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UNIDAD 28 should You shouldn't. smoke, so much should = deberfa/deberias etc. > should + infinitivo sin to (should do/should write etc.): V/we/you/they \| should he/she/it J] shouldn't should se usa para dar consejos u opiniones sobre lo que debe hacerse: ~ Tom should go to bed earlier. He usually goes to bed very late and he's always tired. deberta acostarse més pronto ~ Its a good film. You should go and sec it. ~ When you play tennis, you should always watch the ball @ shouldn't (0 should not): Et — Tom shouldn’t go to bed so late, Tom no deberia acostarse tan tarde. ~ You shouldn’t work so hard. No deberfas trabajar tanto. Con frecuencia se usa think junto con should: I think should ... (Creo que ... deberla/deberias etc.) Do you think | should. think Carol should buy some new clothes. e this ras ~ Its late. I think we should go home now. 2 ~ ‘Shall I buy this coat?" “Yes, I think you should? I don't think ... should ... (Creo que no...) ~ I don’t think you should work so hard. Creo que no deberias trabajar tanto. ~Idon’t think the police should carry guns Creo que la policia no debera llevar armas. Do you think ... should ...? (;Crees que deberla/debertas ... etc.) ~ Do you think I should buy this jacket? — What time do you think we should go home? 1M must = debo/debes etc. 0 tengo que/tienes que etc., y tiene més fuerza que should: ~ It a good film. You should go and see it. ... deberias ir a verla. ~ Its a fantastic film. You must go and see it... tienes que ira verla. must >> Unidad 27 Ml ought es otro modo de decir ‘deberfa/deberfas’ et ~ It’sa good film. You ought to go and see it. (= You should go ...) ~ Do you think I ought to phone Ann? (= Do you think I should phone Ann?) should va seguido de infinitivo sin to. Ought lleva detrds infinitivo con to: — You should go. pero You ought to go. La negaci6n es ought not: : : — You ought not to work so hard. (= You shouldn't work so hard.) UNIDAD 28 Ejercicios 28.1 Completa las frases con should + uno de los verbos siguientes: clean go read visit’ yyatefi wear 1 When you play tennis, you ...ohauld. watch... the ball 2 You look tired. You to bed. 3 You your teeth after every meal 4 The city museum is very interesting, You it 5 When you are driving, you a seat-belt. 6 Ita good book. You it 28.2 Escribe frases con shouldn't ... 50 ... ($0 = tan / so much = tanto) 1 (you smoke too much) ..You.houldn', 2 (you work too hard) You 3 he eats too much) He 4 he watches TV too often) She 5 {you talk too much) You so hard. much 28.3 Le estés pidiendo consejo a un amigo 0 amiga. Hazle preguntas usando Do you think ¥ should ...? 1 (buy this jacket?) think | ehould buy thle jacket... ? 2 (buy a new camera?) Do you think 3 (get a new job?) Do 4 (do an English course?) 5 (learn to drive?) 28.4 Escribe frases usando I think ... should ... Elige entre estas acciones: have a holiday go to university sell it ge-hemenew go to the doctor 1 Irs late, ...Lthink.we should ge.,, 2 Your caris very old. I think you 3 They need a change. 1 4 He doesn't look wel 5 She's very intelligent... ‘Ahora escribe frases usando I don’t think ... should ... Elige entre estas acciones: stay there phone-them-new go to work today get married 6 Its very late... don't think you should phone them. naw. 7 They're too young. I don’t think : 8 That hotel is too expensive for us. I 9 You're not very wel 28.5 What do you think? Escribe frases con should. 1 I think everybody should 2 Uthink .. soonnnennsee SOULE 3 I don't think : 28.6 Traduce al inglés: Deberiamos comer més fruta y verduras. No deberias fumar tanto. Fs tarde, Creo que deberia irme a casa ‘Tengo que visitar a Juan. Esti enfermo. Creo que no deberian beber tanta cerveza. Crees que deberiamos comprar un ordenador? No deberias conducir tan répido. 8 Rail no deberia acostarse tan tarde. nw 9 Bs un libro muy interesante. Debes leerlo, 57

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