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Plant Science 174 (2008) 597–605

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Early markers of in vitro microspore reprogramming to embryogenesis

in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Marı́a-Teresa Solı́s a, Beatriz Pintos b, Marı́a-Jesús Prado b,1, Marı́a-Ángeles Bueno b, Ivan Raska c,
Marı́a-Carmen Risueño a, Pilar S. Testillano a,*
Plant Development and Nuclear Architecture, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, CSIC, Ramiro de Maeztu 9, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Forest Biotechnology Lab. INIA-CIFOR, A-VI, km 7.5, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Physiology,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i. Albertov 4, 128 00 Prague, Czech Republic


Article history: Microspore embryogenesis to form haploid and double-haploid embryos and regenerated plants is an
Received 23 January 2008 efficient method of producing homozygous lines for crop breeding. In trees, the process is of special
Received in revised form 12 March 2008 interest since classical methods are impractical in many cases, as in Olea europaea L. Recently, a
Accepted 14 March 2008
convenient method has been developed for microspore embryogenesis induction by stress in olive
Available online 30 March 2008
isolated microspores in vitro cultures. In the present work, the switch of the microspore developmental
pathway and the formation of microspore-derived multicellular proembryos have been achieved and a
Keywords: cytochemical and immunocytochemical analysis was performed in the early stages. The young
microspore proembryos displayed defined features different to both, the in vivo gametophytic, and the in
Pollen embryogenesis
vitro non-responsive microspores. Reprogrammed microspores showed an absence of starch, the
Cell wall occurrence of a first symmetrical division and cytokinesis, the presence of an abundant ribosomal
Cellular markers population, and changes in cellulosic and pectic cell wall components which constituted early markers of
Microspore culture the embryogenic microspore process. They provided new insights on the molecular and cellular events
associated with the microspore reprogramming of woody plants, and specifically in olive, providing
interesting knowledge which could guide future selection and regeneration strategies in this fruit tree of
high economic interest.
ß 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reprogramming of the immature pollen, the microspore, towards

a different developmental pathway and the onset of proliferation
Microspore embryogenesis is a widely used method to generate and differentiation events which finally leads to embryo formation
genetic variability by obtaining microspore-derived embryos and and haploid and double-haploid plant regeneration [7].
double-haploid plants which have applications for plant breeding Olive (Olea europaea L.) from the Mediterranean basin supplies
[1]. Efficient protocols for microspore embryogenesis induction in more than 95% of the world production of olive oil; being a crop of
culture have been developed in recent years for many crops (review high social and economic interest in the Mediterranean area.
in [2]), and to a less extent for some woody plants [3–6]. In trees, Conventional breeding methods are time-consuming and have the
with a long reproductive cycle, a high heterozygosity level, tendency limitations of the long juvenile period of the species. In this
for allogamy, and sometimes self-incompatibility, methods for context, microspore embryogenesis allows the single-step devel-
obtaining homozygous plants are of high interest, but their opment of complete homozygous lines from heterozygous parents
production through conventional methods are practically impos- and constitutes a good method to exploit in olive genetic studies
sible to perform in woody plants. Microspore embryogenesis by and breeding. Recently, a convenient method for the induction by
isolated microspore culture, allows the development of complete stress of early stage embryogenesis from isolated microspore
homozygous lines from heterozygous parents. It involves the culture has been developed in different varieties of olive ([8], for a
more detailed protocol description also see: [9]). In this system, the
switch to the embryogenesis pathway could be induced by a
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 918373112; fax: +34 915360432.
combination of cold and starvation stress treatments, as it has been
E-mail address: (P.S. Testillano). shown in other isolated microspore systems such as tobacco,
Present address: Department of Plant Biology, University of Vigo, Spain. wheat or rice [10–12]. This system constitutes a crucial step to

0168-9452/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
598 M.-T. Solı´s et al. / Plant Science 174 (2008) 597–605

further attempt haploid-plant production, via pollen embryogen- medium AT3 I [28], in four-well plates with the final density of the
esis-derived structures. microspores being determined using a haemocytometer (Neubauer
Basic studies on the process of microspore embryogenesis have chamber) and adjusted to 4–8  104 or 1–2  105 microspores/ml.
mainly been pursued in model species like rapeseed, tobacco and The microspores were incubated in a dark culture chamber at 25 8C.
barley [13–15,11,1,16,17] but reports are very limited on other
economically interesting crops and trees [18–20]. The search of 2.2. Fixation and processing for microscopic analysis
molecular and cellular markers during early stages of microspore
embryogenesis constitutes an important goal to monitor the Anthers from different bud sizes and in vitro cultures
metabolic processes involved in the induction, and also to identify containing microspores and microspore-derived structures at
cells committed to the induced developmental programme. specific times (0, 3 and 6 months) were fixed in 4% paraformal-
Changes in various cell activities and structural organization of dehyde in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), overnight, at 4 8C.
subcellular compartments have been reported to accompany the Microspore cultures were embedded in gelatine and processed as
process in some model and herbaceous species [21,7,22–24], but the anthers, as described before [29]. Samples were dehydrated in
much less is known about the cellular mechanisms leading to the acetone series and embedded in Technovit 8100 resin (Kulzer,
process in woody plants due to the inherent difficulties of the Germany) at 4 8C.
system [25,19,26], e.g. high asynchrony during pollen develop-
2.3. Cytochemical methods and confocal analysis
ment, high influence of climatic conditions, low proportions of
viable pollen, etc.
Technovit semithin sections (1 mm) were stained with toluidine
The aim of the present work was to identify in olive microspore
blue and observed under bright field for structural analysis. Several
cultures the cellular changes in responsive microspores switched to
cytochemical methods were performed to preferentially stain
the embryogenic pathway, and pollen-derived multicellular struc-
different cell components.
tures. The study was focused to analyse cellular features related to
proliferation and differentiation events, like starch accumulation, 2.3.1. DAPI staining for DNA
occurrence of symmetrical divisions, formation of new cell walls, 40 ,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI) stain-
ribosomal population and cell wall components. The results showed ing was applied in squashed preparations of fixed anthers and
defined cellular changes, some of them being characteristic of cell microspore in vitro cultures [30]. 1 mg/ml DAPI solution in PBS
proliferation, which can be considered as markers of the microspore plus 1% Triton X-100 was applied for 30–60 min (culture
committed to the embryogenesis process. samples) and overnight (anthers) in darkness. After rinsing,
samples were squashed, mounted in Mowiol and observed in a
2. Material and methods
confocal laser scanning microscope Leica CLSM TCS SP2 under
UV irradiation, DAPI fluorescence optical sections and DIC
2.1. Plant material and microspore culture
(Differential Interference Contrast) images of the same struc-
tures were captured. DAPI staining (1 mg/ml DAPI in PBS) was
Floral buds were collected in April–May from trees of the cultivar
also applied to semithin sections, which after rinsing and drying
Cornicabra (Madrid). Microspore cultures were established as
were mounted in Eukitt and observed under UV irradiation in a
previously described by us ([8], for a more detailed protocol
Zeiss Axioplan epifluorescence microscope equipped with a CCD
description see: [9]). Flower buds containing anthers with micro-
spores at the most responsive developmental stage, the vacuolated
microspore, were selected by using the correlation between 2.3.2. Toluidine blue staining and I2KI staining for starch
sequential flower bud lengths and pollen developmental stages
Staining solutions (0.075% toluidine blue in water, and 2 g of KI
which had been previously established [8]. Flower buds were and 0.2 g of I in 100 ml of water) were applied on Technovit
sterilized in fungicide Benomyl (C14H18N4O3, Aragro) solution
sections for 10–15 min. After rinsing and drying, preparations
(200 mg/l) for 1 min, in 70% ethanol for 1 min and in 2% sodium were mounted in Eukitt and observed under bright field in a Leitz
hypochlorite solution, with a few drops of Tween-20 for 30 min.
Laborlux 12 microscope equipped with a DP10 Olympus digital
After rinsing in distilled water, anthers were carefully excised from camera.
the flower buds of the olive trees and analyzed as a system of
gametophytic development in vivo, for comparison with the in vitro 2.3.3. Calcofluor white for cellulosic wall components
development. Microspores were isolated from anthers using the Calcofluor stock solution (3.5 mg/ml in water, pH 10–11,
following protocol: a total of 200 anthers were placed in 2 ml B adjusted with NaOH) was diluted 100 times in Tris–HCl 0.1 M,
medium [27], a starvation medium lacking sugar and nitrogen. pH 8.5 and applied on the sections in darkness for 20 min. After
Anthers were agitated on a magnetic stirrer for 1 min at 250 rpm. rinsing and drying, sections were mounted in Eukitt and observed
The released microspore population was filtered through a 30 mm under UV irradiation in an Axioplan epifluorescence microscope
sieve which retained the anthers. This extraction process was equipped with a CCD camera.
repeated a total of four times. The pooled filtrate containing
microspores was centrifuged for 5 min at 220  g at room 2.4. Antibodies
temperature. The microspore pellet obtained was resuspended in
5 ml B medium. This process was repeated a total of four times. For total RNA detection an anti-RNA mouse monoclonal
Culture density was adjusted to 1–5  105 microspores/ml by antibody, D44 [31] was used. For localization of pectins, JIM5
adding B medium to the pellet obtained after the final centrifugation and JIM7 rat monoclonal antibodies which respectively recognize
step. A volume of 1.5 ml was dispensed into each 35  10 mm sterile low and high-methyl-esterified pectins were used [32].
Petri dishes, leaving about 500 ml to determine microspores viability
and concentration. These plates were placed in cold stress conditions 2.5. Immunocytochemistry
(2–6 8C for 96 h). After stress treatment, the microspore population
in B medium was centrifuged for 5 min at 220  g at room Immunocytochemistry was performed on Technovit semithin
temperature. The microspore pellet was resuspended in induction sections and revealed either by fluorochromes (for anti-RNA) or
M.-T. Solı´s et al. / Plant Science 174 (2008) 597–605 599

by colloidal gold followed by silver enhancement (for JIM5 and 3. Results

JIM7). Sections were blocked with 5% bovine serum albumin
(BSA) in PBS (5 min), and incubated with anti-RNA, JIM5 or 3.1. Monitoring the in vivo gametophytic development versus the in
JIM7 monoclonal antibodies for 1 h, undiluted. After washing in vitro development of the embryogenesis induced-microspore
PBS, they were exposed to the corresponding secondary
antibodies following the procedure previously described by us The in vivo gametophytic development of the microspore was
[23,29]. monitored by microscopical analysis of selected anthers. The

Fig. 1. Microspore gametophytic development. Semithin sections of consecutive developmental stages after different cytochemical and immunocytochemical stainings. (a, d, g, j)
Vacuolated microspore stage; (b, e, h, k) young pollen stage; (c, f, i, l) mature pollen stage; (a–c) toluidine blue staining for general structural visualization; (g–i) DAPI staining for
DNA revealing the nuclei; (d–f) Anti-RNA immunofluorescence on the same sections than in the DAPI images; (j–l) iodide-based cytochemistry for starch revealing the starch
deposits as dark precipitates in young and mature pollen grains. Cytoplasmic vacuole, V; vegetative nucleus, VN, generative nucleus, G, nucleolus, arrows; Bars: 10 mm.
600 M.-T. Solı´s et al. / Plant Science 174 (2008) 597–605

Fig. 2. Nuclei divisions in microspore in vitro cultures and formation of microspore-derived multicellular structures. Confocal microscopy of the same microspore observed
under UV excitation for nuclei visualization by DAPI (a–d) and DIC (Differential Interference Contrast, Nomarsky) images showing the exine of the microspore (e–h). Two,
three and four nuclei with similar size and chromatin condensation can be seen in individual microspores. Bars: 10 mm.

correlation between sequential flower bud lengths and pollen image of the same structures (Fig. 2e–h). The two nuclei of these
developmental stages has previously been established [8] con- microspores (Fig. 2b) were similar in size, shape and chromatin
stituting a useful criterion for handling and selection of specific condensation suggesting that they were formed by a symmetrical
stages for the microspore culture. After the release from the tetrad, division, in contrast with the bicellular pollen formed during the
microspores developed a large vacuole which pushed the gametophytic development (Fig. 1h, i). The microspores with three
elongated nucleus to a peripheral location; the cytoplasm nuclei also exhibited nuclei with similar size, shape and organization
appeared as a thin layer (Fig. 1a, d, g). Anti-RNA immunofluor- (Fig. 2c), which could indicate that the second division occurred
escence provided a high signal in the cytoplasm of vacuolate asynchronically in the two previous nuclei, one of them dividing
microspores (Fig. 1d) when compared with younger microspore first. This fact also supported the idea that these two-nuclei
developmental stages (data not shown), indicating an abundant microspores had wall-separated cytoplasms. The multicellular
ribosome population. After the first pollen mitosis, the small pollen-derived structures were found at different time points, from
generative cell was localized attached to the pollen wall (exine) with 3 to 6 months, during the progression of the culture, indicating a high
a more condensed chromatin, as revealed by the DAPI staining asynchrony in the embryogenic response of the microspores.
(Fig. 1b, h). In contrast, the larger and rounded vegetative nucleus Samples of the in vitro culture were fixed and processed for
was in the centre and displayed a more decondensed chromatin further microscopical analysis which revealed that the cultures
showing less fluorescence intensity by DAPI (Fig. 1b, h). The contained pollen-derived structures with differential features. In
vegetative cytoplasm showed small vacuoles and some clear toluidine blue-stained sections, some dead (empty) microspores
inclusions (Fig. 1b), as well as an intense anti-RNA immunofluor- with irregular shapes were observed together with others showing
escence (Fig. 1b, e), both nuclei being free of labelling except for the larger sizes and a more contrasted cell wall (Fig. 3a). Some of them
nucleoli. Controls avoiding the first antibody did not show exhibited inner walls separating cells (Fig. 3b) as a sign of previous
significant labelling (data not shown). Later on, at mature pollen cell divisions occurring during the culture. Anti-RNA immunofluor-
stages, the generative cell migrated to the centre of the pollen grain escence showed a high cytoplasmic signal in these multicellular
(Fig. 1c, i) whose cytoplasm showed abundant ribosomal population structures (Fig. 3c), indicating a high ribosomal population as typical
by anti-RNA immunofluorescence (Fig. 1c, f) and numerous small feature of high metabolic activity. The iodide-based cytochemistry
rounded clear inclusions, in toluidine blue-stained sections (Fig. 1c). showed a high content of starch in some of the microspores of the
The iodide-based cytochemistry for starch revealed the culture (Fig. 3d) which exhibited numerous amyloplasts revealed as
dynamics of starch accumulation during the gametophytic dark cytoplasmic spots by the iodine staining (Fig. 3d, e). Other
development. No starch-staining was detected in the vacuolated population of the microspores in the culture did not show starch
microspore (Fig. 1j), whereas at later stages an increasing number accumulations. In the microspore-derived structures with inner
of stained inclusions were found in the vegetative cytoplasm, walls, no starch deposits were observed.
indicating a progressive accumulation of starch deposits during
pollen maturation (Fig. 1k, l). 3.2. Cell wall changes in microspore-derived structures
For the in the in vitro induced-microspore embryogenesis, the
microspores at the vacuolated stage were selected as the most The modifications in components of the cell wall and in pectin
responsive developmental stage for the culture, as previously residues have been reported as responsible for initiating cell
reported [8]. Microspores were isolated from anthers and put in responses in relation to cell fate and development [33]. The
liquid medium. After 3 and 6 months, samples from the culture were differential composition of the cell walls in the microspore-derived
DAPI stained and squashed for checking the number of nuclei in the proembryos in comparison with the pollen grains were studied.
pollen grains and pollen-derived structures. Confocal analysis Cytochemistry with calcofluor white for cellulosic components and
revealed structures with two, three and four nuclei (Fig. 2) still immunocytochemistry using JIM5 and JIM7 monoclonal antibo-
surrounded by the exine, as revealed by the corresponding DIC dies recognising non-esterified and esterified pectins respectively
M.-T. Solı´s et al. / Plant Science 174 (2008) 597–605 601

Fig. 3. General structure, anti-RNA immunofluorescence and starch deposits of the microspores in the culture. Semithin sections of the microspore cultures after toluidine
blue staining (a, b), anti-RNA immunofluorescence (c) and iodide-based cytochemistry for starch (d, e). (a) Panoramic view with microspores exhibiting different structures.
(b) Detail of a induced-microspore showing walled cytoplasms. (c) Anti-RNA immunofluorescence showing bright signal in the cytoplasms of a two-celled microspore. (d)
Panoramic view showing some microspores with starch deposits, together with others which do not contain them. (e) Detail of microspores containing numerous starch
deposits. Bars: in (a), (d): 50 mm, in (b), (c), (e): 10 mm.

were performed on semithin sections of both in vivo developing of the structures appearing negative to this cytochemical
microspores in anthers and microspore cultures. technique. The calcofluor-positive microspores exhibited an
During the gametophytic development in vivo, at the stage of intense fluorescence in the thick peripheral wall localized below
vacuolated microspore, calcofluor white staining provided specific the exine (Fig. 5a, b). Some of them also showed dividing walls
fluorescence to cell walls of the somatic tissue of the anther intensively stained at their interior (Fig. 5b–f). These dividing walls
whereas no reaction was observed in the microspore wall (Fig. 4a, occasionally appeared incomplete (Fig. 5c). The results indicated
d). After the first pollen mitosis, the newly formed wall of the that the multicellular microspore-derived proembryos showed a
generative cell appeared specifically stained by calcofluor as a lens- differential staining reaction with calcofluor in their walls in
shaped fluorescent line (Fig. 4b, e). In the mature pollen, no comparison with the rest of the culture.
staining with calcofluor was observed in the pollen wall except for Immunocytochemistry with JIM5 and JIM7 antibodies, recogniz-
the apertures which showed specific fluorescence at their inner ing non-esterified and esterified pectins [32] was performed to
region (Fig. 4c, f), where a thick layer of polysaccharides was analyze cell wall components of the multicellular proembryos.
secreted to form the aperture of the pollen grain. No positive Results showed a higher and positive immunoreaction with JIM5
staining with calcofluor was observed in the inner wall of the antibodies in the peripheral wall below the exine and in the dividing
developing microspore, the intine, at any stage during in vivo walls at their interior (Fig. 6a–c), indicating that cell walls of
development (Fig. 4). microspore proembryos were rich in de-esterified pectins. With
In contrast, in the induced-microspore in vitro cultures, the wall JIM7 antibodies recognizing esterified pectins, no immunoreaction
of defined microspores and microspore-derived structures showed was found in any cell wall of the microspore-derived proembryos
specific fluorescence by calcofluor white staining (Fig. 5), the rest (Fig. 6d), whereas positive controls for JIM7 immunolocalization
602 M.-T. Solı´s et al. / Plant Science 174 (2008) 597–605

Fig. 4. Calcofluor fluorescent staining of cell walls during the microspore gametophytic development. Semithin sections of consecutive developmental stages. (a, d)
Vacuolated microspore; (b, e) young pollen; (c, f): mature pollen. Same semithin sections observed under phase contrast for general structural visualization (a–c) and under
UV excitation for calcofluor specific fluorescence of cellulosic cell wall components (d–f). No fluorescence is observed in the vacuolated microspore wall, only walls of the
somatic cells (S) of the anther exhibit calcofluor-positive reaction (a, d). Specific fluorescence by calcofluor is found in the thin wall of the newly-formed generative cell
(arrow) of the young pollen (b, e) and in the developing pollen apertural region (arrows) of the wall (c, f). Bars: 10 mm.

Fig. 5. Calcofluor fluorescent staining of cell walls in microspores in the culture. (a, b) Panoramic views of the microspore cultures showing many non-stained microspores
together with other microspores showing high fluorescence in their cell walls, some of them also exhibit inner separating walls specifically stained. (c–f) Details of
microspore-derived proembryos whose cell walls are differentially stained by calcofluor. Incomplete walls showing calcofluor fluorescence can be occasionally seen at the
interior of microspore proembryos (c). Bars: in (a), (b) 50 mm, in (c)–(f) 10 mm.
M.-T. Solı´s et al. / Plant Science 174 (2008) 597–605 603

Fig. 6. Non-esterified and esterified pectin immunolocalization by JIM5 and JIM7 antibodies in microspores in the culture. Semithin sections after immunogold labelling followed
by silver enhancement observed under bright field. (a) Immunolocalization of non-esterified pectins by JIM5 antibodies exhibits positive reaction, as dark precipitates, on the walls
of microspores and microspore-derived proembryos with inner separating walls. (b, c) Details of the JIM5 immunoreaction on microspore-derived proembryos. (d)
Immunolocalization of esterified pectins by JIM7 antibodies shows no reaction with the microspores in the culture. (e) Positive control of the JIM7 immunoreaction on somatic
cells of the anther. (f) Negative control avoiding the first antibody shows no reaction on any structure. Bars: in (a), (d) 50 mm, in (b), (c), (f), (e) 10 mm.

performed on anther somatic tissues provided a high immunoreac- also a gametophytic-like pathway was suggested for a set of the non-
tion on their cell walls (Fig. 6e). Negative controls avoiding the first responsive microspores [29]. In olive microspore cultures, the
antibody did not provide significant labelling in any case (Fig. 6f). presence of starch deposits constituted an early marker of the non-
responsive microspores which can follow, at least in part, a
4. Discussion gametophytic-like pathway.

The comparative analysis performed between specific cellular 4.2. Nuclei with equal structural organization and walled cells
changes accompanying the in vivo gametophytic development of characterize young microspore proembryos
the microspore and those observed in the in vitro cultures of stress-
induced microspore embryogenesis has permitted the identifica- It is widely accepted that the first morphological evidence of the
tion of defined features in relation to proliferation and differentia- embryogenic pathway is the symmetric division of the microspore,
tion events, such as the accumulation of starch inclusions, the as opposed to the asymmetric one of gametophytic pathway
occurrence of a first symmetrical division and subsequent [36,37], even though a few reports in tobacco showed that
cytokinesis with formation of new cell walls, new cell divisions, symmetrically divided microspores could germinate in vitro [38]
abundant ribosomes, and changes in pectin esterification and and express the vegetative cell-specific promoter lat52 [39], but
cellulosic cell wall components. These differential features were they could not correctly differentiate the generative cell and to
not found either in microspores developed in vivo or in non- form the mature pollen grain [39]. The analysis reported here
responsive microspores in vitro. showed that in olive microspores, not only a symmetric mitosis
took place but also the subsequent divisions of the two-celled
4.1. Starch deposits as an early marker of the non-responsive embryogenic microspores which produced multicellular proem-
stress-treated microspores of in vitro cultures bryos. This fact illustrates that the reprogramming of the olive
microspore was started by the reactivation of the proliferative
The results illustrated that a characteristic feature of the in vivo activity, the initial event of the switch to embryogenesis. The
gametophytic development was a high accumulation of starch found observation of a high ribosomal population in the cytoplasms of
at stages of maturing pollen. The development of plastids and starch the proembryo cells, as revealed by anti-RNA immunofluores-
accumulation constitutes a differential process during pollen cence, constituted additional data of the high metabolic activity of
formation in many species [34,35], as well as in certain stages of these cells corresponding to those of the active proliferating cells.
zygotic embryogenesis [13,14]. In the olive stress-induced micro- The observation, after DAPI staining, of two or more nuclei in
spore cultures, the multicellular structures or proembryos did not microspore cultures constitutes the first sign that the embryogen-
show starch deposits whereas other non-responsive microspores esis induction has been initiated, but not in many systems has the
exhibited a high starch content in the cytoplasms. Non-embryogenic presence of cell walls been reported [40,18,19,7]. The fact that the
pathways have been reported in other microspore in vitro systems, olive microspore-derived multicellular structures showed the
such as Brassica napus, to occur after the inductive treatment, and formation of inner separating cell walls illustrates that a further
604 M.-T. Solı´s et al. / Plant Science 174 (2008) 597–605

event (not only mitosis but also cytokinesis) has been reached in Acknowledgements
this system.
Work supported by projects granted by the Spanish Ministry of
4.3. Changes of the cell wall components as markers of Education and Science (MEC) BFU2005-01094 and AGL2005-
induced-microspores and microspore proembryos 05104, and it was performed in the frame of the CSIC-INIA Joint
Collaboration Program (Convenio CC03-023). MTS is recipient of a
During developmental processes, the structure and compo- predoctoral fellowship (FPI, BES-2006-14117) granted by the
nents of the cell walls change [41,33,42]; some molecular markers Spanish MEC. MJP was recipient of a contract granted by the
of somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis have been found in project CAM 07G/0009/2003 1 funded by the Comunidad de
cell walls [43,44]. Differences in the presence and abundance of Madrid. Partly supported by Spanish-Czech Joint project
various cell wall components have been reported during micro- 2006CZ0006 granted by Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
spore differentiation and embryogenesis in some herbaceous and and Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech grants
woody species [7,18,19]. Our results showed that a modification in MSM0021620806, LC535 and AV0Z50110509.
the microspore wall and also in inner separating cell walls
occurred in the olive microspore multicellular proembryos; this
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