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Hola compañeros, buen día, el día de hoy quisiera hablarles sobre el invento

Black Deep, se trata de unas gafas impermeables, resistentes y que cambian

de color, estas fueron inventadas por el diseñador grafico Andres Leon en el
año 2010 en bogota Colombia. las gafas black Deep son de material
resistente a todo tipo de situación lo que les permite tener mayor duración
que las gafas comunes, este material permite que no se empañen y que
tampoco tengan rayones. La montura de las gafas black Deep cambian de
color según la temperatura, si es un día soleado serán rojas, y si es un día
lluvioso cambiaran a color azul. La comodidad de estas gafas es maravillosa,
por eso este invento es usado por personas de todas las edades yen todo tipo
de situación.
Las gafas black Deep se ajustan perfectamente a la luz del sol y a la luz
artificial impidiendo que se afecten tus ojos, estos lentes cuentan con un
material impermeable, perfectos para cualquier situación. Los universitarios
de Bogotá usan los lentes black Deep para todas las ocasiones.

Hello, good day, today I would like to talk about the Black Deep invention, it´s
a waterproof, resistant and color-changing glasses, these were invented by
graphic designer Andres Leon in 2010 in Bogota Colombia. the black Deep
glasses are made of all kind of situation material resistant to which allows
them to have longer duration than the common glasses, This material does
not allows them to be fogged or scratched. The frames of the black Deep
glasses change it´s color according to the temperature, if it is a sunny day will
be red, and if it is a rainy day will change to blue. The comfort of these
glasses is wonderful, so this invention is used by people of all ages and all
kind of situations.
The black Deep glasses fits perfectly the sunlight and artificial light preventing
your eyes from affecting, these lenses have a waterproof material, perfect for
any situation. University students in Bogotá wear black Deep lenses for all
1 Hello, good day,

2 today I would like to talk about the Black Deep invention,

3 it´s a waterproof, resistant and color-changing glasses,

4 these were invented by graphic designer Andres Leon in two thousand ten
2010 in Bogota Colombia.

5 the black Deep glasses are made of all kind of situation material resistant

6to which allows them to have longer duration than the common glasses,

7 This material does not allows them to be fogged or scratched.

8 The frames of the black Deep glasses change it´s color according to the

9 if it is a sunny day will be red,

10 and if it is a rainy day will change to blue.

11 The comfort of these glasses is wonderful,

12 so this invention is used by people of all ages and all kind of situations.
13 The black Deep glasses fits perfectly the sunlight and artificial light

14 your eyes from affecting,

15 these lenses have a waterproof material,

16 perfect for any situation.

17 University students in Bogotá wear black Deep lenses for all occasions.

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