the
or disliked. male of the whale, elephant, and other
bug-eyed (bug-id) adj. (slang) with bulg- large animals. 3. a speculator who buys
ing eyes. shares etc. in the hope that prices will
bug-gy (bug-ee) n. {pi. -gies) 1. a light rise and that he will be able to sell them
horse-drawn carriage. 2. a small sturdy at a higher price very soon. 5. the bull's-
vehicle, beach buggy. eye of a target. 6. the Bull, a sign of
bu-gle 1 (byoo-gel) n. a brass instrument the zodiac, Taurus, bull'ish adj. LJbull
like a small trumpet, used for sounding pen, (in baseball) the area where relief
military signals. pitchers warm up.
bu-gle 2 n. a creeping plant with small dark bull 2 n. an official edict issued by the pope.
blue flowers. bull 3 n. (slang) an obviously absurd state-
bu-gler (byoo-gler) n. one who sounds a ment, lies, nonsense. Dbull session,
(slang) a spontaneous discussion, shoot
the bull, (slang) to make idle talk.
build (bild) v. (built, build- ing) to con-
bull* dog (buul-dawg) n. a dog of a power-
struct by putting parts or material to-
ful breed with a short thick neck, bull-
gether, build n. bodily shape, of slender
build, build on, to rely on. build up,
dog v. (bull* dogged, bull- dog -ging)
to throw a steer by grasping its horns
to accumulate; to establish gradually; to
and twisting its head.
fill in with buildings; to boost with praise
bull* doze (buul-dohz) v. (bull* dozed,
or flattering publicity, build-up n.
bull -doz- Ing) 1. to clear with a bull-
build *er (bil-der) n. a person who builds,
dozer. 2. (informal) to force or intimi-

one whose trade is building houses etc.
date, he bulldozed them into accepting
build* ing (bil-ding) n. 1. the constructing
of houses etc. 2. a house or similar
bull- doz -er (buul-doh-zer) n. a powerful
structure. building and loan, an or-
tractor with a broad steel blade mounted
ganization that accepts deposits and
in front, used for shifting earth or clear-
lends out money on mortgage to people
ing ground.
wishing to buy or build houses.
bul • let (buul-it) n. a small round or conical
built (bilt) see build, built adj. having a
missile used in a rifle or revolver.
specified build, sturdily built.
bul -le- tin (buul-6-tin) n. 1. a short official
built-in (bilt-in) adj. incorporated as part
statement of news. 2. a periodical publi-
of a structure. cation, a journal.
built-up (bilt-up) adj. filled in with build- bul* let* proof (buul-it-proof) adj. capable
ings; built-up area, an urban area. of protecting from the full impact of a
Bu-jum-bu-ra (boo-joom-boo-rah) the bullet, some policemen wear bulletproof
capital of Burundi. vests.
bulb (bulb) n. a thick rounded mass of
1 .
bull* fight (buul-fit) n. the Spanish and
from which a stem grows
scalelike leaves Latin American spectacle in which a bull
up and roots grow down. 2. a plant is baited and killed by a matador.
grown from this. 3. a bulb-shaped object. bull* finch (buul-finch) n. a songbird with
4. an electric lamp, the glass part of this, a strong beak and a pinkish breast.
bul'bous adj. bull* frog (buul-frog) n. a large American
Bul • gar -i -a (buul-gair-i-a) a country in frog with a loud bellow.
Europe. Bul-gar'i-an adj. & n. bull * head (buul-hed) n. & small big-headed
bulge (bulj) n. a rounded swelling, an out- fish.
ward curve, bulge v. (bulged, bulg* bull* head *ed (buul-hed-id) adj. obstinate,
ing) to form a bulge, to cause to swell impetuous, blundering.
out. bull* horn (buul-horn) n. an electrically
bul-gur (buul-gur) n. a form of wheat powered megaphone.
processed by parboiling, cracking, and bul * lion (buul-yon) gold or silver in bulk
drying. or bars, before coining or manufacture.
bulk (bulk) n. 1 . size or magnitude, espe- bull-ock (buul-dk) "• a bull after castra-
cially when great. 2. the greater part, tion.
the majority. 3. a large shape or body bull* ring (buul-ring) n. an arena for bull-
or person, bulk v. to increase the size fights.
or thickness of. bull's-eye (buulz-i) n. 1 . the center of a
bull terrier / buoy 108

target 2. a shot that hits this, bull's- bun* co, bun*ko (bung-koh) n. {pi -cos,
eye! interj. perfect, just the thing. -kos) (slang) a swindle, especially one
bull terrier a dog of a breed originally pro- made by cardsharping or confidence
duced by crossing a bulldog and a terrier. tricks.
bul-ly (buul-ee) n. {pi -lies) a person who bun -combe (bung-kum) = bunkum.
uses his strength or power to hurt or bun* die (bun-del) n. 1. a collection of
frighten others, bully v. (bul-lied, bul- things loosely fastened or wrapped to-
ly«ing) to behave as a bully toward, to gether, a set of sticks or rods tied to-
intimidate, bully adj. (slang) excellent. gether. 2. (slang) a large amount of
bully for you, (informal) bravo. money, won a bundle, bundle v. (bun*
bully beef n. canned or pickled beef. died, bun -dling) 1 to make into a bun-

bul* rush (buul-rush) n. a kind of tall rush dle. 2. to put away hastily and untidily,
with a thick velvety head. to push hurriedly, bundled him into a
bul- wark (buul-wark) n. 1 a wall of earth . taxi bundle up, dress warmly.
built as a defense. 2. something that acts bun-dllng (bun-dling) n an early Ameri-
as a protection or defense. 3. bulwarks, can courtship custom of lying or sleeping
a ship's side above the level of the deck. together clothed.
bum (bum) n. (informal) a tramp, a loafer. bung (bung) n. a stopper for closing a hole
bum v. (bummed, bum Tiling) (in- in a barrel or jar. bung v. to close with
formal) 1 . to wander, to loaf. 2. to beg. a bung.
bum (informal) worthless.
adj. bun-ga-low (bung-ga-loh) n. a small one-
bunvble (bum-bel) v. (bum -bled, bum* story house.
bling) to move or act in a blundering bung hole
• (bung-hohl) n. a hole in a cask
way. closed with a bung.
bunvble -bee (bum-bel-bee) n. a large bee bun-gle (bung-gel) v. (burvgled, bun-
with a loud hum. gling) to spoil by lack of skill, to attempt
bum mer (bum-er)
• n. (slang) 1 . a mistake, clumsily and without success, bungle n.
a failure. 2. an unpleasant experience, a bungled attempt. bun'gler n.
especially with a drug. bun* ion (bun-ydn) n. swelling at the base
bump (bump) v. 1 . to knock with a dull- of the big toe with thickened skin.
sounding blow, to hurt by this. 2. to bunk 1 (bungk) n. a built-in shelflike bed,
travel with a jolting movement, bump as on a ship. D
bunk bed, one of a pair
n. 1 bumping sound or knock or move-
. a of small single beds mounted one above
ment. 2. a raised mark left by a blow. the other as a unit.
3. a swelling or lump on a surface. bunk 2 n (slang) bunkum.
Dbump Into, (informal) to meet by bun-ker (bun*g-ker) n. 1. a container for
chance, bump off, (slang) to kill. fuel. 2.a sandy hollow forming a hazard
bumpier 1
(bum-per) n. 1. something un- on a golf course. 3. a reinforced under-
usually large or plentiful. 2. a large cup ground shelter, bunker v. to put fuel
filled to the brim, bumper adj. unusually into the bunkers of (a ship).
large or plentiful, a bumper crop. bun-kered (bung-kerd) adj. trapped in a
bumper3 n. a horizontal bar attached to bunker at golf.
the front or back of a motor vehicle to bunk* house (bungk-hows) n. a dormitory
lessen the effect of a collision. bumper for ranch hands, campers, etc.
sticker, a printed slogan, advertisement, bun-kum (bung-kum) n. nonsense.

etc. made to affix to an auto bumper. bun-ny (bun-ee) {pi -nies) (informal)

bump* kin (bump- kin) n. a country person a rabbit, bunny rabbit

with awkward manners. Bun* sen (bun-sen) burner a device for
bump-tious (bump-shus) adj. conceited. burning air with gas for heating sub-
bump / tious*ly adv. bumptious- stances used in chemical laboratories etc.
ness n. > Named after R. W. Bunsen, a German
bump-y (bum-pee) adj. (bump*!*er, chemist.
bump -i -est) full of bumps, causing bunt (bunt) v. 1. to push with the head.
jolts. bump l*ness n.
/ 2. (in baseball) to Up the ball with the
bun (bun) n. 1. a small bread roll, ham- bat without swinging, bunt n. 1 a push .

burger bun. 2. a small sweet roll, hot given with the head. 2. (in baseball) a
cross bun. 3. hair twisted into a bun shape light tap to the ball with the bat.
at the back of the head. bunt-ing (bun-ting) n. a bird related to

bunch (bunch) n. 1 a. cluster, a bunch . the finches.

of grapes. 2. a number of small similar bunt-ing 2 n. 1 flags and streamers for dec-

things held or fastened together, a bunch orating streets and buildings. 2. a loosely
of keys, bunch v. to come or bring to- woven fabric used for making these.
gether into a bunch or in folds. bu-oy (boo-ee) n an anchored floating ob-
109 buoyant / burn
ject marking a navigable channel or into a building illegally, especially in or-
showing the position of submerged rocks der to steal. bur'gla*ry n.
etc.buoy v. 1 to mark with a buoy or
. burglarize (bur-gla-nz) v. (burglar-
buoys. 2. to keep (a thing) afloat. 3. to ized, bur*glar*iz*lng) to rob, as a bur-
encourage, to hearten, buoy up. glar.
buoyant (boi-ant) adj. 1. able to float. burgle (bur-gel) v. (burgled, bur*
2. light-hearted, cheerful, buoy 'ant • gling) (informal) to burglarize.
ly adv. buoy'an*cy n. bur*go*mas*ter (bur-gd-mas-ter) n. the
bur (bur) n. =
burr. mayor of a Dutch, Flemish, German, or
bur. abbr. bureau. Austrian town.
bur -ble (bur-bel) v. (bur* bled, bur* bur*gun*dy (bur-gun-dee) n. (pi. -dies)
bling) to make a gentle murmuring 1. a red or white wine from Burgundy
sound, to babble. in France, a similar wine from elsewhere.
bur* den (bur-den) n. 1 something carried,
. 2. dark purplish red.
a heavy load. 2. something difficult to bur*l*al (ber-i-al) n. 1 burying, being bur-

support, the heavy burden of taxation. ied. 2. a buried body, a prehistoric burial
burden v. to load, to put a burden on. was found.
beast of burden, an animal that car- burl (burl) n. 1 a knot in wool, cloth, or

ries packs on its back, the burden of wood. 2. an overgrown knot in walnut
proof, the obligation to prove what one etc. used in veneering.
says. bur* lap (bur-lap) n. a coarse canvas of
bur* den* some (bur-den-sdm) adj. trou- jute, used for sacks.
blesome, tiring. bur lesque (bur-lesk) n. 1 . a mocking imi-
bur* dock (bur-dok) a coarse weedy
n. tation. 2. vaudeville, frequently featuring
plant with prickly flower heads and striptease, burlesque v. (burlesqued,
dock-like leaves. burlesquing) to mock by burlesque.
bu-reau (byoor-oh) n. (pi. -reaus, bur* ley (bur-lee) n. (pi. -leys) a light type
-reaux, pr. byoor-ohz) 1. a chest of of tobacco.
drawers, often with a mirror above it. burly (bur-lee) adj. (-Il*er, -II* est) adj.
2. an office or department, a travel bu-. with a strong heavy body, sturdy, bur'li •
reau; the Federal Bureau of Investigation. ness n.

bu*reau*cra*cy (byuu-rok-ra-see) n. (pi. Bur* ma (bur-ma) a country of southeast

-cies) 1. government by administrative Asia. Burmese (bur-meez) adj. & n.

officials. 2. these officials. 3. excessive of- (pi -mese)

ficial routine. burn 1 (burn) v. (burned or burnt, burn*
bu*reau*crat (byoor-5-krat) n. an official ing) 1. to damage or hurt or destroy
who works in a government office, one by or heat or the action of acid. 2.
who applies the rules of his department to be injured or damaged in this way.
without exercising much judgment. 3. to produce (a mark etc.) by heat or
bu-reau-crat-ic (byoor-6-krat-ik) adj. 1. fire; money burns holes in his pocket,
of bureaucracy. 2. of or like bureaucrats. makes him eager to spend it. 4. to use
bu-rette, bu*ret (byuu-ret) n. a gradu- as fuel. 5. to produce heat or light, to
ated glass tube with a tap, used for be alight. 6. to be able to be set on fire.
measuring small quantities of liquid run 7. to feel or cause to feel hot; my ears
out of it. are burning, they feel hot, jokingly sup-
burg (burg) n. (informal) a small town. posed to be a sign that one is being talked
bur* gee (bur-jee) n. a small swallow- about. 8. to make or become brown from
tailed pennant used by yachts etc. as a heat or light. 9. to kill or be killed by
distinguishing flag. burning, she was burned at the stake. 1 0.
burgeon (bur-jdn) v. to begin to grow (slang) to be electrocuted in the electric
rapidly. chair. 11. (slang) to cause damage to,
hunger (bur-ger) n. (informal) a ham- he was burned in the stock market, burn
burger. n. 1 .a mark or sore made by burning.
burgess (bur-jis) n. 1 . (old use) a member 2. the firing of a spacecraft's rocket.
of the lower house of the colonial legisla- Dburn down, to burn less vigorously
ture of Virginia or Maryland. 2. (old use) as fuel fails; to destroy by burning, burn
a member of the English Parliament rep- one's bridges behind one, to do
resenting a town, borough, or university. something that makes retreat impossible.
burgh (burg) n. (old use) a borough in burn the midnight oil, to study far into
Scotland. the night, burn up, (slang) to make or
hungrier (bur-ger) n. a middle-class become angry, have money to burn,
townsman. to have so much that one does not need
burglar (bur-glar) n. a person who breaks to take care of it.
burn / business 110

burn2 n. (Scottish) a brook. Bu*run*di (bu-run-dee) a country in East

burn *er (bur-ner) ru 1 the part of a stove
. Africa. Bu*run'di*an adj. & n.
or lamp from which the flame or heat bur-y (ber-ee) v. (bur* led, bur-ying) 1.
issues. 2. a fuel-burning device, a gas to place (a dead body) in the earth or
burner. Don the back burner, of no a tomb or the sea; she has buried both
urgency. parents this year, lost them by death. 2.
burning (bor-ning) see burn 1 burning
, to put underground, to hide in earth etc.,
adj. 1 . intense, a burning desire. 2. hotly to cover up; buried himself in the country,
discussed, vital, a burning question. went and lived where he would meet few
bur*nish (bur-nish) v. to polish by rub- people; buried themselves in their books,
bing, bur'nish *er n. bur'nish *ing adj. gave all their time and attention to read-

bur •noose, bur* nous (bur-noos) n. an ing.Dbury the hatchet, to cease quar-
Arab or Moorish hooded cloak. reling and become friendly.
burn* out (burn-owt) n. the end of the bus (bus) n. (pi bus*ses, bus-es) 1. a

powered stage in a rocket's flight, when long-bodied passenger vehicle. 2. (slang)

the propellant has been used up. a motor vehicle, bus v. (bussed or
burnt (burnt) see burn 1 , burnt adj. of a bused, bus* sing or bus*ing) 1. to
travel by bus. 2. to transport by bus, to
deep shade, burnt sienna, burnt umber.
burp (burp) n. a belch, a belching sound. take (children) to a distant school by bus
in order to counteract racial segregation.
burp v. 1 . to belch. 2. to pat (a baby)
on the back to bring up wind from the bus lane, a strip of road for use by
buses only, bus station, a station at
stomach. Dburp gun, (slang) an auto-
matic pistol.
which a number of buses stop, with facili-
ties for passengers etc. bus stop, the
burr (bur) n. 1. a whirring sound. 2. the
regular stopping place of a bus.
strong pronunciation of r, a soft country
bus. abbr. business.
accent, especially one using this. 3. a
bus* boy (bus-boi) n. a waiter's assistant.
small drill. 4. a plant's seedcase or flower
bus* by (buz-bee) n. {pi -bies) a tall fur
that clings to hair or clothing, the plant
cap worn as part of certain full-dress mil-
itself, burr v. to make a whirring sound.
itary uniforms.
bur-ro (bur-oh) n. (pi -ros) a small don-
bush (buush) n. 1. a shrub. 2. a thick
key, especially one used as a pack animal.
growth or ciump. remote uncul-
3. wild,
bur* row (bur-oh) n. a hole or tunnel dug
tivated land. Dbush
league, (in base-
by a fox or rabbit etc. as a dwelling, bur-
ball) a minor league, bush telegraph,
row dig a burrow, to tunnel.
a way in which news is passed on unoffi-
2. to form by tunneling.
3. to search
deeply, to delve.
bushed (buusht) adj. (informal) ex-
bur*sa (bur-sa) n. (pL -see, pr. -see) a hausted.
pouch between joints or between muscles bush* el (buush-el) a measure for grain
or skin etc. and bones, for lessening fric-
and fruit (4 pecks or 32 quarts). Dhide
tion, bursal adj.
one's light under a bushel, to conceal
bur* sar (bur-sar) a person who manages
one's abilities.
the finances and other business of a bush*ing (buush-ing) n. a metal lining for
school or college. an axle hole etc.
bur* si *tis (bur-si-tis) n. inflammation of bush* man (buush-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
a bursa. -men) a dweller in the Australian
burst (burst) v. (burst, burst *ing) 1. to bush. 2. Bushman, a member or the lan-
force or be forced open, to fly violently guage of an aboriginal tribe of South Af-
apart because of pressure inside; buds are rica.
bursting opening out. 2. to appear or bush* mas *ter (Duush-mas-ter) n. a very
come suddenly and forcefully, burst into large venomous viper of Central and
flame. 3. to let out a violent expression South America.
of feeling, burst into tears, burst out bush* whack (buush-hwak) v. 1. to make
laughing- she burst into song suddenly one's way through woods by clearing
began to sing, burst n. 1. a bursting, a away brush, branches, etc. 2. to ambush.
split. 2. an explosion or outbreak, a series bush* whack *er (buush-hwak-er) n. 1.
of shots, a burst of gunfire, of applause. (old use) a backwoodsman. 2. a person
3. a brief violent effort, a spurt. ODo who ambushes.
not confuse burst with bust. bush*y (buush-ee) adj. (bush*l*er,
burst *ing (bur-sting) adj. full to the break- bush*i*est) 1. covered with bushes. 2.
ing point, sacks bursting with grain; growing thickly. bush'i*ness n.
bursting with energy, full of it; we are business (biz-nis) n. 1. a task or duty,
bursting to tell you, very eager. a thing one is concerned with. 2. one's
111 businesslike / butterball

usual occupation, a profession, a trade. bus*ybod*y (biz-ee-bod-ee) n. (pi

3. a thing needing to be dealt with, the -bod-ies) a meddlesome person.
agenda. 4. a difficult matter, what a busi- bus *y work (biz-ee-wurk) n. work per-
ness! 5. an affair, subject, or device. 6. formed just to keep oneself occupied.
buying and selling, trade. 7. a commer- but (but) no more than, we can
adv. only,
cial firm, a store, factory, etc., they own but try. but conj. & prep. 1. however,
a grocery business. business end, (in- on the other hand. 2. except, otherwise
formal) the working end of a tool, than, there's no one here but me; I'd have
weapon, etc., not the handle, have no drowned but for you, if you had not
business to, to have no right to (do helped me. but n. an objection, ifs and
something). buts; but me no buts, do not raise objec-
business* like (biz-nis-hk) adj. practical, tions. >Careful writers avoid but what
systematic. and but that in such sentences as / don't
business* man (biz-nis-man) n. (pi. know but what (or that) I might go. For
-men, -men) a man who is engaged
pr. this they would write / believe I will go

in trade or commerce, business* or / may go or any of dozens of other

worn* an (biz-nis-wuum-an) n. (pi good sentences.
-worn* en, pr. -wim-in). bu tane (byoo-tayn) n. an inflammable gas

bus* kin (bus-kin) n. 1. a boot reaching produced from petroleum, used as a fuel.
to the calf or knee. 2. a thick-soled boot
butch (buuch) n. a short haircut (of a man
or boy).
worn by actors in ancient Greek tragedy,
to increase their height.
butch *er (buuch-er) n, 1. a person whose
trade is slaughter animals for food,
bus* man (bus-man) n. (pi. -men, pr.
one who cuts up and sells animal flesh.
-men) the driver of a bus. busman's
2. a person who has people killed need-
holiday, leisure time spent doing some-
lessly or brutally. 3. (slang) an unskillful
thing similar to one's usual work.
craftsman or artist, butcher v. 1. to
buss (bus) n. a kiss, buss v. to kiss.
slaughter and cut up animals for food.
bust 1(bust) n. 1 a sculpture of the head,

2. to kill needlessly or brutally. 3. (slang)

shoulders, and chest. 2. the bosom. 3.
to work (wood, metal, etc.) badly.
the measurement around a woman's
butcher block, a wooden block on
body at the bosom.
which a butcher cuts meat; a similar
bust 2 v. (bust-ed or bust, bustling) piece of wood used as a table or counter
(slang) 1. to burst. 2. to break, smash.
3. to hit. 4. to demote, busted to private. butch *er*y (buuch-e-ree) n. (pi. -er*
5. to arrest, busted for possession of drugs.
ies) 1 a butcher's trade. 2. needless or

6. to bankrupt, bust n. (slang) 1 a fail- .

brutal killing.
ure. 2. a spree. 3. a hit or blow. 4. a
but'ler (but-ler) n. the chief manservant
demotion. 5. an arrest. 6. a business or of a household.
economic depression. >Do not confuse butt 1 (but) n. a large cask or barrel.
bust with burst. butt 2 n. 1 the thicker end of a tool or

bust-ed (bus-tid) adj. (slang) 1. broken. weapon. 2. a short remnant, a stub. 3.

2. demoted. 3. arrested. 4. bankrupt. (slang) a cigarette.
bust*er (bus-ter) n. (slang) an insulting butt 3 (but) n. 1 the mound of earth behind

form of address to a man. the targets on a shooting range. 2. a per-

bus -tie (bus-el) v. (bus* tied, bus*
son or thing that is frequently a target
tling) 1 to make a show of hurrying.
for ridicule or teasing, butt v. 1 to push .

2. to cause to hurry, bustle n. excited with the head like a ram or goat. 2. to
activity. meet or place edge to edge, the strips
bustle 2 n. padding used to puff out the should be butted against each other, not
top of a woman's skirt at the back. overlapping. Dbutt In, to interrupt; to
bust-up (bust-up) n. (slang) a quarrel, es- meddle.
pecially between close friends. butte (byoot) n. an isolated steep flat-

bus*y (biz-ee) (bus*i*er, bus*

adj. topped hill.
i*est) 1. working, occupied, having but* ter (but-er) n. 1 . a fatty food substance
much to do; get busy, start doing things. made from cream by churning. 2. a simi-
2. full of activity, a busy day; the tele- lar substance made from other materials,
phone line is busy, is engaged. 3. (of a peanut butter v. to spread with
picture or design) too full of detail, busy butter, cement, etc. but'ter*y adj.
v. (bus*ied, bus*ying) to keep busy, butter bean, the dried seed of white
busy oneself, bus'hly adv. Dbusy sig- varieties of lima bean, used as a vegeta-
nal, an intermittent tone made by a tele- ble, butter up, (informal) to flatter.
phone when the number called is in use. but* ter -ball (but-er-bawl) n. 1. butter
buttercup / Byelorussia 112

rolled into a ball. 2. (slang) a fat person. a bargain. Dbuy it, (slang) to be killed
but* ten cup (but-er-kup) ru a wild plant or destroyed; to believe it. buy off, to
with bright yellow cup-shaped flowers. get rid of by payment, buy out, to obtain
but'tered (but-erd) adj. cooked or spread full ownership by paying (another per-
with butter. son) to give up his share, buy up, to
but -ten fat (but-er-fat) n. the fat content buy all or as much as possible of.
of milk. D>The form boughten is incorrect.
but'ter-fin-gers (but-er-fing-gerz) n, a buy*er (bi-er) n. 1. a person who buys
person inclined to drop things, but'ter* something. 2. an agent choosing and buy-
firvgered adj. ing merchandise for a store, buyers' u
but -ten fly (but-er-fli) n. {pi -flies) 1. an market, a state of affairs when goods
insect with four often brightly colored are plentiful and prides are low.
wings and knobbed feelers. 2. a swim- buzz (buz) n. 1. a vibrating humming
ming stroke in which both arms are lifted sound. 2. (slang) a telephone call, give
at the same time. Dhave butterflies me a buzz, buzz v. 1. to make a buzz.
in the stomach, to feel nervous trem- 2. to be filled with a buzzing noise. 3.
ors. to go about quickly and busily. 4. to fly
but -ten milk (but-er-milk) n the liquid (an airplane) close to or low over.
left after butter has been churned from Ubuzz off, (slang) to go away, buzz
milk. saw, a circular saw. have a buzz on,
but* ten nut (but-er-nut) n. 1. the large (slang) to be intoxicated.
oily nut of the North American white buz*zard (buz-ard) n. a kind of hawk.
walnut tree. 2. this tree. ' buzz*er (buz-er) n. a device that produces
but -ter- scotch (but-£r-skoch) n. a toffee a buzzing note as a signal.
or flavoring made from brown sugar and buzz* word (buz-wurd) n. a catch word

butter. or slogan popular in politics, a profes-

but* took (but-ok) ru either of the two sion, etc. and often lacking precise mean-
fleshy rounded parts at the lower end ing.
of the back of the human or an animal B.V. abbr. Blessed Virgin.
body. B.V.D. (trademark) underwear.
but* ton (but-on) n. 1 a knob or disk sewn
. bwa*na (bwah-na) n. (in Africa) master,
on a garment as a fastener or ornament. sir.

2. a small rounded object, a knob pressed bx. abbr. box.

to operate an electric bell etc. 3. (slang) B.X. abbr. Base Exchange.
the chin, button v. (but* toned, but- by (bi) adv. & prep. 1 . near, beside, in re-
toning) to fasten with a button or but- serve; north by east, between north and
tons. Ubutton chrysanthemum, one north-northeast. 2. along, via, past. 3.
with many small round flower heads. during, came by night 4. through the
button mushroom, a small unopened agency or means of, (of an animal) hav-
mushroom, on the button, (informal) ing as its sire. 5. (of numbers or measure-
precisely. ments) taking it together with, multiply
but* ton -down (but-dn-down) adj. 1. (of six by four; it measures ten feet by eight,
a shirt) having a collar fold that buttons. with eight feet as a second dimension.
2. (slang) conservative, conventional. 6. not later than, be here by noon. 7.
but* ton* hole (but-dn-hohl) n. a slit according to, judging by appearances;
through which a button is passed to fas- sold by the dozen, a dozen at a time. 8.
ten clothing, buttonhole v. (but* ton* after, succeeding, bit by bit 9. to the ex-
holed, but* ton* holding) to accost and tent of, missed it by inches. 1 0. in respect
detain with conversation. of, a tailor, Jones by name; pull it up
but* ton* hook (but-on-huuk) n. a small by the roots 11. in the belief of, swear
hook for buttoning shoes or gloves. by God Dby and by, before long, by
but* tress (but-ris) n. 1. a support built and large, on the whole, considering
against a wall. 2. a thing that supports everything, by oneself, alone; without
or reinforces something, buttress v. to help.
prop up. bye (bi) n. the state of having no opponent
bux-om (buk-sdm) adj. 1. plump and for one round in a tournament and so
healthy looking. 2. full-bosomed. advancing to the next as if having won.
buy v. (bought, buying) 1
(bi) to obtain
. bye-bye (bi-bi) interj. (informal) goodby.
in exchange for money or by some sacri- by-e*lec*tlon (bi-i-lek-shdn) n. (British)
fice. 2. to win over by bribery. 3. (slang) an election held for a seat in the House
to believe, to accept the truth of, only of Commons as a consequence of the
a fool would buy that excuse, buy n. a death or resignation of a member.
purchase; a good buy, a useful purchase, Bye-lo-rus*sia = Belorussia.
113 bygone / Byzantine
bygone (bi-gawn) adj. belonging to the out speech, of minor characters in a play
past. etc. •
bygones (bi-gawnz) pi things belong-
n. by prod-uct (bi-prod-ukt)n. a substance
ing to the past. Diet bygones be by- produced during the making of some-
gones, forgive and forget past offenses. thing else.
bylaw (bi-law) n. a law or regulation by* road (bi-rohd) n. a minor road.
made by a local authority, club, etc. by stand *er (bi-stan-der) n. a person
by-line (bi-lin) n. the author's name given standing near but taking no part when
at the beginning or end of an article in something happens.
a newspaper or magazine. byte (bit) n. a group of binary digits in
bypass (bi-pas) n. 1 a road taking traffic
. a computer.
around a congested area. 2. a secondary byway (bi-way) n. a byroad.
channel allowing something to flow when byword (bi-wurd) n. 1 a person or thing

the main route is blocked, bypass v. spoken of as a notable example, the firm
1. to avoid by means of a bypass. 2. to became a byword for mismanagement. 2.
omit or ignore (procedures, regulations, a familiar saying.
etc.) in order to act quickly. Byz*an*t1ne (biz-an-teen) adj. 1. of
bypath (bi-path) n. (pi. -paths, pr. Byzantium or the eastern Roman Em-
-paf/iz, -paths) a secluded path. pire. 2. complicated, -
devious, under-
byplay (bi-play) n. action, usually with- hand.

C, C (see) {pi Cs, C's, C's) 1. the third heads or ministers chosen by a president
letter of the alphabet. 2. C, a grade rating or prime minister to advise on govern-
for average school work. 3. the Roman ment policy.
numeral symbol for 100. cab*i*net*mak*er (kab-I-nit-may-ker) n.
C, C abbr. 1. cape. 2. carat. 3. Celsius. 4. a skilled woodworker who makes fine
cent. 5. centigrade. 6. centimeter. 7. furniture.
circa. 8. copyright. cab*i* net* work (kab-i-nit-wurk) /l
C symbol carbon. things produced by a cabinetmaker.
Ca symbol calcium. ca-ble (kay-bel) n. 1. a thick rope of fiber
CA abbr. California. or wire. 2. an anchor chain. 3. a set of
cab (kab) n. I.a taxi. 2. a compartment insulated wires for carrying electricity or
for the driver of a train, bus, or crane. telegraph messages. 4. a cablegram. 5.
CAB, C.A.B. abbr. Civil Aeronautics a knitted pattern (cable stitch) looking
like twisted rope, cable v. (ca- bled, ca-
ca-bal (ka-bal) n. 1. a secret plot. 2. the bling) to send a telegram to (a person)
people engaged in it.
abroad, to transmit (money or informa-
cab-a-la (kab-a-la) n. 1 a Jewish mystical

tion) in this way. cable car, one of

interpretation of Scripture, based on
the cars in a cable rail system; cars drawn
finding hidden meanings in its letters and
by an endless cable by means of a station-
words. 2. any secret or occult matter or
ary engine, cable TV, television pro-
doctrine, cab- a -lis' tic adj.
grams transmitted to homes from a com-
ca-bal-le-ro (kab-al-yair-oh) n. 1. a
munity antenna by a coaxial cable; this
Spanish gentleman. 2. (Southwestern use)
a horseman, a woman's male escort or
ca-ble -gram* (kay-bel-gram) n. a tele-
graph message transmitted by a subma-
ca ba • na (ka-ban-a)
• a shelter at a beach
rine cable.
or swimming pool, used as a bathhouse.
cab* a* ret (kab-a-ray) n. a restaurant or cab-o-chon (kab-6-shon) n. a polished
unfaceted gem usually circular or ellipti-
nightclub that provides entertainment
cal in shape, cabochon adv. in the shape
while the guests are eating or drinking.
cab-bage (kab-ij) n. a vegetable with of a cabochon.
green or purple leaves, usually forming ca* boo* die (ka-boo-del) n. (slang) the
a round head. whole caboodle, the whole lot.
cab* by, cab-bie (kab-ee) ru (pi -bies) ca- boose (ka-boos) n. the rear car on a
(informal) a cab driver. freight train, for use by the crew.
ca-ber (kay-ber) n. a roughly trimmed cab-ri-o-let (kab-ri-6-lay) n. 1. a light
tree trunk used in the Scottish sport of two-wheeled hooded one-horse carriage.
tossing the caber. 2. an automobile resembling a converti-

cab* in (kab-in) ru 1. a small dwelling or ble coupe.

shelter, especially one of wood. 2. a com- cab 'Stand (kab-stand) n. a place where
partment in a ship or aircraft. cabin cabs are permitted to wait for hire.
boy, a boy waiting on the officers or pas- caca-o (ka-kay-oh) n. (pi -ca*os) 1.

sengers on a ship, cabin class, the inter- a tropical tree producing a seed (cacao
mediate class of accommodation on a bean) from which cocoa and chocolate
ship, cabin cruiser, a large motorboat are made. 2. its seed.
with one or more cabins. cac-cia-to-re (kach-a-tohr-ee) adj. pre-
cab* -net (kab-i-nit) n. 1 a cupboard with
i . pared with tomatoes, olive oil, spices, etc.
drawers or shelves for storing or display- > Italian.
ing articles, or containing a radio or tele- cache (kash) n. 1. a hiding place for
vision set. 2. the group of department treasure or provisions. 2. hidden treas-

115 cachet / caisson
ure or provisions, cache v. (cached, 2. a similar staff used as the symbol of
each* ing) to place in a cache. the medical profession.
ca-chet (ka-shay) n. 1. a distinguishing cae*cum = cecum.
mark. 2. prestige. Cae*sar (see-zar) ru 1. a title of the Ro-
cack-le (kak-el) n. the loud clucking
1. man emperors. 2. any powerful ruler or
noise a hen makes after laying. 2. a loud autocrat.
silly laugh. 3. noisy chatter, cackle v. Cae*sar*e*an (si-zair-i-an) n. (informal)
(cack-led, cack-ling) 1. to give a a Caesarean section, a surgical opera-
cackle. 2. to chatter noisily. cack'ler tion by which a child is taken from the
n. womb by cutting through the wall of the
ca*COph*o*ny (ka-kof-d-nee) n. (pi mother's abdomen and into the womb.
-nies) a harsh discordant sound, ca* >So called from the story that Julius
coph'o*nous adj. Caesar was born in this way.
cac-tus (kak-tus) n. (pi -ti, pr. -ti) a plant cae*su*ra, ce*su*ra (si-z/ioor-a) n. (pi
from a hot dry climate, with a fleshy -su*ras, -su*rae, pr. -zhoor-ee) a pause
stem and usually prickles but no leaves. in the middle of a metrical line.

cad (kad) n. a person who behaves dishon- CAF abbr. cost and freight.

orably. cad / dish adj. cad'disrHy adv. ca*f£ (ka-fay) n. 1. a shop that sells re-

cad'dish-ness n. freshments, a small restaurant. 2. a bar-

ca-dav-er (ka-dav-er) n. a corpse. room. Deaf 6 au lait (ka-fay oh lay) 1.
coffee mixed with an equal quantity of
ca-dav-er-ous (ka-dav-e-rus) adj. gaunt
scalded milk. 2. the brownish-cream
and pale. ca*dav'er*ous*ly adv.
color of this.
cad* die, cad*dy (kad-ee) n. (pi -dies)
caf*e«te«ri»a (kaf-e-teer-i-a) n. a restau-
a person who carries clubs for a golfer
rant where customers serve themselves
during a game, caddie, caddy v. (cad •
or are served from a counter.
died, cad* dying) to act as caddie.
cat 'feine, caf *fein (ka-feen) n. a stimu-
cad-dis-fly (kad-is-fli) n. (pi -flies) a
lant found especially in tea and coffee.
four-winged insect living near water.
cat • tan (kaf-tan) n. 1 a long coat-like gar-
cad 'dis* worm (kad-is-wurm) n. the larva

ment worn by men in the Near East.

of the caddisfly, used as bait by fisher-
2. a woman's long loose dress.
cage (kayj) n. 1 a framework with wires

cad-dy (kad-ee) n. (pi -dies) a small box

or bars in which birds or animals are
for holding tea etc.
kept. 2. any similar structure, the en-
ca-dence (kay-dens) n. 1. rhythm in
closed platform in which people travel
sound. 2. the rise and fall of the voice
in an elevator or in the shaft of a mine.
in speaking. 3. the end of a musical
cage v. (caged, cag • ing) to put or keep
phrase, ca'denced adj. in a cage. cage bird, a bird of a kind
ca-den-za (ka-den-za) n. an elaborate usually kept in a cage.
passage, usually toward the end of a com- cage* ling (kayj-ling) n. a caged bird.
position for a solo instrument or voice, ca-gey (kay-jee) adj. (-gi*er, -gi-est) (in-
showing off the performer's skill. formal) cautious about giving informa-
ca-det (ka-det) il 1. a young person re- /
tion, secretive. ca gl*ly adv. ca'gi*
ceiving elementary training for service ness n.
in the armed forces or the police force. ca* hoots (ka-hoots) n. pi (slang) in ca-
2. a younger son or brother. ca*dette' hoots with, in league with.
n. fern. DCadette Scout, a member of cai-man, cayman (kay-man) n. any of
the Girl Scouts, aged twelve through several tropical American reptiles resem-
fourteen. bling alligators and crocodiles.
cadge (kaj) v. (cadged, cadg -ing) to ask Cain (kayn) n. 1 the first son of Adam

for as a gift, to go about begging, cadg' and Eve and murderer of his brother
er n. Abel. 2. a murderer. raise Cain, see
cad*ml*um (kad-mi-um) n. a grayish raise.
chemical element that looks like tin and cairn (kairn) n. a pyramid of rough stones
is used especially in plating. set up as a landmark or a monument.
ca*dre (kad-re, -ree) n. a group forming cairn terrier, a small shaggy short-
a nucleus of trained personnel in industry legged terrier.
or the armed forces that can be increased Cat to (kir-oh) the capital of Egypt.
when necessary. cais-son (kay-son) n. 1. a watertight box
ca-du-ce-us (ka-doo-si-us) n. (pi -ce*i, or chamber inside which work can be
pr. -si-i) 1 the wand of the Roman god
. carried out on underwater structures. 2.
Mercury, with two serpents twined a wheeled vehicle for transporting artil-

L around it and having wings at the top. lery shells. caisson disease, a dis-
caitiff / caliber, calibre 116

ease caused by working under high at- calcium carbonate, a chemical com-
mospheric pressure. pound frequently occurring as limestone
cai'tiff (kay-tif) n. (old use) a despicable or chalk, calcium hydroxide, a powder
person, caitiff adj. despicable. of water and lime, used in mortar, plas-
ca-jole (ka-johl) v. (ca-joled, ca-jol- ter, etc.
ing) to coax. ca*jol'er*y n. ca*jole' ca • cu • la • ble (kal-kyu-la-bel) adj. able to

ment n. be calculated.
Ca jun, Cai-jan
• (kay-jun) n. 1 . a descend- cal -cu- late (kal-kyu-layt) v. (cal*cu*lat*
ant of French Canadian immigrants in ed, cal-cu-lat-'ing) 1. to find out by
Louisiana. 2. the dialect spoken by Ca- using mathematics, to count. 2. to plan
juns. deliberately, to intend. 3 (informal) to
cake (kayk) n. 1 . a baked sweet breadlike suppose, to believe, cal * cu • la * tion (kal-
food. 2. a mixture cooked in a round kyu-lay-shon) n. calculated risk, a
flat shape, fish cakes. 3. a shaped or hard- risk taken deliberately with full knowl-
ened mass, a cake of soap, cake v. edge of the dangers.
(caked, cak*ing) 1. to harden into a cal • cu • lat • ing (kal-kyu-lay-ting) adj.
compact mass. 2. to encrust with a hard- shrewd, scheming. cal'cu*lat*ing*ly
ened mass. adv.
cake* walk (kayk-wawk) n. 1. a ballroom cal-cu-la-tor (kal-kyu-lay-tor) n. 1. a
march originated by black Americans, person who calculates. 2. a machine that
with a cake as the prize for the dancer performs arithmetical processes.
with the most intricate steps. 2. a popular cal-cu*lus (kal-kyu-lus) n. (pi -li, pr.
dance developed from these steps. -h, -lus*es) 1. a stone formed in the
cal. abbr. 1 calendar. 2. caliber. 3. calorie.
. body. 2. a branch of mathematics that
Cal. abbr. California. deals with problems involving rates of
cal -a 'bash (kal-a-bash) n. 1. any of vari- variation.
ous gourds, especially with a hard shell. cal*de*ra (kal-der-a) n. (pi. -ras) a deep
2. a container made from the shell of hole at the top of a volcano.
such a gourd. cal-dron = cauldron.
cal -a -boose (kal-a-boos) n. (informal) a Cal*e*do*ni*an (kal-e-doh-ni-an) adj. of
prison. Scotland.
ca*la*di*um (ka-lay-di-um) ru any of vari- cahen-dar (kal-en-dar) ru 1. a chart
ous tropical American plants with orna- showing the days, weeks, and months of
mental leaves. a particular year. 2. a device displaying
cal *a* mine (kal-a-mm) n. a pink powder, the date. 3. a list of dates or events of
chiefly zinc carbonate or oxide, used in a particular kind, the academic calendar.
skin lotions. 4. the system by which time is divided
ca*lam*i*ty (ka-lam-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) into fixed periods, the Gregorian calen-
a disaster. ca*lam'i*tous adj. ca* dar. C>Do not confuse calendar with cal-
lam'i-tous*ly adv. ender.
calc. abbr. calculate. cal*en*der (kal-en-der) n. a machine in
cal*car*e*OUS (kal-kar-i-us) adj. of or which cloth or paper is pressed by rollers
containing calcium carbonate or lime- to glaze or smooth it. calender v. to
stone, cal-car'e-ous-ness n. press in a calender. t>Do not confuse
cal*ce*0*iar*i*a (kal-si-6-lair-i-a) n. a calender with calendar.
garden plant with a slipper-shaped cal* ends (kal-endz) n. pi the first day of
flower. the month in the Roman calendar.
cal-cic (kal-sik) adj. composed of or con- ca*len*du*la (ka-len-ju-la) n. a garden
taining calcium or lime. plant with large yellow or orange flowers.
cal-cif *er*OUS(kal-sif-e-rus) adj. yielding calf 1 (kaf) n. (pi. calves, pr. kavz) 1. the
or containing calcium carbonate. young of cattle, also of the seal, whale,
cal*ci*fy (kal-sl-fi) v. (cal *ci -tied, cal* and certain other animals. 2. leather
Ci* tying) to harden by a deposit of cal- made from calfskin.
cium salts, cal-ci-fi-ca-tion (kal-sl-fi- calf 2 n. (pi. calves) the fleshy back part
kay-shon) n. of the leg below the knee.
cal 'Ci* mine (kal-si-mm) n. a white or calf* skin (kaf-skin) n. calf leather, used
lightly colored liquid preparation con- especially in bookbinding and shoemak-
taining zinc oxide, used on walls and ceil- ing. calfskin adj. made of calfskin.
ings,calcimine v. (cal -ci- mined, cal* cal-i-ber, cal-i-bre (kal-T-ber) n. 1. the
ci*minting) to paint with calcimine. diameter of the inside of a tube or gun
cal*ci*um (kal-si-um) n. a grayish-white barrel. 2. the diameter of a bullet or shell.
chemical element present in bones and 3. ability, importance, we need a person
teeth and forming the basis of lime. of your caliber.
117 calibrate / calorie

calibrate (kal-I-brayt) v. (cal -i -brat- the strike was called off. call of nature,
ed, cal *i* brat *ing) 1. to mark or cor- a need to go to the toilet, call on, to
rect units of measurement on a gauge. make a short visit to (a person); to appeal
2. to measure the caliber of. cal'l* to, to request, call out, to summon to
bra* tor n. calibration (kal-T-bray- action; to order to come out on strike.
sh6n) n. call sign, a signal identifying a radio
cal-i-co (kal-T-koh) n. (pi. -coes, -cos) transmitter, call the tune, to control
a kind of cotton cloth printed with a fig- the proceedings, call to mind, to re-
ured pattern, calico adj. made of calico. member; to cause a person to remember.
calico cat, a cat with variously col- call up, to telephone to; to bring back
ored markings. to one's mind; (informal) to summon for
Calif, abbr. California. military service, on call, available to be
Cal*i*for*nia (kal-T-for-nya) a state of the called out on duty, within call, near
U.S. Cal*i*for'nlan adj. & n. Cali- enough to be summoned by calling.
fornia poppy, a small cultivated herb cal -la (kal-a) lily a tropical plant with a
related to the poppy. white showy petallike part surrounding
cal*i*for*ni*um (kal-T-for-ni-um) n. a a yellow spike.
synthetic radioactive element. call* back (kawl-bak) n. a manufacturer's
cahhper (kal-T-per) n. (usually calipers) recall of a product to correct a defect.
a compass for measuring the diameter call-board (kawl-bohrd) n. a board on
of tubes or of round objects. which notices are displayed, especially
ca-liph, ca«lif (kay-Uf) n. the chief civil backstage in a theater.
and religious ruler in some Muslim coun- cal*lig*ra*phy (ka-lig-ra-fee) n. beautiful
tries, ca-liph -ate (kay-li-fayt) n. handwriting, the art of producing this,
cal -is- then -ics (kal-is-then-iks) n. light cal-lig'ra-pher n. cal*lig*raph*ic
gymnastic exercises. cal*is*then'ic adj. (kal-T-graf-ik) adj.
calk = caulk. call-ing (kaw-ling) n. 1. an occupation,
call 1 (kawl) n. 1. a shout or cry. 2. the a profession or trade. 2. a strong impulse
characteristic cry of a bird. 3. a signal toward one of these.
on a bugle etc. 4. a short Visit. 5. a sum- cal'li-O-pe (ka-li-6-pee) n. a musical in-
mons, an invitation; the call of the wild, strument consisting of steam whistles
its attraction. 6. a demand, a claim, / and a keyboard.
have many calls on my time. 7. a need, cal*los*i*ty (ka-los-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) 1.
an occasion, there's no call for you to abnormal hardness of the skin. 2. a cal-
worry. 8. an act of telephoning, a conver- lus.
sation on the telephone. 9. (informal) a cal'lous (kal-us) adj. 1. hardened, having
ruling by a referee or umpire in a game. calluses. 2. unsympathetic, callous v. to
call 2 v. 1 to shout or speak loudly in order
. make or become unsympathetic, cal'
to attract attention etc. 2. to utter a call. lous*ly adv. cal'lous *ness n. t>Do
3. to pay a short visit. 4. to name, to not confuse callous with callus.
describe or address as, / call that cheat- cal 'loused (kal-ust) adj. hardened, having
ing; let's call it even. 5. to rouse deliber- calluses.
ately, to summon to get up. 6. to sum- cal* low (kal-oh) adj. immature and inex-
mon, the fire department. 7. to
call perienced, cal'lowly adv. cal'low
command or invite, to urge as if by com- ness n.

manding, call a strike; duty calls, claims call-up (kawl-up) n. a summons for mili-
my attention. 8. to communicate with tary service.
by telephone or radio. 9. (in sports) to cal-lus (kal-us) n. (pi -lus*es) an area
rule that play is ended, call'er n. of thick hardened skin or tissue, callus
Dcall a person's bluff, to challenge v. (cahlused, cal*lus*ing) to form a

him to carry out his threat, call down, callus. >Do not confuse callus with cal-
to reprimand, call for, to demand, to lous.
require; to come and collect, call girl, calm (kahm) adj. 1. quiet and still, not
a prostitute who
accepts appointments windy. 2. not excited or agitated. 3. ca-
by telephone, call in, to report by tele- sual and confident, calm n. a calm condi-
phone; to seek advice or help from; to tion or period, calm v. to make or be-
order the return of, to take out of circula- come calm, calm'ly adv. calm'ness n.
tion, call it a day, to decide that enough cal*o*mel (kal-6-mel) n. a heavy white
work has been done for one day, and powder used as a laxative and fungicide.
stop working, call number, a code as- ca* Ionic (ka-Ior-ik) adj. 1. of calories. 2.
signed to a book to establish its proper of heat.
location on a library shelf, call Off, to cal • o-rle (kal-6-ree) n. 1 a unit for meas-

call away, call off your dog; to cancel, uring a quantity of heat. 2. a unit for
calorific / camp 118
measuring the energy value of food. cam -el (kam-el) ru1. a long-necked ani-
cal-o-rif -ic (kal-6-rif-ik) adj. of, produc- mal with either one or two humps on

ing heat. its back, used in desert countries for rid-
cal«0*rim«e«ter (kal-6-rim-e-ter) ru a de- ing and for carrying goods. 2. a fawn
vice for measuring heat. cal*0*rim'e a color. camel hair or camel's hair,
try n. cal'O-ri-rhet-ric (kal-6-ri-met- fine soft hair used in artists' brushes; a
rik) adj. cal*o*ri*met / ri-cal*ly adv. fabric made of this.
cal*u*met (kal-yu-met) ru a long- ca-mel-lia, ca-me-lia (ka-meel-ya) ru 1.
stemmed ornamental pipe used by North an evergreen flowering shrub from China
American Indians for ceremonial pur- and Japan. 2. its flower.
poses, especially as a symbol of peace ca-mel-o-pard (ka-mel-d-pahrd) ru (old
or friendship (the peace pipe). use) a giraffe.
ca*lum*ni*ate (ka-lum-ni-ayt) v. (ca* Canvenvbert (kam-em-bair) ru a soft
lum-ni-at-ed, ca-lunvni-at-ing) to rich cheese of the kind made in Nor-'ni«a-tor ru ca-lum- mandy, France.
ni*a*tion (ka-lum-ni-ay-shon) ru canve-o (kam-i-oh) ru (pi -e«os) 1. a
cahunrvny (kal-um-nee) ru {pi -nies) 1. small piece of hard stone carved with a
slander. 2. a slanderous statement, ca* raised design, especially with two colored
lum-ni-ous (ka-lum-ni-us) adj. ca* layers cut so that one serves as a back-
lum'ni-ous'ly adv. ground to the design. 2. something small
Cal-va-ry (kal-va-ree) ru {pi -lies) the but well executed, such as a short de-
place or a representation of the Cruci- scription or a minor part in a play.
fixion. ODo
not confuse Calvary with cam*er*a (kam-e-ra) n. an apparatus for
cavalry. taking photographs, moving pictures, or
calve (kav) v. (calved, calving) to give television pictures.
birth to a calf. cam*er*a*man (kam-e-ra-man) ru (pi
calves see calf. -men, -men) a person whose job is
Cal-vin-ism (kal-vl-niz-em) ru the teach- to operate a film camera or television
ings of John Calvin, a French Protestant camera.
religious reformer who lived in Switzer- Cam-e-roon, Cam-e-roun (kam-£-
land ( 1 509-64), and of his followers. Cal' roon) a country on the west coast of Af-
vin-ist ru Cal- vin-is-tic (kal-vl-nis-tik) rica. Cam*e*roo / ni*an adj. & ru
adj. cam •!• sole (kam-i-sohl) rua short sleeve-
ca-lyp-so (ka-lip-soh) ru (pi. -sos) a less shirt worn by women as an undergar-
West Indian song with a variable rhythm ment.
and topical usually improvised lyrics. cam -o- mile fkam-5-meel) ru a sweet-
ca-lyx (kay-liks) n. (pi. -Iyx«es, -ly smelling plant with daisy-like flowers,
ces, pr. -Il-seez) a ring of leaves (sepals) which are dried for use in medicine as
enclosing an unopened flower bud. a tonic.
cam (kam) ru a projecting part on a wheel cam-ou'flage (kam-6 -flah:/i) n. 1. a
or shaft, shaped or mounted so that its method of disguising or concealing ob-
circular motion, as it turns, transmits an jectsby coloring or covering them so
up-and-down or back-and-forth motion that they look like part of their surround-
to another part. ings. 2. the concealment itself, camou-
ca-ma-ra-de-rie (kah-ma-rah-de-ree) ru flage v. (cam-ou-flaged, cartvou-
comradeship. flagging) to conceal in this way.
canvber (kam-ber) ru a slight arch or up- camp (kamp) ru 1 a place where people

ward curve given to a surface, especially live temporarily in tents, huts, or similar
of a road, camber v. 1 to have a camber.
. shelters. 2. the occupants. 3. a group of
2. to give a camber to. cam'bered adj. people with the same ideals, camp v.
cam -bi- urn (kam-bi-um) n. (pi. -bi* 1. to make or live in a camp. 2. to live
ums, -bi*a, pr. -bi-a) a layer of cells that temporarily as if in a camp. Dcamp
provide the base for growth of woody bed, a folding portable bed. campfire
tissue and bark. cam'bi«al adj. girl, a member of the Campfire Girls,
Cam*bo*di*a (kam-boh-di-a) the former an organization similar to the Girl
name of Kampuchea. Cam*bo'di*an Scouts, camp follower, a civilian fol-
adj. & n. lower of military troops, especially a
Canvbri«an (kaym-bri-an) adj. of the ear- prostitute, camp out, to sleep in a tent
geologic period of the Paleozoic era.
liest or in the open, go camping, to spend
Cambrian ru the Cambrian period. a holiday outdoors, sleeping in tents or
cam »bric (kaym-brik) n. thin cotton or in sleeping bags.
linen cloth. camp 2 adj. 1. effeminate, homosexual. 2.
came (kaym) see come. exaggerated in style, especially for hu-
119 campaign / cancer
morous effect, camp n. such a style or or liberty to act (we cannot allow this).
manner, camp'y adj. (camp 'her, Can. abbr. Canada.
camp -i -est) camp. camp'hly adv. Carva-da (kan-5-dS) a country in North
camp'l-ness n. ucamp
up, to be-
it America. Ca*na*di*an (ka-nay-di-an)
have or perform in a camp way. adj. & n. Canada goose, a wild goose
canvpaign (kam-payn) n. 1. a series of of North America. Canadian bacon,
military operations with a set purpose, a round piece of bacon cut from a strip
usually in one area. 2. a similar series of pork loin.
of planned activities, an advertising cam- Ca*na*di*an*ism (ka-nay-di-a-niz-em) n.
paign, campaign v. to take part in a a custom, belief, trait, phrase, etc., origi-
campaign. cam*palgn'er n. nating in Canada or peculiar to it.
cam-pa-ni-le (kam-pa-nee-lee) n. (pi ca-naille (ka-nayl) n. the rabble.
-nl*les, -ni*ll, pr. -nee-lee) a bell tower, > French.
especially a free-standing one. ca*nal (ka-nal) n. 1 a channel cut through

cam*pa*nol*o*gy (kam-pa-nol-6-jee) n. land for navigation or irrigation. 2. a tu-

the study of bells and their casting, ring- bular passage through which food or air
ing, etc. cam*pa*nol'o*gist n. passes in a plant or animal body, the ali-
cam*pan*u*la (kam-pan-yu-la) n. a plant mentary canal Canal Zone, the area
with bell-shaped usually blue or white around the Panama Canal formerly gov-
flowers. erned by the U.S.
camp*er (kam-per) n. 1. a person who ca-nal-boat (ka-nal-boht) n. a barge, ei-
camps. a truck-like vehicle outfitted
2. ther self-propelled or towed, for use in
as living quarters for camping or long a canal.
excursions. ca*nal*ize (ka-nal-iz) v. (ca*nal*ized,
camp* ground (kamp-grownd) a place n. ca*nal*iz*ing) to channel, ca-nal*
for camping or for religious meetings. i*za*tion (ka-nal-i-zay-sh6n) n.
canvphor (kam-ffcr) n. a strong-smelling can*a*pe (kan-a-pee, -pay) n. a small
white substance used in medicine and piece of bread or toast spread with savory
mothballs and in making plastics. food.
camphor tree, a species of laurel ca • nard (ka-nahrd) n. a false or unfounded
found in Japan, China, etc., from which story.
camphor may be extracted. ca*nar*y (ka-nair-ee) n. (pi. -naries) 1.
cam*phor*at*ed (kam-ffc-ray-tid) con- a small yellow songbird. 2. (slang) a per-
taining camphor. son acting as a police informer, canary
cam* pi* on (kam-pi-on) n. a wild plant adj. bright-yellow.
with pink or white flowers. Canary Islands a group of islands off the
camp* o *ree (kam-p6-ree) n. a camp gath- northwest coast of Africa.
ering of Girl or Boy Scouts, usually from ca*nas*ta (ka-nas-ta) n. a card game
the same district. played with two packs of fifty-two cards
camp 'Site (kamp-sit) n. a campground. plus four jokers.
camp* stool (kamp-stool) n. a lightweight Can-ber-ra (kan-ber-a) the capital of
folding stool. Australia.
cam* pus (kam-pus) n. (pi. -pus*es) the cane. abbr. 1. cancel. 2. cancellation.
grounds of a university or college. can* can (kan-kan) n. a lively stage dance
cam* shaft (kam-shaft) n. a shaft bearing involving high kicking, performed by
cams. women in long skirts and petticoats.
can 1(kan) n. 1 . a metal or plastic container can* eel (kan-sel) v. (canceled, can-
for liquids. 2. a sealed metal container celling) 1. to say that (something al-
in which food or drink is preserved. 3. ready decided upon or arranged) will not
either of these with its contents, the be done or take place. 2. to order (a
amount contains. 4. (slang) a jail. 5.
it thing) to be discontinued. 3. to neutral-
(slang) the buttocks, can v. (canned, ize, his absences canceled his excellent
can*ning) 1 to preserve in a sealed can.
. work. 4. to cross out. 5. to mark (a stamp
2. (slang) to dismiss from a job. can'ner or ticket) in order to prevent further use.
n. Dean opener, a tool for opening can*cel*la*tion (kan-se-lay-sh6n) n.
cans, in the can, made into a motion cancel out, to counterbalance, to
picture or phonograph record and ready neutralize (each other).
for release to the public, tin can, (slang) can -cer (kan-ser) n. 1 a tumor, especially

a naval destroyer. a malignant one. 2. a disease in which

Can 2 auxiliary verb expressing ability or malignant growths form. 3. something
knowledge of how to do something (he evil that spreads destructively. 4. Cancer,
can play the violin) or permission (you a sign of the zodiac, the Crab, can'cer*
can go; >
may is more formal) or desire OUS adj.
candela / cannonball 120

can -de* la(kan-dee-la) n. a unit used in rod carried when walking, especially as
measuring the intensity of light. added support. 2. the hollow jointed
can -de* la -brum (kan-de-lah-brum) n. stem of tall reeds and grasses (as bamboo,
(pi -bra, pr. -bra, •brums) a large sugar cane), the solid stem of slender
branched candlestick or holder for lights. palms (as Malacca). 3. the material of
> Candelabra is also used as a singular these used for making furniture etc.
but not by careful writers. cane v. (caned, can-ing) 1. to punish
can -des* cent (kan-des-ent) adj. glowing, by beating with a cane. 2. to weave cane
incandescent. can*des'cence n. into (a chair etc.). Dcane sugar, sugar
can* did (kan-did) adj. frank, not hiding obtained from the juice of sugar cane.
one's thoughts. can'did*ly adv. can' cane -brake (kayn-brayk) n. a tract of
did*ness n. D
candid camera, a small land overgrown with canes.
camera for taking informal pictures, es- ca*nine (kay-nm) adj. of dogs, canine n.
pecially without the subject's knowledge. (also canine tooth) a strong pointed
can -di- date (kan-di-dayt) n. 1. a person tooth next to the incisors.
who seeks or is nominated for appoint- can*is*ter (kan-i-ster) n, 1. a metal box
ment to an office or position or member- or other container. 2. a cylinder, filled
ship. 2. a person taking an examination. with shot or tear gas, that bursts and
can*di*da*cy (kan-di-da-see) n. releases its contents when fired from a
can* died (kan-deed) adj. encrusted with gun or thrown.
sugar, preserved in sugar. candied can -ker (kang-ker) n. 1 a disease that de-

fruit, small pieces of fruit or peel of citrus stroys the wood of plants and trees. 2.
fruits candied for eating or use in cook- a disease that causes ulcerous sores in
ing. animals, can'ker-ous adj. canker
can* die (kan-del) n. 1 . a stick of wax with sore, an ulcerous sore of the mouth and
a wick through it, giving light when lips.
burning. 2. a candela. candle v. (can* can* ker* worm (kang-ker- wurm) n. the
died, can-dling) to examine (especially caterpillar of a moth that destroys the
eggs) for freshness by holding up to a leaves or buds of plants and trees.
light, can'dler n. u cannot hold a can -na -bis (kan-a-bis) n. 1 a hemp plant.

candle to, is very inferior to. game is 2. a preparation of this for smoking or
not worth the candle, the result does chewing as an intoxicant drug, mari-
not justify the trouble or cost. juana.
can* die* light (kan-del-lit) n. the light of canned (kand) see can 1 , canned adj. 1.
a candle or candles. preserved in jars or cans, canned fruit
Can* die* mas (kan-del-mas) n. the reli- 2. (slang) recorded, canned music.
gious festival in honor of the presentation can-nel-lo-ni (kan-e-loh-nee) n. pi rolls
of the infant Jesus in the temple, when of pasta containing meat and seasoning.
candles are blessed (February 2). can-ner-y (kan-e-ree) n. (pi -ner*ies)
can-dle-pow-er (kan-dfcl-pow-er) n. the a canning factory.
intensity of light expressed in candles. can-ni-bal (kan-i-bal) n. a person who
can -die* Stick (kan-del-stik) n. a holder eats human flesh, an animal that eats its
for one or more candles. own kind, can'ni-bal-ism n. can*
can -die* Wick ( kan-del- wik) n. a fabric ni-bal-is-tic (kan-i-ba-Lis-tik) adj.
with a raised tufted pattern worked in can-ni-bal-ize (kan-i-ba-liz) v. (can*
soft cotton yarn. ni-bal-ized, can-ni-bal-iz-ing) to
can* dor (kan-ddr) n. candid speech, dismantle (a machine etc.) in order
frankness. to provide spare parts for others.
C and abbr. country and western music. can*ni*bal*i*za*tion (kan-i-ba-li-zay-
can-dy (kan-dee) n. (pi -dies) 1. a sweet shdn) n.
confection flavored with chocolate, pep- can -non (kan-dn) n. 1 an old type of large

permint, fruit, etc. 2. a small piece of heavy gun firing solid metal balls. 2.
this, candy v. (can -died, can -dy- an automatic shell-firing gun used in
ing) 1. to cook or coat with sugar or aircraft cannon v. to collide heavily
syrup. 2. to reduce to crystals. candy with. D
cannon fodder, men regarded
striper, a volunteer hospital worker, merely as material to be expended in war.
usually a girl of high-school age. candy >Do not confuse cannon with canon.
Stripes, alternate stripes of white and can-non-ade (kan-o-nayd) n. continuous
color. gunfire, cannonade v. (can -non -ad-
can-dy -tuft (kan-dee- tuft) n. a plant ed, can*non*ad*ing) 1. to fire contin-
growing in tufts and having white, pink, ually. 2. to bombard with gunfire.
or purple flowers. can -non -ball (kan-dn-bawl) n. a round
cane (kayn) n. 1 a wooden stick or metal
. heavy missile formerly fired from a can-
121 cannoneer / capable
non. cannonball v. (slang) to move very the employees of a factory, office, etc.
quickly. 2. a soldier's or camper's water flask.
carvnorveer (kan-6-neer) n. a person 3. a place of entertainment for soldiers
who fires a cannon. etc.
can* not (kan-ot, ka-not) =
can not. can*ter (kan-ter) n. a gentle gallop, can-
D cannot but, cannot help (doing some- ter v. to gallop gently.
thing), must. t> Use cannot when indicat- Can • ter • bur •
y (kan-ter-ber-ee) bell a cul-
ing no special emphasis on not, I cannot tivated campanula with large flowers.
do this. Use can not when indicating such can*tl*cle (kan-ti-kel) n. a song or chant
emphasis, J can accept an occasional ab- with words taken from the Bible, as the
sence but I can not accept repeated ab- Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis.
sences. can*ti*le*ver (kan-tf-lev-er) n. a project-
can*nu*la (kan-yu-la) n. (pi -las, -lae, ing beam or girder supporting a balcony
pr. -lee) a small tube inserted into the or similar structure.
body to allow fluid to enter or escape. can* to (kan-toh) n. {pi -tos) a division
can*ny (kan-ee) adj. (-ni*er, -ni-est) of a long poem.
shrewd, can'ni-ly adv. can'nhness n. can* ton (kan-ton) n. a division of a coun-
ca*noe (ka-noo) n. a light narrow boat try, especially of Switzerland, can* ton*
propelled by paddles, canoe v. (ca- al (kan-to-nal) adj.
noed, ca*noe*ing) to paddle or travel Can*ton*ese (kan-t6-neez) n. {pi -ese)
in a canoe. ca*noe / ist n.
1 a Chinese language spoken in southern
can* on (kan-6n) n. 1. a general principle. China and in Hong Kong. 2. a native
2. a set of writings accepted as genuinely
or inhabitant of Canton. Cantonese
by a particular author, sacred writings
included in the Bible. 3. a clergyman who
can* ton* merit (kan-ton-ment) n. a tem-
is one of a group with duties in a cathe-
porary lodging assigned to troops.
dral. canon law, church law. >Do can* tor (kan-tor) n. 1. the chief singer of
not confuse canon with cannon.
the liturgy in a synagogue. 2. the leader
cart- on = canyon.
or chief singer of a church choir.
ca*non*l*cal (ka-non-i-kal) adj. 1. or-
can • vas (kan-vas) n. 1 strong coarse cloth
dered by canon law. 2. included in the
used for making tents and sails etc. and
canon of Scripture. 3. standard, ac-
by artists for painting on. 2. a piece of
cepted. ca*non / i*cal*ly adv.
canvas for painting on, especially in oils,
ca* non* heals (ka-non-i-kalz) n. pi the
canonical dress of clergy.
an oil painting. 3. the floor of a boxing
can*on*ize (kan-6-mz) v. (can* on*
ring. >Do
not confuse canvas with can-
Ized, can*.on*iz*ing) to declare offi-
cially to be a saint. can*on*i*za*tion
can* vas *back (kan-vas-bak) n. a North
(kan-5-ni-zay-shdn) n. American duck.
can*0*py (kan-6-pee) n. {pi -pies) 1. a can*vass (kan-vas) v. to visit in order to
hanging cover forming a shelter above ask for votes, orders for goods etc., or
a throne, bed, or person, etc. 2. any simi- opinions, canvass n. canvassing, can'
lar covering. 3. the part of a parachute vass-er n. >Do
not confuse canvass
that spreads in the air. canopy v. (can* with canvas.
o*pled, can*o*pying) to place a can- can* yon (kan-ydn) n. a deep gorge, usu-
opy over. ally with a river flowing through it.
cant 1 (kant) v. to slope, to tilt, cant n. a cap (kap) n. 1 a soft covering for the head

tilted or sloping position. without a brim but often with a peak.

cant 2
n. 1 insincere talk. 2. jargon,
. cant 2. an academic headdress, a mortar-
v. to indulge in insincere talk. board. 3. a caplike cover or top. 4. a
can't = cannot percussion cap. cap v. (capped, cap*
can*ta*bl*le (kahn-tah-bi-lay) adj. & adv. ping) 1. to put a cap on, to cover the
flowing and songlike, cantabile n. music top or end of. 2. to excel, to outdo; can
of this kind. > Italian. you cap that! it cannot be surpassed.
can -ta* loupe (kan-ta-lohp) n. a kind of [Heap and gown, the mortarboard and
melon. cassock-like gown worn on ceremonial
can*tan*ker*ous (kan-tang-ke-riis) adj. occasions at colleges and universities; the
bad-tempered. can*tan'ker*ous*ly academic community, cap pistol or cap
adj. /
can*tan ker*ous*ness n. gun, a toy gun that uses percussion caps.
can*ta*ta (kan-tah-ta) n. a musical com- CAP abbr. Civil Air Patrol.
position for singers, like an oratorio but cap. abbr. 1. capital. 2. chapter.
shorter. ca*pa*ble (kay-pa-bel) adj. 1. competent.
can* teen (kan-teen) n. 1. a restaurant for 2. having a certain ability or capacity,
capacious / capriole 122

quite capable of lying. ca'pa-bly adv. city. 2. a capital letter. 3. the head or
ca-pa-bil-i-ty (kay-pa-btt-i-tee) ru top part of a pillar. 4. wealth or property
ca-pa-cious (ka-pay-shus) adj. roomy, that is used or invested to produce more
able to hold much, ca -pa'cious-ly adv. wealth, the money with which a business
ca-pa'cious-ness n. etc. is started, cap'i-tahly adv. capi-
ca*pac*i*tance (ka-pas-i-tans) n. 1. the tal gain or capital loss, profit, loss,
ratio of a change an electric charge
in from the sale of investments or property.
to a corresponding change in potential. capital goods, goods intended for use
2. the ability to store an electric charge. in producing other goods, capital pun-
ca*pac'i*tive adj. ca*pac'i*tive*ly ishment, the death penalty, capital
adv. Ship, a warship of the largest and most
ca-pac-i-tate (ka-pas-i-tayt) v. (ca* powerful type, capital stock, the total
pac*i*tat*ed, ca*pac*i»tat*ing) to number of shares issued by a corpora-
make capable or legally competent. tion; the total value of these shares, capi-
ca*pac*i*tor (ka-pas-i-tdr) ru a device tal sum, a lump sum of money, make
storing a charge of electricity. capital of, to use (a situation etc.) to
ca-paC'i-ty (ka-pas-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1. one's advantage. >Do not confuse capi-
the ability to contain or accommodate, tal with capitol.
the amount that can be contained; full cap*i*tal*ism (kap-i-ta-liz-em) n. an eco-
to capacity, quite full. 2. ability, capabil- nomic system in which trade and indus-
ity; working at full capacity, as inten- try are controlled by private owners.
sively as possible. 3. a position or func- cap-i-tal-ist (kap-i-ta-list) n. 1. one who
tion, signed it in his capacity as chairman. has much capital invested, a rich person.
cap-a-pie (kap-a-pee) adv. from head to 2. an adherent of capitalism. cap*i*
foot. tahis«tic (kap-i-ta-lis-tik) adj.
ca-par-i-son (ka-par-i-sdn) n. 1. horses' cap-i-tal-ize (kap-i-ta-liz) v. (cap*
ornamental trappings. 2. ornate clothing. i-tal-ized, cap-i-tal-iz-ing) 1. to
caparison v. 1 to cover with a capari-
. write or print as a capital letter. 2. to
son. 2. to clothe ornately. convert into capital, to provide with capi-
cape 1
(kayp) n. 1 . a cloak. 2. a very short tal. cap-i'tal*i'za-tion (kap-i-ta-li-
similarly shaped part of a coat etc. cover- zay-shdn) n. capitalize on, to profit
ing the shoulders. by, to use (a thing) to one's advantage.
cape 2 n. a coastal promontory. Dthe cap-i-ta-tion (kap-i-tay-shdn) n, 1. the
Cape, the Cape of Good Hope; Cape levying of a tax or fee of so much per
Cod. head. 2. a poll tax.
ca • per (kay-per)
v. to jump or run about cap*i*tol (kap-i-tol) n. the building in
playfully, caper n. 1 . capering. 2. (slang) which a state or national legislature
an escapade, an activity.
illegal meets. Dthe Capitol, the building in
caper 2 a bramble-like shrub. 2. one
n. 1 . Washington, D.C., in which the U.S.
of its buds, which are pickled for use Congress meets. > Do not confuse capi-
in sauces etc., caper sauce. tol with capital
cape* skin (kayp-skin) n. soft leather ca • pit -u- late (ka-pich-u-layt) v. (ca«
made from sheepskin, capeskin adj. pit • u • lat • ed, ca • pit • u • lat • ing) to sur-
Cape (kayp) Town one of the two capital render, ca-pit-u-la-tion (ka-pich-u-
cities of South Africa. lay-shdn) n.
Cape Verde (vurd) a country off the west- ca-pon (kay-pon) n. a domestic male
ern coast of Africa. chicken castrated and fattened for eating.
cap-il-lar-i-ty (kap-I-lar-i-tee) n. (pi. ca*pric*ci*o (ka-pree-chi-oh) n. (pi -d«
-ties) surface tension that causes a liquid OS) a lively, usually short musical com-
in contact with a solid to rise or fall. position.
cap-il-lar-y (kap-I-ler-ee) n. (pi. -Iar« ca* price (ki-prees) n. 1 a whim. 2. a piece

ies) one of the very fine branching blood of music in a lively fanciful style.
vessels that connect veins and arteries. ca«pri* clous (ka-prish-us) adj. 1. guided
capillary adj. of or like a capillary, capil- by caprice, impulsive. 2. changeable, a
lary action. capricious breeze. ca*pri / ciOUS*ly adv.
capital (kap-i-tal) adj. 1. principal, most ca-prKcious-ness n.

important; capital city, the chief city of Cap Ti« corn (kap-ri-korn) n. a sign of the
a country or state. 2. (informal) excel- zodiac, the Goat.
lent. 3. involving the death penalty, a cap-ri'Ole (kap-ri-ohl) n. 1. a caper, as
capital offense. 4. very serious, fatal, a in dancing. 2. a horse's high leap with
capital error. 5. (of letters) of the form all four feet off the ground without ad-
and size used to begin a name or a sen- vancing, capriole v. (cap-ri-oled,
tence, a capital A. capital n. 1 a capital . cap*ri*ol*ing) to perform a capriole.
123 caps / carbohydrate
caps (kaps) n. pi. (informal) capital letters. see and reproduce it. capture n. 1 . cap-
cap* si* Cum (kap-si-kum) n. 1. a tropical turing. 2. a thing captured.
plant with hot-tasting seeds. 2. its fruit. Cap -u -chin (kap-yu-chin) n. a friar of a
cap* size (kap-siz) v. (cap* sized, cap- branch of the Franciscan order.
sizing) to overturn, a wave capsized the car (kahr) n. 1 an automobile. 2. a railroad

boat; the boat capsized. car of a specified type, dining car, Pull-
cap* Stan (kap-stan) n. 1 a thick revolving
. man car. 3. the passenger compartment
post used to pull in a rope or cable that of a cable railway. Dear bed, a child's
winds around it as it turns, as for raising bed used in the rear of a car. car coat,
a ship's anchor. 2. a revolving spindle a short coat designed for automobile
on a tape recorder. capstan bar, a drivers, car park, an area for parking
pole used as a lever when turning a cap- cars,car pool, a group of commuters
stan manually. organized to take turns at driving the
cap* Stone (kap-stohn) n. 1. the top and group to work or to share the expense
last stone to be placed in a structure. involved in this.
2. the greatest achievement, her recent ca*ra*ba*o (kahr-a-bah-oh) n. (pi. -ba*
book is the capstone to her career. OS) (in the Philippines) a water buffalo.
cap -su* late (kap-sii-lit) adj. enclosed in car*a*bi*neer, car*a*bi*nier (kar-a-bi-
a capsule. neer) n. a soldier armed with a carbine.
cap-sule (kap-sul) n. 1. a seed case that Ca • ra • cas (ka-rah-kas) the capital of Ven-
splits open when ripe. 2. a small soluble ezuela.
case in which a dose of medicine is en- car -a -cole (kar-a-kohl) n. a horseman's
closed for swallowing. 3. a detachable half wheel to the right or left, a succes-
compartment of a spacecraft, containing sion of such turns to the right and left
instruments or crew, capsule adj. con- alternately, caracole v. (car*a*coled,
cise, summarizing. car*a*col*ing) to execute a caracole.'
Capt. abbr. Captain. ca*rafe (ka-raf) n. a glass bottle in which
cap* tain (kap-tin) n. 1 a person given au-
. wine or water is served at the table.
thority over a group or team. 2. an army car*a*mel (kar-a-mel) n. 1. burnt sugar
officer ranking below a major and above used for coloring and flavoring, food. 2.
a lieutenant. 3. a naval officer ranking a chewy candy tasting like this.
below a commodore or rear admiral and car*a*mel*ize (kar-a-me-hz) v. (car*
above a commander. 4. the person com- a-mel-ized, car*a*mel*iz*ing) to
manding a ship. 5. the pilot of a civil turn or be turned into caramel, car*
aircraft, captain v. to act as captain of. a*mel*i*za*tion (kar-a-me-li-zay-
cap'tain*cy n. shdn) n.
cap*tion (kap-shdn) n. 1. ora short title car *a* pace (kar-a-pays) n. the shell on
heading. 2. a description or explanation the back of a tortoise or crustacean.
printed with an illustration etc. 3. words car* at (kar-at) n. 1. a unit of weight for
shown on a television or movie screen. precious stones, 200 milligrams. 2. karat.
caption v. to write a caption for. car *a* van (kar-a-van) n. 1. a company
cap*tious (kap-shus) adj. fond of finding of people (such as merchants) traveling
fault or raising objections about trivial together across desert country. 2. a line
matters, cap'tious-ly adv. cap'tious- of vehicles traveling together.
ness n. car*a*van*sa*ry (kar-a-van-sa-ree) (pi.
cap-ti-vate (kap-ti-vayt) v. (cap*ti* -ries), car*a*van*se*rai (kar-a-van-
vat-ed, cap*ti*vat*ing) to capture the se-n) (pi. -rais, -rai) n. an inn in the
fancy of, to charm. cap'ti*va*tor n. Near East with a courtyard where cara-
cap*ti*va*tion (kap-ti-vay-shon) n. vans rest at night.
cap*tive (kap-tiv) adj. 1. taken prisoner. car*a*vel, car*a*velle (kar-a-vel) n. a

2. kept as a prisoner, unable to escape. small light fast sailing ship, chiefly Span-
captive n. a captive person or animal. ish or Portuguese, of the 15th to 17th
captive audience, people who can- centuries.
not get away easily and therefore cannot car *a* way (kar-a-way) n. a plant with
avoid being addressed. spicy seeds (caraway seeds) that are
cap*tivi*ty (kap-tiv-i-tee) n. the state of used for flavoring cakes etc.
being held captive. car* bide (kahr-bid) n. a compound of car-
cap* tor (kap-tor) n. one who captures a bon, used in making acetylene gas.
person or animal. car* bine (kahr-been) n. a short light auto-
cap-ture (kap-chur) v. (cap*tured, cap* matic rifle.
tuning) 1. to make a prisoner of. 2. car*bo*hydrate(kahr-b6-hi-drayt) n. 1.
to take or obtain by force, trickery, at- an organic compound, such as the sugars
traction, or skill; capture a likeness, to and starches, composed of carbon, oxy-
carbon / cardinal 124

gen, and hydrogen. 2. carbohydrates, abscess in the skin. 2. a bright red gem
starchy foods, considered to be fattening. cut in a knoblike shape.
car* bo n (kahr-bdn) ru 1. a chemical ele- car *bu* re -tor (kahr-bu-ray-tdr) n. an ap-
ment that is present in all living matter paratus for mixing fuel and air in an in-
and occurs in its pure form as diamond ternal combustion engine.
and graphite. 2. a rod of carbon in an car-bu-rize (kahr-bu-nz) v. (car*bu*
arc lamp. 3. carbon paper. 4. a carbon rized, car'buTiZ'ing) to combine or
copy. car'borHess adj. carbon inject (a metal) with carbon. car*bu*
black, a black coallike substance used ri-za'tion ru

in making pigment, rubber 'etc. carbon car •case (kahr-kas) ru 1. the dead body
copy, a copy made with carbon paper; of an animal, especially one prepared for
an exact copy, carbon dating, a method cutting up as meat. 2. the bony part of
of determining the age of prehistoric ob- the body of a bird before or after cooking.
jects by measuring the decay of radio car*cin*o*gen (kahr-sin-d-jen) ru a can-
carbon in them, carbon dioxide, a col- cer-producing substance, car • ci • no •
orless odorless gas formed by the burning gen*ic (kahr-si-nd-jen-ik) adj. car*
of carbon breathed out by animals in res- Ci*no*ge*nic*i*ty (kahr-si-noh-je-nis-
i-tee) ru
piration, carbon 14, a naturally radio-
active carbon, used in carbon dating. car -ci* no* ma (kahr-si-noh-ma) ru (pL
carbon monoxide, a very poisonous -mas, -ma*ta, pr. -ma-tl) a cancerous
gas formed when carbon burns incom-
growth. car*ci*no'ma*tous adj.
pletely, as in the exhaust of automobile
card 1 (kahrd) ru 1 a small piece of
. stiff
paper or thin cardboard, often printed,
engines, carbon paper, a thin paper
used to send messages, greetings, etc.,
coated with carbon, placed between
or to record information such as a per-
sheets of writing paper for making copies
son's nameor the title of a book and
of what is written or typed on the top
for use as an identification or in a card
sheet, carbon tetrachloride, a color-
index. 2. a program of horse races. 3.
less liquid used as a solvent in dry clean-
a playing card. 4. an odd or amusing
ing etc. carbon 12, a carbon isotope
person. 5. cards, card playing, a card
used as the standard by which atomic
game, card v. 1 to write or list on cards.

weights are measured.

2. to score in golf, he carded a 78.
car-bo-na-ceous (kahr-bo-nay-shus)
_ be in the cards, to be likely or possi-
adj. 1. of or like coal or charcoal. 2.
ble, card catalog, a library file with in-
consisting of or containing carbon.
formation of books entered on cards.
car*bon*ate (kahr-bo-nayt) n. a com- card file, a me in which each item is
pound that releases carbon dioxide when entered on a separate card, card game,
mixed with acid, carbonate v. (car* a game using playing cards, play one's
bon-at-ed, car-bon-at-ing) 1. to cards right, to use good judgment in
form into a carbonate. 2. to charge with managing one's affairs, put one's cards
carbon dioxide gas. D
carbonated on the table, to be frank about one's
drink, a drink made fizzy with carbon resources and intentions.
dioxide gas. card 2 ru a wire brush or toothed instru-
car*bon*if*er*ous (kahr-bd-nif-e-rus) ment for cleaning or combing wool, card
adj. 1. producing or containing carbon v. to clean or comb with this.
or coal. 2. Carboniferous, of the geologic car* da* mom (kahr-da-mom)
ru a spice
period of the Paleozoic era before the consisting of the seed capsules of various
Devonian and after the Permian, car- plants, used as a medicine, in curries,
boniferous n. the carboniferous period. etc. Also car*da*mon (-mun).
car-bon-ize (kahr-bd-mz) v. (car* card *board (kahrd-bohrd) ru pasteboard,
borvized, car*bon*iz*ing) 1. to con- especially for making into boxes.
vert (a substance that contains carbon) card-car *ry*lng (kahrd-kar-i-ing) adj. be-
into carbon alone, as by heating or burn- ing a registered member of a political
ing it. 2. to coat with carbon. car*bon* party etc.
i*za*tion (kahr-bo-ni-zay-shdn) n. car*di*ac (kahr-di-ak) adj. 1 . of the heart.
Car*bo*run*dum (kahr-bd-run-dum) n. 2. of heart disease. Dcardiac failure,
(trademark) a hard compound of carbon a heart attack.
and silicon used for polishing and grind- Car-diff (kahr-dif) the capital of Wales.
ing things. car*di*gan (kahr-dT-gan) ru a sweater or
car* boy (kahr-boi) n. a large round bottle knitted jacket opening down the front.
surrounded by a protecting framework, car*di*nal (kahr-dT-nal) adj. 1 chief, most .

used for transporting liquids safely. important, the cardinal virtues. 2. deep
car bun -cle (kahr-bung-kfcl) ru 1 a severe
• . scarlet, cardinal n. 1 a member of the
125 cardinalate / carload

Sacred College of the Roman Catholic development and progress of a political

Church, which elects the pope. 2. an party etc.quick or violent forward
American songbird, the male of which movement; stopped him in mid career,
is bright red. car'di*nal*ly adv. car- as he was rushing, career v. to move
dinal flower, a North American plant swiftly or wildly. career diplomat,
bearing a spike of red flowers, cardinal one who follows diplomacy as a career.
numbers, the whole numbers, 1, 2, 3, career woman, a woman who works
etc. cardinal points, the four main permanently in a paid occupation.
points of the compass, north, east, south, care* free (kair-free) adj. lighthearted
and west. through being free from anxiety or re-
car-di-nal-ate (kahr-dl-na-layt) n. 1. the sponsibility. >Do
not confuse carefree
College of Cardinals. 2. the rank, posi- and careless.
tion, term, etc. of a Roman Catholic car- care-ful (kair-ful) adj. 1. giving serious
dinal. attention and thought, painstaking, a
car -di-o -gram (kahr-di-6-gram) n. an careful worker. 2. done with care, careful
electrocardiogram. work. 3. cautious, avoiding damage or
car -di-o -graph (kahr-di-6-graf) n. an loss, care'ful-ly adv. care'ful-ness n.
electrocardiograph, car -di-o- graph- care* less (kair-lis) adj. not careful,
ic (kahr-di-6-graf-ik) adj. car-di-og- care'less-ly adv. care'less-ness n.
ra-phy (kahr-di-og-ra-fee) n. t> Do not confuse careless with carefree.
car -di-ol-O- gist (kahr-di-ol-6-jist) n. a ca-ress (ka-res) n. a loving touch, a kiss.
specialist in cardiology. caress v. to touch lovingly, to kiss.
car*di*ol*o*gy (kahr-di-ol-5-jee) n. the car-et (kar-it) n. a mark (~) to show omis-
branch of medicine dealing with the sion.
heart, its movement, function, and dis- care-tak-er (kair-tay-ker) n. a person em-
eases. ployed to look after a house or building.
car-di-o-pul-mo-nary (kahr-di-oh-pul- U caretaker government, one holding
md-ner-ee) adj. of or involving the lungs office temporarily until another can be
and heart. elected.
car-di-o-vas-cu-lar (kahr-di-oh-vas- care* worn (kair-wohrn) adj. showing
kyu-lar) adj. of or involving the blood signs of prolonged worry.
vessels and heart. car* fare (kahr-fair) n. bus or streetcar
card* shark (kahrd-shahrk) n. (informal) fare.
a cardsharp. car* go (kahr-goh) n. {pi -goes, -gos)
card sharp
• (kahrd-shahrp), card goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or other
sharp -er (kahrd-shahr-per) ru a person vehicle.
who makes a living by cheating others car* hop (kahr-hop) n. (informal) a person
at cards. employed to serve patrons in their cars
care (kair) n. 1. serious attention and at a drive-in restaurant etc.
thought, planned with care. 2. caution to Car -lb -be* an (kar-T-bee-an) adj. of the
avoid damage or loss, handle with care. Caribbean Sea, a part of the Atlantic off
3. protection, charge, supervision, left Central America. Caribbean n. the Car-
the child in her sister's care. 4. worry, ibbean Sea.
anxiety, freedom from care, care v. car-hbou (kar-T-boo) n. (pi. -bou, -bous)
(cared, caning) concern or
1. to feel a North American reindeer.
interest. 2. to feel affectionor liking. 3. car*i*ca*ture (kar-T-ka-chur) n. a picture
to feel willing, would you care to try one? or description or imitation of a person
car'ing-ly adv. Dcare for, to have in or thing that exaggerates certain charac-
one's care, care Of, C/o, to the address teristics, especially for comic effect, cari-
of (someone who will deliver or forward cature v. (car *i*ca* hired, car*i*ca*
things), write to him care of his bank. tuning) to make a caricature of. car'i*
take care, to be cautious, take care ca-tur-ist n.
Of, to take charge of; to see to the safety car-ies (kair-eez) n. (pi car*ies) decay
or well-being of; to deal with. in bones or teeth, dental caries.
CARE (kair) n. an organization for helping car* it* Ion (kar-I-lon) n. a set of bells
the needy abroad. >
Cooperative for sounded either from a keyboard or me-
/American .Relief Abroad. chanically. car*il*lon*neur (kar-T-16-
ca-reen (ka-reen) v. 1. to tilt or keel (a nur) n.

boat etc.) over to one side. 2. to swerve. car-i-ous (kair-i-iis) adj. (especially of
ca-reer (ka-reer) n. 1. an occupation, a bones or teeth) decayed.
way of making a living, especially one car* load (kahr-lohd) n. 1. a load that fills
with opportunities for advancement or a car, especially a freight car. 2. a large
promotion. 2. progress through life, the quantity of anything.
Carmelite / carrier 126
Car mel-ite (kahr-me-ht) n. a member of ery system that rotates like a merry-go-
an order of friars or of a corresponding round.
order of nuns. Carmelite adj. carp 1 (kahrp) n, {pi carp, carps) an edi-
car min*a*tive (kahr-min-a-tiv) adj. cur- ble freshwater fish that lives in lakes and
ing flatulence, carminative n, a car- ponds.
minative drug. carp3 v. to keep finding fault, to raise petty

car* mine (kahr-mln) adj. & n. deep red. objections.

carnage (kahr-nij) n. the killing of many car* pal (kahr-pal) adj. of the wrist joint.
people. carpal n. any of the wrist bones.
adj. of the body or flesh,
car • nal (kahr-nal) carpe di*em (kahr-pee di-em) enjoy
not spiritual, carnal desires, car'nal* today without thought of tomorrow.
ly adv. carnal*i*ty (kahr-nal-i-tee) n. > Latin.
car*na*tion (kahr-nay-sh6n) n. a culti- car* pel (kahr-pel)n, the pistil of a flower,
vated double-flowered clove-scented the part in which the seeds develop.
pink. carpenter (kahr-pen-ter) n. a person
carnau*ba (kahr-naw-ba) n. 1. a Brazil- who makes or repairs wooden objects
ian wax palm.2. its yellowish wax. and structures, carpenter v. to work as
car*nel*ian (kahr-neel-yan) n. a reddish a carpenter. car'pen*try n. carpen-
or white semiprecious stone. ter ant, one that nests and bores in de-
carney = carny. caying trees and dead wood.
carni*val (kahr-ni-v&l) n. 1. a traveling car* pet (kahr-pit) n. 1 a thick textile cov-

amusement show having sideshows, ering for floors. 2. a thick layer under-
game booths, and rides. 2. festivities and foot, a carpet of leaves, carpet v. (car*
public merrymaking during the last three pet-ed, carpeMng) to cover with a
days or last week before Lent. carpet. D
carpet slippers, slippers with
Car-niV'OTa (kahr-niv-o-rS) n. an order cloth uppers, carpet sweeper, a house-
of mammals, mostly carnivorous, includ- hold device with revolving brushes for
ing cats, dogs, and many other animals. sweeping carpets, on the carpet, (in-
car*ni*VOre (kahr-nl-vohr) n. a carnivo- formal) being reprimanded.
rous animal. car* pet* bag (kahr-pit-bag) n. a traveling
car-nivoTOUS (kahr-niv-5-rus) adj. bag made of carpet fabric.
feeding on flesh or other animal matter. car*pet*bag*ger (kahr-pit-bag-eY) n. 1.
carnlv'o*rous*ly adv. carniv'o* a Northerner who went into the South
rous-ness n. after the Civil War to profit from Recon-
carny (kahr-nee) n. {pi. -nies) (slang) 1. struction. 2. a person who meddles in
a carnival. 2. a person working for a car- the politics 6f a locality with which he
nival. has no genuine connection.
carol (kar-ol) n. a joyful song, especially carpeting (kahr-pi-ting) n. material for
a Christmas hymn, carol v. (caroled, carpets.
carohing) 1. to sing carols. 2. to sing car* port (kahr-pohrt) n. an open-sided
joyfully, car'ol*er n. shelter for a car, projecting from the side
Caro*li*na (kar-6-li-na) either of two of a house.
states of the U.S., North and South Caro- car* pus (kahr-pus) n. {pi. -pi, pr. -pi) 1.
lina. the set of bones (eight in humans) con-
carom (kar-om) n. 1. (in billiards) the necting the forearm to the hand. 2. the
hitting of two balls successively by a wrist.
player's ball. 2. a rebound, as of a rubber car-ra-geen, carragheen (kar-a-
ball off a wall, carom v. 1 . to make a geen) n. an edible purple seaweed.
carom. 2. to strike and rebound off. carrel (kar-el) n. a cubicle for a reader
carctene (kar-5-teen) n, an orange or in a library.
red substance that occurs in carrots, to- carriage (kar-ij) n. 1. a wheeled vehicle,
matoes, and many other vegetables, and usually horse drawn, for carrying passen-
is a source of vitamin A. gers. 2. (British) a railroad car for passen-
ca-rot-id (ka-rot-id) n. either of the ca- gers. 3. the carrying of goods from place
rotid arteries, the two great arteries to place, the cost of this. 4. a gun car-
(one on either side of the neck) carrying riage. 5. a moving part carrying or hold-
blood to the head, carotid adj. of these ing something in a machine. 6. the pos-
arteries. ture of the body when walking. 7. a baby
ca- rouse (ka-rowz) v. (ca* roused, ca* carriage. carriage trade, an affluent
rous-ing) to drink and be merry, ca* clientele; trade with this.
rous'er n. ca-rous'al n. car*ri*er (kar-i-£r) n. 1. a person or thing
carou-sel, carrou*sel (kar-5-seI) n. 1. that carries something. 2. a person or
a merry-go-round. 2." a conveyor or deliv- company (common carrier) that trans-
127 carrion / cartridge

ports goods or people for payment. 3. or suitcase small enough to be kept

a support for luggage or a seat for a pas- within an airplane cabin during flight.
senger on a bicycle etc. 4. a person or carry-on adj.
animal that transmits a disease to others car • ry-out (kar-ee-owt)
adj. (informal) (of
without being affected by it himself. 5. food) to be taken along by the customer
an aircraft carrier. 6. (also carrier for eating elsewhere.
wave) a transmitted wave that carries car* sick (kahr-sik) adj. made sick or
a television or radio signal. carrier pi- queasy by the motion of a car. car ' sick •
geon, a homing pigeon used to carry ness n.
messages tied to its leg or neck. Car* son (kahr-son) City the capital of Ne-
car*ri*on (kar-i-dn) n. dead and decaying vada.
flesh. cart (kahrt) n. 1. a two-wheeled vehicle
car* rot (kar-dt) n. 1 a plant with a taper-
. used for carrying loads, pulled by a horse
ing orange-colored root. 2. this root, used etc. 2. a light vehicle with a shaft, pushed
as a vegetable. 3. a means of enticing or drawn by hand, cart v. 1. to carry
someone to do something; the carrot in a cart. 2. (informal) to carry labori-
and the stick, bribes and threats, car' ously, to lug; carted his family off to Italy,
rot*y adj. made them go with him. cart'er n.
car* rot-top (kar-dt-top) n. (informal) a Dput the cart before the horse, to
red-headed person. put a thing first when it should logically
car-rou-sel = carousel. come second.
car*ry (kar-ee) v. (car Tied, car*ry* cart* age (kahr-tij) n. 1. carting goods. 2.
ing) 1 to take from one place to another.
. the cost of this.
2. to have on one's person, he is carrying carte blanche (kahrt blahnch) full power
a gun. 3. to conduct, to take, wires carry to act as one thinks best. D> French.
electric current. 4. to support the Weight car *tel (kahr-tel) n. a combination of busi-
of, to bear; she carries that department, ness firms to control production, market-
but for her ability it would collapse. 5. ing, etc. and avoid competing with one
to involve, to entail, the crime carries a another.
life sentence. 6. to extend; don't carry Canter (kahr-ter), James Earl, Jr.
modesty too far, do not be too modest. (1924- ) the thirty-ninth president of
7. to win, to capture; the motion was car- the U.S. 1977-1981.
ried, was approved. 8. (of a newspaper Car*te*sian (kahr-tee-z/ran) adj. of the
or broadcast) to contain, the networks French scholar Descartes or his philoso-
carried the story. 9. to hold and move phy or mathematical methods.
(the body) in a certain way, she carries Car*thu*sian (kahr-thoo-zAan) n. a mem-
herself with dignity. 10. to be transmitted ber of an order of monks founded at
clearly, sound carries across water, carry La Grande Chartreuse near Grenoble,
n. (pi -ries) 1 the distance traveled by
. France.
a golf ball in flight. 2. a portage between car*ti*lage (kahr-tt-lij) n. 1. tough white
rivers etc. 3. range (of a gun, sound, etc.). flexible tissue attached to the bones of
Dbe carried away, to be very excited. animals. 2. a structure made of this, car*
carry all before one, to be very suc- ti*lag*i*nous (kahr-ti-laj-i-niis) adj.
cessful, carry conviction, to sound con- car*tog*ra*phy (kahr-tog-ra-fee) n. map
vincing, carry forward, to transfer to drawing. car*tog'ra*pher n. car*to*
a new page of accounts in bookkeeping. gra*phic (kahr-td-graf-ik) adj.
carrying charge, the interest on an un- car* ton (kahr-t6n) n. 1. a cardboard box
paid balance of a charge or installment or container. 2. the amount it contains.
account, carry off, to cause the death car* toon (kahr-toon) n. 1. an amusing
of; to win (a prize); to deal with (a situa- drawing in a newspaper etc., especially
tion) successfully, carry on, to continue; as a comment on public matters. 2. a
to take part in (a conversation); to man- sequence comic or serial
of these telling a
age or conduct (a business etc.); (in- story. 3. an animated cartoon, cartoon
formal) to behave excitedly, to complain v. to draw cartoons, to represent in a

lengthily, carry on with, (informal) to cartoon.

have an affair with, to flirt with, carry car* toon* 1st (kahr-too-nist) n. a person
out, to put into practice, to accomplish. who draws cartoons.
carry over, to carry forward in book- cartridge (kahr-trij) n. 1. a tube or case
keeping, carry weight, to be influential containing explosive for firearms or
or important. blasting, with bullet or shot if for a rifle
car Ty* all (kar-ee-awl) n. a roomy bag or etc. 2.a sealed case holding film, record-
basketlike container. ing tape, etc. put into an apparatus and
car*ry-on (kar-ee-on) n. (informal) a bag removed from it as a unit. 3. the detach-
cartwheel / casino 128

able head of a pickup on a record player, tileconsisting of small pellets in a metal

holding the stylus. container.
cart* wheel (kahrt-hweel) n. a handspring case* book (kays-buuk) n.1.a record of
in which the body turns with limbs legal or medical cases. 2. a collection of
spread like spokes of a wheel, balancing scholarly articles on a single subject.
on each hand in turn. case* bound (kays-bownd) adj. (of a
carve (kahrv) v. (carved, carving) 1. book) in hard cover.
to form or produce or inscribe by cutting case* hard* en (kays-hahr-den) v. 1. to
solid material. 2. to cut (cooked meat) harden the surface of (a metal). 2. to
into slices for eating. 3. to make by great render callous.
effort, carved out a career for himself. ca*sein (kay-seen) n. a protein found in

carv'er ru carve up, to divide into milk, the basis of cheese.

parts or shares. case* load (kays-lohd) n. the number of
carving (kahr-ving) n. a carved object cases with which a doctor etc. is con-
or design. cerned in a period of time.
car* wash (kahr-wosh) ru an establishment case*ment Qtays-ment) n. a window that

where automobiles are washed. opens on hinges like a door.

car*y*at*id (kar-ee-at-id) n. a sculptured case* work (kays-wurk) n. social work
female figure used as a supporting pillar that involves dealing with people who
in a building.
have problems. case'work*er n.
ca*sa*ba (ka-sah-ba) ru a winter musk- case *worni (kays-wurm) n, an insect
melon with a yellow rind and sweet flesh. larva, such as a caddisworm, enclosed
within a case it builds for protection.
Cas*a*no*va (kaz-a-noh-va) ru a man
with a reputation for having many love
cash (kash) n. 1 money in coin or notes.

2. immediate payment for goods, as op-

affairs. >Named after an Italian adven-
posed to installment payments etc. 3. (in-
turer (18th century).
formal) money, wealth, they're short of
cas-cade (kas-kayd) ru 1. a waterfall. 2.
cash, cash v. to give or get cash for,
something falling or hanging like this.
cashed a check. Ucash and carry, a
cascade v. (cas-cad-ed, cas*cad*
method of shopping in which goods are
ing) to as or like a cascade.
paid for in cash and taken away by the
cas*car*a (kas-kar-a) ru 1. the bark of a
buyer himself, cash crop, a crop grown
North American buckthorn, used as a
for selling, cash discount, a discount
purgative. 2. the tree itself.
given in return for payment in cash.
case 1
(kays) ru 1 an instance or example

cash flow, the flow of cash into a busi-

of the occurrence of something, an actual
ness as goods etc. are sold, cash in on,
state of affairs. 2. a condition of disease
to make a large profit from; to turn to
or injury, a person suffering from this, one's advantage, cash in one's chips,
two cases of measles. 3. something being (slang) to die. cash on delivery, pay-
investigated by police etc., a murder case. ment to be made when goods are deliv-
4. a lawsuit. 5. a set of facts or arguments ered, not at the time of purchase, cash
supporting something, she made a case register, a device used in stores, with
for keeping her secretary. 6. the form of a mechanism for recording and storing
a noun or pronoun that shows its relation the money received for each purchase.
to another word, as in Marys hat, s cash *a* Die (kash-a-bel) adj. able to be
shows the possessive case. Dcase his- cashed.
tory, a record of the pertinent history cash*ew (kash-oo) n. 1. the small edible
of a patient etc. case law, law based nut of a tropical tree. 2. this tree.
on judicial decision in an earlier case or cash • ler 1 (ka-sheer) n. a person employed
cases rather than on statute, case to receive and pay out money in a bank
study, a study of a person or a condition or to receive payments in a shop etc.
based on collected information. In any cashier's check, a check issued by
case, whatever the facts are; whatever a bank, drawn on the bank's own funds
may happen, in case, lest something and signed by a cashier.
should happen; in case of fire, if there cashier 2 v. to dismiss from service, espe-
should be a fire. cially with disgrace.
case 2 ru 1 a container or protective cover-
. cash* mere (kazA-meer) n. 1. a very fine
ing. 2. this with its contents, the amount soft wool, especially that from the Kash-
it contains. 3. a suitcase, case v. (cased, mir goat. 2. fabric made from this.
cas-ing) 1. to enclose in a case. 2. cas*ing (kay-sing)n. 1 a protective cover-

(slang) to examine, to look at closely; ing or wrapping. 2. the material from

case the joint, examine (a house etc.) in which this is made.
planning a crime, case shot, a projec- ca*si*no (ka-see-noh) n. {pi -noa) a pub-
129 cask / cat
lie building or room for gambling and cas-tel-lat-ed (kas-te-lay-tid) adj. having
other amusements. turrets or battlements like a castle.
cask (kask) n. 1. a barrel, especially for cast*er (kas-ter) n. 1. a small container
alcoholic drinks. 2. its contents. for sugar or salt, with a perforated top
cas-ket (kas-kit) n. a coffin. for sprinkling from. 2. one of the small
casque (kask) n. a medieval helmet with swiveled wheels fixed to the legs of furni-
a nose guard. ture so that it can be moved easily. 3.
Cas-san-dra (ka-san-dra) n. a person a person who casts.
who prophesies disaster. >
Named after cas-ti-gate (kas-tf-gayt) v. (cas-ti-
a prophetess in Greek legend who fore- gat-ed, cas-ti-gat-ing) to punish by
told evil events but was doomed never blows or by criticizing severely, cas'th
to be believed. ga-tor n. cas-ti-ga-tion (kas-ti-gay-
cas-sa-va (ka-sah-va) n. a tropical plant shon) n.
with starchy roots from which tapioca casting (kas-ting) n. 1. a piece of metal
is obtained. or other material shaped by melting and
cas*se*role (kas-e-rohl) n. 1. a covered pouring into a mold. 2. something that
dish in which meat etc. is cooked and is thrown off. 3. the act or process of
served. 2. food cooked in such a dish. throwing something, especially a fishing
cas*sette (ka-set) n. a small sealed case line. 4. the choice of actors and actresses
containing a reel of film or magnetic tape. for roles in a play etc.
cassette player, a machine for play- cast-i Ton (kast-i-drn) adj. 1 . made of cast
ing a cassette tape. iron. 2. very strong.
cas-sia (kash-a) n. 1. a coarse kind of cas*tle (kas-el) n. 1 a large fortified build-

cinnamon bark, the tree it comes from. ing or group of buildings. 2. a chess piece
2. a plant found in warm climates, a me- also called a rook, castle v. (cas-tled,
dicinal preparation from its leaves. cas'tling) in chess, to move the rook
cas*sit*er*ite (ka-sit-e-nt) n. a mineral, to next to the king and the king to the
tin dioxide, that is the source of tin. other side of the rook. castles in the
cas*SOCk (kas-dk) n. a long garment worn air, daydreams.
by certain clergymen and members of cast-offs (kast-awfs) n. pi clothes that
church choirs. the owner will not wear again.
cas*SO*war*y (kas-6-wer-ee) n. a large cas*tor = caster.
bird like an ostrich but smaller. cas*tor (kas-tdr) oil oil from the seeds
cast (kast) v. (cast, casting) 1 to throw,
. of a tropical plant (castor-oil plant),
cast a net; cast a shadow, cause there used as a laxative and as a lubricant.
to be one. 2. to shed. 3. to turn or send castor bean, the seed of the castor-
in a particular direction; cast your eye oil plant.
over this, examine it. 4. to give (one's cas-trate (kas-trayt) v. (cas-trat-ed,
vote). 5. to make (an object) by pouring cas* tracing) to remove the testicles
metal etc. into a mold and letting it of, to geld, cas* tra'tion n.
harden. 6. to calculate, cast a horoscope. ca-su-al (kaz/i-oo-al) adj. 1. happening
7. to select actors for a play etc., to assign by chance, a casual encounter. 2. made
a role to. cast n. 1 an act of casting.
. or done without forethought, not serious,
2. something made by putting soft mate- a casual remark. 3. not methodical, a
rial into a mold to harden, a plaster cast casual inspection. 4. informal, for in-
(see plaster). 3. a set of actors cast for formal occasions, casual clothes. 5. ir-
parts in a play. 4. a slight squint. regular, not permanent, found some
Dcast about for, to search or look for. casual work; casual laborers, doing such
cast iron, a hard alloy of iron made work. ca'su*al«ly adv. ca'su*al*ness
by casting in a mold, cast off, to release n.
a ship from its moorings; to loop stitches ca*su*ist*ry (kaz/i-oo-is-tree) n. (pi
off a needle in knitting. -ries) 1 reasoning, especially by a theo-

cas*ta*nets (kas-ta-nets) n. pi a pair of logian, to settle questions of conscience

shell-shaped pieces of wood or ivory etc., and conduct. 2. dishonest or insincere
struck together with the fingers espe- reasoning in these matters. ca'SU«ist n.

cially as an accompaniment to a Spanish ca*su*is*tic (kaz/i-oo-is-tik) adj. ca«

dance. su*is'ti-cal adj.
cast *a* way (kas-ta-way) n. a ship- ca-sus bel'li (kay-sus bel-i) (pi. ca«
wrecked person. sus behli) an act justifying or regarded
caste (kast) n. 1. one of the hereditary as reason for war. > Latin.
Hindu social classes. 2. any exclusive so- cat (kat) n. 1 a small furry domesticated

cial class. Dlose caste, to lose rank animal often kept as a pet. 2. a wild ani-
or social status. mal related to this; the great cats, lion,
CAT / catch 130

tiger, leopard, etc. 3. (informal) a spiteful cat *a Tact (kat-a-rakt)n. 1 a large water-

or malicious woman. 4. the cat-o'-nine- fall. a condition in which the lens of

tails. Gcat and mouse, a children's the eye becomes cloudy and obscures
game; the practice of taking slight action sight. 3. this opaque area.
repeatedly against a weaker party, cat ca*tarrh (kS-tahr) n. inflammation of a
burglar, a burglar who enters by climb- mucous membrane, especially of the nose
ing a wall or drainpipe etc. cat's cra- and throat, accompanied by a watery dis-
dle, a game with string forming looped charge. ca*tarrh'al adj.
patterns between the fingers, let the cat ca-tas-tro'phe (ka-tas-trd-fee) ru a sud-
out of the bag, to give away a secret. den great disaster. cat*a*stroph«ic
CAT abbr. clear-air turbulence. (kat-a-strof-ik) adj. cat*a*Stroph'i*
cat. abbr. catalog. cahly adv.
ca-tab-o-lism (ka-tab-6-liz-em) n. the cat -a -ton -ic (kat-a-ton-ik) adj. schizo-
phase of metabolism in which complex phrenic and with attacks of catalepsy.
compounds break into simpler ones, cat* Ca • taw • ba (ka-taw-ba) n. 1 a grape culti- .

a-bohic (kat-a-bol-ik) adj. cat*a*bol' vated in the eastern U.S. 2. a white wine
i*cal*ly adv. made from this grape.
cat-a-clysm (kat-a-kliz-em) n. a violent cat* bird (kat-burd) n. a North American
upheaval or disaster. cat*a*clys*mic songbird whose call sounds like the mew-
(kat-a-kliz-mik) adj. ing of a cat. Din the catbird seat, (in-
cat *a -comb (kat-a-kohm) n. an under- formal) in advantageous position.
ground gallery with side recesses for cat* boat (kat-boht) n. a broad-beamed
tombs. Lithe Catacombs, those made sailboat with the mast well forward and
by Jews and early Christians in and near rigged with one sail.
Rome. cat* call (kat-kawl) n. a shrill whistle of
cat*a*falque (kat-a-falk) n. a decorated disapproval, catcall v.
platform on which the coffin of a distin- catch (kach) v. (caught, catch* ing) 1.
guished person stands during the funeral to capture in a net or snare or after a
or while the remains are lying in state, chase. 2. to overtake, / caught him at
or on which the coffin is drawn in proces- the finish line. 3. to grasp something
sion. moving and hold it, the tight end caught
cat-a-lep-sy (kat-a-lep-see) n. a seizure the pass. 4. to come unexpectedly upon,
in which a person becomes rigid and un- to take by surprise, to detect. 5. to be
conscious. cat*a*lep*tic (kat-a-lep-tik) in time for and get on (a train etc.). 6.
adj. (informal) to hear (a broadcast), to watch
cat -a -log, cat-a-logue (kat-a-log) n. a (a film). 7. to get briefly, caught a glimpse
list of items, usually in systematic order of it; you have caught the likeness well,
and with a description of each, cata- seen and reproduced it in painting etc.;
log (ue) v. (cat-a-loged, cat -a -log* try to catch his eye, make him notice you.
ing; catalogued, cat-a-logu-ing) 8. to become or cause to become fixed
to list in a catalog. cat'a*log*er, or prevented from moving. 9. to hit, the
cat'a*logu*er n. blow caught him on the nose. 10. to begin
ca-tal'pa (ka-tal-pa) n. a tree with large to burn, the sticks caught or caught fire.
simple leaves, native to North America, 1 1 . to become infected with, caught a
tropical America, Japan, and China. cold catch n. 1. the act of catching.
cat -a -ly St (kat-a-list) n. 1. a substance 2. something caught or worth catching;
that aids or speeds up a chemical reaction hes a good catch, worth getting as a hus-
while remaining unchanged itself. 2. a band. 3. a concealed difficulty or disad-
person or thing that precipitates a vantage, there must be a catch in it; a
change, ca*tal*ysis (ka-tal-I-sis) n. catch question, one involving a catch. 4.
{pi -ses, pr. -seez). a device for fastening something.
cat*a*lyt*ic (kat-a-lit-ik) adj. causing ca- catch basin, a well at a sewer open-
talysis. cat*a*lyt'i*cal*ty adv. ing, intended to prevent undesired mate-
cat *a* ma* ran (kat-a-ma-ran) n. a boat rials from entering the sewer, catch
with twin hulls. hold Of, to seize in the hand(s); he
cat *a* mount (kat-a-mownt) n. see caught hold of himself just in time,
mountain lion. stopped himself from blundering, catch
cat*a*pult (kat-a-pult) n. 1 a device with
. It, (informal) to be scolded or punished.

elastic for shooting small stones etc. 2. catch on, (informal) to become popular;
a device for launching a glider or an air- to understand what is meant, catch
craft from the deck of a carrier, catapult phrase, a phrase in frequent current use,
v. 1. to hurl from a catapult, to fling a catchword, catch up, to come abreast
forcibly. 2. to rush violently. with; to do work that is in arrears, play
131 catchall / catkin

catch-up, to use tactics that may enable ca*ter*er (kay-ter-er) n. one whose trade
one to catch up with a competitor. is to supply meals etc.

catch* all (kach-awl) n. a receptacle for a cat*er*pil*lar (kat-er-pil-ar) n. the larva

variety of objects. of a butterfly or moth, caterpillar
catch-as-catch-can (kach-az-kach-kan) tread, a steel band passing around two
n. wrestling in which few or no holds wheels of a tractor or tank, enabling it
are barred. to travel over very rough ground.
catch *er (kach-er) ru 1. one who catches. cat -er- waul (kat-er-wawl) v. to make a
2. a baseball player who is stationed at cat's howling cry. caterwaul n. such a
home plate. cry.
catch -ing (kach-ing) adj. infectious. cat* fish (kat-fish) n. (pi -fish, -fish*
catch •merit (kach-ment) ru that which is es) a large usually freshwater fish with
caught. catchment area, an area whiskerlike feelers around the mouth.
from which rainfall drains into a river cat* gut (kat-gut) n. a fine strong cord
or reservoir. made from the dried intestines of ani-
catch* pen *ny (kach-pen-ee) adj. in- mals, used for the strings of musical in-
tended to sell quickly for little money. struments and for sewing up surgical in-
catch-22 n. (slang) a dilemma from which
the victim has no escape. D>From the
Cath. abbr. 1 . (often cath.) cathedral. 2.
title of a novel, Catch-22, by Joseph Hel-
ler, 1961.
ca*thar*sis (ka-thahr-sis) n. (pi. -ses, pr.
-seez) 1 the act of ridding or cleansing.
catch* word (kach-wurd) n. a memorable

2. the relief of the emotions gained

word or phrase that is often used, a slo-
through viewing the experiences of oth-
ers, especially in a drama. 3. the relieving
catch -y (kach-ee) adj. (catch* her,
of a neurotic state by reenacting an ear-
catch *i*est) 1. pleasant and easy to re-
lier emotional experience.
member, a catchy tune. 2. tricky, involv-
ca*thar*tic (ka-thahr-tik) adj. producing
ing a catch.
catharsis, cathartic n. a laxative.
cat-e-chism (kat-£-kiz-em) n. 1. the Cat-
ca*the*dral (ka-thee-dral) n. the principal
echism, a summary of
the principles of
church of a bishop's see. cathedral
a religion in the form of questions and
ceiling, a high ceiling constructed of or
answers. 2. a series of questions and an-
imitating exposed beams.
Cath *er*ine (kath-e-rin) wheel a rotating
cat-e-chist (kat-e-kist) n. a person who >
Named after St. Catherine,
puts questions to another. who was martyred on a spiked wheel.
cat*e*chize (kat-e-kiz) v. (cat*e* cath*e*ter (kath-e-ter) n. a tube that can
chized, cat*e*chiz*ing) to put a series
be inserted into a body passage or cavity.
of questions to (a person). cath*e*ter*ize (kath-e-te-nz) v. (cath*
cat*e*Chu*men (kat-e-kyoo-men) n. a e*ter*ized, cath*e*ter*iz*ing) to in-
Christian convert under instruction be- sert a catheter into.
fore baptism. cath* Ode (kath-ohd) n. the electrode by
cat*e*gor*i*cal (kat-e-gor-i-kal) adj. ab- which current leaves a device. ca*thod*
solute, unconditional, a categorical re- ic (ka-thod-ik) adj. cathode ray*e*gor'i*cal*ly adv. cate- tube, a vacuum tube, for example, a tele-
gorical imperative, an absolute and vision picture tube, in which beams of
universally binding moral law. electrons are directed against a fluores-
cat*e*go*rize (kat-e-gd-nz) v. (cat*e* cent screen where they produce a lumi-
go-rized, cat*e*go*riz*ing) to place nous image.
in a particular category. cat*e*go*ri* cath *0* lie (kath-6-lik) adj. universal, in-
za-tion (kat-e-gd-ri-zay-shdn) n. cluding many or most things, his tastes
cat*e*go*ry (kat-e-gohr-ee) n. (pi. -ries) are catholic.
a class of things. Cath -o- lie (kath-6-lik) adj. 1. Roman
cat*e*nar*y (kat-e-ner-ee) n. (pi. -nar* Catholic. 2. of all Churches or Chris-
ies) a curve formed by a uniform chain tians. Catholic n. a Roman Catholic.
hanging freely from two points not in Ca*thol*i*cism (ka-thol-i-siz-em) n.

the same vertical line, catenary adj. cath*0*lic*i*ty (kath-6-lis-i-tee) n. 1. the

ca*ter (kay-ter) v. to provide what is quality of being of wide interest or use.
needed or wanted, especially food or en- 2. broadmindedness. 3. Catholicity, Ro-
tertainment, cater for 50 people; cater to man Catholicism.
people's interest in scandal, pander to it. cat*i*on (kat-i-6n) n. an ion with a posi-
cat*er*cor*ner (kat-er-kor-ner) catty- = tive charge.
cornered. cat* kin (kat-kin) n. a spike of small soft
catlike / cave 132

flowers hanging from trees such as wil- caus*al (kaw-zal) adj. of or forming a
low and hazel. cause, caus'ahly adv. cau*sal*i*ty
cat* like (kat-lik) adj. like a cat. (kaw-zal-i-tee) n.
cat* nap (kat-nap) n. a short nap. catnap cau*sa*tion (kaw-zay-shdn) n, 1. the
v. (cat -napped, cat* nap* ping) to causing or producing of an effect. 2. the
have a catnap. relation of cause and effect.
cat* nip (kat-nip) ru a plant with a strong cause (kawz) n. 1 . a person or thing that
smell that attracts cats. makes something happen or produces an
cat-o'-nine-tails (kat-6-nin-taylz) n. a effect. 2. a reason, there is no cause for
whip with nine knotted lashes, formerly anxiety. 3. a purpose or aim for which
used for flogging people, efforts are made, a movement or charity;
cat's-eyes (kats-iz) n. pi 1 reflector studs
. a good cause, one deserving support. 4.
marking the edge of a road etc. 2. gems a lawsuit; pleading his cause, his case.
reflecting light. cause v. (caused, caus-ing) to be the
cat's-paw (kats-paw) n. a person who is cause of, to produce, to make happen.
used by another to do something risky. caus*a*tive (kaw-za-tiv) adj. cause
cat* sup (kat-sup) = ketchup. ce • le • bre (kohz say-leb-re) a celebrated
cat* tail (kat-tayl) n. a reedlike marsh plant lawsuit or other issue.
with flowers in tall cylindrical spikes. cause* way (kawz- way) n. a raised road
cat* tie (kat-el) n. large ruminant animals across low or wet ground.
with horns and cloven hoofs, bred for caus*tic (kaws-tik) adj. 1. able to burn
their milk or meat, cat* tie* man (kat- or corrode things by chemical action. 2.
el-man) n. (pi -men, pr. -men), a breeder sarcastic, caustic n. a caustic substance.
of cattle. cattle car, a penlike railroad caus'ti*cal*ly adv. caus*tic*i*ty
car for transporting livestock. (kaws-tis-i-tee) n. caustic soda, so-
cat*ty (kat-ee) adj. (-ti*er, -ti*est) spite- dium hydroxide.
ful, speaking spitefully. cat'ti*ly adv. cau-ter-ize (kaw-te-nz) v. (cau*ter*
cat'ti-ness n. ized, cau-ter-iz-ing) to burn the sur-
cat*ty-cor*nered (kat-ee-kor-nerd) adv. face of (l^ing tissue) with a caustic or
diagonally. a hot iron in order to destroy infection
CATV abbr. community antenna television. or stop bleeding. cau*ter*i*za*tion
cat* walk (kat-wawk) n. a raised narrow (kaw-te-ri-zay-shdn) n.
pathway. cau*tion (kaw-shdn) n. 1. avoidance of
Cau-ca-sian (kaw-kay-z/ran) n. member rashness, attention to safety. 2. a warning
of the light-skinned division of humanity. against danger etc. 3. a warning and
Caucasian adj. reprimand, let him off with a caution.
cau*cus (kaw-kus) n. (pi -cus-es) a 4. (informal) an amusing person or thing,
meeting of a small group of political he is a caution, caution v. 1. to warn.
party leaders to decide policy etc. cau- 2. to warn and reprimand.
cus v. (cau*cused, cau-cus-ing) to cau*tion*ar*y (kaw-sho-ner-ee) adj. con-
meet for such purposes. veying a warning.
Qau*dal (kaw-dal) adj. of or at the tail. cau • tious (kaw-shus) adj. having or show-
cau'dal*ly adv. ing caution, cau'tious'ly adv. cau'
cau*dil*lo (kaw-deel-yoh) PL (pi -los) a tious -ness n.
military dictator in a Spanish-speaking cav. abbr. cavalry.
country. cav*al*cade (kav-al-kayd) n. a proces-
caught (kawt) see catch. sion, especially of people on horseback
caul (kawl) n. 1. a membrane enclosing or in cars etc.
a fetus in the womb. 2. part of this found cav*a*lier (kav-a-leer) n. 1. Cavalier, a
on a child's head at birth, once thought supporter of Charles I in the English
to be a charm against drowning. Civil War. 2. (humorous) a man escort-
caul-dron (kawl-dron) n. a large deep pot ing a woman, cavalier adj. arrogant, off-
for boiling things in. hand, a cavalier attitude.
cau-li* flower (kaw-II-flow-er) n. a cab- cav*al*ry (kav-al-ree) n. (pi -ries) troops
bage with a large white flower head. who fight on horseback, caval-ry*
cauliflower ear, an ear thickened by man (kav-al-ree-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
repeated blows, as in boxing. -men) ODo not confuse cavalry with
caulk (kawk) v. to make watertight by fill- Calvary.
ing seams or joints with waterproof ma- cave (kayv) n. a natural hollow in the side

terial, or by driving edges of plating to- of a hill or cliff, or underground, cave

gether, caulk'er n. v.(caved, caving) cave in, to fall in-

caulk *ing (kaw-king) n. material used to ward, to collapse; to cause to do this;
caulk seams etc. to withdraw one's opposition.
133 caveat / celestial

ca-ve-at (kav-ee-at) n. a warning. n. ceasing. without cease, not ceas-

G caveat emptor (kav-ee-at emp-t6r), ing.
"let the buyer beware," the legal maxim cease-fire (sees-fir) n. 1 a signal to stop

that the buyer buys at his own risk, ca- firing guns in war. 2. a truce.
veat ven-dhtor (kav-ee-at ven-di-tSr) cease a iess (sees-lis) adj. not ceasing, go-
"let the seller beware," the legal maxim ing on continually, cease'less-ly adv.
that the seller sells at his own risk. cease'less «ness n.
cave-in (kayv-in) n. 1 the act of collaps- . ce*cum (see-kum) n. {pi. ce-ca, pr. see-
ing. 2. a site at which earth or a structure ka) a tube with one closed end in an
has fallen inward. animal body, ce'cal adj.
cave* man (kayv-man) n. {pi -men, pr. ce*dar (see-dar) n. 1. an evergreen tree
-men) a person of prehistoric times
1. with hard sweet-smelling wood. 2. its
living in caves. 2. a man with a rough wood. cedar chest, a storage chest
primitive manner toward women. made of cedar for protecting woolen
cavern (kav-ern) n. a large cave, cav' clothing etc. from insects and rot.
envous adj. cav'ern*ous*ly adv. cede (seed) v. (ced«ed, ceding) to give

cavi*ar the pickled roe of

(kav-i-ahr) n. up one's rights to or possession of, they
sturgeon or other large fish. were compelled to cede certain territories.
cavil (kav-tl) v. (caviled, cavil* ce*dil*la (si-dil-a) n. a mark written under
ing) to raise petty objections, cavil n. c in certain languages to show that it
a petty objection, cav'iher n. is pronounced as s, as in facade.

cavi* ta-tion (kav-i-tay-sh6n) n. 1. suc- ceil* ing (see-ling) n. 1. the undersurface

cessive formation and collapse of bubbles of the top of a room. 2. the maximum
in liquids by mechanical forces, as from altitude at which a particular aircraft can
a ship's propeller. 2. a pocket formed fly. 3. an upper limit or level, wage ceil-

by this action. ings.

cavi«ty (kav-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) a hollow eel* an* dine (sel-an-din) n. a small wild
within a solid body. plant with yellow flowers.
ca*vort (ka-vort) v. to caper about excit- cel*e*brate (sel-e-brayt) v. (cel*e*
edly. brat-ed, cel*e*brat*ing) 1. to do
ca*vy (kay-vee) n. (pi -vies) a large South something to show that a day or event
American rodent, especially a guinea pig. is important, to honor with festivities,

caw (kaw) n. the harsh cry of a raven or to make merry on such an occasion. 2.
crow, caw v. to make this sound. to officiate at (a religious ceremony). ceK
cay (kay) n. a small low island or reef of e* bra* tor n. cel*e*bra*tion (sel-e-
sand, rocks, etc. bray-shdn) n. eel *e- brant (sel-e-brant)
cayenne (ki-en) pepper a hot red pow- n.
dered pepper. eel *e* brat *ed (sel-e-bray-tid) adj. fa-
cayman see caiman. mous.
cay use (ki-yoos) n. 1. an Indian pony. ce*leb*ri*ty (se-leb-ri-tee) n. {pi -ties)
2. (humorous) a horse of poor quality. 1. a well-known person. 2. fame, being
Cb symbol columbium. famous.
CB abbr. 1 citizens' band. 2. construction
. ce*ler*l*ty (se-ler-i-tee) n. swiftness.
battalion, Seabee. cel*er*y (sel-£-ree) n. a garden plant with
CBC abbr. Canadian Broadcasting Corpo- crisp juicy stems used in salads or as a
ration. vegetable.
CBW abbr. chemical and biological war- ce*les*ta (se-les-ta) n. a musical instru-
fare. ment like a piano, with metal plates
CC abbr. cubic centimeter(s). struck with hammers, and played from
CCC abbr. 1 Civilian Conservation Corps.
. a keyboard.
2. Commodity Credit Corporation. ce*les*tial (sg-les-chal) adj. 1. of the sky;
CCTV abbr. closed-circuit television. celestial bodies, stars etc. 2. of heaven,
CCW abbr. counterclockwise. divine. ce*les'tial*ly adv. Dcelestlal
Cd abbr. cord. equator, the great circle of the celestial
Cd symbol cadmium. sphere, formed by a plane cutting
CD abbr. 1 . certificate of deposit. 2. Civil through Earth's center at right angles
Defense. to its axis, celestial navigation, naviga-
Cdr. abbr. commander. tion by reference to celestial bodies, ce-
Ce symbol cerium. lestial sphere, the imaginary sphere on
C.E. abbr. 1. civil engineer. 2. Corps of which the heavenly bodies appear to lie,
Engineers. having its center at the center of Earth
cease (sees) v. (ceased, ceas-ing) to (or at the point where the observer
come or bring to an end, to stop, cease stands) and an infinite radius.
celibate / centavo 134

eel «i 'bate (sel-T-bit) adj. remaining un- to a stonelike mass when mixed with wa-
married, especially for religious reasons. ter and is used for building. 2. any similar
celibate n. such an unmarried person. soft substance that sets firm, cement v.
cel*i*ba*cy (sel-i-ba-see) n. the unmar- 1 .to put cement on or in, to join with
ried state. cement. 2. to unite firmly. ce»men«
cell (sel) n. a very small room, as for
1. taction (see-men-tay-sh&n) n. ce-
a monk in a monastery or for confining ment mixer, a machine that mixes ce-
a prisoner. 2. a compartment in a honey- ment, sand, etc. with water in a turning
comb. 3. a device for producing electric drum.
current by chemical actidh. 4. a micro- ce* men* turn (si-men-tum) ru the bonelike
scopic unit of living matter, containing tissue at the base of a tooth, covering
a nucleus. 5. a small group of people the root.
forming a center or nucleus of political cenve*ter«y (sem-e-ter-ee) ru (pi -ter*
activities. ies) a burial ground other than a church-
eel lar (sel-ar) il 1 an underground room
• . yard.
used for storing things. 2. a room in cen*o*bite (sen-6-bit) ru a member of a
which wine is stored, a stock of wine. monastic community. cen«0'bit»ic
3. a basement. (sen-6-bit-ik) adj. cen-o-bit'i-cal adj.
eel* lar -age (sel-a-rij) ru 1. a fee for stor- cen-o-taph (sen-d-taf) ru a tomblike
age in a cellar. 2. cellar space. monument to persons buried elsewhere.
cel«lar*et (sel-a-ret) n. a case or sideboard Ce-no-zo-ic (see-nd-zoh-ik) adj. of the
for holding bottles of wine. geologic era following the Mesozoic and
cell •block (sel-blok) ru a set of cells form- including the present era, marked by the
ing a section of a prison. appearance of birds and mammals. Ce-
eel *list (chel-ist) n. a person who plays nozoic n. the Cenozoic era.
the cello. cen«ser (sen-ser) n. a container in which
cel*lo (chel-oh) ru (pi -k>S) a violoncello, incense is burned, swung on chains in
an instrument like a large violin, played a religious ceremony to disperse its fra-
by a seated player who sets it between grance. ODo
not confuse censer with
his knees. censor or censure.
cel-lo-phane (sel-6-fayn) n. (formerly a cen-sor (sen-sdr) ru a person authorized
trademark) thin moisture-proof trans- to examine letters, books, films, etc. and
parent material used for wrapping remove or ban anything regarded as
things. harmful, censor v. to subject to such
eel 'lu* lar (sel-yu-lar) adj. 1. of cells, com- examination or removal. (I> Do not con-
posed of cells. 2. woven with an open fuse censor with censer or censure.) cen •
mesh, cellular blankets. so Thai (sen-sohr-i-al) adj. cen'sor-
Cel-lu-loid (sel-yu-loid) n. (trademark)* Ship n.

plastic made from cellulose nitrate and cen*so*ri»OUS (sen-sohr-i-iis) adj. se-
camphor. cen'SO'ri'OUS'ly adv.
verely critical.
eel -lu- lose (sel-yu-lohs) n. an organic cen*so'ri*ous*ness ru
substance found in all plant tissues, used cen -sure (sen-shur) n. strong criticism or
in making plastics. U cellulose ace- condemnation, censure v. (cen-sured,
tate, acetic ester of cellulose, used to cen -surging) to blame and rebuke. (D>
make rayon, lacquer, plastics, etc. cellu- Do not confuse censure with censor or
lose nitrate, a constituent of smokeless censer.) cen'sur*er n. cen 'suita-
gunpowders and of cordite, Celluloid, ble adj.
etc. cen*SUS (sen-sus) (pi -sus*es) an offi-

Cel*si*US (sel-si-us) adj. centigrade. (t> cial count of the population and its char-
Named after Anders Swedish
Celsius, a acteristics, such as sex, family size, and
astronomer (1701-44), who devised the occupation.
centigrade scale.) Celsius scale, the cent (sent) n. 1. one 100th of a dollar or
centigrade scale. of certain other metric units of currency,
Celt a member of an ancient
(kelt, selt) n. a coin of this value. 2. (informal) a very
European people who settled in Britain small amount of money, / haven't a cent
before the coming of the Romans, or of cent. abbr. 1 centigrade. 2. central. 3. cen-

their descendants especially in Ireland, tury.

Wales, Cornwall, and Scotland. Celt'ic cen-taur (sen-tor) n. (in Greek mythol-
adj. of the Celts. ogy) a creature with the head, trunk, and
cem*ba*lo (chem-ba-loh) n. (pi. -II, pr. arms of a human joined to the body and
-lee) a harpsichord. legs of a horse.
ce 'merit (si-ment) n. 1. a gray powder, cen*ta*vo (sen-tah-voh) n. (pi -vos) one
made by burning lime and clay, that sets 100th of a peso or similar unit of cur-
135 centenarian / cereal

rency in several Spanish American coun- ing the center. 2. chief, most important,
tries. the central character in this novel cen-
cen«te-nar»i-an (sen-te-nair-i-an) n. a tral n. (old use) a telephone exchange
person who is one hundred years old or through which many line connections are
more. made, cen'trahly adv. cervtral-i-ty
cen«te»nar«y (sen-te-ner-ee) n. (pi -nar« (sen-tral-i-tee) n. Central African
ies) a centennial, centenary adj. Republic, a country in central Africa.
cen • ten • ni • al (sen-ten-i-al) n. a 100th an- Central America, see America, cen-
niversary, centennial adj. tral heating, a system of heating a build-
cen*ter (sen-ter) n. 1. the middle point ing from one source by circulating
or part. 2. a point toward which interest hot water or hot air in pipes or by
is directed or from which administration linked radiators. Central Intelligence
etc. is organized. 3. a place where certain Agency, the U.S. agency responsible for
activities or facilities are concentrated, coordinating government intelligence ac-
a shopping center. 4. a political party or tivities, central nervous system, the
group holding moderate opinions. 5. (in brain and the spinal cord.
some sports) the player who puts the ball cen*tral*ize (sen-tra-hz) v. (cen-tral*
into play, center v. 1. to place in or ized, cen*tral*iz*ing) to bring under
at the center. 2. to concentrate at one the control of one central authority, cen'
point. 3. (in hockey) to hit the puck to- tral*lz*er n. cen -transaction (sen-
ward center ice, (in football) to put the tra-li-zay-shdn) n.
ball into play. center of gravity, the cen*trif*u*gal (sen-trif-yu-gal) adj. 1.
point about which all parts of a body moving away from the center or axis.
exactly balance each other, center 2. using centrifugal force, a force that
punch, a tool used to make shallow im- appears to cause a body that is traveling
pressions in metalwork or wood to guide around a center to fly outward and off
the placing of a drill bit. >
Do not say its circular path. cen»trif'u*gal*ly adv.
or write centers around; something may cen*tri*fuge (sen-trT-fyooj) n. a machine
center on or in or at. using centrifugal force to separate sub-
cen -ten board (sen-ter-bohrd) n. a plate stances, such as milk and cream, centri-
lowered through a slot in the keel of a fuge v. (cen-tri*fuged, cen»tri*fug«
sailboat to increase stability. ing) to separate by a centrifuge.
centered (sen-terd) n. 1 having an exact
. cen* trip *e*tal (sen-trip-e-tal) adj. moving
midpoint. 2. located in the center. toward the center or axis, cen^trip'e*
cen 'tenfold (sen-ter-fohld) n. a pair of tahly adv.
facing pages at the center of a magazine. centrist (sen-trist) n. a holder of moder-
cen •ter* piece (sen-ter-pees) n. a flower ate views, especially in politics.
arrangement or other ornament for the cen*tU*ri«on (sen-toor-i-6n) n. an army
center of a table. officer in ancient Rome, commanding ap-
cen*tes*i*mal (sen-tes-T-mal) n. reckon- proximately one hundred men.
ing, reckoned, by hundredths. cen«tu«ry (sen-chu-ree) n. (pi. -ries) 1.

centi- prefix one hundredth, hundred. a subdivision of a Roman legion, with

cen 'ti* grade (sen-tl-grayd) adj. of or us- approximately one hundred men. 2. a
ing a temperature scale divided into 100 period of one hundred years, one of these
degrees, 0° being the freezing point and periods reckoned from the birth of
100° the boiling point of water. Christ. century note, (slang) a hun-
cen -ti- gram (sen-tl-gram) n. one 100th dred dollar bill, century plant, a plant
of a gram. (thought to flower once in one hundred
cen-ti-li-ter (sen-tl-lee-ter) n. one 100th years) which flowers once in five to
of a liter. twenty years and then dies.
cen *time (sahn-teem) n. one 100th of a CEO abbr. chief executive officer.
franc or a similar unit of currency. ce*phal*ic (se-fal-ik) adj. of the head.
cen«ti«me»ter (sen-ti-mee-ter) n. one ce*ram*ic (se-ram-ik) adj. of pottery or
100th of a meter, about 0.4 inch. similar substances, ceramic n. a ceramic
centimeter-gram-second, of the substance. ce»ra»mist (se-ram-ist) n.
system of units of measurement based ceramic tile, a glazed decorative tile
on the centimeter, gram, and second as of fired clay or similar material.
units of length, mass, and time. ce*ram*iCS (se-ram-iks) n. the art of mak-
cen-ti-pede (sen-tl-peed) n. a small ing pottery, ceramics is her hobby.
crawling creature with a long thin seg- ce*re*al (seer-i-al) n. 1. a grass, such as
mented body and many legs, one pair wheat, rye, oats, or rice, producing an
on each segment. edible grain. 2. its seed. 3. a breakfast
cen*tral (sen-tral) adj. 1 . of or at or form- food made from such grain, cereal adj.
cerebellum / chaff 136

Cer-e-bel-lum (ser-a-bel-um) n. {pi be certified. cer'ti-fi-a*bly adv.

-bel-lums, -bel-la, pr. -bel-a) the por- cer*tif*l*cate (ser-tif-I-kit) n, an official
tion of the human brain that coordinates written or printed statement giving cer-
movements of the muscles. tain facts. U
certificate of deposit, an
cer-e-bral (ser-e-bral, se-ree-) adj. 1. of interest-bearing bank receipt for a speci-
the brain. 2. intellectual. cer'e*bral* fied amount of money.
ly adv. D cerebral cortex, the surface cer*ti*fy (sur-tl-fi) v. (cer *ti* tied, cer*
tissue of the cerebrum, cerebral palsy, ti-tying) to declare formally, to show
see spastic. on a certificate or other document.
cer • e • brate (ser-e-brayt) v.^cer • e • brat • certified check, a check guaranteed
ed, cer »e' brat* in g) to think. by the bank on which it is drawn, certi-
cer -e* brum (ser-e-brum) ru {pi -brums, fied milk, milk produced in dairies oper-
-bra, pr. -bra) the portion of the human ating under strict standards of cleanli-
brain that acts as the center for conscious ness, certified public accountant, one
thought. who has passed state examinations and
cere *cloth (seer-klawth) n. {pi -cloths, received a certificate of professional com-
pr. -klawf/zz, -klawths) waxed cloth, for- petence. cer'ti-fi*er n. cer*ti*fi*ca-
merly used for wrapping the dead. tion (sur-tT-fi-kay-shdn) n.
cere 'merit (seer-ment) n. (usually cere- cer-ti-tude (sur-ti-tood) n. a feeling of
ments) cerecloth. certainty.
cer*e*mo*ni*al (ser-e-moh-ni-al) adj. of ce*ru*le*an (se-roo-li-an) adj. & n. deep
a ceremony, used in ceremonies, formal. blue.
(J> Do not confuse ceremonial with cere- ce*ru*men (se-roo-men) n. yellow waxy
monious.) ceremonial n. 1. ceremony. secretion of the glands of the external
2. a system of rules for ceremonies, cer* ear.
e*mo'ni*al*ly adv. cer-vi-cal (sur-vi-kal) adj. 1. of the neck,
cer-e-mo-ni-ous (ser-e-moh-ni-us) adj. cervical vertebrae. 2. of a cervix, of the
full of ceremony, elaborately performed. cervix of the womb.
(> Do not confuse ceremonious with cer- cer-vix (sur-viks) n. {pi -vix*es, -vi-
emonial) cer*e*mo'ni*ous*ly adv. ces, pr. -vi-seez) 1 . the neck. 2. a neck-
cer-e-mo'ni-ous-ness n. like structure, the neck of the womb.
cer*e*mo*ny (ser-e-moh-nee) n. {pi ce-si-um (see-zi-iim) n. a soft silvery
-nies) 1 a set of formal acts, especially
. metal element.
those used on religious or public occa- ces-sa-tion (se-say-sh6n) n. ceasing.
sions. 2. formal politeness. ces*sion (sesh-on) n. ceding, giving up.
ce-re-us {pi -us-es) any
(seer-i-us) n. cess* pool (ses-pool) n. a covered pit or
of several cacti native to the western U.S. tank where liquid waste or sewage is
and tropical America. stored temporarily.
ce-rise (se-rees) adj. & n. light clear red. Cey-lon (si-Ion) the former name of Sri
ce*ri*um (seer-i-um) n. an element resem- Lanka.
bling iron in color and luster. Cf. abbr. compare.
cer* met (sur-met) n. an alloy of ceramic Cf symbol californium.
with metal. eg, cgm abbr. centigram(s).
cert. abbr. 1. certificate. 2. certification. CG abbr. Commanding General.
3. certified. 4. certify. cgs abbr. centimeter-gram-second.
cer* tain (sur-tan) adj. 1 having no doubt,
. CH abbr. 1. clearinghouse. 2. courthouse.
convinced. 2. known without doubt. 3. 3. customhouse.
able to be relied on to come or happen Ch. abbr. 1. chapter. 2. (in chess) check.
or be effective. 4. specific but not named 3. church.
or stated for various reasons. 5. small Chab-lis (sha-blee) n. a white burgundy.
in amount but definitely there, / feel a cha-cha (chah-chah) n. a ballroom dance
certain reluctance. 6. existing but not with a Latin-American rhythm, cha-
well known, a certain John Smith. Cha v. to dance this.
Dfor certain, without doubt, as a cer- Chad (chad) a country in North Africa.
tainty, make certain, to make sure. Chad '1* an adj. & n.

cer- tain -ly (sur-tan-lee) adv. 1. without chafe (chayf) v. (chafed, chaf-ing) 1.

doubt. 2. yes. to warm by rubbing. 2. to make or be-

cer- tain -ty (sur-tan-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1. come sore from rubbing. 3. to become
being certain. 2. something that is cer- irritated or impatient. not confuse >Do
tain; his victory is a certainty, he is certain chafe with chaff.
to win. Chaf *er (chay-fer) n. a large slow-moving
certif. abbr. certificate. beetle, especially a cockchafer.
cer -ti-fi-a-ble (sur-ti-fi-a-bel) adj. able to Chaff (chaf) n. 1. wheat husks separated
137 chaffer / chamber
from the seed by threshing or winnow- a meeting or a committee. 2. the presi-
ing. 2. hay or straw cut up as food for dent of a board of directors, chair'
cattle. 3. good-humored teasing or jok- man* ship n. chair* worn* an (chair-
ing. Chaff v. to tease or joke in a good- wuum-an) n. (pi -worn* en, pr. -wim-
humored way. >Do not confuse chaff in).
with chafe. chair* per* son (chair-pur-s5n) n. any per-
chat -fer (chaf-er) v. (chat -fered, chat • son chosen to preside over a meeting,
terming) to haggle, chaffer n. bargain- organization, etc. OThe word chairman
ing, chaffer *er n. may be used of persons of either sex,
chat • finch (chaf-inch) n. a common Euro- but chairperson is increasingly heard in
pean finch. this sense.
chaf'ing (chay-fing) dish a pan or dish chaise (shayz) n. 1 . a light open carriage
with a heater under it for cooking food for one or two persons. 2. a chaise
or keeping it warm at the table. tongue.
cha-grin (sha-grin) n. a feeling of annoy- chaise longue (shayz lawng) (pi. chaise
ance and embarrassment or disappoint- tongues, pr. shayz lawngz) a chair with
ment. a very long seat on which the sitter can
chagrined (sha-grind) adj. affected with stretch out his legs. >This expression
chagrin. isfrequently written incorrectly as chaise
Chain (chayn) n. 1 . a series of connected lounge.
metal links, used for hauling or support- chal*ced*o*ny (kal-sed-6-nee) n. (pi.
ing weights or for restraining things or -nies) a precious or semiprecious stone,
as an ornament. 2. a connected series a type of quartz.
or sequence, chain of mountains, chain chal*co*py*rite (kal-kd-pi-nt) n. copper-
of events. 3. a number of stores or hotels iron sulfide ore.
etc. owned by the same company. 4. a cha*let (sha-lay) n. (pi. -lets, pr. -layz)
unit of length for measuring land, 66 feet. 1 a Swiss hut or cottage. 2. a small villa.

Chain v. to 'make fast with a chain or 3. a small cottage in a resort area.

chains. chain gang, a gang of convicts chal'ice (chal-is) n. a vessel like a large
chained together at work to prevent es- goblet for holding wine, one from which
cape. Chain letter, a letter of which the consecrated wine is drunk at the Euchar-
recipient is asked to make copies and ist.

send these to other people, who will be Chalk (chawk) n. 1 a white soft limestone

asked to do the same, chain mail, chain used for burning into lime. 2. a piece
armor, chain reaction, a chemical or of this or of similar substance, white or
other change forming products that colored, used in crayons for drawing.
themselves cause more changes; a series Chalk v. to write or draw or mark with
of events each of which causes or influ- chalk, to rub with chalk, chalk'y adj.
ences the next, chain saw, a saw with D Chalk up, to make a note of some-
teeth set on an endless chain. Chain thing; to achieve, chalked up another vic-
smoker, a person who smokes cigarettes tory.
continually, chain stitch, a looped Chalk* board (chawk-bohrd) n. a black-
stitch that looks like a chain, in crochet board or other smooth surface that is
or embroidery. Chain store, one of a written on with chalk.
series of similar stores owned by one challenge (chal-enj) n. 1. a call to try
firm. one's skill or strength against another.
chain-smoke (chayn-smohk) v. (chain- 2. a call or demand to respond, a sentry's
smoked, chain-smok'ing) to smoke call for a person to identify himself. 3.
many cigarettes in succession often light- a formal objection, as to a member of
ing one from the end of another. a jury. 4. a difficult or demanding task.
Chair (chair) n. 1. a movable seat, with a challenge v. (challenged, chal-
back, for one person. 2. a position of lenging) 1. to make a challenge. 2. to
authority at a meeting, the chairmanship; raise a formal objection to. 3. to question
address your remarks to the chair, to the the truth or rightness of. challeng-
chairman. 3. a professorship. 4. the elec- er n.
tric chair. Chair v. 1 to seat in a chair
. Chal*leng*ing (chal-en-jing) adj. offering
of honor. 2. to carry in triumph on the problems that test one's ability, stimulat-
shoulders of a group. 3. to act as chair- ing.
man of. chair lift, a series of chairs chanvber (chaym-ber) n. 1. a room, a

suspended from an endless cable, for car- bedroom. 2. the hall used for meetings
rying people up a mountain. of a legislature etc., the members of the
chair* man (chair-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. group using it. 3. a chamber pot. 4. a
-men) 1. a person who presides over cavity or compartment in the body of
chamberlain / change 138

an animal or plant, or in machinery. 5. happens or happened, without being

chambers, a set of rooms, a ;judge's room planned. Chance on, to come upon or
for hearing cases that do not need to be find by chance, take a chance, to take
heard in court, cham'bered adj. a risk, to act in the hope that a particular
chamber music, music written for thing will (or will not) happen, take
a small number of players, suitable for chances, to behave riskily, take one's
performance in a room or small hall. chances, to trust to luck.
Chamber of Commerce, an associa- Chan* eel (chan-sel) n, the part of a church
tion of businessmen etc. to promote local near the altar, used by the clergy and
commercial interests. Chamber of Hor- choir.
rors, the room of criminals etc. in Ma- Chan- eel -ler-y (chan-se-le-ree) ru (pi
dame Tussaud's waxworks; a place full -ler*les) 1. a chancellor's position, de-
of horrifying things. Chamber pot, a partment, or official residence. 2. an of-
receptacle for urine etc., used in the bed- fice attached to an embassy or consulate.
room. > Do not confuse chancellery with chan-
Cham *ber* lain (chaym-ber-lin) ru an offi- cery.
cial who manages the household of a sov- Chan* eel* lor (chan-se-ldr) ru 1. a govern-
ereign or a great noble. ment or law official of various kinds. 2.
Cham *ber* maid (chaym-ber-mayd) ru a the chief minister of state in West
woman employed to clean and take care Germany and in Austria. 3. the head of
of bedrooms in a hotel. some universities. chan / cel* lor* ship n.
Cham* bray (sham-bray) ru gingham with Chancellor of the Exchequer, the
a linen finish. finance minister of the United Kingdom,
Cha*me*le*on (ka-mee-li-on) n. a small who prepares the budget.
lizard that can change color according chan-cer-y (chan-se-ree) ru (pi -cer*
to its surroundings. les) a court of equity. 2. an adminis-
1 .

cham-fer (cham-fer) v. to bevel the edge trative office of a diocese. Do not con- >
or corner of. chamfer ru such a bevel. fuse chancery with chancellery.
chanvois (sham-ee) n. (pi -ols, pr. sham Chan* ere (shang-ker) ru an ulcer caused
eez) 1. a small wild antelope found in by syphilis.
the mountains of Europe and Asia. 2. chanc-y (chan-see) adj. (chanc*l*er,
a piece of chamois leather, soft yellow- Chanc*i*est) (informal) risky, uncer-
ish leather made from the skin of sheep, tain.
goats, and deer and used for washing and Chan *de* Her (shan-de-leer) ru an orna-
polishing things. mental hanging fixture with supports for
Champ 1
(champ) v. 1. to munch noisily, several lights.
to make a chewing action or noise. 2. Chan*dler (chand-ler) ru a dealer in ropes,
to show impatience, the athletes were canvas, and other supplies for ships.
champing at the bit. chan'dler*y ru
Champ2 n. (informal) a champion. change (chaynj) v. (changed, chang*
Chanvpagne (sham-payn) n. 1. a spar- Ing) 1 to make or become different. 2.

kling white wine from Champagne in to pass from one form or phase into an-
France or elsewhere. 2. its pale straw other. 3. to take or use another instead
color. of. 4. to put fresh clothes or coverings
Cham* pi* on (cham-pi-dn) n. 1. a person etc. on;change the baby, put a fresh dia-
or thing that has defeated all others in per on 5. to go from one to another,

a competition. 2. a person who fights, change trains. 6. to exchange; can you

argues, or speaks in support of another change a $20 bill, give small money in
or of a cause, champion adj. excelling change, or give different currency for it.
over all competitors, champion v. to Change n. 1. changing, alteration; a
support as a champion. cham'pi*on* change of the moon, a fresh phase. 2.
Ship n. substitution of one thing for another, va-
Chance (chans) n. 1 . the way things hap- riety; pack a change of clothes, a fresh
pen through no known cause or agency, outfit in reserve. 3. a fresh occupation
luck, fate; games of chance, those decided or surroundings. 4. money in small units.
by luck not skill. 2. a possibility, likeli- 5. money returned as the balance when
hood. 3. an opportunity, an occasion the price is less than the amount offered
when success seems very probable. in payment, chang 'er ru change 'ful
chance v. (chanced, chancing) 1. to adj. changeless adj. change
happen without plan or intention. 2. (in- hands, to pass into another person's
formal) to risk, let's chance it. Chance possession, change of heart, a great
adj. coming or happening by chance, a alteration in one's attitude or feelings.
chance meeting. LJby Chance, as it change of life, the menopause, change
139 changeable / characteristic
over, to change from one system or posi- chap* book (chap-buuk) n. a small book
tion to another, change ringing, ring- of popular tales, ballads, poems or reli-
ing a peal of bells in a series of different gious tracts, of the kind formerly sold
sequences, for a change, for the sake by peddlers.
of variety, to vary one's routine. cha-peau (sha-poh) n. (pi. -peaux,
change -a -ble (chayn-ja-bel) adj. 1. able -peaus, -pohz) (humorous) a hat.
to be changed. 2. altering frequently, Chap* el (chap-el) n. 1. a place used for
changeable weather. religious worship, other than a cathedral,
change* ling (chaynj-ling) n. (old use) a synagogue, or parish church. 2. a service
child believed to have been substituted in this, go to chapel 3. a place with a
secretly for another. separate altar within a church or cathe-
change *o*ver (chaynj-oh-ver) n. a dral.
change from one system or situation to chapter on, chap -er- one (shap-e-rohn)

another. n. an older person in charge of young

channel (chan-el) n. 1. the sunken bed people on social occasions, chaperon(e)
of a stream of water. 2. the navigable v. (chap*er*oned, chap *er* on* ing)
part of a waterway, deeper than the parts to act as chaperon to. chap'er-on*
on either side. 3. a stretch of water, wider age n.
than a strait, connecting two seas; swim Chap* fall* en (chap-fa w-len) adj. with jaw
the Channel, the English Channel. 4. a hanging down, dejected.
passage along which a liquid may flow, Chap* lain a clergyman at-
(chap-lin) n.
a sunken course or line along which tached to a chapel in a private house or
something can move. 5. any course by institution, or to a military unit. Chap /
which news or information etc. can lain-cy n. (pi. -cies)
travel. 6. a band of broadcasting frequen- Chap* let (chap-lit) n. 1. a wreath for the
cies reserved for a particular station. head. 2. a short rosary.
channel v. (channeled, chan*nel* Chaps (chaps) n. pi. long leather leggings
ing) 1. to form a channel or channels worn by cowboys.
in. 2. to direct through a channel or de- Chap*ter (chap-ter) n. 1. a division of a
sired route. book, usually numbered. 2. a local
Chant (chant) n. 1. a tune to which the branch of an organization. 3. the canons
words of psalms or other works with ir- of a cathedral or members of a monastic
regular rhythm are fitted by singing sev- order, a meeting of these. chapter
eral syllables or words to the same note. and verse, an exact reference to a pas-
2. a monotonous song. 3. a rhythmic call sage or authority, chapter house, the
or shout. Chant v. 1 to sing, especially
. building used for meetings of a cathedral
a chant. 2. to call or shout rhythmically. chapter or of a college fraternity.
chancer n. char (chahr) v. (charred, char* ring) to
charvteuse (shan-tooz) n. a female singer make or become black by burning.
of popular songs, especially in night- Char*a*banc (shar-a-bang) n. an early
clubs. form of bus with bench seats from side
chan*tey (shan-tee) n. (pi. -teys) a sail- to side, used for outings.
ors' traditional song, especially one sung Char*ac*ter (kar-ik-ter) n. 1. all those
to their work. qualities that make a person, group, or
chan -ti- deer (chan-ti- kleer) n. a domes- thing what he or it is and different from
tic rooster, used as a proper name in me- others. 2. a person's moral nature. 3.
dieval fables. moral strength. 4. a person, especially
Cha-nu-kah = Hanukkah. a noticeable or eccentric one. 5. a person
cha OS (kay-os) n. great disorder or confu-
• in a novel or play etc. 6. a letter, sign,
sion. Cha*Ot*iC (kay-ot-ik) adj. Cha* or mark used in a system of writing or
ot'i-cal-ly adv. printing etc. 7. a physical characteristic
chap 1 (chap) v. (chapped, chap* ping) of a plant or animal. 8. (old use) a de-
to split or crack (skin); (of skin) to be- scription of a person's qualities, a refer-
come cracked. Chap n. a crack in the ence. character actor or actress,
skin. one who portrays people with distinctive
Chap 2 n. the lower jaw or half of the cheek, personal traits, in character, appropri-
especially of a pig, as food. ate to a person's general character, out
Chap 3 (informal) a man.
n. of character, not appropriate to a per-
Chap. abbr. 1. chaplain. 2. chapter. son's usual character.
Chap*ar*ral (shap-a-ral) n. dense tangled char*ac*ter*is*tic (kar-ik-te-ris-tik) adj.
shrubs, especially those that grow in poor forming part of the character of a person
soil in the southwest U.S. and in Mexico. or thing, showing a distinctive feature.
chaparral bird, a roadrunner. characteristic n. a characteristic fea-
characterize / charter 140

ture. char*ac*ter*is'ti*cal*ly adv. char*i*o*teer (char-i-d-teer) ru the driver

chanac*ter*ize (kar-ik-te-nz) v. (char* of a chariot.
ac-ter-ized, char-ac-ter-iz-ing) 1. Cha*ris*ma (ka-riz-ma) n. the power to
to describe the character of. 2. to be a inspire devotion and enthusiasm.
characteristic of. char ac* ten hza*
• char*is*mat*ic (kar-iz-mat-ik) adj. hav-
tion (kar-ik-te-ri-zay-shdn) n. ing charisma.
char *ac*ter* less (kar-ik-ter-lis) adj. Char • i • ta • ble (char-i-ta-bel) adj. 1 gener- .

lacking any positive character. ous in giving to the needy. 2. of or be-

Cha*rade (sha-rayd) n. 1. a scene acted longing to charities, charitable institu-
as a clue to the word to" be guessed in tions. 3. unwilling to think badly of
the game of Charades. 2. an absurd pre- people or acts, char'i • ta • bly adv. char'
tense. i*ta*ble*ness n.
char* broil (chahr-broil) v. to broil over char*i*ty (char-i-tee) n, {pi -ties) 1. lov-
charcoal. ing kindness toward others. 2. unwilling-
Char* coal (chahr-kohl) ru a black sub- ness to think badly of people or acts.
stance made by burning wood slowly in 3. generosity in giving to the needy. 4.
an oven with little air, used as a filtering an institution or fund for helping the
material or as or for drawing.
fuel needy.
Charcoal gray, very dark gray. char- la -dy (chahr-lay-dee) n. {pi -dies)
chard (chahrd) n. (also Swiss chard) a a charwoman.
kind of beet lacking a large root but hav- char* la* tan (shahr- la-tan) ru a person
ing edible leaves and stalks. who falsely claims to be an expert, espe-
charge (chahrj) ru 1 the price asked for
. cially in medicine.
goods or services. 2. the quantity of ma- Charles* ton (chahrl-stdn) n. 1. a fast
terial that an apparatus holds at one dance employing side kicks from the
time, the amount of explosive needed for knee, popular in the 1920s. 2. the capital
one explosion. 3. the electricity con- of West Virginia.
tained in a substance, energy stored Char* ley (chahr-lee) horse (informal) a
chemically for conversion into electric- stiffness or cramping of the muscles, es-
ity. 4. a task or duty, custody. 5. a person pecially in the thigh, from overexertion
or thing entrusted. 6. formal instructions or injury.
about one's duty or responsibility. 7. an Char* lock (chahr-ldk)ru wild mustard, a
accusation, especially of having commit- weed with yellow flowers.
ted a crime. 8. a rushing attack, charge char-lotte russe (shahr-lot roos) a mold
v. (charged, charging) 1. to ask as of custard or cream enclosed in sponge
a price. 2. to record as a debt, charge cake.
it to my account. 3. to load or fill, to charm (chahrm) n. 1. attractiveness, the
put a charge into. 4. to give an electric power of arousing love or admiration.
charge to, to store energy in. 5. to give 2. an act or object or words believed
as a task or duty, to entrust. 6. to accuse to have magic power. 3. a small orna-
formally. 7. to rush forward in attack; ment worn on a chain or bracelet, a
charge in, to act impetuously. Charge charm bracelet, charm v. 1. to give
account, a credit account at a store, pleasure to. 2. to influence by personal
permitting a customer to receive goods charm. 3. to influence as if by magic.
in advance of billing, charge card, chamber ru
charge plate, a small metal or plastic charm *ing (chahr-ming) adj. delightful.
card, usually valid for only one store or Channel (chahr-nel) house a place in
chain, in charge, in command, take which the bodies or bones of the dead
charge, to take control. are kept.
charge -a -Die (chahr-ja-bel) adj. able to Chart (chahrt) ru 1. a map designed for
be charged. navigators on water or in the air. 2. an
change d'af*f aires (shahr-z/ray-da-fair) outline map for showing special informa-
{pi changes d'af*f aires, pr. shahr- tion, a weather chart 3. a diagram,
z/iayz-dS-fair) ambassador's dep- graph, or table giving information in an
uty. an envoy to a minor country.
2. orderly form, a temperature chart, chart
D> French. v. to make a chart of, to map. Dthe
charg*er (chahr-jer) n. 1 one who or that
. charts, those listing the recordings that
which charges; battery charger, an appa- are currently most popular.
ratus that charges storage batteries. 2. chanter (chahr-ter) ru 1 a document from

a horse that can be ridden into battle. a ruler or government granting certain
Char*i*ot (char-i-dt) ru a two- wheeled rights or defining the form of an institu-
horse-drawn carriage used in ancient tion. 2. the chartering of a ship, aircraft,
times in battle and in racing. or vehicle, charter v. 1 to grant a char-
141 chartreuse / check

ter to, to found by charter. 2. to let or chat* ter (chat-er) v. 1 to talk or converse

hire a ship, aircraft, or vehicle, char' quickly and continually about unimpor-
terser n. U
charter flight, a flight by tant matters. 2. to make sounds like this,
chartered aircraft, charter member, an as some birds and animals do. 3. to make
original member of a society, corpora- a repeated clicking or rattling sound.
tion, etc. Chatter n. 1 chattering talk. 2. a chat-

char -tre use (shahr-trooz) a fragrant n. 1 . tering sound, chat'tener n.

green or yellow liqueur. 2. its green chat* ter* box (chat-er-boks) n. a talkative
color. person.
Char • worn -an (chahr-wuum-an) n. (pi chat-ty (chat-ee) adj. (-ti*er, -tl-est) 1.
-worn* en, -wim-in) a woman em-
pr. fond of chatting. 2. resembling chat, a
ployed to clean a house or other building. chatty letter. chat'tMy adv. chat'ti*
char-y (chair-ee) adj. (char* her, char* ness n.
i*est) 1. cautious, wary. 2. sparing; chauf'feur (shoh-fur) n. a person em-
chary of giving praise, seldom praising ployed to drive a car. chauffeur v. to
people. char'My adv. drive as chauffeur.
chase 1 (chays) v. (chased, chas*ing) 1. Chau*vln*ism (shoh-vl-niz-em) n. exag-
to go quickly after in order to capture gerated patriotism, chau'virvist n.
or overtake or drive away. 2. to hurry, Chau*vin*is*tiC (shoh-vi-nis-tik) adj.
chasing after bargains. 3. (informal) to chau*vin«is'ti«cal«ly adv. umale
try to attain. Chase n. 1. chasing, pur- Chauvinism, some men's prejudiced
suit. 2. hunting, especially as a sport. women.
belief in their superiority over
3. a steeplechase. Ogive chase, to begin Ch.E. abbr. chemical engineer.
to pursue. cheap (cheep) adj. 1 low in price, worth

chase 2 v. (chased, chas*ing) to engrave more than it cost; cheap money, available
or emboss (metal). at a low rate of interest. 2. charging low
Chas*er (chay-ser) n. 1. a horse for stee- prices, offering good value. 3. poor in
plechasing. 2. (informal) a drink taken quality, of low value. 4. showy but
after a drink of another kind, as beer worthless, silly, cheap adv. cheaply,
(beer chaser) after whiskey. we got it cheap, cheap'ly adv. cheap 7
Chasm (kaz-em)a deep opening or gap,
n. ness n.
especially in earth or rock. cheap * en (chee-pen) v. to make or become
chas-sis (shas-ee, chas-ee) n. (pi. chas- cheap.
sis, pr. shas-eez, chas-eez) a frame, espe- cheap* skate (cheep-skayt) n. (informal)
cially of a vehicle, on which other parts a stingy person.
are mounted. Cheat (cheet) v. 1. to act dishonestly or
chaste (chayst) adj. (chast*er, chast- unfairly in order to win some profit or
est) 1 . having sex-
virgin, celibate. 2. not advantage. 2. to trick, to deceive, to de-
ual intercourse except with the person prive by deceit, cheat n. 1. a person
to whom one is married. 3. simple in who cheats, an unfair player. 2. a decep-
style, not ornate, chaste'ly adv. tion, cheaper n.
chaste'ness n. cheat -ers (cheet-erz) n. (slang) eye-
Chas*ten (chay-sen) v. to
1. to discipline,
punish by inflicting suffering. 2. to sub- check (chek) v. 1. to stop or slow the

due the pride of. chas'terver n. motion of suddenly, to restrain. 2. to

chastise (chas-tiz) v. (chas-tised, make a sudden stop. 3. to threaten, (an
chas*tis*ing) to punish severely, espe- opponent's king) at chess. 4. to test or
cially by beating, chas-tise'ment n. examine in order to make sure that some-
chas*ti*ty (chas-ti-tee) n. 1. being chaste, thing is correct or in good condition;
virginity, cehbacy. 2. simplicity of style. check the items off, mark them when you
chas-U'ble (chaz-yu-bel) n. a loose gar- find they are correct. 5. to correspond
ment worn over all other vestments by when compared. 6. to deposit (a coat
a priest celebrating Mass or Eucharist. etc.) in a checkroom, to receive (such
Chat (chat) n. a friendly informal conversa- an item) for safekeeping. Check n. 1. a
tion, chat v. (chat* ted, chat* ting) to stopping or slowing of motion, a pause.
have a chat. 2. a loss of the scent in hunting. 3. expo-
chateau (sha-toh) n. (pi. -tea us, -teaux, sure of a chess king to possible capture.
pr. -tohz) a castle or large country house 4. a restraint. 5. a control to secure accu-
in France. racy. 6. a test or examination to check
chat-e-laine (shat-e-layn) n. the mistress that something is correct or in good
of a large house. working order. 7. a receipt for something
Chat*tel (chat-el) n. a movable possession handed over. 8. a bill in a restaurant.
(as opposed to a house or land). 9. a written order to a bank to pay out
check / chemical 142

money from an account. Checks and D (informal) impudent speech, outspoken

balances, a series of limitations placed arrogance. cheek by jowl, close to-
on various branches of government to gether, in close association.
prevent any one from usurping the pow- Cheek* bone (cheek-bohn) n, the bone
ers invested in another. Check in, to reg- just below the eye.
ister on arrival (at an airport, hotel, etc.). cheek-y (chee-kee) adj. (cheek*i*er,
checking account, a bank account for cheek* i*est) 1. (informal) showing
drawing checks against deposits. Check outspoken lack of respect. 2. coquettish,
on or out or up or up on, to examine cheek'i-ly adv. cheek'i-ness n,
or investigate the correctness of. Check Cheep (cheep) n, a weak shrill cry like
out, to pay one's hotel bill in preparation that made by a young bird. Cheep v.
for departure; to investigate. Check to make such a cry.
valve, a valve that allows a flow in one Cheer (cheer) n. 1 a shout of encourage-

direction only, keep in check, to keep ment or applause, give three cheers. 2.
under control. cheerfulness, cheer v. 1 to utter a cheer,

check 2 n. a pattern of squares like a chess- to encourage or applaud with cheers, 2.

board, or of crossing lines. to comfort, to gladden. cheer up, to
check •book (chek-buuk) n. a book of make or become more cheerful.
printed checks. Cheer *ful (cheer-ful) adj. 1. happy, con-
Checked (chekt) adj. patterned in crossing tented, in good spirits. 2. pleasantly
lines that form small squares, a checked bright, cheerful colors. Cheer'fuMy adv.
fabric cheer'ful*ness n.
check 'er 1 (chek-er) v. 1. to mark with Cheer* i*0 (cheer-i-oh) interj. (British in-
squares, especially of alternate colors. 2. formal) goodby.
to break the uniformity of, to variegate. cheer • lead • er (cheer-lee-der) n. a person
checker 2 n. 1 one who checks (items, peo-
. who leads organized cheering.
ple, etc.). 2. a playing piece in checkers. cheer *less (cheer-lis) adj. gloomy,
check -er- board (chek-er-bohrd) n. a dreary, cheerless *ly adv. cheer'
board with sixty-four squares of two al- less*ness n.
ternating colors for playing checkers. cheer *y (cheer-ee) adj. (cheer*l*er,
check -ered (chek-erd) adj. 1. marked or cheer *i*est) showing good spirits.
patterned like a checkerboard. 2. under- cheer'My adv. cheer / i*ness n.
going varied fortunes, a checkered career. cheese (cheez) n. 1. a food made from
check *ers (chek-erz) n. a game played milk curds. 2. a shaped mass of this.
by two persons on a checkerboard with cheese it, the cops, (slang) let's get
twenty-four pieces. out of here,' the police are coming.
checklist (chek-list) n. a complete list of cheese* burg *er (cheez-bur-gSr) n. a
items, used for checking. hamburger with cheese on it.

check* mate (chek-mayt) n. 1. a situation cheese* cake (cheez-kayk) n. 1. a cake

in chess in which the capture of a king made with cream cheese or cottage
cannot be prevented. 2. a complete de- cheese. 2. (slang) a picture displaying a
feat, checkmate v. (check- mat -ed, woman's shapely body.
check* mat *ing) 1. to put into check- cheese* cloth (cheez-klawth) n. thin
mate in chess. 2. to defeat finally, to foil. loosely woven cotton fabric.
Check* off (chek-awf) n. payment of union chees*y (chee-zee) adj. (chees*i*er,
dues by withholding their amount from chees*i*est) 1. of or like cheese. 2.
employees' paychecks. (slang) of inferior quality.
check* out (chek-owt) n. checking out. Chee*tah (chee-ta) n. a kind of leopard
Check-out counter, a place where that can be trained to hunt deer.
goods are paid for in a supermarket. Chef (shef) n. a professional cook, the chief
check* point (chek-point) n. a place where cook in a restaurant etc.
documents, vehicles, etc. are checked or chef-d'oeu*vre (shay-duuv-rS) n. (pL
inspected. chefs-d'oeu*vre, pr. shay-duuv-re) a
check* room (chek-room) n. a room in masterpiece.
a restaurant etc. where coats, hats, etc. Che* la (kee-la) n. 1. (in Buddhism) a nov-
are checked for safekeeping. ice qualifying for initiation. 2. the pupil
Check* up (chek-up) ru a thorough exami- of a guru.
nation, medical or other. Chem. abbr. 1. chemical. 2. chemist. 3.
Ched • dar (ched-ar) n. a firm cheese of a chemistry.
kind originally made at Cheddar, Eng- Chem*i*cal (kem-i-kal) adj. 1. of chemis-
land. try. 2. produced by chemistry, chemical
Cheek (cheek) n. 1 . either side of the face n. a substance obtained by or used in a
below the eye. 2. (slang) a buttock. 3. chemical process. chem'l*cal*ly adv.
143 chemise / Cheyenne
chemical engineering, engineering fant with wings. 3. an angelic child.
concerned with processes that involve che*ru*blc (chg-roo-bik) adj. like a
chemical change and with the equipment cherub, with a plump innocent face.
needed for these, chemical warfare, Cher* vil (chur-vil) n. an herb used for fla-
warfare employing chemical substances voring.
other than explosives. Chess (ches) n. a game played by two per-
che-mise (she-meez) n. 1. a loose-fitting sons on a chessboard with thirty-two
undergarment formerly worn by women, chessmen. chess piece, a chessman.
hanging straight from the shoulders. 2. chess •board (ches-bohrd) n. a board
a dress of similar shape. with sixty-four squares of two alternating
chenvist (kem-ist) n. 1 . a scientist skilled colors for playing chess.
in chemistry. 2. (chiefly British) a person chess* man (ches-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
or firm dealing in medicinal drugs. -men) one of the pieces used in playing
chem*is*try (kem-i-stree) n. (pi -tries) chess.
1 .the scientific study of substances and Chest (chest) n. 1 a large strong box for

their elements and of how they react storing or shipping things in. 2. the upper
when combined or in contact with one front surface of the body, the part con-
another. 2. chemical structure, proper- taining the heart and lungs, chest'ed
ties, and reactions. adj. rfchest of drawers, a piece of fur-
che • mo • ster • il • ant (kee-m6-ster-i-lant) niture with drawers for storing clothes
n.a chemical that produces sterility, es- etc. get it off one's chest, (informal)
pecially in insects, without causing a to reveal what one is anxious about.
change in mating habits. ches *ter* field (ches-ter-feeld) n. a man's
che*mo*ther*a*py (kee-m6-ther-a-pee) single-breasted topcoat with a velvet col-
n. treatment of disease, especially cancer, lar.
using chemical substances, che* mo* Chest* nut (ches-nut) n. 1 . a tree with hard
ther*a*peu*tic (kee-md-ther-&-pyoo- brown nuts, those of the Spanish or sweet
tik) adj. che*mo*ther*a*peu'ti*cal chestnut being edible. 2. the wood of this
adj. tree. 3. its nut. 4. deep reddish brown.
chem*ur*gy (kem-ur-jee) n. chemical and 5. a horse of reddish-brown or yellowish-
industrial use of organic raw materials. brown color. 6. an old joke or story.
chem*ur*gic (ke-mur-jik) adj. Chestnut adj. deep reddish brown or (of
che*nille (she-neel) n. a fabric with a long horses) yellowish brown.
velvety pile, used for curtains, bed- chest *y (ches-tee) adj. (chest* her,
spreads, etc. Chest *i*est) 1. of the chest, a chesty
Chenish (cher-ish) v. 1. to look after lov- cough. 2. (informal) having a large chest.
ingly. 2. to be fond of. 3. to keep in one's chest'i*ness n.
heart, we cherish hopes of his return. cheva*lier (shev-&-leer) n. a member of
Cher*o*kee (cher-6-kee) n. (pi. -kees, certain orders of knighthood or other
-kee) a member of an Iroquoian-speak- groups.
ing tribe of North American Indians. chevi*ot (shev-i-dt) n. 1. a sheep of a
che* root (she-root) n. 1 a cigar with both
. breed with short thick wool originally
ends open. 2. (slang) a cheap cigar. raised in Cheviot Hills, on the border
chenry (cher-ee) n. (pi. -ries) 1. a small between England and Scotland. 2. a fab-
jsoftround frujt with a stone. 2. a tree ric made from its wool.
producing this or grown for its ornamen- chev • ron (shev-rdn) n. a bent line or stripe
tal flowers. 3. the wood of this tree. or bar, especially one worn on the sleeve
4. deep red. Cherry adj. deep red. to show rank.
cherry bomb, a round firecracker. Chew (choo) v. to work or grind between
Cherry brandy, a liqueur of brandy in the teeth, to make this movement, chew
which cherries have been steeped. n. 1 the act of chewing. 2. something

Cherry picker, a crane used to hold men for chewing, chew'er n. chew'a*ble
working high above the ground. adj. chewing gum, a sticky substance
Cher *ry stone (cher-ee-stohn) n. 1. a sweetened and flavored for prolonged
small variety of clam. 2. the seed of a chewing, chew over, (informal) to
cherry. think over. Chew the fat or rag, (slang)
Chert (churt) n. a flintlike form of quartz. to chat.
chert'y adj. chewy (choo-ee) adj. (chew*l*er,
cher*ub (cher-iib) n. (pi especially for Chew*i*est) 1. suitable for chewing. 2.
definition1 cher*u*bim, pr. cher-u-bim, needing to be chewed, not soft.
cher*ubs) 1. one of the angelic beings . Cheyenne (shi-en) n. (pi -ennes,
usually grouped with the seraphim. 2. -enne) 1 a member of a tribe of North

a representation (in art) of a chubby in- American Indians formerly of central

chg. / childless 144

Minnesota and North and South Dakota, ground, and used with or instead of cof-
now mainly in Montana and Oklahoma. fee.
2. the capital of Wyoming. chide (chid) v. (chid-ed or chid, chid-
chg. abbr. change. 2. charge.
1. den, chid* ding) (old use) to scold.
Chi (ki) n. the twenty-second letter of the Chief (cheef) n. 1. a leader or ruler. 2. a
Greek alphabet (X x)- person with the highest authority. Chief
Chi*an*ti (ki-ahn-tee) n. a dry Italian adj. 1. highest in rank or authority. 2.
wine, usually red. most important. Chiefly adv. Chief
chi*a*ro*scu*ro (ki-ahr-o-^kbor-oh) n. Executive, the President of the U.S.
{pi -ros) treatment of light and shade chief executive officer, usually the
in painting, especially when strongly president of a large corporation. Chief
contrasted. justice, the judge presiding over a court
Chic (sheek) adj. stylish and elegant. Chic with several judges, especially the Su-
n. stylishness and elegance. preme Court, chief of staff, the senior
chi*can*er*y (shi-kay-ne-ree) ru(pL-er* officer in command of a general staff.
ies) trickery used to gain an advantage. chief of state, the formal head of a
Chi-ca-no (chi-kah-noh) n. {pi -nos) a nation, chief petty officer, a noncom-
Mexican-American. missioned naval officer above petty offi-
Chi* Chi (shee-shee) adj. (informal) 1. fus- cer first class and below senior petty
sily ornamented, showy. 2. (of manner) officer, chief warrant officer, a
affected. noncommissioned army officer above
chick (chik) n. 1. a young bird before warrant officer and below second lieuten-
or after hatching. 2. (slang) a young ant.
woman. chief* tain (cheef-tin) n. the chief of a
chick* a -dee (chik-a-dee) n. any of small tribe, clan, or other group.
gray North American titmice. Chif *fon (shi-fon) n. 1 a thin almost trans-

Chick* a -saw (chik-a-saw) n. {pi -saws, parent fabric of silk or nylon etc. 2. a
-saw) a member of a tribe of Indians, very light textured pudding or pie made
formerly in Mississippi and Alabama, with beaten egg white, lemon chiffon.
now in Oklahoma. chig*ger (chig-er) n. the larva of a para-
Chick* en (chik-en) n. 1. a young bird, es- sitic mite that causes severe itching.
pecially of the domestic fowl. 2. the flesh chi*gnon (sheen-yon) n. a knot or roll of
of domestic fowl as food. 3. (slang) a long hair, worn at the back of the head
game testing courage, to play chicken. by women.
Chicken adj. (slang) afraid to do some- Chi*hua*hua (chi-wah-wah)
n. a very
thing, cowardly. Chicken v. (slang) to small smooth-haired dog of a breed that
chicken out. Ube no chicken, (slang) originated in Mexico.
to be no longer young, chicken colo- chil * blaln (chil-blayn) n. a painful swelling
nel, (slang) a colonel, not a lieutenant on the hand, foot, or ear, caused by expo-
colonel, chicken feed, food for poultry; sure to cold and by poor circulation.
(informal) something that is of little child (child) n. {pi chil-dren, pr. chil-
value; a petty sum of money, chicken dren) 1 a young human being below the

hawk, any of various types of hawks said age of puberty, a boy or girl. 2. a son
to prey on poultry, chicken out, (slang) or daughter. U child abuse, mistreat-
to withdraw through cowardice. ment of a child either by beating or ne-
Chicken pox, a disease, especially of glect, children of Israel, the Jewish
children, with red spots on the skin. people, child's play, something very
chicken wire, light wire netting with easy to do. with child, (old use) preg-
hexagonal mesh. nant.
chick* en-heart *ed (chik-en hahr-tid) child* bear *lng (child-bair-ing) n. preg-
adj. cowardly. nancy and childbirth.
chick -en-livered (chik-en uv-erd) adj. child *birth (child-burth) n. the process of
cowardly. Sving birth to a child,
Chick* pea (chik-pee) n. a dwarf pea with d-hood (child-huud) n. the condition
yellow seeds. or period of being a child.
Chick* weed (chik- weed) n. a weed with child *ish (chil-dish) adj. like a child, un-
small white flowers. suitable for a grown person. (>Do not
chicle (chik-el) n. the milky juice of a confuse childish with childlike; the word
tropical American tree, the main ingredi- childish is often applied contemptuously,
ent of chewing gum. whereas childlike is not.) childish-
chic • o • ry (chik-d-ree) n. { pi -lies) a blue- ly adv. child'ish-ness n.
flowered plant cultivated for its salad Child* less (child-lis) adj. having no chil-
leaves and for its root, which is roasted, dren, child ' less *ness n.
145 childlike / chip

child 'like (child-lik) adj. having the good (t>This word is considered offensive.)
qualities of a child, simple and innocent. Chinaman's chance, (slang) a very
>See the note under childish. small chance or none at all.
Chil-e (chil-ee) a country in South Amer- Chi *na* town (chi-na-town) n. a section
ica. Chil'e*an adj. & n. of a city outside China in which the Chi-
chil-i, chil-e, chihli (chil-ee) n. (pi. chil* nese live as a group.
ies, chihes, chil* lies) the dried pod Chinch (chinch) bug a type of insect that
of capsicum, acrid and pungent, used feeds on grains.
to make cayenne pepper. chili con Chin* Chil* la (chin-chil-a) n. 1. a small
came (chil-ee kon kahr-nee), a Mexican squirrellike South American animal. 2.
stew of chili-flavored minced beef. Chili its soft gray fur. 3. a heavy nubby woolen
sauce, a sauce made from tomatoes with cloth.
chili and other spices. Chine (chin) n. an animal's backbone, a
Chill (chil) n. 1. unpleasant coldness. 2. cut of meat containing part of this. Chine
an illness with feverish shivering. 3. a v. (chined, chin-ing) to cut along and

feeling of discouragement, chill adj. separate the backbone in (a cut of meat).

chilly. Chill v. 1 to make or become un-
. Chi-nese (chi-neez) adj. of China or its
pleasantly cold. 2. to preserve at a low people or language. Chinese n. (pi. Chi-
temperature without freezing, chilled nese) 1 a native of China, a person of

desserts. Chinese descent. 2. the language of

Chill -er (chil-er) n. a frightening mystery China. Chinese checkers, a game
story. in which marbles are moved from hole
chil-ly (chil-ee) adj. (chill -i-er, chill* to hole across a board. Chinese lan-
i*est) 1. rather cold, unpleasantly cold. tern, a collapsible paper lantern; a plant
2. cold and unfriendly in manner, chil' with an orange calyx resembling this.
liTiess n. Chink 1 (chingk) n. a narrow opening or
Chime (chim) n. a tuned set of bells, a slit, chink v. to fill in chinks in a log

series of notes sounded by these. Chime cabin wall etc.

v. (chimed, chim-ing) 1. (of bells) to Chink 2 n. a sound like glasses or coins being
ring. 2. (of a clock) to show the hour struck together, chink v. to make or
by chiming. Chime
in, to insert a re- cause to make this sound.
mark when others are talking. Chime Chi* no (chee-noh) n. (pi. -nos) 1. cotton
in with, to agree or correspond with. twill cloth, usually khaki colored. 2. chi-
chi-me-ra (ki-meer-a) n. (pi. -ras) 1. a nos, trousers made of chino.
grotesque monster. 2. a thing of mixed Chi* nook (shi-nuuk) n. (pi. -nooks,
character or fanciful origin. -nook) 1 a member of a North Ameri-

chinvney (chim-nee) n. (pi. -neys) a can Indian tribe. 2. a warm moist wind
structure carrying off" smoke or gases blowing from the sea on the coasts of
from a fire. chimney corner, a warm Washington and Oregon. 3. a warm dry
seat within an old-fashioned fireplace. wind from the Rocky Mountains.
chimney piece, a mantel or decoration Chinook jargon, a mixture of Eng-
over a fireplace. Chimney pot, a pipe lish, French, and Indian words, for-
fitted to the top of a chimney, chimney merly used by traders and Indians from
swallow, chimney swift, a type of Oregon to Alaska.
swift that occasionally nests in a chim- Chintz (chints) n. a cotton cloth with a
ney, chimney sweep, a person whose printed pattern, usually glazed, used for
trade is to remove soot from inside chim- curtains etc.
neys. chintz *y (chint-see) adj. (chintz* i*er,
chimp (chimp) n. (informal) a chimpanzee. chintz -i -est) (informal) cheap, gaudy.
Chim* pan* zee (chim-pan-zee) n. an Afri- Chi*0*no*dOX*a (ki-6-nd-dok-sa) n. a
can ape, smaller than a gorilla. blue-flowered plant blooming in early
Chin (chin) n. the front of the lower jaw. spring.
chin v. (chinned, chin-ning) (in- Chip (chip) n. 1 a thin piece cut or broken

formal) to chat. Dchin whiskers, a off something hard. 2. a fried shaving

beard, keep one's chin up, to remain of potato. 3. wood split into strips for
cheerful. making baskets, a basket made of such
Chin. abbr. 1. China. 2. Chinese. strips. 4. a place from which a chip has
Chi*na (chi-na) n. 1 . fine earthenware, por- been broken. 5. a counter used to repre-
celain. 2. articles made of this, household sent money, especially in gambling. 6.
china. a microchip, chip v. (chipped, chip*
Chi-na (chi-na) a country in Asia. ping) to cut or break at the surface or
Chi-na -man (chi-na-man) n. (pi. -men, edge, to shape or carve by doing this.
pr. -men) (informal) a Chinese man. Da chip off the old block, a child
chipboard / choirboy 146

who is very like its father, a Chip on honorable. 2. of or pertaining to chivalry.

one's shoulder, a feeling of bitterness Chlv*al*ry (shiv-al-ree) n. courtesy and
or resentment. Chip in, (informal) to in- considerate behavior, especially toward
terrupt with a remark when someone is weaker persons. chiv'al*rous adj.
speaking; to contribute money. Chipped chh/'al*rous*ly adv. chh/'al*rous*
beef, dried beef that has been shredded ness n.

or made into very small pieces. Chip chive (chiv) n. a small herb with onion-
shot, a short slightly lofted golf stroke. flavored leaves.
hand or cash in one's chips, (slang) chlOTal (klohr-al) hydrate a white pow-
to die.when the chips are down, der used as an anesthetic and to induce
when matters reach the point of decision. sleep.
Chip *board (chip-bohrd) n. thin material chlor*dane (klohr-dayn), chlor-dan
made of compressed wood chips and (klohr-dan) n. a liquid insecticide.
resin. chlo -ride (klohr-id) n. a compound of
chip-munk (chip-mungk) n. a small chlorine and one other element.
striped squirrellike animal of North chlo-rin-ate (klohr-T-nayt) v. (chlo*
America. rin*at*ed, chlo*rin*at*ing) to treat
Chip* pen -dale (chip-en-day 1) n. an 18th- or sterilize with chlorine. Chlo'ri*na*
century style of English furniture, named tor n. chlo*ti*na*tion (klohr-i-nay-
after its designer. shdn) n.
chip* per (chip-er) adj. lively. Chlo* line (klohr-een) n. a chemical ele-
Chip*pe*wa (chip-e-wah) n. (pi -was, ment used in sterilizing water and in in-
-wa) a member of the Ojibwa tribe of dustry.
North America. chlo *ro* form (klohr-6-form) n. a liquid
Chi*rog*ra*phy (ki-rog-ra-fee) n. hand- that gives off vapor that causes uncon-
writing. chi*rog'ra*pher n. chiro- sciousness when breathed, chloroform
graphic (ki-rd-graf-ik) adj. chi*ro* v. to make unconscious by this.
graphical adj. chlo-ro-phyll, chlo-ro-phyl (klohr-o-
chi*rop*0*dist (ki-rop-o-dist) n. an ex- fil) n. the green coloring matter in plants.
pert in chiropody. Chm. abbr. chairman.
Chi*rop*0*dy (ki-rop-6-dee) n. the treat- Choc. abbr. chocolate.
ment of ailments of the feet. Chock (chok) n. a block or wedge used
chi*ro*prac*tic (ki-ro-prak-tik) n. ma- to prevent something from moving.
nipulation of the spine and joints as a Chock v. to wedge with a chock or
method of treating disease. chocks.
chi-ro-prac-tor (ki-rd-prak-tdr) n. a chock-a-block (chok-a-blok) adj. & adv.
practitioner of chiropractic. crammed or crowded together.
chirp (churp) n. the short sharp note made Chock-full (chok-fuul) adj. stuffed,
by a small bird or a grasshopper. Chirp crammed.
v. to make this sound. Choc* o* late (chaw-kd-lit) n. 1. a powder
chir-rup (chir-up) n. a series of chirps. or solid block made from roasted cacao
chirrup v. (chir-ruped, chir-rup-ing) seeds. 2. a drink made with this. 3. a
to make this sound. candy made of or covered with this. 4.
Chis*el (chiz-£l) n. a tool with a beveled dark brown color.
edge for shaping wood, stone, or metal. Choc* taw (chok-taw) n. (pi -taws, -taw)
chisel v. (chis-eled, chis-el-ing) 1. 1 . a member of a tribe of Indians for-
to cut or shape with a chisel. 2. (slang) merly living in Mississippi and Alabama,
to treat unfairly, to swindle. Chla'el* now chiefly in Oklahoma. 2. the language
er n. of this tribe.
n. a young child, a small young
Chit (chit) choice (chois) n. 1. choosing, the right
woman, only a chit of a girl of choosing; / have no choice, no alterna-
Chit n. 1. a short written note. 2. a note tive. 2. a variety from which to choose,
containing an order or statement of a wide choice of holidays. 3. a person
money owed. or thine chosen, this is my choice, choice
Chit* Chat (chit-chat) n. chat, gossip. adj. (choic-er, choic-est) of the best
chi *tin (ki-tin) n. an organic substance quality, choice bananas.
forming a part of the exoskeleton of ar- Choir (kwir) n. 1. an organized band of
thropods. ch('tin*ous adj. singers, especially leading the singing in
chit -ter- lings, chit* lings, chit-lins church. 2. the part of the church where
(chit-linz) n. pi the small intestines of these sit. choir loft, the raised part
a pig, cooked as food. of a church occupied by the choir.
chi-val-rtc (shiv-al-rik) adj. 1. of or as choir* boy (kwir-boi) n. a boy who sings
of the ideal knight, gallant, courteous, in a church choir.
147 choirmaster / chow mein
choir- mas -ter (kwir-mas-ter) n. the di- jerky, not smooth, chop'pi-ly adv.
rector or trainer of a choir. chop'pi-ness n.
choke (chohk) v. (choked, choking) 1. Chops (chops) the jaws of an animal.
n. pi.
to cause to stop breathing by squeezing Chop* stick (chop-stik) n. one of a pair
or blocking the windpipe or (of smoke of sticks used in China etc. to lift food
etc.) by being unfit to breathe. 2. to be to the mouth.
unable to breathe from such causes. 3. Chop su*ey (chop soo-ee) a Chinese-
to make or become speechless from emo- American dish of small pieces of meat
tion. 4. to clog, to smother, the garden fried with rice and vegetables.
is choked with weeds, choke n. 1 chok- . Cho*ral (kohr-al) adj. written for a choir
ing, a choking sound. 2. a valve control- or chorus, sung or spoken by these,
ling the flow of air into a gasoline engine. cho'ral -ly adv. choral society, a so-
Choke off, to silence or discourage, ciety for singing choral music.
usually by snubbing. Choke up, (in- Cho*rale (ko-ral) n. a choral composition,
formal) to become speechless because of using the words of a hymn.
emotion, to perform badly because of Chord 1 (kord) n. a combination of notes

fear etc. sounded together in harmony.

Chok-er (choh-ker) n. 1 . a high stiff collar,
Chord 2 n. a straight line joining two points
a clerical collar. 2. a close-fitting neck- on a curve.
Chore (chohr) n. a routine task, a tedious
chol-er (kol-er) n. 1 one of the four cardi- task.

nal humors, bile. 2. (old use) anger. cho -re -a (kd-ree-a) n. St. Vitus's dance
(see saint).
Choicer* a (kol-e-ra) n. an infectious and
often fatal disease causing severe diar-
cho*re*o* graph (kohr-i-6-graf) v. to
arrange the dancing in a ballet, mu-
Chol*er*iC (kol-e-rik)
sical comedy, etc. chor*e*og*ra*
adj. easily angered,
often angry.
pher (kohx-i-og-ra-fer) n.
ChO*les*ter*ol (ko-les-te-rohl) n. a fatty
cho*re*og*ra*phy (kohr-i-og-ra-fee) n.
the composition of ballets or stage
substance found in animal tissues,
dances, cho • re *o* graph *ic (kohr-i-5-
thought to cause hardening of the arte-
graf-ik) adj. cho*re*o*graph / i*cal*ly
Chomp (chomp) v. (informal) to chew, to
chcr* is* ter (kor-i-ster) n. a member of
a choir.
chon-drite (kon-dnt) n. a meteorite con-
chor-tle (chor-tel) n. a loud gleeful
taining granules.
chuckle, chortle v. (chor-tled, chor-
chorvdrule (kon-drool) n. a granule of tling) to utter a chortle.
olivine found in a chondrite.
cho-rus (kohr-us) n. (pi. -rus*es) 1. a
choose (chooz) v. (chose, cho -sen, group of singers. 2. a piece of music for
choos*ing) 1. to select out of a greater these. 3.something spoken or sung by
number of things. 2. to decide, to prefer, many people together, a chorus of ap-
to desire; there is nothing to choose be- proval 4. the refrain or main part of a
tween them, they are about equal. ChoOS / song. 5. a group of singing dancers in
er n.
a musical comedy, the chorus line. Cho-
choos*y, choos-ey (choo-zee) adj. rus v. (cho*rused, cho-rus-ing) to
(choos*i*er, choos-i-est) (informal) sing or speak or say in chorus. chorus
and cautious in choosing, hard to
careful girl, a female member of a chorus in a
please. musical comedy etc. in chorus, speak-
chop (chop) v. (chopped, chop* ping) ing or singing all together.
1 to cut by a blow with an ax or knife. chose (chohz), cho* sen (choh-zen) see
2. to hit with a short downward stroke choose.
or blow. Chop n. 1. a cutting stroke, Chow 1
(chow) n. a long-haired dog of a
especially with an ax. 2. a chopping blow. Chinese breed.
3. a thick slice of meat, usually including Chow2 n. (informal) food. line, Dchow
a rib. Dchop up, to chop into small (informal) a line of people waiting to be
pieces. served food.
chop* house (chop-hows) n. (pi. -nous* Chow* chow (chow-chow) n. a relish of
es, pr. -how-ziz) a restaurant specializ- chopped vegetables pickled in mus-
ing in chops or steaks. tard.
chop* per (chop-er) n. 1. a chopping tool, chowder (chow-der) n. a thick soup of
a short ax. 2. (slang) a. helicopter. clams or fish and vegetables, usually in
Chop*py (chop-ee) adj. (-pi-er, -pi* a milk base.
est) 1. full of short broken waves. 2. Chow mein (chow mayn) a Chinese- Amer-
Christ / chubby 148

ican dish of fried noodles with shredded graph • ic (kroh-ma-td-graf-ik) chro •

meat and vegetables. ma*to*graph'i*cal*ry adv.
Christ (knst) the title of Jesus (= "the chrome (krohm) ru 1. chromium or a
anointed one"), now treated as a name. chromium alloy, used especially as plat-
Christ'like adj. ing. 2. yellow coloring matter obtained
Chris* ten (kris-en) v. 1. to admit to the from a compound of chromium, chrome
Christian Church by baptism. 2. to give yellow.
a name or nickname to. chro* mi* urn (kroh-mi-um) ru a chemical

Chris- ten -dom (kris-en-dom) n. all element, a hard metal used in making
Christians, Christian countries. stainless steel and for plating other met-
Chris 'tending (kris-e-ning) ru the cere- als, chromium-plated

mony of baptizing or naming. Chro* mo (kroh-moh) n. (pi -mos) a pic-

Christian (kris-chan) adj. 1. of the doc- ture printed in color by lithography.
trines of Christianity, believing in or Chro* mo* some (kroh-md-sohm) ru one
based on these. 2. of Christians. 3. show- of the tiny threadlike structures in ani-
ing the qualitites of a Christian, kindly, mal and plant cells, carrying genes.
humane. Christian n. a person who be- chro*mo*som*al (kroh-mo-soh-mal)
lieves in Christianity. Christian Era,
time reckoned from the birth of Christ. chro* mo* sphere (kroh-md-sfeer) ru the
Christian name, a name given at a red gaseous envelope around a star.
christening, a person's given name.
chro • mo spher • ic • (kroh-md-sfer-ik)
Christian Science, a religious system
chron. abbr. 1 . chronological. 2. chronol-
claiming that health and healing can be
achieved through the mental effect of
chron*ic (kron-ik) adj. 1. (of a disease)
true Christian faith, without medical
affecting a person for a long time. 2. hav-
treatment. Christian Scientist, one
ing had an illness or a habit for a long
who believes in this system.
time, a chronic invalid, chron'hcal*
Chris* ti -an -i-ty (kris-chi-an-i-tee) n. 1.
ly adv.
the religion based on the belief that
Chron *i*cle (kron-i-kel) n. 1. a record of
Christ was the incarnate Son of God,
events in the order of their happening.
and on his teachings. 2. being a Chris-
2. Chronicles, two historical books of the
Old Testament, chronicle v. (chron*
Chris -tian-lze (kris-cha-mz) v. (Chris* i-cled, chron *i • cling) to record in a
tian-ized, Chris -tian-iz-ing) to make
chronicle, chron'l*Cler n.
or to become Christian.
Chron *0 -graph (kron-6-graf) n. an in-
Chris -tie n. (pi -ties) (formerly
strument that records time accurately.
Christiania) a turn in skiing with skis Chron o graph ic (kron-d-graf-ik) adj.
• • •

parallel, used for stopping short.

chro nog *ra* phy (krd-nog-ra-fee) n.

Christ* mas (kris-mas) n. the Christian chron *o* log *i*cal (kron-d-loj-i-k&l) adj.
festival (celebrated on December 25) arranged in the order in which things
commemorating Christ's birth, the pe- occurred. chron*o*log'i*cal*ly adv.
riod about this time. Christmas Club, chro*nol*o*gy (krd-nol-6-jee) n. (pi
a bank account for which money is de- -gies) the arrangement of events in the
posited regularly over a year's time, the order in which they occurred, as in his-
total amount being returned to the de- tory or geology. chro *nol'o* gist n.
positor in time for Christmas. Christ- chro*nom*e*ter (kr6-nom-i-ter) n. a
mas Day, December 25. Christmas time-measuring instrument with a spe-
Eve, December 24. Christmas tree, an cial mechanism for keeping exact time.
evergreen (or artificial) tree decorated at chrys-a-lis (kris-a-lis) n._ (pi chrys*
Christmas. a*lis*es, chry*sal*i*des, pr. kri-sal-i-
Christ* mas *sy (kris-mas-ee) adj. looking deez) the stage in an insect's life when
festive, typical of Christmas. it forms a sheath inside which it changes

Christ* mas *tide (kris-mas-tid) n. the from a grub to an adult insect, especially
Christmas season. a butterfly or moth.
chro*mat*ic (kroh-mat-ik) adj. of color, chry*san*the*mum (kri-san-the-mum)
in colors. chro*mat'i*cism ru chro- n. a garden plant with bright flowers,
matic scale, (in music) a scale that as- blooming in autumn.
cends or descends by semitones. Chub (chub) n. (pi Chub, chubs) a thick-
chro • ma • tog • ra • phy (kroh-ma-tog-ra- bodied river fish.
fee) n. (in chemistry) separation of mixed chub* by (chub-ee) adj. (-bi*er, -bl-
substances by slow passage through or est) round and plump. Chub'bl*
over adsorbing material. chro*ma*to* ness n.
149 chuck / cigarillo

Chuck 1 (chuk) (informal) 1. to throw

v. church* war* den (church-wor-den) n. a
carelessly or casually. 2. to give up, to representativeof a parish in certain
resign. 3. to touch playfully under the churches who helps with the business of
chin. Chuck n. a playful touch. chuck the church.
out, (informal) to throw away; to expel church • worn • an (church- wuum-an) n.
(a troublesome person). (pi worn* en, pr. -wim-in) a female
Chuck 2 n. 1 the part of a lathe that grips
. member of a church or of the clergy.
the drill, the part of a drill that holds Church* yard (church-yahrd) n. the en-
the bit. 2. a cut of beef including the closed land around a church, often used
neck and shoulder blade, chuck steak. for burials.
chuck 3 n. (slang) food. chuck wagon, Churl (churl) n. 1 a rude boorish person.

a wagon equipped for cooking and serv- 2. a peasant.

ing meals to workers at a ranch, lumber Churl *ish (chur-lish) adj. 1. ill-mannered
camp, etc. or rude. 2. in a peasantlike fashion.
Chuck* hole (chuk-hohl) n. a hole in a churl'ish *ly adv. churl'ish *ness n.
road. Churn (churn) n. 1. a machine in which
chuck -le (chuk-el) n. a quiet or half-sup- milk is beaten to make butter. 2. a large
pressed laugh, chuckle v. (chuck -led, can in which milk is carried from a farm.
chuck -ling) to give a chuckle. Churn v. 1 to beat (milk) or make (but-

chug (chug) v. (chugged, chug-ging) to ter) in a churn. 2. to stir or swirl vio-

make a dull short repeated sound, like lently; the tank churned up the field,
an engine running slowly. Chug n. this broke up its surface. 3. to produce in
sound. quantity without regard for quality.
chuk-ka (chuk-a) n. (also chukka boot) Chute (shoot) n. 1. a sloping or vertical
an ankle-high leather boot, originally channel down which things can slide or
worn for polo. be dropped. 2. (informal) a parachute.
chuk*ker (chuk-er) n. a period of play in chut*ney (chut-nee) n. a highly seasoned
polo. relish of fruit, vinegar, spices, etc.
Chum (chum) n. (informal) a close friend.
chutz-pah (huut-spa) n. shameless audac-
chum (chummed, chunvming) to
v. ity. > Yiddish.
form a close friendship. C.I. abbr. cost and insurance.
Chum 2 n. chopped or ground bait dropped CIA, C.I.A. abbr. Central Intelligence
into a fishing ground to attract fish. Agency.
chum v. (chummed, chunvming) to Cla. abbr. (Spanish Compania) Company.
fishwith such bait. Clao (chow) interj. (informal) 1. goodby.
chum* my (chum-ee) adj. (-mi*er, -ml* 2. hello.
est) very friendly, chum'mhly adv. ci*ca*da (si-kay-da) n. (pi. -das, -dae,
chum'mhness n. pr. -dee) a grasshopper-like insect that
Chump (chump) n. 1. a heavy block of makes a shrill chirping sound.
wood. 2. (slang) a foolish person. cic-a-trix (sik-2-triks) n. (pi. Cica-
Chunk (chungk) n. 1 a thick piece of some-
. trices, pr. sik-a-tri-seez) the scar left

thing. 2. a substantial amount. by a healed wound.

Chunk *y (chung-kee) adj. (chunk* I* Ci*ce*ro*ne (sis-e-roh-nee) n. (pi. -nes,
er, chunk* I -est) 1. short and thick. 2. -ni, pr. -nee) a guide who understands
in chunks, containing chunks. and explains antiquities etc.
Church (church) n. 1 a building for public
. C.I.D. abbr. Criminal Investigation Depart-
Christian worship. 2. a religious service ment (of Scotland Yard).
in this, see you after church. 3. the ci *der (si-der) n. a drink made from apples
Church, the whole body of Christian be- that may be either fermented (hard
lievers, a particular group of these, the Cider) or unfermented (sweet cider).
Protestant Episcopal Church; the clergy, Cie. abbr. (French Compagnie) Company.
the clerical profession; he went into the ci*gar (si-gahr) n. a roll of tobacco leaves
Church, became a clergyman. Church for smoking. cigar store, a store in
of England, the episcopal church of which tobacco, cigars, and smoking ac-
England, rejecting the pope's supremacy. cessories are sold.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Cig*a*rette (sig-a-ret) n. a roll of cut to-
day Saints, the official name of the bacco or other substance enclosed in thin
Mormon Church. paper for smoking. cigarette paper,
church* less (church-lis) adj. not associ- thin white paper used to make cigarettes.
ated with or not belonging to a church. Cig*a*ril*IO (sig-a-ril-oh) n, (pi. -los) 1.
church* man (church-man) n. (pi -men, a small cigar. 2. a cigarette made from
pr. men) 1. a clergyman. 2. a member cut tobacco wrapped in tobacco leaf
of a church. rather than paper.
cilium / circular 150

cil'i'iim (sil-i-um) ru (pi cil*l*a, pr. sil- senting naught or zero. 2. any Arabic
i-a) 1 an eyelash, a delicate hair resem-
. numeral. 3. a person or thing of no im-
bling that on a leaf, insect's wing, etc. portance. 4. a set of letters or symbols
2. a hairlike vibrating organ used as an used to represent others for secrecy, it
aid to movement by many lower animals was written in cipher. Cipher v. 1. to
living in water. write in cipher. 2. to solve by arithmetic.
C. in C. abbr. Commander in Chief. Circ. abbr. 1. circa.' 2. circuit. 3. circula-
cinch (sinch) ru 1. a girth for a saddle tion. 4. circumference.
or pack. 2. (informal) a certainty, an easy clr-ca (sur-ka) prep, about, china from
task. Cinch v. 1 to fix a saddle securely.
. circa 1850. > Latin.
2. to make secure, to make sure of. cir • ca • di an
(sur-kay-di-an) adj. of physi-

cin -cho-na (sin-koh-na) n. a South Amer- ological activity occurring approxi-

ican tree or shrub with fragrant pink and mately every twenty-four hours.
white flowers. clr-cle (sur-kel) ru 1. a perfectly round
cinc-ture (singk-chur) n. a girdle, belt, or plane figure. 2. the line enclosing it, every
border. point on which is the same distance from
Cin-der (sin-der) n. 1. a small piece of the center. 3. something shaped like this,
partly burned coal or wood. 2. cinders, a ring. 4. curved rows of seats rising in
ashes. cinder block, a concrete block tiers at a theater etc., above the lowest
made with cement and cinders. Cinder level. 5. a number of people bound to-
track, a running track made with fire gether by similar interests, in business
cinders. circles, circle v. (cir-cled, cir* cling) to
Cin-der -el -la (sin-de-rel-a) ru a girl who move in a circle, to form a circle around.
achieves sudden recognition or wealth. Dcome full circle, to pass through a
Cinderella story, a story of sudden series of events etc. and return to the
success, usually involving change from starting point, go around in circles,
rags to riches. to be fussily busy but making no prog-
cin-e-ma (sin-e-ma) n. 1. a theater where ress.
motion pictures are shown. 2. films as clr-clet (sur-klit) ru a circular band worn
an art form or an industry. as an ornament, especially around the
cin-e- ma -theque (sin-e-ma-tek) n. a head.
motion-picture theater where art or clr-cult (sur-kit) n. 1. a line or route or
avant-garde films are shown. distance around a place. 2. the journey
cin-e -mat -o* graph *ic (sin-£-mat-6- of a judge within a particular district
graf-ik) adj. for taking or projecting mo- to hold court sessions, the district itself.
tion pictures. cin *e* mat* o* graphi- 3. a scheduled sequence of events, the
cally adv. American golf circuit, the lecture circuit
cin-e-ma-tog-ra*phy (sin-e-ma-tog-ra- 4. a closed path for an electric current.
fee) n. the art or technique of motion 5. an apparatus with conductors, vac-
picture photography. cln*e*ma*tog' uum tubes, etc. through which electric
ra-pher n. current passes. circuit breaker, a de-
cin-e- ma ve*rl*te (sin-e-ma ver-i-Uy) a vice for interrupting an electric current.
documentary style of film-making that Circuit court, a court that meets at vari-
uses realistic techniques. > French. ous places within one judicial district.
Cin*e*rar*i*a (sin-£-rair-i-a) n. a plant circuit riders, (old use) judges or minis-
with heart-shaped leaves and brightly ters who made circuits through an area
colored flowers. to hold trials, preach, etc.
cin-e-rar-i-um (sin-£-rair-i-um) n. (pi. Cir*CU*i*t0US (sur-kyoo-i-tus) adj. round-
-rar*i*a, pr. -rair-i-a) a place for holding about, indirect. cir*cu'i*tous*ly adv.
a person's ashes after cremation. cin- cir* cult *ry (sur-ki-tree) n. (pi -lies) cir-
erary urn, an urn for such ashes. cuits, the equipment forming these.
cin-na-bar (sin-a-bahr) n. 1. a red form Cir*cu*i*ty (sur-kyoo-i-tee) n. (pi -ties)
of mercuric sulfide that is used as a pig- the quality of being circuitous.
ment. 2. vermilion. clr-cu-lar (sur-kyu-l&r) adj. 1. shaped like
cin-na-mon (sin-a-m6n) n. 1. spice made a circle. 2. moving around a circle; a
from the inner bark of a southeast Asian circular tour, one by a route that brings
tree. 2. its color, yellowish brown. travelers back to the starting point. 3.
cinnamon toast, buttered toast (of reasoning) using as evidence for its
spread with cinnamon and sugar. conclusion the very thing that it is trying
Cinque* foil (singk-foil) n. a plant related to prove. 4. addressed to a circle of peo-
to the rose family, having compound ple, a circular letter. Circular n. a circu-
leaves of five leaflets each. lar letter or advertising leaflet. circu- D
ci*pher (si-fer) n. 1. the symbol 0, repre- lar saw, a power saw having a toothed
151 circularize / citify

disk as cutting edge. cir-cu-lar-l-ty circumstances, in poverty that contrasts

(sur-kyii-lar-i-tee) n. with their former prosperity. 2. cere-
cir-cu-lar-ize (sur-kyu-la-nz) v. (cir- mony, pomp and circumstance. Din or
cu-lar-lzed, cir*cu-lar-iz-ing) to under the circumstances, owing to
send circulars to. or making allowances for them, under
cir -cu* late (sur-kyu-layt) v. (cir-cu- no circumstances, no matter what
lat-ed, cir*cu-lat*ing) 1. to go around may happen.
continuously. 2. to pass from place to Cir • cum • Stan • tial
place. 3. to cause to move around, to adj. giving full details. 2. consisting
send around, we will circulate this letter. of facts that strongly suggest something
cir-cu -la* tion (sur-kyu-lay-shon) n. 1. but do not provide direct proof, circum-
circulating, being circulated. 2. the stantial evidence, cir • cum -stan 'tial-
movement of blood through the body, ly adv.
pumped by the heart. 3. the number of cir* cum* vent (sur-kum-vent) v. to evade,
copies sold or distributed, especially of to find a way around, managed to cir-
a newspaper. cumvent the rules, cir-cum-ven-tion
cir-cu-la-to-ry (sur-kyu-ia-tohr-ee) adj. (sur-kum-ven-shon) n.
of the circulation of blood. circula- cir-cus (sur-kus) n. {pi -cus-es) 1. a
tory system, the system, including or- traveling show with performing animals,
gans and tissues, that circulated blood acrobats, and clowns. 2. (informal) a
and lymph through the body. scene of lively action; the people in such
cir • cum • am • bu • late (sur-kum-am-byu- action. 3. (informal) a group of people
layt) v. (cir • cum • am -bu- lat-ed, cir* performing in sports or a series of lec-
cum-am-bu-lat-ing) to walk around tures etc., either together or in succes-
or about, cir • cum • am • bu • la • tion (sur- sion.
kum-am-byu-lay-shdn) n. cirque (surk) n. a bowl-shaped hollow at
cir- cum* else (sur-kum-siz) v. (cir- the head of a valley or on a mountain
cum-cised, cir-cum-slz-lng) to cut slope.
off the foreskin of (a male person) as a cir-rho-sis (si-roh-sis) n. a chronic dis-
religious rite or surgically, cir -cum •
ease, especially of alcoholics, in which
cl-slon (sur-kum-siz/i-dn) n. the liver hardens into many small projec-
cir-cum-fer-ence (sur-kum-fe-rens) n. cir-rhot-ic (si-rot-ik) adj.
the boundary of a circle, the distance mu • lus (sir-oh-kyoo-myu-lus)
cir • ro • CU •
around this. n. -lus) a cloud formed of small
Cir -cum -flex (sur-kum-fleks) n. a mark roundish fleecy clouds.
over a vowel, as over e in fete. cir-ro-stra-tus (sir-oh-stray-tus) n. (pi.
cir • cum • lo • cu • tion (sur-kum-loh-kyoo- -tus) a thin high cloud of horizontal or
shdn) n. 1 use of many words where a
. inclined sheets.
few would do. 2. evasive talk. cir-rus (sir-us) n. (pi. cir-rus) a light
cir • cum • lu • nar (sur-kum-loo-nar) adj. wispy cloud, typically at great altitude.
moving or situated around the moon. cis- lu -nar (sis-loo-nar) adj. between Earth
cir • cum • nav • i • gate (sur-kum-nav-i- and the moon.
gayt)v. (cir-cum-navi-gat-ed, cir- Cis-ter-cian (sis-tur-shan) n. a member
cum-navi-gat-ing) to sail completely of a religious order that was founded as
around, cir -cum -nav i-ga -tion (sur- a branch of the Benedictines.
kum-nav-i-gay-sh6n) n. Cis* tern (sis-tern) n. a tank or other vessel
cir* cum* scribe (sur-kum-skrib) v. (cir* for storing water.
cum •scribed, cir-cum-scrib-ing) 1. Cit abbr. 1. citation. 2. cited. 3. citizen.
to draw a line around. 2. to mark the cit-a-del (sit-a-del) n. a fortress overlook-
limits of, to restrict, cir* cum* scrip* ing a city.
tion (sur-kum-skrip-sh6n) n. ci-ta-tion (si-tay-sh6n) n. 1. a mention
cir-cum-so-lar (sur-kum-soh-lar) adj. sit- in an official dispatch, a recommendation
uated near or moving around the sun. for a decoration or honor. 2. an official
cir-cum-spect (sur-kum-spekt) adj. cau- summons, especially one to appear in
tious and watchful, wary. Cir* cum* court. 3. the act of citing or quoting,
spec* tion (sur-kum-spek-shon) n. something cited or quoted.
Cir* cum* stance (sur-kum-stans) n. 1 one . cite (sit) v. (cit-ed, cit-ing) to quote or
of the conditions or facts connected with mention as an example or to support an
an event or person or action; he was a argument. >Do
not confuse cite with
victim of circumstances, the conditions site.
affecting him were beyond his control; cit*l*fy (sit-i-ft) v. (clt*i*fied, cit-i*
what are his circumstances? what is his tying) to make urban in behavior or
financial position?; they live in reduced appearance.
citizen / clairvoyance 152

cit'i-zen (sit-i-zen) n. 1. an inhabitant of neering, the designing and construction

a city. 2. a person who has full rights of roads, bridges, canals, etc. dvil law,
in a country etc. by birth or by naturali- law dealing with the private rights of citi-
zation, cit'i-zen-ship n. citizen's zens, not with crime, civil rights, the
band, radio frequencies reserved by the rights, privileges, and protection given
federal government for communication to citizens; civil rights movement, an or-
between private citizens, citizen's band ganized movement to secure civil rights
radio, a radio that operates at these fre- for blacks and other minorities in the
quencies. U.S. dvil servant, an employee of a
cit-i-zen-ry (sit-i-zen-ree)*rt. {pi -rles) government department other than the
the citizens of a nation or state as a armed forces, dvil war, war between
group. groups of citizens of the same country.
citTic (sit-rik) acid the acid in the juice ci'Vil*ian (si-vil-yan) n. a person not serv-
of lemons, limes, etc. ing in the armed forces.
cit-ron (sit-r5n) n. 1. an oval fruit, larger, d*viM-ty (si-vil-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) polite-
less acid, and thicker skinned than the an act of politeness.
lemon. 2. a tree bearing this fruit. dvi*li*za*tion (siv-I-li-zay-shdn) n. 1.
cit-ron -el -la (sit-rd-nel-a) n. 1. a South making or becoming civilized. 2. a stage
Asian grass yielding a fragrant oil. 2. in the evolution of organized society, a
this oil, used in insect repellents and per- particular type of this, ancient civiliza-
fume. tions. 3. civilized conditions or society,
citTUS (sit-riis) n. {pi -rushes) any of a spent months in the jungle, far from civili-
group of related trees including lemon, zation.
orange, and grapefruit; citrus fruit, fruit civl-lize (si ¥-M i z) v. (dvi-lized, civ
from such a tree. i-liz-ing) 1. to cause to improve from
cit-y (sit-ee) n. {pi ciMes) 1. a large and a savage or primitive stage of human so-
important town. 2. the City, the oldest ciety to a more developed one. 2. to im-
part of London, England, now a center prove the behavior of.
of commerce and finance. Deity hall, civvies (siv-eez) n. pi (slang) civilian
municipal offices; you can't fight City clothes.
Hall, ordinarily people are powerless CJ abbr. Chief Justice.
against a bureaucracy, city manager, ck. abbr. 1. cask. 2. check.
an appointed official directing the admin- CI symbol chlorine.
istration of a city, city state, one of the CL abbr. carload.
small republics of ancient Greece; a small d. abbr. centiliters).
sovereign state consisting of an autono- dack (klak) n.' 1 a short sharp
. sound like
mous city and its dependencies. that made by plates struck together. 2.
Civ. abbr. 1. civil. 2. civilian. the noise of chatter, clack v. to make
Civet (siv-it) n. 1. a civet cat. 2. a musky such a sound or noise.
substance obtained from its glands, used dad 1
(klad) v. see clothe, dad adj.
in making perfumes. Civet cat, a cat- clothed, warmly clad; iron-clad, pro-
like animal of Central Africa. tected with iron, as though protected
Civic (siv-ik) adj. of or proper to a city thus.
or town, of citizens or citizenship. dad 2 v. (dad, dad* ding) to provide
Civic center, an area containing mu- (metal etc.) with cladding.
nicipal offices and other public buildings. dad *ding (klad-ing) n. a metal or other
civics (siv-iks) ru the study of government material applied to the surface of another
and of the rights and duties of citizens. as a protective covering.
Civ -11 (siv-Tl) adj. 1. belonging to citizens; Claim (klaym) v. 1. to demand as one's
civil liberty, liberty restricted only by right or due; the floods claimed many
those laws established for the good of lives, people died as a result. 2. to declare
the community. 2. of the general public, that something is true or has been
not the armed forces or organized reli- achieved, to state without being able to
gion; civil aviation, nonmilitary; civil prove. Claim n. 1 a demand for some-.

marriage, with a civil ceremony not a thing as one's right; lay claim to {see
religious one. 3. involving civil law not lay 3 ). 2. the right to something, a widow
criminal law, a civil dispute. 4. polite and has a claim on her deceased husbands
obliging, civ'il -ly adv. civil defense, estate. 3. a statement claiming that some-
organized protection of the civil popula- thing is true, an assertion.
tion against air raids or other hostile ac- claim* ant (klay-mant) n. a person who
tion, civil disobedience, refusal to makes a claim, especially in law.
obey laws, pay taxes, etc. as a means Clair -voyance (klair-voi-ans) n. the sup-
of influencing government. Civil engi- posed power of seeing in the mind either
153 clairvoyant / classic

future events or things that are happen- at a theater. 2. a group of fawning admir-
ing or existing out of sight. ers.
Clair «voy ant (klair-voi-ant) n. a person Clar*et (klar-it) n. a dry red wine.
said to have clairvoyance, clairvoyant clar-i-fy (klar-T-fi) v. (clar-i-fied, clar*
adj. i*fy*ing) 1. to make or become clear
Clam (klam) n. a shellfish with a hinged or easier to understand. 2. to remove im-
shell, clam v. (clammed, clanvming) puritiesfrom (fats), as by heating, clar*
to fish for clams. Dclam up, (slang) to i*fl*ca*tion (klar-I-fi-kay-shdn) n.
refuse to talk. Clar*i*net (klar-T-net) n. a woodwind in-
Clam* bake (klam-bayk) n. 1. a party held strument with finger holes and keys.
outdoors at which clams and other shell- Clar*i*net*ist (klar-I-net-ist) n. a person
fish are eaten. 2. a large noisy party. who plays the clarinet.
Clam ber (klam-ber)
• v. to climb with some
Clar*l*on (klar-i-on) adj. loud, clear, and
difficulty. rousing, a clarion call.
clam* my (klam-ee) adj.(-mi*er, -mi* clar*i*ty (klar-i-tee) n. clearness.
est) unpleasantly moist and sticky. clash (klash) v. 1 to strike making a loud

clam'mi*ness n.
harsh sound like that of cymbals. 2. to
Clam* or (klam-dr) a loud confused
n. 1.
conflict, to disagree. 3. to take place in-
noise especially of shouting. 2. a loud conveniently at the same time as some-
protest or demand. Clamor v. to make thing else. 4. (of colors) to produce an
a loud protest or demand, clam 'or* unpleasant visual effect by not being har-
0U8 adj. monious. Clash n. 1 a sound of clashing.

Clamp (klamp) n. a device for holding

2. a conflict, a disagreement. 3. a clash-
things tightly, often with a screw, clamp
ing of colors.
v. to grip with a clamp, to fix firmly.
Clasp (klasp) n. 1. a device for fastening
clamp down on, to become stricter things, with interlocking parts. 2. a
about, to put a stop to.
grasp, a handshake, clasp v. 1 to fasten,

Clam* shell (klam-shel) n. 1. the shell of

to join with a clasp. 2. to grasp, to hold
a clam. 2. a bucket for dredging.
or embrace closely.
Clan (klan) n. 1. a group with a common
class (klas) n, 1. people or animals or
ancestor, the Scottish clans. 2. a large
things with some characteristics in com-
family forming a close group.
mon. 2. people of the same social or eco-
Clan *des* tine (klan-des-tin) adj. kept se-
cret, done secretly. clan*des'tine*ly
nomic level, the working class. 3. a set
of students taught together, a session
Clang (klang) n. a loud ringing sound. when these are taught. 4. a division ac-
cording to quality, first class; tourist class.
Clang v. to make a clang.
5. distinction, high quality, a tennis
Clang* or (klang-dr) n. a clanging noise.
Clank (klangk) n. a metallic sound like that player with class, class v. to place in a
of metal striking metal, clank v. to make class, to classify. class action, a law-
a clank. suit undertaken on behalf of a group of

Clan*nish (klan-ish) adj. showing clan individuals, class consciousness, the

feeling, clinging together and excluding feeling of belonging to a particular social
others. clan'nish*ness n. or economic class. Class struggle, com-
Clap (klap) n, 1 the sharp noise of thunder.
petition foreconomic and political power
2. the sound of the palms of the hands between classes of people, as between
being struck together, especially in ap- capitalists and workers, in a class by
plause. 3. a friendly slap, gave him a clap itself, much superior to everything else
on the shoulder, clap v. (clapped, clap* of its kind.
ping) 1. to strike the palms loudly to- Clas*siC (klas-ik) adj. 1. having a high
gether, especially in applause. 2. to flap quality that is recognized and unques-
(wings) audibly. 3. to put or place tioned, Hardy s classic novel. 2. very typi-
quickly, clapped him into jail Qclap cal, a classic case of malnutrition. 3. hav-
eyes on, (informal) to catch sight of. ing qualities like those of classical art,
Clap* board (klab-ord) n. a long narrow simple and harmonious; classic clothes,
board with one edge thicker than the plain and conventional in style. 4. fa-
other, used to form the outside walls of mous through being long established; the
houses. classic races, the Kentucky Derby, the
Clap* per (klap-er) n. the tongue or striker Wanamaker Mile, etc. Classic n. 1. a
of a bell. classic author or work etc., "David Cop-
Clap* trap (klap- trap) n. talk or ideas used perfield" is a classic. 2. a garment in clas-
only to win applause. sic style. 3. a classic sporting event.
Claque (klak) n. 1 people hired to applaud
. D> Note the various definitions of classic
classical / cleanup ,«
and compare them with the definitions grasp or scratch orpull with a claw or
of classical with the hands. Dclaw hammer, a
clas-si*cal (klas-i-kal) adj. 1. model or hammer with a head divided at one end
first class, especially in literature. 2. of for pulling out nails.
ancient Greek and Roman art, literature, Clay (khiy) n. stiff, sticky earth that be-
and culture; a classical scholar, an expert comes hard when baked, used for making
in these. 3. simple and harmonious in bricksand pottery, clay'ey adj. Delay
style. 4. traditional and standard in style, pigeon, a breakable disk thrown up as
classical music clas'si*cal*ly adv. a target for shooting.
>Do not confuse classical with classic clean (kleen) adj. 1 free from dirt or im-

clas-si-cism (klas-i-siz-em) n. 1. classical purities,not soiled. 2. not yet used, a

style. 2. classical scholarship, classi- clean page. 3. (of a nuclear bomb) pro-
cist n. a classical scholar. ducing relatively little fallout. 4. with
clas-sics (klas-iks) n. works of ancient nothing dishonorable in it, (of a driver's
Greek and Roman literature, study of license) with no violations. 5. attentive
these works. to cleanliness, with clean habits. 6. with-
clas-si-fi-a-ble (klas-i-fi-a-bel) adj. able out projections or roughness, smooth
to be classified. and even. 7. keeping to the rules, not
clas-si-fied (klas-i-fid) adj. 1. (of adver- unfair, a clean fighter. 8. free from inde-
tisements) arranged according to subject cency; keep it clean, do not tell improper
matter. 2. (of information) designated as jokes. Clean adv. completely, entirely,
officially secret and available only to / clean forgot; the thief got clean away,
specified people. classifieds, (in- escaped without a trace, dean v. 1. to
formal) classified advertisements. make or become clean. 2. to dry-clean.
clas- si -fy (klas-i-fi) v. (clas-si-fied, 3. to remove the innards of before cook-
clas- si- tying) to arrange systemati- ing, to gut, clean the fish,clean 'ness
cally in classes or groups, to put into a n. clean out, to clean the inside of;
particular class, clas-si-fi-ca-tion (slang) to use up all the supplies or
(klas-i-fi-kay-shdn) n, money of. clean room, any enclosed
class -less (klas-hs) adj. without distinc- laboratory etc. where the air is kept free
tions of social class. of all contaminants, dean up, to make
Class* mate (klas-mayt) n. a present or clean, to tidy things or oneself; to rid
past member of the same class (as in of crime and corruption; (informal) to
school). make a gain or profit, make a Clean
class* room (klas-room) a room where n. breast of it, to confess fully, make a
a class of students is taught. clean sweep, see sweep.
class -y (klas-ee) adj. (class- i-er, class- dean-cut (kleen-kut) adj. sharply out-
i*est) (informal) stylish, superior. lined, clean-cut features.
Clas* tic (klas-tik) adj. composed of broken clean -er (klee-ndr) n. 1. a device or sub-
pieces of older rock, elastic n. rock of stance used for cleaning things. 2. a per-
this type. son employed to clean rooms.
clat*ter (klat-£r) ru 1. a sound like that clean -ers (klee-nerz) n. pi a dry cleaning
of plates rattled together. 2. noisy talk. establishment. Dtake a person to the
clatter v. to make or cause to make a cleaners, (slang) to rob or defraud him;
clatter. to win all his money.
Clause (klawz) n. 1. a single part in a clean -ly (kleen-lee) adv. in a clean way.
treaty, law, or contract. 2. a part of a Cleanly (klen-lee) adj. having clean hab-
compound or complex sentence, with its its, clean* li* ness (klen-li-nis) n.

own verb and subject. cleanse (klenz) v. (cleansed, deans*

claus tro pho bi a (klaws-tro-foh-bi-S)
• * • • ing) to make thoroughly clean.
n. abnormal fear of being in an enclosed cleansing cream, a lotion for cleans-
space, claus- tro -pho'bic adj. suffering ing the skin.
from or causing claustrophobia. cleans -er (klen-zer) n. a cleansing sub-
clav-i -chord (klav-I-kord) n. a musical in- stance, especially one containing an abra-
strument resembling an upright piano. sive.
clav-i -cle (klav-i-kfcl) n. the collarbone. clean-shaven (kleen-shay-ven) adj. with
Clavier, klavier (kla-veer) n. an early beard, mustache, and whiskers shaved
musical instrument resembling a piano. off.

Claw (klaw) n. 1. the pointed nail on an clean -up (kleen-up) n. 1. the process
animal's or bird's foot, a foot with such of cleaning. 2. the process of ridding a
nails. 2. the pincers of a shellfish, a lob- community of crime and corruption.
ster claw. 3. a device like a claw, used cleanup hitter or batter, the fourth
for grappling and holding. Claw v. to batter in a baseball batting order.
155 clear / Cleveland

Clear (kleer) adj. 1 transparent, clear glass;

. by chopping, to split or become split.
clear water, not muddy or cloudy; clear 2. to make a way through. OThe past
soup, not thickened. 2. free from blem- tense may be either he cleaved or he clove
ishes, a clear complexion. 3. free from or he cleft, or he has cloven or he has
guilt, a clear conscience. 4. easily seen cleft or he has cleaved. The adjectives
or heard or understood, distinct. 5. evi- cloven and cleft are used of different ob-
dent, a clear case of cheating. 6. free from jects (see deft and cloven).
doubt, not confused. 7. free from ob- cleave 2 v. (cleaved or old use clave,
struction or from something undesirable. cleaving) to stick fast.
8. net, without deductions, complete, a cleaver (klee-ver) n. a butcher's chopper.
clear profit. Clear adv. 1 clearly. 2. com-
def (kief) n. a symbol on a stave in a musi-
pletely. 3. apart, not in contact, stand cal score, showing the pitch of the notes
clear! clear v. 1. to make or become (treble, bass, etc.).
clear. 2. to free (one's throat) of phlegm Cleft (kleft) v. see cleave. Cleft adj. split,
or huskiness by a slight cough. 3. to get partly divided; a cleft chin, with a V-
past or over, especially without touching. shaped hollow, cleft n. a split, a cleav-
4. to get approval or authorization for;
age. Deleft palate, a defect in the roof
clear goods through customs, satisfy offi- of the mouth where two sides of the
cial requirements there. 5. to pass (a
palate failed to join before birth.
check) through a clearinghouse. 6. to Clem *a *tis (klem-a-tis, kli-mah-tis) n. a
make as net gain or profit; we cleared climbing plant, usually with white or
our expenses, made enough money to purplish flowers.
cover these. Clear n. a clear space,
clem*en*cy (klem-en-see) n. (pi -cles)
clear 'ly adv. clear 'ness n. clear
1. mildness, especially of weather. 2.
away, to remove; to remove used crock- mercy, clenvent (klem-ent) adj.
ery etc. after a meal, dear off, to get
Clench (klench) v. 1. to close (the teeth
rid of; (slang) to go away, clear out,
or fingers) tightly. 2. to grasp tightly.
to empty, to depart in haste, clear the
3. to clinch, clench n. a clenching ac-
decks, to clear away hindrances and
tion, a clenched state.
prepare for action, clear up, to become
clere • sto • ry (kleer-stohr-ee) n. ( pi. -lies)
better or brighter; clear up the mystery,
1 an upper row of windows in a large
solve it. In the clear, free of suspicion
church, above the level of the roofs of
or difficulty.
the aisles. 2. a similar row of windows
clearance (kleer-ans) n. 1. clearing. 2.
placed high in other buildings.
authorization, permission. 3. the space
left clear when one object moves within
clergy (klur-jee) n. (pi -gles, -gy) the
people who have been ordained as
or past another. clearance papers,
priests, ministers, rabbis, etc.
official papers certifying that a ship may
enter or leave a port, clearance sale, clergyman (klur-ji-man) n. (pi. -men,
a sale at low prices to dispose of a store's pr. -men) a member of the clergy.

merchandise. cleric (kler-ik) n. a clergyman.

Clear-cut (kleer-kut) adj. 1 . very distinct. clerical (kler-i-k&l) adj. 1. of clerks; a

2. not open to doubt. clerical error, one made in copying or
clear head *ed (kleer-hed-id) adj. alert, writing something out. 2. of the clergy;
perceptive, thinking clearly. clerical collar, an upright white collar
cleaning (kleer-ing) n. an open space fastening at the back, worn by some
from which trees have been cleared in clergy.
a forest. clerical* ism (kler-i-ka-liz-em) n. cleri-
clearing 'house (kleer-ing-hows) n. 1. cal rule or influence.
an office at which banks exchange checks cleri-hew (kler-i-hyoo) n. a short witty
and settle balances. 2. an agency that verse in four lines of unequal length,
collects and distributes information etc. rhyming in couplets, the first line usually
Cleat (kleet) n. 1 a short piece of wood
. containing the name of a famous person.
or metal with projecting ends around OFrom its inventor Edmund Clerihew
which a rope may be fastened. 2. a strip Bentley, English writer (1875-1956).
or other projecting piece fixed to a gang- Clerk (klurk) n. 1 a person employed to

way etc. or to footwear to prevent slip- keep records or accounts etc. in an office.
ping. 3. a wedge. 2. an official who keeps the records of
cleav -age (klee-vij) n. 1 a split, a division
. a court or council etc. clerk v. clerk
made by cleaving. 2. the hollow between Of the works, the superintendent of a
full breasts, exposed by a low-cut gar- construction project.
ment. Cleve-land (kleev-land), Gro-ver (1837-
Cleave 1 (kleev) v. (see> below) "\. to divide 1908) the twenty-second and twenty-
clever / clip 156

fourth president of the U.S. 1885-89, a mountaineer. 2. a climbing plant.

1893-97. Clime (klim) n. (poetic) 1 a region. 2. cli-

Clev*er (klev-er) adj. 1. quick at learning mate.

and understanding things, skillful; he was clinch (klinch) v. 1. to fasten (a nail or
too clever for us, he outwitted us. 2. show- rivet) by hammering the point sideways
ing skill, a clever plan. Clev'er*ly adv. after it is driven through. 2. (in boxing)
cleverness n. to move too close together for a full-arm
clev*is (klev-is) n. a U-shaped piece of blow. 3. to settle conclusively, clinched
metal with holes at the ends through the deal Clinch n. 1 a clinching position

which a bolt or pin is run*. in boxing. 2. (informal) an embrace, a

clew =
clue. slow fade-out on the clinch.
cli* Che (klee-shay) n. a hackneyed phrase Clinch *er (klin-cher) n. (informal) a re-
or idea. Clhched' adj. mark, argument, or fact that settles a
Click (klik) n. a short sharp sound like that matter.
of billiard balls colliding, click v. 1 to . cling (kling) v. (clung, cling* ing) 1. to
make or cause to make a click, to fasten hold on tightly. 2. to become attached,
with a click. 2. (slang) to be a success, to stick. 3. to remain close or in contact,
to become understood. to be emotionally attached or dependent,
cli-ent (kli-ent) n. 1. a person using the the brothers and sisters still cling together.
services of a lawyer or architect or a pro- 4. to refuse to abandon, clinging to hopes
fessional person other than a doctor, or of rescue.
of a business. 2. a customer. cling* stone (kling-stohn) a kind of

cli -en -tele (kh-en-tel) n. clients, custom- peach in which the stone is difficult to
ers. separate from the flesh.
Cliff (klif) n. a steep rock face, especially Clin*ic (klin-ik) n. 1. a place or session
on a coast. at which specialized treatment or advice
cliff- hang -er (klif-hang-£r) n. a story or is given to visiting persons, prenatal
contest full of suspense, cliff 'hang* clinic. 2. a medical training session with
ing adj. full of suspense. hospital patients as subjects.
cli-mac-ter-ic (kli-mak-t£-rik) n. the pe- Clin*i*cal (klin-i-kal) adj. 1. of a clinic.
riod of life when physical powers begin 2. of or used in the treatment of patients,
to decline. clinical thermometer. 3. of or based on
cli -mac -tic (kli-mak-tik) adj. of or having observed signs and symptoms, clinical
a climax. ODonot confuse climactic medicine. 4. looking bare and hygienic.
with climatic. 5. unemotional, cool and detached.
cli -mate (kli-mit) n. 1. the regular clin'i*cal*l/ adv.
weather conditions of an area. 2. an area cli *ni* Clan (kli-nish-an) n. a physician
with certain weather conditions, living who treats patients, as opposed to one
in a hot climate. 3. a general attitude who conducts research.
or feeling, an atmosphere, a climate of Clink (klingk) n. a thin sharp sound like

hostility, cli-mat-ic (kh-mat-ik) adj. glasses striking together, clink v. to make

(C> Do not confuse climatic with climac- or cause to make this sound.
tic.) cli*mat'i*cal*ly adv. climate Clink 2 n. (slang) prison, in the clink.
control, air conditioning. clink *er (kling-ker) n. 1. rough stony ma-
Cii*ma*tol*0*gy (kli-m2-tol-6-jee) n. the terial left after coal has burned, a piece
study of climates, cli -ma- to* logi- of this. 2. (slang) a bad mistake.
cal (kh-ma-t6-loj-i-kal) adj. Cli*ma* clink -er-built (kling-ker-bilt) adj. (of a
to*log'i*cal*ly adv. cli-ma-tol'o- boat) made with the outside planks or
gist n. plates overlapping downward.
cli -max (kli-maks) n. 1 the event or point . Clip 1 (klip) n. 1 a device for holding things

of greatest interest or intensity. 2. sexual tightly or together, a paper clip. 2. a mag-

orgasm. Climax v. to reach or bring to azine for a firearm. 3. an ornament fas-
a climax. tened by a clip, clip v. (clipped, clip-
climb (khm) v. 1 to go up or over by effort.
. ping) to fix or fasten with a clip.
2. to move upward, to go higher, the clip 2 v. (clipped, clip* ping) 1. to cut or
plane climbed rapidly. 3. to grow up a trim with shears or scissors. 2. to punch
support, this rose climbs, climb n. an as- a small piece from (a ticket) to show that
cent made by climbing. climb down, it has been used. 3. (informal) to hit
to go downward by effort; to retreat from sharply, clipped him on the ear. clip n.
a position taken up in argument. 1. clipping. 2. the wool cut from a sheep
climb-a-ble (klim-a-bSl) adj. able to be or flock at one shearing. 3. an extract
climbed. from a film. 4. (informal) a sharp blow.
climb -er (kli-mSr) n. 1. one who climbs, 5. a rapid pace, going at quite a clip.
157 clipboard / close

Dclip Joint, (slang) a bar or restaurant pers, (informal) large heavy shoes.
charging outrageously high prices. Clog (klog) n. a wooden-soled shoe, clog
clip -board (klip-bohrd) n. a board with v. (clogged, clog -ging) to block, to be-

a spring clip for holding papers, etc. come blocked.

Clip-on (klip-on) adj. attached by a clip. cloi*son*ne (kloi-zd-nay) n. enamelwork
Clip* per (klip-er) n. (also Clipper ship) in which the colors of the pattern are
a fast sailing ship. separated by wires.
clip*pers (klip-erz) n. pi an instrument clols-ter (kloi-ster) n. 1. a covered walk
for clipping hair, grass, etc. along the side of a church or other build-
Clip* ping (kUp-ing) n. a piece clipped off ing, looking out on a courtyard. 2. a
or out, an item cut from a newspaper. monastery or convent, life in this, clois-
clip* sheet (klip-sheet) n. a sheet of paper ter v. to seclude in a monastery or con-
printed on one side, in order to facilitate vent.
reprinting, that is circulated by an or- cloistered (kloi-sterd) adj. sheltered, se-
ganization. cluded.
Clique (kleek) n. a small exclusive group. done (klohn) n. 1 a group of plants pro-

(D> Often mispronounced to rhyme with duced from one original stock or seed-
chick.) Cliquish (klee-klsh) adj. ling. 2. an organism asexually produced
Cll*to*ris (klit-d-ris) n. a small erectile from and genetically identical with one
part of the female genitals, at the upper ancestor, clone v. (cloned, clon-ing)
end of the vulva. clit'OTal adj. to grow or propagate as a clone.
cloak (klohk) n. 1. a loose sleeveless out- Clop (klop) n. the sound of a horse's hoof
door garment. 2. something that con- striking a hard surface, a similar sound.
ceals, under the cloak of darkness. Cloak clop v. (clopped, clop* ping), to make
v. to cover or conceal. this sound.
cloak-and-dag • ger (klohk-an -dag-er) Close 1 (klohs) adj. 1 near in space or time.

adj. involving dramatic adventures in 2. near in relationship, a close relative.

spying. 3. affectionate, a close friend. 4. nearly
cloak* room (klohk-room) n. 1. a room alike, a close resemblance. 5. in which
where outdoor clothes and packages etc. the competitors are nearly equal, a close
may be left. 2. a checkroom. contest 6. dense, compact, with only
clob-ber (klob-er) v. (slang) to hit repeat- slight intervals, a close texture. 7. de-
edly, to give a beating to, to defeat; clob- tailed, leaving no gaps or weaknesses,
bering the taxpayers, hurting them by concentrated, close study. 8. secretive. 9.
heavy taxation. stingy. 10. stuffy, humid, without fresh
Cloche (klohsh) n. a woman's close-fitting air. Close adv. closely, in a near position,
bell-shaped hat. they live close by. closely adv. close'
Clock 1 (klok) n. 1. an instrument (other ness n. Dat close quarters, very close
than a watch) for measuring and showing together. Close call, (informal) a narrow
the time. 2. any measuring device with escape from death or danger; (in sports)
a dial or displayed figures, as a taximeter, an umpire's decision in a play that is
an odometer. Clock v. 1 to time (a race . difficult to decide, close shave, a nar-
or competitor). 2. (informal) to achieve row escape from an accident etc.
as a speed, he clocked ten seconds for close 2 (klohz) v. (closed, closing) 1.
the hundred meters. clock In, to regis- to shut. 2. to be or declare to be not
ter one's arrival for work, clock out, open to the public. 3. to bring or come
to register one's departure from work. to an end; the closing days of the year,
clock watcher, a person who is con- the last ones. 4. to bring or come closer
stantly alert for the time when he may or into contact; close ranks, agree after
legitimately stop working. initial disagreement. 5. to come within
Clock2 n. an ornamental pattern on the striking distance, to grapple, close n.

side of a stocking or sock. a conclusion, an end. closed book,

Clock* wise (klok-wiz) adj. & adv. moving a subject one has ceased considering.
in a curve from left to right, as seen from closed-circuit television, that trans-
the center of the circle. mitted by wires, not waves, to a restricted
clock* work (klok-wurk) n. a mechanism number of receivers, close down, to
with wheels and springs, like that of a shut completely, to cease working.
clock. Dlike clockwork, with perfect closed season, a period during which
regularity and precision. it is illegal to take certain specified game

Clod (klod) n. 1 a lump of earth or clay.

. or fish. Closed shop, the system
2.a stupid unimaginative person. whereby membership in a labor union
Clod* hop* per (klod-hop-er) n. 1 a rustic, . is a condition of employment in a certain

an unsophisticated person. 2. clodhop- establishment, close in, to approach

closefisted / club 158

from all sides so as to shut in or entrap. cloud (klowd) n. 1 a visible mass of con-

Close out, to discontinue, terminate, or densed watery vapor, floating in the sky.
dispose of (merchandise, a business, etc.). 2. a mass of smoke or mist etc. 3. a mass
Close with, to accept (an offer), to ac- of things moving in the air, a cloud of
cept the offer made by (a person). insects. 4. a state of gloom or trouble,
close* fist *ed (klohs-fis-tid) adj. nig- casting a cloud over the festivities, cloud
gardly, stingy. v. 1. to cover or darken with clouds or

Close* fit* ting (klohs-fit-ing) adj. tightly gloom or trouble. 2. to become overcast
fitting, clinging to the body. or indistinct or gloomy. cloud Don
Close-knit (klohs-nit) adj. bound together. nine, (informal) extremely happy, un-
Close *mouthed (klohs-mowfftd) adj. reti- der a Cloud, out of favor, under suspi-
cent or secretive. cion, in disgrace, with one's head In
Close* out (klohz-owt) n. a sale of goods the Clouds, daydreaming.
at low prices when going out of business Cloud* burst (klowd-burst) n. a sudden vi-
or discontinuing certain kinds of mer- olent rainstorm.
chandise. cloud* less (klowd-lis) adj. free from
clos*et (kloz-it) ft. 1 a small storage room
. clouds.
or cabinet. 2. (old use) any smaD room. cloud *y (klow-dee) adj. (cloud *i*er,
closet v. (clos-et-ed, clbs-et-ing) to cloud -i -est) 1. covered with clouds.
shut off (people) in a room, as for a con- 2. not transparent, a cloudy liquid
ference,closet adj. secret. closet ho- cloud'i-ness ft.

mosexual, one whose homosexuality is Clout (klowt) (informal) 1. a blow. 2.


kept secret, come out of the closet, power of trade unions

effective action,
to acknowledge one's homosexuality with clout Clout v. (informal) to hit.
publicly. clove 1 (klohv) see cleave 1 .
close-up (klohs-up) ft. a photograph giv- clove2 ft. one of the small bulbs making
ing a detailed view of something. up a compound bulb, a clove of garlic
closing (kloh-zing) n. the concluding de- clove3 ft. the dried unopened flower bud
tails of a sale of property. of tropical myrtle, used as a spice.
do -sure (kloh-zftur) ft. 1. the act or proc- clove hitch a knot used to secure a rope
ess of closing, a closed condition. 2. clo- around a spar or pole.
ture. clo-ven (kloh-ven) see cleave 1 . cloven
Clot (klot) ft. a small thickened mass hoof, one that is divided, like those of
formed from blood or other liquid, clot oxen or sheep or goats.
v. (clot* ted, clot* ting) to form clots. clo*ver (kloh-ver) ft. a plant with three-
clotted cream, cream thickened by lobed leaves,' used for fodder. Din clo-
being scalded. ver, in ease and luxury.
Cloth (klawth) n. 1 . woven or felted mate- clo*ver*leaf (kloh-ver-leef) ft. an intersec-
rial. 2.a piece of this for a special pur- tion of roads in a pattern resembling a
pose, a dishcloth, tablecloth, etc. 3. cleri- four-leaf clover.
cal clothes, the clergy, respect for the clown (klown) «. 1 a performer, especially

cloth. in a circus, who does comical tricks and

clothe (klohr/i) v. (clothed or clad, actions. 2. a person who is always behav-
cloth *ing) to put clothes upon, to pro- ing comically, clown v. to perform as
vide with clothes. a clown, to behave comically, clown'ish
Clothes (klohz, klohf/rz) ft. pi things worn adj. clown'ish *ly adv. clown'ish'
to cover the body and limbs. ness /l
Clothes* horse (klohz-hors) ft. 1. a frame Cloy to sicken by glutting with
(kloi) v.

with bars over which clothes etc. are sweetness or pleasure, cloy the appetite.
hung to dry. 2. a person much concerned cloying (kloi-ing) adj. sickeningly sweet.
with dressing fashionably. club (klub) ft. 1. a heavy stick with one
Clothes* line (klohz-lm) ft. a rope or wire end thicker than the other, used as a
on which washed clothes are hung to weapon. 2. the headed stick used to hit
dry. the ball in golf. 3. a playing card of the
Clothes* pin (klohz-pin) a forked peg
ft. suit (clubs) marked with black clover
or clip for fastening wash to a clothesline. leaves. 4. a society of people who or-
Cloth *ier (klohfft-yfcr) ft. a manufacturer ganize to provide themselves with sport
or seller of men's clothes. or entertainment etc., their buildings or
cloth -ing (kloh-ffcng) ft. clothes, gar- premises, the tennis club. 5. an organiza-
ments. tion offering members certain benefits,
clo-ture (kloh-chur) n. decision of a legis- a book club, club v. (clubbed, club*
lature to take a vote without further de- blng) 1 to strike with a club. 2. to unite

bate. for a common purpose, we clubbed to-

159 clubfoot / coalition

gether to buy a boat. Dclub car, a rail- 2. the chickens hatched from these,
road car outfitted like a club, with chairs, clut-ter (klut-er) n. 1. things lying about
tables, etc. and usually serving food. untidily. 2. a crowded untidy state, clut-
Club Chair, a low-backed chair with ter v. to fill with clutter, to crowd unti-
solid sides, club sandwich, a three- dily.
decker sandwich. Club soda, soda wa- Clydes-dale (klidz-dayl) n. a horse of a
ter. Club steak, a steak cut from the heavily built breed used for pulling
rib end of the short loin. things.
club-foot (klub-fuut) n. a deformed foot. cm abbr. centimeter(s).
club'foot*ed adj. Cm symbol curium.
club* house (klub-hows) (pi -nous*
n. Cmdr. abbr. Commander.
es, pr. -how-ziz) the premises used by CMSgt abbr. Chief Master Sergeant.
a club. CNO abbr. Chief of Naval Operations.
club* man (klub-man) n. (pi -men, pr. CNS, ens abbr. central nervous system.
-men) a man who is a member of one Co symbol cobalt.
or more fashionable clubs. Co. abbr. 1. Company. 2. County.
club* worn* an (klub-wuum-an) n. (pi. CO abbr. Colorado.
-worn* en, pr. -wim-in) a woman who C/o abbr. care of (see care).
is an active member of civic and social CO- prefix together with, jointly, as in coau-
organizations. thor, coexistence.
Cluck (kluk) n. 1 . the throaty cry of a hen. CO. abbr. 1 . Commanding Officer. 2. con-
2. (slang) a stupid person, cluck v. to scientious objector.
utter a cluck. coach (kohch) n. 1 . a large four-wheeled
Clue (kloo) n. 1. a fact or idea that gives horse-drawn carriage. a railroad car. 2.
a guide to the solution of a problem. 2. 3. (also motor coach)
a bus. 4. an in-
a word or phrase indicating what is to structor in sports. 5. a teacher giving pri-
be inserted in a crossword or other word vate specialized instruction, a voice
puzzle, due v. (clued, clu*ing) to pro- coach, coach v. to train or teach.
vide with a clue. Dclue in, (informal) coach* man (kohch-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
to inform. -men) a driver of a coach or carriage.
Clue* less (kloo-lis) adj. without a clue. co*ad*ju*tor (koh-aj-u-t6r) n. a helper
Clump (klump) n. 1. a cluster or mass. or assistant, especially one assisting a
2. a clumping sound, clump v. 1 to form . bishop.
a clump, to arrange in a clump. 2. to CO * ag • u * lant (koh-ag-yu-lant) n. a coagu-
walk with a heavy tread. lating agent.
clum-sy (klum-zee) adj. (-si*er, -si* co*ag*u*late (koh-ag-yu-layt) v. (CO*
est) 1. heavy and ungraceful in move- ag*u*lat*ed, co*ag*u*lat*ing) to
ment or shape. 2. large and difficult to change from liquid to semisolid, to clot.
handle or use, a clumsy instrument. 3. CO • ag • u • la • tion (koh-ag-yu-lay-shdn)
done without tact or skill, a clumsy apol- n.
ogy. clum'si*ly adv. clum'si*ness n. co • ag • u * lum (koh-ag-yu-lum) n.(pi -la,
clung (klung) see cling. pr. -la,-lums) a coagulated mass, a clot.
Clunk (klungk) n. a dull sound like thick coal (kohl) n. 1 a hard black mineral used

metal objects striking together. Clunk v. for burning to supply heat. 2. a piece
to make this sound. of this, one that is burning, a live coal.
clus*ter (klus-ter) n. a small close group. coal v. to load a supply of coal into a
Cluster v. to bring or come together in ship. carry coals to Newcastle, to
a cluster. cluster zoning, zoning take a thing to a place where it is already
practices that permit construction of plentiful, coal gas, mixed gases ex-
buildings in clusters, with open space tracted from coal and used for lighting
around these clusters. and heating, coal mine, a mine where
Clutch 1 (kluch) v. to grasp tightly; clutch coal is dug. coal oil, kerosene, coal tar,

at, to try to grasp. Clutch n. 1 a tight . tar produced when gas is made from
grasp, a clutching movement. 2. a device coal, drag over or rake over the
for connecting and disconnecting certain coals, to criticize sharply.
working parts in machinery. 3. (in- co*a*lesce (koh-a-les) v. (co-a-lesced,
formal) a critical moment, especially in CO*a*lesc*lng) to combine and form
sports. D Clutch hitter, a baseball batter one whole, co*a*les'cence n.
who usually makes a safe hit in a clutch. coal* field (kohl-feeld) n. an area in which
get into a person's clutches, to come coal occurs naturally.
into his possession or under his relentless CO*a*li*tion (koh-a-lish-on) n. 1. union.
control. 2. a temporary union between political
Clutch 2 n. 1 . a set of eggs for hatching. parties, co*a*li'tion*ist n.
coarse / cockatrice 160

coarse (kohrs) adj. (coars-er, coars- cob'ble 1

(kob-el) n. a cobblestone, cob-
est) 1. composed of large particles, ble v. (cob* bled, cob*bling) to pave
rough or loose in texture. 2. rough or with cobblestones.
crude in manner or behavior, not refined; cobble2 v. (cob -bled, cob-bling) 1. to
coarse language, improper, vulgar. 3. put together or mend roughly. 2. to mend
inferior,common, coarsely adv. shoes.
coarse'ness n. cob* bier (kob-ler) n, 1. a shoe repairer.
coars*en (kohr-sen) v. to make or become 2. an iced drink of wine, sugar, and
coarse. lemon. 3. a deep-dish fruit pie with a
coast (kohst) n. the seashore and the land thick crust.
near it, its outline, coast v. 1. to sail cob *ble* stone (kob-el-stohn) n. a
along a coast. 2. to ride down a hill or rounded stone used in paving.
slope without using power. Coast COBOL (koh-bohl) n. a computer pro-
Guard, a branch of the U.S. Department graming language. D> Common business
of Transportation that helps regulate Oriented Language.
navigation and acts as a sea rescue force. CO* bra (koh-bra) n. a poisonous snake of
coast guardsman (pi -men), a mem- India and Africa that can rear up.
ber of the Coast Guard, the coast is cob* web (kob- web) n. the fine network
clear, there is no chance of being seen spun by a spider, a strand of this.
or hindered. CO'Caine (koh-kayn) n. a drug used as a
coast -al (kohs-tal) adj. of or near the local anesthetic or as a stimulant.
coast. COC-CUS (kok-us) n. (pL COC*Ci, pr. kok-
coast -er (kohs-ter) n. 1 . a ship that trades si) a bacterium roughly spherical in
between ports on the same coast. 2. a shape.
tray for a wine bottle, a small dish or coc*cyx (kok-siks) n. (pi -cyges, pr.
mat fora drinking glass. coaster -cyx*es) the small bone at the
brake, a bicycle brake engaged by back- lower end of the spinal column in man
pedaling. and some apes.
coast* line (kohst-lm) n. the shape or out- COCh*i*neal (koch-I-neel) n. bright red
line of a coast, a rugged coastline. coloring matter made from the dried
coat (koht) n. 1 an outdoor garment with
. bodies of certain insects.
sleeves. 2. an animal's hair or fur cover- co-chle-a (koh-kli-a, kok-li-a) n. (pi -le*
ing its body. 3. a covering layer, a coat ae, pr. -li-ee, -le-as) a spiral cavity
of paint coat v. to cover with a layer. forming part of the inner ear in most
ucoat of arms, a design on a shield, mammals. CO'Chle*ar adj.
used as an emblem by a family or a city cock 1
(kok) n. V
a male bird, especially
or an institution. of the domestic fowl. 2. a tap or spout
co*a*ti (koh-ah-tee) n. {pi -tie) a South for controlling the flow of a liquid. 3.
American animal with a long slender a lever in a gun, raised ready to be re-
snout and a ringed tail. leased by the trigger; at half cock, only
coat-lng (koh-ting) n. 1. a covering layer. half ready for something, cock v. 1 to .

2. material for coats. tilt or turn upward; the dog cocked his

co-au*thor (koh-iw-thdr) n. an author ears, raised them attentively; cock an eye,

who writes books etc. with one or more to glance knowingly. 2. to raise the cock
other authors, coauthor v. to write in of (a gun) ready for firing, to set (the
this manner. shutter of a camera) ready for release.
coax (kohks)v. 1. to persuade gently or Dcock of the walk, the most influential
gradually. 2. to obtain in this way, person.
coaxed a smile from her. cock 2 n. a cone-shaped pile of straw or
coax. abbr. coaxial. hay. cock v. to pile in cocks.
CO*ax*l*al (koh-ak-si-al) adj. having a cock-ade (ko-kayd) n. a rosette of ribbon
common axis. co*ax'i*al*ly adv. worn on a hat as a badge.
D coaxial cable, an electrical transmis- cock-a-doo-dle doo (kok-a-doo-del doo)
sion line in which there are two concen- inter}, the sound of a cock crowing.
tric conductors separated by insulation. cock-a-leek*le (kok-a-lee-kee) n. a Scot-
cob (kob) n. 1 a corncob. 2. a male swan.
. tish soup of cock boiled with leeks.
3. a sturdy short-legged horse for riding. cock-and-bull (kok-an-buul) story a fool-
CO* bait (koh-bawlt) n. 1. a chemical ele- ish story that one should not believe.
ment, a hard white metal used in many COCk*a*tOO (kok-a-too) n. (pi -tOOS) a
alloys, and with radioactive forms used crested parrot.
in medicine and industry. 2. coloring cock-a- trice (kok-a-tris) n. a mythical
matter made from this, its deep-blue cock with a serpent's tail whose glance
color. was supposed to be deadly.
161 cockchafer / coerce
cock*chaf*er (kok-chay-fer) n. a large CO* coon (kd-koon) ft. 1. the silky sheath
flying beetle. around a chrysalis. 2. a protective wrap-
COCk* crow (kok-kroh) n. dawn, when ping. COCOOn v. to protect by wrapping
cocks begin to crow. completely.
cocked (kokt) hat a triangular hat worn COd (kod) ft. (pi. cod) a large sea fish used
with some uniforms. knock into a as food. cod-liver oil, oil obtained
cocked hat, to defeat utterly. from cod livers, rich in vitamins andA
cockier* el (kok-e-rel) n. a young domes- D.
ticcock. COD abbr. cash on delivery.
COCk*er (kok-er) spaniel a small spaniel CO* da (koh-da) ft. the concluding passage

with a dense curly coat and long ears. of a piece of music, after the main part.
COCk* eye (kok-i) ft. a squinting eye. cod* die (kod-el) v. (cod* died, cod*
COCk* eyed (kok-id) adj. 1. having a dling) 1 to cherish and protect carefully.

squinting eye. 2. (slang) crazy or foolish; 2. to cook (eggs) in water just below boil-
drunk. ing point.
COCk* fight (kok-fit) n. a fight in which code (kohd) ft. 1 a set of laws or rules,

cocks are pitted against each other. a code of practice for advertisers. 2. a
cock-le (kok-ei) n. an edible shellfish. prearranged word or set of words repre-
Dwarm the cockles of one's heart, senting a message, used for secrecy. 3.
to make one rejoice. a system of symbols used to send mes-
Cock*ney (kok-nee) n. (pi. -neys) 1. a sages etc. by machine, the Morse code.
native of the East End of London. 2.
code v. (cod*ed, cod*ing) to put into
the dialect or accent of this area, cock-
ney adj. of Cockneys or Cockney. CO*deine (koh-deen) n. a white substance
COCk* pit (kok-pit) n. 1. a place made for made from opium, used to relieve pain
cockfighting. 2. the compartment for the
or induce sleep.
pilot and crew of an aircraft. 3. the driv-
co-dex (koh-deks) n. (pi. -di-ces, pr.
a racing car.
er's seat in
-di-seez) a manuscript volume, especially
COCk* roach (kok-rohch) n. a beetle-like
of ancient writings.
insect that infests kitchens.
cod* fish (kod-fish) ru (pi. -fish*es, -fish)
COCks* comb (koks-kohm) n. 1. a plant
a cod.
with red or purple flowers that resemble
COdg*er (koj-er) ft. (informal) a fellow,
the comb of a rooster. 2. a coxcomb.
especially an old strange one.
COCk* sure (kok-shoor) adj. 1. quite con-
COd*i*Cil (kod-i-sil) n. an appendix to a
vinced, very positive. 2. overly confident
of oneself.
cod-i-fy (kod-i-fi) v. (co*di*fied, co*
COCk* tail (kok-tayl) n. 1. a mixed alco-
di* tying) to arrange (laws or rules) sys-
holic drink. 2. an appetizer containing
tematically into a code. cod*i*f loca-
shellfish or fruit, shrimp or grapefruit
cocktail. cocktail lounge, a barroom. tion (kod-i-fi-kay-shon) ft.
cocktail party, an early evening party COd* ling (kod-ling) n. a small codfish.
at which liquor and tidbits are served. CO*ed (koh-ed, koh-ed) adj. (informal)
fruit cocktail, pieces of fruit
small coeducational, coed ft. (informal) a girl
served as an appetizer. or young woman at a coeducational
cock-y (kok-ee) adj. (COCk*i*er, COCk* school or college.
i*est) conceited and arrogant. COCk / i* co*ed*u*ca*tion (koh-ej-u-kay-shon) n.
ly adv. cock / i*ness n. education of boys and girls in the same
CO* CO (kok-koh) ft. (pi. -COS) the coconut classes. co*ed*u*ca'tion*al adj.
palm or its fruit. CO*ef *fi*Cient (koh-i-fish-ent) n. a multi-
CO*COa (koh-koh) ft. 1. powder made from plier, a mathematical factor.
crushed cacao seeds. 2. a drink made COe*la*canth (see-la-kanth) n. a kind of
from this. Dcocoa butter, a fatty sub- fish that is extinct except for one species.
stance made from cacao seeds and used COe*len*ter*ate (si-len-te-rit) n. an inver-

in cosmetics etc. tebrate animal, such as a jellyfish or a

CO* CO -nut (koh-kd-nut) ft. 1. the large hydra, with a large internal cavity and
hard-shelled seed of a tropical palm tree tentacles, coelenterate adj.
(the coconut palm) containing a milky CO*e*qual (koh-ee-kwal) adj. equal, co-
juice. 2. its edible white lining. coco- equal ft. a person who is the equal of
nut matting, matting made from the another. co*e'qual*ly adv. co*e*
tough fiber of the coconut's outer husk. qual*i*ty (koh-i-kwol-i-tee) n.

coconut oil, the oil or fat obtained from co*erce (koh-urs) (co*erced, co*

coconuts and used in cooking and in erc*ing) to compel by threats or force.

making soaps, candles, etc. co*er*cion (koh-ur-sh6n) n.
coercive / coincide 162

co-er*cive (koh-ur-siv) adj. using coer- thatmade in Cognac in western France.

cion. cog-nate (kog-nayt) adj. having the same
co-e-val (koh-ee-val) adj. of the same pe- source or origin, (of things) related.
riod or age, contemporary. cog-ni-tion (kog-nish-dn) n. the act or
CO* ex* 1st (koh-ig-zist) v. to exist together. process of perceiving or knowing, cog*
>See coexistence, ni'tion -al adj. cog-ni*tive (kog-ni-tiv)
CO*ex*ist*ence (koh-ig-zis-tens) n. coex- adj.
isting; peaceful coexistence, tolerance of COg*ni*zant (kog-ni-zant) adj. aware,
each other by countries with different po- having knowledge, cog'ni-zance n.
litical and social systems. CO* ex* is' cog*ni*za*ble (kog-ni-za-bel) adj.
tent adj. cog* no* men (kog-noh-men) n. {pi
CO ex 'ten* si ve
• (koh-ik-sten-siv) adj. ex- -mens, -nom*i*na, pr. -nom-I-na) 1. a
tending over the same space or time. last name. 2. a nickname.
C Of C abbr. Chamber of Commerce. co-gno-scen-ti (kon-yd-shen-tee) n. pi
C. Of E. abbr. Church of England. connoisseurs.
Co*fea*ture (koh-fee-chur) n. a short film cog* wheel (kog-hweel) n. a toothed
shown as part of the program at a motion wheel, a gearwheel.
picture theater, co* featured adj. co -nab* it (koh-hab-it) v. to live together
COf*fee (kaw-fee) n.the beanlike seeds
1. as man and wife, especially when not
of a tropical shrub, roasted and ground married to each other. CO*hab*i*ta*
for making a drink. 2. this drink. 3. light tion (koh-hab-i-tay-shdn) n.
brown break, an inter- CO heir
• (koh-air) n. a person who inherits
ruption of work for light refreshments. jointly with others.
coffee cup, a cup from which coffee co 'here (koh-heer) v. (co*hered, co*
is drunk, coffee klatch, an informal her-ing) to stick together, to remain
meeting whose primary purpose is con- united in a mass, the particles cohere.
versation and at which coffee is served. CO*her*ent (koh-heer-ent) adj. 1. coher-
coffee shop, an informal restaurant, ing. 2. connected logically, not rambling
especially at a hotel, coffee table, a in speech or in reasoning. CO'her'ent*
small low table. ly adv. co*her'ence n.
cof* fee* cake (kaw-fee-kayk) n. a sweet CO*he*slon (koh-hee-z/*6n) n. cohering,
bread or cake intended to be served with a tendency to stick together. CO* he*
coffee. sive (koh-hee-siv) adj.
cof* fee* pot (kaw-fee-pot) n. a pot in CO* ho (koh-hoh) n. {pi -hos, -ho) a small
which coffee is made or served. light-colored salmon.
COf-fer (kaw-fer) n. 1. a large strongbox CO*hort (koh-hort) n. 1 a group of admir-

for holding money and valuables. 2. cof- ers or followers. 2. an associate, a col-
fers, funds, financial resources. league.
cof*fer*dam (kaw-fer-dam) n. a tempo- coif (koif) n. a cap shaped like a hood.
rary watertight structure built or placed coif *feur (kwah-fur) n. a male hairdresser.
around an area of water that can then > French.
be pumped dry to allow building, work, coif -feuse (kwah-foos) n. a female hair-
etc. to be done within. dresser. D> French.
cof • fin (kaw-fin) n. a box in which a dead coif • hire (kwah-fyoor) n. a hairstyle.
body is placed for burial or cremation. coil (koil) v. to wind into rings or a spiral.
cof* fin* nail (kaw-fin-nayl) n. 1. a nail coil n. 1. something coiled. 2. one ring
used in a coffin. 2. (slang) a cigarette. or turn in this. 3. a length of wire wound
C Of S abbr. Chief of Staff. in a spiral to conduct electric current.
cog (kog) n. one of a series of teeth on coin (koin) n. metal money, a piece of this.
the edge of a wheel, fitting into and push- coin v. 1. to make (coins) by stamping

ing those on another wheel. Dcog

rail- metal. 2. to invent (a word or phrase).
way, a railway with a cogged track that 3. (informal) to make (money) easily or
engages cogged wheels on trains and ena- rapidly, we coined money in that business.
bles these to climb steep grades. coin'er n.
COfl. abbr. cognate. coin* age (koi-nij) n. 1. coining. 2. coins,
CO* gent (koh-jent) adj. convincing, com the system of coins in use. 3. a coined
pelling belief, a cogent argument CO' word or phrase.
gent*ly adv. co'gen*cy n. co-ln-cide (koh-in-sid) v. (co* in -eld-
cog-i-tate (koj-i-tayt) v. (cog -i -tat- ed, co-in*cid*ing) 1. to occur at the
ed, cog*i*tat*lng) to think deeply, same time, his holidays don't coincide
cog'i-ta-tive adj. cog*i*ta*tion (koj- with hers. 2. to occupy the same portion
i-tay-shdn) n. of space. 3. to agree; our tastes coincide,
COg*nac (kohn-yak) n. French brandy, are the same.
163 coincidence / collapse
co-ln-cl-dence (koh-in-si-dSns) n. 1. co- storage, (of plans etc.) postponed but
inciding. 2. aremarkable occurrence of available when required, cold sweat,
similar or corresponding events at the perspiration accompanying a slight chill.
same time by chance. cold turkey, (slang) sudden withdrawal
co-in-cl-dent (koh-in-si-dent) adj. coin- of narcotic drugs from an addict, without
ciding. preparation, cold type, any of various
co-in*ci*den*tal (koh-in-si-den-tai) adj. printing techniques employing photo-
happening by coincidence, co-in-ci- graphic reproduction of text prepared by
denial -ly adv. means other than metallic typesetting.
co-i-tus (koh-i-tiis) n. sexual intercourse, cold war, intense hostility between na-
co'i-tal n. tions without actual fighting, cold
COke (kohk)
n. the sohd substance left wave, a sudden severe drop in tempera-
after coal gas and coal tar have been ex- ture; a wave set in the hair by means
tracted from coal, used as fuel. of a chemical solution, cold weld, to
COke2 n. (slang) cocaine. bond together without the use of pressure
COL abbr. cost of living. or heat, get cold feet, to feel afraid
COl. abbr. 1 collected. 2. collector. 3. col-
. or reluctant, have a person cold, (in-
lege. 4. colonial. 5. colony. 6. color 7. formal) to have him at one's mercy.
colored. 8. column. have something (down) cold, to
Col. abbr. 1. Colombia. 2. Colonel. 3. Col- know something perfectly, in cold
orado. 4. Columbia. blood, without passion, deliberately and
CO* la (koh-la) n. a carbonated drink made ruthlessly, leave cold, to fail to affect
with dried coco leaves and kola nut or impress, their promises leave me cold.
seeds. leave out in the cold, to ignore or ne-
COLA cost-of-/iving adjustment.
n. glect, throw or pour cold water on,
col-an-der (kul-an-der, kol) n. a bowl- to make discouraging remarks about.
shaped container with holes for straining cold- blood -ed (kohld-blud-id) adj. 1.
water from foods after cooking or wash- having a body temperature that varies
ing. with the temperature of the surround-
cold (kohld) adj. 1. at or having a low ings, as fish do. 2. unfeeling, deliberately
temperature, especially when compared ruthless, a coldblooded killer.
with the human body. 2. not heated, hav- cold- heart -ed (kohld-hahr-tid) adj. lack-
ing cooled after being heated or cooked, ing in emotion, unsympathetic or unfeel-
cold meat. 3. (slang) unconscious, ing.
knocked him cold. 4. without friendliness cold-shoul-der (kohld-shohl-der) v. to
or affection or enthusiasm, got a cold re- treat with deliberate unfriendliness.
ception. 5. (of colors) suggesting cold- COle* Slaw (kohl-slaw) n. shredded raw
ness. 6. (of the scent in hunting) faint cabbage coated in dressing, as a salad.
because no longer fresh. 7. (in children's CO*le*US (koh-li-us) n. a plant grown for
games) far from finding or guessing what its variegated leaves.
is sought, cold adv. in a cold state, cold col-ic (kol-ik) it severe abdominal pain,
n. 1 lack of heat or warmth, low tem-
. col'ick-y adj.
perature. 2. an infectious illness causing col*i*se*um, col*os*se*um (kol-I-see-
sneezing etc. cold'ly adv. cold'ness n. um) n. an amphitheater or stadium used
cold comfort, poor consolation, cold especially for sporting events.
cream, ointment for cleansing and CO*li*tis (kd-h-tis) n. inflammation of the
softening the skin, cold cuts, sliced lining of the colon.
cheeses and meats, usually for sand- COll. abbr. 1 . collect. 2. collection. 3. collec-
wiches, cold duck, a mixture of cham- tor. 4. college. 5. collegiate. 6. colloquial.
pagne and sparkling burgundy, cold col • lab *0* rate (kd-lab-6-rayt) v. (col*
fish, a person who seems to lack feelings. lab*o*rat*ed, col*lab*o*rat*ing) to
cold frame, an unheated frame for work in partnership. coMab'0*ra*
growing small plants, cold front, the tor n. col • lab • o • ra • Won (kd-lab-6-ray-
zone between a mass of warm air and shdn) n.
one of cooler air that is moving onward col-lage (ko-lahz/i) n. an artistic composi-
to replace it. cold shoulder, deliberate tion made by fixing bits of paper, cloth,
unfriendliness, he gaveme the cold shoul- string, etc. to a surface.
der, cold snap, a sudden period of cold COl* la* gen (kol-a-jen) n. a protein sub-
weather, cold sore, a blister or group stance found in bone and tissue.
of blisters on the mouth, caused by a col* lapse (ko-laps) v. (col -lapsed, col*
virus, cold steel, a steel weapon such laps- ing) 1 to fall down or in suddenly.

as a bayonet or sword, cold storage, 2. to lose strength or force suddenly, en-

storage in a refrigerated place; in cold emy resistance collapsed. 3. to fold or
collapsible / collimate 164

be foldable. 4. to cause to collapse; col- coHec-tion (ko-lek-shon) n. 1. collect-

lapsing the lung, surgically reducing the ing. 2. money collected for a charity etc.,
amount of air in it. collapse n. collaps- as at a church service. 3. objects col-
ing, a breakdown. lected systematically. 4. a heap of things
COl • laps • - ble (ko-lap-si-bel) adj. made so
i that have come together.
as to fold together compactly, a collapsi- col'lec-tive (ko-lek-tiv) adj. of a group
ble canoe. taken as a whole, our collective impres-
COl*lar (kol-ar)n. 1 an upright or turned-
. sion of the new plan, collective n. a col-
over band around the neck of a garment. lective farm, col-lec'tive-ly adv.
2. a band of leather etc. put around the collective bargaining, bargaining by
neck of an animal. 3. a band, ring, or an organized group of employees, col-
pipe holding part of a machine, collar lective farm, a farm or group of small
v. 1. to put a collar on. 2. (informal) holdings organized and run by its work-
to seize, to take for oneself, col'lar* ers, usually under government control.
less adj. collar button, a button that collective noun, a noun that is singular
fastens the neckband of a shirt. in form but denotes more than one indi-
col'lar* bone (kol-ar-bohn) n. the bone vidual, as army, cattle, committee, herd.
joining the breastbone and shoulder collective ownership, ownership of
blade, the clavicle. land etc. by all and for the benefit of
col -lard (kol-ard) n. a type of kale. all.
Dcollard greens, the young leaves of col'leC'tivism (ko-lek-ti-viz-em) n. the
this plant. doctrine of government control of all
COllat. abbr. collateral. production and distribution. COl'lec'
col *late (kol-ayt) v. (col-lat-ed, col* tivist n.
lat'ing) 1. to compare in detail. 2. to col-lec'ti'vize (ko-lek-ti-viz) v. (col*
collect and arrange systematically, col- lec'ti'vized, col-lec-ti-viz-ing) to
late information. COl'la-tor n. bring from private into collective owner-
col-lat-er-al (kd-lat-e-ral) adj. 1. parallel. ship. col'lec-ti'Vi-za-tion (kd-lek-ti-
2. additional but subordinate, collateral vi-zay-shdn) n.
evidence. 3. descended from the same an- col'leC'tor (kd-lek-tdr) n. a person who
cestor but by a different line, a collateral collects things; a collector s item, a thing
branch of the family, collateral n. a col- worth placing in a collection because of
lateral security. col«lat'er*al*ly adv. its beauty, value, or interest.
collateral security, an additional se- COl'leen (ko-leen) n. 1. (Irish) a girl. 2.
curity pledged; security presented by a an Irish girl.
third party, or consisting of stocks, COl 'lege (kol-ij) n. 1. an educational es-
shares, property, etc. as opposed to a per- tablishment'for higher or professional ed-
sonal guarantee. ucation. 2. an independent part of a uni-
col-la-tion (kol-ay-shdn) n. 1. collating. versity with its own teachers and
2. a light meal, especially at an unusual students. 3. a school, she went to business
time. college. 4. the buildings of any of these.
COl 'league (kol-eeg) n. a fellow official 5. an organized body of professional peo-
or worker, especially in a business or pro- ple with common purposes and privi-
fession. leges, the College of Cardinals.
col'lect (kol-ekt) n. a short prayer in cer-
col-le-gian (kd-lee-jan) n. a college stu-
tain churches, usually to be read on an dent.
appointed day. col-le-giate (ko-lee-jit) adj. of or belong-
col'lect 2 (ko-lekt) v. 1. to bring or come ing to a college or college student.
together. 2. to get from a number of peo- col-lide (kd-hd) v. (col- lid -ed, col-
ple, to ask for (payment or contributions) liding) 1. (of a moving object) to strike
from people. 3. to seek and obtain speci- violently against something, to meet and
mens of, especially as a hobby or for strike. 2. to have a conflict of interests
study. 4. to fetch, collect the children or opinions.
from school 5. to gather (one's thoughts) COl -lie (kol-ee) n. a dog with a long pointed
into systematic order or control; collect muzzle and shaggy hair.
oneself to regain control of oneself, col- COl* Her (kol-yer) n. (chiefly British) 1. a
lect adj. &
adv. requiring the recipient coal miner. 2. a ship that carries coal
to pay for, a collect phone call; send this as its cargo.
package collect, col'lect'i-ble, col* col • Her -y (kol-ye-ree) n. (pi -Mer-
lect'a-ble adj. col'lect'or n. les) (chiefly British) a coal mine and its
col-lect-ed (kd-lek-tid) adj. calm and buildings.
self-controlled, col'lect'ed'ly adv. col -li' mate (kol-i-mayt) v. (col-li-
col- leered -ness n. mat-ed, col-li-mat-lng) to make rays
165 collision / colorblind

of light etc. parallel to each other. co-lo-ni-ahism (k6-loh-ni-a-liz-em) n.
col'li'Sion (k6-Uzh-6n) n. colliding, the the policy of acquiring or maintaining
striking of one body against another. colonies. CO*lo'ni*al*ist adj. & n.
collision course, a set course that COl*0*nist (kol-6-nist) n. a pioneer settler
is bound to end a in collision. in a colony.
col-lo-ca-tion (kol-6-kay-shon) n. plac- col-o-nize (kol-6-niz) v. (col-o-nized,
ing together or side by side. COl*0*niz*ing) to establish a colony in.
COl*IO*di*on (k6-loh-di-6n) ru a mixture col'o*niz»er n. col-o-ni-za-tion
of ether, alcohol, and other substances (kol-6-ni-zay-sh6n) ru
that hardens when exposed to air, used COl*on*nade (kol-6-nayd) n. a row of col-
to dress wounds and in the production umns.
of photographic film. col*o*ny (kol-6-nee)(pi -nies) 1. an
COl-loid (kol-oid) n. a gluey substance, area of land settled or conquered by a
col-loi-dal (ko-loi-dal) adj. col*loi' distant nation and controlled by it, the

dal«ly adv. American Colonies. 2. its inhabitants. 3.

colloq. abbr. 1. colloquial. 2. colloquial- a group of colonists. 4. people of one
ism. 3. colloquially. nationality or occupation etc. living in
COl-lo-qui-al (ko-loh-k wi-al) adj. suitable a particular area, the area itself, the ar-
for ordinary conversation but not for for- tists' colony.
mal speech or writing, informal, COl* COl*0*phon (kol-6-fon) n. 1. an inscrip-
lo'qui-al-ly adv. tion at the end of a book or manuscript
COl • lO • qui • al • ism (ko-loh-k wi-a-liz-em) giving information about its production,
n. a colloquial word or phrase. including author, title, name of pub-
COl *lo* qui* urn (ko-loh-k wi-um) n. (pi lisher, etc. 2. a publisher's emblem on
-qui* urns, -qui* a, pr. -kwi-a) an in- the title page or cover of a book.
formal seminar or conference. COl* or (kul-dr) n. 1. the sensation pro-
COl-lo-quy (kol-6-kwee) n. (pi. -quies) duced by various rays of light of different
(formal) a conversation. wavelengths, a particular variety of this.
COl-lu-sion (ko-loo-z/ron) n. agreement 2. the use of all colors, not just black
between two or more people for a deceit- and white; in color, using all colors; color
ful or fraudulent purpose. col*lu*sive film, producing photographs that are in
(kd-loo-siv) adj. color. 3. ruddiness of complexion; she
col-lu-vi-um (kd-loo-vi-um) (pi -vi*
ru has no color, looks pale. 4. the pigmenta-
a, pr. -vi-£, -vhums) fragmentsof bro- tion of the skin, especially if dark. 5.
ken rock that have gathered at the foot .
pigment, paint, or dye. 6. colors, the flag
of a hill, cohlu'vhal adj. of a ship or regiment, color v. 1 to put .

Colo. abbr. Colorado. color on, to paint or stain or dye. 2. to

Cologne (kd-lohn) n. eau de Cologne or change color or blush. 3. to give a special
other lightly scented liquid, used to cool color or bias to, his political opinions color
and scent the skin. his writings. color bar, legal or social
Co*lom*bi*a (ko-lum-bi-a) a country in discrimination between white and non-
South America. Co*lom'bi*an adj. & white people, color code, a system in
n. which colors are used as a help in sorting,
Co • lorn • bo (ko-lum-boh) the capital of Sri classifying, etc.color guard, an honor
Lanka. guard for the colors of a regiment, color
co 'Ion line, a color bar. color scheme, a sys-
(koh-16n) ru (pi -Ions, -la, pr.
-la) the lower and greater part of the tematic combination of colors, give or
large intestine, co-lon-ic (kd-lon-ik) lend color to, to give an appearance
adj. of truth to. in its true colors, with its
colon 2 n. the punctuation mark used (1) : real characteristics revealed.
to show that what follows is an example Col*0*rad*0 (kol-5-rad-oh) a state of the
or list or summary of what precedes it, U.S. Coho-rad-an (kol-6-rad-an) adj.
or a contrasting idea; (2) between num- & n. Colorado potato beetle, a bee-
bers that are in proportion, as in 1:2 = tle with black and yellow stripes that
2:4; (3) after the salutation in business feeds on potato leaves.
letters etc. COl • or* ant (kul-6-rant) n. coloring matter.
colo-nel (kur-nel) n. 1. an army, marine, COl*or*a*tion (kul-d-ray-shdn) n. color-
or air force officer ranking next below ing.
a brigadier general. 2. a lieutenant colo- col*o*ra*tu*ra (kul-d-ra-toor-2) n. 1. the
nel. use of trills, runs, and other ornamenta-
CO*iO*nl*al (kd-loh-ni-al) adj. of a colony tion in vocal music. 2. a soprano who
or colonies, colonial n. an inhabitant specializes in singing coloratura.
of a colony. col* or* blind (kul-6r-bhnd) adj. unable to
colored / combine 166
perceive the difference between certain 3. a vertical sectionof a page, there are
colors, col'or*blind*ness n. two columns on this page. 4. a regular
colored (kul-drd) adj. 1. having color. feature of a newspaper, usually devoted
2. wholly or partly of non-Caucasian de- to a special subject. 5. a long narrow
scent. 3. Colored, (in South Africa) of formation of troops or vehicles etc. COl •
mixed white and non- white descent, col- umn*ar (k6-lum-nar) adj. col*umned
ored n. 1 a colored person. 2. Colored,
. (kol-umd) adj.
(in South Africa) a person of mixed white COl*umn*ist (kol-um-nist) n. a journalist
and non-white descent. OMany
people who regularly writes a column of com-
consider colored ( =
black) offensive. ments.
COl -or* fast (kul-dr-fast) adj. dyed so that com., comra. abbr. 1 command. 2. com-

the color does not run or fade. COl'OT* mander. 3. commerce. 4. commercial. 5.
fast*ness n. commission. 6. commissioner. 7. com-
COl* or* fill (kul-dr-ful) adj. 1 full of color.
. mittee. 8. common. 9. commonwealth.
2. with vivid details, a colorful account Com. abbr. 1. Commander. 2. Commis-
of her journey. COl'or*ful*ly adv. sion. 3. Commissioner. 4. Commodore.
COl*or*ing (kul-6-ring) n. 1. the way in co* ma (koh-ma) n. (pi -mas) a state of
which something is colored. 2. a sub- deep unconsciousness.
stance used to color things. coloring Co* man* Che (kd-man-chee) n. (pi
book, a child's book containing outline -ones, -Che) a member of a tribe of
drawings to be colored with crayons or North American Indians formerly inhab-
paints. iting parts of Texas.
COl* or* less (kul-or-lis) adj. 1. without COm*a*tose (koh-ma- tons) adj. 1. in a
color. 2. lacking interest, a colorless ac- coma. 2. drowsy.
count. comb (kohm) *l 1 a strip of bone or plastic

CO*IOS*sal (kd-los-al) adj. 1. immense. 2. etc. with teeth, used for tidying the hair
(informal) remarkable, splendid. CO* or holding it in place. 2. something
los'sal-ly adv. shaped or used like this, as for separating
Co*los-sians (ko-losh-anz) n. a book of strands of wool or cotton. 3. the fleshy
the New Testament, the epistle of St. crest of a fowl. 4. a honeycomb, comb
Paul to the Church at Colossae. v. 1. to tidy or untangle with a comb.
co-los-sus (kd-los-us) * (pi- **os* 2. to search thoroughly. out, Dcomb
sus-es, -los-si, pr. -los-i) adj. 1. an (informal) to get rid of (unwanted people
immense statue, the Colossus of Rhodes. or things) from a group; to untangle with
2. a person of immense importance and a comb.
influence. comb. abbr. combining.
co*los*to*my (kd-los-to-mee) n.(pi com *bat (kom-bat) n. a fight or contest.
-mies) an artificial opening through combat (kom-bat) v. (com* bat* ted,
which the bowel can empty, made surgi- com* bat* ting) to to combat
cally by bringing part of the colon to of alcohol
the effects combat fatigue,
the surface of the abdomen. a mental disorder due to stress in war-
CO*los*trum (ko-los-triim) n. the first time combat.
milk secreted after giving birth. com* bat* ant (kSm-bat-ant) n, one who
colt (kohlt) *l a young male horse, colt' is engaged in fighting.

ish adj. convbat'ive (kdm-bat-iv) adj. fond of

COlts* foot (kohlts-fuut) n. (pi -foots) a fighting.
weed with yellow flowers, its leaf suggest- comb*er (kota-meY) n. 1. a person who
ing the print of a colt's foot. combs. a long curling ocean wave.
Co-lum-bi-a (ko-lum-bi-a) the capital of comb, form abbr. combining form.
South Carolina. com*bi*na*tion (kom-bi-nay-shdn) n. 1.
Columbia, District of a district of the combining, being combined. 2. a number
U.S. coextensive with the city of Wash- of people or things that are combined.
ington, capital of the U.S. 3. a sequence of numbers or letters used
col -urn* bine (kol-um-bin) n. a garden in opening a combination lock. com-
flower with slender pointed projections bination lock, a lock that can be opened
on its petals. only by turning one or more dials into
col*um*bi*um (ko-lum-bi-um) n, a metal- a particular series of positions, indicated •

lic element, formerly known as niobium. by numbers or letters.

CO'lunvbus (ko-lum-bus) the capital of com* bine (kdm-bin) v. (com-bined,
Ohio. com* binding) to join or be joined into
col*umn (kol-iim) n. 1. a round pillar. 2. a group or set or mixture, combine
something shaped like this, a column of (kom-bin) n. 1 a combination of people

smoke; the spinal column, the backbone. or firms acting together in business. 2.
167 combings / comedy
a combined reaping and threshing ma- ismy role?, where is my advantage?
chine. combining form, a form of a come in for, to get a share of. come
word used in combinations, such as euro- Into, to inherit, he came into the legacy.
( = European) in eurocommunism. come of age, to reach adult status.
comb ^rigs (koh-mingz) n. loose hair re- come Off, tobecome detached or sepa-
moved by a brush or comb. rated, to be detachable; to fall from, she
com* bo (kom-boh) n. {pi -bos) 1 a small. came off her bicycle; (of a series of perfor-
band that plays dance or jazz music. 2. mances) to end; to fare, to acquit oneself,
(informal) a combination. they cameoff well; to be successful.
com • bus *ti- ble (k6m-bus-ti-bel) adj. ca- come off it!, (informal) stop talking or
pable of catching fire and burning, used behaving like that, come on, to make
for burning, combustible n. a combus- progress, to thrive; to come on to the
tible substance. convbus-ti-bil*i-ty stage, to appear in a filmed scene etc.;
(kdm-bus-tl-bil-i-tee) n. com*bus*tive to find or meet unexpectedly; come on!,
(kdm-bus-tiv) adj. hurry up. come on strong, (informal)
com-bus-tion (kdm-bus-chdn) n. the to behave in an overbearing or aggressive
process of burning, a chemical process manner, come out, to go on strike; to
(accompanied by heat) in which sub- emerge from an examination etc. with
stances combine with oxygen in air. a specified result; to emerge from behind
comdg. abbr. commanding. clouds, the sun came out; to become visi-
comdr. abbr. commander. ble in a photograph, the house has come
comdt. abbr. commandant. out well; to become known, the truth
come (kum) v. (came, come, com* came out; to be published; to be solved;
ing) 1. to move toward the speaker or to declare one's opinions publicly, came
a place or point. 2. (of an illness) to begin out in favor of the plan; (of stains etc.)
to develop. 3. to arrive, to reach a point to be removed, come out with, to utter.
or condition or result, when winter comes; come over, (informal) to affect, what
we came to a decision, made one; for sev- has come over you? come round or
eral years to come, in the future. 4. to around, to make a casual or informal
take or occupy a specified position, what visit; to recover from faintness or bad
comes next? 5. to be available, the dress temper; to be converted to another per-
comes in three sizes; he s as tough as they son's opinion, come
to, to amount to,
come, no one is tougher. 6. to happen, to be equivalent to; to regain conscious-
how did you come to lose it? 7. to occur ness, cometo pass, to happen, come
as a result, that's what comes of being true, to happen in the way that was
too confident. 8. to be descended, she prophesied or hoped, come
up, to arise
comes from a rich family, come interj. for discussion etc., to occur, a problem
think again, don't be hasty, come, come, has come up. comeupon, to find or
it's not that bad! come about, to hap- meet unexpectedly, come
up to, to
pen, come across, (informal) to find equal, it doesn 7 come up to our expecta-
or meet unexpectedly, come along, to tions, come up with, to contribute (a
make progress, to thrive, coming along suggestion etc.). come what may,
nicely; come along!, hurry up. come be- whatever mayhappen.
tween, to disrupt the relationship be- come *back (kum-bak) n. 1. a return to
tween (two people); to prevent (a person) one's former successful position. 2.
from having something, nothing must (slang) a reply or retort.
come between him and his career, come Com*e*COn (kom-e-kon) n. an economic
by, to obtain (a thing), come clean, organization of eastern European coun-
(informal) to confess fully, come down, tries. >From Council for Afutual Eco-
to collapse, to fall, to become lower; come nomic Assistance.
down in the world, to lose one's former CO*me*di*an (k6-mee-di-an) n. 1. an ac-
high social position; come down in favor tor who plays comic parts. 2. a humorous
of, to decide in favor of. come down entertainer. 3. a person who behaves hu-
on, to rebuke, come forward, to offer morously.
oneself for a task etc. come from, to CO*me*di*enne (kd-mee-di-en) n. a fe-
have as one's birthplace or as a place male comedian.
of origin, come In, to take a specified COm*e*dO (kom-i-doh) n. {pi com*
position in a race or competition, he e*dos, com*e*do*nes, pr. kom-e-
came in third; to become seasonable or doh-neez) a blackhead.
fashionable; to be received as income; to come 'down (kum-down) n. 1 a fall from.

begin one's radio transmission; to have rank, dignity, or importance. 2. an anti-

a part to play, to serve a purpose, it will climax.
come in useful; where do I come in?, what com*e*dy (kom-e-dee) n. {pi -dies) 1.
come-hither / commend 168

a light amusing play, film, television pro- has this authority. 3. the ability to use
duction, etc. 2. the branch of drama that something, mastery, has a command of
consists of such plays. 3. an amusing inci- languages. 4. a body of troops; a major
dent. 4. humor. com*e*dlc (kd-mee- element of the organization of the U.S.
dik) adj. Army, Continental Command, com-
Come-hith*er (kum-hif/i-er) adj. enticing, mand v. 1 to give a command or order

flirtatious, a come-hither look. to. 2. to have authority over. 3. to have

comely (kum-lee) adj. (-li-er, -li • est) at one's disposal, the conglomerate com-
good-looking. come'li*ness n. mands great resources. 4. to deserve and
com*er (kum-er) n. 1. one who comes, get, they command our respect 5. to look
the first comers; all comers, anyone who down over or dominate from a strategic
comes or challenges or applies. 2. a be- position, the tower commands the harbor;
ginner who seems likely to succeed. in a commanding position. command
co Tries -tables (kd-mes-ti-belz) n. pi module, a space vehicle designed to
things to eat. carry a crew and its equipment, com-
com-et (kom-it) n. a hazy object that mand post, the headquarters of a mili-
moves around the sun, usually with a tary force.
and a tail pointing away
starlike center com man* dan t (kom-an-dant)
• n. the offi-
from the sUn. cer in command of a fort or other mili-
COme*up*pance (kum-up-ans) n. (in- tary establishment.
formal) one's deserts for misbehavior etc. com* man* deer (kom-an-deer) v. 1. to
com* fort (kum-fdrt) n. 1. a state of ease seize for military purposes. 2. to seize
and contentment. 2. relief of suffering for one's own purposes.
or grief. 3. a person or thing that gives convmand -er (kd-man-der) n. 1 . the per-
this, comfort v. to give comfort to. son in command. 2. a naval officer rank-
comfort station, a public toilet, ing next below a captain. commander
com -fort -a -Die (kumf-ta-bel, kum-for- in chief (pi commanders in chief),
t£-bel) adj. 1. giving ease and content- the supreme commander. Commander
ment. 2. not close or restricted, won by in Chief, the president of the U.S. as
a comfortable margin. 3. feeling at ease, commander in chief of U.S. armed
in a state of comfort. com'fort*a*bly forces.
adv. com*mand*ment (kd-mand-ment) n. a
com* fort *er (kum-fdr-ter) n. 1. a person divine command, one of the ten laws
who comforts. 2. a blanket, coverlet. given by God to Moses.
corrvfy (kum-fee) adj. (-fi*er, -fi-est) (in- com* man* do (kd-man-doh) n. (pi -dos,
formal) comfortable. -does) a member of a military' unit spe-
corrvic (kom-ik) adj. 1. causing amuse- cially trained for making raids and as-
ment or laughter. 2. of comedy, comic saults.
n. 1. a comedian. 2. a comic book, comme II taut (kum eel fob) proper, as
com'l-cal adj. com'hcal-ly adv. itshould be (especially of behavior etc.).
comic book, a magazine consisting D> French.
of comic strips, comic strip, a series com • mem
*o* rate (k6-mem-6-rayt) v.
of cartoons telling a story, the comics, (com*mem*o*rat*ed, convmem-
a section containing comic strips in the 0*rat*ing) 1. to keep in the memory
newspapers etc. by means of a celebration or ceremony.
convlng (kum-ing) see come, coming 2. to be a memorial to, a plaque com-
adj. 1. approaching, next, the coming memorates the victory. com*mem*o*
week. 2. likely to be important in the ra-tlve (ko-mem-d-ra-tiv) adj. com*
near future, a coming thing, coming n. mem*o*ra*tlon (kd-mem-6-ray-shdn)
arriving, comings and goings. n. commemorative Issue, an object,
Com*i*ty (kom-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) cour- as a coin, produced to memorialize a
tesy, especially between nations. person or event etc. commemorative
COml. abbr. commercial. stamp, a postage stamp issued to honor
COmm. abbr. 1 commission. 2. committee.
. a person or event etc.
3. commonwealth. convmence (kd-mens) v. (com*
com ma • n. the punctuation mark
(kom-a) menced, com*menc*ing) to begin.
, indicating a slight pause or break be- com*mence*ment (ko-mens-ment) n. 1.
tween parts of a sentence, separating a commencing, a beginning. 2. a formal
words or figures in a list, etc. ceremony of graduation.
convmand (ko-mand) n. 1. a statement, com* mend (ko-mend) v. 1. to praise. 2.
given with authority, that some action torecommend. 3. to entrust, to commit,
must be performed. 2. the right to con- commending his soul to God. com • men •

trol others, authority; she is in command. da-tion (kom-en-day-shon) n.

169 commendable / committee

com* mend *a*ble (kd-men-da-bel) adj. a military department that supplies food
worthy of praise. com*mend'a*bly to military personnel.
adv. com*mis*sar*y (kom-i-ser-ee) n. {pi
com men• • su • ra • ble (kd-men-su-ra-bSl) -sar • ies) a store where food and gen-
1 .

adj. able to be measured by the same eral supplies are sold, especially on a mil-
standard. itary base. 2. a dining area or cafeteria
com men
• • su • rate (kd-men-su-rit) adj. 1 in a motion-picture studio, factory, etc.
of the same size or extent. 2. proportion- COm*mls*Sion (kd-mish-dn) n. 1. the giv-
ate, the salary is commensurate with the ing of authority to someone to perform
responsibilities. a certain task or duty. 2. the task etc.
convment (kom-ent) n. an opinion given given, a commission to paint a portrait.
briefly about an event or in explanation 3. the body of people to whom such au-

or criticism, comment v. to utter or thority is given. 4. a certificate conferring

write comments. rank on an officer in the armed forces.
com men* tar *y
• (kom-en-ter-ee) n. {pi 5. performance, committing, the commis-

-tarries) 1. a series of descriptive com- sion of a crime. 6. payment to an agent

ments on an event or performance. 2. for selling goods or services, often calcu-

a collection of explanatory comments, a lated in proportion to the amount sold;

selling goods on commission, receiving
new commentary on the Bible.
com • men 'ta* tor (kom-en-tay-tdr) n. a such payment, commission v. 1 to give .

person who broadcasts or writes a com- a commission to. 2. to place an order

for, commissioned a portrait, commis-
comTnerce (kom-urs) n. all forms of
sioned officer, an officer in the armed
forces who holds a commission, com-
trade and the services that assist trading,
mission merchant, one who acts as an
as banking and insurance.
agent for suppliers and buyers of mer-
com* mer* cial (kd-mur-sh&l) adj. t. of or
chandise, receiving commission on goods
engaged in commerce; commercial vehi-
bought and sold, in commission, (of
cles, those carrying goods or fare-paying
a warship etc.) manned and ready for
passengers; commercial art, art used in
service, out of commission, not in
advertising etc.; produced on a commer-
commission; not in working order.
cial scale, in amounts suitable for mar-
COm*mls*sion*er (ko-mish-6-ner) n. 1.
keting widely. 2. financed by firms etc.
a member of a commission, a police com-
whose advertisements are included, com- who has been given
missioner. 2. a person
mercial television. 3. intended to produce
a commission.
profits rather than to be of artistic or
com-mit (ko-mit) v. (com*mit*ted,
scholarly merit, commercial n. a broad-
com *mit* ting) to do, to perform,
cast advertisement. convmer'ciaMy
commit a crime. 2. to entrust for safe-
keeping or treatment; commit a prisoner
com •mer -cial* ism (k6-mur-sha-liz-em)
for trial, send him to prison pending trial;
n. commercial practices and attitudes. commit a body to the earth, bury it with
com -mer* cial *ize (kd-mur-sha>liz) v.
a formal ceremony. 3. to pledge, to bind
(com • mer • cial • ized, com • mer • cial • with an obligation; she did not commit
iz*ing) to make commercial, to alter in herself, gave no definite statement or
order to make profitable, a very commer- opinion. committed adj. dedicated or
cialized resort, com -me r -cial *i*za* pledged, especially to support a doctrine
tion (k6-mur-sha-li-zay-shdn) n. or cause, commit to memory, to mem-
Com*mie (kom-ee) n. (slang) a Commu- orize.
nist. com*mit*ment (kd-mit-ment) n. 1. com-
com*min*gle (ko-ming-gel) v. (com* mitting. 2. the state of being involved
min-gled, com-min-g!ing) to mingle in an obligation. 3. an obligation or
together. pledge.
com mis *er- ate
• (k6-miz-e-rayt) v. COm*mit*tal (k6-mit-al) n. 1. committing
(com*mis*er*at*ed, com*mis*er* to prison or other place of confinement.
at'ing) to express pity for, to sympa- 2. committing a body atburial or crema-
thize. com*mis*er*a*tion (kd-miz-e- tion.
ray-sh6n) n. COm*mit*ted (kd-mit-id) adj. dedicated or
Com*mis*sar (kom-i-sahr) n. (formerly) pledged, especially to support a doctrine
the head of a government department or cause.
of the U.S.S.R. com*mit*tee (kd-mit-ee) n. a group of
com*mis*sar*i*at (kom-i-sair-i-at) n. 1. people appointed to attend to special
(formerly) a government department of business or to manage the business of a
the U.S.S.R. headed by a commissar. 2. club etc. com*mit'tee*man n. com*
commode / communicate 170

mit'tee*wom*an n. D committee
of year, a year having 365 days, in com-
one, an individual authorized to perform mon, in joint use between two or more
the functions of a committee. people or things, shared as a possession
com* mode (kd-mohd) n. 1. a chest of or characteristic or interest.
drawers. 2. a chamber pot mounted in com* monger (kom-6-ner) n, one of the
a chair or box with a cover. 3. a covered common people, not a member of the
washstand. nobility.
convmO'di'Ous (ko-moh-di-us) adj. common-law (kom-on-Uw) marriage a
roomy. marriage recognized by common law,
com-mod-i-ty (kd-mod-1-tee) ru (pL without an official ceremony, usually af-
-ties) a useful thing, an article of trade, ter a period of cohabitation.
a product. commodity exchange, a convmon* place (kom-dn-plays) adj. or-
place where commodities are bought and dinary, usual; a few commonplace re-
sold. marks, lacking originality, common-
com •mo* dor e (kom-6-dohr) n. 1. a naval place n. something commonplace, air
officerranking above a captain and below travel is now a commonplace. com-
a rear admiral. 2. the commander of a monplace book, a journal in which one
squadron or other division of a fleet. 3. records significant observations, poetry,
the president of a yacht club. etc.
convmon (kom-6n) adj. 1. of or affecting com *mon* sense (kom-dn-sens) adj.
the whole community; it was common showing common sense.
knowledge, was known to most people. com -mon- weal (kom-on-weel) n. 1. th*
2. belonging to or shared by two or more public good. 2. (old use) a common-
people or things; common ground, some- wealth.
thing on which two or more people agree com* mon* wealth (kom-on-welth) n. 1.
or in which they share an interest. 3. an independent nation, state, or commu-
occurring frequently, familiar, a common nity. 2. a republic. 3. a federation of
weed. 4. without special distinction, ordi- states, the Commonwealth of Australia.
nary, the common pigeon, 5. ill-bred, not New Commonwealth, those coun-
refined in behavior or style. 6. the Com- tries that have achieved self-government
mons, the House of Commons (see within the British Commonwealth
house 1 )- common n. an area of un- 1945. the Commonwealth
(also Brit-
fenced grassland for all to use. com' ish Commonwealth), an association of
mon-ly adv. com'mon-ness n. the United Kingdom and various inde-
common carrier, a company or per- pendent states (formerly subject to Brit-
son that transports goods or people for ain) and dependencies.
a fee. common denominator, a num- com*mo*tion (kd-moh-shdn) n. uproar,
ber into which each of the denominators fuss and disturbance.
of a given set of fractions divides evenly; com*mu*nal (kd-myoo-n&l) adj. shared
the feature that members of a group have among members of a group or commu-
in common, lowest or least common nity, a communal kitchen. COm*mu'
denominator, the lowest common mul- nal*ly adv.
tiple of the denominators of several frac- com -mime 1
(kom-yoon) n. 1. a group of
tions, 6 is the lowest common denomina- people, not all of one family, sharing liv-
tor of y2 ^d y3 Common
. Era, the ing arrangements and goods. 2. a small
Christian era. common law, unwritten of local government in France
law based on custom and usage and on and certain other European countries.
former court decisions, common man, convmune 2 (kd-myoon) v. (com*
the average person. Common Market, muned, com*mun*ing) to communi-
the European Economic Community, an cate mentally or spiritually; communing
association of certain European countries with nature, absorbed in feeling oneself
with internal free trade, and common in harmony with it.
tariffs on their imports from coun- com*mu*ni*ca*ble (kd-myoo-ni-k£-Wl)
tries outside the community, common adj. able to be communicated.
room, (chiefly British) a room shared com *mu*ni* cant (k&-myoo-ni-kant) n. a
for social purposes by pupils or students person who receives Holy Communion,
or teachers of a school or college, com- one who does this regularly.
mon sense, normal good sense in prac- com*mu*nl*cate (kd-myoo-ni-kayt) v.
tical matters, gained by experience of life (com*mu*ni*cat*ed, com-mu-ni-
not by special study, common stock, cat*lng) 1. to make known, communi-
shares in a company that represent re- cate the news to your friends. 2. to trans-
sidual ownership in it and have no prefer- fer,to transmit, communicated the dis-
ence in regard to dividends, common ease to others. 3. to pass news and
171 communication / companionate
information to and fro, to have social nanced by taxes and attended primarily
dealings with. 4. to succeed in conveying by local residents, community prop-
information, young people cannot always erty, property regarded by law as owned
communicate with older ones. 5. to be jointly and shared equally by husband
connected, the passage communicates and wife, community sing, a concert
with the hall and stairs. COm*mu*ni* by a large gathering of people singing
ca-bihi-ty (kd-myoo-ni-ka-bil-i-tee) n. in chorus.
com*mu*ni*ca*tlon (kd-myoo-ni-kay- com *mu* taction (kom-yu-tay-sh6n) n.
shdn) communicating. 2. something
n. 1 . commuting. commutation ticket, a
that communicates information from one passenger ticket available at a reduced
person to another, a letter or message. rate for a set number of trips over a speci-
3. a means of communicafng, as a road, fied route.
railroad, telegraph line, radio, or other convmu-ta-tor (kom-yti-tay-tdr) n. a de-
link between places. vice used to reverse the direction of an
com *mu*ni*ca* tlve (kd-myoo-ni-ka-tiv) electric current.
adj. ready and willing to talk and give com* mute (k6-myoot) v. (convmut*
information. ed, convmut-ing) 1. to exchange for
COm*mun*ion (kd-myoon-ydn) n. 1. fel- something else; commuted part of his
lowship, having ideas or beliefs in com- pension for a lump sum, chose to take
mon; churches in communion with one a lump sum in exchange. 2. to change
another, those that accept each other's (a punishment) into something less se-
doctrines and sacraments. 2. social deal- vere. 3. to travel from a suburb by bus
ings between people. 3. a body of Chris- or train or car to and from one's daily
tians belonging to the same denomina- work in a city, commute n. (slang) a
tion, the communion. 4.
Anglican trip made in commuting, she has a long
Communion, Holy Communion)
(also commute.
the Christian sacrament in which bread com*mut*er (kd-myoo-ter) n. a person
and wine are consecrated and consumed, who commutes to and from work.
the Eucharist. ConvoTOS (kom-6-rohz) a group of is-
COm*mu*ni*que (kd-myoo-ni-kay) n. an lands off the east coast of Africa. Com •
official communication giving a report o'ran adj. & n.
of a meeting or a battle etc. comp. abbr. 1. comparative. 2. compila-
com*mu*nism (kom-yu-niz-em) n. 1. a tion. 3. compiled. 4. compiler. 5. com-
social system in which property is owned plete. 6. composition. 7. compositor. 8.
by the community and each member compound.
works for the common benefit. 2. Com- com •pact 1 (kom-pakt) n. an agreement,
munism, a political doctrine or move- a contract.
ment seeking to overthrow capitalism com* pact (k6m-pakt) adj. 1. closely or

and establish a form of communism, such neatly packed together. 2. concise, com-
a system established in the U.S.S.R. and pact (kom-pakt) n. 1 a small container

elsewhere. for face powder etc. 2. a compact car.

com* midlist (kom-yu-nist) n. 1. a sup- convpact'ly adv. com- pact' ness n.
porter of communism. 2. Communist, a compact car, a small automobile de-
member of the Communist Party, a po- signed for economical operation.
litical party supporting Communism. com* pact •ed (kdm-pak-tid) adj. joined
com*mu*nis*tic (kom-yu-nis-tik) adj. of or pressed firmly together, packed into
or like communism. a small space.
com-muTii'ty (kd-myoo-ni-tee) n. {pi. convpac*tor (kdm-pak-tdr) n. a machine
-ties) 1 a body of people living in one
. that compresses waste for easy disposal.
place or district or country and consid- com* pan •ton (k6m-pan-y6n) n. 1. a per-
ered as a whole. 2. a group with common son who accompanies another or who
interests or origins, the Hispanic commu- shares in his work, pleasures, misfor-
nity. 3. fellowship, being alike in some tunes, etc. 2. a person employed to live
way, community of interests. commu- with and accompany another. 3. one of
nity antenna television, a system for two things that match or go together, the
transmitting television signals employing companion volume will be published later.
cable and a single large antenna, com- com*pan*ion*a*ble (kdm-pan-yd-na-
munity center, a place providing social, bel) adj. friendly, sociable, COm*pan'
recreational, and educational facilities lon*a*bly adv.
for a neighborhood. Community com* pan* ion* ate (ko-pan-y6-nit) adj. 1.

Chest, a fund of voluntary contributions pertaining to companions. 2. blending

for use in a community, community pleasantly. companionate mar-
college, a junior college usually fi- riage, a form of marriage in which hus-
companionship / compensate 172

band and wife have none of the legal or conclusions. >Use compare with
obligations of marriage and which pro- when putting things or people etc. side
vides for easy divorce. by side to point out their similarities and
com* pan* ion* ship (kdm-pan-ydn-ship) differences, he compared democracies
7L the state of being companions, the with totalitarian nations. Use compare to
friendly feeling of being with another or when likening a thing etc. to another,
others, shall I compare thee to a summers day?
com* pan* ion* way (k6m-pan-y5n-way) COm*par*i*son (kdm-par-i-son) n. com-
n. a staircase from a ship's deck to the paring. beyond comparison, not
saloon or cabins. comparable because one is so much bet-
com-pa-ny (knm-pa-nee) n. (pL for defi- ter than the other(s).
nitions 4 &5 -nies) 1 companionship,
. com* part *ment (kdm-pahrt-ment) n. 1.
travel with us for company. 2. a number one of the spaces into which a structure
of people assembled, guests, we're expect- is divided, separated by partitions. 2.
ing company. 3. the people with whom such a division of a railroad car, steam-
one spends one's time, got into bad com- ship, etc.
pany. 4. people working together or com part • men • tal • ize (kum-pahrt-men-

united for business purposes, a firm; the ta-hz) v. (com • part* men* tal *ized,
ship's company, the officers and crew. 5. com • part* men* tal -iz-lng) to divide
a subdivision of a military battalion. into compartments or categories, com*
company man, an employee devoted part*men*tal*l*za»tion (kum-pahrt-
to promoting the interests of the com- men-ta-li-zay-shdn) n.

pany for which he works; an employee com* pass (kum-pas)n. 1. a device with

despised by fellow employees because of a needle that points to the magnetic

his strong allegiance to the company. north; a radio compass, a similar device
keep a person company, to accom- for determining direction. 2. range,
pany, especially for the sake of compan- scope, that was outside my compass. 3.
ionship, keep company with, (old use) (often compasses) an instrument used
to date steadily, part company, see for drawing circles, usually with two legs
part joined at one end. compass v. to encom-
compar. abbr. comparative. pass.
convpa-ra-ble (kom-pa-ra-bel) adj. able com-pas*sion (kdm-pash-6n) n. a feeling

or suitable to be compared, similar. of pity that makes one want to help or

com'pa*ra*bly adv. com-pa-ra-bil- show mercy. com*pas*sion*ate (kdm-
i*ty (kom-pi-ra-bil-i-tee) n. pash-o-mt) adj. convpas'sion-ate-ly
COm*par*a*tive (kdm-par-a-tiv) adj. 1. adv.
involving comparison, a comparative com* pat *l* Die (kdm-pat-i-b&) adj. 1. ca-
study of the output of two firms. 2. esti- pable of living together harmoniously.
mated by comparison; their comparative 2. able to exist or be used together, at
merits, measured in relation to each a speed compatible with safety, com*
other, living in comparative comfort, pat'l-bly adv. com*pat*i*bil*i*ty
comfortably when compared against a (k6m-pat-i-bil-i-tee) n.
previous standard or that of others. 3. COm*pa*trt*ot (kdm-pay-tri-dt) n. a per-
of a grammatical form used in compar- son from the same country as another.
ing, expressing "more," as bigger, com* peer (kdm-peer) ru 1. an equal, a
greater, worse, comparative n. a com- peer. 2. a comrade.
parative form of a word. com* par 'a* com* pel (kom-pel) v - (com-pelled,
trve*ly adv. com* pel* ling) 1. to use force or influ-
com* pare (kdm-pair) v. (com* pared, ence to cause (a person) to do something,
com -parking) estimate the simi-
1. to to allow no choice of action. 2. to arouse
larity between one thing and another. 2. irresistibly, her courage compels admira-
to liken, to declare to be similar; this tion. >A person compelled to do some-
film is not to be compared to his earlier thing forced to act against his will.

ones, is not as good as these. 3. to be When he is impelled to do something,

worthy of comparison, he cannot com- he is responding to an inner motive.
pare with Dickens as a novelist 4. to form com*pen*di*ous (kdm-pen-di-us) adj.
the comparative and superlative of (an giving much information concisely.
adjective or adverb), compare n. com- com*pen*dl*um (kdm-pen-di-um) n. {pi
parison, beautiful beyond compare, -dhums, -di*a, pr. -di-a) a concise and
D compare apples and oranges, (in- comprehensive summary.
formal) to compare two things, ideas, etc. com* pen* sate (kom-pen-sayt) v. (com*
that are too unlike to justify fair compar- pen*sat*ed, com*pen*sat*ing) 1. to
ison, compare notes, to exchange ideas make a suitable payment in return for
173 compensatory / complication
(a loss or damage etc.). 2. to counter- of passengers, complement v. to make
balance, our present success compensates complete, to form a complement to, the
for earlier failures. com • pen *sa* tion hat complements the outfit. not >Do
(kom-pen-say-sh6n) n. confuse complement with compliment.
convpen*sa*to*ry (k6m-pen-sa-tohr-ee) com*ple*men*ta*ry (kom-plS-men-tl-
adj. compensating. ree) adj. completing, forming a comple-
com* pete (kdm-peet) v. (com* pet* ment, u
complementary colors, two
ed, com • pet • ing) to take part in a com- colors of light that when mixed have the
petition. appearance of white or gray (as blue and
COm*pe*tence (kom-pe-tens) n. 1 . suffici- yellow). D>Do not confuse complemen-
ency of means for living. 2. being compe- tary with complimentary.
tent. 3. legal capacity or eligibility. convplete (k6m-pleet) adj. 1. having all
com'pe*ten*cy n. its parts, not lacking anything. 2. fin-
com *pe* tent (kom-pe-tent) adj. 1 . having ished, the work is now complete. 3. thor-
the ability or authority to do what is re- ough, in every way, a complete stranger.
quired. 2. adequate, satisfactory, a com- complete v. (com*plet*ed, com*
petent knowledge of French. com'pe* plet*lng) 1. to add what is lacking to
tent*ly adv. (a thing) and make it complete. 2. to
COm*pe*ti*tion (kom-pe-tish-dn) n. 1. a finish (a piece of work
etc.). 3. to add
friendly contest in which people try to what is required, complete the question-
do better than their rivals. 2. competing, naire, convplete' ly adv. convplete'
competition for export markets. 3. those ness n.

competing with oneself, we have strong com* pie* tion (kdm-plee-shdn) n. com-
foreign competition. pleting, being completed.
COm*pet*i*tive (kdm-pet-i-tiv) adj. of or convplex (kdm-pleks) adj. 1. made up of
involving competition, competitive sports; parts. 2. complicated, complex (kom-
the competitive spirit, enjoying competi- pleks) a complex whole. 2. a con-
n. 1 .

tion; a competitive examination, one in nected group of feelings or ideas that in-
which people compete for a prize; at fluence a person's behavior or mental at-
competitive prices, at prices that compare titude, a persecution complex. 3. a set
favorably with those of rivals, com* of buildings. complex sentence, a
pet'i*tive*ly adv. com*pet'i*tive* sentence containing at least one subordi-
ness n. nate clause, com
• p e x • I • ty (kom-plek-

COm*pet*i*tor (k6m-pet-i-tdr) n. one who si-tee) n. (pi. -ties).

competes. convplex* ion (kdm-plek-shdn) n. 1. the

com* pile (kdm-pil) v. (com* piled, com* color, texture,and appearance of the skin
pil-ing) to collect and arrange (infor-
1 . of the face. 2. the general character or
mation) into a list or book. 2. to make nature of things; that puts a different
up (a book etc.) in this way, compile a complexion on the matter, makes it seem
dictionary, convpil'er n. com* pi* la* different, convplex'ioned adj.
tion (kom-pi-lay-shon) n. convpli-ance (kdm-ph-ans) n. 1. action
com *pla* cent (kom- play-sent) adj. self- in accordance with a. request, a com-
satisfied, com* pla 'cent »ly adv. com* mand, etc. 2. a tendency to submit easily.
pla'cence n. com*pla / cen*cy n. Gin compliance with, according to (a
>Do not confuse complacent with com- regulation, request, etc.). convpli'an*
plaisant cy n.
com* plain (k6m-playn) v. 1. to say that COm*pli*ant (kdm-ph-ant) adj. comply-
one is dissatisfied, to protest that some- ing, obedient. com*pli'ant*ly adv.
thing is wrong. 2. to state that one is com*pli*cate (kom-pll-kayt) v. (com*
suffering from a pain etc. com- plain 'er pli*cat*ed, com*pli*cat*ing) to make
n. com -plain 'ant rt complex or complicated.
com* plaint (kdm-playnt) n. 1 a statement . com • pli • cat • ed (kom-pll-kay-tid) adj.
saying that one is dissatisfied, a protest. made up of many parts, difficult to un-
2. a cause of dissatisfaction, a list of com- derstand or use because of this, com'
plaints. 3. an illness. pli*cat*ed*ly adv. com'pli*cat*ed*
COm*plai*sant (k6m-play-sant) adj. will* ness n.

ing to do what pleases others, com* com pli *ca* tion (kom-plI-kay-sh6n) n.

plai'sance n. >Do not confuse com- 1. complicating, being made compli-

plaisant with complacent. cated. 2. a complex combination of
COm*ple*ment (kom-ple-ment) ft 1. that things. 3. something that complicates or
which makes a thing complete. 2. the adds difficulties. 4. an illness or condition
number or quantity needed to fill some- that arises during the course of another
thing, the bus had its full complement and makes it worse.

complicity / compromise 174

com*plic*l*ty (kdm-plis-i-tee) ru {pi com* pound (kom-pownd) 1
adj. made up
-ties) partnership or involvement in of several parts or ingredients, com-
wrongdoing. pound n. a compound thing or sub-
com -plh merit (kom-pH-ment) n. 1 an ex- . stance, compound (kom-pownd) v. 1
pression of praise or admiration either to put together to form a whole, to com-
m words or by action. 2. compliments, bine. 2. to add to or increase. 3. to pay
formal greetings conveyed in a message. (interest) on interest as well as on princi-
compliment (kom-pll-ment) v. to pay pal. 4. to refrain from revealing (a crime),
a compliment to, to congratulate. compounding a felony. compound-
>Do not confuse compliment with com- complex sentence, a sentence having
plement two or more independent and one or
com*pli*men*ta*ry (kom-pli-men-ta- more subordinate clauses, compound
ree) adj. 1 expressing a compliment. 2.
. fracture, one in which the fractured
given free of charge. >Do
not confuse bone has pierced the skin, compound
complimentary with complementary. interest, interest paid on the original
com* ply (kom-ph) v. (com plied, com* • capital and on the interest that has been
plying) to do as one is asked or ordered; added to it. compound sentence, a
comply with the rules, obey them. sentence having two or more independ-
COm*po*nent (kom-poh-nent) n. one of ent clauses.
the parts of which a thing is composed. compound 3 (kom-pownd) n. a fenced-in
component adj. being a component. enclosure, (in India, China, etc.) an en-
com* port *ment (k6m-pohrt-ment) n. be- closure in which a house or factory
havior, manner of bearing. stands, the Kennedy compound.
com* pose (kdm-pohz) v. (com* posed, com*pre*hend (kom-pri-hend) v. 1. to
Com*pos*ing) 1. to form, to make up, grasp mentally, to understand. 2. to in-
the group was composed of twenty stu- clude. com*pre*hend'ing*ly adv.
dents. 2. to create inmusic or literature. com*pre*hen*sion (kom-pri-hen-
3. to arrange into good order. 4. to make shdn) n.

calm, to compose oneself. com • pre • hen • si • ble (kom-pri-hen-si-

com* posed (kom-pohzd) adj. calm, with be understood, com*
bel) adj. able to
one's feelings under control, com* DOS* pre-hen'si*bly adv. com* pre* hen*
ed*ly (kdm-poh-zid-lee) adv. si*bil*i*ty (kom-pri-hen-si-bil-i-tee) n.
COm*pos*er (k6m-poh-z£r) n. a person com • pre* hen* si ve (kom-pri-hen-siv)
who composes music etc. adj. inclusive, including much or all.
COm*pos*lte (kom-poz-it) adj. made up com*pre*hen / sive*ly adv. com • pre*
of parts, composite photograph; composite hen'slve-ness n.
material, composite n. 1 . a composite com* press (kfim-pres) v. to squeeze to-
thing. 2. a plant of which the apparently gether, to force into less space, com-
single flower consists of many flowers (as press (kom-pres) n. a pad or cloth
daisy, dandelion, etc.). pressed on the body to stop bleeding
COm*po*si*tion (kom-po-zish-on) n. 1. or to cool inflammation etc. com*
putting together into a whole, compos- pressed 7 adj. com*pres*sion (kdm-
ing. 2. something composed, a piece of presh-dn) n. corrvpres'sor n. com-
music or writing, a short essay written pressed air, air that undergoes com-
as a school exercise. 3. the parts of which pression, so that it exerts greater pressure
something is made up, the composition than the surrounding atmosphere.
of the soiL 4. the arrangement of parts com*pres*si*ble (kdm-pres-i-b£l) adj.
of a picture. 5. a compound artificial sub- able to be compressed.
stance. com* prise (kdm-pnz) v. (com* prised,
com DOS* i* tor (k6m-poz-i-t6r) n. a per-
• COm*pris*ing) 1. to include. 2. to con-
sonwho sets up type for printing. sist the apartment comprises three
com *pos men *tls (kom-pos men-tis) in rooms. 3. to form, to make up. (>The
one's right mind, sane. D> Latin. words constitute or compose are prefera-
com* post (kom-pohst) n. 1. a mixture of ble in this sense. It is incorrect to say
decaying substances used as a fertilizer. or write the apartment is comprised of
2. a mixture usually of soil and other three rooms.)
ingredients for growing seedlings, cut- com-pro-mise (kom-prd-miz) n. 1. mak-
tings, etc. compost v. to treat with com- ing a settlement by each side giving up
post, to make into compost. part of its demands. 2. a settlement made
com* po* sure (kdm-poh-z/riir) n. calm- in this way. 3. something that is halfway
ness of mind or manner. between opposite opinions or courses of
convpote (kom-poht) n. fruit stewed with action etc. compromise v. (com* pro*
sugar. mised, com -pro- mis -lng) 1. to settle
175 comptroller / concert

a dispute by a compromise. 2. to expose con* cede (kdn-seed) v. (con*ced*

to danger or suspicion or scand£i etc. ed, con-ced-ing) 1. to admit that
by unwise action, a compromising situa- something is true. 2. to grant, to allow,
tion. to yield, they conceded us the right to
comptroller (kdn-troh-ler) = control- cross their land. 3. to admit defeat in
ler. (a contest), especially before the official
com •pulsion (kdm-pul-shon) n. 1. com- end, our opponents conceded.
pelling, being compelled. 2. an irresisti- con* celt (kon-seet) n. too much pride in
ble urge. oneself.
COm*pul*sive (kom-pul-siv) adj. 1. com- con* celt *ed (kon-see-tid) adj. being too
from compulsion,
pelling. 2. acting as if proud of oneself.
a compulsive gambler, convpul'sive* COn*ceiv*a*ble (kSn-see-va-bel) adj. able
ly adv. to be imagined or believed, con ceiv'a •

com pul • so • ry (kdm-pul-s6-ree) adj. that

• bly adv.
must be done, required by the rules etc. con*ceive (kon-seev) v. (con-ceived,
com*pul'so*ri*ly adv. COn*celv*ing) 1. to become pregnant.
com *punc* tion (kdm-pungk-shdn) the n. 2. to form (an idea, plan, etc.) in the
pricking of conscience, a slight regret or mind, to think.
scruple. con*cen*trate (kon-sen-trayt) v. (con*
convpute (kdm-pyoot) v. (com* put* cen*trat*ed, con*cen*trat*ing) 1. to
ed, com* putting) to reckon mathemat- employ all one's thought or attention or
. ically, to calculate. Com*pu*ta*tion effort on something. 2. to bring or come
(kom-pyu-tay-shdn) n. together to one place. 3. to make less
COm*put*er (kdm-pyoo-ter) n. an elec- dilute, concentrate n. a concentrated
tronic machine for making calculations, substance or solution. COn*cen*tra*
storing and analyzing information fed tion (kon-sen-tray-shdn) n. concen-
into it, and controlling machinery auto- tration camp, a place where civilian po-
matically. litical prisoners are brought together and
com*put*er*ize (kdm-pyoo-te-nz) v. confined.
(com*put*er*ized, com*put*er*iz* con*cen*trat*ed (kon-sen-tray-tid) adj.
ing) 1 to equip with a computer or com-
. 1 (of a solution etc.) having a large prol
puters. 2. to produce or perform by portion of effective elements, not dilute.
means of a computer. com*put*er* 2. intense, concentrated hatred. \

i*za*tion (kom-pyoo-te-ri-zay-shon) n. con -cen* trie (kdn-sen-trik) adj. having

COm*rade (kom-rad) n. 1. a companion the same center, concentric circles.
who shares one's activities. 2. a fellow COn*cept (kon-sept) n. an idea, a general
socialist or communist. com'rade*ly notion, the concept of freedom, con*
adv. com'rade-ship n. cep*tu*al (kon-sep-choo-al) adj.
COMSAT (kom-sat) n. Communications con *cep* tion (k6n-sep-sh6n) n. 1. con-
Satellite Corporation. ceiving, being conceived. 2. an idea.
con 1 (kon) v. (conned, con*ning) (in- con • cep • tu • al • ize (kon-sep-choo-a-liz)
formal) to persuade or swindle after win- v. (con*cep*tu*al*ized, con* cep*
ning a person's confidence. Dcon tu*al*iz*ing) to form an idea of. con*
game, (slang) a confidence game, con cep • tu • al • i • za • tion (kon-sep-choo-a-
man, (slang) a confidence man. li-zay-shon) n.
con 2 adv. opposing, against, con n. that con*cern (kon-surn) v. 1. to be about, to

which opposes, as a body of evidence, have as its subject, the story concerns a
a vote, etc. Dpro and con, see pro 2 . group of spies. 2. to be of importance
con 3 n. (slang) a convict. to, to affect. 3. to take up the time or
Con*a*kry (kon-a-kree) the capital of attention of; she concerned herself about
Guinea. it, gave it her care and attention, con-

con brio (kon bree-oh) (of music) spirit- cern n. 1 something of interest or im-

edly, with vigor. >

Italian. portance, a responsibility; its no concern
con*cat*e*nate (kon-kat-e-nayt) v. of mine, I have nothing to do with it.
(con*cat*e*nat*ed, con*cat*e*nat* 2. worry, anxiety. 3. a business, a firm,
Ing) to link (ideas, facts, etc.) together. a going concern.
con • cat • e • na • tion (kon-kat-e-nay-shon) concerned (kdn-surnd) adj. worried,
n. a sequence or combination. anxious.
con* cave (kon-kayv) adj. curving like the COn*cern*ing (kon-sur-ning) prep, about,
surface of a ball as seen from the inside. in regard to.
con*cav*i*ty (kon-kav-i-tee) n. con* cert n. 1. a musical enter-
COn*ceal (kon-seelj v. to keep secret or tainment. agreement, cooperation.
hidden. con*ceal'ment n. concert (kdn-surt) v. to arrange by mu-
concerted / condemn 176

tual agreement or coordination. Dat concocted an excuse, con-coc-tion

concert pitch, in a state of unusually (kdn-kok-shdn) n.
great efficiency or intensity, in concert, con-com-i-tant (kdn-kom-i-tant) adj. ac-
in combination, together. companying, concomitant n. an ac-
con* cert -ed (k&n-sur-tid) adj. arranged companying thing.
by mutual agreement, done in coopera- con -cord (kon-kord) n. agreement or har-
tion. mony between people or things.
con-cer-ti-na (kon-ser-tee-na)n. a porta- Con -cord (kong-kord) the capital of New
ble musical instrument with hexagonal Hampshire.
ends and bellows, played* by pressing con- cord -ance (kon-kor-dans) n. 1. an
keys at each end. index of the important words used in a
con cert -ize (kon-ser-tiz) v. (con-
• book or an author's writings, a concord-
cert-ized, con- cert -iz-ing) to per- ance to the Bible. 2. harmony, agreement.
form in concerts. con-cor-dant (kon-kor-dant) adj. harmo-
con* cert- mas *ter (kon-sert-mas-ter) n. nious, in concord (with).
the leading first violinistof a symphony con -COT -dat (kon-kor-dat) n. an official
orchestra. agreement.
COn-cer-tO (k6n-cher-toh) n. {pi -tos) Con -cord (kong-kdrd) grape a large pur-
a musical composition for one or more plish grape of the eastern U.S.
solo instruments and an orchestra. con -course (kon-kohrs) n. 1. a crowd,
con-ces-sion (k6n-sesh-dn) n. 1. conced- a gathering. 2. an open area through
ing. 2. something conceded. 3. a right which people pass, as at a railroad sta-
given by the owners of land to extract tion.
minerals etc. from it or to sell goods con -Crete (kon-kreet, kon-kreet) n. a mix-
there, an oil concession; a food concession. ture of cement with sand and gravel, used
con-ces-sion -aire (kdn-sesh-o-nair) one for building and paving, concrete adj.
who holds a concession, n. 1. existing in material form, able to be
conch (konch) n. the spiral shellof a kind touched and felt. 2. definite, positive,
of shellfish, sometimes used as a horn. concrete evidence, concrete v. (con*
con-cierge (kon-syerz/i) n. the door- cret-ed, con-cret-ing) 1. to cover
keeper and janitor of a building, espe- with or embed in concrete. 2. to form
cially in France. into a solid mass, to solidify. D concrete
con-cil-i-ate (k6n-sil-i-ayt) v. (con- jungle, a city considered as a place
cil-i-at-ed, con-cil-i-at-ing) 1. to where people have to struggle for sur-
overcome the anger or hostility of, to vival, con-crete'ly adv. con-crete'
win the goodwill of. 2. to reconcile (peo- ness n.
ple who disagree), con-cil-l-a-tion con -ere -Won (kon-kree-shdn) n. a hard
(kdn-sil-i-ay-sh6n) n. con-cil'i-a-tor n. solid mass.
con • ell • i • a • to • ry (kdn-sil-i-a-tohr-ce) con -CU- bine (kong-kyu-bin) n. 1. a se-p-

adj. ondary wife in countries where polygamy

con -else (kdn-sis) adj. brief, giving much iscustomary. 2. a woman cohabitating
information in few words, con-clse'ly with a man who is not her husband.
adv. con- else 'ness n. con -CU- bin -age (kon-kyoo-bt-nij) n.
con -clave (kon-klayv) n. a private meet- COn-CU-pls-cence (kon-kyoo-pi-sens) n.
ing for discussing something, in conclave. intense sexual desire. COn-CU 'pis -cent
con -elude (kdn-klood) v. (con -elud- adj.
ed, con-clud-lng) 1. to bring or come con -cur (kdn-kur) v. (con-curred, con-
to an end. 2. to arrange, to settle finally, cur -ring) 1. to agree in opinion. 2. to
they concluded a treaty. 3. to arrive at happen together, to coincide.
a belief or opinion by reasoning, we con- con-cur-rence (k6n-kur-ens) «• 1 - agree-
cluded that they were correct ment, concurrence of opinion. 2. simulta-
con-clu-sion (kdn-kloo-z/ron) n. 1. end- neous occurrence of events.
ing, an end, at the conclusion of his con -cur -rent (kdn-kur-ent) adj. existing
speech. 2. arrangement, settling, conclu- or occurring at the same time, con-
sion of the treaty. 3. a belief or opinion cur'rent-ly adv.
based on reasoning. Din conclusion, con -CUSS (kdn-kus) v. 1 to subject to con-

lastly, to conclude. cussion. 2. to shake violently.

con-clu-sive (k5n-kloo-siv) adj. ending COn-CUS-sion (kdn-kush-on) n. injury to
doubt, completely convincing, conclusive the brain caused by a hard blow.
evidence of his guilt. con-clu'slve- COn-demn (kdn-dem) v. 1. to express
ly adv. con-clu'slve -ness n. strong disapproval of. 2. to pronounce
con-COCt (k6n-kokt) v. 1. to prepare by guilty, to convict. 3. to sentence, was con-
putting ingredients together. 2. to invent, demned to death. 4. to destine to an un-
177 condensate / confectioner
happy fate. to declare unfit for use
5. con* done (kdn-dohn) v. (con*doned,
or uninhabitable, condemned houses. con* don* ing) to forgive or overlook
con •dem* na-tion (kon-dem-nay- (wrongdoing) without punishment.
shdn)n. con • dem • na • to • ry (kon-dem- con • do • na • tion (kon-doh-nay-shon) n.
na-tohr-ee) adj. con* dor (kon-dor) n. either of two large
con* den* sate (kon-den-sayt) n. a prod- vultures, one of South America and the
uct of condensation. other of western North America (the
con 'dense (kon-dens) v. (con-densed, California condor).
con* dens *ing) 1. to make denser or con*duce (kdn-doos) v. (con*duced,
more concentrated. 2. tochange or be con* due* ing) to help to cause or pro-
changed from gas or vapor into liquid. duce.
3. to express in fewer words, a condensed COn*du*Cive (kon-doo-siv) adj. helping to
report on the meeting. COn*den*sa* cause or produce, an atmosphere that is
tion (kon-den-say-shdn) n. con- conducive to work.
densed milk, milk made thick by con • duct (kon-dukt) v. 1 to lead or guide;

evaporation and sweetened. conducted tour, one escorted by a guide.

con* dens *er (k6n-dens-er) n. a capacita- 2. to be the conductor of (a choir or
tor. orchestra or music). 3. to manage or di-
con*de*scend (kon-di-send) v. to behave rect (business or negotiations etc., or an
in a way that shows (pleasantly or un- experiment). 4. to have the property of
pleasantly) one's feeling of dignity or su- allowing heat, light, sound, or electricity
periority, con *de* seen *sion (kon-di- to pass along or through, conduct (kon-
sen-shdn) n. con • des • cend 'ing • ly adv.
i dukt) n. 1 a person's behavior. 2. man-

corvdign (kdn-din) adj. (of punishment aging or directing affairs; the conduct of
etc.) severe and well-deserved. the war, the way it is being conducted.
Con*di*ment (kon-di-ment) n. a season- conduct oneself, to behave.
ing (such as salt or pepper) for food, a con* duct -ance (kon-duk-tans) n. the
relish (such as ketchup or mustard). conducting power of a substance.
con -di* tion (k6n-dish-6n) n.A. the state con* due* tion (kon-duk-shon) n. trans-
in which a person or thing is with regard mission or conducting of heat or electric-
to characteristics and circumstances. 2. ity etc.
a state of physical fitness or (of things) conductive (kdn-duk-tiv) adj. having
fitness for use, get into condition; out of the property of conducting, con* due*
condition, not fully fit. 3. an abnormality, tivi*ty (kon-duk-tiv-i-tee) n.
she has a heart condition. 4. something con* due* tor (k6n-duk-tor) n. 1. a person
required as part of an agreement. 5. con- who directs the performance of an or-
ditions, the facts or situations or sur- chestra or choir etc. by gestures. 2. one
roundings that affect something, working who collects the fares in a bus or train.
conditions are good, condition v. 1 to . 3. a substance that conducts heat or elec-
bring into a desired condition, to make tricity etc.
physically fit, to put into a proper state COn*duit (kon-doo-it) n. 1 . a pipe or chan-
for work or use. 2. to have a strong effect nel for conveying liquids. 2. a tube pro-
on. 3. to train, to accustom, COn*di' tecting insulated electric wires.
tion*er n. conditioned reflex or re- cone (kohn) n. 1 a solid body that narrows

sponse, a reaction produced by train- from a round flat base. 2. some-

to a point
ing, not a natural one. on condition thing shaped like this. 3. the dry fruit
that, on the understanding that (a thing of certain evergreen trees, consisting of
will be done). woody scales arranged in a shape sug-
con *di* tion *al (k6n-dish-6-nal) adj. not gesting a cone. 4. an ice cream cone.
absolute, containing a condition or stipu- cone* head (kohn-hed) n. (slang) an intel-
lation, a conditional agreement, con* lectual.
di'tion *al*ly adv. Con*es*to*ga (kon-i-stoh-ga) wagon n.
con* do (kon-doh) n. {pi. -dos) (informal) a covered wagon (see cover).
a condominium (definitions 1 and 2). CO*ney (koh-nee) n. 1. rabbit skin or rab-
con* dole (kdn-dohl) v. (con* doled, bit furused in making clothes. 2. a rabbit
con*dol*ing) to express sympathy. or small similar animal.
con*dol'ence n. conf. abbr. conference.
con*do*min*i*um (kon-do-min-i-um) n. con* fab (kon-fab) n. (informal) an im-
(pi -ums) 1 a building in which apart-
. promptu or informal conference.
ments are individually owned. 2. one of con* fee* tion (kon-fek-shon) n. some-
these apartments. 3. joint control of a thing made of various things, especially
territory by two or more nations. 4. a sweet ones, put together. 2. candy.
territory so controlled. con • fee* tion *er (kon-fek-shd-ner) n. a
confectionery / confirmatory 178
maker or of confectionery.
retailer con-fi-dante (kon-fi-dant, kon-fi-dant) n.
con fee* tion «er«y
• (k6n-fek-shd-ner-ee) a female confidant.
n. {pi -er»ies) 1. candies. 2. a confec- con* fide (kdn-fid) v. (con- fid -ed, con*
tioner's store. fid-ing) 1 to tell confidentially; confided

con-fed-er-a-cy (kdn-fed-e-ra-see) ru in his friend, told him things confiden-

{pi -Cies) a union of people or states.
1 . tially. 2. to entrust.
2. the Confederacy, the Confederate con-fi-dence (kon-fi-dens) n, 1. firm
States of America, the league of southern trust. 2. a feeling of certainty, self-reli-
states that seceded from the U.S. in ance, boldness, he lacks confidence. 3.
1860-1. something told confidentially, he has lis-
con-fed -er-ate (kon-fed-e-rit) adj. allied, tened to many confidences. confi-
joined by agreement or treaty, confed- dence man, one who defrauds people
erate n. 1 a member of a confederacy.
by means of a confidence game, a dis-
2. an ally, an accomplice. Dthe Con- honest scheme, such as one in which a
federate States of America, see con- victim is persuaded to entrust his valu-
federacy. ables to the confidence man, who gives
con-fed-er-at-ed (k6n-fed-e-ray-tid) a false impression of honesty, in confi-
adj. united by agreement or treaty.
dence, as a secret, in a person's confi-
con • fed • er • a • tion (k6n-fed-e-ray-shon) dence, trusted with his secrets.
n. 1 joining in an alliance. 2. a confeder-
con -fi« dent (kon-fi-dent) adj. feeling con-
ated group of people or organizations or
fidence, bold, con 'fi- dent «ly adv.
nations or states.
D>Do not confuse confident with confi-
conifer (kdn-fur) v. (con *f erred, con* dant
con-fi-den-tial (kon-fi-den-shal) adj. 1.
fer-ring) 1. to grant, to bestow. 2. to
spoken or written in confidence, to be
hold a conference or discussion.
kept secret. 2. entrusted with secrets, a
con«fer*ee (kon-fe-ree) 1. a person at a
confidential secretary. 3. confiding, he
conference. 2. a recipient (of a grant etc.).
spoke in a confidential tone. con-fi*
con-fer-ence (kon-fe-rens) n. a meeting
den'tial-ly adv. con -fi -den -thai-
for discussion.
i*ty (kon-fi-den-shi-al-i-tee) n.
con'fer-ment (k6n-fur-ment) n. grant-
con • f ig • u • ra • tion (kdn-fig-yu-ray-shdn)
ing, bestowing.
n. a method of arrangement, a shape or
con-fer-ra-ble (k6n-fur-ra-b£l) adj. able
to be conferred.
con -fine (kdn-frn) v. (con -fined, con-
con -f ess (k6n-fes) v. 1. to state formally
fining) 1 . to keep or restrict within cer-
that one has done wrong or has a weak- tain limits. 2. to keep shut up, the pris-
ness. 2. to state one's attitude or reaction
oner is confined to his cell; confined to
reluctantly, / must confess that I am bed, in bed because of illness, con*
puzzled. 3. to declare one's sins formally, ftn'er n.
especially to a priest. 4. (of a priest) to con -fined (k5n-find) adj. narrow, re-
hear the confession of. stricted, a confined space.
con-fess-ed-ly (kdn-fes-id-lee) adv. ac- con- fine -ment (kon-fin-ment) n, 1. con-
cording to a person's own confession. fining, being confined. 2. the time during
con-fes-slon (k6n-fesh-6n) n. 1. confess- which a woman is giving birth to a baby.
ing. 2. a thing confessed, a statement of con -fines (kon-finz) n. pi. the limits or
one's wrongdoing. 3. a declaration of boundaries of an area.
one's religious beliefs or one's principles, con -firm (kdn-furm) v. 1. to provide sup-
a confession of faith. porting evidence for the truth or correct-
con-fes-sion-al (k&n-fesh-6-nal) n. an ness of, to prove. 2. to establish more
enclosed stall in a church, where a priest firmly, it confirmed his dislike of animals.
sits to hear confessions, confessional 3. to make definite or valid formally,
adj. of confession. reservations made by telephone must be
con-fes-sor (kdn-fes-or) n. 1. a priest confirmed in writing. 4. to administer the
who hears confessions and gives spiritual riteof confirmation to.
counsel. 2. a person who keeps to the con -fir -ma -tion (kon-ftr-may-shdn) n. 1.
Christian faith in the face of danger, King confirming. 2. something that confirms.
Edward the Confessor. 3. a religious rite confirming a baptized
con-fet-ti (k6n-fet-ee) n. bits of colored person as a member of a Christian
paper for throwing, as by wedding guests church. 4. a ceremony initiating a Jewish
at the bride and bridegroom. boy or girl into the Jewish faith.
con-fi-dant (kon-fi-dant, kon-fi-dant) n. con-flr-ma-to-ry (kdn-fur-ma-tohr-ee)
a person in whom one confides. E>Do adj. confirming, we found confirmatory
not confuse confidant with confident evidence.
179 confirmed / congratulate
COn* firmed (kdn-furmd) adj. firmly set- con* fuse (kdn-fyooz) v. (con* fused,
tled in some habit or condition, a con- con*fus*ing) 1. to throw into disorder,
firmed bachelor. to mix up. 2. to throw the mind or feel-
con-fis-cate (kon-fi-skayt) v. (con* lis •
ings of (a person) into disorder, to de-
cat-ed, con*fis*cat*ing) to take or stroy the composure of, confuse him. 3.
seize by authority, con *fis* caption to mix up in the mind, to fail to distin-
(kon-fi-skay-shon) n. con*fis*ca*to*ry guish between. 4. to make unclear, con-
(k6n-fis-ka-tohr-ee) adj. fuse the issue. con*fu*sion (k6n-fyoo-
con *fla*gra* tion (kon-fla-gray-shon) n. a zhdn) n.
great and destructive fire. con* fused (kdn-fyoozd) adj. (of a person)
con *f Net (kon-flikt) ru 1. a fight, a strug- not mentally sound. COn*fus*ed*ly
gle. 2. disagreement between people with (kdn-fyoo-zid-lee) adv.
different ideas or beliefs, conflict (kdn- corvfute (kfin-fyoot) v. (con*fut*ed,
flikt) v. to be in opposition or disagree- COn*fut*ing) to prove (a person or ar-
ment. conflict of interest, a situation gument) to be wrong, con *fu*ta* tion
in which a person holding office has pri- (kon-fyuu-tay-shdn) n.
vate business affairs that affect or are af- Cong. abbr. 1. Congregational. 2. Con-
fected by his official activities. gress. 3. Congressional.
Con*flu*ence (kon-floo-ens) n. the place COn*ga (kong-ga) n. a dance in which peo-
where two rivers unite, con'flu *ent adj. ple form a long winding line (conga
corvfO'Cal (kon-foh-kal) adj. having the line).
same focus or foci. con geal
• (kdn-jeel) v. to become semisolid
COn* form (kon-form) v. 1. to act or be instead of liquid.
in accordance with, conform to the rules. con*gen*ial (kdn-jeen-yal) adj. 1. pleas-
2. to keep to rules or general custom, ant because similar to oneself in charac-
she refuses to conform. ter or tastes, a congenial companion. 2.
con -form -a -Die (k6n-for-ma-bel) adj. 1. suited or agreeable to oneself, a congenial
similar to. 2. consistent with or adapted climate. con*gen'ial*ly adv. con*ge*
to (a thing). ni*al*i*ty (k6n-jee-ni-al-i-tee) n.
con* for* ma* tion (kon-for-may-shdn) n. COn*gen*i*tal (k6n-jen-i-tal) adj. 1. exist-
1 the way a thing is formed, its structure. ing since a person's birth, a congenital
2. conforming. deformity. 2. born in a certain condition,
con* form *ist (kdn-for-mist) n. a person a congenital idiot. con*gen'i*tal*ly
who readily conforms to established rules adv. >Do not confuse congenital with
or standards etc. genetic. Acongenital defect is considered
COn*form*l«ty (kdn-for-mi-tee) n. (pi. to be one that is not carried in the genes
-ties) conforming to established rules or but results from conditions of birth.
standards etc. Din conformity with, in corvger (kong-ger) n. (also conger eel)
accordance with. a large sea eel.
con* found (kon-fownd) v. 1. to astonish con • ge • ries (kon-jeer-eez) n. a disorderly
and perplex, to bewilder. 2. to confuse. collection, a mass, a heap.
3. (old use) to defeat, to overthrow, con- con -gest (kdn-jest) v. 1 . to fill. 2. to cause
found (kon-fownd) exclama- to accumulate excessively, con^ges'
tion of annoyance, confound it! tive adj.
con* found *ed (kon-fown-did) adj. (in- con*ges*ted (k6n-jes-tid) adj. 1. too full,

formal) damned, a confounded nuisance. overcrowded. 2. (of an organ or tissue

con*fra*ter*ni*ty (kon-fra-tur-ni-tee) n. of the body) abnormally full of blood.
(pi. -ties) a brotherhood or association con *ges* tion (kdn-jes-ch6n) n. a con-
with religious or charitable aims. gested condition.
C0n*frere (kon-frair) n. a fellow member con • glom • er ate
• (kdn-glom-e-rit) adj.
of a profession, scientific organization, gathered into a mass, conglomerate n.
etc. 1. a conglomerate mass. 2. a company
Con* front (kdn-frunt) v. 1 to be or come
. formed by merging or acquiring several
face to face with, the problems confront- companies in different branches of indus-
ing us. 2. to face boldly as an enemy try, conglomerate (k6n-glom-S-rayt) v.
or in defiance. 3. to bring face to face, (con*glom*er*at*ed, con • glom* er*
we confronted him with his accusers. at'ing) to collect into a coherent mass.
con • f ron • ta • tion (kon-frdn-tay-sh6n) con *glom*er*a* tion (kdn-glom-e-ray-
n. sh6n) n. a mass of different things put
Con *fu* clan* ism (k6n-fyoo-sha-niz-em) together.
«, the system of morality taught by Con- Con* go (kong-goh) a country in West Af-
fucius,a Chinese philosopher (5517-479? rica.
b.c). Con*fu / cian adj. & n. con *grat*u* late (kdn-grach-u-layt) v.
congratulatory / connector 180

(con-grat-u-lat-ed, con-grat-u- word that joins words or phrases or sen-

lat*ing) to praise and tell (a person) that tences, as and, but 2. combination, un-
one is pleased about his achievement or ion, the four countries acted in conjunc-
good fortune; congratulating ourselves on tion, 3. the occurrence of events etc. at
our escape, thinking ourselves fortunate, the same time. 4. the apparent nearness
taking pleasure in it. con*grat*u*la* of two or more heavenly bodies to each
tion (kdn-grach-u-lay-shdn) n. other, these planets are in conjunction.
con*grat*u*la*to*ry (kon-grach-ii-la- con* June *ti*va (kon-jungk-ti-va) n. {pi
tohr-ee) adj. expressing congratulations. -vas, -vae, pr. -vee) the mucous mem-
con -gre- gate (kong-grfc-gayt) v. (con* brane lining the inner eyelid and part
gre-gat-ed, con -gre- gating) to of the eyeball.
flock together into a crowd. con -junc *tive (kdn-jungk-tiv) adj. 1.
con gre 'ga* tion
• (kong-gre-gay-shon) n. serving to join. 2. (in grammar) of the
a group of people gathered together to nature of a conjunction.
take part in religious worship, con* con junc
• • ti • vi • tis (kdn-jungk-ti-vi-tis)
gre *ga 'tion *al adj. n. inflammation of the conjunctiva.
Con • gre ga • tion • al • ism (kong-gre-gay-
• con* jure (kon-jur) v. (con*jured, con*
sho-na-liz-em) n. a Protestant denomina- jur-ing) 1 to perform tricks that appear

tion in which each congregation governs to be magical, especially by movements

itself. of the hands, conjuring tricks. 2. to sum-
con -gress (kong-gris) n. 1 a formal meet-
. mon (a spirit) to appear. 3. to produce
ing of representatives, for discussion. 2. as if from nothing, managed to conjure
Congress, the lawmaking body of a coun- up a meal. 4. to produce in the mind,
try, especially of the U.S. con*gres* mention of the Arctic conjures up visions
sion-al (kon-gresh-o-nal) adj. of snow and ice. con*ju*ra*tion (kon-
con* gress* man (kong-gris-man) n. {pi. ju-ray-shon) n. Da name to conjure
-men, pr. -men) a member of the U.S. with, a name of great importance, con-
House of Representatives. juring man, conjure man (in southern
COn*gru*ence (kong-groo-ens) n. agree- U.S. and West Indies) one who practices
ment, consistency. con'gru*en*cy n. witchcraft.
con'gru*ent adj. con*jur*er, con*jur*or (kon-ju-rer) n. a
con*gru*ous (kong-groo-us) adj. 1. person who performs conjuring tricks.
agreeing, conformable. 2. fitting, con* conk (kongk) v. (slang) to hit on the head.
gru*i*ty (k6n-groo-i-tee) n. Dconk out, (slang) (of a machine) to
con-ic (kon-ik) adj. of a cone. conic D break down, to fail; (of a person) to be-
section, a figure formed by intersection come exhausted and give up, to faint,
of a cone and a plane. to die.
COn*i*cal (kon-i-kal) adj. cone-shaped. Conn. abbr. Connecticut.
con'i*cal*ly adv. con-nect (k6-nekt) v. 1. to join or be
CO*ni*fer (kon-i-fer) n. a coniferous tree. joined. 2. (of a train etc.) to be timed
co-nif -er-ous (kd-nif-e-rus) adj. bearing to arrive so that passengers from one
cones. train etc. can catch another in which to
COnj. abbr. 1 . conjugation. 2. conjunction. continue their journey. 3. to be united
con*jec*tur*al (k6n-jek-chu-ral) adj. in a relationship, the families are con-
based on conjecture. nected by marriage. 4. to think of (things
con-jec-ture (kdn-jek-chur) v. (con* or persons) as being associated with each
jec*tured, con*jec*tur*ing) to guess. other.
conjecture n. a guess. Con*nect*i*cut (kd-net-I-kut) a state of
con *J0in (k6n-join) v. to join, to combine. the U.S.
con -joint" adj. con *nec* tion (k6-nek-shdn) n. 1. con-
COn*ju*gal (kon-ju-gal) adj. of marriage, necting, being connected. 2. a place
of the relationship between husband and where things connect, a connecting part.
wife. conjugal love, a sexual relation- 3. a train etc. timed to connect with an-
ship within marriage. other, transfer between such trains. 4.
con -ju- gate (kon-ju-gayt) v. (con* a person connected by family or mar-
ju*gat*ed, con*ju*gat*ing)togivethe riage. 5. (slang) a drug dealer. 6. connec-
different forms of (a verb), as get, gets. tions, influential friends or associates, po-
conjugate (kon-ju-git) adj. joined to- litical connections, legal connections, etc.
gether, coupled. con*ju*ga*tion (kon- Con*nec*tive (kd-nek-tiv) adj. connect-
ju-gay-sh6n) n. ing, connective tissue, connective n. (in
conjunct (kdn-jungkt) adj. joined to- grammar) a conjunction.
gether, combined. COn*nect*or (ko-nek-tdr) n. a thing that
con -junc* tion (kdn-jungk-shdn) n. 1. a connects others.
181 conning / conservative
con-ning (kon-ing) tower a raised struc- the armed
forces in a war because he
ture on a submarine containing the peri- believes the war is morally wrong.
scope. corvscious (kon-shus) adj. 1. with one's
con-nip-tion (ko-nip-sh6n) n. (informal) mental faculties awake, aware of one's
a tantrum. surroundings. 2. aware, he was conscious
con-nive (ko-niv) v. (corrnived, con- of his guilt. 3. realized by oneself, inten-
niving) to conspire. connive at, to tional,spoke with conscious superiority;
take no notice of (wrongdoing), thus a conscious insult. con / scious*iy adv.
seeming to consent to it. con*niv'er n. con'scious*ness n.
con*niv'ance n. / con* script (kdn-skript) v. to summon for
con*nois*seur (kon-6-sur) n. a person compulsory military service, conscript
with expert understanding of artistic and (kon-skript) a conscripted recruit.
similar subjects. con* scrip *tion (kdn-skrip-shdn) n.
con* no* taction (kon-6-tay-shdn) ru the con *se* crate (kon-se-krayt) v. (con*
implied meaning of an expression in ad- se*crat*ed, con*se*crat*ing) to
dition toits primary meaning. >
Do not make or declare sacred, to dedicate for-
confuse connotation with denotation. mally to the service or worship of God.
COn*no*ta*tive (kon-6-tay-tiv) adj. con- COn*se*cra*tion (kon-se-kray-shdn) n.
noting, suggesting. COn*sec*u*tive (k6n-sek-yu-tiv) adj. fol-
con* note (kd-noht) v. (con* not -ed, lowing continuously, in unbroken order.
con* nothing) to imply in addition to con*sec'u*tive*ly adv.
the literal meaning. con*sen*sus (kdn-sen-sus) n. (pi. -sus*
con*nu*bi*al (ko-noo-bi-al) of mar-
adj. es) general agreement in opinion.
riage, of the relationship between hus- D> It is incorrect to say or write consensus
band and wife. of opinion.
COn*quer (kong-ker) v. 1. to overcome in con* sent (kdn-sent) v. to say that one is
war, to win. 2. to overcome by effort; willing to do or allow what someone
they have conquered Everest, climbed it wishes, consent n. agreement to what
successfully. con'quer*or n. someone wishes, permission. Dage Of
con* quest (kon-kwest) n. 1. conquering; consent, the age at which a girl's con-
the Norman Conquest, conquest of Eng- sent to sexual intercourse is valid in law.
land by the Normans in 1066. 2. some- con se quence (kon-se-kwens) n. 1 a re-
• • .

thing got by conquering. sult produced by some action or condi-

con • quia *ta* dor (kon-kwis-ta-dor) ru a tion. 2. importance, a person of conse-
conqueror, especially one of the Spanish quence; the matter is of no consequence,
conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the it is not important. Din consequence,

16th century. as a result, suffer or take the conse-

Con* rail (kon-rayl) n. (also ConRail) a quences, to accept whatever results
system of railroads established under from one's choice or action.
government guidelines in 1976. >From con -se-quent (kon-sS-kwent) adj. follow-
Con (solidated) Rail (Corporation). ing as a result.
cons. abbr. 1 consolidated. 2. consonant.
. con • se • quen • tial (kon-se-kwen-shal)
con*san*guin*i*ty (kon-sang-gwin-i-tee) adj. following as a result. con*se*
n. (pi -ties) relationship by descent from quen'tial*ly adv.
the same ancestor. con*san*guin*e* con*se*quent*ly (kon-s£-kwent-lee) adv.
OUS (kon-sang-gwin-i-us) adj. as a result, therefore.
con* science (kon-shens) n. 1. a person's con*ser*van*cy (k6n-sur- van-see) n. (pi

sense of what is right and wrong, espe- -Cles) 1. a committee or organization

cially in his own actions or motives. 2. concerned with preservation of historical
a feeling of remorse, / have no conscience or natural resources, a nature conser-
about leaving them. conscience vancy. 2. official conservation (of forests
money, money paid by a person who etc.).
feels conscience-stricken, especially Con*ser*va*tion (kon-ser-vay-sh6n) n. 1.

about having evaded payment previ- conserving, being conserved. 2. preserva-

ously, on one's conscience, causing tion, especially of the natural environ-
one to feel guilty or remorseful. ment.
con*science-strick*en (kon-shens-strik- con • ser • va • tion • 1st (kon-ser-vay-shd-
en) adj. filled with remorse. nist) n. a person who supports preserva-
con*sci*en*tious (kon-shi-en-shus) adj. tion of the natural environment.
showing or done with careful attention. COn*ser*va*tlsm (k8n-sur-va-tiz-em) n.

con*sci*en'tious*ly adv. con*sci* a conservative attitude, conservative

en'tious *ness ru conscientious principles (general or political).
Objector, one who refuses to serve in con*ser*va*tlve (k6n-sur-v5-tiv) adj. 1.
conservatory / conspicuous 182

disliking or opposed to great or sudden con*sist (kon-sist) v. 1. consist of, to

change. 2. moderate, avoiding extremes; be made up of, the apartment consists
a conservative estimate, a low one. con- of three rooms. 2. consist in, to have
servative n. 1. a conservative person. as its basis or essential feature, their hap-
2. Conservative, a member of the U.S. piness consists in hoping.
or British Conservative Party, favor- COn*sist*en*cy (k6n-sis-ten-see) n. {pi
ing private enterprise and freedom from -cies) 1 the degree of thickness, firm-

government control. COn*ser'va*tive* ness, or solidity especially of a liquid or

ly adv. soft mixture, mix it to the consistency of
con*ser*va*to*ry (kah-sur-va-tohr-ee) heavy cream. 2. being consistent.
n. {pi -ries) 1 a greenhouse, especially
. COn*sist*ent (k6n-sis-tent) adj. 1. con-
one built against an outside wall of a forming to a regular pattern or style, un-
house that has an opening into it. 2. a changing, they have no consistent policy.
school for training musicians and com- 2. not contradictory, these reforms are
posers. consistent with their general policies.
con* serve (k6n-surv) v. to keep from con*sist'ent*ly adv.
harm, decay, or loss, for future use. con- con*sis*to*ry (k6n-sis-td-ree) n. (pi
serve (kon-surv, kon-surv) n. (often -ries) an ecclesiastical assembly, espe-
conserves) jam, especially that made ciallyof the cardinals of the Roman
from fresh fruit and sugar. Catholic Church.
con*sid*er (kdn-sid-er) v. 1. to think COnsol. abbr. consolidated.
about, especially in order to make a deci- con • SOl *a* Die (k6n-soh-la-bel) adj. able
sion, to weigh the merits of; it is my con- to be consoled.
sidered opinion, arrived at after some con SO • tion (kon-so-lay-shdn) n. con-
• la •

thought. 2. to make allowances for, con- soling, being consoled. consolation G

sider people s feelings. 3. to think to be, prize, a prize given to a competitor who
to suppose, consider yourself lucky, con* has just missed winning one of the main
sid / ered adj. Dall things consid- prizes.
ered, taking all the events or possibilities con •sole 1
(kdn-sohl) v. (con* soled,
into account. con*sol*ing) to comfort in time of sor-
con*sid*er*a*ble (kdn-sid-e-ra-bel) adj. row or disappointment.
fairly great in amount or extent etc., of con* sole 2 (kon-sohl) n. 1. a frame con-
considerable importance, con • sid ' er • taining the keyboards and stops etc. of
a-bly adv. an organ. 2. a panel holding the controls
con-sid-er«ate (kon-sid-e-rit) adj. taking of electrical or other equipment. 3. a cab-
care not to inconvenience or hurt others, inet contaming a radio or television set,
con-sid'er-atcly adv. designed to stand on the floor.
con sid • er • a • tion (kdn-sid-e-ray-shdn)
• con • sol *i *date (kdn-sol-i-dayt) v. (con-
n. 1 careful thought. 2. being consider-
. sol*i*dat*ed, con*sol*i*dat*ing) 1.

ate, kindness. 3. a fact that must be kept to make or become secure and strong,
in mind, time is now an important consid- consolidating his position as leader. 2. to
eration. 4. payment given as a reward, combine or become combined, to merge.
he will do it for a consideration. Din con- con *sol*i*da* tion (k6n-sol-i-day-
sideration of, in return for, on account shdn) n.

of. on no consideration, no matter con*som*me (kon-sd-may) n. a clear

what the circumstances may be. take meat soup.
into consideration, to allow for. un- con* so* nance (kon-sd-nans) n. agree-
der consideration, being considered. ment, harmony.
COn*sid*er*ing (k6n-sid-e-ring) prep, tak- con*so*nant (kon-sd-nant) n. 1. a letter
ing into consideration, shes very active, of the alphabet other than a vowel. 2.
considering her age; you \e done very well, the speech sound it represents, conso-
considering, if we take the circumstances nant adj. consistent, harmonious, actions
into consideration. that are consonant with his beliefs.
con *sign (k6n-sin) v. 1. to hand over or con* sort (kon-sort) n. a husband or wife,
deliver formally. 2. to give into some- especially of a monarch, consort (kdn-
one's care. sort) v. to associate, to keep company,
con* sign *ee (kon-si-nee) n. a firm or per- consorting with criminals.
son to whom goods etc. are consigned. Con*SOr*ti*um (k6n-sor-shi-um) n. {pi
con* sign *ment (kdn-sin-ment) n. 1. con- a combination of coun-
-ti-a, pr. -shi-a)
signing. 2. a batch of goods etc. con- tries or companies or other groups acting
signed. together.
con* sign* or (kdn-si-n6r) n. a person or COn*spiC*U*OU8 (kdn-spik-yoo-iis) adj.
firm that consigns goods etc. to another. easily seen, attracting attention, con*
183 conspiracy / consult

spic'U'Ous-ly adv. conspic'u-ous- character, especially of a person's body,

ness ru she has a strong constitution.
conspir*a*cy (k6n-spir-a-see) n. (pi con*stl*tu*tion*al (kon-sti-too-shd-nal)
-cies) 1 conspiring. 2. a plan made by
. adj. 1 of a country's constitution, estab-

conspiring. conspiracy of silence, lished or permitted or limited by this,

an agreement to say nothing about a cer- a constitutional crisis; constitutional gov-
tain matter. ernment 2. of or produced by a person's
con* spina* tor (kdn-spir-a-tdr) n. a per- physical or mental constitution, a consti-
son who conspires. con*spir*a*to* tutional weakness, constitutional n. a
rl*al (kdn-spir-a-tohr-i-ai) adj. con* walk taken for the sake of one's health.
spina* to'ri*al*ly adv. con*sti*tu'tion*al*ly adv. con*sti*
con* spire (kdn-spir) v. (con* spired, tu • tion • al • I • ty (kon-sti-too-shd-nal-i-
con*spir*ing) 1. to plan secretly with tee) n.

others, especially for some unlawful pur- constr. abbr. construction.

pose. 2. (of events) to seem to combine,
con* strain (kdn-strayn) v. to compel, to
events conspired to bring about his down-
constraint (kon-straynt) constrain-
n. 1.
ing or being constrained, compulsion. 2.
const abbr. 1. constable. 2. constant. 3.
a strained manner caused by holding
constitution. 4. constitutional.
back one's natural feelings.
Const Constable. 2. Constitution.
abbr. 1 .

consta-ble n. a policeman
con* strict (k6n-strikt) v. to tighten by
making narrower, to squeeze, con*
or policewoman in a small town.
stric*tion (kdn-strik-shdn) n. con-
con*stab*u*lar*y (kdn-stab-yu-ler-ee) n.
stric'tor n. con*stric*tive (kdn-strik-
{pi -lar*ies) a police force.
tiv) adj.
con* Stan *cy (kon-stan-see) n. 1 the qual- .

con -struct (kdn-strukt) v. to make by

ity of being constant and unchanging.
placing parts together, to build, con*
2. faithfulness.
struc'tor n.
con Stan t
• (kon-stant) adj. 1. happening
con *struc* tion (kdn-struk-shdn) n. 1.
or continuing all the time, happening re-
constructing, being constructed. 2. some-
peatedly. 2. unchanging, faithful, re-
thing constructed. 3. two or more words
mained constant to his principles, con- put together to form a phrase or clause
stant n. something that does not vary. or sentence. 4. an interpretation, put a
constant *ly adv.
bad construction on their refusal con*
con*stel*la*tion (kon-stS-lay-shdn) n. a struc / tion*al adj. construction pa-
group of fixed stars. per, heavy, usually colored, paper.
con*ster*na*tion (kon-ster-nay-sh6n) n. con • struc • tion • ist (kdn-struk-sho-nist)
a great surprise and anxiety or dismay. n. strict constructionist, a legal
con *sti* pate (kon-sti-payt) v. (con* scholar who interprets the Constitution
sti*pat*ed, con*sti*pat*ing) to cause in the most narrowly limited sense.
constipation in. con* struc *tive (k6n-struk-tiv) adj. offer-
COn*sti*pa*tion (kon-sti-pay-shdn) n. dif- ing helpful suggestions, they made con-
ficulty in emptying the bowels. structive criticisms. constructive*
con • stit • u • en • cy (kdn-stich-oo-en-see) ly adv.
n. (pi -Cies) 1 a body of voters who
construe (k6n-stroo) v. (construed,
elect a representative to a legislature or COn*Stru*ing) to interpret, to explain,
other elected body. 2. the district and her words were construed as a refusal.
its residents represented thus. con • sub • stan • ti • a • tion (kon-siib-stan-
Con* stit *u*ent (k6n-stich-oo-ent) adj. shi-ay-shdn) n. a Lutheran doctrine that
forming part of a whole, its constituent the body and blood of Christ exist to-
parts, constituent n. 1. a constituent gether with bread and wine in the Eu-
part. 2. a member of a constituency. charist.
constitute (kon-sti-toot) v. (con* consul (kon-sul) n. an official appointed
sti*tut*ed, con*sti*tut*ing) 1. to to live in a foreign city in order to assist
make up, to form, twelve months consti- and protect his countrymen who live or
tute a year.
2. to appoint, they constituted there and to help commercial rela-
him chief adviser. 3. to establish or be, tionsbetween the two countries, con'
this does not constitute a precedent. sul*ar adj.
COn*sti*tu*tion (kon-sti-too-sh6n) n. 1. consulate (kon-su-lit) n. 1. the official
constituting. 2. composition. 3. the set premises of a consul. 2. a consul's posi-
of principles according to which a coun- tion.
try is organized; the Constitution, that con* suit (kdn-sult) v. 1. to seek informa-
of the U.S. 4. general condition and tion or advice from; a consulting engi-
consultancy / contempt 184
neer, one who
acts as a consultant. 2. spreading of disease by contact or close
to confer, they consulted with their fellow association. 2. a disease that is spread
workers, con*sul-ta*tion (kon-sul-tay- in this way.
shdn) n. con-ta-gious (kon-tay-jus) adj. 1. able
con-sul*tan*cy (kon-sul-tan-see) n. the to be spread by contact or close associa-
position or practice of a consultant tion, a contagious disease, 2. capable of
COfl* suit* ant (kon-sul-tant) n. a person spreading disease in this way, all these
qualified to give expert professional ad- children are now contagious.
vice. con* tain (kon-tayn) v. 1. to have within
COn*SUl*ta*tive (kon-sul-ta-tiv) adj. for itself, the atlas contains forty maps; whis-
consultation, a consultative committee. key contains alcohol 2. to consist of, to
con-sume (kon-soom) v. (con*sumed, be equal to, a gallon contains eight pints.
Con*sum*ing) 1. to use up, much time 3. to restrain, try to contain your laugh-
was consumed in waiting. 2. to eat or ter. 4. to keep within limits, enemy troops
drink up, especially in large quantities. were contained in the valley.
3. to destroy completely, fire consumed con* tain *er (kon-tay-ner) n. 1. a box or
the building. con*sum / a*ble adj. bottle etc. designed to contain a sub-
COn*8Um*er (kon-soo-mer) n. a person stance or goods. 2. a large boxlike recep-
who buys or uses goods or services. tacle of standard design for transporting
consumer advocate, a person who goods.
represents consumers' interests, con- con* tain *er*ize (kdn-tay-ne-nz) v.

sumer goods, those bought and used (con* tain -er-ized, con-tain-er-iz-
by individual consumers (not capital ing) to transport in containers, to con-
goods). vert to this method of transporting
con- summer* ism (kdn-soo-me-riz-em) n. goods, con -tain -er-l-za*tion (kdn-
the protection of consumers' interests. tay-ne-ri-zay-shdn) n.
con- summing (kon-soo-ming) adj. over- con • tain -er* ship (cdn-tay-ner-ship) n. a
whelming, dominating, a consuming am- vessel carrying cargo in containers.
bition. con- tain -ment (kdn-tayn-ment) n. the
con* sum* mate (kon-su-mayt) v. (con* policy of preventing expansion of a hos-
sum-mat-ed, con -sum- mat -ing) to tile country or influence.
accomplish, to make complete; consum- con* tarn -i-nate (kdn-tam-i-nayt) v.

mate a marriage, complete it by sexual (con- tarn- i-nat-ed, con-tam-i-nat-

intercourse between the partners, con- ing) to pollute, con* tarn *i*na*tk>n
summate (kdn-sum-it, kon-su-mit) adj. (kdn-tam-i;nay-shdn) n.
supremely a consummate artist.
skilled, cont'd, abbr. continued.
con-sum-ma-tion (kon-su-may-shdn) con *tem* plate (kon-tem-playt) v. (con*
n. tern plat -ed. con* tern* plat* ing) 1.

con- sump -tlon (kdn-sump-shon) n. 1. to gaze at thoughtfully. 2. to consider.

consuming, using up, destruction. 2. the 3. to intend, to have in view as a possibil-
amount consumed. 3. (old use) tubercu- ity, she is contemplating a visit to New
losis of the lungs. York City. 4. to meditate. COn*tem*
con- sump -tive (k6n-sump-tiv) adj. suf- pla-tion (kon-tem-play-shdn) n.

fering from tuberculosis of the lungs. con tern -pla- tive (kdn-tem-pla-tiv) adj.

consumptive n. a consumptive person. thoughtful, fond of contemplation.

cont. abbr. 1. containing. 2. contents. 3. con* tern -po-ra-ne-ous (kdn-tem-pd-
continent. 4. continental. 5. continue. 6. ray-ni-iis) adj. (of events) belonging to
continued. 7. contract. the same period.
con* tact (kon-takt) n. 1. touching, com- con* tern *po*rar*y (kdn-tem-pd-rer-ee)
ing together. 2. being in touch, commu- adj. 1. belonging to the same period;
nication. 3. a connection for the passage Dickens was contemporary with Thack-
of electric current. 4. a person who has eray, lived at the same time. 2. up-to-
recently been near someone with a conta- date,contemporary designs, contempo-
gious disease and may carry infection. rary n. {pi -rar*ies) 1. a person
5. an acquaintance who may be con- contemporary with another, Hemingway
tacted when one needs information or and his contemporaries 2. one who is
help, contact v. to get into touch with approximately the same age as another,
(a person). contact lens, a very small she is my contemporary.
lens worn in contact with the eyeball. con* tempt (kdn-tempt) n. 1. the process

t> Careful writers do not use contact as or feeling of despising something. 2. the
a verb. Instead of contacting someone, condition of being despised; fell into con-
they call or write or visit him. tempt, became despised. 3. disrespect.
con-ta-gion (kdn-tay-jdn) n. 1. the contempt of court, disobedience or
185 contemptible / continuation

disrespect toward a court of law or its impression of the meaning.

processes. COn*tig*u*OUS (kdn-tig-yoo-us) adj. ad-
con-tempt-i-ble (kdn-temp-ti-bel) adj. joining, Vermont is contiguous to Can-
deserving contempt, con* tern pt'hbly ada. con*tig'u*ous*ly adv. con*ti*
adv. con* tempt *i*bil*l*ty (kdn-temp- gu*i*ty (kon-ti-gyoo-i-tee) n.
ti-bil-i-tee) n. con-ti-nent 1 (kon-ti-nent) n. one of the
con- temp -tu-ous (kdn-temp-chco-us) main land masses of Earth (Europe,
adj. feeling or showing contempt, con* Asia, Africa, North and South America,
temp'tu*ous*ly adv. con-temp'tu* Australia, Antarctica); the Continent, the
ous-ness n. mainland of Europe as distinct from the
con* tend (kon-tend) v. 1 to strive or fight
. British Isles.
or struggle, especially in competition or continent 2 adj. 1 able to control the ex-

against difficulties. 2. to assert, to argue, cretion of one's urine and feces. 2. ab-
the defendant contends that he is inno- staining from sexual activity, conti-
cent, con- tend 'er n. nence n.

con •tent 1 (kdn-tent) adj. contented, satis- con*ti*nen*tal (kon-tf-nen-tal) adj. 1. of

fied with what one has. content being n. a continent. 2. Continental, of the Conti-
contented, satisfaction, content v. to nent, continental n. 1. a native or in-
make content, to satisfy, con* tent ' habitant of a continent, especially Eu-
ment n. Dto one's heart's content, rope. 2. Continental, a soldier of the
as much as one desires. Continental Army. 3. Continental, a
con *tent 2 (kon-tent) n. what is contained piece of paper currency issued by the
in something, the contents of the barrel; Continental Congress and individual
butter has a high fat content, contains states. Continental Army, the Ameri-
much fat; table of contents, the list of can revolutionary army. Continental
chapter headings etc. showing the sub- breakfast, a light breakfast of coffee and
ject matter of a book. rolls etc. Continental Congress, the
con* tent *ed (kdn-ten-tid) adj. happy two assemblies of envoys from the colo-
with what one has, satisfied, con* nies (later states) that governed America
tent'ed*ly adv. con* tent'ed *ness n. from 1774 to 1789. continental divide,
COn*ten*tion (k6n-ten-sh6n) n. 1. con- the dividing line between river systems
tending, quarreling or arguing. 2. an as- that flow to opposite sides of a continent.
sertion made in arguing. continental shelf, a shallow slope
Con*ten*tiOUS (kSn-ten-shus) adj. 1. around a continent, outside which the
quarrelsome. 2. likely to cause conten- ocean bed descends deeply, continental
tion. con*ten'tious*ly adv. slope, the drop from the continental
COn*ter*mi*nous (kon-tur-mi-nus) adj. shelf to the ocean basin, not worth a
1. having a common boundary (with). Continental, not worth anything.
2. occurring in the same time or space, Con*tin*gen*cy (k6n-tin-jen-se) n. (pi.
or having the same meaning, as some- -cies) 1 .something unforeseen. 2. a pos-
thing else, con •ter'mi* nous *ly adv. sibility, something that may occur at a
con* test (kon-test) n. 1 a struggle for su-
. future date; contingency plans, plans
periority or victory. 2. a competition, a made in case something happens.
test of skill or ability etc. between rivals. con* tin* gent (kdn-tin-jent) adj. 1. hap-
contest (kSn-test) v. 1 . to compete for pening by chance. 2. possible, liable to
or in; contest a seat at an election, run occur but not certain. 3. depending on
for election. 2. to dispute, to challenge; something that may or may not happen,
contest a statement, try to show that it an advantage that is contingent on the
is wrong; contest an election, challenge success of the expedition, contingent n.
the results; contest a will, try to prove 1 .a body of troops or ships etc. contrib-
that it is not valid. uted to form part of a force. 2. a group
con* test* ant (kdn-tes-tant) n. one who of people forming part of a gathering.
takes part in a contest, a competitor. con*tin'gent*ly adv.
con* text (kon-tekst) n. 1. the words that COn*tin*u*al (kdn-tin-yoo-al) adj. contin-
come before and after a particular word uing over a long time without stopping
or phrase and help to fix its meaning. or with only short breaks. COn*tin u*
2. the circumstances in which an event al*ly adv. >Do
not confuse continual
occurs, shortages were tolerated in the with continuous.
context of war. Din context, with the con • tin • u • ance (k6n-tin-yoo-ans) n. con-
surrounding words and therefore giving tinuing.
a correct impression of the meaning. con • tin • u • a • tion
OUt Of context, without the surround- n. 1 continuing, starting again after ceas-

ing words and therefore giving a false ing. 2: a part etc. by which something
continue / contretemps 186
iscontinued, the book is a continuation that (what is said) is untrue or that
iat (a
of her previous novel person) is wrong. 2. to state the opposite
con 'tin 'lie (kon-tin-yoo)(con* tin*
v. of, to be contrary to, these rumors contra-
ued, con*tin*u*ing) 1. to keep up (an dict previous ones, con* tra* diction
action etc.), to do something without (kon-tra-dik-shon) n. con* tra* die* to*
ceasing, continue to eat; continue the ry (kon-tra-dik-td-ree) adj. Da contra-
struggle, 2. to remain in a certain place diction in terms, a statement that con-
or condition, he will continue as man- tradicts itself.
ager. 3. to go farther, the road continues con • tra *dis* tine *tion (kon-tra-di-
beyond the bridge. 4. to begin again after stingk-shon) n. distinction by contrast,
stopping, to be continued next week. crossing the Atlantic by air takes a few
Con*ti*nu*i*ty (kon-ti-noo-i-tee) n. {pi hours, in contradistinction to the journey
-ties) 1 being continuous. 2. the unin-
by sea.
terrupted succession of things. 3. motion- con* trail (kon-trayl) n. a trail of condensa-
picture scenario, dialog for a radio tion left by an airplane or missile.
drama. con*tra*in*di*cate (kon-tra-in-dl-kayt)
COn*tin*u*OU8 (kdn-tin-yoo-us) adj. con-
v. (con*tra*in*di*cat*ed, con*tra*
tinuing, without a break. Con*tin'u* in*di*cat*ing) (in medicine etc.) to act
ous*ly adv. D>Do not confuse continu- as an indication against (use of a particu-
ous with continual
lar treatment etc.). Con*tra*in*di*ca*
con -tin -yum (k6n-tin-yoo-um) n. {pi tion, (kon-tra-in-di-kay-shdn) n.
-U*a, pr. -yoo-a) something that extends
con-tral-to (kdn-tral-toh) {pi -tos,
-ti, pr. -tee) 1 the lowest female singing

con* tort (k6n-tort) v. to force or twist out

voice. 2. a singer with such a voice, a
of its usual shape. con*tor*tion (kdn-
part written for it.
tor-sh6n) n.
con* trap* tion (kdn-tr*p-sh6n) n. (in-
con*tor*tion*ist (k6n-tor-shd-nist) n. a
formal) an odd-looking gadget or ma-
performer who can twist his body into
unusual postures.
con*tra*pun*tal (kon-tra-pun-tal) adj. of
con* tour (kon-toor) n.1. an outline. 2.
or in counterpoint.
(also contour line) a line (on a map)
joining the points that are the same
con -tra* ri wise• (kon-trer-ee-wiz) adv. on
the other hand, in the opposite way.
height above sea level.
COntr. abbr. 1. contract. 2. contraction.
con*tra*ry (kon-trer-ee) adj. 1. opposite
in nature, opposed, the result was con-
3. contralto.
trary to expectation. 2. opposite in direc-
contra- prefix against.
tion; delayed by contrary winds, by unfa-
con -tra- band (kon-tra-band) n. 1. smug-
gled goods. 2. smuggling. vorable ones. 3. {pr. kdn-trair-ee) doing
con*tra*cep*tion (kon-tra-sep-shdn) n. the opposite of what is expected or ad-
the prevention of pregnancy. vised, willful, contrary n. {pi -lies) the

con*tra*cep*tive (kon-tra-sep-tiv) adj. opposite, contrary adv. in opposition,

preventing conception, contraceptive against, acting contrary to instructions.
n. a contraceptive drug or device.
con'trar*i*ness n. Don
the con-,
con* tract (kon-trakt) n. 1 a formal agree-
trary, in denial of what is just said and
ment between people or groups or coun- stating that the opposite is true, to the
tries. 2. a document setting out the terms contrary, proving or indicating the op-
of such an agreement, contract (kdn- posite, there is no evidence to the contrary.
trakt) v. 1. to make or become smaller con-trast (kon-trast) n. 1. the act of con-
or shorter. 2. to arrange or undertake trasting. 2. a difference clearly seen when
by contract, they contracted to supply oil things are put together. 3. something
to the factory. 3. to catch (an illness), showing such a difference. 4. the degree
to form or acquire (a habit, a debt, etc.). of difference between tones or colors.
con -trac- tion (kdn-trak-shdn) n. con* contrast (kdn-trast) v. 1. to compare
tractor n. contract bridge, a form or oppose two things so as to show their
of bridge in which only tricks bid and differences. 2. to show a striking differ-
won count toward the game, contract ence when compared.
out, to assign (a job or task) by contract. con*tra*vene (kon-tra-veen) v. (con-
con -trac* tile (kdn-trak-tll) adj. capable tra • vened, con • tra • ven • ing) to act in
of or producing contraction. COn*trac* opposition to, to conflict with, contraven-
til*i*ty (kon-trak-til-i-tee) n. ing the law. con • tra • ven • tion (kon-tra-
COn*trac*tu*al (kdn-trak-choo-al) adj. of ven-sh6n) n.
a contract. con -tre* temps (kon-trfc-tahn) n. an un-
con* tra *dict (kon-tra-dikt) v. 1. to state fortunate happening.
187 contrib. / conventionalize

contrib. abbr. 1 . contribution. 2. contribu- tu*ma'cious*ly adv. con*tu*ma*cy

tor. (kon-tuu-ma-see) n.
con* tribute (kon-trib-yoot) v. (con* con • tu • me • II • ous (kon-tuu-mee-li-us)
trib-ut*ed, con-trib-ut-ing) 1. to give adj. insolent, reproachful.
jointly with others, especially to a com- con*tu*me*ly (kon-tuu-me-lee) n. {pi
mon fund. 2. to supply for publication -lies)1 rudeness, insolence. 2. an insult-

in a newspaper or magazine or book. 3. ing remark or act.

to help to bring about, drink contributed contuse (kdn-tooz) v. (con -fused,
to her ruin. con*trib'u*tor n. con* con-tus-ing) to bruise.
tri-bu-tion (kon-tri-byoo-sh6n) n. con-tu-sion (k6n-too-z/r5n) n. a bruise.
Con*trib*u*tor*y (kdn-trib-yu-tohr-ee) CO* nun* drum (ko-nun-drum) n. a hard
adj. 1 contributing to a result; contribu-
question, a riddle.
tory negligence, failure to have taken con*ur*ba*tion (kon-ur-bay-shdn) n. a
proper precautions against an accident large urban area formed. where towns
in which one becomes involved. 2. in- have spread and merged.
volving contributions to a fund, a con- con-va-lesce (kon-va-les) v. (con-
tributory pension scheme. valesced, con*va*lesc*ing) to re-
con* trite (kdn-tnt) adj. penitent, feeling gain health after illness. con-va-les'
guilty, con* tritely adv. con*tri*tion cence n. con*va*les / cent adj. & n.
(kon-trish-6n) n.
COn*vec*tion (kdn-vek-shdn) n. the
transmission of heat within a liquid or
contrivance (k6n-tn-vans) n. 1. con-
gas by movement of the heated parts.
triving. 2. something contrived, a plan.
3. a mechanical device.
con*vec'tion*al adj. connective
adj. con* vec'tor n.
contrive (kdn-triv) v. (contrived,
contriving) to plan cleverly, to con-vene (kon-veen) v. (con-vened,
con-ven-ing) to assemble, to cause to
achieve in a clever or resourceful way,
con -vender n.
to manage. con*triv'er n.
con*ven*ience (kon-veen-yens) n. 1. the
COn*trol (kon-trohl) n. 1. the power to
quality of being convenient. 2. something
give orders or to restrain something. 2.
that is convenient. Dat your conven-
a means of restraining or regulating; the
ience, whenever or however you find
controls of a vehicle, the devices by which
convenient; at your earliest convenience,
it is operated. 3. restraint, self-restraint.
as soon as you can. convenience
4. a standard of comparison for checking
foods, those that are convenient to use
the results of an experiment or industrial
because they need little preparation. •
process. 5. a place where cars taking part
con *ven* lent (k6n-veen-yent) adj. 1 easy .

in a road race must stop for inspection

to use or deal with, not troublesome. 2.
etc. 6. a personality said to direct the
with easy access, convenient to shopping.
actions of a spiritualist medium, control con-ven'ient-ly adv.
v. (con* trolled, con *trol* ling) 1. to
con* vent (kon- vent) n. 1 a religious com-

have control of, to regulate. 2. to re- munity of nuns. 2. a building in which

strain. control tower, an airport they live. 3. a convent school, a school
tower from which air traffic is directed run by members of a convent, con*
by radar and radio, in control, control- ven*tu*al (kdn-ven-choo-al) adj.
ling, out Of control, no longer able to con*ven*ti*Cle (kon-ven-ti-kel) n. 1. a
be controlled, under control, con- clandestine religious meeting, especially
trolled, in proper order. of nonconformists or dissenters. 2. a
COn • trol • la • ble (kon- troh-la-bel) adj. building used for this.
able to be controlled. COn*ven*tion (k6n-ven-sh6n) n. 1. a for-
con* trol *ler (kdn-troh-ler) n. the person mal assembly of an organization, espe-
in charge of finance in a company or cially a political party. 2. a formal agree-
other institution. ment, especially between countries, the
con*tro*ver*sial (kon-trd-vur-shal) adj. Geneva Convention. 3. an accepted cus-
causing controversy, con • tro • ver ' tom.
sial*ly adv. con*ven*tion*al (kSn-ven-shd-nal) adj.
con*tro*ver*sy (kon-tr6-vur-see) n. {pi. done according to conventions, tradi-
-sies) a prolonged argument or dispute. tional; conventional weapons, non-nu-
con* tro* vert (kon-tr6-vurt) v. to deny the clear, con* ven'tion *al*ly adv. con*
truth of, to contradict. ven • tion • al • • ty
I (k6n- ven-sh6-nal-i-
con • tro • vert • I • ble (kon-trd-vur-ti-bel) tee) n.
adj. able to be denied or disproved. con • ven • tion • ai • ize (k6n-ven-sh6-na-
con • tu • ma • clous (kon-tuu-may-shus) hz) v. (con* ven* tion *al*ized, con*
adj. insubordinate, disobedient, con* ven* tion *al*iz*ing) to bring into

conventioneer / cookbook 188
agreement with conventions, to make con-vict (kdn-vikt) v. to prove or declare
conventional. (a person) to be guilty of a crime, con-
corvvervtiorveer (kdn-ven-sho-neer) n. vict (kon-vikt) n. a convicted person who
a person who
attends a convention. is in prison for his crime.
con -verge (kdn-yurj) v. (con •verged, con* vie* Won (kdn-vik-shdn) n. 1 convict- .

con* verging) to come to or toward ing. 2. being convicted. 3. a firm opinion

the same point. con-ver'gence n. or belief.
con*ver'gen*cy ru con -ver 'gent con-vince (kdn-vins) v. (con -vl need,
adj. con* vine* ing) to make (a person) feel
con-ver-sant (k6n-vur-sant) * adj. con- certain that something is true, / am con-
versant with, having a knowledge of. vinced of his honesty or that he is honest
con -versa- tion (kon-ver-say-sh6n) n. con- vine ' ing adj. con -vine' ing -ly
informal talk between people. con* ver* adv.
sa'tion-al adj. con ver -sa' tion- al-
• con-vivi-al (kdn-viv-i-al) adj. sociable
ly adv. D conversation piece, an item and lively. con*vlv'i*al*ly adv. con*
of bric-a-brac that attracts attention. vivi*a1*i*ty (k6n-viv-i-al-i-tee) n.
con • ver • sa• tion • al • ist (kon- ver-say- con -vo-ca- tion (kon-vd-kay-shdn) n. 1.
shd-na-list) n. a person who is good at convoking. 2. an assembly convoked.
conversation. con-voke (kdn-vohk) v. (con-voked,
con -verse 1 (kdn-vurs) v. (con -versed, con-vok-ing) to summon (people) to
con- vers -Ing) to hold a conversation. assemble.
converse2 (kon-vurs, kon-vurs) adj. oppo- con -vo- lute (kon-vd-loot) adj. 1. rolled
site, contrary, converse (kon-vurs) n. up together, coiled and twisted, 2. com-
an idea or statement that is the opposite plicated.
of another. con*verse'ly adv. con *vo* lilt *ed (kon-vd-loo-tid) adj. con-
con* vert (k6n-vurt) v. 1. to change from volute.
one form or use or character to another. con *VO*lu* tion (kon-vd-loo-shdn) n. a
2. to be able to be changed, the sofa con- coil, a twist.
verts into a bed. 3. to cause (a person) con-vol-vu-lus (kon-vol-vyu-hls) n. a
to change his attitude or beliefs, he was twining plant with trumpet-shaped flow-
converted to Christianity. 4. to score a ers.
point or points after touchdown in foot- con*voy (kon-voi, kdn-voi) v. to escort
ball, convert (kon-vurt) n. a person who and protect, especially with an armed
is converted, especially to a religious force or warships, convoy (kon-vot) n.
faith, con-ver-sion (k6n-vur-z/i6n) n. a group of ships or vehicles traveling un-
con* vert *er (kdn-vur-ter) n, 1. a device der escort or together.
for converting a direct current of electric- con-vulse (kdn-yuls) v. (con-vuised,
ity to alternatingcurrent or vice versa. con • vuls • ing) 1 to cause violent move-

2. a person who converts others. ment in. 2. to cause to double up with

con -vert- -ble (kdn-vur-tl-bSl) adj. able
to be converted, a convertible sofa, con- con-vul-sion (kdn-Yul-shdn) n. 1. a vio-

vertible n. 1 a car with a roof that can

. lent movement of the body, especially
be folded down or removed. 2. a sofa one caused by muscles contracting in-
that can become a bed. con* vert *i* voluntarily. 2. a violent upheaval.
bll-i-ty (k6n-vur-ti-bil-i-tee) n. con • vul-sive (kdn-vul-siv) adj. like a con-
con* vex (kon-veks) adj. curving like the vulsion, producing upheaval. con*vul'
surface of a ball as seen from the outside. sive-ly adv.
con*vex'ly adv. con*vex'l*ty n. co*ny = coney.
con vey (kdn-vay) v. 1 to carry or trans-
• . COO (koo) v. to make a soft murmuring
port or transmit. 2. to communicate as sound. COO n. a cooing sound.
an idea or meaning. 3. to transfer (owner- COOk (kuuk) v. 1. to prepare (food) for
ship of land etc.). con-vey'a-ble adj. eating, by using heat. 2. to undergo this
conveyance (k6n-vay-ans) n. 1. con- preparation, lunch is cooking. 3. (in-
veying. 2. a means of transporting peo- formal) to alter or falsify in order to pro-
ple, a vehicle. 3. a legal document that duce a desired result, cooked the books.
conveys land etc. COOk n. a person who cooks, especially
con-veyanc-lng (kdn-vay-an-sing) n. as a job. ucook a person's goose,
the practice of law associated with trans- to ruin his chances, cooking apple, an
ferring the ownership of land etc. apple suitable for cooking. COOk up, (in-
con* vey* or (k6n-vay-dr) n. 1. a person formal) to concoct; to invent, cook up
or thing that conveys. 2. (also conveyor an excuse, what's cooking?, (informal)
belt) a continuous moving belt for con- what is happening or being planned?
veying objects in a factory etc. COOk* book (kuuk-buuk) n. a book of red-
189 cooker / copper
pes and directions for cooking. with profits shared among them, coop-
cook*er (kuuk-er) n. a pot for cooking erative ft. 1 a farm or business organ-

food. ized on a cooperative basis. 2. an apart-

cook«er«y (kuuk-e-ree) n. the art and ment house owned jointly by its tenants.
practice of cooking. co*op / er*a*tive*ly adv.
cook'ie (kuuk-ee) n. 1 a small cake made
. CO* opt (koh-opt) v. 1. to appoint to be-
from sweet stiff dough. 2. (slang) a per- come a member of a group by the invita-
son, a smart cookie. cookie cutter, tion of its existing members. 2. to take
a metal or plastic mold used to shape over an idea etc. for one's own. CO*
cookie dough, cookie pusher, (in- op-tlon (koh-op-shdn) n.
formal) a trivial person, the way the CO*or*di*nate (koh-or-dl-nit) adj. equal
cookie crumbles, (informal) how in importance, coordinate n. 1 a coor- .

things turn out. dinate thing. 2. a system of magnitudes

COOk* out (kuuk-owt) n. a party at which used to give the position of a point etc.,
cooking is done outdoors. as latitude and longitude. 3. coordinates,
COOk* ware (kuuk-wair) n. utensils used items of women's clothing that can be
in cooking. worn together harmoniously, coordi-
COOl (kool) adj. 1. moderately cold, not nate (koh-or-dl-nayt) v. (co*or*di*
hot or warm. 2. (of colors) suggesting nat*ed, co*or*di*nat*ing) to bring
coolness. 3. calm and unexcited. 4. not (parts etc.) into a proper relationship,
enthusiastic, got a cool reception. 5. ca- to work or cause to work together effi-
sual and confident, / admired his cool*or*di*na*tion (koh-or-di-
manner. amount, cost me a cool
6. full in nay-shon) n. co*or*di*na*tor (koh-or-
thousand. COOl n. 1 coolness, something
. dl-nay-t6r) n. co*or*di*nate*ly (koh-
cool, the cool of evening. 2. (slang) calm- or-dl-nit-lee) adv.
ness, composure, keep your cool. COOl COOt (koot) ft. 1 a kind of water bird, espe-

v. to make or become cool. COOl'ly cially one with a horny white plate on
(kool-lee) adv. cool'ness n. cooling the forehead. 2. (informal) a stubborn
tower, a tower for cooling hot water or foolish man, an old coot.
in an industrial process so that the water COOt*ie (koo-tee) ft. a body louse.
can be reused. COOl it, (slang) to calm cop (kop) v. (copped, cop* ping) (slang)
down, cool one's heels, to be kept to steal, cop ft. (slang) a policeman.
waiting. Dcop a plea, (slang) to plead guilty
cool* ant (koo-lant) n. a fluid used for to a crime carrying a lesser penalty than
cooling machinery etc. that imposed for the crime of which one
COOl*er (koo-ler) n. a container that cools is accused, cop out, (slang) to fail to
its contents or keeps them cool. do what one promised.
Cool-idge (koo-lij), (John) Cal-vin cop. abbr. copyright.
(1872-1933) the thirtieth president of the cope 1 (kohp) v. (coped, cop-ing) to
U.S. 1923-29. manage successfully. Dcope with, to
COO* lie (koo-lee) n. an unskilled native la- deal successfully with.
borer in the Far East. cope 2 ft. a long loose cloak worn by clergy
COOn* hound (koon-hownd) n. any of sev- in certain ceremonies and processions.
eral differenthounds used in hunting rac- Co* pen* ha* gen (koh-pen-hay-gen) the
coons or other small animals. capital of Denmark.
COOn* skin (koon-skin) n. a raccoon pelt. cop -her (kop-i-er) ft, 1. a copying ma-
coop (koop) n. a cage for poultry, coop chine. 2. a person who copies.
v. to confine or shut in, he is cooped up CO* pi* lot (koh-pi-lSt) ft. a second pilot in
in his room. an aircraft.
CO-op (koh-op) ft. (informal) a coopera- cop'ing (koh-ping) ft. the top row of ma-

tive. sonry (usually sloping) in a wall. cop-

COOp*er (koo-per) n. a person whose job ing saw, a saw used for cutting wood
is making and repairing barrels and tubs. into curves, coping stone, a stone used
coop *er* age (koo-pe-rij) n. a factory in a coping.
where barrels and tubs are made. co • pi -o us (koh-pi-iis) adj. existing in
co*op*er*ate (koh-op-e-rayt) v. (co* large amounts, plentiful. CO'pi*OUS*
op*er*at*ed, co*op*er*at*ing) to ly adv. co'pi-ous-ness n.
work in a helpful way with another or cop-out (kop-owt) «. (slang) a failure to
others. co*op'er*a*tor n. co-op* do what one promised.
er*a*tlon (koh-op-e-ray-shdn) n. cop* per 1 (kop-er) n. 1. a reddish-brown
co*op*er*a*tive (koh-op-e-ra-tiv) adj. 1. metal. 2. a coin made of copper or a
of cooperation. 2. willing to cooperate. copper alloy. 3. a reddish-brown color.
3. owned and run jointly by its members copper adj. 1 . made of copper. 2. red-

copper / core 190

dish brown. copper beech, a beech flirts. co*quet'tlsh adj.
tree with copper-colored leaves. cor. abbr. corner. 2. cornet. 3. coroner.
1 .

2 ru
copper (slang) a policeman. 4. corpus. 5. correct. 6. corrected. 7. cor-
cop* per* head (kop-er-hed) ru a venom- rection. 8. correspondence. 9. corre-
ous snake of eastern U.S., so called from spondent. 10. corresponding.
the reddish-brown color of its head. cor-a*cle (kor-S-kel) ru a small wicker-
cop* per* plate (kop-er-playt) ru neat clear work boat covered with watertight mate-
handwriting. rial.
cop* pice (kop-is) ru a copse. coral (kor-al) ru 1. a hard red, pink, or
COp*ra (koh-pra) ru the dried kernels of white substance built by tiny sea crea-
a coconut, from which coconut oil is ex- tures; coral reef, one formed by coral.
tracted. 2. reddish-pink color, coral adj. reddish
copse (kops) ru a wood of small trees and pink. D
coral snake, a poisonous snake
undergrowth, grown for periodic cutting. of the American tropics.
COp*ter (kop-ter) ru (informal) a helicop- corbel (kor-bSl) ru a stone or timber pro-
ter. jection from a wall, to support some-
cop* u* la(kop-yu-la) ru {pi -las, -lae, pr. thing, cor'beled adj.
-lee)a verb such as be, which links a cord (kord) n. 1 long thin flexible material

subject and predicate. cop*u*la*tlve made from twisted strands, a piece of

(kop-yu-lay-tiv) adj. this. 2. a similar structure in the body,
cop* u* late(kop-yu-layt) v. (cop*u*lat* the spinal cord 3. corduroy material. 4.
ed, cop*u*lat*ing) to unite sexually as a measure of cut wood, especially fire-
in the act of mating. cop*u*la*tion wood, 8 feet by 4 feet by 4 feet, cord
(kop-yu-lay-shdn) ru v. to fasten with a cord.
COp*y (kop-ee) n. {pi Cop*ies) 1 a thing . cord* age (kor-dij) ru cords or ropes.
made to look like another. 2. one speci- Cord*ed (kor-did) adj. (of fabric) with
men of a book or document or newspa- raised ridges.
per. 3. material for printing; the trial cor* dial (kor-jal) ru a liquor sweetened
made good copy, interesting material for with fruit etc. cordial adj. warm and
newspaper reporting, copy v. (cop* friendly, cordial greetings, cor'dial*
led, cop*y*ing) 1. to make a copy of. ly adv. cor*dial*i*ty (kor-jal-i-tee) n.
2. to try to do the same as, to imitate. {pi -ties).
copy desk, a desk at which newspa- Cor*dil*le*ra (kor-dil-yair-S) n. 1. one of
per editors edit news copy and write a series of parallel mountain ridges, espe-
headlines. cially the Anders and in Mexico and in
cop *y book (kop-ee-buuk) ru a book con- Central America. 2. a chain of moun-
taining specimens for students to imitate. tains, especially a principal range, cor*
Cop*y*boy (kop-ee-boi) ru an office boy dll*le'ran adj.
for a newspaper. COrd'ite (kor-dit) n. a smokeless explosive
COp*y*cat (kop-ee-kat) n. {slang) a person made of guncotton, nitroglycerine, and
who slavishly imitates another. mineral jelly.
Cop*y-ed*lt (kop-ee-ed-it) v. to prepare cord * less (kord-lis) adj. (of an electric ap-
manuscripts for printing by correcting pliance) needing no electric cord.
errors, improving style, etc. COp / y ed'i* cor* don (kor-ddn) n. 1. a ring of people
tor ru or military posts etc. enclosing or guard-
cop-yist (kop-ee-ist) ru a person who ing something. 2. an ornamental cord
makes copies of documents etc. or braid worn as a badge of honor, cor-
cop *y read *er (kop-ee-ree-d$r) n. a don v. to enclose with a cordon.
newspaper editor who edits articles be- cor* don bleu (kor-don bluu) of the high-
fore they are printed. est degree of excellence in cookery.
cop*y right (kop-ee-nt) n. the sole legal > French.
right to print, publish, perform, film, or cor* do* van (kor-do-van) n. a kind of fine
record a literary or artistic or musical leather.
work, copyright adj. (of material) pro- cor*du*roy (kor-du-roi) n. 1. cotton cloth
tected by copyright, copyright v. to pro- with velvety ridges. 2. corduroys, trousers
tect (material) by copyright. made of corduroy fabric.
cop *y writ *er (kop-ee-nt-er) n. one who core (kohr) ru 1. the horny central part
writes advertisements. of certain fruits, containing the seeds. 2.
co-quet (koh-ket) v. (co-quet-ted, co- the central or most important part of
quet 'ting) to play the coquette, to flirt something, core v. (cored, coring) to
or dally with. co*quet*ry (koh-ki-tree) remove the core from, cor'er n. Dcore
n. {pi -ries). curriculum, a program of study in
CO*quette (koh-ket) n. a woman who which most or all subjects are treated
191 CORE / corollary

in relation to a central theme, to the sweet syrup made from corn, corn
core, thoroughly, entirely. whiskey, corn liquor, whiskey distilled
CORE (kor) n. Congress Of .Racial Equal- from corn.
ity. corn 2 n. a small area of horny hardened
CO* re* spoil* dent (koh-ri-spon-dent) n. skin on the foot.
the person with whom the person pro- corn* ball (korn-bawl) adj. (slang) corny.
ceeded against in a divorce suit (the re- cornball n. (slang) a corny person.
spondent) is said to have committed com* COb (korn-kob) n. the woody core
adultery. of an ear of corn, corncob pipe, a
cor*gi (kor-gee) n. (pi. -gis) a dog of a tobacco pipe made from a corncob.
small Welsh breed with a foxlike head. corn* crib (korn-krib) n. a building with
CO*ri*an*der (kohr-i-an-der) n. a plant ventilated sides, used for storing ears of
with seeds used for flavoring. corn.
Co*rin*thi*an (kd-rin-thi-an) adj. 1. of COr*ne*a (kor-nee-a) n. the tough trans-
Corinth, a city of ancient Greece. 2. of parent outer covering of the eyeball.
the Corinthian order, the most ornate cor'ne*al adj.
of the five classical orders of architecture. comed (kornd) adj. preserved in brine or
3. Corinthians, either of two books of by a similar process, corned beef.
the New Testament, the epistles of St. Conner (kor-ner) n.the angle or area
Paul to the Church at Corinth. where two lines or sides meet or where
cork (kork) n. 1. a light tough substance, two streets join. 2. a hidden or remote
the thick outer bark of a kind of South place. 3. a virtual monopoly of a certain
European oak (the cork oak). 2. a piece type of goods or services, enabling the
of this used as a float. 3. a bottle stopper holder to control the price, a corner on
made of this or other material, cork v. copper, corner v. 1 to drive into a cor-

to close or stop up with a cork. ner, to force into a position from which
corked (korkt) adj. 1 (of wine) contami-
. there is no escape. 2. to obtain (all or
nated by a decayed cork. 2. (of a bottle) most of something) for oneself, to estab-
unopened. lish a monopoly of, corner copper. 3. to
cork*er (kor-ker) n. (slang) an excellent move around a corner, the car had cor-
person or thing. nered too fast.
cork'ing (kor-king) adj. & adv. (informal) cor *ner* stone (kor-ner-stohn) n. a basis,
excellent. a vital foundation, hard work is the cor-
cork* screw (kork-skroo) n. 1. a tool for nerstone of success.
extracting corks from bottles. 2. a spiral cor* net (kor-net) n. a brass musical instru-
thing. ment like a small trumpet.
cork*y (kork-ee) adj. (cork* her, cork* corn* fed (korn - fed) adj. fed on corn.
i*est) 1. corklike 2. (of wine) tasting com* flakes (korn -flay ks) n. pi. a break-
of the cork, spoiled. fast cereal of toasted flakes of corn.
corm (korm) n. a rounded underground corn* flow *er (korn-flow-er) n. a plant
base of a stem, from the top of which that grows wild in cornfields (especially
buds sprout. a blue-flowered kind), or is cultivated as
cor* mo* rant (kor-md-rant) n. a large a garden plant.
black sea bird. corn* husk (korn-husk) n. the outer cover-
corn 1 (korn) n. 1 . a cereal plant with tall ing of an ear of corn.
stalks bearing kernels on ears. 2. the ear cor* nice (kor-nis) n. an ornamental mold-
of this plant. 3. kernels of this plant. 4. ing around the wall of a room just below
(also peppercorn) a single grain of pep- the ceiling.
per. 5. (informal) something corny, corn com* meal (korn-meel) n. meal made of
v. to preserve beef in brine or by a process ground corn.
that imitates this. (II corn bread, bread corn* stalk (korn-stawk) n. a stalk of corn.
made with cornmeal. corn muffin, a corn* Starch (korn-stahrch) n. corn flour
muffin made with cornmeal. corn oil, used as a thickening agent in gravies etc.
oil pressed from corn kernels, used in cor •nu* co* pi* a (kor-nyu-koh-pi-a) n. a
cooking, cosmetics, etc. com pone, horn of plenty, a horn-shaped container
corn bread made without milk or eggs. overflowing with fruit and flowers.
corn shock, a bundle of cornstalks in corn*y (kor-nee) adj. (com* her, corn*
an upright position, corn silk, the silky i*est) (informal) hackneyed, repeated so
fibers lining the husk of an ear of corn. often that people are tired of it, overly
corn snake, a rat snake of North Amer- sentimental.
ica, corn snow, grain-like snow pro- CO*rol*la (k6-rol-a) n. a ring of petals
duced by periods of thawing and freez- forming the inner envelope of a flower.
ing, corn sugar, dextrose, corn syrup, cor*ol*lar*y (kor-6-ler-ee) n. (pi. -lar*
corona / correspondent 192

ies) a natural consequence or result, Trinity Sunday. t> Latin, = the body of
something that follows logically after Christ.
something else is proved. COr*pus*Cle (kor-pu-sel) n. one of the red
co*ro*na (ko-roh-na) n. a small circle or or white cells in the blood, cor* pus*
glow of light around something. cu*lar (kor-pus-kyu-lar) adj.
cor*o*nar*y (kor-6-ner-ee) adj. of the ar- corr. abbr. 1. corrected. 2. correction. 3.
teriessupplying blood to the heart, coro- correspond. 4. correspondence. 5. cor-
nary n. {pi -naries) 1. a coronary ar- respondent. 6. corresponding.
tery. 2. a heart attack,, coronary cor*ral (ko-ral) n. an enclosure for horses,
thrombosis. coronary thrombosis, cattle, etc. corral v. (cor Tailed, cor*
blockage of a coronary artery by a clot rahllng) to drive animals into a corral.
of blood. cor-rect (k6-rekt) adj. 1. true, accurate.
cor*o*na*tion (kor-o-nay-shdn) n. the 2. proper, in accordance with an ap-
ceremony of crowning a king or queen proved way of behaving or working, cor-
or consort. rect 1. to make correct, to set right

COr*0*ner (kor-d-ner) n. an officer who by altering or adjusting. 2. to mark the

holds an inquest into the cause of a death errors in. 3. to point out faults in (a per-
thought to be from violence or unnatural son), to punish (a person or a fault), cor*
causes. rect'ly adv. correctness n. cor*
cor »0' net (kor-3-net) ru 1. a small crown. rec'tor n. correctable adj.
2. a band of gold, jewels, etc. for the cor*rec*tion (kd-rek-shdn) n. 1. correct-
head. ing, being corrected. 2. an alteration
Corp. abbr. 1. corporal. 2. corporation. made to something that was incorrect.
cor-po-ral (kor-pd-ral) adj. of the body.
cor*rec'tion*al adj. Dcorrectional
corporal punishment, punishment institution, a prison or reformatory.
by whipping or beating. cor*rec*tive (kd-rek-tiv) adj. correcting
corporal 2 n. a noncommissioned officer what is bad or harmful, corrective n.
ranking just below sergeant. something that corrects.
cor -po- fate (kor-pd-rit) adj. 1. shared by cor* re* late (kor-£-layt) v. (cor* re*
members of a group, corporate responsi- lat-ed, cor*re*lat*ing) 1. to compare
united in one group, a corporate
bility. 2. or connect systematically. 2. to have a
body. 3. forming or belonging to a corpo- systematic connection. cor*re*la*tion
ration, corporate officers. (kor-€-lay-shdn) n.
cor*po*ra*tion (kor-pd-ray-shdn) «• 1. a cor rel-a-tlve (kd-rel-S-tiv) adj. 1. analo-
group of people authorized to act as an gous. 2. (in grammar) corresponding
individual, especially in business. 2. a with each other and regularly used to-
group of people elected to govern a mu- gether, as either and or. correlative n.
nicipality. 3. (informal) a protruding ab- a correlative word or thing, correl'a*
domen. tive-ly adv. cor*rel*a*tlvl*ty (kd-rel-
cor*po*re*al (kor-pohr-i-il) adj. 1. bod- S-tiv-i-tee) n.
ily. 2. tangible. cor*po're*al*ly adv. corre-spond (kor-S-spond) v. 1. to be
cor-po-re*al-i*ty (kor-pohr-i-al-i-tee) in harmony or agreement, this corre-
n. sponds with what I've heard. 2. to be simi-
corps (kohr) n. {pi corps, pr. kohrz) 1. lar or equivalent, a parliament that corre-
a military force, an army unit, the Army sponds to our Congress 3. to write letters
Medical Corps 2. a body of people en- to each other, we correspond regularly.
gaged in a special activity, the diplomatic corre-spond'lng-ly adv.
corps t> Note the pronunciation of corps cor*re*spond*ence (kor-e-spon-dens) n.
corpse (korps) n. a dead body. 1 corresponding, harmony. 2. communi-

corps* man (kohr-man) n. {pi -men, pr. cating by writing letters, the letters them-
-men) a member of the medical troops. selves. D correspondence course,
cor *pu* lent (kor-pyu-lent) adj. having a instruction by means of materials sent
bulky body, fat. cor'pu*lence n. by mail, correspondence school,
cor* pus (kor-pus) n. {pi -po-ra, pr. -po- a school conducting correspondence
rt) 1 a body or collection of writings.
. courses.
2. a structure of special character or cor*re*spond*ent (kor-*-spon-dent) n.

function in an animal body. corpus 1 a person who writes letters. 2. a person


delicti (di-lik-ti), the material evidence who is employed to gather news and con-
that a crime has been committed; the tribute reports to a newspaper or to a
body of a murdered person. television or radio station. 3. a business
Cor* pus Chris -tl (kor-pus kris-tee) a or person having regular business rela-
Christian festival in honor of the Euchar- tions with another at a distance, corre-
ist, celebrated on the Thursday after spondent adj. corresponding.
193 corridor / cost
COr*ri*dor (kor-i-dor) n. a narrow pas- COS abbr. cosine.
sage, especially one from which doors C.O.S. abbr. 1 . cash on shipment. 2. Chief
open into rooms or compartments. of Staff.
COr*ri»gen*da (kor-i-jen-da) n. pi. = er- CO*sig*na*to*ry (koh-sig-na-tohr-ee) n.
rata (see erratum). (pi -ries) a person signing jointly with
Cor*ri*gi*ble (kor-i-jT-bel) n. capable of another or others, cosignatory adj.
being corrected. signing jointly with another or others.
cor • rob *o* rate (k6-rob-6-rayt) v. (cor* CO*sign*er (koh-si-ner) n. a cosignatory,
rob*o*rat*ed, cor*rob*o*rat*ing) to especially of a promissory note.
get or give supporting evidence, cor* CO* Sine (koh-sin) n. (in a right-angled tri-
rob*o*ra*tion (ko-rob-6-ray-shdn) n. angle) the ratio of the length of a side
cor • rob • o • ra • ti ve (k6-rob-6-ray-tiv, adjacent to one of the acute angles to
-6-ra-tiv) adj. the length of the hypotenuse.
cor* rode (k6-rohd) v. (cor-rod-ed, cor* cos*met*ic (koz-met-ik) n. a substance
rod*ing) to destroy gradually by chemi- for beautifying the body, especially the
cal action, rust corrodes metal, cor* face, cosmetic adj. for beautifying or
ro*sion (kd-roh-z/tdn) n. cor*ro'sive improving the appearance, cosmetic sur-
adj. gery.
cor tu- gate (kor-u-gayt) v. (cor*ru* cos*me*tol*o*gist (koz-me-tol-6-jist) n.
gat-ed, cor*ru*gat*ing) to wrinkle, to a beautician. COS*me*tol / 0*gy n.
mark with or bend into parallel folds or COS*mic (koz-mik) adj. of the universe.
ridges. cor*ru*ga-tion (kor-u-gay- cos / mi*cal*ly adv. cosmic rays,
sh6n) n. high-energy radiation that reaches Earth
cor*ru*gat*ed (kor-u-gay-tid) adj. from outer space.
shaped into alternate ridges and grooves, cos*mog*o*ny (koz-mog-6-nee) n. (pi.
corrugated iron. -nies) a theory of the creation and evolu-
corTupt (kd-rupt) adj. 1. dishonest, ac- tion of the universe, cos'mog'o-nist
cepting bribes. 2. immoral, wicked. 3. n. COS*mo*gon*iC (koz-m6-gon-ik)
decaying, corrupt v. 1. to cause to be- adj.
come dishonest or immoral, to persuade COS*mol-0*gy (koz-mol-6-jee) n. (pi.
to accept bribes. 2. to spoil, to taint, cor* -gies) the study of philosophy of the uni-
rup'tion n. verse as an ordered whole. COSTnol'O*
cor-rupt-i-ble (ko-rup-ti-bel) adj. able to gist n. cos*mo*log*i*cal (koz-mo-loj-
be corrupted. cor*rupt*i*bil*i*ty (ko- i-kal) adj.
rup-ti-bil-i-tee) n. COS*mo*naut (koz-mo-nawt) n. an astro-

cor* sage (kor-sahzh) n. fresh flowers naut, especially one from the Soviet Un-
worn by a woman on the shoulder or ion.
wrist. COS * mop *0* lis (koz-mop-6-lis) n. a cos-

cor*sair (kor-sair) n. (old use) 1. a Medi- mopolitan city.

terranean pirate, especially of Barbary. cos • mo • pol • • tan (koz-mo-pol-i-tan)

2. a corsair's ship. adj. 1. of or from many parts of the

cor* set (kor-sit) n. a close-fitting under- world, containing people from many
garment worn to shape or support the countries, a cosmopolitan crowd or city.
body. 2. free from national prejudices and at
Cor*tege (kor-tezh) n. a funeral proces- home in all parts of the world, a cosmo-
sion. politan outlook, cosmopolitan n. a cos-
cor-tex (kor-teks) -ti-ces, pr. -ti-
n. (pi. mopolitan person.
seez) 1. the gray matter of the brain. cos* mop *o* lite (koz-mop-6-ht) n. a cos-
2. the outer part of the kidney or suprare- mopolitan.
nal gland. 3. the inner bark of a tree. cos Trios (koz-mos) n. the universe.

COr*ti*SOne (kor-ti-sohn) n. a hormone cosmos 2 n. a garden plant with pink,

produced by the adrenal glands or made white, or purple flowers.
synthetically. CO*spon*SOr (koh-spon-sSr) n. a person
cor-us-cate (kor-u-skayt) v. (cor* who sponsors legislation, an event, etc.
us*cat*ed cor*us*cat*ing) to spar-
with one or more sponsors.
kle. cor*us*ca*tion (kor-u-skay-shon) Cos* sack (kos-ak) n. a member of a peo-
n. ple of south Russia, famous as horsemen.
COnvette (kor-vet) n. a small fast gunboat Cossack adj.
designed for escorting merchant ships. cos* set (cos- set -ed, cos*

CO*ry*za (kS-n-za) n. an inflammation of set-ing) to pamper.

the nasal mucous membrane and sinuses. COSt (kawst) n. 1 an amount given or re-

COS 1 (kos) n. a kind of lettuce with long quired as payment. 2. an expenditure of

leaves. time or labor, a loss suffered in achieving
co-star / counsel 194

something, succeeded at the cost of his thread, cotton v. cotton to (informal)

life. 3. costs, the expenses involved in to like. cotton gin, a machine for sep-
having something settled in a law court. arating cotton from its seeds, cotton up
COSt v. (cost [in definition 3 cost* to, (informal) to make friendly advances
ed], costing) 1. to be obtainable at a to.
certain price. 2. to require a certain effort COt* ton* mouth (kot-dn-mowth) n, (pL
or loss etc. 3. to estimate the cost in- -mouths, pr. -mowf/iz, mowths) a ven-
volved. Dat all costs, no matter what omous snake of southeastern U.S. living
the risk or loss involved may J>e. at COSt, in low-lying swampy areas.
at cost price, cost accountant, one em- COt* ton* seed (kot-6n-seed) n. the seed
ployed to supervise a firm's cost of doing of the cotton plant, oil and cattle fodder.
business, cost effective, producing use- cottonseed oil, oil obtained from
ful results in relation to cost. COSt of cottonseed.
living, the general level of prices. COt* ton* tail (kot-dn-tayl) n, any of several
CO-Star (koh-stahr) ru a stage or film star North American rabbits with a white
performing with another of equal impor- fluffy tail.
tance, co-star (koh-stahr) v. (co-star- COt* ton* wood (kot-dn-wuud) n. any of
red, co-star* ring) to perform or in- various North American species of pop-
clude as a co-star. lar, with seeds surrounded by cotton-like
Cos'ta Rhea (kos-ta ree-ka) a country tufts.
in Central America. Cos'ta Ri / can adj. cot* ton *y (kot-o-nee) adj. like cotton.
& n. cot-yle-don (kot-I-lee-ddn) ru the first
COS'tive (kos-tiv) adj. constipated or caus- leaf growing from a seed.
ing constipation. COUCh (kowch) a sofa or settee. 2.
n. 1.
cost-ly (kawst-lee) adj. (-Ii*er, -li -est) a bedlike structure on which a doctor's
costing much, expensive. COSt'lhness patient can he for examination, couch
n. v. to express in words of a certain kind,

cos* tume (kos-tyoom) n. a style of clothes the request was couched in polite terms.
belonging to a particular place or period cou-gar (koo-gar) ru {pi -gars, -gar) a
or group or suitable for a particular ac- mountain lion.
tivity, peasant costume; a skating cos- cough (kawf) v. to send out air or other

tume; costume plays, in which the actors matter from the lungs with a sudden
wear historical costume. costume sharp sound, cough ru 1 an act or sound .

Jewelry, jewelry made of inexpensive of coughing. 2. an illness causing fre-

materials. quent coughing, cough drop, a loz-
co*sy = cozy. enge taken to relieve coughing, cough
COt n. a lightweight narrow bed of
(kot) Up, (slang) to give (money etc.) with
canvas stretched on a collapsible frame. some reluctance.
cote (koht) a shed, stall, or shelter, espe-
n. could (kuud) auxiliary verb used as the
cially for birds and animals. past tense of can 2 could,
, feel inclined
CO*te*rie (koh-tfc-ree) n. a select group of to,/ could jump for joy. could be,
people. might be; he could have been delayed,
co -ten mi* nous (koh-tur-ml-nus) adj. this is possible.
conterminous. could* n't (kuud-ent) = could not.
CO* til* lion
(kd-til-yon) n, 1. a dance with cou-lee (koo-lee) n. a deep ravine.
an elaborate series of steps and figures. COU'lomb (koo-lom) ru the amount of
2. a coming-out party, a formal ball. electricity carried in one second by a cur-
co*to*ne*as*ter (kd-toh-ni-as-ter) n. a rent of one ampere.
deciduous or evergreen shrub or small coun-cll (kown-sll) n. 1. an assembly of
tree with white or pinkish flowers and people to advise on or discuss or organize
usually red or orange berries. something. 2. an elected body organizing
cot*tage (kot-ij) n. a small simple house municipal affairs. >
Do not confuse
in the country. cottage cheese, soft council with counsel
white cheese made from curds without coun-cll-man (kown-stl-man) n. {pi
pressing,cottage industry, one that -men, pr -men) a member of a town
can be carried on at home, as knitting or city council. coun*cll*wom*an
and some kinds of weaving. (kown-sll- wuum-an) n. {pi -worn* en,
COt*ter (kot-er) pin a split pin that opens pr -wim-in)
wide at one end, used as a fastener. counsel *lor (kown-sl-ldr) n. a member of
COt* ton (kot-on) n. 1. a soft white sub- a council. C> Do not confuse councilor
stance around the seeds of the cotton with counselor
plant. 2. the plant itself. 3. thread made coun-sel (kown-sel) n. 1. advice, sugges-
from this. 4. fabric made from this tions, give counsel 2. {pi counsel) an
195 counselor / counterpart
attorney or group of attorneys giving ad- hinder or defeat by an opposing action.
vice in a legal case, counsel v. (coun* counter n. a parry.
seled, coun -selling) to advise, to give counter- prefix against, opposite, as in
advice to people professionally on social counteract, counterpoint.
problems, u
keep one's own counsel, counter* act (kown-ter-akt) v. to reduce
to keep one's views or plans secret, take or prevent the effects of. coun* ter*
counsel with, to consult. >
Do not action (kown-ter-ak-shon) n. coun*
confuse counsel with council. ter* active (kown-ter-ak-tiv) adj.
COun*se*lor (kown-se-16r) n. an adviser. counter* at -tack (kown-ter-a-tak) n. an
> Do not confuse counselor with counci- attack directed against an enemy who
lor. has already attacked or invaded, coun-
count 1 (kownt) v. 1. to find the total of. terattack (kown-ter-a-tak) v. to make
2. to say or name the numbers in order. a counterattack.
3. to include or be included in a reckon- counter* balance (kown-ter-bal-ans) n.
ing, six of us, counting the dog; this will a weight or influence that balances an-
count against him, will be a disadvantage other, counterbalance (kown-ter-bal-
to his reputation. 4. to be important, to ans) v. (coun* ter* balanced, coun*
be worth reckoning; fine words count for ter*bal*anc*ing) to act as a counter-
nothing, are of no value. 5. to regard balance to.
or consider, / should count it an honor. counter check (kown-ter-chek) n. an
count n. 1. counting, a calculation. 2. obstruction checking movement or oper-
a number reached by counting, a total. ating against another.
3. a pointbeing considered, one of the
counter •Claim (kown-ter-klaym) n. a
charges against an accused person, he
claim made in opposition to another
was found guilty on all counts. count
down, to count numerals backward to coun ter • clock • wise
• (kown-ter-klok-
zero, as in the procedure before launch-
ing a rocket, count In, to include in a
wiz) adj. &
adv. in a curve from right
to left, that is, opposite to the movement
reckoning, count on, to rely on; to ex-
of clock hands.
pect confidently, count one's chick-
coun • ter • cul • ture (kown-ter-kul-chiir)
ens before they are hatched, to as-
n. a mode of life of persons who reject
sume that something will be successful
established social values and practices.
before this is certain, count out, to
count one by one from a stock; to exclude
coun • ter • es • pi • o • nage (kown-ter-es-
pi-6-nahz/i) n. action taken to uncover
from a reckoning; (of a referee) to count
up to ten seconds over (a boxer or wres- and counteract enemy spying.
tler who has been knocked or fallen to
coun* ter •felt (kown-ter-fit) adj. fake.
the canvas), count up, to find the sum
counterfeit n. a fake, counterfeit v.
of. down for the count, defeated in a
to fake. coun'ter*feit*er n.
boxing match by failing to rise within coun* ter* foil(kown-ter-foil) n. sl detacha-
ten seconds after falling to the canvas. ble section of a check or receipt etc. kept
take the count, to be down for the by the sender as a record.
count in boxing. coun •ter • in • sur • gen • cy (kown-ter-in-
sur-jen-see) n. (pi. -Cies) action taken
Count 2 n. a European nobleman corre-
sponding to a British earl. to combat insurgent activity, coun*
count -a -ble (kown-ta-bel) adj. able to be ter 'in* sur 'gent n.

counted. coun • ter • in • tel • II • gence

count* down (kownt-down) a count in
n. tel-i-jens) n. counterespionage.
reverse order in the process of counting. coun* ter* man (kown-ter-man) n. (pi.
COun*te* nance (kown-te-nans) n. 1. the -men, pr. -men) a person who serves
expression of the face. 2. an appearance food to customers at a lunch counter.
of approval, lending countenance to their coun* ter *mand (kown-ter-mand) v. to
plan, countenance v. (coun-te* cancel (a command or order).
nanced, coun-te-nanc-ing) to give coun • ter • mea • sure (kown-ter-mez/i-ur)
! approval to. n. action taken to counteract a threat

counter 1
(kown-ter) ru 1 a table or other
. or danger etc.
flatsurface over which goods, food, etc. coun • ter • of • fen • si ve (kown-ter-6-fen-
are sold or served or business is transac- siv) n. a large-scale counterattack.
ted with customers. 2. a small disk used coun* ter* pane (kown-ter-payn) n. sl
for keeping count in table games. 3. a bedspread.
person or device that counts something. coun* ter* part (kown-ter-pahrt) n. a per-
counter2 adv. in the opposite direction. son or thing corresponding to another
counter adj. opposed, counter v. to in position or use.
counterpoint / course 196

coun- ter -point (kown-ter-point) n. a keeping to main roads or to a direct road.

method of combining melodies. coun* try* man (kun-tri-man) ru (pi
coun-ter- poise (kown-ter-poiz) ru a -men, pr. -men) 1. a man living in the
counterbalance. counterpoise v. country, not in a town. 2. a man of one's
(coun-ter -poised, coun-ter -pois- own country, a compatriot, coun 'try*
ing) to counterbalance. worn* an ru (pi. -worn* en, pr. -wim-in).
coun • ter • pro • due • tive (kown-ter-pro- coun* try *side (kun-tri-sid) ru land out-
duk-tiv) adj. having the opposite of the side a settled area.
desired effect. coun*ty (kown-tee) ru (pi -ties) 1. one
Coun-ter (kown-ter) Reformation the of the main areas into which a state is
reformation in the Roman Catholic divided for purposes of local govern-
Church following on the Protestant ment. 2. the people of a county.
Reformation. county seat, a town in which the
coun • ter • rev • o • lu • tion (kown-ter-rev- business of the county is transacted.
6-loo-shon) n. a revolution undertaken coup (koo) ru (pi coups, pr. kooz) a sud-
to reverse the effects of a previous revolu- den action taken to obtain power or
tion. coun'ter*rev*o*lu'tion*ar*y achieve a desired result.
(pi -ar-ies) adj. & ru coup de grace (koo de grans) (pi coups
coun* ter* sign (kown-ter-sm) n. a pass- de grdce, pr. koo de grans) 1 a finishing.

word, countersign v. to add another stroke. 2. a deathblow administered as

signature to (a document) to give it au- an act of mercy to a dying person.
thority. t> French.
coun • ter • sig • na • ture (kown-ter-sig-na- coup d'etat (koo day-tan) (pi coups
chur) ru a confirming signature added d'etat, pr. koo day-tah) the sudden over-
to a document. throwing of a government by force or
coun* ter *sink (kown-ter-singk) v. by unconstitutional means. French. O
(coun* ter* sank, coun-ter-sunk, coupe (koop) ru a small closed two-door
coun -ter* sink *ing) to enlarge the top automobile.
of (a hole) so that the head of a screw COU • pie (kup-el) ru 1 two people or things

or bolt will lie level with or below the considered together. 2. a man and
- surface, to sink (a screw etc.) in such a woman who are engaged or married. 3.
hole. partners in a dance, couple v. (cou-
coun -ter -spy (kown-ter-spi) n. (pi pled, cou-pling) 1. to fasten or link
-spies) a person who conducts counter- together, to join by coupling. 2. to join
espionage. in marriage. 3. to copulate.
coun* ter* ten* or (kown-tfcr-ten-or) n. 1. cou-plet (kup-lit) ru two successive lines
an adult male singing voice above tenor. of verse that rhyme and have the same
2. a singer with such a voice, a part writ- meter.
ten for it. cou-pling (kup-ling) n. a device for con-
coun* ter* vail (kown-ter-vayl) v. to necting two railroad cars or parts of ma-
counterbalance. chinery.
coun* ter 'weight (kown-ter-wayt) n. a cou-pon (koo-pon) n. 1. a detachable
counterbalancing weight or influence. ticket or part of a document etc. that
coun-tess (kown-tis) n. 1. the wife or entitles the holder to receive something
widow of a count or earl. 2. a woman or that can be used as an application
holding the rank of a count or earl. form. 2. a certificate attached to a bond,
count *less (kownt-lis) adj. too many to showing the interest due. Dclip cou-
be counted. pons, to detach the coupons from bonds
coun -tri- tied (kun-tri-fid) adj. having the and collect the interest; (informal) to live
characteristics of the country or country without having to earn one's livelihood.
life. courtage (kur-ij) n. the ability to control
coun* try (kun-tree) n. (pi. -tries) 1 a na-. fear when facing danger or pain, bravery.
tion, the land it occupies. 2. land consist- nhave the courage of one's convic-
ing of fields and woods with few houses tions, to be brave enough to do what
or other buildings. 3. an area of land one feels to be right.
with certain features, hill country. cou-ra-geous (kd-ray-jus) adj. having or
country and western, country mu- showing courage. cou*ra'geous*ly
sic, country club, a suburban club for adv.
golf, tennis, other sports, social activities, COU*ri*er (kur-i-er) n. a messenger carry-
etc. country music, simple music, orig- ing news or important papers.
inated in the southern U.S., based on folk course (kohrs) n. 1 an onward movement

and cowboy songs, spirituals, and gospel in space or time, in the ordinary course
music, cross country, across fields, not of events. 2. the direction taken or in-
197 court / cover

tended, the course of the river; the ship period during which this takes place.
was off course. 3. a series of things one court* yard (kohrt-yahrd) n. a space en-
can do to achieve something, your best closed by walls or buildings.
course is to start again. 4. a series of talks cous-in (kuz-in) n. a child of one's uncle
or lessons or treatments etc., an English or aunt (also called first cousin); second
composition course; a course of exercises. cousin, a child of one's parent's first
5. an area of land on which golf is played, cousin, cous'in-ly adv.
a stretch of land or water over which a cou-ture (koo-toor) n. the design and
race takes place. 6. a continuous layer making of fashionable clothes.
of brick or stone etc. in a wall. 7. one cou-tu-ri-er (koo-toor-ee-ay) n. a de-
of the parts of a meal, the first course signer or maker of fashionable clothes,
was soup, course v. 1 to hunt (especially
. cou-tu There (koo-toor-ee-er) n. fern.
rabbits) with hounds that follow game co-va-lence (koh-vay-lens) n. 1. a cova-
by sight not by scent. 2. to follow a lent bond, the electrons forming this. 2.
course. 3. to move or flow freely, blood the number of covalent bonds an atom
coursed through his veins. Din course can form, co- va'lent adj. co- va'Ient-
of, in the process of, the bridge is in ly adv.
course of construction, in due course, cove (kohv) n. a small bay.
in the natural order. In the course Of, cov-en (kuy-en) n. an assembly of witches.
during; in the course of time, after some COV*e*nant (kuv-e-nant) n. a formal
time has passed, of course, without a agreement, a contract, covenant v. to
doubt, as was to be expected. undertake by covenant.
Court (kohrt) n. 1 a courtyard. 2. a yard
. COV*er (kuv-er) v. 1. to place (a thing)
surrounded by houses, opening off a over or in front of, to conceal or protect
street. 3. an enclosed area for certain in this way. 2. to spread (a thing) over;
games, as squash, tennis. 4. a sovereign's covered with shame, obviously ashamed.
establishment with attendants, counci- 3. to he or extend over, to occupy the
lors, etc.; the Court of St James\ the surface of, the factory covers a large area.
British sovereign's court. 5. a law court. 4. to travel over (a distance), we covered
court v. 1. to try to win the favor or ten miles a day. 5. to protect by dominat-
support of. 2. to woo. 3. to behave as ing the approach to, to have within range
though trying to provoke something of one's gun(s), to keep a gun aimed at.
harmful, courting danger. Dout of 6. to protect by providing insurance or
court, without a trial, we settled the case a guaranty, covering you against fire or
out of court, pay court to, to pay special theft. 7. to amount to enough money to
attention to a person in order to win that pay for, $44 will cover the fare. 8. to
person's favor or interest. include, to deal with (a subject); a cover-
cour-te-ous (kur-ti-us) adj. polite. ing letter, an explanatory letter sent with
courteously adv. a document or goods. 9. to investigate
cour-te-san (kohr-te-zan) n. (old use) a or report for a newspaper etc., who is
prostitute with wealthy or upper-class covering the conference? cover w, 1. a
clients. thing that covers. 2. the binding of a
courtesy (kur-te-see) n. {pi -sies) book etc., either half of this. 3. a wrapper
courteous behavior. Dby courtesy of, or envelope. 4. a place or area giving
by the permission or favor of. shelter or protection, there was no cover.
court* house (kohrt-hows) n. {pi -hous- 5. a supporting force etc. protecting an-
es, pr. -how-ziz) a building housing other from attack, fighter cover. 6. a
county courts and county administrative screen or pretense, under cover offriend-
offices. ship. cover a lot of ground, (in-
COUr-ti-er (kohr-ti-er) n. (old use) one of formal) to travel far; to deal with a vari-
a sovereign's companions at court. ety of topics, cover charge, an extra
court *ly (kohrt-lee) adj. (-li-er, -li* charge per person in a restaurant or
est) dignified and polite, court'li-ness nightclub, cover crop, a crop grown for
n. the protection or enrichment of the soil.
court-mar -tial (kohrt-mahr-shal) n. {pi covered wagon, a large horse-drawn
courts-mar • tial) 1. a court for trying wagon with an arched canvas top, used
offenses against military law. 2. trial by by American pioneers going west during
such a court, court-martial v. (court- the 19th century, cover girl, a beautiful
martialed, court-mar- tial -ing) to try young woman whose picture appears on
by a court-martial. the cover of a magazine, cover up, to
court* room (kohrt-room) n. a room in conceal (a thing or fact), under sepa-
which law courts meet. rate cover, in a separate envelope or
court* ship (kohrt-ship) n. courting, the package.
coverage / crack 198

coverage (kuv-e-rij) the act or fact

«. 1 . COW poke (kow-pohk) n, (informal) a
of covering. 2. the area or amount cov- cowboy (definition 1).
ered. 3. reporting of a news event. 4. COW* pox (kow-poks) n.a disease of cows
insurance against loss or damage etc. of which the virus is used in vaccination
cover 'all (kuv-er-awl) n. a full-length against smallpox.
protective outer garment. COW* punch *er (kow-pun-cher) n. (in-
cover 'let (kuv-er-lit) n. a bedspread. formal) a cowboy (definition 1).
covert (kuv-ert) n. 1. an area of thick cow* he, cow*ry (kow-ree) n. 1. a small
undergrowth in which /uifmals hide. 2. gastropod of the Indian Ocean. 2. its
a bird's feather covering the base of an- shell, used as money in Africa and South
other, covert (koh-vert) adj. concealed, Asia.
done secretly, covert glances. COV'ert* COW* shed (kow-shed) n, a shed where cat-
ly cov'ert *ness n.
adv. covert tle are kept when not at pasture.
Cloth, a twilled woolen cloth used for COW* slip (kow-slip) n. a wild plant with
suits or coats. small fragrant yellow flowers.
cover-up (kuv-er-up) n, concealment, es- COX (koks) n. (informal) a coxswain. COX
pecially of facts. v. to act as coxswain of.

covet (kuv-it) v. to desire eagerly, espe- COX* comb (koks-kohm) n. a conceited

cially something belonging to another showy person.
person. COX* swain (kok-sin) n, 1. a person who
covet *OUS (kuv-e-tus) adj. coveting, steers a racing shell. 2. a sailor in charge
cov'et'ous-ly adv. cov'et-ous-ness of a ship's boat.
n. COy (koi) n. pretending to be shy or embar-
covey (kuv-ee) n, (pL -eys) a brood or rassed, bashful, coy'ly adv. coy'ness
small flock of partridges or quail.
COW 1 (kow) n. the mature female of cattle COy-Ote (ki-oht, ki-oh-tee) n. a North
or of certain other large animals (as ele- American prairie wolf.
phant, whale, seal). Dcow
pony, a cow- coy pu (koi-poo)
* n. a beaverlike water ani-
boy's horse. mal, originally from South America.
COW v. to subdue by frightening with
COZ*en (kuz-en) v. 1. to cheat, defraud,
threats or force. beguile. 2. to act deceitfully. coz*en*
cow*ard (kow-ard) n. a person who lacks age (kuz-e-mj) n.

courage, cow'ard*ly adj. cow'ard* co*zy (koh-zee) -zi*est) adj. (-zi*er,

lioness n. warm and comfortable, cozy n. {pi
cow-ard'ice (kow-ar-dis) n. lack of cour- -zies) cover placed over a teapot etc.
age. to keep it hot. co / zi*ly adv. cool-
COW *bird (kow-burd) n. any of various ness n.

American blackbirds that lay their eggs cp. abbr. compare.

in other birds' nests. C.P. abbr. 1. Command Post. 2. Commu-
COW *boy (kow-boi) n. 1. a man in charge nist Party.
of grazing cattle in the western U.S. 2. C.P.A. abbr. Certified Public Accountant.
(informal) a person who drives an auto- cpd. abbr. compound.
mobile recklessly. COW'girl n. CPI abbr. consumer price index.
COW* catcher (kow-kach-er) n. a wedge- Cpi. abbr. corporal.
shaped steel frame fixed to the front of CPO, C.P.O. abbr. Chief Petty Officer.
a locomotive, for clearing the tracks. cps abbr. cycles per second.
cow*er (kow-eY) v. to crouch or shrink Cr symbol chromium.
back in fear. CT. abbr. 1. credit. 2. creditor. 3. creek.
COW* hand (kow-hand) n. a cowboy (defi- 4. crown.
nition 1). crab (krab) a ten-footed shellfish. 2.
n. 1 .

cow *hide (kow-hid) n. 1. the skin of a its flesh as food. 3. the Crab, a sign of
cow. 2. a whip made from this. the zodiac, Cancer, crab v. (crabbed,
cowl (kowl) n. 1 a monk's hood or hooded
. crab-bing) (informal) to find fault with,
robe. 2. a hood-shaped covering, as on to grumble. Dcrab apple, a kind of
a chimney. small sour apple.
cowlick (kow-lik) n. a projecting lock of crab *bed (krab-id) adj. 1. bad-tempered.
hair. 2. (of handwriting) difficult to read or
cowl-ing (kow-ling) n. a removable metal decipher.
cover over an engine. crab -by (krab-ee) adj. (-51 •er, -bl-
COW* man (kow-man) (pi -men, pr.n, est) bad tempered.
-men) (slang) the owner of a cattle ranch. crab* grass (krab-gras) n. a coarse creep-
co*work*er (koh-wur-ker) n. a fellow ing grass infesting lawns.
worker. crack (krak) n. 1 a sudden sharp explosive

199 crackbrained / cranky

noise. 2. a sharp blow. 3. (informal) a nique. 3. cunning, deceit. 4. (pi craft)

wisecrack, a joke. 4. a chink. 5. a line a ship or boat or raft, an aircraft or space-
of division where something is broken craft.
but has not come completely apart. crafts* man (krafts-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
crack adj. (informal) first-rate, crack -men) a workman skilled in a craft,
v. 1. to make or cause to make a sudden crafts'man-ship n.

sharp explosive sound; cracked his head craft *y (kraf-tee) adj. (craft *i*er, craft*
against the wall gave his head a sharp i*est) cunning, using underhand meth-
blow. 2. to tell (a joke). 3. to break with ods, craft'i-ly adv. craft'hness n.
a sharp sound. 4. to break into (a safe crag (krag) n, a steep or rugged rock,
etc.). 5. to find the solution to (a code crag'gy adj. (-gl*er, -gi*est) crag'gi-
or problem). 6. to break without coming ness n.

completely apart. 7. (of a voice) to be- cram (kram) v. (crammed, cram Tiling)

come suddenly harsh, especially with 1 to force into too small a space so that

emotion. 8. to collapse under strain, to the container is overfull. 2. to overfill

cease to resist. 9. to break down (heavy in this way. 3. to study intensively at
oils) in order to produce lighter ones. the last minute for an examination.
crack down on, (informal) to take cramp (kramp) n. 1 sudden painful invol-

severe measures against (something ille- untary tightening of a muscle. 2. (also

gal); to enforce (a rule) strictly, crack cramps) a sharp pain in the abdomen.
Of dawn, daybreak, crack up, (in- cramp v. to keep within too narrow
formal) to have a physical or mental limits. cramp a person's style, to
breakdown; to laugh boisterously; to prevent him from acting freely or show-
damage (an automobile etc.); to be in- ing his best abilities.
volved in an accident, get cracking, (in- cramped (krampt) adj. 1. put or kept in
formal) to get busy on work that is wait- too narrow a space, without room to
ing to be done, have a crack at, move. 2. (of handwriting) small and with
(informal) to attempt. letters close together.
crack* brained (krak-braynd) adj. (slang) cranvpon (kram-pon) n. an iron plate
crazy. with spikes, worn on boots for walking
crack* down (krak-down) n. strict en- or climbing on ice.
forcement of rules, laws, etc. cran*ber*ry (kran-ber-ee) n. (pi -ries)
cracked (krakt) adj. (slang) crazy. 1 the small tart red berry of a kind of
Crack *er (krak-er) n. 1. a firecracker. 2. shrub, used for making jelly and sauce.
a small paper toy made so as to explode 2. the shrub itself.
harmlessly when the ends are pulled. 3. crane (krayn) n. 1. a large wading bird
a thin dry unleavened bread in a small with long legs, neck, and bill. 2. an appa-
flat shape. 4. (contemptuous) a poor rural ratus for moving heavy objects, usually
white person, especially in Georgia or by suspending them from a jib by ropes
Florida. or chains, crane v. (craned, cran-
crack -er- jack (krak-er- jak) adj. (in- ing) to stretch (one's neck) in order to
formal) first-rate, crackerjack n. (in- see something. U crane fly, a flying in-
formal) a first-rate person or thing. sect with very long legs.
crack -le (krak-el) v. (crack* led, crack* cra*ni*um (kray-ni-um) n. (pi -ni*
ling) to make or cause to make a series urns, -ni *a, pr. -ni-a) the bones enclosing
of slight cracking sounds, crackle n. the brain, the skull, cra'nhal adj.
these sounds. crank (krangk) n. 1 an L-shaped part for

crack* ling (krak-ling) n. crisp skin on converting to-and-fro motion into circu-
roast pork. lar motion. 2. (informal) an eccentric
crack* pot (krak-pot) n. (slang) a person person. 3. (informal) a grouch, crank
with crazy or impractical ideas. v. to cause to move by means of a crank.

era* die (kray-del) n. 1. a small bed for crank out, (informal) to mass-pro-
a baby, usually on rockers. 2. a place duce, crank up, (informal) to start (a
where something originates, the cradle project etc.).
of civilization. 3. a supporting framework crank* case (krangk-kays) n. the case en-
or structure, cradle v. (era* died, era* closing a crankshaft.
dling) to hold or support as if in a cradle. crank* shaft (krangk-shaft) n. the shaft
Drob the cradle, to date or marry a driven by the crank in an internal com-
person much younger than oneself. bustion engine.
era* die* song (kray-del-sawng) n. a lull- crank *y (krang-kee) adj. (crank*i*
aby. er, crank* i* est) 1. grouchy, ill-tem-
craft (kraft) n. 1. an occupation in which pered. 2. crotchety, eccentric, crank'!*
skill is needed. 2. such a skill or tech- ness n.
cranny / creamy 200
cran-ny (kran-ee) n. (pi -nies) a crevice. ants do, with the body close to the
crap (Wrap) n. a losing throw of the dice ground or other surface. 2. to move on
in craps. hands and knees. 3. to move slowly or
crape (krayp) n. 1 a band of black fabric
. with difficulty. 4. (informal) to seek favor
or paper used as a sign of mourning. 2. by behaving in a servile way, he crawls
crepe. before the boss. 5. to be covered with
crap* pie (krap-ee) n. a small U.S. fish. crawling things, it was crawling with ants.
craps (kraps) n. a gambling game played 6. to feel as if covered with crawling
with a pair of dice; shoofing craps, play- things, crawl n. 1 a crawling movement.

ing this game. 2. a very slow pace, at a crawl 3. a swim-

crap -shoot «er (krap-shoo-ter) n. 1 a per- .
ming stroke with an overarm movement
son who plays craps. 2. (informal) a per- of each arm alternately, crawi'er n.
son who takes risks. crawl space, a shallow cellar.
crash 1 (krash) n. 1 a sudden violent noise
crayfish (kray-fish) n. (pi -fish, -fish-
like that of something breaking by im- es) a freshwater shellfish like a very
pact. 2. a violent collision or fall. 3. fi- small lobster.
nancial collapse, crash v. 1. to make a Cray -on (kray-on) n. a stick of colored
crash, to move or go with a crash. 2. wax or chalk or other material for draw-
to cause (a vehicle or aircraft) to have ing, crayon v. to draw or color with
a collision, to be involved in a crash. 3. crayons.
(informal) to enter without permission, craze (krayz) n. 1 great but often short-

to gatecrash. 4. to collapse financially.

lived enthusiasm for something. 2. the
crash adj. involving intense effort to object of this.
achieve something rapidly, a crash pro-
crazed (krayzd) adj. 1. driven insane,
gram. crash dive, a sudden dive by crazed with grief. 2. (of pottery glaze etc.)
an aircraft or submarine, especially in
showing small cracks.
an emergency, crash helmet, a padded
cra-zy (kray-zee) adj. (-zi-er, -zi-est) 1.
helmet worn to protect the head in case
insane. 2. very foolish, not sensible, this
of a crash, crash landing, an emergency
crazy plan, craz'i-ly adv. craz / i*ness
landing by an aircraft etc.
crash 2 n. a coarse linen or cotton fabric
n. U
crazy quilt, a quilt made from
pieces of fabric of many colors, sizes, and
for towels etc.
shapes, like crazy, (informal) like mad,
crash-dive (krash-div) v. (crash-dived or
very much.
crash-dove, crash-dived, crash-div-
ing) 1 (of a submarine) to dive at a steep
creak (kreek) n. a harsh squeak like that

angle. 2. to cause to make such a dive.

of an unoiled hinge, creak v. to make
crash-land (krash-land) v. 1. to land (an such a sound, creak'y adj. (creak- i-
er, creak -I -est) creak'i-ly adv.
aircraft) in an emergency, especially with
damage to it. 2. to be landed in this way.
cream (kreem) n. 1 the fatty part of milk.

2. its color, yellowish white. 3. a food

crass (kras) adj. 1 . gross, crass stupidity.
2. very stupid, crass'ly adv. crass 7 containing or like cream, ice cream. 4.
ness n.
a soft creamlike substance, especially a
crate (krayt) n. 1. a packing case made
cosmetic. 5. the best part of something,
of wooden slats. 2. (slang) an old aircraft the cream of society, cream adj. cream-
or car. crate v. (crat-ed, crat-ing) to colored, cream v. 1. to remove the
pack into a crate. cream from; creaming off the best parts,
cra-ter (kray-ter) n. a bowl-shaped cavity removing them for some special purpose.
or hollow. 2. to make creamy; cream the butter and

era* ton (kray-ton) n. a relatively rigid and sugar, beat the mixture to a creamy con-
stationary part of Earth's crust. sistency. 3. to apply a cream to. cream
era* vat (kra-vat) n. 1. a short scarf. 2. a cheese, soft rich cheese made from
necktie. whole milk and cream, cream of tartar,
crave (krayv) v. (craved, craving) 1. a compound of potassium used in cook-
to long for, to have a strong desire. 2. ery.
to ask earnestly for, crave mercy or for cream 2 v. (slang) to defeat badly in a con-
mercy. test. D cream Off, (slang) to anger.
cra-ven (kray-ven) adj. cowardly, craven cream -er (kree-m£r) n. 1. a cream
n. a coward. pitcher. 2. a substitute for cream, not |

craving (kray-ving) n. a strong desire, made from milk.

a longing. cream -er-y (kree-md-ree) (pi -er- n.

crawfish (kraw-fish) n. (pi -fish, -fish- les) a place where milk and milk prod-
es) a crayfish. ucts are processed or sold.
crawl (krawl) v. 1 to . move as snakes or cream -y (kree-mee) adj. (cream -I-

201 crease / creepy

er, cream *i*est) 1. rich in cream. 2. power to buy in this way. 6. the amount
like cream. cream'hness n. of money in a person's bank account or
crease (krees) ru 1 . a line caused by crush- entered in a ledger as paid to the holder.
ing or folding or pressing. 2. the marked 7. recognition given to a student on com-
area directly in front of the goal cage pleting a requirement for a degree. 8.
in hockey, crease v. (creased, creas* credits, a list of acknowledgements of
ing) 1. to make a crease or creases in. participants' contributions shown at the
2. to develop creases. end of a film or television program, a
ere* ate (kri-ayt) v. (cre«at*ed, ere* performer's or writer's past achieve-
at* ing) 1. to bring into existence, to ments, credit v. 1 to believe. 2. to at-

originate. 2. to give rise to, to produce tribute; credit Strauss with this waltz, say
by what one does, create a good impres- that he wrote it. 3. to enter as credit in
sion. 3. to portray a dramatic role for a ledger. credit card, a card authoriz-
the first time, Mary Martin created Nellie ing a person to buy on credit, credit
Forbush. line, authority to borrow money, credit
cre*a*tion (kri-ay-shdn) n. 1. the act of union, a cooperative organization that
creating. 2. all created things. 3. the Cre- makes small loans to its members at low
ation, God's act of creating the universe. interest rates.
ere* active (kri-ay-tiv) adj. 1. having the cred-it-a-ble (kred-i-t£-bel) adj. deserv-
power or ability to create things. 2. show- ing praise. cred'it*a*bly adv. >Do not
ing imagination and originality as well confuse creditable with credible.
as routine skill, creative work. cre # a' creditor (kred-i-t6r) n. a person to
tive-ly adv. cre*a*tivi*ty (kree-ay- whom money is owed.
tiv-i-tee) n. ere* do (kree-doh, kray-doh) n. {pi -dos)
ere -a • tor (kri-ay-t6r) n. one who creates 1 a creed, especially the Apostles' Creed

something; the Creator, God. or the Nicene Creed. 2. a musical setting

crea«ture (kree-chiir) n. 1. a living being, for any of these.
especially an animal. 2. a person; a poor cred'U*lous (krej-ii-lus) adj. too ready to
creature, someone who is pitied or de- believe things. cre*du*li*ty (kri-doo-li-
spised. creature comforts, things tee) n.
that make one's life comfortable, such Cree (kree) n. {pi. Crees, Cree) 1 a mem- .

as comfortable surroundings, creature ber of an Indian tribe of central Canada

Of habit, a person who does things from and Montana. 2. the Algonquin language
force of habit. of this tribe.
creche (kresh) n. a model of the manger creed (kreed) n. 1 Creed, a formal sum-

at Bethlehem. mary of Christian beliefs. 2. a set of be-

cre*dence (kree-dens) n. belief. >Do not liefs or principles.
confuse credence with credibility. creek (kreek) n. a small stream, a tributary
cre*den*tial (kri-den-shal) n. 1. anything to a river. Dup
the creek, (slang) in
that constitutes a basis for trust. 2. cre- difficulties.
dentials, letters in introduction, evidence Creek (kreek) a member of an Indian
of qualifications or authority (usually in tribe formerly of Georgia, Alabama, and
written form). Florida, now mainly in Oklahoma.
cre*den*za (kri-den-za) n. a sideboard. creel (kreel) n. a fisherman's wicker basket
cred*i*bil*i*ty (kred-i-bil-i-tee) n. the for carrying fish.
quality of being credible. credibility creep (kreep) v. (crept, creep -ing) 1. to
gap, people's disinclination to trust offi- move with the body close to the ground.
cial statements or the person(s) making 2. to move timidly or slowly or stealthily,
these. >Do not confuse credibility with to come on gradually. 3. (of plants) to
credence. grow along the ground or other surface.
credible (kred-i-bel) adj. able to be be- 4. to feel as if covered with crawling
lieved, convincing, cred'i-bly adv. things; it will make your flesh creep, have
>Do not confuse credible with credita- this effect by eausing fear or dislike.
ble. creep n. 1 creeping. 2. (slang) a person

credit (kred-it) n. belief that something

1 . one dislikes, one who seeks favor by be-
istrue. 2. honor given for some achieve- having in a servile way. Dgive a person
ment or good quality, shared the credit the creeps, (informal) to make his flesh
with his fellow workers. 3. a source of creep, make one's flesh creep, to
honor, a credit to the firm. 4. a system make one's skin seem to move in horror.
of doing business by trusting that a per- creep *er (kree-per) n. 1 . a person or thing
son will pay at a later date for goods that creeps. 2. a creeping plant.
or services supplied to him; buy on credit, creep *y (kree-pee) adj. (creep»her,
with an arrangement to pay later. 5. the creep* i* est) making one's flesh creep,
cremate / Crimean 202
feeling this sensation, creep'hness n. like chalk. 2. Cretaceous, of the latest
ere* mate (kree-mayt) v. (ere* mat* geologic period of the Mesozoic era. Cre-
ed, ere -matting) to burn (a corpse) to taceous ru this period.
ashes. cre*ma»tion (kri-may-shdn) ru Cre-tan (kree-tan) adj. of Crete, an island
cre'ma«to*ri»um (kree-ma-tohr-i-um, in the East Mediterranean.
krem-a-) n. {pi -to Ti* urns, -tO»ri« ere • tin (kree-tin) n. a person suffering
a, pr. -tohr-i-a) a place where corpses from cretinism, ere 'tin* ism (kree-tif-
are cremated. niz-em) n. an abnormality in which a
cre«ma«tOTy (kree-ma-tohr-ee, krem-a-) person is deformed and mentally unde-
adj. of or pertaining to 'cremation, cre- veloped through lack of thyroid hor-
matory n. (pL -lies) a crematorium. mone.
creme de la creme (krem de lah krem) cre-tin-ous (kree-tl-nus) adj. 1. of or in-
the very best, elite. t> French. volving cretinism. 2. (informal) very stu-
creme de menthe (krem de mahnt) a pid.
green hqueur flavored with peppermint. ere «tonne (kri-ton) n. heavy cotton cloth
cren-el-at-ed (kren-e-lay-tid) adj. having with a printed pattern, used in curtains
battlements. crervel*a»tion (kren-e- and upholstery.
lay-shon) ru ere • vasse (kre-vas) n. a deep open crack,
Cre*ole (kree-ohl) ru 1. a descendant of especially in the ice of a glacier.
European settlers in Louisiana or the creV'ice (krev-is) ru a narrow opening or
West Indies or Central or South Amer- crack, especially in a rock or wall.
ica. 2.the dialect spoken by these. crew 1
(kroo) see crow 2 .
cre*o*SOte (kree-o-soht) n. 1. a thick crew 2 n. 1 the people working a ship or

brown oily liquid obtained from coal tar, aircraft. 2. all these except the officers.
used as a preservative for wood. 2. a col- 3. a group of people working together,
orless liquid obtained from wood tar, the camera crew. 4. a gang, crew v.
used as an antiseptic, creosote v. (ere* to act as crew. Dcrew cut, a closely
o-sot-ed, cre-o-sot-ing) to treat cropped haircut for men and boys.
with creosote. crew* el (kroo-el) n. thin worsted yarn for
crepe, cr&pe (krayp, krep) n. 1. fabric tapestry and embroidery.
with a wrinkled surface. 2. rubber with crew el -work (kroo-el-wurk) n, design in
a wrinkled texture, used for shoe soles. worsted on a linen or cotton ground.
Crepe paper, thin crepe-like paper. crib (krib) n. 1 .a wooden framework from
cr§pe Su-zette (krayp soo-zet, krep) which animals can pull out fodder. 2.
{pi cr§pes Su-zettes, pr. krayp soo- a baby's bed. 3. something copied from
zet, krep) a small sweet pancake served another person's work. 4. a literal trans-
flam be. lation (for use by students) of something
crept (krept) see creep. written in a foreign language. Crib ,

cre-pus-cu-lar (kri-pus-kyu-lar) adj. of v. (cribbed, crib'bing) to copy un-

or like twilight. fairly or without acknowledgment, crib'
cres., cresc. abbr. crescendo. ber n.
ere •seen* do (kri-shen-doh) adj. adv. & crib'bage (krib-ij) n. a card game in
gradually becoming louder, crescendo which the score is kept on a board.
n. {pi -dos) a gradual increase in loud- Dcribbage board, a board with pegs
ness. and holes for scoring cribbage.
cres* cent (kres-ent) n. 1 a narrow curved
. Crick (krik) n. a painful stiffness in the neck
shape tapering to a point at each end. or back, crick v. to cause a crick in.
2. something shaped like this. 3. a curved crick -et 1 (krik-it) n. an outdoor summer
street. game played with a ball, bats, and wick-
cress (kres) ru any of various plants with ets, between two sides of eleven players.
pungent leaves, used in salads. not Cricket, (informal) not fair play.
crest (krest) n. 1. a tuft or fleshy out- Cricket 2 n. a brown grasshopper-like insect
growth on a bird's or animal's head. 2. that makes a shrill chirping sound.
a plume on a helmet. 3. the top of a crick «et»er (krik-£-t£r) n. a cricket player.
slope or hill, the white top of a large Cri«er (kn-er) n. 1. one who cries. 2. (old
wave. 4. a design above the shield on a use) a town crier {see town).
coat of arms, or used separately on a Crime (knm) n. 1. a serious offense, one
seal or notepaper etc. crest v. to reach for which there is punishment by law.
the crest, to reach the highest level before 2. such offenses, serious law-breaking,
receding, crest *ed (kres-tid) adj. the detection of crime. 3. (informal) a
crest •fall* en (krest-faw-len) adj. down- shame, a senseless act, it would be a crime
cast, disappointed at failure. to miss such a chance.
cre-ta-ceous (kri-tay-shus) adj. 1. of or Cri«me«an (kn-mee-an) adj. of the Cri-

203 criminal / crook

mea, a peninsula in the south of the fault with something. 2. a person who
USSR. forms and expresses judgments about
crim-i-nal (krim-i-nal) n. a person who books or art or musical works etc.
is guilty of crime, criminal adj. 1. of Crit*i*cal (krit-i-kal) adj. 1. looking for
or involving crime, a criminal offense. faults. 2. expressing criticism, critical re-
2. concerned with crime and its punish- marks. 3. of or at a crisis; the critical
ment, criminal law. crim'i-nal-ly adv. moment, one when there will be a deci-
crlm-i-nal-i-ty (krim-i-nal-i-tee) n. sive change; the patient's condition is
crim-i-nol-o-gist (krim-i-nol-d-jist) n. critical he is dangerously ill. crit'i*
an expert in criminology. cal*ly adv. crit-i-cal-i-ty (krit-i-kal-
crim-i-nol-o-gy (krim-i-nol-6-jee) n. the i-tee) n.
scientific study of crime. crit*i*cism (krit-i-siz-em) n. 1. finding
crimp (krimp) v. 1 . to press into small folds fault, a remark pointing out a fault. 2.
or ridges. 2. to hamper, crimp n. 1. the work of a critic, judgments about
crimping. 2. a thing that has been books or art or music etc., expert criti-
crimped. Dput a crimp into a per- cism.
son's style, (informal) to thwart or in- crit*i*cize (krit-i-siz) v. (crit*l*clzed,
terfere with his actions. crlt-i-ciz-ing) 1. to find fault with. 2.
crinvson (krim-zdn) adj. n. deep red. & to examine critically, to express judg-
cringe (krinj) (cringed, cringing) to
v. ments about.
shrink back in fear, to cower. cri-tique (kri-teek) n. a critical essay or
crin-kle (kring-kel) v. (crin-kled, crin- review, critique v. to discuss critically.
kling) to make or become wrinkled. croak (krohk) n. a deep hoarse cry or
crinkle n. a wrinkle, a crease, crin'kly sound, like that of a frog, croak v. 1
adj. (-kli-er, -kli-est). to utter or speak with a croak. 2. (slang)
crin-o-line (krin-6-lin) n. 1. a stiffened to die.
petticoat formerly worn to make a long cro-chet (kroh-shay) n. a kind of handi-
skirt stand out, a skirt shaped by this. work in which thread is looped into a
2. the fabric of which such a petticoat pattern of connected stitches by means
is made. of a hooked needle, crochet v. (cro-
crip* pie (krip-el) n. a person who is per- cheted, pr. kroh-shayd, cro-chet-
manently lame, cripple v. (crip* pled, ing, pr. kroh-shay-ing) to do this needle-
crip-pling) 1. to make a cripple of. 2. work, to make (an article) by this.
to disable, to weaken or damage seri- crock (krok) n. 1 an earthenware pot or

ously, the business was crippled by lack jar. 2. a broken piece of this.
of money. crocked (krokt) adj. (slang) drunk.
cri-sis (kri-sis) n. {pi -ses, pr. -seez) 1. crock *er*y (krok-e-ree) n. earthenware
a decisive time. 2. a time of acute diffi- household articles, as plates, cups, pots.
culty or danger. energy crisis, a pe- croc-o -dile (krok-d-dil) n. 1 a large trop-

riod of shortage or impending shortage ical reptile with a thick skin, long tail,
of fuel that threatens normal operation and huge jaws. 2. its skin, used to make
of an industrial society. bags, shoes, etc. D
crocodile tears, in-
crisp (krisp) adj. 1 brittle, breaking with
. sincere sorrow. D>So called from the be-
a snap, crisp pastry. 2. slightly stiff, a lief that the crocodile wept while devour-
crisp $20 bill; crisp curls. 3. cold and ing its victim.
bracing, a crisp winter morning. 4. brisk cro-cus (kroh-kus) n. (pi -cus-es) a
and decisive, a crisp manner, crisp v. small plant growing from a conn, with
to make or become crisp, crisp'ly adv. yellow, purple, or white flowers.
crisp'ness n. D
burned to a crisp, Croe-sus (kree-siis) n. a very rich man.
burned until it is crisp, badly burned. >The name of a king of Lydia famous
crisp -y (kris-pee) adj. (crisp • -er, crisp* i for his riches.
i-est) crisp. crois-sant (krwah-sahn) n. a rich cres-
criss-cross (kris-kraws) n. a pattern of cent-shaped bread roll.
crossing lines, crisscross adj. with crone (krohn) n. a withered old woman.
crossing lines, crisscross v. to mark or cro-ny (kroh-nee) n. (pi -nies) a close
form or move in this pattern. friend or companion.
crit. abbr. 1 critic. 2. critical. 3. criticism.
. crook (kruuk) n. 1 a hooked stick or staff,

cri-te-ri-on (kn-teer-i-6n) n. (pi -te- that used by a shepherd. 2. something

ll* a, pr. -teer-i-a, -te*ri*ons) a standard bent or curved, carried it in the crook
of judgment. >
Do not use criteria as a of her arm. 3. (informal) a person who
singular noun. It is correct to write the makes a living dishonestly, crook v.
criteria were demanding. (crooked, pr. kruukt, crook* Ing) to
Crit'ic (krit-ik) n. 1. a person who finds bend into the shape of a crook.
crooked / cross-fertilize 204
crook *ed (kruuk-id) adj. 1. not straight cross a person's path, to come across
or level, having curves or bends or twists. him. cross hairs, fine wires at the focus
2. dishonest, not straightforward. of an optical instrument for use in meas-
crook'ed*ly adv. crook'ed*ness n. urement, cross in the mail, (of letters
croon (kroon) v. to sing softly and gently. between two people) to be in the mails
croon'er n. at the same time, cross off, to cross
crop (krop) n. 1 . a batch of plants grown out. cross one's mind, to come briefly
for their produce. 2. the harvest from into one's mind, cross out, to show that
this. a group or quantity appearing
3. (a thing) is no longer valid by drawing
or produced at one time, this year's crop a line through it. cross section, a rep-
of students. 4. the bag-like part of a bird's resentation of the internal structure of
throat in which food is broken up for something that has been cut crossways;
digestion before passing into the stom- a representative sample, cross swords,
ach. 5. the handle of a whip, one with to have a controversy, cross swords with
a loop instead of a lash. 6. a very short her. cross talk, unwanted transfer of
haircut, crop v. (cropped, crop- ping) signals between radio or telephone etc.
1 .to cut or bite off, sheep crop the grass communication channels, keep one's
closely. 2. to cut (hair) very short. fingers crossed, to hope that nothing
Dcrop up, to occur unexpectedly. unfortunate will happen, crooking one
crop-dust *ing (krop-dus-ting) ru the finger over another to bring good luck.
spraying of growing crops from an air- cross *bar (kraws-bahr) n. a horizontal
plane with insecticide or fungicide, crop bar.
dust*er n. cross *bones (kraws-bohnz) n. a repre-
crop -land (krop-land) n. land on which sentation of two crossed thighbones (see
crops can be grown. skull)
crop* per (krop-er) n. come a cropper, cross *bow (kraws-boh) n. a bow fixed
(informal) to have a heavy fall or a bad across a wooden stock, with a groove
failure. for the arrow and a mechanism for draw-
cro-quet (kroh-kay) n. a game played on ing and releasing the string, cross'
a lawn with wooden balls that are driven bowman n. (pL -men, pr. -men).
through hoops with mallets. cross 'breed (kraws-breed) v. (cross*
cro-quette (kroh-ket) n. a fried ball or bred, cross- breeding) to produce by
roll of potato, meat, or fish, coated with mating an animal with one of a different
crumbs. kind, crossbreed n. an animal pro-
crO'Sier (kroh-z/ter) n. a hooked staff car- duced in this way.
ried by a bishop as a symbol of office. cross-check (kraws-chek) v. to check by
cross (kraws) n, 1 a mark made by draw-
. an alternative method of verification.
ing one line across another. 2. an upright cross-COun*try (kraws-kun-tree) adj. &
post with another piece of wood across adv. across fields, not keeping to main
it, used in ancient times for crucifixion; roads or to a direct road, cross-coun-
the Cross, that on which Christ died. 3. try (kraws-kun-tree) n. a cross-country
a model of this as a Christian emblem, sport, especially running or skiing.
a monument in this form. 4. an affliction, cross* cur -rent (kraws-kur-ent) n. 1. a

an annoying thing one has to bear. 5. current of water running across the main
a cross-shaped emblem or medal, the Dis- current. 2. a trend or current of opinion
tinguished Service Cross. 6. an animal or running against the prevailing one.
plant produced by crossbreeding. 7. a cross* cut (kraws-kut) n. a cut across the
mixture of two different things, cross grain (of wood). C
crosscut saw, a saw
v. 1. to place crosswise; a crossed tele- formaking such cuts.
phone line, an accidental connection. 2. Crosse (kraws) n. a netted racket used in
draw a line across, cross the t's. 3. to lacrosse.
make the sign of the Cross on or over; cross-ex* am *lne (kraws-ig-zam-in) v.
cross oneself, do this as a sign of religious (cross-ex* am *ined, cross-ex* am*
awe or to call upon God for protection. in*lng) to question closely in order to
4. to go or extend across. 5. to frustrate, test answers given to previous ques-
to oppose the wishes or plans of 6. to tions. cross-ex*am*i*na*tion (kraws-
crossbreed (animals), to cross-fertilize ig-zam-i-nay-shdn) n.
(plants), cross passing from side
adj. 1 . cross-eye (kraws- 1) n. an eye that is
to side; cross winds, blowing across one's turned permanently toward the nose.
direction of travel. 2. annoyed, showing cross '-eyed adj.
bad temper. cross' ly adv. cross -ness cross-f er ti • lize
• (kraws-fur-tl-liz

n. Gat cross purposes, misunder- (cross-f er ti • lized, cross-f er • ti • liz

standing or conflicting with each other. ing) 1. to fertilize (a plant or animal)

205 crossfire / crucible
from one of a different kind. 2. to help hard cough and difficulty in breathing,
by an interchange of ideas etc. cross- croup'y adj.
f er • ti • li • za • tlon (kraws-fur-ff-li-zay- crou*pi*er (kroo-pee-ay) ru a person who
shdn) n. rakes in the money at a gambling table
cross* fire (kraws-fir) ru the firing of guns and pays out winnings.
from two or more points so that the lines crou*ton (kroo-ton) ru a small piece of
of fire cross. fried or toasted bread served with soup
cross-grained (kraws-graynd) adj. (of etc.
wood) with the grain in crossing direc- crow 1
(kroh) n. a large black bird.
tions. Das the crow flies, in a straight line.
cross-hatch (kraws-hach) v. to shade with crow's nest, a protected lookout plat-
intersecting sets of parallel lines. form high on the mast of a ship, to eat
cross *ing (kraw-sing) n. 1. a journey crow, (informal) to submit to humilia-
across water, we had a smooth crossing. tion.

2. a place where things cross. 3. a spe- crow2 v. (crowed or [chiefly British]

cially marked place for pedestrians to crew, crowing) 1. (of a rooster) to
cross a road. make a loud shrill cry. 2. to express glee-
ful triumph, crow n. a crowing cry or
cross-leg -ged (kraws-leg-id) adj. sitting
with legs crossed. sound.
cross* patch (kraws-pach) n. a bad-tem- Crow (kroh) n. (pi Crows, Crow) 1 a .

pered person. member of a tribe of Indians in western

cross* piece (kraws-pees) n. a crosswise U.S. 2. their language.
part of a structure etc.
crow* bar (kroh-bahr) n. a steel bar with
a chiseled end, used as a lever.
cross* ply (kraws-ph) adj. (of tires) having
fabric layers with cords lying crosswise.
crowd (krowd) n, a large group of people
gathered together, crowd v. 1 to come .
cross-pol-li-nate (kraws-pol-i-nayt) v.
together in a crowd. 2. to fill or occupy
(cross-pol*li*nat*ed, cross-poMi*
fully or cram with people or things,
nat*ing) to pollinate (a plant) from an-
crowd -ed (krow-did) adj. crowd
other, cross-pol • li • na • tion (kraws-
out, to keep out by crowding.
pol-I-nay-sh6n) n.
Crow* foot (kroh-fuut) n. (pi. -foots) a
cross-pur* pose (kraws-pur-pds) n. a
small wild plant of the buttercup family.
contrary or conflicting purpose.
crown (krown) n. 1. an ornamental head-
cross-ques*tion (kraws-kwes-chdn) v. to
dress worn by a king or queen. 2. the
sovereign, his or her authority, loyalty
cross-ref*er*ence (kraws-ref-e-rgns) ru
to the crown. 3. the Crown, the supreme
a note directing readers to another part
governing power in the United Kingdom.
of a book or index for further informa-
4. a wreath worn on the head, especially
as a symbol of victory. 5. a crown-shaped
cross* roads (kraws-rohdz) n. a place object or ornament. 6. the top part of
where two or more roads intersect. something (as of the head or a hat or a
cross* town (kraws-town) adj. (of a street, tooth), the highest part of something
bus, etc.) going across a city. arched, the crown of the road, crown
cross* walk (kraws-wawk) n. a marked
v. 1. to place a crown on, as a symbol
path for people to use in walking across of royal power or victory; the crowned
a street. heads of Europe, kings and queens. 2.
cross* ways (kraws-wayz) adv. crosswise. to form or cover or ornament the top
cross* Wise (kraws-wiz) adj. &
adv. in the part of. 3. to make a successful conclu-
form of a cross, with one crossing an- sion to, our efforts were crowned with suc-
other. cess; to crown it all, completing one's
cross* word (kraws-wurd) puzzle a good or bad fortune. 4. to put an artificial
puzzle in which intersecting words, indi- top on (a tooth) 5. (slang) to hit on the
cated by clues, have to be inserted into head. D
crown Jewels, a sovereign's
blank squares in a diagram. crown, scepter, orb, etc. used at corona-
crotch (kroch) n. 1 a place where things
. tions, crown prince or princess, the
fork. 2. the part of the body or of a gar- heir to a throne.
ment where the legs fork. crow's-foot (krohz-fuut) n. a wrinkle in
crotch *et*y (kroch-e-tee) adj. peevish. the skin at the side of the eye.
crouch (krowch) v. to lower the body with cru*Cial (kroo-shal) adj. very important,
the limbs bent and close to it, to be in deciding an important issue, at the cru-
this position, crouch ru this position. cial moment, cru'cial*ly adv.
croup (kroop) n. a disease in which in- cru*Ci*ble (kroo-sl-bel) n. a pot in which
flammation of the windpipe causes a metals are melted.
crucifix / cryogenics 206
crunch fix (kroo-si-fiks) n. a model of the the teeth. 2. to walk or move with a
Cross or of Christ on the Cross. sound of crushing, to make such a sound.
crU'ChfiX'ion (kroo-sT-fik-sh6n) n. cruci- crunch n. 1 crunching. 2. a crunching

fying, being crucified; the Crucifixion, noise. 3. a decisive event. energy

that of Christ. crunch, an energy crisis (see crisis),
crunch form (kroo-sl-form) adj. cross- when it comes
to the crunch, (in-
shaped. formal) when there is a showdown.
cru-ci'fy (kroo-sl-ft) v. (cru-ci«fied, cru»sade (kroo-sayd) n, 1. (also Cru-
cru-ci-fy-ing) 1. to put to death by sade) any of the military expeditions
nailing or binding to a cross. 2. to cause made by Europeans in the Middle Ages
extreme mental pain to. to recover the Holy Land from the Mus-
crude (krood) adj. (crud-er, crud* lims. 2. a campaign against something
est) 1. in a natural state, not refined, believed to be bad. crusade v. (cru«
crude oil 2. not well finished or worked sad-ed, crysad-ing) to take part in
out, rough, a crude attempt 3. without a crusade. cru-sad'er n.
good manners, vulgar, crude n. crude crush (krush) v. 1 to press so as to break

oil. crude'ly adv. crude'ness n. or injure or wrinkle, to squeeze tightly.

crud'hty n. D crude Oil, unrefined pe- 2. to pound into small fragments. 3. to
troleum. become crushed. 4. to defeat or subdue
cru«el (kroo-el) adj. (-eher, -el* est) 1. completely, a crushing defeat or reply.
feeling pleasure in another's suffering, 2. crush n. 1 a crowd of people pressed

causing pain or suffering, this cruel war. together. 2. a drink made from crushed
cruel'ly adv. cruel'ty n. (pi -ties). fruit. 3. (informal) an infatuation.
cru*et (kroo-it) n. a small glass bottle for crush «a-ble (krush-a-bel) adj. able to be
holding oil or vinegar for use at the table. crushed easily.
cruise (krooz) v. (cruised, cruis-ing) 1. crust (krust) n. 1. the hard outer layer
to sail about for pleasure or on patrol. of something, especially bread. 2. the
2. (of a vehicle or aircraft) to travel at rocky outer portion of Earth.
a moderate speed that is economical of crus'ta-cean (krus-tay-shan) n. an ani-
fuel. 3. to drive moderate speed,
at mal that has a hard shell (as crab, lobster,
or at random when looking for passen- shrimp).
gers etc. Cruise a cruising voyage.
n. crust -y (kms-tee) adj. (crust* her,
D cruise missile, a low-flying jet-pow- crust *i*est) 1. having a crisp crust. 2.
ered radar-controlled guided missile. having a harsh manner, crustiness
cruise ship, a passenger ship that takes n.
passengers on cruise. crutch (kruch) n. 1 a support for a lame

cruis*er (kroo-zer) n. 1. a fast warship, person, usually fitting under the armpit.
smaller than a battleship. 2. a cabin 2. any support.
cruiser (see cabin). 3. a police patrol car. crux (kruks) n. (pi crux*es) the vital part
cruhler (krul-er) n. a crisp doughnut, of- of a problem.
ten in a twisted shape. cru'Zehro (kroo-zair-oh) n. (pi -ros) the
crumb (krum) n. a small fragment, espe- unit of money in Brazil.
cially of bread or other food. crumb cry (kn) n, (pi cries) 1. a loud wordless
bun, a sweet bread roll topped with sound expressing pain, grief, joy, etc. 2.
crumbs. a shout. 3. the call of a bird or animal.
crum-ble (krum-bel) v. (crum-bled, 4. an appeal, a demand. 5. a battle cry.
crunvbling) to break or fall into small 6. a spell of weeping, have a good cry.
fragments. t>Do not confuse crumble cry v. (cried, crying) 1 to shed tears; .

with crumple. cry ones heart or eyes out, to weep bit-

crum-bly (krum-blee) adj. (-bli-er, -bli» terly. 2. to call out loudly in words. 3.
est) easily crumbled. to appeal, to demand; a crying shame,
crum-my (knun-ee) odj. (crum«mi«er, one demanding attention. 4. (of an ani-
crum*mi*est) (slang) 1. dirty, squalid. mal) to utter its cry. 5. to announce for

2. inferior, worthless. sale by shouting, crying their wares.

crum-pet (krum-pit) n. (British) a soft cry wolf, to raise false alarms, in full
cake of yeast mixture, baked on a griddle cry, in hot pursuit.
and eaten toasted. cry "Da* by (kri-bay-bee) n. (pi -bies) a
crum-ple (krum-pgl) v. (crum-pled, person who weeps easily without good
crunvpling) 1. to crush or become cause.
crushed into creases. 2. to collapse cryo-gen-ic (kn-6-jen-ik) adj. at very
loosely. D> Do not confuse crumple with low temperatures. cryO'gen'l-cal-
crumble. ly adv.
crunch (krunch) v. 1 . to crush noisily with cry-o-gervics (kn-6-jen-iks) n. the
207 cryosurgery / cudgel
branch of physics dealing with very low such as fox, bear, lion; a cub reporter,
temperatures and their effects. an inexperienced reporter. DCub
cry*o*sur*ger*y (kri-oh-sur-je-ree) n. Scout, a member of the junior division
the surgical use of intense cold for an- of the Boy Scouts.
esthesia or therapy. Cu*ba (kyoo-ba) a country in the Carib-
crypt (kript) n. a room below the main bean. Cu'ban adj. &
n. DCuba li-bre
floor of a church, used as a burial place. (lee-bre), a drink combining rum and
cryp*tic (krip-tik) adj. concealing its cola.
meaning in a puzzling way. cryp'ti* cub* by hole (kub-ee-hohl) n. a small
cal-ly adv. compartment.
cryp*to*gam (krip-td-gam) n. a flowerless cube (kyoob) n. 1. a solid body with six
plant such as a fern, moss, or fungus. equal square sides. 2. a block shaped like
cryp*to*gen*ic (krip-td-jen-ik) adj. of this. 3. the product of a number multi-
mysterious origin. plied by itself twice, the cube of 3 is 27
cryp*to*gram (krip-t6-gram) n. some- (3X3X3 = 27). cube v. (cubed, cub-
thing written in code. ing) 1. to cut (food) into small cubes.
cryp*tog*ra*phy (krip-tog-ra-fee) n. the 2. to find the cube of (a number). 3. to
art of writing in or solving codes, cryp* make (meat) tender by scoring. Dcube
tog'ra*pher n.
root, see root (definition 7). cube
cryst. abbr. 1 crystalline. 2. crystallized.
Steak, a thin slice of cubed beef.
3. crystallography.
CU*biC (kyoo-bik) adj. of three dimensions;
crys*tal (kris-tal) n. 1 a clear transparent
one cubic centimeter, the volume of a
colorless mineral. 2. a piece of this. 3. "
cube with sides one centimeter long (used
very clear glass of high quality. 4. one
as a unit of measurement for volume).
of the pieces into which certain sub-
cu-bi-cal (kyoo-bi-kal) adj. cube-shaped.
stances solidify, crystals of ice. crystal
CU*bi*Cle (kyoo-bi-kel) n. a small division
ball, a globe of glass used in crystal gaz-
of a large room, an enclosed space
ing, crystal clear, obvious, crystal
screened for jSrivacy.
gazing, looking into a crystal ball in an
cub* ism (kyoo-biz-em) n. a style of paint-
attempt to see future events pictured
ing in which objects are represented as
cubes and other geometrical shapes.
crystal -line (kris-ta-lin) adj. 1. like or
containing crystals. 2. transparent, very
CUb* 1st (kyoo-bist) adj. & n.
cu-bit (ky oo-bit) n. an ancient measure
of length, approximately equal to the
crys-tal-lize (kris-ta-hz) v. (crystal*
length of the forearm.
lized, crys-tal -liz-ing) 1 to form crys- .

tals. 2. (of ideas or plans) to become clear

CUCk*old (kuk-old) n. a man whose wife
and definite in form. crys*tal*li*za* has committed adultery during their
tlon (kris-ta-li-zay-shdn) n. marriage. cuckold v. to make a cuckold
crys • tal • log • ra • phy (kris-ta-log-ra-fee) of (a married man).
n. the scientific study of the structure,
CUCk*00 (koo-koo) n. (pi. -OOS) a grayish-
classification, and properties of crystals. brown bird with a call that is like its
crys • tal* log 'ra*pher n. crys* tal *lo* name, cuckoo adj. (slang) crazy, fool-
graph -ic (kris-ta-15-graf-ik) adj. ish, silly. cuckoo clock, a clock that
Cs symbol cesium. strikes the hours with a sound like a
C/S abbr. cycles per second. cuckoo's call.
C.S. abbr. 1 . Chief of Staff. 2. Christian cu*cum*ber (kyoo-kum-ber) n. 1. a long
Science. 3. Christian Scientist. 4. Civil green-skinned fleshy fruit eaten as salad
Service. 5. Confederate States. or pickled. 2. the plant producing this.
C.S.A. abbr. Confederate States of Amer- cud (kud) n. the food that cattle etc. bring
ica. back from the stomach into the mouth
C.S.T. abbr. Central Standard Time. and chew again, chewing the cud.
CT abbr. Connecticut. cud* die (kud-el) v. (cud -died, cud-
Ct. abbr. 1. carat. 2. cent. 3. certificate. dling) 1. to hold closely and lovingly
4. county. 5. court. in one's arms. 2. to nestle, cuddle n.

CT. abbr. Central Time. an affectionate hug.

Ctf . abbr. certificate. cud* die* some (kud-el-sdm) adj. cuddly.
Ctn. abbr. carton. cud-dly (kud-lee) adj. (-dlher, -dll*
Ctr. abbr. center. est) pleasant to cuddle.
Cts. abbr. 1. centimes. 2. cents. cudg-el (kuj-el) n. a short thick stick used
Cu symbol copper. as a weapon, cudgel v. (-eled, -el*
CU. abbr. 1. cubic. 2. cumulus. ing) to beat with a cudgel. cudgel
cub (kub) n. the young of certain animals, one's brains, to think hard, to try to
cue / cup 208
remember, take up the cudgels for, cul-tur-al (kul-chu-ral) adj. of culture.
to defend vigorously. cul'tur*al*ly adv.
cue 1 (kyoo) something said or done that
n. cul-ture (kul-chur) n. 1. the appreciation
serves as a signal for something else to and understanding of literature, arts,
be done, as for an actor to speak in a music, etc. 2. the customs and civiliza-
play, cue v. (cued, eying) to give a tion of a particular people or group, West
cue to. Indian culture. 3. improvement by care
cue 2 n. a long rod for striking the ball and training, physical culture. 4. the cul-
(cue ball) in billiards and similar games. tivating of plants, the rearing of bees,
cuff 1 (kuf) ru 1 a doubled strip of cloth
. silkworms, etc. 5. a quantity of bacteria
forming a band around the end part of grown for study, culture v. (cul-tured,
a sleeve, or a separate band worn simi- cul -tuning) to grow (bacteria) for
larly. 2. the part of a glove covering the study. culture shock, the confusion
wrist. Dcuff link, one of a pair of fasten- experienced when introduced to a culture
ers for shirt cuffs, used instead of buttons. strikingly different from one's own.
Off the cuff, without rehearsal or prepa- cul-tured (kul-churd) adj. educated to ap-
ration, off-the-cuff adj. produced in preciate literature, arts, music, etc.
this way. on the cuff, (slang) on credit, cultured pearl, a pearl formed by an
to be paid for later. oyster when a foreign body is inserted
cuff2 v. to strike with the open hand, cuff artificially into its shell.
n. a cuffing blow. cul* vert (kul- vert) n. a drain that crosses
CU*i bo* no? (kwee boh-noh) who gains under a road or railroad etc.
by this? D>Do not use this Latin phrase cum (kum) prep. with. Dcum dividend,
to mean "what the use?" is including a dividend that is about to be
cui-sine (kwi-zeen) ru a style of cooking. paid.
cuke (kyook) ru (informal) a cucumber. Cum. abbr. cumulative.
cul-de-sac (kul-de-sak) n. (pi. culs-, pr. cum -ber- some (kum-ber-som) adj.
kul-) a street with an opening at one end clumsy to carry or wear or manage.
only, a blind alley. cum div. abbr. cum dividend.
cu-li-nar-y (kyoo-ll-ner-ee) adj. of a cum* in (kum-in) n. a plant with fragrant
kitchen or cooking, the culinary art seeds that are used for flavoring.
Cull (kull) v. 1 to pick (flowers). 2. to se-
. cum lau-de (kum low-dee) with academic
lect. 3. to pick out and kill (surplus ani- distinction. t> Latin.
mals from a flock), cull n. 1. culling. cum -mer- bund (kum-er-bund) n. a sash
2. a thing culled as surplus. worn around' the waist, especially in
cul-mi-nate (kul-mi-nayt) v. (cul-mi- men's formal dress.
nat-ed, cul-mi-nat-ing) to reach its cu-mu-la-tive (kyoo-myu-ia-tiv) adj. in-
highest point or degree, the argument creasing in amount by one addition alter
culminated a fight.
in cul-mi-na-tion another. cu'mu*la*tive*ly adv.
(kul-mi-nay-shon) n. cu-mu-lo-nim-bus (kyoo-myu-loh-nim-
cu-lottes (koo-lots) n. pi women's trou- biis) n. a type of gray dense column-
sers styled to look like a skirt. shaped cloud with spreading top.
cul-pa-ble (kul-pa-bel) adj. deserving CU*mu*lus (kyoo-myu-lus) n. (pi -lus) a
blame. cul'pa-bly adv. cul-pa-bil- type of cloud formed in rounded masses
i*ty (kul-pa-bil-i-tee) n. heaped on each other.
cul-prit (kul-prit) n. a person who has cu-ne-i-form (kyoo-nee-I-form) adj.
committed a crime or offense. wedge-shaped, cuneiform ft wedge-
cult (kult) n, 1 a system of religious wor-
. shaped writing found in ancient inscrip-
ship. 2. devotion to or admiration of a tions of Assyria, Persia, etc.
person or thing; the Elvis Presley cult, cun • ner (kun-er) n. a small food fish found
his devoted group of admirers, cult '1st n. off the New England coast.
cul-tl-vate (kul-ti-vayt) v. (cul-ti-vat- cun-ning (kun-ing) 1. skilled at de-
ed, cul-ti-vat-ing) 1. to prepare and ceiving people, crafty. 2. ingenious, a
use (land) for crops. 2. to produce (crops) cunning device. 3. attractive, quaint.
by tending them. 3. to spend time and cunning n. craftiness, cun'ning-ly adv.
care in developing (a thing); cultivate a cup (kup) n. 1 a small open container for

person, try to win his good will, CUl* drinking from, usually bowl-shaped and
ti-va-ble (kul-ti-va-bel) adj. cul-ti* with a handle, used with a saucer. 2.
va-tion (kul-ti-vay-shdn) n, its contents, the amount it contains (used
cul-ti -vat -or (kul-ti-vay-t6r) n. 1. an im- as a measure in cookery). 3. something
plement or machine for breaking up soil shaped like a cup. 4. an ornamental gob-
for planting or for uprooting weeds. 2. let-shaped vessel awarded as a prize, cup
one who cultivates. v. (cupped, cup* ping) 1. to form into
209 cupbearer / currency
a cuplike shape, cupped his hands. 2. to store to health. 2. to get rid of (a disease
hold as if in a cup, with her chin cupped or troublesome condition). 3. to preserve
in her hands, cup'ful n. (pi -fuls) (meat, fruit, tobacco, or skins) by salting,
not my cup Of tea, (informal) not drying, etc. 4. to vulcanize (rubber).
what I like, not what interests me. cure n. 1. curing, being cured, cannot
ONote the plural of cupful. guarantee a cure. 2. a substance or treat-
cup* bear *er (kup-bair-er) n. one who ment that cures a disease, a remedy.
serves wine, especially an attendant in CU*re (kyuu-ray) n. a parish priest in
a noble or royal household. France and French-speaking areas.
cup* board (kub-ard) n. a recess or piece cure-all (kyoor-awl) n. a remedy for all
of furniture with a door, in which things kinds of diseases or troubles, a panacea.
may be stored. cu*ret*tage (kyoor-e-tahz/i) n. scraping
cup* cake (kup-kayk) n. a small, usually surgically to remove tissue or growths.
iced, cake baked in a cuplike pan. cu*rette, cu*ret (kyuu-ret) n. a surgeon's
CU'pid (kyoo-pid) the Roman god of love. small scraping instrument, curette,
Cupid n. a picture or statue of a beautiful curet v. (cu* ret* ted, cu* ret* ting) to
boy with wings and a bow and arrows. scrape with a curette.
CU*pid*i*ty (kyoo-pid-i-tee) n. greed for cur* few (kur-fyoo) n. a signal or time after
gain. which people must remain indoors until
cu*po*la (kyoo-pd-la) n. a small dome on the next day.
a roof. Cu*ri*a (kyoor-i-a) n. the government de-
CU*prite (kyoo-pnt) n. red ore of copper. partments of the Vatican.
CU* pro* nick* el (kyoo-pro-nik-el) n. an al- CU*rie (kyoor-ee) n. a unit of radioactivity,
loy of copper and nickel containing up corresponding to 37 billion disintegra-
to forty percent nickel. tions per second.
cur (kur) n. 1 a bad-tempered or worthless
. CU*ri*o (kyoor-i-oh) n. (pi. -ri*os) an ob-
dog. 2. a contemptible person. ject that is interesting because it is rare
Cur. abbr. 1. currency. 2. current. or unusual.
cur*a*ble (kyoor-a-bel) adj. able to be cu*ri*os*i*ty (kyoor-i-os-i-tee) n. (pi
cured. -ties) 1 a desire to find out and know

CU*ra*cao (kyoor-a-soh) n. a liqueur fla- things. 2. something that is of interest

vored with peel of bitter oranges. because it is rare or unusual.
cu*ra*cy (kyoor-a-see) n. {pi. -cies) the CU*ri*OUS (kyoor-i-us) adj. 1. eager to
position of a curate. learn or know something. 2. strange, un-
CU*ra*re (kyuu-rahr-ee) n. a bitter extract usual. cu'ri*ous*ly adv.
of various South American plants, used CU*ri*um (kyoor-i-um) n. an artificially
by South American Indians as a poison made radioactive metallic element.
on arrows. curl (kurl) v. 1 to bend, to coil into a spiral.

CU • rate (kyoor-it) n. a clergyman who as- 2. to move in a spiral form, smoke curled
sists a vicar or rector. upward, curl n. 1 something curved in-

cur*a*tive (kyoor-a-tiv) adj. helping to ward or coiled. 2. a coiled lock of hair.

cure illness, curative n. a substance that 3. a curling movement. Dcurl up, (in-
cures illness. formal) to lie or sit with the knees drawn
CU*ra*tor (kyuu-ray-tor) n. a. person in up comfortably.
charge of a museum or other collection. curher (kur-ler) n. a device for curling
curb (kurb) n. 1 something that restrains,
. the hair.
put a curb on spending. 2. a raised edge Cur* lew (kur-loo) n. a wading bird with
of a paved street or other surface, curb a long slender curved bill.
v. to restrain. Dcurb service, service curl*i*cue (kur-ti-ky 00 ) n. a decorative
(by a bank, restaurant, etc.) provided to curl or twist.
people in parked automobiles. curling (kur-ling) n. a game played with
curbing (kur-bing) n. 1. the material out large flat round stones that are sent along
of which a curb (definition 2) is formed. ice toward a mark.
2. a curb. curl*y (kur-lee) adj. (curl*i*er, curl*i*
curb* stone (kurb-stohn) n. a stone or est) curling, full of curls.
group of stones used as curbing. cur*mudg*eon (kiir-muj-on) n. a bad-
curd (kurd) n. (often curds) the thick soft tempered person.
substance formed when milk turns sour. cur* rant (kur-ant) n. 1. the dried fruit of
cur* die (kur-del) v. (cur* died, cur* a small seedless grape, used in cookery.
dling) to form or cause to form curds. 2. a small round red, white, or black
curdle one's blood, to fill one with berry, the shrub that produces it.
horror. [>Do not confuse currant with current.
cure (kyoor) v. (cured, cur*ing) 1. to re- cur*ren*cy (kur-en-see) n. (pi. -cies) 1.

current / customer 210

money in actual use in a country. 2. the ing), curtsey (curt-seyed, curt-sey
state of being in common
or general use; ing) to make a curtsy.

the rumor gained currency, became gen- Cur*va*ceous (kur-vay-shus) adj. (in-
erally known and believed. formal) having a shapely figure.
cur* rent (kur-ent) adj. 1 belonging to the. cur*va*ture (kur-va-chur) curving, a
present time, happening now, current curved form, curvature of the spine.
events. 2. in general circulation or use, curve (kurv) n. 1 a line of which no part

some words are no longer current, cur- is straight. 2. a smooth continuous sur-

rent n. 1. water or air etc. moving in face of which no part is flat. 3. a curved
a certain direction, a running stream. 2. form or thing, curve v. (curved, curv*
the flow of electricity through something ing) to bend or shape so as to form a
or along a wire or cable, cur'rent*ly curve.
adv. >Do not confuse current with cur- CUSh'ion (kuush-dn) n. 1. a bag of cloth
rant or other fabric filled with soft material,
cur-ricu'lum (ku-rik-yu-lum) n. (pi -la, used to make a seat etc. more comforta-
pr. -la)a course of study. ble. 2. a soft pad or other means of sup-

cunry (kur-ee) n. {pi -ries) 1. seasoning

1 port or of protection against jarring. 3.
made with hot-tasting spices. 2. a dish the elastic border around a billiard table,
flavored with this, curry v. (cur -lied, from which the balls rebound, cushion
v. 1 to furnish with a cushion or cush-
cur *rying) to flavor with curry. .

ions. 2. to lessen the impact of (a blow,

curry powder, a hot-tasting blend of
or shock). 3. to protect from the effects
powdered cumin, coriander, turmeric,
of something harmful.
and other spices.
curry 2 v. (cur* ried, cur Tying) to groom
cush • y (kuush-ee) adj. (cush • i • er, cush •
i*est) (informal) pleasant and easy, a
(a horse) with a currycomb, a pad with
cushy job.
rubber or plastic projections. Dcurry
cusp (kusp) n. a pointed end where two
favor, to win favor by flattery.
curves meet, as the horn of a crescent
curse (kurs) n. 1. a call for evil to come
upon a person or thing. 2. the evil pro-
cus*pid (kus-pid) n. a tooth narrowing to
duced by this. 3. a violent exclamation
a single point.
of anger. 4. something that causes evil
CUS*pi*dor (kus-pi-dor) n. a spittoon.
or harm, curse v. (cursed, curs- ing)
CUSS (kus) v. (informal) to curse. CUSS n.
1 to utter a curse against. 2. to exclaim
(informal) 1. a curse. 2. a person, an

violently in anger. LJbe cursed with,

awkward cuss*
to have as a burden or source of harm.
cuss-ed (kus-id) adj. (informal) 1 cursed. .

curs*ed (kur-sid) adj. damnable. 2. awkward and stubborn. CUSS'ed*

cur-sive (kur-siv) adj. of a style of writing ness n.
with joined characters and rounded an- cus-tard (kus-tard) a dish or sauce
n. 1.
made with beaten eggs and milk. 2. a
Cur*so*ry (kur-sd-ree) adj. hasty and not similar food frozen, frozen custard.
thorough, a cursory inspection. Cur'SO* CUS*tO*di*al (kus-toh-di-al) adj. of or in-
ri'ly adv. cur'so*ri*ness n. volving custody.
curt (kurt) adj. noticeably or rudely brief. CUS*tO*di*an (kus-toh-di-an) n. 1. a
curt'ly adv. curt / ness n. guardian or keeper, especially of a public
cur* tail (kiir-tayl) v. to cut short, to re- building or a trust fund. 2. a janitor.
duce. cur*tail'ment n. cus-to-dy (kus- to-dee) n. (pi -dies) 1.
cur* tain (kur-tin) a piece of cloth
n. 1. the right or duty of taking care of some-
or other material hung up as a screen, thing, guardianship; in safe custody,
especially at a window or between the safely guarded. 2. imprisonment. Dtake
stage and auditorium of a theater. 2. the into custody, to arrest
fall of a stage curtain at the end of an cus-tom (kus-t6m) n. 1. a usual way of
act or scene. 3. a curtain call. 4. curtains, behaving or of doing something. 2. the
(slang) the end. curtain v. to provide regular patronage of a merchant or a
or shut off with a curtain or curtains. business by customers.
curtain call, applause calling for an CUS*tom*ar«y (kus-td-mer-ee) <*4J- ac- m
actor etc. to take a bow after the curtain cordance with custom, usual, cus'tom
has been lowered. ar*i*ly adv.
curt-sy (pi. -sies), curt*sey (pi. -seys) cus- torn-built (kus-tdm-bilt) adj. custom-
(kurt-see) n. a movement of respect made made.
by women and bending the knees
girls, cus- torn *er (kus-td-mer) n. 1. a person
and lowering the body with one foot for- who buys goods or services from a
ward, curtsy (curt* sled, curt-sy shop or business. 2. a person one
211 customhouse / cutting

has to deal with, an ugly customer. (slang) to have no influence or effect, cut
cus* torn* house (kus-tdm-hows) n. (also Off, to prevent from continuing; to keep
customshouse) a building for Customs from contact; cut off without a penny,
officials, to deprive (a person) of further financial
cus 'torn-made (kus-tdm-mayd) adj. support, cut one's losses, to abandon
made according to a customer's order. a scheme that causes loss, before one
CUS* tome (kus-tdmz) n. 1. duty charged loses too much, cut out, to shape by
on goods imported from other countries. cutting; to outdo (a rival); to deprive of
2. Customs, the government department an inheritance or portion; to cease or
dealing with such duties and the ships cause to cease functioning, the engine cut
and vehicles that carry the goods. 3. the out. cut out for, having the qualities
area at a port or airport where Customs and abilities needed for. cut the ground
officials examine goods and baggage from under someone's feet, to antici-
brought into a country. customs un- pate his arguments or plans and leave
ion, a group of countries that have ar- him with no foundation for these, cut
ranged to charge the same amount of up, to cut into pieces; be very cut up,
duty on imported goods. to be greatly distressed; (slang) to criti-
cut (kut) v. (cut, cut* ting) 1. to divide cize severely, to reprimand, the foreman
or wound or detach with an edged instru- really cut me up; to behave comically.
ment; the knife won't cut, is blunt. 2. CU*ta*ne*OUS (kyoo-tay-ni-us) adj. of the
to shape or make or shorten in this way. skin.
3. to be able to be cut, cotton fabric cuts cut *a* way (kut-&-way) having a por-
easily. 4. to have (a tooth) appear tion cut away, cutaway
1. a man's n.
through the gum, she is cutting her first formal coat, with sides tapering toward
tooth. 5. to cross, to intersect; you can the back. 2. (in television and motion
cut across the field, go across it as a pictures) a change from one scene to an-
shorter way. 6. to reduce by removing other.
part, cut taxes; two scenes were cut by cut* back (kut-back) n. a reduction in a
the producer. 7. to switch off (electric rate or amount.
power, an engine, etc.). 8. to lift part CUte (kyoot) adj. (CUt*er, cut* est) (in-
of a pack of playing cards. 9. to hit a formal) 1 sharp, clever, shrewd. 2. artifi-

ball with a chopping movement in hand- cial, straining to impress. 3. attractive,

ball etc. 10. to stay away deliberately pretty, cute'ly adv. cute'ness n.
from, cut the class. 1 1 to ignore (a per-
. CUt*l*Cle (kyoo-ti-kel) n. skin at the base
son) deliberately. 12. to dilute (whiskey of a fingernail or toenail.
for drinking), cut n. 1 the act of cutting,
. cut* lass (kut-las) n. a short sword with
a division or wound made by this. 2. a a slightly curved blade.
stroke with a sword or whip or cane. CUt*ler (kut-ler) n. one who makes or deals
3. a stroke made by cutting a ball in in cutlery.
sports. 4. a piece of meat cut from the CUt*ler*y (kut-le-ree) n. knives, forks, and
carcass of an animal. 5. the way a thing spoons used in eating or serving food.
is cut, the style in which clothes are made cut* let (kut-lit) n. 1. a slice of veal etc.
by cutting. 6. a cutting remark. 7. a re- from the ribs or legs of the animal for
duction, a tax cut. 8. the cutting out of breading and frying. 2. ground meat
part of a play or film etc. 9. (slang) a cooked in the shape of a cutlet.
share of profits, commission, loot, etc. cut* Off (kut-awf) n. 1. a device or mech-
Da cut above, noticeably superior to. anism that stops something. 2. a road
cut a dashing figure, to make a bril- used as a shortcut or bypass. 3. (in-
liant show in appearance and behavior. formal) a termination point, the cutoff
cut and dried, planned or prepared in is May 15. 4. a shorter channel made

advance, cut back, to reduce; to prune. when a stream cuts across a bend.
cut both ways, to result in simultane- cut-rate (kut-rayt) adj. offered for sale at
ous advantages and disadvantages, cut a reduced price.
corners, to eliminate all but the essen- cut'ter (kut-er) n. 1. a person or thing
tials, the planning committee was forced that cuts. 2. a kind of small boat with
to cut corners, cut down, to reduce, cut one mast.
in, to interrupt; to return too soon to CUt* throat (kut-throht) n. a person who
one's own side of the road, obstructing cuts throats, a murderer, cutthroat adj.
the path of an overtaken vehicle; to give intense and merciless, cutthroat compe-
a share of the profits to; (informal) to tition. cutthroat trout, a North
interrupt a dancing couple and take one American trout with a reddish mark on
of them as one's own partner, cut It out, both sides of the throat.
(slang) stop doing that, cut no ice, CUt* ting (kut-ing) v. see cut. cutting adj.
cuttlefish / Czechoslovakia 212
(of words) hurtful, cutting remarks, cut- making them move spirally in a magnetic
ting n. 1 the act of cutting. 2. a piece
. field.
cut from a plant for replanting to form cyg*net (sig-nit) n, a young swan.
a new plant. cyl. abbr. cylinder.
cut-tie-fish (kut-el-fish) ru {pi -fish* cyl-in-der (sil-in-der) n. 1. a solid or hol-
es, -fish) a sea creature that sends out low object with straight sides and circu-
a black liquid when attacked. lar ends. 2. a machine part shaped like
cut* up (kut-up) n. (informal) a person this, the chamber in which a piston
who behaves comically moves in an engine. cylln*dri*cal (si-
CW abbr. clockwise. lin-dri-kal) adj.
CWO abbr. chief warrant officer. cynvbal (sim-bkl) a percussion instru-
C.W.O. abbr. cash with order. ment consisting of a brass plate struck
CWt abbr. hundredweight. with another or with a stick.
-cy suffix used to form nouns meaning cym • bal • ist (sim-ba-list) n. a person who
state, condition, or quality, as in compla- plays the cymbals.
cency; rank or office, as in papacy; action cyn*ic (sin-ik) n. a person who believes
or practice, as in truancy. people's motives are bad or selfish and
Cyan (si-an) n. a greenish-blue color. shows this by sneering at them. Cyn'i*
cyan adj. greenish blue. cal adj. cyn / i*cal*ly adv.
cya-nide (si-a-md) n. a very poisonous cyn*i*cism (sin-i-siz-em) n. the attitude
chemical substance. of a cynic.
cy -a* no* sis (si-a-noh-sis) n. a condition cy no* sure (si-no-shoor) n. a center of
in which the skin appears blue, caused attraction or admiration.
by lack of oxygen in the blood. cypress (si-pris) n. a coniferous ever-
cyber*net*iCS (si-ber-net-iks) n. the sci- green tree with dark feathery leaves.
ence of communication and control in Cyprus (si-prus) a country in the East
animals (as by the nervous system) and Mediterranean. Cyp*ri*ot (sip-ri-ot)
in machines (as by computers). adj. & n.
cycla*mate (si-kla-mayt) n. a salt of cal- Cyril* lie (si-ril-ik) adj. of the alphabet
cium or sodium, used as an artificial used for Russian, Bulgarian, and other
sweetener. Slavonic languages.
cycla*men (si-kla-men) n. a plant with cyst (sist) n, an abnormal sac formed in
pink, purple, or white flowers with petals the body, containing fluid or semisolid
that turn back. matter.
cy*Cla*ZO*Cine (si-kla-zoh-seen) n. a cyst-ic (sis-tik) adj. 1. of the bladder. 2.
drug that stops the effects of heroin or like a cyst*
morphine. Cys*ti*tis (si-sti-tis) n. inflammation of
cycle (si-kel) n. 1. a series of events or the bladder.
operations that repeat regularly in the cytol*0*gy (si-tol-6-jee) n. the scientific
same order, the cycle of the seasons. 2. study of cells. cy*tol / o*gist n. cy
the time needed for one such series. 3. to-log*ic (si-to-loj-ik) adj. cyto*
one complete occurrence of a continu- log / i*cal adj.
ously recurring process such as electrical cy* to* plasm (si-t6-plaz-em) n. the cellu-
oscillation or alternation of electric cur- lar substance surrounding the cell nu-
rent. 4. a complete set or series, as of cleus. cyto*plas-mic (si-to-plaz-mik)
songs or poems. 5. a bicycle or motorcy- adj.
cle, cycle v. (cycled, cycling) 1 . ride CZ, CJZ. abbr. Canal Zone.
a bicycle. 2. to cause a machine to go czar (zahr) n. 1. (often Czar) formerly,
through one cycle. 3. to move in cycles. the emperor of Russia. 2. a person with
cyclic (si-klik, sik-lik) adj. 1. recurring great authority. cza*ri*na (zah-ree-na)
n. fern, czar ist adj. & n.
in cycles or series. forming a cycle,
cy'cli-cal adj. cy'cli*cal*ly adv. czar* das (chahr-dahsh) n. a Hungarian
cyclist (si-klist) n. a person who rides dance with a slow start and a quick wild
a bicycle etc. finish.
cy*Clom*e*ter (si-klom-e-ter) n. an in- Czech (chek) n. 1 a native or the language

strument attached to a wheel of a bicycle of western Czechoslovakia. 2. a Czecho-

etc. to measure distance traveled. slovak. Czech adj. of, relating to,
Cy* Clone (si-klohn) n. 1. a wind rotating Czechoslovakia or its people or language.
around a calm central area. 2. a violent Czech o• • slo • va * ki • a (chek-d-sld-vah-
destructive form of this. cyclon*iC (si- ki-a) a country in central Europe.
klon-ik) adj. Czech *o*slo*vak (chek-d-sloh-vak)
cyclo*tron (si-klo-tron) n. an apparatus adj. & n. Czech *o*slo*va'ki* an adj.
for accelerating charged particles by & n.

D, d Ds, D's, d's) 1 the fourth
(dee) (pi . dad-dy (dad-ee) n. (pi. -dies) (informal)
of the alphabet. 2. D, a grade rating
letter father.
for poor school work. 3. the Roman nu- dad -dy-long- legs (dad-ee-lawng-legz) n.
meral symbol for 500. a spider-like animal, usually having long
D symbol deuterium. thin legs.
d. abbr. 1. date. 2. daughter. 3. day. 4. da* do (day-doh) n, (pi. -does, -dos) the
deceased. 5. degree. 6. delete. 7. dialect. lower part of the wall of a room or corri-
8. dialectical. 9. diameter. 1 0. died. 1 1 dor when it is colored or faced differently
dime. 12. dividend. 13. dose. from the upper part.
D. abbr. 1 Democrat. 2. dimension (as in
. daf-fo-dil (daf-6-dil) n. a yellow flower
3D). 3. Dutch. with a trumpetlike central part, growing
D.A. abbr. 1 days after acceptance. 2. De-
. from a bulb.
partment of Agriculture. 3. deposit ac- daf*fy (daf-ee) adj. (-fi-er, -fi*est) (in-
count. 4. District Attorney. formal) silly, foolish, crazy, daf 'fi *ness
dab (dab) n. 1. a light or feeble blow, a n.
tap. 2. quick gentle pressure on a surface dag*ger (dag-er) n. a short pointed two-
with something soft, a dab with a sponge. edged weapon used for stabbing. Dlook
3. a small amount of a soft substance daggers at, to stare angrily at.
applied to a surface, dab v. (dabbed, da* guerre *o* type (da-ger-5-tip) n. 1. an
dab'bing) 1. to strike lightly or feebly. early photographic process using a silver
2. to press quickly and lightly. or silvered plate. 2. a photograph pro-
dab-ble (dab-el) v. (dab* bled, dab- duced by this.
bling) 1 to wet by splashing or by dip-
. dahhia (dal-ya) n. a garden plant with
ping in and out of water. 2. to move large brightly colored flowers and tuber-
the feet, hands, or bill lightly in water ous roots.
or mud. 3. to study or work at something Dail Eir • eann (doil air-an) the lower house
casually not seriously, she dabbles in pho- of Parliament in the Republic of Ireland.
tography, dab'bler n. dai*ly (day-lee) adj. happening or appear-
Dac-ca (dak-a) the capital of Bangladesh. ing on every day (or every weekday).
dace (days) n. (pi dac-es, dace) a small daily adv. once a day. daily n. (pi
freshwater fish related to the carp. -lies) a daily newspaper. daily bread,
da*cha (dah-cha) n. a small country house one's livelihood, daily double, a race-
in Russia. track bet in which the bettor must select
dachs*hund (doks-huund) n. a small dog the winners of two specified races in or-
of a breed with a long body and very der to win his bet. daily dozen, a set
short legs. of daily exercises.
Da*cron (day-kron) n. (trademark) a syn- dain*ty (dayn-tee) adj. (-ti*er, -ti-est) 1.
thetic fabric that is wrinkle-resistant. small and pretty, delicate. 2. fastidious,
daC'tyl (dak-tH) n. a metrical foot consist- especially about food, dain'thly adv.
ing of one long syllable followed by two dain'tl-ness n.
short syllables, for example, prac ti* dai • qui • ri (di-kl-ree) n. (pi. -ris) a cocktail
cal, /rap*pi*ness. dac-tyl-ic (dak-til-ik) of rum, lime juice, and sugar.
adj. dair*y (dair-ee) n. (pi dairies) 1 a room .

dad (dad) n. (informal) father. or building where milk and milk prod-
Da* da (dah-dah) n. an international move- ucts are processed. 2. a shop where these
ment in art during the early 20th century are sold, dair'y *ing n. D
dairy farm, a
rejecting conventions and intending to farm producing chiefly milk.
shock. Da* da* 1st (dah-dah-ist) n. Da / dairymaid (dair-ee-mayd) n. a woman
da* ism n. who works in a dairy.

dairyman / dandelion 214
dair-yman (dair-ee-man) ru {pi -men, and damn the expense, never mind the
pr. -men) a dealer in milk etc. expense, damn n. "damn" said as a
da* is (day-is) tu a low platform, especially curse, damn adj. & adv. (informal)
at one end of a hall. damned.
dai-shi-ki = dashiki. dam -na- Die (dam-na-bel) adj. hateful, an-
dai-sy (day-zee) n. {pi -sies) a flower dam'na-bly adv.
with many white rays surrounding a dam-na-tlon (dam-nay-shdn) n. being
center. pushing up the daisies, damned or condemned to hell, damna-
(slang) dead and buried. tion interj. an exclamation of anger or
Da-kar (dah-kahr) the capital of Senegal. annoyance.
Da-ko-ta (da-koh-ta) either of two states damned (damd) adj. (informal) damnable.
of the U.S., North and South Dakota, damned (informal) adv. damnably, ex-
Da-lai La* ma (dah-li lah-ma) the chief tremely, it's damned hot Ddo one's
lama of Tibet. damnedest, (informal) to do one's very
dale (dayl) *l a small valley. best.
dal-ly (dal-ee) v. (dal*lied, dal- ly- Dam-o-cles (dam-o-kleez) n. sword of
ing) 1 to idle, to dawdle. 2. to flirt, dal*
Damocles, imminent danger. D>From
li*ance (dal-i-ans) n. the story of Damocles, a Greek of the
Dal-ma-tian (dal-may-shan) adj. of Dal- 4th century B.C. above whose head a
matia, the central region of the coast of
sword was once hung by a hair while
Yugoslavia. Dalmatian n. a large white
he ate.
dog with dark spots. damp (damp) n. 1 moisture in the air or

dam 1
a barrier built across a river
on a surface or throughout something.
etc. to hold back water and control
2. foul or explosive gas in a mine, damp
its flow or form a reservoir, dam v.
(dammed, dam-ming)
adj. slightly or moderately wet. damp
1. to hold back
v. 1. to make damp. 2. to dampen. 3.
with a dam. 2. to obstruct (a flow).
to stop the vibration of (a string in mu-
dam 2 n. the mother of a four-footed ani-
sic), damp'ly adv. damp'ness n.
dam* age (dam-ij) n. 1. something done
Ddamp down, to heap ashes on (a fire)
make it burn more
to slowly.
or suffered that reduces the value or use-
fulness of the thing affected or spoils its
damp* en (dam-pen) v. 1. to decrease in

appearance. 2. (slang) the cost or charge,

activity or vigor. 2. to become or to make
what's the damage? 3. damages, money
claimed or paid as compensation for an
damp-er (damper) n. 1. a movable metal
plate that regulates the flow of air into
injury, damage (dam* aged, dam*
the a stove or furnace. 2. a person
fire in
ag-ing) to cause damage to. dam 'ag-
ing adj.
or thing that damps or discourages en-
dam -a -scene (dam-a-seen) (dam -a- v.
thusiasm, cast a damper over the proceed-
scened, dam *a* seen *ing) to orna- ings,

ment metal or steel with inlaid gold or dam-sel (dam-zel) n, (old use) a young
silver or wavy patterns produced in weld- woman.
ing. dam-sel -fly (dam-zel-fli) n. (pi. -flies) an
Da-mas-cus (da-mas-kus) the capital of insect like a dragonfly but with wings
Syria. Damascus steel, an early type that fold while it rests.

of wavy-patterned steel, formerly used dam* son (dam-zdn) n. 1. a small purple

for sword blades. plum. 2. the tree that bears it.

dam* ask (dam-ask) n. silk or linen mate- dan (dan) n. 1 a degree of proficiency in

rial woven with a pattern that is visible judo. 2. a person who reaches this.
on either side. damask rose, an old dance (dans) v. (danced, dancing) 1.
sweet-scented variety of rose. to move with rhythmical steps or move-
dame (daym) n. 1. (slang) a woman. 2. ments, usually to music. 2. to perform
Dame, the title of a woman who has been in this way. 3. to move in a quick or
awarded an order of knighthood in Great lively way, to bob up and down, dance
Britain (corresponding to the title of Sir n. 1 . a piece of dancing. 2. a piece of
for a knight). music for dancing to. 3. a social gather-
damn (dam) v. 1. to condemn to eternal ing for the purpose of dancing, danc'
punishment in hell; I'll be damned, (in- er n.
formal) I am astonished; I'm damned danc*ing (dan-sing) n. the act of dancing.
if I know, (informal) I certainly do not d.and C. abbr. dilation (of the cervix) and
know. 2. to condemn as a failure. 3. to curettage (of the womb).
swear at, to curse, damn interj. an excla- dan-de-li-on (dan-de-li-on) n. a wild
mation of anger or annoyance; let's go. plant with bright-yellow flowers.
215 dander / dash
dan-der (dan-der) n. (informal) fighting dare* devil (dair-dev-fl) n. a recklessly
spirit; his dander is up, he is angry. daring person.
dan *di* tied (dan-di-fid) adj. like a dandy. Dar es Sa • laam (dahr es sa-lahm) the cap-
dan* die (dan-del) .v. (dan* died, dan* ital of Tanzania.
dllng) to dance (a child) in one's arms dar*ing (dair-ing) n. boldness, daring
or on one's knees. adj. 1 . bold, taking risks boldly. 2. boldly
dan-druff (dan-druf) n. flakes of dead skin dramatic or unconventional. dar'lng*
on the scalp and hair. ly adv.
dan-dy (dan-dee) n. (pL -dies) 1. a man dark (dahrk) adj. 1 with little or no light.

who pays excessive attention to the 2. (of color) of a deep shade closer to
smartness of his appearance and clothes. black than to white, dark gray; a dark
2. (informal) something exceptionally suit 3. (of people) having a brown or
good, dandy adj. (-dl*er f -dhest) (in- black skin, having dark hair. 4. gloomy,
formal) very good of its kind. cheerless, dismal, the long dark years of
darvger (dayn-jer) n. 1. liability or expo- the war. 5. secret, keep it dark. 6. myste-
sure to harm or to death 2. a thing that rious, remote and unexplored, in darkest
causes this. Africa, dark n. 1 absence of light. 2. a

darvger-ous (dayn-je-rus) adj. causing time of darkness, night or nightfall, out

danger, dan'ger-ous-ly adv. after dark. 3. a dark color, darkly adv.
dan-gle (dang-gel) v. (dan*gled, dan* dark / ness n. DDark Ages, the early
gling) 1 to hang loosely. 2. to hold or
. part of the Middle Ages in Europe, when
carry (a thing) so that it swings loosely. learning and culture wercin decline.
3. to hold out (hopes) to a person tempt- dark horse, a competitor of whose abili-
ingly. dangling participle, a partici- ties little is known before the contest.
ple lacking proper grammatical connec- dark meat, flesh (of a fowl) that appears
tion, as walking in walking down the dark after cooking, in the dark, having
street the church appears on the left. no information about something.
DarHel (dan-yel) n. 1. a Hebrew prophet dark* en (dahr-ken) v. to make or become
who was delivered by God from the lion's dark or darker, u
darken a person's
den. 2. a book of the Old Testament bear- door, pay him an unwelcome visit.
ing his name. dark-ish (dahr-kish) adj. rather dark.
Darvish (day-nish) adj. of Denmark or its dark* room (dahrk-room) n. a room from
people or language. Danish n. the lan- which daylight is excluded so that photo-
guage of Denmark. Danish pastry, graphs can be processed.
a sweet yeast roll filled or topped with dar* ling (dahr-ling) n. 1. a dearly loved
cheese, fruit, nuts, etc. or lovable person or thing, a favorite.
dank (dangk) adj. unpleasantly damp and 2. (informal) something charming, dar-
cold. ling adj. dearly loved, (informal) charm-
dan-seur (dahn-sur) n. a male ballet ing.
dancer. darn 1 (dahrn) v. to mend by weaving yarn

darvseuse (dahn-suuz) n. a female ballet across a hole, darn n. a place mended

dancer. by darning. darning needle, a long
dap* per (dap-er) adj. neat and smart in needle for darning; (informal) a dragon-
dress and appearance, a dapper little fly.
man. dap'per-ly adv. dap' per -ness n. darn 2 interj. & adj. = damn, damned.
dap* pie (dap-el) v. (dap* pled, dap* darned (dahrnd) adj. = damned.
pling) to mark with spots or patches of dart (dahrt) n. 1 a small pointed missile.

shade or a different color. 2. a small metal-tipped object used in

dap* pie-gray (dap-el-gray) adj. gray with the game of darts. 3. a darting move-
darker markings. ment. 4. a tapering stitched tuck in a
DAR, D.A.R. abbr. Daughters of the Amer- garment. 5. darts, an indoor game in
ican Revolution. which darts are thrown at a target, dart
dare (dair) v. (dared, dar-ing) 1. to have v. 1. to spring or move suddenly and
the courage or impudence to do some- rapidly in some direction. 2. to send out
thing, to be bold enough, he didn't dare rapidly, darted an angry look at him.
go or dare to go. 2. to take the risk of, dart* board (dahrt-bohrd) n. a circular
to face as a danger. 3. to challenge (a board used as a target in the game of
person) to do something risky, dare n. darts.
a challenge to do something risky. dart*er (dahrt-er) n. 1. one who darts. 2.
Dl dare say, am
prepared to believe,
I a perch-like freshwater fish.
it is very likely, I do not deny it. Dar* von (dahr- von) n. (trademark) a drug
> Durst is no longer a correct past form used to relieve pain.
of dare. dash (dash) v. 1. to run rapidly, to rush.
dashboard / day 216
2. to knock or drive or throw (a thing) of the date palm, a palm tree of North
with force against something, to shatter Africa and southwest Asia.
(a thing) in this way; our hopes were date less (dayt-lis) adj. 1 having no date.
• .

dashed, were destroyed. 3. to write hast- 2. not becoming out of date. 3. too old
ily, dashed off a letter, dash n. 1 a short
. to assign a date to.
rapid run, a rush, made a dash for the date* line (dayt-lm) n. 1. (also interna-
door. 2. a small amount of liquid or fla- tional dateline) a line from north to
voring added, a dash of soda. 3. a dash- south roughly along the meridian 180°
board. 4. energy, vigor. 5. lively spirit from Greenwich, England, east and west
or appearance, flair, charm. 6. the punc- of which the date differs (east being one
tuation mark — used to show a break day earlier). 2. a statement of the place
in sense. 7. the longer of the two signals and date of origin at the beginning of a
used in Morse code. newspaper article.
dash *board (dash-bohrd) n. a panel be- da-tive (day-tiv) n. the grammatical case
low the windshield of a motor vehicle, showing indirect object, such as him in
carrying various instruments and con- "we gave him our blessings." dative adj.
trols. da* turn (day-turn) n. see data.
da-shi-ki (da-shee-kee) n. {pi -kis) a daub (dawb) v. to cover or smear roughly
loose-fitting brightly colored shirt. with a soft substance, to paint clumsily.
dash*ing (dash-ing) adj. spirited, smartly daub n. 1. a clumsily painted picture.
dressed. 2. a smear.
das'tard (das-tard) n. a despicable cow- daughter (daw-ter) n. 1. a female child
ard, das'tard'ly adj. in relation to her parents. 2. a female
da*ta (day-ta) n. pi facts or information descendant, daughters of Eve. daugh'
to be used as a basis for discussing or ter*ly adj.
deciding something, or prepared for be- daughter-in-law (daw-ter-in-law) n. {pi
ing processed by a computer etc. (t> Data daugh *ters-in-law) a son's wife.
should not be used with a singular verb, daunt (dawnt) v. to make afraid or discour-
as in the data is inconclusive; it is by ori- aged.
gin a Latin plural (the singular is datum) daunt *less (dawnt-lis) adj. brave, not
and should be used with a plural verb, daunted, daunt'less-ly adv.
the data are inconclusive.) Ddata bank, dau • phin (daw-fin) n. a king of France's
a large collection of data stored for use eldest son.
or analysis, especially by a computer. dav»it (dav-it) n. a kind of small crane
electronic data processing, analysis on board ship.
and storage of data in a computer. Da*vy Jones (day-vee johnz) the spirit
dat-a-ble (day-ta-bel) adj. able to be of the sea, the evil spirit of the sea.
dated. D Davy Jones's locker, the bottom of
da • ta • ma
• tion (day-ta-may-shdn) n. data the sea as the graveyard of those who
processing. are drowned or buried at sea.
date (dayt) n. 1 the day on which some-
. dawdle (daw-del) v. (dawdled, daw
thing happened or was written or is to dling) to walk slowly and idly, to take
happen etc., a statement of this in terms one's time, daw'dler n.

of day, month, and year (or any of these). dawn (dawn) the first light of day.
n. 1 .

2. the period to which something be- 2. the beginning, the dawn of civilization.
longs, objects of prehistoric date. 3. an dawn v. 1. to begin to grow light. 2.
appointment to meet socially. 4. a person to begin to appear; the truth dawned on
of the opposite sex with whom one has him, became evident to him.
a social appointment, date v. (dat*ed, day (day) n. 1 the time during which the

dat-ing) 1. to mark with a date. 2. to sun is above the horizon. 2. the time for
assign a date to. 3. to originate from a one rotation of Earth, a period of twenty-
particular date, the custom dates from four hours, especially from one midnight
Victorian times. 4. to show up the age to the next. 3. the hours given to work,
of, to show signs of becoming out of date, an eight-hour day. 4. a specified or ap-
some fashions date quickly. 5. to make pointed day, New Years Day, inaugura-
or have a social appointment with a tion day. 5. a period, time, or era, in
member of the opposite sex, to have such Abraham Lincoln's day; in my young
appointments with the same person regu- days, when I was young. 6. a period of
larly, dat-ed (day-tid) adj. Dout of success; colonialism has had its day, its
date, see out to date, so far, until now, successful period is over. 7. victory' in
here are our sales figures to date up to a contest, win the day. Dday boy, day
date, see up. girt, day student, a pupil attending a
date 2 n. the small, brown sweet edible fruit boarding school but living at home, day
217 daybed / deadly
by day, daily, day out, every
day in de*ac*ti*vate (dee-ak-tl-vayt) v. (de*
day, unceasingly. Day of Atonement, ac*ti*vat*ed, de*ac*ti*vat*ing) to
Yom Kippur. day school, a private make inactive. de*ac / ti*va*tor n. de*
school that pupils attend during the day, ac*ti*va*tion (dee-ak-tf-vay-shdn) n.
not a boarding school. dead (ded) adj. 1 no longer alive. 2. numb,

day *bed (day-bed) n. a couch that can without feeling. 3. no longer used, a dead
be converted to a bed. language. 4. lifeless and without luster
daybook (day-buuk) n. 1. a diary. 2. a or resonance or warmth. 5. no longer
bookkeeper's journal for daily transac- active or functioning, the microphone
tions. went dead. 6. dull, without interest or
daybreak (day-bray k) n. dawn, the first movement or activity, it's a dead place

light of day. on Sundays. 7. complete, abrupt, exact,

daycare (day-kair) center a place where dead silence; a dead stop; dead center;
young children are looked after while he a dead shot, shoots very accurately.

their mothers are at work. dead adv. completely, exactly, dead

daydream (day-dreem) n. idle and pleas- drunk; dead level; dead ahead, dead n.
ant thoughts, daydream v. to have day- 1. an inactive or silent time, the dead
dreams, day'dreanver n. of night. 2. the dead, those who are dead,
daylight (day-lit) n. 1. the light of day. as opposed to the living. Ddead as a
2. dawn. Dbeat or scare the day- doornail, quite dead, dead ball, (slang)
lights out Of someone, beat him se- a baseball that is out of play during a
verely, scare him greatly, daylight sav- game, dead duck, (slang) something or
ing, creation of longer evening daylight someone doomed to failure, dead end,
in summer by making clocks show a time the closed end of a road or passage, a
that is later than standard time, see blind alley; an impasse, dead-end job,
daylight, to begin to understand what a job with no prospects, dead heat, a
was previously puzzling; to begin to ap- race in which two or more competitors
proach the end of a task. finish exactly even, dead issue, a matter
daytime (day-tim) n. the time of day- no longer being considered, dead letter,
light. a letter that cannot be delivered and must
daze (dayz) v. (dazed, daz-ing) to make be returned to the sender; a law or prac-
(a person) feel stunned or bewildered. tice that is no longer observed, dead
daze n. a dazed state. man's handle, a controlling device (on
daz-zle (daz-el) (daz*zled, daz-
v. a train etc.) that disconnects the driving
zling) 1. to make (a person) unable to power if it is released, dead reckoning,
see clearly because of too much bright calculating a ship's position by log and
light. 2. to amaze and impress or confuse compass etc. when observations are im-
(a person) by a splendid display, dazzle possible. (> Note that this does not mean
n. dazzling, a bright confusing light. "a reckoning that is exactly right.")
dB abbr. decibel(s). Dead Sea, an inland salt lake between
dbl abbr. double. Israel and Jordan, dead set, deter-
DC, D.C., dc, d.C. abbr. direct current. mined, he's dead set against voting for
D.C. abbr. District of Columbia. you. dead weight, a heavy inert weight.
DD abbr. 1. days after date. 2. demand dead* beat (ded-beet) n. 1. a person who
draft. 3. dishonorable discharge. 4. Doc- never pays his or her share. 2. a destitute
tor of Divinity. person.
D-day (dee-day) the date on which
n. 1. dead* en (ded-en) v. to deprive of or lose
an important operation is planned to be- vitality,loudness, feeling, etc.
gin. 2. June 6, 1944, the day on which dead* fall (ded-fawl) n. a trap with a falling
Allied forces invaded France. weight, used to kill animals.
D.D.S. abbr. 1 Doctor of Dental Science.
. dead* head (ded-hed) n. (informal) a use-
2. Doctor of Dental Surgery. less or unenterprising person.
DDT abbr. a white chemical used as an dead* line (ded-lin) n. a time limit.
insecticide. dead -lock (ded-lok) n. a complete stand-
DE abbr. 1. Delaware. 2. Department of still or lack of progress, especially be-
Education. tween two negotiating parties, deadlock
dea • con (dee-kdn) n. 1 a clergyman rank-
. v. to reach a deadlock, to cause to do
ing below a priest in certain Christian this.
denominations. 2. a layman attending to dead-ly (ded-lee) adj. (-Il*er, -li-est) 1.
church business in certain Christian de- causing or capable of causing fatal in-
nominations. jury or death. 2. deathlike, a deadly si-
dea* con* ess (dee-kd-nis) n. a woman lence. 3. (informal) very dreary, deadly
with duties similar to those of a deacon. adv. 1. as if dead, deadly pale. 2. ex-
deadpan / debilitate 218
tremely, deadly serious. dead'li-ness dearth (durth) n. a scarcity.
n. D
deadly nightshade, a plant with death (deth) n. 1 the process of dying,

poisonous black berries, belladonna. the end of life. 2. the state of being dead.
deadly sin, one of the seven deadly 3. acause of death, drink was the death
sins, those that result in damnation for of him. 4. the ending or destruction of
a person's soul. something, the death of our hopes.
dead* pan (ded-pan) adj. (informal) with Dat death's door, close to death.
an expressionless face, deadpan v. death certificate, an official statement
(dead -panned, dead- pan -ning) (in- of the date, place, and cause of a person's
formal) to show no expression. death, death march, a forced trek on
dead* wood (ded-wuud) n. 1. dead trees which many die from exhaustion, death
or branches. 2. a useless person or per- penalty, punishment for a crime by be-
sons. ing put to death, death rate, the number
deaf (def) adj. 1 wholly or partly without
of deaths in one year for every 1000 per-
the sense of hearing, unable to hear. 2. sons, death rattle, the sound in a dying
refusing to listen, deaf to all advice; person's throat, death's head, a picture
turned a deaf ear to our requests. deaf of a skull as a symbol of death, put to
ness n. Dthe deaf, deaf people. death, to kill, to execute, to death, ex-
deaf* en (def-en) v. (deaf-ened, deaf* tremely, to the utmost limit, bored to
en-ing) to make deaf or unable to hear death, to the death, until one or the
by a very loud noise. deafen -ing adj. other is killed, a fight to the death.
deaf-mute (def-myoot) n. a person who
death* bed (deth-bed) n. the bed on which
is both deaf and unable to speak.
a person is dying or dies.
deal (deel) v. (dealt, pr. delt, deal-
death* blow (deth-bloh) n. a blow that
ing) 1 . to distribute among several peo-
causes death.
ple, to distribute (cards) to players in a
death *less (deth-lis) adj. immortal.
card game. 2. to give, to inflict, dealt
death *ly (deth-lee) adj. & adv. like death,
him a severe blow. 3. to do business, to
a deathly hush; deathly pale.
trade, we deal at Smith's; they deal in
death *trap (deth-trap) n. a dangerous
imported gems, deal n. 1 dealing, a play-.

place or structure.
er's turn to deal, a round of play after
death* watch (deth-woch) n. a vigil kept
dealing. 2. a business transaction, the
deal fell through; it's a deal, I agree to
over the dying or dead. death watch
beetle, a beetle whose larva bores holes
this. 3. treatment, didn't get a fair deal.
in old wood and makes a ticking sound.
deal'er n. Da
good deal, a great
deb (deb) n. '(informal) debutante.
deal, a large amount, deal with, to do
business with; to take action about or
de-ba-cle (di-bah-kel) n. a sudden disas-
trous collapse.
be what is needed by (a problem etc.);
deal with a subject, discuss it in a book de-bar (di-bahr) v. (de* barred, de-
or speech etc. bar 'ring) to exclude, to prohibit.
deal *er* ship (dee-ler-ship) n. a sales de-bark (di-bahrk) v. to disembark, de-
agency for a specified brand of merchan- bar-ka-tion (dee-bahr-kay-shdn) n.

dise etc. de-base (di-bays) v. (de* based, de-

dean (deen) n. 1. an Anglican clergyman basing) to lower in quality or value,
who is head of a cathedral chapter. 2. de -basement n.
an certain universities, respon-
official in de-bat-a-ble (di-bay-ta-bdl) adj. ques-
sible for a college or its students, or hav- tionable, open to dispute, de-bat'a-
ing some administrative function. 3. the bly adv.
senior or leading member of a group, the de-bate (di-bayt) n. a formal discussion.
dean of American letters. debate v. (de-bat-ed, de-bat-ing) 1.
dear (deer) adj. 1 . much loved, cherished. to hold a debate about. 2. to discuss,
2. esteemed; Dear Sir, a polite phrase to consider, de -barer n. debating
beginning a letter. 3. costing more than society, a group formed to practice de-
it is worth, not cheap, dear n. a dear bating.
person, dear adv. dearly, at a high price. de-bauch (di-bawch) v. to make dissolute,
dear interj. an exclamation of surprise to lead into debauchery.
or distress, dear'ly adv. dear'ness n. de-bauch-er-y (di-baw-chS-ree) n. {pi
Dear John letter, a letter (originally -er*les) indulgence in harmful or im-
to a soldier) from a man's wife or girl- moral pleasures.
friend announcing that she has deserted de- ben -tare (di-ben-chur) n. a certificate
him. dear me, an expression of surprise, or bond acknowledging a debt on which
distress, sympathy, etc. fixed interest is being paid.
dear*ie (deer-ee) n. (informal) dear. de*bil*i*tate (di-bil-i-tayt) v. (de-bll*
219 debility / decentralize

I • tat • ed, de • bil •I• tat • ing) to cause de- de*camp (di-k&mp) v. to go away sud-
bility in. denly or secretly.
de*bil*i*ty (di-Ml-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) fee- de -cant (di-kant)v. to pour (liquid) gently

bleness, weakness. from one container into another without

deb* it (deb-it) n. an entry in a ledger or disturbing the sediment, de-ca rota-
other accounting record of a debt, debit tion (di-kan-tay-shdn) n.
v. (deb-it-ed, deb* it* ing) to enter as de*cant*er (di-kan-ter) n. a stoppered
a debit in an account. glass bottle into which wine etc. may be
deb*0*nair (deb-6-nair) adj. having a decanted before serving.
carefree self-confident manner. de*cap*i*tate (di-kap-I-tayt) v. (de*
de-bouch (di-boosh) v. to march out of cap*i*tat*ed, de*cap*i*tat*ing) to
a ravine, wood, etc. into an open area. behead. de*cap*i*ta*tion (di-kap-I-
de* brief (dee-breef) v. (informal) to ques- tay-shdn) n.
tion (a person) after his completion of dec*a*syl*la*ble (dek-a-si-lab-el) n. a
a mission. verse of ten syllables, dec • a • syl • lab / ic
de*bris (de-bree) n. scattered broken adj.
pieces. de -oath -Ion (di-kath-lon) n. an athletic
debt (det) n. something owed by one per- contest in which each competitor takes
son to another. Ddebt of honor, a gam- part in ten events.
bling debt, in a person's debt, under de-cay (di-kay) v. 1. to become rotten,
obligation to him. in debt, owing some-
to cause to rot. 2. to lose quality or
thing, out Of debt, having paid what
strength, decay n. decaying, rot.
one owes. de* cease (di-sees) n. (formal) death, de-
debt* or (det-dr) n. a person who owes
cease v. (de* ceased, de*ceas*ing)
money to another.
(formal) to die.
de-bug (dee-bug) v. (de* bugged, de*
de* ceased (di-seest) adj. dead; the de-
bug-ging) to free from bugs (= insects,
ceased, the person(s) who died recently.
faultsand errors, or secret microphones).
de*ce*dent (di-see-dent) n. (formal) a de-
de-bunk (di-bungk) v. (informal) to show
ceased person.
up (a- claim or theory) as exaggerated
de*ceit (di-seet) n. deceiving, a deception.
or false.
de*ceit*ful (di-seet-ful) adj. deceiving
de-but (day-byoo) n. a first appearance
people. de*ceit'ful*ly adv. deceit'
on the stage, in society, etc. t>Do not
ful-ness n.
use debut as a verb.
de-ceive (di-seev) v. (de*ceived, de*
*deb*u*tante (deb-yuu-tahnt) n. a girl
ceiv-ing) 1. to cause (a person) to be-
making her first appearance in society.
dec. abbr. 1. deceased. 2. decimeter. 3. heve something that is not true. 2. to
declared. 4. declension. 5. declination. be sexually unfaithful to. de*ceiv'er n.
6. decrease. 7. decrescendo.
de- eel -en ate (dee-sel-e-rayt) v. (de*
Dec. abbr. December. cel*er*at*ed, de-cel-er-at-ing) to
dec*ade (dek-ayd) n. a period often years. cause to slow down, to decrease one's
dec *a* dent (dek-a-dent) adj. becoming speed. de*cel*er*a*tion (dee-sel-e-ray-

less worthy, deteriorating in standard, sh6n) n.

dec'a-dence n. De-cem-ber (di-sem-ber) n. the twelfth

de • caf • f ein • at ed
• month of the year.
adj. with the caffeine removed or re- de*cen*cy (dee-sen-see) n. (pi -cies) 1.

duced. being decent. 2. propriety, conforming

dec*a*gon (dek-a-gon) n. a geometric fig- to respectable behavior.
ure with ten sides. de*cag*o*nal (de- de*cen*ni*al (di-sen-ee-al) adj. lasting or
kag-6-nal) adj. recurring every ten years. de*cen'ni*
dec -a -gram = dekagram. al*ly adv.
dec*a*he*dron (dek-a-hee-dr6n) n. (pi. de-cent (dee-sent) adj. 1. conforming to
-drons, -dra, pr. -dra) a solid body with the accepted standards of what is proper,
ten sides. not immodest or obscene. 2. respectable,
de*cal (dee-kal) n. 1 a picture transferred
. ordinary decent people. 3. (informal)
from paper to china or other material. quite good, earns a decent salary. 4. (in-
2. the paper bearing this picture. formal) kind, generous, obliging, de'
de • cal • co • ma • ni • a (di-kal-kd-may-ni-a) cent-ly adv.
n. decal. de*cen*tral*ize (dee-sen-tra-hz) v. (de*
dec*a*li*ter = dekaliter. cen • tral • ized, de cen • • tral • iz • ing) to
Dec*a*logue (dek-a-log) n. the Ten Com- divide and distribute (powers etc.) from
mandments. a central authority to places or branches
dec*a*me*ter = dekameter. away from the center. de*cen*tral*
deception / decode 220
i-za*tion (dee-sen-tra-li-zay-shdn) n. showing decision and firmness, a decisive
the process of doing this. manner. de*ci'sive*ly adv. de-ci'
de-cep-tion (di-sep-sh6n) n. 1. deceiving, sive-ness n.

being deceived. 2. something that de- deck 1

(dek) n, 1. any of the horizontal
ceives people. floors in a ship. 2. a similar floor or plat-
de-cep-tive (di-sep-tiv) adj. deceiving, form, especially one of two or more. 3.
easily mistaken for something else. de* (also tape deck) the part of a tape re-
cep'tive-ly adv. de-cep'tive-ness n. corder that holds the tapes and their con-
dec-i-bel (des-I-bel) n. a unit, for measur- trols. 4. a pack of cards. 5. (slang) the
ing the relative loudness of sound. ground, the floor, deck v. (slang) to
de-cide (di-sid) v. (de-cid-ed, de- knock to the floor. Dhit the deck,
ciding) 1. to think about and make a (slang) fall to the ground.
choice or judgment, to come to a deci- deck 2 v. to decorate, to dress up, decked
sion. 2. to settle by giving victory to one with flags; decked out in her finest clothes.
side, this goal decided the game. 3. to deck* Chair (dek-chair) n. a portable fold-
cause to reach a decision, that decided ing chair of canvas on a wood or metal
me. de-cid'er n. frame.
de-cid-ed (di-si-did) adj. 1. determined, deck* hand (dek-hand) n. a seaman who
unhesitating. 2. clear, definite, a decided works on deck.
difference, de-cid'ed-ly adv. deck-le (dek-el) edge a ragged edge like
de-cid-u-ous (di-sij-oo-us) adj. 1. (of a that on handmade paper, deckle-
tree)shedding its leaves annually. 2. fall- edged' adj.
ing off or shed after a time, a deer has de* Claim (di-klaym) v. to speak or say im-

deciduous antlers. pressively or dramatically, dec* la* ma*

dec -i -gram (des-T-gram) n. one-tenth of tlon (dek-la-may-shdn) n.
a gram. de*clar*a*tor*y (di-klar-a-tohr-ee) adj.
dec-i-li-ter (des-Mee-ter) n. one-tenth of explanatory.
a liter. de* clare (di-klair) v. (de* dared, de*
dec-i-mal (des-T-mal) adj. reckoned in Clar-ing) 1. to make known, to. an-
tens or tenths, decimal n. a decimal nounce openly or formally or explicitly.
fraction. decimal currency, cur- 2. to state firmly, he declares that he is
rency in which each unit is ten or one innocent. 3. to inform customs officials
hundred times the value of the one next that one has (goods) on which duty may
below it. decimal fraction, a fraction be payable, de-clar'er n. de • Clar-
whose denominator is a power of ten, as tive (di-klar-a-tiv) adj. dec*la*ra*
expressed in figures after a dot (the deci- tion (dek-15-ray-shon) n. U declarative
mal point), as 0.5 = 5/10, 0.52 = 52/ sentence, one that makes a statement.
100. decimal system, a system of declare war, to announce that a state
weights and measures with each unit ten of war exists.
times that immediately below it. de*clas*sl*fy (dee-klas-I-fi) v. (de*
dec-i-mal-ize (des -I-ma-liz) v. (dec* clas-si-fied, de-clas- si tying) to •

i-mal-ized, dec-i-mal-iz-ing) 1. to cease to designate (information) as se-

express as a decimal. 2. to convert to a cret.
decimal system. dec-i-mal-i-za-tion de*clen*sion (di-klen-shdn) n. 1. declin-
(des-T-m£-li-zay-shdn) n. ing, deterioration. 2. variation of the
dec -i -mate (des-I-mayt) (dec*!*
v. form of a noun etc. to give its cases, the
mat-ed, dec*i*mat*ing) to destroy class into which a noun etc. is put ac-
one-tenth of, to destroy a large propor- cording to this variation.
tion of. dec*i*ma*tion (des-I-may- de-cline (di-klin) v. (de* dined, de*
sh6n) n. Clin*ing) 1. to refuse; decline the invita-
dec*l*me*ter (des-T-mee-ter) n. one-tenth tion, say politely that one cannot accept
of a meter. it. 2. to slope downward. 3. to decrease,

de-ci-pher (di-si-fer) v. to make out the to lose strength or vigor; ones declining
meaning of (a coded message, bad hand- years, old age. 4. to give the declensions
writing, or something difficult to inter- of (a noun etc.). decline n. a gradual
pret), de-ci'pher-a-ble adj. decrease or loss of strength. de*dln'a*
de-ci-sion (di-siz/»-dn) n. 1. deciding, ble adj. dec*li*na*tion (dek-H-nay-
making a reasoned judgment about shdn) n. Din decline, decreasing.
something. 2. the judgment itself. 3. the de*cllvl*ty (di-kliv-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) a
ability to form clear opinions and act downward slope.
on them. de-code (dee-kohd) v.(de-cod-ed, de*
de-ci-sive (di-si-siv) adj. 1 settling some-
. cod-ing) to put (a coded message) into
thing conclusively, a decisive battle. 2. plain language. de^COd'er n.
221 decolletage / deduction

de-colle-tage (day-kol-tahz/i) n. a low koi) v. by means of a decoy.

to lure
neckline. de* crease (di-krees) v. (de* creased,
de- college (day-kol-tay) adj. having a de*creas*ing) to make or become
low neckline. shorter or smaller or less, decrease
de*COm*mis*sion (dee-ko-mish-6n) v. to (dee-krees) n. 1. decreasing. 2. the
remove (a ship etc.) from active service. amount by which something decreases.
de* com* pose (dee-kdm-pohz) v. (de* de*cree (di-kree) n. 1. an order given by
com* posed, de* com* posting) 1. to a government or other authority and
separate (a substance etc.) into its parts. having the force of a law. 2. a judgment
2. to decay, to cause to decay. de*com* or decision of certain law courts, decree
po- si- tion (dee-kom-po-zish-6n) ru v. (de* creed, de* creeping) to order

de* com* press (dee-kdm-pres) v. to sub- by decree. decree ni-sl (m-si), a

ject to decompression. provisional order for divorce, made abso-
de*COm*pres*sion (dee-k6m-presh-5n) lute unless cause to the contrary is shown
n. 1. release from compression. 2. the within a fixed period.
gradual and safe reduction of air pressure dec*re*ment (dek-re-ment) n. a decrease,
on a person who has been in compressed the amount lost by decrease.
air. U decompression chamber, an de*crep*it (di-krep-it) adj. made weak by
enclosed space where this can be done. old age or hard use, dilapidated, de*
de*con*gest*ant (dee-kdn-jes-tant) n. a crep*i*tude (di-krep-i-tood) ru
medicinal substance that relieves nasal de* ere* seen* do (day-kr£-shen-doh) adj.
congestion. & adv. (in music) decreasing in loudness.
de • con • tarn • i • nate (dee-kon-tam-i-nayt) decrescendo n. (pi. -dos) a decre-
v. (de* con* tarn *i*nat*ed, de*con* scendo passage.
tam*l*nat*lng) to rid of radioactive or de*crim*i*nal*ize (dee-krim-i-na-hz) v.
other contamination. de*COn*tam*i* (de • crim • i • nal • ized, de • crlm • I • nal •
na*tion (dee-kon-tam-i-nay-shon) n. iz-ing) to remove criminal penalties
de-con-trol (dee-kdn-trohl) v. (de* from (an act). de*crim*i*nal*i*za*
con 'trolled, de • con *trol* ling) to re- tion (dee-krim-i-na-li-zay-shon) n.
lease from government control, decon- de*cry (di-kri) v. (de* cried, de* cry-
trol n. decontrolling. ing) to disparage. >Do
not confuse de-
de*COr (day-kor) n. the style of furnishings cry with descry.
and decoration used in a room etc. ded-i-cate (ded-i-kayt) v. (dedicat-
dec *o* rate (dek-d-rayt) v. (dec* or* at* ed, ded*i*cat*ing) 1. to devote to a
ed, dec*or*at*ing) 1 . to make (a thing) sacred person or use, the church is dedi-
look attractive or striking or festive with cated to St. Peter. 2. to devote one's time
objects or details added for this purpose. and energy to a special purpose, he was
2. to put fresh paint or paper on the dedicated to science. 3. (of an author etc.)
walls etc. of. 3. to confer a medal or to address (a book or piece of music etc.)
other award upon. to a person as a compliment, putting that
dec*0*ra*tion (dek-5-ray-shdn) n. 1. dec- person's name at the beginning, ded'i*
orating. 2. something that decorates. 3. ca*tor ru ded*i*ca*tion (ded-i-kay-
a medal etc.awarded and worn as an shen) ru
honor. Decoration Day, Memorial ded*i*ca*to*ry (ded-i-ka-tohr-ee) adj.
Day. making a dedication, a dedicatory in-
dec-o-ra-tive (dek-6-ra-tiv) adj. orna- scription.
mental, pleasing to look at. de-duce (di-doos) v. (de-duced, de*
dec*o*ra*tor (dek-5-ray-tdr) n. a person duc-ing) to arrive at (knowledge) by
who decorates, especially one whose job reasoning, to draw as a conclusion.
is to select and apply paints, fabrics, fur- >Do not confuse deduce with deduct
nishings, etc. de*duc*i*ble (di-doo-si-bel) adj. able to
dec*o*rous (dek-6-riis) and adj. polite be deduced. !>Do not confuse deducible
well-behaved, decent. dec / or*ous*ly with deductible.
adv. dec'or-ous-ness n. de-duct (di-dukt) v. to take away (an
de* co Turn (di-kohr-um) n. correctness amount or quantity), to subtract. >Do
and dignity of behavior. not confuse deduct with deduce.
de-cou-page (day-koo-pahz/i) n. 1. the de*duct*i*ble (di-duk-ti-bel) adj. 1. able
art of decorating a surface with paper to be deducted. 2. allowable as an income
cutouts. 2. work produced by this. tax deduction. t>Do not confuse deduct-
de*coy (dee-koi)something used to
n. 1. ible with deducible.
lure an animal or person into a trap or de* due* tion (di-duk-sh6n) n. 1. deduct-

situation of danger. 2. a wooden duck ing, something that deducted. 2. de-


used to attract live ducks, decoy (di- ducing, a conclusion reached by reason-
deductive / defense 222
reasoning that something
ing. 3. logical cloth cap with one peak in front and an-
must be true because it is a particular other at the back.
case of a general law that is known to de-es-ca-late (dee-es-ka-layt) v. (de*
be true. es*ca*lat*ed, de-es-ca-lat-ing) to
de- due -five (di-duk-tiv) adj. of or reason- reduce the level or intensity of. de*
ing by deduction. es-ca-la-tion (dee-es-ka-lay-shdn) n.
deed (deed) n. 1 something done, an act.
def . abbr. 1 defective. 2. defendant. 3. de-

2. a written or printed legal agreement, fense. 4. deferred. 5. defined. 6. definite.

especially one giving ownership or rights, 7. definition.
bearing the giver's signature, deed v. to de-face (di-fays) v. (de* faced, de*
convey or transfer by legal deed. fac*ing) to spoil or damage the surface
dee* jay (dee- jay) n. (informal) a disc of. de*face / ment n.

jockey. de fac-to (dee fak-toh) existing in fact

deem (deem) n. (formal) to believe, to con- (whether by right or not). Latin. >
sider, to judge. de*fal*ca*tion (dee-fal-kay-shdn) n. mis-
de-em -pha- size (dee-em-fa-siz) v. (de- appropriation of funds, a breach of trust
em-pha-sized, de-em pha -siz- ing) •
concerning money.
to remove or reduce the emphasis of.
de*fam*a*tO*ry (di-fam-a-tohr-ee) adj.

de-em'pha-sis n.
deep (deep) adj. 1. going or situated far de-fame (di-faym) v. (de* famed, de*
tarn- ing) to attack the good reputation
down or back or in, a deep cut; deep
speak ill of. def -a-ma-tlon (def-
of, to
shelves; a deep sigh, coming from far
a-may-shdn) n.
down. extreme, a deep sleep;
2. intense,
deep colors, strong in tone. 3. low-pitched
de* fault (di-fawlt) v. to fail to fulfill one's
obligations, default n. failure to fulfill
and resonant, not shrill, a deep voice. 4.
an obligation or to appear; they won by
absorbed, deep in thought. 5. heartfelt,
default, because the other side did not
deep sympathy. 6. difficult to understand,
appear, de- fault 'er n.
obscure, that's too deep for me; he has
de feat (di-feet)
• v. 1win a victory over.
. to
deep thoughts, deep adv. deeply, far
2. tocause to fail, to frustrate, this defeats
down or in. deep n. a deep place; the our hopes for reform. 3. to baffle, the prob-
deep, the sea. deep'ly adv. deep'ness
lem defeats me. defeat n. 1 defeating .

n. LJdeep space, the far distant regions

others. 2. being defeated, a lost battle
beyond Earth's atmosphere or those be- or contest
yond the solar system, go off the deep de* feat* 1st (dj-fee-tist) n. a person who
end, (informal) to give way to emotion. expects to be defeated or accepts defeat
deep* en (dee-pen) v. to make or become too easily. de*feat / lsm n.
deep or deeper. def-e-cate (def-e-kayt) v. (def -e -cat-
deep-freeze (deep-freez) v. (deep- ed, def -e -cat -ing) to empty the bow-
freezed or deep-froze, deep-f reezed els, def-e-ca-tion (def-£-kay-shdn) n.
or deep-fro -zen, deep-f reez • ing) to de-feet (dee-fekt, di-fekt) n. a deficiency,
freeze (food) quickly for storage, deep- an imperfection, defect (di-fekt) v. to
freeze n. (informal) a freezer. desert one's country, to abandon one's
deep-fry (deep-fri) v. (deep-fried, deep- allegiance to a cause. de*fec'tor n. de*
fry* ing) to fry in fat deep enough to fee -t ion (di-fek-shdn) n.
cover (the food). de-fec-tive (di-fek-tiv) adj.1. having de-
deep-root *ed (deep-roo-tid) adj. deep- imperfect, incomplete. 2. (of a per-
seated. son) mentally deficient, de*fec'tive*
deep-sea (deep-see) adj. of the deeper ly adv. de*fec'tive*ness n.
parts of the ocean, deep-sea fishing. de-fend (di-fend) v. 1 . to protect by ward-
deep-seat *ed (deep-see-tid) adj. firmly ing off an attack. 2. to try to preserve;
established, not superficial, a deep-seated the champion is defending his title, trying
distrust to defeat one who challenges him. 3. to
deep-set (deep-set) adj. set far in. uphold by argument, to put forward a
deep-six (deep-siks) v. (slang) to throw justification of. 4. to represent (the de-
overboard, to destroy. fendant) in a lawsuit. de*fend'er n.
deer (deer) n. {pi. deer) a ruminant swift- de* fend* ant (di-fen-dant) n. a person ac-
footed animal, the male of which usually cused or sued in a lawsuit.
has antlers. Ddeer fly, a small blood- de-fense (di-fens) n. 1. defending from
sucking fly. or resistance against attack. 2. something
deer* skin (deer-skin) n. the skin of a deer, that defends or protects against attack.
leather made from this. 3. a justification put forward in response
deer* stalk *er (deer-staw-ker) n. a soft to an accusation. 4. the defendant's case
223 defenseless / defunct

in a lawsuit, the lawyer(s) representing it definite that we are to

tain, settled, is
an accused person. move? (> See the note under definitive.)
de- tense -less (di-fens-lis) adj. having no def'i-nite-ly adv. Ddefinite article,
defense, unable to defend oneself. the word "the."
de* fen* si 'bio(di-fen-sl-bel) adj. able to def -i-ni-tion (def-I-nish-dn) n. 1. a state-
be defended. de*fen'si*bly adv. de* ment of the precise meaning of a word
fen*si*bil*i*ty (di-fen-sl-bil-i-tee) n. or phrase, or of the nature of a thing.
de*fen*sive (di-fen-siv) adj. used or done 2. making or being distinct, clearness of
for defense, protective. de*fen'sive* outline.
ly adv. Don the defensive, in an atti- de-fin-i-tive (di-fin-i-tiv) adj. finally fix-
tude of defense, ready to defend oneself ing or settling something, conclusive.
against criticism. D>Do not confuse this word with definite.
deafer 1 (di-fur) v. (deferred, de*f er- A definite offer is one that is clearly
ring) 1 to put off to a later time, to
. stated. A one that is
definitive offer is
postpone. 2. to grant (a person) a delay in its final form and must be accepted
in being drafted. de*fer*ment (di-fur- or refused without trying to alter its
ment) n. terms. Adefinitive edition of a work is
defer 2 v. (de-f erred, de-fer-ring) to one with authoritative status.
give way to a person's wishes or judg- de-f late (di-flayt) v. (de-flat-ed, de*
ment or authority, to yield. flatting) 1. to let out air or gas from
def -er-ence (def-e-rens) n. politerespect. (an inflated tire etc.). 2. to cause (a per-
Din deference to, out of respect for. son) to lose confidence or self-esteem. 3.
def*er*en*tial (def-e-ren-shal) adj. show- to counteract inflation in (a country's
ing deference. def*er*en'tial*ly adv. economy), as by reducing the amount
de*fi*ance (di-fi-ans) n. defying, open of money in circulation. 4. to become
disobedience, bold resistance. deflated, de-fla'tion n. de-fla-tion-
de*fi*ant (di-fi-ant) adj. showing defi- ar*y (di-flay-shd-ner-ee) adj.
ance. de*fi'ant*ly adv. deflect (di-flekt) v. to turn or cause to
de*fi*Cien*cy (di-fish-en-see) n. (pi. turn aside, de-flec'tion n. de-flec'tor
-cies) 1. being deficient. 2. a lack or n.
shortage, the amount by which some- de-fog (dee-fog) v. (de* fogged, de*
thing falls short of what is required. fog-ging) to remove the fog from, de*
deficiency disease, a disease (rick- fog'ger n.
ets etc.) caused by lack of vitamins or de-fo-li-ant (dee-foh-li-ant) n. a chemical
other essential elements in food. substance that destroys foliage.
de*fi*Cient (di-fish-ent) adj.'\. not having de-fo-ll-ate (dee-foh-li-ayt) v. (de-fo-li-
enough, deficient in vitamins; mentally at-ed, de-fo-li- at -ing) to strip of
deficient. 2. insufficient or not present at leaves, to destroy foliage by chemical
all. means, de-fo-li-a-tion (dee-foh-li-ay-
def*i*cit (def-I-sit) .Jt 1. the amount by sh6n) n.
which a of what is re-
total falls short de* for* est (dee-for-ist) v. to clear of for-
quired. 2. the excess of expenditure over ests, de • for *es* taction (dee-for-i-stay-
income, or of liabilities over assets. shdn) n.
deficit spending, expenditure by the de-form (di-form) v. to spoil the form or
government of funds raised by borrowing appearance of, to put out of shape, de*
not by taxation. for-ma-tion (dee-for-may-sh6n) n.
de-file 1 (di-fil) v. (de-filed, de-fil-ing) de* formed (di-formd) adj. badly or ab-
to make dirty, to pollute. de*file' normally shaped.
ment n. de-form-j-ty (di-for-mi-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
defile 2
n. a narrow way or gorge through 1. being deformed. 2. a deformed part
which troops must file, defile v. (de* of the body.
filed, de-fiMng) to march in file. de* fraud (di-frawd) v. to deprive by fraud.
de-fin-a-ble (di-fi-na-bel) adj. able to be de-fray (di-fray) v. to provide money to
defined. pay (costs or expenses). de*fray'al n.
de-fine (di-fin) v. (de-fined, de-fin- de* frock (dee-frok) v. to unfrock.
ing) to give a definition of (a word
1. de* frost (di-frawst) v. 1. to remove frost
etc.). 2. to state or explain precisely, cus- or ice from. 2. to unfreeze (frozen food),
tomers* rights are defined by the law. 3. to thaw, defrost the chicken; let the
to outline clearly, to mark out the bound- chicken defrost. de*frost'er n.
ary of. de-fin'er n. deft (deft) adj. skillful, handling things
def-i-nite (def-T-nit) adj. 1. having exact neatly, deft'ly adv. deft'ness n.
limits. 2. clear and unmistakable, not de -Timet (di-fungkt) adj. 1. dead. 2. no
vague, / want a definite answer. 3. cer- longer existing or used or functioning.
defuse / delectation 224
de-fuse (dee-fyooz) v. (defused, de- lose moisture. de*hy dra-tion (dee-hi-
fusing) 1. to remove the fuse of, to dray-sh6n) ru
make (an explosive) unable to explode. de-hydro-ge-nate (dee-hi-droj-e-nayt)
2. to reduce the dangerous tension in (a v. (de*hydro*ge*nat*ed, de*hy
situation). dro-gen-at-ing) to remove hydrogen
de-fy (di-fi) v. (de-fied, de* tying) 1. from (a compound). de*hy*dro*ge*
to resist openly, to refuse to obey. 2. to na-tion (dee-hi-droj-e-nay-shon) n.
challenge (a person) to try some- de-ice (dee-is) v. (de-iced, de-ic-ing)
thing that one believes he cannot or will to remove or prevent the formation of
not do, / defy you to prove this. 3. to ice on (a windshield or other surface),
offer difficulties that cannot be overcome, de-ie'er n.
the door defied all attempts to open it de*i*ty (dee-l-fi) v. (de*i*fied, de*i*
deg. abbr. degrees). tying) to make a god of, to treat as a
de-gas (di-gas) v. (de* gassed, de* god. de • i • fl • ca • tion (dee-i-fi-kay-shdn)
gas* sing) to remove gas from. n.
de gauss
* (dee-go ws) v. to demagnetize (a deign (dayn) to condescend, to be kind

television receiver, ship, etc.). or gracious enough to do something, she

de*gen*er*ate (di-jen-e-rayt) v. (de* did not deign to reply.
gen-er-at-ed, de-gen-er-at-ing) to de*i*on*ize (dee-i-d-niz) v. (de-i-on-
become worse or lower in standard, to ized, de-i-on-iz-ing) to remove ions
lose good qualities, degenerate (di-jen- or ionic constituents (from water etc.).
e-rit) adj. having degenerated, degener- de-i-on-i-za-tion (dee-i-d-ni-zay-
ate n. a degenerate person or animal. shdn) n.
de*gen*er*ac*y (di-jen-e-ra-see) n. de-ism (dee-iz-em) n. behef in the exist-
de*gen*er*a*tion (di-jen-e-ray-shon) ence of a god without accepting revela-
n. de*gen*er*a*tive (di-jen-e-ra-tiv) tion, de'ist n. de-is-tic (dee-is-tik) adj.
adj. de*i*ty (dee-T-tee) n, (pL -ties) 1. a god
de* grade (di-grayd) v. (de-grad-ed, or goddess, Roman deities; the Deity,
de-grad-ing) 1. to reduce to a lower God. 2. divinity.
rank or status. 2. to bring disgrace or de-ja vu (day-z/rah voo) a mistaken feeling
contempt on. deg-ra-da-tion (deg-ra- of having experienced the present situa-
day-shon) n. de-grad'a-ble adj. tion before. D> French. Do not make the
de*grad*ing (di-gray-ding) adj. shaming, mistake of using deja vu when describing
humiliating. a situation you have experienced before.
degree (di-gree) n. 1. a step or stage in de-jec-ted (di-jek-tid) adj. in low spirits,
an ascending or descending series. 2. depressed, de-jec'ted-ly adv.
a stage in intensity or amount, a high de-jec-tion (di-jek-sh6n) n. lowness of
degree of skill 3. an academic rank spirits, depression.
awarded to a person who has successfully de Ju*re (dee joor-ee) rightful, by right.
completed a course of study or as an > Latin.
honor. 4. a unit of measurement for an- dek-a-gram (dek-a-gram) n. ten grams,
gles or arcs, indicated by the symbol °, 0.353 ounce.
as 45°. 5. a unit of measurement in a dek-a-li-ter (dek-a-lee-ter) n. ten Uters,
scale, as of temperatures, water freezes 9.08 quarts (dry), 2.64 gallons (liquid).
at 32° F. Dby degrees, step by step, dek-a-me-ter (dek-a-mee-tSr) n. ten me-
gradually. ters, 32.81 feet.
de horn
• (dee-horn) v. to remove the horns del. abbr. 1 delegate. 2. delegation. 3. de-

from (an animal). lete.

de*hu*man*ize (dee-hyoo-mi-niz) v. Del. abbr. Delaware.
(de*hu*man*ized, de*hu*man*iz* Del -a- ware (del-a-wair) 1. a state of the
ing) to take away human qualities, to U.S. 2. a member or language of an In-
make impersonal or machinelike, de* dian tribe, originally of the Delaware
hu*man*i*za*tion (dee-hyoo-ma-ni- River Valley. Del*a*war*e*an (del-a-
zay-shdn) n. wair-ee-an) adj. & n.
de-hu-mid-l-ty (dee-hyoo-mid-I-fi) v. de-lay (di-lay) to make or be late,
v. 1.

(de*hu*mid*i*fled, de-hu-mid-i- to hinder. 2. to put off until later, to

tying) to remove moisture from (air postpone, delay n. 1 delaying, being de- .

etc.). de*hu*mid'l*fl*er n. de -hu- layed. 2. the for which

amount of time
mid -i-fi-ca-tion (dee-hyoo-mid-I-n- something is delayed, a two-hour delay.
kay-shdn) n. de-lec-ta-ble (di-lck-ta-bel) adj. delight-
de* hydrate (dee-hi-drayt) v. (de*hy ful, enjoyable.
drat-ed, de-hy drat* ing) 1. to re- de- lee -taction (dee-lek-tay-shdn) n. en-
move the moisture content from. 2. to joyment, delight, for your delectation.
225 delegate / delta
del *e -gate (del-e-git, -gayt) a personn. that causes this, de* lighted adj. de*
who represents others and acts according light'ed -ly adv.
to their instructions, delegate (del- de* light *ful (di-lit-ful) adj. giving delight.
e-gay t) v. (del-e-gat-ed, del -e- gat- de*light'ful*ly adv.
ing) to entrust (a task, power, or respon- De-ll-lah (di-li-la) n. a seductive and
» sibility) to an agent. treacherous woman. OFrom a woman
del-e-ga-tion (del-e-gay-shon) n. 1. dele- in the Bible who betrayed Samson to the
gating. 2. a body of delegates. Philistines.
deplete (di-leet)(de-let-ed, de-let-
v. de-lim-it (di-lim-it) v. to fix the limits or
ing) to strike out (something written or boundaries of. de*lim*i*ta*tion (di-
printed), several words were deleted by lim-i-tay-shon) n.

the censor, de-le-tion (di-lee-shon) n. de-lin-e-ate (di-lin-i-ayt) v. (de-lin-

del-e-te-ri-ous (del-e-teer-i-us) adj. e-at-ed, de-lin-e-at-ing) to show by
harmful to the body or mind. drawing or by describing, de-lin-e-a-
delft (delft) n. a kind of glazed earthen- tion (di-lin-i-ay-sh6n) n.

ware, usually decorated in blue. de- lin -quent (di-ling-kwent) adj. commit-
delft* ware (delft- wair) n. delft. ting an offense or failing to perform a
Del* hi (del-ee) the capital of India. duty, delinquent n. a delinquent person,
del*i (del-ee) n. (pi. -Is) (informal) delica- especially a young offender against the
law. de*lin'quen-cy n. (pi. -cies).
de-lib-er-ate (di-lib-e-rit) adj. 1. done or del-i-quesce (del-i-kwes) v. (del-i-
said on purpose, intentional, a deliberate
quesced, del*i*quesc*ing) to become
liquid, to melt, del-i-ques'cent adj.
insult 2. slow and careful, unhurried,
de-lir-i-ous (di-leer-i-us) adj. 1. affected
steps, deliberate
entered with deliberate
with delirium, raving. 2. wildly excited,
(di-lib-e-rayt) (de-lib-er-at-ed, de*
de-lir'i-ous-ly adv.
lib-er-at-ing) to think over or discuss
de-lir-i-um (di-leer-i-um) n. (pi. -Mr*
carefully before reaching a decision,
i-ums, -lir*i*a, pr. -leer-i-a) 1. a disor-
de-lib'er-ate-ly adv. de* libber* ate*
dered state of mind, especially during fe-
ness n.
verish illness. 2. wild excitement or
de*lib*er*a*tion (di-lib-e-ray-sh6n) n. 1.
emotion. delirium tre-mens (tree-
careful consideration or discussion. 2.
menz), a form of dehrium with tremors
careful slowness.
and terrifying delusions, caused chiefly
de*lib*er*a*tive (di-lib-e-ray-ty) adj. for
by heavy drinking.
the purpose of deliberating or discussing
de* liver (di-liv-er) v. 1. to take (letters
things, a deliberative assembly.
or goods etc.) to the addressee or pur-
del-i-ca-cy (del-i-ka-see) n. (pi. -cies) 1.
chaser. 2. to transfer, to hand over, to
delicateness. 2. avoidance of what is im- present. 3. to utter (a speech). 4. to aim
modest or offensive or hurtful to others. or launch (a blow or attack), to pitch
3. a choice food.
(a ball) in baseball etc. 5. to rescue, to
del-i -cate (del-i-kit) adj. 1 fine in texture,
save or set free. 6. to give birth to, to
soft, slender. of exquisite quality or
2. assist (a female) in giving birth, de*
workmanship. 3. (of color or flavor) Hv'er-er n.
pleasant and not strong or intense. 4. de-liver-ance (di-liv-e-rans) n. rescue,
easily injured, liable to illness, (of plants) setting free.
unable to withstand cold. 5. requiring de*liver*y (di-liv-e-ree) n. (pi. -er*
or careful handling, a delicate opera-
skill ies) 1. delivering, being delivered. 2. a
tion; the situation is delicate. 6. skillful periodical distribution of letters or goods
and sensitive, has a delicate touch. 7. tak- etc. 3. the manner of delivering a speech,
ing great care to avoid what is immodest her delivery was poor. 4. the manner of
or offensive or hurtful to others, del'i* pitching a ball, throwing a blow in a
cate-ly adv. del'i- cate -ness n. fight, etc. 5. a baseball pitch. 6. child-
del-i-ca-tes-sen (del-i-ka-tes-en) n. 1. a birth. Ddelivery boy, a boy who deliv-
store selling prepared delicacies such as ers goods ordered from a store.
salads, cooked meats, and smoked fish. dell (del) n. a small wooded hollow or val-
2. these foods. ley.
de-li-cious (di-lish-us) adj. delightful, es- de* louse (dee-lows) v. (de* loused, de*
pecially to the senses of taste or smell, lous*ing) to rid of lice.
de-li'cious-ly adv. del-phin-i-um (del-fin-i-um) n. a garden
de* light (di-lit) please greatly. 2.
v. 1. to plant with tall spikes of flowers, usually
to be greatly pleased, to feel great pleas- blue.
ure, she delights in giving surprises, de- del*ta (del-ta) n. 1. the fourth letter of
light n. 1. great pleasure. 2. something the Greek alphabet (A 5). 2. a triangular
delude / democratic 226
patch of land accumulated at the mouth of, / wouldn't demean myself to ask for
of a river between two or more of its it
branches, the Mississippi Delta, delta de* mean* or (di-mee-ndr) n. the way a
ray, a ray consisting of low-velocity elec- person behaves.
trons knocked from an atom during colli- de*ment*ed (di-men-tid) adj. driven mad,
sion with other particles, delta wing air- crazy. de*ment'ed*ly adv.
craft, an aircraft with swept-back wings de*men*tia (di-men-sha) n. a mental ill-

that give it a triangular appearance. ness in which there is loss of reasoning

de-lude (di-lood) v. (de*J/jd*ed, de* power. dementia prae-cox (pree-
ludHng) to deceive. koks), schizophrenia.
del-uge (del-yooj) n. a great flood, a
1. de Trier -it (dee-mer-it) n. 1. a fault, a de-
heavy fall of rain; the Deluge, the flood fect. 2. a mark against a person's school
in Noah's time. 2. anything coming record.
in a heavy rush, a deluge of questions. de* mesne (di-mayn) n. 1. a domain 2.
deluge v. (de-luged, de-lug-ing) to a landed estate.
flood, to come down on like a deluge. dem*i*god (dem-ee-god) n. 1. the off-
de lu -sion (di-loo-z/ion) n. 1 a false belief
• . spring of a god and a mortal. 2. a person
or opinion. 2. a persistent false belief that who seems to have godlike powers.
is a symptom or form of madness. de* dem *i* John (dem-ee-jon) n. a bulging nar-
IU'sion*al adj. >Do not confuse delu- row-necked bottle holding three to ten
sion with illusion. gallons.
de-lu-sive (di-loo-siv) adj. deceptive, rais- de*mil*i*tar*ize (dee-mil-i-ta-nz) v. (de*
ing vain hopes. mil*i*ta*rized, de*mil*i*ta*riz*ing)
deluxe (di-Iuks) adj. of very high quality, to remove military forces, installations,
luxurious. etc.from. de*mil*i*tar*i*za*tion (dee-
delve (delv) v. (delved, delving) to mil-i-ta-n-zay-shdn) n. D
search deeply for information. zone, an area required (by treaty or
Dem. abbr. 1. Democrat. 2. Democratic. agreement) to have no military forces or
de-mag-net'ize (dee-mag-ne-tiz) v. (de* installations in it.

mag-net'ized, de-mag-net-iz'ing) dem*i*mon*daine (dem-ee-mon-dayn) n.

to remove the magnetic properties of. a woman of the demimonde.
de-mag-ne-ti-za-tion (dee-mag-ne- denvi-monde (dem-ee-mond) n. the
ti-zay-sh6n) n. world of women of doubtful reputation
dem*a*gogue (dem-a-gawg) n. a leader and social standing.
or agitator who wins support by appeal- de*mise (di-miz) n. (formal) death.
ing to people's feelings and prejudices dem*i*tasse (dem-ee-tas) n. 1. a small
rather than by reasoning. dem*a*go- cup for after-dinner coffee. 2. its con-
gu-er-y (dem-a-gaw-ge-ree) n. dem* tents. Ddemitasse spoon, a small
a-go-gy (dem-a-goh-jee) n. spoon for demitasse.
de*mand (di-mand) n. 1. a request made denvo (dem-oh) n. {pi. dem* OS) (in-
imperiously or as if one had a right. 2. formal) 1. a demonstration. 2. an item
a desire for goods or services by people used for demonstration (as an automo-
who wish to buy or use these, there's a bile or radio).
great demand for typists. 3. an urgent de*mo*bi*lize (dee-moh-bl-liz) v. (de*
claim, there are many demands on my mo-bil-ized, de*mob*il*iz*ing) 1. to
time, demand v. 1. to make a demand release from military service. 2. to reduce
for. 2. to need, the work demands great or disband military forces, de *mo* bi-
skill. demand deposit, a bank de- ll *za* Won (dee-moh-bT-li-zay-shdn) n.
posit that can be withdrawn without ad- de*moc*ra*cy (di-mok-ra-see) n. {pi
vance notice, in demand, sought after. -cies) 1 government by the whole peo-

on demand, as soon as the demand is ple of a country, especially through rep-

made, payable on demand. resentatives whom they elect. 2. a coun-
de*mand*ing (di-man-ding) adj. 1. mak- try governed in this way.
ing many demands. 2. requiring much dem*o*crat (dem-6-krat) n. 1. a person
skill or effort, a demanding job. who favors democracy. 2. Democrat, a
de-mar-cate (di-mahr-kayt) v. (de* member of the Democratic Party in the
mar-cat-ed, de*mar*cat*ing) to U.S.
mark the boundaries of. de*mar*ca* dem*o*crat*ic (dem-5-krat-ik) adj. 1. of
tion (di-mahr-kay-shdn) n. or like or supporting democracy. 2. in
de • marche (day-mahrsh) n. a step or pro- accordance with the principle of equal
ceeding in politics etc., especially one ini- rights for all, a democratic decision. 3.
tiating fresh policy. > French. Democratic, of the Democratic Party.
de*mean (di-meen) v. to lower the dignity dem*o*crat'i*cal*ly adv.
227 democratize / denigrate
de-moc-ra-tize (di-mok-ra-tiz) v. (de* n. demonstrative pronoun, see pro-
moc-ra-tized, de*moc*ra*tiz*ing) noun.
to make democratic. de*moc*ra*ti* de*mor*al*ize (di-mor-a-hz) v. (de*
za*tion (di-mok-ra-ti-zay-shon) n. mor-a-lized, de-mor-a-liz-ing) to
de*mo*de (day-mo-day) adj. out of fash- weaken the morale of, to dishearten.
ion. >
French. de • mor • al • • za • tion (di-mor-a-li-zay-

de*mog*ra*phy (di-mog-r5-fee) n. the shon) n.

scientific study of population statistics de*mote (di-moht) v. (de*mot*ed, de*

relating to births, deaths, diseases, etc. mot*ing) to reduce to a lower rank or
de*mog'ra*pher n. de* mo- graph -ic category, de* mo* tion (di-moh-sh6n) n.
(dee-md-graf-ik) adj. de -mo- graph ' de*mot*iC (di-mot-ik) adj. of ordinary
ic-al-ly adv. people, demotic n. demotic language or
de-mol-ish (di-mol-ish) v. 1. to pull or style etc.
knock down (a building). 2. to destroy de*mul*cent (di-mul-sent) n. a soothing
(a person's argument or theory etc.). 3. medicine, demulcent adj. soothing.
(informal) to eat up. dem*o*li*tion de-mur (di-mur) v. (de*murred, de*
(dem-6-lish-6n) n. munring) to raise objections, they de-
de*mon (dee-mdn) n. 1. a devil or evil murred at working on Sundays, demur

spirit. 2. a cruel or forceful person, de-

n. an objection raised, they went without
mon adj. 1. like, of a demon. 2. (in- demur. de*mur , ral n. a demur.
formal) energetic, forceful, skilled, a de-
de*mure (di-myoor) adj. quiet and serious
or pretending to be so. de*mure / ly adv.
mon worker.
de-mon-e-tize (dee-mon-e-tiz) v. (de* de*mure / ness n.
mon*e*tized, de*mon*e*tiz*ing) to
de*mur*rage (di-mur-ij) n. 1. the amount
payable to a shipowner by the person
withdraw (coins or bills) from use as
or company that leases his ship for failure
money. de*mon*e*ti*za*tion (dee-
to load or unload the ship within the
mon-e-ti-zay-shdn) n.
time allowed. 2. a similar charge with
de*mo*ni*ac (di-moh-ni-ak) adj. 1. of or
respect to a truck or railroad. 3. such
like a demon. 2. possessed by an evil
a delay.
spirit. 3. fiercely energetic, frenzied.
den (den) n. 1. a wild animal's lair. 2. a
de*mo*ni*a*cal (dee-md-m-a-kal) adj. of
place where people gather for some ille-
or like a demon.
gal activity, a gambling den; a den of
de*mon*ic (di-mon-ik) adj. of or like a
iniquity. 3. a small room in which a per-
demon. de*mon'i*cal adj. son shuts himself away to work or relax.
de-mon -ol-o-gy (dee-m6-nol-6-jee) n.
Den. abbr. Denmark.
the study of demons, behef in demons.
de*na*tion*al*ize (dee-nash-5-na-hz) v.
de*mon*stra-ble (di-mon-stra-bel) adj. (de*na*tion*al*ized, de*na*tion*
able to be shown or proved, de-mon' al*iz*ing) to transfer (an industry) from
stra-bly adv. national to private ownership. de*na*
dem-orrstrate (dem-6n-strayt) v. (dem- tion *al*i*za* tion (dee-nash-6-n^-li-
onstrated, dem*on*strat*ing) 1. zay-shon) n.
to show evidence of, to prove. 2. to de- de*na*tured (dee-nay-chiird) adj. having
scribe and explain by the help of speci- had natural qualities changed; dena-
mens or examples; demonstrate the ma- tured alcohol, alcohol made unfit for
chine to customers, show them how it drinking but remaining usable for other
works. 3. to take part in a demonstration, purposes.
dem'on-stra-tor n. den*droi*0*gy (den-drol-6-jee) n. the sci-
dem on• stra • tion (dem-6n-stray-sh6n)

entific study of trees, den •drol / o* gist
n. 1 demonstrating. 2. a show of feeling.
. n. den*dro*log*iC (den-dr6-loj-ik) adj.
3. an organized gathering or march to den*dro*log'i*cal adj.
express the opinion of a group publicly. den*gue (deng-gay) infectious tropical
4. a display of military force, fever causing acute pains in the joints.
de-mon-stra-tive (di-mon-stra-tiv) adj. de*ni*a*ble (di-m-a-bel) adj. able to be
1. showing or proving. 2. expressing denied.
one's feelings openly; she is not a demon- de-ni-al (di-ni-al) n. 1 denying. 2. a state-

strative child, does not readily show af- ment that a thing is not true. 3. refusal
fection openly. 3. (in grammar) indicat- of a request or wish.
ing the person or thing referred to, as de*nier (de-neer) n. a unit of weight by
this in "this is wrong; this hat is right which the fineness of silk, rayon, or nylon
for me." demonstrative n. a de- yarn is measured.
monstrative word. de*mon'stra* den*i*grate (den-i-grayt) v. (den*i*
tive*ly adv. de-mon'stra-tive-ness grat-ed, den*i*grat*ing) to blacken
denim / deoxidize 228

the reputation of, to sneer at. den*i* blow or by pressure. a noticeable re-
gra-tion (den-i-gray-shon) n. duction, that purchase made
a dent in
den -im (den-im) n. 1 a strong twilled cot- . my bank account dent
v. 1 to make a .

ton fabric used for making clothes. 2. dent in. 2. to become dented. not >Do
denims, trousers made of denim. confuse dent with dint
den -i-zen (den-i-zen) n. a person or plant dent. abbr. 1. dental. 2. dentist. 3. den-
living or often present in a particular tistry.
•place, denizens of the jungle. den -tal (den-tal) adj. 1 of or for the teeth.

Den* mark (den-mahrk^ a country in 2. of dentistry, a dental practice, den'

northern Europe. tal-ly adv. dental floss, strong
de-nom-i-nate (di-nom-i-nayt) v. (de* thread used for cleaning between the
nom-i-nat-ed, de-nom-i-nat-ing) 1. teeth, dental hygiene, the care and
to give a name to. 2. to describe (a person cleaning of the teeth.
or thing) as. den-tate (den-tayt) adj. toothed, with
de nom
• • ina • tion (di-nom-i-nay-shdn)
• toothlike notches.
n. 1. a name or title. 2. a distinctively den *ti*f rice (den-ti-fris) n. toothpaste or
named church or religious sect, Baptists tooth powder.
and other Protestant denominations. 3. den* tin (den-tin), den* tine
(den-teen) n.
a unit of measurement, a unit of money, a hard dense tissue forming the main part
coins of small denomination, of teeth.
de • nom na tion • al (di-nom-i-nay-shd-
• i
• • den-tist (den-tist) n. a person who is quali-
nal) adj. of a particular religious denomi- fied to fill or extract teeth, fit artificial
nation. ones, etc.
de-nom-i-na-tor (di-nom-i-nay-t6r) n. den*tis*try (den-ti-stree) n. the work or
the number written below the line in a profession of a dentist.
fraction, for example, 4 in ^, showing den -ti- tion (den-tish-dn) n. 1. teething.
how many parts the whole is divided 2. the characteristic arrangement of
into. common denominator, see teeth.
common. denature (den-chur) n. a set of artificial
de-no-ta-tion (dee-noh-tay-shdn) n. the teeth.
explicit meaning of a word, as distinct de-nu-cle-ar-lze (dee-noo-klee-S-nz) v.
from its connotation. C>Do not confuse (de-nu-cle-ar-ized, de-nu-cle-ar-
denotation with connotation. iz-ing) to remove nuclear arms from,
de-note (di-noht) v. (de-not-ed, de- de-nu-cle-ar-i-za-tion (dee-noo-
noting) to be the sign or symbol or klee-a-ri-zay-sh6n) n.
name of, to indicate, on highway signs de-nude (di-nood) v. (de-nud-ed, de*
H denotes a hospital, de-no-ta-tive nud-ing) 1. to make naked or bare, to
(dee-noh-tay-tiv) adj. strip the cover from, the trees were de-
de-noue-ment, de-noue-ment (day- nuded of their leaves. 2. to deprive, credi-
noo-mahn) n. 1 the clearing up, at the . tors denuded him of every penny, de*
end of a play or story, of the complica- nu* da* tion (dee-noo-day-sh6n) n.

tions of the plot. 2. the outcome of a de nun *ci*a* tion

• (di-nun-si-ay-sh6n) n.

tangled sequence of events. denouncing.

de-nounce (di-nowns) v. (de-nounced, Den- ver (den-ver) the capital of Colorado.
de-nounc-ing) 1. to speak publicly de*ny (dim) v. (de-nied, de-nying) 1.
against. 2. to give information against, to say that (a thing) is not true or does
denounced him as a spy. 3. to announce not exist. 2. to disown, to refuse to ac-
that one is ending (a treaty or agreement). knowledge, Peter denied Christ 3. to re-
de-nounc'er n. de-nounce'ment n. fuse to give what is asked for or needed,
dense (dens) adj. (dens-er, dens- to prevent from having, no one can deny
est) 1. thick, not easy to see through, you your rights. Ddeny oneself, to re-
dense fog. 2. massed closely together, strictone's food or drink or pleasure.
dense crowds. 3. stupid, densely adv. de-o-dor-ant (dee-oh-do-rant) n. a sub-
dense'ness n. stance that removes or conceals un-
den-si-tom-e-ter (den-si-tom-e-ter) n. wanted odors, deodorant adj. deodoriz-
an instrument for measuring photo- ing.
graphic density etc. de-o-dor-ize (dee-oh-dd-riz) v. (de*
den-si-ty (den-si-tee) n. (pi. -ties) 1. a o-dor-ized, de-o -dor -iz-ing) to de-
dense or concentrated condition, the den- stroy the odor of. de*o'dor*iz*er n.
sity of the fog. 2. stupidity. 3. the ratio de*o*dor-i*za*tion (dee-oh-dd-ri-zay-
of mass to volume, the density of water sh&n) n.

is 62.5 pounds per cubic foot. de-ox-i-dize (dee-ok-si-diz) v. (de*

dent (dent) n. 1. a depression left by a ox-i-dized, de-ox-i-diz-lng) to re-
229 deoxyribonucleic / deposition

move oxygen from. de-ox'i-diz-er n. planning) to descend or remove from

de ox • y • ri • bo • nu • cle • ic (dee-ok-si-n-
• an airplane.
boh-noo-klee-ik) acid n. a substance in de-plete (di-pleet) v. (de*plet*ed, de*
the chromosomes of higher creatures, plet*ing) to use up large quantities of,
storing genetic information. to reduce in number or quantity, de*
dep. abbr. 1 depart. 2. departed. 3. depart-
. ple*tion (di-plee-shon) n. D
ment. 4. departure. 5. deponent. 6. de- allowance, a tax reduction for indus-
posed. 7. deposit. 8. depot. 9. deputy. tries that deplete their unrenewable re-
de-part (di-pahrt) v. 1. to go away, to sources in the course of doing business.
leave. 2. (of trains or buses) to start, to de*plor*a*ble (di-plohr-a-bel) adj. 1. re-
begin a journey. 3. to cease to follow a grettable. 2. exceedingly bad, shocking.
particular course, departing from our de*plor'a*bly adv.
normal procedure. de*plore (di-plohr) v. (de*plored, de*
de-part-ed (di-pahr-tid) adj. bygone, de- plor-ing) 1. to regret deeply, we deplore
parted glories; the departed, the dead. her death. 2. to find deplorable, we de-
de* part* merit (di-pahrt-ment) n. one of plore their incompetence.
the units, each with a specialized func- de-ploy (di-ploi) v. to spread out, to bring
tion, into which a business, store, or or- or come into action systematically, de-
ganization is divided. D
department ploying his troops or resources; the ships
Store, a large store in which there are and aircraft deployed in battle, de • ploy'
various departments, each dealing in a ment n.
separate type of goods. de*po*lar*ize (dee-poh-la-nz) v. (de*
de • part* men *tal (dee-pahrt-men-tal) adj. po-lar-ized, de*po*lar*iz*ing) 1. to
of a department. reduce or remove polarization from. 2.
de- par -Hire (di-pahr-chur) n. 1. depart- to move closer together in opinion after
ing, going away. 2. setting out on a new being far apart, de-po-lar-i-za-tion
course of action or thought. (dee-poh-la-ri-zay-shdn) n. de*po / lar*
de-pend (di-pend) v. depend on, 1. to i-zer n.
be controlled or determined by, whether de*pon*ent (di-poh-nent) n. a person
we can have a picnic depends on the making a deposition under oath.
weather. 2. to be unable to do without, de*pop*u*late (dee-pop-yu-layt) v. (de*
she depends on my help. 3. to trust confi- pop-u-lat-ed, de-pop-u-lat-ing) to
dently, to feel certain about, you can de- reduce the population of. de*pop*U*
pend on John to be there when he's la -t ion (dee-pop-yu-lay-shdn) n.
needed. depend upon it, you can be de-port (di-pohrt) v. to remove (an un-
quite certain. wanted person) from a country, de*
de-pend-a-ble (di-pen-da-bel) adj. able por*ta*tion (dee-pohr-tay-shdn) n.
to be relied on. de-pend'a-bly adv. de* port* ment (di-pohrt-ment) n. behav-
de-pend*a*bil*i*ty (di-pen-da-bil-i- ior, a person's way of conducting himself,
tee) n. the child's deportment was unacceptable.
de-pend-ence (di-pen-dens) n. depend- de-pose (di-pohz) v. (de* posed, de*
ing, being dependent. pos-ing) 1. to remove from power, the
de*pend*en*cy (di-pen-den-see) n. {pi queen was deposed. 2. to testify or bear
-cles) a country that is controlled by witness, especially on oath in court.
another. de*DOS*it (di-poz-it) n. 1. a thing depos-
de*pend*ent (di-pen-dent) adj. 1. de- ited for safekeeping. 2. a sum of money
pending, conditioned, promotion is de- paid into a bank. 3. a sum paid as a
pendent on ability. 2. needing the help guaranty or a first installment. 4. a layer
of, unable to do without, he is dependent of matter deposited or accumulated natu-
on drugs. 3. controlled by another, not rally, new deposits of copper were found
independent, our dependent territories. deposit v. 1. to lay or put down, she
dependent n. one who depends on an- deposited the books on the desk. 2. to
other for support, he has four dependents. store or entrust for safekeeping, to pay
de*per*son*al*lze (dee-pur-sd-na-liz) v. (money) into a bank. 3. to pay as a guar-
(de*per*son*al*lzed, de*per*son* anty or first installment. 4. to leave as
al-iz-lng) to make impersonal. a layer or covering of matter, floods de-
de-pict (di-pikt) v. 1. to show in the form posited mud on the land de*pos'l*
of a picture. 2. to describe in words, de* tor n. Don deposit, deposited with a
pic-tion (di-pik-shdn) n. (bank, store, etc.) for safekeeping or as
de*pil*a*to*ry (di-pil-S-tohr-ee) n. (pL a first installment.
-ries) a substance that removes superflu- dep-o-si-tion (dep-d-zfch-on) n. 1. de-
ous hair, depilatory adj. removing hair. posing or being deposed from power. 2.
de* plane (dee-playn) v. (de* planed, de* a statement made on oath. 3. depositing.
depository / derby 230
de-pos-i-to-ry (di-poz-i-tohr-ee) n. {pi pressive n. a person suffering from
-ries) a storehouse, a place for safekeep- mental depression.
ing of things, the merchant left his re- de-prival (di-pn-val) n. depriving, being
ceipts in the night depository. deprived.
de • pot (dee-poh) n. 1 a storehouse, espe-
. dep-ri-va-tion (dep-ri-vay-sh6n) n. 1. de-
cially for military supplies. 2. a place for prival 2. a keenly felt loss.
assembling military recruits and replace- de*prive (di-prcv) v. (deprived, de-
ment troops. 3. a place where goods are priving) to take a thing away from, to
deposited or from which, goods, vehicles, prevent from using or enjoying, thepris-
etc. are dispatched. 4. a bus station or oner had been deprived of food. de- D
railroad station. prived Child, one who has been pre-
de-prave (di-prayv) v. (depraved, de* vented from having a normal home life.
prav-ing) to make morally bad, to de* pro* gram (dee-proh-gram) v. (de«
corrupt. dep-ra-va-tion (dep-ra-vay- programed, de • pro* gram «ing) to
sh6n) n. restore (a person's thought processes) to
de-praved (di-prayvd) adj. 1. immoral, normal through systematic reindoctrina-
wicked, a depraved character. 2. made tion. de-pro'gram-er n.

bad, perverted, depraved tastes. dept. abbr. 1. department. 2. deponent.

de-prav-i-ty (di-prav-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) 3. deputy.

moral corruption, wickedness. depth (depth) n. 1 being deep. 2. the dis-

dep-re-cate (dep-re-kayt) v. (dep-re- tance from the top down, or from the
surface inward, or from front to back.
cat-ed, dep- re-cat-ihg) 1 to feel and .

3. deep learning or thought or feeling.

express disapproval of. 2. to try to turn
4. intensity of color or darkness. 5. low-
aside (praise or blame etc.) politely,
ness of pitch in a voice or sound. 6. the
dep-re-ca-tion (dep-re-kay-shdn) n.
deepest or most central part, living in
dep-re-ca-to-ry (dep-re-ka-tohr-ee)
the depths of the forest. depth Charge,
adj. E>Do not confuse deprecate with
a bomb that will explode under water,
for use against submarines etc. in depth,
de-pre-ci-ate (di-pree-shi-ayt) v. (de*
with thorough and intensive investiga-
pre-ci-at-ed, de-pre-ci-at-ing) 1. to
tions, studied it in depth; defense in depth*
make or become lower in value. 2. to
a system of defense employing successive
belittle, to disparage. de*pre*ci*a*
areas of resistance, out of or beyond
tion (di-pree-shi-ay-sh6n) n. E>Do not
one's depth, in water that is too deep
confuse depreciate with deprecate.
to stand in; attempting something that
de • pre • cl • a • to • ry (di-pree-shi-a-tohr-
is beyond one's ability.
ee) adj. disparaging.
dep*u*ta*tion (dep-yu-tay-shdn) n. a
dep-re-da-tion (dep-re-day-shdn) n.
body of people appointed to go on a mis-
plundering, destruction. sion on behalf of others.
de* press (di-pres) v. 1. tomake sad, to de-pute (di-pyoot) v. (de*put*ed, de-
lower the spirits of. 2. to make less active; puting) 1 to delegate (a task) to a per-

bad news depresses the stock market, son. 2. to appoint (a person) to act as
values are reduced. 3. to press down, de- one's representative.
press the lever, de* pressed ' adj. de* dep-u-tize (dep-yu-tiz) v. (de*pu*
pres'sor n. tized, de*pu*tiz*ing) to appoint as
de*pres*sant (di-pres-ant) n. a substance deputy.
that reduces the activity of the nervous dep*u*ty (dep-yu-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1. a
system, a sedative, depressant adj. de- person appointed to act as substitute for
pressing. another. 2. a member of a legislature in
de-pres-sion (di-presh-dn) a state n. 1. certain countries, the Chamber of Depu-
of excessive sadness or hopelessness, of- ties. deputy sheriff, an acting sheriff.
ten with physical symptoms. 2. a long der. abbr. 1. derivation. 2. derivative. 3.
period of inactivity in business and trade, derived.
with widespread unemployment. 3. a derail (dee-rayl) v. 1. to cause (a train)
lowering of atmospheric pressure, an to leave the rails. 2. (of a train) to leave
area of low pressure that may bring rain. the rails. deTaiKment n.
4. a sunken place or hollow on a surface. de* range (di-raynj) v. (de* ranged, de- .

5. pressing down. Dthe Depression, rang-ing) 1. to throw into confusion,

the Great Depression, the business to disrupt. 2. to make insane, de* range'
slump that began in 1929 and ended ment n.

when World War II broke out. der* by (dur-bee) n. {pi -bies) 1. a horse

de-pres-sive (di-pres-iv) adj. 1. depress- race of particular prominence. 2. a con-

ing. 2. involving mental depression, de- test of any kind open to all, a roller derby.
231 derelict / desecrate

3. (alsoderby hat) a man's stiff felt hat. der -ri- ere (der-i-air) n. buttocks.
4. the Derby, the annual horse race at > French.
Churchill Downs, Kentucky; the annual der •ring-do (der-ing-doo) n. heroic cour-
horse race at Epsom, near London, Eng- age or action.
land. der-rin-ger (der-in-jer) n. a small large-
der-e-lict (der-e-likt) adj. abandoned, de- bore pistol. >From its American inven-
serted and left to fall into ruin, derelict tor, Henry Deringer.
n. 1 . a person who is abandoned by soci- der-ris (der-is) n. 1. an East Indian legu-
ety or who does not fit into a normal minous plant. 2. an insecticide made
social background. 2. an abandoned ship, from its powdered root.
car, plane, etc. der • vish (dur-vish) n. a member of a Mus-
der-e-lic-tion (der-S-lik-shdn) n. 1. ne- lim religious order, vowed to poverty and
glect of duty. 2. abandoning, being aban- chastity.
doned. de-sal -i-nate (dee-sal-T-nayt) v. (de*
de*ride (di-nd) v. (de*rid-ed, de- sal-i-nat-ed, de-sal-i-nat-ing) to
riding) to laugh at scornfully, to treat desalt,de-sal-i-na-tion (dee-sal-T-nay-
with scorn. shdn) n.
de ri-gueur (de ree-gur) required by cus- de-sa-lin-ize (dee-sal-I-mz) to desalt,
tom or etiquette, evening dress is de ri- de-sal-i-ni-za-tion (dee-sal-T-ni-zay-
gueur. >
French. shdn) n.
de-ri*sion (di-rizA-dn) n. scorn, ridicule. de-salt (dee-sawlt) v. to remove salt from
de-ri-sive (di-n-siv) adj. scornful, show- (especially seawater).
ing derision, derisive cheers, de'ri'sive* de* scale (dee-skayl) v. (de* scaled, de*
ly adv. scal-ing) to remove scale from (a kettle
de*ri*SO*ry (di-ro-sd-ree) adj. 1. derisive. or boiler etc.).
2. deserving derision, too insignificant for des-cant (des-kant) n. a melody sung or
serious consideration, a derisory offer. played in accompaniment to the main
deriv. abbr. 1 derivation. 2. derivative. 3.
. melody.
derived. de-scend (di-send) v. 1. to come or go
der-i-va-tion (der-I-vay-shdn) n. 1. deriv- down. 2. to slope downward. 3. to make
ing. 2. origin. a sudden attack or visit, the whole family
de*riva-tive (di-riv-5-tiv) adj. derived descended on us for Easter. 4. to sink
from a source, derivative n. a thing that or stoop to unworthy behavior, to lower
is derived from another. oneself, they would never descend to
deprive (di-nv) v. (de- rived, de* riv- cheating. 5. to be passed down by inheri-
ing) 1. to obtain from a source, he de- tance, the title descended to his son.
rived great pleasure from music; some de-scend -ant (di-sen-dant) n. a person
English words are derived from Latin, who is descended from another, the de-
originate from Latin words. 2. to be de- scendants of John Adams include many
scended, some English words derive from famous Americans.
Latin. 3. to show or assert that some- de* scent (di-sent) n. 1. descending. a 2.
thing is derived from (a source). way by which one may descend. a 3.
der-mal (dur-mal) adj. of the skin. downward slope. 4. a sudden attack or
der-ma-ti-tis (dur-mS-ti^tis) n. inflam- invasion, the Danes made descents upon
mation of the skin. the English coast. 5. lineage, family ori-
der-ma-tol-o-gist (dur-rnS-tol-6-jist) n. gin, they are of French descent.
a specialist in dermatology. de* scribe (di-sk«b) v. (de* scribed, de*
der-ma-tol-o-gy (dur-ma-tol-o-jee) n. scrib-ing) 1. to set forth in words, to
the scientific study of the skin and its say what something is like. 2. to mark
diseases. out or draw the outline of, to move in
der-mis (dur-mis) n. skin, the layer of tis- a certain pattern, described a complete
sue below the epidermis. circle. des-crib'a-ble adj.
der-o-gate (der-6-gayt) v. (der-o -gat- de-scrip- tion (di-skrip-sh6n) n. 1. de-
ed, der-o-gat-ing) to detract from, scribing. 2. an account or picture in
your statement derogates my authority. words. 3. a kind or class of thing, there's
der-o- ga-tion (der-6-gay-shon) n. no food of any description.
de-rog-a-to-ry (di-rog-a-tohr-ee) adj. de- scrip -tive (di-skrip-tiv) adj. giving a
disparaging, contemptuous. description.
der • rick (der-ik) n. 1 a kind of crane with
. de-scry (di-skri) v. (de* scried, de-
an arm pivoted to the base of a central scrying) to catch sight of. >Do not
post or to a floor. 2. a framework over confuse descry with decry.
an oil well or other drilled hole, holding des-e -crate (des-€-krayt) v. (des*
the drilling machinery etc. e-crat -ed, des-e-crat-ing) to treat (a
desegregate / desperado 232
sacred thing) with irreverence or disre- designated as the western boundary. 2.
spect. des'e*cra*tor n. des*e*cra* to describe as, to give a name or title
tfon (des-e-kray-sh6n) n. to. 3. toappoint to a position, designated
de-seg-re-gate (dee-seg-re-gayt) v. (de* Smith as his successor, designate (dez-
seg-re-gat-ed, de-seg-re-gat-ing) ig-nayt, -nit) adj. appointed to office but
to abolish racial segregation in (public not yet installed, the ambassador desig-
places, schools, etc.). de*seg*re*ga* nate. designated hitter, the tenth
tion (dee-seg-re-gay-shon) n% player on a baseball team, whose only
de-sen-si-tize (dee-sen-si-tiz)
v. (de* role is to bat (instead of the pitcher).
sen-si-tized, de-sen-si-tiz-ing) to des-ig-na-tion (dez-ig-nay-shdn) n. 1.
make less sensitive to a substance or in- designating. 2. a name or title.
fluence, de-sen'si-tiz-er n. de-sen- de-sign-ed-ly (di-n-nid-lee) adv. inten-
si-ti*za*tion (dee-sen-si- ti-zay-sh6n) n. tionally.
des-ert 1 (dez-ert) n. a dry barren often de* sign* ing (di-o-ning) adj. t crafty,
sand-covered area of land, desert adj. scheming.
1. barren and uncultivated. 2. unin- de- sir -a -Die (di-zir-a-bel) adj. 1. arous-
habited, a desert island C>Do not con- ing desire, worth desiring, a desirable wa-
fuse desert with dessert terfront house. 2. advisable, worth doing,
de-sert 2 (di-zurt)
v. 1 to abandon, to leave
. if is desirable that you be present de*

without intending to return, to forsake. sJr'a-bly adv. de-sir-a-bil-i-ty (di-

2. to leave service in the armed forces zir-a-bil-i-tee) n,
without permission, de*sert'er n. de* de-sire (di-zir) n. 1. a feeling that one
section (di-zur-shdn) n. would get pleasure or satisfaction by ob-
de-serts (di-zurtz) n. pi what one de- taining or possessing something. 2. an
serves (whether good or bad), she agreed expressed wish, a request, at the desire
that she had received her deserts. [>Do of the company president 3. an object
not confuse deserts with desserts. of desire, all your heart s desires. 4.
de- serve (di-zurv) v. (de* served, de- strong sexual urge, desire v. (de* sired,
serving) to be worthy of or entitled de* sir* ing) 1. to have a desire for. 2.
to (a thing) because of actions or quali- to ask for. leave much to be de-
ties. sired, to be unsatisfactory.
de-served-ly (di-zur-vid-lee) adv. ac- de- sir -ous (di-zir-us) adj. having a desire,
cording to what is deserved, justly. desiring.
de* serving adj. worthy,
(di-zur-ving) de • sist ( di-zist) v. to cease from an action
worth rewarding or supporting, a deserv- etc.
ing charity; those who are deserving of desk (desk) n. 1 a piece of furniture with

our sympathy. a flat top and often drawers, used when

des -ic- cant (des-i-kant) adj. capable of reading or writing etc. 2. a counter be-
drying, desiccant n. a drying agent. hind which sits a cashier or receptionist
des-ic-cate (des-i-kayt) v. (des*ic* etc., ask at the information desk. 3. a
cat-ed, des -ic- cat- ing) to dry out the section of a newspaper office dealing with
moisture from, to dry (solid food) in or- specified topics. 4. a section of the De-
der to preserve it. des'iC*ca-tor n. partment of State, the Far East desk.
des-ic-ca-tion (des-i-kay-shdn) n. Des Moines (de moin) the capital of Iowa.
de*sid*er*a*tum (di-sid-e-ray-tum) n. des* O* late (des-6-lit) adj. 1. solitary-,
{pi. -ta, pr. -ta) something that
is lacking lonely. 2. deserted, uninhabited, barren,
but needed or desired. dismal, a desolate landscape. 3. forlorn
de-sign (di-zin) n. 1. a drawing that and unhappy, desolate (des-6-layt) v.
shows how something is to be made. 2. (des*o*lat*ed, des-o-lat-ing) 1. to
the art of making such drawings. 3. the depopulate. 2. to devastate. 3. to make
general form or arrangement of some- (a person) wretched, des -o- late -ly
thing, the design of the building is good. (des-o-lit-lee) adv.
4. a combination of lines or shapes to des-o-la-tion (des-o-lay-shdn) n. 1. a
form a decoration. 5. a mental plan, a desolate or barren condition. 2. loneli-
purpose, design v. 1 to prepare a draw-
. ness. 3. grief, wretchedness.
ing or design for (a thing). 2. to plan, des * pair (di-spair) n. 1 . complete loss or
to intend for a specific purpose, the book lack of hope. 2. a thing that causes this,
is designed for students, de-sign'er n. that project was the despair of the office.
Dhave designs on, to plan to get pos- despair v. to lose all hope, des* pair'
session of. ing adj. des -pair 'ing -ly adv.
des-ig-nate (dez-ig-nayt) v. (des-ig* des* patch (di-spach) n. & v. dispatch.
nat • ed, des • ig • nat • ing) mark or 1 . to des -per -a -do (des-pe-rah-doh) n. {pi
point out clearly, to specify, the river was •does) a reckless criminal.
233 desperate / detail

des* per* ate (des-pe-rit) adj. 1. leaving destroyer (di-stroi-er) n. a person

little or no hope, extremely serious, the or thing that destroys. 2. a fast warship
situation is desperate, 2. made reckless designed to protect other ships. de-
by despair or urgency, a desperate crimi- stroyer escort, a warship smaller than
nal; they are desperate for food. 3. done a destroyer, used to aid destroyers in
or used in a nearly hopeless situation, their missions.
a desperate remedy. des'per*ate*ly de* struct (di-strukt) v. (informal) to bring
adv. about the deliberate destruction of (one's
des*per*a*tion (des-pe-ray-sh6n) n. 1. own rocket etc.). destruct n. (informal)
hopelessness. 2. being desperate, reck- the action of destructing. >
Destruct is
lessness caused by despair. preferred by military and rocketry staff,
des*pi*ca*ble (des-pi-ka-bel) adj. deserv- especially in the word self-destruct. Care-
ing to be despised, contemptible, des' ful writers use the verb destroy and the
pi-ca-bly adv. noun destruction except when referring
de*spise (di-spiz) v. (de*spised, de- to rockets and military devices.
spising) to regard as inferior or worth- de*struct*i*ble (di-struk-ti-bel) adj. able
less, to feel disrespect for. to be destroyed. de*struc*ti*bil*i*ty
de* spite (di-spit) prep, in spite of. (di-struk-ti-bil-i-tee) n.
de* spoil (di-spoil) v. to plunder, to rob de*struc*tion (di-struk-shon) n. 1. de-
(a place or person)* spoil 'er n.
stroying, being destroyed, the earthquake
de* spoil 'ment n. caused great destruction. 2. a cause of
de*spo*li* action (di-spoh-li-ay-shdn) n.
destruction or ruin, gambling was his de-
plundering. struction.
de*spond*ent (di-spon-dent) adj. in low
de*struc*tive (di-struk-tiv) adj. 1. de-
spirits, dejected, des* pond 'ent*ly adv.
stroying, causing destruction. 2. fre-
des*spond'en*cy n.
quently destroying things, some children
des* pot (des-pot) n. a tyrant, a ruler who
are very destructive. de*struc'tive*ly
has unrestricted power.
des*pot*ic (di-spot-ik) adj. having unre-
de*sue*tude (des-wi-tood) n. 1. passing
stricted power. des*pot'i*cal*ly adv.
into disuse. 2. a state of disuse.
des* pot* ism (des-po-tiz-em) n. 1. tyr-
des*ul*to*ry (des-ul-tohr-ee) adj. going
anny, government by a despot. 2. a coun-
aimlessly from one subject to another,
try ruled by a despot.
not systematic. des'ul*to*ri*ly adv.
des*sert (di-zurt) n. the course of sweet
food, fruit, cheese, or the like served at
des / ul*to*ri*ness n.
the end of a meal. dessert fork, a det abbr. 1. detached. 2. detachment. 3.
medium-sized fork for eating cake etc.
dessert spoon, a medium-sized spoon de*tach (di-tach) v. to release or remove
used in eating dessert. >
Do not confuse from something else or from a group.
dessert with desert
de*tach*a*ble (di-tach-a-bel) adj. able to

des*ti*na*tion (des-ti-nay-sh6n) n. the be detached.

place to which a person or thing is going. de-tached (di-tacht) adj. 1. (of a house)

des* tine (des-tin) v. (des-tined, de* not joined to another. 2. (of the mind
stin*ing) to settle or determine the fu- or opinions) free from bias or emotion.
ture of, to set apart for a purpose; he de*tach*ment (di-tach-ment) n. 1. de-
was destined to become President, this taching, being detached. 2. freedom from
was his destiny. bias or emotion, aloofness, lack of con-
des-ti-ny (des-ti-nee) n. {pi -nies) 1. fate cern. 3. a group of troops or ships etc.
considered as a power. 2. that which hap- detached from a larger group for a spe-
pens to a person or thing, thought of cial duty.
as determined in advance by fate. de-tail (di-tayl, dee-tayl) n. 1. an individ-
des*ti*tute (des-ti-toot) adj. 1. penniless, ual item, a small or subordinate particu-
without the necessities of life. 2. lacking lar. 2. a number of such particulars, the

in something, a landscape destitute of description is full of detail. 3. the minor

trees. decoration in a building or picture etc.,
des*ti*tU*tion (des-ti-too-shdn) n. being look at the detail in the carvings. 4. a
destitute, extreme poverty. small military detachment assigned to
de*stroy (di-stroi) v. to pull or break
1. special duty, detail v. 1 to give particu-

down, to reduce to a useless form, to lars of, to describe fully. 2. to assign to

spoil completely. 2. to kill (an animal) special duty. Dgo into details, to ex-
deliberately, the horse had to be de- plain things in detail, in detail, describ-
stroyed. 3. to put out of existence, it de- ing the individual parts or events etc.
stroyed our chances. fully.
detailed / deuce 234
de* tailed (di-tayld, dee-tayld) adj. giving 3. to be the decisive factor or influence
or showing many details. on, income should determine ones
de-tain (di-tayn) v. 1. to keep in confine- standard of living. 4. to decide firmly,
ment or under restraint. 2. to keep wait- she determined to become a doctor.
ing, to cause delay to, to keep from pro- de* ter* mined (di-tur-mind) adj. showing
ceeding. determination, firm and resolute, de*
de-tain-ee (di-tay-nee) n. a person who ter'mined*ly adv.
is detained by the authorities. de*ter*min*ism (di-tur-mi-niz-em) n. a
de tect
• (di-tekt) v. 1 . to discover the exist- doctrine that human action is not free
ence or presence of. 2. to find (a person) but determined by motives regarded as
doing something bad or secret, like a boy external force acting on the will, de*
detected while robbing an orchard de* ter'min-ist n.
tect'a*ble adj. de*ter*rence (di-tur-ens) n, 1. the act of
de-tec'tion (di-tek-shdn) n. 1. detecting, deterring. 2. the capacity to deter.
being detected. 2. the work of a detective. de* ter* rent (di-tur-ent) n. a thing that de-
de*tec*tive (di-tek-tiv) n. a person, espe- ters, a nuclear weapon that deters coun-
cially a member of the police force, tries from attacking the one who has it.
whose job is to investigate crimes, de- deterrent adj. deterring.
tective adj. concerned with or used for de-test (di-test) v. to dislike intensely, to
detection, u
detective story, a story loathe. de*test*a-tion (dee-tes-tay-
that tells of crime and the detection of shdn) n.
criminals. de- test -a -Die (di-tes-ta-bel) adj. in-
de* tec* tor (di-tek-t6r) n. a device for de- tensely disliked, hateful, de-test'a-
tecting the presence of something, a bly adv.
smoke detector; a lie detector. de* throne (dee-throhn) v. (de* throned,
de*tent (di-tent) n. a catch that has to de*thron*lng) to remove from a
be released in order to allow machinery throne, to depose. de*throne'ment n.

to operate. det-o-nate (det-6-nayt) v. (det*o*nat-

de*tente (day-tahnt) n. the easing of ed, det-o -nat-ing) to explode or cause
strained relations between countries. to explode loudly. det*o*na*tion
de*ten*tion (di-ten-shdn) n. 1. detaining, (det-o-nay-sh&n) n.
being detained. 2. being kept in custody. det*o*na*tor (det-5-nay-t6r) n. a device
detention center, an institution that detonates an explosive.
where those charged with crime are kept de*tour (dee-toor, di-toor) n. a deviation
for a short time. from one' or intended course, an
de*ter (di-tur) v. (de-terred, de-t er- alternative route to avoid a section of
ring) to discourage or prevent from do- road that is blocked or under repair,
ing something through fear or dislike of make a detour, detour v. to make a de-
the consequences. de*ter'ment n. tour.
de -ten gent (di-tur- jent) n. a cleansing de-tox-l-fy (dee-tok-si-fi) v. (de-tox-
substance, especially a synthetic sub- l*fled, de*tox*l*fy*lng) to remove poi-
stance other than soap, detergent adj. son from, de-tox-l-fi-ca-tlon (dee-
having a cleansing effect. tok-si-fi-kay-sh6n) n.
de-te-ri -crate (di-teer-i-5-rayt) v. (de* de* tract to take away a part,
(di-trakt) v.

te-ri-o-rat-ed, de-te-ri-6-rat-ing) to lessen (a quantity, value, etc.), it will

to become worse. de*te*ri*o*ra*tion not detract from our pleasure. de*trac*
(di-teer-i-o-ray-shdn) n. tlon (di-trak-shdn) n. ODo not confuse
de*ter*mi*na*ble (di-tur-mi-na-bel) adj. detract with distract.
able to be settled or calculated, its age de-trac-tor (di-trak-tdr) n. a person who
is not determinable. de*ter'ml*na* criticizes something unfavorably, the
bly adv. plan has its detractors.
de*ter*mi*nant (di-tur-mi-nant) n. a de- det-ri-ment (det-ri-ment) n. harm, dam-
cisive factor. age, worked long hours to the detriment
de*ter*mi*nate (di-tur-mi-nit) adj. lim- of her health.
ited, of fixed and definite scope or nature. det-rl-men-tal (det-ri-men-tal) adj. caus-
de • ter ml • na tlon (di-tur-mi-nay-sh6n)
• • ing harm, smoking is detrimental to
n. 1 firmness of purpose. 2. the process
. health. det*ri*men'tal*ly adv.
of deciding, determining, or calculating. de*tri*tus (di-tn-tis) n. 1. fragments (of
de* ter* mine (di-tur-min) v. (de*ter* gravel, sand, silt, etc.) caused by the rub-
mined, de* ter* minting) 1. to find out bing away of a larger mass. 2. any waste.
or calculate precisely, we must determine de trop (de troh) not wanted, unwelcome,
the height of the mountain. 2. to settle, in the way. D> French.
to decide, determine what is to be done. deuce 1
(doos) n. 1. (in tennis) the score

235 deuce / devolve

of fortyall. 2. the two on dice or a play- vl-a-tion (dee-vi-ay-shdn) n. stand-
ing card. 3. (slang) a two-dollar bill. ard deviation, (in statistics) the quan-
deuce n. (in exclamations of surprise or tity calculated to indicate the extent of
annoyance) the Devil, where the deuce deviation for a group as a whole.
is it? de • vi • a • tion • 1st (dee-vi-ay-shd-nist) n. 1
deu-te-rl'um (doo-teer-i-um) n. a heavy a political party member, especially a
form of hydrogen. Communist, who deviates from his par-
Deu-ter-on-o-my (doo-te-ron-6-mee) n. ty's accepted doctrines or practices, de-
the fifth book of the Old Testament, con- vi«a'tion-ism n.
taining a repetition of the law of Moses. de* vice (di-vis) a thing that is made
ru 1 .

Deut-sche (doi-che) mark the unit of or used for a particular purpose, a device
money in West Germany. for opening cans. 2. a plan or scheme
dev. abbr. deviation. for achieving something. 3. a design used
de-val-ue (dee-val-yoo) v. (de* val- as a decoration or emblem. leave a
ued, de-val-u-ing) to reduce the value person to his own devices, to leave
of (currency) in relation to other curren- him to do as he wishes without help or
cies or to gold. de-val-u-a-tlon (dee- advice. >Do
not confuse device with de-
val-yoo-ay-sh6n) n.
devastate (dev-a-stayt) v. (dev as* devil (dev-il) n. 1. the Devil (in Jewish
tat-ed, devas-taMng) 1. to lay and Christian teaching) the supreme
waste, to cause great destruction to. 2. spirit of evil and enemy of God. 2. an
to overwhelm mentally, she was devas- evil spirit. 3. a wicked or cruel or annoy-
tated by the death of her son. as* dev ing person. 4. a mischievous person or
taction (dev-a-stay-shdn) n.
a person of great cleverness. 5. (informal)
devas-taMng (dev-a-stay-ting) adj. 1. something difficult or hard to manage,
causing destruction. 2. overwhelming, a
a devil of a task. 6. (informal) a person,
devastating handicap.
poor devil; lucky devil 7. (informal) used
de-vel-op (di-vel-dp) v. (de-vel-oped,
in exclamations of surprise or annoyance,
de*vel-op*ing) 1. to make or become
where the devil is it? devil v. (deviled,
larger or fuller or more mature or organ-
dev-il-ing) to prepare or cook with hot
ized. 2. to bring or come
gradually into
seasoning, deviled crabs; deviled eggs.
existence, a storm developed.
3. to begin
dev'il-ish adj. dev'il-ish-ly adv.
to exhibit or suffer from, to acquire grad-
dev'll-ish-ness n. between the
ually, develop measles; develop bad hab-
devil and the deep blue sea, between
its. 4. to convert (land) to a new purpose
equally harsh alternatives. Devil's ad-
so as to use its resources, to use (an area)
for the building of houses or stores or
vocate, one who tests a theory by put-
ting forward possible objections to it.
factories etc. 5. to treat (a photographic
devil's food cake, rich chocolate cake.
film or plate etc.) so as to make the pic-
developing country, a like the devil, with great energy, in-
ture visible.
tensely, play the devil with, to cause
poor or primitive country that is develop-
ing better economic and social condi- severe damage to. the devil to pay,
tions. trouble to be expected.
de- vel-op-er (di-vel-6-per) n. 1 . one who devil-may-care (dev-il-may-kair) adj.
develops. 2. a person or firm that devel- cheerful and reckless.
ops land, constructs new areas of build- devil-ment (dev-il-ment) n. mischief.
ings or nouses etc. 3. a substance used devil* try (dev-il-tree) n. (pi -tries) 1.
for developing photographic film etc. wickedness. 2. mischief.
de-vel-op-ment (di-vel-5p-ment) n. 1. de*vl*OUS (dee-vi-us) adj. 1. winding,
developing, being developed. 2. some- roundabout. 2. not straightforward, un-
thing that has developed or been devel- derhand, de'vl'ous-ly adv. de'vl*
oped, the latest developments in science; ous-ness n.

a housing development. de-vel-op* de-vise (di-viz) v. (de-vised, de-vis-

rnent* a (di-vel-dp-men-t&l) adj.
I ing) to think out, to plan, to invent.
de*vi*ant (dee-vi-ant) adj. deviating from >Do not confuse devise with device.
what is accepted as normal or usual, de- de-vi-tal-ize (dee-vi-tl-liz) v. (de -vi-
viant n. a person who deviates from ac- tal -ized, de-vl«tal-iz-ing) to remove
cepted standards in his beliefs or behav- life or vitality from.

ior, de'vi-ance n. de'vi-an-cy n. de-void (di-void) adj. lacking or free from

de-vi-ate (dee-vi-ayt) v. (de-vl-at-ed, something, devoid of merit
de*vi*at*ing) to turn aside or diverge de-volve (di-volv) v. (de-volved, de-
from a course of action, a rule, truth, volving) to pass or be passed on to a
etc. deviate (dee-vi-it) n. a deviant. de- deputy or successor, this work will de-

Devonian / dial 236

volve on the new manager. devo-lu* showing dexterity, dex 'ter • ous • ly
Won (dev-6-loo-shdn) n. dex'trous'ly adv.
De- vo*ni*an (de-voh-ni-an) adj. of the ge- dex* trin (dek-strin) n. a gummy substance
ologic period of the Paleozoic era before formed from starch, used as an adhesive.
the Carboniferous and after the Silurian. dex-trose (dek-strohs) n. a form of glu-
Devonian n. the Devonian period. cose. •-

de-vote (di-voht) v. (de*vot*ed, de- dg abbr. decigram.

voting) to give or use for a particular dhow (dow) n. a triangular-rigged Arab
activity or purpose, devoted himself or sailing vessel.
his time to sport; six pages are devoted Dl abbr. 1 . Department of the Interior. 2.
to business news. drill instructor.
de- vo-ted (di-voh-tid) adj. showing devo- dia. abbr. diameter.
tion, very loyal or loving, de*VOt'ed* di-a-be-tes (di-a-bee-tis, -teez) n. a dis-
de*vot'ed*ness n.
ly adv. ease in which sugar and starch are not
de-vo-tee (dev-6-tee) n. a person who is properly absorbed by the body.
devoted to something, an enthusiast, golf di-a-bet-ic (di-a-bet-ik) adj. of diabetes.
devotees. diabetic n. a person suffering from dia-
de-vo-tion (di-voh-sh6n) n. 1. great love betes.
or loyalty, enthusiastic zeal. 2. religious di-a*bol*ic (di-a-bol-ik) adj. of the Devil.
worship. 3. devotions, prayers. di*a*bol*l*cal (di-a-bol-i-kal) adj. 1. like
de-vo-tion*al (di-voh-shd-nal) adj. used a devil, very cruel or wicked. 2. fiendishly
in religious worship. clever or cunning or annoying. dl*a*
de-vour (di-vowr) v. 1. to eat hungrily bol'i-cal-ly adv.
or greedily. 2. to destroy completely, to di-ab-o-lism (di-ab-d-liz-em) n. worship
consume, fire devoured the forest 3. to of the Devil.
take in greedily with the eyes or ears, di-a-crit*ic (di-a-krit-ik) n. a diacritical
they devoured the story. 4. to absorb the mark.
attention of, she was devoured by curios- di-a-crit-ic-al (di-a-krit-T-kal) mark a
ity. de*vour'er n. sign (such as ") used to indicate that
de*vout (di-vowt) adj. 1. earnestly re- a letter has a particular sound, as a
ligious. 2. earnest, sincere, a devout and e.

supporter. de*vout'ly adv. de*vout' di-a-dem (di-S-dem) n. 1. a crown or

ness n. headband worn as a sign of sovereignty.
dew (doo, dyoo) n. 1 . small drops of mois- 2. royal authority or status, the diadem
ture that condense on cool surfaces dur- has passed to the younger son.
ing the night from water vapor in the diag. abbr. 1 • diagonal. 2. diagram.
air. 2. moisture in small drops on a sur- di-ag-nose (di-ag-nohs) (di-ag-

face. Ddew point, the temperature at nosed, di-ag-nos-ing) to make

a di-
which dew forms. agnosis of, typhoid fever was diagnosed
DEW (doo) n. distant early warning. in six patients.
DDEW line, a line of radar stations, di-ag -no -sis (di-ag-noh-sis) n. {pi -no-
crossing North America north of the ses, pr. -noh-seez) a statement of the
Arctic Circle, that give early warning of nature of a disease or other condition
approaching enemy missiles or aircraft. made after observing its signs and symp-
dewberry (doo-ber-ee) n. {pi -ries) a toms.
bluish fruit like a blackberry. di-ag-nos-tlc (di-ag-nos-tik) adj. of or
dew-claw (doo-klaw) n. a small claw on used in diagnosis, diagnostic procedures.
the inner side of a dog's leg, not reaching di-ag-nos-tl-cian (di-ag-nos-tish-an)
the ground in walking. n. an expert in making diagnoses.

dew* drop (doo-drop) n. a drop of dew. di-ag -o-nal (di-ag-o-nal) adj. slanting,
Dewey (doo-ee) decimal system a deci- crossing from corner to corner, diago-
mal system for classifying books in li- nal n. a straight line joining two opposite
braries. corners, dl-ag'o-nal-ly adv.
dew *lap (doo-lap) n. a fold of loose skin di-a-gram (di-a-gram) n. a drawing that
that hangs from the throat of cattle and shows the parts of something or how it
other animals. works, diagram v. (di-a-gramed, dl*
dewy (doo-ee) adj. (dew* her, dew* a-gram-ing) to show by a diagram.
i-est) wet with dew. dl *a* gram* mat *lc (di-a-gra-mat-ik)
dewy-eyed (doo-ee- id) adj. innocently adj.di-a-gram-mat'i-cal adj. di-a-
trusting or sentimental. gram-mat'l-cal-ly adv.
dex-ter-i-ty (dek-ster-i-tee) n. skill in dl-al (di-al) n. 1. the face of a clock or
handling things. watch. 2. a similar flat plate marked with
dex-ter-ous, dex-trous (dek-strus) adj. a scale for the measurement of something
237 dial. / dibble
and having a movable pointer that indi- es) a type of flowering plant including
cates the amount registered. 3. a plate the pink and carnation.
or disk etc. on a radio or television set di -a* pa -son (di-a-pay-zon) n. 1 . the fixed
showing the wavelength or channel se- standard of musical pitch, the range of
lected. 4. a movable disk with finger sound of a voice or instrument. 2. a mel-
numbers or letters,
holes over a circle of ody, especially one that swells grandly.
manipulated in order to connect one tele- dia-per (di-per) n. a piece of toweling, ab-
phone with another, dial v. (di-aled, di* sorbent paper, etc. worn by a baby to
al'ing) 1 to select or regulate by means
absorb or retain its excreta.
of a dial. 2. to make a telephone connec- di*aph*a*nous (di-aM-nus) adj. (of fab-
tion by using a dial. Ddial tone, a steady ric) light, delicate, and almost transpar-
humming sound given over the telephone ent.
to show that the caller may begin to dial. di*a*pho*re*sis (di-a-fd-ree-sis) n. ex-
dial. abbr. 1 . dialect. 2. dialectal. 3. dialec- cessive perspiration, especially if artifi-
tic. 4. dialectical. cially produced. di*a*pho*ret*ic (di-£-
di*a*lect (di-a-lekt) n. the words and f 6-ret-ik) adj.
pronunciation that are used in a particu- di -a • phragm
(di-a-fram) n. 1 the midriff,

lar area and differ from what is regarded the internal muscular partition that sepa-
as standard in the language as a whole. rates the chest from the abdomen and
di*a*lec'tal adj. is used in breathing. 2. a vibrating disk
di-a-lec-tic (di-a-lek-tik) n. (also dialec- in a microphone or telephone receiver
tics) investigation of truths in philoso-
etc. 3. a device for varying the aperture
phy etc. by systematic reasoning, Marx- of a camera lens. 4. a thin contraceptive
ian dialectic holds great interest for me.
cap fitting over the neck of the womb.
di-a-lec'ti-cal adj.
di*a*list (di-a-rist) n. a person who keeps
di-a*logue, di*a*log (di-a-lawg) n. 1. a
a diary.
conversation or discussion. 2. the words
di*ar*rhea (di-a-ree-&) n. a condition in
spoken by characters in a play or story.
which bowel movements are very fre-
di-al-ysis (di-al-i-sis) n. {pi -ses, pr.
quent and loose.
-seez) purification of the blood by caus-
di-a-ry (di-2-ree) n. {pi -lies) 1. a daily
ing it to flow through a suitable mem-
record of events or thoughts. 2. a book
brane which traps impurities.
for this or for noting engagements.
di-a-lyze (di-a-hz) v. (di-a-lyzed, di*
Di-as-po-ra (di-as-pd-ra) n. the disper-
a-lyz*ing) to separate by dialysis.
sion of the Jews after the end of the Baby-
diam. abbr. diameter.
lonian captivity.
di*am*e*ter (di-am-e-ter) n. 1. a straight
di*as*to*le (di-as-td-lee) n. dilation of the
line passing from side to side through
heart alternating rhythmically with sys-
the center of a circle or sphere. 2. the
length of this. tole toform the pulse. di-a-stol-ic (di-
a-stol-ik) adj.
dha-met-ri-cal (di-a-met-ri-kal), di-
a* met *ric (di-a-met-rik) adj. of or along di*as*tro*phism (di-as-tr6-fiz-em) n. the

a diameter; the diametrical opposite, the action of forces that deform the earth's
exact opposite. di-a-met'ri-cal-ly adv. crust and so produce continents, moun-
dia-mond (di-mdnd) n. 1. a very hard tains, etc. di • a • stroph • ic (di-a-strof-ik)

brilliant precious stone of pure crystal- adj.

lized carbon. 2. a figure with four equal di*a*ther*my (di-S-thur-mee) n. {pi

sides and with angles that are not right -mies) a kind of medical heat treatment
angles. 3. something shaped like this. 4. by means of high-frequency electric cur-
a playing card of the suit (diamonds) rents.
marked with red figures of this shape. di*a*tom (di-a-tdm) n. a microscopic one-
diamond adj. made of or set with dia- celled alga with a stony cell wall, existing
monds. diamond in the rough, a per- in sea and fresh water and often forming
son who is excellent but has rough man- fossil deposits.
ners, diamond jubilee, the sixtieth or di*a*tom*ic (di-a-tom-ik) adj. 1. consist-
seventy-fifth anniversary of a sovereign's ing of two atoms. 2. containing two re-
accession or other event, diamond wed- placeable atoms of hydrogen.
ding, the sixtieth or seventy-fifth anni- di*a*ton*iC (di-a-ton-ik) adj. (in music)
versary of a wedding. using the notes of the major or minor
dia-mond -back (di-mdnd-bak) rattle- scale only, not of the chromatic scale.
snake any of various large poisonous di -a •tribe (di-a-tnb) n. a violent attack
rattlesnakes with diamond patterns on in words, abusive criticism.
the back. dib-ble (dib-el) v. (dib-bled, dib-bling)
di-an-thus (di-an-thus) n. {pi -thus* to prepare soil with a dibble, dibble n.
dice / diesel-electric 238
a pointed instrument for making holes di'dacWc (di-dak-tik) adj. 1. giving in-
in the ground for bulbs etc. struction. 2. having the manner of one
dice (dis) n. pi {sing, die) 1 small cubes
. who is lecturing pupils, di-dac'ti-cal-
marked on each side with one to six ty adv.
spots, used in games of chance. 2. a game did-dle (did-el) v. (did-dled, dld-dling)
played with these, dice is not my game. (informal) 1. to waste time. 2. to cheat
dice v. (diced, dicing) 1. (old use) to or swindle, / was diddled out of $200.
gamble using dice. 2. to cut into small did -n't (did-ent) =
did not
cubes, dice the carrots. Dno
dice, di*dO (di-doh) n. (pi -dos, -does) (in-
(slang) no success. formal) an antic, a prank.
dicey (di-see) adj. (dici-er, dich die 1 (di) v. (died, dying) 1- to cease to
est) (slang) risky, unreliable. be alive. 2. to cease to exist; the laugh
di*chot*o*my (di-kot-S-mee) n. (pi died on his lips, ceased abruptly. 3. to
-mies) division into two parts or kinds. cease to function, to stop, the engine sput-
di*chot'o*mous adj. tered and died. 4. (of a fire or flame)
dick (dik) n. (slang) a detective. to go out 5. to become exhausted, we
dick -ens (dik-inz) n. (in exclamations of were dying with laughter. 6. to feel an
surprise or annoyance) the deuce, the intense longing, we are dying to go; dying
Devil, where the dickens is it? for a cool drink. Ddie away, to become
dick*er (dik-er) v. (informal) to bargain, fainter or weaker and then cease, the
to haggle. noise died away, die back, (of plants)
dick-ey (pi dick-eys). dick-y (pi. dick- to wither from the tip toward the root
ies) (dik-ee) n. a man's detachable or die down, to become less loud or less
false shirt front, a woman's detachable violent, the excitement died down, die
blouse front or collar. Off, to die one by one. die out, to pass
di-cot-yle-don (di-kot-I-lee-ddn) n. a out of existence, the custom has died out;
flowering plant with two cotyledons, di* the family has died out, no members of
cot-y le'don-ous adj. it are still alive, never say die, keep
did abbr. 1. dictation. 2. dictionary. up courage, do not give in.
Dicta -phone (dik-ta-fohn) n. (trade- die2 n. (pi dice) a marked cube used in
mark) a machine that records and plays games of chance (see dice). straight
back dictation. as a die, quite straight; very honest, the
dictate (dik-tayt, dik-tayt) v. (dic- die is cast, a step has been taken and
tated, dictating) 1. to say or read its consequences must follow.
aloud (words) to be written down by a die3 n. an engraved device that stamps a
person or recorded by a machine. 2. to design on corns or medals etc., a device
state or order with the force of authority, that stamps or cuts or molds material
dictate terms to a defeated enemy. 3. to into a particular shape. Ddie stamping,
give orders officiously, / will not be dic- stamping with a die that leaves an em-
tated to. dicta-tion (dik-tay-shdn) n. bossed design.
dictates (dik-tayts) n. pi authoritative die-cast (di-kast) adj. made by casting
commands, the dictates of conscience. metal in a mold.
die -ta- tor (dik-tay-tdr, dik-tay-) n. 1. a die • hard (di-hahrd) n. a person who obsti-
ruler who has unrestricted authority, es- nately refuses to abandon old theories
pecially one who has taken control by or policies, one who resists change.
force. 2. a person with supreme authority diel'drin (deel-drin) n. an insecticide
inany sphere, one who dictates what is which does not dissolve in water.
domineering person, dic-
to be done. 3. a di-e* lee •trie (di-i-lek-trik) adj. not con-
tator* ship n. ducting electricity, dielectric n. a me-
dicta-to-ri-al (dik-ta-tohr-i-al) adj. 1. of dium or substance with dielectric proper-
or like a dictator. 2. domineering, die ties.
ta«to'ri«al«ly adv. di-er*e*sis (di-er-£-sis) n. (pi -ses, pr.
diction (dik-shdn) n. a person's manner -seez) a mark T placed over a vowel to
of uttering or pronouncing words. show that it is sounded separately, as
diction-ar-y (dik-shd-ner-ee) n. (pi -ar» in naive.
les) a book that lists and explains the die-sel (dee-rfl) n. a diesel engine, a vehi-
words of a language or the words and cle driven by this. diesel engine,
topics of a particular subject, usually in an oil-burning engine in which ignition
alphabetical order. is produced by the heat of highly
die -turn (dik-tum) n. (pi -ta, pr. -ta) 1. compressed air. diesel oil, the fuel for
a formal expression of opinion. 2. a say- this.
ing. die -sel-e- lee -trie (dee-zel-ee-lek-tnk)
did (did) see do. adj. driven by electric current from a
239 diet / digest

generator driven by a diesel engine, em- differentiate between male and female
ploying diesel oil as fuel. employees, does not treat them differ-
di-et 1 (di-et) ru 1 the sort of foods usually
. ently. 3. to develop differences, to be-
eaten by a person or animal or commu- come different. dif-fer-en-ti-a-tion
nity. 2. a selection of food to which a (dif-2-ren-shi-ay-shdn) n.
person is restricted, diet v. (di-et-ed, dif •«• cult (dif-T-kult) adj. 1. needing
di-et-ing) to restrict oneself to a special much or skill, not easy to do or
diet, especially in order to control one's practice. 2. troublesome, perplexing,
weight. di'et«er n. these are difficult times. 3. not easy to
diet 2 n. a congress, a parliamentary assem- please or satisfy, a difficult person.
bly in certain countries, for example, Ja- dif-fi-cul-ty (dif-I-kul-tee) ru {pi -ties)
pan. 1. being difficult. 2. a difficult problem
di»e«tar«y (di-e-ter-ee) adj. of or involving or thing, a hindrance to action. 3. a diffi-
diet, the dietary rules of Hindus. cult state of affairs, trouble; in financial
di-e-tet-ic (di-e-tet-ik) adj. 1. of diet and difficulties, short of money. Dmake dif-
nutrition. 2. specially prepared or proc- ficulties, to raise objections, to put ob-
essed for people who are dieting. 3. die- stacles in the way of progress, with diffi-
tetics, the scientific study of diet and nu- culty, not easily.
trition. dif-fi-dent (dif-i-dent) adj. lacking self-
di-e-ti-tian, di-e-ti-cian (di-e-tish-an) confidence, hesitating to put oneself or
n. an expert in dietetics. one's ideas forward. dif fi -dent- ly adv.
dif., diff. abbr. 1. difference. 2. different. dif fi-dence n.
dif-fer (dif-er) v. 1. to be unlike, to be dif -fraction (di-frak-shdn) n. the process
distinguishable from something else. 2. of breaking up a beam of light into a
to disagree in opinion. series of dark and light bands or the col-
dif-fer-ence (dif-e-rens) n. 1. the state ored bands of the spectrum.
of being different or unlike. 2. the point dif-fuse (di-fyooz) v. (dif-fused, dif-
in which things differ, the amount or de- fusing) v. 1 to spread widely or thinly

gree of unlikeness. 3. the quantity by throughout something, to diffuse knowl-

which amounts differ, the remainder left edge or light or heat. 2. to mix (liquids
after subtraction, the difference between or gases) slowly, to become intermingled.
8 and 5 is 3. 4. a disagreement in opinion, diffuse (di-fyoos) adj. 1 spread out, dif- .

a quarrel. Dmake all the difference, fused, not concentrated, diffuse light. 2.
to make a very important or vital differ- wordy, not concise, a diffuse style, dif*
ence, settle one's differences, to fus-er (di-fyoo-zer) n. dif -fu-sion (di-
reach agreement after a quarrel. fyoo-z/ion) n. dif -fuse- ly (di-fyoos-lee)
dif-fer-ent (dif-e-rent) adj. 1. unlike, of adv. dif- fuse -ness (di-fyoos-nis) n.
other nature or form or quality, we are dig (dig) v. (dug, dig-ging) 1. to break
different from them in many respects. 2. up and move ground with a tool or ma-
separate, distinct, several different people. chine or claws etc., to make (a way or
3. unusual, try Finland for a different a hole) by doing this, dig the ground;
holiday, differ -ent-ly adv. > Different dig through the hill; dig a tunnel. 2. to
than is sometimes correct, but different obtain or remove by digging, dig potatoes.
from is always correct. 3. to excavate archaeologically. 4. to
dif-fer-en-tial (dif-e-ren-shal) adj. of or thrust, to plunge, dig a knife into it. 5.
showing or depending on a difference. to prod, to nudge, dug him in the ribs.
differential n. 1. a difference in wages 6. (slang) to appreciate, to enjoy, to un-
between industries, between different derstand, they don't dig pop music; do
classes of workers, etc. 2. a differential you dig?6\g n. 1 an archaeological exca-

gear. differential calculus, a method vation. 2. (informal) a thrust, a poke, a

of calculating rates of change, maximum dig in the ribs. 3. (informal) a cutting
and minimum values, etc. differential remark; that was a digat me, a. remark
gear, an arrangement of gears that al- directed against me. LI dig in or into,
lows the rear wheels of an automobile to mix (a substance) with the soil by dig-
to revolve at different speeds in rounding ging; (informal) to begin eating or work-
corners. ing energetically, dig oneself In, to dig
dif • f er • en • ti • ate (dif-e-ren-shi-ayt) v. a defensive trench or pit; to establish one-
(dif-fer-en-ti-at-ed, dif-fer-en-ti- self securely, dig one's heels in, to be-
at-ing) 1. to be a difference between, come obstinate, to refuse to give way.
to make different, the features that differ- dig up, (informal) to seek or discover
entiate one breed from another. 2. to rec- by investigation, dug up some useful in-
ognize as different, to distinguish, to dis- formation.
criminate; the pension scheme does not di -gest (di-jest, di-) v. 1 . to dissolve (food)
digestible / dimension 240
in thestomach etc. so that it can be ab- di-lap-i-dat*ed (di-lap-i-day-tid) adj.
sorbed by the body; this food digests eas- a state of disrepair.
falling to pieces, in
ily, is easily absorbed. 2. to think over, di-lap-1-da-tion (di-lap-i-day-shdn) n. a
to absorb into the mind, digesting the state of disrepair, bringing or being
information, digest (di-jest) n. 1 a me- . brought into this state.
thodical summary. 2. a periodical publi- di-late (di-layt, di-layt) v. (dl-lat-ed, di*
cation giving excerpts and summaries of lat*ing) 1. to make or become wider or
news, writings, etc. larger. 2. to speak or write at length,
di-gest-i-ble (di-jes-ti-bel, di-> adj. able dilating upon his favorite topic dela-
to be digested, di -gest • -"bil -i -ty (di-
tor n.
jes-fl-bil-i-tee, di-) n. dl-la-tion (di-lay-shdn) n. 1. dilating. 2.
di-ges-tion (di-jes-chdn, di-) n. 1. the widening of the neck of the womb, as
process of digesting. 2. the power of di- for surgical curettage.
gesting food, has a good digestion. dil*a*to*ry (dil-a-tohr-ee) adj. slow in do-
di-ges-ttve (di-ges-tiv, di-) adj. 1. of or ing something, not prompt, dil 'a* to-
aiding digestion. 2. having the function ri-ly adv. dil'a*to*ri*ness n,
of digesting food, the digestive system. di • lem • ma (di-lem-a) n. a perplexing situ-
digestive n. a substance promoting di- ation, especiallyone in which a choice
has to be made between alternatives that
dig • ger (dig-er) n. 1 one who digs. 2. a
are equally undesirable.
mechanical excavator. dil*et*tante (dil-e-tahnt) n. a person who
dig* it (dij-it) n. 1. any numeral from
dabbles in a subject for his own enjoy-
to 9, especially when forming part of a
number. 2. a finger or toe.
dil*i*gent (dil-i-jent) adj. 1. hard-work-
dig-it-al (dij-i-tal) adj. of digits, dlg'l*
ing, putting care and effort into what one
tal'ly adv. digital dock, a clock that
does. 2. done with care and effort, a dili-
shows the time by displaying a row of
gent search. dil'i*gent*ly adv. dili-
figures, digital computer, a device that
gence n.
makes calculations etc. with data repre-
dill (dil) n. a yellow -flowered herb with
sented as a series of digits or other dis-
spicy seeds used for flavoring pickles etc.
crete forms.
dll-ly (dil-ee) n. {pi -lies) (informal) a re-
dig • • tal • is (di j-i-tal-is) n. a drug prepared

markable or excellent person or thing.

from dried foxglove leaves, used as a
dH-ly-dal-ly (dil-ee-dal-ee) v. (dll-ly
heart stimulant.
dig -ni- fled (dig-nl-fid) adj. having or dal-lled,dil-lydal- lying) (informal)
to dawdle, to. waste time by not making
showing dignity.
dlg-ni-fy (dig-nl-fi) v. (dig -ni- fled, dig- up one's mind.
nh tying) 1. to give dignity to. 2. to
dil-u-ent (dil-yco-ent) n. a diluting agent.
make (a thing) sound more important dl-lute (di-loot, di) v. (dl-lut-ed, di-
luting) 1. to thin down, to make a liq-
than it is.
dig-nl-tar-y (dig-nl-ter-ee) n. {pL -tar* uid less concentrated by adding water
ies) a person holding a high rank or posi- or other liquid. 2. to weaken or reduce
tion, especially in the Church or in gov- the forcefulness of, to water down, dilute
ernment. adj. diluted, a dilute acid dl • lu • tlon (di-

dlg-nl-ty (dig-ni-tee) {pi -ties) 1. a

n. loo-shdn, di-) n.

calm and serious manner or style, show- dim (dim) adj. (dim-mer, dim -meet) 1.

ing suitable formality or indicating that faintly luminous but not bright. 2.

one deserves respect 2. worthiness, the heard or

indistinct, not clearly seen or
dignity of labor. 3. a high rank or posi- remembered. 3. not seeing clearly, eyes
tion. beneath one's dignity, not dim with tears. 4. (informal) stupid, dim
worthy enough for one to do. stand on v.(dimmed, dim mlng) to make or be-

one's dignity, to insist on being treated come dim. dlm / ly adv. dlm'ness n.
respectfully. Dtake a dim view of, (informal) to
di* graph (di-graf) n. a pair of letters ex- disapprove of; to feel gloomy about.
pressing one sound, as sh or ea. dim. abbr. 1 dimension. 2. diminished. 3.

di* grass (di-gres)v. to depart from the diminuendo. 4. diminutive.

main subject temporarily in speaking or dime (dim) n. a ten-cent coin of the U.S.
writing. dl-gres'slve adj. degres- Ddlme store, a five-and-ten-cent store.
sion (di-gresh-on) n. dl-men-sion (di-men-shdn, di-) n. 1. a
dike (dik) n. 1 a long wall or embankment
. measurement such as length, breadth,
to keep back water and prevent flooding. thickness, area, etc. 2. size; of great di-
2. a ditch for draining water from land. mensions, very large. 3. extent, scope,
dil. abbr. dilute. gave the problem a new dimension, dl-

241 diminish /
men'sion-al adj. di • men 'sion- al- ding-a-ling (ding-a-ling) n. (informal) a
ly adv. stupid person.
di*min*ish (di-min-ish) v. to make or be- ding-dong (ding-dong) n. the sound of a
come smaller or less. clapper bell or alternate strokes of two
di-min-u-en-do (di-min-yoo-en-doh) bells, ding-dong adj. (informal) with
adj. & adv. (in music) gradually becom- vigorous and alternating action, a ding-
ing quieter. dong argument; a ding-dong struggle, in
dim*i*nu*tion (dim-i-noo-shon) n. 1. di- which each contestant has the better of
minishing, being diminished. 2. a de- it alternately.
crease. din-ghy (ding-ee) n. {pi. -ghies) a small
di-min-U-tive (di-min-yu-tiv) adj. very open boat driven by oars or sails.
small, diminutive n. 1. a word for a din* go (ding-goh) n. {pi. -goes) an Aus-
small specimen of something (as booklet, tralian wild dog.
duckling), or an affectionate form of a ding* us (ding-us) n. {pi. -us*es) (slang)
name Johnnie). 2. a suffix
etc. (as dearie, a gadget.
such as -let or -kin or -ling indicating din*gy (din-jee) (-gi*er, -gi*est)

smallness or affection, as in ringlet, bod- dirty looking, not fresh or cheerful, din'
kin, duckling. gi-ness n. din'gi*ly adv.
dim-i-ty (dim-i-tee) n. {pi. -ties) cotton din*ky (ding-kee) adj. (-ki*er, -ki-est)
fabric woven with checks or stripes of (informal) small, insignificant.
heavier thread. din-ner (diner) n. 1. the chief meal of
dim-mer (dim-er) n. a device for reducing the day, whether at midday or in the
evening. 2. a formal evening meal in
the brightness of lights.
di-mor-phic (di-mor-fik) adj. occurring in honor of a person or event. dinner
jacket, a tuxedo.
two distinct forms in the same species,
din-ner -ware (din-er- wair) n. china,
individual, etc. di*mor'phism n. the oc-
glasses, etc. for use at the dinner table.
currence of two forms in this way.
di-no-saur (di-no-sor) n. an extinct liz-
dim* out (dim-owt) n. a reduction in night
ard-like creature often of enormous size.
lighting to conserve energy or as a pro-
dint (dint) n. by dint Of, by means of.
tection in wartime.
dim* pie (dim-pel) n. a small hollow or
ODo not confuse dint with dent.
di-o-cese (di-6-sis) n. a district under the
dent, especially a natural one on the skin
care of a bishop, di-oc-e-san (di-os-
of the cheek or chin, dimple v. (dim •
i-san) adj.
pled, dinvpling) 1. to produce dimples
di-ode (di-ohd) n. any two-element elec-
in. 2. to show dimples.
tronic device having only two terminals
dim* wit (dim-wit) n. (informal) a stupid that allows current to flow in only one
dim* Wit* ted (dim-wit-id) adj. (informal) di-op-ter (di-op-ter) n. a unit measuring
the power of a lens to bring rays of light
din (din) n. a loud resonant and annoying to a focus.
noise, din v. (dinned, din-ning) 1. to
di-o-ra-ma (di-6-ram-a) n. a small-scale
make a din. 2. to force (information) into representation of a scene with three-di-
a person by continually repeating it, din mensional objects, viewed through a
it into him.
di*nar (di-nahr) n. the unit of money in di-ox-ide (di-ok-sid) n. an oxide with two
Yugoslavia and various countries of the atoms of oxygen to one of a metal or
Middle East and North Africa. other element.
dine (dm) v. (dined, din*ing) 1. to eat dip (dip) v. (dipped, dip* ping) 1. to put
dinner. 2. to entertain with dinner, we or lower into liquid; dip sheep, wash them
were wined and dined. dining car, a in a vermin-killing liquid; dip fabrics, dye
railroad car in which meals are served them in liquid. 2. to go under water and
at tables, dining room, a room in which emerge quickly. 3. to set, the sun dipped
meals are eaten. below the horizon. 4. to put a hand or
din*er (di-ner) n. 1. a person who dines. ladle etc. into something in order to take
2. a dining car on a train. 3. an inexpen- something out; dip into one's pocket or
sive restaurant with a long counter and reserves, take out money etc. and use it.
booths, shaped like or built from a rail- 5. to lower for a moment, dip the flag.
road car. 6. to slope orextend downward, the path
din*ette (di-net) n. 1. a small room or dips down read short
to the river. 7. to
part of a room used for meals. 2. a com- passages here and there in a book, I've
pact set of furniture for dining. dipped into his autobiography, dip n. 1
ding (ding) n. the sound a bell makes. the act of dipping. 2. a quick plunge, a
diphtheria / directory 242
swim. 3. a downward slope. 4. a liquid dire peril 2. ominous, pre-
ful, terrible, in
into which something is dipped, sheep dicting trouble, dire warnings. 3. extreme
dip. 5. a creamy mixture into which and urgent, in dire need
crackers, potato chips, etc. are dipped di*rect (di-rekt, di-) adj. 1. going in a
before eating. straight line, not curved or crooked or
diph a the*ri*a (dif-theer-i-a) n. an acute roundabout, the direct route. 2. with
infectious disease causing severe inflam- nothing or no one in between, in an un-
mation of a mucous membrane especially broken line, in direct contact; direct taxes,
in the throat. ONote the spelling and those charged on income, as distinct
pronunciation of diphtheria* from those added to the price of goods
diph* thong (dif-thawng) n. a compound or services. 3. straightforward, frank, go-
vowel sound produced by combining two ing straight to the point, a direct way
simple ones, such as oi in point, ou in of speaking. 4. exact, complete, the direct
loud. D> Note the spelling and pronuncia- opposite, direct adv. by a direct route,
tion of diphthong. traveled to Rome direct, direct v. 1. to
dipi. abbr. 1. diplomat. 2. diplomatic. tell or show how to do something or get
diploid (dip-loid) n, an organism or cell somewhere, can you direct me to the sta-
with twice the usual number of chromo- tion? 2. to address (a letter or parcel etc.).
somes. 3. to cause to have a specified direction
di*plo*ma (di-ploh-ma) n. a certificate or target, to utter (remarks) to a particu-
awarded by a college etc. to a person lar hearer, direct our energies toward
who has successfully completed a course higher productivity; the remark was di-
of study. rected at me. 4. to control, to manage,
di-plOTna-cy (di-ploh-ma-see) n. 1. the there was no one to direct the workmen;
handling of international relations, skill direct a play, supervise the acting and
in this. 2. tact. staging of it. 5. to command, to order,
dip*lo*mat (dip-15-mat) n. 1. a member directed his men to advance, dhrect'
of the diplomatic service. 2. a tactful per- ness n. direct current, electric cur-
son. rent flowing in one direction only, direct
dip -lo* mate (dip-16-mayt) n. a holder of election, an election decided by general
a diploma, especially a medical specialist. voters not by representatives, direct
dip'IOTnat'ic (dip-lo-mat-ik) adj. 1. of or mall, advertisements, requests for contri-
engaged in diplomacy; the diplomatic butions, catalogues, etc. mailed individu-
service, the officials engaged in diplomacy ally to many people, direct object, (in
on behalf of their country. 2. tactful, a grammar) the word(s) that receive the
diplomatic person or reply. dip*lo*mat' action of the *erb, as milk in cats drink
i'Cahly adv. diplomatic immunity, milk,
exemption from arrest, taxation, etc., di-rec-tion (di-rek-shdn, di-) n. 1. direct-
granted to diplomatic staffs abroad. ing, aiming, guiding, managing. 2. the
dip • per (dip-er)n. 1 a diving bird, espe-
. line along which something moves or
cially theEuropean water ouzel. 2. a la- faces, in the direction of Cleveland 3.
dle. DBig Dipper, a constellation of directions, instructions. U sense of di-
seven bright stars in Ursa Major resem- rection, a person's ability to get his bear-
bling a water dipper. Little Dipper, a ings without guidance.
similar constellation in Ursa Minor. dl-rec-tion-al (di-rek-sh6-nal, di-) adj. 1.
dip-py (dip-ee) adj. (-pi-er, -pi* est) of or indicating direction. 2. operating
(slang) crazy, silly. or sending radio signals in one direction
dip -so (dip-soh) n. (pi. -SOS) (slang) a only.
dipsomaniac. di*rec*tlve (di-rek-tiv, di-) n. a general
dlp*SO*ma*ni*a (dip-s6-may-ni-a) n. an instruction issued by someone in author-
uncontrollable craving for alcohol. ity, directive adj. giving guidance.
dip-so-ma-ni-ac (dip-sd-may-ni-ak) n. a dl-recMy (di-rekt-lee, di-) adv. 1. in a
person suffering from dipsomania. direct line, in a direct manner. 2. without
dip 'Stick (dip-stik) n. a graduated rod for delay. 3. very soon.
measuring the depth of a liquid. diTeC'tor (di-rek-tdr, di-) n. 1. a person
dlp'ter-ous (dip-te-rus) adj. two- winged, who supervises or manages things, espe-
having two winglike appendages, dip' cially a member of the board managing
ten an adj. a business company. 2. a person who di-
dip*tych (dip-tik) n. a painting, especially rects a film or play. diTec'tor«shlp n,
an altarpiece, of two panels hinged to- di«rec«tor*ate(di-rek-to-rit, di-) n. 1. the
gether. office of director. 2. a board of directors.
dlr. abbr. director. di«rec«to*ry (di-rek-td-ree, di-) n. (pi
dire (dir) adj. (diner, dlr* est) 1. dread- -lies) a book containing a list of tele-
243 direful / disaster

phone subscribers, residents of a city, jus) adj. causing disadvantage.

members of a profession, business firms, dis-af -fect-ed (dis-5-fek-tid) adj. discon-
etc. tented, having lost one's feelings of loy-
dlre-ful (dir-ful) adj. dire (definitions 1 alty. dis*af*fec*tion (dis-a-fek-sh6n)
and 2). n.
dirge (durj) n. a slow mournful song, a dis*a*gree (dis-2-gree) v. (dis*a*greed,
lament for the dead. dis*a*gree*ing) 1. to have a different
di*rl*gl*ble (dir-i-jt-ba, di-rij-T-) n. a opinion. 2. to be unlike, to fail to corre-
steerable balloon or airship. spond, your statement disagrees with your
dirk (durk) n. a kind of dagger. brother's. 3. to quarrel. 4. (of food or
dirn-dl (durn-del) n. a full skirt gathered climate etc.) to have bad effects, hot
into a tight waistband. weather disagrees with him. dis*a*
dirt (durt) n. 1 unclean matter that soils
. gree'ment n.
something. 2. earth, soil. 3. anything dls*a*gree*a*ble (dis-a-gree-S-bel) adj.
worthless or not deserving respect. 4. 1. unpleasant. 2. badtempered. dis*
foul words or talk, scandal. Ddirt a*gree'a*bly adv. dis*a*gree'a*ble*
cheap, (slang) very cheap, dirt track, ness n.
a racetrack made of earth or rolled cin- dis -ah low (dis-a-low) v. to refuse to allow
do a person dirt, (slang) to
ders etc. or accept as valid, the judge disallowed
harm or injure him
cause him trouble, to the claim.
maliciously. dis -ap* pear (dis-a-peer) v. to cease to be
dirt-y (dur-tee) adj. (dirt-i-er, dirt- visible, to pass from sight or from exist-
i-est) 1. soiled, unclean; a dirty job, ence, the problem may disappear, dis*
causing the doer to become dirty. 2. (of ap*pear'ance n.
a nuclear bomb) producing much fallout. dis *ap* point (dis-S-point) v. to fail to do
3. not having clean habits. 4. dishonor- or be equal to what was hoped or desired
able, mean, unfair, a dirty trick; a dirty or expected by. dis*ap*point'ment n.
fighter. 5. (of weather) rough and stormy. dis -ap- point -ed (dis-a-poin-tid) adj. feel-
6. lewd, obscene, dirty jokes, dirty v. ing disappointment, we were disappointed
(dirt* led, dirt -y ing) to make or be- at the failure or in him or with the gift.
come dirty. dirty look, a disapproving dis • ap • pro • ba • tion (dis-ap-rd-bay-shdn)
look, dirty word, an obscene word; a n. disapproval.
word denoting something that is re- dis -ap* prove (dis-a-proov) v. (dis -ap-
garded as discreditable, welfare became proved, dis-ap-prov-ing) to have or
a dirty word, dirty work, dishonorable express an unfavorable opinion, dis*
dealings. ap-prov'al n.
dis-a-bil-i-ty (dis-a-bil-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) dis* arm (dis-ahrm) v. 1. to deprive of
something that disables or disqualifies a weapons or of the means of defense. 2.
person, a physical incapacity caused by to disband or reduce armed forces. 3.
injury or disease etc. to defuse (a bomb). 4. to make it difficult
dis-a-ble (dis-ay-bel) v. (dis-a-bled, for a person to feel anger or suspicion
dis-a-bling) to deprive of some ability, or doubt, his friendliness disarmed their
to make unfit or useless. dis-a'ble- hostility.
ment n. dis -ar- ma* ment (dis-ahr-mS-ment) n. re-
dis -a -Died (dis-ay-beld) adj. having a duction of a country's armed forces or
physical disability. weapons of war.
dis-a-buse (dis-a-byooz) v. (dis -a- dis *ar* range (dis-a-raynj) v. (dis -ar-
bused, dis-a*bus*ing) to disillusion, ranged, dis -ar- rang -ing) to put into
to free from a false idea, he was soon disorder, to disorganize, dis-ar-range'
disabused of this notion. ment n.
dis-ad-van-tage (dis-ad-van-tij) n. 1. an dis -ar- ray (dis-5-ray) n. disorder, disar-
unfavorable condition or circumstance; ray v. to disarrange.
at a disadvantage, in an unfavorable posi- dis-as-sem-ble (dis-a-sem-bel) v. (dis*
tion. 2. damage to one's interest or repu- as-sem-bled, dis-as-sem-bling) to
tations; to our disadvantage, causing us take (a machine etc.) apart. not >Do
loss or inconvenience etc. disadvan- confuse disassemble with dissemble.
tage v. (dis-ad-van-taged, dis* ad* dis-as-so-ci-ate (dis-a-soh-si-ayt) v.

van* tagging) to put at a disadvantage. (dis-asso-ci-at-ed, dis*as*so*ci*

dis*ad*van*taged (dis-ad-van-tijd) adj. at* ing) to remove from association, to
suffering from unfavorable conditions of cease associating with.
disadvantaged countries; the disad-
life, dis-as-ter (di-zas-ter) n. 1 a sudden great

vantaged, those suffering disadvantage. misfortune. 2. a complete failure, the per-

dls*ad*van*ta*geous (dis-ad-van-tay- formance was a disaster, dls-as'trous
disavow / disconsolate 244
adj. dis*as'trous*ly adv. D disaster one who enforces or believes in strict dis-
area, an area in which a major disaster cipline.
(such as an earthquake) has recently oc- dis*ci*pli*nar*y (dis-I-pB-ner-ee) adj. of
curred. or for discipline.
dis -a* vow (dis-a-vow) v. to disclaim. dis* dis*ci*pline (dis-T-plin) n. 1. training that
a-vow'al n. produces obedience, self-control, or a
dis* band (dis-band) to break up, to sep-
v. particular skill. 2. controlled behavior
arate, disbanded the choir; the troops dis- produced by such training. 3. punish-
banded, dis* band ' merit n. ment given to correct a person or enforce
dis -bar (dis-bahr) v. (dis* barred, dis- obedience. 4. a branch of instruction or
bar* ring) to expel from membership in learning, an academic discipline, disci-
the legal profession. dis*bar'ment n. pline v. (dis-ci-plined, dis-ci-plin-
dis -be -Neve (dis-bi-leev) v. (dis« be- ing) 1. to train to be obedient and or-
lieved, dis-be-lieving) to refuse or derly. 2. to punish.
be unable to believe, dis-be*liev'er n. dis* Claim (dis-klaym) v. to disown; they
dis-be-lief (dis-bi-leef) n. disclaim responsibility for the accident,
dis-bur-den (dis-bur-den) v. to relieve of say that they are not responsible.
a burden. dis- claim -er (dis-klay-mer) n. a state-
dis- burse (dis-burs) v. (dis-bursed, dis- ment disclaiming something.
bursting) to pay out (money), disburs- dis* close (dis-klohz) v. (dis* closed,
ing large amounts, dis- burse / ment n. dis-clos-ing) to expose to view, to re-
dis-burs'a-ble adj. D>Do not confuse veal, to make known, dis *clo* sure (dis-
disburse with disperse. kloh-z/rur) n.

disc (disk) n. 1. a disk. 2. a phonograph dis* CO (dis-koh) n. (pi. -COS) (informal)

record. 3. a plate coated with magnetic a discotheque, disco adj. (informal) of
material on which computer data are or suitable for a discotheque, disco music-
stored. Ddisc jockey, (informal) a per- disco dancing.
son who conducts a broadcast program dis* col* or (dis-kul-dr) v. 1. to spoil the
of records of popular music. color become changed
of, to stain. 2. to
disc. abbr. 1. discount. 2. discovered. in color. dis*col*or*a-tion (dis-kul-6-
dis *card (di-skahrd) v. to throw away, to ray-shon) n.
put aside as useless or unwanted, dis- dis -com -bob- u -late (dis-kdm-bob-yu-
card (dis-kahrd) n. something dis- layt) v. (dis-com-bob-u-lat-ed, dis*
carded. com • bob • U • lat • ing) (informal) to dis-
dis-cern (di-surn, -zurn) v. to perceive turb or confuse.
clearly with the mind or senses, dis* dis-com-fit.(dis-kum-fit) v. (dis* com*
cern'ment n. fit-ed, dis -com* fit* ing) to disconcert,
dis-cern -i-ble (di-sur-nl-bel, -zur-) adj. dis-com-fi-ture (dis-kum-fi-chur) n.
able to be discerned. dis*cern'i*bly > Do not confuse discomfit with discom-
adv. fort.
dis-cern-ing (di-sur-ning, -zur-) adj. per- dis* com* fort (dis-kum-f5rt) n. 1. lack of
ceptive, showing good judgment, dis* comfort in body or mind. 2. something
cern'ing*ly adv. that causes this, discomfort v. not >Do
dis 'Charge (dis-chahrj) v. (dis -charged, confuse discomfort with discomfit.
dis* charging). 1. to give or send out, dis* com* mode (dis-ko-mohd) v. (dis*
the pipes discharge their contents into the com- mod -ed, dis* com* mod* ing)
river; the river discharges into the sea, (old use) to put to inconvenience.
flows into it; the wound is still discharg- dis* com* pose (dis-kdm-pohz) v. (dis*
ing, matter is coming out. 2. to give out com* posed, dis-com-pos-ing) to
an electric charge, to cause to do this. disturb the composure
of, to agitate, dis*
3. to fire (a missile or gun). 4. to dismiss com -po* sure (dis-kom-poh-z/rur) n.
from employment. 5. to allow to leave, dis* con* cert (dis-kdn-surt) v. to upset the
the patient was discharged from the hospi- self-possession of, to fluster.
tal. 6. to pay (a debt), to perform or dis-con-nect (dis-ko-nekt) v. to break the
fulfill (a duty or contract), discharge connection of, to put out of action by
(dis-chahrj) n. 1 discharging, being dis-
. disconnecting certain parts. dis*Con*
charged. 2. something that is discharged, nec'tion n.

the discharge from the wound. dis-con-nect-ed (dis-kd-nek-tid) adj.

dis -ci- pie (di-si-pel) n. 1. Disciple, one lacking orderly connection between its
of the original followers of Christ. 2. a parts, a disconnected speech, dis -con-
person who follows the teachings of an- nected *ly adv.
other whom he accepts as a leader. dis* con* so* late (dis-kon-s5-lit) adj. 1.
dis-ci-pli-nar-i*an (dis-l-pll-nair-i-an) n. unhappy at the loss of something, disap-
245 discontent / discussant

pointed. 2. inconsolable, hopelessly un- ies) 1 . discovering, being discovered. 2.

happy, dis • con 'so* late *iy adv.
something that is discovered.
dis* con* tent (dis-k6n-tent) n. dissatisfac- dis*cred*it (dis-kred-it) v. 1. to damage
tion, lack of contentment. the good reputation of. 2. to refuse to
dis • con • tent • ed (dis-kon-ten-tid) adj. believe. 3. to cause to
be disbelieved, dis-
not contented, feeling discontent, dis* credit n. 1. damage to reputation. 2.
con*tent'ed*ly adv. something that causes this. 3. doubt, lack
dis*con*tin*ue (dis-k6n-tin-yoo) v. (dis* of credibility.
con*tin*ued f dis*con*tin*u*ing) to dis*cred*it*a*ble (dis-kred-i-ta-bel) adj.
put an end to, to come to an end. dis* bringing discredit, shameful. dis*cred'
con*tin / u*ance n. it*a*bly adv.
dis • con • tin • U • OUS (dis-kon-tin-yoo-us) dis*creet (di-skreet) adj. 1. showing cau-
adj. not continuous. dis*con*ti*nu* tion and good judgment in what one
i*ty (dis-kon-ti-noo-i-tee) n. does, not giving away secrets, a discreet
dis* cord (dis-kord) n. 1. disagreement, not showy or obtrusive, discreet
reply. 2.
quarreling. 2. a combination of notes manners. dis*creet'ly adv. not >Do
producing a harsh or unpleasant sound. confuse discreet with discrete.
dis* cord* ant (dis-kor-dant) adj. dis* dis*crep*an*cy (di-skrep-an-see) n. (pi.
cord 'ant *ly adv. -Cies) difference, disagreement, failure
dis*CO*theque (dis-ko-tek) a nightclub
n. to tally, there were several discrepancies
. or hall where amplified recorded music between the two accounts. dis*crep'ant
is played for dancing. adj.
dis *COlint (dis-kownt) n. an amount of dis* Crete (di-screet) adj. discontinuous,
money taken off the full price or total. individually distinct, there were three
discount (dis-kownt) v. 1 to disregard
. discrete parts. dis*crete'ly adv. dis*
partly or wholly, we cannot discount this crete'ness n. >Do
not confuse discrete
possibility. 2. to purchase a promissory with discreet
note etc. for less than its value will be dis*cre*tion (di-skresh-dn) n. 1. being
when matured. 3. to sell at a reduced discreet in one's speech, keeping secrets.
price. dis*count'a*ble adj. Dat a dis- 2t good judgment, he acted with discre-
count, below the usual or nominal price. tion. 3. freedom to act according to one's
discount store, one selling goods regu- judgment, the treasurer has full discre-
larly at less than the standard price. tion. Dat a person's discretion, in ac-
dis • coun • te • nance (dis-kown-te-nans) cordance with his decision.
v. (dis* coun *te*nanced, dis* coun* dis*cre*tion*ar*y (di-skresh-d-ner-ee)
te*nanc*ing) to refuse to countenance, adj. done or used at a person's discretion,
to discourage or show disapproval of. discretionary powers. discretionary
dis* count *er (dis-kown-ter) n. a mer- income, money beyond that needed for
chant who sells regularly at less than the essentials, which can be spent as one
standard price. pleases.
dis* courtage (dis-kur-ij) v. (dis-cour- dis*crim*i*nate (di-skrim-I-nayt) v. (dis*
aged, dis*cour*ag*ing) 1. to dis- crim • • nat * ed, dis • crim • • nat • ing)
i I

hearten. 2. to dissuade. 3. to deter, dis* 1. to have good taste or judgment. 2.

cour 'age -merit n. dis *cour'ag *ing* to make a distinction, to give unfair treat-
ly adv. ment, especially because of prejudice,
dis* course (dis-kohrs) n. a speech or lec- they had discriminated against him. dis •
ture, a written treatise on a subject, dis- crlm'i*nat-ing adj. dis*crim'i*nat*
course (dis-kohrs) v. (dis -coursed, ing-ly adv. dis*crim*l*na*tion (di-
dis-cours-ing) to utter or write a dis- sknm-T-nay-shdn) n.
course. dis • crim • i • na • to • ry (di-skrim-I-na-tohr-
dis*cour*te*ous (dis-kur-ti-us) adj. lack- ee) adj. characterized by discrimination
ing courtesy, rude. dis*cour'te*ous* and bias.
ly adv. dis* cursive (dis-kur-siv) adj. rambling
dis-COUr-te-sy (dis-kur-te-see) n. (pi from one subject to another, dis* cur'
-Sies) rudeness, an impolite or uncivil sive*ly adv. dis*cur'sive*ness n.
action. dis-cus (dis-kus) n. (pi dis-cus-es, dis*
dis* cover (dis-kuv-er) v. 1. to obtain Ci, pr. dis-i) a heavy disk thrown for dis-
sight or knowledge of, especially by tance by a discus thrower in a track-
searching or other effort. 2. to be the and-field competition.
first to do this, Herschel discovered a new dis* CUSS (di-skus) v. to examine by means
planet dis*cov'er*er n. dis*cov'er* of argument, to talk or write about, dis*
a *ble adj. cus-sion (di-skush-on) n.
dis*cov*er*y (dis-kuv-e-ree) n. (pi -er* dis*CUS*sant (di-skus-ant) n. (formal) a
disdain / dishonor 246
person who takes part in a discussion. deprive of the right to vote, dis* fran'
dis -da in (dis-dayn) ru scorn, contempt. chise-ment n.
disdain v. 1 to regard with disdain, to
. dis* gorge (dis-gorj) v. (dis -gorged,
treat as unworthy of notice. 2. to refrain dis-gorg -ing) to throw out from the
1 .

because of disdain, she disdained to reply. gorge or throat, the whale swallowed
dis-dain'ful adj. dis-dain'ful-ly adv. Jonah and then disgorged him. 2. to pour
dis -ease (di-zeez) n. an unhealthy condi- forth, the river disgorges itself into the
tion caused by infection or diet or condi- sea,
tions of life, or inherited. dis* grace (dis-grays) n. 1. loss of favor
dis- eased (di-zeezd) adj. affected with or respect. 2. something that causes this.
disease. disgrace v. (dis* graced, dis -grac-
dis* em *bark (dis-em-bahrk) v. to put or ing) to bring disgrace upon, to humiliate.
go ashore. dis-em-bar-ka-tion (dis- dis- grace 'ful adj. dis- grace 'ful-iy
em-bahr-kay-shon) n. adv.
dis-em-bod-ied (dis-em-bod-eed) adj. dis -grun- tied (dis-grun-teld) adj. discon-
(of the soul or spirit) freed from the body. tented, resentful.
dis -em* bow* el (dis-em-bow-el) v. (dis* dis* guise (dis-giz) v. (dis-guised, dis*
em*bow*eled, dis*em*bow*el*ing) guis-ing) 1. to conceal the identity of.
to out the bowels of.
take dis* em* 2. to conceal; there's no disguising the
bow 'el 'merit n. fact, it cannot be concealed, disguise
dis* en* Chant (dis-en-chant) v. to free n. 1 . something worn or used for disguis-
from enchantment, to disillusion, they ing. 2. disguising, a disguised condition.
are disenchanted with the government. D>Do not confuse disguise with guise.
dis -en -chant 'ment n. dis -gust (dis-gust) n. a strong feeling of
dis-en*cum*ber (dis-en-kum-ber) v. to dislike, finding a thing very unpleasant
freefrom encumbrance. or against one's principles, disgust v.
dis*en*fran*chise (dis-en-fran-chiz) v. to cause disgust in. dis -gust 'ing -ly
(dis-en-fran-chised, dis • en* f ran* adv.
chis-ing) to disfranchise, dis* en* dis- gust -ed (dis-gus-tid) adj. feeling dis-
fran'chise-ment n. gust, dis- gust 'ed-ly adv.
dis* en* gage (dis-en-gayj) v. (dis 'en- dish (dish) n. 1. a shallow flat-bottomed
gaged, dis*en*gag*ing) from
to free container for holding or serving food;
engagement, to detach, dis* en* gage' wash the dishes, wash all the utensils after
ment n. use at a meal. 2. the amount a dish con-
dis* en* gaged (dis-en-gayjd) adj. not en- tains. 3. the food itself, a particular kind
gaged in attending to another person or of food. 4. 'a shallow concave object. 5.
to business, free. (slang) an attractive woman or girl, dish
dis*en*tan*gle (dis-en-tang-gel) v. (dis* v. 1 to serve (food) in a dish. 2. to make

en-tan-gled, dis*en*tan*gling) to or become concave. Ddish out, (in-

free from tangles or confusion, to extri- formal) to distribute, dish up, to put
cate, dis* en -tangle* ment n. food into dishes ready for serving; (slang)
dis*es*tab*lish (dis-e-stab-lish) v. to end to serve up as facts etc., dished up the
the established state of, to deprive (a usual excuses
church) of itsofficial connection with the dis-ha-bille (dis-a-beel) n. state of being
state. only partly or not carefully dressed.
dis * es * tab • lish • ment (dis-e-stab-lish- dis-har-mo-ny (dis-hahr-md-nee) n. {pi
ment) n. separation of church and state. -nies) lack of harmony, dis *har -mo-
dis*es*tab*lish*men*tar*i*an*ism rn -ous (dis-hahr-moh-ni-us) adj.
(dis-e-stab-lish-men-ter-i-a-niz-em) n. a dish -cloth (dish-klawth) n. {pi. -cloths,
policy favoring disestablishment. pr. -klawr/rz) a cloth for washing dishes.
dis -es* teem (dis-e-steem) n. lack of es- dis 'heart* en (dis-hahr-ten) v. to cause to
teem. lose hope or confidence. dis*heart'en*
di-seur (dee-zur) n. a male performer who ment n.
recites monologues. t> French. dished (disht) adj. concave.
di-seuse (dee-zuuz) n. a female diseur. di-sheveled (di-shev-eld) adj. ruffled
E> French. and untidy. di*shev'el*ment n.
dis*fa*vor (dis-fay-vdr) n. dislike, disap- dis -non -est (dis-on-ist) adj. not hon-
proval. est. dis*hon / est*ly adv. dis*hon /
dis* fig* ure (dis-fig-yur)
v. (dis*fig-ured, est*y n.

dis*fig*ur*ing) to spoil the appearance dis-hon-or (dis-on-dr) n. 1. loss of honor

of. dis •fig ure* ment n.
or respect, disgrace. 2. something that
dis-fran-chise (dis-fran-chiz) v. (dis* causes this, dishonor v. to bring dis-
fran-chised, dis -fran- chis-ing) to honor upon, to disgrace.
247 dishonorable / disorient

dis -hon- or -able (dis-on-d-rS-bel) adj. vertebrae that has become displaced.
not honorable, shameful. dis*hon'or* dis* like (dis-kk) n. a feeling of not liking
a*bly adv. something, dislike v. (dis *liked, dis*
dish* wash *er (dish-wosh-er) n. a ma- Ilk* Ing) to feel dislike for.
chine for washing dishes etc. automati- diS*IO*cate (dis-loh-kayt) v. (dis*lo*
cally, a. person who washes dishes. cat*ed, dis -lo- cat- ing) 1. to put (a
dish-wa-ter (dish-waw-ter) n. water in thing) out of place in relation to connect-
which dishes have been washed. Ddull ing parts, to displace (a bone) from its
as dishwater, very dull. proper position in a joint. 2. to put out
dis-ll-IU'Sion (dis-i-loo-z/rdn) v. to set free of order, to disrupt, fog dislocated traffic
from pleasant but mistaken beliefs, disil- dls*IO*Ca*tion (dis-loh-kay-shdn) n.
lusion n. the state of being disillusioned. dis-lodge (dis-loj) v. (dis-lodged, dis-
diS'iMu'sion* merit n. lodg-ing) to move or force from an es-
dis*in*cen*tive (dis-in-sen-tiv) n. some- tablished position.
thing that discourages an action or effort. dis* loyal (dis-loi-al) adj. not loyal, dis*
dis • in • cli • na • tion (dis-in-kli-nay-shdn) loy'aMy adv. dis*loy'al*ty n. (pL
n. unwillingness, a slight dislike. -ties).
dis* in •dine (dis-in-khn) v. (dis* in* dis* ma (diz-mal) adj. 1 causing or show-
I .

dined, dis • in • din • ing) to make (a per- ing gloom, dreary. 2. feeble, a dismal
son) feel reluctant or unwilling to do attempt at humor, dis'mal-ly adv.
something. dis* man* tie (dis-man-tel) v. (dis* man*
dis* in* feet (dis-in-fekt) v. to cleanse by tied, dis*man*tling) to take away fit-
destroying bacteria that may cause dis- tings or furnishings from, to take to
ease, dis* in* fee' tion n. pieces. dis*man'tle*ment n.
dis* in* feet* ant (dis-in-fek-tant) n. a sub- dis* may (dis-may) n. a feeling of surprise
stance used for disinfecting things. and discouragement, dismay v. to fill
dls*ln*gen*U*OUS (dis-in-jen-yoo-iis) with dismay. dis*may / ing*ly adv.
adj. insincere, not frank. dis*mem*ber (dis-mem-ber) v. 1. to re-
dis* in* her* it (dis-in-her-it) v. to deprive move the limbs of. 2. to divide into parts,
(a person) of an inheritance by making to partition (a country etc.). dis*
a will naming another or others as one's mem / ber*ment n.

heir(s). dis* miss (dis-mis) v. 1 to send away from


dis • in *te* grate (di-sin-te-grayt) v. (dis* one's presence or employment. 2. to put

in*te*grat*ed, dis*in*te*grat*ing) to out of one's thoughts, to mention or dis-
break or cause to break into small parts cuss only briefly. 3. to reject without fur-
or pieces, dis • in • te • gra • tion (di-sin-te- ther hearing, the case was dismissed for
gray-shdn) n. lack of evidence. dis*miss'al n. dis*
dis*in*ter (dis-in-tur) v. (dis* inferred, miss / i*ble adj.
dis*in*ter*ring) to dig up (something dis* mount (dis-mownt) v. 1. to get off or
buried), to unearth. down from something on which one is

dis*in*ter*est*ed (dis-in-te-res-tid) adj. riding. 2. to cause to fall off, to unseat.

1 unbiased, not influenced by self-inter-
. dls*0*be*di*ent (dis-6-bee-di-ent) adj.
est. 2.uninterested, uncaring. (> Careful not obedient. dis*o*be'di*ent*ly adv.
writers regard the second use as unac- dis*o*be'di* ence n.
ceptable because it obscures a useful dis- dls*0*bey (dis-5-bay) v. to disregard oth-
tinction between disinterested and un- ers, to fail or refuse to obey.
dis*in'ter*est*ed*ly adv.
interested.) dis*o*blige (dis-6-bhj) v. (dis* o* bilged,
dis*in'ter*est*ed*ness n. dis*0*blig*ing) to disregard the wishes
dis* join (dis-join) v. to separate. or convenience of (a person).
dis *joint (dis- joint) v. 1. to cut (a roasted dis*or*der (dis-or-der) n. 1 lack of order,

fowl) apart at the joints. 2. to dislocate, untidiness. 2. a disturbance of public or-

to disturb. der, a riot. 3. disturbance of the normal
dis* joint *ed (dis-join-tid) adj. 1. (of talk) working of the body or mind, a nervous
disconnected, incoherent. 2. (of a roasted disorder, disorder v. to throw into disor-
fowl) cut apart at the joints. der, to upset, dis*or'der*ly adj.
disk (disk) n. 1 something shaped or look-
. dis*or*gan*ize (dis-or-ga-mz) v. (dis*
ing like a thin circular plate, the sun*s or*gan*ized, dis*or*gan*iz*ing) to
disk. 2. a layer of cartilage between verte- throw into confusion, to upset the or-
brae. 3. a disc. Ddisk brake, one in derly system or arrangement of.
which a flat plate presses against a plate dis • or • gan • ized (dis-or-ga-nizd) adj.

at the center of a wheel, disk harrow, lacking organization or an orderly sys-

a harrow with rows of sloping concave tem.
disks, slipped disk, a disk between dis*o*ri*ent (dis-ohr-i-ent) v. to confuse
disorientate / disproportion 248
(a person) and make him lose his bear- dis* perse (di-spurs) (dis-persed, dis-

ings. persing) to scatter, to go or drive

dis*o*ri-en*tate (dis-ohr-i-en-tayt) v. or send in different directions, dis* per'
(dis*o-ri-en*tat-ed, dis*o*'ri*en- sal n. dis -pension (di-spur-z/ton) n.
tat'ing) to disorient. dis*o*ri*en*ta- >Do not confuse disperse with disburse.
tion (dis-ohr-i-en-tay-shdn) n. dis pir * it (di-spir-it) v. to make despond-

dis -own (dis-ohn) v. to refuse to acknowl- ent, to depress. dis*pir'it-ed adj.

edge as one's own, to reject all connec- dis -place (displays) v. (dis -placed, dis*
tion with. plac*ing) 1. to shift from its place. 2.
dis -par -age (di-spar-ij) V (dis -par* to take the place of, to oust, weeds tend
aged, dis par -ag- ing) to speak of in

to displace other plants, dis* place'
a slighting way, to belittle, dis • par 'ag- ment n. displaced person, a refu-
ing -ly adv. dis-par'age-ment n. gee.
dis* pa* rate (dis-pa-rit) adj. different in dis* play (di-splay) v. 1. to show, to ar-
kind. dis'pa*rate*ly adv. range (a thing) so that it can be seen.
dis-par-i-ty (di-spar-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) 2. (of birds and animals) to make a dis-
inequahty, difference. play (see definition 3 below), display n.
dis-pas-sion (dis-pash-on) n. freedom 1. displaying, being displayed. 2. some-
from emotion. thing displayed conspicuously. 3. a spe-
dis-pas-sion -ate (dis-pash-6-nit) adj. cial pattern of behavior used by birds
free from emotion, calm, impartial, dis*
and animals as a means of communica-
pas'sion-ate-ly adv.
dis* patch (di-spach) v. 1. to send off to
dis -please (dis-pleez) v. (dis -pleased,
a destination or for a purpose. 2. to give
dis* pleas* ing) to offend, to arouse the
the deathblow to, to kill. 3. to complete
disapproval or anger of.
or dispose of quickly, dispatch n. 1 dis-.

dis- pleas -ure (dis-plezA-ur) n. a dis-

patching, being dispatched. 2. prompt-
pleased feeling, dissatisfaction.
ness, speed, she acted with dispatch. 3.
dis* port (di-spohrt) v. (formal) to play,
an official message or report sent with
to amuse oneself, disporting themselves
speed. 4. a news report sent to a newspa-
on the beach.
per or news agency etc. dis* patch 'er
dis* DOS -a -Me (di-spoh-za-bel) adj. 1.
n. dispatch case, a container for car-
able to be disposed of. 2. at one's dis-
rying official documents.
posal; disposable income, the amount left
dis* pel (di-spel) v. (dis-pelled, dis*
after taxes have been deducted. 3. de-
pel • ling) to drive away, to scatter, wind
signed to be thrown away after being
dispelled the fog: how can we dispel their
used once, disposable diapers.
dis pen -sa -Die (di-spen-sa-beJ) adj. 1.

dis-pos-al (di-spoh-zal) n. disposing of
not essential. 2. able to be dispensed, a something. Dat one's disposal, availa-
dispensable drug. ble for one's use.
dis*pen*sa*ry (di-spen-sa-ree) n. {pi. dis -pose (di-spohz) v. (dis -posed, dis-
-lies) a place where medicines are dis- DOS * ing) 1 to place suitably or in order,

pensed, the hospital dispensary. disposed the troops in two lines. 2. to de-
dis • pen -sa- tion (dis-pen-say-shdn) n. 1. termine the course of events, man pro-
dispensing, distributing. 2. ordering or poses, God disposes. 3. to make willing
management, especially of the world by or ready to do something, to incline, their
divine authority, by the merciful dispen- friendliness disposed us to accept the invi-
sation of Providence. 3. exemption from tation; we felt disposed to accept, dis-
a penalty or duty, was granted a dispensa- pos'er n. Dbe well disposed to-
tion, ward, to be friendly toward, to favor.
dis- pen se (di-spens) v. (dis-pensed, dispose of, to get rid of; to deal with.
dis -pens* ing) 1. to distribute, to deal dis* DO* si -tion (dis-pd-zish-dn) n. 1. set-
out; dispense justice, to administer it. 2. ting in order, arrangement, the disposi-
to prepare and give out (medicines etc.) tion of troops 2. a person's natural quali-
according to prescriptions. dispense tiesof mind and character, has a cheerful
with, to do without; to make unneces- tendency or incli-
disposition. 3. a natural
sary. nation, they show a disposition to change
dis-pens *er (di-spen-ser) n. 1. a person jobs frequently.
who dispenses medicines. 2. a device that dis-pos-sess (dis-pd-zes) v. to deprive (a
deals out a quantity of something, a soap person) of the possession of something,
dispenser. dis-pos-ses'sion n.

dis* per *sant (di-spur-sant) n. a substance dis pro -por- tion (dis-pro-pohr-shOn) n.

that disperses something. lack of proper proportion, being out of

249 disprove / dissipate
proportion, dis -pro* portion • ate adj. robbing) to take off official or ceremo-
dis • pro *por'tion* ate *ly adv. nial robes, to undress.
dis • prove (dis-proov) v. (disproved, dis-rupt (dis-rupt) v. to cause to break up,
disproving) to show to be false or to throw into disorder, to interrupt the
wrong, dis* proof (dis-proof) n. flow or continuity of, party quarrels dis-
dis -put -a -Die (dis-pyoo-ta-bel) adj. able rupted the coalition; floods disrupted traf-
to be disputed, questionable. dls*put'a* fic, dis Tup- tion (dis-rup-sh6n) n.
bly adv. dis*rup*tiye (dis-rup-tiv) adj. causing dis-
dis*pu*tant (dis-pyoo-tant) n. a person ruption.
engaged in a dispute. dis sat is f ac • tion (dis-sat-is-fak-shdn)
• • •

dis *pu* taction (dis-pyu-tay-sh6n) n. ar- n. lack of satisfaction or of contentment.

gument, debate. dis*sat*is*fy (dis-sat-is-fi) v. (dis* sat*

diS*pu*ta*tk>US (dis-pyu-tay-shus) adj. is* tied, dis*sat*is*fying) to fail to
fond of, or given to, argument. satisfy, to make discontented, dis*
dis*pute (dis-pyoot) v. (dis* put 'ed, dis* sat'is-fied adj.
put-ing) 1. to argue, to debate. 2. to dis* sect (di-sekt) v. 1. to cut apart, espe-
quarrel. 3. to question the truth or valid- cially in order to examine internal struc-
ture, we dissected a worm. 2. to examine
ity of, dispute a claim; the disputed terri-
tory, which is the subject of a dis-
that (a theory etc.) part by part, dis* sector
n. dis* sec* tion (di-sek-shdn) n. >Note
pute, dispute n. 1. an argument or
the spelling and pronunciation of dissect.
debate. 2. a quarrel. dis*put'er n.
Din dispute, being argued about. dis*sem*ble (di-sem-bel) v. (dis -sem-
bled, dis*sem*bling) to conceal (one's
dis • qual • • f y (dis-kwol-T-fi) v. (dis • qual •

true feelings or motives), to pretend.

i'fied, dis* qual «i •tying) 1. to debar
from a competition because of an in-
E>Do not confuse dissemble with disas-
fringement of the rules, that team was
dis*sem*i*nate (di-sem-T-nayt) v. (dis*
disqualified from the race. 2. to make
unsuitable or ineligible, weak eyesight
sem • • nat • ed, dis • sem * • nat * ing) to
i i

spread (ideas etc.) widely. dis*sem*i*

disqualifies him for military service, dis*
na*tion (di-sem-T-nay-shon) n.
qual*i*fi*ca*tion (dis-kwol-i-fi-kay-
dis*sen*sion (di-sen-shon) n. disagree-
shon) n.
ment that gives rise to strife.
dis*qui*et (dis-kwi-et) n. uneasiness, anx-
dis* sent (di-sent) v. to have or express a
iety, disquiet v. to make uneasy or anx-
different opinion, dissent n. a difference
in opinion.
dis*qui*et*ing (dis-kwi-e-ting) adj. caus-
dis* sent *er (di-sen-ter) n. 1 a person who

ing disquiet.
dissents. 2.- Dissenter, a member of a
dis*qui*e*tude (dis-kwi-e-tood) n. a state church that has separated itself from the
of uneasiness, anxiety. Church of England.
dis* qui* si* tion (dis-kwi-zish-6n) n. along dis*sen*tient (di-sen-shent) adj. dissent-
elaborate spoken or written account of ing, dissentient n. a person who dis-
something. sents.
dis*re*gard (dis-ri-gahrd) v. to pay no at- dis *ser*ta* tion (dis-er-tay-shdn) n. 1. a
tention to, to treat as of no importance. spoken or written discourse. 2. a substan-
disregard n. lack of attention to some- tial treatise written as part of the require-
thing, treating it as of no importance, ments for a doctorate.
complete disregard for his own safety. dis -service (dis-sur-vis) n. a harmful ac-
dis*re*mem*ber (dis-ri-mem-ber) v. (in- tion done by a person who intended to
formal) to fail to remember. >
Careful help.
writers and speakers use this word hu- dis* sever (di-sev-er) v. to sever, to di-
morously if at all. vide.
dis* re* pair (dis-ri-pair) n. a bad condition dis* Si* dent (dis-i-dent) adj. disagreeing.
caused by lack of repairs, in a state of dissident n. a person who disagrees, one
disrepair. who opposes the authorities, dis'si*
dis*rep*u*ta*ble (dis-rep-yu-ta-bel) adj. dence n.
having a bad reputation, not respectable dis*sim*i*lar (di-sim-I-lar) adj. unlike.
in character or appearance. dis*rep'u* dis • sim • i • lar • • ty (di-sim-T-lar-i-tee) n.

ta-bly adv. dis*sim*u*late (di-sim-yu-layt) v. (dis*

dis*re*pute (dis-ri-pyoot) n. lack of good sim*u*lat*ed, dis*sim*u*lat*lng) to
repute, discredit, fell into disrepute. dissemble, dis* sim *u* la* tion (di-sim-
dis*re*spect (dis-ri-spekt) n. lack of re- yu-lay-shon) n.
spect, rudeness, dis* re •speedful adj. dis* si* pate (dis-I-payt) v. (dis • si* pat*
dis* robe (dis-rohb) v. (dis* robed, dis* ed, dis* si* pat* ing) 1. to dispel, to dis-
dissipated / distinguish 250
perse. 2. to squander or fritter away. tant past; a distant cousin. 3. not friendly,
dis-si-pat-ed (dis-i-pay-tid) adj. indulg- aloof. dis'tant-ly adv.
ing one's vices, living a dissolute life. dis 'taste (dis-tayst) n. dislike.
dis-si-pa-tion (dis-i-pay-shon) n. 1. dissi- dis- taste -ful (dis-tayst-ful) adj. unpleas-
pating. 2. dissipated practices. ant, arousing distaste, dis -taste ''ful-
dis-SO-ci-ate (di-soh-shi-ayt, di-soh-si-) ly adv.
v. (dis-so-ci-at-ed, dis-so-ci-at- dis* tern* per (dis-tem-per) n. a disease of
ing) to separate in one's thought, it is dogs and certain other animals, with
difficult to dissociate the man from his coughing and weakness.
work; dissociate oneself from a project, dis* tend (di-stend) v. to swell or become
to declare that one has no connection swollen by pressure from within, dis*
with it. dis-so-ci-a-tion (di-soh-shi- ten-tion, dis-ten-sion (di-sten-sh5n)
ay-shdn, di-soh-si-) n. n. dis -ten -si -ble (di-sten-sl-bel) adj.
d is* so* lute (dis-6-loot) adj. lacking moral dis-tich (dis-tik) n. a pair of lines of verse,
restraint or self-discipline. dis'so-lute- a couplet.
ly adv. dis'so-lute-ness n. dis -till (di-stil) v. 1 to treat by distillation,

dis-so-lu-tion (dis-6-ldo-shdn) n. the dis- to make or produce or purify in this way.

solving of an assembly or partnership. 2. to undergo distillation.
dis -solve (di-zolv) v. (dis -solved, dis- dis* til* late (dis-tl-lit) n. a product of the
solving) 1. to make
or become liquid, vapor produced during distillation.
to disperse or cause to be dispersed in dis-til-la-tion (dis-tl-lay-shdn) n. 1. the
a liquid. 2. to cause to disappear, to dis- process of turning a substance to vapor
appear gradually. 3. to dismiss or dis- by heat, cooling the vapor so that it con-
perse (an assembly, such as a parlia- denses, and collecting the resulting liquid
ment), to annul or put an end to (a in order to purify it or separate its con-
partnership, such as a marriage). 4. to stituents or extract an essence. 2. some-
give way to emotion, she dissolved into thing distilled.
tears. dis- till -er (di-stil-er) n. a person who dis-
dis -SO -riant (dis-6-nant) adj. discordant. tills, one who makes alcoholic liquors by

dis'so* nance n. distillation.

dis-suade (di-swayd) v. (dis sua d- • dis • till -er-y (di-stil-er-ee) n. {pi -er*
ed, dis-suad-ing) to discourage or per- les) a place where whiskey and other
suade against a course of action, dis- alcoholic liquors are produced.
suaded her from going, dis-sua-sion dis- tinct (di-stingkt) adj. 1 able to be per-

(di-sway-z/ion) n. ceived clearly by the senses or the mind,

dis -sua- si ve (di-sway-siv) adj. dissuad- definiteand unmistakable, a distinct im-
ing. provement 2. different in kind, separate,
dist. abbr. 1. distance. 2. distant. 3. dis- his hobbies are quite distinct from his
trict. work, dis-tinct'ly adv. dis- tinct' ness
dis-taff (dis-taf) n. 1 . a cleft stick holding n. t>See the note under distinctive.
wool spinning. 2. woman's work.
etc. for dis- tine -tion (di-stingk-shdn) n. 1. seeing
distaff adj. female, maternal. the Don or making a difference between things.
distaff side, on the mother's side of a 2. a difference seen or made. 3. a thing
family. that differentiates one thing from an-
dis-tal (dis-tal) adj. (in anatomy) away other. 4. a mark of honor. 5. excellence,
from the center of the body or from the a person of distinction.
point of attachment, a distal bone. dis -tine- tive (di-stingk-tiv) adj. serving to
distance (dis-tans) n. 1. the length of distinguish a thing by making it different
space between one point and another. 2. from others, dis -tine 'tive -ly adv. dis*
a distant part, in the distance. 3. being tinc'tive-ness n. >Do
not confuse dis-
distant, remoteness, distance v. to out- tinctive with distinct A
distinct sign is
distance in a race. Dat a distance, far one that can be seen clearly; a distinctive
off, not very near; keep someone at a dis- sign is one not commonly found else-
tance, to avoid becoming too friendly. where.
keep one's distance, to remain at a dis-tin-guish (di-sting-gwish) v. 1. to see
safe distance; to behave aloofly, to be not or point out a difference between, to draw
very friendly, within walking distance, distinctions, we must distinguish facts
near enough to be reached easily by walk- from rumors. 2. to make different, to be
ing. a characteristic mark or property of,
dis-tant (dis-tant) adj. 1. at a specified speech distinguishes man from animals.
or considerable distance away, three 3. to make out by listening or looking,
miles distant. 2. remote, much apart in unable to distinguish distant objects. 4.
space or time or relationship etc., the dis- to make notable, to bring honor to, he
251 distinguished / dive

distinguished himself by his bravery, dis* dis*tur*bance (di-stur-bans) n. 1. dis-

tin'guish-a-ble adj. turbing, being disturbed. 2. a commo-
dis-tin-guished (di-sting-gwisht) adj. 1. tion, an outbreak of social or political
showing excellence, the Distinguished disorder.
Service Cross. 2. famous for great disturbed (di-sturbd) adj. emotionally or
achievements. 3. having an air of distinc- mentally unstable or abnormal.
tion and dignity. dis-u-nite (dis-yoo-nrt) v. (disunit-
dis* tort (di-stort) v. 1. to pull or twist (a ed, dis*u*nit*ing) to separate, to di-
thing) out of its usual shape. 2. to mis- vide.
represent, to twist out of the truth, dis* dis*u*ni*ty (dis-yoo-ni-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
tor*tion (di-stor-shdn) n. lack of unity.
distr. abbr. 1. distribute. 2. distribution. dis* use (dis-yoos) n. the state of not being
3. distributor. used, rusty from disuse.
dis* tract (di-strakt) v. to draw away the dis* used (dis-yoozd) adj. no longer used.
attention of, distracted him from his ditch (dich) n. a narrow trench to hold
work. >Do not confuse distract with de- or carry off water or to serve as a bound-
tract. ary, ditch v. 1 to make or repair ditches.

dis* tract *ed (di-strak-tid) adj. dis- 2. to drive (a vehicle) into a ditch. 3.
traught. (slang) to make a forced landing on the
dis-trac-tion (di-strak-shdn) n. 1. some- sea. 4. (slang) to abandon, to discard,
thing that distracts the attention and pre- to leave in the lurch. Ddull as ditchwa-
vents concentration. 2. an amusement or ter, very dull (same as dull as dishwater).
entertainment. 3. mental upset or dis- dith*er (iith-er) v. 1 to tremble, to quiver.

tress. Dto distraction, almost to a state 2. to hesitate indecisively, dither n. a

of madness. state of dithering, nervous excitement or
distraught (di-strawt) adj. greatly upset, fear, all in a dither.
nearly crazy with grief or worry. dlt*to (dit-oh) n. (pi. -tos) (used in lists
dis* tress (di-stres) n. 1. suffering caused to avoid repeating something) the same
by pain, worry, illness, or exhaustion. 2. again. ditto marks, inverted commas
the condition of being damaged or in " representing the word "ditto."
danger and requiring help, a ship in dis- dit*ty (dit-ee) n. (pi. -ties) a short simple
tress, distress v. to cause distress to. song.
dis*tress'ful adj. di*u*ret*ic (di-yu-ret-ik) adj. causing
dis-trib-ute (di-strib-yoot) v. (dis* more urine to be secreted, diuretic n.
trib-ut-ed, dis*trib*ut*ing) 1. to di- a diuretic substance.
vide and give a share to each of a number, di*ur*nal (di-ur-nal) adj. 1. of the day,
to dear out. 2. to spread or scatter, to not nocturnal. 2. occupying one day.
place at different points, distributed his div. abbr. 1. divided. 2. dividend. 3. divi-
forces. dis*tri*bu*tion (dis-tri-byoo- sion. 4. divisor. 5. divorced.
shdn) n. di*va (dee-va) n. (pi. di-vas, di*ve, pr.
dis*trib*u*tive (di-strib-yu-tiv) adj. 1. of dee-vay) a great woman singer, a prima
or concerned with distribution. 2. (in donna.
grammar) referring to each individual in di*va*lent (di-vay-lent) adj. having a va-
a group, not to the group itself, as each, lence of two.
neither, every. dis*trib'u*tive*ly adv. di*van (di-van) n. a low couch without a
dis*trib*u*tor (dis-trib-yu-tdr) n. 1 a per- . raised back or ends, a bed resembling
son who distributes things, an agent who this.
markets goods. 2. a device for distribut- dive (div) v. (dived or dove, dived, div*

ing current to the spark plugs in an en- ing) 1. to plunge head first into water.
gine. 2. (of an aircraft) to plunge steeply down-
district (dis-trikt) n. a part of a country, ward. 3. (of a submarine or diver) to
city, or county having a particular fea- go under water, our submarine has dived
ture or regarded as a unit for a special many times. 4. to go down or out of sight
purpose, the Lake District; District of Co- suddenly, to rush headlong, dived into
lumbia; a postal district. district at- a foxhole. 5. to plunge (into an activity
torney, the public prosecutor of a judi- etc.);she dives right into her work, begins
cial district. to work promptly and with great concen-
dis *trust (dis-trust) n. lack of trust, suspi- tration, dive n. 1 an act of diving. 2.

cion, distrust v. to feel distrust in. dis* a sharp downward movement or fall. 3.
trust'ful adj. dis* trustful *ly adv. (slang) a disreputable place. diving
dis-turb (disturb) v. 1. to break the rest board, a board for diving from, diving
or quiet or calm of. 2. to cause to move suit, a watertight suit, usually with a
from a settled position, dis-turb'er n. helmet and air supply, for work under
divebomb / divvy 252
water. t> Careful writers use dived rather that to be divided. 2. a share of profits
than dove in the past tense. paid to shareholders. 3. a benefit from
dive 'bomb (dr?-bom) v. to drop bombs an action; his long training paid divi-
from a diving aircraft. Ddive bomber, dends, produced benefits.
an aircraft used for divebombing. di-vid-er (di-vi-der) n. something that di-
diver (di-ver) n. 1. one who dives. 2. a vides; a room divider, a screen or piece
person who works underwater in a diving of furniture to divide a room into two
suit. parts.
di- verge (di-vurj, di-) v. (diverged,
di- di-vid-ers (di-vi-derz) n. (pi -ders) an
verg • ing) 1 to go in different directions
instrument for measuring and for divid-
from a common point or from each ing lines and angles, a compass.
other, to become farther apart. 2. to go div-i-na-tion (div-I-nay-shon) n, divin-
aside from a path; diverge from the truth, ing, foretelling future events or discover-
depart from it; our views diverge further ing hidden knowledge.
from theirs each day. di-ver'gent adj. di-vine (di-vin) adj. 1. of, from, or like
di-ver'gence n.
God or a god. 2. (informal) excellent,
di vers (di-verz)
• adj. (old use) several, var- very beautiful, this divine weather, divine
v. (di-vined, di-vin -ing) to discover or
di* verse (di-vurs, di-) adj. of differing learn about future events by what are
kinds, di-verse'ly adv. alleged to be magical means, or by inspi-
di-ver-si-fy (di-vur-si-fi, di-) v. (di-ver- ration or guessing, divine n. a clergy-
si -tied, di-ver- si -tying) to introduce
man, di-vine'ly adv. di-vine'ment n.
variety into, to vary, di -ver- si -fi- ca-
divining rod, a forked stick or rod
tion (di-vur-si-fi-kay-shdn, di-) n.
used in dowsing.
di- ver-sion (di-vur-z/iSn, di-) n. 1 . divert-
di-vin-er (di-vi-ner) n. a dowser.
ing something from its course. 2. divert-
di-vin-i-ty (di-vin-i-tee) n, (pi -ties) 1.
ing of attention; create a diversion, do
being divine. 2. a god. 3. the study of
something to divert attention. 3. a recre-
Christianity, she attended divinity school
ation, an entertainment. 4. an alternative
4. the Divinity, God.
route when a road is temporarily closed
di-vis-i-ble (di-viz-i-bel) adj. able to be
to traffic. di-ver'sion-a-ry adj.
divided, di-vis-i-bil-i-ty (di-viz-I-bil-i-
di-ver-si-ty (di-vur-si-tee, di-) n. (pi.
tee) n.
-ties) variety.
di-vi-sion (di-vuA-dn) n. 1. dividing, be-
di- vert (di-vurt, di-) to turn (a thing)
v. 1 .

ing divided. 2. a dividing line, a partition.

from its course, divert the stream; divert
attention, distract it; divert traffic, cause
3. one of the parts into which a thing
is divided. 4." a major unit of an organiza-
it to go by a different route. 2. to enter-
tion, our export division, di-vi'sion-al
tain or amuse with recreations.
di-ver-tic-u-li-tis (di-ver-tik-yu-h-tis) n. adj. division sign, the sign -5- (as in
inflammation of a diverticulum. 12 + 4) indicating that one quantity is
di-ver-tic-u-lum (di-ver-tik-yu-lum) n. to be divided by another.
(pi -la, pr. -la) a tubular branch of a di- vi-sive (di-vi-siv) adj. tending to cause

cavity or passage in the body, especially disagreement among members of a

in the colon. group, dl-vi'sive-ly adv. di-vi'sive-
di* vert -ing (di-vur-ting, di-) adj. enter- ness n.

taining, amusing. di • vi • sor (di-vi-z6r) n. a number by which

di-vest (di-vest) v. 1. to strip of clothes, another is to be divided.
divested himself of his robes. 2. to take di • vorce (di-vohrs) n. 1 . the legal termina-
away, to deprive, divested him of his tion of a marriage. 2. the separation of
power. things that were together, divorce v.

di-vide (di-vid) v. (di-vid-ed, divid- (di-vorced, di-vorc-ing) 1. to end a

ing) 1. to separate into parts, to split marriage with (one's husband or wife)
or break up, divide the money between by divorce. 2. to separate, especially in
you; the river divides into two channels. thought or organization.
2. to separate from something else, the di-vor-cee, di-vor-cee (di-vohr-say) n.
Pyrenees divide France from Spain, 3. to a divorced woman.
arrange in separate groups, to classify. divot (diy-dt) n. a piece of turf cut out
4. to cause to disagree, this controversy by a club head in making a stroke in
divided the party. 5. to find how many golf.
times one number contains another, di- di-vulge (di-vulj) v. (di-vulged, dh
vide 12 by 3. 6. to be able to be divided, vulg-ing) to reveal (information). dl«
divide n. a dividing line, a watershed. vul-ga-tion (di-vul-gay-shdn) n.
div-i-dend (div-i-dend) n. 1. a number divvy (di?-ee) v. (divvied, divvy-
253 Dixie / doctrine

ing) divvy up, (informal) to share, to or want, do without, to manage with-

divide up. out.
Dix*ie (dik-see) n. (informal) the southern do2 (doh) n. a name for the first note, of
states of the U.S. the musical scale.
Dix-ie-land (dik-see-land) n. 1. (informal) do. abbr. ditto.
Dixie. 2. a kind of jazz with strong two- D.O.A. abbr. dead on arrival.
beat rhythm. do -a -ble(doo-a-bel) adj. able to be done.
diZ'Zy (diz-ee) adj. (-zi*er, -zi-est) 1. D.O.B. abbr. date of birth.
giddy, feeling confused. 2. causing giddi- dob* bin (dob-in) n. a draft or farm horse.
ness, dizzy heights, diz'zi-ly adv. diz'zi • Do-ber-man (doh-ber-man) n. (also Do-
ness n. berrnan pinscher) a German hound
DJ abbr. disc jockey. with a smooth short dark coat.
Dja-kar-ta = Jakarta. dOC (dok) n. (informal) doctor.
Dji • bou • ti (jee-boo-tee) 1 . a country in Af- dOC. abbr. document.
rica. 2. its capital. doc* He (dos-il) adj. willing to obey, doc'
dk. abbr. 1 dark. 2. deck. 3. dock.
lie • ly adv.doc*il*i*ty (do-sil-i-tee) n.
D. UL abbr. Doctor of Literature. dock 1 (dok) a weed with broad leaves.

D. Utt. abbr. Doctor of Letters. dock 2 v. 1 to cut short (an animal's tail).

2. to reduce or take away part of (wages,

DM abbr. Deutsche mark.
supplies, etc.).
D.M.D. abbr. Doctor of Dental Medicine.
DMZ abbr. demilitarized zone.
dock 3 n. 1. an artificially enclosed body

of water where ships are admitted for

dn. abbr. down.
loading, unloading, or repair. 2. a plat-
DNA abbr. deoxyribonucleic acid.
form at which freight cars, trucks, etc.
do 1 (doo) v. (did, done, doing) 1 to per- .

are unloaded, dock v. 1. to bring or

form, to carry out, to fulfill or complete
come into dock. 2. to join (two or more
(a work, duty, etc.). 2. to produce, to
spacecraft) together in space, to become
make, do five copies. 3. to deal with, to
joined thus.
set in order, to solve, do a crossword;
dock 4 n. an enclosure for the prisoner in
do the room, clean or decorate it; do the
a criminal court.
flowers, arrange them; they did us in for
dock* age (dok-ij) n. use of a ship's dock,
(did us out of) $20, (slang) cheated us
the charge for this.
out of it. 4. to cover (a distance) in travel-
dOCk*et (dok-it) n. 1 a document or label

ing. 5. to visit, to see the sights, we did

listing goods delivered or the contents
Rome last year. 6. to undergo; did time of a package, or recording payment of
for robbery, was in prison. 7. to provide customs dues etc. 2. a list of matters to
food etc. for, they do well by us here.
be dealt with, especially by a legislature
8. to act or proceed, do as you like. 9.
or law court, docket v. (dock-et-ed,
to fare, to get on, to achieve something;
dock *et* ing) to enter on a docket, to
they did well with it, profited by it. 10. label with a docket.
to be suitable or acceptable, to serve a dock* work *er (dok-wur-ker) n. a worker
purpose, it doesn't do to worry; that will in a dockyard.
dot, stop it. do auxiliary verb 1. used dock* yard (dok-yahrd) n. an area with
to indicate present or past tense, what docks and equipment for building and
does he think? what did he think? 2. used repairing ships.
for emphasis, / do like nuts. 3. used to dOC* tor (dok- tor) n. 1. a person who is
avoid repetition of a verb just used, we qualified to be a practitioner of medicine,
work as hard as they do. do n. (pi. do's) a physician. 2. a person who holds a doc-
1 a statement of what should be done,
torate, Doctor of Philosophy, doctor v.
do's and dont's. 2. (informal) an enter- 1 to treat medically. 2. to patch up (ma-

tainment, a party. Ddo

away with, to chinery etc.). 3. to tamper with or falsify,
abolish, to get rid of. do for, (informal) doctored the evidence. dOC'tor*al adj.
to ruin, to destroy, to kill; to do house- doctor's degree, a doctorate.
work for. do in, (slang) to ruin, to kill; doc* tor* ate (dok-to-rit) n. the highest de-
(informal) to tire out. do one's (own) gree at a university, entitling the holder
thing, to do as one pleases; to perform to the title of "doctor."
one's specialty, do or die, to make a doc-tri-naire (dok-tri-nair) adj. applying
supreme effort, disregarding danger, do theories or principles without regard for
over, to do again; to redecorate, do practical considerations, doctrinaire so-
right by, to treat fairly, to do justice cialism, doctrinaire n. a person who
to; the family did right by the meal, ate does this.
it all. do up, to fasten, to wrap up. do doc* trine (dok-trin) n. a principle or set
with, to get on with; to tolerate; to need of principles and beliefs held by a reli-
document / dogtooth 254
gious or political or other group, doc' dog* bane (dawg-bayn) n. an herb with
trin-al adj. milky juice and a bitter root.
doc-u-ment (dok-yu-ment) ru a paper dog * cart (dawg-kahrt) n. 1 a horse-drawn

giving information or evidence about cart with two transverse seats back to
something, document v. to prove or back. 2. a cart drawn by a dog.
provide with documents; she documented dog* catch *er (dawg-kach-er) n. a public
her report, supported its statements by officer who rounds up stray dogs or cats.
many references to evidence. doc-u- doge (dozh) n. the former chief magistrate
men* taction (dok-yu-men-tay-shdn) n. of Venice.
doc • u men ta ry (dok-yu -men-ta-ree)
• • • dog-ear (dawg-eer) v. to bend down the
adj. consisting of documents, docu-
1. corners of the pages of (a book), dog-
mentary evidence. 2. giving a factual dra- eared adj.
matized report of a subject or activity. dog-eat-dog (dawg-eet-dawg) n. ruthless
documentary n.(pl. -lies) a documen- competition.
tary film or television program. dog* fight (dawg-fit) n, 1. a fight between
DOD abbr. Department of Defense. dogs. 2. (informal) a battle between (usu-
dod-der (dod-er) v. to tremble or totter ally two) fighter aircraft.
because of .age or frailty, dod'der*er dog* fish (dawg-fish) n. {pi -fish-es,
n. dod'der-y adj. -fish) a kind of small shark found in
dodge (doj) v. (dodged, dodg-ing) 1. coastal waters.
to move quickly to one side, to change dog-ged (daw-gid) adj. determined, not
position or direction in order to avoid giving up easily. dog'ged-ly adv.
something. 2. to evade by cunning or \>Note that the adjective dogged is pro-
trickery, dodged military service, dodge nounced differently from the past form
n. 1. a quick movement to avoid some- dogged
thing. 2. (informal) a clever trick, an in- dog*ger*el (daw-gg-rel) n. bad verse.
genious way of doing something, dodg' dog-gie, dog-gy (daw-gee) n. {pi dog*
er n. gies) (informal) a dog. doggie (or
do* do (doh-doh) {pi -dos, -does) 1.
n. doggy) bag, a small bag provided by
a large bird that formerly lived in Mauri- a restaurant for taking home uneaten
tius but has long been extinct. 2. a stupid food.
or hopelessly old-fashioned person. dog gone * (dawg-gawn) adj. (informal)

doe (doh) n. the female of the deer, rein- pesky or annoying. doggone it, (in-
deer, rabbit, or hare. formal) damn it.
DOE abbr. Department of Energy. dog* house (dawg-hows) n. {pi -hous-
do*er (doo-er) n. a person who does some- es, pr. -how-ziz) a dog's kennel. Din
thing, one who takes action rather than the doghouse, (slang) in disgrace.
thinking or talking about things. do-gie (doh-gee) n. (Western use) a stray

does (duz) third person singular present motherless calf.

tense of do 1 . dog* leg (dawg-leg) n. something bent at
doe* skin (doh-skin) n. 1. the skin of a a sharp angle, especially a path or road.
doe. 2. a soft leather made from this skin. dog -ma (dawg-mS) n. {pi -ma*ta, pr.
does* n't (duz-ent) = does not. -ma-ta, -mas) a doctrine or doctrines put
doff (dof) v. to take off (one's hat etc.). forward by some authority, especially a
dog (dawg) n. 1 a four-legged carnivorous
. Church, to be accepted as true without
animal, commonlykept as a pet or question.
trained for use in hunting etc. 2. the male dog* ma *tic (dawg-mat-ik) adj. 1. of or
of this or of the wolf or fox. 3. (informal) likedogma. 2. putting forward state-
a person, lucky dog. 4. a mechanical de- ments in a firm authoritative way. dog •

vice for gripping things. 5. a despicable mat / i*cal*ly adv.

person, the dirty dog. dog v. (dogged, dog-ma-tism (dawg-ma-tiz-em) n. being
pr. dawgd, dog-ging) to follow closely dogmatic.
or persistently, dogged his footsteps, dog' dog*ma*tlze (dawg-ma-tiz) v. (dog*
like adj. Ddog paddle, a simple swim- ma-tized, dog*ma*tiz*ing) to make
ming stroke with short quick movements dogmatic statements.
of the arms and legs, dog's life, a life do-good *er (doo-guud-er) n. a well-mean-
of misery. Dog
Star, the star Sirius. go ing but unrealistic reformer or philan-
to the dogs, (slang) to become worth- thropist.
less, to be ruined, not a dog's chance, dog-tired (dawg-tird) adj. tired out.
not the slightest chance, put on the dog -tooth (dawg-tooth) n. a canine tooth.
dog, (informal) to show off. ONote that LJ dogtooth violet, a North American
the past form dogged is pronounced dif- spring-flowering plant with yellow flow-
ferently from the adjective dogged ers having reddish spots.

255 dogtrot / Dominican

dog* trot(dawg-trot) n. an easy steady trot dolt (dohlt) n. a stupid person.

like a dog's, dogtrot v. (dog* trot* dom. abbr. 1. domestic. 2. dominion.
ted, dog* trot* ting) to run this way. -dom suffix used to form nouns with the
dog* watch (dawg-woch) n. one of the meaning of rank, condition, or domain,
two-hour watches on a ship (4-6 or 6- as in earldom, freedom, kingdom, or
8 P.M.). group, as in officialdom.
dog* wood (dawg-wuud) n. an American do* main (doh-mayn) n. 1. a district or
tree with small white or pink flowers and area under someone's control. 2. a field
with bright red berries in the autumn. of thought or activity, the domain of sci-
Do* ha (doh-hah) the capital of Qatar. ence.
doi*ly (doi-lee) n. (pi -lies) a small orna- dome (dohm) n. 1 a rounded roof with

mental mat placed under a dish or under a circular base. 2. something shaped like
cake etc. on a dish. this.
do-ings (doo-ingz) n. pi things done or domed (dohmd) adj. having a dome,
being done. . shaped like a dome.
do-it-your-self (doo-it-yoor-self) adj. for Domes* day (doomz-day) Book a record
use by an amateur, do-it-yourself n. of the ownership of lands in England
do-it-yourself 'er n. made in 1086 by order of William the
dol. abbr. dollar(s). Conqueror.
doi* drums (dohl-drumz) n. pi 1. the dO*mes*tiC (do-mes-tik) adj. 1. of the
m ocean regions near the equator where home or household or family affairs. 2.
there is little or no wind. 2. a period of one's own country, not foreign or in-
of inactivity. Din the doldrums, in low ternational, domestic flights. 3. (of ani-
spirits. mals) kept by man, not wild, domestic
dole (dohl) v. (doled, dol-ing) to distrib- n. a servant in a household. dO*mes'tl*
ute sparingly, dole dole n. (in-
it out. cal-ly adv. domestic science, the
formal) a payment by a government to study of household management.
persons who are unable to find employ- do*mes*ti*cate (do-mes-ti-kayt) v. (do*

ment; on the dole, (British) receiving this. mes*ti*cat*ed, do*mes*ti*cat*ing)

dole-ful (dohl-ful) adj. mournful, sad. 1 to become fond of home and its duties.
dole'ful-ly adv. 2. to tame (animals), to bring (animals)
doll (dol) n. 1 a small model of a human
. under control. do*mes'ti*cat*ed adj.
figure, especially as a child's toy. 2. a do*mes*ti*ca*tion (dd-mes-ti-kay-
pretty but empty-headed young woman. shdn) n.
3. (slang) a young woman, a lovable per- do mes
• • tic • i • ty (doh-mes-tis-i-tee) n. be-
son, doll v. doll up, to dress smartly, ing domestic, domestic or home hfe.
dolled herself up. dom*i*Cile (dom-I-sil) n. a person's place
dol*lar (dol-ar) n. the unit of money in of residence, domicile v. (domiciled,
the U.S.and certain other countries. dom*l*Cil*ing) to establish or settle in
dollars and cents, judged only in a place.
terms of the money involved. dom*i*Clled (dom-I-sild) adj. dwelling in
dol* lop (dol-6p) n. a mass or quantity, a a place.
shapeless lump of something soft. dom*i*cil*i*ar*y (dom-I-sil-i-er-ee) adj.
dol*ly (dol-ee) n. (pi -lies) 1. (informal) of a dwelling place.
a doll. 2. a movable platform for a heavy dom*i*nant (dom-i-nant) adj. dominating,
object. dom'h nance n.
dol* man (dohl-man) sleeve a loose sleeve dom*i*nate (dom-i-nayt) v. (dom*l*
cut in one piece with the body of a gar- nat*ed, dom*i*nat*ing) to have a
ment. commanding influence over. 2. to be the
dol* men (dohl-men) n. a prehistoric struc- most influential or conspicuous person
ture with a large flat stone laid on upright or thing. 3. (of a high place) to tower
ones. over, the mountain dominates the whole
do*lo*mite (doh-15-mit) n. a mineral or valley. dom*i*na*tion (dom-i-nay-
rock of calcium magnesium carbonate. sh6n) n.
Do *lo* mites (doh-ld-mits) n. pi a rocky dom*i*neer (dom-i-neer) v. to behave in
mountain range in north Italy. a forceful way, making others obey.
do*lor*ous (doh-16-rus) adj. mournful. Dom*i*ni*ca (doh-ml-nee-ka) an island
do / lor*ous*ly adv. do / lor*ous*ness country in the West Indies.
n. DO'minH'Can 1 (do-min-i-kan) n. a mem-
dol*phin (dol-fin) n. 1. a sea animal like ber of an order of friars founded by St.
a porpoise but larger and with a beaklike Dominic, or of a corresponding order of
snout. 2. either of two large fishes found nuns. Dominican adj. of this order.
in tropical waters and used as food. Dominican 2 adj. of the Dominican Re-
dominion / dopester 256
public, a country in the West Indies. marks made by doodling, doo-dler
Dominican n. a native or inhabitant of (dood-ler) n.
this country. doom (doom) n. a grim fate, death or ruin.
do 'mm* ion (do-min-yon) n. 1. authority doom to destine to a grim fate.

to rule, control. 2. territory controlled dooms* day (doomz-day) n. the day of the
by a ruler or government, a domain. Last Judgment, the end of the world.
Do*min*ion (dd-min-y6n) Day July 1, a door (dohr) n. 1 a hinged, sliding, or re-

Canadian holiday celebrating establish- volving barrier that closes an entrance

ment of the Dominion of Canada on July or exit. 2. a doorway; they live three doors
1, 1867. away, three houses away. 3. a means of
donvhno (dom-i-noh) n. {pi -noes) one obtaining or approaching something;
of the small oblong pieces marked with closed the door to any agreement, made
up to six pips on each half, used in the itimpossible.
game of dominoes. domino effect, door* bell (dohr-bel) n, a bell inside a
an effect compared to a row of dominoes house, rung from the outside by visitors
falling, when a political or other event as a signal.
in one place seems to cause similar events door* Jamb (dohr- jam) n. one of two up-
elsewhere. right posts framing a door.
don 1
(don) v. (donned, don-ning) to put door* keep *er (dohr-kee-per) n. a door-
on. man.
don 2 n. a head or fellow or tutor of an door-knob (dohr-nob) n. a knob for turn-
English college, especially at Oxford or ing to release the latch of a door.
Cambridge. door* man (dohr-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
Don (don) n. a Spanish titleput before a -men) a person on duty at the entrance
man's Christian name. UDon Juan to a hotel or large building.
(wahn), a man who has many love affairs. door* mat (dohr-mat) n. 1. a mat placed

Do*na (doh-nya) n. a woman's title equiva- at a door, for wiping dirt from shoes.
lent to Don. 2. a person who meekly allows himself
dO*nate (doh-nayt, doh-nayt) v. (do* to be bullied.
nat*ed, do*nat*ing) to give as a dona- door* plate (dohr-playt) n. a small plate
tion. on the door to a house or apartment iden-
do*na*tlon (doh-nay-shon) n. a gift of tifying its occupant.
money etc. to a fund or institution. door* step (dohr-step) n. a step leading
done (dun) see do. done adj. cooked suffi- to a door. Don one's doorstep, very
ciently, done interj. (in reply to an offer) near.
I accept. Ddone for, doomed, ruined, door -Stop (dohr-stop) n. a device for
dying, done in, (informal) very tired. keeping a door open or preventing it
done to a turn, cooked perfectly, done from striking a wall when it opens.
with, finished with; it's over and done door-to-door (dohr-td-dohr) adj. (of sell-
with, ended. It isn't done, it is socially ing etc.) done at each house in turn.
unacceptable. door* way (dohr- way) n. an opening filled
don* key (dong-kee, dung) n. {pi -keys) by a door.
an animal of the horse family, with long door* yard (dohr-yahrd) n. a yard in front

ears. donkey engine, a small auxil- of a door or house.

iary engine, donkey work, drudgery, do* pa (doh-pa) n. an amino acid used in
the laborious part of a job. treating Parkinson's disease.
don*nish (don-ish) adj. like a college don, dop-ant (doh-pant) n. a substance added
pedantic. to a semiconductor to change its electri-

don *ny brook (don-ee-bruuk) n. a wild cal properties.

fight, a free-for-all. dope (dohp) n. 1. a thick liquid used as
do* nor (doh-ndr) n. 1 . a person who gives a lubricant etc. 2. (informal) a medicine
or donates something. 2. one who pro- or drug, a narcotic, a drug given to a
vides blood for transfusion or semen for greyhound or racehorse to affect its per-
insemination or tissue for transplanta- formance. 3. a varnish used to protect
tion. the cloth on model airplanes. 4. (slang)
don't (dohnt) = do not. dont n. (informal) information. 5. (slang) a stupid person.
a prohibition, do's and dont's. dope v. (doped, dop*lng) 1. to treat
do* nut (doh-nut) n. a doughnut. with dope. 2. to give a narcotic or stimu-
doo-dad (doo-dad) n. (informal) a gadget, lant to. U dope out (informal) to work
a trivial ornament. out (a puzzle etc.).
doo-dle (doo-dei) v. (doo-dled, doo- dope-ster (dohp-ster) n. a person who
dling) to scribble while thinking about tries to predict the outcome of a sports
something else, doodle n. a drawing or event, political election, etc.
257 dopey / double
dop*ey (doh-pee) adj. (dop*i*er, dap- dot* tie (dot-el) n. unburned tobacco left
s' est) (slang) 1. half asleep, stupefied by in a pipe.
a drug. 2. stupid, dop'hness n. dot*ty (dot-ee) adj. (dot*ti*er, dot*
Dor*iC (dor-ik) adj. of the Doric order, the ti*est) (informal) feebleminded, eccen-
simplest of the five classical orders of tric, silly, dot'ti-ness n.
architecture. Dou*ay (doo-ay) Bible (also Douay Ver-
dorm (dorm) n. (informal) a dormitory. sion) the English translation of the Latin
dor*mant (dor-mant) adj. 1. sleeping, ly- Vulgate Bible used in the Roman Catho-
ing inactive as if in sleep. 2. (of plants) lic Church.
alive but not actively growing. 3. tempo- dou-ble (dub-el) adj. 1. consisting of two
rarily inactive, a dormant volcano, dor' things or parts that form a pair. 2. twice
marvcy n. as much or as many; a double whiskey,
dor Trier (dor-mer) n. (also dormer win- twice the standard portion. 3. designed
dow) an upright window under a small for two persons or things, a double bed.
gable built out from a sloping roof. 4. combining two things or qualities, it

dor*mi*to*ry (dor-mi-tohr-ee) n. (pi. has a double meaning. 5. (of flowers) hav-

-lies) a room with a number of beds, ing more than one circle of petals, dou-
especially in a school or institution. ble adv. 1 twice the amount or quantity,

dor -mouse (dor-mows) n. (pi. -mice, pr.

it costs double what it cost last year. 2.

-mis) a mouselike animal that hibernates in twos; see double, to see two things
in winter.
where there only one. double n. 1.

a double quantity or thing. 2. a person

dor* sal (dor-sal) adj. of or on the back
or thing that looks very like another. 3.
of an animal or plant, a dorsal fin. dor'
(in baseball) a hit that enables a batter
sal*ly adv.
to reach second base. 4. a hotel room
do*ry (dohr-ee) n. (pi. -ries) a small flat-
for two people. 5. doubles, a game be-
bottomed fishing boat.
tween two pairs of players, double v.
dos-age (doh-sij) n. 1 the giving of medi-

(dou*bled, dou-bling) 1. to make or

cine in doses. 2. the size of a dose.
become twice as much or twice as many.
dose (dohs) n. 1 an amount of medicine

2. to bend or fold in two. 3. to turn

to be taken at one time. 2. an amount
sharply back from a course, the fox dou-
of radiation received by a person or
bled back on its tracks. 4. to be the double
thing. 3. (informal) an amount of flattery
of (a person). 5. to increase the value
or punishment etc. dose v. (dosed,
of a contract in bridge. 6. (in baseball)
dos'ing) to give a dose or doses of medi-
to make a double, doubly adv. dou-
cine to.
ble agent, one who spies for two rival
do*sim*e*ter (doh-sim-i-ter) n. a device
countries, double bass, the lowest-
used to measure and record the amount pitched instrument of the violin family.
of radiation absorbed. do*sim'e*try n. double bed, a bed for two people, dou-
dos-si-er (dos-i-ay, dos-i-ay) n. a set of ble boiler, a saucepan with a detachable
documents containing information about upper compartment in which food is
a person or event. cooked slowly by water boiling in the
dot (dot) n. 1 a small round mark, a point.
lower, double bond, a pair of bonds
2. the shorter of the two signals used between two atoms, double chin, a chin
in the Morse code, dot v. (dot* ted, with a fold of loose flesh below it. dou-
dot* ting) 1 to mark with a dot or dots,
ble dagger, a printing mark J used
to place a dot over a letter. 2. to scatter for footnotes or cross-references, dou-
here and there, dot them about; the sea ble date, (informal) a date of two cou-
was dotted with ships. dotted line, a ples going out together, double-date v.
line of dots showing where a signature (double-dated, double-dating) (in-
etc. is to be entered on a document, dot formal) to date in this way. double-digit
the i's and cross the t's, to be mi- inflation, an inflation rate of 10 percent
nutely accurate and explicit about de- to 99 percent, double dip, two scoops
tails, on the dot, exactly on time. of ice cream on a cone, double dipper,
DOT abbr. Department of Transportation. (slang) a retired soldier, airman, etc. who
dot* age (doh-tij) n. a state of weakness is employed by the U.S. government
of mind caused by old age, in his dotage. while also drawing a government pen-
dot*ard (doh-tard) n. a person who is in sion, double entry, a system of book-
his dotage. keeping in which each transaction is en-
dote (doht) v. (doted, dotting) to show tered as a debit in one account and a
great fondness, a doting husband; she credit in another, double exposure,
dotes on her grandchildren. accidentally or deliberately repeated ex-
doth (duth) v. (old use) does. = posure of film etc. double feature, a
double-barreled / doughty 258
motion picture program featuring two user as well as his opponent, a double-
full-length films, double figures, any edged question.
number from 10 to 99 inclusive, double dou*ble en*ten*dre (dub-el ahn-tahn-
glazing, two layers of glass in a window, drg) a phrase with two meanings, one
with an air space between them, double of which is usually indecent.
header, two games of baseball etc. dou*ble-]oint*ed (dub-el- join-tid) adj.
played on the same day between the same having very flexible joints that allow the
teams, double helix, a pair of parallel fingers, arms, or legs to bend in unusual
helices with a commonaxis, especially ways.
in the structure of the ptfA molecule. dou-ble-park (dub-el-pahrk) v. to park a

double indemnity, provision for pay- car alongside one already

ment of twice face value of a life insur- parked at the side of a street.
ance policy in case of accidental death dou* Die-quick (dub-el-kwik) adj. adv. &
of the insured person, double jeop- very quick, quickly.
ardy, subjection of a person to a second dou-ble-space (dub-el-spays) v. (dou-
trial when he has already been acquitted ble-spaced, dou*ble-spac*ing) to
on the same charge, double knit, a jer- type (copy) leaving one line of space be-
sey-like fabric knitted as two thicknesses tween lines.
interlocked, double negative, incorrect dou-blet (dub-lit) n. 1. a man's close-fit-
use of two or more negative words in ting jacket with or without sleeves. 2.
the same sentence, with the effect of can- a pair, one of a pair.
celing the intended meaning, as in they dou-ble-talk (dub-el-tawk) n. 1. talk that
cannot do no more, double or nothing, appears to have meaning but does not.
a gamble (with dice etc.) deciding 2. phrasing that is deliberately evasive
whether a person must pay twice what or ambiguous.
he owes or nothing at all. double play, dOU'bloon (du-bloon) n. a former Spanish
a baseball play resulting in two put-outs. gold coin.
double pneumonia, pneumonia of doubt (dowt) n. 1 a feeling of uncertainty

both lungs, double standard, a moral about something, an undecided state of

code, criterion, etc. applied more strictly mind. 2. a feeling of disbelief. 3. an un-
to one group than another, for example, certain state of affairs, doubt v. 1. to
permitting more social freedom to men feel uncertain or undecided about. 2. to
than to women, double star; two stars hesitate to believe, doubt'er n. doubt'
actually or apparently close together. a* ble adj. doubting Thomas, a per-
double take, a delayed reaction to a son who (like St. Thomas) refuses to be-
situation etc., coming immediately after lieve something until it has been fully
one's first reaction, double time, pay- proved, no doubt, certainly, without
ment of an employee at twice the normal doubt or without a doubt, certainly.
rate; (in marching) taking approximately doubt -ful (dowt-ftil) adj. 1. feeling doubt.
180 steps a minute, double up, to bend 2. causing doubt; a doubtful ally, unrelia-
into a stooping or curled up position; ble; a doubtful reputation* not a good
to share living or sleeping quarters, on one. doubt'fuMy adv.
the double, quickly, without wasting doubt -less (dowt-lis) adv. no doubt.
time; (in military use) running. doubtless adj. with no doubt or uncer-
dou-ble-bar-reled (dub-el-bar-eld) adj. tainty.
(of a gun) having two barrels. douche (doosh) n. 1 . a jet of liquid applied
dou-ble-breast-ed (dub-el-bres-tid) adj. to a part of the body to cleanse it or
(of a coat) having fronts that overlap to for medical purposes. 2. a device for ap-
fasten across the breast. plying this, douche v. (douched,
dou-ble-check (dub-el-chek) v. to verify douch'ing) to treat with a douche, to
twice or in two ways. use a douche.
dou-ble-cross (dub-el-kraws) v. to de- dough (doh) n. 1 . a thick mixture of flour
ceive or cheat a person with whom one etc. and liquid, to be baked as bread,
pretends to be collaborating, dou'ble- cake,or pastry. 2. (slang) money,
cross'er n. dough 'y adj. (dough- i-er, dough*
dou-ble-deal-lng (dub-el-dee-ling) n. de- I -est).
ceit, especially in business, dou'ble- dough* boy (doh-boi) n. (informal) an
deal'er n. American infantry soldier of World War
dou-ble-deck-er (dub-el-dek-er) n. 1. a I.

bus with two decks. 2. a sandwich with dough -nut (doh-nut) n. a small sweetened
two layers of filling. fried cake of dough.
dou ble-edged (dub-el-ejd) adj. 1 having
. dough -ty (dow-tee) adj. (-tl*er, -ti*

two cutting edges. 2. damaging to the est) valiant or stout-hearted.

259 Douglas fir / down-home
Doug* las (dug-lis) fir a very tall fir of time, down to the present day. 7. in writ-
North America important in lumbering. ing, note down; he is down to speak,
> Named for David Douglas, a Scottish is listed program. 8. to the source
in the
botanist in America. or the place where something is, track
dour (door, dowr) adj. stern, severe, it down. 9. as a payment at the time of

gloomy looking, dour'ly adv. dour' purchase, paid $100 down, down prep.
ness n. 1. downward along or through or into,
douse (dows) v. (doused, dous-ing) 1. along; from top to bottom of. 2. at a
to put into water, to throw water over. lower part of, Cincinnati is farther down
2. to extinguish, douse the light >Do the river, down adj. 1. directed down-
not confuse douse with dowse. ward, a down draft 2. dejected. 3. com-
dove 1 (duv) n. 1 a kind of bird with short
. pleted, nine down and one to go. down
legs, a small head, and a thick body, v. 1 to knock or bring down. 2. to swal-

which makes a cooing sound. 2. a person low. 3. to defeat, down n. 1 misfortune, .

who favors a policy of peace and negotia- ups and downs. 2. one of four consecutive
tion rather than violence, dov'ish adj. plays in football in which a team seeks
dove2 (dohv) see dive. to advance at least ten yards. 3. a low
dove-cote (duv-koht) n. a shelter for do- point, a falling period. Ddown
and out,
mesticated pigeons. completely destitute, down at the
Do a ver (doh-ver) the capital of Delaware. heels, shabby. Down East, in or into
dove* tail (duv-tayl) n. a wedge-shaped New England, especially the state of
joint interlocking two pieces of wood. Maine, down in the mouth, looking
dovetail v. 1. to join by such a joint. unhappy, down on, disapproving or
2. to fit closely together, to combine hostile toward, she is down on smoking.
neatly, my plans dovetailed with hers. down on one's luck, suffering misfor-
dow*a*ger (dow-a-jer) n. 1 a woman who. tune, down payment, a partial payment
holds a title or property from her dead made at the time of purchase, down un-
husband, the dowager duchess. 2. a digni- der, in Australia or other countries of
fied elderly woman. the antipodes, down wind, in the direc-
dowdy (dow-dee) adj. (-di*er, -dl* tion toward which the wind is blowing.
est) 1 (of clothes) unattractively dull,
. down with, may (a person or party etc.)
not stylish. 2. dressed in dowdy clothes, be overthrown.
dow'dhly adv. dow'dhness n. down-and-out *er (down-an-ow-ter) n.

dOW*el (dow-el) n. a headless wooden or (informal) a destitute person.

metal pin for holding two pieces of wood down* beat (down-beet) n. (in music) an
or stone together by fitting into a corre- accented beat, the downward stroke of
sponding hole in each, dowel v. (dow* a conductor's baton to indicate the first
eled, dow*el*ing) to fasten with a beat of a measure, downbeat adj. (in-
dowel. formal) depressing, gloomy.
dow*el*ing (dow-e-ling) n. round rods for down* cast (down-kast) adj. 1. looking
cutting into dowels. downward, downcast eyes. 2. (of a per-
dOW*er (dow-er) n. 1. a widow's share of son) dejected.
her husband's estate. 2. (old use) a down*er (dow-ner) n. (slang) 1. a depres-
dowry, dower v. to give a dower or sant,, such as a barbiturate. 2. a depress-
dowry to. ing person or event.
dow* itch *er (dow-ich-er) n. a shorebird down* fall (down-fawl) n. a fall from pros-
similar to a snipe and having a long bill. perity or power, something that causes
down (down) ru an area of open rolling
land. down* grade (down-grayd) v. (down*
down 3 n. very fine soft furry feathers or grad-ed, down* grading) to reduce
short hairs. to a lower grade or rank, downgrade
down'arfv. 1 from an upright position to
. n. a downward incline or slope. Don
a horizontal one, fell down. 2. to or in the downgrade, falling from wealth,
or at a lower place or level or condition, power, etc.
to a smaller size, farther south; they are down* heart *ed (down-hahr-tid) adj. in
two goals down, are losing by this low spirits.
amount; Vm $5 down in the game so far, down •hill (down-hil) adj. in a downward
have lost this amount; Vm down to my direction, on a downward slope, down-
last penny, have only this left. 3. so as hill adj.going or sloping downward.
to be less active, quiet down. 4. incapaci- Dgo downhill, to deteriorate.
tated by illness, is down with flu, 5. away down-home (down-hohm) adj. (informal)
from a central place, he is down from 1. of or as in the southern U.S. 2.

headquarters. 6. from an earlier to a later friendly, sociable. 3. homemade.

Downing / drag 260
Down-ing (dow-ning) Street 1. a street doz* en (duz-en) n, a set of twelve, pack
in London containing the official resi- them in dozens; dozens of things, very
dences of the British Prime Minister and many.
other members of the government. 2. (in- DP abbr. displaced person.
formal) the British government. D.P. abbr. 1 data processing. 2. displaced

down* pour (down-pohr) ru a great fall of person. 3. double play.

rain. dpt. abbr. 1. department. 2. deponent.
down* range (down-raynj) adj. & adv. (of DR abbr. dining room.
a missile) away from the launch pad and dr. abbr. 1 . debit. 2. debtor. 3. drachmas).
toward the target. 4. dram(s). 5. drawer. 6. drum.
down right (down-nt) « adj. 1
• frank, . Dr. abbr. 1. Doctor. 2. Drive.
straightforward. 2. thorough, complete, drab 1 (drab) adj. (drab-ber, drab-
a downright lie. downright adv. thor- best) 1. dull, uninteresting. 2. a dull
oughly, felt downright scared. grayish-brown color, drab n. drab color,
down 'Shift (down-shift) v. to shift an au- drab'ly adv. drab'ness n.
tomobile into a lower gear, downshift drab 3n. 1 a slovenly
. woman. 2. (old use)
n. the act of shifting into a lower gear. a female prostitute.
Down's (downz) syn* drome Mongolism. drach-ma (drak-ma) n. (pi -mas, -mae,
down -stage (down-stayj) adj. & adv. at pr. -mee) the unit of money in Greece.
or toward the front of a theater stage. Dra-co-ni-an (dray-koh-ni-an) adj. very
down* stairs (down-stairz) adv. down the harsh, Draconian laws. Named after >
stairs, to or on a lower floor, downstairs Draco, who is said to have established
adj. situated downstairs. severe laws in ancient Athens.
down 'Stream (down-streem) adj. & adv. draft (draft) n. 1 a rough preliminary writ-

in the direction in which a stream or ten version, a draft of a speech. 2. a writ-

river flows. ten order for the payment of money by
down 'Stroke (down-strohk) n. a stroke a bank, the drawing of money by this.
executed in a downward direction. 3. conscription. 4. drawing (of a load,
down -swing (down-swing) n. 1. a swing a vehicle, etc.). 5. a drink, the amount
downward. 2. a downturn, a decline. drunk in one swallow. 6. the amount of
down-to-earth (down-too-urth) adj. sensi- air taken in one breath. 7. a current of
ble and practical. air. 8. a device for controlling air to a
down 'town (down-town) adj. & adv. of stove or furnace. 9. the depth of water
or in the business section of a town. displaced by a loaded ship, draft v. 1.
down *trod *den (down-trod-en) adj. to prepare a written draft of. 2. to select
trampled underfoot, oppressed. for a special duty, he was drafted to the
down 'turn (down-turn) n. a decline in ac- Paris branch, 3. to conscript, draft adj.
tivity or prosperity. 1. in preliminary form, a draft report
down *ward (down- ward) adj. toward 2. used for pulling or carrying loads, a
what lower or less important or later,
is draft animal. 3. drawn from a barrel,
a downward movement, downward adv. draft beer. draft board, officials who
(also downwards) toward what is lower select people for a military draft.
etc., moved downward. draft -ee (draf-tee) n. a person who has
down-y (dow-nee) adj. (down 'her, been drafted into the armed forces.
down*i*est) like or covered with soft drafts -man (drafts-man) n. (pi. -men, pr.
down. downy mildew, a fungus dis- -men) a person employed to make draw-
ease of plants, downy woodpecker, a ings, plans, or sketches.
small black and white woodpecker of draft -y (draftee) adj. (draft *i*er, draft*
North America. i*est) subject to currents of air. draft 'i*
dow-ry (dow-ree) n. (pi. -ries) property ness n.

or money brought by a bride to her hus- drag (drag) v. (dragged, drag-ging) 1.

band. to pull along with effort or difficulty. 2.
dowse (dowz) v. (dowsed, dows- to trail or allow to trail along the ground,
ing) to search for underground water or to move slowly and with effort. 3. to
minerals by using a Y-shaped stick or search the bottom of water with grapnels,
rod. dows'er n. a person who does this. nets, etc., drag the river. 4. to continue
I> Do not confuse dowse with douse. slowly in a dull manner, the speeches
dox-ol-o-gy (dok-sol-o-jee) n. (pi -gies) dragged on. 5. to puff on a cigarette etc.,
a set form of words praising God. dragged at his pipe, drag n. 1 something .

doz. abbr. dozen(s). that is made for pulling along the ground,
doze (dohz) v. (dozed, doz-ing) to sleep for example, a heavy harrow, a dragnet. <

lightly; dozed off, fell into a doze, doze 2. something that slows progress, some-
n. a short light sleep. thing boring. 3. (slang) women's clothes
261 dragnet / draw
worn by men, he went to the party in performance of plays. 2. exaggerated be-
drag. 4. (informal) a puff on a cigarette navior, she tired of his dramatics
etc. Ddrag in, to bring in (a subject) dra*ma*tist (drah-ma-tist, dram-a-) n. a
unnecessarily or in an artificial way. writer of dramas.
drag one's feet or heels, to be deliber- dra*ma*tize (drah-ma-tiz, dram-a-) v.
ately slow or reluctant, drag out, to pro- (dra*ma*tized, dra*ma*tiz*ing) 1. to
long unnecessarily, drag race, a race make (a story etc.) into a play. 2. to make
between cars to see which can accelerate things seem dramatic. dra*ma*ti*za*
fastest from a standstill, drag strip, a tion (drah-ma-ti-zay-shon, dram-i-) n.
straight short paved strip for drag races. drank (drangk) see drink.
t> Dragged is the correct past form of drape (drayp) v. (draped, drap-ing) 1.
drag. Drug is not. to cover loosely or decorate with cloth
drag* net (drag-net) n. 1. a net drawn etc. 2. to arrange loosely or in graceful
through a river to trap fish. 2. a system- folds.
atic search by police to capture a crimi- dra*per*y (dray-pe-ree) n. {pi -per*
nal. ies) 1. fabric arranged in loose folds.
drag* on (drag-dn) n. an imaginary reptile 2. draperies, heavy curtains.
usually with wings, able to breathe out drapes (drayps) n. (informal) draperies.
fire. dras*tic (dras-tik) adj. having a strong or
drag* on* fly (drag-on-fli) n. {pi -flies) a violent effect. dras'ti*cal*ly adv.
long-bodied insect with wings that drat (drat) interj. (informal) curse.
spread while it is resting. drat* ted (drat-id) adj. (informal) cursed.
dra-goon (dra-goon) v. to force into doing draught (draft) n. 1 the drawing of beer

something, dragoon n. a cavalryman. etc. from its container, beer on draught

drain (drayn) v. 1 to draw off (liquid) by
. 2. a drink, the amount drunk in one swal-
means of channels or pipes etc. 2. to flow low. 3. draughts, (British) checkers.
or trickle away. 3. to dry or become dried draw (draw) v. (drew, drawn, draw*
when liquid flows away. 4. to deprive ing) 1. to pull; draw a bow, pull back
gradually of (strength or resources). 5. its string; draw the curtains, pull them
to drink, to empty (a glass etc.) by drink- across the window. 2. to attract, draw
ing its contents, drain n. 1. a channel attention. 3. to take in, draw breath; the
or pipe through which liquid or sewage chimney draws well has a good draft;
is carried away. 2. something that drains he drew at his pipe, sucked in smoke from
one's strength or resources, drain'er n. it. 4. to take out, drew the cork; draw

Ddown the drain, (informal) lost, water; draw $25, withdraw it from one's
wasted. account; draw a salary, receive it from
drain* age (dray-nij) n. 1. draining. 2. a one's employer; draw blood, cause blood
system of drains. 3. what is drained off. to flow; draw on ones imagination, use
drain* board (drayn-bohrd) n. a sloping it as a source. 5. to draw lots, to obtain

surface beside a sink, on which washed in a lottery, drew for partners; drew the
dishes are put to drain. winner. 6. to get information from, tried
drain* pipe (drayn-pip) n. a pipe used in to draw him out about his plans. 7. to
a system of drains. finish a contest with neither side winning.
drake (drayk) n. a male duck. 8. to require (a certain depth of water)
dram (dram) n. 1 a small amount of any-
. in which to float, the ship draws ten feet
thing. 2. a small drink of liquor. 3. one- 9. to produce a picture or diagram by
eighth of an ounce, apothecaries' weight. making marks on a surface. 1 0. to formu-
4. one-sixteenth of an ounce, avoirdupois late, draw a conclusion. 1 1 to write out

weight. (a check) for cashing. 1 2. to make one's

dra • ma (drah-ma, dram-a) n. 1 a play for . way, draw near; the train drew in, entered
acting on the stage or for broadcasting. a station and stopped. 13. to flatten or
2. plays as a branch of literature, their shape (metal) by hammering etc. draw
composition and performance. 3. a dra- n. 1 the act of drawing; quick on the

matic series of events, the drama contin- draw, quick at drawing a gun. 2. a person
ued inside the consulate. 4. dramatic or thing that attracts customers, a box-
quality, the drama of the situation. office draw. 3. the drawing of lots. 4. a
Dram -a -mine (dram-a-meen) n. (trade- drawn game. Ddraw a blank, to get
mark) an antihistamine used to counter- no response or result, draw in one's
act motion sickness. horns, to become less aggressive or less
dra*mat*ic (drS-mat-ik) adj. 1. of drama. ambitious, draw near, to approach.
2. exciting, impressive, a dramatic draw on, to remove money from (one's
change, dra-mat'i-cal-ly adv. bank account); to take advantage of
dra*mat*ICS (dra-mat-iks) n. pi 1. the (someone's good will), draw oneself

drawback / dressage 262

up, to make oneself stiffly erect, draw wouldn't dream of allowing it, will cer-
out, to prolong (a discussion etc.); to it. dream 'er n. dream
tainly not allow
encourage (a person) to talk, draw the less adj. dreamlike adj. dream
line at, to refuse to do or tolerate, draw up, to imagine, to invent.
up, to come to a halt; to compose (a dream* land (dreem-land) n. 1. an ideal
contract etc.). or imaginary land. 2. sleep.
draw* back (draw-bak) n. a disadvantage; dream* world (dreem- wurld) n. a world
the drawback to the plan was its cost, its of fantasy.
disadvantageous aspect. dream -y (dree-mee) adj. (dream -i-
draw* bridge (draw-brij)'n. a bridge over er, dream *i*est) 1. daydreaming. 2.
a moat, hinged at one end so that it can (informal) wonderful, dream 'My adv.
be drawn up. dreaminess n.
draw*er (draw-er for definition 1, drawr drear (dreer) adj. (old use) dreary.
for definition 2) n. 1 a person who draws
drear *y (dreer-ee) adj. (drear *i*er,
something, one who draws (writes out) drear *i*est) dull, boring, (of places,
a check. 2. a boxlike compartment with- etc.) gloomy. drear'My adv. drear 'i*
out a lid, which can be slid horizontally ness n.
in and out of a piece of furniture.
dredge 1
(drej) n. an apparatus for scoop-
drawers (drawrz) n. pi. underpants. ing earth etc. from the bottom of a body
drawling (draw-ing) n. a picture etc. of water, dredge v. (dredged, dredg-
drawn but not colored. drawing ing) to bring up or clean out with a
board, a flat board on which paper is dredge, dredger (drej-er) n. a dredge,
stretched while a drawing is made; back
a boat equipped with a dredge.
to the drawing board, we must begin
dredge2 v. (dredged, dredg-ing) to
planning all over again, drawing card,
sprinkle with flour or sugar etc. dredg •
an entertainer or athlete or show etc. at-
er (drej-er) n. a container with a perfo-
tracting a large audience, drawing
rated lid, used for sprinkling things.
room, a room for receiving guests in,
dregs (dregz) n, pi. 1. bits of worthless
a sitting room.
matter that sink to the bottom of a liquid.
drawl (drawl) v. to speak lazily or with
2. the worst and useless part, the dregs
drawn-out vowel sounds, drawl n. a
drawling manner of speaking. of society.
drawn (drawn) see draw, drawn adj. (of
drench (drench) v. to make thoroughly
a person's features) looking strained
from tiredness or worry. drawn but- Dresden (drez-den) china fine china
ter, butter melted and clarified, often
made at N^eissen, near Dresden, in Ger-
with herbs. many.
draw 'String (draw-string) n. a string that
dress (dres) 1. clothing, especially the

can be pulled to tighten an opening. visible part of it. 2. a woman's or girl's

dray (dray) n. a strong low flat cart for garment with a waist and skirt, dress
heavy loads, dray* man (dray-man) n. v. 1. to put clothes upon, to put on one's
(pL -men, pr. -men). clothes, to provide clothes for; she dresses
dray* age (dray-ij) n. 1. hauling by dray, well, chooses and wears good clothes. 2.

trucking. 2. the charge for this. to put on evening dress, they dress for
dread (dred) n. great fear, dread v. to dinner. 3. to decorate; dress a shop win-
fear greatly, dread adj. (old use) dow, arrange goods in it. 4. to put a dress-
dreaded, awe-inspiring. • ing on (a wound etc.). 5. to groom and
dread *ful (dred-ful) adj.causing dread.
1. arrange (hair). 6. to finish or treat the
2. troublesome, boring, very bad, dread- surface of, to dress leather. 7. to prepare

ful weather, dread 'ful'ly adv. (poultry, crab, etc.) for cooking or eating.
dread *nought (dred-nawt) n. a heavily 8. to arrange (soldiers) into a straight
armed battleship. line, dress adj. requiring formal dress,

dream (dreem) n. 1 a series of pictures

. suitable for a formal occasion. dress D
or events in a sleeping person's mind. Circle, the section of a concert hall or
2. the state of mind of one dreaming or theater, usually the mezzanine, where
daydreaming, goes around in a dream. evening dress was formerly required.
3. an ambition, an ideal. 4. a beautiful dress down, to reprimand severely.
person or thing, dream v. (dreamed dress rehearsal, a rehearsal in full cos-
or dreamt, pr. dremt, dream- ing) 1. tume, dress shirt, a shirt suitable for
to have a dream or dreams while sleep- wearing with evening dress, dress up,
ing. 2. to have an ambition, dreamed of to put on special clothes; to make (a
being champion. 3. to think of as a possi- thing) look more interesting.
bility, never dreamed it would happen; dres* sage (dres-ij) n. the exhibition of
263 dresser / drive
a horse to show its obedience and deport- a drill. 2. to train or be trained by means
ment of drill. drill Instructor, a member
dressier 1 (dres-er) n. one who dresses a of the U.S. Marine Crops who drills re-
person or thing. cruits, drill press, a drilling machine
dresser3 n. a chest of drawers with a mir- used primarily on metals.
ror. drill 2 n. 1 a furrow. 2. a machine for mak-

dressing a sauce or stuff-

(dres-ing) n. 1 . ing or sowing seed in furrows. 3. a row
ing for food. 2. manure etc. spread over of seeds sown in this way. drill v. to plant
the land. 3. a bandage, ointment, etc. in drills.
for a wound. dressing gown, a loose drill 3 n. strong twilled linen or cotton cloth.
gown worn when one is not fully dressed. drill- mas -ter (dril-mas-ter) ru a teacher
dressing room, a room for dressing or who uses repetitious exercises to train
changing one's clothes, dressing table, his students.
a table with a mirror, for use while dress- dri-ly (dri-lee) adv. in a dry way.
ing. drink (dringk) (drank, drunk, drink-

dress -tog-down (dres-ing-down) n. a ing) 1. (liquid), we have

to swallow
scolding. drunk milk all our lives. 2. (of plants,
dress -mak-er (dress-may-ker) n. a the soil, etc.) to take in or absorb liquid.
woman who makes women's clothes. 3. to take alcoholic liquors, especially
dress -mak-ing (dres-may-king) n. mak- in excess;drank himself to death, caused
ing women's clothes. his death by drinking. 4. to pledge good
dress -y (dres-ee) adj. (dress* her, wishes to by drinking, drank his health.
dress* i* est) 1. wearing stylish clothes. drink n. 1 liquid for drinking. 2. alco-

2. (of clothes) elegant, elaborate. holic liquors. 3. a portion of liquid for

drew (droo) see draw. drinking. 4. (slang) the sea. drink'er n.
drib-ble (drib-el) v. (drib-bled, drib- drink'a-ble adj. drink in, to listen
bling) 1. to allow saliva to flow from to with delight or eagerness. not >Do
the mouth. 2. to flow or allow to flow confuse drank (past) with drunk (past
in drops. 3. to move the ball forward participle).
in basketball with rapid continuous drip (drip) v. (dripped, drip -ping) to fall
bounces, dribble n. a dribbling flow, or let fall in drops, drip n. 1 liquid fall- .

drib'bler ru ing in drops, one of these drops. 2. the

drib -let (drib-lit) n. a small amount; in sound of this. 3. (slang) a weak or dull
driblets, a little at a time. person. Ddrip grind, coffee that has
dribs and drabs (dribz an drabz) small been ground fine for use with a filter pot.
amounts. dripping wet, very wet.
dried (dnd) see dry. dried adj. (of foods) drip-dry (drip-dn) v. (drip-dried, drip-
preserved by drying, dried apricots. dry -ing) to dry easily when hung up
dri-er (dn-er) n. 1. a substance added to wet, without wringing or ironing, drip-
paint etc. to make it dry quickly. 2. a dry adj. made of fabric that will drip-
dryer. dry.
drift (drift) v. 1. to be carried by or as if drip -pings (drip-ingz) n, pi. fat and juices
by a current of water or to move air. 2. that have dripped from roast meat.
casually or aimlessly. 3. to be piled into drive (dnv) v. (drove, driven, driv-
drifts by wind, the snow had drifted. 4. ing) 1 to urge or send in some direction

to cause to drift, drift n. 1. a drifting by blows, threats, violence, etc. 2. to

movement. 2. a mass of snow or sand push, send, or carry along. 3. to strike
piled up by wind. 3. deviation from a and propel (a ball etc.) forcibly. 4. to
set course. 4. the general tendency or force to penetrate, drove a stake into the
meaning of a speech etc., we couldn't get ground; drove a tunnel through the hill,
her drift. dug it. 5. to operate (a vehicle or locomo-
drift -age (drif-tij) n. drifting or the results tive) and direct its course. 6. to travel
of drifting, deviation from course. or convey in a private vehicle, we drive
drift -er (drif-ter) n. an aimless person. to work; he drove me to the station. 7.
drift-wood (drift- wuud) n. wood floating (of steam or other power) to keep (ma-
on the sea or washed ashore by it. chinery) going. 8. to cause, to compel,
drill 1 (dril) n. 1 a pointed tool or a machine
. was driven by hunger to steal; he drives
used for boring holes or sinking wells. himself too hard, overworks; drove him
2. training in -military exercises. 3. thor- mad, forced him into this state. 9. to
ough training by practical exercises, usu- rush, to move or be moved rapidly, driv-
ally with much repetition. 4. a single ex- ing rain, drive n. 1 a journey in a vehi-

ercise designed to train, a fire drill drill cle. 2. a stroke made by driving in base-
v. 1 . to use a drill, to make (a hole) with ball, golf, etc. 3. the transmission of

drivel / drowsy 264

power to machinery, front-wheel drive; v. (dropped, drop* ping) 1. to fall by

right-hand drive* having the steering force of gravity from not being held, to
wheel on the right of the vehicle. 4. en- allow to fall. 2. to sink from exhaustion;
ergy, persistence, a psychological urge. feel ready to drop, very tired. 3. to form
5. an organized effort to achieve some- a steep or vertical descent, the cliff drops
thing, a sales drive. 6. a road, especially sharply to the sea. 4. to lower, to become
a scenic one. 7. a driveway. drive a lower or weaker, drop the hem; prices
hard bargain, to conclude one without dropped; drop one's voice. 5. to allow one-
making concessions, drive at, to intend self to move to a position farther back,
to convey as a meaning, what was he driv- dropped behind the others. 6. to utter or
ing at? drive-in adj. (of a theater, bank, send casually, drop a hint; drop me a
etc.) able tobe used without getting out note. 7. to omit, to fail to pronounce or
of one's car. drive shaft, a shaft that insert, drop one's h's. 6. to set down
transmits motive power from the engine (a passenger or parcel etc.). 9. to fell
to the wheels of a motor vehicle, drive with an ax, blow, or bullet. 10. to give
wheel, a wheel that transmits motive up, to reject, to cease to associate with,
power in machinery. dropped the habit; has dropped his
drivel (driv-el) n. silly talk, nonsense. friends; drop the subject, cease talking
drivel v. (driv-eled, drivel* ing) to
about it. 11. to lose money in gambling
talk or write drivel. driv'el*er n.
etc. drop'per n. Ddrop back, to fall
driver (dri-ver) n. 1 a person who drives
behind, go to the rear, drop behind,
a vehicle. 2. a golf club used to send
to fail to keep pace (with), drop by or
the ball a long distance, especially from
drop in, to pay a casual visit, drop off,
the tee.
to fall asleep, to decline, drop out, to
drive* way (drrv-way) n. a private road
cease to participate.
leading to a house or garage.
drop 'kick (drop-kik) n. a kick made by
driz*zle (driz-el) n. very fine rain, drizzle
dropping a football to the ground and
v. (driz-zled, driz*zling) to rain in very
kicking it as it rebounds.
fine drops, driz'zly adj.
drop* let (drop-lit) n. a small drop.
drogue (drohg) n. (also drogue chute)
drop* out (drop-owt) n. a person who
a funnel-shaped piece of fabric used as
drops out from a course of study or from
a windsock, brake, target, etc.
conventional society.
droll (drohl) adj. amusing in an odd way.
drol'ly adv.
drop • per (drop-er) n. a device for adminis-
tering liquid in drops, eye dropper, medi-
droll *er*y (droh-le-ree) n. quaint humor.
cine dropper.
drom*e*dar*y (drom-e-der-ee) n. (pi
-dairies) a light one-humped camel drop pings
• (drop-ingz) n. pi the dung of
bred for riding. animals.
drone (drohn) n. 1. a male honeybee. 2. drop*sy (drop-see) n. a disease in which
an idler. 3. a deep humming sound. 4. watery fluid collects in the body, drop'
a remotely controlled airplane, drone si*cal adj.
v. (droned, dron • Ing) 1 to make a deep
dross (draws) n. 1 scum on molten metal.

humming sound. 2. to speak or utter mo- 2. impurities, rubbish.

notonously. drought (drowt), drouth (drowth) n. con-

drool (drool) v. 1 to water at the mouth,
tinuous dry weather. t> Careful writers
to dribble. 2. to show gushing apprecia- and speakers do not use drouth.
tion. drove (drohv) v. see drive, drove n. 1
droop (droop) v. to bend or hang down- a moving herd or flock. 2. a large crowd,
ward through tiredness or weakness. droves of people.
droop n. a drooping attitude, droop'y drover (droh-ver) n. a person who herds
adj.(droop- i-er, droop -i -est). cattle or sheep to market or pasture.
drop n. 1 a small rounded or pear-
(drop) . drown (drown) v. (drowned, drown*
shaped mass of liquid. 2. something ing) 1 to kill or be killed by suffocating

shaped like this, such as a candy. 3. a in water or other liquid. 2. to flood, to

very small quantity. 4. the act of drop- drench. 3. to deaden (grief etc.) with
ping. 5. a fall, a drop in prices. 6. a steep drink, drown one's sorrows. 4. to over-
or vertical descent, the distance of this, power (a sound) with greater loudness,
a drop of ten feet from the window. 7. the music drowned out the speech.
the length of a hanging curtain. 8. a thing t> Drownded is incorrect.
that drops or is dropped, a trapdoor drowse (drowz) v. (drowsed, drows*
withdrawn from under the feet of a per- ing) to be half asleep, drowse n. this
son executed by hanging. 9. drops, liquid state.
medicine to be measured by drops, drop drow*sy (drow-zee) adj. (-si*er, -sJ»
265 drub / Du.
est) half asleep. drow'sMy adv. a drunk. > See the note under drunken.
drow'si-ness n. drunk *ard (drung-kard) n. a person who
drub (drub) v. (drubbed, drub-bing) 1. is often drunk.
to thrash. 2. to defeat thoroughly. drunk* en (drung-ken) adj. 1. intoxicated,
drub-bing (drub-ing) n. a beating, a severe frequently in this condition. 2. happen-
defeat. ing during or because of drunkenness,
drudge (druj) n. a person who does dull a drunken brawl. drunk'en*ly adv.
or laborious or menial work, drudge v. drunk'en -ness n. > Drunken is used
(drudged, drudg • ing) to do such work. noun (as in a drunken man),
before a
drudg'ery n. whereas drunk is usually used after a
drug (drug) a substance used in medi-
n. 1 . verb, (as in he is drunk, she feels drunk).
cine. 2. a substance that acts on the drupe (droop) n. a fruit with juicy flesh
nervous system, such as a narcotic or around a stone with a kernel, as a peach.
stimulant, especially one causing addic- dry (dn) adj. (dri-er, dri-est) 1. without
tion, drug v. (drugged, drugging) 1. water or moisture; a dry country, with
to add a drug to {food or drink). 2. to little rainfall; dry land, not under water;
give drugs to, to stupefy. Ddrug on the dry shampoo, for use without water; a
market, something that is plentiful but dry cough, without phlegm; dry wall,
not in demand. built without mortar or cement; the cows
drug* gist (dnig-ist) n. a dispenser of pre- are dry, not producing milk. 2. eaten
scription drugs etc. in a drugstore. without butter etc., dry bread. 3. thirsty.
drug 'Store (drug-stor) n. a store that sells 4. (of wine) not sweet. 5. uninteresting,
prescription drugs and usually a variety a dry book. 6. expressed with pretended
of merchandise. seriousness, dry humor. 7. not allowing
Dry id (droo-id) n. a priest or member of the sale of liquor, a dry county, dry v.
an ancient Celtic religion. Dru / id*ism (dried, drying) 1. to make or become
n. dry. 2. to preserve (food) by removing
drum (drum) n. 1 . a percussion instrument its moisture, dry n. a person who opposes
consisting of a parchment or skin the sale and use of alcoholic beverages.
stretched tightly across a round frame. dri'ly, dry'ly adv. dry ' ness n. Ddry
2. the sound of this being struck, a simi- cell, a cell in which the electrolyte is
lar sound. 3. a cylindrical structure or absorbed in a solid and cannot be spilled.
object or container. 4. the eardrum. dry dock, a dock that can be emptied
drum v. (drummed, drunvming) 1. to of water, used for repairing ships, dry
play a drum or drums. 2. to make a goods, clothing, textiles, and related ar-
drumming sound, to tap or thump con- ticles of trade, dry ice, solid carbon di-
tinuously or rhythmically. 3. to drive oxide, used as a refrigerant, dry meas-
(facts etc.) into a person's mind by con- ure, a measure of capacity for grain and
stant repetition. Udrum
brake, one in other dry things, dry rot, decay of wood
which curved pads on a vehicle press that is not well ventilated; the fungi that
against the inner cylindrical part of a cause this; any moral or social decay.
wheel, drum major, the leader of a dry run, (informal) a practice exercise.
marching band, drum majorette, a fe- dry up, to become depleted, the money
male drum major, drum out, to dismiss dried up; (informal) to cease talking.
drum up, to obtain through
in disgrace, dryad (dn-ad) n. a wood nymph.
vigorous effort, drum up support. dry-clean (dri-kleen) v. to clean (clothes
drum* beat (drum-beet) ru the sound of etc.) by a solvent that evaporates very
a drum. quickly, not by water.
drum* head (drum-hed) n. the stretched dryer (dri-er) n. any of various devices
parchment or skin of a drum. to dry laundry, hair, etc.
drurrvlin (drum-lin) n. a long oval mound dry-fly (dn-fli) adj. (in fishing) using an
formed of glacial drift. artificial fly that floats.
drum Trier (drum-er) n. 1. a person who dry wall (dri-wawl) n. plasterboard, con-
plays a drum or drums. 2. (old use) a struction using plasterboard in place of
traveling salesman. plaster.
drum* stick (drum-stik) ru 1. a stick for DSC abbr. 1 . Distinguished Service Cross.
beating a drum. 2. the lower part of a 2. Doctor of Surgical Chiropody.
cooked fowl's leg. DSM abbr. Distinguished Service Medal.
drunk (drungk) v. see drink, drunk adj. DSO abbr. Distinguished Service Order.
excited or stupefied with alcoholic drink; DST abbr. 1 daylight-saving time. 2. Doc-

drunk with success, made greatly excited tor of Sacred Theology.
by it. drunk ru 1 a drunken person. 2.
. D.T.'s, d.t.'S abbr. delirium tremens.
(slang) a bout of drinking, he went on Du. abbr. Dutch.
dual / duke 266
du*al (doo-al) adj. composed of two parts, due* tile (duk-til) adj. (of metal) able to
double, du'al-ism n du-al*i*ty (doo- be drawn out into fine strands.
al-i-tee) n. Ddual control, two linked dud (dud) n. (informal) something that is
sets of controls, enabling either of two useless or counterfeit or that fails to
persons to operate an aircraft or automo- work.
bile. D>Do not confuse dual with duel dude (dood) ru 1. a dandy. 2. (slang) a
du-al-pur*pose (doo-al-pur-pds) adj. tough, a man. Ddude ranch, a ranch
suitable for two purposes. used as a vacation resort.
dub 1 (dub) v. (dubbed, dub*bmg) 1. to dudg*eon (duj-on) n. resentment, indig-
make (a person) a knight by touching nation, in high dudgeon.
him on the shoulder with a sword. 2. duds (dudz) n. pi (slang) clothes.
to give a nickname to. due (doo, dyoo) adj. 1. owed as a debt
dub 2 v. (dubbed, dub*bing) to replace or obligation. 2. payable immediately, it
or add to the soundtrack of (a film), espe- has become due. 3. that ought to be given
cially in a different language. to a person, rightful, adequate, with due
dub* bin (dub-in) n. thick grease for soften- respect 4. scheduled to do something or
ing and waterproofing* leather. to arrive, he is due to speak tonight; the

du*bi*e*ty (doo-bi-e-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1. train is due at 7:30. 5. caused by.

a feeling of doubt. 2. a doubtful matter. (t> See the note below.) due adv. exactly,
dU'bi'OUS (doo-bi-us) adj. doubtful, du' sailed due east due n. 1 . a person's right,
bi-ous-ly adv. du'bi*ous*ness n. what is owed
to him; give the Devil his
Dub-lin (dub-lin) the capital of the Repub- due, give a disliked person credit for one
hc of Ireland. of his good qualities or actions. 2. dues,
du*cal (doo-kal) adj. of or like a duke. n. pi a fee, club dues; what one owes,

due -at (duk-at)n. 1 a gold coin formerly

. pay one's dues. Ddue process (of law),
used most European countries. 2.
in the fair application of law in U.S. courts
(slang) a ticket to an entertainment, so that no person's rights are denied, in
sports event, etc. due course, in the proper order, at the
duch-ess (duch-is) n. 1. a duke's wife or appropriate time. >The phrase due to
widow. 2. a woman whose rank is equal is often wrongly used. Careful writers

to that of a duke. use because of, not due to, in such expres-
duch-y (duch-ee) n. {pi duch-ies) the sions as play was delayed due to rain.
territory of a duke or duchess. Due to should be used after a Unking
duck 1 (duk) n. 1 a swimming bird of vari-
. verb, as in fne delay was due to rain;
ous kinds. 2. the female of this. 3. its her success was due to hard work, not
flesh as food. 4. a ducking movement. she succeeded due to hard work.
duck v. 1 to dip the head under water
. du*el (doo-€l) n. 1. a fight with weapons
and emerge, to push (a person) under between two persons. 2. a contest be-
water. 2. to bob down, especially to avoid tween two persons or sides, duel v. (du •
being seen or hit. 3. to dodge, to avoid eled, du-el-ing) to fight a duel, du'el-
(a task etc.). ist n. ODo not confuse duel with dual
duck 2 n. strong linen or cotton cloth.
1. du-en-de (doo-en-day) n. 1. an evil spirit.
2. ducks, trousers made of this. 2. inspiration. O
duck-bill (duk-bil) n. a platypus. du-en-na (doo-en-a) n. an older woman
duck* boards (duk-bohrdz) n. pi boards acting as chaperon, especially in Spanish
forming a narrow path across a trench families.
or over mud. du-et (doo-et) n. a musical composition
duck* ling (duk-ling) n. a young duck. for two performers.
duck* pin (duk-pin) n. 1. a short squat duf *fei (duf-el) n. a heavy woolen cloth
bowling pin. 2. duckpins, a bowling game with a thick nap. duffel bag, a cylin-
using duckpins. drical canvas bag closed by a drawstring.
duck -weed (duk- weed) n. a plant that duffel coat, a hooded overcoat made
forms on the surface of ponds etc. of duffel, fastened with toggles.
duck*y (duk-ee) adj. (duck -her, duck* duf *fer (duf-er) n. an inefficient or incom-
i*est) (informal) excellent. petent person, especially a poor golfer.
duct (dukt) *l 1. a tube or channel for dug 1 (dug) see dig.
conveying liquid, gas, air, cable, etc. 2. dug 2 n. an udder, a teat.
a tube in the body through which fluid dug* out (dug-owt) n. 1. an underground
passes, tear ducts, duct v. to convey shelter. 2. (also dugout canoe) a canoe
through a duct, duct 'less adj. duct- made by hollowing a tree trunk.
less gland, a gland that pours its se- duke (dook, dyook) n. 1. a nobleman of
cretion directly into the blood, not the highest rank. 2. the male ruler of a
through a duct. duchy or of certain small states.
267 dukedom / durance
duke-dom (dook-dom, dyook) n. the po- dump-y (dum-pee) adj. (dump-i-er,
sition or lands of a duke. dump -i -est) short and fat. dump' I*
dul*cet (dul-sit) adj. sounding sweet. ness n.
duhci-mer (dul-si-mer) n. a musical in- dun 1 (dun) adj. & n. grayish brown.
strument with strings struck by two ham- dun2 v. (dunned, dun-ning) to ask per-
mers. sistently for payment of a debt.
dull (dul) adj. not bright or clear. 2.
1. dunce (duns) n. a person who is slow at
slow in understanding, stupid. 3. not learning.
sharp, (of pain) not felt sharply, (of dun -der- head (dun-der-hed) n, a dunce.
sound) not resonant. 4. not interesting dune (doon) n. a sand dune (see sand).
or exciting, boring, dull v. to make or dune buggy, a beach buggy (see
become dull, dul'ly adv. dullness n. beach).
dull-ard (dul-ard) n. a mentally dull per- dung (dung) n. animal excrement.
son. dun*ga*ree (dung-gS-ree) n. 1. blue
du*ly (doo-lee, dyoo-) adv. in a correct or denim. 2. dungarees, blue denims.
suitable way. dun*geon (dun-j6n) n. a strong under-
duTna (doo-ma) ru (formerly) a Russian ground cell for prisoners.
council of state. dung* hill (dung-hil) n. a heap of dung or
dumb (dum) adj. 1. unable to speak. 2. refuse in a barnyard.
temporarily silent; was struck dumb, dunk (dungk) v. to dip into liquid.
speechless from surprise etc. 3. stupid. du*0 (doo-oh) n. (pi -OS) a pair of per-
dumb'ly adv. dumb'ness n. Ddumb formers.
Show, gestures without words. OMost du*o*dec*i*mal (doo-5-des-i-mal) adj.
people consider dumb offensive in refer- based on reckoning by twelves.
ring to those who are unable to speak. du*o*de*num (doo-5-dee-num) n. the
The better word is mute. first part of the small intestine, immedi-
dumb* bell (dum-bel) n. 1 a short bar with . ately below the stomach. du*0*de/ nal
a weight at each end, lifted to exercise adj.
the muscles. 2. (slang) a stupid person. dup. abbr. 1. duplex. 2. duplicate.
dumb* found (dum-fownd) v. to astonish, dupe (doop) n. a person who is deceived
to strike dumb with surprise. or tricked, dupe v. (duped, dup-ing)
dumb* wait *er (dum-way-tSr) ru a small to deceive, to trick.
elevator for conveying food etc. du*plex (doo-pleks) adj. 1. having two
dum* dum (dum-dum) ru (also dumdum parts. 2. (of an apartment) on two floors.
bullet) a soft-nosed bullet that expands duplex n. a duplex apartment.
on impact. du*plf*cate (doo-pli-kit) n. 1. one of two
dum my (dum-ee)
• ru (pi -mies) 1 . a sham or morethings that are exactly alike. 2.
article. 2. a model of the human figure, an exact copy, duplicate adj. exactly
used to display clothes. 3. a ventrilo- like another thing, being a duplicate, du-
quist's doll. 4. (in card games) a player plicate (doo-pli-kayt) v. (du-pli-cat-
whose cards are placed upward on the ed, du*pli*cat*ing) 1. to make or
table and played by his partner, dummy be an exact copy of something. 2. to re-
adj. sham. Ddummy
up, (slang) to re- peat or do something twice. du*pli*ca*
fuse to talk. tlon (doo-pli-kay-shdn) ru ^duplicate
dump (dump) v. 1 to deposit as rubbish.
. bridge, a bridge game in which identical
2. to put down carelessly. 3. to get rid hands are dealt at two or more tables
of (something unwanted). 4. to market at the same time, in duplicate, in two
goods (especially abroad) at a lower price identical copies, prepare this in duplicate.
than is normally charged in order to se- du*pli*ca*tor (doo-pli-kay-tdr) n. a ma-
cure a commercial advantage, dump ru chine for copying documents.
1 a rubbish heap, a place where rubbish
. du*plic*i*ty (doo-plis-i-tee) n. (pi -ties)
may be deposited. 2. a temporary store, double-dealing, deceitfiilness.
an ammunition dump. 3. (informal) a du*ra*ble (door-a-bel, dyoor-) adj. likely
dull or unattractive place, dump to last, not wearing out or decaying
truck, a truck whose body can be tilted quickly. du'ra*bly adv. du*ra*bil*
to tip out its contents. i*ty (door-a-bU-i-tee, dyoor-) n. dura-
dump* ling (dump-ling) n, a ball of dough ble goods, manufactured products that
cooked with meat etc. or prepared with can be used over a long period of time.
fruit inside it. durable press, (of a fabric) so proc-
dumps (dumps) ru pL (informal) low spir- essed thatit has few wrinkles after being

its, in the dumps. laundered or after prolonged use.

dump*ster (dump-ster) n. a very large du* ranee (door-ans, dyoor-) n. (old use)
trash container. imprisonment, in durance vile.
duration / dynamics 268
du*ra*tion (duu-ray-shdn, dyuu-) n. the showing due obedience, du'ti*ful*ly
time during which a thing continues. adv. du'ti-ful*ness ru
duTess (duu-res, dyuu-) ru the use of du*ty (doo-tee) ru {pi -ties) 1. a moral
force or threats to procure something. or legal obligation. 2. a task that must
dur*ing (doo-ring, dyoo-) prep, throughout be done, action required from a particu-
or at a point in the continuance of. lar person, household duties; the duties
durst (durst) see dare. of a postman. 3. a tax charged on certain
dUTum (door-um) ru a species of wheat goods or on imports. Ddo duty as or
with hard seeds, used chiefly for pasta. for, to serve as (something else), in duty
dusk (dusk) n. the darker stage of twilight. bound, obliged by duty, on or off duty,
dusk*y (dus-kee) adj. (dusk*i*er, dusk* actually engaged or not engaged in one's
i *est) 1 . shadowy, dim. 2. dark colored. regular work.
dusk'i-ness n. D.V. abbr. 1. God willing (Latin deo vo-
dust (dust) n. fine particles of earth or lente). 2. Douay Version (of the Bible).
other matter, dust v. 1 to sprinkle with
D.V.M. abbr. Doctor of Veterinary Medi-
dust or powder. 2. to clear of dust by cine.
wiping, to clear furniture etc. of dust. dwarf (dworf) n. (pL dwarfs, dwarves,
_dust bowl, an area stripped of vegeta- pr. dworvz) a person, animal, or plant
tion by drought and erosion, dust much below the usual size, dwarf adj.
cover, dust jacket, a paper jacket on of a kind that is very small in size, dwarf
a book, dust devil, a small whirlwind v. 1. to stunt. 2. to make seem small
made visible by dust it carries, dust by contrast or distance, dwarf 'ish adj.
Storm, a severe dust-filled windstorm dwell (dwel) v. (dwelt or dwelled, dwell-
during a period of drought,throw dust ing) 1. to live as an inhabitant. 2. to
in (a person's) eyes, to prevent him
think or speak or write lengthily about,
from seeing the truth.
dwell on a subject, dwell'er n.
dust*er (dus-ter) ru 1. a cloth or brush
dwell *ing (dwel-ing) n. a house etc. to live
for dusting furniture etc. 2. a smocklike
garment, a housecoat. 3. (slang) a base-
dwin*dle (dwin-del) v. (dwin-dled,
ball pitch intentionally thrown close to
dwin-dling) to become gradually less
a batter's head.
or smaller.
dust* pan (dust-pan) ru a pan into which
dust is brushed from a floor.
dwt abbr. pennyweight(s).
dust-y (dus-tee) adj. (dust*i*er, dust* DX (dee-eks) n. (slang) distance, especially

i*est) 1. like dust, full of dust, covered

in shortwave radio reception. DDXer,
(slang) a Ipng-distance radio hobbyist.
with dust. 2. (of a color) grayish, dusty
pink, dustiness n. D
dusty miller, DXing, (slang) the hobby of long-dis-
tance radio transmission and reception.
a common plant with white dust on its
leaves and flowers. Dy symbol dysprosium.
Dutch (duch) adj. of the Netherlands or dyb-buk (dib-uk) n. (pi dyb*buks, dyb*
its people or language. Dutch ru 1. the
bu*kim, pr. di-buuk-im) (in Jewish folk-

Dutch language. 2. the Dutch, Dutch lore) the evil spirit of a dead person that

people. Dutch'man n. Dutchwom- enters and controls a living person's

an ru fern. Dutch courage, that ob- body.
tained by drinking whiskey. Dutch dye (di) v. (dyed, dye-ing) 1. to color,

door, a door with upper and lower especially by dipping in a liquid. 2. to

halves that can be opened independently. be able to be dyed, this fabric dyes well
Dutch elm disease, a disease of elm dye n. 1. a substance used for dyeing.
trees, caused by a fungus, first found in 2. a color given by dyeing, dy'er n.

the Netherlands. Dutch oven, a covered _ dyed-in-the-wool, unchangeable, a

dish for cooking meat etc. slowly. Dutch dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, one who
treat, an outing at which each person never will vote for any other party.
pays his own expenses. Dutch uncle, dye* Stuff (di-stuf) n. material used as or
(informal) a severe and candid critic, go producing a dye.
Dutch, to share expenses on an outing. dying (di-ing) see die 1 .

in Dutch, (slang) in trouble, talk like dyke = dike.

a Dutch uncle, (informal) to lecture a dynanvic (di-nam-ik) adj. 1. of force
person severely but candidly. producing motion (as opposed to static).
du*te*OUS (doo-ti-us) adj. (old use) duti- 2. (of a person) energetic, having force
ful, obedient. of character. dynam'l*cal«ly adv.
du*ti*a*ble (doo-ti-a-bel) adj. on which dynanvics (di-nam-iks) n. 1. (sing.) a
customs or other duties must be paid. branch of physics that deals with matter
du*ti*ful (doo-ti-ful) adj. doing one's duty, in motion. 2. (pi.) the forces operating
269 dynamite / dz.
in any complex matter, the dynamics of dys*en*ter*y a disease
(dis-en-ter-ee) n.
presiden tial politics. with inflammation of the intestines, caus-
dy*na*mite (di-na-mit) n. 1. a powerful ing severe diarrhea.
explosive made of nitroglycerine. 2. dys* function (dis-fungk-shdn) n. failure
something likely to cause violent or dan- to function normally.
gerous reactions, the frontier question is dys-lex'i-a (dis-lek-si-a) n. abnormal dif-
dynamite. 3. (informal) great vitality or ficulty in reading and spelling, caused
effectiveness, dynamite v. (dyna-mit* by a brain condition, dys-lex'ic adj. &
ed, dyna-mit-ing) to blow up with n. t> Dyslectic is incorrect.
dynamite. dys*pep*si*a (dis-pep-si-a) n. indiges-
dyna-mo (di-na-moh) n. {pi. -mos) a tion.
small compactgenerator producing elec- dys-pep-tic (dis-pep-tik) adj. suffering
tric current. Dhuman dynamo, a dy- from dyspepsia or the resultant irritabil-
namic person. ity.
dyna»mom*e*ter (di-na-mom-e-ter) n. dys-pro-si-um (dis-proh-zi-um) n. a
an instrument for measuring energy ex- highly magnetic chemical element.
pended by some force. dy3*tro-phy (dis-tr6-fee) n. a condition
dy -nas-ty (di-na-stee) n. {pi. -ties) a line causing progressive weakening of the
of hereditary rulers, dy •nas'tic (di-nas- muscles, muscular dystrophy.
tik) adj. dz. abbr. dozen(s).
E, e (ee) (pL Es, E's, e's) the fifth letter ear 2n, the seed-bearing part of corn.

of the alphabet. ear* ache (eer-ayk) n, pain in the eardrum.

e symbol a constant having the approxi- ear* drum (eer-drum) n, a membrane in-
mate value 2.718, used as the base of side the ear that vibrates when sound
the natural system of logarithms. waves strike it.
e. abbr. 1 . east, eastern. 2. electron. 3. en- ear 'flaps (eer-flaps) n, pi parts of a cap
ergy. 4. error. that can be turned down to cover the
E. abbr. 1 . Earth. 2. East, Eastern. 3. Engi- ears.
neering. 4. English. earful (eer-fuul) n, {pi -fuls) (informal)
ea. abbr. each. 1. a large amount of
talk. 2. a strong
each (eech) adj. every one of two or more, reprimand.
each child, each pronoun each person earl (url) n, a British nobleman ranking
or thing, each of them, each adv. apiece, between marquis and viscount.
tickets are five dollars each, Oeach ear *laps (eer-laps) n. pi earflaps.
Other, showing mutual or reciprocal ac- earl'dom (url-d6m) n. the position or
tion between two or more persons or lands of an earl.
things; they looked at each other. Each > ear* lobe (eer-lohb) n. the lower fleshy
requires a singular construction as in part of the ear.
each person has that privilege, except early (ur-lee) adj. & adv. (ear li*er, ear*
when it refers to a plural noun or pro- II* est) before the usual or expected
noun, as in they each have that privilege, time. 2. not far on in a period of time
ea*ger (ee-ger) adj. full of strong desire, or a development or a series, his early
enthusiastic. ea'gerly adv. ea'ger* years, ear'li-ness n. Dearly bird, a
ness n. eager beaver, (informal) an person who*gets up early or arrives early.
diligent person. OSee the
excessively early on, at an early stage.
note under anxious. ear* mark (eer-mahrk) n. a distinguishing
ea-gle (ee-g£l) n, 1. a large bird of prey. mark, earmark v. 1 to put a distinguish-

2. a score of two strokes under par for ing mark on. 2. to set aside for a particu-
a hole at golf. eagle eye, very sharp lar purpose.
eyesight, keen watchfulness. ear* muffs (eer-mufs) n, pi a pair of ear

ea-gle-eyed (ee-gel-id) adj. keen-sighted, coverings worn for protection against the
observant. cold.
ea-glet (ee-glit) n. a young eagle. earn (urn) v. 1 to get or deserve as a
. re-
-ean suffix used to form adjectives and ward for one's work or merit. 2. (of
nouns, especially from names of people money lent or invested) to gain as inter-
and places, as in herculean, protean, Eu- est. earned income, income derived
ropean. from paid employment, earned run, (in
ear 1
(eer) n. 1. the organ of hearing in baseball) a run scored without help from
man and certain animals, the external the opposing team.
part of this. 2. the ability to distinguish ear 'nest 1
showing serious
(ur-nist) adj.
sounds accurately; has an ear for music, feeling or intentions. ear'nest*ly adv.
enjoys it. 3. listening, attention; lend an ear'nest*ness n. Din earnest, seri-
ear, listen; have a person's ear, to have ously, not jokingly; with determination,
his favorable attention. 4. an ear-shaped intensively.
thing. Dbe all ears, to listen attentively. earnest 2 n, 1. (also earnest money) a
have one's ear to the ground, to be payment from a buyer to a seller to con-
alert to rumors or trends of opinion, up firm an agreement. 2. something given
to the ears, (informal) deeply involved as a pledge.
or occupied in something. earnings (ur-ningz) n. pi. money earned.


271 earphone / easy

ear* phone (eer-fohn) n. a radio receiver thought to enter man's head through the
that fits into or over the ear. ear).
ear* plug (eer-plug) n. a plug that is in- ease (eez) n. 1 freedom from pain or trou-

serted in the ear to keep out noise or ble or anxiety. 2. relief from pain. 3. ab-
water. sence of painful effort, did it with ease.
ear* ring (eer-ring) n. an ornament worn ease v. (eased, eas*ing) 1. to relieve

on the earlobe. from pain or anxiety. 2. to make less

ear* shot (eer-shot) n. range of hearing, tight or forceful or burdensome. 3. to
within earshot. move gently or gradually, ease it in. 4.
ear* split* ting (eer-split-ing) adj. pierc- to slacken, to reduce in severity or pres-
ingly loud. D
sure etc., it will ease offox up. at ease,
earth (urth) n, 1. Earth, the planet on free from anxiety, in comfort; standing
which we live, the world in which we relaxed with feet apart; a military order
live. 2. its surface, dry land, the ground, to stand in this way. at one's ease,
it fell to earth. 3. soil. 4. an oxide with relaxed, not feeling awkward or embar-
little taste or smell. Dearth science, rassed.
any of the sciences that study the history, ea-sel (ee-zel) n. a wooden frame to sup-
composition, or processes of the earth. port a painting or a blackboard etc.
on earth, in existence, in this world (as east (eest) n. 1. the point on the horizon
distinct from a future life); why on earth, where the sun rises, the direction in
why ever; look or feel like nothing on which this point lies. 2. the eastern part
earth, feel very unwell, run a thing to of something. 3. the East, the part of
earth, to find it after a long search. the world lying east of Europe, the Com-
earth* bound (urth-bownd) adj. attached munist countries of eastern Europe, the
to the earth, moving toward Earth. eastern part of the U.S. east adj. & adv.
earth* en (ur-then, -then) adj. 1. made of toward or in the east; an east wind, blow-
earth. 2. made of baked clay. ing from the east; look east. DEast Asia,
earth* en* ware (ur-then- wair, -tfren-) n. the region comprising China, Japan, Ko-
pottery made of coarse baked clay. rea, and the Asiatic part of the U.S.S.R.
earth* ling (urth-ling) n. an inhabitant of East Germany, the German Demo-
Earth. cratic Republic. East Indies, the islands
earth -ly (urth-lee) adj. (-Ii*er, -li-est) of of the Pacific and Indian oceans south-
the living world, of man's life in it. earth east of Asia.
li-ness «.Dno earthly use, (informal) East*er (ee-ster) n. the Christian festival
no use at all. >Use earthly when describ- (celebrated on Easter Sunday, a Sun-
ing the human condition, as in our day in March or April) commemorating
earthly existence prepares for heaven. Use Christ's resurrection. U Easter bonnet,
earthy when likening something to soil a woman's hat worn especially for
or describing something that is coarse, Easter. Easter bunny, a rabbit said to
as in his earthy language shocked all of bring gifts to children at Easter. Easter
them. egg, a chocolate artificial egg or deco-
earth* quake (urth-kwayk) n. a violent rated egg given as a gift at Easter. Easter
natural movement of a part of Earth's Illy,a plant with large white flowers used
crust. to decorate churches etc. at Easter.
earth -shak-ing (urth-shay-king) adj. Easter parade, a procession on Easter
having a violent effect on established ar- Sunday to display fashionable clothes.
rangements, beliefs, etc. east*er*ly (ee-ster-lee) adj. in, from, or
earth* ward (urth- ward) adj. headed to- toward the east; an easterly wind, blow-
ward the earth, earthward, earth- ing from the east (approximately), east-
wards (urth-wardz) adv. toward the erly n. an easterly wind.
earth. east 'em (ee-stern) adj. (also Eastern) of
earth* work (urth-wurk) n. an artificial or in the east. East'enver n. East-
bank of earth. ern Church, the Orthodox Church.
earth* worm (urth-wurm) n. a long worm Eastern Hemisphere, the half of the
that burrows in the soil. world that includes Europe, Asia, Africa,
earth *y (ur-thee) adj. (earth *i*er, earth* and Australia.
i*est) 1. like earth or soil. 2. gross, east* ward (eest- ward) adj. toward the
coarse, earthy humor. >See the note un- east, in the east, eastward, eastwards
der earthly. (eest-wardz) adv. toward the east.
ear* wax (eer-waks) n. the waxy material eas*y (ee-zee) adj. (eas*i*er, eas*
found in the ear. i*est) 1. not difficult, done or obtained
ear* wig (eer-wig) n. a small insect with without great effort. 2. free from pain,
pincers at the end of its body (formerly trouble, or anxiety, with an easy mind;
easygoing / ecology 272
easy manners, relaxed and pleasant; in ec*cen*tric (ik-sen-trik) adj. 1. uncon-
easy circumstances, with enough money ventional in appearance or behavior. 2.
to live comfortably, easy adv. in an easy (of circles) not concentric, (of orbits) not
way, with ease, easiness n. easi- circular, (of a pivot) not placed centrally.
ly adv. Deasy chair, a large comforta- eccentric n. an eccentric person, ec*
ble chair, easy does it, be careful; go cen'tri*cal*ly adv. ec*cen*tric*i*ty
slowly, easy on the eye, (informal) (ek-sen-tris-i-tee) n.
pleasant to look at. Easy Street, (in- Eccl., Eccles. abbr. Ecclesiastes.
formal) a state of affluence.*go easy on, Ec*Cle*si*as*tes (i-klee-zi-as-teez) n. a
to be lenient with, go easy on him; to book of the Old Testament traditionally
use with restraint, go easy on starches. ascribed to Solomon and written in his
go easy with, to be careful with (a per- name.
son), rest easy, do not worry, stand ec*de*si*as*tic (i-klee-zi-as-tik) n. a
easy, stand at ease, take it easy, to clergyman.
proceed comfortably or carefully; to rest ec*cle*si*as*ti*cal (i-klee-zi-as-ti-kal)
or relax. adj. of the church or the clergy. ec*cle*
eas-ygo-ing (ee-zee-goh-ing) adj. not si*as'ti*cal*ly adv.
strict, placid and tolerant. ECG abbr. electrocardiogram.
eat (eet) v. (ate, eat* en, eat-ing) 1. to ech*e*lon (esh-e-lon) n. 1. a staggered
take food into the mouth and swallow formation of troops or aircraft etc. 2. a
it for nourishment, to chew and swallow. level of rank or authority, the upper eche-

2. to have a meal, when do we eat? 3. lons of government

to destroy gradually, to consume, acids ech*o (ek-oh) n. {pi -oes) 1. repetition
eat into metals; the car ate up the miles, of sound by the reflection of sound
covered the distance rapidly, eats n. pi waves, a secondary sound produced in
(slang) food, eat'er n. u
eating apple, this way. 2. a close imitation or imitator.
an apple suitable for eating raw, as op- echo v. (ech-oed, echo-ing) 1. to re-
posed to one grown primarily for cook- peat (sound) by echo, to resound. 2. to
ing, eat one's heart out, to suffer repeat or imitate.
greatly with vexation or longing, eat ech-o-lo-ca-tion (ek-oh-loh-kay-shdn)
one's words, to be obliged to withdraw n. the location of objects by reflected
what one has said, what's eating you?, sound.
(slang) why are you annoyed? e* Clair (ay-klair) n. a finger-shaped pastry
eata-ble (ee-ta-bel) adj. fit to be eaten with cream filling.
(because of its condition). 6*cJat (ay-klah) n. 1 conspicuous success.

eat-a-bles (ee-ta-bel z) n. pi food. 2. general applause, acclaim. 3. elaborate

eat*er*y (ee-te-ree) n.{pl -er*ies) (slang) display.
an inexpensive restaurant. ec- lee* tic (i-klek-tik) adj. choosing or ac-
eau de Cologne (oh de ko-lohn) a deli- cepting from various sources, eclectic
cate toilet water originally made at Co- n. a person who borrows freely from vari-
logne, Germany. ous sources in forming opinion, taste, etc.
eaves (eevz) n. pi the overhanging edge ec*lec'tl*cism n.
of a roof. e-clipse (i -klips) n. 1 the blocking of light

eaves* drop (eevz-drop) v. (eaves* from one heavenly body by another. 2.

dropped, eaves* drop* ping) to lis- a loss of brilliance or power or reputa-
ten secretly to a private conversation. tion, eclipse v. (e-clipsed, e* clips*
eavesdrop* per n. ing) 1 to cause an eclipse of. 2. to out-

ebb (eb) n, 1. the outward movement of shine, to throw into obscurity.

the tide, away from land. 2. a condition e* Clip* tic (i-klip-tik) n. the sun's apparent
of lowness or decline, ebb v. 1 (of tides)
. path among stars during the year.
to flow away from land. 2. to become ec-logue (ek-lawg) n. a short pastoral
lower, to weaken, his strength ebbed poem, especially one in dialogue form.
eb-on-ite (eb-5-nit) n. see vulcanite. E.C.M. abbr. European Common Market.
eb-on-y (eb-o-nee) n. (pi. -onies) the eco-cide (ee-k&-sid, ek-6-) n. the de-
hard black wood of a tropical tree (the struction of the human environment, es-
ebony tree), ebony adj. black as pecially through contamination by man-
ebony. made waste.
e-buNlent (i-bul-yent, -buul) adj. exu- ecol. abbr. 1. ecological. 2. ecology.
berant, bubbling over with high spirits, e*COl*0*gy (i-kol-d-jee) n. 1 the scientific

e-bul 'Hence n. eb-ul-li-tion (eb-u- study of living things in relation to each

lish-on) n. other and to their environment. 2. this
E.C. abbr. European Community (the relationship. (>Note that ecology does
Common Market nations). not mean environment) ec*0*log*iC

273 econ. / edify

(ee-kd-loj-ik, ek-6-) adj. ec*o-log'i«cal wide Christian unity, the ecumenical
adj. ec«o*log'hcal'ly adv. movement. ec*u*men'i*cal*ly adv.
econ. abbr. 1 economic. 2. economics.
. 3. ec • u • me • nic • • ty i (ek-yuu-mg-nis-i-
economy. tee) n.
e • con 'O* met Tics (ee-kon-6-met-riks) n. ec*ze*ma (ek-se-ma, eg-ze-) n. a skin dis-
the branch of economics concerned with ease causing scaly itching patches.
the application of mathematical econom- ED abbr. Department of Education.
ics by use of statistics. e*COn*o* ed. abbr. 1. edited. 2. edition. 3. editor.
met'ric adj. e *con *o* met *ri 'clan n. 4. education.
e*CO*nom*iC (ee-k6-nom-ik, ek-6-) adj. 1 -ed 1 suffix used to form the past tenses
of economics, the government's economic and past participles of verbs, as in
policies. 2. of one's own finances, con- wanted, granted, snowed.
cerned with her economic well-being. -ed 2 suffix used to form adjectives, as in
t> Do not confuse economic with econom- moneyed, talented, wooded.
ical, she was an expert in economic geog- E*dam (ee-dam) n. a round Dutch cheese,
raphy. usually with a red rind.
e-co-nom-i-cal (ee-kd-nom-i-kal, ek-6-) ed«dy (ed-ee) n. (pi -dies) a swirling
adj. thrifty, avoiding waste. e»CO*nom' patch of water or air or fog etc. eddy
i-cal-ly adv. >Do
not confuse economi- v. (ed-died, ed* dying) to swirl in ed-

cal with economic, she is an economical dies.

person. e-del-weiss (ay-del- vis) n. an alpine
e*CO«nom*ics (ee-kd-nom-iks, ek-6-) n, plant with white flowers and woolly
1 .(sing.) the science concerned with the leaves.
production and consumption or use of e*de*ma (i -dee-ma) n. the abnormal re-

goods and services. 2. (pi.) the financial tention of fluid in body cavities or tissues.
aspects of something, the economics of E*den (ee-den) the place where Adam and
farming. Eve lived at their creation. Eden n. a
e • con •o* mist (i-kon-6-mist) n. an expert delightful place.
in economics. edge (ej) n. 1. the sharpened side of a
e-corvo-mize (i-kon-6-miz) v. (e*Con* blade. 2. its sharpness, has lost its edge.
O • mized, e • con • o • miz • ing) to be eco- 3. the line where two surfaces meet at
nomical, to use or spend less than before, an angle. 4. a rim, the narrow surface
economize on fuel. of a thin or flat object, the pages have
e-con-o-my (i-kon-6-mee) n. (pi. -mles) gilt edges. 5. the outer limit or boundary
1. being economical, practice economy. of an area, the edge of the forest, edge
2. an instance of this, a saving, make v. (edged, edg-ing) 1. to supply with

economies. 3. a community's system of a border, to form the border of. 2. to

using its resources to produce wealth; move gradually, edging toward the door.
an agricultural economy, one in which be on edge, to be tense and irritable.
agriculture is the chief industry. 4. the have the edge on, (informal) to have
state of a country's prosperity, its econ- an advantage over, set a person's
omy lagged, economy adj. economical; teeth on edge, to upset his nerves by
the large economy size, so large as to be causing an unpleasant sensation, take
economically advantageous to the cus- the edge Off, to dull or soften; take
tomer. the edge off one's appetite, to make one's
e-co-sys-tem (ee-koh-sis-tem, ek-oh-) n. hunger less acute.
all the organisms living in a place (small edge -wise (ej-wiz), edge* ways (ej-
or large) as an interdependent and sepa- wayz) adv. with the edge forward or
rate unit. outward. Dget a word in edgewise,
ecTU (ek-roo) n. light fawn color. to manage to break into a lengthy mono-
ec-sta-sy (ek-sta-see) n. (pi. -sies) a feel- logue.
ing of intense delight. ec*stat*ic (ek- edg-ing (ej-ing) n. something placed
stat-ik) adj. ec* Staff *cal*ly adv. around an edge to define or strengthen
ec* to* plasm (ek-t6-plaz-em) n. a sub- or decorate it.

stance supposed to be exuded from a spir- edg-y (ej-ee) adj. (edg*i*er, edg*i*est)
itualist medium during a trance. with nerves on edge, irritable.
Ecua. abbr. Ecuador. ed*i*ble (ed-I-b€l) adj. fit or safe to be
eaten (because of its nature), ed • I • bll

Ec • ua • dor (ek- wa-dor) a country in South
America. Ec*ua*dor'e*an, Ec*ua* l-ty (ed-I-Ml-i-tee) n.

dor'i-an adj. & n. e*dict (ee-dikt) n. an order proclaimed by

ec-u-men-i-cal (ek-yuu-men-i-kal) adj. an authority.
1. of the whole Christian church, not ed*i*fice (ed-I-fis) n. a large building.
only of separate sects. 2. seeking world- ed-l-fy (ed-T-fi) v. (ed-i-fied, ed-i-fy-
Edinburgh / effervesce 274
ing) to be an uplifting influence on the e'er (air) adv. (old use) ever.
mind of (a person), ed • i • fl • ca • Won (ed- ee*rie (eer-ee) adj. (ee*ri*er, ee-ri-est)
I-fi-kay-shdn) n. causing a feeling of mystery and fear.
Ed* In* burgh (ed-in-bur-oh) the capital of ee'ri*ness n. ee'ri*ly adv.
Scotland. ef • face (i-tays) v. (ef • faced, ef • f ac • ing)
ed*it (ed-it) v. 1. to act as editor of (a to rub out, to obliterate, ef *face'a*ble
newspaper etc.). 2. to prepare (written adj. ef'face'ment n. efface one-
material) for publication. 3. to prepare self, to make oneself inconspicuous.
(a film or recording) by selecting individ- ef*fect (i-fekt) n. 1. a change produced
ual sections and arranging them in se- by an action or cause, a result; have an
quence. effect, to produce such a change. 2. an
e*di*tion (i-dish-on) n. 1. the form in impression produced on a spectator or
which something is published, a pocket hearer etc., special lighting gave the effect
edition. 2. the number of copies of a book of moonlight; did it only for effect, in or-
or newspaper printed from one set of der to impress people. 3. a state of being
type. operative, the law came into effect last
ed*i*tor (ed-i-tor) n. 1. a person who is week. 4. effects, property, her personal
responsible for the content and writing effects; sounds and lighting etc. provided
of a newspaper etc. or a section of this, to accompany a broadcast or film, special
our financial editor. 2. one who edits effects, effect v. to bring about, to ac-
written material for publication. 3. one complish, effect ones purpose; effect a
who edits film or recording tape, ed'i* cure; effect a settlement, reach an agree-
tor* ship n. ment. (C>The words effect and affect have
ed • i • to • ri • al (ed-i-tohr-i-al) adj. of an edi- totally different meanings and should not
tor, editorial work, editorial n. a news- be confused.) Din effect, in fact, really,
paper or magazine article giving the edi- it is, in effect, a refusal take effect,
tor's comments on current affairs, a to produce its effect(s); to become opera-
similar statement by a radio or television tive, to that effect, with that implica-
station, ed-i-to'ri-al-ly adv. tion, words to that effect
ed*i*to*ri*al*ize (ed-i-tohr-i-a-hz) v. ef- fee 'live (i-fek-tiv) adj. 1. producing
(ed*i*to*ri*al*lzed t ed*i*to*ri*al*lz* an effect, powerful in its effect. 2. making
ing) 1 to write an editorial. 2. to express
. a striking impression. 3. actual, existing;
one's opinion when facts (and not opin- the effective membership, the real (not
ions) are appropriate. ed*i*to'ri»al«iz* nominal) number of members. 4. opera-
er n. ed*i*to*ri*al*i*za*tton (ed-i- tive, the law is effective after April 1. ef •
tohr-i-a-li-zay-sh6n) n. fec'tlve-ly adv. ef-fec'tive-ness n.
EDP abbr. electronic data processing. > Careful writers note a subtle difference
EDT, E.D.T. abbr. Eastern daylight time. between effective and effectual A law
educ. abbr. 1. education. 2. educational. that is effective (operative) becomes effec-
ed*u*ca*ble (ej-u-ka-bel) adj. able to be tual (answers its purpose) only when it
educated. is enforced.
ed*u*cate (ej-u-kayt) v. (ed*u*cat*ed, ef*fec*tu*al (i-fek-chco-al) adj. answer-
ed*U*cat*ing) to train the mind and ing purpose, sufficient to produce an
abilities of, to provide education for. effect. ef'fec'tu«al*ly adv. >See the
ed'u-ca-tor n. note under effective.
ed*U*ca*tion (ej-u-kay-shdn) n. system- ef-fec-tu-ate (i-fek-choo-ayt) v. (ef«
atic training and instruction designed to fec-tu-at-ed, ef-fec-tu-at-ing) to
impart knowledge and develop skill, ed* cause to happen.
u*ca'tion*al adj. educational tele- ef -fem-l-nate (i-fem-T-nit) adj. unmanly,
vision, television programing designed having qualities associated with women,
to promote learning. ef-fem'l-nate-ly adv. ef-fem-l-na-
e-duce (i-doos) v. (e-duced, e* due* ing) cy (i-fem-T-na-see) n. {pi -des) >Do
1 to bring out or develop, to elicit (from
. not use effeminate to describe women or
a person). 2. to infer (from information). girls.
Ed • ward -i -an (ed-wor-di-an) adj. of the ef*fen*dl (i-fen-dee) n. 1. a person of edu-

time of King Edward VII's reign in Brit- cation or standing in an eastern Mediter-
ain (1901-10). Edwardian n. a person ranean or Arab country. 2. a title of re-
of this time. spect or courtesy formerly used in
E.E. abbr. Electrical Engineering). Turkey.
EEC abbr. European Economic Commu- ef «fer«ent (ef-£-rent) adj. (in physiology)
nity. conducting outward from an organ, ef-
EEG abbr. electroencephalogram. ferent n. an efferent duct or nerve.
eel (eel) n. a snakelike fish. ef-fer-vesce (ef-er-Tes) v. (ef-fer-
275 effete / eh
vesced, ef*fer*vesc*ing) to give off cream, a carbonated chocolate drink,
small bubbles of gas. ef *fer • ves'cence formerly made with egg and cream, egg
n. ef*fer*ves'cent adj. ef*fer*ves' Cup, a small cup for holding a boiled
cent'ly adv. egg- egg foo young, an omelet-like
ef -fete (i-feet) adj. having lost its vitality. Chinese- American dish filled with a meat
ef *fete'ness n. and vegetable mixture, egg roll, a Chi-
ef*fi*ca*CiOUS (ef-T-kay-shus) adj. pro- nese or Chinese-American dish made of
ducing the desired result. ef*fi*ca*cy egg dough wrapped around minced vege-
(ef-I-kk-see) n. tables or meat or seafood and fried, egg
ef*fi*cient (i-fish-ent) adj. acting effec- timer, a device for timing the cooking
tively, producing results with little waste of a boiled egg. good egg, (informal)
of effort, ef*fi'cient*ly adv. ef*fi' sl friendly helpful person.
ciervcy n. egg 2 do something,
v. to urge a person to

ef *fi*gy (ef-i-jee) n. (pi. -gies) a sculpture egging him on.

or model of a person. egg-beat *er (eg-bee-ter) n. 1. a hand-op-
ef*flo*resce (ef-16-res) v. (ef*flo* erated device for whipping eggs, cream,
resced, ef*flo* rescuing) to burst out etc. 2. (slang) a helicopter.
into flower. ef*flo*res'cence n. ef* egg • head (eg-hed) n. (informal) an intel-
flo* res 'cent adj. lectual person.
ef*flu*ence (ef-loo-ens) n. 1. the process egg • nog (eg-nog) n. a drink of whipped
of flowing out, especially of sewage. 2. eggs, milk or cream, sugar, and usually
an effluent. liquor.
ef *flu*ent (ef-loo-ent) adj. flowing out. ef- egg* plant (eg-plant) «. 1. a plant with
fluent n. something that flows out, espe- deep-purple fruit used as a vegetable. 2.
cially sewage. its fruit.
ef *flu*vi*um (i-floo-vi-um) n. an unpleas- egg* shell (eg-shel) n. the shell of an egg.
ant or harmful gas. eggshell adj. 1 (of china) very fragile.

ef»fort (ef-6rt) n. 1. the use of physical 2. yellowish white.

or mental energy to achieve something. e-gis = aegis.
2. the energy exerted, it was quite an eg* Ian* tine (eg-lan-tm) n. sweetbrier.

effort to give up smoking. 3. something e*go (ee-goh, eg-oh) n. (pi. -gos) 1. the
produced by this, this painting is a good self. 2. self-esteem, conceit. 3. the part

effort. of the psyche that is concerned with the

ef* fort* less (ef-6rt-lis) adj. done without outside world. Degoideal, the con-
effort* less *ly adv.
effort, scious idealization of oneself, ego trip,
ef*fron*ter*y (i-frun-te-ree) n. (pi. -ter* (informal) an activity undertaken with
ies) shameless insolence. the sole purpose of indulging in one's
ef •fuhgence (i-ful-jens) n. radiance, ef •
own interests or in self-expression.
ful'gent adj. e*go*cen*tric (ee-goh-sen-trik, eg-oh-)
ef*fu*slon (i-fyoo-z/rdn) n. 1. a pouring adj. self-centered.
forth. 2. an unrestrained outpouring of e* go* ism (ee-goh-iz-em, eg-oh-) n. self-
thought or feeling. centeredness. e'gO'ist n. e* go* is* tic
ef*fu*slve (i-fyoo-siv) adj. expressing (ee-goh-is-tik, eg-oh-) adj. e*go*is'ti*
emotions in an unrestrained way. ef* cal adj. e*go*is'ti*cal*ly adv.
fu'sive-ly adv. ef*fu'sive*ness n. e*go*tism (ee-go-tiz-em, eg-6-) n. the
eft (eft) n. a newt. practice of talking too much about one-
! E.F.T. abbr. electronic funds transfer. self, conceit, e'gctist n. e*go*tis*tic
Eg. abbr. 1. Egypt. 2. Egyptian. (ee-gd-tis-tik, eg-6-) adj. e-go-tis'ti*
e.g. abbr. for example. >From the Latin cal adj. e-go'tis'thcal-ly adv.
exempli gratia. e*gre*gious (i-gree-jus) adj. outstand-
e-gad (i-gad, ee-gad) interj. (old use) by ingly bad, egregious folly, cgre'gious*
God. ly adv. e*gre'gious*ness n.
e*gal*l*tar*i*an (i-gal-i-tair-i-an) adj. e*gress (ee-gres) n. an exit.
holding the principle of equal rights for e*gret (ee-grit) n. a kind of heron with
all persons, egalitarian n. a person who beautiful long tail feathers.
holds this principle. e*gal*i*tar'i*an* E-gypt (ee-jipt) a country in northeast Af-
ism n. E*gyp*tian (i-jip-shdn) adj.
rica. & n.

egg 1
(eg) n. 1 . a reproductive cell produced E*gyp*tOl*0*gist (ee-jip-tol-6-jist) n. an
by the female of birds, fish, reptiles, etc. expert in Egyptology.
2. the hard-shelledegg of a domestic hen, E*gyp*tOl*0*gy (ee-jip-tol-6-jee) n. the
used as food. Dbad egg, (informal) a study of Egyptian antiquities.
worthless or dishonest person, egg cell, eh (ay) interj. (informal) an exclamation
the female reproductive cell, egg of doubt or inquiry or surprise.

EHF / elder 276

EHF abbr. extremely high frequency. e«ject (i-jekt) v. to thrust or send out

ei-der (i-der) n. (also eider duck) a large forcefully, the gun ejects spent cartridges.
northern duck. 2. to expel, to compel to leave. e»jec'tor
ei'der-down (i-der-down) n. 1 . the small n.e-jec-tion (i-jek-sh<5n) n. Dejection
soft feathers from the breast of the female seat, a seat that can eject the occupant
eider. 2. a quilt stuffed with eiderdown out of an aircraft in an emergency so
or similar material, eiderdown adj. that he can descend bv parachute.
stuffed with eiderdown for warmth, an eke (eek) v. (eked, ek-ing) eke out 1

eiderdown jacket. to supplement, eke out oil by burning

ei'det'ic (i-det-ik) image* a mental image wood. 2. to make (a living) laboriously,
that is unusually vivid and detailed, as eke out a living.
if actually visible. EKG abbr. electrocardiogram.
ei*do*lon (i-doh-lon) n. (pi. -Ions, -la, e-kis-tics (i-kis-tiks) n. the study of hu-
pr. -la) a specter, a phantom. 2. an
1. man settlements and their development.
idealized image. e-kis'tic adj.
eight (ayt) adj. & n. 1. one more than el (el) n. an elevated railroad in a city.
seven, (8, VIII). 2. anything having eight el. abbr. elevation.
members or units, such as an eight-track elaborate (i-lab-6-rit) adj. with many
tape. Dbehind the eight ball, (slang) parts or details, complicated, an elabo-
out of luck, in deep trouble, eight ban, rate pattern, elaborate (i-lab-6-ravt) v.

a billiard ball bearing the number 8. (e-lab-o-rat-ed, e-lab-o-rat-ing) to

eighteen (ay-teen) adj. n. one more & work out or describe in detail. e-lab O-
than seventeen (18, XVIII). eight- rate«ly adv. e-lab o-rate«ness n.
eenth (ay-teenth) adj. & n. ,
e*lab*0*ra*tion (i-lab-6-ray-shdn) n.
eighth (ayth) adj. & n. next after sev-1. e «lan (ay-lahn) n. 1 vivacity. 2. an impetu-

enth. 2. one of eight equal parts of a ous rush.

thing eighthly adv. Deightn note, a e-land (ee-land) n. {pi -lands, -land) a
musical note having one-eighth the count large African antelope with spirally
of a whole note. twisted horns.
eighties (ay-teez) n. pi. the numbers or e«lapse (laps) \ (e-lapsed, e-laps-
years or degrees of temperature from 80 ing) (of time) to pass away, hours have
to 89. elapsed. D>Do not confuse elapse with
eight-track Uyt-trak) n. (informal) a mag- lapse.- days elapse but licenses lapse.

netic tape cartridge having eight parallel e*las*tic d-las-tik) adj. 1. going back to
tracks for recording on. its original length or shape after being

eight-y (av-tee) adj. &

n. eight times ten stretched dt squeezed. 2. adaptable, not '.

(80, I \\\' eight-i-eth (ay-ti-ith) adj. rigid, the rules are somewhat elastic.

&n. elastic n. cord or material made elastic .

ein*Stein*i*um (in-sti-ni-um) n. a radio- by interweaving strands of rubber etc.

active chemical element. e»las«tic«i«ty (f-las-tis-i-tee) n.
Eir»e (air-e) a former name of the Republic e-las-to-mer (i-las-to-mer) n. a natural
of Ireland. or svnthetic rubber or a rubberlike plas-
Ei-sen-how-er o-zen-how-er), Dwight tic.

Da-vid (1890-I969) the thirtv-fourth e-late (i-iayt) v (e-lat-ed, e-lat-ing) to

president of the U.S. I953 61. make happy or proud, e-lat-ed (i-layt-
eis-tedd-fod (i-ster/i-vod) n. an annual ed) adj. feeling very pleased or proud,
Welsh gathering of poets and musicians e-la tion n.
for competitions. el -bow
(el-boh) n. 1. the joint between
either {ee-thcr) adj. &
one or pron. 1. forearm and upper arm, its outer
the other of two, either of you can go. part. 2. the part of a sleeve covering this.
2. each of two, there are fields on cither 3. a sharp bend in a pipe etc. elbow v
side of the river, either adv. & conj. 1 to thrust with one's elbow. Delbow
as one alternative, he is either mad or grease, vigorous polishing; hard work
drunk. 2. likewise, any more than the el-DOW-room (el-boh-room) n. plenty of
other, the new lid doesn't fit either room to work or move.
>Use a singular verb for the pronoun eld«er 1 (el-der) adj. older, elder sister.
either,he said that either is acceptable. elder n. 1 an older person, respect your

e-iac-u-late o-jak-yu-layt) v (e-jac-u- elders. 2. an official in certain churches.

lat-ed, e-jac-u-lat-ing) 1 to say sud- Delder Statesman, an elderly influen-
denly and briefly. 2. to eject fluid (espe- tial person whose advise is valued be-

cially semen) from the body. e*jac«u« cause of his or her years of experience.
la-tion (i-jak-yu-lay-shon) n. e-jac-U- >Use elder and eldest for people, older
la-to-ry (i-jak-yu-la-tohr-ee) adj. .
and oldest for things or people.
277 elder / electrolyte

el'der 2 n. a tree with white flowers and form of energy occurring in certain parti-
dark berries. cles (electrons and protons) and hence
el*der*ber*ry (el-der-ber-ee) n. (pi. -ries) in larger bodies, since they contain these.
the berry of the elder tree. 2. a supply of electric current for Hunt-
eld*er*ly (el-der-lee) adj. rather old, past ing, heating, etc.
middle age. e«lec»tri«fy (i-lek-tri-fi) v. (e* lee •tri-
eld* est (el-dist) adj. oldest, first-born, eld- fled, e • lee -tri- tying) 1. to charge
est son. > See the note under elder. with electricity. 2. to convert (a railroad,
el-do-ra-do (el-d6-rah-doh) n. (pi. -dos) farm, etc.) to the use of electric power.
an imaginary land of riches. 3. to startle or excite suddenly. e«lec»
elec, elect abbr. 1 electric. 2. electrical.
. tri-fi-ca-tion (i-lek-trl-fi-kay-sh6n) n.
3. electrician. 4. electricity. e • lee -tro -car -di-o -gram (i-lek-troh-
e*lect (i-lekt) v. 1 to choose by vote, elect
. kahr-di-6-gram) n. the pattern traced by
a chairperson. 2. to choose as a course, an electrocardiograph.
to decide, he elected to become a lawyer. e • lee • tro car d
• • I • o graph

elect adj. chosen; the president-elect, kahr-di-6-graf) n. a device that detects
chosen but not yet in office, elect n. (pi. and records electric activity in the mus-
elect) a worthy or chosen person or per- cles of the heart. e*lec*tro*car*di*o*
sons, they were considered the elect. graph • Ic (i-lek-troh-kahr-di-6-graf-ik)
e* lee* tion (i-lek-sh6n) n. 1. choosing or adj. e*lec*tro*car*di»og*ra*phy
being chosen, especially by vote. 2. the (i-lek-troh-kahr-di-og-ra-fee) n.
process of electing representatives etc. e • lee • tro • chem • is • try (i-lek-troh-kem-
e • lee* tion *eer (i-lek-shd-neer) v. to work i-stree) n. the branch of chemistry deal-
to promote a candidate or party in an ing with electricity as it applies to
election. e • lee • tion -eer'ing n. chemistry, e • lee • tro • chem 'i«cal adj.
elective (i-lek-tiv) adj. 1. having the e • lee • tro* chem 'i*cal-ly adv.
power to elect, an elective assembly. 2. e* lee* tro* cute (i-lek-trd-kyoot) v.

chosen or filled by election, an elective (e-lec-tro-cut-ed, e* lee* tro* cut*

office, elective n. a freely chosen course ing) to kill by electricity. e*lec*tro*cu*
of study in a school. tion (i-lek-tro6-kyoo-sh6n) n.
e* lee* tor (i-lek-t6r) n. one who has the e-lec-trode (i-lek-trohd) n. a solid con-
right to vote in an election. e*lec'tor» ductor through which electricity enters
al adj. Electoral College, the body or leaves a vacuum tube etc.
of electors, chosen by popular vote in e • lee • tro • de • pos • It (i-lek-troh-di-poz-
each state, who elect the U.S. president it) v. to deposit by electrolysis. e*lec*

and vice president. tro • dep • O • si • tion (i-lek-troh-dep-5-

e-lec-tor-ate (i-lek-td-rit) n. the whole zish-6n) n.
body of voters. e • lee • tro • dy • nam • ics (i-lek-troh-di-
e* lee* trie (i-lek-trik) adj. 1. of or produc- nam-iks) n. the branch of physics dealing
ing electricity. 2. worked by electricity. with electrical currents. e*lec # tro*dy
3. causing sudden excitement, the news nam'ic adj.
had an electric effect. electric Chair, e • lee • tro • en • ceph • a • lo • gram (i-lek-
a chair in which criminals are executed troh-en-sef-a-16-gram) n. the pattern
by electrocution, electric eel, an eellike traced by an electroencephalograph.
fish able to give an electric shock, elec- e • lee • tro • en • ceph • a • lo • graph (i-lek-
tric eye, a photoelectric cell activating troh-en-sef-a-16-graf) n. a device that de-
something when the beam of light it em- tects and records the electrical activity
its is broken, electric guitar, a guitar of the brain. e*lec«tro«en»ceph»a«
with a built-in microphone that transmits lo • graph • ic (i-lek-troh-en-sef-2-ld-graf-
sound to an amplifier, electric shock, ik) adj. e«lec«tro-en-ceph«a«log«
the effect of a sudden discharge of elec- ra*phy (i-lek-troh-en-sef-S-log-ra-fee) n.
tricity through the body of a person or e*lec* tro *form (i-lek-trd-form) v. to form
animal, stimulating the nerves and con- in a mold by electrodeposition.
tracting the muscles. e • lec • tro • hy • drau • lie (i-lek-troh-hi-
e-lec-trl-cal (i-Iek-tri-kal) adj. 1. of or draw-lik) adj. of the interaction of elec-
concerned with electricity, electrical tric and hydraulic mechanisms. e*lec*
engineering. 2. causing sudden excite- tro-hydrau'li'cahly adv.
ment. e*lec'tri*cal*ly adv. electri- e*lec*trol*ysis (i-lek-trol-i-sis) n. 1.
cal storm, a thunderstorm. chemical decomposition by electric cur-
e • lee •trl* Clan (i-lek-trish-an) n. a person rent. 2. the breaking up of tumors, hair
whose job is dealing with electricity and roots, etc. by electric current.
electrical equipment. e*lec*tro*lyte (i-lek-trd-lit) n. a solution
e*lec*tric*i*ty (i-lek-tris-i-tee) n. 1. a that conducts electric current, especially

electromagnet / elevation 278

in an electric cell or battery. e*lec*tro» a branch of physics dealing with static
lyt«ic (i-lek-trd-lit-ik) adj. electricity.
e • lee • tro • • net mag
(l-lek-troh-mag-nit) e* lec* tro* type (i-lek-trd-tip) n. a copy
ft a magnet consisting of a metal core formed by electrolytic deposition of cop-
magnetized by a coil, carrying electric per on a mold, especially for printing.
current, wound around it. el*ee*mos*ynar*y (el-e-mos-I-ner-ee)
e • lee • tro • mag • net • ic (i-lek-troh-mag- adj. of or dependent on charity, charita-
net-ik) adj. having both electrical and ble.
magnetic properties. e* lec* tro* mag* el-e-gant (el-e-gant) adj. tasteful, refined,
net'i'caMy adv. e* lec* tro* mag* and dignified in appearance or style.
net* ism (i-lek-troh-inag-ne-tiz-em) n. el'e*gant*ly adv. el'e*gance n.
electromagnetic radiation, radia- el*e*gy (el-e-jee) n. a sorrowful or seri-
tion consisting of electromagnetic waves, ous poem, el-e-gi-ac (el-e-ji-ak) adj.
including visible light, radio waves, Do not confuse elegy with eulogy.
gamma electromagnetic
rays, etc. elem. abbr. 1. element. 2. elementary. 3.

wave, a wave resulting from accelera- elements.

el -e -merit (el-e-ment) n. 1. one of the
tion of an electric charge and propagated
by periodic disturbances in an electro- parts that make up a whole. 2. one of
magnetic field. about one hundred substances that can-
e • lec * tro • mo • tive (i-lek-tro-moh-ti v)
not be split up by chemical means into
elec- simpler substances. 3. an environment
adj. producing electric current.
that is suitable or satisfying; water is a
tromotive force, the energy derived as
fish's element, its natural habitat; he is
a result of the difference in potential be-
in his element when organizing things,
tween the terminals of an electric circuit.
this comes naturally to him. 4. a trace,
e*lec*tron (i-lek-tron) n. a particle of
there's an element of truth in the story.
matter with a negative electric charge.
5. the wire that gives out heat in an elec-
electron microscope, a very high-
tric heater, cooker, etc. 6. elements, at-
powered microscope that uses beams of
mospheric agencies or forces, such as
electrons instead of rays of light, elec-
wind, rain, etc., exposed to the elements;
tron tube, a sealed container within
the basic or elementary principles of a
which electrons are made to conduct cur-
subject; the bread and wine used in Com-
rent between at least one pair of elec-
munion. el*e*men*tal (el-e-mea-tal)
e*lec*tron*ic (i-lek-tron-ik) adj. 1. pro- el e • men • ta; ry (el-e-men-ta-ree) adj.

duced or worked by a flow of electrons dealing with the simplest facts of a sub-
in a vacuum, gas, or certain solids. 2.
ject. LJ elementary particle, one of sev-
of or concerned with electronics, an elec- eral subatomic particles not known to
tronic engineer. e*lec*tron'i*cal*ly be composed of simpler particles, ele-
adv. electronic music, electronically mentary school, a school in which ele-
produced sounds taped and arranged to mentary subjects are taught, comprising
form a musical composition, electronic the first six or eight grades.
surveillance, the gathering of informa- el-e-phant (el-e-fant) n. a very large land
tion through use of wiretaps or other animal with a trunk and long curved
electronic devices. ivory tusks.
e • tec • tron • ics (i-lek-tron-iks) n. 1 (sing. .
el-e-phan-ti-a-sJs (el-e-fan-ti-a-sis) n. a
the development and application of elec- tropical disease in which the legs etc. be-
tronic devices, as in transistors, comput- come grossly enlarged and the skin thick-
ers. 2. (pi.) electronic circuits. ens.
e • lec tro • pho re • sis (i-lek-troh-fo-ree-
• •
el-e-phan-tlne (el-e-fan-tin) adj. 1. of or
sis) n. ( pi. -ses) the movement of colloi- like elephants. 2. very large or clumsy.
dal particles in a fluid under the influence el-e-vate (el-e-vayt) v. (el*e*vat-ed, el*
of an electric field. e*lec*tro*pho*ret* 1. to raise to a higher place
e* vat* ing)
ic (i-lek-troh-fo-ret-ik) adj. or position, to lift up. 2. to raise to a
e- lec -tro -plate (i-lek-trd-playt) v. higher moral or intellectual level.
(e lec tro • plat • ed, e • lec • tro • plat •
• •
el-e-va-tion (el-e>vay-sh6n) n. 1. elevat-
ing) to coat with a thin layer of silver ing, being elevated. 2. the altitude of a
etc. by electrolysis, electroplate n. ob- place. 3. a piece of rising ground, a hill.
jects plated in this way. 4. the angle that the direction of some-
e- lec -tro -shock (i-lek-troh-shok) ther- thing (as a gun) makes with the horizon-
apy medical treatment for mental illness tal. 5. a plan or drawing showing one

by means of electric shocks. side of a structure, a south elevation of

e* lec* tro *Stat* iC8 (i-lek-troh-stat-iks) ru the house.
279 elevator / Elysium

el*e*va*tor (el-S-vay-tdr) n. 1 . an appara- elk (elk) n. a large deer of northern Europe

tus for transporting people or goods from and Asia.

one floor of a building to another. 2. a ell (el) n. a wing of a building at right angles
building for storing grain, equipped with to the main part.
machinery for lifting and discharging el-llpse (i-lips) n. a regular oval that can
grain. 3. amovable part of an airplane, be divided into four identical quarters.
used to control altitude. el* lip* sis (i-lip-sis) n. (pi -ses, pr. -seez)
6* lev en (i-lev-en) adj. & n. 1. one more 1 omission of words needed to complete

than ten (11, XI). 2. a team of eleven a meaning or a grammatical construc-

players at football. tion. 2. the mark showing an inten-
. . .

eleventh (i-lev-enth) adj. & n. 1. next tional omission.

after tenth. 2. one of eleven equal parts el* lip* sold (i-lip-soid) n. a solid of which
of a thing. Dat the eleventh hour, at all plane sections through one axis are

the latest possible time for doing some- ellipses and all other plane sections are

thing. ellipses or circles. el*lip*SOi*dal (i-lip-

elf (elf) n. (pi elves, pr. elvz)an imagi- soi-dal) adj.

nary small being with magic powers, el*llp*ti*cal (i-lip-ti-kal), el-lip-tic (i-lip-

elfin adj. elfish adj. tik) adj. 1 . shaped like an ellipse. 2. con-
taining an ellipsis, having omissions, el*
el-hi (el-hi) adj. of elementary and high
lip'ti-cal-ly adv.
e* lie -It (i-lis-it) v. to draw out (informa-
elm (elm) n. 1 a deciduous tree with rough

serrated leaves. 2. its wood.

tion, a response, etc.). >Donot confuse
el-o-CU-tion (el-6-kyoo-shon) n. a per-
elicit with illicit
son's style of speaking, the art of speak-
e-lide (i-lid) v. (e-lid-ed, e-lid-ing) to
ing expressively. el*O a CU'tion*ist n.
omit (a vowel, consonant, or syllable) in
e* Ion* gate (i-lawng-gayt) v. (e- Ion -gat-
ed, e-lon-gat-ing) to lengthen, to
el-i-gi-ble (el-i- j I-bel) adj. 1. qualified to
prolong, e-lon-ga-tion (i-lawng-gay-
be chosen for a position or allowed a
shdn) n.
privilege etc., he is eligible for a pension.
e-lope (i-lohp) v. (e* loped, e-lop-ing)
2. regarded as suitable or desirable, espe-
to run away secretly with a lover, espe-
cially for marriage, eligible young men.
cially in order to get married, e-lope'
eligible n. an eligible person. el-ig-l-
ment n.
blM-ty (el-i-jl-bil-i-tee) n.
el-o-quence (el-d-kwens) n. fluent and
e-llm-i-nate (i-lim-I-nayt) v. (e-lim-i- powerful speaking.
nat-ed, e-lim-i-nat-ing) 1. to get rid el-o-quent (el-5-kwent) adj. speaking
of (something that is not wanted), elimi- fluently and powerfully, el'o-quent-
nate errors. 2. to exclude from a further ly adv.
stage of a competition etc. through de- El Sal -va- dor (el sal-va-dor) a country
feat, was eliminated in the fourth round. America.
in Central
e-lim'i-na-tor n. e-lim-i-na-tion else (els) adj. other, someone else, else
(i-lim-I-nay-shdn) n. adv. otherwise, if not, run or else you'll
e-ll-sion (i-liz^-tin) n. omission of part be late.
of a word in pronouncing it (as in else* Where (els-hwair) adv. somewhere
Vm = I am). else.
e*lite (i-leet, ay-) n. 1. a group of people e-lu-ci-date (i-loo-si-dayt) v. (e*lu*ci*
regarded as superior in some way and dat-ed, e-lu-ci-dat-ing) to throw
therefore favored. 2. a size of letters in light on (a problem), to make clear,
typewriting (twelve per inch), elite adj. e-lu-ci-da-tion (i-loo-si-day-shon) n.
having elite characteristics, elite club, e-lude (i-lood) v. (e-lud-ed, e-lud-ing)
elite type. 1. to escape from, to avoid, eluded his
e* lit* 1st (i-lee-tist, ay-) adj. 1. advocating pursuers. 2. to escape a person's under-
the selecting and treating of certain peo- standing or memory etc., the answer
ple as an elite. 2. regarding oneself eludes me. e-lu-sion (i-loo-z/i6n) n.
as elite, elitist n. an elitist person, e-lu-slve (i-loo-siv) adj. 1. eluding, escap-
e- lit 'ism n. ing, 2. eluding a person's understanding
e-lix-ir (i-lik-slr) n. 1. a fragrant liquid or memory. e*lu'slve*ly adv. e*lu'
used as a medicine or flavoring. 2. a rem- sive-ness n. >Do
not confuse elusive
edy believed to cure all ills. with illusive.
E- Hz -a -be -than (i-liz-a-bee-than)
adj. of el-ver (el-ver) n. a young eel.

the time of Queen Elizabeth I's reign in elves see elf.

England (1558-1603). Elizabethan n. a E-lysi-um (i-liz/i-i-um) n. 1. (in Greek
person of this time. mythology) the abode of the blessed after
em / embrocate 280
death. 2. a place or state of ideal happi- for battle, embattled troops. 2. fortified
ness. E*ly'sian adj. DEIysian fields, against attack.
Elysium. em*bed (em-bed) v. (em-bed-ded, em*
em a unit for measuring the
(em) n. bed* ding) to fix firmly in a surrounding
amount of printed matter in a line, equal mass.
to the space occupied by M. em-bel-lish (em-bei-ish) v. 1. to orna-
EM abbr. 1 enlisted man. 2. enlisted men.
. ment. 2. to improve (a story etc.) by add-
'em (em) pronoun (informal) = them, / ing details that are entertaining but in-
love 'em, ,
vented. em*bel'lish*ment n.
e • ma ci ate (i-may-shi-ayt) v. (e • ma • cl •
• • em • ber (em-ber) n. 1 a small piece of live

at-ed, e-ma-ci-at-ing) to make thin coal or wood in a dying fire. 2. embers,

and feeble as by disease or malnutrition, the smoldering remains of a dying fire.
e-ma-ci-a-tion (i-may-shi-ay-shdn) n. em-bez-zle (em-bez-el) v. (em*bez*
em-a-nate (em-a-nayt) v. (em-a-nat- zled, em*bez*zllng) to take fraudu-
ed, em-a-nat -tag) to issue or originate lently for one's own use (money or prop-
from a source, pleasant smells emanated erty placed in one's care), em-bez'zler
n. em -bez'zle -client n.
from the kitchen. em-a*na*tion (em-
a-nay-sh&n) n.
em-bit-ter (em-bit-er) v. to arouse bitter

e • man -ci- pate (l-man-si-payt) feelings in.


(e-man-ci-pat-ed, e-man-ci-pat- em-bla-zon (em-blay-zdn) v. to ornament

ing) to Uberate, to set free from slavery with heraldic or other devices.
or some form of restraint. e-man'ci-
em blem
• (em-blem) n. a symbol, a device
that represents something, the crown is
pa • torn, e • man ci pa tion ( i-man-si-
• • •

the emblem of kingship.

pay-shon) n. D
Emancipation Procla-
em -blem- at -ic (em-ble-mat-ik) adj. serv-
mation, the proclamation issued by
President Lincoln, effective January 1,
ing as an emblem, symbolic, • blem • em
at'l-cal ad) em-blem-at'i-cal-ly^v.
1863, giving freedom to slaves in states
em-bod-y (em-bod-ee) v. (em*bod*ied,
still in conflict with the Union. The
em*bod*y*ing) 1. to express principles
Great Emancipator, Abraham Lin-
or ideas in a visible form, the house em-
bodied her idea of a home. 2. to incorpo-
e • mas -cu- late (i-mas-kyu-layt) v.
rate, to include, parts of the old treaty
(e-mas-cu-lat-ed, e-mas-cu-lat-
are embodied in the new one. em • bod'i •
Ing) 1 to deprive of force; an emascu-
ment n.
lated law, one made weak by alterations
em* bold* en (em-bohl-den) v. to make
to it. 2. to castrate, e-mas-cu-la-tlon
bold, to encourage.
(i-mas-kyu-lay-shon) n.
em*bo*llsm (em-bo-liz-em) n. obstruction
em *balm (em-bahm) v. to preserve (a of an artery or vein by an em*bo*lus
corpse) from decay by using spices or (em-bo-lus), a clot of blood, an air bub-
chemicals, em-balm'er n. ble, etc. errvbol-lc (em-bol-ik) adj.
em-bank-ment (em-bangk-ment) n. a em bon
• point
• (ahm-bohn-pwan) n.
long mound of earth or a stone structure plumpness (of a person). > French.
to keep a river from spreading or to carry em* boss (em-baws) v. to decorate with
a road or railroad. a raised design.
em* bar* go (em-bahr-goh) n. (pi -goes) em -bou -chare (am-bu-shoor) n. 1. the
an order forbidding commerce or other mouthpiece of a wind instrument. 2. the
activity, embargo v. to impose an em- way in which the lips are applied to this.
bargo on (a product, a nation). 3. the mouth of a river. 4. the opening
em* bark (em-bahrk) v. 1. to put or go out of a valley into flat land.
on board ship at the start of a journey. em* brace (em-brays) v. (em* braced,
2. to begin an undertaking, they em- em* brae* ing) 1 to hold closely and af-

barked on a program of expansion. fectionately in one's arms. 2. to accept

em bar -ka- tion (em-bahr-kay-shdn) n.

eagerly, embraced the opportunity. 3. to
embarking on a ship. adopt (a religion etc.). 4. to include, their
em*bar*rass (em-bar-as) v. to make (a religion embraces many ideas, embrace
person) feel awkward or ashamed, em* n. the act of embracing, a hug.
bar'rass-ment n. em-bar'rass-ing- em* bra* sure (em-bray-z/iur) n. 1. an
ly adv. opening in a wall for a door or window,
em-bas-sy an ambassa-
(em-ba-see) n. 1. with splayed sides. 2. a similar opening
dor and his headquar-
staff. 2. his official for a gun, widening toward the outside.
ters. 3. a deputation sent on a mission em-bro-cate (em-brd-kayt) v. (em-bro-
to a foreign government. cat-ed, sm*bro*cat*lng) to apply an
em* bat* tied (em -bat-eld) adj. 1. prepared embrocation to.
281 embrocation / empennage
em*bro*ca*tion (em-br&-kay-sh6n) n. a emigrate (em-T-grayt) v. (em -I -grat-
liquid used for rubbing on the body to ed, em*i*grat*ing) to leave one coun-
relieve muscular pain etc. try and go to settle in another, they emi-
em*broi*der (em-broi-der) v. 1. to orna- grated from Germany, em-i-gra-tion
ment with needlework. 2. to embellish (em-I-gray-sh6n) n. >Do not confuse
(a story). emigrate with immigrate.
em*broi*der*y (em-broi-de-ree) n. (pi e*mi*gre (em-I-gray) n. a person who emi-
-derbies) embroidering, embroidered grates, especially for political reasons.
material. em*i*nence (em-T-nens) n. 1. the state of
em* broil (em-broil) v. to involve in an being famous or distinguished, a surgeon
argument or quarrel etc. em-broil' of great eminence. 2. a piece of rising
ment n. ground. 3. a cardinal's title, His Emi-
em*bry*o (em-bri-oh) n. (pi -bryos) 1. nence. eminence grise (ay-mee-
an animal in the early stage of its devel- nahns greez), a confidential advisor,
opment, before birth or emergence from especially one who exercises power un-
an egg (used of a child in the first eight officially. (D> French.)
weeks of its development in the womb). em*i*nent (em-T-nent) adj. 1. famous, dis-
2. a rudimentary plant contained in a tinguished. 2. conspicuous, outstanding,
seed. 3. something in its very early stages. a man of eminent goodness, eminent-
Din embryo, existing but undeveloped. ly adv. U
eminent domain, the author-
em*bry*ol*o*gy (em-bri-ol-5-jee) n. the ity of a government to take private prop-
branch of science dealing with the devel- erty for public use, with compensation
opment of embryos. em*bry*ol'o*gist to the owner. >Do
not confuse eminent
ru em*bry*0*log*ic (em-bri-6-loj-ik) with imminent.
adj. em*bry*o*log'i*cal adj. e-mir (e-meer) n. the title of various Mus-
errvbry •on* Ic (em-bri-on-ik) adj. existing
lim rulers.
in embryo.
e*mir*ate (em-T-rit) n. the territory of an
envcee (em-see) (informal) master of
ceremonies (>from the abbreviation
em*is*sar*y (em-i-ser-ee) n. (pi -sar*
master of ceremonies.) emcee v. (in-
ies) a person sent to conduct negotia-
formal) to serve as master of ceremonies.
e*mend (i-mend) v. to alter (something
e*mit (i-mit) v. (e*mit*ted, e*mit*ting)
written) in order to remove errors.
1 . to send out (light, heat, fumes, lava,
e*men*da*tion (ee-men-day-shSn) ru
etc.). 2. to utter, she emitted a shriek.
t>Do not confuse emend with amend.
e-mit'ter n. e*mis*sion (i-mish-on) n.
em *er*ald (em-e-rald) n. 1 . a bright-green
precious stone. 2. its color, emerald adj.
Em* my (em-ee) n. (pi -mies) (in televi-

bright green. Emerald Isle, Ireland. sion) an annual award for excellence.
e* merge (i-murj) v. (e* merged,
e • mol • li • ent (i-mol-yent) adj. softening or
soothing the skin, emollient n. an emol-
e •merging) 1. to come up or out into
lient substance.
view. 2. (of facts or ideas) to be revealed
by investigation, to become obvious. e*mol*U*ment (i-mol-yu-ment) n. a fee
e* mergence n. e*mer'gent adj. received, a salary.
e*mer*gen*cy (i-mur-jen-see) n. (pi e-mote (i-moht) v. (e*mot*ed, e*mot*
-cies) a serious happening or situation ing) to act emotionally.
needing prompt action, (-[emergency e*mo*tlon (i-moh-shdn) n. an intense
room, an area in a hospital for receiving mental feeling, as love or hate.
and treating victims of accidents, sudden e*mo*tion*al (i-moh-shd-nal) adj. 1. of
illnesses, etc. emotions. 2. showing emotion exces-
e*mer*i*tus (i-mer-i-tus) adj. retired and sively. e*mo'tion*al*ly adv.
holding an honorary title, as professor e*mo*tlve (i-moh-tiv) adj. rousing emo-
emeritus. tion.
em*er*y (em-e-ree) n. coarse abrasive used Emp. abbr. 1. emperor. 2. empire. 3. em-
for polishing metal or wood etc. em- press.
ery board, a small stiff strip of wood em* pan* el (em-pan-el) v. (em*pan*eled,
or cardboard coated with emery, used em* pan* el* ing) to impanel.
for filing the nails, emery cloth, cloth em* pa* thy (em-pa-thee) n. the ability to
coated with emery. identify oneself mentally with a person
e*met*ic (i-met-ik) n. medicine used to or thing and so understand his feelings
cause vomiting. or its meaning. em*path*ic (em-path-
emf, EMF abbr. electromotive force. ik) adj. >Do
not confuse empathy with
emigrant (em-I-grant) n. one who emi- sympathy.
grates. em*pen*nage (ahm-pS-nahz/i) n. the rear
emperor / enable 282
of an airplane, especially the stabilizing of an empire. 2. the wife or widow of
surfaces at the tail. an emperor.
em* per* or (em-pe-ror) n. the male ruler emp-ties (emp-teez) n. pi emptied boxes
of an empire. or bottles or trucks etc.
envpha-sis (em-fa-sis) n. (pi -ses, pr. emp-ty (emp-tee) adj. (emp*ti*er, emp-
-seez) 1. special importance given to tiest) 1. containing nothing, empty
something, prominence, the emphasis is boxes; empty trucks, not loaded. 2. with-
on quality. 2. vigor of expression or feel- out an occupant, an empty chair; empty
ing or action,nodded his head with em- streets, without people or traffic. 3. with-
phasis. 3. stress laidon part of a word out effectiveness, empty promises. 4. lack-
or on a phrase etc. or on a note or notes ing good sense or intelligence, an empty
in music. head. 5. (informal) hungry, feel rather
errvpha-size (em-fa-siz) v. (em*pha* empty, empty v. (emptied, emp*ty*
sized, em*pha*siz*ing) to lay empha- ing) 1. to make or become empty. 2.
sis on. to transfer the contents of one thing into
em*phat*ic (em-fat-ik) using or
another; the Danube empties into the
showing emphasis, expressing oneself Black Sea, flows into it. emp'thly adv.
with emphasis. em*phat'i*cal*ly adv. emp / ti*ness n. empty calorie, one
em*phy*se*ma (em-fl-see-mS) n. a con- that has no nutritive value, empty
dition in which the air cells in the lungs
nesters, (informal) a middle-aged or
become dilated and lose their elasticity,
elderly couple whose grown children live
causing difficulty in breathing.
apart from them.
em • pire (em-pir) n. 1 a group of countries
emp*ty-hand*ed (emp-tee-han-did) adj.
ruled by a single supreme authority. 2.
bringing or taking away nothing.
supreme political power. 3. a large com-
emp*ty-head*ed (emp-tee-hed-id) adj.
mercial organization controlled by one
lacking good sense or intelligence.
person or group. empire building,
em* pyre* an (em-pl-ree-an) n. 1. the
the process of deliberately acquiring ex-
highest heaven, as the sphere of fire in
tra territory or authority etc.
ancient cosmology or the abode of God.
em-pir -heal (em-pir-i-kal), em-plr-ic
2. the visible heavens, empyrean adj.
(em-pir-ik) adj. (of knowledge) based on
of the heavens.
observation or experiment, not on the-
ory. em*pir'i*cal*ly adv.
e*mu (ee-myoo) n. a large Australian bird
resembling an ostrich.
em*pir*i*cism (em-pir-i-siz-em) n. 1. em-
pirical method or procedure. 2. the doc-
em • u • late (em-yu-layt) v. (em u • lat • ed,

trine that knowledge is obtainable only

em*u*lat*ing) to try to do as well as

by direct experience through the physical or better than, em 'u- la -tor n em-u-
la-tion (em-yu-lay-sh6n) n.
senses. em*pir'i*cist n.
em • place • merit (em-plays-ment) n. a e-mul-si-fy (i -mul-sl-fi) v. (e*mul*sl*
place or platform for a gun or battery fled, e • mul • si fy • ing)
• to convert or be
of guns. convertedjnto an emulsion, e*mul'si*
em* ploy (em-ploi) v. 1. to give work to, fi-er n. e*mul'si*fi*able adj. e*mul*
to use the services of. 2. to make use si'fi-ca-tion (i-mul-si-fi-kay-shdn) n.

of, how do you employ your spare time? e*mul*sion (i-mul-shdn) n. 1. a creamy
employ n. employment. Din the em- liquid in which particles of oil or fat are
ploy Of, employed by. evenly distributed. 2. a medicine or paint
em*ploya*ble (em-ploi-a-bel) adj. able in this form. 3. the light-sensitive coating
to be employed. on photographic film, a mixture of silver
envployee (em-ploi-ee) n. a person who compound in gelatine. e*mul*slve
works for another in return for wages. (i-mul-siv) adj.
em*ploy*er (em-ploi-er) n. a person or en- prefix used to form verbs meaning in
firm that employs people. or into, as in enshroud; to put in or on,
em-ploy ment (em-ploi-merit) n. 1. em- as in engage; to cause to be, as in enfran-
ploying. 2. the state of being employed. chise.
3. work done as an occupation or to earn -en suffix used to form adjectives from

a livelihood. nouns meaning consisting of or like, as

em*po*rl*um (em-pohr-i-um) n. (pi -po* in wooden.
ri • ums, -po • rl • a, pr. -pohr-i-a) 1 a cen- . -en 2 used to form verbs from adjec-
ter of commerce. 2. a large retail store. tives meaning becoming or causing to
em*pow*er (em-pow-er) v. to give power be, as in toughen; and to form verbs from
or authority to, police are empowered to nouns meaning causing or coming to
arrest people. have, as in lengthen.
em* press (em-pris) n. 1. the female ruler en*a*ble (en-ay -Wl) v. (en -a -bled, en*
283 enact / encyclopedic
a*bling) to give the means or authority along with a letter or into a parcel along
to do something. with the contents.
en* act (en-akt) v. 1. to decree, to make en* do* sure (en-kloh-ztoir) n. 1. enclos-
into a law. 2. to perform, to act (a play, ing. 2. an enclosed area. 3. something
a part in a play), en*act'ment n. enclosed with a letter etc.
e* nam* el (i-nam-el) n. 1. a glasslike sub- en* code (en-kohd) v. (en*cod*ed, en*
stance used for coating metal or pottery. cod*lng) to put into code, en •cod'
2. paint that dries hard and glossy. 3. er n.
the hard outer covering of teeth, enamel en*co*mi*um (en-koh-mi-um) n. high
v. (e-nam-eled, e*nam*el*lng) to praise given in speech or writing.
coat or decorate with enamel. en* com* pass (en-kum-pas) v. 1. to sur-

e* nam* el* ware (i-nam-el- wair) n. round, to encircle. 2. to contain, her book
enamel-coated metal utensils. encompasses all her ideas.
en* am* or (i-nam-dr) v. to inspire to love, en* core (ahng-kohr) interj. a call for repe-
ervarrvored (i-nam-drd) adj. fond, he tition of a performance, encore n. 1.
was enamored of the sound of his own this call. 2. the item performed in re-
voice. sponse to it. encore v. (en* cored, en*
en bloc (en blok) in a block, all at the coning) to call for such a repetition.
same time. >
French. en*COun*ter (en-kown-ter) v. 1. to meet,
enc, end. abbr. 1 enclosed. 2. enclosure.
. especially by chance or unexpectedly. 2.
en* camp (en-kamp) v. to settle in a camp. to find oneself faced with, encounter diffi-
en*camp*ment (en-kamp-ment) n. a culties. 3. tomeet in battle, encounter
camp. n. 1. sudden or unexpected meeting.
en cap -su- late
• (en-kap-su-layt) v. (en* 2. a battle. D
encounter group, a group
cap*su*lat*ed, en*cap*su*lat*ing) that meets under the guidance of a psy-
1 to enclose in a capsule. 2. to summa-
. chologist to work toward improved emo-
en*cap*su*la*tion (en-kap-su-
rize. tional adjustment through confrontation
lay-shdn) n. among the members.
en* case (en-kays) v. (en •cased, en* en* courtage (en-kur-ij) v. (en*cour*
cas*lng) to enclose in a case. aged, en*cour*ag*ing) 1 to give hope .

-ence suffix used to form nouns, as congru- or confidence to. urge, encouraged
ence, decadence, reference. him to try. 3. to stimulate, to help to
en*ceinte (ahn-sant) adj. (of a woman) en*COur'
develop, to encourage exports.
pregnant. French.> age* ment n.
en*ceph*a*ll*tis (en-sef-a-li-tis) n. in- en*croach (en-krohch) v. 1. to intrude
flammation of the brain. upon someone's territory or rights or
en ceph a
• lo• •e • my
tls (en-sef-a-loh-
• • 11 • time. 2. to advance beyond the origi-
mi-e-h-tis) n. inflammation affecting the nal or proper limits, the sea encroached
brain and the spinal cord. gradually upon the land. en*croach'
en -ceph -a -Ion (en-sef-a-lon) n. {pi -la, ment n.

pr. -12) the brain. en* crust (en-krust) v. 1. to cover with or

en* chain (en-chayn) v. 1. to chain up. 2. to form a crust of hard material. 2. to
to hold fast. ornament with a layer of jewels etc. en*
en* chant (en-chant) v. 1. to put under a crus* taction (en-krus-tay-shdn) n.
magic spell. 2. to fill with intense delight, en*cum*ber (en-kum-ber) v. to be a bur-
en* chant 'ment n. en* chant 'er n. a den to, to hamper. en*cum*brance
person who enchants, a magician, en* (en-kum-brans) n. something that en-
chant -ress (en-chant-ris) n. a female cumbers.
enchanter, a sorceress. ency., encyc. abbr. encyclopedia.
en* Chi* la* da (en-chi-lah-da) n. a meat- -ency suffix used to form nouns meaning
filled tortilla served with chili sauce. quality, as in efficiency, fluency, or state,
en*cl*pher (en-si-fSr) v. to write (a as in presidency.
message etc.) in cipher, en* cipher* en*cyc*li*cal (en-sik-li-kal) n. a pope's

ment n. letter to all the bishops of the church.

en*clr*cle (en-sur-kel) v. (en*clr*cled, encyclical adj. intended for extensive
en -cir- cling) to surround, en *cir 'cle- circulation.
ment n. en*cydo*pe*dl*a (en-si-kld-pee-di-i)
en* clave (en-klayv) n. a small territory n. a book or set of books giving informa-
wholly within the boundaries of another. tion about all branches of knowledge or
en* close (en-klohz) v. (en* closed, en* about one subject intensively, and usu-
clos-ing) 1. to put a wall or fence etc. ally arranged alphabetically.
around, to shut in on all sides. 2. to shut en*cyclo*pe*dic (en-si-kld-pee-dik)
up in a receptacle, to put into an envelope adj. giving or possessing information
encyst / endways 284
about many subjects or intensively about end* most (end-mohst) adj. nearest the
one subject. end.
en* cyst (en-sist) v. to enclose or become en*do*crine (en-dd-krin) adj. (of a gland)
enclosed in a cyst, en*cyst'ment n, pouring its secretions straight into the
end (end) n. 1 the extreme limit of some-
. blood, not through a duct, endocrine
thing. 2. the part or surface forming this; n. an endocrine gland, its secretion.
to the ends of the earth, to its farthest en*do*cri*nol*o*gist (en-d6-kri-nol-o-
points; no problem at my end, in my share jist) n, an expert in endocrinology.
of the work. 3. the end, (informal) the en*do*cri*nol*o*gy (en-dd-kri-noko-
limit of what one can endure. 4. the finish jee) n. the branch of science dealing with
or conclusion of something, the latter the endocrine glands and their secretions.
or final part. 5. destruction, downfall, en dog *e* nous
• (en-doj-e-nus) adj. grow-
death. 6. a purpose or aim, to gain his ing or originating from within, en* dog '
own ends, 7. (in football) one of two play- e*nous*ly adv.
ers at the ends of the line of scrimmage. en* dorse (en-dors) v. (en*dorsed, en*
end v. 1 to bring to an end, to put an
. dors*ing) 1. to sign or add a comment
end to. 2. to come to an end, to reach on (a document), to sign the back of (a
a certain place or state eventually, ended check) in order to obtain the money indi-
up laughing. Dend it all, (informal) to cated. 2. to confirm (a statement), to de-
commit suicide, end man, one of two clare one's approval of. en*dors'er n.
performers in a minstrel show standing en*dorse / ment n. en*dors'a*ble
at the ends of a line of minstrels and adj.
carrying on comic dialogue with the in- en* do* scope (en-dd-skohp) n. a tubular
terlocutor, end on, with the end facing instrument for viewing internal parts of
one or adjoining the end of the next ob- the body. en*dos*co*py (en-dos-kd-
ject, end product, the final product of pee) n. en*do*SCOp*iC (en-d6-skop-ik)
a manufacturing process, end run, a adj.
play in football in which the ball carrier en*do*ther*mic (en-doh-thur-mik), en*
runs around one end of the line of scrim- do*ther*mal (en-doh-thur-m&l) adj. oc-
mage and then toward the goal line, end curring or formed with the absorption
table, a small table, usually placed of heat.
alongside an end of a couch or beside en*dow (en-dow) v. 1. to provide with a
a chair, keep one's end up, to do one's permanent income, endow a school 2.
part in spite of difficulties, make (both) to provide with a power or ability or
ends meet, to keep one's expenditure quality, was endowed with great talents.
within one's income, put an end to, to en-dow -me/it (en-dow-ment) n. 1. en-
abolish or stop or destroy. dowing. 2. an endowed income. 3. a nat-
en*dan*ger (en-dayn-jer) v. to cause dan- ural ability. endowment policy, a
ger to. en •daggered adj. endan- form of life insurance in which a fixed
gered species, a species facing possible sum is paid to the insured person on a
extinction. specified date or to his estate if he dies
en *dear (en-deer) v. to cause to be loved, before this date.
endeared herself to us all. en -dealing en*drin (en-drin) n. an insecticide.
adj. inspiring affection. en*dear'ing*ly en* due (en-doo) v. (en-dued, en*du*
adv. Ing) to furnish with (powers, qualities,
en*dear*ment (en-deer-ment) n. a word etc.).
or words expressing love. en-dur-able (en-door-a-b£l) adj. able to
en-deavor (en-dev-dr) v. to attempt, to be endured.
try. endeavor n. an attempt. en*dur*ance (en-door-ans) n. ability to
en*dem*ic (en-dem-ik) adj. commonly withstand pain or hardship or prolonged
found in a particular country or district use or strain.
or group of people, the disease is endemic en* dure (en-door) v. (en*dured, en*
in Africa. u>See the note under epi- dur-ing) 1. to experience pain or hard-
demic. ship or difficulties, to bear patiently. 2.
enduing (en-ding) n. the final part. to tolerate. 3. to remain in existence, to
en* dive (en-div) n. 1. a curly-leaved plant last.
used in salad. 2. the young chicory plant en*dur*o (en-door-oh) n. {pi. -OS) a race
with broad fleshy leaves used in salad. for motorcycles etc. in which the winner
end* less (end-lis) adj. without end, never is the one who has traveled the greatest

stopping, endless patience. end'less*ly distance in a fixed period of time.

adv. endless belt, one with the ends end* ways (end-wayz), end* wise (end-
joined so that it forms a continuous strip wiz) adv. 1. with the end toward the
for use in machinery etc. viewer. 2. on end, end to end, lengthwise.
285 ENE / engram
ENE abbr. east-northeast. gag-ing) 1. to take into one's employ-
en-e-ma (en-€-m&) n. 1. the insertion of ment, engage a typist 2. to promise, to
liquid into the rectum through the anus pledge. 3. to occupy the attention of, en-
by means of a syringe, for medical pur- gaged her in conversation. 4. to occupy
poses. 2. this liquid. oneself, he engages in politics 5. to begin
en-e-my (en-e-mee) n. (pi -mies) 1. one a battle against, engaged the enemy
who is hostile toward another and seeks troops. 6. to interlock (parts of a gear)
to harm the other. 2. a member of a hos- so that it transmits power, to become
tile army or nation etc., an opposing mili- interlocked in this way.
tary force, ship, aircraft, etc. en* gaged (en-gayjd) adj. 1 having prom- .

en-er-get-ic (en-er-jet-ik) adj. full of en- ised to marry, an engaged couple. 2. oc-
ergy, done with energy, en -er- get' I- cupied or reserved by a person, occupied
cahly adv. with business etc., Fm afraid the hall
en-er-gize (en-er-jiz) v. (en-er-gized, is engaged for that night.
en-er-giz-ing) 1. to give energy to. 2. en-gage-ment (en-gayj-ment) ru 1. en-
to cause electricity to flow to. >Do not gaging something, being engaged. 2. an
confuse energize with enervate. appointment made with another person.
en-er-giz-er (en-er-ji-zer) n. 1. that 3. a battle.
which energizes. 2. an antidepressant en -gag-ing (en-gay- jing) adj. attractive,
drug. charming, en-gag 'ing-ly adv.
en-er-gy (en-er-jee) n. (pi -gies) 1. the en-gen-der (en-jen-der) v. to give rise to.
capacity for vigorous activity. 2. the abil- en-glne (en-jin) n. 1 a mechanical contri-

ity of matter or radiation to do work vance consisting of several parts working

either because of its motion (kinetic en- together, especially as a source of power.
ergy), or because of its mass (released 2. a railroad locomotive. 3. a fire engine.
in nuclear fission etc.), or because of its en -gi -neer (en-ji-neer) n. 1 a person who .

electric charge etc. 3. fuel and other re- is skilled in a branch of engineering. 2.

sources used for the operation of machin- one who is in charge of machines and
ery etc., the energy crisis. engines, as on a ship. 3. one who plans
en-er-vate (en-er-vayt) v. (en-er-vat- or organizes something, a manager, en-
ed, en-er-vat-lng) to cause to lose vi- gineer v. 1. to construct or control as
tality. / hate an enervating climate, en* an engineer. 2. to contrive or bring about,
er-va-tion (en-er-vay^shdn) n. >Do she engineered a meeting between them.
not confuse enervate with energize. en-gi-neer-ing (en-ji-neer-ing) n. the ap-
en -f ant ter-ri-ble (ahn-fahn te-ree-bl£) plication of scientific knowledge for the
a person whose behavior is embarrassing control and use of power, as in works
or indiscreet or irresponsible. French. > of public utility such as the building of
en* fee* ble (en-fee-bel) v. (en* fee* bled, roads and bridges (civil engineering), ma-
en-fee-bllng) to make feeble, en* fee' chines (mechanical engineering), electri-
ble-ment n. cal apparatus (electrical engineering), etc.
en*fi*lade (en-fl-layd) n. 1 gunfire sweep-. Eng* land (ing-gland) the country forming
ing a line of troops from end to end. 2. the southern part of Great Britain.
a line of troops subject to such fire, enfi- Eng* Hah (ing-glish) adj. of England or its
lade v. to sweep with fire in this way. people or the language that originated
en* fold (en-fohld) v. 1. to wrap up. 2. to in England. English n. 1. the English
clasp. language, used in Britain, Canada, and
en* force (en-fohrs) v. (en -forced, en* many areas now or once under British
forcing) to compel obedience to, to im- jurisdiction. 2. the English, English peo-
pose by force or compulsion, the law was ple. Eng'llsh-man n. English -wom-
firmly enforced. en*forc'er n. en* an U English Channel, an arm of

force'ment n. the Atlantic Ocean between England and

en -force -a -Die (en-fohr-sa-bel) adj. able France. English horn, an oboe-like
to be enforced. woodwind instrument, lower in pitch
en* franchise (en-fran-chiz) v. (en* than a regular oboe. English muffin,
fran-chised, en*fran*chis*fng) 1. to a small round bread, eaten toasted and
admit to citizenship, especially to the buttered. English sparrow, a small
right to vote. 2. to release (a slave etc.) hardy bird native to Europe but natural-
from bondage. en*fran*chlse*ment ized in many parts of the world.
(en-fran-chiz-ment) n. engr. abbr. 1. engineer. 2. engraved. 3.
eng. abbr. 1. engine. 2. engineer. 3. engi- engraving.
neering. 4. engraved. en* graft (en-graft) v. to insert as a graft,
Eng. abbr. 1 England. 2. English.
. in propagation.
en* gage (en-gayj) v. (en* gaged, en* en -gram (en-gram) n. a supposed perma-
engrave / enshroud 286
nent change in the brain that would ac- en* list -ee (en-lis-tee) n. enlisted
count for the existence of memory. man, woman, a member of the U.S.
en* grave (en-gray?) v. (en* graved, en* armed com-
forces without the rank of
graving) 1. to cut or carve (a design) missioned or warrant officer.
into a hard surface, to ornament with en*llv*en (en-li-ven) v. to make more
a design in this way. 2. to fix deeply in lively. en*liv'en*ment n.
the mind or memory. en*grav / er n. en masse (ahn mas) all together.
en*grav*lng (en-gray-ving) n. a print > French.
made from an engraved metal plate. en* mesh (en-mesh) v. to entangle as if in
en* gross (en-grohs) v. to' occupy fully by a net.
absorbing the attention, an engrossing en*mi*ty (en-mi-tee) {pi -ties) hostility
book; he was engrossed in his book. between enemies.
en* gulf (en-gulf) v. to surround or cause en -no -ble (en-noh-bel) v. (en* no* bled,
to disappear by flowing around or over, en*no*bling) 1. to make (a person) a
to swamp. noble. 2. to make (a thing) noble or more
en* nance (en-hans) v. (enhanced, en* dignified. en*no'ble*ment n.
hanc*ing) to increase the attractive- en*nui (ahn-wee) n. boredom.
ness or other qualities of. en*hance / e*nor*mi*ty (i-nor-mi-tee) n. {pi -ties)
ment n. 1 great wickedness, the enormity of this

e* nig* ma (e-nig-ma) n. {pi -mas) some- crime. 2. a serious crime, these enormi-
thing very difficult to understand. ties. 3. enormous size, hugeness, the
en*ig*mat*ic (en-ig-mat-ik) adj. mysteri- enormity of their task. D> Careful writers
ous and puzzling. en / ig*mat / i*cal*ly do not use this word in the last meaning.
adv. They use enormousness.
en 'jamb* ment (en-jam-ment) n. (in po- e*nor*mous (i-nor-mus) adj. very large,
etry) continuation of a sentence beyond huge. e*nor'mous*ly adv. e*nor'
the end of a line, couplet, or stanza. mous-ness n.
en* join (en -join) v. 1. to order, to com- e*nough (i-nuf) adj., adv., & pronoun as
mand. 2. (in law) to prohibit, to restrain much or as many as necessary.
by an injunction. en* plane (en-playn) v. (en* planed, en*

en* joy (en-joi) v. 1. to get pleasure from. planning) to board an airplane.

2. to have as an advantage or benefit, en* quire (en-kwir) v. (en* quired, en*
to enjoygood health, en* Joy 'ment n. quir-ing) to inquire. en*qulr*y (en-
enjoy oneself, to experience pleasure kwir-ee) n. an inquiry.
from what one is doing. en* rage (en-rayj) v. (en* raged, en* rag*
en*joy*a*ble (en-joi-a-b£l) adj. giving en- ing) to m&e furious.
joyment, pleasant. en*Joy'a*bly adv. en*rap*ture (en-rap-chur) v. (en* rap*
enl. abbr. 1. enlarge. 2. enlarged. 3. en- tured, en -rap -tuning) to fill with in- ,

listed. tense delight.

en* large (en-lahrj) v. (enlarged, en* en* rich (en-rich) v. 1. to make richer. 2.
larg-ing) 1. to make or become larger. to improve the quality of by adding
2. to reproduce (a photograph) on a things, this food is enriched with vitamins.
larger scale. 3. to say more about some- en -rich 'ment n.
thing, enlarge upon this matter. en* robe (en-rohb) v. to put a robe on.
en* large* ment (en-lahrj-ment) n. 1. en- en *roll (en-rohl) v. (en Tolled, en -roll*
something en-
larging, being enlarged. 2. ing) become a member of a society,
1 . to
larged, a photograph printed larger than admit as a member,
institution, etc. 2. to
its negative. en -roll 'ment n.
en*larg*er (en-lahr-jer) n. an apparatus en route (ahn root, en) on the way, met
for making photographic enlargements. him en route from Chicago to Montreal
en* light* en (en-li-ten) v. to give knowl- Ens. abbr. ensign.
edge to, to inform. en*light'en*ment en 'sconce (en-skons) v. (en -sconced,
n. Dthe Enlightenment, a movement en scone ing) to establish securely or
• •

in 18th century European philosophy comfortably.

placing much emphasis on reason and en-senvble (ahn-sahm-bel) n. 1. a thing
individualism. viewed as a whole. 2. a group of musi-
en 'light -ened (en-h-tend) adj. freed from cians who perform together. 3. a wom-
ignorance or prejudice, in these enlight- an's outfit of harmonizing items.
ened days. en -shrine (en-shrin) v. (en* shrined, en*
en* list (en-list) v. 1. to take into or join shrinking) 1. to enclose in a shrine. 2.
the armed forces, enlist as a soldier. 2. to serve as a shrine for.
to secure as a means of help or support, en *shroud (en-shrowd) v. to cover com-
enlisted their sympathy. en -list 'ment n. pletely.

287 ensign / entrance

en* sign (en-sin) a military or naval

n. 1. son who performs in entertainments, es-
flag, a special form of the national flag pecially as an occupation,
flown by ships. 2. a commissioned naval en -ter- tain* ment (en-ter-tayn-ment) n.
officer of the lowest rank. 1. entertaining, being entertained. 2.
en*si*lage (en-sl-lij) n. 1 . silage. 2. storing amusement. 3. something performed to
fodder to produce silage. amuse or interest an audience.
en* site (en-sil) v. (en* si led, en*sil*ing) en • thrall (en-thrawl) v. to hold spellbound.
1. to preserve (fodder) in a silo. 2. to en *throne (en-throhn) v. (en* throned,
make (fodder) into silage. en*thron*ing) to place on a throne, es-
en* slave (en-slayv) v. (en* slaved, en* peciallywith ceremony, en* throne'
slav-ing) to make a slave of. en • slave ment n.
ment n. en-thuse (en-thooz) v. (en -th used, en*
en* snare (en-snair) v. (en* snared, en* thus-lng) (informal) 1 to show enthusi-

snar-ing) to entrap. asm. 2. to fill with enthusiasm. t> Careful

en* sue (en-soo) v. (en* sued, en*su*lng) writers do not enthuse. They become en-
to happen afterward or as a result, a thusiastic and show enthusiasm and are
quarrel ensued. filled with enthusiasm.
en* sure (en-shoor) v. (en-sured, en* en*thu*sl*asm (en-thoo-zi-az-em) n. 1. a
sur*ing) to make safe or certain, to se- feeling of eager liking for or interest in
cure, good food will ensure good health. something. 2. the object of this, one of
>Do not use this word to mean "to pro- my enthusiasms.
vide with financial insurance." en*thu*si*ast (en-thoo-zi-ast) n. one who
en* tail (en-tayl) v. 1. to make necessary, is full of enthusiasm for something, a
to involve, these plans entail great ex- sports enthusiast.
pense. 2. to leave (land) to a line of heirs en*thu*sl*as*tic (en-thoo-zi-as-tik) adj.
so that none of them can give it away full of enthusiasm. en*thu*si*asy ti*
or sell it. en -tail 'ment n. cal*ly adv.
en*tan*gle (en-tang-gel) v. (en* tan* en-tlce (en-tis) v. (en-tlced, en* ticking)
gled, en*tan*gling) 1. to tangle. 2. to to attract or persuade by offering some-
entwine in something that it is difficult thing pleasant. en*tlce'ment n.
to escape from. 3. to involve in some- en* tire (en-tir) adj. whole, complete, en-
thing complicated. en*tan'gle*ment n. tirely adv.
en*tente (ahn-tahnt) n. a friendly under- en*tire*ty (en-tir-tee) n. {pi -ties) com-
standing between countries. pleteness, the total; in its entirety, in its
en*ter (en-tSr) v. 1. to go or come in or complete form.
into. 2. to come on stage. 3. to penetrate, en-ti-tle (en-ti-tel) v. (en-ti-tled, en-ti-
the bullet entered his leg. 4. to become tling) 1 to give a title to (a book etc.).

a member he entered the Navy.

of, 5. 2. to give a right, the ticket entitles you
to put (a name,details, etc.) on a list to a seat. en*ti'tle*ment n.
or in a book. 6. to register as a competi- en*tl*ty (en-ti-tee) n. {pi. -ties) something
tor, she entered the presidential race. 7. that exists as a separate thing.
to record formally, to present for consid- entom., entomol. abbr. 1 entomological. .

eration, entered a plea of not guilty; en- 2. entomology.

tered a protest. enter into, to take part en* tomb (en-toom) v. to place in a tomb,
in (a conversation, an agreement, etc.); to bury.
to form part of (calculations, plans, etc.). en*to*moi*0*gist (en-td-mol-d-jist) n. an
enter on, to begin (a process, stage of expert in entomology.
work, etc.). en*tO*mol*0*gy (en-td-mol-6-jee) n. the
en*ter*i*tis (en-te-n-tis) n. inflammation study of insects, en* to*
of the intestines. mo*log*i*cal (en-t6-md-log-i-kal) adj.
en *ter* prise (en-ter-pnz) n. 1. an under- >Do not confuse entomology with ety-
taking, especially a bold or difficult one. mology.
2. initiative, she shows true enterprise. 3. en*toU*rage (ahn-tuu-rahz/i) n. the peo-
business activity, private enterprise. ple accompanying an important person.
en*ter*pris*ing (en-ter-pn-zing) adj. full en*tr'acte (ahn-trakt) n. 1. the interval
of initiative. between acts of a theatrical production.
en* ten tain (en-ter-tayn) v. 1. to amuse, 2. entertainment, such as music or danc-
to occupy agreeably. 2. to receive (a per- ing, during this interval.
son) with hospitality, they entertained me en* trails (en-traylz) n. pi. the intestines.
at lunch. 3. to have in the mind, entertain en* train (en-trayn) v. to put on or board
doubts. 4. to consider favorably, refused a train.
to entertain the idea. en 'trance 1 (en-trans) n. 1. entering. 2. a
en*ter*tain*er (en-ter-tay-ner) n. a per- door or passage by which one enters. 3.
entrance / epee 288

the right of admission, the fee charged en-vel-op-ing) to wrap up, to cover
for this. on all sides, the hill was enveloped in mist.
en -trance (en-trans) v. (entranced,
en*vel'op*ment n.
en -trancing) to fill with intense de- en*ve*iope (en-ve-lohp) n. a wrapper
light. or covering, especially a folded and
en-trant (en-trant) ru one who enters, es- gummed cover for a letter.
pecially as a competitor. en*vi*a*ble (en-vi-a-bel) adj. desirable
en* trap (en-trap) v. 1. to catch, as in a enough to arouse envy, an enviable
trap. 2. to lure into difficulty or danger. achievement en / vi*a*bly adv. > Do not
en-trap / ment n. confuse enviable with envious.
en* treat (en-treet) v. to request earnestly en-vi-ous (en-vi-us) adj. full of envy, an
or emotionally, en*treat'y n. {pi envious person. en'vi*OUS*ly adv. en'
-treat -ies) vi-ous-ness n. I>E)o not confuse envi-
en* tree, en* tree (ahn-tray) n. 1 the right . ous with enviable.
or privilege of admission. 2. the main en*vi*ron*ment (en-vir-on-ment) n. sur-
course of a meal. 3. a dish served between roundings, especially those affecting peo-
the fish and meat courses of a meal. ple's lives, en-vi-ron-men-tal (en-vir-
en* trench (en-trench) v. to establish dn-men-tal) adj.
firmly in a well-defended position; en- en vi ron men *tal ist (en-vir-dn-men-
• • • •

trenched ideas, firmly fixed in the mind. tal-ist) n. a person who seeks to protect
en* trench *ment (en-trench-ment) n. 1. or improve the environment.
entrenching, being entrenched. 2. a en*vi*rons (en-vir-onz) n, pi the sur-
trench made for defense. rounding districts, especially around a
en-tre-pre-neur (ahn-tre-pre-nur) n. a town.
person who organizes and manages a en* vis* age (en-viz-ij) v. (en* vis* aged,
commercial undertaking, especially one en*vis*ag*ing) 1. to visualize, to imag-
involving commercial risk. en*tre*pre* ine. 2. to foresee, changes are envisaged
neur-i-al (ahn-tre-pre-nur-i-al) adj. en-vl-sion (en-vizA-dn) v. to picture in
en*tro*py a measure of the
(en-trd-pi) n. the mind, especially a future occurrence.
disorder of the molecules in substances en • voy (en-voi) n. 1 a diplomatic minister

etc. that are mixed or in contact with ranking below an ambassador. 2. a mes-
each other, indicating the amount of en- senger or representative on a diplomatic
ergy that (although it still exists) is not mission.
available for use because it has become en*vy (en-vee) n. {pi -vies) 1. a feeling
more evenly distributed instead of being of discontent aroused by someone else's
concentrated. possession of things one would like to
en* trust (en-trust) v. to give as a responsi- have oneself. 2. the object of this, his
bility, to place (a person or thing) in a car is the envy of the neighborhood, envy
person's care, being reluctant to entrust v.(en* vied, en* vying) to feel envy of.
them with political power. en-zyme (en-zim) n. 1. a protein formed
en* try (en-tree) n. 1. entering. 2. a place in living cells and assisting chemical
of entrance; entry-level job, one at the processes (as in digestion). 2. a similar
lowest level of an employment category. substance produced synthetically for use
3. an item entered in a list, diary, etc. in chemical processes, household deter-
4. a person or thing entered in a race gents, etc. en-zymat-ic (en-zi-mat-ik)
or competition; entry list, a formal list adj.
of those entered. E-o-cene (ee-5-seen) adj. of the geologic
en* twine (en-twin) v. (en* twined, en* epoch of the Tertiary period before the
twin-ing) to twine around, to inter- Oligocene and after the Paleocene. Eo-
weave. cene n. the Eocene epoch.
e-nu-mer-ate (i-noo-mS-rayt) v. (e*nu* E-o-li-an = Aeolian.
mer-at-ed, e-nu-mer-at-ing) to e.O.m. abbr. end of month.
count, to mention (items) one by e-on (ee-on) n. an immense time.
one. e*nu*mer*a*tion (i-noo-mfc-ray- -eous suffix used to form adjectives mean-
shdn) n. ing of the nature of, as in vitreous, aque-
e-nun-ci-ate (i -nun-si -ay t) v. (e-nun-cl- ous.
at-ed, e*nun*ci*at*ing) 1. to pro- EPA abbr. Environmental Protection
nounce (words). 2. to state clearly, Agency.
e-nun-ci-a-tion (i-nun-si-ay-shdn) n. ep-au-let, ep-au-lette (ep-u-let) n, an
en*u*re*sls(en-yu-ree-sis) n. involuntary ornamental shoulder piece worn on uni-
urination, bed-wetting. forms.
env. abbr. envelope. e - pee (ay-pay)
n. a sharp-pointed dueling
en-vel-op (en-vel-dp) v. (en-vel-oped, sword, blunted for use in fencing.
289 epergne / e pluribus unum
e-pergne (i-purn) n. a centerpiece (espe- e-pis-co-pa-cy (i-pis-kd-p£-see) n. (pi.
cially in branched form) holding flowers -pa-cies) 1. government of the church
or fruit. by bishops. 2. episcopate.
e-phedTine (i-fed-rin) n. a stimulant e* pis* CO* pal (i-pis-kd-pal) adj. of a
drug used to relieve asthma, hay fever, bishop or bishops, governed by bishops.
etc. E*pis*co*pa*lian (i-pis-ko-payl-yan) adj.
e*phem*er*al Ti-fem-e-ral) adj. lasting of the Episcopal Church. Episcopalian
only a very short time. n. a member of the Episcopal Church.
E-phe-sians (i-fee-z/zans) n. a book of the e* pis* co* pate (i-pis-kd-pit) n. 1. the of-
New Testament ascribed to St. Paul, the fice,position, or tenure of a bishop. 2.
epistle to the church at Ephesus. the episcopate, the bishops as a group.
ep*ic (ep-ik) n. 1. a long poem or other ep*i*si*ot*o*my (i-pee-zi-ot-d-mee) n.
literary work telling of heroic deeds or (pi. -mies) a cut made at the opening
history. 2. a book or film resembling this. of the vagina during childbirth, to facili-
3. a subject fit to be told in an epic, epic tate delivery of the baby.
adj. of or like an epic, on a grand scale. ep*i*sode (ep-i-sohd, -zohd) n. 1 an inci- .

ep'hcal adj. t>Do not confuse epical dent or event forming one part of a se-
with epochal. quence. 2. an incident in a story, one
ep-i-cen-ter (ep-i-sen-ter) n. the point at part of a serial, ep-i-sod-ic (ep-i-sod-
which an earthquake reaches Earth's sur- ik, -zod-) adj.
face. ep*i*cen*tral (ep-i-sen-tral) adj. e • pis • te • mol • o • gy (i-pis-te-mol-6-jee) n.
ep*i*cure (ep-i-kyoor) n. a person who (pi -gies) a philosophic theory of the
enjoys well-prepared food and drink. method or basis of human knowledge.
ep»i*cu*re*an (ep-i-kyoor-i-an) n. a per- e • pis *te*mol'o* gist n. e*pis*te*
son devoted to sensuous pleasures and mo • log * * cal
i (i-pis-td-mo-loj-i-kal)
luxuries, epicurean adj. of or suitable adj.
for an epicurean. e* pis* tie (i-pis-el) n. 1. a letter. 2. Epistle,
ep-i-denvic (ep-i-dem-ik) n. an outbreak any of the letters in the New Testament,
of a disease etc. spreading rapidly written by the Apostles, e* pis* to*
through a community, epidemic adj. lar*y (i-pis-td-ler-ee) adj. of or contained
spreading in this way. >
Do not confuse in letters.
epidemic with endemic. Yellow fever was ep*i*taph (ep-i-taf) n. words inscribed on
endemic in parts of South America. The a tomb or describing a dead person.
last American epidemic of this disease oc- >Do not confuse epitaph with epithet.
curred in New Orleans in 1905. ep • • tha • la mi • on
i • (ep-i-tha-lay-mi-on)
ep-i-der-mis (ep-i-dur-mis) n. the outer (pi -mi* a, pr. -mi-a), ep*i*tha*la*mi*
layer of the skin. ep*i'der'mal adj. urn (ep-i-tha-lay-mi-um) (pi -mi* urns)
ep'i-glot-tis (ep-i-glot-is) n. (pi. -tis-es) n. a song or poem in celebration of a
the flap of cartilage at the root of the wedding.
tongue, which moves during swallowing ep*i*the*li*um (ep-i-thee-li-um) n. (pi.
to cover the glottis and prevents food -II*urns, -li*a, pr. -li-a) tissue forming
from entering the windpipe. the outer layer of a body surface, or the
ep*i*gram (ep-i-gram) n. a short witty lining of a cavity that opens to a body
saying. surface. ep*i*the'li*al adj.
e*pig*ra*phy (i-pig-ra-fee) n. the study ep*i*thet (ep-i-thet) n. 1. a descriptive
of inscriptions, especially those on an- word or phrase, such as the Great in
cient stones, coins, etc. ep*i*graph (ep- Alfred the Great. 2. sl contemptuous
T-graf) n.such an inscription. word or phrase, most of the epithets were
ep*i*lep*sy (ep-i-lep-see) n. a disorder of deleted. >Donot confuse epithet with
the nervous system causing mild or se- epitaph.
vere convulsions, sometimes with loss of e*pit*0*me (i-pit-6-mee) ru something
consciousness, ep-i-lep-tic (ep-i-lep- that shows on a small scale the qualities
tik) adj. & n. of something much larger, a person who
epilogue, ep-i-log (ep-i-lawg) n. a embodies a quality, she is the epitome
short concluding section in a literary of kindness. >This word does not mean
work. "the best." One can also be the epitome
ep*i*neph*rine (ep-i-nef-rin) n. adrena- of mediocrity, the embodiment of it.
lin. e*pit*o*mize (i-pit-6-miz) v. (e*pit*o*
E-piph-a-ny (i-pif-a-nee) n. (pi. -nies) 1. mized, e*pit*o*miz*ing) to be or to
the Christian festival commemorating form the epitome of.
the showing of Jesus to the Magi, cele- e plu*ri*bus u*num (ee ploor-i-bus yoo-
brated on January 6. 2. epiphany, an ap- num) one out of many. C> Latin, the
pearance of a superhuman being. motto of the United States.
epoch / equivocate 290
ep-och a particular period
(ep-Sk) ru 1. (connected by the sign =) are equal. 2.
of history. 2. a division of a period of making equal.
geologic time. ep'och-al adj. t>Do not e* qua* tor (i-kway-tdr) n. an imaginary
confuse epochal with epical line around Earth at an equal distance
ep • OCh-mak • ing (ep-6k-ma y-king) adj. from the North and South Poles.
very important or remarkable, marking e-qua-tor-l-al (ee-kwS-tohr-i-aX ek-wa-)
the beginning of a new epoch. adj. of or near the equator. D
e-pon-y-mous (e-pon-i-miis) adj. of an Guinea, a country on the west coast of
eponym. ep-o-nym (ep-5-nim) n. a per- Africa.
son whose name is taktn for a people, eq-uer-ry (ek-we-ree) ru (pi -ries) an of-
place, institution, etc., as A. J. Tasman ficerof the British royal household, at-
(Dutch navigator) for Tasmania, Caesar tending members of the royal family.
for Caesarean section. e-ques-tri-an (i-kwes-tri-an) adj. of
ep • ox • y (e-pok-see) n. {pi -ox • ies) a syn- horse riding; an equestrian statue, a
thetic thermosetting resin, used in adhe- statue of a person on a horse, eques-
sives and coatings, epoxy v. (ep-ox- trian n. a person who is skilled in horse-
led, ep-oxying) to glue with epoxy. manship.
ep-sMon the fifth letter of
(ep-si-lon) n. e-ques-tri-enne (i-kwes-tri-en) n. a
the Greek alphabet (E, e). woman who is skilled in horsemanship.
Ep-som (ep-som) salts magnesium sul- e -qui-dis-tant (ee-kwi-dis-tant) adj. at an
fate, used as a laxative. equal distance.
eq. abbr. 1. equal. 2. equation. 3. equiva- e-qui-lat-er-al (ee-kwi-lat-e-ral) adj.
lent. having all sides equal.
eq-ua-ble (ek-w£-bel) adj. 1 . even, unvar- e-qui-lib-ri-um (ee-kwi-lib-ri-um) n. a
ying; an equable climate, free from ex- state of balance.
tremes of heat and cold. 2. even-tem- e-qulne (ee-kwin) adj. of or like a horse.
pered, eq'ua-bly adv. eq-ua-bil-i-ty e-qui-nox (ee-kwi-noks) n. the time of
(ek-wa-bil-i-tee) n. >Do
not confuse year when day and night are of equal
equable with equitable. length; autumnal equinox, that of Sep-
e-qual (ee-kwal) adj. 1. the same in size, tember 22nd; vernal equinox, that of
amount, value, etc. 2. having the same March 21st. e-qul-noc-tial (ee-kwi-
rights or status. 3. having enough nok-shal) adj.
strength or courage or ability etc., he was e-qulp (i-kwip) v. (e- quipped, e- quip-
equal to the task, equal n. a person or ping) to supply with what is needed.
thing that is equal to another, equal v. equip, abbr. equipment.
(e-qualed, e-qual* ing) 1. to be equal e- qui -page (ek-wl-pij) n. a carriage and
to. 2. to produce or achieve something horses with attendants.
to match, no one has equaled her score. e-qulp -merit (i-kwip-ment) n. 1. equip-
e'qual-ly adv. equal sign, the sym- ping. 2. the outfit, tools, and other things
bol =, which indicates equality in a needed for a particular job or expedition
mathematical equation, equal time, the etc.
policy whereby a television or radio sta- e- qui -poise (ee-kwi-poiz) n. 1. equilib-
tion provides broadcast time fairly for rium. 2. a counterbalance.
all candidates in an election. eq-ul-ta-ble (ek-wi-ta-bel) adj. fair and
e-qual-l-tar-l-an (i-kwol-i-tair-i-an) adj. just, eq'ul-ta-bly adv. >Do not con-
egalitarian. fuse equitable with equable.
e-qual ty (i-kwol-i-tee)
- 1
• n. (pi -ties) be- eq-ui-ta-tion (ek-wi-tay-shdn) n. riding
ing equal. on horseback, horsemanship.
e-qual-ize (ee-kwS-hz) v. (e-qual-lzed, eq-ui-ty (ek-wi-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1. fair-
e-qual-iz-lng) 1. to make or become ness, impartiality. 2. Equity, the actors'
equal. 2. to make uniform, e-qual • -za- I union. 3. equities, stocks not bearing
tlon (ee-kwS-li-zay-shdn) n. fixed interest, common stocks.
e-qual-iz-er (ee-kwa-li-zer) n. 1. a thing equlv. abbr. equivalent.
that equalizes something. 2. (slang) a e-qulv-a-lent (i-kwiv-a-lent) adj. equal in
gun. value, importance, meaning, etc. equiv-
e-qua-nlm-i-ty (ee-kwa-nim-i-tee) n. alent n. an equivalent thing or amount
calmness of mind or temper. or word, e-qulv'a -lence n.
e-quate (i-kwayt) v. (e-quat-ed, e-qulv-o-cal (i-kwiv-o-k&l) adj. 1. able
e-quat-ing) to consider to be equal or to be interpreted in two ways, ambigu-
equivalent, can we equate those two ous. 2. questionable, suspicious, an equiv-
crimes? ocal character, e-quiv'o-cal-ly adv.
e-qua-tion (i-kway-z/idn) n. 1. a mathe- e-qulv-o-cate (i-kwiv-6-kayt) v.

matical statement that two expressions (e-qulvo-cat-ed, e-qulv-o-cat-

291 Er / erudite

ing) to use ambiguous words in order er*mine (ur-min) n. {pi. -mines, -mine)
to conceal the truth, to avoid committing 1 . an animal of the weasel family, with
oneself, e*quiv*o*ca*tion (i-kwiv-6- brown fur that turns white in winter. 2.
kay-shdn) n. this white fur.
Er symbol erbium. e*rode (i-rohd) v. (e*rod*ed, e*rod*
-er 1 suffix used to form the comparative ing) to wear away gradually, especially
degree of adjectives and adverbs of one by rubbing or corroding.
syllable, as in weaker, faster, and of some e*rog*e*nous (i-roj-e-nus) adj. arousing
adjectives and adverbs of two or more sexual desire, particularly sensitive to
syllables, as in narrower. sexual stimulation.
-er2 suffix used to form nouns indicating Etos (eer-os) n. 1. sexual love. 2. the
occupation, as in astronomer; agent, as Greek god of love, Cupid.
in maker; instrument, as in computer; e*ro*sion (i-roh-z/ion) n. 1 eroding, being .

person living in a place, as in Easterner. eroded. 2. the natural processes by which

e*ra (eer-a, er-a) n. 1. a period of history; the surface of Earth is worn away.
the Christian era, the period reckoned e*ro*sive (i-roh-siv) adj. causing erosion.
from the birth of Christ. 2. a major divi- e*ro'sive*ness n.
sion of geologic time, containing periods. e*rot*iC (i-rot-ik) adj. of sexual love,
ERA abbr. Equal Rights Amendment. arousing sexual desire. e*rot'i*cal*ly
e*rad*i*cate (i-rad-T-kayt) v. (e*rad*i* adv.
cat-ed, e*rad*i*cat*ing) to get rid of, e*rot*i*ca (i-rot-i-ka) n. pi erotic litera-
e • rad • • ca • tion
to remove all traces of. i ture or art.
(i-rad-I-kay-shdn) n.e-rad-i-ca-ble err (ur) v. (erred, err* ing) 1. to make a
(i-rad-i-ka-bel) adj. mistake, to be incorrect. 2. to sin.
e*rase (i-rays) v. (e* rased, e*ras*ing) er*rand (er-and) n. 1. a short journey on
to rub or scrape out (marks, writing, which a person goes or is sent to carry
etc.), to wipe out a recorded signal from a message or deliver goods etc. 2. the
(magnetic tape). purpose of a journey. errand of
e-ras-er (i-ray-ser) n. a thing that erases mercy, a journey to bring help or relieve
marks etc., a piece of rubber or other distress etc.
substance for rubbing out marks or writ- er*rant (er-ant) adj. 1. misbehaving. 2.
ing. traveling in search of adventure, a knight
e-ra-sure (i-ray-shur) n. 1. erasing. 2. a errant.
word etc. that has been erased. er*ra*tic (i-rat-ik) adj. irregular or uneven
er*bi*um (ur-bi-iim) n. a rare-earth chemi- in movement, quality, habit, etc. er*rat'
cal element. i*cal*ly adv.
ere (air) con). & prep, (old use) before. er*ra*tum (i-rah-tum) n. {pi. -ta, pr. -ta)
e*rect (i-rekt) adj. 1 standing on end, up-
. 1 . an error in printing or writing. 2. er-
right, vertical. 2. (of a part of the body) rata, errors shown in a list attached to
enlarged and rigid from excitement. a book etc.
erect v. to set up, to build. e*rec' erron. abbr. 1. erroneous. 2. erroneously.
tor n. er*ro*ne*OU8 (i-ioh-ni-us) adj. mistaken,
e-rectile (i-rek-til) adj. (of parts of the incorrect. er*ro'ne*OUS*ly adv.
body) able to become enlarged and rigid er*ror (er-dr) n. 1 . a mistake. 2. the condi-
from excitement. tion of being wrong in opinion or con-
e Tec •tion (i-rek-shdn) n. 1. erecting, be- duct. 3. the amount of inaccuracy in a
ing erected. 2. something erected, a calculation or a measuring device, an er-
building. 3. swelling and hardening (of ror of 2%. 4. a baseball misplay that al-
.a part of the body) in sexual excitement. lows a runner to advance or that allows
ere* long (air-lawng) adv. (old use) before a player to be safe who should have been
long. out. er'rorless adj.
erg (urg) n. (in physics) a unit of work er*satz (er-zahts) serving as a substi-
or energy. tute, especially of inferior kind, ersatz
er*go (ur-goh) adv. therefore. n. an inferior substitute, when coffee
er*gos*ter*ol n. a steroid
(ur-gos-te-rohl) beans were unavailable, the Germans
present in ergot and yeast, a source of brewed ersatz.
vitamin D. erst (urst) adv. (old use) formerly.
er*got (ur-gdt) n. a fungus affecting rye erst* while (urst-hwil) adj. adv. former, &
and other cereals, dried for use in medi- formerly.
cine. e*ruct (i-rukt) to belch. 2. to dis-
v. 1.
Er*ie (eer-ee) n. a member of an Indian charge or emit with violence, as a vol-
tribe formerly of the Lake Erie region. cano, e • rue *ta* tion (i-ruk-tay-sh6n) n.
Er*in (er-in) (in poetry) Ireland. er*u*dite (er-yti-dit) adj. having or show-
erupt / ESP 292
ing great learning. er*u*di*tion (er-yu- engaging the projections of a toothed
dish-on) n. wheel.
e*rupt (i-rupt) v. 1. to break out suddenly es*cap*ist (e-skay-pist) n. a person who
and violently. 2. (of a volcano) to shoot likes to escape from the realities of life
forth lava etc., (of a geyser) to spurt wa- by absorbing his mind in entertainment
ter. 3. to form spots or patches on the or fantasy, es* cap 'ism n. this tendency.
skin. e*rup*tive (i-rup-tiv) adj. e*rup* escapist adj. having or catering to this
tion (i-rup-shon) n, not confuse>Do tendency, escapist literature.
eruption with irruption. , es-ca-roie (es-ka-rohl) n. a variety of en-
-ery suffix used to form nouns meaning dive with wide frilled leaves, used in sal-
class of persons or things, as in greenery; ads.
condition, as in slavery; place or occupa- es* carp 'merit (e-skahrp-ment) n. a steep
tion, as in brewery. slope at the edge of a plateau.
er*y*sip*e*las (er-I-sip-e-las) n. inflam- -escence suffix used to form nouns mean-
mation of the skin, caused by a type of ing process, condition, or continuing
bacterium. state as in convalescence, corresponding
er«ythe*ma (er-I-thee-ma) n. superficial to adjectives ending in -escenL
redness of the skin in patches. -escent suffix used to form adjectives
e*ryth*ro*cyte (e-rith-rd-sit) n. one of meaning beginning to be or do, as in pu-
the red blood cells. bescent, luminescent
Es symbol einsteinium. es*chew (es-choo) v. to avoid or abstain
es*ca*late (es-ka-layt) v. (es*ca*lat*ed, from (certain kinds of action or food
es-ca-lat-ing) to increase or cause to etc.).
increase in intensity or extent. es*ca* es'Cort (es-kort) n. 1 one or more persons

la* tion (es-ka-lay-sh6n) n. or ships etc. accompanying a person or

es*ca*la-tor (es-ka-lay-tdr) n. a staircase thing to give protection or as an honor.
with an endless line of steps moving up 2. a person accompanying a member
or down. escalator clause, a clause of the opposite sex socially, escort
in a contract providing for automatic in- (e-skort) v. to act as escort to.
creases or decreases in wages, prices, es*cri*toire (es-kree-twahr) n. a writing
benefits, etc. under specified conditions. desk with drawers.
es-cal-lop, es-cal-op (e-skolop, eS'Crow (es-kroh) n. 1 a bond to do some-

e-skal) v.bake (food) in sauce, usually

to thing, kept in a third person's custody
topped with crumbs, escallop n. a scal- until some condition has been fulfilled.
lop. 2. money or goods so kept.
esca-pade (es-ka-payd) n. an act of es-cu-do (e-skoo-doh) n. (pi. -dos) the
reckless or mischievous conduct. unit of money in Portugal.
escape (e-skayp) v. (es-caped, es* es-cutch-eon (e-skuch-on) n. a shield or
cap -ing) 1 . to get oneself free from con- emblem bearing a coat of arms. Da
finement or control. 2. (of liquid or gas on one's escutcheon, a stain on one's
etc.) to get out of a container, to leak. reputation.
3. to succeed in avoiding (capture, pun- ESE abbr. east-southeast.
ishment, etc.). 4. to be forgotten or un- -ese suffix used to form adjectives and
noticed by; his name escapes me, I have nouns from names of foreign countries
forgotten it. 5. (of words, a sigh, etc.) and cities, meaning an inhabitant or lan-
to be uttered unintentionally, escape n. guage of these, as in Japanese, Viennese,
1. the act of escaping, the fact of having or from nouns or names of writers mean-
escaped. 2. a means of escaping. 3. a tem- ing the style of writing characteristic of
porary distraction or relief from reality these, as in officialese, Carlylese.
or worry, es-cap'er n. escape Es-ki-mo (es-kl-moh) n. (pi. -mos, -mo)
Clause, a clause releasing a person etc. 1.a member of a people living near the
from a contract under specified condi- Arctic coast of North America and east-
tions, escape hatch, a means of emer- ern Siberia. 2. their language. Eskimo
gency exit from a ship etc. escape ve- dog, a breed of powerful dog with long
locity, theminimum velocity needed for hair, used by the Eskimos as a sled dog.
one body to escape from the gravitational e*soph*a*gus (i-sof-a-gus) n. (pi -gi, pr.
pull of another. -ji) the tube leading from the mouth to
es*cap*ee (e-skay-pee) n. a person who the stomach, the gullet. e*SOph*a*ge*
has escaped from prison or other confine- al (i-sof-a-jee-al) adj.
ment. es*0*ter*lc (es-6-ter-ik) adj. intended
es* cape* merit (es-skayp-ment) n. a only for people with special knowledge
mechanism regulating the movement of or interest.
a watch or clock etc., a movable catch ESP abbr. extrasensory perception.
293 esp. / Estonia

esp. abbr. especially. EST abbr. Eastern Standard Time.

es-pa-drille (es-pa-dril) n. a canvas shoe est. abbr. 1. establish. 2. established. 3.
with a sole of rubber or twisted fiber. estate. 4. estuary.
es-pal-ier (e-spal-yer) n. a trellis or -est 1 suffix used to form superlatives of
framework on which fruit trees or orna- adjectives and adverbs, as in widest, fast-
mental shrubs are trained, a tree etc. est.

trainedon this. -est 2 suffix (old use) used to form the sec-
es»par*to (e-spahr-toh) n. (pL -tos) (also ond person singular of verbs, as in know-
esparto grass) a kind of grass of Spain est, goest.

and North Africa, used in making paper, estab. abbr. established.

shoes, etc. es*tab*lish (e-stab-lish) v. 1. to set up (a
es*pe*cial (e-spesh-al) adj. 1 special, out-. business or government etc.) on a perma-
standing, of especial interest 2. belonging nent basis. 2. to settle (a person or one-
chiefly to one person or thing, for your self) in a place or position. 3. to cause
especial benefit. people to accept (a custom or belief etc.).
es • pe • cial • ly (e-spesh-a-lee) adv. chiefly, 4. to show to be true, to prove, estab-
more than in other cases. lished his innocence. established
Es»pe*ran*to (es-pS-rahn-toh) n. an arti- church or religion, one that is made
ficial language designed in 1887 for use officially a country's national church or
by people of all nations. religion.
es • pi • o • nage (es-pi-d-nahz/i)
spying or n. es*tab*llsh*ment(e-stab-lish-ment) n. 1.
using spies to obtain secret information. establishing, being established. 2. an or-
es*pla*nade (es-pla-nahd) n. a level area ganized body of people maintained for
of ground where people may walk or ride a purpose, a household or staff of ser-
for pleasure. vants etc. 3. a business firm or public
es-pouse (e-spowz) v. (es*poused, es* institution, its members or employees or
pous'ing) 1. give support to (a
to premises. Dthe Establishment, people
cause). 2. to marry, to give (a woman) who are established in positions of power
in marriage. es*pou / sal n. and authority, exercising influence in the
es«pres'SO (e-spres-oh) n. {pi -sos) cof- background of public life or other activ-
fee made by forcing steam through pow- ity and generally resisting changes.
dered coffee beans. >This word is not es-tate (e-stayt) n. 1. landed property. 2.
pronounced express-oh. all that a person owns, especially that
es*prit de corps (es-pree de kor) loyalty left at his death. estate tax, a tax
and devotion uniting the members of a levied on property after the owner's
group. death, before transfer to the heirs.
es*py (e-spi) v. (es*pied, es-pying) to es*teem (esteem) v. 1. to think highly
catch sight of. of. 2. to consider or regard, / should es-
Esq. abbr. Esquire. teem it an honor, esteem n. favorable
Es* quire (es-kwnr) n. a courtesy title (in opinion, respect.
formal use) placed after a man's surname es*ter (es-ter) n. a chemical compound
where no title is used before his name. formed when an acid and an alcohol in-
-ess suffix used to form nouns meaning teract in a certain way.
female, as in lioness, actress. Es* ther (es-ter) n. a book of the Old Testa-
es*say (es-ay) n. 1 a short literary compo-
. ment containing the story of Esther, an
sition in prose. 2. an attempt, essay Israelite queen of Persia who saved her
(e-say) v. (es-sayed, es* saying) to people.
attempt. es / say *ist n. a writer of essays. es*thete = aesthete.
>Do not confuse essay with assay. es*thet*ic = aesthetic.
essence (es-ens) n. 1. all that makes a es*tlm*a*ble (es-tl-ma-bel) adj. worthy of
thing what it is, its nature. 2. an indis- esteem.
pensable quality or element. 3. an extract es*ti*mate (es-tl-mit) a judgment
n. 1.
of something, containing all its impor- of a thing's approximate value or amount
tant qualities in concentrated form. 4. etc. 2. a contractor's statement of the
a liquid perfume. sum for which he will undertake specified
es*sen*tiai (i-sen-shal) adj. 1 indispensa- . work.3. a judgment of character or qual-
ble. 2. of or constituting a thing's essence; estimate (es-tl-mayt) v. (es*tl*
its essential qualities* those that make it mat*ed, es*ti*mat*lng) to form an es-
what it is. es*sen'tial*ly adv. essen- timate of. es't!«ma*tor n.
tial oil, an oil that is like an essence, es*tl*ma*tion (es-tt-may-shdn) n. 1. esti-
with the characteristic smell of the plant mating. 2. judgment of a person's or
from which it is extracted, the essen- thing's worth.
tials, indispensable elements of things. Es*tO*ni*a (e-stoh-ni-a) a republic of the
estrange / ethylene 294
U.S.S.R., bordering on the Baltic Sea. e*ther (ee-ther) n. 1. the clear sky, the
Es-to'nhan adj. & n. upper regions beyond the clouds. 2. a
estrange (e-straynj) v. (es-tranged, kind of substance formerly thought to
es-trang-ing) to cause (people for- fill all space and act as a medium for

merly friendly or loving) to become transmission of radio waves etc. 3. a col-

unfriendly or indifferent. es*trange' orless liquid produced by the action of
ment n. acids on alcohol, used as an anesthetic
es*tro*gen (es-trd-jen) n. a sex hormone and as a solvent.
or other substance capable of developing e-the-re-al (i-theer-i-al) adj. 1. light and
and maintaining female characteristics of delicate, especially in appearance. 2. of
the body. es*tro*gen*ic (es-trd-jen-ik) heaven, heavenly. e*the're*al*ly adv.
adj. e*the're*al*ness n. e*the*re*al*l*ty
es'trus (es-triis) n. periodic sexual heat (i-theer-ri-al-i-tee) n.
of animals, rut. eth -heal (eth-i-kal) adj. 1. of ethics. 2.
es*tu*ar*y (es-choo-er-ee) n. (pi -armies) morally correct, honorable. 3. (of medi-
the mouth of a large river where its flow cines) not advertised to the general pub-
is affected by ebb and flow of tides.
lic and usually available only on a doc-
E.T. abbr. Eastern Time. tor's prescription, eth'hcahly adv.
e*ta (ay-ta) n. the seventh letter of the eth'ics (eth-iks) n. 1. moral philosophy
Greek alphabet (H, n). (see moral). 2. ethics, moral principles;
ETA abbr. estimated time of arrival. medical ethics, those observed by the
e*ta*gere (ay-ta-z/rair) n. a vertical series medical profession.
of open shelves, supported by legs at the
E'thi»o*pi»a (ee-thi-oh-pi-a) a country of
corners, for ornaments.
northeast Africa. E'thi'O'phan adj.
et al. abbr. and others. >From the Latin
et alii (= and other people), et alia (=
& n.
E-thi'O'pic (ee-thi-oh-pik) n. an ancient
and other things). Remember the period
Semitic language surviving in the Chris-
after al
= tian Church of Ethiopia. Ethiopic adj.
etc. abbr. et cetera (et set-e-ra), and
of this language.
other similar things, and the rest, et cet •
eth*nic (eth-nik) adj. 1. of a racial group.
er*as (et set-e-raz) n. pi (informal) the
2. (of clothes etc.) resembling the peasant
usual extras, sundries. t> Do not say and
clothes etc. of primitive peoples, ethnic
et cetera. The Latin word et means and.
n. a member of an ethnic group, eth'nl*
etch (ech) v. 1 to make (a pattern or pic-

cal-ly adv. ethnic group, people who

ture) by engraving a metal plate with
share distinctive cultural characteristics
acids or corrosive substances, especially
originating from a common national, lin-
so that copies can be printed from this.
guistic, or racial heritage.
2. to impress deeply, the scene is etched
on my
mind, etch'er n. eth«nlc»l»ty (eth-nis-i-tee) n. ethnic back-
etching (ech-ing) n. a copy printed from ground, trait, etc.
an etched plate. ethnol. abbr. 1 ethnological. 2. ethnology.

ETD abbr. estimated time of departure. eth -nol-o -gist (eth-nol-6-jist) n, an ex-
e ter *nal (i-tur-nal) adj. 1 existing always
• .
pert in ethnology.
without beginning or end. 2. unchanging, eth-nol-o-gy (eth-nol-o-jee) n. the scien-
not affected by time. 3. (informal) cease- tific study of human races and their char-
less, too frequent, these eternal argu- acteristics.eth-no*log*ic (eth-n&-loj-
ments. e*ter'nal*ly adv. eternal tri- ik) adj. eth* no* logical adj.
angle, two men and a woman or two e*thol*0*gist (ee-thol-d-jist) n. an expert
women and a man, with problems result- in ethology.
ing from conflict of sexual attractions. e*thol*0*gy (ee-thol-6-jee) n. 1. the study
the Eternal City, Rome. of character formation. 2. the study of
e*ter*ni*ty (i-tur-ni-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1. animal behavior. e*tho*log*i*cal (ee-
infinite time, past or future. 2. the endless thd-loj-i-kal) adj.
period of life after death. 3. (informal) e*thos (ee-thos) n. the characteristic spirit
a very long time. and beliefs of a community, person, or
-eth 1 suffix (old use) used to form the third literary work.
person singular present of verbs, as in eth*yl n. a hydrocarbon, present
knoweth, goeth. in alcohol and ether. e*thyl*lc (Mhil-
-eth 2 suffix used to form ordinal numbers ik) adj. ethyl alcohol, an inflammable
after as in twentieth.
-ty, volatile liquid produced by the fermenta-
eth-ane (eth-ayn) n. a colorless odorless tion of sugars by yeast, used in intoxicat-
gas used as a fuel, refrigerant, etc. ing beverages and as a fuel and solvent.
eth-a-nol (eth-a-nohl) n. ethyl alcohol. eth*yl*ene (eth-Meen) n. an inflammable
295 etiolate / euthanasia

gas,used as an anesthetic and to improve eu*lo*giz*ing) to write or utter a eu-

the color of citrus fruits. logy of.
e*ti*o*late (ee-ti-d-layt) v. (e*ti*<Hat* eu-lo-gy (yoo-16-jee) n. (pi -gles) a
ed, e*ti*o*lat*ing) to make (a plant) speech or piece of writing in praise of
pale through lack of light. e*ti a O*la* a person or thing. >Do
not confuse eu-
tion (ee-ti-d-lay-shdn) n. logy with elegy.
e-ti-ol-o-gy (ee-ti-ol-d-jee) n. 1. the eu-nuch (yoo-nuk) n. a castrated man, es-
study of causes. 2. the assignment of pecially one employed in a harem.
cause, especially in disease. e«ti*0*log* eu*phe*mism (yoo-fe-miz-em) n. a mild
ic (ee-ti-6-loj-ik) adj. e»ti«0'log'ic-al or roundabout expression substituted for
adj. one considered improper or too harsh
et 'i-quette (et-i-kit) ru the rules of correct or blunt (pass away is a euphemism for
behavior in society or among the mem- die). eu*phe*mis*tic (yoo-fe-mis-tik)
bers of a profession. adj. eu-phe-mis'ti-cal'ly adv.
E tru*ri*a (i-troor-i-5) an ancient country
a eu*pho*ni*um (yoo-foh-ni-um) n. a large
in what is now Italy, where the Etruscan brass wind instrument, a tenor tuba.
civilization flourished. eu-pho-ny (yoo-ffc-nee) n. (pi -nies)
E*trus*can (i-trus-kan) n. a member of pleasantness of sounds, especially in
the language of the earliest historical in- words. eu*pho a ni*ous (yoo-foh-ni-us)
habitants of Etruria. Etruscan adj. adj.
et seq. abbr. (pi et seqq.) and what fol- eu*pho*ri*a (yoo-fohr-i-a) n. a feeling of
lows. >
From the Latin et sequentia. general well-being, eyphor'ic adj.
-ette suffix used to form nouns meaning Eur. abbr. 1. Europe. 2. European.
small one, as in kitchenette; imitation, Eur*a*sia (yoo-ray-z/ia) Europe and Asia.
as in leatherette; or female, as in usher- Eur-a*sian (yoo-ray-z/ian) adj. 1. of Eu-
ette. rope and Asia. 2. of mixed European and
e 'tilde (ay-tood) n. a short musical com- Asian parentage. Eurasian n. a Eurasian
position. person.
ETV abbr. educational television. eu*re*ka (yuu-ree-ka) interj. I have found
ety. abbr. 1. etymological. 2. etymology. it,an exclamation of triumph at a dis-
et«y mot -o -gist (et-T-mol-o-jist) n. an ex-
• covery. >Said to have been uttered by
pert in etymology. the Greek mathematician Archimedes
et*y*mol*o*gy (et-T-mol-6-jee) n. (pi. (3rd century B.C.) on realizing that the
-gies) an account of the origin and
1 . volume of an object can be calculated
development of a word and its meaning. by the amount of water it displaces.
2. the study of words and their origins. Euro- prefix Europe, European, as in Euro-
et*ymo*log'i*cal adj. >Do
not con- bond, Eurodollar.
fuse etymology with entomology. Eu 'TO* bond (yoor-oh-bond) n. a bond is-

Eu symbol europium. sued in dollar denominations by a U.S.

eu-ca-lyp*tus (yoo-ka-lip-tus) n. (pi. -ti, corporation but sold outside the U.S.,
pr. -ti, -tus*es) a kind of evergreen
1. especially in Europe.
tree. 2. a strong-smelling oil obtained Eu*ro*com*mu*nism (yoor-oh-kom-yu-
from its leaves. niz-em) n. a form of Communism in Eu-
Eu* Char*ist (yoo-ka-rist) n. 1. the Chris- ropean countries seeking independence
tian sacrament of Holy Communion, in from the Soviet Communist Party. Eu»
which bread and wine are consecrated ro*com'mun*ist n.
and consumed. 2. the consecrated ele- Eu*ro*dol*lar (yoor-oh-dol-ar) n. a dollar
ments, especially the bread. Eu*Char- held in a bank outside the U.S., usually
is *tic (yoo-ka-ris-tik) adj. in Europe.
eu*chre (yoo-ker) n. a card game played Eu*rope (yoor-dp) a continent extending
with a pack of thirty-two cards, euchre from Asia to the Atlantic Ocean. Eu»
v. (eu-chred, eu-chring) to outwit. ro*pe*an (yoor-6-pee-an) adj. & n.
Eu*Clid*e*an (yoo-klid-i-an) adj. of Eu- European Economic Community,
clid, a mathematician of Alexandria see Common Market. European plan,
c.300 B.C. a hotel rate covering room and service
eu*gen*ics (yoo-jen-iks) n. the study of but not meals.
improving the human species by im- eu to* pi* urn (yuu-roh-pi-um) n. a chemi-
provement of inherited qualities. eu» cal element.
gen'ic adj. eu«gen'i»cal*ly adv. eu* Eu*sta*chian (yoo-stay-shan) tube the
gervi*cist (yoo-jen-i-sist) n. passage between the middle ear and the
eu*lo*gis*tiC (yoo-16-jis-tik) adj. eulogiz- pharynx.
ing. eu*tha»na*sia (yoo-tha-nay-z/a) n. the
eu-lo-gize (yoo-16-jiz) v. (eu-lo-gized, bringing about of a gentle and easy death
eutrophic / event 296
for a person suffering from a painful in- tary rock formed by evaporation of sea-
curable disease. water.
eu-troph-ic (yoo-troh-fik) adj. (of a pond e*va*sion (i-vay-z/ion) n. 1. evading. 2.
etc.) rich in nutrients and hence having an evasive answer or excuse.
excessive plant growth, which kills ani- e*va*sive (i-vay-siv) adj. evading, not
mal life by depriving it of oxygen, eu • frank or straightforward. e*va'sive*ly
tro* phi* caption (yoo-trd-fi-kay-shdn) adv. e*va'sive*ness n.
n. eu'tro'phy (yoo-trd-fee) n. eve (eev) n. 1 the evening or day before

EVA abbr. extravehicular activity. a festival, Christmas Eve. 2. the time just
e*vac*u*ate (i-vak-yoo-ayt) v. (e*vac* before an event, on the eve of an election.
u-at-ed, e-vac-u-aMng) 1. to send 3. (old use) evening. >
Note that eve may
(people) away from a place considered refer to any period just before an event,
dangerous, to remove the occupants of but evening refers only to one time of
(a place). 2. to empty (a vessel) of air day.
etc. 3. to empty die contents of (the Eva (in the Bible) the first woman.
bowel or other organ). e*vac*u*a*tion a* van 1 (ee-ven) adj. 1. level, free from ir-
(i-vak-yoo-ay-shdn) n. regularities, smooth. 2. uniform in qual-
ity. 3. (of temper) calm, not easily upset.
e*vac*u*66 (i-vak-yoo-ee) n. an evacu-
4. equally balanced or matched. 5. equal
ated person.
evade in number or amount. 6. (of a number)
(i-vayd) v. (e*vad*ed, evad-
ing) to avoid (a person or thing) by clev- exactly divisible by two. 7. (of money
erness or trickery; evade the question, to
or time or quantity) exact, not involving
fractions, an even dozen, even v. to make
avoid giving a direct answer to it.
or become even. a'van«ly adv. a'van*
e*val*u-ate (i-val-yoo-ayt) v. (e*val*u*
at-ed, e-val-u-at-ing) to find out or
ness ru be or get even with, to have
one's revenge on. even chance, when
state the value of, to assess. e*val*u*
success is as likely as failure, even
a-tion (i-val-yoo-ay-sh6n) n.
money, equal odds on both sides in a
ev-a-nes-cent (ev-a-nes-ent) adj. (of an
bet. avan up, to make or become equal.
impression etc.) fading quickly. ev*a*
even2 adv. 1 (used to emphasize a compar-

nes'cence n.
ison) to a greater degree, ran even faster.
e- van -gel* heal (ee-van-jel-i-kal) adj. 1.
2. (used to suggest that something men-
according to the teaching of the gospel
tioned is unlikely or is an extreme case
or the Christian religion. 2. (also Evan-
or should be compared with what might
gelical), of a Protestant group believing
have happened etc.) does he even suspect
that salvation is achieved by faith in
the danger?; even a child could under-
atonement through Christ, a -van* gel' stand thaw he didn't even try to avoid it
i*cal-ly adv.
Get alone succeed). Eleven now, in ad-
e* van* gel 'ism (i-van-je-liz-em) n.
dition to previously; at this very moment.
preaching or spreading of the gospel, avan so, although that is the case.
e- van -gel -is -tic (i-van-je-lis-tik) adj. a* van* hand* ad (ee-ven-haii-did) adj.
e-van-gel-is'ti-cal-ly adv. fair, impartial.
e van -ge- list (i-van-je-list) n. 1. any of

eva*ning (eev-ning)the part of the day
the authors of the four Gospels (Mat- between afternoon and bedtime. eve- D
thew, Mark, Luke, John). 2. a person ning dress, the kind of clothing usually
who preaches the gospel. worn for formal occasions in the evening,
e-van-gel-lze (i-van-je-liz) v. (e-van- evening gown, a woman's long formal
gel-ized, e-van-gel-lz-ing) to preach evening paper, a newspaper pub-
or spread the gospel to, to win over lished at about or later than midday.
to Christianity, e-van-gel-i-za-tion evening primrose, a plant with pale
(i-van-j6-ii-zay-shdn) n. yellow flowers that open in the evening.
evap. abbr. evaporate. evening star, a planet (especially Ve-
a • vap • o • rata (i-vap-o-rayt) v. (a • vap • o • nus) when conspicuous in the west after
rat ed, e vap -o- rat -ing) 1 to turn or
• • . sunset. OSee the note under eve.
be turned into vapor. 2. to lose or cause e* van* song (ee-ven-sawng) n. 1. vespers |

to lose moisture in this way. 3. to cease in the Roman Catholic Church. 2. the
to exist, their enthusiasm evaporated service of evening prayer in the Church
e*vap'o*ra*tor n. e*vap'o*ra*tlve of England.
adj. e-vap-o-ra-tion (i-vap-d-ray- a* vent (i-vent) n. 1. something that hap-
shdn) n. evaporated milk, unsweet- pens, especially something important. 2.
ened milk thickened by partial evapora- the fact of a thing happening; in the event
tion and canned. of his death, if he dies. 3. an item in a
e-vap-o-rite (i-vap-6-nt) n. a sedimen- sports program. Dat all events, In any
297 eventful / ex

event, in any case, in the event that, speed is everything. Dhave everything,
if it happens that. (informal) to possess every advantage or
e*vent*ful (i-vent-ful) adj. full of inci- attraction.
dents. eve »ry« where (ev-ree-hwair) adv. in ev-
e*ven*tide (ee-ven-tid) n. (old use) eve- ery place.
ning. evg. abbr. evening.
e*ven*tu*al (i-ven-choo-al) adj. coming at e*vict (i-vikt) v. to expel (a tenant) by legal
ultimate, his eventual success, e • ven'
last, process. e»vic»tion (i-vik-shon) n.
tu-al-ly adv. evidence (ev-i-dens) n. 1 anything that

e»ven»tu»ahi«ty (i-ven-choo-al-i-tee) n. establishes a fact or gives reason for be-

(pi. -ties) a possible event. lieving something. 2. statements made
e- ven -til* ate, (i-ven-choo-ayt) v. or objects produced in a law court as
(e*ven*tu*at*ed, e*ven*tu*at*ing) proof or to support a case, evidence
to result, to be the outcome. v. (evidenced, evi -dene* ing) to
ever (ev-er) adv. 1. at all times, always, indicate, to be evidence of. in evi- Dbe
ever hopeful. 2. at any time, the best thing dence, to be conspicuous.
I ever did. 3. (used for emphasis) in any evi* dent (ev-i-dent) adj. obvious to the
Sissible way, why ever didn *t you say so? eye or mind, ev'i»dent»ly adv.
did you ever?, (informal) an excla- evi*den*tial (ev-i-den-shal) adj. of or
mation of surprise, = did you ever see based on or providing evidence.
or hear the like? ever and ever, always. e«vil (ee-vll) adj. 1. morally bad, wicked.
ever SO, (informal) very; very much, it's 2. harmful, intending to do harm. 3. very
ever so easy. unpleasant or troublesome, an evil tem-
ever* bloom* ing (ev-er-bloo-ming). adj. per, evil n. an evil thing, sin, harm.
producing flowers during most of the e'vil*ly adv. e'vil*ness n. Dthe evil
growing season. eye, a gaze or stare superstitiously be-
ever* glade (ev-er-glayd) n. 1. a marshy lieved to cause harm.
tract of land. 2. Everglades, a large partly e*vil*mind*ed (ee-vil-mm-did) adj. hav-
forested everglade in southern Florida. ing evil ideas, thoughts, plans, etc.
ever* green (ev-er-green) adj. (of a tree e-vince (i-vins) v. (e-vinced, e-vinc-
or shrub) having green leaves throughout ing) to indicate, to show that one has
the year, evergreen n. an evergreen tree (a quality).
or shrub. e*vis*cer*ate (i-vis-e-rayt) v. (e«vis*
ever* lasting (ev-er-las-ting) adj. 1. last- cer*at»ed, e«vis«cer»at«ing) 1. to
ing forever. 2. lasting a long time. 3. last- take out the intestines of. 2. to empty
ing too long, repeated too often, his ever- (a thing) of its vital contents. e*vis*cer»
lasting complaints. 4. (of flowers) keeping action (i-vis-e-ray-shdn) n.
shape and color when dried. ever* last' e*voc*a*tive (i-vok-a-tiv) adj. tending to
ing*ly adv. evoke.
ever -more (ev-er-mohr) adv. forever, al- e- voke (i-vohk) v. (e- voked, e- vok-ing)
ways. to call up or produce or inspire (memo-
eve*ry (ev-ree) adj. 1. each single one ries, feelings, a response, etc.). #
ca # evo
without exception, enjoyed every minute. tion (ev-6-kay-shon) n.
2. each in a series, went visiting every evo-lu-tion (ev-o-loo-shon) n. 1. the
fourth day. 3. all possible, she will be process by which something develops
given every care. every other day or gradually into a different form. 2. the
week etc., with one between each two origination of living things by develop-
selected. >See the note under every- ment from earlier forms, not by special
one. creation. evO'lu'tion^any adj. ev
eve*ry*bod-y (ev-ree-bod-ee) pronoun o*lu'tion*ist n.
every person. e-volve (i-volv) v. (e*volved, e«volv
everyday (ev-ree-day) adj. 1. worn or ing) 1 . to develop or work out gradually,
used on ordinary days. 2. usual, com- evolve a plan. 2. to develop or modify
monplace. by evolution, during the period when
Eve*ry*man (ev-ree-man) n. the ordinary plants first evolved. e'VOive'ment n.
or typical person, the "man in the EW abbr. enlisted woman or women.
street." ewe (yoo) n. a female sheep.
eve»ryone (ev-ree-wun) pronoun every- ew*er (yoo-er) n. a wide-mouthed pitcher
body. >Do not confuse everyone with for holding water.
every one =each one. He bought everyone ex 1 (eks) prep. 1 out of, from. 2. without,

a drink I saw every one of them. excluding. U

ex dividend, not including
eve *ry • thing (ev-ree-thing) pronoun 1 all . a dividend that is about to be paid.
things, all. 2. the most important thing, ex 2 n. (informal) a former husband or wife.

ex. / exceptional 298

ex. abbr. 1. examination. 2. examined. 3. shows the quality or characteristics of
example. 4. except. 5. exception. 6. ex- others in the same group or of the same
change. 7. excursion. 8. executed. 9. ex- kind. 2. something (especially conduct)
ecutive. 1 0. express. 1 1 . extra. that is worthy of imitation, her courage
Ex. abbr. Exodus. is an example to us all Dfor example,

ex- prefix former, as in ex-president, ex- by way of illustrating a general rule.

convict; outside, out of, as in exodus. make an example of, to punish as a
ex -ac -en bate (ig-zas-er-bayt) v. (ex* warning to others, set an example, to
ac*er*bat*ed, ex*ac*er*bat*ing) to behave in a way that is worthy of imita-
make (pain, disease, anger, etc.) worse. tion.
ex • ac • er • ba • Won (ig-zas-er-bay-shdn) ex* as* per* ate (ig-zas-pe-rayt) v. (ex*
n. as*per*at*ed, ex*as*per*at*ing) to
ex* act (ig-zakt) adj. 1. correct in every annoy greatly, ex-as-per-a-tion (ig-
detail, free from error. 2. giving all de- zas-pe-ray-shon) n.
tails, gave me exact instructions. 3. capa- exc. abbr. 1 . excellent. 2. except. 3. excep-
ble of being precise, the exact sciences. tion. 4. excursion.
exact v. to insist on and obtain, exacted ex ca-the-dra (eks ka-thee-dra, kath-e-
payment or obedience. ex*act'ness n. dra) given by an authoritative person,
ex-ac'tion (ig-zak-shon) n. especially the pope, as an infallible judg-
ex-act-ing (ig-zak-ting) adj. making great ment.
demands, requiring or insisting on great ex-ca-vate (eks-ka-vayt) v. (ex*ca*vat*
effort, an exacting task or teacher. ed, ex*ca*vat*ing) 1. to make (a hole
ex-ac-ti-tude (ig-zak-ti-tood) n. exact- or channel) by digging, to dig out (soil).
ness. 2. to reveal or extract by digging, ex'ca*
ex-act-ly (ig-zakt-lee) adv. 1. in an exact va-tor n. ex*ca*va*tion (eks-ka-vay-
manner. 2. (said in agreement) quite so, shdn) n.
as you say. not
exactly, (informal) ex-ceed (ik-seed) v. 1 to be greater than.

by no means, didn *t exactly enjoy it 2. togo beyond the limit of, to do more
ex-ag-ger-ate (ig-zag-e-rayt) v. (ex -ag- than is warranted by, exceeded his au-
ger -at- ed ex-ag-ger-at-ing) to thority. >Do not confuse exceed with
make (a thing) seem larger or better or accede.
smaller or worse than it really is; with ex-ceed-ing-ly (ik-see-ding-lee) adv.
exaggerated courtesy, with excessive very, extremely.
courtesy,ex-ag'ger-a-tor n. ex* ex* eel (ik-sel) (ex* celled, ex* eel*

ag-ger-at-ed-ly (ig-zaj-e-ray-tid-lee) ling) 1 to be better than. 2. to be very


adv. ex-aggera-tion (ig-zaj-e-ray- good at something. excel oneself, to

shon) n. do better than one has ever done before.
ex* alt (ig-zawlt) v. 1. to raise (a person) ex-cel-lence (ek-s£-lens) n. very great
in rank or power or djgnity. 2. to praise merit or quality.
highly. Ex-cel-len-cy (ek-si-len-see) n. {pi
ex-al-ta-tion (eg-zawl-tay-sh6n) n. 1. ex- -cies) the title of high officials such as
alting, being exalted. 2. elation, spiritual ambassadors and governors.
delight. C> Do not confuse exaltation with ex* eel -lent (ek-se-lent) adj. extremely
exultation. good. ex'cel*lent*ly adv.
ex* am (ig-zam) n. (informal) an examina- ex* eel* si -or (ik-sel-si-dr) interj. (as a
tion. motto etc.) higher.
ex*am*i*na*tk>n (ig-zam-T-nay-sh6n) n. ex-cept (ik-sept) prep, not including, they
1 examining, being examined or looked all left except me. except v. to exclude
at. 2. the testing of knowledge or ability from a statement or calculation etc.
by oral or written questions or by exer- [> Do not confuse except with accept
cises. 3. a formal questioning of a witness ex-cept-ing (ik-sep-ting) prep, except.
or an accused person in a court of law. ex-cep-tion (ik-se->-sh6n) n. 1. excepting,
ex-anvine (ig-zam-in) v. (ex-am-ined, being excepted. 2. a thing that does not
ex* am* Irving) 1. to look at in order follow the general rule. Utake excep-
to learn about or from, to look at closely. tion to, to object to. the exception
2. to subject to questions or exercises proves the rule, the excepting of some
etc. in order to test knowledge or ability. cases proves that the rule exists, or that
3. to question formally in order to get it applies to all other cases, with the

information. ex^anr/hner n. exception of, except.

ex*am*l*nee (ig-zam-I-nee) n. a person ex-cep-tion -a -Die (ik-sep-sho-na-bel)
being tested in an examination. adj. open to objection.
ex* am* pie (ig-zam-pel) n. 1. a fact that ex-cep-tion-al (ik-*ep-shd-n£l) adj. 1.

illustrates a general rule, a thing that forming an exception, very unusual. 2.

299 excerpt / excrete

outstandingly good. ex«cep'tion-al*ly by something pleasant. 2. something

adv. causing this.
ex-cerpt (ek-surpt) n. an extract from a ex*cit*lng (ik-si-ting) adj. causing great
book or film or piece of music etc. ex- interest or eagerness. ex*clt'ing*ly adv.
cerpt (ik-surpt) v. to select excerpts ex* claim (ik-sklaym) v. to cry out or utter
from. suddenly from pain, pleasure, surprise,
ex* cess (ik-ses, ek-ses) n. 1 the exceeding
. etc.
of due limits. 2. an amount by which ex*cla*ma*tion (ek-skla-may-shdn) n. 1.
one number or quantity etc. exceeds an- exclaiming. 2. a word or words etc. ex-
other. 3. excesses, immoderation in eat- claimed. LJ exclamation point or mark,
ing or drinking. excess baggage, the punctuation mark ! placed after an
the amount that is over the weight for exclamation.
free carriage, excess-profits tax, a tax ex • clam • a • to • ry (ik-sklam-a-tohr-ee)
levied on business profits that are in ex- adj. of or containing or being an exclama-
cess of the average profits of a standard tion.
period, in excess Of, more than. exclude (ik-sklood) v. (ex*clud*ed, ex-
u> Do not confuse excess with access. cluding) to keep out (a person or
ex«ces'Sive (ik-ses-iv) adj. greater than thing) from a place or group or
what is normal or necessary, too much. etc. 2. to omit, to ignore as irrelevant,
ex*ces'slve*ly adv. do not exclude this possibility. 3. to make
exch. abbr. 1. exchange. 2. exchequer. impossible, to prevent, ex-clu-sion (ik-
ex -change (iks-chaynj) v. (ex -changed, skloo-z/zon) n.
ex- chang -ing) 1. to give or receive ex-clu-sive (ik-skloo-siv) adj. 1. not ad-
(one thing) in place of another. 2. to give mitting something else; the schemes are
to and receive from another person; they mutually exclusive, if you accept one you
exchanged glances, looked at each other. must groups or
reject the other. 2. (of
exchange n. 1 exchanging (goods, pris-
. societies) admitting only certain care-
oners, words, blows, etc.). 2. the ex- fully selected people to membership. 3.
changing of money for its equivalent in (of shops or their goods) catering only
another currency, the relation in value to the wealthy, expensive. 4. (of terms
between the money of two or more coun- etc.) excluding all but what is specified
tries. 3. a place where merchants or 5. (of an article in a newspaper or goods
stockbrokers etc. assemble to do busi- in a shop) not published or obtainable
ness, a stock exchange. 4. the central tele- elsewhere. 6. done or held etc. so as to
phone office of a district, where connec- exclude everything else, his exclusive oc-
tions are made between lines concerned cupation; we have the exclusive rights, not
in calls. shared with others, exclusive adv. not
ex* change *a*ble (iks-chayn-ja-bel) adj. counting, twenty men exclusive of our
able to be exchanged. own. ex*clu / sive*ly adv. ex*clu'sive*
ex*cheq*uer (eks-chek-er) n. a national ness n.
treasury. ex*com*mu*ni*cate (eks-kd-myoo-nl-
ex-cise (ek-siz, -sis) n. duty or tax (also
kayt) v. (ex*com*mu*ni*cat*ed, ex*
excise tax) levied on certain goods and com*mu*ni*cat*ing) to cut off (a per-
licenses etc. son) from participation in a religion, es-
ex*cise 2 (ex-cised, excis-
(ik-siz) v. pecially in its sacraments, ex* com*
ing) to remove by cutting out or away, mu*ni*ca*tion (eks-kd-myoo-nl-kay-
excise tissue from the body; excise a pas- shdn) n.
sage from a book, ex-ci-sion (ik-siz/t- ex*co*ri*ate (ik-skohr-i-ayt) v. (ex*co*
6n) n. ri-at-ed, ex*co*ri*at*ing) 1. to re-
ex*cit*a*ble (ik-si-tl-bel) adj. (of a per- move part of the skin by abrasion, to
son) easily excited. ex*cit*a*bil*i*ty strip or peel off (skin). 2. to denounce,
(ik-si-ta-bil-i-tee) n. to reproach harshly.
ex* cite (ik-sit) v. (ex*cit*ed, ex-cit* ex*cre*ment (ek-skre-ment) n. feces, ex*
ing) 1 to rouse the feelings of, to cause
. cre*men*tal (eks-kre-men-t&l) adj.
(a person) to feel strongly, to make eager. ex*cres*cence (ik-skres-ens) n. 1. an
2. to cause (a feeling or reaction), it ex- outgrowth, especially an abnormal one,
cited curiosity. 3. to produce activity in on an animal body or a plant. 2. an ugly
(a nerve or organ of the body etc.). ex* or disfiguring addition, as to a building.
ci*ta*tion (ek-si-tay-sh6n) n. ex*cres'cent adj.
ex*cit*ed (ik-si-tid) adj. feeling or show- ex*cre*ta (ik-skree-tS) n. pi. waste matter
ing excitement, ex-cit'ed-ly adv. expelled from the body, especially feces.
ex -cite* men t (ik-sit-ment) n. 1. a state ex-crete (ik-skreet) v. (ex*cret*ed, ex-
of great emotion, especially that caused creting) to separate and expel (waste
excretory / exhaust 300
matter) from the body or tissues, ex* powers to execute plans or to put laws
creation (ik-skree-shdn) n. or agreements etc. into effect.
ex«cre«to-ry (ek-skre-tohr-ee)adj. of or ex-ec-u-tor (ig-zek-yu-t6r) n. a person
used in excretion. appointed by a testator to carry out the
ex-cru-ci-at-ing (iks-kroo-shi-ay-ting) terms of his or her will.
adj. intensely painful. ex«cru'ci«at» ex-ec-u-trix (ig-zek-yu-triks) n. a woman
ing*ly adv. executor.
ex-cul-pate (eks-kul-payt) v. (ex-cul- ex-e-ge-sis (ek-se-jee-sis) n, {pi -ses,
pat • ed, ex • cu • pat • ing) to free (a per-
I pr. -seez) critical exposition or interpreta-
son) from blame, to ctear of a charge tion, especially of Scripture.
of wrongdoing, ex-cul-pa-tion (eks- ex-em-plar (ig-zem-plar) n. 1. a worthy
kul-pay-shon) n. model or pattern. 2. a typical example.
ex-cur-sion (ik-skur-z/i6n) n. 1. a short ex-em-pla-ry (ig-zem-pla-ree) adj. serv-
journey or ramble (returning afterward ing as an example; exemplary conduct,
to the starting point). 2. a pleasure trip very good, an example to others; exem-
made by a number of people. ex-cur' plary damages, very high damages, serv-
sion-ist n. ing as a warning.
ex -cur- si ve (ik-skur-siv) adj. rambling in ex-em-pli-fy (ig-zem-pH-fi) v. (ex-em-
writing or speech. pli-fied, ex-em-p!i-fy -jng) to serve as
ex-cus-a-ble (ik-skyoo-za-bel) adj. able an example of, her life exemplifies devo-
to be excused. ex'cus-a-bly adv. tion, ex •em -pli-fl- ca-tion (ig-zem-pll-
ex-cuse (ik-skyooz) v. (ex-cused, ex* fi-kay-shon) n,
cus-ing) 1. to overlook or pardon (a ex-empt (ig-zempt) adj. not liable, free
slight offense or a person committing it) from an obligation or payment etc. that
because of circumstances or some other is required of others or in other cases.

reason. 2. (of a thing or circumstance) exempt v. to make exempt, exemp-

to justify a fault or error, nothing can tion (ig-zemp-shdn) n.
excuse such rudeness. 3. to release from ex-er-cise (ek-seY-siz) n. 1. the using or
an obligation or duty, to grant exemption application of mental powers or of one's
to. excuse (iks-kyoos) n. a reason put rights. 2. activity requiring physical exer-
forward as a ground for excusing a fault tion, done for the sake of health. 3. an
etc. excuse me, a polite apology for activity or task designed for bodily or
interrupting or disagreeing etc. excuse mental training; military exercises, a se-
oneself, to ask permission or apologize ries of movements or operations designed
for leaving. for the training of troops. 4. an act of
ex dlv. abbr. ex dividend {see ex 1
). worship, religious exercises, exercise v.

exec. abbr. 1. executive. 2. executor. (ex • er • cised, ex • er • cis • ing) 1 to use


ex-e-cra-ble (ek-se-kra-bel) adj. abomi- or employ (mental powers, rights, etc.).

nable, ex'e-cra-bly adv. 2. to take or cause to take exercise, to
ex -e- crate (ek-se-krayt) v. (ex »e -crat- train by means of exercises. 3. to perplex,
ed, ex-e-crat-ing) to detest greatly, to to worry. exercise book, a book for
utter curses upon, ex «e -era- Won (ek- writing in, especially by students.
se-kray-sh6n) n. C> Do not confuse exercise with exorcise.
ex -e -cute (ek-se-kyoot) v. (execut- ex-er-cis-er (ek-ser-si-zer) n. a machine
ed, ex-e-cut-ing) 1. to carry out (an that assists a person in doing physical
order), to put (a plan etc.) into effect. exercises.
2. to perform (an action or maneuver). ex-ert (ig-zurt) v. to bring (a quality or
3. to produce (a work of art). 4. to make influence etc.) into use, exert all ones
legally valid, as by signing, execute a will strength. exert oneself, to make an
5. to inflict capital punishment on. effort.
ex-e-cu-tion (ek-se-kyoo-shdn) n. 1. the ex-er-tion (ig-zur-sh6n) n. 1 exerting, be-

carrying out or performance of some- ing exerted. 2. a great effort.

thing. 2. skill in playing sports, music, ex-e-unt (ek-si-unt) v. (stage direction)
etc. .3. executing a condemned person. they leave the stage.
ex-e-cu-tion-er (ek-sfc-kyoo-shd-nSr) n. ex -hale (eks-hayl) v. (ex -haled, ex -hal-
a person who executes a condemned per- ing) to breathe out. ex-ha-la-tion (eks-
son. ha-lay-shon) n.
ex-ec-u-tive (ig-zek-yu-tiv) n. a person ex-haust (ig-zawst) v. 1. to use up com-
or group that has administrative or man- pletely. 2. to make empty, to draw out
agerial powers in a business or other or- all the contents of, exhaust a well 3. to
ganization, or with authority to put the tire out, exhaust oneself. 4. to find out
laws or agreements etc. of a government or say all there is to say about (a subject);
into effect, executive adj. having the exhaust the possibilities, to try them all
301 exhaustion / exothermic

in turn, exhaust ft. 1 the expulsion or . tinuance in life or being, the struggle for
exit of waste gases from an engine etc. existence.
2. these gases. 3. the device through ex* is* tent (ig-zis-tent) adj. existing, ac-
which they are sent out. tual, current.
ex'hauS'tion (ig-zaws-chdn) n. 1. ex- ex • is • ten • tial • ism (eg-zis-ten-sha-liz-
hausting something, being exhausted. 2. em) n. a philosophical theory emphasiz-
total loss of strength. ing that man is responsible for his own
ex«haus'tive (ig-zaws-tiv) adj. thorough, actions and free to choose his develop-
trying all possibilities, we made an ex- ment and destiny. ex*is*ten'tial*ist
haustive search. ex*haus^tive*ly adv. adj. & n.

>Do not confuse exhaustive with ex- ex* It (eg-zit, ek-sit) v. 1. (stage direction)
hausted or exhausting. he or she leaves the stage. 2. to go out.
ex «hib-it (ig-zib-it) v. to display, to present exit n. 1. an actor's or performer's de-
for the public to see. exhibit n. a thing parture from the stage. 2. the act of going
or collection of things exhibited, ex*hlb' away or out, departure from a place or
position etc. 3. a passage or door to go
I* tor n.

ex-hi-bi-tion (ek-sl-bish-on) n. 1. exhibit- out by. Dexit visa, permission to leave

a country.
ing, being exhibited. 2. a display or show,
an exhibition of temper. 3. a public dis- ex*0*bi*Ol*o*gy (ek-soh-bi-ol-6-jee) n.

play of works of art or industrial prod-

the study of life outside Earth. ex*0*
bi*ol'o*gist n. ex*o*bi*o*log*i*cal
ucts etc. or of a skilled performance.
(ek-soh-bi-6-loj-i-kal) adj.
make an exhibition of oneself, to
ex*o*crine (ek-sd-krin) gland a gland
behave so that one appears ridiculous.
that pours out its secretions through a
ex hi • bi • tion • ism (ek-sl-bish-o-niz-em)

n. a tendency toward exhibitionist behav-
Exod. abbr. Exodus.
ex*o*dus (ek-sd-dus) ft. 1. a departure of
ex*hi*bi*tion*ist (ek-sl-bish-d-nist) n. a
many people. 2. Exodus, the second book
person who behaves in a way designed
of the Old Testament, telling of the exo-
to attract attention to himself, exhibi-
dus of the Israelites from Egypt.
tionist adj.
ex of*fl*ci*o (eks 6-fish-i-oh) because of
v. (ex*hil*a*
ex* nil *a* rate (ig-zil-a-rayt)
one's official position, the director is an
rat-ed, ex-hil -a-rat-ing) to make very
ex member of this committee or
happy or lively, ex*hil*a*ra*tion (ig- is a member ex officio. t> Latin.
zil-a-ray-shon) «.
ex*og*e*nous (ek-soj-e-nus) adj. grow-
ex-hort (ig-zort) v. to urge or advise ear- ing or originating externally.
nestly, ex *hor* ta-tlon (eg-zor-tay-
ex*on*er*ate (ig-zon-€-rayt) v. (ex*on*
shon) n.
er*at*ed, ex*on*er*at*ing) to free
ex-hume (ig-zoom, -zyoom) v. (ex* from blame, to declare (a person) to be
humed, ex-hum-ing) to dig up (some- blameless.ex*on*er*a*tlon (ig-zon-e-
thing buried, especially a corpse), ex* ray-shdn) ft.

hu* ma* tion (egz-yoo-may-shdn) n exor. abbr. executor.

ex*i*gen*cy (ek-si-jen-see) n. (pi. -cies) ex*or*bi*tant (ig-zor-bi-tant) adj. (of a
1 an urgent need, the exigencies of the

price or demand) much too great.

situation. 2. an emergency. ex* or* else (ek-sdr-siz) v. (ex*or*cised,
exigent (ek-si-jent) adj. 1 . urgent. 2. ex- ex*or*cis*ing) 1. to drive out (an evil
acting, requiring much, ex'l*gent*ly spirit) by prayer. 2. to free (a person or
adv. place) of evil spirits. ex*or*cism (ek-
ex*ig*u*ous (ig-zig-yoo-us) adj. very sor-siz-em) ft. ex'or*cist n. not >Do
small, scanty, ex • ig • U • I • ty (eg-zT-gyoo- confuse exorcise with exercise.
i-tee) n. ex*or*di*um (ig-zor-di-um) n. (pL -di*
ex* He (eg-zil) n. 1. being sent away from urns, -di*a, pr. -di-5) the beginning or
one's country as a punishment. 2. long introductory part, especially of a dis-
absence from one's country or home. 3. course or treatise.
an exiled person, exile v. (ex*iled, ex* ex*o*skel*e*ton (ek-soh-skel-£-t5n) n.
il*ing) to send (a person) into exile. an external bony or leathery covering of
ex* 1st (ig-zist) v. 1. to have place as part an animal, such as the shell of a lobster.
of what is real, do fairies exist? 2. to have ex*o*sphere (ek-sd-sfeer) n. the outer-
actual being under specified conditions, most layer of Earth's atmosphere, ex*
to occur or be found. 3. continue living, o*spher*ic (ek-sd-sfer-ik) adj.
we cannot exist without food. ex*o*ther*mic (ek-soh-thur-mik), ex*o*
ex*ist*ence (ig-zis-tens) n. 1. the state ther-mal (ek-soh-thur-mal) adj. liberat-
of existing, occurrence, presence. 2. con- ing, as opposed to absorbing, heat.
exotic / expense 302
eX'Ot'ic (ig-zot-ik) adj. 1. (of plants, expectant mother, a woman who is
words, or fashions) introduced from pregnant
abroad, not native. 2. striking and attrac- ex •pec* taction (ek-spek-tay-shdn) n. 1.
tive through being colorful or unusual. expecting, looking forward with hope or
ex*ot'i*cal*ly adv. ex*ot*i*cisfn (ig- pleasure. 2. a thing that is expected to
zot-l-siz-em) n. D
exotic dancer, a happen. 3. the probability that a thing
striptease dancer. will happen. 4. expectations, prospects.
exp. abbr. 1 expenses. 2. experimental. 3.
. ex* pec* to* rant (ik-spek-td-rant) n. a
expired. 4. exponential. 5. export. 6. ex- medicine that causes a person to expec-
portation. 7. exported. 8.*exporter. 9. ex- torate.
press. ex* pec* to* rate (ik-spek-td-rayt) v. (ex*
ex*pand (ik-spand) v. 1. to make or be- pec*to*rat*ed, ex*pec*to*rat*ing)
come larger, to increase in bulk or impor- to cough and spit out phlegm from the
tance. 2. to unfold or spread out. 3. to throat or lungs, to spit. ex*pec*tO*
give a fuller account of, to write out in ra*tion (ik-spek-td-ray-shdn) n.
full(what is condensed or abbreviated). ex*pe*di*ent (ik-spee-di-ent) adj. 1. suit-
4. to become genial, to throw off one's able for a particular purpose. 2. advanta-
reserve. ex*pand'er n. geous rather than right or just. (>Do
ex-panse (ik -spans) n a wide area or ex- not confuse expedient with expeditious.)
tent of open land or space, etc. expedient a means of achieving

ex-pan-sion (ik-span-shdn) n. expanding, something, means to an end. ex*

increase, extension. pe'di*ent*ly adv. ex*pe'di*ence n.
ex*pan*sk>n*ism (ik-span-shd-niz-em) n, ex*pe'di*en*cy n.
a pohcy or theory of expansion, espe- ex-pe-dite (ek-spe-dit) v. (ex*pe*
cially of territory, ex-parvsiorvist adj. dit • ed, ex • pe • dit • ing) to help or hurry
& n. the progress of (business etc.), to perform
ex -pan* si ve(ik-span-siv) adj. 1. able or (business) quickly. ex'pe*dit*er n.
tending to expand. 2. (of a person or ex-pe-di-tion (ek-spe-dish-on) n. 1. a
his manner) genial, communicating journey or voyage for a particular pur-
thoughts and feelings readily, ex* pan' pose. 2. the people or ships etc. making
sive-ly adv. ex-pan'sive-ness n. this. 3. promptness, speed, solved it with
ex par-te (eks pahr-tee) 1. on, or in the expedition.
interests of, one side only in a legal dis- ex*pe*di*tk>n*ar*y (ek-spe-dish-6-ner-
pute. 2. made or said thus, an ex parte ee) adj. of or used in an expedition, an
opinion. t> Latin. expeditionary force.
expa-ti-ate (ik-spay-shi-ayt) v. (ex* ex-pe-di-tious (ek-spe-dish-us) adj. act-
pa-ti-at-ed, ex-pa-ti-at-ing) to ing or done speedily and efficiently, ex*
speak or write about (a subject) at great pe-dKtlous-ly adv. D>Do not confuse
length or in detail. ex*pa*ti*a*tion (ik- expeditious with expedient.
spay-shi-ay-shdn) n, ex -pel (ik-spel) v. (ex -pel led, ex* pel*
ex-pa-tri-ate (eks-pay-tri-ayt) v. (ex* ling) 1. to force or send or drive out.
pa-tri-at-ed, ex • pa *tri* at *ing) to 2. to compel (a person) to leave a school
banish, to withdraw (oneself) from one's or country etc.
native country and live abroad, expatri- ex-pend (ik-spend) v. to spend (money,
ate (eks-pay-tri-it) adj. expatriated, liv- time, care, etc.), to use up.
ing abroad, expatriate (eks-pay-tri-it) n. expend-a-ble (lk-spen-da-bel) adj. 1.

an expatriate person. ex*pa*tri*a*tion able to be expended. 2. not worth pre-

(eks-pay-tri-ay-shdn) n. serving, suitable for sacrificing in order
ex* pact (ik-spekt) v. 1 to think or believe
. to gain an objective.
that (a thing) will happen or come, or ex*pend*i*ture (ik-spen-di-chur) n. 1.
that (a person) will come. 2. to wish for spending of money etc. 2. the amount
and be confident that one will receive, expended.
to consider necessary, he expects obedi- ex -pense (ik-spens) n. 1 the cost or price

ence. 3. to think, to suppose. ex- Dbe of an activity. 2. a cause of spending

pecting, (informal) to be pregnant, ex- money, the car was a great expense. 3.
pecting a baby, pregnant. expenses, the amount spent in doing
ex*pect*an*cy (ik-spekt-an-see) n. a state something, reimbursement for this.
of expectation. Dlife expectancy, the Dat the expense of, so as to cause
average period that persons of a certain loss or damage to, succeeded but at the
age are expected to live. expense of his health; had a good laugh
expectant (ik-spek-tant) adj. filled at my expense, by making fun of me.
with expectation. ex*pect'ant*ly adv. expense account, a record of an em-

303 expensive / exponent

ployee's expenses to be paid by his em- ex*plan*a*to*ry (ik-spian-a-tohr-ee) adj.

ployer. serving or intended to explain something.
ex -pen- si ve (ik-spen-siv) adj. involving ex*ple*tive (ek-sple-tiv) adj. a violent or
great expenditure, costing or charging meaningless exclamation, an oath.
more than the average. ex-pen'sive- ex*pli*ca*ble (ek-spli-ka-bel) adj. able to
ly adv. ex-pen'sive-ness n. be explained.
ex-pe-ri-ence (ik-speer-i-ens) n. 1. ac- ex*pli*cate (ek-spli-kayt) v. (ex*pli*
tual observation of facts or events, activ- cat*ed, ex-pli-cat-ing) to make clear,
ity or practice in doing something. 2. to explain (a literary work etc.).
skill or knowledge gained in this way. ex-plic-it (ik-splis-it) adj. stating some-
3. an event or activity that gives one ex- thing in exact terms, not merely implying
perience, experience v. (ex*pe*ri* things. ex*plic'it*ly adv. ex*plic'it*
enced, ex-pe-ri-enc-ing) to observe ness n.
or share in (an event etc.) personally, ex* plode (ik-splohd) v. (ex- plod -ed,
to be affected by (a feeling). ex-plod-ing) 1. to expand suddenly
ex -pe-ri- enced (ik-speer-i-enst) adj. with a loud noise because of the release
having knowledge or skill gained from of internal energy, to cause (a bomb etc.)
much experience. to do this. 2. (of feelings) to burst out,
ex-pe-ri-en-tial (ik-speer-i-en-shal) adj. (of a person) to show sudden violent
of experience. emotion, exploded with laughter. 3. (of
ex-per-i-ment (ik-sper-i-ment) n. a test a population or a supply of goods etc.)
or trial carried out to see how something to increase suddenly or rapidly. 4. to de-
works or to find out what happens or stroy (a theory) by showing it to be false.
to demonstrate a known fact, experi- exploded diagram, one showing the
ment (ik-sper-i-ment) v. to conduct an parts of a structure in their relative posi-
experiment. ex*per'i*ment*er n. ex* tions but slightly separated from each
per • i • men • ta • tion (ik-sper-i-men-tay- other.
shon) n. ex-ploit (ek-sploit) n. a bold or notable
ex-per-i-men-tal (ik-sper-i-men-tal) adj. deed, exploit (ik-sploit) v. 1. to work
1 of or used in or based on experiments. or develop (mines and other natural re-
2. still being tested, ex*per*i*men'tal* sources). 2. to take full advantage of, to
ly adv. use (workers, colonial possessions, etc.)
ex* pert (ek-spurt) n. a person with great for one's own advantage and without re-
knowledge or skill in a particular thing. gard for theirs, ex-ploi-ta-tion (ek-
expert adj. having or showing great sploi-tay-shon) n.
knowledge or skill. ex- pert -ly (eks- ex • plor • a • to ry (ik-splohr-a-tohr-ee)
• adj.
purt-lee) adv. for the purpose of exploring.
ex-pert-ise (ek-sper-teez) n. expert ex-plore (ik-splohr) v. (ex-plored, ex*
knowledge or skill. plor-ing) 1. to travel into or through
ex* pi* ate (ek-spi-ayt) v. (ex* pi* at* (a country etc.) in order to learn about
ed, ex*pi*at*ing) to make amends for it. 2. to examine by touch. 3. to exam-

(wrongdoing), ex -pi -a -tion (ek-spi-ay- ine or investigate (a problem, possibili-

shon) n. ties, etc.). ex-plo-ra-tion (ek-splo-ray-
ex*pi*a*tO*ry (ek-spi-a-tohr-ee) adj. serv- shon) n.
ing to make amends for (wrongdoing). ex- plor -er (ik-splohr-er) n. a person who
ex pi re (ik-spir) v. (ex -pi red, expir-

explores unknown regions.
ing) 1 to breathe out (air). 2. to breathe
. ex-plo-sion (ik-sploh-z/ion) n. 1. explod-
one's last, to die. 3. to come to the ing, being exploded, a loud noise caused
end of its period of validity, this license by this. 2.a sudden outburst of anger,
has expired. ex*pi*ra*tion (ek-spi-ray- laughter, etc. 3. a sudden great increase,
shon) n. the population explosion.
ex* plain (ik-splayn) v. 1. to make plain ex-plo-sive (ik-sploh-siv) adj. 1. able to
or clear, to show the meaning of. 2. to explode, tending to explode. 2. likely to
account for, that explains his absence. cause violent and dangerous reactions,
ex-plain'a-ble adj. ex* plain 'a*bly dangerously tense, an explosive situation.
adv. explain away, to show why a explosive n. an explosive substance.
fault etc. should not be blamed, explain ex-po (ek-spoh) n. (pi. -pos) (informal)
oneself, to make one's meaning clear; an exposition (definition 2).
to give an account of one's motives or ex-po-nent (ik-spoh-nent) n. 1. a person
conduct. who sets out the facts or interprets some-
ex*pla-na*tion (ek-spla-nay-shon) n. 1. thing. 2. one who favors a particular the-
explaining. 2. a statement or fact that ory or policy. 3. (in mathematics) a sym-
explains something. bol indicating what power of a factor
export / exquisite 304
isto be taken, usually written at the up- express service, express ru an express
per right of the factor symbol, ex* train, express v. 1. to make known
po*nen*tial (ek-spd-nen-shal) adj. ex* (feelings or qualities). 2. to put (thought
po*nen'tial*ly adv. exponential etc.) into words. 3. to represent by means
growth, increasingly rapid growth. of symbols, as in mathematics. 4. to press
ex* port (ik-spohrt, ek-spohrt) v. to send or squeeze out. 5. to send by express serv-
(goods etc.) to another country for sale. ice. U
express oneself, to communi-
export (ek-spohrt) ruexporting. 2.
1. cate one's thoughts or feelings.
a thing exported, ex* port 'er ru ex* ex press • I • ble (ik-spres-i-bel) adj. able to

por*ta*tion (ek-spohr-tay-shon) n. be expressed.

ex*port*a*ble (ik-spohr-ta-bel) adj. able ex*pres*sion (ik-spresh-dn) ru 1 express- .

to be exported. ing, being expressed. 2. a word or phrase.

ex* pose (ik-spohz) v. (ex* posed, ex- 3. a look that expresses one's feelings.
posing) 1 to leave (a person or thing)
. 4. a manner of speaking or playing music
uncovered or unprotected, especially in a way that shows feeling for the mean-
from the weather. 2. to subject to a risk ing. 5.a collection of mathematical sym-
etc. 3. to allow light to reach (photo- bols expressing a quantity.
graphic film or plate). 4. to make visible, ex*pres*sion*ism (ik-spresh-d-niz-em)
to reveal. 5. to make known or reveal ru a style of painting, drama, or music
(a crime, fraud, impostor, etc.), to reveal seeking to express the artist's or writer's
the wrongdoings of (a person). ex- emotional experience rather than repre-
pose oneself, to expose one's body in- sent the physical world realistically, ex*
decently. pres'sion*lst ru ex-pres-sion-is-tic
ex*DO*se (ek-spoh-zay) n. public revela- (ik-spresh-6-nis-tik) adj.
tion of a scandal. ex-pres-sion-less (ik-spresh-on-lis) adj.
ex • posed (ik-spohzd) adj. (of a place) not without positive expression, not reveal-
sheltered. ing one's thoughts or feelings, an expres-
ex*DO*si*tion (ek-spd-zish-on) n. 1. ex- sionless face.
pounding, an explanatory account of a ex-pres-sive (ik-spres-iv) adj. 1. serving
plan or theory etc. 2. a large public ex- to express, a tone expressive of contempt.
hibition. 2. full of expression, an expressive voice.
ex*pos*i*tor (ik-spoz-i-tdr) n. a person ex*pres*sive*ly adv. ex-pres'sive*
who explains or expounds. ness n.

ex*pos*l*tor*y (ik-spoz-i-tohr-ee) adj. ex- press -ly (ik-spres- lee) adv. 1. explic-
serving to clarify, expound, etc.; exposi- itly. 2. for a particular purpose.
tory writing, exposition. ex* press* way (ik-spres- way) n. a lim-
ex post fac*tO (eks pohst fak-toh) acting ited-access highway for high-speed
or applying retrospectively. t> Latin. travel.
ex*pos*tu*late (ik-spos-chu-layt) v. (ex* ex*pro*pri*ate (eks-proh-pri-ayt) v. (ex*
pos*tu*lat*ed, ex -pos-tu -lat-ing) to pro*pri*at*ed, ex-pro-pri-at-lng) 1.
make a friendly protest, to reason or ar- to take away (property) by official action
gue with a person. ex*pos*tu*la*tion without an owner's approval. 2. to take
(ik-spos-chu-lay-shdn) ru and use (another's work, idea, etc.) as
ex* DO* sure (ik-spoh-z/riir) ru 1. exposing one's own. ex*pro-pri*a*tlon (eks-
or being exposed to air or cold or danger proh-pri-ay-shdn) n.
etc.; died of exposure, from the effects expt. abbr. experiment.
of being exposed to cold. 2. the exposing ex-pul-sion (ik-spul-shdn) n. expelling,
of photographic film or plate to the light, being expelled.
the length of time for which this is done. ex*pul*sive (ik-spul-siv) adj. expelling.
3. a section of film exposed as a unit. ex-punge (ik-spunj) v. (ex -panged, ex*
exposure meter, a device measuring pung-ing) to wipe or rub out, to delete.
light and indicating the length of time ex* pur* gate (ek-spur-gayt) v. (ex*pur*
needed for a photographic exposure. gat-ed, ex-pur-gat-ing) to remove
ex* pound (ik-spownd) v. to set forth or objectionable matter from (a book etc.),
explain in detail, ex* pound 'er ru to remove (such matter), ex ' pur -ga-
ex* press (ik-spres) adj. 1. definitely tor n. ex-pur-ga-tlon (ek-spiir-gay-
stated, not merely implied. 2. going or shdn) n.

sent quickly, designed for high speed, (of expwy. abbr. expressway.
a train or elevator etc.) traveling rapidly ex* qui -Site (eks-kwiz-it, ik-skwiz-) adj. 1.
to its destination with few or no interme- having special beauty. 2. having excellent
diate stops. 3. (of a letter or parcel) deliv- discrimination, exquisite taste in dress.
ered quickly by a special messenger or 3. acute, keenly felt, exquisite pain, ex'
service, express adv. at high speed, by qui- site -ly adv.
305 ex-serviceman / extract
ex-ser* vice* man (eks-sur-vis-man) n. ing from the outside, exterior n. an exte-
(pi. -men, pr. -men) a male former mem- rior surface or part or appearance.
ber of the armed services. ex*ter*mi*nate (ik-stur-ml-nayt) v. (ex*
ex-ser • vice • worn • an (eks-sur- vis- ter*mi*nat*ed, ex*ter*mi*nat*ing)
wuum-an) n. {pi -wonven, pr. -wim- to get rid of by destroying all members
in) a female former member of the armed or examples of (a race, disease, etc.). ex*
services. ter'mi-na-tor n. ex*ter*mi*na*tion
ext. abbr. 1 . extension. 2. exterior. 3. exter- (ik-stur-mi-nay-shdn) n.
nal. 4. extinct. 5. extra. 6. extract. ex* tern (ek-sturn) n. a person having some
ex*tant (ek-stant) adj. still existing. association with an institution but not
>Do not confuse extant with extent. living in it, as a nonresident physician.
ex • tern • po • ra -ne • ous
(ik-stem-po-ray- ex*ter*nal (ik-stur-nal) adj. 1. of or on
ni-us) adj. unrehearsed, offhand. ex* the outside or visible part of something.
tern • po*ra'ne* ous *ly adv. 2. of or on the outside of the body, for
ex*tenvpo«re (ik-stem-pd-ree) adj. & external use only. 3. coming or obtained
adv. spoken or done without preparation, from an independent source, external in-
impromptu. fluences. 4. belonging to the world out-
ex'tenvpoTize (ik-stem-po-nz) v. (ex* side a person or people, not in the mind.
tenvpo-rized, ex*tem*po*riz*ing) external n. the outside or visible part.
to speak or produce extempore, ex- ex*ter'nal*ly adv.
tern po ri za tion (ik-stem-po-ri-zay-
• • • • ex*tinct (ik-stingkt) adj. 1. no longer
shon) n. burning, (of a volcano) no longer active.
ex* tend (ik-stend) v. 1. to make longer 2. no longer existing in living form, ex-
inspace or time. 2. to stretch out (a hand tinct animals.
or foot or limb etc.). 3. to reach, to be ex* tine* tion (ik-stingk-shdn) n. 1. extin-
continuous over an area or from one guishing, being extinguished. 2. making
point to another, our land extends to the or becoming extinct.
river. 4. to enlarge, to increase the scope ex*tin*guish (ik-sting-gwish) v. put
1. to
of. 5. to offer or grant, extend a welcome. out (a light or fire or flame). 2. to end
6. (of a task) to stretch the ability of the existence of (hope, passion, etc.). ex*
(a person) fully, ex-tend'er n. ex- tin'guish*a*ble adj.
tended family, a family including all ex*tin*guish*er (ik-sting-gwi-sher) n. a
relatives living near. device for discharging liquid chemicals
ex *tend -a -ble, ex-tend «i-ble (ik-sten- or foam to extinguish a fire.
di-bel) adj. able to be extended. ex*tir*pate (ek-stir-payt) v. (ex*tir*
ex -ten -si 'Die (ik-sten-si-bel) adj. extend- pat • ed, ex • tir • pat • ing) to root out and
able. destroy completely, ex • tir* pa ' tion n.
ex-tervsion (ik-sten-shon) n. 1. extend- ex-tol (ik-stohl) v. (ex* tolled, ex*tol*
ing, being extended. 2. extent, range. 3. ling) to praise enthusiastically.
an addition or continuance, a section ex- ex -tort (ik-stort) v. to obtain by force or
tended from the main part. 4. an addi- threats or intimidation etc.
tional period. 5. a subsidiary telephone ex* tor* tion (ik-stor-shon) n. extorting (es-
distant from the main one, its number. pecially money), ex* tor 'tion *er n. ex*
6. instruction by a university or college tor'tion-ist n.
away from the institution proper, exten- ex* tor* tion* ate (ik-stor-sho-nit) adj. ex-
sion courses. demands) ex-
cessively high in price, (of
ex -ten- si ve (ik-sten-siv) adj. 1. large in ex*tor'tion*ate*ly adv.
area, extensive gardens. 2. wide-ranging, ex*tra (ek-stra) adj. additional, more than
large. in scope, extensive knowledge, ex* is usual or expected, extra adv. more
ten'sive*ly adv ex-ten'sive-ness n. than usually, extra strong, extra n. 1.
ex* tent (ik-stent) n. 1. the space over .an extra thing, something additional. 2.
which a thing extends. 2. the range or a thing for which an additional charge
scope of something, the full extent of his is made. 3. a special issue of a newspaper
power. 3. a large area, an extent of pas- etc. 4. a person engaged temporarily for
ture. t>Do not confuse extent with ex- a minor part or to form one of a crowd
tant. in a motion picture.
ex ten -u -ate
• (ik-sten-yoo-ayt) v. (ex* extra- prefix situated outside or not com-
ten*u*at*ed, ex*ten*u*at*ing) to ing within the scope of, as in extralegal.
make (a person's guilt or offense) seem ex -tract (ik-strakt) v. 1. to take out by
less greatby providing a partial excuse, force or effort (something firmly fixed).
extenuating circumstances. ex*ten*U* 2. to obtain (money, information, etc.)
a* tion (ik-sten-yoo-ay-shon) n. from someone unwilling to give it. 3. to
ex*te*ri*or (ik-steer-i-6r) adj. on or com- obtain (juice) by suction or pressure, to
• 1

extraction / extroverted 306

obtain (a substance) as an extract. 4. to ex-tra-u-ter*ine (ek-stra-yoo-te-rin) adj.
obtain (information from a book etc.), developing outside the uterus.
to take or copy passages from (a book). ex-trava-gant (ik-strav-a-gant) adj. 1.
5. to derive (pleasure etc.) from, extract spending much more than is necessary.
(ek-strakt) n. 1. a substance separated 2. (of prices) excessively high. 3. (of ideas
from another by dissolving it or by other or praise or behavior etc.) going beyond
treatment. 2. a concentrated substance what is reasonable, not properly con-
prepared from another. 3. a passage from ex*trav'a*gant*ly
trolled. adv. ex*
a book, play, film, or music, ex* tract 'a • trav'a-gance n.
ble adj. ex -tract 'or n.* ex-trava-gan-za (ik-strav-a-gan-za) n.
ex*traC'tion (ik-strak-sh6n) n. 1. extract- 1. a fanciful composition in music. 2. a
ing. 2. descent, lineage, he is of Polish lavish spectacular film or theatrical pro-
extraction. duction.
e x tra cur • ric • u • lar (ek-stra-ku-rik-yu-
• •
ex-tra«ve-hic-u-lar (ek-stra-vee-hik-yu-
lar) adj. not coming within the curricu- lar) adj. outside a vehicle, especially a
lum, as school activities or sports. spacecraft. extravehicular activity,
ex*tra*dit*a*ble (ek-stra-di-ta-bSl) adj. work performed outside a spacecraft in
liable to extradition, (of a crime) war-
ranting extradition.
ex* tra* vert = extrovert
ex*tra*dlte (ek-stra-dit) v. (ex *tra ex'treme (ik-streem) adj. 1. very great or
dit-ed, ex-tra-dit-ing) 1. to handover
intense, extreme cold 2. at the end(s),
(a person accused or convicted of a
furthest, farthest or outermost, the ex-
crime) to the country where the crime
treme edge. 3. going to great lengths in
was committed. 2. to obtain (such a per-
actions or views, not moderate, extreme
son) for trial or punishment, ex* tra*
n. 1 either end of anything. 2. an ex-

di-tion (ek-stra-dish-dn) n.
treme degree or act or condition, ex*
ex • tra ga • lac
• • tic (ek-st ra-ga-lak- 1 ik)
treme'ly adv. extremely high fre-
adj. outside the Milky Way.
quency, any radio frequency in the
ex*tra*le*gal (ek-stra-lee-gal) adj. be-
range between 30,000 and 300,000 mega-
yond legal authority, not regulated by
hertz, extreme unction, (formerly) in
the Roman Catholic Church, the anoint-
ex*tra*mar*i*tal (ek-stra-mar-i-tal) adj.
ing of a dying person by a priest, go
of sexual relationships outside marriage.
ex-tra-muTal to extremes, to take an extreme course
(ek-stra-myoor-al) adj. (of
of action. In the extreme, to an extreme
university teaching, studies, or sports)
away from the campus.
ex-tra-ne-ous (ik-stray-ni-us) adj. 1. of ex*trem*lsm (ik-stree-miz-em) n. advo-
external origin. 2. not belonging to the cacy of extreme views, especially in poli-
tics, ex'tre'mist n.
matter or subject in hand. ex*tra'ne*
ous'ly adv. ex*tra'ne*ous*ness n. ex*trem*l*ty (ik-strem-i-tee) n. (pi -ties)
ex-traor-di-nary (ik-stror-dt-ner-ee) adj. 1 . an extreme point, the end of some-
1 very unusual or remarkable. 2. beyond
thing. 2. an extreme degree of feeling
what is usual or ordinary, an extraordi- or need or danger etc. 3. extremities, the
nary general meeting, ex 'traor* di- hands and feet.
nar'! *ly adv. ex-trl-ca-ble (ek-stri-ka-bel) adj. able to

ex-trap-o-late (ik-strap-6-layt) v. (ex* be extricated.

trap-o-lat-ed, ex-trap-o«lat-lng) to ex*trl*cate (ek-stri-kayt) v. (ex*tri*cat*
make an estimate of (something un- ed, ex • trl • cat * Ing) to disentangle or re-
known and outside the range of one's lease from an entanglement or difficulty
data) on the basis of available data, ex* etc. ex*trl*ca*tion (ek-stri-kay-shdn) n.
trap*0*la*tion (ik-strap-d-lay-shdn) n. ex*tr1n*sic (ek-strin-sik) adj. 1. originat-
ex*tra*sen*so*ry (ek-strS-seii-so-ree) ing from outside, external. 2. not belong-
adj.(of perception) achieved by some ing to the basic nature of a person or
means other than the five senses. thing, ex-trin'si-cal-ly adv. >Do
ex*tra*ter*re8*tri*al (ek-stia-te-res-tri- confuse extrinsic with intrinsic,
al) adj. of or from outside Earth or its ex*tro*vert (ek-stro-vurt) n. a person
atmosphere. more interested in the people and things 1

ex • tra • ter • rt • to • ri • al (ek-strS-ter-i-tohr- around him than in his own thoughts

i-il) adj. 1 located outside of territorial
. and feelings, a lively sociable person, ex- •

boundaries. 2. free from jurisdiction of trovert adj. extroverted. ex*tro*ver*

the territory in which one resides, as dip- slon (ek-strd-vur-zfcdn) n.
lomats etc. ex*tra*ter*ri*to'rl*al*ly ex • tro • vert • ed (ek-strd- vur-tid) adj. hav- \

adv. ing the characteristics of an extrovert.

307 extrude / Ezra

ex -trade (ik-strood) v. (ex*trud*ed, ex* corneas from the recently dead for trans-
trading) 1. to thrust or squeeze out. planting into the eyes of those who need
2. to shape (metal or plastic etc.) by forc- them.
ing through a die. ex*trad'er n. ex* eye* brow (i-brow) n. the fringe of nan-
tru-sion (ik-stroo-z/idn) n. growing on the ridge above the eye
ex*tra*sive (ik-stroo-siv) adj. forced out socket.
(as molten matter) through Earth's crust. eye-catcher (i-kach-er) n. (informal)
ex*U*ber*ant (ig-zoo-be-rant) adj. 1. full something that attracts attention because
of high spirits, very lively. 2. growing of its appearance.
profusely, plants with exuberant foli- eye • drop • per (i-drop-er) n. a dropper for
age. ex*u'ber*ant*ly adv. ex*u'ber* administering medicine to the eye.
ance n. eye-ful (i-fuul) n. (pi. -fuls) 1. something
ex-ude (ig-zood) v. (ex*ud*ed, ex*ud* thrown or blown into one's eye, got an
ing) 1 to ooze out, to give off like sweat
. eyeful of sand. 2. (informal) a thorough
or a smell. 2. to show (pleasure, confi- look, having an eyeful. 3. (informal) a
dence etc.) freely. ex*u*date (eks-yu- remarkable or attractive sight, especially
dayt) n. a substance that has been a desirable woman.
exuded, ex-u-da-tion (eks-yu-day- eye* glass (i-glas) n. 1 a lens for correct-

shdn) n. ing or assisting defective sight. 2. eye-

ex*ult (ig-zult) v. to rejoice greatly, ex* glasses, a pair of these held in position
ul-ta-tion (eg-ziil-tay-shdn) n. >Do by a frame.
not confuse exultation with exaltation. eye* lash (i-lash) n. one of the fringe of
ex-ult-ant (ig-zul-tant) adj. exulting, ex* hairs on the edge of each eyelid.
ult'anHy adv. eye* less (i-lis) adj. having no eyes.
ex*urb (ek-surb) n. a prosperous area be- eye* let (i-lit) n. 1. a small hole through
yond the suburbs. ex*ur*bi*a (ek-sur- which a rope or cord etc. is passed. 2.
bi-S) n. a metal ring strengthening this.
ex*ur*ban*ite (ek-sur-ba-nit) n. a person eye* lid (i-lid) n. either of the two folds
who lives in an exurb. of skin that can be moved together to
-ey suffix used to form adjectives from cover the eyeball.
nouns ending in y, as in clayey. eye*lin*er (i-h-nfcr) n. a cosmetic applied
eye (i) n. the organ of sight in man
1 . as a line around the eye.
and animals. 2. the iris of this, blue eyes. eye-o-pen-er (i-oh-pg-ner) n. an enlight-
3. the part of the face around it, gave ening or surprising circumstance.
him a black eye. 4. the power of seeing, eye* piece (i-pees) n. the lens or lenses
observation, sharp eyes. 5. a thing like to which the eye is applied at the end
an eye, the spot on a peacock's tail, the of a telescope or microscope etc.
leaf bud of a potato. 6. the hole in a eye -sight (i-sit) n. 1. the ability to see.
needle, through which thread is passed. 2. range of vision, within eyesight.
7. a relatively calm spot at the center eye* sore (i-sohr) n. a thing that is ugly
of a storm, eye v. (eyed, eye* ing) to '
to look at.
look at, to watch. Dan eye for an eye, eye* strain (i-strayn) n. weariness of the
retaliation in the same form as the injury eyes from excessive or incorrect use.
done, cast or run an eye over, to ex- eye* tooth (i-tooth) n. (pi. -teeth) a ca-
amine quickly, eye drops, drops used nine tooth in the upper jaw, under the
to soothe the eyes, eye shadow, a cos- eye.
metic applied to the upper eyelid, in the eye* wash (i-wosh) n. 1. a lotion for the
eyes Of, in the opinion or judgment of. eye. 2. (slang) talk or behavior intended
keep an eye on, to watch carefully, to create a misleadingly good impression.
to take care of. keep one's eyes open eye*wit*ness (i-wit-nis) n. a person who
or peeled, to watch carefully, to be ob- actually saw an accident or crime etc. •#

servant,make eyes at, to gaze at flirta- take place.

tiously,see eye to eye, to be in full eyrie =aerie.
agreement with a person, with an eye E*ze*ki*el (S-zee-ki-el) n. 1. a Hebrew
to, with the aim or intention of. with prophet of the 6th century B.C. 2. a book
one's eyes open, with full awareness. of the Old Testament containing his
eye* ball (i-bawl) n. the ball of the eye, prophecies.
within the lids. eyeball to eyeball, Ez*ra (ez-rg) n. 1. a Hebrew scribe and
(informal) confronting a person closely. priest of the 5th century B.C. 2. a book
up to the eyeballs, (informal), deeply of the Old Testament dealing with the
involved or occupied in something. return of the Israelites from Babylon and
eye-bank (i-bangk) n. a depository for the rebuilding of the Temple.
F, f (ef) (pi. Fs, F's, fs) 1 the sixth letter
. a good face on things. 4. the front or
of the alphabet. 2. F, a grade rating for facade or right side of something, the
failing school work. dial of a clock, the distinctive side of a
f symbol focal length. playing card. 5. the end of a coal mine
F abbr. 1. Fahrenheit. 2. French. or quarry in which digging is (or was)
F symbol fluorine. going on. 6. the striking surface of a golf
f. abbr. 1. false. 2. family. 3. female. 4. club etc., the working surface of a tool.
forte2 5. frequency.
. 7. the working surface of a printing type
fa (fah) n. (a name for) the fourth note or plate, face v. (faced, fac*ing) 1. to
of a scale in music. have or turn the face toward (a certain
FAA abbr. Federal Aviation Agency. direction). 2. to be opposite to. 3. to meet
Fa*bi*an (fay-bi-an) adj. of the principles confidently or defiantly, to accept and
of or of the Fabian Society itself. (OThe be prepared to deal with (unpleasant
Fabian Society was organized in England facts or problems). 4. to meet (an oppo-
in 1884 to promote socialist principles.) nent) in a contest. 5. to present itself,
Fabian n. a member of or sympathizer the problem that faces us. 6. to cover
with the Fabian Society. Fa'bi*an* (a surface) with a layer of different mate-
ism n. rial, to put a facing on (a garment etc.).
fa*ble (fay-bel) n. 1. a short story not Dface the music, to face unpleasant
based on fact, often with animals as char- consequences bravely, face up to, to
acters and conveying a moral. 2. these face (a difficulty etc.) resolutely, face
stories or legends collectively. 3. untrue value, the value printed or stamped on
statements, sort out fact from fable. money; take a thing at its face value, as-
fa* bled (fay-beld) adj. told of in fables, sume that it is genuinely what it seems
legendary. to be. have the face, to be impudent
fab Tic (fab-rik) n. 1 cloth, woven or knit-
. enough, in the face of, despite, lose
ted or felted material. 2. a plastic resem- face, to suffer loss of prestige through
bling this. 3. the framework or structure a humiliation, on the face of it, judging
of something, the fabric of modern soci- by appearances, put a good face on
ety. it, to make an outward show of cheerful

fab-ri-cate (fab-ri-kayt) v. (fab-ri- acceptance of something, save face,

cat-ed, fab-ri-cat-ing) 1. to con- prevent (a person) from losing prestige.
struct, to manufacture. 2. to invent (a to one's face, openly in one's presence.
story), to forge (a document), fab'ri* face *cioth (fays-klawth) n. a cloth for
ca*tor n. fab-ri' caption (fab-ri-kay- washing one's face.
shon) n. face 'less (fays-lis) adj. 1. without a face.
fab-ylous (fab-yu-lus) adj. 1. told of in 2. without identity. 3. purposely not
fables. 2. incredibly great, fabulous identifiable, face'less-ness n.
wealth. 3. (informal) wonderful, marvel- face -lift (fays-lift) n. (also face lifting)

ous. fab'u*lous*ly adv. 1 . plastic surgery on the face to improve

fac. abbr. 1. facsimile. 2. factor. 3. factory. its appearance. 2. (informal) an altera-
4. faculty. tion etc. that improves the appearance,
fa* cade (fa-sahd) n. 1. the principal face as of a building.
or the front of a building. 2. an outward face-Off (fays-awf) n. (in ice hockey) the
appearance, especially a deceptive one. dropping of the puck between two oppos-
face (fays) n. 1 the front part of the head
. ing players by the referee to initiate play.
from forehead to chin. 2. the expression face-sav-ing (fays-say-ving) adj. protect-
shown by its features, a cheerful face; ing one's status or dignity, a facesaving
make a face, make a grimace. 3. the out- gesture.
ward show or aspect of something, put fac-et (fas-it) n. 1. one of the many sides

309 facetious / fail

of a cut stone or jewel. 2. one aspect separate into mathematical factors. 2. to

of a situation or problem. finance (business accounts).
fa-ce-tious (fa-see-shus) adj. intended or faC'tOThal (fak-tohr-i-al) n. the product
intending to be amusing. fa*ce'tlous* of a positive integer and all its lesser posi-
ly adv. fa*ce'tious*ness n. tive integers, factorial adj. of a factor
face-to-face (fays-too-fays) adv. 1. in or a factorial.
someone's presence. 2. confronting a per- fac«to»ry (fak-td-ree) n. (pi. -ries) a
son or danger etc. building or buildings in which goods are
fascial (fay-shal) adj. of the face, facial manufactured. factory ship, a fishing
n. a beauty treatment for the face. vessel that processes its catch while at
faC'ile (fas-il) adj. 1. easily done. 2. (of sea.

a person) able to do something easily, fac*to*tum (fak-toh-tum) n. a servant or

a facile speaker. 3. achieved easily but assistant doing all kinds of work.
without attention to quality, superficial, fac*tu*al (fak-choo-al) adj. based on or
a facile solution. containing facts. fac'tu*al*ly adv.
fa-cil-i-tate (fa-sil-i-tayt) v. (fa-cil-i- fac-U-la (fak-yii-ia) n. (pi. -lae, pr. -lee)
tat-ed, fa*cil*i*tat*ing) to make easy, a bright spot or streak on the sun.
to lessen the difficulty of. fa*Cil«i«ta«
fac*ul*ty (fak-ul-tee) n. (pi. -ties) 1. any
tion (fa-sil-i-tay-shdn) n. of the powers of the body or mind, the
fa*cil*i*ty (fa-sil-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1 the .
faculty of sight; he has lost his faculties.
2. a particular kind of ability, a faculty
quality of being easy, absence of diffi-
culty. 2. ease in doing something, reads
for learning languages. 3. a department
teaching a particular subject in a univer-
music with great facility. 3. an aid, equip-
sity or college, the faculty of law. 4. the
ment, structure, etc. that makes it easy
entire teaching and administrative staff
to do something, you shall have every fa-
cility; sports facilities. >Do
not confuse
of a university etc. >Do not confuse fac-
ulty with facility.
facility with faculty.
fad (fad) n. a person's particular like or
facing (fay-sing) n. 1 an outer layer cov-
dislike, a craze, fad 'dish adj. fad 'dish*
ering a surface. 2. a layer of material
ly adv. fad'dist n.
covering part of a garment etc. for con-
fade (fayd) v. (fad -ed, fad -ing) 1 to lose

trast or to strengthen it.

or cause to lose color, freshness, or vigor.
fac*sim*i*le (fak-sim-I-lee) n. 1. a repro-
2. to disappear gradually, to become in-
duction of a document or book or paint-
distinct. 3. to cause (the sound or picture
ing etc. 2. a system of producing this
in radio, film, etc.) to decrease (fade out)
by radio or telephone transmission of sig- or increase (fade in) gradually.
nals from scanning the original.
fade-in (fayd-in), fade-out (fayd-out) n.
fact (fakt) n. 1 something known to have
the fading in or out of the sound or pic-
happened or to be true or to exist. 2. a ture in radio, film, etc.
thing asserted to be true as a basis for FAdm abbr. Fleet Admiral.
reasoning, his facts are disputed. after fae*ces = feces.
the fact, after something has occurred fag (fag) v. (fagged, fag-ging) (of work)
or become known, facts Of life, (in- to make tired. Dfag end, an inferior
formal) knowledge of human sexual or worthless remnant, fagged out, tired
functions, in fact, in reality. out.
fac-tion (fak-shdn) n. a small united fag-ot (fag-dt) n. a bundle of sticks or
group within a larger one, especially in twigs bound together.
politics, faction -al adj. fac'tiorval* fag-ot -ing (fag-6-ting) n. embroidery in
ism n. which threads are fastened together like
factious (fak-shus) adj. 1. having fac- fagots.
tions. 2. creating dissension. >Do not Fan., Fahr. abbr. Fahrenheit.
confuse factious with fractious. Fahr*en*heit (far-en-hit) adj. of or using
fac-ti-tious (fak-tish-us) adj. artificial, a temperature scale (Fahrenheit scale)
fac-ti'tious-ly adv. with 32° being the freezing point and
fac-tor (fak-tdr) n, 1. a circumstance or 212° the boiling point of water.
influence that contributes to a result; fa*Tence, fa*ience (fay-ahns, ft-) n. bril-
safety factor, the margin of security liantly glazed earthenware or porcelain.
against risks. 2. one of the numbers or fail (fayl) v. 1. to be unsuccessful in what
mathematical expressions by which a is attempted. 2. to be or become insuffi-
larger number etc. can be divided ex- cient, (of crops) to produce a very poor
actly, 2, 3, 4, and 6 are factors of 12. harvest. 3. to become weak or ineffective,
3. a person or company that finances the to cease functioning, the engine failed.
accounts of businesses, factor v. 1 to . 4. to neglect or forget or be unable to
failed / fakir 310
do something, he failed to appear. 5. to fair* ground (fair-grownd) n. a site for
disappoint the hopes of. 6. to become fairs, horse races, etc.
bankrupt. 7. to grade (a candidate) as fair-haired (fair-haird) adj. having fair
not having passed an examination, fail hair. fair-haired boy, (slang) a boy
n. failure in an examination. Dfail safe, or man favored by his superiors.
(of equipment) to revert to a danger-free fair* ing (fair-ing) n. a structure added to
condition in the event of a breakdown the exterior of a ship or aircraft etc. to
or other failure, without fail, for certain, streamline it.
whatever happens. fair*ly (fair-lee) adv. 1. in a fair manner.
failed (fayld) adj. unsuccessful, a failed au- 2. moderately, fairly difficult 3. actually,
thor. fairly jumped for joy.
failing (fay-ling) n. a weakness or fault,

fair-spcken (fair-spoh-ken) adj. polite.
a human failing, failing prep, if (a thing) fair-trade (fair-tray d) v. (fair-trad -ed,
does not happen, if (a person) is not avail- fair-trad* ing) to sell (merchandise) at
able. a price set by the manufacturer.
faille (fil) n. a closely woven silk, rayon, fair* way (fair- way) n. 1 the part of a golf

or cotton fabric. course between tee and green, kept free

fail-safe (fayl-sayf) device one that en- of rough grass. 2. an unobstructed pas-
sures a safe condition in the event of a sage, especially a navigable channel.
breakdown or other failure in equipment. fair*y (fair-ee) n, {pi fair-ies) an imag-
fail* lire (fayl-yur) »t 1. failing, nonperfor-
inary small being supposed to have
mance of something, lack of success. 2. magical powers. Dfairy godmother, a
the ceasing of mechanism or power or
benefactress who provides a sudden
a part of the body etc. to function, heart
unexpected gift, fairy story, fairy tale,
failure. 3. becoming bankrupt. 4. an un-
a tale about fairies or magic; an incredi-
successful person or thing or attempt.
ble story; a falsehood.
fain (fayn) adj. (old use) willing, fain adv.
f air *y land (fair-ee-land) n. 1. the world
(old use) willingly.
of fairies. 2. a very beautiful place.
faint (faynt) adj. 1. not clearly perceived
fait ac-convpli (fayt a-kom-plee) (pi.
by the senses, indistinct, not intense in
faits ac*COm*plis, pr. fayts a-kom-
color or sound or smell. 2. weak, vague,
plee) a thing that is already done and
a faint hope. 3. timid, feeble. 4. about
to lose consciousness, faint v. to lose con-
not reversible. > French.
faith (fayth) 1. reliance or trust in a
sciousness temporarily through failure in
person or thing. 2. belief in religious doc-
the supply of blood to the brain, faint
trine. 3. a system of religious belief, the
n. an act or state of fainting, faint'ly
Christian faith. 4. loyalty, sincerity.
adv. faint'ness n.
faint- heart -ed (faynt-hahr-tid) adj.
break promise
faith, to break one's

timid, faint 'heart -ed*ly adv.

or loyalty, faith cure, something that
fair 1 (fair)n. 1. a periodical gathering for
heals a person because he believes that
the sale of goods, often with shows and it will healer, a person who
do so. faith

entertainments. 2. an exhibition of com- practices faith healing, healing by

mercial or industrial goods. 3. an exhi- prayer, not by medical skill, in good
bition of agricultural produce, farm ani- faith, with honest intention.
mals, etc. faith *ful (fayth-ful) adj. 1 loyal, trustwor-

fair 2 adj. 1 (of the hair or skin) light in

thy, conscientious. 2. true to the facts,
color, (of a person) having fair hair. 2. accurate. 3. the faithful, true believers
(old use) beautiful. 3. (of weather) fine, (especially Muslims), loyal supporters.
(of winds) favorable. 4. just, unbiased, falth'ful-ly adv. faith 'fui-ness n.
in accordance with the rules. 5. of mod- faith* less (fayth-lis) adj. 1. lacking reli-
erate quality or amount, fair adv. in a gious faith. 2. false to promises, disloyal,
fair manner, fair'ness n. Dfair and faith 'less -ly adv. faith 'less -ness n.
square, straightforwardly, aboveboard; fake (fayk) n. 1 something that looks gen-

exactly, fair copy, a neat copy of a cor- uine but is not, a forgery. 2. a person
rected document, fair enough!, (in- who tries to deceive others by pretending
formal) I agree to your conditions, fair to be something that he is not. fake adj.
play, equal opportunities and treatment faked, not genuine, fake v. (faked, fak*
for all. fair shake, (slang) an equal Ing) 1 to make (a thing) that looks genu-

chance (to get a job etc.). in a fair way ine, in order to deceive people. 2. to pre-
to, at the stage where something is likely, tend, he faked illness, fak'er n. >Do
he's in a fair way to succeed, in all fair- not confuse faker with fakir.
ness, legitimately, the fair sex, fa*kir (fa-keer, fay-klr) n. a Muslim or
women. Hindu religious beggar regarded as a
311 falchion / familiar

holy man. >Do not confuse fakir with fah la* clous (fa-lay-shus) adj. containing
faker. a fallacy.
fahchion (fawl-chdn) n. a broad curved fal -la-cy (fal-a-see) n. {pi -cies) 1 a false

convex-edged sword. or mistaken belief. 2. false reasoning.

fal* con (fawl-kdn) n. a small long- winged fal • II • ble (fal-T-bel) adj. liable to make mis-
hawk. takes. faMI-blM'ty (fal-I-bil-i-tee) n.
fal-corrry (fawl-k6n-ree) n. the breeding Fal-lo-pi-an (fa-loh-pi-an) tube either of
and training of hawks. the two tubes carrying egg cells from the
fall (fawl) v. (fell, fall-en, falling) 1. to ovaries to the womb.
come or go down freely, as by force of fall* out (fawl-out) n. 1. airborne radioac-
weight or loss of balance or becoming tive debris from a nuclear explosion. 2.
detached. 2. to come as if by falling, si- side effects.
lence fell. 3. to lose one's position or of- fal "low 1 (fal-oh) adj. (of land) plowed but
fice, fell from power. 4. to hang down. left unplanted in order to restore its fer-
5. to decrease in amount or number or tility.

intensity, prices fell; her spirits fell, she fallow 2 adj. pale yellowish brown.
became depressed. 6. to slope downward. fallow deer, a kind of small deer,
7. (of the face) to show dismay. 8. to spotted white in summer.
die in battle. 9. (of a fortress or city) false (fa wis) adj. (fals-er, fals-est) 1.
to be captured. 10. to take a specified wrong, incorrect. 2. deceitful, lying, un-
direction or place, his glance fell on me. faithful, 3. not genuine, sham, artificial,
11. to come by chance or be assigned false teeth. 4. improperly so called; the
as what one must have or do, the job false acacia, not really an acacia tree,
falls to you. 1 2. to happen to come, fell false'ly adv. false'ness n. false
into bad company. 1 3. to pass into a spec- alarm, an alarm raised without genuine
ified state, to become, fall in love; fell cause, false pretenses, acts intended
asleep. 14. to occur, to have as a date, to deceive.
Easter fell early, fall n. 1 the act of fall-
. false -hood (fawls-huud) n. 1. an untrue
ing. 2. giving way to temptation; the Fall statement, a lie. 2. telling lies.
(of man), Adam's sin and its results. 3. fal* set* to (fawl-set-oh) n. {pi. -tos) a
the amount by which something falls. high-pitched voice above one's natural
4. autumn. 5. a throw in a wrestling range, especially when used by male sing-
match. 6. (also falls) a waterfall. 7. a ers, falsetto adv. in a falsetto voice.
woman's hairpiece. Ufall back, to re- fal-sies (fawl-seez) n. pi. (slang) a padded
treat, fall back on, to turn to for help bra, pads worn inside a bra.
when something else has failed, fall fal-si-fy (fawl-sT-fi) v. (fal*si*fied, fal*
down on, to fail in. fall flat, to fail to si *fying) 1. to alter (a document)
produce a result, to fail to produce the fraudulently. 2. to misrepresent (facts).
desired result, fall for, (informal) to fall fal • si • f i • ca • tion (fawl-sl-fi-kay-sh6n)

in love with; to be taken in by (a decep- n.

tion). fall foul Of, to collide with; to fal*si*ty (fawl-st-tee) n. {pi. -ties) 1 false- .

get into trouble with, fall from grace, ness. 2. a falsehood, an error.
to backslide or sin. fall guy, (slang) an fait* boat (fahlt-boht) n. (also fold boat)
easy victim; a scapegoat, fall in, to take a small boat with a collapsible frame.
one's place in a military formation, to falt*er (fawl-ter) v. 1. to go or function
cause (troops) to do this; (of a building) unsteadily. 2. to become weaker, to begin
to collapse inward, falling out, a quar- to give way, his courage faltered. 3. to
rel, falling sickness, (old use) epilepsy. speak or utter hesitatingly, to stammer.
falling star, a meteor, fall into line, fal'ter *ing*ly adv.
to conform to a certain course of action. fame (faym) n. 1 the condition of being

fall in with, to meet by chance; to agree known to many people. 2. a good reputa-
to. fall line, a transition area between tion.
an upland and a lowland, fall off, to famed (faymd) adj. famous.
decrease in size or number or quality. fa-mil-ial (fa-mil-yal) adj. of or occurring
fall out, to quarrel; to happen; to leave in members of a family.
one's place in a military formation, to fa*mil*iar (fa-mil-yar) adj. 1. well known,
cause (troops) to do this, fall over one- often seen or experienced, a familiar
self, to be very awkward; to be very sight. 2. having a good knowledge (of a
hasty or eager, fall short, to be insuffi- thing), well acquainted (with a person).
cient or inadequate, fall short of, to fail 3. lacking formality, friendly and in-
to obtain or reach, fall through, (of a formal, addressed him in familiar terms.
plan) to fail, to come to nothing, fall 4. too informal, assuming a greater de-
to, to begin working or fighting or eating. gree of informality or friendship than is
familiarize / far 312
proper, fa- mil'iar -ly adv. fa-mil-i-ar- ined, an unfounded idea or belief, fancy
i*ty (fa-mil-i-ar-i-tee) n. adj. (-ci*er, 1. ornamental, not
fa-mil-iar-ize (fa-mil-ya-nz) v. (fa* plain, elaborate. 2. based on imagination
mil-iar-ized, fa-mil-iar-iz*ing) 1. to not fact, fancy v. (fan-cied, fan •ey-
make well acquainted (with a person or ing) 1 to imagine. 2. to be inclined to

thing). 2. to make well known, fa •mil* believe or suppose. 3. (informal) to take

iar*i*za*tion (fa-mil-ya-ri-zay-shon) ru a fancy to, to like, to find (a person) at-
f • i • ly (fam-Mee) n. {pi -lies) 1 parents. tractive. fancy dress, a costume
and their children. 2. a person's children, worn for a party etc. at which the guests
they have a large family. 3. a set of rela- dress to represent animals, characters of
tives. 4. all the descendants of a common history or fiction, etc. fancy oneself,
ancestor, their line of descent. 5. a group (informal) to be rather conceited, to ad-
of things that are alike in some way. 6. mire oneself, fancy prices, excessively
a group of related plants or animals, lions high prices, take a fancy to, to develop
belong to the cat family. family circle, a liking for. take a person's fancy,
a group of close relatives, family man, to become liked by him.
one who is fond of home life with his fan«cy-free (fan-see-free) adj. not in love.
family, family planning, birth control. fan-cy work (fan-see- wurk) n. decorative
family tree, a diagram showing how needlework.
people in a family are related, in the fan* dan* go (fan-dang-goh) n. {pi. -gos)
{or a) family way, (informal) pregnant. a lively Spanish dance for two people,
f • ine (fam-in) n. extreme scarcity (espe- music for this.
cially of food) in a region. fan -fare (fan-fair) n. a short showy or cer-
fam -ish (fam-ish) v. to suffer from extreme emonious sounding of trumpets.
hunger. fang (fang) n. 1 a long sharp tooth, espe-

fa-mous (fay-miis) adj. known to very cially of dogs and wolves. 2. a snake's
many people. tooth with which it injects venom.
fa-mous-ly (fay-mus-lee) adv. extremely fan* jet (fan- jet) n. 1 a jet engine equipped

well, getting on famously. with an exhausting fan. 2. an airplane

fan 1
(fan)a device waved in the hand
n, having fan jets.
or operated mechanically to create a cur- fan* light (fan-lit) n. a semicircular win-
rent of air. fan v. (fanned, fan-ning) dow above a door, a small window above
1 to drive a current of air upon, with
. another window or a door.
or as if with a fan. 2. to stimulate (flames fan-ny (fan-ee) n. {pi -nies) (slang) the
etc.) in this way. 3. to spread from a buttocks.
central point, troops fanned out. Dfan fan* tail (fail-tayl) n. 1. a kind of pigeon
belt, a belt driving the fan that cools with a semicircular tail. 2. the part of
the radiator of a motor vehicle. the stern of a ship extending aft from
fan 2 n. an enthusiastic admirer or sup- the last perpendicular.
porter. (E> Originally short for fanatic.) fan -ta-sia (fan-tay-z/ra) n. a fanciful musi-
Ufan club, an organized group of a per- cal or other composition of free form.
son's admirers, fan mail, letters from fan -ta- size (fan-ta-siz) v. (fanta-
fans to the person they admire. sized, fan-ta-siz-ing) to imagine in
fa-nat-ic (fa-nat-ik) n. a person filled with fantasy, to daydream.
excessive enthusiasm or zeal for some- fan-tas-tic (fan-tas-tik) adj. 1. absurdly
thing, fanatic adj. fa-nat'i-cal adj. fa- fanciful. 2. designed in a very imagina-
nat'i-cal-ly adv. tive style. 3. (informal) very remarkable,
fa-nat-i-cism (fa-nat-i-siz-em) n. exces- excellent, fan-tas'ti-cal adj. fan*
sive enthusiasm. tas'ti*cal*ly adv.
fan-ci-er (fan-si-er) n. 1. a person with fan-ta-sy (fan-t£-see, -zee){pi -sles)

special knowledge of and love for some- 1. imagination, especially when produc-
thing, a one whose hobby
dog fancier. 2. ing very fanciful ideas. 2. a wild or fan-
is breeding animals or growing plants. tastic product of the imagination, a day-
fan-ci-ful (fan-si-ful) adj. 1. (of people) dream. 3. a fanciful design, a fantasia.
using the imagination freely, imagining FAO abbr. Food and Agricultural Organi-
things. 2. existing only in the imagina- zation.
tion. 3. (of things) designed in a quaint far (fahr) adv. (far-ther or fur*ther, far-
or imaginative style, fan'ci*ful*ly adv. thest or fur-thest) at or to or by a
fan-cy (fan-see) n. {pi -cies) 1. a liking, great distance, far adj. distant, remote.
she took a fancy to the child. 2. the power Da far cry from, greatly different from,
of imagining things, especially of an un- as far as, right to, as far as my home;
real or fantastic sort. 3. an unreasoning to whatever extent, as far as I am con-
desire for something. 4. something imag- cerned, by far, by a great amount, far
313 farad / fast

and away, by far. far and wide, over far*ri*er (far-i-er) n. a blacksmith.
a large area, far be it from me, I would far* row (far-oh) v. (of a sow) to give birth
certainly not. Far East, China, Japan, to young pigs, farrow n. 1. farrowing.
and other countries of east and southeast 2. a litter of young pigs.
Asia. Far West, the part of the United far* see* ing (fahr-see-ing) adj. prescient,
States that lies west of the Great Plains. prudent.
go far, to achieve a great deal, so far, far* sight *ed (fahr-si-tid) adj. 1. able to
to such an extent or distance, until now. see distant objects more clearly than
SO far SO good, progress has been good. close ones. 2. farseeing. far'sight'ed*
far* ad (far-ad) n. a unit of electrical ca- ness n.
pacitance, such that one coulomb of farther (fahr-f/ier) adj. & adv. at or to
charge causes a difference of one volt in a greater distance, more remote. Care- >
potential. ful writers use farther and farthest where
far -a • way (fahr-a-way) adj. 1. distant. 2. the meaning of "actual distance" is in-
dreamy, faraway eyes. volved. She lived farther from my house
farce (fahrs) n. 1 a light comedy. 2. this
. than you did. You were never further from
kind of drama. 3. absurd and useless pro- my thoughts. She lived farthest away. You
ceedings, a pretense. far'ci'Cal adj. were furthest from my thoughts.
fare (fair) n. 1. the price charged for a far -then most (fahr-f/ier-mohst) adj. far-
passenger to travel. 2. a passenger who thest.
pays a fare, especially for a hired vehicle. farthest (fahr-tfrist) adj. & adv. at or to
3. food provided, fare v. (fared, far* the greatest distance, most
ing) to have good or bad treatment, to >See the note under farther.
progress, how did they fare? far* thing (fahr-f/ring) n. 1. a former Brit-
fare* well (fair-wel) interj. goodby. fare- ish coin worth one quarter of a penny.
well n. leave-taking, farewell adj. 2. a coin of little value.
far* fetched (fahr-fecht) adj. strained, not far* thin* gale (fahr-f/ring-gayl) n. a
obvious, a farfetched example. hooped framework used in the 16th cen-
far-flung (fahr-flung) adj. widely extended. tury for extending a woman's skirt.
fa*ri*na (fa-ree-na) n. flour or meal used fas*ces (fas-eez) n. a bundle of rods with
as a breakfast cereal. an ax, carried by certain officials of an-
far*i*na*ceous (far-T-nay-shus) adj. 1. cient Rome as an emblem of authority.
mealy in texture. 2. containing flour or fas-ci-cle (fas-i-kel) n. one section of a
meal. 3. starchy. book that is published in installments.
farm (fahrm) n. 1. an area of land and fas*cic*u*lar (fa-sik-yu-lar) adj.
its buildings, owned or rented by one fas*ci*nate (fas-l-nayt) v. (fas*ci*nat*
management, used for raising crops or ed, fas*ci*nat*ing) 1. to attract and
livestock. 2. a farmhouse. 3. a body of hold the interest of, to charm greatly.
water used for raising fish etc. farm v. 2. to deprive (a victim) of the power of
1. to grow crops or raise livestock. 2. escape by a fixed look, as a snake does.
to use (land) for this purpose. Dfarm fas'ci*na*tor n. fas*ci*na*tion (fas-
out, to assign (work) to be done by oth- I-nay-shon) n.
ers. fas*ci*nat*ing (fas-I-nayt-ing) adj. hav-
farnver (fahr-mer) n. a person who owns ing great attraction or charm.
or manages a farm. farmer cheese, fas*cism (fash-iz-em) n. a system of ex-
a pressed whole milk cheese. treme right-wing dictatorial government,
farm* hand (fahrm-hand) n. a person who fas 'cist n. fas*cis*tic (fa-shis-tik) adj.
works on a farm. fash* ion (fash-6n) n. 1. a manner or way
farm* house (fahrm-hows) n. the farmer's of doing something, continue in this fash-
house on a farm. ion. 2. the popular style of dress, cus-
farm* ing (fahr-ming) n. operating a farm, toms, etc. at a given time, fashion v.
agriculture. to make into a particular form or shape.
farm* land (fahrm-land) n. land capable after or in a fashion, to some extent
of being cultivated. but not very satisfactorily, in fashion,
farm* yard (fahrm-yahrd) n. the enclosed fashionable, out of fashion, not fash-
area around farm buildings. ionable.
far*o (fair-oh) n. a card game in which fash* ion *a*ble (fash-6-na-bel) adj. 1. in
bets are placed on the order of appear- or adopting a style that is currently popu-
ance of cards. lar. 2. frequented or used by stylish peo-
far* off (fahr-awf) adj. remote. ple, a fashionable hotel. fash'ion*a*
far-out (fahr-owt) adj. (slang) excellent. bly adv.
far*ra*go (fa-rah-goh) n. (pi. -gos) a fast 1 (fast) adj. 1 moving or done quickly.

hodgepodge. 2. producing or allowing quick move-

fast / fatigue 314
ment, a fast road. 3. (of a clock etc.) fa*tal (fay-tal) adj. 1. causing or ending
showing a time ahead of the correct one. in death. 2. causing disaster, a fatal mis-
4. (of a person) spending too much time take. 3. fateful, the fatal day. fa'tal-
and energy on pleasure, immoral. 5. (of ly adv.
photographic film) very sensitive to light, fa*tal*ist (fay-ta-list) n. a person who ac-
(of a lens) having a large aperture, allow- cepts and submits to what happens, re-
ing a short exposure to be used. 6. firmly garding it as inevitable, fa'tal* ism n.
fixed or attached. 7. (of colors or dyes) fa*tal*is*tic (fay-ta-lis-tik) adj.
unlikely to fade or run. fast adv. 1. fa-tal-l-ty (fay-tal-i-tee) n. (pi -ties)
quickly. 2. firmly, tightly, securely, stuck death caused by accident or in war etc.
fast; fast asleep. Dfast foods, dishes fat* back (fat-bak) n. a strip of fat, from
that are quickly prepared and quickly the upper part of a side of pork, cured
served, such as hamburgers, fried by drying and salting.
chicken, etc. fast worker, one who fate (fayt) n. 1 a power thought to control

makes rapid progress, especially in fur- all events and impossible to resist. 2. a
thering his own interests, play fast and person's destiny.
loose, to ignore one's obligations, to act fat-ed (fay-tid) adj. destined by fate,
deceitfully. doomed.
fast v. to go without food or without cer- fateful (fayt-ful) adj. bringing or produc-
tain kinds of food, especially as a reli- ing great and usually unpleasant events,
gious duty, fast n. fasting, a day or sea- the fateful decision. fate / ful*ly adv.
son appointed for this. fath. abbr. fathom.
fast* back (fast-bak) n. a car with a long fat* head (fat-hed) n. (informal) a stupid
sloping back, the back itself. person, fat 'head -ed adj.
fas* ten (fas-en) v. 1. to fix firmly, to tie farther (fih-r/ier) n. 1. a male parent. 2.
or join together. 2. to fix (one's glance a male ancestor, land of our fathers. 3.
or attention) intently. 3. to become fas- the founder or originator of something.
tened, the door fastens with a latch. 4. Father, God, the First Person of the
fasten Off, to tie or secure the end Trinity. 5. the title of certain priests, es-
(of a thread etc.). fasten on, to lay hold pecially those belonging to religious or-
of; to single out for attack; to seize as ders, father v. 1 to beget, to be the fa-

a pretext. ther of. 2. to found or originate (an idea

fas*ten*er fas -tending (fas-
(fas-e-ner), or plan etc.). fa'ther*ly adj. fa'ther*
e-ning) n. a device used for fastening hood n. D Father Christmas, (British)
something. Santa Claus father figure, an older
fas-tid-i-ous (fa-stid-i-us) adj. 1. select- man who is*respected and trusted by oth-
ing carefully, choosing only what is good. ers like a father. Father's Day, a day
2. easily disgusted. fas*tid'i*ous*ly (usually the third Sunday in June) on
adv. fas-tid'i-ous-ness n. which special tribute is paid to fathers.
fast -ness (fast-nis) n. 1 the state of being
. Father Time, the personification of
fast or firm, color fastness. 2. a strong- time, shown as an old man with a scythe
hold, a fortress. and an hourglass.
fast-talk (fast-Uwk) v. to persuade by fa -theMn-law (fah-r/ier-in-law) n. (pMa*
rapid or deceitful talk. thers-ln-law) the father of one's wife
fat (fat) n. 1. a whitish or yellowish sub- or husband.
stance, insoluble in water, found in ani- fa*ther*land (fah-r/ter-land) n. one's na-
mal bodies and certain seeds. 2. this sub- tive country.
stance prepared for use in cooking, fat fa-ther-less (fah-r/ier-lis) adj. without a
adj. (fat*ter, fat* test) 1. containing living father, without a known father.
much fat, covered with fat. 2. excessively fath-om (f*th-6m) n. (pi. -oms, *om) a
plump. 3. (of an animal) made plump measure of six ft. used in stating the
for slaughter. 4. thick, a fat book. 5. fer- depth of water, fathom v. 1 to measure .

tile, fat lands 6. richly rewarding, a nice the depth of. 2. to get to the bottom of,
fat job. fat 'ness n. Da
fat chance, to understand. fath'om*a*ble adj.
(informal) none, no chance at all. fat fath'om-a-bly adv.
cat, (slang) a wealthy person, fat farm, fath-om 'less (faf/i-om-lis) adj. too deep
(slang) a resort for people who wish to to fathom, too complicated to under-
lose weight, live off the fat of the land, stand.
to have the best of everything, especially fa-tigue (fa-teeg) n. 1. tiredness resulting
without having to work for it. the fat from hard work or exercise. 2. weakness
Is in the fire, something has happened in metals etc. caused by repeated stress.
that will cause an explosion of anger or 3. (also fatigue duty) any of the nonmil-
other undesirable reaction. itary duties of soldiers, such as cleaning
315 fatted / fear

and dishwashing. 4. fatigues, (informal) that one supports a certain political or

informal military dress, fatigue v. (fa* other party. 5. a small decorative object
tigued, fa*tigu*ing) to cause fatigue to. provided at a party. 6. favors, consent
fat* ted (fat-id) adj. (of animals) fattened to sexual relations, favor v. 1 to regard .

as food, the fatted calf or treat with favor. 2. to be in favor of.

fat* ten (fat-en) v. to make or become fat. 3. to oblige, favor us with a song. 4. (of
fat-ty (fat-ee) adj. (fat*ti*er, fat*tl* events or circumstances) to make possi-
est) like fat, containing fat. fatty n. (pi. ble or easy, to be advantageous to. 5.
-ties) (informal) a fat person. fatty to resemble (one parent etc.), the boy fa-
acid, any member Of a series of acids vors his father. Dbe in or out of favor,
derived from or occurring in animal or to have or not have a person's goodwill.
vegetable fats. in favor of, in support of, in sympathy
fat*u*OUS (fach-oo-us) adj. foolish, silly. with; to the advantage of, the exchange
fat / u*ous*ly adv. fat'u*ous*ness it rate is in our favor; (of checks) made out
fa*tu*i*ty (fa-too-i-tee) n. (pi -ties). to a person or his account.
fau-bourg (foh-boor) n. a suburb of a fa*vor*a*ble (fay-vo-ra-bel) adj. 1. giving
French city. or showing approval. 2. pleasing, satis-
fau*cet (faw-sit) n. a device for allowing factory, made a favorable impression. 3.
water to come from a kitchen or lavatory helpful, advantageous, favorable winds.
pipe in a controllable flow. fa'vor*a*bly adv.
fault (fawlt) n. 1 a defect or imperfection.
fa-vor-ite (fay-vd-rit) adj. liked or pre-
2. an something wrongly done.
ferred above others, favorite n. 1 a fa- .

3. the responsibility for something

vored person or thing. 2. a competitor
wrong. 4. a break in the continuity of favorite
generally expected to win.
layers of rock, caused by movement of
son, a person preferred as a presidential
Earth's crust. 5. an incorrect serve in
candidate by delegates from his own
tennis etc. fault v. 1 to find fault with,

to declare to be faulty. 2. to make im-
fa*vor*it*lsm (fay-v6-ri-tiz-em) n. unfair
perfect. Dat fault, responsible for a mis-
favoring of one person or group at the
take or shortcoming, double fault, two
expense of another.
consecutive faults in tennis etc. find
fault with, to seek and find mistakes in,
fawn 1 (fawn) n. 1 . a fallow deer in its first
year. 2. light yellowish brown, fawn adj.
to complain about, to a fault, exces-
light yellowish brown. D> Do not confuse
sively, generous to a fault.
fault- find -ing (fawlt-fm-ding) n. the act fawn with faun.
of complaining or criticizing, especially
fawn 2 v. 1 . (of a dog win
etc.) to try to

in a petty way. fault / find*er n.

affection or attention by crouching close
fault* less (fawlt-lis) adj. without fault, to a person and licking him. 2. to try
fault'less'ly adv. to win favor by obsequious behavior.
fault -y (fawl-tee) adj. (fault -i-er, fault* faze (fayz) v. (fazed, faz-ing) to discon-
i*est) having a fault or faults, imperfect. cert.

fault'My adv. fault'i*ness n. fb. abbr. fullback.

faun (fawn) n. one of a class of gods of FBI, F.B.I, abbr. Federal Bureau of Investi-
the woods and fields in ancient mythol- gation.
ogy, with the legs and horns of a goat, FCC abbr. Federal Communications Com-
faun'like adj. >Do not confuse faun mission.
with fawn. fcp. abbr. foolscap.
fau-na (faw-na) n. (pi -nas, -nae, pr. fey. abbr. fancy.
-nee) the animals of an area or period FD abbr. 1. fire department. 2. focal dis-
of time. tance.
Fauve (fohv) n, a member of a group of FDA abbr. Food and Drug Administration.
early 20th-century French artists whose FDIC abbr. Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
works employ bright contrasting colors. poration.
Fauv'ism n. Fauv'ist n. Fe symbol iron.
faux pas (foh pah) (pi faux pas, pr. fe*al*ty (fee-al-tee) n. (pi -ties) loyalty,
foh pahz) an embarrassing blunder. oath of fealty.
t> French. fear (feer) n. 1. an unpleasant emotion
fa*vor (fay-vor) n. 1. liking, goodwill, ap- caused by the nearness of danger or ex-
proval. 2. an act that is kindly or helpful pectation of pain etc. 2. the reverence
beyond what is due or usual. 3. support or awe felt for God. fear v. 1. to feel
or preference given to one person or fear of, to be afraid. 2. to reverence
group at the expense of another. 4. an (God). 3. to have an uneasy feeling, to
ornament or badge etc. worn to show be politely regretful, I fear there's none
fearful / federalist 316

left Dfor fear of, because of the risk soft, like feathers. 2. covered with feath-
of.put the fear of God into, to terrify. ers.
without fear or favor, impartially. fea-ture (fee-chur) one of the named
n. 1.
fearful (feer-ful) adj. 1. feeling fear. 2. parts of the face (as the mouth, nose,
terrible, awful. 3. (informal) extreme, eyes) that together make up its appear-
very great, fear'fuhly adv. ance. 2. a distinctive or noticeable quality
fearless (feer-lis) adj. feeling no fear, of a thing. 3. a prominent article in a
fear' less 'ly adv. fear 'less <ness n. newspaper a long film (feature
etc. 4.
fear* some (feer-s6m) adj. frightening or film) forming themain item in a film
alarming in appearance, very great, a program, feature v. (fea-tured, fea-
fearsome task. turing) 1. to give special prominence
fea-sl-ble (fee-zl-bel) adj. 1. able to be to. 2. to be a feature of or in.
done, possible, suitable. 2. likely, plausi- fea-ture -less (fee-chur-lis) adj. without
ble, a feasible explanation. fea'si-bly distinctive features.
adv. fea-si*bil-i-ty (fee-zi-bil-i-tee) n. feaze (feez, fayz) v. (feazed, feaz-lng)
{pi -ties) feasibility study, a study to faze.
undertaken to decide whether a proposed Feb. abbr. February.
course of action is suitable. feb-rl-fuge (feb-ri-fyooj) n. a cooling
feast (feest) n. 1 a large elaborate meal.
. drink or medicine to reduce fever, febri-
2. a religious festival of rejoicing, feast fuge adj. serving to reduce fever.
v. 1. to eat heartily. 2. to give a feast fe-brlle (fee-bril, feb-ril) adj. feverish.
to. 3. to give pleasure to, feasting his eyes Feb-ru-ary (feb-roo-er-ee) n, {pi -ar*
on the display. feast or famine, being ies) the second month of the year.
characterized by ups and downs, life is fe-ces (fee-seez) n. waste matter dis-
feast or famine for some actors. charged from the bowels, fe-cal (fee-
feat (feet) n. a remarkable action or kal) adj.
achievement. feck* less (fek-lis) adj. feeble and in-
feath-er (fe//i-Sr) n. 1. one of the struc- competent, irresponsible, feck 'less-
tures that grow from a bird's skin and ness n.
cover body, consisting of a central
its fe-cund (fee-kund, fek-und) adj. fertile,
shaft with a fringe of fine strands on each fe-cun-di-ty (n-kun-di-tee) n,
side. 2. long silky hair on a dog's or fe-cun-date (fee-kun-dayt, fek-un-) v.
horse's legs, feather v. 1. to cover or (fe-cun-dat-ed, fe-cun-dat-ing) to
fit with feathers. 2. to turn (an oar) so make fruitful, fe-cun-da-tlon (fee-
that the blade passes through the air kun-day-shdn, fek-un-) n.
edgeways. 3. to make (propeller blades) fed 1(fed) v. see feed. Dfed up, (slang)
rotate in such a way as to lessen the re- discontented, displeased.
sistance of the air or water, f eath'ered fed2 n. (slang) a federal law enforcement
adj. feath'erless adj. Da feather in officer.
one's cap, an achievement one can be fed. abbr. 1 . federal. 2. federated. 3. federa-
proud of. feather bed, a mattress tion.
stuffed with feathers, feather duster, fed-a-yeen (fed-a-yeen) n. pi. Palestinian
a dustingbrush made of feathers. guerrillas, operating especially against
feather one's nest, to enrich oneself Israel.
when an opportunity occurs. fed-er-al (fed-€-r£l) adj. 1. of a system
feath-er -bed -ding (fe//i-er-bed-ing) n. of government in which several states
the requiring of an employer to hire more unite under a central authority but re-
workers than are actually needed. main independent in internal affairs. 2.
featherbed contract, a union con- belonging to this group as a whole (not
tract that includes featherbedding. to its separate parts), federal laws. 3. of
feath-er -brain (feM-eY-brayn) n. a silly an association of units that are largely
person, feath'er- brained adj. independent. fed'eral*ly adv. Fed-
feath-er* edge (fef/i-er-ej) n. a fine edge eral Bureau of Investigation, a sec-
of a wedge-shaped board etc. tion of the U.S. Department of Justice,
feath*er* stitch (fef/i-Sr-stich) n. an orna- responsible for investigating violations of
mental stitch in embroidery or knitting, federal law and safeguarding national se-
producing a featherlike pattern. curity, federal district, a region used
feath-er -weight (fef/i-er-wayt) n. 1. a as the seat of a federal government.
boxer between bantamweight and light- fed-er-al -Ism (fed-S-ra-liz-em) n. 1. the
weight weighing up to 126 pounds. 2. federal principle of government. 2. Fed-
a very lightweight thing or person. 3. a eralism, advocacy of a federal system,
person of little or no influence. the principles of Federalists.
feath*er*y (fef/i-e-ree) adj. 1. light and fed-er-al -1st (fed-e-r£-list) n. 1. a person
317 federalize / felicity

who supports federalism. 2. Federalist, feed • stuff (feed-stuf ) n. food for farm ani-
(in U.S. history)a member of the Feder- mals.
alist Party, which advocated a strong feel (feel) v. (felt, feeding) 1. to explore
central government and adoption of the or perceive by touch. 2. to be conscious
constitution. fed*er*al*is*tic (fed-e-ra- of, to be aware of being, feel a pain; feel
lis-tik) adj. happy. 3. to be affected by, feels the loss
fed*er*aL*ize (fed-e-ra-hz) v. (fed- deeply. 4. to give a certain sensation or
eralized, fed*er*al*iz*ing) 1. to impression, the water feels warm. 5. to
unite (states etc.) in a federal organiza- have a vague conviction or impression
tion. 2. to put (militia etc.) under the of something. 6. to have as an opinion,
control of a federal government. to consider, we felt it was necessary to
fed -er- ate (fed-S-rayt) v. (fed*er*at* do this, feel n. 1. the sense of touch.
ed, fed*er*at*ing) 1 to unite on a fed-
. 2. the act of feeling. 3. the sensation pro-
eral basis. 2. to band together for a com- duced by something touched, silk has a
mon object. soft feel. Dfeel for a person, to sympa-
fed*er*a*tion (fed-e-ray-shdn) n. 1. fed- thize with him. feel free, (informal) an
erating. 2. a federated society or group expression of permission, feel like, to
of states. be in the mood for. feel one's way,
fedn. abbr. federation. to find one's way by feeling about; to
fe*do*ra (fi-dohr-a) n. a low soft felt hat proceed cautiously, feel up to, to feel
with the crown creased lengthways. capable of doing (work etc.). It is in->
fee (fee) n. 1 a sum payable to an official*
. correct to say or write feel badly. See
or a professional person for advice or the notes under badly and good.
services. 2. a sum payable for member- feel*er (fee-ler) n. 1. a long slender part
ship in a society, use of a laboratory or or organ in certain animals, used for test-
other facility, etc. ing things by touch. 2. a cautious pro-
fee-ble (fee-bel) adj. (-bier, -blest) weak, posal or suggestion put forward to test
without strength or force or effectiveness, people's reactions. feeler gauge, a
fee'bly adv. fee'ble-ness n. gauge with many thin blades that can
fee • Die* mind *ed (fee-bel-mm-did) adj. be inserted to measure gaps.
mentally deficient, fee'ble-mind'ed* feeding (fee-ling) n. 1. the power and ca-
ness n. pacity to feel, had lost all feeling in his
feed (feed) v. (fed, feeding) 1. to give legs. 2. mental or physical awareness,
food put food into the mouth of.
to, to emotion. 3. an idea or belief not wholly
2. to give as food to animals, feed oats based on reason, had a feeling of security.
to horses. 3. (of animals) to take food. 4. readiness to feel sympathy, showed no
4. to serve as food for, to nourish. 5. feeling for the sufferings of others. 5.
to supply, to pass a supply of material opinion, attitude, the feeling of the meet-
to. 6. to send passes to (a player) in bas- ing was against it. 6. feelings, the emo-
ketball, hockey, etc. 7. to pass (informa- tional side of a person's nature (con-
tion), especially to an informant or the trasted with the intellect), sympathies,
press, feed n. 1 (informal) a big meal.
. opinions, we have strong feelings on this
2. food for animals. 3. a pipe or channel matter, feeling adj. sensitive, sympa-
etc. by which material is carried to a thetic, feel'ing *ly adv. Dbad feelings,
machine, the material itself. Dfeed on, ill will, good feelings, friendliness.

to consume as food, to be nourished or feet (feet) see foot.

sustained by. feign (fayn) v. to pretend.
feed* back (feed-bak) n. 1. return of part feint (faynt) n. a slight attack or movement
of the output of a system to its source, made in one place to divert attention
especially so as to modify the output. from the main attack coming elsewhere.
2. the return of information about a feint v. to make a feint.
product etc. to its supplier. feld*spar (feld-spahr) n. a white or red-
feed-er (fee-der) n. 1. (of plants and ani- dish mineral containing aluminum and
mals) one that takes in food in a certain other silicates.
way, a heavy feeder. 2. a hopper or feed- fe*lic*i*tate (fi-lis-i-tayt) v. (fe-lic*
ing apparatus in a machine. 3. a branch i-tat-ed, fe*lic*i-tat*ing) to con-
railroad line, airline, canal, etc. linking gratulate. fe*lic«i* taction (fi-lis-i-tay-
outlying areas with a central line or shon) n.
service. fe*lic*i*tous (fi-lis-i-tiis) adj. (of words or
feed -lot (feed-lot) n. a tract of land on remarks) well chosen, apt. fe*lic'i*
which animals are fed before slaughter. tous-ly adv.
feed* stock (feed-stok) n. metal bars etc. fe-lic-i-ty (fi-lis-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1. be-
fed into a cutting or shaping machine. ing happy, great happiness. 2. a pleasing
feline / ferment 318
manner or style, expressed himself with tunities, and treatment equal to those of
great felicity. men. feminism n.
fe*line (fee-hn) adj. of cats, catlike, feline femme fa* tale (fem fa-tal) a dangerously
n. an animal of the cat family. attractive woman. > French.
fell 1 (fel) adj. (in poetry) ruthless, cruel, fem*o*ral (fem-d-r&l) adj. of or near the
destructive. Dat one fell swoop, in a femur.
single deadly action. fe*mur (fee-mur) n. (pi fe-murs, fern*

fell 2 v. 1 . to strike down by a blow. 2. to 0*ra, pr. fem-6-ra) the thighbone, ex-
cut (a tree) down. 3. to stitch' down (the tending from the pelvis to the knee.
edge of a seam) so that it lies flat. fen (fen) n. a low-lying marshy or flooded
fell3 see fall. tract of land.
fel -Ian (pi fel-lahs, fel -la*
(fel-a) n. fence (fens) n. 1. a structure of rails,
hin, fel'la-heen, pr. fel-a-heen) an stakes, wire, etc. put around a property,
Egyptian peasant. field, or garden to mark a boundary or

fel* low (fel-oh) n. 1 one who is associated

keep animals from straying. 2. a person
with another, a comrade. 2. a thing of who knowingly buys and resells stolen
the same class or kind, the other of a goods, fence v. (fenced, fenc-ing) 1.
pair. 3. a member of a learned society. to surround with a fence. 2. to act as a
4. a graduate student who is paid a sti-
fence for (stolen goods). 3. to engage in
pend, sometimes in exchange for per- fencing. D
fence in, surround, fence
forming some academic duty. 5. (in- by fencing, sit on the
off, to close off

formal) a man or boy. fellow trav- D fence, to avoid giving definite support
to either side in a contest or dispute.
eler, one who sympathizes with the aims
fenc*er (fen-ser) n. a person who engages
of the Communist Party but is not a
in the sport of fencing.
member of it.
fencing (fen-sing) n. 1. fences, a length
fel* low* man (fel-oh -man) n. (pi. -men,
of fence. 2. the sport of fighting with
pr. -men) a kindred human being.
foils or other kinds of swords.
fellowship (fel-oh-ship) n. 1. friendly
fend (fend) v. fend for, to provide a liveli-
association with others, companionship.
hood for, to look after, fend off, to ward
2. a number of people associated to-
gether, a society, membership of this. 3.
fend *er (fen-der) n. 1 the part of an auto-

the position of a college or university fel-

mobile body immediately above each
wheel. 2. a low frame bordering a fire-
fel* on (fel-dn) n. a person who has com-
place, to keep falling coals etc. from roll-
mitted a felony.
ing into the rbom. 3. a pad or a bundle
fel*o*ny (fel-6-nee) n. (pi -nies) a crime of rope hung over a vessel's side to pre-
regarded by the law as serious, usually vent damage when alongside a wharf or
involving violence. another vessel.
felt 1 (felt) n. a kind of cloth made by mat- fen*es*tra*tion (fen-£-stray-shdn) n. 1.
ting and pressing fibers, felt v. 1 to make .
the arrangement of windows in a build-
or become matted together like felt. 2. ing. 2. a surgical operation in which an
to cover with felt. opening is made in the labyrinth of the
felt 2 see feel. ear to improve hearing.
fem. abbr. 1. female. 2. feminine. Fe*ni*an (fee-ni-an) n. a member of a
fe*male ( fee-may l) adj. 1. of the sex that 19th-century society of Irish people in
can bear offspring or produce eggs. 2. the U.S. and Ireland who advocated
(of plants) fruit-bearing, having a pistil overthrow of British government in Ire-
and no stamens, female n. a female ani- land.
mal or plant. fen-nel (fen-Sl) n. a fragrant yellow-flow-
fem -i -nine (fem-T-nin) 1. of or like
adj. ered herb used for flavoring.
or suitable for women, having the quali- FEPC abbr. Fair Employment Practices
ties or appearance considered character- Commission.
istic of a woman. 2. having the grammat- fe*ral (feer-ai, fer-aJ) adj. 1. wild, un-
ical form suitable for the names of tamed. 2. in a wild state after escape from
females or for words corresponding to captivity.
these, "lioness" is the feminine noun cor- fer-de-lahce (fer-dg-lans) n. a large poi-
responding to "lion, "feminine n. a femi- sonous snake of tropical South America.
nine word or gender. fer*ment (ffcr-ment) v. 1. to undergo fer-
fem*i*nin*l*ty (fem-I-nin-i-tee) n. the mentation, to cause fermentation in. 2.
quality of being feminine. to seethe with excitement or agitation.
fem*i*nist (fem-T-nist) n. a supporter of ferment (fur-ment) n. 1. fermentation.
women's claims to be given rights, oppor- 2. something that causes this. 3. a state
319 fermentation / fetishism

of seething excitement or agitation. mal) so that it develops seed or young,

>Do not confuse ferment with foment. fer-til-i-za-tion (fur-tT-li-zay-shdn) n.
fer*men*ta*tion (fur-men-tay-shdn) n. a fer-til-iz-er (fur-tf-hz-er) n. material (nat-
chemical change caused by the action of ural or artificial) added to soil to make
an organic substance such as yeast, in- it more fertile.
volving effervescence and the production fer*ule (fer-ul) n. a rod or a stick used
of heat, as when sugar is converted into for punishing children.
alcohol. fer* vent (fur-vent) adj. showing warmth
fer*mi*um (fur-mi-um) n. a radioactive of feeling. fer'vent*ly adv. fer'ven*
chemical element. cy n.
fern (furn) n. a kind of flowerless plant fer-vid (fur-vid) adj. fervent, fer'vid*
with feathery green leaves. ly adv.
fern*er*y (fur-ne-ree) n. {pi. -er*ies) 1. fer*vor (fur-vSr) n. warmth and intensity
a place where ferns are grown. 2. a col- of feeling, zeal.
lection of ferns. fee* cue (fes-kyoo) n. a kind of grass used
fe-ro-cious (fe-roh-shus) adj. fierce, sav- as pasture and fodder.
age. fe*ro'cious*ly adv. fe*ro'cious* fes-tal (fes-tal) adj. of a festival.
ness n. fe*roc*i*ty (fe-ros-i-tee) n. fes*ter 1. to make or become
(fes-ter) v.

fer«ret (fer-it) n. a small animal of the septic and with pus. 2. to cause
weasel family kept for driving rabbits continuing resentment, fester n. a pus-
from burrows, killing rats, etc. ferret filled sore.
v. (fer*ret*ed, fer*ret*ing) to search, fes-ti-val (fes-ti-vSl) n. 1. a day or time
to rummage. D
ferret out, to discover of religious or other celebration. 2. a se-
by searching or rummaging. ries of performances of music, drama,
fer*ric (fer-ik) adj. of iron. ferric ox-D films, etc. given periodically, the Shake-
ide, an iron oxide, used as a pigment speare Festival.
and for polishing. fes-tive (fes-tiv) adj. of or suitable for a
Fer*rls (fer-is) wheel a giant revolving festival, fes'tive-ly adv.
vertical wheel with passenger cars on its fes-tiv -i-ty (fes-tiv-i-tee) n. {pi. -ties) a
rim, used at amusement
parks. festive occasion or celebration.
f er • ro • con • Crete (fer-oh-kon-kreet, fes-toon (fes-toon) n. a chain of flowers,
-kong-) n. reinforced concrete. leaves, ribbons, etc. hung in a curve or
f er • ro • mag• net • ic (fer-oh-mag-net-ik) loop as a decoration, festoon v. to deco-
adj. relating to substances that are easily rate with hanging ornaments.
magnetized, fer to -mag -net -ism (fer- Fest-schrift (fest-shrift) n. {pi. -schrift-
oh-mag-ne-tiz-em) n. en, pr. -shrif-ten, -schrif ts) a collection
fer-rous (fer-us) adj. containing iron, fer- of articles, essays, etc., presented to a
rous and nonferrous metals. scholar to honor an occasion in his life.
ferTule (fer-ul) n. a metal ring or cap fe-tal (fee-tal) adj. of or relating to a fetus.
strengthening the end of a stick or tube. fetal position, resting like the fetus
fer*ry (fer-ee) v. (fenried, fer*ry* in the womb, with body curved and legs
ing) 1. to convey (people or things) in bent and pulled close to the chest.
a boat etc. across a stretch of water. 2. fetch (fech) v. 1 to go for and bring back,

to transport from one place to another, fetch a doctor. 2. (of goods) to sell for
especially as a regular service, ferry n. a price, your books won't fetch much.
{pi. -ries) 1 a boat etc. used for ferrying.
. fetch* ing (fech-ing) adj. attractive, fetch'
2. the place where it operates. 3. the ing*ly adv.
service it provides. fete, tete (fayt, fet) n. 1 a festival. 2. an

fer-ry -boat (fer-ee-boht) n. a boat for fer- outdoor entertainment or sale, usually
rying people or things. to raise funds for a cause or charity, fete
fer-tile (fur-til) adj. 1. (of soil) rich in the v. (fet-ed, fet* ing) to entertain (a per-

materials needed to support vegetation. son) in celebration of some achievement

2. (of plants) able to produce fruit, (of etc.
animals) able or likely to conceive or be- fe*ti*cide (fee-ti-sid) n. destroying a fetus,
get young. 3. (of seeds or eggs) capable causing an abortion.
of developing into a new plant or animal, fet* id (fet-id) adj. stinking.
fertilized. 4. (of the mind) able to pro- fet* ish (fet-ish) n. 1 an object worshipped

duce ideas, inventive. fer*til*i*ty (fer- by primitive peoples who believe it to

til-i-tee) n. have magical powers or to be inhabited
fer-til-ize (fur-tl-liz) v. (fer -til • ized, fer- by a spirit. 2. anything to which foolishly
tilizing) 1. to make (soil etc.) fertile excessive respect or devotion is given. 3.
or productive. 2. to introduce pollen or an object arousing erotic feeling.
sperm into (a plant or egg or female ani- fet*ish*ism (fet-i-shiz-em) n. 1. belief in
fetlock / fictitious 320
or use of fetishes. 2. blind devotion to by government decree but not backed by
fetishes or their use. fet'ish-ist n, fet« silver or gold.
ish-is-tic (fet-i-shis-tik) adj. fib (fib) n. an unimportant he. fib v.

fet-lock (fet-lok) n. the part of a horse's (fibbed, fib-bing) to tell a fib. fib'ber
leg above and behind the hoof. n.

let -or (fee-t6r) n. a stench. fi«ber (fi-ber) n. 1 one of the thin strands

fet»ter (fet-er) ru a chain or shackle for of which animal and vegetable tissue or
a prisoner's ankles, fetter v. 1. to put a textile substance is made, a threadlike
into fetters. 2. to impede &t restrict. piece of glass. 2. a substance consisting
fet»tle (fet-el) n. condition, trim, in fine of fibers. 3. strength of character, moral
fettle, fiber. fiber optics, a technique of
fet^tu^chni (fet-u-chee-nee) n. a pasta in transmitting images through glass etc. fi-
thin narrow strips. bers by repeated internal reflection.
fe-tus (fee-tus) n. {pi -tus-es) a devel- fj-ber* board (ft-ber-bohrd) n. board
oped embryo in the womb, a human em- made of compressed fibers.
bryo more than eight weeks after concep- fi-ber -fill (fi-ber-fil) n. synthetic fibers
tion. used as filling for cushions, pillows, etc.
feud (fyood) n, a lasting hostility between
fl-ber- glass (fi-ber-glas) n. a textile fabric
people or groups, feud v. to carry on a made from glass fibers, a plastic contain-
ing glass fibers.
fi-bril (fi-bril, fib-ril) n. a small fiber.
feu • dal (fyoo-dal) adj. of or according to
fi -bill- la -Won (fi-bri-lay-shdn, fib-ri-) n,
the feudal system, a method of holding
rapid quivering of muscle fibers, espe-
land (during the Middle Ages in Europe)
cially in the heart.
by giving one's services to the owner,
fi-brin (fi-brin) n. an insoluble protein
feu'dal-ism n. feu-dal-ist-ic (fyoo-
formed in blood clotting.
da-lis-tik) adj.
fi-brin-o-gen (fi-brin-d-jen) n. a sub-
fe*ver (fee-ver) n. 1. an abnormally high
stance that yields fibrin.
body temperature. 2. a disease character-
fi • broid (fi-broid) adj. consisting of fibrous
ized by this. 3. a state of nervous excite-
tissue, fibroid n. a benign fibroid tumor
ment or agitation. Dat fever pitch, at
in the womb.
a high level of excitement.
fl-bro-sis (fi-broh-sis) n. development of
fe-vered (fee-verd) adj. affected with fe-
excessive fibrous tissue.
fi-brous (fi-brus) adj. like fibers, made of
fe-ver-ish (fee-v£-rish) adj. 1. having a
fever, caused or accompanied by a fever.
fib- u- la (fib-yu-la) n. {pi -lae, pr. -lee,
with excitement or agitation,
2. restless
-las) the bone on the outer side of the
fe'ver-ish-ly adv. fe'ver-ish-ness n. lower part of the leg.
few (fyoo) adj., n. &
pron. not many, a F.I.C.A. abbr. Federal Insurance Contribu-
small number. (£>See the note under tions Act.
less.) few'ness n. Da few, some, not fiche (feesh) n. microfiche.
none, quite a few, (informal) a fairly fich-u (fish-oo) n. a woman's small trian-
large number, the few, the minority, se- gular scarf of lace or muslin draped
lect people. around the neck and over the shoulders.
fey (fay) adj. 1 . showing unnaturally high fick-le (fik-el) adj. often changing, not
spirits, playful, mischievous. 2. hav- constant or loyal, flck'le-ness ru
ing a strange otherworldly charm, fey' fic-tion (fik-shdn) n. 1. a product of the
ness n. imagination. 2. an invented story. 3. a
fez (fez) n. {pi fez-zes) a man's high class of literature consisting of books
flat-topped red cap with a tassel, worn containing such stories. fic / tion-al adj.
by Muslims in certain countries. of novels and short stories, flc'tlon-ah
ff. abbr. 1. folios. 2. following pages. 3. ly adv. >See the note under fictitious.
fortissimo. fic-tlorval-ize (fik-sho-na-hz) v. (fie*
FHA abbr. Federal Housing Administra- tlon-al-ized, fic-tion-al-iz-lng) 1. to
tion. make (a true story) into a fictional narra-
fi-an-ce, fi-an-cee (fee-ahn-say) n. a tive. 2. to make (a film or play) into a
man (fiance) or woman (fiancee) to novel.
whom one is engaged to be married. fic-ti-tious (fik-tish-us) adj. imagined, not
fi-as-co ( fee-as- koh) n. {pi -COS, -coes) real, not genuine, gave a fictitious account
a complete and ludicrous failure in some- of his movements. C> Fictitious is used to
thing attempted. describe untruths where we expect
fi«at (fee-fit, fi-) n. an order or decree. truths, fictional to describe literary in-
Dflat money, paper money made legal vention.
321 fictive / fifth

fic-tive (fik-tiv) adj. creating or created bar between the opponent's goal posts;
by imagination, not genuine. a two-point score made in basketball
fid* die (fid-el) n. (informal) a violin, fid- while the ball is in play, field gun, a
dle v. (fid-died, fid-dling) 1. (in- cannon set on wheels, field hockey, a
formal) to play the fiddle. 2. to fidget game played on turf by two teams of
with something, to handle a thing aim- eleven players using hockey sticks and
lessly. 3. (slang) to cheat or swindle; he a small hard ball, field house, a build-
fiddled with the accounts, falsified them. ing housing an athletic field and storage
fid / dler n. fiddler crab, a small crab, facilities for athletic equipment, field
the male of which has one large claw marshal, an army officer of the highest
held in position like a violinist's arm. rank, as in the British army, field
fid -die -sticks (fid-el-stiks) inter), non- mouse, the type of mouse found in open
country, field officer, an army officer
fi*del*i*ty (fi-del-i-tee, ft-) n. (pi. -ties) of the rank of colonel, lieutenant colonel,
1. faithfulness, loyalty, 2. accuracy, or major, field of honor, the scene of
truthfulness. 3. the quality or precision a duel, field Of view, the expanse visible
of reproduction of sound. through an optical instrument, field of
fid* get (fij-it) v. 1. to make small restless vision, the area that the eyes can see
movements. be uneasy, to make (a
2. to in a single look, field trial, a competition
person) uneasy, to worry, fidget n.1. of sporting dogs conducted in the field.
a person who fidgets. 2. fidgets, fidgeting field trip, an educational trip by a group
movements. of students to a site away from their
fidg*et*y (fij-e-tee) adj. inclined to fidget. school building, a trip by a scholar to
fi*dO (fi-doh) n. (pi. -dos) a coin with a an archaeological, geological, etc. site to
minting error. >From freak irregular gather data.
defect oddity. field *er (feel-der) n. a baseball player
fi*du*ci*ar*y (fi-doo-shi-er-ee) n. (pi. -ar* (other than pitcher or catcher) playing
ies) a trustee, fiduciary adj. of the rela- in the infield or outfield.
tionship of a fiduciary .and his or her field* piece (feeld-pees) n. a field gun.
client (the principal). field *stone (feeld-stohn) n. stone found
fie (ft) interj. an expression of disapproval in fields and used in building.
or pretense of outraged propriety. field* work (feeld- wurk) n. practical work
fief (feef ) n.
1 a feudal estate. 2. a person's
. done outside libraries and laboratories,
sphere of operation or control, fief' as by scientists and by social workers
dom n. who visit people in their homes, field'
field (feeld) a piece of open ground,
n. 1 . work*er n.
especially one used for pasture or culti- fiend (feend) n. 1 an evil spirit. 2. a very

vation. 2. an area of land rich in some wicked or cruel person, one who causes
natural product, a coal field or gas field mischief or annoyance. 3. a devotee or
or oil field. 3. a battlefield. 4. a sports addict, a fresh-air fiend, fiend 'ish adj.
ground, the playing area marked out on fiend'ish-ly adv.
this. 5. the space within which an electric fierce (feers) adj. 1 violent in temper or

or magnetic or gravitational influence manner or action, not gentle. 2. eager,

etc. can be felt, the force of that influence. intense, fierce 3. unpleasantly
6. the area that can be seen or observed, strong or extreme, fierce heat, f ierce'ly
one's field of vision. 7. the range of a adv. fierce 'n ess n.
subject or activity or interest, an expert fi*er*y (fi-e-ree) adj. (fi*er*i*er, fi*
in the field of music. 8. the scene or area er*i*est) 1. consisting of fire, flaming.
of fieldwork, field archaeology. 9. all the 2. looking like fire, bright red. 3. in-
competitors in an outdoor contest or tensely hot, producing a burning sensa-
sport, all except the one(s) specified. tion. 4. intense, passionate, a fiery speech;
field v. 1 to act as a fielder in baseball.
. fiery temper, fi'er*i*ness n:
2. to stop and return (the ball) in base- fi*es*ta (fee-es-ta) n. a religious festival
ball. 3. to put (a football team or other in Spanish-speaking countries.
team) into the field. 4. to deal success- fife (ftf) n. a kind of small shrill flute used
fully with (a series of questions). field with a drum in military music.
day, a day of much activity, especially FIFO (fi-foh) n. (in accounting) /irst in,
of brilliant and exciting events, field /irst out.
event, any track-and-field event other fit • teen (fif-teen) adj. & n. one more than
than a race, as jumping and shot put. fourteen (15, XV). fifteenth' adj.
field glasses, binoculars for outdoor & n.
use. field goal, a three-point score made fifth (fifth) adj. & n. 1. next after fourth.
in football by kicking the balL over the 2. one of five equal parts of a thing. 3.

fifties / filibuster 322

a fifth part of a gallon, a bottle (of liquor) fig-ure (fig-yur) n. 1. the written symbol
holding this amount. 4. the Fifth, (in- of a number. 2. a diagram. 3. a decorative
formal) the Fifth Amendment; the dis- pattern, a pattern traced in dancing or
traught witness took the Fifth, remained skating. 4. a representation of a person
silent, fifthly adv. Fifth Amend- or animal in drawing, painting, sculp-
ment, the Constitutional amendment ture, etc. 5. a person as seen or studied,
no individual is required to
stating that saw a figure leaning against the door; the
testify against himself in a criminal case. most terrible figure in our history. 6. ex-
fifth column, an organized "body work- ternal form or shape, bodily shape, has
ing for the enemy within a country at a good figure. 7. a geometrical shape en-
war. (> General Mola, leading four col- closed by lines or surfaces. 8. figures,
umns of troops toward Madrid in the arithmetic, calculating, she is good at fig-
Spanish Civil War, declared that he had ures, figure v. (fig -u red, flg-ur-ing)
a fifth column inside the city.) fifth col- 1 to represent in a diagram or picture.

umnist, a member of such a group, fifth ^

to picture mentally, to imagine. 3. to
wheel, a superfluous person or thing. form part of a plan etc., to appear or
f if • ties (fif-teez) n. pi the numbers or be mentioned, he figures in all books on
years or degrees of temperature from fifty the subject figure of fun, a person
to fifty-nine. who looks ridiculous, figure of speech,
fif-ty (fif-tee) adj. &n.(pL -ties) five times a word or phrase used for vivid or dra-
ten (50, L). fif'ti-eth adj. n. & matic effect and not literally, figure on,
fif-ty-fif-ty (fif-tee-fif-tee) adj. & adv. (informal) to count on, to expect, figure
shared or snaring equally between two; OUt, (informal) to work out by arithme-
we went fifty-fifty, we snared the cost; tic; to interpret, to understand.
a fifty-fifty chance, an equal chance of fig • ured (fig-yurd) adj. ornamented, deco-
winning or losing or surviving etc. rated; figured silk, with designs woven
fig (fig) n. 1. a broad-leaved tree bearing into it.

a soft pear-shaped fruit. 2. this fruit. 3. fig «ure- head (fig-yur-hed) n. 1. a carved
a valueless thing, / don *t give a fig for at the prow of a ship. 2. a person
conventions. Dflg leaf, a device used at the head of an organization etc. but
in statuary for concealing something without real power.
thought to be indecent, especially the fig-ur-ine (fig-yu-reen) n. a statuette.
genitals. PI Jl (fee-jee) a country in the South Pa-

fig. abbr. 1. figurative. 2. figuratively. 3. cific. R-ji-an (fi-jee-an) adj. & n.

figure. fil-a-ment (fil-S-ment) n. a threadlike
fight (fit) v. (fought, fight -ing) 1. to strand. 2. a fine wire in a light bulb etc.
struggle against (a person or country) giving off light (and heat) when heated
in physical combat or in war. 2. to carry by the current.
on (a battle). 3. to struggle or contend fi• lar (fi-lar) adj. of or relating to a thread.

in any way, to strive to obtain or accom- fil-bert (fil-bert) n. the nut of a cultivated
plish something. 4. to strive to overcome hazel.
or destroy, they fought the fire. 5. to make filch (filch) v. to pilfer, to steal (something

one's way by fighting or effort, fight n. of small value).

1 fighting, a battle. 2. a struggle or con- file (fil) n. a steel tool with a roughened

test or conflict of any kind. 3. a boxing surface for shaping or smoothing things.
match. fight back, to show resistance. file v. (filed, fil* ing) to shape or smooth
fighting Chance, a chance of succeed- with a file.
ing provided that one makes a great ef- file2 n. 1. a holder or cover or box etc.
fort, fight It out, to settle something by for keeping papers together and to ar-
fighting or arguing until one side wins. range them for reference purposes. 2. its
fight off, to drive away by fighting. contents. 3. a line of people or things
show fight, to show readiness to fight. one behind the other; in single file, one
fight *er (fi-tfcr) n. 1. a person who fights. at a time, file v. (filed, fil* ing) 1. to
2. one who does not yield without a place in a file. 2. to place on record, file
struggle. 3. a fast military aircraft de- an application. 3. to march in file, they
signed for attacking other aircraft. filedout
fig-ment (fig-ment) n. a thing that does fl -let ml-gnon (fi-lay min-yon) (p/. fi-

not exist except in the imagination. lets ml-gnons, pr. fi-lay min-yonz) a
fig-u-ra-tive (fig-yti-ra-tiv) adj. using or small, choice filet of beef cut from the
containing a figure of speech, metaphori- thick part of a beef tenderloin.
cal, not literal. fig'ur-a-tive-ly adv. in -
fi I- 8 (fil-i-al) adj. of or due from a son
1 1

a figurative way. >See the note under or daughter, filial duty.

literal. fil-l-bus-ter (fil-I-bus-ter) n. the use of
323 filigree / finale

delaying tactics by a legislator to delay Dfilm star, a star actor or actress in

or prevent a vote on a bill, a long speech films.
or other tactic used for this purpose, fili- film*go*er (film-goh-er) n. a person who
buster v. to delay things in this way. patronizes motion-picture theaters.
fil • i • bus • ter • er (fil-T-bus-tS-rer) ru film*og*ra*phy (fil-mog-ra-fee) ru {pi
fil*i*gree (fil-T-gree) ru ornamental lace- -phies) a list of films on a particular
like work in metal, fil'i* greed adj. theme or by a particular director, pro-
filing (fi-ling) n. a particle rubbed off by ducer, actor, or actress.
a file. film* strip (film-strip) n. a series of trans-
Fil*i*pi*no (fil-I-pee-noh) ru (pi -nos) a parencies for still projection, especially
native of the Philippine Islands. Filipino in teaching.
adj. fimvy (fil-mee) adj. (film -her, film*
fill (fil) v. 1. to make or become full, to i*est) thin and almost transparent.
occupy the whole of. 2. to block up (a fil* ter (fil-ter) n. 1. a device or substance
hole or cavity). 3. to spread over or for holding back the impurities in a liquid
through, smoke began to fill the room. or gas passed through it. 2. a screen for
4. to hold (a position), to appoint a per- preventing light of certain wavelengths
son to (a vacant post). 5. to occupy (va- from passing through. 3. a device for sup-
cant time), fill ru 1 enough to fill some-
. pressing electrical or sound waves of fre-
thing. 2. enough to satisfy a person's quencies other than the ones required.
appetite or desire. filled milk, skim 4. (informal) a filter tip. filter v. 1 to .

milk with a substitute for butterfat. fill pass or cause to pass through a filter,
in, to complete by writing or drawing to remove impurities in this way. 2. to
inside an outline; to complete (an unfin- come or make a way in or out gradually,
ished document etc.); (informal) to in- news filtered out; people filtered into the
form (a person) more fully; to act as a hall. 3. to screen (information) in order
substitute, fill out, to enlarge, to become to remove objectionable items etc.
enlarged or plumper, fill the bill, to be fil'ter*a*ble adj. fil*tra*ble (fil-tra-
suitable for what is required, fill up, to bel) adj. filter bed, a tank or reservoir
fill completely, to fill the gas tank of a containing a layer of sand etc. for filter-
car. ing large quantities of liquid, filter pa-
flll*er (fil-er) ru an object or material used per, porous paper for filtering liquids.
to a cavity or to increase the bulk
fill filter tip, a cigarette with a filter at the
of something. mouth end to purify the smoke, filter-
fil • let (fil-it) n. 1. a boneless slice or cut tipped adj.
of meat or fish. 2. a strip of ribbon etc. filth (filth) n. 1 . disgusting dirt. 2. obscen-
worn around the head, fillet v. to remove ity.
the bones from (fish etc.). filth*y (fil-thee) adj. (filth*i*er, filth-
fill - ing (fil-ing) ru 1. material used to fill i*est) 1. disgustingly dirty. 2. obscene,
a tooth cavity. 2. material put into a con- fllth-i-ly adv. filth*i*ness ru
tainer to absorb impact, between layers fil-trate (fil-trayt) v. (fil*trat*ed, fil-
of bread to form a sandwich, etc. trating) to filter. fil*tra*tion (fil-tray-
filling station, a gas station. shdn) ru
fil •lip (fil-Ip) n. 1. a quick smart blow or fin (fin) ru 1. a thin flat projection from
stroke given with a fingertip. 2. some- the body of a fish etc., used by the animal
thing that tends to excite interest or en- for propelling and steering itself in the
thusiasm, fillip v. (fil'liped, fil • lip • water. 2. an underwater swimmer's rub-
ing) to strike with a fingernail in order ber flipper. 3. a small projection shaped
to compel attention, obedience to a com- like a fish's fin, to improve the stability
mand, etc. of an aircraft, rocket, etc. finned adj.
Fill-more (fil-mohr), Mil -lard (1800-74) fin. abbr. 1. finance. 2. financial. 3. finish.
the thirteenth president of the U.S. 1850- Fin. abbr. 1. Finland. 2. Finnish.
53. fl-na-gle (fi-nay-gel) v. (f(*na*gled, fi*
fil'ly (fil-ee) n. (pi. -lies) a young female na -gling) (informal) to behave or obtain
horse. dishonestly, fhna'gler ru
film (film) n. 1 a thin coating or covering
. fi*nal (ft-nal) adj. 1. at the end, coming
layer. 2. a rolled strip or sheet coated last. 2. putting an end to doubt or discus-
with light-sensitive material used for tak- sion or argument, final ru 1 the edition .

ing photographs or making a motion pic- of a newspaper published latest in the

ture, a single roll of this. 3. a motion day. 2. finals, the last examinations in
picture, film v. 1. to cover or become a course or competition, the last event
covered with a thin coating or covering in an athletic competition. fi'naMy adv.
layer. 2. to make a film of (a story etc.). fl*na*le (fi-nal-ee) n. the final section of
finalist / finger 324

a musical composition or a drama or any find ings (fin-dingz) n. pi the conclusions

activity. reached by means of an inquiry.

fi • nal • ist (fi-na-list) n. a person who com- fine 1 (fin) n. a sum of money fixed as a
petes in the finals of an athletic competi- penalty for an offense, fine v. (fined,
tion. finding) to punish by a fine.
fi-nal-i-ty (fi-nal-i-tee) n. (pL -ties) the fine2 adj. (fin«er, fin -est) 1. of high qual-
quality of being final. ity. 2. excellent, of great merit. 3. (of

fi-naMze (fi-nal-ized, fi«

(fi-na-liz) v. weather) bright and clear, free from rain
nal'iz-ing) 1. to bring \p an end. 2. to and fog etc. 4. of slender thread or thick-
put into its final form. fi*na*li*za*tion ness, small-sized, consisting of small par-
(fi-na-li-zay-shon) n. t> Careful writers ticles. 5. requiring very skillful work-

do not use finalization or finalize. manship. 6. difficult to perceive, making

fi• nance (fi-nans, fi-nans) n. 1 the man- .
fine distinctions, 7. complimentary espe-
agement of money. 2. money as support cially in an insincere way, said fine things

for an undertaking. 3. finances, the about them. 8. in good health, comforta-

money resources of a country or com- ble, Vm fine, thank you. fine adv. 1.
finely. 2. (informal) very well, that will
pany or person, finance v. (financed,
suit me fine, fine v. (fined, finding) to
fhnanc'ing) to provide the money for.
finance company, a company that make or become finer or thinner or less

is mainly concerned with lending money

coarse, finely adv. fine'ness n.

for retail purchases.

Dfine arts those appealing to the sense
of beauty, especially painting, sculpture,
fi*nan*cial (fi-nan-shal, fi-) adj. of finance.
and architecture, not to put too fine
f • nan'cial • ly adv. t> See the note under

a point on it, to express it bluntly.

fine-drawn (fin-drawn) adj. 1. subtle. 2.
fin*an*cier (fin-an-seer, ft-nan-) n. a per-
extremely thin.
son who is engaged in financing busi-
fin*er»y (fi-ne-ree) n. (pL -er-ies) fine
nesses etc. on a large scale.
clothes or decorations.
finch (finch) n. any of a number of related
fines herbes (feenz airb) mixed herbs
birds, most of which have short stubby
used to flavor cooking. [> French.
fine* spun (fin-spun) adj. 1. refined, deli-
find (find) v. (found, finding) 1. to dis-
cately detailed. 2. excessively detailed.
cover by search or effort or inquiry or
fi-nesse (fi-nes) n. 1. delicate manipula-
by chance. 2. to become aware of, to tion. 2. tact and cleverness in dealing
discover (a fact). 3. to arrive at naturally,
with a situation. 3. (in bridge) taking a
water finds its own level. 4. to succeed
trick with a' card that is not the highest
in obtaining, can't find time to do it. 5.
and might lose to an opponent's card.
to supply, to provide, who will find the finesse v. (fi-nessed, fi-ness-ing) 1.
money for the expedition? 6. (of a jury to use finesse. 2. (in bridge) to attempt
etc.) to decide and declare, found him
a finesse.
innocent; found for the plaintiff, find n. fine-tooth (fin-tooth) comb, a comb with
1 the finding of something. 2. a thing
narrow close-set teeth; go through some-
found, especially something useful or thing with a fine-tooth comb, to examine
pleasing. Dfind favor, to be acceptable. it closely and thoroughly.
find oneself, to discover one's natural fin *fish (fin-fish) n. (informal) a true fish,
powers or one's vocation, find one's not a shell fish.
feet, to become able to stand or walk; fin*ger (fing-ger) n. 1 one of the five parts

to develop one's powers and become able extending from each hand, or one of
to act independently, find out, to get these other than the thumb. 2. the part
information about; to detect (a person) of a glove that fits over a finger. 3. a
who has done wrong; to discover (a de- fingerlike object. 4. (slang) the breadth
ception or fraud). of a finger (about three-quarters of an
find*er (fin-der) n. 1 . one who finds some- inch) as a measure of liquor in a glass.
thing. 2. the viewfinder of a camera. 3. finger v. 1. to touch or feel with the
a small telescope attached to a larger one fingers. 2. to play (a musical instrument)
to locate an object for observation. with the fingers. 3. (slang) to identify
D finder's fee, money paid to an agent as a criminal suspect or a target for as-
for discovering a commercial opportu- sassination. finger bowl, a small bowl
nity and bringing buyer and seller to- for rinsing one's fingers at the table, fin-
gether. ger mark, a mark left on a surface by
fin de sie-cle (fan de sye-kle) the end a finger, finger paint, paint formulated
of a century, especially the 19th century. for applying with the fingers, finger
D> French. painting, a painting made with the fin-
325 fingerboard / fireball

gers; the technique of painting in this language. Finnish n. the language of the
way. finger wave, a small wave set in Finns.
the hair by fingers, have a finger in FIO abbr. free in and out.
the pie, to be actively involved in a proj- fiord =
ect. fir (fur) n. 1 (also fir tree) a kind of ever-

fin *ger* board (fing-ger-bohrd) n. the part green cone-bearing tree with needlelike
of the neck of a violin etc. where strings leaves on its shoots. 2. its wood.
are pressed by fingers. fire (fir) n. 1 combustion producing light

fin*ger*ing (fing-ge-ring) n. 1. a method and heat. 2. destructive burning, insured

of using the fingers in playing a musical against fire. 3. burning fuel in a fireplace
instrument or in typing. 2. an indication or furnace etc., an electric or gas fire.
of this in a musical score, usually by 4. angry or excited feeling, enthusiasm.

numbers. 5. the firing of guns, hold your fire, fire

v. (fired, fining) 1. to set fire to. 2. to
fin *ger* ling (fing-ger-ling) n. a young fish
smaller than a man's finger. catch fire. 3. to supply (a furnace etc.)
fin -gen nail (fing-ger-nayl) n. the nail at with fuel. 4. to bake (pottery or bricks).
the tip of the finger. 5. to excite, to stimulate, fired them with
fin •ger* print (fing-ger-print) an im-
enthusiasm. 6. to send a bullet or shell
pression of the ridges of the skin on the from a gun, to detonate. 7. (of a firearm)
to discharge its missile. 8. to dismiss (an
pad of a finger, especially as a means
of identification, fingerprint v. to take employee) from a job. fir'er n. catch
fire, to begin to burn; (informal) to de-
such an impression of.
velop or show enthusiasm, fire alarm,
fin*ger*tip (fing-ger-tip) n. the tip of a
a bell or other device giving warning of
finger. Dhave at one's fingertips, to
fire, fire ant, a stinging ant that feeds
be thoroughly familiar with (a thing or
on both animal and vegetable substances.
fire away, (informal) to begin, to go
fin*i*al (fin-i-al) n. an ornament finishing
ahead, fire department, an organized
off the apex of a roof, pediment, lamp,
body of people trained and employed to
extinguish fires, fire dog, a Dalmatian.
fin*ick*y (fin-f-kee) adj. being fastidious,
fire drill, a rehearsal of the procedure
giving or requiring extreme care about
to be used in case of fire, fire eater, a
circus performer who appears to eat fire;
fi*nis (fin-is)n. the end or conclusion, es-
a person who is fond of fighting or quar-
pecially of a book or film.
reling; (slang) a fireman, fire engine,
finish (fin-ish) v. 1. to bring or come to
a vehicle fitted with equipment used for
an end, to complete. 2. to reach the end fighting fires, fire escape, a special
of a task or race etc. 3. to consume or
staircase or apparatus by which people
get through all of, finish the pie. 4. to
may escape from a burning building etc.
put the final touches to, to complete the in case of fire, fire extinguisher, an ap-
manufacture of (woodwork, cloth, etc.) • paratus used for putting out a fire, fire
by surface treatment, finish n. 1. the fighter, a person who works at putting
last stage of something. 2. the point at out forest fires; (informal) a fireman, fire
which a race etc. ends. 3. the state of Irons, a poker, tongs, and shovel for
being finished or perfect. 4. the method tending a domestic fire, fire screen, a
or texture or material used for finishing protective screen placed in front of an
woodwork etc. finishing school, a open fireplace, fire station, the head-
private school preparing girls for life in quarters of the fire department, fire
fashionable society, finish off, to kill. Storm, a high wind or storm following
finish with, to complete one's use of; fire caused by bombs, fire tower, a
to end one's association with. tower from which a watch for fires can
fhnite (fi-nit) adj. limited, not infinite. be kept, fire truck, = fire engine, fir-
fink (fingk) n. (slang) 1 a despicable per-
. ing line, the front line in a battle, from
son. 2. an informer. which troops fire at the enemy; a position
Fin 'land (fin-land) a country of northeast in the forefront of an activity, firing

Europe. squad, a group ordered to fire a salute

Finn (fin) n. a native or inhabitant of Fin- during a military funeral, or to shoot a
land. condemned person, on fire, burning.
Finn. abbr. Finnish. under flre, under attack; under criti-
fin* nan had* die (fin-an had-ee) haddock cism.
cured with smoke of green wood or of fire* arm (fnr-ahrm) n. a rifle, gun, pistol,
turf or peat. or revolver.
Finn-ish (fin-ish) adj. of the Finns or their fire* ball (fir-bawl) n. 1. a large meteor.
firebase / first 326
2. a ball of flame from a nuclear explo- fire-trap (fir-trap) n. a building poorly
sion, lightning, etc. 3. a highly energetic protected against fire and without proper
person. exits in case of fire.
fire 'base (fir-bays) n. an artillery base, fire-wa-ter (fir-waw-ter) n. (slang) whis-
especially one quickly set up to support key.
an infantry attack. fire -wood (fir-wuud) n. wood for use as
fire* boat (fir-boht) n. a ship furnished fuel.
with fire-fighting equipment. fire -work (fir-wurk) n. 1. a device con-
bomb (fir-bom) n.,an incendiary
fire* taining chemicals that burn or explode
bomb, firebomb v. to bombard with or with spectacular used at celebra-
place a firebomb. fire'bomb-er n. tions. 2. fireworks, a display of fireworks;
fire -box (fir-boks) n. 1. the fuel chamber an outburst of anger.
of a steam boiler. 2. a box with an alarm Arm 1 (furm) n. a partnership for carrying
or telephone for notifying the fire station on a professional practice or a business,
about a fire. a commercial establishment.
firebrand (fir-brand) n. a person who firm 2adj. 1. not yielding when pressed,
stirs up trouble. hard, solid. 2. steady, not shaking. 3.
fire -break (fir-brayk) n. a ditch or clear- securely based. 4. established, not easily
ing to prevent a forest firefrom spread- changed or influenced, a firm belief; a
ing. firm offer, one that is not liable to be
fire -brick (fir-brik) n. a brick made of fire- canceled, firm adv. firmly, stand firm.
clay. firm v. to make or become firm or com-
fire -bug (fir-bug) ru (informal) a pyroma- pact, to fix firmly, firm'ly adv. firm'
niac, an arsonist. ness n.
fire-clay (fir-klay) n. clay that resists fir-ma-ment (fur-ma-ment) n. the sky
great heat, used in firebricks and fur- with its clouds and stars.
naces. coming before all others
first (furst) adj.
fire- crack -er (fir-krak-er) n. a paper cyl- in time or order or importance, first n.
inder filled with an explosive and having something that is first, the first day of
a fuse, used as a noisemaker. a month, the first occurrence or achieve-
fire-damp (fir-damp) n. the miners' name ment of something, first adv. 1 before .

for methane, which is explosive when all others. 2. before another event or
mixed in certain proportions with air. time; must finish this work first, before
fire-dog (fir-dawg) n. an andiron. doing something else. 3. for the first time,
fire-fly (fir-fli) n. (pi. -flies) a kind of when did you first see him? 4. in prefer-
beetle that gives ofT a phosphorescent ence, will see him dead first. Dat first,
light. at the beginning, at first hand, obtained
fire -house (fir-hows) n. a building hous- directly, from the original source, first
ing equipment and personnel for fighting aid, treatment given to an injured person
fires. before a doctor comes, first base, the
fire-light (fir-lit) n. the light from a fire first of the bases that must be reached
in a fireplace. to score a run in baseball; the portion
fire -man (fir-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. -men) of the field near this base; get to first
1 . a member of a fire department. 2. one base, to achieve the first step toward an
whose job is to tend a furnace etc. objective, first baseman, the baseball
fire-place (fir-plays) n. 1. an open recess player stationed at first base, first
for a domestic fire, at the base of a chim- blood, the first success in a contest, first
ney. 2. the surrounding structure. Class, the best quality; the best accom-
fire-plug (fir-plug) n. (informal) a fire hy- modation in a boat or train or aircraft
drant. etc.; (of mail) the category that is most
fire -power (fir-pow-er) n. the ability (of expensive and is intended to be delivered
a military unit) to inflict destruction. quickly and be given special treatment
fire -proof (fir-proof) adj. 1 that does not . in handling, first cousin, see cousin,
catch fire. 2. that does not break when first fruits, the first of a season's agricul-
heated, fireproof dishes. tural products, offered to God; the first
fire-re -sist- ant (fir-re-zis-tant) adj. capa- results of work etc. first gear, the lowest
ble of resisting, though not entirely pre- forward gear in a motor vehicle, first
venting, destruction by fire. lady (also First Lady), the wife of the I

fire -side (fir-sid) n. the part of a room president of the U.S. first lieutenant,
near a fireplace, this as the center of one's see lieutenant, first mate, a ship's offi-
home, fire -side adj. informal and cer ranking just below the captain, first
friendly. fireside Chat, an informal name, a personal or Christian name.
discussion. first night, the first public performance
327 firstborn / fit

of a play etc. first offender, a person a large type of weasel found

fishing. 2.
convicted of a crime or guilty of an of- in North America.
fense for the first time, first officer, the fish *er* man (fish-er-man) n. (pi. -men,
mate on a merchant ship, first person, pr. -men) 1. a man who earns a living
see person, first sergeant, a noncom- by fishing. 2. one who goes fishing as a
missioned officer acting as an administra- sport.
tive aide to the commander of a military fish*er*y (fish-e-ree) n. (pi. -er-ies) 1.
company; a U.S. Army rank just below part of the sea where fishing is carried
a command sergeant major; a U.S. Ma- on. 2. the business of fishing.
rine Corps rank below a sergeant major. fish* hook (fish-huuk) n. a hook used for
first string, (informal) (in sports) the catching fish.
best players of a team, first thing, (in- fish-ing (fish-ing) n. trying to catch fish.
formal) before anything else, shall do it fishing ground, an area used for fish-
first thing, first violin, one of the group fishing rod, a long rod to which
of violinists in an orchestral group play- a line is attached, used for fishing, fish-
ing the leading part of two or more parts. ing tackle, equipment used in fishing.
first violinist, the first violin in a cham- fish* net (fish-net) n. an open-meshed fab-
ber music group. ric.
first* born (furst-born) adj. & n. eldest, the fish* wife (fish-wif) n. 1. a woman selling
eldest child. fish. 2. a crude woman.
first-hand (furst-hand) adj. &
adv. ob- fish-y (fish-ee) (fish-i-er, fish*
tained directly from the original source. i*est) 1. like fish, smelling or tasting of
first* ling (furst-ling) n. the first result of fish. 2. (informal) causing disbelief or
anything, the firstborn in a season*. suspicion, a fishy story. fish'i-ness n.
first *ly (furst-lee) adv. first, as a first con- fis-sile (fis-il) adj. 1. tending to split. 2.
sideration. capable of undergoing nuclear fission.
first* rate (furst-rayt) adj. & adv. of the fis-sion (fish-5n) n. 1. splitting of the nu-
best class, excellent; (informal) very well. cleus of certain atoms, with release of
firth (furth) n. an estuary or a narrow inlet energy. 2. splitting or division of biologi-
of the sea in Scotland. cal cells as a method of reproduction.
fis*cal (fis-k21)a4/. of public revenue, fis' fis*sion*a*ble (fish-d-na-bel) adj. capable
cal*ly adv. fiscal year, the financial of undergoing nuclear fission.
year of a business, government, etc., es- fis*sure (fish-ur) n. a cleft made by split-
tablished without regard for the calendar ting or separation of parts.
year. fist (fist) n. the hand when tightly closed,
fish (fish) n. (, fish) 1. a cold- with the fingers bent into the palm, fist'
blooded animal living wholly in water. ed adj.
2. its flesh as food. 3. (informal) a person, fist -ful (fist-f ul) n. (pi. -fuls)
1 a handful.

an odd fish. 4. the Fish or Fishes, a sign 2. (informal) a person who is difficult
of the zodiac, Pisces, fish v. 1 to try . to control, a troublesome task.
to catch fish; fish the river, try to catch fist-i -cuffs (fis-tl-kufs) n. fighting with
fish from it. 2. to search for something the fists.
in or under water or by reaching into fis-tu-la (fis-chu-la) n. (pi. -las, -lae, pr.
something. 3. (informal) to bring out or -lee) 1 a long pipelike ulcer. 2. an abnor-

up in this way, fished out his keys. 4. mal or surgically made passage in the
to try to obtain by hinting or indirect body. 3. a natural pipe or spout in
questioning, fishing for information. whales, insects, etc.
fish and chips, fried fish fillets and 1
fit (fit) n. 1 a brief spell of an illness or

French fried potatoes, fish cake, a small its symptoms, a fit of coughing. 2. a sud-
cake of shredded fish and mashed potato. den violent seizure of epilepsy, apoplexy,
fish ladder, a system of pools enabling etc., with convulsions or loss of con-
fish to swim around or over a dam. fish sciousness. 3. an attack of strong feeling,
meal, ground dried fish used as a ferti- a fit of rage. 4. a short period of certain
lizer, fish out of water, a person who feeling or activity, an impulse, a fit of
is out of his element, fish story, (in- energy. Dby fits and starts, in short
formal) an exaggerated story, a lie. have bursts of activity, not steadily or regu-
Other fish to fry, to have more impor- larly, throw a fit, (informal) to express
tant business to attend to. >Use the plu- anger.
form fishes especially when you mean 2 fit-test) 1. suitable or
ral fit adj. (fit-ter,
two or more species or kinds. well adapted for something, good
fish* bowl (fish-bohl) n. a glass bowl for enough. 2. right and proper, fitting. 3.
keeping fish in. feeling in a suitable condition to do some-
fish*er (fish-er) n. 1. a man who lives by thing; worked till they were fit to drop,
fitful / flaccid 328
ready to drop from exhaustion. 4. in that (unlike the sun and planets) is so
good athletic condition or health, fit as farfrom Earth that itseems to have no
a fiddle, fit v. (fit -ted, fit -ting) 1. to motion of its own. fix up, to arrange;
be the right shape and size for something. to organize; to provide for, fixed him up
2. to put clothing on (a person) and ad- with a job.
just it to the right shape and size. 3. to fix* ate (fik-sayt) v. (fix*at*ed, fix*
put into place, fit a lock on the door. 4. at*ing) 1. to direct one's gaze on. 2.
to make or be suitable or competent, his to become emotionally arrested at an im-
training fitted him for the position, fit mature stage and therefore develop an
n. the way a thing fits, the coat is a good abnormal attachment to certain persons
fit. fit'ly adv. fit'ness n. Dfit in, to or things. 3. to cause (a person) to un-
make room or time etc. for; to be or cause dergo this process.
to be harmonious or in a suitable rela- fix a »tion (fik-say-shdn) n. 1 fixing, being
• .

tionship, fit out or up, to supply or fixed. 2. an abnormal emotional attach-

equip, see or think fit, to decide or ment to a person or thing. 3. concentra-
choose to do something, especially when tion on one idea, an obsession.
this is unwise or without good reason.
fix*a*tive (fik-sa-tiv) n. 1. a substance for
fit ful (fit-fiil) adj. occurring in short peri-

keeping things in position. 2. a substance
ods, not regularly or steadily, fit'tul*
for fixing colors etc., or for preventing
ly adv.
perfumes from evaporating too quickly.
fit-ter (fit-er) n. 1 a person who supervises
fixed (fikst) adj. firmly fastened or station-
the fitting of clothes etc. 2. a mechanic
ary, not to be changed or moved, a fixed
who fits together and adjusts the parts amount
of machinery.
fix*ed*ly (fik-sid-lee) adv. in a fixed way.
fit* ting (fit-ing) adj. proper, right, suitable.
fix*er (fik-ser) n. 1 a person or thing that

fitting n. 1. the trying on of clothing

fixes something. 2. a substance for fixing
that has been altered or specially made.
photographic images. 3. (slang) a person
2. a mechanical part or equipment, fit'
ting-ly adv.
who illegally arranges the results of a
race etc. or attempts to bribe officials etc.
five (fiv) adj. & n. one more than four
fix-ings (fik-singz) n. pi the vegetables,
(5, V). ufive-and-ten-cent store,
puddings, etc. that accompany a main
five-and-dime (store), a store that sells
dish, turkey with all the fixings.
a wide variety of inexpensive merchan-
fix-l-ty (fik-si-tee) n. {pi -ties) a fixed
dise, formerly costing between five and
state, stability, permanence.
ten cents, give me five, (slang) shake
fiX'ture (fikc-chur) n. 1. a thing that is
my hand.
fixed in position. 2. a person or thing
five-fold (fiv-fohld) adj. & adv. 1. five
times as much or as many. 2. consisting that is and unlikely to
firmly established

of five parts. leave. 3. a dateappointed for a match

fi*ver (fi-ver) n. (slang) a five-dollar bill. or race the match or race itself.

five-star (fiv-stahr) adj. of the highest fizz (fiz) v. to make a hissing or spluttering

class. five-star general, a general of sound, as when gas escapes in bubbles

the army. from a liquid, fizz n. 1. this sound. 2.
fix (fiks) v. 1 to fasten firmly. 2. to implant
a bubbling drink, gin fizz, flz'zy adj. fiz'
(facts or ideas) firmly in the mind or zi-ness n.

memory. 3. to direct (the eyes or atten- fiz-zle (fiz-el) v. (fiz-zled, flz-zllng) 1.

tion) steadily toward something. 4. to to make a feeble fizzing sound. 2. to fizzle
establish, to specify, fixed a time for the out. fizzle n. 1. the sound of fizzling.
meeting; how are you fixed for cash, what 2. (of an effort) a failure. fizzle out,
is your situation as regards money? 5. to end feebly or unsuccessfully.
to treat (a photographic image or a color fjord (fyohrd) n. a long narrow inlet from

etc.) with a substance that prevents it the sea between high cliffs, as in Norway.
from fading or changing color. 6. to re- FL abbr. Florida.
pair 7. (slang) to deal with, to get even fl. abbr. 1. floor. 2. flourished. 3. fluid.
with. 8. (slang) to use bribery or decep- Fla. abbr. Florida.
tion or improper influence on, to arrange flab (flab) n. (informal) fat, flabbiness.

(the result of a race etc.) fraudulently. flab'ber-gast (flab-er-gast) v. to over-

fix n. 1. an awkward situation, a di- whelm with astonishment.
lemma, be in a fix. 2. the finding of the flab -by (flab-ee) adj. (flab-bi-er, flab*
position of a ship or aircraft etc. by tak- bi-est) fat and limp, not firm, flab'bl*
ing bearings, the position found. 3. ly adv. flab'bi-ness n.

(slang) an addict's dose of a narcotic flac-cid (flak-sid) adj. hanging loose or

drug. D fixed Star, an ordinary star, one wrinkled, not firm, flac'dd-ly adv.
329 flack / flannel

flac*Cid*i*ty (flak-sid-i-tee) n. >Note guns. 2. (informal) verbal abuse. Dflak

the pronunciation of these words. Jacket, a heavy protective jacket, rein-
flack (flak) n. (slang) a press agent. forced with metal.
fla* con (flak-6n) n. a small bottle with a flake (flayk) n. 1. a light fleecy piece of
stopper. snow. 2. a small thin leaflike piece of
flag 1 (flag) n. 1 . a piece of cloth attached something, flake v. (flaked, flak-ing)
by one edge to a staff or rope and used to come off in flakes, flak'y adj. (flak*
as the distinctive symbol of a country i*er, flak*i*est) 1. of or like flakes. 2.
etc. or as a signal. 2. an oblong device (slang) strange, eccentric, a flaky sense
used as a signal that a taxi is for hire. of humor. flake out, (informal) to
3. a small paper device resembling a flag. faint or fall asleep from exhaustion.
flag v. (flagged, flagging) 1. to mark flam* be (flahm-bay) adj. (of food) covered
out with flags. 2. to signal with or as if with liquor (usually brandy) and ignited
with a flag; flagged the vehicle down, sig- before serving.
naled to it to stop. DFlag Day, June flam* beau (flam-boh) n. (pi -beaux, pr.
14, the anniversary of the adoption of -bohz, -beaus) a flaming torch.
the Stars and Stripes in 1777. flag of flam* boy ant (flam-boi-ant) adj. 1. col-
convenience, a foreign flag of the na- ored or decorated in a very showy way.
tionality under which a ship is registered
2. (of people) having a very showy ap-
to avoid taxation or certain regulations.
pearance or manner, flam* boy 'ant *ly
flag 2 v. (flagged, flagging) 1. to hang
adv. flam* boy 'ance n. flam* boy 'an*
down limply, to droop. 2. to lose vigor, cy n.
to become weak, interest flagged.
flame (flaym) n. 1. the visible portion of
flag 3 n. a flagstone, flag v. (flagged, flag*
a fire. 2. bright red. 3. passion, especially
ging) to pave with flagstones.
of love. 4. (informal) a sweetheart; old
flag* el* late (flaj-e-layt) v. (flag* el*
flame, a former sweetheart, flame v.
lat*ed, flag*el*lat*ing) to whip, flag*
(flamed, flartving) 1. to burn with
el*la*tion (flaj-e-lay-sh6n) n.
flames, to send out flames. 2. to become
fla*gel*lum (fla-jel-um) n. (pi -gel*
bright red, his face flamed with anger.
la, pr. -jel-a, -gel Hums) a lashlike ap-
fla* men* CO (fla-meng-koh) n. (pi -COS)
pendage of protozoa, bacteria, etc.
a Spanish gypsy style of song or dance.
flag -eo- let (flaj-e-let) n. a small flute
blown at the end, like a recorder but with flamenco dancer, an entertainer
thumb holes.
who performs this dance.
fla*gi*tious (fla-jish-us) adj. deeply crimi-
flame* out (flaym-owt) n. loss of power
in a jet engine through extinction of the
nal, utterly villainous.
flag* man (flag-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. flame in the combustion chamber.
-men) a person who is employed to signal flame* proof (flaym-proof) adj. not easily
with a flag or light, as on a railroad or set on fire.

at a highway construction site. flame* thrower (flaym-throh-er) n. a

flag* on (flag-on) n. a vessel with a handle, weapon that projects a flame.
lip, and lid for serving wine at the table. fla*min*go (fla-ming-goh) n. (pi -gos,
flag* pole (flag-pohl) n. a pole on which -goes) a long-legged wading bird with
a flag is displayed. a long neck and pinkish feathers.
fla* grant (flay-grant) adj. (of an offense flam*ma*ble (flam-a-bel) adj. able to be
or error or an offender) very bad and set on fire. flam*ma*bil*i*ty (flam-a-
obvious. fla'grant*ly adv. fla'gran* bil-i-tee) n. >See the note under inflam-
cy n. mable.
flag* ship (flag-ship) n. a ship that carries flan (flan) a custard dessert.

an admiral and flies his flag. flange a projecting rim or edge.

(flanj) n.
flag* staff (flag-staf) n. a flagpole. flank (flangk) n. 1 the fleshy part of the

flag* stone (flag-stohn) n. a flat slab of side of the body between the last rib and
rock used for paving. the hip. 2. the side of an animal or object.
flail (flayl) n. an old-fashioned tool for 3. the right or left side of a body of troops
threshing grain, consisting of a strong etc. flank v. to place or be situated at
stick hinged on a long handle, flail v. the side of. flank steak, a slice of meat
1. to beat with or as if with a flail. 2. from an animal's flank.
to wave or swing about wildly. flank *er (flang-ker) n. 1 a thing or person

flair (flair) n. a natural ability to do some- that flanks. 2. (in football) a player on
thing well or to select and recognize what the offense who lines up far to the left
is good or useful etc. t>Do not confuse or right of the end position and serves
flair with flare. as a pass receiver.
flak (flak) n. 1 shells fired
. by antiaircraft flarvnel (flan-el) n. 1. a kind of loosely

flannelette / flatboat 330

woven woolen fabric. 2. flannels, trousers that briefly emits a dazzling light when
made of flannel or similar fabric. ignited, for taking photographs.
flan-nehette (flan-e-let) n. cotton fabric flash *cube (flash-kyoob) n. a small cube
made to look and feel like flannel. containing four flashbulbs for use in tak-
flap (flap) v. (flapped, flap -ping) 1. to ing four successive photographs.
sway or be swayed up and down or from flash-gun (flash-gun) n. a device that
side to side, to wave about. 2. to give a simultaneously discharges a flashbulb
light blow with something flat, flapped and operates a camera shutter.
at a fly. flap n. 1 the action or sound
flash* ing (flash-ing) n. a strip of metal
of flapping. 2. a light Wow with some- to prevent water entering at a joint in
thing flat. 3. a broad hanging piece roofing etc.
hinged or attached at one side, a hinged flash-light (flash-lit) n. a hand-held elec-
or sliding section on an aircraft wing etc. tric torch powered by a battery.
used to control lift. 2. (slang) a state of flash* tube ( flash- toob) n. a gas-filled
agitation, the robbery caused a great flap. flashbulb that can be used again and
flap -jack (flap-jak) n. a pancake. again.
flap • pa • ble (flap-a-bel) adj. (informal) ex- flash *y (flash-ee) adj. (flash *i*er, flash*
i*est) showy, gaudy, flash'hly adv.
flap • per (flap-er) n. 1 a broad fin or flip-
flash 'i-ness n.
per. 2. a young woman of the 1920's,
flask (flask) n. 1 a narrow-necked bottle.

especially one having bold manners and

2. a vacuum flask.
dressing unconventionally.
flat (flat) adj. (flat*ter, flat -test) 1. hori-
flare (flair) v. (flared, flar -ing) 1 to blaze
zontal, level. 2. spread out, lying at full
with a sudden irregular flame. 2. to burst
length. 3. smooth and even, with a broad
into sudden activity or anger, tempers
level surface and little depth, a flat cap.
flared. 3. to widen gradually outward.
4. absolute, unqualified, a flat refusal
flare n. 1 a sudden outburst of flame.

5. dull, monotonous. 6. (of drink) having

2. a device producing a flaring light as
lost its effervescence. 7. (in music) below
a signal or for illumination. 3. a flared
shape, a gradual widening. flare Up,
the correct pitch; Dflat etc., a half step
lower than the corresponding note or key
to become suddenly angry. D>Do not
of natural pitch. 8. (of paint, surfaces,
confuse flare with flair.
etc.) not reflecting light, not glossy. 9.
flash (flash) v. 1. to give out a sudden
deflated, a flat tire, flat adv. 1 in a flat
bright light. 2. to come suddenly into

view or into the mind, the idea flashed

manner. 2. (informal) completely, / am
upon me. 3. to move rapidly, the train flat broke. 3. (informal) exactly, in ten
seconds flat. 4. below the correct pitch
flashed past. 4. to cause to shine briefly.
in music, he was singing flat flat n. 1
5. to signal with a light or lights. 6. to
send (news etc.) by radio or telegraph. a flat thing or part, level ground. 2. an
7. (slang) to expose oneself in an indecent
apartment. 3. (in music) a note that is
way. flash n.1. a sudden burst of flame a half step lower than the corresponding
or light. 2. a very brief time, in a flask one of natural pitch, the sign indicating
3. a brief news item sent out by radio this. 4. a flat tire. 5. (often flats) an area

etc. 4. a device producing a brief bright of level or low ground, the Bonneville
light in photography. 5. (slang) an act Salt Flats, flat v. (flat -ted, flat -ting)
of indecent exposure, flash adj. sudden to make or become flat, flat'ly adv. flat'
and brief, a flash flood flash 'er n. ness n. Dfall flat, to fail to win ap-
flash card, any of a group of cards plause or appreciation, fall flat on
with words, numbers, or pictures shown one's face, (informal) to fail ignomini-
briefly to pupils by a teacher during a ously. flat feet, feet with less than the
drill, flash in the pan, something that normal arch beneath, flat out, at top
makes a showy start and then fails. speed; using all one's strength or re-
(t> Originally an explosion of gunpowder sources, flat race, a race over level
in the pan (the part that held the powder) ground, as distinct from a hurdle race
of an old gun without actually firing the or steeplechase, flat rate, a rate that is
charge.) flash point, the temperature at the same in all cases, not proportional.
which vapor from oil etc. will ignite; the flat tire, one that is deflated because of
point at which anger is ready to break a puncture etc.
out. flat • bed (flat-bed) n. a truck or trailer hav-
flash* back (ftash-bak) n. the changing of ing a bed or platform without raised
the scene in a story or film to a scene sides, ends, or top.
at an earlier time. flat-boat (flat-boht) a boat with a flat

flash *bulb (flash-bulb) n. an electric bulb bottom for transport in shallow water.
331 flatcar / flesh

flat* car (flat-kahr) n. a railroad freight car flax (flaks) n. 1 a blue-flowered plant culti-

without raised sides, ends, or top. vated for the textile fiber obtained from
flat* fish (flat-fish) n. (pi. -fish-es, -fish) its stem and for its seeds (linseed). 2.

a type of fish with a flattened body and its fiber.

both eyes on the upper side, as sole, flax* en (flak-sen) adj. 1. made of flax. 2.
flounder, etc. pale yellow in color like dressed flax,
flat* foot (flat-fuut) n. 1. (pi. -foots) flaxen hair.
(slang) a policeman. 2. (pi -feet) the flay (flay) v. 1 . to strip off the skin or hide
condition of flat feet (see flat). of. 2. to criticize severely.
flat* foot *ed (flat-fuut-id) adj. 1. having flea a small wingless jumping in-
(flee) n.
flat feet. 2. (informal) unprepared, he was sect that feeds on human and animal
caught flatfooted. blood. Dflea market, a street market.
Fiat* head (flat-hed) n. a member of one flea-bag (flee-bag) n. (slang) 1. a cheap
of several Indian tribes of the American hotel or rooming house. 2. a worthless
northwest coast thought to practice head racehorse.
flattening. flea* bane (flee-bayn) n. one of various
flat*i*ron (flat-i-6rn) n. a heavy iron plants of the daisy family supposed to
heated by external means. drive away fleas.
flat* land (flat-land) n. level land. flea-bit* ten (flee-bit-en) adj. 1. bitten by
flat* ten (flat-en) v. to make or become flat. fleas. 2. (informal) showing wear or
flat*ter (flat-er) v. 1 to compliment (a per-
. heavy use. 3. seedy, disreputable.
son) excessively or insincerely, especially fleck (flek) n. 1 a very small patch of color.

in order to win favor. 2. to gratify by 2. a small particle, a speck.

honoring, we were flattered to receive an flecked (flekt) adj. marked with flecks.
invitation. 3. to represent (a person or fled (fled) see flee.
thing) favorably in a portrait etc. so that fledged (flejd) adj. 1 (of young birds) with.

good looks are exaggerated, flat'ter* fully grown wing feathers, able to fly.
er n. D flatter oneself, to please or de- 2. mature, trained and experienced, a
lude oneself with a belief. full-fledged engineer.
flat*ter*y (flat-e-ree) n. (pi. -ter-ies) 1. fledg*ling (flej-ling) n. 1. a young bird
flattering. 2. excessive or insincere com- that has just grown the feathers neces-
pliments. sary to fly. 2. a young inexperienced per-
flat* top (flat-top) n. (informal) an aircraft son.
carrier. flee (flee) v. (fled, flee-ing) 1. to run or
flat*u*lent (flach-u-lent) adj. causing or hurry away. 2. to run away from, fled
suffering from the formation of gas in the country. 3. to pass away swiftly, to
the digestive tract, flat'u-lence n. vanish, all hope had fled.
fla-tus (flay-tus) n. gas in or from the fleece (flees) n. 1 the woolly hair of a

stomach or bowels. sheep or similar animal. 2. a soft fabric

flat* ware (flat-wair) n. flat tableware, do- used for linings etc. fleece v. (fleeced,
mestic cutlery. fleec-ing) (informal) to defraud, to rob
flat* work (flat-wurk) n. laundered articles by trickery, fleec'y adj.
that can be ironed flat by a machine. fleer (fleer) v. to laugh impudently or
flat* worm (flat-wurm) n. a type of worm mockingly, to jeer.
with a flattened body. fleet 1 (fleet) n. 1 . the naval force of a coun-
flaunt (flawnt) v. 1 to display proudly or
. try, a number of warships under one
ostentatiously. 2. (of a flag etc.) to wave commander. 2. a number of ships or air-
proudly. >Do not confuse flaunt with craft or buses etc. moving or working
flout. We flaunt our ignorance if we flout under one command or ownership.
established grammatical principles, fleet admiral, the highest ranking of-
flau-tist (flaw-tist, flow-) n. a flute player. ficer in the U.S. Navy.
fla*vor (flay-vdr) n. 1. a distinctive taste. fleet 2 adj. moving swiftly, nimble, fleet'ly
2. a special quality or characteristic, the adv. fleet'ness n.
story has a romantic flavor, flavor v. to fleet *ing (flee-ting) adj. passing quickly,
give a flavor to, to season. fia'vor*ful brief, a fleeting glimpse.
adj. fla'vor-less adj. fla'vorsome Flem. abbr. Flemish.
adj. Flemish (flem-ish) adj. of Flanders or its
f1a*vor*ing (flay-vo-ring) n. a substance people or language. Flemish n. 1. the
used to give flavor to food. Flemish language. 2. the Flemish, Flem-
flaw (flaw) n. an imperfection, a blemish. ish people.
flaw v. to spoil with a flaw. flesh (flesh) n. 1 the soft substance of an

flawless (flaw-lis) adj. without a flaw. animal body, consisting of muscle and
flaw'less'ly adv. f lawlessness n. fat. 2. this tissue of animal bodies (ex-

fleshly / flintlock 332

eluding fish and sometimes fowl) as food. risk money on a speculation. 5. a hand-
3. the body as opposed to the mind or bill.
soul. 4. the pulpy part of fruits and veg- flight (flit) n. 1 . the process of flying, the
etables. flesh and blood, human na- movement or path of a thing through
ture, people with their emotions and the air. 2. a journey made by air, trans-
weaknesses; one's own flesh and blood, port in an aircraft making a particular
relatives, descendants, flesh fly, a fly journey, there are three flights a day to
that lays its eggs in flesh, flesh out, to Rome. 3. a flock of birds or insects. 4.
make or become substantial, flesh a number of aircraft regarded as a unit.
wound, a wound thai does not reach 5. a series of stairs in a straight line or

a bone or vital organ, in the flesh, in between two landings. 6. a swift passage
bodily form, in person. (of time). 7. an effort that is beyond the
flesh -ly (flesh-lee) adj. 1. of the flesh or ordinary, a flight of the imagination.
body. 2. lascivious, sensual. 3. mortal, flight bag, a small bag for carrying
worldly, not spiritual. t>Do not confuse by air travelers, flight deck, the cockpit
fleshly with fleshy. of a large aircraft, flight feather, one
flesh* pot (flesh-pot) n. a place offering of the large feathers that enable a bird
licentious high living and luxuries. to fly. flight path, the planned course
flesh -y (flesh-ee) adj. (flesh- i-er, flesh- of an aircraft or spacecraft, top flight,
iest) 1 of or like flesh. 2. having much
taking a leading place, excellent of its
flesh, plump, (of plants or fruits etc.)
flight 2 fleeing, running or going away.
pulpy, flesh 'i-ness n. ODo
not con-

fuse fleshy with fleshly.

Uput to flight, to cause to flee, take
flight or take to flight, to flee.
fleur-de-lis (flur-de-lee) n. {pi fleurs-de-
flight -less (flit-lis) adj. (of birds, as pen-
lis, pr. flur-de-leez) a design of three pet-
guins) nonflying.
allike parts used in heraldry.
flight 'test (flit-test) v. to test (an aircraft,
flew (floo) see fly 2 .
rocket, etc.) bv flight.
flex (fleks) v. to bend (a joint or limb),
flight -y (fli-tee) adj. (flight -i-er, flight-
to move (a muscle) so that it bends a
i*est) without a serious purpose or inter-
joint. Dflex one's muscles, (informal)
est, frivolous, flight 'i-ness n.
to show off one's strength or physique.
flim-flam (flim-flam) n. (informal) a trick
flex-i-ble (flek-sl-bel) adj. 1. able to bend
or deception, flimflam v. (informal) to
easily without breaking. 2. adaptable,
cheat, to deceive.
able to be changed to suit circumstances.
flim-sy (flim-zee) adj. (flim-si-er, Aim-
flex'i-bly adv. flex-i-bil-i-ty (flek-sl-
si -est) 1.' light and thin, of loose struc-
bil-i-tee) n.
ture, fragile. 2. unconvincing, a flimsy
flex -time (fleks-tim), flex -i -time (flek-
excuse, film's! -ly adv. flim'si-ness n.
sl-tim) (trademark) n. a system of flexi- flinch (flinch) v. 1. to draw back in fear,
bleworking hours. to wince. 2. to shrink from one's duty
flex*ure (flek-shiir) n. a curvature, a bend. etc.
flib-ber-tj-glb-bet (flib-er-ti-jib-it) n. a fling (fling) v. (flung, fling -ing) 1. to
flighty, frivolous, or restless person. throw violently or angrily or hurriedly;
flick (flik) n. a quick light blow or stroke,
fling caution to the winds, act rashly. 2.
as with a whip, flick v. to strike or re- to put or send suddenly or forcefully,
move with a quick light blow, to make flung him into prison. 3. to rush, to go
a flicking movement. angrily or violently, she flung out of the
flick 2 n. (informal) a movie. the flicks, room, fling n. 1. the act or movement
the movies. of flinging. 2. a kind of vigorous dance,
flick -er (flik-er) v. 1. to burn or shine
the Highland fling. 3. a brief period of
unsteadily. 2. (of hope etc.) to occur indulgence in pleasure, have ones fling.
briefly, to be at the point of disappearing. Dtake a fling at, (informal) to make
3. to quiver, to move quickly to and fro. an attempt at.
flicker n. a flickering movement or light, flint (flint) n. 1 a very hard kind of stone

a brief occurrence of hope etc. that can produce sparks when struck
flicker 2 n. a large North American wood- against steel. 2. a piece of this. 3. a piece
pecker with a spotted breast and brown of hard alloy used in a cigarette lighter
back. etc. to produce a spark. U
flint glass,
filed (Aid) see fly 2 definition 1 1 pure lustrous glass, originally made with
fli-er (fli-er) n. 1. a bird etc. that flies. ground flint.

2. an animal or vehicle that moves very flint-lock (flint-lok) n. 1. the lock of a

fast. 3. an aviator. 4. (informal) & specu- gun discharged by a spark from flint. 2.
lation, a business risk; take a flier, to a gun of this kind.

333 flinty / floor

flint-y (flin-tee) adj. (flint-i-er, flint- floe -cu- late (flok-yu-layt) v. (floe*
iest) very hard.
like flint, cu-lat-ed, floc-cu-lat-lng) to form
flip 1
(flipped, flip* ping) 1 to flick.
(flip) v. . (suspended particles) or be formed into
2. to toss (a thing) with a sharp move- tuftlike masses, floc'cu-lant n.
ment so that it turns over in the air. 3. flock 1 (flok) n. 1 a number of sheep, goats,

(informal) to experience a sudden strong or birds kept together or feeding or trav-

emotion, flip n. the action of flipping eling together. 2. a large number of peo-
something. Dflip one's lid, (slang) to ple, a flock of visitors. 3. a number of
show great anger, to lose self-control; he people in someone's charge, a Christian
flipped his lid over her, became infatu- congregation, flock v. to gather or go
ated, flip side, (informal) the less impor- in a flock.
tant side of a phonograph record. flock 2 n. 1 a tuft of wool or cotton etc.

flip 2 n. a cocktail containing sugar and egg. 2. wool or cotton waste used for stuffing
flip3 adj. (flip* per, flip* pest) (informal) mattresses etc. 3. powdered wool or felt
flippant. applied to paper, cloth, etc. to produce
flip* pant (flip-ant) adj. not showing a pattern or texture.
proper seriousness, flip' pant -ly adv. floe (floh) n. a sheet of floating ice.
flip'pan-cy n. flog (flog) v. (flogged, flog-ging) to beat
flip* per (flip-er) n. 1. a limb of certain severely with a rod or whip, as a punish-
sea animals (as seals, turtles, penguins), ment. flog / ger n. flog'ging n.
used in swimming. 2. one of a pair of flood (flud) n. 1 the coming of a great

large flat rubber attachments worn on quantity of water over a place that is
the feet for swimming and deep-sea div- usually dry, the water itself; the Flood,
ing. that described in the Bible. 2. a great
flirt (flurt)
v. 1 to court a person playfully
. outpouring or outburst, a flood of abuse.
or without serious intentions. 2. to toy, 3. the inflow of the tide, flood v. 1 to .

flirted with the idea; flirting with death, cover or fill with a flood, to overflow.
taking great risks, flirt n. a person who 2. (of a river etc.) to become flooded.
flirts. flir*ta*tion (flur-tay-sh6n) n. 3. to come in great quantities, letters
flir*ta*tious (flur-tay-shus) adj. flirting, flooded in. Dbe flooded out, to be
fond of flirting. flir-ta'tious-ly adv. forced to leave because of a flood, flood
flit (flit) v. (flit-ted, flit-ting) to fly or tide, the advancing tide.
move lightly and quickly. flood* gate (flud-gayt) n. a gate that can
flitch (flich) n. a side of bacon. be opened or closed to control the flow
flivver (fliv-er) n. (informal) a small of water, especially the lower gate of a
cheap automobile. lock.
float (floht) v. 1. to rest or drift on the flood* light (flud-ht) n. a lamp used for
surface of a liquid without sinking, to producing a broad bright beam of light
be held up freely in air or gas. 2. to cause to light up a stage or building etc. flood-
to do this. 3. to move lightly or casually. light v. (flood-lit, flood- light -ing) to
4. to have or allow (currency) to have illuminate with this.
a variable rate of exchange. 5. to obtain flood* plain (flud-playn) n. a plain that is

(a loan) or issue (stocks or bonds) in or- subject to flooding.

der to finance an enterprise, float n. 1 flood -wa-ter (flud-waw-ter) n. the water
a thing designed to float on liquid, a cork of a flood.
used on a fishing line to show when the floor (flohr) n. 1 the lower surface of a

bait has been taken, one of the corks sup- room, the part on which one stands. 2.
porting the edge of a fishing net. 2. a the bottom of the sea or of a cave etc.
floating device to control the flow of wa- 3. (in legislative assemblies) the part of
ter, gasoline, etc. 3. a structure to enable the assembly hall where members sit. 4.
an aircraft to float on water. 4. a platform a minimum level for wages or prices. 5.
on wheels carrying a display in a parade. a story of a building, all the rooms having
5. the available supply of a company's a continuous floor, floor v. 1. to put a
common stock. 6. a drink made of ice floor into (a building). 2. to knock down
cream and soda. floating lib, one of (a person) in a fight. 3. (informal) to baf-
the ribs not joined to the breastbone. fle,to overwhelm fa person) with a prob-
float -er (floh-ter) n. 1. something that lem or argument. U floor leader, a leg-
floats. 2. an office worker who is able islator who is chosen by a political party
to replace other workers when they are to direct its activities on the floor of a
absent. 3. (informal) a person who goes legislativebody, floor manager, a per-
aimlessly from one activity to another. son at a political convention who leads
flOC (flok) n. a fine mass formed by sus- support for his candidate for nomination.
pended particles in a precipitate etc. floor show, an entertainment presented
floorboard / flower 334
on the floor of a nightclub etc. have the collar, a device to keep a space capsule
floor, to have the right to speak in a afloat after splashdown.
debate. flo -til -la (floh-til-a) il 1. a small fleet. 2.
floor •board (flohr-bohrd) ru 1. one of the a fleet of boats or small ships.
boards forming the floor of a room. 2. flot'sam (flot-sam) n. wreckage found
the floor of a motor vehicle etc. floating. flotsam and Jetsam, odds
floor* shift (flohr-shift) n. a manually op- and ends; vagrants, tramps, etc.
erated gearshift located on the floor of flounce (flowns) v. (flounced, flounc-

an automobile. ing) to go in an impatient annoyed man-

floor* walk *er(flohr-waw-ker) ru (old use) ner, flounced out of the room, flounce
a department store sales supervisor. n. a flouncing movement.

floo'zy, floO'Zie (floo-zee) n. {pi -zies) flounce2 n. a deep frill of material sewn
(slang) a disreputable woman. by its upper edge to a skirt etc.
flop (flop) v. (flopped, flop* ping) 1. to flounced (flownst) adj. trimmed with a
hang or sway heavily and loosely. 2. to flounce.
fall down clumsily. 3. (slang) to be a fail-
flounder 1
(flown-der) n. a small edible
ure, flop n. 1. a flopping movement or
sound. 2. (slang) a failure, flop adv. with flounder2 v. 1 . to move clumsily and with
a flop. difficulty as in mud. 2. to make mistakes
flop *house (flop-hows) n. {pi -hous*es, or become confused when trying to do
pr. -how-ziz) (slang) a low-grade room-
flour (flowr) n. fine meal or powder made
ing house or hotel.
flop*o*ver (flop-oh-ver) n. continuous from grain, used in cooking, flour v. to
cover or sprinkle with flour.
vertical movement of a television picture.
flour* ish (flur-ish) v. 1 to thrive in growth .

flop-py (flop-ee) adj. (flop*pi*er, flop*

or development. 2. to prosper, to be suc-
pi* est) hanging heavily and loosely.
cessful. 3. (of famous people) to be alive
flop'pi*ness n.
and active at a certain time, Beethoven
flo*ra (flohr-a) ru {pi flo-ras, flo*
flourished in the early 19th century. 4.
rae, pr. flohr-ee) the plants of an area
to wave (a thing) dramatically, flourish
or period of time.
n. 1. a dramatic sweeping gesture. 2. a
flO*ral (flohr-al) adj. of flowers.
flowing ornamental curve in writing etc.
Flor-en-tine (flor-en-teen) adj. of Flor-
3. a fanfare.
ence, a city of north Italy.
flout (flowt) v. to disobey openly and
flo*res*cence (floh-res-ens) ru a flower- scornfully. E>See the note under flaunt
ing time or state of being in bloom, flo*
flow (floh) v.' 1 to glide along as a stream,

res'cent adj.
to move freely like a liquid or gas. 2.
flo* ret (flohr-it) a small flower. 2.
ru 1.
to proceed steadily and continuously, I

one of the small flowers making up a keep the traffic flowing. 3. (of talk or liter-
composite flower. ary style) to proceed smoothly and
bun -da (flohr-T-bun-da) n. a rose or
flo -ri- evenly. 4. to hang loosely, (of a line or
other plant bearing dense clusters of curve) to be smoothly continuous. 5. to ,

flowers. gush forth, (of the tide) to come in, to j

flo-ri-cul-ture (flohr-I-kul-chur) n. the rise. 6. to come (from a source), to be >

cultivation of flowers. the result, flow n. 1 . a flowing movement -

flor*id (flor-id) adj. 1. elaborate and or- or mass. 2. the amount that flows. 3. I

nate. 2. (of the complexion) ruddy. an outpouring, a copious supply. 4. the

Flor-i-da (flor-i-da) a state of the U.S. inward movement of the tide, toward the
Flo-rid-i-an (fl 6-rid-i-an), Flor'l-dan land, ebb and flow.
adj. & n. DFlorida room, a sunny sit- flow 'Chart (floh-chahrt) n. a diagram of
ting room (in a house) with windows on the movement of things or persons in a
three sides. complex activity.
flor*in (flor-in) n. 1. a Dutch coin. 2. a flower (flow-er) n. 1. the part of a plant
former British coin worth two shillings. from which seed or fruit develops. 2. a
flo*rist (flor-ist) n. a person whose busi- blossom and its stem for use as a decora-
ness is the selling or growing of flowers. tion etc. 3. a plant that is noticeable or
floss (flaws) n. 1 a mass of silky fibers.
. cultivated for its fine flowers. 4. the best
2. silk thread with little or no twist, used part of something, flower v. (of a plant)
in embroidery. 3. dental floss. floss y to produce flowers. flower girl, a very
adj. (floss *i*er, floss*i*est). young girl who precedes the bride in a
flO*ta*tion (floh-tay-shdn) n. floating, es- wedding procession and carries flowers.
pecially the sale of bonds in the launch- flower head, a cluster of florets in
ing of a commercial venture. flotation flower, with the flowers out.
335 flowered / flush

flowered (flow-erd) adj. ornamented wearing livery. 2. (contemptuous) a per-

with flowers. son who performs menial duties.
flower* pot (flow-er-pot) n. a pot in fluoresce (fluu-res, floo-6-) v. (fluo-
which a plant may be grown. resced, fluo-resc-ing) to exhibit
flower*y (flow-e-ree) adj. 1. full of flow- fluorescence.
ers. 2. (of language) full of ornamental fluo* res -cent (fluu-res-ent, floo-6-) adj.
phrases. (of substances) taking in radiations and
flown (flohn) see fly2 . sending them out in the form of light,
fl. oz. abbr. fluid ounce(s). (of lamps) containing such a substance,
flu (floo) n. influenza. (of a screen) coated with this, fluo*
flub (flub) v. (flubbed, flub -Ding) (in- res'cence n. fluorescent lamp, a
formal) to botch or bungle, flub n. (in- tubular lamp in which phosphor on the
formal) a thing badly or clumsily done. inside of the tube is made to fluoresce
flue -tu- ate (fluk-choo-ayt) v. (flue* by ultraviolet radiation.
tu-at-ed, fluc*tu*at*ing) (of levels, fluo -ri- date (floor-i-dayt, flohr-) v. (fluo*
prices, etc.) to vary irregularly, to rise ri-dat-ed, fluo*ri*dat*ing) to add or
and fall, fluc*tu*a*tion (fluk-choo-ay- apply a fluoride to.
sh6n) n. fluo*ri*da*tion (floor-i-day-shdn, flohr-)
flue (floo) n. 1 a smoke duct in a chimney.
. n. the addition of traces of fluoride to
2. a channel for conveying heat. drinking water to prevent or reduce tooth
flu*ent (floo-ent) adj. 1 (of a person) able . decay.
to speak smoothly and readily, fluent in fluo -ride (floor-id, flohr-) n. a compound
three languages. 2. (of speech) coming of fluorine and one other element.
smoothly and readily, flu'ent*ly adv. fluoTi-nate (floor-i-nayt, flohr-) v. (flu*
flu'en*cy n. o*rl*nat*ed, flu*o*ri*nat*ing) to in-
fluff (fluf) n. 1. a light soft downy sub- troduce fluorine into (a compound).
stance. 2. (slang) a bungled attempt, a fluo*rine (floor-een, flohr-) n. a chemical
mistake in speaking, fluff v. 1 to shake . element, a pale yellow corrosive gas.
into a soft mass. 2. (slang) to bungle. fluo *ro* car *bon (floor-oh-kahr-bon,
fluff -y (fluf-ee) adj. (fluff*i*er, fluff- flohr-) n. a synthetic compound of car-
i est) having or covered with a soft mass
• bon and fluorine, used as a lubricant.
of fur or fibers, fluff'hness n. fluor*0* scope (floor-5-skohp, flohr-) n.
flu* Id (floo-id) n. a substance that is able an instrument with a fluorescent screen,
to flow freely as liquids and gases do. used to show x-ray effects. fluor*0*
fluid adj. 1 able to flow freely, not solid
. scop-ic (floor-o-skop-ik) adj. fluo*
or rigid. 2. (of a situation) not stable. ros*co*pist (floo-ros-kd-pist) n. fluo*
flu*id*i*ty (floo-id-i-tee) n. Dfluid ros'co-py n.
dram, one-eighth of a fluid ounce, fluid flur*ry (flur-ee) n. (pi. -ries) 1. a short
drive, an automobile transmission em- sudden rush of wind or rain or snow.
ploying liquid to transmit power, fluid 2. a commotion. 3. a state of nervous
ounce, one-sixteenth of a pint. agitation, flurry v. (flur-ried, flur*ry*
flyid-ics (floo-id-iks) n. the technique of ing) 1 to fluster 2. to come down as a

using small interacting flows and fluid flurry.

jets for amplification, switching, etc. flush (flush) v. 1. to become red in the

fluke 1 (flook) n. an accidental stroke of face because of a rush of blood to the

good luck, fluk'y adj. (fluk*i*er, fluk* skin. 2. to cause (the face) to redden in
i-est). this way. 3. to fill with pride, flushed
fluke 2 n. 1 the broad triangular flat end
. with success. 4. to cleanse (a drain or
of each arm of an anchor. 2. the barbed lavatory etc.) with a flow of water, to
head of a harpoon etc. 3. one of the lobes dispose of in this way. flush n. 1 flush- .

of a whale's tail. ing of the face, a blush. 2. excitement

fluke 3 1 a kind of flatfish, especially the
. caused by emotion, the first flush of vic-
flounder. 2. a flat worm found as .a para- tory. 3. a rush of water, flush adj. 1.
site insheep's liver. level, in the same plane, without pro-
flume (floom) n. 1 a ravine with a stream.
. jections, doors that are flush with the
2. an channel conveying water.
artificial walls. 2. (informal) well supplied with
flum-mox (flum-dks) v. (chiefly British money.
slang) to baffle. flush 2 n. poker) a hand of cards all
flung (flung) see fling. of one royal flush, a straight
flunk (flungk) v. (informal) to fail, espe- flush headed by an ace. straight flush,
cially in an examination. a flush that is a straight sequence.
flun-ky (pi -kies), flun-key (pi. -keys) flush 3 v. to cause (a bird) to fly up and
(flung-kee) n. 1 (British) a male servant
. away, to drive out.

fluster / foam 336

flus*ter (flus-ter) v. to make nervous and formal) go away, on the fly, while in
confused, fluster n. a flustered state. motion in the air, without stopping, send
flute (floot) ru 1. a wind instrument con- flying, to knock (a person or thing) vio-
sisting of a long pipe with holes stopped lently aside.
by fingers or keys and a mouth hole near flyblown (fli-blohn) adj. (of meat etc.)
one end. 2. an ornamental groove, flute tainted, especially by flies' eggs.
v. (flut*ed, flut-ing) to make ornamen- fly by (fli-bi) n. (pi -bys) the close ap-
tal grooves in. f lut'ed adj. proach of an aircraft or spacecraft to a
flut-ing (floo-ting) ornamental grooves.
ru specific pointwithout touching down.
flut-ist (floo-tist) n. a flute player. fly-by-night (fli-bi-nit) adj. unscrupulous
flut*ter (flut-er) v. 1. to move the wings (in business), fly-by-night n. a business
hurriedly in flying or trying to fly. 2. or person that is unscrupulous.
to wave or flap quickly and irregularly, fly catch -er (fli-kach-er) ru a bird that
(of the heart) to beat feebly and irregu- catches insects in the air.
larly, flutter n. 1 a fluttering movement
. flyer = flier.
or beat. 2. a state of nervous excitement flying (fli-ing) adj. able to fly. flying
3. a stir, a sensation. 4. rapid variation boat, a seaplane with a boatlike fuselage.
in the pitch' or loudness of reproduced flying buttress, a buttress that springs
sound. flut'ter«y adj. from a separate structure, usually form-
flux (fluks) ru 1. a continuous succession ing an arch with the wall it supports.
of changes, in a state offlux. 2. flowing, flying colors, great success, she passed
flowing out. the test with flying colors, flying fish,
fly 1 (fli) ru (pi files) 1 a two- winged in-
. a tropical fish with winglike fins, able
sect. 2. a natural or artificial fly used to rise into the air. flying leap, a forward
as bait in fishing. Dfly casting, the fish- leapmade while moving swiftly, flying
ing technique of angling with the fly as saucer, an unidentified saucer-shaped
a lure, fly fishing, fishing with flies as object reported as seen in the sky. flying
bait, fly In the ointment, one small start, a vigorous start giving one an ini-
thing that spoils enjoyment, like flies, tial advantage, flying tackle, a tackle
numbers, dying like flies, there
in large in football in which a player leaps at the
are no flies on him, (slang) he is very ball-carrier.
astute. flyleaf (fli-leef)ru (pi -leaves, pr.
3 (flew, flown, flying) 1. to move
fly v. -leevz) a blank leaf at the beginning or
through the air by means of wings as a end of a book etc.
bird does. 2. to travel through the air fly pa • per (flj-pay-per) ru sticky paper for
or through space. 3. to travel in an air- catching or poisoning flies.

craft. 4. to direct or control the flight fly speck (fli-spek) n. 1. the mark left
of (an aircraft etc.), to transport in an by the excrement of a fly. 2. a very tiny
aircraft. 5. to raise (a flag) so that it thing.
waves, (of a flag) to wave in the air. 6. fly way (fli-way) n, a migration route of
to make (a kite) rise and stay aloft. 7. birds.
to go or move quickly, to rush along, flyweight (fli-wayt) n, a boxer of the
(of time) to pass quickly. 8. to be scat- weight class in boxing, weighing
tered violently, sparks flew in all direc- up to 112 pounds.
tions. 9. to become angry etc. quickly, flywheel (fli-hweel) n. a heavy wheel re-
flew into a rage. 10. to flee from, must volving on a shaft to regulate machinery.
fly the country. 11. (in baseball) to hit Fm symbol fermium.
a fly ball. (t> Flied is the past tense and FM abbr. 1. Field Marshal. 2. frequency
past participle of fly in this sense; he flied modulation.
out; she has flied out) fly n, (pL flies) fm. abbr. fathom(s).
1 flying. 2. a flap of material on a gar-
. fn. abbr. footnote.
ment to contain or cover a fastening, a f nunvber a number indicating the ratio
flap at the entrance of a tent. 3. a speed- of the focal length and the diameter of
regulating device in clockwork or ma- a camera lens.
chinery. 4. (in baseball) a fly ball. FO abbr. field officer.
Dfly at, to attack violently, either physi- fo. abbr. folio.
cally or with words, fly ball, a baseball foal (fohl) n. the young of a horse or of
batted high in the air. fly high, to behave a related animal, foal v. to give birth
very ambitiously, fly in the face of, to a foal. Din foal, (of a mare) pregnant.
to disregard or disobey openly, fly off foam (fohm) n. 1. a collection of small
the handle, (informal) to become un- bubbles formed in or on a liquid. 2. the
controllably angry, fly the coop, (in- froth of saliva or perspiration. 3. rubber
formal) to escape, go fly a kite, (in- or plastic in a light spongy form. 4. a
337 fob / folk

frothy fire-extinguishing material used or thing that contrasts strongly with an-
especially to fight airfield fires, foam v. other and therefore makes the other's
to form or send out foam, foam'y adj. Sualities more obvious.
foam rubber, light spongy rubber 2
v. to frustrate, to thwart.

formed with air bubbles for use in cush- foil 3 n. a long thin sword with a blunt point,
ions, mattresses, etc. used in fencing.
fob 1 (fob) n. an ornament worn hanging foist (foist) v. to cause a person to accept
from a watch chain etc. (something inferior or unwelcome or
fob v. (fobbed, fob -Ding) fob off, to
2 undeserved), the job was foisted on us.
palm (a thing) off, to get (a person) to fol. abbr. 1 folio. 2. followed. 3. following.

accept something of little or no value fold 1 (fohld) v. 1 to bend or turn (a flexible


instead of what he is seeking. thing) so that one part lies on another,

F.O.B., f.O.b. abbr. free on board. to close or flatten by pressing parts to-
fo*cal (foh-kal) adj. of or at a focus. gether. 2. to become folded, to be able
focal length, the distance between a to be folded. 3. to clasp (the arms etc.)
lens or mirror and its focal point, focal about, to hold (a person or thing) close
plane, a plane through a focal point per- to one's breast. 4. to envelop. 5. to blend
pendicular to the axis of a lens or mirror. (an ingredient) in cooking by spooning
focal point, the point of focus; a center one part over another. 6. to collapse, to
of action or interest. cease to function, the business had folded.
fO*Ci see focus. fold n. 1 a folded part, a hollow between

fo'c's'le = forecastle. two thicknesses. 2. a line made by fold-

fo-cus (foh-kus) n. (pi -CUS*es, -Ci, pr. ing. 3. a hollow among hills or moun-
-si) 1. the point at which rays meet or tains. fold one's arms, to place them
from which they appear to proceed. 2. together or entwined across one's chest.
the point or distance at which an object fold one's hands, to clasp or place
is most clearly seen by the eye or through them together.
a lens. 3. an adjustment on a lens to fold 2 n. 1. an enclosure for sheep. 2. an
produce a clear image at varying dis- established body of people with the same
tances. 4. a center of activity or interest beliefs or aims, the members of a religion.
etc. focus v. (fo*cused, fo-cus-ing) return to the fold, to rejoin such a
1 . to adjust the focus of (a lens or the group.
eye). 2. to bring into focus. 3. to fold *a* way (fohl-da-way) adj. adapted to
trate or be concentrated or directed (on be folded away when not in use, a fold-
a center etc.). Din or out of focus, seen away cot.
or not seen sharply by the eye or a lens. fold* boat (fohld-boht) n. a faltboat.
fod'der dried food, hay, etc.
(fod-er) n. fold *er (fohi-der) n. 1 a folding cover for

for horses and farm animals. loose papers. 2. a folded leaflet.

foe (foh) n. an enemy. fol*de*rol (fol-de-rol) n. a trifle, nonsense.
F.O.E. abbr. Fraternal Order of Eagles. fold* out (fohld-owt) n. a large page that
fog (fog) n. 1 a thick mist that is difficult
. can be unfolded from a book, magazine,
to see through. 2. cloudiness on a photo- etc.
graphic negative etc., obscuring the im- fO*li*age (foh-li-ij) n. the leaves of a tree
age, fog v. (fogged, fog-ging) 1. to or plant.
cover or become covered with fog or con- fo*li*at*ed (foh-li-ay-tid) adj. 1. split or
densed vapor, a fogged lens. 2. to bewil- arranged in leaves. 2. decorated with
der, to perplex. foils, as an arch etc.
fog-gy (fog-ee) adj. (fog-gi-er, fog* fo*lic (foh-lik, fol-ik) acid a vitamin of
ghest) 1. full of fog. 2. made opaque the B group, deficiency of which causes
by condensed vapor etc., clouded. 3. ob- anemia.
scure, vague, only a foggy idea, fog'gi* fO*li*o (foh-li-oh) n. (pi. -li*OS) 1. a large
ness n. LJnot the foggiest, (informal) sheet of paper folded once, making two
no idea at all. leaves of a book. 2. a book made of such
fog* horn (fog-horn) n. 1. a sounding in- sheets, the largest-sized volume. 3. the
strument for warning ships in fog. 2. (in- page number of a printed book.
formal) a loud voice. folk (fohk) n. 1 people in general. 2. the

fo*gy (pi. -gies, pr. -geez), fo-gey (pi. people of a certain group or nation etc.,
-geys, a person
pr. -geez) (foh-gee) n. country folk. 3. one's relatives. Dfolk
with old-fashioned ideas, an old fogy. dance, folk song etc., a dance, song,
foi*ble (foi-bel) n. a harmless peculiarity etc., in the traditional style of a country.
in a person's character. folk mass, a liturgical mass with folk
foil 1 (foil) n. 1 metal hammered or rolled
. music, folk rock, a style of music com-
into a thin sheet, tin foil. 2. a person bining elements of rock-'n'-roll and folk
folklore / foolproof 338
music, folk singer, a person who sings fond'ly adv. fond'ness ru Dfond of,
folk songs. having a liking for; much inclined to.
folk 'lore (fohk-lohr) ru the traditional fon*dant (fon-dant) n. a creamy sugar
beliefs and tales etc. of a community. mixture used as a basis for candies.
folk'lor-ist ru ton -die (fon-del) v. (ton* died, fon-
folk-sy (fohk-see) adj. (folk-si-er, folk- dling) to touch or stroke lovingly.
si* est) 1. simple in manner. 2. friendly, fon*due (fon-doo) n. a dish of flavored
sociable. melted cheese.
folk* ways (fohk-wayz) ru traditional be- font 1 (font) n. a basin or vessel (often of
havior common to a people. carved stone) in a church, to hold water
foil. abbr. following. for baptism.
fol*li*de (fol-i-kel) n. a very small sac or font 2 n. a set of printing type of one style
cavity in the body, especially one con- and size.
taining a hair root. fon*ta*nel, fon*ta*nelle (fon-ta-nel) n.
fol*low (fol-oh) v. 1. to go or come after. a space under the skin on the top of an
2. to go along (a path or road etc.). 3. infant's head where the bones of the skull
to provide with a sequel or successor. have not yet grown together.
4. to take as a guide or leader or example; fon*ti*na (fon-tee-na) n. a type of Italian
follow the fashion, conform to it. 5. to cheese made from ewe's milk.
grasp the meaning of, to understand. 6. food (food) ru 1. any substance that can
to take an interest in the progress of be taken into the body of an animal or
(events, a team, etc.). 7. to happen as a plant to maintain its life and growth. 2.
result, to result from. 8. to be necessarily a solid substance of this kind, food and
true in consequence of something else. drink. Dfood chain, a series of organ-
follow one's nose, to be guided by isms dependent on one another for sup-
instinct,follow on the heels of, to ply of food, food for thought, some-
come or occur immediately after, follow thing that needs thinking about, food
suit, to play a card of the suit led; to poisoning, illness caused by bacteria or
follow a person's example, follow toxins in food, food processor, a
through, to carry a stroke through to kitchen appliance for preparing foods by
the fullest possible extent after striking grinding, shredding, etc. food stamps,
a golf ball, baseball, etc.; to see (a project) stamps distributed by the federal govern-
through to completion, follow up, to ment that are used to purchase food.
add a further action or blow etc. to a food value, the nourishing power of a
previous one; to perform further work food.
or investigation etc. upon. food "Stuff (food-stuf) ru a substance used
fol* lower (fol-oh-er) n. 1. one who fol- as food.
lows. 2. a person who believes in or sup- fool (fool) ru 1 a person who acts unwisely,

ports a religion or teacher or cause etc. one who lacks good sense or judgment.
fol -lowing (fol-oh-ing) n. a body of be- 2. a jester or clown during the Middle
lievers or supporters, following adj. now Ages, fool v. 1. to behave in a joking
to be mentioned, answer the following or teasing way. 2. to play about idly.
questions, following prep, as a sequel to, 3. to trick or deceive (a person). Dfool
following the fall of the dollar, prices rose around, to spend one's time aimlessly;
sharply. Dthe following, that which to flirt, fool's errand, a useless errand.
now is to be mentioned. fool's gold, iron pyrites, sometimes
fol 'low-up (fol-oh-up) n. an action per- mistaken for gold, fool's paradise,
formed after another to investigate or happiness that is based on an illusion.
complete the earlier one. fool with, to meddle with; to play aim-
fol • ly (fol-ee) n. (pL -lies) foolishness, a lessly with, make a fool of, to make
foolish act; Seward s folly, the purchase (a person) look foolish; to trick or de-
of Alaska (considered a foolish act when ceive.
arranged by Secretary of State William fOOl«er*y (foo-le-ree) n. foolish acts or be-
H. Seward in 1867). havior.
fo*ment (foh-ment) v. 1 to arouse or stim-
. fool-har-dy (fool-hahr-dee) adj. (-dh
ulate (trouble, discontent, etc.). 2. to ap- er, -dhest) rash, delighting in taking
ply warm liquid etc. to (an area of the unnecessary risks. fool'har-dl-ness n.
body), fo* men* ta-tion (foh-men-tay- fOOl*ish (foo-lish) adj. 1. lacking in good
shdn) ru D> Do not confuse foment with sense or judgment. 2. (of actions) unwise.
ferment 3. ridiculous, felt foolish, fool'ish-ly
fond (fond) adj. 1. affectionate, loving. 2. adv. fool'ish-ness n.
over-affectionate, doting. 3. (of hopes) fool -proof (fool-proof) adj. 1. (of rules
cherished but unlikely to be fulfilled. or instructions) plain and simple and un-
339 foolscap / for

able to be misinterpreted. 2. (of machin- or thing of a specified height or length,

ery) very simple to operate. used in combination, a six-footer; an
fools* cap (foolz-kap) n. a large size of eight-footer.
writing paper. >So called from the use foot* fall (fuut-fawl) n. the sound of a foot-
of a fooVs cap (a jester's cap with bells) step.
as a watermark. foot* hill (ruut-hil) n. one of the low hills
foot (fuut) n. (pi feet, pr. feet) 1. the near the bottom of a mountain or range.
end part of the leg below the ankle. 2. foot -hold (fuut-hohld) n. 1. a place just
a similar part in animals, used in moving wide enough for a foot to be placed on
or for attaching the animal to things. 3. when climbing etc. 2. a small but secure
the lower end of a table or bed etc., the position gained in a business etc.
end opposite the head. 4. the part of a footling (tuut-ing) n. 1. a placing of the
stocking covering the foot. 5. a person's feet, a foothold; lost his footing, slipped.
step or tread or pace of movement, fleet 2. a building foundation. 3. a status, con-
offoot. 6. a lower usually projecting part ditions, they were on a friendly footing;
of something (as of a table leg), the part put the army on a war footing.
of a sewing machine that is lowered on foot* less (fuut-lis) adj. 1. having no feet.
to the material to hold it steady. 7. the 2. lacking substance or basis.
lowest part of something that has height foot* lights (fuut-hts) n. pi a row of lights
or length, the bottom of a hill, ladder, along the front of a stage floor.
page, list, etc. 8. a measure of length, foot* lock *er (fuut-lok-er) n. a small trunk
= 12 inches (30.48 cm). 9. a unit of for personal belongings, especially for a
rhythm in a line of poetry, containing soldier to keep at the foot of his bed.
a stressed syllable, as each of the four foot* loose (fuut-loos) adj. independent,
divisions in Jack/and Jill/went up/the free to act or to travel as one pleases.
hill foot v. 1. to walk, not ride, shall footloose and fancy free, entirely
have to foot it. 2. (informal) to pay (a unattached.
bill). Dfeet Of Clay, a great weakness foot* man (fuut-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
in a person or thing that is honored, foot -men) a manservant (usually in livery)
soldier, an infantryman, have a foot who admits visitors, waits at table, etc.
In both camps, to be a member of each foot* note (fuut-noht) n. a note printed
of two opposing factions, have one foot at the bottom of a page.
in the grave, to be nearing death or foot* pad (fuut-pad) n. (old use) an un-
very old. my foot!, (informal) an excla- mounted highwayman.
mation of scornful contradiction, on foot* path (fuut-path) n. a path for pedes-
foot, walking not riding, to one's feet, trians.
to a standing position. O It is incorrect foot* pound (fuut-pownd) n. the quantity
to say he is six foot tall. Say six feet tall of energy that will raise a weight of one
foot age (fuut-ij) n. a length measured pound to a height of one foot.
in feet, especially of exposed movie film. foot* print (fuut-print) n. an impression
foot-and-mouth (fuut-an-mowth) dis- left by a foot or shoe.
ease a contagious disease of cattle etc., foot* race (fuut-rays) n. a race between
causing ulceration of the mouth and feet. persons on foot.
foot* ball (fuut-bawl) n. 1. an elliptical in- foot* rest (fuut-rest) n. a support or plat-
flated leather ball. 2. a game played with form to rest the feet on.
a football on a rectangular field between foot* sore (fuut-sohr) adj. having feet that
teams of eleven men each. 3. (in most are sore from walking.
countries of the world) soccer. 4. any foot* step (fuut-step) a step taken in
of several other related games, as Rugby walking, the sound of follow in
this. D
football, Canadian football, Australian someone's footsteps, to do as an ear-
football. 5. (slang) a difficult problem for lier person did.
which no one is eager to take responsibil- n. a stool for rest-
foot* stool (fiiut-stool)
ity, the high cost of medical care is a ing the feet on when sitting.
political football. foot* wear (fuut-wair) n. shoes and stock-
foot -board (fuut-bohrd) n. 1. a platform ings.
used to stand on. 2. an upright board foot* work (fuut-wurk) n. the manner of
fitted across the lower end of a bed. moving or using the feet in boxing, foot-
foot *bridge (fuut-brij) n. a bridge for pe- ball, etc.
destrians, not for traffic. fop (fop) n. a dandy, fop'peny n. (pi
fOOt-can* die (fuut-kan-del) n. a unit of -per-les) fop'pish adj.
illumination equal to that of one candela for (for) prep. 1 in place of. 2. as the price

at a distance of one foot. or penalty of, was fined for speeding. 3.

foot*er (fuut-er) n. (informal) a person in defense or support or favor of. 4. with
for. / forecourt 340
a view to, in order to find or obtain, went an immediate decision necessary, force
for a walk; looking for a job. 5. with re- the pace, to adopt a high speed in a
gard to, in respect of, ready for dinner. race etc. and so tire out others who are
6. in the direction of, set out for home. taking part, in force, in operation, valid.
7. intended to be received by or belong force-feed (fohrs-feed) v. to feed (a pris-
to, bought shoes for the children. 8. so oner, etc.) against his will.
as to happen at a stated time, an appoint- force -ful (fohrs-ful) adj. powerful and
ment for two o'clock. 9. because of, on vigorous, effective, force'ful*ly adv.
account of, famous for its cider. 1 0. to force'ful*ness n.
the extent or duration oft walked for two force* meat (fohrs-meet) n. finely
miles; it will last for years, for conj. be- chopped meat seasoned and used as stuf-
cause, they hesitated, for they were afraid. fing.
be in for it, (slang) to be about to for-ceps (for-seps) n. {pi -ceps) pincers
meet with punishment or trouble. or tongs used by dentists, surgeons, etc.
for. abbr. 1 . foreign. 2. forester. 3. forestry. for gripping things.
for* age (for-ij) n. 1. food for horses and for*ci*ble (fohr-si-bel) adj. done by force,
cattle. 2. foraging, forage
(for* aged, v. forceful, for'ci'bly adv.
for*ag*ing) to go searching, to rum- ford (fohrd) n. a shallow place where a
mage. river may be crossed by wading or riding
for* ay (for-ay) n. a sudden attack or raid, or driving through, ford v. to cross in
especially to obtain something. this way.
for -bade (for-bad, -bayd) see forbid. Ford (fohrd), Ger-ald R. (1913-
) the
for -bear 1 (for-bair) v. (for* bore, for* thirty-eighth president of the U.S. 1974-
borne, for* bear *ing) to refrain, to re- 76.
frain from, could not forbear criticizing ford*a*ble (fohr-da-bel) adj. able to be
or from criticizing; forbore to mention it. forded.
for* bear 2 n. = forebear. fore (fohr)
adj. situated in front, fore adv.
for* bear *ance (for-bair-ans) n. patience, in or at or toward the front, fore n. the
tolerance. fore part. Dto the fore, in front, con-
for* bear *ing (for-bair-ing) adj. & n. being spicuous.
patient or tolerant. fore 2 interj. a cry to warn a person who
for -bid (forbid) v. (for -bade, for- may be hit by a golf ball about to be
bid* den, for* bid* ding) 1. to order (a played.
person) not to do something or not to fore-and-aft (fohr-and-aft) adj. length-
enter, forbid him to go; forbid him the wise in a ship.
house. 2. to refuse to allow, forbid the fore "arm (fohr-ahrm) n. the arm from

marriage; he is forbidden wine, not al- elbow to wrist or fingertips.

lowed to drink it. fore* arm 2 (for-ahrm) v. to arm or prepare
for* bid *ding (for-bid-ing) adj. looking in advance against possible danger etc.
unfriendly or uninviting, stern. fore *bear (fohr-bair) n. an ancestor.
force (fohrs) n. 1. strength, power, intense fore -bode (fohr-bohd) v. (fore* bod*
effort. 2. (in scientific use) a measurable ed, fore* bod *ing) to be an advance
influence tending to cause movement of sign or token of (trouble).
a body, its intensity. 3. a body of troops fore • bod -ing (fohr-boh-ding) n. a feeling
or police. 4. a body of people organized that trouble is coming.
or available for a purpose, the labor force fore -cast (fohr-kast) v. (fore* cast or
5. compulsion. 6. effectiveness, legal va- fore- cast -ed, fore* cast* ing) to tell
lidity, the new rules come into force next in advance (what is likely to happen).
week, force v. (forced, forc*ing) 1. to forecast n. a statement that forecasts
use force in order to get or do something, something. fore'cast*er n.
to compel, to oblige. 2. to exert force fore «cas* tie (fohk-sel) n. the forward
on, to break open by force, forced the part of certain ships, where formerly the
lock. 3. to strain to the utmost, to over- crew had their accommodation.
strain. 4. to inflict; force an
impose, to fore 'dose (fohr-klohz) v. (fore* closed,
invitation on a person, insist that he come. fore *clos* ing) 1. (of a firm etc. that
5. to cause or produce by effort, forced has lent money on mortgage) to take pos-
a smile. 6. to cause (plants etc.) to reach session of property when the loan is not
maturity earlier than is normal. Dforce duly repaid, the bank decided to foreclose
a person's hand, to compel him to take or decided to foreclose the mortgage. 2.
action, forced landing, an emergency to bar from a privilege, f ore • • sure do
landing of an aircraft, forced march, (fohr-kloh-z/rur) n.

a lengthy march requiring special effort fore* court (fohr-kohrt) n. 1. an enclosed

by troops etc. force the issue, to make space in front of a building, an outer
341 foredoom / forester
court. 2. (in tennis) the part of the court fore* name (fohr-naym) n. a person's first
between the service line and the net. name.
fore* doom (fohr-doom) v. to doom or fore* named (fohr-naymd) adj. named or
condemn beforehand. mentioned before.
fore* fa 'trier (fohr-fah-f/ier) n. an ances- fore* noon (fohr-noon) n. the day until
tor. noon, morning.
fore • fin • ger (fohr-fing-ger) n. the finger fo Ten* sic (fS-ren-sik) adj. 1. of or used
next to the thumb. in law courts. 2. of or involving forensic
fore* foot (fohr-fuut) n. {pi -feet) an ani- medicine, the medical knowledge
mal's front foot. needed in legal matters or police investi-
fore* front (fohr-frunt) n. the very front. gations (as in a poisoning case).
fore*gath*er = forgather. fo*ren*sics (fd-ren-siks) n. the art or
fore*go*ing (fohr-goh-ing) adj. preced- practice of formal debate and argument;
ing, previously mentioned. indulged in forensics, argued at great
fore* gone (fohr-gawn) conclusion a re- length and with oratorical display.
sult that can be foreseen easily and with fore*or*dain (fohr-or-dayn) v. to destine
certainty. beforehand, it was foreordained by God.
fore* ground (fohr-grownd) n. 1. the part fore* part (fohr-pahrt) n. a previous or
of a scene or picture that is nearest to early part.
an observer. 2. the most conspicuous po- fore* sail (fohr-sayl) n. 1. the lowest
square sail in a square-rigged vessel. 2.
fore* hand (fohr-hand) adj. 1. (of a stroke the triangular sail before the mast in a
in tennis etc.) played with the palm of
fore-and-aft rigged vessel.
the hand turned forward. 2. on the side
fore* see (fohr-see) v. (fore* saw, fore*
on which this stroke is made, forehand
seen, for* seeing) to be aware of or
n. a forehand stroke.
realize (a thing) beforehand.
fore* head (for-id, -hed) n. the part of the
fore *see*a* Die (fohr-see-a-bel) adj. able
face above the eyes.
to be foreseen; the foreseeable future, the
for*eign (for-in) adj. 1. of or in or from
period during which the course*of events
another country, not of one*s own coun-
can be predicted. fore*see'a*bly adv.
try. 2. dealing with or involving other
fore* shad *ow (fohr-shad-oh) v. to be a
countries, foreign affairs. 3. not belong-
sign of (something that is to come).
ing naturally, jealousy is foreign to her
nature. 4. coming from outside, a foreign
fore* sheet (fohr-sheet) n. the inner part
foreign exchange, of the bows of an open boat.
body in the eye.
the currency of other countries; dealings fore* shore (fohr-shohr) n. the shore be-
in these currencies. Foreign Legion, see
tween high-water mark and low-water
legion, foreign minister, the head of mark, or between water and land that
is cultivated or built on.
a government department dealing with
foreign affairs. fore* short* en (fohr-shohr-ten) v. to rep-

for*eign*er (for-I-ner) n. a person who resent (an object, when drawing it) with
was born in or comes from another coun- shortening of certain lines to give an ef-
try. fect of distance, to cause such an effect
fore* knowledge (fohr-nol-ij) n. knowl- in.

edge of something before it occurs. fore* Sight (fohr-sit) n. the ability to fore-
fore*la*dy (fohr-lay-dee) n. {pi -dies) a see and prepare for future needs. fore /
forewoman. sight *ed adj. fore'sight -ed-ness n.
fore* land (fohr-land) n. a cape or promon- fore* skin (fohr-skin) n. the loose skin at
tory. the end of the penis.
fore* leg (fohr-leg) n. an animal's front leg. for* est (for-ist) n. trees and undergrowth
fore* limb (fohr-lim) n. a foreleg. covering a large area. forest fire, a
fore -lock (fohr-lok) n. a lock of hair just large fire burning in a forest, forest
above the forehead. ranger, a person caring for or supervis-
fore* man (fohr-man) n. {pi -men, pr. ing a forest.
-men) 1 a workman whose job is to su-
. fore* Stall (fohr-stawl) v. to prevent or foil
perintend other workmen. 2. a man act- (a person or his plans) by taking action
ing as president and spokesman of a jury. first.
fore* mast (fohr-mast) n. the forward for*est*a*tlon (for-i-stay-shdn) n. the
lower mast of a ship. planting of a forest.
fore* most (fohr-mohst) adj. 1. most ad- for*est*ed (for-i-stid) adj. covered in for-
vanced in position or rank. 2. most im- est.
portant, foremost adv. in the foremost for*est*er (for-i-ster) n. an officer in
position etc. charge of a forest or of growing timber.
forestland / form 342
for* est* land (for-ist-land) n. land that is about, decided to forget our quarrels,
covered by a forest. forget oneself, to behave without
for*es*try (for-i-stree) rt the science or suitable dignity.
practice of planting and caring for for- for -get -fill (fdr-get-ful) adj. tending to
ests. forget things. for*get / ful*ness n, for*
fore* taste (fohr-tayst) m. an experience get'ful*ly adv.
of something in advance of what is to for*get-me-not (for-get-mee-not) n, a
come, foretaste v. (fore-tast-ed, plant with small blue flowers.
fore*tast*ing) to have a foretaste of. f org • ing (for-jing) ru a piece of metal that
fore* tell (fohr-tel) v. (fore* told, fore* has been forged.
tell * ing) to forecast, to prophesy. for* give (for-giv) v. (for* gave, for-
fore -thought (fohr-thawt) ru careful given, for* giving) to cease to feel an-
thought and planning for the future. gry or bitter toward (a person) or about
fore* to -ken (fohr-toh-ken) v. to portend, (an offense), for* give 'ness ru for*
to indicate beforehand. giv'a*ble adj. for*giv'a*bly adv.
fore* top (fohr-top) n. 1 the top of a ship's
. for* giving (fdr-giv-ing) adj. inclined to
foremast. 2. a platform on this. or showing forgiveness.
for* ever (for-ev-er) adv. for all time, in- for* go (for-goh) v. (for* went, for-
cessantly. gone, for* go* ing) to give up, to go
for *ev*er* more (for-ev-er-mohr) adv. without.
forever. for*int (for-int) ru the unit of money in
fore* warn (fohr-worn) v. to warn before- Hungary.
hand. fork (fork) ru 1 a pronged instrument used

fore* Wing (for-weeng) n. either of the two in eating or cooking. 2.. a pronged agri-
front wings of a four- winged insect. cultural implement used for digging or
fore -worn* an (fohr-wuum-an) ru (pi. lifting things. 3. a thing shaped like this.
-worn* en, pr. -wim-in) 1. a woman 4. a place where something separates into
whose job is to superintend other work- two or more parts or branches. 5. a
ers. 2. a woman acting as president and branch or tributary (of a river, road,
spokesman of a jury. etc.). fork v. 1 to lift or dig with a fork.

fore* word (fohr-wurd) n. introductory re- 2. (of an object or road etc.) to form a
marks at the beginning of a book, usually fork by separating into two branches. 3.
written by someone other than the au- (of a person) to follow one of these
thor of the book. branches, fork left. Dfork out, fork
for -felt (for-fit) n. something that has to over; f ortCup, (slang) to pay out money,
be paid or given up as a penalty, forfeit hand over.
adj. paid or given up in this way. forfeit forked (forkt) adj. having a fork or forking
v. to pay or give up as a forfeit. branches.
for*fei*ture (for-fi-chur) n. forfeiting. fork-Hft (fork-lift) ru (also forklift truck)
for* fend (for-fend) v. (old use) to avert, a vehicle with a forklike mechanical de-
to keep off, may heaven forfend! vice for lifting, moving, and stacking
for*gath*er (for-gaf/i-er) v. to assemble. heavy objects.
forge 1
(forged, forg-lng) to
(forj) v. left alone and un-
for* lorn (for-lorn) adj.
make one's way forward by effort, forged happy for*lorn'ly adv. forlorn
ahead. hope, the only faint hope left.
forge 2 n. 1. a workshop with a fire and form (form) n. 1 . the shape of something,
an anvil where metals are heated and its outward or visible appearance. 2. its

shaped, especially one used by a smith structure. 3. a person or animal as itcan

for shoeing horses and working iron. 2. be seen or touched. 4. the way in which
a furnace or hearth for melting or refin- a thing exists, ice is a form of water. 5.
ing metal, the workshop containing it. a fixed or usual method of doing some-
forge v. (forged, forgoing) 1 to shape . thing, a formality, a set of words in a
by heating in fire and hammering. 2. to ritual etc. 6. a document with blank
make an imitation or copy of (a thing) spaces that are to be filled in with infor-
in order to pass it off fraudulently as real. mation. 7. (of a horse or athlete) condi-
forg'er n. tion of health and training; is in good
for*ger*y (for-je-ree) n. (pi -ger-ies) 1. form, performing well, (of a person) in
forging, imitating fraudulently. 2. some- good spirits. 8. details of previous perfor-
thing forged. mances, study the form before betting.
for* get (f6r-get) v. (for* got, for* got* form v. 1 to shape, to mold, to produce

ten, for* get* ting) 1. to lose remem- or construct. 2. to bring into existence,
brance of (a thing or duty etc.). 2. to to constitute, form a committee. 3. to
put out of one's mind, to stop thinking take shape, to become solid, icicles
343 formal / fortieth

formed. 4. to develop in the mind, formed pr. -lee) 1 a fixed series of words, espe-

a plan; formed a habit, developed it. 5. dally one used on social or ceremonial
to arrange in a certain formation. occasions. 2. a list of ingredients for mak-
Dform letter, a standardized letter to ing something; diplomats seeking a for-
deal with frequently occurring matters. mula, a set of statements that can be
for-mal (for-mal) adj. 1. conforming to agreed on, as in order to produce a peace
accepted rules or customs, showing or treaty. 3. a set of chemical symbols show-
requiring formality, a formal greeting or ing the constituents of a substance. 4.
party. 2. outward, only a formal resem- a mathematical rule or statement ex-
blance. 3. regular or geometrical in de- pressed in algebraic symbols. 5. the clas-
sign, formal gardens, formal n. 1 a for- . sification of a racing car, especially by
mal dance. 2. a formal gown. for'mal- its engine capacity.
ly adv. formal dress, men's and for -mu- late (for-myu-layt) v. (for*
women's evening clothes. miHated, for*mu*lat*ing) 1. to re-
form-al-de-hyde (for-mal-de-hid) n. a duce to or express in a formula. 2. to
colorless gas used in solution as a pre- state clearly and exactly. 3. to make ac-
servative and disinfectant. cording to a formula. for*mu*la*tion
for-mal -ism (for-ma-liz-em) n. strict ob- (for-myu-lay-shdn) n.
servance of form, excessive regularity or for-ni-cate (for-nl-kayt) v. (for*ni*
symmetry. cat-ed, for*ni*cat*ing) (of unmarried
for-mal -i-ty (for-mal-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) people) to have sexual intercourse volun-
1 . observance of rules and conven-
strict tarily. for'ni*ca*tor n. for -ni- ca-
tions. 2. a formal act, something required tion (for-nl-kay-shdn) n.
by law or custom, legal formalities; it*s for* sake (for-sayk) v. (for-sook, for*
just a formality, is done only to comply sak*en, for-sak-ing) 1. to give up, to
with a rule. renounce, forsaking their former way of
for-mal-ize (for-ma-hz) v. (for-mal- life. 2. to withdraw one's help or friend-

ized, for-mal-iz-ing) to make formal ship or companionship from, forsook his

or official. for-mal-iz-a-tion (for-ma- wife and children.
li-zay-shon) n. for* sooth (for-sooth) adv. (old use) truly,
for* mat (for-mat) n. the shape and size no doubt.
of a book etc. for* swear (for-swair) v. (for -swore,
for -ma-tion (for-may-shdn) n. 1 forming, . for* sworn, for* swear *ing) 1. to give
being formed. 2. a thing formed. 3. a up, renounce, he forswore tobacco. 2. to
particular arrangement or order. deny or renounce under oath. for-
form-a-tive (for-ma-tiv) adj. forming swear oneself, to swear falsely, com-
something; during a child's formative mit perjury.
years, while its character is being formed. for*syth*i*a (for-sith-i-5) n. a shrub with
for-mer (for-mer) adj. 1. of an earlier pe- bright yellow flowers, blooming in
riod, in former times. 2. mentioned be- spring.
fore another; the former, the one men- fort (fort) n. a fortified building or position.
tioned first of two. >When
referring to forte 1 (fort) n. a person's strong point.
the first of three or more, say the first, for*te 2 (for-tay) adv. (in music) loudly.
not the former. forth (fohrth) adv. 1 out. 2. onward, for-

for*mer*ly (for-mer-lee) adv. in former ward, from this day forth. Dand so
times. forth, and so on. back and forth, to
form -fit -ting (form-fit-ing) adj. fitting and fro.
snugly; a formfitting gown, one that fits forth- com -ing (fohrth-kum-ing) adj. 1.
the curves "of the figure closely. about to come forth or appear; forthcom-
For-mi-ca (for-mi-ka) n. (trademark) a ing events, things about to take place.
hard heat-resistant plastic used on sur- 2. made available when needed, money
faces. was not forthcoming. 3. (informal) will-
for-mic (for-mik) acid a colorless acid ing to give information, the girl was not
contained in fluid emitted by ants. very forthcoming.
for* mi* da* Die (for-mi-da-bel) adj. 1. in- forth Tight (fohrth-nt) adj. frank, outspo-
spiring fear or awe. 2. difficult to do or ken, forthright *ly adv. forth'right*
overcome, a formidable task, for'mi* ness n.
da-bly adv. >It is incorrect to accent forth* with (fohrth-with) adv. immedi-
these words as formidable and formid- ately.
ably. for* ties (for-teez) n. pi. the numbers or
form* less (form-lis) adj. without distinct years or degrees of temperature from
or regular form. forty to forty-nine.
for -mil* la (for-myu-la) n. (pi -las, -lae, for • ti • eth (for-ti-ith) see forty.
fortification / foul 344
for-ti-fi-ca-tion (for-ti-fi-kay-shdn) n. 1. his position, forward adv. toward the
fortifying. 2. a wall or building con- front or future, in advance, ahead, for-
structed to defend a place. ward v. 1 to send on (a letter etc.) to

for-ti-fy (for-ti-fi) v. (for-ti-fied, for- a new address. 2. to send or dispatch

ti -tying) 1. to strengthen (a place) (goods) to a customer. 3. to help to ad-
against attack, especially by constructing vance (a person's interests), for'ward*
fortifications. 2. to strengthen (a person) U
ness n. forwarding address, an ad-
mentally or morally, to increase the vigor dress to which mail should be forwarded.
of. 3. to increase the food^value of (bread for* ward *er (for-war-der) n. a person or
etc.) by adding vitamins* to strengthen agent that forwards things, especially one
(wine) by adding alcohol. handling freight or sending goods to their
for-tls-si-mo (for-tis-i-moh) adj. & adv. destination.
(in music) very loud. for -wards (for-wardz) adv. forward.
for -ti -tilde (for-ti-tood) ru courage in fos-sil (fos-Tl) n. 1. the remains or traces
bearing pain or trouble. of a prehistoric animal or plant once bur-
fort* night (fort-nit) n. a period of two ied in earth and now hardened like rock.
weeks, fort'night «ly adj. &
adv. hap- 2. (informal) a person who is out of date
pening or appearing once a fortnight. and unable to accept new ideas, fossil
for -tress (for-tris) ru a fortified building adj. 1 of or as a fossil. 2. (of fuel, as

or town.
coal) formed in the geological past and
for-tu-i-tous (for-too-i-tus) adj. happen- dug out of the earth.
ing by chance, for-tu'i-tous-ly adv.
fos-sil-ize (fos-T-liz) v. (fos-sil-ized,
for-tu'i-tous-ness ru D>Do not con- fos-sil -iz-ing) to turn or be turned into
fuse fortuitous with fortunate. A fortui-
a fossil, fos-sil-i-za-tion (fos-I-li-zay-
tous meeting may be unfortunate as often
shon) n.
as it is fortunate.
fos-ter (faw-ster) v. 1. to promote the
for-tu-i-ty (for-too-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) for-
growth or development of. 2. to take care
tuitousness, a chance occurrence.
of and bring up (a child that is not one's
for-tu-nate (for-chu-nit) adv. having or
own). foster child, a child fostered
bringing or brought by good fortune,
in this way. foster father, foster
for'tu-nate-ly adv. t>See the note un-
mother, foster parent, one who fosters
der fortuitous.
a child, foster home, a family home
for -tune (for-chun) n. 1. the events that
in which a foster child is brought up.
chance brings to a person or undertaking.
fos-ter* ling (faw-ster-ling) n. a foster
2. chance as a power in the affairs of
mankind. 3. a person's destiny. 4. pros-
perity, success, seek one's fortune. 5. a
fought (fawt) see fight
foul (fowl) adj. causing disgust, having
great amount of wealth, left him a for-

tune. fortune hunter, a person seek- an offensive smell or taste. 2. morally

offensive, evil. 3. (of language) disgust-
ing a rich spouse, tell fortunes, to be
ing, obscene. 4. (of weather) rough,
a fortuneteller.
for -tune- tell *er (for-chun-tel-er) n. a stormy. 5. clogged, choked, overgrown
person who claims to foretell future with barnacles etc. 6. in collision or en-
events in people's lives. tangled. 7. unfair, against the rules of
for«ty (for-tee) adj. & n. (pi -ties) four a game, afoul blow, foul n. a foul stroke
times ten (40, XL), fortieth adj. & n. or blow etc., breaking the rules of a game,
forty winks, a nap. committed a foul foul v. 1 to make or .

for«ty-five (for-tee-fiv) n. a .45 caliber become foul. 2. to entangle or collide

gun, or a 45 rpm record. with, to obstruct. 3. to commit a foul
for«ty-nin«er (for-tee-m-ner) n. a person in a game, foul'ly adv. Dfoul ball, (in
who went to California in the gold rush baseball) a ball hit outside the foul lines.
of 1849. foul line, (in baseball) one of two lines
to -rum (fohr-um) n. (pi. fo Turns, fo- extending from home plate at right an-
ra, pr. fohr-a) a place or meeting where gles to the end of the outfield, marking
a public discussion is held. the boundary of the playing field; (in bas-
for -ward (for- ward) adj. 1. directed or ketball) one of two lines on the court
moving toward the front, situated in the at which players stand to take foul shots.
front. 2. of or relating to the future, for- foul play, a violent crime, especially
ward thinking. 3. having made more than murder, foul shot, (in basketball) a
the normal progress. 4. too bold in one's throw at the basket without interference
manner, presumptuous, forward n. an by opposing players, awarded as a pen-
attacking player who is positioned near alty against them, foul Up, to make or
the desired goal in hockey or basketball, become foul; to confuse or bungle.
345 foulard / foxglove

foiHard (foo-lahrd) n. a kind of silky ma- ica, with flowers opening about 4 p.m.
terial used for ties etc. four- flush •er(fohr-flush-er) n. (informal)
foul* ing (fow-ling) n. an incrustation, a bluffer, a humbug.
especially on a ship's bottom. four -fold (fohr-fohld) adj. & n. 1. four
foul •mouthed (fowl-mow thd, -mowtht) times as much or as many. 2. consisting
adj. using foul language. of four parts.
foul-up (fowl-up) n. (slang) confusion re- Four-H (fohr-aych) Club, (also 4-H Club)
sulting from incompetence or mechani- an organization sponsored by the U.S.
cal breakdown. Department of Agriculture to instruct
found 1 (fownd)see find. found object, young people in citizenship (improving
a manufactured or natural object re- Aead, Zieart, /lands, and health). 4-H'er
garded as having artistic or decorative n. a member of the Four-H Club.

value. four-in-hand (fohr-in-hand) n. a necktie

found 2 v. (found -ed, found -ing) 1. to tied in a slipknot with long ends hanging
establish, to originate, to provide money and overlapping.
for starting (an institution etc.). 2. to base four* pen *ny (fohr-pen-ee) nail a nail one
or construct, a novel that is founded on and one-half or one and three-eighths
fact, found'er n. Founding Fa- inches long.
thers, the American colonial leaders four* post *er (fohr-poh-ster) n. a bed with
who founded the U.S. four posts to support a canopy.
found 3 v. (found -ed, found -ing) 1. to four* score (fohr-skohr) adj. eighty.
melt and mold (metal), to fuse (materials four* some (fohr-som) n. 1. a company
for glass). 2. to make (an object) in this of four people. 2. a golf match between
way. found'er n. two pairs.
foun*da*tion (fown-day-shon) n. 1. the four* square (fohr-skwair) adj. solidly
founding of an institution etc. 2. the insti- based, steady. foursquare adv.
tution itself, a fund of money established squarely; they are foursquare behind you,
for a charitable purpose. 3. the strong support you completely.
base from which a building is built up. four* teen (fohr-teen) adj. & n. one more
4. a cosmetic applied to the skin as the than thirteen (14, XIV). fourteenth'
first layer of makeup. 5. the underlying adj. & n.
principle or idea etc. on which something fourth (fohrth) adj. next after third.
is based. foundation garment, a fourth n. 1. something that is fourth.
woman's supporting undergarment, as a 2. one of four equal parts of a thing,
corset. fourth 'ly adv. fourth class, a class
found *er J (fown-der) n. see found 2 ,
of mail consisting of merchandise or cer-
found 3 . tain printed matter and sent at lowest
founder 2 v. 1 to stumble or fall. 2. (of a
. rate, fourth dimension, time viewed as
ship) to fill with water and sink. 3. to a lengthlike quantity, fourth estate, the
failcompletely, the plan foundered. press, the Fourth, July 4, Independence
found* ling (fownd-ling) n. a deserted Day.
child of unknown parents. four-wheel (fohr-hweel) adj. applied to all
found *ry (fown-dree) n. (pi. -ries) a fac- four wheels of a vehicle, four-wheel drive.
tory or workshop where metal or glass fowl (fowl) n. (pi. fowl, fowls) 1. kind
is founded (see found 3 ). of bird often kept at houses and farms
fount (fownt) n. a fountain, a source. to supply eggs and flesh for food. 2. the
fountain (fown-tln) n. 1. a spring of wa- flesh of birds as food, fish, flesh, and fowl.
ter, especially a jet of water made to fOWl*er (fow-ler) n. a person who goes
spout artificially as an ornament. 2. a fowling.
structure providing a supply of drinking fowl* ing (fow-ling) n. catching or shooting
water in a public place. fountain pen,U or snaring wildfowl.
a pen containing a reservoir of ink. fox (foks) n. (pi. fox*es) 1. a wild animal
fountain* head (fown-tln-hed) n. an orig- of the dog family with a pointed snout
inal source. and reddish fur and a bushy tail. 2. its
four (fohr) adj. &
n. one more than three fur. 3. a crafty person. 4. (slang) a sexy
(4, IV). DFour Hundred, the most ex- woman, fox v. to deceive or puzzle by
clusive social set, originally that of New acting craftily.
York. (l>From the period about 1890 foxed (fokst) adj. (of things) discolored
when this set comprised about four hun- by brown spots caused by dampness.
dred people.) four-letter word, a short fox* fire (foks-fir) n. phosphorescence
word referring to sexual or excretory from decaying wood.
functions and regarded as obscene, four fox* glove (foks-gluv) n. a tall plant with
O'clock, a plant native to tropical Amer- purple or white flowers like glove fingers.
foxhole / frank 346
fox* hole (foks-hohl) n. a small pit dug fra* grant (fray-grant) adj. having a pleas-
by soldiers as shelter against enemy fire. ant smell, fra 'grant *ly adv.
fox* hound (foks-hownd) n. a kind of frail (firayl) adj. not strong, physically
hound bred and trained to hunt foxes. weak.
fox terrier a kind of short-haired terrier. frail *ty (frayl-tee) n, (pi -ties) 1. being
fox trot a ballroom dance with slow and frail, weakness. 2. moral weakness, liabil-
quick steps, music for this. ity to yield to temptation.
fox-trot (foks-trot) v. (fox-trot* ted, fox- frame (fraym) «.1.a rigid structure form-
trot* ting) to dance a fox trot. ing a support for other parts of a build-
fox*y (fok-see) adj. (fdx*i*er, fox* ing, vehicle, piece of furniture, etc. 2.
-est) 1. reddish brown. 2. crafty. 3.
I an open case or a border in which a pic-
looking like a fox. 4. (slang) (of a woman) ture, door, pane of glass, pair of eye-
pretty, sexy. glasses, etc. may be set. 3. the human
foy*er (foi-er) n. an entrance hall or lobby. or an animal body with reference to its
fp. abbr. 1. foolscap. 2. foot-pound. 3. size, a small frame. 4. a single exposure
freezing point. on a strip of movie film. 5. (in bowling)
FPC abbr. 1 Federal Power Commission.
. one of ten rounds in a game. 6. a boxlike
2. fish protein concentrate. structure used for protecting plants from
FPM, fpm abbr. feet per minute. the cold, frame v. (framed, franving)
FPO abbr. 1 field post office. 2. fleet post
. 1. to put or form a frame around. 2.
office. to construct. 3. to compose, to compress
FPS, fps abbr. feet per second. in words, frame a treaty or a question.
Fr symbol francium. 4. (slang) to arrange false evidence
fr. abbr. 1. fragment. 2. franc. 3. from. against, so that an innocent person ap-
Fr. abbr. 1. Father. 2. franc. 3. France. pears to be guilty. frame house, a
4. French. 5. Friar. 6. Friday. house of wooden framework covered
fra-cas (fray-kas) n. (pi. -cases) a noisy with boards etc. frame of mind, a tem-
quarrel or disturbance. porary state of mind, frame of refer-
fraction (frak-shon) n. 1. a number that ence, a set of principles or standards
is not a whole number, as \,
2. a very by which ideas and behavior etc. are eval-
small part or piece or amount; at a frac- uated.
tion of the original price, very much re- frame-up (fraym-up) n. (slang) the ar-
duced in price. rangement of false evidence against an
frac-tion-al (frmk-shd-nal) adj. 1. of a innocent person.
fraction. 2. very small, a fractional differ- frame* work (fraym-wurk) n. 1. the sup-
ence, fraction ^aMy adv. porting frame of a building or other con-
fractious (frak-shus) adj. irritable, peev- struction. 2. the basic structure (of an
ish, fractious *ly adv. fractious* idea, treaty, etc.).
ness n. t> Do not confuse fractious with franc (frangk) n. the unit of money in

factious. France, Belgium, Switzerland, and cer-

frac'ture (frak-chur) n. breaking or tain other countries.
breakage, especially of a bone, fracture France (frans) a country in western Eu-
v. (fractured, frac* tuning) to cause rope.
a fracture in, to suffer a fracture. fran-chise (fran-chiz) n. 1. the right to

frag (frag) v. frag-ging)

(fragged, vote at public elections. 2. authorization
(slang) to attack (especially an unpopular to sell a company's goods or services in
superior officer) with a hand grenade. a particular area, franchise v. (fran*
frag* lie (fraj-Il) adj. 1. easily damaged or Chised, frarvchis-ing) to grant a fran-
broken. 2. of delicate constitution, not chise to (a person or company), fran'
strong, fragile *ly adv. fra-gil-i-ty chls-er n. one who grants a franchise.
(fra-jil-i-tee) n. fran*chis*ee (fran-chi-zee) n. one who re-
frag • ment (frag-ment)
n. 1 a piece broken . ceives or has a franchise.
off something. 2. an isolated part, a frag- Fran -cis- can (fran-sis-kan) n. a member
ment of the conversation, fragment of an order of friars founded by St. Fran-
(firag-ment, frag-ment) v. to break or be cis of Assisi, or of a corresponding order
broken into fragments, frag* *ta* men of nuns.
tlon (frag-men-tay-shdn) n. LJ fragmen- fran* chum (fran-si-um) n. a radioactive
tation bomb, a bomb designed to break chemical element.
into small fragments on exploding. fran *gi* ble (fran-jI-bSl) adj. breakable,
frag -men* tar *y (frag-men-ter-ee) adj. fragile.
consisting of fragments. frank 1 (frangk) adj. showing one's
fra-grance (fray-grans) n. 1. being fra- thoughts and feelings unmistakably.
grant. 2. something fragrant, perfume. frank'ly adv. frank'ness n.
347 frank / free

frank 2 v. to send (mail) free, members of n. a completely exhausted state, worn to

Congress have franking privileges, frank a frazzle.
n. a mark on mail that enables it to be FRB abbr. Federal Reserve Board.
sent free. freak (freek) n. 1. a person or thing that
Frank* en • stein (frang-ken-stin) (also is abnormal in form. 2. something very
Frankenstein's monster) a thing that unusual or irregular, the storm was a
becomes formidable to the person who freak. 3. (slang) one who freaks out, a
has created it. > From a character in and drug addict, freak 'y adj. (freak *i*er,
the title of a novel (1818) by Mary W. feak*i*est) freak out, (slang) to
Shelley. Dr. Frankenstein created the have hallucinations from narcotic drugs,
monster that turned on him. to have a strong emotional experience.
Frank* fort (frangk-fort) the capital of freak show, a sideshow at a carnival,
Kentucky. displaying freaks.
frank* further (frangk-fur-ter)
n. a highly freak *ish (free-kish) adj. like a freak.
seasoned smoked sausage, a hot dog. freak / ish*ly adv. freak 'ish *ness n.
> Originally made at Frankfurt in Ger- freak* out (freek-owt) n. (slang) a period
many. of insanity or hallucination.
frank* in* cense (frang-kin-sens) n. a kind freck*le (frek-el) n. a light brown spot
of sweet-smelling gum burned as incense. on the skin, freckle v. (freck-led,
fran*tic (fran-tik) adj. wildly excited or freck-ling) to become or cause to be-
agitated by anxiety etc., frenzied, fran' come spotted with freckles.
tl*cal*ly adv. free (free) adj. (fre*er, fre*est) 1. (of a
frap*pe (fra-pay), frappe (frap) n. 1. a person) not a slave, not in the power
milk shake. 2. a frozen fruit-flavored des- of another or others, having social and
sert. 3. a liqueur served with shaved ice. political liberty. 2. (of a country or its
fra*ter*nal (fra-tur-nal) adj. of a brother citizens or institutions) not controlled by
or brothers. fra*ter / nal*ly adv. fra- D a foreign or despotic government, having
ternal twins, twins developed from sep- representative government, having pri-
arate ova. vate rights that are respected. 3. not fixed
fra*ter*ni*ty (fra-tur-ni-tee) n. (pi -ties) or held down, able to move without hin-
1 . a society of college men. 2. a group drance. 4. unrestricted, not controlled by
of people with common interests. 3. rules. 5. without, not subject to or af-
brotherhood, brotherly feeling. fected by (an influence etc.), free from
frat*er*nize (frat-er-niz) v. (frat-er* blame; the harbor is free of ice. 6. without
nized, frat*er*niz*ing) to associate payment, costing nothing to the recipi-
with others in a friendly way. frat*er* ent. 7. (of a place or time) not occupied,
ni-za-tion (frat-er-ni-zay-shdn) n. ,
not being used, (of a person) without ap-
frat*ri*cide (frat-ri-sid) n. 1. the act of pointments or things to do. 8. coming
killing of one's brother or sister. 2. a per- or given or giving readily, he is very free
son who commits this crime. 3. the crime with his advice, free v. (freed, free*
itself. frat*ri*cid«al (frat-ri-si-dal) adj. ing) 1. to make free, to set at liberty.
Frau (frow) n. {pi Frau*en, pr. frow-en) 2. to relieve, to rid or ease, freed him
the title of a German married woman, from suspicion. 3. to clear, to disengage
= Mrs. or disentangle. free*ly adv. Dfor free,
fraud (frawd) n. 1. criminal deception, a (slang) without payment, free and
dishonest trick. 2. a person (or thing) easy, informal, free enterprise, free-
that is not what he (it) seems or pretends dom of private business to operate with-
to be. out government control, free fall, the
fraud *u*lent (fraw-ju-lent) adj. acting unrestricted fall of a body toward Earth
with fraud, obtained by fraud. fraud'u* under the force of gravity, free flight,
lent-ly adv. fraud'u *lence n. flight of an aircraft or rocket without
fraught (frawt) adj. filled, involving, power or control, free hand, the right
fraught with danger. of taking what action one chooses, free
Frau-lein (frow-lm) n. the title of a Ger- kick, a kick allowed to be taken in soccer
man unmarried woman, = Miss. without interference from opponents, as
fray 1 (fray) n. a fight, a conflict, ready for a penalty against them, free lance, see
the fray. free-lance, free love, sexual inter-
fray 2v. 1 to make worn so that there are
. course irrespective of marriage, free
loose threads, especially at the edge. 2. lunch, light food formerly served free
to strain or upset (nerves or temper). 3. with the purchase of alcoholic beverages
to become frayed. in a bar or saloon, free on board, with-
fraz-zle (fraz-el) v. (fraz-zled, fraz* out charge for delivery (of goods) to a
zling) to wear down or exhaust, frazzle ship or railroad or truck etc. free port,
freebie, freebee / French 348
one open to all traders alike, free ride, free* Stone (free-stohn) n. 1. a fine-
something for nothing, free speech, the grained sandstone or limestone that can
right to express opinions of any kind. be cut easily. 2. a kind of fruit, especially
free trade, trade left to its natural a kind of peach with stone loose when
course without customs duties to restrict the fruit is ripe.
imports, free university, an informal free* style (free-stil) adj. 1. (of swimming
organization of college students and races and other sports) in which any style
teachers offering unconventional courses may be used. 2. (of wrestling) with few
and methods, free verse, verse without restrictions on the holds permitted.
metrical pattern or fixed or predictable free* think *er (free-thing-ker) n. a person
rhythm, free will, the power of choosing who rejects authority in religious belief,
one's own course of action, free world, a rationalist, free 'think *ing adj. n. &
the noncommunist countries' name for Freetown (free-town) the capital of Si-
themselves. erra Leone.
free -Die, free* bee (free-bee) ru (slang) free* way (free-way) n. a limited access
something given away without charge. highway, an expressway.
free 'board (free-bohrd) n. the part of a free* wheel (free-hweel) v. 1. to live irre-

ship's side between the line of flotation sponsibly, to act heedlessly. 2. to ride a
and the deck level. bicycle without pedaling.
free- boot *er (free-boo-ter) n. a pirate, a free* will (free-will) adj. voluntary.
piratical adventurer. freeze (freez) v. (froze, fro*zen, freez-
free-born (free-born) adj. born a free man, ing) 1. to be so cold that water turns
not a slave. to ice, was freezing last night. 2. to

free*dom (free-d6m) n. 1. the condition change or be changed from a liquid to

of being free, independence. 2. frankness, a solid by extreme cold, to become full
outspokenness. 3. exemption from a de- of ice or covered in ice. 3. to become
feat or duty etc. 4. unrestricted use, has very cold or rigid from cold, to chill by
the freedom of the house. cold or fear etc. 4. to preserve (food)
free-for-all (free-f dr-awl) n. a fight or dis- by refrigeration to below freezing point.
cussion in which anyone present may 5. to make (credits or assets) unable to
join. be realized. 6. to hold (prices, wages,
free • hand (free-hand) adj. (of a drawing) etc.) at a fixed level. 7. to arrest the action
done without ruler or compasses etc. or movement of. 8. to become unable
free* hold (free-hohld) n. the holding of to move because of shock or fright, the
land or a house etc. in absolute owner- deer froze at the sound; the actor froze
ship for life, free ' hold *er n. on seeing the audience, freeze n. 1. a
free-lance (free-lans) v. (free-lanced, period of freezing weather. 2. the freez-
free-lane *ing) to work as a free lance. ing of prices, wages, etc. freeze out,
Dfree lance, a person who works as (slang) to exclude from business or social
a commercial artist or writer etc. for a dealings, freeze over, (of a pond etc.)
fee rather than for a salary. to become covered*with ice. freeze up,
free* load (free-lohd) v. (slang) to eat, to obstruct by the formation of ice.
drink, be entertained, etc. at others' ex- freezing point, the temperature at
pense. free'load*er n. which a liquid freezes.
free* man (free-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. freeze-dry (freez-dri) v. (freeze-dried,
-men) a person who has civil and political freeze-drying) to freeze and dry by
freedom, a citizen. evaporation of ice in a vacuum, freeze'-
free* mar* tin (free-mahr-tin) n. a calf that dried' adj.
is incapable of propagation. freez *er (free-zer) n. a refrigerated con-
Free* ma* son (free-may-sdn) n. a mem- tainer or compartment for preserving
ber of an international fraternity (called and storing perishable goods by freezing
the Free and Accepted Masons) for mu- them and keeping them at a very low
tual help and fellowship, with elaborate temperature.
secret rituals. freight (frayt) n. 1 the shipment of goods

Free*ma*son*ry (free-may-s5n-ree) n. 1. in containers. 2. the goods shipped,

the system and institutions of Freema- cargo. 3. the charge for this. 4. (usually
sons. 2. freemasonry, sympathy and mu- freight train) a train that carries only
tual help between people of similar inter- goods, freight v. to load (a ship) with
ests. cargo, to send or carry as cargo.
free* si* a(free-z/ri-a) n. a fragrant flower- freight *er (fray-ter) n. a ship carrying
ing plant growing from a bulb. mainly freight.
free- stand -ing (free-stan-ding) adj. not French (french) adj. of France or its people
supported by a framework. or language. French n. 1. the French
349 frenetic / friend

language. 2. the French, French people. fresh* man (fresh-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
3. (informal) bad language, excuse my -men) a first-year student at a high school
French. French'man n. Frenchwom- or college.
an n. French cuff, a shirt cuff of dou- fresh* wa-ter (fresh- waw-ter) adj. of fresh
ble thickness, fastened with a cuff link. (not salty) water, not of the sea, freshwa-
French door, a door with glass panels ter fish.
along its full length. French dressing, fret 1 (fret) v. (freMed, fret-ting) 1. to
salad dressing of oil and vinegar and sea- make or become unhappy, to worry. 2.
sonings. French fries, French fried to wear away by gnawing or rubbing.
potatoes, potatoes cut into thin strips fret n. a state of unhappiness or worry,
and then fried in deep fat. French fry, vexation.
to fry (food) in deep fat. French horn, fret 2 n. a bar or ridge on the fingerboard
a brass wind instrument with a long tube of a guitar, banjo, etc.
coiled in a circle. French toast, sliced fret3 n. an example of fretwork.
bread dipped in egg and milk batter and fret*ful (fret-ful) adj. constantly worrying
lightly fried, take French leave, to ab- or irritable. fret'ful*ly adv. fret'ful*
sent oneself without permission. ness n.
fre*net*ic (fre-net-ik) adj. frantic, fren- fret* saw (fret-saw) n. a very narrow saw
zied. fre*net'i*cal*ly adv.
used for cutting thin wood in ornamental
fren*zied (fren-zeed) adj. in a state of patterns.
frenzy, wildly excited or agitated, fren'
fret • ted (fret-id) adj. (of a ceiling etc.) dec-
zied-ly adv.
orated with carved or embossed work.
fren*zy (fren-zee) n. (pi -zies) violent ex- fret* work (fret-wurk) n. carved work in
citement or agitation.
decorative patterns, especially in wood
Fre»on (free-on) n. (trademark) a fluoro-
cut with a fretsaw.
carbon used as a refrigerant etc.
Freud *i*an (froi-di-an) adj. of Sigmund
freq. abbr* 1. frequency. 2. frequent. 3.
Freud, an Austrian physician (1856—
1939), the founder of psychoanalysis, or
fre-quen-cy (free-kwen-see) n. (pi -cies)
his theories. Freudian slip, an unin-
1 the state of being frequent, frequent

tentional error that seems to reveal sub-

occurrence. 2. the rate of the occurrence
conscious feelings.
or repetition of something. 3. the number
Fri. abbr. Friday.
of cycles per second of a carrier wave,
fri*a*ble (fri-a-bel) adj. easily crumbled.
a band or group of similar frequencies.
fri*ar (fri-ar) n. a man who is a member
frequency modulation, transmis-
sion of signals by modulating the fre- of certain Roman Catholic religious or-
ders that combine monastic life with
quency of the radio wave.
frequent 1 (free-kwent) adj. happening or work in the outside world.
appearing often, fre'quent-ly adv. fri*ar*y (fri-a-ree) n. (pi -ar*ies) a mon-
fre*quent 2 (fri-kwent) v. to go frequently astery of friars.
to, to be often in (a place). fre*quent'er fric*as*see (frik-a-see) n. a dish of stewed
n. or fried pieces of meat served in a thick
fres*co (fres-koh) n. (pi -coes) a picture sauce, fricassee v. (trie -as -seed,
painted on a wall or ceiling before the fric*as*see*ing) to make a fricassee of.
plaster is dry. fric-tion (frik-shdn) n, 1. the rubbing of
fresh (fresh) adj. 1. newly made or pro- one thing against another. 2. the resis-
duced or gathered etc., not stale. 2. newly tance of one surface to another that
arrived. 3. new or different, not previ- moves over it. 3. conflict between people
ously known or used. 4. (of food) not with different ideas or personalities,
preserved by salting or pickling or can- friction -al adj. friction tape, a
ning or freezing etc. 5. not salty, not bit- strong cloth adhesive tape, used espe-
ter. 6. (of air or weather) cool, refreshing, cially to insulate electrical conductors.
(of wind) moderately strong. 7. bright Fri* day (fri-day) the day of the week fol-
and pure in color, not dull or faded. 8. lowing Thursday.
not weary, feeling vigorous. 9. (informal) fried (fnd) see fry 1 .
presumptuous, forward, fresh'ly adv. friend (frend) n. 1. a person with whom
fresh 'ness n. one is on terms of mutual affection and
fresh* en (fresh-en) v. to make or become respect. 2. a helpful thing or quality,
fresh. darkness was our friend. 3. a helper or
fresh -et (fresh-it) n. 1. a rush of fresh sympathizer; friends of the library, peo-
water flowing into the sea. 2. an overflow ple who
regularly contribute money to-
of a river from heavy rain or melted ward upkeep. 4. Friend, a member
snow. of the Society of Friends, a Quaker.
friendless / front 350
friend 'ship n. Dmake friends with, (•est) lively, playful, frisk'l-nesa n.
to become a friend of. frit-ter 1 (frit-er)
n. a small fried or sauteed
friend* less (frend-lis) adj. without a cake of batter containing sliced fruit or
friend. meat etc.
friend -ly (frend-lee) adj. (-li-er, -li- fritter 2 v. to waste little by little, especially
est) 1 like a friend, kindly. 2. (of things)
. on trivial things, fritter away one's time
favorable, helpful, friend'li-ness n, or money.
Frie-sian (free-zAan) n. see Holstein. n. on the fritz,
fritz (frits) (slang) not in
frieze (freez) n. a band of sculpture or dec- good operating condition, my telephone
oration around the top oPa wall or build- is on the fritz.
ing. friv-o-lous (friv-o-lus) adj. lacking a seri-
frig • ate (frig-it) n. a small fast naval escort ous purpose, pleasure-loving, friv'o-
vessel or a small destroyer. frigate lous-ly adv. fri-voi-i-ty (fri-vol-i-tee)
bird, a large swift brown seabird of tropi- n. {pi -ties).
cal regions, with a habit of cruising near friz, frizz (friz) v. to curl into a wiry mass.
other species and snatching food from frizz n. a frizzed condition, frizzed hair.
them. friz'zy adj. (friz-zi-er, friz-zi-est)
fright (frit) n. 1. sudden great fear. 2. a friz'zi-ness n.

ridiculous looking person or thing. friz-zle (friz-el) v. (frlz-zled, friz-zling)

fright* en (fri-ten) v. 1. to cause fright to. to friz.
2. to feel fright, he doesn't frighten easily. fro (froh) adv. see to.
3. to drive or compel by fright, frightened frock (frok) n. a woman's or girl's dress.
them into concealing it frTght'en-ing- D frock coat, a man's long-skirted coat
ly adv. Dbe frightened of, to be afraid not cut away in front.
of. frog (frog) n. 1. a small cold-blooded
fright -ful (frit-fiil) adj. 1. causing horror. jumping animal living both in water and
2. ugly. 3. (slang) very great, extreme, on land. 2. a fastener consisting of a but-
extremely bad, a frightful expense; fright- ton and an ornamentally looped cord.
ful weather. fright'ful-ly adv. fright' Dfrog kick, (in swimming) a kick in
fuhness n. which the legs are bent at the knees, then
frig *id (frij-id) adj. 1. intensely cold. 2. thrust down forcefully, have a frog in
very cold and formal in manner. 3. (of one's throat, to be unable to speak ex-
a woman) unresponsive sexually, frig' cept hoarsely.
Id-ly adv. fri-gid-l-ty (fri-jid-i-tee) n. frog -man (frog-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
frigid zone, a region lying within ei- -men) a swimmer equipped with a rubber
ther polar circle. suit, flippers*, etc., and an oxygen supply
frill (fnl) n. 1 a gathered or pleated strip
. for underwater swimming and working.
of trimming attached at one edge. 2. an troHc (frol-ik) v. (frol-icked, froi-
unnecessary extra, simple accommoda- ick • ing) to play about in a lively cheerful
tions with no frills, frilled adj. frill 'y adj. way. frolic n. lively cheerful playing or
(frill -i-er, frill -I -est). entertainment, frol'ic-some adj.
fringe (frinj) n. 1. an ornamental edging from (frum, from) prep, expressing separa-
of hanging threads or cords etc. 2. some- tion or origin, 1 indicating the place or

thing resembling this. 3. the edge of an time or limit that is the starting point,
area or a group etc. fringe v. (fringed, traveled from Chicago; from ten o'clock.
fringing) 1. to decorate with a fringe. 2. indicating source or origin, took water
2. to form a fringe to. fringe area, from the well 3. indicating separation,
an area in which television reception is prevention, escape, etc., was released
unsatisfactory because of great distance from prison; cannot refrain from laugh-
from the station etc. fringe benefit, a ing. 4. indicating difference or discrimi-
benefit that is provided for an employee nation, can't tell red from green. 5. indi-
in addition to wages or salary. cating cause or agent or means, died from
trip- per -y (frip-e-ree) n. {pi -per* starvation. 6. indicating material used in
ries) showy unnecessary finery or orna- a process, wine is made from grapes.
ments. Dfrom day to day, daily; we live from
FriS'bee (friz-bee) n. (trademark) a con- day to day, do not plan our future, from
cave plastic disk thrown in the air as a time to time, at intervals of time; she
game. finds work from time to time, occasion-
frisk (frisk) v. 1 to leap or skip playfully.
. ally.
2. to pass one's hands over (a person) frond (frond) n. a leaflike part of a fern

in order to search for concealed weapons or other flowerless plant or of a palm

etc. tree.
frisk -y (fris-kee) adj. (frisk- l-er, frisk- front (frunt) n. 1. the foremost or most
351 frontage / fruitful

important side or surface. 2. the part nor- desire for contact between clothed bodies
mally nearer or toward the spectator or of oneself and another. 2. the technique
line of motion, the front of a bus. 3. the or process of taking a rubbing from an
area where fighting is taking place in a uneven surface to form the basis of a
war, the foremost line of an army etc. work of art.
4. outward appearance or show, some- frot*teur (fro-tur) n. a person who prac-
thing serving as a cover for secret activi- tices frottage.
ties. 5. the forward edge of an advancing frou*frou (froo-froo) n. rustling, espe-
mass of cold or warm air. 6. the part cially of dresses.
of a garment covering the front of the frown (frown) to wrinkle one's brow
v. 1 .

body, front adj. of the front, situated in thought or disapproval. 2. to be disap-

in front, front v. 1 to face, to have the
. proving, they frown on gambling, frown
front toward, fronting the sea or fronting n. a frowning movement or look.
on the sea. 2. (slang) to serve as a front frowsy (frow-zee) adj. (frow*si*er,
or cover for secret activities. front frow*si*est) 1. ill-smelling or musty.
man, (slang) a person acting as a front 2. unkempt, slovenly.
for secret activities, front Office, the froze (frohz) see freeze.
main office; the executive officers or pol- fro*zen (froh-zen) v. see freeze, frozen
icy makers of an organization, front adj. 1 changed from a liquid to a solid

runner, the contestant who seems most because of extreme cold. 2. covered with
likely to succeed, in front, at the front ice. 3. very cold, rigid with cold. 4. (of
of something, put up a good front, (in- food) preserved by refrigeration to below
formal) to conceal one's real feelings. freezing point. 5. motionless, unable to
front -age (frun-tij) n. 1. the front of a move because of shock or fright, frozen
building. 2. the land along its front. 3. with fear. frozen assets, property,
land bordering something, a thousand securities, etc. that cannot be converted
feet of ocean frontage. into money (because of government ac-
fron*tal (frun-tal) adj. of or on the front; tion, law suits, etc.). frozen custard,
full frontal nudity, that *of a completely a chilled confection made with skim
naked person seen from the front, fron' milk, similar to ice cream, frozen stiff,
tal-ly adv. (informal) solidly frozen, extremely cold.
fron -tier (frun-teer) n. 1. the land border frozen tight, (of a mechanical joint etc.)
of a country. 2. the edge of settled terri- locked into position and unable to oper-
tory, facing the wilderness. 3. the limit ate.
of what is known in a subject, the fron- FRS abbr. Federal Reserve System.
tiers fron •tiers' man n.
of science, frt. abbr. freight.
fron *tis -piece (frun-tis-pees) n. an illus- fruc*ti*fy (fhik-tt-fi, fruuk-) v. (fruc*
tration placed opposite the title page of tl-fied, fruc *ti* tying) 1. to bear fruit.
a book. 2. to make fruitful or productive.
frost (frawst) n. 1. a weather condition fruc*tose (fruk-tohs, fruuk-) n. a form of
with temperature below the freezing sugar found in fruits and honey.
point of water. 2. a white powder-like fru*gal (froo-gal) adj. 1. careful and eco-
coating of frozen vapor produced by this. nomical. 2. scanty, costing little, a frugal
frost v. 1 to cover with frost or frosting.
. meal, fru'gahly adv. fru*gal*i*ty
2. to make (glass) opaque by roughening (froo-gal-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties).
the surface. frost heave, the rise of fruit (froot) n. (pi fruits, fruit) 1 the seed- .

soilor buckling of pavement resulting containing part of a plant. 2. this used

from freezing of moisture in the soil be- as food. 3. any plant product used as
neath. food, the fruits of the earth. 4. the prod-
frost* bite (frawst-bit) n. an injury to the uct or rewarding outcome of labor, fruit
tissue of the body from freezing. v. 1 (of a plant) to produce fruit. 2. to

frost* bit* ten (frawst-bit-en) adj. affected cause or allow (a plant) to produce fruit.
with frostbite. fruit fly, any of several flies whose iar-
frost «ing (fraw-sting) n. sugar icing for vae feed on fruit, fruit salad, various
cakes. fruits cut up and mixed.
frost *y (firaw-stee) adj. (frost*i*er, fruit* cake (firoot-kayk) n. a spiced cake
frost -i -est) 1. cold with frost. 2. very containing raisins, nuts, preserved fruits,
cold and unfriendly in manner, frost'i* etc.
ly adv. frost'i *ness n. fruit *ed (froo-tid) adj. covered with fruit.
froth (frawth) n. foam, froth v. to cause fruit *er*er (froo-te-rer) n. a dealer in fruit.
froth in, to foam, froth'y adj. (froth* 1 producing much
fruit *ful (froot-ful) adj. .

i*er, froth *i*est) froth 'i-ness n. fruit. producing good results, fruit'
frot*tage (fro-tahz/i) n. 1. an abnormal ful*ly adv. fruit'fuhness n.
fruition / full 352
fru-i-tion (froo-ish-dn) ru the fulfillment fu-el (fyoo-el) n. 1. material burned as a
of hopes, results attained by work, our source of warmth or light or energy, or
plans never come to fruition, D>This word used as a source of nuclear energy. 2.
does not mean "fruiting" or "becoming something that increases anger or other
fruitful." strong feelings, fuel v. (fu-eled, fu-
fruit -less (froot-lis) adj. producing little elling) to supply with fuel. Dfuel cell,
or no result, fruitless -ly adv. fruit' a device producing electricity directly
less -n ess n. from chemical reaction, fuel injection,
fruit -y (froo-tee) adj. (frujt«1«er, fruit- direct introduction of fuel under pressure
i-est) like fruit in smell or taste. into the combustion unit of an internal
frump (frump) n. a dowdily dressed combustion engine.
woman, frump'y adj. (frump »i»er, fu-gi-tive (fyoo-ji-tiv) n. a person who is
frump- i-est) frump 'ish adj. fleeing or escaping from something, fugi-
frustrate (frus-trayt) v. (frus-trat- tive adj. 1 fleeing, escaping. 2. transient.

ed, frus-trat -tag) to prevent (a person) fugue (fyoog) n. a musical composition in

from achieving what he intends, to make which one or more themes are intro-
(efforts) useless. frus'trat-ing-ly adv. duced and then repeated in a complex
frus* tra-tion (frus-tray-shdn) n. pattern.
frus-tum (frus-tum) n. (pi. -turns, -ta, fQh«rer, fueh-rer (fyoor-er) n. a leader,
pr. -ta) the remainder of a cone or pyra- especially a tyrannical one.
mid whose upper past has been cut off -ful 1
suffix used to form adjectives meaning
by a plane parallel to the base, a part full of, as in beautiful; suggesting, as
intercepted between two planes. in direful; accustomed to, as in forget-
frwy. abbr. freeway. ful
fry 1 (fn) v. (fried, frying) to cook or be -ful 3 suffix used to form nouns meaning
cooked in boiling fat. fry n. (pi fries) the amount needed to fill, as in spoonful,
1 . a party at which fried food is cooked handful
and eaten, we went to a fish fry. 2. a ful-crum (fuul-krum, ful-) n.(pl -crums,
portion of fried food. 3. fries, French -era, pr. -krS) the point on which a lever
fried potatoes. frying pan, a shallow turns.
pan used in frying, out of the frying ful* fill (fuul-fil)
v. 1. to accomplish, to
pan and into the fire, from a bad situa- carry out (a task). 2. to do what is re-
tion to a worse one. quired by (a treaty etc.), to satisfy the
fry 2 (pi fry) young or newly hatched
n. requirements of. 3. to make (a prophecy)
fishes. small fry, children; people of come true, ful •fill , ment n. fulfill
little importance. oneself or be fulfilled, (of persons) to
fryer (fri-er) n. 1. a deep pot used for develop and use one's abilities etc. fully.
deep-frying. 2. a young chicken suitable full 1 (fuul) adj. (full-er, full -est) 1. hold-
for frying. ing or having as much as the limits will
FSLIC abbr. Federal Savings and Loan In- allow. having much or many,
surance Corporation. crowded, showing, full of vitality. 3.
f-stop (ef-stop) n. a camera lens aperture completely occupied with thinking of,
setting indicated by an f number. full of himself; full of the news, unable
ft abbr. 1 foot. 2. feet.
. to keep from talking about it. 4. fed to
FTC abbr. Federal Trade Commission. satisfaction, ate till he was full 5. copi-
ft-lb abbr. foot-pound(s). ous, give full details. 6. complete, reach-
fuch-sia (fyoo-sha) n. 1. an ornamental ing the usual or specified extent or limit
shrub with red or purple or white droop- etc., in full bloom; waited a full hour.
ing flowers. 2. a purplish-pink color. 7. plump, rounded, a full figure. 8. (of
fud-dle (fud-el) v. (fud-dled, fud- clothes) fitting loosely, made with much
dling) to stupefy, especially with alco- material hanging in folds. 9. (of a tone)
holic drink, fuddle n. a confused state deep and mellow, full adv. 1 completely. .

of mind. 2. exactly, hit him full on the nose, full

fud-dy-dud-dy (fud-ee-dud-ee) n. (-dud- n. 1 whole. 2. the point or state of great-

dies) (informal) a person who is out of est ful'ly adv. fullness n.

date and unable to accept new ideas. board, provision of bed and all
fudge 1 (fuj) n. 1. a soft candy made of meals at a hotel etc. full dress, formal
milk, sugar, and butter, especially choco- clothes, especially evening clothes, full
late fudge. 2. nonsense (often used as an face, with all the face toward the specta-
interjection). tor, fullgainer, a dive in which the diver
fudge3 v. (fudged, fudg-ing) to deal with initially faces forward for takeoff and
or put together in a makeshift or dishon- then executes a backward somersault and
est way, to fake. finishes by entering the water feet first,
353 full / funerary

facing away from the diving board, full hot gases. fu*ma*rol*ic (fyoo-ma-rol-
moon, the moon with its whole disk illu- ik) adj.
minated; the time when this occurs, full fum-ble (fum-bel) v. (fum-bled, fum-
speed ahead!, an order to move or bling) 1. to touch or handle something
work with maximum speed, full Stop, awkwardly; the quarterback fumbled,
the punctuation mark .used at the end dropped the football. 2. to grope about.
of a sentence or abbreviation, a period; fumble n. a bungling attempt; there was
come to a full stop, cease completely, be a fumble on the play, the football was
unable to proceed, full tilt or full speed, dropped.
with all one's energies, went at it full fume (fyoom) n. strong-smelling smoke or
tilt; at full tilt, at full speed, full time, gas or vapor, fume v. (fumed, fum*
the whole of a working day or week, in ing) 1 to treat with chemical fumes. 2.

full, with nothing omitted; for the whole to emit fumes. 3. to seethe with anger.
amount, paid in full, in full view, wholly fu*mi*gant (fyoo-mT-gant) n. any sub-
visible, in the fullness of time, at the stance used in fumigation.
proper or destined time, to the full, fu* ml -gate (fyoo-ml-gayt) v. (fu*mi*
thoroughly, completely. gat-ed, fu -mi* gating) to disinfect by
full v. 1 to treat or beat (cloth) to clean
. means of fumes, f u • m
• ga • tion (fyoo-

and thicken it. 2. to clean and thicken mi-gay-shon) n.

(cloth etc.) in this way. fun (fun) n. 1. light-hearted amusement.
full* back (fuul-bak) n. (in football) the 2. a source of this. Dlike fun, (informal)
running back, who lines up behind the certainly not. make fun of, to cause
quarterback. people to laugh at (a person or thing)
full-blood *ed (fuul-blud-id) adj. 1. of un- by making it appear ridiculous.
mixed ancestry, a full-blooded Indian. function (fungk-shon) n. 1. the special
2. vigorous, hearty, sensual. activity or purpose of a person or thing.
full-blown (fuul-blohn) adj. fully devel- 2. an important social or official cere-
oped, a full-blown scandal. mony, function v. to perform a function,
full-bod -ied (fuul-bod-eed) adj. of full fla- to be in action, function -less n.
vor, fully mature, a full-bodied wine. func-tion-al (fungk-shd-nal) adj. 1. of a
full*er (fuul-er) n. a person who cleans and function or functions. 2. designed to per-
thickens freshly woven cloth. fuller's form a particular function without being
earth, a type of clay used for this proc- decorative or luxurious, func'tion*al*
ess. ly adv.
full-fash -ioned (full-fash-dnd) adj. knit- functionary (fungk-sh6-ner-ee) n. (pi.
ted to the body's shape, as a sweater or -ar*ies) an official.
stockincs. fund (fund) n. 1 a supply of money, espe-

full-fledged (fuul-flejd) adj. 1. (of a bird) cially that available for a particular pur-
having full plumage. 2. having full status, pose. 2. an available stock or supply, a
a full-fledged member. fund of jokes, fund v. to provide with
full-grown (full-grohn) adj. having money.
reached maturity. fun-da*men*tal (fun-da-men-tal) adj. 1.
full-length (fuul-length) adj. not shortened of the basis or foundation of a subject
or abbreviated. etc., serving as a starting point. 2. very
full-time (fuul-tim) adj. &
adv. for or dur- important, essential. 3. fundamentals n.
ing the whole of the working day or pi. fundamental facts or principles, fun •
week. da* men'tal *ly adv.
full-tim-er (fuul-ti-mer) n. (informal) a fun • da • men • tal • ism (fun-da-men-ta-liz-
person employed to work a full working em) n. 1. strict maintenance of tradi-
week. tional orthodox religious beliefs (espe-
ful*mar (fuul-mar) n. an Arctic seabird cially Protestant) such as the literal truth
related to the petrels. of the Bible, fun*da*men'tal*ist adj.
fuhmhnate (ful-ml-nayt) v. (ful*mi* & n.
nat-ed, ful-mi-nat-ing) to protest fu*ner*al (fyoo-ne-ral) n. 1. the ceremony
loudly and bitterly, f ul • mi • na • tion (ful- of burying or cremating the dead. 2.
ml-nay-sh6n) n. (slang) a person's unpleasant responsibil-
ful*some (fuul-sdm) adj. cloying, exces- ity or concern, it's your funeral, funeral
sive, disgusting;fulsome praise, exagger- adj. of a funeral. funeral director,
ated flattery. >This word does not mean an undertaker, funeral home, funeral
copious or plentiful. parlor, an undertaker's establishment.
fu *ma* role (fyoo-ma-rohl) n. a crevice in fu*ner*ar*y (fyoo-ne-rer-ee) adj. of or
or near a volcano, through which come used for burial or a funeral.
funereal / furze 354
fu*ne*re*al (fyoo-neer-i-al) adj. suitable fur* long (fur-la wng) n, one-eighth of a
for a funeral, dismal, dark. mile, 220 yards.
fun*gi*cide (fun-ji-sid) n. a fungus-de- fur* lough (fur-loh) n, leave of absence, es-
stroying substance. fun*gi*cid*al (fun- pecially one granted to a soldier, went
ji-si-dal) adj. on furlough, furlough v. to grant a fur-
fun • go (fun-goh) n. {pi -goes) (in base- lough to.
ball) a fly ball hit by a batter who has fur*nace (fur-nis) n. 1. a closed fireplace
thrown the ball into the air for hitting. for heating water or air towarm a build-
fungo bat, a long narrow bat for this. ing etc. 2. an enclosed space for heating
fun-gus (fung-gus) n. {pi fun-gi, pr. fun- minerals or metals etc. or for making
ji, fun*gus*es) any of those plants glass.
without leaves, flowers, or green coloring fur*nish (fur-nish) v. 1. to equip (a room
matter, growing on other plants or on or house etc.) with furniture. 2. to pro-
decaying matter and including mush- vide or supply.
rooms, toadstools, and molds, fun* gal fur*nish*lngs (fur-ni-shingz) n. pi the
(fung-gal) adj. fung / oid adj. fung / ous furniture and fixtures in a room or house.
adj. >Do not confuse fungus (noun) fur*ni*ture (fur-ni-chur) n. the movable
with fungous (adjective). articles (such as tables, chairs, beds, etc.)

fu*nic*u*lar (fyoo-nik-yu-lar) n. a cable needed in a room or house etc.

railway with ascending and descending fu*ror (fyoor-or) n. 1. an outburst of en-
thusiasm. 2. an uproar. 3. a popular
cars counterbalancing each other.
funk (fungk) n, (informal) 1. fear, panic.
fur*rl*er (fur-i-er) n. a person who deals
2. dejection. Din a funk, in a bad mood.
in furs or who makes fur clothes.
funk*y (fung-kee) adj. (funk-i-er, funk*
fur* ring (fur-ing) n. 1. the fixing of strips
i*est) (slang) 1. (of jazz etc.) uncompli-
of wood or metal to a ceiling or wall
cated, emotional. 2. having a strong
in preparation for level mounting of a
smell. 3. unconventional.
new ceiling or wall. 2. strips used for
fun*nel (fun-el) n. 1. a tube or pipe wide
this purpose.
at the top and narrow at the bottom,
fur* row (fur-oh) n. 1. a long cut in the

for pouring liquids or powders etc. into

ground made by a plow or other imple-
small openings. 2. a metal chimney on
ment. 2. a groove resembling this, a deep
a steam engine or ship, funnel v. (fun*
wrinkle in the skin, furrow v. to make
neled, fun*nel*lng) to move through
furrows in.
a funnel or a narrowing space.
fur*ry (fur-ee) adj. (fur*ri*er, fur*ri*
fun*nies (fun-eez) n. pi (informal) comic est) 1 like tur. 2. covered with fur.

fur-ther (fur-thtT) adj. &
adv. to a greater
fun*ny (fun-ee) adj. (fun*ni*er, fun* extent, more, shall inquire further; made
ni*est) causing amusement. 2. puzz-
further inquiries. (OSee the note under
ling, hard to account for. 3. (informal)
farther.) further v. to help the progress
insane or odd. fun'nMy adv. funny D of, further someone s interests.
bone, part of the elbow over which a fur-ther-ance (fur-f/ifc-rans) n, the fur-
very sensitive nerve passes, funny busi- thering of someone's interests etc.
ness, trickery, funny papers, (infor- fur *ther* more (fur-f/ier-mohr) adv. in ad-
mal) comic strips. dition, moreover.
fur (fur) n. 1 the short fine soft hair cover-
fur-ther -most (fur-r/ier-mohst) adj.
ing the bodies of certain animals. 2. ani- furthest (fur-f/nst) adj. & adv. to the
mal skin with the fur on it, especially greatest extent, theyadvanced our think-
when used for making or trimming ing furthest; she was furthest advanced
clothes etc. 3. fabric imitating this. 4. >See the note under farther.
a coat or cape etc. of real or imitation fur* five (fur-tiv) adj. sly, stealthy, fur'
fur. 5. a fur-like coating, fur v. (fur- tlve-ly adv. fur'tlve*ness n.
red, fur* ring) to cover with fur. fu*ry (fyoor-ee) n. {pi -lies) 1 wild anger,

fur. abbr. furlong(s). rage. 2. violence of weather etc., the

fur* be -low (fur-bS-loh) n. showy trim- storms fury. 3. a violently angry person,
mings, frills and furbelows. especially a woman. 4. the Furies, snake-
fur*blsh (fur-bish) v. to polish, to clean haired goddesses in Greek mythology,
or renovate. sent from the underworld to punish
fu*ri*OUS (fyoor-i-us) adj. 1. full of anger. crime. Dllke fury, (informal) intensely,
2. violent, intense, a furious pace, fu'rl* furiously.
ous-ly adv. furze (furz) n. a wild evergreen shrub with

furl (furl) (furled, furl-ing) to roll

v. up yellow flowers and sharp thorns common
and fasten (a sail, flag, or umbrella). in Europe.
355 fuse / FYI

fuse 1
(fyooz) v. (fused, fusing) to blend dyed dark dull colors. 2. pompous lan-
or amalgamate (metals, living bones, in- guage, bombast, fustian adj. 1. made
stitutions, etc.) into a whole. of fustian. 2. bombastic.
fuse 2 n. (in an electric circuit) a short fus-ty (fus-tee) adj. (fus*ti*er, fus*
length of wire designed to melt and thus ti*est) 1. stale-smelling, stuffy. 2. old-
break the circuit if the current exceeds fashioned in ideas etc. fus'ti«ness n.
a safe level, fuse v. to fit (a circuit or f Ut. abbr. future.
appliance) with a fuse, fuse
box, a fu-tile (fyoo-til) adj. producing no result,
metal box containing the fuses of an elec- useless. fu*til*i*ty (fyoo-til-i-tee) n.
trical system. fu*ture (fyoo-chur) adj. belonging to the
fuse 3 n. a length of easily burned material time coming after the present, future n.
for igniting a bomb or an explosive future time or events or condition; there's
charge, fuse v. to fit a fuse to. no future in it, no prospect of success
fu-se-lage (fyoo-se-lahz/i) n. the body of or advancement. future life, existence
an airplane. after death, future shock, bewil-
fu-si-ble (fyoo-zi-bel) adj. able to be derment and demoralization caused by
fused. (See fuse 1 .) swift social and technological change
fu-sil-lade (fyoo-sl-layd) n. 1. a simulta- (> coined by Alvin Toffler, American au-
neous or continuous firing of guns. 2. a thor), in future, from this time onward.
great outburst of questions, criticism, etc. fu*tur*ism (ryoo-chu-riz-em) n. a move-
fU'Sion (fyoo-z/idn) n. 1 fusing, the blend-
. ment in art, literature, music, etc., with
ing or uniting of different things into a violent departure from traditional forms
whole. 2. the union of atomic nuclei to so as to express movement and growth,
form a heavier nucleus, usually with re- fu'tunist n.
lease of energy. fu*tur*is*tic (fyoo-chu-ris-tik) adj. look-
fuss (fus) n. 1 unnecessary excitement or
. ing suitable for the distant future, not
activity. 2. a display of worry about traditional.
something unimportant. 3. a vigorous fu*tu*ri*ty (fyoo-toor-i-tee) n. {pi. -ties)
Erotest or dispute, fuss v. to make a fuss. future time.
]make a fuss, to complain vigorously. fuze = fuse 3

make a fuss of or over, to treat (a fuzz (fuz) n. 1. fluff, something fluffy or

person) with a great display of attention frizzy. 2. (slang) the police.
or affection. fuz*zy (tuz-ee) (fuz*zi*er, fuz*
fuss* bud* get (fus-buj-it) n. (informal) a zi*est) 1. like fuzz, covered with fuzz.
person who continually finds fault in triv- 2. frizzy. 3. blurred, indistinct, fuz'zi*
ial matters. ly adv. fuz / zi*ness n.
fus-sy (fus-ee) adj. (fus*si*er, fus* fwd. abbr. forward.
si* est) 1. often fussing. 2. fastidious. 3. FY abbr. fiscal year.
fullof unnecessary detail or decoration. -fy suffix used to form verbs meaning
fus'shness n. fus'si-ly adv. make, as in satisfy; produce, as in stupefy;
fus-tian (fus-chan) n. 1. a thick, twilled cause, as in solidify.
cotton cloth with a short nap, usually FYI abbr. for your information.
G, 9 ( jee)(pi Gs, G's, g's) 1 the seventh
. gadg-et (gaj-it) n, a small mechanical de-
letter of the alphabet. 2. (slang) grand vice or tool. gadg'et*ry n,
(= $1000). 3. a symbol indicating that gadg-e-teer n. a person who
a film is recommended for general audi- invents small devices"
ences. gad*o*lin*i*um (gad-6-lin-i-um) n. a me-
g abbr. 1. game. 2. gauge. 3. gender. 4. tallic chemical element.
general. 5. generally. 6. gold. 7. good. Gael (gayl) n. a Scottish or Irish Celt.
8. grain(s). 9. gram(s). 10. gravity. Gael. abbr. Gaelic.
G. abbr. German. Gael*ic (gay-lik) adj. of Gaels. Gaelic n.
ga abbr. gauge. their language, comprising Scottish
Ga symbol gallium. Gaelic, Irish, and Manx.
GA abbr. 1. general assembly. 2. general gaff (gaf) n. a stick with an iron hook
average. 3. general of the army. 4. Geor- for landing large fish caught with rod
gia. and line, gaff v. to seize with a gaff, gaf-
Ga. abbr. Georgia. fing a salmon.
gab (informal) chatter. Dhave
(gab) n. gaffe (gaf) n. a blunder.
the gift of gab, to be good at talking. gaf'fer (gaf-er) n, (informal) an elderly
gab -ar- dine (gab-ar-deen) n. a strong fab- man.
ric woven in a twill pattern. gag (gag) n. 1 something put into a per-

gab* ble (gab-el) v. (gab* bled, gab* son'smouth or tied across it to prevent
bling) to talk quickly and indistinctly. him from speaking or crying out. 2. any
gabble n. gabbled talk. gab'bler n. action or order that prevents freedom
gab*bro (gab-roh) n. (pi -bros) a dark of speech or of writing. 3. a joke or funny
granular igneous rock. story, especially as part of a comedian's
gab* by (gab-ee) adj. (gab*bi*er, gab* act. gag * (gagged, gag-ging) 1. to
bi*est) talkative. put a gag into or over a person's mouth.
gab *fest (gab-fest) n. (slang) an informal 2. to prevent freedom of speech or of
get-together for prolonged conversation. writing, we cannot gag the press, 3. to
ga-ble (gay-bel) n. the triangular upper telljokes or gags. 4. to retch or choke.
part of an outside wall, between sloping ga-ga (gah-gah) adj. (slang) crazy, he went
roofs, ga'bled adj. gaga, Dgaga over, (slang) crazy about,
Ga*bon (ga-bon) a country on the west infatuated with.
coast of Africa. Ga-bon-ese (gab-o- gage (gayj) n. a symbol of a challenge

neez) adj. &

n. (pi -ese). to fight, such as a glove or cap thrown
Gab*o*ro*ne (gab-o-roh-ne) the capital on the ground.
of Botswana. gage 2 = gauge.
gad (gad) v. (gad*ded, gad* ding) to be
gag-gle (gag-el) n. 1. a flock of geese. 2.
a gadabout. a group of talkative people.
gad n. 1. a stick for driving cattle. 2. a
gai-e-ty (gay-e-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1. cheer-
sharp tool used to break up rock, coal, fulness, a happy and light-hearted man-
etc. gad v. (gad-ded, gad -ding) to ner. 2. merrymaking.
split up or loosen with a mining gad. gai*ly (gay-lee) adv. 1. in a cheerful light-
Gad (gad) interj. an exclamation of surprise hearted manner. 2. in bright colors.
(a euphemism for "God"). gain (gayn) v. 1 to obtain, especially some-

gad *a* bout (gad-a-bowt) n. a person who thing desirable. 2. to make a profit. 3.
goes about constantly in search of pleas- to acquire gradually, to build up for one-
ure. self, gained strength after illness, 4. (of
gad* fly (gad-fli) n. (pi -flies) 1. a fly that a clock etc.) to become ahead of the cor-
bites horses and cattle. 2. a person who rect time. 5. to get nearer in racing or
annoys others, especially by criticizing. pursuit, our horse was gaining on the fa-

357 gainful / Gallup

to reach a desired place, gained

vorite. 6. gal*le*on (gal-i-dn) n. a large Spanish sail-
the shore, gain n. 1 an increase in wealth
. ing ship used in the 15th- 17th centuries.
or possessions. 2. an improvement, an gal*ler*y (gal-S-ree) n. (pi. -Ier*ies) 1.
increase in amount or power, gain'er a room or building for showing works
n. 1. a person or thing that gains. 2. of art. 2. the highest balcony in a theater,
see full gainer and half gainer, again the people occupying this. 3. the specta-
ground, to make progress, gain time, tors at a sporting event, especially a golf
to improve one's chances by arranging or tennis match. 4. a raised covered plat-
or accepting a delay. form or passage along the wall of a build-
gairvful (gayn-ful) adj. profitable, gain' ing. 5. a long room or passage, especially
ful'ly adv. one used for a special purpose, a shooting
gain* say (gayn-say) v. (gain* said, gain* gallery. 6. an underground passageway,
saying) (formal) to deny or contradict, as in a mine, gal'ler-ied adj. Dplay
there's no gainsaying it. gain 'say *er n. to the gallery, to try to win favor by

gait (gayt) n. 1 a manner of walking or

appealing to the taste of the general pub-
running. 2. any of the forward move- lic.
ments of a horse, such as trotting or can- gal* ley (gal-ee) n. (pi. -leys) 1. a long
tering, gait'ed adj.
low medieval ship propelled by sails and
gal*ter (gay-ter) a covering of cloth or
oars. 2. an ancient Greek or Roman war-
leather for the ankle and lower leg. ship propelled by oars. 3. the kitchen
gal (gal) n. (informal) a girl or woman.
in a ship or aircraft. 4. an oblong tray
gal. abbr. gallon(s).
for holding type for printing. 5. a galley
ga*la (gay-la, gal-a) n. a festive occasion,
proof. galley proof, a printed proof
a fete, gala adj.
made from type set in a galley.
ga* lac* tic (ga-lak-tik) adj. 1. of a galaxy
Gal* lie (gal-ik) adj. 1. of ancient Gaul. 2.
or galaxies. 2. of the Galaxy or Milky
of France, typically French, Gallic wit
gal-li-mau-fry (gal-T-maw-free) n. (pi
ga*lac*tose (ga-lak-tohs) n. a sugar ob-
-fries) a medley or jumble.
tained from lactose.
gall-ing (gaw-ling) adj. vexing, humiliat-
gal* an* tine (gal-an-teen) n. white meat
boned and spiced and cooked in the form
gal*li*nule (gal-T-nool) n. a small water
of a served cold in aspic.
bird with elongated webless toes.
Ga-la-tlans (ga-lay-shanz) n. a book of
gal • li • urn (gal-i-um) n. a soft bluish-white
the New Testament, the epistle of St.
metallic element.
Paul to the Church at Galatia.
gal-ax-y (gal-ak-see) n. (pi. -ax*ies) 1. gal-li-vant (gal-I-vant) v. (informal) to
any of the large independent systems of gad about.
stars existing in space; the Galaxy, that gal* Ion (gal-dn) n. a measure for liq-
containing Earth (the Milky Way). 2. a uids, =
4 quarts (3.785 liters). impe-
rial gallon, a British gallon (4.546 lit-
brilliant company of beautiful or famous
people. ers).

gale (gayl) n. 1 a very strong wind; gale-

gal • lop (gal-dp) n. 1 a horse's fastest pace,

force winds, winds with a speed of 35 with all four feet off the ground simulta-
to 50 m.p.h. 2. a noisy outburst, gales neously in each stride. 2. a ride at this
of laughter. pace, gallop v. (gal* loped, gal* lop*
ga*le*na (ga-lee-na) n. the commonest ing) 1 to go at a gallop, to cause a horse

lead ore, lead sulfide. to do this. 2. to go very fast, to rush;

gall (gawl) n. 1 . bile. 2. bitterness of feel- galloping inflation, getting worse rapidly,
ing. 3. (slang) impudence. gal'lop-er n.

gall 2 n. a sore spot on the skin of an animal, gal* lows (gal-ohz) n. (pi -lows) 1. a
especially a horse, caused by rubbing. framework with a suspended noose for
Sail v. to rub and make sore. the hanging of criminals. 2. the gallows,
3 execution by hanging, he went to the gal-
_ I n. an abnormal growth produced by
an insect, fungus, or bacterium on a lows.
plant. gall* stone (gawl-stohn) n. a small hard
gal • Ian t (gal-ant) adj. 1 . brave, chivalrous. mass that sometimes forms in the gall-
2. fine, stately, our gallant ship, gallant bladder.
(ga-lant) n. a fashionable or courteous Gal-lup (gal-up) poll a sampling of pub-
young man. gal'lant*ly adv. gallant- lic opinion, made by questioning repre-
ry n. {pi -rles). sentative people and used especially to
gai:*blad*der (gawl-blad-er) n. a pear- forecast how people will vote in an
shaped organ attached to the liver, stor- election. > Named after George Gallup
ing and releasing bile. (1901- ), an American statistician.
galluses / gamy 358
gal-lus-es (gal-u-siz) n. pi (informal) a Olympic Games, game v. (gamed,
pair of suspenders. gam* ing) to gamble for money stakes.
ga-lore (ga-lohr) adv. in plenty, whiskey game adj. (ganver, gam* est) 1.
galore. brave. 2. having spirit or energy, are you
ga-losh (ga-losh) n. (pi -losh*es) one game for a lark? game'ly adv. game'
of a pair of overshoes, usually rubber. ness n. Dfair game, an object that may
ga Humph (ga-lumf) v. (informal) 1. to fairly be attacked, if you strike first,
prance in triumph. 2. to move noisily you 're fair game, game fish, an edible
or clumsily. fish providing its captor with sport.
galv. abbr. galvanized. * game law, a law regulating the killing
gal-varvic (gal-van-ik) adj. 1. producing and preservation of game, game plan,
an electric current by chemical action, a design for a course of action, game
a galvanic cell 2. stimulating people into point, the state in a game, especially ten-
sudden activity. gal*van'i*cal*ly adv. nis or handball, when one side needs only
gal* van* ism (gal-va-niz-em) n. one more point to win. game theory,
gal-va-nize (gal-va-mz) v. (galva- the mathematical analysis of conflicts in
nized, gal * va • niz • ing) 1 to stimulate. war, economics, games of skill, etc. give
into sudden activity. 2. to coat (iron) the game away, to reveal a secret or
with zinc in order to protect it from rust, scheme, make game of, to make fun
galvanized iron. gal*va*ni*za*tion of, to ridicule, the game is up, the se-
(gal-va-ni-zay-shdn) n. cret or deception is revealed.
gal*va*nom*e*ter (gal-va-nom-e-ter) n. game2 adj. lame, a game leg.
an instrument for detecting and measur- game* cock (gaym-kok) n. a male fowl of
ing small electric currents. gal*va*no* the kind formerly bred for cockfighting.
met Tic (gal-va-nd-met-rik) adj. game* keep *er (gaym-kee-peY) n. a per-
gam (gam) n. (slang) a leg. son employed to protect and breed game
Gam*bi*a (gam-bi-a) a country in West animals.
Africa, also called the Gambia. Gam'bi* games* man (gaymz-man) n. (pi -men,
an adj. & n. pr. -men) a person who practices games-
gam* bit (gam-bit) n. 1. an opening move manship.
in chess in which a player deliberately games* man *ship (gaymz-man-ship) n.
sacrifices a pawn or other piece in order the art of winning contests by upsetting
to gain a favorable position. 2. an action the confidence of one's opponent.
or statement intended to secure some ad- game • some (gaym-som) adj. merry, play-
vantage. ful.
gam* ble (gam-bel) v. (gam* bled, gam* game*ster '(gaym-ster) n. an habitual
bling) 1 to play games of chance for
. gambler.
money. 2. to stake or risk money etc. ganvete (gam-eet) n. a sexual cell capable
in the hope of great gain; gambled his of fusing with another in reproduction.
fortune away, lost it by gambling. 3. to gam* in (gam-in) n. 1. a street urchin. 2.
stake one's hopes; gambled on its being a child who looks or behaves like this.
a fine day, made plans in the hope of gam-ine (gam-een) n. 1. a girl gamin. 2.
this, gamble n. 1. gambling. 2. a risky a small mischievous-looking young
attempt or undertaking, gam'bler n. woman.
ODo not confuse gamble with gambol gam* ma (gam-a) n. the third letter of the
ganvbol (gambol) v. (gam* boled, gam* Greek alphabet (r y). gamma globu-
bol'ing) to jump or skip about in play. lin, a component of blood plasma con-
gambol n. a gamboling movement. taining antibodies used to treat measles,
O Do not confuse gambol with gamble. infectious hepatitis, etc. ray, an gamma
gam-brel (gam-brel) roof a roof with two x-ray of very short wavelength emitted
slopes (a lower steeper slope and an up- by radioactive substances.
per flatter one) on each side (of the house, gam mon (gam-dn)
• n. 1 cured or smoked

barn, etc.). ham. the bottom piece of a side of

game (gaym) n. 1 a form of play or sport,
. bacon, including a hind leg.
especially one with rules. 2. a single sec- gam*ut (gam-ut) n. 1. the whole series or t

tion forming a scoring unit in some range or scope of anything; the whole
games (as in tennis or bridge). 3. a gamut of emotion, from greatest joy to
scheme or plan, a trick, so that's his little deepest despair. 2. the whole range of
game! 4. wild animals or tyrds hunted musical notes used in medieval or mod-
for sport or food. 5. their flesh as food. ern music.
6. (informal) a person's occupation, hes gam*y (gay-mee) adj. (gam*i*er, gam*
in the advertising game. 7. games, athlet- i*est) 1. having the flavor or scent of
ics or sports, a sporting contest, the game kept till it is slightly decomposed.
359 gander / garlic

2. scandalous, sensational. 3. spirited. in which to keep a motor vehicle or vehi-

gam'i-ness n. cles. 2. a commercial establishment
garvder (gan-der) a male goose. 2.
n. 1. where motor vehicles are repaired and
^/ang^ a look, a glance, let's take a gan- serviced, garage v. (ga* raged, ga-
der. rag*ing) to put or keep in a garage.
gang (gang) n. 1 a number of workmen
. garage sale, a sale of used objects,
working together, a nxzrf gang. 2. a band held in or just outside a family's garage.
of people going about together or work- garb (gahrb) n. clothing, especially of a
ing together, especially for some criminal distinctive kind, a man in clerical garb.
purpose, gang v. to combine in a gang; garb v. to clothe.
they ganged up on him, combined against garbage (gahr-bij) n. 1. food waste. 2.
him. any rubbish or trash. 3. (informal) any-
gang -land (gang-land) n. the world of thing that is useless or unnecessary.
criminals and organized crime. gar ban -zo (gahr-ban-zoh) n. {pi -zos)
garvgling (gang-gling) adj. tall, thin, and garbanzo bean) a chickpea.
awkward looking. garble (gahr-bel) v. (gar* bled, gar-
gan-gli-on (gang-gli-dn) n. {pi -gli*a, pr. bling) to give a confused account of, so
-gli-S) 1. a group of nerve cells from that a message or story is distorted or
which nerve fibers radiate. 2. a cyst on misunderstood.
a tendon sheath. 3. a center of activity. gar* con (gahr-sohn) n. {pi -cons, pr.
gan*gli*on*ic (gang-gli-on-ik) adj. -sohnz, -sohn) a waiter in a French res-
gang •plank (gang-plangk) n. a movable taurant, hotel, etc. > French.
plank used as a bridge for walking into gar* den (gahr-den) n. 1. a piece of culti-
or out of a boat. vated ground, especially near a house.
garvgrene (gang-green) n. death and de- 2. (often gardens) ornamental public
cay of body tissue, usually caused by grounds. 3. a large public hall for sports
blockage of the blood supply to that part, events etc., Boston Garden, garden v.
gan-gre-nous (gang-gre-nus) adj. to tend a garden. Garden of Eden,
gang • Star (gang-ster) n. a member of a the place where Adam and Eve lived be-
gang of violent criminals. fore the Fall, garden party, a party held
gang* way (gang- way) n. 1. a passageway on a lawn or in a garden or park, garden
through a crowd at a stadium etc. 2. a variety, (informal) average or ordinary.
temporary passageway at a construction lead down the garden path, to entice,
site. 3. a movable bridge from a ship to to mislead deliberately.
the land, the opening in a ship's side into gar*den*er (gahr-de-ner) n. a person who
which this fits, gangway (gang-way) in- tends a garden, either as a job or as a
terj. make way! hobby.
gan*net (gan-it) n. a large seabird. garde-nia (gahr-deen-ya) n. 1. a tree or
gant-let (gant-lit) gauntlet= shrub with large fragrant white or yellow
gan*try (gan-tree) n. {pi. -trlea) 1. a light flowers. 2. its flower.
bridgelike overhead framework for sup- Gar-field (gahr-feeld), James A. (1831-
porting a traveling crane, railroad signals 81) the twentieth president of the U.S.
over several tracks, etc. 2. a movable 1881.
platform used to prepare large rockets gar* fish (gahr-fish) gar. =
for launching. gar*gan*tu*an (gahr-gan-choo-an) adj.
GAO abbr. General Accounting Office. gigantic.
gaol Gayl) (British) = Jail. gar-gle (gahr-gel) v. (gar-gled, gar-
gap (gap) n. 1 . a break or opening in
some- gling) to wash or rinse the inside of the
thing continuous, such as a hedge or throat with liquid held there by air
fence or wall, or between hills. 2. an un- breathed out from the lungs, gargle n.
filled space or interval, a gap between a liquid used for this.
programs. 3. something lacking, a gap gargoyle (gahr-goil) n. a grotesque
in one's education. 4. a wide difference carved face or figure, especially one used
in ideas. as a rainspout carrying water clear of a
gape (gayp) v. (gaped, gap-lng) 1. to wall.
open the mouth wide. 2. to stare with garish (gair-ish) adj. excessively bright,
open mouth, in surprise or wonder. 3. gaudy, overdecorated.
to open or be open wide, a gaping chasm. gar* land (gahr-land) n. a wreath of flowers
gape n. an open-mouthed stare. etc. worn or hung as a decoration, gar-
gar (gahr) n. (also gar -fish) a fish with land v. to deck with a garland or gar-
a long body and large teeth. lands.
gar. abbr. garage. gar* lie (gahr-lik) n. 1. an onionlike plant.
ga-rage (ga-rahz/i, -rahj) n. 1. a building 2. its bulbous root which has a strong
garment / gastrointestinal 360
taste and smell, used for flavoring, gar' by gas. 2. (informal) to talk idly for a
lick*y adj. long time. Ggas chamber, a room that
gar 'merit (gahr-ment) an article of
n. can be filled with poisonous gas to kill
clothing. Dthe Garment Center, an animals or people, gas guzzler, (slang)
area of New York City in which clothes a car that uses a great deal of gasoline
are manufactured and sold at wholesale. in operation, gas mask, a protective de-
gar*ner (gahr-ner) v. 1. to store up. 2. vice worn over the face to protect the
to acquire or earn. wearer against poisonous gas. gas me-
gar* net (gahr-nit) n. a semiprecious stone ter, an apparatus registering the amount
of deep transparent red. * of heating gas consumed, gas station,
gar-nish (gahr-nish) v. to decorate (espe- a place that sells gasoline and performs
cially food for the table), garnish n. minor services on cars and other vehicles.
something used for garnishing. gas tank, a container for storing heating
gar-nish-ee (gahr-ni-shee) v. (gar*nish* gas.
eed, gar-nish-ee-ing) 1. to serve (a gas bag
• (gas-bag) n. (informal) a person
person) with a garnishment. 2. to take who talks too much.
(money or property) by legal authority. gas-e-ous (gas-i-us) adj. of or like a gas.
gar*nish*ment (gahr-nish-ment) n. 1. a gas- fired (gas-fird) adj. heated by burning
legal warning served to a person holding gas.
the property of a debtor, ordering him gash (gash) a long deep slash or cut
to give it to the creditor. 2. a garnish. or wound, gash
v. to make a gash in.

gar*ni*ture (gahr-m-chur) n. adornment gas*i*fy (gas-i-fi) v. (gas-i-fied, gas-i-

or trimmings, especially of a dish of food. fy*ing) to change or become changed
gar* ret (gar-it) n. an attic, especially a into gas.
poor one. gas*ket (gas-kit) n. a flat sheet or ring

gar*ri*son (gar-i-son) troops sta-

n. 1. of rubber or other soft material used for
tioned in a town or fort to defend it; a sealing a joint between metal surfaces
garrison town, one that has a permanent to prevent gas or steam or liquid from
garrison. 2. the building or fort they oc- entering or escaping. Dblow a gasket,
cupy, garrison v. 1 to place a garrison
. (slang) to become extremely angry.
in. 2. to occupy and defend, troops garri- gas 'light (gas-lit) n. light given by a jet
soned the town. of burning gas.
gar* rote, ga-rotte (ga-rot) n. 1. a Span- gas -o- hoi (gas-6-hawl) n. a mixture of
ish method of capital punishment by a small amount of alcohol with a large
strangulation with a metal collar. 2. the amount of gasoline, used as vehicular
apparatus used for this. 3. a cord or wire fuel. . '

used to strangle a victim, garrote v. gas O • • line (gas-6-leen) n. a liquid distilled

(gar*rot*ed, gar-rot-ing) to execute from petroleum, used mainly as a fuel
or strangle with a garrote. for motor vehicles.
gar*ru*lous (gar-u-lus) adj. talkative. gasp (gasp) v. 1. to struggle for breath
gar / nj*lous*ly adv. gar'ru-lous- with the mouth open. 2. to draw in the
ness n. gar-ru-li'ty (ga-roo-li-tee) n. breath sharply in astonishment etc. 3.
gar*ter (gahr-ter) n. a band especially of to speak in a breathless way. gasp n.
elastic worn around the leg to keep a a breath drawn in sharply; was at his
stocking up. garter snake, a small last gasp, was exhausted or at the point
striped snake of North America. of death.
gas (gas) n. (pi. gas-es) 1. a substance gas*sy (gas-ee) adj. (-sl*er, -si* est) 1.
that does not become liquid or solid at of or like a gas. 2. talkative.
ordinary temperatures, that diffuses gas* trie (gas-trik) adj. of the stomach.
readily, and that tends to distribute itself gastric juice, thin colorless acid fluid
evenly throughout any enclosure. 2. one secreted by the stomach glands to aid
of the gases or mixtures of gases used in digestion.
for lighting, heating, or cooking; gas gas *tri *tis(gas-tn-tis) n. inflammation of
stove, an appliance using gas as fuel. 3. the stomach.
poisonous gas used to disable an enemy gas*tro*en*ter*i*tis (gas-troh-en-tfc-n-
in war, dangerous gas occurring natu- tis) n, inflammation of the stomach and

rally in a coal mine. 4. nitrous oxide or intestines.

gas • tro • en • ter • ol • o •
other gas used as an anesthetic. 5. (slang) gy (gas-troh-en-td-
empty talk. 6. (informal) gasoline. 7. (in- rol-o-jee) n. the branch of medicine deal-

formal, also gas pedal) the accelerator ing with the structure and diseases of
pedal in a motor vehicle; step on the gas, the digestive organs, gas* tro* en* ter •
hurry up. gas v. (gassed, gas* sing) ol'o-gist n.

1. to expose to gas, to poison or overcome gas tro

• • in • tes • tl • nal (gas-troh-in-tes-tl-
361 gastronomy / gazetteer
nal) adj. of the stomach and intestines. I-est) showy or bright in a tasteless way.
gas-tron-o-my (ga-stron-o-mee) n. the gaud'i-ly adv. gaud'i-ness n.
art or science of good eating and drink- gauge (gayj) n. 1 a standard measure of

ing, gas-tro-nom-ic (gas-trd-nom-ik) contents, fineness of textile, thickness of

adj. gas-tro-nom'i-cal adj. sheet metal, or diameter of bullets. 2.
gas-tro-pod (gas-tr6-pod) n. a mollusk the distance between pairs of rails or be-
of the class to which snails belong, usu- tween opposite wheels. 3. an instrument
ally having a coiled shell. used for measuring, marked with regu-
gas* works (gas-wurks) n. a place where lar divisions or units of measurement.
gas for lighting and heating is manufac- gauge v. (gauged, gaug-ing) 1. to
tured. measure exactly. 2. to estimate, to form
gate (gayt) a movable barrier serving
n. 1 .
a judgment of.
as a door in a wall or fence, or regulating gaunt (gawnt) adj. 1. lean and haggard.
the passage of water etc. 2. the opening 2. grim or desolate looking, gaunt'
it covers. 3. a means of entrance or exit.
ness n.
4. the number of spectators entering to gaunt 'let 1 (gawnt-lit) n. 1. a glove with
see a football game etc., the amount of a wide cuff covering the wrist. 2. the cuff
money taken in. itself. 3. a glove with metal plates worn
-gate suffix used to form words with the by soldiers in the Middle Ages. throw D
meaning of government scandal, as in down the gauntlet, to challenge some-
Koreagate etc. >From Watergate. (See one to a fight.
the entry for this.)
gauntlet 2 n. two rows of men armed with
gate* crash (gayt-krash) v. (informal) to clubs, paddles, etc. to strike a man forced
go to a private party etc. without being
to run between them. Drun the gaunt-
invited, gate 'crash -er n.
let, toundergo this punishment; to face
gate* fold (gayt-fohld) n. a section in a
an ordeal in which gunfire, blows, criti-
magazine or book that folds out.
cism, etc. come from all sides at once.
gate -house (gayt-hows) n. (pi. -hous-
gauss (gows) n. (pi. gauss) a unit of mag-
es, pr. -how-ziz) a house built at the
netic induction.
side of or over a gate.
gate* keep *er (gayt-kee-per) n. a person
gauze (gawz) n. 1 . thin transparent woven
material of silk or cotton etc. 2. fine wire
who guards a gate.
mesh, gauz'y adj.
gate-leg (gayt-leg) table a table having
legs that can be moved back to allow
ga-vage (ga-vahz/i) n. forced feeding.
the top to fold down.
gave (gayv) see give.
gate* post (gayt-pohst) n. a post on which gav-el (gav-el) n. a hammer used by a
a gate is hung or against which it shuts. judge or an auctioneer or a chairman
etc. to call for attention or order etc.
gate* way (gayt- way) n. 1. an opening or
structure framing a gate. 2. any means ga*VOtte (ga-vot) n. a lively old French
of entrance or exit, the gateway to success. dance, the music for it.
gath-er (gaf/i-er) v. 1. to bring or come gawk (gawk) v. to stare stupidly.
together. 2. to collect, to obtain gradu- gawk*y (gaw-kee) adj. (gawk- i*er,
ally. 3. to collect as harvest, to pluck. gawk -i -est) awkward and ungainly,
4. to increase gradually, gather speed. 5. gawk'i-ness n.
to understand or conclude, I gather your gay (gay) adj. (gayer, gayest) 1. light-

proposal was accepted. 6. to draw parts hearted and cheerful, happy and full of
together; his brow was gathered in fun. 2. bright colored, dressed or deco-
thought, was wrinkled. 7. to pull fabric rated in bright colors. 3. (informal) ho-
into gathers; a gathered skirt, made with mosexual, of homosexuals, gay n. (in-
gathers at the waist. formal) a homosexual.
gath*er*ing (gaf/i-e-ring) n. 1. an assem- gaze (gayz) v. (gazed, gaz-ing) to look
bly of people. 2. bringing or coming to- long and steadily, gaze n. a long steady
gether. look, gaz'er n.

gath-ers a series of folds

(gaf/i-erz) n. pi. ga-ze-bo (ga-zee-boh) n. (pi. -bos) a
or tucks in a garment or cloth. structure, such as a summerhouse, with
gauche (gohsh) adj. lacking in ease and a fine wide view.
grace of manner, awkward and tactless. ga-zelle (ga-zel) n. (pi. -zelles, -zelle)
gau*che*rie (goh-she-ree) n. gauche man- a small graceful Asian or African ante-
gauche action.
ner*, a lope.
gau-cho (gow-choh) n. (pi, -chos) a cow- ga-zette (ga-zet) n. a newspaper or official
boy from the South American pampas. journal.
gaud (gawd) n. a gaudy ornament. gaz-et-teer (gaz-e-teer) n. a dictionary
gaud-y (gaw-dee) adj. (gaud*i*er, gaud* or index of place names.
gazpacho / general 362
gaz-pa-cho (gahz-pah-choh) ru Spanish geld (geld) v. (geld-ed or gelt, geld*
cold vegetable soup. ing) to castrate.
G.B. abbr. Great Britain. geld ing (gel-ding)
• n. a gelded animal, es-
GCA ground-controlled approach.
abbr. pecially a horse.
gd abbr. 1. good
2. guard. gel «id (jel-id) adj. icy, chilly, gel'ld-
Gd symbol gadolinium. ly adv.
G.D.R. abbr. German Democratic Repub- gel-ig-nite (jel-ig-nit) /l an explosive
hc. containing nitroglycerine.
Ge symbol germanium gem ( jem) n. 1 a precious stone, especially

ge-arvti-cline (jee-an-ti-klm) n. a great when cut and polished. 2. something

upward fold of Earth's crust, ge-an* valued because of its excellence or
ti-cli-nal (jee-an-ti-kh-nal) n. beauty; the gem of the collection, the most
gear (geer) n. 1 . equipment, hunting gear. prized item.
2. (informal) clothes, teenage gear. 3. ap- genvhnate (jem-I-nit) adj. combined
paratus, appliances, aircraft's landing in pairs. gem*i*na«tion (jem-I-nay-
gear. 4. a set of toothed wheels working shdn) n.
together in a machine, especially those Genvi*ni (jem-I-ni, -nee) n. a sign of the
in a motor vehicle that transmit the zodiac, the Twins. Gem*i*ni*an (jem-
power of the engine to the axle, an idler I-ni-an, -nee-) adj. & n.
gear, gear v. 1. to put (machinery) in gem • Ol • O •
gy ( je-mol-6- jee) n. the science
gear. 2. to provide with or connect by of gems. gem-ol'o-gist n.
gears. 3. to adjust or adapt; a factory gem -stone (jem-stohn) n. a precious
geared export trade, organized for
to the stone that can be cut and polished and
this specifically; they geared up for the used as a jewel.
new season's production, got everything ge-mut-lich (ge-moot-lik) adj. cheerful,
ready for it. Din gear, with gear mech- genial.
anism engaged, out of gear, with it gen. abbr. 1 . gender. 2. general. 3. genitive.
disengaged. 4. genus.
gear* box (geer-boks) n. the box or case Gen. abbr. 1 . General. 2. Genesis.
enclosing the gears of a car, motorcycle, gervdarme U/tahn-dahrm) n. a soldier,

bicycle, etc. mounted or on foot, employed in police

gear 'Shift (geer-shift) n. a device used to duties, especially in France.
engage or change gears. gen-dar^me'iie (z/iahn-dahr-mfc-ree) n.
gear •wheel (geer-hweel) n. one of the a force of gendarmes.
toothed wheels working together in a ma- gen-der ( jen-der) n. 1 the class in which .

chine. a noun or pronoun is placed in grammat-

geck-o (gek-oh) n. (pi. geek* os, geck- ical grouping (in English, these are mas-
oes) a house lizard of warm climates, culine, feminine, and neuter). 2. (in-
able to climb walls by the adhesive pads formal) a person's sex.
on its toes. gene ( jeen) n. a chemical unit that carries
gee jee) interj. gee whiz a mild exclama-
( hereditary characteristics from parent to
tion of surprise, enthusiasm, etc. child, gen-ic (jen-ik) adj.
geese (gees) see goose. ge-ne-al'O'gy (jee-ni-ol-o-jee, -al-) n.

gee*zer (gee-zer) n. (slang) a person, an (pi -gies) a record of one's descent

old man. from one's ancestors, especially in the
ge-fll-te (ge-fil-te) fish a Jewish food of form of a table. 2. the science or study
balls of boneless fish mixed with eggs, of family descent. ge*ne*al'o*gist n.
matzo, etc. ge-ne-a-log-i-cal (jee-ni-a-loj-i-kal)
Gei*ger (gi-ger) counter a device for de- adj. ge-ne-a-log'i-cahly adv.
tecting and measuring radioactivity. gen* en a (jeo-£-ra) see genus.
gei * sha (gay-sha, gee-) n. a Japanese host- gen*er-al ( jen-£-ral) adj. 1 of or affecting .

ess trained to entertain men by dancing all or nearly not partial or local or

and singing and to serve as a companion particular. involving various kinds,

to men. not specialized, a general education. 3.
gel (jel) a jelly-like substance, gel v.
n. involving only main features, not de-
(gelled, gel -ling) to set as a gel. tailed or specific, spoke only in general
gel -a -tin, gel -a 'tine ( jel-a-tin) n. a clear terms, general n. an officer of the high-
tasteless substance made by boiling the est rank in the U.S. Marine Corps or
bones, skins, and connective tissue of ani- of next-to-highest rank in the U.S. Army
mals, used in foods, medicine, and photo- or Air Force. D
General Assembly, the
graphic film. most important deliberative body of the
ge-lat-i-nous (je-lat-I-nus) adj. of or like United Nations; a legislative assembly in
gelatine, jelly-like. some states of the U.S. general deliv-
363 generalissimo / genl.

ery, a postal service whereby mail is de- gen -enactor (jen-€-ray-tdr) n. 1. a per-
livered to a specific post office and held son or thing that generates; she was
there for pickup by an addressee, gen- known as a generator of fresh ideas, an
eral election, an election of officials at innovator. 2. a machine for converting
the local, state, or national level held at mechanical energy into electricity. 3. an
specified intervals, general knowl- apparatus for producing gases, steam,
edge, knowledge of a wide variety of etc. -
subjects, general meeting, one open to ge • ne • rlc ( jS-ner-ik)
adj. of a whole genus
all members, general of the air force, or group. ge-ner'i-cal-ly adv. ge- u
the highest ranking officer in the U.S. neric drug, a drug not protected by a
Air Force, general of the army, an registered trademark.
officer of the highest rank in the U.S. gen*er*ous (jen-e-riis) adj. 1. giving or
Army, general post office, the chief ready to give freely, free from meanness
post office in a town, general practi- or prejudice. 2. given freely, plentiful,
tioner, a doctor who treats cases of all a generous gift; a generous portion.
kinds, general staff, officers assisting gen'er»ous-ly adv. gen'er-ous-
a military commander at headquarters. ness n. gen*er*os*i*ty (jen-e-ros-i-
general store, a retail store, especially tee) n. {pi -ties).
in rural areas, that carries a wide range gen*e*sis (jen-e-sis) n. {pi -see, pr.
of goods but is not divided into depart- -seez) a beginning or origin. 2. Genesis,
1 .

ments, in general, as a general rule, usu- the first book of the Old Testament, tell-
ally; for the most part. ing of the creation of the world.
gen • er • al • is • si •mo
( jen-€-r&-lis-r-moh) ge*net*ic (je-net-ik) adj. 1. of or relating
n. commander of combined military,
a to genetics. 2. of or relating to genes.
and air forces in some countries.
naval, 3. inherited, a genetic defect ge»net'i»
gen-er-aM-ty (jen-S-ral-i-tee) n. {pi cahly adv. genetic code, the system
-ties)1 the quality of being general. 2.
. of storage of genetic information in chro-
a general statement lacking precise de- mosomes.
tails. ge*net»ics (je-net-iks) n. the scientific
gerver-al-ize (jen-e-ra-liz) v. (gen-er* study of heredity.
al-ized, gen-er-al-iz-ing) 1. to draw ge-nial (jeen-y£l) adj. kindly, pleasant,
a general conclusion from particular in- and cheerful. 2. mild, pleasantly warm,
stances. 2. to speak in general terms, to a genial climate. ge'nial-ly adv. ge*ni*
use generalities. 3. to bring into general al'l'ty (jee-ni-al-i-tee) n.
use. gen*er*al*i*za*tion (jen-S-rS-li- -genie suffix used to form adjectives mean-
zay-shdn) n. ing producing, as in carcinogenic; well
gen-er-al-ly (jen-e-ra-lee) adv. 1. usu- suited to, as in photogenic
ally, as a general rule. 2. widely, for the ge*nie (jee-nee) n. (in Arabian tales) a
most part, the plan was generally wel- spirit or goblin with strange powers.
comed. 3. in a general sense, without re- genit. abbr. genitive.
gard to details, speaking generally. gen*i*tal (jen-i-tal) adj. of animal repro-
gen -er-al- ship (jen-e-ral-ship) n. 1. the duction or reproductive organs, gen'i*
office of a general. 2. strategy and mili- tahly adv.
tary skill. 3. skillful management, tact, gen-i-ta-lia (jen-i-tayl-yS) n. pi the geni-
diplomacy. tals.
gen -er- ate (jen-e-rayt) v. (gen*er* gen-htals pi the external
(jen-i-talz) n.
at-ed, gen«er-at«lng) to bring into ex- sex organs of people and animals.
istence, to produce. gen*er*a*tlve gen*i*tive (jen-i-tiv) adj. of the grammat-
(jen-S-ray-tiv) adj. ical case showing source or possession
gen-er-a-tion (jen-S-ray-shdn) n. 1. gen- in certain languages, corresponding to
erating, being generated. 2.a single stage the possessive case or to the use of a
in the descent of a family; three genera- phrase beginning with of or from in
tions, and grandpar-
children, parents, English, genitive n. the possessive case,
ents. 3. all persons born about the same a word in this case.
time and therefore of the same age, my gen • • to • u • rl • nar • y
i ( jen-i-toh-yoor-i-
generation; first-generation Americans, ner-ee) adj. of the genital and urinary
Americans whose parents were of some organs and functions.
other nationality. 4. the average period gen* ius (jeen-yus) n. {pi -ius*es) 1. ex-
(regarded as about thirty years) in which ceptionally great mental ability, any
children grow up and become parents. great natural ability. 2. a person possess-
generation gap, lack of understand- ing this. 3. a guardian spirit, ones good
ing between people of different genera- or evil genius.
tions. genl. abbr. general.

genocide / geomagnetic 364

gen-O-Cide (jen-d-sid) n. deliberate ex- it issaid to be, genuine pearls; with genu-
termination of a race of people. ine pleasure, gen'u-ine-ly adv. gen'u*
gen -o- type (jen-d-tip) n. 1. the genetic ine-ness n.
constitution of an individual or organ- ge*nus n. {pi gen*er*a, pr.
ism. 2. a group or class having a particu- jen-e-ra) a group of animals or plants
1 .

lar genetic constitution in common. with common characteristics, usually

gen*o*typ*ic (jen-d-tip-ik) adj. containing several species. 2. (informal)
-genous suffix used to form adjectives a kind or sort.
meaning produced, as in indigenous. ge-o-cen-tric (jee-oh-sen-trik) adj. con-
gen* re (zAahn-r€) n. a particular kind or sidered as or representing Earth as a cen-
style of art or literature. ter, ge-o-cen'tri-cal-ly adv.
gens (jenz) n. {pi gen-tes, pr. jen-teez) ge-o-chem-ist (jee-oh-kem-ist) n. an ex-
1. (in Greek and Roman antiquity) a pert in geochemistry.
group of families with supposed common ge*o*chem*ls*try (jee-oh-kem-i-stree)
origin, sharing a name and religious rites, n, the chemistry of the earth, ge-o-
a clan. 2. (in biology) a group of related chem'i-cal adj.
organisms. 3. line of descent through the g e o ch r o • n ol • o gy ( jee-oh-krd-nol-6-
• • •

father. jee) n. the measurement of geological

gent ( jent) n. (slang) a man, a gentleman. time, the ordering of geological events.
gen-teel (jen-teel) adj. affectedly polite ' ge*o*chro*no*log*!c adj. (jee-oh-
and refined. gen-teel'ly adv. kron-d-loj-ik) ge*o*chro* no -logi-
gen • tian ( jen-shan) n. a plant usually with cal adj.
deep blue bell-like flowers. ge*ode (jee-ohd) n. a rock containing a
gen* tile (jen-til) n. (often Gentile) 1. any- cavity lined with crystals or other min-
one who
not Jewish. 2. (among
is Mor- eral matter.
mons) one who is not a Mormon, gen- ge-o-des-lc (jee-o-des-ik) n. (also geo-
tile, Gentile adj. of such persons. desic line) the shortest line between
gen*til*l*ty (jen-til-i-tee) n. good man- points on a curved surface. geodesic
ners and elegance. dome, a light domelike structure con-
gen -tie (jen-tel) adj. (-tier, -tlest) 1. sisting of flat polygonal pieces, fitted to-
mild, moderate, not rough or severe, a gether to form a rough hemisphere.
gentle breeze. 2. of good family, is of gen- ge*od*e*sy (jee-od-£-see) n. the branch
tle birth, gentle v. (gen* tied, gen- of mathematics dealing with the shape
tling) 1 to make gentle or calm, to tame.
. and area of Earth or large portions of
2. to coax, gent'ly adv. gen 'tie* it. ge*od'e*slst n.

ness n. ge*0*det*ic (jee-o-det-ik) adj. 1. of or

gen* tie* folk (jen-tel-fohk) n. people of relating to geodesy. 2. geodesic.
good family. geog. abbr. 1. geographer. 2. geographic.
gen* tie* man (jen-tel-man) n. {pi -men, 3. geographical. 4. geography.
pr. a man of honorable and
-men) 1. ge*og*ra*pher (jee-og-ra-fer) n. an ex-
kindly behavior. 2. a man of good social pert in geography.
position. 3. (in polite use) a man. gen' ge og ra • phy ( jee-og-ri-fee)
• • n. 1 the sci- .

tie- man -ly adv. u gentleman's entificstudy of Earth's surface and its
agreement, one regarded as that is physical features, climate, products, and
binding in honor but not enforceable by- population. 2. the physical features and
law arrangement of a place. ge*0*graph*
gen* tie* worn* an ( jen-tel- wuum-an) n. ic (jee-d-graf-ik) adj. ge-o* graphi-
{pi -worn* en, pr. -wim-in) (old use) a cal adj. ge-o -graph' i-cal-ly adv.
lady. geol. abbr. 1. geologic. 2. geological. 3.
gen-tr1-fi-ca*tion (jen-tri-fl-kay-shdn) geologist. 4. geology.
n. a movement of middle-class families ge-ol-o-gist (jee-ol-d-jist) n. an expert
into an urban area causing property in geology.
values to increase and having the second- ge-ol-o-gy (jee-ol-o-jee) n. 1. the scien-
ary effect of driving out poorer families. tific study of Earth's crust and its strata.

gen *try (jen-tree) n. 1. people of promi- 2. the features and strata of Earth's crust,
nent family, aristocracy. 2. (British) peo- ge-o- log -l-cal (jee-6-loj-i-kal) adj.
ple next below the nobility in position ge-o-log'l-cal-ly adv.
and birth. geom. abbr. 1. geometric. 2. geometrical.
gen -U -fleet
(jen-yuu-flekt) v. to bend the 3. geometry.
knee and lower the body, especially jn ge-o -mag- net-lc (jee-oh-mag-net-ik)
worship, gen -u -flee -tion (jen-yuu^ adj. of or relating to Earth's magnetic
flek-shdn) n. properties. ge-o-mag-ne-tlsm (jee-
gen-u-lne (jen-yoo-in) adj. really what oh-mag-ne-tiz-em) n.
365 geometry / gesundheit
ge*om*e*try (jec-om-S-tree) n. the Ger* man (jur-man) adj. of Germany or
branch of mathematics dealing with the itspeople or language. German n. 1 a .

properties and relations of lines, angles, native of Germany. 2. the language of

surfaces, and solids. ge*o*met*rlc (jee- Germany. German measles, a con-
6-met-rik), ge*o*met*ri*cal (jee-6- tagious disease like mild measles. Ger-
met-ri-kal) adj. ge*o*met'ri*cal*ly man shepherd, a breed of dog often
adv. D geometric progression, pro- used in police work and as a guide for
gression with a constant ratio between blind people.
successive quantities, as 1 3 : 9 : 27 : 81.
ger* mane (jer-mayn) adj. relevant.
ge*o*morphol*o*gy (jee-d-mor-fol-d- Ger man* ic (jer-man-ik) adj. having Ger-
jee) n. the study of the physical features man characteristics.
of Earth's surface and their relation to ger ma*ni*um (jer-may-ni-um) ru a brit-
its geological structures. tle grayish-white semimetallic element.
ge*o*phys*i*cist (jee-oh-fiz-i-sist) n. an Ger* man *y (jur-m&-nee) a country in Eu-
expert in geophysics. rope, divided between the Federal Re-
ge-o-phys-ics (jee-oh-fiz-iks) the
n. public of Germany (= West Germany)
branch of physics dealing with the physi- and the German Democratic Republic
cal properties of Earth, including mete- (= East Germany).
orology, seismology, etc. ge*o*phys'i* germheide (jur-mi-sid) n. a substance
cal adj. that kills germs or microorganisms, ger*
ge*o*pol*i*tics (jee-oh-pol-i-tiks) n. the mi*Cid*al (jur-mi-si-dal) adj.
politics of a country as determined by germi-nate (jur-ml-nayt)
v. (ger* mi*
its geographical features. ge*0*DO*lit* nat-ed, ger*mi*nat*lng) 1. to begin
i-cal (jee-oh-pd-lit-i-kal) adj. to develop and grow, to put forth shoots.
George -town (jorj-town) the capital of 2. to cause to do this, ger • mi* na-tion
Guyana. (jur-ml-nay-shdn) n.
georgette (jor-jet) n. a thin silk or other ger*on*tol*o*gist (jer-6n-tol-6-jist) n.
crepe dress material. an expert in gerontology.
Georgia (jor-ja) 1. a state of the U.S. ger*on*tol*o*gy (jer-dn-tol-6-jee) n. the
2.a republic in the U.S.S.R., bordering scientificstudy of the process of aging
on the Black Sea. Georgian adj. & n. and of old people's special problems, ge*
ge*o*sta*tion*ary (jee-oh-stay-shd- ron • to • log • ic ( je-ron-td-loj-ik) adj.
ner-ee) adj. (of an artificial satellite of ge*ron*to*log'i*cal adj.
Earth) moving so as to remain always gerrymander (jer-i-man-der) v. to ar-
above the same point on Earth's surface. range the boundaries of constituencies
ge*o* thermal (jee-oh-thur-mal) adj. of so as to give unfair advantages to one
or relating to Earth's internal heat, ge* party or class in an election. Named >
o-ther'mic adj. after Governor Gerry of Massachusetts,
ger. abbr. gerund. who rearranged boundaries for this pur-
1. German. 2. Germany.
Ger. abbr. pose in 1812.
ge*ra*ni*um (je-ray-ni-um) n. a garden gerund ( jer-und) n. a verbal noun ending
plant with red, pink, or white flowers. in -ing, as scolding in what is the use of
ger-bil (jur-bfl) n. a desert rodent with my scolding him?
long hind legs for leaping. Ge*sta*po (ge-stah-poh) n. the German
ger* i*a*tri -clan (jer-i-a-trish-an), ger*i* secret police of the Nazi regime.
a*trlst (jer-i-at-rist) n. an expert in geri- ges* taction (je-stay-shdn) n. 1. the proc-
atrics. ess of carrying or being carried in the
ger i* at Ties (jer-i-at-riks) n. the branch womb. 2. the time of this, from concep-
of medicine dealing with the diseases and tion until birth.
care of old people, gerhat'ric adj. ges* tic *u* late v. (ges*
germ (jurm) n. 1. a portion of a living tic*u*lat*ed, ges*tic*u*lat*ing) to
organism capable of becoming a new or- make expressive movements of the hands
ganism, the embryo of a seed, wheat and arms. ges*tic*u*la*tion (je-stik-
germ. 2. a beginning or basis from which yu-lay-shdn) n.
something may develop, the germ of an ges-ture (jes-chur) n. 1. an expressive
idea. 3. a microorganism, especially one movement of any part of the body. 2.
capable o/ causing disease, u
germ cell, something done to convey one's inten-
a cell (in the body of an organism) that tions or attitude, a gesture offriendship.
is specialized for reproductive purposes. gesture v. (ges-tured, ges *tu ring)
germ plasm, the nuclear part of a germ to make a gesture.
cell by which hereditary characteristics ge*sund*heit (ge-zuunt-hit) interj. an ex-
are transmitted, germ warfare, warfare pression wishing good health to a person
using germs to spread disease. >
who sneezes. German.
get / Gl 366
get (get)(got, got- ten, get* ting) 1.
v. lowed 7 get to go home tomorrow; (in-
to come into possession of, to obtain or formal) to bribe or threaten, // the gang
receive. 2. to obtain radio transmissions gets to him, he'll refuse to testify, get
from, to reach by telephone. 3. to fetch, together, to meet, to assemble, get up,
get your coat 4. to suffer (a punishment to stand after sitting or kneeling etc., to
etc.), to contract (an illness); Bill got his, get out of bed or from one's chair etc.;
(slang) was killed; she got religion, (slang) to organize, especially on short notice;
suddenly became very religious. 5. to have got to, (informal) must, you have
capture, to catch; 77/ get him for that, got to see him.
catch and kill or injure him; the bullet get -a -way (get-i-way) n. an escape after
got him in the leg, struck him. 6. (in- committing a crime; the getaway car, the
formal) to understand, 7 don *t get your car used in this.
meaning. 7. to prepare (a meal). 8. to get-to -geth*er (get-td-gef/i-er) n. (in-
bring or come into a certain condition, formal) a social gathering.
get your hair cut; got wet 9. to move get* up (get-up) n. (informal) an outfit or
in a particular direction, to succeed in costume.
coming or going or bringing, get off the gewgaw (gyoo-gaw) n. a showy but val-
grass; we got from here to Newark in an ueless ornament or fancy article.
hour. 10. to succeed in bringing or per- geyser a natural spring that
(gi-zer) n.

suading, got a message to her; got her intermittently shoots out a column of hot
to agree, get n. the offspring of an ani- water or steam.
mal, especially of a male animal. Dget Gha *na (gah-na) a country in West Africa.
across, to make one's meaning clear. Gha*na*ian (gah-ni-an) adj. & n.

get ahead, to become successful, get ghast*ly (gast-lee) adj. 1. causing horror
along, to manage, to make progress. or fear, a ghastly accident 2. (informal)
get along with, to be friendly or live very unpleasant, very bad, a ghastly
harmoniously with, get around, to in- mistake. 3. pale, ghostlike. ghast'li*
fluence in one's favor, to coax; to evade ness n.
(a law or rule) without actually breaking ghat (gawt) n. (in India) 1 a flight of steps

it. get around to, to find time for. get down to a river, a landing place. 2. a
at, to reach; to mean, to imply, get mountain pass; Eastern and Western
away, to escape; get away with some- ghats, mountains along the east and west
thing, do it and yet escape blame or pun- coasts of south India.
ishment or misfortune, get back at, (in- gher*kin (gur-kin) n. a small cucumber
formal) to gain revenge, get back to, used for pickling.
(informal) to return to a task, person, ghet»to (get-oh) n. (pi. -tos, -toes) 1. a
etc. get by, (informal) to pass, .to be part of a European city in which all Jews
accepted; to manage to survive, get were required to live. 2. a part of a city
down, to climb down; to swallow (a or region in which members of a minority
thing); to record in writing; to cause de- group live as a result of social or eco-
pression in (a person), gets him down. nomic discrimination.
get down to, to begin working on. get ghost (gohst) n. 1 a person's spirit appear-

going, (informal) to begin moving or ing after his death. 2. something very
operating, to begin to be in progress, get slight; he hasn 7 a ghost of a chance, he
In, to arrive, get It, (informal) to be pun- has no chance at all. 3. a duplicated im-
ished or criticized; to understand a joke, age in a defective telescope or a television
puzzle, etc. get It over (with), to finish picture, ghost v. (informal) to ghost-
an unpleasant task or responsibility, get write. ghost / ly adv. ghost'll-ness n.
Off, (informal) to begin a journey; to be ghost town, a town abandoned by
acquitted; to escape with little or no pun- all or most of its former inhabitants, give
ishment; to obtain an acquittal for, a up the ghost, to die.
clever lawyer got him off. get on, to make ghost* write (gohst- nt) v. (ghost-wrote,
progress; to get along, (informal) to get ghost* writ -ten, ghost- writ -ing) to
along with; (informal) to advance in age; write (a book, article, or speech) for an-
he is getting on, is elderly, get out, to other person to take credit for the work.
leave, to give up a job etc. get out of, ghostwrit «er n.
to avoid, get over, to overcome (a diffi- ghoul (gool) n. 1 . a spirit that robs graves
culty); to recover from (an illness or and devours the corpses. 2. a person who
shock etc.). get there, to reach one's enjoys gruesome things, ghoul'lsh adj.
goal, get through, to finish or use up. ghoul'IsrHy adv.
get through to, (informal) to make (a GHQ abbr. general headquarters.
person) understand; to make contact by Gl ( n. (pi Gl's, GIs) an enlisted
telephone, get to, (informal) to be al- person in the U.S. Army. Gl adj. of or
367 G.I. / gingerbread

armed forces or their

relating to the U.S. to laugh in a silly or nervous way. giggle
DGI bill, a program
enlisted personnel. /
n. this kind of laugh. gig gly adj.
of educational stipends for former mem- gig-o-lo (zfcig-d-loh, jig-) n. (pi -los) a
bers of the U.S. armed forces. man who is paid by a woman to be her
G.I. abbr. 1 gastrointestinal. 2. general is-
. escort or lover.
sue. 3. government issue. Gi-la (hee-la) monster a large poisonous
gi-ant (ji-ant) n. 1. (in fairy tales) a man lizard of the southwestern United States.
of very great height and size. 2. a man, gild 1 (gild) v. (gild-ed or gilt, gild-ing)
animal, or plant that is much larger than to cover with a thin layer of gold or gold
the usual size. (See panda.) 3. a person paint, gild the lily, to spoil something
of outstanding ability or influence, giant already beautiful by trying to improve
adj. of a kind that is very large in size. it.

gi-ant -ess (ji-an-tis) n. a female giant. gild 2 = guild.

gib-ber (jib-er) v. to make unintelligible gill
(jil) n. a quarter of a pint, four fluid
or meaningless sounds, especially when ounces.
shocked or terrified. gill (gil) n. 1 the organ with which a fish

gib-ber-ish (jib-e-rish) n. unintelligible breathes in water. 2. the vertical plates

talk or sounds, nonsense. on the under side of a mushroom cap.
gib -bet (jib-it) n. (gib-bet-ed, gib-bet- green around or about the gills,
ing) a gallows, especially an upright post looking sickly.
with an arm from which a criminal is 1
gilt (gilt) adj. gilded, gold colored, gilt
hanged, gibbet v. 1 to hang. 2. to expose
. n. a substance used for gilding.

to scorn and ridicule. gilt 2 n. a young sow.

gib -Don (gib-6n) n. a long-armed ape of gilt-edged (gilt-ejd) adj. (of investments)
southeast Asia. considered to be very safe.
gibe (jib) v. (gibed, gib- ing) to jeer, gibe gim-bals (gim-balz, jim-) n. pi a contri-
n. a jeering remark. t>Do not confuse vance of rings and pivots for keeping in-
gibe with jibe or with jive. struments horizontal in a moving ship
gib -lets (jib-lits) n. pi. the edible parts etc.
of the inside of a bird, taken out before gim- crack (jim-krak) adj. showy, worth-
it is cooked. less, and flimsy, gimcrack ornaments.
Gib -son (gib-sdn) n. a dry martini with gim -let (gim-lit) n. 1. a small tool with
a small onion. a screwlike tip for boring holes. 2. a cock-
gid-dy (gid-ee) adj. (gid-dl-er, gid-di- tail of gin and lime juice.
est) 1 having the feeling that everything
. gim-mick (gim-ik) n. 1. (slang) a gadget.
is spinning around. 2. causing tins feel- 2. (informal) a trick, device, or manner-
ing,giddy heights. 3. frivolous, flighty. ism used for attracting notice or pub-
gid'di-ly adv. gid'di-ness n. licity, or for making an entertainer etc.
gift (gift) n. 1. a thing given or received easily recognized and remembered.
without payment. 2. a natural ability, has gim'mick-y adj.
a gift for languages. 3. an easy task. gim-mick-ry (gim-i-kree) n. the use of
gift certificate, a voucher (given as tricky devices.
a gift) for money to buy something in gimp (gimp) n. (slang) 1 . a limp. 2. a crip-
a particular store, gift of tongues, glos- ple, gimp'y adj.
solalia. look a gift horse in the gin 1 a trap or snare for catching
( jin) n. 1 .

mouth, to accept something ungrate- animals. 2. a cotton gin (see cotton),

fully, examining it for faults. gin v. (ginned, gin-ning) to treat (cot-
gift-ed (gif-tid) adj. having great natural ton) in a gin.
ability. gin 2 n. a colorless alcoholic liquor flavored
gift -wrap (gift-wrapped,
v. with juniper berries. Dgin mill, (slang)
gift-wrap -ping) to wrap attractively as a bar. gin rummy, a form of rummy
a gift. for two players, gin sling, a sweetened
gig 1 (gig) «• a light two- wheeled horse- drink of gin and fruit juice etc.
drawn carriage. gin-ger (jin-jer) n. 1. the hot-tasting root
gig 2 n. (informal) an engagement to play of a tropical plant. 2. this plant. 3. liveli-
jazz etc., especially for a single perfor- ness. 4. a light reddish yellow, ginger
mance. v. to make more lively, ginger things up.

gig 3 n. a spear used for catching fish. ginger adj. ginger colored. ginger
gig 4 n. (slang) a military demerit or repri- ale, ginger beer, ginger-flavored fizzy
mand. drinks.
gi-gan-tic (ji-gan-tik) adj. very large, gi- gin-ger -bread (jin-jer-bred) n. 1. a gin-
gan'ti-cal-ly adv. ger-flavored cake. 2. elaborate ornamen-
gig-gle (gig-el) v. (gig -g led, gig-gling) tation, especially on buildings.
gingerly / glace 368
gin*ger*ly (jin-jer-lee) adj. cautious, gin- 6. to make
or perform (an action or ef-
gerly adv. cautiously. fort), to affect(another person or thing)
gin -ger- snap (jin-jer-snap) n. a brittle with this, gave him a scolding; gave the
cookie flavored with ginger and mo- door a kick; I was given to understand,
lasses. was told. 7. to provide (a meal or party)
ging*ham (ging-am) n. a cotton fabric of- as host. 8. to perform or present (a play
ten with a striped or checked pattern. etc.) in public. 9. to yield as a product
gin *gi* vi • tis (jin-jT-vi-tis) ru inflamma- or result. 10. to be the source of. 11.
tion of the gums. to permit a view of or access to, the win-
gink* go (ging-koh) ru (pj. -goes) a tree dow gives on the street 1 2. to be flexible,
with fan-shaped leaves and yellow flow- to yieldwhen pressed or pulled; woolen
ers, originally from China and Japan. fabric gives, it stretches slightly. 1 3. (in-
gin*seng (jin-seng) ru the root of a me- formal) to be happening, what gives?
dicinal plant found in East Asia and give ru springiness, elasticity. Dgive
North America. away, to give as a present; to hand over
gip-sy = gypsy. (the bride) to the groom at a wedding;
giraffe (ji-raf) n. a long-necked African to reveal (a secret etc.) unintentionally.
animal. give back, to return (a thing), give in,
gird (gurd) v. (gird-ed or girt, gird-ing) to hand in (a document etc.); to acknowl-
to encircle or attach with a belt or band, edge that one is defeated, give it to a
he girded on his sword. Dgird up one's person, (informal) to reprimand or pun-
loins, to prepare for an effort. ish him. give Off, to produce and emit,
gird*er (gur-der) ru a metal beam support- gasoline gives off fumes, give or take,
ing part of a building or a bridge. (informal) add or subtract (an amount)
gin die (gur-del) ru 1. a belt or cord worn in estimating, give out, to distribute; to
around the waist. 2. an elastic corset. announce; to emit, chimney was giving
3. a connected ring of bones in the body, out smoke; to become exhausted or used
the pelvic girdle, girdle v. (girdled, glr* up. give over, to devote, afternoons are
dling) to surround. given over to sports; to entrust, gave over
girl (gurl) ru1 a female child. 2. a young
. management of the business to his part-
woman. 3. (informal) el woman of any ner, give up, to cease doing something;
age, a woman assistant or employee. to part with; to surrender; to abandon
(I> Considered offensive by many people hope; to declare (a person) to be incura-
in this definition.) 4. a man's girlfriend, ble or (a problem) to be too difficult for
girl 'hood ru Dgirl Friday, a female as- oneself to solve; he was given up for dead,
sistant doing general duties in an office. was assumed to be dead, give way, to
(See man.) Girl Scout, a member of an yield, to allow other traffic to go first;
organization of girls for developing char- to collapse.
acter through participation in activities, give a • ble (gi v-a-bel) adj. able to be given.

especially those related to outdoor life. give-and-take (gi?-an-toyk) n. (informal)

girl* friend (gurl-frend) ru a female friend, an exchange of talk and ideas, willingness
especially a usual companion. on both sides to make concessions.
girl-le (gnr-lee) ru (slang) a girl. girlie give -a -way (giv-a-way) n. 1. a betrayal
magazines, magazines containing or unintentional disclosure. 2. something
erotic pictures of young women. given away free, often to promote sales.
girhish (gur-lish) adj. like a girl, girl'lsrv 3. a radio or television show during
ly adv. glrl'lsh'ness n. which prizes are given.
girt (gurt) see gird. given (giv-in) v. see give, given adj. 1.
girth (gurth) n. 1. the distance around a specified or stated, people in a
all the
thing. 2. a band passing under a horse's given area, 2. having a certain tendency,
belly, holding the saddle in place. he is given to swearing. D
given name,
gls-mo = gizmo. a first name (given in addition to a family
gist ( jist) n. the essential points or general name).
sense of anything. giver (giv-er) n. a person who gives.
give (giv)(gave, given, giving) 1.
v. glZ'ino (giz-moh) n. (slang) a gadget or
to cause another person to receive or device.
have (especially something in one's pos- giz*zard (giz-ard) n. & bird's second stom-
session or at one's disposal), to supply; ach, in which food is ground.
give me Florida for holidays, I prefer it. Gk. abbr. Greek.
2. to deliver (a message). 3. to utter, gave gla-brous (glay-brus) adj. free from hair
a laugh. 4. to pledge, give ones word or down, smooth-skinned.
5. to make over in exchange or payment; gla-ce (gla-say) adj. iced with sugar, pre-
/ don't give a damn, don't care at all. served in sugar, glace fruits.
369 glacial / glib

gla-cial (glay-shal) adj. 1. icy. 2. of or ness in which certain glands are swollen.
from glaciers or other ice, glacial depos- glans (glanz) n. (pi. glan-des, pr. glan-
its, gla'cial-ly adv. deez) the conical part forming the end
gla-ci-ate (glay-shi-ayt) v. (gla*ci*at* of the penis or clitoris.
ed, gla*ci*at*ing) to cover or become glare (glair) v. (glared, glar-ing) 1. to
•covered with glaciers or ice sheets. gla* shine with an unpleasant dazzling light.
ci*a*tion (glay-shi-ay-shon) n. 2. to stare angrily or fiercely, glare n.
gla*cier (glay-sher) n. a river of ice moving 1. a strong unpleasant light; the glare
very slowly. ofpublicity, intense publicity. 2. an angry
gla-cl-ol-O-gist (glay-shi-ol-6-jist) n. an or fierce stare.
expert in glaciology. glar-ing (glair-ing) adj. 1 bright and dazz-

gla*ci*ol*o*gy the
(glay-shi-ol-6-jee) n. ling. 2. very obvious, a glaring error, glar'
scientific study of the geological action ing-ly adv.
of ice. glass (glas) n. 1 a hard brittle substance

glad (glad) adj. (glad-der, glad-dest)

(as used in windows), usually transpar-
1 pleased, expressing joy. 2. giving joy,
. ent. 2. an object made of this, such as
the glad news. glad'ly adv. glad'ness a mirror. 3. a glass container for drinking
n. Dbe glad
of, to be grateful for. glad from, its contents. 4. a lens or combina-
eye, (slang) an inviting look toward a tion of lenses designed to improve vision,
member of the opposite sex. glad hand, magnify, etc. 5. glasses, (informal) eye-
(informal) a hearty welcome, especially glasses. 6. objects made of glass, glass-
when insincere, glad rags, (informal) ware. 7. a barometer, glass v. to fit or
dressy clothes. enclose with glass. glass eye, an arti-
glad 2 n. (informal) a gladiolus. ficial eye made of glass etc. glass wool,
glad* den (glad-en) v. to make glad. a mass of glass fibers resembling wool
glade (glayd) n. an open space in a forest. and used for insulation and in air filters.
glad-hand *er(glad-han-der) n. (informal) glass* blowing (glas-bloh-ing) n. the
a person who greets others in a hearty process of shaping semimolten glass
way, especially when insincere. by blowing air into it through a tube.
glad *i*a* tor (glad-i-ay-tor) n. 1. a man glass / blow*er n.
trained to fight at public shows in ancient glass* ware (glas-wair) n. objects made
Rome. 2. a person engaged in battle or of glass.
controversy. glad*i*a*to*ri*al (glad-i- glass -y (glas-ee) adj. (glass* i-er, glass*
a-tohr-i-al) adj. i*est) 1 . like glass in appearance. 2. with
glad*i*o*lus (glad-i-oh-liis) n. (pi -li, pr. a dull expressionless stare, glassy-eyed.
-h) a garden plant with spikes of brightly glass'i-ly adv. glass'i*ness n.
colored flowers. glair co* ma (glow-koh-ma) n. a condition
glad* some (glad-som) adj. happy, cheer- caused by increased pressure of the fluid
ful. within the eyeball, causing weakening or
glam*or*ize (glam-6-nz) v. (glanvor* loss of sight.
ized, glam*or*iz*ing) to make glamor- glaze (glayz) v. (glazed, glaz-ing) 1. to
ous or romantic. fit or cover with glass. 2. to coat with

glanvour, glanvor (glamor) n. 1 . magic, a glossy surface. 3. to become glassy.

enchantment. 2. alluring beauty. 3. at- glaze n. 1. a shiny surface or coating,
tractive and exciting qualities that arouse especially on pottery. 2. the substance
envy, glam'or-ous adj. forming this.
glance (glanced, glancing)
(glans) v. gla*zier (glay-z/zer) n. a person whose
1 . an angle
to look briefly. 2. to strike at trade is to fit glass in windows etc.
and glide off (an object), a glancing blow; gleam (gleem) n. 1 a beam or ray of soft

the ball glanced off his bat. glance n. light, especially one that comes and goes.
a brief look. Dat a glance, immediately 2. a brief show of some quality, a gleam
upon looking, / could tell at a glance of hope, gleam v. to send out gleams.
he was drunk. glean (gleen) v. 1. to pick up grain left
gland (gland) n. an organ that secretes sub- by harvesters. 2. to gather scraps of infor-
stances that are to be used by the body mation, glean'er n. glean'ings n. pi
or expelled from it. glee (glee) n. 1 lively or triumphant joy.

glarvders (glan-derz) n. 1. a contagious 2. a part song, especially for male voices.

' disease of horses with swellings below Dglee Club, a type of choral group.
the jaw and a mucous discharge from glee-ful (glee-ful) adj. full of glee, glee'
the nostrils. 2. this disease communi- ful*ly adv.
cated to man or to other animals. glen (glen) n. a narrow valley.
glan-du-lar (glan-ju-lar) adj. of or like a glib (glib) adj. (glib-ber, glib -best) ready
gland. glandular fever, a feverish ill- with words but insincere or superficial,

glide / glow 370

a glib tongue; a glib excuse, glib'ly adv. ing, gloom'hly adv. gloom'l*ness ru
glib'ness n. glop (glop) ru (slang) a liquid or thick
glide (glid) v. (glid-ed, glid* Ing) 1. to sticky substance, especially unattractive
move along smoothly. 2. to fly in a glider food.
or in an aircraft without engine power. glo-ri-fy (giohr-i-fi) v. (glo *ri* fled, gk>*
glide n. a gliding movement, glide u r1»fy-lng) 1. to praise highly. 2. to wor-
path, an aircraft's line of descent to land. ship. 3. to make something seem more
glid-er (gli-der) n. an aircraft without an splendid than it is, their patio is only a
engine. glorified backyard, glo*ri*fi*ca*tion
glid • ing (gli-ding) ru the^ sport of flying (glohr-i-fi-kay-shon) ru
in gliders. glo-ri-ous (glohr-i-us) adj. 1. possessing
glim • mer (glim-er) n. a faint gleam, glim- or bringing glory. 2. splendid, a glorious
mer v. to gleam faintly. view; a glorious muddle, very great, glo'
glimpse (glimps) n. a brief view, glimpse rl-ous-ly adv.
v. (glimpsed, glimpsing) to catch a glo- ry (glohr-ee) ru (pi -lies) 1 fame and .

glimpse of.
honor won by great deeds. 2. adoration
glint (glint) ru a very brief flash of light. and praise in worship, glory to God. 3.
glint v. to send out a glint. beauty, magnificence, the glory of a sun-
glis-san-do (gli-sahn-doh) adj. adv. (in & set 4. a thing deserving praise and honor.
music) performed with a gliding effect, glory v. (glo Tied, glo -ry- Ing) to re-
glissando ru {pi -di, pr. -dee, -dos) a joice or pride oneself, glorying in their
glissando passage.
glis-ten (glis-en) v. to shine like something
gloss 1 (glos) ru the shine on a smooth sur-
wet or polished, glisten ru a glistening
face, gloss v. to make glossy. D
over, to cover up (a mistake or fault).
glis-ter (glis-ter) v. (old use) to sparkle
gloss 2 ru (in literary texts) an explanatory
or glitter, all that glisters is not gold.
comment, an interpretation, gloss v. 1
glitch (glich) ru (slang) a sudden irregular-
to write glosses. 2. to read a different
ity or malfunction of equipment or of
sense into.
a plan or scheme.
glos-sa-ry (glos-a-ree) ru {pi. -ries) a list
glit-ter (glit-er) v. to sparkle, glitter ru a
of technical or special words with their
gloam-ing (gloh-ming) ru the evening twi-
glOS* SO* la* II* a (glos-d-lay-li-a) ru the
gloat (gloht) v. to be full of greedy or mali-
power of speaking in unknown languages
as claimed by religious groups in ecstatic
cious delight.
worship or as miraculously conferred
glob (glob) n. 1. a large rounded lump j

of something. 2. a small drop, a globule. on early Christians, also called gift of

glob-al (gloh-bal) adj. of the whole world,
worldwide, glob'al-ly adv. gloss -y (glos-ee) adj. (gloss-l-ler,
globe (glohb) n. 1. an object shaped like gloss* -est) shiny; glossy photograph,

a ball, especially one with a map of Earth one printed on glossy paper, gloss'i*
on it. 2. the world. ly adv. glossiness n.

globe-trot »ter ( glohb- trot-er) n. a person glot-tls (glot-is) & (pi. glot-tls-es, glot*
who tours the world, spending little time tl-des, pr. glot-i-deez) the opening at
in each country visited, globe'-trot* the upper end of the windpipe and be-
ting adj. & ru tween the vocal chords, affecting the
glob-u-lar (glob-yu-lar) adj. shaped like modulation of the voice by contracting
a globe. or dilating, glot'tal adj. glottal stop,
glob-ule (glob-yool) n. a small rounded the sound produced by the sudden open-
drop. ing or shutting of the glottis.
glob-u-lin (glob-yu-lin) n. a kind of pro- glove (gluv) n. a covering for the hand,
tein found in animal and plant tissue. usually with separate divisions for each
glock- en -spiel (glok-en-shpeel) n. a mu- finger and the thumb, gloved (gluvd)
sical instrument consisting of tuned steel adj. Dfit like a glove, to fit exactly.
bars fixed in a frame and struck by two with the gloves Off, arguing in earnest,
hammers. striving mercilessly.
gloom (gloom) n. 1. semi-darkness. 2. a glov-er (gluv-er) n. a person whose trade
feeling of sadness and depression, gloom isthe making of gloves.
v. to look sullen, to be sad and depressed. glow (gloh) v. 1. to send out light and
gloom -y (gloo-mee) adj. (gloom- -er, 1
heat without flame. 2. to have a warm
gloom- -est) 1 almost dark, unlighted.
1 . or flushed look, color, or feeling; a glow-
2. depressed, sullen. 3. dismal, depress- ing account, very enthusiastic or favora-
371 glower / go
ble. glow v. a glowing state, look, or gnaw (naw) to bite persistently at some-

feeling. thing hard; a gnawing pain, hurting con-

glow*er (glow-er) v. to scowl, to stare an- tinuously.
grily. gneiss (nis) n. a coarse-grained rock of
glow* worm (gloh-wurm) n. a kind of bee- quartz, feldspar, and mica.
tlethat can give out a greenish light. gnome (nohm) n. a kind of dwarf in fairy
glox-in-i-a (glok-sin-i-a) n. a tropical tales, living underground and guarding
plant with bell-shaped flowers. the treasures of the earth. Gnomes
glli'COSe (gloo-kohs) n. 1 a form of sugar . Of Zurich, (informal) important Swiss
found in fruit juice. 2. a thick syrup made international financiers with secret influ-
from cornstarch and used commercially ence.
in candy making, treating tobacco, etc. GNP abbr. gross national product.
glue (gloo) n. a sticky substance used for gnu (noo) n. (pi gnus, gnu) an oxlike
joining things, glue v. (glued, glu-ing) antelope with curved horns.
1. to fasten with glue. 2. to attach or go 1 (goh) v. (went, gone, go*ing) 1. to
hold closely, his ear was glued to the key- begin to move, to be moving, to pass from
hole, glu-ey (gloo-ee) adj. one point to another; we must go at one
glum (glum) (glunvmer, glum*
adj. o'clock, must leave; go shopping, go out
meet) sad and gloomy, glum'ly adv. for this purpose. 2. to extend or lead
glum'ness n. from one place to another, the highway
glut (glut) v. (glut* ted, glut* ting) 1. to goes to New York City. 3. to be in a speci-
supply with much more than is needed, fied state, they went hungry. 4. to be func-
glut the market. 2. to satisfy fully with tioning, that clock doesn 't go. 5. to make
food, glut oneself or one's appetite, glue a specified movement or sound, the gun
n. an excessive supply, a glut of apples. went bang. 6. (of time) to pass, (of a dis-
glu-ten (gloo-ten) n. a sticky protein tance) to be traversed or accomplished,
substance that remains when starch is ten miles to go. 7. to be allowable or ac-
washed out of flour. gluten bread, ceptable, anything goes; what he says,
bread that contains much gluten and lit- goes, has final authority; that goes without
tle starch. saying, is too obvious to need to be men-
glu*ti*nous (gloo-tf-nus) adj. gluelike, tioned. 8. to belong in some place or posi-
sticky. tion, plates go on the shelf. 9. to be on
glut* ton (glut-on) n. 1. a person who eats the average, it is cheap as things go these
far too much. 2. a person with a great days. 1 0. (of a story or tune etc.) to have
desire or capacity for something; a glut- a certain wording or content, I forget
ton for punishment, one who enjoys ardu- how the chorus goes. 1 1 to pass into a

ous tasks. glut'torvous adj. glut'' certain condition, the fruit went bad. 12.
ton*y n. to make progress, to fare, all went well;
glyc*er*ln, glyc-er-ine (glis-e-rin) n. a make the party go, to make it lively and
thick sweet colorless liquid used in oint- successful. 1 3. to be sold, its going cheap.
ments and medicines and in the manufac- 14. (of money or supplies) to be spent
ture of explosives. or used up. 1 5. to be given up, dismissed,
glyc*er*0l (glis-e-rohl) n. glycerin. abolished, or lost, some luxuries must go;
gly*CO*gen (gli-kd-jen) n. a white powder my sight is going, is becoming weaker.
serving to store carbohydrates in animal 16. to fail, to give way, to die. 17. to
tissues and yielding glucose on hydroly- carry an action to a certain point; that's
sis. going too far, beyond the limits of what
GM abbr. 1. general manager. 2. grand is reasonable or polite; will go to fifty
marshal. 3. grand master. 4. guided mis- dollars for it, will pay as much as that.
sile. 18. to be able to be put, your clothes
gm. abbr. gram(s). won't go into that suitcase; 3 goes into
G-man ( jee-man) n. (pi. G-men, pr. jee- 12 four times. 1 9. to be given or allotted,
men) (slang) a special agent of the Fed- his estate went to his nephew. 20. to con-
eralBureau of Investigation. tribute, to serve, it all goes to prove what
Gmc. abbr. Germanic. I said, go n. (informal) 1 energy, full

GMT abbr. Greenwich Mean Time. of go. 2. a success; make a go of it, make
gnarl (nahrl) n. a knot on a tree. it succeed. 3. (pi. goes, pr. gohz) a turn
gnarled (nahrld) adj. (of a tree or hands) or try, have a go; had three goes, go adj.
covered with knobby lumps, twisted and (informal) functioning properly; all sys-
misshapen. tems are go, everything is ready.
gnash (nash) v. 1 . to grind (one's teeth). go about it, to do a task, he went
2. (of teeth) to strike together. about it in the wrong way. go ahead,
gnat (nat) n. a small biting fly. to proceed immediately, go a long way,
go / god 372

to go far, to last long or buy much; to go-a-head (goh-a-hed) n. a signal to pro-

have a great effect toward achieving ceed.
something, go along with, to agree goal (gohl) n. 1. a structure or area into
with, go around, to be enough for ev- which players try to send a ball in certain
eryone; to behave; he goes around grum- games. 2. a point scored in this way. 3.
bling, he grumbles to everyone he meets. an objective. Dgoal line, (in football)
go back on, to fail to keep a promise the line across which a team must carry
or agreement, go by, to be guided or the ball for a score, goal line stand,
directed by. go by the boards, to be (in football) defense of the goal at the
rejected, go down, (of a ship) to sink; goal line, goal post, (in football) one
(of the sun) to appear to descend toward of a pair of vertical posts supporting a
the horizon, to set; to be written down; horizontal crossbar over which a football
to be swallowed; to be received or ac- must be kicked for scoring a field goal
cepted, the suggestion went down very or a point after touchdown.
well, go far, to achieve much; to contrib- goal'ie (goh-lee) n. (informal) a goal-
ute greatly toward something; to be keeper.
worth much, his income doesn 1 go very goal- keep *er (gohl-kee-per) n. a player
far these days, go for, (informal) to like, whose chief task is to keep the ball
to prefer to choose; (slang) to attack, go or puck out of the goal, goal 'keep-
in for, to engage in (an activity), go ing n.
into, to investigate (a problem) or ex- goat (goht) n. 1. a small horned animal
plain (a circumstance), he told me about kept for its milk. 2. a related wild animal,
himself but didn't go into his illness; to mountain goat. 3. the Goat, a sign of the
enter (a profession or trade), go it alone, zodiac, Capricorn. Dget someone's
to take action by oneself without assis- goat, (slang) to annoy him.
tance, go Off, to explode; to cease func- goat -ee (goh-tee) n. a short pointed beard.
tioning, every night at ten the lights go goat* herd (goht-hurd) n. a person who
off; to fall asleep; to proceed, the party looks after a herd of goats.
went off well, go on, to begin function- goat* skin (goht-skin) n. 1. the skin of a
ing, at dusk the lights go on automati- goat. 2. a garment or bottle made of this.
cally; to continue; to talk lengthily, go gob 1 (gob) n. 1 a clot of a soft moist sub-

on!, (informal) do not expect me to be- stance. 2. gobs, (informal) much, gobs
lieve that, go out, to go to social func- of whipped cream; gobs of money.
tions; to be broadcast, the program goes gob 2 n. (slang) a sailor.
out live; to be extinguished; to cease to gob* ble (gob* bled, gob*
(gob-el) v.

be fashionable; to walk out on strike; to bling) 1 . and greedily. 2.

to^eat quickly
lose consciousness; my heart went out to to make a throaty sound like a turkey.
him, I sympathized with him. go out gobble n. a turkey-like sound.
with, to have as a social companion of gob*ble*dygook, gob*ble*de*gook
the opposite sex. go places, (informal) (gob-el-di-guuk) n. (slang) pompous and
to become successful; go places (and do evasive language used by officials.
things), to go out to have a good time. gob* bier (gob-ler) n. a male turkey.
go to a person's head, (of alcohol) go-be 'tween (goh-bi-tween) n. a person
to make him slightly drunk; (of success who acts as a messenger or negotiator.
etc.) tomake him conceited, go to bat gob* let (gob-lit) n. a drinking glass with
for, (informal) to support, defend, or a stem and a foot.
substitute for. go under, (of a business gob-lin (gob-lin) n. a mischievous ugly elf.
venture) to fail; (informal) to lose con- go-cart (goh-kahrt) n. 1. a four-wheeled
sciousness, especially from general an- carriage for a small child to ride in, a
esthesia, go
up, to rise in price; to ex- stroller. 2. a kart.
plode; burn rapidly, go with, to
to god (god) n. 1 God, the creator and ruler

match, to harmonize with, go without, of the universe in Christian, Jewish, and

to put up with the lack of something. Muslim teaching. 2. a superhuman being
no go, (informal) useless, impossible, on regarded and worshipped as having
the go, in constant motion, active, to power over nature and human affairs,
go, (informal) to be taken away; coffee Mars was the Roman god of war. 3. an
to go, to be drunk elsewhere. image of a god, an idol. 4. a person or
go 2 n. a Japanese board game. thing that is greatly admired or adored,
goad (gohd) n. 1 a pointed stick for prod-
. money is his god. DGod forbid, I wish
ding cattle to move onward. 2. something that this may not happen. God knows,
stimulating a person to activity, goad this is something we cannot hope to
v. to act as a stimulus to, goaded her know; I call God to witness. God will-
into answering back. ing, if circumstances allow it. good
373 godchild / golden

God!, my God!, oh God!, ye gods!, for him, all is operating in his favor. 2.
exclamations of surprise or pain. current; the going rate, the current price.
god* child (godchild) n. (pi. -chil- 3. active and prosperous, a going con-
dren, pr. -chil-dren) a child in relation cern. Dbegoing to do something,
to its godparent(s). to be about to do it, to be likely to do
god* daughter (god-daw-ter) n. a female it. get going, hurry up. while the go-

godchild. ing is good, while conditions are favor-

god-dess (god-is) n. a female god. able.
god* farther (god-fah-r/ier) n. 1. a male go*ing-0*ver (goh-ing-oh-ver) n. 1. (in-
godparent. 2. a powerful Mafia leader. formal) an inspection or overhaul. 2.
God-fear *ing (god-feer-ing) adj. sincerely (slang) a thrashing.
religious. go-lngs-on (goh-ingz-on) n. pi. surprising
God*for*sak*en (god-fdr-say-ken) adj. behavior or events.
wretched, dismal. goi-ter (goi-ter) n. an enlarged thyroid
God* head (god-hed) n. 1. being God, the gland, often showing as a swelling in the
divine nature. 2. God. neck, goi-trous (goi-trus) adj.
god* hood (god-huud) n. the state of being gold (gohld) n. 1 a yellow metallic element

a god, divinity. of very high value. 2. coins or other arti-

god* less (god-lis) adj. not having belief cles made of gold. 3. its color. 4. a gold
inGod, wicked. god'less-ly adv. god / medal (awarded as first prize). 5. some-
less-ness n. thing very good or precious, gold adj.
god* like (god-lik) adj. like God or a god. made of gold, colored like gold. Dgold
god-ly (god-lee) adj. (god*li*er, god* digger, a woman who uses her attrac-
li* est) sincerely religious. god'li- tions to obtain money from men. gold
ness n. dust, gold found naturally in fine parti-
god* moth *er (god-mufA-er) n. a female cles, gold leaf, gold beaten into a very
godparent. thin sheet, gold mine, a place where
god par* en t (god-pair-en t)
* n. 1. a person gold is mined; a source of great wealth,
who undertakes, when a child is bap- the shop was a little gold mine, gold
tized, to see that brought up in the
it is plate, tableware made of gold; material
faith. 2. a person who undertakes to act plated with gold, gold reserve, gold
as sponsor or guardian of a child. held by a central bank to guarantee the
god* send (god-send) n. a piece of unex- value of a country's currency, gold
pected good fortune. rush, a rush to a newly discovered gold-
god* son (god-sun) n. a male godchild. field,gold standard, a system by which
God* speed (god-speed) n. an expression the value of money is based on that of
of good wishes to a person starting a gold, gold star, an emblem indicating
journey. that a member of a family, organization,
go*er (goh-er) n. a person or thing that etc. has died in military service in war;
goes, as in churchgoer, a person who goes gold star mother or father, one whose
to church regularly. son or daughter has died thus.
goffer (goh-fer) n. (informal) a person gold* beat -er (gohld-bee-ter) n. a person
who runs errands for another. who beats gold out into gold leaf.
go-get *ter (goh-get-er) ru (informal) a gold* brick (gohld-brik) n. 1. something
person who is successful by being aggres- that looks valuable on the surface but
and energetic.
sive is sham beneath. 2. (slang) a person who
gog-gle (gog-el) v. (gog-gled, gog- shirks work, goldbrick v. (slang) to
gling) to stare with wide-open eyes. shirk work.
goggle-eyed adj. gold* en (gohl-den) adj. 1. made of gold.
gog-gles (gog-elz) ru pi eyeglasses with 2. colored like gold. 3. precious, excel-
side shields for protecting the eyes from lent, a golden opportunity. golden
wind, dust, water, etc. age, a time of great prosperity and
go-go (goh-goh) (informal) very ac-
adj. achievement, golden ager, (informal)
tive, energetic. go-go dancer, a
per- an old person, golden anniversary, the
former of lively erotic dancing at night- celebration of the fiftieth year of a mar-
clubs etc. riage etc. golden boy or girl, a popular
go*ing (goh-ing) v. see go 1 , going n. 1. or successful person. Golden Gate, a
moving away, departing, comings and go- channel of water in California between
ings. 2. the state of the ground for walk- San Francisco Bay and the Pacific,
ing or riding on, rough going. 3. rate of spanned by a suspension bridge; this
progress, it was good going to get there bridge, golden hamster, a tawny spe-
by noon, going adj. 1 moving away, de-
. cies of hamster, popular as a pet and
parting, working; he has everything going used as a laboratory animal, golden
goldenrod / good 374
handshake, a generous cash payment gon-o-coc-cus (gon-d-kok-us) n, (pi
given by a firm to one of its executives -COC-Ci, pr. -kok-si) the microorganism
as compensation for being dismissed or causing gonorrhea. gon-O-COC-cal
for being forced to retire, golden mean, (gon-d-kok-al) adj. gon-O-COC-ciC
neither too much nor too little, golden (gon-6-kok-sik) adj.
retriever, a retriever dog with a thick go-no-go (goh-noh-goh) n, (in a missile
golden coat, golden rule, a basic princi- launch etc.) the point in a countdown
ple of action, golden wedding, the fifti- at which a decision must be made to
eth anniversary of a wedding. abort or proceed.
gold* en* rod (gohl-den-rod) n, a plant gon-or-rhe-a (gon-o-ree-a) n, a venereal
with spikes of yellow flowers, blooming disease causing a thick discharge from
in late summer. the sexual organs.
gold *field (gohld-feeld) n. an area where goo (goo) n. (slang) 1 sticky wet material.

gold is found as a mineral. 2. sickly sentiment.

gold -finch (gohld-finch) n. a songbird goo-ber (goo-ber) n. (chiefly Southern
with a band of yellow across each wing. U.S.) a peanut.
gold-fish (gohld-fish) n. (pi. -fish, -fish- good (guud) adj. (bet-ter, best) 1. hav-
es) a small orange Chinese carp kept ing the right or desirable properties, sat-
in a bowl or pond. isfactory, good food. 2. right, proper, ex-
gold-plat -ed (gohld-play-tid) adj. coated pedient. 3. morally correct, virtuous,
with gold. kindly. 4. (of a child) well-behaved. 5.
gold -smith (gohld-smith) n. a person gratifying, enjoyable, beneficial, have a
whose trade is making articles in gold. good time; good morning, good evening,
golf (golf) n. a game in which a small hard forms of greeting or farewell. 6. efficient,
ball is struck with clubs toward and into suitable, competent, a good driver; good
a series of holes, golf to play golf,
v. at chess, 7. thorough, considerable, a
golfer n. Dgolf bag,
a bag used to good beating. 8. not less than, full,
carry golf clubs and ball, golf ball, a walked a good ten miles, 9. used in excla-
ball used in golf, golf cart, a light cart mations, good God! good adv. (in-
to carry golf clubs during a game, golf formal) entirely; good and angry, very
Club, a club used in golf; an association angry, good n. 1 that which is morally

for playing golf, its premises, golf right; up to no good, doing something
course, golf links, an area of land on mischievous or criminal. 2. profit, bene-
which golf is played. fit, it will do him good; five dollars to

gol-ly (gol-ee) interj. (informal) an excla- the good, having made this profit.
mation of surprise. Das good- as,practically, almost, the
go -losh galosh. war isas good as over, for good, perma-
-gon suffix used to form nouns meaning nently, good behavior, conduct that
a specified number of angles, as in hexa- is legally correct. Good Book, the Bible.

gon. good Cheer, hope and trust; having a

go-nad (goh-nad) n. an animal organ, as very good time. Good Conduct Medal,
the testis or ovary, producing gametes. a U.S. army medal given to enlisted men
go-nad-al (goh-nad-al) adj. who have served with merit, good for,
gon -do -la (gon-do-la) n. 1. a boat with beneficial to; able to pay or undertake;
high pointed ends, used on the canals he is good for one hundred dollars, for
in Venice. 2. a basketlike structure sus- a ten-mile walk; good for you!, well done!
pended beneath a balloon, for carrying Good Friday, the Friday before Easter,
passengers etc. 3. a flat open railroad commemorating the Crucifixion, good
freight car with low sides. humor, a cheerful mood or disposition,
gon -do -Her (gon-d6-leer) n. a man who amiability, good nature, a kindly dispo-
propels a gondola by means of a pole. sition, willingness to humor others.
gone (gawn) v. see go 1 , gone adj. 1 de-. good nightl, an exclamation of surprise
parted, past. 2. dead. 3. used up. 4. or exasperation, good offices, influ-
(slang) pregnant, she is six months gone. ence deriving from one's position or
Dgone on, (slang) infatuated with. power to reconcile; mediation. Good
gon-er (gaw-ner) n. (slang) a person or Samaritan, a genuinely charitable per-
thing that is dead, ruined, or doomed. son who goes out of his way to help oth-
gon -fa -Ion (gon-fa-ldn) n. a banner, often ers, in good time, with no risk of being
with streamers, hung from a crossbar. late; all in good time, in due course but
gong (gawng) n. 1. a round metal plate without haste, make good, see make,
that resounds when struck, especially to the good, as a balance on the right
one used as a signal for meals. 2. a similar side; something extra.
device operated electrically. > It is incorrect to say the machine works
375 goodby, goodbye / gory
good or / am doing pretty good It is also goof*y (goo-fee) adj. (goof*i*er, goof*
incorrect to say I feel good when speak- I -est) (slang) stupid. goof'l*ness n.
ing of one's health. Say I feel welL gook (guuk) n. (slang) grimy sticky wet
good* by, good* bye (guud-bi) interj. material.
farewell,an expression used when part- goon (goon) n. (slang) 1. a hired thug.
ing or at the end of a telephone call. 2. a dull or stupid person.
goodby, goodbye n. a farewell. goose (goos) n. (pi geese, pr. gees) 1.
good-for-noth'lng (guud-fdr-nuth-ing) a web-footed bird larger than a duck.
adj. worthless, good-for-nothing n. a 2. its flesh as food. 3. (informal) a stupid
worthless person. person. D goose pimples, rough bris-
good-heart *ed (guud-hahr-tid) adj. tling skin caused by cold or fear, goose
kindly, willing to please. Step, a way of marching without bend-
good-hu-mored (guud-hyoo-mdrd) adj. ing the knees.
of a cheerful disposition. goose *ber*ry (goos-ber-ee) n. (pi -lies)
good*lsh (guud-ish) adj. fairly ^ood. 1.a thorny shrub. 2. its edible berry.
good-look «lng (guud-luuk-ing) adj. hav- goose* flesh (goos-flesh) n. goose pim-
ing a pleasant appearance. ples.
good-ly (guud-lee) adj. (-Il*er, -li*est) GOP abbr. Grand Old Party, the U.S. Re-
rather large or great, it's a goodly way publican party.
from the station; a goodly amount of gO'pher a short-tailed bur-
(goh-fer) n.
money. rowing rodent of North America having
good-na*tured (guud-nay-chtird) adj.
external cheek pouches.
having or showing a kind disposition.
Gor-di-an (gor-di-an) adj. cut the Gor-
good*nes8 (guud-nis) n. 1. the quality of
dian knot, to solve a problem forcefully
being good. 2. the good element of some-
thing; the goodness is in the gravy, this
or by some unexpected means. An in- >
tricate knot was tied by Gordius, king
is the most nourishing part. 3. used in-
of ancient Phrygia; it was eventually cut,
stead of "God" in exclamations, goodness
rather than untied, by Alexander the
knows; for goodness* sake; thank good-
ness. Dhave the goodness to, to be
kind enough to (do something).
gore 1 (gohr) n. thickened blood from, a
cut or wound.
goods (guudz) n. pi 1 movable property.

2. articles of trade, leather goods.

gore2 n. a triangular or tapering section
of a skirt or a sail etc. gored adj.
Dthe goods, (informal) the genuine ar-
ticle, the real thing; deliver the goods,
gore3 v. (gored, gor-ing) to pierce with
to produce what one has promised; have
a horn or tusk.
the goods on a person, to have evidence
gorge (gorj) n. a narrow steep-sided val-
of his guilt.
ley, gorge v. (gorged, gorging) 1.

good-tern* pered (guud-tem-perd) adj.

to eat greedily; gorge oneself, stuff oneself
having or showing good temper. with food. 2. to fill full, to choke up.
good* will (guud- wil) n. 1. a friendly feel- make a person's gorge rise, to
ing. 2. thegood relationship of a business sicken or disgust him.
to its customers, considered as an asset gor -geous (gor-jus) adj. 1 richly colored,

that can be sold. magnificent. 2. (informal) very pleasant,

good-y (guud-ee) n. (pi. good* ies) 1 (in- .
beautiful. gor'geous-ly adv. gor"
formal) something good or attractive, es- geous -ness n.
pecially to eat. 2. (slang) a person of good gor-gon (gor-gdn) n. a terrifying woman.
character, the goodies and the baddies. > Named after the Gorgons in Greek
goody adj. smugly virtuous, goody in- mythology, three snake-haired sisters
terj. an exclamation of delight. whose looks turned to stone anyone who
good*y-good*y (guud-ee-guud-ee) adj. saw them.
smugly virtuous, goody-goody n. (pi Gor*gon*zo*la (gor-gdn-zoh-ld) n. a rich
-good* ies) a goody-goody person. strong blue-veined cheese from Gorgon-
goo*ey (goo-ee) adj. 1. wet and sticky. zola in north Italy or elsewhere.
2. sickly and sentimental. go* ill* la (gd-ril-a) n. a large powerful Af-
goof (goof) n. (slang) 1 a stupid person.
. rican ape.
2. a mistake, goof v. goof off, (slang) gor-mand-ize (gor-man-diz) v. (gor*
to loaf or kill time. mand-ized, gor*mand*iz*ing) to eat
goof -ball (goof-bawl) n. (slang) 1. a pill greedily. gor'mand*iz*er n.
containing a barbiturate or other drug. gorse (gors) = furze.
2. a very stupid or silly person. gor*y (gohr-ee) adj. (gor*l*er, gor*l*
goof-off (goof-awf) n. (slang) a person est) 1 covered with blood. 2. involving

who goofs off. bloodshed, a gory battle.

gosh / grace 376
gosh (gosh) interj. an exclamation of sur- knees, and fingers, gout'y adj.
prise. gov. abbr. 1. government. 2. governor.
gos'hawk (gos-hawk) n. a large long- gov 'em (guv-em) v. 1. to rule with au-
tailed hawk of North America and thority, to conduct the affairs of a coun-
northern Europe. try or an organization. 2. to keep under
gos-ling (goz-ling) a young goose.
n. control, to govern one's temper. 3. to in-
gos-pel (gos-pel) the teachings of
n. 1. fluence or direct, be governed by the ex-
Christ recorded in the first four books perts' advice.
of the New Testament. 2. Gospel any gov*ern*ance (guv-er-nans) n. govern-
of these books. 3. a thing one may safely ing, control.
believe, you can take it as gospel 4. a gov 'em* ess (guv-er-nis) n, a woman em-
set of principles that one believes in. ployed to teach children in a private
gospel adj. of the gospel, evangelical. household.
gos-sa -mer (gos-a-mer) n. 1 a fine filmy . gov 'em* men t (guv-ern-ment) n. 1. gov-
piece of cobweb made by small spiders. erning, the system or method of govern-
2. any flimsy delicate material. ing. 2. the group or organization govern-
gos*sip (gos-ip) n. 1. casual talk, espe- ing a country. 3. the government as an
cially about other people's affairs. 2. a agent; a government grant, given from
person who is fond of gossiping, gossip federal funds. gov em -mental (guv-
v. (gos-siped, gos-sip-ing) to engage ern-men-tal) adj. government issue,
in or spread gossip, gos'sip-y adj. equipment issued, especially to soldiers,
gossip column, a section of a news- by the federal government, government
paper containing tidbits of information surplus, unused equipment sold to the
about people or social incidents. public by the federal government.
got (got) see get gov*er*nor (guv-er-ndr) n. 1. a person
Goth (goth) n. a member of a Germanic who governs a state or province, espe-
tribe that invaded the Roman Empire cially one of the states of the U.S. 2.
in the 3rd-5th centuries. the head or member of the governing
Goth. abbr. Gothic. body of an institution, board ofgovernors.
Goth-ic (goth-ik) adj. of the
style of archi- 3. a mechanism that automatically con-
tecture common in western Europe in trols speed or the intake of gas or water
the 12th- 16th centuries, with pointed etc. in a machine.
arches and rich stone carvings. Gothic govt abbr. government.
n. this style. Gothic novel, a kind gown (gown) n. 1 a loose flowing garment,

of English novel with sensational or hor- especially a woman's long dress. 2. a

rifying events, popular in the 18th- 19th loose outer garment that is the official
centuries; a contemporary romance set robe of judges etc.
in a remote place or time and featuring gowned (gownd) adj. wearing a gown.
gloom, mystery, etc. G.P. abbr. general practitioner.
got -ten (got-en) see get GPO abbr. 1 . general post office. 2. Gov-
Gou-da (goo-da) n. a flat round Dutch ernment Printing Office.
cheese. GQ abbr. general quarters.
gouge (gowj) n. a chisel with a concave gr. abbr. 1. grade. 2. grain(s). 3. gram(s).
blade, ueed for cutting grooves, gouge 4. grammar. 5. gravity. 6. gross. 7.
v. (gouged, goug-ing) 1. to cut out group. 8. great.
with a gouge. 2. to scoop or force out; Gr. abbr. 1 Grecian.
. 2. Greece. 3. Greek.
gouge out his eye, force it out with one's grab (grab) v. (grabbed, grab -Ding) 1.
thumb. to grasp suddenly. 2. to take something
gou-lash (goo-lahsh) n. a stew of meat greedily. 3. to operate harshly or jerkily,
and vegetables, seasoned with paprika. the brakes are grabbing. 4. (slang) to
gourd (goord, gord) n. 1 the hard-skinned . make an impression on someone; how
fleshy fruit of a climbing plant. 2. this does that music grab you?, do you like
plant. 3. a bowl or container made from it? grab n. 1 a sudden clutch or an at-

the dried hollowed-out rind of this fruit. tempt to seize. 2. a mechanical device
gour*mand (goor-mahnd) n. a lover of for gripping things and lifting them.
food, a glutton. OThis word is often Dup for grabs, (slang) available for
applied to a person contemptuously, anyone to take.
whereas gourmet is not. gra*ben (grah-ben) n. a depression of the
gour*met (goor-may) a connoisseur ofn. earth's surface between faults.
good food and drink. OSee the note un- grace (grays) n. 1 the quality of being

der gourmand. attractive, especially in movement, man-

gout (gowt) n. a disease causing inflamma- ner, or design. 2. elegance of manner;
tion of the joints, especially the toes, he had the grace to apologize, realized
377 graceful / grain

that this was right and proper, and did grad*u*al (graj-oo-al) adj. taking place by
it. 3. favor, goodwill. 4. a delay or post- degrees, not sudden or steep, grad'u*
ponement granted as a favor, not as a al«ly adv.
right, give him a week's grace. 5. God's grad *u*al* ism (graj-oo-a-liz-em) n. the
loving mercy toward mankind. 6. a short policy of accomplishing goals gradually
prayer of thanks before or. after a meal. rather than by sudden change.
7. Grace, the title used in speaking of grad *u* ate (graj-oo-ayt) v. (grad*u*at*
or to a duke, duchess, or archbishop, his ed, grad-u-at-ing) 1. to award or be
Grace, her Grace, their Graces, grace awarded a degree or certificate showing
v. (graced, gracing) to confer honor successful completion of a course of
or dignity on, to be an ornament to. study. 2. to divide into graded sections.
be in a person's good graces, to 3. to mark into regular divisions or units
have his favor and approval, days of of measurement, the beaker was gradu-
grace, the time allowed by law or cus- ated, graduate (graj-oo-it) n. a person
tom after the day on which a payment who has completed a course of study,
is officially due. grace note, a music especially a college or uniyersity course.
note that is not essential to the harmony graduate adj. graduate school, the
but w added as an embellishment, with division of a university that offers courses
good grace, willingly or as if willingly. of study for those who have received the
grace *ful (grays-ful) adj. having or show- bachelor's degree, graduate student,
ing grace. grace'fuMy adv. grace'ful* one who studies in such a school.
ness n. >It is incorrect to say she graduated col-
grace -less (grays-lis) adj. 1. inelegant. 2. lege. Say she graduated from or she was
ungracious. graduated from college.
gra*cious (gray-shus) adj. 1. kind and grad*u*a*tion (graj-oo-ay-shdn) n. 1.
pleasant in manner, especially to subor- graduating, being graduated. 2. the cere-
dinates. 2. showing divine grace, merci- mony in which a person is awarded a
ful. 3. showing qualities associated with degree or certificate. 3. a mark of meas-
good taste and breeding, gracious living. urement.
gracious! interj an exclamation of sur- graf -fi-to (gra-fee-toh) n. (pi. -ti, pr. -tee)
prise, good graciousl gracious me! gra' words or a drawing scratched or scrib-
cious-ly adv. gracious* ness n. bled on a wall. Olt is incorrect to use
grack-le (grak-el) n. the North American graffiti as a singular.
blackbird. graft 1 (graft) n. 1 a shoot from one tree

grad. abbr. 1. gradient. 2. graduate. 3. fixed into a cut in another to form a new
graduated. growth. 2. a piece of living tissue trans-
gra-da-tion (gray-day-shdn) n. a process planted surgically to replace diseased or
of gradual change, a stage in such a damaged tissue, graft v. 1 to put a graft

process, the gradation of color between in or on. 2. to join (one thing) insepar-
blue and green. ably to another.
grade (grayd) n. 1 a step or stage or de-
. graft 2 n. 1. obtaining some advantage in
gree in some rank, quality, or value, business or politics by bribery or unfair
Grade A milk. 2. a class of people or influence or other shady means. 2. a bribe
things of the same ran* or quality etc. or bribery used in this way. 3. the advan-
3. the mark given to a student for his tage gained by it. graft v. to gain advan-
standard of work. 4. gradient, slope. tage in business or politics through shady
grade v. (grad-ed, grading) 1. to ar- means. graft'er n.
range in grades. 2. to give a grade (to gra*ham (gray-am) adj. made from un-
a student). 3. to adjust the gradient of sifted whole-wheat flour.
(a road). grade crossing, a place Grail (grayl) n. Holy Grail, the cup or the
where a railroad and a road (or two rail- platter used (according to legend) by
roads) cross each other at the same level. Christ at the Last Supper and in which
grade school, an elementary school. Joseph of Arimathea received drops of
make the grade, to reach the desired Christ's blood at the Crucifixion, sought
standard. in prolonged quests by knights in the
grad-er (gray-der) n. a machine that re- Middle Ages.
duces earth to easy gradients, as in road grain (grayn) n. 1. a small hard seed of
building. a food plant such as wheat or rice. 2.
gra-di-ent (gray-di-ent) n. 1. the amount the gathered seeds of such plants. 3. the
of slope in a road or railroad; the road plants themselves. 4. a small hard parti-
has a gradient of one in ten, it rises one cle, a grain of sand. 5. a unit of weight,
foot in every ten feet of its length. 2. a about sixty-five milligrams. 6. the small-
sloping road or railroad. est possible amount, he hasn't a grain
grainfield / granola 378

of sense. 7. the texture produced by the home run with runners on all bases.
particles in flesh, stone, etc., or in photo- gran* dad (gran-dad) n. (informal) 1.
graphic- prints. 8. the pattern of lines grandfather. 2. an elderly man.
made by fibers in wood or by layers in grand •child (grand-child) n. (pL -chil-
rock or coal etc. against the grain, dren, pr. -chil-dren) the child of one's
cutting or lying across a natural layer; son or daughter.
contrary to one's natural inclinations. grand -daugh-ter (gran-da w-ter) n. the
grain alcohol, ethyl alcohol. daughter of one's son or daughter.
grain -field (grayn-feeld) n. a field of grain. grande dame (grahnd dahm) n. a dignified
grain -y (gray-nee) adj% (grain *i*er, lady of high rank. >
grain -i-est) like grains in form or ap- gran* dee (gran-dee) n. a person of high
pearance or texture, grain 'i-ness n. rank.
gram (gram) n. a unit of weight in the gran-deur (gran-jer) n. splendor, magnifi-
metric system, one-thousandth part of cence, grandness.
a kilogram. grand- fa -ther (gran-fah-f/ter) n. the fa-
gram. abbr. J. grammar. 2. grammarian. ther of one's father or mother. grand-
3. grammatical. father dock, a clock in a tall wooden
-gram suffix used to form nouns meaning case, worked by weights.
something written or pictured, as in tele- gran-dil-o-queht (gran -dil-6-k went) adj.
gram, diagram. using pompous language, gran-dil'o-
gram* mar (gram-ar) n. 1. the study of quent-ly adv. gran-dil'o-quence n.
words and of the rules for their formation gran-di-ose (gran-di-ohs) adj. 1. impos-
and their relationships to each other in ing, planned on a large scale. 2. trying
sentences. 2. the rules themselves. 3. a to be grand, pompous, gran-di-os-i-
book about these. 4. speech or writing ty (gran-di-os-i-tee) n.
judged as good or bad according to these grand* ma (gran-mah) n. (informal)
rules, hisgrammar is appalling, gram* grandmother.
mar -i -an (gra-mair-i-an) n. gram- grand- moth -er (gran-muf/i-er) n. the
mar school, an elementary school. mother of one's father or mother.
gram- mat *i*cal (gra-mat-i-kal) adj. in ac- grand* pa (gran-pah) n. (informal) grand-
cordance with the rules of grammar, father.
gram- mat 'i-cal-ly adv. grand- par -ent (gran-pair-ent) n. one's
gram -o- phone (gram-d-fohn) n. a pho- parent's parent.
nograph. grand* sire (gran-sir) n. (old use) grandfa-
gram -pus (gram-pus) n. (pi. -pus-es) a ther.
large sea animal of the dolphin family. grand* son (gran-sun) n. the son of one's
gran-a-ry (gray-na-ree) n. (pi -rles) a son or daughter.
storehouse for grain. grand 'Stand (grand-stand) n. the princi-

grand (grand) adj. 1. splendid, magnifi- pal roofed building with rows of seats
cent. 2. of the highest rank, the Grand for spectators at races and sporting
Duke Alexis. 3. dignified, imposing, she events. grandstand play, a play
puts on a grand manner. 4. (informal) made by an athlete to impress the specta-
very enjoyable or satisfactory, we had tors; any action taken more for appear-
a grand time. 5. including everything, ances than for substance.
final, the grand total, grand n. 1 a grand
. grange (graynj) n. 1. a farm. 2. the
piano. 2. (slang) a thousand dollars, five Grange, a U.S. farmers' association
grand, grand'ly adv. grand'ness n. founded in 1867; one of its local
Grand Canyon, a gorge one mile branches.
deep through which the Colorado River gran-ite (gran-it) n. a hard gray stone used
flows in Arizona, grand Jury, a jury con- for building.
vened to indict an accused person if the gran -Ite- ware (gran-it-wair) n. 1. a kind
evidence warrants it. grand master, the of speckled enameled ironware. 2. speck-
head of a military order of knighthood, led pottery imitating the appearance of
or of Freemasons, etc. grand opera, op- granite.
era in which everything is sung and there gran-ny (gran-ee) n. (pi -nies) (informal)
are no spoken parts, grand piano, a grandmother. Ugranny glasses, a pair
large full-toned piano with horizontal of eyeglasses with round lenses and a thin
strings. Grand Prix (grahn-pree) any of wire frame, granny knot, a square knot
several important international auto rac- with the threads crossed the wrong way
ing events over a road course, grand and therefore likely to slip.
slam, (in bridge) see slam; (in ten- gra-no-la (gra-noh-la) n. a dry breakfast
nis, golf, etc.) the winning of all of a food consisting of a mixture of grains,
group of championships; (in baseball) a nuts, fruit, etc.
379 grant / grate

grant (grant) to give or allow; grant

v. 1 . 2. (pi.) lettering and drawings, the graph-
a request, permit what is requested. 2. ics are by John James.
to admit or agree that something is true, graph -ite (graf-it) n. a soft black form
/ grant that your offer is generous, grant of carbon used in lubrication, as a moder-
n. something granted, especially a sum ator in nuclear reactors, and in lead pen-
of money, grant'er n. grant *ee (gran- cils.

tee) n. Q
take for granted, to assume graph* oho* gist (gra-fol-5-jist) n. an ex-
that (a thing) is true or sure to happen; pert in graphology.
to be so used to having (a thing etc.) graph -ol-o-gy (gra-fol-6-jee) n. the sci-
that one no longer appreciates it. entific study of handwriting, especially
Grant U -lys-ses S. (1822-85) the
(grant), as a guide to the writer's character,
eighteenth president of the U.S. 1869- graph *o*log*i*cai (graf-6-loj-i-kal)
77. adj.
grant-in-aid (grant-in-ayd) n. {pi grants- grap-nel (grap-nel) n. 1. a small anchor

in-aid) a sum granted to a person to fi- with three or more flukes, used for boats
nance his university studies, or to an in-. and balloons. 2. a hooked grappling in-
stitution to finance research etc. strument used in dragging the bed of a
grants* man* ship (grants-man-ship) n. lake or river.
(informal) the art of gaining grants-in- grap-ple (grap-el) v. (grap-pled, grap-
aid. pling) 1. to seize or hold firmly. 2. to
gran*u*lar (gran-yu-lar) adj. like grains struggle at close quarters; grapple with
or granules. gran*u*lar*i*ty (gran-yu- a problem, try to deal with it. grap- u
lar-i-tee) n. pling hook, a grapnel (definition 2).
gran -u -late (gran-yu-iayt) v. (gran*u* grasp (grasp) v. 1 to seize and hold firmly,

lat-ed, gran*u*lat*ing) 1 to form into

. especially with one's hands or arms. 2.
grains or granules, granulated sugar. 2. to understand, he couldn V grasp what we
to make rough and grainy on the surface. meant, grasp n. 1 a firm hold or grip;

gran*u*la*tion (gran-yu-lay-shdn) n. within his grasp, close enough for him

gran-ule (gran-yool) n. a small grain. to grasp or obtain a mental hold,
it. 2.
grape (grayp) n. a green or purple berry understanding, a thorough grasp of his
growing in clusters on vines, used for subject. grasp at, to snatch at.
making wine. grape hyacinth, a grasp -ing (gras-ping) adj. greedy for
small hyacinth-like plant with clusters money or possessions.
of rounded usually blue flowers. grass (gras) n. 1 any of a group of com-

grape* fruit (grayp-froot) n. a large round mon wild low-growing plants with green
yellow citrus fruit with a juicy acid pulp. blades and stalks that are eaten by ani-
grape* shot (grayp-shot) n. (old use) small mals. 2. any species of this plant (in bo-
iron balls that scattered when fired from tanical use including cereal plants, reeds,
a cannon. and bamboos). 3. ground covered with
grape* vine (grayp-vm) n. 1. the kind of grass, lawn, or pasture; put animals out
vine on which grapes grow. 2. a way to grass, put them to graze. 4. (slang)
by which news is passed on unofficially, marijuana. grass roots, the funda-
heard on the grapevine.
it mental level or source; ordinary people,
graph n. a diagram consisting of a
(graf) the rank and file of a political party or
showing the relationship be-
line or lines other group, grass snake, a small
tween two sets of quantities, graph v. harmless snake, grass widow, a woman
to draw a graph of. U
graph paper, pa- who is divorced from or lives apart from
per ruled into small squares, used for her husband.
plotting graphs. grass* hop* per (gras-hop-er) n. any of a
-graph suffix used to form nouns meaning number of insects with long back legs
something written, drawn, or recorded, adapted for jumping.
as in photograph, seismograph. grass* land (gras-land) n. a wide area cov-
graph *ic (graf-ik) adj. 1. of drawing or ered in grass and with few trees.
painting or lettering or engraving, the grass -y (gras-ee) adj. (grass *i*er,
graphic arts; a graphic artist. 2. giving grass *i*est) like grass, covered with
a vivid description, a graphic account of
the fight. graphic arts, the reproduc- grate 1 (grayt)
n, 1 a metal framework that

tive arts of engraving, etching, woodcut, keeps fuel in a fireplace. 2. the recess
lithography, etc. where fire burns.
graph *i*cal*ly (graf-i-klee) adv. in a grate 2 v. (grat-ed, grat-ing) 1. to shred
graphic way. into small pieces by rubbing against a
graph *ics (graf-iks) n. 1. (sing.) the use jagged surface. 2. to make a harsh noise
of diagrams in calculation or in design. by rubbing, to sound harshly, a grating
grateful / grease 380
laugh. 3. to have an unpleasant irritating gravi-met-ric (grav-I-met-rik) adj. of or
effect. grat'ing*ly adv. relating to the measurement of weight.
grate -ful (grayt-ful) adj. feeling or show- gravi-tate (grav-i-tayt) v. (gravitat-
ing that one values a kindness or benefit ed, gravi*tat*ing) to move or be at-
received. grate'ful-ly adv. tracted toward.
grat -er (gray-ter) ru a device with a jagged grav • I • ta • Won (grav-i-tay-sh6n) ru 1 . grav-
surface for grating food. itating. 2. the force of gravity, grav
grat-i-cule (grat-T-kyool) ru 1. a network I* ta'tion *al adj. gravl-ta'tl'on-al-ly
of lines on paper representing meridians adv. gravi*ta*tive (grav-i-tay-tiv) adj.
and parallels for maps and charts. 2. fine gravhty (pi -ties) 1. the
(grav-i-tee) ru
lines incorporated in a telescope or other force that attracts bodies toward the cen-
optical instrument as a measuring scale ter of Earth. 2. seriousness, the gravity
or as an aid in locating objects. of the situation. 3. solemnity. center
grat*i*fy (grat-T-fi) v. (gratified, grat* Of gravity, the central point in an object
i* tying) to give pleasure to, to satisfy about which its mass is evenly balanced.
(wishes etc.). grat-i-fi-ca-tion (grat-I- gravity feed, a supply system in which
fi-kay-shdn) ru a substance falls from a higher level to
grat-ing (gray-ting) ru a screen of spaced a lower one by force of gravity rather
metal bars placed across an opening. than by mechanical means, specific
gra-tis (grat-is) adj. & adv. free of charge, gravity, see specific.
you can have the leaflet gratis. gra-vure (gra-vyoor) n. 1. a photome-
grat-i-tude (grat-i-tood) ru being grateful. chanical printing process. 2. a printing
gra • tu • • toils (gra-too-i-tus) adj. 1 given
I . process from engraved plates.
or done without payment. 2. given or gra*vy (gray-vee) n. (pi -vies) 1. juice
done without good reason, a gratuitous that comes out of meat while it is cook-
insult. gra-tu'i-tous-ly adv. ing. 2. sauce made from this. 3. (slang)
gra-tu-i-ty (gra-too-i-tee) ru money given money or profit easily or unexpectedly
in recognition of services rendered, a tip. acquired. (J gravy train, (slang) a source
gray pel (grow-pel) n. snow pellets or soft of easy money.
hail. gray (gray) adj. 1. of the color between
gra-va-men (gri-vay-men) n. (pi -va* black and white, colored like ashes or
mens, -vam*l*na, pr. -vam-T-ni) the es- lead; he is going gray, his hair is losing
sence, or the worst part, of an accusation its color; a gray day, without sun. 2. in-
or charge (especially in a court of law). termediate in character; a gray area, that
grave 1
(grayv) n. 1. a hole dug in the part of a matter where there are no exact
ground to bury a corpse. 2. the place rules about right and wrong etc. gray

where a corpse is buried. 3. the grave, n. 1 gray color. 2. a gray substance or


death, being dead, gone to the grave. material. 3. a gray horse, gray v. to make
grave 2
adj. (graver, gravest) 1. seri- or become gray. gray / ness n. Dgray
ous, causing great anxiety, grave news. birch, a tree of northeastern North
2. solemn, not smiling, grave'ly adv. America with grayish-white bark, gray
grave'ness grave (pr. grayv,
n. cells, (humorous) brain or intelligence.
a backward-sloping Gray Friars, Franciscan friars, gray
mark over a vowel, as in a la carte. matter, the material of the brain and
gravel (grav-el) n. coarse sand with small spinal cord; (informal) brain or intelli-
stones, as used for roads and paths. gence, gray power, the political pres-
gravel v. (graveled, gravel-lng) to sure of organized old or retired persons.
cover with gravel. gray* beard (gray-beerd) n, an old man.
grav el -ly (grav-e-lee) adj. 1. like gravel. gray-head *ed (gray-hed-Sd) adj. with
2. rough sounding, a gravelly voice. gray hair.
graven (gray-ven) adj. carved, a graven grayish (gray-ish) adj. rather gray.
image; graven on my memory, firmly gray • ling (gray-ling) n. a silver-gray fresh-
fixed in it. water fish.
grave* stone (grayv-stohn) ru a stone graze (grayz) v. (grazed, graz-lng) 1.

monument over a grave. to eat growing grass, cattle grazing in

grave* yard (grayv-yahrd) ru a burial the fields. 2. to put (animals) into a field
ground. graveyard shift, a work shift to eat the grass, graz'er n.
beginning at midnight; the workers on graze 2 v. (grazed, graz-lng) 1. to touch
this shift. or scrape lightly in passing. 2. to scrape
gravid (grav-id) adj. pregnant. the skin from.
gra*vim*e*ter (grS-vim-S-ter) n. an in- Gr. Br. abbr. Great Britain.
strument measuring the difference in the grease (grees) n. 1 animal fat melted soft.

force of gravity between two places. 2. any thick semisolid oily substance;
381 greasepaint / greenfinch

axle grease, grease used to lubricate ax- great white heron, a large white bird
les, grease (greez, grees) v. (greased, of Florida, resembling the egret, great
areas -ing) to put grease on or in. white shark, the large shark that is most
grease a person's palm, (slang) to feared for its attacks on human beings.
bribe him. grease gun, a device for Great White Way, the Broadway the-
forcing grease into the parts of a ma- ater area of New York City.
chine, grease monkey, (slang) a me- great -coat (grayt-koht) n. a heavy over-
chanic who lubricates machines, grease coat.
pencil, a crayon-like pencil used for great* heart -ed (grayt-hahr-tid) adj. hav-
marking glossy surfaces, like greased ing a noble or generous mind.
lightning, (slang) very fast. grebe (greeb) n. (pi. grebes, grebe) a
grease* paint (grees-paynt) n. makeup diving bird.
used by actors and other performers. Gre»cian (gree-shan) adj. Greek.
greas-y (gree-see,-zee) adj. (greas-i-er, Greece (grees) a country in southeast Eu-
greas*i*est) 1. covered with grease. 2. rope.
containing much grease. 3. slippery. 4. greed (greed) n. an excessive desire for
oily inmanner. greas'My adv. greas' food or wealth.
i«ness n. greed -y (gree-dee) adj. (greed* her,
great (grayt) adj. 1. much above average greed *i*est) 1. showing greed. 2. very
in size or amount or intensity. 2. larger eager or keen for something, greed'i*
than others of similar kind, the great auk. ly adv. greed'i -ness n.
3. of remarkable ability or character, im-
Greek (greek) adj. of Greece or its people
portant, one of the great painters; Peter
or language. Greek n. 1. a member of
the Great; the great, great people; the
the people living in ancient or modern
greatest, (slang) a very remarkable per-
Greece. 2. their language. Greek
son or thing. 4. elaborate, intense, told
Church, the Greek Orthodox Church
in great detail. 5. doing something fre-
(see orthodox), it's Greek to me, I
quently or intensively or very well, a
cannot understand its meaning.
great reader. 6. (informal) very enjoyable
green (green) adj. 1 of the color between

or satisfactory, we had a great time. 7.

blue and yellow, the color of growing
of a family relationship that is one gener-
grass. 2. covered with grass or with
ation removed in ancestry or descent, as
growing leaves. 3. unripe, not seasoned;
great-grandfather, great-niece; great-
great-grandfather, great-grandfather's
wood is green, not yet dry enough to burn
well. 4. immature, inexperienced, easily
father, great'ly adv. great'ness n.
deceived. 5. pale and sickly looking;
great ape, a gorilla or chimpanzee '

or other manlike ape. great blue heron, green with envy, very jealous, green n.
1. green color. 2. a green substance or
a large American bird with blue-gray
feathers. Great Britain, England, Wales, material. 3. a green fight. 4. a piece of
and Scotland, great Circle, a circle on grassy public land, the village green. 5.
the surface of a sphere, whose plane a grassy area, a putting green. 6. greens,
passes through the center of the sphere. (informal) green vegetables, green'ly
Great Depression, the period of eco- adv. green 'ness n. green bean, a
nomic troubles of the 1930's. great di- string bean, green belt, an area of open
vide, the continental divide or separa- land around a town, where the amount
tion of watersheds; the distance between of building is restricted, green-eyed
lifeand death, great guns!, see gun. monster, jealousy, green light, a signal
great horned owl, a large North Amer- to proceed on a road; (informal) permis-
ican bird with head feathers resembling sion to go ahead with a project, green
horns. Great Lakes, a series of five large manure, growing plants plowed into the
lakes along the boundary between Can- soil as fertilizer, green pepper, the un-
ada and the U.S. Great Plains, the re- ripe fruit of the sweet or red pepper, used
gion of valleys and plains in central as a vegetable, green salad, a salad con-
North America. Great Powers, impor- sisting of leafy vegetables, greens fee,
tant countries with international influ- a fee paid to play golf, green tea, tea
ence. Great Salt Lake, a shallow made from leaves that are steam dried,
strongly saline lake in Utah. Great not fermented, green thumb, (in-
Scott!, an exclamation of surprise. formal) skill in making plants grow.
Great Seal of the U.S., the official seal green *back (green-bak) n. a U.S. dollar.
affixed to important state papers, great green »er»y (gree-ne-ree) n. green foliage
War, World War
toe, the big toe. Great or growing plants.
I. Great White Father, the American green* finch (green-finch) n. a European
Indian name for the U.S. president. finch with green and yellow feathers.
greengage / grill 382
green* gage (green-gay j) n. a round plum vous spirit said to cause mishaps to ma-
with a greenish skin. chinery.
green -gro-cer (greea-groh-ser) n. (Brit- Gre*na*da (gre- nan-da) an island country
ish) a shopkeeper selling vegetables and in the West Indies.
fruit. green'gro*cer*y n. {pi -cer* gre*nade (gre-nayd) n. a small bomb
ies). thrown by hand or fired from a rifle.
green* horn (green-horn) n. an inexperi- gren*a*dier (gren-a-deer) n. a member of
enced person. a British or European infantry regiment
green* house (green-hows) n. {pi -nous* that was formerly armed with grenades.
es, pr. -how-ziz) a building with glass gren*a*dlne (gren-a-deen) n. a French
sides and roof, for raising plants. cordial syrup of pomegranates.
green «ish (gree-nish) adj. rather green. grew (groo) see grow.
Green* land (green-land) a very large is- grey = gray.
land in the Arctic Ocean, a possession greyhound (gray-hownd) n. a slender
of Denmark. smooth-haired dog noted for its swift-
green-room (green-room) n. a room in ness, used primarily in racing.

a theater, for the use of actors when they grid (grid) n. 1. a grating. 2. a network
are not on stage. of squares on maps, numbered for refer-
greens* keep *er (greenz-kee-per), ence. 3. any network of lines, an arrange-

green* keep *er (green-kee-per) n. the ment of electric-power cables or gas-sup-

ply lines for distributing current or gas
keeper of a golf course.
over a large area. 4. a network of wires
green* stick (green-stik) fracture a kind
in a storage battery or vacuum tube. 5.
of bone fracture in which the bone is
a gridiron.
partly broken and partly bent.
grid* die (grid-el) ft a flat pan or metal
green* sward (green-sword) n. a grassy
surface for cooking over heat. griddle
cake, a thin flat cake of batter cooked
Green -wich (gren-ich) a suburb of Lon-
on a griddle, a pancake.
don, the former site of the Royal Observ-
grid*i*ron (grid-i-drn) n. 1. a framework
atory. Greenwich mean time, time
of metal bars for cooking on. 2. a field
on the of longitude that passes
on which football is played, with parallel
through Greenwich, used as a basis for
lines marking the area of play.
calculating time throughout the world.
grid* lock (grid-lok) n. an urban traffic jam
Greenwich Village, an area of New caused by continuous lines of intersecting
York City known for its night life and traffic.
for the famous writers and artists who grief (greef) n. 1. deep sorrow. 2. some-
have lived there. thing causing this. Dcome
to grief, to
green* wood (green- wuud) n. woodlands' meet with disaster, to fail, to fall.
in summer. grief-strick-en (greef-strik-en) adj. over-
greet (greet) v. 1. to address politely on come by grief.
meeting or arrival. 2. to receive with a grievance (gree-vans) n. a real or imag-
certain reaction, the news was greeted ined cause of complaint. grievance
with dismay. 3. to present itself to one's committee, a committee that presents
sight or hearing, the sight that greeted complaints, especially of a labor union.
our eyes, greet'er n. grieve (greev) v. (grieved, grieving) 1.
greet *lng (gree-ting) n. 1. words or ges- to cause grief to. 2. to feel grief.
tures used to greet a person. 2. expres- griev*ous (gree-viis) adj. 1. causing grief.
sions of goodwill, birthday greetings 2. serious; grievous bodily harm, serious
greeting card, a printed card sent injury. grlev'OUS*ly adv.
as a greeting, usually for a special occa- grif *fin (grif-In) n. a creature in Greek my-
sion. thology, with an eagle's head and wings
gre*gar*i*OUS (gr£-gair-i-us) adj. 1 . living on a lion's body.
in flocks or fond of com-
communities. 2. grif -ton (grif-dn) n. one of a breed of ter-
pany. gre*gar'i*ous*ly adv. gre* rier-like dogs with coarse hair.
gar / i*ous*ness n. grill (gril) n. 1. a metal grid, a grating.
Gre*go*rl*an (gr£-gohr-i-an) adj. of or 2. a grating or griddle for cooking on.
relating to Pope Gregory I or Pope Greg- 3. a device on a stove for radiating heat
ory XIII. D Gregorian calendar, the downward, a broiler. 4. meat, fish, or
calendar introduced by Pope Gregory vegetables broiled or griddle fried. 5.
XIII in 1582 and still in general use. (also grillroom) a restaurant featuring
Gregorian chant, plainsong ritual mu- broiled or fried foods, grill v. 1 to broil

sic named for Pope Gregory I. or fry on a griddle. 2. to expose to great

grenvlin (grem-lin) n. (slang) a mischie- heat. 3. to question closely and severely.

383 grille / grog

> Do not confuse grill with grille. ping, a way of grasping or holding. 3.
grille (gril) n. a grating, especially in a door understanding, mental hold or control,
or window. t> Do not confuse grille with has a good grip of his subject. 4. the part
grill. of a tool or machine etc. that grips things.
work (gril-wurk) n. something made
grill* 5. the part (of a weapon or device) de-
to look like or serve as a grille. signed to be held. 6. (informal) a suitcase
grilse (grils) n. {pi. grils*es, grilse) a or traveling bag. Dcome to grips with,
young male salmon returning from the to begin to cope with, to deal with (a
sea to fresh water to spawn for the first problem) firmly, get a grip on oneself,
time. to regain one's self-control, lose one's
grim (grim) adj. (grinvmer, grinvmest) grip, to become less competent than one
1. stern or severe in appearance. 2. se- was formerly.
vere, unrelenting, merciless, held on like gripe (grip) v. (griped, gripping) 1. to
grim death. 3. without cheerfulness, un- cause or suffer pain in the bowels. 2. (in-
attractive, a grim prospect, grim'ly adv. formal) to complain, gripe n. (informal)
grim'ness n. a complaint.
gri-mace (grim-as) n. a contortion of the grippe (grip) n. influenza.
face expressing pain or disgust, or in- gris-gris (gree-gree) n. (pi gris-gris) an
tended to cause amusement, grimace v. African charm or fetish.
(grhmaced, gri*mac*ing) to make a gris*ly (griz-lee) adj. (-li-er, -li*est) caus-
grimace. ing fear or horror'or disgust, all the grisly
grime (grim) n. dirt or soot ingrained in details.
a surface or in the skin, grime v. grist (grist) n. grain to be ground or al-
(grimed, grinving) to blacken with ready ground; everything is grist to his
grime, grim'y adj. (grim -her, grim* mill, he makes use of everything.
i-est). gris-tle (gris-el) n. tough flexible tissue
grin (grin) v. (grinned, grhvning) 1. to of animal bodies, especially in meat.
smile broadly, showing the teeth; grin gristly adj.
and bear it, endure something without grist* mill (grist-mil) n. a mill that grinds
complaining. 2. to express by a grin, he grain, especially to the individual cus-
grinned his approval, grin n. a broad tomer's order.
smile. grit (grit) n. 1 particles of stone or sand.

grind (grind) v. (ground, grind -ing) 1. 2. courage and endurance, grit v. (grit*
to*crush or be crushed into grains or ted, grit* ting) 1 to make a slightly grat-

powder. 2. to produce in this way. 3. ing sound. 2. to clench; grit one's teeth,
to sharpen or smooth by friction. 4. to to keep the jaws tightly together, espe-
oppress or crush by cruelty. 5. to rub cially when enduring pain or trouble. 3.
harshly together, grind one's teeth; the to spread grit on. grit'ty adj. grit'ti*
bus ground to a halt, stopped laboriously ness n.

, with a grating sound. 6. to work (a thing) grits (grits) n. coarsely ground grain, espe-
by turning a handle; grind out a tune cially corn.
on the barrel organ, produce it in this griz*zled (griz-eld) adj. gray, gray haired.
way. 7. (informal) to study hard, grind- griz*zly (griz-lee) adj. gray, gray haired.
ing away at his algebra, grind n. 1. the grizzly bear, a large bear of North
act of grinding. 2. the size of ground America.
particles, a coarse grind. 3. hard monoto- gro. abbr. gross.
nous work. 4. (slang) a student who does groan (grohn) v. 1. to make a long deep
little else but study. sound expressing pain or grief or disap-
grind *er (grin-der) n. 1 a person or thing
. proval. 2. to make a deep creaking noise
that grinds. 2. a molar tooth. 3. a large resembling this, groan n. the sound
sandwich made on a long roll split made in groaning.
lengthwise. groats (grohts) n. pi. crushed grain, espe-
grind* stone (grind-stohn) n. a thick re- cially oats.
volving disk used for sharpening or gro*cer (groh-ser) n. a shopkeeper who
grinding things. Dkeep one's nose to sells foods and household supplies.
the grindstone, to work hard without gro*cer*y (groh-ser-ee) n. (pi. -cer*ies)
rest. 1 (also grocery store) a grocer's store.
gri*ot (gree-6t) n. an African tribal poet, 2. groceries, goods sold by a grocer. 3.
musician, and oral historian. groceries, (slang) food; he brings home
grip (grip) v. (gripped, grip* ping) 1. to the groceries, provides the money needed
take a firm hold of. 2. to hold a person's to feed his family.
attention, a gripping story, grip n. 1 a . grog (grog) n. 1. liquor (especially rum)
firm grasp or hold. 2. the power of grip- mixed with water. 2. alcoholic drink.
groggy / grounding 384
grog-gy (grog-ee) adj. (-gi*er, -ghest) mal, and plant forms. gro*tesque'ly
weak and unsteady, especially after ill- adv. gro*tesque'ness n.

ness, grog'ghly adv. grog'gi-ness n. grot* to (grot-oh) n. {pi -toes, -tos) a

groin (groin) the fold where each
n. 1. picturesque cave.
thigh joins the trunk. 2. this area of the grouch (growch) v. (informal) to grumble.
body, where the genitals are situated. 3. grouch n. (informal) 1. a grumble. 2.
the curved edge where two vaults meet a grumbler, grouch'er n. grouch'y
in a roof. adj.
grom met • (grom-it) n. a reinforced eyelet ground 1 (grownd) n. 1. the solid surface
in cloth etc. to receive accord or fastener of the earth, especially contrasted with
etc. the air surrounding it. 2. an area or posi-
groom (groom) n. 1. a person employed tion or distance on the earth's surface,
to look after horses. 2. a bridegroom. gain or lose ground 3. a foundation or
groom v. and brush (an ani-
1 . to clean reason for a theory or action, there are
mal). 2. to make
neat and clean. 3. to no grounds for suspicion. 4. soil, earth,
prepare (a person) for a career or posi- marshy ground. 5. an area used for a
particular purpose, burial ground 6. the
groom *ing (groo-ming) ru personal clean- underlying part, a surface worked on in
liness and neatness, good grooming. embroidery or painting, ground v. 1 to .

groove (groov) n. 1 a long narrow chan- .

run aground. 2. to prevent (an aircraft
or airman) from flying, all aircraft were
nel in the surface of hard material. 2.
grounded because of the fog. 3. to teach
a spiral cut on a phonograph record for
thoroughly, to give good basic training
the needle or stylus. 3. a way of living
to. 4. to base on, is grounded on or in
that has become a habit, groove v.
fact Dget off the ground, to rise in
(grooved, grooving) 1. to make
the air; to make a successful start, give
grooves in. 2. (slang) to enjoy, to approve
ground, to retreat, to yield, ground
of. Din the groove, (slang) in top form.
ball, (in baseball) a batted ball that rolls
groovy (groo-vee) adj. (groov* her,
or bounces along the ground, ground
groov* l*est) (slang) excellent, ad-
cloth, a groundsheet. ground cover,
low-growing plants used in place of grass
grope (grohp) v. (groped, grop-ing) 1.
or to control erosion, ground crew,
to feel about as one does in the dark,
workers, mechanics, etc. who service and
to seek by feeling. 2. to search mentally
maintain aircraft on the ground, ground
with some uncertainty, groping for an an-
floor, the floor at ground level in a build-
ing; get in gn the ground floor, to be one
gros beak (grohs-beek)
• n. any of various of the first to have the advantage of shar-
finches with large thick beaks. ing in a promising business, ground Ivy,
gro-schen (groh-shen) n. {pi -schen) a a creeping plant with bluish-purple flow-
small coin of Germany or Austria. ers, ground plan, a plan of a building
gros *grain (groh-grayn) n. corded fabric at ground level; an outline or general de-
of silky thread, used for ribbons etc. sign of a scheme, ground rule, a basic
gross (grohs) adj. 1. thick, large-bodied; principle of a situation; a rule arising
a gross fellow, repulsively fat; gross vege- from the nature of the playing field or
tation, growing thickly. 2. not refined, the location of spectators, ground
vulgar, gross manners. 3. glaringly obvi- squirrel, a kind of squirrel that burrows
ous, outrageous, gross negligence. 4. to- instead of living in trees, ground zero,
tal, whole, without deductions; gross in- the point on the ground under an explod-
come, income before tax etc. is deducted. ing bomb, run into the ground, to ex-
5. (slang) disgusting, gross n. {pi plain at unreasonable length, to overdo.
gross) twelve dozen (144) items; ten ground 3 v. see grind, ground adj.
gross, 1440. gross v. to earn or make ground glass, glass made nontranspar-
as a total income or profit prior to de- ent by grinding.
ducting expenses, grossly adv. gross' ground *er (grown-der) n. (in baseball) a
ness n. u gross
national product, ground ball, see ground 1

the total value of goods produced and ground* hog (grownd-hawg) n, a wood-
services provided in a country in one chuck. groundhog day, February 2,
year, gross out, (slang) to disgust, to when the groundhogsupposed to come

repel. out of his hole at the end of hibernation.

gro-tesque (groh-tesk) adj. very odd or > If he sees his shadow, there are sup-
unnatural, fantastically ugly or absurd, posed to be six more weeks of winter
grotesque n. a comically distorted fig- weather.
ure, a design using fantastic human, ani- ground *lng (grown-ding) n. thorough

385 groundless / grubstake

teaching, basic training, a good ground- ing) 1 to lie or crawl with the face down-

ing in arithmetic. ward in a show of humility or fear. 2.

ground -less (grownd-lis) adj. without ba- to humble oneself.
sis, without good reason, your fears are grow (groh) v. (grew, grown, grow* ing)
groundless, groundless -ly adv. 1 . to increase in size or quantity, to be-
ground* mass (grownd-mas) n. a base of come greater. 2. to develop; the seeds
hard rock embedded with prominent are growing, putting out shoots. 3. to be
crystals. capable of developing as a plant, to flour-
ground* nut (grownd-nut) n. 1. the edible ish, grows in warm climates. 4. to
tuber or underground nut of a plant, such become gradually, he grew rich. 5. to
as the peanut. 2. such a plant. cause or allow to grow, to produce by
grounds (growndz) n. pi. 1. an area of cultivation, grow a beard; grow roses. 6.
enclosed land belonging to a large house to become firmly established or more ac-
or an institution. 2. solid particles that ceptable, it's a habit that grows on you.
sink to the bottom of a liquid, coffee growing pains, neuralgic pain in
grounds. children's legs, usually caused by tired-
ground* sheet (grownd-sheet) n. a water- ness; problems arising because a project
proof sheet for spreading on the ground. or development is in its early stages.
grounds* keep *er (growndz-kee-per) n. a grow out of, (of a growing child) to
person who takes care of the grounds become too large to wear (certain
of an estate, a playing field, etc. clothes); to become too mature for, grew
ground* swell (grownd-swel) n. 1. heavy out of his childish habits; to have as a
slow-moving waves caused by a distant source, to arise or develop from, grow
or recent storm. 2. a sudden spontaneous up, to develop, to become adult or ma-
growth of enthusiasm and popular sup- ture.
port, as for a political candidate. grow *a* Die (groh-a-bel) adj. able to be
ground *wa*ter (grownd-waw-ter) n. wa- grown.
ter lying below the earth's surface in grow*er (groh-er) n. 1. a person who
springs and in pores of rock. grows plants, fruit, or vegetables com-
ground* work (grownd-wurk) n. prelimi- mercially. 2. a plant that grows in a cer-
nary or basic work. tain way, a rapid grower.
group (groop) n. 1 a number of persons
. growl (growl) v. 1 to make a low threaten-

or things gathered, placed, or classed to- ing sound. 2. to speak or say in a growl-
gether, or working together for some ing manner, to grumble, growl n. a
purpose. 2. a number of commercial growling sound, growl 'er n.
companies under one owner. 3. a trio, grown (grohn) v. see grow, grown adj.
quartet, etc., especially of pop or jazz 1 fully developed, adult, a grown man.
performers, group v. (grouped, 2. covered with a growth, a wall grown
group- ing) to form or gather into a over with ivy.
group or groups. group practice, a grown* up (grohn-up) n. an adult person,
medical practice in which several doctors grown-up adj.
are associated, group therapy, psycho- growth (growth) n. 1 the process of grow-

logical therapy in which patients with ing, development. 2. the cultivation of

a similar condition are brought together produce. 3. something that grows or has
to assist one another under the supervi- grown, a thick growth of weeds. 4. an
sion of a therapist. abnormal formation of tissue in the body,
group -er (groo-per) n. a salt-water fish' a tumor. growth industry, one devel-
used as food. oping faster than most others, growth
group -ie (groo-pee) n. (slang) a girl who Stocks, common-stock investments
follows touring pop groups. thought likely to increase in value rather
grouse 1 (grows) n. (pi. grouse) 1 a game . than yield high income.
bird with feathered feet. 2. its flesh as grub (grub) n. 1 the thick-bodied worm-

food. like larva of certain insects. 2. (slang)

grouse v. (groused, grous*ing) (in- food. grub. v. (grubbed, grub-bing)
formal) to complain, grouse n. (in- 1. to dig the surface of the soil. 2. to
formal) a complaint, grous'er n. clear away roots by digging, to dig up
grout (growt) n. thin mortar used to fill by the roots. 3. to search laboriously,
narrow cavities such as joints between to rummage.
stones or wall tiles, grout v. to fill with grub* by (grub-ee) adj. (grub-bi-er,
grout. grub *bi* est) 1. infested with grubs. 2.
grove (grohv) n. a group of trees, a small dirty, unwashed, grub'bi-ly adv. grub'
wood. bhness n.
grov*el (gruv-el) v. (groveled, grovel- grub -stake (grub-stayk) n. supplies or
grudge / guardian 386
money advanced (originally to a mining Mexican sauce of mashed avocado, hot
prospector) with the agreement that the peppers, etc.
profits will be shared with the lender. gua-nine (gwah-neen) n. a white base ob-
grudge (graj) v. (grudged, grudg-ing) tained from guano and found as a con-
to resent having to give or allow some-
stituent of DNA.
thing; / don t grudge him his success, I gua-no (gwah-noh) ft. 1. dung of seabirds,
admit that he deserves it. grudge n. a used as fertilizer. 2. an artificial fertilizer,
feeling of resentment or ill will, grudg' especially that made from fish.
ing adj. grudg'ing-ly adv. guar* an* tee (gar-an-tee) n. 1. a formal
gru*el (groo-el) ft. a thin porridge made promise to do what has been agreed, or
by boiling oatmeal in ntilk or water. that a thing is of specified quality and
gru-el-ing (groo-e-ling) adj. extremely tir- durability, with penalties for failure. 2.
ing, exhausting. = guaranty (definitions 1 and 2). 3. a
grue'SOme (groo-sdm) adj. filling one guarantor, guarantee v. (guar* an*
with horror or disgust, revolting, the teed, guar* an* tee* ing) 1. to give or
gruesome details of the murder. be a guarantee for; guarantee his debts,
gruff (gruf) adj. 1 (of the voice) low and
undertake to pay them if he does not
harsh, hoarse. 2. having a gruff voice. 2. to promise, to state with certainty.
3. surly in manner, gruff'ly adj. gruff'
guar* an* tor (gar-an-tor) n. a person who
ness n. gives a guarantee.
grum-ble (grum-bel) v. (gram* bled, guar*an*ty (gar-an-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1.
grum-bling) 1. to complain in a bad-
a formal promise given by one person
tempered way. 2. to rumble, thunder was
to another that he will be responsible
grumbling in the distance, grumble ft.
for something to be done, or for a debt
1 a complaint, especially a bad-tempered

to be paid, by a third person. 2. some-

one. 2. a rumble.
thing offered or accepted as security. 3.
grum-bler (grum-bleY) ft. a person who
a guarantor. 4. giving security, guar-
grumbles constantly.
anty v. (guar* an* tied, guar -an -ty-
grum-py (gram-pee) adj. (grump-i-er,
ing) to guarantee.
grump-i-est) bad-tempered, grump'i-
guard (gahrd) v. 1 to watch over and pro-

ly adv. grump'i -ness n.

tect, to keep safe. 2. to watch over and
grun-gy (gran-jee) adj. (-gi-er, -gi*est)
supervise or prevent escape. 3. to keep
(slang) unkempt, ugly.
in check, to restrain; guard your tongue,
grurvion (grun-y6n) n. a small California
sea fish that comes ashore to spawn.
do not be outspoken or indiscreet. 4. to
take precautions, guard against errors.
grunt (grunt) v. 1 to make the gruff snort-

ing sound characteristic of a pig. 2. to

guard n. 1. a state of watchfulness or
alertness for possible danger. 2. a defen-
speak or utter with such a sound, he
sive attitude in boxing, fencing, etc. 3.
grunted a reply. 3. to grumble, grunt
«. 1 a grunting sound. 2. (slang) an in-
a protector, a sentry. 4. a body of soldiers
fantryman. or others guarding a place or a person,
gru-yere (groo-yair) ft. a pale firm cheese serving as escort, or forming a separate
with small cavities, made originally in part of an army. 5. a protecting part or
Gruyere, Switzerland. device. D
guard duty, standing as sen-
gr. wt abbr. gross weight. try; guarding military prisoners, guard

gryph-on = griffin. of honor, a ceremonial guard for a spe-

GSA abbr. General Services Administra-
1 .
cial occasion such as a military funeral.

tion. 2. Girl Scouts of America. Off guard, unprepared against attack or

G-string (jee-string) ft. 1. a string on a surprise, on one's guard, alert for pos-
musical instrument, tuned to the note sible danger etc. stand guard, to guard,
G. 2. a very brief covering for the geni- to act as a protector or sentry.
tals, especially that used in a burlesque guard -ed (gahr-did) adj. cautious, dis-
show. creet, a guarded statement.
G-sult ( jee-soot) n. a close-fitting inflatable guard -house (gahrd-hows) ft. {pi
suit worn by airmen or astronauts flying -hous-es, pr. -how-ziz) a building for
at high speed to prevent blood from the accommodation of a military guard
draining away from the head and causing or for keeping prisoners under guard.
blackouts (G = gravity). guard -I -an (gahr-di-an) n. 1. one who
gt. abbr. great. guards or protects. 2. a person who un-
GT abbr. gross ton. dertakes legal responsibility for someone
Gt Br., Gt. Brit. abbr. Great Britain. who is incapable of managing his
gtd. abbr. guaranteed. own affairs, such as an orphaned child,
gua-ca-mo-le (gwah-ka-moh-lee) n. a guardian -ship n. guardian angel,
387 guardroom / guinea fowl
an angel thought of as watching over a out interesting sights on a journey or
person or place. visit. 3. an adviser, a person or thing
guard* room (gahrd-room) n. a room for that directs or influences one's behavior.
keeping prisoners under guard or for the 4. a book of information about a place
use of a military guard on duty. or a subject, a guide to Italy. 5. a thing
guards* man (gahrdz-man) n. a member that marks a position, guides the eye,
of a unit of guards. or steers moving parts, guide v. (guid-
Gua-te-ma-la (gwah-te-mah-12) 1. a ed, guid-ing) to act as guide to.
country in Central America. 2. its capital guide dog, a dog trained to guide a
city. Gua-te-ma'lan adj. & n. blind person, guided missile, a missile
gua*va (gwah-va) n. 1. a tropical Ameri- that is under remote control or directed
can tree. 2. its edible orange-colored acid by equipment within itself, guide rail,
fruit. a track for a window or sliding door.
gu • ber • na • to • rl • al (goo-ber-nS-tohr-i- guide rope, a rope trailed along the
al) adj. of a governor or of the office of ground by a balloon or small airship; a
governor. rope attached to the load of a crane to
Guern-sey (gum-zee) n. {pi. -seys) one guide it. guide word, a word at the head
of a breed of dairy cattle known for its of a page of a reference book indicating
rich milk. either the first or the last word on the
guar •lit* la a person who takes
(gu-ril-a) n.
part in guerrilla warfare, fighting or
guide* book (gid-buuk) n. a book of infor-
harassment by small groups acting inde- mation about a place, for travelers or
guess (ges) v. 1. to form an opinion or guide* line (gid-lin) n. a statement of prin-
make a statement or give an answer with- ciple giving practical guidance.
out calculating or measuring and without
gui • don (gi-ddn) n. a small flag or pennant
definite knowledge. 2. to think something
used as a military unit's standard.
likely. 3. (informal) to suppose, / guess
guild (gild) n. a society of people with simi-
we ought to be going, guess n. an opin-
lar interests and aims, one of the associa-
ion formed by guessing. guess / er n.
tions of craftsmen or merchants in the
Dkeep a person guessing, (informal)
Middle Ages.
to keep him uncertain of one's feelings
guil-der (gil-der) n. a unit of money of
or future actions etc.
the Netherlands, a florin.
guess -ti- mate (ges-tl-mit) n. (informal)
guild* hall (gild-hawl) n. a hall built or
an estimate based on guesswork and
used as a meeting place by a guild.
reasoning, guesstimate (ges-tl-mayt)
v. (guess -ti- mat -ed, guess -ti- mat-
guile (gil) n. treacherous cunning, crafti-
ness, guileful adj. guile'less adj.
ing) (informal) to form a guesstimate.
guess* work (ges-wurk) n. the process of guile'less-ness n.

guessing, an example of this.

gull *l0* tine (gil-d-teen, gee-6-) n. 1 a ma-

guest (gest) a person staying or eating

n. 1 .
chine with a heavy blade sliding down
at another's house or visiting him by invi- in grooves, used for beheading criminals
tation. 2. a person staying at a hotel. in France. 2. a machine with a long blade
3. a visiting performer takingpart in an for cutting paper or metal, guillotine
entertainment, a guest artist, tf guest of (gil-d-teen, gee-6-) v. (guil*lo*tined,
honor, the most honored guest at a gull *lo* tin *ing) to execute with a guil-
party, guest room, a bedroom kept for lotine.
the use of guests. guilt (gilt)n. 1 the fact of having commit-

guest* house (gest-hows) n. {pi hous- ted some offense. 2. a feeling that one
es, pr. -how-ziz) 1 a separate house for
. is to blame for something.

guests on an estate. 2. a small, informal guilt* less (gilt-lis) adj. without guilt, inno-
hotel. cent.
guff (guf ) n. (slang) empty
nonsense. talk, guilt -y (gil-tee) adj. (guilt -i-er, guilt- i-
guf *faw (gu-faw) n. a coarse noisy laugh. est) 1. having done wrong. 2. feeling
guffaw v. to give a guffaw. or showing guilt, guilt'i-ly adv. guilti-
gui* dance (gi-dans) n. 1. guiding, being ness n.

guided. 2. advising or advice, especially guin-ea (gin-ee) n. a former British gold

on educational and vocational matters. coin worth 21 shillings (£1.05).
guidance system, a computer and Guin-ea (gin-ee) a country in West Africa.
associated devices for keeping a missile, Guin'e-an adj. & n.
spacecraft, etc. on course. Gui-nea-Bis-sau (gin-ee-bi-soh) a coun-
guide (gid) n. 1 a person who shows oth-
. try in West Africa bordering Guinea.
ers the way. 2. one employed to point guinea (gin-ee) fowl a domestic fowl of
guinea hen / gunnery 388
the pheasant family, with gray feathers formal) to cause confusion or delay in,
spotted with white. to spoil; gum up the works, to interfere
guinea hen a female guinea fowl. with the smooth running of something.
guinea pig 1 a short-eared animal . like gum 3 n, (slang in oaths) God, by gum!
a large rat, kept as a pet or for biological gum* bo (gum-boh) n. {pi -bos) 1. the
experiments. 2. a person or thing used okra plant or its pods. 2. soup thickened
as a subject for experiment. with these pods. 3. thick mud.
guise (giz) n. an outward manner or ap- gum • boil (gum-boil) n. a small abscess on
pearance put on in order to conceal the the gum.
truth, a pretense, they exploited him un- gum* drop (gum-drop) n. a candy made
der the guise offriendship. t> Do not con- of gelatin or gum arabic and coated with
fuse guise with disguise. sugar.
gui-tar (gi-tahr) n, a stringed musical in- gum* my (gum-ee) adj. (gum*mi*er,
strument played by plucking with the fin- gum* mi* est) sticky with gum. gum'
gers or with a plectrum; electric guitar, mi-ness n.

one with a built-in microphone. gump*tion (gump-shon) n, (informal)

gui-tar-ist (gi-tahr-ist) n, a person who common sense and initiative.
plays the guitar. gum* shoe (gum-shoo) n, (slang) a detec-
gulch (gulch) n, a small ravine. tive.
gulf (gulf) n. 1 an area of sea (larger than
. gun (gun) n. 1 any kind of firearm that

a bay) that is partly surrounded by sends shells or bullets from a metal tube.
land. 2. a deep chasm or canyon. 3. a 2. a starting pistol. 3. a device that forces
wide difference in opinions or outlook. out a substance through a tube, a grease
Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current gun, 4. (slang) a gunman, a hired gun,
that flows from the Gulf of Mexico to gun v. (gunned, gun*ning) 1. to shoot
Europe. with a gun, gunned him down, 2. to accel-
gull 1 (gul) n. a large seabird with long erate (an engine) briskly. Dbe gunning
wings. for, to have as one's target for attack,
gull n. (old use) a dupe, gull v. (old use) to seek to destroy, big gun, see big.
to deceive, to cheat. great guns, (informal) vigorously, in-
Gul-lah (gul-a) one of a group of de- 1. tensively, blowing or going great guns.
scendants of slaves from West Africa, gun carriage, a wheeled structure on
inhabiting the Atlantic coastal region of which a gun is mounted for transport.
the southeastern U.S. 2. the English-Af- gun metal, dull bluish-gray, like the
rican dialect of these people. color of metal formerly used for guns.
gul* let (gul-it) n. 1. the passage by which gun moll, /slang) a gangster's mistress;
food goes from the mouth to the stom- a woman criminal with a gun. gun run-
ach. 2. the throat. ner, a person engaged in gun running,
gul'li'ble (gul-I-bel) adj. easily deceived. extensive smuggling of guns and ammu-
gul*li*bil*i*ty (gul-I-bil-i-tee) n, nition into a country.
gul • ly (gul-ee) n. ( pi. -lies) a narrow chan- gun *boat (gun-boht) n. a small armed ves-
nel cut in the soil by flowing water. sel with heavy guns. gunboat diplo-
gulp (gulp) v. 1 to swallow (food or drink). macy, diplomacy backed by threat of
hastily or greedily. 2. to suppress some- force.
thing by swallowing hard, he gulped back gun* cot* ton (gun-kot-on) n. an explosive
his rage. 3. to make a gulping movement, made of acid-soaked cotton.
to choke or gasp, gulping for breath, gulp gun* fight (gun-fit) n. a fight with guns,
n. 1 the act of gulping. 2. a large mouth-
. gun' fight *er n.
ful of liquid. gun *fire (gun-fir)n. the firing of guns.

gum 1 (gum) n. the firm flesh in which the gung ho (gung hoh) (informal) enthusias-
teeth are rooted, gum v. (gummed, tic, eager.
gunvming) (informal) to chew without gunk (gungk) n. unpleasantly viscous or
teeth. slimy material.
gum 2
a sticky substance exuded by
n. 1. gun *lock (gun-lok) n. the mechanism by
some and shrubs, used for sticking
trees which the charge of a gun is exploded.
things together. 2. chewing gum. 3. a gun* man (gun-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
gum tree gum v. (gummed, gum* -men) a man armed with a gun.
ming) smear or cover with gum, to
to gun-nel = gunwale.
stick with gum, to become
together gun*ner (gun-er) n. a soldier or member
gummy. U gum arable, gum exuded by of an aircraft crew who operates a gun,
some kinds of acacia, used in making tail gunner.
candies and glue, gum tree, a tree that gun*ner*y the science of
(gun-e-ree) n,

exudes gum, a eucalyptus, gum up, (in- constructing and operating large guns.
389 gunny / gymnasium
gunnery sergeant, a noncommis- from the intestines of animals, used sur-
sioned officer in the U.S. marines, next gically and for violin and racket strings.
in rank below a first sergeant. 3. guts, (informal) the internal organs
gun-ny <gun-ee) n. {pi -nies) a coarse of the abdomen; the internal parts of any-
material made from jute or hemp. thing, the guts of the machine. 4. guts,
gun-ny -sack (gun-ee-sak) n. a sack made (slang) strength or vitality, courage, gut
of gunny. adj. 1. fundamental, basic, a gut issue.
gun* point (gun-point) n. at gunpoint, 2. instinctive, a gut reaction, gut v. (gut*
under threat of being shot by a gun held ted, gut* ting) 1. to remove the guts
ready. from (a fish). 2. to remove or destroy
gun*pow*der (gun-pow-der) n. an explo- the internal fittings or parts of (a build-
sive of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. ing), the factory was gutted by fire.
gun* shot (gun-shot) n. 1 a shot fired from. Dgut course, (slang) a college course
a gun. 2. the range of a gun, within gun- requiring little or no work, gut shot,
shot a gunshot that wounds game in the stom-
gun-shy (gun-shi) adj. afraid of the sound ach, hate a person's guts, (slang) to
of a gunshot. hate him intensely, work one's guts
gun* sling *er (gun-sling-er) n. (informal) out, (informal) to work extremely hard.
a gunman. gut- buck -et (gut-buk-it) n. a style of jazz,
gun* smith (gun-smith) n. a person whose enthusiastically played.
trade is making and repairing small fire- gut* less (gut-lis) adj. (informal) lacking
arms. courage and determination.
gun* wale (gun-el) n. the upper edge of a guts*y (gut-see) adj. (slang) courageous.
small ship's or boat's side. gut*ta-per*cha (gut-a-pur-cha) n. a tough
gup • py (gup-ee) n. {pi -pies) a small trop- rubberlike substance made from the
ical fish frequently kept in aquariums. juice of various Malayan trees.
gur*gle (gur-gel) n. a low bubbling sound. gut*ter (gut-er) n. 1. a shallow trough un-
gurgle v. (gur*gled, gur*gling) to der the eaves of a building, or a channel
make this sound. at the side of a street, for carrying off
Gur *kha (goor-ka) n. a member of a Hindu rain water. 2. a slum environment, gut-
people in Nepal, known for their ability ter v. (of a candle) to burn unsteadily
as soldiers. so that melted wax flows freely down
gu*ru (goo-roo) n. {pi -rus) 1. a Hindu the sides.
spiritual teacher or head of a religious gut *ter* snipe (gut-er-snip) n. a dirty
sect. influential or revered teacher. badly dressed child, a street urchin.
gush (gush) v. 1 to flow or pour out sud-
. gut*tur*al (gut-u-r£l) adj. 1. throaty,
denly or in great quantities. 2. to talk harsh sounding, a guttural voice. 2. pro-
with extravagant enthusiasm or emotion, nounced in the throat, guttural n. a gut-
especially inan affected manner, gush tural letter. gut'tur*al*ly adv.
«. a sudden or great outflow. 2. an
1. gut«ty (gut-ee) = gutsy.
_ outpouring of feeling, effusiveness, guy 1(gi) n. a rope or cable used to keep
gush'y adj. (gush* her, gush -i -est). something steady or secured, guy wires.
gush -er (gush-er) n. 1 an effusive person.
. guy v. (guyed, guying) to secure with
2. an well from which oil flows
oil ropes or cables.
strongly without needing to be pumped. guy2 (informal) a man.
gus*set (gus-it) n. a triangular or dia- Guya-na (gi-an-a) a country in South
mond-shaped piece of cloth inserted in America. Guy*an*ese (gi-a-neez) adj.
a garment to strengthen or enlarge it. & n. {pi -ese).
gus-set-ed (gus-i-tid) adj. fitted with a guz-zle (guz-zled, guz-zling)
(guz-el) v.

gusset. gu2'zler n.
to eat or drink greedily.
gus-sy (gus-ee) v. (gus*sied, gus-sy- gym (jim) n. (informal) 1. a gymnasium.
ing) (slang) to dress elegantly, to deco- 2. a physical education class, gym
rate, gussy up. shoes, rubber-soled shoes worn in a
gust (gust) n. 1 a sudden rush of wind.
. gymnasium, gym suit, clothing, usually
2. a burst of rain or smoke or sound. brief, worn for a gym class.
gust v. to blow in gusts, gust'y adj. gym*kha*na (jim-kah-na) n. a public
gust'hly adv. sports competition, especially one that
gus*ta*to*ry (gus-tl-tohr-ee) adj. of the tests skill in driving a car or in gymnas-
sense of taste. tics.
gus-to (gus-toh) n. zest, great enjoyment gym*na*si*um (jim-nay-zi-um) n. {pi
in doing something. -Si* ums, -si* a, pr. -zi-S) a room de-
gut (gut) n. 1 the lower part of the alimen-
. signed for physical training and gymnas-
tary canal, the intestine. 2. a thread made tics.
gymnast / gyroscope 390
gynvnast (jim-nast) ru an expert per- made, also used as a fertilizer.
former of gymnastics. gyp- sy ( jip-see) n. {pi -sies) 1 a member

gym-nast*ic (jim-nas-tik) adj. of gym- of a nomadic people, now mainly in Eu-

nastics. rope and the U.S. 2. their language, Ro-
gym -nas* tics (jim-nas-tiks) n. pi exer- many. 3. (informal) a person who lives
cises performed to develop the muscles like a gypsy. D gypsy moth, a moth
or demonstrate agility; mental gymnas- whose larva is very destructive to trees.
tics, mental agility, elaborate reasoning. gyrate (ji-rayt) v. (gy*rat*ed, gyrat*
gymnastics n. sing, gymnastics as a ing) to move around in circles or spirals,
subject of study or practice. to revolve. gy*ra*tion (ji-ray-shdn) n.
gym* no* sperm (jim-nd-spurm) n. a gyr*fal*COn (jur-fal-kon) n. the largest of
plant having its seeds unprotected by all falcons, living in Arctic America and
seed vessels. Europe, with plumage in white, gray, and
gyn. abbr. gynecology. black phases.
gyn*e*col*o*gist (gi-ne-kol-d-jist) n. a gyro (ji-roh) n. {pi -ros) (informal) 1.
specialist in gynecology. a gyroscope. 2. a gyrocompass.
gyne*col*o*gy (gi-ne-kol-d-jee) n. the gy*ro* com* pass (ji-roh-kum-pas) n, a
scientific study of the female reproduc- navigation compass using a gyroscope
tive system and its diseases. gyn*e*CO* and so not affected by Earth's rotation.
log*i*cal (gi-ne-kd-loj-i-kal) n. gyro* plane (ji-rd-playn) n. a form of
gyp (jip) v. (gypped, gyp -ping) (in- aircraft, such as a helicopter, deriving
formal) to cheat, swindle, defraud, gyp mainly from
its lift freely rotating over-
n. (informal) 1 . a swindle. 2. a cheater, head vanes.
swindler. gyro -scope (ji-rd-skohp) n. a device
gyp- soph-Ma (jip-sof-I-la) n, a garden consisting of a heavy wheel which, when
plant with many small white or pink spinning fast, keeps the direction of its
flowers, such as baby's-breath. axis unchanged, used in navigation in-
gyp* sum (jip-sum) n. a chalklike sub- struments in ships and in spacecraft etc.
stance from which plaster of Paris is gyro*SCop*iC (ji-ro-skop-ik) adj.
H, h (aych) ru {pi Hs, H's, h's) the eighth nab* it-form »ing (hab-it-for-ming) adj.
letter of the alphabet. causing addiction,
H abbr. (slang) heroin. ha-blt-u-al (ha-bich-oo-al) adj. 1. done
H symbol 1 . henry. 2. hydrogen. constantly, like or resulting from a habit.
h. abbr. 1. hard. 2. hardness. 3. height. 2. regular, usual, in his habitual place.
4. high. 5. (in baseball) hit(s). 6. hour(s). 3. doing something as a habit, a habitual
ha (hah) interj. an exclamation of triumph smoker. ha-bit'u-al-ly adv. ha*bit'u*
or surprise. al*ness n.
Ha symbol hahnium. ha-bit-u-ate (ha-bich-oo-ayt) v. (ha*
ha. abbr. hectares). blt-u-at-ed, ha*bit«u-at«ing) to ac-
ha-ba-ne-ra (hah-b&-nair-&) n. a Cuban custom. ha*bit*u*a*tion (ha-bich-oo-
dance in slow time, music for this.
ay-shdn) n.

ha • be • as cor • pus (hay-bi-as kor-pus) an ha*bit*u*e (h^-bich-oo-ay) ru one who

order requiring a person to be brought visitsa place frequently or lives there.
before a judge or into court, especially
ha* Chen* da (hah-si-en-da) ru {pi -das)
' 1. (in Spanish America) a large estate.
in order to investigate the right of the
2. the main house on a ranch or estate.
authorities to keep him imprisoned.
> = hack 1 (hak) v. 1 to cut or chop roughly.
Latin, you must have the body.
2. to cough harshly, hack ru 1. a cut
hab*er*dash*er (hab-er-dash-er) n. a
or slash or notch made with a sharp im-
shopkeeper dealing in small items of
plement. 2. a tool used in hacking. 3. a
men's clothing, such as shirts, hats, and
cough, hack'er ru Dhack it, (slang) to
deal with a situation appropriately, he
nab • er* dash *er*y (hab-er-dash-e-ree) ru
couldn't hack it at school
{pi -er*ies) a haberdasher's shop or
hack 2 n. 1. a horse for ordinary riding,
one that may be hired. 2. a person paid
ha-bil-l-ment (ha-bil-I-ment) ru 1. (usu-
to do hard and uninteresting work, espe-
ally habiliments) dress suited to any of-
cially as a writer. 3. (informal) a cab
fice or occasion. 2. (old use) equipment,
or carriage for hire, a taxicab or its
attire for a particular profession, way of
driver, hack adj. 1 hired, a hack writer.

life, etc.
2. commonplace, hackneyed, a hack
hab'lt (hab-it) n. 1 a settled way of behav-
novel hack v. (informal) to drive a cab
ing, something done frequently and al-
or carriage.
most without thinking. 2. something that hack*ie (hak-ee) n. (informal) hackman.
is hard to give up, especially an addiction
hack*ing (hak-ing) adj. (of a cough) short,
to narcotics. 3. the long dress worn by dry, and frequent.
a monk or nun. 4. a woman's riding hack'le (hak-el) n. one of the long feathers
dress. on the neck of a domestic rooster and
hab-it-a-ble (hab-i-ta-bSl) adj. suitable other birds. with his hackles up, (of
for living in. hab'it-a-ble-ness ru a person) angry and ready to fight.
hab'it-a-bly adv. ha-bit-a-bil-i-ty hack* man (hak-man) ru {pi -men, pr.
(hab-i-tS-bil-i-tee) ru -men) the driver of a taxicab or carriage.
hab-lt -ant (hab-i-tant) n. 1 an inhabitant.
hack*ney (hak-nee) n. {pi -neys) 1. a
2. a descendant of the early French set- vehicle for hire, especially a taxi that car-
tlers in Canada and Louisiana. ries people or goods. 2. a horse for ordi-
hab'l-tat (hab-i-tat) n. the natural envi- nary riding.
ronment of an animal or plant. hack-neyed (hak-need) adj. (of a saying
hab«i*ta-tion (hab-i-tay-sh6n) ru 1. a etc.)having lost its original impact
place to live in. 2. inhabiting, being in- through long overuse.
habited. hack* saw (hak-saw) n. a saw for cutting

hackwork / hairy 392
metal, with a short blade in a frame. mass of these, especially on the human
hack* work (hak-wurk) ru literary work head, haired adj. Dget in a person's
written on order, usually according to hair, to encumber or annoy him. hair
a prescribed formula. trigger, a trigger that causes a gun to
had (had) see have. fire atthe slightest pressure, split hairs,
had -dock (had-dk) ru (pi -docks, to make distinctions of meaning that are
-dock) a saltwater fish like cod but too small to be of any real importance.
smaller, used for food. hair* ball (hair-bawl) ru a ball of hair that
Ha*des (hay-deez) Greek mythol-
ru 1 . (in collects in the intestines of an animal that
ogy) the underworld, the place where the licks its coat.
spirits of the dead go. 2. hell. hair* brush (hair-brush) ru a brush for
had* n't (had-ent) = had not. grooming the hair.
haf *ni*um (haf-ni-um) ru a gray metallic hair* cloth (hair-klawth) ru a stiff wiry up-
chemical element resembling and usually holstery fabric.
accompanying zirconium. hair* cut (hair-kut) ru 1. shortening of the
haft (haft) ru the handle of a knife or dag- hair by cutting it. 2. the style in which
ger or cutting .tool. it is cut.
hag (hag) ru an ugly old woman. hair* do (hair-doo) ru {pi -dos) (informal)
Hag -ga* dan (ha-gah-da) ru the book re- a particular way of styling or arranging
cited at Seder in the Jewish festival of a woman's hair.
Passover. hair* dress *er (hair-dres-er) ru a person
hag • gard (hag-ard) adj. looking exhausted whose trade is to arrange and cut hair.
and ugly from prolonged worry or illness hair* less (hair-lis) adj. without hair, bald.
or lack of sleep. hair* line (hair-lin) ru 1 a very narrow line.

hag-gis (hag-is) ru A
Scottish dish made 2. the edge of a person's hair around
from sheep's heart, lungs, and liver. the face. U
hairline fracture, a very nar-
hag-gle (hag-el) v. (hag-gled, hag* row crack in a bone.
gling) to argue about price or terms hair* piece (hair-pees) n. a quantity of
when settling a bargain, hag'gler ru false hair worn to increase the amount
ha*gi*og*ra*phy (hag-i-og-ra-fee) ru the of a person's natural hair.
writing of saints' lives. hag*l*og'ra* hair* pin (hair-pin) n. 1. a U-shaped pin
pher n. for keeping the hair in place. 2. (also
Hague (hayg), The the seat of government hairpin curve or turn) a very sharp
of the Netherlands. doubling back of the road.
hah = ha. hair-rais*er (hair-ray-zer) n. a terrifying
ha-ha (hah -hah) interj. representing laugh- movie, story, experience, etc.
ter. hair-ral8*ing' (hair-ray-zing) adj. terrify-
hahn*i*um (hah-ni-um) ru a newly discov- ing, causing one's hair to stand on end.
ered synthetic element. hairs 'breadth (hairz-bredth), hair*
hai-ku (ni-koo, hi-koo) ru (pi -ku) a Japa- breadth (hair-bredth) n. a minute dis-
nese three-line poem of seventeen sylla- tance, hairsbreadth adj. hairs-
bles, an English poem imitative of this breadth escape, a very narrow escape.
form. hair* split *ter (hair-split-er) ru a person
hail (hayl) v. 1 to greet, to call to (a person
. who makes unnecessarily fine distinc-
or ship), to signal to (a taxi etc.) to stop tions.
and take one as a passenger; within hail- hair* spray (hair-spray) ru an aerosol
ing distance, close enough to do this. 2. spray used to keep the hair in place.
to originate, to have come, where does hair -spring (hair-spring) ru a fine spring
he hail from? Dhail fellow well met, regulating the balance wheel in a watch.
very friendly toward strangers. Hail hair* style (hair-stil) ru the style in which
Mary, a prayer to the Virgin Mary begin- hair is arranged, hair'styMng ru
ning with these words. hair *styl* 1st (hair-sti-list) ru an expert in
hall 2 ru 1 pellets of frozen rain falling in
. cutting and arranging hair.
a shower. 2. something coming in great hair-trig *ger (hair-trig-er) adj. rapidly re-
numbers, a hail of blows, hall v. 1 to . sponsive to any stimulus, a hair-trigger
fall as hail in a shower, it is hailing. 2. temper.
to come or send down like hail. l>Do hair* weaving (hair- wee- ving) ru the in-
not confuse hail with hale. terweaving of natural hair and a nylon
hail* stone (hayl-stohn) ru a pellet of hail. thread base, to cover a bald area.
hail* storm (hayl-storm) ru a storm of hail. halr-y (hair-ee) adj. (hair-i-er, hair-
hair (hair) ru 1 one of the fine threadlike
. I* est) 1. having much hair. 2. (slang)

strands that grow from the skin of people hair-raising, difficult, halr'l-ness n.
and animals or on certain plants. 2. a hairy woodpecker, a North Ameri-

393 Haiti / hall

can woodpecker with similar markings tones, half time, the interval between
to but larger than the downy wood- the two halves of a game of football or
pecker. hockey etc.
Hahtl (hay-tee) a country in the West In- half* back (haf-bak) ru (in football) a
dies. Haitian (hay-shan) adj. & n. player in the offensive backfield who of-
haj-ji (haj-ee) n. (pi. -Jis) a Muslim who ten carries the balh
has made a pilgrimage to Mecca. half-baked (haf-baykt) adj. (informal) 1
hake (hayk) n. (pi hakes, hake) a fish not completely planned. 2. foolish.
of the cod family, used as food. half-breed (haf-breed) n. a person of
hahberd (hal-berd) n. a combined spear mixed race.
and battle-ax. half-caste (haf-kast) n. a person of mixed
hahberd'ier (hal-ber-deer) n. a man race.
armed with a halberd. half-cocked (haf-kokt) adj. 1 (of a gun)

hal-cy -on (hal-si-dn) adj. calm and peace- with the hammer in a half-ready position.
ful, happy and prosperous, halcyon days. 2. (of a person) only half ready; go off
> Named after a bird formerly believed half-cocked, to begin without adequate
tohave the power of calming wind and preparation.
waves while it nested on the sea. half* heart *ed (haf-hahr-tid) adj. lack-
hale 1 (hayl) adj. strong and healthy, hale ing enthusiasm. half'heart'ed'ly adv.
and hearty, hale'ness n. >Do not con- half'heart'ed*ness n.
fuse hale with hail. half-life (haf-lif) n. the time it take^ the

hale 2 (haled, hal-ing) to bring as by

v. radioactivity of a substance to fall to half
dragging, haled into court. its original value.
half (haf) n. (pi. halves, pr. havz) one half-mast (haf-mast) n. a point about half-
of two equal or corresponding parts into way up a mast, to which a flag is lowered
which a thing is divided, half adj. as a mark of respect for a dead person.
amounting to a half, half adv. to the ex- half* pen *ny (hay -pe- nee) n. (pi. half*
tent of a half, partly, half cooked; Vm pen*nies, half • pence, pr. hay-pens) a
half inclined to agree. Dby half, exces- British coin worth half a penny.
sively, too clever by half, by halves, half-tim-bered (haf-tim-berd) adj. (of a
lacking thoroughness, they never do building) having a timbered frame with
things by halves, half a dozen, six. half the spaces filled in by brick or plaster.
and half, being half of one thing and half • tone (haf-tohn) n. a black and white
half of another, especially half milk and illustration in which light and dark
half cream, half boot, a boot reaching shades are reproduced by means of small
up to the calf of the leg. half brother, and large dots.
sister, a brother or sister with only one half-track (haf-trak) n. an armored vehicle
parent in common with the other, half having a propulsion system with wheels
dollar, a U.S. and a Canadian coin worth at the front and an endless driven belt
fifty cents, half gainer, a dive in which at the back.
the diver initially faces forward for take- half-truth (haf-trooth) n. a statement con-
off and then executes a half-backward veying only part of the truth.
somersault and finishes by entering the half • way (haf- way) adj. at a point between
water headfirst, facing the diving board. and equally distant from two others.
half hitch, a knot used in fastening a halfway adv. partially. halfway
rope, half hour, an interval of thirty house, a special residence for former
minutes, half measures, a policy lack- drug abusers, mental patients, prisoners,
f ing thoroughness, half nelson, a hold etc. where they are helped in adjusting
in wrestling, with an arm under the op- to normal life.
ponent's arm and behind his neck, half half-wit (haf- wit) n. (slang) a mentally re-
note, a musical note having one half the tarded or stupid person, half '-wlt'ted
count of a whole note, half past, thirty adj.
minutes past the hour, half pint, a hah hal*i*but (hal-T-but) n. (pi. -but) a large
of a pint; (informal) a very short or small flatfish used for food.
person, half shell, half of a mollusk Hal* *fax (hal-T-faks) the capital of Nova

shell, especially for serving seafood on. Scotia.

half size, any of the full figure sizes in ha* lite(hal-it) n. a rock salt.
women's clothes, indicated by the frac- hal*i*tO*sis (hal-i-toh-sis) n. breath that
tion one-half next to the size number. smells unpleasant.
half slip, a woman's skirtlike undergar- hall (hawl) n. 1 a large room or a building

ment, half sole, the sole of a boot or for meetings, meals, concerts, etc. 2. a
shoe from shank to toe. half step, a half corridor or passageway. 3. a space or
interval in pitch between two whole passage into which the front entrance of
. '

hallelujah / hammock 394

a house etc. opens, a foyer or lobby. the back and shoulders bare. 3. a rope
Dhall of fame, a building with memori- with a noose for hanging a person, halter
als of celebrated persons, Baseball Hall v. to put the halter on, to restrain, to

of Fame, halls of learning, knowl- hamper.

edge, (informal) college or university halt-ing (hawl-ting) adj. 1. walking slowly
settings for the instruction of students. as if unsure of oneself. 2. spoken hesi-
hahle'lU'jah (hal-e-loo-yi) interj. praise tantly, a halting explanation, halting-
to the Lord, hallelujah n. a song of ly adv.
praise to God. hal -van (hahl-vah) n. a sweet food of
hall* mark (hawl-mahrk) l.a mark, es-
f Turkish origin, made of sesame flour and
pecially on articles of precious metal, to honey.
indicate their quality or purity. (> Origi- halve (hav) v. (halved, halving) 1. to
nally so marked at Goldsmith's Hall in divide or share equally between two. 2.
England.) 2. a distinguishing characteris- to reduce by half.
tic, the bombing bears the hallmark of halves (havz) see half.
recent guerrilla attacks, hall' marked hal* yard (hal-yard) n. a rope for raising
adj. or lowering a or flag.
hal* low (hal-oh) v. to make holy, to honor ham (ham) n. 1 the upper part of a pig's

as holy, hal 'lowed adj. leg, dried and salted or smoked. 2. meat
Hal-low-een (hal-6-ween) n. October 31, from this. 3. the back of the thigh, the
the eve of All Saints' Day. thigh and buttock. 4. (slang) a poor actor
hal*lu*ci*nate (ha-loo-st-nayt) v. (hal* or performer. 5. (informal) the operator
lu-ci-nat-ed, hal-tu-ci-hat-ing) to of an amateur radio station, a radio ham.
have or cause to have hallucinations, ham v. (hammed, ham-mlng) (slang)
hahlu-ci-na-tlve (ha-loo-sl-nay-tiv) to overact, to exaggerate one's actions
adj. deliberately, hamming it up. hanVmy
hal -lu-ci -nation (ha-loo-si-nay-shdn) n. adj. (-ml*er, -mi* est).
1 the illusion of seeing or hearing some- ham*a*dry*ad (ham-fi-dn-ad) n. 1. (in
thing when no such thing is present. 2. Greek and Roman mythology) a nymph
the thing seen or heard in this way. living and dying with the tree she inhab-
hal-lu-ci-na-to-ry (ha-loo-sl-ni-tohr-ee) ited. 2.the lung cobra. 3. a large Arabian
adj. of or causing hallucinations. baboon held sacred in ancient Egypt.
hal-lu-cl-no-gen (ha-loo-sl-nd-jen) n. a ham* burg *er (ham-bur-ger) n. a flat
drug causing hallucinations. hal*lu*cl a
round cake of ground beef served fried
no-gen*lc (ha-loo-sl-no-jen-ik) adj. or broiled, often in a bread roll. Named >
hall* way (hawl-way) n. an entrance hall after Hamburg in Germany.
or corridor. ham* let (ham-lit) n. a small village.
ha*lo (hay-loh) n. {pi -los, -loea) 1. a hanvmer (ham-er) n. 1. a tool with a
disk or ring of light shown around the heavy metal head used for breaking
head of a sacred figure in paintings etc. things, driving nails in, etc. 2. something
2. a disk of diffused light around a lumi- shaped or used like this, such as an auc-
nous body such as the sun or moon, ha' tioneer's mallet, part of the firing device
loed adj. in a gun, a lever striking the string in
hal*0*gen (hal-o-jen) n. any of the non- a piano. 3. a metal ball of about 15
metallic elements such as fluorine, chlo- pounds attached to a wire for throwing
rine, bromine, iodine, and astatine, as an athletic contest, hammer v. to hit
which form halides by simple union with or beat with a hammer, to strike loudly.
a metal, hal -o -gen -old (hal-6-je-noid) come under the hammer, to be sold
adj. ha • log *e* nous (ha-loj-e-nus) adj. by auction, hammer and sickle, the
hal-o-gerva-tlon (hal-d-jS-nay-shdn) n. symbols of manual workers and peasants
the introduction of a halogen atom into used as the emblem of the USSR,
a molecule. mer and tongs, fighting or arguing with
halt 1 (hawlt) n. a stop, an interruption, great energy and noise, hammer out,
work came to a halt to devise (a plan) with great effort.
halt 2 falter in speech. 2. to walk
1. ham -mer- head (ham-er-hed) n. a shark
hesitatingly. 3. to come or bring to a with lateral extensions of the head bear-
halt, haltl interj. a military order to stop. ing the eyes.
halt adj. (old use) lame, crippled. ham* mer* lock (ham-er-lok) n. a hold in
hahter (hawl-ter) n. 1. a rope or leather which a wrestler's arm is bent behind
strap put around a horse's head so that his back.
it may be led or fastened by this. 2. a ham* mer* toe (ham-er-toh) n. a toe that
style of dress top held up by a strap pass- is permanently bent downward.
ing around the back of the neck, leaving ham -mock (ham-ok) n. a hanging bed of
395 hamper / handgun
canvas or rope mesh. washing, have one's hands full, to be
ham •per 1
(ham-per) n. a basketwork con- fully occupied, hold a person's hand,
tainer for clothes, food, etc. to give close guidance or moral support.
hamper 2 v. to prevent the free movement hold hands, to be hand in hand with
or activity of, to hinder. another person, in hand, in one's posses-
ham-ster (ham-ster) n. a small ratlike ro- sion; control, live from hand to
dent with cheek pouches for carrying mouth, to supply only one's immediate
grain. needs without provision for the future.
ham* string (ham-string) n. 1. one of the on hand, available, on one's hands,
strong tendons at the back of the human resting on one as a responsibility, out
knee. 2. the great tendon at the back Of hand, out of control; without delay,
of an animal's hock, hamstring v. rejected it out of hand out of one's
(ham* strung, ham* string *ing) 1. to hands, out of one's control, the upper
cripple by cutting the hamstrings. 2. to hand, the advantage, to hand, within
cripple the activity or efficiency of. reach.
hand (hand) n. 1 the end part of the arm
. hand* bag (hand-bag) n. a woman's bag
below the wrist. 2. possession, control, to hold money and small personal arti-
care, the child is in good hands. 3. influ- cles.
ence, activity, many people had a hand hand* ball (hand-bawl) n. 1. a ball for hit-
in it. 4. active help, give him a hand. ting with the hand. 2. a game played
5. a pledge of marriage, asked for her with this ball in a walled court.
hand. 6. a manual worker in a factory, hand* bar* row (hand-bar-oh) n. a frame
on a farm, etc., a member of a ship's for loads etc. carried by two persons.
crew. 7. skill or style of workmanship, hand* bill (hand-bil) n. a printed notice cir-
a person with reference to skill, has a culated by hand.
light hand with pastry; an old hand at hand* book (hand-buuk) n. a small book
this, an experienced person. 8. style of giving useful facts.
handwriting. 9. a pointer on a clock, dial, hand* breadth (hand-breth), hand's-
etc. 10. side or direction, the right or breadth (handz-breth) n. the width of
left side, one of two contrasted sides in the average adult hand as a measure of
an argument etc., on every hand; on the distance, approximately four inches.
other hand. 1 1 a unit of 4 inches used
. hand* car (hand-kahr) n. a small railroad
in measuring a horse's height. 12. the car on four wheels operated by hand.
cards dealt to a player in a card game, hand* cart (hand-kahrt) n. a cart drawn
one round of a card game. 1 3. (informal) or pushed by hand.
applause, got a big hand. 14. done or hand* clap (hand-klap) n. a clapping of
operated or carried etc. by hand, hand- hands.
sewn; hand brake; hand luggage, hand hand* Clasp (hand-klasp) n. a handshake,
v. 1. to give or pass with one's hand(s) a clasping of hands by two or more peo-
or otherwise. 2. to help (a person) into ple to show friendship.
a vehicle etc. Dat hand, close by; about handicraft (hand-kraft) v. to make by
to happen, by hand, by a person (not handicraft.
a machine); delivered by a messenger; hand* cream (hand-kreem) n. a cream for
not through the mail, hand and foot, softening the hands.
completely, bound hand and foot; assidu- hand* cuff (hand-kuf) n. one of a pair of
ously, waited on her hand and foot. linked metal rings for securing a prison-
hands down, to transmit a decision er's wrists, handcuff v. to put handcuffs
(from the court), hand in glove with, on (a prisoner).
working in close association with, hand handled (nan-did) adj. 1. using or made
in hand, holding each other's hand; for use by one hand or the other, left-
closely associated, linked together, hand handed. 2. requiring or involving a par-
it to a person, (informal) to award ticular number of people, four-handed
praise to. hand organ, a barrel organ card game.
with a crank turned by hand, hand hand-ful (hand-fuul) n. (pi. -fuls) 1. a
over, to put (a person or thing) into the quantity that fills the hand. 2. a small
custody or control of another person. number of people or things. 3. (informal)
hand over fist, (informal) with rapid a person who is difficult to control, a
progress, making money hand over fist. troublesome task.
hands down, (of a victory won) easily, hand* grip (hand-grip) n. 1. a friendly or
completely, hands off!, do not touch hostile grasp, seizure of the hand. 2. a
or interfere, hands upl, an order to raise handle.
both hands in surrender, hand towel, hand* gun (hand-gun) n. a gun held or
a small towel for wiping the hands after fired with one hand.
handicap / hang 396
hand* -cap (han-di-kap)
I n. 1 a disadvan-
. people to hold as a support when climb-
tage imposed on a superior competitor ing stairs etc.
in order to equalize chances. 2. a race hand* saw (hand-saw) n. a saw held with
or contest in which this is imposed. 3. one hand.
the number of strokes by which a golfer hand* set (hand-set) n. a telephone mouth-
normally exceeds par for the course. 4. piece and earpiece as one unit.
anything that lessens one's chance of suc- hand* shake (hand-shay k) n, a grasping
cess or makes progress difficult. 5. a and shaking of a person's hand with one's
physical or mental disability, handicap own as a greeting.
v. (hand *i • capped, hand -i -cap- hand* some (han-sdm) adj. 1. good-look-
ping) to impose or be a handicap on. ing. 2. generous, a handsome present 3.
hand *i -capped (han-di-kapt) adj. suffer- (of a price or fortune etc.) very large.
ing from a physical or mental disability. hand'some*ly adv. hand 'some-
hand *i -cap* per (han-di-kap-er) n. 1. a ness n.
person whose job is to predict winners hand -spring (hand-spring) n. a somer-
in a horse race. 2. a racetrack official sault in which a person lands first on
who assigns-the weights that horses carry his hands, thenon his feet.
in a race. hand stand (hand-stand) n. balancing on

hand -i -craft (han-di-kraft) n. work that

one's hands with the feet in the air.
needs both skill with the hands and artis-
hand-to-hand (hand-to-hand) combat a
ticdesign, such as woodwork, needle-
fight involving close personal contact be-
work, pottery, etc. hand'i* crafts* man
tween the combatants.
ru (pi -men). hand-wo-ven (hand-won- ven) adj. pro-
hand*i*ly (han-di-lee) adv. in a handy
duced on a hand-operated loom.
way, easily.
hand- writ -ing (hand-n-ting) n. 1. writing
hand *i* work (han-di-wurk) n. 1. some- done by hand with a pen or pencil. 2.
thing done or made by the hands. 2.
a person's style of this.
something done or made by a named per-
hand-y (han-dee) adj. (hand-i-er, hand*
I-est) 1. convenient to handle or use.
hand ker chief
• • (hang-ker-chif) n. a small
2.conveniently placed for being reached
square of cloth for wiping the nose etc.
or used. 3. clever with one's hands,
han -die (ban -del) n. 1. the part of a thing
hand'i -ly adv. hand'i-ness n.
by which it is to be held or carried or
controlled. 2. (slang) one's name, what's
hand-y -man (han-di-man) n. (pL -men,
pr. -men) a person who does household
your handle? handle v. (han* died,
han-dling) 1. to touch or feel or move repairs and odd jobs.
with the hands. 2. to be able to be oper-
hang (hang> v. (hung, hang* ing) 1. to
ated, the car handles well 3. to manage,
support or be supported from above so
that the lower end is free. 2. to cause
to deal with, knows how to handle people.
(a door or gate) to rest on hinges so that
4. to deal in (goods). 5. (informal) to
it swings freely back and forth, to be
discuss or write about (a subject).
Dfly off the handle, see fly 2 . placed in this way. 3. to stick (wallpaper)
han* die* bar (han-del-bahr) n. the steering to a wall. 4. to decorate with drapery
bar of a bicycle etc., with a handle at or hanging ornaments. 5. (past tense
each end. u
handlebar mustache, a hanged) to execute or kill by suspending
thick curving mustache shaped like this. from a rope that tightens around the
han*dler (handler) n. a person who han- neck, to be executed in this way. 6. to
dles things, one in charge of a trained droop; people hung over the gate, leaned
police dog etc. over it. 7. to remain in the air, smoke
hand* made (hand-may d) adj. made by hung over the area; the threat is hanging
hand, the opposite of machine made. over him, remains as something unpleas-
hand* maid* en (hand-may -d£n) n, a fe- ant, hang n. 1 the way something hangs.

male servant. 2. (informal) a very small amount,

hand-me-down (hand-mee-down) n. an doesn't care a hang. Dget the hang of,
article of secondhand clothing. (informal) to get the knack of. hang
hand-off (hand-awf) n, a short lateral pass around, to loiter, not to disperse, hang
in football. back, to show reluctance to take action
hand* out (hand-owt) n, (informal) 1. a or to advance, hang fire, (of a gun) to
prepared statement issued to the press. be slow in going off; (of events) to be
2. something distributed free of charge. slow in developing, hang glider, a glider
hand* pick (hand-pik) v. to choose care- controlled and stabilized by movements
fully, hand' picked ' adj. of the operator suspended upright in it.
hand *rail (hand-ray 1) n. a narrow rail for hang gliding, the sport of soaring
397 hangar / hard
through the air on a hang glider, hang hap (hap) n. chance, luck. 2.
(old use)
1 .

in (there), (slang) to persist in spite of a chance occurrence.

adversity, hang on, to hold tightly; to hap*haz*ard (hap-haz-ard) adj. done or
depend on, much hangs on this decision; chosen at random, without planning,
to attend closely to, they hung on his hap-haz'ard-ly adv. hap 'hazard*
words; to remain in office, to stick to one's ness n.
duty etc.; (slang) to wait for a short time, hap *less (hap-lis) adj. unlucky.
hang on a minute; (informal, in telephon- hap-lold (hap-loid) adj. having a single
ing) to hold the line, hang out, (slang) set of unpaired chromosomes, haploid
to frequent (a place), hang out at that n. a haploid cell, an organism having this.

bar. hang together, (of people) to help hap • pen (hap-en) v. 1 to occur (by chance

or support one another; (of statements) or otherwise). 2. to have the (good or

to fit well together, to be consistent. bad) fortune to do something, we hap-
hang up, to end a telephone conversa- pened to see him. 3. to find by chance,
tion by replacing the receiver; (informal) / happened on this book. 4. to be the
to cause delay or difficulty to. not give fate or experience of, what has happened
a hang, (informal) to not care at all. to you?
han* gar (hang-ar) n. a building for hous- hap*pen*ing (hap-e-ning) n. something
ing aircraft. that happens, an event.
hang* dog (hang-da wg) adj. shamefaced. hap* pen* stance (hap-en-stans) n. (in-
hang-er (hang-er) n. 1. a person who formal) a thing that happens by
hangs things. 2. a loop or hook by which chance.
something is hung. 3. a shaped piece of hap-py (hap-ee) adj. (hap-pi-er, hap*
wood, wire, or plastic for hanging a gar- pi* est) 1. feeling or showing pleasure
ment on. or contentment. 2. fortunate. 3. (of
hang*er-on (hanger-on) n. (pi hang* words or behavior) very suitable, pleas-
ers-on) a person who attaches himself ing, hap'pi-ly adv. hap'pi-ness n.
to another in the hope of personal gain. happy medium, something that
hang-ing (hang-ing) n. 1. a drapery hung achieves a satisfactory avoidance of ex-
on walls. 2. an execution by hanging. tremes.
hang* man (hang-man) n. (pi -men, pr. hap-py-go-luck-y (hap-ee-goh-luk-ee)
-men) a man whose job is to hang persons adj. taking events cheerfully as they hap-
condemned to death. pen.
hang* nail (hang-nay 1) n. torn skin at the ha*ra-ki*ri (hahr-a-keer-ee) n. suicide in-
root of a fingernail. volving disembowelment, formerly prac-
hang* out (hang-owt) n. (slang) a place of- ticed by Japanese army officers when in
ten visited by a person or group. disgrace or under sentence of death.
hang*o*ver (hang-oh-ver) n. 1. a severe ha-rangue (ha-rang) n. a lengthy speech,
headache or other unpleasant aftereffects especially a pompous or bombastic one.
from drinking too much alcohol. 2. harangue v. (ha*rangued, ha rangy •

something left from an earlier time. ing) tomake a harangue to. ha*ran-
hang-up (hang-up) n. (slang) a difficulty, gu'er n. , I

an inhibition. har-ass (ha-ras, haras) v. 1. to trouble

hank (hangk) n. a coil or length of wool and annoy continually. 2. to make re-
or thread etc. peated attacks on (an enemy). ha*rass'
hank*er (hang-ker) v. to crave, to feel a ment n.
longing. hank'er-ing n. har-assed (ha-rast, har-ast) adj. tired and
han-ky (hang-kee) n. (pi -kies) (informal) irritated by continual worry.
a handkerchief. har*bin*ger (hahr-bin-jer) n. a person,
han-ky-pan-ky (hang-kee-pang-kee) n. event, or thing that announces the ap-
(informal) 1 trickery, dishonest dealing.
. proach of another, a forerunner.
2. questionable or immoral behavior. har*bor (hahr-bdr) n. a place of shelter
Ha*nol (ha-noi) the capital of Vietnam. for ships, harbor v. 1. to give shelter
han*som (han-sdm) n. a covered two- to, to conceal (a criminal etc.). 2. to keep
wheeled horse-drawn carriage, with the in one's mind, harbor a grudge.
driver mounted behind. hard (hahrd) adj. 1. firm, not yielding to
Ha*nuk*kah, Cha*nu*kah (hah-nu-ka) pressure, not easily cut. 2. difficult to
n. the Jewish festival of lights, commem- do or understand or answer. 3. causing
orating the victory over the Syrians in unhappiness, difficult. to bear. 4. severe,
the 2nd century B.C. harsh, unsympathetic. 5. energetic, a
hao*le (how-lee) n. a person who is not hard worker. 6. (of Weather) severe. 7.
a member of the native race of Hawaii, (of currency) not likely to drop suddenly
especially a white person. in value. 8. (of drinks) strongly alcoholic.
hardback / harebell 398
9. (of water) containing mineral salts that bound hardcover n. a hardbound book.
prevent soap from lathering freely and hard*en (hahr-den) v. 1. to make or be-
cause a hard coating to form inside ket- come hard or hardy. 2. to make or be-
tles, water tanks, etc. 1 0. (of colors or come unyielding, attitudes have hardened
sounds) harsh to the eye or ear. 11. (of in the dispute hard'erver n.
consonants) sounding sharp not soft, the hard-hack (hahrd-hak) n. an American
letter *fc" is hard in "gun" and soft in shrub related to roses, having rusty
"gin. " hard adv. 1 . with great effort, in- leaves with pink and white flowers.
tensively, worked hard; it's raining hard hard* head *ed (hahrd-hed-id) adj. practi-
2. with difficulty, hard-earned money. 3. cal, not sentimental, hard'head'ed-ty
so as to be hard, hard-baked, hard'ness adv. hard'head'ed*ness n.
n. Dhard and fast, (of a distinction hard • heart • ed (hahrd-hahr- 1 id) adj.
made, a rule of behavior, etc.) strict unsympathetic, hard'heart'ed-ly adv.
hard and fast rules, rules that cannot hard'heart'ed-ness n.
be altered to fit special cases, hard bar- har*di*hood (hahr-di-huud) n. boldness,
gaining, making few concessions, hard audacity.
by, close by. hard cash, coins and bills, Handing (hahr-deeng), Warren G.
not a check or a promise to pay later. (1865-1923) the twenty-ninth president
hard cider, fermented cider, hard coal, of the U.S. 1921-23.
anthracite, hard copy, a legible perma- hard-llrver (hahrd-li-ner) n. a person un-
nent record of matter stored in a com- yielding in his adherence to a firm pol-
puter etc. hard core, the stubborn un- icy.
yielding nucleus of a group; hard-core hard *ly (hahrd-lee) adv.
1 in a hard man-

pornography, explicitly sexual, in a pru- ner. 2.only with difficulty. 3. scarcely;

rient way. hard court, a tennis court one can hardly expect it, cannot reason-
with a hard surface, hard drugs, drugs ably expect it. >It is incorrect to say
that are likely to cause addiction, hard can't hardly.
hat, protective headgear worn on con- hard-nosed (hahrd-nohzd) adj. (informal)
struction sites; (informal) a construction uncompromising.
worker, hard labor, compulsory labor hard* pan (hahrd-pan) n. firm subsoil of
by prisoners, with loss of privileges dur- clay etc., hard unbroken ground.
ing the first few weeks of a sentence. hard-shell (hahrd-shel) adj. 1. having a
hard line, an unyielding adherence to hard shell. 2. rigid, uncompromising.
a firm policy hard of hearing, slightly hard* ship (hahrd-ship) n. severe discom-
deaf, hard palate, the front part of the fort or lack of the necessities of life, a
palate, hard rock, a form of rock-'n'- circumstance causing this.
roll music characterized by a very loud hard*stand«(hahrd-stand) n. an area adja-
and strong beat, hard sauce, a sauce cent to an airport runway with a hard
of butter and sugar, often with brandy surface for aircraft to stand on.
etc. added, hard sell, aggressive sales- hard-tack (hahrd-tak) n. a saltless hard
manship, hard shoulder, a strip of biscuit formerly used on naval ships.
hardened land beside a highway for vehi- hard* top (hahrd-top) n. an automobile
cles to leave the road in an emergency. with a metal roof and no center posts
hard up, (informal) short of money; separating the windows.
hard up for ideas, short of these, hard hard* ware (hahrd-wair) n. 1. tools and
words, words difficult to understand; household implements etc. 2. weapons,
angry talk. machinery. 3. the mechanical and elec-
hard* back (hahrd-bak) adj. & n. hard- tronic parts of a computer.
cover. hard* wood (hahrd-wuud) hard
n. the
hard •ball (hahrd-bawl) n. a baseball. heavy wood obtained from deciduous
Dplay hardball, (informal) to act with- trees, such as oak and teak.
out restraint. hard • work • ng (hahrd- wur-king) adj. dil-

hard-bit* ten (hahrd-bit-en) adj. unyield- igent.

ing in a fight. hardy (hahr-dee) adj. (har*dl*er, har-
hard • board (hahrd-bohrd) n. board made diest) 1. capable of enduring cold or

of compressed wood chips. difficult conditions. 2. (of plants) able to

hard-boiled (hahrd-boild) adj. 1. (of eggs) grow in the open air all year round,
boiled until the white and the yolk have har'dl-neaa n. har'dl-ly adv.
become solid. 2. (of people) callous. hare (hair) n. {pi hares, hare) a field
hard* bound (hahrd-bownd) adj. bound in animal a rabbit but larger.
stiff durable binding, hardbound n. a hare* bell (hair-bel) n. a wild plant with
hardbound book. blue bell-shaped flowers on a slender
hard-cov-er (hahrd-kuv-er) adj. hard- stalk.

399 harebrained / harsh

hare 'brained (hair-bray nd) adj. wild and ing a parachute to its wearer), harness
foolish, rash. v. 1 . to put harness on (a horse), to attach
hare* lip (hair-lip) n. a deformed lip (usu- by a harness. 2. to control and use (a
ally,the upper lip) with a vertical slit river or other natural force) to produce
in it like that of a hare, hare'lipped electrical power etc. harness racing,
adj. racing in which a horse pulls a two-
ha •rem (hair-em) n. 1. the women of a wheeled vehicle and a driver. In har-
Muslim household. 2. their living quar- ness, in the routine of daily work, out
ters. of harness, retired from work.
hark (hahrk) v. to listen. Dhark back, harp (hahrp) n. a musical instrument con-
to return to an earlier subject, to remem- sisting of strings stretched on a roughly
ber. triangular frame, played by plucking
har-le-quin (hahr-16-kwin, -kin) n. 1. (of- with the fingers, harp v. to talk repeat-
ten Harlequin) a clownlike character in edly and tiresomely about a subject,
pantomime dressed in multicolored is always harping on it. harp'er n.
clothing. 2. a buffoon or clown, harle- harp'ist ru
quin adj. multicolored. har*poon (hahr-poon) ru a spearlike mis-
har* lot (hahr-lot) n. (old use) a prostitute. sile with a rope attached, for killing
harm (hahrm) n. an injury, damage, harm whales etc. harpoon v. to spear with a
v. to cause harm to. harpoon. har*poon'er ru
harnvful (hahrm-ful) adj. causing harm, harp* si -Chord (hahrp-si-kord) ru a key-
harm'fuhly adv. board instrument in which the strings
harmless (hahrm-lis) adj. 1. unlikely to are plucked rather than struck as in a
cause harm. 2. inoffensive, harm 'less* piano, used especially in the 16th- 18th
ly adv. harm 'less *ness n. centuries.
har*mon*ic (hahr-mon-ik) n. 1. an over- har*py (hahr-pee) n. (pi -pies) a grasping

tone of a primary note played on an in- unscrupulous person. Named after the >
strument. 2. harmonics, the science of Harpies, creatures in Greek mythology
the physical characteristics of musical with a woman's head and body and a
sound, harmonic adj. relating to har- bird's wings and claws.
mony, having a harmonious sound, har* har -que *bU8 (hahr-kwe-bus) n. (pi
mon'i*cal*ly adv. -bus-es) an early type of portable gun,
har*mon*l*ca (hahr-mon-i-ka) n. a small supported on a tripod by a hook or on
rectangular wind instrument played by a forked rest. har*que*bus*ler (hahr-
passing it along the lips while blowing kwfc-bti-seer) n,
or sucking air. har -ri- dan (har-i-dan) n. a bad-tempered
har*mo*ni*ous (hahr-moh-ni-us) adj. 1. oldwoman.
sweet sounding, tuneful. 2. forming a hanri-er 1 (har-i-er) n. 1. a hound used
pleasing or consistent whole. 3. free from for hunting hares. 2. a cross-country run-
disagreement or ill feeling. har*mo'ni* ner.
ous-ly adv. har*mo'nl*ous*ness n. harrier 2 n. 1 a person or thing that harries.

har*mo*ni*um (hahr-moh-ni-um) adj. a 2. a kind of falcon.

musical instrument with a keyboard, in Har *rls* burg (har-Is-burg) the capital of
which notes are produced by air pumped Pennsylvania.
through reeds, a reed organ. Har-ri-son (har-T-sdn), Ben*]a*mln
har*mo*nize (hahr-m6-niz) v. (har- (1833-1901) the twenty-third president
mo*nized, har*mo*niz*ing) 1. to add of the U.S. 1889-93.
notes to (a melody) to form chords. 2. Harrison, Wll-liam Hen-ry (1773-1841)
to make or be harmonious. 3. to produce the ninth president of the U.S. 1841.
an agreeable artistic effect, har'mo* har* row (har-oh) n. a heavy frame with
niz-er n. har*mo*ni*za*tion (hahr- metal spikes or disks for breaking up
m5-ni-zay-sh6n) ru clods, covering seeds, etc. harrow v. 1
har*mo*ny (hahr-md-nee) n. (pi -nles) to draw a harrow over (land). 2. to dis-
1. the combination of musical notes to tress greatly.
produce chords. 2. the study of chords har*row*ing (har-oh-ing) adj. distressing,
and chord progressions. 3. a pleasant tormenting, a harrowing night in the

chord or progression of chords. 4. agree- emergency room.

ment, concord, we were in perfect har- har*ry (har-ee) v. (har Tied, har Ty-
mony with each other. ing) to harass.
har*ness (hahr-nis) n. 1. the straps and harsh (hahrsh) adj. 1 rough and disagree-

fittings by which a horse is controlled able, especially to the senses, a harsh tex-
and fastened to a carriage, cart, etc. 2. ture or voice. 2. severe, cruel, harsh treat-
fastenings resembling this (as for attach- ment, harsh'ly adv. harsh'ness n.
hart / hate 400
hart (hahrt) n. an adult male deer. haste (hayst) urgency of movement or
Hart* ford (hahrt-ford) the capital of Con- action, hurry. Din haste, quickly, hur-
necticut. riedly, make haste, to act quickly.
harts* horn (hahrts-horn) n. a substance has* ten (hay-sen) v. 1. to hurry. 2. to
from horns of hart, formerly a chief cause (a thing) to be done earlier or to
source of ammonia. happen earlier.
har* urn-scar* urn (hair-um-skair-um) hast*y (hay-stee) adj. (hast* her, hast*
adj. (informal) wild and reckless, har- i*est) 1. hurried, acting too quickly.
um-scarum n. (informal) a wild and 2. said or made or done too quickly.
reckless person. harun\-scarum adv. hast'My adv. hast / i*ness n.
(informal) in a harum-scarum way. hat (hat) n. 1. a covering for the head,
harvest (hahr-vist) n. 1. the gathering worn out of doors. 2.
(informal) this
of a crop or crops, the season when this thought of as symbolizing a person's po-
is done. 2. the season's yield of any natu-
sition or job; wear two hats, to have two
ral product. 3. the product of any action. positions or jobs. keep It under your
harvest v. to gather a crop, to reap. hat, keep it secret, pass the hat, to
harvest moon, the full moon nearest collect contributions of money, talk
to the autumnal equinox (September 22 through one's hat, to talk with scanty
or 23). or incomplete knowledge of one's subject
har-ves-ter (hahr-vi-ster) n. 1. a person
matter, toss or throw one's hat Into
who gathers a crop. 2. a machine that the ring, to indicate one's intention of
gathers a crop.
seeking election to office, promotion in
has (haz) see have. employment etc.
has-been (haz-bin) n. {pi has-beens) hat* band (hat-band) n. a band of ribbon
(informal) a person or thing that is no
etc. around a hat just above the brim.
longer as famous or successful as for-
hat *box ("hat-bo ks) n. a round container
for the storage or transportation of a hat.
ha • sen • pf ef • f er (hah-sen-fef-er) n. a stew
hatch 1 (hach) n. 1. an opening in a door
of marinated rabbit meat
or floor or ceiling, an opening in a ship's
hash 1 (hash) n. 1 a dish of cooked or pre-

deck. 2. a movable cover over any of

served meat cut into small pieces and
recooked. 2. a jumble, a mixture, hash
v. to make (meat) into a hash. Dhash
hatch2 v. 1 (of a young bird or fish etc.)

to emerge from an egg, (of an egg) to

mark, (in football) a mark between a
produce a young animal. 2. to cause
sideline and the center of the field show-
(eggs) to produce young by incubating
ing where the ball may be put into play;
(informal) a service stripe on the uniform
them. 3. to 'devise (a plot), hatch n.
hatching, a hatched brood.
of an enlisted person in the armed serv-
ices, hash over, (informal) to bring up
hatch3 v. to mark with close parallel lines.
again for discussion, especially when hatch -back (hach-bak) n. a car with a
there is little hope of progress or resolu- sloping back hinged at the top so that
it can be opened, the back itself.
tion, make a hash of, (slang) to make
a mess of, to bungle, settle a person's hatch *er*y (hach-e-ree) n. {pi -er«
hash, (informal) to make an end of or les) a place for hatching eggs, especially
subdue mm. of fish, a trout hatchery.
hash 2 n. (slang) hashish. hatch *et (hach-it) n. a light short-handled
hash ish (hash-eesh) n, the
• top leaves and ax. hatchet face, a long sharp-fea-
tender parts of hemp, dried for chewing tured face, hatchet Job, (informal) a
or smoking as a narcotic. malicious verbal attack, hatchet man,
has* n't (haz-ent) =has not (informal) one who commits murder for
hasp (hasp) n. a hinged metal strip with pay; a person employed to make un-
a slit in it that fits over a U-shaped staple popular decisions or to coerce, threaten,
through which a pin or padlock is then etc.
passed. hatch • Ing (hach-ing) n. the drawing or en-

has-sle (has-el) n. (informal) a quarrel or graving of closely spaced parallel lines

struggle, hassle v. (has* sled, has* to produce shading.
Sllnfl) (informal) 1 . to quarrel. 2. to har- hatch* way (hach- way) n. a hatch, or the
ass. passageway leading to or from the hatch.
has -sock (has-dk) n. 1. a footstool or hate (hayt) v. (hat-ed, hat -Ing) 1. to dis-
cushion for resting one's legs. 2. a cush- like intensely, detest be hostile to. 2. to
ion for kneeling (as in prayer). be reluctant / hate to interrupt you. hate
hast (hast) v. (old use) the past tense of n. 1 the feeling of intense dislike or hos-

have, used with thou. tility. 2. (informal) the thing hated.


401 hateful / hay

hat'er n. Dhate letter, a communica- ried; you have me there, have me defeated
tion, frequently anonymous, expressing or at a disadvantage. 6. (slang) to cheat
the sender's hostility toward the recipi- or deceive, we've been had. 7. to have
ent. sexual intercourse with. 8. to engage in,
hate -fill (hayt-ful) adj. arousing hatred, to carry on, had a talk with him; had
hate'ful -ly adv. hate'fuhness n. breakfast, ate it. 9. to allow, to tolerate,
hat-ful (hat-fuul) n. (pi. -f uls) the amount won't have him bullied. 10. to be under
a hat will hold. the obligation of, we have to go now.. 1 1
hath (hath) v. (old use) has, music hath to let (a feeling etc.) be present in the
charms to soothe the savage breast. mind, have no doubt. 1 2. to show a qual-
hat* less (hat-lis) adj. not wearing a hat. ity, have mercy on us. 13. to receive, to
ha*tred (hay-trid) n. 1. the state of hating accept, we had news of her; will you have
someone or something. 2. hate. a cigarette? 14. to cause a thing to be
hat*ter (hat-er) ru a person whose trade done, have one's hair cut; have three cop-
is making, selling, or repairing hats. ies made, have auxiliary verb, used to
haugh«ty (haw-tee) adj. (-ti*er, -ti* form past tenses of verbs, he has gone;
est) proud of oneself and looking down we had expected it. Dhad better, would
on other people. haugh'tMy adv. find it wiser, have at, to attack, have
haugh'ti-ness n. done with, to be finished with, have
haul (hawl) v. 1 to pull or drag forcibly.
. had it, (slang) to be unable or unwilling
2. to carry by a truck etc. haul n. 1. to tolerate more; to be near death, no
hauling. 2. the amount gained as a result longer usable, etc. have it, to have a
of effort, booty, made a good haul 3. a sudden inspiration about a problem etc.,
distance to be traversed, it's only a short / have it!; to win a decision in a vote,
haul from here, haul'er n. Dover the the ayes have it. have it coming, (in-
long haul, in the long run, considering formal) to deserve one's punishment or .

the long term. bad luck, have it in for, (informal) to

haul* age (haw-lij) n. the transport of show ill will toward (a person), have
goods, the charge for this. it out, to settle a problem by frank dis-

haunch (hawnch) ru 1 the fleshy part of

. cussion, have on, to wear, have over,
the buttock and thigh. 2. the leg and to invite someone to visit, haves and
loin of deer etc. as food. have-nots, rich and poor (people or na-
haunt (hawnt) v. 1 (of ghosts) to be fre-
. tions), have to do with, to be connected
quently in (a place) with manifestations with, let someone have it, to scold
of their presence and influence. 2. to be or punish.
persistently in (a place). 3. to linger in ha*ven (hay-ven) n. a refuge.
the mind of, the memory haunts me. have* n't (hav-ent) = have not.
haunt n. a place often visited by the per- ha*ver*sack (hav-er-sak) n. a strong bag
sons) named, the inn is a favorite haunt carried on the back or over the shoulder.
of fishermen. haunt'er n. haunting* hav*oc (hav-dk) n. widespread destruc-
ly adv. tion, great disorder. Dcry havoc, to
haunt *ed (hawn-tid) adj. frequented by a alert to danger or disaster, play havoc
ghost or ghosts. with, to create havoc in.
haut-boy, haut-bois (oh-boi) n. (pi. haw (haw) n. a hawthorn berry.

-boys, -bois, pr. -boiz) (old use) oboe. haw 2 see hem 2 .

haute cou-ture (oht koo-toor) high fash- Ha wai (hl-wi-ee) a state of the U.S. Ha
• • i

ion, including the manufacturers and the wai'ian adj. & n.

products. t> French. hawk 1 (hawk) n. 1 a bird of prey. 2. a


haute cui*sine (oht kwee-zeen) elaborate person who favors an aggressive policy.
French) cooking. t> French.
(traditional hawk 2 v. to clear the throat noisily.
haut*eur (oh-tur) n. haughtiness of man- hawk 3 v. to carry (goods) about for sale
ner. in the streets. hawk'er n.
Ha -van* a (ha-van-a) the capital of Cuba. hawk-eyed (hawk-id) adj. keen-sighted.
Havana (cigar), a cigar made from hawk-ish (haw-kish) adj. favoring an ag-
Cuban tobacco or one resembling such gressivGr policy.
a cigar. haw ser (haw-zer) n. a heavy rope or cable

have (hav) v. (had, having) 1. to be in for mooring or towing a ship.

possession of (a thing or quality), to pos- haw *thorn (haw-thorn) n. a thorny tree
sess in a certain relationship, he has many or shrub with small red berries.
enemies. 2. to contain, the house has six hay (hay) n. grass, clover, etc. mown and
rooms. 3. to experience, to undergo, had dried for fodder, hay v. to cut and dry
a shock. 4. to give birth to. 5. to put and store (grass etc.) for use as fodder.
into a certain condition, you had me wor- Dhay fever, an acute allergy to the pol-
Hayes / head 402
len of certain plants, causing inflamma- nation, the mind, use your head. 4. a
tion of mucous membranes of the eyes mental ability or faculty, has a good head
and nose, hit the hay, (slang) to go to for figures. 5. an image or picture of a
bed. make hay while the sun shines, person's head; heads, the side of a coin
to seize opportunities before they disap- on which a person's head appears. 6. a
pear. person, an individual person or animal,
Hayes (hayz), Ru-ther*ford B. (1822- crowned heads; it costs ten dollars a head
93) the nineteenth president of the U.S. 7. (informal) a headache, did I have a
1877-81. head this morning! 8. a number of ani-
hayfork (hay-fork) ru 1. a pitchfork. 2. mals, twenty head of cattle. 9. a thing
a machine that turns over or loads hay. like a head in form or position, such as
hayloft (hay-lawft) ru a part of a barn the rounded end of a pin, the cutting
or a stable where hay is stored. or striking part of a tool etc., a rounded
haymak*er (hay-may-ker) ru (informal) mass of leaves or petals etc. at the top
a knockout punch in a fight. of a stem, the flat surface of a barrel.
hay* mow (hay-mow) ru 1. hay stored in 1 0. foam on top of beer etc. 11. the top

a barn. 2. the part of the barn in which of something long (such as a stair or
it is stored. mast) or of a list. 1 2. the top part of a
hayseed (hay-seed) ru 1. grass seed boil or blister where it tends to break.
gleaned from hay. 2. (slang) a country 13. the upper end or part of a table
bumpkin. (where the host sits) or lake (where a
haystack (hay-stak) n. a regularly shaped river enters) or bed (where a person's
pileof hay firmly packed for storing, with head rests) etc. 1 4. a body of water kept
a pointed or ridged top. at a height (to work a water mill etc.),
haywire (hay-wir) n. (informal) badly a confined body of steam for exerting
disorganized, out of control. pressure. 1 5. the leading part in a proces-
haz-ard (haz-ard) ru 1. risk, danger, a sion or army; at the head, in a position
source of this. 2. an obstacle (such as a of command. 16. (in place names) a
Kond or bunker etc.) on a golf course. promontory, Hilton Head 1 7. the chief
azard v. to risk; hazard a guess, venture person of a group or organization etc.
to make one. 18. a headline, head v. 1. to be at the
haz-ard-ous (haz-ar-dus) adj. risky. head or top of. 2. to strike (a ball) with
haz'ard-ous*ly adv. one's head in soccer. 3. to move in a
haze 1 (hayz) ru 1 thin mist. 2. mental con-
. certain direction, we headed south; head-
fusion or obscurity. ing for disaster, head adj. 1. chief, lead-
haze2 v. (hazed, haz-lng)
to harass and ing, he is tr)e head spokesman for the
subject to humiliation (college freshmen, cause. 2. placed at the head or front.
fraternity initiates, etc.). 3. coming or moving from the front, head
ha-zel (hay-zel) n. 1. a bush with small winds. Dcome to a head, reach a crisis.
edible nuts (hazel nuts). 2. a light give him his head, let him move or
brownish color. act freely, go to a person's head, (of
ha-zy (hay-zee) adj. (-zl-er, -zi-est) 1. alcohol) to make dizzy or slightly drunk;
misty. 2. vague, indistinct. 3. feeling con- (of success) to make conceited, head
fused or uncertain. ha'zMy adv. ha'zi* and shoulders (above), clearly supe-
ness n. rior (to), head cold, a common cold
Hb symbol hemoglobin. generally characterized by nasal con-
H-bomb (aych-bom) n. a hydrogen bomb. gestion, head Off, to force to turn back
hd. abbr. 1 . hand. 2. head. or aside by getting in front of, they
hdbk. abbr. handbook. headed him off at the pass, head over
hdqrs. abbr. headquarters. heels, turning one's body upside down
hdw., hdwe. abbr. hardware. in a circular movement; very much, he
he (hee) pronoun 1. the male person or is head over heels in love with her. head

animal mentioned. 2. a person of unspec- start, an advantage in a competition etc.,

ified sex, he who hesitates is lost he n. the child's early training gave him a head
a male animal; a he-goat, a male goat. start in life, heads up, quick to take
He symbol helium. advantage of opportunities; heads up!, be
HE abbr. high explosive. alert! heads will roll, some people will
H.E. abbr. high explosive. 2. His (or Her)
1 . be punished or dismissed, head wind,
Excellency. 3. His Eminence. a wind blowing from directly in front.
head (hed) n. 1 the part of the body con-
. in one's head, in one's mind, not writ-
mouth, and brain.
taining the eyes, nose, ten down, keep one's head, to remain
2. this asa measure of length, the horse calm in a crisis, laugh one's head off,
won by a head 3. the intellect, the imagi- to laugh uncontrollably, lose one's
403 headache / healthful

head, to act foolishly, make heads or phone receiver held over the ear(s) by
tails Of, to be able to understand, out a band fitting over the head.
of one's head, (informal) a usually head* piece (hed-pees) n. 1. a covering
temporary state of delirium or hysteria. for the head. 2. an ornament at the begin-
over one's head, (of another's pro- ning of the chapter of a .book.
motion etc.) when one has a prior or head* pin (hed-pin) n. the pin nearest the
stronger claim; (of a book, speech, etc.) bowler as he faces the bowling alley, the
past one's ability to understand, put number one pin.
heads together, to pool ideas, turn a head* quarters (hed-kwor-terz) n. pi the
person's head, to make, him vain. place from which a military or other or-
head* ache (hed-ayk) n. 1. a pain in the ganization is controlled. OThis word can
head. 2. a problem causing worry. also be treated as singular.
head *band (hed-band) n. a band, usually head* rest (hed-rest) n. a head support,
ornamental, worn around the head. especially in motor vehicles.
head* board (hed-bohrd) n. an upright head* room (hed-room) n. clearance
panel along the head of a bed. above the head of a person or the top
head* cheese (hed-cheez) n. a seasoned of a vehicle etc.
loaf having as its base the head meat of head* sail (hed-sayl) n. a sail set on or for-
a pig or calf. ward of the foremost mast of a vessel.
head* dress (hed-dres) n. an ornamental head* set (hed-set) n. a pair of earphones
covering or band worn on the head.
linked by a band that fits over the user's
head*ed (hed-id) adj. 1. formed or grown head.
into a head. 2. having a heading or head.
head* stall (hed-stawl) n. the part of a bri-
head* first (hed-furst) adv. 1. with the
dle or halter that fits around the horse's
head in front of the rest of the body.
2. hastily, precipitately.
head* stand (hed-stand) n. the act of
head* gear (hed-geer) ru a hat or cap.
standing on one's head.
head* hunt *er (hed-hun-ter) n. 1 a primi-.

head* stone (hed-stohn) n. a stone set up

tive tribesman who collects the heads of
at the head of a grave.
his enemies as trophies. 2. (slang) an em-
ployment agent or agency specializing in
head* strong (hed-strong) adj. self-willed

placement of managers and other skilled

and obstinate.

personnel, headhunting n.
head* wait *er (hed-way-ter) ru a supervi-
sor of other waiters in a restaurant, often
heading (hed-ing) n. 1. a word or words
responsible for reservations.
put at the top of a section of printed
or written matter as a title etc. 2. the head • wa- ter s (hed-waw-terz) n. pi
compass direction in which a ship, air- streams from the sources of a river.
craft, etc. is pointing or moving.
head* way (hed-way) n. 1. progress, the
head* land (hed-land) n. a promontory. rate of progress of a ship. 2. headroom.
head* less (hed-lis) adj. having no head. 3. the interval between successive buses

head* light (hed-lit) n. 1. a powerful light etc. on a route.

mounted on the front of a motor vehicle head* word (hed-wurd) n. a word forming
or railroad engine. 2. the beam from this. a heading, especially of a dictionary en-
head* line (hed-lin) n. a heading in a news- try.

paper, especially the largest one at the head* work (hed-wurk) n. mental work,
top of the front page; the news headlines, conscious thinking.
a brief broadcast summary of news. head-y (hed-ee) adj. (head*i*er, head*
head* lock (hed-lok) n. a wrestling hold I* est) 1. (of a person, thing, or action)

in which a contestant tightens his arm impetuous, violent. 2. (of liquor or tri-
around an opponent's head. umph etc.) apt to intoxicate, head'!*
head* long (hed-lawng) adj. & adv. 1. fall- ly adv. head'l-ness n.
ing or plunging with the head first. 2. heal (heel) v. 1 . (of sore or wounded parts)
in a hasty and rash way. to form healthy flesh again, to unite after
head* man (hed-man) n. {pi. -men, pr. being cut or broken. 2. to cause to do
-men) the highest ranking man in a tribe this. 3. (old use) to cure, healing the sick.
or (informal) business organization. heal'er n.
head -mas- ter (hed-mas-ter), head* health (helth) n. 1 . the state of being well
mis *tress (hed-mis-tris) n. the director and free from was restored to
of a private school. health. 2. the condition of the body, /'//
head-on (hed-on) adj. &
adv. 1 with the
. health. health foods, foods thought
head pointed directly toward something. to have health-giving qualities; natural
2. colliding head to head. unprocessed foods.
head* phone (hed-fohn) n. a radio or tele- health *ful (helth-ful) adj. producing good
healthy / heart-to-heart 404
health, beneficial, health'ful-ly adv. toward something, have a heart!, (in-
health 'ful ness n.

formal) be considerate or sympathetic.
health «y (hel-thee) adj. (health -i-er, have the heart to, to be hard-hearted
health -i -est) 1. having or showing or enough to (do something), heart attack
producing good health. 2. beneficial. 3. or heart failure, sudden failure of the
(of things) functioning well, health 'i- heart to function normally, heart-lung
ly adv. health 'i ness n.

machine, a pumping machine that ena-
heap (heep) n. 1 a number of things or
bles these organs to be bypassed during
mass of grains etc. lying on one another. a surgical operation by taking over their
2. heaps, (informal) a great amount, functions in blood circulation, his heart
plenty, there's heaps of time. 3. (slang) is in the right place, he has kindly in-
a car in poor condition, heap v. 1. to tentions, his heart was in his mouth,
pile or become piled in a heap. 2. to load he was violently alarmed, set one's
with large quantities, to give large quan- heart on, to desire eagerly, take to
tities of, heaped the plate with food; they heart, to be deeply troubled by; to con-
heaped insults on him. sider seriously, to one's heart's con-
hear (heer) v. (heard, hear-ing) 1 to per- .
tent, as much as one wishes, wear
ceive (sounds) with the ear. 2. to listen one's heart on one's sleeve, to let
or pay attention to. 3. to listen to and one's feelings and emotions be obvious.
try (a case) in a law court. 4. to receive
with all one's heart, sincerely, with the
information or a message or letter etc.
greatest goodwill.
hear'er n. Dhear a person out, to heart -ache (hahrt-ayk) n. mental pain,
listen to the whole of what he has to
deep sorrow.
say. hear of, to have knowledge or infor-
heart* beat (hahrt-beet) n. the beating of
mation about, we've never heard of this
the heart.
firm, will not hear of, to refuse to allow,
heart-break (hahrt-brayk) n. overwhelm-
won V hear of my paying for it
ing unhappiness. heart'break-ing adj.
heard (hurd) see hear.
heart'bro-ken adj.
hear-ing (heer-ing) n. 1. the ability to
heart burn (hahrt-burn) n. a burning sen-

hear; within hearing distance, near
sation in the lower part of the chest.
enough to be heard; in my hearing, in
my presence, where I can hear. 2. an heart -en (hahr-ten) v. to make (a person)
feel encouraged.
opportunity of being heard; a session be-
fore a judge prior to trial, got a fair
heart -felt (hahrt-felt) adj. felt deeply or
hearing. Dhearing aid, a small sound-
amplifier worn by a deaf person to im-
hearth (hahrth) n. 1 . the floor of a fire-
place, the 'area in front of this. 2. the
prove the hearing.
fireside as the symbol of domestic com-
heark-en (hahr-ken) v. (old use) to listen.
fort, hearth and home.
hear -say (heer-say) n. things heard in ru-
mors or gossip. hearth-rug (hahrth-rug) n. a rug laid in
hearse (hurs) n. a vehicle for carrying the front of a fireplace.
coffin at a funeral. hearth -side (hahrth-sid) n. 1. the space
heart (hahrt) n. 1. the hollow muscular around a fireplace. 2. a person's home.
organ that keeps blood circulating in the hearth -stone (hahrth-stohn) n. 1. a flat
body by contracting rhythmically. 2. the stone forming a hearth. 2. a person's
part of the body where this is, the bosom. home.
3. the center of a person's emotions or heart -i -ly (hahr-ti-lee) adv. 1. in a hearty
affections or inmost thoughts, knew it way. 2. very, heartily sick of it
in her heart. 4. the ability to feel emotion, heart -land (hahrt-land) n. the central or
a tender heart. 5. courage, take heart. most important part of an area.
6. enthusiasm, his heart isn't in it 7. a heart -less (hahrt-lis) adj. not feeling pity
beloved person, dear heart. 8. the inner- or sympathy, heart'less-ly adv.
most part of a thing, the close compact heart'less-ness n.

head of celery etc.; the heart of the mat- heart- rend -ing (hahrt-ren-ding) adj. ex-
ter, the vital part of it. 9. a symmetrical tremely distressing.
figure conventionally representing a heart -sick (hahrt-sik) adj. extremely un-
heart. 10. a red figure shaped like this happy, heart'sick-ness n.
on playing cards, a playing card of the heart -strings (hahrt-stringz) n. pi one's
suit (hearts) marked with these, heart' deepest feelings of love or pity.
ed adj. after one's own heart, ex- heart-throb (hahrt-throb) n. 1. the beat-
actly to one's liking, at heart, basically. ing of the heart. 2. (slang) the object
by heart, memorized thoroughly. of one's infatuation.
change of heart, a change of feeling heart-to-heart (hahrt-to-hahrt) adj. &
405 heartwarming / heavy-duty
adv. frank and personal, a heart-to-heart ness caused by too much exposure to
talk;spoke heart-to-heart heat.
heart- warm -ing (hahrt-wor-ming) adj. heave (heev) v. (heaved, heaving) 1.
emotionally moving and encouraging. to or haul (something heavy) with
heart* wood (hahrt-wuud) n. the dense in- great effort. 2. to utter with effort, heaved
ner part of a tree trunk, yielding the a sigh. 3. (informal) to throw, heave a
hardest timber. brick at him. 4. to rise and fall regularly
heart -y (hahr-tee) adj. (heart -Her, like waves at sea. 5. to pant, to retch.
heart *i*est) 1 showing warmth of feel-
heave the act of heaving. 2. heaves,
n. 1 .

ing, enthusiastic. vigorous, strong,

2. a disease of horses with labored breath-
hale and hearty. 3. (of meals or appe- ing, (slang) an attack of vomiting,
tites) large, hearty n. (pi. heart Oes) heav'er n. heave in sight, (past
(old use) a hearty person, heartiness tense hove) to come into view, heave
n. to, (past tense hove) to bring (a ship)
heat (heet) n, 1 a form of energy produced
or come to a standstill with the ship's
by movement of molecules, capable of head to the wind.
transmission by conduction or convec- heaven (hev-en) n. 1. the abode of God
tion or radiation. 2. the sensation pro- and of the righteous after death. 2.
duced by this, hotness. 3. hot weather.
Heaven, God, Providence, the state of
4. a condition of sexual excitement and the soul's union with God. 3. a place
readiness for mating in female animals,
or state, of supreme bliss, something de-
be in heat. 5. an intense feeling, especially
lightful. Dthe heavens, the sky as seen
of anger; take the heat out of a situation,
from Earth, in which the sun, moon, and
to reduce the anger or tension. 6. one
stars appear.
of the preliminary contests of which win-
heav en -ly (hev-en-lee) adj. 1. of heaven,
ners take part in further contests or the
heavens or sky; heavenly
divine. 2. of the
final. 7. (slang) intense pressure, as of
bodies,the sun and stars etc. 3. (in-
work, a police search, etc. heat v. to
formal) very pleasing.
make or become hot or warm, heat'less
adj. Dheat engine, a machine produc-
heav en-sent (hev-en-sent) adj. providen-
tial, fortunate.
ing motive power from heat, heat ex-
haustion, a state of physical exhaustion
heav* en* ward (hev-en- ward) adj. & adv.
toward heaven, he sent his prayers heav-
marked by dizziness, weakness, nausea,
and sweating, resulting from excessive
activity in a hot environment, heat
heavy (hev-ee) adj. (heav her, heav
l» est) 1. having great weight, difficult
lightning, lightning without audible
thunder, seen close to the horizon on hot to lift or carry or move. 2. of more than
summer evenings, heat pump, a re- average weight or amount or force, heavy
artillery; heavy rain. 3. (of work) needing
versed heat engine using mechanical en-
ergy to transfer heat to a hotter place. much physical effort. 4. severe, intense,
heat shield, a device to protect from a heavy drinker; heavy drinking, drinking
excessive heat, especially on spacecraft much alcohol; a heavy sleeper, not easily
during reentry into Earth's atmosphere. awakened. 5. dense, a heavy mist; heavy
heat wave, a period of very hot weather. bread, doughy from not having risen. 6.
heat*ed (hee-tid) adj. (of a person or dis- (of ground) clinging, difficult to travel
cussion) angry. heat'ed*ly adv. over. 7. (of food) difficult to digest. 8.
heat*er (hee-tSr) n. a stove or other device (of the sky) gloomy and full of clouds.
supplying heat. 9. clumsy or ungraceful in appearance
heath (heeth) n. 1 (British) an area of flat
or effect or movement. 1 0. unhappy, with
uncultivated land with low shrubs. 2. a a heavy heart 1 1 dull and tedious, seri-

small shrubby plant of the heather kind. ous in tone. 1 2. stern, the heavy father.
hea-then (hee-r/ien) n. {pi -thens, heavy n. {pi heavies) (informal) the
-then) 1 a person who is not a believer
. villain in a play, story, etc. heav'i*
in any of the world's chief religions, espe- ly adv. heaviness n. D
heavy going,
cially one who is neither Christian, Jew, progress made only with difficulty.
nor Muslim. 2. an unenlightened person, heavy industry, industry producing
one regarded as lacking culture or moral metal, machines, etc. heavy water, deu-
principles, hea'then «ish adj. hea' terium oxide, a substance with the same
then •ism n. hea'then -dom n. chemical properties as water but greater
heath -er (heth-tr) n. an evergreen plant density,heavy with child, in an ad-
or shrub with small purple or pinkish vanced stage of pregnancy.
or white bell-shaped flowers. heavy-du*ty (hev-ee-doo-tee) adj. in-
heat •stroke (heet-strohk) n. a severe ill- tended to withstand hard use.
heavy-handed / heighten 406
heav-y-hand*ed (he?-ee-han-did) adj. hedge* hop (hej-hop) v. (hedge*
clumsy. hopped, hedge* hop -ping) to fly an
heavy -heart -ed (hev-ee-hahr-tid) adj. airplane at an extremely low altitude fol-
sad. lowing the contours of the land.
heav*y *set (hev-ee-set) adj. having a solid hedge* row (hej-roh) n. a row of bushes
and sturdy body. etc. forming a hedge.
heav*y weight (hev-ee-wayt) n. 1. a per- he*do*nist (hee-dd-nist) n. a person who
son of more than average weight. 2. a believes that pleasure is the chief good
boxer of the heaviest weight class in box- in life. he'dOTiism n. he* do Tils*
ing, weighing over 175, pounds. 3. (in- tic (hee-dd-nis-tik) adj.
formal) a person of great influence. hee • bie-jee • bies (hee-bee-jee-beez) n. pi
heavyweight adj. having great weight (slang) nervous anxiety or depression.
or influence. heed (heed) v. to pay attention to. heed
Heb. abbr. 1. Hebrew. 2. Hebrews. n. careful attention, take heed, heed'ful
He* bra* ism (hee-bray-iz-em) n. 1 the He- . adj. heed'ful *ly adv. heed'ful *ness i

brew character or culture. 2. the Hebrew n.

system of thought or religion. 3. a He- heed* less (heed-lis) adj. not taking heed.
brew idiom or expression, especially in heed'less*ly adv. heed'less*ness n.
the Greek of the Bible. He'bra-ist n. hee* haw (hee-haw) n. a donkey's bray.
He-bra-ic (hi-bray-ik) adj. hee* haw v. to bray like a donkey.
He brew
• (hee-broo) n. 1 a member of a
. heel 1 (heel) n. the rounded back part
Semitic people in ancient Palestine. 2. of the human of a stock-
foot. 2. the part
their language, a modern form of this ing etc. covering this. 3. a built-up part i

used in Israel. 3. Hebrews, a book of the of a boot or shoe that supports a person's
New Testament traditionally included heel. 4. something like a heel in shape
among the letters of St. Paul but now or position; the heel of the hand, the front
usually held to be of other authorship. part next to the wrist. 5. (slang) a dishon-
Hebrew adj. 1 of or in Hebrew. 2. of
. orable man. heel v. to repair the heels
the Hebrews or the Jews. of (shoes etc.). Dat or on the heels
heck (hek) n. (informal, in oaths) hell. of, following closely after, down at the
heck-le (hek-el) y. (heck* led, heck* heel, (of a shoe) with the heel worn
ling) to interrupt and harass ( a public down by wear; (of a person) shabby, take
speaker) with aggressive questions and to one's heels, to run away.
abuse, heck'ler n. heel 2 v. to tilt (a ship) or become tilted
hec*tare (hek-tair) n. a unit of area, to one side, heeled over.
10,000 square meters (2.471 acres). heel *less (h*el-lis) adj. (of shoes) with no
hee* tic (hek-tik) adj. with feverish activ- built-up part under the heel.
ity, a hectic day. hec ti*cal*ly adv. heft (heft) n. weight, heft v. to lift, espe-
hee -to -gram (hek-td-gram) n. one hun- cially to judge weight.
dred grams (3.53 ounces). heft-y (hef-tee) adj. (heft-i-er, heft*
hec*to*li*ter (hek-td-lee-ter) n. one hun- i*est) 1. (of a person) big and strong.
dred liters (3.53 cubic feet; 2.84 bushels). 2. (of a thing) large and heavy, powerful.
hec- to- meter (hek-td-mee-ter) *- one he*gem*o*ny (hi-jem-6-nee) n. (pi
hundred meters (109.36 yards). -nies) dominance of leadership, espe-
hec*tor (hek-tdr) v. to intimidate by bully- cially by one nation over others.
ing. He-gi-ra (hi-ji-ra, hej-er-a) n. 1. the flight
he'd (heed) = he had, he would. of Muhammad from Mecca (a.d. 622),
hedge (hej) a fence of closely planted
n. 1 . from which the Muslim era is reckoned.
bushes or shrubs. 2. a means of protect- 2. hegira, a journey taken to escape dan-
ing oneself against possible loss, bought ger.
diamonds as a hedge against inflation. helf *er (hef-er) n. a young cow, especially
hedge v. (hedged, hedg-ing) 1. to one that has not given birth to a calf.
surround or bound with a hedge. 2. to height (hit) n, 1 measurement from base

reduce the possible loss on (a bet) by to top, the measurement of a person etc.
another speculation. 3. to avoid giving from head to foot as he stands. 2. the
a direct answer or commitment, hedg' distance (of an object or position) above
er n. hedge sparrow, a common Eu- ground or sea level. 3. a high place or
ropean bird resembling a thrush. area, is afraid of heights. 4. the highest
hedge* hog (hej-hog) **, 1. a small Euro- degree of something, dressed in the height
pean insect-eating animal with a piglike offashion; the height of the tourist season,
snout and a back covered with stiff its most active time.
spines, able to roll itself up into a prickly height* en (tai-ten) v. to make or become
ball when attacked. 2. the porcupine. higher or more intense.
407 Heimlich maneuver / help

Heimlich (him-lik) maneuver a first aid like hell; for the hell of it, for amusement
procedure in which the abdomen of a and without considering the conse-
choking victim is pressed inward and up- quence. Dbeat or knock hell out of,
ward by hand in order to assist in dis- (informal) to pound heavily, catch or
lodging food or other obstruction from get hell, (slang) to receive a strong repri-
the esophagus. >
Named after Dr. Henry mand, come hell or high water, no
J. Heimlich (1920- ). matter what the obstacles, hellbent for
hehnous (hay-nus) adj. very wicked, out- leather, at full speed, hell of a, (slang)
rageous, hei'nous-ly adv. hei'nous- a very good or very bad (condition or
ness n. situation etc.),one hell of a baseball
heir (air) n. a person who inherits property game; that's a hell of a way to dress to
or rank etc. from its former owner, go to your grandmother's house.
heir apparent, the legal heir (espe- hell (heel) - he will.
cially of a title or throne) whose claim hell* bent (hel-bent) adj. recklessly deter-
cannot be set aside by the birth of a per- mined.
son with a stronger claim to inherit, heir hell* cat (hel-kat) n. (slang) a spiteful or
presumptive, an heir whose claim may furious woman.
be set aside in this way. hel 'le* bore (hel-e-bohr) n. a poisonous
heir* ess (air-is) n. a female heir, especially plant with white or greenish flowers.
to great wealth. Hel*lene (hel-een) n. a native of modern
heir* loom (air-loom) n. a possession that Greece.
has been handed down in a family for Hel*len*ic (he-len-ik) adj. of ancient or
several generations. modern Greece.
heist (hist) n. (slang) a burglary or rob- Hel Hen 'ism (hel-e-niz-em) n. 1. a Greek
bery. idiom or grammatical construction. 2.
held (held) see hold 1 . the Greek character or culture, especially
Hel*e*na (hel-£-n&) the capital of Mon- in ancient times. Hel'len*lst ru

tana. Hel-lervis-tic (hel-e-nis-tik) adj. of the

hel-l-cal (hel-T-kal) adj. like a helix. Greek language and culture of the fourth
hel-l-cold (hel-I-koid), hel*l*coid*al to first centuries B.C.
(hel-i-koi-d&l) adj. arranged in or form- hell* fire (hel-fir) n. the fire of hell.
ing a spiral. hell* gram* mite (hel-gramit) n. the
hel*T*cop*ter (hel-i-kop-ter) n. a kind of aquatic larva of an American fly, much
aircraft with horizontal revolving blades used as bait, especially for bass.
or rotors. hell* hole (hel-hohl) n. 1. a very dirty
he*li*o*cen*trlc (hee-li-oh-sen-trik) adj. uncomfortable place. 2. a place known
as viewed from the center of the sun, for immoral or illegal practices.
taking the sun as center. hel* lion (hel-ydn) n. (informal) a mischie-
he*li*0*graph (hee-li-6-graf) n. a signal- vous or troublesome person, especially
ing device using a movable mirror to re- a child.
flect the sun's rays in flashes. helhish (hel-ish) adj. very unpleasant.
he*li*0*trope (hee-li-5-trohp) n. 1. a hel*lo (he-loh) interj. an exclamation used
plant with small sweet-smelling purple in greeting or to call attention or express
flowers. 2. a tight purple color. surprise, generally the first word used
hel*l*pad (hel-I-pad) n. a heliport, usually in answering the telephone, hello n. (pi
one that is privately owned. -los) this word used as a greeting, he
hel*i*port (hel-T-pohrt) n. an airport for gave her a great big hello.
helicopters. helm (helm) n. the tiller or wheel by which
he*li*um (hee-li-um) n. a light colorless a ship's rudder is controlled, uat the
gaseous element. helm, at the head of an organization etc.,
he*lix (hee-liks) n. (pi hehi-ces, pr. hel- in control.
T-seez, he*llx*es) a spiral with a dimin- hel* met (hel-mit) n. a protective head cov-
ishing circumference (like a corkscrew) ering worn by a policeman, fireman,
or a constant circumference (like a watch diver, motorcyclist, etc.
spring). helms* man (helmz-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
hell (hel) n. 1. the place of punishment -men) a person who steers a ship by
for the wicked after death, the abode of means of helm.
devils. 2.a place or state of supreme mis- hel*Ot (hel-5t) n. a member of the class
ery, something extremely unpleasant. 3. of serfs in ancient Sparta.
(informal) used in oaths, exclamations, help (help) v. 1 to do part of another per-

comparisons, etc. to express anger or in- son's work for him. 2. to make it easier
tensify a meaning or indicate something for (a person) to do something or for
extreme, what the hell does he want?; ran (a thing) to happen. 3. to do something
helpful / henry 408
for the benefit of (someone in need). 4. sphere. 2. either of the halves into which
to prevent, toremedy, it can't be helped; Earth is divided either by the equator
I couldn't help it, I was unable to avoid (the Northern and Southern hemi-
taking a certain action, help n. 1. the spheres) or by a line passing through
action of helping or being helped. 2. a the poles (the Eastern hemisphere, in-
person or thing that helps. 3. a person cluding Europe, Asia, and Africa; the
or people employed for household or Western hemisphere, the Americas).
other duties; good help is hard to find, hem*i*spher*i*oal (hem-i-sfer-i-kal)
reliable household or other types of adj.
workers are scarce, help'er n. Uhelp henvhstich (hem-i-stik) n. half a line of
oneself to, to serve oneself with (food) verse.
at a meal; to take without seeking assis- hem *line (hem-lin) n. the lower edge of
tance or permission, help out, to give a skirt or dress.
help (especially in a crisis). hem lock (hem-lok) n. a poisonous plant

help -fill (nelp-ful) adj. giving help, useful. with small white flowers.
help'fuMy adv. help'ful*ness n. he*mo*glo*bin (hee-md-gloh-bin) n. the
helping (hel-ping) n. a portion of food red oxygen-carrying substance in the
given to one person at a meal. blood.
help* less (help-lis) adj. 1. unable to man- he*mo*phil*i*a (hee-md-fil-i-a) n. a ten-
age without help, dependent on others. dency (usually inherited) to bleed se-
2. incapable of action, indicating this, verely from even a slight injury, through
helpless with laughter; gave him a helpless failure of the blood to clot quickly.
glance, help'less-ly adv. helpless- he*mo*phil*i*ac (hee-m6-fil-i-ak) n. a
ness n. person suffering from hemophilia.
help* mate (belp-mayt) n. a helper, a com- hem* or -rhage (hem-o-rij) n. bleeding, es-
panion or partner who helps. when extensive, hemorrhage v.
Hel-sin-ki (hel-sing-kee) the capital of (hem-or-rhaged, hem-or-rhag-ing)
Finland. to bleed extensively.
hel-ter-skel-ter (hel-ter-skel-teY) adv. in hem or «r holds (hem-6-roidz) n. pi vari-

disorderly haste, helter-skelter adj. dis- cose veins at or near the anus.
orderly, haphazard. he* mo* stat (hee-md-stat) n. a chemical
helve (helv) n. the handle of a tool or agent or a mechanical device used to re-
weapon. duce or stop bleeding during surgery.
Hel*ve*tian (hel-vee-shan) n. a Swiss. hemp (hemp) n. 1. a plant from which
Helvetian adj. of or relating to the coarse fibers are obtained for the manu-
Swiss. facture of rope and cloth. 2. a narcotic
hem 1
(hem) n. the border of cloth where drug made from this plant, such as hash-
ish or marijuana. hemp en adj.
the edge is turned under and sewn or
fixed down, hem v. (hemmed, hem* hem* stitch (hem-stich) v. to decorate with
ming) 1. to turn and sew a hem on. 2. a kind of drawn thread work.
to surround and restrict the movement hen (hen) n. a female bird, especially of
of, hemmed in by enemy forces, hem* the common domestic fowl. Dhen
mer n. party, (informal) a party of women only.
hem 2 interj. calling attention or expressing hen* bane (hen-bayn) n. a kind of poison-
hesitation by a slight cough or clearing ous plant.
of the throat, hem n. the utterance of hence (hens) adv. 1 . (old use) from here.
this, hem v. (hemmed, hem* ming) to 2. from this time, five years hence 3.
utter the sound "hem," to clear the for this reason.
throat, to hesitate in speech. Dhem and hence 'forth (hens-fohrth) adv. from now
haw, to speak hesitantly. on.
he-man (hee-man) n. (pi -men, pr. -men) hence* for* ward (hens-fohr-ward) adv.
a masterful or robust man. from now on.
he*ma*tite (hee-ma-tit) n. iron oxide, the hench*man (bench-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
principal ore of iron. -men) a trusty supporter.
he*ma*tol*0*gy(hee-ma-tol-6-jee) n. the hen*na (hen-a) n. 1. a reddish-brown dye
scientific study of the blood and blood- used especially on the hair. 2. the tropical
forming organs, he*ma*tol'o*gist n. plant from which this is obtained.
hem*a*to*log*ic (hem-a-t6-loj-ik) adj. hen -peck (hen-pek) v. (informal) to nag
hem*a*to*log'i*cal adj. or harass (one's husband) in an attempt
heme (heem) n. a red compound contain- to domineer.
ing iron and forming the nonprotein part hen*ry (hen-ree) n. (pi -Ties) a unit of
of hemoglobin. electrical inductance that gives an elec-
hem *i' sphere (hem-i-sfeer) n. 1. half a tromotive force of one volt in a closed
409 hep / heretic
circuit with a rate of change of current that is poisonous to plants, used to de-
of one ampere per second. stroy unwanted vegetation. her*bl*cld*
hep (hep) adj. (slang) aware of the latest al (hur-bi-si-dal) adj.
trends and styles. LJ hepped up, (slang) her-bi-vore (hur-bi-vohr) n. a herbiv-
enthusiastic. rous animal.
hep *a Tin (hep-a-rin) n. a substance ex- her*bivor*OUS (hur-biv-6-rus) adj. feed-
tracted livers and used to
from animal ing on plants.
prevent blood coagulation, especially in her*cu*le*an (hur-kyu-lee-an) adj. 1. as
thrombosis. strong as Hercules, a hero in Greek my-
he*pat*ic (hi-pat-ik) adj. of the liver. thology. 2. needing great strength or ef-
he*pat*i*ca (hi-pat-i-ka) n. a plant of the fort, a herculean task.
buttercup family, having lobed leaves herd (hurd) n. 1 a number of cattle or.

and delicate flowers. other animals feeding or staying to-

hep*a*ti*tis(hep-&-ti-tis) n. inflammation gether. 2. a mob. herd v. 1. to gather
of the liver. or stay or drive as a group. 2. to tend
hep* cat (hep-kat) n. (slang) a hep person, (a herd of animals). Dherd Instinct, the
a jazz or swing addict. instinct to think and behave like the ma-
Hep* pie* white (hep-el-hwit) n. a light jority.
and graceful style of furniture, named herds* man (hurdz-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
after George Hepplewhite, an 18th-cen- -men) a person who tends a herd of ani-
tury cabinetmaker. mals.
hep*ta*gon (hep-ta-gon) n. a geometric here (heer) adv. 1 in or at or to this place.

-figure with seven sides.

2. at this point in a process or a series
hep*tam*e*ter (hep-tam-e-ter) n. a line of events, here interj. an exclamation
of verse with seven metrical feet.
calling an animal (= come here), calling
her (hur) pronoun 1 the objective case of
attention to something (= here it is), or
She, we saw her. 2. (informal) she, = used as a reply (= I am here) in answer
it's her all right, her adj. 1 of or belong-
to a roll call. Dhere and now, immedi-

ing to her. 2. used in women's titles, Her

ately, here and there, in or to various
Majesty. >It is incorrect to write her's
places, here goes, I am about to begin.
(see the note under its).
here's to, I drink to the health of. nei-
her* aid (her-ald) n. 1 . an official in former
ther here nor there, of no importance
times who made announcements and car-
or relevance.
ried messages from a ruler. 2. a person
or thing indicating the approach of some-
here *a* bout (heer-S-bowt) adv. some-
where near here.
thing, heralds of spring, herald v. to pro-
claim the approach of.
here*af*ter (heer-af-ter) adv. in the fu-
ture, from now on; the hereafter, the fu-
he*ral*dlc (he-ral-dik) adj. of heralds or
ture, life after death.
her*ald*ry (her-ai-dree) n. the study of here* by (heer-bi) adv. by this means, by
the coats of arms of old families. this act or decree etc.

herb (urb, hurb) a soft-stemmed plant

n. 1 .
he red
• • i • tar •
y (he-red-i-ter-ee) adj. 1 . in-

that dies down

to the ground after flow- herited, able to be passed or received
ering. 2. a plant with leaves or seeds etc. from one generation to another, heredi-
that are used for food or in medicine tary characteristics. 2. holding a position
or for flavoring. Dherb doctor, a per- by inheritance, hereditary ruler.
son who tries to cure people by using he*red*i*ty (he-red-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) 1.
herbs. inheritance of physical or mental charac-
her*ba*ceous (hur-bay-shus) adj. of or teristics from parents or ancestors. 2. the
like herbs. ' characteristics inherited in this way.
herb* age herbs collec-
(ur-bij, hur-) n. 1. Her* e -ford (bur-ford, here) n. one of a
tively. 2. the succulent parts of herbs. breed of red and white beef cattle.
herb*al (ur-bal, hur-) adj. of herbs used here* In (heer-in) adv. in this matter, book,
in medicine or for flavoring, herbal n. letter, etc.
a book with descriptions of these. here* of (heer-uv, -ov) adv. of this.
herb *al* 1st (ur-ba-list, hur-) n. a dealer here* on (heer-on) adv. on this.
in medicinal herbs. her e*sy (her-e-see) n. (pi -sies) 1 a reli-
• .

her*bar*i*um (hur-bair-i-um, ur-) n. (pi. gious opinion that is contrary to the or-
-bar* -urns, -bar*i*a, pr. -bair-i-a) 1.
thodox doctrine or accepted beliefs of a
a systematically arranged collection of specific religion. 2. an opinion contrary
dried plants. 2. a book, case, or room to generally accepted beliefs in any field.
containing this. 3. the holding of such an opinion.
herb*i*cide (hur-bi-sid) n. a substance her *e* tic (her-e-tik) n. a person who holds
hereto / heterodox 410
a heresy or is he* ret*
guilty of heresy, her*0*ine (her-oh-in) n, 1. a woman who
i-cal (he-ret-i-kal) adj. is admired for her brave or noble deeds.
here* to (heer-too) adv. to this document 2. the chief female character in a story,
or subject. play, or poem.
here* to -fore (heer-td-fohr) adv. before her -o- ism (her-oh-iz-em) *l heroic con-
this time. duct.
here*un*der (heer-un-der) adv. under her* on (her-dn) *• (pL -ons, -on) a long-
this. legged, long-necked wading bird living
here* up* on (heer-u-pon) adv. after this, in marshy places.
in consequence of this. her* pes (hur-peez) n. a virus disease caus-
here* with (heer-with, -with) adv. with ing blisters on the skin. herpes sim-
this, enclosed herewith. plex, a form of this, causing cold sores
her*i*ta*ble (her-i-ta-bel) adj- able to be and other minor infections, herpes
inherited. ZOS*ter (zos-ter), shingles, a painful
her*i*tage (her-i-tij) n. 1. property that disease involving the nervous system.
may be or has been inherited. 2. values her *pe*tol*0* gist (hur-pe-tol-o-jist) n. a
or traditions passed from earlier genera- specialist in herpetology.
tions, our democratic heritage. her*pe*tol*o*gy (hur-pe-tol-6-jee) n. a
her -maph to -elite
(hur-maf-rd-dit) ru an branch of zoology dealing with reptiles
animal or plant that has both male and and amphibians. her-pe-to-log-ic
female sexual organs, hermaphrodite (hur-pe-td-loj-ik) adj. her*pe*tO*
adj. combining the characteristics of both log'i*cal adj.
sexes. her*maph*ro*dit*ic (hur-maf- Herr (her) n. (pi Her Ten, pr. her-en) the
rd-dit-ik) adj. title of a German man, = Mr.
her*met*ic (hur-met-ik) adj. 1. with an her *ring (her-ing) n. (pi -ring, -rings)
airtight closure, hermetic sealing. 2. pro- a North Atlantic fish much used for food.
tected from outside influences, her* her Ting* bone (her-ing-bohn) n. 1 a pat- .

met'i*cal*ly adv. tern consisting of a zigzag arrangement

her*mit (hur-mit) n. a person who has of lines. 2. cloth woven in a zigzag pat-
withdrawn from human society and lives tern.
in solitude. hermit crab, a crab that hers (hurz) possessive pronoun of or be-
uses a castoff shell to protect its soft hin- longing to her, the thing(s) belonging to
der parts. her, it is hers; hers are best It is incor->
her*mit*age (hur-mi-tij) n. a hermit's rect to write her's (see the note under
dwelling place. its)
her-ni-a (hur-ni-a) n, (pi. -ni-as, -ni* her* self (hfcr-self) pronoun the form of
ae, pr. -ni-ee) an abnormal condition in her used in reflexive constructions (as
which a part or organ of the body pro- she pleased herself) and for emphasis (as
trudes through a wall of the cavity (espe- she herself told me).
cially the abdomen) that normally con- hertz (hurtz) n. (pi hertz) a unit of fre-
tains it, a rupture. quency of electromagnetic waves, = one
her -ni- ate (her*ni*
v. cycle per second.
at*ed, her*ni*at*ing) to protrude he's (heez) = he is.
through an abnormal opening in the hes-i-tant (hez-i-tant) adj. hesitating,
body. ner*nl*a*tion (hur-ni-ay-shdn) n, hes'i-tant-ly adv. hes / i*tan*cy n.
he *ro (heer-oh) n. (pi -roes) 1. a man hes-i-tate (hez-i-tayt) v. (hes*i*tat*
who is admired for his brave or noble ed, hes*i*tat*ing) 1. to be slow to
deeds. 2. the chief male character in a speak or act or move because one feels
story, play, or poem. Dhero sandwich, uncertain or reluctant, to pause in doubt.
a sandwich consisting of a long roll sliced 2. to be reluctant, to have moral doubts,
lengthwise and filled with meat, cheese, wouldn't hesitate to break the rules if it
onions, etc. hero worship, excessive de- suited him, hes'i'ta-tion (hez-i-tmy-
votion to an admired person. shdn) n.
he*ro*iC (hi-roh-ik) adj. having the char- Hes-sian (hesh-an) adj. of Hesse in Ger-
acteristics of a hero, very brave, he* many. Hessian n. 1 a native or inhabit-

ro'i-cal-ly adv. heroic couplet, two ant of Hesse. 2. a mercenary used by

successive rhyming lines of iambic pen- the British army during the Revolution-
tameters. ary War.
he-ro-ics (hi-roh-Iks) n. pi 1. brave ac- het (het) adj. net up, (slang) excited, over-
tions. 2. overdramatic talk or behavior. wrought.
her*o*in (her-oh-in) n. a powerful sedative het*er*o*dox (het-£-r6-doks) adj. not or-
drug prepared from morphine, used thodox. het'er*o*dox*y n. (pi -dox-
chiefly by addicts. ies).
411 heterogeneous / hieroglyph
het • er • o • ge • ne • ous (het-e-rd- jee-ni-us) hl-bis-cus (hi-bis-kus) n. a cultivated
adj. made up of people or things that shrub or tree with trumpet-shaped flow-
are unlike each other. het*er*o*ge' ers.
ne-ous-ly adv. het*er*o*ge'ne* hie* cup (hik-up) n. a sudden stopping of
ous-ness n. the breath with a coughlike sound, hic-
het • er • o • sex • u • al (het-e-rd-sek-shoo-al) cup v. (hic-cuped, hie* cup* ing) to
adj. feeling sexually attracted to people make a hiccup.
of the opposite sex, not homosexual, het- hick (hik) n. (informal, often contemptu-
erosexual n. a heterosexual person. ous) a rural person, a person of boorish
het • er • o • sex • u • al • I • ty (het-g-rd-sek- manners.
shoo-al-i-tee) n. hick*ey (hik-ee) n. (pi hick*eys) 1. a
heuTis-tic (hyuu-ris-tik) adj. 1. (of meth- gadget. 2. a pimple. 3. (slang) a red mark
ods of teaching) encouraging students to on the skin caused by a kiss.
discover information themselves. 2. (in hick*o*ry (hik-6-ree) ru (pi -lies) 1. an
solving problems by computer) proceed- American tree related to the walnut. 2.
ing by trial and error. its hard wood. hickory nut, the nut
hew (hyoo) v. (hewed, hewn, hew or fruit of the hickory tree.
ing) to chop or cut with an ax or sword hid (hid), hid* den (hid-en) see hide 2 .
etc., to cut into shape, hew'er n. hi-dal-go (hi-dal-goh) n. (pi -gos) a
hewn (hyoon) adj. made or shaped by hew- member of the lower nobility in Spain.
ing. hide 1 (hid) n. 1 an animal's skin (raw or

hex (heks) n. a magic spell, a curse, hex dressed) as an article of commerce and
v. to put a hex on, to bewitch. manufacture. 2. (informal) the human
hex*a*gon (hek-sa-gon) n. a geometric skin; save one s hide, save ourself from
figure with six sides. punishment or danger.
hex-ag-o-nal (hek-sag-o-nal) adj. six- hide 2 v. (hid, hid -den, hid -ing) 1. to put
sided. or keep out of sight, to prevent from be-
hex*a*he*dron (hek-sa-hee-drdn) n.(pi ing seen. 2. to keep secret. 3. to conceal
-drons, -dra, pr. -dra) a solid figure with oneself. hld'er n. u
hidden tax, an indi-
hex «a- he'd ral adj.
six faces, rect tax.
hex*am*e*ter (hek-sam-g-ter) n. a line of hide-and-seek (hid-an-seek) n. a chil-
six metrical feet using dactyls and spon- dren's game in which some players con-
dees. ceal themselves and others try to find
hex *a* pod (hek-sa-pod) n. an insect with them.
six feet. hide *a* way (hid-a-way) n. (informal) a
hey (hay) interj. an exclamation calling at- place of concealment.
tention or expressing surprise or inquiry. hide* bound (hid-bownd) adj. narrow-
heyday (hay-day) n. the time of greatest minded, refusing to abandon old customs
success or prosperity, if was in its heyday. and prejudices.
hf abbr. half. hid -e-ous (hid-i-us)adj. very ugly, revolt-
Hf symbol hafnium. ing to the senses or the mind, hid'e*
HF abbr. high frequency. ous*ly adv. hid'e* ous *ness n.
hg abbr. hectogram(s). hide* out (hid-owt) n. a safe place to hide,
Hg symbol mercury. especially from law enforcement person-
HG abbr. High German. nel.
hgt. abbr. height. hid 'ing 1 (hi-ding) n. (informal) a thrash-
hgwy. abbr. highway. ing.
H.H. abbr. 1. His (or Her) Highness. 2. hiding 2 n.the state of being or remain-
His Holiness. ing hidden, went into hiding. hiding
hhd. abbr. hogshead. place, a place where a person or thing
hi (hi) interj. an exclamation calling atten- is or could be hidden.
tion or expressing greeting. hie (hi) v. (hied, hie* ing or hying) (old
HI abbr. Hawaii. use) to go quickly.
H.I. abbr.Hawaiian Islands. hi*er*ar*chi*cal (hi-e-rahr-ki-kal) adj. of
hi-a-tus (hi-ay-tus) n. (pi -tus-es, -tus) or arranged in a hierarchy.
a break or gap in a sequence or series. hi*er*ar*chy (hi-S-rahr-kee) n. (pi
hi* bach *i (hi-bah-chee) n. a small Japa- -Chies) 1 a system with grades of status

nese-style charcoal brazier, for cooking. or authority ranking one above another
hi-ber-nate (hi-ber-nayt) v. (hi* ber* in a series. 2. the set of persons in such
nat • ed, hi • ber • nat • ing) (of certain an- a system.
imals) to spend the winter in a state like hi-er-o-glyph (hi-e-r6-glif) n. 1. one of
deep sleep. hi'ber*na*tor n. hi* ber* the pictures or symbols used in ancient
na*tion (hi-ber-nay-shSn) n. Egypt and elsewhere to represent sounds

hieroglyphic / high-flown 412

or words or ideas. 2. a written symbol high gear, the gear allowing a motor
with a secret or cryptic meaning. vehicle to run at its maximum speed.
hi -er-o -glyph *ic (hi-e-rd-glif-ik) adj. of High German, a form of German origi-
or written in hieroglyphs. nally spoken in the south, but now in
hi -er-o -glyph *ics (hi-e-rd-glif-iks) n. pi literary and cultured use throughout
hieroglyphs, hieroglyphic writing. Germany. High Holy Day, the Jewish
hi -er-o-phant (hi-e-rd-fant) ru 1 . a priest New Year or the Day of Atonement
who initiated worshipers into secret reli- high hurdles, a series of ten barriers,
gious rites in ancient Greece. 2. a person each of which is 42 inches high and
who expounds sacred mysteries. hi*er* which must be jumped over by a person
o-phant'ic adj. in a running race, high jump, an athletic
hi-fi (hi-fi) adj. (informal) reproducing competition involving jumping over a
sound with high fidelity (see high), hi- high horizontal bar. high life or living,
fi n. (informal) hi-fi equipment.
a luxurious way of living. High Mass,
nig • gle • dy-pig • gle • dy (hig-el-dee-pig- a celebration of the Eucharist with in-
el-dee) adj. & adv. completely mixed up, cense, music, and the assistance of a dea-
in utter disorder. con and subdeacon. high noon, the pre-
high (hi) adj. 1 extending far upward, ex-
cise moment of twelve o'clock in the
tending above the normal or average daytime, high Old time, (informal) a
level. 2. situated far above the ground
most enjoyable time, high priest, the
or above sea level. 3. measuring a speci-
chief priest, high school, a secondary
fied distance from base to top. 4. ranking
school, high sea or seas, the open seas,
above others in importance or quality;
not under any country's jurisdiction.
the High Court, the Supreme Court. 5.
high sign, (slang) a warning or reassur-
extreme, intense, greater than what is
ing gesture, high society, the social
normal or average, high temperatures;
class consisting of well-to-do and well-
high prices; a high opinion, very favor-
connected people, high tea, (British)
able. 6. (of time) fully reached, high
an evening meal with tea and meat and
noon; it's high time we left 7. noble, vir-
other cooked food, high tide, the tide
tuous, high ideals. 8. (of a sound or voice)
at its highest level; the time when this
shrill, not deep or low. 9. high gear. 10.
occurs, high time, the time just before
(slang) intoxicated, under the influence
becoming late; (informal) a pleasurable
of drugs, high n. 1 a high level or figure,

time, high treason, treason against

exports reached a new high. 2. an area
one's country or ruler, high water, high
of high barometric pressure, high adv.
1 in or at or to a high level or position.
tide, high-water mark, the level
2. in or to a high degree; feelings ran
reached at iiigh water, the highest point
Dhigh or value etc. recorded, high wire, a high
high, were strong. altar, the chief
altar of a church, high and dry,
aground; stranded, isolated, high and high -ball (hi-bawl) n. a drink with whis-

low, everywhere, hunted high and low. key or other liquor and soda etc. served
high and mighty, arrogant, high bar, in a tall glass, highball v. (slang) to go
fast, to speed (usually referring to a
a raised bar fixed parallel to the floor
for use in exercises and gymnastic com- train).

petitions, high beam, a headlight with high* born (hi-born) adj. of noble birth.
a long range. High Church, a group in high -boy (hi-boi) n. a tall chest of several
the Anglican Church that stresses tradi- drawers on legs.
tional liturgical practiceand ceremony high* bred (hi-bred) adj. of superior blood
and the authority of the clergy, high or heritage.
color, a flushed complexion, high com- high* brow (hi-brow) adj. (informal) 1.

mand, the highest authority or head- very intellectual, cultured. 2. preten-

quarters of a military force, high ex- tious, smug, highbrow n. (informal) a
plosive, explosive with a violently highbrow person.
shattering effect, high fashion, high- high* Chair (hi-chair) n. an infant's chair
class dressmaking; leading dressmakers with long legs and usually a tray, for
collectively, or their products, high fi- use at meals.
delity, reproduction of sound with the high-Class (hi-klas) adj. (informal) of high
full range of audible frequencies and little quality or social class.
distortion, high finance, dealing with high-er-up (hi-er-up) (informal) a per-

large sums of money, high flyer, a per- son of high or higher rank.
son with great ambitions or with capacity high • fa -lu* tin (hi -fa-loo- tin) adj. (in-
for great achievements, high fre- formal) pompous.
quency, (in radio) 3 to 30 megahertz. high-flown (hi-flohn) adj. 1. having ex-
413 high-grade / himself

travagant ways. 2. (of language) pomp- high-sound *ing (hi-sown-ding) adj. hav-
ous. ing an imposing or pompous sound.
high-grade (hi-grayd) adj. of high quality. high-speed (hi-speed) adj. operating at
high-hand *ed (hi-han-did) adj. using au- great speed.
thority arrogantly. high'hand'ed*ly hlgh-spir-it-ed (hi-spir-T-tid) adj. in high
adv. high'hand'ed*ness n. spirits, happy and lively.
high-hat (hi-hat) v. (high-hat -ted, high- high-strung (hi-strung) adj. very sensitive
hat* ting) (informal) to treat supercili- or nervous.
ously, to assume a superior attitude to- high* tail (hi-tayl) v. (slang) to move at
ward, high-hat adj. high speed.
high-keyed (hi-keed) adj. high-strung, high-ten *sion (hi-ten-shdn) adj. having
tense. or relating to high voltage, high-tension
high -land (hi-land) adj. 1. of or in high- wire.
lands. 2. Highland, of the Scottish high-test (hi-test) adj. (of gasoline) having
Highlands. Highland fling, a vigorous a low boiling point.
Scottish folk dance, high'land-er n. high-toned (hi-tohnd) adj. stylish, digni-
high -lands (hi-landz) n. pi. mountainous fied, superior in manner.
country; the Highlands, those of north- high* way (hi-way) n. 1. a public road.
ern Scotland. 2. a main route by land or sea or air.
high-level (hi-lev-el) adj. (of negotia- high* way man (hi-way-man) n. (pi.
tions) conducted by people of high rank. -men, pr. -men) a man (usually on horse-
high -light (hi-lit) n. 1. a light or bright back) who robbed passing travelers in
area in a painting etc. 2. the brightest former times.
or most outstanding feature of some- hi* jack, high *]ack (hi-jak) v. to seize con-
thing, the highlight of the tour, highlight trol of (a vehicle or aircraft in transit)
v. to draw special attention to, to empha- goods or take its pas-
in order to steal its
size. sengers hostage or force it to a new desti-
high * ly(hi-lee) adv. 1. in a high degree, nation, hijack n. a hijacking, hi 'jack*
extremely, highly amusing' highly com- er n.
mended. 2. very favorably, thinks highly hike (hik) n. a long walk, especially a cross-
of her. country walk taken for pleasure, hike
high-mind *ed (hi-min-did) adj. having v. (hiked, hik-ing) 1. to go for a hike.

high moral principles, high'-mind'ed* 2. to walk laboriously, hik'er n.

ness n. hi -lar-i -ous (hi-lair-i-us) adj. 1 extremely .

high-muck-a-muck (hi-muk-a-muk) n. funny. 2. noisily merry. hi*lar'i*ous*

(slang) an important person who is arro- ly adv. hi*lar*i*ty (hi-lar-i-tee) n.
gant in manner. hill (hil) n. 1 a natural elevation of the

high* ness (hi-nis) n. 1. the state of being earth's surface, not as high as a moun-
high in rank or importance etc. 2. High- tain. 2. a slope in a road etc. 3. a heap
ness, the title used in speaking of or to or mound, a hill of beans.
a prince or princess, His or Her or Your hill*bil*ly n. (pi. -lies) (m-.
Highness. formal, contemptuous) someone
high-oc-tane (hr-ok-tayn) adj. (of fuel from a remote rural area in a southern
used in internal combustion engines) state of the U.S.
having good antiknock properties and hili-ock (hil-dk) n. a small hill, a mound.
not detonating readily during the power hill* side (hil-sid) n. the sloping side of a
stroke. hill.
high-pitched (hi-picht) adj. (of a sound hill* top (nil-top) n. the summit of a hill.
or voice) high. hill-y (hil-ee) adj. (hill-i-er, hill -i -est)
high-pow*ered (hi-pow-erd) adj. using full of hills.
great power or energy, forceful. hilt (hilt) n. the handle of a sword or dagger
high-pres-sure (hi-presh-ur) adj. hav- 1. etc. UtO the hilt, completely, he was
ing a pressure exceeding that of the at- in the plot to the hilt.
mosphere. 2. vigorous or urgent, espe- him (him) pronoun 1. the objective case
cially in business matters, a high-pressure of he, we saw him. 2. (informal) he, =
salesman, high-pressure v. (-pres* him all right.
sured, -pres -surging) to use high- Hi*ma*la*yas (him-a-lay-az) n. pi. the Hi-
pressure methods on. malaya Mountains in Nepal and adjacent
high-rise (hi-nz) adj. (of a building) with countries. Him*a*la'yan adj.
many stories, high-rise n. such a build- him* self (him-self) pronoun the form of
ing. him used in reflexive constructions (as
high* road (hi-rohd) n. 1. the main road. he cut himself) and for emphasis (as he
2. an easy or direct course. himself had said it; told me himself).
hind / hist 414
be himself, to behave in a normal etc., carried in the hip pocket, just be-
manner without constraint; he is not him- hind the hip.
self today, is not in his normal good hip2 n. the fruit (red when ripe) of a wild
health or spirits, by himself, without rose.
companions; without help. hip3 interj. used in cheering, hip, hip, hur-
hind 1 (hind) n. a female deer. ray.
hind 2 adj. situated at the back, hind legs. hip adj. (slang) well-informed, stylish.
Hind. abbr. 1. Hindu. 2. Hindustan. 3. hip* bone (hip-bohn) n. 1. the bone form-
Hindustani. ing the hip socket 2. the neck of the
hin-der (hin-der) v. to keep (a person or
1 thighbone.
thing) back by delaying progress. hip*hug*gers (hip-hug-erz) n. pi a pair
hlnd-er 2 (hin-der) adj. hind 2 the hinder,
of slacks secured to the body at the hips
part rather than at the waist
Hln*dl (hin-dee) n. 1. one of the official hipped 1 (hipt) adj. having hips, especially
languages of India, a form of Hindustani. of a certain kind, narrow-hipped.
2. a group of spoken languages of north- hipped2 adj. (informal) greatly interested,

ern India. obsessed, hipped on tennis.

hind* most (hind-mohst) adj. farthest be-
hip* pie (hip-ee) n. (slang) a young person
hind. who joins with others in adopting an un-
hind -quarters (hind-kwor-terz) n. pi conventional style of dress etc., rejecting
the hind legs and adjoining parts of a conventional ideas and organized society
quadruped. and often using (or thought to be using)
hallucinogenic drugs.
hin-drance (hin-drans) n. 1. something
hip -po (hip-oh) n. {pi -DOS) (informal)
that hinders. 2. hindering, being hin-
a hippopotamus.
dered, went ahead without hindrance.
Hlp*po*crat*iC (hip-d-krat-ik) adj. of
hind* sight (hind-sit) n. wisdom about an
Hippocrates, a Greek physician of the
event after it has occurred.
5th century b.c. DHlppocratic oath,
Hirvdu (hin-doo) n. a person whose reli-
an oath taken by those beginning medical
gion is Hinduism. Hindu adj. of the Hin-
practice, to observe the code of profes-
sional behavior.
Hirvdu 'lam (hin-doo-iz-em) n. a religion
hip • po* drome (hip-6-drohm) n. 1. (in an-
and philosophy native to India.
cient Greece and Rome) a course for
Hin-du-sta-nl (hin-duu-stah-nee) n. the
chariot races etc. 2. a theater or arena
language of much of northern India and
for athletic events or circuses etc.
hlp*po*pot*a*mus (hip-d-pot-a-mus) n.
hinge (hinj) n. a joint on which a lid,
1 .
(pi -mus*es, -ml, pr. -mi) a large Afri-
door, or gate etc. turns or swings. 2. a can river animal with tusks, short legs,
natural joint working similarly. 3. a and thick dark skin.
small piece of gummed paper for fixing hlp-ster (hip-ster) adj. (slang) a person
stamps in an album, hinge v. (hinged, who is hip (see hip4 ).
hlng-lng) 1. to attach or be attached hire (hir) v. (hired, hiring) to engage the
by a hinge or hinges. 2. to depend on, services of (a person) or the use of (a
everything hinges on this meeting. thing) temporarily, for payment, hire n.
hint (hint) n. 1 a slight indication, a sug-
hiring, payment for this. hlr'er n.
gestion made indirectly. 2. a small piece hire • a • Die (h ir-a-bel) adj. able to be hired.
of practical information, household hints. hire -ling (hir-ling) n. a person who serves
hint v. to make a hint. Dhint at, to refer for hire.
indirectly to. hirsute (hnr-soot) adj. hairy, shaggy, hir'
hin-terland (hin-ter-land) n. 1. a district sute-ness n.
lying behind a coast etc. or served by a his (hiz) adj. & possessive pronoun 1 of .

particular port or center. 2. the back or belonging to him, the thing(s) belong-
country, especially regions sparsely set- ing to nun. 2. used in men's titles, His
tled and hard to reach. Honor.
hip 1 (hip) n. 1. the projection formed by HlS'parvIc (hi-span-ik) adj. of Spain or
the pelvis and upper part of the thigh- Latin America. Hispanic, His* pa* no
bone on each side of the body; hips, the (hi-span-oh) n. a Spanish-speaking per-
measurement around the body here. 2. son in the U.S.
the joint between the pelvis and the up- hiss (his) n. a sound like that of & hiss
per leg; broken hip, a fracture of one of v. 1. to make this sound. 2. to express
the bones at this joint. Dhlp boot, a disapproval in this way.
boot that covers the entire leg up to the hist abbr. 1 . historian. 2. historical. 3. his-
hip. hip flask, a small flask for liquor tory.
415 histamine / hoard

his -ta* mine (his-ta-meen) n. a chemical ing committed by a fielder. 5. a successful

compound in body tissues that is in- play or musical. 6. (slang) a murder, es-
volved in many allergic reactions. pecially by a hired gunman. Dhit back,
his* to* gram (his-t5-gram) n. a diagram to retaliate, hit it Off, to get along well
in which columns represent frequencies (with a person), hit man, (slang) a hired
of various ranges of values of a quantity. assassin, hit on, to discover suddenly or
his*tol*0*gist (hi-stol-6-jist) n. a special- by chance, hit parade, a list or program
ist in histology. of the most popular tunes, hit the bot-
his*tol*0*gy (hi-$tol-6-jee) n. the scien- tle, (slang) to drink alcohol heavily, hit
tificstudy of the minute structure of or- the nail on the head, to guess right,
ganic tissues. to express the truth exactly, hit the road
his*tol*ysis (hi-stol-I-sis) n. the breaking or trail, (slang) to depart; to take up a
down of organic tissues. wandering life.
his -to Than (hi-stohr-i-an) n. an expert hit-and-run (hit-an-run) adj. causing dam-
in history, a writer of history. age or injury and fleeing immediately.
his*tor*iC (hi-stor-ik) adj. 1. famous or hit-and-run driver, one who does this
important in history. 2. momentous, that with a motor vehicle, hit-and-run play,
will make history, this historic occasion. (in baseball) a play in which a baserunner
>Do not confuse historic with historical. runs for the next base as soon as 'the
his*tor*i*cal (hi-stor-i-kal) adj. 1. belong- pitcher begins to pitch, and the batter
ing to or dealing with history or past
swings at the pitched ball.
events (as opposed to legend or prehis-
hitch (hich) v. 1. to move (a thing) with
tory), historical novels. 2. concerned with
a slight jerk. 2. to fasten or be fastened
history, a historical society, his • tor' i*
with a loop or hook etc.; hitch ones
cal-ly adv. >Do
not confuse historical
wagon to a star, to set one's sights high,
with historic.
have high aspirations. 3. to hitchhike,
his • to • ri • og • ra • pher (hi-stohr-i-og-ra-
to obtain (a ride) in this way. hitch n.
fer) n. a writer of history, especially an
1. a slight jerk. 2. a noose or knot of
official historian.
various kinds. 3. a temporary stoppage,
his • to • ri • og • ra • phy (hi-stohr-i-og-ra-
a snag. 4. (slang) a term of military serv-
fee) n. 1 the writing of history. 2. the

ice. Dget hitched, (slang) to get mar-

study of the writing of history, his*
to-ri-og-ra'phic adj.
his-to-ry (his-t6-ree) n. (pL -ries) 1. a hitch-hike (hich-hik) v. (hitch-hiked,
continuous methodical record of impor- hitch -hik-ing) to travel by signaling for
free rides in passing vehicles, hitch 'hik-
tant or public events. 2. past events, those
connected with a person or thing. 3. an er n.
interesting or eventful past, the house has hith-er (hif/i-er) adv. to or toward this
a history. 4. the study of past events, es- place. hither and yon, hither and
pecially of human affairs, make
his- thither, to and fro, back and forth; in
tory, to do something memorable, to be various directions.
the first to do something. hith-er -to (hith-er-too) adv. until this
his*tri*on*ic (his-tri-on-ik) adj. 1. of act- time.
ing. 2. dramatic or theatrical in manner. hit-or-miss (hit-dr-mis) adj. aimed or done
his/tri-on'i-cal-ly adv. carelessly.
his*tri*on*ics (his-tri-on-iks) n. pi. dra- hive (hiv) n. a box or other container
1 .

matic behavior intended to impress peo- for bees to live in. 2. the bees living in
ple. this, hive v. (hived, hiving) to gather

hit (hit)v. (hit, hit-ting) 1. to strike with or live in a hive.

a blow or missile, to aim a blow etc., hives (hivz) n. pi. a skin eruption accom-
to come against (a thing) with force; it panied by itching and swelling.
hits you in the eye, is very obvious. 2. H.M.O. abbr. health maintenance organiza-
to propel (a ball etc.) with a bat or club. tion.
3. to have an on
(a person), to
effect H.M.S. abbr. His (or Her) Majesty's Ship.
cause to suffer. 4. to get at, to come to ho (hoh) interj. an exclamation of triumph
(a thing aimed at), to find (what is or scorn, or calling attention; land hoi,
sought). 5. to reach, can't hit the high used when land is first sighted from a
notes; hit a snag, encounter a difficulty. ship.
hit n. 1 . a blow, a stroke. 2. a shot etc. Ho symbol holmium.
that hits its target. 3. a success; make hoa-gie, hoa-gy (hoh-gee) n. {pi -gies)
a hit, to win popularity. 4. (in baseball) (northeastern U.S.) a hero sandwich.
a play in which a batter hits a ball and hoard (hohrd) n. a carefully saved and
reaches base safely without an error be- guarded store of money or food or treas-
hoarfrost / hoist 416
ured objects, hoard v. to save and store hO'Cus-pO'Cus (hoh-kus-poh-kus) n. 1.
away, hoard'er n. a nonsense phrase used by conjurers. 2.
hoar* frost (hohr-frawst) n. a white frost. trickery.
hoarse (hohrs) adj. (hoars *er, hoars* hod (hod) ru 1. a trough on a pole used
est) (of the voice) sounding rough,
1. by bricklayers for carrying mortar or
as if from a dry throat. 2. (of a person) bricks. 2. a cylindrical container for
having a hoarse voice, hoarsely adv. shoveling and holding coal. Dhod car-
hoarseness n. rier, a worker who carries mortar etc.
hoar-y (hohr-ee) adj. (hoar* her, hoar* for a bricklayer or mason.
I*est) 1. white or gray, fi, hoary beard hodge-podge (hoj-poj) n. a mixture or
2. with hoary hair, aged. 3. (of a joke medley.
etc.) old. hoar / i*ness n, Hodg* kin's (hoj-kinz) disease a disease
hoax (honks)a plot to trick or de-
n. 1 .
characterized by the progressive enlarge-
ceive. 2. the object used in the deception, ment and inflammation of the lymphoid
a fake or fabrication, hoax v. to deceive tissues, especially the spleen.
by trickery. hoax'er n.
hoe (hoh) n. a tool with a blade on a long
hob 1
(hob) n. a flat metal shelf at the side handle, used for loosening soil or weed-
of a fireplace, where a kettle or pan etc. ing, hoe v. (hoed, hoe-lng) to dig or
can be heated. scrape with a hoe.
hob2 n. a hobgoblin. Dto play or raise hoe* cake (hoh-kayk) n. a thin cornmeal
hob with, (informal) to do harm or mis- cake.
chief to.
hoe* down (hoh-down) n. 1 a lively party

hob-ble (hob-el) v. (hob* bled, hob- featuring square dancing. 2. the music
bling) 1. to walk lamely. 2. to fasten
for square dancing.
the legs of (a horse etc.) so as to limit
hog (hog) n. 1. a mature domestic pig.
but not entirely prevent movement, hob-
2. (informal) a greedy person, hog v.
ble n. a hobbling walk. hobble skirt,
(hogged, hog-glng) (slang) to take
a woman's skirt so narrow at the bottom
more than one's fair share of, to hoard
that it restrains freedom of movement.
selfishly, hog'gish adj. Deat or live
hob ble-de-hoy (hob-el -dee-hoi) n. a

high off the hog, (informal) to live lux-

clumsy or awkward youth between boy-
uriously or extravagantly, go the whole
hood and manhood.
hog, (slang) to do something thor-
hob* by (hob-ee) n. {pi -bles) an occupa-
tion that a person does for pleasure, not
as hismain business, hob'bylst n. ho*gan (hoh-gan) n. a Navaho Indian
dwelling built of branches and covered
hob* by -horse (hob-ee-hors) n. 1. a rock-
ing horse. 2. a stick with a horse's head,
with sod.
used as a toy. 3. a topic that a person hog -back (hog-bak) n. a sharply crested
ridge of a hill.
is fond of discussing.
hob-gob'lin (hob-gob-lin) n. 1. a mischie- hog* nose (hog-nohz) snake, hog*
vous or evil spirit. 2. a bogey or bugbear. nosed (hog-nohzd) snake one of sev-
hob* nail (hob-nay 1) ru a heavy-headed nail eral small harmless North American

for bootsoles. hob 'nailed adj. snakes having a flat snout.

hob* nob (hob-nob) v. (hob* nobbed, hogs * head (hogz-hed) n. 1 a large barrel

hob-nob-bing) to spend time together or cask. 2. a liquid or dry measure for

in a friendly way. various commodities, usually about 63
ho* bo (hoh-boh) n. {pi -boos, -bos) a gallons.
migratory worker or tramp. hog-tie (hog-ti) v. (hog-tled, hog*ty*
Hob *son's (hob-sonz) choice a situation Ing) 1. to secure by tying together an
in which one apparently has a choice but animal's feet or a person's hands and feet.
only one possibility is offered. Thomas > 2. to hamper or frustrate.
Hobson (17th century) of Cambridge, hog* wash (hog-wosh) n. 1 . swill for hogs.
England, hired out horses and made peo- 2. (informal) nonsense.
ple take the one nearest to the stable hog-wild (hog-wild) adj. (informal) unre-
door. strainedly enthusiastic or excited.
hock 1 (hok) n. the middle joint of an ani- ho-hum (hob-hum) interj. an expression of
mal's hind leg. boredom.
hock 3
v. (slang) to pawn. Din hock, in hoi pol'lol (hoi pd-loi) (contemptuous) the
pawn; in prison; indebt common people, the masses.
hock-ey (hok-ee) 1. ice hockey {see
n. hoist (hoist) v. to raise or haul up, to lift
ice). 2. field hockey {see field) with ropes and pulleys etc. hoist n. 1.
hock* shop (hok-shop) n. (informal) a an apparatus for hoisting things. 2. a pull
pawnshop. or haul up, give it a hoist

417 hoity-toity / hollow

hoi'ty-toi'ty (hoi-tee-toi-tee) adj. (in- of, we don't hold with bribery, no holds
formal) haughty. barred, all methods are permitted, take
hoke (hohk) v. (hok-ed, hok-ing) (also hold, to grasp; to become established.
hoke up, slang) to treat in a falsely con- hold 2 n. a space below a ship's deck, where
trived way. hoke n. (slang) hokum. cargo is stored.
ho*kum (hoh-kum) n. (slang) 1. nonsense. hold-ing (hohl-ding) n. 1. (often holdings)
2. stereotyped material, designed to ap- something held or owned, land held by
peal to the uncritical. an owner or tenant. 2. (in certain sports)
hold 1 (hohld) v. (held, hold-ing) 1. to hindering an opponent by illegal use of
take and keep in one's arms, hand(s), hands and arms. holding company,
teeth, etc. 2. to keep in a particular posi- one formed to hold the stock of other
tion or condition, to grasp or keep so companies, which it then controls, hold-
as to control, to detain in custody; hold ing operation, an expedient to prevent
him promise, insist that he keep
to his change, holding pattern, a circular
it. be able to contain, the bottle
3. to route for aircraft temporarily prevented
holds two pints. 4. to have in one's posses- from landing.
sion or as something one has gained, he hold*0*ver (hohld-oh-ver) n. something
holds the record for the high jump. 5. that remains from a previous period of
to support, to bear the weight of. 6. to time.
remain unbroken under strain, to con- hold* up (hohld-up) n. 1. a stoppage or
tinue, the rope failed to hold; will the fine delay. 2. a robbery by armed robbers.
weather hold? 7. to keep possession of hole (hohl) n. 1 an empty place in a solid

(a place or position etc.) against attack. body or mass, a sunken place on a sur-
8. to keep (a person's attention) by being face. 2. an animal's burrow; 3. (informal)
interesting. 9. to have the position of, a small or dark or wretched place. 4.
to occupy (a job etc.), held the chairman- (slang) an awkward situation. 5. a flaw
ship. 10. to cause to take place, to con- or defect. 6. a hollow or cavity into which
duct, hold a meeting or conversation. 1 1 a ball etc. must be sent in various games.
to restrain; hold your tongue, stop talk- 7. a unit of play in golf, we played nine
ing; hold it, hold everything, cease action holes. 8. an opening through something.
or movement. 1 2. to believe, to consider, hole v. (holed, hohing) 1. to make a
to assert, hold
n. 1 the act or manner
. hole or holes in. 2. to put into a hole,
of holding something. 2. an opportunity hol'ey adj. Dhole inone, (in golf) the
or means of holding. 3. a means of exert- hitting of the ball into the hole on one
ing influence on a person, holder n. shot from the tee. hole in the wall, a
get hold Of, (informal) to acquire; to small dingy establishment, hole out, (in
make contact with (a person), get hold golf) to get the ball into the hole, hole
Of oneself, (informal) to establish con- up, (slang) to hide oneself, in holes,
trol over oneself, hold down, to have worn so much that holes have formed.
(a job), hold forth, to speak lengthily. hoi -i- day (hol-i-day) n. 1. a day of festiv-
hold good, to remain valid, hold Off, ity or recreation or commemoration of
to wait, not to begin, the rain held off. an event or person, when no work is
hold on, to keep one's grasp of some- done. 2. a day of special religious ob-
thing; to refrain from hanging up (on servance. 3. (chiefly British) a vacation.
the telephone); (informal) to wait, hold holiday adj. of or suitable for a holiday,
one's ground, to stand firm, to refuse joyful and carefree.
to yield, hold one's peace or tongue, ho • li • er-than-thou (hoh-li-cr- th an-thow)
to keep silent, hold out, to offer (an in- adj. self-righteous.
ducement or hope); to last, if supplies ho*li*ness (hoh-li-nis) n. being holy or
hold out. hold out for, to refuse to ac- sacred. DHis Holiness, the title of the
cept anything other than, hold out on, pope.
(informal) to refuse the requests etc. of. Hoi* land (hol-and) the Netherlands.
hold over, to postpone; holds the threat hol-lan-daise (hol-an-dayz) sauce a
over him, exerts influence on him by this creamy sauce containing butter, egg
threat, hold the fort, to act as a tempo- yolks, and vinegar.
rary substitute, to cope in an emergency. hol*ler (hol-er)v. (informal) to shout, hol-

hold the line, to refrain from hanging ler (informal) a shout.

up (on the telephone); to refuse to change hoi* low (hol-oh) adj. 1. empty inside, not
one's position, hold to, to adhere to. solid. 2. sunken, hollow cheeks. 3. (of
hold up, to hinder; to stop by the use sound) echoing, as if from something hol-
of threats or force for the purpose of rob- low. 4. empty, worthless, a hollow tri-
bery, hold water, (of reasoning) to be umph; a hollow laugh, cynical, hollow
sound, hold with, (informal) to approve n. a hollow or sunken place, a hole, a
hollowware / homeland 418
valley, hollow
adv. (informal) com- ho-ly stone (hoh-lee-stohn) n. a soft
pletely, beat them hollow, hollow v. to sandstone used for scouring decks. holy-
make or become hollow, hollow it out Stone v. (ho-ly -stoned, ho-ly -ston-
hol'low'ly adv. hol'low-ness n. ing) to scour with this.
hoi* low* ware (hol-oh-wair) n. hollow ar- horn* age (hom-ij, om-ij) n. 1. things said
ticles of tableware, as bowls etc., espe- as a mark of respect, paid homage to his
cially those made of silver. achievements. 2. a formal expression of
hol*ly (hol-ee) n. (pL -lies) an evergreen loyalty to a ruler etc.
shrub with prickly leaves and red berries. hom* burg (hom-burg) n. a man's soft felt
hoi *ly hock (hol-ee-hok) n. a plant with hat with a narrow curled brim and a
large showy flowers on a tall stem. lengthwise dent in the crown.
hoi* mi* urn (hohl-mi-um) n. a rare-earth home (hohm) n. 1. the place where one
element. lives, especially with one's family. 2.
hol*0*caust (hol-o-kawst, hoh-15-) n. one's native land, the district where one
by fire.
large-scale destruction, especially was born or where one has lived for a
the Holocaust, the murder by the long time or to which one feels attached.
Nazis of over six million Jews. 3. a house, homes for sale. 4. an institu-
Hol*0*cene (hol-5-seen, hoh-15-) adj. (in tion where those needing care may live,
geology) recent, of the present geological an old people's home. 5. the natural envi-
period. Holocene n. the Holocene ep-
ronment of an animal or plant. 6. the
place to be reached by a runner in a race
hol*o*gram (hoh-15-gram, hol-6-) n. a or in certain games. 7. home plate, home
three-dimensional photograph produced
adj. 1 of or connected with one's own

by a reflected laser beam.

home or country, done or produced
hoi *o* graph (hoh-16-graf, hol-5-) n. a
there, home produce, home appliances.
document wholly written by the person
2. played on one's own ground, a home
named as its author. hol a O*graph*IC
game, home adv. 1 to or at one's home,
(hol-5-graf-ik, hoh-15-) adj. hoho*
go home; stay home, to stay at home.
graph'i *cal adj. hoi -o -graph'! -cal-
2. to the point aimed at, the thrust went
ly adv.
home; the criticism went home, made it-
ho*log*ra*phy (h5-log-ra-fee) n. the
self felt as true; drive a nail home, right
process or method of producing holo-
in. home v. (homed, honvlng) 1. (of

Hoi *stein (hohl-stin) n. (also Holsteln- a trained pigeon) to fly home. 2. to be

Frle* slan) one of a breed of large black-
make for a particu-
guided to a target, to
lar destination. Dat home, see at.
and-white dairy cattle originally from
Friesland, a province of the Netherlands. home away from home, a place (other
hol-ster (hohl-ster) n. a leather case for than home) where one feels comfortable
and at home, home economics, the
a pistol or revolver, fixed to a belt or
saddle or under the arm. science of household management, in-
ho-ly (hoh-le) adj. (ho-li-er, ho* II* cluding nutrition, child care, etc. home
est) 1 of God and therefore regarded
free, (slang) sure to win or gain success;
with reverence, associated with God or safe, home plate, (in baseball) the base

religion, the Holy Bible. 2. consecrated, at which the batter stands and the last
sacred, holy water. 3. devoted to the serv- of the four that a base runner must touch
ice of God, a holy man. DHoly City, in scoring a run. home rule, government
a city held sacred by the adherents of of a country by its own citizens, home
a religion, especially Jerusalem; heaven. run, (in baseball) a hit that allows the
Holy Communion, see Communion. batter to make a complete circuit of the
Holy Father, a title of the pope. Holy bases and score a run. home screen,
Ghost, the Holy Spirit. Holy Grail, see (informal) television.
Grail. Holy Land, the western part of home- bod -y (hohm-bod-ee) n. {pi -bod*
Palestine, holy of holies, a place or ies) a person who likes to stay at home.
thing regarded as most sacred; the sacred home* bred (hohm-bred) adj. bred at
inner chamber of a Jewish temple, holy home.
orders, the Christian ministry; take holy home -com- ng 1 (hohm-kum-ing) n. 1. ar-
orders, enter the ministry. Holy See, the rival at home. 2. a festive annual event
position or diocese of the pope. Holy usually held by a college or university
Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, for its alumni.
Gnod acting spiritually, holy terror, (in- home-grown (hohm-grohn) adj. grown at
formal) a troublesome child; a formida- home.
ble person. Holy Week, the week before home* land (hohm-land) n. a person's na-
Easter Sunday. Holy Writ, the Bible. tive land.
19 homeless / Honduras
homeless (hohm-lis) adj. lacking a place home* y (hoh-mee) adj. (horn* -er, horn* I

to live. I* est)
homelike, homely.
home-ly (hohm-lee) adj. (-11 •er, -li* hom-hcide (hom-i-sid) n. the killing of
est) 1 . simple and informal, not preten- one person by another. hom*l*cid*
tious. 2. (of a person's appearance) plain, al (hom-i-si-dal) adj.
not beautiful, home'li-ness n. hom*i*ly (hom-i-lee) n. {pi -lies) a ser-
home* made (hohm-mayd) adj. made at mon, a moralizing lecture.
home. hom*lng (hoh-ming) adj. returning home.
home*mak*er (hohm-may-ker) n. a per- D homing pigeon, a pigeon trained to
son who manages household affairs, fly home, bred
for long-distance racing.
home'mak-ing n. hom*l*ny (hom-T-nee) n. hulled and dried
ho*me*op*a*thy (hoh-mi-op-a-thee) n. kernels of corn from which the bran and
the treatment of disease by drugs, usually germ have been removed. hominy
in minute doses, that in a healthy person grits, ground hominy boiled with water
would produce symptoms like those of or milk.
the disease. ho*me*o*path (hoh-mi-6- Ho* mo (hoh-moh) n. the genus of primates
path) n. a person who is expert in home- including man.
opathy, ho-me-o-path-ic (hoh-mi-6- ho*mo*ge*ne*ous (hoh-md-jee-ni-us)
path-ik) adj. adj. of the same kind as the others,

ho*me*o*sta*sis (hoh-mi-5-stsy-sis) n.
formed of parts that are all of the same
maintenance of relatively stable condi- kind. ho*mo*ge'ne*ous*ly adv. ho*
tions in a system (such as blood tempera-
mo*ge / ne*ous*ness n. ho*mo*ge*

ture in the body) by internal processes

ne*l*ty (hoh-moh- je-nee-i-tee) n.

that counteract any departure from the

ho*mog*e*nize (hd-moj-S-niz) v. (ho*
normal. hO*me*0*Stat*ic (hoh-mi-d-
mog • e • nized, ho • mog • e • niz • ing) to
treat (milk) so that the particles of fat
stat-ik) adj.
ho Trier (hoh-mer) n. (in baseball) a home down and the cream does not
are broken

separate.ho*mog'e*niz*er n. ho*
mog*e*ni*za*tion (ho-moj-e-ni-zay-
Ho Tner«ic (hoh-mer-ik) adj. 1. of the
shdn) n.
writing or heroes of Homer, traditional
hom-o-graph (hom-5-graf) n. a word
author of Greek epic poems. 2. heroic,
spelled another, but of different
meaning or origin, such as low (= sound
home* room (home-room) n. a school-
made by cattle), low (= not high or tall).
room where a class meets daily to be
hO*mol*0*gous (hd-mol-d-gus) adj. 1.
checked for absences, receive special an-
having the same relation or relative posi-
nouncements, etc.
tion. 2. corresponding. 3. (of a limb or
home* sick (hohm-sik) adj. feeling de- organ) similar to another in position and
pressed through longing for one's home structure but not necessarily in function.
when one is away from it. home'sick* hO*mol*0*gy (hd-mol-d-jee) n. {pi
ness n. -gies) horn -o -log ue, horn *o* log
home* spun (hohm-spun) adj. 1. made of (hom-6-lawg) n.
yarn spun at home. 2. homely, unsophis- hom*0*nym (hom-5-nim) n. a word of the
ticated, homespun n. homespun fabric. same spelling or sound as another but
home* stead (hohm-sted) n. a farmhouse with a different meaning, such as grate
or similar building with the land and (= fireplace), grate (= to rub), great
buildings around it. (= large).
home- stead -er (hohm-sted-er) n. a set- hom *o* phone (hom-6-fohn) n. a word
tler on a homestead, especially on a tract with the same sound as another, such
of 160 acres as granted by the Homestead as son, sun.
Act of Congress in 1862. Ho* mo sa*pi*ens (hoh-moh say-pi-enz)
home* stretch (hohm-strech) n. 1. the man regarded as a species.
straight part of a racetrack between the ho*mo*sex*u*al (hoh-md-sek-shoo-al)
final bend and the finish line. 2. the final adj. feeling sexually attracted only to
part of a job. people of the same sex as oneself, homo-
home* town (hohm-town) n. the town of sexual n. a homosexual person, ho*
one's birth or early life or present fixed mo*sex*u*al*i*ty (hoh-md-sek-shoo-
residence. al-i-tee) n.
home* ward (hohm-ward) adj. & adv. go- Hon., hon. abbr. 1 . Honorable. 2. Honor-
ing toward home. ary.
home* work (hohm-wurk) to ben. work hon*chO (hon-choh) n. {pi -ChOS) (in-

done at home, especially lessons to be formal) a boss.

done by a schoolchild at home. Hon*du*ras (hon-door-as) a country in

hone / hoof 420

Central America. Hon*du'ran adj. & honesty and loyalty etc. 5. a title of re-
n. spect given to certain judges or people
hone (hohn) ru a fine-grained stone used of importance, your Honor. 6. (in certain
for sharpening razors and tools, hone card games) any of the cards of the high-
v. (honed, hon • ing) to sharpen on this. est value. 7. honors, a mark of academic
hon* est (on-ist) adj. 1. truthful, trustwor- recognition given to an outstanding stu-
thy. 2. (of an act or feeling) showing such dent, a course of advanced study for out-
qualities, an honest opinion; an honest standing students, honor v. 1. to feel
piece of work, done conscientiously. 3. honor for. 2. to confer honor on. 3. to
(of gain etc.) got by fair means; earn an acknowledge and pay (a check etc.).
honest penny, earn money fairly. hon- Ddo the honors, to perform the usual
est injun, (informal) truthfully, hon- guests or visitors etc. honor
civilities to
estly, honest to goodness, (informal) bound or on one's honor, under a
real, straightforward. moral obligation to do something, on my
hon*est*ly 1 in an honest
(on-ist-lee) adv. .
honor, I swear it.
way. I know, honestly.
2. really, that's all hon -or -a -Die
(on-o-ra-bel) adj. 1. deserv-
hon*es*ty (on-i-stee) n. being honest. ing honor. 2. possessing or showing
horvey (hun-ee) n. {pi -eys) 1. a sweet honor. 3. Honorable, the courtesy title
sticky yellowish substance made by bees of certain high officials and judges.
from nectar. 2. its color. 3. sweetness,
hon'or*a*bly adv.
pleasantness, a sweet thing. 4. (informal)
hon*o*rar*i*um (on-d-r*ir-i-um) n. (pi
darling. honey locust, a North -rar • I • urns, -rar • I • a, pr. -rair-i-a) a vol-
American leguminous hardwood tree.
untary payment made for services where
hon*ey*bee (hun-ee-bee) n. the common no fee is legally required.
bee that lives in a hive.
hon*or*ar*y (on-6-rer-ee) adj. 1. given as
hon •ey bunch (hun-ee-bunch) n. (in-
an honor, an honorary degree. 2. unpaid,
formal) darling.
honorary treasurer. hon*or*ar*i*ly (on-
hon ey comb (hun-ee-kohm)
• • n, 1 a bees' .

6-rer-i-lee) adv.
- wax
structure of six-sided cells for hold-
hon*or*if*ic (on-d-rif-ik) adj. implying
ing honey and eggs. 2. a pattern or ar-
respect, honorific n. a mark of esteem,
rangement of six-sided sections, honey-
a title. hon*or*if'i*cal*ly adv.
comb v. to fill with holes or tunnels,
the rock was honeycombed with passages.
hooch (hooch) n, (slang) alcoholic liquor.
especially inferior or illicit whiskey.
hon*ey*dew (hun-ee-doo) n. a sweet
sticky substance found on leaves and
hood 1
(huud) a covering for the head
n. 1 .

stems, excreted by aphids. Dhoneydew

and neck, either as part of a garment
melon, a variety of melon with a pale or separate. 2. a loose hoodlike garment
smooth skin and sweet green flesh. forming part of academic dress. 3. some-
hon *ey* moon (hun-ee-moon) n. a holi- thing resembling a hood in shape or use.
day spent together by a newly married 4. the hinged metal cover over an auto-

couple, honeymoon v. to take a honey- mobile engine.

moon. honeymoon bridge, a variety hood 3 n. (slang) a hoodlum.
of bridge for two players. -hood suffixused to form nouns and adjec-
hon -ey- suck -le (hun-ee-suk-el) n. a tives meaning condition or quality or
climbing shrub with fragrant yellow and grouping, such as childhood, falsehood,
pink flowers. sisterhood.
honk (hongk) n. a loud harsh sound, the hood-ed (huud-id) adj. 1. having a hood.
cry of the wild goose, the sound made animals) with a hoodlike part.
2. (of
by an old-style motor horn, honk v. to hood'lum (huud-lum) n. a thug or gang-
make a honk, to sound a car horn. ster.
honk'er n. hoo-dOO (hoo-doo) n. 1. bad luck or
hon-ky-tonk (hong-kee-tongk) n. 1. (in- something that causes it. 2. voodoo.
formal) a cheap or disreputable nightclub hoodoo v. to make unlucky, to bewitch.
or dance hall. 2. a kind of ragtime music hood* wink (huud-wingk) v. to deceive.
played on a piano, often with strings that hoo*ey (hoo-ee) interj. & n. (slang) non-
give a tinny sound. sense.
Hon*0«lu*lu (hon-6-loo-loo) the capital of hoof (huuf) n. {pi hoofs, hooves, pr.
Hawaii. huuvz) the horny part of the foot of a
hon* or (on-dr) n. 1. great respect, high horse and other animals, hoof v. hoof
public regard. 2. a mark of this, a privi- it, (slang) to go on foot, hoofed adj.
lege given or received. 3. a source of this, Dhoof and mouth disease, foot and
a person or thing that brings honor. 4. mouth disease (see foot), on the hoof,
good personal character, a reputation for (of cattle) live, not yet slaughtered.
421 hoofer / Hop!
hoof *er (huuf-er) n. (slang) a professional hoose *gow (hoos-gow) n. (slang) a
dancer. prison. > Mexican Spanish jusga(d)o.
hook (huuk) n. 1 a bent or curved piece
. Hoo*sler (hoo-z/ier) n. a native or inhabi-
of metal etc. for catching hold or for tant of Indiana.
hanging things on. 2. something shaped hoot (hoot) n. 1. the cry of an owl. 2.
like this; Sandy Hook, a projecting point the sound made by a vehicle's horn or
of land on the coast of New Jersey. 3. a steam whistle. 3. a cry expressing scorn
a curved cutting tool, reaping hook. 4. or disapproval. 4. (informal) laughter,
(in golf) a stroke that causes the ball a cause of this, hoot v. 1 to make a .

to follow a hooked path. 5. (in boxing) hoot or hoots. 2. to receive or drive away
a short swinging blow with the elbow with scornful hoots. 3. to sound (a horn).
bent, hook v. 1 to grasp or catch with
. hoot / er n. doesn't care or give a
a hook, to fasten with a hook or hooks. hoot or two hoots, (slang) doesn't care
2. to hit a ball in golf so that it takes a at all.

hooked path. 3. (slang) to obtain, to steal. hOOt*en*ah*ny (hoo-te-nan-ee) n. {pi

Dby hook or by crook, by some means -nies) (informal) an informal social
no matter what happens, hook and eye, event featuring folk music and singing.
a small metal hook and loop for fastening Hoo-ver (hoov-er), Henbert Clark
a dress etc. hooked
rug, a rug made (1874-1964) the of
thirty-first president
by pulling woolen yarn through canvas the U.S. 1929-33.
with a hook, hook, line, and sinker, hop (hop) v. 1 (of an animal) to spring

(informal) entirely, off the hook, from all feet at once, (of a person) to
(slang) freed from difficulty. jump, especially on one foot. 2. to cross
hook* ah (huuk-a) n. an Oriental pipe for by hopping. 3. (informal) to make a short
smoking with a long tube passing quick trip, hop n. 1. a hopping move-
through a glass container of water that ment. 2. an informal dance. 3. a short
cools the smoke as it is drawn through. flight or one stage in a long-distance
hooked (huukt) adj. 1. hook-shaped, a flight. Dhop In or out, (informal) to
hooked nose. 2. (slang) married. get into or out of quickly, hopping mad,
hooked on, (slang) addicted to or (informal) very angry.
captivated by. hop2 n. a plant cultivated for its cones
hook-er (huuk-er) n. (slang) a prostitute. (hops), which are used for giving a bitter
hook* up (huuk-up) n. (informal) a con- flavor to beer. Dhop up, (slang) to stim-
nection, especially an interconnection of ulate with a drug; to add power to.
broadcasting equipment for special hope (hohp) n. 1 a feeling of expectation

transmissions. and desire combined, a desire for certain

hook* worm (huuk-wurm) n. a worm (the events to happen. 2. a person or thing
male of which has hooklike spines) that or circumstance that gives cause for this.
can infest the intestines of men and ani- 3. what one hopes for. hope v. (hoped,
mals. hop-lng) to feel hope, to expect and de-
hook*y (huuk-ee) n. (informal) play sire, to feel fairly confident. hoping
hooky, to play truant. against hope, hoping for something
hoo*li*gan (hoo-H-gan) n. (informal) a that is barely possible.
young ruffian. hoo'll-garvlsm n. hope-ful (hohp-ful) adj. 1. feeling hope.
hoop (hoop) n. 1 .a band of metal or wood 2. causing hope, seeming likely to be fa-
etc. forming part of a framework. 2. this vorable or successful, hopeful n. a per-
used as a child's toy for bowling along son who hopes or seems likely to succeed,
the ground, or swirling around the hips, young hopefuls. hope'ful*ness n.
or for circus riders and animals to jump hope- ful -ly a
(hohp-fu-lee) adv. 1. in
through, hoop v. to bind or encircle with hopeful way. 2. to be hoped, hope-
it is
hoops, hoop" less adj. Dbe put fully, we shall be there by one o'clock.
through the hoops, to undergo a test >Many people regard the second use as
or ordeal, hoop skirt, a bell-shaped skirt unacceptable.
supported by a framework of hoops. hope* less (hohp-lis) adj. 1. feeling no
hoop snake, a mud snake native to the hope. 2. admitting no hope, a hopeless
southeastern U.S. case. 3. inadequate, incompetent, is hope-
hoop* la (hoop-lah) n. (informal) 1 a com- . less at tennis. nope'less*ly adv. hope'
motion, pretentious nonsense. 2. some- less*ness n.
thing spoken or written that is intended hop* head (hop-hed) n. (slang) a drug ad-
to confuse people. dict.
hoop*ster (hoop-ster) n. (slang) a basket- Ho* pi(hoh-pee) n. {pi -pis, -pi) 1 a mem- .

ball player. ber of an Arizona Indian tribe. 2. the

hoo-ray (huu-ray) = hurray. language of this tribe.
hopper / horse 422

hop* per (hop-er) ru 1 a person or animal

. taining the alphabet, Lord's prayer, etc.
that hops, a hopping insect 2. a funnel- mounted on a wooden tablet with a han-
shaped container with an Opening at the dle, and protected by a thin plate of horn,
base through which contents can be dis- formerly used as a school primer.
charged into a machine etc. 3. a box into hor -net (hor-nit) ru a large kind of wasp
which copies of proposed bills are inflicting a serious sting. LJ stir up a hor-
dropped for consideration by a legislative nets' nest, to cause an outburst of angry
body. feeling.
hop sack «ing
• (hop-sak-ing) ru loosely horn* pipe (horn-pip) ru a lively dance,
woven woolen fabric. usually for one person, traditionally asso-
hop 'Scotch (hop-skoch) ru a children's ciated with sailors.
game of hopping and jumping over horn-rimmed (horn-rimd) adj. (of eye-
marked squares to retrieve a stone tossed glasses) with frames made of a material
into these. like horn or tortoise shell.
hor. abbr. 1. horizon. 2. horizontal. horn*y (hor-nee) adj. (horn*l*er, horn*
ho*ra (hohr-a) ru an Israeli dance. I* est)1. of or like horn. 2. hardened
horde (hohrd) n. a large group or crowd. and calloused, horny hands.
hore* hound (hohr-hownd) ru 1. an herb ho*rol*o*gy (hoh-rol-d-jee) ru the study
with woolly leaves and white flowers, of measuring time or making clocks,
producing a bitter juice. 2. a candy made watches, etc. ho*rol'o*glst ru nor*
with horehound extract. O* log* heal (hohr-6-loj-i-kal) adj.
hOTi'Zon (hd-n-z6n) the line at
ru 1. hor*0*SCOpe (hor-6-skohp) ru 1. an as-
which Earth and sky appear to meet. 2. trologer's diagram showing the relative
the limit of a person's experience or positions of the planets and stars at a
knowledge or interests. the hori- Don particular time. 2. a forecast of future
zon, (of an event) about to happen, just events, based on this.
becoming apparent. hor-ren-dous (hd-ren-dus) adj. (in-
hor«i'Zorvtal (hor-i-zon-tal) adj. parallel formal) horrifying. hor*ren'dous*ly
to the horizon, going across from left adv.
to right or right to left, hor*i*zon' tal- hor*ri*We (hor-I-bel) adj. 1. causing hor-
ly adv. ror. (informal) unpleasant, hor'ri*
hor-mone (hor-mohn) ru a substance pro- bly adv. hor'ri -ble-ness n.
duced within the body of an animal or hor* rid (hor-id) adj. horrible, hor'rid*
plant (or made synthetically) and carried ly adv.
by the blood or sap to an organ which hor*rif *ic (haw-rif-ik) adj. horrifying.
it stimulates. hor*mo*nal (hor-moh- hor*ri*fy (hor-l-fi) v. (hor-ri-fied, hor*
nal) adj. ri*fy*ing) to arouse horror in, to shock.
horn (horn) ru 1 a hard pointed outgrowth
. hor*ror (hor-or) ru 1. a feeling of loathing
on the heads of certain animals. 2. the and fear. 2. intense dislike or dismay.
hard smooth substance of which this con- 3, a person or thing causing horror.
sists. 3. a projection resembling a horn. horror movie, one full of violence
4. any of various wind instruments (orig- presented sensationally for entertain-
inally made
of horn) with a trumpet- ment.
shaped end. 5. a device for sounding a hor*ror-struck (nor-dr-struk), hor*ror-
warning signal, especially the one on a strick*en (hor-dr-strik-en) adj. horri-
motor vehicle, horned adj. hornless fied, shocked.
adj. Dblow one's horn, (informal) to hors de com* bat (or de kom-ba) out of
brag, draw In one's horns, to restrain the fight, disabled. E> French.
one's ambition or enthusiasm, to draw hors d'oeu*vre (or durv) (pi hors
back, horned toad, a small flat lizard d'oeu*vres, pr. or durrz) food served
with hornlike spines, horn In, (slang) as an appetizer before or at the start of
horn of plenty,
to intrude, to interfere, a meal.
see cornucopia, on the horns of a horse (hors) ru 1. a four-legged animal
dilemma, required to choose between with a flowing mane and tail, used for
two equally pleasant or unpleasant op- riding on or to carry loads or pull wagons
tions. etc. 2. a frame on which something is
horn • beam (horn-beem) ru a kind of tree supported, a sawhorse. 3. a vaulting horse
or shrub with hard tough wood. (see vault 2 ). 4. (slang) heroin. 5. horses,
horn* bill(horn-bil) n. a tropical bird with (informal) horsepower, this engine has
a hornlike projection on its beak. 250 horses, horse v. (horsed, hors-
horn 'blende (horn-blend) n. a black or ing) (informal) to indulge in horseplay,
green or dark brown mineral. horsing around. Dhold your horses!
horn *book (horn-buuk) n. a paper con- (informal) wait a minute; do not be impa-
423 horseback / hostel
tient. horse chestnut, a large ornamen- on horseback, especially a skilled one.
tal tree with upright conical clusters of hor*sy, hors-ey (hor-see) adj. (hors*
white or pink or red flowers; its fruit. i*sr, hors*i*est) 1. of or like a horse.
horse latitudes, the belt of calms at 2. interested in horses and horse racing,
the northern edge of the northeast trade showing this in one's dress and conversa-
winds, horse of another color, a thing tion etc.
significantlydifferent, horse opera, hort abbr. 1 . horticultural. 2. horticulture.
(slang) a play or motion picture etc. hor-ta-tlve (hor-tl-tiv), hor*ta*to*
about the Wild West, horse sense, (in- ry (hor-ta-tohr-ee) adj. tending or serv-
formal) plain common sense, horse ing to exhort, hor-ta-tion (hor-tay-
trade, horse trading, (informal) shdn) n.
shrewd bargaining, horse trader, a per- hor-tl-cul-ture (hor-tl-kul-chttr) n. the
son who trades in horses or bargains art of garden cultivation. hor*ti*cul*
shrewdly, on one's high horse, behav- tur*al (hor-tl-kul-chu-ral) adj. nor-
ing with pretentiousness or arrogance. th cul'tur- 1st n.
straight from the horse's mouth, (of hO*san*na (hoh-zan-a) interj. & n. {pi
information) from a firsthand source. -nas) a cry of adoration to God.
horse* back (hors-bak) a. the back of a hose (hohz) n. (pi hose for def. 1; hos*
horse. Don horseback, mounted on a es for def. 2) 1. stockings or socks. 2.
horse. a flexible tube for transporting water or
horse *feath* era (hors-fef/i-erz) inter}. & other liquids and gases, hose v. (hosed,
n. (slang) nonsense. hosting) to water or spray with a hose,
horse-flesh (hors-flesh) n. 1. the flesh of
hose the car down.
horses, as food. 2. horses, a good judge
ho*sier*y (hoh-z/re-ree) n. stockings and
of horseflesh. socks in general
n. (pi -flies) a large
horse* fly (hors-fli) hosp. abbr. hospital.
insect troublesome to horses.
hos* pice (hos-pis) n. 1 . a lodging for trav-
horse* hair (hors-hair) n. hair from a
elers, especially one kept by a religious
horse's mane or tail, used for padding
order. 2. a home for troubled, destitute,
furniture etc.
or sick people.
horse *hide (hors-hid) n. 1. the hide of
hos*pl*ta*ble (hos-pi-ta-beT) adj. giving
a horse. 2. the leather made from the
and liking to give hospitality, hos'pi*
hide. 3. (informal) a baseball.
ta*bly adv.
horse* laugh (hors-laf) n. a loud coarse
hos*pi*tal (hos-pi-tal) n. an institution
where people are treated and nursed
horse* man (hors-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
-men) a rider on horseback, especially
when they are ill or injured.
hos*pi*tal*i*ty (hos-pi-tal-i-tee) n. (pi
a skilled one.
-ties) friendly and generous reception
horse -man* ship (hors-man-ship) n. the
art and skill of riding on horseback.
and entertainment of guests.
horse* play (hors-play) n. boisterous play. hos*pl*tal*ize (hos-pi-ta-hz) v. (hos*
horse* power (hors-pow-er) n. a unit for pl-taMzed, hos*pi*tal*lz*ing) to
measuring the power of an engine (550 send or admit (a patient) to a hospital.
foot-pounds per second). hos*pi*tal*i*za*tion (hos-pi-ti-li-zay-
horse *rad*ish (hors-rad-ish) n. a plant shdn) n. D
hospitalization insurance,
with a hot-tasting root, used to make a insurance to cover the cost of care and
sauce. treatment in a hospital.
horse* shoe (hors-shoo) n. 1. a U-shaped host 1 (hohst) n. a large number of people
strip of metal nailed to a horse's hoof. or things.
2. anything shaped like this. 3. horse- host 3 n. 1 a person who receives and enter-

shoes, a game in which horseshoes are tains another as his guest. 2. an organism
thrown at a stake. horseshoe crab, on which another organism lives as a par-
king crab. asite, host v. (informal) to act as host
horse *sho*er (hors-shoo-er) n. a person to (a person) or at (an event). Careful >
who puts horseshoes on a horse. writers do not use host as a verb.
horse* tail (hors-tayl) n. a rushlike plant Host (hohst) n. the bread consecrated in
with hollow jointed stems. the Christian rite of Holy Communion.
horse *whip (hors-hwip) n. a whip hos-tage (hos-tij) n. a person held as secu-
for horses, horsewhip v. (horse* rity so that the holder's demands will
whipped, horse* whip* ping) to beat be satisfied.
with a horsewhip. hos*tel (hos-tel) n. a lodging house for
horse* worn* an (hors-wuum-an) n. {pi travelers, students, or other special
-worn* en, pr. -wim-in) a woman rider groups, hos'tel-er n.
hostelry / hour 424

hos-tel-ry (hos-tel-ree) n. {pi -ries) (old good buy. hot under the collar, angry,
use) an inn. resentful, or embarrassed, hot war, a
host* ess (hohs-tis) n. 1. a woman who war with active hostilities, in hot water,
receives and entertains a person as her (informal) in trouble or disgrace, make
guest. 2. a woman employed to welcome things hot for a person, to make it
people at a nightclub, restaurant, etc. uncomfortable for him, to persecute him.
hos-tile (hos-tH) of an enemy, hos-
adj. 1. sell like hot cakes, to sell very readily.
tile aircraft. 2. a hostile
unfriendly, hot -bed (hot-bed) n. 1. a bed of earth
glance; they are hostile toward reform, heated by fermenting manure. 2. a place
are opposed to it. hos'tile*ly adv. favorable to the growth of something
hostile witness, one who has reason evil.
to be opposed to the party calling him. hot-blood -ed (hot-blud-id) adj. 1. ardent,
hos'tihi'ties (ho-stil-i-teez) n. pi acts of passionate. 2. excitable.
warfare. hot *box (hot-boks) n. (in railroad cars)
hos-til-i-ty (ho-stil-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) be- a metal bearing overheated by friction.
ing hostile, enmity. ho*tel (hoh-tel) n. a building where meals
hot (hot) adj. (hot -ten hot -test) 1. hav- and rooms are provided for travelers,
ing great heat or high temperature, giv- ho-tel'keep-er n.
ing off heat, feeling heat. 2. producing hot -foot (not-fuut) adv. in eager haste.
a burning sensation to the taste. 3. eager, hotfoot n. {pi -foots) a practical joke
angry, excited, or excitable, in hot pur- in which a match is placed secretly be-
suit; a hot temper. 4. (of the scent in tween the sole and upper of someone's
hunting) fresh and strong, (of news) shoe and lighted, hotfoot v. (informal)
fresh. 5. {informal, of a player) very skill- to hurry eagerly, hotfooting it
ful. 6. (of jazz etc.) strongly rhythmical hot* head (hot-hed) n. an impetuous or
and emotional. 7. (slang) radioactive. 8. excitable person, hot 'head 'ed adj.
{slang, of goods etc.) recently stolen and hot'head'ed-ly adv. hot 'head 'ed-
hence risky to handle, hot adv. hotly, ness n.

in a hot state, on steep hills, the car runs hot* house (hot-hows) n. a heated build-
hot; coffee should always be served hot ing made of glass, for growing plants in
hot'ly adv. hot'ness n. hot air, D a warm temperature.
(slang) excited or boastful talk, hot hot* Shot (hot-shot) n. (slang) an aggres-
cake, a pancake, hot cross bun, a bun sively successful person.
. marked with a cross, prepared especially hot-tern- pered (hot-tem-peYd) adj. easily
during Lent, hot dog, a hot frankfurter becoming very angry.
sandwiched in a roll of bread, hot flash, hot-wa-ter (taot-waw-ter) bag or bottle
a flush, a rush of color or reddening of a small container to be filled with hot
the face accompanied by perspiration water for warmth in bed, to relieve pain,
and a sensation of extreme warmth, usu- etc.
ally associated with the menopause, hot hound (hownd) n. 1. a dog used in hunt-

line, a direct line of communication, es- ing, a foxhound. 2. an enthusiast, espe-

pecially that between heads of govern- cially one devoted to seeking something
ments in Washington and Moscow, and out, an autograph hound, hound v. 1.
for emergency communications about to harass or pursue, hounded him out
potential drug and alcohol abuses, psy- of society. 2. (informal) to urge, to incite,
chiatric patients, potential suicides, etc. hound them on. Dhound's tooth,
hot pepper, a vegetable or condiment hounds-tooth check, a woven check
that has a hot taste, hot plate, a heated pattern giving a notched effect.
metal plate etc. for cooking food or keep- hour (owr) n. a twenty-fourth part of
ing it hot. hot potato, (informal) a situ- a day and night, 60 minutes. 2. a time
ation etc. likely to cause trouble to the of day, a point of time, always come at
person handling it. hot rod, (slang) a the same hour; seventeen hours, this time
motor vehicle modified to have extra on the 24-hour clock; bus leaves on the
power and speed, hot rodder, (slang) hour, when the clock indicates a whole
a person who drives such a vehicle, hot number of hours from midnight. 3. a
seat, (slang) the position of someone short period of time, the time for action,
who has difficult responsibilities or who the present time, the hour has come; ques-
is in trouble; the electric chair, hot tion of the hour. 4. (in the Roman Catho-
spring, a hot water well, hot stuff, lic Church) prayers to be said at one of
(slang) a person of high spirit or skill the seven times of day appointed for
or passions; something high-powered. prayer, a book of hours. 5. a period for
hot tip, secret information on a competi- a specified activity, the lunch hour. 6.
tor sure to win a race or game, or on a hours, a fixed period for daily work, office
425 hourglass / housemother
hours are nine to five; after hours. house trailer, a trailer with living ac-
Da late hour, a time late at night. commodations, house wren, an Ameri-
credit hour, one unit of academic credit can wren that nests around houses, like
representing one hour of instruction a a house on fire, fast, vigorously, excel-
week for an entire semester, hour hand, lently, on the house, at the owner's
the hand showing the hour on the clock. expense, open house, an event in which
till all hours, till very late. an institution is open for public viewing;
hour* glass (owr-glas) n. a wasp-waisted a house party open to all friends and
glass container holding a quantity of fine relatives, play house, to play at being
sand that takes one hour to trickle a family in its home, put one's house
through the small opening from the up- In order, to make the necessary reforms.
per to the lower section. set up house, to begin to live in a sepa-
hOU'ri (hoor-ee) n. {pi -ris) a young and rate dwelling.
beautiful woman of the Muslim paradise. house* boat (hows-boht) n. a bargelike
hourly (owr-lee) adj. 1 done or occurring
. boat fitted up as a dwelling.
once an hour, an hourly bus service. 2. house* bound (hows-bownd) adj. unable
continual, frequent, lives in hourly dread to leave one's house.
of discovery, hourly adv. every hour. house* boy (hows-boi) n. a boy or a man
house (hows) {pi hous-es, pr. how-
n. as a servant in a house.
ziz) 1 a building made for people (usu-
. house* break (hows-bray k) v. (house*
ally one family) to live in. 2. the people broke, house •bro- ken, house*
living in this house, a household. 3. a break- ing) (of domestic animals) to
building used for a particular purpose, and behave well in the
train to be clean
the opera house. 4. a residence hall at a house, house *bro* ken (hows-broh-
school or college, the residents of this. ken) adj.
5. a legislative assembly, the building or house* break *er (hows-bray-ker) n. a
chamber where it meets; the House, the burglar, housebreaking n.

U.S. House of Representatives. 6. a busi- house* clean (hows-kleen) v. to clean a

ness firm, a banking house. 7. the audi- house and the furniture.
ence of a theater, the theater itself, a full house* coat (hows-koht) n. a woman's

house. 8. a family or dynasty, the House long dresslike garment for informal wear
of Windsor. 9. one of the twelve parts in the house.
into which the heavens are divided in house* fly (hows-fli) n. {pi -flies) a com-
astrology, house (howz) v. (housed, mon fly found in houses.
nous* ing) 1. to provide accommoda- house *ful (hows-fuul) n. {pi -fuls) all
tions for. 2. to store (goods etc.). 3. to that a house can hold.
encase in a housing, house'less adj. house* guest (hows-gest) n. a person visit-
D house arrest, detention in one's own ing with a household for one night or
house etc., not in prison, house detec- more.
tive, a detective employed by a hotel. house* hold (hows-hohld) n. 1 all the oc- .

house Of cards, an insecure scheme. cupants of a house. 2. a home and its

House of Commons, the assembly of affairs. household arts, home eco-
elected representatives in the British par- nomics, household effects, all the fur-
liament; the building where it meets. nishings of a house; the belongings of a
house of correction, a confined place family, household word, a familiar
for persons convicted of minor offenses. saying or name.
house of detention, a place for persons house* hold *er (hows-hohl-der) n. 1. a
accused of a crime and awaiting trial. person owning or renting a house. 2. the
house of God, a church, a place of wor- head of a family or household.
ship, house of ill repute or ill fame, house* keep *er (hows-kee-per) n. a per-
(old use) a brothel. House of Lords, son employed to look after a household.
the assembly of members of the nobility house* keep* ing (hows-kee-ping) n. the
and bishops in the British parliament; management of household affairs.
the building where it meets. House of house* lights (hows-hts) n. pi the lights
Representatives, the lower legislative in a theater auditorium.
branch of the U.S. Congress, of many house* maid (hows-mayd) n. a woman
states, and of some other countries. servant in a house, especially one who
house organ, a newspaper etc. pub- cleans rooms. housemaid's knee, in-
lishedby a business or organization for flammation of the kneecap, caused by
itsemployees, house party, a number kneeling to work.
of guests staying at a house, house house* man (hows-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
plant, a plant for growing indoors. -men) a houseboy.
house sparrow, the English sparrow. house* moth *er (hows-muf/i-er) n. a
house-raising / huddle 426

woman in charge of a residence for a the same, notwithstanding, nevertheless,

group of people, especially a school or the corporation moved its headquarters
college dormitory or a fraternity or so- to New York; however, most employees
rority house. chose not to leave Connecticut
house-raiS'ing (hows-ray-zing) ru a gath- h0W'it*zer (how-it-ser) n. a short gun for
ering of rural families for the purpose firing shells at a high angle of elevation
of building a house for a member of the and low velocities.
community. howl (howl) n. 1. the long loud wailing
house-to-house (hows-td-hows) adj. call- cry of a dog etc. 2. a loud cry of amuse-
ing at each house in turn. ment or pain or scorn. 3. a similar noise
house *top (hows-top) ru the roof of a made by a strong wind or in an electrical
house. amplifier, howl v. 1. to make a howl.
house *train (hows-trayn) v. to house- 2. to weep loudly. 3. to utter with a howl.
break. Dhowl down, to prevent (a speaker)
house* wares (hows-wairz) n. pi small from being heard by howling scorn at
household equipment. him. howling success, (informal) a
house* warm *ing (hows-wor-ming) ru a very great success.
party to celebrate the occupation of a howher (how-ler) n. (informal) a foolish
new home. mistake.
house -wife (hows-wif) n. (pi -wives, pr. how-to (how-too) adj. (informal) giving
-wivz) a woman managing a house- basic instruction in techniques, a how-
hold, house'wife-ly adj. house' wif* to book on insulating.
er*y house'wife*li*ness n. t>From
n. hoyden (hoi-den) n. a girl who behaves
the old meaning of wife = "woman" (as boisterously. hoy'den*ish adj.
in fishwife), not "married woman." hp abbr. horsepower.
house* work (hows-wurk) the cleaning ru HQ abbr. headquarters.
and cooking etc. done in housekeeping. hr(s). abbr. hour(s).
nous* ing (how-zing) n. 1. accommoda- H.R. abbr. House of Representatives.
tions. 2. provision of accommodations H.S. abbr. High School.
for people. 3. a rigid casing enclosing HST abbr. Hawaiian standard time.
machinery. housing development, HT abbr. high-tension.
a number of houses in a residential area ht abbr. height.
planned as a unit. HtS. abbr. Heights.
hove (hohv) see heave. hua*ra*che (wa-rah-chee) n. a Mexican
hov*el (huv-el) n. a miserable dwelling. leather sandal with thongs.
hover (huv-er) v. 1. (of a bird etc.) to hub (hub) n. 1 the central part of a wheel,

remain in one place in the air. 2. to wait from which spokes radiate. 2. a central
about, to linger, to wait close at hand. point of activity, the hub of the universe.
Hov*er* craft (huv-er-kraft) n. (trade- hub* bub (hub-ub) n. a loud confused noise
mark) a vehicle supported by air thrust of voices.
downward against the surface (of the hub* by (hub-ee) n. (pi -bles) (informal)
land or sea) just beneath it. husband.
how (how) adv. 1 by what means, in what
. hub* cap (hub-kap) n. a metal covering
way? 2. to what extent or amount etc? over the center of a car wheel.
3. in what condition? how conj. the man- hu-bris (hyoo-bris) n. 1 an insolent pride

ner in which, he knew how to bake a or presumption. 2. (in Greek tragedy)

cake. Dand how! very much so. how arrogant pride toward the gods, leading
about? what is your feeling about (this to nemesis. hu*bris*tic (hyoo-bris-tik)
thing)?; would you like (this)? how adj.
come? (informal) why, how did it hap- huck-le-ber-ry (huk-el-ber-ee) *• (pL
pen? how do you do?, a formal greet- -rles) a blue or black fruit of a low berry-
ing, how much? what amount, what bearing shrub common in North Amer-
price? the hows and whys, (informal) ica.
a full explanation. huck-ster (huk-ster) n. 1. a peddler. 2.
how 'dan a seat for two or
(how-da) n. a high-pressure salesman or advertiser.
more persons, usually with a canopy, on huckster v. to sell small articles for a
an elephant's back. living.
how*dy (how-dee) interj. (informal) how HUD (hud) n. Department of Housing and
do you do? t/rban Development.
how* e'er (how-air) adv. & conj. however. hud -die (hud -el) v. (hud -died, hud*
how*ev*er (how-ev-er) adv. in whatever dling) 1 to heap or crowd together into

way, to whatever extent, will not succeed, a small space. 2. to curl one's body
however hard he tries, however conj. all closely, to nestle, huddle n. 1. a con-

427 hue / humbug

fused mass. 2. (in football) a gathering claimable by any living person, such as
of a team to receive instructions for the the right of free speech, the right to wor-
next play. Dgo
into a huddle, to hold ship as one chooses, etc.
a private conference. hu*mane (hyoo-mayn) adj. kindhearted,
hue 1 (hyoo) n. a color, a tint, hued compassionate, merciful. hu*mane'ly
(hyood) adj. adv. hu-mane'ness n. humane so-
hue 2 n. hue and cry, a general outcry ciety, an organized group concerned
of alarm or demand or protest. with the kind treatment of animals.
huff (huf) n. a fit of annoyance; in a huff, hu* man* 1st (hyoo-ma-nist) n. 1. a person
annoyed and offended, huff v. to blow; who is concerned with the study of man-
huffing and puffing, blowing or bluster- kind and human affairs (as opposed to
ing. theology or the physical sciences), or
huff*y (huf-ee) adj. (huff 'her, huff* who seeks to promote human welfare.
i-est) in a huff. huff'i*ness n. 2. a student (especially during the Ren-
hug (hug) v. (hugged, hug-ging) 1. to aissance) of Roman and Greek litera-
squeeze tightly in one's arms. 2. to keep ture and antiquities. hu'man*ism n.
close to, the ship hugged the shore, hug hu* man* is* tic (hyoo-ma-nis-tik) adj.
n. a strong clasp with the arms. hu*man*i*tar*l*an (hyoo-man-i-tair-i-
huge (hyooj) adj. extremely large, enor- an) adj. concerned with human welfare
mous, huge'ly adv. huge'ness n.
and the reduction of suffering, humani-
hug*ger-mug*ger (hug-er-mug-er) n.
tarian n. a humanitarian person.
(old use) 1. confusion and disorder. 2. hu* man *i« ties (hyoo-man-i-teez) n. pi
secrecy, hugger-mugger adj. (old use) arts subjects (especially study of the
1 in disarray, confused. 2. in secret.
Greek and Latin classics) as opposed to
Hu-gue-not (hyoo-ge-not) n. a French
the sciences.
Protestant of the 16th and 17th centuries.
hu*man*i*ty (hyoo-man-i-tee) n. (pi
huh (hu) interj. used as an expression of -ties) 1 . the human race, people. 2. being
interrogation, contempt, etc.
human. 3. being humane, kindhearted-
hu • la (hoo-la) n. (also hula-hula) a ness.
ian woman's dance with sinuous move- (hu*man*
hu-man-ize (hyoo-ma-mz) v.
ments of the torso and arms, hula
Ized, hu*man*iz*ing) 1. to make hu-
hoop, a large hoop for spinning around
man, to give a human character to. 2.
the body with hula-like movements, hula
to make humane. hu*man*i*za*tion
skirt, a long grass Hawaiian skirt.
(hyoo-ma-ni-zay-shdn) n.
hulk (hulk) n. 1 the body of an old ship.

hu* man* kind (hyoo-man-kind) n, man-

2. a large clumsy-looking person or
hulk-ing (mil-king) adj. (informal) large,
hu*man*ly (hyoo-man-lee) adv. 1 in a hu- .

man way. 2. by human means, with hu-
hull (hul) n. 1 the dry outer covering of
man limitations, as accurate as is hu-
a or vegetable, as the pods of peas.
manly possible.
2. the cluster of leaves on a strawberry.
hu* man* Old (hyoo-ma-noid) adj. having
3. the basic frame of a ship or aircraft.
somewhat human characteristics, hu-
hull v. to remove the hulls of (a vegetable manoid n. a humanoid robot.
hum* Die (hum-bel) adj. (-bier, -blest) 1.
hul-la-ba-loo (hul-a-ba-loo) n. (pi. having or showing a modest estimate of
-loos) an uproar. one's own importance, not proud. 2. of-
hum (hum) v. (hummed, hurrvming) 1. fered with such feelings, humble apolo-
to make a low steady continuous sound gies. 3. of low social or political rank.

like thatof a spinning object. 2. to sing 4. (of a thing) not large or showy or
with closed lips. 3. (informal) to be in elaborate, a humble cottage, humble v.
a state of activity, things started hum- (hum* bled, hum-bling) to make hum-
ming; make things hum. hum n. a hum- ble, to lower the rank or self-importance
ming sound, hum'mer n. of. hum'bly hum'ble*ness n.
hu*man (hyoo-man) adj. 1. of or consist- Deat humble make a humble
pie, to
ing of the species to which men and apology. >From umble pie, that made
women belong, the human race. 2. hav- with "umbles," the edible organs (heart,
ing the qualities that distinguish man- , kidney, etc.) of deer.
kind, not divine or animal or mechanical. hum* bug (hum-bug) n. 1. misleading be-
human n. a human being. human in- havior or talk that is intended to win
terest, something that appeals to per- support or sympathy. 2. a person who
sonal emotions (in a newspaper story behaves or talks in this way. humbug
etc.). human rights, those held to be v. (hum* bugged, hum*bug*ging) to
humdinger / hunt 428
delude, to behave like an impostor, hum- hu*mua (hyoo-mus) n. rich dark organic
bug interj. nonsense. material, formed by the decay of dead
hum* ding *er (hum-ding-er) n, (slang) a leaves and plants etc. and essential to
remarkable person or thing. the fertility of soil.
hum* drum (hum-drum) adj. dull, com- Hun (hun) n, 1 a member of an Asiatic

monplace, monotonous. warlike nomad race who invaded and

hu*mer*U8 (hyoo-me-riis) n. the bone in ravaged Europe in the 4th to 5th centu-
the upper arm, from shoulder to elbow. ries. 2. an uncivilized vandal. Hun'nish
hu*mid (hyoo-mid) adj. (of the air or cli- adj. Hun / nish*ness n.
mate) damp. hum'icHy adv. hu*mid* hunch (hunch) v. to bend into a hump.
i*ty (hyoo-mid-i-tee) n. hunch n. 1 a hump, a hunk. 2. a feeling

hu*mid*i*fi*er (hyoo-mid-i-ft-er) n. a de- based on intuition.

vice for keeping the air moist in a room hunch* back (hunch-bak) n. a person with
etc. a hump on his back, hunch'-backed'
hu*mid*i*fy (hyoo-mid-T-fi) v. (hu*mid* adj.
I* fled, hu*mid*i*fy*ing) to add mois-
hun*dred (hun-drid) adj. &n.(pL -dreds,
ture to (a room etc.). hu*mid*i*fi*ca* -dred) ten times ten (100, C), several
tion (hyoo-mid-T-fi-kay-sh6n) n. hundred people; hundreds of people, very
hu*mi*dor (hyoo-mi-dor) «. a box, room,
many, hundredth (hun-dridth) adj. &
storing and keeping cigars or to-
etc. for
n. Uhundred percent, entirely, com-
bacco moist. pletely.
hu* mil* hate (hyoo-mil-i-ayt) v. (hu*mil*
hun* dred -fold (hun-drid-fohld) adj. &
i*at*ed, hu*mil*i*at*ing) to cause (a
adv. one hundred times as much or as
person) to feel disgraced. hu*mil*i*a*
tlon (hyoo-mil-i-ay-shdn) n.
hun* dred* weight (hun-drid-wayt) n. 1.
hu*mil*i*ty (hyoo-mil-i-tee) n. a humble
a measure of weight equaling 100 pounds
condition or attitude of mind.
(short hundredweight). 2. a measure of
hum Tiling • bird (hum-ing-burd) n. a very weight equaling 50 kilograms (metric
small bird with narrow wings that vi-
brates its wings rapidly, producing a
hung (hung) see hang. Dhung over,
humming sound.
(slang) having a hangover, hung up on,
hum* mock (hum-dk) n. a hump in the
(slang) obsessed with.
hu-mon-gous (hyoo-mong-gus) adj. Hung. abbr. 1. Hungarian. 2. Hungary.
(slang) huge, tremendous. C> Loosely
Hun*ga*ry (hung-ga-ree) a country of cen-
tral Europe. Hun*gar*i*an (hung-gair-
based on huge and enormous.
hu*mor (hyoo-mdr) n. 1. the quality of i-an) adj. & n.

being amusing. 2. the ability to perceive hun*ger (hung-ger) n, 1. need for food,
and enjoy amusement, sense of humor. the uneasy sensation felt when one has
3. a state of mind, in a good humor, hu- not eaten for some time. 2. a strong de-
mor v. to keep (a person) contented by sire for something. hun*ger v. to feel
giving way to his wishes. hu'mor*less hunger. hunger strike, refusal of
adj. hu'mor*less*ly adv. hu'mor* food, as a form of protest.
less-ness n. hun-gry (hung-gree) adj. (-gri*er, -gri*

hu-mor-esque (hyoo-mo-resk) n. a light est) feeling hunger, hun'grhly adv.

and hvely musical composition. hunk (hungk) n. (informal) a large or
hu*mor*ist (hyoo-md-rist) n. a writer or clumsy piece.
speaker who is noted for his humor. hun*ker (hung-ker) v. to squat.
hu*mor*ous (hyoo-md-rus) adj. full of hun*kers (hung-kerz) n. pi. the buttocks.
humor. hu / mor*oua*ly adv. hunk*y-do*ry (hung-kee-dohr-ee) adj.
hump (hump) a rounded projecting
n. 1 .
(slang) excellent.
part. 2. a protuberance, especially on the hunt (hunt) v. 1 to pursue (wild animals)

back, as a deformity or (in the camel for food or sport. 2. to pursue with hostil-
etc.) as a normal feature, hump v. 1. ity, to drive, was hunted away. 3. to make
to form into a hump. 2. to exert oneself a search, hunted for it everywhere; hunt
energetically, humped adj. it out, seek and find it. hunt n. 1 hunt- .

hump* back (hump-bak) n.a hunchback. ing. 2. an association of people for the
humpback whale, a whale with a purpose of hunting. Dhunt down, to
dorsal fin forming a hump, hump 7 hunt (an animal etc.) until it is caught
backed adj. or killed; to hunt for and find, hunting
humph (humf) interj. & n. an inarticulate ground, a place where people hunt;
sound expressing doubt or dissatisfac- happy hunting grounds, life after death
tion. (especially as expected by the American
429 hunter / hvy
Indians), a good place for hunting, hunt hus* band (huz-band) n. a married man
up, to search for and find. in relation to his wife, husband v. to
hunt*er (hun-ter) n. 1. one who hunts. 2. use economically, to try to save, husband
a horse or dog used for hunting. hunt- one's resources.
er's moon, the first full moon after the hus- band -ry (huz-ban-dree) n. 1. farm-
harvest moon. ing. 2. the management of resources.
hunWess (hun-tris) n. a woman who hush (hush) v. to make or become silent
hunts. or quiet; hush a thing up, to prevent it
hunts* man (hunts-man) n. {pi. -men, pr. from becoming generally known, hush
-men) 1. a man who hunts. 2. a man interj. & n. silence. D hush money,
in charge of a pack of hunting hounds. money paid to prevent something dis-
hur* die (hur-del) n. 1 a portable rectangu-
. from being revealed, hush
lar frame with bars, used for a temporary puppy, quickly fried cornmeal bread;
fence. 2. an upright frame to be jumped Hush Puppies, (trademark) fight soft
over in a hurdle race. 3. an obstacle or shoes.
difficulty. 4. hurdles, a hurdle race, hur- hush-hush (hush-hush) adj. (informal)
dle v. (hur -died, bundling) 1 to fence . kept very secret.
off etc. with hurdles. 2. to leap over. 3. husk (husk) n. the dry outer covering of
to overcome (an obstacle), hur'dler n. certain seeds and fruits, husk v. to re-
hur*dy-gur*dy (hur-dee-gur-dee) n. {pi move the husk(s) from. husking bee,
-gur 'dies) 1 a musical instrument with
. a gathering of families in farm areas to
a droning sound, played by turning a husk corn.
handle. 2. (informal) a barrel organ. hus-ky 1
(hus-kee) adj. (-ki*er, -ki-est) 1.
hurl (hurl) v. 1. to throw violently. 2. to dry like husks. 2. (of a person or his
utter vehemently, hurl insults. 3. (in- voice) dry in the throat, hoarse. 3. big
formal) to pitch a baseball, hurl n. a vio- and strong, burly. husk'My adv. husk'
lent throw. i*ness n.
hurl*er (hur-ler) n. (informal) a baseball husky 2 n. {pi. -kies) an Eskimo dog, used
pitcher. for pulling dogsleds.
hurl-y-burl-y (hur-lee-bur-lee) n. {pi Hus*sars (huu-zahrz) n. any of several
-bur* lies) a rough bustle of activity. European cavalry regiments.
Hu*ron (hyoor-dn) n. {pi. -rons, -ron) 1. hus-sy (hus-ee, huz-ee) n. {pi -sles) 1.
a member of the Indian tribe living west an immoral woman. 2. an impertinent
of Lake Huron, originally from the St. young woman.
Lawrence Valley. 2. the language of this hus* tings (hus-tingz) n. 1. any place
tribe. where political speeches are made during
hur*ray (hu-ray), hur -rah (hu-rah) interj. an election campaign. 2. the travels of
& exclamation of joy or approval. a political candidate while campaigning;
hur*ri*cane (hur-i-kayn) n. 1. a storm on the hustings, campaigning in an elec-
with violent wind, especially a West In- tion. >
Originally a temporary platform
dian cyclone. 2. a wind of 73 miles per from which candidates for the British
hour or more. hurricane lamp, a ker- parliament could address the electors.
osene lamp or candlestick having a glass hus* tie (hus-el) v. (hus* tied, hus*
chimney, designed to resist high winds. tling) 1. to jostle, to push roughly. 2.
hur*ried (hur-eed) adj. done with great to hurry. 3. to bustle (a person), to make
haste, hur-ried-ly (hur-id-lee) adv. (a person) act quickly and without time
hur*ry (hur-ee) n. {pi. -rles) great haste, to consider things, was hustled into a de-
the need or desire for this, hurry v. (hur* cision. 4. (slang) to earn a living by dis-
ried, hur*ry*ing) to move or do some- honest or questionable pursuits, hustle
thing with eager haste or too quickly, n. 1 ambition, drive. 2. an energetic pop-

to cause to move etc. in this way. ular dance. 3. (slang) a game designed
Dhurry up, (informal) make haste, in to defraud participants or those who
a hurry, hurrying; easily or willingly, gamble on it.
you won't beat that in a hurry; won't ask hus* tier (hus-ler) n. 1. a person who hus-
again in a hurry. tles. 2. (slang) a prostitute.
hurt (hurt) v. (hurt, hurt-ing) 1. to cause hut (hut) n. a small roughly made house
pain or damage or injury to. 2. to cause or shelter.
mental pain to, to distress. 3. to cause hutch (huch) n. a boxlike pen for rabbits.
or feel pain, my leg hurts, hurt n. an huz-zah (hu-zah) interj. & n. (old use) an
injury, harm. expression of exultation, encouragement,
hurt*ful (hurt-fill) adj. causing hurt. or applause.
hur-tle (hur-tel) v. (hur-tled, hur* HV abbr. 1 high velocity. 2. high voltage.

tling) to move or hurl rapidly. hvy abbr. heavy.

hwy. / hydrophone 430
hwy. abbr. highway. colorless corrosive acid containing hy-
hya*cinth (hi-a-sinth) n. 1. a plant with drogen and chlorine.
fragrant bell-shaped flowers, growing hy dro-cy an-ic (hi-droh-si-an-ik) add
from a bulb. 2. purplish blue. a weak acid that is highly poisonous,
hybrid (hi-brid) n. 1. an animal or plant prussic acid.
that is the offspring of two different spe- hydro*dynam*lc (hi-droh-di-nara-ik)
something made by
cies or varieties. 2. adj. of the force exerted by a moving
combining two different elements, hy- liquid, especially water.
brid adj. produced in this way. hy ' brid • hydro*dynam*lcs (hi-droh-di-nam-
ism n. iks) n. tie scientific study of the force
hybrtd-ize (hi-bri-diz) v. (hybrid* exerted by a moving liquid, especially
ized, hybrid -iz'ing) 1. to subject to water.
crossbreeding. 2. to produce hybrids, to hydro *e* iec* trie (hi-droh-i-lek-trik)
interbreed. hy'brid*lz*er n. hybrid* adj. using waterpower to produce elec-
i-za-tion (hi-bri-di-zay-shdn) n. tricity, hydro •e*lec / tri*cal*(y adv.
hydra (hi-dra) n. {pi -dras, -drae, pr. hy -dro-e- Iec- trie- i-ty (hi-droh-i-lek-
tris-i-tee) n,
-dree) 1. a thing that is hard to get rid
of. 2. a freshwater polyp with tubular
hydro*flu*or*ic (hi-droh-floo-ohr-ik)
body and tentacles around the mouth. acid a corrosive poisonous acid used for
> Named after the Hydra in Greek my- etching glass.
thology, a water snake with many heads
hydro* foil (hi-drd-foil) n, 1. a boat

that grew again if cut off.

equipped with a structure designed to
raise the hull out of the water when the
hydra-head *ed (hi-dra-hed-id) adj. 1.
boat is in motion, enabling it to travel
having many divisions or facets. 2. pro-
fast and economically. 2. this structure.
ducing many problems.
hydrarvgea (hi-drayn-ja) n. a shrub
hydro* gen (hi-dr&-jen) n. a colorless
odorless tasteless gaseous element, the
with white, pink, or blue flowers growing
lightest substance known, combining
in clusters.
with oxygen to form water. hydrogen
hydrant (hi-drant) n. a pipe from a water
bomb, an immensely powerful bomb re-
main (especially in a street) with a nozzle
leasing energy by fusion of hydrogen nu-
towhich a hose can be attached for fight-
clei, hydrogen peroxide, a colorless
ing fires or cleaning streets etc.
liquid used in a dilute solution as a bleach
hydrate com-
(hi -dray t) n. a chemical
and an antiseptic.
pound of water with another compound hydro* gen* ate (hi-droj-e-nayt) v. (hy-
or element, hydrate v. (hydrat*ed,
dro -gen* at* ed, hydro*gen*at*ing)
hydrat*ing) 1. to combine chemically to charge or to cause to combine with
with water. 2. to cause to absorb water, hydrogen. hydro*gen*a*tk>n (hi-
hydra-tlon (hi-dray-shdn) n. droj-e-nay-shon) n.
hydraulic (hi-draw-lik) adj. 1. operated hydrog*ra*phy (hi-drog-ra-fee) n. the
by the movement of water, a hydraulic study of seas and lakes and riv-
lift 2. concerned with the use of water ersand other surface waters of the earth.
in this way, hydraulic engineer. 3. of wa- hydroo/ra*pher n. hydro* graph*
ter conveyed through pipes or channels. Ic (hi-drd-graf-ik) adj.
4. hardening under water, hydraulic ce- hydroi*0*glst (hi-drol-6-jist) n. a spe-
ment hydrau'li'Cal-ly adv. cialist in hydrology.
hy -draiHlcs (hi-draw-liks) n. the science hy*droi*0*gy (hi-drol-6-jee) n. the scien-
of the conveyance of liquids through tific study of the distribution, circulation,
pipes etc., especially as motive power. and properties of the waters of the earth.
hydro (hi-droh) adj. (informal) hydro- hydro*log*ic (hi-drd-loj-ik) adj. hy
electric. drcHoo/i-cal adj.
hydro* car *bon (hi-drd-kahr-bdn) n. hydrolysis the de-
(hi-drol-I-sis) n.
any of a class of compounds of hydrogen composition of a substance by the chemi-
and carbon that are found in oil, coal, cal action of water, hy
dro*lyt*iC (hi-
and natural gas. drd-lit-ik) adj.
hydro*ceph*a*lus (hi-drd-sef-a-lus), hydrom*e*ter (hi-drom-£-ter) n. an in-
hydro *ceph*a*ly (hi-dr6-sef-S-lee) n. strument that measures the specific grav-
a condition (especially of children) in ity of liquids.
which fluid accumulates on the brain, hydro*pho*bi*a (hi-drd-foh-bi-a) n. 1.
with resulting mental deficiency. abnormal fear of water, especially as a
hydro *ce*phal*ic (hi-droh-s£-fal-ik) symptom of rabies in man. 2. rabies.
adj. hydro •phone (hi-drd-fohn) n. a device
hydro *chlo*ric (hi-drd-klohr-ik) acid a for listening under water.
431 hydroplane / hyperventilation

hydro* plane a light

(hi-drd-playn) n. hyper-a-cid-i-ty (hi-per-a-sid-i-tee) n.
fast motorboat designed to skim over the excessive acidity, hy per *ac*id
• (hi-per-
surface of water. as-id) adj.
hydro* pontics (hi-drd-pon-iks) n. the hyper*ac*tive (hi-per-ak-tive) adj. (es-
art of growing plants without soil in wa- pecially of children) excessively or ab-
ter to which nutrients have been added, normally active. nyperac*tiv*i*ty
hydro'pon'ic adj. (hi-per-ak-tiv-i-tee) n.
hydro* sphere (hi-dro-sfeer) n. the wa- hy per* baric (hi-per-bar-ik) adj. of or
terson the surface of the earth. utilizing oxygen
at high pressure.
hy dro-stat-ic (hi-drd-stat-ik) adj. of the hyper* bo* la (hi-pur-bd-la) n. (pi -lae,
pressure and other characteristics of wa- pr. -lee) a plane curve of two equal infi-
ter or other liquid at rest. nite branches produced when a double
hydro* Stat *ics (hi-drd-stat-iks) ru the cone is cut by a plane that makes a larger
study of the pressure and equi-
scientific angle with the base than the side of the
librium of liquids at rest. cone does. hyper*bol*ic (hi-per-bol-
hydro *ther*a*py (hi-drd-ther-a-pee) n. ik) adj.
the use of water (internally and exter- hyper*bo*le (hi-pur-bo-lee) n. an exag-
nally) in the treatment of disease and gerated statement that is not meant to
abnormal physical conditions. be taken literally, as a stack of work a
hydro -thermal (hi-drd-thur-mal) adj. mile high. hyper*bol*i*cal (hi-per-
of the action of heated water on the bol-i-kal) adj.
earth's crust. hyper* bo* re* an (hi-per-bohr-i-an) n. 1.
hydrous (hi-drus) adj. (of substances) an inhabitant of the extreme north of
containing water. the earth. 2. Hyperborean, (in Greek
hydrox*ide (hi-drok-sid) n. a chemical mythology) a member of a race worship-
compound of an element or a radical ping Apollo and living in the land of
with hydroxyl. sunshine and plenty beyond the north
hydrox*yl (hi-drok-sil) n. a chemical wind.
radical containing hydrogen and oxygen. hyper*crit*i*cal (hi-per-krit-i-kal) adj.
hy en* a (hi-ee-na) n. a flesh-eating animal excessively critical. hyper*crit'i*cal*
with a howl that sounds like wild laugh- ly adv.
ter. hyper*o*pi*a (hi-per-oh-pi-a) n. far-
hygiene (hi-jeen) n. the practice of clean- sightedness. hy*per*op*ic (hi-per-op-
liness in order to maintain health and ik) adj.
prevent disease. hygien*ist (hi-jee- hy • per • sen • si • ti ve (hi-per-sen-si-tiv)
nist, -ji-en-ist) n. adj. excessively sensitive. hyper*sen /
hygi*en*ic (hi-ji-en-ik) adj. 1. according si*tive*ness n. hyper*sen*si*tivi*
to the principles of hygiene. 2. clean ty (hi-per-sen-si-tiv-i-tee) n.
free from disease germs, hygi-en'i* hyper*son*ic (hi-per-son-ik) adj. 1. re-
cal*ly adv. lating to speeds more than about five
hygrom*e*ter (hi-grom-e-ter) n. an in- times that of sound. 2. relating to sound
strument that measures humidity, hy frequencies above about a billion hertz.
grom'e*try n. hyper*son / i*cal*ly adv.
hying (hi-ing) see hie. hyper* ten -sion (hi-per-ten-sh6n) n. 1.
hymen (hi-men) n. a membrane partly abnormally high blood pressure. 2. great
closing the external opening of the vagina emotional tension.
of a virgin girl or woman. hyper* ther* mi* a (hi-pgr-thur-mi-a) n.
hyme*ne*al (hi-me-nee-al) adj. nuptial. the condition of having a body tempera-
hymn (him) n. a song of praise to God ture greatly above normal.
or a sacred being, hymn
book, a book hy • per • thy • roid • ism (hi-per-thi-roi-diz-
of hymns. em) n. 1 increased activity of the thyroid

hymenal(him-nal) n. a hymn book. gland. 2. the resulting condition of high

hym*no*dy (him-nd-dee) n. 1 the singing . metabolism in the body, hyper* thy'
or composing of hymns. 2. the hymns roid adj.
collectively. hym'no*dist n. hyper*tro*phy (hi-pur-trd-fee) n. (pi
hyp. abbr. 1. hypotenuse. 2. hypothesis. -phies) an enlargement (of an organ
3. hypothetical. etc.)caused by excessive nutrition, hy
hype (hip) n. (slang) misleading and exag- per*tro*phic (hi-per-troh-fik) adj. hy-
gerated claims in advertising or public- pertrophy v. (hyper*tro*phied, hy
ity, hype (hyped, hyp*ing) (slang)
v. per*tro*phy ing) to cause or suffer hy-
to mislead by sensational publicity. pertrophy.
hyped up, (slang) stimulated by or hy • per • ven • ti • la • tion (hi-per-ven-tf-
as if by an injection of drugs. lay-sh6n) n. a condition of very rapid
hyphen / Hz 432

deep breathing resulting in a decrease dermic needle, a syringe fitted with a hol-
of carbon dioxide in the blood. low needle through which a liquid can
hyphen (hi-fen) n. the sign - used to join be injected beneath the skin. hy*po*
two words together (as in house-raising) der'mi*cal*ly adv.
or to divide a word into parts, hyphen hypo-glyce-mi-a (hi-poh-gli-see-
v. to hyphenate. mi-a) n. an abnormally low level of glu-
hyphen-ate (hi-fe-nayt) v. (hyphen* cose in the blood, hy
po-gly ce-mic
at-ed, hyphen- at -ing) to join or di- (hi-poh-gh-see-mik) adj.
vide with a hyphen, hyphen
-a-tion hypo*ten*sion (hi-pd-ten-sh6n) ru ab-
(hi-fe-nay-sh6n) ru normally low blood pressure.
hyp* no* sis (hip-noh-sis) n. 1. the sleep- hy pot-e-nuse (hi-pot-e-noos) ru the side
like condition produced by hypnotism. opposite the right angle in a right trian-
2. hypnotism. gle.
hyp*not*ic (hip-not-ik) adj. 1. of or pro- hypo-thal-a-mus (hi-pd-thal-a-mus) ru
ducing hypnosis or a similar condition. the organ below the brain, controlling
. 2. (of a drug) producing sleep, hypnotic body temperature.
n. a hypnotic drug. hyp*not / i*cal* hypothecate (hi-poth-e-kayt) v. (hy
ly adv. poth-e-cat-ed, hypoth*e*cat*ing)
hyp-no-tism (hip-nd-tiz-em) ru the pro- to pledge, to mortgage. hypoth*e*
duction of a sleeplike condition in a per- ca*tion (hi-poth-e-kay-shdn) ru
son who is then very susceptible to sug- hypo- ther • mi • a (hi-p6-thur-mi-a) n. the
gestion and who acts only if told to do condition of having a body temperature
so. greatly below normal.
hyp*no*tist (hip-n6-tist) n. a person who hy poth-e-sis (hi-poth-e-sis) n. (pi. -ses,
produces hypnotism in another. pr. -seez) a supp>osition or conjecture put
hyp*no*tize (hip-n6-tiz) v. (hyp* no* forward to account for certain facts and
tized, hyp*no*tiz*ing) 1. to produce used as a basis for further investigation
hypnosis in (a person). 2. to fascinate, by which it may be proved or disproved.
to dominate the mind or will of. hypoth-e-size (hi-poth-e-siz) v. (hy
hypo 1 (hi-poh) ru (pi -DOS) the fixing poth-e -sized, hy poth-e-siz-ing) 1.
agent sodium thiosulphate used in pho- to frame a hypothesis. 2. to assume as
tography. hypothesis.
hypo 2 n. (pi. -DOS) (informal) a hypo- hypo-thet-i-cal (hi-p6-thet-i-kal) adj.
dermic. of or based on a hypothesis, supposed
hypo*cen*ter (hi-pd-sen-tSr) n. the but not necessarily true. hypo*thet'i*
point on the earth's surface directly be- cal-ly adv.
low the center of a nuclear bomb explo- hy po • thy • roid • ism (hi-poh-thi-roi-diz-

sion. em) n. 1 a decreased activity of the thy-


hypo*Chon*dri*a (hi-pd-kon-dri-a) n. a roid gland. £. the resulting condition of

mental condition in which a person con- low metabolism in the body, hypo*
stantly shows unnecessary anxiety about thy / roid adj.
his health. hys-sop (his-6p) n. a bushy aromatic herb
hypo*chon*dri*ac (hi-pd-kon-dri-ak) with small blue flowers, used medici-
n. a person who suffers from hypochon- nally.
dria. hys*ter*ec*to*my (his-t£-rek-t&-mee) n.
hy poc-ri-sy
• (hi-pok-ri-see) -sies)
n. (pi. (pi. -mies) surgical removal of the
the simulation of virtue or goodness, in- uterus.
sincerity. hys*te*ri*a (hi-ster-i-&, -steer-) n. wild
hyp-o-crite (hip-5-krit) n. a person who uncontrollable emotion or excitement.
is guilty of hypocrisy. hyp*o*crit*i* hys-ter -i -cal (hi-ster-i-kil) adj. caused by
cal (hip-d-krit-i-k&l) adj. hyp*o*crit'i* hysteria, suffering from this, hys^ter'i*
cal-ly adv. cal-ly adv.
hypo-der-mic (hi-pd-dur-mik) adj. 1. hys-ter-ics (hi-ster-iks) n. a hysterical
injected beneath the skin. 2. used for outburst.
such injections, hypodermic n. a hypo- Hz abbr. hertz.
I, 1(i) (pi. Is, Ts, Ts) 1 . the ninth letter ICC abbr. Interstate Commerce Commis-
of the alphabet. 2. the Roman numeral sion.
symbol for 1. ice (is) n. 1 frozen water, a brittle trans-

I (i)pronoun the person who is speaking parent solid. 2. a sheet of this. 3. (also
or writing and referring to himself. ices) a refreshment made of flavored
I abbr. 1. independent. 2. interstate high- crushed ice. ice v. (iced, ic*ing) 1. to
way. 3. island(s). 4. isle(s). become covered with ice, the pond iced
I symbol iodine. over. 2. to make very cold. 3. to decorate
i. abbr. 1. interest. 2. intransitive. 3. is- with icing, iced adj. Dice Age, a period
land(s). 4. isle(s). when much of the northern hemisphere
IA abbr. Iowa. was covered with glaciers, ice bag, an
i-amb (i-am, i-amb), I* am* bus (i -am- ice-filled rubber bag for medical use. ice
bus) n. a metrical foot consisting of one cap, the permanent covering of ice in
short followed by one long syllable, or polar regions, ice cream, a sweet
of an unaccented followed by an accented creamy frozen food, ice cube, a small
syllable, i*am'bic adj. & n. block of ice made in a refrigerator, ice
-ian suffix used to form adjectives that of- field, an extensive sheet of floating ice.
ten are used as nouns, as in Bostonian, ice hockey, a game resembling hockey,
Christian. played on ice between teams of skaters
I* be Than (i-beer-i-an) adj. of the penin- with a flat disk (a puck) instead of a ball.
sula in southwest Europe comprising ice milk, ice cream made with greatly
Spain and Portugal. reduced butterfat. ice pick, an awl for
hbex (i-beks) n. (pi. i-bex-es, i-bex) a chipping ice. ice plant, a plant with
mountain goat with long curving horns. leaves that glisten as if with ice. ice
ibid. abbr. ibidem, = in the same book or show, an entertainment by skaters on
passage etc. >
Latin. ice. ice skate, a metal blade attached
i'bis (i-bis) n. (pi. i*bis-es, i*bis) a wad- to the sole of a boot or shoe so that the
ing bird with a long curved bill, found wearer can glide over ice. ice skater,
in warm climates. a person who uses ice skates, ice storm,
-ible suffix used to form adjectives with a storm that leaves a coating of ice. ice
the same meanings as -able, as in terri- water, water chilled by ice. on thin ice,
ble, forcible. in a risky situation.
-ic 1 suffix used to form adjectives meaning Ice. abbr. 1. Iceland. 2. Icelandic.
having the form or character of, as in ice* berg (is-burg) n. a huge mass of ice
scenic; of or relating to, as in Arabic; in floating in the sea with the greater part
the manner of, as in barbaric; derived under water. iceberg lettuce, a vari-
from or containing, as in alcoholic; deal- ety of lettuce with round crisp heads.
ing or associated with, as in atomic; char- tip Of the iceberg, a small evident part
acterized by, as in tragic; in a higher va- of something much larger that lies con-
lence or degree of oxidation, as in ferric. cealed.
-ic 2 suffix used to form nouns meaning one ice* boat (is-boht) n. a boat mounted on
having the nature or character of, as in runners for traveling on ice.
stoic; one associated with or belonging ice* bound (is-bownd) adj. hemmed in by
to, as in mechanic; one that produces, ice.
as in critic; one affected by, as in lunatic. ice* box (is-boks) n. 1. an insulated chest
-ical suffix used to form adjectives corre- in which ice is put to preserve food. 2.
sponding to nouns or adjectives ending (informal) a refrigerator.
in -ic, as in classical, comical. ice* break *er (is-bray-ker) n. 1. a boat
ICBM abbr. intercontinental ballistic mis- with a reinforced bow for breaking a
sile. channel through ice. 2. a means of break-

ice-cold / identity 434
ing through reserve or stiffness of man- id. abbr. idem.
ner. I'd (id) =I had, I would.
ice-cold (is-kohld) adj. as cold as ice. I* da* ho (i-da-hoh) a state of the U.S.
ice-cream (is-kreem) cone an edible i*de*a (i-dee-a) n. 1. a plan etc. formed
sweet cone topped by at least one scoop in the mind by thinking. 2. a mental im-
of ice cream. pression, give him an idea of what is
ice* house (is-hows) n. (old use) a build- needed 3. an opinion, tries to force his
ing for storing ice. ideas on us. 4. a vague belief or fancy,
Ice* land (is-land) an island country in the a feeling that something is likely, / have
North Atlantic. Ice'lan*der n. an idea that we'll be late. Dhave no
Ice* Ian* die (is-lan-dik) adj. of Iceland or idea, (informal) not to know; to be ut-
its people or language. Icelandic n. the terly incompetent, the very ideal, that
language of Iceland. is outrageous.

ice* man (is-man) n. {pi -men, pr. -men) i*de*al (i-dee-al, i-deel) adj. satisfying
a man who sells or delivers ice. one's idea of what is perfect, ideal
ice-skate (is-skayt) v. (ice-skat *ed, ice- weather for sailing, ideal n. a person or
skat* ing) to skate on ice. ice 'skat- thing or idea that is regarded as perfect
er ru or as a standard for attainment or imita-
i*Chor (i-kor) ru 1. a fluid said to flow tion, the high ideals of the Christian reli-
like blood in the veins of the Greek Gods. gion, i-de'al-ly adv.
2. a thin fetid discharge from an ulcer i*de*al*ist (i-dee-i-list) n. a person who
or wound. has high ideals and tries in an unrealistic
ich*thy*ol*o*gy (ik-thi-ol-6-jee) ru the way to achieve these. i-de'al-ism n. i*
study of fishes, ich • thy *ol'o* gist ru de- ah is* tic (i-dee-a-lis-tik) adj. i*de*
i*Ci*Cle (i-si-kel) ru a pointed piece of ice al*is'ti*cal*ly adv.
hanging down, formed when dropping i*de*al*ize (i-dee-a-hz) v. (i*de*al*
water freezes. ized, i*de*al*iz*ing) to regard or rep-
ic*ing (i-sing) ru a mixture of sugar, butter resent as perfect. i*de*al*i*za*tion
or white of egg, and flavoring used to (i-dee-2-li-zay-sh6n) n.
decorate cakes and cookies. i*de*a*tion (i-di-ay-sh6n) n. the for-
ICJ abbr. International Court of Justice. mation of ideas. i*de-a'tion-al adj.
ick-y (ik-ee) adj. (ick-i-er, ick*i*est) i*de*ate (i-di-ayt) v. (i*de*at*ed,
(slang) 1 sticky or gummy. 2. repulsive
. i*de*at*ing).
or repellent. 3. overly sentimental. i*dem (i-dem) pronoun 1 . the same author.
i*Con (i-kon) n. 1. an image or likeness. 2. the same work. t> Latin.
2. (in the Eastern Church) a painting i*den*ti*cal (i-den-ti-kal) adj. 1 the same,.

or mosaic of a sacred person, itself re- this is the identical place we stayed in
garded as sacred. last year. 2. similar in every detail, ex-
i*COn*0*clasm (i-kon-6-klaz-em) ru the actly alike, »no two people have identi-
breaking of images. cal fingerprints. i-den'ti-cal-ly adv.
i*COn*o*Clast (i-ldon-6-klast) ru 1. a per- identical twins, twins developed
son who opposes the use of icons in wor- from a single fertilized ovum and there-
ship. 2. a person who attacks cherished fore of the same sex and very similar
beliefs. i*COn*0*clas*tiC (i-kon-6-klas- in appearance.
tik) adj. i*den*tl*fl*a*ble (i-den-tl-fi-a-bel) adj.
-ics suffix used to form nouns (variously able to be identified.
considered plural or singular) meaning I*den*tl*fy (i-den-tl-fi) v. (i* den -ti-
sciences and bodies of practical activity, tled, i • den *ti* tying) 1. to establish
facts, principles, etc., as in acoustics, eth- the identity of, to recognize as being a
ics, tactics. specified person or thing. 2. to consider
ic*tus (ik-tus) ru {pi -tus-es, -tus) rhyth- to be identical, to equate, one cannot
mical or metrical stress. identify riches with happiness. 3. to asso-
ICU abbr. intensive care unit. ciate very closely in feeling or interest,
i*cy (i-see) adj. (i*ci*er, i* chest) 1. very he has identified himself with the progress
cold, as cold as ice, icy winds. 2. covered of the firm. 4. to regard oneself as sharing
with ice, icy roads. 3. very cold and un- the characteristics or fortunes of another
friendly in manner, an icy voice. Kel- person, people like to identify with the
ly adv. i'ci-ness n. characters in a film. i*den*ti*fl*ca*
id (id) n. the part of the psyche in which tion (i-den-tl-fi-kay-shdn) ru identifi-
are the inherited instinctive impulses. cation bracelet, a bracelet showing the
ID abbr. 1. Idaho. 2. identification. DID owner's name etc. identification card,
bracelet, an identification bracelet. ID a card serving to identify the bearer.
card, an identification card. i*den*ti*ty (i-den-ti-tee) ru {pi -ties) 1.
435 ideogram / ignoble
the state of being identical, absolute no work, not employed, not active or
sameness. 2. the condition of being a doing nothing.
in use. 2. (of time) spent
specified person or thing; established his 3. avoiding work, lazy, an idle fellow.
identity, established who he was. iden- 4. worthless, having no special purpose,
tity crisis, confusion in a person's mind, idle gossip; idle curiosity, idle v. (i-dled,
especially in adolescence, concerning his hdling) 1. to pass (time) without work-
or her social role and true self. ing, to be idle. 2. (of an engine) to run
id -e-o-gram (id-i-6-gram) n. a symbol in- slowly in a neutralgear. i'dly adv. idle-
dicating the idea (not the sounds forming U
ness n. i'dler n. idler gear, an inter-
the name) of a thing, as numerals, Chi- mediate gear between two gears allowing
nese characters, and symbols used in them to rotate in the same direction.
road signs. i*dol (i-d51) n. 1 an image of a god, used

i-de-o-log-i-cal (i-di-6-loj-i-kal) adj. of as an object of worship. 2. a person or

or based on an ideology. thing that is the object of intense admira-
j-de-ol-o-gy (i-di-ol-6-jee) n. {pi -gies) tion or devotion.
1 . the principal ideas or beliefs that char- i*dol*a*ter (i-dol-a-ter) n. a person who
acterize a particular class, group, or worships an idol or idols.
movement. 2. the ideas that form the i*dol*a*try (i-dol-a-tree) n. {pi -tries) 1.
basis of an economic or political theory worship of idols. 2. blind admiration or
etc., Marxist ideology. devotion. i-dol'a-trous adj.
ides (idz) n. pi. in the ancient Roman cal- i*dol*ize (i-dd-hz) v. (i*dol*ized, i*dol*
endar, the fifteenth of March, May, July, iz*ing) to feel excessive admiration or
and October, the thirteenth of other devotion to (a person or thing). i*dol*
months. Dides of March, the date i-za-tion (i-dd-li-zay-sh6n) n.
(March 15) predicted for the assassina- i*dyll (i-dtl) n. 1. a short description (usu-
tion of Julius Caesar; an inauspicious ally in verse) of a peaceful or romantic
day. scene or incident, especially in country
id est (id est) that is. > Latin. life. 2. a scene or incident of this kind.

id-i-o-cy (id-i-6-see) n. {pi. -Cies) 1. the i*dyl*lic (i-dil-ik) adj. like an idyll, peace-
state of being an extreme stupid-
idiot. 2. ful and happy. i*dyl'li*cal*ly adv.
stupid behavior, a stupid action.
ity. 3. i.e. abbr. that is. >From the Latin id est.
id* horn (id-i-dm) n. 1. a phrase that must -ier suffix see -er 1 .
be taken as a whole, usually having a if (if) conj. 1. on condition that, he'll do

meaning that is not clear from the mean- it only if you pay him. 2. in the event

ings of the individual words, as hang that, if you are tired we will rest. 3. sup-
around and a change of heart. 2. the use posing or granting that, even if she said
of particular words or of words in an it she didh*t mean it. 4. even though,

order that is regarded as standard, the VII finish it, if it takes me all day. 5.
idiom is "wash up the dishes" but not whenever, // they asked for food, it was
"wash up your hands. " 3. the language brought. 6. whether, see if you can turn
used by a people or group, in the scientific the handle. (> Careful writers would use
idiom. 4. a characteristic mode of expres- whether instead of if) 7. (in exclamations
sion in art or music etc. of wish or surprise), if only he would
id*i*0*mat*ic (id-i-d-mat-ik) adj. 1 in ac- . come!; well, if it isn V Simon ! if n. a condi-
cordance with idioms. 2. full of idioms. tion or supposition, too many ifs about
id*i*o*mat'i*cal*ly adv. it
i<H*o*path*iC (id-i-6-path-ik) adj. (of a IF abbr. intermediate frequency.
disease) arising from an unknown cause if-fy (if-ee) adj. (if-fl-er, if-fl-est) (in-
or origin. id*i*op*a*thy (id-i-op-a- formal) uncertain, doubtful.
thee) n. ig*IOO (ig-loo) n. {pi -loos) a dome-
id • i • o • syn • era • sy (id-i-6-sing-kra-see) shaped Eskimo hut built of blocks of
n. {pi. -Sies) a person's own attitude of hard snow.
mind or way of behaving etc. that is un- ig*ne*OUS (ig-ni-iis) adj. (of rocks) formed
like that of others. id*l*o*syn*crat« by volcanic action.
ic (id-i-oh-sing-krat-ik) adj. ig-nite (ig-nit) v. (ig-nit-ed, ig-nit-
id* i*Ot (id-i-6t) n. 1. a mentally deficient ing) 1 to set fire to. 2. to catch fire.

person who is permanently incapable of lg*ni*tion (ig-nish-6n) n. 1. igniting, being

rational conduct. 2. (informal) a very ignited. 2. the mechanism providing the
stupid person. idiot card, (slang) a spark that ignites the fuel in an internal
card prompting a television performer. combustion engine.
id*i*Ot*ic (id-i-ot-ik) adj. very stupid, id* ig*nO*ble (ig-noh-bel) adj. not noble in
i*ot'l*caMy adv. character or aims or purpose. Ig-no'bly
i*dle (i-del) adj. (i-dler, i-dlest) 1. doing adv.
ignominious / illusive 436
ig*no*min*i*ous (ig-no-min-i-us) adj. ll-le-git-i-mate (il-i-jit-T-mit) adj. 1. born
bringing contempt or disgrace, humiliat- of parents not married to each other. 2.
ing. ig*no*min'i*ous*ly adv. contrary to law or to rules. 3. (of a con-
ig*no*min*y (ig-n6-min-ee) n. disgrace, clusion in an argument etc.) not logical,
humiliation. wrongly inferred. il*le*git'i*mate*ly
ig*no*ra*mus (ig-nd-ray-mus) ru (pL adv. II • le • g it • I • ma • cy (il-i- jit-I-mi-see)

-mus*es) an ignorant person. ru

ig* no* rant (ig-nd-rant) adj. 1. lacking ill-fat-ed (il-fay-tid) adj. unlucky.
knowledge. 2. showing lack of knowl- ill-fa *vored (il-fay-vdrd) adj. unattractive.
edge. ig'no*rant*ly adv. ig'no* ranee ill-got* ten (il-got-en) adj. gained by evil
ru or unlawful means.
ig-nore (ig-nohr) v. (ignored, ig- II* He* It (i-lis-it) adj. unlawful, not allowed.

noring) 1 to take no notice of, to disre-

. II* llc'it *ly adj. £>Do not confuse illicit

gard. 2. to refrain deliberately from ac- with elicit

knowledging or greeting (a person). ll*li*nois (il-I-noi) 1. a state of the U.S.
i-gua-na (i-gwah-na) n. a large tree- 2. a tribe of Indians that formerly lived
climbing lizard of the West Indies and in Illinois and nearby regions.
tropical America. il*lit*er*ate (i-lit-e-rit) adj. unable to read
I HP abbr. indicated horsepower. and write, showing lack of education, il-
IHS abbr. Jesus. t> From the first three let- literate ru an illiterate person, il -lit-
ters of the Greek word for Jesus, IH2. er • a *cy (i-lit-£-ra-see) n.
i-kon = icon. ill-man *nered (il-man-erd) adj. having
IL abbr. Illinois. bad manners.
il*e*i*tls (il-i-i-tus) ru inflammation of the ill-na*tured (il-nay-churd) adj. unkind.
ileum. Ill-ness (il-nis) n. 1. the state of being ill
il -cos -to -my (il-i-os-td-mee) ru (pL in body or mind. 2. a particular form
-mies) an artificial opening through of ill health.
which the ileum can empty, made surgi- il*log*i*cal (i-loj-i-kal) adj. not logical,
cally by bringing part of the ileum to contrary to logic. il*log / i*cal*ly adv. II*
the surface of the abdomen. log*l*cal*i*ty (i-loj-i-kal-i-tee) ru
il*e*um (il-i-um) n. the lowest part of the Ill-starred (il-stahrd) adj. unlucky.
small intestine. ill-suit -ed (il-soo-tid) adj. inappropriate.
ILGWU abbr. International Ladies' Gar- Ill-tern -pered (il-tem-perd) adj. peevish,
ment Workers' Union. irritable.
il'i-ac (il-i-ak) adj. of the flank or hipbone. ill-timed (il-timd) adj. done or occurring
il*i*um (il-i-iim) n. the bone forming the at an unfortunate time.
upper part of the pelvis. ill-treat (il-treet) v. to treat badly or cru-
ilk (ilk) n. (informal) kind, others of that elly, ill'-treat'ment ru
ilk. il-lu-mi-nate fi-loo-ml-nayt) v. (il*lu*mi*
ill (il) physically or mentally unwell.
adj. 1 . nat-ed, il*lu*mi*nat*ing) 1. to light
2. (of health) unsound, not good. 3. up, to make bright. 2. to throw light on
harmful, no ill effects. 4. not favorable, (a subject), to make understandable. 3.
/// luck. 5. hostile, unkind, no ill feelings; to decorate (a street or building etc.)
ill humor, bad temper, ill (worse, with lights. 4. to decorate (a manuscript)
worst) adv. 1. badly, wrongly. 2. unfa- with colored designs. il*lu*ml*na*tion
vorably. 3. imperfectly, scarcely, ill pro- (i-loo-ml-nay-shdn) n.
vided for; can ill afford to do this. Ill n. illus. abbr. 1 . illustrated. 2. illustration. 3.
evil, harm, or injury. Dill at ease, un- illustrator.
comfortable, embarrassed, ill will, hostil- ill-use (il-yooz) v. (-used, -us*ing) to
ity, unkind feeling. treat badly, ill-use (il-yoos) n. Ill-us-
ill. abbr. 1. illustrated. 2. illustration. 3. age bad treatment.
(il-yoo-sij) n.
illustrator. il*IU*slon (i-loo-z/ron) n. 1 something that .

III. abbr. Illinois. a person wrongly supposes to exist. 2.

I'll (il) = I shall, I will. a false belief about the nature of some-
ill-ad* vised (il-ad-vizd) adj. unwise, ill- thing. t> Do not confuse illusion with al-
Vis* ed*ly (il-ad-vi-zid-lee) adv.
• lusion.
ill-bred (il-bred) adj. having bad manners. il*lu*Slon*lst (i-loo-z/id-nist) n. 1 a magi- .

il*le*gal (i-lee-gal) adj. against the law. II* cian. 2. an artist who uses techniques
le'gal-ly adv. il*le*gal*i*ty (il-ee-gal- (such as perspective drawing) to make
i-tee) n. a pictorial representation look realistic.
il*leg*i*ble (i-lej-I-bSl) adj. not able to be il*lu'sion*lsm n.

read, not legible, il-leg'i-bly adv. II* il*lu*sive (i-loo-siv) adj. deceptive, hav-
leg*i*bil*i*ty (i-lej-I-bil-i-tee) ru ing the character of an illusion. C>Do
437 illusory / imitation

not confuse illusive with elusive. ine you'll get away with it. 3. to guess,
il-lu-S0Ty (i-loo-s6-ree) adj. based on illu- can't imagine where it has gone.
sion, not real. im*ag*ism (im-a-jiz-em) n. a movement
Must. abbr. 1. illustrated. 2. illustration. in the early 20th century of American
3. illustrator. and British poets who, in revolt against
il-lus-trate (il-u-strayt) v. (il-lus-trat- romanticism, sought to achieve clarity
ed, il*lus*trat*lng) 1 to supply (a book . of expression through the use of precise
or newspaper etc\) with drawings or pic- imagery. im'ag-ist adj. & n.
tures. 2. to make clear or explain by ex- i*ma*go (i-may-goh) ma* goes,
n. (pi. i-
amples or pictures etc. 3. to serve as an i*ma*gi*nes, pr. i-maj-I-neez) 1. the fi-
example of. il'lus -tractor n. nal and perfect stage of an insect after
il*lus*tra*tion (il-u-stray-shdn) n. 1. illus- all its metamorphoses. 2. an idealized
trating. 2. a drawing or picture in a book mental image of a person, formed in
etc. 3. an example used to explain some- childhood and retained in the uncon-
thing. scious, i-ma-gi-nal (i-maj-T-nal) adj.
II • Ius* tractive (i-lus-tra-tiv) adj. serving hmam (i-mahm) n. 1 . the leader of prayers
as an illustration or example, ihlus'tra* mosque. 2. Imam, the title of various
in a
tive*ly adv. Muslim spiritual leaders.
il-lus-tri-ous (i-lus-tri-us) adj. famous im-bal-ance (im-bal-ans) n. lack of bal-
and distinguished. il*lus'tri*ous*Jy ance, disproportion.
il-lus'trhous-ness adj.
adv. im-be-cile (im-be-sil) n. 1. a mentally de-
ILO abbr. International Labor Organiza- ficient person, an adult whose intelli-
tion. gence equal to that of an average
ILS abbr. instrument landing system. five-year-old child. 2. a stupid person.
I'm (Im) = I am. imbecile, im*be*cil*ic (im-be-sil-ik)
irrvage (im-ij) n. 1. a representation of adj. idiotic. im*be*cil*i*ty (im-be-sil-
the outward form of a person or thing, i-tee) n.
a statue. 2. the optical appearance of invbed (im-bed) v. (im-bed-ded, im*
something produced in a mirror or bed* ding) to embed.
through a lens etc. 3. something very im*blbe (im-bib) v. (im-bibed, im*
like another in appearance, he's the very bib* Ing) 1. to drink. 2. to absorb (ideas
image of his father. 4. a mental picture. etc.) into the mind. Im*bib er n. Im*
5. the general impression of a person or bi*bi*tion (im-bi-bteh-dn) n. Im*bl*
firm or product etc. as perceived by the bl'tion-al adj.
public, image v. (invaged, im-ag* lm*brl*ca*tion (im-brl-kay-shdn) n. an
ing) 1 . tomake an image of, to portray. arrangement that overlaps like tiles, as
2. to reflect, to mirror. the scales of a fish, invbrl-cate (im-bri-
im*age*ry (im-ij-ree) n. (pi -ries) 1. im- kit) adj.
ages. 2. the use of metaphorical language lm*bro*glio (im-brohl-yoh) n. (pi. -glios)
to produce pictures in the minds of read- a confused situation, usually involving
ers or hearers. a disagreement. ,
i-mag-i-na-ble (i-maj-I-nS-bel) adj. able im-brue (im-broo) v. (Im*brued, im*
to be imagined. i*mag'i*na*bly adv. bru*ing) to stain or saturate, especially
i*mag*i*nar*y (i-maj-T-ner-ee) adj. exist- with blood.
ing only in the imagination, not real, invbue (im-byoo) v. (im-bued, im*
imaginary number, a number that bu*ing) to fill (a person) with certain
is assumed to exist for a special purpose, feelings or qualities or opinions.
as the square root of a negative quantity. IMF abbr. International Monetary Fund.
imaginary part, the part of a complex imlt. abbr. 1. imitation. 2. imitative.
number in which the imaginary unit is Im*l*ta*ble (im-i-ta-bel) adj. able to be im-
a factor, imaginary unit, the positive itated.
square root of minus one. Im*l*tate (im-i-tayt) v. (Im*i*tat*ed, im*
i*mag*i*na*tion (i-maj-i-nay-shSn) n. I* tat* ing) 1. to copy the behavior of,
imagining, the ability to imagine cre- to take as an example that should be fol-
atively or to use this ability in a practical lowed. 2. to mimic playfully or for enter-
way (as in dealing with difficulties). tainment. 3. to copy, to be like (some-
i-mag-i-na-tive (i-maj-I-n5-tiv) adj. hav- thing else). lm'l*ta*tor n.
ing or showing imagination. I*mag'l* lm*l*ta*tion (im-i-tay-shdn) n. 1. imitat-
na-tlve-ly adv. ing. 2. something produced by this, a
i-mag-ine (i-maj-in) v. (i-mag-ined, copy. 3. the act of mimicking a person
i- mag -Irving) to form a mental im-
1. or thing for entertainment, he does imita-
age of, to picture in one's mind. 2. to tions, imitation adj. showing resem-
think or believe, to suppose, don't imag- blance to, not genuine; imitation leather,
imitative / immunize 438

a material made to look like leather. im-mi-nent (im-I-nent) adj. (of events)
im-i-ta-tive (im-i-tay-tiv) adj. imitating. about to occur, likely to occur at any
im'i*ta*tive*ly adv. im'i-ta-tive- moment, im'ml-nerit-ly adv. Im'ml*
ness n. nence n. >Do
not confuse imminent
im-mac-u *late (i-mak-yu-lit) adj. 1 spot- . with immanent or eminent
lessly clean. 2. free from moral blemish. im-mis-ci-ble (i-mis-i-bel) adj. that
3. free from fault, right in every detail. cannot be mixed. im-mis-ci-bil*i-ty
im*mac'u*late*ly adv. im-mac'u- (i-mis-i-bil-i-tee) n.
late* ness n. im-mac-u-la-cy (i-mak- im-mjt-i-ga-ble (i-mit-I-ga-b£l) adj. that
yu-la-see) n. immaculate Concep- cannot be softened or lessened.
tion, the Roman Catholic doctrine that im* mo* bile (i-moh-bH) adj. 1. immovable.
the Virgin Mary, from the moment of 2. not moving. im*mo*bll*l*ty (im-oh-
her conception by her mother, was and bil-i-tee) n.
remained free from the taint of original im-mo-bl-lize (l-moh-bT-hz) v. (im*
sin. mo-bi-lized, im-mo-bi-liz-ing) to
im-ma-nent (im-a-nent) adj. 1. (of quali- make or keep immobile. lm*mo*bl*li*
ties)inherent. 2. (of God) permanently za-tion (i-moh-bI-h-zay-sh6n) n.
pervading the universe. im'ma'nence im*mod*er*ate (i-mod-e-rit) adj. exces-
n. im'ma*nen*cy n. > Do not confuse sive, lacking moderation.Invmod'er*
immanent with imminent or eminent. ate-ly adv. im-mod-er-a-cy (i-mod-
im-ma-te-ri-al (im-a-teer-i-al) adj. 1. e-ri-see) n. lm*mod-er-a-tlon (i-mod-
having no physical substance, as imma- S-ray-shdn) n.
terial as a ghost 2. of no importance or im* mod* est (i-mod-ist) adj. 1. lacking in
relevance, it is now immaterial whether modesty, indecent. 2. conceited, im*
he goes or stays; some immaterial objec- mod'est-ly adv. im-mod'es*ty n.
tions. Im*ma*te'r1*al*ly adv. im ma- • im* mo* late (im-o-layt) v. (im*mo*
te *ri*al*i*ty (im-a-teer-i-al-i-tee) n. lat-ed, im-mo-lat-ing) 1. to kill as a
im-ma-ture (im-a-toor, -tyoor, -choor) sacrifice, as by fire. 2. to sacrifice (one
adj. not mature, im*ma*tur'i*ty n, thing to another). lm*mo*la*tion (im-
im-meas-ur-a-ble (i-mez/i-e-ra-bel) adj. 6-lmy-sh6n) n.
not measurable, immense, im-meas' im-mo-ral (i-mor-al) adj. not conforming
ur-a-bly adv. to the accepted rules of morality, morally
im-me-di-ate (i-mee-di-it) adj. 1. occur- wrong (especially in sexual matters). Im*
ring or done without delay. 2.
at once, mo'ral*ly adv. im*mo-ral*i*ty (im-d-
nearest, next, with nothing between, the ral-i-tee) n.
immediate neighborhood; my immediate im-mor-tal (i-mor-tal) adj. 1. living for-
family. Im*me'di*ate*ly adv. & conj. ever, not mortal. 2.famous for all time.
im-me-di-a-cy (i-mee-di-a-see) n. immortal an immortal being or per-
im*me*mo*ri*al (im-£-mohr-i-al) adj. ex- son. Im* mof'tal *ly adv. im*mor*tal*
isting from before what can be remem- l*ty (im-or-tal-i-tec) n.
bered or found rtcorded, from time im- im-mor-tal-ize (i-mor-ta-liz) v. (Im*
memorial. mor-tal-ized, im-mor-tal-iz-ing) to
im-mense (i-mens) adj. exceedingly great, make immortal.
im-mense'ly adv. Im*men'si*ty n. im* mo* tile (i-moh-tll) adj. without the
im-merse (i-murs) v. (Im-mersed, im* ability to move. lm*mo*tll*l*ty (im-oh-
mers-ing) 1 . to put completely into wa- tU-i-tee) n.
ter or other liquid. 2. to absorb or involve im-mova-ble (i-moo-va-bel) adj. 1. un-
deeply in thought or business etc. able to be moved. 2. unyielding, not
im-mer-sion (i-mur-z/ion) n. 1. immers- changing in one's purpose. Im'mov'a*
ing, being immersed. 2. baptism byput- bly adv. im*mov*a*bil*l*ty (i-moo-va-
ting thewhole body into water. LJlm- bil-i-tee) n.
mersion heater, an electric heating ele- im • mune (i-myoon) adj. having immunity,
ment designed to be placed in the liquid immune from or against or to infection
that is to be heated. etc.
im* mi* grant (im-T-grant) adj. 1. immi- im*mu*ni*ty (i-myoo-ni-tee) n. (pi -ties)
grating. 2. of immigrants, immigrant n. 1 . the ability of an animal or plant to
a person who
has immigrated. resistinfection. 2. special exemption
im* mi* grate (im-I-grayt) v. (Im -mi -grat- from a tax or duty or penalty; granted
ed Im • mi • grat • ing) to come into a for-
, immunity, pardoned in advance of testi-
eign country as a permanent resident, fying.
im-mi-gra-tion (im-I-gray-shdn) n. im-mu-nize (im-yu-niz) v. (Invmu*
>Do not confuse immigrate with emi- nized, im-mu-niz-ing) to make im-
grate. mune, especially against infection. Im*

439 immunology / imper.

mu-ni-za-tlon (im-yu-ni-zay- shdn) n. deep feeling, an impassioned appeal
Invmu-nol-O-gy (im-yu-nol-6-jee) n. {pi lm*pas*sive (im-pas-iv) adj. not feeling
-gies) the study of resistance to infection or showing emotion, im • pas / slve • ly
in man and animals. im-mu-nol'o* adv. im* passive *ness n. Im*pas*
gist n. lm*mu*no*log*iC (im-yu-n6- slv*i*ty (im-pa-siv-i-tee) n.
loj-ik) adj. im-mu-no-log'i-cal adj. im-pas -to (im-pah-stoh) n. {pi -tOS) 1.
im-mu-no-sup-pres-sive (im-yu-noh- thick application of paint to a canvas,
su-pres-iv) adj. suppressing the natural the paint so applied. 2. this style of paint-
responses that produce immunity, as by ing.*mu*no*sup*pres'sant n. im-pa-tiens (im-pay-shenz) n. any plant
im-mu-no-sup-pres'sion n. of the genus bearing this name, so called
im-mure (i-myoor) v. (im* mured, Im* because its seed pods burst when barely
mur*ing) to imprison, to shut in. touched.
im*mu*ta*ble (i-myoo-ta-bel) adj. un- Im-pa-tient (im-pay-shent) adj. 1. unable
changeable. im*mu'ta*bly adv. im* to wait patiently.* 2. showing lack of pa-
mu*ta*bil*i*ty (i-myoo-ta-bil-i-tee) n tience, irritated, got an impatient reply.
imp (imp) n. 1 a small devil. 2. a mischie-
. 3. intolerant, impatient of delay, im*
vous child. pa'tient-ly adv. im*pa'tience n.
imp. abbt. 1. imperative. 2. imperfect. 3. im* peach (im-peech) v. 1 to charge a pub-

imperial. 4. import. 5. important. 6. im- lic official with misconduct in office be-

ported. 7. imprimatur. fore an appropriate tribunal. 2. to call

invpact (im-pakt) n. 1. a collision. 2. the in question, to discredit, im- peach
force exerted when one body collides merit n. im-peacrra-ble adj.
with another. 3. the force exerted by the im-pec-ca-ble (im-pek-a-bel) adj. fault-
influence of new ideas, impact (im-pakt) / ca-bly adv.
v. 1. to pack or drive or wedge firmly im-pe-cu-ni-ous (im-pe-kyoo-ni-us) adj.
together. 2. to collide, invpac-tion (im- having little or no money. im*pe*CU /
pak-shdn) n. ni-ous-ness n. im-pe-cu-ni-os-i-ty
im*pact*ed (im-pak-tid) adj. (of a tooth) (im-pg-kyoo-ni-os-i-tee) n.
wedged in the jaw so that it cannot grow im-ped-ance (im-pee-dans) n. the total
through the gum normally. resistance of an electric circuit to the flow
im-pair (im-pair) v. to damage, to cause of alternating current. >Do
not confuse
weakening of, impair one's health, im- impedance with impediment.
pairment n. im-pede (im-peed) v. (im-ped-ed, im*
im-pa-la (im-pah-la) n. {pi. -pa -las, -pa* ped-ing) to hinder, im-ped'er n.
la)a small antelope of southern Africa. Im-ped-i -merit (im-ped-T-ment) n. 1. a
Im-pale (im-payl) v. (im* paled, im* hindrance, an obstruction. 2. a defect
pal-ing) to fix or pierce by passing a that prevents something from function-
sharp-pointed object into or through, ing properly; has an impediment in his
invpale'ment n. speech, has a lisp, stammer, etc. >Do
im*pal*pa*ble (im-pal-pa-bel) adj. unable not confuse impediment with impedance.
to be touched or felt. im*pal'pa*bly im-ped-i -men -ta (im-ped- T-men-ta) n.
adv. pi encumbrances, baggage.
im*pan*el (im-pan-el) v. (im-pan-eled, im-pel (impel) v. (im-pelled, im-pel-
lm*pan*el*ing) 1. to enter on a panel ling) 1 to urge or drive to do something,

for jury duty. 2. to enroll (a jury) from curiosity impelled her to investigate. 2.
the panel. to send or drive forward, to propel.
im • part (im-pahrt) v. 1 to give. 2. to reveal
. >See the note under compel.
or make (information etc.) known. im-pel-ler (im-pel-er) n. 1. a person or
im*par*tial (im-pahr-shal) adj. not favor- thing that impels. 2. the rotary part of
ing one more than another, im* partial* a machine.
ly adv. im*par*tial*i*ty (im-pahr-shi- Im-pend (im-pend) v. 1. to be imminent.

al-i-tee) n. 2. to threaten or menace. 3. to hang or

im*pa88*a*ble (im-pas-a-bel) adj. (of be suspended (over), im-pend'ing adj.
roads or barriers) impossible to travel im-pen-e-tra-ble (im-pen-e-tra-b61) adj.
on or over. unable to be penetrated, im -penetra-
im* passe (im-pas) n. a deadlock. bly adv. im*pen / e*tra*ble*ness n.
im*pas*si*ble (im-pas-I-bel) adj. 1. inca- im*pen*e*tra*bil*i*ty (im-pen-e-tr5-
pable of feeling or emotion. 2. incapable bU-i-tee) n.
of suffering injury. 3. incapable of feeling im -pen -i -tent (im-pen-i-tent) adj. not
pain, im-pas'si-bly adv. im-pas -si* penitent, not repentant, invpen'htent*
bil*l*ty (im-pas-T-bil-i-tee) n. ly adv. Invpen'htence n.
im*pas*sioned (im-pash-dnd) adj. full of imper. abbr. imperative.
imperative / implant 440
im 'per -active (im-per-a-tiv) adj. 1. ex- Im • per • mis • si • ble (im-per-mis-I-Wl) adj.
pressing a command. 2. essential, obliga- not permissible.
tory, further economies are imperative. im • per • son • al
(im-pur-so-nal) adj. 1 not .

imperative n. 1. a command, a form influenced by personal feeling, showing

of a verb used in making commands (as no emotion. 2. not referring to any par-
come in come here!). 2. something essen- ticular person. 3. having no existence as
tial or obligatory, survival is the first im- a person, natures impersonal forces. 4.
perative. im*per'a*tive*ly adv. (of verbs) used after "it" to make general
im*per*cep*ti*ble (im-per-sep-tf-bel) statements such as "it is raining" or "it
adj. not perceptible, very slight or grad- is hard to find one." im*per son*al*

ual and therefore difficult to see. im* ly adv. im*per*son*al*i*ty (im-pur-sd-

per-cep'ti-bly adv. im*per*cep'ti* nal-i-tee) n.
ble-ness n. im* per* son* ate (im-pur-sd-nayt) v. (im*
im*per*cep*tive (im-per-sep-tiv) adj. not per*son*at*ed, im*per*son*at*ing)
perceptive. irrvper*cep'tive*ness n. 1. to play the part of. 2. to pretend to

inrper-cip'i'ent (im-per-sip-i-ent) adj. be (another person) for entertainment or

lacking in perception, imperceptive. in fraud, im* per 'son *a* tor n. Im*

imperf. abbr. imperfect. per • son • a • tion (im-pur-s5-nsy-shdn)

im* per* feet (im-pur-fikt) adj. 1. not fully
formed or done, incomplete. 2. faulty. im*per*ti*nent (im-pur-tl-nent) adj. inso-
lent, not showing proper respect, im*
imperfect n. the imperfect tense. Im*
perfect -ness n. im*per'fect*ly adv. per'tl*nent*ly adv. im-per'ti-nence
U imperfect tense, a tense indicating *L
Im * per *turb*a* ble (im-per-tur-ba-bfcl)
action (usually in the past) going on but
adj. not excitable, calm. Im•per•tllrb ,
not completed, as he was running away.
a*bly adv. im*per*turb*a*^il*i*ty
lm*per*fec*tion (im-per-fek-shon) n. 1.
(im-pSr-tur-bi-bil-i-tee) n.
being imperfect. 2. a mark or fault or
lm*per*vi*ous (im-pur-vi-us) adj. 1. not
characteristic that prevents a thing from
able to be penetrated, impervious to wa-
being perfect.
ter. 2. not influenced by, impervious to
im per -fo* rate (im-pur-fo-rit) adj. 1. not

fear or argument. im*per'vl*OUS*ly

perforated, (in anatomy) lacking the nor-
mal opening. 2. without perforations, as
im*pe*ti*go (im-p£-ti-goh) n. a conta-
a sheet of postage stamps.
gious skin disease causing spots that form
invpe'ri'al (im-peer-i-al) adj. 1. of an

yellowish crusts.
empire or emperor or empress. 2. majes-
lm*pet*u*ous (im-pech-oo-us) adj. 1.
tic, imperious. 3. of superior quality or
moving quickly or violently, an impetu-
great size, im*pe'ri*al*ly adv. ous dash. 2. acting or done on impulse.
imperial 2 n. a small pointed beard below Im-pet'u-ous-ly adv. lm*pet*u*os*
the lower lip, as worn by Emperor Napo- l*ty (im-pech-oo-os-i-tee) n.
leon III. im*pe*tus (im-pe-tus) n. (pL -tUS*
im*pe*r1*al*ism (im-peer-i-a-liz-em) n. es) 1. the force or energy with which
belief in the desirability of acquiring col- a body moves. 2. a driving force, the
onies and dependencies. im*pe'r1*al* treaty gave an impetus to trade.
1st n. im*pe*ri*al*lst*lc (im-peer-i-a- im*pi*e*ty (im-pi-e-tee) n. (pi. -ties) lack
lis-tik) adj. of reverence.
im*per*il (im-per-il) v. (Im* per* lied, im* Im-pinge (im-pinj) v. (Im* pinged, Im*
per-il-ing) to endanger, invper'il- ping-lng) 1. to make an impact. 2. to
ment n. encroach, im'pinge'ment n.
im*pe*ri*OU8 (im-peer-i-us) adj. com- im*pi*ous (im-pi-us) adj. not reverent,
manding, bossy. im*pe / ri*ou8*ly adv. wicked. im'pi*ous*ly adv.
im-pe'ri-ous-ness n. Im-pish (im-pish) adj. of or like an imp.
im*per*ish*a*ble (im-per-i-sha-bel) adj. Imp'IsrHy adv. imp'lsh-ness n.
that cannot perish. im*per'ish*a*bly Im-plac-a-ble (lm-plak-a-bel) adj. not
adv. able to be placated, relentless, im*plac /
im*per*ma*nent (im-pur-ma-nent) adj. a-bly adv. im*plac*a*bll*i*ty (im-
not permanent. im*per'ma-nent-ly plak-a-bil-i-tee) n.
adv. invper'ma-nence n. im*per' im* plant (im -plant) v. to plant, to insert
ma*nen*cy n. or fix (ideas etc.) in the mind, to insert
im*per*me*a*ble (im-pur-mi-a-bel) adj. (tissue or other substance) in a living
not able to be penetrated, especially by thing. Implant (im-plant) n. something
irrvper'me-a-bly adv. im-per-
liquid, that is implanted. Im* plan* taction (im-
me*a*bil*i*ty (im-pur-mi-a-bil-i-tee) n. plan-Uy-shdn) n.

441 implausible /imprecise

invplau-si-ble (im-plaw-zl-bel) adj. not ing goods from another country.

plausible, im • plau'si • bly adv. im • plau' im*por*tu*nate (im-por-chii-nit) adj.
si-ble-ness n. im plau«si*bil-i-ty making persistent requests. im*por'tll*
(im-plaw-zl-bil-i-tee) n. nate-ly adv. im*por'tu*nate*ness n.
im*ple*ment (im-pl£-ment) n. a tool or im*por*tune (im-por-toon, -por-chun) v.
instrument for working with, imple- (im*por* tuned, invpor-tun-ing) to
ment (im-ple-ment) v. to put into effect, make persistent requests. im*por*tun*
we implemented the plan, im* pie* men* i*ty (im-por-too-ni-tee) n.
taction (im-ple-men-tay-shSn) n. im*pose (im-pohz) v. (im* posed, im*
im-pli-cate (im-pll-kayt) v. (im*pli* DOS* ing) 1. to put (a tax or obligation
cat-ed, im-pli-cat-ing) to involve or etc.), imposed heavy duties on tobacco.
show (a person) to be involved in a crime 2. to inflict, imposed a great strain on
etc. our resources. 3. to force to be accepted,
im*pli*Ca*tion (im-pK-kay-shdn) n. 1 im- . imposed his ideas on the group. 4. to take
plicating, being implicated. 2. implying, unfair advantage, we don V want to impose
being implied. 3. something that is im- on your hospitality, invpos'er n.
plied. im*pos*ing (im-poh-zing) adj. impressive.
invpliC'it (im-plis-it) adj. 1. implied im*pos'ing*ly adv.
though not made explicit. 2. absolute, im*po*si*tion (im-po-zish-6n) n. 1. the
unquestioning, expects implicit obedi- act of imposing something. 2. something
ence. im*plic'it*ly adv. im*plic'it* imposed, as a tax or duty. 3. a burden
ness n. imposed unfairly.
invplode (irc-plohd)v. (inrv plod-ed, Im* im*pos*si*ble (im-pos-T-bel) adj. 1. not
plod* ing) to burst inward. im*plo* possible, unable to be done or to exist.
sion (im-ploh-z/zon) n. im*plo*sive 2. unendurable, an impossible person.
(im-ploh-siv) adj. im*pos'si*bly adv. im*pos*si*bil*
im*plore (im-plohr) v. (invplored, im* i*ty (im-pos-T-bil-i-tee) n.
plor-ing) to request earnestly, to en- invpost (im-pohst)
n. a tax, duty, or trib-
treat, im* plor'ing *ly adv. ute.
invply (im-pli) v. (im* plied, im*ply impost 2 n. the upper course of a pillar,
ing) 1. to suggest without stating di- bearing the arch.
rectly, to hint. 2. to mean. 3. to involve im*pos*tor (im-pos-tdr) n. a person who
necessarily, the beauty of the carving im- fraudulently pretends to be someone else.
pliesa skilled craftsman. >See the note im*pos*ture (im-pos-chur) n. a fraudu-
under infer. lent deception.
im*po*lite (im-pd-ht) adj. not polite, im* im* DO* tent (im-pd-tent) adj. 1. powerless,
po-lite'ly adv. unable to take action. 2. (of a man) un-
im*pol*i*tic (im-pol-i-tik) adj. unwise, not able to copulate or reach orgasm, unable
expedient. to procreate. im'po*tent*ly adv. im'
im*pon*der*a*ble (im-pon-de-ra-bel) pctence n. im'po*ten*cy n.
adj. not able to be estimated, imponder- im* pound (im-pownd) v. to take (another
able n. a circumstance or factor difficult person's property) into a pound or into
to estimate, the construction schedule was legal custody, to confiscate. im*pound
carefully planned, but weather was the ment n.
great imponderable. im*pover*ish (im-pov-e-rish) v. 1. to
invport (im-pohrt) v. 1. to bring in from cause to become poor. 2. to exhaust the
another country or from an outside natural strength or fertility of, impover-
source. 2. to imply, to indicate, his ex- ished soil. im*pov'er*ish*ment n.
pression imported discontent, import im*prac*ti*ca*ble (im-prak-tl-ka-bel)
(im-pohrt) n. 1 something imported. 2.
. adj. incapable of being put into practice.
the act of importing, the import ofpianos im • prac • ti • ca • bil • i • ty (im-prak-tl-ka-
from Japan. 3. meaning, what was the bil-i-tee) n.
import of her words? 4. importance, a im*prac*ti*cal (im-prak-tt-kal) adj. not
meeting of great import. im*por*ta* practical, unwise. im*prac*ti*cal*i*
tion (im-pohr-tay-shdn) n. ty (im-prak-tt-kil-i-tee) n.
im*por*tant (im-por-tant) adj. 1. having im*pre*cate (im-pre-kayt) v. (im*pre*
or able to have a great effect. 2. (of a cat-ed, im* pre* cat* ing) to invoke (a
person) having great authority or influ- curse or evil), im • pre *ca* tion (im-pr6-
ence. 3. pompous, he has an important kay-shon) n. im'pre-ca'tor n.
manner. im*por'tant*ly adv. invpor' im*pre*cise (im-pri-sis) adj. not precise.
tance n. im*pre*cise'ly adv. inrr pre- else
im*port*er (im-pohr-ter) n. a person, ness ft im • pre *ci* sion (im-pri-sizA-
company, etc., in the business of import- 6n) n.
impregnable / impulse 442
im preg na ble (im-preg-na-bel)
• • • adj. safe likely to be true or to happen. Im*
against attack, an impregnable fortress. prob'a-bly adv. im-prob-a-bll-l-
im • preg • na • bil • i • ty (im-preg-na-bil-i- ty (im-prob-a-bil-i-tee) n.
tee) n. im-preg'na-bly adv. Invpromp'tu (im-promp-too) adj. adv. &
im-preg-nate (im-preg-nayt) v. Im* without preparation or rehearsal, im-
preg-nat-ed, im-preg-nat-ing) 1. to promptu n. a musical composition that
introduce sperm or pollen into and ferti- gives the impression of being composed
lize (a female animal or plant). 2. to pen- impromptu.
etrate all parts of (a substance), to fill im • prop • er (im-prop-er) adj. 1 . wrong, in-
or saturate, the water was impregnated correct, made improper
use of the blade.
with salts, im* preg 'nation (im-preg- 2. not conforming to the rules of social
nay-shon) n. or lawful conduct. 3. indecent, im*
im*pre*sa*r1*o (im-pre-sajir-i-oh) n. {pi prop'er-ly adv. lm*prop / er*ness n.
-ri'OS) the manager of an operatic or U improper fraction, one that is
concert company. greater than unity, with the numerator
im* press 1 (im-pres) v. 1. to make (a per- greater than the denominator, as five-
son) form a strong (usually favorable) thirds (%).
opinion of something. 2. to fix firmly in lm*pro*pri*e*ty (im-prd-pri-S-tee) n. {pi
the mind, impressed on them the need -ties) being improper, an improper act
for haste. 3. to press a mark into, to or remark etc.
stamp with a mark, impress (im-pres) im-prova-ble (im-proo-va-bel) adj. able
n. a mark impressed on or into some- to be improved.
thing. im* prove (im-prooy) v. (im* proved, im*
impress 2 (im-pres) v. 1 to force into ser-
. proving) 1 to make or become better.

vice in an army or navy. 2. to seize (goods 2. to make (land) more valuable, as by

etc.) for public service. im*press'ment cultivating or building on it. 3. to make
n. good use of. improve on, to produce
im pres sion (im-presh-dn) n. 1 an effect
• • . something better than.
produced on the mind. 2. an uncertain im- prove -ment (im-proo?-ment) n. 1.
idea or belief or remembrance. 3. an imi- improving, being improved. 2. an addi-
tation of a person or sound, done for tion or alteration that improves some-
entertainment. 4. the impressing of a thing or adds to its value.
mark, an impressed mark. 5. a reprint Im-prov-i-dent (im-prov-i-dent) adj. not
of a book etc. made with few or no altera- providing for future needs, wasting one's
tions to contents.
its Dbe
under the resources. im*prov'i*dent*ly adv. Im*
impression, to think (that something providence n.
is a fact). im* pro* vise (im-prd-viz) v. (Im-pro-
im-pres -sion -a -ble (im-presh-6-na-bel) vised, Im-pro-vis-ing) 1. to compose
adj. easily influenced. (a thing) impromptu. 2. to provide, in
im* pres* sion *ist (im-presh-o-nist) n. one times of need, using whatever materials
of the painters of the late 19th century are on hand, improvised a bed from cush-
who adopted a style giving the general ions and rugs lm'pro*vis*er n. Im'
impression of a subject, especially by us- pro-vi-sor n. im-prov-i-sa-tion (im-
ing the effects of light, without elaborate 8rov-i-zay-sh6n) n. invprov-l*sa'
detail. im*pres / sion*ism n. im-pres* on*al adj.
sion* is* tic (im-presh-6-nis-tik) adj. Im-pru-dent (im-proo-dent) adj. unwise,
im*pres*sive (im-pres-iv) adj. making a rash. im-pru dent*ly adv. Im*pru'
strong impression, arousing admiration dence n.
and approval. Im*pres / slve*ly adv. im-pu-dent (im-pyu-dent) adj. imperti-
im*pres'sive*ness n. nent, boldly showing lack of respect. Im'
im-pri-ma-tur (im-pri-mah-tur, -may-) n. pu-denMy adv. im'pu* dence n.
1. official license to print, especially im-pugn (im-pyoon) v. to express doubts
works sanctioned by the Roman Catholic about the truth or honesty of, to try to
Church. 2. permission, approval. discredit, we do not impugn their motives
im* print (im-print) n. a mark made by im-pugn'er n.
pressing or stamping a surface; the im- im-pu-is-sance (im-pyoo-i-sans) n. im-
print of a foot, a footprint, imprint (im- potence, weakness, im^pu'ls-sant adj.
print) v. to impress or stamp a mark on. im * pulse (im-puls) n. 1 a push or thrust,

im- print 'er n. impetus. 2. a stimulating force in a nerve,

im-pris-on (im-priz-dn) v. 1. to put into causing a muscle to react. 3. a sudden
prison. 2. to keep in confinement, im* inclination to act, without thought for
prls'on-ment n. the consequences, did it on impulse.
im-prob-a-ble (im-prob-a-bel) adj. not impulse buying, buying of goods on

443 impulsion / Inanimate

impulse and not because of previous desktop box or tray to hold documents
planning. or work that has been received but not
im-pul-sion (im-pul-shon) n. 1. an impel- yet dealt with. In camera, (of the hear-
ling push. 2. a mental impulse. 3. impe- ing of evidence or lawsuits) in the judge's
tus. private room; in private or in secret, ins
im*pul*slve (im-pul-siv) adj. 1. (of a per- and OUts, the details of an activity or
son) habitually acting on impulse. 2. (of procedure. In that, since, because, in
an action) done on impulse. invpul' with, on friendly terms with.
sive-ly adv. im*pul'sive*ness n. In symbol indium.
im*pu*ni*ty (im-pyoo-ni-tee) n. freedom IN abbr. Indiana.
from punishment or injury. in. abbr. inch(es).
invpure (im-pyoor) adj. not pure, im* in- 1 pre/ix in, on, into, toward, within, as
pure'ly adv. in insight, incoming.
im*pur*l*ty (im-pyoor-i-tee) n. {pi. -ties) in-2 prefix not, as in insane, inseparable;
1. being impure. 2. a substance that the absence of, as in insensitivity.
makes another substance impure by be- in-a-bll-i-ty (in-a-bil-i-tee) n. (pi -ties)
ing present in it.
being unable.
invpu* taction (im-pyu-tay-shdn) n. 1. in ab-sen-tia (in ab-sen-sha) in absence.
imputing. 2. an accusation of wrongdo- > Latin.
irvac-cept-a-ble (in-ak-sep-ta-bel) adj.
invpute (im-pyoot) v. (im*put*ed, im- not acceptable.
puting) to attribute, to ascribe. in • ac • ces • si ble (in-ak-ses-I-bel) adj. not
in (in) prep, expressing position or state.
accessible, unapproachable. ln*ac*ces*
1 of inclusion within the limits of space
si-bii-i-ty (in-ak-ses-I-bil-i-tee) n.
or time or circumstance or surroundings
in*ac*CU*rate (in-ak-yu-rit) adj. not ac-
etc. 2. of quantity or proportion, they
curate. in*ac'cu*rate*ly adv. in-ac'
are packed in tens. 3. of form or arrange-
cu*ra*cy n.
ment, hanging in folds. 4. of activity or
in*ac*tion (in-ak-shSn) n. lack of action,
occupation or membership, he is in the
doing nothing.
army. 5. wearing as dress or color etc.,
in-ac-ti-vate (in-ak-tf-vayt) v. (in-ac*
in a sweatshirt. 6. of method or means
thvat'ed, in*ac*ti*vat*ing) to make
of expression, spoke in French. 7. with
inactive or inoperative. In*ac*ti*va*
the instrument or means of, written in
ink. 8. of identity, found a friend in
Won (in-ak-tl-vay-sh6n) n.
In*ac*tive (in-ak-tiv) adj. not active,
Mary. 9. under the influence of, spoke
showing no activity. in»ac»tiv«hty (in-
in anger. 10. with respect to, lacking in
ak-tiv-i-tee) n.
courage. 11. as the content of; there's
not much in it, no great difference be-
In*ad*e*quate (in-ad-£-kwit) adj. 1. not

tween the advantages or merits of various adequate, insufficient. 2. not sufficiently

schemes or competitors etc. 1 2. after the able or competent, felt inadequate, in*
time of, back in ten minutes. 1 3. (of a ad'e*quate*ly adv. in*ad'e*qua*cy
n. in«ad'e-quate«ness n.
female animal) pregnant with, in calf.
1 4. into. 1 5. toward, ran in all directions.
in* ad* mis* si* ble (in-ad-mis-I-bel) n. not
in adv. 1. expressing position bounded allowable.
by certain limits, or to a point enclosed in«ad*ver*tent (in-ad-vur-tent) adj. un-
by these, the window was open and the intentional, in-ad'ver'tent'ly adv. In*
rain poured in. 2. at home, will you be ad-ver'ten-ce n. in-ad-ver'ten-cy
in? 3. on or toward the inside, with the n.

fur side in. 4. in fashion or season or in*ad*vis*a*ble (in-ad-vi-za-bel) adj. not

office, elected, in effective or favorable advisable. in«ad-vis'a*bly adv. In*
action, my luck was in; the tide was in, ad • vis • a • bil • • ty
i (in-ad-vi-za-bQ-i-tee)
was high. 5. having arrived or been gath- n.

ered or received, train is in; harvest is in*al*ien*a*ble (in-ayl-ye-na-bel) adj. not

in. in adj. 1. internal, inside, inner. 2. able to be given away or taken away,
(informal) fashionable, it's the in thing an inalienable right. In*al'ien*a*bly
to do. In n. 1. a person with authority, adv. in*al*ien*a*bil*i*ty (in-ayl-ye-na-
he is one of the ins in top management. bil-i-tee) n.
2. influence, the lawyer has an in at the in*ane (i-nayn) adj. silly, lacking sense,
courthouse. Dbe in for, to be about to in-ane'ly adv. In*an*i*ty (i-nan-i-tee)
experience, she's in for a surprise, be in n.
on, (informal) to be among those who in*an*i*mate (in-an-I-mit) adj. 1. (of
know (a secret) or share in (discussions rocks and other objects) lifeless, (of
etc.). in all, in total number, in box, a plants) lacking animal life. 2. showing
inapplicable / incense 444
no sign of life. in*an'i*mate*ly adv. in* in -breed *ing(in-bree-ding) n. 1 breeding .

an'i-mate-ness n. between closely related individuals. 2.

in-ap-pli-ca-ble (in-ap-li-ka-bel) adj. not (informal) restriction to a very limited
applicable. in*ap'pli*ca*bly adv. range, as in selection of personnel, in*
in-ap-po-site (in-ap-5-zit) adj. not suit- breed (in-breed) v. (in -bred, in*
able or pertinent, out of place. breed- ing).
in • ap • pre • ci • a • ble (in-a-pree-shi-a-bel) inc. abbr. 1. incorporated. 2. increase.
adj. imperceptible, not worth reckoning. Inc. abbr. Incorporated.
in*ap*pre'ci*a*bly adv. In*ca (ing-ka) n. a member of an American
in • ap • pre • ci • a • tive (in-a-pree-shi-a-tiv) Indian people in Peru etc. before the
adj. failing to appreciate, not apprecia- Spanish conquest
tive. in-cal-cu-la-ble (in-kal-kyu-la-bel) adj.
in • ap • proach • a • ble (in-a-proh-cha-bel) unable to be calculated. in*cal'cu*la*
adj. not able to be approached, not easy bly adv. in*cal'cu*la*ble*ness n.
to approach. in-can-des-cent (in-kan-des-ent) adj.
in -ap* pro* private (in-a-proh-pri-it) adj. glowing with heat, shining, in • can • des'
unsuitable. in*ap*pro'pri*ate*ly adv. cent*ly adv. in*can*des / cence n.
in-ap-pro'pri-ate-ness n. incandescent lamp, an electric or
in-ar-tic-u-late (in-ahr-tik-yu-lit) adj. 1. other lamp in which a white-hot filament
not expressed in words, an inarticulate gives off light.
cry. 2. unable to speak distinctly, was in*can*ta*tion (in-kan-tay-shdn) n.
inarticulate with rage. 3. unable to ex- words or sounds to be uttered as a magic
press one's ideas clearly, in*ar*tic'u* spell,the uttering of these.
lately adv. in -ar-tic'u -lateness n. in -ca- pa -ble (in-kay-pa-bel) adj. not ca-
In-ar-tis-tiC (in-ahr-tis-tik) adj. not artis- pable. in*ca*pa*bil*i*ty (in-kay-pa-bil-
tic. in*ar*tis'ti*cal*ly adv. i-tee) n.
in* as* much (in-az-much) as since, be- in*ca*pac*i*tate (in-ka-pas-i-tayt) v. (in*
cause. ca-pac-i-tat-ed, in-ca-pac-i-tat-
in-at-ten-tion (in-a-ten-shdn) n. lack of ing) 1 . to disable. 2. to make ineligible,
attention, neglect. in-ca-pac-i-ta-tion (in-ka-pas-i-tay-
in* at* ten* tive (in-a-ten-tiv) adj. not at- sh6n) n.
tentive, not paying attention. in-ca-pac-i-ty (in-ka-pas-i-tee) n. inabil-
in*au*di*ble (in-aw-di-bel) adj. not audi- ity, lack of sufficient strength or power.
ble, unable to be heard. in*au'di*bly in-car-cer-ate (in-kahr-se-rayt) v. (in*
adv. in*au*di*bil*i*ty (in-aw-di-bil-i- car-cer-at-ed, in-car-cer-at-ing) to
tee) n. imprison. in*car*cer-a-tion (in-kahr-
in *au * gu * ral (in-aw-gyu-ral) adj. of or for se-ray-sh6n) n.
an inauguration, the inaugural ceremony. in car -na- dine
• (in-kahr-na-dm) adj.
inaugural n. 1 an inaugural speech, es-
. crimson or flesh-colored, incarnadine
pecially by a U.S. president. 2. a cere- v. (in • car *na* dined, in-car-na-din-
mony of inauguration. ing) to dye crimson or the color of flesh.
in -au -gyrate (in-aw-gyu-rayt) v. (in* in-car-nate (in-kahr-nit) adj. embodied,
au-gu-rat-ed, in-au-gu-rat-ing) 1. in human form, a devil incarnate.
to admit (a person) to office with a cere- in*car*na*tion (in-kahr-nay-shdn) n. em-
mony. 2. to enter ceremonially upon (an bodiment, especially in human form.
undertaking), to open (a building or ex- Dthe Incarnation, the embodiment of
hibition etc.) formally. 3. to be the begin- God in human form as Christ.
ning of, to cable television
introduce, in* case (in-kays) v. (in* cased, in -cas-
service was inaugurated here last year. ing) to encase.
in-au'gu-ra-tor n. In-au-gu-ra-tion in-cau-tious (in-kaw-shus) adj. not cau-
(in-aw-gyu-ray-shdn) n. tious, rash, in*cautious *ly adv.
in*aus*pi*cious (in-aw-spish-us) adj. not in •cen di • ar y (in-sen-di-er-ee) adj. 1 (of
• • .

auspicious. in-aus-pi'cious-ly adv. a bomb etc.) designed to cause a fire,

in *board (in-bohrd) adj. adv. placed or & containing chemicals that ignite. 2. of
attached inside or toward the center of arson, guilty of arson. 3. tending to stir
a boat or aircraft. up strife, inflammatory, incendiary n.
in* born (in-born) adj. existing in a person (pi -ar-ies) 1. an incendiary bomb etc.
or animal from birth, natural, an inborn 2. an arsonist. 3. a person who stirs up
ability. strife.
in* bound (in-bownd) adj. (of ships, air- In -cense (in-sens) n. 1. a substance that

inward bound.
craft, etc.) produces a sweet smell when burning.
in* bred (in-bred) adj. 1. produced by in- 2. its smoke, used especially in religious
breeding. 2. inborn. ceremonies.
445 incense / incognito
in* cense (in-sens) v. (In* censed, in* cin*er*at*ed, in*cin*er*at*ing) to re-
cens'ing) to make angry. duce to ashes, to destroy by fire. In*
In*cen*tive (in-sen-tiv) n. something that cin*er*a*tion (in-sin-e-ray-shdn) n.
rouses or encourages a person to some in • cin • er • a • tor (in-sin-S-ray-tdr) n. a fur-
action or effort, incentive adj. acting nace or enclosed device for burning
as an incentive. trash.
in*cep*tion (in-sep-sh6n) n. the beginning in*cip*i*ent (in-sip-i-ent) adj. in its early
of the existence of something. in*cep' stages, beginning, incipient decay, in*
tive adj. cip'l-ence n.
in*cer*ti*tude (in-sur-ti-tood) n. uncer- in*cise (in-siz) v. (in-cised, incis-
tainty. ing) to make a cut in (a surface), to en-
in*ces*sant (in-ses-ant) adj. unceasing, grave by cutting.
continually repeated. in*ces'sant*ly in*Ci*sion (in-siz/i-dn) n. 1. incising. 2.
adv. a cut, especially one made surgically into
in*cest (in-sest) n. sexual intercourse be- the body.
tween people regarded as too closely re- in*Ci*sive (in-si-siv) adj. clear and deci-
lated to marry each other. in*ces*tu* sive, made incisive comments. in*cl'
OUS (in-ses-choo-us) adj. in*ces'tu* sive*ly adv. in*cl'sive*ness n.
ous-ly adv. in-ces'tu-ous-ness n. ln*Cl*SOT (in-si-zdr) n. any of the sharp-
inch (inch) n. 1 a measure of length, one-
. edged front teeth in the upper and lower
twelfth part of a foot (= 2.54 cm).
(H 2 ) jaws.
2. an amount of rainfall that would cover in* cite (in-sit) v. (in*clt*ed, ln*cit*ing)

a surface to a depth of one inch. 3. a to urge on

to action, to stir up. in* cite'
very small amount, would not yield an ment in-cit'er n.
inch, inch v. to move slowly and gradu- ln*Cl*vll*l*ty (in-sl-vil-i-tee) n. {pi -ties)
ally, they inched forward. every inch, lack of civility, an impolite act or remark.
entirely, looked every inch a soldier. Incl. abbr. 1 . inclosure. 2. including. 3. in-
within an Inch of, almost, close to. clusive.
within an inch of one's life, almost in*clem*ent (in-klem-ent) adj. (of
to death. weather) cold or wet or stormy, in*
in*Cho*ate (in-koh-it) adj. 1. just begun. clem'en»cy n.
2. undeveloped. in*Cho'ate*ly adv. in*di*na*tion (in-kll-nay-shdn) n. 1. a
inch* worm (inch-wurm) n. a caterpillar slope or slant, a leaning or bending move-
that moves by arching itself into loops. ment. 2. a tendency. 3. a liking or prefer-
in*Cl*dence (in-si-dens) n. 1. the rate at ence; against my inclination, against my
which something occurs or affects people wish.
or things, studied the incidence of the dis- in -dine (in-klm) v. (in "dined, in*
ease. 2. the falling of something (as a clin-ing) 1. to lean, to slope. 2. to bend
ray of light) on a surface. (the head or body) forward. 3. to have
in •ci* dent (in-si-dent) n. 1 an event, espe-
. or cause a certain tendency, to influence,
cially a minor one. 2. a hostile activity, his manner inclines me to believe him.
border incidents. 3. a public disturbance incline (in-klm) n. a slope, in -disa-
or accident, the protest march took place ble adj. Dbe
inclined, to have a certain
without incident. 4. an event that attracts tendency or willingness, the door is in-
general attention, incident adj. 1 liable . clined to bang; Vm
inclined to agree.
to happen, accompanying something, the in* close (in-klohz) v. (in* closed, in*,
risks incident to a pilot's career. 2. (of clos-ing) to enclose.
rays of light etc.) falling on a surface, in* do* sure (m-kloh-z/iur) enclosure. =
incident light. in* dude (in-klood) v. (in*clud*ed, in*
in*Ci*den*tal (in-si-den-tal) adj. 1. occur- clud'ing) to have or regard or treat
ring as a minor accompaniment, inci- as part of a whole. 2. to put into a certain
dental expenses. 2. liable to occur in category or list etc. ln*Clu*sion (in-
consequence of or in connection with kloo-z/zon) n.
something, the incidental hazards of ex- ln*Clu*sive (in-kloo-siv) adj. 1. including
ploration. 3. casual, occurring by chance. what is mentioned, the charge is $50 in-
incidental n. (often incidentals) some- clusive of service. 2. including much or
thing incidental. incidental music, everything. Inclusive adv. including
music played as a background to the ac- what is mentioned, pages seven to twenty-
tion of a play. six inclusive. in*ctu'sive*ly adv. in*
in*ci*den*tal*ly (in-si-den-ta-lee) adv. 1. clu'sive-ness n.
in an incidental way. 2. as an uncon- incog, abbr. incognito.
nected comment, by the way. in*Cog*ni*to (in-kog-ni-toh, -kog-nee-)
in*cin*er*ate (in-sin-e-rayt) v. (In* adj. 8c adv. with one's identity kept se-

incoherent / incorrect 446

cret, she was traveling incognito, incog- in*COn*gru*OUS (in-kong-groo-us) adj.
nito n. the identity assumed by one who unsuitable, harmonious, in* con'
is incognito. gru-ous-ly adv. in*con*gru*i*ty (in-
i n co her • en t (in-koh-heer-ent) adj. ram-
• • kong-groo-i-tee) n.
bling in speech or in reasoning, in* CO* in-con-se-quent (in-kon-se-kwent) adj.
her'ent*ly adv. in-co-her'ence n. not following logically, irrelevant In*
in*com*bus*ti*ble (in-kdm-bus-fi-bel) con'se-quent-ly adv. in -con 'se-
not able to be burned by fire.
adj. quence n.

in* come (in-kum) n. money received dur- in*con*se*quen*tial (in-kon-se-kwen-

ing a certain period as wages or salary, 1. unimportant. 2. inconse-
shal) adj.
interest on investments, etc. income quent. in*con*se*quen'tial*ly adv.
tax, tax payable on income. in-con-sid-er-a*ble (in-kdn-sid-e-rS-
in*com*ing (in-kum-ing) adj. 1. coming bel) adj. not worth considering, of small
in, the incoming tide. 2. succeeding an- size or amount or value.
other person, the incoming president in*con*sid*er*ate (in-k5n-sid-£-rit) adj.
in-com-men-su-ra-ble (in-kd-men-su- not considerate toward other people, in*
ra-bel, -shu-) adj. not capable of being con-sid'er-ate*ly adv. in* con*
measured, compared (with), or judged. sid'er*ate*ness n.
in • com* men -su- rate (in-kd-men-su-rit, in* con* sis *tent (in-kon-sis-tent) adj. not
-shu-) adj. out of proportion, inadequate. consistent, in • con* sis 'tent *ly adv. in*
in*com*men'su*rate*ly adv. con -sis 'ten -cy n.
in* com* mode (in-kd-mohd) v. (in* in -con -sol -a -ble
(in-kdn-soh-la-bel) adj.
com-mod-ed, in*com*mod*ing) to not able to be consoled, in • con* sol 'a-
inconvenience. bly adv.
in*com*mo*di*ous (in-kd-moh-di-us) in*con*spic*u*ous (in-kdn-spik-yoo-us)
adj. not providing good accommodation, adj. not conspicuous. in*con*spic'u*
uncomfortable, especially through being ous'ly adv. in*con*spic'u*ous*ness
too small. n.
in*com*mu*ni*ca*do (in-ko-myoo-ni- in*Con*stant (in-kon-stant) adj. 1. fickle,
kah-doh) adj. not allowed to communi- changeable. 2. variable, irregular, in*
cate with others, the prisoner was held con'stant*ly adv. in*con'stan*cy n.
incommunicado. in • con • test • a • ble (in-k6n-tes-ta-bel)
in*com*pa*ra*ble (in-kom-p£-ra-bSl) adj. indisputable, in -con -test's -bly
adj. without an equal, beyond compari- adv. in- con -test -a- bil -i-ty (in-k6n-
son. in*conVpa*ra*bly adv. tes-ta-bil-i-tee) n.
in -com pat- i- ble (in-k6m-pat-I-b&) adj.
• in-con-ti-nent (in-kon-tl-nent) adv. 1.
1. not compatible. 2. inconsistent^ the unable to control the excretion of one's
two statements are incompatible, cannot urine and feces. 2. lacking self-restraint
both be true. in*com*pat*l*bil*l*ty in sexual desire. in*con'ti*nence n.
(in-kdm-pat-I-bil-i-tee) n. in -com •
in • con • tro • ver • ti • ble (in-kon-trd-vur-ti-
pat'i-bly adv. bel) adj. indisputable, undeniable. In*
in*com*pe*tent (in-kom-pe>tent) adj. 1. con*tro*ver'ti*bly adv.
not qualified or able (to do). 2. not legally in-con-ven-ience (in-kon-veen-yens) n.

qualified, incompetent n. an incom- 1 being inconvenient. 2. a circumstance


petentperson. in*com'pe*tent*ly that is inconvenient, inconvenience v.

in*com'pe*tence n. in -com'
adv. (ln*con*ven*ienced, in*con*ven*
pe-ten-cy n. ienc-ing) to cause inconvenience or
in-com-plete (in-kdm-pleet) adj. not slight difficulty to.
complete, in*com*plete'ly adv. in* in*con*ven*ient (in-kdn-veen-yent) adj.
completeness n. not convenient, not suiting one's needs
in com -pre -hen- si -ble
• (in-kom-pri- or requirements, slightly troublesome.
hen-sl-bel) adj. not able to be understood, ln*con*ven'ient*ly adv.
in -com -pre -hen 'si -bly * adv. in* in* cor* po* rate (in-kor-po-rayt) v. (In*
com • pre • hen • si • bil • i
• ty (in-kom-pri- cor-po-rat-ed, in*cor*po*rat*ing)
hen-sl-bil-i-tee) n. 1 . to include as a part, your suggestions
in • con ceiv a ble
• • • (in-kdn-see-va-bSl) will be incorporated in the plan. 2. to
adj. unable to be imagined. 2. (in-
1. form into a legal corporation. ln*cor*
formal) impossible to believe. ln*Con* po-ra-tion (in-kor-po-ray-shdn) n. in*
ceiv'a*bly adv. cor'po*ra*tor n.
in*COn*clu*sive (in-k6n-kloo-siv) adj. (of in-cor-po-re-al (in-kor-pohr-i-al) adj.
evidence or an argument etc.) not fully not composed of matter. in'COf'po're*
convincing, not decisive. in*COn*Clu' al-ly adv.
sive*(y adv. ln*con*clu'sive*ness n. in* correct (in-kd-rekt) adj. 1. not in ac-

447 incorrigible / indeclinable

cordance with fact. 2. (of style etc.) im- stant controlled heat and supplied with
proper, faulty. ln*cor*rect'ly adv. In* oxygen etc.
correct'ness n. in*cu*bus (in-kyu-bus) n. (pi. -bus-es,
in*cor*ri*gi*ble (in-kor-i-jl-bel) adj. (of -bi, pr. -bi) 1 . a spirit said to haunt or
a person or his faults etc.) not able to trouble people in their sleep. 2. a trouble-
be reformed or improved, an incorrigible some person or situation.
liar, in*cor'rl*gi*bly adv. in*cor*ri* in*cul*cate (in-kul-kayt) v. (In* cut* cat*
gi*bil*i*ty (in-kor-i-jl-bil-i-tee) n. ed, in*cul*cat*ing) to implant (ideas
in •corruptible (in-kd-nip-tl-bel) >adj. or habits) by persistent urging, desiring
1 not liable to decay. 2. not able to be to inculcate obedience in the young, in*
corrupted morally, as by bribes. ln*COr* CUl*ca*tion (in-kul-kay-sh6n) ft.
rupt'i-bly adv. ln*cor*rupt*i*bil*i* in*cul*pa*ble (in-kul-pa-bel) adj. blame-
ty (in-kd-rup-ti-ba-i-tee) ft. less.
Incr. abbr. 1 . increase. 2. increased. 3. in- in*cul*pate (in-kul-payt) v. (In*cul*pat*
creasing. ed, ln*cul*pat*ing) to involve in a
in 'Crease (in-krees) v. (in* creased, in* charge of wrongdoing, to incriminate.
creasing) to make or become greater in*cum*ben*cy (in-kum-ben-see) ft. (pi.
in size or amount or intensity, increase -cies) the office or tenure of an incum-
(in-krees) n. 1 . the process of increasing. bent.
2. the amount by which something in- in* cum* bent (in-kum-bent) adj. forming
creases. in*creas'er n. in -creas'ing • an obligation or duty, it is incumbent on
ly adv. you to warn people of the danger, incum-
in* credible (in-kred-I-bSl) adj. 1. unbe- bent n. a person who holds a particular
lievable. 2. (informal) hard to believe, office.
very surprising. in*cred'i*bly adv. in* in-cum-ber (in-kum-ber) = encumber.
cred*i*bil*l*ty (in-kred-I-bil-i-tee) ru in*cu*nab*u*lum (in-kyuu-nab-yu-lum)
in*cred'i*ble*ness n. not con- >Do ft. (pi. -la, pr. -la) a book printed at a
fuse incredible with incredulous. very early date, especially before 1501.
in*cred*u*lous (in-krej-u-lus) adj. unbe- In* cur (in-kur) v. (incurred, in*cur*
lieving, showing disbelief. in*cred / U* ring) to bring upon oneself, incurred
lous-ly adv. in*cred*ul*i*ty (in-krg- great expense or hatred.
doo-U-tee) n. >Do
not confuse incredu- in*Cur*a*Dle (in-kyoor-a-bel) adj. unable
lous with incredible. to be cured. Incurable n. a person with
in*cre*ment (in-kre-ment) n. an increase, an incurable disease. in*cur'a*bly adv.
an added amount, he received a salary ln*CU*ri*OUS (in-kyoor-i-us) adj. feeling
increment of twenty dollars a week, in* or showing no curiosity about something.
(in-kre-men-tal) adj. in*Cur*slon (in-kur-zftdn) n. a raid or
in*crim*i*nate (in-krim-r-nayt) v. (in* brief invasion into someone else's terri-
crim-i-nat-ed, in*crim*i*nat*ing) to tory etc.
indicate as involved in wrongdoing, his in*cus (ing-kus) n. (pi. in*cu*des, pr. in-
statement incriminated the guard, in* kyoo-deez) the middle small anvil bone
crim*i*na*tion (in-krim-I-nay-sh6n) n. of the ear.
in • crim • I • na • to • ry (in-krim-I-n&-tohr- ind. abbr. 1 independent. 2. index. 3. indic-

ee) adj. causing incrimination. ative. 4. industrial. 5. industry.

= encrust.
in* crust (in-krust) Ind. abbr. 1. India. 2. Indian. 3. Indiana.
ln*crus*ta*tion (in-krus-tay-shdn) n. 1. in*debt*ed (in-det-id) adj. owing money
encrusting, being encrusted. 2. a crust or gratitude. in*debt'ed*ness n.
or deposit formed on a surface. In*de*cent (in-dee-sent) adj. 1. offending
In*cu*bate (in-kyu-bayt) v. (in -cu- bat- against recognized standards of decency.
ed, ln*cu*bat*lng) 1. to hatch (eggs) 2. unseemly, with indecent haste, in*
by the warmth of a bird's body as it de'cent *ly adv. in*de*cen*cy (in-
sits on them or by artificial heat. 2. to dee-sen-see) n. indecent exposure,
cause (bacteria etc.) to develop in suit- exposing one's genitals publicly with the
able conditions. ln / CU*ba*tive adj. intention of causing offense.
in*CU*ba*tion (in-kyii-bay-shdn) n. incu- in • de • ci • pher • a • ble (in-di-si-fe-r&-bel)
bating; the incubation period, the time adj. unable to be deciphered.
it takes for symptoms of a communicable in*de*Ci*sion (in-di-siz/i-dn) n. inability
disease to become apparent in a person to make up one's mind, hesitation.
who has been exposed to it. in*de*Ci*sive (in-di-si-siv) adj. not deci-
in*cu*ba*tor (in-kyu-bay-tSr) n. 1. an ap- sive. In*de*ci'sive*ly adv. in*de*ci'
paratus for hatching eggs by artificial sive*ness n.
warmth. 2. an apparatus in which babies in*de*clin*a*ble (in-di-kk-na-bel) adj.
born prematurely can be kept in a con- without grammatical inflections.
indecorous / index 448
in-dec-o-rous (in-dek-6-rus) adj. im- themselves free and independent of Brit-
proper, not in good taste. in-dec'O* ain; a similar festival elsewhere.
rous-ly adv. in-dec'o-rous-ness n. in-de-pend-ent (in-di-pen-dent) adj. 1.
in *deed (in-deed) adv. 1. truly, really, it not dependent on or controlled by an-
was indeed remarkable. 2. used to inten- other person or thing, he is now independ-
sify a meaning, very nice indeed 3. ad- ent of his parents. 2. not depending for
mittedly, it is, indeed, his first attempt its validity or operation on the thing(s)
indeed interj. used to express irony or involved; independent proof, from an-
contempt or surprise etc. other source. 3. self-governing. 4. free
indef. abbr. indefinite. of commitment to a political party. 5.
i n de
• • f at • i
• ga ble• (in-di-fat-T-ga-bel) having or providing a sufficient income
adj. not becoming tired. in*de*fat'i* to make it unnecessary for the possessor
ga-bly adv. to earn his living, he has independent
in *de* fen* si* ble (in-di-fen-sl-bel) adj. means. 6. not influenced by others in
unable to be defended, unable to be justi- one's ideas or conduct. 7. unwilling to
fied. in*de*fen'si*bly adv. in -de -fen* be under an obligation to others, inde-
Si*bil*i*ty (in-di-fen-si-bil-i-tee) n. pendent »l an independent person, es-
in*de*fin*a*ble (in-di-fi-na-bel) adj. un- pecially a voter not committed to any
able to be defined or described clearly. political party. in*de*pend ent*ly adv.
in-def *i*nite (in-def-I-nit) adj. not clearly in-depth (in-depth) adj. thorough, very de-
defined or stated or decided, vague. In* tailed, an in-depth survey.
def / i*nite*ness n. D indefinite arti- in • de * scrib • a • ble (m-di-skri-ba-bel) adj.
cle, the word "a" or "an." unable to be described, too great or beau-
in*def*i*nite*ly (in-def-I-nit-lee) adv. in tiful or bad etc. to be described, in*
an indefinite way, for an unlimited pe- de-scrib'a-bly adv. in*de*scrib-a-
riod. Wl*l*ty (in-di-skri-ba-bil-i-tee) n.
in -del *i* ble (in-del-I-bel) adj. 1. (of a in -de -struct -i- ble (in-di-struk-tl-bel)
mark or stain or feeling) unable to be adj. unable to be destroyed. in*de*
removed or washed away. 2. (of a pencil struct'i-bly adv. in -de -struct 'i- ble-
making an indelible mark. In*del'l*
etc.) ness n. in-de-struct-i-bil-i-ty (in-di-
bly adv. struk-ti-bil-i-tee) n.
in*del*i*cate (in-del-I-kit) adj. 1. slightly in-de-ter-mi-na-ble (in-di-tur-ml-na-
indecent. 2. tactless. in*del'i*cate* impossible to discover or decide.
bfcl) adj.
ly adv. in*del*i*ca*cy (in-del-l-ka- In*de*ter'mi*na*bly adv. >Do
see) n. confuse indeterminable with indetermi-
in*dem*ni*fy (in-dem-nl-fi) v. (in*dem- nate.
ni-fied, in -dem-ni -tying) 1. to pro- in-de-ter-mi-nate (in-di-tur-mi-nit) adj.
tect or insure (a person) against penalties not fixed in extent or character etc.,
incurred by his actions etc. 2. to compen- vague, left 'doubtful, in *de* termi-
sate (a person) for injury suffered. nate *ly adv. in-de-ter'mi-nate-ness
in*dem*nl*ty (in-dem-ni-tee) n. (pL -ties) n, ln-de-ter-mi-na-cy (in-di-tur-ml-
1 protection or insurance against penal-
. na-see) n. in*de-ter-mi-na-tlon (in-di-
ties incurred by one's actions. 2. compen- tur-ml-nay-shdn) n. t> Do not confuse in-
sation for damage done. determinate with indeterminable.
in* dent (in-dent) v. 1. to make recesses in-dex (in-deks) n. (pL ln*dex-es, in*
or notches in; an indented
toothlike dl-ces, pr. in-di-seez) 1. a list of names,
coastline, one with deep recesses. 2. to titles, subjects, etc., especially an alpha-
start (a line of print or writing) farther betical list indicating where in a book
from the margin than the others, indent etc. each can be found. 2. a figure indicat-
the first line of each paragraph. In 'den' ing the relative level of prices or wages
tion n. in*den*ta*tion (in-den-tay- compared with that at a previous date.
shdn) n. 3. (in printing) a hand-shaped symbol
in* denature (in-den-chur) n. 1. a written used to draw attention to a note etc. 4.
contract or agreement. 2. indentures, an an indication or sign of something, her
agreement binding an apprentice to work work is an index of her talent Index v.
for a master, indenture v. (In* den* 1 .to make an index to (a book or collec-
tured, in -den -tuning) to bind by in- tion of books etc.). 2. to enter in an index.
denture, especially as an apprentice. 3. to increase (wages, pensions, etc.) ac-
in-de-pend-ence (in-di-pen-dens) n. cording to increases in the cost of living.
being independent. Independence in / dex*er n. index finger, the fore-
Day, July 4, celebrated in the U.S. as finger, index of refraction, the ratio
the anniversary of the date in 1776 when of the velocity of light in two adjacent
the American colonies formally declared media.
449 India / indispensable

In-di -a (in-di-a) 1. a large peninsula of marks. 2. imprinted marks showing that

Asia south of the Himalayas, forming postage has been paid.
a subcontinent. 2. a country consisting in* diet (in-dit) v. to charge with a crime,
of the greater part of this. India Ink, especially by action of a grand jury.
ink made with a black pigment (made in*dict'a*ble adj. In-dlct'ment n.
orginally in China and Japan). India pa- >Do not confuse indict with indite.-
per, a soft absorbent paper used for in-dlf-fer-ent (in-dif-e-rent) adj. 1. feel-
proofs of engravings; a thin tough opaque ing or showing no interest or sympathy,
printing paper. India rubber, natural unconcerned. 2. neither good nor bad.
rubber made from the juice of tropical 3. not of good quality or ability, he is

plants. an indifferent ballplayer. In •differ*

In-di -an (in-di-an) adj. of India or Indians. ent*ly adv. in* difference «.
Indian n. 1. a native of India. 2. one in*dig*e*nous (in-dij-6-nus) adj. (of
of the original inhabitants of the conti- plants or animals or inhabitants) native.
nent of America (other than Eskimos) in*di*gent (in-di-jent) adj. needy, impov-
or their descendants, American Indian. erished. in'di*gence n. In'di*gent*
Indian clubs, a pair of wooden or ly adv.
metal bottle-shaped clubs for swinging in • di • gest • I • ble (in-di- jes-ti-bel) adj. dif-

to exercise the arms. Indian corn, a type

ficult or impossible to digest.
of primitive corn with kernels of various in*di*ges*tion (in-di-jes-chdn) n. pain
colors. Indian file, single file. Indian caused by difficulty in digesting food.
giver, a person who gives something and
in*dig*nant (in-dig-nant) adj. feeling or
then takes it back. Indian meal, cornr
showing indignation. in*dig'nant*ly
meal. Indian Ocean, the ocean between
in dig 'na* tion (in-dig-nay-sh6n) n. anger

India and Australia. Indian paint-
aroused by something thought to be un-
brush, a plant common in Western
just or wicked etc.
America, with small flowers and bright-
in*dig*nl*ty (in-dig-ni-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
colored bracts. Indian pipe, a leafless
1. the quality of being humiliating. 2.
. plant with a single white flower, resem-
treatment that makes a person feel undig-
bling a pipe. Indian summer, a period
nified or humiliated.
of dry sunny weather in late autumn; a
in*di*go (in-di-goh) n. (pi. -gos, -goes)
period of tranquil enjoyment late in life.
a deep blue dye or color. indigo blue,
Indian wrestling, a contest in which
a color between blue and violet in the
two seated contestants each place a cor- spectrum, indigo bunting, a brilliant
responding elbow on a table and, grip-
blue songbird of the eastern U.S. indigo
ping hands with forearms up, attempt
snake, a large harmless snake of tropical
to force the other's hand down to the
in*di*rect (in-dl-rekt) adj. not direct, in*
In*di*an*a (in-di-an-a) a state of the U.S. di-rect'ly adv. in*di*rect'ness n. in*
In*di*an'i*an adj. & n. di*rec*tion (in-dl-rek-shdn) n. Indi-
In-di-an-ap-o-lis (in-di-a-nap-6-lis) the rect object, a person or thing affected
capital of Indiana. by the action of a verb but not primarily
IndiC. abbr. indicative. acted on, as him in give him the book.
in-di-cate (in-dt-kayt) v. (in •dilat- indirect tax, a tax paid in the form of
ed, ln*di*cat*ing) 1. to point out, to increased prices for goods etc., not on
make known. 2. to be a sign of, to show income or capital.
the presence of. 3. to show the need of, in*dis*cern*i*ble (in-di-sur-nl-bel, -zur-)
to require. 4. to state briefly. in*di*ca* adj. that cannot be discerned or distin-
tion (in-dT-kay-sh6n) n. guished from another.
in*dic*a*tive (in-dik-a-tiv) adj. 1. giving in*dls*creet (in-di-skreet) adj. 1. not dis-
an indication, the style is indicative of creet, revealing secrets. 2. not cautious,
the author's origin. 2. (of a form of a unwise. in*dis*creet'ly adv.
. verb) used in making a statement, not in* discretion (in-di-skresh-dn) n. an in-
in a command or wish etc., as he said discreet action or statement.
or he is coming, indicative n. this form in dis • crim • i • nate
• (in-di-skrim-T-nit)
of a verb. in*dic'a*tive*ly adv. adj. showing no discrimination, doing or
in*di*ca*tor (in-dT-kay-tSr) n. 1. a thing giving things without making a careful
that indicates or points to something. 2. choice. in*dis*crim'i*nate*ly adv. in*
a meter or other device giving informa- dis •crim / i* nate *ness n.
tion about the functioning of a machine in • dis • pen • sa • ble (in-di-spen-sa-bel)
etc. adj. not able to be dispensed with, essen-
in*di*Ci*a (in-dish-i-a) n. pi. 1. identifying tial, in-dis-pen'sa-bly adv. in* dis*
indisposed / indulge 450
pen sa • • bil • I
• ty (in-di-spen-s£-bil-i-tee) in southeast Asia. In 'do -Chinese (in-
ft. doh-chi-neez) adj. & n.

in -dis- posed (in-di-spohzd) adj. 1. in-doc-tri-nate (in-dok-trl-nayt) v. (In*

slightly ill. 2. unwilling, they seem indis- doc-tri-nat-ed, in-doc-trf-nat-ing)
posed to help us. to fill (a person's mind) with particular
in-dis-DO-si-tion (in-dis-pd-zish-dn) ft. ideas or doctrines. in-doc-tri-na-tton
1. slight illness. 2. unwillingness. (in-dok-tri-nay-shdn) n.
in-dis-pu-ta-ble (in-di-spyoo-ta-bel) adj. In-do-Eu-ro-pe-an (in-doh-yoor-6-pee-
not able to be disputed, undeniable, in • an) adj. of the family of languages spoken
dis-pu'ta-ble-ness n. in*dis-pu*ta* over most of Europe and parts of Asia.
bil'i-ty n. in-dis-pu'ta-bly adv. in* do 'lent (in-d&-lent) adj. lazy, in'do-
in*dis*sol*u*ble (in-di-sol-yu-bel) adj. lent-ly adv. in'do-lence n.
firm and lasting, not able to be dissolved in-dom-i-ta-ble (m-dom-i-ta-bel) adj.
or destroyed, indissoluble bonds of having an unyielding spirit, stubbornly
friendship. in-dis-SOl'U-bty adv. persistent when faced with difficulty or
irvdiS'tinct (in-di-stingkt) adj. not dis- opposition. in-dom'i-ta-bly adv.
tinct, irvdis-tinct'ly adv. In •dis- In • do • ne • si a (in-dd-nee-zfta) a country in
tinctness n. southeast Asia. In-do-ne'sian adj. &
guish a ble
in • dis tin • • • (in-di-sting-gwi- n.
sha-bel) adj. not distinguishable. in* door (in-dohr) adj. situated or used or
in-dite (in-dit) v. (in-dit-ed, incit- done inside a building, indoor games; an
ing) to put into words, to compose (a indoor aerial in -doors' adv.
poem, speech, etc.). D>Do not confuse in -dorse (in-dors) v. (in-dorsed, In-
indite with indict dorsing) to endorse.
in-dhum (in-di-um) ft. a rare silver- white in -drawn (in-drawn) adj. of a breath
soft metallic element occurring with zinc drawn into the lungs, an indrawn gasp.
etc. in-du-bi-ta-We (in-doo-bi-ta-b&) adj.
in-di-vid-u-al (in-dl-vij-oo-il) adj. 1. sin- that cannot reasonably be doubted, in-
gle, separate, each individual strand. 2. du'bi-ta-bly adv.
of or for one person, baked in individual in-duce (in-doos) v. (in-duced, in-
portions. 3. characteristic of one particu- due • ing). 1 to persuade. 2. to produce

lar person or thing, has a very individual or cause. 3. to bring on by artificial

style, individual ft. 1 one person or plant . means, induce labor. 4. to infer, to obtain
or animal considered separately. 2. (in- by inductive reasoning, in-due'er n.
formal) a person, a most unpleasant indi- in-duce-ment (in-doos-ment) ft. 1. induc-
vidual, in-di-vid'u-al-ly adv. In-di- ing, being induced. 2. an attraction or
vid-u-al-i-ty (in-dl-vij-oo-ml-i-tee) «. incentive.
t> Careful writers do not use individual in -duct (in-dukt)v. 1. to install as an offi-
to mean a person." cer or member of a group. 2. to enroll
in-di-vid-u-al -ism (in-dl-vij-oo-a-liz- into military service.
em) ft. self-centered feeling or conduct.
1 . In-dUCt-ance (m-duk-tans) n. the prop-
2. independence in thought and action. erty of producing an electric current by
3. a social theory advocating free and induction, the measure of this.
independent action of the individual. in -due -tee (in-duk-tee) ft. a person in-
in • di • vld • u • al • 1st (in-dl-Tij-oo-a-list) ft. a ducted into military service.
person who is very independent in in -due -Won (in-duk-shdn) ft. 1. inducting.
thought or action, in-di-vid-u-al-ist- 2. inducing. 3. logical reasoning that a
ic (in-dl-vij-oo-a-lis-tik) adj. general law exists because particular
in-di-vid-u-al-ize (in-dl-vij-oo-a-hz) v. cases that seem to be examples of it exist.
(in-di- vid-u-al-ized, in-di-vid-u- 4. production of an electric or magnetic
al* iz-ing) 1 to give individual character
. state in an object by bringing an electri-
to. 2. to specify. 3. to adapt to individual fied or magnetic object close to but not
tastes or needs. in-di-vid-u-al-i-za- touching it. 5. drawing a fuel mixture
Won (in-dl-vij-oo-a-li-zay-shdn) ft. into the cylinders) of an internal com-
in-di-vid-u -ate (in-dl-Tij-oo-ayt) v. (in* bustion engine. 6. production of an elec-
di-vid-u-at-ed, in-di-vid-u-at-ing) tric current in a circuit by varying the
to individualize, to form into an individ- magnetic field.
ual. In-di-vid-u-a-tion (in-dl-vij-oo- In-duc-ttve (in-duk-tiv) adj. 1. of or using
ay-sh6n) ft. induction, inductive reasoning. 2. of in-
in-di- vis-i-ble (in-dl-riz-I-b^l) adj. not di- ductance, in-duc'tlve-ly adv. In -due'
visible, in-di-vis'i-bly adv. In-di-vis- ttve-ness ft.
i-bil-l-ty (in-dl-viz-I-bil-i-tee) ft. in-dulge (in-dulj) v. (In-dulged, In-
In-do-chi-na (in-doh-chi-na) a peninsula dulging) 1 . to allow (a person) to have
451 indulgence / inertia
what he wishes. 2. to gratify (a wish). ln*ed*i*ble (in-ed-T-bel) adj. not edible
3. to allow oneself something that gives (because of its nature).
pleasure, he indulges in a cigar after in*ed*u*ca*ble (in-ej-u-ka-bel) adj. inca-
lunch, in-dulg'er n. pable of being educated.
in-dul-gence (in-dul-jens) n. 1. indulg- in*ef *fa*ble (in-ef-2-bSl) adj. too great to
ing. 2. being indulgent. 3. something al- be described, ineffable joy. in*ef'fa*
lowed as a pleasure or privilege. 4. (in bly adv.
the R. C. Ch.) remission of temporal in*ef*face*a*ble (in-i-fay-sa-bel) adj.
punishment still due for sins after sacra- that cannot be effaced.
mental absolution. hvef *fec*tive (in-i-fek-tiv) adj. 1. not ef-
in-dul-gent (in-dul-jent) adj. indulging a fective. 2. (of a person) inefficient, in*
person's wishes too freely, kind and le- ef*fec / tive*ly adv.
nient. in*dul'gent*ly adv. hvef *fec*tu*al (in-i-fek-choo-al) adj. not
irvdyrate (in-du-rayt) v. (in*du*rat* effectual. in*ef*fec'tu*al*ly adv.
ed, in-du-rat-ing) 1. to make or be- in*ef*fi*ca*Cious (in-ef-T-kay-shus) adj.
come hard. 2. to make callous or unfeel- not producing the desired effect, in*
ing. 3. to accustom or become accus- ef*fl*ca'cious*ly adv.
tomed, indurate (in-dii-rit) adj. 1. in*ef*fi*ca*cy (in-ef-T-ka-see) n. inability
to produce the desired results.
hardened. 2. callous or unfeeling, in*
du*ra*tion (in-du-ray-shdn) n. in -du-
in*ef*fi*Cient (in-i-fish-ent) adj. not effi-
cient. in*ef*fi'cient*ly adv. hvef*
ra *tive (in-du-ray-tiv) adj.
of or
fi*Cien*cy (in-i-fish-en-see) n.
in*dus*tri*al (in-dus-tri-al) adj. 1.
in *e* las* tic (in-i-las-tik) adj. 1. not elas-
engaged in industries, industrial workers.
tic. 2. unadaptable, unyielding. in*e*
2. for use in industries. 3. having many
las*tic*i*ty (in-i-las-tis-i-tee) n.
highly developed industries, an industrial
in*el*e*gant (in-el-e-gant) adj. not ele-
country. in*dus'tri*al*ly adv. in-' D gant. In*el'e*gant*ly adv. in*el*e*
dustriai arts, the technical arts of indus-
try, especially as taught in school, indus-
gance (in-el-e-gans) n.
in*el*i*gi*ble (in-el-i-ji-bel) adj. not eligi-
trial park, a land area zoned and
ble, not fit or entitled to be chosen, as
planned and developed especially for in-
for office, ineligible n. an ineligible per-
dustry and business. Industrial Revolu-
son. in*el*i*gi*bil*i*ty (in-el-i-jt-bU-i-
tion, the rapid development of industry
tee) n.
by use of machines in the early 19th cen-
in*e*luc*ta*ble (in-i-luk-ta-bel) adj. that
cannot be avoided or overcome.
in «dU8' trhal* 1st (in-dus-tri-a-list) n. a
in*ept (in-ept) adj. 1. lacking ability or
person who owns or is engaged in manag-
a task. 2. unsuitable, absurd.
fitness for
ing an industrial business.
in*ept'ly adv. in*ept / ness n. in*ep*
in*dus*tri*al*ize (in-dus-tri-a-hz) v. (In- thtude (in-ep-ti-tood) n.
dus • tri • al • ized, in • dus • tri • al • iz • in*e*qual*i*ty (in-i-kwol-i-tee) n. (pi.
Ing) to become industrial, to develop in- -ties) lack of equality in size or standard
dustry. in*dus*tri*al*i*za*tlon (in- or rank etc.
dus-tri-a-li-zay-sh6n) n. in*eq*ui*ta*ble (in-ek-wi-ta-bel) adj. un-
in*dus*tri*OUS (in-dus-tri-us) adj. hard- fair, unjust.
working. in*dus'tri*ous*ly adv. in* in*eq*ui*ty (in-ek-wi-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
dus'tri*ous*ness n. unfairness, bias. ^
in* dus* try (in-du-stree) n. (pi. -tries) 1. in*e*rad*l*ca*ble (in-i-rad-i-k5-bel) adj.
the manufacture or production of goods. that cannot be rooted out.
2. a particular branch of this, any busi- In*er*rant (in-er-ant) adj. not liable to err.
ness activity, the tourist industry. 3. in- insert (i-nurt) adj. 1. (of matter) without
dustrialists as a group. 4. the quality of power to move or act. 2. without active
being industrious. chemical or other properties, incapable
in* dwell (in-dwel) v. (in* dwelt, in* of reacting, an inert gas. 3. not moving,
dwell* ing) to be permanently present, slow to move or take action, in^ert'ly
as a spirit or principle. adv. in*ert'ness n.
in*e*bri*ate (i-nee-bri-ayt) v. (in*e*bri* in*er*tia (i-nur-sha) n. 1. inertness, slow-
at*ed, in*e*bri*at*ing) to make ness to take action. 2. the property of
drunk, inebriate (i-nee-bri-it) n. a matter by which it remains in a state
drunken person, inebriate adj. of rest or, if it is in motion, continues
in*e*bri*at*ed (i-nee-bri-ay-tid) adj. moving in a straight line, unless acted
drunk. upon by an external force. In*er'tlal
in*e*bri*a*tlon (i-nee-bri-ay-shdn) n. adj. inertial guidance, guidance of a
drunkenness. missile or spacecraft or aircraft by auto-

inescapable / inferior 452

matic instruments that it carries. in*fal*li*ble (ln-fal-I-bel) adj. 1. incapable

in-es-cap-a*ble (in-e-skay-pa-bel) adj. of making a mistake or being wrong. 2.
unavoidable. in*es*cap'a*bly adv. never failing, an infallible remedy, in*
irves*sen-tial (in-e-sen-shal) adj. not es- fal'li-bly adv. in-fal'li-ble-ness n. in*
sential, inessential n. an inessential fal*li*bll*i*ty (in-fal-I-bil-i-tee) n,
thing. in*fa*mous (in-fk-mus) adj. having or de-
in-es-ti-ma-ble (in-es-tl-ma-bel) adj. too serving a very bad reputation, detestable.
great or intense or precious etc. to be in'fa*mous*ly adv.
estimated. in*es'ti*ma*bly adv. in*fa*my (in-fa-mee) n, (pi -mles) ill
irvev-i-ta-ble (in-«v-i-ta-bel) adj. 1. not fame, notoriety caused by great evil.
able to be prevented, sure to happen or in*fan*cy (in-fan-see) n. (pi -cies) 1.
appear. 2. (informal) tiresomely familiar, early childhood, babyhood. 2. an early
the tourist with his inevitable camera, in* stage of development.
ev'i*ta*bly adv. in*ev*i*ta*bil*i*ty in*fant (in-fant) n. a child during the earli-
(in-ev-i-ta-bil-i-tee) n, est period of its life, infant adj. 1. of
in* ex* act (in-ig-zakt) adj. not exact, in* or for infants. 2. young and developing.
ex*act'ly adv. in*ex*ac*ti*tude (in- in*fan*tl*Clde (in-fan-ti-sid) n. 1. murder
ig-zak-ti-tood) n. of an infant soon after its birth. 2. a per-
in*ex*CUS*a*ble (in-ik-skyoo-za-bel) adj. son guilty of this.
unable to be excused or justified, in* in* fan* tile (in-fan-til) adj. 1. of infants or
ex*cus'a*bly adv. infancy. 2. very childish. infantile
in*ex*haust*i*ble (in-ig-zaws-ti-bel) adj. paralysis, poliomyelitis
1 . not able to be totally used up, available in* fan* try (in-fan-tree) n, {pi -tries)
in unlimited quantity. 2. indefatigable. troops who fight on foot.
in*ex*haust / i*bty adv. in-farct (in-fahrkt) n, an area of dead tis-
in*ex*0*ra*ble (in-ek-sd-ra-bel) adj. re- sue caused by the blocking of blood cir-
lentless, unable to be persuaded by re- culation. ln*farc*tion (in-fahrk-shdn)
quest or entreaty. ln*ex'o*ra*bly adv. n.
in*ex*pe*di*ent (in-ik-spee-di-ent) adj. in • fat -U -ate (in-fach-oo-ayt) v. (In*
not expedient. in*ex*pe*di*en*cy (in- fat-u-at-ed, in*fat*u*at*ing) to in-
ik-spee-di-en-see) n. spire with a temporary intense unreason-
in*ex*pen*sive (in-ik-spen-siv) adj. not ing love for a person or thing, in -fat*
expensive, offering good value for the U*a*tion (in-fach-oo-my-shdn) n,
price. in*ex*pen's1ve*ly adv. in- tea -si- ble (in-fee-zT-bel) adj. not able
in*ex*pe*ri*ence (in-ik-speer-i-ens) n, to be done easily, impracticable.
lack of experience. in*ex*pe'ri*enced in* feet (in-fekt) v. 1 to affect or contami-

adj. nate with a disease or with bacteria etc.

in* ex* pert (in-ek-spurt, in-ik-spurt) adj. that produce a diseased condition. 2. to
not expert, unskillful. in*ex'pert*ly affect with one's feeling, we became in-
adv. fected with their enthusiasm, in* fee*
in*ex*pi*a*ble (in-eks-pi-a-b£l) adj. (of tive (in-fek-tiv) adj.
an offense) that cannot be expiated, for in-fec-tlon (in-fek-shdn) n. 1. infecting,
which amends cannot be made. being infected. 2. the spreading of dis-
in • ex • plic • a • ble (in-ek-spli-ka-bel) adj. ease, especially by air or water etc. 3.
unable to be explained or accounted for. a disease that is spread in this way, a
in • ex'plic • a • bly adv. diseased condition.
In ex press- I- ble (in-ik-spres-1-bel) adj.
• • In -feC'tious (in-fek-shus) adj. 1 (of a dis- .

that cannot be expressed in words, in* ease) able to spread by air or water etc.
ex*press i*bly adv. 2. infecting with disease. 3. quickly
in*ex*pres*sive (in-ik-spres-iv) adj. not spreading to others, his fear was infec-
expressive, without expression. tious. in*fec'tious*ly adv. In* fee'
in • ex • tin • guish • a • ble (in-ik-sting-gwi- tious*ness n.

shS-bel) adj. not quenchable, indestructi- in*fe*liC*i*tOUS (in-fc-lis-i-tus) adj. un-

ble. fortunate, inappropriate. In*fe*llc*l*
in ex*tre*mis (in ik-stree-mis) 1. at the ty (in-fe-lis-i-tee) n, (pi. -ties).
point of death. 2. in very great difficul- In*fer (in-fur) v. (in «f erred, In -f er-
ties. Latin.> ring) 1. to reach an opinion from facts
in • ex • tri
• ca • ble (in-eks-trf-ka-bel) adj. 1 or reasoning. 2. to imply. (E>This use
unable to be extricated. 2. unable to be should be avoided because it conceals the
disentangled or sorted out. in*ex'trl* distinction between infer and imply.) In*
ca-bly adv. fer-ence (in-fe-rens) n. In*fer-en*tial
Inf. abbr. 1. infantry. 2. inferior. 3. infin- (in-fe-ren-shil) adj.
itive. 4. information. ln*fe*rl*or (in-feer-i-or) adj. low or lower
453 infernal / inflict

in rank or importance or quality or abil- of purpose, not resolute, hesitant, in*

ity, inferior n. a person who is inferior firm'ly adv.
to another, especially in rank. In*fe* in*fir*ma*ry (in-fur-ma-ree) n. (pi. -rles)
ri*or*i*ty (in-feer-i-or-i-tee) n. (pi. 1. a hospital. 2. a room or rooms for
-ties) inferiority complex, a strong sick people in a school or other institu-
and persistent feeling of inferiority; great tion.
lack of self-confidence. in •fir mi *ty (in-fur-mi-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
in-fernal (in-fur-nal) adj. 1. of hell, the 1. being infirm. 2. a particular physical
infernal regions. 2. (informal) detestable, weakness.
tiresome, an infernal nuisance. in*fer' infl. abbr. 1. influence. 2. influenced.
nal«ly adv. in fla*gran*te de-lic-to (in fla-gran-tee
in -fen no (in-fur-noh) n. {pi. -nos) a di-lik-toh) in the act of committing a
place resembling hell, somewhere in- crime, red-handed. Latin.>
tensely hot, a raging fire. in* flame (in-flaym) v. (in* flamed, in*
in* fertile (in-fur-ttl) adj. not fertile, in* flam • ing) 1 to provoke to strong feeling

fer-til-i-ty (in-fer-til-i-tee) n. or emotion, to arouse anger in. 2. to

in*fest (in-fest) v. (of pets or vermin etc.) cause inflammation in.
in* flam* ma* Die (in-flam-a-bel) adj. able
to be numerous and troublesome in (a
place), in* fee* taction (in-fes-tay-shdn)
to be set on fire. >This word means the
same as flammable; its opposite is non-
in*fi*del (in-fi-del) n. 1.a person with no inflammable. Careful writers prefer in-

religious beliefs. 2. an unbeliever or a flammable.

person not an adherent of a particular
in*flam*ma*tion (in-fla-may-shdn) n.
redness and heat and pain produced in
religion, as Christianity or Islam.
the body, especially as a reaction to in-
in*fi*del*i*ty (in-fi-del-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
jury or infection.
in*flam*ma*to*ry (in-flam-a-tohr-ee)
in* field (in-feeld) n. 1. the part of a base-
adj. likely to arouse strong feeling or an-
ball field enclosed within the base lines.
ger, inflammatory speeches.
2. the first, second, and third basemen
in*flat*a*ble (in-flay-ta-bel) adj. able to
and shortstop.
be inflated.
in* field *er (in-feel-der) n. a person play-
in *f late (in -flay t) v. (in •flatbed, in*
ing the infield.
flatting) to fill or become filled with air
in* fight *ing (in-fi-ting) n. 1. boxing with
or gas and swell up, to increase artifi-
an opponent nearer than arm's length. cially; at an inflated price, an excessively
2. hidden conflict within an organization,
high price.
insight *er n. in*fla*tion (in-flay-sh6n) n. 1. inflating,
in*fil*trate (in-fil-trayt, in-fil-) v. (in*
being inflated. 2. a general increase of
fil*trat*ed, in*fil*trat*ing) 1. to enter prices and fall in the purchasing value
gradually and without being noticed, as of money.
settlersor spies. 2. to cause to do this, ln*fla*tion*ar*y (in-flay-shd-ner-ee) adj.
in'fil-tra-tor «. in*fil*tra*tlon (in-fil- causing inflation.
tray-shdn) n. ln*fla*tion*ist (in-flay-shd-nist) n. a per-
Infin. abbr. infinitive. son who advocates inflationary monetary
in*fi*nite (in-ff-nit) adj. 1 having no limit,
policies. ln*fla'tlon*ism n.
endless. 2. too great or too many to be in* fleet (in-flekt) v. 1. to change the pitch
measured or counted. in'fi*nite*ly adv. of (the voice) in speaking. 2. to change
in'fi*nite*ness n. the ending or form of (a word) to show
in*fin*i*tes*i*mal (in-fin-i-tes-I-mai) adj. its grammatical relation or number etc.,
extremely small. in*fin*i*tes'iTnal* as sing changes to sang or sung; child
ly adv. changes to children.
in*fin*i*tive (in-fin-i-tiv) n. a form of a in*fleC*tion (in-flek-shon) n. 1. inflecting,
verb that does not indicate a particular bending. 2. modulation of voice, change
tense or number or person, in English in pitch or tone. 3. modification of a
used with or without to, as go in let him word to express a grammatical relation-
go or allow him to go. ship, in* flection *al adj.
in*fin*i*tude (in-fin-i-tood) n. 1. being in- in*flex*i*ble (in-flek-sl-bel) adj. 1. not
finite. 2. infinity. flexible, unable to be bent. 2. not able
in*fin*i*ty (in-fin-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) an to be altered, an inflexible rule. 3. refus-
infinite number or extent or time or ing to alter one's demands etc., unyield-
space. ing. in*flex'l*bly adv. in*flex*i*bil*
in* firm (in-furm) adj. physically weak, es- l«ty (in-flek-sI-bU-i-tee) n.
pecially from old age or illness; infirm in-flict (in-flikt) v. to cause (a blow or pen-
in-flight / ingenuous 454
alty etc.) to be suffered. in*flic*tion (in- In-fra* red (in-fra-red) adj. 1. (of radia-
flik-shon) n. tion) having a wavelength that is slightly
in-flight (in-flit) adj. (of food, movies, etc.) longer than that of visible light rays at
provided on a plane during a flight. the red end of the spectrum. 2. of or
in*flo*res*cence (in-fld-res-ens) n. 1. the using this radiation.
opening of blossoms. 2. the head of a in-fra-son-ic (in-fra-son-ik) adj. (of
flower. 3. the arrangement of the flowers sound waves) with a pitch that is below
of a plant in relation to the axis and to the lower limit of normal human hearing.
each other. in *fra* structure (in-fra-struk-chur) n.
in* flow (in-floh) n. an inward flow, the the subordinate parts and installations
amount that flows in, a large inflow of etc. that form the basis of an enterprise.
cash. in «fre*quent (in-free-kwent) adj. not fre-
in*flu*ence (in-floo-ens) rC 1. the power quent. in*fre / quent*ly adv. hvfre*
to produce an effect, the influence of the quen*cy (in-free-kwen-see) n.
moon on the tides. 2. the ability to affect in* fringe (in-frinj) v. (in 'fringed, in*
someone's character or beliefs or actions. fling *ing) 1. to break or act against (a
3. a person or thing with this ability. rule or agreement etc.), to violate. 2. to
influence v. (in*flu*enced, in*flu* encroach, do not infringe upon his rights.
enc*ing) to exert influence on. in*fringe'ment n.
i n f u en tial (in-floo-en-shal) adj. having
• I
• • in*fu*ri*ate (in-fyoor-i-ayt) v. (in*fu*ri*
great influence. at*ed, in*fu*ii*at*ing) to enrage, in*
in*flu*en*za (in-floo-en-zS) n. a virus dis- fu'ri*at*ing*ly adv.
ease causing fever, muscular pain, and in* fuse (in-fyooz) v. (in* fused, in*
inflammation of the respiratory system. f US ing)
• 1 . to imbue, to instill, infused
in *flux (in-fluks) n. an inflow, especially them with courage; infused courage into
of people or things into a place. them. 2. to steep (tea or herbs etc.) in
in*fO (in-foh) n. (slang) information. a liquid in order to make flavor or soluble
in* fold (in-fohld) v. to enfold. constituents pass into the liquid, to allow
in *form (in-fonn) v. 1 to give information
. (tea etc.) to undergo this process.
to. 2. to reveal information to the police in*fu*si*ble (in-fyoo-zl-bel) adj. that can-
etc. about secret or criminal activities. not be fused or melted.
in*form*al (in-for-mal) adj. not formal, in*fu*sion (in-fyoo-z/ron) n. 1. infusing,
without formality or ceremony, in* for' being infused. 2. a liquid made by infus-
mal-ly adv. in*for*mal*i*ty (in-for- ing. 3. something added or introduced
mal-i-tee) n. t> In this dictionary, words into a stock, an infusion of new blood
and definitions marked informal arc used to improve the breed
in everyday speech but should not be -ing 1 suffix used to form the present partici-
used when speaking or writing formally. ple of verbs, often used as adjectives, as
in*for*mant (in-for-mant) n. a person in charming! strapping.
who gives information. -ing 2 suffix used to form nouns meaning
in*for*ma*tion (in-for-may-shdn) n. 1. of a specific kind, as in herring, gelding.
facts told or heard or discovered. 2. facts -ing 3 suffix used to form nouns from verbs
fed into a computer etc. in • for* ma '
meaning action, as in fighting' an in-
tion*al adj. information industry, stance of action, as in wedding; the thing
commercial activity concerned with the produced by action, as in building, learn-
collection, processing, distribution, etc. ing; what is used for action, as in binding
of information, information retrieval, firm going; material for, as in fencing,
the systematic recovery of data or infor- clothing; what is to undergo action, as
mation from the memory bank of a com- in darning, washing.
puter or from files etc. in*gath*er*ing (in-garfc-S-ring) n. 1. a
in*form*a*tive (in-for-ma-tiv) adj. giving gathering in, as a harvest. 2. an assembly.
information. irvgen-ious (in-jeen-yus) adj. 1. clever at
in* formed (in-formd) adj. having good or inventing new
things or methods. 2. clev-
sufficient knowledge of something, in- erly contrived,an ingenious machine, in •
formed opinion. gen'ious*ly adv. D>Do not confuse in-
in*form*er (in-for-mer) n. a person who genious with ingenuous.
reveals information to the police etc. in-ge-nue, in-ge-nue (an-je-noo, ahn-
about secret or criminal activities. zhl-) n. (pi -nues) an artless young
in*frac*tion (in-frak-shdn) n. an infringe- woman, especially as a stage role.
ment, a violation. in*ge*nu*l*ty (in-je-noo-i-tee) n. clever-
in*fra dig (in-fra dig) (informal) beneath ness, imagination, inventiveness.
one's dignity. >From the Latin infra in*gen*u*ous (in-jen-yoo-us) adj. with-
dignitatem. out artfulness, unsophisticated, an ingen-

455 ingest / initiate

uous manner. in*gen'u*ous*ly adv. characteristic or quality, hvher'ent*

In-gen'u-ous-ness n. >Do not con- ly adv.
fuse ingenuous with ingenious. in* her* it (in-her-it) v. 1. to receive (prop-
Irvgest (in-jest) v. to take in as food. In* erty or a title etc.) by legal right of suc-
ges-tion (in-jes-chdn) n. cession or by a will etc. when its previous
in*gle*nook (ing-gel-nuuk) n. a nook owner or holder has died. 2. to receive
forming a place for sitting beside a deeply from a predecessor, this government in-
recessed fireplace. herited many problems from the last one.
irvglo-rl-ous (in-glohr-i-us) adj. 1. ig- 3. to receive (a characteristic) from one's
nominious. 2. not bringing glory, ob- parents or ancestors. in*her'i*tor n. in*
scure. in*glo'rl*ous*ly adv. her'it *a*ble adj. >See the note under
In* got (ing-gdt) n. a brick-shaped piece of congenital.
cast metal. in*her*i*tance (in-her-i-tans) n. 1. inher-
in* graft (in-graft) v. to engraft. iting. 2. a thing that is inherited, in-
in* grain (in-grayn) v. 1. to firmly fix (hab- heritance tax, a tax on inherited prop-
its or feelings or tendencies). 2. to work erty.
deeply into (a surface or texture), in* In* hib»It (in-hib-it) v. 1 to restrain, to pre-

grained' adj. vent, this substance inhibits the growth

In* grate (in-grayt) n. an ungrateful per- of moss. 2. to hinder the impulses of (a
son. person), to cause inhibitions. hvhib'i*
in*gra*ti*ate (in-gray-shi-ayt) v. (in* tor n.
gra*ti*at*ed, ln*gra*ti*a*ting) to in*hi*bl*tion (in-i-bish-dn) n. 1. inhibit-
bring (oneself) into a person's favor, es- ing, being inhibited. 2. repression of or
pecially in order to gain an advantage. * resistance to an instinct or impulse or

in*grat*i*tude (in-grat-i-tood) n. lack of feeling.

due gratitude. In • hos • pi • ta • ble (in-hos-pi-ta-bel) adj. 1

in*gre*di*ent (in-gree-di-ent) n. one of not hospitable. 2. (of a place or climate)

the parts or elements in a mixture or giving no shelter or no favorable condi-
combination. tions. in*hos'pi*ta*bly adv.
in*gress (in-gres) n. going in, the right in-house (in-hows) adj. & adv. (informal)
to enter. within an organization or using its own
in* grown (in-grohn) adj. grown abnor- resources; an in-house project, not sub-
mally inward, especially into the flesh, contracted.
an ingrown toenail in*hu*man (in-hyoo-man) adj. brutal,
in*gui*nal (ing-gwl-nal) adj. of the groin. lacking normal human qualities of kind-
In -nab* it (in-hab-it) v. to live in (a place) ness, pity, etc. (>Do not confuse inhu-
as one's home or dwelling place. man with inhumane.) in*hu*man*i*
in*hab*it*a*ble (in-hab-i-ta-bel) adj. able ty (in-hyoo-man-i-tee) n.
to be inhabited. mane (in-hyoo-mayn) n. not hu-
in* Flu*
in*hab*i*tant (in-hab-i-tant) n. one who mane. >Do
not confuse inhumane with
inhabits a place. inhuman.
In*hal*ant (in-hay-lant) n. a medicinal in*hume (in-hyoom) v. (in*humed, in*
substance to be inhaled. hum* ing) to bury. in*hu*ma*tion (in-
in* ha* la* tor (in-ha-lay-tdr) n. an appara- hyoo-may-shdn) n.
tus for inhaling oxygen, medication, etc. in*im*l*cal (i-nim-i-kal) adj. 1. hostile. 2.
in* hale (in-hayl) v. (in* haled, in*hal* harmful. in*im'i*cal*ly adv.
ing) 1. to breathe in, to draw into the in*im*i*ta*ble (i-mm-i-ta-bel) adj. impos-
lungs by breathing. 2. to take tobacco sible to imitate.
smoke into the lungs. in*ha*la*tion (in- in*iq*ui*ty (i-nik-wi-tee) n. (pi. -ties) 1.
ha-lay-shon) n. great injustice. 2. wickedness, a wicked
In*hal*er (in-hay-lSr) n. a device that pro- act. in*iq'ui*tous adj.
duces or sends out a medicinal vapor to init. abbr. initial.
be inhaled. in*i*tial (i-nish-al) adj. of or belonging to
in*har*mon*ic (in-hahr-mon-ik) adj. not the beginning, the initial stages of the
harmonic, discordant. work, initial n. the first letter of a word
in • har • mo • ni • ous (in-hahr-moh-ni-us) or name; a persons initials, those of his
adj. not harmonious, conflicting. names, often used as a signature etc. ini-
in* here (in-heer) v. (in-hered, in* her* tial v. (in*i*tial*ed, in*i*tial*ing) to
Ing) 1 (of qualities etc.) to exist or abide
. sign or mark with initials.
essentially or permanently. 2. (of rights in*i*tial*ly (i-nish-a-lee) adv. at first.

etc.) to be invested in (a person etc.). in*i*ti*ate (i-nish-i-ayt) v. (in *i* that*

in*her*ent (in-her-ent) adj. existing in ed, in*i*ti*at*ing) 1. to cause to begin,
something as a natural or permanent to start (a plan) working, he initiated cer-
initiative / innervate 456
tain reforms. 2. to admit (a person) into ink* ling (ing-kling) n. a hint, a slight
membership of a society often with
etc., knowledge or suspicion.
- special ceremonies. 3. to give (a person) ink *stand (ingk-stand) n. a stand for one
basic instruction or information about or more bottles of ink, often with a pen
something that is new to him. initiate tray.
(i-nish-i-it) n. an initiated person, in* ink* well (ingk-wel) n. an ink bottle, espe-
j'ti*a*tor n. in*i*ti*a*tion (i-nish-i-ay- cially one fitted into a hole in a desk
shon) n. or inkstand.
in-i-ti-a-tive (i-nish-a-tiv) n, 1. the first ink*y (ing-kee) adj. (ink*i*er, ink*!*
step in a process. 2. the power or right est) 1. covered or stained with ink. 2.
to begin something. 3. the ability to initi- black like ink, inky darkness, ink'l*
ate things, enterprise, he lacks initiative. ness n.

have the initiative, to be in a position in* laid (in-layd) see inlay.

to control the course of events, as in a in* land (in-land) adj. &
adv. in or toward
war. on one's own initiative, without the interior of a country, inland n. the
being prompted by others, take the ini- interior of a country.
tiative, to be the first to take action. in-law (in-law) n. (pi in-laws) (informal)
in*i*ti*a*to*ry (i-nish-i-a-tohr-ee) adj. 1. a relative by marriage.
introductory, beginning. 2. tending to in- in* lay (in-lay) v. (in* laid, in* laying) to
itiate. set (pieces of wood or metal etc.) into
in-ject (in-jekt) v. 1. to force or drive (a a surface so that they he flush with it
liquid etc.) into something, especially by and form a design, inlay n. 1 inlaid ma- .

means of a syringe. 2. to introduce a new terial. 2. a design formed by this. 3. a

element into, inject some new ideas into dental filling shaped to fit a cavity.
the committee. in*Jec'tor n. in* let (in-let) n. 1. a strip of water extend-
in*jec*tlon (in-jek-sh6n) n. 1. injecting, ing into the land from a sea or lake, or
an instance of this. 2. a liquid etc. that between islands. 2. a way in, as for water
is injected. into a tank, the inlet pipe.
in*jU*di*CiOUS (in-joo-dish-us) adj. show- in* mate (in-mayt) n. one of a number of
ing lack of good judgment, unwise, in • inhabitants of a house or other building,
ju-di'cious'ly adv. especially a hospital or prison or other
in* junction (in-jungk-shdn) n. an order institution.
or command, especially an order from in me*mo*li*am (in me-mohr-i-am) in
a law court stating that something must memory of a person who has died.
or must not be done. >
in* jure (in-jiir) v. (in-jured, injur- In* most (in-mohst) adj. furthest inward.
ing) to cause damage or harm or hurt Inn (in) a hotel, especially in the coun-
n. 1 .

to. in']ur*er n. a tavern or restaurant.

try. 2.
irvjured (in-jurd) adj. 1. damaged, in-nards (in-irdz) n. pi. (informal) 1. the
harmed, hurt. 2. showing that one feels stomach and bowels, entrails. 2. any in-
offended, in an injured voice. 3. wronged, ner parts.
the injured party in a divorce. in-nate (i-nayt) adj. inborn. in*nate / ly
in*]u*ri*ous (in-joor-i-us) adj. causing or adv.
likely to cause injury. ln*ju'ri*OUS* In*ner (in-er) adj. nearer to the center or
ty adv. inside, interior, internal. Dinner city,
in*Ju*ry (in-ju-ree) n. (pi. -ries) 1. dam- the central area of a city, inner ear, the
age, harm. 2. a particular form of this, internal part of the ear comprising the
a leg injury. 3. a wrong or unjust act. vestibule, semicircular canals, and co-
in • juS'tice (in- j us- 1 is) n. 1 lack of justice.
. chlea, inner tube, a separate inflatable
2. an unjust action or treatment. Ddo tube inside the cover of a pneumatic tire.
a person an injustice, to make an un- In*ner-di*rect*ed (in-er-dl-rek-tid) adj.
fair judgment about him. guided by personal standards rather than
ink (ingk) n. a colored liquid used in writ- by external social pressure.
ing with a pen, a colored paste used in in*ner*most (in-er-mohst) adj. furthest
printing etc. and in ballpoint pens, ink inward.
v. to mark or cover with ink, to apply in*ner*sole (in-er-sohl) n. insole.
ink to; ink these words out, obliterate in -ner- spring (in-er-spring) adj. with
them with ink. springs inside. Dinnerspring mat-
ink* blot (ingk-blot) n. a stain of spilled tress, a mattress having enclosed spiral
ink. inkblot test, a Rorschach test; springs supporting padding.
a similar test. In*ner*vate (i-nur-vayt, in-er-) v. (In*
ink* horn (ingk-horn) n. a small vessel of ner*vat*ed, in*ner*vat*lng) to con-
horn formerly used for holding ink. nect (a muscle or organ) to the nervous
457 inning / inscribe

system, to supply with nerve fiber. In* remains resident in a hospital while un-
ner-va-tion (in-er-vay-shdn) n. dergoing treatment.
in •ning (in-ing) n. 1 a portion of a baseball
. in pet* to (in pet-oh) secretly, especially
game in which each team is at bat until of cardinals appointed but not named as
it has three outs. 2. innings, (informal) such. >
Italian, = in the breast.
a period during which a person has an in* put (in-puut) n. what is put in. 2.
opportunity to achieve something, now the place where energy or information
I want my innings. etc. enters a system, input v. 1. to put
inn* keep *er (in-kee-per) n. a person who in or into. 2. to supply (data, programs,
keeps an inn. etc., to a computer).
in*no*cence (in-6-sens) n. 1. the state of in* quest (in-kwest) n. a judicial investiga-
being free from moral wrong, unac- tion to establish facts, especially about
quainted with evil, not guilty of a crime. a death that may not be the result of
2. guilelessness, naivete. natural causes.
in* no* cent (in-6-sent) adj. 1. not guilty in*qui*e*tude (in-kwi-e-tood) n. uneasi-
of a particular crime etc. 2. free of all ness of mind or body.
evil or wrongdoing, as innocent as a new- in* quire (in-kwir) v. (in* quired, in-
born babe. 3. harmless, not intended to quiring) to make an inquiry. in*quir /
be harmful, innocent amusements; an in- er n. in* quir'ing *ly adv. inquiring
nocent remark. 4. foolishly trustful, in- reporter, a news reporter who questions
nocent n. a person (especially a child) passersby on the street to get their opin-
who is free of all evil or who is foolishly ions on current events etc.
trustful. in'no*cent*ly adv. in*quir*y (in-kwir-ee, in-kwi-ree) n. (pi
in*noc*u*OU8 (i-nok-yoo-us) adj. 1. not -quir*ies) an investigation, especially an
injurious, harmless* 2. insignificant and official one.
dull. in*qui*si*tion (in-kwi-zish-6n) n. a de-
in*nom*i*nate (i-nom-I-nit) adj. un- tailed questioning or investigation.
named. innominate bone, the hip- Dthe Inquisition, a tribunal established
bone, a union of three bones, the ilium, by the Roman Catholic Church in the
ischium, and pubis. Middle Ages, especially the very severe
in*no*vate (in-6-vayt) v. (in • no* vat* one in Spain, to discover and punish her-
ed, in*no*vat*ing) to introduce a new etics.
process or way of doing things, in'no* in*quis*i*tive (in-kwiz-i-tiv) adj. 1. ea-
va*tor n. in no*va*tive adj. in* no* gerly seeking knowledge. 2. prying, in*
va*tion (in-6-vay-sh6n) n. quis'i-tive-ly adv. in*quis'i*tive*
in*nu*en*do (in-yoo-en-doh) n. {pi ness n.
-does) an unpleasant insinuation. in*quis*i*tor (in-kwiz-i-tor) n. a person
in*nu*mer*a*ble (i-noo-me-ra-bel) adj. who questions another searchingly. in*
too many to be counted. quis*i*tor*i*al (in-kwiz-i-tohr-i-al) adj.
in*oc*u*late (i-nok-yu-layt) v. (in*oc* in re (in ree) in the matter of. >
u-lat-ed, in*oc*u*lat*ing) to treat (a INRI abbr. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the
person or animal) with vaccines or se- Jews. >
Latin, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iud-
rums etc., especially in order to protect aeorum.
. against a disease. in*OC*u*la*tion in* road (in-rohd) n. a sudden attack or
(i-nok-yu-lay-shdn) n. encroachment, make inroads into,
in*Of*fen*sive (in-6-fen-siv) adj. not of- to use up large quantities of (resources
fensive, harmless. in*of*fen'sive-ly etc.).
adv. in* rush (in-rush) n. a rush in, a violent
in*op*er*a*ble (in-op-e-ra-bel) adj. 1 . un- influx.
able to be cured by surgical operation. ins. abbr. 1. inches. 2. insurance.
2. not operable. in*sa*lu*bri*ous (in-sa-loo-bri-us) adj.
in*op*er*a*tive (in-op-e-ra-tiv) adj. not (of a place or climate) unhealthy.
functioning. in* sane (in-sayn) adj. 1. not sane, mad.
in*op*por*tune (in-op-dr-toon) adj. com- 2. extremely foolish, in- sane' ly adv. in*
ing or happening at an unsuitable time. san*i*ty (in-san-i-tee) n.
in*op*por*tune'ly adv. in*sa*tia*ble (in-say-sha-bel) adj. unable
in*or*di*nate (in-or-dl-nit) adj. excessive. to be satisfied, an insatiable appetite, in*
in*or'di*nate*ly adv. sa'tia-bly adv.
in • or • gan • ic (in-or-gan-ik) adj. of mineral In*sa*ti*ate (in-say-shi-it) adj. never sat-
origin, not organic. D
inorganic chem- isfied.
istry, a branch of chemistry dealing with in* scribe (in-skrib) v. (in* scribed, in*
inorganic substances. scrib-ing) 1. to write or cut words etc.
in*pa*tient (in-pay-shent) n. a person who on (a surface), inscribed their names on
inscription / insistent 458
the stone; inscribed it with their names. a group. 3. insides, (informal) the organs
2. to draw (one geometrical figure) in the abdomen, the stomach and intes-
within another so that certain points of tines, inside (in-sid) adj. on or coming
their boundaries, coincide. from the inside; inside information* infor-
in* scrip *tion (in-skrip-shdn) n. words or mation that is not available to outsiders;
names inscribed on a monument or coin an inside job, a crime committed or aided
or stone etc. by someone living or working on the
irvscru-ta»ble (in-skroo-ta-bel) adj. baf- premises where it occurred, inside (in-
fling, impossible to understand or inter- sid) adv. on or in or to the inside. Inside
pret. in*scru'ta*bly adv. (in-sid) prep, on the inner side of, within;
in* seam (in-seem) n. the inner seam of a inside an hour, in less than an hour.
trouser leg etc. inside left or right, (in soccer) a
in* sect (in-sekt) n. a small animal with player on the forward line near to the
six legs, no backbone, and a body divided center on the left or right side; his posi-
into three parts (head, thorax, abdomen). tion, inside out, with the inner surface
in*sec*ti*cide (in-sek-ti-sid) n. a sub- turned to face the outside; turn a place
stance for killing insects. in*sec*ti* inside out, to search it thoroughly; know
cid*al (in-sek-ti-si-dal) adj. a subject inside out, to know it thor-
in-sec-tivo-rous (in-sek-tiv-6-riis) adj.
feeding on insects.
in*sid*er (in-si-der) n. 1. an accepted
in -se- cure (in-se-kyoor) adj. not secure
member of a certain group. 2. a person
or safe. in*se*cure'ly adv. in*se*cur'
who is made aware of a secret.
i*ty n. (pi -ties).
in • sid • • ous (in-sid-i-us) adj. spreading or

in*sem*i*nate (in-sem-i-nayt) v. (in*

developing or acting inconspicuously but
sem-hnat-ed, in*sem*i*nat*ing) to
with harmful effect, an insidious rumor.
insert semen into. in*sem*i*na*tion
in*sid'i*ous*ly adv. in*sid'i*ous*
(in-sem-i-nay-sh6n) n.
in* sen* sate (in-sen-sayt) adj. 1. without
ness n. Do not confuse insidious with
physical sensation. 2. without sensibility,
in *sight (in-sit) n. 1 . the ability to perceive
unfeeling. 3. stupid, without sense, in*
and understand the true nature of some-
sen'sate*ly adv.
thing. 2. knowledge obtained by this. In*
in*sen*si*ble (in-sen-sl-bel) adj. 1. un-
sight -ful (in-srt-ful) adj.
conscious. 2. without feeling, unaware,
in*sig*ni*a (in-sig-ni-a) n. sing, & pi 1.
seemed insensible of his danger. 3. cal-
the symbols of authority or office (as the
lous. 4. (of changes) imperceptible, in •
sen'si-bly adv. in*sen*si*bil*i*ty (in-
crown and scepter of a king). 2. an identi-
fying or distinguishing badge etc.
sen-sT-bil-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties).
in*sen*si*tive (in-sen-si-tiv) adj. not sen- In*sig*nif*l*cant (in-sig-nif-i-kant) adj.
sitive. in*sen*si*tiv*i*ty (in-sen-si-tiv-
having little or no importance or value
i-tee) n.
or influence*, in-sig-nif'i-cant-ly adv.
in -sen «ti -ent (in-sen-shi-ent) adj. not sen- in*sig*nif'i*cance n.
-sen 'thence n.
tient, in In* sin* cere (in-sin-seer) adj. not sincere.
in*sep*a*ra*ble (in-sep-a-ra-bel) adj. 1. in*sin*cere'ly adv. In*sin*cer*i*ty
unable to be separated. 2. liking to be (in-sin-ser-i-tee) n.

constantly together, inseparable compan- in*sin*u*ate (in-sin-yoo-ayt) v. (in*

ions. in*sep'a*ra*bly adv. in*sep*a* sin*u*at*ed, in*sin*u*at*ing) 1. to
ra*bil*i*ty (in-sep-a-ra-bil-i-tee) n. in* insert gradually or craftily, insinuate one-
sep'a-ra-ble-ness n. self into a person s good graces 2. to hint
in-sert (in-surt) v. to put (a thing) in or artfully or unpleasantly. in*sin'u*at*
between or among, insert (in-surt) n. ing adj. in*sin*u*a*tion (in-sin-yoo-
a thing inserted. in*ser*tion (in-sur- ay-sh6n) n.
sh6n) *l in* sip* id (in-sip-id) adj. 1. lacking in fla-
in* set (in-set) v. (in -set, in* set* ting) to vor. 2. lacking in interest or liveliness.
set or place in, to decorate with an inset, in*sip'id*ly adv. in*sip*id*i*ty (in-si-
the crown was inset with jewels inset (in- pid-i-tee) n.
set) n. something set into a larger thing. in-sist (in-sist) v. 1. to declare emphati-
in* shore (in-shohr) adj. & adv. near or cally. 2. to demand emphatically, / insist
nearer to the shore. on your being there.
in* side (in-sid) n. 1. the inner side of a In-slst-ent (in-sis-tent) adj. 1. insisting,
surface or part. 2. a small group within declaring or demanding emphatically. 2.
an organization having authority and forcing itself on one's attention, the insist-
prestige and access to confidential infor- ent throb of the engines. in*slst'ent-
mation; on the inside, belonging to such ly adv. In*sist'ence n.
459 in situ / instinct

in si*tu (in si-too) in its present or original to set (apparatus) in position and ready
place. t> Latin. for use. 3. to settle in a place, he was
in* SO* far (in-soh-fahr) as to the extent comfortably installed in an armchair.
that. in*stal*la*tion (in-sta-lay-sh6n) n. 1. in-
insol. abbr. insoluble. stalling, being installed. 2. apparatus etc.
in*SO*la*tion (in-soh-lay-shdn) n. solar installed.
radiation received, the amount of this per in -stall-merit (in-stawl-ment) n. any of
unit of horizontal surface. the parts in which something is presented
in* sole (in-sohl) n. 1. the inner sole of a or supplied, or a debt is paid, over a pe-
boot or shoe. 2. a loose piece of material riod of time. installment buying,
laid in the bottom of a shoe for warmth purchasing on the installment plan, in-
or comfort. stallment plan, an arrangement for
in* SO* lent (in-so-lent) adj. behaving in- payment in installments.
sultingly, arrogant, contemptuous, in' in* stance n. a case or example
so*lent*ly adv. in'so*lence n. of something, instance v. (in-stanced,
in*sol*u*ble (in-sol-yu-bel) adj. 1. unable in*stanc*ing) to mention as an in-
to be dissolved. 2. unable to be solved, stance. Din the first instance, firstly.
an insoluble problem. in*SOl'U*bly adv. in-stant (in-stant) adj. 1 occurring imme-

in*sol*u*bil*i*ty (in-sol-yu-bil-i-tee) n. diately, there was instant relief. 2. (of

in* sol* vent (in-sol-vent) adj. unable to
food) designed to be prepared quickly
pay one's debts. in*SOl*ven*cy (in-sol- and easily, instant n. 1 an exact point

ven-see) n.
of time, the present moment, come here
in*SOm*nl*a (in-som-ni-a) n. habitual this instant! 2. a very short space of time,
a moment, not an instant too soon.
in*som*ni*ac (in-som-ni-ak) n. a person instant camera, a camera that devel-
who suffers from insomnia. ops and prints a photograph almost in-
in* SO* much (in-soh-much) adv. to such
stantly after an exposure is made, in-
an extent (that), inasmuch (as).
stant replay, the immediate reshowing
in* SOU* Chant (in-soo-si-ant) adj. care-
of a short section of a television broad-
free, unconcerned, in* sou 'chance n.
cast, usually a sports event.
insp. abbr. 1. inspected. 2. inspector.
in*stan*ta*ne*ous (in-stan-tay-ni-us)
in-spect (in-spekt) v. 1. to examine (a
adj. occurring or done instantly, death
thing) carefully and critically, especially
was instantaneous. ln*stan*ta'ne*
looking for flaws. 2. to examine officially,
to visit in order to make sure that certain
ous*ly adv.

rules and standards are being observed.

in*stan*ter (in-stan-ter) adv. (old use) im-
in*spec*tion (in-spek-shdn) n.
mediately, at once.
in* spec* tor (in-spek-tor) n. a person
in*stan*ti*ate (in-stan-shi-ayt) v. (in*
whose job is to inspect things or super-
stan*ti*at*ed, in*stan*ti*at*ing) to
vise services etc. 2. (in some police de- represent by an instance. in*stan*ti*
partments) an officer above captain and a*tion (in-stan-shi-ay-shdn) n.
below superintendent. in*stant*ly (in-stant-lee) adv. immedi-
in*spi*ra*tion (in-spi-ray-shdn) n. 1. in- ately.

spiring. 2. an inspiring influence. 3. a in* state (in-stayt) v. (in*stat*ed, in*

sudden brilliant idea. in*spi*ra'tion* stat-ing) to put in office, to install.

al adv. in* Stead (in-sted) adv. as an alternative

in* spire (in-spir) v. (in* spired,
in* or substitute. instead of, in place of.
spir-ing) 1. to stimulate (a person) to in* step (in-step) n. 1. the upper surface
creative or other activity or to express of the foot between toes and ankle. 2.
certain ideas. 2. to fill with or instill a the part of a shoe etc. covering this.
certain feeling, he inspires confidence in in*sti*gate (in-stf-gayt) v. (in -sti- gat-
us. 3. to communicate ideas etc. by a ed, in*sti*gat*ing) to urge or incite,
divine agency, the prophets were inspired to bring about by persuasion, instigated
by God. them to strike; instigated an inquiry.
in*spir*it (in-spir-it) v. 1. to put life into, in'sti*ga*tor n. in*sti*ga*tion (in-stT-
animate. 2. to encourage. gay-shdn) n.
inst. abbr. 1. instant, =
of the current in* still (in-stil) to implant (ideas, feel-

month, on the 6th inst. 2. institute. 3. ings, etc.) into a person's mind gradually,
institution. in • still 'ment n.
in*sta*bil*i*ty (in-sta-bil-i-tee) n. lack of in*stinct (in-stingkt) n. 1. an inborn im-
-^stability. pulse or tendency to perform certain acts
in* stall (in-stawl)v. 1. to place (a person) or behave in certain ways. 2. a natural
in office, especially with ceremonies. 2. ability, has an instinct for finding a good
instinctive / insurance 460
place. in*Stinc*tll*al (in-stingk-choo- ing something, was instrumental in find-
al) adj. ing her a job. 2. performed on musical
in*stinc*tive (in-stingk-tiv) adj. prompted instruments, instrumental music
by instinct. in*stinc'tive*ly adv. in • stru
• men
• tal • ist (in-stru-men-ta-list)
in* statute (in-sti-toot) n. 1. a society or n.a musician who plays a musical instru-
organization for promotion of a scientific ment (as distinct from one who is a
or educational or social etc. activity. 2. singer).
the building used by this, institute v. in • stru • men
• tal • • ty
I (in-stru-men-tal-i-
(in • sti • tut • ed in • sti • tut • ing) 1 to es-
, . tee) n. {pi -ties) a means or agency.
tablish, to found. 2. to cause (an inquiry in • stru • men • ta • tion (in-stru-men-tay-
or a custom) to be started. sh6n) n. 1 the arrangement or composi-

in-sti*tu*tion (in-sti-too-shon) n. 1. insti- tion of music for instruments. 2. the

tuting, being instituted. 2.. an institute, provision or use of mechanical or scien-
especially for a charitable or social activ- tific instruments.
ity. 3. an established law or custom or in-sub-or-di-nate (in-su-bor-dl-nit) adj.
practice, (informal) a person who has be- disobedient, rebellious. in-sub-or-di-
come a familiar figure in some activity. na-tion (in-su-bor-di-nay-shdn) n.
irvsti'tu-tion-al (in-sti-too-shd-nal) adj. in-sub-stan-tial (in-sub-stan-shal) adj. 1.
of or like an institution. in*sti*tu / tion* not existing in reality, imaginary. 2. not
al*ly adv. made of a strong or solid substance; in-
in • sti • tu • tion • al • ize (in-sti-too-shd-na- substantial evidence, weak, not well-
liz) v. (in-sti-tu-tion-al-ized, in* sti* founded.
tu • tion *al*iz* ing) to place or keep (a in-suf-fer-a-ble (in-suf-e-ra-bel) adj. 1.
person) in an institution that will provide unbearable. 2. unbearably conceited or
the care he needs; become institutional- arrogant. in-suf'fer-a-bly adv.
ized, to be so used to living in an institu- in-suf-fi-cient (in-su-fish-ent) adj. not
tion that one cannot live independently. sufficient. in-suf -fi'cient-ly adv. in*
in • sti • tu • tion • al • • za • tion (in-sti-too-
i suf-fi-cien-cy (in-su-fish-en-see) n.
shd-na-li-zay-sh6n) n. in-su-lar (in-su-lar) adj. 1. of or on an
instr. abbr. 1. instructor. 2. instrument. island. 2. of or like people who live on
in • struct (in-strukt) v. 1 to give (a person)
. an island and are isolated from outside
instruction in a subject or skill. 2. to influences, narrow-minded, insular prej-
inform. 3. to give instructions to, to di- udices, in-su-lar-i-ty (in-su-lar-i-tee) n.
rect or command. in -su- late (in-su-layt) v. (in «su *lat*ed,
in*struc*tion (in-struk-sh6n) n. 1. the in*su*lat*ing) 1. to cover or protect (a
process of teaching. 2. knowledge or thing) with a substance or device that
teaching imparted. 3. instructions, state- prevents the passage of electricity or
ments making known to a person what sound or the loss of heat; insulating tape,
he is required to do, an order. tape that prevents the passage of electric-
in*struc*tion*al (in-struk-shd-n2l) adj. ity. 2. to isolate (a person or place) from
imparting knowledge. influences that might affect it. In'SU*
in*struc*tive (in-struk-tiv) adj. giving or lat'Or n. In -su* la -tion (in-su-lay-shdn)
containing instruction, enlightening. n.
in*struc*tor (in-stmk-tdr) n. 1. a person in*SU*lln (in-su-lin) n. a hormone pro-
who instructs, a teacher. 2. a college duced in the pancreas, controlling the
teacher who ranks below an assistant absorption of sugar by the body. insu-
professor. in*struc'tor*ship n. lin shock, bodily collapse caused by an
in*stru-ment (in-strii-ment) n. 1. a tool overdose of insulin.
or implement used for delicate or scien- in* suit (m-sult) v. to speak or act in a way
tific work. 2. a measuring device giving that hurts the feelings or pride of (a per-
information about the operation of an son) and rouses his anger, insult (in-sult)
engine etc. or used in navigation. 3. a n. an insulting remark or action. In*

device designed for producing musical sult'ing-ly adv.

sounds, musical instruments. 4. a person in*su*per*a*ble (in-soo-pS-r5-b£l) adj.
used and controlled by another to per- unable to be overcome, an insuperable
form an action, was made the instrument difficulty.
of another s crime. 5. a formal or legal in • sup* port *a* Die (in-su-pohr-t£-b£l)
document, signed the instrument of abdi- adj. 1. unbearable. 2. unjustifiable.
cation. instrument landing or flying, in*sur*a*ble (in-shoor-a-bSl) adj. able to
landing or navigating using only the in- be insured against loss, injury, etc. v

struments of the aircraft. in*sur*ance (in-shoor-ans) 1. a con-

in-stru-men-tal (in-stru-men-tal) adj. 1. tract undertaking to provide compensa-
serving as an instrument or means of do- tion for loss or damage or injury etc.,
461 insure / intense

in return for a payment made in advance in • teg • u • ment (in-teg-yu-ment) n. a skin,

once or regularly. 2. the business of pro- husk, rind, or other (usually natural)
viding such contracts. 3. the amount pay- covering.
able to the company etc. providing the in-tel-lect (in-tg-lekt) n. 1. the mind's
contract, a premium. 4. the amount pay- power of reasoning and acquiring knowl-
able by the company etc. in compensa- edge (contrasted with feeling and in-
tion. 5. anything done as a safeguard stinct). 2. ability to use this power, people
against loss or failure etc. of intellect.
in* sure (in-shoor) v. (in-sured, in* in*tel*lec*tu*al (in-tg-lek-choo-al) adj. 1.
sur-ing) 1. to protect by a contract of of the intellect. 2. needing use of the in-
insurance. 2. to ensure. tellect, an intellectual occupation. 3. hav-
in-sured (in-shoord) n. a person protected ing a well-developed intellect and a taste
by insurance. for advanced knowledge, intellectual n.
in*sur*er (in-shoor-er) n. a company of- an intellectual person, in • tel • lee 'tu • al •
fering insurance. ly adv.
in*sur*gent (in-sur-jent) adj. rebellious, in • tel • lee • tu • al • ism
insurgent n. a rebel,
rising in revolt, liz-em) n. 1 use or exercise of the intel-

in-sur'gence n. in*sur*gen*cy (in- lect only. 2. the doctrine that knowledge

sur-jen-see) n. is wholly or mainly derived from pure
in *sur* mount *a*ble (in-sur-mown-ta- reason.
bel) adj. unable to be surmounted, insu- in • tel • lee • tu • al • ize (in-te-lek-choo-a-hz)
perable, in *sur* mount's *bly adv. v. (in-tel-lec-tu-al-ized, in* tel* lee*
in*sur*rec*tion (in-su-rek-shdn) n. rising tu*al*lz*ing) 1. to use the intellect. 2.
in open resistance to established author- to analyze (a situation or problem) with-
ity, rebellion. in*sur*rec'tion*ist n. out recognizing the emotional content,
in*sus*cep*ti*ble (in-su-sep-ti-bel) adj. in-tel-lec-tu-al-i-za-tion (in-te-lek-
not susceptible. choo-&-li-zay-shdn) n.
int. abbr. 1 . interest. 2. interior. 3. internal. in*tel*li*gence (in-tel-i- jens) n. 1. mental
4. international. 5. intransitive. ability, the power of learning and under-
in* tact (in-takt) adj. undamaged, com- standing. 2. information, news, espe-
plete. cially that of military value. 3. the people
in-ta-glio (in-tal-yoh) n. (pi. -glios) a engaged in collecting this. intelli-
kind of carving in which the design is gence quotient, a number that shows
sunk below the surface. how a person's intelligence compares
in* take (in-tayk) n. 1 the process of taking
. with that of an average person of the
something in, the place where liquid or same age.
air etc. is channeled into something. 2. In* tel* II* gent (in-tel-i-jent) adj. having
the number or quantity of people or great mental ability, in -tel'li- gent-
things etc. accepted or received, a ly adv.
school's annual intake of pupils. in • tel • li • gent • si • a (in-tel-i-jent-si-a,
in*tsn*gi*ble (in-tan-jT-bel) adj. not tangi- -gent-) n. intellectual people regarded as
ble, not material, intangible n. some- a class.
thing intangible. in*tan'gi*bly adv. in*tel*ll*gi*ble (in-tel-i-jl-bel) adj. able to
in*te*ger (in-te-jer) n. a whole number be understood, in* tel'li *gi*bly adv. in*
such as 0, 3, 19, etc., not a fraction. tel*li*gi*bil*i*ty (in-tel-i- jT-bil-i-tee) n.
in-te-gral (in-te-gral) adj. 1. (of a part) In* tern* per* ate (in-tem-pe-rit) adj. 1.
constituent, necessary to the complete- drinking alcohol excessively. 2. (of per-
ness of a whole, Flatbush is an integral son or conduct or speech) immoderate,
part of Brooklyn. 2. complete, forming unrestrained, violent. in*tem'per*
a whole, an integral design. ance n.
in *te* grate (in-te-grayt) v. (in*te*grat* in* tend (in-tend) v. 1. to have in mind
ed, in-te-grat-ing) 1. to combine or as what one wishes to do or achieve. 2.
form (a part or parts) into a whole. 2. to plan that (a thing) shall be used or
to bring or come into equal membership interpreted in a particular way, we in-
of a community, in* te*gra*tion (in-te- tended this room for you; the remark was
gray-shon) n. integrated circuit, a intended as an insult.
small piece of material holding a complex in- tend -ed (in-ten-did) n. (informal) fian-
electronic circuit, designed to replace a cee).
conventional circuit of many compo- in *tense (in-tens) adj. 1. strong in quality
nents. or degree, intense heat. 2. (of a person)
in*teg*ri*ty (in-teg-ri-tee) n. 1. honesty, emotional, in- tense 'ly adv. in* ten* si*
incorruptibility. 2. wholeness, entirety. ty (in-ten-si-tee) n. >Do
not confuse in-
3. soundness. tense with intensive.

intensify / interdependent 462

in-ten-si'fy (m-ten-sl-fi) v. (in 'ten* points of intersection with other lines.
shfied, in -ten -si -tying) to make or 2. the interception of an enemy, espe-
become more intense, in -ten -si* fl* ca- cially enemy aircraft, missiles, etc. in*
tion (in-ten-sl-fi-kay-shdn) n. ter *cep* tion (in-ter-sep-shdn) n.
in «ten« si ve (in-ten-siv) adj. 1. employing in*ter*cep*tor (in-ter-sep-t6r) n. a fighter
much effort, concentrated, intensive plane or missile for intercepting enemy
study. 2. (in grammar) expressing inten- planes or missiles.
sity or giving force to a word or phrase. in*ter*ces*slon (in-ter-sesh-dn) n, in-
intensive n. an intensive word or prefix, terceding.
as very in the very last one. In 'tensive in-ter-ces-sor (in-ter-ses-dr) n. one who
ly adv. in*ten'slve*ness n. inten- D intercedes. in*ter*ces'sor*y adj.
sive care, constant surveillance of criti- Interchange (in-ter-chaynj) v. (In* ter*
cally patients in a hospital.
ill not >Do changed, in* ter* changing) 1. to put
confuse intensive with intense. (each of two things) into the other's
in* tent (in-tent) n. intention, with intent make an exchange of, to give
place. 2. to
to kill, intent intending, having
adj. 1 . and receive (one thing for another).
one's mind fixed on some purpose, intent 3. to alternate, interchange (in-ter-
on killing. 2. with one's attention concen- chaynj) n. 1. interchanging. 2. a road
trated, an intent gaze. In*tent'ly adv. junction designed so that streams of traf-
in-tent'ness n. Ufor or to all Intents fic do not intersect on the same level.
and purposes, practically, virtually. in • ter • change • a • ble (in-ter-chayn- ji-
in*ten*tion (in-ten-sh&n) n. what one in- be!) adj. able to be interchanged.
tends to do or achieve, one's purpose. In • ter • col • le • giate (in-ter-kd-lee- jit) adj.
in*ten*tion*al (in-ten-shS-nal) adj. done between different colleges or universities.
on purpose, intended, not accidental, in* in* ter* com (in-ter-kom) n, (informal) an
ten 'tion *al*ly adv. intercommunication system.
in*ter (in-tur) v. (inferred, in*ter* in*ter*com*mu*ni*cate (in-ter-kd-
ring) to bury (a dead body) in the earth myoo-m-kayt) v. (in*ter*com*mu*ni*
or in a tomb. cat*ed, in-ter-com-mu-nl-cat-ing)
Inter- prefix between, among, as in inter- 1. to communicate with each other. 2.
American, between or among the coun- to have free passage to each other, as
tries of North and South America. rooms etc. ln*ter*com*mu*ni*ca*
in*ter*act (in-ter-akt) v. to have an effect tion (in-t£r-kd-myoo-ni-kay-shdn) n,
upon each other. in*ter*ac*tion (in-ter- intercommunication system, a sys-
ak-shon) n. in*ter*ac / tlve adj. tem of internal communication by tele-
in*ter a* II* a (in-ter ay-li-a) among other phone or radio, etc. with equipment for
things. t> Latin. sending and receiving messages at each
in -ter- breed (in-tfcr-breed) v. (in-ter- station.
bred, in* ter* breed *ing) to breed with ln*ter*con*nect (in-teY-kd-nekt) v. to
each other, to crossbreed. connect wi(h each other. In* ter* con-
in*ter*ca*lar*y (in-tur-ka-ler-ee) adj. 1. nection (in-ter-ko-nek-shdn) n.

inserted in the calendar to harmonize the In • ter • con • ti • nen • tal (in-t£r-kon-ti-nen-
calendar with the solar year, as February connecting or carried on between
tal) adj.
29 in leap year. 2. interpolated, interven- two continents, (of missiles) able to be
ing. fired from one continent to another.
in • ter -ca- late (in-tur-ka-layt) v. (in* in* ter* COS* tal (in-ter-kos-tal) adj. be-
terca-lated, in*ter*ca*lat*lng) 1. tween the ribs.
to insert (an intercalary day etc.). 2. to In* ter 'Course (in-ter-kohrs) n. 1. any
interpose or interpolate. in*ter*ca*la* dealings or communication between peo-
tion (in-tur-ka-lay-sh6n) n. ple or countries. 2. sexual intercourse,
in -ter* cede (inter-seed) v. (In* ter* copulation.
ced-ed, in*ter*ced*ing) to intervene in*ter*cul*tur*al (in-tgr-kul-chu-ril) adj.
on behalf of another person or as a peace- occurring among or between or relating
maker. to different cultures.
in*ter*cel*lu*lar (in-ter-sel-yu-lar) adj. In • ter • de • nom • • na • tion • al (in-tfcr-di-

located between or among cells. nom-I-nay-sh6-nal) adj. relating to more

in*ter*cept (in-ter-sept) v. 1. to stop or than one religious denomination.
catch (a person or thing) between his or In • ter *de* part* men* tal (in-tir-dee-
its starting point and destination. 2. (in pahrt-men-tal) adj. relating to more than
mathematics) to mark off (space) be- one department.
tween two points or lines or planes. In- in • ter * de • pend • ent (in-t£r-di-pen-dent)
tercept (in-ter-sept) n. 1 (in mathemat-
. adj. dependent on each other. In* ter*
ics) the part of a line etc. between two de-pend'ence n.
463 interdict / interlocutory

In 'ten diet (in-ter-dikt) v. to prohibit or in • ter • gen • er • a • Won • al (in-ter-jen-e-

forbid authoritatively, interdict (in-ter- ray-shd-nal) adj. occurring between gen-
dikt) n. an authoritative prohibition, in* erations.
ter-dic-tion (in-ter-dik-shon) n. in*ter*lm (in-te-rim) n. an intervening pe-
in • ter • di s • ci • pli • na • ry (in-ter-dis-I-pli- riod of time, in the interim, interim adj.
ner-ee) adj. concerning or combining of or in such a period; an interim report,
more than one branch of learning. one made before the main report, show-
in • ter* est (in-te-rist, in-trist) n. 1. a feel- ing what has happened so far.
ing of curiosity or concern about some- in*te*ri*or (in-teer-i-6r) adj. nearer to the
thing. 2. the quality of arousing such feel- center, inner, interior n. 1. an interior
ing, the subject has no interest for me. part or region, the central or inland part
3. a thing toward which one feels it, mu- of a country. 2. the inside of a building
sic is one of his advantage,
interests. 4. or room. interior decoration, the art
benefit, she looks after her own interests. or profession of designing the layout and
5. a legal right to a share in something, furnishings of the inside of buildings or
a financial stake in a business etc. 6. rooms, interior decorator, a person en-
money paid for the use of money lent; gaged in interior decoration.
return someone's kindness with interest, inter], abbr. interjection.
give back more than one received, inter- in*ter*Ject (in-ter-jekt) to put in (a re-

est v. 1 to arouse the interest of. 2. to

. mark) when someone speaking.
cause to take an interest in, interested in-ter-jec-tion (in-ter-jek-shdn) n. 1. in-
herself in welfare work. interest terjecting. 2. an interjected remark. 3.
group, a group acting together from an exclamation such as oh ! or good heav-
common interest or purpose, in the in- ens!
terest of, in behalf of, to the benefit in* ter* lace (interlays) v. (in- ter • laced,
of. in*ter*lac*ing) to weave or lace to-
in-ter-est-ed (in-te-ri-stid, in-tri-) adj. 1. gether.
feeling or showing interest or curiosity. in* ter* lard (in-ter-lahrd) v. to insert con-
2. having a private interest in something, trasting remarks here and there in (a
interested parties. speech etc.), interlarded his speech with
in-ter-est-ing (in-te-ri-sting, in-tri-) adj. quotations.
arousing interest. In* ter* leaf (in-ter-leef) n. {pi. -leaves, pr.
in* ter* face (in-ter-fays) n. 1. a surface -leevz) an extra blank leaf inserted be-
forming a common boundary between tween the leaves of a book.
two regions. 2. a place, or piece of equip- -leave (in-ter-leev)
in • ter v. (in • ter*
ment, where interaction occurs between leaved, in* ter* leaving) to insert
two systems, processes, etc. blank leaves between the leaves of (a
in* ter* faith (in-ter-fayth) adj. between or book).
among adherents of different religions. in-ter-li-brar-y (in-ter-li-brer-ee) adj. ex-
in* ter* fere (in-ter-feer) v. (in*ter*fered, isting between libraries. Dinterlibrary
in*ter*fer*ing) 1. to take part in deal- loan, a system by which books belonging
ing with other people's affairs without to one library may be borrowed at an-
right or invitation. 2. to obstruct wholly other.
or partially. in* ter -line 1(interim) v. (in* ter* lined,
in*ter*fer*ence (in-ter-feer-ens) n. 1. in- ln-ter-lin-ing) to insert words between
terfering. 2. the fading of received radio the lines of.
signals because of static or unwanted sig- interline 2 (in-ter-lm) v. to put an extra lin-
nals. 3. (in football) the blockers who ing between the ordinary lining and the
run ahead of the ball carrier to keep tack- outer material (of a garment), in'ter*
lers away; illegal hindering of a pass re- lin'ing n.
ceiver before he catches a pass. in-ter-lin-e-ar (in-ter-lin-i-ar) adj. writ-
in • ter • f er • om • e • ter (in-ter-f e-rom-e- ten or printed between the lines of a text.
ter) n. a device for making precise in* ter -link (in-ter-lingk) v. to link to-
measurements by means of interference gether.
phenomena. in*ter*fer*om'e*try n. in* ter* lock (in-ter-lok) v. to fit into each
in*ter*fer*on (in-ter-feer-on) n. a protein other, especially so that parts engage.
substance that prevents the development in*ter*loc*u*tor (in-ter-lok-yu-tdr) n. 1.
of a virus in living cells. a person who takes part in dialogue or
in* ter -fuse (in-ter-fyooz) v. (in* ter* conversation. 2. the center man in a min-
fused, in-ter-fus-ing) 1. to inter- strel show who acts as announcer and
sperse. 2. to blend. exchanges jokes with the end men.
in • ter -ga- iac -tic (in-ter-ga-lak-tik) adj. in • ter • loc • u • to • ry (in-ter-lok-yu-tohr-
of or in the space between galaxies. ee) adj. (of a decree etc.) given in the
interlope / interplanetary 464

course of a legal action, before the final as an assistant doctor in a hospital, in-
decision. tern v. to serve as an intern, in'tern*
in- ter -lope (in-ter-lohp) v. (in* ter* Ship n.
loped, in • ter • lop • ing) to intrude or in- in*ter*nal (in-tur-nil) adj. 1. of or in the
terfere in the affairs of another. In* ter* inside of a thing. 2. belonging to a thing
lop*er (in-ter-loh-per) n. because of its nature or structure; inter-
interlude (in-ter-lood) n. 1. an interval nal evidence, evidence contained in the
between parts of a play etc. 2. something thing being discussed. 3. of or in the inte-
performed during this. 3. an intervening rior of the body, internal organs. 4. of
time or event etc. of a different kind from the domestic affairs of a country, in*
the main one. ter / nal*ly adv. internal-combus-
in*ter*lu*nar (in-ter-loo-nar) adj. of or tion engine, an engine that produces
relating to the period of the liinar month power by burning fuel inside the engine
when the moon is invisible. itself rather than externally, internal
in* ter* marry (in-ter-mar-ee) v. (in* medicine, the branch of medicine deal-
ter -mar Tied, in* ter* marry* ing) 1. ing with the diagnosis and nonsurgical
. (of tribes or nations or families etc.) to treatment of disease, internal revenue,
become connected by marriage. 2. to the revenue of a government derived
marry within one's own family, in* ter* from sources within the country.
marriage (in-ter-mar-ij) n, in*ter*na*tion*al (in-ter-nash-d-nal) adj.
In*ter*me*dl*ar*y (in-ter-mee-di-er-ee) of or existing or agreed between two or
n. (pi -ar*ies) a mediator, a go-between. more countries. International n. 1 one .

intermediary adj. 1 acting as an inter-

. of several associations founded to pro-
mediary. 2. intermediate in position or mote socialist or communist action. 2.
form. (often international) a labor union with
in*ter*me*dl*ate (in-ter-mee-di-it) adj. locals in two or more countries. In* ter*
coming between two things in time or na'tiorval'ly adv.
place or order. Intermediate n. 1. an In • ter • na * tlon • al • ism (in-ter-nash-d-na-
intermediate thing. 2. an intermediary. liz-em) n. the policy of cooperation
intermediate school, a middle among nations, especially in political and
school or junior high school, for the economic affairs. in*ter*na'tion*al*
grades between elementary school and 1st n.
high school. in • ter • na • tion • al • Ize (in-ter-nash-6-na-
in*ter*ment (in-tur-ment) n. burial. liz) v. (In • ter • na tion
• • al • ized, In • ter •
ODo not confuse interment with intern- na tlon -al-iz- ing)

to make interna-
ment. tional, especially to bring under the com-
in*ter*mez*zo (in-tfcr-met-soh) n. (pi bined protection etc. of different nations.
-Z08) a short musical composition to be In • ter * na * tion • al • • za • tion
I (in-ter-
played between acts of a play etc. or be- nash-o-n5-H-zay-sh6n) n.
tween sections of a larger work or inde- In •ter 'ne* cine (in-t£r-nee-seen, -nes-een)
pendently. adj. 1 mutually destructive. 2. of a strug-

in*ter*mi*na*ble (in-tur-ml-na-b*l) adj. gle within a nation, organization, group,

endless, long and boring. In*ter'ml* etc.
nably adv. in*tern*ee (in-tur-nee) n. a person who
in-ter-mln-gle (in-ter-ming-ge!) v. (In* is interned.
ter-min-gled, In-ter-mln-gllng) to in* tern* 1st (in-tur-nist) n. a specialist in
mingle. internal medicine.
ln-ter-mls*slon (in-ter-mish-on) n. an in- in -tern- men t (in-turn-ment) n. interning,
terval, a pause in work or action. being interned. Internment camp, a
in*ter*mlt (in-teY-mit) v. (in ter -ml t- • place where internees are imprisoned.
ted, In-ter-mlt'tlng) 1. to suspend, to fc> Do not confuse internment with inter-

discontinue. 2. to stop for a time. ment.

in*ter*mlt*tent (in-ter-mit-ent) adj. oc- ln*ter*nun*ci*o (in-ter-nun-shi-oh) n.

curring at intervals, not continuous, in- (pi -clos) the pope's ambassador when
termittent rain. in*ter*mlt'tent*ly adv. or where no nuncio is employed.
In* ter* mix (in-ter-miks) v. to mix. In* ter* of* flee (in-ter-iw-fis) adj. func-
In "tern 1 (in-turn) compel (an enemy
v. to tioning or passing between the offices of
alien or prisoner of war etc.) to live in an organization.
a special area or camp. In • ter -per- son -al (in-ter-pur-sd-nal) adj.
in -tern 2 , In-terne (in-turn) n. an ad- of the relations between persons, in* ter*
vanced student or recent graduate under- per'son-al-ly adv.
going supervised practical training, espe- In • ter • plan • e • tar • y (in-teY-plan-d-ter-ee)
cially a medical school graduate acting adj. of or existing between planets.
465 interplay / intervocalic

in 'ten play (in-ter-play) n. interaction. in* ter* sect (in-ter-sekt) v. 1. to divide (a

In-ter-pol (in-ter-pohl) n. /nternational thing) by passing or lying across it. 2.
Criminal Police Commission, an organi- (of lines or roads etc.) to cross each other.
zation that coordinates investigations in* ter* sec* tion (in-ter-sek-sh6n) n. a
made by the police forces of member place where lines or roads etc. intersect.
countries into crimes with an interna- in-ter-ses-sion (in-ter-sesh-dn) n. a
tional basis. school or college semester coming be-
in • ter -po- late (in-tur-pd-layt) v. (in* tween spring and summer or between
ter-po-lat-ed, in-ter-po-lat-ing) 1. summer and fall semesters.
to interject. 2. to insert (new material) in-ter-sperse (inter-spurs) v. (in* ter*
misleadingly into a book etc. in* ter* spersed, in-ter-spers-ing) to insert
po*la*tion (in-tur-pd-lay-shdn) n. contrasting material here and there in
in* ter* pose (in-ter-pohz) v. (in-ter- (a thing), in-ter-sper-sion (in-ter-
posed, in-ter-pos-ing) to insert be-
1 . spur-z/ion) n.
tween, to interject. 2. to intervene, in* in* ter* state (in-ter-stayt) adj. existing or
ter*po*8i*tion (in-ter-pd-zish-dn) n. carried on between states. D
in*ter*pret (in-tur-prit) v. 1. to explain highway, a road of the highway system
the meaning of. 2. to understand in a that links states of the U.S.
specified way. 3. to act as interpreter. in-ter-stel-lar (in-ter-stel-ar) adj. of or
in • ter • pre • ta • tion (in-tur-pre-tay- existing between stars.
shdn) n. in-ter'pre-tive adj. in-ter-stice (in-tur-stis) n. (pi. -stic*
in • ter • pre • ta • ti ve (in-tur-pre-tay-tiv) es, pr. -sti-seez, -siz) a small intervening
adj. interpreting. space, a crevice. in*ter*sti*tial (in-ter-
in*ter*pret*er (in-tur-pre-ter) n. a person stish-al) adj.
whose job' is to translate a speech etc. in • ter • tid • al (in-ter-ti-dal) adj. of or relat-
into another language, orally in the pres- ing to the space between low and high
ence of the speaker. tide marks.
in-ter-ra-cial (in-ter-ray-shal) adj. for, of, In* ter* twine (in-ter-twin) v. (in* ter*
among, or between races or people of twined, in -ter- twin -ing) to twine to-
different races. gether, to entwine.
in-ter-reg-num (in-ter-reg-num) n. (pi in-ter-ur-ban (in-ter-ur-ban) adj. be-
-nums, -na, pr. -na) 1 a period between
. tween or connecting cities.
the rule of two successive rulers. 2. a in-ter- val (in-ter-val) n. 1 a time between

break in continuity. two events or parts of an action. 2. a

in* ter* re* late (in-ter-ri-layt) v. (in* pause between two parts of a perfor-
ter-re-lat-ed, ln*ter*re*lat*ing) to mance. 3. a space between two objects
relate to each other, in -ten re -la 'ted- or points. 4. the difference in musical
ness n. in* ter* re* taction n. in* ter* pitch between two notes. Dat intervals,
re-la'tion-ship n. with some time or distance between, not
interrog. abbr. 1. interrogation. 2. inter- continuous.
rogative. in-ter-vene (in-ter- veen) v. (in • ter*
in -ter -ro -gate (in-ter-6-gayt) v. (in* vened, in* ter* vending) 1. to occur in
ter -ro- gat -ed, in-ter-ro-gat-ing) to the time between events, in the interven-
ask questions of, especially closely or for- ing years. 2. to cause hindrance by occur-
mally. in*ter'ro*ga*tor n. in -ter* ring, we should have finished harvesting
ro-ga-tion (in-ter-6-gay-sh6n) n. but a storm intervened. 3. to enter a dis-
in-ter-rog-a-tive (in-te-rog-a-tiv) adj. cussion or dispute etc. in order to change
questioning, having the form of a ques- its course or resolve it. in'tenven'er
tion, an interrogative tone. In*ter* n.
rog'a*tive*ly adv. interrogative in-ter-ven-tion (in-ter- ven-sh6n) n. the
pronoun, see pronoun. act of intervening or interfering, espe-
in • ter • rog • a • to • ry (in-te-rog-a-tohr-ee) cially in the affairs of nations, in* ter*
adj. questioning, interrogatory n. a set ven'tion-ism n. in*ter*ven'tion*ist
of questions, (in law) one formally put n.
to an accused person. in* ter* view (in-ter- vyoo)
«. a formal
in-ter-rupt (in-te-rupt) v. 1. to break the meeting or conversation with a person,
continuity of. 2. to break the flow of a held in order to assess his or her merits
speech etc. by inserting a remark. 3. to as a candidate etc. or to obtain comments
obstruct (a view etc.). in*ter*rupt'er n. and information, interview v. to hold
in*ter*rup'tive adj. in • ter -mp- tion an interview with, in'ter* viewer n.
(in-te-nip-shon) n. in*ter*vo*cal*iC (in-ter- voh-kal-ik) adj.
in • ter • echo • las • tic (in-ter-skd-las-tik) (usually of a consonant) between two
adj. existing between schools. vowels.
interweave / intrigue 466
in -ter- weave (inter- weev) (in-ter-
v. in* tone (in-tohn) v. (in* toned, in*
wove, in*ter*wo*ven, in -ter- weav- ton*lng) to recite in a chanting voice,
ing) to weave (strands etc.) into one an- especially on one note.
other, to become woven together, in* In to* to (in toh-toh) completely.
ter*wo*ven (in-ter- woh-ven) adj. > Latin.
in*tes*tate (in-tes-tayt) adj. not having in*tox*i*cant (in-tok-sl-kant) n. some-
made a valid will before death occurs, thing that intoxicates, especially an alco-
he died intestate. in«tes-ta*cy (in-tes- holic beverage.
ta-see) n. in*tox*i*cate (in-tok-sl-kayt) v. (in*
in*tes*tine (in-tes-tin) n. the long tubular tox*i*cat*ed, in*tox*i*cat*ing) 1. to
section of the alimentary canal, extend- make drunk. 2. to excite or exhilarate
ing from the outlet of the stomach to beyond self-control. in*tox*i*ca*tion
the anus. in*tes'tin*al a^/.C intesti- (in-tok-sl-kay-shdn) n.
nal flu, a gastric disorder of unknown intr. abbr. intransitive.
origin, large intestine, the broader and Intra- prefix within, as in intramural in-
shorter part of the intestine, including travenous.
the colon and rectum, small intestine, in*trac*ta*ble (in-trak-ta-bel) adj. un-
the narrower and longer part. manageable, hard to deal with or control,
inornate 1 (in-ti-mit) adj. 1. having a an intractable difficulty; intractable chil-
close acquaintance or friendship with a dren. in*trac*ta*bil*i*ty (in-trak-ta-
person. 2. having a sexual relationship bil-i-tee) n.
with a person, especially outside mar- in-tra-dos (in-tra-dos) n. {pi -dos,
riage. private and personal. 4. (of
3. -dOS*es) the inside curve of an arch.
knowledge) detailed and obtained by in*tra*mo*lec*u*lar (in-tra-md-lek-yu-
much study or experience, intimate n. lar) adj. occurring within a molecule, in •
an intimate friend, in'thmate'ly adv. tra-mo-lec'u-lar-ly adv.
in*ti*ma*cy (in-tl-ma-see) n. in*tra*mu*ral (in-tra-myoor-al) adj. oc-
in -ti- mate 2 (in-tl-mayt) v. (in*ti*mat* curring within an institution, especially
ed, ln*ti*mat*ing) to make known, es- a school, an intramural contest
pecially by hinting. in«ti«ma-tion (in- in*tra*mus*cu*lar (in-tra-mus-kyu-lar)
tl-may-shdn) n. adj. into a muscle, intramuscular injec-
in*tim*i*date (in-tim-i-dayt) v. (in* tions. in*tra*mus'cu*lar*ly adv.
tim-i-dat-ed, in-tim-i-dat-ing) to intrans. abbr. intransitive.
subdue or influence by frightening with in-tran-si-gent (in-tran-si-jent) adj. un-
threats or force. in*tim*i*da*tion (in- willing to compromise, stubborn, intran-
tim-i-day-shdn) n. sigent n. an intransigent person. In*
in -tinC'tlon (in-tingk-shdn) n. the dipping tran'si-gence n.
of the Eucharistic bread in the wine, to in-tran-si-tlve (in-tnm-si-tiv) adj. (of a
enable the communicant to receive both verb) used without being followed by a
elements together. direct object, as hear in we can hear (but
intl. abbr. international. not in we can hear you), In'tran'si*
in* to (in-too) prep. 1. to the inside of, to tlve*ly adv.
a point within, went into the house; fell in -tra- state (in-tra-stayt) adj. existing
into the river; far into the night 2. to a within a state.
particular state or condition or occupa- in*tra*u*ter*ine (in-tra-yoo-te-rin) adj.
tion, got into trouble; grew into an adult- within the uterus. intrauterine de-
went into banking. 3. (in mathematics) vice, a contraceptive that is inserted and
4 into 20, 4 divided by 20. 4. (slang) left in the uterus.
interested in, my brother is into rock. in*tra*ve*nous (in-tra-vee-nus) adj. into
in-tol-er-a-ble (in-tol-e-ra-b£l) adj. un- a vein. ln*tra*ve'nous*ly adv.
bearable. ln*tol'er*a*bly adv. in 'trench (in-trench) = entrench.
in -tol-er-ant (in-tol-e-rant) adj. not toler- in*trep*ld (in-trep-id) adj. fearless, brave,
ant, unwilling to tolerate ideas or beliefs in-trep'id-ly adv. in*trep*ld*i*ty (in-
from one's own, intolerant
etc. that differ tre-pid-i-tee) n.
of opposition. in*tol'er*ant*ly adv. In* in*tri*cate (in-tri-kit) adj. very compli-
tol'er*ance n. cated. ln'tri*cate*ly adv. in*tri-ca-
in-to-na-tlon (in-td-nay-sh6n) n. 1. in- cy (in-trf-kS-see) n.
toning. 2. the tone or pitch of the voice in-trigue (in-treeg) v. (in-trigued, in-
in speaking. 3. the quality of a musical trigu-ing) 1. to plot with someone in
sound, especially with regard to pitch; an underhand way, to use secret influ-
the violinist s performance was marred by ence. 2. to rouse the interest or curiosity
faulty intonation, some notes were not of, the subject intrigues me. intrigue (in-
on pitch. treeg, in-treeg) n. 1 . underhand plotting,
467 intrinsic / inveigle

an underhand plot. 2. a secret love affair. ln*tu*l*tlve (in-too-T-tiv) adj. of or pos-

in*trigu'ing*ly adv. sessing or based on intuition, in*tu'i*
in 'trill* sic (in-trin-sik) adj. belonging to tive-ly adv.
the basic nature of a person or thing; ln-tu-mesce (in-tu-mes) v. (in*tu*
the intrinsic value of a coin, the value mesced, in*tu*mesc*ing) to swell up.
of the metal in it as opposed to its face in-tu-mes'cence n. in-tu-mes'cent
value, in*trin'si*cal*iy adv. >Do
not adj.
confuse intrinsic with extrinsic. in-un- date (in-un-dayt, in-un-) v. (in*
in*tro (in-troh) n. (pi. intros) (informal) un*dat*ed, in- un -dat-ing) 1 to flood, .

an introduction. to coyer with water. 2. to overwhelm

Intro., introd. abbr. 1 . introduction. 2. in- as if with a flood, irvun-da-tion (in-
troductory. un-day-shon) n.
in-tro-duce (in-tro-doos) v. (in*tro* In*ure (in-yoor, i-noor) v. (in -u red, in*
duc-ed, in-tro-duc-ing) 1. to make ur*ing) to accustom, especially to some-
(a person) known by name to others. 2. thing unpleasant.
to announce (a speaker or broadcast pro- in* um (in-urn) v. to put (the ashes of a
gram etc.) to listeners or viewers. 3. to cremated body) in an urn.
bring (a bill) before a legislature. 4. to in u*ter*0 (in yoo-ter-oh) in the womb,
cause (a person) to become acquainted before birth. > Latin.
with a subject. 5. to bring (a custom or inv. abbr. invoice.
idea etc.) into use or into a system. 6. in va*CU*0 (in vak-yoo-oh) in a vacuum.
to bring or put in, introduce the needle >
into a vein. in*vade (in-vayd) v. (in-vad-ed, in*
in*tro*duC*tion (in-tr5-duk-shdn) n. 1. vad*ing) 1. to enter (territory) with
introducing, being introduced. 2. the for- armed forces in order to attack or dam-
mal presentation of one person to an- age or occupy it. 2. to crowd into, tourists
other. 3. a short explanatory section at invaded the city. 3. to penetrate harm-
the beginning of a book or speech etc. fully, the disease had invaded all parts
4. an introductory treatise. 5. a short of the body. in*vad'er n.
preliminary section leading up to the in-va-lid 1 (in-va-lid) n. a person who is
main part of a musical composition. weakened by illness or injury, one who
in*tro*duc*to*ry (in-trd-duk-td-ree) adj. suffers from ill health for a long time.
introducing a person or subject. invalid adj. 1. weakened by illness or
in*troit (in-troh-it) 1 a psalm or antiphon
. injury. 2. of or for invalids, invalid v.

sung while the priest approaches the altar 1 . by illness or in-

to disable (a person)
to celebrate mass in the Roman Catholic jury. 2. to remove from active service
Church. 2. a psalm or choral response because of ill health or injury, he was
sung at the beginning of a church service. invalided out of the army.
in*tro*mit (in-trd-mit) v. (in*tro*mit* in*val*id 2 (in-val-id) adj. not valid, in*
ted, in*tro*mlt*ting) to let in or admit val*id*i*ty (in-v&-lid-i-tee) n.
(into), to insert. in*tro*mit'tent adj. in*val*i*date (in-val-T-dayt) v. (in*val*
in*tro*mis*sion (in-trd-mish-dn) n. i-dat-ed, in*val*i*dat*ing) to make
in*tro*spec*tion (in-trd-spek-shdn) n. invalid. in*val*i*da*tion (in-val-I-day-
examination of one's own thoughts and shon) n.
feelings. in*tro*spec'tlve adj. in*tro* in*val*u*a*ble (in-val-yoo-a-bel) adj.
spec'tive*ly adv. having a value that is too great to be
in*tro*vert (in-trd-vurt) n. a person who measured. hvval'u*a*bly adv. >Do
is concerned more with his own thoughts not confuse invaluable with valuable or
and feelings than with the people and valueless.
things around him, a shy person, in'tro • In*var*i*a*ble (in-vair-i-a-bel) adj. not
vert*ed adj. ln*tro*ver*sion (in-trd- variable, always the same. In*var'i*
vw-zhdn) n. a*bly adv.
hvtrude (in-trood)
v. (in-trud-ed, in* in*va*sion (in-vay-z/wn) n. invading, be-
trud'ing) to come or join in without ing invaded.
being invited or wanted. Iivtrud'er n. in*va*sive (in-vay-siv) adj. invading; an
in-tru'Sion (in-troo-z/idn) n. invasive plant, one that spreads freely
in*tru*sive (in-troo-siv) adj. intruding, into areas where it is not wanted.
in-tru'sive-ness n. in*vec*tive (in-vek-tiv) n. a violent attack
in*tu*it (in-too-it) v. to know by intuition. in words, abusive language.
in«tu*i*tion (in-too-ish-dn) n. the power in*veigh (in-vay) v. to attack violently or
of knowing or understanding something bitterly in words.
immediately without reasoning or being in-vei-gle (in-vay-gel) v. (in-vei-gled,
taught. in-vei-gling) to entice.
invent / involuntary 468
in* vent (in-vent) by thought,
v. 1 . to create a*cy (in-vet-e-ra-see) n. in*vet'er*ate-
to make or design (something that did ly adv.
not exist before). 2. to construct (a false in*vid*i*ous (in-vid-i-us) adj. likely to
or fictional story), invented an excuse. cause resentment because of real or imag-
iivven'tor n, ined injustice, an invidious comparison.
in*ven*tion (in-ven-shdn) n. 1. inventing, in*vid'i*ous*ly adv. >Do not confuse
being invented. 2. something invented. invidious with insidious.
in*ven*tive (in-ven-tiv) adj. able to invent in*vig*or*ate (in-vig-6-rayt) v. (In*
things. in*ven'tive*ness n. vig • or • at • ed, in • vig • or • at • ing) to fill
in*ven*to*ry (in-ven-tohr-ee) n. {pi with vigor, to give strength or courage
-ries) a detailed hst of goods or property to.
or supplies and materials in stock etc. in • vin • ci • ble (in-vin-st-bel) adj. uncon-
inventory v. (in*ven*to*Ned, in-ven* querable. in*vin'ci*bly adv. in* vin*
to*ry*ing) to make an inventory of, to ci*bil*i*ty (in-vin-si-bil-i-tee) n.
enter in an inventory. in*vi*o*la*ble (in-vi-6-la-bel) adj. not to
in* verse (in-vurs, in-vurs) adj. reversed in be violated. in*vi*o*la*bil*i*ty (in-vi-
position or order or relation; in inverse 6-la-bil-i-tee) n.
proportion, with the first quantity in- in*vi*0*late (in-vi-d-lit) adj. 1. not vio-
creasing in proportion as the other de- lated. 2. not broken. 3. not profaned.
creases, or vice versa, inverse n. 1 an . in • vis* I* ble (in-viz-i-bel) adj. not visible,
inverse state. 2. a thing that is the exact unable to be seen. in*vis'i*bly adv.
opposite of another, in*verse'ly adv. in*vis*i*bil*i*ty (in-viz-I-bil-i-tee) n.
in*ver*sion (in-vur-z/ron) n. 1. inverting, invisible ink, colorless ink for writing
being inverted. 2. anything inverted. 3. words etc. that cannot be seen until the
an atmospheric condition in which hot paper is heated or treated in some way.
polluted air is trapped near the ground in*vi*ta*tion (in-vi-tay-sh6n) n. 1. the act
by a layer of motionless cool air. of inviting to come or to do. 2. a written
in* vert (in-vurt) v. to turn (a thing) upside or printed request for one's presence.
down, to reverse the position or order in*vi*ta*tion*al (in-vi-tay-shd-nal) adj.
or relationship etc. of. in*vert'i*ble adj. limited to those invited, invitational tour-
in*ver*te*brate (in-vur-te-brit, -brayt) nament.
adj. not having a backbone, inverte- in-vite (in-vit) v. (in*vit*ed, ln*vit*
brate n. an invertebrate animal. ing) 1. to ask (a person) in a friendly
in* vest (in- vest) v. 1. to use (money) to way to come to one's house or to a gath-
buy securities or property etc. in order ering etc. 2. to ask (a person) formally
to earn interest or bring profit for the to do something. 3. to ask for (comments,
buyer. 2. to spend money or time or effort suggestions, etc.). 4. to act so as to be
on something that will be useful, invest likely to cause (a thing) unintentionally,
in a freezer. 3. to confer a rank or office you're inviting disaster. 5. to attract, to
or power upon (a person). 4. to endow tempt, invfte (in-vit) n. (slang) an invita-
with a quality. in*ves'tor n. tion.
in*ves*ti*gate (in-ves-tl-gayt) v. (in* in*vit*ing (in-vi-ting) adj. attracting one
ves-ti*gat*ed, in*ves*ti*gat*ing) to to do something pleasant and tempting.
make a careful study of (a thing) in order in*vo*ca*tion (in-vd-kay-shdn) n. invok-
to discover the facts aboutit. in*ves'ti* ing, calling upon God in prayer.
ga-tor in-ves'ti-ga-tive adj. In*
n. in* voice (in-vois) n. a list of goods sent
ves tl ga to ry (in-ves-tl-ga-tohr-ee)
• • • • or services performed, with prices and
adj. in*ves*ti*ga*tion (in-ves-tl-gay- charges, invoice v. (in* voiced, in*
shon) n. investigative reporting or voic-ing) 1. to make an invoice of
journalism, reporting based on informa- (goods). 2. to send an invoice to (a per-
tion obtained by systematic research into son).
a subject that is of public interest. in-voke (in-vohk) v. (in-voked, in*
in*ves*ti*ture (in-?es-ti-chur) n. the vok-ing) 1. to call upon (God) in
process of investing a person with rank prayer. 2. to call for the help or protec-
or office etc., a ceremony at which the tion of, invoked the law. 3. to summon
sovereign confers honors. up (a spirit) with words.
In*vest*ment (in-vest-ment) n. 1. invest- in*vo*lu*cre (in-v6-loo-k£r) n. 1. a whorl
ing. 2. a sum of money invested. 3. some- of bracts surrounding an inflorescence.
thing in which money or time or effort 2. a covering.
is invested. in*vol*un*tar*y (in-vol-un-ter-ee) adj.
In*vet*er*ate (in-vet-e-rit) adj. 1. habit- done without intention or without con-
ual, an inveterate smoker. 2. firmly estab- scious effort of the will, an involuntary
lished, inveterate prejudices. in*vet*er* movement (as jumping when startled).
469 involute / Irish

in • vol • u n • tar • i • ly (in-vol-iin-ter-T-lee) possible amount, a jot, it doesn't make

adv. an iota of difference.
in*vo*lute (in-v6-loot) adj. 1. curled spi- IOU (i-oh-yoo)n. (pi. lOUs) a signed paper
rally. 2. involved or intricate. acknowledging that one owes a sum of
in*VO*IU*tion (in-v6-loo-sh6n) n. 1. an in- money to the holder (= I owe you).
volving, entanglement. 2. intricacy. 3. a l*0*wa (i-6-wa) a state of the U.S. I'O*
curling inward, or a part so curled. 4. wan adj. & if.

the raising of a mathematical quantity IP abbr. innings pitched.

to any power. IPA abbr. International Phonetic Alphabet.
in-volve (in-volv) v. (involved, in* ip-e-cac (ip-e-kak) n. ipecacuanha, the
volv*ing) 1. to contain within itself, to dried root of a South American plant,
make necessary as a condition or result, used as an emetic or purgative.
the plan involves much expense. 2. to in- IPS, ips abbr. inches per seeond.
clude or affect in its operation, the safety ip*SO fac*tO (ip-soh fak-toh) by that very
of the nation is involved. 3. to bring (a fact or act. Latin. >
person or thing) into difficulties, it will IQ abbr. intelligence quotient.
involve us in much expense. 4. to show Ir symbol iridium.
(a person) to be concerned in a crime IR abbr. 1 . information retrieval. 2. internal
etc. 5. to take up all of one's attention. revenue.
6. to complicate (a matter), in-volve' Ir.abbr. 1. Ireland. 2. Irish.
ment n. IRA abbr. individual retirement account.
in-volved (in-volvd) adj. 1. complicated. I.R.A. abbr. Irish Republican Army.
2. concerned in something. I* ran (i-ran) a country in southwest Asia,
in*vul*ner*a*ble (in-vul-ne-ra-bel) adj. formerly called Persia. I*ra*ni*an
not vulnerable. in*vul*ner*a*bil*i*ty (i-ray-ni-Sn) adj. & n.
(in-vul-ne-ra-bil-i-tee) n. I*raq (i-rak) a country lying between Iran
in* ward (in- ward) adj. 1. situated on the and Saudi Arabia. I*raq*i (i-rak-ee) adj.
inside. 2. going toward the inside. 3. in & n. (pi. I*raq*is).
the mind or spirit, inward happiness, in* i*ras*Ci*ble (i-ras-I-bel) adj. irritable, hot-
ward, in* wards (in-wardz) adv. 1. to- tempered. i*ras'ci*bly adv. i*ras*ci*
ward the inside. 2. toward the mind or bil*i*ty (i-ras-T-bil-i-tee) n.
spirit, he turned inward. I*rate (i-rayt, i-rayt) adj. angry, enraged,
in*ward*ly (in-ward-lee) adv. 1. toward i-rate'ly adv.
the inside. 2. in the mind or spirit, in- IRBM abbr. intermediate range ballistic
wardly occupied. missile.
i*0*dide (i-6-did) n. a compound of iodine ire (ir) n. anger.
with another element or radical. Ire* land (ir-land) an island west of Great
i*0*dine (i-6-din) n. a chemical element Northern Ireland
Britain, divided into
found in seawater and certain seaweeds, (which forms part of the United King-
used in solution as an antiseptic. dom) and the Republic of Ireland.
i*o*dize (i-6-diz) v. (i*o-dized, l*o* i*ren*ic (i-ren-ik) adj. tending toward or
diz*ing) to impregnate with iodine or promoting peace.
a compound of it. ir*l*des*cent (ir-i-des-ent) adj. showing
I* on (i-on) n. one of the electrically rainbowlike colors, showing a change of
charged particles in certain substances. colorwhen its position is altered. Ir*
i*on*iC (i-on-ik) adj. i*des'cence n.
l*on*ic (i-on-ik) adj. of the Ionic order, i*rid*i*um (i-rid-i-iim) n. a white metallic
one of the five classical orders of archi- brittle element of the platinum group,
tecture, characterized by columns with used especially in hard alloys.
scroll-like ornamentation at the top. i*ris (i-ris) n, (pi iTis-es, i-ri-des, pr.
i*on*ize (i-d-niz) v. (i*on*ized, l*on* 1 . the flat circular colored
i-ri-deez, ir-i-)
iZ'ing) to convert or be converted into membrane in the eye, with a circular
ions. i'on*lz*er n. l'on*iz*a*ble adj. opening (the pupil) in the center. 2. a
i*on*i*za*tion (i-6-ni-zay-shdn) n. plant with sword-shaped leaves and
i*on*o*sphere (i-on-d-sfeer) n. an ion- showy flowers with large petals.
ized region of the upper atmosphere, able I*rish (i-rish) adj. of Ireland or its people
to reflect radio waves for transmission or language. Irish if. 1. the Celtic lan-
to another part of Earth. i*on*o* guage of Ireland. 2. the Irish, people of
spher*ic (i-on-6-sfer-ik) adj. Irish birth or descent. 3. (informal) bad
IOOF abbr. Independent Order of Odd Fel- temper; with his Irish up, angry. I'rlsh*
lows. man if. l'rish*wom*an if. (pi. -wom-
l*0*ta (i-oh-ta) n. 1. the ninth letter of en, pr. -wim-in) Irish coffee, hot cof-
the Greek alphabet (I i). 2. the smallest fee and Irish whiskey, with sugar and
irk / irrelevant 470
whipped cream. Irish setter, one of a as gratings, rails, railings, etc. made of
breed of bird dogs with a silky brownish iron, i* ron* works (i-drn-wurks) n, a

red coat. Irish stew, a stew of meat, place where iron is smelted or where
potatoes, and onions. Irish tweed, a heavy iron goods are made. I'ron*
kind of tweed used in making suits and work-er n.
coats. Irish whiskey, a kind of whiskey hro«ny (i-rd-nee) n. (pi. -nies) 1. the ex-
distilled in Ireland, especially from pression of one's meaning by using words
malted barley. of the opposite meaning in order to make
irk (urk) v. to annoy, to be tiresome to. one's remarks forceful, as that will please
irk* some (urk-sdm) adj. tiresome, irk' him (used of something that will not
some-ly adv. please him at all). 2. (of an occurrence)
i*ron (i-orn) n. 1. a very common hard the quality of being so unexpected or ill-
gray metal, capable of being magnetized. timed that it appears to be deliberately
2. a tool made of this, branding iron. perverse.
3. a golf club with an iron or steel head. lr*o*quois (ir-d-kwoi, -kwoiz) n. (pi Ir*
4. an implement with a flat base that is o quois) 1 any of several Indian tribes
• .

heated for smoothing cloth or clothes etc. of a powerful confederacy formerly in-
5. something thought to be as unyielding habiting New York state. 2. a member
as iron, a constitution or will of iron. 6. of these tribes. Ir-o-quoi'an adj. & n.
irons, fetters, 'in irons, iron adj. 1 of iron. . ir*ra*di*ate (i-ray-di-ayt) v. (lr»ra»
2. very strong. 3. firm, unyielding, merci- di-at-ed, ir-ra-di-at-ing) to shine
less, an iron will, iron v. to smooth upon, to subject to radiation. lr«ra*
(clothes etc.) with an iron; iron out the di*a*tion (i-ray-di-ay-shdn) n.
difficulties, deal with and remove them. ir*ra*tion*al (i-rash-d-nal) adj. 1. not ra-
Dlron Age, the period when weapons tional, not guided by reasoning, illogical,
and tools were made of iron. Iron Cur- irrational fears or behavior. 2. not capa-
tain, an invisible barrier preventing the ble of reasoning. ir*ra'tion*al*ly adv.
free passage of people and information ir«ra«tion*al-i«ty (i-rash-d-nal-i-tee) n.
between the U.S.S.R. (and countries un- irrational number, a number not ex-
der its influence) and the Western world. pressible by an ordinary finite proper or
ironing board, a narrow flat strip of improper fraction.
wood etc. on which clothes etc. are ir* re »claim *a* Die (ir-i-klay-ma-bSl) adj.
ironed, iron lung, a rigid case fitting not to be reclaimed or reformed.
over a patient's body, used for adminis- i r • rec on cil a ble
• • (i-rek-dn-si-la-bel)
• •

tering artificial respiration for a pro- adj. unable to be reconciled. Ir*rec*

longed period by means of mechanical on • cil • a • bil • I • ty (i-rek-dn-si-la-bil-i-
pumps, iron out, to remove (difficulties tee) n.
etc.). iron pyrite, a mineral that is a ir • re • cov • er • a • ble (ir-i-kuv-£-ra-b£l)
sulfide of iron, pyrite. many irons in adj. unable to be recovered. Ir«re*
the fire, many undertakings or re- cov'er*a*bly adv.
sources. ir-re-deem-a-ble (ir-i-dee-ma-bel) adj.
lTon» bound (i-drn-bownd) adj. 1. bound unable to be redeemed. ir«re*deem , a»
with iron. rugged, rocky.
2. (of a coast) bly adv.
3. rigid, inflexible, unyielding, ir*re*den*tlsm (ir-i-den-tiz-em) n. a pol-
hron-clad (i-orn-klad) adj. 1. covered icy that seeks to recover a linguistically
with or protected by iron. 2. rigid, exact- or historically related area from foreign
ing. rule. ir«re*den'tist n.
hron'ic i-ron-i-cal (i-ron-i-
(i-ron-ik), ir-re-duC'i'ble (ir-i-doo-sI-bSl) adj. un-
kal) adj.using or expressing irony. able to be reduced, an irreducible mini-
i»ron'i«cal-ly adv. mum. ir*re*duc / i*bly adv.
i*ron-ing (i-dr-ning) n. clothing etc. ir • ret -ra- gamble (i-ref-ra-ga-b£l) adj. in-
ironed or to be ironed. disputable, unanswerable.
i*ron* stone (i-dm-stohn) n. 1. hard iron ir*ref*u*ta*ble (i-ref-yu-ta-b£l) adj. un-
ore. 2. a kind of hard white pottery. able to be refuted, ir-refu'ta^bly adv.
i-ron«ware (i-drn-wair) n. light articles irreg. abbr. 1. irregular. 2. irregularly.
made of iron. ir*reg*u*lar (i-reg-yu-lar) adj. 1 not regu- .

i-ron-weed (i-6rn-weed) n. a North lar, uneven, varying. 2. contrary to rules

American weedy plant with tubular red or to established custom. 3. (of troops)
or purple flowers. not belonging to the regular armed
i• ron • wood (i-6m-wuud) n. 1 a tree with
. forces, irregular n. a member of an irreg-
very hard wood, especially the horn- ular military force. lr»reg'u«lar'ly adv.
beam. 2. its wood. ir*reg-u*lar*i-ty (i-reg-yu-lar-i-tee) n.
i« ron* work (i-dm-wurk) n. articles such ir»rel«e«vant (i-rel-£-vant) adj. not rele-
471 irreligious / isolate

vant. ir*rel'e*vant*ly adv. Ir*rel'e* to cause itching, ir'ri* tat • ing *ly adv. ir*
vance n. ri*ta*tion (ir-i-tay-sh6n) n.
lr*re*ll*gious (ir-i-lij-us) adj. not reli- Ir*rupt (i-rupt) v. 1. to invade, to enter
gious, irreverent. ir*re*li'glous*ly adv. forcibly or violently. 2. (of an animal
Ir*re*me*di*a*ble (ir-i-mee-di-a-bel) adj. population) to increase abruptly. Ir*
that cannot be remedied. rup'tlve (i-rup-tiv) adj. ir-rup-tion (ir-
lr*re*mov*a*ble (ir-i-moo-va-bel) adj. rop-shdn) n. D> Do not confuse irruption
unable to be moved. with eruption.
lr*rep*a*ra*ble (i-rep-a-rS-bel) adj. un- IRS abbr. Internal Revenue Service.
able to be repaired or made good, irrepa- Is (iz) see be.
rable damage or loss. Ir*rep'a*ra*bly Is., Isa. abbr. Isaiah.
adv. Is. abbr. 1. island. 2. isle.
ir re* place *a*ble (ir-i-play-s£-bSl) adj.
• I*sa*iah (i-zay-S) n. a book of the Old
unable to be replaced, being a loss that Testament containing the prophecies of
cannot be made good. Isaiah, a Hebrew prophet of the 8th cen-
Ir • re • press • i • ble (ir-i-pres-I-bSl) adj. un- tury B.C.
able to be repressed or restrained. In ISBN abbr. International Standard Book
re* press'! *bly adv. Number.
ir*re*proach*a*ble (ir-i-proh-cha-bel) is* Chi* um (is-ki-um) n. {pi -Chi* a, pr.
adj. blameless, faultless. ir*re*proach' -ki-a) the curved bone forming the base
a*bly adv. of each half of the pelvis.
ir*re*sist*i*ble (ir-i-zis-tr-bel) adj. too -ish suffix used to form adjectives meaning
strong or too convincing or delightful nationality, as in British; belonging to,
to be resisted. ir*re*sist'i*bly adv. of the nature of, as in devilish.
ir* res *0* lute (i-rez-6-loot) adj. feeling or i* sin* glass (i-zing-glas) n. 1 a semitrans- .

showing uncertainty, hesitating, ir* parent substance obtained from the vis-
res'o*lute*ly adv. ir*res*o*lu*tion cera of certain fishes, especially the stur-
(i-rez-6-loo-shdn) n. geon, and used in making jellies, glue,
Ir* re* spec* five adj. not
(ir-i-spek-tiv) etc. 2. mica.
taking something into account, prizes are isl. abbr. 1 . island. 2. isle.
awarded to winners irrespective of nation- Is* lam (is-lahm, is-lahm) n. 1. the Muslim
ality. religion, based on the teaching of Mu-
ir« re* sport* si* ble (ir-i-spon-sl-bel) adj. hammad. 2. the Muslim world. Is* lam*
not snowing a proper sense of responsi- iC (is-lah-mik) adj.
bility. ir*re*spon'si*bly adv. Ir*re* Is* lam *a* bad (is-lah-ma-bahd) the capi-
sport • si • bil • • ty (ir-i-spon-sT-bil-i-tee)
I tal of Pakistan.
n. is* land (i-land) n. 1 . a piece of land sur-
ir*re*triev*a*ble (ir-i-tree-va-bSl) adj. rounded by water. something resem-
not retrievable. ir*re*triev'a*bly adv. bling this because detached or iso-
it is

ir*rev*er*ent (i-rev-€-rent) adj. not rever- lated; a traffic island, a paved or raised
ent, not respectful. ir*rev'er*ent*ly area in the middle of a road, where peo-
adv. lr*rev'er*ence n. ple crossing may be safe from traffic.
ir*re*vers*i*ble (ir-i-vur-sI-bSl) adj. not is*land*er (i-lan-der) n. an inhabitant of
reversible, unable to be altered or re- an island.
voked. ir*re*vets'i*bly adv. isle (il) n. an island.
ir*rev*o*ca*ble (i-rev-6-ka-bel) adj. un- is* let (i-lit) n. a little island.
able to be revoked, final and unalterable. ism (iz-em) n. (informal) any distinctive
ir*rev'o*ca*bly adv. doctrine or practice.
ir*ri*gate (ir-T-gayt) v. (ir*ri*gat*ed, ir* -Ism suffix used to form nouns meaning
ri *gat *ing) 1 to supply (land or crops)
. action, as in baptism; condition or con-
with water by means of streams, chan- duct, as in heroism; a system or belief,
nels, pipes, etc. 2. to wash (a wound) as in conservatism; a peculiarity of lan-
with a constant flow of liquid. ir*rl* guage, as in archaism; a pathological
ga*tion (ir-l-gay-sh6n) n. • condition, as in Parkinsonism.
ir*ri*ta*ble (ir-i-ta-bel) adj. easily an- Is*n
t (iz-ent) = is not.
noyed, bad-tempered. Ir'ri*ta*bly adv. I* SO* bar (i-sd-bahr) it a line, drawn on
ir*ri*ta*bil*i*ty (ir-i-ta-bil-i-tee) n. a map, connecting places that have the
ir*ri*tant (ir-i-tant) adj. causing irritation. same atmospheric pressure. • SO* bar* I

irritant n. something that causes irrita- Ic (i-sd-bar-ik) adj.

tion. i* so* late (i-sd-layt) v. (i*so*lat*ed,
ir*ri*tate (ir-i-tayt) v. (ir*rl*tat*ed, Ir* i*SO*lat*ing) 1. to place apart or alone.
ri*tat*ing) 1. to annoy, to rouse impa- 2. to separate (an infectious person) from
tience or slight anger in (a person). 2. others. 3. to separate (one substance etc.)
isolationism / item 472

from a compound. i*so*la*tion (i-sd- er ru is'su- an ce ru Dat issue, being

lay-shon) ru discussed or disputed or risked. Join or

i-so-la-tion-ism (i-sd-lay-sho-niz-em) ru take issue, to proceed to argue.
the policy of holding aloof from other -1st suffix used to form personal nouns
countries or groups. i*SO*la'tion*ist ru meaning action or production, as in copy-
i*so*mer (i-sd-mer) ru one of two or more ist; specialization in a subject, as in den-

substances composed of molecules hav- tist; adherence to a creed or system, as

ing the same atoms differently arranged in atheist; ability to play a musical instru-
and therefore different properties. i*SO* ment, as in pianist; operation of a device,
mer*ic (i-sd-mer-ik) adj. i*som*er* as in balloonist
ism (i-som-e-riz-em) ru isth*mus (is-mus) n. (pL -mus-es) a nar-
i* so* met Tie (i-sd-met-rik) adj. 1. of row strip of land connecting two masses
equal measure or dimensions. 2. of iso- of land that would otherwise be sepa-
metrics. D isometric exercise, one of rated by water. isth*mi*an (is-mi-an)
a system of physical exercises in which adj.
the muscles act against each other or it (it) pronoun 1. the thing mentioned or

against a fixed object. being discussed. 2. the person in ques-

i* SO •met -lies (i-so-met-riks) ru isometric tion, who is it? It is I. 3. used as the
exercises. subject of a verb making a general state-
j*so*prene (i-sd-preen) ru a volatile hy- ment about the weather (as it is raining)
drocarbon liquid used in making syn- or about circumstances etc. (as it is 35
thetic rubber. miles to Boston) or as an indefinite object
i-sos-ce-les (i-sos-e-leez) adj. (of a trian- (run for it!). 4. used as the subject or
having two sides equal.
gle) object of a verb, with reference to a fol-
i* SO* therm (i-so-thurm) ru a line, drawn lowing clause or phrase, as it is seldom
on a map, connecting places that have that he fails; I take it that you agree. 5.
the same temperature, •so* therm / al i (informal) exactly what is needed, that s
adj. exactly it! 6. (slang) the end, he put the
i*SO*ton*iC (i-so-ton-ik) adj. 1 . having the gun to my head and said, "This is it"
same osmotic pressure. muscle ac-
2. (of 7. (in children's games) the player who
tion) taking place with normal contrac- has to catch others. OSee the note under
tion. its.
i* SO* tope (i-sd-tohp) ru one of two or It, Ital. abbr. 1 . Italian. 2. Italy.
more forms of a chemical element with ital. abbr. 1. italics). 2. italicized.
different atomic weight and different nu- I• tal •ian (i-tal-yan) adj. of Italy or its peo-

clear properties but the same chemical ple or language. Italian n. 1. a native
properties. i*SO*top*iC (i-sd-top-ik) adj. of Italy. 2. the Italian language.
i*so*top / i*cal*ly adv. i*tal*ic (i-tal-ik) adj. 1. (of printed letters)
Isr. abbr. 1. Israel. 2. Israeli. sloping like this. 2. (of handwriting) com-
Is*ra*el (iz-ree-el, -ray-) 1. a country in pact and pointed like an early form of
the Middle East at the eastern end of Italian handwriting, italic n. italics.
the Mediterranean Sea. 2. the Hebrew i*tal*i*cize (i-tal-I-siz) v. (i-tal-i-cized,
nation of Biblical times, said to descend i*tal*i*Ciz*ing) to print (words) in ital-
from Jacob whom God called Israel. ics, usually for emphasis or distinction.
Is*rael*i (iz-ray-lee) ru {pi. -Is) a native i-tal'ics (i-tal-iks) n. sloping printed let-
or inhabitant of Israel. Israeli adj. of ters like these.
the state of Israel or its inhabitants. It*a*ly (it-a-lee) a country in southern Eu-
Is*ra*el*ite (iz-ree-e-ht) ru a member of rope.
the ancient Hebrew nation. itch (ich) n. 1. an itching feeling in the
is* sue (ish-oo) ru 1. an outgoing or out- skin. 2. a restless desire or longing, itch
flow. 2. the issuing of things for use or v. 1 to have or feel a tickling sensation

for sale, the number or quantity issued. in the skin, causing a desire to scratch
3. one set of publications in a series is- the affected part. 2. to feel a restless de-
sued regularly, the May issue. 4. a result, sire or longing, itch'y adj. (itch*i*er,
an outcome. 5. the point in question, an itch -i -est) itch'i-ness n. Dhave an
important topic for discussion, what are itching palm, to be greedy for money.
the real issues? 6. offspring, died without -Jte suffix used to form nouns meaning a
male issue, issue v. (is* sued, is*SU* resident or native, as in Muscovite; an
ing) 1. to come or go or flow out. 2. adherent or follower, as in Pre-Raphael-
to supply or distribute for use, campers ite; a fossil or mineral, as in anthracite;
were issued blankets. 3. to put out for a commercial product, as in dynamite*
sale, to publish. 4. to send out, issue or- vulcanite.
ders. 5. to result, to originate. is'SU* htem (i-tem) n. 1. a single thing in a list
473 itemize / -ize

or number of things. 2. a single piece ity, or an instance or degree of this, as

of news in a newspaper or bulletin. in monstrosity, humidity.
i-tenvize (i-te-miz) v. (1-tenvized, IUD abbr. intrauterine device.
i*tem*iz*ing) to list, to state the indi- IV abbr. intravenous. DIV injection, an
vidual items involved. htenvhza* intravenous injection.
tion (i-te-mi-zay-sh5n) n. I've (iv) = I have.

it -en ate (it-e-rayt) v. (it-er-at-ed, it« -ive suffix-used to form adjectives meaning
erat-ing) to repeat.
tending to or having the nature of, as
traveUng in active, evasive, and nouns, as in captive,
i*tin*er»ant (i-tin-S-rant) adj.
from place to place, an itinerant
who wan- j>vo*ry (i-v6-ree) n. (pi. -ries) 1. the hard
preacher, itinerant n. a person
creamy white substance forming the
ders from place to place.
tusks of elephants etc. 2. an object made
i-tln«er«ar«y (i-tin-e-rer-ee) n. {pi. -ar«
of this. 3. creamy white color. 4. ivories,
ies) a route, a list of places to be visited
(slang) piano keys, dice, ivory adj.
on a trip.
creamy white. ivory tower, a place
it'll (it-el) = it will.
or situation where people live secluded
its (its) adj. & possessive pronoun of or be- from the harsh realities of everyday life.
longing to it. > Do not confuse its with
l-vo-ry (i-vd-ree) Coast a country in
it's, which has a different meaning (see
West Africa.
the next entry). The word its is the pos-
i»vy (i-vee) n. (pi. hvies) a climbing ever-
sessive form of it, and (like hers, ours, green shrub with shiny often five-pointed
theirs, yours) has no apostrophe; correct
leaves. i«vied (i-veed) adj. Dlvy
usage is wagged its tail (not it's), the dog League, an association of colleges in the
is hers (not her's), these are ours (not northeastern U.S.
our's). IWW abbr. Industrial Workers of the
it's (its) = it is, it has, it's very hot; it's World.
broken all records. >Do not confuse it's iX'ha (ik-si-a) n. a plant of the iris family.
with its. -ize suffix used to form verbs meaning to
it* self (it-self) pronoun corresponding to treat in a specified way, as in monopolize-
it, used in the same ways as himself. to follow a specified practice, as in gour-
it • ty-bit • ty (it-ee-bit-ee), it • sy-bit • mandize; to bring or come into a specified
sy (it-see-bit-see) adj. (informal) tiny, in- state, as in vaporize, Anglicize; to treat
significant. or act according to the method of, as
ITY abbr. instructional television. in pasteurize; to impregnate with or affect
-ity suffix used to form nouns meaning with or provide with, as in Oxidize,
quality or condition, as in purity, author- magnetize.
J, J
(jay) {pi Js, J'S, J'S) the tenth letter mal of Africa and Asia, related to the
of the alphabet. dog.
J, j abbr. joule(s). jack* a* napes (jak-a-nayps) ru an imper-
J. abbr. 1. (in cards) jack. 2. journal. 3. tinent or conceited person, especially a
justice. young man.
J. A. abbr. Judge Advocate. jack* ass (jak-as) ru 1. a male donkey.
jab (jab) v. (jabbed, jab-bing) 1 . to poke (informal) a stupid or foolish person.

roughly, to thrust (a thing) into. 2. (in jack* boot ( jak-boot) ru a large boot com-
boxing) to hit with a short quick punch. ing above the knee.
jab ru 1. a rough blow or thrust, espe- jack* daw (jak-daw) n. a European bird
cially with something pointed. 2. a short
of the crow family.
quick punch. jack*et (jak-it) n. 1. a short coat, usually
reaching to the hips. 2. an outer covering;
jab* be r (jab-er) v. 1. to talk rapidly and
monkeys. book jacket, a colored paper wrapper in
unintelligibly. 2. to chatter like
which a bound book is issued. 3. the skin
jabber n. jabbering talk or sound.
of a potato baked without being peeled,
jab'ber*er ru
baked in their jackets. jack'et*ed adj.
jab*ber*wock*y ( jab-er- wok-ee) ru {pi
jack* ham *mer (jak-ham-er) n. a pneu-
-wock'ies) nonsensical writing or
matic hammer that breaks pavement,
speech, especially for comic effect.
drills rock, etc.
\> From the title of a poem by Lewis Car-
jack-in-the-box (jak-in-rte-boks) n. {pi
-box*es) a toy figure that springs out
ja-bot (z/a-boh) ru ornamental frilling
of a box when the lid is lifted.
down the front of a shirt or blouse or
jack-in -the-pul • pit ( jak-in- 1 /re-puul-pit)
ru {pi -pul'pits) a plant of eastern
jac*a*ran*da (jak-a-ran-da) ru a tropical
North America having an upright flower
American tree with trumpet-shaped blue spike partly enclosed by a hoodlike
ja*Cinth (jay-sinth) ru a reddish-orange jack-knife (jak-mf) ru {pi -knives) 1.
gem, a variety of zircon. a large pocket knife. 2. a dive in which
jack ( jak) ru 1 a portable device for raising
the body is first bent double and then
heavy weights off the ground, especially straightened, jackknife v. (jack*
one for raising the axle of a motor vehicle knifed, jack-knif-ing) (of a trailer
so that a tire may be changed. 2. a ship's truck) to fold one part against another
flag (smaller than an ensign) flown at as in an accident.
the bow of a ship to show its nationality. jack *leg (jak-leg) adj. (slang) 1. not
3. a playing card ranking below a queen trained for one's work, incompetent. 2.
in card games. 4. a small white ball aimed makeshift.
at in lawn bowling. 5. a male donkey. jack-o'-lan*tern (jak-o-lan-tem) ru a
6. a socket that accepts a plug in an elec- hollowed-out pumpkin lantern with a
trical circuit. 7. a small six-pointed metal carved face.
object used in the children's game of jack* pot (jak-pot) ru the accumulated
jacks. 8. (slang) money, jack v. to raise stakes in various games, increasing in
with a jack. before you can say value until won. Unit the jackpot, to
Jack Robinson, very quickly or sud- have sudden great success or good for-
denly, every man Jack, every individ- . tune.
ual man. Jack Frost, frost personified. jack *rab* bit (jak-rab-it) ru a large hare
jack of all trades, a person who can of western North America with very long
do many different kinds of work. ears and legs.
jack-al (jak-al) n. a wild flesh-eating ani- jack* screw ( jak-skroo) ru a device for lift-


475 Jackson / jape

ing heavy loads, operated by turning a ja-lop-y ( ja-lop-ee) -lop a les) a bat-
n. (pi.

screw. tered old car.

Jack* son (jak-sdn) the capital of Missis- jal-ou-sie (jal-6-see) n. a slatted shutter
sippi. or blind designed to admit air and light
Jackson, An* drew (1767-1845) the sev- but not rain.
enth president of the U.S. 1829-37. jam 1 (jam) v. (jammed, janvming) 1.
jack* Straw (jak-straw) n. 1. a thin splin- to squeeze or wedge into a space, to be-
ter of wood or plastic used in the game come wedged. 2. to make (part of a ma-
of jackstraws. 2. jackstraws, a game in chine) immovable so that the machine
which a heap of jackstraws is to be re- will not work, to become unworkable in
moved one at a time without disturbing this way. 3. to crowd or block (an area)
the others. with people or things. 4. to thrust or
jack tar, Jack Tar ( jak-tahr) (informal) apply forcibly, jammed the brakes on.
a sailor. 5. to cause interference to (a radio trans-
Jac*o*be*an (jak-d-bee-an) adj. of the mission), making it unintelligible. 6. to
reign of James I of England (1603-25). participate in a jam session, jam n. 1.
Jac*0*bite (jak-5-bit) n. a supporter of a squeeze or crush or stoppage caused
James II of England after his abdication by jamming. 2. a crowded mass making
(1688), or of his exiled heirs. movement difficult, traffic jams. 3. (in-
Ja- cob's (jay-kdbz) ladder 1. a blue- formal) a difficult situation, in a jam. Vm
flowered perennial plant with leaves giv- Ujam session, improvised playing by
ing a ladderlike appearance. 2. a rope a group of jazz musicians.
ladder with wooden rungs for ascending jam 2 n. a sweet substance made by boiling
a ship's rigging. fruit with sugar to a thick consistency.
jac-quard (jak-ahrd) n. a fabric woven . Jam. abbr. Jamaica.
with an intricate figured pattern. Ja-mai-ca (ja-may-ka) a country in the
jade (jayd) n. 1. a hard, green, blue, or Caribbean Sea. Ja-mai'can adj. & n.
white stone from which ornaments are jamb (jam) n. the vertical side post of a
carved. 2. the green color of jade. doorway or window frame.
jad-ed (jay-did) adj. 1. feeling or looking jam*bo*ree (jam-bd-ree) n. 1. a large
tired and bored. 2. (of the appetite) party, a celebration. 2. a large rally of
dulled, lacking zest for food. Boy Scouts.
jade-ite (jay-dit) n. a rare form of jade. James ( jaymz) n. a book of the New Tes-
Jaf *fa (jaf-a) n. a large oval thick-skinned tament traditionally ascribed to James,
variety of orange, originally grown near one of the twelve Apostles.
the port of Jaffa in Israel. jam-packed (jam-pakt) adj. (informal)
Jag (jag) n. a sharp projection, as a point packed full and tightly.
of rock. Jan. abbr. January.
Jag 2 n. (slang) a drinking bout, a spree. jarvgle (jang-gel) n. a harsh metallic
jag-ged (jag-id) adj. having an uneven sound, jangle v. (jan-gled, jan-gling)
edge or outline with sharp projections. 1 to make or cause to make this sound.
jag -liar (jag-wahr) n. a large fierce flesh- 2. to cause irritation to (nerves etc.) by
eating animal of the cat family, found discord.
in tropical America. jan*l*tor (jan-i-tdr) n. the caretaker of a
jai a*lai (hi li, hi a-li) a game in which building. Jan*i* tress (jan-i-tris) n. fern.
players use a long curved basket strapped jan*i*to*ri*al (jan-i-tohr-i-al) adj.
to the arm to catch a small hard ball Jan*u*ar*y (jan-yoo-er-ee) n. the first
and throw it against the wall. month of the year.
jail (jayl) n. a public prison, jail v. to put Jap. abbr. 1. Japan. 2. Japanese.
in jail, to imprison, jail'er, jail'or n. ja -pan ( ja-pan) n. 1 a hard black varnish

jail* bird (jayl-burd) n. a person who is originating in Japan and used to produce
or has been in prison. a glossy finish. 2. work varnished and
jail* break (jayl-brayk) n. an escape from decorated in the Japanese style, japan
jail. v. (ja* panned, ja*pan*ning) to cover
Jain ( jin) n. a member of an Indian sect with japan.
(Jainism) with doctrines like those of Ja-pan (ja-pan) a country in eastern Asia.
Buddhism. Jain adj. of this sect. Jap-a-nese (jap-a-neez) adj. & n. (pi
Ja*kar*ta (ja-kahr-ta) the capital of In- -nese) Japanese beetle, a bronze
donesia. and green beetle introduced from Japan
jal-ap (jal-ap) a purgative drug ob-
n. 1. into the U.S., where the larvae and adult
tained especially from the tuberous roots insects are major plant pests.
of a Mexican climbing plant. 2. this jape (jayp) v. (japed, jap* ing) to joke
plant. or quip, jape n. a joke or quip.
japonica / Jekyll and Hyde 476

ja*pon*l*ca (ja-pon-i-ka) n. an ornamen- a Jaybird, (informal) completely naked.

tal variety of quince, with red flowers. Jaycee ( jay-see) n. a member of a junior

(jahr) ru1. a cylindrical container chamber of commerce.
made of glass or earthenware. 2. this jay • vee (jay-vee) n. (informal) a member
with its contents, the amount it contains. of a junior varsity team.
jar 2 v. (jarred, jar* ring) 1. to make a jaywalk (jay-wawk) v. to walk across a
sound that has a discordant or painful street without observing the traffic regu-
effect. 2. (of an action etc.) to be out lations. jay'walk*er n.

of harmony, to have a harsh or disagreea- Jazz a kind of music (originally

( jaz) n. 1 .

ble effect. 3. to cause an unpleasant jolt native American) with strong rhythm
or a sudden shock, jar ru a jarring move- and much syncopation, often impro-
ment or effect. vised. 2. (slang) a matter, especially
jar*di*niere ( jahr-di-neer)vL a large orna- something regarded as pretentious or as
mental pot for holding indoor plants. nonsense, talked of the honor of the firm
jar*gon ( jahr-gon) ru words or expressions and all that jazz, jazz v. to play or ar-
developed for use within a particular range as jazz. Djazz up, to enliven, to
group, hard for outsiders to understand, brighten.
scientists' jargoru jazz'y (jaz-ee) adj. (jazz*i*er, jazz*
jas*mine (jaz-min) ru a shrub with yellow i«est) 1 of or like jazz. 2. (slang) flashy,

or white flowers. showy, a jazzy sports car.

jas'per (jas-per) ru an opaque variety of JCC abbr. Junior Chamber of Commerce.
quartz, usually red, yellow, or brown. J.C.S., JCS abbr. Joint Chiefs of Staff.
ja«tO (jay-to) ru {pi -tOS) yet- assisted jet. abbr. junction.
rakeoff, auxiliary jet engine(s) to provide JD abbr. 1 juvenile delinquency. 2. juve-

temporary extra thrust at takeoff. nile delinquent.

jaurvdice (jawn-dis) ru a condition in J.D. abbr. 1. Doctor of Jurisprudence
which the skin becomes abnormally yel- (Latin, Juris Doctor). 2. Doctor of Laws
low as a result of excessive bile in the (Latin, Jurum Doctor). 3. Justice Depart-
bloodstream. ment. 4. juvenile delinquent.
jaun* diced (jawn-dist) adj. 1. discolored JDL abbr. Jewish Defense League.
by jaundice. 2. filled with resentment or jea-lous ( jel-us) adj. 1 feeling or showing

jealousy. resentment toward a person whom one

jaunt ( jawnt) ru a short trip, especially one thinks of as a rival. 2. taking watchful
taken for pleasure. care, is very jealous of his own rights,
jaurvty (jawn-tee) adj. (Jaun-ti-er, jeal'ous-ly adv. jeal'ous-y n. ODo
jaun *ti* est) 1. cheerful and self-confi- not confuse jealous with zealous.
dent in manner. 2. (of clothes) stylish jeans ( jeenz) n. pi. pants made of strong
and cheerful. jaun'thness ru jauh'th twilled cotton for informal wear.
ly adv. jeep (jeep) n.»1. a small sturdy military
Ja*va ( jah-va) an island of Indonesia. Java motor vehicle with four-wheel drive. 2.
ru (slang) coffee. Javanese (jah-va- Jeep, (trademark) a similar civilian pas-
neez) adj. & ru senger car.
jave*lin (jav-e-lin) n. 1. a light spear. 2. jeer (jeer) v. to laugh or shout at rudely
a wooden or metal shaft thrown for dis- and scornfully, jeer ru a jeering remark
tance in track and field meets. or shout.
jaw (jaw) n. 1. either of the two bones Jet •fer'son (jef-er-sdn) City the capital
that form the framework of the mouth of Missouri.
and in which the teeth are set. 2. the Jefferson, Tho-mas (1743-1826) the
lower of these, the part of the face cover- third president of the U.S. 1801-09.
ing it. 3. jaws, something resembling a Je«ho-vah (je-hoh-va) the name of God
pair of jaws, as the gripping part of a in the Old Testament. DJehovah's
tool, the jaws of a vise, jaw v. (slang) Witnesses, a Christian sect believing
to talk long and boringly, to gossip. that the end of the world
is near for all
jawbone (jaw-bohn) n. either of the except its own
adherents, and rejecting
bones of the jaw. jawbone v. (jaw« allegiance to any country.
boned, jaw-bon-ing) (slang) to at- je*june (ji-joon) adj. 1. meager, not nour-
tempt to persuade. ishing. 2. insipid, unsatisfying to the
jaw break »er ( jaw-bray-ker) n. 1 . a word mind. 3. childish.
that very long or difficult to pronounce.
is je*ju*num (ji-joo-num) ru the part of the

2. a very hard round candy. small intestine between the duodenum

jay (jay) n. any of several brightly colored and the ileum, je-ju'nal adj.
chattering birds related to the crow. Jek-yll and Hyde ( jek-Tl an hid) a person
jaybird (jay-burd) n. a jay. naked as having a dual personality, one good and
477 jell / jeu d'esprit

the other evil. > From a story by Robert jer-sey (jur-zee) (pi -seys) 1. plain
Louis Stevenson in which the hero could machine-knitted fabric used for making
transform himself from the respectable clothes. 2. a closefitting knitted pullover
Dr. Jekyll into the evil Mr. Hyde by with sleeves.
means of a potion that he drank. Jer-sey (jur-zee) n. (pi -seys) one of a
jell (jel) v. 1. to set as jelly. 2. to take breed of light-brown dairy cattle.
definite form, our ideas began to jell. Je*ru*sa*lem (je-roo-sa-lem) 1. the an-
jel *lied (jel-eed) adj. set in jelly, jellied cient capital of Judea; the holy city of
eels. the Jews, sacred also to Christians and
jehly (jel-ee) n. (pi. -lies) 1. a soft solid Muslims. 2. the capital of modern Israel.
food made of liquid set with gelatin or jess (jes) n. a short strap around the legs
pectin, especially one made of strained of a hawk used in falconry.
fruit juice and sugar. 2. a substance of jes -sa- mine (jes-a-min) n. = jasmine.
similar consistency, petroleum jelly, jelly Jest (jest) n. a joke. Jest v. to make jokes.
v. (jel -lied, jel • lying) =
jell (definition Din jest, in fun, not seriously.
1). jelly roll, a thin flat sponge cake jest*er ( jes-ter) n.1.a person who makes
spread with fruit jelly or jam and rolled jokes. 2. a professional entertainer at a
up. king's court in the Middle Ages.
jel'ly bean (jel-ee-been) n. a bean-shaped Jes* u* it (jez/r-oo-it) n. a member of the
candy consisting of chewy filling and a Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic reli-
hard sugar coating. gious order.
jel-lyfish (jel-ee-fish) n. (pi -fish- Jes* US (jee-zus) the founder of the Chris-
es, -fish) a sea animal with a jelly-like tian religion.
body and stinging tentacles. Jet (jet) n. 1. a hard black mineral that
Jen* net (jen-it) n. 1. a small Spanish can be polished, used as a gem. 2. its
horse. 2. a female donkey. color, deep glossy black. jet'-black' adj.
jen*ny ( jen-ee) n. (pi -nies) a female don- jet 2 n. 1 a stream of water, gas, or flame

key. etc. shot out from a small opening. 2.

jeop-ard-ize (jep-ar-diz) v. (jeopard- a spout or opening from which this
ized, jeop-ard-iz-ing) to endanger. comes, a burner on a gas stove. 3. a jet
jeop-ard-y (jep-ar-dee) n. (pi -arxHes) engine, a jet-propelled aircraft. Jet v.
danger, jeop'ard-ous adj. (jet* ted, jet* ting) 1. to spurt in jets.
Jer. abbr. Jeremiah. 2. (informal) to travel or convey by jet-
jer* bo* a (jer-boh-a)n. a small ratlike ani- propelled aircraft. DJet engine, an en-
mal of the North African desert, with gine using jet propulsion to give forward
long hind legs used for leaping. thrust, jet lag, delayed physical effects
jer*e*mi*ad (jer-g-mi-ad) n. a long of tiredness etc. felt after a flight across
mournful lament about one's troubles. time zones in a jet-propelled aircraft, jet
> Named after Jeremiah, a Hebrew propulsion, propulsion by engines that
prophet (lth-6th centuries B.C.) and the give forward thrust by sending out a
book of the Old Testament containing high-speed jet of gases etc. at. the back.
his account of the troubles of the Israel- jet set, wealthy people who make fre-
ites. quent air journeys between social or busi-
Jer*e*mi*ah (jer-e-mi-a) n. the book of ness events, jet stream, a narrow cur-
the Old Testament containing the rent of strong westerly winds in the upper
prophecies of Jeremiah (see the previous troposphere.
entry). jet* port (jet-pohrt) n. (informal) an air-
jerk ( jurk) n. 1 a sudden sharp movement,
. port designed for jet aircraft.
an abrupt pull or push or throw. 2. jet*sam (jet-sam) n. goods thrown over-
(slang) a stupid or insignificant person. board from a ship in distress to lighten
jerk v. to pull or throw or stop with a it, especially those that are washed
jerk, to move with a jerk or in short ashore. >Do not confuse jetsam with
uneven movements. flotsam.
jer* kin (jur-kin) a sleeveless jacket.
n. Jet*ti*son (jet-i-s6n) v. 1. to throw
jerk*wat*er (jurk-waw-ter) adj. (in- (goods) overboard, especially to lighten
formal) rustic (town), slow (train), unim- a ship in distress. 2. to discard (what
portant (person), jerkwater n. is unwanted).
Jerk*y (jur-kee) adj. (jerk*i*er, jerk* jet*ty (jet-ee) n. (pi -ties) a structure ex-
i*est) making abrupt starts and stops, tending into a body of water, used to
not moving or acting smoothly, jerk'i* protect a harbor or coast from the influ-
ly adv. jerk'i *ness n. ence of currents or tides, or as a wharf.
jer-ry-built (jer-ee-bilt) adj. built badly jeu d'es*prit (z/mu des-pree) (pi jeux
and with poor materials. d'es*prit, pr. z/ruu des-pree) a piece of
Jew / jive 478
witty or humorous speech or writing. against unbelievers. 2. a campaign
> French. against a doctrine, policy, etc.
Jew (joo) n. a person of Jewish descent, jilt (jilt) v. to drop or abandon (a person)

or one whose religion is Judaism. after having courted or promised to

Jew's harp, a musical instrument con- marry him or her. jilt n. a person who
sisting of a small U-shaped metal frame jilts another. jilt'er n,
held in the teeth while a springy metal Jim Crow, Jim crow ( jim kroh) the segre-
strip joining its ends is twanged with a gating of or discriminating against blacks
finger. in the U.S. Jim Crow
ism (jim kroh-
jewel (joo-el) n. 1. a precious stone. 2. iz-em).
an ornament for wearing, containing one jim-darvdy (jim-dan-dee) adj. (informal)
or more precious stones. 3. a person or of excellent quality.
thing that is highly valued, jewel v. to jim* my (jim-ee) n. {pi -mies) a short
adorn or furnish with jewels. crowbar with curved ends, used by bur-
jew*eled ( joo-eld) adj. ornamented or set glars to pry open doors and windows etc.
with jewels. jimmy v. (jinvmied, jim-mylng) to
jeweher (joo-£-ler) n. a person who force open with a jimmy.
makes or deals in jewels or jewelry. jim* son (jim-sdn) weed a highly poison-
jew*el*ry (joo-£l-ree) n. jewels or similar ous tall weed having large trumpet-
ornaments to be worn. shaped purple or white flowers.
jew* eh weed (joo-el- weed) n. any of sev- jingle (jing-gel) v. (jin-gled, jirvgling)
eral plants having yellow flowers some-
to make or cause to make a metallic ring-
times marked with reddish-brown spots.
ing or clinking sound like that of small
Jew«ish (joo-ish) adj. of Jews. bells or of keys struck together, jingle
Jew*ry (joo-ree) ru the Jewish people.
ru 1 a jingling sound. 2. verse or words

Jez*e*bel (jez-e-bel) n. a shameless

with simple catchy rhymes or repetitive
J9> j-9- abbr. junior grade. jin*go*ism ( jing-goh-iz-em) n. an aggres-
jib (jib) ru 1. a triangular sail stretching
sive attitude combining excessive patri-
forward from the mast. 2. the projecting
otism and contempt for other countries.
arm of a crane, jib v. (jibbed, jib -Ding)
jln'go*ist adj. &n.jin»go'IS'tlc (jing-
to refuse to proceed in some action;
goh-is-tik) adj.
jibbed at it, showed unwillingness or
jink( jingk) v. to dodge by turning suddenly
dislike. Dthe cut of a person's jib, (in-
and sharply. Dhigh jinks, noisy merry-
formal) his general appearance.
jibe (jib) v. (jibed, jib-ing) (informal) to
making, boisterous fun.
fit or agree with, your information jibes
Jinn (jin), Jin*nl (ji-nee) n. {pi jinn) (in
with mine. >Do
not confuse jibe with Islamic mythology) a spirit lower than
gibe or jive. the angels, with supernatural power over
Jid*da (jid-a) the administrative capital men.
of Saudi Arabia. jin- rick -sha (jin-rik-shaw) n. = rick-
Jif •fy (jif-ee) n. (informal) a moment, in
jinx (jingks) n. a person or thing that is
<* jiff}'.

jiQ (jig) n. 1. a lively jumping dance, the thought to bring bad luck.
music for this. 2. a device for holding jit*ney (jit-nee) n. {pi -neys) a small bus
a piece of work and guiding the tools or taxi carrying passengers at low rates.
working on it. jig v. (jigged, jig-ging) jit*ter (jit-£r) (informal) to feel nervous,

1. to dance a jig. 2. to move up and to behave nervously. Jlt'ter*y adj.

down rapidly and jerkily. Dthe jig is Dthe jitters, (informal) extreme nerv-
up, (slang) success is now impossible. ousness.
jig*ger ( jig-er) n. a measure of spirits etc., jlt*ter*bug (jit-er-bug) n. 1. a quick-
a glass holding this amount. tempo dance to swing music, popular in
jig-gle (jig-el) v. (jig-gled, jig-gling) to the 1940's. 2. a person addicted to this
rock or jerk lightly, jiggle n. a jiggling dance, jitterbug v. ( jit -ter- bugged,
movement. jig'gly adj. jlt-ter-bug-ging) to dance the jitter-
jig*saw (jig-saw) n. 1 a thin machine saw . bug.
that moves vertically and is used in cut- jlu*]it*su =
ting curved or irregular lines. 2. a jigsaw jive ( jiv) n. (slang) 1 fast lively jazz music,

puzzle, a picture pasted on wood or dancing to this. 2. the jargon of jazz mu-
cardboard and cut into irregular pieces sicians and jazz fans. 3. unintelligible
which are then shuffled and reassembled and foolish talk, jive v. (Jived, Jiving)
for amusement. (slang) 1 to talk jive, especially if trying

ji-had (ji-hahd) n. 1. a Muslim holy war to deceive. 2. to perform or dance to jive

479 Jnt. / joint

music. >Do not confuse jive with jibe down with an unsteady movement. 4.
or gibe. (of a horse) to move at a jogtrot. 5. to
Jnt abbr. joint. run at a leisurely pace, as a form of exer-
job (job) n. 1 . a piece of work to be done. cise, jog n. 1 a slight shake or push, a

2. (slang) a robbery or other criminal nudge. 2. a slow walk or trot. Jog'ger

act. 3. something completed, a product n.
of work, did a good job. 4. a paid position jog 2n. 1. a section of a line or surface
of employment, got a job at the factory. that juts out or recedes. 2. a change of
5. something one has to do, a responsibil- course or direction.
ity, it's your job to lock the gates. 6. (in- jog*gle (jog-el) v. (jog-gled, Jog-
formal) a difficult task, you 7/ have a job gling) to shake slightly, to move by
to move it. job v. (Jobbed, job-bing) slight jerks, joggle n. a joggling move-
1. to do
jobs, to hire out for a definite ment, a slight shake.
time or job, we jobbed out the work. 2. jog* trot (jog-trot) n. a slow regular trot.
to act as a middleman, wholesaler, or John ( jon) n. 1 (slang) a toilet. 2. (slang)

jobber. DJob action, an organized pro- a prostitute's client.

test by employees forbidden by law to John (jon) n. 1 one of the twelve apostles

"Strike. Job bank, a computerized data and traditional author of the fourth Gos-
file to help place unemployed workers pel, three Epistles, and the Book of Reve-
in suitable jobs. Job lot, a collection of lation. 2. the fourth Gospel.
miscellaneous articles bought together. John Bull (jon buul) a typical Englishman,
Job ( johb) n. the book of the Old Testa- Englishmen as a whole.
ment containing the story of Job, a He- John Doe (jon doh) a name used in legal
brew patriarch who suffered great mis- proceedings for a fictitious person or an
fortunes. Job's comforter, a person unidentified one whose real name is un-
who aggravates the distress of the person known.
he is supposed to be comforting, the pa- John*ny (jon-ee) n. (pi. -nies) (slang) a
tience Of Job, great patience, like that gown worn by hospital patients.
of Job in the face of tribulation. John*ny-come-late*ly (jon-ee-kum-
job'ber (job-er) n. 1. a businessman who layt-lee) n. (pi. -late* lies) (informal) a
purchases merchandise from a manufac- recently arrived person, an upstart.
turer and sells it to retailers. 2. a person John*ny-jump-up (jon-ee-jump-up) n. a
who does odd jobs or works by the job, small type of pansy, grown especially in
a pieceworker. rock gardens.
job* hold *er (job-hohl-der) n. a person John* son (jon-s6n), An* drew (1805-75)
having a steady or regular job. the seventeenth president of the U.S.
job *less (job-lis) adj. unemployed, out of 1865^69.
work. job'less*ness n. Johnson, Lyn-don Balnes (1908-73)
jock (jok) n. (slang) an athlete. the thirty-sixth president of the U.S.
jock*ey (jok-ee) n. {pi. -eye) a person 1963-69.
who rides horses in horse races, espe- joie de vl • vre (z/iwah de vee-vre) a feeling
cially a professional rider, jockey v. of great enjoyment of life. French, > =
(jock* eyed, jock* eying) to maneu- joy of living.
ver in order to gain an advantage, jockey- join (join) v. 1 to put together, to fasten

ing for position; jockeyed him into doing or unite or connect. 2. to come together,
it, forced him by skillful or unfair meth- to become united, the Missouri joins the
ods. Mississippi near St. Louis, meets and
jock* strap ( jok-strap) n. a support or pro- flows into it. 3. to take part with others
tective covering for the male genitals, in doing something, joined in the chorus.
worn while taking part in sports. 4. to come into the company of, join us
JO* COSe (joh-kohs) adj. joking. for lunch. 5. to become a member of,
jOC*u*lar (jok-yu-lar) adj. joking, avoid- joined the Navy. DJoin battle, * *<"ln

ing seriousness. joc / u*lar*ly adv. Joe* fighting, join forces, to combine
u*lar*i*ty (jok-yu-lar-i-tee) n. join hands, to clasp each other's ha.
joc-und (jok-und) adj. merry, cheerful. to work cooperatively, join up, to enlist
jodh-purs (jod-purz) n. pi. riding in the armed forces.
breeches reaching to the ankle, fitting join »er ( joi-ner) n. 1 a person who makes

closely below the knee and loosely above doors, interior moldings, window sashes,
it. and other woodwork that is lighter than
Jog 1 (jog) v. (jogged, jog -ging) 1 to give . a carpenter's products. 2. (informal) a
a slight knock or push to, to shake with person who readily joins clubs and or-
a push or jerk. 2. to rouse or stimulate, ganizations.
jogged his memory. 3. to move up and Joint (joint) n. 1 . a place where two things
jointly / jovial 480
are joined. 2. a structure in an animal strel in medieval France and England.
body by which bones are fitted together, D> French.
especially where the structure allows jorvquil (jong-kwil) n. a kind of narcissus
movement of the bones in relation to with clusters of fragrant flowers.
each other, knee joint; ball-and-socket Jor • dan ( jor-dan) 1 a river flowing south

joint 3. a place or device at which two into the Dead Sea. 2. a country in the
parts of a structure are joined. 4. one Middle East, bordering on the east of
of the parts into which a butcher divides Israel. Jor*da*ni*an (jor-day-ni-an)
a carcass, this cooked and served. 5. adj. & n.
(slang) a place where people meet for josh (josh) v. (informal) to joke or tease.
gambling or drinking etc. 6. (slang) a Josh. abbr. Joshua.
marijuana cigarette, joint adj. 1 shared . Josh*u*a (josh-oo-a) «. the sixth book
or held or done by two or more people of the Old Testament, telling of the con-
together, a joint account. 2. sharing in quests of Joshua, the successor to Moses
an activity etc., joint authors. Joint v. 1. as leader of Israel.
to connect by a joint or joints. 2. to di- Joshua tree a treelike plant of the south-
vide (a carcass) into joints. Djoint- western U.S. having branches like out-
stock company, a business company stretched arms.
with stock held jointly by a number of JOSS ( jos) n. a Chinese idol. Djoss stick,
people who may independently sell or a thin stick that burns to give off a smell
transfer their shares, out of joint, dislo- of incense.
cated; in disorder, the times are out of jos* tie (jos-el) v. (jos *tled, jos-tling) to
joint. push roughly, especially when in a
joint *ly (joint-lee) adv. so as to be shared crowd.
or done by two or more people together. jot (jot) n. a very small amount, not one
joist (joist) n. one of the parallel beams, jot or tittle. Jot v. (jot* ted, jot* ting)
extending from wall to wall, on which to write briefly or hastily, jot it down.
floor boards or ceiling laths are fixed. jot *tlngs (jot-ingz) n. pi jotted notes.
joke (johk) n. 1. something said or done joule ( jool) n. a unit of energy.
to cause laughter. 2. a ridiculous person jounce (jowns) v. (jounced, jounc-
or thing or circumstance, joke v. ing) to bump, bounce, or jolt, jounce
(joked, jok-ing) to make jokes, jok' n. a jouncing motion.
ing*ly adv. Dit's no joke, it is a serious jour. abbr. journal.
matter. journal (jur-n&l) n. 1. a daily record of
jOk*er (joh-ker) a person who jokes.
n. 1. news or events or business transactions.
2. (slang) a fellow. 3. an extra playing 2. a newspaper or periodical.
card used in certain card games as the jour-nal-ese (jur-na-leez) n. a style of
highest trump. 4. a clause unobtrusively language useo! in inferior newspaper and
inserted in a bill or document and affect- magazine writing, full of hackneyed or
ing its operation in a way not immedi- artificially elaborate phrases.
ately apparent. jour *nal* 1st (jur-na-list) n. a person em-
Jol • II • f I • ca • tion ( jol-T-fI-kay-sh6n) ru ployed in writing for a newspaper or
merrymaking, festivity. magazine, journal -Ism n. jour* nai-
jol • II • ty ( jol-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) being jolly, ls* tic (jur-na-lis-tik) adj.
merriment, merrymaking. jour-ney (jur-nee) n. (pi -neys) 1. a
Jol-ly (jol-ee) adj. (jol-li-er, jol-ll- course of travel, a trip. 2. the distance
est) 1. full of high spirits, cheerful, traveled or the time required for this, a
merry. 2. cheerful because slightly day's or four days' journey, journey v.
drunk. 3. very pleasant, delightful, jolly (jour-neyed, jour-ney-lng) to make
adv. (chiefly British informal) very, jolly a journey.
good, jolly v. (jol* lied, jol* lying) (in- jour* ney* man (jur-nee-man) n. (pi
formal) to keep (a person) in a good hu- -men, pr. -men) 1 a workman
. who has
mor, especially in order to win his coop- completed his apprenticeship and works
eration, jolly him along. Jolly Roger, for an employer. 2. a reliable workman.
the pirates' black flag with a white skull joust (just, jowst) n. a formal combat or
and crossbones. tilting match with lances between two
jolt( johlt) v. 1 to shake or dislodge with
. mounted knights in armor, joust v. to
a jerk. 2. to move along jerkily, as on participate in a joust.
a rough road. Jolt n. 1 a jolting move- . Jove ( johv) Jupiter, the king of the gods
ment. 2. a surprise or shock. 3. (slang) in Roman mythology. Dby Jove, an
a drink of whiskey. exclamation of surprise.
jon-gleur (jong-gler) n. a wandering min- jo-vl-al (joh-vi-al) adj. full of cheerful
481 jowl / juice

good humor, Jo'vi-al-ly adv. Jo«vl« in a law court, the judgment was in his
al*i«ty (joh-vi-al-i-tee) n. favor. 3. ability to judge wisely, good
(jowl) n. the jaw or cheek. sense, he lacks judgment. 4. misfortune
Kwl 2
wl n. loose skin on a person's or animal's considered or jokingly said to be a pun-
lower jaw or throat. Jowl'y adv. ishment sent by God, it's a judgment on
joy (joi) n. 1. a deep emotion of pleasure, you! 5. an opinion, in the judgment of
gladness. 2. a thing that causes delight. most people. U Judgment Day or Day
joyful (joi-ful) adj. full of joy. Joy'TuI* of Judgment, the day of the Last
ly adv. joy'ful-ness n. Judgment, when, according to Chris-
joyless (joi-lis) adj. without joy. tian belief, God will judge all mankind.
joyous (joi-us) adj. joyful, joy'ous* ju-di-ca-to-ry (joo-dl-ka-tohr-ee) adj.
ly adv. having to do with the administration of
joy ride (joi-nd) n. a reckless automobile justice.
ride taken for the pleasure of speed, dan- ju-dhca-ture (joo-dl-ka-chur) n/1. the
ger, etc. administration of justice. 2. = judiciary
J.P. abbr. justice of the peace. (definition 2).
Jpn. abbr. 1. Japan. 2. Japanese. ju-di-cial (joo-dish-al) adj. 1. of law
Jr. abbr. Junior. courts or the administration of justice.
ju-bi-lant (joo-bl-lant) adj. showing joy, 2. of a judge or judgment, a judicial deci-
rejoicing. ju'bi-lant-ly adv. sion. 3. able to judge things wisely, a
ju*bi*la*tion (joo-bi-lay-shdn) n. rejoic- judicial mind, j u • di^cial • ly adv.
ing. ju*^i*Ci*ar*y (joo-dish-i-er-ee) n. {pi
ju-bi-lee (joo-bt-lee) a special anni-
n. 1. -ar • ies) the judicial branch of govern-
1 .

versary, silver (25th) or golden (50th) or ment. 2. a system of courts of law and
diamond (60th) jubilee. 2. a time of re- their judges, judiciary adj. of courts of
joicing. law or judges or judicial decisions.
Ju'da-ic (joo-day-ik), Ju-da-ic-al (joo- ju-di-cious (joo-dish-us) adj. judging
day-i-kal) adj. of Judaism or Jews. wisely, showing good sense, a judicious
Ju*da*i*ca (joo-day-i-ka) n. things relat- action. ju*di 'clous *ly adv.
ing to Jews or their religion, especially jU*dO (joo-doh) n. a Japanese system of
books and artifacts relating to Jewish his- unarmed combat, based on jujitsu.
tory and culture. ju-do-ist (joo-doh-ist) n. a student of or
Ju-da-ism (joo-dee-iz-em) n. the religion an expert in judo.
of the Jewish people, with belief in one jug (jug) n. 1. a vessel for holding and
God and based on the teachings of the pouring liquids, with a handle and a
Old Testament and the Talmud. shaped lip. 2. (slang) prison, in the jug.
Ju-das (joo-das) n. a betrayer or traitor. jug'ful n. {pi -fuls).
(J> Named after Judas Iscariot, who be- jug-ger-naut (jug-er-nawt) n. a large
trayed Christ.) Judas tree, a tree with overwhelmingly powerful object or insti-
purplish-pink flowers appearing in the tution etc. >
Juggernaut was the title of
spring before the leaves, supposed to be a Hindu god whose image was drawn
the tree on which Judas hanged himself. in procession on a huge wheeled vehicle,
Jude ( jood) n. the last epistle of the new devotees are said to have thrown them-
Testament, ascribed to Jude, one of the selves under its wheels.
twelve Apostles. jug*gle (jug-el) v. (jug-gled, jug-
Judg. abbr. Judges. gling) 1. to toss and catch a number
judge (juj) n. 1. a public officer elected of objects skillfully for entertainment,
or appointed to hear and try cases in a keeping one or more in the air at one
court of law. 2. a person appointed to time. 2. to manipulate skillfully when
decide who has won a contest. 3. a person handling several objects. 3. to rearrange
who is able to give an authoritative opin- (facts or figures) in order to achieve
ion on the merits of something. 4. any something or to deceive people.
of the leaders of Israel between the time jug*g!er (jug-ler) n. a person who juggles,
of Joshua and that of the kings, judge an entertainer who performs juggling
v. (judged, judg-ing) 1. to try (a case) tricks.
in a court. 2. to act as judge of (a contest jug-u-lar (jug-yu-lar) n. a jugular vein,
etc.). 3. to form and give an opinion one of the great veins of the neck, carry-
about. 4. to estimate, judged the distance ing blood from the head. Dgo for the
accurately. jugular, to attack with intent to kill or
Judg-es (juj-^z) n. the seventh book of to defeat decisively.
the Old Testament. juice (joos) n. 1 the fluid content of fruits

judg -merit (juj-ment) n. 1 judging, being

. or vegetables or meat. 2. fluid secreted
judged. 2. the decision of a judge etc. by an organ of the body, the digestive
juicer / junior 482

juices. 3. (slang) electricity. 4. (slang) an advantage over, jump at, to accept

gasoline used in an engine etc. juice eagerly, jump bail, to fail to come for
up, (slang) to enliven. trial when summoned after being re-
juic*er (joo-ser) n. a machine that extracts leased on bail, jump ball, (in basketball)
juice from fruits or vegetables. a ball tossed up between two players by
juic*y (joo-see) adj. (juic-her, juic* the referee to start or resume play, jump
• est) 1 full of juice. 2. (informal) inter-
. down a person's throat, to reprimand
esting, especially because of its scandal- him severely, jumping bean, the seed
ous nature, juicy stories, juic'hly adv. of a Mexican plant that jumps owing
juic'i-ness n. to the movement of an enclosed larva,
jU'jit'SU (joo-jit-soo)n. a Japanese system jumping-of f point or place, a starting
of self-defense in which special holds or point, jump on, to reprimand or criticize
maneuvers are used to turn an oppo- a person or situation, jump rope, a chil-
nent's strength and weight against him. dren's game in which one jumps over
jU'jube (joo-joob) n. 1. the fleshy edible a twirling rope; the rope used, jump
fruit of a spiny tree. 2. a chewy fruit- ship, (of a seaman) to desert one's ship.
flavored candy. jump suit, a one-piece garment for the
juke 'box (jook-boks) n. a machine that whole body, like that worn by para-
automatically plays a selected record troops, jump the gun, to start or act
when a coin is inserted. before the permitted time, jump to con-
Jul. abbr. July. clusions, to reach them too hastily.
ju*lep (joo-lip) h. 1. a tall drink of liquor, jump to it, to make an energetic start.
sugar, shaved ice and flavoring, espe- jump up and down, to show great hap-
cially mint. 2. a sweet syrupy drink, espe- piness, eagerness, etc., they were jumping
cially one containing medicine. up and down for joy. one jump ahead,
Ju-li-an (joo-li-an) Calendar the calen- one stage ahead of one's rival, the
dar introduced by Julius Caesar, since jumps, (slang) extreme nervousness.
replaced by the Gregorian calendar. jumpier 1 (jum-per) n. 1. a person or ani-
ju*li*enne (joo-li-en) adj. (of vegetables mal that jumps, is a good jumper. 2. a
or meats) cut into long thin strips, juli- short wire used to make or break an elec-
enne n. a clear meat soup containing trical circuit. Djumper cables, cables
julienne vegetables. for conveying current from one battery
Ju»ly (joo-li) n. {pi -lies) the seventh to recharge another.
month of the year. jumper 2 n. a dress without sleeves or col-
jum-ble (jum-bel) v. (junvbled, jum- lar, worn over a blouse or sweater.
bling) to mix in a confused way. jumble jump-off (jump-awf) n. a deciding round
n. articles jumbled together, a muddle. between competitors with equal scores
jum -bo (jum-boh) n. (pL -bos) something in a horse-riding contest.
very large of its kind, jumbo adj. jump-y (jum-pee) adj. (jump* her,
D jumbo jet, a very large jet aircraft jump*i*est) nervous.
able to carry several hundred passengers. jun. abbr. junior.
jump (jump) v. 1. to move up off the Jun. abbr. 1 June. 2. Junior.

ground etc. by bending and then extend- June. abbr. junction.

ing the legs or (of fish) by a movement jun -co (jung-koh) n. {pi. -cos, -coes) a
of the tail. 2. to move suddenly with a North American finch with a slate-gray
jump or bound, to rise suddenly from body and white tail feathers.
a seat etc; jump in, to get quickly into June tion (jungk-shdn) n. 1 a place where
• .

a car etc. 3. to pass over by jumping, things join or cross. 2. a place where
to use (a horse) for jumping. 4. to pass roads or railroad lines etc. meet and unite
over (a thing) to a point beyond, to skip or cross.
(part of a book etc.) in reading or study- junC'ture (jungk-chur) n. a point of time,
ing. 5. to give a sudden movement from a critical convergence of events.
shock or excitement. 6. to rise suddenly June (joon) n. the sixth month of the year.
in amount or price or value. 7. to leave Ju-neau (joo-noh) the capital of Alaska.
(rails or a track) accidentally. 8. to jun*gle (jung-gel) n. 1. land overgrown
pounce on, to attack suddenly, jump n. with tangled vegetation, especially in the
1. a jumping movement. 2. a sudden tropics. 2. a wild tangled mass. 3. a scene
movement caused by shock etc. 3. a sud- of struggle, the blackboard jungle (in
den rise in amount or price or value. 4. schools), concrete jungle (in cities).
a sudden change to a different condition jun* lor (joon-ydr) adj. 1. younger in
or set of circumstances, a gap in a series age (used to distinguish a son from a
etc. 5. an obstacle to be jumped over. father with the same name). 2. lower in
Dhave the jump on, (slang) to have rank or authority, junior faculty. 3. for
483 juniper / juvenile

younger persons, junior membership. 4. ju-rist (joor-ist) n. a person skilled in the

of the next-to-last year in a high school law, as an eminent judge or lawyer.
or college, junior n. 1 a junior person;
. ]u*ris*tic (juu-ris-tik) adj. 1. of a jurist
he is my junior, he is younger than I or jurists. 2. legal, created by law.
am. 2. a student in the junior year of jU*ror (joor-dr) n. a member of a jury.
high school or college. 3. (informal) the ju-ry 1 (joor-ee) n. (pi. -ries) 1. a body
son in a family. Djunior college, one of people sworn to give a verdict on a
offering courses for only the first two case presented to them in a court of law.
years of college studies, junior high 2. a body of people appointed to select
school, a school generally including the winner(s) in a competition, jury n
grades 7, 8, and 9. junior size, (of cloth- box, an enclosure for the jury in a court
ing) made for women of slight frame. of law. jUTyman
(joor-ee-man) n. (pi.
junior varsity, an athletic team whose -men, pr. -men) ju*rywom*an (joor-
members do not qualify for the varsity. ee-wuum-an) n. (pi -worn* en, pr. -wim-
ju*ni*per (joo-nl-per) n. an evergreen in).
shrub with prickly leaves and dark pur- jury 2 temporarily re-
adj. (in nautical use)
plish berries. placing something broken or lost, a jury
junk (jungk) n. 1. discarded material, mast; jury-rigged.
trash. 2. (informal) anything regarded just (just) adj. 1 giving proper consider-

as useless or of little value, all that junk ation to the claims of everyone con-
in the trunk of the car. 3. (slang) a nar- cerned. 2. deserved, right in amount etc.,
cotic drug, heroin. Djunk food, food a just reward, just adv. 1 exactly, just .

having low nutritional value and usually at that spot. 2. barely, no more than, by
high in calories, junk mail, unsolicited only a short distance, I just managed it;
advertising matter sent via the postal just below the knee. 3. at this moment
service, junk shop, a shop selling mis- or only a little time ago, he has just gone.
cellaneous cheap secondhand goods. A. (informal) simply, merely, we are just
Junk 2 n. a kind of flat-bottomed ship with good friends. 5. really, certainly, it's just
sails, used in the China seas. Slendid. just'ly adv. just'ness n.
junk*er ( jung-ker) n. an old worn-out mo- just about, (informal) almost exactly
tor vehicle useful only for scrap metal. or completely, just in case, as a precau-
Jun • ker (yuung-ker) n. (old use) a member tion, just now, at this moment; a little
of the militaristic Prussian aristocracy. time ago. just SO, exactly arranged, she
jun-ket (jung-kit) n. 1. a sweet custard- likes everything just so; it is exactly as
like dessert made of flavored milk cur- you say.
dled with rennet. 2. a trip taken by a jus-tice (jus-tis) n. 1. just treatment, fair-
public official at public expense, junket ness. 2. legal proceedings, a court ofjus-
v. to make a trip at public expense. tice. a magistrate. 4. a judge, the title
junk* ie ( jung-kee) n. (slang) a drug addict. of a judge, Mr. Justice Brandeis. Ddo
jun -ta (huun-ta, juun-) n. a group of people justice to, to show (a thing) to advan-
who combine to rule a country, especially tage; to show appreciation of. justice
having seized power after a revolution. Of the peace, a nonprofessional magis-
Ju-pi-ter (joo-pi-ter) 1. a planet in the trate.
solar system. 2. the supreme god in Ro- jus-tl-fi-a-ble ( jus-tf-fi-a-bel) adj. able to
man mythology. be justified. just'ti*fl*a*bly adv.
Jyras-sic (juu-ras-ik) adj. of the middle jus-ti-fy (jus-ti-fi) v. (jus-ti-fied, jus-
geologic period of the Mesozoic era, tifying) 1 to show (a person or state-

when dinosaurs and the earliest mam- ment or act etc.) to be right or just or
mals existed. Jurassic n. the Jurassic reasonable. 2. to make free from blame
period. or guilt. 3. to be a good or sufficient rea-
JuTid'hcal (juu-rid-i-kal) adj. 1. of judi- son for, increased production justifies an
cial proceedings. 2. relating to the law. increase in wages. 4. to adjust (a line of
ju*rid'i«cal*ly adv. type in printing) so that it fills a space
ju*ris*dic*tion (joor-is-dik-sh6n) n. 1. neatly, jus • ti • f • caption (jus-tf-fi-kay-

authority to interpret and apply the law. shdn) n.

2. official power exercised within a par- jut (jut) v. (jut* ted, jut* ting) to project,
ticular sphere of activity. 3. the extent it juts out.

or territory over which legal or other jute ( joot) n. a fiber from the bark of cer-
power extends. JutIs* dic'tion *al adj. tain tropical plants, used for making
ju-ris-pru-dence (joor-is-proo-dens) n. sacks, rope, etc.
the study of law or of a particular part JUV. abbr. juvenile.
of law, medical jurisprudence. ju-ve-nile (joo-ve-nil) adj. 1. youthful,
juvenilia / JV 4!

childish. 2. Foryoungpeople. juvenile works produced by an author or artist

ru a young person. LJjuvenile delin- in his youth.
quency, illegal behavior by a young of- jux-ta-pose (juk-sta-pohz) v. (jux«
fender, below the age when he may be ta* posed, jux-ta-pos-ing) to put
held legally responsible for his actions. po« si* tion
(things) side by side, jux-ta-
juvenile delinquent, such an offender. (juk-sta-pd-arish-on) n.
ju*ve«nil*i*a (joo-ve-nil-i-a) ru pi the JV abbr. junior varsity.
K, k (kay) (pi. Ks, K's, k's) the eleventh along on its strong hind legs, the female
letter of the alphabet. having a pouch on the front of the body
K abbr. 1. Kelvin. 2. kindergarten. 3. (in in which young are carried. D kangaroo
chess) king. 4. knight. court, a court formed illegally by a
K symbol potassium. group of people (such as prisoners or
k. abbr. 1 . (in electricity) capacity. 2. kar- strikers) to settle disputes among them-
at(s). 3. kilogram(s). 4. (in chess) king. selves.
5. kitchen. Kans. abbr. Kansas.
Kaa-ba (kah-ba) n. a shrine at Mecca con- Kan-sas (kan-zas) a state of the U.S.
taining a sacred black stone. ka*o*lin, ka*o*line (kay-d-lin) ru a fine
ka-bob (ka-bob) kebob. = white clay used in making porcelain and
ka*bu*ki (ka-boo-kee) n. a traditional pop- in medicine.
ular Japanese drama with highly stylized ka-pok (kay-pok) ru a substance resem-
song and dance, acted by males only. bling cotton, used for padding things.
Ka-bul (kah-bool) the capital of Afghani- kap-pa (kap-a) ru the tenth letter of the
stan. Greek alphabet (K k).
Kad-dish (kah-dish) ru (pi. Kad*di* ka-put (kah-puut) adj. (slang) done for,
shim, pr. kah-dish-im) a Jewish prayer ruined, out of order.
in praise of God, especially a form of kar*a*kul (kar-a-kul) n. 1 an Asian sheep

by mourners.
this recited whose young have dark curled fleece. 2.
kaf -fee klatsch (kah-fay klahch) = cof- its fur.
fee klatsch. kar-at (kar-at) ru a measure of the purity
Kahser (ki-zer) ru the title of the German of gold, pure gold being 24 karats.
and Austrian emperors until 1918. ka*ra*te (ka-rah-tee) ru a Japanese system
kale (kay 1) n. a kind of cabbage with curly of unarmed combat in which the hands
leaves that do not form a compact head. and feet are used as weapons.
ka* lei* do* scope (ka-h-dd-skohp) n. a kaf ma (kahr-ma) n. 1. (in Buddhism and
toy consisting of a tube containing small Hinduism) the sum of a person's actions
brightly colored fragments of glass etc. in one of his successive existences,
and mirrors that reflect these to form thought to decide his fate for the next.
changing patterns. ka*lei*do*SCop*iC 2. fate, destiny, kar'mic adj.
(ka-h-d6-skop-ik) adj. karat (kahrst) ru a region with under-
ka*ma*ai*na (kah-ma-i-na) ru a person ground drainage and many cavities etc.
whohas lived in Hawaii for many years. caused by dissolution of rock. >From
kame (kaym)
ru a short ridge of sand and the name of such a region in Yugoslavia.
gravel deposited from the water of a kart (kahrt) ru a miniature racing car with
melted glacier. a low-slung skeleton body, kart'ing ru
ka*mi*ka*ze (kah-mt-kah-zee) n. 1. a ka*sha (kah-sha) ru buckwheat groats, a
World War II Japanese aircraft laden dish prepared from these.
with explosives and deliberately crashed Kat*man*du (kat-man-doo) the capital of
by its pilot on its target. 2. its pilot. Nepal.
Kam*pa*la (kahm-pah-la) the capital of ka*ty*dld (kay-ti-did) ru any of several
Uganda. large green North American insects re-
kanvpong (kam-pong) ru an enclosure or lated to grasshoppers and crickets and
village in parts of southeast Asia where producing a characteristic noise, from
Malay which they get their name.
Kam*pu*che*a (kam-poo-chi-a) a coun- kayak (ki-ak) n. 1 an Eskimo canoe with

try in Asia, formerly Cambodia. a sealskin covering closed around the

kan-ga-roo (kang-ga-roo) ru {pi -roos, waist of the occupant. 2. a small covered
-roo) an Australian animal that jumps canoe resembling this.

kayo / kennel 486

kayo (kay-oh) n. {pi kayos) (slang) a edly, the strap keeps breaking. 1 4. to con-
knockout, kayo v. (kayoed, kay tinue in a specified direction, keep
0*ing) (slang) to knock out. >From the straight on. 15. (of food) to remain in
abbreviation K.O. good condition; the work or news will
Ka-zak'Stan (kah-zahk-stahn) a republic keep, can be put aside until later, keep
of the U.S.S.R. bordering on China and n. 1 .provision of the necessities of life,
the Caspian Sea. Ka*zak / n. a native the food required for this, she earns her
or inhabitant of Kazakstan. keep. 2. the central tower or other
ka*ZOO (ka-zoo) n. {pi -ZOOS) a toy musi- strongly fortified structure in a castle.
cal instrument into which the player for keeps, (informal) permanently.
sings or hums. keep a secret, not tell it to others.
kc abbr. kilocycle(s). keep at, to nag, he keeps at me. keep
K.C. abbr. Knight(s) of Qolumbus. down, to keep low in amount or number,
kc/s abbr. kilocycles) per second. it keeps the weeds down; to eat and not

ke-bob, ke-bab (ke-bob) n. a small piece vomit (food); to suppress, to repress.

of meat cooked on a skewer. keep early hours, to go to bed early.
kedge (kej) v. (kedged, kedg-ing) 1. to keep fit, to be and remain healthy, keep
move (a ship) by winding in a hawser house, to look after a house or a house-
attached to a small anchor. 2. to move hold, keep on, to continue doing some-
in this way. kedge n. a small anchor thing, keep one's feet, not fall, keep
for this purpose. one's head above water, to keep out
keel (keel) n. the timber or steel structure of debt, keep the peace, to obey the
along the base of a ship, on which the laws and refrain from causing trouble.
ship's framework is built up. keel v. to keep to oneself, to keep (a thing) se-
become tilted, to overturn, to collapse, cret; to avoid meeting people, keep un-
keeled over. Don an even keel, steady. der, to repress, keep up, to progress
keel 'haul (keel-hawl) v. to haul (a person) at the same pace as others; to prevent
under the keel of a ship as punishment. from sinking or getting low; to continue
keen 1 (keen) adj. 1 sharp, having a sharp
. to observe, keep up old customs; to con-
edge or point. 2. (of sound or light) acute, tinue, kept up the attack all day; to main-
penetrating. 3. piercingly cold, keen tain in proper condition, the cost of keep-
wind. 4. intense, keen interest; keen com- ing up a large house; to stay informed,
petition. 5.showing or feeling eagerness keep up on the news, keep up with the
or desire, a keen swimmer; is keen to go. Joneses, to strive to remain on terms
6. perceiving things very distinctly, keen of social or material equality with one's
sight. 7. (slang) excellent, keenly adv. neighbors.
keen'ness n. Dkeen on, (informal) keep-er (kee-p£r) n. a person who keeps
much attracted to. or looks after something, the custodian
keen 2 n. an Irish funeral song accompa- of a museum or zoo etc.
nied by wailing, keen v. to utter the keeping (kee-ping) n. 1. custody, charge,
keen, to utter in a wailing tone. in my keeping. 2. harmony, conformity,
keep (keep) v. (kept, keeping) 1. to re- a style that is in keeping with his dignity.
main or cause to remain in a specified keep* sake (keep-say k) n. a thing that is
state or position or condition, she was given or kept as a reminder of a person
kept in prison overnight. 2. to prevent or event.
or hold back from doing something, to keg (keg) n. a small barrel.
detain, what kept you? 3. to put aside keg*ler (keg-lfcr) n. (informal) a person
for a future time. 4. to pay proper respect who bowls.
to; keep a promise, not break it. 5. to kelp (kelp) n. a large brown seaweed.
celebrate (a feast or ceremony). 6. to Kelt (kelt) = Celt.
guard or protect, to keep safe, God bless kehvin (kel-vin) n. a degree (equivalent
you and keep you. 7. to continue to have, to the Celsius degree) of the Kelvin
to have and not give away, keep the scale of temperature (with zero at abso-
change. 8. to provide with the necessities lute zero, -273.15°Q.
of life; it keeps him in cigarettes, provides ken (ken) n. the range of sight or knowl-
him with money for these. 9. to own and edge, beyond my ken. ken v. (kenned,
look after (animals) for one's use or en- ken-ning) (Scottish) to know.
joyment, keep hens. 1 0. to manage, keep Ken-ne-dy (ken-£-dee), John Fltz«
shop. 11. to have (a commodity) regu- ger-ald (1917-63) the thirty-fifth presi-
larly in stock or for sale. 12. to make dent of the U.S. 1961-63.
entries in (a diary or accounts etc.), to ken«nel (ken-el) n. 1. a shelter for a dog
record in this way. 1 3. to continue doing or dogs. 2. (also kennels) an establish-
something, to do frequently or repeat- ment for boarding or breeding dogs.
487 keno / kibble
kennel v. (ken-neled, ken-nel-ing) to v.(keyed, keying) to link closely with
put into a kennel. something else, the factory is keyed to
ke*no (kee-noh) n. a gambling game re- the export trade, key adj. central, all-
sembling bingo. important, the key parts to the puzzle.
Ken* tuck *y (ken-tuk-ee) a state of the Dkey club, a private club to which each
U.S. Ken*tuck'i*an adj. n. Ken- & D member has a personal door key. keyed
tucky bluegrass, a grass found espe- up, stimulated, nervously tense, key
cially in Kentucky and Virginia, used as money, payment demanded from an in-
pasture and for hay. Kentucky Derby, coming tenant, nominally for the provi-
see derby. sion of the key to the premises, key ring,
Kervya (keen-ya) a country in east Africa. a ring on which keys are kept.
Ken'yan adj. A n. key 2 n. a low offshore island or reef, espe-
ke*pl (kay-pee) n. (pL ke*pis) a French cially in the West Indies or off the coast
military cap with a visor. of Florida. Dkey lime, a citrus fruit of
kept (kept) see keep. the Florida keys, key lime pie, a me-
ker*a*tin (ker-5-tin) n. a strong protein ringue pie made with key limes.
forming the basis of horns, claws, nails, keyboard (kee-bohrd) n. the set of keys
feathers, hair, etc. ke-ra-ti-nous (ke- on a piano or typewriter etc.
rat-T-nus) adj. keyhole (kee-hohl) n. the hole by which
ker* chief (kur-chif) n. a square scarf worn a key is put into a lock. keyhole saw,
on the head. a small-bladed saw for cutting holes etc.
kerf (kurf) n. a slit made by cutting, espe- keynote (kee-noht) n. 1. the note on
cially with a saw. which a key in music is based. 2. the
kennel (kur-nel) n. 1. the softer (usually prevailing tone or idea of a speech etc.
edible) part inside the shell of a nut or u keynote speech or address, a
stone fruit. 2. the part of a grain or seed speech, especially at a political conven-
within the husk. 3. the central or impor- tion, stating basic policies and principles.
tant part of a subject or plan or problem keypunch (kee-punch) n. a machine for
etc. recording coded data by punching holes
ker*o*sene (ker-d-seen) n. a fuel oil dis- in cards for later processing by a com-
tilled from petroleum etc. puter, keypunch v. to punch with holes
ketch (kech) n. a small sailing boat with in this way. key'punch*er n.
two masts. keystone (kee-stohn) n. 1. the central
ketch* up (kech-up) n. a thick sauce made wedge-shaped stone at the summit of an
from tomatoes and vinegar etc., used as arch, locking the others in position. 2.
a seasoning. a central principle etc. on which all de-
ket*tle (ket-el) n. a metal container with pends, the keystone of her philosophy.
a spout and handle, for boiling water in. keyword (kee-wurd) n. the key to a ci-
Da pretty kettle of fish, an awkward pher etc.
state of affairs. kg. abbr. kilogram(s).
ket* tie* drum (ket-Sl-drum) n. a percus- KGB abbr. the secret police of the U.S.S.R.
sion instrument consisting of a hollow since 1954.
shaped body over which a skin is kha*ki (kak-ee) adj. 1. dull brownish yel-
stretched. low. 2. made of khaki fabric, khaki n.
key 1 (kee) n. (pi. keys) 1 a small piece
. {pi. -kis) 1 the color of khaki. 2. khaki

of metal shaped so that it will move the cotton fabric used in the army for field
bolt of a lock and so lock or unlock some- uniforms. 3. such a uniform.
thing. 2. a similar instrument for winding khan (kahn) n. 1 .the title of rulers and
a clock or tightening a spring etc. 3. officials in central Asia, Afghanistan, etc.
something that provides access or con- 2. the supreme ruler of Turkish, Tartar,
trol or insight, the key to the mystery; and Mongol tribes, and emperors of
a key industry, one that is important to China, in the Middle Ages.
other industries and to a country's econ- Khantoum (kahr-toom) the capital of Su-
omy. 4. a set of answers to problems, a dan.
word or list of symbols for interpreting khe*dive ((ke-deev) n. the title of the
a code etc. 5. a system of related notes viceroy of Egypt under Turkish govern-
in music, based on a particular note, the ment, 1867-1914.
key of C major. 6. the general tone or kHz abbr. kilohertz.
degree of intensity of something; all in KIA abbr. killed in action.
the same key, monotonous
in character. klb-ble (kib-el) v. (kib-bled, kib-bling)
7. one of a set of levers to be pressed to grind coarsely, to crush into small
by the fingers in playing a musical instru- pieces, kibble n. the product of kibbling,
ment or operating a typewriter etc. key especially dry pet food.

kibbutz / kilometer 488

kib -blitz (ki-buuts) n. (pi kib-but- kid-dy (kid-ee) n. (pi -dies) (informal)
zim, pr. ki-buut-seem) a communal set- a child.
tlement in Israel. kid* nap (kid-nap) v. (kid-naped or kid*

kib-butz-nik (ki-buuts-nik) n. a member napped, kid*nap*ing or kid* nap*

of a kibbutz. ping) to carry off (a person) by force
kib-itz (kib-its) v. (informal) 1. to watch or fraud in order to obtain a ransom,
and comment on a game of cards. 2. to kid 'nap- er, kid 'nap -per n.
give advice that is not sought or appreci- kid-ney (kid-nee) n. (pi -neys) 1. either
ated. kib'itz*er n. (informal). of a pair of organs that remove waste
ki-bosh (ki-bosh) n. (slang) nonsense. products from the blood and secrete
Dput the kibosh on, (slang) to put an urine. 2. this as food. kidney bean,
end to. an oval-shaped bean, especially one that
is deep red. kidney machine, an appa-
kick (kik) v. 1 to strike or^ thrust or propel

with the foot. 2. (in football) to score ratus that performs the functions of a
by kicking, he kicked (for) the extra kidney, kidney Stone, a small hard
point 3. to treat contemptuously, gets mass that sometimes forms in the kidney.
kicked around 4. (of a gun) to recoil kid* skin (kid-skin) n. the leather made
when fired. 5. (informal) to complain. from the skin of a young goat.
kick n. 1 an act of kicking, a blow from
kiel-ba-sa (kil-bah-sa) n. (pi -ba*
being kicked. 2. (informal) a thrill, a
sas, -ba*sy, pr. -ban-see) a Polish sau-
pleasurable effect, get a kick out of it;
Ki*ga*li (kee-gah-lee) the capital of
did it for kicks. 3. (slang) an interest or
activity, the health food kick. 4. the recoil
kill (kil) v. to cause the death of (a per-
1 .

of a gun when it is fired. 5. (informal)

son), to destroy the vitality of (a plant
a complaint, Vm tired of their kicks.
etc.). 2. to put an end to (a feeling etc.);
kick'er n. alive and kicking, (in-
kill a light or an engine, switch it off.
formal) fully active, kick in, (slang) to
3. to make (a color) seem insipid by con-
contribute, kick off, to start a football
trast. 4. to spend (time) unprofitably
game by kicking the ball; (informal) to
while waiting for something. 5. (slang)
start (proceedings), kick out, (informal)
to cause severe pain to, my feet are killing
to drive out forcibly; to dismiss, kick
me. 6. (slang) to consume completely,
over, (informal) to start (an engine); (of
they killed a quart of Scotch, kill n. 1
an engine) to start, kick over the
the act of killing. 2. the animal(s) killed
traces, see trace2 , kick the bucket,
by a hunter, klll'er n. Din at the kill,
(slang) to die. kick the habit, (slang)
present at the time of victory, kill off,
to give it up. kick up, (informal) to cre-
to get rid of by killing, kill two birds
ate (a fuss or noise), kick up one's
with one stone, to achieve two pur-
heels, to show great energy or initiative. poses with one action, kill with kind-
kick upstairs, to promote (a person) to ness, to harm with excessive kindness.
a higher position, which is in fact less make a killing, to have a great financial
influential, in order to get rid of him. success.
kick • back (kik-bak) n. 1 a sharp reaction..
kill* deer (kil -deer) n. a large American
2. (informal) a payment for help in mak- ring plover.
ing a profit etc. kill* joy (kil-joi) n. a person who spoils the
kick* off (kik-awf) n. 1 . (in football) a kick enjoyment of others.
made to start play. 2. (informal) the start kiln (kil, kiln) n. an oven for hardening
of an activity, kickoff of our campaign. or drying things such as pottery or bricks
kick* stand (kik-stand) n. a metal bar used or hops, or for burning lime.
to keep a two-wheeled vehicle upright ki-lo (kee-loh) n. (pi ki*los) a kilogram.
when not in use. kilo- prefix one thousand.
kick-y (kik-ee) adj. (kick*i*er, kick* kil -o -cycle (kil-d-si-kel) n. 1. 1000 cy-
i*est) (slang) vivacious, charming, excit- cles as a unit of wave frequency. 2. (in-
ing. formal) kilohertz.
kid (kid) a young goat. 2. leather
n. 1. kil -o-gram (kil-d-gram) n. the basic unit
made from skin. 3. (slang) a child.
its of mass in the International System of
kid v. (kid-ded, kid -ding) 1. to give Units (2.205 lbs.).
birth to a young goat. 2. (informal) to kit -o -hertz (kil-6-hurts) n. (pi -hertz) a
deceive (especially for fun), to tease, kid' unit of frequency of electromagnetic
der n. kid'ding-ly adv. Dkid gloves, waves, =
1000 cycles per second.
kidskin gloves, kid-glove treatment, kil*o*li*ter (kil-6-lee-ter) n. 1000 liters.
tactfulness. kid Stuff, (informal) some- ki-lo-me-ter (ki-lom-S-ter) n. a distance
thing easy or childish. of 1000 meters (0.62 mile).
489 kiloton / kingly

kil-o-ton (kil-d-tun) ru 1. 1000 tons. 2. kin*e*mat*ics (kin-S-mat-iks) n. the sci-

a unit of explosive power equivalent to ence of pure motion, considered ab-
1000 tons of TNT. stractly without reference to force or
kl*lo*volt (kil-6-vohlt) n. 1000 volts. mass, kin *e* mafic adj. kin *e* magi-
kil-o-watt (kil-6-wot) ru the power of cal adj. kin*e*mat'i*cal*ly adv.
1000 watts. kin -e- scope (kin-e-skohp) n. 1. a televi-
kil-o- watt-hour (kil-5-wot-owr) n. an sion picture tube. 2. a motion picture
amount of energy equal to one kilowatt made from a picture appearing on a kine-
operating for one hour. scope.
kilt (kilt) n. a knee-length pleated skirt of kl*ne*sics (ki-nee-siks) n. the study of
tartan wool, worn as part of a Scottish body movements (shrugs etc.) contribut-
Highland man's dress or by women and ing to communication, ki-ne'sic adj.
children. kin*es*the*sia (kin-is- thee- zh a) n. the
kil-ter (kil-ter) n. (informal) good working sensation of bodily position or of strain
order. Dout of kilter, not working or movement of the muscles, tendons,
properly. etc. of one's body. kin*es*thet*ic (kin-
ki-mo-no (ki-moh-nd) n. {pi -nos) 1. a is-thet-ik) adj.
long loose Japanese robe with wide ki*net*ic (ki-net-ik) adj. of or produced
sleeves, worn with a sash. 2. a dressing by movement, characterized by move-
gown resembling this. ment. kinetic art, art that depends for
kin (kin) n. {pi kin) a person's relatives). its effect on the movement of some of
kind 1 (kind) n. a class of similar things its parts, as in air currents, kinetic en-
or animals, a type. Da
kind of, some- ergy, see energy.
thing that belongs approximately to the kin-folk (kin-fohk), kin-folks (kin-fohks)
class named, he is a kind of stockbroker. n. pi a person's relatives).
in kind, (of payment) in goods or natural king (king) n. 1 a man who is the supreme

produce, not in money; repaid his inso- ruler of an independent country by right
lence in kind, by being insulting in re- of succession to the throne. 2. a person
turn, kind Of, (informal) slightly, I felt or thing regarded as supreme in some
kind of sorry for him. of a kind, similar. way; king of beasts, the lion. 3. a large
t>It is incorrect to say these kind of species of animal, king penguin. 4. the
cards. Say this kind when you mean one piece in chess that has to be protected
kind; these kinds, when you mean more from capture. 5. a piece in checkers that
than one kind. has been crowned on reaching the oppo-
kind 2adj. gentle and considerate in one's nent's end of the board. 6. a playing card
manner or conduct toward others. kind' bearing a picture of a king and ranking
ness n. next above queen. 7. Kings, two histori-
kin* der* gar* ten (kin-der-gahr-ten) n. a cal books of the Old Testament covering
school or class for very young children. the kingdom of Judah from the death
kin • der • gart • ner, kin • der • gar • ten • of David to the destruction of the Tem-
er (kin-der-gahrt-ner) n. a child in kin- ple, king 'less adj. Dking crab, a large
dergarten. marine crab having a horseshoe-shaped
kind- heart -ed (kind-hahr-tid) adj. hav- shell;any of several large edible crabs.
ing a kind heart, sympathetic to others. king's pawn, knight, bishop, etc., that
kin -die (kin-del) v. (kin -died, kin* closest to the king's side of the chess-
dling) 1 to set on fire, to cause (a fire)
. board at the start of the game.
to begin burning. 2. to arouse or stimu- king* bolt (king-bohlt) n. a main or large
late, kindled our hopes. 3. to become kin- bolt.
dled. king-dom (king-dom) n. 1. a country
kin* dling (kin-dling) n. small pieces of ruled by a king or queen. 2. the spiritual
wood for lighting fires. reign of God; thy Kingdom come, may
kind-ly (kind-lee) adj. (kind*li*er, kind- the rule of God be established. 3. a divi-
It* est) kind in character or manner or sion of the natural world, the animal or
appearance, kindly adv. 1 in a kind way. . vegetable kingdom. kingdom come,
2. please, kindly shut the door, kindli- (slang) the next world.
ness n. Dnot take kindly to, to be king* fish *er (king-fish-er) n. a small bird
displeased by. with bright bluish plumage that dives to
kin -d red (kin-drid) a person's rela-
n. catch fish.
tives), kindred adj. 1 . of sim-
related. 2. King (king)James (jaymz) Version an
ilar kind, chemistry and kindred subjects. Authorized Version of the Bible, used
Da kindred spirit, a person whose in- by Protestants, prepared during the reign
terests or tastes are similar to one's own. of James I of England.
kine (kin) n. pi (old use) cows, cattle. king-ly (king-lee) adj. (king-li-er, king*
kingpin / knead 490
Ihest) of or like or suitable for a king. whole kit and caboodle, (informal)
king* pin (king-pin) n. 1. a vertical bolt everyone and everything, the whole lot.
used as a pivot. 2. (in bowling) the head kitch*en (ldch-in) n. a room in which
or middle pin. 3. an indispensable person meals are prepared. kitchen garden,
or thing. a garden for growing one's own fruit and
king *ship (king-ship) n. being a king, a vegetables, kitchen police, military per-
king's position or reign. sonnel assigned to help the cooks; this
king* size (king-siz) adj. (also king 7 work.
sized') extra large. kite h• en • ette (kich-e-net) n. a small room

Kings *ton (king-ston) the capital of Ja- or an alcove used as a kitchen.

maica. kitch*en*ware (kich-en-wair) n. equip-
kink (kingk) n. 1. a short twist in a wire ment used in the kitchen.
or rope or hair etc. 2. a^nental or moral kite (kit) n. 1 a large bird of prey of the

peculiarity, kink v. to form or cause to hawk family. 2. a toy consisting of a light

form a kink or kinks. covered framework, to be flown in a
kin*ka*jou (king-ka-joo) ru a carnivorous strong wind on the end of a long string.
nocturnal animal of Central and South go fly a kite, (slang) go away, leave.
America, with a tail used for grasping kith (kith) n. kith and kin, kinfolk, one's
branches etc. friends and relatives.
kink*y (king-kee) adj. (kink*i*er, kink* kitsch (kich) n. pretentiousness and lack
i*est) 1 full of kinks. 2. (slang) bizarre,
, of good taste in art, art of this type.
eccentric, perverted, kink'hness n. kit* ten (kit-en) n. the young of a cat or
Kin*sha*sa (kin-shah-sah) the capital of certain other small mammals, kitten v.
Zaire. to give birth to kittens. kit'ten*ish adj.
kin* ship (kin-ship) n. 1. a blood relation- Dhave kittens, (slang) to be very agi-
ship. 2. similarity or alliance in charac- tated or nervous.
ter. klt'ty 1 (kit-ee) n. {pi -ties) a cat, espe-
kins* man (kinz-man) n. {pi -men, pr. cially a kitten.
-men) a blood relative, especially a male. kitty 2 n. {pi -ties) 1 the pool of stakes

kins* worn* an (kinz-wuum-an) n. {pi to be played for in some card games.

-worn* en, pr. -wim-in) a female blood 2. a fund of money for communal use.
relative. kl*wl (kee-wee) n. {pi -wis) 1 a New Zea- .

ki*osk (kee-osk) a light structure in a

n. land bird that does not fly, with a long
public place for selling newspapers, re- bill, rudimentary wings, and no tail. 2.
freshments, etc. Kiwi (informal) a New Zealander.
Ki*o*wa (ki-o-wa) ru {pi -wa, -was) 1. K.J.V. abbr. King James Version.
a member of a tribe of Plains Indians KKK abbr. Ku Klux Klan.
of the southwestern U.S. 2. the language klep*to*ma*ni*a (klep-to-may-ni-a) n. an
of this tribe. uncontrollable tendency to steal things,
kip* per (kip-er) n. a kippered herring, kip- with no desire to use or profit by them.
per v. to cure (fish) by splitting, cleaning, klep*to*ma*ni*ac (klep-to-may-ni-ak) n.
and drying it in the open air or in smoke. a person suffering from kleptomania.
Kir*ghi*zia (kir-gee-z/ia) a republic of the klieg (kleeg) light (also kleig light) a pow-
U.S.S.R. bordering on China. erful lamp used in a motion picture
kirk (kurk) n. (Scottish) a church. studio.
kirsch (keersh) n. a colorless brandy made km., km abbr. kilometers).
from the juice of cherries. kn abbr. knot(s).
kis-met (kiz-mit) ru destiny, fate. knack (nak) n. 1 the ability to do some-

kiss (kis) n. a touch or caress given with

1 . thing skillfully. 2. the habit of doing, he
the lips. 2. a small candy, especially of has a knack for saying the wrong thing.
chocolate, kiss v. 1. to touch with the knack *wurst = knockwurst.
lips in affection or as a greeting or in knap* sack (nap-sak) n. a bag worn
reverence. 2. (of billiard balls etc.) to strapped on the back for carrying sup-
touch lightly. Ukiss Of death, an ap- plies and gear, used by soldiers on a
parently friendly act causing ruin. march or by hikers.
kiss*er (kis-er) ru (slang) the mouth or knave (nayv) n. 1. (old use) a rogue. 2.
face. a jack in a deck of playing cards, knav'
kit (kit) ru the clothing and personal
1. ish adj. knav'er-y n.
equipment of a soldier etc. or a traveler. knead (need) v. 1. to work (moist flour
2. the equipment needed for a particular or clay) by pressing and stretching it with
activity or situation, a first-aid kit; a the hands. 2. to make (bread etc.) in this
shaving kit 3. a set of parts sold together way. 3. to massage with kneading move-
to be assembled, in kit forrru tithe ments, knead'er n.
491 knee / knocker
knee (nee) n. 1 the joint between the thigh
. filledwith mashed potato, meat, etc. and
and the lower part of the human leg, baked or fried.
the corresponding joint in animals. 2. knit (nit) v. (knit-ted, or knit, knit-
the part of a garment covering this. 3. ting) 1. to make (a garment or fabric
the upper surface of the thigh of a sitting etc.) from yarn formed into interlocking
person, sit on my knee. 4. something loops either by long needles held in the
shaped like a bent knee, knee v. (kneed, hands or on a machine. 2. to form (yarn)
knee-ing) to touch or strike with the into fabric etc. in this way. 3. to make
knee. Dial on or to one's knees, to
I a plain (not purl) stitch in knitting. 4.
kneel, knee breeches, breeches reach- to unite or grow together, the broken
ing to or just below the knee, knee jerk, bones were knitting well; a well-knit
an involuntary jerk of the leg when a frame, compact bodily structure, knit n.
tendon below the knee is struck. a garment or fabric made by knitting,
knee* cap (nee-kap) n. the small bone cov- knit'ter n. double knit, see double,
ering the front of the knee joint. knit one's brow, to frown.
knee-deep (nee-deep) adj. of or in suffi- knit -ting (nit-ing) n. work in the process
cient depth to cover a person up to the of being knitted. knitting needle, one
knees; knee-deep in work, deeply occu- of the long needles used for knitting by
pied. hand, tend to one's knitting, (in-
knee* hole (nee-hohl) adj. (of a desk) with formal) to look after one's responsibili-
space for the knees between pedestals fit- ties.
ted with drawers. knit -wear (nit-wair) n. knitted garments.
kneel (neel) v. (knelt, kneel -ing) to take knob (nob) n. 1 a rounded projecting part,

or be in a position where the body is especially one forming the handle of a

supported on the knees with the lower door or drawer or for controlling a radio,
leg bent back, especially in prayer or rev- television, etc. knobbed adj.
kneel'er n.
erence, knob -by (nob-ee) adj. (-bi-er, -bi-est)
knee-length (nee-lengkth) adj. reaching to with many small projecting lumps.
the knees. knock (nok) v. 1 to strike with an audible

knell (nel) n. the sound of a bell tolled sharp blow. 2. to make a noise by striking
solemnly after a death or at a funeral. something, as at a door to summon a
knelt (nelt) see kneel. person or gain admittance. 3. (of an en-
knew (noo) see know. gine) to make a thumping or rattling
knick-ers (nik-erz) n. pi. (formerly noise while running. 4. to drive or make
knlck • er • bock • ers, pr. nik-er-bok-erz) by knocking, knocked a hole in it. 5.
men's loose-fitting breeches gathered in (slang) to say critical or insulting things
at the knee. about, stop knocking the schools, knock
knick-knack (nik-nak) n. a small orna- n. 1 an act or sound of knocking. 2. a

mental article. sharp blow. 3. (in an engine) knocking.

knife (mf) n. (pi. knives, pr. nivz) 1. a knock around or about, to treat
cutting instrument or weapon consisting roughly; to wander aimlessly, knock
of a sharp blade with a handle. 2. the down, to hit (a person) with one's fists
cutting blade of a machine, knife v. until he falls; to dispose of (an article)
(knifed, knif-ing) to cut or stab with at auction; to take apart (furniture, dis-
a knife. Dgo under the knife, to have plays, etc.); (slang) to earn (money), he
a surgical operation, knife in the back, knocks down $300 a week, knock
to betray secretly, on a knife edge, in knees, an abnormal inward curving of
a situation involving extreme tension or the legs at the knees, knock off, (in-
anxiety about the outcome. formal) to cease work; to deduct (an
knight (nit) n. 1 a man of noble birth
. amount) from a price; (informal) to com-
and military status in the Middle Ages. plete (a specified amount of work), he
2. (British) a man given a certain rank knocked off a day's work in four hours;
as an honor by the sovereign and ad- (slang) to steal; (slang) to kill (a person).
dressed as "Sir." 3. a chess piece, usually knock out, to make unconscious by hit-
with the form of a horse's head, knight ting on the head, to disable (a boxer)
v. to confer a knighthood on. knight'ly in this way so that he is unable to rise
adv. knight errant, a medieval knight or continue in a specified time; (informal)
wandering in search of chivalrous adven- to exhaust or disable, he felt knocked
tures; a. person of chivalrous or quixotic out after work, knock the spots Off,
spirit. to be easily superior to.
knight* hood (mt-huud) n. the rank of knock -er (nok-er) n. 1. a person who
knight. knocks. 2. a hinged metal flap for rap-
knish (knish) n. a dumpling of flaky dough ping against a door to summon a person.
knockout / kowtow 492
knock* out (nok-owt) n. 1. a blow that that a person knows. 3. all that
is known,

knocks a boxer out. 2. a boxing match an organized body of information.

that ends when one contestant is knocked knowl-edge-a-ble (nol-i-ja-bel) adj.
out. 3. (slang) an outstanding or irresisti- well-informed.
ble person or thing. knockout drops, knuck*ie (nuk-el) ft. 1. a finger joint. 2.
liquid added to a drink to cause uncon- the knob at an animal's joint, knuckle
sciousness when swallowed. v. (knuck-led, knuck-ling) to strike or

knock 'Wurst (nok-wurst) n. a short thick press or rub with the knuckles. brass
seasoned sausage. knuckles, a metal device worn over the
knoll (nohl) ft. a small hill, a mound. knuckles to protect them and increase
knot (not) ft. 1 an intertwining of one or
the injury done by a blow, knuckle
more pieces of thread or rope etc. to fas- down, to begin to work earnestly,
ten them together. 2. a tangle. 3. a hard knuckle under, to yield, to submit.
mass in something, especially on a tree knuck*le*bone (nuk-el-bohn) n. a bone
trunk where a branch joins it. 4. a round forming the knuckle.
cross-grained spot in timber where a knuck*le*dus*ter (nuk-el-dus-ter) n.

branch joined. 5. a cluster of people or (slang) brass knuckles.

things. 6. a unit of speed used by ships

knuck*le*head (nuk-el-hed) ft. (informal)
at sea and by aircraft, =
one nautical a stupid person, knuckle* head *ed
mile per hour, knot v. (knot -ted, knot*
knurl (nurl)ft. a small projecting knob or
ting) 1 to tie or fasten with a knot; my

ridge to assist in gripping an object.

stomach knotted up, gave me severe pain.
2. to entangle. 3. (slang) to tie the score
knurled adj.

in a game. Dtle in knots, (informal)

K.O., KO(kay-oh) ft. {pi K.O/S, KO's)
(slang) knockout. K.O. v. (slang) to
to make (a person) baffled or confused.
knock out; K.O.'d, KO'd, knocked out.
tie the knot, (informal) to get married.
ko*a*la (koh-ah-la) n. (also koala bear)
knot 'hole (not-hohl) n. a hole in timber
an Australian tree-climbing animal with
formed where a knot has fallen out.
thick gray fur and large ears, feeding on
knot'ty (not-ee) adj. (knot-ti-er, knot*
the leaves of the eucalyptus tree.
ti*est) 1. full of knots. 2. puzzling, full
K. of C. abbr. Knights of Columbus.
of problems or difficulties. knotty
kohl*ra*bi (kohl-rah-bee) ft. (pL -bies) a
pine, pine timber used for interior panel-
plant with an edible turnip-shaped stem.
ing in which the knots are decorative.
ko-la (koh-la) nut the seed of a West Afri-
knout (nowt) ft. a flogging whip formerly can tree, used as a condiment and in
used in Russia. making soft drinks.
know (noh) v. (knew, known, know* ko*lin*sky (ko-lin-skee) n. (pi -skies, pr.
ing) 1 to have in one's mind or memory
-skeez) the fur of a Siberian mink.
as a result of experience or learning or kook (kook) n> (slang) a foolish or eccen-
information. 2. to feel certain, / know tric person. kook'y adj. (kook*i*er,
I left it here! 3. to recognize (a person), kook- -est) kook'i-ness n.

to have had social contact with, to be kook*a*bur*ra (kuuk-a-bur-a) n. an Aus-

familiar with (a place). 4. to recognize tralian bird of the kingfisher family
with certainty, knows a bargain when she whose cry sounds like wild laughter.
sees one. 5. to understand and be able ko*peck, ko-pek (koh-pek) n. a Russian
to use (a subject or language or skill), coin, one-hundredth part of a ruble.
she knows how to please people; knows Ko*ran (koh-rahn) n. the sacred book of
better than to do that, is too wise or well- the Muslims containing the revelations
mannered to do it. Din the know, (in- of Muhammad, written in Arabic.
formal) having inside information, know Ko*re*a (kd-ree-a) a country in Asia, di-
One's mind, to know firmlywhat one vided between the Republic of Korea
wants or intends, know the ropes, see (= South Korea) and the Democratic
rope. People's Republic of Korea (= North
know -a -Die (noh-a-bel) adj. able to be Korea). Ko*re'an adj. A n.
known. ko-sher (koh-sher) adj. (of food etc.) con-
know* how (noh-how) ft. practical knowl- forming to the requirements of Jewish
edge or skill in a particular activity. dietary laws.
know* ing (noh-ing) adj. showing knowl- ko*tO (koh-toh) «. a Japanese musical in-

edge or awareness, showing that one has strument with thirteen long silk strings.
inside information, knowing *ly adv. kowtow (kow-tow, kow-tow) v. to behave
know-it-all (noh-it-awl) n. a person who with exaggerated respect toward a per-
behaves as if he knows everything. son. D> The kowtow was a former Chinese
knowl-edge (nol-ij) n. 1. knowing. 2. all custom of touching the ground with
493 KP / kyphosis

one's forehead as a sign of worship or and glory. t>This word is always singu-
submission. lar: all the kudos she received has made
KP abbr. kitchen police. her conceited.
k.p.h. kph, K.P.H., KPH abbr. kilometers) kud»zu (kuud-zoo) n. a rapid-growing Chi-
per hour. nese and Japanese vine, now grown in
Kr symbol krypton. the U.S. primarily to prevent soil erosion.
kraal (krahl) n. (in South Africa) 1. a vil- Ku Klux Klan (koo kluks klan) a secret
lage of huts enclosed by a fence. 2. an society hostile to blacks, originally
enclosure for cattle or sheep. formed in the southern states after the
kraut (krowt) n. (informal) sauerkraut. Civil War.
krenvlin (krem-lin) n. 1. a citadel within ku-lak (koo-lahk) n. (in the U.S.S.R.) a
a Russian town, especially that of Mos- peasant proprietor working for his own
cow. 2. the Kremlin, the government of profit.
the U.S.S.R. kOnvmel (kim-el) n. a sweet liqueur fla-
Krem • in • ol • o • gist (krem-li-nol-o-jist)
I vored with caraway seeds.
n, an expert in the study of the govern- kunvquat (kum-kwot) n. a plum-sized
ment and policies of the Soviet Union. fruit like an orange with a sweet rind
Krenvlin*ol'o*gy n. and acid pulp.
Krish*na (krish-na) n. an incarnation of kung f u (kung foo) a Chinese form of un-
Vishnu, a popular Hindu diety. armed combat, similar to karate.
kro-na (kroh-na) n. the unit of money in Kurd (kurd) n. a member of a pastoral peo-
Sweden (pi -nor, pr. -ndr) and Iceland ple of Kurdistan, a mountainous region
-nur, pr. -nur).
(pi. of east Turkey, north Iraq, and north-
kro-ne (kroh-ne) n. (pL -ner, pr. -ner) the west Iran. Kurd'ish adj. & n.
unit of money in Denmark and Norway. Kywait (koo-wayt) 1. a country in the
Kru*ger*rand (kroo-ger-rand) n. a South Middle East, bordering on the Persian
African one-ounce gold coin bearing a Gulf. 2. its capital city. Ku*wai-ti (koo-
portrait of President Kruger (1825- way-tee) adj. & n. (pi -tis).
1904). KV, kV abbr. kilovolt(s).
krypton (krip-ton) n. a gaseous chemical KW, kW abbr. kilowatt(s).
element. kwash*i*or*kor (kwash-ee-or-kor) n. a
KS abbr. Kansas. tropical disease of children, caused by
kt abbr. 1 karat. 2. kiloton. 3. knot.
. lack of protein in the diet.
Kt. abbr. 1. Knight. 2. (in chess) knight. kwh, kWh abbr. kilowatt-hour(s).
Kua-la Lunvpur (kwah-la luum-poor) the Ky., KY abbr. Kentucky.
capital of Malaysia. ky*pho*sis (ki-foh-sis) n. an abnormal
ku*d08 (koo-dohz) n. (informal) honor curvature of the spine, convex backward.
L, I (el) (pi Ls, L's, l's) h the twelfth on the first Monday of September; a simi-
letter of the English alphabet. 2. Roman lar holiday in other countries, often cele-
numeral symbol for 50. brated on May 1. labor union, an or-
I abbr. 1. lake. 2. left. 3. line 4. litems). ganized association of employees of an
L (el) n. something shaped like the letter industry or group of allied industries
L. formed to protect and promote their
L abbr. large. common interests.
L abbr. 1. left. 2. length. 3. line. 4. lire. lab*o*ra*to*ry (lab-ra-tor-ee) n. (pi
5. litems). -lies) a room or building equipped for
L abbr. 1. lake. 2. Latin. 3. left. scientific experiments or research etc.
la (lah) n. a name for the sixth note of a la* bored (lay-bord) adj. showing signs of
scale in music. great effort, not spontaneous, forced.
La symbol lanthanum. la* boner (lay-bd-rfcr) n. a person em-
LA abbr. Louisiana. ployed to do unskilled manual work.
La. abbr. Louisiana. la*bor-ln*ten*slve (lay-bdr-in-ten-slv)
L.A. abbr. 1. Law Agent. 2. Los Angeles. adj. (of an industry) needing to employ
lab (lab) n. (informal) laboratory. many people.
Lab. abbr. Labrador. la*bo*li*OU8 (la-bohr-i-us) adj. 1 needing

la-bel (lay-bel) n. a slip of paper or

1. much effort or perseverance. 2. hard-
cloth or metal etc. fixed on or beside an working. la*bo'ri*ous*ly adv.
object and showing its nature, owner, la • bor • sav • ing (lay-bdr-say- ving) adj.
name, destination, or other information designed to reduce the amount of work
about it. 2. a descriptive word or phrase or effort needed.
classifying people etc. label v. (la* Lab -ra- dor (lab- ra -dor) a region of Can-
beled, la •belong) 1. to attach a label ada. Labrador n. (also Labrador re-
to. 2. to describe or classify, he was la- triever) a retriever dog of a breed with
beled a troublemaker. a smooth black or golden coat.
Ia*bl*a see labium. lab*ra*dor*lte (lab-ra-daw-nt) n. a feld-
la-bi-al (lay-bi-al) adj. of the lips. spar with several changing colors.
la* bile (lay-bil) adj. unstable, liable to dis- Ia*bur*num (la-bur-num) n. an ornamen-
placement or change. tal tree with hanging clusters of yellow
Ia*bl*um (lay-bi-um) n. (pi la*bi*a, pr. flowers.
lay-bi-a) a lip of the female genitals. lab-yrinth (lab-I-rinth) n. a complicated
labia ma*|o*ra (ma-johr-a), mi* no* network of paths through which it is dif-
ra (mi-nohr-a), the fleshy outer folds, the ficult to find one's way.lab*y*rin*thine
inner folds. (lab-T-rin-thin) adj.
la* bor (lay-b6r) n. 1. physical or mental lac* CO* llth (lak-6-lith) n. a dome-shaped
work, exertion. 2. a task; a labor of Her- intrusion of igneous rock from beneath
cules, a herculean task. 3. the pains or sedimentary rock.
contractions of the uterus at childbirth. lace (lays) n. 1. fabric or trimming made
4. workers, working people distinguished in an openwork design. 2. a cord or nar-
from management or considered as a po- row leather strip threaded through holes
litical force, labor v. 1 . to exert oneself, or hooks for pulling opposite edges to-
to work hard. have to make a great
2. to gether and securing them, lace v.
effort, to operate or progress only with (laced, lac* ing) 1. to fasten with a lace
difficulty, the engine was laboring. 3. to or laces. 2. to pass (a cord) through, to
treat at great length or in excessive detail, intertwine. 3. to flavor or fortify (a drink)
/ will not labor the point Labor Day, with liquor.
a public holiday in honor of working peo- lac *er* ate (las-*-rayt) v. (Iac*er*at*
ple, celebrated in the U.S. and Canada ed, lac -er- at* ing) 1. to injure (flesh)

495 lacewing / lain

by tearing. 2. to wound (feelings), lac* lad-ing (lay-ding) n. cargo; bill of lading

er-a-tion (las-S-ray-shdn) ru (see bill 1 ).
lace* wing (lays- wing) n. an insect having la* die (lay-del) n. 1. a large spoon with

delicately veined gauzelike wings. a cup-shaped bowl and a long handle,

lachTymal (lak-ri-mal) adj. 1. of tears, for transferring liquids. 2. a vessel for
secreting tears. 2. lacrimal (definition 1). transporting molten metal in a foundry.
Iach«ry -mose (lak-ri-mohs) adj. tearful. ladle v. (la* died, la-dllng) to transfer
lack (lak) n. the state or fact of not having with a ladle, la'dler n.
something, lack v. to be without or not Ia*dy (lay-dee) n. (pi -dies) 1. a woman
have (a thing) when it is needed; they of good social position, a woman of polite
lack for nothing, have plenty of every- and kindly behavior. 2. (in polite use)

thing. a woman. 3. (old use) a wife, the colonels

lack-a-dai-si-cal (lak-a-day-zi-kal) adj. lady. 4. Lady, a title used for the wives

lacking vigor or determination, unenthu- or daughters of certain noblemen. 5. a

siastic. Iack*a*dai'si*cal-ly adv.
woman with authority over a household
etc., the lady of the house. 6. a woman
lack-ey (lak-ee) n. (pi -eys) 1 a person's

servile follower. 2. a footman, a servant. to whom a man is chivalrously devoted.

lack-ing (lak-ing) adj. 1. undesirably ab- man, a man who is fond of
sent, money was lacking. 2. deficient, he
female society, ladies' room, a women's
public lavatory, lady beetle, a ladybug.
is lacking in courage.
lack-lus-ter (lak-lus-ter) adj. (of the eye lady of the evening, a prostitute, la-
etc.) not bright, dull.
dy's Slipper, a wild or garden flower
of the orchid family, with a bloom
la-con-ic (la-kon-ik) adj. terse, not talka-
shaped like a slipper or pouch.
tive. la*con'i*cal*ly adv.
la -dy- bird (lay-dee-burd) n. a ladybug.
lacquer (lak-er) n. a hard glossy varnish.
lacquer v. to coat with lacquer.
la-dybug (lay-dee-bug) n. a small flying
beetle, usually reddish brown with black
lacrimal (lak-ri-mal) adj. 1. of the
glands that produce tears. 2. lachrymal.
Ia-dy-fin-ger (lay-dee-fing-ger) n. a fin-
lacri*ma*tion (lak-ri-may-shdn) n. a
ger-shaped sponge cake.
flow of tears.
Ia*dy-in-wait*ing (lay-dee-in- way-ting) n.
la-crosse (la-kraws) n. a game resembling
(pi la*dies-in-wait*ing) a lady attend-
hockey but with players using a netted
ing a queen or princess.
crook (a crosse) to catch or carry or
la -dy like (lay-dee-hk) adj. polite and
throw the ball.
suitable for a lady, ladylike manners.
lactate (lak-tayt)v. (lac tat -ed, lac* la -dy -love (lay-dee-luv) n. a man's sweet-
tat-ing) to secrete milk.
lac* taction (lak-tay-shdn) n. the secreting la-dy- ship Gay-dee-ship) n. a title used
of milk in breasts or udder, the period in speaking to or about a woman of the
during which this occurs. rank of Lady, Your Ladyship.
lac* tic (lak-tik) adj. of milk. Dlactic Ia*e*trile (lay-€-tril) n. a drug obtained
acid, a colorless liquid formed in sour from apricot or peach pits and claimed
milk. to cure cancer.
lactose (lak-tohs) n. sugar present in lag (lag) v. (lagged, lag-ging) to go too
milk, less sweet than sucrose. slowly, to fail to keep up with others.
Ia*cu*na (la-kyoo-na) n. (pi. -nae, pr. lag n. lagging, a delay.
-nee, -nas) a gap, a section missing from Ia*ger (lah-ger) n. a kind of light beer.
a book or argument etc. lag-gard (lag-ard) n. a person who lags
lacy (lay-see) adj. (laci-er, laci* behind, laggard adj. going too slowly,
est) like lace. lag'gard-ly adj. & adv. lag'gard*
lad (lad) n. 1. a boy, a young fellow. 2. ness n.
(informal) a fellow. la-gniappe (lan-yap) n. a thing given as
lad-der (lad-er) n. 1. a set of crossbars a bonus or gratuity. > Originally Louisi-
(rungs) between two uprights of wood ana French, derived from Spanish la
etc., used as a means of climbing up or napa.
down something. 2. a means or series la* goon (la-goon) n. 1 . a shallow saltwater
of stages by which a person may advance lake separated from the sea by a sand-
in his career etc., the political ladder. bank or coral reef etc. 2. a small freshwa-
lad* die (lad-ee) n. a lad. ter lake near a larger lake or river.
lad* en (lay-den) adj. loaded with a cargo La-gos (lay-gos, -g6s) the capital of Nige-
or burden. ria.
la-di-da (lah-dee-dah) adj. (informal) af- laid (layd) see lay 3 .
fected. lain (layn) see lie 2 .

lair (lair) n. 1. a sheltered place where a or argument) weak, unconvincing, tame

wild animal regularly sleeps or rests. 2. v. (lamed, lanving) to make lane,
a person's hiding place. lame'ly adv. lame'ness n. Dlame
laird (laird) n. (Scottish) a landowner. duck, an elected official after another
Iais*sez falre (les-ay fair) the policy of has been elected to replace him and be-
noninterference, especially the policy of fore the new person has taken office; any
government noninterference in economic official in the last days of his term of
affairs or business. French,> let act. = office.
Ia*i*ty (Uy-i-tee) ru 1. the people of a la* me (la-may) n. a fabric in which gold
church who are not clergy. 2. people not or silver thread is interwoven.
initiated into a particular discipline, soci- lame* brain (laym-brayn) n, (slang) a stu-
ologists find it difficult to communicate pid person.
with the laity. la* men t (la-ment) n. 1. a passionate ex-
lake (layk) n. a large body of water entirely pression of grief. 2. a song or poem
surrounded by land. expressing grief, lament v. to feel or ex-
lal-ly -gag (lol-ee-gag) v. (lal-ly -gagged, press great sorrow or regret.
lal • ly • gag • glng) (informal) to do noth- Iam*en*ta*ble (lam-en-ta-bel) adj. re-
ing or pass time with aimless activity. grettable, deplorable, lam ' en • ta • bly
lam 1 Qam) v. (lammed, lam Tiling) adv.
(slang) to hit hard, to thrash; lammed lam*en*ta*tion (lam-en-tay-shdn) n. 1.
into him, attacked him physically or ver- lamenting. 2. a lament, an expression of
bally. grief. 3. Lamentations, a poetical book
lam 2 v. (lammed, lanvming) (slang) to of the Old Testament traditionally as-
depart abruptly. Don
the lam, (slang) cribed to Jeremiah.
fleeing from the police. Ia*ment*ed (la-men-tid) adj. mourned for,
lam. abbr. laminated. your lamented father.
Lam. abbr. Lamentations. la* mi* a (lay-mi-a) n.
an evil mythological
la* ma (lah-ma) n. a priest in Lamaism. being, half woman and half serpent.
>Do not confuse lama with llama. Iam*i*na (lam-i-na) n. {pi -nae, pr. -nee,
La • ma • ism (lah-ma-iz-em) n. the form of -nas) a thin scale, plate, layer, or flake
Buddhism found in Tibet and Mongolia. of metal, bone, membrane, stratified
la-ma-ser-y (lah-ma-ser-ee) n. {pi -ser* rock, vegetable tissue, etc. Iam'i*nar
ies) a monastery of lamas. adj. Iam'i*nal adj.
La* maze (la-mahz) method a method of Iam*i*nate (lam-l-nayt) v. (Iam*i-nat-
preparing for natural childbirth in which ed, lam*i*nat*ing) 1. to form in or to
the father helps the mother to relax and make into thin layers. 2. to split into
control her breathing. layers, laminate (lam-T-nayt, -nit) n. a
lamb (lam) n. 1 a young sheep. 2. its flesh
. laminated material, laminate (lam-T-nit)
as food. 3. (informal) a gentle or endear- adj. having 'laminae. lam*i*na*tion
ing person, lamb v. to give birth to a (lam-I-nay-shdn) n,
lamb. DLamb
of God, in Christianity, lam*l*nat*ed (lam-I-nay-tid) adj. made of
a term applied to Jesus. layers joined one upon the other, lami-
lam* baste, lam -bast (lam-bayst) v. nated plastic.
(lam* bast *ed, lam* bast *ing) (in- lamp (lamp) n. 1 a device for giving light,

formal) to thrash or beat or reprimand either by the use of electricity or gas or

severely. by burning oil or alcohol. 2. a light bulb.
lamb* da (lam-da) n. the eleventh letter of 3. an electrical device producing radia-
the Greek alphabet (A X). tion, an infrared lamp.
lam* bent (lam-bent) adj. 1. (of flame or lamp* black (lamp-blak) n. a pigment
light) playing on a surface without burn- made from soot.
ing it, with soft radiance. 2. (of eyes, lamp* light *er (lamp-liter) n. 1. a person
sky, etc.) softly radiant. 3. (of wit etc.) who lit gas street lamps. 2. a thin strip
lightly brilliant. Iam'bent*ly adv. lam* ofwood or folded or twisted paper for
ben*cy (lam-ben-see) n. lighting lamps.
lamb* skin (lam-skin) the skin of a lamb,
n. lanvpoon (lam-poon) n. a piece of writing
either with its wool on (used in making that attacks a person with ridicule, lam-
clothing etc.) or as leather. poon v. to ridicule in a lampoon.
lambs* wool (lamz-wuul) n. soft fine wool lamp* post (lamp-pohst) n. a tall post sup-
used in making machine-knitted gar- porting a street light.
ments. lam* prey (lam-pree) n. {pi -preys) a
lame (laym) adj. 1. unable to walk nor- small eellike water animal with a round
mally because of an injury or defect, es- mouth used as a sucker for attaching it-
pecially in a foot or leg. 2. (of an excuse self to things.
(lamp-shayd) n. a shade land -fill(land-fil) n. a lowland built up
placed over a lamp to soften or screen with layers of trash and garbage alternat-
ifc light. ing with layers of earth.
Ia*nal (fe-ni) n. {pi -rials) a veranda fur- land -form (land-form) n. a natural feature
nished as an outdoor living room. of the surface of Earth.
lance (kms) n. a weapon used for spearing land* hold *er (land-hohl-der) n. an owner
fish etc., consisting of a long wooden or tenant of land. land'hold*lng adj.
shaft with a pointed steel head, resem- & n.

bling that used by mounted knights or landing (lan-ding) n. 1. the process of

cavalry in the Middle Ages, lance v. coming or bringing something to land
(lanced, lanc*ing) to prick or cut open or of alighting after a jump etc. 2. a place
a wound, boil, etc. lance corporal, where people and goods may be landed
an enlisted person in the U.S. Marine from a boat etc. 3. a level area between
Corps ranking below a corporal and flights or at the top of a flight of stairs.
above a private first class. landing craft, a naval vessel designed
larvcer (lan-ser) n. a soldier of a certain for putting ashore troops and equipment.
cavalry regiment formerly armed with landing field, a flat, smooth area where
lances. planes land and take off. landing gear,
larvcet (lan-sit) n. a pointed two-edged the undercarriage of an aircraft, landing
knife used by surgeons. strip, an airstrip.
land (land) n. 1 the solid part of Earth's
. land- la -dy (land-lay-dee) n. fern, {pi
surface, the part not covered by water -dies) the owner of an apartment build-
or sea. 2. the ground or soil as used for ing or other rental property.
farming etc. 3. an expanse of country, land* locked (land-lokt) adj. almost or en-
forest land. 4. a country or state or na- tirely surrounded by land.
tion, land of the free and the brave; in land* lord (land-lord) n. the owner of an
the land of the living, alive. 5. property apartment building or other rental prop-
consisting of land, land v. 1 . to arrive erty.
or put on land from a ship. 2. to bring land-lub-ber (land-lub-er) n. (informal)
(an aircraft or its passengers etc.) down a person who is not accustomed to the
to the ground, to come down in this way. sea' and seamanship.
3. to alight after a jump or fall. 4. to land* mark (land-mahrk) n. 1. a conspicu-
bring (a fish) to land, to win (a prize) ous and easily recognized feature of a
or obtain (a position etc.), landed an ex- landscape. 2. an event that marks a stage
cellent job. 5. to arrive or cause to arrive or change in the history of something.
at a certain place or stage or position, 3. an historic building or location.
landed in jail; landed us all in a mess. land* mass (land-mas) n. a large area of
6. to strike with a blow, landed him one Earth's surface, such as a continent.
in the eye. 7. to present with a problem land* own *er (land-oh-ner) n. a person
etc., landed us with the job of sorting it who owns land.
out. land 'less adj. Dland bank, a bank land-poor (land-poor) adj. needing money
that supplies capital or credit for real while owning unprofitable land.
estate transactions, land grant, a tract land* scape (land-skayp) n. 1 the scenery

of public land appropriated by the gov- of an inland area. 2. a picture of this.

ernment for building a highway, a state landscape v. (land* scaped, land*
college, etc., land-grant college, land scaping) to lay out (an area) attrac-
mine, an explosive mine laid in or on tively, with natural features. land-
the ground, land Office, a government scape artist, a painter or other artist
office for transacting business relating to whose specialty is landscapes, land-
the sale and transfer of public lands. scape gardening, the arrangement and
land-office business, (informal) a planting of trees, shrubs, grass, etc. on
very active and flourishing business. a tract of land.
larvdau (lan-dow) n. (old use) 1. a four- land *slide (land-slid) n. 1. the sliding
wheeled carriage having a two-part fold- down of a mass of land on a slope or
ing top. 2. an automobile with a top mountain. 2. an overwhelming majority
whose rear section was collapsible. of votes for one side in an election.
Iand*ed (lan-did) adj. 1. owning land, lands 'man 1 (landz-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
landed gentry. 2. consisting of land, -men) a person who is not a sailor.
landed estates. lands* man 2 (lahnts-man) n. {pi -men,
land-er (ian-der) n. a space vehicle built pr.-men) a person from the same town
for landing on a celestial body. or country, a compatriot. > Yiddish.
land* fall (land-fawl) n. approach to land
land* ward (land- ward) adj. & adv. toward
after a journey by sea or air. the land.

lane / larboard 498

lane (layn) n. 1. a narrow road or track. son. 2. the part of a dress etc. covering
2. a narrow street or alley between build- this. Din a person's lap, as his respon-
ings. 3. a strip of road for a single line sibility; in the lap of the gods, for fate
of traffic, a strip of track or water for to decide, in the lap of luxury, in great
a runner or rower or swimmer in a race. luxury, lap robe, a heavy blanket or fur
4. a route prescribed for or regularly fol- robe used to keep the lap and legs warm,
lowed by ships or aircraft, shipping lanes. especially when sitting outdoors or while
lang. abbr. language. traveling.
lan-guage (lang-gwij) n. 1. words and lap2 n. 1 an overlapping part, the amount

their use. 2. a system of words used in of overlap. 2. a single circuit of some-

one or more countries. 3. a system of thing such as a racecourse. 3. one section
signs or symbols used for conveying in- of a journey, the last lap. lap v. (lapped,
formation or in computer programs. 4. lap* ping) 1. to fold or wrap around.
a particular style of wording. 5. the vo- 2. to overlap. 3. to be one or more laps
cabulary of a particular group of people, ahead of (another competitor) in a race.
medical language. language labora- victory lap, a ceremonial circuit of
tory, a room equipped with tape record- a racetrack or sports field etc. by the
ers etc. for learning a language by re-
peated practice. lap3 v. (lapped, lap* ping) 1. to take up
larvguid (lang-gwid) adj. lacking vigor or (liquid) by movements of the tongue, as
vitality, languid -ly adv. lan'guid* a cat does. 2. to flow with ripples making
ness n.
a gentle splashing sound, waves lapped
Ian • guish (lang-gwish) v. 1 . to lose or lack
the shore or against the shore, lap n. 1
vitality. 2. to live under miserable condi-
the act of lapping, the amount taken up
tions, to be neglected.
by it. 2. the sound of small waves on a
Ian- guish »ing (lang-gwi-shing) adj. put-
beach. Dlap up, to take in eagerly, she
ting on a languid look in an attempt to
lapped up art history.
win sympathy or affection.
La Paz (la pahz) the capital of Bolivia.
Ian* guor (lang-g6r) n. 1 tiredness, listless-

lap* board (lap-bohrd) n. a thin smooth

ness, lack of vitality. 2. a languishing ex-
board held on or above the lap and used
pression. 3. oppressive stillness of the air.
as a table or desk.
Ian 'guor -ous adj. Ian 'guor -ous-ly
lap* dog (lap-da wg) n. a small pet dog.
la * pel (la-pel) n. a flap at the edge of each
lank (langk) a ^ 1. tall and lean. 2. (of
front of a coat etc., folded back to he
plants) long and limp, (of hair) straight
against its outer surface.
and limp.
lank-y (lang-kee) adj. (Iank*i*er, lank*
Iap*i*dar*y (Up-i-der-ee) adj. of stones,
i*est) ungracefully lean and long or tall, engraved on stone.
lank'i-ness n.
lap* in (lap-in) n. rabbit fur, trimmed and
lan*o*lin (lan-d-lin) n. fat extracted from dyed to look like more expensive skins.
sheep's wool and used as a basis for oint- lap* is laz*U*li (lap-is laz-uu-lee) a bright
ments. blue semiprecious stone.
Lan-sing (lan-sing) the capital of Michi- Lap* land (lap-land) a region at the north
gan. of Scandinavia. Lap'land*er n. a native
Ian*ta*na (lan-tah-na) n. a tropical shrub- or inhabitant of Lapland.
like plant with bright fragrant flowers. Lapp (lap) n. 1. a Laplander. 2. the lan-
Ian* tern (lan-tern) n. a transparent case guage of Lapland.
for holding a light and shielding it lapse (laps) n. 1 a slight error, especially

against wind etc. outdoors. one caused by forgetfulness or weakness

Ian* tern-jawed (lan-tern- jawd) a dj. hav- or inattention. 2. backsliding, a decline
ing long thin jaws so that the face has into an inferior state. 3. the passage of
a hollow look. a period of time, after a lapse of six
Ian*tha*num (lan-tha-num) n. a soft sil- months. 4. the termination of a privilege
very metallic chemical element. or legal right through disuse, lapse v.
Ian* yard (lan-yard) n. 1. a short rope or (lapsed, laps*ing) 1 to fail to maintain

line used on a ship to fasten something one's position or standard. 2. (of rights
or secure it. 2. a cord worn around the and privileges) to be lost or no longer
neck or on the shoulder, to which a knife valid because not used or claimed or re-
or whistle etc. may be attached. newed.
La* OS (lah-ohs) a country in southeast lap* Wing (lap- wing) n. an Old World bird
Asia. La*o*tian (lay-oh-shan) adj. & n. of the plover family.
lap 1 (lap) n. 1 the flat area formed by the
. lar* board (lahr-bohrd) n. (old use) =
upper part of the thighs of a seated per- port 3 .
499 larceny / last-minute

lar*C6*ny (lahr-se-nee) n. {pi -nies) theft of light, laser beams. >From /ight
of personal goods, lar'ce-nous adj. amplification by stimulated emission of
larch (lahrch) n. a tall cone-bearing de- radiation.
ciduous tree of the pine family. lash (lash) v. 1. to move in a whiplike
lard (lahrd) n. a white greasy substance movement, lashed its tail 2. to strike
prepared from pig fat and used in cook- with a whip, to beat or strike violently,
ing, lard v. 1 to place strips of fat bacon
. rain lashed against the windows. 3. to
in or on (meat) before cooking, in order attack violently in words. 4. to fasten
to prevent it from becoming dry while or secure with cord etc., lashed them to-
roasting. 2. to interlard. gether, lash n. 1. a stroke with a whip
lard-er (lahr-der) n. a room or cupboard etc. 2. the flexible part of a whip. 3. an
for storing food. eyelash. lash out, to attack with blows
large (lahrj) adj. 1 of considerable size
. or words.
or extent. 2. of the larger kind, the large lass (las) n. (also las-sie, pr. las-ee) a girl,
intestine, large adv. in a large way, on a young woman.
a large scale, bulk or loom large. Dat las-si-tude (las-i-tood) n. tiredness, list-
large, free to roam about, not in confine- lessness.
ment; in a general way, at random; as las* so (las-oh)
n. {pi -sos, -soes) a rope

a whole, in general, is popular with the with a running noose, used for catching
country at large. cattle, lasso v. (las*soed, las-so-ing)
large-heart -ed (lahrj-hahr-tid) adj. to catch with a lasso.
kindly. last 1 (last) n. a block ofwood or metal
large -ly (lahrj-lee) adv. to a great extent, shaped used in making and
like a foot,
his success was largely due to luck. repairing shoes. Dto stick to one's
large-scale (lahrj-skayl) adj. 1 drawn to. last, to stay with the work for which
a large scale so that many details can one is best fitted.
be shown, a large-scale map. 2. extensive, last 2 adj. &
adv. 1 after all others in posi-

involving large quantities etc., large-scale tion or time, coming at the end. (t>See
operations. the note under latter.) 2. latest, most
lar-gess, lar-gesse (lahr-z/ies, -jes) n. recent, most recently; last night, in the
money or gifts generously given. night that has just passed. 3. remaining
lar* go (lahr-goh) adj. &
adv. (of music) as the only one(s) left, our last hope. 4.
in slow time and dignified style. least likely or suitable, she is the last per-
lar* hat (lar-i-at) n. a lasso, a rope used son Vd have chosen, last n. 1 a person .

to catch' or tether a horse etc. or thing that is last. 2. the last perfor-
lark 1 (lahrk) n. any of several small sandy- mance of certain actions, breathe or look
brown birds, especially the skylark. one's last. 3. the last mention or sight
lark2 n. a playful adventurous action.
1. of something, shall never hear the last
2. an amusing incident, lark v. to play of it. Dat last or at long last, in the
about lightheartedly. end, after much delay, last ditch, a place
lark* spur (lahrk-spur) n. a plant with of final desperate defense, last hurrah,
spur-shaped blue or pink flowers. a final unsuccessful effort to win in poli-
lar-rup (lar-up) v. (lar *rupped, lar Tup- tics. Last Judgment, in Christian be-
ping) (informal) to thrash. lief, the day when God will judge all

Iar*va (lahr-va) n. {pi -vae, pr. -vee) an men. last straw, a slight addition to
insect in the first stage of its life after one's difficulties that makes them un-
coming out of the egg. lar'val adj. bearable. Last Supper, the meal eaten
lar •yivgi -tis (lar-in-ji-tis) n. inflamma- by Christ and his disciples on the eve
tion of the larynx. of the Crucifixion, last word, the final
lar-ynx (lar-ingks) n. {pi la-ryn-ges, pr. statement in a dispute; a definitive state-
la-rin-jeez, lar-ynx-es) the part of the ment; the latest fashion, on one's or
throat containing the vocal cords. Its last legs, near death or the end of
la-sa-gna (la-zahn-ya) n. 1. pasta formed usefulness.
into ribbonlike strips. 2. a dish in which last3 v. 1 to continue for a period of time,

these are baked, usually with tomato to endure, the rain lasted all day. 2. to
sauce, cheese, and ground meat. be sufficient for one's needs, enough food
las* car (las-kar) n. a seaman from the to last us for three days. Dlast out, to
countries southeast of India. be strong enough or sufficient to last.
las-civ i-ous (la-siv-i-us) adj. lustful, last-ing (las-ting) adj. able to last for a
las-civ'i-ous-ly adv. las* civ' i-ous* long time.
ness n. last-ly (last-lee) adv. in the last place, fi-
la-ser (lay-zer) n. a device that generates nally.
an intense and highly concentrated beam last-min-ute (last-min-it) adj. at the latest
lat / laugh 500

time when an event can be al-

>le cient Romans. Latin adj. of or in
tered or influenced, a last-minute deci- Latin. 2. of the countries or peoples (such
sion. as France, Spam, Portugal, Italy) using
lat. abbr. latitude. languages developed from Latin. D
Lat abbr. Latin. America, the parts of Central and South
lat-a-ki-a (lat-a-kee-a) ru a kind of Turk- America where Spanish or Portuguese
ish tobacco chiefly used in mixtures. is the main language. Latin American,

latch (lach) n. 1. a small bar fastening a a native of Latin America. Latin

door or gate, lifted from its catch by a Church, the Roman Catholic Church.
lever. 2. a spring lock that catches when Lat-ln-A-mer-i-can (lat-in-a-mer-i-kan)
the door is closed, latch v. to fasten or adj. of Latin America.
be fastened with a latch. latch on to, La*ti*no (la-tee-noh) n. {pi -nos) a Latin-
(informal) to cling to; to, get possession American inhabitant of the U.S.
of; to take in as an idea. lat-l-tude (lat-i-tood) n. 1. the distance
latch *et (lach-it) ru (old use) a thong for of a place from the equator, measured
fastening a shoe. in degrees. 2. a region, especially with
latch *key (lach-kee) n. the key of an outer reference to temperature; high latitudes,
door. regions near the North or South Pole;
latch 'String (lach-string) n. a string fas- low latitudes, near the equator. 3. free-
tened to a latch and left hanging outside dom from restrictions in actions or opin-
the door for use in raising the latch. ions.
late (layt) adj. & adv. (lat-er, lat* est) 1. Iat*i*tu*di*nar*i*an (lat-i-too-dl-nair-i-
after the proper or usual time. 2. flower- an) n, a person allowing latitude, espe-
ing or ripening late in the season. 3. far cially in religion, one who regards the
on in the day or night or a period of details of particular creeds and forms of
time or a series etc., in the late 1920s. worship as unimportant.
4. of recent date or time, the latest news la* trine (l*-treen) n. a communal toilet,
5. no longer alive, no longer holding a especially one in a camp or barracks etc.
certain position, the late president late' lat-ter (lat-er) adj. 1. mentioned after an-
ness n. Dlate in the day, at a late other; the latter, the one mentioned sec-
stage in the proceedings. Of late, lately. ond of two things. (t> When referring to
late- com -er (layt-kum-Sr) n, a person the last of three or more, the last, not
who arrives late. the latter, should be used.) 2. nearer to
Iate*ly (layt-lee) adv. in recent times, not the end, the latter half of the year.
long ago. lat-ter-day (lat-er-day) adj. modern, re-
la* tent (lay-tent) adj. existing but not yet cent. Latter-day Saint, a Mormon.
active or developed or visible, la • ten* Iat*ter*ly (lat-eY-lee) adv. of late, nowa-
cy (lay-ten-see) n. days.
Iat*er*al (Ut-e-ral) adj. of or at or toward lat-tice (lat-is) n. 1. a framework of
the side(s). lateral n. 1 a side part, mem-
. crossed laths or bars with spaces be-
ber, or object, especially a lateral shoot tween, used as a screen or fence etc. 2.
or branch. 2. a short football pass thrown a structure resembling this. lattice
parallel to the goal line or in a direction window, one made with a lattice.
somewhat backward from the passer, lat-tice -work (lat-is- wurk) n. a lattice or
lat'er-al-ly adv. work constructed of lattices.
Ia*tex flay-teks) ru 1 a milky fluid exuded
. Lat*vi*a a republic in the
from the cut surfaces of certain plants, U.S.S.R., bordering on the Baltic Sea.
such as the rubber plant. 2. a synthetic Lat'vi-an adj. & n,
product resembling this, used in paints laud (lawd) v. (formal) to praise.
and adhesives. laud -a* Die (law-da-bSl) adj. praiseworthy,
\ ru a narrow thin strip of
lath (lath, a laudable donation. laud'a-biy adv.
wood, used especially as a support for >Do not confuse laudable with lauda-
plaster etc. tory.
lathe (layf/i) n. a machine for holding and lau-da-num (law-d£-num) n. opium pre-
turning pieces of wood or metal etc. pared for use as a sedative.
against a tool that will shape them. laud*a*to*ry (law-da-tohr-ee) adj. prais-
lath-er flar/i-er) n. 1. a froth produced by ing, laudatory words. t>Do not confuse
soap or detergent mixed with water. 2. laudatory with laudable.
frothy sweat, especially on horses, lather laugh (laf) v. 1. to make the sounds and
v. 1. to cover with lather. 2. to form a movements of the face and body that ex-
lather. Din a lather, (informal) excited press lively amusement or amused scorn.
or upset. 2. to have these emotions. 3. to utter
Lat* in (lat-in) n. the language of the an- or treat with a laugh; laughed him out
501 laughable / law

of it, ridiculed him until he stopped a highest honors; a Nobel laureate, a recip-
habit etc. laugh n. 1 an act or manner
. ient of the Nobel Prize, laureate adj.
of laughing. 2. (informal) an amusing in- poet laureate, the poet appointed to
cident, laugh'ing-ly adv. laugh at, write poems for state occasions, Robert
to make fun of, to ridicule; to look upon Frost was poet laureate of Vermont.
with amusement, laugh in a person's Iau*rel (lor-el) n. an evergreen shrub with
face, to show one's amused scorn for smooth glossy leaves. Dlook to one's
him openly, laughing gas, nitrous ox- laurels, to beware of losing one's posi-
ide, which can cause involuntary laugh- tion of superiority, rest on one's lau-
ter in a person who inhales it. laugh it rels, to cease to strive for further suc-
Off, to get rid of embarrassment by mak- cesses. >From the ancient use of a
ing a joke about it. laugh on the other branch or wreath of laurel as a token
side of one's face, to change from of victory.
amusement to dismay, no laughing Ia*va (lah-va) n. flowing molten rock dis-
matter, not a fit subject for laughter. charged from a volcano, the solid sub-
laugh -a 'ble (laf-a-bel) adj. causing people stance formed when this cools.
to laugh, ridiculous. la-va-bo (ia-vay-boh) n. a stone basin
laugh -ing- stock (laf-ing-stok) n. a per- used for ritual washing in a monastery.
son or thing that is ridiculed. lav* age (la-vahz/t) n. the process of wash-
laugh *ter (laf-ter) n. the action or sound ing out an organ of the body.
of laughing. lav -a -Mere (lav-£-leer) n. a decorative
launch 1 (lawnch) v. 1. to send forth by
pendant worn on a fine chain around the
hurling or thrusting, to send on its
course, launch a rocket. 2. to cause (a
lava- to Ty (lav-a-tohr-ee) n. {pi. -ries)
ship) to move or slide from land into
a room having one or more toilets and
the water. 3. to put into action, launch
wash basins.
an attack or a business. 4. to enter boldly
lave (layv) v. (laved, laving) (old use)
or freely into a course of action, launch
to wash or bathe.
n. the process of launching a ship or
(aven*der (lav-en-der) n. 1 a shrub with

spacecraft. launching pad or launch

fragrant purple flowers that are dried and
pad, a concrete platform from which
used to scent linen etc. 2. light purple.
spacecraft are launched, launch out or
lavender water, a delicate perfume
forth, to start on an ambitious enter-
prise, launch window, the period of
made from lavender.

time during which a spacecraft must be

lavish (lav-ish) adj. 1. giving or produc-
ing something in large quantities. 2. plen-
launched to carry out a particular mis-
tiful, a lavish display, lavish v. to bestow
lavishly. lav'isrHy adv. lav'ish-ness
launch 2 n. a large motorboat.
launch -er (lawn-cher) n. 1. a device that
launches grenades from a rifle. 2. a struc- law (law) n. 1. a rule established among
ture to hold a rocket during launching, a community by authority or custom. 2.
a rocket releasing a satellite into orbit. a body of such rules. 3. their controlling
laun -der (lawn-der) v. 1 to wash and iron
influence, their operation as providing a
(clothes etc.). 2. (slang) to conceal the remedy against wrongs, law and order.
source of (money received illegally) by 4. the subject or study of such rules. 5.

sending it through foreign banks or (informal) the police. 6. something that

through a legitimate business, laun 'der • must be obeyed or believed, his word was
er n. laun* dress (lawn-dris) n. fern. law. 7. a factual statement of what always
Laun -dro* mat (lawn-dr6-mat) n. (trade- happens in certain circumstances, as of
mark) an establishment fitted with wash- regular natural occurrences, the laws of
ing machines to be used by customers nature; the law of gravity; Murphy s Law,
for a fee. what can go wrong will go wrong. 8.
laun* dry (lawn-dree) n. {pi -dries) 1. a the Law, the commandments of God in
place where clothes etc. are laundered, Jewish and Christian belief, especially
a business establishment that launders those given to Moses. Dlaw of aver-
things for customers. 2. a batch of ages, the proposition that the occur-
clothes etc. for washing, these after wash- rence of one extreme will be matched
ing, laun* dry man (lawn-dree-man) n. by that of the other extreme so as to
{pi -men, pr. -men) laun* dry* worn* maintain the normal average, law of the
an (lawn-dree-wuum-an) n. {pi -worn* jungle, a state of ruthless competition.
en, pr. -wim-in) laundry list, (in- law unto oneself or itself, a person
formal) a list of miscellaneous articles. or thing that does not behave in the cus-
Iau*re*ate (lor-i-it) n. a person receiving tomary fashion, take the law into
law-abiding / layering 502

one's own hands, to right a wrong produce (an egg or eggs) from the body.
oneself without legal sanction. 9. to stake as a wager, to bet. lay n.
law-a'bid-ing (law-a-bi-ding) adj. obey- theway in which something lies. Dlay
ing the law. about one, to hit out on all sides, lay
law* break *er (law-bray-ker) n. a person aside, to put away, to cease to use or
who violates the law. practice or think of; to save (money etc.)
lawful (law-ful) adj. permitted or recog- for future needs, lay away, a purchase
nized by law, lawful business; his lawful left by a customer at the store until paid
wife, law'fuhly adv. for. lay Claim to, to claim as one's right.
Iaw*giv*er (law-giv-er) n. a person who lay down, to put on the ground etc.;
makes laws, especially a code of laws. to give up (office); to establish as a rule
lawless (law-lis) adj.1. (of a country) or instruction, lay down the law, to
where laws do not exist ,or are not ap- talk with authority and certainty, lay
plied. 2. disregarding the law, uncon- figure, a jointed model of the human
trolled, lawlessmen. law'less-ness n. body, used by artists, lay hold of, to
Iaw*mak*er (law-may-ker) n. a legislator.
grasp, lay in, to provide oneself with a
law* man (law-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. stock of. lay Into, (slang) to thrash; to
-men) (chiefly Western U.S.) a police of- reprimand harshly, lay it on the line,
ficer, sheriff, etc.
(slang) to offer without reserve; to speak
lawn 1 (lawn) n. fine woven cotton or syn-
frankly, lay It on thick or with a
thetic material.
trowel, (slang) to exaggerate greatly; to
lawn n. an area of closely cut grass. flatter a person excessively, lay low, to
lawn bowling, the game of bowls (see overthrow; to humble; to incapacitate by
bowls), lawn mower, a machine with
illness, lay off, to discharge (workers)
revolving blades for cutting the grass of
temporarily owing to shortage of work;
lawns, lawn tennis, (old use) tennis, es-
(informal) to cease, especially from caus-
pecially when played on grass courts.
ing trouble or annoyance, lay on, to in-
law • ren chum (law-ren-si-um) n. an arti-

flict blows forcefully, lay open, to break

ficially produced radioactive metallic ele-
the skin of (part of the body); to expose
to criticism, lay out, to arrange accord-
lawsuit (law-soot) n. the process of bring-
ing to a plan; to prepare (a body) for
ing a problem or claim etc. before a court
burial; to spend (money) for a purpose;
of law for settlement.
to knock unconscious, lay to rest, to
lawyer (law-yer) n. a person who is
trained and qualified in legal matters.
bury in a grave; to prove the falsity of
(rumors, accusations, etc), lay up, to
lax (laks) adj. slack, not strict or severe,
store or save; to cause (a person) to be
discipline was lax. lax'ly adv. Iax*i*ty
(lak-sl-tee) n.
confined to bed or unfit for work etc.;
lax -a -live (lak-sa-tiv) n. a medicine that to put (a car; etc.) out of service tempo-
stimulates the bowels to empty, laxative rarily, lay waste, to destroy the crops

adj. having this effect. and buildings etc. of (a district).

lay 1 (lay) n. (old use) a poem meant to ODo not confuse lay (= put down; past
be sung, a ballad. tense is laid) with lie (= recline; past
lay 2 adj. 1. not ordained into the clergy. tense is lay). Correct uses are as follows:
2. not professionally qualified, especially go and lie down; she went and lay down;
in law or medicine; lay opinion, the opin- please lay it on the floor; they laid it on
ion of nonprofessional people. Dlay an- the floor. Incorrect use is go and lay
alyst, a psychoanalyst lacking a medical down.
degree. lay -a* way (lay-a-way) n. 1. a system of
lay 3
v. (laid, laying) 1. to place or put reserving an item of merchandise by
on a surface or in a certain position. 2. making a deposit of part of the purchase
to place or arrange in a horizontal posi- price. 2. an item reserved in this way.
tion, to put in place, lay a carpet; lay layer (lay-Sr) n. 1. a person etc. that lays
the fire, put logs etc. ready for lighting. something; hen is a poor layer, lays few
3. to place or assign, lay emphasis on eggs. 2. a thickness of material (often
neatness; laid the blame on her. 4. to for- one of several) laid over a surface, layer
mulate, to establish, we laid our plans. v. to arrange in layers. layer cake,
5. to cause to be in a certain condition, cake consisting of layers with filling be-
laid himself open to suspicion. 6. to cause tween.
to subside, laid the dust; laid the ghost, layering (Uy-£-ring) n. propagation of
made cease being troublesome. 7. to
it a shrub etc. by fastening one of its stems
present or put forward for consideration, to the earth to take root while still at-
laid claim to it. 8. (of a hen bird) to tached to the parent plant.
503 Sayette / leading

layette (lay-et) n. the clothes and bedding Ali led with his left 9. (in card games)
etc.prepared for a newborn baby. to be the first player to play a card, lead
layman (lay-man) n. (pi -men, pr. -men) ru 1. guidance given by going in front,

a person not ordained into the clergy or an example. 2. a clue, it gave us a lead.
not professionally qualified (see lay 2), 3. a leading place, leadership, the amount
lay worn* an (lay-wuum-an) n. (pi by which one competitor is in front, take
-worn* en, pr. -wim-in) lay per* son the lead; a lead offive points. 4. an electri-
(lay-pur-sdn) n. cal conductor (usually a wire) conveying
layoff (lay-awf) n. a temporary dis- current from a source to a place of use.
charge, the act of temporarily discharg- 5. a leash. 6. the act or right of playing
ing employees. one's card first in a card game, the card
layout (lay-owt) n. an arrangement of played. 7. the chief part in a play or other
parts etc. according to a plan. performance, one who takes this part,
lay o-ver (lay-on- ver) n. a stopover. play the lead, lead adj. in the first or
laz-ar (laz-ar) ru (old use) a poor and dis- front position, the lead car (in a race),
eased person,- especially a leper. the lead singer (in a group). Dlead
laze (layz) v. (lazed, laz-ing) (informal) astray, to lead into error or wrongdoing.
to spend time idly or in idle relaxation. lead by the nose, to control the actions
laze ru an act or period of lazing. of (a person) completely, lead off, to
Ia*zy (lay-zee) adj. (Ia*zi*er, la-zi«est) begin, lead someone a merry chase
1. unwilling to work, doing little work. or dance, to cause someone much trou-
2. showing or characterized by lack of ble, especially by making him search.
energy, a lazy yawru la'zMy adv. la'zi* lead someone on, to entice him, espe-
ness ru Dlazy Susan, a revolving tray cially with false promises, lead story
set in the middle of a dining table so or article, the item of news given greatest
that all can help themselves without prominence in a newspaper etc. lead
passing serving dishes. time, the period between starting and
lazybones (lay-zee-bohnz) n. (informal) finishing a production process, lead up
a lazy person. (or down) the garden path, see gar-
lb. abbr. pound weight. >From the Latin den, lead up to, to serve as an introduc-
libra. tion to or preparation for; to direct the
lbs. abbr. pounds weight. conversation toward (a subject).
I.e. abbr. lower case. lead 2 (led) n. 1 a heavy metallic element

L.C. abbr. Library of Congress. of dull grayish color. 2. a thin stick of

L/C, l/C abbr. letter of credit. graphite forming the writing substance
L.C.D. abbr. least common denominator. in a pencil. 3. a lump of lead used in
LCDR abbr. lieutenant commander. taking soundings in water. 4. (in print-
LCL abbr. less-than-carload lot. ing) a metal strip used to give space be-
L.C.M. abbr. least common multiple. tween lines. 5. (slang) bullets, gunfire,
LCpl abbr. lance corporal. he went down in a hail of lead, lead v.
LD abbr. lethal dose. 1 to cover, weight, frame (panes of glass)

Id. abbr. load. with lead. 2. to add lead or lead com-

Idg. abbr. 1. landing. 2. loading. pound to (gasoline etc.). Iead / ed adj.
L-do*pa (el-doh-pa) ru a drug used in Dlead poisoning, acute or chronic poi-
treatment of Parkinson's disease. soning caused by taking lead into the
lea (lee) n. (old use) a tract of open ground, body.
especially grassland. lead* en (led-en) adj. 1. made of lead. 2.
leach (leech) v. to make (liquid) percolate heavy, slow as if weighted with lead. 3.
through soil or ore etc., to remove (solu- lead colored, dark gray, leaden skies.
ble matter) in this way, leach it out. lead-er (lee-der) n. 1. a person or thing
lead 1 (leed) v. (led, lead-ing) 1. to cause that leads. 2. one who has the principal
to go with oneself, to guide, especially part in something, the head of a group
by going in front or by holding the hand etc. 3. one whose example is followed,
or an attached rein etc. 2. to influence a leader of fashion. 4. a short length of
the actions or opinions of, what led you transparent line to which a fishing hook
to believe this? 3. to be a route or means or lure is attached. 5. an item advertised
of access, the door leads into a passage. at a special low price to attract customers
4. to have as its result, this led to confu- to a store, leader* less adj.
sion. 5. to live or pass one's life, was lead- lead *er* ship (lee-der-ship) n. 1. being a
ing a double life. 6. to be in first place leader. 2. ability to be a leader. 3. the
or position in, to be ahead, lead the world leaders of a group.
in electronics. 7. to be the leader or head lead-ing 1 (lee-ding) adj. see lead 1 .
of, to control. 8. to make one's start with, leading lady or man, one taking the
leading / lease 504

chief part in a play etc. leading light, to a reporter. 4. (of a secret) to become
a prominent member of a group, leading known improperly, it leaked out
question, one that is worded so that leak* age (lce-kij) n, 1. leaking. 2. a thing
it prompts a person to give the desired or amount that has leaked out
answer or to reveal more than he intends leak-y (lee-kee) adj. (leak-i-er, leak*!*
(> not the same as a searching question). est) liable to leak.
lead'ing 2 (led-ing) n. a covering or frame- lean 1 (leen) adj. 1 (of a person or animal)

work of lead (metal). without much flesh. 2. (of meat) contain-

lead* off (leed-awf) n. a beginning, the ing little or no fat. 3. scanty, a lean har-
first. Dleadoff man, (in baseball) the vest lean n. the lean part of meat. lean'
first player at bat in an inning or in a ness n. Dlean years, years of
line-up. scarcity.
leaf (leef) n. {pi leaves* pr. leevz) 1. a lean 2 v. (leaned, lean-ing) 1. to put or
flat organ (usually green) growing from be in a sloping position. 2. to rest against
the stem or branch of a plant or directly or on something for support. 3. to rely
from the root. 2. a single thickness of or depend on for help. Dlean on, (in-
the paper forming the pages of a book. formal) to seek to influence by intimidat-
3. a very thin sheet of metal, gold leaf. ing.
4. a hinged flap of a table, an extra sec- lean-ing (lee-ning) n. a tendency or par-
tion inserted to extend a table, leaf v. tiality,has leanings toward socialism.
to turn over the leaves or pages of a book, lean-to (leen-too) n. 1 a building with a

leafed through it Din leaf, the state of sloping roof resting against the side of
having leaves out. leaf mold, soil or a larger building. 2. a rough shed or hut.
compost consisting chiefly of decayed leap (leep) v. (leaped or leapt, pr. lept,
leaves, take a leaf out of someone's leaping) to jump vigorously, leap n.

book, to follow his example. a vigorous jump. Dby leaps and

leaf* age (lee-fij) n. foliage. bounds, with very rapid progress, leap
leaf* hop* per (leef-hop-er) n. any of vari- year, a year with an extra day (February
ous leaping insects that suck plant juices 29).
and transmit diseases among plants. leap* frog (leep- frog) n. a game in which
leaf* less (leef-lis) adj. having no leaves. each player in turn vaults with parted
leaf* let (leef-lit) n. 1. a" small leaf or leaf- legs over another who is bending down.
like part of a plant. 2. a printed sheet leapfrog v. (leap-frogged, leap*
of paper (sometimes folded but not frog-ging) 1. to perform this vault. 2.
stitched) giving information, especially to overtake alternately.
for distribution free of charge. learn (lum) v. (learned, learn *ing) 1. to
leaf* Stalk (leef-stawk) n. a petiole. gain knowledge of or skill in a subject
Ieaf*y (lee-fee) adj. (leaf* her, leaf*!* etc. by study or experience or by being
est) 1. covered in leaves. 2. consisting taught; learji it by heart, memorize it
of leaves, leafy vegetables. thoroughly so that one can repeat it. 2.
league 1
(leeg) n. 1 a group of people or
. to become aware by information or from
countries that combine formally for a observation. 3. {incorrect or humorous
particular purpose. 2. a group of sports use) to teach, that'll learn you! D
teams that compete against each other the ropes, see rope.
for a championship. 3. a class of con- learn *ed (lur-nid) adj. 1. having much
testants, he is out of his league, league knowledge acquired by study, learned
v. (leagued, lea*guing) to form a men. 2. of or for learned people, a
league, uin league with, allied with, learned society, learn 'ed*ly adv.
conspiring with, not in the same learn *er (lur-neY) n. a person who is learn-
league with, much inferior to. ing a subject or skill. learner's per-
league 2 n. a measure of distance, usually mit, a permit to drive a motor vehicle
about three miles. for the purpose of learning in order to
leak (leek) n. 1 the process of leaking, a
. qualify for a driver's license.
hole or crack etc. through which liquid learn *ing (lur-ning) n. knowledge ob-
or gas may accidentally get in or out. tained by study.
2. the liquid or gas that passes through lease (lees) n. a contract by which the
this. 3. a similar escape of an electric owner of land or a building etc. allows
charge, the charge itself. 4. a disclosure another person to use it for a specified
of secret information, leak v. 1 (of liquid
. time, usually in return for payment.
or gas etc.) to escape accidentally lease v. (leased, leas-ing) 1. to grant
through an opening. 2. (of a container) the use of (a property) by lease. 2. to
to allow such an escape, to let out (liquid obtain or hold (a property) by lease.
or gas). 3. to disclose, leaked the news Da new lease on life, a chance to con-
505 leasehold / lees

tinue living or to live more happily be- senses, to go mad. take one's leave,
cause of recovery from illness or anxiety, to say farewell and go away.
or (of things) to continue in use after leaven (lev-en) n. 1. a substance (such
repair. as yeast) that produces fermentation in
lease -hold (lees-hohld) n. the holding of dough. 2. a quality or influence that
land or a house or apartment etc. by lightens or enlivens something, leaven
means of a lease, leasehold «er n. v. 1 to add leaven to. 2. to enliven.

leash (leesh) n. a strap or cord etc. at- lea vending (lev-e-ning) n. a leaven.
tached to the collar of a dog etc. and leaves (leevz) see leaf.
held to keep the animal under restraint, leave-tak-ing (leev-tay-king) n. a depar-
especially while walking it. leash v. to ture, taking one's leave.
hold on a leash. leavings (lee-vingz) n. pi what is left
least (leest) adj. 1 smallest in amount or
. Leb*a*non (leb-a-non) a country in the
degree. 2. lowest in rank or importance. Middle East, at the eastern end of the
least n. the least amount or degree. Mediterranean Sea. Leb-a-nese (leb-a-
least adv. in the least degree. Dat least, neez) adj. & n.

not less than what is stated; anyway. In lech • er (lech-er) n. a man given to lechery.
the least, at all; in the smallest degree. Iech*er*y (lech-S-ree) n. unrestrained in-
least common denominator, see de- dulgence of sexual lust. lech'er*ous
nominator, least common multiple, adj.
the lowest positive whole number that Iec*i»thin (les-I-thin) n. a complex fatty
is exactly divisible by each of two or more substance containing phosphorus and
whole numbers, to say the least of found in egg yolk.
it, putting the case moderately. led abbr. 1. lecture. 2. lecturer.
least* wise (leest- wiz) adv. (informal) at lee *tern (lek-tem) n. a stand with a slop-
least. ing top to hold a book or notes for a
leath • er (lef/t-er) n. 1 material made from
. reader or speaker.
animal skins by tanning or a similar lee 'tor (lek-tdr) ^ a reader of lessons in
process. 2. the leather part(s) of some- a church service.
thing, leather adj. made of leather, Iec*ture (lek-chur) n. 1. a speech giving
leath'ern adj. information about a subject to an audi-
leath -er- neck (leffc-er-nek) n. (slang) a ence or class. 2. a long serious speech,
U.S. Marine. >From the leather neck- especially one giving reproof or warning.
band that was once part of a Marine uni- lecture v. (Iec*tur*ed, lee* turning) 1.
form. to give a lecture or series of lectures. 2.
leath *er*y (letfi-e-ree) adj. as tough as to talk to (a person) seriously or reprov-
leather. ingly. Iec'tur*er n. Iec'ture«ship n.
leave 1 (leev) v. leaving) 1. to go
(left, led (led) see lead 1 .
away from, to go away finally or perma- LED (el-ee-dee) n. a semiconductor diode
nently. 2. to cease to belong to (a group) that responds to the application of volt-
or live at (a place), to cease working for age by giving off light. OFrom /ight-
an employer. 3. to cause or allow to re- emitting diode.
main, to depart without taking, left the leader* ho* sen (lay-der-hoh-zen) n.
door open; left my gloves in the bus; he leather shorts as worn by men in Bavaria
leaves a wife and two children, is survived etc.
by these. 4. to give as a legacy. 5. to ledge (lej) n. 1 a narrow horizontal pro-

allow to stay or proceed without interfer- jection or shelf, especially on a building

dog alone. 6. to refrain
ence, leave the or a cliff. 2. a reef in the sea.
from consuming or dealing with, left all Iedg-er (lej-er) n. a book used by a busi-
the fat; let s leave the dishes. 7. to entrust ness firm to record income and expenses.
or commit to another person; was left lee (lee) n. shelter, the sheltered side or
with the problem, had this as a burden; part of something, lee adj.
leave it to me, I will deal with it. 8. to leech (leech) n. 1. a small bloodsucking
deposit for collection or transmission, worm usually living in water. 2. a person
leave your coat in the hall; leave a mes- who drains the resources of another.
sage. 9. to abandon, to desert, was left leek (leek) n. a plant related to the onion
in the lurch. leave off, to cease, leave but with broader leaves and a cylindrical
out, to omit, not include. t>It is incor- white bulb.
rect to say leave me go. Say let me go. leer (leer) v. to look slyly or maliciously
leave2 n. 1 permission. 2. official permis-
. or lustfully, leer n. a leering look.
sion to be absent from duty, the period leeny (leer-ee) adj. wary, suspicious.
for which this lasts; on leave, absent in lees (leez) n. pi sediment that settles at
this way. Dtake leave of one's the bottom of a quantity of wine etc.
leeward / legionnaire 506
lee* ward (Ice-ward, loo-) adj. situated on le*gal (lee-gal) adj. 1 . of or based on law;
the side turned away from the wind, lee- my legal adviser, a lawyer etc. 2. in ac-
ward n. the leeward side or region, lee- cordance with the law, authorized or re-
ward adv. quired by law. le'gal-ly adv. le-gal-i-
lee* way (lee- way) n. 1. a ship's sideways ty Cee-gal-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) Ulegal
drift from its course. 2. a degree of free- age, the age at which a person assumes
dom of action, these instructions give us the legal responsibilities and rights of an
plenty of leeway. adult, usually eighteen or twenty-one. le-
left 1 (left) see leave 1. gal aid, payment from public funds to-
left 2 adj. & adv. on or toward the left-hand ward the cost of legal advice or proceed-
side, left n. 1. the left-hand side or re- ings, legal holiday, a holiday set by law.
gion. 2. the left hand, a blow with this. legal tender, currency that cannot le-
3. (in marching) the left»foot. 4. the Left gally be refused in payment of a debt.
(also theleft), political parties that favor le* gal* Ism (lee-ga-liz-em) n. strict, literal,
radical or liberal causes. Dleft hand, and often excessive adherence to the law.
the hand that in most people is less used, le* gal* is* tic (lee-ga-lis-tik) adj.
on the same side of the body as the heart. le-gal-ize (lee-ga-kz) v. (le-gal-ized, le*
left-hand (left-hand) adj. of or toward the gal-iz-ing) to make legal. Ie*gal*i*za*
side of a person's left hand or the corre- fion (lee-ga-H-zay-shdn) n.
sponding side of a thing. leg* ate (leg-it) n. a representative or am-
left-hand *ed (left-han-did) adj. 1. using bassador, especially one representing the
the left hand usually, by preference. 2. pope.
(of a blow or tool) made with or operated Ieg*a*tee (leg-S-tee) n. a person who re-
by the left hand. 3. (of a screw) to be ceives a legacy.
turned toward the left. 4. (of a compli- le-ga-tion (li-gay-shdn) n. 1. a diplomatic
ment) ambiguous in meaning, back- minister and his staff. 2. his official resi-
handed. dence or office.
left-hand *er (left-han-der) n. a left- le*ga*tO (le-gah-toh) adj. & adv. (in mu-
handed person or blow. sic) in a smooth even manner.
left* 1st (lef-tist) n. a supporter of the Left leg • end (lej-end) n. 1 a story (which may

in politics, leftist adj. of the left wing or may not be true) handed down from
in politics etc. the past. 2. such stories collectively. 3.
left* over Geft-oh-ver) n. something re- an inscription on a coin or medal. 4.
maining when the rest is finished, espe- wording on a map etc. explaining the
cially food not finishedat a meal. symbols used.
Wing see wing (definitions 6 and
left (left) leg* end* any(lej-en-der-ee) adj. 1. of or
7);those in a political party who favor based on legends, described in a legend.
or lean toward the left, left-wing adj. 2. (informal) famous, often talked about.
left'-wing'er n. leg *er*de* main (lej-er-de-mayn) n.

Ieft*y (lef-tee) n. {pi left-ies) (informal) sleight of hand, magic tricks.

a left-handed person. leg-glngs (leg-ingz)n. pi protective outer

leg (leg) n. 1 one of the projecting parts

. coverings for the legs.
of an animal's body, on which it stands leg-gy (leg-ee) adj. (-gi*er, -gi-est) hav-
or moves. 2. this as food. 3. either of ing noticeably long legs.
the two lower limbs of the human body, leg* horn (leg-horn) n. 1. fine plaited
an artificial replacement of this. 4. the straw. 2. a hat made of this. 3. one of
part of a garment covering this. 5. one a small hardy breed of domestic fowl.
of the projecting supports beneath a leg *i* Die (leH-bel) adj. (of print or hand-
chair or other piece of furniture. 6. one writing) clear enough to be deciphered,
branch of a forked object. 7. one section readable, leg'i-bly adv. Ieg*i*bil*i*ty
of a journey, leg v. (legged, leg-glng) (lej-I-bU-i-tee) n.
leg it, (informal) to walk or run rapidly, le-gion (lee-jon) n. 1. a division of the
to go on foot. Dgive someone a leg ancient Roman army. 2. a vast group,
up, help him to mount or to get over a multitude; they are legion or their name
an obstacle or difficulty, has not a leg is legion. le*gion*ar*y (lee-jd-ner-ee)
to stand on, has no facts to support adj. & n. American Legion, an or-
his argument. ganization for former members of the
leg. abbr. 1 . legal. 2. legislation. 3. legisla- U.S. armed forces. Foreign Legion, a
tive. 4. legislature. body of foreign volunteers in an army,
leg-a-cy (leg-a-see) n. {pi -cies) 1. especially the French army.
money or an article left to someone in le*glon*nalre flee-jd-nair) n. a member
a something handed down by a
will. 2. of a legion. (J legionnaires' disease,
predecessor, a legacy of distrust a severe and often fatal sickness of uncer-
507 legis. / lenitive

tain cause, with a high temperature and piece or literary work with some person,
acute nausea. >From an outbreak of the situation, or sentiment.
disease at an American Legion conven- LEM (lem) n. /unar excursion module.
tion in 1976. lerrvming (lem-ing) n. a small mouselike

legis. abbr. 1 legislation. 2. legislative. 3.

. rodent of arctic regions, one species of
legislature. which periodically migrates in large
leg* is Hate (lej-is-layt) v (Ieg*is*lat*ed,
. numbers and is said to run into the sea
leg-is-lat-ing) to make laws. and drown.
leg*is*la*tion (lej-is-lay-shdn) n. legislat- lem* on (lem-on) n. 1. an oval fruit with

ing, the laws themselves. acid juice. 2. the tree that bears it.
leg* is* la -five (lej-is-lay-tiv) adj. making 3. its pale yellow color. 4. (slang) some-
laws, a legislative assembly. thing disappointing or unsuccessful, his
leg* is* la* tor (lej-is-lay-tdr) n. a member automobile is a lemon, lem'on*y adj.
of a legislative assembly. lemon drop, a hard candy flavored
Ieg*is*la*ture (lej-is-lay-chur) n. a coun- with lemon.
try's or state's legislative assembly. lem*on*ade (lem-5-nayd) n. a lemon-fla-
Ie*git (le-jit) adj. (slang) legitimate, legit vored soft drink.
n. (slang) the legitimate theater. Ie*mur (lee-mur) n. a monkey-like animal

Ie*git*i*mate (lS-jit-I-mit) adj. 1. in ac- of Madagascar.

cordance with the law or rules. 2. logical, lend (lend) v. (lent, lending) 1. to give
justifiable, a legitimate reason for ab- or allow the use of (a thing) temporarily
sence. 3. (of a child) born of parents who on the understanding that it or its equiva-
are married to each other. 4. (of drama lent will be returned. 2. to provide
or theater) including plays but excluding (money) temporarily in return for pay-
musical comedies, revues, motion pic- ment of interest. 3. to contribute as a
tures, etc. le • gift* mate *ly adv. Ie*git* temporary help or effect etc., lend dignity
l*ma*cy (lS-jit-T-ma-see) n. to the occasion; lend a hand, help; lend
Ie*git*i*mize (11-jit-T-miz) v. (Ie*git*i* an ear, listen. 4. to be of use, to be suit-
mized, le*git*i*miz*ing) to make legit- able, this garden lends itself to relaxation.
imate. lend'er n. >
See the note under loan.
leg* less (leg-lis) adj. without legs. lend-lease (lend-lees) n. an arrangement
leg* man (leg-man) vu (pi. -men, pr. -men) (1941) whereby the U.S. supplied equip-
1. a newspaperman assigned to gather ment etc. to Great Britain and its allies,
news outside the office. 2. a salesman originally as a loan in return for the use
or other businessman who works primar- of British-owned military bases.
ily away from his office. length (lengkth) n. 1 measurement or ex-

leg* room (leg-room) n. space for a seated tent from end to end, especially along
person to extend his or her legs. a thing's greatest dimension. 2. the
Ieg*ume (leg-yoom) n. 1. a leguminous amount of time occupied by something,
plant. 2. a pod of this, especially when the length of our vacation. 3. the dis-
edible. tance a thing extends used as a unit of
le*gu*mi*nous (li-gyoo-ml-nus) adj. of measurement, the length of a horse or
the family of plants that bear their seeds boat etc. as a measure of the lead in a
in pods, such as peas and beans. race. 4. the degree of thoroughness in
leg* work (leg-wurk) n. (informal) work an action, went to great lengths. 5. a piece
that involves much walking about. of cloth or other material from a larger
lei (lay) n. a garland of flowers worn piece,a length of wire, Dat length, after
around the neck. a long time; taking a long time, in detail.
lei* sure (lee-z/riir, lez/i-ur) n. time that is length* en (lengk-then) v. to make or be-
free from work, time in which one can come longer.
do as one chooses, leisure adj. Dat lei- length* wise (lengkth- wiz) adj. & adv. in
sure, not occupied; in an unhurried way. the direction of the length of something.
at one's leisure, when one has time. length *y (lengk-thee) adj. (length -her,
leisure suit, a man's suit for informal length *i*est) very long, long and bor-
wear, having a shirt-like jacket and gen- ing. length'My adv.
erally worn with no necktie. Ie*ni*ent (lee-ni-ent)adj. merciful, not se-
lehsured (lee-z/rurd, lezfc-urd) adj. having vere (especially in giving out punish-
plenty of leisure. ment), mild. Ie'ni*ent*ly adv. le'ni*
lei* sure *ly (lee-z/riir-lee, lez/t-ur-) adj. & ence (leen-yens) n. Ie*ni*en*cy (lee-
adv. without hurry. ni-en-see) n.
leit*mo*tif, leit*mo*tiv Qit-moh-teef) n. Ien*i*tlve (len-i-tiv) adj. soothing or allevi-
a. theme associated throughout a musical ating pain.
len*l*ty (len-i-tee) n. mercifulness, an act less'en (lea-en) v. to make
or become less.
of mercy. Iess*er (les-er) adj. not so great the m
lens (lenz) n. (pi lens -es) 1. a piece of other, the lesser evil >
Do not confuse
glass or glasslike substance with one or lesser with lessor.
both sides curved, for use in optical in- les* son (les-dn) n. 1 a thing to be learned

struments. 2. a combination of lenses by a pupil. 2. an amount of teaching

used in photography etc. 3. the transpar- given at one time; give lessons in a subject,
ent part of the eye, behind the pupil. give systematic instruction in it. 3. an
lent Gent) see lend. example or experience by which one can
Lent (lent) n. the period from Ash Wednes- learn, let this be a lesson to you! 4. a
day to Easter, of which the forty week- passage from the Bible read aloud during
days are observed as a time of fasting a church service.
and penitence. Lent 'er> adj. les*sor (les-or) n. a person who leases a
Ien*til (len-til) n. 1. a kind of bean plant. property to another. >Do
not confuse
2. its edible seed. lessor with lesser.
Le*0 (lee-oh) n. a sign of the zodiac, the lest (lest) conj. 1 in order that not, to avoid

Lion. the risk of, lest we forget 2. that, were

le*o*nlne (lee-d-mn) adj. of or like a Hon. afraid lest we should be late
leop-ard (lep-ard) n. a large African and let 1 (let) n. 1 stoppage, without let or hin-

South Asian flesh-eating animal of the drance 2. (in tennis etc.) an obstruction
cat family, having a yellowish coat with of the ball in certain ways, requiring the
dark spots, leop'ard-ess n, fern, ball to be served again.
le*0*tard (lee-6-tahrd) n. a close-fitting let 2 v. (let, let* ting) 1. to allow to, not
one-piece garment worn by acrobats etc. prevent or forbid, let me see it 2. to cause
Iep*er (lep-er) n. 1 a person with leprosy.
. to, let us know what happens; let us hear
2. a person who is shunned. from you. 3. to allow or cause to come
lepTCChaun (lep-re-kawn) n. (in Irish or go or pass, let the dog in; let me
folklore) an elf resembling a little old through; let the rope down. 4. to rent.
man. 5. used as an auxiliary verb in requests
lep*ro*sy (lep-r&-see) n. an infectious dis- or commands (lets try; let there be light),
ease affecting skin and nerves, resulting assumptions (let AB equal CD), and chal-
in mutilations and deformities, lep'rous lenges (let him do his worst). Diet alone,
adj. to refrain from interfering with or doing;
Ies*bi*an (lez-bi-an) n. a homosexual apart from, far less or more than, too
woman. Ies / bi*an*ism n. tired to walk, let alone run: let be, to
lese maj-es-ty, lese ma*Jes*te (leez refrain from interfering with or doing.
maj-e-stee) 1. an insult to a sovereign let down, to reduce the level of activity;
or ruler. 2. (humorous) presumptuous to fail to support or satisfy, to disappoint;
behavior. to lengthen (a garment) by adjusting the
le*sion (lee-z/idn) ru a harmful change in hem; let ones hair. down, to abandon con-
the tissue of an organ of the body, caused ventional restraint in one's behavior; let
by injury or disease. him down gently, do not treat him too
Le*SO*tho (l£-soh-toh) a country in cen- severely, let fly, to shoot or send out
tral southern Africa. violently; to hurl strong abuse, let go,
lese (les) adj. 1 . much of, a smaller
not so to set at liberty; to loose one's hold of;
quantity meat. 2. smaller in
of, eat less to cease discussion of, to ignore; let one-
amount or degree of less importance.
etc., self go, to behave in an unrestrained way,
less adv. to a smaller extent, less n. a to cease to take trouble, let In for, to
smaller amount or quantity etc., will not involve in (loss or difficulty), let loose,
take less, less prep, minus, deducting, to release, let off, to fire (a gun); to cause
a year less three days; was paid one hun- (a bomb) to explode; to ignite (a fire-
dred dollars, less tax. >The word less work); to excuse from doing (duties etc.);
isused of things that are measured by to give little or no punishment to. let
amount (for example in eat less butter; Off Steam, to allow it to escape; to do
use less fuel). Its use with things meas- something that relieves one's pent-up en-
ured by number is regarded as incorrect ergy or feelings, let on, (slang) to pre-
(for example in we need less workers; cor- tend, the impostor let on he was a com-
rect usage is fewer workers). pany executive; to reveal a secret, don't
-less suffix used to form adjectives mean- let on that I am ill. let out, to release
ing not having, as in childless; free from, from restraint or obligation; to make (a
as in harmless; unable to be, as in tireless. garment) looser by adjusting the seams.
les* see (le-see) n. a person who holds a let slip, to reveal a secret; to miss an
property by lease. opportunity, let up, (informal) to be-
come less intense, to relax one's efforts. ree-a) n. an abnormal white discharge
>See the note under leave. from the vagina.
-let suffix used to form nouns meaning Lev. abbr. Leviticus.
small or minor, as in booklet, starlet. Le*vant (le-vant) n. the countries and is-
let'down (let-down) n. 1. a disappoint- lands in the eastern part of the Mediter-
ment. 2. the descent of an airplane, as ranean Sea. Le*van*tine (lev-an-tin)
when preparing for landing. 3. a slow- adj. & n.
down or slackening. levee 1
(lev-ee) n. an assembly of visitors
Ie*thal (lee-thal) adj. causing or able to or guests, especially at a formal recep-
cause death. le'thaMy adv. le«thaM* tion.
ty (lee-thal-i-tee) n. levee2 an embankment against river
n. 1 .

letrvangy (leth-ar-jee) n. extreme lack of floods. 2. a landing place

by a river.
energy or vitality. le*thar*gJC (le-thahr- level (lev-el) n. 1. an imaginary line or
iik) adj. le'thanji-caMy adv. plane joining points of equal height. 2.
lers (lets) = let us. a measured height or value etc., position
Lett (let) n. 1 a member of a people living
on a scale, the level ofalcohol in the blood.
near the Baltic Sea, mainly in Latvia. 3. relative position in rank or class or
2. the Lettish language. authority, decision at cabinet level 4. a
leMer (let-er) n. 1a symbol representing
. more or less flat surface or layer or area.
a sound used in speech. 2. a written mes- 5. an instrument for testing a horizontal
sage addressed to one or more persons, line or plane, level adj. 1. horizontal.
usually sent by mail, letter v. to inscribe 2. (of ground) flat, without hills or hol-
letters on, to draw or inscribe letters. lows. 3. on a level with, at the same
let'terer n. Dletter bomb, a terrorist height or rank or position on a scale.
explosive device disguised as a letter sent 4. steady, uniform, (of a voice) not
by mail, letter box, a mailbox, letter changing in tone, level v. (leveled,
carrier, a mail carrier, a postman, letter leveling) 1. to make or become level
Of the law, its exact requirements (as or even or uniform; level up or down,
opposed to its spirit or true purpose). to bring up or down to a standard; level
letters patent, a written document out, to become level. 2. to knock down
from a government granting some spe- (buildings) to the ground. 3. to aim (a
cific rights, as to land or an invention, gun or missile). 4. to direct (an accusa-
to a person, man
of letters, a scholar, tion or criticism) at a person, lev'el*
a literary man. to the letter, paying ly adv. Iev'el«er n. lev'ehness n.
strict attention to every detail. udo one's level best, (informal) to
Iet*ter«head (let-er-hed) n. a printed head- make all possible efforts, find one's
ing on stationery, stationery with this. level, to reach one's right place in rela-
leMeMng (let-e-ring) n. 1. the act of tion to others, level With, (informal) to
marking something with letters by print- tell the truth to. on the level, (informal)

ing, writing, etc. 2. the actual letters. with no dishonesty or deception.

Iet«ter-per«fect (let-er-pur-fikt) adj. per- Ievel-head«ed (lev-el-hed-id) adj. men-
fect or correct in every detail. tally well balanced, sensible.
leMenpress (let-er-pres) n. 1. printing lever (Iev-er, lee-ver) n. 1a bar or other

from raised type, not from plates, blocks, device pivoted on a fixed point (the ful-
etc. 2. the contents of an illustrated book crum) in order to lift something or force
other than the illustrations. something open. 2. a projecting handle
Let-tish (let-ish) adj. of the Letts or their used in the same way to operate or con-
language. Lettish n. the language of the trol machinery etc. lever v. to use a lever,
Letts. to lift or move by this.
leMuce (let-is) n. a garden plant with leverage (lev-e-rij) n. 1. the action or
broad crisp leaves much used as salad. power of a lever. 2. power, influence.
let'Up (let-up) n. a reduction in intensity, Ie-vi*a*than (li-vi-a-than) n. something
relaxation of effort. of enormous size and power. > Named
Ieu*ke«mia (loo-kee-mi-a) n. a disease in after a sea monster in the Bible.
which the white corpuscles multiply un- Le-vi's (lee-viz) n. pi. (trademark) a type
controllably in the body tissues and usu- of usually blue denim jeans.
ally in the blood. leukemic adj. levi'tate (lev-i-tayt) v. (levhtat-ed,
leu*ko*cyte, leu*co*cyte (loo-ko-sit) n. levi-taMng) to rise or cause to rise and
a white or colorless corpuscle of blood float in the air in defiance of gravity.
also found in the lumph etc., a white levi*ta*tion (lev-i-tay-shon) n.
blood cell. Le«viH«cus (li-vit-i-kus) n. the third
leu*kor*rhe*a, leu-cor«rhe«a (loo-ko- book of the Old Testament containing

levity / library 510

details of the law and ritual of the Le- son or thing, the portrait is a libel on
vites. him, libel v. (li-beled, li-bel-ing) to
levi-ty (lev-i-tee) n. a humorous attitude, utter or publish a libel against. li'bel-
especially toward matters that should be er n. H'bel -1st n. li'bel-ous adj.
treated with respect. lib-er-al (lib-e-ral) adj. 1. giving gener-
levy Qev-ee) v. (levied, levying) to ously. 2. ample, given in large amounts.
impose or collect (a payment etc.) by au- 3. not strict or literal, a liberal interpreta-
thority or by force, levy n, {pi levies) tion of the rules, 4. (of education) broad-
1 levying. 2. the payment levied. ening the mind in a general way, not
lewd (lood) adj. indecent, treating sexual only training it in technical subjects. 5.
matters in a vulgar way. Iewd / ly adv. tolerant, open-minded, especially in reli-
lewd'ness n. gion and politics. 6. favoring democratic
lex. abbr. lexicon. reform and individual liberty, moder-
lex-i-cal flek-si-kal) adj. 1. of the words n, lib 'er- al-
ately progressive, liberal
of a language as distinguished from its ly adv. lib'er-al-ism
grammatical structure. 2. of a lexicon, (lib-£-rml-i-tee) n, liberal arts, studies
fex'i-cal-ly adv. in the humanities, mathematics, and the
lex-i-cog-ra-phy (lek-si-kog-ra-fee) n. social and natural sciences as distinct
the process and principles of compiling
from professional or technical subjects.
a dictionary. lex-l-cog'ra-pher n. lib-er-al-ize (lib-e-ra-liz) v. (lib-er-al-
lex -i-co- graph -ic (lek-si-kd-graf-ik)
Ized, lib-er-al-lz-ing) to make less
adj. lex-i-co-graph'i-cal adj. lib-er-al -i-za-tion (hb-e-ra-li-
lex -i -con (lek-si-kon) n. 1. a dictionary
zay-shdn) n,
of certain languages, especially Greek or
lib-er- ate (Ub-e-rayt) v. (lib-er-at-ed,
Hebrew. 2. the special vocabulary of a
lib-er-at-ing) to set free, especially
person, a branch of knowledge, a profes-
from control by an authority that is con-
sion, etc.
sidered to be oppressive, lib 'er -a -tor
I.f.abbr. (in printing) lightface.
n. lib-er-a-tion (hb-e-ray-sh6n) n,
L.F. abbr. low frequency.
Li-ber-i-a (li-beer-i-S) a country on the
LG abbr. 1 liquefied gas. 2. Low German.

coast of West Africa. Li-ber'i-an adj.

Ig. abbr. 1. large. 2. long.
LGk. abbr. Late Greek.
& ru

llb«er«tar*l«an(hb-er-tair-i-an) n, 1. a be-
LH abbr. 1 left hand. 2. lower half.

liever in free will as a doctrine. 2. an

L.H.D. abbr. Doctor of Humane Letters.
advocate of liberty.
Li symbol lithium.
lib -er* tine (lib-er-teen) n. a person who
li-a-bll-l-ty (h-a-bil-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1.
lives an irresponsible and immoral life.
being liable. 2. (informal) a handicap,
a disadvantage. 3. liabilities, debts, obli-
Ilb-er-ty (Ub-er-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1. free-
gations. dom from, captivity, slavery, imprison-
Il-a«ble (li-a-bel) adj. 1. held responsible ment, or despotic control by others. 2.
by law, legally obliged to pay a tax or the right or power to do as one chooses.
penalty etc. 2. able or likely to do or 3. a right or privilege granted by author-

suffer something, cliff is liable to crumble. ity. 4. the setting aside of convention,

li«ai-son (lee-ay-zon, lee-a-) n. 1. commu- improper familiarity; take the liberty of

nication and cooperation between units doing or to do something, venture to do
of an organization. 2. a person who acts it. Dat liberty, (of a person) not impris-

as a link or go-between. 3. a secret or oned, free; allowed, you are at liberty to

illicit relationship. leave; not occupied or engaged, take lib-
Ii*ar Qi-ar) n. a person who tells lies. erties, to behave too familiarly toward
lib (lib) (informal) liberation, women's
n. a person; to interpret facts etc. too freely.
lib. lib'ber n. (informal) a person who bid -I -nous (li-bid-T-nus) adj. lustful.
li •

advocates liberation. li-bi-do (h-bee-doh) n, {pi -dos) emo-

lib. abbr. 1 . liberal. 2. librarian. 3. library. tional energy or urge, especially that as-
li-ba-tion (h-bay-shdn) n. 1. the pouring sociated with sexual desire, li-bid-i-nal
of a drink such as wine as an offering (li-bid-I-nal) adj.
to a god. 2. a drink offered to a god. Li -bra (lee-bra) n, a sign of the zodiac,
3. (informal)an alcoholic drink, li * Da *
the Scales. U'bran adj. & n,
tion-ar-y (li-bay-shd-ner-ee) adj. li-brar-i-an (li-brair-i-an) n. a person in
li-bel fli-bel) n 1. a published false state-
. charge of or assisting in a library. II •
ment that damages a person's reputation. brar'l-an-ship n.

2. the act of publishing it, was charged li-brar-y (li-brer-ee) n. {pi -brar-ies) 1.
with libel. 3. (informal) a statement or a collection of books for reading or bor-
anything that brings discredit on a per- rowing. 2. a room or building where
511 libretto / lieutenant

these are kept. 3. a similar collection of for a box or pot etc. 2. lid'ded
an eyelid,
records, films, etc. adj. Iid / less adj. Dkeeplid on, the
Il-bret-to (li-bret-oh) n. {pi -tos) the to prevent a situation from getting out
words of an opera or other long musical of control, with the lid Off, with all the
work. horrors etc. exposed to view.
Ll-bre-ville (lee-bre-?eel) the capital of lie 1 (h) n. 1 a statement that the speaker

Gabon. knows to be untrue, tell a lie. 2. a thing

Lib-ya (lib-i-2) a country in North Af- that deceives, an imposture, lie v. (lied,
rica. Lib / yan adj. & n. lying) 1. to tell a he or lies. 2. to be
lice see louse. deceptive. Dgive the lie to, to show
II • cense (li-sens) n. 1. a permit from the that something is untrue, lie detector,
government or other authority to own an instrument that can detect changes
or do something or to carry on a certain in the pulse rate, respiration, etc. brought
trade. 2. permission. 3. disregard of rules on by the tension caused by telling lies.
etc., lack of due restraint in
or customs lie2 v. (lay, lain, lying) 1. to have or put
behavior. 4. a writer's or artist's exagger- one's body in a flat or resting position
ation, or disregard of rules etc., for the on a more or less horizontal surface. 2.
sake of effect, poetic license, license v. (of a thing) to be at rest on a surface.
(II- censed, li-cens-ing) to grant a li-
3. to be or be kept or remain in a specified
cense to or for, to authorize, licensed to state, the road lies open; machinery lay
sell alcoholic beverages.
idle; lie in ambush. 4. to be situated, the
li-cen-see (h-sen-see) n. a person who island lies near the coast. 5. to exist or
holds a license.
be found, the remedy lies in education.
li-cen-tl-ate (h-sen-shi-it) n. a person
lie n. the way or position in which some-
who holds a certificate snowing that he thing lies, a
how the land lies, what
is competent to practice a certain profes-
the situation is. it lies with you, it is
your business or right. He down, to have
li-cen-tious (li-sen-shus) adj. disregard-
a brief rest in or on a bed etc. lie low,
ing the rules of conduct, especially in
to conceal oneself or one's intentions.
sexual matters, li-cen'tious-ness n. II-
take it lying down, to accept an insult
cen'tious-ly adv.
H-chee = litchi. etc. without protest. >
See the note under
lay 3 .
If -Chen (h-ken) n. a dry-looking plant that
Liech- ten -stein (lik-ten-stin) a country
grows on rocks, walls, tree trunks, etc.,
in Europe between Austria and Switzer-
usually green or yellow or gray.
He -it (lis-it) adj. lawful, not forbidden.
lie'lt -ly adv.
lied (leed) n. (pL lied-er, pr. lee-der) a
lick (lik) v. to pass the tongue over, to
1 .
German song or ballad.
lief (leef) adv. (old use) gladly, willingly.
take up or make clean by doing this. 2.
(of waves or flame) to move like a tongue, liege (leej) n. 1. a vassal. 2. a ruler or
to touch lightly. 3. (slang) to defeat. 4. feudal lord, liege adj. faithful, loyal.
(slang) to thrash, lick n. 1. an act of lien (leen) n. the right to keep another per-
licking with the tongue. 2. a blow with son's property until a debt owed in re-
a stick etc. 3. a salt lick. Dlick and a spect of it (such as for repairing it) is
promise, (informal) hasty performance paid.
of a task, lick a person's boots, to lieu (loo) n. In lieu, instead, in place, ac-
be servile toward him. lick into shape, cepted a check in lieu of cash.
to make presentable or efficient, lick lieut. abbr. lieutenant.
one's lips, to show pleasure and eager- lieu -ten -ant (loo-ten-ant) n. 1. a navy of-
ness or satisfaction, lick one's wounds, ficer next below a lieutenant commander.
to remain in retirement trying to recover 2. an officer ranking just below one speci-
after a defeat fied, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant com-
lick-e-ty-split (lik-e-tee-split) adv. (in- mander, lieutenant general. 3. a deputy,
formal) at full speed, headlong. a chief assistant, lieu -ten -an -cy (loo-
lick-ing (lik-ing) n. (slang) 1. a defeat. 2. ten-an-see) n. first lieutenant, an Air
a thrashing. Force, Army, or Marine Corps officer
lick-spit-tle (lik-spit-el) n. a sycophant, next below a captain, lieutenant gover-
a toady. nor, an elected state official next below
lie -o- rice (lik-5-ris, -rish) n. 1. a black a governor, substituting for him in case
substance used in medicine and as a of his absence, incapacity, or death, lieu-
candy. 2. the plant from whose root it tenant Junior grade, a Navy officer
is obtained. next below lieutenant, second lieuten-
lid (lid) n. 1 . a hinged or removable cover ant, an Air Force, Army, or Marine
life / light 512
Corps officer next below a first lieuten- life-like (lif-hk) adj. exactly like a real
ant. person or other living thing.
life (kf) n. {pi lives, pr. livz) 1. being life *line (lif-lm) n. 1. a rope etc. used in
alive, the ability to function and grow rescuing people, as one attached to a life
that distinguishes animals and plants (be- belt. 2.a diver's signaling line. 3. a sole
fore their death) from rocks and syn- means of communication or transport.
thetic substances. 2. living things, plant life -long (lif-lawng) adj. continued all
life; is there life on Mars? 3. a living form one's life.

or model, portrait is drawn from life. 4. Iif*er (li-fer) n. (slang) 1. a person sen-
liveliness, interest, full of life. 5. the pe- tenced to life imprisonment. 2. one who
riod for which a person or organism is spends a career in military service.
or has been or will be alive; J(/e imprison- life-sav-ing (lif-say-ving) adj. designed
ment or a life sentence, a sentence of im- for or concerning the protection of hu-
prisonment for the rest of one's life. 6. man life. Iife'sav*er n.
(informal) a life sentence. 7. a person's life-size (lif-siz), life-sized (lif-sizd) adj.
or people's activities or fortunes or man- of the same size as the person or thing
ner of existence, in private life: village represented.
life. 8. the business and pleasures and life *styte (lif-stil) n. (informal) a person's
social activities of the world, we do see way of life.

life! 9. a biography. 10. a period during life* time (Irf-tim) n. theduration of a per-
which something exists or continues to son's or of a thing's existence; the
function, the battery has a life of two chance of a lifetime, the best chance one
years. Da matter of life and death, will ever get.
an event or decision etc. that could cause life* work (lif-wurk) n. the major or total
a person to die; something of vital impor- work of a person's life.
tance, for life, for the rest of one's life. UFO (li-foh) n. a system for valuing in-
for one's life or for dear life, in order ventories. t> From fast in /irst out.
to escape death or as if to do this, life lift (lift) v. 1. to raise to a higher level or

belt, a life preserver worn as a belt, life position; lift ones eyes, look up. 2. to

buoy, a device to keep a person afloat. take up from the ground or from its rest-
life cycle, the series of forms into which ing place. 3. (informal) to steal, to copy
a living thing changes until the first form Groan another source. 4. to go up, to rise,
appears again, life jacket, a life preser- (of fog etc.) to disperse. 5. to remove i

ver worn as a jacket, life preserver, a or abolish (restrictions), lift n, 1 lifting,.


belt, jacket, or other device of buoyant being lifted. 2. (informal) a ride as a pas- i

or inflatable material to support a per- senger without payment. 3. a device for i

son's body in the water, life raft, a raft lifting a vehicle in a garage for repairs.
used during emergencies at sea when 4. a ski lift or chair lift. 5. the upward
people have to abandon ship, life sci- pressure that air exerts on an aircraft •

ences, biology and related subjects. in flight. 6. a feeling of elation, the praise
life-support system, (in a spacecraft) gave me a lift 7. one layer of leather
equipment that provides an environment in the heel of a boot or shoe. Dhave
in which the crew can live, not on your one's face lifted, to have an operation
life, (informal) most certainly not. this for removing wrinkles on the face by
life, life on Earth (as opposed to an ex- tightening the skin.
istence after death), to the life, exactly lift* Off (lift-awf) n. the vertical takeoff of
like the original. a rocket or spacecraft.
life* blood (lif-blud) n. 1. a person's or Iig*a*ment (lig-a-ment) n. the tough flexi-
animal's blood, necessary to his or its ble tissue that holds bones together or
life. 2. an influence that gives vitality to keeps organs in place in the body.
something. II -gate (li-gayt) v. (1l*gat*ed, II* gat-
life 'boat (lrf-boht) n. 1. a small boat car- ing) to tie with a ligature. ll*ga*tion
ried on a ship for use if the ship has to (li-g«y-shdn) n.
be abandoned at sea. 2. a boat specially Iig*a*ture (lig-a-chur) ru 1. a thing used
constructed for going to the help of peo- in tying, especialy in surgical operations.
ple in danger at sea along a coast. 2. a slur in music. 3. joined printed let-
life* guard (lif-gahrd) n. an expert swim- ters such as ce.
mer employed to rescue bathers who are light 1 (lit) the agent that stimulates
n. 1.
in danger of drowning. the sense of sight, a kind of radiation.
life* less (lrf-lis) adj. 1. without life, dead 2. the presence or amount or effect of
or never having had life.2. unconscious. this. 3. a source of light, especially an
3. lacking vitality, life 'less *ly adv. electric light, leave the light on. 4. a flame
life 'less -ness n. or spark, something used to produce this.
513 light / like

5. brightness, the bright parts of a picture loading and unloading ships that are not
etc. 6. enlightenment; light dawned on brought to a wharf or into a harbor, arid
him, he began to understand. 7. the as- for transporting goods in a harbor.
pect of something, the way it appears light* face (lit-fays) n. a printing type with
to the mind, sees the matter in a different thin light lines, light'faced adj.
light; did his best according to his lights. light* fin -gered (lrt-fing-gerd) adj. apt to
8. a window or opening to admit light. steal.
9. a traffic light, light adj. 1 full of light,
. light* foot *ed (lit-fuut-id) adj. stepping or
not in darkness. 2. pale, light blue, light dancing nimbly or lightly.
v. (light *ed or lit, lighting) 1. to set light* head *ed (ht-hed-id) adj. feeling
burning, to begin to burn. 2. to cause slightly faint, dizzy, delirious.
to give out light. 3. to provide with light, light* heart *ed (ht-hahr-tid) adj. 1 cheer- .

to guide with a light. 4. to brighten, ful, without cares. 2. too casual, not
light'ness n. bring or come to treating a thing seriously. light'heart'
light, to reveal or be revealed, to make ed*ly adv. Iight'heart'ed*ness n.
or become known, in the light of this, light *house (ht-hows) n. {pi -nous*
with the help given by these facts, light es, pr. -how-ziz) a tower or other struc-
bulb, a rounded glass container enclos- ture containing a beacon light to warn
ing a filament that is made to glow by or guide ships.
electricity, light meter, an exposure me- light* ing (h-ting) n. equipment for provid-
ter, light show, a display of changing ing light to a room or building or street
colored lights for entertainment, light etc., the light itself.
up, to make or become bright with light lightening (lit-ning) n. a flash of bright
or color or animation; to begin to smoke light produced by natural electricity, be-
a pipe or cigarette, shed or throw light tween clouds or cloud and ground, light-
on, to help to explain. ning adj. very quick, with lightning
light 2 adj. 1. having little weight, not speed. lightning bug, a firefly, light-
heavy, easy to lift or carry or move. 2. ning rod, a metal rod or wire attached
of less than average weight or amount to an exposed part of a building etc. to
or force, light traffic; light artillery, divert lightning into the earth, like light-
armed with lighter weapons than heavy ning, with very great speed.
artillery. 3. (of work) needing little physi- light* proof (lit-proof) adj. not admitting
cal effort. 4. not intense; a light sleeper, light.
one easily awakened. 5. not dense, light lights pi the lungs of sheep, pigs,
(lits) n.
mist. 6. (of food) easy to digest. 7. mov- etc., used as food for animals.
ing easily and quickly. 8. cheerful, free light* ship (lit-ship) n. a moored or an-
from worry, with a light heart. 9. not chored ship with a beacon light, serving
profound or serious, intended as enter- the same purpose as a lighthouse.
tainment, light music, light adv. lightly, light* weight Qit-wayt) n. 1. a person of
with little load, we travel light, light'ly less than average weight. 2. a boxer be-
adv. light'ness n. light heavy* tween welterweight and featherweight
weight, a boxer between middleweight weighing up to 135 pounds. 3. a person
and heavyweight weighing up to 175 of little influence, lightweight adj. not
pounds, light industry, industry pro- having great weight or influence.
ducing small or light articles, light op- light-year (ht-yeer) ^ t he distance light
era, a play with music, operetta, make travels in one year (about six trillion
light of, to treat as unimportant; made miles).
light of his injuries, said they were not lig*ne*OUS (lig-ni-us) adj. woody.
serious. Iig*nl*fy (lig-nl-fi) v. (Iig*ni*fied, lig*
light3 v. (lighted or lit, light -ing) to find nh tying) to change into or turn to
accidentally, to settle on, we lighted on wood or woodlike material. Iig*ni*fl*
this book. light into, (slang) to attack. ca-tion (hg-nl-fl-kay-sh6n) n.
light out, (slang) to depart, lit out for lig-nite (lig-mt) n. brown coal showing
home. traces of plant structure.
lighten 1 (h-ten) v. 1. to shed light on. Iik*a*ble (h-ka-bel) adj. pleasant, easy to
2. to make or become brighter. 3. to pro- like.
duce lightning. like 1 (lik) adj. 1. having some or all of
lighten 2 v. 1. to make or become lighter the qualities or appearance etc. of, simi-
in weight. 2. to relieve or be relieved of lar; what is he like?, what sort of person
care or worry. is he? 2. characteristic of, it was like him
light* er 1 (h-ter) n. a device for lighting to do that. 3. in a suitable state or the
cigarettes and cigars. right mood for something, it looks like
lighter 2 n. a flat-bottomed boat used for rain; we felt like a walk. 4. such as, for

like / limit 514

example, in subjects like music like prep. pad, a floating leaf of a water lily.
in the manner of, to the same degree as, Iil*y-liv*ered (Ul-ee-lrr-erd) adj. (slang)
he swims like a fish, like conj. (informal) cowardly.
1 in the same manner as, to the same Iil*y- white (lil-ee-hwit) adj. 1. as white as
degree as, do it like I do. (D>A careful a lily. 2. (of an organization etc.) prohib-
person avoids this construction and uses iting participation by blacks.
instead do it as I do or do it like me.) lim. abbr. limit.
2. as if, she doesn't act like she belongs U*ma (lee-mi) &<> capital of Peru.
here, like adv. (informal) likely, as like lima (li-ma) bean, a bean plant bear-
as not they'll refuse, like n. one that is ing pods that contain flat white or pale
like another, a similar thing, shall not green edible seeds; the seed.
see his like again; the likes of you, people limb (lim) n. 1 a projecting part of an

like you. Dand the like, and similar animal body, used in movement or in
things. grasping things, an arm or leg. 2. a main
like 2 v. (liked, lik-ing) 1. to find pleasant branch of a tree. Dout on a limb, iso-
or satisfactory. 2. to wish for, would like lated, stranded; at a disadvantage be-
to think it over, likes n. pi the things cause separated from others, tear limb
one likes or prefers. D>It is incorrect to from limb, to dismember completely
say Vd like for you to do this. Delete with violence.
for. linvber (lim-ber) adj. flexible, supple,
-like suffix used to form adjectives meaning lithe, limber v. to make limber. limber
similar to, as in flowerlike, ladylike. up, to exercise in preparation for athletic
like -li* hood (hk-li-huud) n. being likely, activity.
probability. Mm* bo 1
(tim-boh) n. (pi -bos) 1. Limbo,
like-ly (lik-lee) adj. (like-li-er, like-li- in certain Christian teachings, the sup-
est) 1. such as may reasonably be ex- posed abode of souls not admitted to
pected to occur or be true etc., rain is heaven (as of a person not baptized) but
likely. 2. seeming to be suitable, the like- not condemned to punishment. 2. an in-
liest place. 3. showing promise of being termediate state or condition (as of a plan
successful, a likely lad. likely adv. proba- not yet accepted but not rejected), a con-
bly, like'li-ness n. Dnot likely!, (in- dition of being neglected and forgotten.
formal) this will certainly not be possible. limbo2 n. (pi -bos) a West Indian dance
l>The use of likely as an adverb without in which the dancer bends back and
very, most, or more (for example in the passes repeatedly under a gradually low-
rain will likely die out) is incorrect. ered horizontal bar.
like* mind *ed (lik-min-did) adj. having Urn* burg *er (lim-bur-ger) n. a soft white
the same tastes or opinions, like'mind' cheese with a characteristic strong smell,
ed-ness n. originally made in Limburg, Belgium.
Ilk* en (h-ken) v. to point out the resem- lime 1 (lim) m
a white substance (calcium
blance of one thing to another, likened oxide) used in making cement and mor-
the heart to a pump. tar and as a fertilizer, lime v. (limed,
like-ness flik-nis) n. 1. being like, a re- linving) to treat with lime.
semblance. 2. a copy, portrait, or picture. lime 2 n. 1 a round fruit like a lemon but

like* wise (hk-wiz) adv. 1 moreover, also. . smaller and more acid. 2. (also lime
2. similarly, do likewise. green) its yellowish-green color.
lik-ing (li-king) n. 1. what one likes, one's lime-ade (lim-ayd) n. a drink made of
taste, is it to your liking? 2. one's feeling lime juice, water, and a sweetener.
one likes something, a liking for it.
that lime* kiln (lim-kiln) n. a furnace or kiln
li -lac (li-lak) n. 1. a shrub with fragrant in which lime is made by heating lime-
purplish or white flowers. 2. pale purple. stone or shells.
iliac adj. of lilac color. lime 'light (lim-lit) n. great publicity.
lil-li-pu-tian (lil-i-pyoo-shan) adj. very > Named after the brilliant ob- light,
small, i i putian n. a very small person.
1 1 i tained by heating lime, formerly used to
Named after the inhabitants of Lilli- illuminate the stages of theaters.
put, a country in Swift's Gulliver's Trav- Iim*er*ick (lim-e-rik) n. a type of humor-
els, who were only six inches tall. ous poem with five lines. t> Named after
lilt (lilt) n. a light pleasant rhythm, a song Limerick, a town in Ireland.
or tune having this, lilt'ing adj. lime* Stone Qim-stohn) n. a kind of rock
Iil*y (lil-ee) n. (pi. Iil*ies) 1 a plant grown . from which lime is obtained by heating.
from a bulb, with large white or reddish lim* It (lim-it) n. 1. the point or line or
flowers. 2. a plant of this family. Dlily level beyond which something does not
Of the valley, a spring flower with small continue. 2. the greatest amount allowed,
fragrant white bell-shaped flowers, lily the speed lirnit 3. (slang) something that
515 limitation / lineage

is as much as or more than one can toler- company running these, Cunard Line.
ate, she really is the limit! limit v. to set 11. a connected series, several genera-
or serve as a limit, to keep within limits. tions of a family, a line of kings. 1 2. a
llm'IMess adj. direction or course or track, line of
Ilm*i* taction (lim-i-tay-shon) n. 1. limit- march. 1 3. a single track of rails in a
ing, being limited. 2. a lack of ability; railroad, one branch of a system, the
knows his limitations, knows what he main line north. 1 4.a course of proce-
cannot achieve. dure or thought or conduct, in the line
Iim*it*ed (lim-i-tid) confined within
adj. 1 .
of duty; don't take that line with me. 15.
limits. 2. restricted, scanty. limited a department of activity, a type of busi-
war, a war in which the belligerents do ness; not my line, not among my interests
not seek total victory. or skills. 1 6. a class of goods, a nice line
limn (lim) v. (old use) 1 to paint (a picture).
of handbags. 1 7. a piece of cord used
2. to depict, to portray. for a particular purpose, fishing with rod
lim*0 (lim-oh) n. (pi Mm* OS) (informal)
and line. 1 8. a wire or cable used to con-
a limousine. nect electricity or telephones, connection
lim -OU' sine (lim-5-zeen) n. 1. a luxurious by this, the line is bad. 1 9. (in football)
car, often driven by a chauffeur. 2. an the center, guard, tackles, and ends to-
airport bus. gether. 20. (slang) an exaggerated story
walk or proceed lamely.
limp 1 (limp) v. to or a fabrication told to win sympathy
limp n. a limping walk. or justify oneself, gave us a line about
limp adj. 1 not stiff or firm. 2. lacking
his bad luck, line v. (lined, lln-ing) 1.
strength or energy, wilting, limply adv.
to mark with lines. 2. to arrange in a
limp'ness n.
lim* pet (lim-pit) n. a small shellfish that
line, line them up. Dcome or bring into
line, to become or cause to become a
sticks tightly to rocks.
straight line or row; to conform or cause
lim-pid (lim-pid) adj. (of liquids etc.) clear,
to conform with others, down the line,
wholly or completely, draw the line,
lin.abbr. 1. lineal. 2. linear.
see draw, get a line on, (informal) to
linkage (li-nij) n. 1. the number of lines
discover information about, hold that
in printed matter. 2. payment according
line, (in football) do not let the opposing
to this. >Do
not confuse linage with
players break through the line, hold the
line, see hold, in line, so as to form a
linch -pin (linch-pin) n. 1. a pin passed
straight line; waiting one's turn (to buy
through the end of an axle to keep the
wheel in position. 2. a person or thing a ticket, etc.); in accordance with expec-
that is vital to an organization or plan tations or general practice, it would be
in line for you to give her a call, in line
Lin* coin (ling-kdn) the capital of Ne- for, likely to get (a promotion etc.). In
braska. line with, in accordance with, line
Lin*COln, A*bra*ham (1809-65) the six- drawing, a drawing done with pen or
teenth president of the U.S. 1861-65. pencil or a pointed instrument, chiefly
lin* den (lin-den) n. a tree with smooth in linesand solid masses, line drive, (in
heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow baseball) a batted ball hit low and
flowers. straight, line of scrimmage, on a foot-
line 1 (lin) n. 1 a straight or curved contin-
ball field,an imaginary line on each side
uous extent of length without breadth. of which the opposing players line up
2. a long narrow mark on a surface. 3. before a play, line score, a score of a
something resembling this, a band of baseball game that shows the hits, runs,
color, a wrinkle or crease in the skin. and errors of each team, on the line,
4. an outline, the shape to which some- (slang) at great risk, in a dangerous spot;
thing designed; a proposal along these
is with money instead of credit, out of
lines,with these general features. 5. a line, not in line; not in accordance with
limit, a boundary. 6. one of a set of mili- expectations or general practice; his re-
tary field works or boundaries of an en- marks were way out of line, were inappro-
campment. 7. a row of people or things, priate.
a row of words on a page or in a poem; line 2 v. (lined, linking) 1. to cover the in-
an actor's lines, the words of his part side surface of (a thing) with a layer of
in a play. 8. a series of people awaiting different material. 2. to be the lining of.
their turns for something, a queue. 9. a Dline one's pockets, to make a lot
brief letter, drop me a line. 1 0. a series of money, especially by underhand or
of ships or buses or aircraft etc. regularly dishonest methods.
traveling between certain places, the Iln*e*age (lin-ee-ij) n. ancestry, the line

lineal / liq. 516

of descendants of an ancestor. D> Do not link (lingk) n. 1 one ring or loop of a chain.

confuse lineage with linage. 2. a cuff link. 3. a connecting part, a

Iln*e*al (lin-ee-al) adj. of or in a line, espe- person who is a connection between oth-
cially as a descendant. ers, link v. to make or be a connection
Iin*e*a* merits (lin-ee-a-ments) n. pi. dis- between; link hands, to hold the hand
tinguishing features, especially of the of a person on each side, as in a chain.
face. link* age (ling-kij) n, linking, a link.
Iin*e*ar (lin-ee-ar) adj. 1. of a line, of links (lingks) n. pi. a golf course.
length. 2. arranged in a line. link* Up (lingk-up) n. 1 a meeting, connec- .

line* back *er (lin-bak-er) n. a football or contact. 2. something function-

player who is positioned just behind the ing as a linking device or system.
line on defense. Iin*net (lin-it) n. a small Old World finch.
line*man (lin-man) n. (pi. »men, pr. -men) li*no*le*um (h-noh-h-um) n. a kind of
1 a person who works on power commu- floor covering made by pressing a thick
nication lines. 2. one of the players on coating of powdered cork and linseed oil
the forward line in a football game. etc. on to a canvas backing. linoleum D
Iin*en (lin-in) n. 1. cloth made of flax. 2. block, a piece of linoleum mounted on
which were for-
sheets, tablecloths, etc., a wood block into which a pattern etc.
merly made of this, bed linen; table linen. has been incised or carved for use in mak-
linger 1 (li-ner) n. a ship or airplane travel- ing prints.
ing on a regular route. Lin *0* type (h-nd-tip) n. (trademark) a
liner 2 n. a removable lining. machine that sets a line of type as a single
lines* man (linz-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. strip of metal.
-men) an official assisting the referee in lin-seed (lin-seed) n. the seed of flax,
tennis, football, etc., especially in decid- pressed to form linseed oii, an oil used
ing whether or where a ball crosses a in paint and varnish.
line. lin*sey-wool*sey (lin-zee-wuul-zee) n.
line* up (hn-up) n. 1. persons or things (pi -seys) an inferior wool material
lined up for identification or inspection. woven on cotton warp.
2. the members of a team participating lint (lint) n. 1 . tiny bits of thread or
in a game. fiber. 2. staple cotton fiber. 3. (chiefly
ling 1 (ling) n. a kind of heather. British) a soft material for dressing
ling 2 n. a sea fish of northern Europe, used wounds.
(usually salted) as food. Iin*tel (lin-tel) n. a horizontal piece of tim-
ling. abbr. linguistics. ber or stone etc. over a door or other
Iin*ger (ling-geY) v. 1. to stay a long time, opening.
especially as if reluctant to leave. 2. to II* on (li-dn) n. 1. a large powerful flesh-
dawdle. 3. to remain alive although be- eating animal of the cat family. 2. the
coming weaker. Lion, a siga of the zodiac, Leo. II* on*
Iin*ge*rie (lahn-z/i£-ree) n. women's un- ess fli-d-nis) n. fern. Dthe lion's
derwear. share, the largest or best part of some-
lin*go (ling-goh) n. (pi -goes) (informal) thing that is divided.
a foreign language, jargon. II -on- heart *ed (li-6n-hahr-tid) adj. very
Iin*gua fran*ca (ling-gwa frang-ka) a lan- brave.
guage used between the people of an area li*on*ize (h-o-niz) v. (li*on*lzed, II* on*
where several languages are spoken. iz-ing) to treat (a person) as a celebrity.
lin-gual (ling-gwal) adj. 1. of or formed lip (lip) n. 1 either of the fleshy edges of

by the tongue. 2. of speech or languages. the mouth opening. 2. (slang) impu-

lin -guist (ling-gwist) n. 1 a student of lin-
. dence. 3. the edge of a cup or other hol-
guistics. 2. a person who knows foreign low container or of an opening. 4. a pro-
languages well. jecting part of such an edge shaped for
Hn*guis*tiC (ling-gwis-tik) adj. of lan- pouring, lipped adj. a stiff up- Dkeep
guage or linguistics. per lip, reading, under-
see stiff, lip
Hn*guis*tiCS (ling-gwis-tiks) n. the scien- standing what a person is saying by
tific study of languages and their struc- watching the movements of his lips, not
ture. by hearing, lip sync, synchronizing
Iln*i*ment (lin-I-ment) n. a liquid for rub- movement of lips with recorded sound.
bing on the body to relieve aches or pay lip service to, to state that one
bruises. approves of something but fail to support
lin-ing (li-ning) n. 1. a layer of material it by actions.

used to line something, the material it- lip* Stick (lip-stik) n. 1. a stick of cosmetic
self. 2. the tissue covering the inner sur- for coloring the lips. 2. this cosmetic.
face of an organ of the body. liq. abbr. 1. liquid. 2. liquor.
517 liquefy / lith.

liq-ue-fy (lik-we-fi) v. (liq-ue-fied, liq- listen in, to overhear a conversation,

uefying) to make or become liquid. especially by telephone.
Iiq'ue*fi*er n. liq'ue-fi-a-ble adj. lis* ten -er (lis-e-ner) n. 1. a person who
liq *ue* faC'tion (lik-we-fak-shon) n. listens; a good listener, one who can be
li queur (li-kur) n. a strong sweet alcoholic relied on to listen attentively or sympa-
liquor with fragrant flavoring. thetically. 2. a person listening to a radio
Iiq*uid (lik-wid) n. a substance like water broadcast.
or oil that flows freely but is not a gas. list* less (list-lis) adj. without energy or
liquid adj. 1 in the form of a liquid.
. vitality, showing no enthusiasm, list'
2. having the clearness of water. 3. (of less*ly adv. Iist'less*ness n.
1 3
sounds) flowing clearly and pleasantly, lit (lit) see light , light .

a thrush's liquid notes. 4. (of assets) easily lit abbr. 1. liter(s). 2. literal. 3. literally.
converted into cash, li-quid-l-ty (li- 4. literary. 5. literature.
kwid-i-tee) n. D
liquid measure, a sys- Ilt*a*ny (lit-S-nee) n. 1. a form of prayer
tem for measuring the volume of liquids. consisting of a series of supplications to
liquid oxygen, a clear light-bluish liq- God and with set responses by the con-
uid produced by compressing and cool- gregation. 2. a long monotonous recital,
ing oxygen, used as an oxidizer in certain a litany of complaints.
rocket fuels. Ihtchi (lee-chee) ^ (p/. -tchles) 1. (also
liq. uh date (lik-wi-dayt) v. (liq *ui* dat- lltchi nut) a fruit consisting of a sweetish
ed, liq*ui*dat*ing) 1. to pay or settle white pulp in a thin brown shell. 2. the
(a debt). 2. to close down (a business) tree (originally from China) that bears
and divide its assets among its creditors. this.
3. to get rid of, especially by killing, Ii*ter (lee-ter) n. a unit of capacity in the
liq'ui-da-tor n. liq-ui-da-tion (lik-wi- metric system (about 1.057 liquid quarts,
day-shon) n. Dgo into liquidation, (of about 0.908 dry quart).
a business) to be closing or closed down Iit*er*a*cy (lit-€-r£-see) n. the ability to
with its assets divided, especially in bank- read and write.
ruptcy. Iit*er*al (lit-€-ril) adj.1. in accordance
liq-uld-ize (iik-wi-diz) v. (liq-uid-ized, with the primary meaning of a word or
liq*uid*iz*ing) to liquefy. Iiq'uid*iz* fl
the actual words of a phrase, as con-
er n. trasted with a metaphorical or exagger-
liq*uor (lik-dr) n. 1. alcohohc drink. 2. . ated meaning; a literal translation, keep-
juice produced in cooking, liquid in ing strictly to the words of the original.
which food has been boiled. 2. (of a person) tending to interpret
Ii*ra (leer-a) ru {pi. li -re, pr. leer-ay, li* things in a literal way, unimaginative.
ras) the unit of money in Italy and Tur- lifer *al*ly adv. lifer* ah ness n.
key. >The word literally is sometimes used
Lis-bon (liz-bdn) the capital of Portugal. mistakenly in statements that are clearly
lisle (hi) n. a fine smooth cotton thread not to be taken literally, as in he was
formerly used for stockings. literally glued to the TV set every night
lisp (lisp) n. a speech defect in which s is lit*er*al*ism (lit-e-ra-liz-em) n 1. adher- .

pronounced like th (as in thin) and z like ence to the exact meaning. 2. complete
th (as in they), lisp v. 1. to speak or realism in art, literature, etc. Iit*er*al*
utter with a lisp. 2. to speak in a childish is-tlc (lit-e-ra-lis-tik) adj.
or affected manner. Ilt*er*ar*y (lit-e-rer-ee) adj. of or con-
lis* some, lis-som (lis-dm) adj. lithe, ag- cerned with literature.
ile. lit* en ate (lit-e-rit) adj. able to read and
list (list) n. a series of names, items, fig- write, literate n. a literate person.
ures, etc. written or printed, list v. to Ilt*e*ra*ti (lit-e-rah-tee) n. pi. men and
make a to enter (a name etc.) in
list of, women of letters {see letter).
a list. enter the lists, to make or ac- Ilt*e*ra*tim (lit-e-ray-tim) adv. letter for
cept a challenge, especially in a contro- letter. >
versy, list price, the published or adver- Iit*er*a*ture (lit-€-ra-chur) n. 1. writings
tised price of merchandise. that are valued for their beauty of form,
list 2 v. (of a ship) to lean over to one side. especially novels and poetry and plays
list n. a listing position, a tilt. etc. as contrasted with technical books
list 3 v. (old use) to listen. and journalism. 2. the writings of a coun-
lis* ten (lis-en) v. 1. to make an effort to try or a period or a particular subject.
hear something, to wait alertly in order 3. (informal) printed pamphlets or leaf-
to hear a sound. 2. to hear by doing this, lets etc., some literature about bus tours.
to pay attention. 3. to allow oneself to lith. abbr. lithograph. 2. lithographic.
be persuaded by a suggestion or request. 3. lithography.
lithe / live 518
lithe (hth) adj. flexible, supple, agile. son who carelessly leaves refuse on the
lithe*some (hth-s6m) adj. flexible, supple. street.
lith-i-um (lith-i-um) ru a soft silver-white lit -tie Git-el) adj. (-tier, -tlest) 1. small
metallic element, the lightest alkali in size or amount or intensity etc., not
metal. great or big or much. 2. smaller than
lith*o (lith-oh) n. the lithographic process, others of the same kind, little finger; Lit-
lith-o »graph (lith-d-graf) ru a picture tle Italy, a small area having many Ital-

etc. printed by lithography, lithograph ians. 3.young, younger, our little boy;
v. 1 to print by lithography. 2. to write
unimportant, bothers
his little sister. 4.
or engrave on stone. li*thog-ra-pher me with every little detail, little ru only
(li-thog-ra-fer) ru a small amount, some but not much, a
li-thog-ra-phy (li-thog-ra-fee) ru a proc- short time or distance, little adv. 1. to
ess of printing from a smooth surface a small extent only, little-known authors.
(such as a metal plate) treated so that 2. not at all, he little knows. little by
little, gradually, by a small amount at
ink will adhere to the design to be printed
and not to the rest of the surface, lith • a time. Little Dipper, see dipper, little
O* graph 'ic (lith-o-graf-ik) adj. people, the fairies; ordinary people
li-thol-o-gy (li-thol-6-jee) ru the scientific without particular wealth or influence.
Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas, lit-
study of the nature and composition of
tle slam, see slam, little theater, a non-
stones and rocks, lith -O* log -ic (lith-6-
loj-ik) adj.
commercial and experimental drama
lith-o -sphere (lith-o-sfeer)
group performing to small audiences, lit-
ru the earth's
tle woman, (informal, now sometimes
considered derogatory) a man's wife.
Lith*u*a*ni*a (lith-oo-ay-ni-a) a republic
in the U.S.S.R., bordering on the Baltic
make little of, see make, think little
Of, to consider insignificant or contempt-
Sea. Lith-u-a'ni-an adj. & ru
lit- *gant (lit-I-gant) ru a person who is

lit* tie* neck (lit-el-nek) ru (also llttleneck

involved in a lawsuit, one who brings
Clam) a young quahog clam.
lit-to-ral (lit-d-raT) adj. of or on the shore.
lit -i -gate (lit-I-gayt) v. (Ilt-l-gat-ed, lit*
littoral n. the region lying along the
i-gat-ing) 1. to go to law, to be a party
to a lawsuit. 2. to contest (a point) at
lit-ur-gy (lit-ur-jee) n. (pi -gies) a fixed
form of public worship used in churches.
lit-i-ga-tion (lit-I-gay-shdn) ru a lawsuit,
Il-tur-gl-cal (li-tur-ji-kal) adj. Ii*tur'
the process of bringing a suit.
gi-cal*ly adv.
li -ti -gious (li-tij-us) adj. 1 inclined to liti-
liva-ble (Uv-S-bSl) adj. suitable for living;
gate, fond of going to law. 2. disputable
felt that life wasn 7 livable, was unbeara-
at law, offering matter for a lawsuit. 3.
of lawsuits. Il-ti'glous-ness ru live 1 (liv) adj. 1. alive. 2. actual, not pre-
lit-mus (lit-miis) n. a blue coloring matter tended, a real live burglar. 3. glowing,
that is turned red by acids and can be burning, a live coal 4. (of a shell or
restored to blue by alkalis. litmus pa- match) not yet exploded or used. 5. (of
per, paper stained with this, used to tell a wire or cable etc.) carrying electricity.
whether a solution is acid or alkaline. 6. of interest or importance at the present
li-tre = liter. time, pollution is a live issue. 7. (of a
Lltt.D. abbr. 1 . Doctor of Letters. 2. Doc- broadcast) transmitted while actually
tor of Literature. happening or being performed, not re-
Ilt*ter (lit-£r) ru 1. odds and ends of trash corded or edited. Da
live wire, (in-
left lying about. 2. straw etc. put down formal) a highly energetic forceful per-
as bedding for animals. 3. the young ani- son, live oak, an evergreen oak of the
mals brought forth at a birth. 4. a southeastern U.S.
stretcher on which an ill or wounded per- live 2 (liv) v. (lived, living) 1. to have life,
son is carried. 5. a conveyance consisting to be or remain alive, (of things without
of a couch on shafts, which can be carried life) to remain in existence. 2. to be kept
by men or animals, litter v. 1. to make alive, living on fruit. 3. to get a livelihood,
untidy by scattering odds and ends, to they lived on or off her earnings; live by
scatter as litter. 2. to give birth to (a ones wits, to get money or food etc. by
litter of young). litter basket, a con- ingenious or dishonest methods. 4. to
tainer for deposit of waste paper etc. have one's dwelling place, have lived in
lit-te-ra-teur (lit-S-ra-tar) ru a literary tents. 5. to conduct one's life in a certain
man. way, lived like a hermit; lived a peaceful
lit* ten bug (lit-£r-bug) ru (informal) a per- life; live a lie, express it by one's life.
519 llved-ln / loaf

6. to enjoy life to the full, / don't call 2. a means of earning or providing

that living. Dllve down, to live in such enough food etc. to sustain life. 3. a man-
a way that a past guilt or scandal etc. ner of life, their standard of living. 4.
becomes forgotten, live In or out, (of the living, those now alive (as opposed
an employee) to live on or off the prem- to the dead). living room, a room for
ises, the elevator man lives in. live it up, general use during the day. living wage,
(informal) to live in a lively extravagant a wage on which it is possible to live.
way. live together, to live in the same within living memory, within the
house etc.; (of a man and woman not memory of people who are still alive.
married to each other) to live as man Iiz*ard (liz-ard) n. a reptile with a rough
and wife, live up to, to live or behave or scaly hide, four legs, and a long tail.
in accordance with, didn't live up to his Lk. abbr. Luke.
principles, live with, to live together; to LL abbr. Late Latin.
tolerate, you'll have to learn to live with II. abbr. lines.
it. Ha* ma (lah-ma) n. a South American ani-

lived-in (livd-in) adj. inhabited, (of a room) mal related to the camel but with no
used frequently. hump, kept as a beast of burden and for
live* II* hood (liv-lee-huud) n. a means of woolly hair. t>Do not confuse
its soft
living, a way in which a person earns a llama with lama.
living. Ha -no (lah-noh) n. (pi -nos) any of the
live* long (liv-lawng) adj. the' livelong treeless grassy plains of Latin America.
day, the whole length of the day. LL.B. abbr. Bachelor of Laws.
live-ly (liv-lee) adj. (live- II -er, live* II* LL.D. abbr. Doctor of Laws.
est) full of life or energy, vigorous and LM abbr. lunar module.
cheerful, full of action, live'll-ness n. LNG abbr. liquefied natural gas.
Dlook lively, to move more quickly or lo (loh) interj. (old use) see.
energetically. loach (lohch) n. a small edible freshwater
liven (h-ven) v. to make or become lively, fish of Europe and Asia.
liven it up; things livened up. load (lohd) n. 1 something carried. 2. the

Iiv*er (Uv-Sr) n. 1. a large organ in the quantity that can be carried, as on a cart.
abdomen, secreting bile. 2. the liver of 3. a unit of weight or measure for certain
certain animals, used as food. 3. dark substances. 4. the amount of electric cur-
reddish brown. rent supplied by a dynamo or generating
Iiv*er*ied (liv-e-reed) adj. wearing a liv- station. 5. a burden of responsibility or
ery. worry or grief. 6. (informal) plenty, loads
Iiv*er*ish (liv-e-rish) adj. 1. resembling of time, load v. 1 to put a load in or

liver, especially in color. 2. irritable, on, to fill with goods or cargo etc., to
glum. receive a load. 2. to fill heavily. 3. to
liver* wort (liv<-er-wurt) n. any of numer- weight with something heavy. 4. to put
ous mosslike plants growing in damp ammunition into (a gun) or film into (a
places. camera), to ready for use. 5. to add an
liver* wurst (liv-er-wurst) n. a sausage extra charge to (an insurance premium
made with a large amount of liver. etc.) for special reasons. Dget a load
liver *y (liv-e-ree) n. (pi. -er*ies) a dis- Of this, (slang) take notice, loaded
tinctive uniform worn by male servants question, one that is worded unfairly.
in a great household. livery stables, load shedding, cutting off of the supply
stables where horses are kept for their of electric current on certain lines when
owner in return for a fee, or where horses the demand is greater than the supply
may be hired. available, load the dice, to weight dice
liver *y man (liv-e-ree-man) n. (pi. to give the owner of them unfair advan-
-men, pr. -men) a keeper of or attendant tage; to take unfair advantage of; the dice
in a livery stable. were loaded against him, he did not have
lives see life. a fair chance.
live *stock (hv-stok) n. animals kept for load-ed (loh-did) adj. (slang) 1. very rich.
use or profit, such as cattle or sheep etc. 2. drunk,
on a farm. load-er (loh-der) n. a person or machine
livid (liv-id) adj. 1. of the color of lead, that loads things.
bluish gray. 2. furiously angry. load* stone (lohd-stohn) n. an iron ore
living (liv-ing) adj. 1. alive. 2. (of a like- having magnetic properties.
ness) exact, true to life, she's the living loaf 1 (lohf) n. (pi. loaves, pr. lohvz) 1.
image of her mother. 3. (of rock) not a mass of bread shaped in one piece. 2.
detached from the earth, (of water) al- (also meat loaf) ground meat molded
ways flowing, living n. 1. being alive. into a loaf pan and baked.
loaf / lock 520
loaf v. to spend time idly, to stand or saun- ticular place or a small area, letters for
ter about loaf 'er n. local delivery; local bus, of the neighbor-
loaf •era (loh-ferz) n. pi leather shoes hood and not long-distance. 2. affecting
shaped like moccasins with flat heels. a particular place, not general, a local
loam (lohm) n, rich soil containing clay anesthetic local n. 1. an inhabitant of
and sand and decayed vegetable matter, a particular district 2. a bus, train, sub-
loam'y adj. way, etc. making all stops. 3. the local
loan (lohn) n. 1 . something lent, especially branch of a labor union, etc. lo'cal-ly
a sum
of money. 2. lending, being lent; adv. local call, a telephone call to a
on loan, lent; have the loan of, borrow. nearby place, local color, details char-
loan v. to lend. >Many writers prefer acteristic of a place or of the scene in
lend over loan as a verb. which a novel etc. is set added to make
loan •word (lohn-wurd) n. a word adopted it seem more real, local government,

by one language from another. the system of administration of a district

loath (lohth, lohr/j) adj. unwilling, was or county etc. by the elected representa-
loath to depart Dnothlng loath, quite tives of people who live there.
willing. >Do not confuse loath with lo-cale (loh-kal) n. the scene or locality
loathe. of operations or events.
loathe (lohr/i) v. (loathed, loath- Ing) to IO*cal*l*ty (loh-kal-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) a
feel great hatred and disgust for. loath' particular place, the site or neighborhood
Ing n. >Do not confuse loathe with of something.
loath. lo-cal-lze (loh-ka-liz) v. (lo-cal-ized,
loath* some (lohr/i-s6m) adj. arousing IO*cal*lz*ing) to make local not gen-
loathing, repulsive. eral, to confine within a particular area,
lob (lob) v. (lobbed, lob-blng) to send a localized infection. lo*cal*i*za*tion
or strike (a ball) slowly or in a high arc (loh-ka-li-zay-shdn) n.
in tennis etc. lob n. a lobbed ball in tennis lo*cate (loh-kayt) (lo-cat-ed, lo- eat-

etc. ing) 1 to discover the place where some-


lo-bar (loh-bar, -bahr)adj. of a lobe, espe- thing is, locate the electrical fault 2. to
ciallyof the lung, lobar pneumonia. assign to or establish in a particular loca-
lob* by (lob-ee) n. {pi -blea) 1. an en- tion; the town hall is located in the city
trance hall used as a waiting room. 2. center, is situated there. 3. (informal) to
a body of people engaged in lobbying take up residence or business, they lo-
for a particular cause, lobby v. (lob* cated in Chicago.
bled, lob* by
ing) to seek to persuade lo-ca-tlon (loh-kay-shdn) n. 1. the place
(a legislator) to support one's cause. where something is situated. 2. finding
lob'byist n. the location of, being found. Don
lobe (lohb) a rounded flattish part or
n. tion, (of a film) being filmed in a suitable
projection (especially of an organ of the environment instead of in a film studio.
body), the lower soft part of the ear. IOC. clt abbr. in the passage already
lobed (lohbd) adj. having lobes. quoted. > Latin, = in the place cited.
IO*bel*la (loh-beel-ya) n. a low-growing loch (lok) n. (Scottish) a lake or an arm
garden plant with blue, red, white, or of the sea.
purple flowers. lock 1 (lok) n. 1 a portion of hair that hangs

lo-bot-o-my Goh-bot-6-mee) n. {pi together. 2. locks, the hair of the head.

-mles) an incision into the frontal lobe lock 2 n. 1. a device for fastening a door
of the brain to relieve some cases of men- or lid etc. into position when it is closed,
tal illness. with a bolt that needs a key or other
lob-ster (lob-ster) n. {pi -sters, -ster) device to work it; under lock and key,
1. a large shellfish with eight legs and locked up. 2. a wrestling hold that keeps
two long claws that turns scarlet after an opponent's arm or leg etc. from mov-
being boiled. 2. its flesh as food. lob- ing. 3. a mechanism for exploding the
ster Newburg, a dish consisting of charge of a gun. 4. a section of a canal
pieces of cooked lobster in a rich cream or river where the water level changes,
sauce containing brandy or sherry, lob- fitted with gates and sluices so that water
ster pot, a slatted wooden box for trap- can be let in or out to raise or lower
ping lobsters, lobster thermldor, a boats from one level to another. 5. a de-
mixture of lobster meat, mushrooms, compression chamber. 6. the interlock-
cream, egg yolks, and sherry cooked in ing of parts, lock v. 1 to fasten or be

the lobster shell. able to be fastened with a lock. 2. to

lob*ule (k>b-yool) n. a small lobe, lob* shut into a place that is fastened by a
U*lar (lob-yii-lar) adj. lock; locked in or into the situation, hin-
lo-cal (loh-kal) adj. 1. belonging to a par- dered by circumstances. 3. to store away
521 locker / logarithm

securely or inaccessibly, his capital is green color in which this is often made.
locked up in land. 4. to bring or come lode* star (lohd-stahr) n. a star used as a
into a rigidly fixed position, to jam. guide in navigation, especially the North
lock keeper, a person in charge of Star.
a lock on a canal or river, lock out, lode* stone = loadstone.
to shut out by locking a door, lock lodge a country house for use
(loj) n. 1.
stitch, a sewing machine stitch that in certain seasons, a hunting lodge. 2.
locks threads firmly together, lock, the main building of a camp or resort.
stock, and barrel, completely, includ- 3. the members or meeting place of a
ing everything. branch of a society such as the Freema-
lock*er (lok-er) n. a small compartment sons. 4. a beaver's or otter's lair, lodge
where things can be stored safely, espe- v. (lodged, lodg*ing) 1 to provide with

cially for an individual's use in a public sleeping quarters or temporary accom-

place. locker room, a room adjacent modations. 2. to live as a lodger. 3. to
to a gymnasium etc., equipped with lock- deposit, to be or become embedded, bul-
ers. let lodged in his brain. 4. to present for-
lock-et (lok-it) n. a small ornamental case mally for attention, lodged a complaint.
holding a portrait or lock of hair etc., lodg'ment n.
worn on a chain around the neck. lodg*er (loj-er) n. a person living in anoth-
lock* jaw (lok-jaw) n. a form of tetanus er's house and paying for his accommo-
in which the jaws become rigidly closed. dations.
lock* nut (lok-nut) n. a nut screwed down lodging (loj-ing) n. a place where one
on another to keep it tight. lodges.
lock* out (lok-owt) n. an employer's proce- lodg • Ings (loj-ingz) n. pi. a room or rooms
dure of refusing to allow workers to enter rented for living in.
their place of work until certain condi- IO*ess a deposit offer-
(loh-es, les, lus) n.
tions are agreed to. tile yellowish-brown windblown dust.
lock* smith (lok-smith) n. a maker and IO*ess*i*al (loh-ess-i-al, les-, lus-) adj.
mender of locks. loft (lawft) n. 1 an upper floor of a factory

lock* step (lok-step) n. a way of marching or warehouse. 2. a space under the roof
in a very close single file. of a house. 3. a space under the roof
lock* up (iok-up) n. (informal) a jail. of a stable or barn, used for storing hay
iO*CO (loh-koh) adj. (slang) crazy. etc. 4. a gallery or upper level in a church
IO*CO*mo*tion (loh-kd-moh-shdn) n. or hall, the organ loft. 5. a backward
moving or the ability to move from place slope in the face of a golf club. 6. a lofted
to place. stroke, loft v. to send (a ball) in a high
iO*CO*mo*tive 0oh-k5-moh-tiv) ru an en- arc.
gine for drawing a train along rails, loco- loft-y (lawf-tee) adj. (loft*i*er, loft*i*
motive adj. of locomotion, locomotive est) 1 (of things) very tall, towering.

power. 2. (of thoughts or aims etc.) noble. 3.

lo* CO* mo* tor (loh-k5-moh-tdr) adj. of or haughty, a lofty manner. loft'i*ly adv.
affecting locomotion; locomotor ataxia, loft'i*ness n.
a disease affecting the coordination of log 1 (lawg) n. 1. a length of tree trunk
bodily movements. that has fallen or been cut down. 2. a
lo* CO* weed (loh-koh-weed) n. a poison- short piece of this, especially as firewood.
ous plant of the southwestern U.S. caus- 3. a device for gauging a ship's speed.
ing disease in livestock. 4. a detailed record of a ship's voyage
lo*CUS (loh-kus) n. {pi -Ci, pr. -si) 1. the or an aircraft's flight, any similar record.
exact place of something. 2. the line or log v. (logged, log -ging) 1 to cut trees.

curve etc. formed by all the points satis- down for lumber. 2. to enter (facts) in
fying certain conditions. locus clas* a logbook. 3. to achieve a certain speed
shcus (klas-i-kus), the best-known or or distance or number of hours worked
most authoritative passage on a subject. etc., as recorded in a logbook or similar
iO*CUSt (loh-kust) n. 1 a kind of grasshop-
. record, the pilot had logged two hundred
per that migrates in swarms and eats all hours on jets. Dlog cabin, a dwelling
the vegetation of a district. 2. the ci- built of logs.
cada. 3. an American tree with thorny log 2 n. a logarithm, log tables.
branches and white flowers. lo*gan*ber*ry (loh-gan-ber-ee) n. (pi
IO*CU*tion (loh-kyoo-shon) n. a word or -rles) a large dark red fruit resembling
phrase. a blackberry.
lode (lohd) n. a vein of metal ore. log*a*rithm (law-ga-rif/i-em) n. a number
lo*den (loh-den) n. a thick waterproof showing the power to which a certain
woolen cloth. Dloden green, the dark fixed number (the base) must be raised
logbook / long 522
to yield a specified number (adding to- worn around the body at the hips, espe-
gether the logarithms of the two numbers cially as the only garment.
gives the logarithm of the two numbers' lohter (loi-ter) v. to linger or stand about

product). log*a*rith*mic (law-ga-rir/i- idly, to proceed slowly with frequent

mik) adj. stops, loi'ter *er n. one who spends time
log • book (lawg-buuk) n. a book in which . this way.
details of a voyage etc. or of the registra- loll (lol) v. 1 . to lean lazily against some-
tion details of a motor vehicle are re- thing, to stand or sit or lie lazily. 2. to
corded. hang loosely, tongue lolling out
loge (lohz/i) n. a box in a theater etc. or lol* II* pop (lol-ee-pop) n. a large round

the forward section of the lowest bal- usually flat candy on a small stick.

cony. lol -ly gag (lol-i-gag) v. (lol *ly gagged,

log -ger- head (law-ger-tied) n. a large- lol-lygag-ging) = lallygag.
headed turtle of Atlantic waters. Uat Lo*me (law-may) the capital of Togo.
loggerheads, disagreeing, arguing, or Lond. abbr.London.
quarreling. Lon*don (lun-d6n) the capital of England
log-gia (loj-a) n. an open-sided gallery or and of the United Kingdom. Lon 'don •
arcade, especially one looking on an open er n. London broil, a broiled flank
court or forming part of a house and steak served in thin shoes.
facing a garden. lone (lohn) adj. solitary, without compan-
ions, a lone horseman; play a lone hand,
log • Ic (loj-ik) n. 1 the science of reason-

to take action without the support of oth-

ing. 2. a particular system or method
ers; lone wolf, a person who prefers to
of reasoning. 3. a chain of reasoning re-
garded as good or bad. 4. the ability to
do this or to be by himself.
lone-ly (lohn-lee) adj. (lone*li*er, lone*
reason correctly.
II* est) 1. solitary, without companions.
log* heal (loj-i-kal) adj. 1. of or according
2. sad because one lacks friends or com-
to logic, correctly reasoned. 2. (of an ac-
panions. 3. (of places) far from inhabited
tion etc.) in accordance with what seems
places, remote, not often frequented, a
reasonable or natural. 3. capable of rea-
lonely road, lone'lhness
n. lonely
soning correctly. log'i*cal*ly adv. log*
heart, a person who
j.caM'ty (loj-i-kal-i-tee) n.
lonely, lonely hearts column, a news-
lo-gi-cian (loh-jish-an) n. an expert or
paper column of advice to those who ask
specialist in logic.
for help with personal problems.
lo-gis-tics (loh-jis-tiks) n. the organiza-
Ion *er (loh-ner) n. (informal) a person who
tion of supplies and services etc. lo*gis'
prefers not to associate with others.
tic adj.
lone* some (lohn-sdm) adj. lonely, caus-
log *jam (lawg-jam) n. 1. an immovable ing loneliness. lone / some*ness n.
mass of logs floating in a river. 2. any long 1 (lawng) having great length
adj. 1.
similar blockage or deadlock. in space or time. 2. having a certain
lo*go floh-goh) h. (pi -gos) = logotype. length or duration, two miles or two hours
log "O- type (law-gd-tip) n. a symbol used long. 3. seeming to be longer than it re-
by a corporation or business company ally is, ten long years. 4. lasting, going
etc. as its emblem. far into the past or future, a long mem-
log* roll *lng (lawg-roh-ling) n. 1. mutual ory; take the long view, consider the later
help, especially to aid each other's politi- effects. 5. (informal) having much of a
cal projects. 2. a sport in which contest- certain quality, he's not long on tacL 6.
ants try to knock each other off floating of elongated shape. 7. (of vowel sounds)
logs. having a pronunciation that is considered
lo*gy Goh-gee) adj. (lo*gi*er, lo-gi-est) to last longer than that of a correspond-
lethargic, sluggish, dull. ing "short" vowel (the a in cane is long,
-logy suffix used to form nouns meaning in can it is short), long n. 1 a long time, .

character of speech or language, as in will you be gone for long? 2. a long sylla-
tautology; subject of study, as in mineral- ble or vowel, a mark indicating this. 3.
ogy, theology. a size in clothing, long adv. 1 for a long .

loid (loid) v. (slang) to force back the spring time, by a long time; / shan't be long
lock on (a door) by insertion of a piece shall not take a long time. 2. throughout
of celluloid or plastic. a specified time, all day long- I am no
loin (loin) n, 1 the side and back of the
. longer a child, am not one now or hence-
body between the ribs and the hipbone. forth. Das or so long as, provided that,
2. a cut of meat that includes the verte- on condition that, before long, soon.
brae of this part. in the long run, in the end, over a long
loin* Cloth (loin-klawth) n. a piece of cloth period, long division, the process of di-

523 long / loop

viding one number by another with all long-suf*fer*lng (lawng-suf-e-ring) adj.

calculations written down, long face, bearing provocation patiently.
a dismal expression, long In the tooth, long-term (lawng-turm) adj. of or for a
rather old. long Johns, (informal) un- long period.
derwear with long long Jump, an
legs, long* time (lawng-tim) adj. having been
athletic competition of jumping as far for a long time.
as possible along the ground in one leap. long* ways (lawng-wayz), long* wise
long Odds, very uneven odds in betting. (lawng-wiz) (informal) adv. lengthwise.
long shot, an enterprise or wager with long-wind *ed (lawng- win-did) adj. talk-
very slight chances for success, long ing or writing at tedious length.
suit, many playing cards of one suit in loo* fan (loo-fa) n. the dried pod of a kind
a hand; a thing at which one excels, mod- of gourd, used as a rough sponge.
esty is not his long suit, long ton, see look (luuk) v. 1 to use or direct one's eyes

ton. the long and the short of it, all in order to see or search or examine. 2.
that need be said; the general effect or to direct one's eyes or one's attention,
result. to consider; they look to her for help, rely
long 2 v. to feel a longing. on her to provide it. 3. (of things) to
face in a certain direction. 4. to have a
long. abbr. longitude.
certain appearance, to seem to be, the
long *boat (lawng-boht) n. a sailing ship's
fruit looks ripe; made him look foolish.
largest boat.
long* bow (lawng-boh) n. a bow drawn by look n. 1 the act of looking, a gaze or

glance. 2. an inspection or search, take

hand and shooting a long feathered ar-
a look. 3. appearance, is blessed with good
looks; wet-look paint; I don 't like the look
long-dis-tance (lawng-dis-tans) adj. trav-
eling or operating between distant places.
of this, find it alarming. Dlook after,
to take care of; to attend to. look down
lon*gev*i*ty (lon-jev-i-tee) n. 1. long life.
2. length of life.
On or look down one's nose at, to
regard with contempt, look for, to ex-
long* hair (lawng-hair) n. (slang) 1. an in-
pect, to hope or be on the watch for.
tellectual. 2. a lover of classical music,
look forward to, to be waiting eagerly
long-haired adj.
for an expected thing or event, look
long* hand (lawng-hand) ft. ordinary writ-
herel, an exclamation of protest, look
ing, contrasted with shorthand or typing
in, to make a short visit, looking glass,
or printing.
a glass mirror, look into, to investigate.
long* horn (lawng-horn) n. one of a breed look on, to be a spectator, look out,
of cattle with long horns.
to be vigilant, look over, to inspect.
long*ing (lawng-ing) n. an intense persist- look sharp, be alert, look to, to attend
ent wish. long'lng-ly adv.
to; to rely on. look up, to search for
long*ish (lawng-ish) adj. rather long. information about, look up words in a
lon*gl*tude (lon-ji-tood) n. the distance dictionary; to improve in prospects,
east or west (measured in degrees) from things are looking up; to go to visit, look
the meridian that runs from pole to pole us up. look up to, to admire and respect
through Greenwich, England. as superior.
Ion • gi • tu • di • nal (Ion- ji-too-di-nal) adj. 1 IOOk-a*like (luuk-a-lik) n. a person or
of longitude. 2. of or in length, measured thing closely resembling another.
lengthwise. lon*gi*tu'di»nal*ly adv. look* out (luuk-owt) ft. 1. looking out, a
long-leg *ged (lawng-leg-id) adj. having watch. 2. one who keeps watch. 3. a place
long legs. from which observation is kept. 4. a per-
long-lived Oawng-hvd) adv. having a long son's own concern, that's his lookout
life, lasting for a long time. look-see (luuk-see) n. (informal) a quick
long-playing (lawng-play-ing) adj. of or overall survey.
relating to microgroove phonograph loom 1 (loom) n. an apparatus for weaving
records that play at 33 ^ revolutions per cloth.
minute. loom 2 v. to come into view suddenly, to

long-range (lawng-raynj) adj. having a appear close at hand or with threatening

long range, relating to a period far into aspect.
the future. loon (loon) n. a diving bird with a loud
long* shore* man (lawng-shohr-man) n. wild cry.
(pi -men, pr. -men) one who is em- loon*y (loo-nee) n. (pi. loon*ies) (slang)
ployed in loading and unloading ships. a lunatic, loony adj. (slang) crazy.
long* stand *ing (lawng-stan-ding) adj. loony bin, (slang) a mental hospital.
having existed for a long time, a long- loop (loop) n. 1. the shape produced by
standing grievance. a curve that crosses itself. 2. any path
loophole / lorgnette 524
or pattern shaped roughly like this. 3. loose-tongued Qoos-tungd) adj. speaking
a length of cord or wire etc. forming a freely or too freely.
curve, a curved piece of metal serving loot (loot) n. 1 goods taken from an enemy

as a handle. 4. a complete circuit for or by theft. 2. (informal) a collection of

electrical current. 5. a flying stunt in gifts, awards, or purchased goods, loot

which an airplane does a vertical circle, v. 1. to plunder, to take as loot. 2. to

turning upside down between climb and rob or steal from stores or houses that
dive. 6. a film whose ends have been are left unprotected after a violent event
spliced together so that it will run contin- loot'er n.
uously. 7. a contraceptive coil, loop v. lop 1 (lop) v. (lopped, lop* ping) to cut
1. to form into a loop or loops. 2. to away branches or twigs of, to cut off.
fasten or join with a loop or loops. 3. lop2 v. (lopped, lop* ping) to hang limply.
to enclose in a loop. Dthe Loop, the lope (lohp) v. (loped, lop* ing) to run with
central part of Chicago, within a loop a long bounding stride, lope n. a long
of elevated railroad tracks. C>Do not bounding stride.
confuse loop with loupe. lop-eared Qop-eerd) adj. having drooping
loop* hole (loop-hohl) n. 1. a narrow
opening in the wall of a fort etc., for lop-sid-ed (lop-si-did) adj. with one side

shooting or looking through or to admit lower or smaller or heavier than the

light or air. 2. a way of evading a rule
other. lop'sld'ed-ly adv. lop'sid'ed*
or contract etc., especially through an ness n.

loq. abbr. he or she speaks (with speaker's

omission or inexact wording in its provi-
name added, as a stage direction or to
loose (loos) adj. (loos«er, loos -est) 1.
inform the reader). >
Latin loquitur.
lo* qua* Clous (loh-kway-shus) adj. talka-
freed from bonds or an ani-
restraint, (of
tive, lo* qua 'clous -ly adv. lo*quac*i*
mal) not tethered or shut in; a loose ball
ty (loh-kwss-i-tee) n,
(in football etc.) not in any player's pos-
lor* an (loh-ran) n. a system of navigation
session. 2. detached or detachable from
using signal pulses from radio transmit-
its place, not rigidly fixed. 3. not fastened
ters. D>From /o(ng) ra(nge) naviga-
together, not held or packed or contained
in something. 4. not organized strictly,
lord (lord) a master or ruler or sover-
n. 1 .

a loose confederation. 5. slack, relaxed,

eign. 2. a nobleman; live like a lora\ live
not tense or tight, loose skin; loose bowels,
sumptuously. 3. the Lord, God, the
with a tendency to diarrhea; a loose
translation for several biblical words re-
tongue, indiscreet. 6. not compact, not
ferring to the God of the Old Testament
dense in texture, arranged at wide inter- and to Christ. 4. the title or form of ad-
vals, a loose weave. 7. inexact, vague; a
dress to certain high officials in Britain,
loose translation, approximate, not close
the Lord Chief Justice. 5. the Lords, the
to the original. 8. slack in moral princi- British House of Lords, lord v. to domi-
ples or conduct, promiscuous, loose neer, lording it over the whole club.
women, loose adv. loosely, loose-fitting. Dlord of the manor, (in the Middle
loose v. (loosed, loosing) 1. to re- Ages) the master from whom men held
lease. 2. to untie or loosen. 3. to fire a land and to whom they owed service.
gun or missile, loose off a round of am- Lord's day, the sabbath or day of rest
munition, loose'ly adv. loose'ness n. in Judaism and Christianity, observed by
Dat loose ends, without definite occu- Jews and some Christians on Saturday
pation, loose end, a point that has not and by the majority of Christians on Sun-
been on the loose, having a
settled, day. Lord's Prayer, the prayer taught
spree; free, not confined. by Christ to his disciples, beginning "Our
loose-joint -ed (loos-join-tid) adj. having Father." Lord's Supper, the Eucharist.
supple joints. lord*ly Gord-lee) adj. (lord*l»*er, lord*
loose-leaf (loos-leef) adj. (of a notebook II* est) 1 haughty, imperious. 2. suitable

etc.) with each leaf separate and remova- for a lord, a lordly mansion.
ble. lor* do* Sis (lor-doh-sis) n. an abnormal
loose-limbed (loos-limd) adj. having sup- forward curvature of the spine.
ple limbs. lord* ship (lord-ship) n. a title used in
loos* en (loo-sen) v. to make or become speaking to or about a man of the rank
loose or looser. loosen a person's of Lord, your lordship.
tongue, to make him talk freely, loos- lore (lohr) n. a body of traditions and
en Up, to relax, to limber up. knowledge on a subject or possessed by
loose *strlfe (loos-stnf) n. a kind of marsh a class of people, bird lore; gypsy lore.
plant. lorgnette (lorn-yet) n. a pair of eye-
525 lose / lousy

glasses or opera glasses held to the eyes lots) (informal) a large number or
on a long handle. amount, has a lot of friends; there's lots
lose (looz) v. (lost, los«ing) 1. to be de- of time, plenty. 8. (also lots) (informal)
prived of, (as by death or accident). 2. much, feeling a lot better; feeling lots
to cease to have or maintain, lose confi- better. Dbad lot, a person of bad charac-
dence; lose one's balance; car lost speed. ter, cast or throw in one's lot with,
3. to become unable to find, to miss from to decide to join and share the fortunes
among one's possessions. 4. to fail to of.
keep (a thing etc.) in sight or to follow loth = loath.
(a piece of reasoning) mentally; lose one's Lo-thar-i-o (loh-thair-i-oh) n. {pi. -OS)
way, to fail to find the right path etc. a libertine.
5. to fail to obtain, lost the contract. 6. lO'tion (loh-sh6n) n. a medicinal or cos-
to get rid of, lose weight; managed to metic liquid applied to the skin.
lose our pursuers. 7. to be defeated in a lot*ter*y (lot-e-ree) n. {pi. -tenies) 1. a
contest or lawsuit or argument etc. 8. system of raising money by selling num-
to forfeit, he lost his right of appeal by bered tickets and distributing prizes to
pleading guilty. 9. to waste time or an the holders of numbers drawn at ran-
opportunity, lost twenty minutes because dom. 2. something whose outcome is
of a flat tire. 1 0. to suffer loss, to be thought to be governed by luck, marriage
worse off, we lost on the deal. 1 1 to cause
is a lottery.
(a person) the loss of, delay lost them
lot* to (lot-oh) n. a game of chance resem-
the contract. 1 2. (of a clock) to become
bling bingo.
slow; it loses two minutes a day, becomes
IO*tUS (loh-tus) n. {pi. -tUS*es) 1. a kind
this amount behind the correct time,
of tropical water lily. 2. a mythical fruit
los'er n. Dlose ground, to be forced
represented as inducing a state of lazy
to retreat or give way. lose heart, to
and luxurious dreaminess. lotus posi-
become discouraged, lose one's heart,
tion, a cross-legged position in yoga,
to fall in love, lose one's life, to be
adopted for meditation.
killed, lose out, (informal) to be unsuc-
loud (lowd) adj. 1 easily heard, producing

losing battle, one

cessful; to suffer loss,
in which defeat seems certain.
much noise. 2. (of colors etc.) unpleas-
antly bright, gaudy, loud adv. loudly.
loss (laws) n. 1. losing, being lost. 2. a
loud'ly adv. loudness n.
person or thing lost. 3. money a
lost in
business transaction, the excess of outlay
lOUd* mouth (lowd-mowth) n. {pi
over returns. 4. a disadvantage or suffer- -mouths, pr. -mow thz) a person who
talks loudly and annoyingly. loud*
ing caused by losing something- it 's no
loss, the loss does not matter. Elbe at
mouthed (lowd-mowf/id, -mowtht) adj.
a loss, to be puzzled, to be unable to loud* speak *er (lowd-spee-ker) n. an ap-
know what to do or say. loss leader, paratus (especially part of a radio) that
a popular article sold at a loss to attract converts electrical impulses into audible
customers who may then buy other arti- sound.
cles. Lou*i*si*an*a (loo-ee-zi-an-a) a state of
lost (lawst) v. see lose, lost adj. 1 strayed
the U.S.
or separated from its owner, a lost dog. lounge (lownj) v. (lounged, loung-ing)
2. engr^sed, lost in thought. Dbe lost to loll, to sit or stand about idly, lounge
on, to fail to influence or draw the atten- n. 1. a waiting room at an airport etc.,

tion of, our hints were lost on him. get with seats for waiting passengers. 2. a
lost!, (slang) cease being annoying, lost public room (in a hotel etc.) for sitting
cause, an undertaking that can no in. loung'er n.

longer be successful. loupe (loop) n. a magnifying instrument

lot (lot) n. 1 one of a set of objects used
. consisting of a lens mounted on a frame,
in making a selection by methods de- jeweler's loupe. >Do not confuse loupe
pending on chance, cast or draw lots for with loop.
it. 2. this method of selecting, the choice lour (lowr) = lower 2 .

resulting from it, was chosen by lot; the louse (lows) n. {pi. lice, pr. lis) 1 . a small
lot fell on me. 3. a person's share, what insect that lives as a parasite on animals
falls to him by lot or chance, his fate '
or plants. 2. {pi. ious*es) (slang) a con-
or appointed task etc. 4. a piece of land, temptible person. louse up, (slang) to
an area for a particular purpose, a park- make a mess of.
ing lot. 5. an article or set of articles lous-y (low-zee) adj. (lous*i*er, lousi-
put up for sale at an auction etc. 6. a est) 1 infested with
. lice. 2. (slang) dis-
number of people or things of the same gusting, very bad or I feel lousy. 3.

kind; the lot, the total quantity. 7. (also (slang) well provided, swarming, he's
lout / lowbrow 526
lousy with money; lousy with tourists. est) beautiful, attractive. 2. (informal)
1 .

lous'My adv. lous'i*ness n. delightful, having a lovely time, lovely

lout (lowt) ru a clumsy ill-mannered young n. (pi -lies) (informal) a pretty woman,
man. love'lhness n.
lout'ish (low-tish) adj. like a lout. love-mak-lng (luv-may-king) n, 1. court-
lou* ver (loo-ver) n. one of a set of overlap- ship. 2. sexual intercourse.
ping slats arranged to admit air but ex- lov*er (hir-er) n. 1. someone (especially
clude light or rain, lou'vered adj. a man) who is in love with another per-
lov-a-ble (luv-£-bel) adj. easy to love. son, a suitor. 2. a person having an illicit
lov-age (lu?-ij) n- a*1 ner0 with leaves that love affair. 3. one who likes or enjoys
are used for flavoring soups and in salads. something, lover of music; music lovers.
love UV ) «- 1- warm liking or affection lovers' lane, a secluded road or place
for a person, affectionate devotion; used by couples seeking privacy.
there's no love lost between them, they love* sick (luv-sik) adj. languishing be-
dislike each other. 2. sexual affection or cause of love. love'sick*ness n.
passion, the relation between sweet- lOV'ing (luv-ing) adj. feeling or showing
hearts. 3. God's benevolence toward love, loving *ly adv. loving cup, a
mankind. 4. strong liking for a thing, large drinking vessel with two or more
love of music 5. affectionate greetings, handles, passed around at a banquet; a
send ones love. 6. a loved person, a sweet- sports cup (see cup n.. definition 4).
heart, (informal) a familiar form of ad- low 1 (loh) n. the deep sound made by cat-
dress. 7. (in games) no score, zero; love tle, a moo. low v. to make this sound.
all, neither side has yet scored; a love low 1 adj.
1 not high or tall, not extending

game, in which the loser has not scored far upward. 2. (of ground) not far above
at all. love v. (loved, loving) 1. to sea level, low in relation to surrounding
feel love for. 2. to like greatly, to take land. 3. ranking below others in impor-
pleasure in having or doing something. tance or quality. 4. ignoble, vulgar, low
Ufor love, because of affection; without cunning; keeps low company. 5. less than
receiving payment; cannot get it for love what is normal in amount or intensity
or money, by any means. In love, feeling etc., low prices; a low opinion, unfavora-
love (especially romantic or sexual love) ble. 6. (of a sound or voice) deep, not
for another person, love affair, a ro- shrill, having slow vibrations. 7. not
mantic or sexual relationship between loud, spoke in a low voice. 8. lacking in
two people who are in love, love apple, vigor, depressed, low n. 1. a low level
(old use) the tomato, love beads, a long or figure, stock prices reached a new low.
string of beads worn by members of both 2. an area of low barometric pressure.
sexes to indicate freedom from tradi- low adv. 1. in or at or to a low level
tional attitudes and customs, love feast, or position. 2. in or to a low degree. 3.
a meal in token of brotherly love among in a low tone* (of sound) at a low pitch,
early Christians; a modern religious low'ness n. Dlow beam, the short
service in imitation of this; any convivial range of an automobile headlight. Low
gathering, love-hate relationship, an Church, that section of the Anglican
intense emotional response involving Church that gives only a low place to
both love and hate, love knot, a kind ritual and the authority of bishops and
of double knot with interlacing bows on clergy. Low Countries, the Nether-
each side, symbolizing true love, love lands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, low-
letter, a letter between sweethearts and est common denominator, see
concerning their love, love match, a denominator, lowest common mul-
marriage made because the two people tiple, see least, low frequency, (in ra-
are in love with each other, love seat, dio) thirty to three hundred kilohertz.
an armchair or sofa for two persons. low gear, the motor vehicle gear that
love song, a song expressing love, love produces the most power and least speed.
Story, a novel etc. of which the main Low German, the dialects of the Ger-
theme is romantic love, make love, see man language that are not High German.
make. low profile, deliberately restrained be-
love* bird (luv-burd) n. a kind of parakeet havior to avoid being noticed, low sea-
that seems to show great affection for son, the period when a resort etc. has
its mate. relatively few visitors, low tide, the tide
love •less (luv-lis) a dj. without love, a at its lowest level; the time when this
loveless marriage. occurs, low water, low tide.
love* lorn (luv-lorn) adj. pining with love, low* boy (loh-boi) n. a chest with drawers
forsaken by one's lover. and fairly short legs.
love-ly (luv-lee) adj. (love*li*er, love *li* low* brow Ooh-brow) adj. (informal) not
527 low-cal / luck

intellectual or cultured, lowbrow ru (in- during the American Revolution.

formal) a lowbrow person. loz-enge (loz-inj) n. 1 a four-sided dia-

low-cal (loh-kal) adj. (informal) having mond-shaped figure. 2. a small tablet of

very few calories. flavored sugar or medicine to be dis-
low-Class (loh-klas) adj. of low quality or solved in the mouth.
social class. LP abbr. (pi. LPs, LP's) a long-playing
low* down (loh-down) adj. dishonorable. record.
lowdown (loh-down) n. (slang) the true LP. abbr. low pressure.
facts, inside information. LPG abbr. liquefied petroleum gas.
lower 1
(loh-er) adj. 1. less high in place LPN abbr. licensed practical nurse.
or position. 2. situated on less high land Lr symbol lawrencium.
or to the south; Lower Egypt, the part LR abbr. living room.
nearest to the Nile Delta. 3. ranking be- L.S. abbr. 1. left side. 2. letter signed. 3.
low others; the lower animals or plants, the place of the seal (Latin locus sigilli).
those of relatively simple structure, not LSD (el-es-dee) n. a powerful drug that pro-
highly developed; lower classes, people duces hallucinations (= /ysergic acid
of low social or cultural rank, lower adv. diethylamide).
in or to a lower position etc. lower v. LSS abbr. life-support system.
1. to let or haul down. 2. to make or It. abbr. light.
become lower, to reduce in amount or Lt. abbr. lieutenant.
quantity etc.; lower one's eyes, to direct L.T. abbr. 1 long ton. 2. low-tension.

one's gaze downward. lower case, Lt. Col., LTC abbr. lieutenant colonel.
letters (for printing type) that are not Lt. Comdr. abbr. lieutenant commander.
capitals, lower house, the more broadly Ltd. abbr. Limited.
representative (and usually larger) body Lt. Gen., LTG abbr. lieutenant general.
in a bicameral legislature, as the U.S. Itr. abbr. letter.

House of Representatives (as distinct Lu symbol lutetium.

from the Senate). Lu*an*da (loo-ahn-d5) the capital of An-
low*er2 (low-er) v. 1. to frown or scowl. gola.
2. (of clouds or the sky etc.) to look dark Iu*au (loo-ow) n. (pi. lu-aus) a Hawaiian
and threatening. feast.
lower-class (loh-er-klas) adj. relating to lub-ber (lub-er) n. 1 a big clumsy person,

the lowest class in society. a seaman. 2. a landlubber,

low-er -class -man (loh-er-klas-man) n. lub'ber-ly adv.
(pi -men, pr. -men) a freshman or soph- lube (loob) n. (informal) lubricant.
omore in a high school or college. Iu*bli*cant (loo-brl-kant) n. a lubricating
lower* most (loh-er-mohst) adj. below all substance.
else,the lowest. Iu*bri*cate (loo-brf-kayt) v. (lu-bri-cat-
low-key (loh-kee) adj. restrained. ed, lu • bri • cat • ing) to oil or grease (ma-
lowland (lob-land) n. low-lying land. chinery etc.) so that it moves easily, lu*
lowland adj. of or in lowland. bri* ca-tion (loo-brf-kay-shdn) n.
low- land -er (loh-lan-der) n a native or . lu-bri-cious (loo-brish-us) adj. 1. slip-
inhabitant of lowlands, especially those pery, smooth, oily. 2. lewd, salacious, lu*
of Scotland. bric*i*ty (loo-bris-i-tee) n.
lowly (lowli-er, low II*
(loh-lee) adj. Iu*cent (loo-sent) shining, lumi-
adj. 1.
est) of humble rank or condition, low' nous. 2. translucent.
li-ness n. lu-cid (loo-sid) adj. 1. clearly expressed,
low-pitched (loh-picht) adj. 1 (of sound) . easy to understand. 2. sane; lucid inter-
low. 2. (of a roof) not very steep. vals, periods of sanity between periods
low-rise (loh-nz) adj. (of buildings) having of insanity, lu'cid-ly adv. Iu'cid*ness
few stories and no elevators. n. Iu*cid*i*ty (loo-sid-i-tee) n.
low-ten *sion (loh-ten-shdn) adj. having Lu*Ci*fer (loo-sl-fer) n. the chief rebel an-
or operating at low voltage. gel, Satan, before his fall.
lox 1 (loks) n. smoked salmon. Lu*Cite (loo-sit) n. (trademark) a tough
lox 2 , LOX n. liquid oxygen. unsplinterable transparent acrylic ther-
loyal (loi-al) adj. steadfast in one's alle- moplastic, much lighter than glass.
giance to a person or cause or to one's luck (luk) n. 1. chance thought of as a
country. loy'al-ly adv. loyal*ty (loi- force that brings either good or bad for-
al-tee) n. (pi. -ties). tune. 2. the events etc. (either favorable
loyal* 1st (loi-a-list) n. 1. a person who or unfavorable to one's interests) that it
is loyal,especially to the established gov- brings. 3. good fortune, it will bring you
ernment during a revolt. 2. Loyalist, a luck. Din luck, having good fortune.
colonist loyal to the British government out Of luck, not in luck.
. '

lucky / luncheon 528

luck-y Quk-ee) adj. (Iuck*i*er, luck-i- where lumber and various building mate-
est) having or bringing or resulting from rials are sold.
good luck. luck'My adv. Iu-mi*nar*y (loo-mi-ner-ee) n. (pi -nar*
Iu*cra*tive (loo-kra-tiv) adj. profitable, les) a natural light-giving body, espe-
1 .

producing much money, Iu'cra*tive* cially the sun or the moon. 2. a person
ness rt lu'cra*tive*ly adv. having much intellectual, moral, or spir-
lU'Cre Goo-ker) n. (contemptuous) money, itual influence.
money-making as a motive for action. Iu-ml*nes*cent (kx>-mi-nes-ent) adj.
filthy lucre, (humorous) money. emitting light without being hot. Iu*mj*
lu*cu*bra*tion Goo-kyuu-bray-shdn) n, nes'cence n.

1 studying hard, especially late at night. lu* ml* nous Qoo-nri-mis) adj. emitting
2. a literary work, especially of pedantic light, glowing in the dark. lu*mi*nos*
or elaborate character. « l-ty Goo-mi-nos-i-tee) n,
lu*di*crous (loo-dl-kriis) adj. absurd, ri- lunvmox (lum-dks) n, (informal) a clumsy
diculous, laughable. lu'di*crous*ly or stupid person.
adv. lu'di*crous*ness n. lump 1 (lump) n. 1 a hard or compact mass,

luff (luf) v. head nearer

to bring a ship's usually one without a regular shape. 2.
to the direction from which the wind is a protuberance or swelling. 3. (informal)
blowing, luff ru the side of a fore-and- a heavy dull or stupid person. 4. lumps,
aft sail next to the mast or stay. (slang) misfortunes or criticism or pun-
lug 1 (lug) v. (lugged, lug-gingj to drag ishment, lump v. to put or consider to-
or carry with great effort. lump them to-
gether, to treat as alike,
lug 2 ru an earlike part or projection on gether. Dlump
the throat, a feeling
an object, by which it may be carried of pressure there caused by emotion.
or fixed in place etc. Dlug nut, a heavy- lump sugar, sugar in small lumps or
duty nut for securing a wheel to a motor cubes, lump sum, a single payment cov-
vehicle, lug wrench, a tool for tighten- ering a number of items or paid all at
ing or removing a lug nut. once, not in installments.
lug* gage (lug-ij) ru a traveler's baggage. lump 2 v. lump It, (informal) to put up with

lu-gu*bri*OUS (luu-goo-bri-us) adj. dis- something one dislikes.

mal, mournful. lu*gu'bri*ous*ly adv. lumpish (lum-pish) adj. heavy and dull
lu*gu'bri*ous*ness n. or stupid.
lug* worm Gug-wurm) n. a large marine Iump*y Gum-pee) adj. (Iump*i*er, lump*
worm used as bait. i*est) full of lumps, covered in lumps,
Luke (look) n. 1 one of the twelve apostles
. lump'i-ness n.
closely associated with St. Paul and au- Iu*na*cy Goo-na-see) n. 1. insanity. 2.
thor of the third Gospel and Acts of the great folly.
Apostles. 2. the third Gospel. Iu*nar Goo-nar) adj. of the moon.
Iuke*warm (look-worm) adj. 1. only lunar month, the interval between
slightly warm. 2. not enthusiastic, got new moons (about 29 Vi days); four
a lukewarm reception. weeks.
lull (lul) v. 1. to soothe or send to sleep. Iu*na*tic Goo-na-tik) n. an insane person,
2. to calm (suspicions etc.). 3. (of a storm one who is extremely foolish or reckless.
or noise) to lessen, to become quiet, lull lunatic adj. insane, extremely foolish or
n, a temporary period of quiet or inactiv- reckless. U
lunatic asylum, fold use) a
ity. mental hospital, lunatic fringe, a few
lull-a -by (lul-a-bi) n. (pi -bies) a sooth- eccentric or fanatical members of a polit-
ing song sung to put a child to sleep. ical or other group.
lum-ba-go (lum-bay-goh) n. rheumatic lunch Gunch) n. a meal taken in the middle
pain in the muscles of the lower back. of the day. lunch v. to eat lunch.
lum • bar Gum-bar, -bahr) adj. of or in the lunch box, a small metal or plastic
lower back. case used by working people to carry
lunvber (lum-ber) n. timber sawed into
sandwiches and other food for lunch to
planks, lumber v. to cut lumber or saw their jobs, lunch break, time given to
it into planks, lum'ber-man n. lum- employees for eating lunch, lunch
ber jacket, a cold-weather hip-length counter, a restaurant with quick service
jacket. of lunches, out to lunch, (slang) silly i

lumber 2 v. to move in a heavy clumsy way. or distracted.

lum-ber *jack (lum-ber- jak) n. a person lunch* eon Gun-chdn) (formal) lunch.

whose trade is the cutting or conveying luncheon meat, any of several kinds |

or preparing of timber. of meat loaf sliced and served cold for

lum-ber -yard (lum-ber-yahrd) n. a place sandwiches or salads.
529 luncheonette / -ly

lunch- eon -ette (lun-chd-net) n. an estab- a luscious blonde. lus'cious*ly adv.

lishment selling light lunches. lus'cious-ness n.

lunch* room (lunch-room) n. a luncheon- 1

lush (lush) adj. 1 (of grass etc.) growing

ette, a cafeteria or room where food may thickly and strongly. 2. luxurious, lush
be eaten, as in a school or place of work. furnishings, lush'ly adv. lush'ness n.
lunch* time (lunch-tim) n. the time when lush 2 n. (slang) a drunkard.
lunch is eaten. lust (lust) ru 1. intense sexual desire. 2.
lune (loon) n. a crescent-shaped figure any intense desire for something, lust for
formed on a sphere or plane by two arcs power, lust v. to feel lust, lust'ful adj.
intersecting at two points. lus-ter (lus-ter) n. 1. the soft brightness
Iu*nette (loo-net) a crescent-shaped or
n. of a smooth or shining surface. 2. glory,
semicircular object or opening or space. distinction, add luster to the assembly.
lung (lung) n. either of the two breathing 3. a kind of metallic glaze on pottery
organs, in the chest of man and most and porcelain, lusher -less adj. lus-
vertebrates, that draw in air and bring trous (lus-trus) adj.
it into contact with the blood. Dlung lus'tral (lus-tral) adj. of or used in ceremo-
power, power of voice. nial purification.
lunge (lunj) n. a sudden forward move- lust-y (lus-tee) adj. (lust-l-er, lust-l-
ment of the body toward something, a est) strong and vigorous, full of vitality.
thrust, lunge v. (lunged, lung-lng) to lust'i-ly adv. lust'i-ness n.
make a lunge. lute (loot) n. a guitarlike instrument with
lung* fish (lung-fish) n. (pi. -fish-es, a pear-shaped body, popular in the 14th—
-fish) a fish that has lungs as well as 17th centuries.
gills. lu-te-tl-um (loo-tee-shi-um) n. a rare-
lunk-head (lungk-hed) n. (slang) a stupid earth metallic element.
or dull person. Lu-ther-an (loo-th£-ran) adj. 1. of Martin
lu-pine 1 (loo-pin) a garden plant with
n. Luther (1483-1546), leader of the Protes-
long tapering spikes of flowers, bearing tant Reformation in Germany, or his
seeds in pods. teachings. 2. of the Christian denomina-
Iu*pine 2 (loo-pin) adj. of wolves, wolflike. tion bearing his name. Lutheran n. a
lu-pus (loo-pus) n. an ulcerous disease of member of a Lutheran church. Lu'ther*
the skin, especially tuberculosis of the an* ism n.

skin. lupus er*y*the*ma*to*sus Lux-em-bourg (luk-sem-burg) 1. a coun-

(er-T-thee-ma-toh-sus), a disease in which try in Europe between France and Ger-
one's antibodies attack one's own cells, many. 2. its capital city.
characterized by a masklike inflamma- lux-u-rl-ant (lug-z/ioor-ee-ant) adj. grow-
tion of the cheeks and nose. ing profusely. Iux-u / rl-ant-ly adv. lux*
lurch 1 (lurch) n. leave In the lurch, to u'ri-ance n. C>Do not confuse luxuri-
abandon (a person etc.) so that he is left ant with luxurious.
in an awkward situation. lux-u-ri-ate (lug-z/ioor-ee-ayt) v. (lux-u-
lurch 2 n. an unsteady swaying movement rl-at-ed, lux-u-ri-at-ing) to feel great
to one side, lurch v. to make such a enjoyment, to enjoy as luxury, luxuriat-
movement, to stagger. ing in the warm sun.
lure (loor) n. 1. something that attracts lux-u -ri-ous (lug-z/ioor-ee-us) adj. sup-
or entices or allures. 2. its power of at- plied with luxuries, very comfortable,
tracting. 3. a bait or decoy for wild ani- lux-u'rl-ous-ly adv. lux-u'rl-ous-
mals or for fish, a device used to attract ness n. >Do not confuse luxurious with
and recall a trained hawk, lure v. (lured, luxuriant.
lur-ing) to entice, to attract by the lux-u-ry (lug-z/ru-ree) n. (pi. -Ties) 1. sur-
promise of pleasure or gain. roundings and food, dress, etc. that are
lu-rid (loor-id) adj. 1. in glaring colors or choice and costly; a luxury apartment,
combinations of color. 2. sensationally comfortable and expensive. 2. luxurious-
and shockingly vivid, the lurid details. ness, self-indulgence. 3. something costly
lu'rid-ly adv. Iu'rid*ness n. that is enjoyable but not essential.
lurk (lurk) v. 1 to lie hidden while waiting
. Iv. abbr. leave.
to attack. 2. to wait near a place furtively -ly 1 suffix used to form adjectives, espe-
or unobtrusively. 3. to be latent or linger- cially from nouns, meaning having the
ing, a lurking sympathy for the rebels. qualities of, as in kingly, motherly; recur-
Lu-sa-ka (loo-sah-ka) the capital of Zam- ring at intervals of, as in daily, hourly.
bia. -ly2 suffix used to form adverbs from adjec-
I us -clous (lush-us) adj. 1. richly sweet in tives meaning in a (specified) manner,
taste or smell. 2. voluptuously attractive, as in boldly, nastily, pathetically; to or
lyceum / LZ 530

from a (specified) point of view, as in lyon-naJse fli-o-nayz) adj. cooked with

gradually, outwardly. onions.
ly ce-um (h-see-um) ru a literary institu- lyre (lir) ru an ancient musical instrument

tion or lecture hall. with strings fixed in a U-shaped frame.

lye (h) ru any strong alkaline solution, es- lyre-bird (lir-burd) ru an Australian bird,
pecially for washing.
the male of which can spread its tail in
2 the shape of a lyre.
lying (h-ing) see lie 1
, lie .

ryr-ic (lir-ik) adj. of poetry that expresses

lying-in (h-ing-in) ru {pi ly ings-in, ly-
the poet's thoughts and feelings, lyric
ing-ins) confinement at childbirth.
ru 1. a lyric poem. 2. (also lyrics) the
lymph (limf) ru a colorless fluid from tis- words of a song.
sues or organs of the body, containing
lyr -i-cal (lir-T-kal) adj. 1. lyric, using lan-
white blood cells, lym-phat-ic (lim-fat-
guage suitable forthis. 2. (informal) ex-
ik) lynrphoid (lim-foid) adj.
pressing oneself enthusiastically, lyr'l-
lymph node, a small mass of tissue cal-ly adv.
where lymph is purified. lyr-l-dst (lir-I-sist) n. a person who writes
lynch (linen) v. (of a mob) to execute or lyrics, especially for popular songs.
punish violently, without a lawful trial. lyser-gic (h-sur-jik) acid di-eth-yt-a-
lynx (lingks) ru {pi lynx *es, lynx) a wild mide (di-eth-il-a-mid) = LSD.
animal of the cat family with spotted fur, ly sin (li-sin) ru an antibody that destroys
noted for its keen sight. bacterial cells.
lynx-eyed (lingks-id) adj. keen-sighted. LZ abbr. landing zone.
M, m (em) (pi Ms, M's, m's) 1. the thir- of chopped fruits or vegetables, often
teenth letter of the alphabet 2. the Ro- served set in jelly.
man numeral symbol for 1,000. mac*er*ate (mas-e-rayt) v. (mac*er*at*
m abbr. 1. meter(s). 2. mile(s). 3. mil- ed, mac*er*at*ing) to make or become
lion^). soft by steeping in a liquid. mac*er*a*
M abbr. 1. Mach. 2. mass. 3. medium. tion (mas-€-ray-sh6n) n.
m. abbr. 1. male. 2. mark. 3. married. 4. Mach (mahk) n. Mach number, the ratio
masculine. 5. medium. 6. meter(s). 7. of the speed of a body to the speed of
minim. 8. minute. 9. month. 10. moon. sound in the same medium; a body trav-
M. abbr. 1 Majesty. 2. medicine. 3. Medi-
eling at Mach one is traveling at the speed
eval. 4. Meridian. 5. Monday. 6. Mon- of sound, Mach two is twice this.
sieur. 7. mountain. 8. noon (Latin meri-
mach. abbr. 1. machine. 2. machinery. 3.
ma (man) (informal) mother.
ma*Chet*e (ma-shet-ee) n. a broad heavy
knife used in Central America and the
MA abbr.Massachusetts. 2. mental age.
1 .

West Indies as a tool and weapon.

M.A. abbr. Master of Arts.
ma'am (mam) n. (informal) (as a form of mach • i • a • vel • II • an (mak-i-a-vel-i-an)
adj. elaborately cunning or deceitful.
address) madam.
ma-ca-bre (ma-kah-bre, ma-kahb) adj. > Named after Niccolo dei Machiavelli
(1469-1527), an Italian statesman who
gruesome, suggesting death.
advised the use of any means, however
mac* ad* am (ma-kad-am) n. layers of bro-
unscrupulous, that would strengthen a
ken stone used in road making, usually
nation. mach*i*a*vel'li*an*ism n.
with hot tar or asphalt, each layer being
rolled hard before the next is put down.
ma chic • o • la • tion (ma-chik-d-lay-sh6n)

n. an opening in the floor of a parapet,

mac*ad'am*lzed adj. paved in this
used for dropping stones etc. on attack-
ma*chlc*o*late (ma-chik-6-layt) v.
ma-caque (ma-kahk) n. a monkey of Asia (ma*chic*o*lat*ed, ma*chic*o*lat*
and North Africa. ing) to provide with machicolations.
mac*a*ro*ni (mak-a-roh-nee) n. 1. pasta mach *i na • • tions (mak-T-nay-shdnz) n.
formed into long tubes. 2. (old use) an pi. clever scheming, things done by this.
18th-century dandy affecting continental ma* chine (mi-sheen) n. 1. an apparatus
manners and fashions. for applying mechanical power, having
mac*a*roon (mak-a-roon) n. a cookie several parts each with a definite func-
made with sugar, white of egg, and tion. 2. something operated by such
ground almonds or coconut. apparatus, as a bicycle or aircraft. 3. a
ma* caw (mi-kaw) n. a brightly colored complex controlling system of an
South and Central American parrot with organization, the political machine. ma-
a long tail. Chine v. (ma* chined, ma* chin* ing) to
mace 1
(mays) n. 1. a medieval weapon. make or produce or work on (a thing)
2. a ceremonial staff as the symbol of a with a machine. machine a
public official's authority. mounted gun mechanically opera c
mace 2
n. a spice made from the dried outer can deliver a rapid and continuous ^v,
covering of nutmeg. of bullets, machine language, the
Mace (mays) n. (trademark) a chemical signs, symbols, numbers, and letters used
sprayed in the face in order to subdue by a computer, machine tool, a me-
or disable by causing tears, dizziness, and chanically operated tool.
nausea, mace v. (maced, mac*ing) to ma* chine-gun (ma-sheen-gun) v. (ma*
attack with Mace. chine-gunned, ma* chine-gun -ning)
mac*e*doine (mas-e-dwahn) n. a mixture to shoot at with a machine gun.

machinery / Mae West 532
ma*chln*er*y (ma-shee-ne-ree) n. (pi speaking woman, = Mrs. or madam.
-er*ies) 1. machines. 2. mechanism. 3. mad* cap (mad-kap) n,a wildly impulsive
an organized system for doing some- person, madcap wildly impulsive.
thing. mad* den (mad-en) make mad or an-
v. to
ma*chin*ist (ma-shee-nist) n. a person gry, to irritate, mad 'den *lng adj. mad'
who makes or works machinery, one who den*lng*ly adv.
operates machine tools. mad-der (mad-er) n, 1. an Old World
ma*chls*mo (mah-chiz-moh) n. the need plant with yellowish flowers. 2. a red dye
to prove one's virility or courage by dar- prepared from its root or made syntheti-
ing action. cally.
ma*cho (mah-choh) n. (pi -chos) a virile mad • ding (mad-ing) adj. (old use) mad-
courageous man. macho v
adj. virile, dening. Lithe madding crowd, the
manly. frenzied crowd.
mack-er*el (mak-e-rel) n. (pL -el, -els) made (mayd) see make.
an edible seafish. mackerel sky, rows Ma-dei-ra (ma-deer-a) n. a fortified white
of small white fleecy clouds. wine produced on the island of Madeira.
mack-i*naw (mak-I-naw) n. 1. a heavy mad*e*lelne (mad-e-len) n. a small rich
woolen cloth. 2. a warm belted coat of plain cake baked in a round tapering tin.
this. Ma*de*moi*selle (mad-£-md-zel) n. (pi
mack* in •tosh (mak-in-tosh) n. 1. (chiefly Mes*de*moi*selles, pr. may-de-md-
British) a raincoat. 2. a waterproof mate- zel) the title of a French-speaking girl
rial of rubber and cloth. or unmarried woman, = Miss or madam.
mac*ra*me (mak-ra-may) a fringe
n. 1. made-to-or*der (mayd-too-or-der) adj.
or trimming of knotted thread or cord. made according to specific instructions.
2. the art of making this. made-up (mayd-up) adj. 1. fabricated,
mac*ro*bi*ot*ic (mak-roh-bi-ot-ik) adj. concocted. 2. wearing makeup. 3. put
of or relating to a diet of pure vegetable together.
foods etc. intended to prolong life. mad* house (mad-hows) n. (informal) 1.
mac-ro-ce-phaHc (mak-roh-sS-fal-ik) a mental hospital. 2. a scene of confused
adj. having a long or large head, mac* uproar.
ro*ceph*a*lous (mak-roh-sef-a-lus) Ma-di-na do Boe (ma-dee-na do boh)
adj. the capital of Guinea-Bissau.
maCTO'COsm (mak-ro-koz-em) n. 1. the Mad *i -son (mad-i-son) the capital of Wis-
great world, the universe. 2. any great consin.
whole. mac*ro*cos*mic (mak-ro-koz- Mad *i* son (mad-i-son), James (1751-
mik) adj. 1836) the fourth president of the U.S.
ma*cron (may-kron) n, the written or 1809-17.
printed mark placed over a long or mad* man (mad-man) n. (pi -men, pr.
stressed vowel. -mfcn) a man who is a lunatic.
mac • ro • scop • ic (mak-rd-skop-ik ), mac Ma*don*na (ma-don-a) n. 1. the Virgin
ro- scop* heal (mak-rd-skop-i-kal) adj. Mary. 2. a picture or statue of the Virgin
1. visible to the naked eye. 2. regarded Mary. D Madonna lily, a tall lily with

in terms of large units, macroscopic eco- white flowers.

nomics mac*ro*scop'i*cal*ly adv. ma • dras (mad-ras, ma-dras) n. a light cot-

mad (mad) adj. (mad-der, mad-dest) ton fabric often with colored stripes.
1. having a disordered mind, not sane. Ma-drid (ma-drid) the capital of Spain.
2. extremely foolish, a mad scheme, 3. mad * ri • gal (mad-rl-gal) n. a part song for
wildly enthusiastic, is mad about sports. voices, usually without instrumental ac-
4. (informal) very annoyed. 5. frenzied, companiment.
a mad scramble. 6. (of an animal) suffer- mad* worn* an (mad-wuum-an) n. (pi
ing from rabies, a mad dog. mad'ly adv. -worn* en, pr. -wim-in) a woman who
mad 'n ess n. CD like mad, with great is a lunatic.
haste or energy or enthusiasm. mael* Strom (mayl-str6m) n. 1. a great

Mad -a -gas- car (mad-a-gas-kar) an is- whirlpool. 2. an agitated or tumultuous

land off the southeast coast of Africa, state of affairs.
part of the Malagasy Republic. mae-nad (mee-nad) n. 1. a Bacchante, a
mad* am (mad-am) n. 1. a word used in priestess of Bacchus. 2. a riotous or fren-
speaking politely to a woman, or prefixed zied woman.
to the name of her office in formal ad- maes-tro (mi-stroh) n. (pi maes*
dress, Madam Chairman. 2. a woman tros, maes-tri, pr. mi-stree) 1. a great
in charge of a brothel. musical composer or teacher or conduc-
Ma* dame (ma-dam) n. (pi. Mes- dames, tor. 2. a master of any art.
pr. may-dam) the title of a French- Mae West (may west) (slang) an inflatable
533 Mafia / magnetism

life jacket. > Named after an American mag-na cum iau*de (mag-na kum law-
film actress (1892- ) noted for her dee) with great academic distinction.
large bust. > Latin.
Ma*fi*a (mah-fi-a) n. 1. a secret organiza- mag*nan*i*mous (mag-nan-T-mus) adj.
tion in Sicily, opposed to legal authority 1. noble and generous in one's conduct,
and engaged in crime. 2. a criminal or- not petty. 2. above revenge, forgiving.
ganization involved in smuggling, racke- mag*nan'i*mous*ly adv. mag* nan'
teering, etc. l*mous*ness ru mag*na*nlm*l*ry
ma-fl-o-so (mah-fi-oh-soh) n. (pi -si, pr. (mag-nS-nim-i-tee) ru
-see) a member of the Mafia. mag-nate (mag-nayt) ru a wealthy and in-
mag. abbr. 1 . magnesium. 2. magnetic. 3. fluential person, especially in business.
magnetism. 4. magneto. 5. magnitude. .>Do not confuse magnate with magnet.
mag*a*zine (mag-&-zeen) a paper-
n. 1. mag-ne-sia (mag-nee-z/fi) ru a white
covered illustrated periodical publication powder that is a compound of magne-
containing articles or stories etc. by a sium, used as an antacid and mild laxa-
number of writers. 2. a store for arms tive, mag-ne'sian adj.
and ammunition, or for explosives. 3. a mag*ne*si*um (mag-nee- zi-um) ru a sil-
chamber for holding cartridges to be fed very white metal that burns with an in-
into the breech of a gun. 4. a similar tensely bright flame.
device in a camera or slide projector. mag* net (mag-nit) ru 1. a piece of iron
ma*gen*ta (ma-jen-ta) adj. n. bright & or steel etc. that can attract iron and
purplish red. that points north and south when sus-
mag* got (mag-dt) n. a larva, especially pended. 2. a person or thing that exerts
of the bluebottle. mag'got*y adj. a powerful attraction. >
Do not confuse
Ma*gi (may-ji) ru pi the three wise men magnet with magnate.
from the East who brought offerings to mag*net*ic (mag-net-ik) adj. 1. having
the infant Christ at Bethlehem. the properties of a magnet. 2. produced
mag-ic (maj-ik) n. 1. the supposed art of or acting by magnetism. 3. having the
controlling events or effects etc. by super- power to attract people, a magnetic
natural power. 2. superstitious practices personality. mag*net'i*cal*ly adv.
based on belief in this. 3. a mysterious U magnetic compass, one using a
and enchanting quality, the magic of a magnetic needle that points north and
spring day. 4. a type of entertainment south, magnetic core, iron material
such as sleight of hand, magic adj. of that forms the center of an electromag-
magic, used in producing magic, magic net, transformer, etc.; a small magnetized
words, mag'i-cal adj. mag'i*cal*ly iron loop that stores bits of information,
adv. D magic carpet, a mythical carpet acting as one of the basic elements of a
able to transport a person on it to any computer memory, magnetic field, the
place. force field around a magnetic substance.
ma-gi-cian (ma-jish-an) n. 1. a person magnetic flux, the total of all the lines
who is skilled in magic. 2. a conjurer. of force in a magnetic field, magnetic
mag*is*te*ri*al (maj-i-steer-i-al) adj. 1. induction, magnetizing a body by bring-
of a magistrate. 2. having or show- ing it close to a magnetized body, mag-

ing authority, imperious. mag*is*te'ri* netic needle, a rod that, when used in
al-ly adv. a compass, indicates the direction of
mag*is*tral (maj-i-stral) adj. 1. of a mas- north and south, magnetic north pole,
ter or masters. 2. of a remedy devised the point indicated by a magnetic needle,
by a physician for a particular case, not close to the geographic North Pole but
included in the pharmacopoeia. not identical with it. magnetic pickup,
mag -Js-t rate (maj-i-strayt) n. a minor a phonograph pickup that converts the
judge, a civil officer who administers the vibrations of the stylus into electric im-
law. mag-is-tra-cy (maj-i-stra-see) n. pulses through the use of a coil in a mag-
mag ma (mag-ma)
• n. 1 a crude pasty mix-
. netic field, magnetic pole, either pole
ture of mineral or organic matter. 2. a of a magnet, magnetic recording, the
semi-molten stratum under the solid process of recording sounds or signals
crust of Earth, from which igneous rock on a magnetic tape, disk, or cartridge.
is formed by cooling, mag* ma* tic magnetic storm, a disturbance of
(mag-mat-ik) adj. Earth's magnetic field by charged parti-
Mag-na Char*ta (mag-na kahr-ta) the cles from the sun etc. magnetic tape,
charter establishing the English people's a strip of plastic coated or impregnated
rights concerning personal and political with magnetic particles for use in the
liberty, obtained from King John in recording and reproduction of sound.
1215. mag* net* ism (mag-ne-tiz-em) n. 1. the
magnetite / mail 534
properties and effects of magnetic sub- chief production. Q> Latin, = great
stances. 2. the scientific study of these. work.)
3. great charm and attraction, personal mag* pie (mag-pi) n. 1. a noisy bird with
magnetism. black-and-white plumage. 2. a chatterer.
mag*net*fte (mag-ne-tit) n, a magnetic 3. a person who collects objects at ran-
iron oxide. dom.
mag-net-ize (mag-ne-tiz) v. (mag* net* Mag*yar (mag-yahr) n. 1. a member of a
ized, mag*net*iz*ing) 1. to give mag- people originally from Finland and west-
netic properties to. 2. to attract as a mag- ern Siberia, now predominant in Hun-
net does. 3. to exert attraction on (a gary. 2. their language. Magyar adj. of
person or people). mag'net*iz*er n. the Magyars or their language.
mag'ne*tiz*able adj. mag*net*i*za* ma*ha*ra*]a, ma*ha*ra*jah (mah-ha-
tion (mag-ne-ti-zay-shdn) n. rah-ja) n. the former title of certain In-
mag*ne*to (mag-nee- toh) n, {pi -toe) a dian princes.
small electric generator using permanent ma*ha*ra*ni, ma*ha*ra*nee (mah-ha-
magnets, especially one used to produce rah-nee) n. a maharaja's wife or widow.
electricity for the spark in the ignition ma*ha*ri*shi (mah-ha-ree-shee) n. a
system of an engine. Hindu man of great wisdom.
mag *ne* torn *e*ter (mag-ne-tom-e-ter) ma* hat* ma (ma-haht-ma) n. (in India
n. an instrument measuring magnetic
etc.) a title of respect for a person re-
forces, especially terrestrial magnetism. garded with reverence.
mag *ne* to -sphere (mag-nee-td-sfeer) n.
Ma* hi* can (ma-hee-kan) n. (pL -can,
the region in which Earth's magnetic
•cans) a member of an Indian tribe lo-
cated in the upper Hudson River valley.
field is effective. mag*ne*to«spher-ic
(mag-nee-td-sfer-ik) adj.
man* Jong, mah-jong (mah-jawng) n. a
Chinese game for four people, played
mag»ne*tron (mag-ne-tron) n. an electron
with pieces called tiles.
tube for amplifying or generating micro-
waves, with the flow of electrons con-
ma*hog*a*ny (ma-hog-a-nee) n. 1. a very
hard reddish-brown wood much used for
trolled by an external magnetic field.
furniture. 2. the tropical tree that pro-
mag • nl • f I • ca • tion
duces this. 3. the color of the wood.
n. 1 magnifying. 2. the amount by which

ma*hout (ma-howt) n. an elephant driver.

a lens etc. magnifies things.
maid (mayd) n. 1. (old use) a maiden, a
mag* nif'i -cent (mag-nif-I-sent) adj. 1.
girl. 2. a woman servant. Dmaid of
splendid in appearance etc. 2. excellent
honor (pi. maids of honor), the princi-
in quality, mag *nif'l* cent *ly adv.
pal bridesmaid, the Maid of Orleans,
mag-nif'i-cence n.
Joan of Arc.
mag-nif-hco (mag-nif-T-koh) n. {pi maid* en (may -den) n. 1. (old use) a girl
-coes, -COS) 1 a Venetian magnate. 2.
or young anmarried woman, a virgin.
a grandee, a noble personage. 2. a racehorse that has not yet won a
mag-ni-fy (mag-nl-fi) v. (mag «ni« tied, race, maiden adj. 1 unmarried, maiden

mag -ni- Tying) 1. to make (an object) aunt. 2. first, a maiden speech; maiden
appear larger than it really is, as a lens voyage. maid'en*ly adj. adv. & maid'
or microscope does. 2. to exaggerate. 3. en* hood n. maiden name, a wom-
(old use) to praise, My
soul doth magnify an's family name before she marries.
the Lord, mag'ni-fi-er n. magnify- maid* en* hair (may -den -hair) n. a fern
ing glass, a lens (often mounted in a with fine hairlike stalks and delicate fo-
frame) that magnifies things. liage.
mag-nil-o-quent (mag-nil-6-kwent) adj. maid* en* head (may-den-hed) n. 1. (old
1. lofty in expression. 2. boastful, use) virginity. 2. the hymen.
mag-nil'o-quent-ly adv. mag 'nil 'O- maid-in-wait'ing (mayd-in-way-ting) n.
quence n. {pi maids-in-wait*ing) a young un-
mag-ni'tude (mag-ni-tood) n. 1. large- married woman attending a queen or
ness, size. 2. importance. 2. the degree princess.
of brightness of a star. Dot the first maid -ser- van t (mayd-sur-vant) n. a fe-
magnitude, very important. male servant especially for indoor work.
mag -no* Ha (mag-nohl-ya) n. a tree having mall (mayl) n. 1. the official conveyance

large waxlike usually white or pale pink of letters etc. 2. the letters etc. conveyed.
flowers. 3. a single collection or delivery of these.
mag*num (mag-num) n. a bottle contain- mail v. to put (a letter etc.) into a post
ing two quarts of wine or alcoholic liq- office or mailbox for transmission.
uor. magnum opus, a great literary mailing list, a list of people to whom
undertaking, a writer's or other artist's advertising matter etc. is to be mailed.
535 mail / majority

mall order, an order for goods to be maintaining, being maintained. 2. keep-

sent by mail; mail-order firm, a £rm do- ing equipment etc. in repair; mainte-
ing business mainly by this system, mall nance man, one employed to do this. 3.
train, a train carrying mail. provision of themeans to support life,
mall 2 n. body armor made of metal rings an allowance of money for this.
or chains, mail v. to clothe with mail. mal tai (mi ti) a rum drink with lemon
mailed adj. and pineapple juice on ice.
mail • bag (mayl-bag) n. a large bag for car- mahtre d' (may-ter dee, may-tre) (pi
rying mail. mai*tres d\ pr. may-terz dee, may-trez)
mail* box (mayl-boks) ru 1. a public box (informal) = maitre d'hotel.
for holding letters etc. to be transmitted. mai-tre d'ho*tel (may-ter doh-tel, may-
2. a private box for holding letters etc. tre) (pi mai*tres d'ho-tel, pr. may-ter
delivered by the mailman. doh-tel, may-trg) 1. a major-domo. 2.
mail* lot (mah-yoh) n. (pi -lots, pr. -yohz) a head waiter. > French.
1. a woman's one-piece bathing suit. 2. maize (mayz) n. 1 Indian corn. 2. (British)

a jersey. 3. a dancer's or gymnast's corn. 3. the yellow color of corn.

tights. Maj. abbr. Major.
mail* man (mayl-man) n. (pi -men, pr. ma*|es*tic (ma-jes-tik) adj. stately and
-men) a man who delivers mail. dignified, imposing. ma*jes'ti*cal adj.
maim (maym) v. to wound or injure so ma*|es'ti*cal*ly adv.
that some part of the body is useless. ma|*es*ty (maj-e-stee) n. (pi -ties) 1 im- .

main (mayn) adj. principal, most impor- pressive stateliness. 2. sovereign power.
tant, greatest in size or extent, main n. 3. the title used in speaking of or to a
the main pipe or channel or cable in a sovereign or a sovereign's wife or widow,
public system for conveying water, gas, His or Her or Your Majesty.
etc. main'ly adv. Din the main, for Maj. Geq. abbr. Major General.
the most part, on the whole, main line, ma*jol*i*ca (ma-jol-i-ka) n. 1. Renais-
the chief railroad line; the chief road or sance Italian earthenware with colored
street; (slang) a principal vein, especially ornamentation on opaque enamel. 2. a
as the site of drug injection. Main Line, modern imitation of this.
a fashionable residential area extending ma*|or (may-j6r) adj. 1. greater, very im-
for approximately twenty miles west of portant, major roads. 2. (of a surgical
Philadelphia and served by a railroad operation) involving danger to the pa-
line. tient's life. 3. (in music) of or based on
Maine (mayn) a state of the U.S. a scale that has a semitone next above
main* land (mayn-land) n. a country or the third and seventh notes and a whole
continent without its adjacent islands. tone elsewhere, major n. 1 an army offi-

main* line (mayn-lm) v. (main* lined, cer below lieutenant colonel and above
main* linking) (slang) to take illegal captain. 2. an officer in charge of a sec-
drugs through injection into a vein. tion of band instruments, drum major.
main* mast (mayn-mast, -mast) n. the 3. a course of study in which one is spe-
principal mast of a sailing ship. cializing. 4. the majors,(informal) the
main • sail (mayn-sayl, -sal) n. the lowest major leagues, major to specialize (in

sail on the mainmast in a square-rigged a certain subject) at a college or univer-

vessel, the sail set on the aft part of the sity. major general, an army officer
mainmast in a fore-and-aft-rigged vessel. next below a lieutenant general, major
main* spring (mayn-spring) n. 1 the prin- . league, either of the two highest ranking
cipal spring of a watch or clock etc. 2. professional baseball leagues, major
the chief force motivating the actions of leaguer, a member of a major league
a person or group. baseball team, major suit, (in bridge)
main* stay (mayn-stay) n. 1. the strong spades or hearts.
cable that secures the mainmast. 2. the ma*jor-do*mo (may-j6r-doh-moh) n. (pi
chief support. -mos) the head steward of a great house-
main *stream (mayn-streem) n. the domi- hold.
nant trend of opinion or style etc. ma*Jor*ette (may-j6-ret) n. a drum ma-
main* tain (mayn-tayn) v. 1. to cause to jorette (see drum).
continue, to keep in existence. 2. to keep ma*jor*i*ty (mS-jor-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1.
in repair, the house is well maintained. the greatest part of a group or class. 2.
3. to support, to provide for, to bear the the number of votes for one party etc.
expenses of, maintaining his son at col- above half of those cast. 3. (in law) legal
lege. 4. to assert as true, mairvtain'a- age, attained his majority. majority
ble adj. rule, the principle that no minority (es-
main -te* nance (mayn-te-nans) n. 1. pecially an ethnic or religious one)
majuscule / malachite 536
should hold political power greatly dis- make it up to someone, to compen-
proportionate to its numbers. A major- > sate him. make
love, to embrace and
ity is distinguished from a plurality as kiss in courtship; to have sexual inter-
follows: a majority is more than 50% course, make money, to make a large i

of votes cast; a plurality is the margin profit, make much or little of, to treat
of victory for the winner over his nearest as important or unimportant; make
rival. much of a person, to give him much flat-
ma* juS'Cule (ma-jus-kyool) n. a large let- tering attention, make off, to go away
ter, capital, or uncial, majuscuJe, ma* hastily, make off with, to carry away,
jUS'CiHar adj. written in such letters. to steal, make out, to write out (a list
make (mayk) v. (made, making) 1. to manage to see or read something,
etc.); to
construct or create or prepare from parts made out a shadowy figure; to understand
or from other substances. 2. to draw up the nature of, / can't make him out; to
as a legal document or contract, make assert or claim or pretend to be, made
a will. 3. to establish (laws or rules or him out to be a fool; (informal) to fare,
arrange ready for use,
distinctions). 4. to how did you make out?; (slang) to pet
make the beds. 5. to cause to exist, to erotically. make over, to transfer the
produce, make difficulties; make peace. ownership of;to convert for a new pur-
6. to result in, to amount to, two and pose, make room, to clear a space for
two make four. 7. to cause to be or be- something by moving another person or
come, it made me happy; don't make a thing, make time, to contrive to find
habit of it; make a day of it, to carry time to do something, make up, to form
on an activity etc. so that it fills a day. or constitute; to put together, to prepare
8. toframe in the mind, made a decision. (medicine etc.); to invent (a story etc.);
9. tosucceed in arriving at or achieving to compensate (for a loss or mistake),
a position, we made Las Vegas by mid- they made up for lost time; to complete
night; she finally made the team. 10. (an amount) by supplying what is lack-
(slang) to catch (a train etc.). 1 1 to form, . ing; to apply cosmetics to; to reconcile,
to serve for, to turn out to be, this makes let's make up and befriends again; make
pleasant reading; she made him a good up one's mind, to decide, make up to,
wife. 1 2. to gain or acquire, make a profit; to court, to curry favor with, make way,
make friends, to become friends. 13. to to forge ahead, to progress, to open a
consider to be, what do you make the way for someone or something.* on the
time?; see what you can make of her letter, make, (slang) intent on gain; seeking a
how to interpret it. 1 4. to cause or com- sexual partner.
pel, make him repeat it. 1 5. to perform make-be- lie ve (mayk-b£-leev) adj. pre-
(an action etc.), make an attempt; make tended, make-believe n. pretense.
war. 16. to ensure the success of, wine mak*er (may-kfcr) n. one who makes
can the meal; this made my day.
make something. El our or your Maker, God.
make n. 1. making, the way a thing is make* shift (mayk-shift) n. a temporary
made. 2. the origin of manufacture, Brit- or improvised substitute, makeshift adj.
ish make;our own make of shoes. serving as this.
Da made man, one who has attained make* up (mayk-up) n. 1. cosmetics ap-
success in his life or career, be made plied to the skin, especially of the face.
for, to be ideally suited to. be the mak- 2. the way something is made up, its
ing of, to be the main factor in the suc- composition or constituent parts. 3. a
cess of. have it made, (slang) to be sure person's character and temperament.
of success, have the makings of, to make-work (mayk-wurk) n. busywork
have the essential qualities for becoming, that prevents idleness on the part of
she had the makings of a good manager. workers but does not accomplish any-
make believe, to pretend, make do, thing of value.
to manage with something that is not makings (may-kingz) n. pi the essential
really adequate or satisfactory, make qualities for becoming.
for, to proceed toward, to try to reach; Mai. abbr. 1. Malay. 2. Malayan.
to tend to bring about, it makes for do- mal- prefix badly, faulty, as in maladjusted,
mestic harmony, make fun Of, to ridi- malfeasance.
cule, make good, to become successful Ma* la* bo (ma-lah-boh) the capital of
or prosperous; make good the loss, pay Equatorial Guinea.
compensation; make good the damage, Malacca (ma-lak-a) n. (also Malacca
repair it; made good his escape, succeeded cane) a brown walking stick made from
in escaping, make it, to achieve what the stem of a kind of palm tree.
one wanted, to be successful, make it mal*a*Chlte (mal-a-kit) n. a green mineral
up, to become reconciled after a quarrel. that can be polished.
537 maladapted / malleable
mal*a*dapt*ed (mal-a-dap-tid) adj. ill formerly the Maldive Islands. Mal'div'
suited to a particular environment or i*an adj. n. &
purpose or condition. male (mayl) adj. 1. of the sex that can
mal -ad- just -ed (mal-5-jus-tid) adj. (of a beget offspring by fertilizing egg cells
person) not well-adjusted to his own cir- produced by the female. 2. (of a plant)
cumstances. mal*ad*just'ment n. having flowers that contain- pollen-bear-
mal*ad*min*is*ter (mal-ad-min-i-ster) v. ing organs and not seeds. 3. of a man
to administer (a business or public af- or men, male voice choir. 4. (of parts
fairs) badly or improperly, mal* ad* of machinery etc.) designed to fit into
mln • is • tra • tlon (mal-ad-min-i-stray- a corresponding female part, a male
shdn) ru screw, male n. a male person or animal
maha* droit (mal-a-droit) adj. bungling. or plant, male'ness n.
mal*a*droit'ly adv. mal*a*droit' Ma*le (mah-lee) the capital of the Mal-
ness n. dives.
mal-a-dy (mal-a-dee) n. (pi. -dies) an ill- mal*e*diC*tion (mal-e-dik-shdn) n. a
ness, a disease. curse.
Mal -a -gas -y (mal-a-gas-ee) n. 1. the lan- mal*e*fac*tor (mal-e-fak-tdr) n. a wrong-
guage of Madagascar. 2. a native or in- doer. mal*e*fac*tion (mal-e-fak-shdn)
habitant of Madagascar. Malagasy adj. n.

of Madagascar. U
Malagasy Republic, ma*lef*ic (ma-lef-ik) adj. (of magical arts
a country, including Madagascar, in the etc.) harmful, baleful.
Indian Ocean. ma*lef*i*cent (ma-lef-i-sent) adj. 1. hurt-
ma-laise (ma-lay z) n. a feeling of illness ful. 2. criminal, ma-lef'i-cence n.
or mental uneasiness. ma*lev*0*lent (ma-lev-6-lent) adj. wish-
mal -a -mute (mal-a-myoot) n. an Eskimo ing harm to others. ma*lev'o*lent*
dog. ly adv. ma*lev / o*lence n.
mal *a* prop* ism (mal-a-prop-iz-em) n. a mal*fea*sance (mal-fee-zans) n. an un-
comical confusion of words, as in it will lawful act, evildoing, especially official
percussion the blow (for cushion the blow). misconduct.
t> Named after Mrs. Malaprop in Sheri- mal*for*ma*tion (mal-for-may-shdn) n.
dan's play The Rivals, who made mis- faulty formation, mal* formed ' adj.
takes of this kind. mal* tunc *tion (mal-fungk-shdn) n. faulty
mal*ap*ro*pos (mal-ap-rd-poh) adj. in- functioning, malfunction v. to function
appropriate, malapropos adv. inappro- faultily.
priately. Ma*li (mah-lee) a country in West Africa.
ma*lar*i*a (ma-lair-i-a) n. a disease caus- Ma'li*an adj. & n.
ing fever that recurs at intervals, trans- mal* ice (mal-is) n. a desire to harm others
mitted by mosquitoes. ma*lar'i»al adj. or to tease.
ma*lar*key (ma-lahr-kee) n. (informal) ma*li*CiOUS (ma-lish-us) adj. feeling or
nonsense. showing or caused by malice, ma-li'
mal*a*thi*on (mal-a-thi-on) n. an insecti- clous *ly adv.
cide containing phosphorus. ma*lign (ma-lin) adj. 1. harmful, a malign
Ma*la*wi (mah-lah-wee) a country in influence. 2. showing malice, malign v.
southeast Africa. Ma-la'wi-an adj. & to say unpleasant and untrue things
n. about, maligning an innocent person.
Ma* lay (may-lay, ma-lay) adj. of a people ma*lig*ni*ty (ma-lig-ni-tee) n.
living in Malaysia and Indonesia. Malay ma*lig*nant (ma-lig-nant) adj. 1. (of a tu-
n. 1 a member of this people. 2. their
. mor) growing uncontrollably. 2. feeling
language. or snowing great ill will. ma«lig'nant*
Ma* lay* a (mS-lay-2) a group of states ly adv. ma*lig*nan*cy (ma-lig-nan-see)
forming part of Malaysia. Ma -lay 'an n.
adj. & n. ma*lin*ger (ma-ling-ger) v. to pretend to
Malay Archipelago a group of islands in be ill in order to avoid work. ma*lin'
the Indian and Pacific oceans southeast ger-er n.
of Asia. mall (mawl) n. 1 (old use) a sheltered walk.

Malaysia (ma-lay-z/&) a country in 2. a shopping center (see shopping). 3.

southeast Asia. Ma-lay'sian adj. n. & a paved or grassy strip dividing a high-
mal* con* tent (mal-kdn-tent) n. a person way.
who is discontented and inclined to rebel. mal* lard (mal-ard) n. (pi. -lard, -lards)
mal de mer (mal de mair) seasickness. a kind of wild duck, the male of which
> French. has a glossy green head.
Maldives (mal-divz) a country consisting mal*le*a*ble (mal-i-a-bel) adj. 1. able to
of a group of islands southwest of India, be hammered or pressed into shape. 2.
mallet / Man. 538
easy to influence, adaptable, mal'le* Latin American dance like the rhumba.
a-bly adv. mal*le*a*bil*i*ty (mal-i-a- 2. the music for it. mambo v. to dance
bil-i-tee) n. the mambo.
mal* let (mal-it) n. 1. a hammer, usually mam* ma (mah-ma) n. (informal) mother.
of wood. 2. a similarly shaped instrument mam* mal (mam-al) n. a member of the
with a long handle, for striking the ball class of animals that suckle their young.
in croquet or polo. mam* ma* II* an (ma-may-li-an) adj.
mal'le* us (mal-i-us) n. (pi mal*le* mam*ma*ry (mam-i-ree) adj. of the
I, pr. mal-i-i) a bone of the middle ear. breasts. U mammary gland, a milk-se-
mahlow (mal-oh) n. a plant with hairy creting gland.
stems and leaves, bearing purple or pink mam* mo* graph (mam-d-graf) n. an
or white flowers. x-ray of the breast for the purpose of
malrrvsey (mahm-zee) n. a kind of strong detecting cancer, • mam mo
• graph •
sweet wine. (ma-mog-ra-fee) n.
mal-nour-ished (mal-nur-isht) adj. mam-mon (mam-on) ru (also Mammon)
poorly nourished. wealth personified, regarded as an evil
mal*nu*tri*tlon (mal-noo-trish-dn) n. in- influence.
suflicient nutrition. mam* moth (mam-oth) a large extinct
mal*oc*clu*sion (mal-d-kloo-z/ron) n. elephant with a hairy coat and curved
faulty contact of upper and lower teeth tusks, mammoth adj. huge.
in biting. mam* my (mam-ee) n. (pi -mles) 1. (in-
mal*o*dor*ous (mal-oh-do-rus) adj. formal) mother. 2. (old use) a black
stinking, mal*o'dor*ous*ly adv. mal* woman in charge of white children.
o'dor-ous*ness n. man (man) n.(pi men) 1 a human being,

mal*prac*tice (mal-prak-tis) n. wrongdo- distinguished from other animals by su-

ing. perior mental development, power of ar-
malt (mawlt) n. 1. grain (usually barley) ticulate speech, and upright posture. 2.
that has been allowed to sprout and then mankind. 3. an adult male person. 4. an
dried, used for brewing or
distilling or individual male person considered as an
vinegar making. 2. (informal) malt liq- expert or one's assistant or opponent etc.,
uors, malt v. to make or be made into ifyou want a good teacher, he's your man,
malt, malt'y adj. malted milk, a 5. a person of unspecified sex, an individ-
drink made from dried milk and malt. ual, every man for himself 6. a manly
Mal * ta (mawl-ta) a country in the Mediter- person; is he man enough to do it?, is
ranean Sea. he brave enough? 7. a male servant or
Mal-tese (mawl-teez) n. (pi. -tese) 1. the employee or workman, masters and men.
language of Malta. 2. a native or inhabi- 8. an ordinary soldier etc., not an officer.
tant of Malta. Maltese adj. of or relat- 9. one of the set of small objects moved
ing to its people or their language. on a board in playing board games such
DMaltese cat, cat of a bluish-gray as chess and checkers. 10. the man
short-haired breed. Maltese cross, a (slang, among blacks) white men, espe-
cross with four equal arms broadening cially the police, man v. (manned,
outward, often indented at the ends. man • nlng) to supply with men for serv-

Maltese dog, Maltese terrier, a span- ice or to operate something, man the
iel or terrier of a small breed. pumps. Das one man, in unison, be
Mal -thy si* an (mal-thoo-z/xan) n. a sup- one's own man, to be independent.
porter of the ideas of Malthus. t>T. R. man about town, a man who spends
Malthus (1766-1835) was an English much of his time in sophisticated social
clergyman who argued, in an essay, that amusements, man Friday, a male assis-
population increases faster than the tant doing general duties in an office etc.
means of subsistence and that its increase (D>From Man Friday, a character in the
should be checked, mainly by sexual re- novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel De-
straint. Malthusian adj. of Malthus. Foe.) man In the street, an ordinary
Mal-thu'si*an*ism n. person, not an expert, man of the
malt-ose (mawl-tohs) n. a sugar produced house, the male head of a household.
by the hydrolysis of starch. man of the world, see world, man on
mal 'treat (mal-treet) v. to treat badly, man, (in sports) with one player directly
mal- treat 'ment n. responsible for guarding another one.
ma -ma (mah-ma, ma-mah) n. (informal) man to man, with frankness, lets speak
mother. man to man. to a man, all without ex-
mam • ba (mahm-bah)a poisonous black
n. ception.
or green South African tree snake man. abbr. manual.
mam -bo (mahm-boh) n. (pi -bos) 1. a Man. abbr. Manitoba.
539 manacle / mangle
man*a*cle (man-a-kfcl) n. one of a pair (man-dat-ed, man*dat*ing) to give
of fetters for the hands, manacle v. by a mandate.
(man-a-cled, man -a* cling) to fetter man*da*to*ry (man-dS-tohr-ee) adj. obli-
with manacles. gatory, compulsory.
man* age (man-ij) v. (man* aged, man* man 'di- Die (man-dl-bel) adj. 1. a jaw. 2.
ag-ing) 1. to have under effective con- either of the parts of a bird's beak. 3.
trol. 2. to be the manager of (a business the corresponding part in insects etc.
etc.). 3. to succeed in doing or produc- man*dib*u*lar (man-dib-yu-lar) adj.
ing something (often with inadequate man*dO*lln (man-do-lin, man-dS-lin) n. a
means), to be able to cope, managed musical instrument rather like a guitar,
without help. 4. to contrive to persuade played with a plectrum.
(a person) to do what one wants, by use man*do*lin*ist (man-dd-lin-ist) n. a per-
of tact or flattery or other means. son who plays the mandolin.
man*age*a*ble (man-i-ja-bel) adj. able to man* drag *o*ra (man-drag-6-ra) n. the
man 'age • a • bly adv. man '
be managed, mandrake, especially as a narcotic.
age*a*ble*ness n. man*age*a*bll* man* drake (man-dray k) n. 1 a poisonous

l*ty (man-i-ja-bil-i-tee) n. plant with white or purple flowers and

man*age*ment (man-ij-ment) n. 1. man- large yellow fruit. 2. May apple (see
aging, being managed.
2. the process of May).
managing a business, people engaged in man*drel, man*dril (man-drel) n. a shaft
this. to which work is fixed while being
man*ag*er (man-i-jer) a person who
n. 1. turned, as in a lathe.
is in charge of the of a business
affairs man* drill (man-dril) n. a large fierce ba-
etc. 2. one who deals with the business boon of western Africa.
affairs of a sports team or entertainer etc. mane (mayn) n. 1. the long hair on a
3. one who manages household affairs horse's or lion's neck. 2. a person's long
in a certain way, she is a good manager. hair, maned adj.
man*a*ge*r!*al (man-i-jeer-i-al) adj. man-eat *er (man-ee-ter) n. a cannibal,
man*ag*ing (man-i-jing) adj. having exec- shark, tiger, etc. that eats human flesh.
utive control or authority, managing edi- man'-eat*ing adj.
tor. ma*nege, ma*nege (ma-nezfc) n. 1 a rid- .

Ma*na*gua (ma-nah-gw5) the capital of ing school. 2. the movements of a trained

Nicaragua. horse. 3. horsemanship.
Ma*na*ma (ma-na-ma) the capital of Bah- ma*nes, Ma*nes (may-neez, mah-nes) n.

rain. pi. 1 the deified souls of departed ances-


ma*na*na (ma-nyah-na) adv. & n. tomor- tors. 2. (as n. sing.) the spirit of a de-
row, as a symbol of easygoing procrasti- parted person as an object of reverence.
nation in Spanish-speaking countries. ma*neu*ver (ma-noo-ver) v. 1. to move
man *a* tee (man-a-tee) n. a large aquatic a thing's position or course etc. carefully,
herbivorous mammal, a sea cow. maneuvered the car into the garage. 2.
Marvchu (man-choo) n. (pi. -chus, -chu) to perform maneuvers. 3. to guide skill-
1 a member of the Tartar people forming
. fully or craftily, maneuvered the conver-
the last Chinese imperial dynasty. 2. sation toward money, maneuver n. 1.
their language. Manchu adj. a planned and controlled movement of
Man*Chu*rl*a (man-choor-i-a) n. a region a vehicle or a body of troops etc. 2. a
in northeast China. Man*Chu'rl*an adj. skillful or crafty proceeding, a trick. 3.
& n. maneuvers, the large-scale exercises of
man*da*mus (man-day-miis) n. a judicial troops, warships, etc., on maneuvers.
writ issued as a command to an inferior ma* neu'ver *a*ble adj. ma •neuter*
court, or ordering a person or corpora- er n. ma*neu*ver*a*bil*i*ty (ma-noo-
tion to perform a public or statutory ve-ra-bil-i-tee) n.
duty. man* fill (man-rul) adj. brave, resolute.
man*da*rin (man-da-rin) n. 1. a high- man'ful *ly adv.
ranking influential official. 2. (also man- man*ga*nese (mang-ga-neez) n. a hard
darin orange) a small flattened orange brittle gray metal or its black oxide.
with a skin easy to peel. mandarin mange (maynj) n. a skin disease affecting
collar, a high upright collar not quite hairy animals, caused by a parasite.
meeting in front. manager (mayn-jer) n. a long open trough
Man* da* tin (man-da-rin) n. the standard or box in a stable etc. for horses or cattle
language of China. to eat from.
man* date (man -day t) n. authority given man^gle 1 (mang-gel) n. a wringer, man-
to someone to perform a certain task gle v. (man-gled, man-gling) to press
or apply certain policies, mandate v. (clothes etc.) in a mangle.
mangle / mannequin 540
mangle2 v. (marvgled, man-gling) to thing) clearly, to give signs of, the crowd
damage by cutting or crushing roughly, manifested its approval by cheering. 2.
to mutilate, man'gier n. to become apparent or visible, no disease
man* go (mang-goh) n, (pL -goes, -gos) manifested itself, manifest n. a list of
1. a tropical fruit with yellowish flesh. cargo or passengers carried by a ship or
2. the tree that bears it. aircraft etc. man 'i* test *ly adv. man*
man* grove (mang-grohv) n. a tropical i*fes*ta*tion (man-i-fe-stay-sh6n) n,
tree orshrub growing in tidal areas and man*i*fes*to (man-I-fes-toh) n, (pL -tos,
swamps, with many tangled roots above -toes) a public declaration of principles
ground. and policy.
man-gy (mayn-jee) adj. (man*gi*er, man *i 'fold (man-i-fohld) adj. of many
man •gi* est) 1. having mange. 2. kinds, very varied, manifold n. 1 a pipe .

squalid, shabby. or chamber (in a piece of mechanism)

man* nan* die (man-han-del) v. (man- with several openings that connect with
han -died, man han *dling)
• 1 . tomove other parts. 2. a copy, a facsimile, mani-
(a thing) by human effort alone. 2. to fold v. to make several copies of.
treat roughly. man'han*dler n. man*i*kin, man*ni*kln (man-T-kin) n, 1.
man* hat* tan (man-hat-an) n, (often Man- a little man, a dwarf. 2. an artist's lay
hattan) a cocktail made of whiskey and figure. 3. an anatomical model of the
sweet vermouth etc. C> Named after body. 4. a mannequin.
Manhattan, a borough of New York Ma* nil* a(ma-nil-a) the administrative
City. capitalof the Philippines. Manila
man *hole (man-hohl) n. an opening (usu- hemp, a strong fiber of a Philippine tree.
ally with a cover) through which a per- Manila paper, a brown wrapping paper
son can enter a sewer or pipe or boiler made from Manila hemp. Manila rope,
etc. to inspect or repair it. a rope made of Manila hemp.
man* hood (man-huud) n. 1. the state of man*i-OC (man-i-ok) n. 1 cassava. 2. flour

being a man; reach manhood, become an made from this.

adult male person. 2. manly qualities, ma*nip*U*late (ma-nip- yu-layt) v. (ma*
courage. 3. the men of a country. nip*u*lat*ed, ma*nip*u*lat*ing) 1. to
man-hour (man-owr) n. the amount of handle or manage or use (a thing) skill-
work that one person can do in one hour, fully. 2. to arrange or influence cleverly
considered as a unit. or craftily; manipulate figures, alter or
man* hunt (man-hunt) n. an organized adjust them to suit one's purposes, ma*
search for a person, especially a criminal. nip'u*la*tor n. ma*nip*u*la*tive
ma*ni*a (may-ni-a) n. 1. violent madness. (ma-nip-yu-la-tiv) adj. ma*nip*u*la*
2. an extreme enthusiasm for something, tion (ma-nip-yu-lay-sh6n) n.

a mania for sport Man-i-to-ba /man-i-toh-ba) a province of

-mania comb, form meaning a special type Canada.
of madness, as in kleptomania; eager pur- man*i*tou (man-i-too) n. a good or evil
suit, as in bibliomania. spirit as an object of reverence among
ma*nl*ac (may-ni-ak) n. a person affected American Indians.
with mania. man kind (man-kind)
• n. human beings in
ma*ni*a*cal (ma-ni-a-k&l) adj. of or like general, the human race.
a mania or a maniac. ma*ni'a*cal* man • like (man-lik) adj. 1 . having the qual-
ly adv. ities woman) mannish.
of a man. 2. (of a
man*ic (man-ik) adj. of or affected by ma- 3. (of an animal) resembling a human
nia. being.
man-ic-de-pres-sive (man-ik-di-pres- man • ly (man-lee) adj. having the qualities

iv) adj. of a mental disorder with alter- expected of a man (as strength and cour-
nating bouts of excitement and depres- age), suitable for a man. man'li*ness
sion, manic-depressive n. a person n.
suffering from this disorder. man* made man-may d)
( adj. made by man
man*i*cure (man-I-kyoor) n. cosmetic not by nature, synthetic.
care and treatment of the hands and fing- man*na (man-a) n. 1 (in the Bible) a sub-

ernails, manicure v. (man -i -cured, stance miraculously supplied as food to

man*i*cur*ing) to apply such treat- the Israelites in the wilderness after the
ment to. exodus from Egypt. 2. something unex-
man*i*cur*ist (man-i-kyoor-ist) n. a per- pected and delightful.
son whose job is to manicure people's manned (mand) v. see man. manned adj.
hands. (of a spacecraft etc.) carrying a human
man -i -test (man-T-fest) adj. clear and un- crew, manned flights.
mistakable, manifest v. 1. to show (a man*ne*quin (man-e-kin) n. 1. a woman
541 manner / Manx
who models clothes. 2. a dummy for dis- or marble etc. above and around a fire-
playing clothes in a shop. place.
man-ner (man-er) n. 1. the way a thing man-tel -piece (man-tel-pees) n. a shelf
is done or happens. 2. a person's bearing above a fireplace.
or way of behaving toward others. 3. man • til • la (man-til-a, -tee-a) n. a lace scarf
kind, sort; all manner of things, every worn by Spanish women over the hair
kind of thing. 4. a style in literature or and shoulders.
art, sketch in the manner of Rembrandt man -tis (man-tis) n. (pi. -tis-es, -tes, pr.
5. manners, social behavior, good man- -teez) (also praying mantis) an insect
ners; polite social behavior, has no man- resembling a grasshopper.
ners. Din a manner of speaking, as man*tis*sa (man-tis-a) n. the decimal
one might say (used to qualify or weaken part of a logarithm.
what one says). man* tie (man-tel) n. 1. a loose sleeveless
man Tiered (man-erd) adj. 1 . having man- cloak. 2. something likened to this, a cov-
ners of a certain kind, well-mannered. ering,a mantle of secrecy. 3. a fragile
2. fullof mannerisms, a mannered style. gauzy cover fixed around the flame of
man • ner • ism (man-e-riz-em) n. a distinc- a gas lamp, producing a strong light
tive personal habit or way of doing some- when heated. 4. the geological region be-
thing. tween the crust and core of Earth. 5. a
man-ner-ly (man-er-lee) adj. polite, man' mantel, mantle v. (man* tied, man*
ner-li-ness n. tling) to envelop or cover as if with a
man-nish (man-ish) adj. having masculine mantle.
characteristics, suitable for a man. man' man* tie* rock (man-tSl-rok) n. the layer
nish-ly adv. man'nish-ness n. of crumbled rock fragments, including
man-of-war (man-dv-wor) n.{pl men-of- soil, that covers Earth's solid rock.
war) (old use) an armed ship. man-tra (man-tra) n. a Hindu or Buddhist
man* or (man-dr) n. a large country house devotional incantation.
or the landed estate belonging to it; man-u-al (man-yoo-al) adj. 1. of the
manor house, this house. ma*no*rl* hands. 2. done or operated by hand,
al (ma-nohr-i-al) adj. manual labor; manual gearshift, oper-
man-pow-er (man-pow-er) n. 1. power ated by the driver, not automatically.
supplied by human
physical effort. 2. the manual a handbook. 2. an organ
n. 1.
number of people working on a particu- keyboard that played with the hands,
lar task or available for work or service. not with the feet. 3. a military exercise
man* que (mahng-kay) adj. that might in handling the rifle, man'u-al-ly adv.
have been but is not, not fulfilled; a Bee- manual alphabet, a system of signs
thoven manque, an unsuccessful com- made with the hands, representing letters
poser. > French. etc., for communication with deaf peo-
man* sard (man-sahrd) n. (also mansard ple, manual training, training in wood-
roof) a type of roof that has a steep lower work, metalwork, etc.
part and a less steep upper part on all manuf abbr. 1 manufacture.
. . 2. manufac-
four sides of a building. turing.
manse (mans) n. a Presbyterian minister's man • u fac • (man-yu-fak-chur) v.
• ture
house and land, especially in Scotland. (man-u-fac-tured, man -u-fac- hir-
man* servant (man-sur-vant) n. (pi. ing) 1. to make or produce (goods) on
men* servants, pr. men-sur-vants) a a large scale by machinery. 2. to invent,
male servant. manufactured an excuse, manufacture
man-sion (man-shdn) n. a large stately n. the process of manufacturing, man*
house. u-fac'tur-er n.
man-sized (man-sizd) adj. (also man- man • u • mit (man-yu-mit) v. (man • u • m it •
size) 1 of the size of a man. 2. adequate
. ted, man -u-mit- ting) to set (slaves)
for a man, a man-sized sandwich. free, man-u-mis-sion (man-yu-mish-
man slaughter (man-slaw-ter)
• n. the act 6n) n.
of killing a person unlawfully but not ma-nure (ma-noor) n. any substance such
intentionally, or by negligence. as dung or compost or artificial material
man-sue-tude (man-swe-tood) n. (old used as a fertilizer; manure v. (ma*
use) meekness, docility, gentleness. nured, ma-nur-ing) to apply manure
man*ta (man-ta) n. a shawl or cloak from to. Dgreen manure, see green.
the southwestern U.S. and Latin Amer- man -u -script (man-yu-skript) n. 1 some- .

ica. Dmanta ray, a very large ray (fish) thing written by hand, not typed or
with large flaps on each side of the head. printed. 2. an author's work as written
man*teau (man-toh) n. a loose cloak. or typed, not a printed book.
man*tel (man-tel) n. a structure of wood Manx (mangks) adj. of the Isle of Man.
many / margarine 542
Manx n. 1 . the Manx, Manx people. 2. ma*raud / er n, one who does this.
their Celtic language. DManx cat, a tail- marble (mahr-bel) n. 1. a kind of lime-
of domestic cat.
less variety stone that can be polished, used in sculp-
man-y (men-ee) adj. (more, most) great ture and building. 2. a piece of sculpture
in number, numerous; many a time, in marble, the Elgin Marbles. 3. a small
many times, many pronoun many per- ball made of glass or clay etc. used in
sons or things, many were lost many games played by children, marble adj.
n. a large number of people or things, like marble, hard and smooth and white
the many. or mottled.
man*y-sid*ed (men-ee-si-did) adj. having mar* bled (mahr-beld) adj. 1. having a
many sides, aspects, capabilities, inter- veined or mottled appearance. 2. (of
ests, etc. meat) with alternating layers of lean and
Mao* ism (mow-iz-em) n. the doctrines of fat.
Mao a Chinese Communist
Zedong, mar bling (mahr-bling) n. 1 (in meat) the
• .

statesman (1893-1976). Mao'ist n. alternation of fatand lean. 2. a pattern

Mao-ri (mow-ree) n. {pi -ris) a member resembling marble.
of a brown aboriginal race in New Zea- mar -ca- site (mahr-ka-sit) n. crystallized
land. Maori adj. iron pyrites, a piece of this used as an
map (map) a representation (usually on
n. ornament.
a plane surface) of Earth's surface or a mar* eel (mahr-sel) n. a kind of deep wave
part of it, or of the sky showing the posi- in the hair, marcel v. (mar* celled,
tions of the stars etc. map v. (mapped, mar* eel* ling) to wave the hair in this
map* ping) 1. to make a map of. 2. to manner.
plan in detail, map out one's time, map' march (mahrch) v. 1 . to walk in a military
per n. Dput a thing on the map, manner with regular paces, to walk in
(informal) to make it become famous or an organized column. 2. to walk pur-
important. posefully, marched up to the manager.
ma* pie (may-pel) n. a kind of tree with 3. to cause to march or walk, marched
broad leaves, grown for ornament or for them up the hill' he was marched off.
its wood. D
maple sugar, a sugar made 4. to progress steadily, time marches on.
by evaporating the sap of the maple, ma- march n. 1 marching, the distance cov-

ple syrup, a syrup made by boiling ered by marching troops etc.; a protest
down the sap of the maple. march, a demonstration taking the form
Ma-pu-to (ma-poo-toh) the capital of of a parade. 2. progress, the march of
Mozambique. events. 3. music suitable for marching
mar (mahr) v. (marred, mar* ring) to to. march 'er n. Dget one's marching
damage, to spoil. orders, to be told to go. on the march,
mar. abbr. 1. maritime. 2. married. marching, advancing.
Mar. abbr. March. March (mahrcli) n. the third month of the
mar*a*bou (mar-a-boo) n. {pi -bous, year.
-bou) 1. a large stork of Africa. 2. its march es
• (mahr-chiz) n. pi (old use) bor-
down used as a trimming. der regions.
ma*ra*ca (ma-rah-ka) n. a hand-held mar-chfo-ness (mahr-sh6-nis) n. 1. the
club-like gourd containing beans, beads, wife or widow of a marquis. 2. a woman
etc., shaken in pairs as percussion instru- holding the rank of marquis in her own
ments. right.
mar*a*SChi*no (mar-a-skee-noh, -shee-) Mar-di gras (mahr -dee grah) merrymak-
n. {pi. -nos) 1. a strong sweet liqueur ing on the Tuesday before Ash Wednes-
made from small black Dalmatian cher- day.
ries. 2. (also maraschino cherry) a mare 1
the female of a horse or
(mair) n.
cherry cooked in syrup and flavored with related animal. mare's nest, a discov-
maraschino. ery that is thought to be interesting but
mar*a*thon (mar-a-thon) n. 1. a long-dis- turns out to be false or worthless; a very
tance foot race, especially that of 26 miles complicated or confused situation; his
385 yards in the modern Olympic room is a mares nest, is very disorderly.
Games. (T> Named after Marathon in ma* re 2 {pi ma*rl*a, pr.
(mahr-ay) n.

Greece, where an invading Persian army mahr-i-a) a large dark area on the flat
was defeated in 490 B.C.; a man who moon, once thought to be a sea. Dmare
fought at the battle ran to Athens, an- clau'Sum (klow-suum), a sea under the
nounced the victory, and died.) 2. any jurisdiction of a particular country.
very long race or other test of endurance. mare li* be* rum (keb-2-ruum), a sea
ma*raud*ing (ma-raw-ding) adj. going open to all nations.
about in search of plunder or prey. mar -ga *rine (mahr-ja-rin) n. a substance
543 margin / marker
used like butter, made from animal or or between husband and wife. >Do
vegetable fats. confuse marital with martial
mar* gin (mahr-jin) n. 1 an edge or border
. maritime (mar-T-tim) adj. 1. living or
of a surface. 2. a blank space around situated or found near the sea, maritime
printed or written matter on a page. 3. provinces. 2. of seafaring or shipping,
an amount over and above the essential maritime law.
minimum, was defeated by a narrow mar- mar* Jo* ram (mahr-jd-ram) n. an herb
gin; margin of safety. 4. (in business) the with fragrant leaves, used in cooking.
difference between cost price and selling mark 1 (mahrk) n. the unit of money in
price, profit margins. East Germany.
mar-girval (mahr-ji-nal) adj. 1. written mark 2 n. 1 something that visibly breaks

in a margin, marginal notes. 2. of or at the uniformity of a surface, especially

an edge. 3. very slight in amount, its use- one that spoils its appearance. 2. a distin-
fulness is marginal mar'gin*al*ly adv. guishing feature or characteristic. 3.
mar*gi*na*ll*a (mahr-ji-nay-li-a) n. pi something that indicates the presence of
marginal notes. a quality or feeling, as a mark of respect.
mar* grave (mahr-grayv) n. the hereditary 4. a symbol placed on a thing to indicate
title of some princes of the Holy Roman its origin or ownership or quality; Mark

Empire. I or //, the first (or second) design of a

mar *gue* rite (mahr-ge-reet) n. a large machine or piece of equipment etc. 5.
daisy-like flower with a yellow center and a written or printed symbol, punctuation
white petals. marks. 6. a lasting impression, poverty
ma*ri»a*chi (mahr-i-ah-chee) n. 1. a had left its mark. 7. a unit awarded for
strolling Mexican band. 2. a member of the merit or quality of a piece of work
such a band. 3. its music. or a performance, got high marks; de-
mar* •gold (mar-i-gohld)
i n. a garden serves a good mark for effort, deserves
plant with golden or bright yellow flow- credit. 8. a target, a standard to be aimed
ers. at; not feeling up to the mark, not feeling
ma*ri*jua*na (mar-i-wah-na) n. the dried well. 9. a line or object serving to indicate
leaves, stems, and flowering tops of the position, mark v. 1 to make a mark on.

hemp plant, used to make a

hallucino- 2. to distinguish with a mark, to charac-
genic drug, especially in the form of ciga- terize. 3. to assign marks of merit to.
rettes. 4. to notice, to watch carefully, mark
ma-rim-ba (ma-rim-ba) a xylophone
n. 1. my words! Dmake one's mark, to
of African and Central American na- make a significant achievement, to be-
tives. 2. a modern orchestral instrument come famous, mark down, to notice and
evolved from this. remember the place etc. of; to reduce
ma*ri*na (ma-ree-n2) n. a harbor for the price of. mark off, to separate by
yachts and pleasure boats. a boundary, mark out, to mark the
mar*i*nade (mar-i-nayd, mar-i-nayd) n. boundaries of; to destine, to single out,
a seasoned flavored liquid in which meat is marked out for promotion, mark time,
or fish is steeped before being cooked. to move the feet rhythmically as if in
marinade (mar-i-nayd) v. (mar*l*nad* marching but without advancing; to oc-
ed, mar-i-nad-ing) to marinate. cupy time in routine work without mak-
marinate (mar*i*nat*
(mar-i-nayt) v. ing progress, mark up, to increase the
ed, mar*i*nat*ing) to steep in a mari- price of. off the mark, off the point,
nade. irrelevant; having made a start, on the
ma Tine (ma-reen) adj. 1. of or living in mark, ready to start; correct, right on
the sea, marine animals. 2. of shipping, the mark,
nautical, marine insurance. 3. for use at Mark (mahrk) n. 1 one of the twelve Apos-

sea. marine n. 1. a country's shipping, tles, companion of Peter and Paul, possi-
the merchant marine. 2. a member of a bly the author of the second Gospel. 2.
body of troops trained to serve on land the second Gospel.
or sea. Dtell it to the marines, (in- mark* down (mahrk-down) n. 1 a reduced

formal) I do not believe you. U.S. Ma- price. 2. the amount of this reduction.
rine Corps, the Marines, a branch of marked (mahrkt) adj. clearly noticeable,
the U.S. Navy trained for land and sea a marked improvement. mark*ed*iy
operations. (mahr-kid-lee) adv. Da
marked man,
mar*i*ner (mar-I-ner) n. a sailor, a sea- one who is singled out as an object of
man. vengeance.
mar*i*o*nette (mar-i-6-net) n. a puppet mark*er (mahr-ker) n. 1 a person or tool

worked by strings. that marks. 2. something that serves to

mar*i*tal (mar-i-tal) adj. of marriage, of mark a position. 3. (slang) an IOU.
market / martial
manket (mahr-kit) n, 1. a gathering for a marchioness. 2. a finger ring set \

the sale of goods or livestock. 2. a space an oval pointed cluster of gems.

or building used for this. 3. the condi- mar-qui*sette (mahr-ki-zet) n. a
tions or opportunity for buying or selling, light net fabric used for curtains etc.
found a ready market 4. a place where mar riage (mar-ij) n, 1 the state in which
• .

goods may be sold, a particular class of a man and a woman are formally united
buyers, foreign markets; the teenage mar- for the purpose of living together (usually
ket 5. the stock market, market v. to in order to procreate children) and with
go marketing to go buying
offer for sale; certain legal rights and obligations to-
food domestic use. Dbe in the
etc. for ward each other. 2. the act or ceremony
market for, to wish to buy. market of being married.
day, the day on which a market is regu- mar-riage-a-ble (mar-i-ja-bel) adj. old
larly held, market research, study of enough or fit for marriage.
consumers' needs and preferences, mar- mar* row (mar-oh) n, the soft fatty sub-
ket town, one where a market is held stance in the cavities of bones; felt chilled
regularly, market value, the amount for to the marrow, right through.
which something can be sold, its current mar* row* bone (mar-oh-bohn) n. a bone
value, on the market, offered for sale. containing edible marrow.
mar-ket-a-ble (mahr-ki-ta-bel) adj. able mar*ry (mar-ee) v. (mar*ried, mar*
or fit to be sold. rying) 1. to unite or give or take in
mar-ket-place (mahr-kit-plays) n. an marriage. 2. to take a husband or wife
open space where a market is held in a in marriage, she never married. 3. to
town. unite, to put (things) together as a pair.
marking (mahr-king) n. 1. a mark or mar Tied (mar-eed) adj.
marks. 2. the coloring of an animal's skin Mars (mahrz) n. a planet in the solar sys-
or feathers or fur. tem.
marks* man (mahrks-man) n. (pi -men, Mar-sa-la (mahr-sah-la) n. a dark sweet
pr. -men) a person who is a skilled shot, fortified wine of a kind originally made
marks'man-ship n. in Sicily.
mark* up (mahrk-up) the amount a n. Mar* sell -laise (mahr-say-ez) n. the na-
seller adds to the cost price of an article tional anthem of France.
to determine the selling price. marsh (mahrsh) n. low-lying watery
mar* lin (mahr-lin) n. (pi -lin, -Una) a ground, marsh 'y adj. marsh gas,
large saltwater fish with a pointed snout. methane, marsh marigold, a golden-
mar* line* spike, mar -lin -spike (mahr- flowered plant growing in moist mead-
lin-spik) n. a pointed iron tool used to ows etc.
separate strands of rope or wire. mar-shal (mahr-shal) n. 1. an officer of

mar* ma* lade (mahr-ma-layd) n. a kind high or the highest rank, Air Marshal;
of jam made from citrus fruit, especially Field Marshal 2. an administrative offi-
oranges. cer of a federal court. 3. the head of a
mar*mo*re*al (mahr-mohr-i-al) adj. of or police or fire department. 4. an official ,

like marble. with responsibility for arranging certain

mar* mo* set (mahr-md-set) n. a small public events or ceremonies, marshal v.
bushy-tailed monkey of tropical Amer- (mar-shaled, mar-shal-ing) 1. to ar-
ica. range in proper order. 2. to cause to as-
mar* mot (mahr-mdt) n. a small burrowing semble. 3. to usher, marshaled him into
animal of the squirrel family. the governor s office.
ma-Toon (ma-roon) n. a brownish-red
marsh* land (mahrsh-land) n. marshy
color, maroon adj. brownish red. land.
maroon 2 v. to abandon or isolate (a per- marsh mal low (mahrsh-mel-oh) n. a soft
• •

son), as on an island or in a deserted confection made from sugar, egg white,

place. and gelatin.
mar*quee (mahr-kee) a canopy over n. 1. mar*SU*pi*al (mahr-soo-pi-al) n. an ani-
the entrance to a building. 2. a large tent mal, such as the kangaroo, the female
used for a party or an exhibition etc. of which has a pouch in which its young
mar-quess (mahr-kwes) = marquis. are carried until they are fully developed.
mar -que* try (mahr-ki-tree) n, inlaid work marsupial adj. of a marsupial.
in wood or ivory etc. mart (mahrt) n. a market.
mar-quis (mahr-kwis, mahr-kee) n. a no- mar* ten (mahr-ten) n. a weasel-like ani-
bleman ranking between duke and earl mal with thick soft fur.
or count. mar -tial (mahr-shal) adj. of war, warlike,
mar- qui se (mahr-keez) n. (pi quis* martial music, mar'tiahly adv. mar'
es, pr. -kee-ziz) 1 . (in European nobility) tial* ism n. martial* 1st n. D martial
545 Martian / masquerade

arts, ways of fighting,

especially without a masculine word or gender. mas*cu*
weapons, martial law, military rule im- lln*i*ty (mas-kyu-lin-i-tee) n.
posed on a country temporarily in an ma*ser (may-zer) n. a device that amplifies
emergency, suspending ordinary law. or generates concentrated electromag-
t> Do not confuse martial with marital. . netic radiation, especially microwaves.
Mar-tian (mahr-shan) adj. of the planet >From microwave amplification by
Mars. Martian n. (in science fiction etc.) stimulated emission of radiation.
an inhabitant of Mars. Mas*e*ru (maz-e-roo) the capital of Leso-
mar* tin (mahr-tln) n. a bird of the swallow tho.
family. mash (mash) n. 1. grain or bran etc.
mar*tl*net (mahr-tl-net) n. a person who cooked in water to form a soft mixture,
demands strict obedience. used as animal food. 2. any soft mass
mar* tin -gale (mahr-tfn-gayl) n. 1 . a strap or pulp made by crushing or mixing with
or set of straps fastened to prevent a water, milk, etc. 3. a mixture of malt
horse from rearing. 2. a rope for holding and hot water used in brewing, mash
down a jib boom. 3. a gambling system v. to beat or crush into a soft mixture,
of continually doubling the stakes in mashed potatoes.
hope of an eventual win that must yield MASH (mash) n. a mobile army surgical
an overall profit.
mar*ti*ni (mahr-tee-nee) n. a cocktail of mash*er (mash-er) n. (slang) a man who
gin or vodka etc. and dry vermouth. makes advances to a woman.
mar*tyr (mahr-tlr) n. 1 a person who suf-
mask (mask) anything that disguises
n. 1 .

fers death rather than give up religious

or conceals, especially a covering worn
faith. 2. one who undergoes death or
over the face (or part of it) as a disguise
great suffering in support of a belief or
or for protection. 2. a carved or molded
cause or principle. 3. one who suffers
replica of a face, often grotesque. 3. a
greatly; is a martyr to rheumatism, suffers
respirator worn over the face to filter air
constantly from this, martyr v. to put
for breathing or to supply gas for inhal-
to death or torment as a martyr, mar*
ing. 4. the face or head, as of a fox. 5.
tyr*dom (mahr-tlr-dSm) n.
a screen used in photography to exclude
mar*vel (mahr-vel) n. a wonderful thing.
part of the image. 6. a masque, mask
marvel v. (mar-veled, mar* veiling)
v. 1 to cover with a mask. 2. to disguise
to be filled with wonder.
or screen or conceal, mask one's feelings.
mar-vel-ous (manr-ve-lus) adj. astonish-
ing, excellent. mar'vel*ous*ly adv.
mask'er n.
mar'vel*ous*ness n. mas-och-ist (mas-6-kist) n. 1. a person
Marx* ism (mahrk-siz-em) n. the political who derives sexual excitement and satis-
faction from his own pain or humiliation.
and economic theory of Karl Marx, a
2. one who enjoys what seems to be pain-
German socialist writer (1818-83), on
which Communism is based. Marx'ist ful or tiresome. mas'ocrHsm n. mas*

adj. & n. Marxian adj. & n.

OCh*is*tiC (mas-6-kis-tik) adj. mas*
Mar *y land (mer-T-land) a state of the och*is'ti*cal*ly adv.
U.S. ma* son (may-son) n. 1. a person who
mar -zi- pan (mahr-zi-pan) n. a paste of builds or works with stone. 2. Mason,
ground almonds, egg whites, and sugar, a Freemason. Mason-Dixon line, the
made into small cakes or candies or used boundary between Pennsylvania and
to coat large cakes. Maryland, taken as the northern limit
masc. abbr. masculine. of slave-owning states before abolition of
mas* car* a (ma-skar-a) n. a cosmetic for slavery in the U.S.
darkening the eyelashes. Ma*son*lc (ma-son-ik) adj. of Freema-
mas* con (mas-kon) n. a concentration of sons.
dense matter below the moon's surface, ma*son*ry (may-sdn-ree) n. 1. mason's
with strong gravitational pull. work, stonework. 2. Masonry, Freema-
mas* COt (mas-kot) n. a person or thing sonry.
believed to bring good luck. masque (mask) n. 1 a masquerade. 2. an

mas *CU* line (mas-kyu-lin) adj. 1. of or amateur dramatic and musical entertain-
like or suitable for men, having the quali- ment, especially in the 16th and 17th cen-
ties or appearance considered character- turies.
istic of a man. 2. having the grammatical mas*quer*ade (mas-ke-rayd) n. 1. a
form suitable for the names of males or masked ball. 2. a false show or pretense.
for words corresponding to these, "hero" masquerade v. (mas*quer*ad*ed,
is a masculine noun, "heroine" is the cor- mas*quer*ad*ing) 1. to appear in dis-
responding feminine noun, masculine n. guise or costume. 2. to pretend to be
mass / masthead 546
what one is not, masqueraded as a police- mas* tec* to* my (ma-stek-td-mee) n. (pi
man. mas*quer*ad'er n. -mies) surgical removal of a breast.
mass (mas) n. 1 a coherent unit of matter
. mas*ter (mas-ter) n. 1. a man who has
with no specific shape. 2. a large quantity control of people or things. 2. the captain
or heap, an unbroken extent; the garden of a merchant ship. 3. the male head
was a mass offlowers, was full of flowers. of a household. 4. the male owner of a
3. (in technical usage) the quantity of dog etc. 5. an employer, masters and
matter a body contains (called weight in men. 6. a male teacher, a schoolmaster.
nontechnical usage). 4. the masses, the 7. Master, the holder of a university de-
common people, mass v. to gather or gree awarded for study beyond the level
assemble into a mass, mass 'less adj. of a bachelor's degree; Master of Arts or
Dmass hysteria, hysteria affecting Science, a master's degree or its holder.
many persons at the same* time, mass 8. a respected teacher. 9. a person with
media, the media (see media), mass very great skill, a great artist. 1 0. a chess
meeting, one attended by a large num- player of proven ability at international
ber of people, mass number, the total level. 1 1 a document or film or record

number of protons and neutrons in the etc. from which a series of copies is made.
atomic nucleus, mass production, the 12. Master, a title prefixed to the name
manufacture in large numbers of identi- of a boy who is not old enough to be
cal articles by standardized processes.
called Mr. master v. 1. to overcome,
Mass (mas) n. (especially in the Roman to bring under control. 2. to acquire
Catholic Church) 1 a celebration of the
knowledge or skill in. master chef,
Eucharist. 2. the form of service used
the chief chef, master chief petty offi-
in this, a musical setting for the words
cer, a U.S. Navy petty officer of the high-
of it.
est rank, master gunnery sergeant,
Mass. abbr. Massachusetts.
a U.S. Marine Corps noncommissioned
Mas -sa-chu* setts (mas-a-choo-sits) a officer, master key, a key that opens
state of the U.S.
a number of locks, each also opened by
mas -sa^ ere (mas-a-ker) n. slaughter of
a separate key. master mariner, the
a large number of people or animals.
captain of a merchant ship, master of
massacre v. (mas-sa-cred, mas*
ceremonies, a person in charge of a
sa* Cling) to slaughter large
social or other occasion, who introduces
mas* sage (ma-sab;:/*, -sahj) n. rubbing
the events or performers, master plan,
and kneading the body to lessen pain or
an overall plan, a guide for all actions
massage v. (mas-saged,
to be taken, master sergeant, a non-
mas*sag*ing) to treat in this way.
mas-sag'er n. mas*sag'ist n. Dmas- commissioned officer of second highest
sage parlor, an establishment for mas- rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or
sage and prostitution. Marine Corps-,
mas*seur (ma-sur) n. a man who practices mas-ter-ful (mas-ter-ful) adj. 1. domi-
massage professionally. neering. 2. very skillful, mas'ter- ful-
mas*seuse (ma-soos, -sooz) n. a woman ly adv.

who practices massage professionally. mas*ter*ly (mas-ter-lee) adj. worthy of a

mas* sit (ma-seef) n. mountain heights master, very skillful.

forming a compact group. mas-ter -mind (mas-t£r-mind) n. 1. a per-

mas*sive (mas-iv) adj. 1. large and heavy son with outstanding mental ability. 2.
or solid. 2. unusually large. 3. substan- the person directing an enterprise, mas-
tial, a massive improvement, mas'sive- termind v. to plan and direct, master-
ly adv. mas / sive*ness n. minded the whole scheme.
mass-pro -duce (mas-proh-doos) v. mas-ter* piece (mas-ter-pees) n. 1. an
(mass-pro *duced, mass-pro* due* outstanding piece of workmanship. 2. a
ing) to manufacture by mass production person's best piece of work.
(see mass). mas-ter -stroke (mas-ter-strohk) n. an
mast (mast) n. 1 a long upright pole that
. outstandingly skillful act of policy etc.
supports a ship's sails. 2. a tall pole from mas-ter -work (mas-ter- wurk) n. a mas-
which a flag is flown. 3. a tall steel struc- terpiece.
ture for the aerials of a radio or television mas-ter-y (mas-te-ree) n. 1. complete
transmitter, mast'ed adj. before the control, supremacy. 2. thorough knowl-
mast, (old use) serving as an ordinary edge or skill, his mastery of Arabic.
seaman (quartered in the forecastle). mast *head (mast-hed) n. 1. the highest
mast 2 n. the fruit of beech, oak, chestnut, part of the mast, especially of the lower
and other forest trees, used as food for mast as a place of observation or punish-
pigs. ment. 2. the title etc. of a newspaper etc.
547 mastic / materialize

at the head of the front page or editorial were matched with or against each other.
page. 2. to equal in ability or skill etc. 3. to
mas* tic (mas-tik) n. 1. a gum or resin ex- be alike or correspond in color, quality,
uding from the bark of certain trees, used quantity, etc. 4. to find something similar
in making varnish. 2. a type of adhesive. to, / want to match this wool 5. to put
mas-ti-cate (mas-tl-kayt) v. (mas-th or bring together as corresponding,
cat-ed, mas-ti-cat-ing) to chew matching unemployed workers with avail-
(food), mas *ti* caption (mas-tf-kay- able jobs. match / er n. match point,
sh6n) n. mas*ti*ca-tOTy (mas-tf-ka- the stage in a match when one side will
tohr-ee) adj. win if it gains the next point; this point.
mas* tiff (mas-tif) n. a large strong dog match* book (mach-buuk) n. a cardboard
with drooping ears. folder for holding matches.
mas* to* don (mas-td-don) n. a large ex- match* box (mach-boks) n. a box for hold-
tinct mammal, like an elephant, mas* ing matches.
to* don* tic (mas-t6-don-tik) adj. match* less (mach-lis) adj. unequaled.
mas'toid (mas-toid) n. 1. part of a bone matchless *ly adv.
behind the ear. 2. (informal) mastoiditis. match *mak*er (mach-may-ker) n. 1. a
mas*toid*i*tis (mas-toi-di-tis) n. inflam- person who is fond of scheming to bring
mation of the mastoid. about marriages, one who arranges mar-
mas -tur- bate (mas-tur-bayt) v. (mas* riages. 2. a person who arranges box-
tur- bat -ed, mas*tur*bat*ing) to pro- ing matches and wrestling matches.
duce a sexual orgasm by stimulating the match / mak*ing adj. & n.

genitals by hand. mas*tur*ba*tion match* wood (mach-wuud) n. 1. wood

(mas-tur-bay-shdn) n. that splinters easily. 2. wood reduced to
mat 1 (mat) n. 1 a piece of material used
. splinters.
as a floor covering, a doormat. 2. a small mate 1
(mayt) n. 1 . a partner in marriage.
pad or piece of material placed under 2. one of a mated pair of birds or animals.
an ornament or vase etc. or under a hot 3. a fellow member or sharer, teammate;
dish, to protect the surface on which it roommate. 4. an officer on a merchant
stands. 3. a thick pad for landing on in ship ranking next below the master.
gymnastics etc. 4. a tangled mass, as of mate v. (mat*ed, mat*lng) 1. to put
weeds or hair, mat v. (mat* ted, mat* or come together as a pair or as corre-
ting) to make or become entangled to sponding. 2. to put (two birds or animals)
form a thick mass, matted hair. together so that they can breed, to come
mat 2 n. a cardboard framing a picture, mat together in order to breed.
v. (mat* ted, mat* ting) to provide with mate 2 n. a checkmate.
a mat. ma*te*ri*al (ma-teer-i-al) n. 1. the sub-
mat3 adj. (also matt, matte) (of a color stance or things from which something
or surface etc.) having a dull finish, not is or can be made or with which some-
shiny. thing is done, clay is used as material
Mat*a*be*le (mat-a-bee-lee) n. (pi -les, for bricks; materials to do the job; select
-le) a member of a Bantu-speaking peo- those regarded as officer material, those
ple of Zimbabwe. with qualities that make them suitable
mat -a -dor (mat-a-dor) n. a performer to become officers. 2. cloth, fabric. 3.
whose task is to fight and kill the bull facts or information or events etc. to be
in a bullfight. used in composing something, gathering
match 1 (mach) n. a short piece of wood material for a book on poverty, material
(a matchstick) or pasteboard with a head adj. 1 of matter, consisting of matter,

made of material that bursts into flame of the physical (as opposed to spiritual)
when rubbed on a rough or specially pre- world, material things; had no thought
pared surface. of material gain. 2. of bodily comfort,
match 2 n. 1 a contest in a game or sport.
. our material well-being. 3. important,
2. a person or animal with abilities equal- significant, at the material time; is this
ing those of another whom he meets in material to the issue? ma*te'ri*al*ly
contest, meet one's match; you are no adv.
match for him, not strong enough or ma *te Thai* ism (ma-teer-i-&-liz-em) n. 1.
skilled enough to defeat him. 3. a person belief that only the material world exists.
or thing exactly like or corresponding 2. excessive concern with material pos-
to another. 4. a marriage; they made a sessions rather than -spiritual or intellec-
match of it, married. 5. a person consid- tual values. ma*te'ri*al*lst n. ma*
ered as a partner for marriage, especially te*ri*al*is*tic (ma-teer-i-a-lis-tik) adj.
with regard to rank or fortune, match ma*te*ri*al*is'ti*cal*ly adv.
v. 1. a place in competition, the teams ma*te*ri*al*lze (ma-teer-i-a-liz) v. (ma*
materiel, materiel / mature 548
te-ri-al-ized, ma*te*ri*al*iz*lng) 1. ma*tron (may-trdn) n. 1. a married
to appear or become visible, the ghost woman, especially one who is middle-
didn't materialize; the boy failed to mate- aged or elderly and dignified. 2. a woman
rialize, did not come. 2. to become a fact, attendant in a prison. 3. the head nurse
to happen, if the threatened strike materi- in a hospital or other institution. ma-
alizes. ma*te*ri*al*i*za*tion (ml-teer- tron Of honor, a married woman as the
i-a-li-zay-shdn) n. chief attendant of the bride at a wedding.
ma te • ri • el, ma • te • ri • el (ma-teer-i-el) n.
• ma-tron-ly (may-trdn-lee) adj. like or
materials and equipment in warfare. suitable for a dignified married woman.
ma*ter*nal (ma-tur-nal) adj. 1. of a ma'tron*ll*ness n.

mother, of motherhood. 2.. motherly. 3. matt, matte = mat 3 .

related through one's mother; maternal Matt abbr. Matthew.

uncle, one's mother's brother, ma-tar' mat'ter (mat-er) n. 1. that which occupies
nal*ly adv. space in the visible world, as opposed
ma*ter*ni*ty (ma-tur-ni-tee) n. mother- to spirit or mind or qualities etc. 2. a
hood, maternity adj. of or suitable or particular substance or material, coloring
caring for women in pregnancy or child- matter. 3. a discharge from the body,
birth, maternity dress; maternity ward. pus. 4. material for thought or expres-
math (math) n. (informal) mathematics. sion, the content of a book or speech
math. abbr. 1 mathematical. 2. mathema-
. as distinct from its form, subject matter.
tician. 3. mathematics. 5. things of a specified kind, reading mat-
math-e-ma-ti-cian (math-e-ma-tish-an) ter. 6. a situation or business being con-
n. a person who is skilled in mathematics. sidered, its a serious matter; a matter
math-e-maMcs (math-e-mat-iks) n, 1. for complaint 7. a quantity, for a matter
the science of number, quantity, and of forty years, matter v. to be of impor-
space. 2. the use of this science, math* tance, itdoesn't matter. Damatter of
e-mat'i-cal adj. math -e- mat 'i-cal- course, an event etc. that follows natu-
ly adv. rally or is to be expected, for that mat-
mat -i -nee, mat* -nee I
(mat-I-nay) n. an ter, as far as that is concerned, matter
afternoon performance at a theater. Of fact, something that is a fact not an
mat* ins (mat-inz) n. 1. (in the Church of opinion etc. no matter, it is of no impor-
England) morning prayer. 2. (in the Ro- tance, the matter, the thing that is
man Catholic Church) prayers said be- amiss, the trouble or difficulty, what's the
tween midnight and four a.m. matter?
ma*tri*arch (may-tri-ahrk) n. a woman mat -ter-of -fact (mat-er-ov-fakt) adj.
who is head of a family or tribe, ma* strictly factual and not imaginative or
tri-ar-chal (may-tri-ahr-kal) adj. emotional, down-to-earth, mat'ter-of-
ma*tri*ar*chy (may-tri-ahr-kee) n. (pL fact'ly advi. mat'ter-of-fact'ness n.
-chles) 1 a social organization in which
. Matthew (math-yoo) n. 1. one of the
the mother is head of the family and de- twelve Apostles, traditionally but errone-
scent is through the female line. 2. a soci- ously thought to be the author of the
ety in which women have most of the first Gospel, which was written after a.d.
authority. 70 and was based largely on St. Mark.
mat*rt*cide (mat-ri-sid) n. 1. a person 2. the first Gospel.
who mother. 2. the crime itself.
kills his mat* ting (mat-ing) n. mats, material for
mat*ri*ci*dal (mat-ri-si-dal) adj. making these.
ma*tric*u*late (ma-trik-yu-layt) v. (ma* mat* tOCk (mat-dk) n. a farm tool with the

tric-u-lat-ed, ma*tiic*u*lat*ing) to blade set at right angles to the handle,

enroll or be enrolled as a student at a used for loosening soil and digging out
college or university. ma*tr1c*u*la* roots.
tlon (ma-trik-yu-lay-shdn) n. mat* tress (mat-ris) n. a fabric or heavy
mat*ri*mo*ny (mat-rf-moh-nee) n. mar- cloth case filled with soft or firm or
riage. mat*ri-mo*nl*al (mat-rT-moh-ni- springy material, used on or as a bed.
al) adj. mat-rl-mo'ni*al*ly adv. mat -u -rate (mach-u-rayt) v. (mat-u- rat-
ma-trix (may-triks) n. {pi -trlx*es, -tri* ed, mat*u*rat*ing) (of a boil etc.) to
ces, pr. -tri-seez) 1. a mold in which come to maturation.
something is cast or shaped. 2. a place mat 'U-ra -tlon (mach-u-ray-shdn) n. the
in which a thing is developed. process of maturing, ripening, mat*
ma*trix*ing (may-trik-sing) n. an elec- u*ra't)on*al adj. ma*tur*a*tive (ma-
tronic process by which four-channel choor-a-tiv) adj.
sound can be recorded in a two-channel ma-ture (ma-toor, -choor) adj. 1. having
form, to be played back by reconversion reached full growth or development. 2.
to four channels. having or showing fully developed men-
549 matutinal / mayoress

tal powers, capable of reasoning and act- max*lm (mak-sim) n. a general truth or
ing sensibly. 3. (of wine) having reached rule of conduct, such as **waste not, want
a good stage of development. 4. (of a not.**
bill, bond, loan, etc.) due for payment. max *l* mal (mak-sl-mal) adj. greatest pos-
mature v. (ma -tared, ma* tuning) to sible. max'i*mal*ly adv.
make or become mature. ma*ture'ly max*i*mize (mak-sl-miz) v. to increase to*tur'i*ty n. a maximum. max*i*ml*za*tion (mak-
ma-tu-ti-nal (ma-too-ti-nal) adj. of or oc- si-ml-zay-sh6n) n.
curring in the morning. max*l*mum (mak-sl-mum) n. (pi
mat-zo, mat-zoh (maht-sd, -soh) n. (pi -mums, max- -ma, pr. mak-sl-ma) the

mat-zos, mat*zoth, pr. maht-soht) an greatest or greatest possible number or

unleavened bread for Passover. amount or intensity etc. maximum adj.
maud- in (mawd-lin) adj. sentimental in
1 greatest, greatest possible.
a silly or tearful way, especially from may (may) auxiliary verb (also might) ex-
drunkenness. maud'lin-Jy adv. pressing possibility (it may be true) or
maul (mawl) v. to treat roughly, to injure permission (you may go) or wish (long
by rough handling, maul n. a type of may she reign) or uncertainty (whoever
heavy hammer, commonly of wood, es- it may be). [>Do not confuse may with
pecially for driving piles. can. Careful writers and speakers avoid
maurvder (mawn-der) v. to talk in a ram- can in the sense of permission; you may
bling way. maun'dener n. sit with us is an invitation to do so, you
mauivdy (mawn-dee) n. (in the Roman can sit with us is a recognition that no
Catholic Church) the ceremony of wash- one can prevent the act. (See the note
ing the feet of the poor on Maundy under might.)
Thursday. Maundy Thursday, the May (may) n. the fifth month of the year.
Thursday before Easter, celebrated in UMay apple, a plant bearing yellow
commemoration of the Last Supper. egg-shaped fruit in May; its fruit. May
Mau • rl • ta • nl • a (mor-i-tay-ni-a) a country Day, May 1, a festival celebrated with
in northwest Africa. Mau-ri-ta'ni-an dancing; an international holiday in
adj. & n. honor of workers. Queen of the May,
Mau-ri-tius (maw-rish-us) a country in a girl crowned with flowers as queen of
the southwest Indian Ocean. Mau*ri' festivities on May Day.
tian adj. & n. Ma*ya (mah-ya) n. (pi. -ya, -yas) 1. a
mau-so-le-um (maw-s6-lee-um) n. a member of an Indian people living in
magnificent tomb. t> Named after that Mexico until the 15th century a.d. 2.
erected at Halicarnassus in Asia Minor the language of this people. Ma'yan adj.
for King Mausolus in the 4th century maybe (may-bee) adv. perhaps, possibly.
B.C. may* day (may-day) n. an international ra-
mauve (mohv) adj. & n. pale purple. dio signal of distress. >
Representing the
maver-ick (mav-e-rik) n. 1. an un- pronunciation of French 'aider = helpm
branded calf or other young animal. 2. me.
a person of unorthodox independence, may flow *er (may-flow-er) n. 1. any
one who dissents from the ideas and be- flower that blooms in May. 2. Mayflower,
liefs of an organized political or other the ship that sailed from England in 1620
group to which he belongs. to bring the Pilgrims to America.
ma* vin (may-vin) n. (informal) a connois- mayfly (may-fli) n. (pi -flies) (also May
seur, an expert. t> Yiddish. fly) an insect with two or three long hair-
maw (maw) n. the jaws or mouth or stom- like tails, living briefly in spring.
ach of a voracious animal. mayhem (may-hem) n. 1. the crime of
mawk*ish (maw-kish) adj. sentimental in maiming or mutilating a person so as
a sickly way. mawk'ish-ly adv. mawk' to render him partly or wholly defense-
ish-ness n. less. 2. violent or damaging action.
max. abbr. maximum. mayn't (may-ent) = may not.
max* I (mak-see) n. (pi. max* Is) (in- mayo (may-oh) n. (informal) mayon-
formal) a coat or skirt reaching to the naise.
ankles. mayon*naise (may-6-nayz) n. a creamy
maxi- comb, form very large or long, as sauce made with egg yolks, oil, and vine-
in maxicoat. gar or lemon juice.
max* II* la (mak-sil-a) n. (pi. max* II* mayor (may-dr) n. the head of a city or
lae, pr. mak-sil-ee) the jawbone, espe- other municipality, may'onal adj.
cially theupper jaw in most vertebrates. may'or*al*ty n.
max*ll*lar*y (mak-si-ler-ee) adj. & n. may* or* ess (may-6-ris) mayor's nl.a
(pi -lar*ies). wife, or other woman performing the
Maypole / means 550
mayor's ceremonial duties. 2. a woman meal 1
(meel) n. 1 . an occasion when food
mayor. is eaten. 2. the food itself. Gmake a
Maypole (may-pohl) n. a tall pole for meal of, to consume as a meal, meal
dancing around on May Day, with rib- ticket, a ticket entitling one to a meal;
bons attached to its top. (informal) a person or thing that pro-
maze (mayz) n. 1 a complicated network
. vides one with food.
of paths, a labyrinth. 2. a network of meal 2 n. coarsely ground grain.
paths and hedges designed as a puzzle meal -time (meel-tim) n. the usual time
in which to try and find one's way. 3. for a meal.
a state of bewilderment, maz'y adj. meal-y (mee-lee) adj. (meal* her, meal*
ma-zel (mah-zel) n. (informal) luck. I* est) 1. like or containing meal, dry
Dmazel tov (tawv), an expression of and powdery. mealymouthed.
pleasure or congratulations among Jews. meal-y -bug (mee-lee-bug) n. an insect in-
u> Yiddish, =
good luck. whose body is covered
festing vines etc.,
ma-zur-ka (ma-zur-ka) n. a lively Polish with a white powdery secretion.
dance in triple time, music for this. meal-y -mouthed (mee- lee-mow thA,
MBA abbr. Master of Business Administra- -mowtht) adj. trying excessively to avoid
tion. offending people.
Mba-bane (em-bah-bahn) the capital of mean 1
(meen) adj. (of a point or quantity)
Swaziland. equally far from two extremes, average.
mc abbr. megacycle. mean n. a middle point or condition or
MC abbr. 1. Marine Corps. 2. Medical course etc. Dmean
time or mean solar
Corps. 3. Member of Congress. time, the time based on a fictitious sun
M.C. abbr. 1. Master of Ceremonies. 2. moving in the celestial equator at the
Member of Congress. mean rate of the real sun.
Mc-Coy (ma-koi) n. (informal) the real mean 2 v. (meant, mean-lng) 1. to have

thing, the genuine article, this pearl's the as one's purpose or intention. 2. to design
real McCoy. or destine for a purpose; it was meant
Mc* Kin -ley (ma-kin-lee), Wil-llam for you, you were intended to receive or
(1843-1901) the twenty-fifth president of hear it. 3. to intend to convey (a sense)
the U.S. 1897-1901. or to indicate or refer to (a thing). 4.
MCPO abbr. master chief petty officer. (of words) to have as an equivalent in
mc/s abbr. megacycles) per second. the same or another language, "maybe"
Md symbol mendelevium. means '^perhaps. "5. to entail, to involve,
MD abbr. 1. Maryland. 2. Middle Dutch. it means catching the early train. 6. to

Md. abbr. Maryland. be likely or certain to result in, this means

M.D. abbr. Doctor of Medicine. war. 7. to be of a specified importance,
mdnt. abbr. midnight. the honor means a lot to me. Dmean
mdse. abbr. merchandise. business, (informal) to be ready to take
MDT abbr. Mountain Daylight Time. action, not merely talk, mean well, to
me (mee) pronoun the objective case
1 . of have good intentions, what do you
I. (t>See the note under between.) 2. mean by it?, can you justify such be-
(informal) = I, its me. >Only the most havior?
careful speaker says, "It is I" when this mean 3 adj. 1. poor in quality, value, or
statement stands alone, but it would be appearance, low in rank; he is no mean
incorrect to use me in the sentence "It golfer, he is a very good one. 2. unkind,
is I who will have to pay." small-minded, spiteful, a mean trick.
ME abbr. 1. Maine. 2. Middle English. 3. not generous, miserly. 4. vicious,
Me. abbr. Maine. mean'ly adv. mean'ness n.

M.E. abbr. 1 Mechanical Engineer. 2. Mid-

. me*an*der (mee-an-der) v. 1. (of a
Mining Engineer.
dle English. 3. stream) to follow a winding course, flow-
mead (meed) n. an alcoholic drink of fer- ing slowly and gently. 2. to wander in
mented honey and water. a leisurely way. meander n. a winding
mead-ow (med-oh) n.a field of grass. course. me*an'der*er n.
mead -ow- land (med-oh-land) n. mean-lng (mee-ning) n. what is meant,
meadow. meaning adj. full of meaning, expres-
mead-ow -lark (med-oh-lahrk) n. an sive, gave him a meaning look: a well-
American songbird of open fields. meaning teacher, one with good inten-
mead-ow -sweet (med-oh-sweet) n. a tions, meaning -less adj. Dwith
North American meadow plant with fra- meaning, full of meaning, significantly.
grant creamy-white flowers. mean *ing* ful (mee-ning-ful) adj. signifi-
mea-ger (mee-gSr) adj. scanty in amount, cant. mean'lng*ful*ly adv.
mea'ger-ly adv. means (meenz) n. sing, that by which a
551 meant / mechanize
result isbrought about; transported their meas -ure* ment (mezfc-ur-ment) n. 1.
goods by means of trucks, by using trucks. measuring. 2. size etc. found by measur-
means n. pi resources, money or other ing and expressed in units.
wealth considered as a means of support- meat (meet) n. animal flesh as food (usu-
ing oneself, has private means. Dby all ally excluding fish and poultry), meat'
means, certainly, by no means, not less adj. Dmeat packing, killing and
nearly, it is by no means certain, means butchering of animals for food.
test, an inquiry to establish a person's meat* ball (meet-bawl) n. 1. chopped or
neediness before financial help is given. ground meat shaped into a ball before
meant (ment) see mean 2 .
cooking. 2. (slang) a clumsy person.
mean* time (meen-tim) n. an intervening meat* head (meet-hed) n. (slang) a clumsy
period of time, in the meantime, mean- person.
time meanwhile.
adv. meat* man (meet-man) n. (pi. -men, pr.
mean* while (meen-hwil) adv. 1 in the in- .
-men) (informal) a butcher.
tervening period of time. 2. at the same meat*y (mee-tee) adj. (meat* her, meat*
time, while something else takes place. i*est) 1 . like meat. 2. full of meat, fleshy.
meanwhile n. meantime, in the mean- 3. full of subject matter, a meaty book.
Mec*ca (mek-a) 1 . a city in Saudi Arabia,
mean*y, mean-ie (mee-nee) n. (pi.
the birthplace of Muhammad and chief
mean ies) (informal) a small-minded or

place of Muslim pilgrimage. 2. a place
miserly person.
that a person or people with certain inter-
meas. abbr. measure. ests are eager to visit.
mea*sles (mee-zelz) n. an infectious dis- mech. abbr. 1. mechanical. 2. mechanics.
ease producing small red spots on the
3. mechanism.
whole body.
mea-sly (mee-zlee) adj. 1. affected with
me Chan
• • ic (me-kan-ik) n. a skilled work-
man who uses or repairs machines or
measles. 2. (slang) meager.
meas *ur*a* Die (mezA-u-ra-bel) adj. able
me*Chan*i*cal (me-kan-i-kal) adj. 1. of
to be measured. meas'ur*a*bly adv.
machines or mechanism. 2. worked or
meas*ure (mezh-ur) .the size or quan-
n. 1
produced by machinery. 3. (of a person
tity of something, found by measuring.
or action) like a machine, as if acting
2. extent or amount, he is in some meas-
or done without conscious thought. 4.
ure responsible; had a measure of success.
(of work) needing little or no thought.
3. a unit or standard or system used in
measuring, the meter is a measure of 5. of or belonging to the science of me-
length. 4. a device used in measuring,
chanics. me*chan'i*cal*ly adv. me-
such as a container of standard size (pint chanical advantage, the ratio of a ma-
measure) or a marked rod or tape. 5. chine's output of force to that supplied
the rhythm or meter of poetry, the time to it. mechanical drawing, drawing
of a piece of music, a bar of music. 6. done with compasses etc. mechanical
suitable action taken for a particular pur- engineer, one who engages in mechani-
pose, a law or proposed law, measures cal engineering, mechanical engineer-
to stop tax evasion, measure v. (meas- ing, engineering dealing with the design
ured, meas-ur-ing) 1. to find the size and development of machinery.
or -quantity or extent of something by me* changes (me-kan-iks) n. sing. 1. the
comparing it with a fixed unit or with scientific study of motion and force, me-
an object of known size. 2. to be of a chanics is difficult to learn. 2. the science
certain size, it measures two feet by four. of machinery. 3. mechanics, n. pi the
3. to mark or deal out a measured quan- processes by which something is done
tity, measured out their rations. 4. to esti- or functions, the mechanics of that proc-
mate (a quality etc.) by comparing it with ess are too difficult for me.
some standard, meas'ur-er n. D be- mech* an* ism (mek-a-niz-em) n. 1. the
yond measure, very great, very much, way a machine works. 2. the structure
kind or kindness beyond measure, for or parts of a machine. 3. the process by
good measure, in addition to what was which something is done, the mechanism
needed; as a finishing touch, made to of government.
measure, made in accordance with mech*a*nize (mek-a-mz) v. (mech*
measurements taken, measure up to, agnized, mech*a*niz*ing) to equip
to reach the standard required by. with machines, to use machines in or for;
meas- ured (mez/i-urd) adj. 1 . rhythmical, a mechanized army unit, one that is
regular in movement, measured tread. 2. equipped with tanks and armored cars
carefully considered, in measured lan- etc.mech'a*ni*zer n. mechani-
guage. zation (mek-a-ni-zay-sh6n) n.
med. / medium 552
med. abbr. 1 . medical. 2. medicine. 3. me- me-dic-a-ment (me-dik-a-ment, med-i-
dieval. 4. medium. ka-) n. any medicine or ointment etc.
M.Ed. abbr. Master of Education. Med -i -care (med-i-kair) n. a federal pro-
med*al (med-al) n. a small flat piece of gram of health insurance for those over
metal, usually shaped like a coin, bearing sixty-five.
a design and commemorating an event, med -1- cat e (med-I-kayt) v. (med-i-
saint, etc. or given as an award for an cat-ed, med -i-cat -ing) to treat or im-
achievement. U
Medal of Honor, the pregnate with a medicinal substance,
highest military award given by the U.S. medicated gauze. med*i*ca»tive (med-
Congress, for conspicuous gallantry I-kay-tiv) adj. med*i*ca*tion (med-i-
above and beyond the call Qf duty. kay-shon) n.
med*al*ist (med-a-list) n.,one who wins me die * I • nal (me-dis-I-nal) adj. of a medi-
a medal as a prize, gold medalist cine, having healing properties, me*
me*dal*lion (me-dal-yon) n. 1. a large dic'i-nal-ly adv.
medal. 2. a large circular ornamental de- med-i -cine (med-I-sin) n. 1. the scientific
sign, as on a carpet. study of the prevention and cure of dis-
med -die (med-el) v. (med* died, med- eases and disorders of the body. 2. this
dling) 1 to interfere in people's affairs.
. as distinct from surgery. 3. a substance
2. to tinker, med'dler n. used to treat a disease etc., especially one
med* die -some (med-el-sdm) adj. often taken by mouth. Da dose of one's
meddling. own medicine, treatment such as one
Mede (meed) n. one of the inhabitants of is accustomed to giving others, medi-
ancient Persia Dthe law of the Medes cine ball, a stuffed leather ball used in
and Persians, an unchanging law. exercise, medicine chest, a wall cabinet
me-di-a (mee-di-a) n. pi see medium. in a bathroom, medicine man, a witch
Dthe media, newspapers and broad- doctor, take one's medicine, to submit
casting, by which information is con- to punishment for one's wrongdoing.
veyed to the general public. OThis word med -i -co (med-T-koh) n. (pL -COS) (in-
is the plural of medium and should have formal) a doctor or medical student.
a plural verb: the media are (not is) influ- me*di*eval (mi-dee- val) adj. of the Mid-
ential. It is incorrect to refer to one of dle Ages.
these services, such as television, as a me-di-e'vahist (mi-dee- val-ist) n. a spe-
media or the media, or to several of them cialist in the study of the literature etc.
as medias. of the Middle Ages.
me-di-ae-val (mee-di-ee-val) = medi- me*di*o*cre (mee-di-oh-ker) adj. 1. of
eval. medium quality, neither good nor bad.
me-di-al (mee-di-al) situated in the
adj. 2. second-rate. (D> It is incorrect to say
middle, intermediate between two ex- that something is very mediocre, just as

tremes. me'di*al*ly adv. we should not say that something is very

me-di-an (mee-di-an) adj. medial, me- average or very second-rate.) me«dh
dian n. a median point or line etc. OC«ri«ty (mee-di-ok-ri-tee) n.

me-di-ate (mee-di-ayt) v. (me-di-at* med-l-tate (med-i-tayt) v. (med *i -tat*

ed, me-di-at-ing) 1. to act as negotia- ed, med-i-tat-ingj 1. to think deeply
tor or peacemaker between the opposing and quietly, to contemplate. 2. to plan
sides in a dispute. 2. to bring about (a in one's mind, med • I • ta • tion (med-i-tay-
settlement) in this way. me'di*a*tor n. shdn) n.
me-di-a-tion (mee-di-ay-shon) n. med-i-ta-tive (med-i-tay-tiv) adj. medi-
med'ic (med-ik) n. (informal) 1. a doctor. tating, accompanied by meditation.
2. a medical student. 3. a medical corps- med'hta*tive«ly adv.
man. Med • • ter • ran • e • an (med-i-te-rmy-ni-an)

Med*i*caid (med-I-kayd) n, a joint federal adj.of or characteristic of the Mediter-

and state health insurance program aid- ranean Sea or the regions bordering on
ing those unable to pay for hospital and Mediterranean n. the Mediterranean

medical care. Sea. D

Mediterranean Sea, a sea lying
med-i-cal (med-i-kal) of or involving
adj. between Europe and North Africa.
the science of medicine, of this as distinct me-di-um (mee-di-um) n. {pi -di«a, -dh
from surgery; medical examination, urns) 1. a middle quality or degree of
physical examination by a doctor to de- intensiveness etc.; the happy medium.
termine a person's state of health, medi- avoidance of unpleasant extremes. 2. a
cal n. (informal) a medical examination, substance or surroundings in which
med'i-cal-ly adv. medical exam- something exists or moves or is transmit-
iner, a coroner, medical practitioner, ted, air is the medium through which
a physician or surgeon. sound travels. 3. an environment. 4. a
553 mediumistic / melancholia

liquid (as oil or water) in which pigments meet-ing (mee-ting) n. 1. coming to-
are mixed for use in painting. 5. an gether. 2. an assembly of people for dis-
agency or means by which something is cussion etc. or (of Quakers) for worship.
done, the use of television as a medium meeting house, a place of worship,
for advertising. (>See the entry for me- especially for Quakers, meeting place,
dia.) 6. the material or form used by a place appointed for a meeting.
an artist or composer, sculpture is his meg. abbr. megohm.
medium. 7. (pi. mediums) a person who mega- prefix large, as in megalith; one mil-
claims to be able to communicate with lion, as in megacycle.
the spirits of the1 dead, medium adj. in- meg -a 'Cycle (meg-2-si-kel) n. 1. one
termediate between two extremes or million cycles as a unit of wave fre-
amounts, average, moderate. quency. 2. (informal) megahertz.
me •dh urn* is* tic (mee-di-u-mis-tik) adj. meg -a -death (meg-S-deth) n. the death
of spiritualist mediums. of one million people (regarded as a unit
med-lar (med-lar) n. 1 an Old World fruit
in estimating the possible casualties in
like a small brown apple that is not edible nuclear war).
until it begins to decay. 2. the tree that meg -a -hertz (meg-a-hurts) n. a unit of
bears it. frequency of electromagnetic waves, =
med*ley (med-lee) n. (pi -leys) 1. an as- one million cycles per second.
sortment of things. 2. music combining meg-a-lith (meg-a-lith) n. a huge stone
passages from different sources. med- used in the building of prehistoric monu-
ley relay, a relay race between teams
ments. meg*a*lith*ic (meg-a-lith-ik)
in which each -member runs a different
distance or uses a different swimming
meg • a • lo • ma • ni • a (meg-a-loh-may-ni-a)
n. 1 .a form of madness in which a person
me-dul-la (mi-dul-a) n. (pi -dul-las,
has exaggerated ideas of his own impor-
-dul-lae, pr. -dul-ee) the marrow of
tance etc. 2. an obsessive desire to do
bone, the spinal marrow. medulla ob-
things on a grand scale. meg*a*lo*
longata, the hindmost section of the
ma*ni*ac (meg-a-loh-may-ni-ak) n.
meg-a-lop-O'lis (meg-a-lop-6-lis) n. 1. a
meek (meek) adj. quiet and obedient, mak-
very large city or its way of life. 2. the
ing no protest, meek'ly adv. meek'
thickly populated area surrounding one
ness n.
meer*schaum (meer-smlm, -showm) n.
or more cities.

a tobacco pipe with a bowl made from meg -a -phone (meg-a-fohn) n. a funnel-
a white claylike substance. shaped device used for directing and am-
plifying a speaker's voice so that it can
meet 1 (meet) adj. (old use) suitable,
proper, adv. meet 'ness n.
meet'ly be heard at a distance.
meet 2 v. meeting) 1 to come face
(met, .
meg -a -ton (meg-a-tun) n. a unit of explo-
to face with, to come together (as socially sive power equal to that of one million
or for discussion). 2. to come into con- tons of TNT.
tact, to touch. 3. to go to a place to be meg-a- vi -ta-min (meg-a- vi-ta-min) n. an
present at the arrival of, / will meet your extraordinarily large dosage of any vita-
train. 4. to make the acquaintance of, min.
to be introduced. 5. to come together meg -a -volt (meg-a- vohlt) n. one million
as opponents in a contest or battle. 6. volts.
to find oneself faced (with a thing), to meg -a -watt (meg-a- wot) n. one million
experience or receive, met with difficul- watts.
ties; met his death. 7. to deal with (a me-gil-lah (m£-gil-&) n. (slang) an in-
problem), to satisfy (a demand etc.), to volved explanation or extremely lengthy
pay (the cost or what is owing), meet account. >From Hebrew, Megillah, the
n. a meeting of people and hounds for Book of Esther in the Old Testament.
a hunt, or of athletes etc. for a competi- meg* ohm (meg-ohm) n. an electrical unit
tion. Dmeet a person halfway, to re- of resistance, = one million ohms.
spond readily to his suggestions; to make mei-o-sis (mi-oh-sis) n. a process of divi-
a compromise with him. meet the eye sion of diploid cell nuclei whereby the
or ear, to be visible or audible; there's number of chromosomes is halved, to be
more in it than meets the eye, there are combined with another half-set at fertili-
hidden qualities or complications; meet zation. mei«ot'ic (mi-ot-ik) adj.
a person s eye, to look directly at the eyes mel*a*mine (mel-a-meen) n. a resilient
of a person who is looking at one's own. kind of plastic.
meet up with, (informal) to meet (a per- mel-an-cho*li-a (mel-an-koh-li-a) n.
son), to encounter (a thing). mental depression. mehan-choMc
melancholy / memorandum 554

(mel-an-kol-ik) adj. mel*an*Chol'i* in a piece of harmonized music.

cahly adv. mel* on (mel-dn) ru 1 the large sweet
. fruit
mel*an*chol*y (mel-an-kol-ee) n. (pi of various gourds. 2. (slang) spoils or
-chol*ies) 1. mental depression, profits to be shared.
thoughtful sadness. 2. an atmosphere of melt (melt) v. 1 to make into or become

gloom, melancholy adj. sad, gloomy, liquid by heat. 2. (of food) to be softened
depressing. or dissolved easily, it melts in the mouth.
Mel*a*ne*sia (mel-a-nee-z/ia) a group of 3. to make or become gentler through
South Pacific islands northeast of Aus- pity or love. 4. to dwindle or fade away,
tralia.Mel*a*ne'sian n. 1. a native of to pass slowly into something else, one
Melanesia. 2. the language of Melanesia. shade of color melted into another. 5. (in-
Mel*a*ne'sian adj. formal, of a person) to depart unobtru-
me*lange (may-lahnz/i) n. a mixture. sively, melt n. 1. a melted metal etc.
mel*a*nin (mel-a-nin) n. dark pigment in 2. the amount melted at one time. 3.
skin and hair. me*lan*ic (me-lan-ik) the process of melting. Dmelt down,
adj. & n. to melt (metal objects) in order to use
mel*a*nism (mel-a-niz-em) ru darkness of the metal as raw material; (of metal ob-
color resulting from the abnormal devel- jects) to be melted thus, melting point,
opment of dark pigment in the skin, hair, the temperature at which a solid melts.
etc. melting pot, a place or situation where
mel*a*no*ma (mel-a-noh-ma) n. (pi things are being mixed or reconstructed,
-mas, -ma ta, pr. -ma-ta) a dark colored
• the United States was thought of as a
usually malignant tumor of the skin. melting pot for all the peoples of the
Mel -Da (mel-ba) toast thin crisp toast. world
meld 1 (meld) v. (in some card games) to melt* down (melt-down) n. a nuclear acci-
declare for a score, meld n. melding, a dent in which the reactor core could
group of cards for melding. melt, the melting of nuclear fuel fods.
meld 2 v. to merge, to blend, to combine. melt -waiter (melt-waw-tSr) n. the water
me* lee (may-lay, may-lay) n. 1. a con- formed by melting snow and ice, espe-
fused fight. 2. a muddle. cially from a glacier.
me* Ho* rate (meel-yo-rayt) v. (me 'Ho* mem. abbr. 1. member. 2. memoir. 3.
rat-ed, me-lio-rat-irig) to improve. memorial.
me*lio*ra*tive (meel-yd-ray-tiv) adj. menvber (mem-b£r) n. 1. a person or
me -Ho Taction (meel-yd-ray-shdn) n. thing that belongs to a particular group
mel-lif-lu-ous (me-lif-loo-us) adj. sweet or society. 2. a part or organ of the body,
sounding. mel*lif'lu*ously adv. mel* especially a limb.
lif'lU'Ous-ness ru mem -ber ship (mem-ber-ship) n. 1 being
• .

mel *low (mel-oh) adj. 1. sweet and rich a member. 2* the total number of mem-
in flavor. 2. (of sound or color) soft and bers.
rich, free from harshness or sharp con- menvbrane (mem-brayn) n. thin flexible
trast. 3. made kindly and sympathetic skinlike tissue, especially that covering
by age or experience. 4. genial, jovial. or lining organs or other structures in
mellow v. to make or become mellow. animals and plants, mem* bra* nous
mel'low*ly adv. mel'low-ness ru (mem-bra-nus) adj.
me -lo -de -on (me-loh-di-on) ru a small me -men* to (me-men-toh) n. (pi -tos,
organ in which air is drawn through -toes) a souvenir.
reeds. mem-o (mem-oh) n. (pi mem* OS) (in-
me-lod-ic (me-lod-ik) adj. of melody, formal) a memorandum.
me-lod'i-cal-ly adv. mem • oir (mem-wahr) n. a written account

me-IO'di-ous (me-loh-di-us) adj. full of of events that one has lived through or
melody. me*lo'di-ous-ly adv. me*lo' of the life or character of a person whom
di-ous-ness n. one knew, write ones memoirs.
mel'O-dra-ma (mel-5-drah-ma) ru 1. a mem*o-ra*bil*l*a (mem-5-ra-bil-i-S) n.

play of suspense in a sensational and

full pi memorable things.
emotional style. 2. a situation in real life mem*o*ra*ble (mem-6-rfi-bSl) adj. worth
resembling this. mel*o*dra*mat*ic remembering, easy to remember, mem'
(mel-oh-dra-mat-ik) adj. mel*o*dra* o*ra*bly adv. mem'o*ra-ble*ness n.
mat / i-cal*ly adv. mem*o*ra*bil*i*ty (mem-o-ra-bil-i-
mel*o*dra*mat*ics (mel-oh-dra-mat- tee) n.
iks) n. pi. melodramatic behavior. mem*o*ran*dum (mem-o-ran-dum) n.

mel-o-dy (md-6-dee) n. (pi. -dies) 1. (pi -dums, -da, pr. di) 1. a note or
sweet music, tunefulness. 2. a song or record of events written as a reminder,
tune, old Irish melodies. 3. the main part for future use. 2. an informal written
555 memorial / menswear
communication from one person to an- an artificially produced chemical ele-
other in an office or organization. ment.
me*mo*r1*al (me-mohr-i-al) n. an object men *dl* cant (men-di-kant) adj. begging;
or institution or custom established in mendicant friars, friars who depend on
memory of an event or person, memo- alms for a living, mendicant n. a beggar,
rial adj. serving as a memorial. D Memo- a mendicant friar, men-di-can-cy
rial Day, once May 30, commemorating (men-dl-kan-see) n.
those who died in active military service, mend'ing (mend-ing) n. clothes to be
now observed on the last Monday in mended.
May. men* folk (men-fohk), men* folks (men-
me*mo*ri*al*ize (me-mohr-i-a-hz) v. fohks) n. pi (informal) men in general,
(me-mo-ri-aMzed, me*mo*ri*al* the men of one's family.
iz-ing) 1 . to commemorate. 2. to address men* ha* den (men-hay-den) n. (pi -den,
a memorial to. -dens) a large herring from the east
merrfOTize (mem-6-nz) v. (mem*o* coast of North America.
rized, mem*o*riz*ing) to learn (a men*hir (men-heer) n. a tall upright stone
set up in prehistoric times.
thing) so as to know it from memory,
mem'o-riz-er n. mem-OTi-za-tion me*ni*al (mee-ni-al) adj. lowly, degrad-
ing, menial tasks, menial n. (contemptu-
(mem-6-ri-zay-sh6n) n.
ous) a servant, a person who does humble
mem*o*ry (mem-6-ree) n. (pi -rles) 1.
tasks. me'ni*al*ly adv.
the ability to keep things in one's mind
or to recall them at will. 2. remembering,
me*nln*ges (me-nin-jeez) n. pi (sing.
a thing remembered, memories of child-
me*ninx, pr. mee-ningks) the mem-
branes that enclose the brain and spinal
hood; of happy memory, remembered
cord. me*nin*ge*al (me-nin-ji-al) adj.
with pleasure. 3. the length of time over
men*in*gi*tis (men-in-ji-tis) n. inflam-
which people's memory extends, within
mation of the meninges.
living memory. Dfrom memory, re-
me*nis*cus (me-nis-kus)
n. (pi -nis*
called into one's mind without the aid
-nis*CUS*es) 1 a lens that
Ci, pr. -nis-i,
of notes etc. in memory of, in honor

is convex on one side and concave on

of a person or thing that is remembered
the other. 2. (in mathematics) a figure
with respect, memory bank, the part
of crescent form. 3. (in physics) a curved
of a computer in which data are stored
upper surface of liquid in a tube.
for retrieval.
Men*non*ite (men-6-nit) n. a member of
men (men) see man.
a Protestant sect with evangelical beliefs.
men* ace (men-is) n. 1. something that
men -o -pause (men-6-pawz) n. the time
seems likely to bring harm or danger,
of life during which a woman finally
a threatening quality. 2. an annoying ceases to menstruate. men*o*pau*sal
troublesome person or thing, men- (men-6-paw-zal) adj.
ace v. (menaced, men-ac-ing) to me* nor* ah (me-nohr-a) n. a seven-
threaten with harm or danger, men'ac* branched candelabrum used in Jewish
ing*ly adv. worship.
manage (may-nahz/i) n. a household. mervses (men-seez) n. pi the blood etc.
manage a trois (a trwah), a house- discharged in menstruation.
hold consisting of husband, wife, and the men*stru*al (men-stroo-al) adj. of or in
lover of one of these. menstruation.
me*nag*er*ie (me-naj-e-ree) n. a collec- men*stru*ate (men-stroo-ayt) v. (men*
tion of wild or strange animals in captiv- stru*at*ed, men*stru*at*ing) to ex-
ity, for exhibition. perience the discharge of blood from the
me*nar*che (me-nahr-kee) n. the onset uterus that normally occurs in women
of first menstruation. between puberty and middle age at ap-
mend (mend) v. 1 to make whole (some-
. proximately monthly intervals, men*
thing that is damaged), to repair. 2. to stru*a*tion (men-stroo-ay-shdn) n.
make or become better; mend one's man- men*sur*a*ble (men-shii-ra-bel) adj.
ners, improve them; mend matters, to set measurable, having fixed limits, men*
right or improve the state of affairs. SUr*a*bil*l*ty (men-shu-ra-bil-i-tee) n.
mend n. a repaired place, mend'er n. men*sur*a*tion (men-shu-ray-sh6n) n.
Don the mend, improving in health 1. measuring. 2. mathematical rules for
or condition. finding lengths, areas, and volumes.
men* da •clous (men-day-shus) adj. un- men*su*ral (men-shu-ral) adj. men*
truthful, telling lies, men*da'cious* su*ra*tive (men-shii-ray-tiv) adj.
men*dac*i*ty (men-das-i-tee)
ly adv. n. mens -wear (menz-wair) n. clothes for
men*de*le*vi*um (men-de-lee- vi-um) n. men.
mental / meretricious 556
men -tal (men-tal) adj. 1 of the mind, ex-
. mer- Chan -dise (mor-chan-diz, -dis) n.
isting in orperformed by the mind; men- goods or commodities bought and sold,
tal arithmetic calculations done without goods for sale, merchandise v. (mer*
the aid of written figures. 2. (informal) chan*dised, mer-chan-dis-ing) 1. to
suffering from a disorder of the mind, buy and sell, to trade. 2. to promote sales
mad, a mental case. men'tal*ly adv. of (goods etc.). mer'chan*dis*er n.
mental age, the level of a person's mer* Chant (mur -chant) n. 1. a wholesale
mental development expressed as the age trader who buys and sells for profit 2.
at which this level is reached by an aver- a retail trader, a storekeeper. 3. (slang)
age person, mental deficiency, lack of a person who is fond of or proficient in
normal intelligence through imperfect a certain activity, speed merchant
mental development, mentally defi- merchant bank, a bank dealing in
cient, suffering from this, mental home commercial loans and the financing of
or hospital, an establishment for the
businesses, merchant marine, ship-
care of patients suffering from mental ill- ping employed in commerce, merchant
ness, mental reservation, see reser- ship, a ship carrying merchandise.
vation, mental retardation, mental mer* chant *a*ble (mur-chan-ta-bel) adj.
deficiency. salable, marketable.
men • tal • ist (men-ta-list) n. a mind reader. mer* Chant* man (mur -chant-man) n. {pi
men-tal-i-ty (men-tal-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) -men, pr. -men) a merchant ship.
a person's mental ability or characteristic mer*ci*ful (mur-si-ful) adj. 1. showing
attitude of mind.
mercy. 2. giving relief from pain or suf-
men •thol (men-thohl) n. a solid white sub-
fering, a merciful death, mer'cJ'ful*
stance obtained from peppermint oil or
ly adv.
made synthetically, used as a flavoring mer 'Ci* less (mur-si-lis) adj. showing no
and to relieve pain.
mercy. mer'ci*less*ly adv.
men-tho-lat-ed (men-tho-lay-tid) adj.
mer*cu*ri*al (mer-kyoor-i-al) adj. 1. hav-
impregnated with menthol.
ing a lively temperament. 2. liable to sud-
mention (men-shdn) v. to speak or write
den changes of mood, mer •cu / r1* al-
about briefly, to refer to by name, men-
ly adv. mer*cu'ri*al*ness n.
tion n. mentioning, being mentioned;
mer*CU*ric (mer-kyoor-ik) adj. of or con-
won honorable mention, formal recogni-
taining mercury.
tion of merit, especially of a candidate
or competitor just below those receiving
Mer *cu*ro* chrome (mer-kyoor-d-
krohm) n. (trademark) a mercuric com-
prizes. D don't mention it, a polite re-
ply to thanks or to an apology, not to
pound used as an antiseptic solution.
mention, and as another important mer-cu-ry (mur-kyu-ree) n. {pi -rles) 1.
a heavy silvery normally liquid metallic
men *tor (men-tor, -tdr) n. a trusted ad- element, used in thermometers and ba-
rometers etc. 2. Mercury, a Roman god
men • u (men-yoo) of dishes to be
n. a list
of eloquence, skill, thieving, etc., and ,

served or available in a restaurant etc. messenger of the gods. 3. Mercury, a

me-ow (mee-ow) = mew. planet in the solar system.
me*phit*ic (me-fit-ik) adj. (of vapors etc.) mer*cy (mur-see) n. {pi. -Cles) 1. refrain-
smelling unpleasant, poisonous. ing from inflicting punishment or pain
mer. abbr. meridian. on an offender or enemy etc. who is in
mer* can* tile (mur-kan-teel, -til) adj. trad- one's power. 2. a disposition to behave
ing, of trade or merchants. in this way, a tyrant without mercy. 3.
mer-ce-nar*y (mur-se-ner-ee) adj. 1. a merciful act, a thing to be thankful
working merely for money or other re- for, if '5 a mercy no one was killed mercy

ward, grasping. 2. (of professional sol- interj. an exclamation of surprise or fear,

diers) hired to serve a foreign country. mercy on us/Dat the mercy of, wholly
mercenary n. (pi -nar*ies) a profes- power of; liable to danger or harm
in the
sional soldier serving a foreign country, from, mercy killing, euthanasia.
mer'ce-nar-i-ness n. mer-ce-nar- mere (meer) adj. nothing more or better
My (mur-se-nair-I-lee) adv. than what is specified, she is a mere child;
mer«cer (mur-sSr) n. (old use) a dealer mere words, words alone, without deeds;
in textiles, especially silks and other if's no mere theory, is not only a theory.

costly materials. mer'cer*y n. mere'ly adv.

mer*cer*ized (mur-se-nzd) adj. (of cot- mer* est (meer-est) adj. very small or in-
ton fabric or thread) treated with a sub- significant, the merest trace of color.
stance that gives greater strength and a mer *e*tri clous
• (mer-e-trish-us) adj.
slight gloss. showily attractive but cheap or insincere.
557 merganser / mess
mer*e*tri'cious*ly adv. mer«e*tri' of inferior social position. French. >
clous -ness n. mes *ca* line (mes-ka-lin) n. a hallucino-
mer-garvser (mer-gan-s£r) n. a diving genic drug, made from the buttonlike
duck that feeds on fish. tops of a Mexican cactus.
merge (murj) v. (merged, merging) 1. Mes* dames see Madame.
to unite or combine into a whole, the Mes-de-mol-selles see Mademoiselle.
two companies merged or were merged. mes • em -bry- an -the -mum (mS-zem-
2. to pass slowly into something else, to bri-an-the-mum) n. a low-growing plant
blend or become blended. with pink, orange, or white daisy-like
merg»er (mur-jer) n. the combining of two flowers opening at about noon.
or more business organizations etc. into mesh (mesh) n. 1 one of the spaces be-

one. tween threads in a net or sieve or wire

me*ri(H*an (me-rid-i-an) «, any of the screen etc. 2. network fabric, mesh v.
great semicircles on the globe, passing 1. to catch in a net, to entangle. 2. to
through a given place and the North and come together, to coordinate, to match.
South Poles; the meridian of Greenwich, 3. (of a toothed wheel) to engage with
that passing through Greenwich, Eng- another or others.
land, shown on maps as 0° longitude. mesh* work (mesh-wurk) n. mesh or net-
me«ringue (me-rang) n. 1. a mixture of ted work.
sugar and white of egg baked crisp. 2. mes*mer*lze (mez-me-nz) v. (mes*
a cake of this. mer • ized, mes • mer • iz • ing) to hypno-
me*ri*no (mS-ree-noh) n. (pi. -nos) 1. tize, to dominate the attention or will
a kind of sheep with fine soft wool. 2. of. mes / mer*lsm n. mes*mer*ic
a kind of fine soft woolen yarn or fabric. (mez-mer-ik) adj.
mer* it (mer-it) n. 1. the quality of deserv- mes*0*llth*ic (mez-5-lith-ik) adj. of the
ing to be praised, excellence. 2. a feature Stone Age between paleolithic and neo-
or quality that deserves praise; judge it lithic.
on its merits, according to its own quali- me* son (mee-zon) n. an elementary parti-
ties, merit v. (merited, meriting) cle intermediate in mass between a pro-
to deserve. ton and an electron.
mer*i*toc*ra*cy (mer-i-tok-ra-see) «. 1. mes*o* sphere (mez-6-sfeer) n. a region
government or control by people of high of Earth's atmosphere from the top of
ability, selected by some form of compe- the stratosphere to an altitude of about
these people.
tition. 2. fifty miles, mes-o-spher-lc (mez-d-
mer*l*to*ri*ous (mer-i-tohr-i-us) adj. sfer-ik) adj.
having merit, deserving praise, mer* Mes-O-ZO-iC (mez-6-zoh-ik) adj. of the
i*to'ri*ous*ly adv. mer-i-to'ri-ous- geologic era before the Cenozoic and af-
ness a. ter the Paleozoic and marked by the ap-
mer* maid (mur-mayd) n. an imaginary pearance and eventual disappearance of
sea creature, a woman with a fish's tail dinosaurs. Mesozoic n. the Mesozoic
in place of legs. era.
men man (mur-man) n. {pi -men, mes* quite (me-skeet) n. a North Ameri-
pr.-men) an imaginary male sea creature can tree bearing beanlike pods, found es-
similar to a mermaid. pecially in Mexico and southwestern
mer*ri*ment (mer-i-ment) n. being merry, U.S.
hilarity, fun. mess (mes) ry 1 a dirty or untidy condi-

mer*ry (mer-ee) adj. (mer*ri*er, mer* tion, an untidy collection of things, some-
ri*est) cheerful and lively, joyous, mer' thing spilled. 2. a difficult or confused
ri*ly adv. Dmake
merry, to hold lively situation, trouble. 3. any disagreeable
festivities. substance or concoction, a domestic ani-
mer*ry-go-round (mer-ee-goh-rownd) n. mal's excreta. 4. (informal) a person who
1. a machine at amusement parks with looks untidy or dirty or slovenly. 5. (in
a circular revolving platform with mod- the armed forces) a group who take
els of horses or other animals etc. for meals together, the place where such
riding on while it revolves. 2. a busy se- meals are eaten, the meals themselves.
ries of occupations or events in social mess v. 1 to make untidy or dirty. 2.

or business life. to muddle or bungle (business etc.),

mer*ry*mak*lng (mer-ee-may-king) n. messed it up. 3. (informal) to putter, mess
lively festivities, mer'rymak-er «, about or around. 4. (informal) to meddle
me*sa (may-s&) n. a high rocky plateau or tinker, don't mess with the transistor.
with steep sides. 5. to take one's meals with a military
mes*al*li*ance (may-za-h-ans, may- or other group, they mess together.
zal-i-ans) n. a marriage with a person Dmake a mess of, to bungle.
message / mete 558

mes- sage (mes-ij) n. 1 a spoken or writ-

. met*al*lur*gy (met-a-lur-jee) n. the scien-
ten communication. 2. the inspired tific study of the properties of metals and
moral or social teaching of a prophet or alloys, the art of working metals or of
writer etc., a film with a message. extracting them from their ores, met*
get the message, (informal) to un- al*lur*gi*cal (met-a-lur-ji-kal) adj.
derstand what is meant or implied. met*al*lur'gl*cal*ly adv.
mes'servger (mes-en-jer) n. the bearer met *al* ware (met-al-wair) n. household
of a message. utensils made of metal.
Mes* si* ah (me-si-a) n. 1 the expected de-
. met *al* work (met-al-wurk) n. 1. the
liverer and ruler of the Jewish people, process of shaping objects from metal.
whose coming was prophesied in the Old 2. these objects. /
tal*work*er n.
Testament. 2. Christ, regarded by Chris- met'al*work*ing n.
tians as this. 3. messiah, any deliverer. met*a*mor*phic (met-a-mor-fik) adj. of
Mes*si*an*ic (mes-ee-an-ik) adj. of the or characterized by metamorphosis.
Messiah, messianic adj. of a messiah. met*a*mor*phose (met-a-mor-fohz) v.
Mes-sieurs see Monsieur. (met*a*mor*phosed, met*a*mor*
mess* mate (mes-mayt) n. (informal) a phos'ing) to change or be changed in
person with whom one eats regularly in form or character.
thesame mess aboard ship. met*a*mor*pho*sis (met-a-mor-fo-sis)
Messrs. see Mr. n. {pi -ses, pr, -seez) a change of form
mes-sy (mes-ee) adj. (mes*si*er, mes* or character.
si* est) 1. untidy or dirty, slovenly. 2. met*a*phor (met-a-for) n. the application
causing a mess, a messy task. 3. compli- of a word or phrase to something that
cated and difficult to deal with. mes si •
it does not apply to literally, in order
ly adv. mes'si*ness n.
to indicate a comparison with the literal
mes-ti*zo (me-stee-zoh) n. {pi -zos,
usage, as the evening of one's life, food
-zoes) a person of mixed ancestry, espe-
for thought, cut off one's nose to spite
cially the offspring of a Spaniard and an
ones face. mixed metaphor, an un-
American Indian.
suitable combination of metaphors, as in
met (met) see meet 2 .
the only thing this government will listen
met. abbr. 1 meteorology. 2. metropolitan.

to is muscle.
the Met, (informal) the Metropolitan
met*a*phor*i*cal (met-a-for-i-kal) adj.
Opera House in New York City.
me*tab*o*lism (me-tab-d-liz-em) n. the
in a metaphor, not literal. met*a*phor r
i*cal*ly adv.
process by which food is built up into
living material or used to supply energy
met*a*phys*ics (met-a-fiz-iks) n. a
in a living organism. met*a*bol*ic
branch of philosophy that deals with the
(met-a-bol-ik) adj.
nature of existence and of truth and
me*tab*o*lize (me-tab-d-hz) v. (me* knowledge, met *a« physical adj.
tab'O'lized, me*tab*o*liz*ing) to me*tas*ta*sls (m£-tas-t£-sis) n. {pi -ses,
process (food) in metabolism. pr, -seez) transference of a disease, tu-
met*a*car*pus (met-a-kahr-pus) n. the mor, from one part or organ to an-

part of the hand between the wrist and other. me*tas / ta*size
v. (me*tas*
the fingers, the set of bones in this. ta* sized, me*tas*ta*siz*ing) to pass
met*a*gal*ax*y (met-a-gal-ak-see) n. the from one part or organ of the body to
entire universe, all the galaxies. another, met-a-stat-ic (met-S-stat-ik)
met*al (met-al) n. any of a class of mineral adj.
substances such as gold, silver, copper, met*a*tar*SU8 (met-&-tahr-sus) n. 1. the
iron, uranium, etc., or an alloy of any part of the foot between the ankle and
of these, metal adj. made of metal. toes. 2. the set of bones in this, met*
>Do not confuse metal with mettle. a* tar* sal (met-a-tahr-sal) adj.
me*tal*lic (me-tal-ik) adj. 1. of or like me*tath*e*sls (me-tath-e-sis) n. {pi
metal. 2. (of sound) like metals struck -ses, pr, -seez) 1. the transposition of
together, sharp and ringing. me*tal / li* sounds or letters in a word. 2. chemical
cal*ly adv. interchange of atoms or groups of atoms
met*al*lif*er*ous (met-a-lif-e-rus) adj. between two molecules. met*a*thet*
containing metal. iC (met-a-thet-ik) adj. met*a*thet / i*
met*al*loid (met-a-loid) n. a nonmetal el- cal adj.
ement that has the properties of a metal me*tath*e*size (me-tath-e-siz) v. (me*
and a nonmetal. metalloid adj. having tath-e -sized, me*tath*e*siz*lng) 1.
the form or appearance of metal. to transfer by metathesis. 2. to undergo
met*al*lurg*ist (met-a-lur-jist) n. an ex- metathesis.
pert in metallurgy. mete (meet) v. (met*ed, met-ing) mete
559 metempsychosis / metrology
out, to distribute, mete out punishment meth*ane (meth-ayn) n. a colorless in-
to wrongdoers. flammable gas that occurs in coal mines
me* tern* psycho* sis (me-tem-sl-koh- and marshy areas.
sis) n. (pi -ses, pr. -seez) supposed meth*a*nol (meth-a-nohl) n. methyl alco-
transmigration of the soul of a human hol.
being or animal at death into a new body meth • a • qua • lone (met h-a-kwah-lohn) n.

of the same or a different species. a nonbarbiturate drug used as a sedative

me*te*or (mee-ti-dr) n. a bright moving and to induce sleep.
body seen in the sky, formed by a small me -thinks (mi-thingks) v. (past tense me*
mass of matter from outer space that be- thought, pr. mi-thawt) (old use) it seems
comes luminous from compression of an- to me.
as it enters Earth's atmosphere. meth*od (meth-dd) n. 1. a procedure or
me*te*or*iC (mee-ti-or-ik) adj. 1 of mete- . way of doing something. 2. orderliness,
ors. 2. like a meteor in brilliance or sud- he's a man of method.
den appearance, a meteoric career, me* me*thod*i*cal (me-thod-i-kal) adj. or-
te*or'i*cal*ly adv. derly, systematic. me*thod'i*cal*ly
me*te*or*ite (mee-ti-5-nt) n. a fallen me- adv. me*thod'i*cal*ness n.
teor,a fragment of rock or metal reach- Meth *od* 1st (meth-5-dist) n. a member
ing Earth's surface from outer space. of a Protestant religious denomination
me*te*or*it*ic (mee-ti-6-rit-ik) adj. originating in the 1 8th century and based
me*te*or*oid (mee-ti-6-roid) n. a body on the teachings of John and Charles
moving through space, of the same na- Wesley and their followers. Meth'od*
ture as those that become visible as mete- Ism n.
ors when they enter Earth's atmosphere. meth*od*ize (meth-5-drz) v. (meth*od*
me*te*or*oid*al (mee-ti-6-roi-dal) adj. ized, meth*od*iz*ing) to reduce to or-
meteorol. abbr. 1. meteorological. 2. me- der, to arrange in an orderly manner.
teorology. meth*od*ol*o*gy (meth-6-dol-d-jee) n.
me*te*or*ol*0*gy (mee-ti-d-rol-6-jee) n. (pi. -gies) the body of methods used in
the scientific study of atmospheric condi- a particular branch of activity, meth*
tions, especially in order to forecast Od o • log • I • cal (meth-6-dd-loj-I-kal)

weather. me*te*or*ol'o*gist n. me- adj.

te • or • o • log • i • cal (mee-ti-6-rd-loj-i- mettvyl (meth-Tl) n. a chemical unit pres-
kal) adj. ent in methane and in many organic
me*ter x
(mee-ter) n. a device designed to compounds. Dmethyl alcohol, a color-
measure and indicate the quantity of a less volatile inflammable liquid, the sim-
substance supplied, or the distance trav- plest alcohol.
eled and fare payable, or the time that me • tic • U • lOUS (me- tik-y u-lus) adj. giving

has elapsed, etc. meter v. (metered, or showing great attention to detail, very
me* terming) 1. to measure by meter. careful and exact. me*tiCu*IOUS*ly
2. to use a postage meter in processing adv. me*tic'u*lous*ness n.
(mail). meter maid, a woman em- me* tier (may-tyay, may-tyay) n. 1. a per-
ployed to enforce parking regulations. son's trade, profession, or department of
meter2 n. 1 a unit of length in the metric
. activity. 2. a person's forte. >
system, about 39.4 inches. 2. rhythm in met*ric (met-rik) adj. 1. of or using the
poetry, a particular form of this. metric system. 2. of poetic meter, met'
-meter suffix used to form nouns meaning ri-cal-ly adv. Dgo metric, (informal)
a measuring instrument, as in barometer; to adopt the metric system, metric sys-
a linear meter2 as in kilometer.
, tem, a decimal system of weights and
me • ter-kil • o • gram-sec • ond (mee-ter- measures, using the meter, liter, and
kil-d-gram-sek-dnd) adj. relating to a gram as units, metric ton, one thousand
system of measurement based on the me- kilograms (2205 lbs.).
ter as the unit of length, the kilogram met*ri*cal (met-ri-kal) adj. of or com-
as the unit of mass, and the second as posed in rhythmic meter, not prose, met-
the unit of time. rical psalms. met'ri*cal*ty adv.
meth (meth) n. (slang) methadone. met • rl • cate (met-ri-kayt) v. (met • ri • cat •
meth*a*done (meth-a-dohn), meth* ed, met*ri*cat*lng) to change or adapt
a* don (meth-a-don) n. a powerful syn- to the metric system of measurement,
thetic drug used as a substitute for mor- met *ri* caption (met-ri-kay-shdn) n.
phine or heroin. met to (met-roh) n. (pi. -ros) (informal)
meth • am • phet • a • mine (meth-am-fet-a- a subway train.
meen) n. an amphetamine derivative me*tro1*o*gy (me-trol-6-jee) n. the sci-
with quicker and longer action, used as ence or system of weights and measures.
a stimulant. me*trol'o*gist n. met*ro*log*i*cal
metronome / microencapsulate 560

(met-rd-loj-i-kal) adj. met*ro*log'l* Mi*am*i (mi-am-ee) ru {pi -am*i, -am-

cal*ly adv. is) a member of an Indian tribe originally

met*ro*nome (met-rd-nohm) ru a device, from Indiana and Wisconsin.
often with an inverted pendulum, that mi*aow (mee-ow) = mew.
sounds a click at a regular interval, used mi* as* ma (mi-az-ma, mee-) ru {pi -ma*

tempo while practicing music.

to indicate ta, pr. -ma-ta, -mas) unpleasant or un-
me*trop*o*lis (me-trop-d-lis) ru {pi -lis- wholesome air. mi*as'mic adj. mi*
es) the chief city of a country or region. as / mal adj. mi*as*mat*ic (mi-az-mat-
met*ro*pol*i*tan (met-rd-pol-i-tan) adj. ik,mee-) adj.
of a metropolis, metropolitan ru the mhca (mi-ka) ru a mineral substance used
chief bishop in an ecclesiastical province. as an electrical insulator.
met* tie (met-el) ru courage or strength of mice (mis) see mouse.
character, test his mettle. one's Don Mich. abbr. Michigan.
mettle, determined to show one's cour- Mich • • gan (mish-I-gan) a state of the U.S.

age or ability. >Do

not confuse mettle Mick*ey Finn (mik-ee fin) (slang) a sub-
with metal stance added to a drink to make the
met* tie* some (met-el-sdm) adj. spirited, drinker unconscious.
courageous. Micmac (mik-mak) ru {pi -mac, -macs)
MEV abbr. million electron volts. a member of an Indian tribe from eastern
mew (myoo) ru the characteristic cry of Canada.
a cat. mew v. to make this sound. micro- prefix small; one millionth of a unit,
mews (myooz) ru a set of what were for- as in microgram.
merly stables in a small street or square, mhcrobe (mi-krohb) ru a microorganism,
now rebuilt or converted into dwellings especially one that causes disease or fer-
or garages. mentation. mi*Cro*bl*al (mi-kroh-bi-
Mex. abbr. 1. Mexican. 2. Mexico. al) adj.
Mex • CO (mek-sl-koh) a country in
I • North mi • cro • bi • ol • o • gist (mi-kroh-bi-ol-o-
America. Mex'i*can adj. & ru Mex- D jist) ru an expert in microbiology.
ico City, its capital city. mi*cro*bi*ol*0*gy (mi-kroh-bi-ol-5-jee)
mez*za*nine (mez-a-neen) ru an extra ru the scientific study of microorganisms.
story between the ground floor and the mi*cro*bi*o*log*i*cal (mi-kroh-bi-6-
first floor, often in the form of a wide loj-i-kal) adj.
balcony. mi* cro* bus (mi-kroh-bus) ru (informal)
mez*zo (met-soh) adv. (in music) moder- a station wagon bus.
ately; mezzo forte, moderately loudly. mi*cro*cap*sule (mi-kroh-kap-sul) ru a
mez*zo-so*pran*o (met-zoh-sd-prah- small capsule that releases its contents
noh) ru 1 . a voice between soprano and through breaking, dissolving, or melting.
contralto. 2. a singer with this voice. 3. mi* cro -chip (mi-kroh-chip) ru a small
a part written for it. piece of silicon holding a complex elec-
MF abbr. 1 . medium frequency. 2. Middle tronic circuit.
French. mi*cro*Cir*cuit (mi-kroh-sur-kit) ru an
MFA abbr. Master of Fine Arts. integrated circuit or other very small
mfd. abbr. manufactured. electronic circuit.
mfg. abbr. manufacturing. mi*cro*cli*mate (mi-kroh-kli-mit) ru the
mfr. abbr. 1. manufacture. 2. manufac- climate of a small area. ml*cro*Cll*
turer. ma*tol*o*gy (mi-kroh-kli-ma-tol-o-
mg abbr. milligram(s). jee) ru
Mg symbol magnesium. mi cro- cop -y (mi-kroh-kop-ee) ru {pi

MG abbr. 1 machine gun. 2. major general.

. -cop'ies) a miniature scale reproduc-
3. military government. tion of a photograph.
mgr. abbr. 1. manager. 2. monseigneur. mi*cro*COSm (mi-krd-koz-em) n. a world
3. monsignor. in miniature,something regarded as re-
mgt. abbr. management. sembling something else on a very small
M.H. abbr. medal of honor. scale.
mho (moh) ru a unit of electrical conduc- mi -cro *dot (mi-kro-dot) ru a photograph
tance. D>From ohm reversed. of a document etc. reduced to the size
MHz abbr. megahertz. of a dot.
mi (mee) ru a name for the third note of mi • cro • e • lee • tron • ics (mi-kroh-i-lek-
a scale in music. tron-iks) ru the design, manufacture, and
Ml abbr. 1. Michigan. 2. military intelli- use of microcircuits. ml*cro*e*lec*
gence. tron'ic adj.
mi. abbr. mile(s). mi*cro*en*cap*su*late (mi-kroh-in-
MIA abbr. missing in action. kap-su-layt) v. (ml*cro*en*cap*su*
561 microfiche / middleman

lat-ed, mi*cro*en*cap*su*lat-ing) mi -cro -state (rai-kroh-stayt) n. (in-

to encase (microcircuits and other micro- formal) a small country, usually recently
miniature components), mi • cro * en • independent.
cap*su-la*tion (mi-kroh-in-kap-su- ml • cro • sur • ger • y (mi-kroh-sur-jS-ree,
lay-shdn) n. mi-kroh-sur-) n. a surgical procedure
mi-cro-fiche (mi-krd-feesh) n. (pi. done under a microscope, mi -cro -sur •
-f iche, -f iches) a piece of microfilm in gi-cai (mi-kroh-sur-ji-kal) adj.
a form suitable for filing like an index mi* cro* wave (mi-kroh-wayv) n. an elec-
card. tromagnetic wave of length between
ml* cro* film (mi-krd-film) n. a length of about SO centimeters and 1 millimeter.
film on which written or printed material D microwave oven, an oven that cooks
is photographed in greatly reduced size. with heat from microwave penetration
microfilm v. to photograph on this. of the food.
mi* cro* gram (mi-kro-gram) n. a unit of mid (mid) adj. in the middle of, middle,
weight, = one millionth of a gram. in mid career; to mid-August
mi* cro* graph (mi-krd-graf) n. a photo- mid. abbr. middle.
graph taken with a microscope. mid • air (mid-air)
n. a point in the air quite
mi* cro -groove (mi-krd-groov) n. 1. a high off the ground; a midair collision,
very narrow groove. 2. a phonograph re- between aircraft in flight.
cord with such grooves. Mi* das (mi-das) n. the Midas touch,
mi • cro • me • te • or • ite (mi-kroh-mee-ti-d- ability to make money in all one's activi-
nt) n. a tiny meteorite. ml*cro*me* ties. > Named after a legendary king in
te*or*ic (mi-kroh-mee-ti-or-ik) adj. Asia Minor, whose touch turned all
mi*Crom*e*ter (mi-krom-e-ter) n. an in- things to gold.
strument for measuring small objects or mid* day (mid-day) n. the middle of the
angular distances. day, noon.
mi • cro • min •
i • a • ture (mi-kroh-min-i-a- mid* die (mid-el) adj. 1. at an equal dis-
chur) adj. of an extremely tiny size. tance from extremes or outer limits. 2.
mi*cro*min*i*a*tur*i*za*tion (mi- occurring halfway between beginning
kroh-min-i-a-chu-ri-zay-sh6n) n. the and end. 3. intermediate in rank or qual-
making of electronic devices in a greatly ity, moderate in size etc., a man of mid-
reduced size. dle height, middle n. 1 . a middle point,
mi-cron (mi-kron) ru a measure of length, position, time, area, or quality etc. 2. the
= one millionth of a meter. waist. Din the middle of, during or
Mi*cro*ne*sia (mi-krd-nee-z/&) a small halfway through (an activity etc.). in the
Pacific island group east of the Philip- middle of nowhere, (informal) in a
pines. Mi*cro*ne'sian adj. & n. very remote place, middle age, the pe-
mi • cro • or • gan • ism (mi-kroh-or-ga-niz- riod between youth and old age. Middle
em, mi-kroh-or-) n. an organism that Ages, about 1000-1400 ad Middle
cannot be seen by the naked eye, as a America, the American working class.
bacterium or virus. middle C, the note C that occurs near
mi* cro* phone (mi-kr6-fohn) n. an instru- the middle of the piano keyboard, mid-
ment for picking up sound waves for re- dle Class, the class of society between
cording, amplifying, or broadcasting. the upper and working classes, including
mi • cro -pho- to -graph (mi-krd-foh-td- business and professional people, middle
graf) n. a. photograph reduced to very ear, the cavity of the central part of the
small size. ear behind the drum. Middle East, the
mi • cro • proc • es • sor (mi-kroh-pros-e- area covered by countries from Egypt
s6r) n. a miniature computer, or a unit to Iran inclusive. Middle English, the
of this, consisting of one or more micro- English language between ell 50 and
chips, mi* cro* proves* sing n. 1500 a.d. middle school, the middle
mi* cro* scope (mi-krd-skohp) n. an in- grades of an independent school; a school
strument with lenses that magnify ob- for children aged about nine to thirteen
jects or details too small to be seen by years. Middle West, the region of the
the naked eye. mi*cros*co*py (mi- U.S. near the northern Mississippi.
kros-kd-pee) n. mid* die-aged (mid-el-ayjd) adj. of middle
mi*cro*SCOp*iC (mi-krd-skop-ik) adj. 1. age, approximately between forty-five
of the microscope. 2. too small to be visi- and sixty-five.
ble without the aid of a microscope. 3. mid* die* brow (mid-el-brow) adj. moder-
extremely small. mi*cro*scop'i*cal ately intellectual, middlebrow n. a mid-
adj. mi*cro*scop'i*cal*ly adv. dlebrow person.
mi -cro -second (mi-kroh-sek-dnd) n. a mid* die* man (mid-el-man) n. (pi. -men,
unit of time, = one millionth of a second. pr. -men) any of the traders handling a
middle-of-the-road / milady 562
commodity between producer and con- Mid* west (mid-west) n. the Middle West.
sumer. mid* wife (mid- w if) n. (pi -wives, pr.
mid • dle-of -the-road (mid-el-dv- the- -wivz) a person trained to assist women
rohd) adj. favoring a moderate policy, in childbirth.
avoiding extremes. mid* wife -ry (mid-wi-fe-ree) n. the work
mid* die-sized (mid-el-sizd) adj. of me- of a midwife.
dium size. mid'Win-ter (midwinter) ru the middle
mid* die* weight (mid-el- wayt) n. a boxer of the winter.
between welterweight and light heavy- mid* year (mid-yeer) a point at the n. 1.
weight weighing up to 160 pounds. middle of the calendar or school year.
mid *d ling (mid-ling) adj. &.adv. moder- 2. an examination taken at midyear.
ately good, moderately well. mien (meen) n. a person's manner or bear-
mid'dy (mid-ee) -dies) (informal)
n. (pi. ing.
a midshipman. Umiddy
blouse, a miff (mif) n. (informal) a petty quarrel,
woman's or child's loose blouse with a a huff, miff v. (informal) to put out of
collar as worn by sailors. humor, to offend.
Mid -east (mid-eest) n. the Middle East. might 1 (mit) n, great strength or power,
midge (mij) n. a small biting gnatlike in- with all one's might Dwith might and
sect. main, with all one's power and energy.
midg*et (mij-it) n. an extremely small per- might 2 auxiliary verb used as the past tense
son or thing, midget adj. extremely of may; you might call at the baker's,
small. I should like you to do so; you might
mid'i (mid-ee) n. a woman's or girl's gar- have offered, ought to have offered.
ment of medium length, between maxi >Note that might in the second sense
and mini. implies a missed responsibility: ifyou had
mid* land (mid-land) adj. of the middle thought about it, you might have offered.
part of a country. Dthe Midlands, the might-have-been (mit-hav-bin) n. (pi
inland counties of central England. -beens) an event that might have hap-
mid* night (mid-nit) n. twelve o'clock at pened but did not.
night, the time near this. midnight might* n't (mi-tent) = might not.
blue, very dark blue, midnight sun, the might *y (mi-tee) adj. (might *i*er,
sun visible at midnight during the sum- might *est) 1 having or showing great
• I .

mer in the polar regions. strength or power. 2. very great in size.

mid* point (mid-point) n. a point in the mighty adv. (informal) very, mighty
middle of a journey, task, etc. fine. might i*ly adv. mightiness n.
mid* riff (mid-rif) n. the front part of the mi*gnon*ette (min-yd-net) n. an annual
body or of a garment just above the plant with fragrant grayish-green leaves.
waist. mi*graine (lai-grayn) n. a severe form of
mid* section (mid-sek-shdn) n. 1. (in- headache that tends to recur.
formal) the midriff. 2. the middle part. mi *grant (mi-grant) adj. migrating, mi-
mid* ship* man (mid-ship-man) n. (pi. grant n. a migrant person or animal.
-men, pr. -men) a Navy or Coast Guard migrant worker, an agricultural la-
student officer. borer etc. who moves from one place to
midst (midst) n. the middle part. another in search of work.
Din the midst of, among, surrounded mi* grate (mi-grayt) (mi-grat-ed, mi* v.

by. grat*ing) 1one place and settle

. to leave
mid* stream (inid-streem) n. the middle in another. 2. (of animals, birds) to go
of a stream. Ll change horses in mid- periodically from one place to another,
stream, to change one's plans etc. in living in each place for part of a year,
the middle of a project. mhgra-tion (mi-gray-shdn) n. ml*gra'
mid'sunvmer (mid-sum-er) n. the middle tlon-al adj.
of the summer. mi*gra*to*ry (mi-grS-tohr-ee) adj. of or
mid* term (mid-turm) n. 1. the middle of involving migration, migrating.
a term of public office or of school. 2. Mi-ka-do (mi-kah-doh) n. (pi. -dos) the
an examination in the middle of a school emperor of Japan.
term. mike (mik) n. (informal) a microphone.
mid* town (mid-town) n. the central area mil (mil) n. one-thousandth of an inch.
of a city. C>Do not confuse mil with mill (See
mid* way (mid- way) adv. halfway between mill 2 .)
places, midway n. the carnival section mil. abbr. military.
of a fair. mi-la-dy (mi -lay-dee) n. (pi -dies) 1. a
mid* week (mid-week) n. the middle of the title used of or to an English noble-
week. woman. 2. a fashionable woman.
563 milch / mill

milch (milch) adj. giving milk. milch mll*i*tat*ing) to serve as a strong in-
COW, a cow kept for its milk rather than fluence, several factors militated against
for beef. the success of our plan. £>Do not confuse
mild (mild) adj. 1. moderate in intensity militate with mitigate.
or character or effect, not severe or harsh ml'll'tla (mi-lish-a) n. a military force, es-
or drastic. 2. (of a person) gentle in man- pecially one consisting of civilians
ner. 3. not strongly flavored, not sharp trained as soldiers and available to sup-
or strong in taste, mild'ly adv. mild' plement the regular army in an emer-
ness n. gency.
mil* dew (mil-doo) n. a minute fungus that mi*li*tia*man (mi-lish-a-man) n. (pi.
forms a white coating on things exposed -men, pr. -men) a person who serves in
to moisture, mildew v. to become coated the militia.
with mildew, mil'dewed adj. milk (milk) n. 1 a white fluid secreted by

mile (mil) n. 1 a measure of length,

= female mammals as food for their young.
5280 feet (about 1.609 kilometers); nauti- 2. the milk of cows, used as food by hu-
cal mile, a unit used in navigation, 6075 man beings. 3. a milklike liquid, such
feet (1.852 kilometers). 2. (informal) a as that in a coconut, milk v. 1 to draw.

great distance, the two sides were miles milk from (a cow or goat etc.). 2. to ex-
apart. 3. a race extending over a distance tract juice from (a tree etc.). 3. to exploit
of one mile. or get money undeservedly from, milking
mile* age (mi-lij) n. 1. distance measured the welfare state. Dmilk and honey,
in miles. 2. the number of miles a vehicle abundant means for gratifying one's ma-
travels on one gallon of fuel. 3. traveling terial needs, milk bar, a bar for the sale
expenses at a fixed rate per mile. 4. (in- of nonalcoholic drinks, especially those
formal) benefit, he gets a lot of mileage made from milk, and light refreshments.
out of his family name. milk Chocolate, chocolate (for eating)
mile* post (mil-pohst) n. a post that shows made with milk, milk glass, an opaque
the distance in the miles to a given place. white glass, milking machine, an elec-
mil*er (mi-ler) n. a person who specializes tric machine for milking several cows at
in races that are one mile in length. the same time, milking stool, a stool
mile* stone (mil-stohn) n. 1. a stone set used when milking animals, milk of
up beside a road to show the distance magnesia, a milky white laxative or
in miles to a given place. 2. a significant antacid, milk punch, an alcoholic drink
event or stage in life or history. with a milk base, milk shake, a drink
mi* lieu (meel-yuu) n. (pi. -lieus, -lieux, made of milk and flavoring, mixed or
pr. -yuuz) environment, surroundings. shaken until frothy, milk snake, a harm-
mil*l*tant (mil-i-tant) adj. 1. prepared to less brightly colored kingsnake. milk
take aggressive action in support of a toast, buttered toast served in warm
cause. 2. involved in warfare or fighting. milk with salt and pepper or with sugar.
militant n. a militant person, mil'i* milk tooth, any of the first (temporary)
tant«ly adv. mil*i*tan*cy (mil-i-tan- teeth in young mammals.
see) n. milk • er (mil-ker) n. 1 a person who milks

mll*i*ta*rism (mil-i-ta-riz-em) n. reliance an animal. 2. an animal that gives milk,

on military strength and methods, mil'i* that cow is a good milker.
tar* 1st n. mil*i*tar*is*tic (mil-i-ta-ris- milk* maid (milk-may d) n. a woman who
tik) adj. milks cows.
mil*i*ta*rize (mil-i-ta-nz) v. (mil*i*ta* milk* man (milk-man) n. (pi -men,
rized, mil*i*ta*riz*ing) 1. to provide pr. -men) a man who delivers milk to
with armed forces. 2. to infuse with mili- customers' houses.
tary spirit. milk* sop (milk-sop) n. a boy or man who
mil*l*tar*y (mil-i-ter-ee) adj. of soldiers is weak or timid, a weakling.
or the army or all armed forces, military milk* weed (milk-weed) n. any of several
service; the military, armed forces as dis- wild plants with milky juice.
tinct from police or civilians. mil*i*tar* milk-white (milk-hwit) adj. white like
i*ly (mil-i-ter-I-lee) adv. military milk.
band, a combination of woodwind, milk*y (mil-kee) adj. (milk* her, milk*
brass,and percussion instruments, mili- i*est) 1. of or like milk. 2. made with
tary-industrial complex, an unofficial milk, containing much milk. 3. (of a gem
combination in the U.S. of senior officers or liquid) cloudy, not clear, milk 'i • ness
of the armed forces and companies sup- n. Milky Way, the broad faintly lumi-
plying aircraft, guns, etc. military po- nous band of stars encircling the sky,
iice, soldiers assigned to police work. the Galaxy.
mil-i-tate (mil-i-tayt) v. (mil*i*tat*ed, mill 1 (mil) n. 1. machinery for grinding
mill / minaret 564

grain, a building fitted with this. 2. any ing creature like a centipede but usually
machine for grinding or crushing a solid with two pairs of legs on each segment
substance into powder or pulp, coffee of its body.
mill 3. a machine or a building fitted miMi*sec*ond (rnil-i-sek-ond) n. one-
with machinery for processing material thousandth of a second.
of certain kinds, cotton mill; paper mill; mil *fi* volt (mil-I-vohlt) n. one-thousandth
sawmill mill v. 1. to grind or crush in of a volt,
a mill. 2. to produce in a mill. 3. to pro- mil *li* watt (nril-i-wot) n. one-thousandth
duce regular markings on the edge of of a watt.
(a coin), silver coins with a milled edge. mill* pond (mil-pond) n. the water
4. to cut or shape (metal) with a rotating dammed in a stream for use in a water
tool. 5. (of people or animals) to move mill; the sea was like a millpond, very
around and around in a confused mass. calm.
go or put through the mill, to un- mill* race (mil-rays) n. the channel in
dergo or subject to training or experience which flows the water driving a mill,
or suffering, mill wheel, the wheel that mill 'Stone (mil-stohn) n. 1. one of a pair
drives a water mill. of circular stones between which grain
mill 2 n. one-tenth of a cent. t>Do not con- is ground. 2. a heavy mental or emotional
fuse mill with mil burden, a millstone around one's neck.
mill* age (mil-ij) n. a tax rate expressed
mill -work (mil-wurk) n. the woodwork
in mills.
produced in a sawmill,
mill* dam (mil-dam) n. a dam to make a
mill* wright (mil-nt) n. a person who
builds mills or installs and maintains
mil*len*ni*um (mi-len-i-um) n. (pi -len* their equipment.
ni-ums, -len*ni*a, pr. -len-i-a) 1. a pe-
milque* toast (milk-tohst) n. an easily
riod of one thousand years. 2. the thou-
dominated timid man.
sand-year reign of Christ on Earth
milt (milt) the roe of a male fish, fish
prophesied in the Bible. 3. a period of
sperm discharged into the water over the
great happiness and prosperity for every-
eggs laid by the female,
one. mil*len'ni*al adj.
mill*er (inil-er) n. a person who owns or
mime (mim) n. 1 acting with gestures and

without words, a performance using this.

runs a mill for grinding grain.
2. a performer in this, mime v. (mimed,
mil • let (mil-it) n, 1 a kind of cereal plant

growing three to four feet high and pro-

mim* ing) to act with mime.
ducing a large crop of small seeds. 2.
mim*e*0 (mim-i-oh) n. v. &

its seeds, used as food.

milli- prefix one-thousandth.
mim*e*o*graph (mim-i-6-graf) n. an ap-
mil*li*am*pere (mil-i-am-peer) n. one- paratus for making copies from stencils
thousandth of an ampere. of written pages, mimeograph v. to
mil 'li* bar (mil-i-bahr) n. one-thousandth make copies on such an apparatus.
of a bar as a unit of pressure in meteorol- mi* me* Sis (mi-mee-sis) n. imitation, mim-
ogy. icry; many insects find protection in mi-

mil *li* gram (mil-I-gram) n. one-thou- mesis, their close resemblance to other
sandth of a gram. insects which are distasteful or harmful
mil*li*li*ter one-thou-
(mil-I-lee-ter) n. to predators.
sandth of a liter. mim*ic (mim-ik) v. (minvicked, mim*
mil*li*me*ter (mil-I-mee-ter) n. one- ick-ing) 1. to copy the appearance or
thousandth of a meter (0.04 inch). ways of (a person etc.) playfully or for
mil*li*ner (mil-I-ner) n. a person who entertainment. 2. to pretend to be, (of
makes or sells women's hats. things) to resemble closely, mimic n. a
mil*li*ner*y (mil-I-ner-ee) n. milliner's person who is clever at mimicking others,
work, women's hats sold in a shop. especially for entertainment.
mill* ing (mil-ing) n. the regular markings mim • ic • ry (mim-i-kree) n. (pi -ties) mim-
on the edge of a coin. icking, a thing that mimics another.
& n. 1. one thou-
mil *lion (mil-yon) adj. mi*mo*sa (mi-moh-sa) n. any of several
sand thousand (1,000,000). 2. a million usually tropical trees or shrubs, espe-
dollars or pounds etc. 3. an enormous cially the kind with clusters of small ball-
number, millionth (mil-yonth) adj. & shaped fragrant flowers.
n. mln. abbr. 1 mineralogical. 2. mineralogy.

mil* lion* aire (mil-yd-nair) n. a person 3. minim(s). 4. minimum. 5. mining. 6.

who possesses a million dollars, one who minor. 7. minute(s).
is extremely wealthy. min*a*ret (min-a-ret) n. a tall slender
mil*li*pede (mil-i-peed) n. a small crawl- tower on or beside a mosque, with a bal-
565 minatory / minestrone

cony from which a muezzin calls Mus- fecting one in the manner of a psyche-
lims to prayer. delic drug.
mln*a*to*ry (min-S-tor-ee) adj. threaten- mlnd*ed (nun-did) adj. 1. having a mind
ing. of a certain kind, independent-minded
mince (mins) v. (minced, mincing) 1. 2. having certain interests, politically
to cut into small pieces with a knife or minded; car-minded. 3. inclined or dis-
mincer. 2. to walk or speak in an affected posed to do something, if she's minded
way, trying to appear refined. mince to help; could do it if he were so minded.
pie, a pie containing mincemeat, not to mind-ex «pand* ing (nund-ek-span-ding)
mince matters or words, to speak adj. distorting one's perceptions inordi-
bluntly. nately, as by using psychedelic drugs.
mince* meat (mins-meet) n. a mixture of mind-ful (mind-ful) adj. taking thought
currants, raisins, sugar, apples, candied or care of something, mindful of his pub-
peel, etc., used in pies, make
mince- lic image. mind'fuMy adv. mindful*
meat Of, to destroy utterly in argument. ness n.
minc«er (min-ser) n. a machine with re- mind* less (mind-lis) adj. without a mind,
volving blades for mincing food. without intelligence, 2. careless, mind'
mind (mind) n. 1 the ability to be aware
. less'ly adv. mind'less-ness n.
of things and to think and reason, origi- mine 1 (mm) possessive pronoun the thing(s)
nating in the brain. 2. a person's thoughts belonging to me, mine are missing, mine
and attention, keep your mind on the job. adj. (old use) of or belonging to me, mine
3. remembrance, keep it in mind 4. opin- enemies. >The old adjective mine was
ion, change one's mind; to my mind he's used only before words beginning with
a genius. 5. a way of thinking and feeling, vowel sounds.
state of mind. 6. sanity, normal mental mine 2 n. 1 an excavation in the earth for

faculties; in one's right mind, sane; out extracting metal or coal etc. 2. an abun-
of one's mind, insane or extremely agi- dant source of something, a mine of in-
tated. 7. a person, as embodying mental formation. 3. a receptacle filled with ex-
qualities, she is one of the best minds of plosive, placed in or on the ground (also
our generation, mind v. 1 to take care
. called land mine), or in water, ready
of, to attend to, minding the baby or the to explode when something strikes it or
shop. 2. to feel annoyance or discomfort passes near it. mine v. (mined, min*
at, to object to, she doesn't mind the cold; ing) 1. to dig for minerals, to extract
I shouldn't mind a cup of tea, should (metal or coal etc.) in this way. 2. to
like one. 3. to bear in mind, to give heed Lay explosive mines in (an area). Dmine
to or concern oneself about, never mind detector, an instrument for detecting
the expense; mind you, please take note. the presence of land mines.
4. to remember and take care, mind you mine *field (nun-feeld) n. an area where
lock the door. 5. to be careful about, mind explosive mines have been laid.
the step; mind how you carry that tray. mine* layer (min-lay-er) n. a ship or air-
Dbear or keep in mind, to keep in craft for laying mines.
one's thoughts, to remember, have a min*er (mi-ner) n. a person who works
good or half a mind to, to feel tempted in a mine.
or inclined to. have a mind of one's min*er*al (min-e-ral) n. 1. an inorganic
own, to be capable of forming opinions substance that occurs naturally in the
independently of others, in mind, in earth. 2. an ore or other substance ob-
one's thoughts, make up one's mind, tained by mining, mineral adj. of or con-
to decide; made up her mind to work, taining minerals. mineral jelly, a
resolved to do so. mind one's P's and petroleum jelly used in stabilizing
Q'S, to be careful in one's speech or be- explosives,mineral oil, an oily colorless
havior, mind over matter, determina- from petroleum, mineral
liquid distilled
tion overcoming physical or other obsta- spring, a spring of natural mineral wa-
cles, mind reader, an entertainer who ters, mineral water, water that is found
pretends read people's thoughts.
to naturally containing dissolved mineral
mind's eye, the faculty of imagination. salts or gases; a nonalcoholic usually
on one's mind, constantly in one's fizzy drink.
thoughts, causing worry, put a person min*er*al*o*gy (min-e-ral-6-jee) n. the
in mind of, to remind him of. scientific study of minerals. min*er*
mind-bend -ing (mind-ben-ding) adj. al'0*gist n. an expert in mineralogy.
(slang) strongly influencing the mind. mln*er*al*og*i*cal (min-e-ra-loj-i-
mind-blowing (mind-bloh-ing) adj. kal) adj.
(slang) overwhelming or astounding, af- min*e*stro*ne (min-e-stroh-nee) n. an
minesweeper / minority 566

Italian soup containing chopped mixed series of television dramas, usually based
vegetables and pasta. on a single novel, biography, etc.
mine* sweep *er (min-swee-per) ru a ship mln*i •skirt (min-ee-skurt) n. a very short
for clearing away explosive mines laid skirt ending at about the middle of the
in the sea. thighs.
mine* work *er (min-wur-ker) n. a miner. min-i -state (min-ee-stayt) n, a small inde-
min-gle (ming-gel) v. (min*gled, min- pendent country.
gling) 1 . to mix, to blend. 2. to go about min*is*ter (min-i-ster) n. 1. a person at
among people etc., mingled with the the head of a government department
crowd. min'gler n. or a main branch of this. 2. a diplomatic
ming (ming) tree an artificially dwarfed representative usually ranking below am-
tree grown in a containe/, bassador. 3. a clergyman, especially in
min*i (min-ee) ru (informal) a miniskirt. Protestant sects, minister v. to attend
mini- comb, form short, as in miniskirt; to people's needs, nurses ministered to
small, as in minibus. the wounded min*ls*te*ri*al (min-i-
min*i*a*ture (min-i-a-chur) adj. very Do not confuse minister
steer-i-al) adj. t>
small, made or represented on a small with administer. Nurses do not adminis-
scale, miniature n. 1 a very small and . ter to the wounded. Administrators ad-
detailed portrait. 2. a small-scale copy minister their departments.
or model of something. Din miniature, min*is*trant (min-i-strant) n. a person
on a very small scale, miniature cam- who ministers.
era, one that produces small negatives. min*is*tra*tlon (min-i-stray-shdn) n. giv-
min*i*a*tur*ist (min-i-a-chu-rist) n. a ing aid or service, especially in religious
person who paints miniatures. matters.
min*i*a*tur*ize (min-i-a-chu-nz) v. mln*is*try (min-i-stree) n. (pi. -tries) 1.
(min*i*a*tur*ized, min*l*a*tur*l2* the profession or functions of a clergy-
ing) to design or construct (a thing) on man or religious leader. 2. the ministry,
a small scale. min*i*a*tur*i*za*tion clergymen as a group. 3. a government
(min-i-a-chu-ri-zay-shdn) n. department headed by a minister, the
min*i*bike (min-ee-bik) n. a low-slung building occupied by it. 4. a period of
lightweight single-passenger motorcycle. government under one premier, his body
min*i*bus (min-ee-bus) n. a small vehicle of ministers.
like a bus with seats for only a few peo- mink (mingk) n. 1 a small animal of the

pie. weasel family. 2. its highly valued fur.

min*i*com*put*er (min-ee-k&m-pyoo- 3. a coat made of this.
ter) n. a relatively inexpensive small com- Minn. abbr. Minnesota.
puter. mln*ne*sing*er (min-i-sing-er) n. a Ger-
min*im (min-im) n. 1 . a half note in music man lyric Roet and singer in the 12th
(see half). 2. one-sixtieth of a fluid dram, to 14th centuries.
about one drop. Min • ne • SO • ta (min-e-soh-ta) a state of the
min*i*mal (min-I-mal) adj. very small, U.S. Min*ne*so'tan adj. n.&
the least possible. mln'i-maMy adv. min* now (min-oh) n. (pi -nows, -now)
minimal art, a form of abstract art a small freshwater fish.
consisting primarily of geometric forms. Ml* no -an (mi-noh-an) adj. of the Bronze
minimal artist, one painting in this way. Age civilization of Crete (about 3000-
min-i-mize (min-I-miz) v. (min-l-mized, 1 100 B.C.). Mmoan n. a person of this
min*i*miz*ing) 1. to reduce to a mini- civilization. > Named after Minos, a leg-
mum. 2. to estimate at the smallest possi- endary king of Crete.
ble amount, to represent at less than the ml • nor (mi-n6r) adj. 1 lesser, less impor-

true value or importance. mln'i*miz* tant, minor roads; a minor operation, a

er n. surgical operation that does not involve
mhvi*mum (min-i-mum) n. (pi -mums, danger to the patient's life. 2. (in music)
-ma, pr. -ma) the lowest or lowest possi- of or based on a scale that has a semitone
ble number or amount or intensity etc. next above the second note, minor n.
minimum minimal.adj. 1 . a person under legal age. 2. a course
minting (mi-ning) n. 1. the process of ex- of study in a field secondary to one's ma-
tracting minerals etc. from the earth. 2. jor, minor v. to take such a course of
the process of laying explosive mines. study.
mln*ion (min-ydn) n. (contemptuous) a ml*nor*i*ty (mi-nor-i-tee, mi-) n. (pi
subordinate assistant. -ties) 1. the smallest part of a group
min*is*cule mistaken spelling of minus- or class. 2. a small group differing from
cule. others. 3. (in law) the state of being under
min*i*se*ries (min-ee-seer-eez) n. a short legal age, during his minority.

567 minstrel / misapprehend

mirvstrel (min-strel) n. 1. a traveling mi*nu*ti*ae (mi-noo-shi-ee) n. pi {sing.

singer and musician in the Middle Ages. ml • nu • tl • a, pr. mi-noo-shi-a) very small
2. a performer in a minstrel show. details.
minstrel show, a formerly popular minx (mingks) n. a cheeky or mischievous
entertainment in which white performers girl.
in black makeup sang and danced and Mi-o-cene (mi-6-seen) adj. of the geologic
told jokes. epoch of the Tertiary period before the
mint 1 (mint) n. 1. a place authorized to Pliocene and after the Oligocene. Mio-
make a country's coins. 2. a vast amount, cene n. the Miocene epoch.
left him a mint of money, mint v. 1 to . mir*a*cle (mir-a-kel) n. 1. a remarkable
make (coins) by stamping metal. 2. to and welcome event that seems impossible
invent or coin (a word etc.). mint'er n. to explain by means of the known laws
Din mint condition, fresh and unsoiled of nature and is therefore attributed to
as if newly from the mint. a supernatural agency. 2. a remarkable
mint 2 n. 1. a plant with fragrant leaves example or specimen, it*s a miracle of
that are used for flavoring sauces and ingenuity.
drinks etc. 2. peppermint, a candy fla- mi-rac-u-lous (mi-rak-yu-lus) adj. of or
vored with this, mint'y adj. Dmint ju- like a miracle, wonderful. miTac'u*
lep, a frosted drink of bourbon, ice, lous-ly adv. mi*rac'u*lous*ness n.
sugar, and mint. mi* rage (mi-rahz/i) n. an optical illusion
mint* age (min-tij) minting money.
n. 1. caused by atmospheric conditions, espe-
2. the mark imprinted on a coin showing cially making sheets of water seem to
where it was minted. appear in a desert or on a hot road.
min-u-end (min-yoo-end) n. a quantity or mire (mir) n. 1. swampy ground, bog. 2.
number from which another is to be sub- mud or sticky dirt.
tracted. mir*ror (mir-dr) n. a piece of glass backed
min*u*et (min-yoo-et) n. a slow stately with silver so that reflections can be seen
dance in triple time, music suitable for in it. mirror v. to reflect in or as if in
this. a mirror. mirror image, a reflection
mi-nus (mi-nus) prep. 1. reduced by the or copy in which the right and left sides
subtraction of, seven minus three equals of the original are reversed.
four (7 — 3 "= 4). 2. below zero, tempera- mirth (murth) n. merriment, laughter.
tures of minus ten degrees Centigrade mirth'ful adj. mirth'fuMy adv. mirth
(-10° C). 3. (informal) without, re- ful-ness n. mirthless adj.
turned minus his shoes, minus adj. less MIRV (murv) n. multiple independently
than zero (= negative), less than the targeted reentry vehicle (a type of missile
amount or number indicated, a minus carrying warheads separately aimed at
quantity; A—, a grade slightly below A. various targets).
minus n. 1 the sign — 2. a disadvan-
. . mis- prefix badly, wrongly.
tage. minus sign, the sign — . mis* ad* venture (mis-ad-ven-chur) n. a
mi-nus-cule (min-u-skyool) adj. ex- piece of bad luck.
tremely small, minuscule n. a lower mis*a*lign (mis-a-lin) v. to align in-
case letter. correctly, mis -align -merit (mis-a-lm-
min-ute 1
(min-it) n. 1. one-sixtieth of an ment) n.
hour. 2. a very short time, a moment. mis-al -li-ance (mis-a-li-ans) n. an unsuit-
3. an exact point of time. 4. one-sixtieth able alliance, especially an unsuitable
of a degree used in measuring angles. marriage.
5. minutes, an official record of the pro- mis*al*lo*cate (mis-al-5-kayt) v. to dis-
ceedings of an assembly or committee tribute in an improper or faulty manner.
etc. made during a meeting. minute mis • al • lo • ca • tion (mis-al-5-kay-shdn)
hand, the long hand that marks the min- n.
utes on the face of a clock or watch. mis*an*thro*py (mis-an-thr6-pee) n. dis-
minute Steak, a thin slice of steak that like of people in general. mis*an'thro*
can be cooked quickly. pist n. mis-an-thrope (mis-an-throhp)
mi*nute 2 (mi-noot, -nyoot) adj. 1. ex- n. mis* an* thro* pic (mis-an-throp-ik)
tremely small. 2. very detailed and pre- adj.
cise, a minute examination. mi*nute'ly mls*ap*ply (mis-a-ph) v. (mis -ap- plied,
adv. mi-nute'ness n. mis -ap- plying) to apply wrongly, es-
Min-ute-man (min-it-man) n. {pi. -men, pecially funds, mis *ap*pli* ca-tlon
pr.-men) an American militiaman of the (mis-ap-lT-kay-sh6n) n.
Revolutionary War period. >From the mis-ap-pre-hend (mis-ap-ri-hend) v. to
requirement to be ready to march at a misunderstand. mis*ap*pre*hen*sion
minute's notice. (mis-ap-ri-hen-sh6n) n.

misappropriate / miserable 568

mis-ap-pro-pri-ate (mis-a-proh-pri-ayt) vous-ly adv. mis'chie-vous-ness ru
v. (mis-ap-pro-pri-at-ed, mis-ap- >Do not put an extra i after the v in
pro pri at ing) to take dishonestly, es-
• • • any of these words.
pecially for one's own use. mis*ap pro • •
mis-ci-bie (mis-I-bel) adj. able to be
pri-a-tion (mis-a-proh-pri-ay-shdn) ru mixed. mis-ci*bil-i-ty (mis-I-bil-i-tee)
mis* be* got* ten (mis-bi-got-en) adj. con- ru
temptible. mis-com-mu-ni-cate (mis-kd-myoo-ni-
mis* be* have (mis-bi-hayr) v. (mis* kayt) v. (mis-com-mu-ni-cat-ed,
be-haved, mis* be* having) to be- mis-com-mu-ni-cat-ing) to commu-
have badly, mis-be-ha-vior (mis-bi- nicate incorrectly, mis-com-mu-ni-
hayr-ydr) ru ca-tion (mis-k5-myoo-ni-kay-shdn) ru
mis* brand (mis-brand) v. to brand in a mis-con-ceive (mis-kdn-seev) v. (mis*
misleading or illegal manner. con-ceived, mis-con-ceiv-ing) to
misc. abbr. 1. miscellaneous. 2. miscel- misunderstand, to interpret incorrectly.
lany. mis-con-cep-tion (mis-k6n-sep-sh6n) ru
mis *cal*cu* late (mis-kal-kyu-layt) v. a wrong interpretation.
(mis*cal*cu*lat*ed mis*cal*cu*lat* f mis* con* duct (mis-kon-dukt) ru 1. bad
ing) to calculate incorrectly. mis*cal* behavior. 2. adultery. 3. mismanage-
cu*la*tion (mis-kal-kyu-lay-shdn) ru ment.
mis* call (mis-kawl) v. to give a wrong or mis-con-strue (mis-k6n-stroo) v. (mis*
inappropriate name to. con -st rued, mis-con-stru-ing) to
mis*car*riage (mis-kar-ij, mis-kar-) ru 1. misinterpret. mis • con struc -tion •

abortion occurring without being in- (mis-kdn-struk-shdn) ru

duced. 2. a mistake or failure to achieve mis cop -y (mis-kop-ee)

• v. (mis* cop*
the correct result, a miscarriage ofjustice. led, mis cop -y ing)
• to copy incor-
3. the miscarrying of a letter or goods rectly.
or of a scheme etc. mis *COunt (mis-kownt) v. to count incor-
mis*car*ry (mis-kar-ee) v. (mis •car- rectly, miscount n. an incorrect count.
ried, mis-car-ry-ing) 1. (of a pregnant mis* ere* ant (mis-kree-ant) ru a wrong-
woman) to have a miscarriage. 2. (of a doer, a villain.
scheme etc.) to go wrong, to fail. 3. (of mis* cue (mis-kyoo) ru a failure to strike
a letter etc.) to fail to reach its destina- a ball properly in billiards, miscue v.
tion. (mis* cued, mis -cu- ing) to make a
mis -cast (mis-kast) v. (mis -cast, mis- miscue.
cast* ing) to cast (an actor) in an unsuit- mis *date (mis-dayt) v. (mis-dat-ed,
able role. mis-dat-ing) to date (an event, a letter,
mis-ce-ge-na-tion (mis-S-je-nay-shdn, etc.) wrongly.
mi-sej-e-) marriage or interbreeding
ru mis* deal (mis-deel) v. (mis* dealt, mis*
of races, especially of whites with non- deal* ing) 'to make a mistake in dealing
whites. playing cards, misdeal ru an incorrect
mis-cel-la-ne-ous (mis-e-lay-ni-us) adj. dealing.
1 of various kinds, miscellaneous items. mis *deed (mis-deed) n. a wrong or im-
2. of mixed compositon or character, a proper a crime.
miscellaneous collection, mis • eel- la r mis -de -mean -or (mis-di-mee-nfir) ru 1.
ne-ous-ly adv. mis-cel-la'ne-ous- a misdeed, wrongdoing. 2. an indictable
ness n. offense less serious than a felony.
mjs-cel-la-ny (mis-e-lay-nee) n. {pi mis-di-rect (mis-di-rekt) v. to direct in-
-nies) a collection of various items. correctly, mis -di-rec- tion (mis-di-rek-
mis *chance (mis-chans) n. misfortune. shdn) ru
mis *chief (mis-chif) n. 1. conduct (espe- mise-en-scene (meez-ahn-sen) 1. the
cially of children) that is annoying or scenery and of an acted
does slight damage but is not malicious. play. 2. the surroundings of an event.
2. a tendency to tease or cause annoyance fc> French.

playfully, full of mischief 3. harm or mi-ser (mi-zer) ru a person who hoards

damage, did a lot of mischief. Ddo money and spends as little as possible,
someone a mischief, to injure him. mi'ser-ly adj. mi'ser-li-ness, n.
make mischief, to cause discord or ill- mis-er-a-ble (miz-e-ra-bel) adj. 1. full of
feeling. misery, feehng very unhappy or uneasy
mis -chief -ma k-er (mis-chif-may-ker) n. or uncomfortable. 2. surly and discon-
a person who makes mischief. tented, disagreeable. 3. unpleasant, mis-
mis-chie-vous (mis-chg-vus) adj. (of a erable weather. 4. wretchedly poor in
person) full of mischief, (of an action) quality or surroundings etc., a miserable
brought about by mischief, mis'chie* attempt; miserable slums. mls'er*a*
569 misery / miss

bly adv. mis'era-ble-ness n. age (affairs) badly or wrongly, mis*

mis*er*y (miz-S-ree) n. (pL -eries) 1. man'age*ment n,

a feeling of great unhappiness or discom- mis* match (mis-mach) v. to match unsuit-

fort 2. something causing this. 3. (often ably or incorrectly, mismatch (mis-
pi) (informal) a physical discomfort or mach, mis-mach) n. a bad match.
pain, I've got the miseries. mis* name (mis-naym) v. (mis* named,
mis*fea*sance (mis-fee-zans) n. a trans- mis* nam* Ing) to miscall.
gression, especially the wrongful exercise mis*no*mer (mis-noh-mer) n. a name or

of lawful authority. description that is wrongly applied to

mis -file (mis-fil) v. (mis •filed, mis* something.
filling) to file in the wrong place. ml-sog-a-mist (mi-sog-a-mist) n. a per-
mis *fire (mis •fired, mis*
(mis-fir) v.
son who hates marriage, mi-sog'a-
firing) 1. (of a gun) to fail to go off my n.

correctly. 2. (of an engine etc.) to fail mi*sog-y nist (mi-soj-I-nist) n. a person

to start, to function incorrectly. 3. to fail who hates women, ml • sog 'y * nous adj.
to have the intended effect, the joke mis- mhsog'yny n.

fired, misfire n. a misfiring. mis* place (mis-plays) v. (mis* placed,

mis* fit (mis-fit, mis-fit) n. 1. a garment mis- plac ing) 1 to put (a thing) in the
• .

etc. that does not fit the person it was wrong place. 2. to place (one's confidence
meant for. 2. a person who is not well etc.) unwisely. 3. to use (words or action)
suited to his work or to his environment.
in an unsuitable situation, misplaced hu-
mis* for* tune (mis-for-chiin) n. bad luck,
an unfortunate event.
mis* play (mis-play) n. a wrong or ineffec-
tive play in a game, contest, etc. misplay
mis*giv*ing (mis-giv-ing) n. a feeling of
v. to play in a wrong or ineffective man-
doubt or slight fear or mistrust.
mis* gov* em (mis-guv-ern) v. to govern
mis* print (mis-print, mis-print) n. an error
badly. mis*gov'envment n.
in printing, misprint (mis-print) v. to
mis*guid*ed (mis-gi-did) adj. mistaken in
print incorrectly.
one's opinions or actions, ill-judged.
mis-pri-sion (mis-priz/i-6n) n. a wrong
mls*guid'ed*ly adv.
action or omission by a public official.
mis -nan* die (mis-han-del) v. (mis -han-
misprision of felony, the conceal-
dled, mis-han-dling) to deal with (a
ment of knowledge that a felony has
thing) badly or inefficiently.
taken place.
mis* hap (mis-hap, mis-hap) n. an unlucky
mis-pro-nounce (mis-prd-nowns) v.
(mis • pro -nou need, mis* pro*
mis *hear (mis-heer) v. (mis* heard, mis* nounc-ing) to pronounce wrongly,
hearing) to hear incorrectly.
mis-pro -nun-ci-a-tion (mis-prd-
mish-mash (mish-mosh, -mash) n. a con- nun-si-ay-shdn) n.
fused mixture. mis* quote (mis-kwoht) v. (mis -quot-
mis* in* form (mis-in-form) v. to give ed, mis-quot-ing) to quote incorrectly,
wrong information to. mis* in* for* ma* mis quo -ta- tion (mis-kwoh-tay-shdn)

tion (mis-in-foi-may-shon) n. ru
mis-in-ter pret (mis-in-tur-prit) v. to in- mis* read (mis-reed) v. (mis* read, mis*
terpret incorrectly, mis • in • ter • pre • read* ing) to read or interpret incor-
taction (mis-in-tur-pre-tay-sh6n) n. rectly.
mis -judge (mis-juj) v. (mis -judged, mis* rep* re* sent (mis-rep-ri-zent) v. to
mis-judg-ing) to have a wrong opinion represent in a false or misleading way.
of, to estimate incorrectly. mis-judg' mis • rep • re • sen -ta- tion (mis-rep-ri-
ment n. zen-tay-shdn) n.
mis-la-bel (mis-lay-bel) v. (mis* la* mis* rule (mis-rool) n. bad government.
beled, mis-la-bel-ing) to label incor- misrule v. (mis* ruled, mis-rul-ing) to
rectly or misleadingly. govern badly.
mis* lay (mis-lay) v. (mis* laid, mis* miss 1 (mis) v. 1. to fail to hit or reach
laying) to put (a thing) in a place and or catch (an object). 2. to fail to see or
be unable to remember where it is, to hear or understand etc., we missed the
lose temporarily. signpost; missed that remark. 3. to fail
mis* lead (mis-leed) v. (mis* led, mis* to catch (a train etc.) or keep (an appoint-
lead-ing) to cause (a person) to gain a ment) or meet (a person), to fail to seize
wrong impression of something, mis* (an opportunity). 4. to omit, to lack. 5.
lead'ing -ly adv. to notice the absence or loss of. 6. to
mis* man* age (mis-man-ij) v. (mis* feel regret at the absence or loss of; old
man • aged, mis • man • ag • ing) to man- Smith won't be missed, no one will feel
miss / mistral 570
regret at his absence or death. 7. to avoid, among members of a community, mis-
go this way and you'll miss the traffic sionary of or concerned with reli-
8. (of an engine etc.) to misfire, miss gious or similar missions; / was impressed
n. 1 . failure to hit or attain what is aimed with her missionary zeal her enthusiasm
at 2. (informal) a miscarriage. Da
miss and persistence.
is as good as a mile, a narrow margin mis-sion-er (mish-6-ner) n. a missionary.
(of escape, failure, etc.) is a margin none- Mis • sis • sip • pi (mis-i-sip-ee) a state of the
theless, miss out, to omit, miss out U.S.
on, to fail to get benefit or enjoyment Mis* sis -sip* pi* an (mis-i-sip-ee-an) adj.
from, miss the boat, (informal) to lose 1. of a Paleozoic period about 300 to
an opportunity. 350 million years ago. 2. of the state of
miss 2 n. 1. a girl or unmarried woman. Mississippi. Mississippian n. a native
2. Miss, a title used of or to a girl or or inhabitant of Mississippi.
unmarried woman, Miss Smith (pi. the mis-sive (mis-iv) n. a written message, a
Miss Smiths); Miss America, Miss New letter.
England, the title of the winner of a Mis-sou -ri (mi-zoor-i) a state of the U.S.
beauty contest in the specified region etc. Mis*sour / i*an adj. & n.
3. one of a range of sizes of garments mis* spell (mis-spel) v. (mis* spelled or
suitable for women of average build, miss mis* spelt, mis* spell* ing) to spell in-
size 14; misses' dresses. correctly.
Miss. abbr. Mississippi. mis* spend (mis-spend) v. (mis* spent,
mis* sal (mis-al) n. a book containing the mis* spend* ing) to spend badly or un-
prayers used in the Mass of the Roman wisely.
Catholic Church. mis* state (mis-stayt) v. (mis-stat-
mis *send (mis-send) v. (mis* sent, mis* ed, mis* Stat* ing) to state wrongly,
send -ing) to send incorrectly. mis- state 'ment n.
mis -shape (mis-shayp) v. (mis* shaped, mis *step (mis-step) n. a wrong step or
mis -snap -en, mis -snap- ing) to give action.
a bad shape or form to. mist (mist) n. 1. water vapor near the
mis -snap -en (mis-shay-pen) adj. badly ground in drops smaller than raindrops,
shaped, distorted. clouding the atmosphere less thickly
mis-sile (mis-Tl) n. an object or weapon than fog does. 2. condensed vapor cloud-
suitable for throwing or projecting at a ing a window etc. 3. something resem-
target. bling mist in its form or effect, mist v.
mis-sile -man (mis-il-man) n. (pL -men, to cover or become covered with mist,
pr. -men) a person who designs, builds, the windshield misted up.
or launches guided missiles. mis-tak-a-ble (mi-stay-ka-bel) adj. able
mis-sile-ry (mis-Tl-ree) n. the construc- to be mistake/i for another person or
tion and use of guided missiles. thing.
miss* ing (mis-ing) adj. 1. lost, not in its mis 'take ( mi-stay k)
n. an incorrect idea
place, two pages are missing. 2. not pres- or opinion, something done incorrectly.
ent, he's always missing when there's work mistake v. (mis* took, mis-tak-en,
to be done. 3. absent from home and with mis-tak-ing) 1. to misunderstand the
one's whereabouts unknown, she's listed meaning or intention of. 2. to choose or
as a missing person. 4. (of a soldier etc.) identify wrongly, mistake one's vocation;
neither present after a battle nor known she is often mistaken for her sister.
to have been killed, he was reported as by mistake, as the result of careless-
missing in action. missing link, a ness or forgetfulness etc.
thing lacking to complete a series; a type mis-tak-en (mis-tay-ken) adj. 1. wrong
of animal supposed to have existed be- in one's opinion, you are mistaken. 2.
tween the anthropoid apes and the devel- applied unwisely, mistaken kindness.
opment of man. mls-tak'en*ly adv.
mis-sion (mish-dn) a body of envoys
n. 1. mis-ter (mis-ter) n. (informal) a form of
sent to a foreign country or to an interna- address to a man, used without his name.
tional organization. 2. an establishment (See Mr.).
of missionaries. 3. an organization for mis *time (mis-tim) v. (mis 'timed, mis*

spreading the Christian faith, a series of tlm • ing) to say or do (a thing) at a wrong
religious services etc. for this purpose. time.
4. the work or premises of a religious mis* tie *toe (mis-el-toh) n. a plant with
or other mission. 5. a person's vocation, white berries that grows as a parasite
his mission in life. on trees.
mis-sion-ar-y (mish-o-ner-ee) n. a person mis-tral (mis-tral, mi-strahl) n. a cold
who is sent to spread the Christian faith north or northwest wind in the Mediter-
571 mistreat / Mile.

ranean provinces of France etc. gether so that the substances etc. are no
mis* treat (mis-treet) v. to treat badly, longer distinct, to make or prepare (a
mis* treat 'ment n. thing) by doing this. 2. to be capable
mis* tress (mis-tris) n. 1. a woman who of being blended, oil will not mix with
is of authority or control.
in a position water. 3. to combine, to be able to be
2. the female head of a household. 3. combined, mix business with pleasure-
the female owner of a dog or other ani- drinking and driving don't mix. 4. (of a
mal. 4. a female teacher. 5. a man's fe- person) to be sociable or harmonious.
male lover with whom he has a continu- mix n. 1. a mixture. 2. a mixture pre-
ing illicit sexual relationship. pared commercially from suitable ingre-
mis*tri*al (mis-tri-al) n. a trial that is in- dients for making something, cake mix;
valid because of procedural error. concrete mix. mix / a*ble adj. Dmix it
mis *trust (mis-trust) v. to feel no trust up, (informal) to fight, mix up, to mix
in. mistrust n. lack of trust, mis* trust'' thoroughly; to confuse (things) in one's
ful adj. mis* trust 'ful*ly adv. mis* mind; to make (a person) feel confused;
trust'ful-ness n. be mixed up in a crime etc., to be in-
mist*y (mis-tee) adj. (mist*i*er, mist*i* volved in it.
est) 1 full of mist. 2. indistinct in form
. mixed (mikst) adj. 1 composed of various

or idea etc. mist'My adv. mist' i-ness qualities or elements. 2. containing peo-
n. ple from various races or social classes.
mis *un*der* stand (mis-un-der-stand) v. 3. for people of both sexes, mixed swim-
(mis *un*der* stood, mis*un*der* ming. U mixedbag, an assortment of
stand *ing) to form an incorrect inter- different things or people,mixed bless-
pretation or opinion of. ing, a thing that has advantages and also
mis un*der* stand *ing
• (mis-un-der- disadvantages, mixed doubles, a dou-
stan-ding) n. 1 . a disagreement. 2. a mis- bles game in tennis with a man and
interpretation. woman as partners on each side, mixed
mis* US* age (mis-yoo-sij) n. 1. bad treat- farming, farming of both crops and live-
ment. 2. misuse, especially of words. stock, mixed feelings, a mixture of
mis* use (mis-yooz) v. (mis* used, mis* pleasure and dismay at the same event.
us*ing) 1 to use wrongly or incorrectly.
. mixed grill, a dish of various grilled
2. to treat badly, misuse (mis-yoos) n. meats and vegetables, mixed marriage,
wrong or incorrect use. marriage between people of different race
mite (nut) ru 1. a very small spiderlike or religion, mixed number, a number
parasitic animal found in food, cheese containing an integer and a fraction.
mites. 2. a very small contribution, of- mixed-up (mikst-up) adj. (informal) hav-
fered a mite of comfort. 3. a very small ing problems of the emotions and behav-
creature, a small child. ior through not being well adjusted so-
mt-ter (mi-ter) n. 1. the tall headdress cially.
worn by bishops as a symbol of office. mix*er (mik-ser) n. 1. a device that mixes
2. a joint or joining of two pieces of wood or blends things, food mixers. 2. a person
with their ends evenly tapered so that who gets on in a certain way with others,
together they form a right angle, miter a good mixer. 3. a gathering designed
v. to join in a miter. to help people become acquainted with
mit -i -gate (mit-i-gayt) v. (mlt*i*gat* one another.
ed, mit*i*gat*ing) to make less intense mixt. abbr. mixture.
or serious or severe; mitigating circum- mixture (miks-chur) n. 1. mixing, being
stances, facts that partially excuse wrong- mixed. 2. something made by mixing,
doing. mit'l*ga*tor n. mit*i*ga*tive a combination of things or ingredients
(mit-I-gay-tiv) adj. m
t • • ga • to • ry (mit-
i i or qualities etc.
I-ga-tohr-ee) adj. mit*i*ga*tion (mit-i- mix* up (miks-up) n. a confusion.
gay-shon) n. t>Do not confuse mitigate miz*zen (miz-en) n. the lowest fore-and-
with militate. aft sail of a fully rigged ship.
mi* to* sis (mi-toh-sis) n. division of a cell miz*zen*mast (miz-en-mast, -mast) n. 1.
or nucleus. mi*tot*ic (mi-tot-ik) adj. the aftmost mast in a vessel with two
mitt (mit) n. 1 a mitten. 2. (informal) a
. or three masts. 2. the third mast in a
baseball glove, usually one worn' by a vessel with four or more masts.
catcher or first baseman. 3. (slang) a Mk. abbr. mark.
hand. mks abbr. meter-kilogram-second.
mit* ten (mit-en) n. a kind of glove that mktg abbr. marketing.
leaves the fingers and thumb tip bare or ml abbr. milliliters).
that has no partition between the fingers. ML abbr. Medieval Latin.
mix (miks) v. 1 to put different things to-
. Mile. abbr. Mademoiselle.
Miles. / moderate 572

Miles, abbr. Mesdemoiselles. mock (mok) v. 1 to make fun of by imitat-


mm abbr. millimeter(s). ing, to mimic. 2. to scoff or jeer, to defy

MM. abbr. Messieurs. contemptuously, mock adj. sham, imita-
Mme. abbr. Madame. tion, a mock battle. Dmock orange,
Mmes. abbr. Mesdames. a shrub with strongly scented white flow-
Mn symbol manganese. ers, mock turtle soup, soup made from
MN abbr. Minnesota. calf's head or other meat, to resemble
mne*mon*iC (ni-mon-ik) adj. aiding the turtle soup.
memory, mnemonic ru a verse or other mock'er-y (mok-e-ree) n. {pi -er*
aid to help one remember facts. mne* ies) 1 ridicule, contempt. 2. a ridiculous

mon'i*cal*ly adv. or unsatisfactory imitation, a travesty.

Mo symbol molybdenum. mock-he «ro*ic (mok-hi-roh-ik) adj. bur-
MO abbr. Missouri. lesquing heroic style.
mo. abbr. month(s). mock -ing* bird (mok-ing-burd) n. a bird
Mo. abbr. 1. Missouri. 2. Monday. that mimics the notes of other birds.
M.O. mail order. 2. medical
abbr. 1 . officer. mock* up (mok-up) n. an experimental
3. method of operation (Latin, modus model showing the appearance of a pro-
operandi). 4. money order. posed book, ship, etc.
moan (mohn) n. 1. a low mournful inar- mod (mod) adj. (informal) modern, bold
ticulate sound, usually indicating pain or and not traditional in style of dress, mod
grumble, moan v. 1. to
suffering. 2. a n. (informal) 1. a young person who
utter a moan, to say with a moan. 2. adopts a mod style. 2. a modification.
(ofwind etc.) to make a sound like a mod. abbr. 1. moderate. 2. modern.
moan. 3. to grumble. moan / er ru mode (mohd) n. 1. the way in which a
moat (moht) n. a deep wide ditch sur- thing is done. 2. the current fashion. 3.
rounding a castle or house etc., usually the value of a variable corresponding to
filled with water. its greatest frequency of occurrence.
moat-ed (moh-tid) adj. surrounded by a mod*al (moh-dal) adj.
moat. mod* el (mod -el) n. 1. a three-dimensional
mob (mob) n. 1 . a large disorderly crowd reproduction of something, usually on
of people. 2. the mob, the common peo- a smaller scale. 2. a design or style of
ple, the rabble. 3. (slang) a gang, mob structure, as of a car, this years model
v. (mobbed, mob-bing) to crowd 3. a garment by a well-known designer,
around in great numbers either to attack a copy of this. 4. a person or thing re-
or to admire. Dmob
rule, rule imposed garded as excellent of its kind and wor-
and enforced by the mob. thy of imitation. 5. a person employed
mo* bile (moh-bll) adj. 1. movable, not to pose for an artist. 6. a person em-
fixed, able to move or be moved easily ployed to display clothes in a shop etc.
and quickly; mobile shop, one accommo- by wearing them, model adj. excellent
dated in a vehicle so that it can be driven of its kind, exemplary; a model child,
from place to place. 2. (of the features well behaved, model v. (mod-eled,
of the face) readily changing expression. mod*ei*ing) 1. to make a model of (a
mobile (moh-beel) n. a structure of thing) in clay or wax etc., to shape (clay
metal or plastic or cardboard etc. that etc.) into a model. 2. to design or plan
may be hung so that its parts move freely (a thing) in accordance with a model,
in currents of air. mo*bll*i*ty (moh-bil- the new method is modeled on the old
i-tee) n. mobile home, a large auto- one. 3. to work as an artist's model or
motive vehicle or trailer equipped as a as a fashion model, to display (clothes)
home. in this way.
mo-bi-lize (moh-bl-hz) v. (mo-bi-lized, mod -er- ate (mod-e-rit) adj. 1. medium
mo*bi*liz*ing) 1. to assemble (troops) in amount or intensity or quality etc. 2.
for service, to prepare for war or other keeping or kept within reasonable limits,
emergency. 2. to assemble for a particu- not extreme or excessive; a moderate cli-
lar purpose, they mobilized support from mate, mild, not intensely hot or intensely
all parties. mo'bi*liz*er n. mo 'bi- cold. 3. not holding extremist views.
ll »za*tion (moh-bl-H-zay-shon) n. moderate (mod-e-rayt) v. (mod*er*at*
mob*8ter (mob-ster) n. (slang) a gangster. ed, mod*er*at*ing) 1. to make or be-
moC'Ca-sin (mok-a-sin) n. 1. a kind of come moderate or less intense etc. 2. to
soft around the
leather shoe, stitched preside at a meeting, moderate (mod
vamp. a poisonous snake of the south-
2. e>rit) n. a person who holds moderate
eastern U.S. opinions, especially in politics. mod*er*
mccha (moh-ka) n. a kind of coffee, fla- ate*ly (mod-£-rit-lee) adv. mod-er-
voring made with this. a-tion (mod-£-ray-shdn) n. Din mod-
573 moderator / mold
eration, in moderate amounts. la*to*ry (moj-u-la-tohr-ee) adj. mod*
mod*er*a*tor (mod-e-ray-tdr) n. 1 a per- . u*la*tion (moj-u-lay-shdn) n.
son who presides at a meeting. 2. a Pres- mod-ule (moj-ool) n. 1 a unit or standard

byterian minister presiding over a church used in measuring. 2. a standardized part

court or assembly. or an independent unit in furniture or
mod-em (mod-era) adj. 1. of the present buildings or a spacecraft etc.
or recent times, modern history. 2. in cur- mo • dus op • er • an • di (moh-dus op-e-ran-
rent fashion, not antiquated. 3. (of artis- di) 1 a person's method of working. 2.

tic or literary forms) new and experimen- the way a thing operates. C> Latin, = way
tal, not following traditional styles. of operating.
modern n. a person of modern times mo* dus viven*di (moh-dus vi-ven-di)
or with modern tastes or style, mod' an arrangement that enables parties who
errHy adv. mod'envness n. mo* are in dispute to carry on instead of hav-
dertvhty (md-dur-ni-tee) n. Modem ing their activities paralyzed until the
English, the English language from 1500 dispute has been settled. t> Latin, = way
onward. of living.
mod -em* ism (mod-er-niz-em) n. modern Mog*a*dish*u (mog-a-dish-oo) the capi-
views or methods. tal of Somalia.
mod*ern*ist (mod-er-nist) n. a person mo-gul (moh-gul) n. (informal) an impor-

who favors modernism, mod* em* is* tant or influential person, movie moguls.
tic (mod-er-nis-tik) adj. mogul 2 n. a bump on a ski run.
mod-ern-ize (mod-er-mz) v. (mod* mo *hair (moh-hair) n. 1 the fine silky hair

ern-ized, mod*em*iz*ing) to make of the angora goat, or a mixture of it

modern, to adapt to modern ideas or with wool or cotton. 2. yarn or fabric
tastes etc. mod'ern*iz*er n. mod* made from this.
em*i*za*tion (mod-er-ni-zay-shdn) n. Mo*ham*med*an (moh-ham-e-dan) =
mod* est (mod-ist) adj. 1. not vain, not Muhammadan.
boasting about one's merits or achieve- Mo* hawk (moh-hawk) n. {pi. -hawk,
ments. 2. rather shy, not putting oneself -hawks) a member or language of a tribe
forward. 3. moderate in size or amount of Indians living in New York State.
etc., not showy or splendid in appear- Mo*he*gan (moh-hee-gan) {pi -gan,
ance. 4. (of a woman) showing regard -gans) Mo* hi* can (moh-hee-kan) {pi.
for conventional decencies in dress or be- -can, -cans) n. 1 a member of an Indian

havior. mod'est*ly adv. mod'es*ty n. tribe formerly living inConnecticut and

mod -i •cum (mod-T-kum) n. a small Massachusetts. 2. a Mahican.
amount. Mohs' (mohz) scale a scale of mineral
modif. abbr. modification. hardness.
mod-i-fy (mod-i-fi) v. (mod-i-fied, moi-e-ty (moi-e-tee) n. {pi. -ties) approx-
mod*i*fy*ing) 1. to make less severe imately half of something.
or harsh or violent. 2. to make partial moi*re, moire (maw-ray, mwahr) n. fab-
changes in, some clauses in the agreement ric that looks like watered silk.
have been modified. 3. (in grammar) to moist (moist) adj. slightly wet, damp,
qualify by describing, adjectives modify moist'ly adv. moist / ness n.
nouns. mod*i*fi*ca*tion (mod-I-fl- mols*ten (moi-sen) v. to make or become
kay-shon) n. mod*i*fi*er (mod-I-fi-er) moist. mois'ten*er n.
n. moiS'ture (mois-chur) n. water or other
mod*ish (moh-dish) adj. fashionable, liquid diffused through a substance or
mod'islvly adv. mod'ish-ness n. present in the air as vapor or condensed
mo-diste (moh-deest) n. (old use) a mil- on a surface.
liner, a dressmaker. mois*tur*ize (mois-chu-nz) v. (mois*
mod-u-lar (moj-u-lSr) adj. constructed of tur-ized, mois*tur*iz*ing) to make
standardized units. (the skin) less dry by use of certain cos-
mod*u*lar*ize (moj-u-la-nz) v. (mod*u* metics. mois / tur*iz*er n.
lar*ized, mod*u*lar*iz*ing) to con- mol. abbr. molecular. 2. molecule.
struct of standardized units. mo*lar (moh-lar) n. any of the teeth at
mod -u -late (moj-u-layt) v. (mod*u*lat* the back of the mouth that have broad
ed, mod*u*lat*ing) 1 to adjust or reg-
. tops and are used for grinding food in
ulate, to moderate. 2. to vary the tone chewing, molar adj. of these teeth.
or pitch of (one's voice). 3. to pass from mo-las-ses (md-las-iz) n. a thick sticky
one key to another in music. 4. to alter dark liquid produced when sugar is re-
the amplitude or frequency or phase of fined.
(a carrier wave) so as to convey a particu- mold 1 (mohld) n. soft fine loose earth that
lar signal. mod'u*la*tor n. mod*u* is rich in organic matter, leaf mold.
mold / monarchist 574
mold 2 a hollow container into which
n. 1 . mol -ly cod -die (mol-ee-kod-el) v. (mol-

a soft or liquid substance is poured to lycod-dled, mol-ly-cod-dling) to

set or cool into a desired shape. 2. a pud- coddle excessively, to pamper, molly-
ding, gelatin dessert, etc. made in a mold. coddle n. a mollycoddled person.
mold v. 1. to cause to have a certain Mo-lo-tov (mol-o-tawf) cocktail a kind
shape, to produce by shaping. 2. to guide of incendiary bomb thrown by hand.
or control the development of, mold a molt (mohlt) v. to shed feathers or skin,
person's character. as of reptiles, birds, etc. molt n. 1 the .

mold 3 n. a fine furry growth of very small process or act of molting. 2. the cast off
fungi forming on things that he in moist covering, molt'er n,
warm air. mold v. to become moldy. mol *ten (mohl- ten) adj. melted, made liq-
mold'y adj. mold'i-ness n\ uid by very great heat.
Mol*da*vi*a (mol-day-vee-a) a republic of Mo-luc-ca (mo-luk-a) Islands a group of
the U.S.S.R. bordering on Rumania. islands in Indonesia. Mo-luc'can adj.
Mol-da'vi-an adj. & n. & n.
mold *board (mohld-bohrd) n. a board in mo-ly (moh-lee) n, (pL Ales) a mythical
a plow that turns over the furrow slice. herb with white flowers and black root,
mold er• 1
(mohl-der) v. to decay into dust, endowed with magical properties.
to rot away. mo • lyb • de • num (mo-lib-de-num) n. a sil-
molder 2 n. a person who molds or shapes ver white brittle metallic element.
mold-ing (mohl-ding) n. 1. shaping in a
mom (mom) n. (informal) mother.
mold. 2. a molded object, especially an
Dmom and pop store, an independent
retail business small enough to be run
ornamental strip of plaster or wood etc.
by two people, especially by a husband
decorating or outlining something.
and wife.
mole (mohl)
n. a small permanent dark
moTTient (moh-ment) n. 1. a very brief
spot on the human skin.
portion of time. 2. an exact point of time;
mole2 n. a structure built out into the sea
he'll be here any moment, at any time
as a breakwater or causeway.
now, very soon. 3. importance, these are
mole3 n a small burrowing animal with
matters of great moment Dat the mo-
dark velvety fur and very small eyes.
mole 4 n, a unit of molecular weight. ment, now. for the moment, for now,
temporarily, in a moment, instantly;
mol-e-cule (mol-e-kyool) n. 1. the small-
very soon, moment of truth, a time of
est unit (usually consisting of a group
test or crisis (t>from a Spanish phrase
of atoms) into which a substance can be
referring to the final sword thrust in a
divided without a change in its chemical
nature. 2. a small particle. mo*lec-
u-lar (md-lek-yu-lar) adj. mo-men-tar*Y (moh-men-ter-ee) adj.

mole *hill (mohl-hil) n, a small mound of lasting only a moment, mo 'men* tar*
earth thrown up by a burrowing mole. i'ly (moh-men-ter-I-lee) adv.

_ make a mountain out of a molehill, mo-men-tous (moh-men-tus) adj. of

to behave as if a small difficulty were a great importance. mo-men'touS'ly
very great one. adv. mo-men'tous-ness n.
mole *skin (mohl-skin) n. 1. the fur of the mo -men -turn (moh-men-tum) n. impetus
mole. 2. a fabric having a soft thick nap. gained by movement, the sled gathered
mo* lest (mo-lest) v. to annoy or pester momentum as it went downhill; as the
a person in a hostile way or in a way election wore on, the candidate lost mo-
that causes injury, mo* lest 'er n. mo* mentum, his popularity faded.
les- ta-tion (moh-le-stay-shdn) n. mom -my (mom-ee) n. (pL -mies) (in-
moll (mol) ru (informal) a gangster's female formal) mother.
companion. Mon. abbr. Monday.
mol-li-fy (mol -T-fi) v. (mol* li 'tied, mol- Mon-a-co (mon-a-koh) 1. a country on
II •tying) to soothe the anger of. mol- the French Riviera. 2. its capital city.
li-fi-ca-tion (mol-i-fl-kay-shdn) n. mon -arch (mon-ark) n. 1. a ruler with
mol-lusk, mol-lusc (mol-usk) n. any of the title of king, queen, emperor, or em-
a group of animals that have soft bodies press. 2. (also monarch butterfly) a
and hard shells (such as snails, oysters, large orange and black butterfly, mon*
mussels) or no shell (such as slugs, octo- ar-chlc (mo-nahr-kik) adj. mon-ar'
puses), mol-lus-kan, mol-fus-can chi-cal adj.
(mo-lus-kan) adj. mon -ar- chi st (mon-ar-kist) n. a person
mol-ly (mol-ee) n. (pi -lies) a freshwater who favors government by a monarch
aquarium fish whose young are born or who supports a monarch against op-
alive, not in the form of eggs. ponents of this system. mon'ar'Chism

575 monarchy / monitor

n. mon • ar • chist • 1c (mon-ar-kis-tik) guarantee) promising to return a custom-
adj. er's money if he is not satisfied.
mon*ar*chy (mon-ar-kee) ru (pi -chles) mon *ey* bags (mun-ee-bagz) n. (slang) a
1 a form of government in which a mon- rich person.
arch is the supreme ruler. 2. a country mon *ey* Chang *er (mun-ee-chayn-jer) n.
with this form of government. a person whose business is to change
mon*as*ter*y (mon-a-ster-ee) n. (pi. money at a stated rate.
-tenies) a building in which monks live mon* eyed (mun-eed) adj. wealthy.
as a secluded community under religious mon*ey-grub*ber (mun-ee-grub-er) n. a
vows. mon*as*ter*i*al (mon-£-steer-i- person who is greedily intent on making
al) adj. money.
mo*nas*tic (m6-nas-tik) adj. of monks or mon *ey* lend *er (mun-ee-len-der) n. a
monasteries. mo*nas'ti*cal*ly adv. person whose business it is to lend money

mo *nas* theism (md-nas-ti-siz-em) n. on which the borrower will pay interest.

mon*au*ral (mon-or-al) adj. monophonic. mon*ey*mak*er (mun-ee-may-ker) n. a
mon*au'ral*ly adv. person or business etc. that is successful
Mon day (mun-day) n. the day of the week in making a profit, mon'ey* making
following Sunday. adj. & n.
mon*e*tar*ism (mon-e-ta-riz-em) n. the Mon* got (mong-gdl) adj. Mongolian.
theory that governments create inflation Mongol a Mongolian person.

by putting too much money into the Mon*go*li*a (mong-goh-li-a) a region

economy. mon'e*tar*ist n. a person north of China, including Inner Mongo-
who supports* this theory. lia, controlled by China, and the Mongo-

mon*e*tar*y (mon-e-ter-ee) adj. 1. of a lian People's Republic. Mon*go'li*an

country's currency, our monetary system. adj. & n.

2. of or involving money, its monetary Mongolian (mong-goh-li-an) People's

value. t>Do not confuse monetary with Republic a country in north central
financial. Monetary experts pay at- Asia.
tention to the amount of currency in Mon*go*lism (mong-go-liz-em) n. an ab-

circulation. Financial experts are con- normal congenital condition in which a

cerned with banking, business, or gov- person suffers from mental deficiency
ernmental transactions involving money. and has a Mongoloid appearance,
morvey (mun-ee) n. 1. coin, portable Down's syndrome.
pieces of stamped metal in use as a me- Mon*go*loid (mong-gd-loid) adj. 1. re-
dium of exchange. 2. coins and bank- sembling the Mongols in racial charac-
notes. 3. (pi. moneys or monies) spe- teristics, having yellowish skin, a broad
cific sums of currency. 4. an amount of flat face, and straight black hair. 2. of
money, wealth; they've got plenty of or suffering from mongolism. Mongo-
money, are wealthy; there's money in it, loid n. 1 a Mongoloid person. 2. a per-

much profit can be made from it. son suffering from mongolism.
get one's money's worth, to get mon goose (mong-goos) n. (pi. -goos*

good value for one's money, in the es) a weasel-like tropical animal that can
money, (informal) winning money attack and kill poisonous snakes.
prizes; (slang) having plenty of money. mon*grel (mong-grel) n. 1. a dog of no
make money, to make a profit; to be- definable type or breed. 2. an animal or
come rich by doing this, marry money, plant of mixed breed, mongrel adj. of
to marry a rich person, money
box, a mixed origin or character.
closed box into which savings or contri- mon»ick*er, mon*i*ker (mon-T-ker) n.
butions aredropped through a slit. (slang) a person'sname.
money of account, a unit of money mon* ism (mon-iz-em) n. the doctrine that
used in reckoning for which there may only one ultimate principle or being ex-
ists. mon ist n. mo*nis*tic (mo-nis-
or may not be an equivalent coin or paper /

money, money order, a printed order tik) adj.

for the payment of money, issued by a mo*nl*tion (moh-nish-dn) n. 1. a warning
post office, bank, etc. for payment at any of danger. 2. a formal notice from a
of its branches, money supply, the bishop or an ecclesiastical court admon-
amount of currency, plus demand or ishing someone to refrain from some of-
checking account deposits, in public fense.
hands. t> Note that there is rarely a need mon *\ 'tor (mon-i-t6r) n. 1. a pupil who
for the plural form of money (see defini- is given special duties in a school. 2. a
tion 3 above for one use of the plural device used for observing or testing the
form.) operation of something. 3. a person who
mon-ey-back (mun-ee-bak) adj. (of a monitors broadcasts etc. 4. a television
monitory / monosyllable 576
set used in a studio to check or select more letters (especially a person's ini-
transmissions, monitor v. to keep watch tials) combined in mono-
one design,
over, to record or test or control the gram v. (mon*o*grammed, mon-o-
working of. gram *ming) to mark with a monogram.
mon*i*tO»ry (mon-i-tohr-ee) adj. serving mon'o*grammed adj.
as a warning, admonitory. mon *o graph
• (mon-d-graf) n. a scholarly
monk 1
(mungk) n. a member of a commu- treatise on a single subject or on some
nity of men living apart from the world aspect of a subject.
under the rules of a religious order. mon O• • lin • gual (mon-6-ling-gwal) adj.
monk's Cloth, a rough cotton cloth expressed in or knowing or using only
of basket weave. one language.
monk 2 n. (informal) monkey. mon*o*lith (mon-o-lith) n. a large single
mon -key (mung-kee) n. {pi -keys) 1. an upright block of stone.
animal of a group closely related to man, mon*o*lith*ic (mon-d-lith-ik) adj. 1. con-
especially one of the small long-tailed sisting of one or more monoliths. 2. like
species. 2. a mischievous person, mon- a monolith in being single and massive,
key v. (mon- keyed, mon- keying) to a monolithic organization.
play about mischievously; don't monkey mon*o*logue, mon-o -log (mon-5-lawg)
with the switch, do not tamper with it n. a long speech by one performer or
monkey business, (slang) mischief; by one person in a group. mon-o-log-
underhand dealings, monkey suit, 1st (mo-nol-o-jist) n.
(slang) a uniform, a man's formal eve- mon*0*ma*ni*a (mon-o-may-ni-a) n. an
ning dress, monkey wrench, a wrench obsession with one idea or interest,
with adjustable jaws. mon-o-ma'ni-ac n.

mon* key 'Shines (mung-kee-shinz) n. pi mon*o*mer (mon-d-mer) n. a chemical

(slang) mischief or tricks. compound that can be polymerized.
monk-ish (mung-kish) adj. of or like a mo*no*mi*al (moh-noh-mi-al) n. an alge-
monk. monk'ish-ly adv. monk'ish* braic expression consisting of one term.
ness n. monomial adj.
monks hood *(mungks-huud) n. a poison- mon*o*nu*cle*o*sis (mon-oh-noo-kli-
ous plant with blue hood-shaped flowers. oh-sis) n. an infectious disease with swell-
mon'O 1 (mon-oh) adj. monophonic. ing of the lymph glands.
mono n. {pi mon* OS) 1. monophonic mon*0*phon*ic (mon-o-fon-ik) adj. (of
sound or recording. 2. a monophonic sound reproduction) using only one
record. transmission channel. mon*0*phon'i*
mono 2 n. (informal) mononucleosis. cal*ly adv.
mono- prefix one, single, alone. mon-o -plane (mon-o-playn) n. a type of
mon *o 'Chrome (mon-6-krohm) adj. done airplane with only one set of wings.
in only one color, black and white, mon •
mo • nop *0* list (md-nop-6-list) n. a per-
0*Chro*mat*iC (mon-oh-kroh-mat-ik) son who has a monopoly, mo* nop*
adj. O* lis* tic (md-nop-6-lis-tik) adj.
mon*o*cle (mon-o-kel) n. an eyeglass for mo*nop*o*lize (md-nop-o-liz) v. (mo*
one eye only. nop-o-lized, mo*nop*o*liz*ing) to
mon*o*cot*y*le*don (mon-d-kot-I-lee- take exclusive control or use of; monopo-
ddn) a flowering plant with a single
n. lize the conversation, give others no
cotyledon. mon*o*cot*yle'don*ous chance to join in. mo*nop*0*li*za*
adj. Won (mo-nop-o-li-zay-shdn) n.

mo*noc*U*lar (md-nok-yu-lar) adj. with mo*nop*0*ly (mo-nop-d-lee) n. {pi -lies)

one eye, using or intended for use with 1. exclusive possession of the trade in
one eye. some commodity. 2. sole possession or
mon*o*dy (mon-6-dee) n. {pi -dies) 1. control of anything. 3. Monopoly, (trade-
an ode sung by a single actor in a Greek mark) a board game in which squares
tragedy. 2. a poem in which a mourner represent properties which players buy
bewails someone's death. mon'0*dist with imitation money.
n. mo*nod*iC (md-nod-ik) adj. mon *o -rail (mon-o-rayl) n. a railway in
mon*0*fii*a*ment (mon-6-fil-a-ment) n. which the track consists of a single rail.
a single untwisted synthetic filament. mon*o*so*di*um glu*ta*mate (mon-o-
mo nog
• •a • my
(m6-nog-a-mee) n. the sys- soh-di-um gloo-ta-mayt) a salt used to
tem of being married to only one person intensify flood flavors.
at a time, mo
• nog 'a • mist n. mo* mon*o*syl*la*ble (mon-6-sil-a-bel) n. a
nog'a-mous adj. mon*o*gam*ic word of one syllable. mon*o*syl*lab*
(mon-o-gam-ik) adj. ic (mon-6-si-lab-ik) adj. mon*0*syl*
mon*0*gram (mon-6-gram) *l two or lab'i-cal-ly adv.
577 monotheism / moonlight
mon o • • the • ism
(mon-d-thee-iz-em) n. Mont-gom-ery (mont-gum-e-ree) the
the doctrine that there is only one God. capital ofAlabama.
mon'o*the*lst n. mon *o* the -Is* tic month (munth) ru 1. any of the twelve
(mon-5-thee-is-tik) adj. portions into which a year is divided.
mon *0* tone (mon-6-tohn) n. a level un- 2. the period between the same dates in
changing tone of voice in speaking or successive months. month of Sun-
singing. days, a very long time.
mo-not-o-nous (md-not-6-nus) adj. month *ly (munth-lee) adj. happening or
lacking in variety or variation, tiring published or payable etc. once a month.
or boring because of this. mo*not'0* monthly adv. once a month, monthly
nous-1y adv. mo*not'o*ny n. ru a monthly magazine etc.
mon*ox*ide (md-nok-sid) n. an oxide Mont- pel *ier (mont-peel-yer) the capital
with one atom of oxygen. of Vermont.
Mon -roe (mdn-roh), James (1758-1831) mon*u*ment (mon-yu-ment) ru 1. any-
the fifth president of the U.S. 1817-25. thing (especially a structure) designed or
Mon-ro-vi-a (mdn-roh-vi-£) the capital of serving to celebrate or commemorate a
Liberia. person or event etc. 2. a structure that
Mon*sei*gneur (mon-sen-yur) n. the title is preserved because of its historical im-
of an eminent French person, especially portance.
a prince, cardinal, archbishop, or bishop. mon*u*men*tal (mon-yu-men-tal) adj. 1.
Mon-sieur (m6-syur) n. (pi Mes'Sieurs, of or serving as a monument, monumen-
pr. mes-erz, may-syur) the title of a tal brasses in the church. 2. (of a literary
Frenchman, =
Mr. or sir. work) massive and of permanent impor-
Mon*si*gnor (mon-seen-ydr) ru the title tance. 3. extremely great, a monumental
of certain. Roman Catholic priests and achievement or blunder. mon*u*men'
officials. tal-ly adv.
mon -soon (mon-soon) n. 1. a seasonal moo (moo) n. the low deep sound made
wind blowing in South Asia, especially by a cow. moo v. to make this sound.
in the Indian Ocean. 2. the rainy season mooch (mooch) v. (slang) to obtain
accompanying the southwest monsoon. (money, cigarettes, etc.) by cadging.
monaster (mon-ster) n. 1. a large ugly or mooch 'er n.
frightening imaginary creature. 2. an ani- mood (mood) n.
a temporary state of
1 .

mal or plant that is very abnormal in mind or spirits. tone

2. the feeling or
form. 3. anything of huge size. 4. an ex- conveyed by a literary or artistic work,
tremely cruel or wicked person. the visual mood of a film. 3. a fit of bad
mon*strance (mon-strans) n. (in the Ro- temper or depression, he's in one of his
man Catholic Church) a framed open or moods.
transparent holder in which the conse- mood 2 n. a grammatical form of a verb
crated bread of the Eucharist is exposed that shows whether it is a statement (he
for veneration. stopped) or a command (stop!) etc.
mon*stros*i*ty (mon-stros-i-tee) ru (pi mood-y (moo-dee) adj. (mood* her,
-ties) a monstrous thing. mood • • est) gloomy, sullen, liable to

mon*strous (mon-striis) adj. 1. like a become like this. mood'My adv.

monster, huge. 2. outrageous, very moodiness n.
wrong or absurd. mon'strous*ly adv. moon (moon) n. 1. the natural satellite
mon'strous-ness ru of Earth, made visible by light that it
Mont. abbr. Montana. reflects from the sun. 2. this when it is
mon*tage (mon-tahz/t) ru 1. the joining visible, there's no moon tonight. 3. a natu-
of a number of short disconnected shots ral satellite of any planet. 4. something
(in a motion picture) to indicate passage regarded as unlikely to be attained, reach
of time, change of place, etc. 2. the for the moon; promised us the moon,
process of making a composite picture made very extravagant promises, moon
by putting together pieces from other v. to move or look or pass time dreamily

pictures or designs. 3. a picture produced or listlessly. Donee in a blue moon,

in this way. hardly ever.
Mon • tan* a (mon-tan-a) a state of the U.S. moon* beam (moon-beem) ru a ray of
Mon*tan'an adj. & ru moonlight.
Mon • tes • so • ri (mon-te-sohr-ee) method moon*ie (moo-nee) n. (slang) a follower
a method of educating very young chil- of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a Korean
dren by direction of their natural activi- evangelist in the U.S.
ties rather than by strict control. moon -less (moon-lis) adj. without a
Mon*te*vi*de*o (mon-te-vi-day-oh) the moon, moonless nights.
capital of Uruguay. moon -light (moon-lit) n. light from the
moonlit / mordant 578

moon, moonlight v. (informal) to have carried down and deposited by a glacier.

two paid jobs, one during the day and mor*al (mor-al) adj. 1. of or concerned
the other in the evening, moon'light* with the goodness and badness of human
er n. character or with the principles of what
moon* lit (moon-lit) adj. lit by the moon. is right and wrong in conduct, moral phi-
moon* rise (moon-nz) ru the rising of the losophy. 2. virtuous. 3. capable of under-
moon, the time of this. standing and living by the rules of moral-
moon scape (moon-skayp)
• n. 1 the scen- . ity. 4. based on people's sense of what
ery of the moon. 2. a picture of this. is right or just, not on legal rights and
moon -shine (moon-shin) ru 1. foolish obligations, we had a moral
ideas. 2. moonlight. 3. (informal) ille- to help. psychological, mental not
gally distilled or smuggled whiskey. physical or concrete, moral courage;
moon* shot (moon-shot) n. the launching moral support, encouragement and ap-
of a spacecraft or rocket traveling to the proval, moral n. 1. a moral lesson or
moon. principle. 2. morals, a person's moral
moon* stone (moon-stohn) n. a semipre- habits, especially sexual conduct, mor'
cious stone with a pearly appearance. al*ly adv. moral certainty, a proba-
moon* struck (moon-struk) adj. 1. de- bility so great that no reasonable doubt
ranged in mind, supposedly because of is possible, moral victory, a triumph,
the influence of the moon. 2. romantic. although nothing concrete is obtained by
moon* walk (moon-wawk) n. a walk on it. ODo not confuse moral with morale.
the surface of the moon. mo* rale (mo-ral) n. the state of a person's
moon*y (moo-nee)(moon*ier, adj. or group's spirits and confidence.
moon *l* est) dreamy.
listless, ODo not confuse morale with moral
moor 1
(moor) a stretch of open
n. (British) mor-al *ist (mor-a-iist) n. a person who
uncultivated land with low shrubs. expresses or teaches moral principles,
moor2 v. to secure (a boat or other floating mor-al -is -tic (mor-a-lis-tik) adj. mor*
thing) to a fixed object by means of ca- al*is'ti*cal*ly adv.
bles). mo-ral-l-ty (mo-ral-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1.
Moor (moor) n. a member of a Muslim moral principles or rules. 2. a particular
people living in northwest Africa. Moor' system of morals, political morality. 3.
ish adj. being moral, conforming to moral princi-
moor*ings (moor-ingz) n. pi 1 cables etc. . ples, goodness or rightness. morality
by which something is moored. 2. a place play, a kind of drama with abstract qual-
where a boat is moored. ities as the main characters and teaching
moose (moos) n. (pi moose) 1. a large a moral lesson, popular in the 16th cen-
animal of North America belonging to tury.
the deer family. 2. the European elk. mor-al-ize . (mor-a-hz) v. (mor-al-
moot (moot) adj. debatable, undecided, Ized, mor-al-lz-ing) to talk or write
that's a moot point, moot v. to raise (a about the principles of right and wrong
question) for discussion, court, moot and conduct etc. mor'al*lz*er n. mor*
a law students' court for trying hypothet- al*i*za*tion (mor-a-li-zay-shdn) n.
ical cases. C> Do not confuse moot with mo-rass (md-ras) n. 1. a marsh, a bog.
mute. 2. an entanglement, something that con-
mop (mop) n. 1 a bundle of yarn or cloth
. fuses or impedes people.
etc. fastened at the end of a stick, used mor*a*to*ri*um (mor-a-tohr-ium) n. (pi
for cleaning floors. 2. a small device of -to*rl*ums,-to*ri*a,/?r. -tohr-i-a) 1. le-
similar shape for various purposes, dish gal authorization to debtors to postpone
mop. 3. (informal) a thick mass of hair. payment. 2. a temporary ban or suspen-
mop v. (mopped, mop'ping) to clean sion on some activity, asked for a morato-
or wipe with a mop etc., to wipe away. rium on strikes.
Dmop up, to wipe up with a mop etc.; mo* ray (mohr-ay) n. (also moray eel)
to finish off a task; to clear (an area) of a dangerous eel of tropical seas.
the remnants of enemy troops etc. after mor *bid (mor-bid) adj. 1. (of the mind
a victory. or ideas) unwholesome, preoccupied
mope (mohp) v. (moped, mop -I rig) to with gloomy or unpleasant things. 2.
be in low spirits and listless. caused by or indicating disease, un-
mo- ped (moh-ped) n. a motorized bicycle. healthy, a morbid growth, mor'bld*
mop* pet (mop-it) n. a young child. ly adv. mor'bld -ness n. mor*bid'l*
mo*quette (moh-ket) a material withn. ty*
raised loops or cut pile used for carpets mor-dant (mor-dant) adj. characterized
and upholstery. by a biting sarcasm, his mordant wit.
mo*raine (m6-rayn) n. a mass of debris mor'dant-ly adv.
579 more / mortgage
more (mohr) quantity or
adj. greater in mo* rose (md-rohs) adj. sullen, gloomy,
intensity etc. more n. a greater quantity and unsociable. mo*rose'ly adv. mo*
or number, more adv. 1. in a greater rose'ness n.
degree, was more frightened than hurt. mor*pheme (mor-feem) n. the smallest
2. again, once more. Dmore or less, meaningful grammatical unit of a lan-
in a greater or less degree; approxi- guage, such as in, come, -ing, -or. mor*
mately. phenvic (mor-fee-mik) adj.
mo-rel (md-rel) n. a type of edible mush- mor* phi* a (mor-fi-a) n. morphine.
room with a soft cap. mor*phine (mor-feen) n. a drug made
mo*rel*IO (mo-rel-oh) n. (pi. -los) a kind from opium, used for relieving pain.
of sour dark cherry. mor*phol*o*gy (mor-foI-6-jee) n. 1. the
more*0*ver (mohr-oh-ver) adv. besides, study of the form of animals and plants.
in addition to what has already been said. 2. the study of the form of words, the
mo* res (mohr-ayz) n. pi. the customs or system of forms in a language, mor*
conventions regarded as essential to or phol-o-gist (mor-fol-6-jist) n. mor*
characteristic of a community. phO*log*i*cal (mor-ffc-loj-i-kal) adj.
Mor*gan (mor-gan) n. one of a North mor*ris (mor-is) dance a traditional Eng-
American breed of light saddle and car- lish folk dance performed by men in
riage horses descended from a stallion costume with ribbons and bells, morris
named Justin Morgan. dancers.
mor*ga*nat*ic (mor-ga-nat-ik) adj. (of a mor* row (mor-oh) n. (old use) the follow-
marriage) between a man of high rank ing day.
and a woman of low rank who retains Morse (mors) code a code used in signal-
her former status, their children having ing in which letters of the alphabet are
no claim to the father's possessions or represented by various combinations of
title. short and long sounds or flashes of light
morgue (morg) n. a mortuary. (dots and dashes).
moribund (mor-i-bund) adj. in a dying mor*sel (mor-sel) n. a small quantity, a
state; a moribund institution, no longer small amount or piece of food.
effective. mor*tal (mor-tal) adj. 1. subject to death.
Mor*mon (mor-mdn) n. a member of a 2. causing death, fatal, a mortal wound.
religious organization (the Church of Je- 3. deadly, lasting until death, mortal ene-
sus Christ of Latter-day Saints) founded mies; in mortal combat. 4. intense, in
in the U.S. in 1830. Mor'morvism n. mortal fear. 5. (slang) without exception,
morn (morn) n. (poetical) morning. sold every mortal thing, mortal n. a. per-
morrving (mor-ning) n. 1. the early part son who is subject to death, a human
of the day, ending at noon or at the mid- being. mor'tal-ly adv. mortal sin, (in
day meal. 2. sunrise, dawn, when morn- Roman Catholic teaching) sin that
ing broke. 3. (informal, used as a greet- causes death of the soul or that is fatal
ing) =
g°od morning. morning after, to salvation.
(informal) a hangover, morning dress, mor*tal*i*ty (mor-tal-i-tee) n, 1. being
formal dress for a man consisting of a mortal, subject to death. 2. loss of life
tailcoat, striped trousers, and top hat. on a large scale. mortality rate, the
morning glory, a climbing plant with death rate, mortality tables, tables
trumpet-shaped flowers that often close showing the expectation of life of people
in the afternoons, morning sickness, according to their age.
nausea in the morning during early preg- mor *tar x
(mor-tar) n. a mixture of lime
nancy, morning star, a bright star or or cement with sand and water, for join-
planet (especially Venus) seen in the east ing bricks or stones, mortar v. to plaster
before sunrise. or join (bricks etc.) with mortar.
Mo* roc* CO (md-rok-oh) a country in mortar 2 n. 1 a vessel of hard material in

North Africa, morocco n. a fine flexible which substances are pounded with a
leather made (originally in Morocco) pestle. 2. a short cannon for firing shells
from goatskins, or an imitation of this. at a high angle.
Mo* roc* can (md-rok-an) adj. & n. mor* tar* board (mor-tar-bohrd) n. a stiff
mo*ron (mohr-on) n. 1. an adult with in- square cap worn as part of academic
telligence equal to that of an average dress.
child of eight to twelve years. 2. (in- mortgage (mor-gij) v. (mort* gaged,
formal) a very stupid person. mo*ron* mort*gag*ing) to give someone a claim
ic (md-ron-ik) adj. mo*ron'i*cal*ly on (property) as security for payment of
adv. a debt or loan, mortgage n. 1 mortgag- .

Mo*ro*ni (mo-roh-nee) the capital of the ing. 2. an agreement giving a claim of

Comoro Islands. this kind. 3. the amount of money bor-
mortgagee / motherland 580

rowed or lent against the security of a est degree. 2. very, a most amusing book.
property in this way. D at most or at the most, not more
mort*ga*gee (mor-ga-jee) n. a firm (such than, for the most part, in most cases;
as a bank) or a person to whom property in most of its extent, make the most
is mortgaged. Of, to use to best advantage; to represent
mort-ga-gor, mort*gag*er (mor-ga-jer) at its best or at its worst. >
It is incorrect
n. a person who mortgages his property. to use most in place of almost
mor*ti*cian (mor-tish-an) n. an under- -most suffix used to form adjectives carry-
taker. ing a superlative meaning, as in foremost,
mor*ti*fy (mor-ti-fi) v. (mor-ti-fied, uppermost
mor*ti* tying) 1. to humiliate greatly. most'ly (mohst-lee) adv. for the most part.
2. to subdue by discipline or self-denial. mot (moh) n. (pL mots, pr. mohz) a witty
3. (of flesh) to become gangrenous. saying. Dmot Juste (z/ioost), the ex-
mor'ti*fying*ly adv. mor*ti*fi* ca- pression that conveys a desired shade of
tion (mor-ti-fi-kay-shon) ru meaning with more precision than any
mor*tise (mor-tis) n. a hole in one part other. > French.
of a framework into which the end of mote (moht) a particle of dust.
another part is inserted so that the two mo*tel (moh-tel) n. a roadside hotel or
fit together, mortise v. (mor*tised, group of furnished cabins providing ac-
mor*tis*ing) to cut a mortise in, to join commodation for motorists and their ve-
with a mortise. mortise joint, a joint hicles.
made by a mortise and tenon. moth (mawth) n. insect resembling
mor-tu-ar*y (mor-chco-er-ee) n. {pi -ar* a butterfly but usually flying at night.
ies) a place where dead bodies may be
2. (also Clothes moth) a small similar
kept temporarily.
insect that lays its eggs in cloth or fur
mos. abbr. months. fabrics on which its larvae feed.
mo*sa*ic (moh-zay-ik) ru a pattern or pic-
moth* ball (mawth-bawl) n, a small ball
ture made by placing together small
of pungent substance for keeping moths
pieces of glass or stone etc. of different
away from clothes. Din mothballs,
stored out of use for a considerable time.
Mo*sa*iC (moh-zay-ik) adj. of Moses or
mothball fleet, naval vessels stored for
his teaching, Mosaic Law.
later use.
Mos -COW (mos-kow) the capital of the
moth-eat* en (mawth-ee-ten) adj. 1. dam-
aged by moth larvae. 2. antiquated, de-
mo* sells (moh-zel) n. a dry white wine
from the Moselle valley in Germany.
mo'sey (moh-zee) v. (mo*seyed, mo* moth*er (mur/i-er) n. 1. a female parent.

•eying) (informal) to walk in a lei-

2. a quality or condition that gives rise
surely or aimless manner. to another*; necessity is mother of in-

Mos*lem (moz-lem, mos-) adj. & n. = dention. 3. a woman who is head of a

Muslim. female religious community, Mother Su-

mosque (mosk) n. a Muslim place of wor- perior. 4. (informal) a title used in ad-
ship. dressing an old woman. 5. an apparatus
mos* qui* to (mo-skee-toh) n. (pL -toes) generating warmth, used for rearing
a kind of gnat, the female of which bites chickens without a hen. mother v. to
and sucks blood from people and ani- look after in a motherly way. moth'er*
mals. mosquito boat, a light motor- hood n. Mother Church, a church
ized boat used chiefly to launch torpe- from which others have sprung, mother
does, mosquito net, a net of fine mesh country, a country in relation to its col-
used to keep out mosquitoes. onies. Mother Hubbard, a woman's
moss (maws) n. a small flowerless plant loose shapeless dress, mother lode, a
that forms a dense growth on moist sur- rich or important vein of metal ore.
faces or in bogs; a rolling stone gathers Mother of God, the Virgin Mary.
no moss, one who constantly moves Mother's Day, the second Sunday in
about or changes jobs will not grow rich. May. mother ship, the ship in charge
moss* back (maws-bak) n. (informal) a of a group of torpedo boats, submarines,
very old-fashioned conservative person. etc. mother tongue, one's native lan-
moss*y (maw-see) adj. (moss* her, guage.
moss *i -est) like moss, covered in moss, moth-er-in-law (mur/i-er-in-law) n. (pL
moss'i-ness n. moth*ers-in-law) the mother of one's
most (mohst) adj. greatest in quantity or wife or husband.
intensity etc. most n. the greatest quan- moth -er- land (muf/i-er-land) n. one's na-
tity or number, most adv. the great- tive country.
581 motherless / mountain

moth -er- less (mu//i-er-lis) adj. without vehicle, a vehicle with a motor engine,
a living mother. for use on ordinary roads.
moth*er*ly (muf/i-er-lee) adj. like a mo* tor* bike (moh-tdr-bik) n. a light-
mother, showing a mother's kindliness weight motorcycle.
and tenderness. moth'er*li*ness n. mo -tor* boat (moh-tdr-boht) n. a boat
moth *er-of -pearl (muf/i-er-6v-purl) n. a powered by an inboard or outboard mo-
pearly substance lining the shells of oys- tor engine.
ters and mussels etc. mo* tor* cade (moh-tdr-kayd) n. a proces-
mo* tit (moh-teef) n. 1. a recurring design sion or parade of motor vehicles.
or feature in a literary or artistic work. mo* tor* car (moh-tor-kahr) n. an automo-
2. a short melody or theme that recurs bile.
and is developed in a piece of music. mo* tor *cycle (moh-t6r-si-kel) n. a two-
mo* tile (moh-ttl) adj. capable of motion. wheeled motor-driven road vehicle that
mo*til*i*ty (moh-til-i-tee) n. cannot be driven by pedals, motorcycle
mo*tion (moh-shdn) n. 1. moving, change v. (mo* tor* cycled, -tor •cy- mo
of position. 2. manner of movement. 3. cling) to drive or ride on a motorcycle,
change of posture, a particular move- mo 'tor* cyclist n.
ment, a gesture. 4. a formal proposal that mo *tor* 1st (moh-td-rist) n. the driver of
is to be discussed and voted on at a meet- an automobile.
ing, motion v. to make a gesture direct- mo*tor*ize (moh-td-nz) v. (mo* tor*
ing a person to do something, motioned (zed, mo*tor*iz*ing) 1. to equip with
him to sit beside her. Dgo
through the a motor or motors. 2. to equip (troops)
motions, to do something in a perfunc- with motor vehicles. mo*tor*l*za*tion
tory or insincere manner. In motion, (moh-td-ri-zay-shdn) n.
moving, not at rest; setsomething in mo- mo* tor* man (moh-tdr-man) n. (pi. men,
tion, to start it working or operating. pr. -men) a driver of a subway train, trol-
motion picture, a story or record of ley car, etc.
events recorded on film for showing to mot* tie (mot-el) v. (mot* tied, mot*
an audience, motion sickness, a feeling tling) to mark or pattern with irregular
of queasiness experienced by a passenger patches of color.
in a moving vehicle or boat. mot* to (mot-oh) n. (pi. -toes, -tos) a
mo*tion*less (moh-shdn-lis) adj. not short sentence or phrase adopted as a
moving, mo'tion* less *ly adv. mo' rule of conduct or as expressing the aims
tion*less*ness n. and ideals of a family or country or insti-
mo-ti-vate (moh-tf-vayt) v. (mo*ti*vat* tution etc.
ed, mo'ti'vat-ing) 1. to give a motive moue (moo) n. a pouting facial expression.
or incentive to, to be the motive of, she mound (mownd) n. a mass of piled-up
was motivated by kindness. 2. to stimu- earth or stones, a small hill; pitcher's
late the interest of, to inspire. mo*ti* mound, the elevated ground on which
va*tion (moh-t!-vay-sh6n) n. a baseball pitcher stands when pitching.
mo*ti*vat*ed (moh-tf-vay-tid) adj. having mount 1 (mownt) n. a mountain or hill,
a definite and positive desire to do things. Mount Everest.
mo*tlve (moh-tiv) n. that which induces mount 2 1 to ascend, to go upward, to
v. .

a person to act in a certain way. motive rise to a higher level. 2. to get or put
adj. producing movement or action; mo- on to a horse etc. for riding, to provide
tive power, that which drives machinery with a horse for riding. 3. to increase
etc. mo'tive*less adj. in amount or total or intensity, the death
mot* ley (mot-lee) adj. 1. diversified in toll mounted. 4. to put into place on a
color. 2. of varied character, a motley support, to fix in position for use or dis-
crew. play or study. 5. to take action to bring
mo* tor (moh-tor) n. a machine that sup- into being; mount an offensive, to arrange
plies motive power for a vehicle or boat and begin it. 6. to place on guard, mount
etc. or for another device with moving sentries around the palace; mount guard
parts, an internal combustion engine. over it, keep watch to protect it. mount
motor adj. 1. giving or producing mo- n. 1.a horse for riding. 2. something
tion; motor nerves, those that carry im- on which a thing is mounted for support
pulsesfrom the brain etc. to the muscles. or display etc.
2. driven by a motor, motor vehicle. 3. mountain (mown-tin) n. 1 a mass of land .

of or for motor vehicles, motor parts. that rises to a great height, especially of
motor v. to go or convey in a motorcar. over one thousand feet. 2. a large heap
motor court, hotel, inn, lodge, a or pile, a huge quantity. mountain
motel,motor home, a mobile home. ash, a species of ash bearing red or or-
motor scooter, a motorbike, motor ange berries and white flowers, moun-
mountaineer / move 582

tain chain, a connected series of moun- mixed with cream etc. and shaped in a
tains, mountain dew, whiskey, espe- mold.
cially when illicitly distilled, mountain mousse* line (moos-leen.) n. 1. muslin. 2.
goat, a white goatlike animal of the a kind of thin soft dress material.
Rocky Mountains and north to Alaska. mous'tache = mustache.
mountain North American
laurel, a mous*y, mous-ey (mow-see) adj. 1.

evergreen shrub with white flowers and mouse-colored. 2. quiet and shy or timid.
glossy leaves, mountain lion, a puma. mous'l-ness n.

mountain range, a line of mountains mouth (mowth) n. (pi mouths, pr.

connected by high ground. mowf/rz) 1. the opening in the face
moun* tain *eer (mown-ti-neer) n. a per- through which food is taken in. 2. the
son who is skilled in mountain climbing. opening of a bag, cave, cannon, trumpet,
moun • tain *eer* ing (mown-tl-neer-ing) etc. 3. the place where a river enters the

n.the sport of climbing mountains. sea. mouth (mowrt) v. 1. to form

moun* tain *ous (mown-tf-nus) adj. 1. full (words) with the without speaking

of mountains, mountainous country. 2. them aloud. 2. to declaim pompously or

huge. with exaggerated distinctness. Dbig
moun* tain* side (mown-tln-sid) n. the mouth, see big. down in the mouth,
see down, keep one's mouth shut,
slope of a mountain below the summit.
moun -tain -top (mown-tin-top) n. the (slang) to refrain from revealing a secret.
summit of a mountain. mouth organ, a harmonica, out of a
moun 'te* bank (mown-te-bangk) n. a person's own mouth, by using his own
swindler or charlatan.
words, put one's money where one's
mount *ed (mown-tid) adj. serving on mouth is, (informal) to be ready to sup-
port one's opinions by action, put
horseback, mounted police.
words into a person's mouth, to tell
Moun • tie (mown-tee) n. (informal) a mem- him what to say; to represent him as hav-
ber of the Royal Canadian Mounted Po-
ing said this, take the words out of
a person's mouth, to say what he was
mounting (mown-ting) n. a mount, set-
about to say.
ting, or support for something.
mouth* ful (mowth-fuul) n. (pi -fuls, pr.
mourn (mohrn) v. to feel or express sorrow -fuulz) 1 an amount that fills the mouth.

for a person who has died or regret for

2. a small quantity of food etc. 3. a
a thing that is lost or past.
lengthy word or phrase, one that is diffi-
mourn *er (mohr-ner) n. a person who cult to utter. 4. (slang) an important
mourns, one who attends a funeral. statement, you said a mouthful
mourn •ful (mohrn-ful) adj. sorrowful, mouth* piece (mowth-pees) n. 1. the part
showing grief, moum'fuhly adv.
of a device or musical instrument etc.
mourn'ful-ness n.
that is placed 'between or near the lips.
mourn ing (mohr-ning) n. 1 black or dark
• .
2. (slang) a person who speaks on behalf
clothes worn as a conventional sign of of another or others, a lawyer.
bereavement. 2. the period during which mouth* wash (mowth- wawsh) n. a liquid
a death is mourned. for cleansing the mouth.
mouse (mows) n. (pi mice) 1. a small mouth *wa*ter* ing (mowth- waw-tS-ring)
rodent with a long thin tail. 2. a shy adj. so appetizing as to cause saliva to
or timid person. 3. (slang) a black eye. flow.
mouse-col *ored (mows-kul-ord) adj. dull mou*ton (moo-ton) n. 1. a sheepskin
grayish-brown. sheared and processed to resemble seal
mous-er (mow-zer) n. a cat as a hunter or beaver. 2. a coat made of this.
of mice. mova*ble (moo-va-bel) adv. able to be
mouse *trap (mows-trap) n. 1. a trap for moved. movable feast, a religious
catching mice. 2. a stratagem for trap- celebration that changes its date each
ping or deceiving an unwary opponent. year (such as Easter).
u build a better mousetrap, to im- move (moov) v. (moved, mov-ing) 1.
prove on an existing product. to change or cause to change in position
mous-ing (mow-sing) n. hunting mice. or place or posture. 2. to be or cause
mous-sa-ka (moo-sah-kah) n. a Greek to be in motion. 3. to change one's place
dish consisting of layers of ground lamb or residence. 4. to cause (bowels) to
and eggplant, usually topped with cheese empty, to be emptied thus. 5. to make
sauce. progress, the work moves slowly. 6. to
mousse (moos) n. 1 a dish of cream or
. make a move at chess etc. 7. to provoke
a similar substance flavored with fruit, a reaction or emotion in, moved her to
chocolate, etc. 2. meat or fish puree laughter; felt very moved, very affected
583 moveable / muckraking
with emotion. 8. to prompt or incline, 2. the place in the barn where mows are
to motivate, what moved them to invite kept.
us?; he works as the spirit moves him, mow*er (moh-er) n. a person or machine
only when he chooses. 9. to put forward that mows.
formally for discussion and decision at MO'Zanvbique (moh-zam-beek) a coun-
a meeting. 10. to initiate some action, try in southeastern Africa.
unless the employers move quickly, there moz*za*rel*la (mot-sa-rel-a) n. a white
will be a strike. 1 1 to live or be active
mild unripened soft Italian cheese.
in a particular group, she moves in the MP abbr. military policeman.
best circles. 12. (slang) to sell (merchan- mp. abbr. melting point.
dise), move n. 1 the act or process of
M.P. abbr. 1. Member of Parliament. 2.
moving. 2. the moving of a piece in chess military policeman.
etc., a player's turn to do this, it's your MPG, mpg abbr. miles per gallon.
move. 3. a calculated action done to mph, m.p.h. abbr. miles per hour.
achieve some purpose, a move toward set- Mr. (mis-ter) n. {pi Messrs., pr. mes-erz)
tling the dispute. Dget a move on, the title prefixed to a man's name or to
(slang) to hurry, move in, to take pos- the name of his office, Mr. Jones; Mr.
session of a new dwelling place etc. Chairman.
move out, to give up possession of a Mrs. (mis-iz) ru {pi. Mrs.) the title prefixed
to a married woman's name.
dwelling place etc.; to leave a bivouac
or fortified position to go into combat
MS, ms abbr. manuscript.
Ms. (miz) n. the titleprefixed to a woman's
etc., the regiment moved out at dawn.
move over or up, to alter position in name without distinction of married or
unmarried status.
order to make room for another, on the
msec. abbr. millisecond(s).
move, moving from one place to an-
other; progressing.
MSG abbr. monosodium glutamate.
msg. abbr. message.
move -a -ble = movable. Msgr. abbr. Monsignor.
move* merit (moov-ment) n. moving,
MSgt. abbr. master sergeant.
being moved. 2. action, activity, watch
M.S.L. abbr. mean sea level.
every movement 3. the moving parts in
MSS, mss abbr. manuscripts.
a mechanism, especially of a clock or
watch. 4. a series of combined actions
MST abbr. Mountain Standard Time.
Mt. abbr. Mount.
by a group to achieve some purpose, the mtg. abbr. 1. meeting. 2. mortgage.
group itself, the Women *s Lib movement. mtge. abbr. mortgage.
5. a trend, the movement toward more
mu (myoo) n. the twelfth letter of the
casual styles in fashion. 6. market activity
Greek alphabet (M \i).
in some commodity; the movement in
much (much) adj. existing in great quan-
stocks and bonds, their rise and fall in
tity, much ru a great quantity, much
price. 7. one of the principal divisions much to my
adv. 1. in a great degree,
in a musical work. 8. emptying of the surprise. 2. much the
bowels, feces. same. Dl thought as much, I thought
mov»er (moo-ver) n. 1. one who moves. so. make much of, see make, much
2. a person or company in the business as, even though, however much, / can*t
of moving furniture etc. from one resi- go, much as I should like to. not much,
dence etc. to another. 3. (slang) a person (slang) certainly not; not much of a poet,
who makes progress. not a good one.
mov*ie (moo-vee) n. (informal) 1. a mo- mu *ci »lage (myoo-sT-lij) ru a type of adhe-
tion picture. 2. a motion-picture theater. sive. mu*ci *lag *i*nous (myoo-sl-laj-I-
3. the movies, the motion-picture indus- nus) adj.
try. muck (muk) n. 1. farmyard manure. 2.
moving (moo-ving) adj. affecting the (informal) dirt, filth. 3. (informal) untidy
emotions, a very moving story. moving things, a mess, muck v. to make dirty,
picture, a motion picture, moving to mess. Dmuck about or around,
sidewalk, a structure like a conveyor (slang) to mess about, muck out, to re-
belt for carrying pedestrians, moving move muck from, mucking out the stable.
van, a truck used by furniture movers. muck up, (slang) to spoil.
mow 1
(moh) v. (mowed, mown, mow- muck*rak*er (muk-ray-ker) n. 1 a person .

ing) to cut down (grass or grain etc.), who looks for and exposes scandal. 2.
to cut the grass etc. from, mow the lawn. a book that exposes scandal in govern-
Dmow down, to kill or destroy at ran- ment, business, etc.
dom or in great numbers. muck Taking (muk- ray-king) n. looking
mow 2
(mow) n. 1 a stack of hay or grain.
. for and exposing scandal.
mucky / mule 584

muck*y (muk-ee) adj. (muck* her, muf* fin (muf-in) n. a light round cake,

muck*l*est) covered with muck, dirty. eaten toasted and buttered.

mu*COUS (myoo-kus) adj. of or like mu- muf* fie (muf-el) v. (muf* fled, muf*
cus, covered with mucus. mucous D fling) 1. to wrap or cover for warmth
membrane, the moist skin lining the or protection. 2. to wrap up or pad in
nose, mouth, throat, etc. not con- >Do order to deaden the sound of. 3. to
fuse mucous (adjective) with mucus deaden, to make less loud or less distinct,
(noun). fog muffled the sound.
mu*CU8 (myoo-kus) n. the moist sticky muf*fler (muf-ler) n. 1. a scarf worn
substance that lubricates and forms a around the neck for warmth. 2. some-
protective covering on the inner surface thing used to muffle sound, an engine
of hollow organs of the body. Do not > muffler.
confuse mucus (noun) with mucous (ad- muf *ti (muf- tee) n. plain clothes worn by
jective). one who has the right to wear a uniform,
mud (mud) n. wet soft earth. Dhis name in mufti
is mud, (informal) he is in disgrace. mug (mug) n. 1. a large drinking vessel
mud flat, a stretch of muddy land left
(usually with a handle) for use without
uncovered at low tide.
a saucer. 2. its contents. 3. (slang) the
v (mud -died, mud*
face or mouth. 4. (slang) a person who
mud* die (mud-el)
is easily deceived. 5. (slang) a ruffian or
dling) 1 to bring into a state of confu-

sion and disorder. 2. to confuse (a per-

thug, mug v. (mugged, mug-ging) 1.

to assault, to rob with violence, especially

son) mentally. 3. to confuse or mistake
in a public place. 2. (slang) to photo-
(one thing for another), muddle n. a
graph (a person under arrest) for police
muddled condition, disorder, mud'dler
records. 3. (slang) to make faces, espe-
n. muddle on or along, to work in
cially before an audience or camera,
a haphazard way. muddle through, to
succeed in the end in spite of one's ineffi-
mug'ger n. Dmug shot, (slang) an
identification photograph made by po-
mud -die* head *ed (mud-el-hed-id) adj.
mug*ging (mug-ing) n. an assault or rob-
liable to muddle things, mentally con-
bery with violence, especially in a public
mud*dy (mud-ee) adj. (mud*di*er, mud* mug-gy (mug-ee) adj. (mug*gi*er, mug*
di-est) 1. like mud, full of mud. 2. (of
gi-est) oppressively damp and warm,
color) not clear or pure. 3. mentally con-
a muggy day; muggy weather, mug'gi*
fused or unclear, muddy v. (mud* died, ness n.
mud -dying) to make muddy, mud 7 mug-wump (mug-wump) n. 1. a person
di-ness n.
who stands aloof from party politics. 2.
mud* guard (mud-gahrd)
a flap behind n.
a person who avoids declaring support
the wheel of a vehicle to prevent mud for either side in an election etc.
etc. from being thrown up as it travels. Mu* ham* mad (muu-ham-ad) n. the
mud* pup »py (mud-pup-ee) n. {pi -pies) founder of Islam.
a large salamander. Mu* ham* mad* an (muu-ham-a-dan) n. a
mud* room (mud-room) n, (informal) a Muslim. Mu*ham'mad*an*lsm n.
room near a side door of a home in which muk*luk (muk-luk) n. an Eskimo boot
damp outer clothing may be removed be- made of the skin of the reindeer or seal.
fore entering another room of the house. mu*lat*tO (mu-lat-oh) n. (pi. -toes) a per-
mud* sling *lng (mud-sling-ing) n. (slang) son who has one white and one black
speaking evil of someone, trying to dam- parent.
age someone's reputation, mud'sling* mul-ber-ry (mul-ber-ee) n. (pi -lies) 1.
er n. a purple or white fruit rather like a black-
Muervster (mun-ster, muun-) n. a mild berry. 2. the tree that bears it. 3. dull
white soft cheese. purplish red.
mu*ez*zin (myoo-ez-in) n. a man who mulch (mulch) n. a mixture of wet straw,
proclaims the hours of prayer for Mus- grass, leaves, etc., spread on the ground
lims, usually from a minaret. to protect plants or retain moisture.
muff 1 (muf) n. a short tubelike covering mulch v. to cover with a mulch.
of fur etc. into which both hands are mulct (mulkt) v. to take away money from
thrust from opposite ends to keep them (a person), as by a fine or taxation, or
warm. by dubious means.
muff 2 v. (informal) to bungle or blunder, mule (myool)
n. an animal that is the off-

to miss (a catch) in a game, muff n. (in- spring of a horse and a donkey, known
formal) a failure to catch a ball. for its stubbornness. Dmule deer, a
585 mule / multiracial

deer with long ears found in western or using many languages. mubtl-lln'
North America. guaHsm n.

mule 2 a backless slipper,

n. mul • ti • me d a
• I • (mul-ti-mee-di-a) adj. us-
mu-le-teer (myoo-le-teer) ru a mule ing several media; multimedia instruc-
driver. tion, employing books, film, etc.; the can-
mu«li«eb«ri«ty (myoo-li-eb-ri-tee) n. didate launched a multimedia campaign,
womanhood, normal characteristics of a used radio and television commercials
woman, and newspaper advertisements.
mul-ish (myoo-lish) adj. stubborn. mul' mul -ft •mil •lion* aire (mul-tee-mil-yd-
ish«ly adv. mul'ish-ness n. nair) ru a person with a fortune of several
mull 1 (mul) v. to heat (wine or beer etc.) millions.
with sugar and spices, as a drink. mul • ti • na • tion • al (mul-ti-nash-d-nal)
mull 2 v. mull over, to think over, to pon- adj. (of a business company) operating
der, mulled it over. in several countries, multinational ru a
mul'lah (mul-a) n. a Muslim who is multinational company.
learned in Islamic theology and sacred mul*tl*ple (mul-tl-pel) adj. having several
law. or many parts or elements or compo-
muMein nents, multiple ru a quantity that con-
(mul-in) n. a biennial herb with
tains another (a factor) a number of times
downy leaves and tallspikes of yellow
without remainder, is a multiple of.
mul* let (mul-it) ru a kind of fish used for
multiple Choice, a test question ac-
companied by several possible answers
muhli-gan from which the correct answer or an-
(mul-i-gan) rumulligan
swers are to be selected, multiple scle-
stew) (slang) a stew of odds and ends
rosis, a chronic progressive disease in
of meat, vegetables, etc.
which patches of tissue harden in the
mul -li-ga- tawny (mul-i-ga-taw-nee) ru a
brain or spinal cord, causing partial or
highly seasoned soup flavored like curry.
complete paralysis.
mul* lion (mul-yon) ru an upright strip be-
mul-ti-plex (mul-ti-pleks) adj. 1. having
tween the panes of a tall window.
many parts or forms, consisting of many
muiti- prefix many.
elements. 2. involving simultaneous
mul*ti*cel*lu*lar (mul-ti-sel-yu-lar) adj.
transmission of several messages in a
having many cells.
channel of communication.
mul*ti*col*ored (mul-ti-kul-drd) adj. of
mul*tl*pli*cand (mul-tl-pll-kand) ru a
many colors. quantity to be multiplied by a multiplier.
mul • ti • dl • men • sion • al
mul • ti • pli • ca • tion (mul-tl-pK-kay-shdn)
shS-nal) adj. (of a problem, a personality,
ru multiplying, being multiplied, mul-
etc.) having many dimensions. tiplication sign, the sign X (as in 2 x
mul • tl • di • rec • tion • al
3) or (as in 2a

3b) indicating that

shd-nal) adj. able to send or receive or one quantity is to be multiplied by an-

to be sent or received in more than one other, multiplication tables, a series of
direction, a multidirectional signal; a listsshowing the results when a number
multidirectional antenna. is multiplied by each number (especially
mul-ti-en-gjned (mul-ti-en-jind) adj. 1 to 12) in turn.
having three or more engines. mul*ti*plic*i*ty (mul-tr-plis-i-tee) n. a
mul-tl-fac-et-ed (mul-tee-fas-e-tid) adj. great variety.
having many facets, complex. mul*ti*pli*er (mul-tl-pli-er) n. the number
mul-thfanvMy (mul-tee-fam-I-lee) adj. by which a quantity is multiplied.
designed for several families, multifamily mul -ti- ply (mul-tl-pli) v. (mul -ti- plied,
dwellings. mul • ti • ply • ing) 1 (in mathematics) to

mul*ti*far*i*ous (mul-ti-fair-i-us) adj. take a specified quantity a specified num-

very varied, of many kinds, his multifari- ber of times and find the quantity pro-
ous duties. mul*ti*far'i*ous*ly adv. duced, multiply 6 by 4 and get 24. 2.
mul-ti-far'i-ous-ness n. to make or become many; multiply ex-
mul 'ti* form (mul-ti-form) adj. having amples, to produce large numbers of ex-
many forms, of many kinds, muhti* amples; rabbits multiply rapidly, they in-
for«mi»ty (mul-ti-for-mi-tee) n. crease in number by breeding.
mul*ti*lat«er*al (mul-ti-lat-e-ral) adj. (of mul -ti- pur -pose (mul-ti-pur-pds) adj.
an agreement etc.) involving three or serving more than one purpose, a multi-
more parties, purpose vehicle.
mul -ti- lev el (mul-tee-lev-el) adj. having mul*ti*ra*Cial (mul-ti-ray-shal) adj. com-
several levels, a multilevel apartment. posed of people of many races, a multira-
mul-ti-lin-gual (mul-ti-ling-gwal) adj. in cial society.

multisense / musculature 586

mul*tl* sense (mnl-ti-sens) adj. (of words) splendidly generous. mu*nrf'l*cent-ly
having several meanings. adv. mu*nif'i*cence n.
mul'ti* stage (mul-ti-stayj) adj. (of a mu*nl*tions (myoo-nish-onz) n. pi mili-
rocket etc.) having several stages of oper- tary weapons and ammunition and
ation; a multistage rocket, one that uses equipment etc.
three or more engines in succession. mu*ral (myoor-al) adj. of or on a wall.
mul*ti a sto*ry (mul-ti-stoh-ree) adj. hav- mural n. a wall painting, a fresco.
ing several stories, multistory apartments. muT'der (mur-der) n. 1. the intentional
mul'ti'tude (mul-ti-tood) n. a great num- and unlawful killing of one person by
ber of things or people; the multitude, another. 2. (informal) something very
the common people. difficult or unpleasant or painful, mur-

mul *ti*tu*di» nous (muj-ti-too-di-nus) der v. 1. to kill (a person) unlawfully

adj. very numerous. and intentionally. 2. (informal) to ruin
mul*ti»ver«si-ty (mul-ti-vur-si-tee) n. {pi by bad performance or pronunciation
-ties) a large university with many cam- etc. mur'der*er n. mur*der*ess (mur-
puses. de-ris) n. fern.

mul*ti*vi*ta*min (mul-ti-Yi-ta-min) n. a mur*der*ous (mur-de-rus) adj. 1. involv-

tablet or liquid preparation combining ing murder, capable of or intent on mur-
der. 2. very angry, suggesting murder,
several vitamins.
mum 1
(mum) adj. silent, keep mum; mum s a murderous look. mur'der*OUS*ly adv.
the word, say nothing about this.
mu*ri*at*ic (myoor-i-at-ik) acid hydro-
chloric acid.
mum 2
n. (informal) a chrysanthemum.
murk*y (mur-kee) adj. (murk* her,
munvble (mum-bel) v. (mum* bled,
murk*i*est) 1. dark, gloomy. 2. (of liq-
munvbling) to speak or utter indis-
uid)muddy, full of sediment. 3. unclear,
tinctly, mumble n. indistinct speech,
murky prose. murk'i*ness n.
mum'bler n.
mum-ble*ty-peg (mum-bel-ti-peg) n. a
mur*mur (mur-mur) n. 1. a low continu-
ous sound. 2. a low abnormal sound
children's game played with a pocket-
made by the heart. 3. softly spoken
knife which is tossed point-first into the
words. 4. a subdued expression of feeling,
murmurs of discontent murmur v. to
mum* bo jurrvbo (mum-boh jum-boh) 1.
make a murmur, to speak or utter in a
meaningless ritual. 2. words or actions
low voice. mur'mur*er n. mur'mur*
that are made deliberately obscure in or-
ous adj.
der to mystify or confuse people.
mur*rain (mur-in) n. 1. an infectious dis-
mum • mer mum-er) n. an actor in a tradi-
ease in cattle. 2. (old use) a plague.
tional mime. mum'mer*y *l
mus. abbr. 1 museum. 2. music. 3. musi-

mum*ml*fy (mum-I-fi) v. (mum • ml* cal. 4. musician.

fled, mum* ml* tying) to preserve (a
mus* cat (mus-kat) n. a sweet grape.
corpse) by embalming it as in ancient Mus* cat (mus-kat) the capital of Oman.
Egypt. mum*mi*fi*ca*tion (mum-I-fi- mus • ca • tel (mus-ka-tel) n. a sweet dessert
kay-shdn) n.
wine made from muscats.
mum -my 1
(mum-ee) n. {pi -mles) 1. the muS'Cle (mus-el) n. 1. a band or bundle
body of a person or animal embalmed of fibrous tissue able to contract and re-
for burial so as to preserve it, especially lax and so produce movement in an ani-
in ancient Egypt. 2. a dried-up body pre- mal body. 2. a part of the body made
served from decay by an accident of na- chiefly of such tissue. 3. muscular power.
ture. 4. strength, labor unions with plenty of
mummy 2
n. (pi -mles) (informal) mother. muscle, muscle v. (mus-cled, mus*
mumps (mumps) n. a virus disease that ding) muscle in, (slang) to force one's
causes painful swellings in the neck. way. mus'cled adj.
mun., munic. abbr. municipal. mus *cle* bound (mus-el-bownd) adj.
munch (munch) v. to chew steadily and with muscles stiff and inelastic through
vigorously. excessive exercise or training.
mun dane
• (mun-dayn, mun-dayn) adj. 1 Mus*CO*vite (mus-kd-vit) adj. of Mos-
dull, routine. 2. worldly, not spiritual. cow. Muscovite n. a native or inhabi-
mun*dane'ly adv. tant of Moscow.
mu*nlc*l*pal (myoo-nis-I-pal) adj. of a mus-cu-lar (mus-kyu-lar) adj. 1. of or af-
town or city or its self-government. fecting the muscles, muscular rheuma-
mu*nic*l*pal*l*ty (myoo-nis-I-pal-I-tee) tism, 2. having well-developed muscles.
n. (pi -ties) a self- governing town or mus /
cu*lar*ly adv. mus*cu*lar*l-ty
district. (mus-kyu-lar-i-tee) n,
mu*nlf*i*cent (myoo-nif-I-sent) adj. mus*CU*la*ture (mus-kyu-li-chur) n. the
587 muse / must

muscular system of a body or organ. dancing alternate with the dialogue.

muse (myooz) v. (mused, mus-ing) to mu*si*cale (myoo-zi-kal) n. a social en-
ponder. tertainment featuring music.
Muse (myooz) n. one of the nine sister
1 . mu* si* Clan (myoo-zish-an) n. a person
goddesses in Greek and Roman mythol- who is skilled at music, one whose pro-
ogy, presiding over branches of learning fession is music. mu-si'cian-ship n.
and the arts. 2. a poet's inspiring god- proficiency in performing music.
dess, a poet's genius. mu*si*COl*0*gy (myoo-zi-kol-6-jee) n.
mu*sette (myoo-zet) n. (also musette the study of music other than that di-
bag) a small knapsack. rected to proficiency in performance or
mu-se-um (myoo-zee-iim) n. a building composition. mu*sl*COl'0*gist n. mu*
or room which antiques or other ob-
in Si * CO * log • i • cat (myoo-zi-k6-loj-i-kal)
jects of historical or scientific interest are adj. mu*si*co*log'i*cal*ly adv.
collected and exhibited. D museum musk (musk) n. 1. a substance secreted
piece, a fine specimen suitable for a mu- by male musk deer or certain other ani-
seum; (contemptuous) an antiquated per- mals, or produced artificially, used as the
son or thing. basis of perfumes. 2. a plant with a
mush 1 (mush) n. 1. soft pulp. 2. boiled musky smell. Dmusk
deer, a small
corn meal. 3. (slang) feeble sentimental- hornless deer of central Asia, musk
ity. gland, the gland of the male musk deer
mush 2 v. to journey across snow with a which secretes musk, musk ox, a shaggy
dog sled; (as a command to sled dogs) animal with curved horns native to Arc-
get moving! mush n. such a journey. tic America, musk rose, a rambling Eu-
mush* room (mush-room) n. an edible ropean rose with large white flowers that
fungus with a stem and domed cap, noted have a musky fragrance.
for its rapid growth, v. 1. mushroom mus*keg (mus-keg) n. a level swamp or
to spring up rapidly in large numbers, bog in northern North America.
fast-food restaurants mushroomed. 2. to mus*kel* lunge (mus-ke-lunj) n. (pi.
rise and spread in the shape of a mush- -lunge) a large North American pike es-
room. mushroom
cloud, a cloud of pecially prevalent in the Great Lakes.
mushroom shape, especially from a nu- mus*ket (mus-kit) n. a large-caliber gun
clear explosion. with a long barrel formerly used by in-
mush*y (mush-ee) adj. (mush* her, fantry, now replaced by the rifle.
mush*i*est) 1 . as or like mush. 2. feebly mus*ket*eer (mus-ke-teer) n. a soldier
sentimental. mush'hness n. armed with a musket.
mu*sic (myoo-zik) the art of arrang-
n. 1. mus*ket*ry (mus-ki-tree) n. 1. the art of
ing the sounds of voice(s) or instru- firing muskets. 2. muskets or those who
ments) or both in a pleasing sequence fire them.
or combination. 2. the sound(s) or com- musk*mel*on (musk-mel-dn) n. any of
position^) produced, a written or printed several varieties of oblong or round
score for this. 3. any pleasant sound or fruits, as the cantaloupe.
series of sounds, such as bird song. musk* rat (musk-rat) n. a large ratlike wa-
Dface the music, see face, music ter animal of North America, valued for
box, a box with a mechanical device that its fur.
produces music by means of a toothed musk*y (mus-kee) adj. (musk*i*er,
cylinder that strikes a comb-like metal musk*i*est) smelling like musk,
plate, music hall, a hall or theater used musk'i-ness n.
for variety entertainment. Mus'lim (muz-lim) n. a person who be-
mu-si-cal (myoo-zi-kal) adj. 1. of music; lieves in the Islamic faith. Muslim adj.
musical instruments, devices producing of Muslims or their faith.
music by means of tuned strings or mem- mus*lin (muz-lin) n. a kind of thin cotton
branes or air in pipes, or electronically. cloth.
2. fond of or skilled in music. 3. accom- muss (mus) v. (also muss up) (informal)
panied by music, set to music, musical tomake untidy.
n. a musical comedy, a motion picture mus-sel (mus-el) n. a kind of bivalve mol-
mu'si*cal*ly adv.
film resembling this. lusk, the marine variety of which is edi-
musical chairs, a game in which ble.
players walk around chairs (one fewer Mus*sul*man (mus-ul-man) adj. & n. (pi.
than the number of players) until the mu- -mans) Muslim.
(old use)
sic stops, when the one who finds no must (must) auxiliary verb used to express
chair is eliminated and a chair is removed necessity or obligation (you must go), cer-
before the next round, musical com- tainty (night must fall), insistence (I must
edy, a light play in which songs and repeat, all precautions were taken), must
mustache / mycology 588
n. (informal) a thing that should not be mu *ti *ny (myoo-tl-nee) n. (pL -nies) open
overlooked or missed, the exhibition is rebellion against authority, especially by
a must members of the armed forces against
muS'tache (mu-stash, mus-tash) n. hair their officers, mutiny v. (mu-ti-nled,
allowed to grow on a man's upper Up. mu'ti-nying) to engage in mutiny.
m us* tang (mus-tang) n. a wild horse of mutt (mut) n. (slang) a mongrel dog.
Mexico and California. mut'ter (mut-er) v. 1. to speak or utter
mus*tard (mus-tard) n. 1. a plant with in a low unclear tone. 2. to utter subdued
yellow flowers and with black or white grumbles, mutter n. muttering, mut-
sharp-tasting seeds in long pods. 2. these tered words.
seeds ground and made into paste as a mut *ton (mut-on) n. the flesh of sheep as
condiment. 3. darkish yellow color. food, mut'ton-y adj.
mustard adj. darkish yellow. mus- mut* ton* chops (mut-on-chops) n. pi
tard gas, a kind of poison gas that burns side whiskers that are bushy and broad
the skin. at the bottom, in the shape of a mutton
mus-ter (mus-ter) v. 1. to assemble' or chop.
cause to assemble. 2. to summon, muster mu*tu*al (myoo-choo-al) adj. 1. (of a feel-
or muster up ones strength, muster n. ing or action) felt or done by each toward
an assembly or gathering of people or or to the other, mutual affection; mutual
things. muster out, to discharge (mil- aid. 2. having the same specified relation-
itary personnel) from service, pass
ship to each other, mutual enemies. 3.
muster, to be accepted as adequate. common to two or more people, our mu-
must* n't (mus-ent) = must not. tual friend. mu'tu*al*ly adv. mutual
mus*ty (mus-tee) adj. (mus*ti*er, mus- fund, an investment company that in-
tiest) 1. stale, smelling or tasting
vests shareholders' pooled funds in vari-
moldy. 2. antiquated, mus'thly adv.
ous types of securities.
mus'ti-ness n.
mu*ta*ble (myoo-ta-bel)
muuTnuu (moo-moo) n. a loose brightly
adj. liable to
colored dress.
change, fickle. mu*ta*bil*i*ty (myoo-
Mu-zak (myoo-zak) (trademark) piped
ta-bil-i-tee) n.
music, recorded light music as a back-
mu-tant (myoo-tant) n. a living thing that
differs basically from itsparents as a re-
muz-zle (muz-el) n. 1 the projecting nose
sult of genetic change, mutant adj. dif-

and jaws of certain animals (such as

fering in this way.
dogs). 2. the open end of a firearm. 3.
mutate (myoo-tayt) v. (mu*tat*ed, mu*
a strap or wire etc. put over an animal's
tat*ing) to undergo or cause to undergo
mutation. mu*ta*tive (myoo-ta-tiv) adj.
head to prevent it from biting or feeding.
mu* taction (myoo-tay-sh6n) n. 1. change muzzle (muz-zled, muz-zling) 1.

or alteration in form. 2. a mutant, mu* to put a muzzle on (an animal). 2. to

silence, to prevent (a person or newspa-
ta'tion-al adj.
mu-ta-tis mu-tan-dis (moo-tah-tees per etc.) from expressing opinions freely.
moo-Uhn-dees) when the necessary al- muz *zle* load *er (muz-el-loh-der) n. a
teration of details has been made (in gun that is loaded through the muzzle.
comparing things). D> Latin. mV abbr. millivolt(s).
mute (myoot) adj. 1 . from
silent, refraining MV abbr. megavolt(s).
speaking. 2. not having the power of Mv symbol mendelevium.
speech, dumb. 3. not expressed in words, MVP abbr. (in baseball) most valuable
in mute adoration, mute n. 1. a person player.
who is mute. 2. a device fitted to a musi- mW abbr. milliwatt(s).
cal instrument to sound, mute
deaden its MW abbr. megawatt(s).
v. (mut-ed, mut-ing) to deaden or muf- my (mi) adj. 1 of or belonging to me. 2.

fle the sound of. mute'ly adv. mute' used in forms of address (my lord, my
ness n. D>Do not confuse mufe^with dear), or exclamations of surprise etc.
moot. (my God!).
mu-ti-late (myoo-tl-layt) v. (mu-ti- Myce*nae*an (mi-sS-nee-an) adj. of a
lat-ed, mu-ti'lat'ing) to injure or dis- Bronze Age civilization of Greece, re-
figure by cutting off an important part, mains of which were found at Mycenae
mu'ti-la-tor n. mu*ti*la*tion (myoo- in the Peloponnese and elsewhere. My-
tl-lay-sh6n) n. cenaean 1 a member of this civiliza-
n. .

mu*ti*neer (myoo-tT-neer) n. a person language.

tion. 2. its
who mutinies. mycol*o*gy (mi-kol-d-jee) n. the study
mu-ti -nous (myoo-tl-nus) adj. rebellious, of fungi, mycologist n. myco*
ready to mutiny. mu'ti*nous*ly adv. log-i-cal (mi-kd-Ioj-i-kal) adj.
589 myelitis / mythology
mye-lhtis (mi-e-li-tis) n. inflammation mys* tic (mis-tik) adj. 1 . of hidden or sym-
of the spinal cord. bolic meaning, especially in religion,
Mylar (mi-lahr) ru (trademark) polyester mystic ceremonies. 2. inspiring a sense
film used in recording tape, electrical in- of mystery and awe. mystic n. a person
sulation, etc. who seeks to obtain union with God by
myna, my nah (mi-na) n. an Asian bird spiritual contemplation and self-surren-
of the starling family. der.
my o- pi -a (mi-oh-pi-a) inabihty to
ru 1. mys-ti-cal (mis-ti-kal) adj. 1. of mystics
see clearly what is close. 2. (informal) or mysticism. 2. having spiritual mean-
lack of foresight. myop*iC (mi-op-ik) ing or value or symbolism, mys'thcal*
adj. myop /
i*cal*ly adv. ly adv.
myri*ad (mir-i-ad) n. a vast number. mys* ti*Cism (mis-ti-siz-em) n. 1. mystical
myriad adj. quality. 2. being a mystic.
myr*mi*don (mur-mi-don) n. a hench- mys*ti*fy (mis-tl-fi) v. (mys *ti* fled,
man. mys *ti* tying) to cause (a person) to
myrrh (mur) a kind of gum resin used
n. feel puzzled. mys*ti*fi*ca*tion (mis-ti-
in perfumes and medicine and incense. fl-kay-sh6n) n.
myr*tle (mur-tel) n. an evergreen shrub mystique (mi-steek) n. an aura of mys-
with dark leaves and scented white flow- tery or mystical power.
ers. myth (mith) n. 1 a traditional story con-

myself (mi-self) pronoun corresponding taining ideas or beliefs about ancient

to / and me, used in the same ways as times or about natural events (such as
himself. the four seasons). 2. such stories collec-
mys-te-ri-ous (mi-steer-i-us) adj. full of tively, in myth and legend. 3. an imagi-
mystery, puzzling or obscure, mys* nary person or thing. 4. an idea that
te'ri*ous*ly adv. mys*te'ri*ous* forms part of the beliefs of a group or
ness n. class but is not founded on fact, myth'ic
mys*ter*y (mis-te-ree) n. (pi. -ter* adj.
ies) 1. a matter that remains unex- myth. abbr. 1 mythological. 2. mythology.

plained or secret.' 2. the quality of being myth*i*cal (mith-i-kal) adj. 1. of myths,

unexplained or obscure, its origins are existing in myths. 2. imaginary, fancied.
wrapped in mystery. 3. the practice of mythol*0*gy (mi-thol-6-jee) n. (pi.
making a secret of things. 4. a religious -gies) a body of myths, Greek mythol-
1 .

truth that is beyond human powers to ogy. 2. the study of myths, thol'o* my
understand. 5. a story or play that deals gist n. myth *o* log *i*cal (mith-d-loj-
with a puzzling crime. i-kal) adj.
N, n (en) (pi. Ns, N's n's) the fourteenth agree to keep to a promise or arrange-
letter of the English alphabet. ment etc. or declare his intentions defi-
N symbol nitrogen. nitely, nail file, nail scissors, those de-
n. abbr. 1 name. 2. net. 3. neuter. 4. nomi-
. signed for shaping and trimming the
native. 5. noon. 6. north. 7. northern. nails, nail polish, a substance for giving
8. note. 9. noun. 10. number. a shiny tint to the nails.
N. abbr. 1 Navy. 2. noon. 3. (in chemistry)
. nail -brush (nayl-brush) n. a brush for
normal. 4. Norse. 5. north. 6. northern. scrubbing one's nails.
7. November. nail* head (nayl-hed) n. an architectural
-n suffix see -en. ornament like the head of a nail.
Na symbol sodium. nain*sook (nayn-suuk) n. a kind of fine
N.A. abbr. 1 North America.
. 2. not appli- soft cotton fabric, shiny on one side.
cable. 3. not available. Nai-ro-bi (ni-roh-bee) the capital of
NAACP abbr. National Association for the Kenya.
Advancement of Colored People. na-ive, na*Tve (nah-eev) adj. showing a
nab (nab) v. (nabbed, nab-bing) (slang) lack of experience or of informed judg-
1 . to catch (a wrongdoer) in the act, to ment. na*ive'ly adv. na*ive'ness n.
arrest. 2. to seize, to grab. na-ive-te, na-Tve-te (nah-eev-tay) n. 1.
na-bob (nay-bob) n. 1. a Muslim official the state or quality of being naive. 2. a
or governor under the Mogul empire. 2. naive action.
(old use) a wealthy luxury-loving person, na-ked (nay-kid) adj. 1. without clothes
especially a European returned from In- on, nude. 2. without the usual coverings
dia with a fortune. or ornamentation etc.; a naked sword,
na-celle (na-sel) n. the outer casing of an without its sheath. 3. undisguised, the
airplane's engine. naked truth, na'ked-ly adv. na'ked-
na»cre (nay-kSr) n. a shellfish that yields ness n. naked eye, the eye unas-
mother-of-pearl. sisted by a telescope or microscope etc.
na-dir (nay-dir) n. the lowest point, the N.A.M. abbr. Rational Association of Man-
time of deepest depression. ufacturers.
nae (nay) adj. & adv. (Scottish) no. nanvby-panvby (nam-bee-pam-bee) adj.
nae-vus nevus. lacking positive character, feeble, not
nag (nag) n. (informal) a horse.
manly, namby-pamby n. (pi. -bies) a
nag 2 v. (nagged, nag-ging) 1. to make person of this kind.
scolding remarks to, to find fault contin- name (naym) n. 1. a word or words by
ually. 2. (of pain or worry) to be felt which a person or animal or place or
persistently, nag'ger n. thing is known or indicated. 2. a reputa-
nai-ad (nay-ad) n. {pi. -ads, -a*des, pr. tion, has got a bad name; made a name
-a-deez) a water nymph. for himself, became famous. 3. a famous
na-'i'f (nah-eef) = naive. person, the film has some big names in
nail (nayl) n. 1. the layer of horny sub- it name v. (named, nam-ing) 1. to
stance over the outer tip of a finger or give a name to. 2. to state the name(s)
toe. 2. a claw or talon. 3. a small metal of. 3. to nominate or appoint to an office
spike driven in with a hammer to hold etc. 4. to mention or specify; name your
things together or as a peg or protection price, say what price you want; name
or ornament, nail v. 1 to fasten with a. the day, to arrange a date, especially of
nail or nails. 2. (informal) to catch or a woman fixing the date for her wedding,
arrest, nailed the intruder. 3. (informal) call a person names, to speak abu-
to hit or strike (a person). Dhit the nail sively to him or about him. have to
on the head, see hit. nail down, to one's name, to possess, in name only,
establish clearly; to make (a person) so called but not so in reality, in the

591 nameable / narwhal
name Of, invoking or calling to witness, na*po*le*on (na-poh-li-6n) n. 1. a many-
in the name of God, what are you doing?; layered cream-filled pastry. 2. a French
by authority of, open in the name of the gold twenty-franc piece of Napoleon I.
law!; under the designation or pretense Na*po*le*on*iC (nl-poh-li-on-ik) adj. of
of, did it all in the name of friendship. Napoleon (1769-1821), a French gen-
name day, the day of a saint after whom eral, emperor of France 1804-15.
a person is named, the name of the narc (nahrk) n. (slang) a government nar-
game, (informal) the purpose or essence cotics agent.
of an activity. nar*cis*sism (nahr-si-siz-em) n. a ten-
name -a -Die (nay-ma-bel) adj. able to be dency to self-worship, excessive or erotic
named. interest in one's own personal features.
name-drop* ping (naym-drop-ing) n. nar'cis*sist n.
mention of famous people's names in or- nar*cis*sus (nahr-sis-us) n. (pi -cis*
der to impress others by implying that sus, -cis*sus*es, -cis* Si, pr. -sis- 1,
one is familiar with such people, name'- -sis-ee) any of a group of flowers includ-
drop-per n.
. ing jonquils and daffodils, especially the
name* less (naym-lis) adj. 1. having no kind with heavily scented single white
name or no known name. 2. not men- flowers.
tioned by name, anonymous, others who nar*CO*sis (nahr-koh-sis) n. a state of
shall be nameless. 3. too bad to be named,
sleep or drowsiness produced by drugs
nameless horrors. name / less*ly adv. or by electricity.
name*ly (naym-lee) adv. that is to say, nar*COt*iC (nahr-kot-ik) adj. causing sleep
or drowsiness, narcotic n. a narcotic
name* plate (naym-playt) n. a plaque af-
fixed with the name of the occupant. nar*co*tlze (nahr-kd-tiz) v. (nar*co*
name* sake (naym-sayk) n. a person or
tized, nar*co*tiz*ing) 1. to induce a
thing with the same name as another.
state of drowsiness, sleep, or unaware-
Na*mib*i*a (na-mib-i-a) a country in
ness to treat with a narcotic.
in. 2.
southwest Africa, formerly South West
nard (nahrd) n. 1. a fragrant balsam be-
lieved to have been used by the ancients.
nan* keen (nan-keen) n. a kind of cotton
2. the plant yielding this.
cloth,originally made in Nanking in
China from naturally yellow cotton.
nark = narc.
nan*ny (nan-ee) -nies) 1. (chiefly
n. (pi.
Nar*ra*gan*sett (nar-a-gan-sit) n. a
British) a child's nurse. 2. a nanny goat.
member of an Indian tribe from Rhode
nanny goat, a female goat.
na*no*me*ter (nay-nd-mee-ter) n. a unit nar*rate (nar-ayt, na-rayt) v. (nar-
of measurement, one billionth of a meter. rated, nan rat* ing) to tell (a story),
na*no*sec*ond (nay-nd-sek-dnd) n. a to give an account of, to utter or write
unit of time, one billionth of a second. a narrative. nar'ra*tor n. nar*ra*tion
nap 1 (nap) n. a short sleep or doze, espe- (na-ray-shdn) n.

cially during the day. nap v. (napped, nar*ra*tive (nar-5-tiv) n. a spoken or writ-
nap* ping) to have a nap. catch a ten account of something, narrative adj.
person napping, to catch a person off in the form of a narrative.
his guard. nan row (nar-oh) adj.1. of small width

nap 2 n. short raised fibers on the surface in proportion to length. 2. having or al-
of cloth or leather, nap'less adj. lowing little space, within narrow bounds.
na • palm (nay-pahm) n. a jellylike gasoline 3. with little scope or variety, small, a
substance used in incendiary bombs, narrow circle offriends. 4. with little mar-
flamethrowers, etc. gin, a narrow escape; a narrow majority.
nape (nayp) n. the back part of the neck. 5. narrow-minded, narrow v. to make
na*per*y (nay-pe-ree) n. (old use) house- or become narrower. nar'row*ly adv.
hold or table linen. narrow -ness n.
naph*tha (naf-tha) n. an inflammable oil nar* row-mind *ed (nar-oh-min-did) adj.
obtained from coal or petroleum, used rigid in one's views and sympathies, not
in making plastics. tolerant.nar'row-mind'ed*ly adv.
naph*tha*lene (naf-tha-leen) n. a strong- nar'row-mind'ed*ness n.
smelling white substance obtained from nar* rows (nar-ohz) n. a narrow passage
coal tar, used in dyes and as a moth repel- in a body of water, a strait.
lent. nanthex (nahr-theks) n. the railed-off
nap* kin (nap-kin) a square piece of cloth
n. western porch in an early Christian
or paper used at meals to protect one's church, used by women, penitents, etc.
clothes or for wiping one's lips or fingers. nar*whal (nahr-wal) n. an arctic animal
nary / natural 592
related to the whale, the male of which area of historical, scientific, or scenic sig-
has long spirally grooved tusk. nificance declared to be public property
nar*y (nair-ee) adj. nary a, (old use) not for the use and enjoyment of the people.
a, not one. national seashore, a seacoast recre-
NAS abbr. 1. National Academy of Sci- ational area maintained by the federal
ences. 2. Naval Air Station. government.
NASA (nas-a) National A eronautics and
n. na-tion-al-ism (nash-6-ni-liz-em) ru 1.
Space Administration. patriotic feeling or principles or efforts.
na-sal (nay-zal) adj. 1. of the nose. 2. (of 2. a movement favoring independence
a voice or speech) sounding as if the for a country that is controlled by or
breath came out through the nose, nasal forms part of another.
n. 1 a nasal letter or sound. 2. a nose-
. na*tion*al-ist (nash-6-na-list) ru a sup-
piece on a helmet. na / sal*ly adv. porter of nationalism. na*tion*al*ist*
na-sal-ize (nay-za-hz) v. (na*sal*ized, ic (nash-6-na-lis-tik) adj.
na-sal-iz-ing) 1. to speak with a twang na-tion-al-i-ty (nash-d-nal-i-tee) ru (pL
described as speaking through the nose. -ties) the condition of belonging to a
2. to make nasal. na*sal*i*za*tion particular nation.
(nay-z£-li-zay-sh6n) n. na*tlon*al*ize (nash-6-na-liz) v. (na-
nas-cent (nas-ent, nay-sent) adj. 1. in the tionalized, na-tion-al-iz-ing) to
act of being born, just beginning to be, convert (industries etc.) from private to
not yet mature. 2. (of a chemical ele- government ownership. na*tion*al*
ment) just being formed and therefore i'Za-tion (nash-5-na-U-zay-shdn) ru
unusually reactive, nas'cence n. na-tion-wide (nay-shdn-wid) adj. extend-
Nash -vi He (nash-vil) the capital of Ten- ing over the whole of a nation.
nessee. nt'tive (nay-tiv) adj. 1 belonging to a per-

Nas-sau (nas-a w) the capital of the Baha- son or thing by nature, inborn, natural.
mas. 2. (of a person) belonging to a particular
na*Stur*tium (na-stur-shum) n. a trailing place by birth, (of a thing) belonging to
garden plant with bright orange or yel- a person because of his place of birth,
low or red flowers and round flat leaves. ones native land or language. 3. grown
nas-ty (nas-tee) adj. (nas*ti*er, nas- or produced or originating in a specified
ti-est) 1 unpleasant. 2. unkind, spiteful.
. place. 4. of the natives of a place, native
3. difficult to deal with, a nasty problem. n. 1 a person who was born in a specified

nas'ti-ly adv. nas'ti-ness n. place or country. 2. a local inhabitant

nat. abbr. 1 national. 2. native. 3. natural.
. of a place, as opposed to strangers, visi-
na-tal (nay-tal) adj. of or from one's birth. tors, foreigners. 3. an animal or plant
na*tal*i*ty (nay-tal-i-tee) ru the birthrate. grown or originating in a specified place.
na-tes (nay-teez) ru pi 1. the buttocks. na*tlvlsm (nay-ti-viz-em) n. the doctrine
2. the anterior pair of optic lobes in the that innate'ideas exist.
brain. na-tivi-ty (na-tiv-i-tee) n. (pL -ties) 1.
na*tion (nay-shdn) n. a large community a person's birth with regard to its place
of people of mainly common descent, or circumstances, especially the Nativity,
language, history, etc., usually inhabiting that of Christ. 2. Nativity, a picture of
a particular territory and under one gov- a scene with Christ as a newborn infant.
ernment. Nativity play, a play dealing with the
na*tion*al (nash-6-nal) adj. of a nation, birth of Christ.
common to a whole nation, national ru natl., nat'l. abbr. national.
a citizen or subject of a particular coun- NATO (nay-ton) n. Worth Atlantic Treaty
try. na'tlon*al*ly adv. Q
national an- Organization.
them, a song of loyalty or patriotism nat-ty (nat-ee) adj. (nat-ti-er, nat*
adopted by a country, national bank, thest) neat and trim, dapper, nat'tl*
one chartered under the federal govern- ly adv.
ment, national debt, the total amount nat*u*ral (nach-u-r&l) adj. 1 of or existing

owed by a country to those who have in or produced by nature; a country s nat-

lent money to it. national forest, a for- ural resources, its mineral deposits, for-
est maintained by the federal govern- ests, etc. 2. in accordance with the course
ment. National Guard, a U.S. military of nature, normal, a natural death. 3.
reserve force maintained by the states but (of a person) having certain inborn quali-
available for federal use. national mon- ties or abilities, a natural leader. 4. not
ument, a building, natural site, or struc- looking artificial, not affected in manner
ture designated in commemoration of a etc. 5. not surprising, to be expected. 6.
person, event, etc. and maintained by the (in music, of a note) neither sharp nor
federal government, national park, an flat, B natural natural ru 1. a person
593 naturalism / navigate

or thing that seems to be naturally suited obedient. 2. improper, shocking or amus-

for something. 2. (in music) a natural ing people by mild indecency. naught'
note, the sign for this (t;). 3. pale fawn My adv. naughtiness n.
color. nat'u-ral-ly adv. nat'u-ral- Na u • ru (nah-oo-roo) a country in the cen-

ness n. D
natural childbirth, a system tral Pacific, near the equator. Na-u'ru-
of childbirth in which the mother has an adj. & n.
been taught to relax and so needs little nau-se-a (naw-zi-a) n. a feeling of sick-
or no anesthetic, natural gas, gas found ness or disgust.
in the earth's crust, not manufactured. nau-se-ate (naw-zi-ayt) v. (nau -se-
natural history, the study of animal and at -ed, nau-se-at-ing) to affect with
vegetable life, natural science, see sci- nausea. nau'se-at-ing-ly adv.
ence, natural selection, survival of the nau-seous (naw-shus, naw-zi-us) adj. 1.
organisms that are best adapted to their causing nausea. 2. (informal) experienc-
environment while the less well adapted ing nausea. >
Careful writers do not use
ones die out. nauseous in its second sense. Write we
nat-u-ral-ism (nach-u-ra-liz-em) n. real- felt nauseated not we felt nauseous.
ism in art and literature, drawing or naut. abbr. nautical.
painting or representing things as they nautch (nawch) n. an Indian exhibition
are in nature. nat-u-ral-ist-ic (nach- of dancing girls.
u-ra-lis-tik) adj.
nau-ti-cal (naw-ti-kal) adj. of sailors or
nat-u-ral-ist (nach-u-ra-list) n. an expert seamanship. nau'ti-cal-ly adv. nau-
in natural history.
tical mile, see mile.
nat-u-ral-ize (nach-u-ra-hz) v. (nat«
nau-ti-lus (naw-tl-lus) n. {pi. -Ius«
u-ral-ized, nat-u-ral-iz-ing) 1. to ad-
es, -II, pr. -li) a deep sea mollusk with
mit (a person of foreign birth) to full
a spiral shell divided into many chambers
citizenship of a country. 2. to adopt (a
by thin pearly walls. paper nautilus,
foreign word or custom) into the lan-
a small mollusk of which the female has
guage or customs of a country. 3. to in-
a very thin shell and webbed sail-like
troduce and acclimatize (an animal or
plant) into a country where it is not na-
nav. abbr. 1 . naval. 2. navigable. 3. naviga-
tive. 4. to cause to appear natural; daffo-
dil bulbs suitable for naturalizing, suit-
Nav-a-ho, Nava-jo (nav-a-hoh) n. {pi.
able for planting so that they appear to
-ho, -hos, -hoes) 1 a member of a large
be growing wild. nat-u-ral-i-za-tion
Indian tribe living in New Mexico and
(nach-u-ra-li-zay-sh6n) n.
na-ture (nay-chur) n. 1. the world with Arizona. 2. the language of these people.
all its features and living things, the phys-
na*val (nay-val) adj. of a navy, of war-
ical power that produces these; Nature,
ships; a naval power, a country with a

this power personified. 2. a kind or sort strong navy. naval stores, cordage,
or class, things of this nature; the request tar, timber, and other materials much

was in the nature of a command. 3. the used in former times in building wooden
complex of qualities and characteristics sailing ships; rosin, tar, turpentine, and
innate in a person or animal. 4. a thing's other products of the pine tree, used in
essential qualities, its characteristics. manufacture of paint, roofing, lubricants,
Dback to nature, returning to what etc. >Do not confuse naval with navel.
are regarded as the natural conditions nave (nayv) n. the body of a church apart
of living before the spread of civilization. from the chancel, aisles, and transepts.
in a state of nature, in an uncultivated na-vel (nay-vel) n. 1. the small hollow in
or undomesticated state; totally naked. the center of the abdomen where the um-
nature study, (in schools) the practical bilical cord was attached. 2. the central
study of plant and animal life, nature point of something. navel orange, a
trail, a path through woods or country- large orange with a navel-like formation
side where interesting natural objects can at the top. >Do
not confuse navel with
be seen, nature walk, a walk through naval.
nature trails, often under the guidance navl-ga-ble (nav-I-ga-bel) adj. 1. (of riv-
of a leader who points out interesting ers or seas) suitable for ships to sail in.
objects of nature. 2. (of a ship etc.) able to be steered and
Nau-ga-hyde (naw-ga-hid) n. (trade- sailed. nav'i-ga-bly adv. nav-i-ga-
mark) a vinyl material often used for up- bil-i-ty (nav-I-ga-bil-i-tee) n.
holstery. nav i* gate (nav-I-gayt) v. (nav- i- gat-
naught (nawt) n. (old use) nothing. ed, navi-gat-lng) 1. to sail in or
naugh-ty (naw-tee) adj. (naugh-ti-er, through (a sea or river etc.). 2. to direct
naugh-ti-est) 1. behaving badly, dis- the course of (a ship or aircraft or vehicle
navy / necessary 594
etc.). nav'i*ga*tor n. navi-ga-tion near adj. 1 with only a short distance

(nav-i-gay-shon) ru or interval between, in the near future.

na* vy (nay-vee) ru 1 a country's warships.
. 2. closely related. 3. with little margin,
2. the officers and men of these. 3. navy a near escape, near v. to draw near.
blue, navy navy blue. Dnavy bean,
adj. near'ness n. Dnear beer, a malt li-
a small white kidney bean for cooking. quor containing less than one half per-
navy blue, very dark blue like that used cent alcohol. Near East, the Middle
in naval uniforms, navy exchange, a East, near miss, something that missed
post exchange on a naval base, navy its objective only narrowly; not a direct
yard, a government shipyard for the hit but near enough to do damage, near
construction and repair of naval ships. thing, something achieved or missed by
nay (nay) adv. 1 no. 2. or r^atner, and even,
only a narrow margin; a narrow escape.
and more than that, nay ru a negative near* by (neer-bi) adv. not far off, they live
vote. nearby, nearby adj. near in position, a
Na*zi (naht-see)n. {pi. Na*zis) a member
nearby house.
of the National Socialist party in Ger- near*ly (neer-lee) adv. 1. closely; we are
many, brought to power by Hitler. Nazi nearly related are closely related. 2. al-
adj. of the Nazis. Na'zism ru most. Dnot nearly, nothing like, far
Nb symbol niobium. from, not nearly enough.
N.B. abbr. 1 New Brunswick. 2. note well.
near* sight *ed (neer-si-tid) adj. short-
(Latin nota bene).
sighted. near'sight*ed*ly adv. near
NBA, N.B.A. abbr. 1. National Basketball sight -ed-ness n.
Association. 2. National Boxing Associa-
neat and clean and
(neet) adj. 1. simple
orderly in appearance. 2. done or doing
NBC abbr. National Broadcasting Com- things in a precise and skillful way. 3.
undiluted, neat whiskey. 4. (slang) great,
N-bomb (en-bom)a neutron bomb.
wonderful, neat'ly adv. nearness n.
NBS Bureau of Standards.
abbr. National
neat* en (nee-ten) v. to make or become
NC, N.C. abbr. North Carolina.
NCO, N.C.O. abbr. noncommissioned offi-
neath (neeth) prep, (poetic) beneath.
neat's-foot (neets-fuut) oil a fatty oil
n.d. date.
Nd symbol neodymium. made from cattle bones, used to dress
ND, N.D. abbr. North Dakota.
N. Dak. abbr. North Dakota.
neb (neb) n. (Scottish) 1. a beak or bill.
2. a nose, a snout. 3. a tip, spout, or
NDEA abbr. National Defense Education
N'Dja*me*na (en-jah-m£-na) the capital
Neb., Nebr. abbr. Nebraska.
of Chad. NEB abbr. New English Bible.
Ne symbol neon. neb bish
• (neb-ish) n. (slang) a submissive

NE abbr. 1. Nebraska. 2. northeast. 3. timid person.

northeastern. Ne-bras-ka (ne-bras-ka) a state of the
N.E. abbr. 1. New England. 2. northeast. U.S. Ne*bras'kan adj. & ru
3. northeastern. neb -u- la (neb-yu-li) ru {pi -las, -lae, pr.
NEA abbr. National Education Associa- -lee) a bright or dark patch in the sky

tion. caused by distant stars or a cloud of dust

Ne-an-der-thal (ni-an-der-thawl) adj. 1. or gas. neb'iHar adj.

of an extinct type of mankind (Neander- neb-u-lize (neb-yu-liz) v. (neb-u-lized,

thal man) living in prehistoric Europe. neb • u • liz * ing) to reduce to a fine spray.
2. (slang) uncouth; old-fashioned, Nean- neb / u*liz*er ru

derthal politics. Neanderthal n. a Nean- neb*U*IOS*l*ty (neb-yu-los-i-tee) ru {pi

derthal person. -ties) 1 . the state of being vague, hazy,
neap (neep) n. neap tide, the tide when or indistinct. 2. nebulous matter.
there is the least rise and fall of water, neb*u*lous (neb-yu-lus) adj. indistinct,
halfway between spring tides. having no definite form, nebulous ideas.
Ne-a-pdl-i-tan (nee-S-pol-i-tan) adj. of neb'u-lous-ly adv.
Naples. Neapolitan n. a native or in- nec*es*sar*i*ly (nes-S-ser-Mee) adv. as
habitant of Naples. Neapolitan ice a necessary result, inevitably.
cream, ice cream made in layers of dif- nec*es*sar*y (nes-e-ser-ee) adj. 1. essen-
ferent colors and flavors. tial in order to achieve something. 2.
near (neer) adj. 1. at or to or within a unavoidable, happening or existing by
short distance or interval. 2. nearly, as necessity, the necessary consequence.
near as I can guess, near prep, near to. necessary n. {pi -ies) something with-

595 necessitate / negate

out which life cannot be maintained or peach that has a thin skin with no down
is exceedingly harsh, and firm flesh.
ne-ces-si-tate (ne-ses-i-tayt) v. (ne* nec*ta*ry (nek-ta-ree) n. the nectar-se-
ces • si • tat • ed ne • ces • si • tat • ing) to
, creting part of a plant or flower.
make necessary, to involve as a condition nee, nee (nay) adj. born (used in giving
or accompaniment or result, a married woman's maiden name, Mrs.
ne-ces-si-tous (ne-ses-i-tus) adj. needy, Jane Smith, nee Jones).
ne-ces-si-ty (ne-ses-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) need (need) n. 1 circumstances in which

1 the state or fact of being necessary, a thing or course of action is required,

the necessity of adequate food. 2. a neces- there is no need to worry. 2. a situation
sary thing. 3. the compelling power of of great difficulty or misfortune, a friend
circumstances. 4. a state of need or great in need. 3. lack of necessaries, poverty.

poverty or hardship. 4. a requirement, a thing necessary for

life, my needs are few. need v. 1. to be
neck (nek) n. 1 the narrow part of the

body connecting the head to the shoul- in need of, to require. 2. to be under a

ders. 2. the part of a garment around

necessity or obligation, need you ask?
this. 3. the length of a horse's head and
If need be, if necessary.
neck as a measure of its lead in a race. need*ful (need-ful) adj. necessary.
4. the flesh of an animal's neck as food.
nee* die (nee-del) n. 1. a small thin piece
5. a narrow part of anything (especially
of polished steel with a point at one end
of a bottle or cavity), a narrow connect-
and a hole for thread at the other, used
in sewing. 2. something resembling this
ing part or channel, neck v. (slang, of
in shape or use, such as one of the long
couples) to kiss and caress each other
thin leaves of pine trees, a sharp pointed
lovingly. Dget
it in the neck, (slang)
rock, an obelisk (Cleopatra's needle), the
to suffer areprimand or a severe blow.
sharp hollow end of a hypodermic sy-
neck and neck, running level in a race.
ringe. 3. a long thin piece of smooth
risk or save one's neck, to risk or save
metal or plastic etc. with one or both
one's own life, up to one's neck in,
ends pointed, used in knitting by hand.
(informal) very deeply involved in.
4. the pointer of a compass or gauge.
neck -band (nek-band) a strip of mate-
needle v. (nee* died, nee*dling) to an-
rial around the neck of a garment.
noy or provoke. needle in a hays-
neck •er* chief (nek-er-chif) n. a square tack, a thing so buried among others
of cloth worn around the neck.
that search for it is hopeless.
neck* lace (nek-lis) n. an ornament of pre- nee* die* craft (nee-del-kraft) n. skill in
cious stones or metal or beads etc. worn
around the neck. nee* die* point (nee-del-point) n. a kind
neck* line (nek-lin) n. the outline formed of fine embroidery on canvas.
by the edge of a garment at or below need* less (need-lis) adj. not needed, un-
the neck. necessary. need'less*ly adv. need'
neck* tie (nek-ti) n. a strip of material less*ness n.
worn around the neck, passing under the nee* die* WOm* an (nee-del- wiium-an) n.
collar and knotted in front. (pi. -worn* en, pr. -wim-in) a woman
neck* wear (nek-wair) n. ties and other with a certain skill in needlework, a good
articles worn around the neck. needlewoman.
ne*crol*o*gy (ne-krol-o-jee) n. (pi. nee* die* work (nee-del- wurk) n. sewing
-gies) 1 . a list of persons recently dead. or embroidery.
2. an obituary. need* n't (nee-dent) =
need not.
nec*ro*man*cy (nek-rd-man-see) n. 1. needs (needz) adv. of necessity; must
the art of predicting events by allegedly needs do it, foolishly insists on doing it,
communicating with the dead. 2. witch- cannot help doing it; needs must do it,
craft. nec'ro*man*cer n. must do it.
ne -crop -o- lis (ne-krop-6-lis) n. (pi. -lis* need • y (nee-dee) adj. (need • I • er, need •
es) the cemetery of an ancient city. i*est) lacking the necessaries of life, ex-
ne*cro*sis (ne-kroh-sis) n. the death of tremely poor.
a piece of tissue, especially of the bones. ne'er (nair) adv. (old use) never.
ne*cro*tiC (ne-krot-ik) adj. ne'er-do-well (nair-doo-wel) n. a good-
nectar (nek- tar) n. 1. (in Greek mythol- for-nothing person.
ogy) the drink of the gods. 2. any deli- ne*far*i*ous (ni-fair-i-us) adj. wicked.
cious drink. 3. sweet fluid produced by ne*far'i*ous*ly adv. ne*far'i*ous*
plants and collected by bees for making ness n.

honey. neg. abbr. negative.

nec*tar*ine (nek-ta-reen) n. a kind of ne-gate (ni-gayt) v. (ne*gat*ed, ne*
. .

negative / neocolonialism 596

gat-ing) to nullify, to disprove, ne- a* tor n. ne-go-ti-a-tion (ni-goh-shi-
gation (ni-gay-shon) n. ay-sh6n) n,
neg-a-tive (neg-a-tiv) adj. 1. expressing neg-ri-tude (neg-ri-tood) n. 1. the quality
or implying denial or refusal or prohibi- of being a black. 2. affirmation of the
tion; a negative reply, saying "no." 2. not value of black culture.
positive, lacking positive qualities or Ne-gro (nee-groh) n. {pi Ne-groes) a
characteristics; the result of the test was member of the black-skinned race of
negative, indicated that a specific sub- mankind. Negro adj. of this race, black-
stance etc. was not present. 3. (of a quan- skinned. Ne-groid (nee-groid) adj. <t n.
tity) less than zero, minus. 4. in the direc- t> These words are considered offensive
tion opposite of that regarded as positive. by many people, who prefer the word
5. containing or producing the kind of black.
electric charge carried by electrons; neg- Ne* he* mi* ah (nee-e-mi-a) n. a historical
ative terminal of a battery, the one book of the Old Testament telling of the
through which current enters an external rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.
circuit. 6. (of a photograph) having the neigh (nay) n. the long high-pitched cry
lights and shades of the actual object or of a horse, neigh v. to make this cry.
scene reversed, or its colors represented neigh *bor (nay-bdr) n. 1. a person who
by complementary ones, negative n. 1 lives near or next to another. 2. a person
a negative statement or reply or word; to whom one should be friendly or kind.
the answer is in the negative, is "no." 3. a person or thing situated near or next
2. a negative quality or quantity. 3. a to another, Britain's nearest neighbor is
negative photograph, from which posi- France, neighbor v. to join, to border
tive pictures can be obtained, negative on.
v. (neg-a-tived, neg-a-tiv -tog) 1. to neigh -bor- hood (nay-bdr-huud) n. 1. a
veto. 2. to contradict (a statement). 3. district. 2. the people living in it.
to neutralize (an effect), neg 'a -Ave- Din the neighborhood of, somewhere
ly adv. negative pole, the south-seek- near, approximately, in the neighborhood
ing pole of a magnet, negative sign, of five hundred dollars.
the sign — neigh- bor -ing (nay-bd-ring) adj. living or
neg -a-tivism (neg-a-ti-viz-em) n. an atti- situated near by.
tude of confirmed skepticism, denial of neigh* bor *ly (nay-bdr-lee) adj. kind and
accepted beliefs. friendly, as one neighbor should be to
ne- gleet (ni-glekt) v. 1. to pay no atten- another, neigh'bor-li-ness n.

tion or not enough attention to. 2. to nehther (nee-th&r, ni-) adj. A pronoun not
fail to take proper care of. 3. to omit either, neither of them likes it. (t> Note
to do something,as through carelessness the use of the singular verb; neither of
or forgetfulness. neglect n, neglecting, them like it would be incorrect.) neither
being neglected. ne*glect'ful adj. adv. A conj. 1. not either, she neither
neg -li- gee (neg-li-z/iay) n, a woman's knew nor cared 2. also not, you don't
light flimsy ornamental dressing gown. know and neither do I. 3. (incorrect use)
neg-li-gence (neg-li-jens) n. lack of either, / don't know that neither. Dbe
proper care or attention, carelessness, neither here nor there, to be of no
neg'li-gent adj. neg 'li* gent *ly adv. importance or relevance.
>Do not confuse negligent with negligi- nel-son (nel-son) n. a kind of hold in wres-
ble. tling in which the arm is passed under
neg-li-gi-ble (neg-li-je-bel) adj. very the opponent's arm from behind and the
small in amount etc. and not worth tak- hand applied to his neck.
ing into account. t> Do not confuse negli- nem-a-tode (nem-a-tohd) n. a worm of
gible with negligent. slender unsegmented cylindrical shape.
ne-go-ti-a-ble (ni-goh-shi-a-bel) adj. 1. nematode adj.
able to be modified after discussion, the nem-e-sis (nem-e-sis) n. 1. retributive
salary is negotiable. 2. (of a check etc.) justice. a downfall. 3. the agent of
able to be converted into cash or trans- downfall, a victorious rival.
ferred to another person. neo- prefix new, recent, a new form of.
ne-go-ti-ate (ni-goh-shi-ayt) v. (ne* ne-o-clas-sic (nee-oh-klas-ik) adj. of a
go-ti-at-ed, ne-go-ti-at-ing) 1. to revival of classical style or treatment in
try to reach an agreement or arrange- art, literature, music, etc. ne-O*
ment by discussion, to arrange in this clas'si-cal adj. ne-o-clas-si-cism
way, negotiated a treaty. 2. to get or give (nee-oh-klas-i-siz-em) n.
money in exchange for (a check or bonds ne o co
- • • lo • ni • al • ism (nee-oh-kd-loh-
etc.). 3. to get over or through (an obsta- ni-al-iz-em) n. the use of economic, polit-
cle or difficulty) successfully, ne*go'ti* ical, or other means to obtain or retain
597 neodymium / nest
influence over former colonies. ne«0» Nep*tU*ni*an (nep-too-ni-an) adj.
co'lo'ni-al adj. ne*o*co'lo'ni-al- nep*tu*nl«um (nep-too-ni-um) n. the ele-
1st n. ment produced when uranium atoms ab-
ne*o*dym*i*um (nee-oh-dim-i-um) n. a sorb bombarding neutrons.
rare-earth metallic element used to color nerd (nurd) n. (slang) a gauche person.
glass. Ne*re*id (neer-i-id) n. 1. a sea nymph of
ne*o*invpres*sion*ism (nee-oh-im- Greek mythology. 2. a long sea worm
presh-6-niz-em) a late 19th-century
n. or centipede.
French art movement reintroducing
the ne*rit*lc (nS-rit-ik) adj. of or relating to
idea (rejected by impressionists) that a shallow water along the seacoast.
picture should be deliberately planned nerve (nurv) n. 1 any of the fibers or bun-

and composed. ne-o»invpres'sion- dles of fibers carrying impulses of sensa-

1st adj. & n. tion or of movement between the brain
ne*o*lith*ic (nee-d-lith-ik) adj. of the later or spinal cord and all parts of the body.
Stone Age, when ground or polished 2. courage, coolness in danger, lose one's
stone weapons and implements pre- nerve. 3. (informal) impudent boldness,
vailed. had the nerve to ask for more. 4. nerves*
ne-ol-o-gism (nee-ol-6-jiz-em), ne« a condition in which a person suffers
ol-o-gy (nee-ol-6-jee) n. 1. a newly from mental stress and easily becomes
coined word or phrase. 2. the coining anxious or upset, nervousness, nerve v.

or using of new words. (nerved, nerving) to give strength or

ne*on (nee-on) n. a kind of gas much used vigor or courage to; nerve oneself to
in illuminated signs because it glows • brace oneself to face danger or suffering.
orange-red when electricity is passed Dget on a person's nerves, to be irri-
through it. tating to him. nerve cell, a cell transmit-
ne-o-na-tal (nee-oh-nay-tal) adj. of or ting impulses in nerve tissue, nerve cen-
relating to a newborn child. ne*O a na' ter, a group of closely connected
tahly adv. ne*o*nate (nee-5-nayt) n. ganglion cells; a center of control from
ne-o-phyte (nee-6-fit) n. 1. a new con- which instructions are sent out. nerve
vert, especially among primitive Chris- gas, a poison gas that affects the nervous
tians or among Roman Catholics. 2. a system.
novice in a religious order. 3. a beginner, nerve 'less (nurv-lis) adj. 1. incapable of
a novice, a tyro. effort or movement, the knife fell from
ne-o- plasm (nee-6-plaz-em) n. a new his nerveless fingers. 2. confident, not
growth of tissue in some part of the body, nervous. nerve'less*ly adv. nerve'
especially a tumor. ne*o*plas*tic (nee- less-ness n.
oh-plas-tik) adj. nerve-rack »ing (nurv-rak-ing) adj. inflict-
ne-o-prene (nee-6-preen) n. a tough syn- ing great strain on the nerves.
thetic rubberlike substance. nervous (nur-vus) adj. 1. of the nerves
Ne*pal (ng-pawl) a country northeast of or nervous system, a nervous disorder.
India. Ne-pa-lese (nep-a-leez) adj. & 2. excitable, easily agitated, timid. 3. un-
n. (pi. -lese) easy, a nervous laugh. nerv'ous*ly adv.
ne* pen* the (ni-pen-thee) n. 1. a drug be- nerv'ous*ness n. nervous break-
lieved by the ancient Greeks to cause down, loss of mental and emotional sta-
forgetfulness of grief. 2. anything causing bility, nervous system, the system of
a lack of awareness of pain and sorrow. nerves throughout the body.
neplvew (nef-yoo) n. one's brother's or nervy (nur-vee) adj. (nervher, nerv-
sister's son. iest) 1 (informal) bold and presumptu-

neph-rite (nef-nt) n. a form of jade, rang- ous. 2. cool and confident. nerv'My
ing in color from whitish to green. adv. nerv'i*ness n.
ncphrit-ic (ne-frit-ik) adj. 1. of or in the -ness suffix used to form nouns meaning
kidneys, renal. 2. of nephritis. a state or condition, as in happiness; an
ne*phri*tis (ne-fri-tis) n. inflammation of instance of this state or condition, as in
the kidneys. kindness.
ne plus ul • tra (nee plus ul-tra) the furthest Nes-sel- rode (nes-el-rohd) pie a pie con-
point attainable, the highest form of taining a mixture of preserved fruits,
something. >
Latin, =
do not go beyond nuts, etc.
this point. nest (nest) n. 1. a structure or place in
nep-o-tism (nep-6-tiz-em) n. favoritism which a bird lays its eggs and shelters
shown to relatives in appointing them its young. 2. a place where certain crea-
to jobs. tures (such as mice or wasps) live, or
Nep*tune (nep-toon) n. 1 the Roman god
. produce and keep their young. 3. a snug
of the sea. 2. a planet in the solar system. place. 4. a secluded shelter or hiding
nestle / neutral 598
place. 5. a set of similar articles designed tent pain along the course of a nerve,
to inside each other in a series, a nest
fit especially in the head or face, neu*
of tables, nest v. to make or have a nest. ral'gic adj.
Driest egg, a sum of money saved for neu*ras*the*ni*a (noor-as-thee-ni-a) n. a
future use. debility of nerves causing fatigue, listless-
nes-tle (nes-el) v. nes-
(nes-tled, ness, etc. neu *ras* then *ic (noor-as-
tling) 1 to . curl up or press oneself com- then-ik) adj. & n.

fortably into a soft place. 2. to he half- neu *ri 'tis

(nuu-n-tis) n. inflammation of
hidden or sheltered, nes'tler ru a nerve or nerves. neu*rit*ic (nuu-rit-
nest* ling (nes-ling) n. a bird too young ik) adj.
to leave the nest. neuro- comb, form nerve, nervous system,
net 1 (net) n. 1. openwork material of as in neurosurgeon.
thread or cord or wire *ctc. woven or neurol. abbr. neurology.
joined at intervals. 2. a piece of this used neu*rol*o*gist (nuu-rol-d-jist) n. an ex-
for a particular purpose, as covering or pert in neurology.
protecting something, catching fish, di- neu*rol*0*gy (nuu-rol-5-jee) n. the scien-
viding a tennis court, surrounding a goal tific study of nerve systems and their dis-
space etc. net v. (net -ted, net -ting) 1. eases. neu*ro*log*i*cal (noor-6-loj-i-
to make by forming threads into a net, kal) adj. neu*ro*log / i*cal*ly adv.
to make netting. 2. to place nets in, to neyron (noor-on), neu Tone (noor-ohn)
cover or confine with or as if with a net. n. a nerveand its appendages.
3. to catch in or as if in a net. neu*ro*sci*ence (noor-oh-si-ens) n. a
net 2 adj. 1 remaining when nothing more
. science that deals with the anatomy, phys-
is to be taken away; net profit, profit after iology, and biochemistry of the entire
tax etc. has been deducted from the gross nervous system as it relates to learning,
profit; net weight, weight of contents memory, and behavior. neu*ro*SCi*
only, excluding wrappings. 2. (of an ef- en*tlst (noor-oh-si-en-tist) n.
fect etc.) positive, excluding unimportant neu*ro*sis (nuu-roh-sis) n. {pi -ses, pr.
effects or those that cancel each other -seez) a mental disorder producing de-
out, the net result, net v. (net* ted, net- pression or abnormal behavior, some-
ting) to obtain or yield as net profit, net times with physical symptoms but with
n. a net amount, gain, or weight, net'ta* no evidence of disease.
ble adj. neu*ro*sur*geon (noor-oh-sur-jdn) n.
NET abbr. National Educational Televi- an expert in neurosurgery.
sion. neu • ro • sur • ger • y (noor-oh-sur- je-ree)
Neth. abbr. Netherlands. n. surgery performed on the nervous sys-

neth«er (ne/Ji-er) adj. lower, the nether re- tem.

gions, neth 'er* most adj. neu*rot*ic (nuu-rot-ik) adj. 1. of or
Neth -er- lands (ner/i-er-landz), the (also caused by a 'neurosis. 2. (of a person)
Holland) a country in Europe. Neth' subject to abnormal anxieties or obses-
er-land'er n. sive behavior, neurotic n. a neurotic
neth -er- world (nef/i-er-wurld) n. the un- person. neu*rot'i*cal*ly adv.
derworld, hell. neut. abbr. neuter.
net -ting (net-ing) n. fabric of netted neu*ter (noo-ter) adj. 1. (of a noun) nei-
thread or cord or wire etc. ther masculine nor feminine. 2. (of
net* tie (net-el) n. 1. a common wild plant plants) without male or female parts. 3.
with hairs on its leaves that sting and (of insects) sexually undeveloped, sterile.
redden the skin when they are touched. neuter n. a neuter word or plant or in-
2. a plant resembling this, nettle v. (net* sect, a castrated animal, neuter v. to cas-
tied, net-tling) 1. to sting with nettles. trate.
2. to irritate, to provoke, to annoy, neu-tral (noo-tral) adj. 1. not supporting
net ' tier n. nettle rash, an eruption or assisting either side in a dispute or
on the skin with red patches like those conflict. 2. belonging to a country or per-
made by nettle stings. son etc. that is neutral, neutral ships 3.
net* tie* some (net-£l-sdm) adj. causing ir- having no positive or distinctive charac-
ritation or annoyance. teristics, not definitely one thing or the
net* work (net-wurk) n. 1 an arrangement . other. 4. (of colors) not strong or posi-
or pattern with intersecting lines, a net- tive, gray or fawn. 5. neither acid nor
work of railroads. 2. a chain of intercon- alkaline. 6. neither electrically positive
nected people or operations, or broad- nor negative, neutral n. 1 a neutral per-

casting stations, a spy network. son or country, one who is a subject of

neu*ral (noor-al) adj. of nerves. a neutral country. 2. gray or fawn color.
neu-ral-gia (nuu-ral-ja) n. sharp intermit- 3. neutral gear, neu'tral-ly adv. Dneu-
599 neutralism / newscast

tral gear, a position of a gear mechanism the capital of India. New England, a
in which the engine is disconnected from group of six states in the northeast of
its driven parts. the U.S. New Englander, a native or
neu* tral* Ism (noo-tra-liz-em) n. the pol- inhabitant of New England. New
icy of neutrality in international rela- Hampshire, a state of the U.S. New
tions. Jersey, a state of the U.S. New
neu*tral*i*ty (noo-tral-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) Ite, a native or inhabitant of New Jersey.
1 the state of being neutral. 2. the policy
New Left, a radical movement launched
or status of a nation that does not partici- in the mid-1960s seeking social, political,
pate in a war. and economic change, new math, (in-
neu*tral*ize (noo-tra-hz) v. (neu-tral- formal) mathematics based *on the set
ized, neu • tral • iz • Ing) to make ineffec- theory. New Mexico, a state of the U.S.
tive by means of an opposite force or new moon, the moon when it is seen
effect, neu-tra-li-za-tion (noo-tra-li- in the evening as a crescent; (on calen-
zay-shon) n. dars) the precise moment when the moon
neu*tri*no (noo-tree-noh) n. {pi -nos) is in conjunction with the sun and is
an elementary particle with no electric invisible. New South Wales, a state of
charge and probably no mass, interacting Australia. New Testament, see testa-
only very slightly with matter. ment, new wave, a French cinematic
neytron (noo-tron) n. a particle with no movement of the late 1950s and 1960s
electric charge, present in the nuclei of
that emphasized innovations in photog-
all atoms except those of certain isotopes
raphy, story, and style. NewWorld, the
of hydrogen, u
neutron bomb, a nu- Americas, new year, the first few days
clear bomb that kills people by intense
radiation but does little damage to build-
of January. New Year's Day, January
ings etc.
1.New Year's Eve, December 31. New
York, a state and city of the U.S. New
Ney. abbr. Nevada.
Yorker, a native or inhabitant of New
Ne-vad-a (ne-vad-a) a state of the U.S.
York. New Zealand, a country south-
Ne-va'dan adj. & n.
New Zealander, a na-
east of Australia.
never (nev-er) adv. 1. at no time, on no
tive or inhabitant of New Zealand.
occasion; never-ending, never-failing, not
ending or failing ever. 2. not at all, never
new* born (noo-born) adj. 1. recently
born. 2. born anew, newborn n. {pi
fear. 3. (informal) surely not, you never
-born, -borns) a newborn baby or ani-
left the key in the lock! 4. not, never a
care in the world. never mind, do not
be troubled; do not trouble about, you new- com -er (noo-kum-er) n. a person
may ignore, never mind the bread; I re- who has arrived recently.
fuse to answer your question, never- newel (noo-el) n. 1. (also newel post)
never land, an imaginary place, a fanta- a post that supports the handrail of a
sy land, well I neverl, an exclamation stair at the top or bottom of a staircase.

of surprise. 2. the center pillar of a winding stair.

nev-er -more (nev-er-mohr) adv. at no fu- new fan -g led (noo-fang-geld) adj. objec-
ture time. tionably new in method or style.
nev -en the* less (nev-er- the-\es) adv. A new-found (noo-fownd) adj. recently dis-
conj. in spite of this. covered or disclosed.
ne vus (nee-vGs) n. {pi -vi, pr. -vi) a birth-
• Newfoundland (noo-ftind-land) n. 1. a
mark consisting of a mole or a red patch province of Canada. 2. a dog of a large
on the skin. breed with a thick dark coat. New'
new (noo) adj. 1 not existing before, re-
found -land'er n.
cently made or invented or discovered new-ish (noo-ish) adj. fairly new.
or experienced. 2. unfamiliar, unaccus- new-ly (noo-lee) adv. recently, freshly.
tomed, it was new to me; I am new to new-ly -wed (noo-lee- wed) adj. recently
the job. 3. recently changed or renewed, married, newlywed n. a recently mar-
different, the new chairman, new adv. ried person.
newly, recently, just, newborn; new-laid. news (nooz) n. 1 information about recent

newness n. Unew blood, a recent events. 2. a broadcast report of this. 3.

arrival in an organization, expected to newsworthy information, when man bites
bring new ideas and revitalize the system. dog, that's news. Dnews vendor, a
New Brunswick, a province of Canada. newspaper seller.
New Deal, the economic and adminis- news* boy (nooz-boi) n. a boy who deliv-
D. Roosevelt
trative policies of Franklin ers or sells newspapers.
in the 1930s, designed for economic re- news* cast (nooz-kast) n. a broadcast
covery and social reform. New Delhi, news report. news'cast*er n.
newsdealer / nicotinic 600
news* deal *er (nooz-dee-ler) n. a dealer from Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.
in newspapers etc. Nfld. abbr. Newfoundland.
news 'letter an informal
(nooz-let-er) n. n.g. abbr. no good.
printed report giving information that is N.G. abbr. 1 National Guard. 2. no good.

of interest to members of a club etc. NGk abbr. New Greek.

news* mag *a*zine (nooz-mag-a-zeen) n. NH, N.H. abbr. New Hampshire.
a magazine providing a summary and Ni symbol nickel.
analysis of the news, usually issued ni*a*cin (ni-a-sin) n. nicotinic acid.
weekly or biweekly. Ni*ag*a*ra (ni-ag-a-ra) n. a cataract, tor-
news-man (nooz-man) n. (pi -men, pr. rent, or deluge, a Niagara of lame ex-
-men) 1. a newsdealer. 2. a journalist. cuses.
news* pa* per (nooz-pay-per) n. 1. a Nia • mey (nyah-may) the capital of Niger.
printed publication, usually issued daily nib (nib) n. the metal point of a pen.
or weekly, containing news reports, ad- nib *ble (nib-el) v. (nib* bled, nib-bling)
vertisements, articles on various subjects, 1. to take small quick or gentle bites.
etc. 2. the sheets of paper forming this,
2. to eat in small amounts, no nibbling
wrapped in newspaper. between meals. 3. to show interest in an
news* pa* per* man (nooz-pay-per-man) offer etc. but without being definite, nib-
n. (pL -men, pr -men) 1. a journalist.
ble ru 1. a small quick bite. 2. a small
2. the owner of a newspaper. amount of food, nib'bler ru
new* speak (noo-speek) n. vague and mis-
nib • lick (nib-lik) ru a golf iron with a large
leading language as used especially by
round heavy head, used especially for
government spokesmen trying to conceal
playing out of bunkers.
truth and influence public opinion.
Nica-ra-gua (nik-a-rah-gwa) a country
t>The artificial official language in
in Central America. Nic*a*ra'guan
George Orwell's 1984.
news print (nooz-print) n. the type of pa-

adj. A n.
nice (nis) adj. (nicer, nicest) 1. pleas-
per on which a newspaper is printed.
ant, satisfactory. 2. (ironically) difficult,
news* reel (nooz-reel) n. a film showing
bad, this is a nice mess. 3. needing preci-
current items of news.
sion and care, involving fine distinctions,
news -stand (nooz-stand) n. a stall for the
it's a nice point 4. fastidious, nice'ly
sale of newspapers.
news -wor- thy (nooz-wur-r/iee) adj. im- adv. nice'nesa n.

portant or interesting enough to be men-

ni*c«*ty (ni-se-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1. preci-
sion. 2. a subtle distinction or detail. 3.
tioned as news.
(usually niceties) dainty or refined ele-
news*y (noo-zee) adj. (news-i-er,
news -i -est) (informal) full of news. gance.
news'! -ness n.
niche (nich) n. 1. a shallow recess, espe-
cially in a wall. 2. a position in life or
newt (noot) a small lizardlike creature
that can live in water or on land. employment to which the holder is well
New Test abbr. New Testament. suited, has found his niche.

New*to*ni*an (noo-toh-ni-an) adj. of the nick (nik) n. a small cut or notch, nick
v. to make a nick in. Din the nick of
theories etc. devised by the English scien-
tist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). time, only just in time.
next (nekst) adj. 1 lying or living or being
nick* el (nik-el) n. 1. a hard silvery white
nearest to something. 2. coming nearest metal much used in alloys. 2. a five-cent
in order or time or sequence, soonest piece. D
nickel silver, an alloy of nickel,
come to. next adv. in the next place or zinc, and copper.
degree, on the next occasion, next n. nick*el*o*de*on (nik-£-Ioh-di-dn) n. 1.
the next person or thing, next prep, in an early movie theater with an admission
or into the next place to, on the next price of five cents. 2. a jukebox.
occasion to, in the next degree to. nick* name (nik-naym) n. a name given
Dnext best, second best, next door, humorously to a person instead of or as
in the next house or room, next door well as his real name, nickname v.
to, not far from, almost, it's next door (nick -named, nick- nam -ing) to give
to impossible, next of kin, one's closest a nickname to.
relative, next world, life after death. Nico*si*a (nik-o-see-a) the capital of Cy-
next-door (nekst-dohr) adj. living or situ- prus.
ated next door. nlc o*tine (nik-6-teen) n. a poisonous sub-

nex-us (nek-sus) n. (pi. -us*es, -us) a stance found in tobacco.

connected group or series. nicctln-ic (nik-6-tin-ik) adj. relating to
Nez Perce (nez purs) (pi. Nez Perce, Nez nicotine. nicotinic acid, a vitamin of
Perces) a member of an Indian tribe the B group obtained from nicotine.
601 niece / nineteen

niece (nees) n. one's brother's or sister's sings melodiously both by night and in
daughter. the day.
nif*ty (nif-tee) adj. (-tl*er, -ti-est) (in- night* jar (nrt-jahr) n. an Old World night-
formal) 1 spruce, smart, stylish. 2. excel-
. flying bird with a harsh cry.
lent. 3. clever. night -life (nit-hf) n. urban entertainment
Ni*ger (ni-jer, nee-z/rair) a country in cen- open at night, such as theaters, restau-
tral Africa. Ni*ge*rois (nee-z/ier-wah) rants, and nightclubs.
n. night* long (mt-lawng) adj. & adv.
Ni*ge*ri*a (ni-jeer-i-&) a country in West throughout the night.
Africa. Nl*ge'ri*an adj. & n. night -ly (nit-lee) adj. 1 happening or done

nig*gard (nig-ard) n. a very stingy person. or existing etc. in the night. 2. happening
nig'garcHy adj. nig'gard*li*ness n. every night, nightly adv. every night.
nig-gle (nig-el) v. (nig-gled, nig-gling) night* mare (mt-mair) n. 1. a bad dream.
to fuss over details, to find fault in a 2. (informal) a terrifying or very unpleas-
petty way. nig'gler n. ant experience, nignt'mar-ish adj.
nig-gling (nig-ling) adj. 1. petty. 2. show- night* rid *er (mt-n-der) n. a member of
ing or demanding much attention to de- a secret terrorist group riding at night
tails, nig'gling'ly adv. and committing acts of violence.
nigh (ni) adj., adv., & prep, (old use) near. night *shade (mt-shayd) n. any of several
night (nit) n. 1. the dark hours between wild plants with poisonous berries.
sunset and sunrise. 2. nightfall. 3. a spec- night* shirt (nrt-shurt) n. a boy's or man's
ified or appointed night, an evening on long shirt for sleeping in.
which a performance or other activity night* stick (mt-stik) n. a short club car-
occurs, the first night of the play. ried by a policeman or policewoman.
make a night of it, to spend a night night* time (mt-tim) n. night.
in festivity etc. night and day, at all night* walk *er (nit-waw-ker) n. a person
times, without ceasing, night blind- who is out and about at night for no
ness, poor vision in twilight and the good purpose.
dark, night crawler, a large earthworm NIH abbr. 1 National Institutes of Health.

that comes out of the earth at night. 2. not invented here.

night light, a faint light kept burning ni* nil* ism (ni-I-liz-em) n. 1. a negative
in a bedroom (as for a child or invalid) doctrine, the total rejection of current
at night, night owl, (informal) a person beliefs in religion or morals. 2. a form
active at night, night school, a school of skepticism that denies all existence,
where instruction is provided in the eve- ni'hil-ist n. ni*hil*ist*ic (m-I-lis-tik)
ning for people who are at work during adj.
the day. night shift, a shift of workers nothing.
nil (nil) n.

^ employed during the night, night table, ninvble (nim-bel) adj. (-bier, -blest) 1.
^ a small stand or table placed next to a able to move quickly, agile. 2. (of the
bed. night watchman, a person keeping mind or wits) able to think quickly, nlm'
watch at night, especially in a building bly adv. nim'ble-ness n.
that is closed for business. nim-bus (nim-bus) n. {pi. -bi, pr. -bi,
night* cap (nit-kap) n. 1. a soft cap for- •bus-es) 1. a bright cloud imagined as
merly worn in bed. 2. a drink taken just surrounding deities when they appear on
before going to bed. earth. 2. a halo shown around the head
night* clothes (mt-klohz) n. pi. garments of a sacred figure. 3. a rain cloud.
for wearing in bed. Nlm* rod (nim-rod) n. a great hunter or
night* Club (nit-klub) n. an establishment sportsman. D> Named after Nimrod in
open at night, providing meals and enter- the Bible.
tainment. nin* com* poop (nin-k6m-poop) n. a fool-
night* dress (mt-dres) n. a nightgown. ish person.
night* fall (mt-fawl) n. the coming of dark- nine (nin) adj. &
n. one more than eight
ness at the end of the day. (9, IX). dressed to the nines,
night* gown (nit-gown) n. a woman's or dressed very elaborately, nine days'
girl's loose garment for sleeping in. wonder, something that attracts much
night* hawk (nit-hawk) n. 1 a night-flying . attention at but is soon forgotten.
bird similar to a whippoorwill. 2. (in- nine* pins (mn-pinz) n. 1. a game played
formal) a night owl. with nine objects to be knocked down
night *ie (ni-tee) n. (informal) a night- by rolling a ball. 2. ninepin, one of these
gown. objects.
night* in* gale (m-ting-gayl) n. a small nine* teen (mn-teen) adj. & n. one more
reddish-brown thrush, the male of which than eighteen (19, XIX). nine'teenth'
ninety / no 602
adj. & n. Dtalk nineteen to the in a petty way. nit'pick*er n.
dozen, to talk continually. ni*trate (ni-trayt) n. 1. a salt or ester of
ninety (nin-tee) adj. &
n. (pi -ties) 1. nitric acid. 2. potassium or sodium ni-
nine times ten (90, XQ.
2. nineties, the trate used as a fertilizer, nitrate v. (ni-
numbers or years or degrees of tempera- trated, ni*trat*ing) to treat, combine,
ture from 90 to 99. nine'ti*eth adj. & impregnate with nitric acid or a nitrate.
n. ni*tric (ni-trik) adj. of or containing ni-
nin*ny (nin-ee) n. (pi -nies) a foolish per- trogen. nitric acid, a colorless caustic
son. highly corrosive acid, nitric oxide, a
ninth (ninth) adj. & «. 1 next after eighth.
. colorless gas.
2. one of nine equal parts of a thing. ni-tri-fy (ni-tri-fi) v. (ni-tri-fied, ni*
ninth'ly adv. tri'fy-ing) 1. to impregnate with nitro-
ni*o*bi*um (ni-oh-bi-um) *. a silvery me- gen. 2. to turn into nitrous or nitric acid.
tallic element, used in steel alloys. ni*tri*fi* caption (ni-tri-fi-kay-shdn) n.
nip 1 (nip) v. (nipped, nip ping) 1. to • ni* trite (ni-tnt) n. a salt or ester of nitrous
pinch or squeeze sharply, to bite quickly acid.
with the front teeth. 2. to break off by ni*tro*ben*zene (ni-troh-ben-zeen) n. a
doing this, nip off the side shoots. 3. to poisonous yellow oil used as a solvent
pain or harm with biting cold, a nipping and in making certain dyes.
wind 4. (informal) to snatch away ni • tro • eel • lu • lose (ni-troh-sel-yu-lohs)
quickly, to steal, nip n. 1 a sharp pinch . n. a cellulose nitrate used in lacquers etc.
or squeeze or bite. 2. biting coldness, a ni • tro • eel * lu • los • ic (ni-troh-sel-yu-
nip in the air. Dnip and tuck, neck and loh-sik) adj.
neck, nip in the bud, to destroy at an ni • tro • gen (ni-trd-jen) n. a colorless odor-
early stage of development. less gas forming about four-fifths of the
nip 2 n. a small drink of liquor, nip v. atmosphere. ni*trog*e*nous (ni-troj-
(nipped, nip -ping) to take frequent e-nus) adj. nitrogen cycle, the con-
nips. tinuous transfer of nitrogen in various
nip* per (nip-er) n. 1. (slang) a young boy forms from soil to plants to animals, and
or girl. 2. the great claw of a lobster back by decay.
or similar animal. 3. any person or thing nl*tro*glyc*er*in, ni*tro*glyc*er*
that nips. 4. nippers, pincers or forceps Ine (ni-troh-glis-e-rin) n. a powerful ex-
for gripping things or breaking things plosive made by adding glycerine to a
off. mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids.
nip* pie (nip-el) n. 1. a small projection nhtrous (ni-trus) adj. of or containing ni-
in the center of a male or female mam- trogen. nitrous acid, an acid contain-
mal's breasts, containing (in females) the ing less oxygen than nitric acid, nitrous
outlets of the milk-secreting organs. 2. oxide, a colorless gas used as an anes-
the rubber mouthpiece of a nursing bot- thetic, laughing gas.
tle. 3. a nipple-like projection. 4. a rub- nit*ty-grit*ty (nit-ee-grit-ee) n. (pi -ties)
ber teat. (slang) the basic fact or reality of a mat-
Nip-pon (nip-on) Japan. Nip*pon* ter.
ese (nip-6-neez) adj. & n. nit* wit (nit-wit) n. (informal) a stupid or
nip-py (nip-ee) adj. (-pi*er, -pi* est) (in- foolish person.
formal) 1 . nimble, quick. 2. bitingly cold, nix (niks) n. (slang) nothing, nix v. (nixed,
nip'pi-ness n. nix*ing) (slang) to veto.
nir*va*na (nir-?ah-na) n. (in Buddhist and Nix -on (nik-sdn), Rich-ard Mil* nous
Hindu teaching) the state of perfect bliss (mil-hows) (1913- ) the thirty-seventh
attained when the soul is freed from all president of the U.S. 1969-74.
suffering and absorbed into the supreme NJ, N.J. abbr. New Jersey.
spirit. n.l. abbr. it is not permitted. >From the
Ni*sei (nee-say) n. (pi -sei, -seis) a per- Latin non licet.

son of Japanese descent whose parents NL abbr. New Latin.

were immigrants from Japan NLRB abbr. National Labor Relations
ni*si (m-si) adj. subject to conditions as Board.
regards taking effect. (See decree nisi.) nm. abbr. nautical mile.
t> Latin, unless.= NM abbr. 1 New Mexico. 2. night message.

nit (nit) n. 1 the egg or young of a louse

. 3. not marked.
or other parasite. 2. (slang) a trivial de- N.M., N. Mex. abbr. New Mexico.
tail. NNE abbr. north-northeast.
ni*ter (ni-ter) n. saltpeter, potassium ni- NNW abbr. north-northwest.
trate. no (noh) adj. 1. not any. 2. not a, quite
nit* pick (nit-pik) v. (slang) to find fault other than, she is no fool, no adv. 1 used .
603 No, Noh / nolo contendere
as a denial or refusal of something. 2. in drowsiness, to be drowsy. 3. (of
not at all, no better than before, no n. plumes or flowers etc.) to bend down-
{pi noes, nos) a negative reply or vote, ward and sway, nod it a nodding move-
a person voting against something. ment in agreement or greeting; give or
no go, (informal) the task is impossi- get the nod, to give or get agreement or
ble, the situation is hopeless, no man's a signal to proceed. Da nodding ac-
land, a space between the fronts of two quaintance, a slight acquaintance with
opposing armies in war. no one, no per- a person or subject, land of Nod, sleep.
son, nobody, no way, (informal) that nod* die (nod-el) it (informal) the head.
(method etc.) is impossible. nod -dy (nod-ee) it {pi -dies) 1 a simple- .

No, Noh (noh) n. traditional Japanese ton. 2. a tropical seabird resembling the
drama with dance and song, evolved tern.
from Shinto rites. node (nohd) n. 1 . a knoblike swelling. 2.
No symbol nobelium. the point on the stem of a plant where
No., no. abbr. number. a leaf or bud grows out. nod / al adj.
No* Del* 1st (noh-bel-ist) n. a person who nod'Ule (noj-ool) n. a small rounded
wins a Nobel prize. lump, a small node, nod-u-lar (noj-u-
no-be-li'Um (noh-bee-li-um) it an artifi-
lar) adj.
cially produced chemical element. No* el (noh-el) it (in carols) Christmas.
No-bel (noh-bel) prize any of the prizes
noes (nohz) n. see no.
awarded annually for outstanding no-fault (noh-fawlt) it 1 a form of auto-

achievements in the sciences, literature,

mobile insurance that is valid regardless
economics, and the promotion of world
of allocation of blame for an accident.
peace, from the bequest of Alfred Nobel
2. a type of divorce awarded without at-
(1833—96), the Swedish inventor of dyna-
taching blame to either party.
no-frills (noh-frilz) adj. with no luxuries
no • bil • • ty (noh-bU-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) no-

or extras.
bleness of mind or character or rank;
nog* gin (nog-in) n. 1. a small measure
the nobility, people of aristocratic birth
of alcohol, usually one-fourth pint. 2. a
or rank, titled people.
small mug. 3. (informal) the head.
no- ble (noh-bel) adj. (-bier, -blest) 1 be- .

longing to the aristocracy by birth or

no-good (noh-guud) adj. (informal) of
very poor quality, worthless, no-good
rank. 2. possessing excellent qualities, es-
it (informal) a worthless or undependa-
pecially in one's character, free from pet-
ble person.
tiness or meanness. 3. imposing in ap-
pearance, a noble edifice, noble n. a Noh = No.
nobleman or noblewoman. no bly adv. / no-hit *ter (noh-hit-er) it a baseball game
no'ble*ness n. inwhich one team makes no hits.
no* ble* man (noh-bel-man) (pi -men, no-how (noh-how) adv. in no way.
pr. -men) no ble worn* an (noh-bel-
• •
noise (noiz) n. a sound, especially one that
wuum-an) {pi -worn* en, pr. -wim-in) isloud or harsh or confused or undesired.
noise v. (noised, nois-ing) to make
it a member of
the nobility.
public; noised it abroad, made it gener-
no*blesse o* bilge (noh-bles oh-bleezA)
noble people must behave nobly, privi- ally known, noise' less adj. noise
lege entails responsibility. t> French. pollution, disturbance of human activity
no*bod*y (noh-bod-ee) pronoun no per- by harmful levels of noise.
son, nobody it {pi -bod-ies) a person noise *mak*er (noiz-may-ker) n. a device
of no importance or authority, he's no- for making loud noise at a festivity etc.
body or a nobody. Dlike nobody's noh some (noi-s6m) adj. 1. harmful, noxi-
business, (informal) very much, inten- ous. 2. evil smelling. 3. objectionable,
sively. offensive.>This word is unrelated to
noc*tur*nal (nok-tur-nal), adj. 1. of or noise.
in the night. 2. active in the night, noctur- nois-y (noi-zee) adj. (nois-i-er, nois*
nal animals. noc*tur'nal*ly adv. i*est) making much noise, nois'hly
noc*turne (nok-turn) n. a dreamy piece adv. nois'i-ness n.
of music. no-knock (noh-nok) adj. no-knock law,
noC'U'OUS (nok-yoo-iis) adj. noxious, a law permitting forcible entry by the
harmful. noc'u*OUS*ly adv. police into one's home or business.
nod (nod) v. (nod-ded, nod* ding) 1. to no-load (noh-lohd) it (also no-load
move the head down and up again fund) a mutual fund with no sales
quickly as a sign of agreement or casual charge.
greeting, to indicate (agreement etc.) in no*lo con*ten*de*re (noh-loh kdn-ten-
this way. 2. to let the head fall forward de-ree) a legal plea acknowledging valid-
nom. / non compos mentis 604
ity of conviction but not guilt. C> Latin, non -age (non-ij) n. 1. the period of being
= do not wish to contend.
I under age. 2. any time of immaturity,
nom. abbr. nominal. an early stage.
no* mad (noh-mad) n. 1. a member of a non*a»ge*nar*i*an (non-a-je-nair-i-an)
tribe that roams from place to place seek- n. a person who is in his or her nineties.
ing pasture for its animals. 2. a wanderer. non*ag*gres*sion (non-a-gresh-6n) n.
no*mad*ic (noh-mad-ik) adj. the avoidance of offensive action.
nom de guerre (nom de gair) a pseudo- nonaggression pact, a treaty be-
nym, an assumed name under which tween nations agreeing not to take offen-
a person fights, plays, writes, etc. sive action against each other.
> French, = war-name. non-ai-co-hol-ic (non-al-kd-haw-lik)
nom de plume (nom de ploom) a writer's adj. containing no alcohol.
pseudonym. OThe French words mean non -aligned (non-a-lind) adj. not in alli-
"pen name," but the expression is not
ance with any bloc. non*a*lign*ment
used in French.
(non-a-lin-ment) n.
no*men*Cla*ture (noh-men-klay-chur) ru
non* book (non-bunk) n. a book exploring
a system of names, such as those used
a fad, current event, sensational subject,
in a particular science.
with no literary or graphic merit.
nonvhnal (nom-I-nal) adj. 1. in name
nonce (nons) n. for the nonce, for the
only, nominal ruler of that country. 2.
time being or present occasion, nonce
(of an amount or sum of money) very
word, a word coined for one occasion.
small but charged or paid as a token that
non*Cha*lant (non-sha-Uhnt) adj. not
payment is required, a nominal fee.
feeling or showing anxiety or excitement,
nom'i*nal*ly adv. nominal value,
calm and casual. non*cna*lant'ly adv.
the face value of a coin etc.
nominate (nom-T-nayt) v. (nom*i* non *cha* lance' n.
nat*ed, nom-i-naMng) 1. to name as
non* com (non-kom) n. (informal) a non-
candidate for or future holder of an of-
commissioned officer.
fice. 2. to appoint to an office, nom'l*
non* com* bat* ant (non-kom-ba-tant,
na-tor n. nom-i-na-tion (nom-I-nay- -k6m-bat-ant) n. 1 a member of an army .

etc. whose duties do not involve fighting,

sh6n) n.
nom*i*na*tive (nom-i-na-tiv) n. the form as a doctor or chaplain. 2. a civilian dur-
of a noun or pronoun used when it is ing a war.
the subject of a verb. non-com-mis-sioned (non-kd-mish-
nonvhnee (nom-I-nee) n. a person who ond) adj. not holding a commission, non-
is nominated by another. commissioned officers.
non com mit
• • • tal (non-kd-mit-al) adj.
not committing oneself, not showing
non- prefix not. t>The number of words
with this prefix is almost unlimited, and what one thinks or which side one sup-
many of those whose meanings are obvi- ports.

ous are not listed below. non com* pos men 'tis (non kom-pos
mentis) insane. > Latin.

non*a*bra'slve adj. non-ar-o-mat'ic adj. non*col-lect'i*ble adj.

non *ab'so* lute adj. & n. non-Ar'yan adj. & n. non • com • bus ' ti • ble
non*ab*sorb'ent adj. & non-as-ser'tive adj. adj. & n.
n. non-as-ser'tive-ly adv. non-com-mer'cial adj.
non*ac*a*dem'ic adj. non-ath-let'ic adj. non com mer 'cial
• • • ly
non-ac*cep'tance n. non-at-tend'ance n. adv.
non* add adj. & n. non-be-liev'er n. non*com*mu'ni*ca*ble
non -active adj. non*bel*lig'er*ent adj. & adj.
non-a-dap'tive adj. n. non*com*mu'nl*ca*
non -ad -dieting adj. non-can'cer-ous adj. tive adj.
non-ad-dic'tive adj. non can 'di* date
• n. non*com'mu*nist adj. &
non-ad-he'sive adj. non-car'bo-nat-ed adj. n.
non ad -ja 'cent adj.
• non-Cath'o-lic adj. & n. non*com*pet'i*tlve adj.
non-ad-just 'a-ble adj. non-Cau-ca'sian adj. & non*com*pli'ance n.
non-af-fil'i-at-ed adj. n. non -com- ply 'ing adj.
non-a-gree'ment n. non-cel'lu-lar ddj. non*con*cll'l*a*to*ry
non-an-a-lyt'ic adj. non- Chris 'tian adj. & n. adj.
non -ap- pear 'ance n. non-co-ag'u-lat-ing adj. non*con*clu'sive adj.
non-ap'pli-ca-ble adj. non-co-he'sive adj. non • con • cl u ' si ve • ly adv.
• •

605 nonconductor / nonferrous

non • con • due • tor (non-kdn-duk-tdr) n. a tinction in favor of or against a person
substance that does not conduct heat or or thing based on prejudice.
electricity, non • con • due' ting adj. non«di-vis-i-ble (non-di-viz-T-bel) adj.
non* con -form -1st (non-kdn-for-mist) n. unable to be divided evenly, as of a num-
1. a person who does not conform to ber or of certain rights of people.
established principles. 2. Nonconformist, non* drink *er (non-dring-ker) n. a person
a member of certain Protestant sects that who does not drink alcoholic beverages.
do not conform to the teaching or prac- none (nun) pronoun 1. not any. (t>This
tices of the Church of England or other word may be followed by either a singu-
established churches. lar or a plural verb, none of them is (or
non • con • form • I • ty (non-kdn-for-mi-tee) are) required. Use a singular verb when
n. failure to conform to a principle or you have a reason for thinking of none
rule or tradition etc. as a singular, as in none of the work was
non • con • trib • u • to • ry (non-kdn-trib-yu- ready on time.) 2. no person(s), no one,
tohr-ee) adj. not involving the payment none can tell, none adv. by no amount,
of contributions, a noncontributory pen- not at all, is none the worse for it.
sion scheme. Dnone other, no other person, none
non • co • op • er • a • tion (non-koh-op-S- too, not very, not at all, he's none too
ray-shdn) n. 1 an unwillingness to work
. pleased.
together for a common purpose. 2. re- non-ed-u-ca-ble (non-ej-u-ka-bel) adj.
fusal to cooperate with the government incapable of being educated, as certain
by engaging in civil -disobedience. types of people and those with certain
non*cred*it (non-kred-it) adj. of or relat- levels of mental retardation.
ing to a course of study that does not non*en*ti*ty (non-en- ti-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
fulfill a requirement for a degree; a non- a person or thing of no importance.
credit course, one not recognized by a nones (nohnz) n. pi. 1. the 9th day by
school as a requirement for a degree. inclusive reckoning before the ides in the
non*dair*y (non-dair-ee) adj. containing Roman calendar (7th day of March,
no milk or dairy products. Dnondairy May, July, and October, 5th of other
creamer, = creamer (definition 2). months). 2. the 5th of the canonical
non de duct
• • ble
• i• (non-di-duk-tf-bel) hours of prayer, originally said at the
adj. not able to be deducted, as from a 9th hour.
bill or tax assessment, nondeductible none* such (nun-such) n. a person or
n. a nondeductible item. thing that is unrivaled, a paragon.
non • de • nom • • na • tion • al
i (non-di- none* the* less (nun-f/ie-les) adv. never-
nom-i-nay-sh6-nal) adj. not restricted to theless.
one religion or religious denomination. non *e* vent (non-i-vent) n. an event that
non*de*pend*ence (non-di-pen-dens) n. was expected or intended to be important
the state of not being dependent on a but proves to be disappointing.
drug after rehabilitation. non* ex* is* tent (non-ig-zis-tent) adj. not
non *de* script (non-di-skript) adj. lack- existing. non*ex*ist'ence n.
ing in distinctive characteristics and non* fat (non-fat) adj. containing no or
therefore not easy to classify, nondes- very little animal fat; nonfat milk, milk
cript n. a nondescript person or thing. with less animal fat than found in low-
non • dis crim
• • i • na • to • ry (non-di- fat milk.
skrim-T-na-tohr-ee) adj. making no dis- non*fer*rous (non-fer-us) adj. of

non • con • clu'sive • ness non*con*vert'i*ble adj. non-ef fee 'tive adj.

n. non*cor*rod'ing adj. non • ef • f er • ves'cent

non* con cur'rence n.

non -cor to 'si ve adj. adj.
non* con duc'tive adj.

non*crit'i*cal adj. non «e* las' tic adj.
non* con* flict'ing adj. non*de*liv'er*y n. non*e*lec'tric adj.
non* con struc'tive adj.

non*dem*o*crat'ic adj. non*el'i*gi*ble adj.
non* con* struc'tive*ly non *de* struc'tive adj. non*e*mo'tion*al adj.
adv. non*de*tach'a*ble adj. non*en*force'a*ble adj.
non con sump'tion n.
non- dis • tine' tive adj. non*en*force'ment n.
non con ta'gious adj.
• -
non • dis • tinc'tive • ly non-es-sen'tial n.

non* con tro*ver'sial adv. non • ex • change'a • ble

adj. non* dis* tinc'tive* ness adj.
non* con tro*ver'sial* n. non*ex*pend'a*ble adj.
ly adv. non dis •tri-bu 'tion n.
• non-ex-plo'sive adj.
non* con ven'tion- non • ed u ca'tion al
• • • non*ex*port'a*ble adj.
al adj. adj. non*fac'tu*al adj.
nonfiction / nonresistance 606
metals other than iron or steel. non-plussed (non-plust) adj. completely
nonaction (non-fik-shon) n. a class of perplexed.
literature that includes books of all types non* pre* scrip *tion (non-pri-skrip-shon)
other than fiction, non«fic'tion«al adj. drug a drug sold legally without the re-
non -flam- ma -ble (non-flam-a-bel) adj. quirement for a physician's order or pre-
unable to be set on fire. E>See the note scription.
under inflammable. non*pro*fes*sion*al ( non-pro- fesh -6-

non«he ro #
(non-heer-oh) n. an antihero. nal) adj. not belonging to a profession.
non-in«ter-ven«tion (non-in-ter-ven- nonprofessional n.
shon) n. the pohcy of not interfering in non* prof* it (non-prof-it) adj. not estab-
the affairs of others, particularly nations. lished for the purpose of gain or making
non*met*al (non-met-al) n. an element money. nonprofit corporation, one
that is not a metal, such as carbon, sulfur, in which the purpose is service to society
etc. norr metal 'He (non-me-tal-ik) rather than profit.
adj. non -pro -lit 'enaction (non-proh-lif-e-
non *neg*a* tive (non-neg-a-tiv) adj. ex- ray-shdn) n. the process of curbing the
pressing a quantity of zero or above. rapid increase in numbers of something,
norvob'jeC'tive (non-ob-jek-tiv) adj. 1. especially nuclear weapons.
not objective. 2. nonrepresentational. non* readier (non-ree-der) n. a person
non«ob'jec'tive«ly adv. non -ob- who does not read, especially a child who
ject tivi»ty (non-ob-jek-tiv-i-tee) n. is slow in learning to read.
non-pa-reil (non-pa-rel) n. a person hav- non*rep*re*sen*ta*tion*al non-rep-ri-
ing no equal, nonpareil adj. without zen-tay-shd-nal) adj. not representing
equal. any actual or natural object, form, or
non*par*ti*san (non-pahr-ti-zan) adj. scene, etc.
without regard to political party interests non • res *i *dent (non-rez-i-dent) adj. liv-
or policies. ing in a place for a short time only, resid-
non • per • son (non-pur-son) ru a person re- ing elsewhere, nonresident n. a person
garded by the government as not existing who is nonresident
or as never having existed, an unperson. non-re-sis-tance non- n-zis- tans) ( n. the

non *fil'ter «a »ble adj. non • in • ter • change ' a •

non-poi'son-ous adj.
non flex 'i* ble adj.
• ble adj. non-po-lit'i'Cal adj.
non* flow 'er-ing adj. non -In -ter- sect 'ing adj. non-po'rous adj.
non *ful* fill 'ment n. non-in-tox'J*cant n. non-pos-ses'sive adj.
non* functional adj. non-in-tox'l-cat'ing adj. non pos ses ' si ve
• • • ly
non*gas'e*ous adj. non'ir'ri'tant n. adv.
non gov ern men ' tal
• • • non»ir'ri«tat'ing adj. non • pos ses ' si ve
• •

adj. non-ju-dl'cial adj. i ness n.

non-ha-bit'u-al adj. non*ko'sher adj. non -pre 'clous adj.
non-ha-bit'u-at-ing adj. non -le' thai adj. non-pre'dlct'a«ble adj.
non -haz' arduous adj. non -linear adj. non -pre •scrip 'tive adj.
non-heTed'htar-y adj. non-lit'er«any adj. non -pro* due 'er n.
non*hu'man adj. non*ma*lig'nant adj. non'pro-duCtive adj.
non-i-den'ti-cal adj. non-mar'ket-a-ble adj. non'prO'pri'e«ta«ry adj.
non-i-de-o-log'i-cal non*ma*te'ri*al adj. non punish «a- bie
• adj.
adj. non-mem'ber n. non-ra'cial adj.
non-id«i-o-mat'ic adj. non*ml'gra'tO'ry adj. non -ra-di-o -active adj.
non«imTnu'ni*ty {pi non«mll'i«tar«y adj. non* real -Is 'tic adj.
-ties) n non-ne-go'tha-bie adj. non-re-cip'ro-cal adj.
non-im-por-ta'tion n. non-nu-trl'tious adj. non«rec-og'ni'tion n.
non-in-clu'sive adj. non-ob-ser'vance n. non • re cov'er • a • We

non'in-crim'hnat'ing non*oil'y adj. adj.

adj. non*op'er«a«ble adj. non«re«cur'rent adj.
non-in-de-pend'ent non-or-gan'ic adj. non-re-deem'a-ble
adj. non-par'al-lel adj. adj.
non-in-duc'tive adj. non-par-tlc-i-pa'tion n. non-re-filKa-ble adj.
non-in-dus'tri-al adj. non-pay'ing adj. non-re-li'gious adj.
noninfectious adj. non-payment n. nonTe'mov'a'ble adj.
non*in*for'ma'tive adj. non* per* form 'ance n. non re mu'ner a tive
• • • •

non-in-hab'it-a-ble adj. non -perish -a -ble adj. adj.

non*in*her'it*a«ble adj. non»per'maT*ent adj. non rep • re • sen ' ta
• •

non-in-sti-tu'tion«al adj. non- physical adj. tive adj.


607 nonrestrictive / Nor.

practice or policy of passively submitting non* start *er (non-stahr-ter) n. 1. a per-

to force or unjust authority, non* re* son who
does not assume the initiative
sis'tant adj. to take action. 2. (of a race) a horse,
non-re-stric-tive (non-ri-strik-tiv) adj. racing car, etc. scratched at the last mo-
1 (of a clause, etc.) describing the ante- ment.
cedent, but not limiting its meaning. 2. non* Stick (non-stik) adj. (of frying pans
(of membership etc.) open to all. etc.) coated with a substance that pre-
non • re • turn • a • ble (non-ri-tur-n2-bel) vents food from sticking during cooking.
adj. not able to be returned, as an item non-stop (non-stop) adj. 1. (of a train or
purchased from a store. plane etc.) not stopping at intermediate
non Tig* id (non-rij-id) adj. 1. limp, flexi- places. 2. not ceasing, nonstop chatter.
ble. 2. (of a type of airship) without nonstop adv. without stopping or paus-
supporting framework and held in ing, they laughed nonstop.
shape only by the pressure of internal non* sup* port (non-su-pohrt) n. failure to
gas. non • r\ • gid • • ty (non-ri- jid-i-tee)
i support a legal dependent.
n. non ten -u red
• (non-ten-yurd) adj. not
non* sal *a Tied (non-sal-a-reed) adj. not holding a tenured position {see ten-
paid a regular wage or salary for one's ured).
work, as an employee who is paid a com- non trop-po (non trop-oh) (in music) not
mission or a consultant who receives a too much.
fee. non -un- ion (non-yoon-yon) adj. 1. not
non -scried 'tiled (non-skej-oold) airline belonging to a labor union. 2. refusing
one operating without a regular timeta- to recognize a labor union or its policy.
ble. 3. not produced by members of a labor
non sec- tar -i -an
• (non-sek-tair-i-an) adj. union.
not restricted to or not affiliated with non-us-er (non-yoo-zer) n. 1. a person
any particular religion. who is not a consumer or user of a certain
non* sense (non-sens) n. 1. words put to- product. 2. a person who is not a habitual
gether in away that does not make sense. user of drugs.
2. absurd or foolish talk or ideas or be- non-vi-o-lence (non-vi-6-lens) n. the
havior. policy of refraining from the use of vio-
non*sen*si*cal (non-sen-si-kal) adj. not lence to gain one's objectives. non-vi'O*
making sense, absurd, foolish, non* lent adj.
sen's! *cal*ly adv. non*VOt*er (non-voh-ter) n. a person who
non seq. abbr. non sequitur. is eligible to vote but does not.
non se*qui*tur (non sek-wi-tur) a conclu- non *white (non-hwit) adj. not belonging
sion that does not follow from the evi- to the white race of mankind.
dence given. D> Latin, =
it does not fol- noo-dle (noo-del) n. 1. a strip of dough
low. made of flour and eggs, dried and used
non*sked (non-sked) adj. (informal) non- in soups etc. 2. (informal) the head.
scheduled, nonsked n. (informal) a nook (nuuk) n. a secluded place or corner,
nonscheduled airline or cargo plane. a recess.
non* skid (non-skid) adj. (of tires) de- noon (noon) n. twelve o'clock in the
signed to prevent or reduce skidding. day, midday, noon* day (noon-day) n.
non*smok*er (non-smoh-ker) n. 1.a per- noon* time (noon-tim) n.
son who does not smoke. 2. a train or noose (noos) n. a loop of rope etc. with
airplane compartment where smoking is a knot that tightens when pulled.
forbidden. no-par (noh-pahr) adj. having no face
non- stand -ard (non-stan-dard) adj. (of value.
language) varying in usage from what nope (nohp) interj. (informal) no.
is usually regarded as preferred or cor- nor (nor) adv. &
conj. and not.
rect. Nor. abbr. 1. Norway. 2. Norwegian.

non-sci-en-tif'ic adj. non*spe'cial*ized adj. non -th ink'ing adj.

non*sea'son*al adj. non- stain 'ing adj. non*tox'ic adj.
non*seg're*gat*ed adj. non*stim'u*lat*ing adj. non*trans'fer*a*ble adj.
non* selective adj. non*stra*te'gic adj. non-vas'cu-lar adj.
non-sex'u-al adj. non-strik'er n. non-ven'om-ous adj.
non-shrink'a-ble adj. non-strik'ing adj. non*ver'bal adj.
non •skilled' adj. non-sur'gi-cal adj. non*vi'a*ble adj.
non* slip' adj. non -sus- tain'ing adj. non *vir'u* lent adj.
non-smok'ing adj. non-tax'a-ble adj. non-vo'cal adj.
non*so'cial adj. non*tech'ni*cal adj. non*vo*ca'tion*al adj.
NORAD / nose 608
NORAD (nor-ad) n. North American Air north* bound (aorth-bownd) adj. travel-
Defense Command. ing northward.
Nor* die (nor-dik) adj. of the racial type north* east (north-eest) n. 1. the point or
found especially in Scandinavia, tall and direction midway between north and
blond with blue eyes. east. 2. Northeast, the northeast region
Nor -folk (nor-fbk) jacket a man's loose- of the U.S. northeast adj. & adv. toward
belted jacket with box pleats. or in the northeast north* east* ward
norm (norm) n. 1. a standard or pattern (north-eest- ward) adj. &
adv. north*
or type considered to be representative eastwards adv. toward the northeast.
of a group. 2. a standard amount of work north* east *ern adj. north east'er-

etc. to be done or produced. ly adj. & adv.

nor-mal (nor-mal) adj. 1. conforming to north* east *er (north-ee-ster) n, a north-
what is standard or usual. 2. free from east wind or storm.
mental or emotional disorders, normal north *er (nor-r/rer) n. a strong cold north
n. 1 . a normal person. 2. the usual state, wind blowing in autumn and winter over
level, value, etc. nor'mahry adv. nor* Texas, Florida, and the Gulf of Mexico.
mal-cy (nor-mal-see) ru nor*mal-i* north *er*ly (nor-r/ier-lee) adj. in or to-
ty (nor-mal-i-tee) n. u normal school, ward the north; a northerly wind, blow-
(old use) a school for training teachers. ing from the north (approximately).
normalize (nor-ma-hz) v. (normal* northerly n. a northerly wind.
Ized, nor-mal'iZ'Ing) to make normal north *ern (nor- them) adj. of or in the
or conforming. nor*mal*i*za*tion north. Northern Hemisphere, the
(nor-ma-li-zay-sh6n) n. half of Earth north of the equator.
Nor* man (nor-man) adj. of the Normans. Northern Ireland, see Ireland, north-
Norman n. a member of the people of em lights, the aurora borealis.
Normandy in northern France. Nor- U north *ern*er (nor-r/ier-ner) n. 1. a native
man Conquest, see conquest. or inhabitant of the northeast U.S. 2. a
nor*ma*tive (nor-ma-tiv) adj. of or estab- Union supporter in the Civil War.
lishing a norm. nor'ma*tive*ly adv. north *ern* most (nor-r/*ern-mohst) adj.
nor'ma-tive-ness n. farthest north.
Norse (nors) adj. of ancient Norway or north* ward (north- ward) adj. toward the
Scandinavia. Norse n. the Norwegian north, in the north, northward, north-
language or the Scandinavian group of wards (north-wardz) adv. toward the
languages. north.
Norse* man (nors-man) n. (pi -men, pr. north* west (north-west) n. 1. the point
-men) a native of ancient Scandinavia, or direction midway between north and
especially of Norway. west. 2. Northwest, the northwest region
north (north) ru 1 . the point or direction of the U.S. northwest adj. &
adv. to-
to the left of a person facing east. 2. the ward or in the northwest, north* west*
northern part of something, north adj. ward (north-west-ward) adj. & adv.
& adv. toward or in the north; a north north* west ' wards adv. toward the
wind, blowing from the north. North northwest. north -western adj.
America, the northernmost continent of north* west 'er*ly adj. & adv.
the Western Hemisphere. North Ameri- Northwest Territories, the part of
can, of or relating to North America Canada lying north of the 60th parallel.
or an inhabitant of North America- Norw. abbr. 1. Norway. 2. Norwegian.
North Carolina, a state of the U.S. Nor* way (nor-way) a country in northern
North Carolinian, a native or inhabitant Europe.
of North Carolina. North Dakota, a Nor*we*gian (nor-wee-jan) adj. of Nor-
state of the U.S. North Dakotan, a na- way or its people or language. Norwe-
tive or inhabitant of North Dakota. gian n. 1 a native or inhabitant of Nor-

North Korea, a country formed in 1948 way. 2. the language of Norway.

by the division of Korea, situated in Nos., nos. abbr. numbers.
northeast Asia. North Pole, the north- nose (nohz) n. 1. the organ at the front
ernmost point of Earth, north pole, (of of the head in man and animals, contain-
a magnet) the pole that is attracted to ing the nostrils and used for breathing
the north. North Star, the pole star. and smelling. 2. a sense of smell. 3. the
North Vietnam, a former country of ability to detect things of a particular
southeast Asia, now reunited with South kind, has a nose for scandal 4. the open
Vietnam as Vietnam, the North, the end of a tube or piping etc. 5. the front
northern part of the U.S., north of the end or projecting front part of some-
Ohio River and the Mason-Dixon line; thing nose v. (nosed, nos-ing) 1. to
the Union side in the Civil War. detect or search by using one's sense of
609 nosebag / nothingness
smell. 2. to smell at, to rub with the nose, ing notable. 2. a notable person.
to push the nose against or into. 3. to no-ta-ble (noh-ta-bel) adj. worthy of no-
push one's way cautiously ahead, the car remarkable, eminent, notable n. an
nosed past the obstruction. Dby a nose, eminent person.
by a very narrow margin, keep one's no*ta*bly (noh-t£-blee) adv. remarkably,
nose clean, to stay out of trouble, nose especially.
cone, the cone-shaped nose of a rocket no*tar*i*al (noh-tair-i-al) adj. of a notary
or missile, nose dive, an airplane's steep public.
downward plunge with the nose first; any no*ta*rize (noh-ta-nz) v. (no*ta*rized,
sudden drop or plunge, pay through no*ta*riz*ing) to attest as a notary.
the nose, to pay an unfairly high price. no-ta-ry (noh-ta-ree) public (pi. no-
put someone's nose out of joint, to taries public) a person officially au-
make him envious because of another's thorized to witness the signing of docu-
success or promotion etc. rub his nose ments and to perform other formal trans-
in it, to remind him humiliatingly of his actions.
error, turn up one's nose at, to reject no* taction (noh-tay-sh6n) n. a system of
or ignore contemptuously, under a per- signs or symbols representing numbers,
son's nose, where he can or should see quantities, musical notes, etc.
it clearly, with one's nose in the air, notch (noch) n. 1 a V-shaped cut or inden-

haughtily. tation. 2. a narrow pass through moun-

nose 'bag (nohz-bag) n. a bag containing tains. 3. one of the levels in a graded
fodder, for hanging on a horse's head. system, everyone moved up a notch.
nose* band (nohz-band) n. the lower band notch v. 1 to make a notch or notches

of a bridle passing over the nose and at- in. 2. to score, notched up another Win.
tached to the cheek straps. notch'y adj.
nose *bleed (nohz-bleed) n. bleeding from note (noht) n. a brief record of some-
1 .

the nose. thing, written down

to aid the memory.
nose-dive (nohz-div) v. (nose-dived, 2. a short or informal letter, a memoran-
nose-diving) (of an airplane etc.) to dum, a formal diplomatic communica-
plunge straight down. tion. 3. a short comment on or explana-
nose gay (nohz-gay) n. a small bunch of
• tion of a word or passage in a book etc.
flowers. 4. a promise to pay money, a promissory
nose* piece (nohz-pees) n. 1. the part of note. 5. a tone of definite pitch made
a helmet protecting the nose. 2. the by a voice or instrument or engine etc.
bridge of a pair of eyeglasses. 6. a written sign representing the pitch
nosh (nosh) n. (slang) food, nosh v. and duration of a musical sound. 7. one
(slang) to snack. nosh / er n. (slang) a of the keys on a piano etc. 8. a significant
habitual snacker. sound or indication of feelings etc., a note
no-show (noh-shoh) n. (informal) a person of optimism. 9. eminence, distinction, a
who reserves a seat, especially on an air- family of note. 10. notice, attention; take
plane, but who does not use it or cancel note of what he says, pay attention to
it. it. note v. (not-ed, not* ing) 1. to no-

nos*tal*gia (no-stal-ja) n. sentimental tice, to pay attention to. 2. to write down,

memory of or longing for things of the noted it down.
past, nos-tal'gic adj. nos-tal'gi-cal- note* book (noht-buuk) n. a book with
ly adv. blank pages on which to write memo-
nos* tril(nos-tril) n. either of the two open- randa etc.
ings in the nose through which air is ad- not*ed (noh-tid) adj. famous, well-known,
mitted. not'ed-ly adv.
nos*trum (nos-trum) n. a quack remedy. note* pa* per (noht-pay-per) n. paper for
nos*y, nos*ey (non-zee) adj. (nos* writing letters on.
i*er, nos*i*est) (informal) inquisitive. note •wor- thy (noht-wur-f/iee) adj. wor-
nos'My adv. nos'i*ness n. DNosy thy of notice, remarkable.
or Nosey Parker, (informal) an inquisi- noth-ing (nuth-ing) n. 1. no thing, not
tive person, a busybody. anything. 2. no amount, naught. 3. non-
not (not) adv. expressing a negative or de- existence, what does not exist. 4. a per-
nial or refusal. Unot at all, a polite reply son or thing of no importance, nothing
to thanks, not half, not nearly, not half adv. not at all, in no way, it's nothing
enough; (informal) not at all, it's not half like as good. Dfor nothing, without
bad. payment, free; without a reward or re-
no *ta be ne • (noh-ta bee-nee, bay-nay) ob- sult, nothing doing, (slang) a statement
serve what follows, note well. t> Latin. of refusal or failure.
no*ta*bil*i*ty (noh-ta-bil-i-tee) n. 1. be- noth*ing*ness(nuth-ing-nis) n. nonexist-
notice / NOW 610
ence, faded into nothingness. nou*veaux riches, pr. noo-voh reesh)
no »t ice (noh-tis) n. 1 news or information
. (contemptuous) a person who has re-
of what has happened or is about to hap- cently acquired wealth and is ostenta-
pen; at short notice, with little time for tious. D> French.
preparation. 2. a formal announcement Nov. abbr. November.
that one is to end an agreement or leave no*va (noh-va) n. {pi -vas, -vae, pr.
a job at a specified time, gave him a -vee) a star that suddenly becomes much
months notice. 3. written or printed in- brighter for a short time.
formation or instructions displayed pub- No*va Scoria (noh-va skoh-sha) a prov-
licly. 4. attention, observation, it escaped ince of Canada. No'va Sco'tian adj.
my notice. 5. an account or review in a & ru
newspaper, notice v. (no*ticed, no* nov*ei (nov-el) n, a book-length story.
ticking) 1 to perceive, to become aware
. novel adj. of a new kind, a novel experi-
of, to take notice of. 2. to remark upon, ence.
to speak of. Dtake notice, to show signs nov*el*ette (nov-e-let) n. a short novel.
of interest; take no notice of it, ignore nov-el-ist (nov-e-list) n. a writer of nov-
it, take no action about it. els.
no*tice*a*ble (noh-ti-sa-bel) adj. easily novehize (nov-e-hz) v. (nov*el*ized,
seen or noticed. no'tice*a*bly adv. nov-el-iz-ing) to convert into a novel.
no*ti*fy (noh-tl-fi) v. (no*ti*fied, no* nov*el*i*za*tion (nov-e-li-zay-shdn) n.
ti* tying) 1. to inform. 2. to report, to no*vel*la (noh-vel-a) n. {pi -vehlas,
make (a thing) known. no*ti*fi*ca* -vel*lae, pr. -vel-ee) a short novel or nar-
tion (noh-tl-f T-kay-sh6n) n. rative.
no*tion (noh-shon) n. 1. an idea or opin- novel-ty (nov-el-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1. the
ion, especially one that is vague or proba- quality of being novel. 2. a novel thing
bly incorrect. 2. an understanding or in- or occurrence. 3. a small unusual object,
tention, has no notion of discipline. 3. especially one suitable for giving as a
notions, small items used in sewing (such present, a store selling novelties.
as spools of cotton, buttons). NO'venvber (noh-vem-ber) n. the elev-
no*tlon*al (noh-sho-nal) adj. hypotheti- enth month of the year.
cal, assumed to be correct or valid for no*ve*na (noh-vee-na) n. {pi -nas, -nae,
a particular purpose, an estimate based pr. -nee) a Roman Catholic devotion con-
on notional figures. no'tion*al*ly adv. sisting of special prayers or a service on
nO'tOTi'OUS (noh-tohr-i-us) adj. well nine successive days.
known, especially in an unfavorable way. nov*ice (nov-is) n. 1 a person who is inex-

no*to'ri*ous*ly adv. no*to*ri*e*ty perienced in the work etc. that he is do-

(noh-td-ri-e-tee) n. ing, a beginner. 2. one who has been ac-
no-trump (noh-trump) n. (in bridge) a dec- cepted into a religious order but has not
laration or bid involving playing without yet taken the' final vows.
a trump suit. no*vi*ti*ate (noh-vish-i-it) n. the period
not* with* stanching (not-wir/i -stan- of being a novice in a religious order.
ding) prep, in spite of. notwithstanding No*vo*caine (noh-v6-kayn) n. (trade-
adv. nevertheless, notwithstanding mark) procaine.
conj. although. now (now) adv. 1. at the time when or
Nouakchott (nwahk-shot) the capital of of which one is writing or speaking. 2.
Mauritania. by this time. 3. immediately, must go
nou-gat (noo-gaht) n. a chewy candy now. 4. (with no reference to time, giving
made of nuts, sugar or honey, and egg an explanation or comfort etc.) I beg or
white. wonder or warn you or am telling you,
nought = naught. now why didn 7 / think of that? now conj
noun (nown) n. a word or phrase used as a consequence of the fact, simultane-
as the name of a person or place or thing. ously with it, now that you have come,
common nouns, words such as man we'll start; I do remember, now you men-
or dog or table or sport, which are used tion it. now
n. the present time, they

of whole classes of people or things. ought be here by now. now adj. (slang)
proper nouns, words such as John and 1 current or of the present, the now peo-

Smith and London, which name a partic- ple. 2. stylishly new, clothes with a now
ular person, place, or thing. look. Dfor now, until a later time, good-
nourish (nur-ish) v. 1. to keep (a person bye for now. now and again or now
or animal or plant) alive and well by and then, occasionally.
means of food. 2. to foster or cherish NOW (now) n. 1. National Organization
(a feeling etc.). nourish -ment n. for Womtn. 2. (also NOW.) negotiable
nou-veau riche (noo-voh reesh) {pi order of withdrawal for a checking ac-
611 nowadays / nuisance
count (a NOW account) that earns inter- clear weapons; nuclear power. nuclear
est. energy, energy that is released or ab-
now -a -days (now-a-dayz) adv. at the sorbed during reactions taking place in
present time (contrasted with years ago). the nuclei of atoms, nuclear family, fa-
no* way (noh-way) adv. (informal) in no ther, mother, and children, nuclear
way, to no degree, she felt noway respon- physics, the branch of physics dealing
sible for his errors. with atomic nuclei and their reactions.
no* where (noh-hwair) adv. not anywhere. D>Do not pronounce nuclear noo-kyuu-
nowhere n. a place that is obscure or lar.
remote or unknown, etc. Dcome from nu*cle*ate (noo-kli-ayt) v. (nu*cle*
nowhere, to be suddenly present, get at*ed, nu*cle*at*ing) to form into a
nowhere, to make no progress, in the nucleus. nu'cle*a*tor n. nu- dela-
middle of nowhere, (informal) not tion (noo-kli-ay-sh6n) n.
near any towns etc. nowhere near, not nu*cle*ic (noo-klee-ik) acid any of a
nearly. t>The word nowheres is incor- group of complex organic substances
rect. present in all living cells.
no* wise (noh-wiz) adv. in no way, not at nu*cle*on (noo-kli-on) n. a proton or neu-
all. tron, especially as a particle in an atomic
nox-ious (nok-shus) adj. unpleasant and nucleus. nu*Cle*on*ic (noo-kli-on-ik)
harmful. nox'ious*ly adv. nox'ious- adj.
ness n. nu*Cle*on*iCS (noo-kli-on-iks) n. the
noz-zle (noz-el) n. the vent or spout of branch of science and engineering that
a hose etc. through which a stream of deals with the practical uses of nuclear
liquid or air is directed. energy.
np abbr. 1 . no pagination. 2. no place (of nu*cle*us (noo-kli-us) n. {pi. -cle*
publication). 3. notary public. 1, pr. -kli-i, -Cle*US*es) 1. the central

Np symbol neptunium. part or thing around which others are

NP abbr. protest. 2. notary public. collected. 2. something established that
3. noun phrase. will receive additions, this collection of
NRA abbr. 1 . National Recovery Adminis- books will form the nucleus of a new li-
tration. 2. National Rifle Association of brary. 3. the central positively charged
America. portion of an atom. 4. the dense central
NRC abbr. Nuclear Regulatory Commis- part of a plant or animal cell containing
sion. genetic material.
NS abbr. 1 not specified. 2. nuclear ship.
. nu* elide (noo-klid) n. a particular kind
N.S. abbr. Nova Scotia. of atom defined by the composition of
NSA abbr. National Security Agency. its nucleus, nu-clid-ic (noo-klid-ik) adj.
NSC abbr. National Security Council. nude (nood) adj. not clothed, naked, nude
NSF abbr. 1 National Science Foundation.
. n. a nude human figure in a painting etc.
2. not sufficient funds. nud*i*ty (noo-di-tee) n. Din the nude,
NT abbr. New Testament. not clothed, naked.
nth (enth) adj. to the nth degree, to the nudge (nu j) v. (nudged, nudging) 1 to .

utmost. poke (a person) gently with the elbow

NTP abbr. normal temperature and pres- in order to draw his attention quietly.
sure. 2. to push slightly or gradually, nudge
nt. wt. abbr. net weight. n. this movement, nudg'er n.
nu (noo) n. the thirteenth letter of the nud -ist a person who believes
(noo-dist) n.
Greek alphabet (N v). that going unclothed is good for the
NU abbr. name unknown. health, nud'ism n. nudist camp, a
nu*ance (noo-ahns) n. a subtle difference settlement where people live unclothed.
in meaning, a shade of meaning. nu*ga*to*ry (noo-ga-tohr-ee) adj. 1. tri-
nub (nub) n. 1 a small knob or lump. 2.
. fling, worthless, futile. 2. inoperative, not
the central point or core of a matter or valid.
problem. nug*get (nug-it) n. 1. a rough lump of
nub* bin (nub-in) n. 1. a stunted or imper- gold or platinum as found in the earth.
fect ear of corn. 2. anything small or 2. something small and valuable, nuggets
stunted. of information.
nub* by (nub-ee) adj. (-bi-er, -bi-est) full nui*sance (noo-sans) n. a source of annoy-
of small lumps, nubby tweeds. ance, an annoying person or thing.
nu*bile (noo-bil) adj. marriageable, physi- nuisance tax, a tax collected in small
cally attractive, nubile young women. amounts directly from a person or busi-
nu*Cle*ar (noo-klee-ar) adj. 1. of a nu- ness, nuisance value, capacity to har-
cleus. 2. of or using nuclear energy, nu- ass or frustrate.
Nukualofa / nurture 612
Nu-ku-a-lo*fa (noo-koo-a-law-fa) the nu-mer-a-tion (noo-me-ray-shdn) n.
capital of Tonga, nu-mer-a-tor (noo-me-ray-t6r) n, the
null (nul) adj. 1 having no legal force, de-
. number above the line in a fraction.
clared the agreement null and void. 2. nu-mer-i-cal (noo-mer-i-kal), nu -mer-
without on value, insignificant. 3.
effect le (noo-mer-ik) adj. of a number or series
amounting to nothing. nul*li*ty (nul -I- of numbers, placed in numerical order.
tee) n. nu-mer'i-cal-ly adv.
nul-li-fy (nul-i-fi) v. (nul -II- fled, nul* nu-mer-ol-o-gy (noo-me-rol-d-jee) n. 1.
li -tying) 1. to make (a thing) null. 2. divination by numbers. 2. the study of
to cancel or neutralize the effect of. nul* the occult meaning of numbers. nu*
I i • fi • ca tlon (nul-i-fl-kay-sh6n)
• n. mer-ol'o-gist n.
num. abbr. numeral. nu-mer-OUS (noo-me-rus) adj. many, con-
Num., Numb. abbr. Numbers. sisting of many items, nu'mer*ous*
numb (num) adj. deprived of the power ly adv. nu'mer-ous-ness n.
to feel or move, numb with cold or shock. numis. abbr. numismatic(s).
numb to make v. numb, numb'ly adv. nu mis mat
• • • ics (noo-miz-mat-iks) n. the

numb / ness n. scientific study of coins and similar ob-

num-ber (num-ber) n. 1 . a symbol or word jects, such as medals, nu- mis -mafic
indicating how many, a numeral. 2. a adj.
numeral identifying a person or thing nu-mis-ma-tist (noo-miz-ma-tist) n. an
(such as a telephone or a house in a expert in numismatics.
street) by its position in a series. 3. a num • skull (num-skul) n. a stupid person.
single issue of a magazine. 4. a song or nun (nun) n. a member of a community
piece of music etc., especially as an item of women living apart from the world
in a theatrical performance. 5. (informal) under the rules of a religious order.
an object (such as a garment or car) con- nun-ci-o (nun-shi-oh) n. (pi -ci-os) a
sidered as an item. 6. a total of people diplomatic representative of the pope, ac-
or things; a number of, some; numbers credited to a civil government.
of, very many. 7. the category "singular" nun*ner*y (nun-S-ree) n. (pi -ner*
or "plural" in grammar. 8. numbers, ies) a convent for nuns.
arithmetic, does numbers well. 9. Num- nup-tial (nup-shal) adj. of marriage, of a
bers, the fourth book of the Old Testa- wedding ceremony.
ment, a part of which contains the census nup-tials (nup-shalz) n. pi. a wedding.
of the Israelites, number v. 1 to count, . nurse (nurs) n. 1 a person trained in car-

to find out how many. 2. to amount to. ing for sick or injured or infirm people.
3. to assign a number to (each in a series), 2. a woman employed to take charge of
to distinguish in this way. 4. to include young children, nurse v. (nursed,
or regard as, / number him among my nurs-ing) 1, to work as a nurse, to look
friends. Dby numbers, following sim- after in this way. 2. to feed or be fed
ple instructions identified by numbers. at the breast or udder. 3. to hold care-
do it by the numbers, to follow a pre- fully. 4. to give special care to; nurse a
scribed procedure, have a person's constituency, try to keep its favor by con-
number, him or
(slang) to understand tinued attentions. nursing home, a
his motives,his days are numbered, privately run hospital or home for inva-
he has not long to live or to remain in lids, nursing mother, one who is suck-
his present position, number one, ling an infant.
(slang) oneself, always takes care of num- nurse -maid (nurs-mayd) n. a woman em-
ber one. the numbers game, a lottery ployed to take charge of young children.
based on the occurrence of unpredictable nurs-er-y (nur-s£-ree) n. (pi. -er-les) 1.
numbers in the results of races etc. with- a room set apart for young children. 2.
out number, innumerable. a place where young plants are reared
>See the note under amount. and usually for selling.
for transplanting
num -ber- less (num-b£r-lis) adj. innumer- nursery rhyme, a simple traditional
able. song or story in rhyme for children.
numb-skull = numskull. nursery school, a school for children
nu-mer-a-ble (noo-me-rS-bel) adj. able to below normal school age.
be numbered or counted. nurs* er*y -man (nur-se-ri-man) n. (pi
nu-mer-al (noo-m£-ral) n. a symbol that -men, pr. -men) a person who owns or
represents a certain number, a figure, nu- works in a plant nursery.
meral adj. of or denoting a number or nurs* ling (nurs-ling) n. a baby or young
numbers. animal that is being suckled.
nu-mer-ate (noo-me-rayt) v. (nu*mer* nur-ture (nur-chur) v. (nur-tured, nur-
at*ed, nu-mer-at-lng) to enumerate. turing) 1. to nourish and rear. 2. to
613 nut / NX
bring up, a delicately nurtured girl, nur- very enthusiastic about, nuts interj.
ture ft. the process of nurturing. (slang) contemptuous emphatic refusal,
nut (nut) n. 1 fruit consisting of a hard
. nuts to you.
shell around an edible kernel. 2. this ker- nut* shell (nut-shel) n. the hard outer shell
nel. 3. (slang) the head. 4. (slang) an of a nut. Din a nutshell, expressed in
insane or eccentric person. 5. a small the briefest possible way.
piece of metal with a hole in its center, nut* ting (nut-ing) n. gathering nuts, go
designed for use with a bolt; the nuts nutting.
and bolts of something, practical details. nut-ty (nut-ee) adj. (-tl*er, -ti-est) 1. full
nut* brown (nut-brown) adj. brown like a of nuts. 2. tasting like nuts. 3. (slang)
ripe hazelnut. crazy.
nut* crack *er (nut-krak-er) n. a pair of nuz*zle (nuz-el) v. (nuz-zled, nuz-
pincers for cracking nuts. zling) to press or rub gently with the
nut* hatch (nut-hach) n. a small climbing nose.
bird that feeds on nuts and insects. NV abbr. Nevada.
nut* meat (nut-meet) n. the kernel of a NW, N.W. abbr. 1. northwest. 2. north-
nut. western.
nut* meg (nut-meg) n. the hard fragrant NWT abbr. Northwest Territories.
seed of a tropical tree, ground or grated NY, N.Y. abbr. New York.
as spice. NYC, N.Y.C. abbr. New York City.
nut* pick (nut-pik) ft. a sharp table instru- nylon (ni-lon) it. 1. a synthetic fiber of
ment for the removal of the kernel of a great lightness and strength. 2. fabric
nut. made from this.
nu*tri*a (noo-tri-a) n. the skin or fur of nymph (nimf) ft. 1 (in mythology) a semi-

the coypu. divine maiden living in the sea or woods

nu*tri*ent (noo-tri-ent) adj. nourishing. etc. 2. a young insect that resembles its
nutrient n. a nourishing substance. parents in form.
nu*tri*ment (noo-trl-ment) w, nourish- nym*pho*ma*nl*a (nim-fd-may-ni-£) n,
ment. excessive and uncontrollable sexual de-
nu*tri*tion (noo-trish-dn) «, nourishment. sire in women.
nu*tri'tion*al adj. nu*tri'tion*ist n. nym*pho*ma*ni*ac (nim-fd-may-ni-ak)
nu*tri*tious (noo-trish-us) adj. nourish- a woman suffering from nymphoma-

ing, efficient as food. nu*tri'tious*ly nia.

adv. nu-tri'tious-ness n. nys*tag*mus (ni-stag-mus) n. abnormal
nu*tri*tive (noo-tri-tiv) adj. nourishing. continual rapid involuntary movement
nutritive n. a nourishing substance. of the eyeballs.
nuts (nuts) adj. (slang) crazy; nuts about, N.Z. abbr. New Zealand.
O, O (oh) {pi Os, O's, O's) the fifteenth appealing to God
or a revered object
letter of the alphabet. name of
as witness. 2. casual use of the
O interj. 1. (old use) prefixed to a name, God etc. in anger or to give emphasis.
especially in a formally expressed wish Don or under oath, having made a sol-
or entreaty, O God our help. 2. a natural emn oath.
exclamation of sudden feeling. oat* meal (oht-meel) ru 1. meal prepared
O abbr. 1 ohm. 2. Old.
. from oats. 2. a breakfast food cooked
O symbol 1. oxygen. 2. zero. from this.
O. abbr. 1 old. 2. off. 3. (in baseball) out(s).
. OAU abbr. Organization of African Unity.
O. abbr. 1 ocean. 2. October. 3. Ohio.
. OB abbr. obstetrics.
O/a on or about.
abbr. Ob. abbr. 1. he or she died (t> Latin obiit).
oaf (ohf) ru {pi oafs) an awkward lout, 2. incidentally (E> Latin obiter).
oafish adj. oafish *ly adv. oafish* ob*bli*ga*to ("ob-li-gah-toh) ru {pi -tos)
ness ru an important accompanying part in a
oak (ohk) a deciduous forest tree with
n. 1 . musical composition.
irregularly shaped leaves, bearing acorns. ob*du*rate (ob-du-rit) adj. stubborn and
2. its wood. unyielding. ob*du*ra*cy (ob-du-ra-see)
oak* en (oh-ken) adj. made of oak. ru

oa*kum (oh-kum) ru loose fiber obtained 0*be*di*ent (oh-bee-di-ent) adj. doing

by picking old rope to pieces, used in what one is told to do, willing to obey.
caulking wooden ships. o*be'di*ent*ly adv. o*be / di*ence ru
oar (ohr) ru 1 a pole with a flat blade at
. o-bei-sance (oh-bay-sens) ru a deep bow
one end, used to propel a boat by its or curtsy. o*bei'sant adj.
leverage against water. 2. an oarsman, Ob*e*lisk (ob-e-lisk) ru a tall pillar set up
hes a good oar. Dput one's oar In, as a monument.
to interfere. O'bese (oh-bees) adj. very fat. o*be*si*
oar *lock (ohr-lok) a device on the side n. ty (oh -bee-si -tee) ru
of a boat serving as a fulcrum for an o*bey (oh-bay) v. (o-beyed, o*beying)
oar and keeping it in place. to do what is commanded by (a person
oars* man (ohrz-man) n. {pi. -men, pr. or law or instinct etc.), to be obedient.
-men) a rower. ob*fus*cate (ob-fus-kayt, ob-fu-skayt) v.
o<?rs* man* ship (ohrz-man-ship) ru skill (ob*fus*cat*ed, ob*fus*cat*ing) 1.
in rowing. to darken or obscure, confuse. 2. to stu-
OAS abbr. Organization of American pefy or bewilder. ob*fus*ca*tion (ob-
States. fu-skay-shdn) ru

o-a-sis (oh-ty-sis) ru {pi -ses, pr. -seez) 0*bl (oh-bee) ru {pi O-bis, pr. oh-beez)
a fertile spot in a desert, with a spring a bright broad sash worn with a kimono
or well of water. by Japanese women and children.
oat (oht) ru 1 a hardy cereal plant grown
. 0*bit (oh-bit) ru (informal) obituary.
in cool climates for food {oats for horses, ob-i-ter die* turn (ob-i-ter dik-tum) {pi
oatmeal for people). 2. its grain. Dfeel dlc*ta, pr. dik-ta) 1 a judge's expression

one's oats, to be lively; to be self-impor- of opinion uttered in arguing a point or

tant, sow one's wild oats, to lead a giving judgment but not essential to his
wild life while young, before settling decision and therefore without binding
down. authority. 2. an incidental remark.
oat -cake (oht-kayk) n. a thin cake made D> Latin, =
thing said by the way.
of oatmeal. 0*bit*u*ar*y (oh-bich-oo-er-ee) ru {pi
oath (ohth) ru 1 a solemn promise to do. -ar*ies) a notice of a person's death, es-
something or that something is true, pecially in a newspaper, often with a

615 obj. / obscure
short account of his life and achieve- ob-llg-a-to-ry (6-blig-a-tohr-ee) adj. re-
ments. quired by law or rule or custom, compul-
obj. abbr. 1 object. 2. objection. 3. objec-
. sory not optional.
tive. o-blige (6-bhj) v. (o* bilged, o-blig-ing)
ob- ject (ob-jikt) n. 1something solid that
. 1 to compel by law or agreement or cus-

can be seen or touched. 2. a person or tom or necessity. 2. to help or gratify

thing to which some action or feeling by performing a small service, oblige me
is directed, an object ofpity. 3. a purpose, with a loan, o-blig'er n. Dbe obliged
an intention. 4. (in grammar) a noun or to a person, to be indebted to him for
its equivalent acted upon by a transitive some service, much obliged, thank you.
verb or by a preposition (him is the object o-blig-ing (6-bli-jing) adj. courteous and
in the dog bit him and against him), ob- helpful, o-blig'ing-ly adv.
ject (6b-jekt) v. to say that one is not ob-lique (6-bleek) adj. 1. slanting. 2. ex-
in favor of something, to protest, ob* pressed indirectly, not going straight to
jec'tor n. Dno object, not forming an the point, an oblique reply, ob-lique'ly
important or limiting factor; expense is adv. ob*lique / ness n. U
oblique an-
no object, cost is not a consideration, ob- gle, an acute or obtuse angle.
ject lesson, a striking practical illustra- ob-lit-er-ate (6-blit-e-rayt) v. (ob*lit*
tion of some principle. er-at-ed, ob-iit-er-at-ing) to blot
ob-jec-tion (db-jek-shon) n. 1. a feeling out, to destroy and leave no clear traces
of disapproval or opposition, a statement of. ob-lit-er-a-tion (6-blit-e-ray-shdn)
of this. 2. a reason for objecting, a draw- n.
back in a plan etc. ob-livi-on (5-bliv-i-on) n. 1. the state of
ob-jec-tion -a -Die (ob-jek-sho-na-bel) being forgotten. 2. the state of being ob-
adj. causing objections or disapproval, livious.
unpleasant. ob-jec'tion-a-bly adv. ob-liv-i-ous (6-bliv-i-us) adj. unaware or
ob-jec-tive (db-jek-tiv) adj. 1 . having real unconscious of something, oblivious of
existence outside a person's mind, not or to her surroundings. ob*liv'i*OUS*ly
subjective. 2. not influenced by personal adv. ob-liv'i-ous-ness n.
feelings or opinions, an objective account ob-long (ob-lawng) n. a rectangular shape
of the problem. 3. (in grammar) of the that is longer than it is broad. Oblong
objective case, objective n. something adj. having this shape.
one is trying to achieve or reach or cap- ob-lo-quy (ob-16-kwee) n. (pi. -quies) 1.
ture, ob-jec'tive-ly adv. objective* verbal abuse or censure. 2. being gener-
ness n. ob*jec*tivi*ty (ob-jek-tiv-i- ally spoken ill of.
tee) n. objective case, the form of ob-nox-ious (db-nok-shus) adj. very un-
a word used when it is the object of a pleasant, objectionable, ob- noxious-
verb or preposition. ly adv. ob-nox'ious-ness n.
ob -jet d'art (ob-zfcay dahr) (pi. ob-jets o-boe (oh-boh) n. a woodwind instrument
d'art, pr. ob-z/zay dahr) a small artistic of treble pitch.
object. >
French. O* DO* 1st (oh-boh-ist) n. a person who
Ob* jet trou-ve (ob-z/ray troo-vay) n. (pi plays the oboe.
Ob* jets trou ves, pr. ob-z/ray troo-vay)
• Obs. abbr. 1. observation. 2. observatory.
a found object (see found 1 ). > French. 3. obsolete.
ob-jur-gate (ob-jur-gayt) v. (ob-jur- Ob* scene (ob-seen) adj. indecent in a re-
gat-ed, ob-jur-gat-ing) to denounce, pulsive or very offensive way. Ob*
to scold, ob-jur -ga-tion (ob-jur-gay- scene'ly adv.
shon) n. ob-scen-i-ty (ob-sen-i-tee) n. (pi -ties)
Obi. abbr. 1. oblique. 2. oblong. 1. being obscene. 2. an obscene action
Ob* late (ob-layt) adj. (of a spheroid) flat- or word etc.
tened at the poles. ob-scu- rant -ism (db-skyoor-an-tiz-em)
ob-la-tion (o-blay-shon) n. a rehgious of- n. 1. opposition to inquiry, enlighten-
fering, sacrifice, or donation. ment, and reform. 2. deliberate avoid-
ob -li- gate (ob-lT-gayt) v. (ob-li- gat-ed, ance of clarity or explanation. ob-scu /
Ob • II • gat • ing) to bind (a person) legally rant* 1st adj. &
or morally to do something. ob-scu-ra-tion (ob-skyu-ray-sh6n) n.
ob-li-ga-tion (ob-II-gay-sh6n) n. 1. being making or being made obscure.
obliged to do something. 2. what one ob-scu re (ob-skyoor) adj. (-scur-er,
.must do in order to comply with an -scur-est) 1. dark, indistinct. 2. remote
agreement or law etc., one's duty. from people's observation. 3. not famous,
LJunder an obligation, owing grati- an obscure poet 4. not easily understood,
tude to another person for some service not clearly expressed, obscure v. (ob*
or benefit. soured, ob-scur-ing) to make ob-
obsequies / obviate 616
scure, to conceal from view. ob*scure ob-stet-rics (db-stet-riks) n. the branch
ly adv. ob*scur*i*ty (6b-skyoor-i-tee) of medicine and surgery that deals with
n. childbirth, ob-stet'ric adj. ob-stet'ri*
ob-se-quies (ob-se-kweez) n. pL funeral cal adj.
rites, a funeral. ob-sti-nate (ob-sti-nit) adj. 1. keeping
ob-se-qui-ous (6b-see-kwi-us) adj. ex- firmly to one's opinion or to one's chosen
cessively or sickeningly respectful. ob* course of action, not easily persuaded.
se'qui-ous*ly adv. bb'se'qui-ous- 2. not easily overcome, an obstinate cold.
ness n. ob'stl • nate • ly adv. ob • sti • na • cy (ob-
ob«serva«ble (5b-zur-va-bel) adj. able to stT-na-see) n,
be observed. ob- strep -er-ous (ob-strep-e-rus) adj.
ob-servance (db-zur-vans).n. the keep- noisy, unruly, obstreperous children. Ob«
ing of a law or rule or custom etc., the strep'er»ous-ly adv. ob-strep'er-
keeping or celebrating of a religious festi- ous-ness n.
val or of a holiday. Ob- Struct (6b-stnikt) v. 1. to prevent or
Ob* servant (ob-zur-vant) adj. 1. quick hinder movement along (a path etc.) by
at noticing things. 2. attentive in observ- means of an object or objects placed in
ance, acute or diligent in taking notice. it, obstructing the highway. 2. to prevent

3. careful in observing law or ritual, espe- or hinder the movement or progress or

cially in religious matters. ob»serv / activities of, obstructing the police. 3. to
ant«ly adv. conceal from sight, obstruct the view, ob*
ob*ser*va*tlon (ob-zer-Tay-sh6n) n. 1. struc'tor, ob*struc / ter n.
observing, being observed. 2. a comment ob-struc-tion (6b-struk-sh6n) n. 1. ob-
or remark. 3. the gathering and record- structing, being obstructive. 2. a thing
ing of data about the natural world for that obstructs.
scientific analysis. ob*struc*tion*ist (6b-struk-shd-nist) n.
ob«serva«to»ry (ob-zur-va-tohr-ee) n. a person who seeks to obstruct plans
{pi -ries) a building designed and or legislation etc. ob'Struc'tion-ism
equipped for scientific observation of the n.
stars or weather. ob-struc'tive (6b-stmk-tiv) adj. causing
ob* serve (6b-zurv) v. (ob- served, ob« or intended to cause obstruction. ob«
serving) 1. to see and notice, to watch struc'tive-ly adv. ob-struc'tive-
carefully. 2. to pay attention to (rules ness n.

etc.). 3. to keep or celebrate, not all coun- ob*tain (ob-tayn) v. 1 . to get, to come into
tries observe New Year's Day. 4. to re- possession of (a thing) by effort or as a
mark. 5. to make scientific observations, gift. 2. to be established or in use as a
ob-serv'er n. rule or custom, this custom still obtains
ob-sess (ob-ses) v. to occupy the thoughts in some districts. ob*tain'ment n.
of (a person) continually. ob-tain-a-ble (db-tay-na-bel) adj. able to
ob-ses-sion (ob-sesh-on) n, 1. obsessing, be obtained.
being obsessed. 2. a persistent idea that ob-trude (6b-trood) v. (ob-trud-ed, ob«

dominates a person's thoughts. ob*ses' trud • Ing) 1 to force (oneself or one's


sion-al adj. ideas) on others. 2. to thrust or push

ob*ses*sive (ob-ses-iv) adj. ofor causing out.
or showing obsession. ob*ses'slve*ly ob'tru-sive (db-troo-siv) adj. obtruding
adv. oneself, unpleasantly noticeable. Ob^tru'
ob*sid*i-an (ob-sid-i-an) n. dark vitreous sive-ly adv. ob-tru'sive-ness n.
lava or volcanic rocklike glass. ob-tuse (db-toos) adj. 1. of blunt shape,
obsolesc. abbr. obsolescent. not sharp or pointed. 2. stupid, slow at
ob-so-les-cent (ob-sd-les-ent) adj. be- understanding, ob-tuse'ly adv. ob«
coming obsolete, going out of use or out D
tuse'ness n. obtuse angle, an angle
of fashion. ob*so*les'cence n. of more than 90° but less than 180°.
ob-so-lete (ob-so-leet, ob-so-leet) adj. no Obv. abbr. obverse.
longer used, antiquated. Ob* verse (ob-vurs) n. 1. the side of a coin
ob-sta-cle (ob-sta-kel) n. a thing that ob- or medal etc. that bears the head or the
structs progress. obstacle course, an principal design. 2. a counterpart. Ob-
athletic or a military training track in verse (ob-vurs, ob-vurs) adj. 1. turned
which or natural obstacles have
artificial toward the observer. 2. acting as a count-
to be passed, obstacle race, a race over erpart. 3. narrower at the base or the
such a track. point of attachment than at the apex or
obstet. abbr. obstetrics. top. ob'verse'ly adv.
ob-ste-tri'Cian (ob-ste-trish-an) n. a spe- ob-vi-ate (ob-vi-ayt) v. (ob-vi-at-ed,
cialist in obstetrics. ob*vi*at*ing) to make unnecessary, the
617 obvious / oct.

bypass obviates the inconvenience of driv- pational therapy, creative activities

ing through the city, ob*vi* action (ob- designed to aid recovery from certain ill-
vi-ay-shdn) n. nesses.
ob*vi*ous (ob-vi-us) adj. easy to see or oc*cu-py (ok-yu-pi) v. (oc-cu -pied, oc*
recognize or understand, ob'vious-ly cu*py*ing) 1. to dwell in, to inhabit.
adv. ob'vi*ous*ness n. 2. to take possession of and establish
OC*a*ri*na (ok-a-ree-na) n. a small egg- one's troops in (a country or strategic
shaped terra cotta or metal wind instru- position etc.) in war. 3. to place oneself
ment. in (a building etc.) as a political or other
OCAS abbr. Organization of Central demonstration. 4. to take up or fill (space
American States. or a position). 5. to hold as one's official
OCC. abbr. occupation. position, he occupies the post of manager.
occas. abbr. 1 occasional.
. 2. occasionally. 6. to keep (a person or his time) filled
oc-ca-sion (6-kay-zfcdn) n. 1. the time with activity. OC / CU*pi*er n.
at which a particular event takes place. oc*cur (6-kur) v. (oc* cur red, oc*cur*
2. a special event, this is quite an occa- ring) 1 to come into being as an event

sion. 3. a suitable time for doing some- or process. 2. to be found to exist in some
thing, an opportunity. 4. a need or reason place or conditions, these plants occur
or cause, had no occasion to speak in marshy areas. 3. to come into a per-
French, occasion v. to cause. Don oc- son's mind, it did not occur to me to men-
casion, when need arises, occasionally. tion it.

oc*ca*sion*al (S-kay-z/to-nal) adj. 1. oc* cur* re nee (6-kux-ens) n. 1. occurring.

happening from time to time but not reg- 2. an incident or event.
ularly or frequently, occasional showers. OCD abbr. Office of Civil Defense.
2. used or meant for a special event, occa- o*cean (oh-shan) n. the sea surrounding
sional verses. oc*ca'sion*al*ly adv. the continents of Earth, especially one
D occasional table, a small table for of the five large named areas of this, the
use as required. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Ant-
Oc-ci-dent (ok-si-dent) n. the West as op- arctic Oceans.
posed to the Orient. o*cean*ar*i*um (oh-sha-nair-i-um) n.
oc*ci* denial (ok-si-den-tal) adj. west- (pi. -hums, -i*a, pr. -i-a) a large marine
ern. Occidental n. a native of the west- aquarium.
ern world. 0*cean* front (oh-shdn-frunt) n. an area
oc-clude (6-klood) v. (oc-clud-ed, oc- that borders on the ocean.
cluding) 1. to stop up, close, obstruct. o*cean*go*ing (oh-shdn-goh-ing) adj. (of
2. (in chemistry) to absorb and retain ships) made for crossing the sea, not for
(gases). 3. to.meetwith opposite surfaces coastal or river journeys.
together, as the teeth when the jaws are 0*ce*an*ic (oh-shi-an-ik) adj. of the
closed. OC*Clu*sion (6-kloo-z/ion) n. ocean.
oc*clu*sive (6-kloo-siv) adj. o • cean og • ra pher
• • (oh-sh£-nog-r£-f er)
oc-cult (S-kult, ok-ult) adj. 1. secret, hid- u, an expert in oceanography.
den except from those with more than o*cean*og*ra*phy (oh-sha-nog-ra-fee)
ordinary knowledge. 2. involving the su- n.the scientific study of the ocean. O*
pernatural, occult powers. Dthe occult, cean -o -graph -ic (oh-sha-no-graf-ik)
the world of the supernatural, mystical, adj.
or magical. o*ce*lot (os-2-lot, oh-se-) it. 1. a leopard-
OC* cult* ism (6-kul-tiz-em) n. belief in or like animal of Central and South Amer-
study of the occult, practicing occult ica. 2. its fur.
arts. OC*Cult'ist n. o*cher, o*chre (oh-ker) «. 1. a yellow
OC*CU*pant (ok-yu-pant) n. a person oc- or brownish or reddish mineral consist-
cupying a place or dwelling or position. ing of clay and iron oxide, used as a pig-
OC*CU*pan*cy (ok-yu-pan-see) n. ment. 2. pale brownish yellow.
oc*cu*pa*tion (ok-yu-pay-shdn) n. 1. oc- O'clock (6-klok) adv. 1. = of the clock
cupying, being occupied. 2. taking or (used in specifying the hour), six o'clock.
holding possession by force, especially 2. according to a method for indicating
of a defeated country or district. 3. an relative position by imagining a clock
activity that keeps a person busy, one's dial with the observer at the center,
employment. "twelve o'clock" being directly ahead of
oc*cu*pa*tion*al (ok-yu-pay-shd-nal) or above him, enemy aircraft approaching
adj. of or caused by one's occupation. at two o'clock.
oc *cu* paction *al*ly adv. occupa- OCS, O.C.S. abbr. Officer Candidate
tional hazard, a risk of accident or ill- School.
ness associated with a certain job. occu- OCt. abbr. octavo.
Oct / Oedipus complex 618
Oct abbr. October. bitual or fixed, doesodd jobs; at odd mo-
OC*ta*gon (ok-ta-gon) n. a geometric fig- ments. 6. unusual, strange, eccentric, an
ure with eight sides. odd sort of person, odd'ly adv. Odd'
oc-tag-o-nal (ok-tag-6-nal) adj. having ness n. Uoddman out, a person or
eight sides. thing differing in some way from others
oc-ta-he«dron (ok-ta-hee-dron) n. (pi of a group.
-drons, -dra, pr. -dra) a solid figure with Odd • ball (od-bawl) n. (slang) an eccentric
eight faces. person.
OC'tane (ok-tayn) n. a hydrocarbon com- odd-e*ven (od-ee-ven) adj. based on odd
pound occurring in motor fuel. Dhigh and even numbers, we have not seen the
octane gasoline, fuel having a high last of the odd-even gasoline rationing.
percentage of a certain form of octane odd«i«ty (od-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) 1 strange- .

and therefore good antiknock properties. ness. 2. an unusual person or thing or

octane number, a measure of the anti- event
knock properties of a gasoline in compari- odd'ment (od-ment) n. something left
son with those of a fuel taken as stand- over, an isolated article.
ard. odds (odz) n. pi
1. the probability that
OC'tave (ok-tiv) n. 1. a note that is eight a certain thing will happen, this ex-
degrees (counting inclusively) above or pressed as a ratio, the odds are five to
below a given note. 2. the interval be- one against throwing a six. 2. the ratio
tween these notes. 3. the series of notes between amounts staked by parties to a
filling this. bet, gave odds of three to one. Dat odds
oc-ta-vo (ok-tah-voh) n. (pi -vos) the with, in disagreement or conflict with.
size of a book or page given by -folding by all odds, certainly, odds and ends,
a sheet of standard size three times to oddments.
form eight leaves. odds-on (odz -on) adj. with success
OC*tet (ok-tet) n. a group of eight instru- more likely than failure. 2. with betting
ments or voices, a musical composition odds in favor of its success, the odds-on
for these. favorite.
Oc-to-ber (ok-toh-ber) n. the tenth Ode (ohd) n. a poem expressing noble feel-
month of the year. ings, often addressed to a person or cele-
OC*to*ge*nar*i*an (ok-to-jd-nair-i-an) n. brating an event.
a person whois in his or her eighties. O'dhOUS (oh-di-iis) adj. hateful, detesta-
oc-to-pus (ok-to-pus) n. (pi -pus-es, ble o'di*ous-ly adv. o'di-ous-ness
-pi, pr. -pi) a sea mollusk with a soft n. > Do not confuse odious with odorous.
body and eight long tentacles. o-di'um (oh-di-um) n. widespread hatred
OC*tO*roon (ok-to-roon) n. an offspring or disgust felt toward a person or his
of a quadroon and a white, a person of or her actions.
one-eighth black ancestry O'donve-ter (oh-dom-e-ter) n. an instru-
oc-to-syl-lab-ic (ok-toh-si-lab-ik) adj. ment for measuring the distance traveled
having eight syllables, octosyllabic n. by a wheeled vehicle.
a verse or line having eight syllables, o«dor (oh-ddr) n. a smell, o'dor-less
oc-iHar (ok-yu-lar) adj. of or for or by adj.
the eyes, visual, ocular n. an eyepiece. o«dor»if*er'OUS (oh-do-rif-e-rus) adj.
OC-u-list (ok-yu-list) n. 1. an ophthalmol- diffusing a usually agreeable scent.
ogist. 2. an optometrist. 0-dor-OUS (oh-ddr-us) adj. smelly.
OD (oh-dee) n. (slang) an overdose of a >Do not confuse odorous with odious.
narcotic. OD v. (OD'd, OD'ing) (slang) od-ys-sey (od-i-see) n. (pi -seys) a long
to take such an overdose. adventurous journey. D> Named after the
OD, O.D. abbr. 1. officer of the day. 2. Odyssey, a Greek epic poem telling of
olive drab. 3. outside diameter. 4. over- the wanderings of the hero Odysseus.
draft. 5. overdrawn. OE, O.E. abbr. Old English.
O.D. abbr. Doctor of Optometry. OECD abbr. Organization for Economic
Odd (od) adj. 1 (of a number) not even,
. Cooperation and Development.
not exactly divisible by two. 2. desig- OED, O.E.D. abbr. Oxford English Dic-
nated by such a number. 3. belonging tionary.
to a pair or set or series of which the oed'i'pal (ed-i-pal, ee-di-) adj. of or relat-
other members) are lacking, found an ing to the Oedipus complex.
odd glove; several odd volumes; you're Oed-i-pus (ed-T-pus, ee-dl) complex
wearing odd socks, two that do not form sexual feelings toward one's parents, in-
a pair. 4. exceeding a round number or volving attraction to the parent of the
amount, keep the odd change; forty odd opposite sex (especially the mother) and
between 40 and 50. 5. not regular or ha- jealousy of the other parent. Named >
. .

619 oenophile / offhand

after Oedipus in Greek legend, who in 1. to go away. 2. to kill, to murder.

ignorance killed his father and married Doff and on, now and then; wavering.
his mother. Off Chance, a remote possibility, off
oe-no-phile (ee-nd-fil) n. a connoisseur color, not the right color; in bad taste.
of wines. Off hour, an unusual hour (for a speci-
OEO abbr. Office of Economic Opportu- fied activity), off limits, an area forbid-
nity. den to a specified group, off the wall,
O'er (oh-er) adv. & prep,
(poetical) over. (slang) bizarre, foolish, off year, a year
oeu-vre (uu-vre) n. (pi -vres, pr. -vre) in which there are no major elections;
the totaKty of the works of an author, a year in which production falls or busi-
painter, composer, etc. ness slows down.
Of (uv, ov) prep, indicating relationships, Olt isincorrect to write off of in place
1. belonging to or originating from. 2. of off'm such phrases as off the bus, off
concerning, told us of his travels. 3. com- the table.
posed or made from, built of brick; a Off. abbr. 1. office. 2. officer. 3. official.
farm of 100 acres. 4. in regard to, with of*fal (aw-fal) n, 1. the parts cut off as
reference to, never heard of it. 5. for or waste from a butchered animal. 2. refuse
involving or directed toward, love of one's or waste in general.
country. 6. so as to bring separation or Off* beat (awf-beet) adj. 1. unconven-
relief from, cured him of smoking. 7. dur- tional, unusual. 2. of the unaccented part
ing, he visits of an evening. 8. owing to, of a musical bar.
he was proud of his son's accomplish- off Broad* way (awf brawd-way) low-cost
ments. 9. connected to or associated and usually experimental drama staged
with, he's a friend of mine. 10. named, in New York City theaters outside the
called, or signified as, the state of Oregon. Broadway theater district.
1 1 before, she called at five of seven. Of *fend (6-fend) v. 1. to cause offense or
12. characterized or identified by, he of displeasure to. 2. to do wrong, offend
the rose tattoo. Dot itself, by itself or against the law. 3. to sin, to act immor-
in itself. ally, of *fend'er n.
> It incorrect to use of'in place of have
is of • tense (6-fens) n. 1 breaking of the law,

in such phrases as could have been, might an illegal act. 2. a feeling of annoyance
have seen. or resentment, give or take offense.
OF, O.F. abbr. Old French. of*fen*sive (6-fen-siv) adj. 1. causing of-
Off (awf ) adv. 1 away, at or to a distance,
. fense, insulting, offensive remarks. 2. dis-
rode off; is three miles or three years off. gusting, repulsive, an offensive smell. 3.
2. out of position, not touching or at- used in attacking, aggressive, offensive
tached, separate, take the lid off. 3. dis- weapons. Offensive n. an aggressive, ac-
connected, not functioning, no longer ob- tion or campaign; take the offensive, to
tainable, canceled, turn the gas off; the begin hostilities. of*fen'sive*ly adv.
wedding is off; take the day off away of -fen'sive-ness n.
from work. 4. to the end, completely, oMer (aw-fer) v. (offered, of* fen
so as to be clear, finish it off; sell them ing) 1. to present (a thing) so that it
off 5. situated as regards money or sup- may be accepted or rejected, or consid-
plies, how are you offfor cash? Off prep. ered. 2. to state what one is willing to
1 from, away from, not on, fell off a
. do or pay or give. 3. to show for sale.
ladder; off duty. 2. abstaining from, not 4. to provide, to give opportunity, the
attracted by for the time being, is off his job offers prospects of promotion, 5. to
food or off smoking; off form or off his show an intention, the dog didn't offer
game, not performing as well as usual. to bark. 6. to present to a deity by way
3. leading from, not far from, in a street of sacrifice, to give in worship or devo-
off Grand Avenue. 4. at sea a short dis- tion. Offer n. 1 an expression of willing-

tance from, sank off Cape Horn. 5. at ness to give or do or pay something. 2.
the expense of, by the means provided an amount offered, offers above $500.
by, he lived off his capital, off adj. 1 Of *fer*ing (aw-fe-ring) n. 1 a gift or con-

more distant or remote. 2. detached, dis- tribution etc. that is offered. 2. a presen-
connected, not on, the radio is off 3. tation or gift as an act of religious wor-
not functioning or continuing, the engine ship.
is off. 4. less or fewer, business is off. of *fer*to*ry (aw-fer-tohr-ee) n. (pi. -ries)
5. inferior, below standard; an off day, 1. the act of offering bread and wine for
a day when a person is not at his best. consecration at the Eucharist. 2. money
6. wrong, incorrect, the measurement is collected in a religious service.
off. 7. slight or remote, an off chance. Off * hand (awf-hand) adj. 1 without previ-

8. in a particular condition, off v. (slang) ous thought or preparation. 2. (of behav-

office / off-the-shelf 620
ior etc.) casual or curt and unceremoni- officialcapacity, to be in charge.
ous, offhand adv. in an offhand way. Of *fi*CiOUS (6-fish-us) adj. asserting one's
off 'hand 'ed adj. offhand'ed«ly adv. authority, bossy. of*fi'ctous*ly adv.
of'fice (aw-fis) n. 1. a room or building of 'fi'dous-ness n. t>Do not confuse
used as a place of business, especially with official
for clerical and similar work or for a off -ing (aw-fing) n, in the offing, in view,
special department, the exchange office. not far away in distance or future time.
2. the staff working there. 3. a branch Off *ish (aw-fish) adj. (informal) inclinded
of the U.S. government next in rank be- to aloofness.
low a department, the Office of Manage- Off-key (awf-kee) adj. 1 out of tune. 2.

ment and Budget. 4. a position of author- not quite appropriate or normal.

ity or trust, the holding of an official Off-line (awf-lin) adj. & adv. (of computer
position, seek office; be in office, hold operations) not on-line, not directly con-
such a position. 5. an authorized form nected to the central processor.
of Christian worship, the Office for the Off *load (awf-lohd) v. (informal) to un-
Dead. 6. offices, a piece of kindness or load.
a service, through the good offices of his Off-peak (awf-peek) adj. in or used at a
friends; the last offices, ceremonial rites time that is less popular or less busy,
for the dead. office boy, a youth em- off-peak electricity.
ployed to do minor jobs in a business Off • print (awf-print) n. a separately pro-
office, office hours, the hours during duced reprint of part of a book or maga-
which business is regularly conducted. zine.
office seeker, a candidate for public off-put-ting (awf-puut-ing) adj. (in-
office, office worker, a clerk in a busi- formal) repellent, disconcerting.
ness office. off-sea-son (awf-see-zon) n. the time
of-fice-hold-er (aw-fis-hohl-der) n. a when business etc. is fairly slack.
person holding a public office. Off set (awf-set) n. 1 an offshoot. 2. any-
• .

Of 'fiC'er (aw-fi-ser) n. 1 a person holding

. thing that balances or compensates for
a position of authority or trust, an offi- or neutralizes etc. something else. 3. a
cial, customs officers. 2. a person who method of printing in which the ink is
holds authority in any of the armed transferred to a rubber surface and from
services (especially with a commission), this to paper. 4. the sloping ledge of a
merchant marine, or on a passenger ship. wall where the thickness of the part
3. a policeman. officer of the day, above is diminished. 5. the bend made
the military officer responsible for the in a pipe to carry it past an obstacle.
guard, inspection, and barracks on an 6. a short distance measured perpendicu-
assigned day. officer of the guard, the larly from the main line of measurement
officer under the orders of the officer of in surveying, off • set (awf-set) v. (off*
the day who is directly responsible for set, off* set* ting) 1. to counterbalance
the guard. or compensate for. 2. (in printing) to
of-fi-cial (6-fish-al) adj. 1. of an office or make an offset. 3. to form an offset in
position of authority, in his official capac- (a wall).
ity. 2. suitable for or characteristic of Off* shoot (awf-shoot) n. 1. a side shoot.
officials and bureaucracy, official red 2. a subsidiary product.
tape. 3. properly authorized, the news is Off* shore (awf-shohr) adj. 1. (of wind)
official. Official n. a person holding of- blowing from the land toward the sea.
fice, of •fi'ciahly adv. t>Do not confuse 2. at sea some distance from the shore.
official with officious. Offshore adv. at a distance from the
of-fi-cial-dom (d-fish-&l-d6m) n. those shore.
people holding public office or engaged Off * side (awf-sid) adj. &
adv. (of a player
in official duties. or an action in sports) in a position where
Of -fi-Cial-ese (6-fish-a-leez) n. (informal) a play is forbidden by the rules.
the jargon often used by officials, charac- off* spring (awf-spring) n. {pi -spring)
terized by long words and complicated 1. the child or children of a particular
construction. person or persons. 2. the young of an
of-fi-cial -ism (o-fish-a-liz-em) n. very animal.
strict adherence to official systems and Off* Stage (awf-stayj) adj. &
adv. in the
routines. wings or behind the stage set of a theater,
of -fi* chant (6-fish-i-ant) n. a person who not seen by the audience.
performs a priestly office, performs a di- off-the-record (awf-f/ie-rek-ord) adj. un-
vine service, etc. official, not for publication or quotation.
of-fi-ci-ate (6-fish-i-ayt) v. (of-fl-cl- off-the-shelf (awf-fte-shelf) adj. (goods)
at-ed, of-fi-ci-at-ing) to act in an at hand and ready to be sold.
621 offtrack /old
Off 'track (awf-trak) adj. of a means of le- oint*ment (oint-ment) n. a thick slippery
gal betting on horse races other than at paste rubbed on the skin to heal rough-
the site of the races. ness or injuries or inflammation etc. or
Off-white (awf-hwit) adj. white with a gray for cosmetic purposes.
or yellowish tinge. 0*jib*wa, O -jib -way (oh-jib-way) n. (pi.
Oft (awft) adv. (old use) often. -was, -wa or -ways, -way) 1 a member .

Of -ten (aw-fen) adv. 1. frequently, many of an Algonquian Indian tribe living near
times, at short intervals. 2. in many in- Lake Superior. 2. the language of this
stances. tribe.
of* ten •times (aw-fSn-timz), oft* times OJT abbr. on-the-job training.
(awf-timz) adv. (old use) often. OK abbr. Oklahoma.
0*gle (oh-gel) v. to eye flirtatiously. OK, O.K. (oh-kay) adj. & adv. (informal)
O-gre (oh-ger) n. 1. a cruel or man-eating all right, satisfactory. OK, O.K. n. (pi.
giant in fairy tales and legends. 2. a terri- OK's, O.K.'s) (informal) approval,
fying person. o*gress (oh-gris) n. fern. agreement to a plan etc. OK, O.K. v.
Oh (oh) intery. 1 an exclamation of surprise
. (OK'd, OK'ing, O.K.'d, O.K.'Ing) (in-
or delight or pain. 2. used for emphasis, formal) to give one's approval or agree-
oh yes I will ment to.
OH abbr. Ohio. 0*ka*pi (oh-kah-pee) n. (pi. -pis, -pi) an
0*hi*o (oh-hi-oh) a state of the U.S. animal of central Africa, like a giraffe
O-hi'o-an adj. & n. but with a shorter neck and a striped
ohm (ohm) n. a unit of electrical resistance. body.
Ohm*me*ter (ohm-mee-ter) n. an instru- okay = OK, O.K.
ment for measuring ohms. o-key-doke (oh-kee-dohk), o*key-do*
0*hO (oh-hoh) interj. an expression of sur- key (-doh-kee) adv. (slang) OK.
prise or exultation. Okla. abbr. Oklahoma.
Oil (oil) n. 1. a thick slippery liquid that 0*kla*ho*ma (oh-kla-hoh-ma) a state of
will not dissolve in water. 2. petroleum. the U.S. O-kla-ho'man adj. & n.
3. a form of petroleum used as fuel; oil Oklahoma City, the capital of Okla-
heater, oil lamp, oil stove, domestic appli- homa.
ances using oil as fuel. 4. oil color. 5. 0*kra (oh-kra) n. a tropical plant with seed
(informal) an oil painting. 6. (slang) flat- pods that are used as a vegetable.
tery. Oil to apply oil to, to lubricate
v. Old (ohld) adj. 1. having lived or existed
or treat with oil; oiled silk, silk made for a long time; the old, old people. 2.
waterproof by being treated with oil. made long ago, used or established or
oil'er n. Doil color, paint, paint made known for a long time. 3. shabby from
by mixing powdered pigment in oil. oil age or wear. 4. of a particular age, ten
field, an area where oil is found in the years old, a ten-year-old. 5. not recent
ground or beneath the sea. oil painting, or modern, in the old days. 6. former,
a picture painted in oil colors, oil shale, original, in its old place. 7. skilled
a shale that yields oil through distilla- through long experience, an old hand at
tion, oil tanker, a ship with tanks for negotiating. 8. (informal) used for em-
transporting fuel oil in bulk, oil the phasis in friendly or casual mention, good
wheels, to make things go smoothly by old Winnie; any old time, old'ness n.
tactful behavior or flattery etc. oil well, of Old, of or in former times; we know
a well yielding mineral oil. him of old, since long ago. old age, the
Oil* can (oil-kan) n. a can with a long period of a person's life from about 65
nozzle through which oil flows, used for to 70 onward. Old boy, (informal) an
oiling machinery. elderly man, a man or male animal re-
Oil* Cloth (oil-klawth) n. strong fabric garded affectionately. Old country,
treated with oil and used to cover tables mother country of colonists or immi-
etc. grants. Old Dominion, the state of Vir-
Oil-fired (oil-fird) adj. using oil as fuel. ginia. Old English, the English language
Oil* skin (oil-skin) n. 1. cloth waterproofed from the 5th to the 12th century. Old
by treatment with oil. 2. (often oilskins) French, the French language from the
waterproof clothing made
of this. 9th to the 16th century. Old girl, (used
oil*y (oi-lee) adj. (oil*l*er, oil-i-est) 1. in ways corresponding to old boy). Old
of or like oil, covered in oil, containing Glory, the U.S. flag, old goat, a mean
much oil. 2. unpleasantly smooth in unpopular old man; an aging lecher, old
manner, trying to win favor by flattery, gold, dull gold color, old guard, the
oil'i-ness n. original or past or conservative members
Oink (oingk) n. the sound made by a pig of a group. Old hand, a practiced work-
grunting. Oink v. to make such a sound. man, someone with a lot of experience.
olden / omit 622
hat, (informal) out-of-date, no middle geologic epoch of the Tertiary pe-
longer in vogue; commonplace, trite. Old riod. Oligocene n. the Oligocene epoch.
High German, the High German lan- 0*li*0 (oh-li-oh) n. {pi o-li-os) 1. a mis-
guage prior to the 12th century, old cellaneous collection. 2. a stew of meats
lady, (informal) a mother or wife. Old and vegetables.
Low German, the German lowland lan- Ol • ive (ol-iv) n. 1 a small oval fruit with

guage before the 12th century, old maid, a hard stone and bitter pulp from which
an elderly spinster; an old-maidish per- an oil (olive oil) is obtained. 2. the ever-
son. Old man, (informal) one's employer green tree that bears it. 3. a greenish
or manager or husband or father, old color. Olive adj. greenish like an unripe
master, a great painter of former times olive or (of the complexion) yellowish
(especially 13th- 17th centuries in Eu- brown. olive branch, something done
rope); a painting by such a painter. Old or offered to show one's desire to make
Nick, the Devil. Old Testament, see peace, olive drab, the grayish olive color
testament old wives' tale, an old but of U.S. Army uniforms.
foolish belief, old woman, a fussy or oM • (ol-I-veen) n. magnesium iron sil-
timid man; (informal) a wife. Old a mineral, usually olive green.
World, Europe, Asia, and Africa, as dis- O'lym-pi-a (oh-lim-pee-a) the capital of
tinct from the Americas, old year, the Washington.
year just ended or about to end. O'lynvphan (oh-lim-pi-an) adj. (of man-
>See the note under elder 1 . ners etc.) majestic and imposing.
Old* en (ohl-den) adj. (old use) old-time. O-lym-pic (oh-lim-pik) adj. of the Olym-
old-fash-ioned (ohld-fash-ond) adj. in a pic Games, athletic and other contests
fashion that is no longer in style, having held every fourth year at Olympia in
the ways or tastes current in former . Greece in ancient times and revived since

times. DOId Fashioned, a cocktail 1896 as international competitions, held

made of water or soda water, whiskey, each time in a different part of the world.
bitters, and sugar, and containing slices 0«lynvpics (oh-lim-piks) n. pi the Olym-
of citrus fruit. pic Games.
Old • ie (ohl-dee) n. (informal) an old person om (awm) n. a word of fulfillment or affir-
or thing. mation, mtoned as part of a mantra while
Old-ish (ohl-dish) adj. fairly old. meditating.
old-line (ohld-lin) adj. established, con- O-ma-ha (oh-ma-hah) n. (pi. -has, -ha)
servative, old'-lin'er n~ a member of an Indian tribe that mi-
old-maid -ish (ohld-may-dish) adj. fussy grated from the Ohio River Valley to
and prim. northeastern Nebraska.
old-ster (ohld-ster) n, an old person. O • man (oh-mahn) a country in the Middle

old-time (ohld-tim) adj. belonging to for- East. 0*ma*ni (oh-mah-nee) adj. & n.

mer times. (PL -is). '

old-tim-er (ohld-ti-mer) n. (informal) a OMB abbr. Office of Management and Bud-

person with long experience or standing. get.
0*le (on-lay) n. a shout of approval or en- om* buds* man (om-buudz-man) n. {pi

couragement. -men, pr. -men) an appointed to

o*le*ag*i*nous (oh-li-aj-T-nus) adj. like investigate individuals' complaints about
oil, containing or producing oil. maladministration by public authorities.
o-le-an-der (oh-li-an-deY) n.a poisonous 0*me*ga (oh-mee-ga) n. the twenty-fourth
evergreen shrub of warm climates, with Oast) letter of the Greek alphabet {ft o>).
red or white or pink flowers. om-e-let, om-e-lerte (om-lit) n. a dish
0*le*0 (oh-li-oh) n. (informal) oleomarga- made of beaten eggs cooked in a frying
rine. pan, often served folded around a filling.
o • Ie -o • mar -ga Tine (oh-li-oh-mahr-ja- o*men (oh-men) n. an event regarded as
rin) n. margarine. a prophetic sign.
Ol-fac-to-ry (ol-fak-td-ree) adj. con- om*i«cron (om-I-kron) n, the fifteenth let-
cerned with smelling, olfactory organs. ter of the Greek alphabet (O o).
oligarch (ol-T-gahrk) n, a member of an om*i*nous (om-I-nus) adj. looking or
oligarchy. seeming as if trouble is at hand, an omi-
ol-i-gar-chy (ol-T-gahr-kee) n. (pi. nous silence. om'i*nous*ly adv. om'l*
-Chies) 1. a form of government in nous-ness n.
which power is in the hands of a few o-mis-sion (oh-mish-dn) omitting,
n. 1.

people. 2. these people. 3. a country gov- being omitted. 2. something that has
erned in this way. ol • i • gar • chic (ol-T- been omitted or not done.
gahr-kik) adj. ol-i-gar'chi-cal adj. o*mlt (oh-mit) v. (o*mit-ted, emit-
Ol-i-go-cene (ol-I-goh-seen) adj. of the ting) 1. to leave out, not insert or in-

623 omnibus / one-to-one

elude. 2. to leave not done, to neglect or keep on it, (informal) to nag. on
or fail to do. and Off, from time to time, not continu-
om-ni-bus (om-ni-bus) n. 1. a bus. 2. a ally, on high, in or to heaven or a high
volume containing a number of books place, on to, to a position on (see onto).
or stories, omnibus adj. serving several once (wuns) adv., conj., & n. 1. on one
objects at once, comprising several items. occasion only, one time or occurrence,
om • nip *0* tent (om-nip-6-tent) adj. hav- once is enough. 2. at all, ever, as soon
ing unlimited power or very great power. as, once I can get this job done. 3. for-
onvnip'o-tenMy adv. onvnip'o* merly, people who once lived here.
tence n. Dthe Omnipotent, God. at once, see at. once and for all,
om • ni • pres • ent (om-nl-prez-ent) adj. in a final manner, conclusively, once in
present everywhere at the same time, a while, from time to time, not often.
widely or constantly met with. om»ni» once more, an additional time, once
pres'ence n. upon a time, at some vague time in the
om*nis*cient (om-nish-ent) adj. knowing past.
everything, having very extensive knowl- once-0*ver (wuns-oh-ver) n.(informal) a
edge. om-nis'cienMy adv. om-nls' rapid inspection, give it the once-over.
cience n.
on*COm*ing (on-kum-ing) adj. approach-
om*ni*um-gath*er*um (om-ni-um-gaf/i-
e-riim) -urns) a miscellaneous as-
n. (pi.
one (wun) adj. single, individual, forming
semblage of persons or things, a strange a unity, one the smallest whole
ru 1.
number (1, 1). 2. a single thing or person.
onvniV'OTOUS (om-niv-d-riis) adj. 1.
3. (informal) a joke, do you know the
feeding on both plants and animal flesh.
one about the dog that could play poker?
2. (humorous) reading whatever comes
4. (informal) a blow, belted him one. one
one's way. om*niv'o*rous*ly adv.
pronoun 1 a thing or person, loved ones.

onvniv'OTOus-ness n.
2. any person, the speaker or writer as
on (on) prep. 1 supported by
. or attached
representing people in general, one
to or covering, sat on the floor; lives on
doesn't want to seem mean. 3. a thing
her pension; got any money on you?, are
of the kind referred to, the book is a good
you carrying any with you? 2. using as
a basis or ground or reason etc., was ar-
one. Done another, each other, one-
rested on suspicion; profits on sales. 3.
armed bandit, (slang) a slot machine
operated by pulling down an armlike
close to, in the direction of, they live on
handle, one day, at some unspecified
the coast; the army advanced on Paris;
on form or on his game, performing at &ate. one too many for, such as to out-
his usual high standard. 4. (of time) ex- wit or baffle (a person), one-track
actly at, during, on the next day. 5. in mind, a mind that can think of only one
a certain manner or state, on one's best topic, one up, scoring one point more

behavior. 6. concerning, engaged with, than an opponent; having an advantage.

so as to affect, a book on grammar; on one-way street, a street in which traffic
holiday; is on the pill, taking it; the drinks may move in one direction only, one-
are on me, at my expense. 7. added to, way ticket, a single ticket, not a return.
54 on the price of gasoline, on adv. 1 O-nehda (oh-m-da) n. (pi. -das, -da) 1.
so as to be supported by or attached to a member of an Indian tribe that used
or covering something, put the lid on. to live in New York. 2. the language
2. farther forward, toward something, of this tribe.
move on; from that day on; broadside on, one-lin*er (wun-li-ner) n. a very brief joke
with that part forward. 3. with continued or comical saying.
movement or action, slept on, 4. in opera- one-man wun-man)
( adj. done or managed
tion or activity, (of a play etc.) being by one person, a one-man job.
performed or broadcast, (of an actor etc.) one n ess (wun-nis)
• n. 1 . being one, single-
performing on the stage, (of gas or water ness. 2. unity, union, agreement, con-
or electric current) running or available cord.
or activated, (of an event) due to take on*er*OUS (on-e-rus) adj. burdensome.
place, not canceled, (of an employee) on on'er*ous*ness n.
duty, on adj. 1 turned on, the radio is
. one* self (wun-self) pronoun correspond-
on. 2. planned for, the party is on. ing to one (pronoun, definition 2), used
be on, (informal) to be willing to par- same ways as himself.
in the
ticipate in something; to be practicable one-sidled (wun-si-did) adj. (of opinions
or acceptable; you're on!, I accept your or judgments) unfair, prejudiced.
proposition or wager, be on to a thing, one *tlme (wun-tim) adj. former.
to notice it or realize its importance, be one-to-one (wun-td-wun) adj. with corre-
one-upmanship / open 624
spondence of one member of one group on-tol-o-gy the branch
(on-tol-d-jee) n.
to one of another. of metaphysics dealing with the nature
one-up* man «8hlp (wun-up-man-ship) n. of existence. on-to-log*i*cal (on-to-
(informal) the art of gaining and main- loj-i-kal) adj.
taining a psychological advantage over o nus (oh-nus)
• n, {pi O-nus-es) the duty
others. or responsibility of doing something; the
oivgcHng (on-goh-ing) adj. continuing to onus of proof rests with you, you must
exist or progress. prove what you say.
on* ion (un-y6n) a vegetable with an
n. on* ward (on- ward) adj. A adv. with an
edible rounded bulb that has a strong advancing motion, father on.
smell and strong flavor, on'iorvy adj. on* wards (on-wardz) adv. farther on.
D know one's onions, (slang) to know on*yx (on-iks) n. a stone like marble with
one's subject or one's Job thoroughly. different colors in layers.
on -ion* skin (un-yon-skin) n. 1. the outer- OO dies • (oo-delz) n. (informal) a great
most or any outer coat of an onion. 2. quantity.
thin smooth translucent paper. OOh (00) interj. an exclamation of surprise
on-line (on-lin) adj. & adv. operated di- or pleasure or pain.
rectly by a computer, directly connected 0*o*lite (oh-d-iit) n. a rock, especially
to the central processor. limestone, made up of rounded grains.
on*look*er (on-luuk-£r) n. a spectator. O O • lit • ic
• (oh-d-lit-ik) adj.
on*ly (ohn-lee) adj. 1 being the one speci-
. oomph (uumf) n. (slang) 1 attractiveness,

men or all the specimens of a class, sole. especially sex appeal. 2. energy, enthusi-
2. most or best worth considering, glid- asm.
ing is the only sport, only adv. 1 without . ooze (ooz) v. (oozed, ooz-ing) 1. (of
anything or anyone else, and that is all. or flow out slowly. 2.
fluid) to trickle
2. no longer ago than, saw her only yester- (of a substance) to exude moisture. 3.
day, only conj. but then, he makes good to show (a feeling) freely, ooze confi-
resolutions only he never keeps them. dence. OOZe n. mud at the bottom of a
Donly too, extremely, we'll be only too river or sea. ooz'y adj. OOZ'hness n.
pleased Op., Op. abbr. opus.
on*o*mat*o*poe*ia (on-d-mat-6-pee-a) 0*pac*i*ty (oh-pas-i-tee) n. being opaque.
n. formation of words that imitate or sug- cpal (oh-pal) n. an iridescent cjuartzlike
gest what they stand for, as cuckoo, plop, stone often used as a gem.
sizzle. on*o*mat*o*poe / ic adj. on* O pal *es* cent (oh-pa-les-ent) adj. irides-

o*mat*o*poe'i*cal*ly adv. on*o* cent like an opal. o*pal*es'cence n.

mat*o*po*et*ic (on-6-mat-d-poh-et- o-paque (oh-payk) adj. not clear, not
transparent, o • paque 'ly adv. o • paque
ik) adj. on*o*mat*o*po*et'i*cal*
ly adv. ness n.

On*on*da*ga (on-dn-dah-ga) n. (pi op (op) art opftical art, an abstract art form
•gas, -9a) 1. a member of a tribe of that causes or seeks to cause optical illu-
Indians of upper New York and Ontario. sions, op'art'ist n.
2. the language of this tribe. op. Clt. abbr. in the work already quoted.
on* rush (on-rush) n. an onward rush. D> Latin opere citato.
on* set (on-set) n. 1 a beginning,
. the onset ope (ohp) v. (oped, op-ing) (old use) to
of winter. 2. an attack or assault. open.
on* shore (on-shohr) adj. (of wind) blow- OPEC (oh-pek) n. Organization of Petro-
ing from the sea toward the land. leum Exporting Countries.
on-slaught (on-slawt) n. a fierce attack. op-ed (op-ed) page the page in a newspa-
Ont. abbr. Ontario. per opposite the editorial page, usually
On*tar*i*o (on-tair-i-oh) 1. a province of for signed articles written by contribu-
Canada. 2. one of the Great Lakes be- tors.
tween Canada and the U.S. 0*pen (oh-pen) adj. 1. not closed or
on* to (on-too) prep, to a position on. blocked up or sealed or locked. 2. not
[>Note that onto cannot be used where covered or concealed or restricted; an
on is an adverb, as in we walked on to open championship, for which anyone
the hotel (= continued walking until we may enter. 3. admitting visitors or cus-
reached it). The cat jumped onto the chair tomers, the shops are open. 4. spread out,
(= jumped from the floor to the seat of unfolded. 5. with wide spaces between
the chair). Many people prefer not to solid parts, open texture. 6. frank, com-
use onto, and write on to in all cases. municative, was quite open about her rea-
on*tog*e*ny (on-toj-e-nee) n. the origin sons. not yet settled or decided. 8.
and development of an individual organ- available, three courses are open to us.
ism. 9. willing to receive, we are open to offers.
625 open-air / opiate

open n. 1 the open, open space or coun-

. paniment. 2. dramatic works of this kind.
try or air. 2. an open championship or opera n. pi. see opus. opera
competition, open v. 1 to make or be-
. glasses, small binoculars for use at the
come open or more open. 2. to begin opera or theater.
or establish, to make a start, open a busi- op*er*a*ble (op-S-ra-bel) adj. 1. able to
ness or a debate; to open fire, to begin be operated. 2. able to be treated by sur-
firing. 3. to declare ceremonially to be gical operation. op'er*a*bly adv. op*
open to the public. o'pen«ness n. er*a*bil*i*ty (op-e-ra-bil-i-tee) n.
Din the open air, not inside a house op-er-ate (op-e-rayt) v. (op*er*at*ed,
or building, open a person's eyes, to op*er*at*ing) 1 to be in action, to pro-

make him see the truth or reality, open duce an effect, the new tax operates to
Classroom, a classroom in which stu- our advantage. 2. to control the function-
dents are free to pursue their activities ing of, he operates the crane. 3. to per-
open-heart surgery, sur-
individually, form a surgical or other operation on.
gery with the heart exposed and with operating theater, a room for surgi-
blood circulating temporarily through a cal operations.
bypass, open house, hospitality to all op*er*at*iC (op-e-rat-ik) adj. of or like
comers, open letter, a letter of com- opera.
ment or protest nominally addressed to Op*er*a*tion (op-e-ray-shon) n. 1. oper-
a person but sent to and printed in a ating, being operated. 2. the way a thing
newspaper, open mind, a mind that is works. 3. a piece of work, something to
unprejudiced or undecided, open ques- be done, begin operations. 4. strategic
tion, a matter on which no final verdict
military activities in war or during ma-
has yet been made or on which none is
neuvers. 5. an act performed by a sur-
possible, open (faced) sandwich, a geon, on any part of the body, to take
slice of bread covered with a layer of
away or deal with a diseased or injured
meat or cheese etc. open secret, one
or deformed part. 6. (in mathematics)
known to so many people that it is no
the subjection of a number or quantity
longer a secret, open sesame, see ses-
or function to a process affecting its value
ame, open shop, an establishment in
or form, such as multiplication or divi-
which one can work without belonging
to a labor union, with open arms, with
an enthusiastic welcome. op*er*a*tion*al (op-e-ray-shd-nal) adj. 1.
of or engaged in or used in operations.
O* pen-air (oh-pen-air) adj. taking place in
the open air.
2. able to function, is the system opera-
o-pen-and-shut tional yet?
(oh-pen-an-shut) adj.
(informal) perfectly straightforward. op*er*a*tive (op-e-ra-tiv) adj. 1. having
o* pen-end *ed (oh-pen-en-did) adj. with an effect, working or functioning. 2. of
no fixed limit, an open-ended contract.
surgical operations, operative n. 1. a
0*pen*er (oh-pe-ner) n. 1, a person or spy or secret agent. 2. an artisan or
thing that opens something. 2. a device skilled workman who operates a ma-
for opening cans or bottles. 3. openers, chine. op'er*a*tive*ly adv.
cards entitling the iiolder to open the op*er*a*tor (op-e-ray-t6r) n. 1. a person
betting in poker etc. Dfor openers, (in- who operates a machine or engages in
formal) to begin with, for a start. business or runs a business etc. 2. one
o* pen* handled (oh-pen-han-did) adj. who makes connections of lines at a tele-
generous in giving, o'pen* hand'ed *ly phone exchange. 3. (slang) one who
adv. o'pen* hand'ed «ness n. earns a living through clever persuasion
o* pending (oh-pe-ning) n. 1. a space or and speculation and the avoidance of re-
gap, a place where something opens. 2. strictions and regulations.
the beginning of something. 3. an oppor- op*er*et*ta (op-e-ret-a) n. a short or light
tunity. opera.
O'pen-ly (oh-pen-lee) adv. without con- oph*thal*miC (of-thal-mik) adj. of or for
cealment, publicly, frankly. the eyes.
o* pen-mind *ed (oh-pen-min-did) adj. oph thai
• • mol • o • gist (of-thal-mol-6-jist)
with an open mind, unprejudiced. «.-a specialist in ophthalmology.
o'pen-mind'ed*ness n. oph thai • mol • o • gy
• (of-thal-mol-6-jee)
O* pen* work (oh-pen-wurk) n. a pattern n. the scientific study of the eye and its
with spaces between threads or strips of diseases.
metal etc. o* pen* worked (oh-pen- oph • thai • mo • scope (of-thal-md-skohp)
wurkt) adj. n. an instrument for examining the retina
op*er*a (op-e-ra) n. 1. a play in which and other parts of the eye.
the words are sung to a musical accom- o* pi* ate (oh-pi-it) n. 1. a sedative drug
opine / option 626
containing opium. 2. a thing that soothes proposal etc., one's competitors or rivals;
the feelings or dulls activity. the opposition* a political party opposed
o-pine (oh-pin) v. (o- pined, o-pin-ing) to the one that is in office. 3. placing
to express or hold the opinion (that). or being placed opposite, contrast.
O* pin* ion (6-pin-yon) n. 1. a belief or op* press (6-pres) v. 1 to govern harshly,

judgment that is held firmly but without to treat with continual cruelty or injus-
actual proof of its truth, a view held as tice. 2. to weigh down with cares or un-
probable. 2. what one thinks on a partic- happiness. op*pres'sor n. oppres-
ular point, public opinion. 3. a judgment sion (6-presh-on) n.
or comment given by an expert who is op-preS'Sive (6-pres-iv) adj. 1. oppress-
consulted. 4. an estimate, have a low ing. 2. difficult to endure. 3. (of weather)
opinion of him. and tiring, op-pres'sive-ly
sultry adv.
o-pin-ion-at-ed (6-pin-yfo-nay-tid) adj. op-pres'sive-ness n.
having strong opinions and holding them op-pro -bri-ous (6-proh-bri-us) adj. (of
obstinately. words etc.) showing scorn or reproach,
o- (oh-pi-um) n. a drug made from
pi -urn abusive. op-pro'bri*ous*ly adv.
the juice of certain poppies, smoked or op-pro-bri-um (5-proh-bri-um) n. 1.
chewed as a stimulant or narcotic, and great disgrace brought by shameful con-
used in medicine as a sedative. duct. 2. the cause of such disgrace.
O* DOS -sum (6-pos-um) n. a small furry opt (opt) v. to make a choice, uopt out,
American marsupial that lives in trees. to choose not to participate.
opp. abbr. 1. opposed. 2. opposite. Opt abbr. 1 optical. 2. optician. 3. optics.

op*DO*nent (6-poh-nent) n. a person or 4. optional.

group opposing another in a contest or op-ta-tive (op-ta-tiv) adj. expressing a^e-
war. sire or a wish.
op- pontune (op-dr-toon) adj. 1 . (of time) op -tic (op-tik) adj. of the eye or the sense
suitable or favorable for a purpose. 2. of sight. optic nerve, the nerve of
done or occurring at a favorable time. sight between the optic centers of the
op-por-tune'ly adv. brain and the eye.
op-por-tun-ist (op-dr-too-nist) n. one op-ti-cal (op-ti-kal) adj. 1. of the sense
who grasps opportunities, often in an un- of sight. 2. aiding sight; optical instru-
principled wa^. op*por*tun'ism n. ments, telescopes etc. op'ti*cal*ly adv.
op por • tun • is * HOv Jop-dr-too-nis-tik)
• optical art, op art. optical illusion,
adj. an involuntary mental misinterpretation
op*por*tu*ni*ty (op-6r-too-ni-tee) n. {pi of something seen, caused by its decep-
-ties) a time or set of circumstances that tive appearance, optical scanner, a
are suitable for a particular purpose. photoelectric instrument that converts
opportunity knocks, a favorable sit- written or printed matter into machine-
uation presents itself. readable form.
op -pose (o-pohz) v. (op -posed, op- op ti -cian (op-tish-an) n. a maker or seller

posing) 1. to show resistance to, to of eyeglasses and other optical equip-

argue or fight against. 2. to place oppo- ment.
site, to place or be in opposition to. 3. op* tics (op-tiks) n. the scientific study of
to represent (things) as contrasting, op* sight and of light as its medium.
pos'a-ble adj. Das
opposed to, in op-ti-mal (op-ti-mal) adj. optimum, op'
contrast with. ti-mal*ly adv.
op -po- site (op-6-zit) adj. 1 having a posi-
. op-ti-mism (op-ti-miz-em) n. a tendency
tion on the other or farther side, facing. to take a hopeful view of things, or to
2. of a contrary kind, as different as pos- expect that results will be good, op'ti*
sible from; the opposite sex, men in rela- mist n.

tion to women or vice versa; they traveled op -ti- mis -tic (op-ti-mis-tik) adj. showing
in opposite directions, moving away from optimism, hopeful. op*ti*mis'ti*cal*ly
or toward each other, opposite n. an n.
opposite thing or person, opposite adv. op-ti-mum (op-ti-mum) n. (pL -ma, pr.
&prep, in an opposite place or position -ma, -mums) the best or most favorable
or direction to (a person or thing), op' conditions or amount etc. optimum adj.
po-site-ly adv. op'po-site-ness n. best, most favorable.
one's opposite number, a person op-tion (op-sh6n) n. 1 freedom to choose,

holding a similar position to oneself in had no option but to go. 2. a thing that
another group or organization. is or may be chosen, none of the options

op-po-si-tion (op-d-zish-on) n. 1. resis- is satisfactory. 3. the right to buy or sell

tance, being hostile or in conflict or dis- something at a certain price within a lim-
agreement. 2. the people who oppose a ited time, we have ten days' option on

627 optional / ordeal

the house. Dkeep one's options or*a*tor (or-a-t6r) n, a person who makes
open, to avoid committing oneself, so public speeches, one who is good at pub-
that one still has a choice. lic speaking.
op*tion*al (op-sho-nal) adj. not compul- or-a-to ri-o (or-a-tohr-i-oh) n. (pi. -OS)
sory. op'tion-aMy adv. a musical composition for solo voices,
op*tom*e*trist (op-tom-e-trist) n. an ex- chorus, and orchestra, usually with a bib-
pert in optometry. heal theme.
op • torn *e* try
(op-tom-e-tree) n. the pro- or-a'to-ry 1 (or-S-tohr-ee) n. 1. the art of
fession of testing the refractive power public speaking. 2. eloquent speech, on
and visual range of the eye. a-tor-i-cal (or-a-tor-i-kal) adj. or -a*
op*u*lent (op-yu-lent) adj. 1. wealthy, tor'heahly adv.
rich. 2. abundant, luxuriant. op'lHent* oratory 2 n. (pi. -ries) a small chapel or
ly adv. op'iHence n. place for private worship.
O'pus (oh-pus) n. (pi. o-pus-es, o*pe* orb (orb) n. 1 a sphere or globe. 2. a heav-

ra, pr. oh-pe-ra) a musical composition enly body.

numbered as one of a composer's works or* bit (or-bit) n. 1. the curved path of a
(usually in order of publication), Beetho- planet or satellite or spacecraft etc.
ven opus 15. around another body; in orbit, moving
or (or) conj. 1 as an alternative, are you
in an orbit. 2. a sphere of influence, a
coming or going? 2. also known as, hydro- range of action or experience, orbit v.
phobia or rabies. to move in an orbit, to travel in an orbit
OR abbr. 1. operating room. 2. Oregon.
around (a body).
-or suffix used to form nouns meaning ac-
or*bit*al (or-bi-tiil) adj. of an orbit, orbital
tion or occupation, as in escalator, inven-
or 'bitter (or-bi-ter) n. a spacecraft or arti-
or *a*cle (or-a-kel) n. 1 a place where the

ficial satellite in orbit or designed to be

ancient Greeks consulted one of their
in. orbit.
gods for advice or prophecy. 2. the reply
orch. abbr. 1. orchestra. 2. orchestrated
given. 3. a person or thing regarded as
able to give wise guidance. 0*rac*u*lar
or* chard (or-chard) n. 1. a piece of land
(oh-rak-yu-lar) adj.
planted with fruit trees. 2. these trees,
or*al (ohr-al) adj. 1.spoken not written,
or'chard -ist n.
oral evidence. 2. of the mouth, done or
taken by mouth, oral n. (informal) a spo-
or*ches*tra (or-ki-stra) n. 1 a large body.

of people playing various musical instru-

ken (not written) examination, or'ahly
adv. Doral contraceptive, a contra-
ments, including stringed and wind in-
ceptive taken by mouth, oral history, struments. 2. the part of a theater where
a history recorded, usually on tape, these sit (orchestra pit). 3. the seats on
through the spoken words of its partici- the main floor of a theater. or*Ches*
pants. >See the note under verbal. tral (or-kes-tral) adj.

onange (or-inj) n. 1 a round juicy citrus

or*ches*trate (or-ki-strayt) v. (or*
fruit with reddish-yellow peel. 2. the ev- ches*trat*ed, or*ches*trat*ing) 1 to .

ergreen tree that bears this fruit. 3. red- compose or arrange (music) for perfor-
dish yellow, orange adj. orange colored, mance by an orchestra. 2. to coordinate
reddish yellow. orange blossom, (things) deliberately, an orchestrated se-
white sweet-scented flowers of the orange ries of protests. or*ches*tra*tion (or-

tree, traditionally worn by brides, or- ki-stray-sh6n) n.

ange stick, a small thin stick (originally or* Chid (or-kid) n. 1. a kind of plant with

of wood from an orange tree) designed showy often irregularly shaped flowers.
for manicuring the nails. 2. its flower.
or*ange*ade (or-inj-ayd) n. an orange- or*Chis (or-kis) n. an orchid, especially
flavored soft drink. a wild one.
or-ange-ry (or-inj-ree) n. (pi. -ries) an ord. abbr. 1. order. 2. ordinary. 3. ord-
enclosed place for growing orange trees nance.
in cool climates. or •dain (or-dayn) v. 1 to appoint ceremo-

0-rang-ytan, o • rang -ou* tan (oh-rang- nially to the Christian ministry, was or-
u-tan) n. a large long-armed ape of Bor- dained priest. 2. (of God or fate) to des-
neo and Sumatra. tine, providence ordained that they should
o-rate (oh-rayt) v. (o-rat-ed, o*rat* meet. 3. to appoint or decree authorita-
ing) to make a speech, to speak pomp- tively, what the laws ordain.
ously. or* deal (or-deel) n. a difficult experience
0*ra*tion (oh-ray-sh6n) n. a long speech, that tests a person's character or power
especially of a ceremonial kind. . of endurance.
order / organic 628
or«der (or-der) n. 1. the way in which by authority, a decree. D> Do not confuse
things are placed in relation to one an- ordinance with ordnance.
other. 2. a proper or customary se- or*di*nar*y (or-di-ner-ee) adj. usual, cus-
quence. 3. a condition in which every tomary, not exceptional, or'dhnar*
part or unit is in its right place or in a i-ness n. or*di*nar*i*ly (or-di-ner-l-
normal or efficient state, in good working lee) adv. Din the ordinary way, if the
order; out of order. 4. the condition circumstances were not exceptional, or-
brought about by good and firm govern- dinary seaman, one ranking lower than
ment and obedience to the laws, law and an able seaman.
order. 5. a system of rules or procedure. or-di«nate (or-di-nit) n. the straight line
6. a command, an instruction given with from any point drawn parallel to one co-
authority, custody by order of the court ordinate axis and meeting the other.
7. a request to supply goods, the goods or*di*na*tion (or-di-nay-shdn) n. ordain-
themselves. 8. a written direction (espe- ing or being ordained as a clergyman.
cially to a bank or post office) to pay ordinance (ord-nans) n. 1. military sup-
money, or giving authority to do some- plies, especially weapons and their equip-
thing, a postal money order. 9. a rank ment and ammunition. 2. cannon, artil-
or class in society, the lower orders. 1 0. lery. >Do not confuse ordnance with
a kind or sort or quality, showed courage ordinance.
of the highest order. 1 1 a monastic or-
. OndO'Vi-cian (or-dd-vish-an) adj. of the
ganization or institution, the Franciscan geologic period of the Paleozoic era
Order. 1 2. orders = holy orders (see be- before the Silurian and after the Cam-
low). 1 3. a company of people to which brian. Ordovician n. the Ordovician
distinguished people are admitted as an period.
honor or reward, the insignia worn by or* dure (or-jur) excrement, dung.
its members, the Order of the Garter. 14. ore (ohr) n. found
solid rock or mineral,
a style of ancient Greek or Roman archi- in the earth's crust, from which metal
tecture distinguished by the type of col- or other useful or valuable substances
umn used, there are five classical orders. can be extracted, iron ore.
1 5. a group of plants or animals classified Oreg., Ore. abbr. Oregon.
as similar in many ways. 16. a serving o*reg*a*no (o-reg-a-noh) n. a dried wild
of food as ordered in a restaurant, an marjoram used as a seasoning.
order of ham and eggs order v. 1 to . Or-e-gon (or-e-g6n) a state of the U.S.
put in order, to arrange methodically. Or*e*go'ni-an adj. A n,
2. to issue a command, to command that org. abbr. 1. organic. 2. organization. 3.
something shall be done. 3. to give an organized.
order for (goods etc.), to tell a waiter or-gan (or-gan) n. 1 a musical instrument

to serve (certain food). Dholy orders, consisting of pipes that sound notes when
see holy, in order to or that, with the air is forced through them, played by
intention that, with the purpose of. in keys pressed with the fingers and pedals
short order, quickly made to order, pressed with the feet. 2. a distinct part
made according to the buyer's instruc- of an animal or plant body, adapted for
tions, on order, (of goods) ordered but a particular function, digestive organs; or-
not yet received, order about, to keep gans of speech. 3. a medium of communi-
on giving commands to. order book, cation (such as a newspaper) giving the
a book in which a tradesman enters or- views of a particular group. organ
ders, order form, a form to be filled bank, a supply of human body organs
in by a customer ordering goods. kept frozen for the purposes of transplant
or»der«ly (or-der-lee) adj. 1. well ar- and research, organ grinder, a person
ranged, in good order, tidy. 2. methodi- who plays a barrel organ.
cal, an orderly mind. 3. obedient to disci- or-gan-dy, or-gan -die (organ-dee) n.
pline, well behaved, an orderly crowd. a kind of fine translucent usually stiff-
orderly n. 1 a soldier in attendance on
. ened cotton fabric.
an officer to assist him or take messages or-gan-ic (or-gan-ik) adj. 1. of or affect-
etc. 2. an attendant in a hospital. ing an organ or organs of the body, or-
or'der-li-ness n. orderly room, a ganic diseases 2. of or formed from liv-
room where business is conducted in a ing things, organic matter. 3. (of food
military barracks. etc.) produced without the use of artifi-
or*di*nal (or-di-nal) n. any of the ordinal cial fertilizers or pesticides. 4. organ-
numbers, the numbers defining a thing's ized or arranged as a system of related
position in a series (such as first, fifth, parts, the business forms an organic
twentieth). whole. or»gan'i'Cal*ly adv. organic
or *di* nance (or-dl-nans) n. a rule made chemistry, chemistry of carbon com-
629 organism / ornamentation
pounds, which are present in all living across rough country by map and com-
matter and in substances derived from pass.
it. or* 'flee
I (or-I-fis) n. the opening of a cav-
or-garvism (or-ga-niz-em) n. a living be- ity etc.
ing, an individual animal or plant, or* orlg. abbr. 1. origin. 2. original. 3. origi-
gan-is-mic (or-ga-niz-mik) adj. Of nally.
gan-is'mal adj. o*r1*ga*mi (or-i-gah-mee) n. 1. the Japa-
Of gan*ist (or-ga-nist) n. a person who nese art of folding paper into intricate
plays the organ. designs. 2. (pi -mie) an object made in
or*garvhza«tlon (or-ga-ni-zay-shdn) n. this way.
1 organizing, being organized. 2. an or-
Of i* gin (or-T-jin)
n. 1 the point or source

ganized body of people, an organized sys- or cause from which a thing begins, its
tem, or* gan*i*za'tion*al adj. or- existence. 2. a person's ancestry or par-
ganization man, a man who regards entage, a man of humble origin. 3. a fixed
the needs of the company he serves as point from which coordinates are meas-
taking priority over his own needs and ured.
those of other people. o*rig*i*nal (d-rij-I-nll) adj. 1. existing
of gan«ize (or-ga-mz) v. (or-gan-ized, from the first, earliest. 2. being a thing
Of gan*iz*ing) 1. to arrange in an or- from which a copy or translation has
derly or systematic way. 2. to make ar-
been made. 3. firsthand, not imitative,
rangements for, organize a picnic. 3. to new in character or design. 4. thinking
form (people) into an association for a or acting for oneself, inventive, creative,
common purpose. or'gan»iz*er n. an original mind, original n. 1 the first .

Of gan*za (or-gan-za) n. thin stiff trans-

form of something. 2. the thing from
parent fabric of silk or synthetic fiber.
which a copy may be made, o • rig'l • nal •
Of gasm (or-gaz-em) n. the climax of sex- ly adv. o*rig*i*nal*i*ty (6-rij-T-nal-i-
ual excitement, or* gasm* ic (or-gaz-
tee) n. original sin, the condition of
mik) adj. or*gast*ic (or-gas-tik) adj.
or*gi*as*tic (or-ji-as-tik) adj. of the na-
wickedness thought to be common to all
mankind since Adam's sin.
ture of an orgy.
o*rig*i*nate (6-rij-I-nayt) v. (o*rig*i*
Of gy (or-jee) n. (pi. -gies) 1. a wild
nat*ed, o-rig-i -nat-ing) 1 to give ori- .
drunken party or revelry. 2. great indul-
gin to, to cause to begin. 2. to have origin,
gence in one or more activities, an orgy
to begin, the quarrel originated in rivalry;
of spending.
0»ri»el (ohr-i-el) n. a kind of projecting from what country did the custom origi-

window in an upper story, usually sup- nate? o*rig'i*na*tor n. o*rig*l*na*

ported on corbels. tion (d-rij-i-nay-shdn) n.

0*ri*ent (ohr-i-ent) v. 1. to place or deter- 0*ri*0le (ohr-i-ohl) n. 1. an Old World

mine the position of (a thing) with regard bird of which the male has black and
to the points of a compass. 2. to face yellow plumage. 2. any of various North
or be directed (toward a certain direc- American songbirds of which the male
tion). 3. to acquaint (a person) with a has bright yellow or orange and black
new environment, orient the new stu- plumage.
dents. o*ri* en* ta-tion (ohr-i-en-tay- O*r1«on (oh-n-6n) n. a brilliant constella-
shon) n. orient oneself, to get one's tion on the equator shaped as a hunter
bearings; to become accustomed to a new with a belt and a sword.
situation. Of i* son (or-i-zdn) n. (old use) a prayer.
Orient n. the East, countries east of the Or* Ion (or-lon) n. (trademark) a light-
Mediterranean, especially East Asia. weight synthetic acrylic textile fiber.
o*ri*en*tal (ohr-i-en-tal) adj. of the Ori- Of mo*lu (or-md-loo) n. 1. gilded bronze
ent, of the eastern or Asian world or its or a gold-colored alloy of copper, used
civilization. Oriental n. a native of the in decorating furniture. 2. articles made
Orient. oriental rug, a highly prized of or decorated with this.
rug or carpet made by hand in the Orient, Of na*ment (or-ni-ment) n. 1. a decora-
usually in Asia, and which achieves the tive object or detail. 2. decoration,
status of an antique after it is one hun- adornment, this is for use, not only for
dred years old. ornament. 3. a person or thing that adds
o*ri*en*tate (ohr-i-en-tayt) v. (o*ri*en* distinction, he is an ornament to his pro-
tat-ed, o*ri*en*tat*ing) to orient. fession, ornament v. to decorate, to be
> Careful writers use orient rather than an ornament to.
orientate. Of na*men*tal (or-na-men-tal) adj. serv-
or*i*en*teer*ing (ohr-i-en-teer-ing) n. ing as an ornament.
the sport of finding one's way on foot or *na* men* taction (or-na-men-tay
ornate / ostracize 630
-shon) n. an adornment, something that bird frequenting gardens and esteemed
beautifies. as a table delicacy.
or*nate (or-nayt) adj. elaborately orna- Os symbol osmium.
mented. or*nate'ly adv. or*nate'ness OS, O.S. abbr. ordinary seaman.
n. Osage (oh-sayj) n. {pi -sages, -sage)
or*ner*y (or-ne-ree) adj. (informal) can- 1 . a member
of an Indian tribe formerly
tankerous, coarse, unpleasant. occupying territory in Ohio. 2. the lan-
ornith. abbr. 1 . ornithological. 2. ornithol- guage of this tribe.
ogy. Os*car (os-kar) n. one of the statuettes
or*ni*thol*o*gist (or-ni-thol-6-jist) n. an awarded by the Academy of Motion Pic-
expert in ornithology. ture Arts and Sciences for excellence in
or-ni-thol-o-gy (or-ni-thol-o^ee) n. the motion pictures.
scientific study of birds. or»ni*tho*log* os-cil-late (os-i-layt) v. (os*cil*lat*ed,
heal (or-ni-thd-loj-i-kal) adj. OS*Cil*lat*ing) 1. to move to and fro
o-rog-e-ny (oh-roj-e-nee) ru the process like a pendulum. 2. to vary between ex-
of the formation of mountains. or*0* tremes of opinion or condition etc. 3.
ge*nic (or-6-jen-ik) adj. to fluctuate between high and low values.
O*ro*tund (ohr-6-tund) adj. with full os'cil-la*tor n. os*cil-la*tion (os-i-
voice, imposing, dignified, pompous. lay-shdn) n. os*cil*la*to*ry (os-T-la-
o*ro*tun*di*ty (ohr-d-tun-di-tee) ru tohr-ee) adj.
>Do not confuse orotund with rotund. os -cil-lo- scope (d-sil-6-skohp) n. a de-
or*phan (or-fan) n. a child whose parents vice for viewing oscillations, usually on
are dead, orphan v. to make (a child) a fluorescent screen. OS*Cil*lo*SCOp*iC
an orphan. (6-sil-d-skop-ik) adj. os*cil*lo*scop'i-
or-phan-age an institution
(or-fa-nij) n. cal*ly adv.
where orphans are housed and cared os*cu*late (os-kyu-layt) v. (os*cu*lat*
for. ed, os-cu*lat*ing) to kiss.
or*ris (or-is) n. a kind of
that has a iris o sier (oh-z/ier) n. 1 a kind of willow with
• .

fragrant root (orrisroot) which is dried flexible twigs used in basketwork. 2. a

for use in perfumery and medicine. twig from this.
or-tho-don-tia (or-thd-don-sha) n. or- Os'lo (oz-loh, os-) the capital of Norway.
thodontics. OS* mi* um
(oz-mi-iim) n. a hard blue-
or -tho* don* tics (or-tho-don-tiks) n. the white metal of the platinum group, the
branch of dentistry dealing with the cor- heaviest known metal.
rection of irregularities in the teeth and OS* mo* sis (oz-moh-sis, os-) n. diffusion
jaws, or 'tho* don 'tic adj. of fluid through a porous partition into
or*tho*don*tist(or-thd-don-tist) n. a spe- another fluid. OS*mot*iC (oz-mot-ik,
cialist in orthodontics. os-) adj.
or-tho-dox (or-thd-doks) adj. of or hold- OS* prey (os-prte) n. {pi -preys) a large
ing correct or conventional or currently bird preying on fish.
accepted beliefs, especially in religion; or- os-si-fy (os-i-fi) v. (os* si* tied, os-si-
thodox Jews, those who follow traditional fy * ing) 1 to change into bone, to make

observances strictly. or'tho*dox*y n. or become hard like bone. 2. to make

Orthodox Church, the Eastern or or become rigid and unprogressive, their
Greek Church (recognizing the Patriarch ideas had ossified. OS • si • f • ca • tlon (os- I

of Constantinople as its head), and the I-fl-kay-shdn) n.

national churches of Russia, Rumania, os*su*ar*y (osh-oo-er-ee) n. {pi -ar*ies)
etc. in communion with it. a receptacle for the bones of the dead.
or • tho • e • py (or-thoh-e-pee) n. the science os-ten-si-ble (o-sten-sl-bel) adj. pre-
of the proper pronunciation of words, tended, put forward as a reason etc. to
or-tho'e-pist n. conceal the real one, their ostensible mo-
or*thog*ra*phy (or-thog-ra-fee) n. 1. cor- tive was trade. OS* ten's! *bly adv.
rect or conventional spelling. 2. a per- os -ten- taction (os-ten-Uy-sh6n) n. a
spective projection used in maps or showy display intended to impress peo-
elevations, or* tho* graphic (or-thd- ple. os*ten*ta'tious adj. os*ten*ta'
graf-ik) adj. tious*ly adv.
or tho -pe* dies (or-tho-pee-diks) n. the
• OS*te*0*path (os-ti-d-path) n, a practi-
branch of medicine dealing with the cor- tioner who treats certain diseases and ab-
rection of deformities in bones or mus- normalities by manipulating bones and
cles. or*tho*pe'dic adj. muscles. os*te*o*path*ic (os-ti-d-
or*tho*pe*dist (or-thd-pee-dist) n. a spe- path-ik) adj. OS*te*op*a*thy (os-ti-op-
cialist in orthopedics. a-thee) n.
or* to* Ian (or-td-lan) n. a small European os-tra-cize (os-tra-siz) v. (os*tra*cized,
631 ostrich / out

os-tra-ciz-ing) to refuse to associate geon with entrance only by a trapdoor

with, to cast out from a group or from at the top.
society. OS*tra*Cisifl (os-tra-siz-em) n. OUCh (owch) interj. an exclamation of sud-
os-trich (os-trich) n. 1. a swift-running den pain or annoyance.
African bird that cannot fly, said to bury ought (awt) auxiliary verb expressing duty
its head in the sand when pursued, in or rightness or advisability or strong
the belief that it then cannot be seen. probability, oughtn't =
ought not.
2. a person who refuses to face facts. Ouhja (wee-ja, -jee) n. (trademark) a de-
OT abbr. 1. Old Testament. 2. overtime. vice consisting of a board on which
O.T. abbr. Old Testament. words, letters of the alphabet, and vari-
OTB abbr. offtrack betting. ous signs, numbers, and symbols are
OTC abbr. over-the-counter. written, used with a movable pointer in
oth*er (uf/i-er) adj. 1. alternative, addi- an attempt to obtain messages in spirit-
tional, being the remaining one or set ualistic seances.
of two or more, has no other income; ounce (owns) n. 1 a unit of weight equal

try the other shoe; my other friends. 2. to one sixteenth of a pound (about 28
not the same, wouldn't want her to be grams). 2. one twelfth of a pound (about
other than she is. Other n. & pronoun 31 grams) in apothecaries' weight, also
the other one, the other person or thing, called a troy ounce. 3. a fluid ounce (see
where are the others? Other adv. other- fluid).
wise. Other world, the future life; our (owr) adj. of or belonging to us.
some imagined world, the other day ours (owrz) possessive pronoun belonging
or week etc., a few days or weeks etc.
to us, the thing(s) belonging to us, ours
was disqualified. t>It is incorrect to write
oth-er-wise (uf/i-er-wiz) adv. 1. in a dif-
our's (see the note under its).
ferent way, could not have done other-
our* selves (ahr-selvz, owr-) pronoun cor-
wise. 2. in other respects, is otherwise cor-
responding to we and us, used in the same
rect. 3. ifcircumstances were different,
ways as himself.
or down, otherwise you 7/ for-
else, write it
get. Otherwise
adj. in a different state,
-OUS suffix used to form adjectives mean-
ing abounding in, characterized by, or
not as supposed, the truth is quite other-
of the nature of, as in envious, mountain-
oth *er* world *ly (u;/t-er-wurld-lee) adv.
concerned with the future life or some oust (owst) v. to drive out, to eject from
office or a position or employment etc.
imagined world to the neglect of the pres-
ent or real one. oth'en world 'li-ness
oust-er (ow-ster) n. an expulsion or ejec-
tion, a wrongful dispossession.
o* those (oh-shi-ohs) adj. not required, out (owt) adv. 1. away from or not in a
serving no practical purpose. place, not in its normal or usual state,
o to lar y n gol o gist (oh-toh-lar-ing-
• • • • • •
not at home; the tide is out, is low. 2.
gol-6-jist) n. an expert in otolaryngology. not in effective or favorable action, no
o^ to • lar • y n gol o gy (oh-toh-lar-ing-
• • • longer in fashion or in office, (in baseball
gol-5-jee) n. the branch of medicine con- etc.) having had one's batters or runners

cerned with the ear, nose, and throat. retired, (of workers) on strike, (of a light
Ot*ta* wa 1 (ot-a-wa) the capital of Canada. or fire etc.) no longer burning. 3. away
Ottawa 2 n. (pi. -was, -wa) 1. a member from the center or inside, the wall juts
of a tribe of Indians in Michigan and out. 4. no longer visible, paint it out. 5.
southern Ontario. 2. the language of this not possible, skating is out until the ice
tribe. thickens. 6. unconscious. 7. into the
Ot«ter (ot-er) n. a fish-eating water mam- open, into existence or hearing or view
mal with webbed feet, a flat tail, and etc., visible, revealed, the sun is out; the
brown fur.
thick secret is out; the flowers are out, opened,
ot*to*man (ot-5-man) n. (pi. -mans) 1. no longer in bud. 8. to or at an end,
a long cushioned seat without back or completely, tired out; sold out. 9. in a
arms. 2. an upholstered footstool. 3. a finished form, type it out 10. (in radio
heavy fabric of silk with cotton or wool. conversations) transmission ends, out
4. Ottoman, a Turk, especially a subject adj. 1. located away or at a distance,
of the former Turkish empire (14th an out island. 2. (in baseball) not success-
c-1918). Ottoman adj. of Turkey, espe- ful in reaching base, out prep, out of.
cially its former empire. out n. 1. a way of escape. 2. a person
Oua-ga-dou-gou (wah-ga-doo-goo) the or thing that is out. 3. a baseball play
capital of Upper Volta. that retires a batter or base runner, out
ou*bli*ette (oo-blee-et) n. a secret dun- interj. get out. out v. to become known,
out- / outgun 632
murder will ou t. be on the outs with, out-do(owt-doo) v. (out -did, out* done,
(informal) to be alienated from (another out -do -ing) to do better than (another
person), be out to, to be acting with person).
the intention of, is out to cause trouble. out -door (owt-dohr) adj. 1. of or for use
out box, a box for documents, letters, in the open air. 2. enjoying open-air ac-
etc. that have been dealt with and are tivities, shes not an outdoor type.
to be taken elsewhere, out of, from OUt -doors (owt-dohrz) adv. in or to the
within or among; beyond the range of; open air. Lithe outdoors, the world
so as to be without a supply of; (of an outside buildings, the open air.
animal) having as its dam. out of out -doors -man (owt-dohrz-man) n. {pi
bounds, see bounds, out of date, no -men, pr. -men) a man who enjoys being
longer fashionable or current or valid, in the open air.
this passport is out of date, out Of doors, out -draw (owt-draw) v. (out -drew, out-
in the open air. out of the way, no drawn, out -draw -ing) 1. to ready
longer an obstacle; remote; unusual, out one's firearm for discharge faster than
Of this world, incredibly good, inde- (one's competitor or opponent). 2. to at-
out Of work, having no work;
scribable, tract more spectators than (another per-
unable to find paid employment, out former).
with, let us eject or dismiss (a person). OUt-er (ow-ter) adj. farther from the center
out with it, say what you are thinking. or from the inside, exterior, external.
out- prefix more than, so as to exceed, as outer space, the universe beyond
in outbid, outgrow, out-talk. Earth's atmosphere.
out* age (ow-tij) n. a period during which out -er- most (ow-ter-mohst) adj. farthest
a power supply is not operating. outward, most remote.
out-and-out (owt-an-owt) adj. thorough, out -er- wear (ow-ter- wair) n. garments
extreme. worn over other clothes.
out back (owt-bak)
• n. (Australian) remote out -face (owt-fays) v. (out -faced, out-
inland districts. fac-ing) to disconcert (a person) by
out* balance (owt-bal-ans) v. (out 'bah one's defiant or confident manner.
anced, out- balancing) to outweigh. out -field (owt-feeld) n. 1. the outer part
out* bid (owt-bid) v. (out -bid, out -bid- of a baseball field. 2. the players (left
ding) to bid higher than (another per- fielder, center fielder and right fielder)
son). who play the outfield, out'field-er n.
out -board (owt-bohrd) adj. (of a motor) out -fight (owt-fit) v. (out -fought, out-
placed or attached to the outside of the fight -ing) to surpass in fighting.
stern of a boat or near the end of an out -fit (owt-fit) n. 1. complete equipment
airplane wing. or a set of things for a purpose. 2. a
out -bound (owt-bownd) adj. outward set of clothes to be worn together. 3.
bound. (informal) an 'organization, a group of
out -break (owt-brayk) n. a breaking out people regarded as a unit, outfit v. (out-
of anger or war or a disease etc. fit-ted, out -fit -ting) to supply with
out- build -ing (owt-bil-ding) n. a building equipment.
(such as a shed or barn etc.) belonging out-fit-ter (owt-fit-£r) n. a supplier of
to but separate from a house. equipment or of men's clothing.
out • burst (owt-burst) n. a bursting out of out -flank (owt -flangk) v. to get around
anger or laughter etc. the flank of (an enemy).
out -cast (owt-kast) n. a person who has out -flow (owt-floh) n. an outward flow,
been driven out of a group or rejected the amount that flows out.
by society. out -fox (owt-foks) v. to outwit.
out -class (owt-klas) v. to surpass greatly. OUt • go (owt-goh) n. {pi -goes) an expend-
out -come (owt-kum) n. the result or effect iture, the money paid out.
of an event etc. out -go -ing (owt-goh-ing) adj. 1. going
out -crop (owt-krop) n. 1. part of an un- out. 2. sociable and friendly.
derlying layer of rock that projects on out -grow (owt-groh) v. (out -grew, out-
the surface of the ground. 2. a breaking grow, out -grow -ing) 1 to grow faster

out. than. 2. to grow out of (clothes or habits).

out-cry (owt-kn) n. {pi -cries) 1. a loud out -growth (owt-grohth) n. 1. something
cry. 2. a strong protest. that grows out of another thing. 2. a nat-
out-dat-ed (owt-day-tid) adj. out of ural development, an effect.
date. out -guess (owt-ges) v. to guess correctly
out-dis-tance (owt-dis-tans) v. (out- what is intended by (another person).
distanced, out-dis-tanc-ing) to get out -gun (owt-gun) v. (out -gunned, out-
far ahead of (a person) in a race etc. gun-ning) to surpass in power of guns.
633 outhouse / outshine
out* house (owt-hows) n. (pi -hous*es, out* point (owt-point) v. to score more
pr. -how-ziz) an outdoor toilet. points than.
out- ing (ow-ting) n. a pleasure trip, an Out* post (owt-pohst) n. 1. a detachment
airing. of troops stationed at a distance from
out- land -ish (owt-lan-dish) adj. looking the main army. 2. any distant branch
or sounding strange or foreign, out* or settlement.
land'ish-ly adv. out* land 'ish*ness out* pour* ing (owt-pohr-ing) n. 1. what
n. is poured out. 2. a spoken or written ex-

out* last (owt-last) v. to last longer than. pression of emotion.

out* law (owt-law) n. 1. (in the Middle out -put (owt-puut) n. 1. the amount pro-
Ages) a person who was punished by be- duced. 2. the electrical power produced
ing placed outside the protection of the by a machine. 3. the work done by a
law. 2. a person living as a fugitive, out- computer, especially the transmission of
law v. 1 to make (a person) an outlaw.
. information from an internal computer
2. to declare to be illegal. OUt'lawry unit to an external one or to an outside
n. device,output v. (out* put* ted or out*
out* lay (owt-lay) n. what is spent on some- put, out* put* ting) to produce as out-
thing. put.
out* let (owt-lit) n. 1. a way out for water out* rage (owt-rayj) n. 1. an act that
or steam etc. 2. a means or occasion for shocks public opinion. 2. strong resent-
giving vent to one's feelings or energies. ment (at). 3. an injury or insult, outrage
3. a market for goods. 4. a point in an v. (out* raged, out* rag* ing) 1 to com- .

electrical wiring system at which current mit an outrage against, to shock and an-
may be drawn by inserting a plug. ger greatly. 2. to rape.
out* line (owt-lin) n. 1 a line or lines show-
. out-ra-geous (owt-ray-jus) adj. greatly
ing the shape or boundary of something. exceeding what is moderate or reasona-
2. a statement or summary of the chief ble, shocking. out*ra'geous*ly adv.
facts about something. 3. a sketch con- out-ra'geous-ness n.

taining lines but no shading, outline v. out* rank (owt-rangk) v. to be of higher

(out -lined, out* linking) to draw or de- rank than.
scribe in outline, to mark the outline of. OU*tre (oo-tray) adj. outside the bounds
Din outline, giving only an outline. of what isusual or proper. French. >
out* live (owt-liv) v. (out •lived, out*llv out* reach (owt-reech) v. 1. to reach far-

ing) to live longer than. ther than, to surpass. 2. to stretch out

out* look (owt-luuk) n. 1 a view on which
. (an arm etc.). outreach program, a
one looks out, a pleasant outlook over program run by a social or government
the lake. 2. a person's mental attitude agency or a church etc. to help people
or way of looking at something. 3. future in a community.
prospects. OUt*rid*er (owt-n-der) n. a mounted at-
out* lying (owt-li-ing) adj. situated far tendant or a motorcyclist riding as guard
from a center, remote. with a carriage or procession.
out*ma*neu*ver (owt-ma-noo-ver) v. to out*rig*ger (owt-rig-er) n. 1. a beam or
outdo in maneuvering. spar or structure projecting from the side
OUt*mod*ed (owt-moh-did) adj. no longer of a ship for various purposes. 2. a strip
fashionable. of wood fixed parallel to a canoe by struts
out* most (owt-mohst) adj. 1. outermost. projecting from it, to give stability. 3.
2. uttermost. a boat with either of these.
out*num*ber (owt-num-ber) v. to exceed out* right (owt-nt) adv. 1. completely, en-
innumber. tirely, not gradually; bought the house
out-of-date (owt-dv-dayt) adj. no longer outright, by a single payment. 2. openly,
current, not valid, obsolete. frankly, told him outright, outright adj.
OUt-of-town *er (owt-6v-tow-nSr) n. (in- thorough, complete, an outright fraud.
formal) a visitor from another city or out'right'ness n.
town. out* run (owt-run) v. (out* ran, out* run,
out* pace (owt-pays) v. (out* paced, out • run * ning) 1 to run faster or farther

out-pac-ing) to go faster than. than. 2. to go beyond (a specified point

out-pa-tient (owt-pay-shent) n. a person or limit). 3. to flee or escape from.
who visits a hospital for treatment but out* sell (owt-sel) v. (out* sold, out* sell*
does not remain there. ing) to sell or be sold in greater quantities
out* per* form (owt-per-form) v.. to per- than.
form better than. out* set (owt-set) n. the beginning, from
out* play (owt-play) v. to surpass in play- the outset of his career.
ing. out* shine (owt-shm) v. (out -shone,
outside / over 634
out' shin 'ing) to surpass in splendor or worn, out- wear-ing) 1. to wear or en-
excellence, to shine more
brightly than. dure longer than. 2. to wear out, to ex-
out* side (owt-sid, owt-sid) n. 1 the outer . haust.
side of a surface or part. 2. the exterior, out* weigh (owt-way) v. to be greater in
the utmost extent or limit, the space be- weight or importance or significance
yond, outside adj. 1 of or coming from
. than.
the outside; her outside interests, interests out* wit (owt- wit) v. (out* wit* ted, out-

other than work or household. 2. negligi- wit* ting) to get the better of (a person)
ble, remote, an outside chance. 3. greatest by one's cleverness or craftiness.
possible, the outside price, 4. not belong- out* work (owt-wurk) n. an advanced or
ing to some circle or institution, outside detached part of a fortification, outwork
adv. on or at or to the outside, outside (owt-wurk) v. to work faster or harder
prep. 1. on the outer side* of, at or to than.
the outside of, other than, has no interests out *worn (owt-wohrn) adj. worn out,
outside his work; outside an hour, for damaged by wear.
longer than this. 2. beyond the limits of. ou-zo (oo-zoh) n. a Greek liqueur flavored
3. with the exception of. Dat the out- with aniseed.
side, (of amounts) at most, outside of, o*va (oh-va) see ovum.
external to, not included in, beyond the o-val (oh-val) n. a rounded symmetrical
limits of, other than, not in. shape longer than it is broad, oval adj.
out-sid-er (owt-si-der) n. 1. a nonmem- having this shape. Dthe Oval Office,
ber of a certain group or profession. 2. the White House office in which the U.S.
a horse or person thought to have no President conducts official business.
chance in a race or competition for which 0*va*ry (oh-va-ree) n. (pL -Ties) 1. either
he has been entered. of the two organs in which egg cells are
out* size (owt-siz). out -sized (owt-sizd) produced in female animals. 2. part of
adj. much larger than average. the pistil in a plant, from which fruit
out -skirts (owt-skurts) n. pi. the outer dis- is formed. 0*var*i*an (oh-vair-i-an) adj.

tricts or outlying parts, especially of a O-vate (oh-vayt) adj. shaped like an egg
town. as a solid or in outline, oval.
out -smart (owt-smahrt) v. (informal) to O-va-tion (oh-vay-sh$n) n. enthusiastic

outwit. applause.
OUt-spo-ken (owt-spoh-ken) adj. speak- OV-en (uv-en) n. an enclosed compartment
ing or spoken without reserve, very in which things are cooked or heated.
frank, out-spo'ken-ness n. oven-bird (uv-en-burd) n. an American
out -spread (owt-spred) adj. spread out. warbler that builds its dome-shaped nest
out- stand -ing (owt-stan-ding) adj. 1. on the forest floor.
conspicuous. 2. exceptionally good. 3. ov-en «ware (uv-en-wair) n. dishes for
not yet paid or settled, some of his debts cooking and serving food.
are still outstanding, out -stand 'ing -ly o-ver (oh-ver) adv. 1. with movement out-
adv. ward and downward from the brink or
OUt-sta-tion (owt-stay-shdn) n. a station from an upright position. 2. with move-
at a distance from headquarters or from ment from one side to the other or so
populous areas. that a different side is showing. 3. across
out -stay (owt-sUy) v. to stay longer than. a street or other space or distance, is over
out -stretched (owt-strecht) adj. here from England. 4. so as to cover or
stretched out. touch a whole surface, the lake froze over;
out -strip (owt-strip) v. (out -stripped, brush it over. 5. with transference or
out -Strip -ping) 1. to outrun. 2. to sur- change from one hand or one side or
pass. one owner etc. to another, went over to
out -vote (owt-voht) v. (out-vot-ed, the enemy; hand it over; over to you, I
out-vot-ing) to defeat by a majority await your action. 6. (in radio conversa-
of votes. tion) it is your turn to transmit. 7. be-
out -ward (owt- ward) adj. & adv. 1. situ- sides, in addition or excess. 8. with repe-
ated on the outside. 2. going toward the tition, tentimes over. 9. thoroughly, with
outside. 3. in one's expression or actions detailed consideration, think it over. 10.
etc. as distinct from in one's mind or at an end, the battle is over, over adj.
spirit. 1. upper. 2. higher. 3. superior. 4. cover-
out- ward -ly (owt- ward-lee) adv. on the ing. 5. remaining. 6. ended, over prep.
outside. 1. in or to a position higher than. 2.
out -wards (owt-wardz) adv. toward the above and across, so as to clear. 3.
outside. throughout the length or extent of, dur-
out -wear (owt-wair) v. (out -wore, out- ing, over the years; stayed over the week-
635 over- / overcrowd

end. 4. so as to visit or examine all parts, sively pompous or pretentious. 2. rather

looked over the house; went over the plan stout. 3. (of a flower etc.) too fully open,
again. 5. transmitted by, heard it over prime.
past its
the radio. 6. while engaged with, we can o* ver* board (oh-ver-bohrd) adv. from
talk over dinner. 7. concerning, quarreled within a ship into the water. over- Dgo
over money. 8. more than, it's over a mile board, (informal) to be very enthusias-
away. 9. in superiority or preference to, tic, throw overboard, to abandon, to
their victory over Yale. Dover and discard.
above, besides, over and over, so that O* ver* bold (oh-ver-bohld) adj. more bold
the same point comes uppermost repeat- than is suitable, rash.
edly; repeated many times. O* ver* book (oh-ver-buuk) v. to book too
over- prefix above, as in overlay; too much, many passengers or visitors for (an air-
excessively, as in overanxiety, overanx- craft flight or a hotel etc.).
ious. o* ver* bur* den (oh-ver-bur-den) v. to
o • ver a bun • dance
- • (oh-ver-a-bun-dans) burden excessively.
n. an excess over what is desirable or
o* ver* buy (oh-ver-bi) v. (o* ver -bought,
suitable, o'ver*a*bun'dant adj.
o* ver* buy* ing) to buy more than is
O* ver* act (oh-ver-akt) v. to act one's part needed.
in an exaggerated manner.
O • ver* care *ful (oh-ver-kair-ftil) adj. ex-
o-ver-ac-tive (oh-ver-ak-tiv) adj. too ac- cessively careful.
O* ver* cast (oh-ver-kast) adj. (of the sky)
O* ver* age 1 (oh-ver-ayj) adj. of more than
covered with cloud, overcast v.
the normal age.
(o* ver* cast, o* ver* cast* ing) to
o* ver* age 2 (oh-ve-rij) a surplus of
stitch over (an edge) to prevent it from
goods, especially a larger quantity of
merchandise than has been recorded as
o*ver*cau*tious (oh-ver-kaw-shus) adj.
having been shipped or stored.
more cautious than the circumstances
o ver ag gres sive
• • • • (oh- ver-a-gres-iv)
too aggressive.
o* ver* charge (oh-ver-chahrj) v. (o*ver*
O* ver* all (oh-ver-awl) adj. 1 including ev-

charged, o-ver-charg-ing) 1. to
erything, total. 2. taking all aspects into
charge too high a price.
2. to fill too
account, overall (oh-ver-awl) adv. in all
parts, taken as a whole.
full, overcharge
(oh-ver-chahrj) n. an
excessive charge, usually of money.
O* ver* alls (oh-ver-awlz) n. pi. & one-piece
garment covering body and legs, worn O* ver* Cloud (oh-ver-klowd) v. to make
obscure, to cover as with clouds or
as protective clothing.
o*ver*anx*ious (oh-ver-angk-shus) adj.
gloominess etc.

too anxious. O* ver* coat (oh-ver-koht) n. a warm out-

O* ver* arm (oh-ver-ahrm) adj. 1. per- door coat.
formed with the arm above the shoulder. o* ver* come (oh-ver-kum) v. (o*ver*
2. (in swimming) with the arm lifted out came, o* ver* come, o* ver* com* ing)
of the water and stretched forward be- 1. to win a victory over, to succeed in

yond the head. subduing. 2. to be victorious. 3. to make

o* ver* awe (oh-ver-aw) v. (o* ver* awed, helpless, to deprive of proper control of
o- ver -awing) to overcome with awe. oneself, overcome by gas fumes or by
o*ver*bal*ance (oh-ver-bal-ans) v. grief. 4. to find a way of dealing with
(o* ver* balanced, o- ver -balanc- (a problem etc.).
ing) to lose balance and fall over, to o • ver • com pen sate • • (oh- ver-kom-pen-
cause to do this. sayt) v. (o-ver-com-pen-sat-ed,
o-ver-bear (oh-ver-bair) v. (o* ver* bore, o ver com • pen
• • sat • ing) to correct in •

o* ver* borne, o • ver* bear *lng) 1. to an exaggerated manner a real or fancied

bear down or upset by weight or force. character defect.
2. to put down or repress by power or o ver con
• • • fi • dent (oh-ver-kon-fi-dent)
authority. 3. to surpass in importance adj. too confident, o'ver* confi-
etc., to outweigh. dence n.
o • ver- bear -ing (oh-ver-bair-ing) adj. o • ver • con • sci • en tious • (oh- ver-kon-
domineering, o -ver- bear' ing -ly adv. shi-en-shus) adj. too painstaking and
o* ver* bid (oh- verbid) v. (o- ver -bid, careful.
o* ver* bid* ding) 1. to make a higher o* ver* cooked (oh-ver-kuukt) adj.
bid than. 2. (in bridge) to make a bid cooked for an excessive length of time.
higher than the cards in one's hand jus- o-ver-crit-i-cal (oh-ver-krit-i-kal) adj.
tify. too inclined to find fault.
O* ver* blown (oh-ver-blohn) adj. 1. exces- o* ver* crowd (oh-ver-krowd) v. to crowd
overdo / overindulgence 636
too many people into (a place or vehicle (the edge or limits or banks etc.). 2. (of
etc.). a crowd) to spread beyond the limits of
o* ver -do (oh-ver-doo) v. (o* ver* did, (a room etc.). overflow (oh-ver-floh) ru
e- ver- done, o-ver*do-ing) 1. to do 1 . what overflows. 2. an outlet for excess
(a thing) excessively. 2. to cook (food) liquid.
too long. D
overdo it or things, to work o* ver* fly (oh-ver-fli) v. (o-ver* flew,
too hard; to exaggerate. o-ver* flown, o-ver* fly ing) to fly
o-ver -dose (oh-ver-dohs) ru too large a over (a place or territory), o-ver -flight
dose of a drug etc. (oh-ver-flit) ru
O-ver- draft (oh-ver-draft) ru overdrawing O* ver -fond (oh-ver-fond) adj. having too
of a bank account, the amount by which great an affection or liking.
an account is overdrawn. O-ver -full (oh-ver-fuul) adj. overfilled, too
o-ver -draw (oh-ver-draw) * v. (o-ver- full.
drew, o-ver -drawn,' o-ver* draw- o-ver-gen-er-ous (oh-ver-jen-e-rus)
ing) to draw more from (a bank account) adj. excessivelygenerous.
than the amount credited; be overdrawn, O-ver -glaze (oh-ver-glayz) ru a second
to have done this. glaze applied to pottery, overglaze v.
o-ver- dress (oh-ver-dres) v. 1. to dress (o-ver -glazed, o-ver-glaz-ing) to
with too much
display or formality, she apply a glaze or overglaze to.
was overdressed for the party. 2. to dress o-ver -graze (oh-ver-grayz) v. (o-ver-
too warmly for the weather. o-ver- grazed, o-ver-graz-ing) to graze
dressed' adj. (land) to excess.
o-ver "drive (oh-ver-dnv) ru mechanism O-ver -grown (oh-ver-grohn) adj. 1. hav-
providing an extra gear above the normal ing grown too large. 2. covered with
top gear in a vehicle. weeds etc.
o-ver* due (oh-ver-doo) adj. not paid or O-ver -hand (oh-ver-hand) adj. & adv. =
arrived etc. by the due or expected time. overarm.
o-ver-ea-ger (oh-ver-ee-ger) adj. unduly o-ver -hang (oh-ver-hang) v. (o-ver-
eager. hung, o-ver -hang -ing) 1. to jut out
o-ver -eat (oh-ver-eet) v. (o-ver -ate, over. 2. to impend, to hang threateningly
o-ver-eat-en, o-ver-eat-ing) to eat over, overhang (oh-ver-hang) ru 1. an
too much. overhanging part, such as a projection
o • ver • ed • u • cat • ed (oh-ver-ej-u-kay-tid) or an upper part of a building beyond
adj. educated too much for one's posi- the lower part. 2. the extent of such a
tion. projection.
o-ver-em-pha-sis (oh-ver-€m-fa-sis) ru O ver- hast -y
• (oh-ver-hay-stee) adj. un-
too much stress or importance. duly hasty, o-ver-hast'i-ly adv.
o ver em pha size (oh-ver-em-f a-siz) v.
• • • • o-ver-hast'i-ness n.
(o ver• • em -pha- sized, o* ver* em* O-ver -haul (ph-ver-hawl) v. 1 to examine .

pha-siz-ing) 1. to put too much stress and make any necessary repairs or
on (a word etc.). 2. to give too much changes. 2. to overtake, overhaul (ota-
prominence to (a fact or idea). ver-hawl) ru an examination and repair
o ver -es-ti- mate (oh-ver-es-ti-mayt) v.
• etc.
(o-ver-es-ti-mat-ed, o-ver-es-ti- O-ver -head (oh-ver-hed) adj. & adv.
mat-ing) to form too high an estimate above the level of one's head, in the sky.
of. Overhead n. the expenses involved in

o-ver -ex -cite (oh-ver-ik-sit) v. (o*ver* running a business, overhead adj. of

ex cit ed, o ver • ex • cit • ing) to excite
• • • or relating to business costs.
excessively. o-ver -hear (oh-ver-heer) v. (o-ver-
o-ver-ex-ert (oh-ver-ig-zurt) v. to exert heard, pr. -hurd, o-ver -hear -ing, pr.
too much. -heer-ing) to hear accidentally or without
o-ver -ex* pose (oh-ver-ik-spohz) v. the speaker's knowledge or intention.
(o-ver* ex -posed, o-ver-ex-pos- O-ver -heat /oh-ver-heet) v. to make or
ing) to expose for too long, o-ver -ex- become too hot.
po -sure (oh-ver-ik-spoh-z/rur) ru o-ver-in-dulge (oh-ver-in-dulj) v.

o* ver* ex* tend (oh-ver-ik-stend) v. 1. to (o-ver-in-dulged, o* ver* indulg-

extend too much. 2. to commit (oneself) ing) 1 to gratify the wishes of (a person)

excessively in financial obligations. excessively. 2. to consume or enjoy an

o* ver* feed (oh-ver-feed) v. (o-ver -fed, excessive amount.
• gence (oh-ver-in-dul- jens)
o* ver* feed* ing) to feed too much. o ver
• • in • dul
o-ver -fill (oh-ver-fil) v. to fill too full or ru overindulging. 2. being overindul-

to overflowing. gent. 3. overconsumption, especially of

0*ver *flow (oh-ver-floh) v. 1 to flow over . food or drink, o* ver* In* dul 'gent adj.
637 overinsure / override

•ver -in -sure (oh-vgr-in-shoor) v. O* ver* pass (oh-ver-pas) n. a road that

(o-ver-in-sured, o* ver* in* swing) crosses another by means of a bridge.
to insure for an excessive amount. o* ver* pay (oh-ver-pay) v. (o* ver* paid,
•ver* joyed (oh-ver-joid) adj. filled with o* ver* paying) to pay too highly.
very great joy. O* ver* play (oh-ver-play) v. to play a the-
•ver -kill (oh-ver-kil) n. a surplus of atrical role with exaggeration. Dover-
power above what is needed to defeat play one's hand, to take unjustified
an opponent or destroy an enemy. risks by overestimating one's strength.
ver* land (oh-ver-land) adj. & adv. by O • ver • pop • U • lat • ed (oh-vfcr-pop-yu-lay-
land, not by sea. tid) adj. (of an area) having more people
•ver* lap (oh-ver-lap) v. (o* ver -lapped, than can be supported by the resources.
o*ver* lap* ping) 1. to extend beyond o*ver*pop*u*la*tion (oh-ver-pop-yu-
the edge of (a thing) and partly cover lay-sh6n) n.

it. 2. to coincide partially, our holidays O* ver*pow*er (oh-ver-pow-er) v. 1 to ov- .

overlap, overlap n. overlapping, an over- ercome by greater strength or numbers.

lapping part or amount. 2. to be too intense for, to overwhelm.
•ver*lay (oh-ver-lay) v. (o* ver -laid, o • ver • pow • er • ing (oh-ver-pow-e-ring)
o- ver -lay- ing) 1. to cover with a sur- adj. (of heat or feelings) extremely in-
face layer. 2. to he on top of. overlay tense.
(oh-ver-lay) n. a thing laid over another, O* ver* praise (oh-ver-prayz) v. to praise
a coverlet. too highly.
•ver*leaf (oh-ver-leef) adv. on the other o* ver* price (oh-ver-pns) v. (over-
side of a page of a book etc. priced, o*ver*pric*ing) to price too
•ver -lie (oh-ver-h) v. (o- ver -lay, highly.
o-ver-lain, o-ver-lying) 1. to Ue on O* ver* print (oh-ver-print) v. 1. to print
top of. 2. to smother (a child) in this (a photograph) darker than was in-
way. tended. 2. to print too many copies of
•ver -load (oh-ver-lohd) v. to put too (a book to print further matter
etc.). 3.
great a load on or into, overload (oh- on (an already printed surface, especially
ver-lohd) n. a load that is too great. a postage stamp).
•ver -long (oh-ver-lawng) adj. &
adv. too o*ver*pro*duce (oh-ver-pro-doos) v.
long. (o*ver*pro*duced, o* ver* pro* due*
•ver -look (oh-ver-Iuuk) v. 1. to have a ing) to produce more of (a commodity)
view of or over (a place) from above. than is wanted.
2. to oversee. 3. to fail to observe or con- o*ver*pro*duc*tion (oh-ver-pro-duk-
sider. 4. to take no notice of, to allow shdn) n. the producing of too much, an
(an offense) to go unpunished, over- amount that has been produced in excess
look (oh-ver-luuk) n. a high place from of demand.
which one can view the scenery below. o ver • pro • tec
• • ti ve (oh- ver-prd-tek-tiv)
•ver -lord (oh-ver-lord) n. a supreme supplying more protection than is
lord. warranted.
•ver-ly (oh-ver-lee) adv. excessively, O* ver* proud (oh-ver-prowd) adj. too
•ver -man (oh-ver-man) v. (o*ver* proud.
manned, o*ver*man*ning) to provide o • ver • qual • I • fled (oh-ver-kwol-l-fid)
with too many people as workmen or adj. with more experience or education
crew etc. than a job requires.
o •ver*mas*ter (oh-ver-mas-ter) v. to o* ver* rate (oh-ver-rayt) v. (o* ver -rat-
master completely, to conquer, ed, o* ver* rat* ing) 1. to have too high
ver- match (oh-ver-mach) v. 1. to be an opinion of. 2. to assess the taxes of
more than a match for. 2. to match with (a place) too highly.
an opponent who is superior. o* ver* reach (oh-ver-reech) v. overreach
o •ver* mod* est (oh-ver-mod-ist) adj. ex- oneself, to fail through being too ambi-
cessively modest. tious, o • ver* reach 'er n,
o •ver* much (oh-ver-much) adv. too O* ver* re* act (oh-ver-ri-akt) v. to respond
much. more strongly than is justified.
o ver* night (oh-ver-nit) adv. during
1. o* ver* ride (oh-ver-nd) v. (o* ver* rode,
the length of a night. 2. very suddenly o* ver* rid* den, o* ver* rid* ing) 1. to
or quickly, overnight (oh-ver-nit) adj. set aside (an order) by having, or behav-
of or for or during a night, an overnight ing as if one had, superior authority. 2.
stop in Rome. to prevail over, considerations of safety
• ver • op • ti • mism (oh- ver-op-tf-miz-em) override all others. 3. to intervene and
n. undue optimism. 0*ver*op*ti*mis* cancel the operation of (an automatic
tic (oh-ver-op-tt-mis-tik) adj. mechanism).
overripe / over-the-counter 638
o-ver -ripe (oh-ver-rip) adj. too ripe. slept, o ver sleep ing) to sleep longer
• • •

o-ver -rule (oh-ver-rool) v. (ever* ruled, than one intended.

o-ver-rul*ing) to set aside (a decision o-ver-spe-cial-lze (oh-ver-spesh-a-liz)
etc.) by using one's authority. v. (o-ver-spe-cial-ized, o-ver*spe-

o-ver -run (oh-ver-run) v. (o* ver* ran, cial-iz-ing) to concentrate too narrowly
o-ver-run, o-ver- run -ning) 1. to on one specialty. o-ver-spe-cial-i-za*
spread over and occupy or injure, the tiOn (oh-ver-spesh-a-li-zay-shdn) n.
place is overrun with mice. 2. to exceed o-ver -spend (oh-ver-spend) v. (o-ver-
(a limit or time allowed etc.), the broad- spent, o* ver* spend* ing) to spend too
cast overran its allotted time. 3. to defeat much.
overwhelmingly. 4. to overflow, over- o- ver -spread (oh-ver-spred) v. to cover
run (oh-ver-run) n. 1 an act or instance
or occupy the surface of.
of overrunning, the extent of this. 2. costs o-ver -staffed (oh-ver-staft) adj. having
exceeding preliminary estimates. 3. extra more than the necessary number of staff.
printed copies of a publication or of a o*ver -state (oh-ver-stayt) v. (o-ver-
part of its contents. stat-ed, o* ver* stat* ing) to exagger-
o-ver -seas (adv. oh-ver-seez; adj. oh-ver- ate, o -ver- state -ment (oh-ver-stayt-
seez) adj. &adv. across or beyond the
ment) n.
sea, abroad.
o-ver -stay (oh-ver-stay) v. to stay longer
o-ver -see (oh-ver-see) v. (ever -saw, than; overstay ones welcome, to stay so
o • ver • seen, o • ver • see • ing) to super- long that one is no longer welcome.
intend, o* ver* seer (oh-ver-seer) n.
O -ver* steer (oh- ver-steer) v. (ofacaretc.)
o-ver -sell (oh-ver-sel) v. (o-ver -sold,
to have a tendency to turn more sharply
o* ver* sell* ing) 1. to sell more of (a
than was intended.
thing) than one can deliver. 2. to exag-
o* ver* step (oh-ver-step) v. (o*ver*
gerate the merits of.
stepped, o* ver* step* ping) to go be-
o-ver -sen -si -five (oh-ver-sen-si-tiv) adj.
yond (a limit).
unduly sensitive.
o-ver-stim-u-late (oh-ver-stim-yu-layt)
o* ver* sew (oh-ver-soh) v. (over-
v. (o-ver-stim-u-lat-ed, o*ver*
sewed, o* ver* sewn, o* ver* sew-
stim-u-lat-ing) to stimulate exces-
ing) to sew together (two edges) so that
each stitch lies over the edges.
o-ver -stock (oh-ver-stok) v. to stock be-
o-ver-sexed (oh-ver-sekst) adj. having
unusually great sexual desires.
yond facilities or requirements. over-
o • ver* shad *ow (oh-v£r-shad-oh) v. 1. to
Stock (oh-ver-stok) n. a stock greater
than that required.
cast ashadow over. 2. to make (a person
or thing) seem unimportant in compari- O* ver* strict (oh-ver-strikt) adj. exces-
sively strict.
o* ver* shoe (oh-ver-shoo) n. a shoe worn o-ver -stuffed (oh-ver-stuft) adj. 1. (of
over an ordinary one as a protection cushions etc.) filled much or too
against wet etc. much stuffing. 2. (of furniture) made soft
o* ver* shoot (oh-ver-shoot) v. (o-ver- and comfortable by thick upholstery.
shot, o* ver • shoot* Ing) 1. to pass be- o-ver -sub -scribed (oh-ver-sub-skribd)
yond (a target or limit etc.), the plane adj. with applications for an issue of

overshot the runway when landing. 2. to shares etc. in excess of the number of-
miss by shooting beyond. fered.
O* ver* shot (oh-v£r-shot) adj. 1. (of a wa- o* ver* sup* ply (oh-ver-su-pli) n. (pi
ter wheel) turned by water falling on it -plies) a supply greater than that re-
from above. 2. having the upper part ex- quired.
tending beyond the lower, an overshot 0*vert (oh-TUrt, oh-vurt) adj. done or
jaw. shown openly, overt hostility. 0*vert r ly
O* ver *slght (oh-ver-sit) n. 1. supervision. adv.
2. an unintentional omission or mistake. o* ver* take (oh-ver-tayk) v. (o-ver-
o-ver-sim-pli-fy (oh-ver-sim-pll-fi) v. took, o*ver*tak*en, o-ver-tak-ing)
(o • ver • sim *pll* fled, o*ver*slm*pll* 1. to come abreast with or level with.
fying) to misrepresent (a problem etc.) 2. to pass (a moving person or vehicle)
by stating it in terms that are too simple. by faster movement.
o • ver • sim • pli • f • ca • tlon (oh-v£r-sim-
I O-ver -tax (oh-vfcr-taks) v. 1 . to levy exces-
pli-f l-kay-sh6n) n. sive taxes on. 2. to put too heavy a bur-
o-ver -size (oh-ver-siz), o* ver -sized den or strain on.
(oh-ver-sizd) adj. of more than the usual o-ver-the-coun-ter (oh-veY-fAfc-kown-
size. tfcr) adj. 1 (of securities) not traded on

o* ver* sleep (oh-v£r-sleep) v. (o-ver- a regular stock exchange. 2. (of drugs)

639 overthrow / own
purchasable without a doctor's prescrip- (oh-ver-wurk) n. excessive work causing
tion. exhaustion.
•ver- throw (oh-ver-throh) v. (over- O-ver -wrought (oh-ver-rawt) adj. in a
threw, o-ver -thrown, o«ver- throw- state of nervous agitation through over-
ing) 1. to cause the downfall of, over- excitement.
threw the government 2. to throw over o -ver- zeal -OU8 (oh-ver-zel-us) adj. too
or past. 3. to upset or knock down, over- zealous.
throw (oh-ver-throh) n. downfall, de- o« vi-duct (oh-vi-dukt) n, one of a pair of
feat. canals through which the eggs pass from
ver •time (oh-ver-tim) n. 1 time worked
. an ovary to the exterior.
beyond regular working hours. 2. pay- o-vip-a-rous (oh-vip-&-riis) adj. pro-
ment for this. o'ver-time adj. & adv. ducing young by means of eggs expelled
•ver -tired (oh-ver-tird) adj. fatigued to from the body before they are hatched.
the point of exhaustion. o-vip'ar-ous-ly adv. o-vi-par-i-ty
•ver -tone (oh-ver-tohn) n. 1. an addi- (oh-vi-par-i-tee) n.
tional quality or implication, overtones o-void (oh- void) adj. egg-shaped, oval.
of malice in his comments. 2. one of the ovoid n. an ovoid shape or mass.
higher tones adding fullness to a musical o-vu-late (ov-yu-layt) v. (o-vu-lat-ed,
sound. O-vu-lat-ing) to produce or discharge
ever top (oh-ver-top) v. (o-ver- an ovum from an ovary. O-VU-la-tion
topped, o-ver -top -ping) to be or be- (ov-yu-lay-sh5n) n.
come higher than, to surpass. O-vule (oh-vyool) n. 1. a small part in a
•ver -trick (oh-ver-trik) n. a trick taken plant's ovary that develops into a seed
in excess of one's contract in the game when fertilized. 2. an unfertilized ovum.
of bridge. o-vum (oh-vum) n. (pi O-va, pr. oh-va)
•ver-ture (oh-ver-chur) n. 1. an orches- a female egg cell capable of developing
tral composition forming a prelude to into a new individual when fertilized by
an opera or ballet etc. 2. a composition male sperm.
resembling this. 3. overtures, a friendly OW (ow) interj. an exclamation of surprise
approach showing willingness to begin or pain.
negotiations, a formal proposal or offer. owe (oh) v. (owed, owing) 1. to be un-
•ver -turn (oh-vgr-turn) v. 1. to turn der an obligation to pay or repay (money
over, to cause to turn over. 2. to over- etc.) in return for what one has received,
throw, to abolish or invalidate. to be in debt. 2. to have a duty to render,
•ver -use (oh-ver-yooz) v. (o-ver -used, owe allegiance to the flag. 3. to feel (grati-
o-ver-us-ing) to use excessively, over- tude etc.) toward another in return for
use (oh-ver-yoos) n. too much use. a service. 4. to have (a thing) as a result
•ver-val-ue (oh-ver-val-yoo) v. (o-ver- of the work or action of another person
val-ued, o-ver-val-u-ing) to put too or cause, we owe this discovery to Newton;
high a value on. he owes his success to luck.
•ver- view (oh-ver-vyoo) n. a general sur- ow-ing (oh-ing) adj. owed and not yet
vey. paid. DC U
to, caused by; because

ver- ween -ing (oh-ver-wee-ning) adj. of.
arrogant, presumptuous. 2. excessive.
1 . owl (owl) n. a bird of prey with a large
•ver -weight (oh- ver- wayt) adj. weighing head, large eyes, and a hooked beak, usu-
more than is normal or required or per- ally flying at night.
missible. OWl-et (ow-lit) n. a small or young owl.
•ver- whelm (oh-ver-hwelm) v. 1 to bury . owl-ish (ow-lish) adj. like an owl. owl'
or drown beneath a hugh mass. 2. to ish-ly adv.
overcome completely, especially by force own 1
(ohn) adj. belonging to oneself or
of numbers. 3. to make helpless with itself. Dget one's own back, (in-
emotion. formal) to have one's revenge, hold
• ver • whelm • ing (oh-ver-hwel-ming) one's own, to succeed in holding one's
through force of numbers
adj. irresistible position; not lose strength, of one's
or amount of influence etc. own, belonging to oneself exclusively.
• ver wind (oh- ver- wind) v. (o-ver-

on one's own, alone; independently.
wound, pr. -wownd, o-ver- wind -ing) own 2 v. to have as one's property, to
to wind (a watch etc.) beyond the proper possess. 2. to acknowledge that one is
stopping point. the author or possessor or father etc. of.
•ver -work (oh-ver-wurk) v. 1. to work 3. to confess, she owns to having said
or cause to work so hard that one be- it. own pronoun the one or ones belong-
comes exhausted. 2. to make excessive ing to oneself. Down up, (informal) to
use of, an overworked phrase, overwork confess, to admit that one is guilty.
owner / ozonosphere 640
owrver (oh-neY) ru a person who owns adj. using a mixture of oxygen and acet-
something as his property, owner- ylene, especially in the cutting and weld-
ship ru ing of metals.
own *er* less (oh-ner-lis) adj. having no ox*y*gen (ok-si-jen) ru a colorless odor-
owner or no known owner. less tastelessgas existing in air and com-
OX (oks) n. {pi. ox* en) an adult castrated bining with hydrogen to form water.
bull. oxygen tent, a tentlike covering per-
ox*al*ic (ok-sal-ik) add a sour poisonous mitting an ill person to breathe air with
acid found in certain plants, used for increased oxygen content
cleaning and bleaching. ox *y gen* ate (ok-si-je-nayt) v. (ox*
OX* blood (oks-blud) ru a deep dull red ygen*at*ed, ox*ygen*at*ing) to
color. supply or treat or mix with oxygen,
OX* bow (oks-boh) ru 1. the U-shaped col- ox-ygen-a-tion (ok-sl-je-aay-shdn)
lar of an ox yoke. 2. a horseshoe bend ru
in a river. ox*ymo*ron (oks-i-moh-ron) ru {pi
Ox* bridge the universities of
(oks-brij) ru -mo*ra, pr. -moh-ra) a figure of speech
Oxford and Cambridge in England, as combining seemingly contradictory ex-
distinct from newer (redbrick) universi- pressions, as faith unfaithful kept him
ties. falsely true.
ox-eye any of several daisy-like
(oks-i) ru ox*yto*Cln (ok-si-toh-sin) n. a hormone
flowers with a large center from which controlling contractions of the womb,
petals radiate, oxeye daisy. used in synthetic form to induce labor
OX* ford (oks-ford) n. a low shoe laced in childbirth.
over the instep. oys-ter (oi-ster) ru a kind of shellfish used
OX*i*dant (ok-si-dant) n. an oxidizing as food, some types of which produce
agent. pearls inside their shells, oys 'teeing
OX*i*da*tion (ok-sl-day-shdn) ru the proc- ru oys'ter-man ru D oyster cracker,

ess of combining or causing to combine a small salted cracker usually served with
with oxygen. oyster stew or soup.
ox-ide (ok-sid) n. a compound of oxygen OZ, OZ. abbr. ounce(s). Doz. ap., ounce
and one other element. apothecary's. OZ. av., ounce avoirdu-
ox-i-dize (ok-si-diz) v. (ox*i*dized, ox* pois.
i*diz*ing) 1. to combine or cause to O'ZOne (oh-zohn) n. 1. a form of oxygen
combine with oxygen. 2. to coat with with a sharp smell. 2. (humorous) invigo-
an oxide. 3. to make or become rusty, rating air at the seaside.
ox'idiz-er ru ox'i-diz-a-ble adj. o zo no sphere (oh-zoh-nd-sfeer)
• • • ru the
OX -tail (oks-tayl) n. the tail of an ox, used atmospheric region about 25 miles above
to make soup or stew. Earth, characterized by a high ozone
ox y a cet y lene
• • • • •(ok-si-a-set-I-leen) content.
P, p (pee) (pi. Ps, P's, p's) the sixteenth pa*chu*CO (p&-choo-koh) n. a member of
letter of the alphabet. a street gang. pa-chu'ca n. fern.
p abbr. 1. participle. 2. pawn (in chess). pach-yderm (pak-i-durm) a thick-
3. proton. 4. softly (in music, short for skinned animal, especially an elephant
piano). or rhinoceros.
P symbol phosphorus. pach • y • san • dra ( pak-i-san-dra) n. a low-
p. abbr. 1. page. 2. participle. 3. past. 4. growing evergreen plant, used as ground
pawn (in chess). 5. pence. 6. penny. 7. cover.
per. 8. pint. 9. pitcher (in baseball). 10. pa*Cif *ic (pa-sif-ik) adj. peaceful, making
population. 11. president. 12. pressure. or loving peace. pa*cif'i*cal*ly adv.
13. purl. Pa 'CifHc (pa-sif-ik) adj. of or characteris-
pa (pah) n. (informal) father. tic of the Pacific Ocean or the regions
Pa symbol protactinium. bordering on it. Pacific n. the Pacific
PA abbr. Pennsylvania. Ocean. U
Pacific Ocean, the ocean ly-
Pa. abbr. Pennsylvania. ing between the Americas and Asia/ Aus-
p.a. abbr. per annum. tralia.
P.A. abbr. 1 . power of
attorney. 2. press pac»i*fi«er (pas-I-fi-er) n. a person or
agent. 3. public address. 4. purchasing thing that pacifies. 2. a rubber or plastic
agent. nipple, we gave the baby its pacifier.
pab«iHum (pab-yu-liim) n. 1 a soft food. . pacifist (pas-I-fist) n. a person who to-
2. food for thought. tallyopposes war, believing that disputes
Pac. abbr. Pacific. should be settled by peaceful means,
pace 1 (pays) n. 1. a single step made in pacifism n. pac «i «fis- tic (pas-T-fis-
walking or running. 2. the distance tik) adj.
passed in this. 3. a style of walking or pac-i-fy (pas-T-fi) v. (pac -i -tied, pac*
running (especially of horses). 4. speed i* tying) 1. to calm and make quiet. 2.
in walking or running. 5. the rate of prog- to establish peace in. pac*i*fi*ca*tion
ress insome activity, pace v. (paced, (pas-I-fi-kay-sh6n) n.
pac ring) 1 to walk with a slow or regu-
. pack 1 (pak) n. a collection of things
lar pace. 2. to walk to and fro across wrapped or tied together for carrying.
(a room etc.). 3. to measure by pacing, 2. a set of things packed for selling. 3.
pace it out. 4. to set the pace for (a runner a complete set of playing cards (usually
etc.). Dkeep pace, to advance at an fifty-two). 4. a group of hounds or wolves
equal rate, put a person through his etc. 5. a gang of people, an organized
paces, to test his ability, stand the group of Cub Scouts or Brownies. 6. a
pace, to be able to keep up with others. large amount or collection, a pack of lies.
pa*ce 2 (pay-see) prep, although (a named 7. an absorbent material to be applied
person) may not agree. Latin, = with> to the body or a wound, pack v. 1. to
the permission of. put (things) into a container for transport
pace*mak*er (pays-may-ker) n. 1 a run- . or storing, or for marketing, to fill with
ner etc. who sets the pace for another. things in this way. 2. to be able to be
2. an electrical device placed under the packed, this dress packs easily. 3. to cram
skin to stimulate contractions of the or press or crowd together into, to fill
heart. (a space) in this way; the hall was packed,
pac*er (pay-ser) n. 1. a pacing horse in was very crowded. 4. to cover or protect
harness racing. 2. a pacemaker. (a thing) with something pressed tightly
pace set -ter (pays-set-er) n. a person on or in or around it. pack'er n.
who sets the standard for achievement. Gpack a gun, (slang) to carry a pistol
pa*Chin*ko (pa-ching-koh) n. the Japa- or revolver, pack a punch, (slang) to
nese form of pinball. be capable of delivering a powerful blow.

pack / pageboy 642
pack crowded floating pieces
ice, large a room with padded walls in a mental
of ice in the sea. packing case, a hospital etc.
wooden case or framework for packing pad 2 v. (pad-ded, pad* ding)
to walk, es-
goods in. pack it in, (slang) to cease pecially with a soft dull steady sound
doing something; to eat in great amounts. of steps.
pack off, to send (a person) away, pack pad* ding (pad-ing) n. material used to
rat, a large hoarding rodent; (slang) a pad things.
hoarder of miscellaneous useless items. pad -die 1
(pad-el) n. 1. a short oar with
pack up, to put one's things together a broad blade, used without an oarlock.
in readiness for departing or ceasing 2. an instrument shaped like this for
work, send packing, to dismiss beating, stirring, etc. 3. a table tennis
abruptly. racket. 4. one of the boards on a paddle
pack 2 v. to select (a jury etc.) fraudulently wheel, paddle v. (pad* died, pad*
so that its decision will be in one's favor; dling) 1. to propel by using a paddle
the President tried to pack the court, add or paddles. 2. to row gently. paddle
justices favorable to his policies. one's own canoe, to be independent.
pack* age (pak-ij) n, 1. a parcel. 2. a box paddle wheel, a wheel with boards
which goods are packed. 3. a pack-
etc. in around its rim that drive a boat by press-
age deal, package v. (pack -aged, ing against the water as the wheel re-
pack-ag-ing) 1. to put together in a volves.
package. 2. to wrap or box, especially paddle 2 v. (pad* died, pad* dling) to dab-

in an attractive way to improve sales. ble (the feet or hands) gently in water.
package deal, a number of proposals pad* dock (pad-ok) n. 1. a small field
offered or accepted as a whole, package where horses are kept. 2. an enclosure
store, a liquor store, package vaca- at a racetrack where horses are saddled
tion or tour, one with set arrangements before a race.
at an inclusive price. pad-dy (pad-ee) n. {pi -dies) a field
pack*et (pak-it) n.a small package.
1. where rice is grown.
2. a boat that carries mail and cargo fol- paddy wagon (slang) a police van for
lowing a regular schedule on a set route. prisoners.
pack* horse (pak-hors) n. a horse for car- pad* lock (pad-lok) n. a detachable lock
rying packs. with a U-shaped bar that fastens through
packing (pak-ing) n. 1. the work of a the loop of a staple or ring, padlock
packer. 2. a substance used to fill gaps v. to fasten with a padlock.

in order to protect or cushion what is pa*dre (pah-dray) n. 1. the form of ad-

packed. 3. oil-absorbing material closing dress for a priest in Spain, Latin Amer-
a joint or assisting in lubrication of a ica, Italy, etc. (= father). 2. (informal)
piston etc. a priest or other clergyman. 3. (informal)
pack -ing* house (pak-ing-hows) n. {pi a chaplain in the armed forces.
•hOUS*es, pr. -how-ziz) 1. a slaughter- pae-an (pee-an) n. a song of praise or tri-
house. 2. an establishment for canning umph.
or freezing fruits and vegetables for sale. pa* el* la (pah-ay-la, -ay-ya) n. a Spanish

pack* sad* die (pak-sad-el) n. a saddle dish of

chicken, seafood, etc.,
adapted for supporting packs and rider. cooked and served in a large shallow pan.
pack 'thread (pak-thred) n. a stout thread pa-gan (pay-gan) adj. heathen, pagan n.
for sewing or tying up packs. a heathen, pa'gan-ism n.
pact (pakt) n. an agreement, a treaty. page (payj) n. 1 a leaf in a book or news-

pad 1 (pad) n. 1. a flat cushion, a piece paper etc. 2. one side of this, page v.
of soft material used to protect against (paged, pag-ing) 1. to number the
jarring or to add bulk or to hold or ab- pages of (a book). 2. to leaf through (a
sorb fluid etc., or used for rubbing. 2. book).
a padded protection for the leg and ankle page 2 n. a uniformed boy or man em-
in certain games. 3. a set of sheets of ployed to go on errands, deliver mes-
writing paper or drawing paper fastened sages, etc. page v. (paged, pag*lng)
together at one edge. 4. the soft fleshy to summon (a person) by sending a page
underpart of the foot of certain animals. or by calling his name until he is found.
5. a flat surface from which spacecraft pag-eant (paj-ant) n. a public show con-
are launched or helicopters take off. 6. sisting of a procession of people in cos-
(slang) a lodging, pad v. (pad-ded, tume, or a performance of a historical
pad -ding) 1. to put a pad or pads on play, pag'eant-ry n.
or into. 2. to stuff. 3. to fill (a book or page* boy (payj-boi) n. 1. a page {see

speech etc.) with unnecessary material page2 .) a boy employed as a personal

in order to lengthen it. padded cell, attendant of a person of rank.
643 paginate / palatinate

pag-i-nate (paj-i-nayt) v. (pag-i-nat- ture. 2. the art or work of a painter, she

ed, pag-i-nat-ing) to number the is studying painting.

pages (of a book). pair (pair) n. (pi. pairs, pair) 1. a set of

pag*i*na*tion (paj-i-nay-shdn) n. the two things or people, a couple. 2. an arti-
numbering or ordering of the pages of cle consisting of two joined and corre-
a book. sponding parts, a pair of scissors. 3. an
pa* go* da (pa-goh-da) n. a Hindu temple engaged or married couple. 4. two mated
shaped like a pyramid, or a Buddhist animals. 5. the other member of a pair,
tower with several stories, in India and can 'tfind a pair to this sock. 6. two legis-
countries of the Far East. lators of opposing views who arrange
paid (payd) see pay. paid adj. receiving mutually to be absent from a vote, pair
money in exchange for goods or services, v. arrange or be arranged in couples.
a paid assistant; paid vacation, during 2. (of animals) to mate. 3. to partner
which normal wages continue to be paid. (a person) with a member of the opposite
pail (payl) n. a bucket, pail-ful (payl-fuul) sex. 4. to make a pair in a legislature.
n. {pi -fills). pair off, to form into pairs. t> Careful
pain (payn) n. 1. an unpleasant feeling writers avoid pair as a plural form. They
caused by injury or disease of the body. write six pairs of gloves not six pair of
2. mental suffering. 3. (old use) punish- gloves.
ment, pains and penalties; on or under pais* ley, Pais* ley (payz-lee) adj. having
pain of death, with the threat of this pun- a pattern of tapering petal-shaped figures
ishment. 4. pains, careful effort, trouble with much detail.
taken, take pains with the work, pain v. Pai*ute (pi-oot) n. (pi. -utes, -ute) 1. a
to cause pain to. Da pain in the neck, member of an Indian tribe of the western
(informal) an annoying or tiresome per- U.S. 2. the language of this tribe.
son or thing. pa*ja*mas (pa-jah-maz) n. pi. a loose
pained (paynd) adj. distressed or annoyed, jacket and pants for sleeping or lounging
a pained look. > Do not confuse pained in; pajama top, the jacket of this.
with painful. Dpajama party, an overnight party for
pain* fill (payn-ful) adj. 1. causing pain, girls.
a painful condition. 2. (of a part of the Pakistan (pak-i-stan) a country in
body) suffering pain. 3. causing trouble southern Asia. Pak*i*sta*ni (pak-i-
or difficulty, laborious, a painful perfor- stan-ee) adj. &
n. (pi -nis).
mance, pain'ful-ly adv. painfullness pal (pal) n. (informal) a friend, pal v.
n. >Do not confuse painful with pained. (palled, pal* ling, pr. paid, pal-ing) pal
pain-kil-ler (payn-kil-er) n. a medicine around with, (informal) to be friends
that lessens pain. with.
pain* less (payn-lis) adj. not causing pain. pal* ace (pal-is) n. 1. the official residence
pain'less*ly adv. painlessness n. of a sovereign. 2. a splendid mansion.
pains tak'ing (paynz-tay-king) adj. care- palace guard, a police force or sol-
ful, using or done with great care and diers charged with the safety of the pal-
effort. ace and its occupants; a group of aides
paint (paynt) n. 1. coloring matter for ap- who act to prevent the press etc. from
plying in liquid form to a surface. 2. gaining access to a ruler or president etc.
paints, a collection of tubes or cakes of palace revolution, overthrow of a ruler
paint, paint v. 1 to coat or decorate with
. without civil war.
paint. 2. to make a picture or portray pal *a* din (pal-a-din) n. 1. one of the
by using paint(s). 3. to describe vividly; Twelve Peers of Charlemagne's court, of
he's not as black as he is painted, not whom the Count of Palatine was the
as bad as he is said to be. 4. to apply chief. 2. a knight errant, a champion.
(liquid or cosmetic) to the skin; paint pal-an-quin (pal-an-keen) n. a covered
one's face, to use or apply makeup. Utter for one in India and the East carried
paint the town red, (slang) to go on usually by four or six men.
a riotous spree. pal -at -a -ble (pal-a-ta-bel) adj. pleasant
paint* box (paynt-boks) n. a box holding to the taste or to the mind.
dry paints for use by an artist. pal* ate (pal-it) n. 1 the roof of the mouth.

paint* brush (paynt-brush) n. a brush for 2. the sense of taste, pleasing to the pal-
applying paint. ate. D>Do not confuse palate with palette
paint 'er 1 (payn-ter) n. a person who or pallet.
paints as an artist or as a housepainter. pa*la*tial (pa-lay-shal) adj. like a palace,
painter 2 n. a rope attached to the bow of spacious and splendid.
a boat for tying it up. . pa*lat*i*nate (pa-lat-I-nayt) n. the terri-
paint *ing (payn-ting) n. 1. a painted pic- tory under a palatine.
palatine / palm 644
pal-a'tine (pal-a-tin) n. (old use) a count use) a saddle horse for ordinary riding,
having sovereign jurisdiction within his especially for ladies.
territory. pal * imp • sest (pal-imp-sest) n. writing
pa-lav-er (pa-lav-er) n. 1. long aimless material or a manuscript from which the
talk, idle chatter. 2. (old use) a parley, original writing has been partially or
especially with primitive peoples. completely effaced to make room for a
pale 1 (payl) adj. (pal*er, pal* est) 1. (of second writing.
a person's face) having little color, lighter pal -in *drome (pal-insirohm) ru a word
than normal. 2. (of color or light) faint, or phrase that reads the same backward
not bright or vivid, pale v. (paled, pal* as forward, as rotator; nurses run;
ing) to turn pale, paie'ly adv. pale 7 Madam Vm Adam.
ness n. pal* ing (pay-ling) n. 1. fencing made of
pale n. 1 a stake forming part of a fence.
. wooden posts or railings. 2. one of its
2. a boundary, pale v. (paled, pal* uprights.
Ing) to enclose with pales or stakes, to pal*i*sade (pal-i-sayd) n. 1. a fence of
fence in. beyond the pale, outside pointed stakes. 2. palisades, a line of high
the bounds of acceptable behavior, the cliffs.
Pale, the part of Russia to which Jews pall ( pawl) n. 1 a cloth spread over a cof-

were confined. fin. 2. something forming a dark heavy

pale* face (payl-fays) n. a white person. covering, a pall of smoke, pall v. to be-
OSaid to be the American Indian term come uninteresting or boring, the subject
for a European. began to pall on us.
Pa*le*0*cene ( pay-li-6-seen) adj. of the pal*la*di*um ( pa-lay -di-um) n. a hard
earliest geologic epoch of the Tertiary white metallic element.
period. Paleocene n. the Paleocene ep- pall* bear *er (pawl-bair-Sr) n. one of the
och. people carrying or walking beside the
pa * le * og • ra • pher ( pay-li-og-ra-fer) n. an coffin at a funeral.
expert in paleography. pal 'let 1 (pal-it) n. 1. a mattress stuffed
pa-le-og-ra-phy (pay-li-og-ra-fee) n. the with straw. 2. a hard narrow bed, a
study of ancient writing and inscriptions. makeshift bed. t>Do not confuse pallet
pa*le*o*llth*ic (pay-li-d-lith-ik) adj. of with palate or palette.
the early part of the Stone Age. pallet 2 n. a large tray or platform for carry-
pa*le*o*mag*ne*tism ( pay-li-oh-mag- ing goods that are being lifted or in stor-
ne-tiz-em) n. 1 the magnetism remaining. age, especially one that can be raised by
in rocks from past times. 2. the study a forklift. D> Do not confuse pallet with
of this magnetism. pa*le*0*mag*net* palate or palette.
Ic ( pay-li-oh-mag-net-ik) adj. pa-le- pal -li- ate (pal-i-ayt) v. (pal*li*at*ed,
o*mag*net'i*cal*ly adv. pal -II -at -Ing) to make less intense-
paleon. abbr. paleontology. or less severe. pal*li*a*tion (pal-i-ay-
pa • le • on • tol • o • gist ( pay-li-on-tol-o- shdn) n.
jist) n. an expert in paleontology. pal • li • a • tive ( pal-i-a-ti v) adj. reducing the
pa • le • on • tol • O •
gy ( pay-li-on-tol-o- jee) bad effects of something, palliative n.
n. the scientific study of life in the geolog- something that does this.
ical past. pal* lid (pal-id) adj. pale, especially from
Pa*le*0*ZO*iC ( pay-li-o-zoh-ik) adj. of illness.
the geologic era following the Precam- pal* lor (pal-or) n. paleness.
brian and containing the oldest forms of palm (pahm)
n. 1. the inner surface of
highly organized life (reptiles, seed-bear- the hand between the wrist and the fin-
ing plants, insects, etc.). Paleozoic n. gers. 2. the part of a glove that covers
the Paleozoic era. this, palm to conceal in one's hand.
v. 1 .

Pal -es- tine (pal-e-stin) the former name 2. to get (a thing) accepted fraudulently;
of a country at the eastern end of the palmed off
iton them, induced them to
Mediterranean Sea, now divided between accept something false or inferior, or
Israel and Jordan. Pal*es*tin*i*an something they did not want.
( pal-e-stin-ee-an) adj. & n. palm 2 n. 1. a palm tree. 2. an imaginary
pal-erte (pal-it) n. a thin board, with a award for success. Dpalm oil, the oil
hole for the thumb by which it is held, obtained from various palm trees. Palm
on which an mixes colors when artist Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, com-
painting. palette knife, an artist's memorating Christ's triumphal entry
knife for mixing or spreading paint. into Jerusalem when the people strewed
t> Do not confuse palette with palate or leaves in his path, palm tree, a kind
pallet. of tree growing in warm or tropical cli-
pal -trey (pawl-free) n. {pi -freys) (old mates, with no branches and with large
645 palmate / Pandora's box
leaves growing in a mass at the top. in a pan in search of gold. 2. /informal)
pal* mate ( pal-may t) adj. shaped like a to criticize severely. pan*fuf (pan-fuul)
hand with the fingers spread out. n. (pi. -fuls) Dpan
out, (of circum-
palm-er (pah-mer) n. (old use) a pilgrim, stances or events) to turn out; to be suc-
especially one returning from the Holy cessful in outcome.
Land with a palm branch or leaf as a pan 2 v. (panned, pan-ning) 1. to turn
symbol of his pilgrimage. (a camera) horizontally to give a pan-
pal* met* to (pal-met-oh) n. (pi. -tos) a oramic effect or follow a moving object.
kind of small palm tree with fan-shaped 2. (of a camera) to turn in this way.
leaves. Pan. abbr. Panama.
palm* 1st (pahm-ist) n. a person skilled in pan- prefix all-, of the whole of a continent
palmistry. or racial group etc., as in pan-African,
palm* is* try (pah-mi-stree) n. the pre- pan-American.
tended art of telling a person's future pan*a*ce*a (pan-a-see-a) n. a remedy for
or interpreting his character by examin- kinds of diseases or troubles.
ing the lines or creases etc. in the palm pa-nache (pa-nash) n. a confident stylish
of his hand. manner.
palm • y ( pah-mee) adj. (palm • I • er, palm • pan*a*ma (pan-a-mah) n. 1. (also Pan-
(•est) 1. full of palms. 2. flourishing, ama hat) a hat of fine pliant strawlike
in their former palmy days. material. 2. a woven fabric used for jack-
pal*o*ml*no (pal-6-mee-noh) n. (pL ets and skirts etc.
-nos) a golden or cream-colored horse Pan*a*ma (pan-a-mah) a country in Cen-
with light-colored mane and tail. tralAmerica. Pan*a*ma*ni*an (pan-a-
pal-pa-ble (pal-pa-bel) adj. 1. able to be may-ni-an) adj. & n. Panama Canal,
touched or felt. 2. easily perceived, obvi- the canal extending from the Atlantic
ous. pal'pa*bly adv. pal*pa*bil*l* Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through Pan-
ty (pal-pa-bil-i-tee) n. ama. Panama City, the capital of Pan-
pal* pate ( pal-pay t) v. (pal-pat-ed, pal* ama.
pat-ing) to examine by feeling with the pan*a*tel*la (pan-a-tel-a) n. a thin cigar.
hands, especially as part of a medical pan* cake (pan-kayk) n. 1. a thin round
examination, pah paction (pal-pay- cake of batter fried on both sides, some-
shon) n. times rolled up with filling. 2. makeup
pal-pi-tate (pal-pi-tayt) v. (pal* pi* in the form of a flat cake. pancake
tat-ed, pal*pi*tat*ing) 1. to pulsate, landing, a landing in which an aircraft
to throb rapidly. 2. (of a person) to descends vertically in a level position.
quiver with fear or excitement, pal* pan*chro*mat*ic (pan-kroh-mat-ik) adj.
pi -taction (pal-pi-tay-shdn) n. sensitive to all colors of the visible spec-
pal*sy (pawl-zee) n. {pi. -sies) paralysis, trum, panchromatic film.
especially with involuntary tremors. pal' pan* ere* as (pan-kree-as) n. a gland near
sied adj. the stomach discharging a digestive se-
pal*sy-wal*sy (pal-zee-wal-zee) adj. (in- cretion into the duodenum and insulin
formal) very friendly. into the blood. pan*cre*at*ic (pan-
pal-ter (pawl-ter) v. (pal-tered, pal* kree-at-ik) adj.
terming) 1. to talk or act insincerely. 2. pan* da (pan-da) n. 1 . (also giant panda)
to haggle. a large rare bearlike black-and-white ani-
pal* try (pawi-tree) adj. (pal-tri-er, pal* mal living in the mountains of southwest
tri*est) worthless, trivial, contemptible. China. 2. (also lesser panda) a rac-
pam. abbr. pamphlet. coon-like animal of India.
pam* pas (pam-paz) n. pi. vast grassy pan-denvic (pan-dem-ik) adj. (of a dis-
plains in South America. ease) occurring over a whole country or
pam* per (pam-per) v. to treat very indul- the whole world.
gently. pan • de • mo • ni • um ( pan-de-moh-ni-um)
pam -ph let (pam-flit) n. a or paper-
leaflet n. uproar.
covered booklet containing information pan -de r (pan-der) v. to gratify a person's
or a treatise. weakness or vulgar tastes, pandering to
pan 1 (pan) n. 1. a metal or earthenware the public interest in scandal, pander n.
vessel with a flat base and often without (also panderer) 1. a pimp. 2. a go-
a lid, used for cooking and other domes- between in an illicit love affair.
tic purposes. 2. its contents. 3. any simi- P and L abbr. profit and loss.
lar vessel. 4. the bowl of a pair of scales. Pan • do • ra's ( pan-dohr-az) box (in Greek
5. a natural or artificial depression in mythology) a box which, when opened,
the land. 6. (informal) hardpan. pan v. let loose all kinds of misfortunes upon
(panned, pan*ning) 1 . to wash (gravel) mankind.
pandowdy / papaw 646
pan -dowdy (pan-dow-dee) -dies)
n. (pi. pan -sy (pan-zee) n. (pi -sies) 1 a garden .

a deep-dish apple (and usually molasses) plant of the violet family, with broad flat
pie with a thick crust cover. rounded richly colored petals. 2. its
pane (payn) n. a single sheet of glass in flower.
a window or door. pant (pant) v. 1. to breathe with short
pan-e-gy-ric (pan-e-jir-ik) n. a speech quick breaths. 2. to utter breathlessly.
or piece of writing praising a person or 3. to be extremely eager, pant n. a pant-
thing. ing breath.
pan -el ( pan -el) n. 1 a distinct usually rec-
. pan -ta- lets
(pan-ta-lets) n. pi (old use)
tangular section of a surface. 2. a strip women's long underwear with frills at
of board or other material forming a sep- the ankles.
arate section of a wall or doer or cabinet pan -ta- loons (pan-ta-loonz) n. pi (old
etc., a section of the metal bodywork of use) men's trousers, especially close-fit-
a vehicle. 3. a strip of material set length- ting trousers worn in the 1800s.
wise in or on a garment. 4. a group of pan* the* ism (pan-thee-iz-em) n. the doc-
people assembled to discuss or decide trine that God is everything and every-
something, a panel discussion. 5. a list thing is God. pan 'the* 1st n. pan • the*
of jurors, a jury. 6. the part of a vehicle is* tic (pan-thee-is-tik) adj.
supporting the controls, dials, etc., in- pan* the* on (pan-thee-on) n. 1. a temple
strument panel; control panel panel v. dedicated to the gods, especially the
(pan-eled, pan-el-ing) to cover or circular one in Rome.
2. the deities of
decorate with panels. panel show, a a people collectively. 3. a building in
quiz or similar form of radio or television which the illustrious dead are buried or
entertainment in which a panel of people have memorials.
take part, panel truck, a small fully en- pan-ther (pan-ther) n. 1. a large black
closed truck. leopard. 2. a cougar.
pan-el-ing (pan-e-ling) n. 1. a series of pan* ties (pan-teez) n. pi (informal) un-
panels in a wall. 2. wood used for making derpants for women or children.
panels. pan* to* mime (pan-to-mim) n. 1. expres-
pan-el-ist (pan-e-list) n. a member of a sive movements of the face and body
panel. used to convey a story or meaning. 2.
pang (pang) n. a sudden sharp feeling of a show or performance done in panto-
pain or a painful emotion, pangs ofjeal- mime, pantomime v. (pan* to* mimed,
ousy. pan-to-mim-ing) to express a story or
pan -nan -die pan-han-del)
( v. (pan* meaning by movements, pan* to •mim-
nan -died, pan- handling) (informal) ic (pan-to-mim-ik) adj.
to beg in the street, panhandle n. a long pan* try (pan-tree) n. (pi. -tries) a room
narrow strip of a larger territory, the in which food, china, glasses, etc. are
Texas Panhandle, pan'han-dler n. kept.
pan-ic (pan-ik) n. 1. sudden terror, wild pants (pants) n. pi 1. trousers. 2. (in-
infectious fear. 2. a sudden rush to sell formal) underpants.
or buy in the stock market etc. panic pant* suit (pant-soot) n. (also pants suit)
v. (pan-icked, pan-ick-ing) to affect a woman's tailored suit of jacket and
or be affected with panic. pan'ick*y adj. trousers.
panic button, a button to be pressed pan-ty (pan-tee) hose women's hosiery,
as a signal etc. in an emergency. combining underpants and stockings.
pan-i-cle (pan-i-kel) n. a loose-branching pan-ty -waist pan- tee- wayst) n. an effem-

cluster of flowers. inate person, pantywaist adj.

pan-ic-strick-en (pan-ik-strik-en) adj. af- pan-zer (panzer) adj. (of German troops)
fected with panic. armored, panzer divisions.
pan -jan- drum (pan-jan-drum) n. 1. a pap ( pap) n. 1 . soft or semiliquid food suit-
mock title of an exalted personage. 2. able for infants or invalids. 2. mash, pulp.
a pompous official or pretender. 3. undemanding reading matter.
pan-nier (pan-yer) n. a large basket, espe- pa* pa (pah-pa) n. (informal) father.
cially one of a pair carried on either side pa-pa-cy (pay-pa-see) n. the position or
of a pack animal. authority of the pope, the system of
pan-o-ply (pan-d-plee) n. (pi -plies) a Church government by popes.
splendid array, in full panoply. pa* pa* in (pa-pay-in) n. an enzyme from
pan-o-ranva (pan-o-ram-a) n. 1. a view papaya trees, used to tenderize meat.
of a wide area, a picture or photograph pa -pal (pay-pal) adj. of the pope or the
of this. 2. a view of a constantly changing papacy.
scene or series of events, pan -o- ram- pa* paw (paw-paw) n. 1. the small fleshy
ie ( pan-6-ram-ik) adj. many-seeded fruit of a central and south-
647 papaya / paradise
ern North American tree. 2. this tree. pa*poose (pa-poos) n. a North American
papa-ya (pa-pah-y£) n. 1. the oblong Indian baby.
orange edible fruit of a palmlike tropical pa*pri*ka (pa-pree-kS) n. a mild spice
American tree. 2. this tree, whose stem, made of ground sweet red peppers.
leaves, and fruit contain papain. Pap (pap) test (also Pap smear) a test
pa* per (pay-per) n. 1. a substance manu- for the early detection of uterine cancer.
factured in thin sheets from wood fiber, >The test was devised by George N.
rags, etc., used for writing or printing Papanicolaou (1883-1962), an American
or drawing on or for wrapping things. medical scientist.
2. a newspaper. 3. wallpaper. 4. a docu- Pap-u-a (pap-yoo-a) New Guinea a
ment; a ship's papers, documents estab- country consisting of a group of islands
lishing its identity etc. 5. an essay or dis- between Asia and Australia.
sertation, especially one read to a learned pap*ule (pap-yool) n. a pimple, pap*
society, paper v. to cover (walls etc.) u*lar (pap-yu-lar) adj.
with wallpaper. Don paper, in writing; pa*py*rus (pS-pi-riis) n. (pL -rus-
in theory, when judged from written or es, Hi, pr. -n) 1 a reedlike water plant

printed evidence, the scheme looks good with thick fibrous stems from which a
on paper, paper clip, a piece of bent kind of paper was made by the ancient
wire or plastic for holding a few sheets Egyptians. 2. this paper. 3. a manuscript
of paper together, paper doll, a paper written on this.
drawing of a human figure that can be par (pahr) n. 1. an average or normal
dressed in paper clothes, paper money,
amount or condition or degree etc., was
banknotes as distinct from coins, paper
feeling below par. 2. the face value of
over the cracks, to seek to conceal stocks and bonds etc.; at par, at face
flaws or disagreement, paper the value. 3. (in golf) the number of strokes
house, to give away free tickets for a
set as a standard for a hole or course.
public performance in order to ensure
a large audience, paper tiger, a person
Don a par with, on an equal footing
or thing that has a threatening appear-
par. abbr. 1 paragraph. 2. parallel. 3. par-
ance but can do no harm.
pa* per* back (pay-per-bak) adj. bound in
par -a -Die(par-a-bel) ru a story told to
a flexible paper binding, not in a stiff
a moral or spiritual truth.
cover, paperback n. a book bound in
pa*rab*o*la (p&-rab-d-l&) n. a curve like
this way.
the path of an object thrown into the
pa* per* board (pay-per-bohrd) n. card-
air and falling back to earth. par*a*
pa* per* boy (pay-per-boi) n. a boy who boi*iC (par-S-bol-ik) adj.

delivers newspapers, pa* per* girl (pay-

par *a* chute (par-a-shoot) n. an um-
per-gurl) n.
brella-shaped device used to slow the de-
pa*per*hang*er (pay-pSr-hang-er) n. a
scent of a person or heavy object falling
person whose business is to cover walls from a great height, especially from a
with wallpaper, pa'per* hanging n. moving aircraft; parachute troops, para-
pa* per* weight ( pay-per- wayt) n, a small troops, parachute v. (par *a* chut*
heavy object placed on top of loose pa- ed, par *a« chut *ing) to descend by par-
pers to keep them in place. achute, to drop (supplies etc.) by para-
pa* per* work (pay-per-wurk) n. routine chute, par'a* chut -1st n.
clerical work and record keeping. pa-rade (pi-rayd) n. 1. a procession of
pa*per*y (pay-pe-ree) adj. like paper in people or things, especially in a display
- and thickness.
texture or exhibition. 2. a formal assembly of
pa* pier-ma «che (pay-per-ma-shay) n. troops for inspection or roll call etc. 3.
molded paper pulp, used for making an ostentatious display, makes a parade
boxes or trays or ornaments etc. of his virtues, parade v. (pa*rad*ed,
pa-pil-la (pS-pil-a) n. (pi. -piMae, pa-rad-ing) 1. to march or walk with
a small projection in a part
pr. -pil-ee) display. 2. to make a display of, he pa-
or organ of the body, pap • il • lar • y ( pap- raded his knowledge before us. Don pa-
Mer-ee) adj. rade, taking part in a parade.
pa-pil-lote (pah-pee-yoht) n. a paper dec- par*a*digm (par-a-dim) n. something
oration or cover for the end of the bone serving as an example or model of how
of a lamb chop etc. Den (ahn) papil- things should be done.
lote, (of fish etc.) baked within a wrap- par*a*dise (par-a-dis) n. 1. heaven. 2.
ping of greased paper. Eden. par*a*di*si*a*cal (par-a-di-si-
pa-pist (pay-pist) n. (contemptuous) a Ro- a-kal), par*a*diS*i*ac (par-a-dis-i-ak)
man Catholic. adj.
paradox / parasite 648
par -a *dox (par-a-doks) n. a statement etc. ralysis, to make unable to act or move
that seems to contradict itself or to con- normally. 2. to bring to a standstill.
flict with common sense but which con- Par-a* mar*i*bo (par-a-mar-I-boh) the
tains a truth (as "more haste, less capital of Surinam.
speed")- par*a*dox*i*cal (par-a-dok- par*a*me*cl*um (par-a-mee-si-um) n.
si-kal) adj. par*a*dox'i-cal*ly adv. {pi -d-a, pr. -si-a) a slipper-shaped pro-
par at* fin (par-a-fin) n. a white waxy sub-
• tozoan that uses cilia to move.
stance obtained from petroleum and used par*a*med*i*cal (par-a-med-i-kal) adj.
for making candles, sealing, and coating. (of services etc.) supplementing and sup-
par-a-gon (par-a-gon) n. a model of ex- porting medical work. par*a*med'lc n.
cellence, an apparently perfect person or pa*ram*e*ter(pa-ram-e-ter) n. 1. a varia-
thing. ble quantity or quality that restricts or
par -a- graph (par-a-graf) n. one or more gives a particular form to the thing it
sentences on a single theme, forming a characterizes, the parameters studied
distinct section of a piece of writing and were height and weight 2. (informal) a
beginning on a new (usually indented) limit, we have the freedom to act within
line, paragraph v. to arrange in para- the parameters set by the Constitution,
graphs. (> Careful writers avoid this use.) par*
Par-a *guay (par-a-gway) a country in a*met*ric (par-a-met-rik) adj.
South America. Paraguayan (par- par -a • mil- -tar *y
a-gway-an) adj. & n. adj. organized like a military force but
par-a-keet (par-a-keet) n. a kind of small not a part of the -armed services.
parrot, often with a long tail. par • a • mount ( par-a- mo wnt ) adj. chief in
par-al*de*hyde (pa-ral-de-hid) n. a sub- importance, supreme.
stance used as a sedative. par-a-mour (par-a-moor) n. (old use) a
par -al- lax (par-a-laks) n. an apparent dif- married person's illicit lover.
ference in the position or direction of pa* rang (pah-rahng) n. a heavy Malayan
an object when it is viewed from two sheath knife.
different points. par*a*noi*a ( par-a-noi-a) n. 1. a mental
par* ah lei (par-a-lel) adj. 1. (of lines or disorder in which a person has delusions
planes) continuously at the same distance of grandeur or persecution etc. 2. an ab-
from each other. 2. having this relation- normal tendency to suspect and mistrust
ship, the road runs parallel to (or with) others.
the railroad. 3. similar, having features par-a -noi-ac (par-a-noi-ak) adj. & n. =
that correspond, parallel situations, par- paranoid.
allel n. 1 an imaginary line on Earth's
. par-a-nold (par-a-noid) adj. of or like or
surface or a corresponding line on a map suffering from paranoia, paranoid n. a
parallel to and passing through all points person suffering from paranoia.
equidistant from the equator. 2. a person par -a -pet (par-a-pit) n. 1. a low protec-
or situation etc. that is parallel to an- tive wall along the edge of a balcony or
other. 3. a comparison, drew a parallel roof or bridge etc. 2. a defense of earth
between the two situations, parallel v. or stone to conceal and protect troops.
(paralleled, par-al-lel-lng) 1. to be par*a*pher*nal*la (par-a-fer-nayl-ya) n.
parallel to. 2. to find or mention some- numerous small possessions or pieces of
thing parallel or corresponding, to com- equipment etc.
pare. par'al-lel*ism n. Din parallel, par *a* phrase (par-a-frayz) v. (par*
(of electrical conductors etc.) arranged a* phrased, par-a -phrasing) to ex-
so as to join at common points at each press the meaning of (a passage) in other
end. parallel bars, a pair of parallel rails words, paraphrase n. rewording in this
supported on posts for gymnastic exer- way, a reworded passage.
cises. par-a-ple-gl-a (par-S-plee-ji-a) n, paral-
par • al* lei *o* gram
(par-a-lel-6-gram) n. ysis of the legs and part or all of the
a plane four-sided figure with its opposite trunk, par-a- pie 'glc adj. & n.
sides parallel to each other. para-pro-fes-slon-al ( par-a-prd-fesh-
pa*ral*y*sls ( pa-ral-I-sis) n. 1. loss of the 6-nal) n. a person who works as assistant
power of movement, caused by disease to a professional.
or injury to nerves. 2. inability to move par-a-psy-chol*o*gy (par-i-si-kol-6-
normally. jee) n. the scientific study of mental per-
par*a*lyt*ic (par-a-lit-ik) adj. affected ceptions (as those occurring in clairvoy-
with paralysis, paralytic n. a person af- ance and telepathy) that seem to be out-
fected with paralysis. side normal mental abilities, par-a*
par-a-lyze (par-a-liz) v. (par*a*lyzed, psy chol / o* gist n.

par*a*iyz*ing) 1. to affect with pa- par -a -site (par-a-sit) n. 1. an animal or

649 parasitize / parish

plant that lives on or in another from pare (pair) v. (pared, par* ing) 1. to trim
which it draws its nourishment. 2. a per- by cutting away the edges of, to peel.
son who lives off another or others and 2. to reduce little by little, pared down
gives no useful return, par *a* sit* ism their expenses.
(par-a-si-tiz-em) ru par*a*sit*ic (par- par • e • gor • Ic ( par-e-gor-ik) ru a camphor-
a-sit-ik) adj. ated tincture of opium, used to stop diar-
par-a-si-tize (par-a-si-tiz) v. (par* rhea.
a-si-tized, par-a-si-tiz-ing) to infest paren. abbr. parenthesis.
as a parasite. par *ent (pair-ent) ru 1 one who has pro-

par-a -si -tol-o-gy (par-a-si-tol-6-jee) n. created offspring, a father or mother. 2.

the scientific study of parasites, par* an ancestor. 3. a person who has adopted
a*si*tol'o*gist n. a child. 4. an animal or plant from which
par -a -sol (par-a-sawl) n. a light umbrella others are derived. 5. a source from
used to give shade from the sun. which other things are derived, the par-
par-a-sym-pa-thet-ic (par-a-sim-pa- ent company, par'ent-hood ru
thet-ik) adj. of the part of the nervous par-ent-age (pair-en-tij) n. descent from
system that connects with nerve cells in parents, ancestry.
or near viscera. pa*ren*tal (pa-ren-tal) adj. of parents.
par*a*thi*on (par-a-thi-5n) n. an ex- pa*ren*the*Sis (pa-ren-the-sis) ru {pi
tremely poisonous insecticide. -sea, pr. -seez) 1. an additional word
par -a -thyroid (par-S-thi-roid) n. (also or phrase or sentence inserted in a pas-
parathyroid gland) the gland adjacent sage that is grammatically complete
to the thyroid that secretes a hormone without it, and usually marked off by
regulating calcium levels in the body. dashes or commas or parentheses. 2. ei-
par -a 'troops (par-a- troops) ru pi troops ther of the pair of curved marks (like
trained to be dropped into battle by para- these) used to mark off a parenthesis or
chute, par 'a* troop *er n. Olt is incor- to group some symbols in a mathematical
rect to use "a paratroop" to mean "a expression.
paratrooper." par*en*thet*ic ( par-en- thet-ik) adj. 1. of
par *a* typhoid ( par-a- ti-foid) ru (also or as a parenthesis. 2. interposed as an
paratyphoid fever) a kind of fever re- aside or digression. par*en*thet / i*cal
sembling typhoid but milder. adj. par*en*thet'i*cal*ly adv.
par* boil (pahr-boil) v. to boil (food) until pa* re* sis (pa-ree-sis) ru partial paralysis,
it is partly cooked. affecting muscular movement but not
par* eel (pahr-sel) n. 1. a thing or things sensation, pa-ret-ic (p£-ret-ik) adj. &
wrapped up for carrying or for sending n.
by mail. 2. a piece of land, parcel v. par ex-cel-lence (pahr ek-se-lahns)
(parceled, par* eel* ing) to divide into more than all others, in the highest de-
portions, parceled it out. D
parcel post, gree. > French.
a postal service dealing with packages; par * fait (pahr-fay) n. 1 a rich iced custard

the parcels handled by this service. made of eggs and cream or ice cream.
parch (pahrch) v. to make hot and dry 2. layers of ice cream and fruit etc. served
or thirsty. in a tall glass.
parch • ment (pahrch-ment) ru D1. a pa*ri*ah (pa-n-a) n. an outcast.
heavy paperlike material made from ani- pa-ri-e-tal (pS-ri-e-tal) adj. 1. of the wall
mal skins. 2. a kind of paper resembling of the body or of any of its cavities; the
this. parietal bones, those forming part of the
pard (pahrd) ru 1. (old use) a leopard. 2. sides and top of the skull. 2. of or relating
(slang) a partner or comrade. to residence within a college; parietal
par* don (pahr-ddn) ru 1. forgiveness. 2. rules, those governing the conduct of res-
cancellation of a punishment incurred ident students.
through a crime or conviction. 3. a kind par*i-mu*tu*el (par-i-myoo-choo-el) ru a
of indulgence, as for a slight discourtesy form of betting in which the losers' stakes
or for failing to hear or understand, / (less a percentage for the track and taxes)
beg your pardon, pardon v. (par* are divided among the winners.
doned, par* don* ing) to forgive, to par* ing (pair-ing) n. a piece pared off, ap-
overlook (a slight discourtesy etc.) ple parings.
kindly. pa-ri pas-su (pari pas-oo) with equal
par -don -a -Die (pahr-do-na-bel) adj. able pace, simultaneously and equally.
to be pardoned. par'don*a*bly adv. t> Latin.
par*don*er (pahr-dd-ner) ru (old use) a Par* is (par-is) the capital of France. Pa*
person licensed to sell religious pardons ris*lan (p£-ree-z/ran) adj. ru &
or indulgences. par-ish (par-ish) n. 1. an area within a
parishioner / parry 650
diocese, having its own church and cler- procedure, formal rules for debate in
gyman. 2. (in Louisiana) a governmental an assembly, club, etc.
unit equivalent to a county. 3. the people par -lor (pahr-lor) n. 1 . (old use) the living
of a parish. parish register, a book room of a family in a private house. 2.
recording the baptisms, marriages, and aroom or establishment for a particular
burials that have taken place at a parish kind of activity or business, beauty par-
church. lor; milking parlor, a place for milking
pa*rlsh*ion*er (pa-rish-6-ner) n. an in- cows. D
parlor car, a luxuriously fitted
habitant or member of a parish. railroad passenger car. parlor game, an
par-i-ty (par-i-tee) ru (pL -ties) 1. equal- indoor game.
ity, equal status or pay etc. 2. being vaj- par lous ( pahr-lus) adj. (old use) perilous.

ued at par. parlous adv. (old use) extremely.

park (pahrk) n. 1 a public garden or recre-
. Par*me*san ( pahr-me-zan) n. a kind of
ation ground. 2. a field or stadium for hard cheese made at Parma, Italy, and
sporting events, park v. 1 to place and . elsewhere, usually grated before use.
leave (a vehicle) temporarily. 2. (in- par*mi*gia*na (pahr-mi-jah-na) adj.
formal) to deposit temporarily; park one- cooked with sliced Parmesan cheese,
self, to sit down. parking lot, an out- eggplant parmigiana,
door area for parking vehicles, parking pa*ro*chi*al (pa-roh-ki-al) adj. 1. of a
meter, a coin-operated meter in which showing interest
parish. 2. merely local,
fees are inserted for parking a vehicle in a limited area*ro'Chl*al*
beside it on the street, parking ticket, ism n. parochial school, a school
a notice of a fine imposed for parking maintained by a church parish or reli-
a vehicle illegally. gious body.
parka (pahr-ka) n. 1. a fur jacket with par-o-dy (par-o-dee) n. {pi -dies) 1. a
hood attached, worn by Eskimos. 2. a comic imitation of a well-known person
jacket or coat shaped like this. or literary work or style etc. 2. a gro-
Park • in* son's (pahr-kin-sonz) disease a tesque imitation, a travesty, parody v.
disease of the nervous system causing (par*o*died, par -o -dying) to mimic
tremor and weakness of the muscles. humorously, to compose a parody of.
Parkinson's law any of several facts hu- pa* role (pa-rohl) n. release of a convicted
morously formulated by C. Northcote person from a prison before his sentence
Parkinson, especially "work expands so has expired, on condition of good behav-
as to fill the time available for its comple- ior, parole v. (pa-roled, pa* rolling)
tion." to release on parole. pa*rol*ee (pa-roh-
park* way (pahrk- way) n. a wide high- lee) n. parole violation, breaching
speed landscaped highway. the terms of parole.
pari. abbr. 1 parliament. 2. parliamentary.
. par-ox-ysm ( par-ok-siz-em) n. a spasm,
par *lance (pahr-lans) n. phraseology. a sudden attack or outburst of pain or
par* lay (pahr-lay) v. 1 to use (money won
. rage or laughter etc. par*ox*ys*mal
on a bet) as a further stake. 2. to increase ( par-dk-siz-mal) adj.
in value by parlaying, parlay n. (pi parquet (pahr-kay) n. 1. flooring of
-lays) a bet so made, the act of parlaying. wooden parquetry. 2. the main floor of
> Do not confuse parlay with parley. a theater.
par* ley (pahr-lee) n. (pi -leys) a discus- par-quet-ry ( pahr-ki-tree) n. inlaid wood
sion or conference, especially between for a floor.
enemies or opponents to settle points in par-rakeet = parakeet.
dispute, parley v. (par- ley ed, par* par -rl -cide par-i-sid) n. 1 the act of kill-
( .

leying) to hold a parley. >Do

not con- ing one's father, mother, or near relative.
fuse parley with parlay. 2. a person who commits parricide, par*
par*lia*ment (pahr-la-ment) n. an assem- ri-ci-dal (par-i-si-dai) adj.
bly that makes the laws of certain coun- par* rot (par-dt) n. 1. a tropical bird with
tries; Parliament, that of the United a short hooked bill and often with
Kingdom, consisting of the House of brightly colored plumage. 2. a person
Commons and the House of Lords. who repeats another's words or imitates
par • lia • men • tar • i • an ( pah r-la-rnen - tair- his actions unintelligently. parrot v. to
i-an) n. an expert in the rules of parlia- repeat (words etc.) mechanically; par-
mentary procedure, especially one whose roted her, repeated everything she said.
jobis to make decisions about procedure parrot fever, psittacosis.
in a meeting. par*ry (par-ee) v. (par-ried, parry
par • lia • men • ta • ry ( pah r- la-men- ta- ree) Ing) 1. to ward off (an opponent's
adj. of or involving a parliament, parlia- weapon or blow) by using one's own
mentary government parliamentary weapon etc. to block the thrust. 2. to
651 parse / particle
evade (an awkward question) skillfully. other people, part song, a song with
parry n. (pi. -rles) an action of this kind. three or more voice parts, often without
parse (pahrs) v. (parsed, parsing) to accompaniment, part time, less than full
explain the grammatical form and func- time, part with, to give up possession
tion of (a word or words in a sentence). of, to hand over.
par* sec (pahr-sek) n. & unit of distance part abbr. 1. participial. 2. participle. 3.
used in astronomy, about 3.26 light- particular.
years. par-take (pahr-tayk) v. (par-took, par*
par • si • mo • ni • ous ( pahr-sT-moh-ni-us) tak*en, par*tak*ing) 1. to participate.
adj. stingy, very sparing in the use of 2. to take a part or portion, especially
resources. adv. of food. par*tak'er n.
par-si-mo-ny (pahr-sT-moh-nee) n. par-terre (pahr-tair) n. 1. the level space
pars* ley (pahrs-lee) n. a garden plant with in a garden occupied by flower beds. 2.
crinkled green leaves used for seasoning the part of the ground floor of an audito-
and decorating food and in sauces. pars / rium or theater that hes under a rear
lied adj. balcony.
pars* nip (pahrs-nip) n. 1. a plant with a
par • the • no • gen • e • sis ( pahr-the-noh-
large yellowish tapering root that is used jen-e-sis) n. a process of reproduction
as a vegetable. 2. this root.
without fertilization, especially in inver-
par* son (pahr-sdn) n. a Protestant minis- tebrates and the lower plants, par* the*
no ge • net
• • ic ( pahr-the-noh- je-net-ik)
par* son* age (pahr-sd-nij) n. a house pro- adj.
vided by a church for its parson.
Par*thi*an (par-thi-an) adj. Parthian
part (pahrt) n. 1. some but not all of a
shot, a parting shot. OThe horsemen
thing or number of things. 2. a division
of ancient Parthia were renowned for
of a book or broadcast serial etc., espe-
turning to shoot their arrows at the en-
cially as much as is issued at one time.
emy while retreating.
3. a region. 4. an integral element, she's
par-tial (pahr-shal) adj. 1. in part but not
part of the family. 5. a distinct portion
complete or total, a partial eclipse. 2. bi-
of a human or animal body or of a plant.
6. a component of a machine or struc-
ased, unfair, par'tial-ly adv. par- Ube
tial to, to have a strong liking for.
ture. 7. each of several equal portions
of a whole; a fourth part, a quarter; three
par • ti • al •ty ( pahr-shi-al-i-tee) n. 1 bias,
i • .

favoritism. 2. a strong liking.

parts, three-quarters. 8. a portion allot-
ted, a share of work etc. 9. the character
par -ti- ble (pahr-tf-bel) adj. that can or
assigned to an actor in a play etc., the must be divided, partible inheritance.
words spoken by this character, a copy par • tic- i- pate (pahr-tis-I-payt) v. (par*
of these. 10. the melody or other line tic-i-pat-ed, par-tic-i-pat-ing) to
of music assigned to a particular voice have a share, to take part in something.
or instrument. 1 1 a side in an agreement
par *tic'i* pant n. par-tic'i-pa-tor n.
or in a dispute; for or on my part, as par • tic • • pa • tion ( pahr-tis-I-pay-sh6n)

far as I am concerned. 1 2. a line where n.

hair is combed away in different direc- par • tic • I • pa • to • ry ( pahr-tis-I-pa-tohr-

tions, part adv. in part, partly, part v. ee) adj. sharing, taking a part in some-
1. to separate or divide, to cause to do thing.
this; part one's hair,, to make a part in par-ti-ci-ple (pahr-ti-sip-el) n. a word
it. 2. (informal) to pay out (money), he formed from a verb (as going, gone; burn-
couldn't bear to part with a dollar ing burned) and used in compound verb
Ga man Of parts, one with many abili- forms (she is going or has gone) or as
ties, in good part, good-humoredly, an adjective (a going concern), par-ti-
without taking offense, in part, partly. cip-i-al (pahr-ti-sip-i-al) adj. Dpast
part and parcel of, an essential part participle, one that expresses completed
of. part company, to go different ways action, as burned, frightened, wasted.
after being together; to cease to associate; present participle, one that expresses
to disagree, on that subject you and I continuing action, as burning, frighten-
part company, parting shot, a sharp re- ing wasting.
mark made by a person as he departs par-ti-cle (pahr-ti-kel) n. 1. a very small
(see Parthian), part of speech, one of portion of matter, a subatomic particle.
the classes into which words are divided 2. the smallest possible amount, he hasn 't
in grammar (noun, adjective, pronoun, a particle of sense. 3. a part of speech
verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, that connects or limits or shows the re-
interjection), part owner, one who lation of other units, such as a conjunc-
shares the ownership of something with tion, preposition, or article. particle
parti-colored / pass 652
board, a board made of bonded wood process of giving birth to young, child-
chips. birth.
pafti-col-ored (pahr-ti-kul-drd) adj. col- part* way (pakrt-way) adv. (informal)
ored partly in one color and partly in partly, to some extent.
another or others. par-ty (pahr-tee) {pi -ties) 1. a social

par • tic • u • lar ( par-tik-yu-lar) adj. 1 relat- . gathering, usually of invited guests. 2.
ing to one person or thing as distinct a number of people traveling or working
from others, individual, this particular together as a unit, a search party. 3. a
tax is no worse than others. 2. special, group of people united in support of a
exceptional, took particular trouble. 3. se- cause or policy etc., especially a political
lecting carefully, insisting on certain group organized on a national basis to
standards, is very particular about what put forward its policies and candidates
he eats, particular n. a detail, a piece for office. 4. the person(s) forming one
of information, gave particulars of the sto- side in an agreement or dispute. 5. a per-
len property. par*tic'u*lar*ly adv. par* son who participates in or knows of or
tiC'iHafhty (par-tik-yu-lar-i-tee) n. supports an action or plan etc., refused
Din particular, particularly, especially, to be a party to the conspiracy. 6. (in-

we liked this one in particular; specifi- formal) a person, party v. (par* tied,
cally, did nothing in particular. par 'tying) (informal) to give or to at-
panticu-lar-ize (par-tik-yu-la-nz) v.
tend social gatherings. party line, a
(par-tiC'U-lar-ized, par -tic* u -lar- shared telephone line; the set policy of
iz-ing) to specify, to name specially or
a political party.
par-ve (pahr-ve) adj. (of food in the Jew-
one by one.
ish tradition) permitted to be eaten both
par -tic-u -late (par-tik-yu-lit) adj. (of
with meat and with dairy products.
matter) in the form of separate particles.
par*ve*nu (pahr-ve-noo) n. a person of
parting (pahr-ting) n. leave-taking.
obscure origin who has gained wealth
par • ti • san ( pahr-ti-zan) n. 1 a strong and.

or position, an upstart.
often uncritical supporter of a person or
pas (pah) n. {pi pas, pr. pah) a step in
group or cause. 2. a guerrilla, partisan
dancing. Dpas de deux (pah de duu),
adj. characteristic of partisans, par'ti*
a ballet dance for two persons.
san -ship n.
pas'Chal (pas-kal) adj. 1. of the Jewish
par*ti*tion (pahr-tish-dn) n. 1. division
Passover. 2. of Easter. paschal lamb,
into parts. 2. a part formed in this way.
the lamb slaughtered for the feast on the
3. a structure that divides a room or
firstnight of Passover. Paschal Lamb,
space, a thin wall, partition v. 1 to di-
Jesus as the Lamb of God {see lamb).

vide into parts, to assign parts (of a task, pa-sha (pah-sha) n. a former Turkish title
territory, etc.) in this way. 2. to divide
(placed after a name) for an official of
(a room etc.) by means of a partition. high rank, dlubb Pasha.
par-ti'tive ( pahr-ti-tiv) adj. (in grammar) pass (pas) v. (passed, pass-ing) 1. to
denoting part of a collective whole, par- go or proceed or move onward or past
titive n. 1 a word of this kind (as some,
something. 2. to cause to move across
any). 2. the grammatical case employing or over or past. 3. to go from one person
a partitive. to another, to be transferred, his title
part • ly ( pahrt-lee) adv. to some extent but passed to his eldest son. 4. to hand or
not completely or wholly. transfer, (in football etc.) to throw the
part-ner (pahrt-ner) n. 1. one who shares ball to another player of one's own side.
with another or others in some activity, 5. to discharge from the body as or with
especially in a business firm where he excreta. 6. to change from one state or
shares risks and profits. 2. either of two condition into another. 7. to come to an
people dancing together or playing tennis end. 8. to happen, to be done or said,
or cards etc. on the same side. 3. a hus- we heard what passed between them. 9.
band or wife, part'ner-ship n. to occupy (time). 1 0. to circulate, to be
par* took (pahr-tuuk) see partake. accepted or currently known in a certain
partridge (pahr-trij) n. {pi. -tridg* way. 11. to be tolerated or allowed. 1 2.
es, -tridge) 1 . a game bird with brown to examine and declare satisfactory, to
feathers and a plump body. 2. its flesh approve (a law etc.), especially by vote.
as food. 13. to achieve the required standard in
part-time (pahrt-tim) adj. for or during performing (a test), to be accepted as sat-
only part of the working day or week. isfactory. 14. to go beyond. 1 5. to utter,
part-tinver (pahrt-ti-mer) n. a person em- topronounce as a decision, passed some
ployed in part-time work. remarks; pass judgment. 16. (in cards)
par-tu-ri-tion ( pahr-chu-rish-on) n. the to refuse one's turn (as in bidding). |
653 pass. / past

n. passing, especially of an examina-

1 . pas-slon (pash-dn) n. 1. strong emotion.
tion or at cards. 2. a movement made 2. an outburst of anger. 3. sexual love.
with the hand(s) or something held. 3. 4. great enthusiasm for something, the
a permit to go into or out of a place or object of this, chess is his passion. 5. Pas-
to be absent from one's quarters. 4. a sion, the sufferings of Christ on the Cross,
throw of the ball to another player of the account of this in the Gospels, a mu-
one's own side in football etc. 5. a gap sical setting for this account, passion-
in a mountain range, allowing access to less adj. u
Passion Sunday, the Sun-
the other side. 6. a critical state of affairs, day two weeks before Easter in the Chris-
things have come to a pretty pass, pass' tian calendar.
er n. bring to pass, to cause to hap- pas*sion*ate (pash-6-nit) adj. 1. full of
pen, make a pass at, to attempt but passion, showing or moved by strong
without much effort; (informal) to try emotion. 2. (of emotion) intense.
to attract sexually, pass away, to cease; pas'sion*ate*ly adv.
to die. pass for, be accepted as, he pas *sion* flower (pash-on-flow-er) n. a
passed for Lebanese, pass Off, to offer climbing plant with flowers thought to
or dispose of (a thing) under false pre- resemble the crown of thorns and other
tenses, passed it off as his own; to evade things associated with the Passion of
or dismiss (an awkward remark etc.) Christ.
lightly, pass out, (informal) to faint. pas-slon -fruit (pash-dn-froot) n. the edi-
pass over, to disregard; to ignore the ble fruit of some kinds of passionflower.
claims of (a person) to promotion etc. pas-sive (pas-iv) adj. 1. acted upon and
pass the buck, see buck 2 , pass up, not active. 2. not resisting, submissive.
(informal) to refuse to accept (an oppor- 3. lacking initiative or forceful qualities.
tunity etc.). pass water, to urinate. 4. (of substances) inert, not active, pas-
pass. abbr. 1. passenger. 2. passive. sive n. the form of a verb used when
pass -a -Die (pas-a-bel) adj. 1. able to be the subject of the sentence receives the
passed on traversed. 2. satisfactory, fairly action, such as was seen in he was seen
good but not outstanding, pass'a-bly there. pas'sive-ly adv. pas'sive-ness
adv. n. pas-slv-i-ty (pa-siv-i-tee) n. pas-
pas* sage (pas-ij) n. 1the process of pass-
. sive resistance, resistance by refusal
ing. 2. the right to pass through, right to cooperate.
of conveyance as a passenger by sea or pass *key (pas-kee) n. 1. a key to a door
air, book your passage. 3. a journey by or gate. 2. a master key.
sea or air. 4. a way through, especially Pass*o*ver (pas-oh-ver) n. a Jewish festi-
with walls on either side. 5. a tubelike val commemorating the liberation of the
structure through which air or secretions Jews from slavery in Egypt.
etc. pass in the body. 6. a particular sec-, pass* port (pas-pohrt) n. 1 an official doc-

tion of a literary or musical work. ument issued by a government identify-

pas* sage* way (pas-ij- way) n. a passage ing the holder as one of its citizens and
giving a way through. entitling him to travel abroad under its
pass* book (pas-buuk) n. a book record- protection. 2. a thing that enables one
ing a customer's deposits and withdraw- to obtain something, such ability is a
als from a bank account. passport to success.
pas-se (pa-say) adj. past its o»- his prime, pass* word (pas-wurd) n. a selected word
no longer fashionable. >
French. or phrase known only to one's own side,
pas*sel (pas-el) n. (informal) a large enabling sentries to distinguish friend
group, a passel of children. from enemy.
pas-sen-ger ( pas-en- jer) n. a person past (past) adj. belonging to the time be-
(other than the driver or pilot or member fore the present, (of time) gone by. past
of crew etc.) traveling in a vehicle or n. 1 time that is gone by, in the past.

ship or aircraft. passenger seat, the 2. past events. 3. a person's past life or
seat beside the driver's seat in a car or career, especially one that is discredit-
truck, passenger train, a train for car- able, a man with a past, past prep. 1.
rying passengers not goods. beyond in time or place, hurried past me.
pass -er- by (pas-er-bi) n. (pi. -ers* 2. beyond the limits or power or range
by) a person who happens to be going or stage of, past belief; she's past caring
past a thing. what happens, past adv. beyond in time
pas* Sim (pas-im) adv. in many places in or place, up to and farther, drove past.
a book etc. > Latin. Dpast master, a thorough master in
pass-ing (pas-ing) adj. not lasting long, or of a subject, an expert, would not
casual, a passing glance, passing n. the put it past him, (informal) regard him
end of something, a death. as morally capable of doing it.

pasta / patent 654

pas-ta (pah-sta) n. 1. dried paste made past-y (pay-stee) adj. (past-i-er, past*
with flour and produced in various I -est) 1. of or like paste. 2. unhealthily
shapes (such as macaroni, spaghetti). 2. pale, pasty-faced.
a cooked dish made with this. pat 1 (pat)v. (pat-ted, pat -ting) 1 to tap .

paste (payst) n. 1 a moist fairly stiff mix-

. gently with the open hand or with some-
ture, especially of a powdery substance thing flat 2. to flatten or shape by doing
and a liquid. 2. an adhesive. 3. an edible this, pat n. 1. a patting movement. 2.
doughy substance, almond paste. 4. an the sound of this. 3. a small mass of but-
easily spread preparation of ground meat ter or other sort substance. pat on Da
or fish etc., anchovy paste. 5. a hard glass- the back, praise, congratulations.
like substance used in making imitation pat 1 &
adv. known and ready for any
gems, paste v. (past-ed, pasMng) 1. occasion, had any number ofpat answers;
to fasten with paste. 2. to coat with paste. had his answers pat G stand pat, to
3. (slang) to beat or thrash. stick firmly to what one has said; (in
paste* board (payst-bohrd) n. a kind of poker) to draw no additional cards.
thin board made of layers of paper or pat abbr. 1. patent. 2. patented.
wood fibers pasted together. patch (pach) n. 1 a piece of material or

pas-tel (pa-stel) n. 1. a chalklike crayon. metal etc. put over a hole to mend it.
2. a drawing made with this. 3. a light 2. a bandage or a pad placed over a
delicate shade of color, pastel adj. (of wound etc. to protect it. 3. a large or
color) pale and subdued. irregular area on a surface, differing in
pas* tern (pas- tern) n. the part of a horse's color or texture etc. from the rest. 4. a
foot between fetlock and hoof. piece of ground, especially for growing
pas'teur-ize (pas-chu-nz) v. (pas*teur* vegetables, cabbage patch. 5. a small area
ized, pas-teur-iz'ing) to sterilize or volume of anything, patches of fog.
(milk etc.) partially by heating and then patch v. 1. to put a patch or patches
chilling it. pas*teur*i*za*tk>n (pas-, on. 2. to serve as a patch forJB. to piece
chu-ri-ray-shdn) n. D>The method was (things) together. G
patch pocket, a
devised by Louis Pasteur (1822-95), a pocket made by sewing a piece of cloth
French chemist. on the surface of a garment, patch test,
pas'tiche (pa-steesh) n. a musical or a test for allergy made by applying to
other composition made up of selections the skin patches containing allergenic
from various sources. substances, patch up, to repair with
pas* title (pa-steel) n. a small flavored patches; to put together hastily or as a
candy for sucking, a lozenge. makeshift; to settle (a quarrel etc.).
pas* time (pas-tim) n. something done to patch *ou -II ( pa-choo-lee) n. 1. a fragrant
pass time pleasantly, a recreation. plant grown in the Far East. 2. perfume
pas* tor (pas- tor) n. a minister in charge made from this.
of a church or congregation. patch* work (pack-wurk) n. 1. a kind of
pas-to-ral (pas-td-ril) adj. 1. of shep- needlework in which assorted small
herds or country life, a pastoral scene. pieces of cloth are joined edge to edge,
2. of a pastor, concerned with spiritual often in a pattern; patchwork quilt, one
guidance, pastoral n. a poem, picture, made in this way. 2. anything made of
etc. dealing with country life. assorted (also ill-assorted) pieces.
pas* tor* ate (pas-t5-rit) n. 1. a pastor's patch *y (pack-cc) adj. (patch -i-er,
official residence. 2. his term of office. patch •(•est) 1. having patches, exist-
3. pastors as a unit. ing in patches, patchy fog. 2. uneven in
pas*tra *ml (pa-strak-mee) n. a highly sea- quality. patch'l*ly adv. patch'l-ness
soned smoked beef. n.
pas* try (pay-stree) n. {pi -tries) 1 . dough pate (payt) n. (old use) the head.
made of flour, fat, and water, used for pa*te (pa-tay) n. a paste or spread of meat
covering pies or holding filling. 2. food etc.
made with this. 3. a cake in which pastry pa-tel-la (pa-tel-a) n. {pi -teHas, -ten-
is used. iae, pr. -tel-ee) the kneecap.
pas-tur-age (pas-chu-rij) n. 1. pasture pat* en (pat-en) n. a metal plate on which
land. 2. the right to graze animals on bread is placed at the Eucharist.
this. parent 1 ( pat-en t) n. 1 a document grant-

pas -hire (pas-chur) n. 1. land covered ing an inventor the sole right to make
with grass and similar plants suitable for or use or sell an invention. 2. an inven-
grazing cattle. 2. grass etc. on such land. tion or process protected in this way.
pasture v. (pas-tured, pas-rur-lng) patent adj. protected by a patent, patent
1 to put (animals) to graze in a pasture. medicines, patent v. to obtain or hold
2. (of animals) to graze. a patent pat / ent*ed adj. patent
655 patent / patron

leather, leather with a glossy varnished in which cards have to be brought into
surface, patent office, the government a particular arrangement. Dhave no
office from which patents are issued, pat- patience with, to feel irritated by.
ent pending, notice that a patent has pa*tient (pay-shent) adj. having or show-
been applied for but not yet received. ing patience, patient n. a person receiv-
pat*ent2 (pay-tent) adj. obvious, uncon- ing treatment by a doctor or dentist etc.
cealed, his patent dislike of the plan. pa'tient-ly adv.
pat*ent*ee (pat-en-tee) n. a person who pat-i-na (pat-I-na) n. 1. an attractive
holds a patent. green incrustation on the surface' of old
pat-ent-ly ( pay-tent-lee) adv. obviously, bronze. 2. a gloss on the surface of wood-
his suggestion was patently ridiculous. work, produced by age.
pa • ter • fa • mil • I • as ( pay-ter-f a-mil-i-as) pa-ti*0 (pat-i-oh) n. (pi -OS) 1. an inner
n. {pi -as*es) (informal) the head of courtyard, open to the sky, in a Spanish
the family or household. or Spanish-American house. 2. a paved
pa-ter-nal (pa-tur-nal) adj. 1. of a father, area beside a house, used for outdoor
of fatherhood. 2. fatherly. 3. related meals or relaxation.
through one's father; paternal grand- pat-ois (pat-wah) n. (pi pa-tois, pr. pat-
mother, one's father's mother, pa* ter' wahz) a dialect.
nal*ly adv. pat. pend. abbr. patent pending.
pa* ter -rial* ism (pa-tur-na-liz-em) n. the pa*tri*arch (pay-tri-ahrk) n. 1. the male
policy of governing or controlling people head of a family or tribe; the Patriarchs,
in a paternal way, providing for their the men named in the book of Genesis
needs but giving them no responsibility. as the ancestors of mankind or of the
pa • ter • nal • Is • tic ( pa-tur-na-lis-tik) tribes of Israel. 2. a bishop of high rank
adj. in certain churches. 3. a venerable old
pa*ter*ni*ty (pa-tur-ni-tee) n. 1. father- man. pa*tri*ar*chy (pay-tri-ahr-kee) n.
hood, being a father. 2. descent from a pa*tri*ar*chate (pay-tri-ahr-kit) n.

father. paternity test, a test to deter- pa*tri*ar*chal (pay-tri-ahr-kal) adj.

mine from blood samples whether a man pa*tri*clan (pa-trish-an) n. a member of
may be the father of a particular child. the aristocracy, especially in ancient
pa*ter*nos*ter (pay-ter-nos-tSr) n. the Rome, patrician adj. aristocratic.
Lord's Prayer, especially in Latin. pat*ri*cide (pat-ri-sid) n. 1. the act of
path (path) n. (pi. paths, pr. pathz) 1. a person who com-
killing one's father. 2. a
way by which people pass on foot, a mits this crime. pat*ri*cid*al (pat-ri-si-
track. 2. a line along which a person or dal) adj.
thing moves. 3. a course of action. pat*ri*mo*ny (pat-ri-moh-nee) n. prop-
path. abbr. 1. pathological. 2. pathology. erty inherited from one's father or ances-
pa-thet'ic (pa-thet-ik) adj. 1. arousing tors, a heritage. pat*ri*mo*ni*al (pat-
pity or sadness. 2. miserably inadequate. rf-moh-ni-al) adj.
pa*thet'i*cal*ly adv. pa*tri-ot (pay-tri-6t) n. a patriotic person.
path- find -er (path-fin-der) n. an ex- pa*tri*Ot*iC (pay-tri-ot-ik) adj. loyally
plorer. supporting one's country, pa'trhot'l*
path -o -gen (path-6-jen) n. an agent (such cal«ly adv. pa*tri*ot*ism (pay-tri-d-
as a bacterium or virus) causing disease, tiz-em) n.
path-o-gen-ic (path-6-jen-ik) adj. pa*tris*tic (pa-tris-tik) adj. of the study
pathol. abbr. 1 pathological. 2. pathology.
. of the early Christian writers or then-
path *o* log *i*cal (path-6-loj-i-kal) adj. works.
1. of pathology. 2. of or caused by a pa-trol (pa-trohl) v. (pa* trolled, pa*
physical or mental disorder, a pathologi- trol-iing) to walk or travel regularly
cal liar, path-o-log'i-cal-ly adv. through (an area or building) in order
pa*thol*0*glst (pa-thol-6-jist) n. an ex- to see that all is secure and orderly, pa-
pert in pathology. trol n. 1. patrolling, on patrol. 2. the
pa*thol*0*gy (pa-thol-6-jee) n. 1 the sci- . person(s) or ship(s) or aircraft whose job
entific study of diseases of the body. 2. is to patrol an area. patrol wagon,
abnormal changes in body tissue, caused a police van for prisoners.
by disease. pa*trol*man (pa-trohl-man) n. (pi -men,
pa-thos (pay-thos) n. a quality that pr. -men) a policeman assigned to foot
arouses pity or sadness. patrol.
path* way (path- way) n. a path. pa*tron (pay-tron) n. 1. a person who
pa-tience (pay-shens) n. A. calm endur- gives encouragement or financial or other
ance of hardship or annoyance or incon- support to an activity or cause etc. 2. a
venience or delay etc. 2. perseverance. regular customer of a shop or restaurant
3. a card game (usually for one player) etc. pa*tron*ess (pay-tro-nis) n. fern.
patronage / payable 656
patron saint, a saint regarded as giv- face, a paved path for pedestrians at the
ing special protection to a person or place side of a road.
or activity. pa-vll-ion (pS-vil-ydn) n. 1. a light build-
pa-tron-age (pay-tro-nij) n. 1. support ing or other structure used as a shelter,
given by a patron. 2. the right of appoint- as in a park. 2. an ornamental building
ing a person to a job in government. used for dances and concerts etc.
pa«tron-ize (pay-trd-niz) v. (pa«tron- paw (paw) ru 1 the foot of an animal that

ized, pa-tron-iz-lng) 1 to act as a pa- .

has claws. 2. (informal) a person's hand.
tron toward, to support or encourage. paw v. 1. to strike with a paw. 2. to
2. to be a regular customer at (a store scrape (the ground) with a hoof. 3. (in-
etc.). 3. to treat in a condescending way. formal) to touch awkwardly or rudely
pa-tron-lz-ing ( pay -trd-ni -zing) adj. with the hands.
condescending. pa'trorHz-lng*ly adv. pawl (pawl) ru a lever with a catch that
pat-ro»nym*ic (pat-ro-nim-ik) n. a name engages with the notches of a ratchet
derived from the name of a father or wheel.
ancestor. pawn 1 (pawn) ru 1. a chessman of the
pa*troon (pa-troon) n. (old use) the owner smallest size and value. 2. a person whose
of a landed estate with rights to levy taxes actions are controlled by others.
and fees. pawn2 v. to deposit (a thing) with a pawn-
pat-sy (pat-see) ru {pi -sles) (slang) a
broker as security for money borrowed.
person who is ridiculed or deceived or
pawn ru something deposited as a
pledge. Din pawn, deposited as a pawn.
pat-ter (pat-er) v. 1. to make a series of

pawn ticket, a receipt for a thing depos-

light quick taps. 2. to run with short
ited with a pawnbroker.
quick steps, patter ru a series of light
pawn*brok*er (pawn-broh-ker) n. a per-
quick tapping sounds.
son licensed to lend money on the secu-
patter 2 n. rapid and often glib or deceptive
rity of personal property deposited with
speech, such as that used by a magician,
salesman, comedian, etc.
Paw-nee (paw-nee) ru {pi -nees, -nee)
pat* tern (pat-em) n. 1. an arrangement
of lines or shapes or colors, a decorative
1. a memberof an Indian tribe from
Kansas and Nebraska. 2. the language
design. 2. a model or design or instruc-
of this tribe.
tions according to which something is
to be made. 3. an excellent example, a
pawn* shop (pawn-shop) n. a pawnbrok-
er's place of business.
model. 4. the regular form or order in
which actions or qualities etc. occur, be-
havior patterns, pattern v. 1 to model .
pay (pay) v. (paid, paying) 1. to give

according to a pattern. 2. to decorate (money) goods or services.

in return for
2. to give what is owed, to hand over
with a pattern.
pat-ty (pat-ee) n. (pi -ties) 1. a round the amount of (wages, a debt, ransom,
flattened piece of ground meat or other etc.). 3. to bear the cost of something.
food, hamburger patty; potato patty. 2. 4. to be profitable or worthwhile. 5. to
a small pie. bestow or render or express, pay atten-
pau-ci -ty (paw-si-tee) n. smallness of sup- tion; paid them a visit; paid them a com-

ply or quantity. pliment 6. to let out (a rope) by slacken-

paunch (pawnch) n. 1 the belly. 2. a pro-
ing it. pay n. 1. payment. 2. wages. 3.
truding abdomen, paun'chy adj. paid employment, he is in the pay of the
pau-per (paw-per) n. a very poor person, enemy. pay'er n. Dpay as you go,
pau'per-ism n. living within one's means, not relying on
pau* per*ize (paw-pe-nz) v. (pau-per- credit or borrowing, a pay-as-you-go pol-
ized, pau-per-iz-lng) to make a pau- icy, pay for, to suffer or be punished

per of. because of (a mistake etc.). paying

pause (pawz) n. a temporary stop in ac- guest, one who pays for his board and
tion or speech, pause v. (paused, lodging, pay its way, to make enough
pausing) to make a pause. Qgive profit to cover expenses, pay Off, to pay
pause to, to cause (a person) to hesitate. in full and be free from (a debt) or dis-
pave (payv) v. (paved, paving) to cover charge (an employee); to yield good re-
(a road or path etc.) with stones or con- sults, the risk paid off. pay one's way,
crete etc. to make a hard surface, pav' not get into debt, pay phone, a coin-
ing ru Dpave the way, to prepare the operated telephone, pay up, to pay in
way for changes etc. paving stone, a full; to pay what is demanded.
slab of stone for paving. pay -a -Die (pay-a-bel) adj. that must or
pave -merit (payv-ment) n. a paved sur- may be paid.
657 paycheck / peanut
paycheck (pay-chek) n. wages or salary, peace *a* Die (pee-sa-bel) adj. 1 not quar-

a check paying this. relsome, desiring to be at peace with oth-

payee (pay-ee) n. a person to whom ers. 2. peaceful, without strife, a peacea-
money is paid or is to be paid. ble settlement peace'a*bly adv.
pay load (pay-lohd) n. 1. the part of an peace -ful (pees-ful) adj. 1. characterized
aircraft's load from which revenue is de- by peace. 2. belonging to a state of peace
rived (passengers or cargo). 2. the total not of war, peaceful uses of atomic en-
weight of bombs or instruments carried ergy, peace'ful-ly adv. peace'ful*
by an aircraft or rocket etc.
paymaster (pay-mas-ter) n. an official peace* keep • irig ( pees-kee-ping) adj.
who pays troops or workmen etc. refraining from or preventing strife.
payment (pay-ment) n. 1. paying. 2. peace'keep-er n.
money given in return for goods or peace -mak-er (pees-may-ker) n. a per-
services. 3. reward, compensation. son who brings about peace.
payoff (pay-awf) n. (slang) 1. payment. peace* time (pees-tim) n. a period when
2. reward or retribution. 3.* a climax, es-
a country is not at war.
pecially of a joke or story. peach (peech) n. 1. a round juicy fruit
pay O a la (pay-oh-la) n. 1. a bribe offered with downy yellowish or reddish skin
to one who promotes a commercial prod- and a rough stone. 2. the tree that bears
uct by dishonestly making use of his posi- this. 3. (slang) a person or thing that
tion or influence etc. 2. bribery of this
is greatly admired, an attractive young
woman. 4. yellowish-pink cole*, peach
pay Toll (pay-rohl) n. a list of a firm's em-
adj. yellowish pink, peach/y adj.
ployees receiving regular pay.
(peach -her, peach- 1 -est) peach
Pb symbol lead.
Melba, a dish of ice cream and peaches
PBB n.a toxic chemical. >From poly-
with raspberry syrup.
frominated 6iphenyl.
pea* cock (pee-kok) n. a male bird with
PBS abbr. Public Broadcasting Service. long tail feathers that can be spread up-
PBX abbr. private branch exchange (a pri- right like a fan. peacock blue, bril-
vate telephone system).
liant blue like the feathers on a peacock's
PCB n. a toxic chemical. >From poly-
chlorinated 6iphenyl.
PCP n. a hallucinogenic drug. >From pea* hen (pee-hen) n. the female of a pea-
phencylidine pill.
pet. abbr. percent.
pea jacket a sailor's short double-breasted
Pd symbol palladium. overcoat of coarse woolen cloth.
PQ abbr. Police Department. peak (peek) n. 1. a pointed top, especially
pd. abbr. paid. of a mountain. 2. the mountain itself.
P.D.Q. abbr. (slang) pretty damn quickly. 3. any shape or edge or part that tapers

PDT abbr. Pacific Daylight Time. to form a point. 4. a projecting part of

PE abbr. 1 . physical education. 2. printer's the edge of a cap. 5. the point of highest
error. 3. Professional Engineer. 4. Prot- value or achievement or intensity etc.,
estant Episcopal. at the peak of her career; peak hours,
pea (pee) n. {pi peas) 1 a climbing plant
the hours when traffic is heaviest or con-
bearing seeds in pods. 2. the seed of cer- sumption of electric current etc. is at its
tain varieties of this, used as a vegetable. highest, peak v. to reach a peak in value
Dpea green, bright green, like vegeta- or intensity etc.
ble peas, pea souper, (informal) a thick peak-ed (pee-kid) adj. having a drawn
yellowish fog. and sickly appearance.
peace (pees) n. 1 a state of freedom from
. peal (peel) n. 1 the loud ringing of a bell

war, cessation of war. 2. a treaty ending or set of bells. 2. a set of bells with differ-
a war, signed the peace. 3. freedom from ent notes. 3. a loud sustained sound of
civil disorder, a breach of the peace. 4. thunder or laughter, peal v. to sound
quiet, calm; peace of mind, freedom from or cause to sound in a peal.
anxiety. 5. a state of harmony between pea* nut (pee-nut) n. 1. a plant bearing
people, absence of strife. Peace pods that ripen underground, usually
Corps, an organization of Americans containing two edible seeds. 2. this seed.
who work in the developing countries. 3. peanuts, (informal) a trivial or con-
peace offering, something offered to temptibly small amount of money.
show that one is willing to make peace. peanut brittle, a hard caramel and
peace officer, a policeman, peace peanut candy, peanut butter, a spread
pipe, a tobacco pipe as a token of peace of ground roasted peanuts, peanut gal-
among North American Indians. lery, (informal) the rear section of a the-
pear / pedestrian 658

ater balcony, peanut oil, oil derived and jellies to set. pec'tic adj.
from peanuts. pec*to*ral (pek-td-ral) adj. 1. of or in or
pear (pair) a rounded fleshy fruit
ru 1. on the chest or breast, pectoral muscles.
that tapers toward the stalk. 2. the tree 2. worn on the breast, a pectoral cross.
that bears this. pec*u*la*tlon (pek-yu-lay-shdn) ru em-
pearl (purl) n. 1. a round usually white bezzlement.
mass of a lustrous substance formed in- pe*cu*liar (pi-kyool-yar) adj. 1. strange,
side the shells of certain oysters, valued eccentric. 2. belonging exclusively to a
as a gem. 2. an imitation of this. 3. some- particular person or place or time, cus-
thing resembling it in shape. 4. some- toms peculiar to the 18th century. 3. par-
thing valued because of its excellence or ticular, special, a point of peculiar inter-
beauty. Dcast pearls before swine, est
to offer a good thing to someone who pe*CU*li*ar*i*ty (pi-kyoo-li-ar-i-tee) ru
is incapable of appreciating it. pearl bar- (pi -ties) 1 being peculiar. 2. a charac-

ley, barley grains ground small, pearl teristic. 3. something unusual, an eccen-
diver, one who dives or fishes for oysters tricity.
containing pearls, pearl gray, a pale pe*cul*iar*ly (pi-kyool-yar-lee) adv. 1. in
bluish gray. a peculiar way. 2. especially, peculiarly
pearled (purld) adj. formed into or cov- annoying.
ered with pearilike drops. pe*CU*ni*ar*y (pi-kyoo-ni-er-ee) adj. of
pearl -y (pur-lee) adj. (pearl *i*er, pearl* or in money, pecuniary aid.
i-est) 1. like pearls. 2. with pearls. ped-a-gogue (ped-a-gog) ru a person
Pearly Gates, (informal) the gates of who teaches in a pedantic way.
heaven. ped*a*go*gy (ped-a-goh-jee) n. teaching,
peas* ant (pez-ant) n. (in some countries) the art of teaching, ped a gog • ic ( ped-
• •

a member of the class of farm laborers a-goj-ik) adj. ped*a*gog'i*cal adj.

and small farmers. ped-al (ped-al) n. a lever operated by the
peas* ant Ty (pez-an-tree) ru peasants. foot in a motor vehicle or cycle or other
pea* shoot *er (pee-shoo-ter) ru a toy tube machine, or in certain musical instru-
from which peas or pellets are shot by ments, pedal v. (ped-aled, ped-al-
blowing. Ing) 1. to work the pedal(s) of. 2. to
peat (peet) ru vegetable matter decom- move or operate by means of pedals, to
posed by the action of water in marshes ride a bicycle. pedal pushers, wom-
etc. and partly carbonized, used in horti- en's short slacks reaching below the knee.
culture or cut in pieces as fuel, peat'y D>Do not confuse pedal with peddle.
adj. Dpeat moss, moss that has formed ped-al -boat (ped-al-boht) n. a pleasure
peat, used to improve soil. boat operated by pedals.
peb'ble (peb-el) n. a small stone worn ped -ant ( ped-ant) n. a person who parades
round and smooth by the action of water. his learning or who insists unimagina-
pebble v. (peb-bled, peb-bling) 1. to tively on strict observance of formal rules
cover with pebbles. 2. to give a textured and details in the presentation of knowl-
surface to (leather or paper), peb'bly edge, ped 'ant -ry n. pe* dan* tic ( pi-
adj. dan- tik) adj. pe-dan'ti-cal-ly adv.
pe*can (pi-kahn) n. 1. a smooth edible ped* die (ped-el) v. (ped* died, ped-
nut of a hickory tree. 2. the tree bearing dling) to sell (goods) as a peddler.
this nut. > Do not confuse peddle with pedal.
pec-ca-dil-lo(pek-a-dil-oh) ru {pi -loes, ped- die r (ped-ler) n. a person who goes
-los) a trivial offense. from house to house selling small arti-
pec-ca-ry (pek-a-ree) ru (pi. -rles, -ry) cles.
a wild pig of tropical America. ped*er*ast (ped-e-rast) n. a man who
peck 1 (pek) ru 1 a dry measure, 8 quarts
= commits sodomy with a boy. ped'er*
or one-quarter of a bushel. 2. a lot, a as-ty n.
peck of trouble. ped-es-tal (ped-S-stil) n. a base support-
peck 2
v. 1 to strike or nip or pick up with
. ing a column or pillar or statue etc.
the beak. 2. to make (a hole) with the Dput a person on a pedestal, to ad-
beak. 3. to kiss lightly and hastily, peck mire or respect him greatly or exces-
ru 1 a stroke or nip made with the beak.
. sively.
2. a light hasty kiss, peck'er ru Dpeck pe-des-trl-an (pe-des-tri-an) n. a person
at, to eat (food) lightly, pecking order, who is walking, especially in a street, pe-
a social hierarchy, originally as observed destrian adj. 1 . of walking, of or for
among domestic fowl. pedestrians. 2. unimaginative, dull.
pec* tin (pek-tin) ru a gelatinous substance pedestrian crossing, see crossing
found in ripe fruits etc., causing jams (definition 3).
659 pediatrician / pelage

pe*di*a*tri*cian (pee-di-5-trish-an) n. a peep* hole (peep-hohl) n. a small hole to

specialist in pediatrics. peep through.
pe-di-at-rics (pee-di-at-riks) n. the peer 1
(peer) v. 1. to look searchingly or
branch of medicine dealing with the dis- with peep out.
difficulty. 2. to
eases of children. pe*di*at'ric adj. peer 2 one who is equal to another
n. 1.
ped-i-cab (ped-T-kab) n. a rickshaw (or others) in rank or merit or quality
pulled by a cychst. etc. 2. a member of the peerage in Great
ped*i*cure (ped-I-kyoor) n. care and Britain, a duke, marquis, earl, viscount,
treatment of the feet and toenails, ped'i* or baron, also called peers of the
cur* 1st n. realm, with the right to sit in the House
ped*i*gree (ped-T-gree) n. a line or Ust of Lords. Dhas no peer, is unequaled
of ancestors, especially of a distinguished in merit, quality, etc. peer group, a
kind, pedigree adj. (of animals) having group of people who are of equal status,
a recorded line S)f descent that shows similar occupation, etc.
pure breeding, pedigree cattle. peer* age (peer-ij) n. 1 . peers, the nobility.
ped'i 'men t (ped-i-ment) n. a triangular 2. therank of peer or peeress. 3. a book
gable crowning the front of a building containing a Ust of peers.
of the classical Greek style. peer* ess (peer-is) n. a female peer, a
ped-lar (ped-lar) n. (old use) a peddler. peer's wife.
pe*dom*e*ter (pe-dom-e-ter) n. a device peer* less (peer-lis) adj. without equal, su-
that calculates the distance a person perb.
walks by counting the number of steps peeve (peev) n. (informal) 1.,. a -cause of
taken. annoyance, my pet peeve. 2. a mood of
pe*dun*cle n. the stalk of
(pi-dung-kel) vexation, in a peeve, peeve v. (peeved,
a flower, or cluster, especially the
fruit, peeving) (informal) to annoy.
main stalk bearing a solitary flower or peevish (pee-vish) adj. irritable. pee /
subordinate stalk. vish*ly adv. pee'vish-ness n.
pee (pee) v. (peed, peeking) (informal) pee* wee (pee- wee) n. (informal) an un-
to urinate, pee n. (informal) 1. urina- usually small boy.
tion. 2. urine. peg (peg) n. 1. a wooden or metal pin
peek (peek) v. to peep or glance, peek or bolt for fastening things together,
n. a peep or glance. hanging things on, holding a tent rope
peel (peel) n. the skin of certain fruits and taut, or marking a position; a peg on
vegetables, peel v. 1 to remove the peel
. which to hang a sermon, a suitable theme
of. 2. to strip away, to pull off (a skin or pretext for it. 2. a wooden screw for
or covering). 3. to be able to be peeled. tightening or loosening the strings of a
4. to come off in strips or layers, to lose violin. 3. (slang) a throw of a baseball.
skin or bark etc. in this way. Dpeel off, peg v. (pegged, peg-ging) 1. to fix
to veer away from a formation of which ormark by means of a peg or pegs. 2.
one formed a part. to keep (wages or prices) at a fixed
pee! *ing (pee-ling) n. a strip of skin peeled amount. 3. (slang) to throw (a baseball).
from potatoes etc. Dpeg away, to work diligently, to be
peen (peen) n. the wedge-shaped or spher- persistent in doing something, peg leg,
ical end of the head of a hammer, peen (slang) an artificial leg. take a person
v. 1. to hammer with this. 2. to treat down a peg, to reduce his pride, to
with a stream of metal shot. humble him.
peep 1 (peep) v. 1. to look through a nar- peg -board (peg-bohrd) n. a board with
row opening. 2. to look quickly or sur- holes and pegs.
reptitiously or from a concealed place. P.E.I, abbr. Prince Edward Island.
3. to come briefly or partially into view, peign*oir (payn-wahr) n. a woman's
to show slightly, peep n. a brief or sur- dressing gown.
reptitious look. peeping Tom, a man pe jo ra
• • • ti ve ( pi-jor-a-tiv) adj. disparag-
who furtively watches someone undress- ing, derogatory. pe*jo'ra*tive*ly adv.
ing or engaging in sexual activities. (> peke (peek) n. (informal) a Pekingese dog.
Named after the Coventry tailor in the Pe*king (pee-king) former spelling of Bei-
story of Lady Godiva.) peep show, a jing, the capital of China.
small exhibition of pictures etc. viewed Pe*king*ese (pee-kl-neez) n. (pi. -ese)
through a lens in a small opening. a dog of a breed with short legs, flat face,
peep 2 n. a weak high chirping sound like and long silky hair.
thatmade by young birds, peep v. to pe*koe (pee-koh) n. a kind of black tea
make this sound. didn't make a made from young leaves.
peep, (informal) made no sound or com- pel* age (pel-ij) n. the fur, hair, wool of
plaint. a mammal.
pelagic / penetrate 660
pe-lag-ic (pe-laj-ik) adj. of, or performed ers in hockey, penalty kick, a free kick
on, the open sea. at goal awarded as a penalty in soccer.
pelf (pelf) n. (contemptuous) money, pen*ance (pen-ans) n. 1. an act per-
wealth. formed as an expression of penitence. 2.
pei*i*can (pel-T-kan) n. a large water bird (in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox
of warm regions, with a pouch in its long Churches) a sacrament including confes-
bill for storing fish. sion, absolution, and an act of penitence
pel*la*gra (pe-lag-ra) n. a deficiency dis- imposed by a priest. Ddo penance, to
ease causing cracking of the skin, disor- perform an act of this kind.
ders of the nervous system, and diarrhea pence (pens) n. pi (British) a plural form
pel *let (pel-it) n. 1. a small rounded of penny, used for a sum of money, the
closely packed mass of a soft substance. fare has increased to 20 pence. D>This
2. a small bullet or shot. * form is like the U.S. 20 cents, which
pell-mell (pel-mel) adj. adv. in a hurry- & means coins totaling this amount, not
ing disorderly manner, headlong. 20 pennies. See penny.
pel-IU'Cid (pe-loo-sid) adj. very clear. pen* Chant (pen-chant, pahn-shahn) n. a
pelt 1 (pelt) n. an animal skin, especially liking or inclination, has a penchant for
with the fur or hair still on it. Indian music
pelt 2 v. 1 to throw missiles at. 2. (of rain
pen-Cll (pen-sfl) n. 1. an instrument for
etc.) to come down fast.
drawing or writing, consisting of a thin
pel* vis (pel-vis) n. the basin-shaped stick of graphite or colored chalk etc.
framework of bones at the lower end of
enclosed in a cylinder of wood or fixed
the body, pei'vic adj.
in a metal case. 2. something used or
-i -can (pem-I-kan) n.
pern* mi* can, pern
shaped like this, pencil v. (pen 'di-
a North American Indian cake of dried
ed, pervciMng) to write or draw or
and pounded meat mixed with melted
mark with a pencil. pencil box, a con-
tainer for pencils, pencil in, to enter (a
pen 1
(pen) n. a small fenced enclosure es-
suggested date or estimate etc.) provi-
pecially for cattle, sheep, poultry, etc.
pen v. (penned, pen*ning) to shut in
pen*dant (pen-dant) n. a hanging orna-
or as if in a pen.
ment, especially one attached to a chain
pen 2 a device with a metal point, rolling
worn around the neck.
ball, felt tip, etc. for writing with ink.
pen v. (penned, pen-ning) to write (a pen -dent (pen-dent) adj. hanging.
letter etc.). Dpen name, an author's
pend ing

( pen-ding) adj. 1 waiting to be

decided or settled. 2. about to come into

pseudonym, pen pal, a friend with
whom a person corresponds without existence, your pending promotion.
meeting. pending pending these
prep. 1. during,

pen 3 n. a female swan. pending his return.

negotiations. 2. until,

pen 4 n. (slang) a penitentiary. pen*du*lous (pen-ju-lus) adj. hanging

pen. abbr. peninsula. downward, hanging so as to swing freely.
P.E.N, abbr. International Association of pen*du*lum (pen-ju-lum) n.a weight1.

Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, hung from a cord so can swing

that it

and Novelists. freely. 2. a rod with a weighted end that

pe*nal (pee-nal) of or involving pun-
adj. regulates the movement of a clock etc.

ishment, especially according to law. swing of the pendulum, the ten-

D penal code, the body of laws con- dency for public opinion to favor an op-
cerned with punishment of criminals. posite policy or political party etc. after
pe-nal-ize (pee-na-hz) v. (pe*nal* a time.
Ized, pe-nal-iz-ing) 1. to inflict a pen- pe*ne* plain (pee-ne-playn) n. a region

alty on. 2. to place at a serious disadvan- that is almost a plain, as a result of ero-
tage. sion.
pen*al*ty (pen-al-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1. a pen*e*tra*ble ( pen-e-tra-bel) adj. able
punishment for breaking a law or rule to be penetrated. pen*e*tra*bil*i*ty
or contract. 2. a disadvantage or hard- (pen-e-tra-bil-i-tee) n.
ship brought on by some action or qual- pen*e*trate ( pen-e-trayt) v. (pen*e*
ity, the penalties of fame. 3. a disadvan- trat-ed, pen*e*trat*ing) 1. to make
tage to which an athlete or team must a way into or through, to pierce. 2. to
submit for breaking a rule. Dpenalty enter and permeate. 3. to see into or
area, an area in front of the goal on a through, our eyes could not penetrate the
soccer field in which a foul by the defend- darkness. 4. to discover or understand,
ers involves the award of a penalty kick. penetrated their secrets. 5. to be absorbed
penalty box, a place for penalized play- by the mind, my hint didn't penetrate.
661 penetrating / Pentecost

pen'e*tra*tor n. pen*e*tra*tion U.S. See the note under pence.) 3. a

(pen-e-tray-shdn) n. very small sum of money, won't cost you
pen*e*trat*ing (pca-«5-tray-ting) adj. 1. a penny. D
penny ante, a poker game
having or showing great insight. 2. (of played for small stakes; (informal) a triv-
a voice or sound) loud and carrying, ial penny arcade, an amuse-
piercing. ment area having coin-operated ma-
pen *e -tractive (pen-e-tray-tiv) adj. able chines and games, penny loafers,
to penetrate, penetrating. (informal) loafers that have leather slots
pen*guin (pen-gwin, peng) n. a seabird in front in which a penny or other coin
of the Antarctic and nearby regions, with is placed, penny wise and pound fool-
webbed feet and wings developed into ish, careful in small matters but wasteful
flippers used for swimming. pretty penny, (informal)
in large ones,
pen- hold *er (pen-hohl-der) n. a wooden a large amount of money.
or plastic rod holding a nib. pen-ny-plnch-ing (pen-ee-pin-ching)
pen*i*cH*lin (pen-I-sil-in) n. an antibiotic adj. niggardly, penny-pinching n. nig-
of the kind obtained from mold fungi. gardliness.
pen*in*su*la (pe-nin-su-la) n. a piece of pen *ny* royal (pen-ee-roi-il) ru a species
land that is almost surrounded by water of mint, containing a pungent oil.
or that projects far into the sea. pen* pen *ny weight ( pen-ee- wayt) n. a meas-
in'su*lar adj. ure of weight = 24 grains, one-twentieth
pe*nls (pee-nis) n. (pi -nis*es, -nes, pr. of a troy ounce.
-neez) the organ by which a male animal pe*noi*0*gy (pi-nol-5-jee) n. the scien-
copulates and (in mammals) urinates. tific study of crime, its punishment, and
pen*i*tent (pen-i-tent) adj. feeling or prison management. pe*nol'o*glst n.
showing regret that one has done wrong. pen*sion (pen-shon) n. 1. a periodic pay-
penitent n. a penitent person. pen'l* ment made by the government or a for-
tenMy adv. pen'l *tence n. mer employer to a person who is retired,
pen*i*ten*tial (pen-i-ten-shal) adj. of disabled, or widowed. 2. (pr. pen-syoha)
penitence or penance. a boarding house in Europe, pension
pen*l*ten*tla*ry (pen-i-ten-sha-ree) n. a v. 1. to pay a pension to. 2. to dismiss

prison for offenders convicted of serious or allow to retire with a pension, pen-
crimes. sioned him off.
pen* knife (pen-mf) n. (pi -knives, pr. pen*slon*er (pen-sh6-ner) n. a person
-mvz) a small folding knife, usually car- who receives a pension.
ried in a person's pocket. pen*sive ( pen-si v) adj. deep in thought,
pen* light (pen-lit) ru a small flashlight thoughtful and gloomy. pen'slve*ly
shaped like a fountain pen. adv. pen / sive*ness n.

pen* man (pen-man) n. (pi -men, pen *stock (pen-stok) n. 1. a sluice or

pr. -men) an expert in penmanship. floodgate. 2. a channel for conveying wa-
pen* man* ship (pen-man-ship) n. skill in ter to a water wheel.
writing with a pen, his penmanship is pent (pent) adj. shut in a confined space,
poor. pent in or up.
Penn., Penna. abbr. Pennsylvania. pen*ta*Cle (pen-ta-kel) n. a pentagram or

pen* nan t (pen-ant) n. 1. a long tapering other figure used as a symbol, especially
flag flown on a ship. 2. a flag as a symbol in magic.
of achievement; they won the American pen*ta*gon (pen-ta-gon) n. a geometric
League Pennant, won the championship. figure with five sides. Uthe Pentagon,
pennant race, the competition be- a five-sided building near Washington,
tween baseball teams in a league. D.C., headquarters of the U.S. Depart-
pen -ni- less (pen-i-lis) adj. having no ment of Defense and of the leaders of
money, very poor, destitute. the armed forces; the department itself.
pen*non (pen-on) n. 1. a nautical flag, pen*tag*0*nal (pen-tag-5-nal) adj. five-
especially a long narrow triangular or sided.
swallow-tailed one. 2. a long pointed pen *ta* gram (pea-ta-gram) n. a five-
streamer on a ship. pointed star.
Penn*syl*va*ni*a (pen-sH-vay-ni-a) a pen* tam *e*ter (pen-tam-e-ter) n. a line
state of the U.S. Penn*syl*va'ni*an of verse with five metrical feet.
adj. & n. Pen-ta-teuch (pen-ta-took) n. the first
pen*ny (pen-ee) n. (pi -nles) 1. a U.S. five books of the Old Testament.
coin worth one cent. 2. a British coin pen*tath*lon (pen-tath-lon) n. an athletic
worth one-hundredth of a pound. (>The contest in which each competitor takes
British plural form 20 pennies means 20 part in the five events it includes.
individual coins, just as it does in the Pen *te* COSt (pen-te-kawst) n. 1 the Jew-
Pentecostal / perception 662

ish harvest festival (Shabuoth), falling peppercorns, pepper pot, a West Indian
fifty days after the second day of Pass- stew of meat, vegetables, etc.
over. 2. the Christian festival commemo- pep -per-and- salt (pep-er-an-sawlt) adj.
rating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon woven with light and dark threads pro-
the Apostles, falling on the seventh Sun- ducing an effect of small dots.
day (Whitsunday) after Easter. pep* per* corn (pep-er-korn) n. the dried
Pen*te*COS*tal (pen-te-kaw-stal) n. a black berry from which pepper is made.
member of a highly evangelistic Chris- pep* per* mint (pep-er-mint) n. 1. a kind
tian church. Pentecostal adj. Pen* of mint grown for its strong fragrant oil,
te-cos'taMsm n. used in medicine, candies, etc. 2. the oil
pent* house (pent-hows) n. (pi -nous* itself. 3. a candy flavored with this.

es, pr. -how-ziz) an apartment (usually pep* per *y (pep-e-ree) adj. 1. like pepper,
with a terrace) on the roof ef a tall build- containing much pepper. 2. sharp-
ing. tongued. 3. easily angered.
pent-up (pent-up) shut in. 2. kept
adj. 1. pep* sin (pep-sin) n, an enzyme contained
from being expressed openly, pent-up an- in gastric juice, helping to digest food.
ger. pep* tic (pep-tik) adj. of digestion.
pe*nul*ti*mate (pi-nul-tl-mit) adj. next U peptic ulcer, an ulcer in the stomach
to last. or duodenum.
pe*num*bra (pi-num-bra) n. (pi -brae, per (pur, unstressed per) prep. 1 for each, .

pr. -bree,-bras) the partly shaded region $2 per gallon. 2. (informal) in accordance
around the shadow of an opaque body, with, as per instructions; as per usual,
especially around the total shadow of the (informal) as usual. 3. (old use) by means
moon or Earth in eclipse. of, per post. Dper an*num (an-um), for
pe*nu*ri*ous (pl-noor-i-iis) adj. 1 . stingy. each year, per cap-i-ta (kap-i-ta), for
2. poverty-stricken. each person, per di*em (dee-iim), for
pen*u*ry (pen-yu-ree) extreme poverty.
n. each day. >Many writers avoid the use
pe*on (pee-on) n. a day laborer in Spanish of per except in business expressions.
America, pe-orvage (pee-6-nij) n. per. abbr. 1. period. 2. person.
pe-o-ny (pee-6-nee) n. (pi -nies) a gar- Per. abbr. 1. Persia. 2. Persian.
den plant with large round red or pink per*ad*ven*ture (per-ad-ven-chur) n.
or white flowers. (old use) uncertainty, chance, conjecture,
peo*ple (pee-pel) n. pi. 1. human beings doubt.
in general. 2. the persons belonging to per*am*bu*late (per-am-byu-layt) v.
a place or forming a group, the subjects (per*am*bu*lat*ed, per*am*bu*lat*
or citizens of a state. 3. ordinary persons, ing) 1. to walk through or over or
those who have no special rank or au- around (an through and
area), to travel
thority. 4. a person's parents or other inspect. 2. to walk about. per*am*bu*
relatives, people n. sing, the persons la-tion (per-am-byu-lay-shdn) n.
composing a community or tribe or race per * am * bu • la • tor
( per-am-byu-lay-t6r)
or nation, a warlike people; the English- n. a baby carriage.
speaking peoples were united during the per an. abbr. per annum.
war. people v. (peo-pled, peo-pling) percale (per-kayl) n. a closely woven cot-
to fill (a place) with people, to populate. ton fabric.
pep (pep) n. vigor, energy, pep v. per -eel ve (per-seev) v. (perceived,
(pepped, pep* ping) (informal) to fill per*ceiv*ing) to become aware of, to
with vigor, to enliven, pep it up. pep'py see or notice.
adj. Dpep pill, a pill containing a stimu- per* cent (per-sent) n. a percentage, one
lant drug, pep talk, a talk urging the part in every hundred, percent adj. &
hearer(s) to great effort or courage. adv. in every hundred.
pep* per (pep-£r) n. 1. a hot-tasting pow- per* cent* age (p£r-sen-tij) n. 1. a rate or
der made from the dried berries of cer- proportion expressed as a percent. 2. a
tain plants, used to season food. 2. a kind proportion or part.
of capsicum grown as a vegetable, its per -cen- tile (per-sen-til) n. (in statistics)
fruit used unripe (green pepper) or ripe one of 99 values of a variable dividing
(red or yellow pepper); sweet pepper, one a population into 100 equal groups in
with a relatively mild taste, pepper v. regard to the value of that variable.
1 .to sprinkle with pepper. 2. to pelt with per*cep*ti*ble ( per-sep-tl-bSl) adj. able
small missiles. 3. to sprinkle here and to be perceived. per*cep / ti*bly adv.
there, a speech peppered with jokes. per • cep • ti • bil • I • ty ( peY-sep-tT-bU-i-
pepper box, a small container with tee) n.
a perforated lid for sprinkling pepper on per-cep-tion (per-sep-sh6n) n. perceiv-
food, pepper mill, a device for grinding ing, the ability to perceive.
663 perceptive / perfumery

per-cep-tive (per-sep-tiv) adj. having or ing all its essential qualities. 2. faultless,
showing insight and sensitive under- excellent. 3. exact, precise, a perfect cir-
standing, perceptively adv. per* cle. 4. entire, total, a perfect stranger.
cep'tive-ness n. perfect (per-fekt) v. to make perfect.
per • cep • tu • al ( per-sep-choo-al) adj. of or perfect (pur-fikt) n. the perfect tense,
involving perception. per*cep'tu*al* u perfect tense, a tense indicating a
ly adv. completed action or event viewed in rela- %
perch 1 (purch) n. 1.a bird's resting place tion to the present or to a specified time.
(such as a branch), a bar or rod provided (See tense.)
for this purpose. 2. a high place or nar- per- fee -ta (per-fek-tl) n. a system of bet-
row ledge etc. on which a person sits ting in which the bettor must name the
or positions himself, perch v. to rest or first and second horses or dogs to finish
place on or as if on a perch. in a race.
perch2 n. {pi perch) an edible freshwater per*fect*i*ble (per-fek-ti-bSl) adj. able to
fish with spiny fins. be perfected. per*fect*l*bil*i*ty (per-
per -chance (per-chans) adv. (old use) fek-tl-bil-i-tee) n.
perhaps. perfection (per-fek-shdn) n. 1. making
per-clp-i-ent (per-sip-i-ent) adj. perceiv- or being perfect. 2. a person or thing
ing, perceptive, perclp'hence n. considered perfect. Dto perfection,
per* co* late (pur-kd-layt) (per -co •
v. perfectly.
lat-ed, per*co*lat*ing) 1. to filter or per* fee* tion* 1st (per-fek-sh6-nist) n. a
cause to filter, especially through small person who is satisfied with nothing less
holes. 2. to prepare (coffee) in a percola- than what he thinks is perfect, per*
tor, per -co* la* tion (pur-kd-lay-shdn) fee 'tion -ism n.
n. •
per* feet *ly (pur-fikt-lee) adv. 1. in a per-
per* CO* la* tor (pur-kd-lay-tdr) n. a pot in fect way. 2. completely, quite, perfectly
which coffee is made and served, in satisfied.
which boiling water is made to circulate per*fec*to (pfcr-fek-toh) n. {pi -tos) a
repeatedly up a central tube and down- large thick cigar pointed at each end.
ward through ground coffee held in a per-fid-l-ous (per-fid-i-us) adj. treacher-
perforated drum near the top. ous, disloyal, per-fid'i-ous-ly adv.
per-cus-sion (per-kush-dn) n. 1. the per-fi-dy (pur-fi-dee) n. {pi -dies).
striking of one object against another. per -to -rate (pur-f5-rayt) v. 1. to make
2. the percussion instruments in an or- a hole or holes through, to pierce with
chestra, per-cus'sion-ist n. D per- a row or rows of tiny holes so that part(s)
cussion cap, a small metal device con- can be torn off easily. 2. to penetrate,
taining explosive powder that explodes per -fo-ra- tion (pur-fd-ray-shdn) n.
when it is struck, used as a detonator. per* force (per-fohrs) adv. by force of cir-
percussion instrument, a musical in- cumstances, necessarily.
strument (such as drum, cymbals, tam- per* form (per-form) v. 1. to carry into

bourine) played by striking. effect, to accomplish, to do. 2. to go

per-di-tion (per-dish-on) n. eternal dam- through (a particular proceeding), to ex-
nation. ecute, performed the ceremony. 3. to
per-dur-a-ble (peY-door-a-bel) adj. very function, the car performed well when
durable, permanent, per-dur-a-bil- tested 4. to act in a play etc., to play
i*ty (per-door-a-bil-i-tee) n. an instrument or sing or do tricks before
per-e-gri-na-tion (per-S-grT-oay-shfin) an audience, per-form'er n. per-
n. traveling, a journey. forming arts, those arts, such as drama
peregrine (per-S-grin) n. (also pere- etc., that require public performance.
grine falcon) a kind of falcon that can per -for -ma nee (per-for-mans) n. 1. the
be trained to hunt and catch small ani- process or manner of performing. 2. a
mals and birds. notable action or achievement. 3. the
per*emp*to*ry (pS-remp-td-ree) adj. im- performing of a play or other entertain-
perious, insisting on obedience, a per- ment, two performances a day.
emptory order, per-emp-to-ri-ly (pg- per* fume (pur-fyoom, per-fyoom) n. 1.
remp-td-ri-lee) adv. a sweet smell. 2. a fragrant liquid for
per-en-nl-al (pe-ren-i-il) adj. 1. lasting giving a pleasant smell, especially to the
a long time or forever, constantly recur- body, perfume (per-fyoom) v. (per-
ring, a perennial problem. 2. (of a plant) fumed, per- turn- ing) to give a sweet
living for several years, perennial n. a smell to, to apply perfume to.
perennial plant per-en'ni-al-ly adv. per*fum*er*y (per-fyoo-me-ree) n. {pi
pert. abbr. 1. perfect. 2. perforated. -er*les) perfumes, the preparation of
per -feet (pur-fikt) adj. 1. complete, hav- these.
perfunctory / perm. 664
per*func*to*ry (per-fungk-td-ree) adj. 1. pe*iiph*er*al (pS-rif-e-ril) adj. 1. of or
done as a duty or routine but without on the periphery. 2. of minor importance
much care or interest. 2. (of a person) to something.
acting in this way. per*func'to*rHy pe*rtph*er*y (pe-rif-e-ree) ru {pi -er*
adv. per*func'to*rl*ness n. lea) 1 the boundary of a surface or area,

per* go* la (pur-gd-la) n. an arbor or cov- the region immediately inside or beyond
ered walk formed of climbing plants this. 2. the fringes of a subject etc.
trained over trellises. pe*riph*ra*sl8 ( pe-rif-ra-sis) n, {pi -sea,
perh. abbr. perhaps. pr. -seez) a roundabout phrase or way
per* haps (per-haps) adv. it may be, possi- of speaking, a circumlocution.
bly. per *i scope (per-T-skohp) ru an appara-

per*i*car*di*um (per-T-kahr-di-um) n. tus with a tube and mirror(s) by which

{pi -di*a, pr. -di-a) the membranous sac a person in a trench or submerged sub-
enclosing the heart. marine or at the rear of a crowd etc.
per*i*carp (per-T-kahrp) n. a vessel con- can see things that are otherwise out of
taining seed formed from the wall of a sight.
ripened ovary or fruit. per ish (per-ish)
• v. 1 . to suffer destruction,
per -i -gee (per-T-jee) n. the point (in the to become extinct, to die a violent or
orbit of the moon, a planet, or an artifi- untimely death. 2. to distress or wither
cial satellite) nearest to Earth. by cold or exposure.
per*i*he*ll*on (per-I-hee-li-dn) n. {pi per*lah*a*ble (per-i-sha-bel) adj. liable to
-he*li*a, pr. -hee-li-a) the point (of a decay or go bad in a short time.
planet's or comet's orbit) nearest to the per*ish*a*blea (per-i-sha-belz) ru pi per-
sun. ishable foods.
per* II (per-il) n. serious danger. per* i*sta *aia I
(per-T-stawl-sis) ru {pi
per*il*OU8 (per-T-lus) adj. full of risk, dan- -ses, pr. -seez) the automatic muscular
gerous, per'il *ous*ly adv. movement, consisting of successive
per*i*lune (per-T-loon) n. the point in an wavelike contractions and relaxations, by
object's orbit about the moon where it which the contents of the alimentary ca-
is closest to the moon's center. nal etc. are propelled along it. per*l*
pe*rim*e*ter (r^-rim-e-ter) n. 1. the stal-tlc (per-T-stawl-tik) adj.
outer edge or boundary of a closed geo- per -i 'Style row of col-
(per-T-stil) ru 1. a
metric figure or of an area. 2. the length umns surrounding a
temple, court, build-
of this. space so surrounded.
ing, etc. 2. the
per*i*ne*um (per-I-nee-um) n. {pi -ne* per*l*to*ne*um (per-I-to-nee-um) ru the
a, pr. -nee-a) the region of the body be- membrane lining the abdomen.
tween the anus and the scrotum or vulva. per -I- to Til 'tis (per-r-td-ni-tis) ru inflam-
per*i*ne'al adj. mation of the peritoneum.
pe-ri'Od (peer-i-od) ru 1. a length or por- per *i* wig (per-I-wig) ru (old use) a wig.
tion of time. 2. a time with particular per-i-wln-kle 1
(per-i-wing-kel) ru an
characteristics, the colonial period. 3. the evergreen trailing plant with blue or
time allocated for a lesson in school. 4. white flowers.
an occurrence of menstruation. 5. a mark periwinkle 3 ru an edible small sea snail.
of punctuation .used at the end of a per* Jure (pur-jur) v. (per-Jured, per*
sentence, to indicate an abbreviation etc. jur-lng) perjure oneself, to make a
6. the geologic time forming part of an perjured statement. per']ur*er ru
era. period adj. (of furniture or dress per*Ju*ry (pur-ju-ree) ru {pi -ries) the
or architecture) belonging to a past age. deliberate giving of false evidence while
pe*ri*od*ic (peer-i-od-ik) adj. occurring on oath, the evidence itself.
or appearing at intervals. D periodic ta- perk 1 (purk) v. to raise (the head etc.)
ble, a chart depicting the arrangement briskly or jauntily. Dperk up, to regain
of elements in order of atomic numbers or cause to regain courage or confidence
and in which elements of similar chemi- or vitality.
cal properties appear at regular intervals. perk 2 n. (informal) a perquisite.
pe*ri*od*i*cal (peer-i-od-i-kal) adj. peri- perk 3 v. (informal) to percolate (coffee),
odic, periodical n. a magazine etc. pub- to bubble up in a percolator.
lished at regular intervals. pe*ri*Od'l* perk-y (pur-kee) adj. (perk -her, perk*
cal*ly adv. i-est) lively and cheerful, perk'i-ly adv.
per*i*o*don*tal (per-i-6-don-tal) adj. of perk'i*ness n.
the tissues surrounding and supporting per *lite (pur-lit) n. a volcanic rock, ex-
the teeth. pandable by heating, used in insulating
per*i*pa*tet*ic (per-i-pS-tet-ik) adj. go- material, concrete, etc.
ing from place to place. perm. abbr. permanent.
665 permafrost / Persian

per* ma* frost (pur-ma-frawst) n. the per- the 14th- 15th centuries, with vertical
manently frozen subsoil in polar regions. tracery in large windows, perpendicu-
per*ma*nent (pur-ma-nent) adj. lasting lar ru a perpendicular line or direction,
or meant to last indefinitely, permanent per-pen-dic'u-lar-ly adv. per-pen-
ru a permanent wave, per'ma*nent* dic*u*lar*l*ty (pur-pen-dik-yii-lar-i-
ly adv. per / ma*nence n. per • ma* tee) ru
nen*cy (pur-ma-nen-see) ru D perma- per-pe-trate (pur-pe-trayt) v. (per*pe*
nent press, (of a fabric) requiring little trat-ed, per-pe-trat-ing) to commit
or no ironing because of its wrinkle-re- (a crime or error), to be guilty of (a blun-
sistant quality, permanent wave, a der etc.). per*pe*tra*tion (pur-pe-
long-lasting artificial wave in the hair. tray-shdn) ru per'pe*tra*tor ru
per*me*a*ble (pur-mi-a-bel) adj. able to per*pet*u*al (per-pech-oo-al) adj. 1. last-
be permeated by fluids etc. per • me* ing for a long time, not ceasing. 2. (in-
a*bil*l*ty (pur-mi-a-btt-i-tee) n. formal) frequent, often repeated, this per-
per* me* ate (pur-mi-ayt) v. to pass or flow petual quarreling, per • pet'u • al • ly adv.
or spread into every part of. per* me* u perpetual calendar, one that can be
a*tion ( pur-mi -ay-shon) n. used for any year or over a long period.
Per* mi* an (per-mi-an) adj. of the latest per • pet -u -ate (per-pech-oo-ayt) v. (per*
geologic period of the Paleozoic era. Per- pet*u*at*ed, per-pet-u-at-ing) to
mian n. the Permian period. preserve from being forgotten or from
per -mis -si -Die (per-mis-I-bel) adj. such going out of use, his invention will perpet-
as may be permitted, allowable, per* uate his memory. per*pet*u*a*tion
mis'si'bly adv. (per-pech-oo-ay-sh6n) n.
per*mis*sion (per-mish-dn) n. consent or per*pe*tu*i*ty (pur-pe-too-i-tee) n. {pi
authorization to do something. -ties) the state or quality of being per-
per*mis*sive (per-mis-iv) adj. 1. giving petual. Din perpetuity, forever.
permission. 2. tolerant, allowing much per*plex (per-pleks) v. 1. to bewilder, to
freedom in social conduct and sexual puzzle. 2. to make more complicated.
matters,or in raising children, per* per*plex*ed*ly (per-plek-sid-lee) adv. in
mis'sive*ness n. a perplexed way.
per-mit (per-mit) v. (per*mit*ted, per* per*plex*i*ty (per-plek-si-tee) n. {pi
mit-ting) give permission or con-
1. to -ties) bewilderment.
sent, to authorize. 2. to give opportunity, per* qui* site (pur-kwi-zit) n, a profit or
to make possible, weather permitting. allowance or privilege etc. given or
permit (pur-mit) ru a written order giv- looked upon as one's right in addition
ing permission, especially for entry into to wages or salary. >
Do not confuse per-
a place. >See the note under allow. quisite with prerequisite.
per-mu-ta-tion(pur-myu-tay-shdn) ru 1. Pers. abbr. 1. Persia. 2. Persian.
variation of the order of a set of things. per se (per say) by or in itself, intrinsi-
2. any one of these arrangements. cally. t> Latin.
per* mute (per-myoot) v. (per* mut- per *se* cute (pur-se-kyoot) v. (per*
ed, per-mut-ing) to vary the order or se*cut*ed, per «se* cut-ing) 1 . to sub-
arrangement of. ject to constant hostility or cruel treat-
per-ni-cious (per-nish-us) adj. having a ment, especially because of religious or
very harmful effect. per-ni'cious-ly political beliefs.2. to harass, per'se*
adv. pernicious anemia, a severe cu*tor per*se*cu*tion (pur-se-
progressive frequently fatal form of ane- kyoo-shdn) n. persecution com-
mia. plex, an insane delusion that one is being
per*o*ra*tion (per-5-ray-sh6n) ru a persecuted. >Do not confuse persecute
lengthy speech, the last part of this. with prosecute.
per*ox*ide (pe-rok-sid) n. 1 a compound. per -severe (pur-se-veer) v. (per -se-
containing the maximum proportion of vered, per*se*ver*ing) to continue
oxygen. 2. hydrogen peroxide {see hy- steadfastly, especially in something that
drogen), peroxide v. (per* ox* id* is difficult or tedious. per*se*ver*ance
ed, per*ox*id*ing) to bleach with hy- (pur-se-veer-ans) ru
drogen peroxide. Per*sia (pur-z/ta) the ancient and now the
perp. abbr. perpendicular. alternative name of Iran.
per-pen-dic-u-lar (pur-pen-dik-yii-lar) Per-sian (pur-z/ian) adj. of Persia or its
adj. 1 at a right angle (90°) to another
. people or language. Persian ru 1 a na- .

line or surface. 2. upright, at right angles tive or inhabitant of Persia. 2. the lan-
to the horizontal. 3. (of a cliff etc.) having guage of Persia. 3. a Persian cat. Per-
a vertical face. 4. Perpendicular, of the sian cat, a cat of a breed that has long
style of English Gothic architecture in silky fur. Persian lamb, the silky tightly
persiflage / persuasion 666

curled fur of lambs of a kind of Asian per-son-al-ly (pur-sd-na-lee) adv. 1. in

sheep. person, not through an agent, showed us
pefsi'flage (pur-st-flahzA) n. banter. around personally. 2. as a person, in a
per*sim*mon (per-sim-dn) n. 1. an personal capacity, we don't know him
American or East Asian tree bearing a personally. 3. in a personal manner, don 'f
red-orange edible plumlike fruit. 2. this take it personally. 4. as regards oneself,
fruit. personally, I like it
per-sist (per-sist) v. 1. to continue firmly per*so*na non gra-ta (per-soh-na non
or obstinately, she persists in breaking grah-ta) (pi per-so-nae non gra*
the rules. 2. to continue to exist, the cus- tae, pr. per-soh-nee non gran-tee) a per-
tom persists in some areas. per*sist'ent son not acceptable to certain others.
adj. per*sist'ent*ly adv. persist > Latin.
ence n. per*sist'en*cy*n. per* son* ate (pur-sd-nayt) v. (per*
per* snick *et*y (per-snik-e-tee) adj. (in- son • at • ed, per • son • at • ing) to imper-
formal) fastidious, scrupulous. sonate.
per* son (pur-son) n. 1. an individual hu- per*son*i*fy (per-son-i-fi) v. (per*
man being. 2. the living body of a human son-i-fied, per • son -i -tying) 1. to
being; offenses against the person, bodily represent (an idea) in human form or
attacks etc. 3. (in Christian doctrine) one (a thing) as having human characteris-
of the three modes of being of the God- tics, Justice is personified as a blindfolded
head; the three Persons of the Trinity, the woman holding a pair of scales. 2. to em-
Father (First Person), the Son (Second body in one's life or behavior, he was
Person), the Holy Spirit (Third Person). meanness personified. per*SOn*l*fl*
4. (in grammar) any of the three classes ca-tlon (p£r-son-I-fi-kay-sh6n) n.
of personal pronouns and verb forms, re- per*son*nel (pur-sd-nel) n. 1. the body
ferring to the person speaking (first per- of people employed in any work, staff".
son, — I, me, we, us), or spoken to (second 2. the department (in a business firm etc.)
person, = thee, thou, you), or spoken of dealing with employees and their prob-
(third person, = he, him, she, her, it, they, lems and welfare. O
Do not confuse per-
them). Din person, physically present. sonnel with personal.
per -son -a -ble (pur-sd-na-bel) adj. hav- per* spec *tive (per-spek-tiv) n. 1. the art
ing a pleasing manner, good-looking. of drawing solid objects on a flat surface
per* son* age (pur-sd-nij) n. a person, es- so as to give an impression of their rela-
pecially one of importance or distinction. tive position, size, solidity, etc. 2. the *

per*SOn*al (pur-s6-nal) adj. 1. one's own apparent relationship between visible ob-
or a particular person's own, will give jects as to position, distance, etc. 3. a
it my personal attention, 2. of one's own view of a visible scene or of facts and
or another's private life, a personal mat- events. 4. a mental picture of the relative
ter. 3. making remarks about a person's importance dT things. Din perspective,
appearance or his private affairs, espe- drawn according to the rules of perspec-
cially in a critical or hostile way, let's tive; with its relative importance under-
not become personal 4. done or made stood.
etc. in person, several personal appear- per • spi • ca • clous ( pur-spi-kay-shus) adj.
ances. 5. of the body and clothing, per- having or showing great insight, per*
sonal hygiene. 6. existing as a person, a spi* ca'clous *ly adv. per*spi*cac*
personal God. personal column or l*ty (pur-spi-kas-i-tee) n. >Do
not con-
personals, a column of private mes- fuse perspicacious with perspicuous.
sages or advertisements in a newspaper. per*splC*u*OUS (peY-spik-yoo-us) adj.
. personal effects, articles belonging to easily understood, clearly expressed.
a person, such as clothing, personal per*spl*CU*i*ty (pur-spi-kyoo-i-tee) n.
pronoun, see pronoun. >Do
not con- >Do not confuse perspicuous with per-
fuse personal with personnel spicacious.
per*son*al*i*ty (pur-sd-nal-i-tee) n. (pi per* spire (pgr-spir) v. (per* spired, per*

-ties) 1a person's own distinctive char-

. spir-ing) to sweat. per*spi*ra*tlon
acter. 2. a person with distinctive quali- (pur-spi-ray-shdn) n.
ties, especially pleasing ones. 3. a celeb- per*suad*a*ble (peY-sway-dS-bel) ar-
rity. (Jpersonallry cult, veneration of able to be persuaded.
a famous or successful person, hero wor- persuade (peY-swayd) v. (per* sued*
ship. ed, per-suad-lng) to cause (a person)
per*son*al*lze (pur-sd-na-hz) v. (per* to believe or do something by reasoning
son-al-lzed, per*son*al*lz*lng) to with him.
make personal, especially by marking as per-sua-slon (pe>-sway-z/r6n) n. 1. per-
one's own property. suading, being persuaded. 2. persuasive-
667 persuasive / peter

ness. 3. belief, especially religious belief, stincts. >Do not confuse perverted with
people of the same persuasion. perverse.
per*sua*sive (per-sway-siv) adj. able or pe-se-ta (pS-say-ta) n. the unit of money
trying to persuade. per*sua'sive*ly in Spain.
adv. per *sua'sive* ness n. pes-ky (pes-kee) adj. (pes*ki*er } pes*
pert (purt) adj. 1. cheeky. 2. lively, pert' ki-est) (informal) troublesome, annoy-
ly adv. pert'ness n. ing.
PERT (purt) n. program evaluation and pe*so (pay-soh) n. {pi. -SOS) the unit of
review technique. money in many Latin-American coun-
pert. abbr. pertaining. tries, and in the Philippines.

per* tain (per-tayn) v. 1. to be relevant, pes*sa*ry (pes-a-ree) n. (pi. -ries) a de-

evidence pertaining to the case. 2. to be- vice placed in the vagina to prevent dis-
long as part, the responsibilities pertain- placement of the womb or as a contra-
ing to high office. ceptive.

per • ti • na • cious ( pur-tl-nay-shus) adj. pes • si -m ism

(pes-I-miz-em) n. a ten-
holding firmly to an opinion or course dency to take a gloomy view of things
of action, persistent and determined. or to expect that results will be bad.
per • thna 'cious «ly adv. per*ti*nac* pes'si-mist n.
i*ty (pur-tl-nas-i-tee) n.
pes* si* mis* tic (pes-T-mis-tik) adj. show
ing pessimism. pes-si-mis'ti-cal-ly
per*ti*nent (pur-tf-nent) adj. pertaining,
relevant. per'ti*nent*ly adv. per'tl*
pest (pest)n. 1 a troublesome or annoying
nence n.

person or thing. 2. an insect or animal

per-turb (per-turb) v. to disturb greatly,
that is destructive to cultivated plants
to make anxious or uneasy. per*tur*
or to stored food etc.
ba-tion (pur-tiir-bay-sh6n) n. per*
turb'a-ble adj. per*turb'ed*ly adv.
pes*ter (pes-ter) v. to make persistent re-
quests, to annoy with frequent requests
per • t u r b • a • bil • • ty ( per-tur-ba-bil-i-
or questions.
tee) n.
pes-ti-cide (pes-tl-sid) n. a substance for
Pe*m (pe-roo) a country in South Amer-
destroying harmful insects etc.
ica. Pe*ru*vi*an (p£-roo-vi-an) adj. & pes*tif*er*ous (pe-stif-e-riis) adj. trou-
pe-ruke (pe-rook) n. (old use) a wig.
pes*ti*lence (pes-tf-lens) n. a deadly epi-
pe-ruse (pe-rooz) v. (pe-rused, pe* demic disease.
rus-ing) to read or examine (printed
pes-ti -lent (pes-tT-lent) adj. harmful to
material), especially with great care, pe*
life or to society.
rus'al n. pes*ti*len*tial (pes-ti-len-shal) adj. trou-
per-vade (per-vayd) v. (per-vad-ed, blesome, pernicious. pes*ti*len'tial*
per-vad-ing) to spread or be present ly adv.
throughout, to permeate, a pervading at- pes* tie (pes-el) n. a club-shaped instru-
mosphere of optimism. per-va-sion ment for pounding substances in a mor-
(per-vay-z/?8n) n.
per-va-sive (per-vay-siv) adj. pervading, pet 1 (pet) n. 1. an animal that is tamed
per -va'sive- ness n. and treated with affection, kept for com-
per* verse (per-vurs) adj. 1. obstinately panionship or amusement. 2. a darling
doing something different from what is or favorite, pet adj. 1. kept or treated
reasonable or required, intractable. 2. in- as a pet, pet lamb. 2. favorite; pet aver-
dicating or characterized by a tendency sion, something one particularly dislikes.
of this kind, a perverse satisfaction, per* pet v. (pet* ted, pet* ting) 1. to stroke
verse'ly adv. per* verse' ness n. per* gently with affection. 2. (informal) to kiss
ver-si-ty (per-vur-si-tee) n. (pi -ties). and fondle. Dpet name, a name (other
> Do not confuse perverse with perverted. than the real name) used affectionately.
per*ver*sion (per-vur-z/z8n) n. 1. per- pet 2 n. offense at being slighted; he's in a
verting, being perverted. 2. a perverted pet, sulking.
form of something. 3. a preference for pet. abbr. petroleum.
a form of sexual activity that is consid- pet -a! (pet-al) n. one of the bright or deli-
ered abnormal or unacceptable. cately colored outer parts of a flower
per* vert (per-vurt) v. 1. to turn (a thing) head.
from its proper course or use, pervert the pe-tard (pi-tahrd) n. (old use) a kind of
course of justice. 2. to lead astray from small bombshell; hoist with his own pe-
right behavior or beliefs, to corrupt, per- tard, injured by his own devices against
vert (pur- vert) n. a perverted person, others.
one snowing perversion of sexual in- pe*ter (pee-ter) v. peter out, to dimin-
Peter / phalarope 668
ish gradually and cease to exist. hanging from the shoulders or waist be-
Pester (pee-ter) ru 1. one of the twelve neath a dress or skirt. petticoat gov-
Apostles. 2. either of two books of the ernment, (contemptuous) dominance of
New Testament ascribed to him. women in the home or in politics.
pet 'hole (pet-i-ohl) n. a slender stalk pet-tiTog (pet-i-fog) v. (pet *ti- fogged,
joining leaf to stem. pet- ti -fog -ging) 1 to quibble. 2. to en-

pe-tit (pet-ee) adj. petit bourgeois, a gage in legal trickery. pet'ti-fog-ger

member of the lower middle class, petit n.
four, a small fancy cake, petit Jury, a pet* ting (pet-ing) ru 1. affectionate treat-
jury convened to hear civil or criminal ment. 2. (informal) kissing and fondling.
cases at trial, as distinct from a* grand pet • t ish (pet-ish) adj. peevish, irritable or
jury (see grand), petit larceny, larceny unreasonably impatient, pet'tish-ly
involving property of small value, petit adv. pet'tish-ness ru
mat, a mild form of epilepsy without loss pet-ry (pet-ee) adj. (pet-ti-er, pet*
of consciousness, petit point, embroi- ti-est) 1. unimportant, trivial, petty de-
dery on canvas using small stitches. tails; petty jury =
petit jury (see petit);
pe • tite ( pe-teet) adj. (of a woman) of small petty larceny =
petit larceny (see petit).
dainty build. 2. small-minded, petty spite. pet'tMy
pe«ti •tion (pe-tish-on) n. 1 an earnest re-
. adv. pet'ti*ness ru D
petty cash, a
quest. 2. a formal document appealing small amount of money kept by an ofl5ce
to an authority for a right or benefit etc., etc. foror from small payments, petty
especially one signed by a large number Officer, a noncommissioned officer in
of people. 3. a formal application made the navy.
to a court of law for a writ or order pet*u*lant (pech-u-lant) adj. peevish, un-
etc. petition v. to make or address a reasonably impatient. pet'u*lant*ly
petition to. pe*ti'tion*er ru adv. pet'u* lance n.
pet Tel (pet-rel) ru a kind of seabird that pe*tu*nia (pe-too-nya) n. a garden plant
flies far from land. with funnel-shaped flowers in bright col-
pet-ri-fy (pet-ri-fi)v. (pet-ri-fied, pet- ors.
rifying) 1. to change or cause to pew ( pyoo) one of the long bench-like
change into a stony mass. 2. to paralyze seats with a back and sides, usually fixed
or stun with astonishment or fear etc. in rows, for the congregation in a church.
pet -rl-fl- ca*tion (pet-ri-fi-kay-shon) pe*wee (pee- wee) n. a phoebe.
ru pewter (pyoo-ter) n. 1. a gray alloy of
pet*ro*chem*i*cal (pet-roh-kem-i-kal) tin with lead or other metal, used for
ru a chemical substance obtained from making mugs and dishes etc. 2. articles
petroleum or natural gas. pet TO* made of this.
chenviS'try (pet-roh-kem-i-stree) n. pe*yo*te (pay-oh-tee) n. 1. a Mexican
pet-ro-dol-lar (pet-ro-dol-ar) ru a dollar cactus. 2. the hallucinogenic drug pre-
earned by a country that exports petro- pared from this plant.
leum (= oil). pf. abbr. 1. pfennig. 2. preferred.
pe-trog-ra'phy (pi-trog-ra-fee) n. the PFC abbr. private first class.
scientific description of the composition pfd. abbr. preferred.
and formation of rocks, pe*trog'ra* pfen-nig (fen-ig) ru (pi pf en -nigs,
pher n. pet to- graph -ic ( pet-rd-graf- pfen*nl*ge, pr. fen-i-ge) a German coin
ik) adj. petTO-graph'i-cal adj. worth one-hundredth of a mark.
petTOl (pet-rdl) ru (British) gasoline. PG abbr. 1 . parental guidance. 2. postgrad-
pet -ro -la -turn (pet-rd-lay-tum) ru petro- uate.
leum jelly. pg. abbr. page.
pe-tro'le-um ( pe-troh-li-um) ru a min- pH ( pee-aych) ru a measure of the acidity
eral oil found underground, refined for or alkalinity of a solution.
use as fuel (as, gasoline, kerosene) or for pha-e-ton (fay-e-t6n) ru an old type of
use in dry cleaning etc. petroleum open horse-drawn carriage with four
jelly, a greasy translucent substance ob- wheels.
tained from petroleum, used as a lubri- phage (fayj) ru a bacteriophage.
cant etc. pha-lanx (fay-langks, fal-angks) ru (pi
pe-trol-o-gy ( pi-trol-d-jee) n. the scien- phalanx-es, pha-lan-ges, pr. fa-lan-
tific study of the origin, structure, etc. number of people forming
jeez) a a com-
of rocks. pe*trol'o«gist n. pet to* pact mass or banded together for a com-
log*iC (pet-rd-loj-ik) adj. pet TO • mon purpose.
log'i-cal adj. pet-ro-log'i-cal-ly adv. phal-aTope (fal-a-rohp) ru a small wad-
pet *ti* coat (pet-i-koht) ru a woman's or ing and swimming bird resembling the
girl's dress-length undergarment worn sandpiper.

669 phallic / philately

phal-llc (fal-ik) adj. of or resembling a phase in or out, to bring gradually

model of the penis (phallus) in erection, into or out of use.
symbolizing generative power in nature, Ph. D. abbr. Doctor of Philosophy.
phallic emblems, phal'lus n. {pi phah pheas-ant (fez-ant) n. 1. a long-tailed
li, pr. fal-i, phal-lus-es) game bird with bright feathers. 2. its flesh
phan-tasm (fan-taz-em) n. a phantom. as food.
phan-tas-ma-go-ri-a (fan-taz-ma-gohr- phe-nac-e-tln (fe-nas-S-tin) n. a medici-
i-a) n. a rapidly shifting scene of real nal drug used to reduce fever.
or imagined figures. phe*no*bar*bi*tal (fee-noh-bahr-bT-
phan-tom (fan-tdm) n. 1. a ghost, an ap- tawl) n. a medicinal drug used to calm
parition. 2. something without reality, the nerves and induce sleep.
as seen in a dream or vision, phantom phe*nom (fi-nom) n. (slang) a phenomenal
ships, phan'tom-llke adj. person.
Phar-aoh (fair-oh) n. the title of the king phe*nom*e*nal (fi-nom-e-nal) adj. ex-
of ancient Egypt. traordinary, remarkable. phe*nom / e*
Phar*i*see (far-I-see) n. 1. a member of nal*ly adv.
an ancient Jewish sect that practiced phe*nom*e*non (fi-nom-e-non) n. {pi
strict observation of religious laws and
-na, pr. -na) 1. a fact or occurrence or
is represented in the New Testament as
change perceived by any of the senses
making a show of sanctity and piety. 2. or by the mind, snow is a common phe-
pharisee, a hypocritical self-righteous nomenon in winter. 2. a remarkable per-
person. phar*i*sa'ic (far-T-say-ik) adj.
son or thing, a wonder.
phar-l-sa'i-cal adj. phar-i-sa'l-cal-
phe*no*type the set of ob-
(fee-no-tip) n.
ly adv.
servable characteristics of an individual
pharm. abbr. 1. pharmaceutical. 2. phar-
or group as determined by the genotype
macist. 3. pharmacy.
and the environment.
phar-ma-ceu-tl-cal (fahr-ma-soo-ti-
pher*o*mone (fer-6-mohn) n. a sub-
kal), phar-ma-ceu-tlc (fahr-ma-soo-
stance secreted and released by an animal
tik) adj. of or engaged in pharmacy, of
for detection and response by another
medicinal drugs, pharmaceutical n. a
of the same species. pher*o*mo*nal
pharmaceutical product.
(fer-o-moh-nal) adj.
phar * ma* cist (fahr-ma-sist) n. a person
engaged in pharmacy, a druggist.
phew (fyoo) interj. an exclamation of won-
der or surprise or impatience or discom-
phar • ma • col • o • gy (fahr-m£-kol-d-jee)
fort etc.
n. the scientific study of medicinal drugs

and their effects on the body, phar* phi (fi) n. the twenty-first letter of the
ma • col 'o- gist n. phar -ma -co -log- Greek alphabet (4> <f>).
DPhi Beta
ic (fahr-ma-kd-loj-ik) adj. phar* ma* Kappa, a national honor society and the
co-log'i-cal adj. oldest U.S. college fraternity, named
phar-ma-co-poe-la, phar-ma-co- from the initial letters of its Greek motto,
pe*ia (fahr-ma-k6-pee-a) n. 1. a book
= "philosophy the guide to life"; a mem-
containing a of medicinal drugs with
list ber of this organization.
directions for their use. 2. a stock of me- phl-al (fi-al) n. a vial.
dicinal drugs. phil., philol. abbr. 1 philological. 2. phi-

phar*ma*cy (fahr-ma-see) n. {pi -cies) lology. 3. philosophical. 4. philosophy.

1. the preparation and dispensing of Phil. abbr. 1 Philharmonic. 2. Philippines.

medicinal drugs. 2. a drugstore. Phil • a • del • phi • a (fil-a-del-fi-a) lawyer 1

phar* OS (fair-os) n. a lighthouse or beacon a lawyer skilled in finding and manipu-
to guide ships at sea. lating subtleties of the law. 2. a person
phar • yn • gi • tls (far-in-ji-tis) n. inflamma- who delights in arguing petty points.
tion of the pharynx. phl*lan*der (fi-lan-der) v. to flirt, to en-
phar-ynx (far-ingks) n. {pi pha*ryn* gage in a love affair without serious in-
ges, pr. fa-rin-jeez, phar*ynx*es) the tent. phi*lan'der*er n.
cavity at the back of the nose and throat. phil*an*throp*ic (fil-an-throp-ik) adj. 1.
pha*ryn*ge*al (fa-rin-ji-al) adj. benevolent. 2. concerned with human
phase (fayz) n. 1 a stage of change or
. welfare and the reduction of suffering.
development or of a recurring sequence phil*an*throp / i*cal*ly adv.
of changes. 2. any of the forms in which phil* an thro -pist (fi-lan-thrS-pist) n. a

the moon or a planet appears when part philanthropic person.

or all of its disk is seen illuminated (new phi • Ian* thro *py (fi-lan-thrd-pee) n. love
moon, first quarter, full moon, last quar- of mankind, benevolence, philanthropic
ter), phase v. (phased, phas-ing) to acts and principles.
carry out (a program etc.) in stages. phi*lat*e*ly (fi-lat-e-lee) n. stamp collect-
Philemon / phonograph 670
ing. phi -lat'e* list n. phil-a-tel-ic (fil- phle-bi-tis (fle-bi-tis) n. inflammation of
a-tel-ik) adj. the walls of a vein.
Phi-le-mon a book of the
(fi-lee-mdn) n. phle*bot*o*my (fle-bot-o-mee) n. (pL
New Testament, the epistle of St. Paul -mles) blood-letting as a medical opera-
to a well-to-do Christian probably living tion.
at Colossae. phlegm (flem) n. thick mucus in the throat
phil-har-mon-ic (fil-hahr-mon-ik, fil-ar-) and bronchial passages, ejected by
adj. (in names of symphony orchestras coughing.
and music societies) devoted to music. phleg -mat*ic (fleg-mat-ik) adj. 1 . not eas-
Phil-ip-pi-ans (fi-lip-ee-anz) n. a book of ily excited or agitated. 2. sluggish, apa-
the New Testament, the epistle of St thetic. phleg-mat l-cal-ly adv.

Paul to the Church at Phijjppi. phlo-em (floh-em) n. the soft tissue of

phi -lip -pic
(fi-lip-ik) n. 1. a tirade. 2. phi- plant stems.
lippics, a series of bitter verbal attacks. phlox (floks) ru a plant with a cluster of
Phil -ip- pine (fil-i-peen) adj. of the Philip- reddish or purple or white flowers at the
pines, Filipino. Philippines n. pi the end of each stem.
Philippine Islands, a country consisting Phnom Penh (nom pea, pe-nom) the capi-
tal of Kampuchea.
of a group of islands in the western Pa-
pho-bl-a (foh-bi-a) ru a lasting abnormal
fear or great dislike of something.
Phil* is* tine (fil-i-steen) n. 1. a member
of a people in ancient Palestine who were
phoe*be (fee-bee) ru a small grayish-

enemies of the Israelites. 2. philistine, an

brown bird with a call resembling its
uncultured person, one whose interests
Phoe-ni-cian (fo-nee-shin) n. 1. a mem-
are material and commonplace. Philis-
ber of an ancient Semitic people of the
tine adj. having or showing uncultured
eastern Mediterranean. 2. their language.
Phoenician adj. of the Phoenicians or
phil*o*den*dron (fil-d-den-dron) n. (pL
their language.
-drons, -dra, pr. -dr£) a tropical Ameri-
phoe*nix (fee-niks) n. 1. a mythical bird
can climbing plant.
of the Arabian desert, said to live for
phi-lol-o-gy (fi-lol-o-jee) ru the scientific
hundreds of years and then burn itself
study of languages and their develop-
on a funeral pyre, rising from its ashes
ment, phi -lol'o- gist n. phil-o-log-
young again to live for another cycle.
i-cal (fil-o-loj-i-kai) adj.
2. Phoenix, the capital of Arizona.
philos. abbr. 1. philosopher. 2. philoso-
phon. abbr. phonetics.
phy. phone
phone (fohn) ru a telephone, v.
phi*los*o*pher (fi-los-d-fer) n. 1. an ex- (phoned, phon* Ing) to telephone.
pert philosophy or in one of its
Don the phone, using the telephone.
branches. 2. one who expounds a partic- over the phone, by use of the tele-
ular philosophical system. 3. one who phone.
speaks or behaves philosophically. pho-neme (foa-neem) ru a unit of signifi-
phil-o-soph-ic (fil-6-sof-ik), phll-o- cant sound in a specified language, as
soph -l-cal (ft -6-sof-i-kal) adj. 1 of phi-
l .
m in mute and b in bag. pho-ne*mlc
losophy. 2. calmly reasonable, bearing (f 6-nee-mik) adj.
unavoidable misfortune unemotionally. phonet abbr. phonetics.
phil*o*soph'l*cal*ly adv. pho-net-lc (fo-oet-ik) adj. 1 . representing
phi-los-o-phize (fi-los-6-fiz) v. (phi* each speech sound by a particular symbol
los-o-phized, phi-los-o-phiz-ing) that is always used for that sound; the
to reason like a philosopher, to moralize. phonetic alphabet, a set of symbols used
phi-los-o-phy (fi-los-6-fee) n. {pi in this way. 2. (of spelling) corresponding
-phies) 1 the search, by logical reason-
to pronunciation. phO*net'l*cai*ly
ing, for understanding of the basic truths adv.
and principles of the universe, life, and pho-net-lcs (f6-net-iks) ru the study of
morals, and of human perception and speech sounds, pho ne
• • ti • dan (foh-ne-
understanding of these. 2. a system of tish-an) ru
ideas concerning this or a particular sub- pho-ney = phony.
ject, a system of principles for the con- phon-lc (fon-ik) adj. of sound, phon 'I-
duct of life. 3. the ideas or teaching of cal-ly adv.
a particular philosopher. 4. advanced phon-ics (fon-iks) ru 1. the study of
learning in general, Doctor of Philosophy. sound. 2. the use of sound in teaching
5. calm endurance of misfortune etc. people to read.
phll-ter (fil-ter) ru a supposedly magic po- pho* no* graph (foh-n6-graf) ru a record
tion. player, pho -no- graph -lc (foh-nd-graf-
671 phonology / photomicrograph
ik) adj. pho -no* graph 'l*cal*ly adv. rent when light falls on it, used to meas-
pho*nol*0*gy (foh-nol-6-jee) n. the study ure light for photography, to count
of sounds in a language. pho-nol'O* objects passing it, to cause a door to open
gist n. pho*no*log*i*cal (foh-nd-loj- when someone approaches it, etc.
i-kal) adj. pho* to* en* grave (foh-toh-en-grayv)' v.
pho*ny (foh-nee) adj. (pho*ni*er, pho* (pho* to* en* graved, pho* to* en*
nicest) (slang) sham, not genuine, in- graving) to make a photoengraving
sincere,phony n. (pi -nies) (slang) a of.
phony person or thing. pho • to • en • grav • ing (foh-toh-en-gray-
phoo*ey (foo-ee) interj. (informal) an ex- ving) a process for reproducing a
w, 1.
clamation of disgust. photograph on a metal plate for printing.
phos'phate (fos-fayt) n. a salt or ester 2. a print made by photoengraving. 3.
of phosphoric acid, an artificial fertilizer a photoengraved plate.
composed of or containing this, phos- pho* to* flash (foh-toh-flash) n. a flash-
phat*ic (fos-fat-ik) adj. bulb.
phos*phor (fos-f6r) n. a synthetic fluores- pho* tog (f6-tog) if, (informal) a photogra-
cent or phosphorescent substance. pher.
phos* pho -resce (fos-fd-res) v. (phos* photog. abbr. 1. photographer. 2. photo-
pho-resced, phos* pho* rescuing) to graphic. 3. photography.
be phosphorescent. phO*tO*gen*iC (foh-td-jen-ik) adj. being
phos* pho* res* cent (fos-fd-res-ent) adj. a good subject for photography, coming
luminous, glowing with a faint light out well in photographs.
without burning or perceptible heat, pho* to* graph (foh-td-graf) n. a picture
phos* pho *res'cent*ly adv. phos* formed by means of the chemical action
pho*res / cence n. of light or other radiation on a light-sen-
phos*phor*ic (fos-for-ik) adj. of or con- sitive surface, photograph v. 1 to take .

taining phosphorus. phosphoric a photograph of. 2. to come out in a

acid, a crystalline acid used in making certain way when photographed, it pho-
fertilizers etc. tographs badly.
phos* pho *rus (fos-fd-rus) n. a chemi- pho*tog*ra*pher (fd-tog-ra-fer) if. a per-
cal element existing in several forms, a son who takes photographs.
yellowish waxlike form of it that ap- pho • to* graph *ic (foh-td-graf-ik) adj. 1.
pears luminous in the dark, phos'pho* of or used on or produced by photogra-
rous adj. of 6t containing phosphorus. phy. 2. (of the memory) recalling accu-
t> Do not confuse the spelling of the noun rately what was seen, as if by a process
with that of the adjective. of photography, pho* to* graphical*
pho* to (foh-toh) n. (pi. -tos) (informal) ly adv.
a photograph. photo finish, a very pho*tog*ra*phy (f8-tog-ra-fee) it. the
close finish of a race, photographed to taking of photographs.
enable the judge to decide the winner. pho*to*gra*vure (foh-toh-gra-vyoor) if,
pho* to* cell (foh-toh-sel) n. a photoelec- 1. a picture produced from a photo-
tric cell. graphic negative that has been trans-
pho • to • Chem • i • cal (foh- toh-kem-i-kal) ferred to a metal plate and etched in. 2.
adj. of or relating to the chemical effects this process.
of light. pho to • jour • nal • ism
• (foh-toh-jur-na-
pho* to* com* pose (foh-toh-kdm-pohz) liz-em) if, journalism in which photo-
v. (pho* to* com* posed, pho* to* graphs are intended to predominate.
com* posting) to set type by pro- pho* to* journal *ist n.
jecting photographic images of letters on pho • to • li • thog • ra • phy (foh-toh-li-thog-
sensitized paper or film, pho* to* com* ra-fee) if, lithography with plates made
po*si*tion (foh-toh-kom-pd-zish-Sn) n. photographically.
pho*to*cop*i*er (foh-t6-kop-ee-er) n. a pho*tom*e*ter (foh-tom-e-ter) if. an in-
machine for photocopying documents. strument for measuring light, pho*
pho • to- cop -y (foh-t6-kop-ee) n. (pi. tom'e*try n. pho*to*met*ric (foh-td-
-cop*ies) a copy (of a document etc.) met-rik) adj.
made by photographing the original. pho to mi cro graph
• • • (foh-toh-mi-krd-

photocopy v. (pho* to* cop* led, graf ) if. a photograph of an object that
pho*to*cop*ying) to make a photo- has been enlarged by a microscope, pho-
copy of. tomicrograph v. to take photomicro-
pho • to • e • lee • trie (foh-toh-i-lek-trik) graphs of. pho* to* mi* cro* graph*
adj. of or using the electrical effects of ic (foh-t6-mi-kr6-graf-ik) adj. pho* to*
light, photoelectric cell, an elec- ml • crog • ra • phy (foh-td-mi-krog-ra-
tronic device that emits an electric cur- fee) if.
photomural / pi 672
pho-to*mu*ral (foh-toh-myoor-al) a n. an animal or plant type.
tion of
large photograph used as a mural or wall phylum (ft-hlm) n. {pi -4a, pr. -II) a ma-
decoration. jor division of the animal or plant king-
pho ton
• (foh-ton) n. a quantum of electro- dom, containing species having the same
magnetic radiation energy, proportional general form.
to the frequency of radiation. phys. abbr. 1. physical. 2. physician. 3.
pho- to • play (foh-toh-piay) n. (old use) a physics.
screenplay. phys-fc (flz-ik) n. (informal) a laxative.
pho • to • sen • si • tfve (foh-toh-sen-sl-tiv) phys* heal (fiz-i-kal) adj. 1. of the body,
adj. reacting chemically etc. to light physical fitness. 2. of matter or the laws
pho-to-sen*shthza-tk>n (foh-td-sen- of nature (as opposed to moral or spir-
sl-ti-zay-shdn) n. itual or imaginary things), the physical
pho* to 'Sphere (fbh-to-sfeer) n. the lumi- world; a physical map, one showing
nous envelope of the sun or a star from mountains and rivers and other natural
which its light and heat radiate, pho* features. 3. of physics, physical n. (in-
to-spher-ic (foh-to-«fer-ik) adj. formal) a physical examination. phys / h
Pho* to* Stat (fbh-td-stat) n. (trademark) eal-ly adv. D
physical chemistry, a
1 a type of photocopier. 2. (also photo-
. branch of chemistry in which physics is
stat) a copy made with this, photostat used to study substances and their reac-
v. to photocopy with this machine, pho* tions, physical education, a course of
to- stat 'lc adj. study emphasizing sports,, exercise, and
pho-to-syn-the-sis (foh-td-sin-t he-sis) hygiene, physical examination, a med-
n. the process by which green plants use ical examination, physical geography,
sunlight to convert carbon dioxide (taken a branch of geography dealing with the
from the air) and water into complex natural features of Earth's surface (such
substances. pho • to • syn the size
• •
as mountains, lakes, rivers), physical
(foh-td-sin-the-siz) v. pho -to- syn- science, see science, physical ther-
th e- tic (foh-to-sin-tact-ik) adj. apy, physiotherapy.
pho-to*vol*ta*lc (foh-toh-vol-tay-ik) phy -si-clan (fi-zisii-an) n. a doctor, espe-
adj. of or relating to the production of cially one who practices medicine (as dis-
electric current at the junction of two tinct from surgery).
substances exposed to light. phys -heist (fiz-i-sist) n. an expert in
phr. abbr. phrase. physics.
phrase (frayz) n. 1 a group of words form-
. phys* ies the scientific study
(fiz-iks) n. 1 .

ing a unit, especially as an idiom or a of the properties and interactions of mat-

striking or clever way of saying some- ter and energy. 2. these properties and
thing. 2. a group of words (usually with- interactions.
out a finite verb) forming a unit within phys*hog*no*my (fiz-i-og-nd-mee) n.
a sentence or clause, as in the garden. {pi -mles) the features of a person's
3. the way something is worded, we face.
didn't like his choice of phrase, 4. a short phys-i-og-ra-phy (fiz-i-og-ri-fee) n. a
distinct passage forming a unit in a mel- description of nature, of natural phenom-
ody, phrase v. (phrased, phras-ing) ena, or of a class of objects, phys- 1

1. express in words. 2. to divide

to o- graph -lc (fiz-i-o-graf-ik) adj.
(music) into phrases, phras'ing n. physiol. abbr. 1. physiologist. 2. physiol-
D phrase book, a book listing common ogy.
phrases and their equivalents in a foreign phys* ho -log -1st (fiz-i-ol-o-jist) n. an ex-
language, for use by travelers. pert in physiology.
phra-se-ol-o-gy (fray-zi-ol-o-jee) n. phys-i-ol-o-gy (fiz-i-ol-6-jee) n. 1. the
wording, the way something is worded. scientificstudy of the bodily functions
phre-net-ic = frenetic. of living organisms and their parts. 2.
phren-ic (frea-ik) adj. of the diaphragm. these functions, phys-i-o-log-i-eai
phre*noi*o*gy (fri-nol-6-jee) n. the study (fiz-i-o-loj-i-kal) adj. phys*ho*log'»C
of the external shape of a person's skull adj.
as a supposed indication of his character phy s- ho -trier -a -py (fiz-i-oh-taer-i-pee)
and abilities. n. treatment of a disease or injury or

PHS abbr. Public Health Service. deformity or weakness by massage, exer-

phylac-ter-y (n-lak-te-ree) n. {pi -ter* cises, heat, etc phys*l*o*ther'a*plst
ies) a small leather box containing He- n.
brew texts on vellum, worn by Jews at phy-sique (fi-zeek) n. a person's physical
morning weekday prayer to remind them build and muscular development, a man
to keep the Jewish religious law. of powerful physique.
phy-log-e-ny (fi-loj-e-nee) n. the evolu- pi (pi) n. {pi pis, pr. piz) the sixteenth
673 pi, pie / pickle

letter of the Greek alphabet (II it). key. pick and Choose, to select with
>rr is used as a symbol for the ratio excessive care, pick a person's brains,
of the circumference of a circle to its to extract ideas or information from him
diameter (approximately 3.14159). for one's own use. pick a person's
pi 2 , pie (pi) v. (pied, pi-ing) to mix up pocket, to steal its contents while he
(printing type). is wearing the garment pick a quarrel,
pi*a*nis*si*mo (pi-a-nis-I-moh) adv. (in to provoke one deliberately, pick at, to
music) very softly. pick on; to eat without interest, pick
pi-an-ist (pi-an-ist, pee-a-nist) n. a person holes in, to find fault with, pick Off,
who plays the piano. to pluck off; to select and shoot or de-
phan-o (pi-an-oh) n. (pi -an* OS)
a mu- stroy one by one; the pitcher turned
sical instrument in which metal strings quickly and picked him off, put him out
are struck by hammers operated by before he could return to the base, pick
pressing the keys of a keyboard. on, to single out, especially as a target
D piano roll, a roll of perforated paper for nagging or harassment, pick out, to
used in operating a player piano, piano take from among a number of things;
wire, a thin strong steel wire. to recognize; to distinguish from sur-
piano 2 (pi-ah-noh) adv. (in music) softly. rounding objects or areas; to play (a
pi*an*o*for*te (pi-an-6-fohr-tee) n. a pi- tune) by searching for the right notes.
ano. pick over, to select the best of. pick
pi-as-ter, pi-as-tre (pi-as-ter) n. a small up, to lift or take up; to call for and
coin of various Middle Eastern countries. take with one, to take aboard (passengers
pi-az-za (pi-az-a) tu (pi -az-zas) 1. a or freight etc.); (of police etc.) to catch,
porch. 2. a public square in an Italian to find and take into custody; to get or
town. acquire by chance or casually; to meet
phbroch (pee-brok) n. a series of varia- casually and become acquainted with; to
tions on a theme, for bagpipes. >Note succeed in seeing or hearing by means
that this does not mean the bagpipes. of a telescope, a radio, etc.; to recover
pi«ca (pi-ka) n. 1 a size of letters in type-
. health, to show an improvement; to re-
writing (ten per inch). 2. a unit of type cover speed; pick up speed, accelerate;
size =
one-sixth inch. pick up the bill, be the one who pays
piC*a*dor (pik-a-dohr) n. a mounted man it. pick up on, (slang) to understand;
with a lance in bullfighting. to agree with.
pic-a-resque (pik-a-resk) adj. (of fiction) pick-a-back (pik-a-bak) =
dealing with the adventures of rogues, pick*a*nin*ny Jpik-a-nin-ee) n. (pi
a picaresque novel -nies) (contemptuous) a black child.
pic-a-yune (pik-a-yoon) adj. 1. trifling, pick* ax (pik-aks) n. pick (see pick 1 , defi-
petty. 2. mean, contemptible. nition 1).
pic-ca-lil-li (pik-a-lil-ee) n. a relish of pick -er -el (pik-e-rel) n. (pi -els, -el) any
pickled chopped vegetables, mustard, of several small species of pike.
and hot spices. pick *er* el* weed (pik-e-rel- weed) n. a
pic-co-lo (pik-6-loh) n. (pi -los) a small North American flowering plant found
flute, sounding an octave higher than the in shallow fresh waters.
ordinary one. pick*et (pik-it) n. 1. a pointed stake set
pick 1 (pik) n. 1. a tool consisting of a into the ground to form a palisade, secure
curved iron bar with one or both ends a tent, tether an animal, etc. 2. an outpost
pointed, mounted at right angles to its of troops, a party of sentries. 3. a person
handle, used for breaking up hard or group of persons stationed by strikers
ground, stones, etc. 2. a plectrum. outside their place of work to dissuade
pick 2 v. 1 to use a pointed instrument or
. others from entering, picket v. (pick*
the fingers or beak etc. in order to make et*ed, pick*et*ing) 1. to secure or en-
a hole in or remove bits from (a thing); close with a stake or stakes. 2. to station
pick at one's food, to eat it in small bits or act as a picket during a strike.
or without appetite. 2. to detach (a flower picket line, a group of pickets outside
or fruit) from the plant bearing it. 3. to a building or other site.
select carefully; pick a winner, choose a pickings (pik-ingz) n. pi 1. scraps of
person or thing that will later prove to good food etc. remaining, gleanings. 2.
be successful, pick n. 1 picking. 2. selec-
. odd gains or perquisites, profits from
tion; have first pick, have the right to stealing.
choose first. 3. the best part; pick of the pick -le (pik-el)n. 1 food (especially a cu-

bunch, the best of the lot. pick'er n. cumber) preserved in vinegar or brine.
Dpick a lock, to use a piece of wire 2. vinegar or brine used for this. 3. (in-
or a pointed tool to open it without a formal) a plight, a mess, pickle v. (pick*
pickled / piece 674
led, pick* ling) to preserve in vinegar rated hat. picture postcard, a postcard
or brine. with a picture on one side, picture tube,
pick 'led (pik-eld) adj. (slang) drunk. a cathode ray tube forming the screen
pick* lock (pik-lok) n. 1. a device used of a television set. picture window, a
for picking locks. 2. a person who picks large window facing an attractive view.
locks. pictur*esque (pik-chu-resk) adj. 1.
pick-me-up (pik-mee-up) n. a tonic to re- forming a striking and pleasant scene,
store health or relieve depression. picturesque villages. 2. (of words or a de-
pick* pock *et (pik-pok-it) n. a thief who scription) very expressive, vivid, pic
picks pockets. tur*esque'ly adv. picturesque'
pick* up (pik-up) n. 1 . the process of pick- ness n.

ing up. 2. an acquaintance met in- pid-dle (pid-el) v. (pid*dled, pid-dling)

formally. 3. a small open truck. 4. the 1. to spend time idly, piddle away the
part carrying the stylus in a record afternoon. 2. (informal) to urinate.
player. pid-dling (pid-ling) adj. trivial, unimpor-
pick*y (pik-ee) adj. (pick* her, pick* tant, piddling problems.
i*est) excessively fastidious, a picky pidg-in (pij-in) n. a simplified form of
eater. English or another language, containing
pic*nic (pik-nik) n. 1. an informal meal elements of the local languages) and
taken in the open air for pleasure, an used for communication (in parts of the
excursion for this. 2. (informal) some- Far East etc.) between people speaking
thing very agreeable or easily done, pic- different languages, pidgin English.
nic v. (picnicked, pic nick -ing) to pie (pi) n. a baked dish of fruit or meat
take part in a picnic. pic'nick*er n. or fish etc. enclosed in or covered with
pi*co*sec*ond (pi-koh-sek-dnd) n. a pastry or other crust. Dpie in the sky,
unit of time, = one-trillionth of a second. a prospect (considered unrealistic) of fu-
pi* cot (pee-koh) n. one of a series of small ture happiness.
loops of twisted thread forming an orna- pie • bald ( pi-bawld) adj. (of a horse etc.)
mental edging. with irregular patches of white and black
pic*ric (pik-rik) acid a yellow substance or other dark color, piebald n. a piebald
used in dyeing and in explosives. horse.
Pict ( pikt) n. a member of an ancient peo- piece ( pees)
n. 1 one of the distinct por-

ple of northern Britain. Pict'ish adj. tions of which a thing is composed or

pic* to* graph ( pik-td-graf) n. 1. a picto- into which it is divided or broken; worked
rial symbol. 2. a primitive record consist- piece by piece, one after another until all
ing of these, pic • to* graph *ic (pik-to- were done. 2. one of a set of things, three-
graf-ik) adj. piece suite. 3. something regarded as a
pic*to*ri*al (pik-tohr-i-al) adj. 1. of or unit, a fine piece of work. 4. a musical
expressed in a picture or pictures. 2. il- or literary or artistic composition. 5. a
lustrated by pictures. picto'ri*al*ly poem, speech, etc. learned by a child for
adv. recitation before adults. 6. a coin, ten-
picture (pik-chur) n. 1. a representation cent piece. 7. one of the set of small ob-
of a person or people or object(s) etc., jects moved on a board in playing board
made by painting, drawing, or photogra- games, a chessman other than a pawn.
phy, especially as a work of art. 2. a 8. a fixed unit of work; payment by the
portrait. 3. something that looks beauti- piece, piece rates, payment according to
ful, the garden is a picture. 4. a scene, this (not by the hour). 9. a slice, as of
the total impression produced on one's bread or pie. piece v. (pieced, piec-
sight or mind. 5. a perfect example, she ing) to make by joining or adding pieces
is the picture of health. 6. a motion pic- together; piece it together, put parts to-
ture. 7. the image on a television screen. gether to form a whole. Dgo
to pieces,
picture v. (pictured, picturing) 1. (of a person) to lose one's strength or
to represent in a picture. 2. to describe ability etc., to collapse, in one piece,
vividly. 3. to form a mental picture of, not broken; arrived in one piece, without
picture to yourself a deserted beach. mishap. Of a piece, of the same kind,
Din the picture, (of a person) consid- consistent, piece goods, fabric cut and
ered important, powerful, etc.; fully in- sold to the customer's order, piece Of
formed, let me put you in the picture. cake, (informal) something very easy or
out of the picture, (of a person) no pleasant, piece of one's mind, re-
longer considered important, powerful, proach or scolding giving one's frank
etc. picture gallery, a hall etc. contain- criticisms, say one's piece, to make
ing a collection of pictures, picture hat, a prepared statement; to give one's opin-
a woman's wide-brimmed highly deco- ion.

675 ptece de resistance / pile

piece de re^sis-tance (pyes de ray-zees formed chest in which the breastbone

tahns) (pi pieces de re-sis-tance, pr. forms a protruding curve.
pyes de ray-zees-tahns) 1 the principal
. pi-geon-hole (pij-6n-hohl) a small n. 1.
dish at a meal. 2. the most important recess for a pigeon to nest in. 2.
one of
or remarkable item. t> French. a set of small compartments in a desk
piece* meal (pees-meel) adj. & adv. done or cabinet, used for holding papers or
piece by piece, part at a time. letters etc. pigeonhole v. (pi*geon*
piece* work (pees-wurk) n. a type of work holed, pi-geon-hol-ing) 1. to put
paid according to the quantity done, not away for future consideration or indefi-
by the time spent on it. nitely. 2. to classify mentally as belong-
pied (pid) adj. parti-colored, Pied Piper ing to a particular group or kind.
(dressed in parti-colored clothing). pi*geon-toed (pij-dn-tohd) adj. having
pi-ed-a-terre (pi-ed-a-tair) n. (pi pi* the toes turned inward.
eds-a-terre, pr. pi-ed-S-tair) a small pig*gish (pig-ish) adj. like a pig, dirty or
place for use as temporary quarters when greedy.
needed. >French. pig-gy (pig-ee) adj. (-gi*er, -gi-est) like
pie-eyed (pi-id) adj. (slang) drunk. a pig; piggy eyes, small eyes like those
pie* plant (pi-plant) n. the rhubarb plant, of apig. D
piggy bank, a toy bank made
used in pies. in the shape of a pig.
pier (peer) ru 1. a structure built out into pig. gy. back (pig-ee-bak) adj. adv. car- &
the sea to serve as a breakwater or dock ried on the shoulders and back or on
or amusement area. 2. one of the pillars the top of a larger object.
or similar structures supporting an arch pig- head -ed (pig-hed-id) adj. obstinate,
or bridge. 3. solid masonry between win- stubborn.
dows etc. pig* let (pig-lit) n. a young pig.
pierce (peers) v. (pierced, pierc-ing) 1. pig-ment (pig-ment) n. coloring matter.
to go into or through like a sharp-pointed pigment v. to color (skin or other tissue)
instrument, to make a hole in (a thing) with natural pigment. pig*men-ta-
in this way. 2. to force one's way into tion (pig-men-tay-sh6n) n, ,*
or through. pig* my = pygmy.
Pierce (peers), Frank-lin (1804-69) the pig* pen (pig-pen) n. a pigsty.
fourteenth president of the U.S. 1853- pig* skin (pig-skin) n. 1. leather made
57. from the skin of pigs. 2. (informal) a
pierc-ing (peer-sing) adj. (of cold or wind football.
etc.) penetrating sharply, (of a voice or pig* Sty (pig-sti) n. (pi -sties) 1. a partly
sound) shrilly audible. covered pen for pigs. 2. a very dirty or
Pierre (peer) the capital of South Dakota. untidy place.
pi*e*ty (pi-e-tee) n. {pi -ties) piousness. pig* tail (pig-tayl) n. long hair worn hang-
pi • e • zo • e • lec • trie ( pi-ay-zoh-i-lek-trik) ing in a braid at the back of the head.
adj. becoming electrically polarized un- pike 1 (pik) n. a long wooden shaft with
der pressure. a pointed metal head, pike v. (piked,
pif *fle (pif-el) n. (slang) nonsense, worth- pik-ing) to stick, to wound or to kill
less talk, piffle v. (pif *fled, pit -fling) with a pike.
(slang) to talk nonsense. pike 2 n. a large voracious freshwater fish
pif* fling (pif-ling) adj. (slang) trivial, with a long narrow snout.
worthless. pike 3 n. a turnpike, a main road; down
pig (pig) n. 1. a domestic or wild animal the pike, a long way off
with short legs, cloven hoofs, and a broad pik-er (pi-ker) n. (informal) a person who
blunt snout. 2. (informal) a greedy, dirty, does things in a timid way.
or unpleasant person. 3. (slang, contemp- pi-laf (pi-lahf) n. an oriental dish of rice
tuous) a policeman. 4. an oblong mass or wheat with meat and spices.
of metal from a smelting furnace, pig pi*las-ter (pi-las-ter) n. a rectangular col-
iron.Dbuy a pig in a poke, to buy a umn, especially an ornamental one that
thing without seeing it or knowing projects from a wall into which it is set.
whether it will be satisfactory, pig Iron, pil* Chard (pil-chard) n. a small sea fish
crude iron from a smelting furnace. Pig related to the herring.
Latin, made-up jargon that systemati- pile 1 (pil) n. a heavy beam of metal or
cally moves the initial consonants of concrete or timber driven vertically into
words to the ends of the words and adds the ground as a foundation or support
"ay," as ademay for made, adsay for sad. for a building or bridge. Dplle driver,
pi-geon (pij-6n) n. 1. a bird of the dove a machine for driving piles into the
family. 2. (slang) a victim of fraud or ground.
deception. pigeon breast, a de- pile 2 n. 1 . a number of things lying one
pile / pin 676
upon another. 2. a funeral pyre. 3. (in- pil -low (pil-oh) n. a cushion used (espe-
formal) a large quantity, a pile of work. cially in bed) for supporting the head.
4. (informal) a large quantity of money, pillow v. to rest or prop up on or as if
made a pile, pile v. (piled, pil-ing) 1. on a pillow.
to heap or stack or load. 2. to crowd, pil -low case ( pil-oh -kays) n. a cloth
they all piled into one car. Dpile it on, cover into which a pillow is placed for
(slang) to exaggerate, pile up, to accu- use.
mulate; to run (a ship) on the rocks or pil* low* slip (pil-oh-slip) n. a pillowcase.
aground; to cause (a vehicle) to crash. pi* lot (pi-ldt) n. 1. a person who operates
pile* n. cut or uncut loops on the surface the flying controls of an aircraft. 2. a
of a fabric. person qualified to take charge of ships
piles (pilz) n. pi hemorrhoids. entering or leaving a harbor or traveling
pile -up (pil-up) n. a collision of several through certain waters. 3. a guide, pilot
motor vehicles. v. (pi-lot-ed, pi-lot-ing) 1. to act as

pil-fer (pil-fer) v. to steal small items or pilot of. 2. to guide, pilot adj. experimen-
in small quantities, pil'fer*er n. tal, testing (on a small scale) how an idea
pil-fer -age (pil-fe-rij) n. loss caused by etc. will work, a pilot project pilot
theft of goods during transit or storage. light, a small jet of gas kept lit and Light-
pil -grim (pil-grim) n. a person who travels ing a larger burner when this is turned
to a sacred or revered place as an act on; an electric indicator light.
of religious devotion. Pilgrim Fa- U pi* lot* age (pi-16-tij) n. piloting, the
thers, the English Puritans who founded charge for this.
the colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts, pi*lot*flsh (pi-16t-fish) n. (pi -fish-es,
in 1620. -fish) a small fish said to act as pilot
pil-grim -age (pil-gri-mij) n. a pilgrim's to food for a shark.
journey, a journey made to a place as pi -lot- house (pi-ldt-hows) n. (pi -hous-
a mark of respect (as to a person's birth- es, pr. -how-ziz) an enclosed shelter for
place). the ship's pilot and his equipment on the
pil-ing (pi-ling) n. a support structure of upper deck of a ship.
piles. pi 'lot *less (pi-ldt-hs) adj. having no pi-
pill (pil) n. a small ball or flat round piece
of medicinal substance for swallowing pi* men* to (pi-men-toh) n. (pi -tos) 1.
whole. bitter pill, a humiliation, the allspice, the West Indian tree yielding
pill, a contraceptive pill; on the pill, tak- this. 2. a sweet pepper.
ing this regularly. pimp (pimp) n. a man who solicits clients
pill v. (of fabric) to form tiny balls of fiber for a prostitute or brothel, pimp v. to
on the surface. be a pimp.
pil-lage (pil-ij) v. (pil-laged, pil* lag* pirn* per *nel (pim-per-nel) n. a wild plant
ing) to plunder, pillage n. plunder. with small scarlet or blue or white flow-
pil'lag*er n. ers that close in cloudy or wet weather.
pil-lar (pil-ar) n. 1. a vertical structure Dim • pie ( pim-pel) n. a small inflamed spot
used as a support or ornament. 2. some- on the skin.
thing resembling this in shape, a pillar pirn • ply ( pim-plee) adj. covered with pim-
of rock. 3. a person regarded as one of ples, especially on the face.
the chief supporters of something, a pil- pin ( pin) n. 1 a short thin stiff piece of

of the community. Dfrom pillar to

lar metal with a sharp point and a round
post, from one place or situation to an- broadened head, used for fastening fab-
other. rics or papers etc. together or (with an
pill • box ( pil-boks) n. 1 . a small round box ornamental head) as a decoration. 2. a
for holding pills. 2. a hat shaped like peg of wood or metal used for various
this. 3. a small concrete shelter for a gun purposes. 3. a stick with a flag on it,
emplacement. placed in a hole on a golf course to mark
saddle for a passen-
pil* lion (pil-ydn) n. a its position. 4. a hairpin, bowling pin,
ger seated behind the driver of a motor- rolling pin, or safety pin. 5. pins, (in-
cycle. formal) legs, quick on his pins, pin v.
( pil-6-ree) n. ( pi -lies) a wooden (pinned, pln-ning) 1. to fasten with a
pil • lo • ry

framework with holes for the head and pin or pins. 2. to transfix with a weapon
hands, into which offenders were for- or arrow etc. and hold fast; to restrict
merly locked for exposure to public ridi- and make unable to move, he was pinned
cule, pillory v. (pil *lo -lied, pil -lo- under the wreckage. 3. to attach or fix;
ry* Ing) 1. to put into the pillory as a we pinned our hopes on you, counted on
punishment. 2. to hold up to public ridi- you to succeed; pinned the blame on her,
cule or scorn. made her the scapegoat. Dpin curl, a
677 pinafore / pifton

curl made in the hair while wet and held pin*e*al (pin-i-21) adj. shaped like a pine
in place by a hairpin or clip, pin down, cone. Dpineal body or gland, an eye-
to establish clearly; to make (a person) like conical gland of unknown function
agree to keep to a promise or arrange- located in the brain.
ment etc. or declare his intentions defi- pine *ap* pie (prn-ap-el) «. 1 a large juicy .

, nitely. pin money, money allowed to tropical fruit with a tough prickly seg-
a woman or earned by her for private mented skin. 2. the plant that bears it.
expenses; a trivial amount of money. pin*feath*er (pin-fefft-er) n. a developing
pins and n ood les, a tingling sensation; feather that has just broken through the
on pins and needles, in a state of anxiety skin.
or suspense, pin seal, leather made from ping (ping) n. a short sharp ringing sound.
youne seals. ping v. 1. to make or cause to make
pin *a* fore (pin-a-fohr) w, 1. a woman's this sound. 2. (of an engine) to make
or girl's sleeveless dress, resembling a full slight explosive sounds when running im-
apron and usually closing at the back. perfectly.
2. a girl's apron like this. Ping-Pong (ping-pong) n. (trademark) ta-
pin* ball (pin-bawl) n. a game played on ble tennis.
a sloping board on which a ball is pro- pin*head (pin-hed) the head of a
ft. 1.
jected so that it strikes pins or targets pin. 2. (slang) a stupid person. pin /
or falls into a pocket. Dplnball ma- head*ed adj. stupid.
chine, a coin-operated machine for play- pin* hole (pin-hohl) n. a hole made by or
ing pinball. as if by a pin.
pince-nez (pans-nay) w, (pi pince-nez, pin •ion 1 (pin-ydn) n. a bird's wing, espe-
pr. pans-nayz) a pair of glasses with a cially the outer segment pinion v. 1.
spring that clips on the nose and no to clip the wings of (a bird) to prevent
sidepieces. it from flying. 2. to restrain (a person)

pirvcers (pin-serz) n. pi 1 a tool for grip-

. by holding or binding his arms or legs.
ping and pulling things, consisting of a pinion 2 n. a small cogwheel that engages
pair of pivoted jaws with handles that with a larger one or with a rack.
are pressed together to close them. 2. a pink 1 (pingk) ft. 1. pale red color. 2. a
claw-like part of a lobster etc. Dpincer garden plant with fragrant white or pink
movement, an attack in which forces or variegated flowers. 3. the best or most
converge from each side on an enemy nearly perfect condition, the pink of per-
position. fection,pink adj. 1 of pale red color.

pinch (pinch) v. 1. to squeeze tightly or communist, pink'ness

2. (slang) mildly
painfully between two surfaces, espe- ft. Din the pink, (slang) in very good
cially between finger and thumb; look health, pink elephants, (informal) hal-
pinched with cold have a drawn appear- lucinations while drunk.
ance from feeling unpleasantly cold. 2. pink 2 v. 1. to pierce slightly. 2. to cut a

to shorten or remove by squeezing, pinch zigzag edge on. D

pinking shears,
out the tops of the plants. 3. to stint, to dressmaker's scissors with serrated
be niggardly, pinching and scrimping. 4. blades for cutting a zigzag edge.
(slang) to steal. 5. (slang) to arrest. pink* eye (pingk-i) n, conjunctivitis.
pinch n. 1 pinching, squeezing. 2. stress
. pin-kie (ping-kee) n. (informal) the little
or pressure of circumstances, began to finger of the hand. D
pinkie ring, a ring
feel the pinch. 3. as much as can be held worn on this finger.
between the tips of the thumb and fore- pink -Ian (ping-kish) adj. rather pink.
finger, pinch 'er n. Din a pinch, in time pin*nace (pin-is) n. a ship's small boat,
of difficulty or necessity. usually motor-driven.
pinch-hit (pinch-hit) v. (pinch-hit, pin*na*cle (pin-S-kel) «. 1. a pointed or-
pinch-hit* ting) 1. to bat as a replace- nament on a roof. 2. a peak. 3. the high-
ment for a scheduled baseball batter. 2. est point, the pinnacle of his fame
(informal) to act as substitute, pinch phvnate ( pin-ay t) adj. having like parts
hlt'ter n. (leaves, tentacles, branches, etc.) ar-
pin- cushion (pin-kuush-dn) n. a small ranged on each side of a common stalk
pad into which pins are stuck to keep or axis. pin'nate*ly adv.
them ready for use. pi*noch*le (pee-nok-el) w, a card game
pine 1 (pin) n. 1. an evergreen tree with played with a double pack of forty-eight
needle-shaped leaves growing in clusters. cards, ace to nine only.
2. its wood. pi* Aon (pin-ydn, peen-yohn) ft. (pi pi*
pine 2 (pined, pin *ing) 1 to waste away
v. . Rons, pi*fto*nes, pr. pin-yoh-neez) 1.
through grief or yearning. 2. to feel an a pine tree of the Rocky Mountain re-
intense longing. gion, bearing nuts. 2. its nut.
pinpoint / piranha 678
pin* point (pin-point) n. 1. the point of a organ; the pipes, bagpipes. 3. a boat-
pin. 2. something very small or sharp. swain's whistle, its sounding. 4. a narrow
pinpoint adj. showing or requiring care tube with a bowl at one end in which
and precision, pinpoint bombing; pinpoint tobacco burns for smoking, the quantity
accuracy, pinpoint v. to locate or to of tobacco held by this. 5. pipes, (slang)
identify precisely. the human respiratory system; Caruso
pin* prick (pin-pnk) n. 1. a small punc- had great pipes, sang well and loudly.
ture. 2. a small annoyance. pipe v. (piped, pip-ing) 1. to convey
pin*set*ter ( pin-set -er) n. a machine at (water etc.) through pipes. 2. (informal)
a bowling alley that clears and resets to transmit (music or a broadcast pro-
pins. gram etc.) by wire or cable. 3. to play
pin* stripe (pin-stnp) n. 1. a.very narrow (music) on a pipe, to lead or bring or
stripe in cloth. 2. a suit made from such summon by sounding a pipe etc. 4. to.
cloth, pin'striped adj. utter in a shrill voice. 5. to ornament
pint (pint) n. 1. a measure for liquids, = (a dress etc.) with piping. Dpipe bomb,
half a quart. 2. this quantity of liquid, a homemade bomb inside a metal pipe.
especially whiskey. pipe clay, a fine white clay used for to-
pin* to (pin-ton) adj. mottled, piebald. bacco pipes, for whitening leather etc.
pinto n. {pi -tos) a piebald horse. pipe down, (informal) to cease talking,
pinto bean, a type of string bean with to become less noisy or less insistent.
mottled beans. pipe dream, an impractical hope or
pin* up (pin-up) n. (informal) 1. a picture scheme, pipe organ, an organ using
of an attractive person (often an attrac- pipes as well as reeds, pipe up, (in-
tive scantily clad woman) pinned up on formal) to begin talking, to complain.
a wall etc. 2. such a' person. pipe* line (pip-lin) n. 1 a pipe for convey-

pin • wheel ( pin-hweel) n. 1 a toy resem-

. ing petroleum etc. 2. a channel of supply
bling a windmill, with light vanes at- or information. Din the pipeline, on
tached to a stick and able to turn when the way, in the process of being prepared.
blown by the wind. 2. a rotating firework. pip-er (pi-per) n. a person who plays on
pin • worm (pin- wurm) n. an intestinal par- a pipe or bagpipes.
asitic worm in man. pi-pette, pi* pet (pi -pet) n. a slender tube
pin*y (pi-nee) adj. like pine trees, a piny used in a laboratory for transferring or
smell measuring small quantities of liquids.
pin* yon = pifton. pip*lng (pi-ping) n. 1. pipes, a length of
pi*0*neer (pi-o-neer) n. a person who is pipe. 2. a pipelike fold (often enclosing
one of the first to enter or settle a new a cord) ornamenting edges or seams of
region or to investigate a new subject clothing or upholstery. U|piping hot, (of
or method etc. pioneer v. to be a pio- water or food) very hot.
neer, to take part in (a course of action pip - It ( pip-it) 4i. a kind of small bird resem- •

etc.) that leads the way for others to fol- bling a lark.
low. pip* kin (pip-kin) n. a small earthenware
pi*0*ni*um (pi-oh-ni-um) n. a quasi- pot or pan.
atomic particle. pip pin ( pip-in) n. a kind of apple.

pi'OUS (pi-us) adj. 1. devout in religion. pip. squeak (pip-skweek) n. (slang) a '

2. ostentatiously virtuous. pi'OUS *ly small or unimportant but self-assertive

adv. pi'ous -ness n. person.
pip 1 (pip) n. 1. one of the small seeds of pi* quant (pee-kant, -kahnt) adj. 1. pleas-
an apple, pear, orange, etc. 2. (informal) antly sharp in its taste or smell. 2. pleas-
a wonderful thing or person, a pip of antly stimulating or exciting to the mind,
an idea. pi 'quant *ly adv. pi-quan-cy (pee-
pip2 n. 1. a spot on a domino or die or kan-see, -kahn-) n.
playing card. 2. (informal) a signal on pique (peek) v. (piqued, piqu-ing) 1. to
a radar screen. hurt the pride or self-respect of. 2. to
pip 3 n. a disease of poultry and other birds. stimulate, their curiosity was piqued
Dthe pip, (slang) a feeling of disgust pique n. a feeling of hurt pride.

or depression or bad temper. pi* que(pi-kay) n, a firm fabric especially

pip 4 n, a short high-pitched sound, as a of cotton, with a lengthwise corded effect
chirp or peep or one produced mechani- or (waffle pique) a woven honeycomb
cally, the six pips of the time signal pattern.
pipe (pip) n. 1. a tube through which pi*quet (pi-ket) n. a card game for two

something can flow. 2. a wind instrument players with a pack of thirty-two cards,
consisting of a single tube, each of the ace to seven.
tubes by which sound is produced in an pi*ra*nha (pi-rahn-ya) n. a voracious
679 pirate / pitchfork

South American freshwater fish. snake with a pit between eye and nostril.
pi* rate (pi-rit) n. 1. a person on a ship the pits, a mine, he's spent his life in
who unlawfully attacks and robs another the pits; (slang) the worst of anything,
ship at sea, or who makes a plundering his jokes are the pits.
raid on the shore. 2. the ship used for pit 2 n. the stone of a fruit, such as the
this. 3. one who infringes another's copy- peach.
right or business rights, or who broad- pit-a-pat (pit-a-pat) n. a quick tapping
casts without authorization, a pirate ra- sound, pit-a-pat adv. with this sound.
dio station, pirate v. (pi*rat*ed, pi- pitch 1 (pich) n. a dark resinous tarry sub-
rat-ing) to reproduce (a book etc.) or stance that sets hard, used for caulking
trade (goods) without due authorization, seams of ships etc. pitch v. to coat with
pi-rat-i-cal (pi-rat-i-kal) adj. pira- pitch. pitch black, pitch dark, quite
cy (pi-ra-see) n. black, with no light at all. pitch pine,
pir*ou*ette (pir-oo-et) a spinning
n. a kind of pine tree that yields much resin.
movement of the body while balanced pitch 2 v. 1 to throw or fling. 2. to erect

on the point of the toe or the ball of and fix (a tent or camp). 3. to set at a
the foot, pirouette v. (pir*ou*et*ted, particular degree or slope or level,
pir*ou*et*ting) to perform a pirouette. pitched their hopes high. 4. to fall heavily.
pis-ca-tOTi-al (pis-ka-tohr-i-al) adj of 5. (in baseball) to throw (the ball) to the
fishing or fish. batter for hitting. 6. (of a ship or vehicle)
Pis-ces (pi-seez) n. a sign of the zodiac, to plunge up and down or forward and
the Fishes. Pis'ce*an adj. &
n. backward alternately. 7. (slang) to at-
pis* mire (pis-mir) n. (old use) an ant. tempt to product or service) using
sell (a
pis-ta-chi-o (pi-stash-i-oh) n. (pi. -Chi* persuasive talk or advertising, pitch n.
OS) a kind of nut with an edible green 1 .the act or process of pitching. 2. the
kernel. steepness of a slope. 3. the intensity of
pis* til (pis- til) n. the seed-producing part a quality etc. 4. the degree of highness
of a flower, comprising ovary, style, and or lowness of a musical note or a voice.
stigma, pis* til* late (pis-tt-layt) adj. 5. a throw of the ball to the batter in
pis-tol (pis-tdl) n. a small gun. D pistol baseball. 6. (slang) a salesman's persua-
grip, a handle shaped and held like the sive talk; made a big pitch, worked hard
butt of a pistol. at selling. pitched battle, a battle
pis-tol-whip (pis-tdl-hwip) v. (pis-tol- fought by troops in prepared positions,
whipped, pis -tol-whlp- ping) to beat not a skirmish, pitch In, (informal) to
(a person) with a pistol. begin to work vigorously, pitch into,
pis* ton (pis-tdn) n. 1. a sliding disk or (informal) to attack or reprimand vigor-
cylinder fitting closely inside a tube in ously, pitch out, (in baseball) to pitch
which it moves up and down as part of wide of the strike zone and beyond the
an engine or pump. 2. the sliding valve batter's reach in order to enable the
in a trumpet or other brass wind instru- catcher to prevent a base runner from
ment. stealing a base, pitch pipe, a small pipe
pit 1 (pit) n. 1. a hole in the ground, espe- blown by mouth to set the pitch for sing-
cially one from which material is dug ing or tuning, pitch shot, (in golf) a
out, chalk pit. 2. a depression in the skin lofted approach shot with little run to
or in any surface; pit of the stomach, the the ball after landing on the green.
depression between the ribs below the pitch* blende (pich-blend) n. a mineral
breastbone. 3. a part of the floor of a ore (uranium oxide) that yields uranium
commodity exchange assigned to special and radium.
trading, the wheat pit. 4. a sunken area pitch -er 1 (pich-er) n. the baseball player
at the front of a theater where musicians who throws the ball to the batter.
sit, orchestra pit. 5. a sunken area in a D pitcher's duel, a low-scoring baseball
garage floor, giving access to the under- game whose outcome depends on the
side of motor vehicles. 6. a place (at a skill of the two pitchers, pitcher's
racetrack) at which racing cars are refu- mound, the raised area in the infield be-
eled etc. during a race, pit v. (pit* ted, tween home plate and second base on
pit* ting) 1. to make pits or depression which the pitcher stands for pitching.
in, to become marked with hollows, pit- pitcher2 n. a vessel for holding and pouring
ted with craters. 2. to match or set in liquids, a jug. little pitchers have
competition, was pitted against a strong big ears, children are apt to overhear
fighter. D pit stop, a stop during a race things, pitcher plant, a plant with
during which racing cars are refueled pitcher-shaped leaves holding a secretion
etc.; (slang) refreshment time, a stop for in which insects become trapped.
food, drink, etc. pit viper, a poisonous pitch* fork (pich-fork) n. a long-handled
pitchman / placement 680
fork used for pitching hay. pitchfork where pizzas are made and sold.
v. to lift or move (a thing) with a pitch- piz-zi-ca-to pit-si-kah-toh) adv. pluck-

fork. ing the string of a musical instrument

pitch* man (pich-man) n. (pL -men, pr. (instead of using the bow).
-men) 1 a traveling salesperson dealing
. pj's (pee-jayz) n, pi (informal) pajamas.
in patent medicines etc., a street vendor. pk. abbr. 1 pack. 2. park. 3. peak. 4. peck.

2. (slang) a high pressure salesperson. pkg. abbr. package.

pit-e-ous (pit-i-us) adj. deserving or pkt abbr. 1. packet. 2. pocket.
arousing pity. pit'e*ous*ly adv. pkwy. abbr. parkway.
pit* fall (pit-fawl) n. an unsuspected danger pi. abbr. 1. place. 2. plate. 3. plural.
or difficulty. plac*ard (plak-ard) n. a poster or other

pith (pith) n, 1. the spongy tissue in the notice for displaying, placard v. to post
stems of certain plants.- 2. the essential placards on (a wall etc.).
part, the pith of the argument pla-cate (pUy-kayt) v. (pla*cat-ed, pla*
pith*y (pith-ee) adj. (pith-i-er, pith* cat*ing) to pacify, to conciliate, plac*
i*est) 1 . like pith, containing much pith. a*to*ry (plak-a-tohr-ee) adj.
2. brief and full of meaning, pithy com- place (plays) n. 1. a particular part of
ments. space or of an area on a surface. 2. a
plt*i*a*ble (pit-i-a-bel) adj. deserving or particular town or district or building
arousing pity or contempt. plt / i*a*bly etc., one of the places we visited 3. (in
adv. names) a short street, a square or the
pit-i'ful (pit-I-ful) adj. pitiable, plt'i* buildings around it. 4. a passage or part
ful*ly adv. in a book etc., the part one has reached
pit*i*less (pit-i-lis) adj. showing no pity. in reading, lose one's place. 5. a proper
pit'i*less*ly adv. position for a thing, a position in a series,
pi* ton (pee-ton) n. a spike or peg with a one's rank or position in a community,
hole through which a rope can be passed, a duty appropriate to this, not his place
driven into a rock or crack as a support to give orders. 6. a position of employ-
in mountain climbing. ment. a space or seat or accommoda-
pittance (pit-ans) n. 1. a very small al- tion for a person, save me a place on
lowance. 2. a very small amount. the train. 8. one's home or dwelling. 9.
pit* ted (pit-id) adj. 1. filled with pits, (in dog or horse racing) the position of
pockmarked. 2. (of fruit) with pits re- second to finish a race. 1 0. a step in the
moved, pitted cherries. progression of an argument or statement,
pit*ter-pat*ter (pit-er-pat-er) n. a light in the first place, the dates are wrong.
tapping sound, pitter-patter v. to make 1 1 the position of a figure after a decimal

such a sound. point etc., correct to three decimal places.

pi*tu*i*tar*y (pi-too-i-ter-ee) n. (pi -tar* place v. (placed, plac-ing) 1. to put
ies) (also pituitary gland) a small duct- into a particular place or rank or position
less gland at the base of the brain, with or order etc., to find a place for. 2. to
important influence on growth and bod- locate, to identify in relation to circum-
ily functions. stances etc., / know his face but can't
pit*y (pit-ee) n. {pi pit* ies) 1. a feeling place him, 3. to put or give, placed an
of sorrow for another person's suffering. order with the firm. 4. (of a horse in a
2. a cause for regret, what a pity, pity race) to finish second. Din place, in the
v. (pit* led, pit-ying) to feel pity for. right position; suitable, in place Of, in-
take pity on, to feel concern for and stead of. out of place, in the wrong
therefore help (a person who is in diffi- position or environment; unsuitable.
culty). place mat, a small mat on a dining table
piv*ot (piv-dt) n. 1 a central point or shaft
. for one place setting, place setting, a
etc. on which something turns or swings. set of dishes or cutlery for one person
2. a pivoting movement, pivot v. (piv* at a dining table.
ot-ed, pi-voMng) to turn or place to pla-ce-bo (pla-see-boh) n. (pi -bos) a
turn on a pivot, piv-ot-al (piv-6-tal) adj. harmless substance given as if it were
pix*ie, pix*y (pik-see) n. a small superna- medicine, to humor a patient or as a
tural being in fairy tales. dummy pill etc. in a controlled experi-
piz-za (peet-sa) n. an Italian dish consist- ment.
ing of a layer of dough baked with a place *kick (plays-kik) n. a kick made in
topping of tomato sauce, cheese, spices, football when
the ball is placed on the
etc. pizza parlor, a pizzeria. ground for that purpose, placeklck v.
piz-zazz (pl-zaz) n. (slang) 1. flamboyant to kick the ball in such a manner,
elegance. 2. vitality, zest, lots of pizzazz place'klck-er n.
piz*ze*ri*a ( peet-se-ree-S) n. a place place -ment (plays-ment) n. placing.
681 placenta / planetesimal

D placement office, an agency at a col- plaint (playnt) n. (old use) 1 a complaint. .

lege or school that helps students and 2. a lamentation.

graduates find jobs. plain* tiff (playn-tif) n. the party that
pla-cervta (pla-sen-ta) n. {pi -tas, -tae, brings an action in a court of law (op-
pr. -tee) an organ that develops in the posed to the defendant).
womb during pregnancy and supplies the plain -live (playn-tiv) adj. sounding sad.
fetus with nourishment, pla-cen'tal plain'tive *ly adv.
adj. plait (playt, plat) v. to braid, plait n. 1.

plac-er (piay-ser) a deposit of sand,

n. something plaited. 2. a pleat.
gravel, etc., in a stream bed containing plan (plan) a drawing showing the
n. 1.

valuable minerals in particles. placer relative position and size of parts of a

mining, removing the valuable minerals building etc. 2. a map of a town or dis-
from a placer by washing. a method or way of proceeding
trict. 3.

plac*id (plas-id) adj. calm and peaceful, thought out in advance; it all went ac-
not easily made anxious or upset, plac' cording to plan, happened as planned.
ichly adv. pla*cid*i*ty (pla-sid-i-tee) n. plan v. (planned, plan-ning) 1. to

plack*et (plak-it) n. an opening in a wom- make a plan to arrange

or design of. 2.

an's skirt to make it easy to put on and a method etc. for, to make plans, plan'
ner n. D
planned parenthood, the
practice of birth control in order to regu-
pla-giaTize (play-ja-nz) (pla*gia-

rized, pla*gia*riz-ing) to take and use

late the number and frequency of chil-
(another person's ideas or writings or in-
plan-ar (play-nar) adj. of, relating to, in
ventions) as one's own. pla*gia*rism
the form of a geometric plane.
(play-ja-riz-em) n. pla'gia-rist n.
plan* chert e (plan-chef) n. a small board
plague (playg) n. 1. a deadly contagious
on casters with a vertical pencil said to
disease, especially the bubonic plague in
trace marks on paper at spiritualist
Europe between 1340 and 1700. 2. an
seances without conscious direction by
infestation of a pest, a plague of caterpil-
lars. 3.(informal) a nuisance, plague
plane 1 (playn) n. 1. a tall spreading tree
v. (plagued, plagu-ing) to annoy, to
with broad leaves, the London plane. 2.
a sycamore.
plaice (plays) n. {pi plaice) a kind of
plane2 n. 1. a flat or level surface. 2. an
flatfish used as food.
imaginary surface of this kind. 3. a level
plaid (plad) n. 1. a long piece of woolen
of thought or existence or development,
cloth, usually with a tartan or similar
on the same plane as a savage. 4. an air-
pattern, worn over the shoulder as part
plane, plane adj. lying in a plane, level,
of Highland dress. 2. this pattern. a plane figure or surface. plane angle,
plain (playn) adj. 1. unmistakable, easy an angle formed by two intersecting lines.
to see or hear or understand. 2. not elab- plane geometry, geometry that deals
orate or intricate or luxurious, plain with figures in one plane.
cooking; plain soda, without flavoring plane3 n. 1 a tool with a blade projecting

etc. straightforward, candid, some

3. from the base, used for smoothing the
'plain speaking. 4. ordinary, homely in surface of wood by paring shavings from
manner, without affectation. 5. lacking it. 2. a similar tool for smoothing metal.
beauty, plain adv. plainly, simply, it's plane v. (planed, planning) to smooth
plain stupid, plain n. a large area of level or pare with a plane.
country, plain'ly adv. plain'ness n. plane* load (playn-lohd) n. a load of pas-
plain stitch, the ordinary stitch in sengers or cargo that fills a plane to ca-
knitting, producing a smooth surface to- pacity.
ward the knitter. plan-et (plan-it) n. one of the heavenly
plain* Clothes (playn-klohz) n. civilian bodies moving around the sun. plan*
clothes as distinct from uniform or offi- e*tar*y (plan-e-ter-ee) adj.
cial dress, plainclothesman, a detec- plan *e* tar *i*um (plan-e-tair-i-um) n. a
tive or other policeman who does not room with a domed ceiling on which
wear a uniform. lights are projected to show the appear-
plains* man (playnz-man) n. {pi -men, ance of the stars and planets in the sky
pr. -men) an inhabitant of a plain. at any chosen place or time.
plain* song (playn-sawng) n. a medieval plan -e • tea- i-mal (plan-e-tes-i-mal) n.
type of church music for voices singing one of the vast number of minute bodies
in unison, without regular rhythm. that, according to the planetesimal hy-
plain -spo- ken (playn-spoh-ken) adj. pothesis, formed the planets by accretion
frank. in a cold state.
planetoid / plate 682
plan*e*toid (plan-e-toid) n. an asteroid. plant *er (plan-ter) n. 1. a person who
plan*e*tol*0*gy (plan-e-tol-6-jee) n. the owns or manages a plantation, especially
branch of astronomy that deals with the in a tropical or subtropical country. 2.
planets. plan*e*tol'o*gist n. a machine for planting things, potato
plan* gent (plan-jent) adj. (of sounds) 1. planter. 3. a container for decorative
resonant, reverberating. 2. loud and plants. planter's punch, an iced
mournful, plan* gen *cy (plan-jen-see) drink made from rum, lime, sugar, and
n. water or soda.
plank (plangk) n. 1. a long flat piece of plaque ( plak) n, 1 a flat metal or porcelain

timber several inches thick. 2. one of the plate fixed on a wall or on a piece of
basic principles of a political platform. wood as an ornament or memorial. 2.
plank v. 1 to lay with planks. 2. to cook
. film on teeth, where bacteria can live.
and serve (fish etc.) on a board. plash (plash) v. to splash, plash n. a
plank «ing (plang-king) n, a structure or splashing sound.
floor of planks. plas*ma (plaz-ma) n. 1 the colorless fluid

plank -ton (plangk-tdn) n. the forms of or- part of blood, in which the corpuscles
ganic life (chiefly microscopic) that drift are suspended. 2. whey. 3. a kind of gas
or float in the sea oil in fresh water. containing positively and negatively
plank* ton *lc (plangk-ton-ik) adj. charged particles in approximately equal
planned (pland) see plan. numbers. plas*mat*lc ( plaz-mat-ik)
plarvning (plan-ing) n. making plans, es- adj.
pecially with reference to the controlled plas*ter (plas-ter) n. 1. a soft mixture of
design of buildings and development of lime, sand, and water etc. used for coat-
land, town planning. ing walls and ceilings. 2. plaster of Paris.
plant (plant) n. 1. a living organism that 3. a medicinal preparation spread on
makes its own food from inorganic sub- cloth etc. for applying to the body, plas-
stances and has neither the power of ter v. 1 to cover (a wall etc.) with plaster

movement nor special organs of sensa- or a similar substance. 2. to coat or daub,

tion and digestion. 2. a small plant (dis- to cover thickly. 3. to make smooth with
tinguished from a tree or shrub). 3. a a fixative etc., his hair was plastered
factory or its machinery and equipment. down, plas'ter -er n. plaster cast,
4. (slang) a person or thing deliberately a cast of a statue etc. made in plaster;
placed for discovery by others, a hoax plaster molded around a part of the body
or trap, plant v. 1 to place in the ground
. to keep it rigid, plaster of Paris, white
or in soil for growing, to put plants or paste made from gypsum, used for mak-
seeds into (ground or soil) for growing. ing molds or casts.
2. to fix or set or place in position, plas *ter* board (plas-ter-bohrd) n. paper-
planted his foot on the ladder; planted covered board with a core of gypsum
the idea in her mind. 3. to station (a and felt, u£ed for making partitions etc.
person) as a lookout or spy. 4. to conceal plas-tered (plas-terd) adj. (slang) drunk.
(stolen or incriminating articles) in a plas* tic (plas-tik) n. a synthetic resinous
place where they will be discovered and substance that can be given any perma-
mislead the discoverer, planted the evi- nent shape, as by molding it under pres-
dence. plant food, nourishment for sure while heated, plastic adj. 1. made
plants, plant kingdom, the division of of plastic, plastic bag. 2. able to be shaped
the natural world comprising all living or molded, clay is a plastic substance.
things that are not animal, plant louse, 3. giving form to clay or wax etc.; the
a small insect that infests plants, espe- plastic arts, those concerned with sculp-
cially the aphid, plant pathology, the ture or ceramics etc. plas • tic • I • ty ( plas-
branch of botany that deals with diseases tis-i-tee) n. plastic explosive, a
of plants. putty-like explosive, capable of being
plan -tain 1 (plan-tin) n. a common wild molded by hand, plastic surgeon, a
plant with broad flat leaves, bearing seeds specialist in plastic surgery, the repair-
that are used as food for cage birds. ing or replacing of injured or defective
plantain 2 n. a tropical tree with fruit re- external tissue.
sembling the banana. plate (playt) n. 1. an almost usually flat
plan* tar (plan-tar) adj. of the sole of the circular utensil from which food eaten is

foot. or served, its contents. 2. a similar shal-

plan* taction (plan-tay-sh6n) n. 1. a num- low vessel for the collection of money
ber of cultivated plants or trees, the area in church. 3. dishes and other domestic
of land on which they grow. 2. an estate utensils made of gold or silver or other
on which cotton or tobacco or tea etc. metal. 4. plated metal, objects made of
is cultivated. this. 5. a flat thin sheet of metal or glass
683 plateau / play

or other rigid material. 6. this coated or plate for serving food. 3. (informal)
with material sensitive to light or other a phonograph record. Don a platter,
radiation, for use in photography etc. 7. (informal) available without the recipient
a flat piece of metal on which something having to make an effort.
is engraved. 8. a piece of metal, plastic, plat*y (plat-ee) n. (pi. plat-y, plat*
etc. in a printing press, which is inked ys, plaMes) a brightly colored freshwa-
and transfers an impression to the paper. ter fish often kept in aquariums.
9. an illustration on special paper in a plat-y -pus (plat-i-pus) n. (pi. -pus*
book. 1 0. a thin flat structure or forma- es, -pi, pr. -pi) an Australian animal
tion in a plant or animal body. 1 1 a . with a duck-like beak and a flat tail,
piece of plastic material molded to the which lays eggs but suckles its young.
shape of the gums or roof of the mouth plau*dits (plaw-dits) n. pi. a round of ap-
for holding false teeth, (informal) a den- plause, an emphatic expression of ap-
ture. 1 2. a flat piece of whitened rubber proval.
marking the station of the batter (home plau-sl-ble (plaw-zl-bel) adj. 1. (of a
plate) in baseball, plate v. (plat-ed, statement) seeming to be reasonable or
plat*ing) 1. to cover with plates of probable but not proved. 2. (of a person)
metal. 2. to coat (metal) with a thin layer persuasive but deceptive, plau'shbly
of silver or gold or tin. Donone's adv. plau*si*bil*i*ty (plaw-zl-bil-i-tee)
plate, (informal) for one to deal with n.
or consider, he had too much on his plate. play (play) v. 1. to occupy oneself in a
plate glass, glass of fine quality for shop game or other recreational activity. 2.
windows etc. plate rack, a rack in which to take part in (a game), play football
plates are kept or placed to drain. 3. to compete against (a player or team)
pla*teau (pla-toh) n. 1. an area of fairly in a game. 4. to occupy (a specified posi-
level high ground. 2. a state in which tion) in a game. 5. to move (a piece)
there is little variation following an in- or put (a card) on the table or strike (a
crease, the firm's export trade reached ball etc.) in a game. 6. to act in a drama
a plateau. etc., to act the part of; play the fool, to
plate*ful (playt-fuul) n. (pi. -fuls) 1. as behave like one. 7. to perform (a part
much as a plate will hold. 2. (informal) in a process). 8. to perform on (a musical
a large amount of work etc. to deal with. instrument), to perform (a piece of mu-
plat* en (plat-en) n. 1 a plate in a printing
. sic). 9. to cause (a record player or tape
press by which paper is pressed against recorder etc.) to produce sound. 10. to
type. 2. the corresponding part in a type- move lightly or irregularly, to allow
writer etc. (light or water) to fall on something, (of
plat* form (plat-form) n. 1. a level surface a fountain or hose pipe) to discharge wa-
raised above the surrounding ground or ter. 11. to allow (a hooked fish) to ex-
floor, especially one from which a haust itself by its pulling against the line.
speaker addresses an audience. 2. a play it 1. playing; a play on words, a
raised area along the side of the rails pun. 2. a move or action in a game, a
at a railroad station, where passengers chess play; a football play. 3. activity,
get on or off the trains. 3. the declared operation, other influences came into
policy or program of a political party. play. 4. a literary work written for perfor-
plat-ing (play-ting) n. a coating of gold, mance on the stage, a similar work for
silver, etc. broadcasting. 5. free movement, bolts
plat*i*num (plat-T-num) n. a silver- white should have half an inch ofplay, play 'a*
metallic element that does not tarnish. ble adj. Din or out of play, (of a ball)
platinum blonde, a woman with very being used, or temporarily out of use ac-
light blonde hair. cording to the rules, in a game, make
plat*i*tude (plat-i-tood) n. a common- a play for, (informal) to try to win as
place remark, especially one uttered sol- a girlfriend or boyfriend, play along,
emnly as if it were new. plat*i*tu*di* to cooperate unenthusiastically, play
nous ( plat-i-too-di-nus) adj. around, to behave irresponsibly, play
pla*ton*ic (pla-ton-ik) adj. (often Pla- at, to perform in a trivial or halfhearted
tonic) of the ancient Greek philosopher way. play ball, (informal) to cooperate.
Plato (4th century b.c.) or his doctrines. play both ends against the middle,
platonlc love or friendship, affec- to manipulate two opposing groups, tak-
tion that does not involve sexual love. ing advantage of both for personal gain.
pla-toon (pl£-toon) n. a subdivision of a play by ear, to perform (music) without
military company, having seen a written score; to proceed
plat -tor (plat-er) n. 1. a flat dish or plate, step by step, going by one's instinct or
often of wood. 2. a large shallow dish by results, play down, to minimize the
playa / pleasure 684
importance of. played out, exhausted, as, pr. -how-ziz) 1 a theater. 2. a small

used up. play for time, to seek to gain house that children play in.
time by delaying, play games, to act playlet (play-lit) n. a short play.
without serious intent, play group, a playmate (play-mayt) n, a child's com-
group of young children who play to- panion in play.
gether regularly under supervision, play- playoff (play-awf) n. a match played to
ing card, one of a pack or set of fifty- decide a draw or tie.
two oblong pieces of pasteboard used to playpen (play -pen) n. a portable enclo-
play a variety of games, marked on one sure for a young child to play in.
side to show one of thirteen ranks in one play suit (play-soot) n. a garment for a
of four suits, playing field,, a field used young child to play in.
for outdoor games, play into some- plaything (plaything) n. 1. a toy. 2.
one's hands, to do something that un- something treated as a thing to play with.
wittingly gives him an advantage, play playtime (play-tim) n. time assigned for
off one person against another, to children to play.
oppose one person to another in order playwright (play-nt) n. a person who
to serve one's own interests, play on, writes plays, a dramatist.
to affect and make use of (a person's sym-
pla-za ( plaza, plah-za) n. a public square
pathy etc.). play one's cards right or or open space in a city or town.
well, to make good use of one's opportu-
plea ( plee) n. 1 a formal statement (espe-

cially of "guilty" or "not guilty") made

nities, play safe, to act with caution.
play the field, (informal) to avoid ex- by or on behalf of a person charged in
a court of law. 2. an appeal or entreaty,
clusive commitment to one person, play
a plea for mercy. 3. an excuse, on the
the game, to keep the rules; to behave
plea of ill health. Dplea bargaining,
honorably, play the market, to specu-
the procedure whereby a defendant
late in stocks etc. play up to, to try to
agrees to plead guilty in return for a light
win the favor of or encourage (a person)
sentence or other leniency.
by flattery etc. play with, to toy with;
plead (pleed) v. (plead -ed or pled,
play with fire, to treat frivolously some-
plead *ing) 1. to put forward as a plea
thing that could prove dangerous.
in a court of law. 2. to address a court
pla*ya (pli-a) n. a desert basin that be-
of law as an advocate, to put forward
comes a lake after a heavy rainfall.
(a case) in court. 3. to make an appeal
playacting (play-ak-ting) n. 1 the play- .
or entreaty; plead with a person, to en-
ing of a part in a play. 2. the act of pre-
treat him. 4. to put forward as an excuse,
pleaded a previous engagement
playback (play-bak) n. 1. the playing
pleas* ant (plez-ant) adj. 1. pleasing, giv-
back of sound. 2. a device for doing this.
ing pleasure, to the mind or feelings or
playback v. to play (what has recently senses. 2. having an agreeable manner.
been recorded) on a tape recorder etc. pleas'ant*ly adv. pleas'ant*ness n.
play bill (play -bil) n. a placard or program pleas* ant *ry (plez-an-tree) n. {pi -lies)
of a theatrical play. 1. a courteous or friendly remark. 2. a
play book (play-buuk) n. a book contain- humorous or playful remark or act.
ing diagramed football plays. please (pleez) v. (pleased, pleas-
playboy (play-boi) n. a pleasure-loving ing) 1. to give pleasure to, to make (a
usually rich man. person etc.) feel satisfied or glad. 2. to
play-by-play ( play -bi -play) n. a detailed be so kind as to, please ring the bell 3.
account, such as a broadcast of a sports to think fit, to have the desire, take what
event. you please, please, a polite phrase of
play-er (play-er) n. 1. a person who takes request. Dif you please, (formal)
part in a game. 2. a performer on a musi- please; an ironical phrase, pointing out
cal instrument. 3. an actor. D player pi- unreasonableness, and so, if you please,
ano, a piano fitted with apparatus that we're to get nothing! please oneself,
enables it to play automatically. to do as one chooses.
playful (play-ful) adj. 1. full of fun. 2. pleased (pleezd) adj. feeling or showing
in a mood for play, not serious, pleasure or satisfaction.
play 'ful -ly adv. play'ful-ness n. pleas *ur*a* Die (plezA-u-ra-bel) adj. caus-
play go* er (play-goh-er) n. a person who ing pleasure, pleas'ur-a-bly adv.
frequently attends theatrical plays. pleas «ure (plez/i-ur) n. 1. a feeling of sat-
play *ground (play-grownd) n. 1. a piece isfaction or joy, enjoyment. 2. a source
of ground for children to play on. 2. a of pleasure, it's a pleasure to talk to him.
favorite place for recreation. pleas-
3. choice, desire, at your pleasure,
playhouse (play-hows) n. {pi -nous* ure adj. done or used for pleasure, a
685 pleat / plow

pleasure trip. Dwlth pleasure, will- ple-num (plee-num) n. (pi -nums, -na,
ingly, gladly. a space filled with matter. 2.
pr. -n2) 1 .

pleat (pleet) a flat fold made by doubling

n. a assembly.
cloth on itself, pleat v. to make a pleat ple-o-nasm (plee-d-naz-em) n. an expres-
or pleats in. sion in which a word is redundant, as
pleat -ed (plee-tid) adj. having pleats, as in hear with one*s ears.
a skirt. pleth-o-ra (pleth-6-ra) n. an overabun-
plebe (pleeb) n. a member of the lowest dance.
(freshman) class at the U.S. Naval Acad- pleu • rl • sy ( ploor-t-see)
n. inflammation of
emy or the U.S. Military Academy. the membrane (the pleura) lining the
pie* be* Ian (ple-bee-an) adj. 1. of the chest and surrounding the lungs.
lower social classes. 2. uncultured, vul- Plex-i-glas (plek-si-glas) n. (trademark)
gar, plebeian tastes, plebeian n. a mem- plexiglass.
ber of the lower classes. plexiglass (plek-si-glas) n. a transpar-
plebiscite (pleb-i-sit) n. a referendum, ent acrylic plastic, used in signs, win-
a vote by all the people of a country etc. dows, etc.
on an important public matter. plex-us (plek-sus) n. (pi. -us-es, -us) 1.
plebs (plebz) n. (pi. ple-bes, pr. plee- a network of nerves or blood vessels. 2.
beez) the common people of ancient
1 . a network, a complication.
Rome. 2. the common people. pli-a-ble (ph-a-bel) adj. 1. bending easily,
plec-trum (plek-trum) n. (pL -tra, pr. flexible. 2. easily influenced, pli^a-bly
-tra, -trums) a small piece of metal or adv. pll*a»bil*i*ty (ph-a-bil-i-tee) n.
bone or ivory held or attached to a finger pli-ant (pli-ant) adj. pliable, pli'ant-
for plucking the strings of a musical in- pli-an-cy (ph-an-see) n.
ly adv.
strument. pli-ers (ph-erz) n. pi pincers having jaws
pledge (plej) n. 1. a solemn promise. 2. with flat surfaces that can be brought
a thing deposited as security for payment together for gripping small objects or
of a debt or fulfillment of a contract etc., wire etc.
and liable to be forfeited in case of failure. plight 1 (plit) n. a serious and difficult situa-
3. a token of something, as a pledge of tion.
his devotion- 4. a toast drunk to some- plight 2 v. (old use) to pledge. plight
one's health. 5. a provisional member of one's troth,
to say one's marriage vows;
a fraternity or sorority, pledge v. to be engaged to marry.
(pledged, pledging) 1. to promise or plinth (plinth) n. a block or slab forming
cause to promise solemnly. 2. to deposit the base of a column or a support for
(an article) as a pledge. 3. to drink to a vase etc.
the health of. 4. to promise to join (a PI ho -eerie
(ph-6-seen) adj. of the latest
fraternity, sorority, etc.). geologic epoch of the Tertiary period.
Pleis- to -eerie (plis-td-seen) adj. of the Pliocene n. the Pliocene epoch.
earlier geologic epoch of the Quaternary PLO abbr. Palestine Liberation Organiza-
period. Pleistocene n. the Pleistocene tion.
epoch. plod (plod) v. (plod-ded, plod* ding) 1.
ple*na*ry (plee-na-ree) adj. 1. attended to walk doggedly or laboriously, to
by all members, a plenary session of the trudge. 2. to work at a slow but steady
assembly. 2. full, complete, a legislature rate, plod n. plodding. plod / der n.
with plenary powers. plod'ding-ly adv.
plen • I • po ten • tl • ar y
• •
( plen-i-pd-ten- plop (plop) n. a sound like that of some-
shi-er-ee) n. (pi. -ar*les) an envoy with thing dropping into water without a
fullpowers to take action or make deci- splash, plop v. (plopped, plop* ping)
sions etc. on behalf of the government to cause to fall in this manner, plop an
he represents, plenipotentiary adj. hav- ice cube into this glass.
ing these powers. plot (plot) n. 1. a small measured piece
plen-i-tude (plen-i-tood) n. abundance, of land, building plots. 2. the plan or
a plenitude offlowers; trees in plenitude. story in a play or novel or film. 3. a
t>The word is plenitude not plentitude. conspiracy, a secret plan, Gunpowder
plen-te-ous (plen-ti-us) adj. plentiful. Plot, plot v. (plot* ted, plot* ting) 1. to
plen-ti-ful (plen-ti-ful) adj. in large quan- make a plan or map of. 2. to mark on
tities or numbers, abundant, plen'ti* a chart or diagram. 3. to plan secretly,
fuMy adv. to contrive a secret plan, plot'ter n.
plenty (plen-tee)
n. (pi. -ties) quite plover (pluv-er, ploh-ver) n. (pi -ers,
enough, as much
as one could need or -er) a kind of wading bird.
desire, plenty adv. (informal) quite, plow (plow) n. 1 an implement for cutting

fully, it*s plenty big enough. furrows in soil, drawn by a tractor or

plowman / plunk 686
by draft animals. 2. an implement resem- formal) completely, plumb crazy, plumb
bling a plow, snowplow. plow v. 1. to v. 1. to measure or test with a plumb

turn up (earth) or cast out (roots etc.) line. 2. to reach, plumbed the depths of
with a plow, to cut (a furrow). 2. to clear the lake. 3. to get to the bottom of (a
snow from (a driveway etc.). 3. to make matter). plumb bob, the weight at-
one's way laboriously, plowed through tached to a plumb line, plumb line, a
the mud or through a book. Dplow cord with a plumb attached.
back, to turn (growing grass etc.) into plumb -er (plum-er) ru a person whose job
the soil to enrich it; to reinvest profits is to fit and repair plumbing, plumb v.
in the business that produced them. to work as a plumber, uplumber's
pk>w / er n. plow'a-ble adj. helper, a plumber's assistant; (informal)
plowman (plow-man) (pi -men,
n. pr. = plunger (definition 2).
-men) a man who guides a plow. plumb Ing pluming) n. a system of water


plow 'Share (plow-shair) n. the cutting pipes, water tanks, drainpipes, etc. in a
blade of a plow. building.
ploy (ploi) n. a cunning maneuver to gain plume (ploom) n. 1. a feather, especially
an advantage. a large one used for ornament 2. an or-
pluck (pluk) v. 1 to pick (a flower or fruit),
. nament of feathers or similar material.
to pull out (a hair or feather etc.). 2. 3. something resembling this, a plume
to strip (a bird) of its feathers. 3. to pull of smoke, plume v. (plumed, plum*
at or twitch. 4. to sound (the string of Ing) to preen, the bird plumed itself or
a musical instrument) by pulling and its feathers.
then releasing it with the finger(s) or a plumed (ploomd) adj. ornamented with
plectrum, pluck n. 1. plucking, a pull. plumes.
2. courage, spirit. pluck up courage, plum* met (plum-it) ft. a plumb or plumb
to summon up one's courage. bob. plummet v. (plum- met -ed,
pluck -y (pluk-ee) adj. (piuck-l-er, plum* met • ing) to fall or plunge steeply.
pluck •!• est) showing pluck, brave, plump 1 (plump) adj. having a full rouni&d
pluck'l-ly adv. shape, plump v. to make or. become
plug (plug) n. 1 something fitting into and
. plump, to plump a pillow, plump'ness
stopping or filling a hole or cavity. 2. a «.
device with metal pins that fit into an plump3 v. to drop or plunge abruptly,
outlet to make an electrical connection. plumped down, plump adv. with a sud-
3. a spark plug. 4. a cake of tobacco, a den or heavy fall. plump for, to U
piece of this cut off for chewing. 5. (in- choose or vote for wholeheartedly, to de-
formal) a piece of favorable publicity for cide on.
a commercial product. 6. an artificial plun-der (plun-der) v. to rob (a place or

fishing lure. 7. (slang) an old worn-out person) forcibly or systematically, to

horse, plug v. (plugged, plug-glng) 1. steal orembezzle, plunder n. 1 the tak- .

to put a plug into, to stop with a plug. ing of goods or money etc. in this way.
2. (slang) to shoot (a person etc.). 3. (in- 2. the goods etc. acquired, plunder-
formal) to mention favorably, to seek to er ft.

popularize (a song or product or policy plunge (plunj) v. (plunged, plung-

etc.) by constant commendation. ing) 1. to thrust or go forcefully into
a plug away, to work diligently or per- something. 2. to descend suddenly. 3.
sistently, plug in, to connect electrically to jump or dive into water. 4. to enter
by inserting a plug into a socket. or cause to enter a condition or set of
plum (plum) n. 1 a fleshy fruit with sweet
. circumstances, plunged the world into
pulp and a flattish pointed pit. 2. the war. 5. (of a horse) to start forward vio-
tree that bears it. 3. (old use) a dried lently, (of a ship) to thrust its bow down
grape or raisin used in cooking; plum into the water, to pitch. 6. to gamble
cake or pudding, containing such fruit. heavily or run deeply into debt, plunge
4. reddish-purple color. 5. a good thing, /l plunging, a dive. Utake the pkmge,
the best of a collection, something con- to take a bold decisive step.
sidered good and desirable, the job was plung-er (plim-jer) ft. 1. the part of a
a real plum. mechanism that works with a plunging
plum* age (ploo-mij) n. a bird's feathers. or thrusting movement. 2. a rubber cup
plumb (plum) n. a piece of lead tied to on a handle for removing blockages by
the end of a cord, used for finding the alternate thrusting and suction. 3. a reck-
depth of water or testing whether a wall less gambler, a speculator.
etc. is vertical, plumb adj. exactly verti- plunk (plungk) v. 1. (informal) to throw
cal, straight up and down, plumb adv. or place or drop down heavily. 2. to hit
1. exactly, plumb in the middle 2. (in- unexpectedly. 3. to pluck the strings of

687 pluperfect / pocket

a harp, banjo, etc. plunk n. the sound (a tool or weapon). 2. to work at, ply
or act of plunking. plunk down, to one's trade. 3. to work steadily. 4. to
drop heavily. keep offering or supplying, plied her with
plumper* feet (ploo-pur-fikt) adj. & n.= food or with questions. 5. to go to and
past perfect (see tense). fro regularly, the boat plies between the
plu-ral ( ploor-al) n. the form of a noun two harbors.
or verb used with reference to more than Plynvouth (plim-uth) Rock 1 . a medium-
one person or thing, the plural of "child" sized breed of domestic fowl of American
is "children.
" plural adj. 1 of this form. . origin. 2. a boulder on the coast at Plym-
2. of more than one. outh, Massachusetts, said to be the land-
plu-ral -ism (ploor-a-liz-em) n. a form of ing place of the Pilgrim Fathers.
society in which members of minority ply • wood (ph-wuud) n. strong thin board
groups maintain independent traditions, made by gluing layers with the grain
plu'ral-ist adj. plu-rahist-ic (ploor-a- crosswise.
lis-tik) adj. Pm symbol promethium.
plu*ral*i*ty (pluu-ral-i-tee) n. (pi -ties) pm. abbr. premium.
1 the state of being plural. 2. the number p.m. abbr. post meridiem.
of votes by which the total cast for the P.M. abbr. 1 paymaster. 2. postmaster. 3.

winner exceeds that of his nearest rival. post meridiem. 4. postmortem. 5. Prime
>See the note under majority. Minister. 6. provost marshal.
plu-ral'ize (ploor-a-hz) v. (plu -rah pmk. abbr. postmark.
Ized, plu-ral-iz-ing) to make or ex- pmt abbr. payment.
press as plural. plu*ral*i*za*tion PN abbr. promissory note.
(ploor-a-li-zay-shdri) n. pneu- mat -ic (nuu-mat-ik)
adj. filled with
plus (plus) prep. 1. with the addition of. or operated by compressed air, pneu-
2. above zero, temperature between mi- matic tires; pneumatic drills, pneu*
nus ten and plus ten degrees, plus n. (pi. mat'i*cal*ly adv.
plus-es) 1 the sign +. 2. an advantage.
. pneu- mat -ics (nuu-mat-iks) n. the
plus adj. more than the quantity indi- branch of physics that deals with the
cated; Bplus (B+), a grade slightly above physical properties of gases.
B. Dplus fours, knickers once worn es- pneu*mo*co*nl*o*sis (noo-moh-koh-
pecially by golfers (>so named because ni-oh-sis) n. a lung disease caused by in-
the length was increased by four inches halation of dust etc.
to produce the overhang), plus sign, the pneu*mo*nia (nuu-mohn-ya) n. inflam-
sign -I- . mation of one or both lungs.
plush (plush) n. a kind of cloth with long Po symbol polonium.
soft nap, used in home furnishings. P.O. abbr. 1. petty officer. 2. post office.
plush adj. 1 made of plush. 2. plushy.
. poach 1 (pohch) v. 1. to cook (an egg re-
plush -y (plush-ee) adj. (plush *i*er, moved from its shell) in boiling water
plush -i -est) luxurious. plush'i-ness or in a poacher. 2. to cook (fish or fruit
n. etc.) by simmering it in a small amount
Plu* to (ploo-toh) n. 1 a planet in the solar
. of liquid.
system. 2. the god of the underworld in poach 2 v. 1 to take (game or fish) illegally

Greek mythology. from private land or water. 2. to trespass

plu-toCTa-cy (ploo-tok-ra-see) n. (pi or encroach on something that properly
-cies) 1 rule of the wealthy. 2. a nation
. belongs to another person, poach 'er 1
ruled by the wealthy. n. a person who poaches.
plu -to-crat (ploo-td-krat) n. a person who poach *er 2 (poh-cher) n. a pan with one
is powerful because of his wealth, plu* or more cup-shaped containers in which
to-craHc (ploo-t6-krat-ik) adj. eggs are placed for cooking over boiling
plu* ton (ploo-ton) n. a body of rock ex- water.
posed after solidification at a great depth. POB abbr. post office box.
plu • to • nl • um
( ploo-toh-ni-um) n. a radio- POC abbr. port of call.
active chemical element, used in nuclear pock (pok) n. (also pock mark) 1. one
weapons and reactors. of the spots that erupt on the skin in
plu-vi-al (ploo-vi-al) adj. 1. of rain, rainy. smallpox. 2. a scar left by this.
2. (in geology) caused by rain. DOCk*et (pok-it) n. 1 a small baglike part

plu-vi-om-e-ter (ploo-vi-om-e-ter) n. a sewn into or on a garment, for holding

rain gauge. money or small articles. 2. one's re-
ply 1 (ph) n. (pi plies) 1. a thickness or sources of money; beyond my pocket,
layer of wood or cloth etc. 2. a strand more than I can afford. 3. a pouchlike
in yarn, three-ply wool compartment in a suitcase or on a car
ply 2 v. (plied, plying) 1. to use or wield door etc. 4. one of the pouches at the

pocketbook / point
comers or sides of a pool table, into po*et*as*ter ( poh-it-as-ter) n. an inferior
which balls are driven. 5. an isolated poet
group or area, small pockets of resistance. po-et-lc (poh-et-ik) adj. of or like poetry,
pocket adj. of a size or shape suitable of poets. Dpoetlc Justice, well-de-
for carrying in a pocket, pocket calcula- served punishment or reward.
tor, pocket v. 1 to put into one's pocket
. po*et*l*cal (poh-et-i-kal) adj. poetic,
or oth-
2. -to take for oneself (dishonestly written in verse, poetical works, po*
erwise). 3. to send (a ball) into a
pocket et'1-caMy adv.
on a pool table. 4. to suppress or hide po*et*ry (poh-i-tree) n. 1. poems, a poet's
(one's feelings), pocketing his pride. art or work. 2. a quality that pleases the
Din a person's pocket, completely mind as poetry does, the poetry of motion.
under his influence, in pocket, having pO*grom (pd-gram, poh-grum) n. an or-
gained in a transaction, out of pocket, ganized massacre, originally and espe-
having lost in a transaction, out-of- cially of Jews in Russia.

pocket expenses, cash expenses in- poi (poi) n. a Hawaiian food made from
curred while doing something, pocket the taro root
gopher, =
gopher, pocket money, potgn*ant (poin-yant) adj. arousing sym-
money for small expenses, pocket veto, pathy, deeply moving to the feelings,
an indirect veto of a bill by a president
keenly felt, poignant grief poignant-
or governor etc. who retains the bill un- ly adv. poign-an-cy (poin-yan-see) n.

signed until after adjournment of the leg-

poi-lu (pwah-loo) n. (old use) a French
private soldier.
islature, pocket watch, a watch de-
signed to be carried in a special pocket
pom*Cl a an*a ( poin-si-an-a) n. a tropical
tree with bright red flowers.
of a man's suit.
poln-set-tJ-a ( pom -set- -a) n. a plant
pock-et • book (pok-it-buuk) n. 1 a purse .

with large sometimes scarlet petallike

or handbag. 2. financial resources. 3. a
paperback book, small enough to be car-
point (point) n. 1. the tapered or sharp
ried in a pocket.
end of something, the tip. 2. a projection,
pock-et-ful ( pok-it-fuul) n. {pi -fuls) the
a promontory of land. 3. (in geometry)
amount that a pocket will hold.
that which has position but not magni-
pock-et 'knife (pok-it-mf) n. {pi
tude, such as the intersection of two lines.
-knives, pr. mvz) a knife with a folding
4. a dot used as a punctuation mark, a
blade or blades, for carrying in the
decimal point. 5. a particular place or
spot, an exact moment, a stage or degree
pock •marked (pok-mahrkt) adj. marked of progress or increase of temperature
by scars or pits.
etc. 6. one of the directions marked on
pod ( pod) n. 1 a long seed vessel like that

the compass, a corresponding direction

of a pea or bean. 2. a compartment sus- toward the horizon. 7. a unit of measure-
pended under an aircraft, pod v. (pod* ment or value or scoring. 8. a separate
ded, pod* ding) to bear or form pods. item or detail, we differ on several points.
POD abbr. 1. pay on delivery. 2. port of 9. a distinctive feature or characteristic;
debarkation. it has its points, has certain useful fea-
po*di*a*trist (pd-di-S-trist) n. an expert tures. 10. the essential thing, the thing
in podiatry. under discussion, come to the point 1 1
po*di*a*try (po-di-a-tree) n. the study the important feature of a story or joke
and treatment of ailments of the human or remark. 12. effectiveness, purpose,
foot, as bunions, calluses, etc. value, there s no point in wasting time
po*di*um (poh-di-um) n. a pedestal or point v. 1 to direct or aim (a finger or

platform. weapon etc.). 2. to be directed or aimed.

POE abbr. 1 . port of embarkation. 2. port 3. to direct attention, to indicate; it all
of entry. points to a conspiracy, is evidence of one.
DO* em (poh-em) a literary composition
n. 4. to sharpen. 5. to fill in the joints of
in verse, especially one expressing deep Srickwork etc.) with mortar or cement,
feeling or noble thought in an imagina- a case in point, one that is relevant
tive way. to what has just been said, beside the
po*e*sy (poh-e-zee) n. {pi -sies) (old point, irrelevant, make a point of, to
use) the art of poetry. treat as important, to do something with
po*et (poh-it) n. a writer of poems. DO* ostentatious care, on the point of, on
et*ess (poh-i-tis) n. fern. t>Many re- the very verge of (an action), point of
gard the word poetess as objectionable no return, the point in a long journey
and prefer to use poet for women as well at which one must continue onward be-
as for men. cause supplies are insufficient to enable

689 pointblank / polder

one to return to the starting point; the likely to corrupt people, a poisonous in-
point after which one cannot withdraw fluence.
from an action, point of view, a way poke (pohk)
v. (poked, pok-ing) 1. to

of looking at a matter, point out, to thrust with the end of a finger or a stick
indicate, to draw attention to. point up, etc.; poke the fire, stir it with a poker.
to emphasize, stretch a point, to exag- 2. to thrust or be thrust forward, to pro-
gerate or misrepresent the fact, to the trude. 3. to produce by poking, poked
point, relevant, relevantly. a hole in it 4. to search, to pry, poking
point-blank (point-blangk) adj. 1. (of a about in the attic. 5. to move slowly, to
shot) aimed or fired at very close range. dawdle, they were poking along to school
2. (of a remark) direct, straightforward, as if they had all day. 6. (informal) to
a pointblank refusal pointblank adv. in punch (a person), poke n. poking, a
a pointblank manner, refused pointblank. thrust or nudge. Upoke fun at, to ridi-
point -ed (poin-tid) adj. 1. tapering or cule, poke one's nose into some-

sharpened to a point. 2. (of a remark thing, to pry or intrude.

or manner) clearly aimed at a particular poke 2 n. (informal) a bag or sack, buy a

person or thing, emphasized, point'ed* pig in a poke (see pig).

ly adj.
pokier 1 (poh-ker) n. a stiff metal rod for
point • er (poin-ter) n. 1 a thing that points
poking a fire.
to something, a mark or rod that points
poker2 n. a card game in which players
bet on whose hand of cards has the high-
to figures etc. on a dial or scale. 2. a
rod used to point to things on a black-
est value. poker face, a face that does
not reveal thoughts or feelings; a person
board etc. 3. (informal) a brief piece of
with such a face.
advice, pointers on good grooming. 4. a
poke* weed (pohk- weed) n. a tall Ameri-
dog of a breed that on scenting game
can plant with purple berries and white
stands rigidly with muzzle pointing to-
ward it.
pok*y adj. (pok«i*er, pok*
poin-til-lism (pwan-tf-liz-em) n. (in paint-
hest) slow to accomplish something
ing) a technique of producing light effects
or get somewhere. 2. small and cramped,
by crowding a surface with small spots
poky little rooms, poky, pok-ey n.
of various colors, which are blended by
(slang) jail.
the spectator's eye.
pol (pol) n. (informal) a politician.
poin • til • list (pwan-tl-list) n. a painter who
pol. abbr. 1 . political. 2. politics.
uses pointillism.
Pol. abbr. Poland. 2. Polish.
point -less (point-lis) adj. 1. without a
PoHand (poh-land) a country in eastern
point. 2. having no purpose or meaning,
point'less-ly adv. po*lar (poh-lar) adj. 1. of or near the
poise (poiz) v. (poised, pois-ing) 1. to North Pole or South Pole. 2. of one of
balance or be balanced. 2. to hold sus- the poles of a magnet. 3. directly opposite
pended or supported, poise n. 1. bal- in character or tendency. polar bear,
ance, the way something is poised. 2. a a white bear living in arctic regions.
dignified and self-assured manner. Po*lar*i3 (pd-lar-is) n. the North Star.
poised (poizd) adj. having poise of man- po-lar-i-ty (poh-lar-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties)
ner. the possessing of negative and positive
poi*son (poi-zon) n. 1. a substance that poles.
can destroy the life or harm the health po-lar ize (poh-la-nz) v. (po-lar-ized,
of a living animal or plant. 2. a harmful po-lar-iz-ing) 1. to confine similar vi-
influence, poison
v. 1. to give poison brations of (light waves etc.) to a single
to, to kill with poison.
2. to put poison direction or plane. 2. to give polarity to.
on or to corrupt, to fill with preju-
in. 3. 3. to set or become set at opposite ex-
dice, poisoned their minds, pol'son* tremes of opinion, public opinion had po-
er n. poison hemlock, a poisonous larized. po*lar*hza*tion (poh-la-ri-
herb of the carrot family, poison ivy, zay-shon) n.
a climbing plant with shiny leaves that Po-lar -oid (poh-la-roid) n. (trademark) 1
secrete an irritant oil. poison oak, a a material that polarizes the light passing
plant closely related to poison ivy and through it, used in spectacle lenses etc.
possessing similar properties, poison to protect the eyes from glare. 2. a kind
pen, a person who writes malicious or of camera that develops and prints a pho-
slanderous anonymous letters, poison pen tograph rapidly when an exposure is
letters. made.
poi-son-ous (poi-zd-nus) adj. 1 .contain- pol-der (pohl-der) n. a piece of low-ly-
ing or having the effect of poison. 2. ing land reclaimed from the sea or a
pole / politicize 690
river, especially in the Netherlands. police for transporting prisoners.
pole 1 (pohl) w. 1. a long slender rounded po* lice* man
(po-lees-man) n. {pi. -men,
piece of wood or metal, especially one pr. -men) a man who is a member of a
used as part of a supporting structure. police force.
2. a unit of measurement =
rod. pole po* lice* worn* an (p6-lees-wuum-an) n.
v. (poled, pohing) to push along (a raft {pi -worn* en, pr. -wim-in) a woman
etc.) by using a pole. Dpole vault, a member of a police force.
vault over a high crossbar with the help pol-i-cy 1 (pol-T-see) n. {pi -cies) the
of a pole held in the hands. course or general plan of action adopted
pole 2 n. 1 either extremity of Earth's or
. by a government or party or person.
another body's axis, either of two points policy 2 n. 1 a contract of insurance, the

in the sky about which stars appear to document containing this. 2. (slang) a
rotate, the North Pole or South Pole. gambling game in which bets are made
2. each of the two points in a magnet on the occurrence of three numbers that
that attract or repel magnetic bodies. 3. are unpredictable, such as the last three
the positive or negative terminal of an digits in a parimutuel pool.
electric cell or battery. 4. each of two pol-i-cy hold -er (pol-I-see-hohl-der) n.
opposed principles. Ube poles apart, a person or firm for which an insurance
to differ greatly. policy is written.
Pole (pohl) n. a Polish person. po*li*0 (poh-li-oh) n. poliomyelitis.
pole* ax (pohl-aks) n. 1. a battle-ax with po*li*o*my*e*li*tis (poh-li-oh-mi-S-h-
a long handle. 2. a butcher's implement tis) n. an infectious disease caused by a
for slaughtering cattle, pole-ax v. (pole- virus, producing temporary or perma-
axed, pole-ax • Ing) to strike down with nent paralysis.
or as if with a poleax. pol-ish (pol-ish) v. 1. to make or become

pole* cat (pohl-kat) n. 1. a skunk. 2. smooth and glossy by rubbing. 2. to

(slang) a rascal. make better by correcting or putting fin-
po*lem*iC (pd-lem-ik) *l 1. a verbal at- ishing touches, polish n. 1 smoothness .

tack on a belief or opinion. 2. polemics, and glossiness. 2. the process of polish-

the practice of argumentation, polemic ing. 3. a substance for polishing a sur-
adj. 1. controversial. 2. argumentative. face. 4. a high degree of elegance, pol'
po*lem'i*cal adj. po*lem*i*clst (p6- ish*er n. polish off, to finish off.
lem-T-sist) n. Po • lish ( poh-lish) adj. of Poland or its peo-
pole* star (pohl-stahr) n. a star in the Lit- ple or language. Polish n. 1. the lan-
tle Bear, near the North Pole in the sky, guage of Poland. 2. the Polish, the people
Polaris. of Poland.
po-lice (pd-lees) n. 1 a civil force respon-
. pol-ished (pol-isht) adj. elegant, refined,
sible for the keeping of public order, its perfected, polished manners; a polished
members, the police have been called. 2. performance.
a force responsible for enforcing the reg- pollt. abbr. 1. political. 2. politics.
ulations of an organization etc., military Po-lit-bu-ro (pol-it-byoor-oh) n. {pi
police;campus police, police v. (po* -TOS) the principal committee of a Com-
Heed, po* lie* ing) to keep order in (a munist party.
place) by means of police, to patrol. po -lite (pd-lit) adj. (-Ilt-er, -lit -est) 1.
U police action, a military action taken having good manners, socially correct.
without formal declaration of war when 2. refined, polite society. po-lite'ly adv.
international peace or order is violated po-llte'ness n.

or threatened, police car, a special car pohl -tic (pol-i-tik) adj. showing good
for policemen to use while on duty, po- judgment, prudent. Dthe body politic,
lice court, a municipal court for trying see body.
persons accused of minor offenses or for po*llt*l*cal (p6-lit-i-kal) adj. 1. of or en-
referring to a higher court those accused gaged in politics. 2. of the way a country
of major offenses, police dog, a German is governed, its political system. DO*
shepherd or dog of another breed used llt'l-cal-ly adv. apolitical asylum,
to assist the police, police officer, a refuge in foreign territory for refugees
policeman or policewoman, police from political persecution, political
power, a nation's sovereign power to prisoner, a person imprisoned for a po-
regulate the conduct of its citizens, po- litical offense.
lice state, a country (usually a totalitar- pol*i*ti*Cian (pol-i-tish-an) n. a person
ian state) in which political police super- who is engaged in politics.
vise and control citizens' activities. po-llt-l-clze (po-lit-i-siz) v. (po-llt-
police station, the office of a police l-clzed, po-llt-l-clz-lng) 1. to give po-
force, police wagon, a van used by litical character to, politicized the Depart-
691 politick / polymerize

ment of Public Welfare. 2. to engage in pecially by adding harmful or offensive

or talk politics. substances. 2. to corrupt, polluting the
pol -i -tick (pol-i-tik) v. (informal) to en- mind. pol-lut'er n. pol-lu-tion (p5-
gage in or talk politics. loo-shon) n.
po*llt*i*CO (pd-lit-i-koh) n. (pi. -COS) po*IO (poh-loh) n. a game played by teams
(slang) a politician. on horseback with long-handled mallets.
pol • i • tics ( pol-i-tiks) n. sing. 1 the science
. Dpolo coat, a double-breasted coat,
and art of governing a country. 2. politi- usually of camel's hair, polo shirt, a
cal affairs or life. 3. maneuvering for short-sleeved sport shirt.
power etc. within a group, office politics. pol-o-naise (pol-5-nayz) n. a stately
politics n. pi. political principles or af- dance of Polish origin, music for this or
fairs or tactics. in this style.
pol-i-ty (pol-i-tee) n. (pi. -ties) 1. the po*iO*ni*um (pd-loh-ni-um) n. a radioac-
form or process of civil government. 2. tive metallic element.
a nation or other politically organized pol-ter-geist (pohl-ter-gist) n. a ghost or
society. spirit that throws things about noisily.
Polk (pohk), James K. (1795-1849) the pol-troon (pol-troon) n. (old use) a spirit-
eleventh president of the U.S. 1845-49. less coward.
pol-ka (pohl-ka) n. a lively dance for cou- poly- prefix many, much, as in polygamy.
ples, of Bohemian origin, polka v. to pol-y -an -dry (pol-i-an-dree) n. the sys-
dance the polka. tem of having more than one husband
pol-ka (pohl-ka) dots round dots, evenly at a time.
spaced to form a pattern on fabric. pol-y -chrome (pol-i-krohm) adj. painted
poll (pohl) n. 1. voting at an election, the or printed or decorated in many colors.
counting of votes, the number of votes pol -y -clin -lc (pol-i-klin-ik) n. a hospital
recorded. 2. polls, the place where voting devoted to treatment of all diseases.
is held. 3. an estimate of public opinion pol-y-crys-tal (pol-i-kris-tal) n. a poly-
made by questioning a representative crystalline body.
sample of people. 4. (old use) the head. pol-y-crys-tal -line (pol-i-kris-ta-lin)
poll v. 1. to vote at an election. 2. (of adj. consisting of several or many crys-
a candidate) to receive as votes. 3. to tals with various orientations.
interview in a poll. 4. to cut off the horns pol*y*es*ter (pol-i-es-ter, pol-i-es-ter) n.
of (cattle) or the top of (a tree etc.). a polymerized substance, especially as a
polling place, a place where votes are synthetic resin or fiber.
recorded, poll tax, a tax levied on every pol-y-eth-yl-ene (pol-i-eth-T-leen) n. a
person, formerly a prerequisite for voting polymer used for electrical insulation,
in some states. packaging, etc.
pol* lack (pol-ak) n. (pi. -lack, -lacks) a po • lyg • a • my ( pd-lig-a-mee) n. the system
sea fish related to the cod, used as food. of having more than one wife at a time.
pol* lard (pol-ard) n. 1 a tree that is polled
. po*lyg'a*mous adj. po-!yg'a-mist
so as to produce a close head of young n.
branches. 2. an animal that has cast or pol-y -glot (pol-i-glot) adj. knowing or us-
lost its horns, an ox or sheep or goat ing or written in several languages, poly-
of a hornless breed, pollard v. to make glot n. a person who knows several lan-
(a tree) into a pollard, pollarded willows. guages.
polled (pohld) adj. made hornless. pol*y*gon (pol-i-gon) n. a geometric fig-
pol'len (pol-en) n. a fine powdery sub- ure with many (usually five or more)
stance produced by the anthers of flow- sides. po*lyg*0*nal Cp6-lig-S-nal) adj.
ers, containing the fertilizing element. pol-y -graph (poi-i-graf) n. 1. a he detec-
pollen count, an index of the amount tor. 2. a writer of many or various works.
of pollen in the air, published as a warn- pol-y -he- dron (pol-i-hee-drdnj n. a solid
ing to those who are allergic to pollen. figure with many (usually seven or more)
pol*li*nate (pol-T-nayt) v. (pol*li*nat* faces. pol*yhe'dral adj.
ed, pol*li*nat*ing) to shed pollen on, pol-y -math (pol-i-math) n. a person with
to fertilize with pollen, pol-li-na-tion knowledge of many subjects, a great
(pol-T-nay-shdn) n. scholar.
pol*li*wog (pol-i-wog) n. a tadpole. pol-y-mer (pol-I-mer) n. a compound
pollster (pohl-ster) n. a person who con- whose molecule is formed of a large num-
ducts opinion polls. ber of simpler molecules of the same
pol*lu*tant (po-loo-tant) n. a substance kind, pol-y-mer-lc (pol-T-mer-ik) adj.
causing pollution. po*lym*er*ize (p5-lim-€-nz) v. (po*
pol* lute (pd-loot) v. (pol-lut-ed, pol* lym-er-lzed, po-lym-er-lz-lng) to
lut*ing) 1 to make dirty or impure, es-
. combine or become combined into a

Polynesia / pooch 692

polymer. po*lym*er*i*za*tion (pd- v. (pom-meled, pom-mel-lng) to

lim-e-ri-zay-shdn) n. pummel.
Polynesia (pol-T-nee-z/ia) a group of pomp (pomp) n. a stately and splendid
islands in the Pacific Ocean, including ceremonial.
New Zealand, Hawaii, and Samoa. Pol • pom* pa* dour (pom-pa-dohr) n. a hair-
yne'sian adj. & n. which the hair is brushed up and
style in
pol*y-no*mi*al (pol-i-noh-mi-al) n. an back from the forehead.
algebraic expression of more than two pom* pa* no (pom-pa-noh) n. {pi -nos,
terms, polynomial adj. -no) a food fish from the West Indies
pol-yp (pol-ip) n. 1. a simple organism and South America.
with a tube-shaped body, such as one pom-pom (pom-pom) n. 1. a decorative

of the organisms of whicl^ coral is com- tuft or ball on a cap or costume. 2. a

posed. 2. an abnormal growth projecting type of dahlia or other flower with small
from a mucous membrane, as in the nose. tightly clustered petals.
pol-yphorvic (pol-i-fon-ik) adj. (of mu- ponvpon (pom-pon) n. a pom-pom.
sic) having two or more intertwined me- pomp-ous (pom-pus) adj. full of osten-
lodic lines. po*ly*pho*ny (po-li-phd- tatious dignity and self-importance.
nee) n.
pomp'ous*ly adv. pom*pos*i-ty
polystyrene (pol-i-sti-reen) n. a kind
(pom-pos-i-tee) n.

of hard plastic, a polymer of styrene.

pon-cho (pon-choh) (pL -chos) 1. a
blanketlike piece of cloth with a slit in
pol • y • syl • lab • ic ( pol-i-si-lab-ik) adj.
the center for the head, worn as a cloak.
having three or more syllables, polysyl-
2. a garment shaped like this.
labic words.
pond ( pond) n. a small area of still water.
pol -y syl -la -Die ( pol-i-sil-a-bel) n. a
pon*der (pon-der) v. 1. to be deep in
word of three or more syllables.
thought. 2. to think something over thor-
pol -y tech- nic (pol-i-tek-nik) n. an insti-
tution giving instruction in many sub-
pon-der-o-sa (pon-dfc-roh-sa) pine 1. a
jects, especially technical ones and indus-
tall tree of western North America. 2.
trial arts.
its wood.
pol -y theism (pol-i-thee-iz-em) n. belief
pon*der*OUS (pon-de-rus) adj. 1. heavy,
in orworship of more than one god.
unwieldy. 2. laborious in style, pon'
pol'ythe-ist n. pol *y the -Is -tic
der-ous-ly adv.
(pol-i-thee-is-tik) adj.
pone (pohn) a fine hght bread made
pol-yun-sat-u-rat-ed (pol-i-un-sach-
with milk, eggs, etc.
u-ray-tid) adj. of a kind of fat or oil that
porvgee (pon-jee) n. a soft silk fabric,
(unlike animal and dairy fats) is not asso- usually in natural tan color.
ciated with the formation of cholesterol porviard (pon-yard) n. a dagger.
in the blood. pon-tiff (poif-tif) ru 1. the Pope. 2. a
pol •
ur-e- thane ( pol -l-yoor-e-t hay n) ru
bishop. 3. a high priest.
a kind of synthetic resin or plastic. pon-tlf-i-cal (pon-tif-i-kal) adj. 1. of or
pol*y vi*nyl (pol-i-vi-nll) adj. made from relating to the Pope or pontiff. 2. pomp-
polymerized vinyl. polyvinyl chlo- ously dogmatic. pon*tif'i*cal*ly adv.
ride, a plastic used for insulation, floor Pontifical Mass, one celebrated by
coverings, fabrics, etc. a bishop in full vestments.
po-made (po-mayd, -mahd) n. a scented pon-tlf-i-cate (pon-tif-i-kayt) v. (pon*
ointment for the hair, pomade v. (po* tif*i*cat*ed, pon*trf*i*cat*ing) to
mad-ed, po-mad-ing) to apply po- speak in a pontifical way. pontificate
made to. (pon-tif-i-kit) ru the office of a pontiff.
po*man*der ( poh-man-der, (pom-an- pon* toon (pon-toon) n. 1. a kind of flat
der) n. (also pomander ball) a ball of bottomed boat. 2. one of a number of
mixed sweet-smelling substances or a boats or hollow metal cylinders etc. used
round container for this, used to perfume to support a temporary bridge. pon-
closets etc. toon bridge, a temporary bridge held
po* me* gran* ate (pom-e-gran-it, pom-e- in place by pontoons.
gran-it) n. 1 a tropical fruit with tough
. po*ny (poh-nee) ru (pL -nles) 1. a horse
rind and reddish pulp enclosing many of any small breed. 2. a crib for students.
seeds. 2. the tree that produces it. 3. a small serving of whiskey etc.
Pom*er*a*ni*an (pom-e-ray-ni-an) *l a po*ny tail (poh-nee-tayl) n. a woman's or
dog of a small silky-haired breed. girl's long hair drawn back and tied at
ponvmel (pum-el) ru 1. a knob on the the back of the head so that it hangs
handle of a sword. 2. an upward pro- down.
jection at the front of a saddle, pommel pooch (pooch) n. (slang) a dog.
693 poodle / popularize
poo -die (poo-del) n. a dog with thick denly, pop it in the oven. 4. to come or
curly hair often clipped or shaved in a go quickly or suddenly or unexpectedly,
pattern. popped out for coffee. D
pop fly, (in base-
pooh (poo) an exclamation of impa-
interj. ball) a high fly ball that does not travel
tience or contempt far. pop off, (slang) to speak loudly or
Pooh Bah (poo bah) a person who holds indiscreetly; to die. pop out, (in base-
many offices at once. > From a character .ball) to be out by hitting a pop fly that
inW. S. Gilbert's The Mikado. is caught, pop the question, (informal)
pooh-pooh (poo-poo) v. to dismiss (an to propose marriage.
idea etc.) scornfully. pop2 n. (informal) father.
pool 1 (pool) n. 1 a small area of still water,
. pop2 adj. in a popular modern style, pop
especially one that is naturally formed. n. pop music; top of the pops, most popu-
2. a shallow patch of water or other liq- lar of current recordings; pop group, per-
uid lying on a surface, a puddle. 3. a forming pop music; pop festival, at which
swimming pool. 4. a deep place in a river. pop music is performed. Dpop art, a
pool2 n. 1. a common fund, such as one style of art that relies on images in post-
containing the total stakes in a gambling ers and comic strips.
venture. 2. a common supply of vehicles pop. abbr. 1. popular. 2. population.
or commodities or services etc. for shar- pop* com (pop-korn) ru 1. a kind of corn
ing among a number of people or firms. with hard kernels that burst outward
3. a game resembling billiards but played when heated. 2. this corn when popped,
on a pool table, pool v. to put into a used as a snack food. popcorn ball,
common fund or supply, for sharing. a ball of popcorn held together by a
D pool hall or room, a place for playing candy syrup.
pool, pool table, a table with six pockets pope (pohp) ru (often Pope) the bishop
for playing pool. of Rome, head of the Roman Catholic
poop 1 (poop) n. the stem of a ship, a raised Church.
deck at the stern. pop* eyed (pop-id) adj. with bulging eyes.
poop 2 n. (slang) information. pop* gun (pop-gun) ru a child's toy gun
! poop3 n. (slang) feces, especially of ani- that shoots a cork etc. with a popping
mals or children. Dpoop'er scoop'er, sound.
a scoop designed for picking up feces pop* In* Jay (pop-in-jay) ru a vain talkative
from sidewalks and streets. person.
pooped (poopt) adj. (slang) (of a person) pop-ish (poh-pish) (contemptuous) of
tired. D
poop out, (slang) to become too Roman Catholicism or the papal system.
tired to continue. pop-lar (pop-lar) n. a kind of tall slender
poor (poor) adj. 1. having little money tree often with leaves that quiver easily.
or means; the poor, poor people. 2. defi- pop-lln (pop-lin) ru a plain woven fabric
cient in something, poor in minerals. 3. usually of cotton.
scanty, inadequate, less good than is pop*o*ver (pop-oh-ver) ru a light puffy
usual or expected, a poor crop; he is a muffin with a hollow center.
poor driver; poor soil, not fertile; a poor pop* pa (pop-a) ru (informal) father.
loser, one who is resentful at losing. 4. pop* per (pop-er) ru a utensil for popping
lacking in spirit, despicable. 5. deserving corn.
pity or sympathy, unfortunate, poor fel- pop* pet (pop-it) n. (also poppet valve)
low! poorness n. Dpoor boy, a hero a type of valve operated by a rising and
sandwich, poor laws, those relating to falling stem.
support of paupers. pop-py (pop-ee) ru (pi. -pies) a plant with
poor* house (poor-hows) n. {pi -hous- showy flowers and milky juice. D poppy
es, pr. -how-ziz) a public institution for seed, the seed of the poppy.
paupers. pop -py cock (pop-ee-kok) ru (slang)
pooMy (poor-lee) adv. in a poor way, nonsense.
badly, poorly adj. unwell, feeling poorly. pop- u* lace (pop-yu-lis) ru the general
t> Careful speakers say feeling poor. public.
poor-mouth ( poor-mow th) v. (informal) pop-u -lar (pop-yu-lar) adj. 1 liked or en-.

to complain about one's poverty, using joyed by many people. 2. of or for the
it as an excuse. general public. 3. (of a belief etc.) held
pop 1 (pop) ru 1. a small sharp explosive by many people, popular superstitions.
sound. 2. a carbonated drink, soda pop. pop'u*lar*ly adv. pop*u*lar*i*ty
pop v. (popped, pop* ping) 1 to make . (pop-yu-lar-i-tee) n. popular front, a
or cause to make a pop. 2. to cause to political party representing left-wing
burst with a pop, to heat (corn) until it groups.
bursts open. 3. to put quickly or sud- pop*u*lar*ize (pop-yu-la-nz) v. (pop*
populate / porte-cochere 694
u-larized, pop*u*lariz*ing) 1. to DO-rous (pohr-us) adj. 1. containing
make generally liked. 2. to make gener- pores. 2. able to be permeated by liquid
ally known, to present (a subject etc.) or air. po*ros*i*ty (pd-ros-i-tee) n.
so that it can be understood by ordinary porphyry (por-fi-ree) n. (pL -rles) a
people. pop'u*lariz-er n. pop*u* kind of rock containing crystals of miner-
lar i*za*tion (rx)p-yu-la-ri-zay-shon) n. als.
pop-u -late (pop-yu-layt) v. (pop*u* porpoise (por-pds) n. {pi -pois-es,
lat-ed, pop-u-lat-ing) to supply with -poise) a sea animal resembling a dol-
a population, to form the population of, phin or small whale, with a blunt
densely populated. rounded snout.
pop-u- la -tion (pop-yu-lay-sh6n) n. the por* lidge (por-ij) n. (chiefly British) a
inhabitants of a place or district or coun- food made by boiling oatmeal or other
try, the total number of these. popula- meal or cereal to a thick paste in water
tion explosion, a rapid or sudden in- or milk.
crease in population. por rin*ger (por-in-jer) n. (old use) a low
pop-U -list ( pop-yu-list) adj. of a political cup or dish from which soup or porridge
party or movement claiming to represent is eaten, especially by children.
the whole of the people, populist n. port 1 (pohrt) n. 1. a harbor, a town with
pop'u-lism n. a harbor, especially one where goods are
pop-u-lous (pop-yu-lus) adj. thickly pop- imported or exported by ship. 2. an air-
ulated. port where goods pass in and out of a
pop-up (pop-up) n. a pop fly. country and where customs officers are
p.O.r. abbr. pay on return. stationed to supervise this. DPort
ponce* lain (pohr-se-lin) n. 1. a fine kind Louis, the capital of Mauritius. Port
of usually translucent pottery with a Moresby, the capital of Papua New
transparent glaze. 2. objects made of Guinea, port of call, a place where a
this. ship stops during a journey, port of en-
por ce- lain -ize (pohr-se-li-niz) v. (por* try, a place where goods may be cleared
ce-lain-ized, por ce- lain -iz-ing) to through a customhouse; a place where
coat with a porcelain glaze. aliens may enter a country.
porch ( pohrch) n. 1 an open or enclosed
. port 2 n. 1 an opening in a ship's side for

room at the side of a house. 2. a roofed entrance, loading, etc. 2. a porthole.

shelter forming the approach to the en- port 3 n. the left-hand side (when facing
trance of a house. forward) of a ship or aircraft, port v.
por* cine (por-sin) adj. of or like pigs. to turn this way, port your helm.
por -cu* pine (por-kyu-pm) n. a rodent port* n. a strong sweet usually dark red
with a body and tail covered with protec- wine of Portugal.
tive spines. Port abbr. 1. Portugal. 2. Portuguese.
pore (pohr)
n. one of the tiny openings port-a-ble (tx>hr-ta-bel) adj. able to be
on an animal's skin or on a leaf, through carried, portable typewriters, portable n.
which moisture may be emitted (for ex- a portable kind of typewriter, television
ample as sweat) or taken in. set, etc. port*a*bil*i*ty (pohr-ta-bil-i-
pore2 v. (pored, poring) pore over or tee) n.
through, to study (a thing) with close portage (pohr-tij) n. the carrying of
attention. boats or goods overland between two riv-
por-gy (por-gee) n. (pi -gles, -gy) a ers etc., the route for this, portage v.

perchlike sea fish. (portaged, por-tag-ing) to carry

pork ( pohrk) n. unsalted pig flesh as food. over a portage.
pork barrel, (slang) government portal (pohr-tal) n. a doorway or gate-
funds used as a source of political benefit. way, especially an imposing one. Dpor-
pork er ( pohr-ker) n. a pig raised for food, tal-to-portal pay, wages that include
a young fattened pig. allowances for the time a workman
pork* pie (pohrk-pi) n. a pie filled with spends in going from the entrance of his
chopped pork. Uporkpie hat, a hat factory, mine, etc. to his work station
with a flat rimmed crown and a brim and back to the exit at the close of the
turned up all around. work day.
porn (porn) n. (slang) pornography. Port-au-Prince ( pohrt-oh-prins) the capi-
por nog ra phy ( por-nog-ra-fee) n.
• • • writ- tal of Haiti.
ings or pictures or films etc. that are in- port *cul* lis ( pohrt-kul-is) n. a strong
tended to stimulate erotic feelings by de- heavy vertical grating that can be low-
scription or portrayal of sexual activity, ered in grooves to block the gateway to
por-nog'ra-pher n. por* no* graph* a castle etc.
ic (por-nd-gnif-ik) adj. porte-co-chere ( pohrt-koh-shair) n. a
695 portend / positive
structure extending from the entrance of making of portraits. 2. a portrait.
a building over the place where vehicles por* tray (pohr-tray) v. 1. to make a pic-
stop to discharge passengers. ture of. 2. to describe in words or repre-
portend (pohr-tend) v. to foreshadow. sent in a play etc., she is portrayed as a
portent (pohr-tent) n. an omen, a signifi- pathetic character, por tray 'al n.
cant sign of something to come. por Port-Sal -ut (pohr-sa-loo) n. a pale mild
ten *tous (pohr-ten-tus) adj. type of French cheese.
porter (pohr-ter) n. 1 . a person employed Por*tu*gal (pohr-chu-gal) a country in
to carry luggage or other burdens. 2. an southwest Europe.
attendant on a railroad sleeping car. 3. Portuguese (pohr-chu-geez) adj. of
(old use) a dark ale. Portugal or its people or language. Por-
porterhouse (pohr-ter-hows) n. (also tuguese n. (pi -guese) 1 a native of .

porterhouse steak) a choice cut of Portugal. 2. the language of Portugal.

beef. Portuguese man-of-war, a sea ani-
port-fo-li'O (pohrt-foh-li-oh) n. (pi -II* mal with tentacles that have a poisonous
OS) 1. a case for holding loose sheets sting.
of paper or drawings etc. 2. a set of in- por*tu*lac*a (pohr-chu-lak-a) n. an an-
vestments held by one investor. 3. (in nual plant with bright flowers.
some countries) the position of a cabinet DOS. abbr. 1. position. 2. positive.
officer; held the Treasury portfolio, was pose (pohz) v. (posed, pos-ing) 1. to
in charge of the Treasury Department. put into or take a desired position for
minister without portfolio, (in some a portrait or photograph etc. 2. to take
countries) a cabinet officer who is not a particular attitude for effect. 3. to pre-
in charge of any government department. tend to be, posed as an expert. 4. to put
port* hole (pohrt-hohl) n. a window-like forward, to present, pose a question or
structure in the side of a ship or aircraft. a problem, pose ru 1. an attitude in
portl*co (pohr-ti-koh) n. (pi -coes) a which a person etc. is posed. 2. an affec-
structure consisting of a roof supported tation, a pretense.
on columns, usually forming a porch to pos-er (poh-zer)
n. a puzzling question

a building. or problem.
portiere (pohr-tyair) n. a curtain hung poser2 n. a person who poses.
over a doorway. pO*seur (poh-zur) ru a person who poses
por • tion (pohr-shdn) n. 1 a part or share
. for effect or behaves affectedly.
of something. 2. the amount of food al- posh (posh) adj. (slang) very smart, lux-
lotted to one person. 3. one's destiny or urious. >This word is sometimes said
lot. 4. a dowry, portion v. to divide into to have derived from the initials of "port
portions, to distribute in portions, portion out, starboard home," referring to the
it out. more expensive side for accommodation
por* tion* less (pohr-shdn-lis) adj. with- on ships formerly traveling between Eng-
out an inheritance or dowry. land and India. This suggestion lacks
Port* land (pohrt-land) cement a kind of foundation. The origin of posh is uncer-
cement colored like Portland stone from tain.
the Isle of Portland, in Dorset, England. DOS* It (poz-it) v. to present or assume as
port-ly (pohrt-lee) adj. (port- li -er, port* fact.
II* est) (of a man) stout, corpulent, po* Si* tion (pd-zish-dn) ru 1 the place oc-

port'li-ness n. cupied by a person or thing. 2. the proper

port- man -teau (pohrt-man-toh) n. (pi place for something, in or out ofposition.
-teaus, -teaux, pr. -tohz) (chiefly Brit- 3. an advantageous location, maneuver-
ish) a trunk for clothes etc. that opens ing for position. 4. the way in which a
into two equal parts. D
portmanteau thing or its parts are placed or arranged.
word, an invented word combining the 5. a situation in relation to other people
sounds and meanings of two others, as or things, this puts me in a difficult posi-
motel (from motor and hotel), moped tion. 6. a point of view, what is their posi-
(from motor and pedal). tion on tax reform? 7. rank or status,
Port-of -Spain (pohrt-dv-spayn) the capi- high social standing, people of position.
tal of Trinidad and Tobago. 8. paid employment, a job. position v.
Porto No-vo (pohr-toh noh-voh) the to place in a certain position. position
capital of Benin. paper, a document that presents one's
por* trait (pohr-trit) n. 1. a picture or position as a basis for negotiation or dis-
drawing or photograph of a person or cussion.
animal. 2. a description in words, por' pos*l a tive (poz-i-tiv) adj. 1. stated for-
trait-ist n. mally or explicitly, positive rules. 2. defi-
portraiture (pohr-tri-chur) n. 1. the nite, leaving no room for doubt, we have
positron / postcard 696
positive proof. 3. holding an opinion con- ance with possibility, can't possibly do
fidently. 4. (informal) clear, out-and-out, it 2. perhaps, in spite of all one knows
it's a positive miracle. 5. constructive and to the contrary.
helpful, made some positive suggestions. pos*SUm (pos-um) n. an opossum
6. having specific or definite qualities or Dplay possum, to pretend to be un-
characteristics; the result of the test was aware of something. E>From the opos-
positive, indicated that a specific sub- sum's habit of feigning death when in
stance etc. was present. 7. (of a quantity) danger.
greater than zero. 8. containing or pro- post 1 (pohst) it. 1. a piece of timber or
ducing the kind of electrical charge pro- metal set upright in the ground etc. to
duced by rubbing glass with silk; positive support something or to mark a position.
terminal of a battery, tlje one through 2. the starting post or winning post in
which electric current enters the battery. a race; left at the post, outdistanced from
9. (of a photograph) having the lights the start, post v. to announce by putting
and shades or colors as in the actual up a notice or placard etc.; post no bills,
object or scene photographed, not as a warning that notices must not be pasted
in a negative, positive n. a positive up; the ship was posted as missing was
quality or quantity or photograph etc. announced to be missing. Dpost time,
pos'f-tive-ly adv. pos'i-tive-ness n. the time at which all horses running in
U positive pole, the north-seeking pole a race are required to be at the starting
of a magnet. post.
pos'i'tron (poz-i-tron) n. an elementary post 2 n. 1. the place where a soldier is
particle with the mass of an electron and on watch, a place of duty, the sentries
a charge of the same amount as the elec- are at their posts. 2. a place occupied
tron's but positive. by soldiers, especially a frontier fort, the
poss. abbr. possessive. soldiers there. 3. a place occupied for
poS'Se (pos-ee) n. a body of men legally purposes of trade, especially in a region
empowered to assist a sheriff etc. in ar- that is not yet fully settled, trading posts.
resting criminals etc. 4. a position of paid employment, got a
pos-sess (pd-zes) v. 1. to hold belonging post with a textile firm, post v. 1 to .

to oneself, to have or own. 2. to occupy place or station, we posted sentries. 2.

or dominate the mind of, be possessed to appoint to a post or command.
by a devil or with an idea; fought like Dpost exchange, a store on govern-
one possessed, as if strengthened by an ment base for military personnel and
evil spirit or a powerful emotion. their families.
D possessed Of, having, owning. post 3 n. mail (see mail 1 ), post v. 1. to
pos-ses-sion (pd-zesh-on) n. 1. possess- mail. 2. (in bookkeeping) to carry (an
ing, being possessed. 2. a thing possessed. entry) from# an auxiliary book to a more
D take possession of, to become the formal one.' keep a person posted,
owner or possessor of. to keep him informed, post Chaise, (old
pos*ses*sive (pd-zes-iv) adj. 1. of or in- use) a closed horse-drawn carriage for
dicating possession; the possessive form two or four persons, post office, a
of a word, such as your, John's, the bak- building or room where postal business
er's. 2. showing a desire to possess or is carried on. Post Office, a public de-

to retain what one possesses, a possessive partment or corporation responsible for

attitude toward her books. 3. showing a postal service.
desire to control or dominate (a person), post- prefix after, as in postwar.
a possessive husband.poS'Ses'sive- post age (poh-stij) n. the charge for send-

ly adv. pos-ses'sive-ness n. pos- ing something by mail. postage me-

sessive pronoun, see pronoun. ter, a machine that marks the postage
pos*si'bil*i*ty (pos-I-bil-i-tee) n. (pi and postmark on mail and records the
-ties) 1the fact or condition of being
. cost of postage incurred, postage
possible. 2. something that may exist or Stamp, a small adhesive stamp for stick-
happen, rain is a possibility today. 3. ca- ing on things to be mailed, showing the
pability of being used or of producing amount paid.
good results, the plan has distinct possibil- post-al (poh-stal) adj. of the post.
ities. postal card, a postcard, postal per-
pos*si*ble (pos-T-bel) adj. capable of ex- mit, a printed marking on mail indicat-
isting or happening or being done or used ing that postage has been paid, postal
etc. possible n. a candidate who may service, a government agency or depart-
be successful, one who may become a ment that handles the transmission of
member of a team. mail.
pos-si-bly (pos-I-blee) adv. 1. in accord- post card ( pohst-kahrd)
• n. a card for con-

697 postdate / pot

veyance by mail without an envelope, or post* mis* tress (pohst-mis-tris) tu a

a similar card for various purposes. woman in charge of a post office.
post* date (pohst-dayt) v. (post-dat- post *mor* tern (pohst-mor-tem) adj. &
ed, post-dat-ing) to put a date on (a adv. after death, postmortem n. 1 an .

document or check etc.) that is later than examination made after death to deter-
the actual one. mine its cause. 2. (informal) a detailed
post *dOC* tor *al (pohst-dok-to-ral) adj. discussion of something that is over.
of academic study beyond a doctoral de- post *na* sal (pohst-nay-zal) adj. at the
gree. back of the nose. postnasal drip, a
post-er (poh-ster) n. a large sheet of paper trickling of mucus onto the pharynx
announcing or advertising something, from the postnasal area, caused by an
for display in a public place. poster allergy or cold etc.
paint, a gummy opaque paint. post*na*tal ( pohst- nay-tal) adj. occurring
DOS*te*ri*or (po-steer-i-dr) adj. situated or existing immediately after birth or af-
behind or at the back, posterior n. the ter giving birth.
buttocks. post-of *fice (pohst-aw-fis) box a rented
pos'ter-i'ty (po-ster-i-tee) n. 1. future numbered compartment in a post office
generations. 2. a person's descendants. where letters etc. are kept for the renter
pos'tern (poh-stern) n. a small entrance until called for.
at the back or side of a fortress etc. post*op*er*a*tive (pohst-op-e-ra-tiv)
post -grad-u -ate (pohst-graj-oo-it) adj. adj. existing or occurring after an opera-
engaged in or involving study after tak- tion.
ing a bachelor's degree or (in a high post -or- bit -al (pohst-or-bi-tal) adj. situ-
school) after graduation, postgraduate ated behind the socket (orbit) of the eye.
n. a student engaged in such studies. post* paid (pohst-payd) adv. with the post-
post *haste (pohst-hayst) adv. with great age paid by the sender.
speed or haste. post -par* turn (pohst-pahr-tum) adj. &
post-hu*mous (pos-chu-mus) adj. 1. (of adv. existing or occurring after child-
a child) born after its father's death. 2. birth,postpartum depression.
coming or happening after a person's post* pone (pohst-pohn) v. (post*
death, a posthumous award; a posthu- poned, post*pon*ing) to keep (an
mous novel, published after the author's event) from occurring until a later time,
death. post'hu*mous*ly adv. postpone the meeting. DOSt*pone'ment
post • hyp* not *ic (pohst-hip-not-ik) adj. n.
of or relating to the period following a post*pran*di*al (pohst-pran-di-al) adj.
hypnotic trance. after a meal, especially dinner.
DOS *til* ion, pos* til -lion (poh-stil-ydn) post* script (pohst-skript) n. a paragraph
n. the rider on the near horse drawing added at the end of something (especially
a coach etc. without a coachman. in a letter, after the signature).
post-im • pres • sion • ist ( pohst-im-presh- pos-tu-lant ( pos-chu-lant) n. a candidate
5-nist) n. one of the painters in the last for admission to a religious order.
two decades of the 19th century employ- DOS *tU* late (pos-chu-layt) v. (DOS*
ing a style directed to expressing the ar- tu*lat*ed, pos-tu-lat-ing) to assume
tist's conception of the objects repre- (a thing) to be true, especially as a basis
sented rather than the conception of the postulate ( pos-chu-lit) n.
for reasoning,
ordinary observer. post-im* pres something postulated. pos*tu*la*tion
sion* ism n. (pos-chu-lay-shdn) n.
post-lude (pohst-lood) n. a concluding DOS*ture (pos-chur) n. an attitude of the

musical piece or movement. body, the way a person etc. stands or

post* man (pohst-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. sitsor walks, posture v. (pos-tured,
-men) a person who collects letters etc., DOS *tur*lng) to assume a posture, espe-
a mailman. cially for effect, pos'tur-al adj. DOS'
. post* mark (pohst-mahrk) n. an official tuner n.
mark stamped on something sent by post* war ( pohst- wor) adj. existing or oc-
mail, giving the place and date of mark- curring after a war.
ing, postmark v. to mark with a post- po*sy (poh-zee) n. (pi. -sies) a small
mark. bunch of flowers.
post* mas *ter (pohst-mas-ter) n. a man pot (pot) n. 1 a rounded vessel of earthen-

in charge of a post office. postmaster ware or metal or glass etc. used for hold-
general, the official at the head of a ing liquids or solids, or for cooking in.
country's postal service. 2. the contents of a pot. 3. (informal)
post me*li*di*em (pohst me-rid-i-em) the total amount bet in a gambling game.
between noon and midnight. > Latin. 4. (slang) a potbelly. 5. (slang) mari-
pot / poultice 698
juana. pot (pot -ted, pot* ting) 1. to
v. surface of a road. 2. a deep cylindrical
plant, preserve, or cook in a pot. 2. to hole formed in rock by the action of wa-
shoot, to kill by a potshot. Dgo to pot, ter, an underground cave.
(slang) to deteriorate, to become ruined. pot 'hook (pot-huuk) n 1. a hook used
pot cheese, cottage cheese, pot for hanging pots or kettles over an open
holder, a small thick pad used for han- fire. 2. a curved stroke in writing.

dling hot pots and pans, pot liquor, the DO • tion (poh-shdn) n. a liquid for drinking
broth remaining in a pot after food has as a medicine or drug etc.
been cooked in it. pot roast, a piece pot* luck (pot-luk) n. whatever food is
of meat cooked slowly in a covered pot. available for a meal etc., take potluck
pot. abbr. potential. with us.
po-ta-ble (poh-ta-bel) adj. drinkable. pot* pie (pot-pi) n. 1 a deep-dish pie with

po-tage (poh-tahzA) n. a thick soup. meat, chicken, etc. 2. a stew with meat,
t> French. chicken, etc. and dumplings.
pot* ash (pot-ash) n. any of various salts pot* pour *ri (poh-puu-ree) n. 1. a scented
of potassium. mixture of dried petals and spices. 2. a
po*tas*si*um ( pd-tas-i-um) ru a soft sil- literary or musical medley.
very-white metallic element. pot* sherd (pot-shurd) n. a broken piece
po*ta*to (p6-tay-toh) n. {pi -toes) 1. a of earthenware, especially in archaeol-
plant with starchy tubers that are used ogy.
as food. 2. one of these tubers. potato pot* shot (pot-shot) n. 1. a casual shot.
beetle, a striped beetle that feeds on po- 2. a shot aimed at an animal etc. within
tato leaves, potato bug, a potato beetle. easy reach. 3. a critical remark made ca-
potato Chip, a thin crisp fried slice of sually.
potato, usually salted. pot-tage (pot-ij) n. a thick soup Or stew.
pot*bel*ly (pot-bel-ee) n. {pi -lies) 1. a Dseli one's soul for a mess of pot-
protuberant belly. 2. a person with this. tage, to sacrifice one's principles for ma-
pot'bel*lied adj. potbelly stove, a terial comfort.
stove shaped like a protuberant belly. pot* ted (pot-id) v. see pot potted adj.

pot • boil • er ( pot-boi-ler) n. a work of liter- 1 (of plants) grown in a flower pot. 2.

ature or art done merely to make a living. (slang) (of a person) drunk. 3. (of food)
DO* teen (poh-teen) n. whiskey (especially cooked or preserved in a pot.
Irish) that has been distilled illegally. pot'ter 1 (pot-eY) n. a person who makes
DO* tent (poh-tent) adj. having great natu- earthenware dishes or ornaments etc.
ral power or influence, able to have a potter's wheel, a rotating disk on
strong effect, potent drugs. po*ten*cy which clay is shaped by a potter.
(poh-ten-see) n. potter 2 = putter3 .

po*ten*tate (poh-ten-tayt) n. a monarch poster's pot-erz) field a burial place for


or ruler. paupers, strangers, etc. >

From the men-
po*ten*tial (pd-ten-shil) adj. capable of tion in Matthew 27:7 of the purchase
coming into being or of being developed of a field for this purpose.
or used etc., a potential source of energy. pot*ter*y (pot-£-ree) n. 1. vessels and
potential n. 1 ability or capacity availa-
. other objects made of baked clay. 2. a
ble for use or development, her potential potter's work or workshop.
for greatness. 2. a measure of the voltage pot-ty 1 (pot-ee) adj. (pot*ti*er, pot*
between two points. po*ten'tial*ly adv. tl-est) 1 (slang) tipsy. 2. (chiefly British

po*ten*ti*al*i*ty (po-ten-shi-al-i-tee) slang) crazy.

n. potential energy, (in physics) the potty 2 n. {pi -ties) (informal) a pot for
energy a body possesses because of its a child to use as a toilet. potty chair,
position or shape. a small chair with an opening over a re-
DO*ten*ti*ate (p6-ten-shi-ayt) v. (po* movable pot for toilet training a child.
ten*ti*at*ed, po*ten*ti*at*ing) 1. to potty seat, a small seat fitting over a
make (especially a drug) more powerful. toilet seat for use by a child.
2. to make possible. po*ten*ti*a*tion pouch (powch) n. a small bag or baglike '

(pd-ten-shi-ay-sh6n) n. formation, tobacco pouch; the kangaroo's

pot *head (pot-hed) n. (slang) a person pouch, pouch v. (pouched, pouch*
who uses marijuana frequently. ing) to put into a pouch, to pocket.
poth*er (pofA-er) n. 1. a verbal commo- poult (pohlt) n. the young of domestic
tion, a fuss. 2. a cloud of dust or choking fowl, turkey, pheasant, etc.
smoke. poul*ter*er (pohl-te-rer) n. (old use) a
pot* herb (pot-urb)n. a herb prepared and dealer in poultry and game.
used as food or as seasoning for food. poul*tlce (pohl-tis) n. a soft heated mass
pot* hole (pot-hohl) ru 1. a hole in the of bread or kaolin etc. applied to an in-
699 poultry / powerful

flamed or sore area of skin, poultice v. minimum income level needed to obtain
(poul-ticed, poul-tic-ing) to apply a the necessities of life.

poultice to. pov • er • ty-strick en •

( pov-er-tee-strik-
poultry (pohl-tree) n. domestic fowl, en) adj. affected by poverty. •
ducks, geese, turkeys, etc., especially as P.O.W. abbr. prisoner of war.
a source of food. powder (pow-der) n. 1. a mass of fine
pounce (powns) v. (pounced, pounc* dry particles. 2. a medicine or cosmetic
Ing) to spring or swoop down on and in this form. 3. gunpowder, powder v.
grasp, as for prey; pounce on a mistake, to apply powder to, to cover with pow-
to spot it quickly, pounce n. a pouncing der, u
powder blue, pale blue, powder
movement. flask, a small container formerly used
pound 1 (pownd) n. 1 a measure of weight,
. for carrying gunpowder, powder keg,
16 ounces avoirdupois (0.4536 kg) or 12 a barrel for gunpowder; a very dangerous
ounces troy (0.3732 kg). 2. the unit of situation, powder puff, a soft or fluffy
money of Britain and certain other pad for applying powder to the skin.
countries. pound cake, a rich cake powder room, a women's rest room;
made with eggs, butter, sugar, and flour. powder snow, loose dry
a lavatory,
pound note, a British paper bill worth snow.
one pound. powdered (pow-derd) adj. made into
pound 2 n. a place where stray animals, powder, powdered milk.
or motor vehicles left in unauthorized pow*der*y (pow-de-ree) adj. like powder.
places, are taken and kept until claimed. DOW*er (pow-er) «. 1. the ability to do
pound 3 v. 1 to crush or beat with heavy
. something. 2. vigor, energy, strength. 3.
repeated strokes. 2. to deliver heavy a property, great heating power. 4. con-
blows or repeated gunfire etc. 3. to make trol, influence, the party in power. 5. au-
one's way heavily, pounding along. 4. (of thority, theirpowers are defined by law.
the heart) to beat heavily, to thump. 6. an influential person or country or
pound* age (pown-dij) n. 1. pounds, organization etc. 7. (informal) a large
weight in pounds. 2. a charge based on amount, did me a power of good. 8. (in
weight in pounds. mathematics) the product of a number
pound-fool • ish ( pownd-foo-lish) adj. multiplied by itself a given number of
foolish about large sums of money etc. times, the third power of 2 = 2 X 2 X
>From the phrase penny-wise and 2 = 8. 9. mechanical or electrical energy
pound-foolish (see penny). as opposed to hand labor; power tools,
pour (pohr) v. 1. to flow or cause to flow tools using such energy. 1 0. the electrical
in a stream or shower. 2. to pour tea supply, a power failure. 11. capacity for
etc. into cups, to serve by pouring. 3. exerting mechanical force, horsepower.
to rain heavily. 4. to come or go or send 12. the magnifying capacity of a lens.
out in large amounts or numbers, refu- power v. to supply (vehicles etc.) with
gees poured out of the country; letters mechanical or electrical energy.
poured in. 5. to send (words or music power brakes, brakes applied by
etc.) out freely, he poured out his story. compressed air or another power source
pour'er n. Dpour cold water on, see and requiring little pressure on the pedal.
cold. power broker, (informal) a person who
pour 'Poire (poor-bwahr) n. a gratuity or exerts influence (in government etc.) be-
tip.> French. hind the scenes, power dive, an air-
pour* par *ler (poor-pahr-lay) n. an in- craft's divemade without shutting off en-
formal discussion preliminary to negotia- gine power, power of attorney, the
tion. t> French. legal authority to act for another person.
pousse-ca-fe (poos-ka-fay) n. (pL -ca- power plant or station, a building
fes, pr. -ka-fayz) a drink of one or more where electric power is generated for dis-
liqueurs taken especially with coffee after tribution, power play, (in sports) an of-
dinner. > French. fensive play in a team game directed by
pout (powt) v. to push out one's lips, (of one team against a particular weakness
lips) to be pushed out, especially as a of the other, power politics, political
sign of annoyance or sulking, pout n. action based on threats to use force, the
a pouting expression or attitude. powers that be, the people in author-
pov»er»ty (pov-er-tee) n, 1. being poor, ity.
great lack of money or resources; monks power -boat (pow-er-boht) n. a motor-
who took a vow ofpoverty, who renounced boat.
the right to individual ownership of pow-ered (pow-erd) adj. equipped with
property. 2. scarcity, lack. 3. inferiority, mechanical or electrical power.
poorness. poverty line or level, the pow*er*ful (pow-er-ful) adj. having great
powerhouse / prayer 700

power or strength or influence, pow'er •

to be actively engaged in professional
flll'ly adv. ,work. out of practice, no longer pos-
power* house (pow-er-hows) n. (pL sessing a former skill.
-hous*es, pr. -how-ziz) 1. a power sta- prac*ticed (prak-tist) adj. experienced,
tion. 2. an individual or group with great expert.
energy or force. prac*ti-tion*er ( prak-tish-6-ner) n. a
power* less (pow-er-lis) adj. without professional or practical worker, espe-
power to take action, wholly unable. cially in medicine.
pow-wow (pow-wow) n. (informal) a prag* mat *ic (prag-mat-ik) adj. treating
meeting for discussion. things from a practical point of view, a
pox (poks) n. 1 a virus disease character-
. pragmatic approach to the problem.
ized by pocks. 2. (informal) syphilis. 3. prag*mat'i*cal*ly adv.
a plant disease causing pocklike spots. prag*ma*tism (prag-ma-tiz-em) n. 1. the
PP abbr. 1 parcel post. 2. past participle.
. matter-of-fact treatment of things. 2. the
pp. abbr. 1. pages. 2. pianissimo. theory that the truth or falsity of an idea
ppd. abbr. 1. prepaid. 2. postpaid. can be judged only by the practical ef-
P.P.S. abbr. post-postscript, an addi- = fects that arise from it.

tional postscript. Prague (prang) the capital of Czechoslo-

ppt abbr. precipitate. vakia.
P.Q. abbr. Province of Quebec. Prai-a (pn-a) the capital of Cape Verde
Pr symbol praseodymium. Islands.
PR abbr. 1. payroll. 2. public relations. 3. prai-rie (prair-ee) n. a broad, largely flat
Puerto Rico. tract of grassland, especially in central
pr. abbr. 1. pair(s). 2. present. 3. price. North America. prairie dog, a small
4. pronoun. burrowing North American rodent with
prac-ti-ca-ble prak-ti-ka-bel) adj. able
( a bark like a dog's, prairie schooner,
to be done. prac*ti*ca*bil*i*ty (prak- a covered wagon used by pioneers in
ti-ka-bil-i-tee) n. D> Do not confuse prac- crossing the prairies.
ticable with practical praise (prayz) v. (praised, praising) 1.
prac-ti-cal (prak-ti-kal) adj. 1. involving to express approval or admiration of. 2.
activity as distinct from study or theory, to honor (God) in words, praise n.
has had practical experience. 2. suitable praising, approval expressed in words.
for use, an ingenious but not very practi- praise- wor- thy ( prayz- wur-r/ree) adj. de-
cal invention. 3. (of people) clever at do- serving praise.
ing and making things, a practical handy- pra* line (prah-leen, pray-) n. a candy
man. 4. virtual, he has practical control made by browning nuts in boiling sugar.
of the firm, practical n. a practical ex- pram (pram) n. (chiefly British) a peram-
amination, practical study. prac-tl- bulator.
cal*i*ty (prak-ti-kal-i-tee) n. (pL -ties) prance (prans) v. (pranced, pranc-
D practical joke, a humorous trick ing) to move springily in eagerness,
played on a person by a practical joker, prancing horses, pra ne'er n.
practical nurse, a nurse who is trained prank (prangk) n. mischief, a practical
in routine nursing but without the train- joke, prank 'ster n.

ing of a registered nurse. >

Do not con- pra-se-o-dym-i-um (pray-zi-oh-dim-i-
fuse practical with practicable. um) n. a metallic element.
prac*ti*cal*ly (prak-tik-lee) adv. 1. in a prat (prat) n. (slang) the buttocks.
practical way. 2. virtually, almost. prate (prayt) v. (prat-ed, prat-ing) to
praC'tice (prik-tis) n. 1. action as op- chatter, to talk too much.
posed to theory, it works well in practice. prat *fall (prat-fawl) n. (informal) 1. a fall
2. a habitual action, custom, it is our on the buttocks. 2. a humiliating failure.
practice to supply good material. 3. re- pra-tique (pra-teek) n. a license to have
peated exercise to improve one's skill, dealings with a port, granted to a ship
a spell of this, target practice. 4. profes- after quarantine.
sional work, the business carried on prat* tie (prat-el) v. (prat* tied, prat*
by a doctor or lawyer, the patients or cli- tling) to chatter in a childish way. prat-
ents regularly consulting these, has a tle n. childish chatter.
large practice, practice v. (prac-ticed, prawn (prawn) n. an edible shellfish like
prac*tic*ing) 1. to do something re- a large shrimp.
peatedly in order to become skillful. 2. pray ( pray) v. 1 to say prayers. 2. to en-

to carry out in action, to do something treat. 3. = please, pray be seated

habitually, practice what you preach. 3. praying mantis, see mantis.
to do something actively, a practicing prayer (prair) n. 1. a solemn request or
Catholic. 4. (of a doctor or lawyer etc.) thanksgiving to God or to an object of
701 prayerful / precious

worship. 2. a set form of words used in earliest appearance of life. Precambrian

this, the Lord's Prayer. 3. a religious n. the Precambrian era.

service, morning prayer. 4. the act of pre • can • eel ( pree-kan-sel) v. to cancel be-

praying. 5. entreaty to a person. fore using, as a postage stamp, pre*

prayer book, a book of set prayers. can • eel • la • tlon ( pree-kan-sS-lay-shdn)
prayer mat, a small carpet on which n.

Muslims kneel to pray. pre • can *ce nous (pree-kan-se-riis) adj.

prayer *ful (prair-ful) adj. devout, express- likely to turn into cancer.
ing prayer, prayer'ful *ly adv. pre-car-i-ous (pri-kair-i-us) adj. unsafe,
pre- prefix before, beforehand, as in not secure. pre*car'i*ous*ly adv. pre*
prearnu car'i-ous-ness n.
preach (preech) v. 1 to deliver (a sermon
pre* cast (pree-kast) adj. (of concrete) cast
or religious address), to speak in public in blocks before use.
in support of a religion; preach the gospel pre *cau* tlon (pri-kaw-shdn) n. some-
make it known by preaching. 2. to advo- thing done in advance to avoid a risk;
cate, to urge people to a certain quality take precautions, do things as a precau-
or practice or action, they preached econ- tion. pre*cau'tion*ar*y adj.

omy. 3. to give moral advice in an obtru- pre* cede (pri-seed) v. (pre*ced*ed,

sive way. preach 'er n. preach 'ment
pre -ceding) to come or go or place
before in time or order etc.
preach -y (pree-chee) adj. (preach* prec*e*dence (pres-e-dens) n. priority in
time or order. Dtake precedence, to
her, preach •hest) (informal) fond of
have priority.
preaching or moralizing or holding forth.
pre-ad-o-les-cence prec «e« dent (pres-€-dent) n. a previous
case that is taken as an example to be
n. the stage of growth just before adoles-

cence. pre*ad*o*les'cent adj. &

followed, precedent (pri-seed-ent) adj.
preceding in time, order, rank, etc.
pre* am* Die (pree-am-bel) n. a prelimi-
pre-ced-ing (pri-see-ding) adj. previous,
nary statement, the introductory part of
coming or going before; the preceding
a document or law etc.
page, the page before this one.
pre* amp (pree-amp) n. (informal) pream-
pre*cen*tor (pri-sen-tdr) n. a member of
the clergy of a church or cathedral who
pre*am*pli*fi*er (pree-am-pli-n-er) n. a
is in general charge of music there.
device that amplifies weak electronic sig-
pre*cept (pree-sept) n. a command, a rule
nals before feeding them to other ampli-
of conduct.
fier circuits.
pre*cep*tor (pri-sep-tdr) n. a teacher, an
pre* arm (pree-ahrm) v. to arm in advance. instructor, pre • cep • tress ( pri-sep- 1 ris)
pre -ar- range (pree-a-raynj) v. (pre* n. fern.
ar* ranged, pre *ar* rang *ing) to ar- pre-ces-sion (pri-sesh-dn) n. 1. the slow
range beforehand, pre «ar* range' ment movement of an axis of a spinning body,
such as a gyroscope etc., around another
pre -as -certain (pree-as-er-tayn) v. to axis. 2. an act of preceding. pre*ces*
learn beforehand. sion-al ( pri-sesh-6-nal) adj.
pre*as*sem*ble (pree-a-sem-bel) v.
pre-Chris*tian (pree-kris-chan) adj. of
(pre -as -sent- bled, pre*as*sem* the time before Christianity, pre-Chris-
bling) to assemble beforehand. tian era.
pre* as *sign (pree-a-sin) v. to assign in pre*Cinct (pree-singkt) n. 1 a subdivision

advance. of a county or city or ward for election

preb*end (preb-end) n. 1. the part of the and police purposes. 2. a limited area.
revenue of a cathedral or collegiate 3. an enclosed area, a boundary. 4. pre-
church granted to a canon or a member cincts, the area surrounding a place, in
of the chapter as a stipend. 2. the portion the precincts of the forest
of land or tithe from which this stipend pre*Cl*os*i*ty (presh-i-os-i-tee) n. (pi.
is drawn. -ties) an affectation, especially in lan-
preb*en*dar*y (preb-en-der-ee) n. (pi. guage or style.
-dar*les) 1. a clergyman receiving a pre* clous (presh-us) adj. 1 of great value

stipend from a cathedral revenue. 2. an or worth. 2. beloved. 3. affectedly re-

honorary canon (not receiving such a sti- fined. 4. ( informal, used ironically) con-
pend). siderable, did him a precious lot of good.
prec. abbr. 1. preceded. 2. preceding. precious adv. (informal) very, there's
Pre*cam*bri*an (pree-kam-bri-an) adj. precious little money left, pre'eious*
of the earliest geologic era, marked by pre'eious -ness n.
ly adv. precious
the formation of Earth's crust and the metals, gold, silver, and platinum, pre-
precipice / predicate 702

cious stone, a piece of mineral having pre-con-cep-tion (pree-kdn-sep-shdn)

great value, especially as used in jewelry. ru a preconceived idea.
prec'i'pice (pres-I-pis) n. a very steep or pre • con* cert *ed (pree-kdn-sur-tid) adj.
vertical face of a cliff or rock etc. agreed on or planned in advance.
pre-cip-i-tan*cy (pri-sip-i-tan-see) n. pre-corvdi*tfon (pree-kdn-dish-on) n. a
{pi -Cies) being precipitate in action, condition that must be fulfilled before
a rash action. something else can happen.
pre-cip-i-tate (pri-sip-i-tayt) v. (pre* pre* COOk (pree-kuuk) v. to cook (food)
cip'i-tat-ed, pre-cip-i-tat-ing) 1. to in advance of final cooking or so as to
throw down headlong. 2. to send rapidly prepare it for later reheating.
into a certain state or condition, precipi- pre*Cur*sor (pri-kur-sdr) n. 1. a person
tated the country into war. 3. to cause or thing that precedes another, a forerun-
to happen suddenly or soon, this action ner. 2. a thing that precedes a later and
precipitated a crisis. 4. to cause (a sub- more developed form, rocket bombs were
stance) to be deposited in solid form from the precursors of space probes.
a solution in which it is present. 5. to pred. abbr. predicate.
condense (vapor) into drops that fall as pre*da*ceous, pre-da-clous (pri-day-
rain or dew etc. precipitate (pn-sip-i- shus) adj. predatory, preying on others.
tit, -tayt) n. a substance precipitated from pre* date (pree-dayt) v. (pre *dat*ed,
a solution, moisture condensed from va- pre -dat ing) to date (a check etc.) with

por and deposited (rain, snow, hail, or a date earlier than the actual one.
dew), precipitate (pri-sip-i-tit, -tayt) pre* da *tion (pri-day-shdn) n. 1 the proc- .

adj. 1 headlong, violently hurried, a pre-

. ess of preying. 2. a mode of survival
cipitate departure. 2. («f a person or ac- in which food is obtained by capturing
tion) hasty, rash. (>Do not confuse pre- and feeding on animals.
cipitate with precipitous.) pre-clp-l- pred *a* tor (pred-a-tdr) n. a predatory an-
tate-ly (pri-sip-i-tit-lee) adv. pre -dp • imal.
i-tate-ness (pri-sip-i-tit-nis) n. pred-a-to*ry (pred-i-tohr-ee) adj. 1. (of
pre -cip-i -taction (pri-sip-i-tay-shon) n. animals) preying upon others. 2. plun-
1 . precipitating or being precipitated. 2. dering or exploiting others.
(a quantity of) rain, snow, hail, etc. fall- pre* dawn (pree-dawn) n. the period just
ing to the ground. before the first appearance of daylight
pre-cip-i-tous (pri-sip-i-tus) adj. like a in the morning.
precipice, steep, pre-cip'i-tous-ly adv. pre -de -cease (pree-di-sees) v. (pn»
u> Do
not confuse precipitous with precip- de-ceased, pre *de*ceas*ing) to die
itate (adj.). earlier than (another person).
pre -cis (prmy-see) n. {pi -ds) a summary, pred-e-ces-sor (pred-£-ses-dr) n. 1. the
precis v. (pre-cised, pr. -seed; pre* former holder of an office or position.
cis-ing, pr. -see-ing) to make a precis 2. an ancestor. 3. a thing to which an-
of. other has succeeded, it will share the fate
pre* Cise (pri-sis) adj. 1. exact, correctly of its predecessor.
and clearly stated. 2. taking care to be pre -des-ig*nate (pree-dez-ig-nayt) v.
exact, she is very precise, pre-cise'ness (pre-des-lg-nat-ed, pre-des-ig-
n. nat'ing) to mark or point out before-
pre*cise-ly (pri-sis-lee) adv. 1. in a pre- hand.
cise manner, exactly. 2. (said in agree- pre-des-ti-na-tlon (pree-des-ti-iiay-
ment) quite so, as you say. shdn) n. 1. the doctrine that God has
pre *Ci*sion (pri-sizfc-dn) n. accuracy; pre- foreordained all that happens, or that
cision tools, tools designed for very accu- certain souls are destined for salvation
rate work. and eternal life and others are not. 2.
pre* elude (pree-klood) v. (pre -elud- destiny, fate.
ed, pre-dud-ing) to exclude the possi- pre-des-tine (pree-des-tin) v. (pre*
bility of, toprevent. des-tlned, pre -des- tin- Ing) to des-
pre* CO* cious (pri-koh-shiis) adj. 1. (of tine beforehand, to appoint as if by fate.
a child) having developed certain abilities pre -de-ter- mine (pree-di-tur-min) v.
earlier than is usual. 2. (of abilities or (pre -de-ter- mined, pre-de-ter-
knowledge) showing such development. min ing) to decide in advance,
* to predes-
pre* co / cious *ly adv. pre*coc*l*ty tine.
(pri-kos-i-tee) n. pred *i*ca* Die (pred-i-ki-bel) adj. that
pre -con -eel ved (pree-kon-seevd) adj. (of may be predicated or affirmed.
an idea or opinion) formed beforehand, pre -die -a • ment ( pn-dik-a-ment) n. a dif-
formed before full knowledge or evidence ficult or unpleasant situation.
is available. pred-l-cate (pred-I-kit) n. the part of a
703 predicative / prefix

sentence that says something about the pre *es* tab* lish (pree-e-stab-lish) v. to
grammatical subject, as "is short" in life establish beforehand.
is short predicate (pred-I-kayt) v. pre* ex* 1st (pree-ig-zist) v. 1. to exist be-
(pred*i*cat*ed, pred*i*cat*ing) 1. to fore. 2. to have a previous existence.
assert or affirm as true or existent. 2. pre*ex*ist'ence n. pre*ex-ist'ent
to found or base (a statement or idea adj.
etc.) on something. 3. to assert (a thing) pref . abbr. 1 . preface. 2. preference. 3. pre-
about a subject. pred*i*ca*tion (pred- ferred. 4. prefix.
I-kay-shon) n. pre* fab (pree-fab) n. (informal) a pre-
pred-i-ca-tive (pred-I-kay-tiv) adj. form- fabricated building.
ing part or the whole of the predicate, pre*fab*ri*cate (pree-fab-ri-kayt) v.

as "old" in the dog is old (but not in (pre*fab*ri*cat*ed, pre -fab- ri- eat-
the old dog). pred'i*ca*tive*ly adv. ing) to manufacture in sections that are
pre* diet (pri-dikt) v. to forecast, to ready for assembly on a site, pre* fab*
prophesy, pre 'die' tor n. pre*dic*tion ri-ca-tion (pree-fab-ri-kay-sh6n) n.
(pri-dik-shon) n. pref • ace (pref-is) n. an introductory state-
pre*dict*a*ble (pri-dik-ta-bel) adj. able ment at the beginning of a book or
to be predicted. pre*dict'a*bly adj. speech, preface v. (pref-aced, pref-
pre*dict*a*bil*i*ty (pri-dik-ta-bil-i- acing) 1. to provide or introduce with
tee) n. a preface. 2. to lead up to (an event),
pre*di*ges*tion (pree-di-jes-ch6n) n. the the music that prefaced the ceremony.
artificial partial digestion of food, used pref *a*to*ry (pref-a-tohr-ee) adj. serving
especially to facilitate digestion for those as a preface, preliminary, prefatory re-
who are ill. pre*di*gest (pree-di-jest) marks
v. pre* feet (pree-fekt) n. the chief adminis-
pre*di*lec*tion (pred-Mek-shdn) n. a trative official in certain departments in
special liking, a preference. France, Japan, and other countries.
pre -dis- pose (pree-di-spohz) v. (pre* pre*fer (pri-fur) v. (pre *f erred, pre-
dls* posed, pre*dis*pos*ing) 1. to in- fer* ring) 1 to choose as more desirable,

fluence in advance, circumstances predis- to like better. 2. to put forward (an accu-
pose us to be lenient; we are predisposed sation etc.) for consideration by an au-
in his favor, inclined to favor him. 2. to thority, they preferred charges offorgery
make liable, as to a disease. against hint. 3. to promote (a person).
pre*dis*po*si*tion (pree-dis-pd-zish-dn) D preferred stock, a type of company's
n. a state of mind or body that renders stock on which the dividend is paid be-
a person liable to act or behave in a cer- fore any is paid on common stock and
tain way or to be subject to certain dis- which has a superior claim on assets if
eases, a predisposition to bronchitis. the company enters into liquidation.
pre*dom*i*nant (pri-dom-I-nant) adj. pref *er*a* Die (pref-e-ra-bel) adj. more
predominating. pre*dom /
i*nant*ly desirable, preferably adv.
adv. pre *dom'i* nance n. pref*er*ence (pref-e-rens) n. 1. prefer-
pre*dom*i*nate (pri-dom-l-nayt) v. ring, being preferred, do this in preference
(pre • dom • i • nat • ed, pre • dom • • nat • i to that. 2. a thing preferred. 3. a prior
ing) 1 to be greater than others in num-
. right to something. 4. the favoring of
ber or intensity etc., to be the main ele- one person or country etc. rather than
ment. 2. to have or exert control. another.
pree*mie (pree-mee) n. (informal) a pre- pref *er*en*tial (pref-e-ren-shal) adj. giv-
mature baby. ing or receiving preference, preferential
pre*em*i*nent (pree-em-I-nent) adj. ex- treatment
celling others, outstanding, pre*em'i* preferment (pri-fur-ment) n. promo-
nenMy adv. pre* eminence n. tion.
pre-empt (pree-empt) v. to take posses- pre* fight (pree-fit) adj. occurring before
sion of (a thing) before anyone else can the fight, the prefight ceremonies lasted
do so. pre*emp*tion (pree-emp-sh6n) half an hour.
n. pre -fig* ure (pree-fig-yur) v. (pre* fig*
pre • emp • ti ve ( pree-emp-tiv) adj. ured, pre* fig -lining) 1. to represent
preempting; a preemptive attack, one in- beforehand by a person or thing of simi-
tended to disable an enemy and so pre- lar type. 2. to picture to oneself before-
vent him from attacking. hand.
preen (preen) v. (of a bird) to smooth (its pre* fix (pree-fiks) n. {pi. -fix-es) 1. a
feathers) with its beak. preen one- word or syllable (such as co-, ex-, non-,
self, to groom oneself; to congratulate out-, pre-) placed in front of a word to
oneself, to show self-satisfaction. add to or change its meaning. 2. a title
preflight / premium 704

(such as Mr.) placed before a name, pre- rank, prel-a-cy (prel-a-see) n.

fix (pree-fiks, pree-fiks) v. 1. to put as pre* launch (pree-lawack) adj. prelimi-
a prefix. 2. to put as an introduction. nary to launching, prelaunch procedures.
pre -flight (pree-flit) adj. preliminary to m
pre * II (pri-lim) n. (informal) 1 a prelim- .

airplane flight inary. 2. a preliminary boxing match.

pre* form (pree-form) v. to form before- prelim, abbr. preliminary.
hand. pre*Um*l*nar*y ( pri-lim -I-ner-ee) adj.
pre *gla*dal (pree-glay-shal) adj. before coming before a main action or event
the glacial era. etc. and preparing for it, some prelimi-
preg-na-ble (preg-na-bel) adj. able to be nary negotiations, preliminary n. (pi
captured etc., not impregnable, preg* -nar*les) a preliminary action or event
na-bil-i-ty ( preg-na-bil-i-tee) n. or examination etc
preg • nant ( preg- nan t) adj. 1 (of a woman
. pre*lrt *er *ate (pree-lit-e-rit) adj. of a cul-
or female animal) having a child or ture or society that does not have a writ-
young developing in the womb. 2. full ten language.
of meaning, significant, there was a preg- prelude (prel-yood) n. 1. an action or
nant pause. 3. full of, the situation was event that precedes another and leads up
pregnant with danger, preg* nan -cy to it 2. the introductory part of a poem
(preg-nan-see) n. (pi -Ctes). etc. 3. (in music) an introductory move-
pre •hard* en (pree-hahr-den) v. to harden ment preceding a fugue or forming the
before treating. first piece of a suite, a short piece of mu-
pre* heat (pree-heet) v. to heat before sic of similar type.
treating or using. prem. abbr. premium.
pre-hen-slle (pri-hen-sil) adj. (of an ani- pn • mar • tal ( p ree-mar - - tal) adj. of the
i • i

mal's foot or tail etc.) able to grasp time before marriage.

things. pre* ma* hire (pree-mi-toor, -choor) adj.
pre*his*tor*ic (pree-hi-stor-ik) adj. 1. of occurring or done before the usual or
the ancient period before written records proper time, too early; premature baby,
of events were made. 2. (informal) com- one born between three and twelve weeks
pletely out of date. pre*his*tor / i*cal before the expected time, pre* ma*
adj. ture'ly adv.
pre • his* to *ry (pree-his-td-ree) n. prehis- pre *med (pree-med) adj. (informal)
toric events or times, the study of these. premedical. premed n. (informal) a
pre *hu* man (pree-hyoo-man) adj. com- premedical student.
ing before the appearance of human be- pre *med*l*cal ( pree-med-i-kal) adj. of or
ings. relating to preparatory study for medical
pre *ig*ni*tion (pree-ig-nish-dn) n. the school.
premature firing of an explosive mixture pre* med*i*tate (pri-tned-i-tayt) v. (pr*'
in an internal combustion engine. med-i-tat-ed, pre-med-i-tat-lng) to
pre* In *dU8*tli*al (pree-in-dus-tn-al) adj. plan beforehand, a premeditated crime
coming before the industrial era. pre-med-i-ta-tion (pri-med-i-tay-
pre *judge (pree-juj) v. (pre* judged, shdn) n.
pre-judg-ing) to form a judgment on pre • men • stru • al ( pree-raen-stroo-il) adj.
(a person or action etc.) before a proper of the time immediately before each
inquiry is held or before full information menstruation.
is available. pre-mier (pri-meer) adj. first in impor-
prej-u-dice (prej-u-dis) an unrea-
n. 1. tance or order or time, premier n. a
soning opinion or like or dislike of some- prime minister, pre -mler' ship n.
thing; racial prejudice, prejudice against pre-mlere (pri-myair) n. the first public
people of other races. 2. harm to some- performance or showing of a play or film.
one's rights etc. prejudice v. (pre\» premiere (pri-meer) v. (premiered,
u- diced, prej-u -dicing) 1. to cause pre-mler-ing) 1. to give a first public
(a person) to have a prejudice. 2. to cause performance of. 2. to have a first public
harm to, it may prejudice our rights. performance.
without prejudice, (of an offer made prenvlse (prem-is) n. (pi -is*es) a state-
for the purpose of settling a dispute) ment on which reasoning is based.
which must not be interpreted as an ad- prem- Is -es (prem-i-siz) n. a house or
mission of liability, or used in evidence. other building with its grounds and out-
prej-u 'diced (prej-u-dist) adj. having a buildings etc.; on the premises, in the
prejudice. buildings or grounds concerned.
prej-u-di*cial (prej-u-dish-al) adj. harm- pre- ml -urn (pree-mi-um) n. 1. an amount
ful to someone's rights or claims etc. or installment to be paid for an insurance
pre! • ate (prel-it) n. a clergyman of high policy. 2. an addition to ordinary wages
705 premix / presage

or charges etc., a bonus. 3. a gift provided pre*par*ed*ness (pri-pair-id-nis) n.

with a purchase. Dat a premium, above readiness, especially military readiness
the nominal or usual price; highly valued for war.
or esteemed, put a premium on, to pro- pre* pay (pree-pay) v. (pre* paid, pre*
vide an incentive to (a certain action paying) to pay (a charge) beforehand,
etc.). to pay the postage of (a letter etc.) before-
pre* mix (pree-miks) v. to mix in advance hand, as by buying and affixing a postage
of use. stamp. pre*pay'ment n.

premolar (pree-moh-lar) adj. in front pre-plan (pree-plan) v. (pre* planned,

of the true molar teeth. pre* plan -ning) to arrange or plan be-
pre*mo*ni*tion (pree-md-nish-dn, prem- forehand.
6-) n. a presentiment. pre*mon*i*tO* pre*pon*der*ant (pri-pon-de-rant) adj.
ry (pri-mon-i-tohr-ee) adj. preponderating. pre*pon'der*ant*ly
pre*na*tal (pree-nay-tal) occurring adj. adv.pre*pon'der*ance n.
or existing before birth or before giving pre*pon*der*ate (pri-pon-de-rayt) v.
birth. (pre*pon*der*at*ed, pre*pon*der*
pre*nup*tial (pree-nup-shal) adj. before at *ing) to be greater than others in num-
marriage or before a wedding ceremony. ber or intensity etc.
pre *oc*cu* paction (pree-ok-yu-pay- prep*0*si*tion (prep-6-zish-dn) n. a
shon) n. 1 the state of being preoccupied.
. word used with a noun or pronoun to
2. a thing that fillsone's thoughts, show place or position or time or means,
pre *oc-cu» pied (pree-ok-yii-pid) adj. such as at home, in the hall, on Sunday,
having one's thoughts deeply engaged in Strain. prep»o*si'tion*al adj.
something, inattentive in manner be- pre*pos*sess (pree-pd-zes) v. 1. to im-
cause of this. bue or inspire (a person) with a feeling
pre-oc-cu-py (pree-ok-yu-pi) v. (pre* etc. 2. to take possession of. 3. to preju-
oc-cu-pied, pre-oc-cu -py -ing) 1 to . dice, usually favorably and at first sight.
occupy beforehand. 2. to occupy fully pre-pos-sess-ing (pree-pd-zes-ing) adj.
by absorbing the attention, attractive, making a good impression, not
pre-op-er-a-tive (pree-op-e-ra-tiv) adj. very prepossessing.
taking place before a surgical operation. pre • DOS • ter • OUS ( pri-pos-te-rus) adj. ut-
pre -or -da in (pree-or-dayn) v. to ordain terly absurd, outrageous.
beforehand. pre*or*di*na*tion (pree- pre* puce (pree-pyoos) n. 1. the foreskin.
or-di-nay-sh6n) n. 2. a similar structure at the tip of the
prep (prep) v. (prepped, prep* ping) (In- clitoris.
formal) to prepare, especially to prepare Pre-Raph*a*el*ite (pree-raf-i-e-ht) n.
(a patient) for an operation. Uprep one of a group of 19th-century artists
school, a preparatory school. who aimed at producing work in the style
prep. abbr. 1 preparation. 2. preparatory.
. of the Italian artists of before the time
3. preposition. of Raphael.
pre* pack* age (pree-pak-ij) v. (pre* pre* re* cord (pree-ri-kord) v. to record (a
pack* aged, pre- pack -ag-ing) to television or radio show) before actually
pack (goods) ready for sale before dis- broadcasting it.
tributing them. pre-Ref*or*ma*tion (pree-ref-dr-may-
pre* paid (pree-payd) see prepay. shon) adj. before the Reformation.
prep*a*ra*tion (prep-a-ray-shdn) n. 1. pre • reg • is • ter ( pree-rej-i-ster) v. to regis-
preparing, being prepared. 2. a thing ter beforehand, pre -reg -is* traction
done to make ready for something; make (pree-rej-i-stray-sh6n) n.
preparations for, prepare for. 3. a sub- pre-Ren • ais • sance ( pree-ren-a-sahns)
stance or mixture (such as food or medi- adj. before the Renaissance.
cine) prepared for use, a preparation of pre *req*ui* site (pri-rek-wi-zit) adj. re-
bismuth. quired as a condition or in preparation
pre • par • a • to • ry ( pri-par-a-tohr-ee, prep- for something else, prerequisite n. a
a-ra-) adj. preparing for something, pre- prerequisite thing. >Do
not confuse
paratory training, preparatory adv. in prerequisite with perquisite.
a preparatory way. preparatory pre*rog*a*tive (pri-rog-a-tiv) n. a right
school, a school where pupils are pre- or privilege belonging to a particular per-
pared for college. son or group.
pre* pare (pri-pair) v. (pre* pared, pre* pres. abbr. 1. present. 2. presidency. 3.
parking) 1. to make or get ready. 2. to president.
make (food or other substances) ready Pres. abbr. President.
for use. Dbe prepared to, to be ready pres* age (pres-ij) n. an omen, portent,
and willing to (do something). or foreboding, presage (pres-ij, pri-
presbyopia / presidium 706
sayj) v. (pres-aged, pres-ag-ing) to sented a brave front to the world. 5. to
portend, to foreshadow. level or aim (a weapon), pre* sent 'er
pres-byo-pi-a (prez-bi-oh-pi-a) n. a n. present arms, to hold a rifle etc.
form of farsightedness that comes with vertically in front of the body as a salute,
old age. pres-byop-ic (prez-bi-op-ik) present oneself, to appear or attend,
adj. as for an examination.
pres-byter (prez-bi-ter) n. 1. (in the pre* sent *a*ble (pri-zen-ta-bel) adj. fit to
Episcopal Church) a priest. 2. (in the be presented to someone, of good appear-
Presbyterian Church) an elder. ance. pre*sent / a*bly adv.
Pres-by te*ri-an (prez-bi-teer-i-an) adj. pres*en*ta*tion ( prez-en-Uy-shdn) n. 1.
of a Presbyterian Church, which is presenting, being presented. 2. some-
governed by elders who vare all of equal thing that is presented.
rank. Presbyterian n. a member of the pres*ent-day (prez-ent -day) adj. of pres-
Presbyterian Church. Pres*byte'ri* ent times, modern.
an* ism n.
pre*sen*ti*ment (pri-zen-tl-ment) n. a
pre* school (pree-skool) adj. of the time feeling that something is about to hap-
before a child is old enough to attend pen, a foreboding.
school, pre'school'er n. pres*ent*ly (prez-ent-lee) adv. 1. soon,
pre*sci*ence (pree-shi-ens, presh-i-) n. after a short time. 2. (informal) now.
foreknowledge. pre'sci-ent adj. D> Careful writers avoid use of presently
pre* scribe (pri-skrib) v. (pre* scribed, in its second sense. Write / am study-
pre*scrib*ing) 1. to advise the use of ing French now not presently studying
(a medicine etc.). 2. to lay down as a
course or rule to be followed.
pres*er*va*tion (prez-er-vty-sh6n) n.
pre -script (pree-skript) n. a law or rule
preserving, being preserved.
or command.
pre*serv*a*tive (pri-zur-va-tiv) adj. pre-
pre* scrip *tion ( pri-skrip-shdn) n. 1. a
serving things, preservative n. a sub-
doctor's written instruction for the com-
stance that preserves perishable foods.
position and use of a medicine. 2. the
pre *serve (pri-zurr) v. (pre* served,
medicine prescribed in this way. 3. pre-
pre -serving) 1. to keep safe, to keep
in an unchanged condition. 2. to keep
pre* scrip *tive ( pri-skrip-tiv) adj. 1. pre-
from decay, to treat (food, such as fruit
scribing. 2. laying down rules; a prescrip-
or meat) so that it can be kept for future
tive dictionary, one that makes recom-
use. 3. to keep (game, or a river etc.)
mendations about usage etc.
undisturbed, for private use. preserve
pres*ence (prez-ens) n. 1. being present
n. 1. (also preserves) preserved fruit,
in a place, your presence is required. 2.
a person's bearing, impressiveness of jam. 2. an area where game or fish are
bearing, has a fine presence. 3. a person preserved. 3. activities or interests etc.
or thing that is or seems to be present regarded as belonging to a particular per-
in a place, felt a presence in the room. son. pre*serv'er n.

presence of mind, ability to act pre* set (pree-set) v. (pre* set, pre*
quickly and in a practical way in an set* ting) to set beforehand.
emergency. pre • shrunk (pree-shrungk) adj. (of fabric)

preS'ent (prez-ent)
being in the
adj. 1. subjected to a shrinking process before
place in question, no one else was present being used or sold, so that it will not
2. being dealt with or discussed, in the shrink further when laundered.
present case. 3. existing or occurring pre* side (pri-zid) v. (pre-sid-ed, pre*
now, the present mayor, present n. 1. sid-lng) to be president or chairman,
present time, the time now passing. 2. to have the position of authority or con-
the present tense. Dat present, now. trol.
for the present, for now, temporarily. pres*i*derrt ( prez-i-deiit) n. 1. a person
present participle, see participle, who the head of a club or society or

present perfect, present tense, see corporation etc. 2. (often President) the
tense 1
. elected or appointed head of a republic.
present 2 n. something given or received pres-l-den-tial ( prez-i-den-shal) adj.
as a gift, present (pri-zent) v. 1 to give . pres-i*den*cy (prez-i-den-see) n.
as a gift or award, to offer for acceptance; pre-sid-i-o (pri-sid-i-oh) n. (pi -OS) (in
the check has not been presented, has not Spain and South America) a fort or garri-
been handed in for payment. 2. to intro- son town.
duce (a person) to another or others. 3. pre-sld-i-um (pri-sid-i-um) n. (pi. -»ld-
to bring (a play or new product etc.) to I*a, pr. -sid-i-a, -sid-i-uras) the standing
the public. 4. to show, to reveal, pre- committee in a Communist organization,
707 presoak / presumptuous

especially that of the Supreme Soviet of sured, pres -sur- ing) to try to compel
the U.S.S.R. (a person) into some action, u pressure
pre* soak (pree-sohk) n. 1. a substance in center, (in meteorology) a condition of
which laundry may be soaked
before the atmosphere with pressure above or
washing. 2. the process of presoaking. below average, pressure cooker, a pot
presoak v. to soak beforehand. in which things can be cooked quickly
pres. part. abbr. present participle. by steam under high pressure, pressure
press 1 (pres) v. 1 to apply weight or force
. gauge, a device for showing the pressure
steadily to (a thing). 2. to squeeze juice of air, steam, etc. pressure group, an
etc. from. 3. to make by pressing. 4. to organized group seeking to influence pol-
flatten or smooth, to iron (clothes etc.). icy by concerted action and intensive
5. to exert pressure on (an enemy etc.), propaganda, pressure point, a sensitive
to oppress. 6. to urge or entreat, to de- point on the skin; a part of the body
mand insistently, press for a 35-hour which when pressed arrests the flow of
week. 7. to force the acceptance of, they blood through an artery lying close to
pressed candy upon us. 8. to insist upon, the surface, pressure suit, a pressurized
don't press that point. 9. to throng suit.
closely. 10. to push one's way. press pres* sur *ize (presh-u-nz) v. (pres*
n. 1 . pressing, give it a slight press. 2. sur*ized, pres • sur *iz* ing) to keep (a
crowding, a throng of people. 3. hurry, closed compartment, such as an aircraft
pressure of affairs, the press of modern cabin) at a constant atmospheric pres-
life. 4. an instrument or machinery for sure. pres*sur*i*za*tlon (presh-u-ri-
compressing or flattening or shaping zay-shdn) n. pressurized cabin, an
something. 5. a printing press, a printing aircraft cabin in which normal atmos-
or publishing firm. 6. newspapers and Eheric pressure is maintained, pressur-
periodicals, the people involved in writ- ed suit, an inflatable suit designed to
ing orproducing these, a press photogra- protect the body from low pressure when
pher. Ube pressed for, to have barely flying at a high altitude.
enough of, we are pressed for time, press pres • ti • dig •
I • ta • tion
( pres-ti-dij-i-tay-
agent, a person employed to take care shon) n. sleight of hand, pres *ti* dig*
of publicity, press box, a reporters' en- i*ta*tor (pres-ti-dij-i-tay-tdr) n.
closure, especially at a sports event. pres*tige (pre-steez/t, -steej) n. respect
press Clipping, a cutting from a news- for a person resulting from his good rep-
paper, press conference, an interview utation, past achievements, etc.
given to journalists by a person who pres*ti*gioUS (pre-stij-us) adj. having or
wishes to make an announcement or an- bringing prestige. pres-ti'glous-ly n.
swer questions, press gallery, a gallery pres* to (pres-toh) adv. (especially in mu-
for reporters, especially in a legislative sic) quickly, presto! interj. a conjurer's
assembly, press release, a news re- word used at a moment of sudden
lease, written information given to the change.
press for publication. pre* stressed (pree-strest) adj. (of con-
press 2 v. (old use) to force to serve in the crete) strengthened by means of
army or navy. press into service, stretched wires within it.
to bring into use as a makeshift. pre*sum*a*ble (pri-zoo-ma-bel) adj. able
press -ing (pres-ing) adj. 1. urgent, a to be presumed. pre*sum'a*bly adv.
pressing need. 2. urging something presume (pri-zoom) v. (presumed,
strongly, a pressing invitation, pressing pre* sum* Ing) 1. to take for granted,
n. a thing made by pressing, a phono- to suppose to be true. 2. to take the lib-
graph record or series of these made at erty of doing something, to venture, may
one time. we presume to advise you? 3. to be pre-
press* man (pres-man) n. (pi. -men, pr. sumptuous. presume on, to take un-
-men) the operator of a printing press. warranted liberties because of, they are
press* room (pres-room) n. 1. the room presuming on her good nature. >See the
in a printing factory where the presses note under assume.
are kept. 2. a room set aside for reporters pre* sump* tion (pri-zump-shdn) n. 1.
and journalists. presuming a thing to be true, something
pres* sure (presh-ur) n. 1. the exertion presumed. 2. presumptuous behavior.
of continuous force upon something. 2. pre* sump *tive (pri-zump-tiv) adj. giving
the force exerted, that of the atmosphere, grounds for presumption. Dheir pre-
pressure is high in eastern areas. 3. a com- sumptive, see heir. >Do not confuse
pelling or oppressive influence, is under presumptive with presumptuous.
pressure to vote against it; the pressures pre* sump *tu*ous (pri-zump-choo-us)
of business life, pressure v. (pres* adj. behaving with impudent boldness,
presuppose / prf. 708
acting without authority, pre* sump 7
or frequent than others, to exist or occur
tu*ous*ly adv. pre • sump 'tu-ous- generally, a prevailing wind, pre* vail /
ness n. \> Do
not confuse presumptuous ing-ly adv. (J prevail on, to persuade.
with presumptive. prev *a* lent (prev-a-lent) adj. existing or
pre* sup* pose (pree-sii-pohz) v. (pre- occurring generally, widespread, prev'
sup •posed, pre -sup* posting) 1. to a*lent*ly adv. prevalence n.

take for granted. 2. to require as a prior pre*var*i*cate (pri-var-I-kayt) v. (pre*

condition, effects presuppose causes pre* var*i*cat*ed, pre*var*i*cat*ing) to
sup*po*si*tion ( pree-sup-6-zish-dn) n. tell lies, to speak evasively. pre*var i*
pre *tax (pree-taks) adj. existing before ca-tor n. pre*var*i*ca-tion (pri-var-
taxes are deducted, pretax earnings. I-kay-shon) n.
pre* teen (pree-teen) n. a child who has pre* vent (pri-vent) v. 1. to keep (a thing)
not yet become a teenager, preteen adj. from happening, to make impossible. 2.
pre* tend (pri-tend) v. 1. to create a false to keep (a person) from doing something.
appearance of something, either in play pre*ven*tion (pri-ven-shdn) n.
or so as to deceive. others. 2. to claim pre* vent *a*ble (pri-?en-ta-bel) adj. able
falsely that one has or is something. 3. to be prevented.
to lay claim, he pretended to the title- pre*ven*ta*tive (pri-ven-ta-tiv) adj. pre-
pretended to exact knowledge, claimed to ventive, preventative n. a preventive.
have this, pre* tend 'ed*ly adv. >See the note under preventive.
pre* tend *er (pri-ten-der) n. 1. a person pre*ven*tive (pri-ven-tiv) adj. preventing
who pretends. 2. a person who claims something, preventive n. a thing that
a throne or title etc. prevents something. preventive den-
pre* tense (pree-tens, pri-tens) n. 1. pre- tistry, dentistry that is intended to pre-
tending, make-believe. 2. claim to merit vent decay or malformations of the teeth.
or knowledge etc. 3. pretentiousness. preventive detention, (in British law)
pre*ten*sion ( pri-ten-sh6n) n. 1. the as- imprisonment of a person who is thought
sertion of a claim to something. 2. pre- likely to commit a crime, preventive
tentiousness. medicine, the branch of medicine con-
pre*ten*tious (pri-ten-shus) adj. showy, cerned with the prevention of disease.
pompous. pre*ten'tious*ly adv. pre* D> Careful writers use preventive rather
ten'tious-ness n. than preventative.
pre*ter*mi*nal (pree-tur-mi-nal) adj. pre-ver-bal (pree-vur-bal) adj. not yet
happening before death. having acquired the ability to speak.
pre • ter • nat • u • ral ( pree-ter-nach-u-ral) pre • view (pree-vyoo) n. an advance show-
adj. outside the ordinary course of ing or viewing of a film or play etc. before
nature, unusual. pre*ter*nat / u*ral*ly it is shown to the general public, pre-

adv. view v. to view in advance of public pres-

pre* test (pree-test) n. a preliminary test. entation.
pre* text (pree-tekst) n. a reason put for- pre*vi*ous (pree-vi-us) adj. 1 coming be-

ward to conceal one's true reason. fore in time or order. 2. done or acting
Pre*tO*rl*a (pri-tohr-i-a) the administra- prematurely, you have been a little too
tive capital of the Republic of South Af- previous. pre'vi*ous*ly adv. previ-
rica. ous engagement, an appointment that
pret-tl-fy (prit-i-fi) v. (pret-ti-fied, prevents one from accepting another en-
pret-ti* tying) to make (a thing) look gagement, previous to, before.
superficially pretty or pleasing, pret* pre*vl*sion (pree-vizAi-dn) n. foreseeing,
ti*fi*ca*tion (prit-i-fi-k*y-shdn) n. prescience.
pret*ty (prit-ee) adj. (pret*ti*er, pret- pre-war (pree-wor) adj. existing or occur-
ti* est) 1. attractive in a delicate way. ring before a certain war, especially be-
2. considerable; cost me a pretty penny, foreWorld War I or World War II.
a lot of money, pretty adv. fairly, moder- prex-y (prek-see) n. (pL prex-ies) (slang)
ately, it looks pretty good. pret'ti*ly adv. president of a college or university.
pret'ti-ness n. u
pretty much or prey ( pray) n. 1 an animal that is hunted

nearly or well, almost. or killed by another for food. 2. a person

pret*ty-pret*ty (prit-ee-prit-ee) adj. with or thing that falls victim to an enemy
the prettiness overdone. or fear or disease etc. prey v. (preyed,
pret*zel (pret-sel) n. a crisp biscuit baked preying) prey on, to seek or take as
in the shape of a loose knot or a stick prey; to have a harmful influence on, the
and salted on the outside. problem preyed on his mind. Dbird or
prev. abbr. 1. previous. 2. previously. beast of prey, one that kills and eats
pre* vail (pri-vayl) v. 1. to be victorious, other animals.
to gain the mastery. 2. to be more usual prf. abbr. proof.
709 priaplc / primate

pria-pic (pn-ap-ik) adj. phallic. prie-dieu (pree-dyuu) n. (pL -dieus,

price (pns) n. 1. the amount of money -dleux, pr.dyuuz) a kneeling desk, espe-
for which a thing is bought or sold. 2. cially for prayer.
what must be given or done etc. in order priest (preest) n. 1 a clergyman. 2. a per-

to achieve something, peace at any price. son who is appointed to perform religious
price v. (priced, pric-ing) to fix or find rites in non-Christian religions, priest'
or estimate the price of. Da
price on ess n. fern, priest'hood n.

someone's head or life, a reward of- priest 'ly (preest-lee) adj. of or like or suit-
fered for his capture or killing, at a able for a priest. priest'li*ness n.
price, at a high cost, price-earnings prig (prig) n. a self-righteous person, one
ratio, the market price of a share of stock who displays or demands exaggerated
divided by the earnings per share, price correctness, especially in behavior, prig'
oneself out of the market, to charge glsh adj. prig'glsh*ness n.
such a high price for one's goods or prim (prim) adj. (prim-mer, prim*
services that no one will buy them, price meet) stiffly formal and precise in man-
support, maintenance of the price of a ner or appearance or behavior, disliking
product, usually by the government. what is rough or improper, prim'ly adv.
price war, a time of keen competition prlm'ness n.

among retailers, when prices are continu- prim. abbr. 1. primary. 2. primitive.
ally cut. pri-ma (pree-m2) adj. prima ballerina,
price* less (pris-lis) adj. 1. invaluable. 2. the chief female dancer in a ballet, prima
(slang) very amusing or absurd, price' donna, the chief female singer in an op-
less*ly adv. era; (informal) a temperamental person.
prick (prik) v. 1 to pierce slightly, to make
. pri*ma*cy (pri-ma-see) n. 1. preemi-
a tiny hole in; prick the bubble, to show nence. 2. the office of a primate of the
that something that has seemed impor- church.
tant is nothing. 2. to goad by causing prl*ma fa*Cle (pri-ma fay-sha) based on
mental awareness, my conscience is prick- the first impression; made out a prima
ing me. 3. to feel a pricking sensation. facie case against him, one that seemed,
4. to mark (a pattern etc.) with pricks at first sight, to be valid; prima facie evi-
or dots, prick n. 1 pricking, a mark or
. dence, evidence that is immediately ap-
puncture made by this. 2. the sensation parent.
caused by a mark or puncture. 3. a thing prl-mal (pri-mal) adj. 1. primitive, prime-
that pricks. prick up one's ears, (of val. 2. chief, fundamental. primal
a dog) to raise the ears erect when on scream, a primitive infantile scream,
the alert; (of a person) to become sud- used in one kind of treatment of mental
denly attentive. disorders.
prick *er (prik-er) n. 1. a thorn or briar. pri*ma*ry (pri-me-ree, -me-ree) adj. 1.
2. a pricking instrument. earliest in time or order, first in a series,
prick -le (prik-Sl) n. 1. a small thorn. 2. the primary meaning of a word. 2. of the
a pricking sensation, prickle v. (prick* first importance, chief. 3. not derived,
led, prick* ling) to feel or cause a sensa- a primary source. pri*ma'ri*ly adv. pri-
tion of pricking. mary n. {pi -ries) 1. a thing that is
prick*ly (prik-lee) adj. (-li-er, -II -est) 1. first in order, time, importance, etc. 2.
having prickles. 2. (of a personHrritable, a primary election. primary accent,
touchy. prick'li-ness n. prickly the most important stress of a word, pri-
heat, an inflammation of the skin near mary cell, a battery that generates elec-
the sweat glands with itching and a tricity by irreversible chemical reaction.
prickly sensation, prickly pear, a kind primary colors, those colors from
of cactus with pear-shaped edible fruit; which all others can be made by mixing,
its fruit. (of paint) red and yellow and blue, (of
pride (prid) n. 1. a feeling of pleasure or light) red and green and violet, primary
satisfaction in one's actions or qualities education or school, that in which the
or possessions etc. 2. a person or thing rudiments of knowledge are taught, the
that is a source of pride. 3. a proper sense first three or four years of elementary
of what is fitting for one's position or school, primary election, a political
character, self-respect. 4. unduly high election for selecting convention dele-
opinion of one's own qualities or merits. gates or party nominees.
5. a company (of lions), pride v. (prid* pri*mate (pn-mayt, for definition 1 also
ed, prkHng) pride oneself on, to be pn-mit) n. 1. an archbishop or bishop
proud of. upride of place, the most who ranks first among other bishops in
prominent position, awareness of this, ar- a certain province or country. 2. a mem-
rogance. ber of the highly developed order of ani-
prime / principle 710
mals that includes man, apes, and mon- prim* rose (prim-rohz) n. 1. (also prim-
keys. pri-ma*tial (pn-may-shal) adj. ula) a perennial plant bearing pale yellow
prime 1 (prim) adj. 1. chief, most impor- flowers in the spring (English primrose)
tant, the prime cause. 2. first rate, excel- or variously colored flowers. 2. its flower.
lent, prime beef. 3. basic, fundamental. 3. pale yellow. primrose path, a way
prime meridian, the zero meridian of life devoted to ease and pleasure.
passing through Greenwich, England, prim «u «la (prim-yuu-la) see primrose.
from which lon^tude is reckoned east prin. abbr. 1. principal. 2. principle.
and west, prime minister, the chief prince (prins) n. 1. a male member of a
minister in a government, prime mover, royal family, (in Britain) a son or grand-
the initial source (natural or mechanical) son of the sovereign. 2. a ruler, especially
of motive power, prime number, a of a small state, Prince Rainier of Mon-
number (as 2, 3, 5, 7, 41) that can be aco. 3. a nobleman of various countries.
divided exactly only by itself and 1. 4. a man with outstanding qualities.
prime rate, the lowest rate at which prince consort, a title conferred on
money can be borrowed commercially. the husband (who is himself a prince)
prime time, the time at which the high- of a reigning queen. Prince Edward Is-
est rates are charged, especially to adver- land, a province of Canada. Prince of
tisers on television. Darkness, the Devil or Satan. Prince
prime n. 1 . the state of greatest perfection, Of Peace, Jesus Christ. Prince of
the best part, in the prime of life. 2. the Wales, a title usually conferred on the
symbol added to a letter etc. as a distin-
' heir apparent to the British throne.
guishing mark, or to a number as a sym- prince Oy (prins-lee) adj. 1. of a prince,
bol for minutes or feet. worthy of a prince. 2. splendid, generous,
prime3 v. (primed, prim-ing) 1. to pre- prince'li-ness n.
pare (a thing) for use or action; prime prin -cess (prin-sis, -ses) n. 1. the wife
a pump, cause liquid to flow into it to of a prince. 2. a female member of a
start it working.prepare (a surface)
2. to royal family, (in Britain) a daughter or
for painting by coating it with a sub- granddaughter of the sovereign, prin-
stance that prevents the first coat of paint cess adj. (of a woman's garment) made
from being absorbed. 3. to equip (a per- in panels extending from shoulder to hem
son) with information. 4. to give (a per- and with a flared skirt, princess style.
son) plenty of food or drink in prepara- princess royal, a title that may be
tion for something. conferred on the eldest daughter of the
prinver 1 (pn-mer) n. 1. a substance used British sovereign.
to prime a surface for painting. 2. a deto- prin -ci- pal ( prin-sl-pal) adj. first in rank
nator for explosives. or importance, chief, principal n. 1 the .

prim»er 2 (prim-er) n. an elementaxy_i£x£__ person with highest authority in an or-

book. ganization 'etc., the head of certain
pri*me«vai (pn-mee-val) adj. of the earli- schools. 2. a person who takes a leading
est times of the world, ancient. part in an activity or in a play etc. 3. a
primitive ( prim-i-tiv) adj. 1. of or at an person for whom another acts as agent,
early stage of civilization, primitive tribes. I must consult my principal 4. a capital
2. simple or crude, using unsophisticated sum as distinguished from the interest
techniques, primitive tools, primitive n. or income on it. principal parts, the
1. an untutored painter with a naive forms of a verb from which all other
style. 2. a picture by such a painter. forms can be deduced. >
Do not confuse
prim'htive-ly adv. principal with principle. Principle is never
prim* i-tiv ism ( prim-i-ti-viz-em) n. 1. used correctly of a perspn.
primitive behavior. 2. belief in the superi- prin *ci -pal -l-ty ( prin-si-pal-i-tee) n. {pi
ority of what is primitive. 3. the style -ties) a country ruled by a prince.
of a primitive painter. prin 'Ci* pal -ly ( prin-sl-plee) adv. for the
pri-mo-gen-i-tor (pn-md-jen-i-t6r) n. most part, chiefly.
the earliest ancestor. prin -Ci' pie ( prin-sl-pel) n. 1. a. basic truth
pri-mo-gen-i-ture (pn-md-jen-i-chur) or a general law or doctrine that is used
n. 1 the fact of being a firstborn child.
. as a basis of reasoning or a guide to ac-
2. the system by which an eldest son in- tion or behavior. 2. a personal code of
herits all his parents' property. right conduct, a man of principle; has
pri*mor*di*al (pn-mor-di-al), adj. prime- no principles. 3. a general or scientific
val, pri'mor'di'al-ly adv. law shown in the way something works
primp (primp) v. 1. to use great care in or used as the basis for the construction
making one's appearance tidy. 2. to of a machine etc. Din principle, as re-
groom (hair, clothes, etc.). gards the main elements but not neces-
711 prink / private

sarily the details, on principle, because tery governed by a prior, a nunnery gov-
of the principles of conduct one accepts, erned by a prioress.
we refused on principle. >See the note prism (priz-em) n. 1. a solid geometric
under principal. shape with ends that are similar, equal,
prink (pringk) v. to dress up, to primp. and parallel. 2. a transparent body of
print ( print) v. 1 to press (a mark or design
. this form, usually triangular and made
etc.) on a surface, to impress or stamp of glass, that breaks up light into the
(a surface or fabric etc.) in this way. 2. colors of the rainbow.
to produce (lettering on a book or news- pris-mat -ic (priz-mat-ik) adj. 1 of or like

paper etc.) by applying inked type to pa- a prism. 2. (of colors) formed or distrib-
per, to publish in this way. 3. to write uted as if by a prism, rainbowlike, oris-
with unjoined letters like those used in mat'l-cal-ly adv.
printing books etc. 4. to produce a posi- pris*on (priz-dn) ru 1. a building used to
tive picture from (a photographic nega- confine people who are convicted or (in
tive or transparency) by transmission of certain cases) accused of crimes. 2. any
light, print n. 1 a mark or indentation
place of custody or confinement. 3. im-
left where something has pressed on a
prisonment as a punishment prison
surface. 2. printed lettering or writing,
camp, a camp serving as a prison for
prisoners of war etc.
words in printed form. 3. a printed pic-
ture or photograph or design. 4. printed
prls*on*er (priz-6-ner) n. 1 a person kept

in prison. 2. a person who is in custody

fabric. Din
print, (of a book) available
from a publisher, out of print, (of a and on trial for a criminal offense. 3. a
captive. 4. a person or thing kept in con-
book) not available from a publisher.
finement or held in another's grasp etc.
printed circuit, an electric circuit with
prisoner of war, an enemy captured
thin strips of conducting material on a
in a war.
flat insulating sheet (instead of wires).
pris-sy (pris-ee) adj. (-si-er, -si -est)
printed matter, material that is printed
prim. pris'sl»ness n.
and is eligible for special postal rates.
pris* tine (pris-teen) adj. in its original and
printable (prin-ta-bel) adj. 1. capable
unspoiled condition, fresh as if new.
of being printed. 2. worthy of publica-
prmVee (prit/Vee) interj. (old use) pray,
print*er (prin-ter) n. 1. a person whose
pri • va«cy (pn-vS-see) n. being private, se-
job or business is the printing of books,
newspapers, etc. 2. a printing instru-
pnVvate (pn-vit) adj. 1. of or belonging
ment, u
printer's devil, a printer's as-
to a particular person or persons, not
public, private property. 2. not holding
printing (prin-ting) n. 1. the act, process,
public office, speaking as a private citizen;
or business of producing printed mate- in private life, as a private person, not
rial. 2. all of the copies printed at one
as an official or public performer etc. 3.
time, the book is in its second printing. not to be made known publicly, confiden-
3. written letters that resemble printed tial. 4. (of a place) secluded. 5. of or
ones. D
printing press, a machine for belonging to a profession practiced on
printing on paper etc. from type or one's own financial account and not as
plates. an employee, in private practice, private
print* out (print-owt) n. material pro- it. a soldier or marine of the lowest rank,

duced in printed form from a computer prl'vate-ly adv. pri'vate*ness n.

or teleprinter. in private, in the presence only of the
prl-or 1 (pn-dr) adj. earlier, coming before person(s) directly concerned, not in pub-
another or others in time or order or lic, private detective, one who under-
importance, prior adv. prior to, be- takes investigations etc. for a fee, not as
fore, prior to that date. a member of a police force, private en-
prior2 n. the monk who is head of a reli- terprise, management of business by
gious house or order or (in an abbey) private individuals or companies (con-
ranking next below an abbot. pri*on trasted with state ownership or control);
ess (pn-d-ris) n. fern. an individual's initiative, private eye,
pri-or-i-ty (pn-or-i-tee) n. {pi -ties) 1. (informal) a private detective, private
being earlier or more important, prece- first dass, a soldier ranking above a
dence in rank etc., the right to be first private and below a corporal, private
2. something that is more important than means, an income available from in-
other items or considerations, has got his vestments etc., not as an earned wage
priorities wrong. or salary, private parts, the genitals.
pri-OTy (pn-5-ree) n. (pL -ries) a monas- private school, a school supported
privateer / proboscis 712

wholly by pupils' fees or endowments. pro-a-bor-tion (proh-a-bor-shdn) adj.

pri*va*teer (pn-va-teer) n. 1. an armed favoring the right to choose to undergo
vessel owned and commanded by private or to perform an abortion.
persons holding a commission from the pro • ad -min- is -traction (proh-ad-min-i-
government and authorized to use it stray-shdn) adj. on the side of the admin-
against a hostile nation, especially to cap- istration.
ture merchant shipping. 2. the com- prob. abbr. 1. probable. 2. probably. 3.
mander or a member of the crew of this, problem.
pri-va Peering n. prob-a-biM'ty (prob-S-bil-i-tee) n. {pi
pri*va*tion (pn-vay-sh6n) ru loss or lack -ties) 1. being probable. 2. something
of something, especially of the necessar- that is probable, the most probable event
ies of life. 3. a ratio expressing the chances that a
privet (priv-it) ru a bushy shrub with certain event will occur. Din all proba-
small leaves, much used for hedges. bility, most probably.
privilege (priv-i-lij) n. a special right prob-a -ble (prob-a-bel) adj. likely to hap-
or advantage granted to one person or pen or be prob'a*bly adv.
group, privilege v. (privileged, priv pro bate ( proh-bayt) n. 1 the official proc-
• .

i-leg-lng) to grant a privilege to. ess of proving that a will is valid. 2. a

priv • I • leged ( priv-I-li jd) adj. having privi- copy of a will with a certificate that it
leges; privileged information, information is valid, handed to executors, probate
that need not be disclosed in a court of v. (pro- bat -ed, pro-bat-ing) to prove

law, etc. (a will) authentic or valid, u probate

privy (priv-ee) adj. 1. (old use) hidden, court, a court that oversees the adminis-
secret. 2. sharing secret knowledge. 3. tration of estates of deceased persons.
private, privy n. (pi privies) a toilet, pro*ba*tion (proh-bay-shdn) ru 1. the
especially one in an outhouse, prlv'h testing of a person's behavior or abilities
ly adv. ube privy to, to be sharing in etc. 2. a system whereby certain offenders
the secret of (a person's plans etc.). privy are supervised by an official (probation
council, a body of distinguished advis- officer) as an alternative to imprison-
ers, as those advising the British sover- ment, pro-ba'tion-al adj. pro-ba-
eign on matters of state. tkH1*ar*y (proh-bay-shd-ne-ree) adj.
prix fixe (pree fiks) (pi. prix fixes, pr. pro*ba*tion*er (proh-bay-shd-ner) n. a
pree fiks) a set price charged for any person who is undergoing a probationary
meal chosen from the menu listings. period of testing.
prize 1 (pnz) n. 1. an award given as a pro *ba -five (proh-bS-tiv) adj. 1. provid-
symbol of victory or superiority. 2. some- ing proof. 2. designed to test or try some-
thing striven for or worth striving for. thing.
3. something that can be won in a lottery probe ( protyt>) n. 1 . a device for exploring
etc. prize v. (prized, prizing) to value an otherwise inaccessible place or object
highly, prize adj. winning or likely to etc.,a blunt-ended surgical instrument
win a prize, excellent of its kind. prize for exploring a wound; space probe, an
ring, an enclosed area for prizefighting; unmanned exploratory spacecraft trans-
the practice of prizefighting. mitting information about its environ-
prize2 n. a ship or property captured at ment etc. 2. a penetrating investigation,
sea during a war. ordered a probe into their expense ac-
prize 3 v. (prized, prizing) to force out counts, probe v. (probed, prob-ing)
or open by leverage, to pry 2 definition
, 1 . to explore with a probe. 2. to penetrate
1. with something sharp. 3. to make a pene-
prize* fight (pnz-fit) n. a boxing match, trating investigation of.
usually for pay. prize 'fight *er n, pro-bi-ty (proh-bi-tee) n. honesty, integ-
prize* win ner (prcz-win-€r) n. the winner
• rity.
of a prize. problem (prob-lem) n. 1 something diffi- .

pro 1 (proh) n. {pi. pros) (informal) a pro- cult to deal with or understand. 2. some-
fessional. thing difficult that has to be accom-
pro 2 adv. in favor of. pro n. {pi. pros) plished or answered or dealt with. 3. an
1 .a person favoring one side of an issue exercise in a textbook or examination.
or argument. 2. an argument in favor prob'lem-at'ic ( prob-lS-mat-ik), prob*
of something. Dpro and con, for and lem-at'i-cal ( prob-le-mat-i-kal) adj. 1.
against. difficult to deal with or understand. 2.
pro- prefix favoring or siding with, as in questionable, doubtful. prob«lenvat'h
pro-American; forward, downward, on- cal*ly adv.
ward, as in proclaim, proceed; substitut- pro-DOS-cis (
proh -bos-is) n. (pi -DOS*
ing for, as in pronoun. cis-es, -bos-ci-des, pr. -boa-i-deez) 1.
713 probusiness / prod

a long flexible snout, an elephant's trunk. or for a procession. pro*ces'sion*

2. an elongated mouthpart in certain in- al ru a processional hymn, religious mu-
sects, used for sucking things. sic for a procession.
pro *busi*ness (proh-biz-nis) adj. favor- pro* claim (proh-klaym) v. 1. to announce
ing the interests of business over those officially or publicly, to declare. 2. to
of labor. make known unmistakably as being, his
proc. abbr. 1. procedure. 2. proceedings. accent proclaimed him a Scot pro* da-
3. process. rn action (prok-la-may-sh6n) ru
pro •caine (proh-kayn) n. a chemical cont- pro*clivl*ry (proh-kliv-i-tee) n. {pi
pound used as a local anesthetic. -ties) a tendency.
pro*cap*i*tal*ist (proh-kap-i-ta-list) adj. pro com mu nist

( proh-kom-yu-nist)
• •

favoring capitalism or capitalist interests. adj. favoring communist principles or

pro*ca*the*dral (proh-ka-thee-dral) ru a ideas.
church used as a cathedral temporarily. pro*con*sul (proh-kon-sul) n. (in Roman
pro 'Ce* dure ( pro-see- jur) ru a series of history) the governor of a province, pro*
actions done or appointed to be done in con'siHar adj. pro con -su- late

order to accomplish something, a way (proh-kon-su-lit) ru

of conducting business, parliamentary pro* eras *ti*nate (prd-kras-tl-nayt) v.
procedure. pro*ce'dur*al adj. (pro* eras *ti*nat*ed, pro*cras*ti*
pro*ceed (prd-seed) v. 1. to go forward nat-ing) to postpone action, to be dila-
or onward, to make one's way. 2. to con-*cras'ti*na*tor ru pro-eras*
tinue, to carry on an activity, please pro-
ti*na*tion (prd-kras-ti-nay-shdn) ru
ceed with your work. 3. to start a lawsuit,
pro* ere -ate (proh-kree-ayt) v. (pro*
he proceeded against the newspaper for
cre*at*ed, pro*cre*at*ing) to bring
libel. 4. to come forth, to originate, the
(a living thing) into existence by the nat-
evils that proceed from war.
ural process of reproduction, to generate.
pro-ceed-ings (prd-see-dingz) ru pi 1.
pro'cre*a*tor n. pro'cre*a*tive adj.
a lawsuit, start proceedings for divorce.
pro*cre*a*tion (proh-kree-ay-shdn) ru
2. what takes place at a formal meeting
Pro*crus*te*an, pro*crus*te*an
of a society etc. 3. a published report
(proh-krus-tee-an) adj. seeking to en-
of a discussion or conference etc., Pro-
force conformity with a theory etc. by
ceedings of the Modern Language Associ-
violent methods (as by omitting all that
contradicts it). C> Named after Pro-
pro-ceeds (proh-seedz) ru pi the amount
crustes, a robber in Greek legend, who
of money produced by a sale or perfor-
fitted victims to his bed by stretching
mance etc.
proc* ess (pros-es, proh-ses) n. 1. a series them or lopping bits off.
of actions or operations used in making proc -tol-O* gist (prok-tol-5-jist) ru an ex-
or manufacturing or achieving some- pert in proctology.
thing. 2. a series of changes, a natural proc*tol*o*gy (prok-tol-d-jee) ru a
operation, the digestive process. 3. a branch of medicine dealing with the
course of events or time. 4. a lawsuit, structure and diseases of the rectum and
a summons or writ. 5. a natural pro- anus, proc -to- log -ic (prok-td-loj-ik)
jection on the body or one of its parts. adj. proc* to -logical adj.

process v. to put through a manufac- proc* tor (prok-tor) ru an official or a

turing or other process or course of teacher who supervises an examination.
treatment; your application is being proctor v. to perform this function.
processed, is being dealt with, proc' proc* tor* l*al (prok-tohr-ee-al) adj.
ess -or, process *er ru Ddata proc- pro -cur -a -Die (pro-kyoor-a-bel) adj. able
essing, see data, process cheese, to be procured.
cheese treated to avoid further ripening proc • u • ra • tor ( prok-yu-ray-tdr)
ru 1 the .

or deterioration during storage, proc- treasury officer in an imperial province

ess printing, a way of printing colors of ancient Rome. 2. an agent or proxy.
by combining separate color plates. pro* cure (prd-kyoor) v. (pro* cured,
process server, a person who serves pro* cur -ing) to obtain by care or effort,
legal documents such as writs or war- to acquire, pro* cure 'ment ru
rants, process Shot, (in film) a shot in pro*cur*er (prd-kyoor-er) ru 1. one who
which certain images are made to ap- procures something. 2. a pimp.
pear by artificial means. pro* cur* ess (prd-kyoor-is) ru a female
pro*ces*sion (prd-sesh-on) n. a number pimp.
of people or vehicles or boats etc. going prod (prod) v. (prod-ded, prod* ding)
along in an orderly line. 1 . to poke. 2. to urge or stimulate into
pro*ces-sion*al (prd-sesh-6-nal) adj. of action, prod n. 1 . a poke. 2. a stimulus
prod. / profile 714

to action. 3. a pointed instrument for (profaned, pro* fanning) to treat (a

prodding things. thing) with irreverence or lack of due
prod. abbr. 1. produce. 2. produced. 3. respect, pro fane 'ly adv. pro 'fane'

producer. 4. product. 5. production. ness n.

prod •!• gal (prod-i-gal) adj. 1. recklessly pro • fan • • ty
( proh-fan-i-tee) n. 1 irrever- .

wasteful or extravagant. 2. lavish, prodi- ent language. 2. being profane, a profane

gal n. a recklessly extravagant person, thing.
prod'i-gal-ly adv. prod*i*gal*l*ty pro* fas* Cist (proh-fash-ist) adj. favoring
(prod-I-gal-i-tee) n. fascistic principles or ideas.
pro-di-gious (prd-dij-us) adj. 1. marvel- pro-fenvi-nist (proh-fem-i-nist) adj. fa-
ous, amazing, a prodigious achievement voring feminist principles or ideas.
2.enormous, spent a prodigious amount pro *f ess (prd-fes) v. 1. to state that one
pro*di'gious*ly adv. has (a quality or feeling etc.), to pretend,
prod*i*gy (prod-i-jee) n. {pi -gies) 1. a she professed ignorance or to be ignorant
person with exceptional qualities or abili- of this law. 2. to affirm one's faith in (a
ties, a child with abilities very much be- religion).
yond those appropriate to his age. 2. a processed (prd-fest) adj. 1. avowed,
marvelous thing, a wonderful example openly acknowledged by oneself, a pro-
of something. fessed Christian. 2. falsely claiming to
pro-duce (pro-doos) v. (pro*duced, be something, a professed friend. 3. hav-
pro* dueling) 1. to bring forward for ing taken the vows of a religious order,
inspection or consideration or use, will a professed nun. pro • f ess • ed * ly ( prd-
produce evidence. 2. to bring (a play or fes-id-lee) adv.
performance before the public. 3.
etc.) pro -fes* sion (prd-fesh-dn) n. 1. an occu-

to bring into existence, to cause (a reac- pation, especially one that involves
tion or sensation etc.), to bear or yield knowledge and training in a branch of
(offspring or products). 4. to manufac- advanced learning, the dental profession.
ture. 5. to extend (a line), produce 2. the people engaged in an occupation
(prod-oos, proh-doos) n. 1. an amount of this kind.3. a declaration or avowal,
or thing produced. 2. agricultural and made professions of loyalty.
natural products, dairy produce. pro*fes*sion*al ( prd-fesh-d-nal) adj. 1.
pro*duc*er (prd-doo-ser) n. 1. a person of or belonging to a profession or its
producing articles or agricultural prod- members. 2. having or showing the skill
ucts etc. (contrasted with a consumer). of a professional. 3. doing a certain kind
2. a person generally responsible for the of work as a full-time occupation or to
production of a film or play (apart from make a living or (of sportsmen, con-
direction of the acting). trasted with amateur) or payment, pro-
prod'UCt (prod-ukt) n. 1. something pro- fessional p. 1 a person working or per-

duced by a natural process or by agricul- forming for payment. 2. someone highly

ture or manufacture or as a result. 2. skilled. pro*fes'sion*al*ly adv.
(in mathematics) the result obtained by pro • f es • sion al • ism ( pr6-fesh-d-na-liz-

multiplying two quantities together. em) n. the qualities or skills of a profes-

pro • due «t ion (pr6-duk-sh6n) n. 1. pro- sion or professionals.
ducing, being produced; go into produc- pro • f es • sion • al • ize ( prd-fesh-6-na-liz)
tion, begin being manufactured. 2. a v.(pro *fes* sion -al-ized, pro-fes-
thing produced, especially a play or film. sion*al*iz*ing) to give a professional
3. the amount produced, quality to.
pro-duc-tive (pr6-duk-tiv) adj. tending pro*fes*sor (prd-fes-dr) n. a university
or able to produce things, especially in teacher of the highest rank. pro*fes'
large quantities. adv. sor-ship n. pro-fes-so-ri-al (proh-
pro*duc'tJve*ness n. fe-sohr-i-al) adj.
pro*duc*tiv*i*ty (proh-duk-tiv-i-tee) n. prof*fer (prof-er) v. to offer, proffer n.
productiveness, efficiency in industrial an offer.
production. pro -fl -dent (prd-fish-£nt) adj. doing
pro* em (proh-em) n. 1. a preface or something correctly and competently
preamble to a book or speech. 2. a begin- through training or practice, skilled.
ning or prelude. pro*fi / clent*ly adv. pro*fi*cien*cy
prof (prof) n. (informal) professor. (prd-fish-en-see) n.
Prof, (prd-fes-or) n. the title prefixed to pro* file (proh-fil) n. 1. a side view, espe-
a professor's name. cially of the human face. 2. a drawing
pro* fane (proh-fayn) adj. 1. secular, not or other representation of this. 3. a short
sacred, sacred and profane music. 2. ir- account of a person's character or career.
reverent, blasphemous, profane v. profile v. (pro* filed, pro-fll-ing) to
715 profit / progressive

represent in profile, either in drawing or pro -gov -em -merit (proh-guv-ern-ment)

in writing. adj. favoring the party in power.
prof • it (prof-it) n. 1 an advantage or bene-
. pro* gram (proh-gram) n. 1. a plan of in-

fit obtained from doing something. 2. tended procedure. 2. a descriptive notice

money gained in a business transaction, or list of an organized series of events
the excess of returns over outlay, profit (as of a concert or a course of study).
v. (prof-it*ed, prof-it-ing) 1. to bring 3. these events. 4. a broadcast perfor-
advantage to. 2. to obtain an advantage mance. 5. a series of coded instructions
or benefit, profitless adj. profit for a computer, program v. (pro*
and loss, the gain and loss that result gramed or programmed, pro*
from business transactions, reflected in gram-ing or pro* gram *ming) 1. to
statements of accounts, profit sharing, make a program of, to enter in a pro-
the sharing of profits, especially between gram. 2. to cause an automatic response
employer and employee. in (a person), as by indoctrination. 3.
prof *it*a*ble (prof-i-ta-bel) adj. bringing to prepare material for programmed in-
profit or benefits, profitably adv. struction, to teach by this. 4. to instruct
prof • a bi
• it
• • • ty ( prof-i- ta-bil-i-tee) n.
I i (a computer) by means of a program.
prof *it*eer (prof-i-teer) n. a person who pro'gram *a*ble, pro'gram* ma *ble
makes excessive profits, especially by tak- adj. pro -gram *ma*bil*i*ty (proh-
ing advantage of times of difficulty or gram-a-bil-i-tee) n. pro* gram* ma* tic
scarcity (as in war), profiteer v. to make (proh-gra-mat-ik) adj. programmed
profits in this way. prof*it*eer'ing n. instruction or learning, teaching or
pro-fit-er-ole (prd-fit-e-rohl) n. a small learning that advances after the student
cake with a chocolate or other filling. has made a correct response to each unit
proHi gate • (prof- li-git) adj. 1. recklessly in a series of small units of material.
wasteful or extravagant. 2. dissolute. pro* gram *mer, pro* gram *er (proh-
profligate n. a profligate person, prof gram-er) n. a person who prepares in-
li*gate*ly adv. prof -li-ga-cy (prof-lt- structions for a computer.
ga-see) n. pro* gram *ming (proh-gram-ing) n. 1 de- .

pro for* ma (proh for-m£) as a matter of veloping a program for a computer. 2.

form. indoctrinating people to respond auto-
pro 'found (prd-fownd) adj. 1. deep, in- matically in learned behavior patterns.
tense, takes a profound interest in it. 2. prog-ress (prog-res) n. 1. forward or on-
having or showing great knowledge of ward movement. 2. an advance or devel-
or insight into a subject. 3. thorough. opment, especially to a better state.
4. complete, total. pro*found'ly adv. progress (prd-gres) v. 1. to move for-
pro*fun*di*ty (prd-fun-di-tee) n. ward or onward. 2. to advance or de-
pro* fuse (prd-fyoos) adj. 1. lavish, ex- velop, especially to a better state.
travagant, profuse gratitude. 2. plentiful, Din progress, taking place, in the
a profuse variety. pro*fuse'ly adv. pro* course of occurring.
fuse'ness n. pro*gres*sion (pr5-gresh-on) n. 1. a
pro*fu*sion (prd-fyoo-z/i6n) n. abun- mode of progressing. 2. a succession or
dance, a plentiful supply, a profusion of series. 3. passing from one musical note
roses. or chord to another.
pro* gen *i* tor (proh-jen-i-tdr) n, an an- pro*gres*sive (pro-gres-iv) adj. 1. mak-
cestor. ing continuous forward movement. 2.
prog*e*ny (proj-e-nee) n. offspring, de- proceeding steadily or in regular degrees,
scendants. a progressive improvement. 3. (of a card
pro*ges*ter*one (prd-jes-te-rohn) n. a game or dance etc.) with a periodic
hormone that prevents ovulation. change of partners. 4. (of a disease) grad-
prog-na-thous (prog-na-thus) adj. with ually increasing in its effect. 5. advancing
projecting jaws. in social conditions or efficiency etc., a
prog* no* sis (prog-noh-sis) n. {pi -ses, progressive nation or firm. 6. favoring
pr. -seez) an advance indication, a fore- progress or reform, a progressive party
cast of the course of a disease. or policy, progressive n. 1. a person
prog* nos* tic (prog-nos-tik) n. 1. an ad- who favors a progressive policy. 2. a
vance indication or omen. 2. a forecast. progressive tense. pro*gres'sive*ly
prognostic adj. adv. pro»gres'sive*ness n. pro-
prog* nos *ti*cate (prog-nos-ti-kayt) v. gressive Jazz, a type of jazz combining
(prog • nos *ti* cat *ed, prog*nos*ti* jazz and classical elements, pro-
cat-lng) to forecast, prog*nos'ti*ca* gressive tense, any of various verb
tor n. prog* nos *ti*ca*tion (prog- tenses expressing action in progress, as
nos-ti-kay-shon) n. in / am writing I was writing, etc.

prohibit / promise 716

pro -nib -it (proh-hib-it) v. (pro* nib* n. (pL -na, pr. -na) preliminary matter
it*ed, pro*hib*it*ing) to forbid. in a book, the introduction.
pro'hi'bi'tion (proh-i-bish-on) n. 1. for- pro-le-tar-i-an (proh-le-tair-i-an) adj. of
bidding, being forbidden. 2. an edict or the proletariat, proletarian n. a member
order that forbids. 3. Prohibition, a pe- of the proletariat.
riod from 1920-1933 when the manufac- pro -le* tar* hat (proh-le-tair-i-at) n. the
ture and sale of alcoholic drinks were working class (contrasted with tie bour-
forbidden by law in the U.S. pro* hi geoisie).
bi'tion-ist n. pro-lif*er*ate (proh-lif-e-rayt) v. (pro*
pro-hib'i'tive (proh-hib-i-tiv) adj. pre- lif-er-at*ed, pro-lif-er-at-ing) to
venting or intended to prevent the use produce new growth or offspring rapidly,
or abuse or purchase of something, pro- to multiply, pro* If -er-a-tion (proh- I

hibitive taxes. pro*hib1*tive*ly adv. lif-e-ray-shdn) n,

pro*hib*i*to*ry (proh-hib-i-tohr-ee) pro*lif*iC (proh-lif-ik) adj. producing
adj. much fruit or many
flowers or offspring;
pro • in • dus • try ( proh-in-du-stree) adj. fa- a prolific writer, one who writes many
voring the interests of industry rather works. pro*lrf'i*cal*ly adv.
than those of government etc. pro*lix (proh-liks) adj. lengthy, tediously
pro*in*te*gra*tion (proh-in-te-gray- wordy.
shon) adj. favoring racial integration in pro- log ue, pro* log (proh-lawg) n. 1. an
schools, housing, etc. introduction to a poem or play etc. 2.
pro • ject ( pro-jekt) v. 1 to extend outward
. an act or event serving as an introduction
from a surface, a projecting balcony. 2. to something.
to cast or throw outward. 3. to cause pro *long (prd-lawng) v. to lengthen (a
(a picture or shadow) to fall on a surface. thing) in extent or duration, pro* Ion*
4. to imagine (a thing or oneself) in an- ga-tion (proh-iawng-gay-shdn) n.
other situation or another person's feel- pro 'longed (prd-lawngd) adj. continuing
ings or a future time. 5. to plan (a scheme for a long time.
or course of action). 6. to represent (a prom (prom) n, (informal) a dance, usually
solid thing) systematically on a plane sur- formal, given at a school or college.
face, as maps of Earth are made, project prom-e-nade (prom-e-nayd, -nahd) n. 1.
( proj-ekt) n. 1 a plan or scheme or un-
. a leisurely walk in a public place. 2. a
dertaking. 2. a task set as an educational paved public walk (especially along a sea
exercise, requiring students to do their front), an esplanade, promenade v.
own research and present the results. (prom-e-nad-ed, prom-e-nad-ing)
pro *jec* tile ( prd-jek-til) n. a missile (as to go or take for a promenade, to parade.
a bullet or arrow or rocket) that can be promenade deck, an upper deck on
projected forcefully. a passenger ship, where passengers may
pro*jec*tion ( prd-jek-shdn) n. 1. project- promenade.'
ing, being projected. 2. something that pro • me
• thi • um
( prd-mee-thi-um) n. a ra-
projects from a surface. 3. a thing that dioactive metallic element.
is projected. 4. a representation of the pro • mil -i- tar -y ( proh-mil-i-ter-ee) adj.
surface of Earth on a plane surface. 5. favoring policies promoted by the mili-
an estimate of future situations or trends tary.
etc. based on a study of present ones. pronvi-nence ( prom-i-nens) n. 1. the
projection booth, a room in a movie state of being prominent, a prominent
theater where the motion picture pro- thing. 2. a cloud of incandescent gas jut-
jectors and spotlights are kept. ting out from the sun.
pro*jec*tion*ist ( prd-jek-shd-nist) n. a prom-i-nent (prom-I-nent) adj. 1. jutting
person whose job is to operate a pro- out, projecting. 2. conspicuous. 3. im-
jector. portant, well-known, prominent citizens.
pro«jeC'tor (prd-jek-tdr) n. an apparatus prom'l*nent*ly adv.
for projecting photographs or a motion pro-mls-cu-ous ( pro-mis-kyoo-us) adj.
picture etc. onto a screen. 1 indiscriminate. 2. having sexual rela-

pro-la-bor ( proh-Uy-bor) adj. favoring tions with many people. prO'inls'CU'

the interests of labor over those of busi- ous-ly adv. pro-mis'cu-ous-ness n.
ness. pronvis*cU'i'ty ( prom-is-kyoo-i-tee)
pro* lapse (proh-laps) v. (pro -lapsed, n.
pro laps -Ing) (of an organ of the body)
• prom • ise ( prom-is) n. 1 . a declaration that
to slip forward or down out of its place. one will give or do or not do a certain
prolapse (proh-laps) n. the prolapsing thing. indication of something that
of an organ of the body. may be expected to come or occur. 3.
pro • le • gom • e • non an indication of future success or good
( proh-le-gom-e-non)
717 promising / prop

work shows promise, promise

results, his pronged (prongd) adj. having a certain
v. (promised, pronvis-ing) 1. to number or kind of prongs, two-pronged;
make a promise to, to declare that one a three-pronged attach in three areas.
will give or do or not do something. 2. prong* horn (prong-horn) n. a deerlike an-
to make (a thing) seem likely; it promises imal of western North America resem-
well, seems likely to give good results. bling an antelope.
Promised Land, Canaan, which was pro* noun (proh-nown) n. a Word used as
promised by God to Abraham and his a substitute for a noun; demonstrative
descendants; any place of expected hap- pronouns, this, that, these, those; inter-
piness. rogative pronouns, who? what? which?
prom*is*ing (prom-i-sing) adj. likely to etc.; personal pronouns, I, me, we, us,
turn out well or produce good results. thou, thee, you, ye, he, him, she, her,
prom'is*ing*ly adv. it, they, them; possessive pronouns, mine,

prom*ls*so*ry (prom-i-sohr-ee) adj. con- yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs; reflexive
veying a promise. promissory note, pronouns, myself, oneself, etc.; relative
a signed promise to pay a sum of money. pronouns, who, what, which, that, pro*
pro*mon*ar*chist (proh-mon-ar-kist) nom*i*nal (proh-nom-i-nal) adj.
adj. favoring a monarch or monarchy. pro-nounce (pro-nowns) v. (pro*
prom*on*to*ry (prom-dn-tohr-ee) n. nounced, pro*nounc*ing) 1. to utter
high land jutting out into the sea or a (a sound) distinctly or correctly or in a
lake. certain way, can't pronounce the letter
pro* mote (pr5-moht) v. (pro* mot *ed, r. 2. to declare formally, I now pronounce

pro*mot*ing) to raise (a person) to

1. you man and wife. 3. to declare as one's
a higher rank or office. 2. to initiate or opinion, the wine was pronounced excel-
help the progress of, promote friend- lent. pro*nounce'a*ble adj.
ship between nations. 3. to publicize (a pro* nounced pro-no wnst) adj. definite,
product) in order to sell it. noticeable, walks with a pronounced limp.
pro*mot*er (pfo-moh-ter) n. a person pro*nounce*ment (pr6-nowns-ment) n.
who publicizes a product or event. a declaration.
pro*mo*tion (prd-moh-shdn) n. 1. pro- pron* to (pron-toh) adv. (slang) immedi-
moting, being pronftKed. 2. the publicity ately.
and advertising for a product, pro* pro • nun • ci • a • men • to ( proh-nun-si-a-
mo'tion -al adj. men-toh) n. {pi. -tos) a proclamation,
prompt (prompt) or done or
adj. 1 . made manifesto, or pronouncement.
doing something without delay. 2. punc- pro • nun • ci • a • tion ( prd-nun-si-ay-shdn)
tual, prompt adv. punctually, prompt n. 1 the way a word is pronounced. 2.

v. 1 . to incite or stimulate (a person) to the way a person pronounces words.

action. 2. to cause (a feeling or thought proof (proof) n. 1. a fact or thing that
or action). 3. to assist by supplying (an shows or helps to show that something
actor or speaker) with words that should is true or exists. 2. a demonstration of
or could come next, promptly adv. the truth of something, in proof of my
promptness n. statement. 3. the process of testing
prompt* book (prompt-buuk) n. a copy whether something is true or good or
of a play for a prompter's use. valid, put it to the proof. 4. a standard
prompt *er (promp-ter) n. a person of strength for distilled alcoholic liquors,
(placed out of sight of the audience) who 86 proof 5. an impression of printed mat-
prompts actors on the stage. ter, produced so that corrections can be
prom *ul* gate (prom-ul-gayt) v. (pro* made. 6. a trial print of a photograph.
mul* gat *ed, pro*mul*gat*ing) to proof adj. able to resist or withstand
make known to the public, to proclaim. penetration or damage, bulletproof; proof
prom'ul*ga*tor n. prom*ul*ga*tion against the severest weather.
(prom-iil-gay-shdn) n. proof* read (proof-reed) v. (proof*
pron. abbr. 1 . pronoun. 2. pronounced. 3. read, pr. -red,proof* readying, pr.
pronunciation. -reed-) to read and correct proofs,
pro • na • tion • al • ist ( proh-nash-6- na-list) proofreader proofread -ing n.
adj. favoring a nationalistic government prop 1 (prop) a support used to keep
n. 1.
or group. something from falling or sagging. 2. a
prone (prohn) adj. 1 lying face downward
. person or thing depended on for support
(contrasted with supine). 2. likely to do or help, prop v. (propped, prop -ping)
or suffer something, prone to jealousy. to support with or as if with a prop, to
prone'ness n. keep from falling or failing, prop it up.
prong (prong) n. one- of the projecting prop2 n. (informal) a stage property.
pointed parts of a fork. prop3 n. (informal) a propeller.
prop. / proportional 718
prop. abbr. 1 property. 2. proposition. 3.
. sled, proph-e-sy -ing) to declare be-
proprietary. 4. proprietor. forehand (what will happen), to fore-
prop-a-gan-da (prop-a-gan-da) n. pub- tell things as if by divine inspiration.
intended to spread ideas or infor-
licity proph'e*si*er n. t>Do not confuse
mation that will persuade or convince prophesy with prophecy.
people. prop-a-gan'dist n. proph *et (prof-it) n. 1 a person who fore-

prop-a-gan-dize (prop-a-gan-diz) v. tells the future. 2. a divinely inspired

(prop-a-gan-dized, propagan- teacher, revealer, or interpreter of God's
dizing) 1. to spread propaganda, to will. 3. Prophets, twelve prophetical writ-
spread (ideas) in this way. 2. to subject ers whose writings form a group of books
to propaganda. of the Old Testament, proph -et- ess
prop -a -gate (prop-a-gayt) v. (prop* (prof-i-tis) n. fern. Dthe Prophet, Mu-
a • gat • ed prop • a • gat • Ing) 1 to breed
. hammad.
jor reproduce from parent stock, propa- pro-phet-ic (pro-fet-ik) adj. prophesying
gate these plants from seeds or cuttings. the future, pro-phet'i*cal adj. pro*
2. to spread (news or ideas etc.). 3. to phet'i*cal*ly adv.
transmit, the vibrations are propagated pro phy lac tic ( proh-fi-lak-tik) adj.
• • •

through the rock, prop'a-ga-tor n. tending to prevent a disease or misfor-

prop-a-ga-tion (prop-a-gay-shdn) n. tune, prophylactic measures were taken
pro* pane (proh-payn) n. a hydrocarbon against the spread of cholera, prophy-
gas used as a fuel. lactic n. a prophylactic substance or pro-
pro* pel (pro-pel) v. (pro* pelted, pro* cedure. pro*phy*lac'ti*cal*ly adv.
pel* ling) to drive or push forward, to pro* phy lax* is (proh-fi-lak-sis) n. pre-
give an onward movement to. ventive treatment against a disease etc.
pro • pel * pro pel • lent
lant, •
( pro-pel-ant) pro -pin- qui *ty (proh-ping-kwi-tee) n.
n. a propelling agent, such as an explo- nearness.
sive that propels a bullet from a firearm, pro-pi-ti-ate (pro-pish-i-ayt) v. (pro*
fuel that provides thrust for a rocket, pi-ti-at-ed, pro* pi* that* ing) to win
compressed gas that forces out the con- the favor or forgiveness of, to placate.
tents of an aerosol container. pro*pl*ti*a*to*ry (prd-pish-i-a-tohr-
pro*pel*ler (pr&-pel-er) n. a revolving de- ee) adj. pro-pi-ti-a-tion (prd-pish-i-
vice with blades for propelling a ship or ay-shon) n.
aircraft to which it is fitted. pro-pi-tious (pro-pish- us) adj. favorable,
pro*pen*si*ty (pro-pen-si-tee) n. {pi giving a good omen or a suitable oppor-
-ties) a tendency or inclination, a pro- tunity, pro-pi'tious-ly adv.
pensity to laziness. prop* jet (prop- jet) n. 1. a turboprop en-
propter (prop-er) adj. 1. suitable, appro- gine. 2. an airplane propelled by a turbo-
priate, not a proper time for singing. 2. prop engine.
correct, according to rules, the proper prop* man (prop-man) n. {pi -men, pr.
way to hold the bat. 3. according to social -men) a person responsible for theatrical
conventions, respectable. 4. strictly so stage properties.
called, we drove from the suburbs to the pro-po-nent ( prd-poh-nent) n. a person
city proper, prop'er *ly adv. prop'er- who puts forward a motion, theory, or
ness n. proper fraction, one that proposal.
is less than 1, with the numerator less pro*por*tion (prd-pohr-shdn) n. 1 a frac- .

than the denominator, as y*. proper tion or share of a whole. 2. a ratio, the
name or noun, the name of an individ- proportion of skilled workers to unskilled
ual person or thing, as Jane, Seattle. 3. the correct relation in size or amount
prop-er 'tied (prop-er-teed) adj. having or degree between one thing and another
property. or between parts of a thing. 4. propor-
prop-er-ty ( prop-er- tee) n. {pi -tie*) 1. tions, size, dimensions, a ship of majestic
a thing or things owned. 2. real estate, proportions, proportion v. (pro -por-
someone's land, their property borders on tioned, pro-por-tlon-lng) to make
ours. 3. a. movable object (such as furni- proportionate.
ture) used on stage during a performance pro-por-tion-al (prd-pohr-shd-nal) adj.
of a play etc. 4. a quality or characteris- in correct proportion, corresponding in
tic, it has the property of dissolving grease. size or amount or degree. pro*por'
proph*e*cy (prof-e-see) n. {pi -ctes) 1. tion-al-ly adv. pro-por-tlon-al-l-
the power of prophesying, the gift of ty (pro-pohr-shd-nal-i-tee) n. propor-D
prophecy. 2. a statement that tells what tional representation, an electoral sys-
willhappen. t> Do not confuse prophecy tem in which each party has a number
with prophesy. of seats in proportion to the number of
proph -e -ay (prof-e-si) v. (proph *e* votes for its candidates.

proportionate / prospectus

pro *por* tion* ate (prd-pohr-shd-nit) adj. pro-rogu-lng) to discontinue meetings

in proportion, corresponding, the cost is of (the British Parliament or a similar
proportionate to the quality. pro*por' body) without dissolving it. pro to*
tion* ate *ly adv. ga-tion (proh-rd-gay-sh6n) n.
pro* portioned (prd-pohr-shdnd) adj. pros see pro.
having certain proportions, a well-pro- pro*sa*iC (proh-zay-ik) adj. lacking po-
portioned room. etic beauty or fantasy, unimaginative,
pro*pos*al (pro-poh-zal) ru 1 the propos-
. plain and ordinary. pro*sa'i*cal*ly
ing of something. 2. the thing proposed. adv.
3. a request that a person should agree pro*sce*ni*um (proh-see-ni-um) n. (pi.
to be married to the person asking. -ni*ums, -ni*a, the part of a
pr. -ni-a)
pro* pose (prd-pohz) v. (pro* posed, theater stage in front of the curtain, with
pro* posting) 1 to put forward for con-
. its enclosing arch.
sideration; propose a toast, ask people for- pro*sciut*to (proh-shoo-toh) n. Italian
mally to drink a toast. 2. to have and spiced ham.
declare as one's plan or intention, we pro- pro* scribe (proh-skrib) v. (pro*
pose to wait. 3. to nominate as a candi- scribed, pro-scrib-ing) 1. to forbid
date. 4. to make a proposal of marriage. by law. 2. to reject (a practice etc.) as
pro-pos'er n. dangerous. pro* scrip* tion (proh-
prop *o*si*t ion (prop-5-zish-dn) n. 1. a skrip-shon) n.
statement, an assertion. 2. a proposal, prose (prohz) n. written or spoken lan-
a scheme proposed, a majority voted for guage not in verse form.
Proposition 2. 3. (informal) a problem pros- e -cute (pros-e-kyoot) v. (pros*
or undertaking, something to be dealt e*cut*ed, pros *e -cut *ing) 1. to take
with, not a paying proposition. 4. a formal legal proceedings against (a person etc.)
statement of a mathematical theorem or for a crime. 2. to carry on or conduct,
problem, often including the demon- prosecuting their business. pros'e*cu*
stration, proposition v. (informal) to tor n. t>Do not confuse prosecute with
put a proposal to (a person). prop*0* persecute.
si'tion-al adj. pros *e*CU* tion (pros-S-kyoo-shon) n. 1.
pro* pound (prd-pownd) v. to put forward prosecuting, being prosecuted. 2. the
for consideration. pro*pound'er n. party prosecuting another for a crime.
pro*pri*e*tar*y (prS-pri-e-ter-ee) adj. 1. pros*e*lyte (pros-e-lit) n. a convert to
manufactured and sold by one particular a religion or opinion etc. proselyte v.
firm, usually under a patent, proprietary (pros*e*lyt*ed, pros*e*lyt*ing) to
medicines. 2. of an owner or ownership. proselytize.
pro*pri*e*tor (prd-pn-e-t6r) n. the pros*e*lyt*ize (pros-e-li-tiz) v. (pros*
owner of a business. pro*prl'e*tor* e*ly*tized, pros*e*lytiz*ing) to try
ship n. pro *pri'e* tress n. fem. pro* to convert people to one's beliefs or opin-
pri*e*tor*l*al (prd-pn-e-tohr-i-al) adj. ions, pros* e*lyt* ism (pros-e-li-tiz-em)
pro*pri*e*ty (pr6-pri-e-tee) n. (pi. -ties) n.
1 being proper or suitable. 2. correctness pro* Slav *er*y (proh-slay-ve-ree) adj. fa-
of behavior or morals; the proprieties, the voring the institution of slavery.
requirements of correct behavior in soci- pros*0*dy (pros-e-dee) n. the study of
ety. verse forms and poetic meters.
pro* pulsion (prd-pul-shdn) n. 1. the pros*pect (pros-pekt) n. 1. an extensive
process of propelling or being propelled. view of a landscape etc., a mental view
2. a propelling force, the 747 uses jet pro- of matters. 2. an expectation, a possibil-
pulsion. ity, prospects of success. 3. a chance of
pro ra*ta (proh ray-ta, rah-ta) propor- success or advancement, a job with pros-
tional, proportionally, if costs increase, pects. 4. a possible customer or client
there will be a pro rata increase in prices etc., a possible or likely candidate, pros-
or prices will increase pro rata. >Latin, pect v. to explore in search of some-
= according to the rate. thing, prospecting for gold. pros'pect*
pro* rate (proh-rayt) v. (pro*rat*ed, or n.
pro*rat*ing) to allocate or distribute pro* spec *tive (pr6-spek-tiv) adj. ex-
pro rata. pected to be or to occur, future, possible,
pro* re* form (proh-ri-form) adj. favoring prospective customers. pro*spec'tive*
reform of a government etc. ly adv.
pro • rev • o • lu • tion • ar • y ( proh-rev-6- pro spec -tus (pro-spek-tus) n. (pi -tus*

loo-sh6-ner-ee) adj. favoring a change of es) a printed document describing and

government, especially by force. advertising the chief features of an invest-
pro* rogue (proh-rohg) v. (prorogued, ment or business enterprise.
prosper / protozoan 720
pros* per (pros- per) v. to be successful, n. the policy of protecting domestic in-
to thrive. dustries by taxing imports in order to
pros*per*l*ty (pro-sper-i-tee) n. being discourage foreign competition, pro*
prosperous. tec'tiorvist adj. n. &
pros* per *ous (pros-pe-rus) adj. finan- projective ( prd-tek-tiv) adj. protecting,
cially successful, pros' per *ous*ly adv. giving protection. pro*tec'trve*ly adv.
pros-tate (pros-tayt) n. (also prostate pro*tec'tive*ness n.
gland) a gland around the neck of the pro* tec* tor* ate ( pro-tek-to-rit) n. a
bladder in males, pros- tat ic ( pro-stat-

weak or underdeveloped country that is
ik) adj. under the official protection and partial
pros -ta«ti *tis (pros-ti-ti-tis) n. inflam- control of a stronger one.
mation of the prostate gland. pro*te*ge (proh-te-z/ray) n. someone who
pros* the* sis (pros-thee-tus) n. (pL -see, is being helped by a person taking an
pr. -seez) 1 the addition of a letter or
interest in his welfare or career.
syllable at the beginning of a word, as pro*te*gee (profc-t£-zfoy) n. a female
be- in beloved. 2. an artificial limb, tooth, protege.
or other part of the body. 3. the making prO'tein (proh-teen) n. an organic com-
up of deficiencies by supplying such de- pound containing nitrogen, occurring in
vices.pros*thet*lc ( pros-thet-ik) adj. plantand animal tissue and forming an
pros*thet'i*cal*ly adv. essential part of the food of animals.
pros-thet-lcs (pros-thet-iks) n. the
pro* test (proh-test) n. a statement or ac-
branch of medicine concerned with the tion showing one's disapproval of some-
replacement of parts of the body with
thing, protest (pro-test) v. 1 to express .

artificial devices.
one's disapproval of something. 2. to de-
pros*tl*tute ( pros-ti-toot) n. a person
clare firmly or solemnly, protesting their
who engages in promiscuous sexual in- innocence, pro • test 'er, pro* test 'or n.
tercourse for payment, prostitute v.
under protest, unwillingly and after
(pros *ti- tut *ed, pros *tl* tut *lng) 1.
making protests.
to make a prostitute of, prostitute oneself.
Prot*es*tant (protectant) n. a member
2. to put to an unworthy use, prostituting
of any of the Christian bodies that sepa-
their artistic abilities, pros *tl* til *tk>n
rated from the Catholic Church in the
(pros-ti-too-shdn) n.
Reformation, or of their later branches.
pros-trate (pros-trayt) adj. 1. face down-
Prot'es -tent-Ism n.
ward. 2. lying horizontally. 3. overcome,
prot -es-ta- Won (prot-£-stay-shdn, proh-
exhausted, prostrate with grief, pros-
te-) n. a firm declaration, protestations
trate v. (pros-trat-ed, pros* tret*
lng) to cause to be prostrate; prostrate of loyalty.
oneself, to cast oneself face downward
pro *tha* la *ml -on ( proh-thi-lay-mi-on),
on the ground in humility or adoration. pro*tha*le*nii*um (proh-tM-lay-mi-
pros*tra-tion ( pro-stray -sh&n) n. Qm) n. {pi -ml* a, pr. -mi-i) a song to
pro-suf -frage ( proh-suf-nj) adj. favoring celebrate a forthcoming wedding.
voting rights for all citizens. pro* to* col (proh-t5-kawl) n. 1. etiquette
prosy (proh-zee) adj. (pros*i-er, pros* with regard to people's rank or status.
i*est) prosaic, dull. 2. the first or original draft of an agree-

Prot abbr. Protestant. ment (especially between nations), signed

pro*tac*tln*l*um (proh-tak-tin-i-um) n. by those making it, in preparation for
a radioactive metallic element. a treaty.
pro • tag • O • nist ( pro- tag-o- nist ) n. 1 one .
pro* ton (proh-ton) n. a particle of matter

of the chief contenders in a contest. 2. with a positive electric charge.

an advocate or champion of a cause etc. pro* to* plasm (proh-t6-plaz-em) n. a col-
3. the leading character in a literary orless jellylike substance that is the main
work. constituent of all animal and vegetable
pro-te-an (proh-tee-an) adj. 1. taking cells and tissues. pro*to*plas-mlc
many forms. 2. variable, versatile. (proh-td-plaz-mik)*to*plas'
pro*tect (pro-tekt) v. to keep from harm mal adj. pro to plas • mat • ic ( proh-to-
• •

or injury, pro* tec 'tor n. pro 'tec 7 plaz-mat-ik) adj.

tress n. fern. pro* to* type (proh-td-tip) n. a first or
pro tec *t Ion (prd-tek-shon)
• n. 1. protect- original example of something from
ing, being protected. 2. a person or thing which others have been or will be devel-
that protects. 3. (informal) bribe money oped, a trial model (as of an aircraft).
paid to keep oneself or one's property pro*tO*ZO*a (proh-td-zoh-i) n. the bio-
from being harmed or damaged. logical class made up of protozoans.
pro-tec-tlon-lsm (prd-tek-sho-niz-em) pro*tO*ZO*an ( proh-to-zoh-an) n. any of
721 protozoology / proviso

a group of one-celled usually microscopic erbs, a book of the Old Testament, con-
taining proverbs ascribed to Solomon
pro-to-zo-ol-o-gy (proh-td-zoh-ol-d- and others.
jee) n. the branch of zoology that deals pro-ver-bi-al (prd-vur-bi-al) adj. 1. of or
with protozoa. like a proverb, mentioned in a proverb.
pro 'tract (proh-trakt) v. to prolong in du- 2. well-known, notorious, his meanness
ration, pro-trac-tion (proh-trak-shdn) is proverbial. pro-ver'bl-al-ly adv.
n. pro *vide (prd-vid) v. (pro-vid-ed, pro-
pro-trac-tor (proh-trak-tdr) n. an instru- viding) 1. to cause (a person) to have
ment for measuring angles, usually a possession or use of something, to sup-
semicircle marked off in degrees. ply. 2. to give or supply the necessities
pro 'trade (proh-trood) v. (pro 'trad* of life, has to provide for his family. 3.
ed, pro- trad -ing) to project from a to make suitable preparation for some-
DTO'trU'Sion (proh-troo-z/ion)
surface. thing, try to provide against emergencies. 'try si ve (proh-troo-siv) adj. 4. to stipulate (that), the law provides that
pro-tu-ber-ance (proh-too-be-rans) n. a controls will be imposed. pro*vid'er n.
bulging part. pro-vid-ed (pro-vi-<lid) conj. on the con-
pro-tu-ber-ant (proh-troo-bfc-rant) adj. dition, we will come provided that our
bulging outward from a surface. expenses are paid.
proud (prowd) adj. 1. feeling or showing provi-dence (prov-i-dens) n. 1. being
justifiable pride. 2. marked by such feel- provident. 2. God's or nature's care and
ing, a proud day for us. 3. full of self- protection.
respect and independence, too proud to Prov-i-dence (prov-i-dens) n. 1. God. 2.
ask for help. 4. having an unduly high the capital of Rhode Island.
opinion of one's own qualities or merits. prov- i- dent (prov-i-dent) adj. showing
proud adv. (informal) proudly; they did wise forethought for future needs or
us proud, treated us lavishly or with great events, thrifty, prov'hdent-ly adv.
honor; our children did us proud, made prov -den -tial
i (prov-i-den-shal) adj.
us feel proud, proud'ly adv. happening very luckily, prov I 'den'
prO'UrHon (proh-yoon-ydn) adj. favoring tial-ly adv.
the interests of labor unions over those pro-vid-ing (prd-vi-ding) conj. provided.
of industry. province (prov-ins) n. 1 one of the prin-

prov. abbr. province. 2. provincial. 3.

1. cipal administrative divisions in certain
provisional. 4. provost. countries. 2. a district consisting of a
Prov. abbr. 1 Provencal. 2. Proverbs (Old
. group of adjacent dioceses, under the
Testament). 3. Province. charge of an archbishop. 3. a range of
prov* a *ble (proo-va-bel) adj. able to be learning or knowledge or responsibility
proved. or concern, estimates of expenditure are
prove (proov) v. (proved, proved or the treasurer's province. Uthe prov-
proven, proving) 1. to give or be inces, the whole of a country outside
proof to establish the validity of
of. 2. itscapital city or metropolitan areas.
(a will). 3. to be found to be, it proved pro-vin-cial (prd-vin-shal) adj. 1. of a
to be a good thing. 4. to test or try out. province or provinces, provincial govern-
prove oneself, to show that one has ment. 2. having only limited interests and
the required character or abilities, prov- narrow-minded views, provincial atti-
ing ground, a place or context for trying tudes, provincial n. a native or inhabi-
something out. >The past participle tant of a province or of the provinces,
proved is preferred by careful writers. pro-vin'cial-ism n.
They have proved their assertion not have pro- vi-sion (prd-viz/*-6n) n. 1 providing,

proven. preparation of resources etc. for future

prov* en (proo-ven) adj. proved, a person needs, made provision for their old age.
of proven ability. 2. a statement or clause in a treaty or
prove* nance (prov-e-nans) n. (of a work contract etc. stipulating something, un-
of art etc.) a place of origin. der the provisions of his will. 3. provisions,
Pro-ven-cal (proh-ven-sahl) adj. of Pro- a supply of food and drink, provision
vence, a region of southern France. v. to supply with provisions of food etc.

proven-der (prov-en<ler) n. 1. fodder. pro-vi-sion-al (pro-viz/i-6-nal) adj. ar-

2. (humorous) food. ranged or agreed upon temporarily but
pro-ve-ni-ence (pro-veen-yens) n. possibly to be altered later. pro*vi'
provenance. sion-al-ly adv.
proverb (prov-erb) n. 1. a short well- pro-vi-so (prd-vi-zoh) n. (pi. -sos)
known saying stating a general truth, as something that is insisted upon as a con-
many hands make light work. 2. Prov- dition of an agreement.
provocation / pseudoscientific 722
prov*o*ca*tion (prov-d-kay-shdn) n. 1. pru • den • tial ( proo-den-shal) adj. showing
provoking, being provoked. 2. something or involving prudence.
that provokes anger or retaliation. prud*ish (proo-dish) adj. like a prude,
pro*voc*a*tive (prd-vok-a-tiv) adj. 1. showing prudery. prud'isrHy adv.
arousing or likely to arouse anger or in- prud'ish*ness n.
terest or sexual desire. 2. deliberately an- prune 1 (proon) n. a dried plum.
noying. pro*voc'a*tive*ly adv. prune2 v. (pruned, prun-ing) 1. to trim
prcvoke (pro-vohk) v. (prcvoked, by cutting away dead or overgrown
pro*vok'ing) 1. to make angry. 2. to branches on shoots. 2. to shorten and
rouse or incite (a person) to action. 3. improve (a speech or book etc.) by re-
to produce as a reaction or effect, the moving unnecessary parts. 3. to reduce,
joke provoked laughter. casts must be pruned
pro*vok*ing ( pro-voh-kihg) adj. annoy- pru*ri*ent (proor-i-ent) adj. having or
ing. pro*vok'ing*ly adv. arising from lewd thoughts, pro 'lic-
pro*vo*lo*ne (proh-vd-loh-nee) n. a mel- ence n.

low Itahan cheese made from heated and pru*li*tus (pruu-n-tis) n. itching.
kneaded curd, smoked after drying. Prus sian ( prush-an) adj. of Prussia, a for-

prcvost (proh-vohst) n. 1. an official in mer country of north Europe. Prus-

charge. 2. the head or a high administra-
sian blue, a deep blue color.
tive officer of certain colleges and prepar-
pros* sic (prus-ik) add hydrocyanic acid.
pry 1 (pn) v. (pried, prying) to inquire
atory schools. 3. the head of the chapter
or investigate or peer impertinently (and
in certain cathedrals. provost mar-
often furtively).
shal, the head of military police in an
pry 2 v. (pried, prying) 1. to force out
army command; the naval officer in
or open by leverage, to prize3 2. to get .

charge of prisoners in a court-martial.

with difficulty, / had to pry the truth out
prow (prow) n. the projecting front part
of a ship or boat.
of him.
Ps., Psa. abbr. Psalm(s).
pro* war (proh-wor) adj. in favor of wag-
P.S. abbr. 1. postscript. 2. public school.
ing or continuing to wage war.
psalm (sahm) n. 1. a sacred song, espe-
prow* ess (prow-is) n. great ability or dar- cially one of those in the Book of Psalms
in the Old Testament. 2. Psalms, a book
prowl (prowl) v. 1. to go about stealthily
of the Old Testament consisting of
in search of prey or plunder. 2. to pace
psalms, popularly known as "Psalms of
or wander restlessly, prowl n. prowling, David."
on the prowl prowl 'er n. prowl car, psalm* 1st (sah-mist) n. a writer of psalms.
(informal) a police patrol car. psal*mo*dy (sah-md-dee) n. {pi -dies)
prox*i*mal (prok-sl-mal) adj. (in anat- 1 the practice or art of singing psalms,

omy) toward the center of the body or hymns, anthems, etc., especially in public
toward the point of attachment, a proxi- worship. 2. an arrangement of psalms
mal bone. for singing.
prox*i*mate (prok-sl-mit) adj. nearest, psal'ter (sawl-ter) n. a copy of the Book
next before or after, the proximate cause of Psalms.
of war. pseud, abbr. pseudonym.
prox*im*i*ty (prok-sim-i-tee) n. 1. near- pseu'do (soo-doh) adj. false, insincere.
ness. 2. neighborhood, proximity
in the pseudo- prefix false, as in pseudonym.
of the station. proximity fuse, a radio pseu*do*a*ri8*to*crat*ic (soo-doh-a-
device causing a projectile to explode ris-td-krat-ik) adj. having aristocratic
when near a target. pretensions.
prox*y (prok-see) n. {pi prox-ies) 1. a pseu*do*ar*tis*tic (soo-doh-ahr-tis-tik)
person authorized to represent or act for adj. pretending to be artistic.
another, the use of such a person, voted pseu*do*bi*o*graph*l*cal (soo-doh-bi-
by proxy. 2. a document authorizing this. 6-graf-i-kal) adj. falsely biographical,
proxy vote, a vote made by one per- pretending to be factual about someone's
son on behalf of another. life.
prs. abbr. pairs. pseu*do*ln*tel*lec*tu*al (soo-doh-in-
prude (prood) a person of extreme or
n. tfc-lek-choo-il) adj. having intellectual
exaggerated propriety concerning behav- pretensions.
ior or speech, one who is easily shocked pseu*do*nym (soo-d6-nim) n. a false
by sexual matters. prud / er*y n. name used by an author. pseu*don*
pro* dent (proo-dent) adj. showing care- ymous (soo-don-T-mus) adj.
fulness and foresight, avoiding rashness. pseu*do*sd*en*tlf*lc (soo-doh-si-en-
pru'dent*ly adv. pru'dence n. tif-ik) adj. pretending to be scientific,
723 psf / ptarmigan

falsely represented as being scientific. psy cho -an -a -ly st (si-koh-an-a-list) n.

psf abbr. pounds per square foot. an expert in psychoanalysis.
pshaw (shaw) inter), an expression of con- psycho*an*a*lyze (si-koh-an-a-hz) v.
tempt or impatience. (psycho*an*a*lyzed, psy cho* an*
psi (si) ft. (pi. psis, pr. siz) the twenty- 1 . a*lyz*ing) to treat (a person) by psy-
third letter of the Greek alphabet (* ij>). choanalysis.
2. parapsychological factors or faculties psy*ChO*dra*ma (si-koh-drah-ma) n. a
collectively. method of group psychotherapy in which
psi abbr. pounds per square inch. participants improvise dramatizations of
psit-ta-co-sis (sit-5-koh-sis) n. parrot fe- emotionally significant situations.
ver, a contagious disease of birds that psy Cho* gen *ic (si-koh-jen-ik) adj. orig-

can be transmitted to human beings as inating in the mind.

a form of pneumonia. psycho*log*i*cal (si-kd-loj-i-kal) adj.

pso*ri*a*sis (sd-n-a-sis) ru a skin disease 1 of or affecting the mind and its work-

causing red scaly patches. ings. 2. of psychology, psy cho* log '!•
psst (pst) interj. an exclamation to attract cal*ly adv. Dat the psychological
someone's attention furtively. moment, (informal) at the most appro-
PST abbr. Pacific Standard Time.
priate moment, psychological war-
work out the fare, actions or propaganda etc. de-
psych (sik) v. (slang) 1. to
signed to weaken an enemy's morale.
intentions of (a person) or the solution
of (a problem etc.) by use of psychology. psy Choi *0* gist (si-kol-5-jist) n. an ex-
pert in psychology.
2. to intimidate (a person) by making
him feel mentally uneasy. D psych out, psy Choi *0*gy (si-kol-5-jee) n. 1. the
study of the mind and how it works. 2.
(slang) to analyze (a situation or person)
mental characteristics, can you under-
beforehand, psych up, (slang) to ready
stand his psychology?
oneself emotionally, he was psyched up
psy * cho • neu • ro • sis (si-koh-nuu-roh-
for the concert.
sis) ft. neurosis.
psych, abbr. 1. psychologist. 2. psychol-
psy cho* path (si-kd-path) n. a person
suffering from a severe mental disorder,
psyche (si-kee) n. 1. the human soul or
especially with aggressive antisocial be-
spirit. 2. the human mind. havior, psy • cho* path *ic (si-ko-path-
psyche-del-ic (si-ke-del-ik) adj. of or
ik) adj.
producing hallucinations and similar ex-
psy • cho • pa • thol • o • gy
(si -koh-pa-thol-
periences, full of vivid or luminous col-
6-jee) the pathology of the mind.
ors, psyche* del'! *cal*ly adj.
psy cho sex u al (si-koh-sek-shoo-al)
• • • •
psychi-a-trist (si-ki-a-trist) n. an expert adj. of the interaction of psychological
in psychiatry.
and sexual factors.
psy chi ^a- try (si-ki-a-tree) «, the branch psy cho* sis (si-koh-sis) n. (pi. -ses, pr.
of medicine dealing with mental disor- -seez) a severe mental disorder involving
ders, psy chi* at Tic (si-ki-at-rik) adj. a person's whole personality.
psy* chic (si-kik) adj. 1. of the soul or psy cho* so* mat *ic (si-koh-sd-mat-ik)
mind. 2. concerned with processes that adj. of or involving both the mind and
seem to be outside physical or natural the body; psychosomatic illness, one that
laws, having or involving extrasensory is caused or aggravated by mental stress.
perception or occult powers, psychic n. psycho*so*mat'i*cal*ly adv.
a person apparently susceptible to psy- psy • ChO • ther • a • pist (si-koh- ther-a-pist)
chic influence, a medium. ft. an expert in the use of psychotherapy.
psy*chi*cal (si-ki-kal) adj. psychic, psy- psy • cho • ther • a • py (si-koh-ther-g-pee)
chical research. psy'chi*cal*ly adv. ft.treatment of mental disorders by the
psycho (si-koh) adj. (slang) psychotic. use of psychological methods.
psycho n. (pi. -chos) (slang) a psy- psy*Chot*ic (si-kot-ik) adj. of or relating
chotic person. to a psychosis, a psychotic episode, psy-
psycho*ac*tive (si-koh-ak-tiv) adj. af- chotic ft. a person suffering from a psy-
fecting the mind. chosis. psychot'i*cal*ly adv.
psy cho a nal
• • • •
sis (si -koh -a-nal-i-sis) Pt symbol platinum.
n. a method of examining or treating pt. abbr. 1 . part. 2. past tense. 3. payment.
mental conditions by bringing to light 4. pint. 5. point. 6. port.
certain things in a person's subconscious PT. abbr. 1 Pacific Time. 2. physical ther-

mind .that may be influencing behavior apy. 3. physical training.

and mental state. psycho*an*a*lyt* PTA abbr. parent-teacher association.
ic (si-koh-an-a-lit-ik) adj. psychO*an* ptar-mi-gan (tahr-ml-gan) n. (pi -gans,
a*lyt'i*cal adj. -gan) a bird of the grouse family with
PT / pueblo 724
plumage that turns white in winter. pub -li- can (pub-li-kan) n. 1. (British) the
PT (pee-tee) boat a motor torpedo boat. keeper of a public house. 2. (in the Bible)
pter-o-dac-tyl (ter-6-dak-til) ru an ex- a tax collector.
tinct reptile with wings. pub -li- caption (pub-li-kay-shdn) n, 1.
ptg. abbr. printing. publishing, being published. 2. some-
pto-maine (toh-mayn) n. a chemical sub- thing published, such as a book or news-
stance, often poisonous, formed by bacte- paper.
ria in decaying matter. ptomaine poi- pub -li- cist (pub-li-sist) n. an individual
soning, an intestinal disorder caused by in the publicity business, especially a
eating contaminated food. press agent.
Pu sumbol plutonium. pub*lic*i*ty (pub-lis-i-tee) n. 1. public at-
pub (pub) n. (informal) a bar. O An abbre- tention directed upon a person or thing.
viation of public house (British). 2. the process of drawing public attention
pub. abbr. 1 public. 2. publication. 3. pub-
. to a person or thing, the spoken or writ-
lished. 4. publisher. 5. publishing. ten or other material by which this is
pu-ber-ty (pyoo-ber-tee) n. the stage at done.
which a person's reproductive organs are pub-li-cize (pub-H-siz) v. (pub-li-cized,
in the process of becoming mature and pub • li • elz • ing) to bring to the attention
he or she becomes capable of producing of the public, to advertise.
offspring. pu'ber*tal adj. pub- lie -ly (pub-lik-lee) adv. in public,
pu bes (pyoo-beez) n. (pi. -bes) the lower
• openly.
part of the abdomen, covered with hair pub • lic-spir • it • ed ( pub-lik-spir-i-tid)
at and after puberty. adj. ready to do things for the benefit
pu* bes* cent (pyoo-bes-ent) adj. arriving of people in general.
or having arrived at puberty. pu-bes' pub'lish (pub-lish) v. 1. to issue copies
cence n. of (a book etc.) to the public. 2. to make
pu-bic (pyoo-bik) adj. of the lower part generally known. 3. to announce for-
of the abdomen, at the front of the pelvis, mally, publish the banns of marriage.
pubic hair. pub-lish-er ( pub-li-shfcr) n. a person or
pu*bis (pyoo-bis) n. (pi. -bes, pr. -beez) firm that issues copies of a book or news-
the bone forming the front of each half paper etc. to the public (distinguished
of the pelvis. from a printer, who prints books etc. but
publ. abbr. 1. public. 2. publication. 3. does not issue them).
published. 4. publisher. puce (pyoos) adj. &
n. brownish purple.
pub* lie (pub-lik) adj. of or for or known puck 1 (puk) n. a mischievous or (old use)
to people in general, not private, a public evil sprite.
holiday; in the public interest; public puck 2 n. the hard rubber disk used in ice
parks, public n. members of the com- hockey.
munity in general or a particular sec- puck*er (puk-*fer) v. to come together in
tion of this, the American public. Din small wrinkles or bulges, to cause to do
the public domain, belonging to the this, pucker n. a wrinkle or bulge made
community as a whole, especially no in this way.
longer protected by copyright, public ac- puck'ish (puk-ish) adj. impish.
countant, an accountant available to the pud* ding (puud-ing) n. a dessert of a soft
public at large, public address sys- creamy or spongy consistency.
tem, a system of loudspeakers to make pud ding* head
* (puud-ing-hed) n. (slang)
something audible over a wide area, pub- a stupid person.
lic defender, a lawyer appointed at pud -die ( pud-el) n. a small pool, especially
public expense to represent the needy in of water left after rain on a road or other
criminal cases, public enemy, a crimi- surface, pud'dly adj.
nal whom special efforts are made to ap- pud-dling (pud-ling) n. the process of pro-
prehend, public house, (British) a ducing wrought iron by stirring molten
building (not a hotel) licensed to sell beer pig iron so as to expel carbon.
and other alcoholic drinks to the general pu*den*da (pyoo-den-da) n. pi. the geni-
public for consumption on the premises tals, especially of a woman. pu-den'dal
(and not only with meals), public opin- adj.
ion, the collective opinion of many indi- pudg-y (puj-ee) adj. (pudg*i*er, pudg-
viduals on a conflict or issue, public iest) short and fat.
opinion poll, a poll taken to sample pueb-lo (pweb-loh) n. (pi. -los) 1. a com-
public opinion, public relations, the munal village dwelling of flat-roofed
promotion of goodwill between an or- stone or adobe built by Indians in Mexico
ganization etc. and the general public; and the southwest U.S. 2. Pueblo, a
the goodwill resulting from such activity. member of a tribe living in these.
725 puerile / pulp

pu*er*ile (pyoo-e-rll) adj. showing imma- it; pull a horse, to check it so as to lose

turity, suitable only for children, asking a race. 2. to remove by pulling, pull the
puerile questions. pu*er*ll*l*ty (pyoo- cork. 3. to propel (a boat) by pulling on
6-ril-i-tee) ft. its oars. 4. to exert a pulling or driving
pu*er*per*al (pyoo-or-pJ-rftl) odj- of or force, the engine is pulling well 5. to at-
associated with childbirth. puerperal U tract, attractions that pull the crowds.
fever, a fever thai results from an infec- pull n. 1 the act of pulling, the force

tion of the womb following childbirth exerted by this. 2. (slang) a means of

or abortion. exerting influence. 3. a deep draft of a
Puer-to RI*co (pwer-td ree-koh) an is- drink, a draw at a pipe etc. 4. a prolonged
land in the West Indies. Puer* to Ri'can effort in walking etc., the long pull up
adj. & n. the hill pull'er n. Dpull a fast one,
puff (puf) n. 1. a short light blowing of (slang) to act unfairly in order to gain
breath or wind etc., smoke or vapor sent an advantage, pull a person's leg, to
out by this. 2. a powder puff. 3. a pastry tease him. pull back, to retreat or with-
filled with cream etc., cream puffs 4. a draw, to cause to do this, pull down,
piece of extravagant praise in a review to demolish a building, pull In, to obtain
or advertisement for a book or play etc. as wages or profit; (of a train) to enter
puff v. 1 to send out a puff or puffs,
. and stop at a station; (of a vehicle) to
to blow (smoke etc.) in puffs, to smoke move to the side of the road or off the
(a pipe etc.) in puffs. 2. to breathe hard, road; (informal) to take into custody.
to pant. 3. to make or become inflated, pull Off, to succeed in achieving or win-
to swell. Dpuff adder, a large poison- nine something, pulled it off. pull one-
ous African viper that inflates the upper self together, to regain one's self-con-
part of its body when excited, puff pas- trol, pull one's punches, to avoid using
try, very light flaky pastry, puff or one's full force, pull one's weight, to
puffed sleeve, a sleeve that is very full do one's fair share of work, pull out,
at the shoulder, puff up, to swell with to withdraw or cause to withdraw; (of
pride. a train) to move out of a station; (of a
puff* ball (puf-bawl) n. a fungus with a vehicle) to move away from the side of
ball-shaped spore case that bursts open a road, or from behind another vehicle
when ripe. to overtake it. pull rank, to make unfair
puf • fin (puf-in) ft, a seabird with a short use of one's senior rank in demanding
striped bill. obedience, pull strings, to use one's in-
puf«fy (puf-ee) adj. (puf *f her, puf* fluence, often secretly, pull through, to
fhest) puffed out, swollen, puf'fi-ness come or bring successfully through an
w, illness or difficulty, pull together, to co-
pug 1 (pug) n. a dog of a dwarf breed resem- operate, pull up, to stop or cause (a per-
bling the bulldog. Dpug nose, a short son or vehicle etc.) to stop; to reprimand.
flattishturned-up nose. puMet (puul -it) n. a young domestic hen
pug 2 n. (slang) a pugilist. from the time of beginning to lay until
pu*gil*lst (pyoo-jl-list) n. a professional the first molt.
boxer. pu'giMsm n. pu*gll*ls*tlc pul* ley (puul-ee) n. {pi -leys) a wheel
(pyoo-jT-lis-tik) adj. over which a rope or chain or belt passes,
pug *na* clous ( pug-nay -shus) adj. eager used in lifting things or to drive or be
to fight, aggressive. pug-na'cious* driven by an endless belt.
ly adv. pug*nac*i*ty (pug-nas-i-tee) n. Pull* man (puul-man) ft, (trademark) a
pu*ls*sance (pyoo-i-sans) n. great power type of railroad sleeping car or parlor
or strength. pu'is-sant adj. car.
puke (pyook) v. (puked, puk-ing) (slang) pull* out (puul-owt) ft. 1 the act of pulling

to vomit, puke n. (slang) vomit. . out. 2. a planned withdrawal or retreat.

puk'ka (puk-a) adj. (informal) real, genu- 3. a page in a book that folds out for
ine. easy reference.
pul-chri-tude (pul-kri-tood) n. beauty, pull-o-ver (puul-oh-ver) n. a kind of
pul -chri*tu*di* nous (pul-kri-too-di- sweater (with or without sleeves) with
nus) adj. no fastenings, put on by being pulled over
pule (pyool) (puled, pul-ing) to cry
v. the head.
weakly, to whimper or whine. pul*mo*nar*y (puul-md-ner-ee, pul-) adj.
pull (puul) v. 1. to exert force upon (a of or affecting the lungs.
thing) so as to move it toward oneself Pul* mo* tor (puul-moh-tdr) n. (trade-
or toward the source of the force; pull mark) a type of mechanical device to
a muscle, damage it by abnormal strain; assist in breathing.
pull a gun, draw it and prepare to use pulp (pulp) ft. 1. the soft moist part of
pulpit / punctuate 726
fruit. a tooth.
2. the soft tissue inside rifleor shotgun that ejects a spent car-
3. any moist mass of material, espe-
soft tridge and loads a new cartridge by man-
cially of wood
fiber as used for making ual force.
paper, pulp v. to reduce to pulp, to be- pum* per* nick- el (pum-per-nik-el) ru a
come pulpy. D
pulp magazine, a cheap coarse, dark rye bread.
popular magazine (originally of the kind pump* kin (pump- kin) ru the large round
printed on rough paper made from wood orange-colored fruit' of a trailing vine,
pulp). used as a vegetable and as a filling for
pul pit (puul-pit) n. a raised enclosed plat-
• pies.
form in a church, used for preaching pun (pun) ru a humorous use of a word
from. to suggest another that sounds the same.
pulp* wood (pulp-wuud) n. timber suit- pun v. (punned, pun-ning) to make
able for making pulp. a pun. pun'ster ru
pulp*y (pul-pee) adj. like pulp, containing punch (punch) 1
v. 1. to strike with the
much pulp. fist. to herd, cow punching, punch
pul* que (puul-kay) n. a Mexican alcoholic n. 1 a blow with the fist. 2. (slang) vigor,

drink made from the sap of the agave. effective force, a speech with plenty of
pul*sar (pul-sahr) ru a- cosmic source of punch in it punch'er n. punching
regularly and rapidly pulsating radio sig- bag, a suspended ball or bag that can
nals. be punched, as a form of exercise, punch
pul* sate (pul-sayt) v. (pul*sat*ed, pul* line, words that give the point of a joke
sat'ing) to expand and contract rhyth- or story.
mically, to vibrate, to quiver. pul*sa* punch 2 n. a device for making holes in

tion pul-say-shdn) n.
( metal or leather, or for stamping a design
pulse 1 (puis) ru 1. the rhythmical throb- on material, punch v. to perforate with
bing of the arteries as blood is propelled a punch, to make (a hole etc.) with a
along them, this as felt in the wrists or punch. punch or punched card, a
temples etc. 2. any steady throb. 3. a perforated card used to feed information
single beat or throb, pulse v. (pulsed, into a machine, such as a computer.
puls*ing) to pulsate. punch press, a machine for cutting,
pulse 2 ru the edible seed of peas, beans, drawing, or shaping material under pres-
lentils, etc. sure, punch or punched tape, perfo-
pul-ver-ize (pul-vS-nz) v. (pul-ver* rated paper tape used to feed information
ized, pul-ver-iz-ing) 1. to crush into into a machine, such as a computer.
powder. 2. to become powder. 3. to de- punch 3 n. a drink made of wine or spirits
feat thoroughly, pul -ver-i-za -tion mixed with fruit juices etc. punch
(pul-ve-ri-zay-sh6n) ru bowl, a bowl in which this is mixed.
pu-ma (pyoo-ma) ru a large American ani- punch-drunk ( punch-drungk) adj. 1 stu- .

mal of the cat family, a cougar. pefied through being severely or repeat-
punvice (pum-is) ru a light porous kind edly punched. 2. (informal) dazed or be-
of lava used for rubbing stains from the wildered.
skin or as powder for polishing things. pun-cheon (pun-ch6n) n. a large cask to

pumice Stone, pumice; a piece of hold liquids.

this. punch *y (pun-chee) adj. (informal) 1.
pum*mel (pum-el) v. (punvmeled, punch-drunk. 2. (of writing style) force-
pum*mel*ing) to strike repeatedly, es- ful.
pecially with the fist(s). punc*til*i*o (pungk-til-i-oh) n. (pL -I*
pump (pump)
a machine or device for
ru OS) 1 a delicate point of ceremony or

forcing liquid, air, or gas into or out of honor. 2. care in observing etiquette.
something, pump v. 1 to raise or move . punc*til*i*ous ( pungk-til-i-us) adj. very
or inflate by means of a pump. 2. to use careful to carry out duties or details of
a pump. 3. to empty by using a pump, ceremony etc. correctly, conscientious.
pump the ship dry. 4. to move vigorously punc*tlt'l*ous*ly adv. punctil'i*
up and down like a pump handle. 5. to ous-ness n.
pour or cause to pour forth as if by punc*tu*al pungk-choo-al) adj. arriving
pumping. 6. to question (a person) per- or doing things at the appointed time,
sistently to obtain information. Dpump neither early nor late. punc'tu*al*ly
gun, a rifle or shotgun with pump action. adv. punc*tu*al*i*ty ( pungk-chco-al-i-
pump priming, stimulation of the econ- tee) *l

omy by increasing public spending. punc-tu-ate (pungk-choo-ayt) v. (punc*

pump 2 n. a light shoe worn for dancing tu-at-ed, punc*tu*at*ing) 1. to insert
etc. punctuation marks in. 2. to interrupt at
pump-ac*tion ( pump-ak-shdn) adj. of a intervals, her speech was punctuated with
727 punctuation / purgatory

cheers. 3. to emphasize, punctuated his ping) to give birth to a pup or pups.

remarks by pounding the desk. Dpup tent, a small tent of simple de-
punc-tu-a-tion (pungk-choo-ay-shon) n. sign.
the art or practice of punctuating, the pu*pa (pyoo-pa) n. (pL -pae, pr. -pee,
marks used for this. punctuation -pas) a chrysalis, pu'pal adj.
mark, any of the marks (period, comma, pu-pil (pyoo-pll) n. a person who is

question mark, etc.) used in written or taught by another.

printed material to separate sentences pupil 2 n. an opening in the center of the
etc. and to make the meaning clear. iris of the eye, through which light passes
punc-ture (pungk-chur) n. a small hole to the retina.
made by something sharp, my left rear pup* pet (pup-it) n. 1. a kind of doll that
tire has a puncture, puncture v. (punc • can be made to move by various means
tured, punc* tuning) 1. to make a as an entertainment. 2. a person or group
puncture in, to suffer a puncture. 2. to whose actions are entirely controlled by
reduce the pride or confidence of, punc- another. puppet government, a gov-
tured his conceit. ernment that appears to be autonomous
pun -d it (pun-dit) n. a person who is an but is controlled by another group or
authority on a subject. power, puppet show, an entertainment
pun* gent (pun-jent) adj. 1. having a using puppets.
strong sharp taste or smell. 2. (of re- pup-pet-eer (pup-i-teer) n. a person who
marks) penetrating, biting, pun 'gent • handles puppets or marionettes.
ly adv. pun- gen -cy (pun-jen-see) n.
pup-py (pup-ee) n. (pL -pies) a young
pun-ish (pun-ish) v. 1. to cause (an of- dog. puppy love, immature romantic
fender) to suffer for his offense. 2. to in-
flict a punishment for, vandalism should
pur* blind (pur-blmd) adj. 1. partly blind,
be severely punished. 3. to treat roughly,
dimsighted. 2. mentally obtuse or slow.
to test severely, the race was run at a
pur* chase (pur-chas) v. (pur •chased,
punishing pace.
pur*chas*ing) to buy. purchase n. 1.
pun-ish -a -ble (pun-i-sha-bel) adj. liable
buying. 2. something bought. 3. a firm
to be punished, especially by law, punish-
hold to pull or raise something or prevent
able offenses.
pun-ish-ment (pun-ish-ment) it from slipping, leverage. pur'Chas*
n. 1. pun-
er n.
ishing, being punished. 2. that which an
made pur -dan (pur-da) n. 1 the system in Mus-

offender is to suffer because of his

lim or Hindu communities of keeping
wrongdoing, let the punishment fit the
women from the sight of men or stran-
pu*ni*tive (pyoo-ni-tiv) adj. inflicting or gers. 2. (in India etc.) a veil or curtain,
intended to inflict punishment. especially one used in this system.

punk 1 (pungk) n. 1. (slang) a worthless pure (pyoor) adj. (pur*er, pur* est) 1.
person, a young ruffian. 2. (slang) an not mixed with any other substance, free
inexperienced or insignificant young per- from impurities. 2. mere, nothing but,
son. 3. a devotee of punk rock, punk pure nonsense. 3. free from evil or sin.
adj. 1 (slang) worthless. 2. of punk rock
4. chaste. 5. dealing with theory only,
or its devotees. Dpunk
rock, a type of not with practical applications, pure
pop music involving outrage and shock mathematics, pure'ness n.
effects in music, behavior, and dress. pure-blood *ed (pyoor-blud-id) adj. pure-
punk 2
n. 1. rotten wood used as tinder. bred.
2. a stick-shaped substance that smolders pure* bred (pyoor-bred) adj. (of an ani-
when lit. mal) of unmixed descent.
punt 1 (punt) n. a flat-bottomed boat pro- pu*ree, pu Tee (pyuu-ray) n. pulped fruit
pelled by thrusting a long pole against or vegetables etc. cooked, and passed
the bottom of a river, punt v. 1 to propel . through a sieve or otherwise reduced to
(a punt) with a pole in this way. 2. to a uniform mass, puree v. (pu • reed, pu *
carry or travel in a punt, punt'er 1 n. reeling) to make into puree.
punt 2 v. to kick (a football) after it has pure*ly (pyoor-lee) adv. 1. in a pure way.
dropped from the hands and before it 2. entirely, only, came purely out of inter-
touches the ground, punt n. a kick of est
this kind, punt'er2 ru pur-ga-tlve (pur-ga-tiv) n. a strong laxa-
pu*ny (pyoo-nee) adj. (-ni*er, -ni-est) tive, purgative adj.
undersized, feeble. pu'ni-ly adv. pu'nl* pur*ga*to*ry (pur-ga-tohr-ee) n. 1. (in
ness n. Roman Catholic belief ) a place or condi-
pup (pup) n. 1. a young dog. 2. a young tion inwhich souls undergo purification
wolf, rat, or seal, pup v. (pupped, pup* by temporary punishment. 2. a place or
purge / push 728
condition of suffering. pur*ga*to*ri* come from you. pur port 'ed*ly adv.•

al (pur-ga-tohr-i-al) adj. pur -pose (pur-pos) ru 1. an intended re-

purge (purged, purging) 1.
(purj) v. sult, something for which effort is being
to cause emptying of the bowels of (a made, this will serve our purpose. 2. inten-
person) by means of a purgative. 2. to tion to act, determination, purpose v.

rid of people or things considered unde- (pur* posed, pur -posting) to intend.
sirable or harmful. 3. to atone for (an on purpose, by intention in order to
offense, especially contempt of court). do something, not by chance, to no pur-
purge n. purging, ridding of undesirable pose, with no result.
things etc. pur-ga-tion (pur-gay-shdn) pur* pose *ful (pur-pds-ful) adj. having or
ru showing a particular purpose, with deter-
pu*ri*fy (pyoor-I-fi) v. (pur *i -fled, pur* mination, pur' pose -ful-ly adv. pur'
i* tying) to make pure/ to cleanse of pose*ful*ness ru

impurities. pu'ri*fi*er n. pur-i-fi'Ca- pur* pose* less (pur-pos-lis) adj. without

tk>n (pyoor-i-fi-kay-shdn) ru pu*rlf* a purpose.
j*ca*to*ry (pyuu-rif-i-ka-tohr-ee) adj. pur* pose *ly (pur-pds-lee) adv. on pur-
Pu*r1m (poor-im) n. a Jewish festival com- pose, intentionally.
memorating the defeat of Hainan's plot purr (pur) v. 1. (of a cat etc.) to make
to destroy the Jews in ancient Persia. the low vibrant sound that a cat makes
pu-rine (pyoor-een) ru a white crystalline when pleased. 2. (of machinery etc.) to
base forming uric acid on oxidation. make a similar sound, purr ru a purring
pur* 1st (pyoor-ist) ru a stickler for correct- sound.
ness. pur*ist'ic adj. pur'ism n. purse (purs) ru 1 a small pouch of leather

Pu*ri*tan ( pyoor-i-tan) ru 1. a member etc. for carrying money. 2. a handbag.

of the party of English Protestants in 3. money, funds. 4. a sum of money as
the 16th and 17th centuries who wanted a present or prize, purse v. (pursed,
simpler forms of church ceremony and pursuing) to pucker, pursing her lips.
strictness and gravity in behavior. 2. pu- hold the purse strings, to have con-
ritan, a person who is extremely strict trol of expenditure.
in morals and who looks upon some purs*er (pur-ser) ru a ship's officer in
kinds of fun and pleasure as sinful, pu • charge of accounts, especially on a pas-
rl*tan*i*cal (pyoor-i-Un-i-kal) adj. senger ship.
pu*ri*ty (pyoor-i-tee) ru cleanness, free- purs* lane (purs-layn) ru a low trailing
dom from physical or moral pollution, succulent herb sometimes used in salads.
pureness. pur*su*ance ( pur-soo-ans) ru perfor-
purl 1 (purl) ru a knitting stitch that pro- mance or carrying out of something, in
duces a ridge toward the knitter, purl pursuance of my duties.
v. to make this stitch. pur -su- ant (pur-soo-ant) adj. pursuant
purl (of a brook etc.) to flow with a
v. to, in accordance with, according to.
swirling motion and babbling sound. pur -sue (pur-soo) v. (pur* sued, pur*
purl ru this motion or sound. SU*ing) 1. to chase in order to catch
pur* lieu (pur-loo, purl-yoo) ru {pi -Ileus) or kill. 2. to afflict continually, was pur-

a suburb, an outlying district. sued by misfortunes. 3. to continue, to

pur* loin (pur-loin) v. {formal or humorous proceed along, we pursued our course.
use) to steal. 4. to engage in, pursuing her hobby. 5.
pur* pie (pur-pel) n. a color obtained by to strive for. pur*su'er n.
mixing red and blue, purple adj. of this pur -suit (pur-soot) n. 1. pursuing, in pur-
color, purple v. (pur* pled, pur-pling) suit of the fox. 2. an activity, something
to make or become purple. Dborn to at which one works or gives one's time,
the purple, (old use) born in a reigning stamp collecting and similar pursuits.
family; born into an aristocratic or influ- pu*ru*lent (pyoor-u-lSnt) adj. containing
ential family. Purple Heart, a U.S. deco- or consisting of pus, discharging pus.
ration for members of thearmed forces pu'ru-lence n.
wounded in action, purple martin, a pur-vey (pur-viy) v. (pur-veyed, pur*
large American swallow with blue-black veying) to supply (articles of food) as
feathers, purple passage, a passage of a business. pur*vey'or n.
purple prose, purple prose, very ornate pur* view (pur-vyoo) n. 1. scope, inten-
writing in a literary work. tion,or range, especially of a particular
pur-plish (pur-plish) adj. rather purple. law, document, scheme, etc. 2. range of
pur* port (pur-pohrt) n. the meaning or physical or mental vision.
intention of something said or written. pus (pus) n. thick yellowish matter pro-
purport (pur-pohrt) v. to pretend, to be duced from inflammed or infected tissue.
intended to seem, the letter purports to push ( puush) v. 1 . to exert force upon (a
729 push-button / put

thing) so as to move it away from oneself pus*tule (pus-chool) n. a pimple or blister,

or from the source of the force; push one's especially one containing pus.
way, go forward by pushing. 2. to thrust put (puut) v. (put, put* ting) 1. to move

or cause to thrust outward. 3. to extend (a thing) to a specified place, to cause

by effort, the frontier was pushed farther to occupy a certain place or position. 2.
north. 4. to make a vigorous effort in to cause to be in a certain state or rela-
order to succeed or to surpass others. tionship, put the machine out of action;
5. to press (a person) to do something, put her at her ease. 3. to subject, put it
to put a strain on the abilities or tolerance to the test. 4. to estimate, / put the cost
of, don 't push him for payment; pushed at $400. 5. to express or state, put it tact-
to the wall, brought to insolvency. 6. to fully. 6. to impose as a tax etc. 7. to
urge the use or adoption of (goods or stake (money) in a bet. 8. to place as
. ideas etc.), as by advertisement. 7. (slang) an investment, put his money into land.
to sell (drugs) illegally, push n. 1. the 9. to lay (blame) on. 10. (of ships) to
act of pushing, the force exerted by this. proceed, put into harbor, put n. 1. a
2. a vigorous effort, a military attack throw of the shot or weight. 2. an option
made in order to advance. 3. enterprise, to sell a specified amount of stock at a
self-assertion, determination to get on. fixed price within a given period of time.
Dbe pushed for, to have barely enough Dbe hard put, to have difficulty in do-
of, Vm pushed for time, push around, ing or providing something, put across,
to treat contemptuously and unfairly; to to succeed in communicating (an idea
bully, push broom, a long-handled etc.), to make seem acceptable, put
wide broom used for sweeping, push away, (informal) to put into prison or
button, a button to be pushed to operate into a mental home; to consume as food
an electrical circuit etc. push off, (slang) or drink, put by, to save for future use.
to go away, push one's luck, to take put down, to suppress by force or au-
undue risks. thority; to snub; to enter (a person's
push-but* ton (puush-but-on) adj. oper- name) as one who will subscribe; to
ated automatically by pressing a button. reckon or consider, put him down as a
push* cart (puush-kahrt) n. a handcart fool; to attribute, put it down to nervous-
pushed by a street vendor. ness; (slang) to humiliate or speak ill of.
push*er (puush-er) n. 1 a person or thing
. put in, to enter (a claim); to spend (time)
that pushes. 2. (slang) a seller of illegal working, put in for, to apply for. put
drugs. it on, (informal) to pretend an emotion.

push-ing (puush-ing) adj. 1 . self-assertive, put Off, to postpone; to postpone an en-

determined to get on. 2. having nearly gagement with (a person); to make ex-
reached a certain age, pushing forty. cuses and try to avoid; to dissuade, to
push •<)• ver (puush-oh-ver) n. 1 an oppo- . repel, the smell puts me off. put on, to
nent or difficulty that is easily overcome. stage (a play etc.); to increase, putting
2. a person who is easily persuaded, con- on weight; to cause to operate; to mislead
vinced, etc. deliberately, to fool; put someone on, (in-
push* up (puush-up) n. an exercise in formal) mislead him by pretending the
which a person lies face downward and truth of that which is really false; to pre-
presses down on his hands so that the tend (an emotion etc.). put one's feet
shoulders and trunk are raised. up, to take a rest, put one's foot down,
push*y (puush-ee) adj. (push* her, to insist on something firmly, put one's
push • • est) unpleasantly presuming
i foot in it or in one's mouth, to make
and self-assertive. a blunder, put out, to disconcert or an-
pu • sil • Ian • • mous
( pyoo-sT-lan-I-mus) noy or inconvenience (a person); to extin-
adj. timid, cowardly. pu*sil*la*nim* guish (a light or fire); to dislocate (a
l*ty (pyoo-si-la-nim-i-tee) n. joint); (in baseball) to cause (a base run-
puss 1 (puus) n. a cat. ner) to be out. put over, to put across;
puss 2 n. (slang) a face. put something over on a person, to deceive
puss-y (puus-ee) n. (pi. -Ies) (children's
him. put pen to paper, to start writing.
use) a cat. pussy willow, a willow put the clock back, to go back to a
with furry catkins. past age or an out-of-date practice, put
pus-sy 2 (pus-ee) adj. (-si-er, -si* est) full the Shot or weight, to hurl it as an
of or like pus ; athletic exercise, put through, to com-
puss-y -cat (puus-ee-kat) adj. 1. a kitten plete (a business transaction) success-
or cat. 2. (informal) a sweet person. fully; to connect by telephone; to cause
puss-y -foot ( puus-ee-fuut) v. 1. to move to undergo, put it through severe tests.
stealthily. 2. to act cautiously, to avoid put two and two together, to draw
committing oneself. a conclusion from the facts one knows.
putative / pyrotechnic 730
put up, to construct or build; to raise over it; puzzle it out, solve or understand

the price of; to provide or contribute, it by patient thought or ingenuity.

the firm will put up the money; to offer puz-zle-ment (puz-el-ment) n. the state
for sale; to give or receive accommoda- of being puzzled.
tion; to pack up into a parcel or recepta- puz-zler (puz-lSr) n. a puzzling problem.
cle; to attempt or offer, they put up no PVC abbr. polyvinyl chloride.
resistance, put upon, to impose on. put Pvt. abbr. private.
up to, to instigate (a person) in, who PW abbr. 1. prisoner of war. 2. public
put him up to it? put up with, to endure, works.
to tolerate. pwt. abbr. pennyweight.
pu*ta*tive (pyoo-ta-tiv) adj. reputed, sup- PX abbr. post exchange.
posed, his putative father, pyg»my (pig-mee) n. (pi -mles) 1. a per-
put -down (puut-down) n. (slang) a snub. son or thing of unusually small size. 2.
put-on (puut-on) n. a spoof, a parody, Pygmy, a member of a dwarf negroid
something intended to mislead, put-on people of equatorial Africa, pygmy adj.
adj. pretended, deliberately misleading. very small.
put* out (puut-owt) n. (in baseball) a play pylon (pi-Ion) n. 1. a tall latticework
in which a base runner is caused to be structure used for carrying overhead
out. electric cables or as a boundary. 2. a
pu»tre»fy (pyoo-tre-fi) v. (pu* tre* fled, structure marking a path for aircraft.
pu tre • fy • ing) to rot, to decay or cause
• pylcrus (pi-lohr-us) n, (pi. -k>*ri, pr.
to decay. pu*tre*fac*tion (pyoo-tre- -lohr-i) the opening from the stomach
fak-shon) n. pu • tre • f ac • tive ( pyoo-tre- into the duodenum.
fak-tiv) adj. Pyongyang (pyung-yahng) the capital of
pu* ires -cent (pyoo-tres-ent) adj. decay- North Korea.
ing, rotting. pu*tres'cence n. py or*rhea (pi-o-ree-a) n. a disease of the
pu'trid (pyoo-trid) adj. 1. decomposed, tooth sockets causing discharge of pus
rotting. 2. foul smelling. 3. (slang) very and loosening of the teeth.
distasteful or unpleasant, pu'trid pyr*a*mid (pir-a-mid) n. a structure with
pu-trid-hty ( pyoo-trid-i-tee) n.
n. a flat (usually square) base and with slop-
putsch (puuch) n. an attempt at a revolu- ing sides that meet at the top, especially
tion. t> Swiss German, = thrust, blow. one built by the ancient Egyptians as a
putt (put) v. to strike (a golf ball) lightly tomb or by the Aztecs and Mayas as a
to make it roll along the ground, putt platform for a temple, pyramid v. 1 to .

n. a stroke of this kind. putting arrange or build in the shape of a pyra-

green, (in golf) a smooth area of grass mid. 2. to increase quickly on a widening
around the hole.

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