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1 Worksheet

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Jamie, an unmarried 20-year –old university student, suddenly discovers to her utter shock, that
she is pregnant. She is undecided as what to do. She cannot tell her parents, so she confides in
her close friends. Her boyfriend, Duncan, who is the father of the baby, suggests that she goes
for an abortion to get rid of her baby, since she is only 4 weeks pregnant. Jamie knows this is
legally wrong and so she will have to go to quack-doctors for the abortion. Another friend,
Gayathri, warns her that she will be committing a sin by killing a helpless life-form. Jamie is in a
dilemma as to whether she should go for an abortion or not.

1. Do you think Duncan is giving Jamie good advice or is there a sense of egocentrism in his
intensions? Give a reason for your answer.
(2 marks)

2. Why do you think Jamie is reluctant to tell her parents?

(2 marks)

3. Do you think it is possible for Jamie to keep her baby and continue with her studies? Why?
Give TWO (2) reason.
(4 marks)

4. In your opinion, do you think abortion should be legalized in Malaysia? Provide TWO (2)
arguments to support your stand.
(10 marks)

2 Worksheet

Su Ann is an 18-year-old girl whose BMI falls in the overweight category. She feels insecure
that most of her friends are slim and good-looking. Su Ann feels that she needs to reduce her
weight. So, she found some weight loss pills online and purchased them.

**BMI – Body Mass Index

Q5. In the situation above, identify ONE (1) Critical Thinking Barrier displayed by Su Ann
and explain how she displays this barrier.
(2 marks)

Q6. If you were Su Ann’s friend, what would you do or tell her about her actions? State and
justify ONE (1) action that you would take.
(3 marks)

Q7. In your opinion should people buy diet or weight loss pills online? Give TWO (2) reason
to support your stand.
(10 marks)
[Total: 15 marks]


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