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The person I interviewed today is Binh Phan.

She is the Manager of the Planning Department of

a headquarters located in Vietnam of a pharmaceutical company from Korea - Shinpoong

Daewoo. She graduated with a Doctor of Ophthalmology from Vietnam University of Medicine

and Pharmacy. Her main job is to manage and guide the company's development plans. (Her


- Good morning Mrs. Phan. It is my pleasure to interview you today. I appreciate you

spending the time to conduct the interview. My name is Phan Vu, and I attend the

University of Texas at Tyler. Shall we begin? First, please tell me a little bit about


My name is Binh Phan and I am the manager of the planning department of Shinpoong

Daewoo pharmaceutical company. This is a pharmaceutical company from Korea. I have

worked here for 20 years.

 Organizational Relationships:

- Who is your supervisor to whom you will report your work?

I will directly report my work to the company's CEO-Mr. Hong Sang Kee through a

regular meeting at the beginning of the week.

- Who reports to you?

Employees of the Planning Department.

- Who do you rely on to help you do your job?

All corporate employees help each other, customers, and families.

 Essential Functions:
- Why does your job exist?

Bring profits to the company, contribute to the development of society.

- In your mind, what are the most important/critical tasks you perform?

Look for potential projects, judge the significance of the project, and consider the

possibility and stage to participate in the project.

- What are your principal duties and responsibilities?

Keep track of project developments, status updates, and upcoming to-do instructions.

- How much time do you spend on each of these duties over time? Is it consistent over time

or does it vary in some way?

Weekly progress updates are provided, though timing and progress can occasionally rely

on customer demands.

 Skills and Experience:

- What qualifications do new entrants to the field need?

Specialization in project management;High levels of professional experience and medical


- How do most people enter this profession from your perspective?

Applicants must have prior job experience in the field. To participate in initiatives,

participants must have positive relationships with customers, authorities, and


- What natural abilities do people need to do a job like yours well?

Ability to well assess the feasibility of the work involved. Adept in coordinating related


- What are knowledge and skills people need to learn to do a job like yours well?

They need to constantly update new products.Having knowledge of the market they

participate in, the ability to convince customers to choose their products.

 Advancement:

- What's key (experience, skills, contacts) to advancing/being promoted in your field?

Always seeking knowledge, industrious, amiable.

- Knowing what you know now, if you had it to do over again, would you take similar or

different career path?

I would still choose the job that I pursue as I am now.

 Decision Making/Problem Solving:

- What guidelines, regulations, statutes, policies, laws must you comply with to perform

your job?

All applicable laws, industry standards and national standards.

- What issues would you refer to your supervisor and why?

Past and upcoming work plans, difficulties and advantages of work.Recommend the

necessary things to serve the job.

- If you supervise others, what issues, concerns, or problems are referred to you and why?
Verify the status of the task, enquire about the employee's challenges, and learn about their

personal lives. Employees' family issues could be very problematic for their work. They

should receive care from managers.

- Who or what has shaped your approach to dealing with people as a manager?

Direct management boss, company director etc. It all affects the way I work as a project


- Are you responsible for a budget? Tell me more about that.

No, I am not responsible for the budget, there will be another department to manage this.

However, each project has its own budget, which we try to stick to.

 Working Environment:

- Could you describe your typical workdays?

Check the social media information in the industry-related press to assess the situation.

Check the project progress, what has changed, why change, how to affect. Update status,

reports of employees. Update changes. Looking for customers, upcoming jobs.

- What's the workplace climate like?

Good environment, friendly.

- What do you find most enjoyable about your job?

The employees are friendly and enthusiastic with a working attitude that hopes to create

good products for the society.

- What do you find most challenging/frustrating?

Policies, laws and regulations do not come close to reality.

- How many hours do you typically work a week?

30 hours/ week.

- Does your work schedule vary by time of the year, or does it stay consistent?

Work schedule varies according to the situation of the project, not a fixed time.

 Conclusion and Thanks:

- Are there any pieces of advice you'd give to someone considering your line of work?

Always learn, listen, be friendly and have a little faith. Always update new knowledge every

day because the market is always changing. Know how to listen to the opinions of others

and always balance to make the best decision for the job.

- How best could someone in my shoes prepare for a career in this industry?

Learn the industry carefully, find out the needs of customers, suppliers to meet well

according to schedule, price, etc.

- Do you recommend I talk to someone else to learn more? Who?

Policy makers, relevant specialist consultants.

- Thank you for sharing, the interview will end here. Thank you again for taking the time

to interview. Wish you will always keep your determination to work and will achieve

much success in the future!!

What I learned after this interview is that no matter in any industry, you must be enthusiastic

about the project you are working on, always update new knowledge every day to avoid
obsolescence, always listen to listen. The key to success at work is knowledge, progress and how

you treat colleagues. At first I was surprised that the questions related to advice for people who

want a job like her she replied that always learn, listen and understand. But after researching I

know that is the key to success as a department manager. So, I really want a job like that.

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