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Grade: 4th grade Subject: Date: 4/6/23

Topic: Music of the Philippines & Recorders Lesson #

Lesson Focus and Goals:

Students will gain insight into the musical instruments and culture of the Philippines.
Students will accurately play through recorder song with proper technique.

Materials Needed: newline board, Assessment Strategies:

recorders Pre/Post test for Music of the
Philippines mini unit
Play song in small groups to earn string

Structure / Activity:

1. Music of the Phillippines

a. Transition from Ireland
-Ask review questions about Ireland
-Ask similar questions about the Philippines (location, what do they know already, etc)
b. Pre-Test
-8 question mini quiz to gather physical data in order to later track their learning and progress
c. Slideshow
-4 Instruments (Kulintang, Kalaleng, Bandurria, and Kubing)
-Verbal explanations and video demonstrations

2. Recorders
a. Warm-Up
-Review "C"
-Call and response simple melody patterns
b. Song: "Sneaking Around"
-Finger Practice
>Chunking (call and response)
>Play in full all together (slowed)
>Play with video
-Play with Video
>slowed speed
>a tempo
-Wind forward and backward as needed
Grade: 1st Grade Subject: Date: 4/20/23

Topic: Intro to Rhythm Lesson #

Lesson Focus and Goals:

Students will review dynamics and tempo using movements and repetition.
Students will reade, create, and aurally recognize 4 note patterns of rhythm.

Materials Needed: newline board, flash Assessment Strategies:

cards Retention- are they remembering
vocabulary from the previous class?
acurate performance of rhythm through
various activities

Structure / Activity:

1. Review
a. Review of dynamics and tempo (all previous vocal) using hand motions, call and response

2. Quarter note and Quarter rest

a. introduce material using hand motions and call and response
b. begin with simple patterns (all quarter notes, etc)
c. introduce mixed patterns (notes and tests), end lecture section with challenge 8 note pattern
d. partner composition activity
-pair up students
-each pair receives a bag w 4 notes and 4 rests
-students will create 4 note patterns for their partner to recite, then switch off with each other
e. music play along
-use quarter note/quarter rest video to relate content to songs they already know
-transfers knowledge of rhythm into these play along through body percussion and movement
f. aural recognition
-each student will receive an envelope with four 4 note patterns
-students lay out patterns in front of them, looking for the match to which was demonstrated on
an instrument (drum)
-class reveals color of pattern that matches up, then puts correct rhythm back in envelope
-repeat until one rhythm pattern left, then play an incorrect rhythm to see if students recognize
the mistake
Grade: 5th Grade Subject: Date: 4/28/23

Topic: Tinikling and Musical Careers Lesson #

Lesson Focus and Goals:

Students will explore the Filipino culture through traditional movement and dance.
Students will explore the wide variety of careers and jobs associated with Music.

Materials Needed: newline board, Assessment Strategies:

tinikling sticks, whiteboards, markers Retention- are they remembering
vocabulary from the previous class?
Ability to participate while following all

Structure / Activity:

1. Music Careers Personality Quiz

a.Students will answer a series of questions pertaining to their personalities, writing answers on their
white boards
b. Students will tally up how many of each letter answer they’ve chosen
c. The letter answered the most pertains to a category of musical career in which their personality
might be suited for

2.Tinikling (Continued)
a. Review question: what information do they remember about the dance?
-Country of origin?
-Sticks made of what material?
-Two types?
-History behind dance: why was it created? what was the inspiration?
b. Last class: learned clapping pattern
c. Goal of class: begin learning dancing in sticks
-start with “basic” move (RLRR or LRLL depending on starting side)
-demonstrate in front of class (first without clapping, then with clapping)
-emphasize rules
> if dancing in sticks without two people holding either end, sit out for the rest activity
> try the moves without clapping, then with clapping if given permission by teacher
> everyone should attempt the clapping, but dancing is not required

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