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Arellano University

Senior High School Department

Juan Sumulong Campus
2600 Legarda St. Sampaloc, Manila

Name: Date:
Grade: Grade 12 Teacher: Cheriel Ann S. Pael
Section: STEM
Subject: Media And Information Literacy


Topic: Information Literacy

Learning Target/s:  Defines information needs, locates, accesses,
assesses, organizes, and communicates
 Realize the importance of gathering information.
 Demonstrates ethical use of information

References: Media And Information Literacy.pdf

Information Literacy
Purpose of the Questions
 Who - to identify the person
 What - to know about something
 Where - to locate a place
 When - to know specific time and date
 Why - to state the reason
 How - the way or manner in which things are done
Information- A broad term that can cover processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience,
instruction, signals or symbols. In the media world, information is often used to describe knowledge of specific
events or situations that has been gathered or received by communication, intelligence, or news reports.
Information Literacy - A set of individual competencies needed to identify, evaluate and use information in
the most ethical, efficient and effective way across all domains, occupations and professions. It refers to the
ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and communicate
information in its various formats.
1. Identifying/recognizing information needs
2. Determining sources of information
3. Citing or searching for information
4. Analyzing and evaluating the quality of information
5. Organizing, storing or archiving information
6. Using information in an ethical, efficient and effective way
7. Creating and communicating new knowledge
Plagiarism: Using other people’s words and ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of the information
Common Knowledge: Facts that can be found in numerous places and are likely to be widely known.
Example: John F. Kennedy was elected President of the United States in 1960. This is generally known
information. You do not need to document this fact.
Interpretation: You must document facts that are not generally known, or ideas that interpret facts.
Example: Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever to have played the game. This idea is not a fact
but an interpretation or an opinion. You need to cite the source.
Quotation: Using someone’s words directly. When you use a direct quote, place the passage between quotation
marks, and document the source according to a standard documenting style.
Example: According to John Smith in The New York Times, “37% of all children under the age of 10 live
below the poverty line”. You need to cite the source.
Paraphrase: Using someone’s ideas, but rephrasing them in your own words. Although you will use your own
words to paraphrase, you must still acknowledge and cite the source of the information.
Basic Citations Format
1. In-text Citation = Surname (Year)
2. APA in-text citation= (Surename, Year, page)
3. Direct = Source – retrieve date – “Exact words of the author”
Ex: As published in www.scienceforall retrieved on Feb. 1,2020, it was mentioned that “Exact words of
the writer”
4. In books: Author,(Year). “Title of the article”. Title of the Book. Publishing house. Page Number
Ex. Vargas,(2018). “Citation and Referencing”. Reading and Writing. Arizona State University. Page

Performance Task #1
Directions: Read and analyze the given scenario with your group mates. Complete the tables below with
information needed.(50points)

Table 1 – 18points
Table II- 12points
Group presentation – 10points
Group Collaboration – 10points

Scenario: Your group is tasked to plan an academic trip. List pertinent information on two possible destinations
(somewhere in the country or abroad).

Table I. (18 points)

Data Plan A Plan B
Place / Location /
Activity / Schedule
Best time to visit / Length of

Transportation (type,
budget, schedule, others)
Accommodation (type,
budget, schedule, others)
Food (type, budget,
schedule, others)
Things to bring / Reminders
Other information you may
Total Budget

Table II. (12points)

Information needs
What information do you need?
Sources of information
Where will you get them?
Access to the information
How will you access them?
Evaluate information
How will you check the quality of
Organize information
How will you organize and store them?
Communicate information
How will you create and communicate

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