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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Questions

1. Which of the following is TRUE regarding C. TFTF

contents of marked spaces in the given D. FFTT
3. A patient presents with multiple humeral
shaft fracture, following which he had
difficulty in flexion and supination of
forearm. He also complains of loss of
sensation on lateral aspect of forearm.
Which of the following nerve is most likely
A. Median nerve
B. Radial nerve
C. Musculocutaneous nerve
D. Anterior interosseous nerve

4. Which of the following is true for the

marked muscles in the given cadaveric
A. Space A- Radial nerve
specimen of hand?
B. Space B- Profunda brachii artery
C. Space C- Thoracodorsal nerve
D. Space A and Space C are separated by
long head of biceps brachii

2. TRUE & FALSE regarding the marked

structures in the given transverse section
of axilla?

A. Originates from flexor digitorum

B. Supplied by deep branch of Ulnar nerve
C. Supplied by superficial branch of ulnar
D. A and B share the same nerve supply

5. Which of the following is not attached to

A. TTTT the pointed tendon in the given cadaveric
B. FTTT image?
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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Questions

C. Anterior interosseous nerve

D. High radial nerve

8. A 10-year-old boy was running across a

parking lot when he tripped and received
lacerations on the base of his thumb from
a broken glass bottle. On examination. his
thumb was unable to oppose to his
fingers, and the thumb also showed
weakness when abducting and flexing. No
sensory deficits were reported. What
A. 2nd Palmar interossei nerve was most likely severed?
B. 2nd Dorsal interossei A. Deep branch of ulnar nerve
C. 3rd Dorsal Interossei B. Superficial palmar branch of median
D. 2nd Lumbrical nerve
C. Recurrent branch of median nerve
6. A 23-year-old man was injured in a motor D. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve
vehicle accident and X-rays confirmed a
displaced distal radius fracture in his left 9. A 25-year-old male goalkeeper fell in the
forearm. Upon examination, the patient ground and landed on her hip sideways.
exhibits weakened pronation, weakened The given AP X-ray reveals fracture in
flexion of the index and middle fingers at proximal part of femur. Which of the
the distal interphalangeal joints, and following muscles is most likely detached
weakened flexion of the interphalangeal in association with the fracture fragment?
joint of the thumb. When asked to make
the "okay" sign, the patient is unable to
make a round circle. producing a
"collapsed circle" on the affected hand.
No areas of sensory loss are detected.
Which nerve is most likely damaged?
A. Deep branch of the radial nerve
B. Superficial branch of the radial nerve
C. Anterior interosseous nerve
D. Median nerve. proximal to the carpal

7. A 30-year-old male underwent excision

surgery of radial head. Following surgery,
the patient develops inability to extend his
fingers and thumb. He did not have any A. Gluteus maximus
sensory deficit. Which of the following is B. Gluteus medius
most likely to involve? C. lliopsoas
A. Posterior interosseous nerve D. Biceps femoris
B. Common extensor origin

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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Questions

10. Which of the following is INCORRECT B. Left gluteus maximus and superior
regarding marked muscles in the given gluteal nerve
cadaveric specimen? C. Left gluteus medius and inferior gluteal
D. Right gluteus medius and superior
gluteal nerve

12. When a patient gets up from sitting

position which of the following events
takes place in his knee joint?
A. Medial rotation of femur on a fixed
B. Lateral rotation of femur on a fixed tibia
C. Medial rotation of tibia on a fixed
D. Lateral rotation of tibia on a fixed femur

A. A and B share the same nerve supply 13. True about Great saphenous vein
B. C is external rotator of hip joint A. Begins at lateral end of dorsal venous
C. B helps in climbing stairs arch
D. Injury to nerve supplying A- Positive B. Is accompanied by the branch of
Trendelenburg’s test femoral nerve in the leg
C. Has small saphenous vein as tributary
11. A young man suffers a dislocation of the D. Has perforators draining deep venous
hip in a car accident. During recovery. He blood into it while walking
finds he has an abnormal gait in which his
left hip sinks when he lifts that foot to take 14. An inversion injury at ankle while wearing
a step. As shown in the given picture. The high heels would most likely result in tear
problem may be the result of damage to of which of the following ligament at the
which of the following structures? ankle?

A. A
B. B
A. Right gluteus maximus and inferior C. C
gluteal nerve D. Both A and B

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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Questions

15. Following surgery to repair a broken right B. Right first posterior intercostal vein
tibia, a 22-year-old patient is placed in a drains in right brachiocephalic vein
short leg cast. Several hours later. she C. Left superior intercostal vein drains in
complains of extreme pain, numbness accessory hemiazygos vein
with a "pins and needles sensation. D. Left first posterior intercostal vein
inflammation, and abnormal pressure on drains in left brachiocephalic vein
the anterior and lateral aspects of the
affected lower leg. The cast is removed, 18. A 27-year-old man came to the emergency
and the physician notes a weak dorsalis department, and his angiogram exhibited
pedis arterial pulse, and sensory loss that he was bleeding from the vein that is
between the first and second toes. What accompanied by the LAD artery. Which of
nerve is most likely damaged? the following veins is most likely to be
A. Tibial nerve ruptured?
B. Deep peroneal nerve A. Great cardiac vein
C. Superficial peroneal nerve B. Small cardiac vein
D. Medial plantar nerve C. Middle cardiac vein
D. Oblique vein of left atrium
16. Mark true (T) and false (F) regarding the
marked openings in the given diaphragm 19. True about left phrenic nerve is
specimen. A. Arise from dorsal rami of C3, C4, C5
B. Descend in the left pleural space
C. Supplies mediastinal pleura on left side
& diaphragmatic peritoneum
D. Passes through the venacaval opening
in the diaphragm

20. Venous drainage of esophagus consists of

A. Azygous vein, inferior thyroid, left
gastric vein
B. Azygous vein, inferior thyroid, right
gastric vein
i. A gives passage to azygous vein C. Azygous vein, right gastric vein, left
ii. B gives passage to left phrenic nerve gastric vein
iii. C gives passage to thoracic duct D. Hemiazygos vein, superior thyroid,
iv. B gives passage to branch of left gastric inferior thyroid vein
A. FFTF 21. Absent thymus and hypoparathyroidism is
B. FFTT due to developmental anomaly of which
C. TFTF of the marked region?

17. Which is incorrect regarding

Azygous/Hemiazygos system of veins
A. Right superior intercostal vein drains in
Azygous vein
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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Questions

B. Failure of fusion of maxillary process to

lateral nasal process
C. Failure of fusion of maxillary to medial
nasal process
D. Incomplete fusion of two medial nasal

24. Which of the following is responsible for

development of portal vein?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
A. A
22. Untrue about pharyngeal arch derivatives B. B
A. Anterior 2/3 tongue develops from 1st C. C
pharyngeal arch D. D
B. Laryngeal cartilages are derived from
4th & 6th arch 25. What anomalous event in the
C. Branchial cyst is persistent cervical development of outflowing vessels of the
sinus heart causes given anomaly in the picture?
D. Buccinator is mesodermal derivative of
first arch

23. Following deformity correlates to

A. Failure of fusion of mandibular process

to maxillary A. Absent aorticopulmonary (AP) septum

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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Questions

B. Anterior displacement of AP septum

C. Non spiral growth of AP septum
D. Absent septum secundum

26. Abnormal right subclavian artery as

shown in the image is due to-

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

29. Given picture depicts rotational anomalies of

midgut. Choose the correct option for the

A. Obliteration of right 4th arch artery and

persistence of distal right dorsal aorta
B. Obliteration of right 3rd arch artery and
persistence of proximal right dorsal
C. Obliteration of right 6th arch artery and
persistence of distal of right dorsal
aorta A. A- Mal rotation B- Incomplete rotation
D. Obliteration of right cervical C- Non-Rotation
intersegmental artery B. A- Non rotation B- Reverse rotation C-
Incomplete rotation
27. The reason for long left recurrent C. A- Non rotation B- Reverse rotation C-
laryngeal nerve is due to persistence of Gastroschisis
which pharyngeal arch? D. A- Mixed Rotation B- Mal rotation C-
A. Proximal part of 6th arch Incomplete rotation
B. Proximal apart of 4th arch
C. Distal part of 5th arch 30. Remnants of Wolffian duct in female are
D. Distal part of 6th arch found in.
A. Pouch of Douglas
28. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is due to B. Broad ligament
developmental defect in which of the C. Iliac fossa
following embryological structure D. Uterovesicular pouch

31. Wrong about urethra is

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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Questions

A. Terminal portion of penile part is 34. A child brought to hospital by his father
ectodermal with complaint of fever, lower back pain
B. The membranous urethra is and persistent flexion of hip joint. He has
endodermal a history of spinal TB in the past. On
C. Proximal prostatic urethra is examination child has an inguinal
endodermal in origin on posterior swelling. Identify the marked muscle
aspect responsible to be involved in this
D. Female terminal urethra is endodermal pathology.

32. Given transverse section of the anterior

abdominal wall is taken at which of the
following level?

A. At the level of 7th costal cartilages

B. Above the arcuate line A. A
C. Below the arcuate line B. B
D. At the level of Xiphoid process C. C
D. D
33. Which of the following is not a
modification of external oblique 35. To avoid damage to structures entering
aponeurosis? porta hepatis and blood vessels supplying
the stomach the omental bursa can be
approached by incising
A. Falciform ligament
B. Hepatoduodenal portion of lesser
C. Transverse mesocolon
D. Superior layer of coronary ligament

36. Gastrosplenic ligament contains

A. Splenic vessels
B. Tail of pancreas
C. Short gastric artery
A. A D. Portal vein
B. B
C. C 37. Following image represents the caecal
D. D herniation into lesser sac through the

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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Questions

opening located behind the free margin of

lesser omentum. Which of the following
structure is not present in the boundary of
the foramen giving passage to hernial sac?

A. Superior rectal artery

B. Inferior rectal nerve
C. Middle rectal artery
D. Superior rectal nerve
A. Portal vein
B. Right suprarenal gland
C. Caudate process of caudate lobe of
D. Pylorus of the stomach

38. All the following are present in Superficial

perineal pouch except –
A. Membranous urethra
B. Bulbospongiosus
C. Posterior scrotal nerves
D. Duct of Bulbourethral glands

39. Contents of Deep perineal pouch includes

all the following, except -
A. Dorsal Nerve of penis
B. Bulbourethral gland
C. Ischiocavernosus
D. Sphincter Urethrae

40. During incision and drainage of the

abscess from the marked space, which
structure is most vulnerable to injury?

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[TEST AND DISCUSSION - 2022] “ANATOMY – DAY - 2” Answer Key

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. C
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. B
31. C
32. C
33. A
34. A
35. C
36. C
37. D
38. A
39. C
40. B

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