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Kaitlynn Allen

EDU 220

Professor Wyckoff


Subject: World History - Grade Level 10th

Topic: Introduction to World War 2,

Title: Causes and Global Relationships.


Key Ideas and Details

Students will cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and

secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.

Students will analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine

whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.


The student will be able to paraphrase the causes of WW2 using a timeline and text

evidence in small groups with 80% accuracy.

The student will be able to compare and contrast the causes of WW2 with the causes of

WW1 with a Venn Diagram independently with 80% accuracy.


● Guided Notes

● TimeLine

● Venn Diagram

● Out Slip


● The teacher will do the following for students to learn.

○ Review the leading causes of WW1,

○ Review the course of WW1

○ Review the state of the world after WW1

○ Teach the causes of WW2 using guided notes.

● Important Vocabulary:

○ Adolf Hilter

○ Treaty Of Versailles

○ Mussolini

○ Stalin

○ Dwight D. Eisenhower

○ Franklin Roosevelt


● To review known material, students' desks will be oriented in a circle and each student

will share a fact from the WW1 Unit; teacher will help guide them into the order of

events, introducing connections to WW2

Anticipatory Set/ Introduce

● Good Morning/Afternoon! Today we travel to Paris, 1919, where we will sign the Treaty

of Versailles. We are setting the stage of mass devastation. Mass genocide. The second

World War. So let's start with the ending of World War 1, pull out the guided notes

packet, where is the world now?

Teach and Model

● Teacher lecture: review WWI events leading to the causes of WWII.

● To set up the stage for WW2, there will be a smooth transition from reviewing WW1 into

the causes of WW2.

● Students will use the Guided Notes to take notes as the class discussion introduces WW2

● Teacher will guide these notes with leading questions, helping students to make the


Guided Practice/ Check for Understanding

● The teacher will:

○ Ensure all students have an understanding of the assignment by walking around

and verify that everyone is working.

○ Travel around to groups, answering questions.

○ Having students elaborate vocally on their points.

Assigned Practice

● Students will complete the Venn Diagram on connections between WW1 and WW2 in

random groups of five. Students are asked to list five independent causes of both World

Wars, and then 5 shared causes. This can be answered with the minimum of bullet points.

There is a creative response question where students are instructed to elaborate on one

thing they found interesting, (minimum of three sentences)

○ At the end of this students will share their interesting facts and collaborate with

each other.

● Students will then work in groups to complete individual timelines about the set up of

WW2. There will be four different templates offered:

○ Many timeline notes, no written response

○ Less timeline notes, Creative writing response about how WW2 could have been


○ Less timeline notes, Fact checking writing response, naming five major players of


○ Blank sheet, creative timeline, no written response, minimum of 10 timeline


Modifications for Students with special needs:

The intention of having multiple versions of the same assignment will be so learners have the

opportunity to self identify needs, and complete assignments.

● Gifted:

○ Students can dive in deeper, selecting a topic and completing a “I know this one”


● Learning Disabled

○ One on one assistance will be offered as needed

○ Working in groups will allow them to get peer assistance

○ Pre-filled guided notes are available.

○ Provide visuals and video resources for material

○ Praise effective work

● English Language Learners:

○ One on one assistance will be offered as needed

○ Providing a bilingual buddy in group

○ Pre Filled out notes are available,

○ Working in groups allows for peer assistance.

○ Help students identify words in their 1st language to connect definitions in



● Students will fill out “Out Slips” they are given two different out slips

○ Six different questions and asked to answer 2 with three sentences minimum,

○ 2 multiple choice and 3 different choices for a single written response, three

sentence minimum.

○ Students will physically hand this to the teacher as they exit the room.

Assess performance/provide feedback:

● The teacher will

○ Verify students have the understand concepts leading up to WWII

○ Will check over all worksheets,

○ Guided notes answers will be posted on canvas after class so students can verify


Alignment (Standard, Objective Materials, Procedure Assessment)

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