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Digital Footprints


A digital footprint [or digital

reputation] is all of the information
online about a person either posted by
that person or others, intentionally or
unintentionally. Filling out a form,
leaving a blog comment, updating
your status, checking into a location,
emailing or IM'ing a friend, posting a
photo, visiting a website, using a
search engine everything you do
online leaves a trail. This trail is your
digital footprint.
Importance of DF in a Positive Manner

 It supplements your online persona.

 It can be forever.
 It can be lost over time.
 It can be looked at by employers.
 It can showcase your initiative, investment and experience.
Digital Issues in the Philippines
Internet Addiction


Internet addiction is defined as any online-related,

compulsive behavior which interferes with normal
living and causes severe stress on family, friends,
loved ones, and one's work environment. Internet
addiction has been called Internet dependency and
Internet compulsivity.
Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is described as an impulse
control disorder, which does not involve use of an
intoxicating drug and is very similar to pathological
gambling. Some Internet users may develop an
emotional attachment to on-line friends and activities
they create on their computer screens.

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place
using electronic technology. Electronic technology
includes devices and equipment such as cell phones,
computers, and tablets as well as communication tools
including social media sites, text messages, chat, and
websites. Examples of cyberbullying include mean
text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or
posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing
pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

Illustration of two teens texting. Cell phones and
computers themselves are not to blame for cyberbullying. Social
media sites can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids
with friends and family, helping students with school, and for
entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other
people. Whether done in person or through technology, the effects
of bullying are similar. Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely
 Use alcohol and drugs
 Skip school
 Experience in-person bullying
 Be unwilling to attend school
 Receive poor grades
 Have lower self-esteem
 Have more health problems
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