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Respected members of the house teachers, speakers, and audience it is my honor to speak today

as the second speaker of the opposing side about the banning of extracurricular activities. To
start, the negative side will present the additional claims and arguments about the certain motion.
This side opposed the idea of banning extracurricular activities in the education system.
First, let me enumerate the focal points of our arguments against this motion.
Extracurricular activities enable the students to gain experience, friendship, social development,
and more. But not only that, extracurricular activity also provides a better opportunity for
the students such a scholarship inside or outside the country in fact many universities in Canada
offers a scholarship-grants for athlete students those are Ontario university athletics that
offers $4,000 which is annually from their university, in addition to that OUA and it’s 20 member
institutions are developing winners for life, giving 9000 athletes an opportunity to excel
academically on the playing field in addition to that many universities in the Philippines offers a
scholarship through extracurricular activities such as UP Diliman, university of Santo Tomas,
Salle University, Ateneo de manila and more ,that is according to the official pages of each
university that we have checked. Courtesy to that is miss Allyza Valdez a volleyball player who
was benefited by the existence of extracurricular activities, she gained scholarship in Ateneo de
manila and UST by her talent making the universities play and win at the UAAP.

Furthermore, extracurricular activities provide intensives to students the example of that is the
event in the past months at university of La Salette Senior High School, which is about the
broadcasting, journalism and such the officers in the reconciler club announces that these events
will have some intensives and that they will bring out the best of the students potential if the
students want to participate in that said event.

It is important to recognize that extracurricular activities also play a significant role in promoting
diversity and inclusion in schools. These activities provide a platform for students from different
backgrounds to come together and engage in a shared interest or passion. By removing
extracurricular activities, we would be limiting the opportunities for students to interact with
those who are different from themselves, which can contribute to a lack of understanding and
empathy. A Research was conducted at Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka from February
2015 to October 2015.Which has a total of 475 students that are belong to four different phase
groups were selected as research sample.

Total participant students were 475 and Male female student ratio was168(35.36%):307
(64.64%). In outdoor games and sports, males showed better participation than
female121(72.02%):89(28.99%). But the number of participating female increased in case of
indoor games{male115(68.45%):female205(66.77%)}.Considering photography club
participation male showed better response {male 76(45.23%):female41(13.35%)}.Incase of
cultural and debate club activities females showed greater
response{female226(73.61%):male106(63.09%)}. The conclusion of the study is that students
who participate in extracurricular activities generally benefit from having better examination
results, having higher standardized test scores and higher educational attainment, attending class
more regularly and having higher self-concept. Students often learned skills such as teamwork
and leadership from college club activities while decreasing the likelihood of different problem

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