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YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

‫الدكتوره بشاير‬
1.pedo patient go for chemotherapy she has extensive caries not reaching the furcation, what
is the best treatment to do:
a. pulpotomy
c. pulpectomy
b. RCT
d. extraction

‫صيغه أخرى‬
8year old child go to take chemotherapy and have caries in old filing teeth what to do
a. Pulpotomy
b. Extaction
child at any age undergo chemotherapy came with deep caries it should be extraction

2-Which smooth surface is mostly affected with high caries patient ?

1. Labial maxillary incisors
2. Palatal maxillary incicors
3. Buccal maxillary molars
4. Palatal maxillary molarsKurnaysh
5. Road
3.Brushing technique Active side of bristles?
1. Modified still-man
2. Bass
3. Charters

4.Patient had bulimia and had lesion in palatal surface in upper teeth with recurrent vomiting. What is
the type of lesion?
1. attrition
2. abrasion
3. erosion

5.Gutta percha formed of ?

70%Zno Eug and 20% gutta percha

6.Case about female pt wearing denture for 3 yrs..she got asymptomatic general redness in the denture
bearing area , what is the diagnosis ?
1. Denture stomatitis

7-Fluoride in water ?
0,7 - 1 ppm =mg/litre acc to temperature of country

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

8-time in days to established gingivitis


9-Pdl prop depth?

c.DNA prop

10-1/3posterior of tongue sensation and taste by?


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11-Endo central minimal with mesial caries. Restoration ?

b.Fiberpost + mesial composite
c. Cast post/crown
‫ما في داعي للبوست النو السن كاتب انو‬minimum access.
‫ يعني في‬tooth structure

12-Best implant material


13-Which of the following material has ahybrid setting reaction:

1. Composite
2. Gi
4. Amalgam

14-Streptococcus mostly where ?

Pits & Fissures

15-long case of removal of epilis fissuratum. What forcep you use

1. stillies forcep
2. Adson forcep
3. Allis forcep

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16-Suspect fracture right condyle, xray ?

reverse town

17-tooth responsible of crowding?

Upper d lower

18-PT 5 y old consume 0.3-0.6 of water fluoride and by mistake the dentist
prescribe for him to take fluoride 0.5 supplement what type of fluorosis?
Question give you the amount of water fluoridation and amount of fluoride taken supllemental
And want u to detect what a type of flourosis he has
We add the both amount
And by the result define flourosis
From 0 : 0.5 >>>normal
0.5 : 1questionable
1: 2 very mild
2: 3 mild
3 :4 moderate
More than 4 sever
‫من االخر بنجمع جرعتين الفلورايد اللى بياخدها ومن الناتج بنحدد نوع الفلورزي‬

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19 -Ideally direction of needle is?

Upward posterior for gow gets techinque
_External nerve block for mandibular nerve
Upward post
While maxillaary nerve upoward anterior

Mandibular upward post

Maxillary upward anterio
‫ده اتجاه االبره واحنا بنعطي نيرف بلوك من الخارج‬
‫او بيجي بصيغه اخرى‬
Gow gate direction of niddle after touching with the pterygoid:
A-up wardsuperior
B-up ward medially
C-up ward posterior
D-down war dmedially

20-Associated with pain and anesthesia?

1. epinephere
2. Hnorepinepheren
3. :acytelcoline
4. Prostaglandin

21-muscle affected in bruxism?

1. buccinators
2. maseeter
3. medial pterygoid
4. lateral pterygoid
22-Carbohydrate which is easily metabolized by bacteria to produce caries?
1. Glucose
2. Sucrose
3. Maltose
4. Fructose

23-patient with routine dental checkup, there was mixed radiolucent and
1. radiopaque related to the root of the teeth which is vital?
2. Ameloblastoma
3. Radicular cyst
4. Periapical Cemental dysplasia
5. Osteosarcoma

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24-metabolism mean?
activation and inactivation of drug absorption of drug from Git down regulation

25-Site of fordyces spots is?

Buccal mucosa
And lip

26-Muscle reponsible for downward-movement?

Lateral ptrygiod
All ms of mastication(maseter ...temporarily..medial ptrygoid) elevate md except lateral ptrygoid
depress md

All ms of mastication protrude md except hz fiber of temporalies retrude md

Muscle open mouth...lateral ptrygoid

‫ وثالثه عضالت يساعدوا بعض الداء حركه‬rotation
Stylohyoid. Mylohyoid and digastric

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27-U15/30 for?
Gracy scaler numbers
1/2 ...2/3...3/4...5/6....7/8...9/10...11/12...13/14
All these for sub gingival scalling
‫ اي بقي ارقام هتيجي بخالف اللي فوق تعتبر‬supra gingival
2 ‫ او‬.30/15 ‫يقول بقي‬l 2 r / 2r ..4l
‫ده باختصار كده عشان منحفظش‬

28-mylohyoid ridge surgery takecare of?

1. Lingual nerve
2. Long buccal nerve
3. Mylohyoid nerve
4. Inf alv nerve

29-spina bifida related to?

Latex allergy

30-That drug reverses the effect of heparin?

Protamine sulfate

31-Which of the following make abutment teeth appear narrower?

1. MF and MD line angle closer
2. Horizontal link
3. MFandMD lineanglefar
4. Incise mammelon
32-Early loss of teeth in young patient?

33-1/3 of HBV patient will have common symptoms?

Yellow skin and white eye

34-Dentist do amalgam restoration to rich patient and the patient pay 150SR while
YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

in normal patients it cost 80SR?

Unethical to raise the price

35-Gothic arch tracing with arrow pointed posteriorly, the tip of the arrow represent?
centric relation‫ أي بيكون‬gothic arch

36-At which age that may cause discoloration of tetracycline in permanent incisors
and first molar? 1year

37-There was a scenario of a lecture being given about how to perform oral
hygiene, afterwards there was a video showing how to perform, then they was
told to do what they have learned: which type of class is this?
1. Demonstration lecture
2. Seminar
38-pyramidal cells with flattened nuclei?

39-Probe that detect the furcation?

nebers probe

40-Pt With trismus which technique you will use to give IANB
Vazirani akinozi tech with 25 gauge long needle

41-You want to do RCT for tooth #24 what’s the usual number of canals in upper
1. 2canals in Upper first premolar

42-Pt Referred to you to do RCT for lower first molar what’s the usual number of
canals in this tooth?
3 canal

43-Pt. Came to you and you give him the yellow carpule anesthesia what is it?
Prilocaine 4% with Epinephrine 1:200,000

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44-motor nerve to gag reflex?

Vagus nerve
Motor: vagus . Sensory : glossopharyngeal

45-Time of fluoride application :

1. 2min .
2. 4min.
3. 6min.
4. 8 min.
46-pt has deplopia and proplem in pupils that not respond to light ..which nerve affected?
Occulomator nerve
But if only diplopia it is abducent


47-Amalgam used in retrograde filling?

zinc free & high copper

48-pic of child has thumb sucking habit . Which affect more?

1. Duration
2. Frequency

49-case of lower class 1 partial denture and upper porcelain fused to metal but he
also not say anterior or posterior. Ask about lesion in lower anterior teeth as in pic?
1. Attrition
2. Abrasion

50-to avoid over hanged composite restoration..use which type of?

Bands Sectional
Sectional band and wedge
If MO or Do ____sectional band
If MOD______circumferntial

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

51-q about using utility gloves in?

For handling contaminated instrument

52-most common cause of amalgam failure?

1. Improper cavity preparation
2. improper condensation
53-cause of overhang restoration
Improper wedging

54-HBV survive at room temperature?

1 month ‫ ايام وماذكر شهر نختاره بالعاده يدكر احداهما‬7 ‫واذا ذكر‬

55-mother of high caries index came to clinic and want protective measure to her
child with partially erupted molars? Apply varnish

56-female lactating patient want to take fl supplement to protect her baby from
No evidance that fl pass with effective dose

57-Q about innervation of lower canine (buccal side

Buccal side..mental

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

58-Which tooth has to be surgically removed the most?

a) maxillary first molar
b) mandibular third molar
c) impacted canine
d) mesially extruded molars

59-Clinical scenario of 45 year old male who has lesion in oral cavity. Social History When taken
from him he explained he has been working in the Sun most of his life?
a) Ameloblastoma
b) keratoacanthoma
c) squamous cell carcinoma

60-Peg laterals develop in which phase of development? (The word morphology was used in the
question I cannot recall the exact question but since term tooth morphology was used I marked option
A correct. SoThemselves?
a) morphodifferentiation
b) histodifferentiation
‫أي تغيير ف شكل السنه ف‬morpho
‫أي تغيير ف‬calcifaction ‫يبقي في‬

61-pulpal pressure?
10 mm/hg

62-Pt underwent renal transplantation 3y ago he has white non-scrapable lesion

on the lateral side of the tongue appeared corrugated and has shaggy and frayed what is diagnosis?
1. hyper plastic candidates
2. Idopathic leukoplakia
3. lichen plans
4. hairy leukoplakia

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

63-Healthy patient when You give inf alveolar n block he warmed and loss conscious?
Vaso vagal attack
Yes its symptoms
👉Pale 👉skinLightheadedness👉Tunnel vision — your field of vision narrows so that you see
only what's in front of you
👉Feeling warm
👉A cold,
👉Blurred vision
+ bradycardia vasovagal attack
Tachycardia insulin shock
64-Long story asking about flap retractor?

65-Smallpox, what is the stage of development?

1. initiation
2. proliferation
3. histodifferentiation
4. morphodifferntiation

👉Changing in the Tooth shape ...morphodiffrantiaton

👉Changing in tooth calcification or tooth st ...histodfrantiation
👉Channing in tooth development as defect in number of tooth ...initiation

66-Where does the breakdown of lidocaine occurs?

1. Liver
2. Kidney

Breakdown in liver and excreted in kidney

67-kenedy class 2 type of wire used in clasp?

1. Wrought wire with circule cross section
2. Wrought wire with half or semicircule cross section

Class 2 e mesial under cut clasp is Wrought wire e circular cross section

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Exam came in the form of 3 cases

👉Class 2 e mesial under cut ...wrought wire e circular cross section
👉with buccal under cut ...RPI
👉Case e good abutment condition...aker clasp

68-patient started developing redness on the aries touched by glove..coughing and difficulty of
breathing ? Latex allergy

69-suspicious staines in pits and fissure in a high caries risk patient do filling?
1. apply sealant
2. exploratory cavity test

70-case about patient has with many features, key words were (les bowing?
pagets diseases

71-beta 1 blockers?
YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

72_20-8mg f :
1. cripping
2. osteomylities
3. fluorosis

73-the use of dental floss is depending on?

Tightness of contacts

74-patient ask for copy of all his dental records to show them to another dentist?
a. give him all his paper not give him his paper
c.give him copy of them

75-.Patient shows anti Hb(s)Ag and anti Hb(c)Ag the infection more than 6 month what is the state of
the patient

a.chronic infection with less infectivity

b.acute infection with less infectivity

c.chronic infection with high infectivity

d.acute infection with high infec

👉Anti hbe positive this indication for

Chronic disease
In active disease
Resolution of disease
👉Anti HBe negative in
Immune tolerance
Immune clearance

acute hepatitis less than 6 month

( none permanent liver damage)
Chronic hepatitis more than 6 month,
‫دول اهم حاجة نحدد انه‬
Acute or chronic
‫ندخل بقا علي العالمات‬
Hb(s)Ag Hepatitis b surface antigen
If less than 6 month then acute infection
If anti Hb(s)Ag
So infection resolve and person will have long life immunity

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If there is Hb(c)Ag Hepatitis b core antigen‫هو أخطرهم‬

Means high level of infectivity and replication If Anti Hb(c)Ag Means decrease level of
replication, remission
And still carrier for the virus
IgM ( means recent HBV infection)
IgG ( means acute or remote exposure to HBV)

76-young child develop bilateral submandibular swelling?

Cherubim If unilateral=fibrous dysplasia

77-reed sternge berge appearance?

Hodgkin's lymphoma

78-Child sedated with ketamine, he developed laryngeospasm.. ttt?


Nitrous oxide makes ( hallucination) Ketamine more safe than nitrous oxide

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

If the child shows laryngeospasm so use Succinyl choline

‫هنضيف كمان‬
Nitrous oxide is a gas form

Ketamine taken intravenous

79-Who probe?
11.5 ,8.5 , ,3.5

.Who probe ( 3.5/8.5/11.5)

Color code is between (3.5-5.5)

80-Continuous wave compaction?

system b

81-Reed–Sternberg cells? Hodgkin lymphoma

82-pedo pt feels mood change tachycardia, sweating, loss consciousness?

Insulin shock

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83-Q about Pierre robin syndrome?

Glossoptosis and mandibular retrognathia

84-question about nerve responsible for gag reflex?

If motor :

If sensory :

85-question about LA technique that the cartridge will be parallel to the upper occlusal plan?
Akinosi tech

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86-which drug will stop the effect of warfarin? Vit k

87-Pt with swilling under mandible and pain with eating?

1. sialolitheasis
2. ameloastoma

88-blood born hepatitis? BCD

89-pulpitis, vasodilatation of vessels and will happen in which zone of the pulp?
1.Free zone
2.Rich zone

90-A patient with chronic renal disease when we could treat him in the dental clinic?
1.One day later
2.Two days

91-pt dwen and Pink spot tooth?

1. internal resorption
2. extarinal resorbtion
3. Remining tissue

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92-Tip of tongue drains into

1. submental lymph nodes
2. submandible lymph-node

93-Galvanic reaction ?
1. charge restoration
2. varinish

94-Hyperapnea ?
1. Increased depth and rate
2. Increased depth
3. Increased rate
4. Kussamal breathing

95-Site of smooth surface caries most likely to have caries?

1. Maxillary buccal"Maxilla upper molars"
2. Maxillary palatal
3. Mandibular buccal
4. Anterior labial

96-Most prominent cell in synovial fluid of TMJ?


97-Asthma ttt?
1. 0.1mg adrenaline IM
2. 200mg hydrocortisone
3. Salbutamol spray

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child .01 mg adrenaline

Adult .1mg adrenaline

98-After extraction pt. Came with pain after 3 days with history mouth washing the day of extraction,
1. Dry socket
2. Osteomyelitis
3. Infected socket

99-microorganism that cause failed in endo treated tooth?

E faecalis

100-high caries child....old , multiple caries and his primary teeth , need protact to his new partial
erupted teeth?
1. floured varnish
2. pit and fissure sealant
3. Gic
4. wait until fully erupted then bit and fissure sealant

101-best material for root caries?

1. composite
3. GIC
4. Amalgam

102-a central incisor had a cervical caries which extended to roots ..wht is the best
material to restore?
if you need biological properties as higher fl for a high caries risk pt ....give gic

💎If you need better adhesion as in root caries also for also biological aim...gic

💎If you need base under composite ....RMGI

💎If you need rest for closed sandwich teq ...RMGI

💎If you need rest for open sandwich teq ...gic or RMGI

💎If you need high mechanical properties rest ..high strength....RMGI

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💎If you need rest to remineralize the remaining caries in the cavity floor ...use gic

103-muscle affected in bruxism

1. buccinators
2. maseeter
3. medial pterygoid
4. lateral pterygoid
104-Carbohydrate which is easily metabolized by bacteria to produce caries?
1. Glucose
2. Sucrose
3. Maltose
4. Fructose

105-patient with routine dental checkup, there was mixed radiolucent and radiopaque related to the
root of the teeth which is vital?
1. Ameloblastoma
2. Radicular cyst
3. Periapical Cemental dysplasia
4. Osteosarcoma
Has keys
1- related to lower ant
2-has three stages a Rl in early
stage b mixed Rl +Ro in mid stage.
C RO in late stage
3- related to vital teeth

106-pt with constricted palate and open bite what the case?
1. Thumb sucking
2. Apert syndrome

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

107-Healthy patient when You give inf alveolar n block he warmed and loss conscious:
vasovagal attack

108-Forceps to hold tissue for suturing after third molar extraction?

1- Stillies forceps .
2- Addison forceps
3- Curved hemostat

Addison >>> hold flap in anterior region

Stillis >>> hold flap in posterior region and third molar area
Hemostate to hold neddle during suture

109-ask about crown root ratio in crown 10 mm and root 15 mm


110-And another Q about the best type of ridge?

1- Flat
2- u shape

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

3- v shape
4- square
arch shape ‫بيتكلم عن‬
U best
V good stability poor retention
Flat poor stability
vertical wall ‫النه معندوش‬
‫وبيجي السؤال بيقولك طقم علوي علي شكل كذا ايه صفاته‬
‫او يقولك الصفه ويجي يقول شكله ايه‬
‫تمام كده وبيسأل عن العلوي‬
‫ بتاعه‬ridge ‫السؤال التاني بيقولك جالي عيان شكل‬
‫ بتاعه‬ridge ‫ هو بالتحديد بيقولك شكل‬arch ‫يعني مش‬
flat ‫ او‬kinife edge ‫اما‬
‫يعني اما يجيلك شكل حرف السكين وده يعني عرضه قل وكذلك طوله تمام كده‬
ridge flat ‫تعالوا بقي اشوف‬
‫ده بيكون له عرض بس ملوش طول‬
v ‫اسوء النوعين هو‬
‫يعني كده خالصه الكالم‬
U shape arch good stability ...good support and retention
‫احسن شكل فيهم‬
rhombid ‫ او‬square ‫يليه‬
u‫وده قريب من صفات ال‬
V shape arch good stability poor support
Resist lateral not vertical force
Resist vertical not lateral
arch shape ‫ وده غير سؤال‬ridge ‫جالك سؤال‬
ridge ‫بيتكلم اسوء نوع من‬
‫ حصله امتصاص في االرتفاع والعرض بالعامي كده‬knife edge ridge ‫هو‬
‫ حصله امتصاص في االرتفاع فقط اما عرضه فهو كويس‬flat ‫ويليه‬
‫واحلي واحلي هو‬
Well developed ridge

111-pt has skeletal class 1 but has deep bite . How to treat
1- Anterior bite block
2- posterior bite block
Posterior Bite Block is for pt has skeletal class 1 but has deep bite

112-cell in pulp represent imunity against antigen?

Dendritic cella
True ✅
DENDRITIC Cella in Pulp Represent Immunity Against Antigen.

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

113-A pic about implant mask after impression and asked what type of this mask?
1- Implant
2- Gingival
3- Siliconized.

114-Pt cannot elevate his right eyelid , cannot move his lips and so on in the right side which site of
facial nerve is affected?
1.Upper part
2.After chorda tempanai
3.In the parotid

116-questions about sejorgen?

Primary sjogren xerostomia , dry eye
Secondary rheumatoid arthritis

117-if asks about flexibility? Reamers

Most flexible
C.h118-type of cells not grow until it enjured?
1. epithelial cell
2. Nerve cells


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