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Debate (Overly competitive)

Well, our main topic is being overly competitive, meaning that person’s competitiveness is being too much. Yes it
might probably do them good, but do you really think after all those negative impacts that can cause them is going to
be worth it? Those are the effects that we’ve been saying since we started this argument.

Just because we are against of being too competitive, doesn’t mean we’re shaming or hating on that person who
developed a such behavior. Though, the reason why we’re disagreeing to it is because the damage or the effects it can
bring to someone’s life. For instance, this specific person has a goal and would do everything since they truly want to
achieve it so badly. Let’s say that this wanting, has turned into an obsession, which of course is a harmful behavior.
What do you think will happen if that person failed to achieve their goal? Especially if they lose to someone who’s not
being competitive as they are? I know it depends on the person on how they will cope or handle the failure, but we’re
talking about someone who’s being overly competitive. Do you think they’ll just accept it and move on? Let’s be
honest, even if it’s you, you probably wouldn’t do it as well. This could negatively impact the person’s mental health,
such as stress and more pressure to do better next time. This could also lead to a multiple frustrations in the future,
because of the ruined wellbeing. Would you really risk it, when it’s not the only way to be successful or to win?

According to scores of studies, the more you're led to focus on triumphing over others, the less well you'll end up
doing on most tasks, particularly over the long haul.

It can be motivating, encourage people to push themselves, expand their capacities and capabilities, and perform at a
high level. Where it’s bad is where we compete in ways that are bad for other people.

In fact, a study published in 2011 in the journal Psychology found that hypercompetitive individuals — those who
have a need to win at all cost — were more impatient and irritable than their less-competitive counterparts and had
higher self-reported health problems, including heart disease.

One of the dangers of a competitive personality is that even non-competitiveness situations can become

Being competitive with someone else is okay as long as it's not causing you emotional distress. By competing with
your friends, classmates, or teammates, you may run faster, increase your motivation, study more, and work harder
toward your goals. There can be positive types of competitiveness.

Even though it’s just being overly competitive, we should look on its dark side to fully understand it.

Even researchers have concluded that hypercompetitiveness resembles a diagnosable mental disorder and shows
signs of obsessive compulsiveness, narcissism, neurosis and sometimes a dose of paranoia.

A competitive spirit is often praised in this day and age where work comes before pleasure and success comes at the
expense of other people. But the reality of being extremely competitive isn’t glamourous. Yes, it has it’s bonuses but
it also has its extreme negatives. Life isn’t one big competition for a very good reason. It ruins peoples self esteem,
ability to grow and relationships. Treating everything like it’s a competition is self-sabotage.

4 Toxic Traits of Competitive People

1. We don’t try anything new
2. We quit if we are not the best
3. We ruin relationships by turning everything into a competition
4. We only feel validated when we are the best

How to stop competitiveness from running (ruining) your life

Instinctive behavior patterns that are part of your genetic inheritance are not fixed and unchangeable. The human
brain has also evolved a fantastic level of plasticity - the ability to remodel and reshape itself in response to
perceived needs. You can reprogram instinctive behaviors.

Possible questions:

1. Not everyone is as weak as you think they are, they probably can handle it themselves that’s why they did it.
2. Really, then what are those example of yours that you think are better than being overly competitive?

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