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Ready for Change Check List

Name: _Sergio & Vanessa_____________________

✓ I acknowledge that in the beginning, teaching my baby or toddler correct sleeping

habits requires strong levels of commitment. I am prepared for 2 weeks of hard work
while the new skills are being taught and my partner or support person is on board
with these changes.

✓ I acknowledge that in the beginning of the sleep training process, I will need to be
organised in my daily life and have minimal commitments so I can focus 100% on
teaching my baby to sleep better.

✓ I acknowledge that I will need to be extremely consistent throughout the sleep

training process and follow the guidelines of the sleep training method I have chosen
and the information in the sleep plan.

✓ I have ensured that my baby/child’s sleep environment is safe and in line with the
SIDS/SUDI guidelines.

✓ I have consulted with my GP for any medical concerns and my baby/child has been
cleared for sleep training.

✓ I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions. (Please ensure you read these
as they contain important information including the refund process).

✓ I have chosen a sleep package and have deposited the money into the Wee Gems
Sleep Consultant Westpac Bank Account 03 1594 0199495 003.

✓ I am ready now, to begin working with my consultant.

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