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 parallel construction

Two of the major pillars buttressing1 good style in the English language are clarity and parallel
structure. Analytically, parallel structure is most apparent with conjunctions and coordinators.
Since the primary aim of good style is to promote clarity, correlatives should be placed in such a
way as to correlate the elements correctly; that is, parallel structure must be observed so that
the elements correlated are properly balanced. One the tenets of the Portuguese language is to
avoid repetitions. Comparatively, there will be cases that English may seem repetitive to
Portuguese linguists, but that actually constitute good parallel structure in English.
 1(–apoiar)

 Parallel construction with coordinating conjunctions.

Let’s briefly remember the main coordinating conjuntions: and, but, or, nor, yet.

 With pronouns like which, that & *who, and conjunctions like because

When using these pronouns and like1 conjunctions with a coordinating conjunction, the same
pronoun should precede and follow the coordinator – the context governs use of <who> with
 1(–similar)

Ex.: not: Rome, with the best of history, food and art all in one city, and which is the
Catholic religious center of the world, is a can’t miss destination.
but: Rome, which has the best of history, food and art all in one city, and which is
the Catholic religious center…

Let’s translate, following the model:

 O Brasil, com abundantes recursos naturais, e que tem desenvolvido sua tecnologia muito os
últimos 20 anos, é uma nação muito promissora.



Now translate the same sentence with two <with> prepositions instead of <which…and which>.
The best sentence should have the two prepositional phrases at the end and not the beginning.
This is best structure in English, and the opposite structure from Portuguese.

________Brazil is a very promissing nation with its abundant resources and with a technology that
has being greatly developed in the last 20 years.__



Now translate the same sentence with <because of + adjective…and because + *s-v-o>.



*S-V-O = subject – verb – object

 Almeida, nosso treinador1 de futebol2 para competições interescolar3, e que também é o

professor de educação física4 na nossa escola, tem um diploma de doutor5 em esportes.
 1(–coach) 2(–soccer – in AmE & football in BrE) 3(–inter-school) 4(shortened as: PE teacher)
5(–to have a PhD degree or a doctor’s degree, but could mislead into thinking he is a sports doctor)


Ex.: not: Growing up on her Dad’s farm, she decided to follow in his footsteps, leading to
a degree in agriculture, and which sucured her success as his partner.
 but: …she decided to follow in his footsteps, which led to a degree in
and which secured her success…
please translate, following the model:

 Desde tempos imemoriais1, a história tem contribuído com a falta da visibilidade da mulher,
conduzindo à falta de modelos2 para jovem mulheres aspirantes3 e que perpetua a segregação.
 1(–from time immemorial) 2(–role models) 3(–aspiring)


Ex.: not: which…and that

but: that…and that or which…and which

please translate, following the model:

 A banda marcial1, que tocou o hino2 dos dois times no início do jogo, e que também tocou no
intervalo3, era uma banda do exército.
 1(–marching band) 2(–anthem) 3(–at halftime)


Ex.: Remember:
not: that…and who
but: who/whom…and who/whom – depending on appropriate context
who is a subjective pronoun (use before a verb)
whom is an objective pronoun (use before a subject)

please translate, following the model:

Ex.: Joãozinho1, que nos avisou sobre a tempestade e que ninguém nunca escuta2, poderia ter
nos salvado dessa provação3.
 1(–Little Johnny) 2(–to listen TO smb.) 3(–ordeal)


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