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1. A patient is 10 years old, has diastema between centrals, how do you treat it?

a. Wait till eruption of canines

2. Premature loss of mand 1st primary molar. What do you do?
a. band and loop
3. What doesn’t occur during othro movement?
a. Pulpal changes
4. Hardest to anesthesize?
a. mand molar with irreversible pulpitis
5. When does calcification of centrals occur?
a. 1-6 months
6. What does the premature extraction of canines affect most?
a. Arch length
7. What causes reversal of movement after ortho?
a. Transeptal fibers(Semi-circular and transgingival fibers)
8. What does extrusion cause?
a. Unfavorable/greater crown to root ratio
9. How do you create space for lower anteriors?
a. use primate space between lower canines and 1st premolars
10. X ray with primary teeth, large pulp chambers, open apex:
a. Dentinal Dysplasia
11. why do you use resin cement?
a. Bond strength
12. Advantage of Fiber post over cast:
a. modulus of elasticity closer to dentin
13. CL II DO: mesiofacial is not an internal line angle.
14. PPO?
a. Patient gets discount and gets to choose dentist of choice
15. Closed panel?
a. allows you to go to group of dentists at a specific location only.
16. Americans with disabilities act:
a. covers AIDS pt and accommodates the handicapped.
17. FDA: if adverse drug reaction in office, who do you tell?
a. notify FDA.
18. OSHA: regulates exposure control plan which must be updated annually
19. Pt gets lesion in oral cavity that goes away without scarring
a. Minor aphthous Ulcer
20. Acinic cell carcinoma tumor commonly found in?
a. parotid gland
21. Person on corticosteroids—what kind of blood panel do you want before tx?
a. cosyntropin stimulation testUsed to evaluate the cortisol problems
22. IncKvp means?
a. Higher freq. and shorter wavelength
23. Radiograph -- Compound odontoma
24. Hyperparathyroidism- elevated alkaline phosphate levels (can be associated with
hyperphotasia with mental
25. Naproxen: Aleve (220 mg)-lasts 8 hrs so give to extraction pt. that wants to sleep though the night.
26. -Tetracycline and penicillin are contraindicated
27. Why is Methadone used for heroin withdrawal?
a. lessstressfull/intense withdrawal symptoms.
28. Naloxone is used for?
a. treatment of opoid overdose (morphine/heroin
29. Where is Articain metabolized first?
a. blood
30. Contraindications of nitrous: upper resp. tract infection
31. Resin modified GI: high tensile and flexure
32. What do you do if the tuberosity is too close to the retromolar pad?
a. remove part of tuberosity.
33. Several qs on alveolar osteitis:
a. mostcommon in mand 3rd molar extraction sites.
b. Don’t curettage. Use medicament of eugenol sedative dressing.
c. Don’t prescribe antibiotics.
34. Bacteria that predominates in ANUG?
a. spirochetes.
35. Dehiscence: loss of buccal or lingual bone overlaying root portion of a tooth, leaving it covered only
by soft tissue.
36. Fenestration: hole through bone and mucosa that exposes root.
37. Vertical root fractures most likely to occur on?
a. max 1st premolar
38. Crack tooth syndrome most likely to occur on
a. mand molars
39. Treat grand mal seizure with
a. Dilantin
40. percentage of fluoride water in US?
a. 60%
41. Why do you tell patient who has dentures to take it off at night?
a. to rest gum/bone for proper circulation
42. What is the tear drop shaped structure in max sinus?
a. pterygomaxillary fissure
43. Incident of cleft palate / Cleft lip in US
a. 1 in 700
44. 245 bur vs 330 bur –
a. 245 is longer (3mm) 330 (1.5mm)
45. Best radiograph for TMJ
a. MRI
46. Best radiograph for max sinus problem
a. CT or MRI… you choose
47. Radiation primarily does what?
a. Hydrolysis of water
48. Flumazenil
a. reversal for benzodiazepines
49. Opioid overdose side effect
a. respiratory depression
50. Alpha-1 receptors does what?
a. vasoconstriction
51. Patient has bilateral submand infection, tongue is raised due infection. What is it?
a. Ludwig's Angina
52. What disease has supernumnery teeth?
a. Cleidocrainal dysplasia
53. Most common location of Sialolithiasis?
a. Submandibular duct
54. Which is most likely to cause cavernous sinus problem ?
a. infection of upper lip23. Unilateral eye and lip, unable to close
b. formation of a blood clot within the cavernous sinus, a cavity at the base of the brain
which drains deoxygenated blood from the brain back to the heart. The cause is usually
from a spreading infection in the nose, sinuses, ears, or teeth. Staphylococcus
aureus and Streptococcus are often the associated bacteria. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
symptoms include: decrease or loss of vision, chemosis, exophthalmos (bulging eyes),
headaches, and paralysis of the cranial nerves which course through the cavernous
sinus. This infection is life-threatening and requires immediate treatment, which usually
includes antibiotics and sometimes surgical drainage.
55. Picture of lady with half a drooping face?
a. Bells palsy
56. Radiograph: periapical fibrous osseous dysplasia –
57. Which of the following is not a risk of oral cancer
a. HIV
58. Sequence of Extractions?
a. 3rd, 2nd, 1st molars (protect max tuberosity)
59. RCT done 1.5 yrs ago, now radiolucency and fistula, WHY?
a. incomplete RCT
60. Patient wanted to give you paperwork, and you acknowledge their concerns. What is this an
example of?
a. Empathy
61. What is used on inanimate objects?
a. disinfectants
62. Distance between 2 implants - 3mm
63. Margin of error of PA radiograph
a. 3-5%
64. chemical damage to teeth - Erosion
65. Doctor lied to patient about amalgam should be replaced with composite, because amalgam causes
toxicity. What is this an example of?
a. Veracity
66. Implant is mobile and there is bone loss. What do you do?
a. failed implant, take it out
67. Definition of Neuropraxia ?
a. epineurium and Axon are intact (reversible nerve damage)
68. "W" on the restorative clamp?
a. “wingless”
69. True false q about In-home bleaching percentage. Question says its 25%. This is FALSE.
a. Correct = 10% carbamide peroxide concentration.
70. horizontal movement of xray collimator
a. leads to overlapping of teeth
71. why brush tongue - to reduce odor (halitosis)
72. which one can lead to ameloblastoma?
a. dentigerous cyst
73. Multiple OKC – associated with the following?
a. gorlin syndrome
74. What is associated with nevoid basal cell carcinoma?
a. Gorlin’s
75. Radiograph – submanidbular fossa defect
76. Radiograph – myxoma
77. Where don't you do an apical flap?
a. Maxillary palatal area
78. What is the limit before bone dies in implant?
a. 47 Degrees Celsius
79. Fluoride table, 5yrs old with .75ppm intake How much do you give?
80. Cauliflower looking lesion, no picture given –
a. Papilloma
81. Patient has big embrasure. What is the best to clean it with?
a. interproximal brush
82. You have a tooth, no pulp, but periapical radiolucency, you do access and find no canal, what do you
a. refer to an endodontist
83. Patient chooses to sign consent. What is this an example of?
a. Autonomy
84. Referred pain to ear, what is the source of pain?
a. Mandibular molars
85. Infection around a tooth but can't numb patient, why?
a. Infection reduces the free base
86. Most important factor to consider with an avulsed tooth
a. Time
87. What contributes to caries formation (not the first bacteria, but the second)?
a. Lactobacillus
88. Which has Perineural Invasion?
a. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (swiss cheese)
89. Which one is soft tissue involvement, not bone?
a. Nasolabial Cyst- maxillary lateral incisor
90. Common in school kids?
a. Marginal gingivitis
91. Periodontal regeneration involves
a. Sharpeys Fibers, Cementum and Alveolar Bone
92. Patient needs new crown but there is defect at margin towards crest of bone. What do you do?
a. do crown lengthening
93. Void in die, crown was processed, what will happen?
a. Crown will seat in die, but not on tooth
b. Articaine – is it hydrolyzed at liver 1st?
94. Arachadonic acid is used to make what?
a. Prostoglandin
95. What are bleeding points?
a. They are used to mark areas for initial incisions in surgery
96. Kid has pain. What do you give?
a. Acetaminophen
97. Tylenol - can cause?
a. Hepatotoxicity
98. What is the MOA of doxycyclone?
a. collagenase
99. Herpes zoster med
a. acyclovir
100. Dentist can diagnose which of the following?
a. Bulimia
101. How do opioids cause upset stomach?
a. They activate the chemotactic trigger zone (part of brain that regulates nausea and
102. Dentist didn't ask for copayment and he didn't report to insurance
a. Overbilling
103. What happens if you increase spectrum of Antibiotics?
a. leads to more infections (Super-infection)
104. What is least susceptible to radiation?
a. muscle tissue (neuron if option is there) – Cells that don’t actively reproduce or divide
105. What do antipsychotic meds act on?
a. Dopamine receptors
106. What catecholamine does Phenothiazine (antipsychotic) affect?
a. Dopamine
107. Collimation in x-rays is used because?
a. Reduces the volume of tissue that gets irradiated and directs the path of the x-ray
108. Teratogenic definition
a. cause deformity / birth defects
109. Most toxic mercury
a. methyl mercury 225.
110. Cross-linking in polymers leads to what?
a. Better Strength.
111. When is the best case to use an inlay?
a. Patient with low caries index.
112. Patient had hip surgery 10 months ago, what do you do?
a. Pre-medicate 1hr before appointment.
113. Which one of the following is used for Fungal infection treatment?
a. Nystatin
114. Patient has deep grooves but no decay on permanent molars, what do you suggest?
a. Sealants
115. Freeze-dried bone depends on which of the following?
a. BMP (bone morphogenic protein)
116. Meperidine (Demerol)(: opioid pain reliever similar to morphine) and
MAO(Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: last line for tx of depression, has lethal
reactions)inhibitor are CONTRAINDICATED

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