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Uterine MRI: A review

of technique and diagnosis

Brian D. Sydow, MD, and Evan S. Seigelman, MD

agnetic resonance imaging with the long and short axis of the uterus women should have a homogeneous
(MRI) is a commonly used to good advantage. T2-weighted imaging endometrium with a width of <5 mm.5
technique in the workup of depicts the zonal anatomy of the uterus. The myometrium can be separated into
obstetric and gynecologic abnormalities Fat-suppressed T1W imaging is used to the inner myometrium, also known as the
and in the pre- and postprocedural eval- differentiate between pelvic masses that junctional zone, and the outer myo-
uation for uterine artery embolization. contain fat and those that contain protein metrium (Figure 1). The junctional zone
This article summarizes the MRI tech- or hemorrhage. Contrast enhancement is contains compact smooth muscle with a
niques for evaluating the uterus and used to document the extent of endome- paucity of intercellular matrix and has rel-
describes the MRI findings of the most trial carcinoma invasion or to detect the atively low T2 signal intensity. The nor-
commonly encountered conditions in- presence of necrosis in uterine leiomy- mal junctional zone measures <12 mm.6
volving the uterus. omas. Dynamic contrast injection can be The outer myometrium has less compact
used in women who are considering uter- smooth muscle and increased intercellu-
MRI techniques ine artery embolization (UAE) in order to lar matrix and vessels compared with the
Optimal MRI of the female pelvis and evaluate the uterine arteries and the poten- junctional zone, which results in a higher
uterus should be performed on a high– tial collateral gonadal arterial supply.1 In T2 signal intensity. This zonal anatomy is
field-strength MRI system that uses local the evaluation of congenital uterine anom- best visualized during the reproductive
phased-array coils. The increased signal- alies, sagittal T2W images should be years and may be poorly depicted or
to-noise ratio provided by the surface coils acquired first to determine the long-axis absent in prepubertal and postmeno-
allows for small field-of-view imaging orientation of the uterus. Subsequently, pausal women. In women taking birth
that results in higher spatial resolution. images should then be obtained parallel to control pills, the junctional zone and
The typical imaging protocol for the the long axis of the uterus in order to show endometrium are thinner than in other
uterus uses both T1-weighted (T1W) and the outer uterine contour.2 women and the outer myometrium is
T2-weighted (T2W) images. Axial T1W higher in signal intensity.4
images are obtained to evaluate the uter- Normal uterine anatomy
ine contour, lymph nodes, and bone mar- T1-weighted images show poor con- Uterine leiomyoma
row. We perform T2W imaging in 3 or- trast distinction between the endo- Uterine leiomyomas are neoplasms
thogonal planes. One of these planes usu- metrium and myometrium. The zonal derived from the smooth muscle cells of
ally shows the endometrial complex along anatomy of the uterus has a trilaminar the myometrium. Uterine leiomyomas are
appearance on T2W images (Figure 1).3 common, occurring in >20% in women
The central endometrium has high signal over 30 years of age. Most patients with
Dr. Sydow is a Radiologist, Northside
Radiology Associates, Atlanta, GA. At intensity secondary to mucinous rich uterine leiomyomas are asymptomatic.
the time this article was written, Dr. endometrial glands and stroma. The en- Among symptomatic patients, dysmenor-
Sydow was a radiology Resident at the dometrium varies in thickness with the rhea and irregular menstrual bleeding are
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. menstrual cycle and menopausal status. the most common complaints. Leiomy-
Dr. Seigelman is an Associate Profes- The endometrium may measure up to omas may be intramural, subserosal,
sor, Department of Radiology, Hospital
of the University of Pennsylvania, 14 mm during the secretory phase in or submucosal in location. Intramural
Philadelphia, PA. menstruating women but is thinned dur- leiomyomas are centered in the uterine
ing the follicular phase.4 Postmenopausal wall and are the most common subtype.

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FIGURE 1. This sagittal T2-weighted MR image in a premenopausal B

woman shows the normal uterine zonal anatomy. Centrally there is the
high-signal-intensity endometrial stripe (black asterisk), which is bor-
dered by a low-signal-intensity junctional zone (white asterisk) and
intermediate-signal-intensity outer myometrium (arrows).

A submucosal leiomyoma has a component in the endometrial

canal. An intracavitary leiomyoma is almost entirely within the
endometrial canal (Figure 2). Subserosal leiomyomas are cen-
tered external to the uterus (Figure 3). Nondegenerated uterine
leiomyomas have lower T2 signal intensity than the outer
myometrium; in addition, they are well circumscribed and can
exhibit mass effect. On postcontrast imaging, nondegenerated
uterine leiomyomas enhance homogeneously. Uterine leiomy-
omas can appear heterogeneous in signal intensity on T2W
images and show decreased enhancement when they undergo
degeneration. Some subsets of degeneration include hemor- C
rhagic, fatty (lipoleiomyoma) (Figure 4), myxoid, hyaline, and
cystic.7 Leiomyosarcoma may have an appearance similar to a
degenerated leiomyoma, but, fortunately, leiomyosarcoma is
rare. It is difficult to establish a prospective diagnosis of
leiomyosarcoma in the absence of metastatic disease. In our
experience, degenerated atypical leiomyomas are much more
common than leiomyosarcomas.
Subserosal leiomyomas can simulate fibrous or smooth-
muscle ovarian masses, such as ovarian fibromas, fibrotheco-
mas, or Brenner tumors. Subserosal leiomyomas can be
differentiated from ovarian lesions since they show a normal
ipsilateral ovary or a bridging vessel from the uterus to the
fibroid.8 Subserosal fibroids on a stalk <2 cm in width are con-
sidered a relative contraindication for UAE, as they may lose
their connection to the adjacent uterus.9 Submucosal fibroids
can simulate endometrial masses such as endometrial polyps.
FIGURE 2. MRI of an intracavitary leiomyoma in a symptomatic
Leiomyomas can be separated from polyps by evaluating their
woman. (A) Sagittal and (B) axial and (C) fat-suppressed coronal T2-
signal intensity on T2W images. Leiomyomas usually have weighted images show an intracavitary fibroid as a low signal inten-
low T2 signal intensity and have a stalk that originates within sity mass (white arrows in A and B) within the endometrial canal. The
the myometrium, while polyps have heterogeneous T2 signal stalk is imaged in the coronal plane in C (black arrow).

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FIGURE 3. MRI depiction of a subserosal fibroid. (A) Axial T1-weighted (T1W) and (B) axial T2-weighted (T2W) MR images show a subserosal
fibroid as a low-signal-intensity mass (asterisks) exophytic from the uterine fundus via a stalk (arrows) with a bridging vessel as evidenced by a flow
void on both T1W and T2W images.


FIGURE 4. Fat-suppressed T1-weighted (T1W) MRI shows the presence of intralesional fat in a lipoleiomyoma. Axial T1W images obtained
(A) without and (B) with fat suppression show a uterine mass that contains fat [*], establishing a diagnosis of lipoleiomyoma. Separate ovaries
were shown on other images.

intensity. Submucosal and intracavitary no enhancement have a poor response to embolized as well.1 MR can also identify
fibroids are a common cause of infertil- UAE.10 Detection of a large intracavitary other potential causes for a woman’s
ity or miscarriages by creating an ad- fibroid is a relative contraindication to signs or symptoms, such as adenomyosis
verse environment for implantation or UAE. Submucosal fibroids may be ex- or endometriosis.
prohibiting sufficient blood flow to sup- pelled from the uterus.11 These women MR findings of successful UAE
port a developing embryo. may benefit from hysteroscopic resec- include a decrease in size and enhance-
MRI can be used in the evaluation of tion rather than UAE.12 Leiomyomas that ment of fibroids, preserved enhance-
patients who undergo UAE for treatment show high signal intensity on T2W ment of the remainder of the uterus,
of symptomatic leiomyomas. Preopera- imaging and homogeneous enhancement and lack of visualization of the uterine
tively, MRI can aide in selecting patients have the best response to UAE.13 Mag- arteries (Figure 5).14 Treated fibroids
who may benefit from UAE. MRI docu- netic resonance angiography (MRA) can have increased T1 signal and do not
ments the size, location, and vascularity evaluate the uterine arteries and identify enhance, in keeping with hemorrhagic
of the fibroids. Leiomyomas that have potential collateral arterial supply from necrosis (Figure 5). Fibroids that con-
high signal intensity on T1W images and the gonadal vessels that may need to be tinue to enhance are viable and usually


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FIGURE 5. MRI of successful uterine artery embolization (UAE) in a 48-year-old woman. (A) Pre-UAE sagittal T2-weighted image and (B and C)
fat-saturated enhanced sagittal T1-weighted images obtained (B) before and (C) 6 months after UAE show an interval decrease in size and
absent enhancement of the dominant intramural-submucosal leiomyoma.

with the expectation that >50% of

A B women will have significant decrease in
symptoms after 2 years.21 Successfully
treated adenomyosis shows a decrease in
the width of the junctional zone on MRI.22

Endometrial carcinoma
Endometrial carcinoma is the most
common gynecologic malignancy.
Roughly 75% of endometrial carcino-
mas occur in postmenopausal women.
Excessive estrogen stimulation is the
most recognized association with endo-
metrial cancer. Women taking tamoxifen
are also at increased risk of endometrial
FIGURE 6. Maximum intensity projection (MIP) images from sagittal 3-dimensional gradient- cancer. The most common symptom of
echo fat-saturated postgadolinium source images from (A) frontal and (B) oblique sagittal pro-
endometrial cancer is postmenopausal
jections show right ovarian collateral arterial supply (arrows).
bleeding. The initial procedure of choice
grow in time and may result in recur- zone >12 mm is specific for the diagno- in the evaluation of a woman with sus-
rent symptoms.15,16 The angiographic sis, while a measurement of 8 to 12 mm is pected endometrial carcinoma is trans-
images should be carefully inspected indeterminate and a measurement <8 mm vaginal sonography or hysteroscopy
for a possible cause of failure such as excludes the diagnosis with high speci- with biopsy. MR is not used to screen
uterine artery revascularization or col- ficity.18 One- to 4-mm hyperintense women for endometrial carcinoma.
lateral arterial supply from the ovarian T2 foci within the junctional zone repre- However, in women with biopsy-proven
arteries (Figure 6). sent the ectopic foci of endometrial tissue endometrial carcinoma, MRI can be
and, when present, add specificity to the used to determine the depth of myome-
Uterine adenomyosis MR diagnosis (Figure 8).19 MR can usu- trial invasion.23 On dynamic contrast-
Adenomyosis is the presence of ec- ally differentiate between focal adeno- enhanced MRI, endometrial carcinoma
topic endometrial tissue in the uterine myosis and a leiomyoma.20 Adenomyosis enhances less than the subjacent myo-
myometrium with smooth muscle hyper- has poorly defined margins, is often ori- metrium.23 Malignant adenopathy is
plasia. Adenomyosis may be focal or ented parallel to the endometrial stripe, associated with muscle-invasive endo-
diffuse, with the latter being more com- contains 1- to 5-mm foci of ectopic metrial carcinomas. Some surgeons use
mon. On T2W images, adenomyosis endometrial glands, and has minimal the information provided by preopera-
appears as a thickening of the low-signal- mass effect on the endometrial canal. tive MRI to determine the need to per-
intensity junctional zone corresponding Leiomyomas have well-defined margins form lymphadenectomy. As opposed to
to the smooth muscle hyperplasia (Fig- and mass effect. Adenomyosis can be evaluating secondary findings of node-
ure 7).17 Thickening of the junctional treated with uterine artery embolization positive disease (muscle invasion), it

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Table 1. American Fertility

Society classification scheme26
Class I Segmental agenesis and
variable degrees of
uterovaginal hypoplasia
Class II Unicornuate uteri
Class III Uterus didelphys
Class IV Bicornuate uterus
Class V Septate uterus
Class VI Arcuate uteri
Class VII Sequela of in uteri DES
DES = diethylstilbestrol

FIGURE 7. MRI depiction of severe adenomyosis. (A) Sagittal and (B) coronal T2-weighted include endometrial atrophy, hyperpla-
images in a 43-year-old woman show marked thickening of the junctional zone with ectopic 1- sia, polypoid glandular-cystic prolifera-
to 4-mm foci of endometrial glands (arrows). The poorly defined margins and relative absence
of a mass effect on the endometrium also suggest a diagnosis of adenomyosis.
tion, polyps, and endometrial cancer.25
Endometrial sampling is often needed
in these women, especially those with
A B abnormal uterine bleeding.

Müllerian duct anomalies

The incidence of müllerian duct
anomalies is approximately 1% but
varies by population. In patients with
infertility, it is estimated to be 3%. Most
müllerian duct anomalies are thought to
be sporadic or multifactorial in nature.
The most widely quoted classification
scheme for müllerian duct anomalies is
the American Fertility Society classifi-
cation that has 7 classes (Table 1).26 A
simplified framework for the discussion
of müllerian duct defects consists of
3 categories: duct agenesis and hypopla-
FIGURE 8. MRI depiction of endometrial hyperplasia. (A) Axial and (B) sagittal T2-weighted
sia, defects of vertical fusion of the ducts
images of the uterus show cystic thickening of the endometrial canal (arrows) in a patient on
tamoxifen for breast cancer. with the ascending urogenital sinus, and
defects of lateral duct fusion.27
would be ideal to develop MRI tech- glands. Endometrial hyperplasia often Patients with müllerian duct anom-
niques to both detect and characterize has a “Swiss cheese” configuration on alies may manifest with primary amen-
lymph nodes as benign or malignant in T2W and enhanced imaging, with inter- orrhea in the adolescent age group.
order to guide therapy.24 nal nonenhancing cysts surrounded by MRI can evaluate for the presence or
When abnormal signal within the enhancing glandular tissue. absence of the vagina, cervix, or uterus
endometrial canal invades the junctional and also depicts any associated renal
zone on T2W or contrast-enhanced Tamoxifen anomalies (Figure 9). MRI can show
images, then endometrial carcinoma is Tamoxifen is used in the treatment the level of obstruction of antegrade
the likely diagnosis. The differential diag- of breast cancer. While tamoxifen menstrual flow in women with func-
nosis of a thickened endometrial stripe exhibits antiestrogenic effects within tioning endometrium as well as depict
without myometrial extension is superfi- the breast, it can also show proestro- findings of retrograde menstruation
cial endometrial carcinoma, endometrial genic activity within the endometrium. such as hematosalpinx or endometrio-
polyps, and endometrial hyperplasia. Thus, tamoxifen can produce endome- sis. In the reproductive years, women
Polyps may depict a zonal phenomenon trial thickening on MRI (Figure 8). with uterine anomalies may present
with a low T2-signal-intensity fibrous Pathologically, the endometrial abnor- with spontaneous abortion, premature
core and outer high-signal-intensity malities associated with tamoxifen use delivery, and abnormal fetal lie.

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women can present with nonviable preg-

nancy, endometriosis, or ectopic preg-
nancy. Therefore, rudimentary horns
that contain endometrium, whether they
are communicating or noncommunicat-
ing, are usually removed. Among all of
the müllerian duct anomalies, unicornu-
ate uteri have the highest association of
renal abnormalities, present in up to
40% of these women. The renal anom-
aly is ipsilateral to the abnormal horn.
MRI shows a banana-shaped uterus.29
When the endometrium is absent, the
horn is of low T2 signal intensity, with
loss of normal zonal anatomy. When the
C D endometrium is present, zonal anatomy
may be preserved.

Disorders of vertical fusion

(vaginal septum)
A transverse vaginal septum consists
of a band of fibrous connective tissue
with vascular and muscular components.
It is the most common disorder of verti-
cal fusion. A transverse vaginal septum
can occur anywhere along the vagina,
FIGURE 9. MRI evaluation in a young woman with primary amenorrhea who has a form of but most commonly occurs at the junc-
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome. (A) Sagittal and (B) axial T2-weighted (T2W) tion of the upper and middle third.
images and (C and D) axial fat-saturated T1-weighted (T1W) images do not show the pres- Patients typically present with primary
ence of the cervix or vagina. (A and B) A normal uterus is seen on the T2W images, while amenorrhea. In patients with a uterus and
(C and D) bilateral endometriomas, in keeping with retrograde menstruation, are seen on the
functioning endometrium, hematocolpos
T1W images (arrows).
can be depicted with MR with less severe
Absence of the müllerian ducts includes androgen insensitivity syndrome; dilation of the endometrial cavity.27 This
(agenesis and hypoplasia) affected individuals have rudimentary finding is secondary to the decreased
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syn- testes and absent ovaries on MR. compliance of the more muscular myo-
drome represents failure of vaginal devel- metrium. A transverse vaginal septum
opment with varying degrees of cervical Unicornuate uterus can be present in conjunction with other
and uterine agenesis/hypoplasia. In 90% Unicornuate uterus is a type of uterine müllerian duct anomalies. The most
of cases, there is complete uterine agene- hypoplasia in which there is incomplete common association is a uterus didel-
sis. In the remaining 10% of cases, there or absent development of 1 müllerian phys and complex duplication anom-
may be an obstructed or small rudimentary duct and represents 20% of müllerian alies. The differential diagnosis for pri-
uterus. The ovaries are usually normal. duct anomalies. The abnormal uterine mary amenorrhea with a present uterus
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syn- horn can be completely absent (one third includes an imperforate hymen, which
drome is the most common cause of amen- of cases) or rudimentary (two thirds can also cause hematocolpos. Imperfo-
orrhea in women with breast development, of cases). Of those patients with a rudi- rate hymen is not a müllerian anomaly,
reflecting the normal ovarian development mentary horn, 50% do not contain an and distinction from a transverse vaginal
with this condition. A rudimentary uterus endometrial canal and 50% have an septum can be difficult—although the
may contain functioning endometrial tis- endometrial-lined cavity. The endome- treatment is similar.
sue. MRI can be used to detect associated trial lined cavity within a rudimentary
abnormalities such as endometriosis, renal horn communicates with the contralat- Disorders of lateral fusion
anomalies, and collecting system abnor- eral horn in approximately one third of Disorders of lateral fusions result in
malities (Figure 9).28 The differential diag- women.27 A unicornuate uterus is usually varying degrees of duplication of the
nosis of primary amenorrhea with normal an incidental finding unless a cavitary uterus and cervix. Possibilities include
breast development and an absent uterus rudimentary horn is present. These didelphys, septate uterus, and bicornuate


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FIGURE 11. MRI depiction of uterine didelphys in a 23-year-old

FIGURE 10. MRI of a septate uterus in a 25-year-old woman. This long-axis woman. This T2-weighted image obtained through the long axis of
T2-weighted image shows a flat outer fundal contour and a fibromuscular the uterus shows complete separation of the uterine horns (asterisks)
central septum (asterisk) extending into the endocervical canal. with 2 endocervical canals, which is indicative of uterine didelphys.

uterus. With a septate uterus (Figure 10), with hysteroscopic resection of the sep- are >4 cm and >60˚, respectively.30,31
a fibromuscular central septum is incom- tum, while women with bicornuate uteri Lateral fusion anomalies may also re-
pletely resorbed after müllerian duct are treated with a transabdominal metro- sult in vaginal duplication. Vertical
fusion. The septate uterus represents plasty if they have a history of repeated vaginal septa are present in 75% of
approximately 55% of müllerian duct pregnancy loss. The key in imaging lat- women with didelphys, 25% with bicor-
anomalies. Septate uteri may result in eral fusion anomalies is the evaluation nuate, and 5% with septate uteri.
first trimester miscarriages caused by of the external uterine fundal contour.
implantation on the septum. Reproduc- The best imaging plane for evaluation Conclusion
tive outcome improves after hystero- of the fundal contour is one that passes Because of its superb soft tissue con-
scopic resection of the septum. In uterine through the long axis of the uterus. In trast and direct multiplanar capabilities,
didelphys (Figure 11), there is complete a normal or septate uterus, the outer MRI can detect and characterize normal
separation of distinct left and right uteri contour is convex, flat, or <10 mm of uterine anatomy and focal and diffuse
and accounts for 5% of müllerian duct concavity. The myometrial fundal inden- uterine conditions. In patients with pri-
anomalies. The cervix is usually dupli- tation is smooth and broad, and the sig- mary amenorrhea, MRI can be used to
cated as well. Women with uterine didel- nal intensity of this region is isointense confirm the absence or presence of the
phys have normal or nearly normal to normal myometrium. The outer con- uterus as well as evaluate for any asso-
fertility. The bicornuate uterus is caused tour concavity of a bicornuate uterus ciated urogenital abnormalities such as
by incomplete fusion of the uterovaginal or uterine didelphys, to the contrary, renal agenesis. In patients with infertil-
horns at the level of the fundus and repre- should be >10 mm. Two measurements ity, MRI can confirm the presence and
sents approximately 10% of müllerian that may be helpful include the intercor- extent of a septate uterus and define the
duct anomalies. nual distance and the intercornual angle. fibrous and muscular components. In
Differentiating between the lateral In a septate uterus, the intercornual dis- patients with pelvic pain, MRI is more
fusion anomalies has important impli- tance is <4 cm and the intercornual sensitive and specific than ultrasound
cations for treatment decisions. For angle is <60˚, as compared with the bi- for the findings of adenomyosis. In
instance, a septate uterus is often treated cornuate uterus, in which these values patients with known leiomyomas, MRI

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