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S peech

Mental Health
Imagine what would happen if society did not
impose high academic expectations on all of us.
What if we no longer have to sacrifice our sleep just
to finish our school assignments? Have you already
envisioned what the world could be if mental health
is also the priority, and there is no stigma attached
referring only to losing sanity just because it is not
seen physically by an individual? Good day,
everyone. I'm here to give inputs on the issues
related to mental health, how important it is to
address them, and what we can do to break down

Have you ever been stuck with piles of

unfinished paperwork because you are exhausted
and unable to function effectively? Or you simply
put off your breakdowns because you told yourself,
"I don't have time to feel weak." or "I'll just
schedule it later."
S peech
Mental Health

Hilarious, isn't it? Well, I'm going to say that I'm

both of those. There are days when I can complete
tasks on time, regardless of how many
responsibilities. However, there are also days when
I just can't seem to get anything done. And this is
where I know most of you can relate to what I have

Many social psychologists have conducted

studies about what factors affect our mental
health. Some of these are the social roles that
society expect of us, the never-ending toxic social
culture and beliefs about mental health. In the
context of social roles, we all know that people
viewed students as the key to our future success,
but what would be the cost of it if they are treated
as rats in a lab who continue working without rest
and consideration for their mental health?
S peech
Mental Health
I know that people might say that they are not the
only ones who are drained, but why there’s a need
to continue the cycle of neglecting the importance
of mental health? These are some problems that I
have witnessed in our society. People would rather
put the same treatment just because that is what
they have been through.

I've also observed that most students are

stressed and under pressure to complete multiple
tasks because they want to prove themselves more,
they seek validation from those with whom they
interact, and their mental health is being neglected.
Besides this, our society today is more likely to
make side comments to students such as "why are
you struggling or complaining so much when all you
can do is to study hard?" and not try to help
S peech
Mental Health

As a result, most students have also invalidated

their own emotions. They convinced themselves
that they had no right to complain so they
oppressed their struggles and sometimes they

Several studies have also argued that students

are more concerned with their environment. There
are lots of parents who are not open to talking
about mental health because of the stigma of not
wanting their child to be labeled as a "retard”. They
have perceived that mental health is only being
talked about if they are clinically diagnosed, and
worse they don’t believe in mental health. As a
result, most of the students struggle more alone
and choose not to be open to their parents.
S peech
Mental Health

I believe that acknowledging and prioritizing

one's mental health is an important part of an
individual's development. It is where we keep our
ideas, visions, knowledge, and learnings. If we
ignore our mental health, it will disrupt our body's
homeostasis. This is why, when we are
overwhelmed, we are unable to do any work. It is a
common reaction when we are burnout and tired,
so it is not correct to say that it is all in our heads.

We must understand that we have also the

right to share our emotions and be seen. We all
know that most adults would say "This is not yet the
full reality you are going to deal with. You have lots
to go through, and if you can't do better today. You
will not succeed in life" I do understand that they
wanted what's best for us.
S peech
Mental Health

But in some instances, it doesn't help us and makes

us more anxious about the future ahead of us. It is
always the people we interact with that make it
difficult. Studying is not an issue if we have
consideration and healthy support from others to
deal with our weaknesses as a student. Helping us
to get through and not to scare us off. Studying isn’t
supposed to be hard and pressure on us. We should
not perceive it as a battle that we need to surpass,
where if you can't have high grades, or if you can't
catch up then you'll lose. It should not be like that.
We need to be open and spread little kindness to

To give solution I suggest that everyone of us

must take a step to break the cycle about beliefs on
mental health.
S peech
Mental Health

To prioritize our mental health is not only for those

who have clinically diagnosed. We are all human
beings and we have mental health. It should be
perceived as the way we also give importance with
our job, or any assignments that we need to
accomplish and taken care of. It is not only for
those who are ill, it is for all. It is not meaningless
and must not deprived. It is about us.

Let us break the stigma by helping one another

and being nice to everyone. Finally, may I ask you a
question? Are you willing to break the cycle of
student stereotypes? Are you ready to learn
without compromising your mental health? Buckle
up, because we're going to change it.

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