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Cyber Psychology:

1. Cyberpsychology is the branch of psychology that studies the psychological and

behavioral aspects of human interaction with technology and the internet. It is
relevant in today's world because technology and the internet have become an
integral part of our daily lives and are increasingly influencing our thoughts,
emotions, and behaviors.

2. Technology can have both positive and negative impacts on human psychology.
On the positive side, technology can help people stay connected with others,
access information, and support mental health through tools such as virtual
therapy or self-care apps. On the negative side, excessive use of technology can
lead to issues such as addiction, depression, anxiety, decreased attention span,
and sleep disturbance.

3. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a term used to describe the anxiety or feeling of
insecurity that arises from the perception that others are experiencing greater
success, opportunities, or social events than oneself. It is expressed in human
behavior as a constant need to check social media, a compulsive need to
participate in social events, and a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's own life.

4. Excessive usage of gadgets and media can have a negative impact on eating
habits, leading to issues such as mindless eating, decreased appetite, and
unhealthy food choices. Some people may also develop orthorexia, a condition
characterized by an obsession with eating only healthy or pure foods, which can
negatively impact both physical and mental health.

5. The internet can have positive impacts on human health and well-being, such as
improving access to health information, promoting physical activity through
online fitness programs, and providing support through online communities.
However, it is important to use the internet in moderation and to engage in
activities that promote physical and mental health, such as exercise,
mindfulness, and face-to-face social interaction.

6. Memes are viral images, videos, or pieces of text that spread quickly across the
internet and are often meant to be humorous or satirical. They have had a
significant impact on language and culture, shaping the way people
communicate and perceive the world. Memes have also been used as a form of
social and political commentary, making them an important tool for expression
and cultural critique.

7. For a safe cyber space and well-being, here are some simple practices to follow:

✓ Limit your screen time and take regular breaks to reduce eye strain and
prevent burnout
✓ Practice healthy sleep habits to ensure adequate rest
✓ Engage in physical activity and maintain a balanced diet
✓ Be mindful of the information you share online and protect your privacy
✓ Seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals if you
experience any negative impacts from technology use.


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