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Ahmed Medeghri High School Level 

: First year Literary stream

Full name : …………………………………. Class: ………………….. Duration: 1 h

The Third Term English Test

-A/ Comprehension    
Read the following text carefully then do the activities that follow

Japanese electronics company Panasonic will pay its Japanese staff in China "pollution
pay". The company wants to give its workers more
money because of China's poor air quality. No one
knows how many people will get the extra cash.
Neither did the company say how much the
additional pay would be. Panasonic did not
announce any plans to give the payment to its
Chinese staff. Workers who have to work in other
countries usually get extra pay for phoning home,
eating in restaurants or buying furniture. Panasonic is
probably the first company in the world to give
compensation to its workers because of pollution.
Other companies in China may now follow
Panasonic's example.

Air pollution is a serious problem in China. The World Health Organization said pollution
levels there were 15 times higher than healthy levels. China’s Premier, LiKegiang recently said his country
would fight a “war on pollution”. “There are several reasons why pollution in China has become so bad in
recent years. The country’s economic success means there are thousands more factories. China also uses
coal as its main source of energy. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands more cars than before on
China’s roads.


1- The text is: a) Narrative. b) Expository. c) Descriptive.

Choose the best answer

2- Say whether these statements are (T) or (F) according to the text:
a. Panasonic staff will get 7℅ increase in pay because of pollution. …………….
b. Panasonic may be the pioneer company to offer pollution pay. …………….
c. Pollution in China is 15 times higher than safe healthy levels. …………….
d. China’s main source of energy comes from oil. …………….

3- Answer these questions according to the text:

a- Why will Panasonic pay extra cash to their workers in China?
b- Did the company precise the amount of the payment?
c- What are the reasons behind pollution in China?

4- What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text:

a-its(§1) ……………. b-there(§2). ……………. C-its(§2) …………….

5- Give a suitable title to the text: ……………………………………..

B/Text exploration:

1/ Find in the text words that are closet in meaning to:

a-refunds (§1) ……………. b. Pioneer (§1) ………………………c-power(§2) …………….

2/Use prefixes to form the opposite of these words:

1/…...known - 2/……healthy 3/……essential 4/……possible

3/Re-write sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (b):

1- a. The company wants to give its workers more money because of China's poor air quality.
b. China's poor air quality …………………………………………………
2- a. The reporter questioned: “Is air pollution a serious problem in China?”
b. The reporter questioned………………………………………………………………
3- a. We have to stop CO2 emissions in order to make the earth safe.
b. If ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4/ Ask uestions on the underlined word:
- There are thousands (1) more cars than before on China’s roads (2) .
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………?
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….?

5/ Cross out the silent letters in the following words:

Wrestle – womb – foreign – knot – sandwich – hymn

6/ Complete the following dialogue:

A: Did you see the documentary on TV yesterday?

B: No, what was it about?
A: ………………………………………………………………..
B: Global warming! And did they find any solutions to this phenomenon?
A: ………………………………………………………………..
B: Ah, I see. So we must plant more trees and limit gas emissions.
A: ………………………………………………………………...
B: Good! And at what time will they present the second part of the documentary?
A: …………………………………………………………………
B: Tomorrow evening! Right, I will try not to miss it.

“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” 

― Roy T. Bennett

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