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(AC-S09) Week 09 - Final Assignment: An interview (Part 2) (PROY)


Allisson Melissa, Torres Villafuerte Noelí Esther, Hilario Esteban Axel Alexander, Valcarcel Lorenzo

MARCH 07, 2023

(AC-S09) Week 09 - Final Assignment: An interview (Part 2) (PROY)

Noelí: Hello teacher, Good afternoon, my name is Noelí Esther Hilario Esteban.

Axel: Hello teacher, Good afternoon, my name is Axel Alexander, Valcarcel Lorenzo.

Allison: Hi friends how are you today?

Noelí: Hi ali. I’m trying to apply to the University abroad and i have to write a cover

Axel: Hey in my case, too.

Allison: Then lets practise to obtain more information to write

Allison: So, Why did you decided to study engineering on this university?

Noelí: I decided to study this career because of my father is an engineer and i want
to follow his steps

Axel: In my case i decided to take this career because i like to work in industries
around the world.

Allison: That is a good point

Allison: well in my case i decided to study engineering because makes me feel smart

Noelí: Ok good now other question to practise

Axel: ok fine

Noelí: What outstanding personal experiences and achievements have you had?

Allison: Until now just helping my father in some things of his work

Axel: its really hard obtaining a job nowadays, because all industries need a person
with experience and its difficult for now

Noelí: one of the achievments i had was in primary school with the first place in

Axel: What are your future goals?

Noelí: be smarter

Allison: I’m thinking to obtain my degree to be more competitive

Axel: Well in my view is obtaining certificates wich help me to obtain a good job

Allison:ok and, What do you like doing in your free time?

Axel: In my free time i love to olay voleyball with my cousis

Noelí: I like to drive long roads

Allison: well i love to read books because disconect me of this world

Cover letter:

Noelí: Dear university

I’m writting this letter to apply in one of your courses of engeneering. This career
take all my attention becuase is what i wanted to study since i was in the secundary
school. I’m strongly believe i’m qualified candidate to study this career in your
prestigious university. One of my goals is to obtain a degree with the best
qualification in my class. In my free time i like to do sports because makes feel good
and keep me healthy.

Thank you for taking time to review my cover letter. Best regard

Cover letter:

Axel: Dear All

With this Cover letter I intend to express my interest that I have in getting a place to
study the engineering degree. In my spare time I like to read and play sports, one of
my goals is to lead a team to carry out projects in the industrial field and I know that
with his teaching I will be able to have the capacity that is required to be able to fulfill
my professional goals.

Cover letter:

Alison: Good Afternoon

I am very interested to be part on this great company. Since I was little, one of my
dreams was to pursue this much-desired engineering career and today that I can
have the opportunity, I express my wishes. I have training and certificates that
guarantee my ability in this area. I look forward to your prompt response, best

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