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Welcome to Create.

This month is all about expectations.

Your expectations determine what you
feel worthy of receiving.

If you don't believe you are capable of

manifesting something AND feel
worthy of having it, it can't show up in
your reality.

Let's dive into your mindset, beliefs, and

programming surrounding your
expectations and feelings of worthiness.

It's time to discover these expectations,

and learn how to raise them so we can
accelerate your manifesting results.

If you need more writing space, feel

free to use extra paper or a journal.
Monthly Workbook
What makes you feel uncomfortable when asking for something you want? What feelings come up if
you were to truly go after what you want or demand what you want?

Your beliefs determine what is showing up in your reality right NOW. Everything you see is from what
you believe. How could you switch what you believe to have what you want? For example, if you make
a certain amount of money each month, how could you switch that belief to expect more each month?

Everything around you is responding to your thoughts, feelings, actions and emotions. I want you to think of
any patterns in your life positive OR negative and see what thoughts/feelings/action patterns are causing this to
be a pattern. Ex: Always being broke. Not getting hired for the job. Or always being healthy and never
catching colds....these are just examples.
Monthly Workbook
If someone were to offer you $10,000 as payment for one of your skills or something you excel at,
how would you feel and why? Are there any feelings that come up of guilt or that you would be
charging "too much"? Where are those feelings coming from?

I want you to choose one thing that you intend to manifest. In the space below, write down any
immediate negative thoughts, feelings, or patterns that are not in alignment with having what you
want. What immediately comes up? Any desperation, doubt, fear, guilt, lack feelings, get it all out.

All of those things you wrote above, are all just false perceptions. You can choose to reframe your
thoughts, feelings, and patterns. Now, in the space below I want you to write why you are worthy of,
and deserve what it is that you intend to manifest. Be specific. State your WORTH.
Monthly Workbook
Think of someone who already has what it is that you intend to manifest. What qualities, habits, and
attributes do they have? What are the things you have in common?

If you already had what it is that you intend to manifest, what would the version of you who had it be
like? Write down the skills, personality traits, goals, and dreams from the version of yourself who
already has what it is that you want. How can you become this person in your daily life?

Let's take a look at your expectations. If you don't raise your expectations on what is possible for you,
the universe can't deliver what you want. How can you start to raise your standards of what you
expect each day?
Monthly Workbook
How can you release guilt or fear around creating the things you want? How can you make it more of
an expectation?

What would having the things you want feel like? Determine the ESSENCE of how you want to feel?
(Ex: Secure, Free, Relieved, Excited, Fulfilled). Now how can you incorporate that feeling more into
your day to day life?

Let's pretend you just attracted one BIG thing you intend to manifest. Write down in present tense
how it feels and how grateful you are. Let yourself truly feel and experiene it and write it all down.
Grab more paper if you need to!
Monthly Workbook
If you repeat something in your mind
*Tip: If repeating
enough, it forms a belief. Your beliefs are this out loud instead
what show up in your reality. I want you to of writing works
write the following sentences 5 times each better for you, feel
in the space below. It's time to forma a new free to do that.
belief through repetition

I expect and accept miracles. (Write it 5 times below, and really FEEL it as you write it)

I deserve all of the things I want to create. (Write it 5 times below, and really FEEL it as you write it)

I am worthy of massive abundance. (Write it 5 times below, and really FEEL it as you write it)

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