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In a roadside accident a young boy got fracture of styloid process of ulna.

The muscle tendon of 6th

compartment of extensor retinaculum is also damaged. Identify the muscle

A. Abductor pollicis brevis

B. Extensor carpi ulnaris
C. Flexor digitiminimi
D. Extensor digitorum
E. Extensor carpi radialis longus

In a traffic accident a person falls on his shoulder in a way that shoulder is widely separated
from his neck and sustains injury to the brachial plexus. Following are the muscles paralyzed.

a. Bicep, brachialis & coracobrachialis

b. Bicep, Brachialis &tricep
c. Brachialis, bicep &tricep
d. Deltoid, bicep & brachialis
e. Deltoid, coracobrachialis and bicep

A 20 years old boy fell on his elbow and he got the fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus leading To a
nerve damage that will not result in.

a. Loss of sensations over medial side of forearm

b. loss of sensations over medial side of palm
c. Loss of adduction at wrist joint
d. Paralysis of hypothenar muscles
e. Paralysis of flexor digitorum superficialis

A 20 years old boy fell on his elbow and he got the fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus
leading To a nerve damage that will not result in.

f. Loss of sensations over medial side of forearm

g. loss of sensations over medial side of palm
h. Loss of adduction at wrist joint
i. Paralysis of hypothenar muscles
j. Paralysis of flexor digitorum superficialis
A middle aged man presented to OPD with swelling over back of neck. It appeared gradually
and was associated with ptosis, meiosis and wasting of small muscles of hand. Identify the nerve
root invovled

A. C6
B. C7
C. C8
D. T1
E. T2

A 30 year old man had a fall from wall. He landed on the ground on his outstretched hand.
Clinical examination revealed tenderness under the area of anatomical snuff box
Identify the bone that is most probably fractured in this case

A. Capitate
B. Hamate
C. Scaphoid
D. Trapezium
E. Trapezoid

during a road traffic accident a person got the upper limb injury and is unable to extend his
wrist joints. There is also loss of sensations over lateral aspect of arm and dorsum of forearm
and hand.
This injury is probably due to fracture of

A. Lateral epicondyle of humerus

B. Medial epicondyle of humerus
C. Neck of radius
D. Shaft of humerus
E. Surgical neck of humerus

A 31-year-old patient complains of sensory loss over the anterior and posterior surfaces of
the medial third of the hand. He is diagnosed by the physician as having “funny bone”
Identify the most probable nerve injured
A. Axillary
B. Median
C. Musculocutaneous
D. Radial
E. Ulnar

10 days after the application of cast, a patient of ulnar bone fracture complains about loss of abduction

At wrist joint. Recalling your knowledge of anatomy identify the muscle that is un affected

a. Abductor pollicis brevis

b. Abductor pollicis longus
c. Flexor carpi radialis
d. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
e. Extensor carpi radialis longus

An elderly female suffering from carcinoma breast was operated for mastectomy three days
postoperatively the patient noticed that her shoulder is pushed posteriorly and she is unable to
raise the trunk with the upper limb because of injury to;

a. Medial pectoral nerve

b. Lateral pectoral neve
c. Thoraodorsal nerve
d. Suprascapular nerve
e. Long thoracic nerve ???

The spasm of a muscle that is proximally attached to the coracoid process and distally to the
humerus will lead to entrapment of following nerve.

A. Axillary nerve
B. median nerve
C. musculocutaneous nerve
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve

Due to a benign growth the ulnar nerve is trapped at the point where it pierces the
medial intermuscular septum of arm. Blood flow to the following artery will also be affected that
accompanies the nerve

A. Anterior ulnar recurrent artery

B. inferior ulnar collateral artery
C.posterior ulnar recurrent artery
D. superior ulnar collateral artery
E. Ulnar artery

A young boy got an ulcerated wound near his right thumb. This infection will first lead to
enlargement of following lymh node

A. Apical axillary
B. Central axillary
C. Lateral axillary
D. Infraclavicular
E. Supratrochlear

A young boy came to OPD with the complaint of tenderness of forearm extensors and
painful extension of wrist joint. The doctor suspected that its the entrapment of radial

nerve. The most probable muscle responsible is

a. bicep brachii
b. brachialis
c. pronator teres
d. supinator
e. triceps

A 26 years boy got a ganglion cyst (benign growth) over the back of wrist joint. He finds some difficulty
in during extension of index finger. Identify the compartment of extensor retinaculum involved

a. 1st compartment
b. 2nd compartment
c. 3rd compartment
d. 4th compartment
e. 5th compartment

Due to the sudden strong contraction of a muscle during tennis play a person got Avulsion
fracture of radial tuberosity. identify the muscle affected

A. bicep brachii
B. brachialis
C. pronator teres
D. supinator
E. triceps

During the dissection of a cadaver, the task is to separate the the radius and ulna bones. The

students will not incise the following structure for this purpose

A. Anular ligament
B. Interroseous membrane
C. Oblique cord
D. Pronator quadratus
E. Quadrate ligament
In a road traffic accident a person got fracture of coracoid process of scapula.

Identify the structure that is unaffected

A. Coracobrachialis
B. Coracohumeral ligament
C. Pectoralis major
D. Pectoralis minor
E. Short head bicep

An orthopedic surgeon while exploring the quadrangular muscular space in scapular region

must becareful about the following structure that traverse from the space.

A. Axillary nerve
B. Circumference scapular artery
C. Median nerve
D. Posterior circumference humeral artery
E. Profunda brachial artery

During the surgery for breast cancer, a surgeon that is going to retract the Clavipectoral fascia.
He must be careful about the structures that pierces the clavipectoral fascia. Identify that structure

a. Lateral pectoral nerve

b. Medial pectoral nerve
c. Nerve to serratus anterior
d. Nerve to subclavius
e. Suprascapular nerve

During axillary clearance of axillary lymph nodes a surgeon incised a branch of brachial plexus that
supplies muscles of front of arm. Identify the muscle that will not be paralysed due to its dual nerve

A. bicep brachii
B. brachialis
D. supinator
E. teres major

22. Lymphatics from the nipple and areola drain into the:
a. Pectoral group of the axillary lymph nodes.
b. Subscapular group of the axillary lymph nodes.
c. Central group of the axillary lymph nodes.
d. Apical group of the axillary lymph nodes.
e. Parasternal lymph nodes.
23. A hockey player falls on his shoulder, resulting in a chipping off the lesser tubercle of the humerus. The
following structures would most likely suffer functional damage
a. Supraspinatus muscle
b. Infraspinatus muscle
c. Subscapularis muscle
d. Teres minor muscle
e. Coracohumeral ligament
24. A person fell on outstretched hand that resulted in fracture of radius along with anterior dislocation of distal end of
radius. This type of fracture is known as
a. Monteggia's fracture
b. Colles' fracture
c. Smith's fracture
d. Galeazzi's fracture
e. Green Stick fracture
25. Shoulder joint is a multiaxial joint. Normal lareral rotation i.e. 45 degree is produced by
a. Subscapularis
b. Infraspinatus
c. Latissimus dorsi
d. Teres major
e. Anterior fibers of the deltoid muscle.
26. A muscle that is prime flexor at MCP joints
A. Plamar interossei
B. Dorsal interossei
C. Flexor digitorum superficialis
D. Flexor digitorum profundus
E. Lumbricals
27. Choose a muscle that is not involved in flexion at elbow joint
A. Brachialis
B. Bicep Brachii
C. Brachioradialis
D. Flexor carpi radialis
E. Pronator teres
28. The anterior wall of the axilla is not related to:
a. Pectoralis major.
b. Teres major.
c. Pectoralis minor.
d. Subclavius.
e. Clavipectoral fascia
29. Following is a muscle that is strong protractor of scapula and known as boxers’ muscle
a. Serratus anterior
b. Trapezius
c. Pectoralis major
d. Deltoid
e. Teres major
30. Among the movements of thumb Median nerve is mainly responsible for
a. Flexion
b. Extension
c. Abduction
d. Adduction
e. Opposition
31. Deep branch of ulnar nerve doesn’t supply the following muscle
a. Palmaris brevis
b. Adductor pollices
c. Palmar interrosie
d. Abductor digitiminimi
e. Flexor digitiminimi
32. Opponens digiti minimi is proximally attached over
a. Trapezoid
b. triquitrium
c. trapezium
d. capitate
e. Hamate
33. The female breast is not related to:
a. Has a nipple that is usually located opposite the 6th intercostals space.
b. Has Cooper’s ligament that suspends the breast.
c. Has a bed formed mainly by the serratus anterior muscle.
d. Has about 5 lactiferous sinuses.
e. Its lymphatics drain mainly in the parasternal lymph nodes
34. The thoracoacromial artery is a branch of:
a. Subclavian artery.
b. First part of the axillary artery.
c. Second part of the axillary artery.
d. Third part of the axillary artery.
e. Brachial artery
35. The brachial artery:
a. Bifurcates opposite the neck of the humerus.
b. Is deep throughout its entire course.
c. In the cubital fossa, it lies medial to the biceps tendon.
d. The median nerve crosses in front of the artery from the medial to the lateral side.
e. None of the above.
36. Medial cord of brachial plexus lies medial to the following structure
a. Axillary vein
b. Axillary artery
c. Serratus anterior
d. Pectoralis major
e. Pectoralis minor
37. Lateral cutaneous nerve of arm is a branch of
a. Radial nerve
b. Musculocutaneous nerve
c. Lateral cord of brachial plexus
d. Medial cord of brachial plexus
e. Posterior cord of brachial plexus
38. Suprascapular nerve is a branch of
a. superior Trunk of brachial plexus
b. middle Trunk of brachial plexus
c. medial cord of brachial plexus
d. lateral cord of brachial plexus
e. roots of brachial plexus
39. The root value of the long thoracic nerve is:
a. C5, 6 & 7
b. C4, 5& 6
c. C6, 7& 8
d. C4,5, 6 & 7
e. C5, 6, 7 & 8
40. The nerve supply of infraspinatus is the:
a. axillary nerve
b. long thoracic nerve
c. infrascapular nerve
d. suprascapular nerve
e. subscapular nerve

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