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1. You can’t control bleeding after extraction, what to do next?

simple gauze pressure

2. Which Antibiotic can be given in gingival cervicular fluid for

periodontal bacteria: doxycycline

3. Not the primary bacteria for initiation of Caries? Lactobacilli

4. Green and orange discoloration of anterior teeth is due to? Bad

oral hygiene

5. What’s the adverse effect of using a retraction cord with epinephrine?

Local necrosis

6. What xrays are recommended for a 4 yr old kid? Bitewings

depending on dental findings

7. Primary bacteria for the initiation of caries? Strep. Mutans

8. How to communicate and establish a good relationship with a

hearing impaired patient? Speak to the patient and allow time for

9. Most commonly impacted tooth? Maxillary Canines

10. Brown discoloration in porcelain gingival margin after a

month of placement with resin cement, what is the most likely
cause? Go for silane

11. What is the main reason we do tooth testing?

To check for pulp vitality if tooth is necrotic or not

12. During the extraction of an impacted mandibular third molar,

the distal root went missing, where did it go to most likely?
submandibular space

13. What is important in single implant tooth replacement?

countering anatomy of opposing tooth

14. Picture of a kid’s primary front teeth, literally eaten by

caries, with two symmetrical sticking out fistulas bilaterally above
lateral incisors/canine area - what are those changes on
mucogingival junction? Pus draining fistulas

( almost symmetrical fistulas like this but the teeth are heavily
decayed and pulp exposed)

15. Which papilla is affected in geographic tongue?

Filliform papilla

16. What’s the best treatment for a completely intruded primary

tooth that does not impinge on permanent tooth?
Leave and observe if will re-erupt

17. What age does a child develop dexterity for brushing teeth on
his/her own? 2-3 years

Brush 2—5
Dex —7

18. Which material retards PVS? Latex gloves

19. What’s advantage of using Arcon over non-arcon articulators?

gives more similarity to mandibular movements

20. What age is commonly affected with Primary herpetic

gingivostomatitis? 1

21. Anti histamines (H-antagonist) work by? Blocking histamine

at the receptor

22. Primary canine lost prematurely, why? arch length


23. Which occlusion is the most common in primary teeth?

fluhs terminal

24. Bimaxillary effect: relation of both jaws to the cranial base

both jaws proclined

25. Case, patient with porcelain crown, a lot of caries, what

would you suggest: all overnight treatments and had to pick
which fluoride would be best; acidulated / 1.1% neutral fluoride /
0.4% not neutral

26. Which teeth most likely to be crowded/blocked out of

mandibular arch? 2nd premolars

27. What doesn’t affect implant treatment planning?

a) Age
b) Smoking history
c) Quality of the bone
d) Location

28. Best prognosis for implant? Anterior mandible

29. Nitrous oxide contraindicated in? first trimester only

30. Contraindication for using Nitrous oxide? Nasal congestion

31. Contraindicated with asthma, what can precipitate the

attack? Aspirin

32. MOA of ibuprofen: reversible, irreversible platelet inhibition,


33. MRI is best used for TMJ to see: Disc

34. FAS syndrome, what is characteristic: mid-face


35. Most common abnormality among the following?

Cleft lip and palate

36. diagnois of lesion on the xray? ( stafne cyst)

Salivary gland intravasation
( similar lesion not exact)

37. Xray with arrows pointing at nutrient canals

( similar to this, not exact)

38. What’s seen in osteoporosis? Thin trabeculae

39. Two separate canals? Fusion

40. Teeth least likely to have two canals? Maxillary incisors

41. Percentage of second canal in mandibular 2nd premolar?


42. If you delay treatment of Temporal arteritis, what is the most

likely outcome? Vision loss

43. You’re doing border molding of the buccal posterior

mandibular area, near the masseter, what movements do you
ask the patient to do? Closing mandible against pressure

44. Most common reason of maxillary tori removal?

Prosthetic treatment

45. A 3 yr old child, weight 16kg, what is the maximum dose of

lidocaine you can give? 72 mg

46.young girl with a broken tooth and lip laceration : how to adjust time
exposure for an xray to find the tooth fragment in the lip: decrease time 25%
47. Patient is opening her mouth, click when 25 mm opened,
then second click when its’s 5 mm until full closure - what is the
reason for second click?
a) Displacement of the disc from anterior position to being
back on the condyle

48. Laser in periodontal surgery, recent studies shows that?

New Attachment

49. White spot, not cavitated, matte finish, gingival buccal area,
what to do ?
no treatment

50. Most common medical emergency that can be observed in

dental Setting? syncope

51. Thyroid crisis symptoms

Increases HR, BP, sweating, Hyperthermia, hypertension, Increase BMR,
Increase body tem, intolerance to heat

52. Calcification of first molar crown, when it is completed?

2-3 yrs

53. 81. what’s the most probable cause of this?

Temperature of the fixer was too high

If we increase time temperature in fixing solution the picture is light
That means it's underdeveloped or overfixed
PS Too light causes
Decrease KVP
decrease exposure time
dercrease Developer tiime
increase fixer time
or increase fixer temp
increase source film distance
increase temp of developer - increase darkness
Overdeveloped dark over fixed light

54. Gracey curette? is triangular in cross-section

1 CUTTING BLADE, 7- degree blade angulation, working angle - 45-90, 70
degree offset

55. First-pass effect? liver metabolism

56. First-pass effect: can cause drug to be less effective after

it’s done

57. What causes deviation of mandible on opening to the

unaffected side? Condylar hyperplasia

58. Pregnancy, third trimester, cause of frequent urination?

Fetus pushes on the bladder

59. What has not been associated with periodontal disease?

Nutritional deficiencies

60. Which Antifungal is available in troches? clotrimazole

61. Occlusal reduction of porcelain crown?

Same as the occlusal anatomy
62. Acantholysis is seen in? phemphigus

63. Picture of the tounge, lateral side with bluish lesion, patient
states it is present for a 5 years now, growing but really slow?

( similar but not exact photo, it was

more blue and more rough surface)

64. Picture of a colored lesion on the lower lip and also

histopathology slide available with a lot of red blood cells visible,
what is the diagnosis? hemangioma
65. Most common seizure in kids: Febrile

66. Most common reason for Dilantin treatment? Grand mal

67. Dental professionals have to be screened annually for?

68. Hepatitis A route of infection?Food and drink

69. Additional innervation to teeth is most likely from which

nerve, since the upper molars didn’t anesthetize well?

70. Mandibular nerve exits the skull via? Foramen ovale

71. Most dental financing is from? Self-pay

72. Which cyst is not in bone? nasolabial

73. Progressing paresthesia of the lip is most likely due to?


74. Firm painful nodule next to mental foramen? Traumatic


75. Neurofibromatosis

76. Hairy tongue, which papillae affected? filiform

77. Large amalgam MOD restoration, crack of the restoration in

the isthmus, no symptoms, what is the best approach now?
replace the entire restoration

78. Gutta percha outside of the apex after filling, what do you
do? observe for now and wait for symptoms

79. 1How do you put the beaks on the tooth while extracting,
pick false:
a) parallel to long axis
b) on the crown
c) as far as you can towards the roots

80. Subgingival caries, what do you do? crown lengthening

81. 1You are prepping the tooth for a crown, but realized, that
the step is only 1 mm away from the alveolar crest, what do you
do? crown lengthening

82. Plaque index is used mainly for: Patient motivation

83. A child’s behavior problem can be managed by

desensitization if the basis of the problem is Fear

84. Disadvantages of oral sedation include which of the

following? Unpredictable absorption of drugs from the GI tract

85. Auxiliary resistance from features in fixed dental prostheses

such as boxes and grooves should ideally be located?Proximally

86. Which of the following would be LEAST likely to lead to the

development of root surface caries on facial surfaces?
Streptococcus sanguis dominating adjacent plaque

87. When a light beam passes through a mass, it reduces in

intensity as it’s absorbed and reflected from different material
surfaces, what does this describes? Refraction

88. A displaced fracture of the mandible courses from the

angle to the third molar. This fracture is potentially difficult to
treat with a closed reduction because of
Distraction of the fracture segments by muscle pull
89. Which of the following substances is contraindicated for a
patient taking ginseng? Aspirin
90. What would explain leaking from rubber dam clasps on
buccal surface of mandibular molar? Holes too close

91. Which term refers to a physician or dentist performing an

operation for which there was no consent? Battery

92. A 32-year-old male patient reports a history of having been

hospitalized for psychiatric evaluation, and is currently taking
taking lithium carbonate on a daily basis. Which of the following
diseases does this patient most likely have? Bipolar disorder

93. 139. The patient should sign the informed consent for
surgery After a full discussion of the surgical treatment plan

94. Distinctly blue color of the sclera is a feature of which of the

following conditions? Osteogenesis imperfecta

95. A 16-year-old patient has a long history of mild pain in the

area of the mandibular left first molar. Radiographs reveal deep
caries in the tooth with an irregular radiopaque lesion apical to
the mesial root. Which of the following represents the most likely
diagnosis?Condensing osteitis

96. 6-year-old patient is uncooperative during treatment. Which

of the following techniques is indicated?Voice control

97. Hypotensive effect and itching from oxycodone is due, in

part, to its? Release of histamine

98. Which of the following does NOT produce a pharmacologic

decrease in saliva production? Pilocarpine (Salagen)

99. Which of the following is difficult to accomplish with

extrinsic characterization of metal ceramic restorations? Increase
100. The rubber dam does NOT protect patients from which of
the following? Mercury vapors when removing old amalgams

101. Which of the following is responsible for creating a green

discoloration in the marginal area of the metal ceramic
restoration? Copper

102. Removal of amalgam overhangs should be accomplished

as part of initial therapy. Re-evaluation of the periodontal case
should occur 4-6 weeks after the completion of the scaling and
root planning procedures. Both statements are true

103. A patient has a severe tooth-size/arch-length discrepancy

in the maxillary arch. Which of the patient’s permanent maxillary
teeth are most likely to be blocked out of the arch? Canines

104. Which of the following contributes most to a successful pulp

capping procedure? An isolated field

105. Which of the following has the greatest impact on the

success of a periodontal flap procedure? Level of postoperative
plaque control

106. The most common form of periodontal disease seen in

school-aged children is Marginal gingivitis

107. The procedure of choice for vertical maxillary excess is

LeFort I osteotomy

108. Periodontal flaps are frequently extended into non-

diseased areas for adequate access to the diseased sites. These
non-diseased root surfaces are not instrumented. The flaps are
returned to their previous level where the flap collagen fibers
reunite with the Sharpey’s fibers in the cementum of the root
surfaces. Which of the following types of healing is described?

109. Who is associated with the least risk of inhaling N2O?


110. When adjusting the condylar guidance for protrusive

relationship? the incisal guide pin on the articulator should be
raised out of contact with the incisal guided table.

111. Deepest part of occlusal rest for rpd ?

112. Swelling on lip after taking impression: Angioedema

113. During endodontic treatment you encounter a ledge inside

the canal, What to do? Taka a smaller file and try to pass by

114. For big osseous defect, which graft is better? Autologous


115. Case. Patient comes with bilateral bone expansion, and

complains about Dentures won’t fit? Paget’s disease

116. Open bite more than 8 mm, what you'll do? Le Fort 1

117. Boys and girls in school age study:

118. Which medication to use for Benzodiazepines reversal:


119. A 20 yrs old patient with multiple jaw cysts, you suspect
that he has syndrome so you refer him to specialist, what’s the
most probable diagnosis? Gorlin , multiple OKC
120. The amount of radiation on a panoramic RX is compared
to? 4 bitewings

121. What do you check in the wax try in Except: Obtain

facebow record

122. What causes the least buccal-lingual resistance to lateral

forces? One 4mm diameter implant

123. Antibiotic for NO- ODONTOGENIC Maxillary Sinusitis?

124. Amoxicillin + clavelulinic acid ( Augmentin)

125. For an amalgam Class 2 matrix should be placed where

1mm above marginal ridge

126. Which of the following is the Most radio resistant: skeletal


127. During an IAN not been able to achieve proper anesthesia

means it went to which accessory innervations? Mylohyoid

128. What cannot be on tongue? Peripheral giant cell

129. What’s Aspirin mechanism of action? Irreversibly inhibit

platelet aggregation

130. What cyst is a true cyst? Dermoid

131. Most common assosiation of osteogenesis imperfecta with

132. Dentinogenesis imperfecta

133. Mandibular nerve foramen cranium: foramen ovale

134. Cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism: renal failure

135. Chronic pericoronitis: Seen on x-ray as flame-like
appearance distal to the mand. third molar

136. Less recurrence tumor: AOT

137. what you find in area of tension:

a) Increased fibroblastic activity
b) increased number of osteoclast

138. Dose of hydrocortisone taken per year that will indicate

have adrenal insufficiency and need supplement dose for
surgery? 20 mg 2 weeks for 2 years

139. What sound is affected if teeth lack spacing between them?

S sound

140. What is the Biologic Width?

2mm (Sulcular e., Junctional E., CT attachment)

141. 190. What’s described by lack of sharpness and unclear

borders of objects in the film? Penumbra

142. 191. Which of the following is infrequently related to

Trisomy 21? Rampant caries

143. Primary support for complete denture? Alveolar ridge of

both maxilla & mandible

144. Cementoblastoma radiograph

( similar to this)
145. Not found in ant. Jaw? CEOT

146. 196. All off the following cause craniofacial dysformity

EXCEPT?Tetralogy of fallot

147. 198. What is common between peutz jeghers and

Gardner’s syndrome? Intestinal polyps

148. The dentist obligation to keep updated with current

practices and procedures and refer the patient to specialist when
necessary corresponds to which ADA principle of ethics?

149. Papilloma? Warty like Lesion

150. All of the following are associated with Ludwig’s Angina,

EXCEPT? Retropharyngeal Space

151. OKC is associated most commonly with?

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma

152. Cytology report with dysplastic cell. What will you do next?
Do biopsy

153. Trephination? Penetration of bone

154. What’s cause of Denture clicking?

Decreased Interocclusal distance (rest space), Increased VDO

155. Differentiate Granuloma from abcess? Biopsy

156. Cells predominantly in acute periodontitis? Neutrophils

157. 2 pulp chambers? Fusion

158. Alveolar ostitis, dry socket - mandibular 3rd molar

159. Difference between primary and secondary occlusal

PDL involvement and remaining amount of supporting bone

160. Know the difference between osteotomy, ostectomy,


161. All of the following are characteristics of Sodium

hypochlorite EXCEPT? Chelating agent

162. Opioid antagonist? Naloxone

163. Pain med with renal disease? Acetaminophen

164. Pocket depth? Free gingival margin to base to pocket

165. Natural wear down of teeth surfaces? Attrition

166. Hypodontia? INITIATION stage

167. Size and shape? Morphodifferentiation

168. What causes angular cheilitis? Closed VDO

169. How to increase retention/resistance on Short teeth?

Proximal grooves

170. Which two principles of ethics will be in conflict when a

dentist prescribe community water flouridation? autonomy and

171. Which headgear moves mandibular teeth forward?


172. Non working interference? – LUBL

173. Sensitivty to cold and pressure after 2 weeks of inlay

placement?vertical root fracture

174. Interaction between nitroglycerine and epinephrine. What

type of antagonism?
a) Physiologic
b) Competitive
c) Allosteric
d) Pharmacologic

175. Saturation? Chroma

176. Increase heart rate, hypertension, light headedness,

diaphoresis, and feeling of impending doom is a sign of?
Panic attack

177. Rheumatoid fever what you see? heart murmur

178. Most common reason for children younger than 3 yrs to

have injuries? Lack of motor coordination

179. Mineralization of the crown of mandibular 1st molar?

2-3 y/o

180. Doctor billed insurance couple of procedure when actually

there is a global procedure that combines them?

181. Distal occlusion leads to? - Cl. II occlusion

182. Child’s BP? - 110

183. Sinus appears inferior to the roots of molars, which
radiographic technique used?
a) Periapical
b) Bisecting bitewing
c) Parallel
d) Bitewing

184. Ankylosis? Replacement resorption

185. Anterior face infections? Cavernous sinus

186. Most harmful in implant? Horizontal force

187. osteoctomy?Removal of supporting bone

188. Gold vs porcelain, what’s advantage? (I guess it was

talking about crown) similar thermal expansion to dentin

Day 2:
Case 1:

Old man, has history of MI, adenocarcinoma, took radiotherapy for that,
hepatitis A before 24 yrs, smoker, knee replacement 6 months ago,
Medications – aspirin, warfarin, protriptyline, and some other medicines.
Oral findings: white patch on floor of mouth, anterior cross bite, missing
maxillary molar and exostosis on the buccal of mandibular premolar /molar
area, melanotic macule on the palate.

(similar photos not exact)


1. What’s the most probable reason for his severe dry mouth?
a) Medication
b) Radiation therapy
c) Medical condition
Ans B

2. Reason for the brown lesion on palate?

A-cigarette use
B- Other options
Ans A

3. Patch on the floor can be all except:

ANS nicotinic stomatitis

4. Which lab test for the viral infection?

B- HgcAb
C- Transaminase
D- no test

5. The patient is at increased risk for all except?

a) a)Procedure related bleeding
b) Hyposalivation
c) Osteoradionecrosis
d) SCC

6. Reason for the anterior cross bite? Early loss of maxillary molar

7. What is true for his malocclusion

A. Related only to the anterior region ( on the left side he had
a missing canine maxillary and the posterior bite looked
B. Correction of ant cross bite will improve esthetic and
C. The premolar will function for the missing canine(smthg
like this)

8. Most important to consider when deciding for the antibiotic

a) time elapsed since the surgery
b) consulting with the physician medications

9- What’s most likely differential diagnosis for brown lesion on palate?

a) melanotic macule
b) Melanotic nevus
Ans B

9. Premedication of a prosthetic replacement case would depend

a) patient and orthopedic surgeon preference
b) joint replacement spot
c) joint replacement time
d) joint replacement type (knee/hip/etc) or other option

Case 2:

8 yr old girl with many missing teeth due to caries and poor oral
hygiene.. anterior cross bite and a supernumerary tooth

1. All will be included in the ortho informed consent except ?
A-Ortho treatment can bend roots of the teeth
B- Caries and gums dieses can happen during ortho treatment
C- Injury to the nerve due to any previous accident can be increased (or
somthg like that) during ortho
D- During ortho Pt will have to wear mouthguard during sports
Ans A

2. All are negative sequel of extraction of the supernumerary tooth

a) Necrosis of 7
b) Non eruption of 7
c) Necrosis of 8
d) Necrosis of 6

3. Correction of the anterior cross bite will result in all except?

 Increase maxillary arch perimeter
 Improve eruption of tooth 11
 Stop root development of the central incisor
 One more option
Ans c

4. When to do Correction of cross bite?


6- Lateral Cephalometric x-ray, and in an upper right corner

there is an image of a ruler, it's just a vertical part of ruler line.
What’s the purpose of the ruler here?
a) For cephalometric measuring
b) For determining of magnification of the image
c) For determining relation of upper part to lower (face)

( similar to this, not exact)
ANS B , 8% mag in lat cepj, so to measure it

7- (not sure if in this case or another) what is the opaque

structure in front of C4 on lateral cephalometric?
hyoid bone (but it wasn’t easily visible)
Other options about some cysts or pouches...

8- ANB =5.2, what skeletal occlusion class does the patient

a) skeletal class II
b) skeletal class III
c) skeletal class I

9- what profile does the patient have?

d) Convex
e) Concave
f) Other options

Case 3:

42 yr old man, many teeth missing, wants denture Oral finding :

mandibular Canine to canine teeth are present,posteriors all edentulous
Maxillary: upper 2nd molar and 2nd premolar present rest all missing

1. All are reason for his early tooth loss except?
A-Poor oral care as a child
B- Lack of fluoridated water
C- Untreated periodontal disesese
D- Incomplete tooth development

2. All are risks of extraction of the upper teeth. Which is LEAST

a) Dry socket
b) Tuberosity fracture
c) damage to adjacent tooth
d) one more option (that was not the least, I guess sinus penetration)

3. For denture in the mandible- what is least preferred “or not acceptable”
a) Extracted remaining teeth then Complete denture
b) Extract all anterior except canines on both sides, then put crown
on the canine and removable denture
c) Extract all teeth, put 2 implants and dentures
d) Extract all, put implant and fixed from 27- 25 and 22- 24, then
remaning removable

4- For maxilla, what’s the best treatment?

a) Extract 3 and 13, then make partial denture
b) Extract 6 and 13, then make partial denture
c) Complete denture

Case 4:

Pregnant lady, she has Percocet (as needed, no dose given, just
a latin abbreviation used in prescriptions for “as needed”) and
Tramadol (50 mg twice daily) prescribed.

1- She will have an extraction and you need to decide what

medicine give her?
A-Tylenol 3
B- More Tramadol
C- More Percocet

2. Which schedule is Percocet?

ANS 2 oxycodone + acetminophen

4. Who must give prescription for schedule 2 drugs?

a) Dentist or Dental assistant have to call
b) No prescription needed for refill
c) Physician or other option
d) Needs written prescription
Ans D

Case 5:

I think another its pregnant patient case (this one had dental
phobia and I believe was 8 weeks pregnant)

Patient started to look cyanotic after beginning extracting her tooth

what do you do as initial approach?
a) call 911 and prepare defibrillator
b) start pumping oxygen
c) adjust head and move her chin up to clear airways
d) Other option

Ans – on left side , ivc less pressure or else B

2- If the patient pressure drops (or start to feel dizzy not sure) during the
dental treatment, what’s the most probable cause?
a) Orthostatic hypotension
b) Gestational hypotension
c) Other options
Ans B

Case 6:

Elderly woman with Crowding in anterior mandible, big recession

on one of the incisors. Radiograph shows attachment loss in
mandibular anterior region, and there’s patient chart with lines to
show recession but without writing or numbers on the chart

( not this chart, but similar concept to this)

2- what’s the cause of recession on that mandibular incisor ?

A- malocclusion
B- Toothbrush abrasion
C- Other options
(similar to this, not exact)


Single tooth labially placed - most coomnly show malocclusion

Single tooth can’t be toothbrush

2- Each of the following are good treatment for this patient

a) Bone graft
b) Scaling and root planning
c) Gingival graft (or oral hygiene instructions not sure)
d) Free connective tissue graft
Ans A

Case 7:

Teenager about 10 yrs old, there’s panoramic xray that mixed dentition.

1. How many teeth are missing?

I o nly saw one, which was I guess mandibular 2ndpermanent
premolar missing on the left side “you could see retained primary

2. What kind of resorption is happening to second primary molar?

a) inflammatory
b) replacement
c) infectious

3. Both teeth of this patient, primary second molar and permanent
first premolar (lower mandible, left side), are in infraocclusion,
a) both are erupting
b) both are in ankylosis
c) primary in ankylosis and permanent is erupting
d) primary is erupting and permanent is in ankylosis

Random Cases Questions:

1. Patient has white lesion under the tongue. It looked like a

plaque. History of smoking for 25 years, retired dental technician.
It didn't mentioned anywhere if the lesion can be scraped.
What would bebest initial move for that lesion: cytology or

2. Arrow pointing at long, calcified stylohyoid ligaments and asking

what it is?
Calcified stylohyoid ligament ( eagle syndrome)

( similar to this but not as big)

3. Assessment of TMJ on a panoramic picture, what’s most likely
differentia diagnosis? ( one condyle looked bigger than other)
a) normal anatomy
b) osteoporosis
c) osteoarthritis
d) condylar hyperplasia “ I think there was option”

( similar but not exact)


4. Arrow pointing at “Y” sign on a bitewing, asking what it is?

nasal floor and maxillary sinus

(similar to this xray)

5. Treatment plan for a prostho case will need all EXCEPT?
ANS- maxillary sinus lift in anterior maxilla

6. What’s not included in CAMBRA Caries assessment?

a. Genetic factors
b. Biological factors
c. Disease factors
d. Risk factors

7. What shouldn’t be included in a prosthetic informed consent?

copay/insurance coverage information

8. Vasovagal syncope, first sign?

A- Weak pulse

9. Arrow pointing at inferior nasal concha on a panoramic picture,

what’s the structure?
ANS- Turbinate

10. Arrow pointing at hard palate on lateral cephalometric?

A- maxillary palate shelves
B- floor of the orbit

11. Case of 17 years on amphetamines. If to give her an


What would happen?

g) Tachycardia
h) Loss of consciousness
i) Infarct
j) Other options
190. Colored tiny spot on the internal surface of lower lip, what’s
the most probable diagnosis?
a) melanotic macule
b) melanotic nevus
c) Other options

( similar appearance but more round and much smaller than in

this photo)

13- What’s the cause of the folds on the tongue? ( it was

unilateral )
d) teeth indentation
D- Other options

( similar to this, but it was unilateral on

left side and just couple folds)
14-MOD amalgam, demarcated line in the isthmus, and this line
is not a junction of two separate amalgams, and an explorer
catches there. What you'll do?
e) Replace
f) Leave it
g) Replace part to composite

15-Whats the cause of isthmus fracture in amalgam?

A-insufficient deep.

16- Which relationship of primary molars can lead to Class 3

17- 2nd class amalgam, you notice a small chip on margin - 0,5
mm (It's not a mistake, just millimetres, a half of millimetre.)
What you'll do?
a) Add bonding agent and repair a part of the amalgam
b) Replace all amalgam
c) Leave it and observe

18-Dentist made an IAN block but during caries preparation

the patient feels a pain. What is the cause of this pain?
a) Dentist unprofessionalism
b) Acessory innervations

19. Galvanic shock?

20. What’s the best treatment for this lesion?

( similar radiograph but not exact, shows bilateral diffused , very
minimal radioluscent colored area on posterior mandible on both
No treatment
Other options

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