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1. DEFI LESTARI PO7133121055



4. META SHINTIA PO7133121079


6. SUKMAWATI PO7133121083





By giving thanks to the presence of God Almighty, because of His grace and
grace we can complete the presentation task of about “Food Sanitation”.

We thank Mr. Fider Saputra as the English lecturer for sanitation who has
taught us. And we also don't forget to thank our friends who have participated in
completing this task.

In making this assignment, the author realizes the many imperfections in his
writing. Therefore, the authors expect constructive criticism and suggestions, for the
sake of improvement in making further assignments. Finally, the authors say thank

Palembang, April 2023

Group 2


FOREWORD…………………………………………………..…………..….. i

LIST OF CONTENT…………………………………………………..………. ii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION…………………………………………….. 1

A. Background…………………………………………………..………… 1

B. Formulation…………………………………………………..……….. 2

C. Purpose…………………………………………………..………….... 2

CHAPTER II : THEORY…………………………………………………….. 3

A. Definition of Food……………………………………………………… 3

B. The Role of Food As a Media for Disease Transmission…………. 3

C. Food Contamination …………………………………………………. 3

D. Food Additives ………………………………………………………. 4

E. Requirements or Criteria for Healthy Food……………………..… 8

F. Prinsip-prinsip Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan dan Minuman ……… 10

CHAPTER III : CONCLUSIONS ……………………………………...…… 11

BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………..…….....… 12



A. Background

Health is a state that includes physical, mental and social which does
not only mean a state that is free from disease and disability. Health is also a
state of health both physically, mentally, spiritually and socially that allows
everyone to live a productive life socially and economically. To realize an
optimal degree of health, various health efforts are held, one of which is the
security of food and beverages;

Food is a basic need for every human being which contains

compounds that are needed to restore and repair body tissues that have been
damaged, regulate processes in the body, multiply and produce energy for the
benefit of various activities in life. Therefore, it is necessary to consume good
foodstuffs derived from animals and plants.

When viewed in terms of health, food in addition to functioning as a

source of energy, building substances and regulators also has a role in the
spread of disease. Therefore, the basic principles of food sanitation are very
necessary in order to protect their health from the dangers of food
contamination and infectious disease organisms. To obtain food and
beverages that meet health requirements, it is necessary to supervise the
hygiene and sanitation of food processing.

There are several factors that influence the occurrence of food

poisoning, including poor personal hygiene, unhealthy food handling methods
and unclean food processing equipment. One of the reasons is due to lack of
knowledge in paying attention to personal health and the environment in the
process of processing good and healthy food. About 80% of food-borne
diseases are caused by pathogenic bacteria. Some types of bacteria that
often cause disease include: Salmonella, Staphylocockus, E. coli, Vibrio,
clostridium, Shigella and Pseudomonas Cocovenenous.

Maintaining health is to consume safe foods, namely by ensuring the
food is clean and avoid disease. The food needed must be healthy in the
sense of having nutritional value, which is optimal such as vitamins, minerals,
hydrate charcoal, fat and others. One of these factors is disturbed, then the
food produced will cause health problems and disease and even food
poisoning produced. One of them is because it is contaminated.
Contamination that occurs in food and drinks can cause these foods to
become a medium for a disease. Illnesses caused by contaminated food are
called foodborne illnesses.

Food sanitation emphasizes more on supervision of the manufacture

and provision of foodstuffs so as not to endanger health. In food sanitation,
problems related to nutritional value or about the composition of food
ingredients that are in accordance with the body are rarely considered.
Basically, most people do not attach much importance to the hygiene of the
food and sanitation of the food they use. They only look at the price of food
and its taste.

B. Formulation Of The Problem

1. Definition of Food
2. The Role of Food As a Media for Disease Transmission
3. Food Contamination
4. Food Additives
5. Requirements or Criteria for Healthy Food

C. Purpose
To find out the definition of food,The role of food as a media for disease
transmission, food contamination, food additives, and requirements or criteria
for healthy food.



A. Definition of Food

Food is anything that comes from biological sources of agricultural products,

plantation, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, waters and water, both processed
or unprocessed which is intended as food or drink for human consumption,
including food additives, food raw materials, and other materials used in the
process of preparation, processing, and/or manufacture of food or drink (BPOM
RI No 37, 2013).

B. The Role of Food As a Media for Disease Transmission

According to Anwar (1997), in relation to disease/food poisoning can

plays the following role:

1. Agent
Food can act as a disease agent, for example mushrooms, fish and
other plants that naturally contain toxic substances.
2. Vehicle
Food can be a carrier (vehicle) that causes disease, such as chemicals
or parasites that are eaten with food and also some microorganisms
pathogens and radioactive materials. The food is contaminated by the
substances above or substances that endanger life.
3. Media
Small amounts of contaminants, if left in food at high temperatures and
enough time, it can cause a serious outbreak.

C. Food Contamination

Contamination or contamination is the entry of foreign substances into food that

are not desired, which are grouped into four types, namely pollution:

1. Microbes, such as bacteria, fungi, fungi.
2. Physical, such as hair, dust, soil and other impurities.
3. Chemicals, such as pesticides, heavy metals, flavoring agents, flavoring
agents, substances sweeteners, preservatives, acidity regulators, coloring
agents, thickening agents, substances emulsifier (emulsifier), sequestrant,
anti-oxidant, nutrition enhancer and vitamins, substances bleach
4. Radioactive, such as radiation, alpha rays, gamma rays, cosmos, etc.

The occurrence of pollution can be divided in 3 (three) ways:

1. Direct Contamination
Namely the presence of contaminants directly into food either intentionally or
unintentionally deliberately. Examples of hair getting into rice, use of flavoring
agents, flavoring agents, sweetening agents, preservatives, acidity regulators,
coloring agents, thickening agent, emulsifying agent (emulsifier), sequatrant,
anti-oxidant, nutrition enhancer and vitamins, food bleaching agents.
2. Cross Contamination
Is accidental pollution directly due to ignorance in food management. Example
raw food mixed with cooked food, food mixed with dirty clothes or equipment.
3. Re-Contamination
Is occurs in cooked food perfect (rice polluted by dust / flies because it is not

D. Food Additives

Food Additives, hereinafter abbreviated as BTP, are materials added into food
to affect the nature or form of food (BPOM RI No. 37,2013).

The purpose of using food additives is to increase or maintain nutritional value

and shelf-life quality, making food ingredients easier to serve.

The following are food additives that may not be used, among others :

1. Formalin
Formalin is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor, its vapor
stimulates the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and produces a
burning sensation.

The uses of formalin include the following :
a. Germ killer so it is used as a floor cleaner, warehouse, clothes and ships
b. fly and insect repellant
c. Materials for making silk, dyes, glass mirrors and explosives

However, formalin is often misused, namely for food preservative.

Examples :

a. Tofu
Characteristics that makes tofu more durable, has a chewy texture and is
pure white in color.
b. Meatball
The texture is chewy, hard and becomes more durable
c. Salted Fish
Its characteristics are that it looks not fresh, is not surrounded by flies, is
hard on the outside but rotten on the inside, and has a pungent smell.
d. Noodles
Tend to have a wet surface and not sticky, looks more shiny.

If you eat food containing formalin, it can cause damage to the

digestive tract, kidneys, liver and lungs, and can even cause cancer.

The following is a way to identify the formalin e content in food :

a. chop or slice into small pieces the material to be tested. take 10 grams
b. add 20 ml of hot water then stir and let it cool
c. take 5 ml of mixed water. add 4 drops of Reagent A and 4 drops of
Reagent B
d. shake briefly and wait 5 to 10 minutes
e. observe the color change. if a purple color is formed, it means that the
material tested positive contains formalin
2. Borax
Borax is a chemical compound derived from heavy metals, a mixture of
high concentrations of mineral salts.
Function of borax such as :
a. as a room cleaning fluid
b. insect/ant repellant

c. Cleaning the bathroom
d. Remove rust stains
e. Remove the smell on the carpet

However, borax is misused in food, namely as a thickener in food.

Examples :

a. Meatball
The texture is chewy, hard and becomes more durable.
b. Noodles
Very chewy texture, not easily crushed, brightly colored.
c. Ketupat
Its characteristics are more supple and dense, smells very strong, lasts
d. Shrimp crisp
Crunchier not easily destroyed even though it has been stored for more
than 3 days at room temperature.

Borax in food can cause damage to the intestines, liver, kidneys and

Here's how to identify the borax content in food :

a. finely crush the material being tested.

b. take 1 tablespoon of the crushed substance to be tested and put it in a
c. add 10 drops of liquid reagent and 1 tablespoon of boiling water. then
stirred for about 1 minute
d. soak the yellow paper in the water in the glass and allow it to dry. if the
moistened paper turns red, it means that the material tested positive
contains borax
3. Methanyl Yellow
Methanyl yellow is a synthetic dye used in the textile and paint industry
in the form of a brownish yellow powder or solid.

Methanyl yellow is used to give a yellow color in the textile, paper, ink,
plastic, leather and paint industries. However, Methanyl Yellow is often
misused, namely as a yellow dye for various types of food.

Examples :

a. Yellow watermelon
b. Yellow noodles
c. Yellow tofu
d. Yellow crackers
Characteristics of food containing Methanyl yellow namely :
a. bright yellow food product
b. gives a lot of uneven color dots
c. if consumed it tastes a little more bitter

The chronic danger of using methanyl yellow in the long term can
cause health problems with liver function, bladder disorders, and even cancer.

Here's how to identify the Methanyl Yellow content in food :

a. If the test material is a solid

1) take 1 tablespoon of the food to be tested, chopped into small
pieces and mix 2 tablespoons of boiling water and stir until blended
2) add technical alcohol in the amount of 2 tablespoons
3) Add 4 drops of reagent A
4) stir so that the food coloring present in the tested substance
dissolves into the water. let cool.
5) Take a teaspoon of water from the mixture, put it in the test bottle
6) add 4 drops of reagent B, if a pink color is formed then it is positive
for methanyl yellow in the food
b. If the test substance is a liquid
1) take 1 teaspoon of the substance to be tested. put it in the test
bottle. Add 4 drops of reagent A
2) add 4 drops of reagent B, if a pink color is formed then it is positive
for methanyl yellow in the food

4. Rodhamine B

Rodhamine B is a synthetic dye used in the textile industry. Rodhamine

B is usually used to dye textiles, paper, and cosmetic products. However, it is
often abused, found in many foods and drinks.

Examples of foods that contain Rhodamine B :

a. shaved ice
b. red watermelon
c. red crackers
d. syrup
e. sauce

Characteristics of foods containing rhodamine B, namely :

a. the color looks brighter so it looks attractive

b. there is a slight bitter taste
c. unnatural smell
d. an itchy feeling in the throat

Here's how to identify the Methanyl Yellow content in food :

a. Take a small amount of the material to be tested. if the material is in the

form of powder take just a little. if the test material is in the form of a solid
then take 1 teaspoon and blend it. add water and stir
b. put 2 tablespoons of the test liquid in a test tube
c. Drop 2 drops of reagent A. and 4 drops of reagent B.
d. Shake and observe the color change that occurs
e. if a brown color is formed it means the test result is negative. However, if
the purplish red color means it is positive for Rhodamine B.

E. Requirements or Criteria for Healthy Food

1. Hygienic, which does not contain germs that cause disease

2. Nutritious, containing sufficient carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and
3. Adequate, meet the body's needs at certain ages and conditions

4. Easy to digest
5. Contains no preservatives or artificial coloring

F. Principles of Food and Beverage Sanitary Hygiene

There are 6 (six) principles of food and beverage sanitation hygiene to

produce healthy and safe food. The six principles are 1) food selection, 2) food
storage, 3) food processing, 4) food storage, 5) food transportation, and 6) food

The good quality of food ingredients can be seen through their physical
characteristics and quality in terms of shape, color, freshness, smell and others.
Food ingredients that are good are free from damage and pollution, both physical
and chemical contamination, including pesticides, biological and radioactive.
Foodstuffs used in the food production process, both as raw and additional and
auxiliary materials, must be stored in a good manner. Because mistakes in how to
store ingredients can reduce the quality and safety of food. The purpose of storing
food ingredients is so that food ingredients are not easily damaged and lose their
nutritional value. Storage of food ingredients should be clean and wrapped to avoid
re-contamination in storage. Food processing also determines whether food is
healthy or not. Food processing is the process of changing the form of raw materials
into ready-to-eat food. Good food processing is following the rules and principles of
hygiene and sanitation. All food processing activities must be carried out in a manner
protected from direct contact with the body of food handlers. Protection of direct
body contact with food is carried out by using plastic gloves and food tongs (spoon).
Things that need to determine the success of food processing are food processing
personnel, how to process food and where to process food. After the food is cooked,
the food needs to be stored if the food is not directly consumed. The principle of food
storage is basically aimed at preventing the growth and development of bacteria,
preserving food and preventing pest attacks. For this reason, in food storage, it is
necessary to pay attention to the place of storage and storage temperature. If stored
food spoils easily, it needs to be stored in cold or frozen temperatures. Food that is
not processed and stored is the same as the place where it is served, it is necessary
to transport it to be stored/served. It is possible that during the transportation of food

contamination/contamination of food may occur during the transportation process.
Pollution in transportation can occur due to improper transportation methods,
transportation equipment that is not good in terms of quality and transportation
routes that are not correct, for example through dirty areas. The last step that can
determine whether it is healthy or not is the way food is served. When serving food
that needs attention is so that the food is protected from contamination. For this
reason, the equipment used in the presentation is in good condition, clean and safe,
the handler who serves must be polite and maintain the health and cleanliness of his
clothes. Attractive food presentation techniques to provide added value in attracting
customers can be done as long as they pay attention to food safety rules. For
example, the use of food packaging (plastic, paper, plastic boxes) must be clean and
not come from materials that cause toxins and other contaminants.



A. Conclusion

Food is anything that comes from biological sources of agricultural products,

plantation, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry, waters and water, both processed or
unprocessed which is intended as food or drink for human consumption, including food
additives, food raw materials, and other materials used in the process of preparation,
processing, and/or manufacture of food or drink (BPOM RI No 37, 2013).

Examples : a. Yellow watermelon b. Yellow noodles c. Yellow tofu d. Yellow

crackers Characteristics of food containing Methanyl yellow namely : a. bright yellow
food product b. gives a lot of uneven color dots c. if consumed it tastes a little more
bitter The chronic danger of using methanyl yellow in the long term can cause health
problems with liver function, bladder disorders, and even cancer


Irawan, Djoko Windu P. 2016. Prinsip-prinsip Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan

Minuman Di Rumah Sakit. Ponogoro:Forum Ilmiah Kesehatan (FORIKES)

Permenkes Nomor 33 Tahun 2012 Tentang Bahan Tambahan Pangan


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