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Nama: Kristiani Mita Natalia

NIM: 044657974

Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. / Please read the conversation below.
Helen: Hey, Jane!
Jane: Oh hey, I didn’t see you there. Did you already get a table?
Helen: Yeah, right over here.
Jane: I’m glad we had time to meet up.
Helen: Me too. So, what’s going on?
Jane: Oh, not much. You?
Helen: Not much. Hey, how did your interview go? Wasn’t that today?
Jane: Oh, yeah. I think it went well. I don’t know if I got the job yet, but they said they would call
in a few days.
Helen: Well, I’m sure you did great. Good luck.
Jane: Thanks. I’m just happy that it’s over. I was really nervous about it.
Helen: I can understand that. I get nervous before interviews, too.
Jane: Well, thanks for being supportive. I appreciate it.
Helen: Sure, no problem.

Pertanyaan / Questions
1. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan jelaskan
alasannya. / Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer.

Answer: Above conversation is an informal language. Because the situation they did the
conversation is between friends only. They also use abbreviation sentence, e.g didn’t, thanks.

2. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation.

Answer: The topic, is about Jane which have finished her Job interview and Helen was try to
comfort her.
Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini. / Please look at the picture below.

Anggaplah gambar tersebut adalah tempat kerja Anda. Tulislah sebuah paragraf deskripsi
singkat dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai tempat kerja tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200
kata. / Imagine it is a picture of your office. Write a descriptive paragraph about the place in 100-
200 words.
Gunakan poin-poin berikut sebagai acuan Anda dalam menulis: / Use these points as your
guidelines when writing:
Kalimat utama / pengantar / introduction
Lokasi kantor / location of the office
Hal menarik yang ada di ruang kerja / interesting features of the office
Perasaan atau kesan Anda terhadap ruang kerja / what you feel about the office


I work on an intimate company in Yogyakarta. Marketing is position if this company, I

have been working about 4 years since 2018. My company is located on Pemuda Street,
Bantul, Yogyakarta. Which have 5 unit building on it and this room on E unit building.
As you can see, on this workspace have a dominant white colour, and it makes room feels more
wide and more classical on its furniture. On this room, have 1 personal computer, chair, paint,
desk and cabinet. On the side on the window, have 1 plant.
This plant I request specially, as I need a green space on my work space. Due during 6 working
hours in front of the computer, you need to look on something green colour to comfort your
eyes. I know this thing from the internet.
I enjoy work in this room, because it has comfort area, tidy and clean. Not have many
things in this room so it makes more space I can use for.
Perhatikan memo bawah ini. / Please read the memo below.
To: All Employees
From: Manager
Date: 4 August 2021
Subject: Invitation to Attend Farewell Ceremony
This is to inform you that the farewell ceremony in honour of Jesse Carrillo, Marketing Manager,
is going to be held at 10 a.m. on the 25th of August in Conference Room A. He is leaving us
after 12 years of dedicated service. All staff are requested to attend the ceremony without any
Thank you and see you at the ceremony.
Jonathan Stewart

Pertanyaan / Questions
Please identify:
a. the sender of the memo,
Answer: Jonathan Stewart as a Manager.

b. for whom the memo is for, and

Answer: To all employees and staff o the company.

c. what the memo is about.

Answer: An invitation to attend farewell ceremony in honour of Marketing Manager , Jesse
Carrilo to all employees and staff.
Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti kompetisi My City Got Talent tetapi tidak dapat menemukan
informasi di mana formulir bisa diunduh. Tulislah sebuah email berdasarkan situasi tersebut
sebanyak 50-100 kata yang berisi:
You are interested in applying for the My City Got Talent competition but you could not find the
information about where you can download the forms. Write an email based on that situation in
50-100 words by including:
Content / body email
Closing / Sign off

Dear My City Got Talent team,

Good day!

My name is Kristin, and I live in Bantul city.

I have interested on applying My City Got Talent competition, and I have read some information
on the announcement.
But unfortunately I can not find link for download the forms, and I have been trying to search on
it, but yet not find it. According to this issue, could you please help send me the link related or
send me the forms? So I can fill the forms and submit for the competition.

Looking forward for your reply and feedback,

Thank you

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