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Subhana islam f2021001047 HRM

1. Inclusive hiring practices: Airblue's recruitment process is designed to attract a diverse pool of
candidates. They use a variety of recruitment channels, including social media, job fairs, and
employee referrals. They also have a policy of conducting blind resume screenings, where
personal information such as name, gender, and age are redacted to prevent any unconscious
bias in the selection process.

2. Employee resource groups (ERGs): they has established employee resource groups to support
employees from different backgrounds. ERGs provide a platform for employees to connect,
share experiences, and develop initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion.

3. Diversity and inclusion training: airblue provides diversity and inclusion training to all
employees, including senior management. The training is designed to raise awareness of
unconscious bias, promote inclusive behaviors, and provide tools to effectively work with
colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

4. Mentorship programs: airblue has a mentorship program that pairs employees with mentors
from different departments and backgrounds. The program helps employees develop new skills,
build relationships, and gain exposure to different areas of the organization.

5. Inclusive policies: Airblue has implemented policies that promote inclusivity and flexibility. For
instance, they offer flexible work arrangements such as telecommuting, job sharing, and part-
time work to accommodate the diverse needs of employees.

6. Regular diversity and inclusion reviews: Airblue conducts regular reviews of its diversity and
inclusion initiatives to ensure that they are effective and making a positive impact. The company
also monitors its diversity metrics and sets targets for improvement.

In case of no diversity and inclusion in organization airblue can use these benchmarking techniques to
promote diversity and inclusion in their organization.

1. Employee Surveys: they can conduct surveys to gather employee feedback on diversity and
inclusion. These surveys can include questions about their experiences with diversity and
inclusion in the workplace, their perceptions of the company's efforts towards diversity and
inclusion, and suggestions for improvement.

2. Best Practices Research: Airblue can conduct research on best practices for promoting diversity
and inclusion in the workplace. This can include reviewing industry reports, case studies, and
benchmarking data to identify strategies that have been successful for other companies.

3. Inclusive Job Descriptions: Airblue can benchmark its job descriptions against best practices for
inclusive language. This can include using gender-neutral language, avoiding stereotypes, and
emphasizing the company's commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Subhana islam f2021001047 HRM

4. Inclusive Hiring Practices: they can benchmark its hiring practices against best practices for
diversity and inclusion. This can include creating diverse hiring teams, using blind resume
reviews to eliminate bias, and implementing inclusive interview practices.

5. Employee Resource Groups: they can benchmark its employee resource groups against best
practices for diversity and inclusion. This can include ensuring that the groups are inclusive and
open to all employees, providing resources and support to members, and leveraging the groups
to drive positive change in the workplace.

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