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An in situ method for cultivating microorganisms using a double

encapsulation technique
Eitan Ben-Dov1,2, Esti Kramarsky-Winter3,4 & Ariel Kushmaro1,5
Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er-Sheva, Israel; 2Achva Academic College, M.P. Shikmim, Israel;
Department of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel; 4Pacific Biomedical Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA; and
National Institute for Biotechnology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er-Sheva, Israel

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Correspondence: Ariel Kushmaro, Abstract
Department of Biotechnology Engineering,
National Institute for Biotechnology, Ben-
The lack of cultured microorganisms represents a bottleneck for advancement in
Gurion University of the Negev, PO Box 653, microbiology. The development of novel culturing techniques is, therefore, a
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel. Tel.: 1972 8 647 crucial step in our understanding of microbial diversity in general, and the role of
9024; fax: 1972 8 647 2983; e-mail: such diversity in the environment, in particular. This study presents an innovative method for cultivating microorganisms by encapsulating them within agar
spheres, which are then encased in a polysulfonic polymeric membrane and
Received 25 January 2009; revised 8 March incubated in a simulated or natural environment. This method stimulates growth
2009; accepted 18 March 2009.
of the entrapped microorganisms by allowing them access to essential nutrients
First published online 21 April 2009.
and cues from the environment. It allows for the discovery of microorganisms
from dilutions that are 10–100-fold greater than possible with conventional
plating techniques. Analysis of microorganisms grown in such spheres incubated
Editor: Riks Laanbroek in and on a number of different substrates yielded numerous novel ribotypes. For
example, spheres incubated on the mucus surface of a Fungiid coral yielded
Keywords numerous ribotypes, with only 50% sharing similarity (85–96%) to previously
unculturable microorganisms; microbial identified microorganisms. This suggests that many of the species represent novel
diversity; cultivating technique. ribotypes. Hence, the technique reported here advances our ability to retrieve and
successfully culture microorganisms and provides an innovative tool to access
unknown microbial diversity.

portant biological functions of the microorganisms. For

Introduction example, such approaches do not address unique innova-
The field of microbiology has been limited by the restricted tions in cell function that may have driven the evolution of a
ability to culture microorganisms in the laboratory. Indeed, certain microbial group. Moreover, metagenomic techni-
it is estimated that 4 99% of microorganisms have not yet ques, either alone or together with expression vectors, are
been cultured (Staley & Konopka, 1985; Wagner et al., 1993; unable to provide enough information regarding important
Amann et al., 1995). The failure of microbial culturing is due biochemical activities of such organisms in the environment
to a number of reasons. Medium toxicity, auxotrophy for (Rappé & Giovannoni, 2003; Cottrell et al., 2005). The
missing nutrients, strict dependence on mutualistic interac- development of novel culturing techniques (Manome et al.,
tions with other bacteria and suppression of slow-growing 2001; Connon & Giovannoni, 2002; Kaeberlein et al., 2002;
bacteria by overgrowing bacteria can all arrest microorgan- Zengler et al., 2002; Akselband et al., 2006; Bollmann et al.,
ism growth (Manome et al., 2001; Giovannoni et al., 2007). 2007; Giovannoni et al., 2007; Ingham et al., 2007) is,
Currently, only 26 of the c. 52 identifiable major lineages, or therefore, crucial to expanding our understanding of micro-
phyla, within the domain Bacteria have cultivated represen- bial diversity and of the roles played by microorganisms in
tatives. The other remaining candidate divisions are repre- the environment.
sented only by environmental DNA sequences (Rappé & In this report, we describe a method for cultivating
Giovannoni, 2003). microorganisms by encapsulating them in polysulfone-
There are, however, several limitations to using molecular coated agar spheres, and subsequently incubating the
analysis alone. rRNA gene phylogenies cannot reveal im- spheres in simulated or natural environments. Using this

FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68 (2009) 363–371 

c 2009 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
364 E. Ben-Dov et al.

approach, we succeeded in isolating and cultivating a solublized in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) (Merck KGaA,
number of previously unknown microorganisms. Darmstadt, Germany) solvent to obtain 10%, 15%, 20% and
25% (w/v) solutions. Permeability of the polysulfone coat-
Materials and methods ing layer for soluble nutrients was evaluated by mixing
7% (w/v) Blue Dextran-2000 (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden)
Sample collection within agar spheres (1%). Each sphere was incubated in
1 mL of sterile tap water at room temperature. Polysulfone
Mucus from Fungia granulosa corals (maintained in aquaria membrane-coated and -uncoated spheres without blue
with artificial seawater) was sampled by collecting c. 1-mL dextran served as controls. At 1-h intervals, release of color
mucus in a sterile disposable 50-mL polypropylene centri- into the surroundings was measured using a microplate
fuge tube. In addition, samples of mucus from healthy reader (Model ELx808; Bio-Tek Instruments, Winooski, VT)
individual F. granulosa corals were collected from the Red

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at 630 nm. Release of Blue Dextran was determined over a
Sea (Gulf of Eilat) at a depth of 10–15 m, in front of the 24-h window.
Inter-University Institute for Marine Science, Eilat, Israel
(29151 0 N, 34194 0 E). Bacteriological peel loops were used to
collect the coral surface microlayer. The loops were inserted Sphere production
into sterile 50-mL polypropylene centrifuge tubes, sealed Evaluation of the encapsulation method was carried out
underwater, brought to the surface and immediately placed with pure cultures of Escherichia coli. The bacteria were
on ice. Soil samples were collected from the Halutzah area of diluted up to 104 cells mL1 and mixed at a ratio of 1 : 1 with
the Negev desert, Israel, using sterile plastic bags. The warm (48 1C) 2% bacteriological agar to form agar spheres
samples were transported on ice to the laboratory at that were coated by polysulfone (10% and 20% in DMF).
Ben-Gurion University. Wastewater samples were obtained Coated spheres were then immersed in ethanol (99%) and
from a laboratory-scale wastewater bioreactor (filled with flamed for few seconds (to prevent contamination of the
waste water from the Ramat-Hovav industrial park in the incubating medium) and incubated in LB broth for 24 h in a
Negev desert, Israel). water shaker (200 r.p.m.) at 30 1C.
Samples from mucus, wastewater or soil were 10-fold
Culturing technique diluted up to 109 of initial concentrations and mixed with
To dilute the samples so as to allow insertion of approxi- warm (48 1C) 2% marine or bacteriological autoclaved agar,
mately one bacterium per sphere, environmental samples respectively, at a 1 : 1 ratio in order to entrap bacteria within
(from the laboratory scale wastewater bioreactor, soil or the spheres. For control samples, warm agar was mixed with
mucus from healthy F. granulosa) were estimated for total sterile water in the same ratio. Approximately, 1–3-mm
bacterial numbers by 4 0 ,6 0 -diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) diameter spheres (controlled using filter tips with different
staining (final concentration, 2 mg mL1) and counting by pipette diameters) were formed by dripping agar droplets
epifluorescence microscopy or directly under a phase micro- into cold mineral oil. Excess mineral oil was removed from
scope. For the coral mucus samples, the number of cultur- the resulting agar spheres upon washing twice with sterile
able CFU were determined by plating 100-mL samples of water and slight drying on Whatman filter paper. The agar
undiluted mucus or mucus diluted in filtered artificial spheres were then inserted into the polysulfone solution at
seawater on duplicate Marine Agar 2216 (HiMedia Labora- various concentrations [10–25% (w/v)] for a short time
tories, Mumbai, India) plates (50% of recommended final (20–30 s) and then transferred into sterile water to complete
concentration) and incubated in a dark/light (12 h) regime formation of the polymeric membrane coating and to wash
at 22 1C. Soil samples (1 g) were vigorously mixed with away surplus DMF. Polysulfone-coated agar spheres pre-
0.5 mL sterile tap water to obtain an initial suspension. The pared in the same dilutions, either free or in mesh bags were
soil and wastewater samples were then diluted by sterile tap incubated for at least 3 weeks in the appropriate environ-
water. CFU counts of undiluted and diluted samples of soil ment. Spheres containing mucus-derived samples were
suspension and wastewater were obtained by plating 100-mL incubated in aquaria with artificial seawater and in the
samples on duplicate Luria–Bertani (LB) (HiMedia Labora- presence of the coral F. granulosa. Spheres containing
tories) and nutrient broth agar (Laboratorios Conda, wastewater-derived samples were incubated in wastewater
Madrid, Spain) plates, incubated at 30 1C. bioreactors for a period of 3 weeks. Spheres containing soil-
derived samples were placed in disposable cups filled with
wet soil from the collection site. This approach reduced agar
Polysulfone preparation and its permeability
dehydration and enabled superior transport of nutrients and
Polysulfone in the form of granules [Sigma-Aldrich, excretes between the sphere and the environment through
St. Louis, MO; Cat No. 42830-2; MW 35 000 (LS)] was the membrane. After incubation, the agar spheres were

c 2009 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68 (2009) 363–371
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In situ method for cultivating microorganisms 365

ethanol flamed to remove external contaminants. Such CAGGTTCACCTACRG-3 0 ) from the European Ribosomal
flaming does not harm the membrane barrier. The coated RNA Database (
spheres were then cut, the embedded agar spheres removed, were used. To eliminate dimer formation or nonspecific
flattened and scanned microscopically for the presence of annealing, the universal primers were tested using the
microbial colonies at magnifications of  400 and  1000. AMPLIFY 1.0 program. Primers used in the PCR amplifications
In order to enrich and isolate microorganisms, the coated were obtained from Sigma-Genosys. Reaction mixtures
original agar spheres were transected by sterile scalpel and included a 12.5-mL ReddyMix (PCR Master mix containing
the agar spheres were removed, diluted and remixed with 1.5 mM MgCl2 and 0.2 mM of each deoxynucleoside tripho-
warm agar to form new spheres, as above. The coated sphate) (ABgene, Surrey, UK), 1 pmol each of the forward
spheres were then repeatedly reincubated in the appropriate and reverse primers, 1–2 mL of the sample preparation, and
environment. Following every two to three transfers, the water to make up the total volume to 25 mL. An initial

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samples were streaked onto appropriate agar plates (e.g. denaturation-hot start of 4 min at 95 1C was followed by 30
marine agar for marine environment). cycles of the following pattern: 94 1C for 30 s, 53–56 1C for
40 s and 72 1C for 105 s. A final soak at 72 1C for 20 min
Electron microscopy concluded the reaction.

For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the polysulfone

spheres were washed, dehydrated, dried overnight, sputter Clone library construction and sequencing
coated with gold and examined using a JEOL JSM 5600 The PCR products were purified by electrophoresis on 0.8%
scanning electron microscope. agarose (Sigma), stained with ethidium bromide, and visua-
lized with a UV transilluminator. An c. 1.5-kbp heterologous
DNA extraction 16S rRNA gene products were excised from the gel, and the
After appropriate incubation, the agar spheres (coated by DNA products were purified from the gel slice using a Wizard
polysulfone) were ethanol flamed to remove external con- PCR prep kit (Promega, Madison, WI). The gel-purified PCR
taminants and then transected using a sterile scalpel to products were cloned into the pGEM-T Easy cloning vector,
liberate the agar spheres. DNA was then extracted from the as specified by Promega and transformed into calcium
agar-encased microcolonies using a chemical lysis protocol chloride-competent E. coli DH5a cells, according to the
with a cetyltrimethylammonium bromide solution, followed manufacturer’s instructions and standard techniques.
by phenol/chloroform extraction (Ausubel et al., 1995) or Plasmid DNA was isolated from individual clones using a
using a NucleoSpin food purification kit (Macherey-Nagel, Wizard Plus SV minipreps DNA purification system (Pro-
Düren, Germany). Genomic DNA was eluted using mega). Aliquots from a subset of the samples of purified
20–40 mL of elution buffer or double-distilled water. Con- plasmid DNA were digested with the restriction enzyme
centrations were determined with an ND-1000 UV– EcoRI (MBI Fermentas) for 4 4 h at 37 1C. The digested
Vis spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, products were separated by electrophoresis on 1% agarose
DE) and stored at  20 1C. (agarose low electroendosmosis; Hispanagar, Spain). After
staining with ethidium bromide, the bands were visualized
using a UV transilluminator to select clones containing the
PCR amplification
appropriately sized insert.
Total DNA was amplified with a Mastercycler gradient Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of
thermocycler (Eppendorf, Westbury, NY) by PCR using DNA inserts from these clones was achieved through double
specific 16S rRNA gene primers for bacteria [forward digestion with EcoRI and RsaI, StyI, SphI or EcoRV restric-
primer, 8F (GGATCCAGACTTTGAT(C/T)(A/C)TGGCTC tion enzymes (MBI Fermentas). The digest products were
AG) was shortened from 5 0 end, and reverse primer, 1512R then separated by electrophoresis on a 2–2.5% agarose,
(GTGAAGCTTACGG(C/T)TAGCTTGTTACGACTT), both stained with ethidium bromide, and the RFLP patterns were
taken from Felske et al. (1997)]. For Archaea, Arch-21F [5 0 - used to identify unique clones to be submitted for sequence
TTCCGGTTGATCCYGCCG-3 0 ; taken from DeLong (1992), analysis. In addition to the 8F and NSF4/18 primers,
and modified by shortening two bases from the 3 0 end to universal internal primers, i.e. 519F (5 0 -CAGCMGCCGCG
avoid self-primer dimering] and Arch-915R [5 0 -GTGCTCC GTAATWC-3 0 ) (Connon & Giovannoni, 2002) and 968F
CCCGCCAATTC-3 0 ; taken from Amann et al. (1995), and (5 0 -AACGCGAAGAACCTTAC-3 0 ) (Felske et al., 1996) for
modified by shortening two bases from the 3 0 end to avoid prokaryotic 16S rRNA gene sequences, and NSF573/19
internal annealing between two primers in some archaeal (5 0 -CGCGGTAATTCCAGCTCCA-3 0 ) and NSF963/18
sequences], were used. For eukaryotes, primers NSF4/18 (5 0 - (5 0 -TTRATCAAGAACGAAAGT-3 0 ) for eukaryotic 18S rRNA
CTGGTTGATYCTGCCAGT-3 0 ) and NSR1787/18 (5 0 -CYG gene sequences (,

FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68 (2009) 363–371 

c2009 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
366 E. Ben-Dov et al.

were used for complete sequencing of some bacterial clones. sequenced in all isolates or those with alignment uncertain-
Sequencing was performed using ABI PRISM dye termina- ties were removed. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by
tor cycle sequencing ready reaction kit with AmpliTaq DNA the Neighbor-Joining method (Saito & Nei, 1987) with the
polymerase FS and an ABI model 373A DNA sequencer MEGA package (Kumar et al., 2004). Bootstrap resampling
(Perkin-Elmer). analysis (Felsenstein, 1985) for 100 replicates was performed
to estimate the confidence levels of tree topologies.

Sequence analyses Nucleotide sequence accession number

FastGroupII was used to dereplicate the 16S rRNA gene The DNA sequences described here have been deposited in
sequence libraries for subsequent analyses (Yu et al., 2006) the NCBI GenBank database under accession numbers
by comparing all the sequences in a data set to each other, DQ097275–DQ097307, DQ073056, DQ073057, DQ073059

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grouping similar sequences together and outputting a and EF371005–EF371010 for coral microorganisms and
representative sequence from each group. For this study, DQ099468–DQ099490 for soil and wastewater bacteria.
optimal strategies for dereplicating sequences were used,
including trimming ambiguous bases from the 5 0 end of the
sequences and downstream of the conserved Bact517 site
(5 0 -CCAGCAGCCGCGGTAAT-3 0 ), as well as grouping se-
Feasibility of the encapsulation method
quences Z97% identical to each other (Yu et al., 2006).
The representative 16S rRNA gene sequences of each The method presented here involves cultivating microor-
group were first compared with those in the GenBank ganisms, singly or in mixed culture by encapsulating them
database, using BLAST ( within agar spheres coated by polysulfonated polymeric
BLAST.cgi) or CLASSIFIER version 1.0 (to assign 16S rRNA membranes (Fig. 1b). The coated spheres are then incubated
gene sequences to a taxonomical hierarchy), available at the in various test environments (Fig. 1a). This method allows
Ribosomal Database Project II website (Cole et al., 2005), to essential nutrients (including those excreted by mutualistic
find closely related sequences for subsequent analyses. To bacteria) to be accessed by the entrapped microorganism
control the occurrence of possibly chimeric sequences, all while retaining that microorganism and allowing it to grow
sequenced clones were analyzed by the CHIMERA CHECK in pure or mixed culture (Fig. 1c–f).
program of the RDP database (version 2.7). The permeability of the polysulfone coating layer for
Sequences were aligned using CLUSTALW with the MEGA soluble nutrients was evaluated using Blue Dextran (MW,
version 3.1 package (Kumar et al., 2004) and positions not 2  106) embedded in agar spheres that were incubated in

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Culturing of microorganisms within the

spheres incubated on the surface of the
(c) (d) (e) (f)
coral Fungia granulosa: (a) F. granulosa with
coated agar spheres (scale bar = 2 cm).
(b) Polysulfone-coated agar sphere (  60; scale
bar = 1 mm). In the inset (  12 000; scale
bar = 5 mm), the surface of the sphere as seen by
SEM is shown. (c–f) Phase contrast images
(  1000; scale bar = 10 mm) showing various
microcolonies grown within agar spheres after
3–6 weeks of incubation.

c 2009 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68 (2009) 363–371
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In situ method for cultivating microorganisms 367

sterile tap water. Release of Blue Dextran, as determined concentration results in increased permeability. Coated
spectrophotometrically, was 0.445 mg mL1 h1 with 10% spheres treated by ethanol flaming (to prevent contamina-
polysulfone-coated spheres and proportionally decreased tion) before and after incubation in LB broth display the
with an increase in the concentration of the polysulfone same E. coli cell concentrations as untreated coated spheres.
coating solution, up to 25% (0.069 mg mL1 h1) (Fig. 2a). However, ethanol flaming might be harmful to some
SEM showed that pore size, type, compaction and the number microbial communities; within the spheres, other methods
of layers in the coating depended on polymer concentration such as sterilization via UV exposure could be used. This
[Fig. 1b (inset) and Fig. 2b]. experiment also demonstrated that bacteria do not escape
Thus, having confirmed the permeability of the sphere from the agar spheres through the polymeric membrane
coats, the feasibility of this method was first evaluated by prepared from 10% polysulfone/DMF solution, and vice
encapsulation of E. coli cells. The results showed an increase versa (i.e. E. coli do not pass through the polysulfone coat
in bacterial growth in the spheres from 104 cells mL1 up to

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from LB broth into unoccupied agar spheres). In addition,
107 and 109 cells mL1 as the concentration of the polysulfo- to determine if DMF had any deleterious effects, E. coli was
nated polymer in the solvent (DMF) was reduced from 20% grown on LB medium containing different concentrations
to 10%, respectively. This implies that a decrease in polymer of DMF. DMF at concentrations up to 1% did not affect the

Blue dextran diffusion rate (mg mL –1h–1)






10 15 20 25
Polysulfone concentration (%)

(b) A B

Fig. 2. (a) Diffusion rate of Blue Dextran
embedded in agar spheres coated with different
concentrations of polysulfone. Bar heights
represent means based on average samples of
eight spheres, while error bars represent SDs.
(b) SEM of cross-sections of coated spheres
(  40; scale bar = 1 mm) formed by different
concentrations (A, 10%; B, 15%; C, 20%; D,
25%) of polysulfone/DMF solution.

FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68 (2009) 363–371 

c2009 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
368 E. Ben-Dov et al.

growth rate of E. coli, although 5% DMF reduced growth to Soil and wastewater samples
1/3 and 10% DMF completely stopped growth (data not
shown). Because agar spheres coated by polymeric polysul- 16S rRNA gene clone libraries constructed from different
fone containing traces of DMF washed away immediately spheres inoculated with soil-derived bacteria and incubated
after sphere formation (see Materials and methods), the for 3 weeks in soil revealed a diverse microbial community
solvent likely has only a negligible effect on encapsulated (Fig. 3, in green). For example, sequence HH.Sph.064
microorganisms. (DQ099481) showed 99% identity with Pseudomonas

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Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA
gene sequences that were retrieved from
agar spheres obtained from Fungia granulosa
mucus (in blue), soil (in green) and industrial
wastewater (in red). The trees were
constructed by the Neighbor-Joining method
(Saito & Nei, 1987) with the MEGA package
(Kumar et al., 2004), using partial 16S rRNA
gene sequences. The bar represents five
substitutions per 100 nucleotide positions.
Bootstrap probabilities (Felsenstein, 1985)
are indicated at branch nodes. The NCBI/
GenBank accession numbers for reference
strains are shown in parentheses.

c 2009 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68 (2009) 363–371
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In situ method for cultivating microorganisms 369

gessardii (AF074384) (Verhille et al., 1999) which was RS.Sph.005 (DQ097279), demonstrated 93% similarity to a
isolated from natural mineral waters. Another sequence, marine gammaproteobacterium (AY386344) (Fig. 3, in
BG.Sph052 (DQ099469), showed 88% and 92% identity blue), previously isolated by dilution to extinction in
with Agrobacterium sp. (AJ295674) and an uncultured nutrient-deprived medium (Cho & Giovannoni, 2004).
alphaproteobacterium (AY695728), respectively, indicating Other sequences, such as RS.Sph.008 (DQ097282),
this sequence as corresponding to a possible representative RS.Sph.009 (DQ097283) and RS.Sph.018 (DQ097292),
of a new ribotype. showed lower similarities (89–91%) to known cultured
Molecular analysis of spheres inoculated with wastewater- bacteria (Roseobacter sp., AY536579; Cytophaga sp.,
derived bacteria, containing a mixture of a few microcolo- AJ431254). Sequence RS.Sph.002 (DQ097276) demon-
nies, also revealed several novel and interesting sequences strates 88% similarity to Opitutus sp. (X99392), a genus
(Fig. 3, in red). For example, one microcolony, RH.Sph067 belonging to the division Verrucomicrobia, isolated by dilu-

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(DQ099484), displayed 98% identity with Alcaligenes sp. tion culture technology (Janssen et al., 1997). These rela-
(AY346141), a phenol-degrading strain that was previously tively low similarities to known cultured stains demonstrate
isolated from an activated sludge system (Zhang et al., the importance of this encapsulation technique in retrieving
2004). Comparison of enumeration of microbial cell num- novel bacteria from the environment.
bers from soil and wastewater environmental samples by This technique also allows for the isolation and culture of
CFU with most-probable-number method (by 10-fold di- unicellular Eukaryotic organisms (e.g. zooxanthellae, stra-
luted samples in agar spheres) revealed that the latter menopiles and fungi). Using this encapsulation method, we
technique (108–109 cells mL1) was about 10–200-fold high- were able to isolate, identify and cultivate a number of novel
er than the former (5  106–107 cells mL1) (Table 1). single-celled eukaryotes from F. granulosa mucus. Molecular
analysis of the organisms grown in the spheres revealed a
diverse community of eukaryotic microorganisms with
Marine (coral)-derived samples representatives of various stromanopiles genera (Fig. 4).
The most-studied environment in this project was the sur- For example, we identified microorganisms related to the
face mucus layer of the Red Sea coral F. granulosa. Conven- Labyrinthula sp. (Euc-1) (Figs 1f and 4). The Euc-1
tional plating techniques of coral mucus samples on marine (DQ073056) sequence demonstrates 87% similarity to the
agar plates revealed the appearance CFU from dilution of Labyrinthula sp. AN-1565 (AB022105) and Labyrinthula sp.
samples (up to 105), whereas colonies of microorganisms L59 (AB095092), known to produce n-6 docosapentaenoic
from agar spheres were detected from dilutions 10 to 100- acid (n-6 DPA), a long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid
fold greater (Table 1). Partial analysis of several spheres from (Kumon et al., 2003).
these dilutions yielded 31 bacterial (Fig. 3, in blue), two In general, streaking of subsamples from open primary
archaeal and eight eukaryotic (Fig. 4) distinct ribotypes. spheres containing developed microcolonies onto agar
Because about 50% of the sequences shared identity with plates did not result in colony development, suggesting that
previously identified 16S and 18S rRNA gene sequences of those microorganisms were apparently uncultivable using
cultured microorganisms at the 85–96% level, it is probable standard microbiological techniques.
that they represent novel ribotypes. One example,
Table 1. Measurement of microorganisms from different environmental
samples by CFUs, microscopic observation and by bacterial culturing in To establish proof of concept of our method of in situ
spheres incubation, we assessed the cultivability of environmental
Microbial cell number (cells mL1) samples of microorganisms from three different environ-
ments (i.e. coral surface, soil and wastewater). The experi-
Sample CFU Microscope Spheres
ments described here demonstrate that this method allows
Wastewater 5  106 2  109 109
bacterial growth in a number of different simulated or
Soil 107 109 108
natural environments (Figs 1, 3 and 4). The small size of the
Coral mucus 3  105 2  107 107
coated spheres (c. 1–3 mm in diameter) enabled the transfer
CFU for coral mucus samples obtained on marine agar plates incubated
of nutrients and excretes (inflow and outflow) between the
in a dark/light (12 h) regime at 22 1C, and for soil samples and waste- sphere and the environment (see Fig. 2 for outflow). In
water samples on LB and nutrient broth agar plates at 30 1C. Bacteria
addition, the membrane coating remained intact over a
from environmental samples were counted by epifluorescence micro-
scopy (DAPI staining) or directly by phase microscopy. Enumeration of
period of several months of incubation in the respective
bacterial cell numbers from subsequent 10-fold diluted samples within environments, allowing for the culturing of slow-growing
agar spheres, measured after 3 weeks of incubation by scanning microorganisms. Moreover, we found that we could culture
microscopically for the presence of microbial microcolonies. microorganisms at concentrations that were at least 10-fold

FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68 (2009) 363–371 

c 2009 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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370 E. Ben-Dov et al.

100 Euc-3
100 Nitzschia thermalis (AY485458)
100 Amphiprora paludosa (AY485468) Stramenopiles
78 Lab-1
100 Pinguiococcus pyrenoidosus (AF438324)
100 Rhizochromulina marina (U14388)
Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree based on 18S rRNA
100 Euc-7
Euc-6 gene sequences that were retrieved from agar
100 Codonosiga gracilis (AY149897) spheres (in bold) obtained from Fungia granulosa
Lab-3 mucus. The trees were constructed by the
Thraustochytrium multirudimentale AB022111) Neighbor-Joining method (Saito & Nei, 1987)
Aplanochytrium stocchinoi (AJ519935) Stramenopiles with the MEGA package (Kumar et al., 2004),
using partial 18S rRNA gene sequences. The bar

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84 Labyrinthula sp. AN-1565 (AB022105)
86 Labyrinthula sp. L59 (AB095092) represents five substitutions per 100 nucleotide
Euc-5 positions. Bootstrap probabilities (Felsenstein,
100 Perkinsiella -like sp. (AY163355) Euglenozoa
1985) are indicated at branch nodes. The NCBI/
GenBank accession numbers for reference strains
0.05 are shown in parentheses.

less than the concentration needed to obtain colonies on chamber made of stainless steel washers between two poly-
agar plates (Table 1). carbonate membranes glued to the washers (Kaeberlein
Over the last decade, culture-independent surveys have et al., 2002; Bollmann, et al., 2007). These chambers were
provided an enormous amount of information on the then incubated on the surface of marine sediment kept in
diversity, function and distribution of the uncultivated aquaria. Although this technique yielded a maximum of
majority of the microbial world. Information about the 40% recovery (Kaeberlein et al., 2002), it is limited by the
nutritional requirements of a given microorganism, in situ relatively large size of the washers, which prevent compar-
enzyme expression and its genetic potential all can be used ison of microniches and has been proven to work in aquatic
to predict optimal conditions for cultivation (Giovannoni environments. Because of the small size of the spheres, the
et al., 2007; Ingham et al., 2007). Several studies have used inflexible nature and the selective permeability of the poly-
novel techniques for selective isolation of nongrowing sulfone membrane, our technique is feasible both in in situ
bacteria by incubation in low-nutrient broth (Manome (in aquatic as well as terrestrial environments) and labora-
et al., 2001; Connon & Giovannoni, 2002), incubation in tory incubations.
low-nutrient flux conditions (Manome et al., 2001; Kaeber- This study demonstrates the applicability of our techni-
lein et al., 2002; Zengler et al., 2002) or exponential que both in terms of environmental microbial diversity
miniaturization of microbial cultures, such as the ‘micro- assessment and increased culturability of environmentally
Petri chip’ that contains a million microchambers and can derived microorganisms. Our double encapsulation techni-
support the growth of various, previously uncultivable que hence offers an additional and novel tool, providing
microorganisms (Ingham et al., 2007). Application of one access to previously unknown microbial diversity.
such technique, agar gel microdroplets (GMD), was shown
to be particularly suitable for isolating certain slow-growing
bacteria by elimination of overgrowth by other bacteria Acknowledgements
(Manome et al., 2001; Zengler et al., 2002; Akselband et al.,
2006). Application of GMD and flow cytometry for selective This work was supported by ISF grant nos 511/02 and 1169/
enrichment of nongrowing Leuconostoc mesenteroides cells 07 and grant no. WT-501 from the BMBF-MOST Coopera-
was demonstrated by Manome et al. (2001). Zengler et al. tion in Water Technologies. We thank N. Siboni for his help
(2002) incubated GMDs (occupied by single encapsulated in sample collection and technical support and the Inter-
cells from seawater or soil samples) in growth columns, University Institute in Eilat for use of their facilities.
where low-nutrient media were pumped through filter
membranes. These techniques have, however, proven to be
limited because there are no barriers between the GMD and References
the environment, thus preventing the feasibility of using this Akselband Y, Cabral C, Castor TP, Chikarmane HM & McGrath P
method for in situ incubation. An additional approach used (2006) Enrichment of slow-growing marine microorganisms
for in situ incubation uses diluted marine microorganisms from mixed cultures using gel microdrop (GMD) growth assay
(from intertidal marine sediment) mixed with warm agar and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol
made with seawater. These mixtures are placed in a diffusion 329: 196–205.

c 2009 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68 (2009) 363–371
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
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Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

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