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Topics into put in PowerPoint Presentation

What is Leadership?

 Leadership refers to the art of motivating people in an organization to work

towards a common goal. It is based on ideas that can be a person’s own or inspired
by other leaders. Leadership is also the art of communicating these ideas effectively to
others and encouraging them to take up responsibilities and grow personally besides
leading the company towards growth. Moreover, everyone has the qualities that leaders
possess, but not everyone encounters the exact set of circumstances in life where those
qualities can shine and be recognized. Everyone can, however, develop their leadership
qualities and put them to positive use in life every day, in and out of the workplace.

What it takes to be a Great Leader?

A leader, as the term implies, is someone who leads. The person who inspires
others to innovate and sets a good example. A good leader has personality, courage, a
clear vision, and the desire to succeed. A good leader always encourages the team to
perform at their best and drives the team to success.
A great leader must also be respectful. They must respect their teams in order to
be respected in return. A leader must also be open and honest about what makes work
more efficient and enjoyable. So, in order to advance as a leader, you must be willing to
take risks and be unconventional.
In conclusion, an effective leader must possess the following qualities: character,
competence, compassion, and courage. These are personality traits that enable
someone to successfully lead a group of people in the right direction. Character enables
you to make wise decisions.

The Importance of Having Leadership Skills

 Having leadership skills is an important skills to have because it has a lot of

benefits, not only to yourself but also to the people surrounds you; whether it is
educational, political, business, management, entrepreneurship and many more. How? An
individual who has a good leadership skills has the ability to motivate his/her members to
work effectively in achieving their goals. It is a practical life skill that helps us individuals,
teams, or even the entire organizations influence or guide everyone else to maximize
efficiency and have a positive and productive working environment. This skill allows you to
have flexible ways of
thinking that helps you to adapt changes and respond to uncertain or unpredictable
circumstances while achieving your objectives whether in life or in an organization. Having
leadership skills also means you are confident enough to manage your team. You will able
to listen in your team members’ complaints, opinions, and issues. By that, you can
communicate properly and fix the problem or issues without invalidating your team
members feelings. It allows you to be a good listener and strengthen your communication
skills that helps you to develop your personality.

Types of Leadership

1. Democratic Leadership

This is as clear as its name. In democratic leadership, the leaders make or break
decisions democratically, based on their team’s opinion and feedback. Although it is
the leader who makes the final call, every opinion counts. This is easily one of the most
effective leadership styles since it allows employees to have a voice. The best example is
election whether it is at our school or at any organizations we used to attend, we can
observe democratic leadership because every person in that room is participating
though raising their hands or what we called voting. It is our right to vote for our chosen
one, in this way, we express our opinion and the idea of being heard.

2. Autocratic Leadership

This is exactly the opposite of democratic leadership wherein the opinions of employees
are not considered. Leaders with this style expect others to adhere to the decisions they
take, which is not a sustainable approach in the long term. For example, the CEO of the
company hires a person as his secretary.

3. Laissez-faire Leadership

Laissez-fire means “let them do”. This style is the least intrusive and leaders with
this approach ensure that the authority lies with the employees. While this leadership
style can empower, it may also limit development, therefore, must be kept in check. I

4. Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership acts as a bridge between the senior team and the employees.
Leaders adopting this style ensure that both executive interests and working conditions
for the team are stable when a decision is made.
5. Transformational Leadership

This kind of leadership always aims at transforming and improving capabilities. There
may be tasks and schedules assigned and leaders following this style may ask employees
to push their boundaries constantly. Most growth-minded companies tend to adopt this
kind of leadership style.

6. Transactional Leadership

This is a very common leadership style today based on the action-and-reward concept.
For instance, an employee or team may receive an incentive or bonus for achieving a
target set by the company.

7. Coach-Style Leadership

This leadership style focuses on larger growth while encouraging individual team
members to focus on their strengths and talent. Though this is similar to strategic and
democratic leadership styles, the focus here is more on the individual.

8. Bureaucratic Leadership

This kind of leadership style goes by the books. Although leaders with this approach do
listen to employees and their opinions, they may negate or reject it, in case they go
against the co

Characteristics of Leadership

SELF CONFIDENCE – in your abilities as a leader and decision maker is the foundation of
effective leadership. Confidence can exert a constructive impact that inspires, encourages, and
motivates your staff. A leader with healthy confidence expects their staff to put up their best
effort, follow directions, and meet deadlines.

COMMITMENT AND PASSION – Passionate leader are totally focused on accomplishing their
own objectives while assisting other in doing the same. Your sensory system activated and your
emotions are stirred when you’re around a passionate leader because you catch their
upbeat, contagious energy.
WILLINGNESS TO DELEGATE AND EMPOWER – Both delegation and empowerment are
powerful instruments for good leadership, although they are utilized in various corporate
contexts. In other words delegation is providing employees enough direction to act your behalf
as their manager, where empowerment is allowing them to act on their own behalf.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS – That is frequently employed by leader to share information about

the company’s culture, basic values , mission, and important messages to faster employee
morale and trust. In actuality, it entails sharing a common vision and motivating others to share
that goal.

HONESTY AND INTEGRITY – entails being sincere, dependable, and trustworthy. They admit
their mistakes rather than covering them up, blaming other, or finding an excuse.

How can Leadership Skills help you with your career goals?
Leadership skills helps you in building your self esteem and confidence. A good self
esteem and confidence will allow you to think clearly, make critical decisions, and be a flexible
thinker. This skill will guides you how to manage and organize things effectively to have a
healthy and positive environment that helps you to avoid mistakes that can be the downfall of
your career goals. Since you have this skill you already know how to communicate effectively.
We all know that communication is important, specially in achieving your career goals or
objectives. With this skill you are able to express yourself by sharing your ideas, opinions and
suggestions that will help you to achieve your career goals without having a lot of complications
in the process of achieving it.

What is Stress?
Stress is a mix of emotions like to much angriness and sadness, when you feel
like there are so many problems or burdens. That life how thrown you stress is also the
thing that can destroy and ruin your mind because too much thinking would make your
brain overload with so much thought. Any shift that creates strain on the body, mind or
emotions is referred to be stress. Your body’s reaction to anything that demands
focus or action is stress.

Causes of Stress

The most frequent reasons for “stressing out” fall into three main categories:

1. The unsettling effects of change

2. The feeling that an outside force is challenging or threatening you
3. The feeling that you have lost personal control. Life events such as marriage, changing jobs,
divorce, or the death of a relative or friend are the most common causes of stress.
Although life-threatening events are less common, They can be the most physiologically
and psychologically acute. They are usually associated with public service career fields in
which people experience intense stress levels because Of imminent danger and a high
degree of uncertainty police officer, fire and rescue worker, Emergency relief worker, and
the military You may not plan to enter a high-stress career, but as a college student, you
may find that the demands of college life can create stressful situations. The National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) notes some of the more common stressors for college

• Increased academic demands

• Being on your own in a new environment

• Changes in family relations

• Financial responsibilities

• Changes in your social life

• Exposure to new people, ideas, and temptations

• Awareness of your sexual identity and orientation

• Preparing for life after graduation.

Types of Stress

 Acute Stress
 Episodic Acute Stress
 Chronic Stress


• Stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior.
Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can help you manage them. Stress that’s
left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, obesity and diabetes.

• Loud noises and larger crowds can be overwhelming, which increases cortisol levels
and stress. Higher rates of pollution also affect mental health. Scott points to research that
shows increased rates of depression in more polluted areas. The effect of mold, if present, in
the home and higher rates of asthma as a result of increased pollutants themselves can also
excrete mental health issues.



•Try to avoid people who stress you out. Further, if you cannot avoid a stressful
situation, try altering it. Express your feelings don’t bottle them up and manage your time
better. Accept your needs. Recognize what your triggers are. · Manage your time. Prioritizing
your activities can help you use your time well. Keep a positive attitude, Make time for fun.
• You can also “talk to your friends”

When something’s really bothering you, it can help to share your feelings with a buddy.
In fact, more talkative folks tend to be happier in general. So vent to a coworker, friend, or
family member.
• Create a zen zone.

Make or find a space that’s completely free of stress where you can go to relax. Set up a
comfortable chair or light some incense and disappear there for a few minutes until the tension
• Laugh

Laughter is one of the sillier ways to beat stress.

• To be alone

Five or more minutes of alone time can help you collect your thoughts and clear your head.
• Listening to music

You can also listen to music, no matter what the song is, sometimes belting out the lyrics to a
favorite tune makes everything seem all right. If you’re in a public place, just listening to
music can be a quick fix for a bad mood. Classical music can be especially relaxing right before

Importance of Managing Stress

Stress management is important since managing long term stress can lower your
risk of life-threatening diseases. You can do this by planning ahead and acting rationally
by doing what needs to be done first.

Stress does appear to be “everywhere.” Part of the appeal of the stress

discourse may lie in the way in which it seems to say that the distress we feel in our
everyday lives is chiefly a function of ourselves. Managing stress is indeed very
important as it greatly affects someone’s life in a way that stress that’s left
unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure,
heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, and at the same time it can even rewire the brain,
leaving us more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

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