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Typical Food

The typical food of Canadian has a variety of ingredients and styles. This is

because, in addition to its strong indigenous influence, the country has imported
many dishes from the two countries that occupied it in antiquity: France and

1. Poutine
Poutine, a french fry-looking dish and arguably Canada’s national and most
defining dish or side dish. It’s one of the best things to come out of French impact
on Canada. Poutine is best served with a meat-based gravy and curds on top of
the bowl of fries.

2. Canadian Bacon
The rest of the world and bacon-eating America is familiar with that kind of bacon:
the thin strip of meat derived from the belly of pork. Canadian bacon - which is
essentially taken from the lean pork loin and brined. 

3. Butter Tarts
 It is a tart made from a pastry shell, butter, sugar, syrup, eggs, and raisins, and
cooked until the tart pie filling is semi-solid and semi-crunchy. Its ties with a similar
English pastry may explain the butter tart’s popularity among the English-speaking
in Canada.

4. Nanaimo Bars
 Nanaimo bars look like cheesecake but are a sweet dessert made of crumbs as a
base, icing in the middle, then topped with chocolate. Nanaimo bars obviously just
need assembling the ingredients in layers - no cooking involved - and cookers are
free to variate the flavours to further bolster this Canadian favourite. (FligthHub,

5. Lastly: Fiddleheads

One of the most healthy and tasty dishes in Canada. Fiddleheads are rolled fern
leaves and when cooked they have a taste similar to asparagus. They are
originally from New Brunswick, on the east coast of the country, although they can
be found in other neighboring regions. (Exoticca, 2021)

These are some dishes, what do you think? Continue my partner Teresita de Jesús
Hernández Zúrita

Exoticca. (10 de 05 de 2021). Exoticca. Obtenido de GASTRONOMY IN CANADA:

FligthHub. (10 de 05 de 2021). Travel with bender. Obtenido de 5 National Cuisines In Canada:

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