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Name: Roy Francis M. Castañero Name of Prof: Anastacio B.

Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023

“The Skills of a Good Leader”

The question of what makes a good leader—in other words, what are
leadership skills? What are leadership skills? Leadership skills are the
strengths and abilities individuals demonstrate that help to oversee
processes, guide initiatives and steer their employees toward the
achievement of goals. Here are the skills you need to learn if you want to be
a Good leader, these leadership skills are divided into three Personal skills
the Self-confidence and Positive attitude,Personal motivation and
drive ,Integrity, Honesty and Flexibility and In the Technical skills we have,
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills, Innovation and Creative
Thinking Skills, Strategic skills and last the skills that are about working
with other people  we have the Communication, Motivation and Delegation
skill. The first four skills are personal skills, about your attitude to yourself
and the way that you behave on a personal level. self-confidence and a
positive attitude, leadership starts with yourself, you cannot expect other
people to believe in you if you do not believe in yourself,believing yourself is
an acceptance of yourself, and a confidence that you know what to do to get
the job done, including through others. It is also important for leaders to
show a positive and can-do attitude. we have this Positive thinking or the
belief that you can achieve things if you believe it is possible, may sound
soft and fluffy, but it is a scientifically-documented and powerful technique
for achieving success, it is also called the law of attraction is a philosophy
suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life,
while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.
Personal motivation and drive good leaders have good self-
motivation: they have a personal sense of drive, and the skills needed to
push changes and actions forward drive means to attain a goal or satisfy a
need, self-motivation it is one of the key areas of emotional intelligence ,
Name: Roy Francis M. Castañero Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023

when we say emotional intelligence it is the ability to understand and use

your own and others’ emotions. Self-Motivation consists of four elements:
Personal Drive, it is the inner take note personal inner strength and desire
to accomplish set goals.  It is your Will and desire to accomplish something.
Commitment to goals; the  responsibility that a person toward the goals,
missions, and visions of the organization they are associated with, Initiative,
or willingness to act on opportunities and last, Optimism, is the ability to
look on the bright side or think positively in order to keep working on a task
or pursue a goal while facing setbacks. We also called it resilience.
Integrity and honesty this third area of personal skill is acting with
integrity, This, two, is part of emotional intelligence, and encompasses
trustworthiness, conscientiousness and reliability. People who are
trustworthy and conscientious are reliable. If they say that they will do
something, then you know that they will do, in other words, you can rely on
trustworthy and conscientious people to do the right thing, guided by an
inner moral sense of what is right. Those who act with integrity act in
accordance with strong moral principles. They have a strong ‘moral
compass’, and this guides them to act in ways that are generally agreed to
be fair and just.  They can be relied on to keep their word and are
conscientious about delivering on their promises. When they make a
commitment, they stick to it. In Leadership we need to be honest a real and
honest comments to your follower. Honest does not mean hurtful. If you
give an honest feedback, even about truly bad performances, that are
constructive (intended to help or improve something) so much if you have a
constructive feedback it will be clearly heard than a plastic or not an honest
feedback just to not hurt them.
Flexibility There is, in fact, no one right way to lead in all
circumstances, and one of the main characteristics of good leaders is their
flexibility and ability to adapt to changing circumstances. No organization
Name: Roy Francis M. Castañero Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023

can afford to stand still. There are always new challenges to meet. However,
every change you need to make should be planned and implemented with
care, otherwise it could end up doing more harm than good! Change is a
constant in organizational life. Good leaders need to accept it as a given,
and be able to manage change on a personal basis,and additionally  we have
this stage of Change curve, stage 1 is the denial or you are shock second
stage is anger or fear third stage are aacceptance and last stage are the
commitment on change.

The next three skills areas are all about working with other people,
one is the ccommunication skills, Leaders need to be able to communicate
their ideas to others. We  therefore need to be highly effective speakers, but
also be adept at listening and interpreting body language and other
communication. While communication skills are important for everyone,
leaders and managers perhaps need them even more. These skills are
general interpersonal skills, not specific to leadership, but successful
leaders tend to show high levels of skill when communicating. Good leaders
tend to be extremely good listeners, able to listen actively and elicit
information by good questioning. They are also likely to show high levels of
assertiveness ,assertiveness means being able to stand up for your own or
other people’s rights in a calm and positive way, without being either
aggressive, without aggression, but firmly. This  skill  help to build
charisma, that quality of ‘brightness’ which makes people want to follow a
leader. And take note of this. Leaders also need to know how to give others
their views on personal performance in a way that will be constructive
rather than destructive.
Motivation skills good leaders are able to keep their teams going
through both good and bad times, because of their strong motivation skills,
Name: Roy Francis M. Castañero Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023

there are two main types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic
equals to love. In other words, “I do this because I want to”, Type of
motivation in which the motives originate from the inside, such as curiosity,
fears, psychological needs, and internal desires. Extrinsic equals to money.
In other words, “I do this because I have to”, type of motivation in which the
motives originate from the outside, such as incentives, bonuses, allowances,
promotion or demotion, rewards, or prizes. There are several things that you
can do, as leader, to help alleviate boredom at work. Ensure that tasks are
rotated, so that nobody has time to feel bored in any particular task; Ensure
that there is variety in every task. Show solidarity (‘walk the walk’) by
helping out at busy times, to demonstrate the value that you place on the
work that your follower does. actually, do something rather than just
talking about it. and one way to motivate your followers is to give them a
reward if the delegated duties are successful, but if they are not successful,
give them a smaller reward to encourage them to accomplish the larger
reward you set.
Delegation skills, it is the process of distributing and
entrusting work to another personas a leader, you have to be able to
delegate work effectively, because you cannot do it all yourself. Because “No
man is an island”, Being able to delegate work effectively is hard. It means
being able to ensure that both you and person to whom you have delegated
are happy about the amount of control, From No Control to Total Control,
The level of control can vary from the leader being in total control to the
followers being in total control, with a whole spectrum of shared control in
between. If the leader is in total control, the leadership styles is being used
to be Commanding  or Pacesetting. Shared control could be
Authoritative/Visionary meaning the leader relies on the quality of their
vision to bring their team along), Democratic and Coaching also. Total
control lying with the followers is not often seen, because of the level of risk
Name: Roy Francis M. Castañero Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023

to the leader, Laissez-Faire leadership allow your followers to have the

autonomy to make their own decision. Nine levels of delegation with the
level of control in mind, we can then move on to think about how you
delegate work or tasks. Tim Brighouse, defined nine levels of delegation.
They are: Look into this problem. Give me all the facts. I will decide what to
do. Let me know the options available with the pros and cons of each. I will
decide what to select. Let me know the criteria for your recommendation,
which alternatives you have identified and which one appears best to you
with any risk identified. I will make the decision. Recommend a course of
action for my approval. Let me know what you intend to do. Delay action
until I approve. Let me know what you intend to do. Do it unless I say not
to. Take action. Let me know what you did. Let me know how it turns out.
Take action. Communicate with me only if the action is unsuccessful. Take
action. No further communication with me is necessary. We have key skills
of delegating work. Delegating may be complicated, but there are actually
only two principle skill areas needed for successful delegating: Be aware
what level of control you want and need, which needs high levels of self-
awareness. Good leaders are intrinsically self-aware, and understand how
they like to work. Because The best leaders are also aware of how their
subordinates like to work, and strive to find a balance between the two, to
allow their subordinates to grow and develop in their work. You can find out
how much control people like by asking them, and negotiating the level of
delegation that you use with them so that both of you get some of what you
want (and a win-win situation).Make sure that you are absolutely clear with
your subordinate what level of delegation you have used. Negotiation and
Name: Roy Francis M. Castañero Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023

The final three skills that are about technical skills and ability
to achieve in particular areas we have the Problem-Solving and Decision-
Making Skills.What is Decision Making? In its simplest sense, decision-
making is the act of choosing between two or more courses of action. In the
wider process of problem-solving decision making involves choosing between
possible solutions to a problem. Decisions can be made through either an
intuitive or reasoned process, or a combination of the two. Intuition is using
your ‘gut feeling’ about possible courses of action., although people talk
about it as if it was a magical ‘sense’, intuition is actually a combination of
past experience and your personal values. It is worth taking your intuition
into account, because it reflects your learning about life. Reasoning is using
the facts and figures in front of you to make decisions. Reasoning has its
roots in the here-and-now, and in facts. It can, however, ignore emotional
aspects and ignoring the, issues from the past that may affect the way the
decision is implemented. And additionally, Intuition is a perfectly acceptable
answer it is more appropriate when the decision is in simple nature or
needs to be decide quickly. Or needs to be made quickly. More complicated
decisions tend to require a more formal, structured approach, usually
involving both intuition and reasoning. It is important to be wary of
impulsive reactions to a situation Applying Both Reason and Intuition One
way to do this is to apply the two aspects in turn. It’s useful to start with
reason, and gather facts and figures. Once you have an obvious ‘decision’,
it’s the turn of intuition. How do you feel about the ‘answer’? Does it feel
Note. If you’re not emotionally committed to the decision you’ve made, you
won’t implement it well or effectively. What Can Prevent Effective Decision-
Making? There are a number of problems that can prevent effective
decision-making. These include: Not Enough Information, if you do not have
enough information, it can feel like you are making a decision without any
Name: Roy Francis M. Castañero Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023

basis. Take some time to gather the necessary data to inform your decision.
Too Much Information, having so much conflicting information that it is
impossible to see ‘the wood for the trees. This is sometimes called analysis
paralysis. Too Many People, making decisions by committee is difficult.
Everyone has their own views, and their own values. While it’s important to
know what these views are, and why and how they are important, it may be
essential for one person to take responsibility for making a decision.
Sometimes, any decision is better than none. Vested Interests, decision-
making processes often founder under the weight of vested interests. These
vested interests are often not overtly expressed, but may be a crucial
blockage. Because they are not overtly expressed, it is hard to identify them
clearly. Emotional Attachments, people are often very attached to the status
quo. Decisions tend to involve the prospect of change, which many people
find difficult. Because of Emotional attachment. No Emotional Attachment,
sometimes it’s difficult to make a decision because you just don’t care one
way or the other. In this case, a structured decision-making process can
often help by identifying some very real pros and cons of particular actions,
that perhaps you hadn’t thought about before.
Strategic Thinking Skills, strategic thinking is often the area that
new leaders dread most, because it is not an area in which it is easy to gain
experience before taking up a leadership post. However, looked at simply, it
is purely a matter of working out where you are, where you want to be, and
how to get from one to the other.
Innovation and Creative Thinking Skills, Innovation and creative
thinking skills may not be the most obvious leadership skills. Creative
thinking is about thinking in different ways, to generate new ideas. The key
with many creative thinking techniques is to come up with lots of ideas on
an ongoing basis. Most will be discarded, but one or two may be gems.
Innovation means being able to generate new ideas, but also put them into
Name: Roy Francis M. Castañero Name of Prof: Anastacio B. Aquino
Year & Section: 2nd Year Subject/Day finished:
AB- Political Science PA12/ March 8,2023

practice on a daily basis. We all know people with lots of ideas who never do
anything except talk about them. That is not innovation: innovation
requires practicality, adaptability and a willingness to experiment and fail if


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