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Background on Armstrong's career and achievements

Brief overview of the doping scandal that tarnished his legacy

II. Armstrong's Early Life and Career

Childhood and early interest in sports

Early success in triathlons and road racing

Armstrong's first Tour de France victory in 1999

III. Armstrong's Battle with Cancer

Diagnosis and treatment of testicular cancer

Armstrong's recovery and return to cycling

Creation of the Lance Armstrong Foundation and the Livestrong campaign

IV. Armstrong's Tour de France Dominance

Overview of Armstrong's seven consecutive Tour de France victories

Analysis of Armstrong's training and preparation

Examination of Armstrong's rivalry with other top cyclists

V. Doping Allegations and Investigation

First rumors of Armstrong's use of performance-enhancing drugs

Investigations by anti-doping agencies and media outlets

The USADA investigation and Armstrong's ultimate confession

VI. The Impact of Armstrong's Scandal

The fallout for Armstrong's reputation and career

The impact on the sport of cycling and the sports industry as a whole

Changes in anti-doping measures and regulation as a result of the scandal

VII. Armstrong's Legacy and Continued Involvement in Cycling

Armstrong's current role in the cycling community and advocacy for cancer research

Debate over whether Armstrong should be allowed to compete again

The enduring lessons of Armstrong's career and doping scandal

VIII. Conclusion

Recap of Armstrong's career and legacy

Reflection on the lessons learned from the Armstrong scandal

Call to action for the sports industry to continue to strive for integrity and transparency.

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