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International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 78 (2017) 23–27

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International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives

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Adhesive distribution related to mechanical performance of high density MARK

wood fibre board
Eike Mahrdta, Hendrikus W.G. van Herwijnena, Wolfgang Kantnerb, Johann Moserb,

Jürgen Giessweinc, Roland Mitterc, Ulrich Müllerd, Wolfgang Gindl-Altmutterd,
Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH, Altenbergerstrasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria
Metadynea Austria GmbH, Hafenstrasse 77, 3500 Krems, Austria
Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG, Tiroler Strasse 16, 3105 Unterradlberg, Austria
Department of Materials Science and Process Engineering, BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Science Vienna, Konrad Lorenz Strasse 24, 3430 Tulln, Austria


Keywords: In a full-scale mill experiment two groups of high density wood fibre boards were produced. While one group
A. Adhesives for wood was bonded with a standard melamine reinforced urea-formaldehyde adhesive, a second group was bonded with
B. Wood and wood composites a modified adhesive yielding systematically improved board properties at identical amounts of adhesive applied.
C. Microscopy By means of a novel fluorescence-microscopic method using the dye Acriflavine to colour the cured adhesive
adhesive distribution
after board production, adhesive distribution within the industrial produced boards was evaluated and quan-
tified. Very clear differences in the size distribution of the two adhesives were found, leading to the conclusion
that a relationship exists between adhesive distribution and mechanical board performance.

1. Introduction challenge for microscopic studies.

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique was used for high
The disintegration of wood into particles and fibres, followed by re- resolution imaging of elemental concentrations [1,2]. For comparison,
assembly and adhesive bonding, leads to wood composite products with the same authors used confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) for
high structural homogeneity, dimensional stability, and standardised adhesive detection. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and
processing characteristics within very narrow limits of variability. scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used in combination with
Besides the nature of wood particles or fibres used, and processing energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) [3,4] as a tool for the
parameters such as assembly, pressure and duration of hot-pressing, the detection of UF resin penetration into wood cell. Thumm et al. [5] used
type of adhesive applied plays a crucial role in the economic production SEM to investigate the penetration of urea melamine formaldehyde
and the technological performance of wood composite panels. Wood adhesive in wood fibres. With the same intention Cyr et al. [6] used
fibre boards may be produced with very little or no adhesive, relying on CLSM. Various researchers reported the adhesive coverage ratio of MDF
intrinsic fibre-fibre bonds built-up in wet processing. However, modern fibres by using CLSM and fluorescence labelling [5,7–13]. Electron
state of the art wood fibre panels such as medium density fibre board energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in combination with TEM was used to
(MDF) or high density fibre board (HDF) rely on efficient adhesive determine the distribution of melamine-formaldehyde adhesive in
bonding. Besides a minor fraction of phenolic adhesive bonded boards, wooden cell walls [14]. Gierlinger et al. [15] studied the melamine-
amino resins are the adhesive of choice due to its highly competitive formaldehyde adhesive content within cell walls of impregnated spruce
price, high reactivity, and good bonding performance. Since the amount wood by using UV microscopy and confocal Raman microscopy. UV
of adhesive spent contributes significantly to the overall product cost, microscopy was also used by Gindl et al. [16,17]. Finally, UF resin
any optimisation of adhesive use is welcome. In order to do so, the distribution in wood composites has also been determined by light and
relationships between adhesive mechanics, interfacial adhesive-wood fluorescence microscopy [8,18–20].
fibre interactions, and adhesive distribution on the one hand, and fibre An analytical method was developed based on our method, invol-
board performance on the other hand need to be studied. With regard to ving a combination of fluorescent and visible (Vis) stains recently ap-
adhesive distribution in Urea-Formaldehyde resin (UF)-bonded boards, plied with success to UF-bonded particle board [19,20]. Instead of using
the lack of natural colour contrast between UF and wood poses a Brilliant Sulphaflavine to colour the adhesive, the dye Acriflavin was

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W. Gindl-Altmutter).
Accepted 20 April 2017
Available online 27 June 2017
0143-7496/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Mahrdt et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 78 (2017) 23–27

used. This dye has been proven to be adequate for colouring UF resins Table 1
by incorporating it during resin synthesis [12,13]. In this work, the dye Comparison of important physical characteristics of series of HDF boards bonded with
two different mUF resins (average values of samples taken during the industrial trials).
is used to colour the cured resin after boards have been produced. Thus,
a method is obtained that is capable of delivering valid information on Adhesive type Density Flexural Flexural Internal 24 h
adhesive distribution in industrial produced HDF boards. Furthermore, (g cm-3) strength modulus bond thickness
adhesive distribution data will be discussed with respect to potential (MPa) (GPa) strength swelling
relationships with mechanical board performance. (MPa) (%)

mUF A 0.89 50 4.9 1.68 10.4

mUF B 0.90 53 5.1 2,03 9.6
2. Experimental details

HDF boards were produced in a full-scale industrial mill trial using a sample area several overlapping images were taken. The images were
standard melamine-reinforced UF (mUF) termed adhesive (A), and a matched with correspondent neighbouring images using the image
modified optimised mUF termed adhesive (B) under exactly the same processing software MosaicJ, a plug in from ImageJ. Further analysis
conditions. Costs for the modification of adhesive (B) are in a range that was done with Photoshop and ImageJ. In order to improve the contrast
allows industrial implementation. The viscosity of both adhesives (A) between wood fibres and adhesive, respectively, and to decrease
and (B) was the same. The resin loading in the HDF boards was set in background fluorescence a threshold was set in the Lab colour space at
the common industrial range of 10–13% solid resin on dry wood, and L 110/255, a 0/255 and b 0/255. With binary images it was possible to
was equal for boards produced with (A) and (B). quantify the size and size distribution of adhesive areas within the HDF
Mechanical characterisation was carried out in three-point bending boards.
according to EN 310 [21]. Internal bond strength was evaluated ac-
cording to EN 319 [22], and thickness swelling after 24 h immersion in 3. Results and discussion
water was measured according to EN 317 [23].
The sample preparation for microscopic analysis of adhesive dis- 3.1. Mechanical board properties
tribution described in Fig. 1 starts with cutting 8 small prisms with an
edge length of 3 mm from the core of board series of each adhesive A summary of the most relevant physical parameters for evaluating
group. These blocks were then impregnated with epoxy resin after all HDF board quality is given in Table 1. In order to determine these
air was removed during a vacuum step. After curing the epoxy at 60 °C properties, the quality control department analysed numerous board
the blocks were trimmed and sectioned with an ultramicrotome samples taken during the large scale industrial trials. According to the
equipped with a diamond knife. The thin slides have dimensions of experience of this department and the industrial partners involved, the
approx. 2 × 3.0 mm, with the thickness of the thin sections set to 2 μm. difference between two industrial trials with adhesive (A) and two in-
For a better contrast between adhesive and fibres the sections were dustrial trials with adhesive (B), is regarded significant.
stained twice. Firstly, Acriflavine, an orange fluorescent dye, was used Since typically, board properties vary significantly with density
to stain the adhesive. Secondly, Gentian Violet was applied to stain cell [24,25], comparable density is prerequisite when possible causes for
wall material. Between and after the staining steps, the specimens were mechanical variability of boards are being discussed. In case of the two
repeatedly washed with deionised water, and finally mounted to glass variants of HDF examined in the present study, the industrial line
slides. With a fluorescence microscope (Zeiss Axioplane 2 Imaging) produced without deviations and no obvious difference in density was
images were taken in incident light mode using an ultraviolet lamp Fluo observed, with an average density of 0.9 g cm−3 for both variants.
Arc HBO 300 in order to capture fluorescent areas originating from Despite roughly identical densities, mechanical board properties varied
stained adhesive. A 450–490 nm excitation filter and a 515 nm emis- clearly. Consistently, improved performance was observed for the var-
sion filter were used. All images were taken with a magnification factor iant bonded with modified mUF adhesive, compared to the unmodified
of 200 × and a resolution of 0.528 μm/pixel. In order to cover a large reference. While the trends towards improved properties in 3-point
bending are weak, a strong improvement in internal bond strength of
21% on average was seen. In parallel, an 8% reduction of thickness
swelling after 24 h immersion in water was measured. Since identical
amounts of adhesive were applied and no differences in density were
found, the reason for improved board properties is to be found in other
board characteristics. As the modification of the resin was made with
the goal to alter the adhesive distribution, this parameter was examined
to help to identify possible causes for the variability in physical prop-
erties observed.

3.2. Adhesive distribution

Representative images captured in Vis and fluorescence mode de-

monstrate the very significant improvement in optical contrast between
wood and adhesive achieved by means of fluorescence staining. In Vis
mode (Fig. 2a) the general structure of HDF board, consisting of in-
dividualised fibres and fibre-bundles, is easily discernible due the very
efficient staining of wood cell walls by means of Gentian violet. How-
ever, even at close inspection, adhesive cannot be easily identified in
Vis mode due to lack of contrast. When switching to fluorescence mode
Fig. 1. Schematic of the sample preparation process. Small cubes are prepared from the
in the same specimen region (Fig. 2b), cell walls appear in bright red,
HDF boards (1), embedded in epoxy resin (2) and cut into thin Section (3). The thin whereas small spots of adhesive may be easily discerned due to their
sections are deposited onto glass slides where they are stained (4) and washed (5), before greenish fluorescence. At higher magnification (Fig. 2c-d), adhesive is
being observed in the light microscope (6). predominantly found in inter-fibre spaces, whereas internal fibre

E. Mahrdt et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 78 (2017) 23–27

Fig. 2. Representative microscope images of adhesive distribution in HDF board in Vis (a) and fluorescence (b-d) modes, respectively. In Vis mode, wood cell walls appear in violet colour.
In fluorescence mode, cell walls are stained in bright red, whereas adhesive shows greenish fluorescence.

cavities (lumina) appear mostly free of adhesive. Notably, inter-fibre difference in the pattern of adhesive distribution between the two
cell-corner regions often appear to be filled with adhesive. Overall, variants is obvious. While numerous comparably small adhesive spots
individual disconnected adhesive spots are more numerous compared predominate in the board bonded with unmodified adhesive, sig-
to larger interconnected adhesive areas. Clear adhesive bond lines be- nificantly larger interconnected adhesive regions and larger individual
tween fibres are sparse as opposed to more frequent local adhesive spots are apparent with the modified adhesive. Due to the excellent
particles bridging fibre-fibre gaps. colour contrast between wood cell walls, adhesive spots, and empty
Microscope images taken at the same staining and illumination as cavities, images as shown in Fig. 3 can be easily converted to binary
Fig. 2, but at lower magnification, are shown for both HDF variants in images showing adhesive in white and non-adhesive regions (i.e. cell
Fig. 3. Even upon only superficial observation, a very clear optical walls and empty cavities) in black (Fig. 4). From these binary images,

Fig. 3. Representative images of adhesive distribution in a board bonded with reference adhesive (a) compared to an image from a board bonded with improved modified adhesive (b).
Cell walls are stained in bright red, whereas adhesive shows greenish fluorescence. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

E. Mahrdt et al. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 78 (2017) 23–27

Fig. 4. Representative composite images of adhesive

distribution across an area of 2.25 × 3.0 mm from a
board bonded with reference adhesive (a) compared
to an image from a board bonded with improved
modified adhesive (b). The presence of adhesive is
shown as white spots on a black background re-
presenting area without adhesive.

On the contrary, a recent study with urea-formaldehyde adhesion

showed that the addition of nanocellulose to the liquid adhesive re-
sulted in clearly larger adhesive spots in wood particle board produced
with this adhesive in parallel to very significantly improved board
mechanics [20]. In the present study, the latter observation is con-
firmed, hinting at a complex relationship between adhesive distribution
and board mechanics. The predominance of larger adhesive spots in the
better-performing variant could be interpreted in a way that fewer well-
bonded board areas provide a more significant contribution to board
strength compared to more numerous but small adhesive spots, which –
individually - provide comparably weak fibre-fibre linkages. However,
no direct proof for this assumption can be provided yet. Nevertheless,
adhesive distribution seems to be an important parameter for me-
chanical board properties.

4. Conclusion
Fig. 5. Frequency distribution of adhesive spots of different size classes detected in the
HDF boards investigated. A new approach to the elucidation of adhesive distribution in wood
composites developed with particle board was successfully adapted for
the size of individual adhesive spots can be determined by straight- application to high density fibre board. Clear differences in adhesive
forward image analysis. A representative result of this analysis is given distribution were identified, which coincide with differences in physical
in Fig. 5. Overall, adhesive spots with cross-sectional sizes between board performance. Adhesive modification resulted in larger average
1 μm² up to 8000 μm² were detected. The arithmetic means of adhesive adhesive particles and improved physical performance. This leads to the
spot cross sectional area was 4.19 μm² for the reference board and conclusion that the size distribution of adhesive spots within wood
10.36 μm² for the board bonded with modified adhesive. As seen in composites plays a crucial role with regard to the mechanical perfor-
Fig. 5, the shape of the adhesive spot size distribution curve is similar mance of the composite. The novel method to analyse adhesive dis-
for both types of adhesive employed, with the notable difference of a tribution in composite boards can be used to stimulate further research
clear shift towards larger adhesive spots in the modified variant. on adhesives and processes in order to obtain a better understanding on
In summary, improved bond performance, especially internal bond resinating with the goal to produce boards of higher quality.
strength, in the modified HDF board coincides with a trend towards
larger adhesive spots compared to the unmodified reference. Since Acknowledgements
identical wood mixes were used, processing conditions were the same,
adhesive spreading rate was the same, and comparable board density The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the
was achieved, it is apposite to look into the adhesive as such with re- Austrian Comet program (Competence Centre for Wood Composites and
gard to identifying the cause for the differences in board performance Wood Chemistry, Wood Kplus, Austria).
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