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Writing Task 1


1. Upward trend vocabs
i. Common vocabs: neutral verb, need adverbs

Verb  Noun

- Rise  rise
+ Ex: Output of high-tech products such as mobile telephones and microcomputers rose by a range of
58.2% to 15.5%
- Increase  increase
+ Ex: Non-energy commodities, following a marked increase during the second half of 2003, experienced
further but relatively modest gains of about 16%.
- Grow  growth
- Improve  improvement
- Jump  jump
- Climb  climb
ii. Advanced vocabs: powerful meaning verb, no require for adverbs

Verb  Noun

- Leap  leap: nhảy vọt

+ Ex: Industrial emissions saw the greatest leaps in 2018, the report notes, rising by about 55 million metric
- Boom  boom: a period of sudden economic growth
+ Ex: Sales are booming, however, and we expect sales to rise as high as 28% in the current quarter.
- Surge (n) + in  upsurge: to increase suddenly and strongly:
+ Ex: China’s two most prestigious cities, Shanghai and Beijing, have undergone rapid growth surges in
population according to the graphs.
- Double  double: gấp đôi
+ Ex: The figure remained stable at this level in 1999, before doubling to 6% in 2000.
- Triple  n/a: gấp ba
- Quadruple  n/a: gấp bốn
+ Ex: The budget deficit this fiscal year is expected to nearly quadruple to $3.7 trillion, an all-time high
(describing stability) for over a century
- An all-time high for + time.
- Soar  n/a: tăng vút
- Skyrocket  n/a: tăng vụt
Writing Task 1
+ Ex: Across New York in April, car thefts skyrocketed to a whopping 49% compared to the previous April,
Bloomberg noted, while burglaries jumped 26%.
Whopping: extremely large  a whopping 35 percent pay rise/ a whopping rise = a considerable rise
- Rocket  n/a: to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success
= skyrocket (v)
- Swell  n/a: increase
+ Ex: If those were included, the number would swell to significantly more than 1,000, being at the record
high for more than 2 decades.
- At the record high = the highest
- Accelerate  acceleration: to go faster or make something go faster (should not use)
+ Ex: Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.
- Shoot up to  n/a: to increase very quickly and suddenly:
+ Ex: Advertising on the internet caused sales to shoot up by 20%.
- Incremental: increase gradually
+ Ex: incremental changes/ improvement/ revenue
- Pick up : (v) increase or improve (should not use)
iii. Up after down/stabilize
- Recover  recovery: hồi phục
+ Ex: Contracts for June delivery of West Texas Intermediate fell from about $20 a barrel to around $7, then
recovered half of that
- n/a  Upturn = upswing (IN): improvement/increase (on the upswing)
- upturn >< downturn
an upturn in sth
Ex: There are still no signs of an upturn in global economic growth.
experience/see an upturn
Ex: Forecasters expect to see an upturn in consumer spending by the end of the year.
an upturn in prices/profits/sales
a dramatic/sharp/significant upturn
a gradual/sustained upturn
iv. Highest point
- Peak  peak: đạt đỉnh => hit a peak of
- Climax  climax in sth: đạt cao trào => reach climax
- Apex  reach the apex: đạt cực đại
- Pinnacle  reach the pinnacle of: đạt đỉnh cao
- Summit  reach the summit of: đạt đỉnh điểm
 REACH + (hit) a peak of/ climax/ the apex/ the pinnacle of/ summit of/ zenith
- Total = add up to  Total: tổng cộng
Writing Task 1
+ Ex: The number of inbound visitors to China totaled124.94 million, a year-on-year rise of 3.9%

Year-on-year: /year-over-year: comparing with the previous year

- Zenith  n/a: đỉnh điểm

- Top  top: đạt đỉnh
+ Ex: Foreign exchange earnings from international tourism topped 33.95 billion US dollars, up 15.9%.
v. Others
- + Ex: The figure for London begins at the same level as Liverpool’s (6%), but afterwards never
exceeds Liverpool’s (equal  lower)  (equal  increase  not equal – A higher than B)
- + Ex: There was a substantial rise in sales from 11.2 million dollars in 1994 to 13.5 million in 1995.
Collocation: a substantial increase/reduction/rise in sth
2. Downward trend vocabs
i. Common vocabs: neutral verbs, need adverbs
Verb  Noun
- Decrease  Decrease
- Decline  Decline
+ Ex: Thereafter = afterthat/ following this, there is a steady decline to 3% in 1998.
- Fall (back)  Fall
- Drop  Drop
- Reduce  Reduce
- n/a  go down
ii. Advanced vocabs:
Verb  Noun
- Slump  Slump: fall suddenly
+ Ex: Europe’s largest economy shrank by 2.2% in the three months to the end of March, the biggest slump
since the start of 2009 after the banking system imploded a year earlier.
- impolde (v): to fall suddenly and completely
- Shrink by + %: The productivity improvements have shrunk our costs by 25 percent.
+ Ex: In contrast, Greece’s gross domestic product (GDP) is forecast to shrink the most, by 9,7% owing to
the closure of its tourist industry.
- Plunge  Plunge: a sudden fall forward, down. Lao xuống
+ Ex: The United States lost 20.5 million jobs in April, the steepest plunge since the Great Depression
+ Ex: Jobless claims approached 3 million, retail sales plunged 16%, and factory output cooled by the most
on record
The most on record: cao nhất/thấp nhất ever
- Dip  Dip: giảm sâu
- Collapse  Collapse: sụp đổ (difficult to use)
- Slide  Slide: trượt
Writing Task 1
Ex: Returns from Government bonds also slid sharply from 6.3% last year to 4.5% this year.
(slide + (adv) + from + % + to %)
Ex: The nation's unemployment rate slid to less than 5% last month. (slide to + %)
- Dwindle  Dwindle: to gradually become less, smaller, or lower in level
+ Ex: dwindle from sth to sth => The municipality's population has dwindled from 40,000 to 24,000.
- Nosedive  Nosedive: bổ nhào xuống (difficult to use)
+ Ex: But it took a nosedive following the tweets and was down as much as 1.2% (take a nosedive, by ..)
- Plummet  n/a: to go down in amount or value very quickly and suddenly
Collo: plummet (by) + %
Ex: First-half advertising revenues plummeted 13%, compared with the same period a year ago.
Collo: plummet % to %
Ex: The food retailer's shares plummeted 50% to 20%
- Halve  half: giảm một nửa
+ Ex: China said tariffs would halve, reaching $75 billion of U.S. goods, pressing forward on the first phase of
its trade pact with Washington even as the coronavirus outbreak continues to weigh on its
- Dive  n/a: to fall in value suddenly and by a large amount:
Ex: The company's shares dived by 90p to 65p on the stock market yesterday. (dive by + % + to + %)
- n/a  Free-fall: rơi tự do
Collo: go into (a) free fall => Ex: The stock market went into free fall, plummeting an additional 27%.
- n/a  Downturn: sự giảm
iii. Lowest point
- touch the lowest point/ the lowest mark/ bottommost point/ rock bottom point/ bottommost
- get the lowest point/ have the lowest rate
+ Ex: Argentina has the lowest rate, at 3.6%.
- reached the nadir >< zenith
- the all-time low/ high  stability
- the lowest level
- the bottom
- hit/ reach rock-bottom
- Hit a trough at: the lowest point
+ Ex: The euro was holding at %1.11321, well up from the recent trough of $1.1174 which was hit when the
European Central Bank took a dovish turn of its own.
- Go unaltered  unalterable
- Remain/ Stay the same = Maintain the same level
Writing Task 1
+ Ex: From 1985 however, it leveled its growth at 65% and is predicted to remain the same until 2010 but is
expected to rise to about 10% in 2030.
Level its growth = have an equal growth  tăng đều
Make sth level = make sth stable
- Remain consistent/ relatively unchanged/ constant/ static/stable
+ Ex: Compared with the previous year, the budget surplus remained constant as a share of GDP and the
debt ration decreased substantially by 6.9 percentage point
In surplus: more than is needed
Surplus: tiền lời
- Remain/stay stable

+ Ex: We have experienced high growth recently, with the unemployment rate remaining extremely stable
at 2.9%.

- Remain/ hold steady

+ Ex: It found that Prince George’s unemployment rate edged downward, from 5.1% to 4.9% and is forecast
to hold steady at 5.1% in 2020.
Edge: move gradually  edge downward: move downward gradually
On edge: nervous/ anxious
- Stay a steady level
+ Ex: Ontario soybeans are expected to stay the same / stay at a steady level as last year at 2.2 million
- Level out = Level off = Plateau = Stabilize
+ Ex: In addition, the growth of Prime membership, which costs $199 a year, has plateaued.
- Reach a plateau
+ Ex: The incidence of lung cancer in men has slowly decreased since the late 1980s but has begun to reach
a plateau in women only in 2000.
- The trend/figure was/is/will be flat
- Fall flat: unsuccessfully
- Flat (adj): not increase/ fall  flat price
+ Ex: For the quarter, operating costs as a percentage of revenue remained consistent / static / was flat at
- Remain fairly/extremely stable
+ Ex: In the year 1960, an average of 6 million people travelled by car, being at a record high while that
figure almost remained steady / remain relatively unchanged / remain fairly stable until 1970 and
had increased to about 6.5 million in 2009.
- Experience a period of stability
4. Fluctuating trends vocabs
Writing Task 1
- Fluctuate wildly/ mildly/ slightly/ sharply/considerably/ widely/ constantly/ gradually = Wild/
mild/ considerable… slight fluctuations
+ Ex: Despite wild fluctuations in commodity prices, Toronto’s S&P/TSX increased by 14.5%, which was
below the rate posted on year earlier.
- Rise and fall erratically
+ Ex: Individual lanes rise and fall erratically, with China to Europe and China to US diverging by 16%
- Show some variation/ fluctuation
- Go through an erratic period
- Experience a period of volatility
+ Ex: This has led the stock to experience a period of volatility last week, with shares surging 6.14% on May
30th, only to fall 4.46% the following day.
- Vary widely/considerably/enormously/ markedly/ tremendously
+ Ex: In the St. Lawrence Valley, where annual temperatures vary enormously/ widely, from as cool as -40 in
winter to as hot as +35.
- Experience a period of erratic patterns
+ Ex: In the next four years, the trend for computer devices sold experienced a period of erratic behavior
and increased by 40000 in 1899.
- Enter/Experience a period of fluctuation/ instability/ volatility
+ Ex: U.S. farm exports to China then entered a period of volatility/ wen through an erratic period,
fluctuating between about $20 billion to $25 billion a year before Trump’s trade war erupted in
earnest last year.
+ Ex: All control signals experience a period of instability for a duration of approximately 0.35s from the
beginning of the fault.
- Witness considerable variation
- Uneven growth
+ Ex: Over the next ten years, there was an uneven growth in sales.
- Change sporadically
- Rise and fall irregularly
- Changes Intermittently
- Cyclical
- Regular
- Every
- Follow a cycle
- Repeating every
- Commence at = Start at/from = Depart at
- From to
Writing Task 1
- Conclude at = Arrive to (old-fashioned) = End at
- Well over = Just over = More than = Most = Over
+ The overwhelming majority of:
 The overwhelming majority of Canadians (91%) believe that they have a sufficient amount of choice
when it comes to making payments, and slightly over half (53%) believe there is a good deal or
great deal of choice.
+ A great deal of
+ A large segment of
+ Almost two thirds
+ Almost all
+ Three quarters
+ Be in the majority
- Around = Approximately = About = Roughly
 The top 10 U.S. banks collectively spend roughly $70 billion on technology annually, according to
public statements and executives.
+ Over half
+ Five out of ten
+ With over half the total
+ Within a range of 60%
+ A considerable amount of
- Just under = Just below = Nearly = Almost
+ Roughly a quarter of
+ More than one-third
- Not much = Well under = Less than = Few = Very few = Quite a few
 The product line’s gross margin grew by more than 5% points to settle at well under 13% through
an improvement in manufacturing efficiency.
+ Only a small minority of
 Only a small minority of survey respondents (3% or 28 clients) indicated that they were not able to
get program information in their preferred language.
+ A significant minority of:
 A significant minority of one-third say they follow these issues not very much (27%) or not at all
+ A tiny fraction of:
 Overall, it is evident that the number of counterfeits (594,000 in 2004) is a tiny fraction of the
average number of genuine banknotes in circulation (8.9 billion in 2004)
+ A mere fraction of
Writing Task 1
 Previous G20 summits cost a mere fraction of that, and they kept everybody safe: $18 million in
Pittsburgh; $30 million in London.
+ A mere modest (>10%)
+ A low quantity of
+ A small number/ amount of
+ Roughly one in five
+ Be in the minority:
 Youth (under age 35) are in the minority compared to the rest of the clientele; it is nonetheless
important to create meaningful links with them.
8. Registration Vocabs
- Account for = Register at = Amount to = Standing at = Starting from/at
9. Comparison and contrast language
- Just like/ equal = Resemble (v)
+ Ex: America might resemble the 1970s again: with soaring prices and interest rates, but free of its
exorbitant burden
- Even though = Nevertheless = Although
+ Ex: The stock hit a record high of 522.40 euros on June 15, and nevertheless remains up by around 30
percent since the start of 2018
- Bear striking/ strong/ close resemblance >< Bear no resemblance to
- On the other hand
- By comparison = in comparison with
+ Ex: Admissions dropped by half in a roughly four-week period in April in comparison with the same time a
year ago
- While = whilst = Whereas = Meanwhile
+ Spending at restaurants and bars fell by about half from a year ago, while clothing store sales slumped 89
- In/ By contrast = Conversely
+ Ex: Conversely, for the 25-64-year-old age group, the proportion of fatalities is the same as the proportion
of drivers in the age group.
+ Ex: In contrast, only 13 percent of Americans earning over $100,000 lost a job in March.
- As adj/adv as = The same as
- Be equal to/ in (adj) = equal (v)
+ Ex: If mankind continues with ‘business as usual’, the annual loss of vital ecosystem services provided for
free by nature is estimated to equal $50 billion, while by 2050 the accumulated welfare losses
could amount to 7% if GDP.
- A nearly identical
+ Ex: While the program appeared to lower readmissions by nearly 40 percent, the same kind of patients
who received regular care saw a nearly identical decline in hospital stays.
Writing Task 1
- Be compared with/to
+ Ex: The U.S. carrier said it expects July capacity to fall 75% from a year earlier, compared with/to an about
90% decline in May and June capacity.
- (to) be entirely/ totally different from…
+ Ex: The picture in 200 is entirely different from the education distribution in 1991, showing a significant
increase in the post-secondary (predominantly university) education
- (to) be completely dissimilar to…
+ Ex:
- (to) stand in total contrast to…
+ Ex: Some 7,000 marine animals live in over 39 aquariums – in a spectacular building which stands in total
contrast to the surrounding historical storehouses.
- (to) be completely different from
- In marked contrast…
+ Ex: In marked contrast, the March 2008 budget projection is of a 2009/10 deficit of 2.8% of GDP.
- (to) be different in every aspect/way
- (to) contrast markedly/vividly/strikingly/sharply
+ Ex: All these estimates estimated contrasted sharply with the parties’ own estimates, based on revenue,
of a market share of around 20%.
- (to) show a sharp/stark/striking contrast/correlation to…
- (to) be dissimilar in every respect

- (to) resemble closely/ greatly

- (to) be exactly/ precisely the same as
+ Ex: The number of confirmed new cases this week, roughly 620,000, was almost precisely the same as the
previous week, with a difference of only 1,000 cases.
- (to) be the same (size/scale) as…
- (to) have roughly equal proportions
+ Ex: However, the majority of Canadians (54 percent) express initial opposition to the hunt with roughly
equal proportions either somewhat (28 percent) or strongly (26 percent) opposing it.
- (to) be as popular/high as
- (to) be quite/ rather similar to…
- (to) be practically the same as…
- (to) be remarkably similar
+ Ex: Inuit clothing as remarkably similar in construction throughout the approximately 6,000 kilometers of
the circumpolar region
- (to) have many common features including
- (to) have broadly similar patterns
Writing Task 1
- (be) in a rather similar fashion to
+ Ex: The year 2005 proceeded in a rather similar fashion to 2004, i.e. rather normal developments in the
first nine months of the year, and increasing prices in the fourth quarter.
- (to) be just/ particularly the same as
- (to) be nearly as many as
+ Ex: Over the past 50 years, nearly as many women have migrated as men
- (to) have certain aspects in common
- (to) be approximately the same as
- (be) in line with
+ Ex: This drop in consumption is, however, not in line with the decrease if the total Community market
value, which fell by 39% during the same period, i.e. substantially more than consumption.

- (to) be almost/ nearly the same as

- (to) be proportionally similar

- (to) be overwhelmingly greater than…

- (to) far outstrip/ exceed
+ Ex: At a value USD 53 billion in 2002, China has far outstripped the United States in the race for foreign
- (to) be outnumbered by…
+ Ex: In the UK, for example, people aged 16 have recently been outnumbered by people aged 60.
- (to) be outstripped by a/an (wide/ overwhelming) margin
- (to) be considerably/ noticeably greater
- (to) be substantially more than…

- (to) be marginally higher/ more than..

+ Ex: Even if the final figure were to be marginally higher than 1,7% we are on a downward trend.
- (to) be comparatively high/ low

- (to) be quite a lot smaller than

- (to) be a little smaller than…
- (to) be significantly fewer…

- (to) be more or less the same as…

- (to) be (over) twice as much/ high as
- (to) be over three times as much as…

- (to) be three times as many/ high as…

Writing Task 1
+ Ex: A doubletrack railway uses 30% less space than a two-lane motorway, but its capacity is three times as
- (to) be almost the same as…
- The same number/ percentage of … can be seen …
- (to) be fractionally/ slightly more than…
- (to) be larger by a narrow margin

- (to) differ widely

- (to) vary greatly/widely/tremendously
+ Ex: Batches vary tremendously (100 1 million) but are generally in the region of 500 to 10,000 off.
- … differences are even greater when it comes to/ with
+ Ex: At 15C and 32C, these difference are even greater with only 40 and 48% of thrips reared on capsicum
which survive at these temperatures.
- (to) be considerably higher… ranging from … to…

- (to) be fractionally less popular than…

- The widest/ biggest/ largest difference can be seen in …

- (to) have more than doubled…

- The highest/greatest/lowest proportion of

- … by/in comparison with…

- (to) be as opposed to…
+ Ex: The employment rate for women with young children was 62.4% as opposed to 91.4% for men, a
difference of 29 points.
- There are certain/several similarities…

- The greatest proportion = largest percentage of…

+ Ex: By far the largest proportion of television advertising (approximately 90% of all nationwide
advertising) involves annual agreements under which televisions channels grant annua rebates.
- The highest figures/rate… whilst…
- The largest proportion of … is clearly evident
+ Ex: It is evident that, in the 1995 and 1996 random sample program, about the same percentage of
selected samples were being reviewed as in 1992 and 1993.
- The second highest percentage…
+ Ex: Almost 20% of the riding is engaged in manufacturing, the second highest percentage for the entire
Writing Task 1
- The (second) highest… whereas…
- (to) be by far the highest/ lowest…
- (to) be in the second-place while
- (to) be closely followed by…
+ Ex: They are closely followed by employees of a corporation (85 percent) and directors of a corporation
(80 percent)
- On the one hand, … whereas… on the other
+ Ex: On the other hand, the figure for industrialized countries rose from nearly 9 year o schooling in 1980
to nearly 11 years in 1990
- The opposite/The reverse pattern was true for…
- (to) stand at … while … and respectively
- (to) make up … whereas …
- (to) represent/ account for… while…
- (to) rank among…
- (to) rank above/below…
- (to) be ranked first/second/third…
- (to) be ranked in the descending order
- (to) be ranked in the ascending order
- It is predicted/anticipated that … will … by …
+ Ex: It is predicted that future flu pandemics may affect more than 30% of the population
- It is estimated that … in/for the foreseeable future
+ Ex: It is estimated that 33% of girls and 25.8% of boys in Germany aged between 10 and 13 are too fat.
- It is forecast(ed)/ projected that
+ Ex: It is forecast/forecasted that the new company
- It is expected that….
+ Ex: It is expected that the number of separated children coming into Germany illegally will grow.
- The future implication of ….
- Another prediction /projection/forecast/anticipation….
- Predictably, the rate will….
- The graph shows the trends between … and …
- The graph provides information about the changes …
- The graph gives/provides/presents information about/on …
- The graph shows/reveals/concerns how … differed
- The graph shows the results of a survey carried out to determine…
- The graph depicts how…. Has/have change
- The graph shows the changes ( that took place ) …
Writing Task 1
- The graph shows/demonstrates/reveals/outlines the difference
- The accompanying graph gives a breakdown of…
- The graph provides an overview of … namely …
- The graph gives data about …, and is dived into … categories
- The graph clearly displays and compares …
- The graph shows/ highlights the proportion of
- The graph shows the changing patterns
- The graph shows the degree and direction of change
- The illustration presents data/information on…
- The graph gives insight into…
- The trend
- The data/ information
- The number(s)
- The value
- The amount
- From figure 1 it is clear that …
- As transparent from the data, …
- As the graph shows…
- As indicated/ illustrated in the graph, …
- Reportedly, …
- Overall, it is clear that…
- At first glance…
- According to the graph/ data shown
- At first sight, it can be clearly seen that…
- As can be observed/seen/viewed from the graph, …
- The most striking/ outstanding/notable feature …
- It should be underlined/stressed that ..
- Another (considerable/key/significant) feature/aspect/point…
- It should be emphasized that
- It is interesting to note…/ Interestingly…
- The initial impression from the chart is …
- One unusual feature of the graph is…/ surprisingly
- Another interesting point…
- The most obvious point/change…
- It is noticeable that… reflecting
Writing Task 1
- Predictably…, it indicates/implies/suggests
- … perhaps a reflection of …
- It is notable/noteworthy/remarkable that…
- It should be noted that
- Another distinguishing feature…
- It is important to note that…
- The accompanying the next bar chart shows….
- The rate of students learning online and attending direct courses witnessed converse trends show
opposite trends: upward and downward, respectively, with the former exhibiting the most notable
surge. Having the biggest increase
- There were comparatively wild fluctuations in there were quite a lot of fluctuations the number of
students who refused to go to school for their learning, with the figures averaging/ ranging the
average figure being from x to y approximately 20 thousand.
- Urban population exhibits a trend of marked expansion shows a big increase during the
researched timescale over the period, with the exception of the US population which, conversely,
in contrast witnessed an appreciable decline decreased a lot.
- Futher inspection reveals that when looking more, we can see that the price of petrol has
plummeted decrease a bit over the last seven years and that the value of petrol today has reached
and all-time low is the lowest.
- The categories exhibit two diverging trends show two different trends: upswing increasing for
color TVs and downswing decreasing for black and white TVs, though at relatively varying
degrees, with some ups and downs
- A fourfold soar an increase of 4 times was recorded in the price of color TV, hitting a peak of a
marked reaching a highest point of a big figures of $2000 USD per TV set.
- The graphs above reflect growth rates show some increase in in urban population from four major
cities around the world in 1990 and in 2004. It is evident clear when comparing these graphs that
pronounced increments big increase in urban population have indeed occurred.
- The line graph exhibits some intriguing trends related to shows some interesting trends about the
changes in international student enrollment in UK higher education. The two groups reflected in
shown this graph are other EU students, and overseas students.
- By closely examining looking carefully at this line graph, it is apparent that there were major shifts
in big changes in employment patterns how employment changed in the UK between the years
1960 and 2000.
- According to the information presented shown in the graph, crown court cases typically fall into
the following three categories can be put in three groups: committals for trail, committals for
sentence and appeals from magistrates against conviction or sentence.
- A. have rocketed increased a lot over the twenty-year period
Writing Task 1
B. rise dramatically increase a lot from around 45% to approximately 65%
C. shot (shoot) up to increase a lot between four and five hundred dollars
D. students from 80,00 and goes all the way up to increase a lot to 280,000.
- E. At this point, EU student numbers from Europe and all other countries commenced to climb
increased a lot to in numbers from 120,000 to 190,000 in 2002-2003 in the case of non-EU
- F. The IT industry was slower to take off increase slowly and made up merely accounted for only
15% of employment in 1980. However, the situation was reversed by contrast from 1980 onwards
afterwards with sizeable climbs big increases in 1990 at 50% and 70% in 2000.
- A. Indeed, a staggering 75% increase a big increase in the total number of students enrolling for
higher learning was recorded was seen between the years 1990 and 2004.
B. A slow and steady increase
C. from that moment on, significant jumps averaged at 5% a rise of 5% each between the year
1997 and to 2005, respectively.
D. A sharp upturn a big increase in student number from 15% to 70%.
E. Countries on the ‘’increasing’’ pathway show steady gains in rise steadily in women’s numeric
representation in the 1980s, with more steep climbs beginning big increases starting in the 1980s.
F. The most staggering jump the biggest increase in Australia was with mobile between the years
2002 and 2004, which rose substantially rise a lot from 70 to 97%.
G. Their sales picked up increased suddenly between 2001 and 2003 from 28 to 42%, however
figures dwindled dramatically decreased a lot in 2007 to 10%.
- A. A significant drop a decrease in figures was also recorded in 2000 for the number of fireworks
accidents at pub celebrations coming in at only 5%, which was a third of those reported in 1995.
B. There was a notably massive drop a big decrease in the decade from 1990 to 2000.
C. Behind?/ make somewhat less contributions to have lower figure
D. Consistent with the data the same as the information in the first pie chart, the entire body of
the world’s water sources is predominantly made of is from with only a small quantity of little salt
water constituting the remainder accounting for the remaining categories.
E. China, by stark contrast in contrast far outweighs is far greater than the other two countries in
its use of water for industry with 95% being the figures recorded at 95%.
F. According to the graphic data the information in the graph, we can discern see that land used
for industry sectors is quite evenly spread quite equal in the four regions surveyed.
G. Remarkably, however, it is remarkable to see that the price shot up to increased between four
and five hundred dollars, plummeted decrease a lot again in 2000 to 2 hundred dollars, before
making regains rising again to roughly about 4 hundred dollars at the end of the surveyed period
in the final year.
- A. China’s two most prestigious cities, Shanghai and Beijing underwent accelerating growth surge
increased fast in population, hover around standing at about the five million mark, with the
Writing Task 1
number of the former’s Shanghai’s inhabitants slightly surpassing is quite higher than that of the
latter Beijing, standing at a staggering big figure of twenty-nine million almost ten million.
B. What is notable, however, is that we can see that the ratio of the percentage of accidents
occurring in the different places has shifted quite dramatically changed a lot in some instances.
C. If we compare the ratios the percentages between the two industrial sectors, found in the four
pie charts presented given here, the eastern and southern charts exhibit the most substantial
differences show the biggest differences.
D. Furthermore, the remaining 30% of the market share was split equally between X and Y. X and Y
has the same figure
E. Somewhat surprisingly, however, it is quite surprising that the journalist, dentist and pilot are
also on the high end of have high figures of the stress scale along with a prison officer.
F. All other sectors presented given in the graph rose in varying degrees rise a bit or/and a lot
within the designated time frame over the given period. The most significant/marked increases
the biggest increase were seen in the industry sector which reached a monumental high of reach a
big figure of 65% at the turn of the century when a new century started.
G. The number of cases recorded for thefts and robberies in the UK in 1996, 1998, 2002 far
surpassed was much higher than the number of any other cases, with a steady increase increasing
steadily to just over 120,000 in 2020.


- The illustration shows how sth works/functions
- The diagram shows different paths of sth and how sth operates
- The diagrams show the stages in the development of sth
- The diagram shows the process/ procedure in which sth is done
- The diagram shows how sth is done
- The diagram shows the process by which sth is done
- The diagram shows the stages involved in the production of sth
- The chart shows how to do sth and is divided into … main sections
- (to) consist of
- (to) include/ be included
- (to) be made of/ out of/ from
- (to) be (sub) divided into two sections
- (to) have three components parts/sections/sements
- (to) comprise/ be comprised of
- (to) constitute
- (to) be constructed of
Writing Task 1
- (to) be structed
- Square (n/adj) hình vuông
- Rectangle -> Rectangular: hình chữ nhật
- Triangle -> Triangular: tam giác
- Cylinder -> cylindrical: hình trụ
- Pentagon -> Five-sided/Pentagonal: ngũ giác
- Hexagon -> six-sided/ Hexagonal: lục giác
- Heptagon -> seven-sided/ Heptagonal: thất giác
- Octagon -> eight-sided/ Octagonal: bát giác
- Oval (n/adj) bầu dục
- Cone -> conic/conical: hình nón
- Cube -> cubic: hình khối
- Lozenge shaped: hình thoi
- Sphere -> Spherical: Hình cầu
- Circle -> Circular: hình tròn
- Pyramid -> pyramidal: kim tự tháp
- Diamond/ Dome/ Balloon -shaped: Hình thoi/ mái vòm/ hình tròn
- Parallelogram shaped: hình bình hành
- (be) joined
- (be) connect
- (be) supported
- (be) attached
- (be) linked
- (be) fixed
- (be) located/situated
- (be) placed
- (be) positioned
- The function/ purpose/ role of sth is doing/ to do sth
- …. With a view to doing sth
- (to) prevent/ stop sth from doing sth
- (to) be intended to do sth
- (to) serve to do sth
- (to) allow sth to do sth
- (to) be basically/ primarily designed to do sth
- (to) be meant to do sth
- (to) enable sth to do sth
- …. In order/ so as to do sth
Writing Task 1
- …. With the intention/ aim of doing sth
- This is the process in which sth is done
- (to) be useful/necessary for doing sth
- … for the purpose of doing sth
- First(ly)/ Initially
= In the first place
= To start/begin with
- Subsequently
= Prior to
= The next phase/stage
= (Soon) Afterwards/ Onwards
= Then/Next/Later
= At the next stage
= Once this stage is completed
= Following this
= After that
= At this stage
= In the following stage
= In the stage after/following this
= In the stage that follows
= This is followed by + <n/n.p>
- Meanwhile
= During this process
= Simultaneously
= Over the course of
= During the next/following/second/third stage
- When/after/once <stage A>, <stage B>
= <stage A> When/once this stage is complete, <stage B>
= Before <stage B>, <stage A>
= <stage A> after/following which <stage B>
= <stage A> which is followed by <stage B as n/n.p>
- The last/final stage is when…
- The process ends when …
- The process ends with + <n/ n.p.>
- <stage A> before finally <stage B as n/n.p.>
- Between/ Next to/ Behind/ Beside/ (Exactly) In the middle of/ Amidst/ In the center
+ Ex: Located at the center of Ha Noi capital, Hoa Lo prison historical relic is the testimony of a
period of the fighting movements.
- To the north/south/west/east of
Writing Task 1
+ Ex: The village is located between the church and the school, linked by a main road to the east of
the maps.
+ Ex: To the north of the lay-out were some housing areas, and on the west side of them were some
local shops and restaurants
= North/south/east/west/northwest/northwest/southeast/southwest
- (Directly) Opposite/ across from
- Parallel to
+ Ex: The main road runs parallel to the chains of clothing stores situated to the north of the map,
however, in 2000 they were demolished to make way for the erection of some theaters and sports
= In front of
+ Ex: The Location of Ha Long Pearl Hotel in Ha Long is right in front of Ha Long Bay – a World
Heritage Site as approved by UNESCO
- Along/Alongside
+ Ex: Orchid cruises sail alongside Ha Long Bay, around Lan Ha Bay, unlike the other cruises
- Around/Surrounded by
= Neighboring
- In adjacent to
+ Ex: Located adjacent to Ha Long Bay, Lan Ha Bay is a peaceful bay in Cat Ba Islands system
= Close to/ near/ in the vicinity of
+ Ex: Cat Ba is the largest island in the vicinity of Ha Long Bay
- On either side of…
+ Ex: Located on either side of Ha Long Bay you can find the remote Bai Tu Long Bay to the east and
insulated smaller Lan Ha Bay to the south.
- At the top/ bottom of
- In the middle/ at the centre
- 10 miles from
+ Ex: The nearest airport is Paris – Orly Airport, 10 miles from Place des Vosges
- 10 miles north of/ to the right of/ to the left of
+ Ex: The entrance to the cloister is through the Office de Tourisme, in the right-hand corner of Place
Jean Salusse, by the back wall of the Hotel de Ville building.
- (to) be located/ situated/ sited
- (to) be (re)built/ erected/ reconstructed
+ Ex: It is located next to the Henri-IV Highway, in Québec City and is erected on 550,424 square feet
of land.
- (to) be pulled down and replaced by
+ Ex: The architecture was also not as beautiful as we expected since many houses in the old
quarters were pulled down and replaced by drab concreate
- (to) be demolished and rebuilt
+ Ex: In addition to filling the void, the concrete slab will be demolished and rebuilt
Writing Task 1
- (to) be made way for
+ Ex: Hedges and woodlands made way for the use of bigger machinery changing the face of our
countryside in many parts of Europe
- (to) be extended/ (re)developed/ renovated
- (to) be transformed/ converted/ turned into
- (to) be modified
- (to) be doubled/enlarged/added/halved
- … is surrounded by …
+ Ex: A terraced garden is surrounded by a low stone wall which
- … is covered with …
+ Ex: Three-quarters of the Austrian landscape is covered with mountains, and skiing is an integral
part of Austrian tradition.
- … is connected to … via/through/by means of …
+ Ex: The theatre is connected to the rest of the structure by a glass corridor

Task 2

- Escalate  escalation: leo thang  when describing sth relate to money.

- Tail off  n/a: giảm

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