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Alumno: Carlos Manuel Hernandez Lara

Grupo: SCO8SA116

Carrera: Lic. Sistemas Computacionales

Materia: Ingles III

Fecha de entrega: 25/02/2023

Read the text again and choose the correct answer.
1. The weather is good in Mexico
a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

2. The tour lasts for almost two weeks.

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

3. They offer a los of different water sports.

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

4. A room for two people costs £5,200

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

5. The Price includes breakfast only.

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

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