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UNIDAD 99 took at... afraid of... etc. (verbos y adjetivos + preposicién) Los siguientes verbos y preposiciones (at/in/of etc.) suelen ir juntos: ask somebody for something = pedirle a alguien algo ~ Tom asked me for money. Tom me pidib dinero. depend on = depender de — A: Do you like eating in restaurants? B: Sometimes, yes. It depends on the restaurant. Se puede decir it depends what/where/how etc. con o sin on: ~ A: Do you want to come out with us? B: It depends (on) where you're going. Depende de dénde vayéis. laugh at = refise de ~ What ate you laughing at? ;0e qué te ries? listen to = escuchar — Listen to this music. Its beautifil look at = mirar ~ Why are you looking at me like that? Por qué me miras asi? — Look at those flowers, They're beautiful look for = buscar — He's lost his key. He’ looking for it — I'm looking for Ann. Have you seen her? look after = cuidar — Mary goes to work every day. A friend of hers looks after her child. cuida a su hijo. ~ Don't lose this book. Look after it pager — You have to pay for the postcards at the cash desk. Pay for talk/speak to somebody (about something) = hablar con alguien (de algo) — Did you talk to Jack about your problem? ~ (al teléfono) Can 1 speak to Ann, please? think about/of = pensar en — He never thinks about (0 of) other people. —I'm thinking of (0 about) buying a new car. wait for = esperar Don't go yet. Wait for me... Espérame. write (a letter) to somebody = escribir (una carta) a alguien ~ Nobody writes to me. Nadie me escribe. pero (tele)phone somebody (sin preposicién) = telefonear a alguien = Phone me tomorrow. (Pheneteme—) Telefonéame mafiana. También estos adjetivos y preposiciones (at/in/of etc.) suelen ir juntos: afraid of = Are you afraid of dogs? Te dan miedo los perros? different from ... = Ann is very different from her sister. fed up with ... = I'm fed up with my job. Estoy harta de mi trabajo, good at... / bad at... ~ Are you good at mathematics? (godin / badin) Eres bueno en mateméticas?/;Sabes matemdticas? interested in ... — George isn't interested in sport. A George no le interesa el deporte. married to ... (mareied-with) — She's married to an Italian. Esté casada con un italiano, nice of / kind of somebody to ~ It was very kind of you to help ws. do something Fue muy amable de tu parte ayudarnos. (be) nice to / kind to some- — They were very nice to us. body (nicesvith /Ieind-with) — Fueron muy amables con nosotros. sorry about (something) = Sorry about the noise last night. Perdona el ruido de anoche. sorry for (doing something) — I'm sorry for shouting at you. (0 I'm sorry I shouted at you.) Siento haberte gritado, = She's very bad at writing letters. Escribircartas no se le da muy bien. 198, UNIDAD 99 Ejercicios 99.1 Observa los dibujos y completa las frases con la preposicin adecuada. 1 1 She’ looking ..A..... her watch 4 Bill is talking Jane. 2. He’ listening the radio. 5. They're looking the picture. 3. They're waiting a taxi 6 She's looking... Tom. 99.2 Completa las frases con una preposicién cuando sea necesaria. 1 (al teléfono) Hello, can I speak ..*0..... Mr Davis, please? 2 Jack’s brother is thinking going to Australia next year. 3 We asked the waiter coffee but he brought us tea 4 ‘Do you like going to museums?” ‘It depends the museum? 5. Please listen me. I have something very important to tell you. 6 We waited John until 2 o'clock but he didn't come. 7 ‘Are you writing a letter?” ‘Yes, I'm writing Julia? 8 Don’t forget to telephone your mother this evening, 9. He’ alone all day. He never talks anybody. 10 ‘Are you playing tennis this afternoon?” ‘It depends the weather’ 11 Katherine is thinking changing her job. 12 I looked the newspaper but I didn’t read it carefully 13 When you are ill, you need somebody to look you: 14 Excuse me, I'm looking Hill Street. Can you tell me where it is? 15. Goodbye! Have a nice holiday and look yourself, 16 When I take the photograph, look the camera and smile 17 Barry is looking a job. He wants to work in a hotel. 99.3 Completa las frases con una preposicién. 1 She’ interested ..i.... science. 8 I'msorry your broken window. It was 2 She's married a footballer. an accident. 3. A: Can [help you? 9) It-was very kind Judy to lend me the B: Ob, thank you. That's very nice oc... YOU. money. 4 I'm fed up the weather. 10 I'm sorry not phoning you last night. I 5 Sarah isn't interested sport: completely forgot. 6 [like her very much. She's always very kind 11 Life today is very different life me, 50 years ago, 7 He's very good languages. He speaks 12. A lot of people are aftaid spiders. English, French, Italian and Arabic. 99.4 Traduce al inglés: 1. Llegué s6lo cinco minutos tarde y no me esperasteis, 2 Estoy buscando el periédico. 2Lo has visto? 3. Es muy amable de parte de John venir con nosotros al aeropuerto, 4 Montse esta enfadada porque sus hermanas se rieron de ella. Lola me pidié tu ntimero de teléfono. 5 6 Puedes ir de compras. Yo cuidaré de los nitios. 7 Tom no tenia bastante dinero, por eso yo pagué la comida. (comida = meal) 8 Pilar estaba harta de este pais. Ahora vive en Los Angeles y esti casada con un americano. 199)

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