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Nama : Indra Kirana

NIM : 044517739
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris MKWI4201.46

Jawaban :
1. a. Percakapan tersebut menggunakan Bahasa kasual karena adanya penyingkatan kata kerja
pada bagian Helen: Not much. Hey, how did your interview go? Wasn’t that today?
b. Tentang teman yang baru saja bertemu di sebuah kafe setelah itu mereka membicarakan
tentang wawancara kerja yang dilakukan hari itu.
2. This office space is where I work, and in this place I also get a lot of knowledge and also
Lots of experience and knowledge gained while working here.

This office is located in the Pasar Rebo area of East Jakarta.

In this office, we often make jokes on the sidelines of office activities which sometimes make
our heads dizzy, hehe
sometimes we go to buy or order food and drinks online to enjoy together.

working here is a proud business because at a very young age I can work in an office space.

3. a. Jonathan Stewart
b. All Employees
c. to inform that the farewell ceremony of Jesse Carrillo
4. From : Indra Kirana
To : My City Got Talent CS
Subject : My City Got Talent Registration
Hello, My name Indra Kirana. I want to entered My City Got Talent competition but I
couldn't find where to download the form registration.
Please reply my email before the registration deadline is over. Thank you for your attention.
Source : BMP MKWI4201 Bahasa Inggris

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