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1. How did religion unite people around the world?

● Some believe that religions can help us unite by assisting us in overcoming the
violent aspects of human nature. They teach us to love our neighbor as
ourselves. It is up to us to remember the lesson. We all fail at this from time to
time, whether we are religious or not. As a result, there is still a lot of work to be
done. But, in my opinion, religions do not often unite; rather, they divide, and they
frequently divide people who would otherwise have everything in common.
Religions have brought people together in a number of situations that can be
counted on one hand. Religion is a way for people to say, "We are us, and you
are them," even if they are racially and culturally identical and believe in the
same God and read the same holy books. Even with so much in common and so
much to lose, Religion To this day produces hatred and divisions over the most
minor differences in their interpretation of creeds where no other division is

2. How can globalization be a problem for different religions of the world?

● For centuries, globalization – the increase in global interconnections – has
resulted in the spread of cultures, ideas, and religions. Religion, like other goods
and knowledge, has spread as we have connected with previously inaccessible
peoples all over the world. Religions, such as Christianity, have spread to
previously uncharted territory as a result of globalization, while also producing
unity in how those religions are practiced by geographically distinct groups.
There is a benefit in that people around the world can further unite around a
shared religion with common practices; however, there are drawbacks, as with
globalization in general. Religions may die out as their adherents convert to
newly introduced religions. As with some indigenous peoples' languages and
cultures, as the world becomes more connected in a shared dominant culture,
those regional, more isolated, and diverse cultures are overtaken and
3. What is the role of religion in global conflict?
● Religion has been used as a powerful tool to divide and conquer people all over
the world and throughout history. Young men and women are thrown into the
meat grinder that is vice, crime, and war. People accuse religion of being the sole
cause of the world's ills, but the opposite has resulted in the same suffering.

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