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White Dolphin

Q1: Do you find this novel interesting? Why?

Ans: In my opinion, this novel was very interesting as it was full of adventure and suspense. It
also shows that even if you do not like the way something is going you still have to accept it. The
novel explores many issues including overfishing, marine destruction, disability, and death.
Q2: Describe all the characters in your own words.
-Kara: Kara, the main character of this book, is a strong, ambitious 12-year-old girl with a thirst
for justice driven by the disappearance of her Mum. Kara is isolated and lonely, bullied at school
for her dyslexia, and struggling to deal with her mother's mysterious disappearance.
-Kay woods: she is the mother of Kara and works as a marine biologist to save white dolphins
that disappeared on Soloman Island.
-Jim Wood: Jim is the father of Kara and works in Merry Mermaid café as well as a fisherman
who’s planning to sell Moana.
-Jake: He is a bully, rude, rich, uncaring, and confident boy whose father owns a very rich
-Dougie Evans: A petty and snobby man who owns and rich business which provides
employment for others including Kara’s uncle.
-Uncle Tom: he is Kara’s uncle, relatively a nice and patient man who worked under Dougie
-Aunt Bev: Aunt Bev is Kara's Dad's sister. She is expecting another child. Aunt Bev is
judgmental and it is hard for them to live with her at her house.
-Jake: Jake is the school bully whose father employs Kara's uncle at the fishing trawlers.
-Felix: He has the cerebral palsy disorder and was unable to move properly. He was non-
courteous, impolite, and rude toward his friends.
-Daisy: Daisy is a five-year-old girl, and also Kara's cousin. She is very courageous for her age.
She stands up to Felix's bullies though she was of mere five years.

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