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Evyne: Good Morning to our dear panelists, I am Evyne Jeyamella Bonifacio and I am with..

Aaron: (State name)

Eric: (State name)

Charlize:(State name)

Evyne: They are with me today to present our Research, entitled sugar contents in the smoothies: The case of
UBHS STEM students.
To start, we want to leave a quote. Looking after my health today gives me a better hope for tomorrow by Anne
Wilson Schaef. To introduce you to our topic,
Smoothies are a popular drink among students, and they are often perceived as a healthy alternative to other
sugary drinks. However, many smoothies are loaded with added sugars, which can contribute to health
problems such as obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay. Next is our Rationale, we wanted to study this topic
because as said earlier it can contribute to health problems like obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.

Aaron: Furthermore, we also want to understand the sugar content of smoothies that are consumed by
students and help them contribute to the development of a healthier smoothie. Other than that, with this study,
we can be able to inform health policies and guidelines aimed at reducing sugar intake among students.

Aaron: To justify what is stated by Evyne, authors, Chance, Christofaro, and Grazzini highlighted the negative
effects of excessive sugar consumption on health. These researchers emphasized the importance of
prioritizing people’s health alongside their food preferences.

Aaron: For our objectives, this to evaluate the sucrose content of the preferred smoothie of UBHS STEM
students. Specifically, to determine the amount of sucrose concentration of
the preferred smoothie of the participants.

Evyne: Our study will utilize the use of descriptive experimental design because our study will survey UBHS
STEM students about their preferred smoothie and measure the sugar content of their preferred smoothie.

Charlize: For the target respondents, inclusion and exclusion criteria will be presented. The inclusion criteria
will include the respondents being a University of Baguio High School STEM student. The exclusion criteria will
include Non- STEM students, students who does not drink Smoothie, Will not sign the informed consent, and
students who choose to withdraw.

Eric: The area of interest for this research is at University of Baguio, located in Baguio, Benguet, Philippines.

Charlize: Next is our plans to gather data, We plan to collect information from the students by asking them to
fill out surveys and checklists. The surveys and checklists will ask them about their smoothie preferences and
how much sugar they prefer in their drink (if choices are available).

Eric: To further discuss, our data will be coming from the University of Baguio Senior High School Students.
Our data collection will use the purposive sampling because our respondents are chosen. Specifically, only
those who drink smoothies. To conduct our study, we will need the help of our research teacher, disseminate
the questionnaires in the STEM sections and Measure the sugar content. Lastly, our results would be the
feedback from our respondents and results of the measured sugar content which will be saved, coded, and
Eric: Next is our beneficiaries. This research will show the students’ sugar preferences which could be used
for regulating their sugar intake and provide them a healthier choice.

Charlize: Lastly, here is the similar researches that are closest to our intended study. This will increase as we
complete the study.

Evyne: That is all, Thank you so much!

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