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Unit 2: Night

Spotting Literary Devices

Literary devices are often used to highlight the meaning in a given text or the artistry of the
written components. Record an example of the use of each device and come up with an
explanation that justifies the application. How does the use of literary devices help to enhance
the meaning in the text or advance an element of the text?

NOTE: Please provide references for each of the following literary devices.

Alluison: Reference to a historical event or to a mythical or literary figure.


Character Foil: (1) A secondary or minor character in a literary work who contrasts or clashes with
the main character; (2) a secondary or minor character with personal qualities that are the opposite
of, or markedly different from, those of another character; (3) the antagonist in the play or another
literary work. A foil sometimes resembles his or her contrasting character in many respects, such as
age, dress, social class, and educational background. But he or she is different in other respects,
including personality, moral outlook, and decisiveness.


Symbolism: An object, person, or event that functions as itself, but also stands for something more
than itself.


Dramatic Irony: Failure of a character to see or understand what is obvious to the reader.


Unit 2: Night

Foreshadowing: The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in literature.


Metaphor: Comparing one thing to an unlike thing without using like, as or than. Examples: (1) The
iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve. – Shakespeare. (The striker or clapper of the bell is being
compared to the tongue of a human being.) (2) The sea being smooth, how many shallow bauble
boats dare sail upon her patient breast. – Shakespeare. (The sea is being compared to a woman with a
“patient breast.”) (3) I am the man whom Fortune hath cruelly scratched. –Shakespeare. (Fortune is
being compared to an entirety that can be cruel.) (4) In battle, the soldier is a tiger. (5) Michael
Casey’s face is a map of Ireland.


Simile: comparing two unlike things using like or as.


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