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1-Non restorable tooth #36 and you are going to extract it you advise the patient to replace the

space as soon as
possible to avoid complications what could happen:
A- rotation for 37
B- no effect happens
C- crowding of the teeth
D- over eruptions of 26 and tiling of 37

2-Injection of gow gate at which site ?


3-Patient taking digoxin avoid which drug?


4-Patient with CD without Cingulum rest at the canine what will happen over time ?
Loss of support

5- Primary impression of RPD :

Poly sulfide
Irreversible hydrocolloid
-condensation silicone
6- preliminary impression for CD which material:
-agar agar
- irreversible hydrocolloid
- Condensation silicone
7- picture of impacted 3rd molar causing pocket ant the position in the never:

8- you want to extract 3rd molar for ortho what is the best way to prevent the damage to the bone of tooth 7
-partially thicknesses flap
- bone graft
- Soft tissue graft

9- classification of 3rd molar position

Class 1 c

10- multiple teeth trauma splint

Avulsion , subluxation, dentoalveolar

11- multiple scenario about Trauma for teeth

One time 9 years
Other questions 8 years
Other with dentin involvement un complicated
Other complicated crown root
Must or them no straight forward they remove some findings for confusion

12- multiple diagnosis of endo but must of them previously treated And ask you about perforation and VRF and
Cases for non surgical retreatment and cases for surgical retreatment and cases of cracked

13- root fracture becomes more favorable if it is :

-more apical
-More coronal
- no differences
- All poor
14- picture for perforation asking about prognosis
15- picture of sinus tract
16 - picture of periodonal abscess
17- scenario patient presents with sudden enlarging painful swelling getting bigger:
-Periodontal cyst
- Gingival abscess
18- remove GP by : H file
19- multiple diagnosis of perio :
The stages the grades different scenario
20- Biological test for sterilization
(spore test)
21 - test to evaluate sterilization cycle
Spore test
22- enamel hypoplasia scenario
23- molar incisors hypoplasia scenario
24- indirect scenario for white spots in the incisal and type of cusp: fluorosis but it’s not in the options the mention
drinking water and other stuff
25 - hariy leukoplakia
26- oral cancer
26 combination syndrome
27- clendiocranial dysplasia
28- quad helix advantage?
Crossbite and prevent thumb sucking
29- scenario for headgear
30- scenario for face mask
31 picture of cephalo and ask about the diagnosis:
-class ii
- class iii
- Maxillary overgrowth
- Mandible overgrowth
- 32 picture of intraoral malocclusion:
- Class ii occlusion
- Class iii occlusion
- Class ii malocclusion
- Class iii malocclusion
33- scenario of reverse overjet
34- scenario with multiple ortho problems in growth of ramus intrusion of maxillary and open bite ask about

35- canine classification

36 - patient with asthma how to measure severity of symptoms:
- chest x-ray
- Clinal symptoms
- Oxygen level
37- fracture lead to numbness and altered taste :
- parasymphasis
- Symphasis
- Body
- Condylar
38 - scenario about recession and ask about management
39- multiple scenario of periodontal surgery
40- tip of periodontal Probe
41- position of probe for probing
42 - the periodontal probe used for what?
Measuring pocket depth
43- patient with periodontists during follow up there is bleeding indicates what !?
Persistent inflammation
44- picture of two crowns with different type of margin and ask which one is more healthy to gingiva

45- cause of primary trauma for occlusion


46- when trauma for occlusion happens

47- patient with ceramic appliance and coated wire and malocclusion the teeth wear what is the cause:?
The coated wire
Patient occlusion

48- questions of inserting small file using apex locator immediately gives error !?

49- loss the length during endo procedure no fracture or something what to do !?

50- lower molar with 2 joining canals what to do :

- instruments both to full length
- - instrument main canal to length and other to point of join
- Instrument the small Canal to full length and main to join
- Instrument both to join
51- furcal perforation during access what to do !?
- seal immediately MTA
- Later with obturation
- Seal immediately with calcium
52- scenario about MCV 70 and trophic tongue what supplement you give
Iron supplements
53- they describe ameloblastoma without telling you directly and ask about management.
54- causes of geographic tongue
55 -scenario about erythematos tongue and swelling of tonsils there are more symptoms but I forgot what is the
diagnosis ?
56- scenario of lesion of HIV positive patient in palate treated interleaional what is the probable diagnosis!?

57- ridge preservation picture

58 the famous picture of attrition and discolored teeth: refer for crown lengthening and crown
59- least tooth get impacted between these teeth
60- most common teeth with anomalies
3rd molars
61- better location for implant (indirect)?
Anterior mandible
62 - clinical attachment loss calculation
63- cement retained space !?
64- limited interarch space which denture base ?
Metal base
65- multiple questions about preimplantatitis and mucositis diagnosis and management
66- vertical bone loss in the area of the tooth to be replaced and you want implant what to do !?
Bone graft
67- what to do implant patient is smoking what to do !?
Cessation of smoking
68- patient is taking drugs for osteoporosis for 5 years needs extraction for tooth what you should consider:( no option
of RCT)
69- contraindication of implant in ?
70- most irritating to the soft tissue:
-Diluted NaOCl
- alkaline peroxide
- Ethylene alcohol
71- mesial tilted tooth which clasp !?
Ring clasp
72- mid buccal undercut which clasp?
73- tooth supported RPD which type of clap you use !?
Akers clasp
74- fracture clasp what to do !?
Replace with wrought wire
75- angle between Minor connector and rest seat :
less than 90
76- which component irittate the tissue:
- gold
- Porcelain
- Acrylic
- Nickel chromium
77- component of titanium alloy:
- Aluminum
- Gold
- Palladium
78- mother of child want composite the child have slight plaque good hygiene you convinced her to have amalgam
what the violation:
- non malfainces
- Justice
79- patient with occlusal caries slight plaque which type of restoration?
80- patient with gag reflex and what fissure sealant what is the type!?
Pits and fissure sealants
81- what makes fissures sealants stronger!?
82- fatal dose of fluoride required hospitalization!?
83- picture of dental brush asked about the angle of brush
84- tooth #11 with vertical bone loss you want to do GTR position or vertical incision where:
- distal of 21
- Mesial of 21
- Distal of 13
- Mesial of 13
85- small cervical cavity above the gingival margin what type of composite?:
- flowable
- Nan
- Micro
- Hybrid
86- fracture of amalgam after examination the cavity is shallow what is the cause for fracture:
-Cavity occlusal-gingival depth less than 1.5mm
-insufficient convergence
87- which most cause of amalgam fracture!?
Shallow isthmus prep
88- teeth with trauma fracture of distal with contact area but pulp not involved what is the management!?
89- anterior teeth with cavity in D and there is also indirect in the M no sufficient thickness of tooth structure what is
the treatment with long term !?
90- hardest tooth to anesthesia of irreversible pulpits
Lower molar
91- scenario about dull pain intermittently which fibers !? A myelinated or unmyelinated
C unmyelinated
92- scenario of tooth with pocket and what is the cause of pocket
93- tooth with extended crack very large crown and post what the treatment:
94- tooth with endo treatment 6 months ago fallen temporary filling and grossly decay until the furcation and root
patient is interested in saving tooth what you will do !?
95- tooth need to prepare for gold crown no keratinize gingiva in buccal your management!?
96- patient with crowns one month before and erythema gingiva bleeding in probing what is the cause!?
Violation of biological width
97- scenario of local gingival erythema what is the diagnosis
Localized gingivits
98- you inserted a periodontal probes and it’s not visible what type of gingival phenotype!?
Thick flat
99- bone sounding procedure description but the option is not there they change the terminology
Biological width
100- complete dentures fall when you stretch the lip what is the cause!?
101- you place rubber dam patient get wheezing and caught what antibodies :
- IGg
- IGm
102- you put rubber dam there is periodontal leak the cause!?
Too close holes
103- the ability to burnish the cast gold called !?
104- overhang restoration will lead to what!?
Primary occlusal trauma and food impaction
105- you place occlusal shim for indirect onlay and the other side is not in contact what is the cause.
106- sever undercut in anterior and lateral tuberosity what is your management:
-Reduction of both
- reduction of anterior and relief posterior
- Relief anterior reduction of posterior
- Selective reduction of both
107- class ii div ii causes what!? Guidance!?
108- you check the occlusion for SSC when?
Before cementation
109- multiple questions about autonomy scenario
110- needl sticks injury what is the management
Wash with water immediately and then with soap
111- latent active infection scenario
112- periodontal abscess
Diabetes melitus
113- multiple scenario of uncontrolled HBA1c
114- band busher function
Initially placed by the dentist and finally by the dentist to push or adjust the bands.
115- 121 c what is the pressure!
15 psi
116- cause of corrosion of carbon steel burs !?
Steam sterilization (Autoclave)
117- working time of AH plus sealer!?
4 hours
118- the third number in four number instrument formula!?
Length of the blade
119- most common overdue attachment!?
Ball attachment
120- cause of discrepancy or crowns because of what( the option I didn’t remember)
121- space between two implant
122- space between implant will not cause black triangle!?
3.4 mm
123- capacity definition.
For informed consent to be legally valid, the patient making decision must be judged to be legally competent.

124- case of HBV infection given you the HBsAG and the other
125- first step in try in of denture!
Accuracy of the cast and denture on articulator and intraorally.

126- last step for try in the denture!

Protrusive record
127- what is the advantage of cavity test
Drilling a hole in the amalgam restored tooth to determine pulp vitality when cold test is not possible
128- case of patient with aspirin 81 mg need extraction what to do !?
Do extraction
129- case patient with liver disease and warfarin INR 2.8 what to do !?
Treat normally
130 - when it’s contraindicated to give fluoride for child patient :
-hepatic disease
- renal disease
Severe Asthmatic disease
131- type of bacteria in Odontogenic infection:
- anaerobic
- Aerobic
- Mixed
132- muscles act like depressor
Lateral pterygoid
133- muscle attached to capsule of condylar disc
Lateral pterygoid

134- high copper amalgam what is the cause of less corrosion (indirect question)
Because of high concentration of copper
135-TB indirect question when it is active
136- most destructive force in denture:
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Lateral (not sure)
- ..
137- D0 for file 30 (taper 0.06)
138- indirect scenario of replacing missing 42 with bridge what is the most aesthetic option
- the option were 6 or 5 units and it is the conventional or resin bounded
Resin bonded bridge (not sure)

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