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Subject one

PART ONE : Reading (15 points)

A/ Comprehension (08 pts)
Read the text carefully and do the activities.
In 2013, 42 million children and teenagers were overweight or obese, worldwide and 70 million young
children will be overweight or obese by 2025 if current trends continue. Without intervention, overweight infants and
young children will likely continue to be overweight during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Obesity in
childhood is associated with a wide range of serious health complications and an increased risk of early start of
illnesses, including diabetes and heart disease.

Canada, like many nations, is in the heart of an epidemic of overweight and obesity. There has been a
dramatic increase in unhealthy weights in Canada. Childhood overweight and obesity has been rising steadily in
Canada in recent years. The combined prevalence of overweight and obesity among those aged 2 to 17 years increased
from 15 per cent to 26 per cent. Increases were highest among youth, aged 12 to 17 years, with overweight and obesity
more than doubling for this age group, from 14 per cent to 29 per cent.

Currently, 59% of adult Canadians are either overweight or obese. Adults who have unhealthy weights are at
increased risk of heart disease, cancer, strokes and type 2 diabetes. Affected adults may die up to 3 to 7 years earlier
than counterparts with a healthy weight.

The total cost of obesity to Canadians was $4.3 billion. The resulting toll in dollars cost and lives lost is a call
for action. Obesity is difficult to reverse and public health measures must include effective prevention beginning in
childhood as well as treatment.

1. Are the following statements True or False. Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the statement.
a. The number of overweight children in the world will decrease.
b. Obesity is harmless to people’s health.
c. The growth of obesity in Canada is a new phenomenon.
d. Active preventions must be taken to reduce obesity.

2. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. Does obesity concern children only? Justify.
b. What are the effects of unhealthy weights in adulthood?
c. How much did Canada spend to cure obesity?

3. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a. this age group (2§) b. who (3§)

4. Choose the right answer. The text is…

a. argumentative b. expository c. narrative

B/ Text Exploration (07 pts)

1. Match the following words with the corresponding definitions

words definitions
1. diabetes a. a sudden rapid increase of an infectious disease during a single period of time.
2. adolescence b. medical condition caused by an excess of sugar in blood.
3. epidemic c. the act of stopping something bad from happening.
4. prevention d. the time when a person develops from a child into an adult.

2. Complete sentence (b) so that is means the same as sentence (a)

1a. Someone regretting not having practised sport when he was younger.
1b. I wish…
2a. Our eating habits have changed as a result new diseases have appeared.
2b. Because of …

3. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.

children - dramatic - aged - disease

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables

4. Fill in the gaps with words from the list given.

obese - beyond - number - overweight

To be __1__ increases your risk of developing a __2__ of serious life threating diseases. If your Body Mass Index
(BMI) goes __3__ 25 to 29, you are considered __4__ .

PART TWO : Written Expression (05 points)

Choose ONE topic only.

Topic 1 :
Obesity has become a problem that threatens our society and particularly young children. Using the following
notes, write a composition of about 70 to 80 words suggesting concrete actions to reduce the phenomenon of
overweight and obesity.
- go on a diet
- consult a specialist
- practise a regular physical activity
- make children aware of the harmful effects of fatty and sugary food

Topic 2 :
Some people think that businessmen have no social responsibility. Their goal is to make more and more
benefits. Do you agree or disagree with them? Write a composition of about 70 to 80 words stating your point
of view and four arguments to defend it.
PART ONE: Reading and Interpreting. (15 points)
A/ Comprehension. (07,5pts)
Read the following text very carefully then do the tasks below.

2398 Red Street

Tim Cook April 10, 2017
CEO Apple Inc.
1 Infinite Loop Cupertino
Dear Mr. Cook,
I am writing to you this letter to complain about a problem I have had with a cell phone I purchased
from one of your retailers in Massachusetts. Allow me to elaborate.
Yesterday, I bought a cell phone (iPhone a1332) made by your company from one of your retailers. I
know it is one of your best selling products and that is exactly what prompted me to buy it. Unfortunately,
it looks like the unit I purchased is defective. The call quality is pretty low: I can hardly understand
anything. I am impressed with the quality of the camera and other features. But the main purpose of a
phone is to make calls and this one doesn’t seem good for that.
This is not the first time I have purchased phones built by your company, but this is the first time I
have experienced a problem. I am hoping that you will take measures necessary to replace this fault unit
with a good one. I can provide you with the receipt, if needed. I still have it.
Expecting a prompt response,
Sincerely yours,
Peter Parker
1. The text above is: (0,5pt)
a. a letter of inquiry b. a letter of application c. a letter of complaint.
2. The letter is: (0,5pt) a. a business letter. b. a personal letter
3. Say whether these statements are true or false according to the text above. (02pts)
a. Peter Parker purchased the phone from a retailer in his home town. [..…………]
b. Peter Parker doesn’t like the products made by Apple. [..…………]
c. Peter Parker has already found a similar problem in his previous Apple phone. [..…………]
d. Peter Parker requests the company to give him a new phone. [..…………]
4. Answer the following questions according to the text. (03pts)
a. Why did Peter Parker write the letter?
b. What is the problem that he encounters with his iPhone a1332?
c. Is it the first time Peter Parker buys an iPhone?
5. Say to who or what the underlined words in the text refer. (01,5pts)
a. me (§1) → ………………… b. one (§2) → ………………… c. it (§3) → ………………..
B/ Text Exploration. (07,5pts)
1. Add punctuation and capitals where necessary to this statement. (01pt)
- i believe the foundations have been laid for new investments said the president of usa
2. Rewrite the underlined words using the appropriate prefixes. (01pt)
a. It is not probable to get the goods delivered on time. →………………………………………………
b. He has to correct the mistake again. →…………………………………………………
3. Combine the pairs of sentences using: in order to/ so that/ so as (not) to (03pts)
a. A) Peter Parker has to send the receipt to the company. B) The company changes his phone.
b. A) We don’t waste much time. B) We’d better start now.
c. A) Jim wants to buy a new cell phone. B) Jim is saving money.
4. Classify these words according the pronunciation of their final “ed”. (01pt)
prompted - purchased /t/ /d/ /Id/
impressed - delivered

5. Fill in each gap with the appropriate word from the list. (01,5pts)
Dear Sir,
I am ….1….. this letter to apply for the ….2…. of assistant accountant that you advertised in El Watan
newspaper. I am a graduate ….3….. in accountancy and I have worked as an …...4….. with a foreign …..5…..
for two ….6…...
a. company - b. accountant - c. position - d. years - e. student - f. writing
PART TWO: Written Expression. Choose only one topic. (05pts)
Topic one: Imagine you are the owner of Apple Int.
Write a short letter of apology to Peter Parker
reassuring him to solve the occurred problem as soon
as possible. You may use the following notes:
 I am deeply sorry for this inconvenience/ the
defected product (phone).
 Thank you for appreciating our products.
 I will make sure to fix this problem as soon as
 Please check with our retailer shops in your town
for the replacement procedures.
- Use link words and follow the plan of a letter
Topic two: Write a short announcement to your
classmates giving some pieces of advice on what to
do before, during and after an earthquake.
Use had better/should
PART ONE: Reading.


Read the text carefully then do the activities.

The childhood obesity epidemic is a serious public health problem that increases morbidity,morality, and has
substantial long term economic and social costs. The rates of obesity in America's children and youth have almost tripled
in the last quarter century. Approximately 20% of our youth are now overweight with obesity rates, in preschool age
children increasing at alarming speed.Obesity in childhood places , children and youth at risk for becoming obese as
adults and associated poor health such as diabets, cardiovascular disease , and some forms of cancer. Prevention efforts
must focus on reducing excess weight gain as children grow up.

Today's children, ages 8 to 18, consume multiple types of media ( often simultaneously) and spend more time
( 44.5 hours per week) in front of computer , television, and game screens than any other activity in their lives expect
sleeping. Research has found strong associations between increases in advertising for non-nutritious foods and rates of
childhood obesity. Most children under age 6 can not distinguish between programming and advertising , and children
under age 8 do not understand the persuasive intent of advertising. Advertising directed at children this young is by its
very nature exploitative. Children have a remarkable ability to recall content from the ads to which they have been
exposed. Product preference has been shown to occur with as a little as a single commercial exposure and to strengthen
with repeated exposures. Product preference affect children's product purchase requests and these requests influence
parents' purchasing decisions .


1)Choose the title that you think is the most appropriate :

a-The impact of food advertising on childhood obesity.
b-The impact of advertising on economy.
c-Advertising and public health.
2)Are the following statements true or false:
a-Obesity is seriously threatening children's health.
b-The childhood obesity epidemic has no social effects.
c-The rates of obesity in America's children are increasing.
d-Childhood obesity is due to increases in advertising for non-nutritious foods.
3)-Answer the following questions according to the text:
a-What is the most practiced activity by children?
b-Why are children easily influenced by advertising?
4)-Read the text and put the following sentences in the order they appear in the text:
1-Obesity in childhood exposes children to poor health.
2-Most children under age 6 can not distinguish between programming and advertising.
3-The rate of obesity among children and youth is speeding.
4-Today's children spend most of their time in front of television.
1)-Find in the text words that are closet in meaning to:
a-connected ((1§) b-fatness ((2§)
2)-Which adjectives can be derived from the following nouns ?






3)-Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).

1/a-Obesity in childhood places children and youth at risk.
b-Children and youth…………………………………………..………………………….
2/a-"The industry uses cartoon characters to capture the attention of the young,"he said.
b- He said ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4)Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
America (have) a big problem. Many people ( be ) overweight.That (mean) that they(weigh) more than
(be) healthy.Being overweight (can) cause a person to become sick.
5) Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.
Health - increases - children - consume - directed - shown.

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables


Choose one of the following topics:
Topic One: What do you think one should do to avoid obesity? You may use these notes:
a-eat healthy food.
b-keep away from fatty and sugary foods.
c-not eat too much.

d-get enough physical exercise

PART ONE: Reading

A-Reading Comprehension: Read the text carefully then do the activities below:

Children are increasingly becoming target groups for aggressive forms of marketing practices and for commercial
pressure with a view to stimulate and increase their consumption .One reason for this is that that they play an important
role as consumers since they have a vital role in choices concerning consumption in the family economy.

The authorities as well as parents and socially engaged citizens should see it as an important task to identify the
driving forces and consequences of children’s role as consumers.

Children and parents should be educated to develop skills to face the increasing flow of commercial information
and pressure. Besides they should also develop a broader perspective on values and environmental consequences of
consumption. Consumer education should therefore be strengthened as a subject in schools.

Teenagers nowadays are treated as investments that yield higher returns as time continues. The proliferation of
technology means marketers can advertise to youth through many types of media. Therefore, teens need to be alert to
advertising. Sometimes, it is not only a matter of shampoo or jeans, but a matter of health.

Adapted from:

1. Say whether these statements are true or false.
a) Young consumers are important to marketers.
b) Children have no role to play in the family economy.
c) Children need to be taught how to face aggressive adverting.
d) Technology helps the spread of advertising.

2. Answer the following questions according to the text

a) Does advertising affect children’s consumption?
b) Should consumer education be taught at school?
c) How are teenagers seen by advertisers?

3. Copy the title you think is the most appropriate

a) The role of advertising in Society
b) Children and advertising
c) The advantages of advertising

4. Choose the letter which best corresponds to the right answer

The text is: a- a newspaper article b-a web article c- a magazine article

B- Text exploration

1. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
a-reduce §1 b-unessential §2 c-weakened §3
2. complete the table as the example given

verb Noun adjective

Example: to consume consumption consumptive


………………………………. ………………………………. increasing

To strengthen ………………………………. ……………………………….

3. Rewrite sentence ”b” so that it means the same as “a”
1-a.I regret that teenagers are treated as investments that generate huge profits.
b. I wish…………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. A. Advertising is very aggressive; therefore, it should be banned.
B. because……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Classify the following words according to their stressed syllable.
Children- commercial- consumption- technology

1 syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable

5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list

Experts- but- spend- buy
Children are the main target for advertisers. Not only do children today have more disposable income at younger
age,(1)………….they also have a significant influence over family purchases. A report estimated that Canadian
children aged 9 to 14 influence their parents to (2)……………..$1.9 billion in family purchases per year.
Advertising (3)…………….. call it” pester power” or the “nag factor”-the ability to get children to influence their
parents to (4)………. A specific product.


Choose one of the following topics
Topic one: use the following notes to write a composition of about 80 to 120 words about the following
Advertising has become a real menace to children.
-encourage spending money/unnecessary goods.
-raise/family expenditure
-excessive consumption
Obesity/other diseases

PART ONE: Reading and Interpreting                                                              (15pts)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Parents should beware that predators may be using online gaming to target their children. According to the FBI’s
website, there are 750,000 predators online at any given time and they all could have a virtual key to your house via the

“A lot of the online games have multiplayer features where you are connected to people all over the world, whether
that’s live chat over a microphone or live chat on a keyboard. You can be connected to almost anybody,” child advocate
Callahan Walsh of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children said. Microsoft, which owns “Minecraft,”
(one of the most popular games in the world) said in a statement, “Helping keep kids safer online has always been a
priority for us at Microsoft. We encourage parents to also play an active role in their children’s online activities.”

Ericka Souter, editor of, outlined rules that parents should use with their kids to  police online games
dangers. She said that personal information must be kept private: no last names, locations, school information, phone
numbers or photos should be posted. Online friends should be real friends and kids should only interact with people they
know in real life for anyone can lie about who they are online. They should also know that making virtual conversations
with strangers is dangerous. Children had better never visit random chat rooms and refuse to engage strangers in online
conversations. Souter also outlined how parents themselves can help prevent such dangerous online interactions.

Adapted from https://abcnews.go.comMay24, 2016

A/ Comprehension :                                                                                                            (8pts)

1 -The text is

a) a website report b)a newspaper article c)a website warning

2-Are these statements true or false? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the statement.

a) There is no evidence about the existence of online predators.

b) Microsoft doesn’t care about the kids’ safety online.
c) Parents should get involved in their children’s online activities.
d) Interacting with strangers can be harmful.

3-In which paragraph is it mentioned that there are regulations that should be respected to avoid unexpected situations

4-Answer the following questions according to the text

a)- What online threats should parents know?

b)- Why may online games be risky for children?

c)- Mention three rules parents should use with their kids ?

d)- Is it safe to discuss with virtual friends?

5-Choose the most suitable title for the passage.

a)-Online Games b)- Dangerous Online Interaction c)- Kids and Online Interaction

B/ Text Exploration (7 pts)

1. Find in the text words, phrases or expressions opposite in meaning to the following.

a) real / authentic (§1)….

b) prohibit / ban (§2)…..

c) public (§3) ……

2. Give the opposite of the following words keeping the same roots.

a)connected b)useful c)encourage d)real

3.Ask questions that the underlined words answer:

a) A lot of the online games have multiplayer features.

b) Parents should use rules with their kids to police online games dangers.

4. Connect each pair of sentences with one of the given words. Make changes where necessary.

providing that - so……..that - despite -

a) Some online games have become dangerous. Parents should beware of that.

b) Many campaigns have been launched to warn parents. Parents still ignore the potential dangers of online


c) The international community should engage in fighting cybercrime. We put an end to cybercrime.

5. Classify the following words according to their stressed syllables.

conversation - prevent - stranger - connect

1st syllable stressed 2nd syllable stressed 3rd syllable stressed

6. Fill in the gaps with words from the list.

essentially - job - from - danger

In many ways, the Internet has made the predators ………….easier, as the predators can hide behind
pseudonyms and screen names. The ……………….of the Internet is persistent and very real because it provides predators
anonymity. Online victimization differs little ………..traditional victimization that happens in person but the process is
………………….the same. 

PART TWO : Written Expression (5pts)

Choose ONE of the following topics.

Topic 1: Recently, many deaths have been linked to a dangerous game (the Blue Whale) in Algeria and

even abroad. Using the following notes write a composition of about 80 to 120 words stating the main causes of
youth addiction to online games , their dangers and what should be done to control the phenomenon.

- availability of technological devices (smartphones ; tablets…) / WI-FI / 3G / 4G everywhere / technologically illiterate

parents / lack of parents’ control / lack of family communication /

- online child abuse / school failure / serious health threats / cyber bullying….

- periodic awareness campaigns (in schools – media – mosques…) / banning suspicious sites/ age limit imposed on
cybercafés / providing alternatives to satisfy kids’ needs………

Topic 2: During the sacred month of fasting (Ramadan), the Algerian markets are flooded with different kinds of food
that shopkeepers use to target consumers.

Write a composition of about 80 to 120 words relating the dangers of consuming too much unhealthy food and
state the benefits of balanced meals on our health. Illustrate with examples.


Name:…………………………………………………………………….. Class: …………….

Read the following text carefully and do the activities that follow.

New research reveals that restaurant' menus showing how much exercise is needed to burn off calories could be good
for losing weight. Researchers from the Texas Christian University say that telling customers how many minutes they
must walk to burn off the calories from a hamburger is much better information than showing how many calories the
hamburger has. They say people do not really understand calories but do understand they have to walk for 30 minutes.
Senior researcher Dr. Meena Shah said the menu could help people make healthier choices. She said: "We need a more
effective strategy to encourage people to order and consume fewer calories from restaurant menus."
The researchers looked at the restaurant orders made by 300 different people. Some used a menu without calorie
information; some had a menu with calorie information; and the rest were given a menu with a guide to how many
minutes of fast walking would burn off the calories in the food. Example information on the last menu suggested a
woman would need to walk for two hours to burn off the calories in a double cheeseburger. The people who had the
menus with the exercise information ordered food with the fewest calories.
A/ Comprehension (8pts)
1- Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer. (1pts)
A/ The text is about a) How to lose weight b) How to walk c) How not to put on weight.
B/ The text is a) narrative b) argumentative c) expository.

2- Say whether the following statements are true or false. (1.5pts)

a) It is better to tell consumers how to lose calories than how many of them they take………………….
b) Calories can be burned through exercise…………………..
c) All the people at the restaurant had menus with how to burn calories……………………………

3- Answer the following questions according to the text.(3pts)

a) What have restaurants introduced in their menus?.................................…………………………………………………
b) What is the new procedure needed for?………………….....................................................................................
c) What is the consumers’ attitude towards the new menu?...........................................................................

4- Order the following ideas according to their occurrence in the text.(1.5pts)

a) The new menu makes consumers aware of what they eat…………………………………
b) Consumers don’t understand what calories are……………………………
c) The research included three kinds of menus………………………………..

5- What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1pt)

a) They §1 …………………………………………… b) who

B/Text Exploration. (12pts)

1-Find in the text words that are synonyms to: (1.5pts)

a) activity§1=……………………… b) consumers §1=………………………… c) quick

2-Complete the table as shown in the example.(1.5pts)

verb noun adjective

example to save safety safe
to consume



3-Complete sentence ’b’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘a’.(3pts)

A- a)We have very bad eating habits.
b)I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B-a) You’d better stop eating junk food.
b)It’s high time………………………………………………………………………………………………….
C-a) I have put on too much weight, that's why I need to go on a diet.
b)If ……………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………….

3.Combine the following pairs of sentences using the suitable connector. Make changes when necessary. (2pts)

a. The company says it has stopped advertising junk food. Its adverts are still shown on some TV channels. (since

b. Parents are against advertising junk food. Their children have become obese.(because/but)


4-Imagine what “A” says and complete the dialogue. (2.5pts)

B-: Sorry, thanks, I never take energy drinks.
B:-Because they are unhealthy, full of caffeine and other unsafe ingredients.
B:- I have read it in a scientific magazine.

5-Classify the following words according to their stressed syllable. (1.5pts)

research information University strategy effective consume

1st syllable stressed 2ndsyllable stressed 3rdsyllable stressed


A/ Comprehension (07pts) Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Some people may feel upset that shops during this holiday season failed to meet their expectations. Not Bill
Talent, a New York priest, who has been going on the streets of the city exhorting people to resist the temptation to shop
and the demon of consumerism.

Shoppers, he believes, have little regard for how or where or by whom the products are made. They have almost
no resistance to the media messages that encourage them, around the clock, to want things and buy them. He sees a
population lost in consumption, and the meaning of individual life vanished in a fog of wanting, buying and owning too
many things.

‘Consumerism is a dull way of life,’ he says. ‘That’s why I am trying to stop this frenzy and the buy-nothing-day
is meant to reduce its intensity.’

It is not that Bill Talent thinks that no one should ever buy anything. On a recent afternoon, he was seen
purchasing a ream of printer paper and other goods. It is the futility of shopping he is trying to address – the futility of
leaning too heavily on the material at the expense of the spiritual and emotional. He wants to help awaken desensitized
shoppers because they are underestimating the complexity and the beauty of life beyond the frustration of the feeling that
they are poor or have little or not enough possessions.

Constance L. Hays

The New York Times : Jan.2003

1. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

a) During holiday seasons, shops do not provide everything people need. …………….
b) Shoppers pay particular attention to where and how products are made. …………….
c) Consumers can not resist advertisements. …………….
d) Bill Talent is not totally against consuming. …………….

2. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. How does Bill Talent try to stop excessive consumption?


b. What is Bill Talent’s campaign called?


c. Why are people frustrated according to Bill Talent?


3. Choose the best answer. The text is:

a. a radio report

b. a speech made by a priest

c. a newspaper article

4. What do the underlined words in the text refer to ?

their : .........................

he : ..................................

They : ..........................

B/Text Exploration ( 08 pts)

1. Find in the text words, phrases or expressions that are closest in meaning to the following:

a. annoyed (§1)…………………. b. all day and all night (§2)………………..c. buying (§4)……………..

2. Find in the text words, phrases or expressions that are opposite in meaning to the following:

a. discouraging (§1)............................. b. interesting (§3)...........................

c. giving the right value (§4)..............................

3. Fill in the table with the appropriate words.

Verbs Nouns Adjectives

- encourage - -

- - consumption -

- - - intensive

4. Combine the following statements using the connectors in brackets making the necessary changes

a. People do not care about the spiritual aspect of life. They do not find life enjoyable.(if)


b. People feel upset during holiday seasons. They do not find what they need. (as)

c. A variety of goods is available on the market. People still ask for more. (although)


5.Underline the stressed syllables in each of the following words.

a. consumption b. vanished c. expense


Choose one of the following topics:

Topic one:

1. Imagine you are organizing a campaign against fraud and cheating in the local commercial centre, and now you
are meeting the participants in this campaign.
Make a short speech in which you:

a. welcome and thank the participants,

b. explain the reasons for the campaign,

c. tell them how you are going to proceed,

d. close up the speech.
Topic two:

2. Do you think that Bill Talent’s method of discouraging people from buying unnecessary goods is appropriate?
Would it work in the area you live in? Say why. If not, suggest an alternative (another) way that would be more
successful. Give reasons.



Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Are supermarkets designed to persuade us to buy more? When you enter a supermarket, the manager knows better
than you do how you will behave - which way you will walk, where you will look, what will make one want to buy a
particular product rather than another. When customers go into a shop, they naturally look to their left but move
clockwise, towards the right. So supermarket entrances are usually on the left of the building, and the layout is designed
to take shoppers around the store, aisle after aisle, from left to right. Then shoppers will pay attention to all products.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are displayed near supermarket entrances. This gives the impression that only healthy food
is sold in the shop. Basic foods that everyone buys, like sugar and tea, are not put near each other. They are kept in
different aisles so customers are taken past other attractive foods before they find what they want. In this way, shoppers
are encouraged to buy products that they do not really need.

People walk quickly through narrow aisles, but they move more slowly in wide aisles and give more attention to the
products. One best-selling position for products is at the end of the aisles, because shoppers slow down to turn into the
next aisle. Another is on the shelves at eye level. Supermarkets are paid by food manufacturers to put their products in
each of these high-selling places.

Sweets are often placed at children's eye level at the checkout. While parents are waiting to pay, children reach for
the sweets and put them in the trolley.

http: //

1/ Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer. (1pt)

A. The author says that:

a. Shoppers aren’t sensitive to the way the products are placed on shelves.

b. Supermarkets are more and more attractive.

c. Supermarkets do not sell vegetables and fresh fruit.

B. The writer implies that:

a. Shoppers buy everything.

b. Good supermarkets are designed by clever architects.

c. Supermarket managers want their premises to be designed so as to make their customers buy more.

2/ In which paragraph is it mentioned that customers are obliged to buy unimportant foods? (1pt)

3/ Answer the following questions according to the text. (3pts)

a. Why are supermarket entrances usually on the left of the building?

b. How are basic foods kept in aisles?

c. Why do food manufacturers pay supermarkets?

4/ Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer. (0,5 pt)

The text is... a. descriptive b. narrative c. expository

5/ Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1.5 pt)

a. they (§1) b. they (§2) c. their (§3)


1/ Find in the text words that are opposites to the following. (1,5 pt)

a. ignore (§ 1) Vs… b. Alike (§ 2) Vs…. c. take (§ 3) Vs ….

2/ Complete the chart as shown in the example. (1.5pt)

Verb Noun Adjective

Example To encourage encouragement encouraged/ encouraging

To lose ………………… ………………………

……………… danger ………………………

……………… ……………… managed

3/ Re-write sentence "b" so that it means the same as sentence "a". (2pts)

1. a. Sugar and tea are basic foods . But they are not put on the same shelves.

b. Although……………………………………………………………………

2. a. One best-selling position for products is at the end of the aisles, because shoppers slow down to turn into the next

b. Shoppers ………………………………………………………………………………

4/ Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final /s/. (1pt) houses -shoppers- sorts-
5/ Fill in the gaps with words from the list. ( 2pts)

sleeping - catalogue - reading - fascination – sometimes- customers

My favourite parts of the New York Times Sunday newspaper are the advertisements pages because they exert a kind
of hypnotic ..........(1)............. . In the gift catalogue from the Z company of New York, you can find all sorts of odd
things. I once bought something from this…(2)….. It was a little .........(3)...... light that you can clip into your book so as
not to disturb anyone ..........(4)......... in the same room.

Part Two: Written Expression (5pts)

Choose ONE of the following topics:

Topic One: In your city, you feel that consumers are not protected against the defects of the goods they buy. So you
decide with a group of friends to create an association of consumers. Write a composition in which you
expose the reasons and objectives of this association.

You may use the following ideas:

Reasons: counterfeit/ cheap products, lower quality/ harmful, not lasting...

Objectives: to sensitize the consumers, to protect them, to buy safe products...

Topic Two: Fraud and corruption are widespread phenomena. Write a composition of 08 lines suggesting the measures
you would take into account to fight these malpractices.
PART ONE: Reading (15 points)
A/ comprehension Read the text carefully then do the activities. (08points)

From the consumer's point of view, the basic criticism of advertising is that it leads him to buy product that he does
not need by presenting misleading and untruthful statements or by creating wants, needs, and desires in his mind that
might not otherwise exist. In the first instance it is accepted that the consumer, of his own volition, has a need that is filled
by the description of the advertised product but not necessarily by the product itself, whereas in the second the need is
artificial and is stimulated entirely by the media.

From an economic viewpoint, critics of advertising point to the enormous amount of money involved money that,
they state, does not benefit the consumer although he is compelled to pay it. A second criticism is that advertising
restricts competition because only large companies can afford expensive, nationwide campaigns, thus limiting freedom of
entry of new firms into an established market.

A definitive answer to these critics is obviously impossible. Regarding the first, it might be fair to say that economic
growth and the creation of wealth might come more slowly without the aid of advertising.

Regarding the second major criticism that advertising encourages the concentration of industry, there is no doubt that
this is true. But not everyone agrees that industrial concentration necessarily acts against the interests of the consumer.

1-The text is : a) argumentative b) descriptive c) expository

2. Are the following statements true or false?

a) Advertising makes the consumer buy what he needs.

b) Advertising does not encourage competition.

c) Advertising encourages the concentration of industry.

d) Advertising makes the economic growth fast

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) What is the basic criticism of advertising from the consumer's point of view?

b) Why does advertising restrict competition?

c) Does advertising satisfy the consumer’s needs for a description of the product or for the product itself?

4 ‫ من‬1 ‫صفحة‬

4. Choose the best answer. The text is:

a) a radio report. b) a net article. c) a newspaper article.

5. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

-a) him ( §1) -b) they ( §2 -c)these ( §3) -d)that ( §3) B/ text
exploration (07points)
1-Find in the text words, phrases or expressions that are closest in meaning to the following:

a. opinion ( §1) =……… b. limits ( §2) =………….. c. help( §3) =…………

2-Complete the chart as shown in the example:
Verb Noun Adjective

Example to explore Exploration Exploratory

produce …………………. ………………..

………………… Benefit ……………….

3-Combine the following statements using the connectors in brackets making the necessary changes.
a-Advertising can be harmful. it leads consumers to buy every product . (if)
b- Advertising plays a vital role in economic development. People disagree about its importance (although)

4-Fill in the blanks with words from the list -high

time -should -prosper -solve.

           I think it’s our responsibility to ............... the problems of the workers. We.................not be interested in the
increase of productivity. It’s .........we worked hand in hand so that our business will continue to....................

5-Classify the following words according to the stressed syllable

Advertisement disagree critic

1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable


Choose one of the following topics and write a composition of about 80 words.

Either: Toic One :

Do you think that money companies devote to advertising is wasted money? Give your reasons

Or Topic Two:

Suppose you are working in a company where the moral values are not respected. Write a letter to the minister in which
you describe the situation using the following notes :

- child labour
- false accounting ,
- no safety measures
- unhealthy conditions - bad payment..

Read the passage carefully then do the activities:

Advertising has become a very specialized activity in modern times. In the business world today, supply is
usually greater than demand.

There is a great competition between different manufacturers of the same kind of product to persuade
consumers to buy their favourite brand. They always have to remind the consumer of the name and the
qualities of their products. They do this by advertising.

The manufacturer advertises in the newspapers and on posters. He sometimes pays for songs about his
product in commercial radio programmes.He employs attractive girls to distribute samples of it. He
organises competitions with prices for winners. He has often advertised on the screen of local cinemas, but
more importantly, he has advertisements put on TV programmes that would accept them.

The advertisement in a newspaper is cheaper than on television. However, many businessmen think that
television is more effective than either a newspaper or commercial radios.

PART ONE : Reading and Interpreting (15 pts)

A- Comprehension /Interpretation

1- Type of Discourse : Choose the best answer(a ,b or c): (0.5pt)

The text is: a) narrative b) expository c) descriptive

2- True / False Statements : Are these statements true or false according to the text? (1.5pt)

Television is the best media to advertise a new product.

a) Manufacturers use billboards in advertisement.

b) Attractive girls are employed to buy products.
3- Comprehension Questions : Answer the following questions according to the text: (3pts)

c) Why is there a great competition between manufacturers?

d) How do manufacturers advertise their products?
e) Is television more important than radio in advertising?

4- Title : Choose the best title (a, b or c) to this passage: (0.5pt)

a) Advertising b) Business is Business c) For and Against Advertising

5- Vocabulary :

A) Synonyms : Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to: (1pt)

a) publicity (§1) =………………..b) to convince (§2) =………………..

B) Opposites : Find in the text words opposite in meaning to:

a) traditional (§1) ≠………………b) refuse (§3) ≠…………………

6- Cohesive Markers: Who/what do the underlined words refer to in the text? (0.5pt )

a) They do this (§2) = ………………… b) He employs attractive girls (§3) = ……………..

B- Text Exploration:

1- Morphology : Derive nouns from the following verbs: ( 1.5 pts )

( consume - advertise - produce )

2- Transformations : Rewrite the following statements using the prompts provided : (3pts)

a) Advertisements for fast foods will be banned. ( might )

b) Health warnings will be written on the packages of processed food. ( might )
c) The Algerian government will impose an eco-tax on polluting industries. ( may )
3- Gap-filling: Fill in the blanks from the list: ( 02 pts )

( advertising - other - consumer - studies )

Some .…(1)… found that advertising had a good effect on consumer satisfaction; .…(2)….studies found that …(3)… had
a negative impact and led to …(4)….

4- Sound System: Underline the stressed syllable: (1.5pts)

advertise - advertisement - commerce - commercial - regulate - regulation


Choose ONE of the following topics:

Topic One: Reorder these sentences to get a coherent paragraph:

a) In the Middle Ages, people used pictures above their shops.

b) Because most people could not read.

c) The first step towards modern advertising came in the 15 th and 17th

centuries with the development of printing.

d) There was no written advertising yet,

e) At the same time, as education improved gradually the written word

became accessible to more people.

Topic Two: Imagine what A says and complete the dialogue:

A: …………………………………………………………………………

B: I have terrible pains in my stomach.


B: A ham-burger.


B: I know but I had too much work, so I ate in the office.


B: Never again! I prefer going on a fast than eating fast food.

Topic Three: Write a paragraph in which you answer the following question:

- Do you think that advertising (publicity) is the best way for selling goods?


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